ESTABLISHED ,W 1786. WINOS CARDS end Leather DI. im N p S a O arlbe t P I Co—a ide " "n 'r:2 o 02 York. tgly B. Laviek Co. Philadelphia. Conalgamenu of 'Mum Lauber solicited, and IR. ead advances mule, if re • hired. feblUdm ItTWOOD, JONES do Co. Communion ind For warthog Ketchum, buy reamed to mar old mod, Water And Rout gnu; Pittsburgh. oct2l •aaummC= 1(111.011, GLOWS ICIMEL "DECAUN & REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug ") gists, corner of Libeny and St. Clair streets, Pitts burgh P. mayl.4 ' CT.1.11.2110.1, IC R. UM",. aROWN ¢ CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, and Commission Morehanta No. 143, Liberty at., borsh. Pa. 1) "A. PAIINETOCK & Co, Wholesale and Be l). Dtugeists, earner Wood and /Rh .t. jyt BAGALIVAN & VddITH, Mailable Orme», lb bad Woodstreet ("I A- IIIcANULTY b. Co., Forwarding and Cour inisldun Marshants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa. meh2 arm. adatitart max 7. nqtathos, M. W. ILUIMAII, lOLMAN, HAILMAN, t Co., Alanalsomren ‘,J Curtsy, Springs and Ailes, A. B. and Spring Swill, and dealer. is Comb Trimmings of every de. ecaptiou,insuoismory on SL Clair st. Warehouse 43 Wood sh, opposite 81. Charles Hotel. inn= MOM lona annul: JWALT h GEHEART, Wholesale Grocers, deal ors in Produce and Piusbnrgh Manufactares, corn car of Übe • and Hand sts., Plush :it. Pa.. !env —.- ENGLISH A BENNEITT, Base English, Gallagher . Co.) Wholesale Gnome, Comredssion. and For warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce And Pins burgh- hlansfsetarca, No. 37 Wood at., between dd arid 3d streets. • oetl. t. a nuran, aza. WM, rain venal. EMEND, [UMW fr. Co, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, and Agents far Brighton ton Varna, Nos. 67 Waxer, and IX From Ins, burgh, Pa. fete g&MAGILL'S, LONG & DULLER,IIe Sod B. Found Sm i thfie l d Fitters, b urgh, om, herons. ood and antes, Pitts Fe 1:17" Highest price dm for old Copper and Mesa dela PIJROE COCHRAN, Commission and FOrorarding G Merchant, No. 20 Wood meet. Pittsburgh. myl7 Li MARY BRUNOT, White and Red Lein! Menu. JJ:thoturer, Palm and OR Mercheun, comer of Lib au • and O'Hara sus. PUtsbargh . JellS MUIR MIMES, R. • • • , rill DICKEY it Co., Wholesale Grocers, Cosa. mission Merchants, and dealers in Prodabe,Nos.s6 son, tomd.W7 Front streets, Pittsburgh. : 110V8 JWIN IL NANKIN, Ammo,* and Connsallor nt Law end Conuntanioner for the State of Poway tvania St Laals4 Mo., Ulna of Pittsburgh.) Ittaln==a—Pinabargh: Hon W Forwatt Hamp ton I Hiller, .Weandlass hrelore, John L Parte, &mantas. VainOle.;lll`Cord Sr. King. jel4:ly JOURS SCOTT & Co, Wholesale Otoeers, Forward ins and C•orillaluion hlerehants, Dealers in I'm daerrataLTiusbnreb hiannfatnures, Na, 7 Commercial Sole, Liberty sueel, near the Canal, Piusburgtg, - P. calegly JBRYAN, Rectifying Distiller, and ANbolasle dealer in Foreign and Demesne Wines and Li qnors, No. 114 Liberty street., and 53 Diamond Alley Pittsburgh, Pa. 7AMES 8 mecums. (hue of the firm o4Alltro ead U bleGnire,) Merchant Tailor, 81. Charles. Budding's, Third street. near Wood. Pinsbe h. JMILE A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Stinceuors to Lewis Hutchison & Co, Commission Ketchum, and Agents of the St. Louis turarn Sugar Refinery. hp. 45 water and VS front streets, Pittsburgh. T BLACK, .Merchuot Tailor, Exchange Butl er , ditto, Rt. Clan at., Pittsburgh. jolOu TORN & DILWORTLI—Wholesale Grocer, Pro t) duce sod Commissim Northam, No. 21, Wood at, Pittsburgh. jan4 TODN'D. 2,101131AN1, Wholesale Dmanist, sad deal 3 - er Dye : r tars, Sahrte,thls, Varnlshes4m., No. 9, Wood street, one door South of Diamond Ailey, Pins= boo h. ; janl ARIES lEHR, Jr., & Co., (totes:um to Joseph O. Davis,) Mir, Chandlers, 80 Water stmet. 0081 JOIIN 11. MELLO); Wholesale and Rind! deiilor iu bina o and (Unocal toiqrtiosouts, School Boon e, Papeq Blutuu, 81.. 1 P...., god* Printen' Cards, and filuidounry geurnilly,No. di Wood si.., Pittsburgh. frr Rugs bought or Laken to trod. scold JSCLIOONUMO3I3. & Co., Wbolexale .llroggrsui, . No. Yi Wood street, Piusborgh. OtiN h DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner &nand Wood d; meets, own. 161INSTON & STOCKTON, Boot.UM, Printers KP blandactitzera, No. 44Klarktt .t., Piw- La b. • jOHN 0111£11., WhoLamle (Ironer, dealer in Pio t, dace, Pausborgh hisnufaenisaa, Tin Planate. tra. No_? a Liberty on.. Pivabarat , nins ono /your, LICHaIeD 111112113. EL FLOYD, Owe J. Floyd it - co.diNtorlesoJle J. Grocers, No. l& Liberry ousel_ seps DALZEL, 'Wholesale Grocer,Ccestroission ip Merchant, and defier in Produce and; Moser: ugh Manufactures. No. 21 Water st., Pittsburgh. inane Kc. het "‘ an d d?rtresest ai rg?e n Mo . ' ...cussed articles, Canal Basin, near 7th et. d2l Vesuvivai Iron Warlia.; L EWI W Sheet . L i denta and - Naihrt f lebt qoslily. • Wareltmlie, 54 water and 105 front at. 10.015 B WILTEDILUNI, Wholesale Grocer, Forward. arta sod Co:mission Merchant, Dealer In Pitta burgh MaLudactures and Produce, Noe. al 'Wu. at., and ea Front a. • RI 11110.19.2, [pax MILTIUM 1.411.318EECT HIPTON, Whole-We Wooers, For warding and Commission alcreliants dealers"; la rodate and FlOsbusgis Mansdaradia, Nos. 13 and 135 Wood as, Pittsaorah- fetal UERCEB, BROTHERS & Ca., Commission Mor al. chants, Philadelphia, for the sale of produce grey acridly. Liberal advances made on consignments. febs.m Us. D. or oat- WALT= C. DOI. Air CGILL k ROE , Wholesale Grocers nod Cornatis- AIL icon Merchants, No. 144 liberty st, Pivaburah. 3t. &taxa, Alma- Nava, WI. L =MIL aIiALLEN & Co., Comndanion and Forwarding ,Merchanta, Water and Front sta., between d and Market sta. jann WM C. W. EICLCOSON. Ullltelln. s RICKETSON, Wholesale Closeers and Comidasion Merchants, No. ITN Liberty at., Pius gh,r,c- • isnl4 IicCOILD a KING, Wholesale and /Wail Ilat and Cap Manufactures, and dealers iu fancy . Pura tomes W Wood and Path sta. punt 'KT N0L51123 & SON, No. 65 Market ;.t., second door from corner of Fourth, dealers to Foreign and Domestic Hills of Exchange, Certifies/mot Dep.- ; Bank Notes and Specie. Irr Collections mad 012 all the principal cities throughout the United States. deep junkaer mould:. Wholesale Grocer Decaying ly Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Mariana tares, Ind all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No.ll Liberty street. On hand • very sunk of superior old Monongahela whiskey, winsis , will be sold low for coati. apl&ly AlrelAßD T. LEECH, In, Impostor and Denier in „foreign foal Domestic Buddha, Elsritwos., nod lage Trimmings, of all descriptions, No I Wood Plusbtiret. spZ - - 7,), [CHARD BARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in U, Lead., Alorocco, Rhoonakers , TootS and Find ings, Coders , Tools, and Tamers' Oil„ No..loo'Wood_st., PinsOntgli. septa Ow= ammo, as M= 1. 11ed111 , 41011. RO13IN&ON & Co., Wbplesale Grocers, Produce and Corruaission blerebents, and Dealers io Alatutfactures, Ne. DO Liberty sL, Pius i tjah. Po. FIE= DALZELL is Co, Wholesale Grocers, OM Forwarding Merchants, dealers " Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty at Pittsburgh, Pc reb24 .10HT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Dealer in Produce sad nuance& Mauotaeteues, 0.10 Liberty rt.' 1111Motio, Orr 11, afe C elants,fo S r li the F fee n TnNiier • era Groccrice, Produce, Pittabunga and Chloride of Lime. Comere m eash,Tnal at ell dilutor coun try raga. - of Penn and Inrin ata. j.ras QMITH a .101INWN, Wholesale and Detail Dealers 1,7 hi NLtinerq hoods, Lacey Dueler) , aad Fancy Artleles 7 No. tti Market street, 3d door above Third at, Pittsburgh. C. mueicictS. THOL N. Wooro. ditethia-17,%:. WHITE, WhoreanTe Dea4n 10 1.7 Fora sad Dom.-vole Dry Hood. No: 1 / 9 I W e rk • rt. HARBAUGH, Wool Alerehludi Drain. Os in Flom and Produce generally, sod Foramirdnig and Commission Merchants, No. 63 Warm at„ Pine. (O.HITH;BAGALEY & Co., Wkualealo Grooms oxid 14.7 Froduee denier', N0.g23 Market streM, between sth and 551. Noah aide. Philadelphia. oovo 7. gar_ rrrrusatutt. 101111 surziois, ItAXTL , ND. O.7VILLERB NICULS, Produce land (ioneral Com- IQ mission blerchaute, No. 17 Liberty eL, Pittsburgh. • §:. VON BONNHORST, h. Co, Wholesale On o , ettra Forwarding sod Connoission Merchants. in Pittsburg!, hlenufsetures and Western Pit. dtme moored to their new warehouseold stand) corner of Prom st. and Chancery Lana ainti • • Si Wt. Wholesale Unseen and Comma .. V.... /pcanla and dealers in Produce. N. ad maned. pa/ for Mexican at:dation and pnaearlag pens, at the o of , W a F.t6MC nno ----Ag"“ tTL Wm F. . Atm tiu, b 9., !tart '. Luitdtngy 4th et, Pittsburgh. AIY son the, general land onice at Washington . will atte nd to my: bum.. there 4 of on."" aoulT.*4-dly :Sa, (a F o r to a .1. ja. W Wick ( ) Whe}rata (imams, Forwarding and Comdata, Merchants, dealers in Aron,Mails, y a m t s, ••d Pittsburgh Manufactures amorally, voisof of Wool and tram, pitt„bomi. BOWEN—Communion .4 For W l Merchant, NO. 00 Front et. between Wood and W. wAt4.AcE,Mill vyLag establitionent, No. Y 44 Liberty conaL . tura Vir AL GLABILARD, Dealer in Fancy Dry Goods, No. NI Market gum; Par, b u i g tr . novr3.4tly WW WILSON, ..Deafer Widehef, Jewel", VT , & User Ware, 211lliurry Goods, ite, No. Mar ket oes7 Vlir IL MURPHY, Wholesale and Retell dealer la TT Foreign and Dotnestie Dry Goods, north east earner of Market and Fourth ets. &Will Too, JIM, L 10:1731t. M st VI YOUNG & Co.—Dealos tepler bides, &e. TT 143 Liberty jassl4y , . . . . . . . . . . li' • . - - .. . • . , . . • 7111 1 11111 1 ' . . ;: . . .. . . . . I ' ' . .. ...... ITTNBIL .. , PIRGR ... .DAILIF _ .. 1 CARDS. & M. MlTC4 l 4•TREF. — Wholesale Grocer, yy y Itectifyiog Dunllan, and Wine d LaOFer Merchants. also, Importers of Sods Ash god en Blenebmg Powder, No. IGO Liberty st. Pittsburgh, P. )0.5,4 0121,1311 0t01.16 e. ttna. u9BLACKBURN G Co., Wholesale Grocers and dealer, In O il s, Boat Store, and PittsburghMon net• ared articles, have on hand, at all buses, • WI and general nuedintent of goods in these , e se, Water %treed. near Cherry Alley, Putsb , h. uul3 _ jOHN ToWNSEND, Druipyist sad potheetwY, el No. 4.0 Market at, three doom above TturJ st Phis burgh, will hare constantly CM hand a well selected as, surunent of the best and freshest Medicines, w Inch . he will sell on the most reasonable term.. PbytWil.lts sending orders, will be promptly mended to, and sup plied with snicks they may rely Von " QT Physidiarm Prescripuons necunwely and . ne e sty prepared f ro m the best =tenets, at say hour or th day r eehL Also for s ale, • largo stock of fresh and good Pede n/cry. boot n 'TIMPA7 IMZs s ouNdt* o st oned jwtg the large stable on Finn rt., tanning through . p a , to Second in, between Wood and Smuhfleld sta., In the rear of the mononguhela House, with as entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of the best quality and latest styles. Hones kept at live ly its the bestnuumer. /YldlY RICHARD T. LEECH, JR , 1111.0[7111 AND DLL.. Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, Moss, Deer Hair, Varnish, to. to., jell No. 1D WOOO So. Yrrnummou kV H. EATON, Dealer in Tommings and Variety , i , Goods, Tonal. Shall, Ivory and Horn Combs, 44 oolen Yams and Worsteds, Dutton,, Needles, Pois, Tapes, Oradea, /i.e., No. MI Musket street, bottom) 0,0. =ad and 4th at._, Pittsburgh. iyv-Sdly PITTSBURGH STEEL WORRS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. mug ram, JONES & Nit ANUFACTULLERS of spring and blister steel, .Lll. plough steel, steel plough ',lours, coach and ehp be springs ; hammered iron axles, anedealers in mal leable eastuhrkftro engine laraps,and coach trimmings gouerally, corner of Fl,gs add Prom one., Pittsburgh, a. chi PEKIN TEA STOPLEs—No. TJ Fourth new Wood—All gm:unties of Green and Blank Ten; done up In gunner, halt and mm pound packages, ranging from 51., on. per pound 81,30. iyA Agt (or Mtn Ten Cu. INSURANCE, DIftLAW ARE MUTUAL INSUH.A/NCE CO. ICON FINNEY, Jr.. Agent far we aware Muntal Safety Insurunce Cowpony in Yin io udelphia Ftre auks upon buddrogs and nyereboodirr of every deveripuon, and Marine limes upon buns or cargoes of vessels, mien upon rho moat incurable ita- Office in the Warehouse of W. &Holmes & Ere., No, 37 Wale, hen/ Merkel street, Pittsburgh. N. Lt.—The avec. of Ms. Company italics the c.d.- liahrneut of the Agency tit 'hit city, with he prompt ness and liberality with which every eimin upon Wean for loss bus been ndpisted,Wly warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage of Ins mends and the, community at large to the Deinware hi. S. Insu rance CoMpatiy, while it has the additional advantages as auinsutuumn amoug the most flourishing in Puling-el pan—as having an ample paidan cupttuisiostuch by the operation of as charter in commuuly increasing, us ymidlug to each person moored his due share 01 the profits of the company, without involving bite in any responsibilay whatever, and therefore as possessing the 'Mutual pcinmple divested of every obnoxious tea. ture, and in its most attractive tuna norl FIRE Ai r . 11A.8. :112 . ,! . A ... fr,,, E , vvgo „. duly authorized Agent, the subsentier, ode" u. snake penutment mid Limited Insurance on propert), tuts city dud its victuity, and ent shipments II) we ea• nal and Rivers. Arth. 0 Coffin, Snail W. Jones., Jacob hl. Thoma, John R. Ned. Richard LI. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Frames Hossein, S. Auvin A,ltuot,e, ARTHUR U. COFFIN, l'reirt. Bean D. Sugarman, Seel'. Inis is the oldest Insurance Company in the L /Med States., having been elinnered us IM charier perpetual, and !MIA ho high standing, long experience, Jot. 4. Brown, Jo!tn Went, Truener Y. Cope, banorel F. &nob, enamel Brooke, utopia cacaos, aml •emiling Si! risks of w calria ...- ardous character, it may be cousidered as ...lig na pe, setartO to the public. %V. P. !MN kke. At the Comae,' Room of Atwood, Junes & Co., Ws. tot and Front sumo. Pittsburgh. ma).s . "RA.IIIL.LIEN FIRE I.I4I3IIILANCE CO. r iiiiFranklin Fire Insessuce Compaq, of Phtladel . mitt make lust ranee, pemtalteill aid an ttcd oar enery . desenpuon of property, is Ih.burgit and am minottutimg country, on favorable terms. rtu cats. patty has a perpetual charter. Captud, $41.10,000 paid in. Conungent, Fond eamtlitat Office corner of Thlid and Market wens, Pittsburgh. tpllilitt WARRICK ALARTLYi, Agent. IrHE Waleraigned, duly aottonsed Agent of the Amer lean F/re Compattiy ui Ptu!adctphia, cotaluoes to erect ingurance arum ~ iows or domap. agtasost Fire, I. buildtag., alereana./Aze, ittronure end property, hot extra haturiloas, to 11u city nod vse,nny. 11p111 . UEU C0C1111.4...\ , :ro wood r 1 TH.E..soumftnEurcl",ur:°-.L..":‘,P7, and will issue Policies sud meld limother busmen 'ORWARDING & COMMISSION. tkr=llriL. L • EN110‘14. ' 1W " :1: ' ZI;: " . TOBACCO Colo AMA ABBERARTA, 69 Soath Wharves ... No. 117 South Water et. MIIMEMn PBUS to inform the • ten, and dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, thatrhey U., made such arrangements th the Virginia mann•aciorers and the Limners of nit %Vest, West Wises, min other places, os wdi meure a lame and coneuun supply of the folloveyg del.:m ud. of Tobacco, which VI.. be veld upon as or rididminly terms as any Amer house in tars city orelse where, and all goods ordered them them veal be mar rented equal to representation: -. kintrana; kit. Llomingo; Coand V Porto Elko; Po111:064 }Seed Leaf to- C$ !pint; & Florida; tomcat A.l.S9—Bitsnotes celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with • large assortment of ether popular brands, ai O qualities of pouts* sa, es, LU, Ids and ;Ws. Lump, 5 Es sod lib Plug, Ladies' Twilit Virginia 'Fsroit. &J a, 6, dun, together .d r plain, w,g, in .,„, iiir ry ho l l .... e and y of i f ... ticles, b ie io ond ug. 'To , the trade. reltidly S. 01111117. IL c1.42111M0N. WARIFEW, BfICEIIIIT & OARRETSON, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Foram:ding SEPaIIANTS, No. 62 Nears Wnattria, asn 129 Nara Ekr., PIIIL (DELPIIIA. Rasa ko—John 11. Botnia & Co. Robert Steen &. Co. Philadelphia. Barcroll, Beaver & Co. Smith, Hag ley & Co. Allen & Pazum, New York. Walters & Horsey, Baltimore. B Bur:=Viro 4 n & Co I. Bailey, BMW° tr. Co. I Kier & Jones, Liberal cub advances on COusagolneuts to r X.. mar:Kt ou :city r:C: =MOW CE1111.41 CM. [War. 'VAT... ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR FACTORS, And 00/1201.1 Commission merchants, Na. LI Souza WArza &rarrE PHILADELPHIA Ht../KIIENCEZ—Houry Graff & Co, Potsburgh. .. _. . R'dgc" b. Sh ''''' ck ' Cincinnati. B. Schooley & ..Son, A. hL January, Maysville. Charles Ltaahmun, Jr, Louisville. Booth, Humphreys & Co. .}. Mercer, Bro. to Co. Philad'a Heed & Brother, aplutly "Huta &.cou,i.n+, ri.. ' l . l . .. GEORGE COCHRAN CommLelon and Forwarding Blereh• 00.19 weon or., rrrrseciwu, qoNTINIIn to transact a general COMIDDISIO , ness, especially In the purchase and sale of a men. e hlanufacutre• and Produce, and in Mee. vaag sod forwarding Goods consigned to his care. As Agent lor .the Alauanetores, he will be constundy sr with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Mona at the lowest wholesale prices. .Orders and arc respectfully solicited. 107 J. D LE.1031., a. W. •onuason Late of rittsburgh, P . Late of Niwbville, Tenn. LEHMER 16. ANDERSONI ; DEALERS IN COTTON, FOR W ARDLNLI A COSI- MISSION ALERC lAA NTIS, NO. B no.? MI., Ana. 550A10W A T, RNciTNATI. , ODIO. _Refer to lderehantsgeoemlly, r., Yntsburgh. .p.O GEORdE A. BERRY vvuoLaramaf. °Roc:J.:as: FORWEDIftIi dhl)10114118h1(111 AND DEALER IN Iron, Nona, Clntala 1( arm. 4k. , PI LSO:meg% Alarsufwestares g•asarally, No. 10 wuon sraorr, rrria....{., FA. ItoILACIL LOP. C. V. lurrtm a . a . Ku...rot," LOVE, MARTIN & CO , Produce and (loma tlesionlertellats 1., No- s t Row, EZclouKto Y.,..raioat- R‘rxit•ro—llavidoon , Sootier. b. Co., Johr ItZ4llllll, Hoge Jonah% llaltonore; At. Abe. & Co, sa!licr. NI• co t, Bnota & Co., 251 , 5e1,1n0 at Who, Poco b ul b; A J, T Shotaaaocs•oy & °"!. - Walt IL CLARK, Forwarding RI erchoiii, lire waa.llle, p.. Attends parcsoutarl, to the Forwa, do, of l'holuco, AC. &e. For any information, apply to F oßsrFif t 1:1.;N• CAN, Water at. 0„,„„ ISAAC CRUSE GENERAL COMIIIBBIO N MERCHANT, FOR THEBALEor Ylto VInIONn, hos. 8.5 and 1.011141.1001 Wilma% BALTIMORE, MD. Rsrassacss—blerchants of Pitubargh. Mush, ; Vs.—R. Craw Io & Co. soar:C-dol. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. AF. , have Laken en o'i/reel . unmedmiery opposite re our burnt warehouse, lor the pheanit, where INC nunact bunnies. us usual, Wall a new house CAW Ida erected, arrangements has rug armed) licen rued, for that purpose. Boats will always be sir readiness Lir our wharf to racers. freight. C A hI'ANULTY & ap4 Carroll:learn, labeny at LYMAN, REED & CO (Pluccesaore to Reed, Hurd & C 0.,) GENEU/L I.IOSPON. Particular attention paid to the rate of Wool end liber MMiaME= S ELLERS CO NIL.S have f<LIXVICIi to N. IA doe, above their old atas.d. l nix WM. TIMBIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa nL .e l rrt La ' xr a n a d to ' hl " .„" ,7 andna II o Arln h' et t r 'u oi7e . counties, P. Rein]. in • It Floyd, Liberty t. W. W. Wallace. do James Marshall do Pittsburgh dly tr. Co., Wood st. Jan; . _ . jAttorney at Law. office 3d st.. opposite St. Charles Ito el. Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette mod Green connote, Pa. Blackstock, Bob & eau Church & Carothers, }Plttsburgh. D T. Morgan. fact:ldly . LI J. HENRY. Attorney slid CounceDor at Law, L. Cincittualt Ohio. Collect urns in Southern Ohio, and in Itidtaton stud it Kentucky, promptly nod care fully attended to. Comtrnseaoner for the :tune of Penn ay 'vaunt, for taking Deponnons, acknowledgments, &c. &r. . . Reece to—Hoe. Wm. Bell & Bon, Cares, Church & CaroMem, Wm. Bay., Fleck. R illxt & Davis. eIM vM. K. .1:41. lI.LIAMS k SHINY, (success°. to Lowrie and W tllturns.) Attonters and Counsellors at Law. Office North side of Fourth greet., above Southfield. fold:dal:Os JANIFS F. KERR, Attorite y at Lew, bakevrell's !lending. Grant street, newly opposite the Court House. atig94m 1,011. Dr }I.OP.IHAIMLIWN 11[WrI.4 TIUNLOP & SEWELL, atteriwycb Lavr, Offices on 1, Smithfield between 11 mid it h ma. I . 2ORWARD SWATITZWELDER, &Montoya • , law, have removed their office to the South side o' Fourth sr., between Cherry Alley and Grant street 5- RO f' ved BINSON. B . E.;.:O to lti a,e Agr c n h ez g ot e o dope .t . next drum on Altlemonn John. anl7lv JOUN I Qtrloo. To Country Merchants. 1 - 1 A LARGE STOCK of ',School Books, Paper, Station ary, mutable for country sales, among which Wntinq Papers, of fine, medium and eonumon qu'lt's Letter Paper do do do do Note Pap, do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes:. Slates, Pencil, %t viers, quills and Steel Pens; Window. Paper (yard wid, plain and printed; Bonnet Board., of different quaintest Blank Books; in great variety; Banally, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, and double n erruppsng paper; bleGuthe's Eeleeue Spellers andßeaders; Ray'. /niceUe Anamends; COletk's NUM., Spellen uld Renders; A ntharracs, by Adams, Davra.Colburo, Sarah, Stock toil, Enterron. arid others. • . • • Geographies. by Nltteltell, Olney, South. hforse,Gtsal rich, Parley. and others. Grammars, Ity Soth, Ktrkhato, Bullion., Weld, and others. For sale at low prices, by •• • J H MELLOR. Pi wood at. 5 doors above 4th. The highest market prme paid for good mixed raga, in rash. spin - _ New Publications. Air ILTON'S tltustrated. Harper's n edam" alba Poetical work. of John Milton, with a mania, and anima remark. on Ina genius and sal ting, by Jame. Montgomery; and one hundred and twenty engravings Irma drawings by Hervey. lit two volumes. Sehavout's GULICK Trarsims - r.—The four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, to Greek. with Entphsh notes, philosopluent, and exegetical; maps. indexes. etc.. together tatth the Epistles and matenlypse. the whole forming the Near Testament—For the lase of Schwalm, Colleges, nod s'Elleologienl Sett - unarms. Ily Rev. J. A. Spencer, A. M. A Now NOVite—Ml64ll2l2llteS E,o.—A Gary tale of love. By Mrs- ti. C. Gall. Jams' HINZ, IV.—The life ot Henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, Hy G. I'. R James. Complete ut four pans, paper. 2 vols. cloth. For we by JOHNSTON K. STOCKTON, jann Bookmllers, corner of market and gd •ts Charles Tartor, Ambrose While, Jacob AL.Tboe PLANETARY d STELLAR WORLD'S.— popu lar expo•itiou of the great discoveries. lJ Id then o( Ellantrrn tNtronanny. by U M :Mitchell, • v, Ih rretor of the o.ln/41111.)Np rwatory. liculley's Italy. Alp. land Rhine - Letter% (Porn holy. Ilse All. a.../ the P.A..... by J r /I•Eulic), .minor 01 Na poli..n sunl lit. Manthalla, Wookingtou and tut Gener als. de. New and reused CJivon Suslisates of Coal —The Geogranliteal and Geologt cal dt.iinctiona of Muleral Coruhu.tibles or fossil an we:. Including also, notices and lon alines rot the coes mineral sole‘rances in aro and roannincturea illustrated by Map* and Magnum: ac compaeocd by nearly 401 statistical tat lea, and 1100 al) se* of mine F.,l eoinhoaul.les, &c, prepared hy Klan. anl crow ling Taylor. Just received a few e0p1 , 6 °hutch or tt. r shown works —nor sale I.y JutiN,TuN & al tn2KTON itooJcecller.. co r oi• rir.ct t 3d au. XrEA.RLY READY FOR PVT lILIOATIOIII .L 1 by 1 A. A. .„10e followttlig uaw aad Taloublo Doolphani Expechbon--Containini • sketch or the Krra cot A. W. Doropitan, the 1. onquest of Near Mexico, Koarney'e ltv - erland pedition . forma: Domphun's anipdgo agalidt 11. e NA. no, end auparaticied March upuu Cadmal 00.5 Durango, and the Open/boos 05 lieu Vie., at I , ritia Fr. arab .! Atop end Engraving*. by -Mho T e Ugh.. A Br.. dr to Regimen! et Nlasourt Coeur] t. 11, , dory of Kentucky—l. Ant. wild, and Natural Curioasura., Litegraptlical ..Staust amd and treologlcal dmirriptious: with aneadote• of P sotter[lll lire, and mom than our hundred Biographical • o.4 l thrs of diaboadiab• od Pioneers., Soldiers, Stateluor 1, Jun... Lawyer.- DI. vine, de.; illustrated dna ton 7 Low. voL oc.vo The Twelve Month.' o r jooro•I pr,- vain in innTenneanee Re nnen, o ttnlry, in Me Campaign Aneale n, &inn, m no n. 01 Me of March of the kos,room Vora Sias., o • dellerlipUoll of the Country panned over, manners, run t..., kc of the people:: Sketche• of Camp l Or. or counts of all the actions o f other VOh,uuer a d v and • fun lindury of the : 1001010, Lint Ru led and Wounded, &r, iII ...nand by n large number of correct nears mud plan 4 by G m U. Purser, 1 vo lum e octavo. Orel New Pagase and Ilook-ira—f.i.bliehment, 7, " 0, STI a 1"... rocurn AND PIA MX. ALLAY .tee nee opened, at Me above Nand. rJ:g., •,u. J. of Md.:rent qua Hues ruled and ptam whuc ALLI blue Test mg and Letter Paper, cum tnerctal and packet p. /A lan Cap, decoy and medium wrnmg P.Pers, lo, LI ask books, medium and To) laced Prulwlg Pope r .4ediutr, de m) , and cap Day llook• and Ledgers, sup. , rmor pap., and best Eastern IddMngi t , eltaul ,k• all amd, stondaid works in 1 , :ology endnet.. sour mid Nedl'en•• niers, Wax, DIII Ftle ~ he. he. MEMIENI (:a airy uerr,aar, uppned az lowest wholesale on es% for cwu,or rag t cash prscra. JOB YR/NT/Isi s s— Maytag a Job offwo in ruar" , ..n woh our cdt444.114.1 4, 4 - c are prepared 41 , riecule .41 orders or 44un and wiry Prolong—taro/ ..11 4 1 4 1 1 1 1, "- clrcUlart, Uusnacsa c •rda, buts or uling. watt dr//- 14.4 c and &a love pen ;es_ ELLI(11 - 1*& id..lSll, , - • . - . loy.l aped ad between 4dti and diamoold.l. l cY,_ AT sTukti .on Nlarket street, No Lyn, he.lwren 3d and Ath, • .ay at all cones be Woad a 01/1I• *lock Theolopoa •I and Allacellancona !loots. Nav l••dlz 1 Icce , cd y soonAs published, and oold at eat paces. Tpu p üblicuMnas nt tho Amen,. Sunday School CIIOJIIan d blaasachusetta Sabbath School So• ai 9 / Ays on hand. Catalogue* larzushed on ap. pnconon. ELLIC/17 & I:NW:1811, tarn 50 market al, Letween 3d and 111, 1 ° °a l :Ii)A• • lofasll37olpLLlll:r•NAArartiogY.Yo—fltlbtglor'n. An Oral and tlevcarca, to the constitution Sod coarse nature, w t ut owes. Also, Cranford's bjuesuotts ror ex re•rred nat adapted to we use of schools, by Char', e s E. West, I.rtncipal of Butger's institute, nt we crty oiNew York. ANT til/IN'ti DE :3 ENECTUTE, LIE AM ICITI A:t. &e.—T on de ttencetu de Anuertias, Paradox., and tkrotrd um 431110116 of t:tcero, cod We I..ife at Annus. •rztelto• Neyna, ;vita Eugitsh Notes, Unocal and X- , V.:oratory, by Churl es Ainnort, L C U. 1 OE 1301 'IS SPW.OU 1100ii-I...eylplioo of are I•eusons, Beenery, Ito rat and Country Amuse steins, by Thomas Altlbrr; with 36 illustrartons A NOVEL BY MAR IiVATT—The Cluldrett of the New Forest; by Cupt..llarryalt, It. N. 5111 TIIE.DOIII. BICULtiIiTUN, or Laurel Water, by U. P. U. James. The above works ree erred tai, day, sod for ante by JUII:VKI'ON A.BTOCK VON, myth Bookseller's eon . , marker and ;hi so._ TEW WOlLKS.—Valuty Fair, a :Level without • 1..1 Buren by Witham Alakepeacc Thackery —watt 111(111r1100/1• by the author . Tettain of ‘Vildtell 11311. by Acton Bell, autht rr of -IVutuertog Dental." The 'mount, SCIOIOIIOOOIII II I by Joseph Alden, U. 1 I. Part 6, of Illustrated editor, of toe Arable Nlghts . Entertantrnents. New trausbuton, arratt•e.l Lane, manly reading, wall to plunatory notes: by %Y. Lune, LOOlOOl Logartthms—Tab lee of Logorahms of nom. bens and signs sod Tangents lor every ten 3econds (joadrant, with other aerial tables• uy A ht., Frol. SillUitligULlCW 01111 Natural Ilnitnophy to toe Croverr.tty of New 1 ork, 01.1010, 01 0 .. I ' reatti. 011 Algebra,' AC. tie. Ile above works no erved tins day and for sale by Jot sTuN A ,Erve K TuN , I;ookse,'lers, rot market and ltd at. Blew Pa. talle•tlons. ift,) B•ogrrtylrical and l'oh. ocul, /001. , oi Inentuo. of the I.ongre. oi the LI. II) I. Ikccler. 111.,struleu y rtunikrou• steel p 1.0111.1115. eCe .Ic. Vol I, octavo. 1 he %\ 'atop of C >I CB.), Including, with steel portrun lisped by 11 bred) , I vol, B. hat I Sow In California. By Edwin Bryant. Barnes' Note, 10, nn .111.171 C A, John and I.ulte CbIIMIK and Counter-Churn.: By MI. M'lnlosh, au thor 01 -To .eetv und tu be," to. dc. • Mary Drover, a Dotne.ue Tcsoperance Talc. By C. llordott . • . Kings and queons. or Life to sthe rulue eonsolltoß of lestorscol sketches ;A lute ant , reigning sovercsgus. Ii) J. O. G Abbott. A First Hook to Spanish, or practical / otrodurtuut to the study oi the Opotosh Lon gust:, 11) J OesJkold. lbe Dying Ilobut end !Aber Cafe S: lly lieu. th. Aldeu Just roo - d by R. 1101%1 hicl, Apollo Buildings, trh at, slug! lour eel. tot to J L. Acad.) . - V EW Lit Kits—Ls. of CronGo ell, by J 11 Power of the by (surds, ler 1 4 prolg t U. U tleth , l4l.s, do do Joeobus ott Gospels, Matthew, -Rills Ilarsnotrj; Loeturee utt t*Lotk•Reure. Y vol, hobul or stiffieltess to the Way to Glory and linkort.olti); of A.O, I be coo vela. tst nootur of SVill sot Girl to Franco; Note tool 1 11111, L.) i.-100., essal hitracles, Irclosal • Wesel/air IL/ lIIC DI( gcr, 11c.. est upon Ittorth, klooskatoia, a tole of mod for het ;land: 2 vols. For sole by E1.L11.1 rr a ENGLISH, jai) 7o %trot el and 5d utositet sot XT} lV 1./(X/Ket—Just . e - cce,ved [rota the publtshe 11 and tor sale at the Ntethodou !look Store, 4th at near Wood. Toppers ProvertnAl Philosophy, to thin. e styles of butting; u benuotal bu ok tor s presenL Preparation tor the l'unnt. Sketches of Sermon. on the Parable* and Miracles of Christ, by the author Of t h e Pulpit Cyclopechs l -34.0 sketches &c. The Logliolt I•ugnt, collection of ser um.. by ' the room eminent n g tincture hillusibaS Vot&—Lkong titood, ehrstiax Lou, Lov es% thou use, Sacred bleditanans. my4.l PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1848, LAW OFFICES. I:=1 BOOK TRADE. Eff=! COPARTNERSHIPS. T OGAN & KENNEDY have this day associated with them is the Hardware business, Philip Wil son and Edward Gregg. The style of arm will here utter be Logan, Wilson & Co. Thu arrangement ren ders it destrable to close the old business us soon ru possible. All persons Whose liabilities have matured, are especially requested to make immediate payment Pittabor4ll, Jan t, IE-4. OGAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and Wuoleutle Dealers to Foreign and Doineatic Hard ware, Cutlery. Saddlery. tte.,1910. Wood street. Pito. loughlmre now fully prepared with a recently Ignitor ed stock or Hardware, Cutlery, Ac., tit offer very great toducemeros towestern buyers, being determined to compete in prices yeah any of the Athunie clues. Al so on band au extensive toisornomit Of Pittsburgh Hard- INII,, V 11: Shovel.. Spades, Forks, Hoe-, Vices, he.. off of which will be sold at the lowest inanufm.turals prices. 1501 CO—PARTNERSHIP. jekTHE subsee ben having recently entered into partnership under the name of Gal ugher, long, & Miller. tor the purpose of carrying on the Bell and Brass Founding and (Ms Flung busines• in all its breeches, have taken the stand formerly occu• pied by 11. Gallagher, No. too Front street, between %Visa! and Sentheeld sta., where they are prepared to execute all orders nor Bells, !Semis Castings, of every deseription, and (In. Frtings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat Jobbing promptly attended to. H. GAI.I.ArIII KR, S. A. lASNO, P. H. Nil i . LER. N 11—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is invited to our anti-uttruction metal, for a reduced price, which inn berm pronounced superior to Habbit'• by numbers who nave used both. Steamboat builders and the public, generally, are al o requested to call and ex auntie our superior double bettor Force Pumps for steambout and dolomitic u•e. . GALLAGHER, LONG, & MILLER.. Dissolution. T HE purtnership ' so long exiSt . ing under the . tyru of . M'Cord & was by MUllUsl consent dtseolved on the Ist inst. The business will be closed at ilicald tumid by either of us, using the name of the firibrA) that purpose Being desirous 10 hT , e nor Ittl;•.• closed with as Intle delay as possible we wo SpeptfUlly request those indebted to cull and iionk their neeolaills. JOHN 1) JII'COTHD, Ina H. I) KING Co-Partner s hi p. TORN D. M'CORD ttamng mted with hilh bhs tl brother James M'Cord, ender the style of M'Cord & Co, will cont:at the lint, Cop nod Fur bustness in all ne venous branches, wholesale and retail, the old stand, corner of Wood anti 5. streets, wherg they n eanunuation of the patronage .o liberally be stowed on the old hr.. JOHN D M'COHLI. Feb JAMES S. M'CORD. IN reunng. from dm old •nd well known firm of kreord k Klng. I most reepeetflly reoommend to the ymumnage of the public. my sneeeggore, Mews. kreord h Co. H. L. KING. Dissolution. under le no Roe, expired tow day by leudahon. The bout." of the bets will be trilled by JANIF u. 7,11:11.1, N. K. fiIIBtIFIELD, %V.AI.TER C ILILE. Pltisburgh, July 19, 848. I=l The under.odned wdl continue the Wholesale Gro cery Mild eon - m.11.10n 10u.11,c0.1, uoJer Ilir tinnof add Roe, at the:, old stood, No. 114 Iroer:y sarceL JAMES GILL, IVAL.TLII. C. ILO& Having sold my interest in the firm or N11:01, Bush. field n R. to my sooner Noiner, !toe, I Mite plmtsore to reentioncatinta them to my friends and the VW rt B. Co-Parine rshlp Notice. W. S ut Wheeling, F Shfettberger Eg g of Junta.. and J. A Stockton of Palsburgh, have nu. day entered anor copartnership under style aud firm of Stephen, Shoettherger kCo.. at the Anchor tron Trot*, Wherenng. Va., for the purpghte of month lactur mg iron and natl. of eery dearnption. SW. irrlrlll.2., 11. snornizaars, 1. S. 111 . “511.2. BTEPIIENS. /0301C.NBEROER h. CO. _ . Irhechng, Va. Manufacture all kind of boiler, atm.., bar iron and haw.. A H str•el springs and atle• Doing eon cireted ,lioetmererr t , old Jungat. work.. vre can ni t adrr Juniata iroo f,raiidrd S . hoentieractl to equal aity mail, 111 eott) ot which will i.e. void at the l'itt.buieu vricc• of the works coiner of Mourne and St at , r •1. rnyl I iI lISSOL VTION-11,e iihrtnerallip Illtherto extol lug lug ooder the at). and brio of St & artl, ta tbm day disoolve.d by mown, rtot. , itt. John 1,- sell baying disposedof his entire taiere., to II tVmht. man. The business of the late. km win be wttletl by Wightman. artio u 1111100,110 1 .1 10 tow the name of the late firm fur that purpou opc..43dThsr [Jul) I '471 J 1..Z1-:LL. THE Sotssenber is now pre area to oannufartuye all Ittd• of Cotton and Woolen NI uctitort). at the test notice. 011ie, Celt at EL ‘S ightutan Etop.Le rntop,ent• net Liberty cod tier meet.. will toret with prompt attention WIHHTAIA.S, Lencolt .t, between Feder.' and ttauthntity sta., aprAidl y Allegheny cny. N , l l ;, l y e r , o l i an th tl o tr the a ;; rororar Ftama ‘I itPl .1, Pit.- i b. rorware Fen I n.. ~ .111...4 Ior the p-r.,ltt or roo,Jurtrd un,ler the ..ortnt, Ir of /MA r.t, l% it M I PH f iO•PAUTBIKILSIIIP —%t ,gth,s day 1...,c1ted x,ih .Ist. Jona II Ml.uttc. 11,c 1... 14,rt witi hrr,,utei 1.. tondurwd the she I'uunß h Co. %% 11.1.1AA1 YOUNG, tutu ,INo Ft NI'CI N MEDICAL. Jo y tree Fkayer toraral •w l'oruottory.a I Apr A. 101 l 1) ll ati l t1 1 11:• " Itc - C1 1 :".:1/71; " t ' o r- a - !a ' s ' t . rU, "° 11 "„' I1: 0 .1 ,1„" p 0 portuttal ot Kr, tog putttiett y to the raxaortirtiary enrets 01 4 OUT Kipertorent an or} /latruti( orro udlichrd for sever. )curs orrth a *reel, cough, tteelle lever er..d It e eunrunotant derrarre, and arra:led ducorrnd to huger out a •nort hot so...rat/iv r Ittiletrer, 0101. the 101 l or when, bring more eeyetrei) attacked. and hnettre rrrortrd In all ruy 10r110, r0“0,10 0 1. and the pre. eeripoons 01 1 100 01 Inc nano frorve,:afne oti,..nemaa tn Inc neught t. uultood without Orrlt.t4 hen., Or the C• 00001•000 •Lirei• 0, 1,01 tror daps or wreak. at tarthr•t—when thr 00001 of 80110 •••••I snout or 8000 , 0,1 had recuturnendril ter tor your Expectorant and tortured Ley that Being woo does tui tarngit in tor ore tri the turans—atot contrary to the axperlatruts. 4.f my phyrlClo/11. surd Mends, I teas to a few da,• relied endero attend to to) huitincas. r too)ttut *ince Ireller 40•01.11 1081, I hurl to test rare prrvitts, Resper twit y our 4. !cc et Jos \V Fslttl. Fortoi.le Pittrhoren. al the Pea.. Tea trout, 72 Too rth street. LI A FenNestors. raiinLYstocall'iltsburgh. W F•tinvaeir. WhOiviale Droll Store In tha City of Near York. 1 11 F' uneertogned are r trn.tvely engeired 1n an bolearrlr Dray: humor. at No 40 JlOlO 4111 . 0. 11 the city of New on. and arr prepared lllll Drutrahor and country Alercharaut wrilt Drkg, Dye-mulls. More 10111 AlllO,OOOl 1 . 1 10111 , 2), Mande, Weaver At. Mender, Cheraw:or. tut tout, own tmportuttont and all other entries in thrtr irtse oi 00s1- Or.. et a towenor 10.111) as Low ar the) rust Ise.par cnared it.. or any eerier. ray. New York. FrolB Ile A IAIINE, 4 TI.K:k Ar. Co. Mare her's Chrome Green. PAIN 11,14, 111.1\1) MAKERS. he—We. the 1 . under-4;llrd, rathierr and Mind Mater, 01 111, I . lly ot New lurk. have treed end tratrd, and err now using article of Chronic (tree.. toutioinrut red toy' Lieu K )l n ..ellcr. of thin city. and hod it ni work well. pro th,cing a hire bri th ant Van. 4.arren app....ram , . with a ser y „ n p, - tor body . . and I.d 0 in our nr , thren s , the irad, as in ever) particular the b., Chrome Green wa ha, . ever used. New 1 ark. June 1,'47. .rll. ol recto . . pautter• of 111. city of New ink Th.. llite . .icia,tl Chrome I.lrro inn) be tout„) IL 1,1,1„' : 11- , , No ST Wood turret, who ha. theexclurive agency `or Lir 2810 tot I.,Liklatrah ittart4 A isi n‘e se, or Teeth for 'A.S Genie. 1 111'1'1 "1'1:};1')1, 1. tir_Aurin IV (,1'.1:+.-1 , 110 02 and unhealthy teeth, atter be -1114 01 , 00 „, wino Jun.' Anther I 00th Pam, have the •parsore L'ie noun neautiin ) ivory. and at the mane 1 ,100 it L. ro perm 21 ) ...cent and 10 quictely hue, that its COl.lO/11 01111 • highly ad ....aeon, wren to thore teeth 111.01.5 1 < g.. 1 .- ditlou. myth) them benunial pouch, mid preventin g( premature decay 'Nome .read)' deca.ed 0 pravcntr Irma hecunung worke—lt than 1•0011 LIIC 11 are be vonting Inure, and by perreyeranee i r oulcni te the eth delicately white, 0,,,) make the brcttlln de. ticiously rove.. Sold by %V J A CkYlkiN, I.therty recce mirth uitrAl A. 11 \ l l City B. A. FA.IISE.BI.O4.3WVICAL II1 . 1%- eGar.• k w, "or ut toy chthirets, aged about 21.6v0 'rare, es ...aro iut day a, nett the tOltr. mere:lard ...... ;41) that bored death tar 11,41/1 mg heard of the good rave. Of Fattocatuelt e errnttoge to the childrew of top ne ghher. and 0000.; 1. child malit I ave W011..1,11M MIIIP 1110 11)1111/11/11111. I gave 0 one nod a hell Itaelutoutula of the Vet...Aga. and to top graat aatotoothoteol 01001.1 immediately that 11..41 hetween Ufa. nod tat large wort. Ile health wee soon restored, sod 01- ttow llarl.1.1) . well. 1 . 0 vim. Ur as me Parrott., the...rt. would oeraetounlt m reee ist IL• throe, aud I WO, trate.' 11 Wlllll/1 .11C atr.aogututos, lt DAM. :V J.', hotiesia. 'onto:Lugo cu. Pa., .4r. apIJ LOOKII ERE . —l(caLl w< itniuwlng crrtilicAte: NI L.oasr.r.l-5,..i.L. 01.0, Nlay I leis 15 10 crnii) taut en) laut daughter was worms, and that I trie'l veiertil rronlllol, Hi ea', 011110‘11 MU) apparent ea' ri Dein 1110 age', in ll...plant tier Vvran 'age, I was inch..., 1110, ti u Aner going War doers, according a' 'Jure..., Ill) 0/114141er virliv relieved. liwer no iic•nution In giving It ar ouy tan, that Hollers'`.rrrniltur Is la 1,01 rllitikl. m Prepared and sold by It `'riles. No 37 Wood st . also by Dr. CLL-411:i, :mi. 55 ord. U.. 11 Curr). Alle• googly, and J Sun Ili. Tv niperwiceville. 1)3 Popular, because (lood I B L It P FAMI I.l' Al F. i NE S. Cow, Jeder.on Co. Pm, Itlorrh I. 1...1d. "lUT It It h. have urn ri y all stir r• uninge 31:1dt:tow], rup )on ute lour Vt., samige Ls without e.g.eeption the beet ever udered n, ih.• notglabortusod. lipt4ing pored good Wherever ore lii. Cough and Liver Ptlls have also given tatocuon I.ur uh't nor,. J 5C.1.117. PwitatuAter. Prepared and sold by It E SELLER , . al Wood 4 1 , sold by It, Cassel, sth Ward, U Si Curry, Allegheny, & J 6.55515, Ternperunee,srle mar- CEL.EIJRATED 1 . 1 ell AND Tt:eri-Al olNTNit..yr 0 110 moo elle. tout remedy beim,. Um outdo: tor the cure in leiter. itch, dry und sauteo plinmes lute. tieck and bud). ..etii) rruptioa.. .3 all oilier ul the 000 y 0..0 0 , tree bentt mercury. la siericei no,: a l Sal used at ail mile, and tinder ait vircani.macc” A 'tese .04,114 ot this r.ituablr rented) reecieril aad tors'der by U A F . /01NK...n. 1 ... c.. of Ist and Hood, Liao, corner ot but and wood .‘reel jet FOR ISVALIIh.4 AND INFANTri.—% I intisey.• Ar- JC a Rout Rinik Powder. a delicious ad 6101) manta. a loud, which never turrs• acid on Ate 0.1 Ito W moversahy recommended by We faculty lli prelerenc. to lintel, Sago. Tnloooo. ur plant Arrow , Rum, as b, liter suited to We debilitated stomaca of rota and amore atreitatheniag and wholesome food for infants. For sale by R E SE.I.LERS, mane, 57 airOOd T l , uL rat'der 0,4, well keel, unewntly oil hand a large supply.which they *ll.l furtuait to dealers at we lowed market pilot lot cash. 1 J KIDD& COZ HOTELS FOI7RTAPS FIOTEti - - LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. /0/114 AND TIIIINSTOI9, PICOMIIS O B. THIS I establishment long and widely known as toebeing of the most committer. in the city of lialumore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. Arc enure new wing hn. been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladles , department Mu abso been completely reorganised end hued up in a most unique end beauti ful style. Et fact the whole arrangement of the House has been mandeled, with a angle eye on the part of the proprietors. towards the comfort and pleasure of brie Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub smalls] and luxury which the market affords. served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines. &c., they not be proprietors conclugion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on them part, and on the part of their esststanui, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates. Ladies' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's 1,50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be (wand at the Car and Steamboat laindine , . which will eonvay baggage to and from the Hotel. him of charge. mayMf EXCHANGE HOTEL, wt Or Mier AND rr. cute Mrs , PreethlSHON. Pk. The subscriber having assumed the manage ment of thug long estahltshed and popular hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the generally. Leer be wall he at all time. prepared accommodate dam in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The llooras a now bring thoroughly repatred throughout. and new Furniture added. and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Howls in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits a comb-mance of the very litamlpatronage the }loos, bug heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, febthltf THILOCKAIORTON'EI GALT HOUSE, Lottowli..t.t . t y ARISTFIRO , iiAIORTON begs to acquittal Ins tot friends that he is again, lessee of the GALT noes , . Loui.ville. Ky., where he hope , . m meet till his old friends, assuring them and the public. that no effort shall be spared to make ail comfortable who favor bun with their patronage. intilidly — tiNITED STATES HOTEL. MORT R.. ORWILE.I.IOtRII ♦le PIRII Rs. OPPOSITE late Bank of the United Stllle 191141 M. POPE. NOTCHF:I.I.. Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS FEW COACH FACTORY, MT II O I T E. rm th ß e ß p o2. , ,S , % ;CO.,) y hwouldint [reeledrse p Lacoek. between Federal and ttduaky streets. Toe y are-now nnd are prepared to fere, e order, tor every ot vehicles. Chariot's. Iln- Ittigizied. Phone:la. Are.. de., whir h trout thy it long experience In the inanutur lure of !lir lartov.. mcork, and the feeilittes they have . they ice! coo &len i they am enabled to do work on the moil reasouabie terms nun those wanting articles in the, line Paying particular me lo the selection of mate nolo, and havius none but competent or k cut, have no hesitation in warranting their work tVe therehore tisk the attention of the publte to this mutter It Hemming done in the 1...1 manner. in. 1 most reasanattte 'term, Stockholder., take Notice rinfr, Stockholders in the Youhto,helly Navtgarion Company are hereby lionfiell and re,uireit to pay to .It James Hamilton, the 'Treasurer 01 me Ci.inpiht). the sum of Ten per cent on ench share oi th , it •torl. on or nefore the 12tli day a ..101) 11•11,R11.1 n fartner surn orTen percent nu or before tile ds) or All gust °ext. The stockhoiden will al,. take nutier. that the la. authorises the collectton 01 Ode pot real per month.on insta:mrids nut puitenial;y found necessary, be enforced lit order 01 Ihr ALEX PLUMEIL l're.h J aot,eaa,<ee•y. , IVATCHKS ok. JEWELRY—J.I received at NO 07 Marlet nrect, n fiold Lever W tra du detached do, ado Lerma , . to Svver Patent Lever :Pi do detached dc. t do Lepine do, I- bold Guard Chat.. hem quality Also. • rood a. ant Bre•st l'itsv. E.r Haig, Fiurer Rings. Lvold pen. aria re nc ii• The shove goodis have Levu received *A We Err weak, and void reds. ed i'vr• Daishing io purchase • cood and ler. do well to call previou. to purr isan.iig sys.. ZElll I,N al \wry TEORGJA NANKIN,, d. -.W It N10r,;,) ;,a... in a fewdays received Isll additional .. ,pp Lamsdale Nankin, inid te., htie hies.rhed roma:iwt do. untoesrhed do. Ito , - Inns Irish Idnenr, leery low 1 who , . Vo , ten I , eYd du, Paper Catnimea, 40 . ot the y 8 Corner ith and Market ere,. 4,Wr %Intole.sie Itoom• av 4111. Dr. TleLanne in Tenn - . is eertat) thut I purrna....t McLane'. Won. Ind WIWI b • soo of none, atone sevon • ••.04 ••o• .0 alupwas aucl •Jaroago the amount pr ardo r ydt hare Ito doubt La( 00• To was apwartl• of IMO Innuellarn Wonha pswasal (MIA lora. torasuroWl tom Q. quarter of web to two atchos you (i W IIfII.I.IIIAV Reoa • rrooll. Carry! co Tol./.. i-1: Levelling, Capping and tilredltvg. 122" 11. NORRIS, I,eer.cor %I a . No (a Flan street. oetweec ‘Vtoct hold Fresh leeches reeetectl tuott.o y—aneotltticre hours Rcterence. the plttur Ali. 01 A gar tor Rod litrnuttchant no M.I ehoertutty recostinend tot he phy.tetatts. tom. tiles and all my former Imola. and patro.t•. r h I: Noma t. being thorotagh:, quattord WILS sod worthy of patrottare tuartC,ly =EI Moonfactored Tobacco. - 1S L 'l ,l ' n " l ' l " . ' , " a: s o• ' 4 ' : '' • • 12 51 do I'u. c llosrwo.ssl'• • /1 do do do 23 dos Jo Pearl A liarwoosl 55 ihr• 14 do J iil.1.11L•011 5, hi do do • •l 1 do do Wm Ihrar•on .• 1.1 T rAtlst . . 1 do Ii Anderson - • 11Ao L'l' Uude • 5 do 11 515..0n • . D dos Hatettlf '• •• Just lundscy Isom ~comer and pockets. 5.1.1 hsr by HEALD, 111:05 \ OIL Ito, 41 north water st ostsd 1.1 north 05.500., te24 Put:5110111111a ttz hi t.s.J 73 hull 61. Wttlt.ter tiltl Rutter., •wret tuinp m - I Avert. nc e I Atic, tt ltetetr.) A Rot ••ttt " Dupont ide IR MclAtnal "fence Lo En r fot A g ttg /nal landing Iran, oratner. at:d for •.atet tts HEALD. 41 N vurrr •I mid 111 !I• man) Itlntadonttnt 1) A Prat—Cum bd. !era \T rapping Paper. all sues, atal reams ru ,s 1 Cap W rem, Paper. 300 red and wain lever du. ail qua:lnies. 1W Flat Cap. 2.50 " medesm Tea IWieros• whin. and bile & %Oleic lineert lee reams Manilla F.uvrespr Hardware raper. jusL ree'd and lot sale low by 111-ANOLIN & my:1114ln comer peen end Irwin Nt. I ANL:FACTURE° TOUACCI. ...I 1,, h r. / rive, the rotiowins •eat, fro. lufacturer• Richirroort urg• which wilt 1/". "old to the trade at reduced MICA: 7.1 has Latoartine , .. Oil do John Roca,' ihr, 116 do °coo' 6 /mart. le, 6. do I. Janie. L., 16 do 11 IL Warwirk 'IV do J NI. Steward , . and .4. 07 do J sores Ninth's. 1. I. 21' T 1 :11.M AN lugs 31 water ',dud one r. DR. W. J. MADEIRA, Dentist II • -4.8111•11 OFFICI:oit “I door north 01 Third rorrnn Itr llntlr .-s sinscifully tenders Ws professions, sr., *rives to the citizens ul l'Jto,tirrrh, A. gny and vicinity. taaaaNco.—Dr A. N. McDowell; IJr Fahneeiock, Dr. Maher' 51,1111.011, Jame. $ Crao.l. Mr Mr Ber, Wravrr EIZIES=I . • • Li. Patent Mocks.Stut . r., .e trade com AI., pirie 'tett. oi athtpted it ra.ein of ally capaesty. put up 4/11/ 10/ Wlll l /0/1 10 110 , art of L mote, without delay and ai pri I.:ioilj3l VIT.E ior/15 Nui urelta.r% UFA/ STAPI.F.,+. ap.l-Oneltaw'r.tB 36 Burling Slip, Ncw 1 ark 44 ° tug t g rl l :t s ee ' l u e7 . : Vo t r ' ttte ' rl7,l . g i h 'r t, ' n " t d : ' l j o u r ' • 3l el.; w M mac ti EA. myl3 I IfU 111,,r1y .t Aluspratt'• Patent Soda Ash ,a7CASK, )1161 11111i/IN 1.111 o,llller Nolrih Caron n . end lor.ale NV A. NI IIITCIII . .I.TREE. 1,7 It. 181.., I 'OW. NSENLE.... , SARSAPARILLA-3U Lim al Hite vret eprLitg and .ummer alio day tons Lnol tor mule wholeamc and fctuu, Uy It F. SELLER, N 11 ••A. P. F. S i. Dr. Tow ...nits Imiy I . .helturgh. the se. we hrucle may xrwxv. br ttad %%vett .veer L'TrUNS FUR LAIJIRS' 01 ilr. 1"1,1V. 11 lug trod, grnduarrd rem guru; Br trodootrourgh do; Fanduter do; Urirosirart do. add Drop do, Neu and 101gULlirr wllll 1. awl card I,IIICII, for ..ale at FII I ..ITrrN .‘ Cor • aryl? Trr roguing :roor. r. 6.1 r • .UtIALCI.--20 rin 11, , ,d's A likdou.uo 1 UiPLICCO, 14 do Myer•'.. do do do.. lo Ir.i I Id, do do do; AI ye 0. do do, do Endrrs' no,•. drw plug. I'S ca...A. 0 , rr. •uor; lot A romut. do, U 1 do. 10 do do noon.' Nectar Le:,l A. roots,d nod tor aule by lels MILLER A. RICK I.l'S , 0. LUU turn Brooms, 4 caok • Put A.lp. 2 2 .I.P: Tow Yana 101/Ib. llcessant; SU Sza Nu 1 soap. 21 , do star Caud,es, 15 do Pict Flaada, 20 blay u• • Nua Loaf Sugar, for !tale by m)111 I.INI/I.l+ll & 11 EN N CrlPartnerslalp Notice. i/KAL°' BUCK OR 1711. Ilnvc asmnttrn , tl with them in their l'onacro and I U1111111.1t211 trll-111....t• 1 -, ward time of iscoh 116,n1 A t'o, )I•01,14., Dwebt C. hic,'atostron, uod Joint A 'A Itrltt• r it 11.1) MAN RIBBONS—An aaptolutent tr‘,l. 1. and col U Msatau and , Lin 11.1.1.o.1•. • • , and ourtml ors , 1., a LI.. piece. •• room, of allt northeast cor All and morsel_._ ntl .1111: ACUN-111 Hots yellow cativo...l Ilnln.. to tlu Side., do 6houlder., 01l of prone ilooloy 3016 SELL VAS O. NICOLS X 4 ANIJ PORK-10 bbl . Mess Vork; AU do pnuo do, lor nale by yolgt SEI.L.KIIS T ARTARIC ACID-4 lb., 01 a aupartoe m ceivad wad fur sale by BRAUN k QTF.A7tI 12(.7ki FUR t4AL.E—ltee 10 on tile hoeAram. , Wyoming MI sule on aCcom ino4l.ll.Mg terms For portieulnr. elmoito ol W 11.1011L\ ap7 :SU Watar and Froot su MISCELLANEOUS , IIIACPPICIBCOTT & BAaBs linue J R Strickler & Co.) n vrAN - uFAcTuRF.Rs Pisteakx fi re proof saf . In south side, second street, beleme. W°44 Smitirfield Pittsburgh. J S Strickler having deceased and tins surviving partner Mr. Joe LipPenton, having oroociated himself with hts Wm C Barr. the business wdl hereafter be condo...el: ruder the style of LOP" - coo m Herr. Trial an safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one of! S Witt&ler & Co'. unproved Phoenix fire-proof safes. Tbe safe was placed in a furnace on the public hmiling. mid subjected to the ituuse heat of a stone coal fire for more than three hours In one hour and n half the safe came to o bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then elosed. which caused an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the time. until the east iron wheel* were partially melted off; the furnace was thee thrown down end the Rafe cooled and opened. The money, papers and boot. which it contained were as perfect as when placed there. the binding only of the hooka being in lured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending it to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever seen trotted, and helices, that it will stand any heat which might be produced, grept a heal winch would melt it to a solid masa. Sinancer h. Whitman, L IVorthinscon, Yetlogg & Kennett. Sent. Cruet. W G P Breese, Mures Smith, T S Dungan k Co, Stedman, hlayard & Co, Wm Mans*, Mend & Winstor. Wr, the ondentioned, *elected the oaf. egtoken of above. from a lot in the more of Tauber to rhubery,the Acenut C U SPRINGER, SJ KELLOG. Refer to Cook k Harris, Brokers, Pitisiiorrt; Hussey Hanna kCo, do do [ oldikeelyS lei I.IPrANCrIrI . JOHN n WICK. L K YOUMIt. LIPPENCOTT & CO. M A , N , ...7 v lP c rik s of .d. Hammered :11 ,.. Cl i as s tS u te: i l Cut. Circular and 6 and 1 17s:4srs ' Tlay and ILanare faits, Hoes, Milner ks, Picks, &c. h oeing completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, and inmteuring the treat workmen from the most eels halted establishments of the East are now manufactur ing and will keep constandy on hand and for sale all thlt above erodes, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined that in work notrorhip and material they will not be encelled. sThey promise to produce lane es equal, if not superior, to any than can be had di the Ran. They invite the attest at of deators to 11.11 exammation catboat stock before purelta-ing elsewhere. a. they are convinced that they will he able to fill all orders in their line to the entire maisfartion of purchasers kVarnhouse Water strata, 4 doors West Monongahela Mouse, Pitt sburgh, Y. N. —Persons basun{ butanes,' with Win. Lopen eon & Son wit please call on Lippenstat &, ortittll y JA111.14 \V. WOODWEII. Pittsburgh Furniture Ware-llooms, ECM 1= ~ . e . A laser and assortment of Parni lugs. .unable for Sugunboats, Hauls and pri vate: dwells:to, constantly on hand and In:ate to order • pre.cnt •tor k . hand cannot be eseeetled by All) alnaulallol, 1.1 the welogra country. Pt.rattobt ourchwo- would do well to give me a gall, n. I am deterationl my prtegs shall please. Part of ilie attar It Wlth I•aa•tt a,tA Hatr-elgth covers; I.lhogany Nurr.o Chrurs; 111..0r Iht 12 do, tin- mahogany Chairs; IJ nuotogany Work Slangs; 1 do/mahogany Rocking eru bra; IL Ilre,siog Bureaus; Work Stands; ti Vork Stand,. :%Inhog.r, Muni... Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads 01 at Jr rtaputt, and al arge asaaruocat of common :arm tot rotor, too 111.11r1,11.111 tottutiort Illar9tl MMEDIS=ZI ~ ~ t ~ ~~ ;l Iwo not ewer,. bow Inv/Welly input°. it is to I We •klo.—eow roar., how rough, how sallow, yeti low and the Alit appears after mum; ptelmei rare, v au: kitnauics Lt. ttyurmee, containtreg glare< ul%) cuti We have prepared a benatHal vegetable article, welch rye en!. it iN tkr.k:VISII LILY WHITE. It i• twrlvelly Jetwore et. bring punhavd of, all deleterteut 1.01.11/ Ltra. !turd oupart• to the .kits a natural. healthy. tioovt•ter. t,rar..ik whtle, at the same trifle Wing a. v eo•narve oh the %km. making 11 soft and smooth. lit .f.imr. rkou. I . ractiettl Chemwt of Masao. rov•rtla. var. -.titer analyzake font.' Spantell Ltly env. I and it Iltr+llt .11,C• the most beaattokl and nevi. rt . air I al 1.1, ...le War ialloteni white I r vet saw. I ezls c.b...../i-Imourly recommend it. ose to all •r”, 4 4.1,21 t"toultiyingleo. 22 cents a - Pitt by t , it ACKSt/,rty mSt Illacltlise Ca.. aro prepared to botid Cotton Allis trot.. ,la,ourt) ol dtt.criptio * Lich • Notottog Frame, Spr n. eders Itrno • ey Watper, Spoolers. Fr 4ror , ; mon• Card (innders,S, Wroughl 'too • t, •Ize.Ca.. Iron, Polio, and il+tne atte prro, tJtde and hand Lathes. i.t0..• 01 161,1 S tanung• cti,very dr,ortinton Patton". toad.. to order for It 1:t. • • Steamtor he. EIMEMMSM 1/. & l'o J K & 'o 1, Wnr, r. John Iry & Son, P Itsburgh , G . & II ‘N 1.11-a.,(111,11. 1 . ,nl9 Spring', A tic. Titerl and Iron Works. Vot.r: I t 11., t,,.. eronp,eted A../ now nt. %%01.,are no. prepund inattutue t.4 e, t ..... 401 out It land I.4npue . ttpr2rtg. t •., 41, r, ,r111L; told Plough .5.. 4,4 -4,15.1, 4- s ,4nre and round Iron, rt,nt.e. S.. I ~“t here they alw keep on o a,..ortrnent or Coach l 4 t, Malicalslo Cano,p., nrr•ll,ments with Nletsrs. Stmv , l,Spedea. Forks. • .• -t tistud ever, article r• arr -pcrtluuy policited f • A Ade Lo•rral jr2s N cu. Hardware Mouse ,1:1'1 I 11 I/W KU.. corner of • 7 000 mot nt .z• l'utg , Ourgh_ .....Irwor., Irmo tuc firm ot th , 1.1 "I Jammu. 1 , 17, I lo Irusd• ur Ute eity . tn•l 1,3,- vpratr,l 11[VI OM, [I, me II 1r t, purellawd my goods fur t• manunteiurers r 011 .0.14/i) . supplied, ru.:l Iturthram oi lu nda. • 11,11 iow /CI) E. 1.11 or , ‘l., ;4•4/1 tl:lti ar” re•pertfully thrtted 4hd ,1.1111.110. 1 111 shwa, hrfore urrha.lng hg.- • I ar. hp..ow,g colnpro.r. apart ol hi. sleek. ...I •.hh.t-r. hargware. gw lags. , h.r r .rry, rtige had.. a..vda, r,t• I •. hr • 1 hc wa, Cniou •.n. • mahog, or. an re d veneers, and am, •-• onhecic.l with the hardware bun, n • mchuu C I ty I)•Ruerrlartil2•llery. S.nwe 5... !so .• • .u.c.• o. cup., Mr Porter The pub. 3,1 do- la, onproverroontx ure ut.: : I/11u opera/um Ity Mr. Hoge, ...• c,t • 0....13,1, im. razor .I.ce erl was e li 0.5) sos putron, ti oral, rater •,• ....r• 5.; Por, •In ..ano.r e.tub:lshroes.l be ,or Futnily Por .• •. r Ipt rr oo,) ace L11.1e1) 6,4.1 ••••••.••• trout,. srr,ry ar. II 01 me art. and ap _jet • I, DU) 1.1 \ 1 1 - :lti'llANT,/—.l • to, .Jele~l .l - vvllcax. ul cheap 1.,10. • ~ .1 -1 - uxe• Frrikcti Jo, to , to nit., glnbti .111 e (imp 1•1•1 ••••••• .•• i•rtol.. .1 do Flue nod or - doge ~,,, 1•1,1.• 111111, Comoadt, Cheek, A, A. 0111(.11 All, uc oared 11 lile P la Is c S TT, 01 000 .:•1 000. 111It 0 r, Anngne,,) en), Ye , .• ~1 .$ 10 *tin disinnsa .of ,n, insl• 01 .100 0 010, 110 r, such as winows. s• 115.15,10 t, rtulwo)s., n, try work. ons or . tor un . renunt or coun °rr"ulnotr;Lournfe'c'n'U'gssi -1:,,,,.s 1. , n S. Bluckstock, unn BIE LI. AND BRASS FOUND4Y. I. \ON. 15.11 dad arap• 5,.s • 05.1115.. , al kat old •tan a.t L•C , cuscal la era liss old cuaan r• ..... out. Anal Li.eirrE of ever) Ns, Main ,nr ar.rtirr.t r••I ailcrn• 01 tile a materia tom appls , °v. ..... I trtunie.l t• ,, of lilt oesl d.c loge rrir r •' .r 1 ,ur el) t ,ings. II rcylaret II oe trut lCaot F L. Ow ,11.11"Ie cur U/ 15•211111 . 4 I,ON •A , ,U• urated ior the rctlucuoti luau°. •ni3O boxes nod Compouuc Plough., Plough Castill gar .tion Mt= Roll/ .It HALL, of the o:d hro.l oi HIM. is 1 1 1M11,1/11C• 11111.1, large qUantilles ot hough, Custmga, I/1e IJlk,PrU,e/1/1:11. 01 lilt Leavet 1 . ..." 0 , • 0.1. 1..., l .toughs, al the latest and try I . lttmburgh, oppo “0. Fn., tlk Allegheay city, uear Av.., ••/ tilde Cu. NV .A. J. ULE N, Bonk 'Dina - elm. `,•;!ir ant work is, our hurt with de ,4 inl,gltr.l Lk, t.. 11C11 L.. and d P.ook , ru...,1 w a: , y pattern and bound sub ,ot to °rind trooks bound care \ en,. • pot on uook. I gill letters tour, an< ore wetted to call. , ' , randy and Bearer Canal. •of the luny and Heaver Canal notilted that an elecuott for net 1...wa11y he hoiden on Woduee .., it day ot .1 ac 1•1 next, at lac Canal Office, In ...of, 111110, br.e. ecn the bouts Cl o'clock, A I o I'. M., We:L.lday. flit U. itusitrrEa, ,--er S y Y C twat and ronghl Iran Railing. 1 Iron To. 1.:1,01. 16. Cealrle rmrenes. He. he A , I.lle ,Ileetten) vity To Cant react ors and Buillder•. 'Oil ,Al.l.ecr) 10,v, VlOl.l. toe leounese of the 1,1 Imo ot Con•tel., 7- , 11 lean, 3 pair uf Vault Dour- cr.. 11/111,10iellirt Allay to Co., rp, tt lot door tram wood I . lii a:1.:1 V tar, aml aplaatlal assonumal ...• I /Isrrf, V,..t.ogs, Cravats, and . 11.1.1 A ‘1, , , c ream Tailor, utalar Al./....aaaheal I latote, snutlikeld at 1. ) 1( . I Su ,u Furnace Hut lilmst. tun p, so, iu.,• tirooklyit Furnace s 't, 141..1.141r by IN=IMI!! DRY & • YAWN Y MODS: NEW suntaina. sloops room rea saw teas ann.rartansimuu simmers. WEare now opening a fine stock of fresh Bentz:ter Gcmds, direct from the NeW h a shll. phis Auctions, where they have been pud with in the instils° weeks, at a Very great sacrifice, there; by enabling as to afar far bolter bargablie. Mae we nave veer done before. in calling the attention oldie citizens of ittsbargh and its vicinity to oar &wort. moot, we do Fe with the confidence of ow prices being imeh as will ensure perfect satisfaction; and to all bay+ en. either by orboterale or retail, a too chance is bow offered for ptoenring great bargainit Among those just received ans—. A lot Glom cheap cord and bit fight & strlp'd Bilks; Light and dart Lawns • o , Glnghamm• • " of extra One blk firrld and striped Barege, which are a ‘'er , great bargain. A lot of handsome Cote Pally., foriadies dresses do light colored and black Burge, verytheapl do new style silk Vesting - do do very handsome Sax Shawls; do very cheap bik do do fine bik silk Mantilla:lcm* do handsome Parasols and Parasoletts, do do Artifieial Flowers: • • do very cheap Linen Lastresi , ALSO—A En amps.. French Cloths sad Cato .i.Sres, whits and colored !Anon Drillings, Ossiuster us, Sommer Cassisneres, Dray d' Dtr.s e, Ac. . A Tarry, assortment of Prints of all yriees; Ticbn Checks, Mulles, &e., to which, as sreEl u otherDurti. ales blear line, we barite the ssl_ittlentiart. °leash buyers. ALMANDKR & DAY, ishl B id nutshells N cot:ad/a diamond A. A. SEASON & CO., SO MARKET BT, BETWEEN THIRD I FOURTH, B EING desirous of reducing theiratock. provioes commencement of the Fall Trade, will offer their Extensive and fashionable assortment for o few weeks, at greatly reduced prim. Atneept Weil as sortinent mat . be found excelled' R7lis of Reneges, .amines, Grenadines, Palatne. ElCheve, Drew Bilks, /Awns and 111mlins, Ac. ati of which are reduced in price folly me third. .1 Their stock of Shawls is very extensive, and corn , prises every known aryle. A few claw. damps; and IS Shawls just reechoed will be sal extremely low. 4 cases real Scotch (ita.m., will by sob) at 13i.etc, astral prim la cents, good Hagfish CiGicoes 100; Amer. wan do as low no 3 and 4e• ' wrought Collars 13c; Mul lin, de Leine. l 2 c; good Monte. 1. h1c4 Bonnet Rd. bolls 12e. . . .• • . Their nook of dart croon pure Wei Parasols mud Paruolettes, comprising uporaids o(500, of every style and quality, will he ad - aced at eery law role. Broad Cloths, Cassicaeres and Vesthisrs; also, all kinds of summer stuffs and Cotronades. Housekeeping and domestio (iloodi of every descrip tion. . alerelwints will always find ai out srbolesale moths as large and dutiable assortment of goods:as is ussa/ly found in eastern Imams, slid at Nosily low prises. MEINMEEI NEW BALL GOODS. SMITH ft JOHNSON, 45 Market street, have- Mot received, and will be constantly't oceiving through the season, from the East, a general assortment of'Sla pla and Fancy Dry Goods and Millifiery articles, Om. tad to the fall and winter trade, to:which they *mild particularly Invite the Miamian of parehaserst - • A vanety of Acoteb Gingbuns; Ewillal dm French dm plain and fancy cold Alpacai, cotton and silk warp do, idohtur and Oriental do; ; Calicoes of ovary style; D do: linen cambric Hdk(s; !tear lawn do' Re v.:ice do; col'd bordor do; 5 carton. thread Laces,Soinc as low as Oats; 10 do eotton dot Emmett work and eollars; do do standing do; Mcomning do; c= do; 10 canons ladies and gents Bajon Kul Glovost.tat don ladies silk lids thread and canon do; 100 do do cotton Hate, all colors; 10 do do whits and Mk silk do; 00 do gents do; Combs, Buttons,Threads, &e,usiyreat sanely winch mill be !sold ealvemaly•low. augiS . cVVR- MURPHY has °pelted moer one ase Umbrellas, in Antencan en d Scotch gingham, coo= and steel fnutte gidgbarn. Otte ease Parasol., moluding Wen Bann Turk, blk silk and brown silk, of extra mu. Also, one cue bleached Drill,; also, Manton BlItt• boas, black and colored; while Satin do; Ulm. Gide' hints. and canon style, of MOM! Goads, seliing , al reduced puma A lot of super Mutchester Gingival:tu t good stylealw lately recetved. CHEAP BONNETS—A lot of bald and other DM. nets (of last winter's shapes ) sel li ng onto from 37iidle id St, at the comer of Ith and uket stn Wholesale rooms on 2d nory.-eturance from 4th :M. /Yd NEW and silendid variety, its/ ZEBULON K/NBEY'B, d 7 Marko stInGL El gold lever - W metier; 48 sillier lever watches, F.nglish; >b silverdelached lever watch es; 20 salver L'Epins irasches; RS silver quanler, watches; la fine gold awns; rdoir hew sly le ear rings; • dorplaut gold hoop rnigsy d clos aasoried rings; than/ sleal bores, playing • variety of popular sits; la gross steel slides, all sires. FANCY GOODS S don fine Fans. sat and pape Sado. centmon APP. o dor. &us velvet bead bagAssevistyles; lb doe' fine crotchet beast bags, new styles; a dos dim crotchet purscA new styles; G do. fine paraiOts, assorted; Stirs. tassel. fringes, gilt and advs. for regnlias; ludo. doe dower rases, assorted; I dos bin steel screw pin enib um., I do: anelvory screw put builuont; I do. fine; wood screw pin ensatons. A Euts assortment of now Toys, be. &c. i; H. EATON & CO. are now reems tug mu.. . unporter. and manufamnrersia 1.1/Re 01 Fanny and Staple Trimmirtgs, Hosiery and Vestety tined*, among watch ares—Lilask .and colM Mantilla (o*, On no Ores. do; EtubrOidery and Vizaue nap..p Tassel, dat.ey and other dresi Mutton.; black Lace, Lunen cambric HAAN Aro/tenet Flowers and Wreath Chermwoes, needle worked Collat.., steel Hags and Purace; Ivory, h2iony end Feather Fit* kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves; Gents tlostery, Gloves, he; chador/is' and woolens' Hosiery;Brushes, Coon. and Tooth Brushes; (Voidow SRadres and Trimmings; 'Fan . o' Trimmings; Shuts, of fa ;setts' and youths' sacs, , which they offer on vorable terms, at their store, Od Market st, near 41.1.. 014 A C•lttn. — , TOIL' KELLY dr. Co., lauccca.ara to Robb, Witte• brener A Co.) MERCHANT TAILORS, RN Cheat. out street. Philadelphia, beg leave to ralifirm the friends and patrons of the tate firm, and sktangers cutting this city, dist they are now in receipt of the Spring sind Summer Fashion.. Also a choice and select assort,- ment of %Vest of Hugland and French Cloths, Coast woes and Vesting*, to which they respecuolly mow toe r attention. hriltdd44 3ERAGES, &C.—Alexander & Dog have now Open a beautitul satin sniped and plaid Remo., of the [mew qualities and newest styles, 'lmported; also, splen did plain and broe. black Bermes and Polecat), splendid French Lawns, Linen Loiters and Gingham., a lull assortment blk, plain mid salon stripe de Lninva and hue Alpaceaa. All Mere goods have been purchhaed'at the late poi knourry mune, sales 111 Nev Voik and Phdadelphm, • win be sold at a great reduction Dom regular pricer. ALEXAN Dluß er. DAY, mil comer dnuctond and market sl. QUAWI.S--Alexander tr. Day lase received tbree‘ tram the Importer in New Yogic, an enure case ol gc ulnae Canton Crape Shawls, <slumming a complete sortmeul of embroidered and Olin shawls, 0101 co lors and qualtues, from $-10 to Sh. ladles Wnt peetruily awned to examine peke shawls, hollowing tam mule 01 them are supcnorolo kny before offered In du. market. They will be solitrecuarkably cheap, Awn, Silk Thibet and Licragc Skase!! and Scarfs; a lull auorunent, at remarkably low prices. rey4 LACE CAPS--A A Mason A Co. have Just rec'tlDl dos Lathes Lace Caps also; new styles Cheat sstut, Wrought Cape*, Head Dresses, Lathes Belts, ,te /147 ESIN ANTS OF CAL I COESLA A Mason Atto,Olt iL Market NI, are closing out It large lot of remnants ut t,stlicoes, ut fully hall Ilse 11.41+0, prtoc—good (wit oo u.orett Prints at Otc. aug7 DL.LE A.\t ORANGE PKINYS, sod blue :dem I_,) macl to, c00...a11y on braid. at lowest prices, a o arriesa,e room of W K V, aug I cot 40 mid market sta, N slaty L. LAOIkVSII.,'SLINSA A n s.. _,UII net st. hove just opened SMO ease. of Muse yet, cap Dlcucued .I.lualues at en. Alma,. 4 more canes u ie do Also, Aslant. large kg en Um lentomunt u ,uueu,a ete. inAge4 • I'E PORCELAIN BEA DS -Ib : b l=W vius tcceerd ße oivot,A acy lorol7oi II alc r CO. Plate, (,uni t r otar old Laic asps Jo ur. TeCal, LWOW. Uttillale ape.{l:ll .01.011. JOKL MOHLER, Ilruippel: mad Apothecary, 5p17 roe wood dad Sitt fle FLt.L gag A.:lisps, u oust lima,: Atruut :tr UAd heal Iseult, do llg Tusals, t'unke dq do Yorse Kings, do du s,:husps, blufus, ise) thags., do Fop Lquara, 111310104 al We tic," ranc JlOlO Aid .itartel strool my It: 'KINSEY tr. KNOX ‘v Cont A urc u e l a, " pr i'n' auTe.:l P ru lL" Pu ' eo ch ti k etT 0w... tad etttell Mull, [tooth Milsluta, Huhu? Lhorflu, .\ rowel", spotted Mulls, VICLOtis Lawns, lefictoo Asuutuu, together with it tutl.b.llottruheul 01 &Ad sad lsoul Act,. Lace.,, leserUu4s, AC., all ut usttlett have just an Veal irtsh Multi {ltd tut. ev nets, and tut sale lOW la the trade, Uy guy'? !Witt:M.6r r wkirry. ‘;lii - STTiA:vipl:Sli--%leiiiiveuiow on liuu 211 . ol Vulcan loam Ito Wet Ito 1/..1 klaioUng, al widliva, Irmo melte& id id iiicaea wtd a, wawa we wad alluivuolacsuivers piece, aid carnal : le saved io toe piitcuisser, at 6 %%COW DI augu . J A H 1.1111.1.1 V, ` ILK 1:1.111'3 I:3lNGE3.—lust rcc 3/ .Kcou Luta . 1, No. O. Marke t - 2l adz yards blaca cut alit Friaga, vartouaalidtha, pout me and ptsca, s able laeAkaaullias, etc. la dua 1 ands L.unp, all walllal Lod :or cape !cc. pas og'd alt cunt 131114.1114 j. .21/122 iAT wet', WIIULIALL. I; L Tao aubicisbers being daeiroue en cleaning oul Luca present .lock 01 I 1,1410.01 K• and mercy taooala urrure retuov Lug to Luca ugyi moLure, arm earl Um/ large o.lollloollt 01 l and al coil, from and altar Laid dare. I :to assortment comprlsee wine Um!) , dularaut styles., and at price. Oval 4 els lo +ll4 atict/. /pY U F II EATON a. co I EWELRY—Fine Gold Miniature Carer, do do Loric k/ do lor Hatt, do do Breast Punt, do do Miramar; do do Fluger Moats do do tjuard Uhams, do do Fob du, do do Pencils and Penis,' do do Bracelets unit Tbow in want of fine Jewelry will do well to call on us before purehatung. myl6 • lillanEY k• KNOX, market at VINE SHIRTING MIISLINS—W 11 - Murphy has open this morning • further supply of thcbta very •upertor !Hrsh Long Cloth eltdrung Muslin.; also. fine Lansdale do, and has constantly au Saud an assort ment of every grade of quatily, at low ease: price.. Also, Irtsb Llamas for shirtut,ga and bosoms, of pure dug, and very CatlW, as itorthe•st O.IICI 01 40 and Market streets. jell AND dillFlTlNGS—Aleianderh ktai have rust received • very ,supenur assortment of brown and bleached Sheetthiss,, or the most celebrated 111/tlnlistetu re, of all widths and dual/Lim; also, bleached and brown Sheen:ids, of nur qualms*, at rdc per yard. my 4 jIBMS LA WYitt, VERY CHEAP— H Murphy I_,/ northeast cooler of Ith sad market tts, hat meet. yr.& a largo lot of Lawns to IC/ ens per ) mewl/1 at higher podes i 6utron , Good an.° openutg at reduced peaces. ' • tila I 111010 E DRESS GOOLtrt—A A Masou & 1.`4, re Nj clam' of their large stock of foadioustio Ihess (foods at su.l greater reduced petrel: cousioung of Be rates, Mattes, Gramadinea, Granite., Pail tte che., Lawns and Nashua, black and ittuu9 Bak; kg. augi l~ustit.rru L.ACS-4 0 0 lands imam, Lana, 91 and L ad manna nnda, for alosdaibn Bat h ww.o2n.d inr sale by P/I .I,LTON Co Ptis ANL , COLA.AIS—A A Munn 4,14 , arc „„,,, opening Inn Etua-Prench Wrourn Cap., va• MP. quanuna, and . Pico %Ad boo French rxibroi d.,d sr o odour COU oS at vary low • nom aeon ‘iEU SiCl,i'S—F""kl/C/Li• biTAZ"IBB "101 VOL. XVI. NO. 26. HATS, CAPLAND BONNETS. P&IIMONADisiI 4 THE setwcriber, in addirgon 'to hot own martufacteringgif Het'. bee made smoke menu with Messrs Rebels C (the most fashionable halters of the city ofN ew ifork,) for a reg nlar supply °rinser= fine Silk Hats, and reed•ed • 1.4 w ease., gentlemen can be suited wok very rich and beadifit that by calling at his new Hat and Cap Store, SmithLeld street, second door south of Fourth, where may be found • great variety of Hats and Caps of his own mutufaction, wholesale and re tail. Hats made to older on short notice. arra JAMES WILSON. EPCORD et. to M'Coni Drig) Fashionable Hatteen,l Corner of Wood and Filth Streets, 1100 ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. I. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their lieu and Caps from our establishment of the one lasnousui and lefeeLYMO4ll7, of the earn. araLlia, and at the Wane" . mom Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to nail eadrealrie. our Sloea; we can say with confidence that as regards aura], and rues, it will not suffer in COMpltrlNel with any house in Philadelphia. fetal I a Fall Thothlosis for 1848. ; Fa MoCOI3EI t Co., . . (LAI. lOW. & [1.36,) ixrii.b introduce on Saturday, Amnon Mtl4 the V Y Fell style of Haw, just received from New York Tbow in want of a neat and treenaill hat, are Invord to call at their store, corner of Fifth and Wood streets auril STRAW GOODS. ..ti,DEALERS are melted to examine IL H. PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the spring 'Mtn composed in part of BONNMS —Florence Braid; English Dan• stable do . American do do Chinn Pearl do; (lobe* do; RullanFrencti Lace; Fancy Gimp, An. An. HA gborn, Palm Leaf Panama, Pansy Straw, do Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. Al., Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, An. Sumer Bon dht Warehouse. 95 market st. matilS ra ALFRED IL KEEVIL, e t, CHEAP&ST Fashionable Hatter in 41, Pi Eta 13 nix h. Principal Store, PlFounti sub, Manatacturing and accommodation Store, cor ner of IVond greet and Virgin alley. Highest prices always paid for shipping Furs. mylkly LITERARY, frHE 11A 'r N h K . F.119 8 ' ank Illarit 5 ;117kt ir an .. :S in at e t; Financial Brawler, devoted to the diewmination of Bunk SiltiallCA pound principle. of Banking, utility and prin ciple. o?Lito Insurance and Sayings Bon English cal American Law Declaim,. in reference in the Dam neva of Banks and Bantam, &o. Edited by J. Smith Particular nnention sill he given as heretofore to the compilation of recent decisions respecting Banks, Bro kers, Dille of Exchange, Promissory Notes, U•nry, Donde, Notation, Damages, &e., in the Courts of klae snanusetts, Comiectmat, New York, Pcnnsy Leonia, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, Louthmna., Tennessee, and other States. This wilt be one of rte moil important features of the work. and will in tool( claim the attention of Presidents, Cashiers, Tells., Notaries and others. Among other details of import ance to bankers and others, the work writ contain ini tiales of the Hanks in every State of the Union; bio graphical .ketches ot prominent Rankers of Europe and Anaenen; °tamed Tables Mowing the debts, Oust mess, expenditures, and financial condition of the wevei nil States of the Union. . . Publinhed mosthly, at pages octavo, at Three .Ibl ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 78 Wood st, Agents for Bankers' Maga:dot. flakes & Berlbner'e Publications 'PRE suburibers having been appointed agents for I the sale of the publications of the above well kuowu publishing house, hove a. tell supply of their books oil baud, which they own sell at the easten. pri- cea, vrholesele and retail. Among the works wt.. 4 have been recently issued by them, which hero been highly recommended as exceedingly interesting and valuable, may be fonod—The Cur, as Court and Yao ple; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, Bethel Flag, by Dr. Spring - , Napoleoh and his Marshal.: Woe/un ion and his Generals; The Sacred Mountains; Orators of France; Teaching a Science, the teacher an Artist; Marlette Milabeih's Uniform Works T. S. Arlhar's Making Ham to be Rich, Riches haaiWings, Keeping up Appearance., Debtor and Creditor, he. Also, the works from the press of [Wien Carter, the character of whose publications is wall known. Tue. ruin's', Theology, in 4 vols.; Haldane:on Romans; Ale cUleyneb, works; The Couviuit, by author of School Girl is France, he. he. New books received as soon as as published. ELLIOTt & myb 7d woodand fd market Ate 110EW BOOKS--Hiwory of Congreaa—Biographwal and Poliunal, nompraang Memoirs of Alwalwra of the Congress of the United Itates, drawn from authen tic soarcesi uubraung the prosuseut events of their dyes, and their rotoicetion watt the political history of the timer by Usury U. Wheeler. lllastrated toy nu merous steel portrait. and fsc:sicode autographs.. • Kings and queens; ...Life ill the Palace—col-misting Historical sketebes of Josephine and Mona Louisa., Louis PitaLippe, Icrilinund of Allem; Siehoias, Isabel la 11, Leopold, and Victoria: by John S C , Dame• Notes on Junes, Peter, John and Jude.— otea,espinualory anti practical, on the general epis tles of Junes, Peter, Johu and Jude: by Alien Barnes. &lazy Grover, or, the Trusting Wife—a Lioutasue Temperance Tale: by Charles Burden, auLhor of the k:OIIViCC4I Child,' &e. liarold, the Last °like Saxon Kings: by Sir Edward lwer Lytton, Bart_ Complete in two parts. Bart V. Harper's Illustrated Bahama of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The above works received tans day, and for sale by 1011P4STON k S'BOCKTON, . 1/ 10 Booksellers, cor Market and id EW BOOKS-11m Wrtongs of Calotus .1.1 Clay, Looludiug Speech. and Addresses. Ith a preface and memoir, by Horace Grealy. The last Book to Spanish; or, practical intralue on to the study of the Spanish Language: containing II instructions in pronution, a grammar. clarets ou the lilleadortf methodof constant imitation and minimum, reading lessons, and avocabulary. The Whole adapted for the use of privatelearners, learners, or ior classes under an instructor. By Joseph Salkeld, A. Al., *whet of nA, Compendium of Classical Antique ties," me. Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic life, by Fredenka Bremer. Translated from the original un published manuscript, by glary Wrenn. The Dying Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Alden, D D. Just received and q for sine by, JOHNSTON & STOCKTON BOOKS-11 , 1otnres m on Shskspeore, by N The Power °Cilia Pulpit, or plain tlo - ughts addressed to Christian ininisiona and those nine hoar thorn, on the intluence of a preached Gospel, by .ae Rev. liardmer Spnng, D. D. The Peasant and has Larellor I, by the Baroness Knorring. Translated by Mary lloseat. humanise', Girondists. Vol. 111. History nf,the G. roudist. or personal memoir of the patriots of Me French Herniation: from unpublished sources—by A. de La. A few copies of each of the above works received this day and for sale Ly JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, Book.llerA. rny3o corner Inert. and 3d six - - - 13 00KS! BOOKS!7—l.e,tures on Theology: by ar: late Rev. John Dick, IL 1.1; pubisalied under rne superintendence, atoll son, with a biographical intro duciion by an Amencan editor--cpinpletc in One Vol- UMW. Dwight . s Theology, 4 vols.'t Work., 4 vole. Chalmers.' Works, 4 vole. Neander's Church History, Ist and Rd vol. • . NrEwcia on lino Ty pea or Chum, Uaat ptrullOhed ) Aion, a tarp and well .elected cock of Theo opca Ilacellancona, and School I.kiok• t w n) 1:13...011 . /a and Sa marl. - • iturti IV , MUL•IC--./11 111 Ned; NVhat mu. a Furry U. cam..r. Ter • .r.dueu; Boabae. Lsatwc, Bloc itl , lld., liwrotooe• a's Car o Nleiodo,,ts Ink tr but n ..Nrise, Dream ts Pa.; Ai Als4,ls Invtot,Joo. Sleep s.ll I dreamed, Love, AG1.1[1:11 liutc.stcp, Ilsyca. ktoeltstep, May que,t, complete, gonser Htli Sjprlng Jennl 1.11,d s Song., Alvarado t-tutekstep, to be Sad, Eattoplan Atrs, v, Hours I,e,•ure; Sylph Quadrttl,t, Ilun'er. arlationsO'Sliane; tt. ,1 to Been otner, I'll he IluSuOtnomve War re cd ny Fapress mod tor sale by augli J H wood sl Plitllo9. 0:V nand and (or dbit, the io!lnothog feßillYttuto Fortes, direct truth the trthoutsc. rarer., end et Eesternprices: Na. I An elegant rom,rood, .la Laves true (ranted Plano Forte, made toy Chic Sering, , toston, 8275 Same as the above, .175 J. Ro. ood, C6ltlcrin6, .• 7. ll Gala b. Co. :NW - Id. . • Ctuckenng, 41.5 - 11. ll 51anhaLtou Company, 300 •• 10. " (st.od (lierz,) 04 IL - 2.4.ccond hallo, Hera, lok/ Old Pl.Ol Wien m part paymem kyr uni u' above, by .10i1:11 M. Al bl.LUtt. Won.: $43113 Atria for Chickertng's l`tano Furlr.. for % ,,, Y‘ erIL Nubby Ivanin eter2l Splendid New Pismo. ff"r„F: otiose nber. presto,. ofenv mg tor the East to replesush h. stuck, wtl.l Ant. of the balance of Om .tock o nsudat reouced pnses. anti on (neon. oJe ten. it cu.u. of a choice ...Jectiou of hallos hy Noon. & Clark, N. Y., and Jones. Cluelentta, or down, hiase., of from d to 7 oe:aves, of ralecrwa and tnahos.y, of afferent styles Misti pm.. H. KLEEIF:Ti lrel At Woothreli's, &I Thud. t'a :N. ZACHARY TA VIA/FL—Portrait co . ( Gem Z. 'Taylor. by Coday: under the unniedtats super. gat endatme and dtrecnous of the mideranined °tricot., mont an RI gion,ketrh taken from life, at Camara... by Cantata k.atoti. A Li C. enonor, U NarYl George A A 0; George Mean, Leal Topa/grapineal Engineer, Ham U 'lacy. JOHNSTON', STOCK VON. 'Bookaellers, nor 3d and market am • LOVER'S SONGS—Watch you alit by Daylight; Widow Alachree, Rory Ll'Alota, Andrea Someiter, araying the Beer, Gondolier Row; 'rho rwo Buds, awry Hoy, Ask ere uof what 1 am Thutlang; Low thruaed Car; Alp Mother Lear, U do not say I love Ihre noti_Forgtve, Out don't Forget, in. fears:Him, Angel WhtsPer, Nlorning Dream; Sweet Jessie was Young and ample; The Northland (or Ale, Molly Bow. For sale by JOHN H MELLOR, jowl el wood st T CST PUBLISHED—An illo&tranon of the Types, la Allegories owl Prophecies of the Old Testament. Hy WO barn Nl'llwen, manner of the Gospel at Dundee. The above popular work, which treats of the Typical Ferraro*, 'flung& and Places or the Old Tetuan:teat, which has been out of print for some time, and (or which there ban been a great degtand, we have just republudred ru • neat style—gag rages, a coo. Price Id rents. ELLI6rI tr. ENGLISH. assail 7e wood and 50 marker at I\l'EW WORK LW HEAULEIf —The Lire or &raver „LI Cromwell, by J T Headley, author of -Napoleon and hre Marshals," "The Sacred Alountants.e "Wwth rngton and kw Generals.' ete. etc. Recurred this day amffor sale by JuitNsrunt sToch - roN, /e 9 Booksellers, cor aortae; and Ed sat, I,PRANCE—Ontliora of the Ilitrtory of FroneoffroM 12 the ealltert umas to the Itovoluilou of Itfor .ohool• mod tamtlies--ottOt 0 2 tgrOtiO nood ttoosoorts fur um exammation of pupils. WA JOllltirtTON k STOtteg.TON riOUNTIPRI HOUSE SAND-401) dos In siornand ki for sale by .04 REYNOLDS & KLEE=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers