ESTAINCTSELEV IN 1186. BUSINESS CARDS. A' N ps. , LAPltliki Co.—Hide and Leather Deal peril It. New York. ; ff Grier • Pittsburgh, E Levick coPhiladelpr,sigiorients hia. of Neater,, Leather solicited, and lib eral advance. mad • if required. (obi Alike ATre, irEa rch.. Co.. hi 1::01ILMM af h td FOT stind.W, IVef Frovatietas," ICIII * Piusb • b.! oursetid einematce nanny, 01.013131 . Ruin HAIM & Wholesale and Retell rhos )3Oda, CO. of Liberty and Sc. Clair stlCOta, mid Pitts wad, Corn.ti •• • FLOWN • 4. CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, • and Commission Merchants, No. 10, Liberty at, deafly. 1) A. FAHNOIrrOCIE t Co., Wholcsate and Re. 11. tail Druniats, cornet Wood an. 6th ata jpi DACIALENCt SMITH, Whigesslo Grocers, 18 and 20 Wood 'treat Pittsburgh. C.A. Mc &NULTY & Co, Forwarding and Cam. mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa. nicht/ arm. =Moan, gam 1. amimairos, US iv. sulaus. I lOLEMAN, nAILMAN, & Co., Slanufactruers of lJ Carriage `crime and Azle., A. li. and Spring Steel, and dealers m Coach Trimmings or every de. seripticm, manufactory On Si Clair m. Wakehorme 43 Wood st., opposite St Charles Hotel. jaai H. riVALT. IOU! 01:111144.11i. LIWALT & GEHHAHT, Wholesale Grocers, deal .EI EIS in Produen and Piosbnorb Manufactures, eor. oar oflibertr nod Hand stn-, Pionbargh, P. 3,ebi: =r= '17,14131A511 tr. BENNETT, Bate EU glish, • Cellar e It ( o.) Wholesale Bracers, Consmissicas bt ' . Trull tal l a v rs in ood .I.,,rttice and weeu vdPiwtord Ststrects.'oeu r. I. moon, Gm anu • - eatr . ana 77 .l ' EColflU t on , Irle fr ichtk l an Y d mt. An' Ill*tnea - Fauns, Kos. 67 Water, and 10e nont sut, nu . b • • Pa. fetre - - BLUME, Piano Forte Alanoittetuter and dealer id Idaniest baunmenu, tit wood a., war fah. melati (irALIAtiIIER, & aud ass Founden and LO Gee N() Fitters, It* Front, Imi W tate. V sod and Smithfield swots, Pittsburgh, Pa • EID" Highest pine given for old Copper and 11r . sae. dein G'"E COCURAN, Comaissim and Forwarding.6ltiannt, No. ZI Wood etraci Pittsburgh. myl7 ri HAZY BEWNOT, am! Red Lead Mum .ll3. fnetnrer,Pain • land Oil ISlerehont, corner of Lib ea and Ogler. cto, Pitobcr6O. )015 wain vtrurt,_ 1011121 mclll, rl, TBAIAII DICKEY A. Co.; Wholesale Grocers, Corn • mission Merchants, and dealers in Frothiest, No, :10 am and fel Front streets, Pittsburgh: novel JOHN B. NANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Commissioner (or the Steve of Petinsyla.da btLools, blo, (tate of Pittsbargh.) libiltilneittabiirgh: Hon 117 Fbrsrartl, Hemp trot &Milor , hressullese & Brame, John It Perko, Biarelis & Hemple, brand & King. JeFtly • • -r /MOTT & Wholesale tirocers, Forward ") ins and .Coattnissum Macaw:us, Dealers in Pro d= lusd.Piusborgh Manufacture., No, 7 Commercial Row, Liberty weal, near the. Canal, Puts burgh, Fa. rayed" BRYAN, ReedlYing Distiller t and Inalesale dodo in Foreign nod Domestic Wines and Ll vuoro,lgo. 114 Liberty street, and LI Diamond A 4.7 Flus• • Pa. jyl7-dl7 AM} S MeltUllth; Haw of the' fine of Ale* and 4.9 'MeGuire,) Merchant Tailor, St. Chntle, Buildings, Thud street, near Wood, Pirmbergh. AMEZ A. HUTCHISON, tr. Co.—Successors uti to Lewis Hutchison A Co., Commission Merchants, Mal AO4 G r i n d eS. Lords Step Sonar Refinery. No. 43 wa92 fecal b. `ant "T H. RLACH, Merchant Tailor, Exchange Hull . din, St. Clair at; Pitlabargh. • MOH'. 0 . 0.4/61' DILW9I4TLI--Wholexale Grocer, a l b a. I t. C0 0 0dodoa Met t, =, 1.4 iOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and deal er in Lye Studs, raints,•o9l, Varnish - ix, ae., No-93 oodareet, one door South of Diurnoad Plai ts:mil. " Jutt TAAUM KERII„Jr.; Co, (successor to Joseph G. Slup Chandlers, 35 Water street. oc3l - OLIN IL MELLOR, Wholesale .d Retail denier kr-Music sod Musical lustmluents, School 800., Pt" States, Steel Pe., Quills, !'curers' Cards, and . Stationary generally,No. m Wood et., Pittsburgh,..' BAP batten or taken In trade. septs :1 JIOIIOOESI • 141 -33 It Co., Wholesale nangtsu, • titalla Wood street. Pittsbargh. yt JOHN IL DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner sth and Wood Istreetz, Pittsburgl.. TORNSTON & STOCKTON, Books.Kers, Pfintetil I, out Paper td&uuLaomrers, No. 44 Alasket Nu.. 140 .ILICEA.D'S Book &ore, 4th, near Market street, II • Cleakieal, 'Theological, !licorice!, &keel Pillseel- IMACOU, Sad kstethothst Wok. sad Stationary. "f W. BOBERTSON Jr Co., Bankers and Exchange Brokers, comer of Wood and nd sts., Atembout's Hotel Buildings, Pittsburgh, Pa. I ...Currency purchased at the usadrztea..:crettL_:. TOE* GZZEB, Wholesale Grocer, dealer to Pro. a) dude; WlWaugh hlsurulactores, l'ufrlalea,:sc. .Ise,fro irs.:se Piusbargh. ' lora saux nosh, soczoio ?LOYD. T &R. FLOYD, (late J. Floyd & C 0.,) Wholesale u. suet, • seig Val:Antal, Grocer, Cemmitdon th A tilrant, wad detiee In Produce illiuLPinsturgh Iltannfacutres. N0..i4 Vlttsbusgh. mils Vesztvlosaron Works. T EIVLI, Il• Ca,manufanunits of all si• Jl.l us Bar, hbeni, Bader Iron and Nana_ the b= quality. Warebonsc, M water and IQ Craw st. patio WATERJLAN, Wtudesele lug and COULDLieIIOU Mereltern, Deal,. in Pau -146 littuulectures add Produce, Noe. ;a Water a., uuliCaPrintr- /1111.11haT SILIFTON J Wholeaale Grocer. For warding ancl Gyannuncin Ketcham. dealers in rodnco and Pittsburgh filanothemre. No.. 13 and Was Pituhurgii. tabfo 'ER, BROTHERS. & Co.? Coramiesioarlder. - - chaos, Plulaaelphie, for the sale of produce gel Denny. Liberal aellaucea wade on conrigumenta fehSsa W. A x'amt. VIALS= C. UR lk VGiLL a ROE, Wholesale Grocers sod Commit An *ion iderehleros,No. 1W Liberty It, Pivalsargis.. ' 02i X. ALUM AL= =lam, W*. 2lll.lcC. £U.EN tr. Co-, COllllDisaion a 1 Forwarlintg ,Zilarehrss, Water and kraal as, balm= v . .: naaurimt ma. C. W. ACCICE.O2. HICKETSON,WhoIesaIe Grocers soul *ceidesettants, N 0.1714 Lawnyst l PSe. ia4 ANcCORD & KING, Wholesale and Retell UM and I.ll , cap Idsoufecoures, and dealers Fahey Fon., meet of .Wood sod Fifth ats. ‘IIOLM.E3 k SON, No. 55 Market at., seemed $ door from center of Fourth, dealers to Foreign and Donserilc B il ls of Exchange, Ca raced. of Neima n, Dank Now and Specie_ Irr Collectiona mad on all the principal chins • • the Uitheti States. • deel7 OBERT:MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Decaying R - miller, dealer Us Produce, Plasburgh litassufac tures, lad ail Wads of rerebps sod laeuestic Wirier sad Liquors, No.ll Itiberly street, .0u hand a very arge' stock of. superior otd Eloneagaisela whiskey. arluch arid be .old tow for cosh. -apf.tly le=l ILT,Z=lnr=".7'4 11.....A.RD I', 1.116311,1 r., Importer and Ds lerlo F "andlionseatie &data Hardaram and m g . Trirandrip;of • aill doseriptiona, N 0.133 Wood at, /qualm -Re. - ape 23 R icliAßD BARD, Wholerale and Renal Dealer in L., c e, iNoroceo, kiberinakereT o r is and Roth sags, Tinslare and anion' Toolsi ant l'annare -OW Ninll3/ Wood in,PilubdlEir =pia laXtral. /L. 101101260 N ROWS° C?,‘" 9 /... l .tholeri, sad Ccomainsion matetumts, andllitslaalt Pius- Pmdnce t r ITh ittanstfactuses, No. lel 141/eny at,r reina me k . lat 1160EIERT MIZELL. & Co, Wholesale &Mem • Comm:lolmi and Forwarthog "Kershaw; daslen Manes and Pitlallargh Manalactusos, Many st. littalnugh,Pa. • fins 4 itOBT. CUNNINGHAM, Wholemde Grace; Dealer in Yrodece and Unuburgts Mandaeturea, cal44llberty at. /Tit . I.IEVNOLDS &RUBE, Fomenting and Commission .„126 Mordants, for the Allegheny _Keret Trade, deal. ere ill Groceries, Produce., licehurgh hitteurectores and Chlorielt of Lime. Iltee/Orrhereprtees, in earth, paid thus Col aim"- rerre. Comer or Pato ma Irwin ma; jart43 O_l4lTll, Jr. JOIPIHUN, Man{oxalis sintletail Dealers DJ in Millinery Loads, Laces, Hosiery aad Fancy nineks,No. 46 Market sines, drd door Wove Third st, kinsbargh.4 ,22 _ • " .... rulaeco-urr lc WHITE, Whole Side Dealer. in Foreign and Domenic Dry Hoods. N 0. 99 Wood at borgfi. tettplf Y. ILARRAUCH, WoOllderelousta, Dealers *Jo la Fleur and Produce ge molly, and Forwarding 444 econanssion IdereitantsNo. Winer Fitts. , - , wham; ULOALEY & Co., Wholevolo Otooors an d la Produce deals», Nn 222310rket street, between 6tb ao) OA, North aide, rng ITITMILOII. • • ; pax .I .ouan 4 ND. ELLERS t NI4)01.14 Produee atilt Cicortal Cost minion 7.l.chuu, (A. V LibmYa4r.Yiuol244. L o F. VON BONNUOILIT,. is Co, Wholesale Ciro: cans, Forseasdusg and Cionsaissinn ?asset:EWA, n in Pittsburgh OL.s(tares and Westin's Pm dace hsreresaossO 'oaten mew searaboose,lold stand) No. b - COstieS of Front .t. and Chancery LA.. b, merchant, AL! Fermaritta, and 4thethaithioa b m erc h an t, Denier m krathace thsalthut,"o„ oomrtd.rtieka, #9 , n2, mar 7th sc dal liver, Wholcuta <lroeen athiththma rairth3i• Merchants, ir..d dealers in Prodnes. ak, 15 it at., !Pittsburgh pcthi LE FOSTER, Agent for alonteatt addicts and proeuttng petuttous, at the ate, of Wm. E .1 E.* !dark's buildings, adt at, Pittsburgh. at, an in the general land °Ace at Wasttin WI attend to my !muses& tbse free of experne to applmulta. marl44dly reaid watt, m i ner, DIVANDLESS, (successarsto & IV vir WickyWhalesah, Liroccts, Pomading and Conurnstion Merchants, denten m Iran, Nail, OW., testes Yarns, End Yiusburgh Mandscrures generally, coerce ofWeed and Watc, linsbnrib, WrßOWEN—CononowLos end F. • • enbetp, No. 90 From st. between Wood • ldadon stmts. tab:l4 • . P . • • ' . -. . ii• 4 -,,_ 7 ~,,, . .... • . . . . -'"---""'''''''''..''''. '''' - '''''`''"--'.........`-'"-'-'' ' • . ' • • .:: - ~....; .:., k .....ri r , , 1 ...' ~ . - . . , . . ~ - • 0 1,1: ,t• '.... ••-- 1 Pio 11 . . . 1 ~,..... ..... 11 .--,.. , • : -I . - • • , ..1•-• ‘ i', . 1. ~,t , 1,7, , , ~i. _. - .. ~ .), . jr 1 r. 1 • . 1 • . • . - • . . . . ...., . . r 7. „. .. 1 , ,-... f •• • , • . 1 .: • ; ' ,W. r: 1 . -L...:- • 1:. .... :IT ' - ' . • .1.1,1 CARDS. ur W. WALLACE, Mill ;mono and Mill Fxrentab- TV int establlddnent, No. t 4 Mery at, near the canal. tonna IVM. GABBARD, Dealer IA NAcy and S , VI Dry y. Goods, No. 79 Markel eireei, Piusbuxgb. W WILSON Dealer la Watches, Jea'elrl TT . Silver Ware, Mateo Goods, &r. , Na. M" keteciv7 TR. MURPHY, 'Wholesale and Retail dealer in • Nrediln and Damerde my rdaedai north can comer of Market tuidl Pounk iti antra welt. Tonna, :no. as'con - n. UTM. YOUNG & Co.—Denleys in lecher lades, &c TT 143 [Abell,. va. juns-ly h!..MITCHELTREE—WhoIesaIe Grocer, yvr„, aectifyiu g Distiller. and Wine and Unarm erchants, also, Importer. of Soda Ash and Sleuthing Powder, No. gar Many st. Pitubmgh, P. janSelly OW= names., ainecra a. .10.111. 42 BLACKBURN & Co., Wholesale ( - ironer. land dealers in Oils, Boat Stare, and Pittsburgh Man e lured articles, have on hand, at aL 1246.4. and general aapartment of goods in their boo, Water street, near Cherry Alloy, Pittsburgh. aura TOIIN2II, TOWNSEND, Druggist atd Apothecary, ti No. 45 Nukes a, three door. above Third et. Pitts burgh, will have constantly outland a well selected as sessment Of the - bestatullresbest which be will sell on the most masonallie terms. Physicians sending ordersotill he prompUy at.ended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely upon as genume. `P r4cutPmrcrtT will be nCculnlY nod the lp ie nr el roe.W enn* at any hear of eyeeh , Also for sale, a longs stock M Rosh and good Perht • EAOLE COTTON WORKS, Pittsburgh, Manufac tare Cotton Yam, Candle Wick, Batting, Twine, Coverlet Yam, Carpet Chain, Warps, &e. ae. KINO, PhIgNOCK Co. (Successors to Arbuckle & Aweryd Proprietors. A Lr.Doux a Co., No 17 Canal sweet, New Or . leans, Agents for J. H. Armant'a Extensive Steam :Sugar Refinery. Always on baud • large stook of Loaf, Powdered, Crusth , M„elarified and Bastard Sugars, in Tram» and Barrels. Also, Sugar House blolasses. Prim liberal, and a fair allowuncl made anal' sales of °taboret Ea Arnett ^ • , • metal - - . -- • - .. . Plonengahala Livery Fltable. arIRESIEPLT H. PATTERSON has opened the large stable on First at, tanning through to Second at, between Wood and Smithfield eta, in the rear of the Monongahela Hemet, with an entirely new stock of Horne and Carriages of the, best quality afidincet nylon. Hems kept at hoa ry to the hest manner. , - ' , • ITuitY RICHARD T. LEECH, JR.; LWORTIM AIM DAL.* *Mart' Ironmongery, Rams* and COFICiI Trimmings, no., Deer Hair, Varnish, te. jyll No. 133'Woao 81. Prrnanraou. El H. EATON, Dealer in Truma.' as and Variety • Goods, lanais Shell, Ivory and Horn Combs, Woolen Yarns and Worsteds, Dummy Needles hes, Tapes, Brads*, k.1 , 70.11t111.ket stret, tiervreii Dln• math Sadao, sty li o., ttiburer..' iT.DMY PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPELINO AND AXLE FACT (38Y. inane nem. retro Ir. QLIOO. t JONES & %moo, 11,4 - ANUFACTURERS of sonng and blistor .ice.-1, 111 plough steel, .reel plough wAnga, Cobbe and clip 17E2= hammered red . iron , anies p, ,.:r d t Al . ters generally, corner of It,: and Front rt., Potato:, . . oLFIGKIN TEA STORE.—No 71 Fourth sr., near Wood—All guanniles or Omen mud Mock Teas, done up in gunner, halt mud o“e , pound packages, ranging from 61) cis. pm pound 131,91 Jyl A. JAYNE'S, Agt for Yekm Tea Co. LAW OFFICES. Wfd. TIIIIIILIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huth, Pa Arru.x, also attend to colleGions and all other bus). neu entmsted to bun in Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Rater to J. a EL FlOyd, Liberty 9T-' ' W. W. Maitre, do James Marshall do putsh.egh. dip Kay & Co., Wood at. jun 7 B. SWI2TZER, Attorney at Law, office 3d +is. opposite Rt. Cherie. Roe!, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Weshinguirt, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. REFER TO Blacksosek, Bell tr. Co., ) Church & Carothers, }Futsborgh. T, Morgan', teeladly_ LS J. HENRY, Attorney and Cooncellor at Low, 1. Cincinnati; Ohio. Collection* m Southern Ohio, and to indium, and in Ketuneky, promptly and care fully itudnrl.l to. Commissioner for the State of Pel/0- • y tvauss, to; taking Dsposations, atknowledgmems, &e. &e. Banta vs—Hon_ Wm. Bella San, Urns,, Church & Carothers, Win. Gays, Esy.. tlilloek to Darts. es:. Iffl6. Ysame. • •• ••• • ‘4/11.LIASIS S SHINN. (..,,,stan to L.wne and Willsums.) Alton. • um/ t .utiaellors Odin ond lute al Fourth .Heel, shove Smnhfi,ld. JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law, Bakewelra Banding, Otani ones., neatly opposite the Conn MMMZMM vimWARD eT, SWARTAWEEDER, Ano — rany • X Law, tune mowed axis cam to the &mutt au* o' !mutts at, between Cherry Alley and Ora at mesa. o. HOBLINSCI - S, Amon:lop t lair has re- VT • !us &Iwo to the Eschsog. ioga, Al- Ctur at, ueztdoor w I.ldmman Joh= . • VIITY MUACE. DELAWARE NIIITIIALL EN NV, LANCE CO. JOLIN PINNEY, Jr.,At o Phial:a gh for we bo zonate Blatant Safety suranee Con spany of ?Us, adelphi; Fire Riaks upon buildings oral - ruevenve , 4s, or orerrY deserloilm, .4 Mm Vlalrar upon hulls or ClOgrell Of vessel; taken U pon the most favorable ID - Office in the Warehouse of W. 8.1 lelmea it Bro., No.M . l9atet . , near Market street, Pittsburgh N. 13.7 he succeed of this Company since the estali- Mlimenf of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness and libentitywrith which every eta um upon diens na loss ha. been admitted, fully warrao t the agent m invitmgthe confidence utdpatronage MI is Edema and the corenumity largcto the Delmar m ht. 8. Lem runce-Camparry, nitrite it has the additional advantages as aditeditution among the MOM douronneg. in Miami. pktia—mt havingian ample capttal,• which by Me operant. of to charter u constantly u itensanug, as yielding to each person =sewed him doe share at the profits of the company, ortihaut involvin g b.. in Soy responsibility whatever, and therefore • • possommg the Momal principle divested of every of onomons fee, re, and in man form nov•li YULE AZID !MAMMA MUM .41.31C.E. THE Insurance Company °Montt Arne nen, mrungh ns duly smrborreed Agent, d subset that, odes to make permanent nml Waned Manuel, 01 a property, us Min city and its Identity, and on dupaten is by she ca red and Rivera. DIRECTORS. Arth.F . Cuirm, e3ii3:Vl W. Jpner, M==l John White, Thomas P. Cope, tiontnel F. &wet, Santee! Brooke, rtr!!!s~~r.+r~nre~ .~. ~. This is the oldest Insurance Catups.tip /a the United Stalks, haring been: chartered In VIAL It. charter e ppettud, Goat h standing. Lang experience, ample menus, and avoiding alt risks of an extra ha:- alums Chstacter, if map be tetuddet ed as otreneg am ple security to the Rubin.. W. P. /UN e.S. At the Connuttg Boom of Atwood, 3oties k. Co., Wit ter and Front Meets Fittthargb. rusy6 vartans.Lug MUM IDs BCE CO. rpliE Franban Mrs insurance coany, of iltdadet i phis, will maim lusnranco, pepanoent and limited on carry description of propeny, ..Plusborgh end the sunounding country, on favorabla IWMIA. This com pany has a perpetual charter. Cl ant in. lumps; Panel= p OtLca corner of Thud and Mic stmatz, hiltchurgh. apllpif WAHIUQK ALARM, Agent. ==:! TuestodersignodAdy authorised Agetit of the Mar, lean Flre Lnsuranco Cow:woof a endsitelpluo, euatisan to erect hnianwee stpluilllol,.. of 4asimgc sgaintml4to, on buildings, liAerenaudiie, taruiturn awl Pthswny, not extra hazardous, in this dip and viciany. spl4 COCILILLN YU wood at THE SUBSCRIBER. has• been appointed Agent pro tent. aline Insurance Company of North America, and will inns Policies and attend to the other business kAc...y, at the warehouse of Atoieed, lotic• & Co. apla WALP:7OPII-, vraterin_ - • KEIDIA RUBBRIL GOODS. JUSTVILiCk3SLEW per Expreint, a large assortment of indm Rabbet , Gorda, comprumg —. 2 dal , Meese Caatri 4 dux Traveling Bag.; :sack dir, 4 L. pinta Vataaj '4Pea d 1 Cam Bl 2 " Reefing Ja c kets; t ettah p rouri ankets; I -a gorse Covers; 6 " Life Preservers; ita) yardisot 4-4 Carriage Clint, fuse 66 dor pair -L Lagging., ufilitterent atylo styles with - alco L 7 — without de; ves; " Ouu Covert; all of wldea will bo sold cheap (or cub. wholowale or road, at Nob Wood mast. __SP2S • / a H PHILLIP& /nu W. J. RlADFlAA,mtl.ggif=' l IsVes i $ 1 a a eidetignaWont L",jr,V, Al lagheny and _ RIMMULNCO — : Y 1:221 ,0 7 k . ; , Dr. Robert Simpson . James 9. Craft, Lay • Mr, William Thorn; 11.1. WCII,OI, /141.1611 CALF iiES -- .19 FIL=.2 d irrich C k r i lL • Stit:s7.lani tha " m u an c lifactory of krri Creortorrr,t which the attention of boot rushers is invited. JPn received and for side by W VOLIVCI & Co, !cam 143 Loony st - - - NW& RUBBER BALLS-3d dozed wild bubo kto J.. bet Bobs, of clatercut colors. We. CAW faro sh nus aruele to Merchants at very low pricesi of huge ous noes, at the itnala Robber //spot, Nob wood et. /YU J & B 11311.1.1P5. T V 11238 LAWNS, VERY CHEAP—W R Mtur JJ northeast corner orlth and =lsrael sts,,loss re tes• red Llama IdtotLawus per Yaw, lbw ow, fors sold at tdrrnerPneea). Swnntor Goods germ ally alsoepeniniyar reduced p ri ces. )) 'VS OSQUITO LACE-4W yards boirrylaro and ALL 90 mhos wide, for ldoequao Lion, novr Opr o and fur aala by • Ara • PH EnToN k. Co • INDOW 4114038—10L0 boo WO; 130 do lasi% o !Vida 10z1.4 dodo 7zl 40 do Walt; gb IWO; " adSdl.llk, (o r 1./a/o b 7 Jell 1! P YON DONNHORST, To Country Merchants. ALARGE STOCK of School Hooks, Paper, Stition try, &t., suitable for errantry sales; among ',bleb Writing. Papers, online, medium and common qult's Leuer paper do do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slams, Pencils, W afers,ils and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of - different qualiner; Blank Books, in great variety; Family, Reboot and Pocket Htb Crown, medium, and doable CROWD wrapping gorier; McGuMe's Etleak. Spellers and Readers; Ray's Eclectic Aralimetics; Cobb's Pruners, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do , Arititmetics, by Adams, Davia,Coborn, Smith, Stock ton, Emerson, sad otkeTi.. ricT, ° gfe n y i ,t b d r ore W rs! ". ' thn"' Sm"", Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham Bullions, Weld, and others For sale at low puce., b' H MELLOR, • Ed wood st, 6 dam above lib.' The highest market price paid for good mixed rags, in cash. oath - Hew PahlLoations. • lurn:rores POEMS, ilinmrated. Harper's new 1.T.1. admen of the Poencal works of Jahn Wmn, with a memoir, aml critical remarks on his gettim and wet. ump, by Jamm filrungontery; and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawingaby William Harvey. In two volumes. Brmcgats Gamut TY:ll,lll2ll.—The four Gorpels and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with Owlish note', crnical, plulosophicaL, andesegetimtl; maps, indexes, etc., together with the hlitioles and apocalypse; the whole forming the New ream:nem—For the on of Schools, Colleges, and I%ookt - tent Scuantancs. By Rev. J. A. Spencer, A. M. A NamNovat.—ldidimmtner's Eve.—A Miry tale of love. By Um. S. C. Hall. la.m.ts' Huar IV.—Tho life of Henry the Fourth, Icing of Prance and Navum, By O. P. 11_ Jame. Complete in &war pane, pa pen groin elos.n. For nate by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, jmn Bookeellere, comer of market and 3d etc PLANETARY & STELLAR WORLDS.—A pope. lar exposition of the great discoveries and theo ries of modern MSUIMOI.I) . 3 by 0 hI Mitchell, A 111, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. Heatiley's Italy, Alps and altine.—Leiter, from Italy, the Alps and the Rhine; by J T Headley, author of Na poleon and his Maratialls, Wa s hington and his Gener als, &c. New and revised edition. statistics of CoaL—The Geographieal and Geologi cal distinctions of 1111 or al Combustiblea or fossil fuel; including also, notice. and localitie. of the various minorol bituminious substances employed in arts and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Dior cowponies/ by nearly Sort Hatistical tables, i= alyses of mineral combustibles, he; prepared by Rick ard Crowling Taylor. Just received a few copies of each of the above works —for mile by JOHNSTON & trrocicrom /9S _ . . . Booksellers, nor market & 3,1 6S—AtTlieApoliODuildifir,FOTtith Greet, near Wood.—lreland's Veleome ut. 7be Stranger, The Czar. tus Court and People, by J II klaavrelk The Orators of [rake; The Issas of the Apostles, by Bacon; The Puri.n and mats Principles, by B Balk The Coneutations and Gann. of the Holy Apostle, wah a Prim Essay; Allison's Life of the Duke of Idarlborongh; Meander's Ltfe of Christ, to its historical connection and tustoneal developek H tnen arper's nd appleton's publicans.. generally. School Books a , Paper, Stationary, ac. aPS7 J L READ Nk:W BOOKS at the Apollo Buildings, 4th street The Military Life ofJohn, Duke of Marlborough, with colored noose by A Allison. Schmid Vol. Chalmers' Posshumon• Works—Scrip• titre Headings. The Life of Jesuit Chnst, in its Instance] connection and historical develepernene by Augnstus Meander. Translated from the 4th German edition 4y John Mc- Clintock and Chas E Blumenthal, Professors in Dick• mot, College. Fourth Vol. Pictorial [binary of England. how and Then by Dr. Warren, author of Ten Thousand •Pear, and others too numerous to mention. Call mad see. split J L REAL. PITTSBUD.G.II PEMA.LE INSTITUTE. THIS Itmtituticio under the oipervision of Me. and j Me.. ticwhorn. to still open Or the reception of pu• pda, and h will continued at the same place on Liberty street i consequence of scone changes having taken place, a few vacancies hare occurred, and those dram ous of placing their daughters tinder their come, woald do well to make an early appltratioa For terms see circular. or apply to the Principal. ap3 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. . . _ OFIAILLES DANENHOWILIt 416 CO. TOBACCO CoollllBBlofl RESCHAMTB, No. 2:1 South Wlthrves, mud No. 117 South Water st- PHILADELPHIA. 13E DS to inform the trade and dealers general' r, of Ptusburgh. that they have mule such arrangcments with the manufacturers and the (Dowers of the West, %Vest Indies, and other places, on will insure a l arge and constant supply of the (allowing desenp- Lios of Tobareo, which will be sold upon as accent modaung terms es any other house in this city or el.- where, and all goats ordered from them will be war ranted espial to mpresentrunnu Haven& ht. Domingo; Conn.; Tara; Porto lima Penn's,; geed Leaf to- Cuba; (pion; & Florida;) harms; Aile-Sa—Bramett v celebrated Aminuor bug Caven dish, oath a large sworuneut of wiser popular brands, and gdahries of pounds, bs. es, Lb, 164 mid:ifs, Lump; es, 6, es and les flog; Ladies' Twilit: Virgutua Twist, tke. sweet and Mem, m whole and ball boxes, wood and do ugetter with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. S. SSW.. C.232250;1. 11&11.11MT, NESBIT Q. GAILIISTROB, FLOUR FACTORS. Prodnea, Comsolulosa sand Parikairding Rmo ro—Johu H. Brown & Co. . , - - • Hobert Steen & Co. ' Ildreroft, Beaver &Co PK• l "riPtds &arta, bagsley & Co. Allen Paxton, Nev York. Walter. & Harvey, Halumore rt:stag:, %V dson &Co I D „ 4 ,., 4 , Batley, Brown t Co. • ."" -°r- g Kiss & Jones, (0 Liberal cask advances on ronstanroents to oar Y dusrdnedly P.C.CLIAII.OI =IT. Sow Wan.ol. ELLMAKER, ECKY Qe CO., FLOM; FACTORS, And General Commission Allarehants, No 13 Havre W.rre &mart, PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES—Henry Grad I Co. Pittsburgh.. COMMISZthIi Sad ForWardillf llarehant. no. 2G %thou C., Prrnrouson, rIC/NTLYUkM to transact a general Commisaion bu n • neK especially an the purchase and sale of AZOPTI. can Manufactures and Produce, and In receiving tad forwarding Goods consagned to has care. AI Agent for the Manutactares, has wall bo coustantly soppiied with Use pnaacapal ankles of Pittsburgh Manufacture aillus lowest wholesale price.. Orden sad praigusoonts norespectfully whetted. Chula 7%11L K. 1. COSIXIAT, 1.. X. 10.111.1111111.111. P. CONWAY & CO., D hitJ ORTSUTri, Ohio Commission and Forwarding ,1„ Merchants and Produce llicedersi—olto amend to the Purchase, hale and titupmacit of Pig Iron, Coal,ko. Jacob 2.l..pusum., John 4, N Wood, Richaid 1) Franics Hoskenu, S. Au win Ailiboue, ARTHUR U. COPFIN, Flu& Atwood, /one. & Co., Brown, Bailey &Co 4 Lorena, Sterling & Co., Henry Grad, Graff, Lindsay & Co., D. Leech & Co., Lyon, Shore & Co., Chute & Thaw. roarlOdly damaa J. 1J LEJLILF.II., S. W. Astocomas. Late of runtorgh, p . Lau of ?innvilleTenn. LEHMER & ANDERSON, DEALERS LN COTTON, FORWARDINO & COM . MISSION MERCHANT'S, No. B no. nem, &WWI WIDA.DWAT . , CISCUINATI, 0530. Del. la !denim. generally, in Putxbiuggb. GEORGE A. BERR,V, WI:JOWLS/I.LN 1 1.00/ SS, FORWHIMIO eau EO2/11118101t 111SECIILIT, AND DY& t Pa IN Iron, Nana, Cotton Terns & Pittsburgh Blanuraoinree generally, so 10 Awn nom, rrnovion, SUCTIONNERS & COMMISSION MEKCIIIIIIM. A - LEX. LEVY SRO'S. 0/NCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. Oder to .11 at either establishment, all OW, of We chendi., as the lowest reces s of Cottainlisions, and ere always prepared to make advances. The best of sew mires given if required. Letters addressed to tithes house, will be promptly extended to. )I,lodly iiostaci toot. c. v. xenon xa. t.eisTei LOVE, MARTIN 46 CO. ; Produce and COIIIMIIISIIM Merchant., No. 5, napkin's Row, Exchange Place, kleboitnes Rasitavo—Davidson, Sanders & Co., John K. Randal, Hugh Jenkins, lialumoreq hl. Allen & Co, Sellers &Ni cola, Hampton, South Co, 15back/att Jr. White, Pitts burgh; A J Wheeler, T Shaughnessey & Co., miw e y en ldeixo tixa oursoal w, a. cumin/. TIIO POION B. CAMPDELL. COMMISSION MERCHATS. And Manufacturers of Linseed Oil, No. 20 Columbia suet; Canaelltrri, (Mtn. apdlly [Er Cash paid for Wit. U. CLAUD., Forwarding Merchant, thrennavltterPe• Attends pentemarly to Me Forwarillog of Produce, In. It. For any information, apply to FORSYTH & OEN. CAN, Water st. odlt.s • o. w. W.A.w" STLITEIICNIVII & PATCH: . 'w3L COMMISSJOV MERCHANTS. Mo. &ter 00000 Sr. Loco, Mo. Will give onkelfr attention to the selling or Pro duce, aria to orders for purchasing. Itacae vo--tieurge Morgans Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. outfit ISAAC CR.UILE GENERA.L COMMISSION izELEICIIA2IIT, POP. THE MALE OP PRODUCER PROVISIONS, 1 , 40 a . 105 end 107 fisurruts MUM neurimoaE, iternalarcetr—Nicrshaits of Pittsburgh. Wereling L ys.—K Critqle dE Co 1.2104341 NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1848 LITERARY. Na 62 Nmam •.tn 199 WA./ PHILADELPHIA. Bodge. & Sherlock, S. behooloy dd Soo, $ A. M. January, Mayrrille. Charles Baxharn, Jr, Louisville. Dinah, HaimpareCo. } Co.Co Mercer, Bro. k Phdad a Heed & Brother, Lindh &Cornunery, New York. GICORGE COCIIILAII. • . •• • • . Wlime taken an whoa untnectbsiely opposite to our burnt werehortee, for tr.Pre..4 here we wttl tranaact bualness as usual, until a new house can be meted, arrangements having already bee... de for that purpose. Boats will always be to reenWesa our wharf to receive height. C A WANIILTY & Co, ap4 Canal Basin. Li ben, a LYMAN, REED & CO (Bneeeesm. to Reed, Hurd & C 0.,) ommoin ionsiesturi Particular anendon paid in dm ink of Wool, and Übe al advances made on conmgamems. COPARTNERSHIPS. S $ LCHAN & KENNEDY have this day associated with them In the Hardware buninesa, Philip INV son and Edward Gregg. The style of hem will herh after be Logan, Wilson & Co. This arrangement lea den it desirable to dose the old bonness as soon as posslble. All persons whose habtlitios have matured, UV especial!? tem:tested to make immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jail 1. 184.3. LOGAN, WILSON & CO.—importer+ nod Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic wareHard hvCutlery, Saddlery, &c., 129, Wood street, Pius gh,tere now fully prepared with , a recently impor ted stack of Hardware, Cutlery, Ita,to offer very great inducement. to western buyer., being determined to compete in prim with any of the Atlantic, cute.. Si so on kanclaa extensive u.ortmoutof Pittsburgh Hard ware, dr Shovels, pades, Forks, oe., Vices, &e., ell of which will be sol H d at the sweet manufacturers meal CO-PAR N ATHE oubsenbers having reeetuly entered into partnership under the name of Gel anther, long ft Miller, for the purpose of currying on the Hell and Brew Founding and Han Fluting busier,. in all its branebee, bare taken the eland formerly occu pied by H. liallagber n No. 100 Front street, between Wood and Somlntield vin. where they are prepared 4. rs to execute all order. Hells, , lime Hewing., of eve denodipuon, and Hai Hating, watt pennies. and dee. patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, Pi. A. LAJNU P. 11 . ritimi:n. 11.—The attention of Machina. and Pagineers Ia ited to our entbenractlon metal, for a reduced price. Ich hoe been pronounced euperlor to Ilobblett bq numbers who have area both. Sit amboatimildere and the public, generally, arc also requested to coil and en• amine our superior double bation Force Purim) for steamboat and &Dianne tan. I.IALLAGkiER, LONG, & MILLER. I=2=l 1 111 1 6 rr;t7t P ng, "' w t as " t y ' rEt '" u t t ' ull r u on 'ul sen th ill I sa l t ' al ' atrt t l on the lot inst. The basntees mil be closet' at dm old stood by either of us, using the name of the (item to .. th io tt .e su=s h e . 11?" , 7: 1 1 . 4 1 , g d d c r a s y tro s n o s to toe. w on; loath -would or sprotrully request those indebted to cell and semi. °their are ants. 101 IN 1:1 taa 11. D. Mill) Co•Partnersblp. TWIN D. NECORD lanang assoetwed enth him his 0 brother James hl`Cord, under the style of M'Cord k. Co., will eonunne the HE, Cap and Fl.r bar/hums in all 11l various branches, wholesale nod It the old stand, eotner of Wopl and la streets, where they solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old linn. JOHN It III'COIID. Hal JAMES S nrconn. TN retiring from the old awl well known firm of JiYkird King,l most nispeciflly mccuronend to the patronage of Me public my successors, Messrs. Wetted & Co jatl& 11. D. KING. T H su E b7= " unlT h i e h r e e sTy f rij '" Altfl, b a w ., e lz.;v. /ion, expired this tiny by hmuultuo. The busmen or the Arm cvtll be ...led by 51X/111 fr. Roe. t. J AMES D. MIMI. S. 11. HUSHLLD, • WALTER C. RO9- Pitt.burgh, July 19,1949. The undersigned will tontinue the Wholesale Gro ry and Coosolissloa business, under the firm of nil Roe, at their old stand, No. 194 Liberty street. JAMES D. )11S/11.1., IVALTER C. ROE II•VIOg sold my 1141[T r ell to the firm of httitlL, Bash• held a Hoe so my former partners, Willa& Dos, I take pleasure In rccommendmg them to my friend. and the S. H. BUSEIFIF:LD. Co.Paria. rslalp E. NV STEPHENS of Wheettng, E. F. Shambetor Jumaus, and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh. have this day entered tame co-parmandup under style and firm of Stephens, Stmenbcrger A. Co., at the Anchor isaa vrosks. Wheeltniq. lOr ape purpose of OOLOD . facmPrng anon and nails of every'desermuun. I. V. 111.11Z-Tal, I. szto.lasuarl, I STOCUO2I simpurairs, 81101ENBERGER & CO. Ma==M rezma . Manufacture all kind of bolter, sheet, bur iron end nags, A. steed eltpuc springs :Lad axles tleutg con nected with Shoeuberyyer's old Jwnata work.. we can offer en article of Juniata iron (branded Shoenbcracrl equal to any made tn the country. All of which will be sold to the Pittsburgh pilot, Warehouse of the work. corner of Monroe and Water sti. rnylr DiSBOLUTIOIII—The partnership hitherto exist ingder the style and brio of Wtghtultui this tin day diuolved by mutual CoL,clll, John LW- cell belong disposed °lbis entire nearest to li. Wight mom The baronets of the late firm yenl be seuted by It. \Viet...who is amboesserl to use the name or the lem firm Me tote parpose. 11 WIistITMAN:- sped/taw holy I '471 J DALZELL. THE Subrenber te now prepared to mounfaelare all Mode of Comm and Woolen Morhowry, ei the iiroitert, notice. Orders IeAH K. Wtghrman•.:ue:shop,em net Liberty and Water moots, will scot woe prompt attention. H. WIGHTM.A...L Leash et., between Federal and bandroiky .LL, Allegheny city. i si OTlCE—Jaines Iluseltheld NY au mica. a th e Dry Gaels Business conducted the nuns a th e utiderssanod, cooler Eu.,u, and Mareet et., Pim burgh, coesuriencluir Fete 4, ter' Toe lane,. for the present will be conducted attar the tonna style at • mardd 1%. ILMIALVOY I 10-P Alt T ItriSILIP—W - m. b owed argot gt thse J day associated with turn, John R Arenas, the leap ther lemmas will herniates be conducted ander die firm of IN's. Young la Co. WLLLJ/1-11 YOUNG. land IND. IL MaltlNl: MEDICAL. C=M==i=l Masan. ecdumbiana co.. 0 , Apr. ift, 71,R. D. JAYNES. Dux tlite—l feel bound to you jJ and the afflicted public. to mail myself of this op 'Airman y of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects of your expectorant anmy soft. litimusg been afflicted for several years with • severe rough, hectic fever and its concealment Manama, and emoted only doomed to huger out a short but Miserable existence, soul Lila fall of IKIS. when. being ma...severely attacked, Mid hammy resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre w riotous of two of the most respectable physimansyn the netgtiborhood without denying any benefit, or t h e consoLatton of surinsing but a few days or weeks at fanhest—when the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me your F.xpectorant and blessed by that Being who does all things to the use of the incans—and contrary to the expectations o( my physicians mid Runde, I was in a few days raised nom my bed, and was enabled by the 11.0 of a bottle, to attend to my business, enioytng since better health than I had for ten years previous. Respectfully pours, de., is. W. emit, For sale to Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 71 ninth arre•el. marli9 6. A. EAti..:lrroc., A. 13. Mu., Y. C‘ir • B. L. FAhtrarroclLlPittsburgb. G. W. FA.IOIISTOC, Wholesale Drug Store In the City of New York. rg~HE anderslgnedam extensively engaged m the Wholeak, EMI beetle. at No. 49 John street., m tb city of New fork, and are prepared to supply Ihugguits and eatery Matthew with Drops , Pon., Ms, Dye-eats, Forego and Amencen effuntery, Kander, Weaver & hianders Chenueols, tot tiler own importation! and all other articles in then hoe of busi ness of • sibpenor quality so low as they ran he-por. efaiitat In this or any eastern city. New York, Fehlk B. A. FAnNusruck &co ; O PALNTERS,IIWND 'MAKEH.S, Ac—We, the I undersigned, Painters and Ulind Makers, of the city of New York, have used and teeed. and Sr. now using • new article of Chrome Green, manufactured by Geo. K. Marcher, of this city, and futd it to wort well, pro-. &wing a kilo brilliant Paris Green appeorauce, with a T:z e s t ur d . recommen d to the z i t , b rethren Green we ha de ve ever o io at. P New York, June I, 47. Signed by VI fonts of preened palate of the city of New York. This unequalied Chrome Green may be had of N. E. SELLFRS, No 67 Wood 5100.1, who One the exclusive agency for its sale in Pinaburgh. marl' A Vino Met of Tooth — for MM Ceuta. IAgHITE TEETH, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY yy UUMH.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, offer be. tog mice or twice cleaned wilt Janet.' Amber fount rasttrybaVe the appearance of the moot beautiful ivory, and at the same nine at. so perfectly aucument and quisitely fine, that its constant daily we is highly ad.: vantogeous, even to those teeth that see to a good eon diuon, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventiug a premature decoy. Those already decayed it previous from becoming sentse—it 5.20 fawns web as ace be. ' coming loose, end by pet - wave:wee Is will rendez the Coulee teeth delicately white, and make the breath de. besowly 'meet. Mold by WM. J.ACKSuN, et. Liberty irtreeL motto b. A. PAIILNICIVIVOWN AMY weeks since, one of My children, aged about five year., was totwell for several days, and the Moe. increased .o alarmingly that I feared death would be the result Homo' heard of the good effect. of Pahnestock'• Vermlfuge whey administered to the children of my neighbor*, and thinking my Mold rated have worms, room some of the symptoms, I gave it mot llnt a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermirege, and to lay peal astonishment it almost hameditately discharged between WY and WO large worms. Its health was mon restored, and hls now remarkably well. Previous to taking the Vera:doge the worlltO would meanie:mil% rise o,its throat, WA o ft en feared h would die front nrangulabon. JAS. O. DAWSON. Tionesta, Virnethe eo, Pa., April 3,'4f. aplli LOOK llERE,'—Bead the faflowlog certificate 1111lostuedsvu.ts, Ohio, Nay U,1849. this is to eenify that my little deughtee era. laillete4 with worms, sod that I tried mveral remotes, so eat , led, without any epperent effect. Ileitis informed by the agent In lids place of the esteems of Sellers' Veftro• (ago, I was induced to give it a trial, Alter gbitig few doses, according to directions, toy daughter With relieved. I ha., no ber‘tatton ht givltig it as myopia. lon, that Belton' Yen:image is the best extant mArritlM WILEY. Prepared and sold by IL E. sellers, }lo. b 7 Wood st, Sold elm by Lh. Camel, sth Ward, IL M. Curry, Afte• gbeny, and Wm. J. Smith, Temperance:Mlle. iy3 Pope SELLERS' VA:SLILY AIEDICINED . . Coon Surma, Jefferson Co, Pa, Much 1, 1048. ,AA"n It E SELLERS—I have nearly sold all rho Yu. my, =Awe and Cough Syrup you Sent me. Your Ver. mirage is without exception the beat ever offered in this neighborhood, baying proved good wherever uud.— The Cough Syrup ud LiVer Pills have also given pu lse:when Your ob't semi, J sco'rr, Pounaster. Prepared and sold by R E 5E1.1.4:11.5, 57 Wood at.; sold by Dr Ousel, gib Ward; D M Corry Allegheny; A W J Smith, Temperuceville. mare LEILW•II CELEBRATED neei ANu - TieriEß CINTMENT is the moat effectual remedy before the public for the cure at taller, itch, dry and watery pimples of the tore, neck and body, scaly erupubtur, and all other diseases of the akin. Thus throment warranted free from mercury, us perfectly safe, and may be sued at all UM, and under all eireeinatllaetro. A hest; supply or this valuable reified) received and for sale by • /.1 AEA 11NX:on/Ca tel Ccsi, comer of tnt sad mud; also, conser Utah and wood street. •• • • FON.LK* row Root auk Powder, a delicious end highly nutrition. (cod, which never turns acid on the stomach, and now thdversally recommended by the tenon] in preference to Gruel, tlago, Tapioca, orplain Arrow goot, no better ended to the debilitated stomach of tn salids and a more strengthening sad wholesome food for infante. Forrinie by R ti liIELLERS, ' maws 57 wood at . Tug undersigueil haring beau appointee sole agents for the sale of Iforelthardi & Col superior Lard thl, will keep coustanily oh hand a large supply,whleli they will fume/ to dealers to the lowest marker Pie* for Ca.b.. lap J KIDD kr. CO HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE _ ... ..... ....,... 2THIS establishment long and widely known as being one of the mom commodious In the city of Baltimore, rats recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. AA entire new wing . bra been added, containing numeroni and any sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The ladies' department has also been completely reorganiXed and fitted op In a most emiqae and beantl. gill style., In fact the whole turangement of the House has been remodeled, with n single eye on the part of the proptiatorc, towards the comfort nod pleeture of their Guests, and which they confidently mean will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub tumid end luxury which ,the musket adonis, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, he, they will not be surpassed. In coneineion the proprietor beg at say, that nothing will be left ondone on their part, and on the part of their rasistauth, to render this Hotel wor th y the continued patronage of their friends and the nubile generally. r They era for board have also been reduced to the followen rate. i Lath a' Ordinary, 81,75 per day. Gen emeat's “ 1,50 N. 11.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, tkee of chargi. may2tf CIRRI& ON RIM AR R. CLAIR get, PITRAII.II, PA. The mbscriber having warned the manage ment of this long ertabluthed and popular Hotel, retapectililly announen to Travellers and the Puha. YXltrtrullY, that he wail be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well 1 regal Zutel. The House . now being thoroughly repaire brougham, and new Furniture added, and no pains be spared to make the Exchange one of the very •11010[11 in the RIIIII/f. . The reigned respeetfullr solicits a continuance of Me . libetal patronage he House has home:dere receiv ~ THOMAS OWSTON, feldld il__ ....._ Propr.ctor. THIXOCKMORTOII , III GALT HOUSE, tortanum, AT. STHROcialoirroN b.g, to acquaint his Hinds that he is again ie.. of the (JAIN 141ith4F, Louimile, Ky., where he hopes to meet all his out friends, assuring than stad the public, that no effortahaibbe spared to make nil comfortable who lapon bin woh the., Emootw. Jaiilldly stAlgai cnith.nce at., a rewgrn minion LTD Finn en _ OPHIE tate Bank of Maur, Phil& i.iZEftrm Propnetor. MISCELLANEOUS FEW COACH FACTORY, atltatic WIFTP., BROOKS & CO, would respectfully in form the public that they have reacted a ninth on Igtock, between Federal and Stmdusky streets. They nutpe meting and are prepared to receive enters fur every description of vehicle,, Conches, Chnnots, Lta rouches,-I.lungres, Phtezons. &c... which from their long experience in the ranaufacturosof the above work, and the feciltues they hay*, they feel confident they are enabled to do work ea the meet reasonable term* with thaw wanting articles in their line. Paying particulav MILBOI/011 to the 'election of mate rials, and havtus none but eon:teethed workmen, they have no hesitation in 'Remitting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to Otto manner N. B. Repeiring done to the best manner, and on the most reasonable remit. ie&tf Stockholders, take Notlee. SII:E Sweatt*ldlers in the Youghtogherty Navigation are uI Company a hereby notified and reqred to pay to F. Janes Hamilton, the Treasons of the Compso the sum of Ten per cant. on each share of these stook, , on or before the oth day of July next, and a further sum of Ten per cent. On or before the Isrth day of Ai, gust twat The suackhalderstoll elan take 5000., that the law authors., the collection of One per cent. per month. oar instalments not punctually made, which, if found uceessary, wtll be enforced. By order in the Hosed. ALEX PLUMER, Prest. E I=l WATCIiFIk & JEWELRY—hat received at No 67 Market street, 179 Gold Lever Watches; itti do detached do; 6do Lepton; 111 Silver Patent Lever do 31 do detached do, 6do Lem.= clo; 16 Gold Guard Chains, best goal. y. Also, a good assortment of Breast Pins, Ell Rings, Finger Rings, (sold Pro. and Pencils. The above goods have been received with the but five weeks. sod vela be sold ul reduced prices. Per .ons wishing lo purchase a good and chest,' Watch. would do well io rob previous to purchsethA Jytti ZEtit.l.o:l 1,1")111.:IA N AN Kl N —W Ii Slorphy halt salsa kJ" in • few days recet•ed oddittonal supply of Lonadale Nankin., told style.) line bleached Drilla, rent on do, unbleached do. 1,0 Latta Cloth ' , billing, It, Idncos, Ivory low.) whoa Cotton Ileac, tend cold do. ropey Cacohytes, ice .of the Dry hoods Stowe, N F. corner 4th ow/Market tttrecsa. Iljta Wholesale Rooms op awn, Y.& =3M!=l IltS e o. ,evrt.otly of i t tta v t4 i rr . r . h . a .s ar;l w o o ne m r o t o . f ago and gin to a ton of none. tome seven years old, two gummy roll, and althongh the amount [nay appear huge, yet I bare no donLi hat there WY op wanis of two 'woman/ won. paaand ram bins, atesannog tom one quarter of an Inch to two wawa Long. (1 19 HOLLIDAY. Roxe • r.wk. C.rol eo Tenn _11;41 Lew:shiny, Capping and Bleeding. U. NORRIS, ittoccessor m Al lklany 5.3 Fifth sweet, between Wood and ;anm eld.. Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance all bows. Reference, the physicians of Pittsbargh, Allc gh mad thaningham. I most cheerfully recommend to the physicians. (am- Mea and all my former friends and patrons, bir. IL ft LNOISLS pa heingaditoroughlyacquainied with the bum nei wed timothy of ,tutiartage. mortaly M. IL , Manufactured Tobacco 4f3 Z`7l",ril . u . ktilWe 1 . !"; 19 bf do Place & Harwood'. .• 5 " 11 do do do do do Pearl & Harwood •• • 5A lb" 14 do J &Ammo 57 bf do do 93 do do Wen Dawson 161 do T Wnght's 7 do (1 Anderson 9 do L T DadeN N do R Moron's do HateUff Jun landutg from steamer and packers, and for sale by HEALD, BLCKNOLI. & 41 north water st sod 16 north wharves, real Philadelphia Al AN urAcru RED 19JLIACCO-11/ bx hfK sJones & Son's supertor soremt lb lumps. 75 half Las Webster Old supenor sweet Ss lumps 36 " Lawrence Leaner 5s - •• tfentry & Rayner 3s& as " WI '• Dupont (de la Kure) " S .• 10 '' McLeod " tl. " YS Lawrence Lothar "Gs &as plug Just laming from steamer, and for lade by st.n, DUCKNOR & Co, 41 N araler .t and 16 N wharves, my3l Philadelphia. I.I.PER-1111& bale Straw Wrapping Paper, all mans; 41M reams ruled Cap Writing Paper, 911 O " ruled and plata letter do; allemande.; 11:0 " Flat Cap,• 221 " madmen Tea Pripet; 160 gro.a white and blued white Bonnet Boards; WO reams Slontllo Envelope Paper; SO hardware luat reed and for sale low by irtn'tpibi.Ds & SHED, niy33l4m COM I' peon and Irwin nu MANUFACTURED tORACC4.I—In more and to ar rive. the following brand. of Tobacco, consign bents from manulactaran of Richmond and Lynch urg, which will be told to Me nuba at maimed rates: l has ldustartme de; 60 do John Rucker Ss; 110 do Henry & lames In, In and ha 31 do L. lames 0b; 16 do R. B. Warwick Oa 19 do J. M. Steward Oa and Ma 97 do Jame. Mad.. S, ,L 9 WATERMAN sue 31 water and el front de PATICIT BLOCKS. TIU Offers for We • full usorunent of has Shipp' Palau' Blocks, Skives, to., adapted to time trade. Also, complete. setts of Blocks, adapted to yawl. of any capacity, put up and forwarded to any pan ale, Union, without delay and at the lowan an. ess. LIONUM VITAL for sale to quantittes to and purchaaers. UM/ W STAPLES, .„40.0112tassT,ILS 36 Burling Blip, New York Patent Soda Ash 44 CA &K 8 J. Muspratt &15.3u4 brand& Jaw land ing &ma eteuner Nonbaro 1404mM to , sal. by my & M MITCRELTHEE, 111 150 liberty 51 FUTANNIA Ani:TAL. WARE—iluat received from _LP We manufactory, Britannia Cane Pots; do Tea do; do Sugar Bowls and Cream Cups; do Slop do; do large Pitchers, with lids; do &ionise. do die do Coale Unu, with lamps •Por sale al low prieca Pia GILL & I3CITY, Sign Big Pitcher. &limrpmittto A C . Ati , .. ICI 1 0 71 . 1 h ndlog. from Jammer A. Camli• 3.5 & M MITCHELTREE, le7 IGO lllolly amm, INOWNSENITS tiARRAEARIL.I.A.--37 bxs of dos great spring and summer medicine, this day reed mod ler sale wholesale and retail, by R E SELLERS N. B —A, R. E. S. Is Dr. Townsend's only agent toll Putsbursh, the germane 11.111Ci0 may WWl** be had at No 57 Wood sweet. coyly DUI - CORR FOR LADIES' DRESS} ,of the follow. ,;„, .",---.411s graduoted Icaf pop haunt; broodenboargh do; Footolul do; Camilbut do Teuel and Drop do; Neu and Plain do,' Welber w nh white and eol , d Lilian, for wale al N II IdLTON b. Co% :LW 'Dimming Fusee, el mute% at 011Ael'.1.5—* Lae Russell's a Robinson's Sa lump 'rolibecoi Id do 111yers'ello do do; 10 do Ira Hums , do do do; Zlu do blyer's lb do do; do Eudora' 1,0001 dew 6s plug; 12 esises,o6 tines rf boxes hlyer's superior AtOMIM, do; 60 do, 41.5 do do Thomas' Nectar Len( do past received odd (dr sale by 1016 MILLER is RICEIF:TSON 11111 7- I.TOYCornOwns; eaalis Pot Ash; dot Ulf low Yong twin. Beeswax; 00 boo No 1 boo 211 do slat Candlon; 16 du BIM Suds; Lai tibia deed Nos Loaf Sagas; for .ale by rayl3 ENGLISH & BF2INETT - -•- Truax, BUCKNOR &. hare aseoclated wIW _LA. theta In ihelr Tobacco sod Commission bualne., Edward Heath, Oath of Jacob lieskl & Co, Balthnore,) David C. MeCanaroon, sad John AL Warner. mylti FOIL STEAMBOATS AND 1104ELS—Wn bare an ham' • large ansorunani of Don Stone Wan, Iran. aisle for lILLILIA4OIII. and we will sell low. a. or.-rry, ^Waal, arr.—. siln_of . th! I 10L'D MANTAII kiItILOINn worummt La and cant hltuttou end natio Balboa', opened yes• terdey . and odeeed low or the piere, et vehblesehl ram. of W NdIURPIIY, norMaaat car 4th and market IL ad awry BACON -1U NW. yellow eaaraafad llama; :lOdo Sidon 25 do 15boublera, all of Immo (malty. 1015 SELLEItS & MIXILS ikl K ANV PRIME PORK-10 bbla Moo. Park; 5 1.1 l do pm. do; for salo by lola SELLIMS & M1X51.9 IIiAIITARIO AULD-4 it's, of a Merefio( quality, re criroal and for axle by lin IIiCAUN b. REITER `TiiASI BOAT INTERT FOR. dALE—Oac half IJ of the hoe steamer Wyoming for salp Oil &MU rmil. For paruculaxs cnoinite of W ILASBAUGIi, Al Water and Floss all MISCELLANEOUS. mpricarcorr &BABB, Mate I 81 . 3triekkilk. ANITFACTURERs t>T Phenix firer roe Id" - 111. sotith side, second street" between Wood - ma gmithilekl Pittsburgh. .1 Smakter hub* doomed and the IMO vin partner M. JoeUPPen"4 4 1 ' 4).44 hieuxli wit Mr. C Barr, the will hereafter be condu h cted an Wder m the aerie of IJPP~ cork Han. Trial of wesie is Clad tettni,ll—WeOlto Itadefhign ed arm present at the testing of was of J 8 Sllitklll , Co 4. improved Pheenth ere-proof safes. The sate wee pieced in a furnace on the public landing, and sahletllell to the Intense heal of a atone coal Rye - Dor Mize' Me three hours. to one hour and a half the safe•delleatre a bright red hear, the door of the. furnace "WOW' closed, which caused an Increased andooradyhtetr,trtr: the balance of the time, mut the cast 11011, whaela ere» partially melted ofh the furnace was the&Regurs doer& and the safe cooled and opened. The'weedyepepets and hooks which it contained were imperfect aserhea placed there, the binding only of the broke being la. land by the water in cooling the cafe. We have ab eaitano¢ In reeoillatendllls it to the pnblie 11.11 AI Self superior to any we have ever seen tested; and believe that it will stand say heat which might be predated, leapt a heat which would melt it to a id man. Sp:ulcer & L Worthingt sol en, &ellen & Kettnen, Benj. IJrner, W 0 P Breese, Morns Smith, T Mtd n:is i l , tr. C;a o , ,. Stedman, Mayard tr - Co, Wen ranee, We, the auderslgned, selected the We epobere of shove, from a lot in the owns of Tether Aubery,_the Agents C d SPRINGER, _ _ Refer to Cook & Harris, Broken, Pitotbsitdir Homey Iltona & Co, do do if dtnl7B ILL IfIPCICOTh JOHN D. once. t- i.temous. LIPPENCOTT * CO. Air ANUFACTUBERS of Hammered and Can Steel Shovels and Spades, Axe. and Hatchets, M 3 Cut, Circularand Ott Saws, Hay and Manare Forth; Hoes, Mattock., Picts, &c, having completed ell their. arrangemenut in the conatrnetiou of row mashinewy,, and in "enuring the beat workmen Gam the most Cole bested establishments of the Fin an now mamanctitr-, Mg and will keep constantly on hand and 'kir Ipile the above articles, having availed themselves of latest improvements, and are determined distil, wort manship and material they will not be excellml: They! promise to produce ante tea equal, Ir tar*lt. P• tbat ritm be had In the Law. They Lavas e atten tion of dealers to an examination ,of their ,shiek hefilnu: parOlmaing elsewhere. to they are convinced Walther will be able to fill all order. in their line lathe Male , satisfaction of purchasers. Warehostae, WWI meet, 4 doom West Monongahela House, Pluebajp, PL N. B.,—Peseoos llam a business with Wm- UM.n conk Sou wag please call on Lippeneott & Co. JAMES W. WOODWELL Pittsburgh Furniture WaSYnoitioih A lasge and splendid auoltsienl of Final lure, stumble for Oteramboats, Hotels and Pr vate dwellings, eansuintly tnt hand and made to order. The present stock on ' band earwig be exceeded by any manufactory in the western ermany. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give roe a as call. lam determined my prices dual please. Paril the nook couststs tn -5a sofas with Plush and Hair-eloth naverc doe Mahogany Nurse Chairs; 14 pair Ihvans; 12 dor fine mahogany Chang IS mahogany tans 3dot mahogany H oe gkin Chain; 15 marble lop Dressing Bureaus; t pair Ottomans; 8 marble top Work Stands; It cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple ; Cherry, and Poplar itedrioada of oil deteripuons, and a large aiwortmeat of COMM= laminae .8 chairs, too numerous to 0101140 IL mutat( LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PELMPAILIID OVALS. THEY me not aware bow frighrfullyinjusionalt bi to the thin—how cosmic, how rough, how sallow, yd low and unhealthy the slim appears after using primar_ pared chalk! Besides it is Warta., containing a laige quantity of lead! We have prepnr.l b wilful vegetable ardele, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHIT& It is pwrfaetly innocent, being purified of all dedeteritien mialities; and it impart. to the AM a nalanO, healthy, alabruncr, clear, living white; at Die same time teling. as cosmetic m the skin, making It tort and =oath. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist Or Moser ehtneos, says; .After analyzing loot.' Spanish Lily White, I find it possess. the inow beamifid and man na, and at the same time innocent white I ever um. I certainly Can couecientionaly recommend its use to all whose shin requires beautifying." Pnee, CI cents a box. Sold by WM. JACKSON, rdadberty st. mare Pitt Mao and Moan. PITT . aloe, nY JI WIN WRIGIfT & Co, an prepared to build Conon and Woolon hlnalunery of ever, desenpUon, mob Carding Machines, Spinning Pram., Speeders, Drawing frames. Railway Heads, Wolper., Spoolers, Deeming Frames. Loom., Card (Minders, &e. Wrought Iron &Miming turned; all aims of Cam Iron, Pullin. and Hangers 01 the late.l pauerus, slide and hand Lathes, nod tools of all kinds. Cuttings of every demripuon furnished on short notice. Patton. made to order for Still Gearing. Iron Railing, &e. Steam Pipe for heat ing Ismonna, Can Iron Window Saab and Caro maga generally. Onders tell at the IV of,J, Palmer & Co., Liberty street, w il l hav MOIR% men- Hofer to Blsekatock, Rell & Co J . K. Moorehead & Co U. R. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh ; G. C. 4, J H. Warner, Steubenville. huald DCQC INN Spring, Axle, Steel ►nd Iram Works. MAILMAN & Co., lowing tamale...l q.j their new works, are now prepared to maaafaa tore every description of Coach and Elliptic Bprinp, Iron axle.. Amenenn, Blister, Spring and Plough Steel, and mil riles of small. square and round Iron, which they otter for sale on liberal WIIII/j at their war, howl. No 1I Wood street; where they also keep on Mad a complete and handsome msortmeat of Coach Tramming., Cari?age Hardware. hatleablis Castings, Malls and Iron. C, & Co.. halm made arrangements with Messrs. Day & Crour., manufacturers of Shovels, Spades, Perks, &c., and veal keep constantly on hand every article made by them. Dealers Are respectfully solicited to an, as prices and terms will be made liberal. jrz New Hardware Jamie. JOSEPH WIJODWELL, corner of •,' Wood and 2.1 sm., Pittsburgh mg l iwithdrawit from the firm of Prather and Woodwell. on dui let of January, 1.847, I take ple.ure in annoitiviug to my (needs iu the any end emmtry, that 1 have opened my new store at the above named place. Havum purchased my goods for cash, and made arrangements with mimultietnrers in that country and an Europe to be constantly supplied, I amfully prepared to tarnish Hardware itf all kinds, on es good terms and as low as any beam Dot or West. Merchants end others ere respectfully invited to call and examine my stock, before purchasing else where. The folloartug comprises • pert of las walk: Steamboat end saddlery bardwani, gnu trimmings, tart, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tools, anvils, vices, locks, latches, scythes, butt hatgea, screws, Union Paz. tory planes, saws, natthorany boards and Teasers, ad ell other articles connected with the haidware Maw. nos. mehltif . _ City Daga•rriata Gall•ry. tltao artiair. run orrICI mamma HOGE begs leave to adorm the cinkinta of Pitt. 0. burgh and cleanly, that he hat Ink. the Itigurv. rim Rooms lately occupied by Mr. Poster. The pub. he are enured that all the late Improvement are semi. red, sod will be brought tato operadon tfy Mr. Hoge, who has been a Cittnattthl operator stave the art war first 6.0V...1. Entire ....sacctou IS irliaranlood to all who may become Ins patrons. Mr. IL will refer with pleasure to Mr. Porter, In whose establishment be has operated for the last twelve months. Family Poe. traits, king - nava:lgs, Dagnerroatypes accuratel yt to copied_ Lthenewies taken In any weather, and set itt Itreast pins, eases and frames. lustruetions gtveu in every branch of the art, and tip. port. furnished. ieVaf riStRY 000 laSAIERCH,WITS--A A. Hamm & Co, Co Market at, have received 6 rases of cheap printed Lawns and Illuallna 8 eases of Preach do t of every testacy of style„lo cases of good style Gulp Mans, 4 do new style Prints. 4 do blue and eremite.. terms, Si do bleached Alustins an widths. Alio, cwt. bleached, brown -and blue Lat., Cow:made*, Checks; Citughants, le. Ic, all of tablet will be offered at Ma lowest Pastern wholesale paces. my. Penn H th".l.ll' - mact " ne ' rr Ail d egle * y eit;, ( 7l ? : 'fhe above work. being now in fun and suc o nessful op. oration, I am prepared to execute enters with dispatch tor all lands of msnbtoery to my hne, such as artnovra, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding ataetinearsal= drawing frames, speeders, avowals, looms, curds troubleor migle, for merchant or cotton-Y...lkt mules, jacks, da-; slide end band lathes and tools al gee end. All kinds of stalling made to order, or Films grv: en for ge•ntig tantOrtes or none al reasonable charge, Rwaa to—Kennedy, Childs I Co-, Ltlaciwovs Dell Is Co., Slug, Pennovk d Co., Jas. A. Dray. I - DELL AND DRABS DET.SS POUN 42, A reLI'UN, lien nod Brus Fooodar, has re. btult and commenced buss.. at his old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old custom• era and friends. Church, elteamboat, and Bella ora ree7 aim, from 10 to Lomat ;wends, cut tram patterns oral. mina approvb ed models, nod warranted te be of the beat material. Mineral Water Pumps, Countere, .Act, Inge. Bier watt nary vanety of thistinga, If required, turned and hinshed in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole p , prtetor of Saudis Asv-Arras riot Ai11..1. 4 110 tardy celebrated for the mdantion of Idaben in machinery. The boa. and Composition en. be had of tam at all times. a1:17 Ploughs, Plough tiCallugs, Wages Boxes, to. • fitt.u'eTk",kritia,°.` the,'" tunne large Is t titre of Pkoughht hough eluting% War on boxes, to, watt the Improvements of the Luce Peacock, n ote, and older Plongha, of the bang and leut patter. now in nee. V nreinnme, WO /Abell). .Vaal, Pluabargh, opposite the Iley ....Wiwi Factory, in Allegheny etty, near th e ll COou Factory 01 . Bleekstook, Deli & CO. W. & gook — aladeri. — Louc 1t ood rs2:;32;/ 1 „ 1 ,i :, ues , a ; comer ea re preparrd to do any work In o rtror n, ur linegh, with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and sans- Inchon will be given so regard to its nearness and du. rebtoty. Blank Books rulcd to any pauorn and bound sub. aluntally. Book. ut lumbers or old hooka Leonid carer rally or repaired. Names put tor books In gilt tellers. Thoso taut have work in our lino ant Invited to call. allaktf Sandy and 11 Canal. ..• 11 , 11 E Stockhothoes of the Sturdy and basses Canal company, are home) nabbed that an election 504 intern,. it 0( said Company Neal be holden on Wednew day, the oth day of Aagnst east, at the Costal once, New ittsbon, Ohio, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., non 4 osock, V. AI., of said day. CIiAS. N. HOSISTTER, It 1. 4,1 Secretary & Co. :90'00.1 Pt Cada and %V ronalai Iron Bailing. Ty da::: „at° —puoa V n'd ItAtillus, lot WIeOW.i , CeMotarlelt, Ottlitttlef, he. dc.e n..L.AAIONT je20.1.12. .; etalg at, ABagteay ul • To lOositirractor• and El • • era. volt SALL, very low, to close the beldam of We j• late firm of Convtable & Strickler, 9 pall. or Vault poor., of Imparter manufacture. Apply to CONSTAULE, BURKE le Co., arcteaf ad et, lea door arum wood UST WECEITIII3 , --X large and splendul awonmead ot Cloths, Cusatorcrev, Vasungv, Cravats, &,0., and lb. vale by I. IN , TLIAAIS, alercalleTuilor, tn ' ya ander Alm, frattcla *louse, elalthiald et , . Pf lION-ICO loos, ii)do Pomace Ho( Slti .l. yang per klogkoldel DO toe& Brooklyn Pataare, Igimw O. Pa.) Hot Blur, for .ale by LIU6IIOELDUE, WLLSON de Co, fru mutt DRY it VARIETY — LIM - DM oAnPlet- . - • . aunt. . , 4viThallisr, -WWII. e nee cra ei. . tempests' the attention . e the ovnaro. . of txnds,'eltildne - and ri ' . ththaYgE to his tato and splendid Ronk of dos, mow kieUle los OM corn, 4th Wert. Oblast:deem liattiy 0( the Woo and f 4 *+ o .4b . Le alles of Ce9o ll . o danltta, the, e•er rirnrltt to am Virostenkozirktt The Aar* by loon both expeesaly fihrthketir*titainces,rind ht l tr=l .. . les' Of kkribese.4 Irwin tinted epin thereon =okra I& 1 • " _...1 th e - ;.no tamilia li aro t o4., men deahrn, with 44164 lina.P ro, pin. 01 9 41 elrawine Tope. ' Cid' AmOriela llnce t. 1-.lnd*F4 ' ed., .4a ,0r1de,.10; view de;• Fine Ingrid:el Comm do : Plain sad twika 114 hi ,44 Psis ingot Ord twilled RoYal eat . theep Mc Cherulle, Allistank Polka; Joe,. ke. Wilton n=r, &ow* Comma; f yard vole; I do d 0 II do do 4 do do - 6 tho do B J KELLOO. On Cloth..: ,Cittuct US; Ma ladhAMP el2le ammo* 4 4 4 aucg.aphe awe euvent,enelased liaehtableeteeyn =o, 4 *t e biVw, w il i on t.alt ua t°a; tes rimeten dent, artdelkerell Gehl ea as reaseetable tam a lay Idea etty, od. Or. saattmenteetltheager r largeat ihaeateaturata the pr,csipm wiu b•piwory or, telegraph, delivered in well, mall advance plum alansfeeause's petee. Terebsiseis yarttentift reiterated to tell Ittehem,_ I j perehaelegeheerbere, as gra &aleteellthavers coo era as cheap is they cantle massed lathe via= cities. I mete )1. W. LIMA NEW and splendid variety, at ditet ZEBOLON JOILNSEY'S, 67 Markel '5O gal levetWaystieN 49 silver bverwauhas,latgicaw le silvardeuketusd lavas watch . 4 SO sikas L'Epine Weishrg 15 silver querns, 5 dos .stnisp r ia Us geld elasns:l des new style ens rings; gold Inn* riegg 0 dos assorwd rings; .1 nut deal ins, playing a varier, of popular aim - 12 gross steel slides, all slaw . . des One Pans, millt end paper, 60 des coalmen Parisi 0 des Ine velvet bead bap, graw styles; lb rats fine crotchet bead bags, new stylesOli de. Hee crotchet payees, pangs, new stykng doi manly, lasiarricra- Bram tassels, !raw., gra and Weer, for regaling rad. bac, • Oraraar vases, monad; dog fine raral •Calll/ pt n cosh- • t dor ilne ivory screw pin cushion., Ides/0e • wood vcrew pin, crabions. 1 fine assortment of pew Toys, ke. Ite. matS9 •:111r4F". DS= L. a. ItalONkw,' el 1. AlmcoSi &go"! Prather& - New York: Massa & Co., IVo.6o2darket suen, batweez 3d. d. tam,b' 11 harsh Pa., have iscently • peen edheir and etfat l a =gr . ! tlause i r.: l = U tter .. dyed packagas ol" le7= 6 and toess Las...sable c 11... Morahantj Sr. pante. • tarty invited to craharal agar.m our wrack, al 'it our attention to offer oar geode at the lowest Eastern wholesale prices. One of the firm residing Is New . York, will be constautly wading es fresh sand.. of: the won desirable go od s, tfiereby giving us every fig , catty le the uanuctioo ol oar brauttess that eonld be possessed by Pastern Mums. Prices are therefore, guaranteed to be as low as the ...rat, New York and 'Philade oh. rates. tt. 7 • UTHITE GOODS POR DRESSEli—tOman this morn TT tag, at W H MURVMPS Dry Wads Rouse north east comer of 4th cell 'garbs en, a ful42lllon meat ambits Doedirker debases, suck as El. Mass My plant and ho dt Moll Mull dm booted .11Yekoneue, pinto Mulls• and Jackonots. Also, ranona styles of goods far Evanunr Drumm, larlmfing s ro w patrorn. of ones new arias Embroidered MosKu sow.. 11 - Near Sse , l ., llbe marring daily fora week to coma, luc ilenvedl styles Deer Goods, Linen and French Gin Prints und Cadmus, vary klerehann am invited to examine Ma r ra. and On ens in wholesale rooms, up maim amonmaut. largo and prices very low. oPS LINEN LUSTRES AND GINGIIAMS—W 11. Mar pity invites attention to his as of shove , goods, of carton shades and qualtuns,_also, dotataih, marsd Linen Lome, for /Adios , Dresscs. A large aa, mmot ot fins Manehener, and Ecitch Ginghavos, of nearest styles; also, Royer Prants—• adnernuent of these Very desirable good., including funk, lilac, blue and double purple, of new and.boanta uil=l7'.Dre Lawns—Pink blue, Wad, brow. and bulf, of neweatltatteras and Lawn.--Plot, colorgamsll fled do do foe infanta. Aiset, Rdlliatuines,of large• and small mes, for ladies and mfantaldleasca: Rannoiderni Swim deem patter's, (or rimming &sa fari? new atylg cfol i trakdint b lak tarietout i t i, ast ,. d a shawls, to., at the northeast corn:L; of F ' ou ' and Mar kot sneers. apss . A Wilttp• TWIN KELLY kOts,Asuccessers to Robb, Wm.- bottler /k. Co.i MP.WMANT TAILORS, Ito Chest nut want, Philadelphia, beg IMO to inform the friende and patrons of the late firm, and stranlyera vinting this clay, that they are now iu retain' of the Spring and Summer Fannon.. Also a choice and select assort: meat of Wenn( Hoglund mot french. Gm* Cstesi-: rumen and labia they ccnocesndly oaths 5PE1.11561 MIN GOOD& HACKLEIT k WHITE, No, PO Wood street, are 17 receiving • very large and extensive roock (Mitt timing Dry (erode, of 'sermon' purchase, and bought . under the most avoratda circnnewarteeN end 'duet they are prepared, and will mil to merchants, at a veryl small !demote on the eastern coat. We would remtem all merchants visiting mu city to our stack • fair exannne,tion and we feel ma th . dent they will be entirely eaturneater the cheapneas our stack. apl7 jESTINCibup French filed Satins, metes, idol white Marseilles. PLOT/i--hap French, fresirintooned, all eoloilAnalities and prices. CASSihtkit VW to every* style and quality. CASH+ gIEiLK774--thip silk weep. Queen's Cloth, Sommer Moth, and desirable coatings for gents' wear, at prices below any in.the cur. EILISISSUN'I3 Cloth Storey shl7 earner Silt and wood as 1111AOKLZTT & WHITE, V,Ergr" k- DWIWIS VI DRY WOW, No, TT 179 IVoad melt, here oubasel, Batt are fourteen ty receiving dating the hi:mines* reason, a largo and eilauxiVa assortroem of DRY GOODS, which leer of• kr to tnetehaula at kw praces,and reasonable tome Dotervlng that they can ova enure sauslacuon, they euundeudy invite all =whams risking the city to pre them a end. aPI A A. AI • ..0N a. co,all Market stseet, are operant, e an eatenatve woman= of limasitasuala i lost ra • smiled per laNointata eemptisttni the tautest and most fashionable stock'r DtliaalGamb to be found in Way city—amongst which ammonia**, 40 p3l extra Tien ensi !modeled Val de Menai, a odor attielai and the moat desirable toots m the market; also, satin wipe Chat: Berogesalisaues, !ileums Stripe, French Jueonett, ite. a s Daess 600 VA—A A MASON & Co, 60 Markel street, have last 'reed a splendid L auostmeal o f Lieu Goods, amass Which may be found— plata, plaid and striped Bemire of all qualliZZ ussue, sushiur stripes, saua stripo• dq Labies, plain do Satin, St Challis', taus) , Silk, }mach Jacousus, te. 4.19 DERADSB, it.C.--itlezeuder.t Day kayo now upey MD • beauUlulaaiiii ettiped mid plaid Derages, el &b., tweet adathies wad itearestiny Ice, imported; 81141 y Apical d p did • and bracts black Deng. .4 Pulse., splendid Ilreseh Lairds, LineucLustree sad tilbalulas t • full essormagt bik, plain and st ri pe de Laiuei sad Ewe elpaceas. All theac 109.15 harp' boon parehasal at the 111.14 par. eminory ilUctlan mileiflo Now York mid Ptuladelpair4 & w W be sold m m greti redaction from regular pupa ALEXANDER & OA I', m 74 corner dbummod and market it SRAWLS—Alexander & Day have rectivest turbo now the ireporutr Lu New York, au entire case area. Canton Crape Shawls, containing a temente worm:era or ernbretdpied and plain attatv ell nor tore wart qapintea, Dont 1 411 talk. The Jod * d am rest pecually utvitod to assuhine 'these yawls, balussing mat tome of them ans superior to any before offered 4 this menet. They will be sold remarkably cheap. AIM, Silk lintel and Bennie Shawl. and Scarfs, a toll eannosent, et remarkably low prices. my WHITS PORCELAIN DYADS—The subscribe/ having received the sole Agency for Woof/ones, W mte a. Cos .Platei'Cium, Atom and Insensate dale. Teeth, utstiest , eutisis' special attention. JOEL MOHLER. Ikaggist and Apothecary, apl7 tnirwood and rah es LOVE. —A 'odd aseoern of ladies and genii , l„X black, white and colo redCowin, Lula, Thread, bill and litibet (,buoy hag al.. AiJO, black anil colored Pratich Kid (Davos, on excellent ardent, .and large sires; AUK opeassig by afel4 l 4 ks "TAk. WHIM, 09 inn:4g GLOVES AND HOSILTLY.;4ust res'd, WU dna 'La; dies Weak, white, became/id slate Conon Haw, twat ed =upper. pair op tho Sanest quality. ,ttar, it dos puts Colson Half Dose, Dal dos lute, thread, ouil at ul both Gloves, 140 , b. urtot. Ladies Baton Kid Cloves. Dealers and others that wish bargain., ut the above articles, will Bad tilem at WY • _dßlfrf of JOHNSON'S, adruarket ci LTOSIERY, GLOVES, &C., AT WHOLEDALEI .111„ donde, H ose and half Hose, Dr teen, 'roman en ciuutrea, South • large lot or slit, cotton end bale th ree WO.. and Maus, Just received Goulds, importers and for sate aludesaie .pd retail, by ovAl F H BATON A. Co Q TEEL tit)ODS—kltael Bag Cheops, the hoot noeuri, mein in the city; Meci tsroola, do Eng Towels; d* Mures do; do Pomo gaup, 4o do , Cluepei - do blidesi do Key ItiogN do Top t'ombei just nie'd ii the uesr Fancy more, Ueltorket street Wurrucoo--e. wu usocu..ut of pa% obb 7 r4 gad striped thambries, plain and ohlt rd Jtoonets, Haus .ad Hooch Molt, beck kluslins, Bishop Lamas Mullooks, .potted Vletoria Larrus, ?a:lama together with • tall assonment klobitmtut, aud tangy Neus,Lares.Edgimph knerLimp„ ;T1„, , a1l of voice hkave just arrayed matt from Me Im nt, and kn. ale Imo to the trade, by myn idHACKLErT k WHITE _ _ - T EWELRY—Pidii Gold Midloinre Case.; do do 144:410. ty .We Mairi do:da !Proof W0r,....d0.d0. Ear 41.11 4.1 do Pinger.kbagisi do do_buird Wad.; do du, ~ do, dO dO humus and. eenii do do .1.4 , c0fv.i 'a Clostka. Those io..yroot of fido JOWCIfy atdl di 4,,0 to nil ea id, before purchudig.. . 1.00 ilis - dEY * IWO: FINE Salk/VW mahy w g a ohm? supa. :eery vtirevor Iltlua6 Long... tgiinled nceilear Sae Laoseele the, mall tem .oxintatirou kw; ailars . mutt .0 elm, geado d94.1117,,AL•keete4 1 4,i4 Also, Mete Lux. Cur4l.l.4 eu eaVememi t . Or On awl very cheep, el kip* ei sad CfnEctmosirorgßits 0 t ~,i u,„„,t aifety...44.0.10 liescihinekie al itlibtasbal cosoulasaue,olidi EMS* WlLlVh.liaba; alittoi Unclad and own lIIMOSIgiogiakf•VOLIAM.II4 *ladle; Oa my 4 • . ..- 4 1, • •••I'' - • • eeffitel L ev...• • '•• : • • OL. NO. - 15. o==mits. Door litato4 • evr • par • • at* • Ft *att. 78 Worn, maw= Foam AND DILSOZOIioIm. THE subscriber". have just opened; es Ow Warne untirl,•• Large sleek of different puintlted and plain white lad the Writing and Letter Owe excretal Erni packet post Fiat cap; denaY k , tadttn I=for !dank beak. taddiettrandioyal Co- Papenc mediate, decry sod elp Day Books sad_ ledgers, saperior sand best Mantra binding; Wheel Bairns of &I • standard weskit la Magog?, wla qrn_promt d , and steel, Peas, Wafers, Wax, Bill KW, Blank Boas of all si zes to pattern, and tunasd in the most substantial watuter, Ooamryiffieeakia itt loweitididasale ern for cub, or rap a cult since.. JOB 110:f7M04-tiaminga Jabal:lce lavanneetkos with oar establishment, wa en. to aucans ell ornery for plain Radiancy Pi=busbies" cards, kni r is atknwprinea EJA sof TAWW423II, yg 78 wood n,betirean lth ant" A diantoodallay. A T Com STORE kel street; NW* between ad and lth, any at all thus be Law stock of Theological WWI ithscellawas Books: New boOks received as soon as published And 'aid so low est prices. The publications ether Arnerleauf Sunday School Union and blassaehnseds Sabbath School So ciety, always on hoot Catalogoes famished on ep• plinatina ELLIOTT & ENO myt 56 market st between &I anl4lll4sh IZM=M . Mom B .MWs. H ' OBAST'S BUTLENIS ANALOGY —athirds An alysts of Bishop Bodo% AnaltspolfiellezioNa• tarot and Emanated, to the entunitotam sad'unsormt of nammorith mama Also, Oranfard's gotothan= atniaanobt teethed and adapted to dub me Vit by Chutes E. W PtineVid of Bari lamitana. la Ms city of Near \tort. AMNON'S DE SENECTUTE, AL—The do Son de Mole-kiss, &maim Scipio., of and the 1,6717405, by Coraelias Nepos, othh Nen" Pitied' dad Explanatory, by Charles Arnim, L. la D. THE DOTS BPRINO BOOM—Dasetiptlen• of 1b Seasoos, Scenery, Baru Life, and Country •Aaptos. mods, by Thomas Kaden wish 36 Illostratione - • A NOVEL BY MARBYATD—Tae eldbiron of Ms IL N. - Ho STR F °THVOIOrLB 4 =TON, Lamed Water, by O.P. B. James. BOOK TRA XTZABLlOrsessuaracATiox br J. A. it U. . JAKES r einthwaxi,tha Bari/tag new and valuable Warta—. • • ^ • MniphanO xnednion—ccontinatel, ofa. life 031. A. . Don AI/ ,Or Oh nexicoi G. ;reamers d onnito roommates Campers ta=to N hio intpanallaled March upon and and the Operaliam of Getc %arm Saari Flo with a ttfau rb t flogravings, by An T Hasint, • Bof dte lid of Wesson Canard: • • '" lib.r f of KentechT — dearldqables lad= onneoali faarlatical , ad , descriptionia with ophf 5A.1140421 , a KAMM h . ern mon then one ImArlariplip st =ncito of ed Sariens Wom, Di. vineso l with ry coda ago by Lewis Collies, vol. actin% The 'l l ireiv;t Not/lid i r olcmar,'Orietin' Pd. rate In the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, la the of Mexico, ti the Utcs47,atelebiLtaia = c'rn iV n the !Etch of the mcvm=t, Vera than, a notion of dial:3o4MT _peak* oven inatioara, toms, be. of the people; nketchaeorf Cairto.Litk an minas of all that ea of other Vanateer itanraus, and a f and Woondod ull Room of hlai lnatratedleaa War Wan* KU. led ,Ac by st ip.r mooAsn of cement views and pl t U anr, by Geo. CL • The shore works monived this day,. and. Cot sale by JOHNSTON & STOOKTO?fe Rawksaners, ear: market and Oki VA • Baker de Seribases PetHllololo4lll6 MILE subscribers having been, appal:MA agents, for I, the ode of the publications of the above known pablialtlng home, bave a fall supply oiling/. books on hand, whiM they can sell at the matankprl• cos, wholestdo and retail Among the warks,wldAtt have been recently Wand by there, which trayabena recommended as exceedingly intereaWttand sable, may bofaund—The Cray, lits Conn and Yen ple; Ireland's Welcome to the Suanc a 4 „thethel - Pleg, by Dr. Spring; Napideon end Ws !I Weeding ton and bis enera* The StereehlaunteutkOndors of Pruner Teaching a &deuce, Mateadusr Arnim chattel:o Ith's Uniform Works; T.H. AAUP. oakintHaste to be Bleb, Riches haveNifingib . ,Keeping p Appearances,Debtor atalermtuor, &e. the worka from the presa of itobenearter,fits character of whose publicationis well known, Tar. mine! Theology, in 4 vol., Haldane an Borman.; Me ths; The Ommtutt, by author °Melee& Olrl Fri t Trce, he. do. New looks method an son as sa published. EI.LIOVIe. =Olaf!, mYd TS wood and market eta VEIV WORKS.—Yanter FMr, a never without a PI Hero: by Witham Hakepeace Thackety--with Wool . ..Mous by - the•imbor. The Tenant of Wildfell HAM . by Acton Bell, mann of D. D. The h of the Arabian Nights' Enterumuname. New traLation, lot family reading, with explanatory twee: tr i n.V. Lam, Eao. Loom's' J..ogariduns—Tablea of Logarithms of num bers and smut and Tangents for every mu want 4 of tee Qnedrant, with other useful tables: by Elias Loom* A. Id., Prof Mamertotties sod Natant Phdomphyth the Ithiveraity of New York, author of a 'Treatise on Arbber,V.Ove w he. orks received that day sea for sill, by JOHNSTON .. .! SIVACKBN, Booksellers, roe Market mutat ats ikt - EW BOOKS—Elistory, of Comprem—tßkgrapMeat 1,1 and Political, emenraing Memoirs of idensoom of the Commas of the United ' , tn.. ,tv• drawn them anthem. tie sources; =bluing the mouth.= ere= of Hair lives, and their connect= moth the political Watery of etimea by Mary Wheeler. Illottmed by: ret mem. e a and farseimile oretographs, Kings and or,Life lathe Puree leg of Illawrical ketches of Jesephhes and Misialitesha, Louis Ptatlppagrentimseg of Samna, Nicholas, Isabel la 11. Leopold, and Victoria: b cAbieti. Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Antic-- Notes,explanatory and practirsd, on the generslopes des of James, Pater, John and intim by dt/bettfiernsta Mary Grover, or, the ?meting Wife—a Otstilems Temperance Tale: by' Charles Burden, • author 'tithe 'Convict's Child,' &v. Harold, the Last ollhe Saxon Mega by Sir Edward Balmer Lytton, Ban. Complete in (=touts. Ni g hts. Itts , rper's Mums= Edition of the Arabian Ni 4b e • re Worts received ads day, and (or mite by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Jyle Booksellers, cot Market and ad as Now Ptabllostalons. IffISTORY OF CONGRIMS, Momaphleal and JUL Poli tleal, commislog memoirs of the member* of Me tktogrms of the 11. lit By 11 G Wheeler. lanstrated by mammas MIA portraits, de. Mc. Vol. oole, The Writings MC. M. Clay; (=lndio( apeonbei addresses, wnhsotal portraits: Edited by 11 . Grottly. 1 rot, s ro. What I Saw an Cahfortuat By Et?erin Bryant r Bornesk•Notes, Vol. 10, on Jam., reter,..l44 not Lem. Charm, end Conoter.Charmc By Wu mmtoah.. au thor of •.To scent and to be," "Conquest," Kt. Int. Burden. Mary °rover, • Barnacle Temperance WM $ y C. Kings and Queens, or Life ln the Alan:i popsistlag of klmortealasmothasof/ate and redgMbir lowitrefra By J. C. Abbott r. A Firm *Pa 4o or a ocaatiral Iwnktnetioa to the study of the Longitude: Seakald. The Dying Robin other tales: By Rm. Dr. Elden. Jon ree'd by H kLOPILINS, . Buildings, ash st, eceseor to 1. L. Bad) .„ kTHW BOOKS—tare or cro ydl strwel . ey .1 Power of the Pulpit, by Garth.' Lt Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus oo Gospels, Matthew, with Honiara); Lectures ou Shoknoeate, 2 volsi Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and=totality; Footsteps of Meastah; . She Convert; by author of Now Girl in Franc.; nod Ttato, by Wan= Sketches of Locums, on Warren; and Maack; Ireland's We/come to the Stranger, Haar Haa Y:to li n, es = a tale (or England: 9 veto.. Poona° by Emarr ENOLII34, jou wood cad MI inaritatog NEW BOOKS—Lectures on Shattepeans, M Hudson, in my volumes. The Poster of the Pedal; or platy thnuslita addrel to Ctuistlea ertaistere, and th ose.= War dune, e a influence of a preached iktspel, by alas Be.. Oantiner Sprintt D. I : 4 ` • The Peasant and Ids .Landktri, by Ina Beroniata Knorting. Tranalated by Man - Heim, liantartine l / 4 tiliondles, Vol. hIL 'History ortbe 0- °a*, or personal memoir of them:ciao of the . Pretet awn:gotten; from unpublished souressoety a. de 14, tonsine. row copies. of each of the above worts received this day' and for sale by JOILNSTON & STOCKTON BooliteKerii; milt/ corner roaster and ads, LECTUDJat ON BHAKSPEAREM Life and Ma. actor, hie Theatrical Labors, his Poems, BOnetris. he., by H N Madsen. The-Power Mlle, Pulpit, or thoughts eddreseed to Chrisihm Mitd)10111 and thoee who hear thug by Hard. ner Spring, D. D. The American Practice Oondenial, or the , Tosily Physics., being the scientific system of mettletine, on regmehte ronetplee Mt ri Lp l i by W Bleak kL D. For sato by k KNOLT46I„ 66 market et, bet 3d and and 73 waxier, betuttli and diamond alley. N EW _JestBOO received Book h Pribl/Mtart d for t blethodiss Book Stook 4th. near Wood. Tamar*. Provable/ Phileartellyi Chao styles of bunliug; e beautiful book fora present, Preparation tor the Pulpit. ~ Samba of Samoa on the Parade.lndr o f atattlar Chnst, by the author Oita. Pulpit Cy sketch., am. The Basalt MAI; eblblairin Of so , owns by the mint annam firing divindeOrEoglattL Mintsret“ Vote—Doing blood, Quinlan Long a*, on thou me, Sacred Meditations. y oymrs SONGS—Watch Roe by,Paglighti I,r Widow hlachrea, Hal (PAW% ludivalei untying the Deer; tiondormt Rim .T. • • Nary Hoy; pas tioa,wha i ear • ' Soaked Car, My Mother LIMO 0 4. eas 411:1Ve *Pet Porlf 6 4 , TU•Klesondinm Ang lbro els W Doper, hthaa v,bot ing Othanr,Sweth Jatehj Young and .dim The Non/alai:W.4r Me; Y SI Balm For sale, by • ' JOHN El MELtiO pas GEN. TAYLOlL—Poethic Cie.>. T •9 l .4'NCofer nadir tha onthediath *our menden= am threat...mar the andamped Maas, nom an original sketch. team Gum fife r Meek 4/ SNnvT, ptißgO n o i l o le OelNlal eeKMBKTO• N .4. 0 es ar * tend 44litkOrkl" . . .4 1 001M—Innots 40TO Bab% a =wand-sc. 41 need adieu= by IT Headley. The Planetary e endsnit Wanda , * , ynryiliiiapo eines! aCibe Reeddiseenene. and tonna ofjosim tronotizerson llama often Levant= by 0 le M. 451 1- 4M, M., Wenn of Um Obaseiritcaly' 'lle above wares psi rend and far eats by ELLIOTT & jO3 nv seed sedan mann NEW WOWIITVEADLET—TheIeeat Oka. Crommaah• J T ilaadtoy, andua ,N 1110611.1011. hiaAwala," , The daared lcutu.t_ YVHII - and Us Gamma*. cad eta. IWe/tad ddeday audlor .ala Juurism. SYCICYTObii /a 9 lioakaallena ear adarlia; doB lia;maXl• • • DRANcE.—outum. of the Marty, or,Fralfolt a• earh...t lase, the ReneidUcka of sWuiots and holilies— . e mumaxems . 241 vevions On the exam/ maim of ppldi4, -0314
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers