MEE wawa PITTSBURGH GAZE PEHLLSIIED ItY WHITE & _PITTSIIIIIIRent : 41 ,1 o f i t i _ • s s . Twietimmu .adverisstperus_ y4B,43.liPurgije tb,Nothr,.. can sa4 %kited •kAta.P4-laues rwr we will steams as onward free of expense, ad varbsenswns abq "burfo4 *popper. 11:1120110.810/14cLI6T - AND PCLULADEL- Orr. hirlahleglog : ...- • eubmsdol thisu:tibia papie will be reverend andforwarded Com this officeo . iiaintlnr= Daas ?Ws IV= aluiv.oo Tri-Vireskii. is klvisuollasispcs isNwspsil)sus pos.annum, micas F LAT.& dOWILL ,itune. • erC gsate , MO , kets, Rivercwh iml7ta,..sJaaer Atrateas, hc. iay. tam mre. - :6oii4riii*A4l.l4ll donaiistiatas, • /MVPRE*I3:II3Zsir, • TAYLOR; FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ,p[l , L . LdHp ,,; YILLAOHS~ - p.r.sno.roskr. SENATORIAL EL ECTORR ' Tome AL T. AVKAaals, of Woshiogtoo, •••••= Jaw" Soinmeao, of Lebanoa. . I[SM.= ELECTORS. :.4.(loiephO.Cberooll, Henry Abbosoo, • TG &No fA , Werchstill, •••13. Wawa Colder ~ • ':11,- J ototwALMaTio, • • 13. 41"Atoo. W. Doffaeld, 10. Morin W. Fikter, #1404 1 .*-04.t4 AP ;Oat& 76, • Tboi Dooldsou, ',4,40k0s D. II • LA. JoA9A3l.arklo, ' ; Sjlollo Loo "- Doz". l =6 , ' Arliopla SchOopeAoz,••• 24 Andrew :Iq. owl. Snyder, 211. Richard _IL Wißiliso.EL Horton .T.L.T4Osou - ;AR FloooloTylos, AIL Som'l.A. iharvisiter. CANAL; COMMISSIONER, WEB; ;AIIDDLiES WASTQ,• iontoe colon% • --- Asitimpopstle. and; Wble Noiziln . stion• • FOR CONOR&O: .. • - 184111 BADI P • - gr ey. • ..` l =W-9 9 4 11 . 1 : i g i M u b .. Wri5l.W#RTZWns.DEft, ..31" Pittsburgh. LOWE., • 14g3r7/A 4 .s 4. co Ktima 4 lb pommel.. Baldurir.. !MATZ COMILTTER. ;nu: Members Of ths Coaxer= nrC 4vPated urlotatlni Ehnistnagion tba 31.1 3 We,latir;Pibt - ALEX% RAMEY, Chairmas. . 11111.11,4XD..i1A5/3 STA,TBI CONVENT/ON The eitinuts GEN. ZA of Pesths llvCKAlLY iutta, tiieudT ICYLAIp to th ß e election° .IhilL;LAßtrlstAi ' .arts.ranamted so assemble in Klass fdeming et LiAR-: .tbr1413110.0, oisTBURSDAY, atat day MAIJGUST, at I o'clock,.e. M. . t . ..Fansters, Mechanics, 'and Wartioaaterc • • . .hiaaufsaturets,Traders! and hierenantsi - -- Man of all•pursatts,.occupations and premier. All abort-glad panty; integral, fidelity capaci ty as amanita! elements of a gat . Nano daftrmaa- , • All who are opposed to hypocrisy, fra etarraptioni =Wing and cond f pnblicl WIMASa In favor of ksulation by the reptesetas.! Ps nochacked by tyrAymoµlx!ret.. t of am vgTtr • . poorer • fstr*tho - wOolit testae the country from the esp.' ;which' Rote Paralystilsaindtisup and defeat as enter-, All Prue: . Witald gita islequataprdtection to..A.Meri; ,ialAlabari and lials.bit teue.the romans, existaithe en-, alemac tha canditionof the Americaa . . Ali L'a. , wild.ironlate, by indent. encoursze-1 Manythadirrelopelneta ,sf oar own grant AA , 01...!•j 2.lllAlfaCtl4 l / 4 0.d.Albi.rni: tine frientboSt those who dig In .Le! neT6h/tila M. ayCintbp ails.% and ply at the Imam; andl tattimihe witlnatipsnadtsa the highways:. 7 . .131,-"of Al Ousel, criaa and 'Conditions, whp &Sire to seen, • jtaVIRM ATI nEtTERII3/M - • ale invited tube ;Coto!, Pennsylvanituall come from ,farto, mad fore, nad coal.plLand.focto.ry: (tom road-sole 'tadAriti formyvillage, andloOtn, and cilyt.come mid shorrtbni t show - hat not Unfeasible 10 your iniermas . .. coital:MT you have not forgotten, and that yoa.wilinot forgive,.this hese *caption of which you 'havobeen mace the victims: eparoand. show that you are lit...nailto - the hero wha "xcramstaazzons," and that you appreciate the man who SO TATO= +ND 11}1211 PEON to ancsroanneturs.? Dianna - Malted Ckratora Womall Pans of the I;6°' will bother. Kadttress yam year friends from ail see. girite..will be there 40 sweet your. ) ouj '4,iicr*ey,,Vg. we, krzowlug dust ! , ws. cask as 0001 wnttN WI 02. L PLIS :Loomis:a* will rejoice the ranee of certain victory. A.LE.LMWEtEt outca MelEchnel, George F. Thionnsll.Cochnui, , David Coo Pet, Itablidl Lot Benson. 'Weil:deem Townsend, William FL Seibert, Jolut. C. Kunkel, *Joseph Paxton, Jamas Tog,. ,Geo. V. Lawrence, napAtar.. John Fenton, Goorga Lear — INS Pinney, Tlmmias J,T 6 .I=4 L. D. Wetmore, ta r ifa tEsotY • John Morrison, Paul a. Ptission, • - Sananel - W. Pearson. C.Ltarlington, • • alas. Taylor David.W.-Painitsoor - State Central Ctimatinee, N. tl. papers khronghcruttee Stale, friendly mine atomism 111 TOSIOT and: Pillouse, will please copy-and glyof azettiag.• • 'MUM PEOPLE'S PLATFORM ' 411 .-"Ft , te C l7S .Ola P*Poses to accomplish, toisMt pesPaseekt build ert, no enemies to purusli—nothuts id astreviliapt canopy?' • .The r given by the Constitution to the Execto Sea, ter ettertiate blo veto, to a high conservaligr.powi shoulde . t= i ot never .ie 3g s t e t ! o se u d , o e r a= epees and emit of n onsiderefibit by CCICVW." "The pets6bal opinions of the individual who tossl happen to occupy the Executive chair, ought not to contiol the eat= of Cowes, upon questions of dot mesthr tsolidy, not not hails ableeuens to he futerposel arhdrAsuestlons or - eonstfinthrual power have been riettLarbj the various department* of gOvernaleul, and acquiesced LA:by:lh ppoplei.n. tiolil i rcis *roll tariff, ihe.currencrohp trot ,11}4 . motet ontigreat,lnabarays, rivers, bats, and ati: 91 dm people, expreeeed,thaoes ttjtte-eStalleus Ortosressy aught tale =peen wrieg ogl,llEhe Execova , • ! all times; and under all eirintestances,is tustional caloreV, sobs Avoided, if compatibk with national - ISO4or l'7 l 4e.PAmplei of. garereurwatt as Welt - silts due policy, or e opposed to Me /tableau , don of tuber nations, and the dismemberment of pia I. ..eoo=klyt eOnquest, for, In the language !Sc.! W u, 4 tirly should we quo out own to .0.1. 1 -1110Jgd end! , " Z. TAMPS. 40i:IiiitipiyiWiroaTiawmpb 4 eNeinm • • I ' Mr ! C° 3 7 / 1 151 rT g. .. L''',l4o*Teinfo' ni; ire...lig, was to ork ave.:pee ' edly trege;.tn,Ottsfdeting, the small amount Of hug Ml9ts y7fritaikei: aod.tbet there wne no eietun . . igirsOsa .beforo..llsA party to be decided... Its de, larentionawere ehatacterize&withgrelit hatidOn4 9 ' end the riciad . la are highly s atisfactory. The ge Semen nominated'tbr Coputninatenet, ip nr44e • ' Thor:Mil' Pairman, deceased, is well fitted forth • responsible position, and the Delegates th.te glut; tit:mention will, ably-represent the pary.iathit We were gratiled in convening whirl' nut of . th ,Dep . §Nsp, ripm the twnstiipi;iiiliiii 4th lailiiiiaisigi.perrading the ranks of the ttarty, an ,tbaitbecotitaly is really mans alive :than i thq en , is regtirdto the pratlntanitiign now in;, , prosir - - ,TheSsivisAtipsised.qre boionglirsill dorthetedat - :Astir whiiii'd.iy—Liii I:l‘;t6t,e'i and : If the cities do as well .in pthphit.l.(ol;,.q . .Pc *real*, „iglegheniy Clitinity, Will give aciituryerc , 4 1 ;ii 4 tlintorttY,,Itelte& 1 1;'ot.r i :Fp i t. t1 : 01,e k:.: , ".d Wehirtit . n . c . . 'dissensions in our ranks bath .• moray. There may be alewludivlduaht - who opposed to the National nornitanions,bat there very Airerabowlifneit vote for them. Theie heir ..Wii ,incinemtg. of .feeling . end eolith:tient tn ih l i •t court nor a firmer Meth/1[1 . 01; 5 P 404.14 b , the, pasty nominations. Our . Whig bretren um -.ssocisit.bstebieersfaisind"iisjOsiiiii ilsoiuli far Taylor and Fillmore. Jl •''• •TtiOs4PD,T,. , is knOwe' that the aysteif f -*get tiLaniversally . in operation oft the railroad in s terEastern States, of commuting the prices ( .peal bare ttrappkkiass toand fro frequently l . :•ifra ' citiiiiii or the.yeareba premed. higtily . .advai , 4. tsipecrestilliis tilted Onipanietois wettest° ihe • Pillittlint Lei: you or near theronds. The Boston 'r.179t1 04 , 11 ; M akehle wad. meats, Masrauve.ofder - erorlringof this titief I 1-' . 0 1t # 6 '' -'' ''' - .7. -.' . : ' 7 - Thou sands of activejmiterprising melt, who .' • ,idesqed . . ~.. ...' with, ~tha mercantile,, and.. {peahen gczYul9fostiOnt Sistop reside from two • i r sty,dve,, andlometime, kitty miles •atr, el - lb i,letillidiful surtneding towns end villages, sa dee iiiiidetetrestsCwhich•are always gasessible'bit'b , • .7#lloFBpdlibati itf, , ritioui,benTs . , c ir the , 4, x , i i , . ' , ..re1tht„ . , 444 :Ali fatigues of Me jey smith follittadiestomers, they hie themselves to!the ni ".,31illetallt scenery, which farms and gardens, • ' . :*tdoiTPOrrnkr i4etilCulalol invitlag th ro ugh g a . ~Nnism wasp, to paas dm. night in an untainted a ~ • ..rnespitere, and is.cieanorell ventilated houses The following morning they hie rignlttlittedr, b ' en misty tram, to the city,bOtbOysiaaßfesTaie , • tally• •ipretieSeaf grolni,pursalts of the try. . ._ . • ,The . /Antitlin and *Manic Railroad CO,, has . dechtred a 'lnch - dividend of Fiker . coif., oa, the stor.lterhich.a46. 6 :aaaioitheirix.k . '. -thif sat or ocrobl next - Thisfeint additlen 1 • "`ritalar "semi ilat.dividinot. of lour .• . ~,, • .Nosetr, P_sitiUaittt,Theßalinghßogister has • .rat let all ibe etaternaneyr Ounii ilgiiiogil'iligtfifallltKl6tatitoi. ar • ' , lerat Verredtitnato about 1000. - The ff n • .. ik '" "'alga; and it& tits.° Whig mi,j. i , .. Jt-4.1,.8175.#.i.i..' ""i; . 1 . . -....T . , • .. • ....:. 'J t-s ,WP Agana intscrtiZNOtrlit ik , ;01;,, , 4 FA& , Whig ; by = mejority. Irate mtum; of the Be -•• - be earrect,the Whig majority on joint ballot mast ' . - - EM!ffff ihe retreat of the Piedmontese sooty under Oodles Albert, before its too selecessfal and too notrieraus adversaries. The Italian monarch and he, army .; . ibittilaredihtribieffrottbridinthrehhireettiv 1 and _last Cglio, which, how evernst==ilod kie:Mehini be: hind iaatillielves freely WWI to the Aar/aims the road toZaiffiV- - 11 a Tar:il - , -, rto: . ; a The head iiilut a is Of; tleirlliedateekse army mere it IticieelnieriM a: sinui di Work' at ‘tettree the POO. ,i,t3vae terPetteaNna'a& As. 1 azrdirision-arestalreadraMentoas, Iv / Ida:valuta ihtts can off tkeaTiedmonesetnana bintea, the wad °flirhiCh they aregtilllol3ed . being in° ter, Me high one between Mantua and Cremona:: . . Allaccountadom doormen! of weft unite Ida& mitring that the Piedniontese and their Krim their mops and generals/behaved with the utmost pi lantry. But they weritiaMPleteiTYoubncirribered, and even outgeneramf by araatinii that irtirdnte t o lion of the enemy's, reit and mrtvemehls which should have been sir pliertamply to them an ,the midst' f their own co ntry. Dispirited and paral ysed as the Anstrian 'venni:mut has been, distill 5 , kept pouring, is re rcemcans and seppkine to Radetski, while inns crawled their arms/And , mode no proportion effort. The eorteequerice in, that a campaign happily commenced; hy,tha expulsion of the Auspianattem all" latteeseaind their defeat at Goito, has ends d in 'a reverse arai , tune, and in an Austrian army rwcivssdnr 4.11.1.- bandy as victor.. In thetieMyieg chmityp_wwetes a Signor Gnertieyi; was tirst despatched 110:Le/Aid provimonalGovam‘i most of Mitan to Paris He was, however,-bet; the avanbeourier of a *rictus mission, 63r M.Geee- 1 nevi was without , molar passers. The Margassi Ri cc i did m ice is nita cm the often:mon OfWeil4 nesdny with the misstep, doubt. of inthiphigihal French Government to much to their ad. „• I Frairethitonikni Gtobe, Aug 4, stiPunk, While wratug thti rumor reaches us that Owl ,ntervellthr which* , Piedmont= have asked hai been trudentlrdegined bytkelerslCafaignae anneog -4tvCit kW,. bas, Painted out to tbeenunva tenblcilim:fnen Melt th" . R e ai euc r of setliegthe r Affairs 'al'ltely by.- negates= ; and' Charles Albeit-will deEmeliibilatenhe time to tba Ptekialtirinileirdn o. l thOtslion gtlik ago by Alle4 , • .An extraordinary °caner- arnved at Pans fro Rome with news of Atter 22114: that the Pope no been able W itten:l Ministry imbued vn sernintents of 'neutrality, the people arulthe her of Deputies had estatditheste Provisional Govt We have, hOttevei, fraff*doOtah, which brings news from RiiiiistreleUytthis ' a revolution is imminent, but makes no mention o the • appointment of the Provisos.' Gonerismen II alio sayrtbe Pope ..011;1 - fourizalc The Provisional Gramm/tetra of the Duchies ha isratest aproclamation deop4that ciefoli• uotutitre at an eta, and th • the teapot:At • of recommencing the 'rap, thellattea, who,. i states, required front General Wrsuigel dishoeoura tde eoaditious, - and • =fatted the esocs-reaconnbiel The iesii3f the preatimation is an t;gie - al td.thst inhabitants, to pram, the war with ,energy, and expriosaragtia gratitiagelgibe •tfiraltfeibb tba came of Germany that furnish the Nth erotic of the *op of the confederstiom. abrader-late* that the du ' htei .beloughtsdpatt*rtb Gattainx," , and rinse with the detraMierainclo ,oetingtier.or , Thelaratodan*raldltaticisi Ifitaibralkkanistlue R•warllia4 to eta * uteri flied.: ittiralraapj-Chat • • eonsequenge efthe•eramition th6;iegonetion with Denmark — craps - *AI again kraut. the rink capture. • . . karate sir this.' rupture of the negociations th Hambargh pipers contain no account ofany actual hostilities consequent on the cessation of the armee do immediate advaitee of the.allled army all most formidable war may be looked for. Th Mope do not yaktbielt the Rtnsaleo general wiP,O . tempt ciOjing 4tie.f ontier.. ' The kdkiwtoyitemsmipearandertlMupoatscript head of the.Eampean Ttmes:— There is sums 41E4 gent' rfance. Itelerferingid the Italian, quer:dim: thmegh.r its said two mail meats have already left Lyons •fisr. Ibat purpose: The Minister ofWar bad given orders be the krimediate formation' ore tamp eV Manieilles, or from 15,000 to 20,000 men. Envoys from Sardieiti and Veuice had amved in Paris. Goutlchnu r / bill for a tax on mortgages had heen carried by • to 339. i • It is dm said that the result ofthe intervieyr be. tureen th 6 Envoys from Italy and General Caval,gs • age is-that France .will endeavor •to come to an undertaiindaig . with England, in the feat Instance, • to offer the joint mediation of both arteries to Chance Albert sad Austria. Thelitttiotal assembly, at its sitting.= the 34 inetotrascr„capied trith•considerieg. the report or the committee cat the'itistmeedous. • • " • By that repowthe Arab'of ttort et of Kim+ characterised' as a airuilfetilitlo*lthat of the %It . I .April as aconspiracy,that Albs 15th of overt act of treason . l and that of June as civil new) Ledru Rollin inc ulpated in April and May - . Lou: I 1 is Blanc and Ceussidere, the fetter very setiouylr i im ii9;•tted Proitahon Ittlie. • Itile soppoNed ibex desePaities Itge ctistody. Lama:tilts lanai cexatiroictis' edit' any of the out+ ! - • ' Afterthe report mislead tedru Rollie mounted the tribune; and defrededifiim4eT with feverish am imidien but without producing any efreet; ! I M. lents•Slart4tteXinpotteofrith more em 4 barraismetd thin t•idieß!3lll.n. - I • • - - - MOSITUZLII rravr. • • -Prose. Turin a telegraphic. despatch announee4 'that the Provisioeal Government luifing been bra, ken op, Charles Albertshg dm:wish-a the. PenTlal had bean,Proclaitood dictator.. . alight engage* • ment had egahataken• Once becomes, the•Anstm ans and Pleamontese, on the 27th, in which*the Rattans were at first successful in recovering their former positions; but owing to remfoicements amt wing t o thiit enegiSh:ol9 werciibligeti to abandon • The Piedmontese• army-were at.Golte s by' the latest acconntsiitt•streugthr4 o , ooo •men, and impert feat order: • Tbe . egaitivie wcitild'be iimaeled an &stateXi Pot•tindtdis. • It is atilratettlltit Charlet ttl*rhitit demand., an anniPke fidalOSA l 2 4 4 4 4l l ltst goi9 et Saa bid except bei cept,tebichteeiliittg had clettlarethahat ha would fell, with hiasonaist the:head oftitemmly.. , it was added that etersistatme•hcan 'Prancer was - hopeless, except ed'emidition erEsiglind 'jotting in :the . :ltt's terVention. . . For Ai Ritta*kri4 - 'TA* ...Bravo Mask.. =s:2==== Coins) .Sa nivel W. Steak, we piteautne,haa beea enlightening'. the sweet Idderlanithumar'.'atie 1 Y Yootig.limthea; t the energetic fathers,' .and • the ardent none of the - , Densoessega in Philadefjohisi, Shelleburrand Bedded. with fetifal'aingebrfationd of Torn Corwin and demonstnittnani the teas 'of Gen. Taylor. - Now we have no disposition to impede the eel's 'named of triumph;teir to Tiabthig 'brodiegf - .the beatttifitY•onene: Irma 114 young: 144Rirdf Ikirord OtOgbikin.K.NrAciicswibit the m=4 igt,ppantridSoroug,has car beem..aoreirani end upward: That he has become, likerCersar; brava in the held, eloquent In the SayunglittothuUd Ma - clots"''That:Mta7digni l M l A - Ake iniVe. of - demagogue ii the dourgry,t.oeproinng.lbe antiquity of the good otdp tatlbito of - Derrinerger whether 'Nilo( arena imdhl a n d b eard ed til,Pqrkii...Perrorrnia& grAtigrogttiellocarl&e , condeatlyidenyingthniXogiving amen tuilit4 ry rankteratitimakeileartaKaytor fit' gar Preal denv—whatittet itlioNtirdifi cog thirrailei ,!ilsr(ant Colonel,'.1:411 obr ithiaulia 131ank.r — diej. in:every .capacity,..-Attor Law, .BanhmiptitY, Whip Sitimp Gretna, Leonine° gaoler, Lieutenant Weed! Or aMtintera. doe. • -•• ••••• • •-• . • • • •-•-. me, Poet,-stalemostrsad:Thdfoor.":' SaAgailkeilTeiniag'4l 46 iii44... , 7 But it line been an immemorial custom of the Locofoco leaders of this county to prune off the young !Snake* In 140 anntodandgenemlaleatinn Mrhenever.any young anions have frogman thee modesty. atuLtbeir proper ylettew*ehenever any squatters failed io reverent:eta theaxel'digniteries, sod Whenever any ornogrtdd fre&the Whferinks 1 -presumed tooter upon toe merits of their treachery; „urbypion,witts tbeloab like erabraceand the dada I I under the fifth rib,aheriverestotninated as- caadil, dares for e lk s—end for odltrion at the male One; freo'll3 mete rashrotolses hi CotkinTectoty gir' afoot permitting 'Mani to do es theylpleased.ond to sponge upon the =miry members of tbe party, un der pretence orstumping the county.' . . Sew thin way. ell 4p very Well, and this imprpal 1 economy of Allegheny Loooftworsin is. very fmtu. I sing, to-say the least... But when we see one who needs • Ludtt rebuli—who manor be coaxed to di e dpreetly—who has the coolness to ask 'People to send him to Congress who would not let him p tolhe LeEstatere. 'A' terrible fiLine, who gentle 'Mateo to improvelia ' kitoWletlite Of ~oti,nte, stly . lietbing . ot 'Story and raid,' and cornea back, under the delusion that he has been mimed--thin other .people's opinions are as Ankle as his owe-- thane In ;.petted t cpriolannar..who , has. only to dictate his; icons M.Mo.placia aids , . nativity, to have theinaaccedodtm e utnce. Why , lenity; we I fear 'that` the 'Col ere - `Milian:Me i n a l I DietdlN' dbttia4 . Ab 'a' ? e ? y . suddeoltaff '. c I trailkiof MIS Wean) iiitLiithosidiiiiiiiqu 0 'tiumorons, ekinneut and truthful' gentleman , has atkinjea a previous `"acquaintance. ... , ,let, C o l. Sinclaruld•kds , fulsome .adulator oftihe Post met assered that .boWever tbermay be de lighting eanb,cper with teeing *atilt* kill TM soden firittenes:theitte l Jt4:adruNlaithePhan o. es of the Locokarn candi date for Congressone par. note. However mann some of us might have pre ferred rtagtdcr;cltoh a tO that guAe by the gqbapti _4o% IkaroA„ to, Rita IClligrriVid rots man who would Juan :any tissasutrarta..ll9l. the-Whig tlekea who-wiDnotleattily ttadadmenitliri"efor ' BUter . ti l=r 0 11 '.1=W ii cfdd ia l4e. 6 I thfiklikt Iferlf- . l'4°"- are were of u { *a iiiis gaitit Black ,fiAti*-4 ,A•aVA. Vho *No tivrichickilkill sportstor ther tolimthret.anli Air debateenftbelvenamble talthepresenttimeinad - unereanyheise &diodes* tames, imp leave to inform ther,ohteel dild;.adot ling bin own rule lathe cam of 'ls Carton as laid down in his orpeeettaiPbdide , we ask 'if kg is fit '' . Th at th e Whirred' Alleg y county,— "d ' '' .. auluul b Y 2 4 r • .- J ed 1 ' ... , FA Op" , , ' '': L t , i 4.,, ..111. jilt and liberties PeePl, „ t r ,,_„„_ii•—•72r, .„ - , • • ,_,, ''44"' ' ' ' Pies " 7 ha :' p hi : a:: , f •Z ee Isri"ls aulauee " latit *- I:7 lllsl4 in*rlielous G sy A 7on.. ..„r- to* mica Mat be is irtLlo,llrtig 5:,, t4= - 4 :&-,',,,..:;; ...dd: ?': t o 7 T....• tUo.' .1b1: - .... LA. i 4 t ttertotine, the D-dthe knuma . e l ilI T mare Pf the value o f t h e Cleiune_." imp sonic and Whig Party of Allegheny Cqunty astern. • •' .• • - tollgetta" We steul ° F ume ' . Wed 01 - Caziverrtiort it the Ea* Midst Rouse, it 10 that we would rather reward them in some other way than by sending him to Ccagiena Ito vote o'clock's *lt-, Yepter4y r (Wednesday) qottd . out. against our interests. We feu that since the also f pose at electing Delegates to the State Guberna and that having brt tried Mexico, he miflatuel god th e i Harriaburtylorateewdecidert to be bad - for hap, 'metal Convention, and also to nominate a candi climate of Walidisd to lu ll _ bixo Copenhagen, and in date for County Cartimiulour in the stead of T. that case, he might be off to Copenhagen, or some inifISIIIII, Esq., deceased. other 'seaport.' Hon. Cornelius Darragh was milled to the Chair, This wooldinstuit our viewesaMly. We would Dr. Carothers arid John sirerrii., Eli r , rd V ic , e rather wait a little wh il e and took around for some , -• appointed biller filtle'berth that would alit his tube an 4 pa Presidents, and hiesam. John E. Puke and W: A. isammelisunae with his deserts. lo the meantime Shaw, Secretaries. ~ 1, 7 ,11 ee l ue forgotten individually. by ail.. Louis Philippe and his Porto:uses “ For ilL4os caam, per tat di:seri:mina' mama.” Vrnom. It is now several years since the following alter dot. nppeated in the Literary Gazelle: • 4116 W,Wh nobleman, Lora B-m, having luid.tbe : honor of dining with the Lang, is that an: cetera/Ulnas manner in which he del* . hu to with draw bin:itself from the trammels of state, the con unit= was carried on as if between equals, and his Iklajesty, into slim remarked that he was the only sovereign now to Europe fit to fill a throcte.— Lord B--m, somewhat staggered by this piece of egotiamonuttered out some trite compliment upon the great Weans for government which his royal entertainer had always displayed, etc., etc., when the king burst into a fit of laughter, and exclaimed, 'No, no, that is not what I mean; but' kings are at such a discount in our days, there is no saying what may happen; and. I am the only monarch *lto bits cleaned his own boots, and could do it The eirants of the last fortnight, in conjunction with this conversation, furnish another verifiea• don of the proverb, 'Many a true word Is spoken in jut.' When: on-Fdday. Louis Philippe landed at Newhaven, is en old green blouse borrowed from ei Ftenctifactuir, and a pea jacket, the prem.& o att English skipper, he was himself it living fulfil ment-of his own phiaser, a king at it diecoung'— and NU did not put his Wu cleaning abilities into Practice; It was not because there was no occasion for the work, but because he was otherwise too triuch engaged in taking =dot kis person. • We hear-the. Americans say he heals reality;' but Louis Philippe, in his remarkable life and fu ll:lnes, has broden romance. This wotid is popular sly acquainted with the general outlines and leading, I passages of his past career. * * Bat thesirqiularity and wonder of Louis' Philippe's life do not end or begin here either. In fact; his very first appearance upon the stage of existence, his birth, and the circenisteaces of his' belonging to the house of Orleans, are all, accord iog to one account a romance, and the most won derful romance Of aIL I shall astonish the reaaer, parttime; by the tale I am about to unfolci y ha . 1 my , self was astonished vibe, first my atietigZsres called to it by a very Intelligent and travail 'fur. eigner, a few days ago. But the reader -the tale an it was told to me,' without exaggenhion wrintentioma cxdoring, and accompanied with such authority as 1 can flarnish, and he cag-then believe or discredit the extraordtnary allegation as he In Burke's Peerage yon will find, under the bead of ' Newborough,' the following entry ' Sir Thomas Wynn, 'aftermaths Baron Newbo rough, married badly, Meta Stella nurturella,, daughter of Lorenzo Chiappini, and by her (who married godly, in 1610, the Baron Stenbera, and died in lerid) had Issue Thomas John, his succes-1 sor, and Spencer Bulkeley, the present peer.' 'To the above the compiler of the Peerage has appended - the following note: This Lady - ( hat is Maria Stella Chiappini Bar. one. L'irratitirin a pamphlet published to 1829061M0 to be the legitimate eldest daughter of the latitDoke and Duchess of Cicane, and audits that the French king [Louis Philippe) was born td Oaten. in 1713, whom her parents, anxious far a male heir, purchased from an innkeeper. The book created same sensation at the tune in Peru' I have not Brett's Peerage at band to refer to, but I think the some circumstances, above alluded to by Burls, ere there given at greeter length. The reader who has now heard of ibis extreordi -nary pamphlet C 37 the fret time, will naturally ask why be never beard of it before. There ore pro. bably kw who have it in this country, nevertheless such a pamphlet was publishea, and was at the time, and still is very extensively credited on the Continent. The rank of the lady herself, the plan. able, and some behaved the impregnable evidence which she adduced in support of her assertion, end the very serious and, to some extent, tavarablel hearing which her case received from the high to banal before which she brought it, all gave an ep• pearence of authenticrte to her statement and a gravity and importance to the whole hairiness that started neve than ilie mere ;pro'ps and oat theta Is thinking. The Itiga allege... 1.3, It will he barn. in mind, seemed the leas auspicious from having been made before Louis Philippe was King of Flamm - and only Duke of Orleans; fur had they been advanced a year or two lister, we might have naturally thought there was something of political intrigue in the busmen in order to embarrass the newly raised King of the Barricades. And now, to give with a little more detail, and at greater length, the continental version of the story glanced at in the above note. I unmet old tale the pamphlet though one or two who_e atten tion I here called to this extraordinary circum stance, nays they reeolleel some such brochure coming-out ender the title of "Maria Stella," but -of its contents they have a vague and indefinite knowledge, or rather in fact an knowledge at all. I must therefore supply the narrative from the relation of a very reapectehle and inieligeni Frenchman, front vir tam I received it a kw day. ago, and who himself devoutly believes the bar roues,' story, and' dederaes the enema:mane was well known and talked of in Florence, and believed there and elawbere on the Continent. -- 1 Louis Philippe, father of the qiiiarriteof e French commonly known as Kolibri (or ."Kr.paidi- It," width name be assumed on the abolition of plea of nobility by the French revolutionists.) was, IS the • reader is doubtless aware, married to the daughter of the Duke de Pentbievre, edmiral of France and possessing-the largest private fortune in the kingdom. Soon after this merriaxe, (so the awry, gad I believe the statement of Mann Stella go) the Duke of Orleans (then the Doke of Cher 7.1155 ; kir his father was moll living,' being in sore vent' of money to supply Ids extravaganee, ap plledto his .fatheeladaw for a large sum • btu the liShle7 . llll4 "Zia let We first see a male bet to the house and fortunes at Orleans and Penthrovre and then I will show yon to what amount my lib. erality will extend.. The young Dutchess was entente, and won after she and her hoebend star. ted ott a tour through Italy. At Florence she Was taken 11l and-delivered of a daughter, whom The Duke, her husband, knowing tbet all hie hopes depended 'upon On heir, re moved and exchanged for the mole child of the keeper ofthe ion in which they ware, and who. wife had, been brought to bed the same day. When the Duchess had witficiently recovered, she (*dittos Duke) resumed her roartey ell uncrulee. o. that the infant which she corned sway with her, was the supposiiion child of another, and that she left behind her to be for the future putative 'daughter of a Florentine inn-keeper, the real 011' spring and heiress of the house of Delete. The hellan;whose name was Chleppini, of COMO 'gat alai,- consideration for the exchange, and by -way af making amends for the injustice to which heeled beena party, had the little girl, who noon discovered great beauty, and manifold talent, cr peeialiy for ramie, early and well instructed in po• lire aecomplithrherltit Alter a time she west to 'theratigl l rder the title of 0 Maria Stella; is • pillar'. rood lai& think sang in the Theatre of -LoSeala Milan, where she attracted the ellen -into of Sir Timmhs Wynn, (afterwards Lord New, ' h ornagh)then PtYelling abroad, to whose ottersof tukirrisgeeine icceded, and by whoresha bad the wainna setdown in the peerage. All this time .stirs knew nothing of the real secretof her birch, though-se Incident is said to hale occoured:when she and her htuiband, Lord blewborough, were star iug in -Paris, which subsequent relations singularly elucidated: ' They and their two boys were walla 'inglbrptigh 'the Pelaialoyal, (the Ferran-silence afthe family of Orleans.) when the yotingeittrikhe two suddenly Mopped before a painting oft lady, .and. etelaimed, "-Haw like mamma"' It was a Mltrait of the late Duchess, and the mother of Lady Pfewberough, if the Mary be tr.. Ildirever, to Chaappini, the Florentine innkeeper. kept his secret until he thought he wen dying when, iseuding for his reputed • daughter, he disclosed to hertimeircumstances here etated, and pliked in trei bands documentary evidence, no as to marble belies prove her birth, and,upon which she inst. toted proceedings its the French courts against the esKing of-the French, the Dultio of Ot . l..eir.but Amstrecessfelly. • . Tints Lotis Philippe's birth, parentage, ernes, and progress, rise and fall, have been nothing, -from the beginning, but romance--neal or alleged-..end it only required him to be the atippositions heir of the'honse pi Orleans, and the teal son of a Floret. tine ion keeper, to render his memory, taking every thing that has recently occurred into armrest, the most remarkable in the annals of the world. That Louis Philippe, supposing the story cktus appini and hie putative daughter to have been true, was ignorant of the circumstances °Chia birth,therre is no reason to doubt; and that he believes, to this moment the whole a pure fiction and the 'patties making the 'charges impostors, I am equally ter lain. 11, is stated, however,by the Continental goo n. In personal history, that Philippe Egehte, ;a committing his supposed son, the ex King or France to the care of that remarkable women, Madame de • Gerdie, pwho was at once the mletress of the lith. er, and the instil:Laren of the son) confided to'her thiCtrue story of the Flarentimeexcbenge; but if Madame de Genii. never divulged the secret, I cannot see hour any one is to know that she had been confided with it* eTbiweromaniMadame de GeUna) War Oarroili,dwlt by romance and mystery. Amongst her household was a girl,.Permelia neymoor, said to be a young Eng listroromturrof bumble origin. but who was generally believed , to be the daughter of Madame de Geniis her by Outpulte of Orteans. This young women, who vryte cgatitsted. lot her beastly, was sitestestds mar ',Oast to the weesmdste Lord tEdsveut IltsgeraW. Mick. to the prawn thshe of Lehmter.l and who was shot by • ppm. mugtyrnto w arrant ark in Dublin, while offer ing tensimmy Ma for 61.• affellt. • p . 4.44))&fra,,cluarged with being =teemed in enticing. 'Laves, to runaway, had a hearing. be. fore an examination court, yesterday. eurnher qf witnesses were exausined, although no positive testimony was elicited. 'g'lu't hint,-his guilt was made sufficiently manifest to justify the court in sending him on (or further trial before the. Fayette Circuit Court. Bail to the amount of 320,000 was required, which the prisoner was not able to give, was committed to pd.—Lcongiwn Attar A.e. sth. The 'President having announced the object of the Convention, the Delegates were called on to present their credentials, when the following gen. ilemen were admitted to seem Several of the Delegates appointed not being in attendance, sub stitutes were admitted by unanimous vote of the Convention. CRT OP PITIIIMIGH. lst Ward—Jiktin Sheriff, John Fritehman. 2ad ' Henry Wood 4 Jos. Tomlinson. 3rd ' Stet Palmer, A. McMaster. 4th ' Joseph Pennock, John Rippeg. 50 ' E. W. Conlt,John Mowry. 6th ' Inmes Lowry, S. C. Hill. 7th'Wm. M'Cotcheon, R. Arthim Sth ' J. A. Stevenson, J. Sargent. ' R. Hill, John' Fox. IM Ward—A. LAmont, Wm. Boyd. 2nd J, Bayer, B.- H.. Daria 3rd ' J. H. Sewell, Wet II Mowry. Ith ' J. Miutball, 3, McAuley. Piu Township—Joseph Cohan, C. Darragh.— Peebles ' Alex. Gray, C. H. Ernest. Wilkins ' Jas. Carothers, Benj. Kelly. • Plum K D. King, Joel Monroe. Versailles ' Wrq. A. Shaw, D. J. McKee. Elizabeth ' H. Applegate, FL Lytle. Jefferson ' D. Kennedy, G. flichman; jr. Snowden ' H. Hake, Wm. C. M'Knight. Mifflin '' D. Calhoun, H. I Baldwin ' M. McDonough, D. U. Bt. ClairTowinhip••—.l. V.-Rowland, H Holtz Lower St. Chur ' E Jones, jr,R Finney. Robinson ' E I Brooke, A McKee. North Fayette ' J M'Ewert, W Rakers H M'Cormick. W Gray. D Diekson;W Morn N. Stout, S Jackson Rau A Hilands A Brietianna. A S McCord, T Coebran; West Deer ' .1 McCionnink, W Porter, Eau • Indiana ' W.Darlington,L C J Noble Studer ' A OLoyd,PElingentimiin Borough Lawrenceville—T Burk, L 8 Johns Sharpshurgh J. Benson, A Morton. ' Manchester J E Parke, D Louth& ' Birmingham Ci E Appleton, J Steel. ' ild'Keesport M Droop, J H Gallaghe. Elisabeth, D Server, J bi'Donough. ' W.' Elisabeth—W Youdon, F Briggs.' Smith Pittsburgh—JOU Small, Wm Richards. On motion, • committee, consisting of .Measrs. Wm. Boyd, Hugh M'Cormlck, Benjamin Kelly, R H. Dam, and . tilexander McKee, was appointed by the President, to prepare and present resolu tions expressive of the sentiments of the Conveir ticm. The Committee having retired— The Convention, on motion, proceeded to recelye the names of candidates for nomination ns dele gates., and also, on motion, those of persons to •be voted as the candidate kw the office of County Coro missioner. This business concluded, the delegates were called on to mark.. The following was the result of the balloting ton unsa•ra. Hiram HMIs, Snowdon, James H. Sewell, Allegheny, Henry H Woods, Pinsbtirgh, Dania, Allegheny.Mhos, Lawreoceville. Joseph Tomlinegn, Dine:snit. C Darragh do, Wm Daily Frankjohnoon, Allegheny, C 5 Easter Pitlyborgh, 3 M K Snodgrass, *Withdrawn. John WI Hock. Pinbargh, MT= lames Peebles., Fleming Marrow, Pittsburgh Robent Chtigy. do. Samuel Can, Elizabeth, Wm Beromet, Allegbeny, Moses Saraband, do, lE==l •withdrawn The result of the first balloting being dr *elec. tion of hiessra H. H. Woods, C. Denney IMdi to. S. Jahns, as Delegates to the State Convenficp, leaving two Delegates still to be ;chosen, end odic. Lennon having been made via candidate kr County Commissioner, a dbs➢ot via commented as above, which resulted in the election of Messrs. H. Huits and J. Tomlinson, as Delegates. No chtice of a candidate for Commissioner being yet made, ■ third ballot was entered in, which resulted in the nomination of Mr. Win. Benson, of Allegheny. On the announcement of the mob of the first ballot for Delegates, Mr. James McAuley, of All, gheny, moved that Mews. Dania and Tomlinson be nominated as Delegate., vire Yuen—but Mr Kennedy. of Jefferson, objecting, the motion arms withdrawn by the move made by Mc. John Small, to adjourn tiU I o'clock, previous to en: tering on the second ballot he candidates, teas lost. Toe oomloatioes dolled, the Committee M bo. 'less through, their Chaircoe. W. Boyd, made he Mowing report: Wuranas, This Convention, representing the Wings of the county of Allegheny, after having discharged the auttes for which 0 aseembledl rev nerd it as a proper occasion, and in a duty, to appeal to every Whig voter to the county, :o act speedily, energetically, todivtdually, and col. lectively, in all honorable ways, and by all bbine labia means. from Ibis time henc e, and an. the triumph of Whig principle. is manthested by the election of tae Comity and Stale ticket, and the elevation of their standard bearers, Za chary Taylor and Mineral Fillmore, to the Pres idency and Vice Presidency of our country. Repaired That are shall ever esteem oared is our political creed the vest pnaciples which governed the taloned/neon of oar early F!zes, dents. 2 lifeedoet, That the experience of 70 years; and the wisdom of the Government from the days of Washington and Jefferson, down to the advents crane° of James K. Polk, has approded of the Protective Policy, end that the modern doctrine oLFrve Trade is a chimers of Localbcciara, which has no precedent in our history beyond the ma sent adieltilslnslion 3 /U d i n e& That are in &ear of sr prepriatimis by the General Government for the Improvement of our bates, Rivers and tfarbeins, —the great channels . of our . domeatio tied, be tween the States and the =llea 10 kelti/ta map meree—thet no vociim m confusion. shall permit our - being beard 'upon this great question. A 4 Mr.eal, That we view with deep regret, the late attempt of the administration to involve us farther In the evils of Mammy, by extending It over portions of territerry , .stow *we tender corthankh to our Itepresentati yea in Coo stem for resisting its encroachments, and 'ewe, fishing a Territorial Government for Oregon .09n. sistent with the Writ' and genie!' of e• fee* : Ws pie. 5 Remised, That the principle of the Cul eel of 1727, known now tithe Jefferson Proviso, has always been the doctrine of the Whig party in Penneylvanis and other- States, end that we re. joice that Congress has already extended the prim alpha over Oregon; and we know it will be exceed. ed over ill other acquired territory, should, a Whig Congress be elected, and General Tailor and Maid Pfilmeirehe President and View Pre, eldest. General Taylor will not veto any such measure—Lewis Case says he will veto It. d. Ratelrel,• The it is flurried of the People to form their own policy, and the duty of Melt: 'Seri yenta to obey their will In the administration of the Government That we are opposed td the hden ,Clier of the alit del veto t * Owith, eicopk in fele of haste and want of comideration in Catimess, and such as the judgment of the people wield ap. prove. 7. Reekeil, That we lueopposed to all arbitrary power, such melees not emanate from the Oesple themselVer , that', we deeply. sympathise with ap • pressed Ireland 'in her present edmis to catableh her independence; and that we rejoice at Iberia& cations from the Old World of the approa c hing overthrow of tyranny and despotism. • C. Resolved; That the Whig Party is 11074: it al ways has been, the true advocate of the in me of the workipg chwaerehat they are, the hope of the country. end deserve the (miming care or the Goveramosfrethat we ardently desire to steeped condition ameliorated, and will- cormiteue NI In our power to accomplish that ottect, . That this Convention believes that the moral and mtellectunliconditian of the laboring classed of the emit/would be essentially improvedbylaws establishlrigtas holm with° period of a day's labor! and that we repel an a base slander the ones re , mated charge, that the Whigs are not the emcee end consistent flimode of the work* elasici... B. Resdasd, That we approve of the err given by Gm+. Johnston midi other Whig me of the but.Legislatime to the !deposed emendate to our State Conititution to make the Judged aor Courts elective by the People — beingliatiade by the experience of the. lam.ten yeana that, opt present system is radicallydefective—end thdevest point to the almost unload= list of Locdtbcirs rd corded in the negative-es conclusive stridence where Fedendisitas to be • Ibindin IB4C t“ • t Id .12stolaci, That our Delegates to Ilitariaburg be Instructed . to Support, William P. Johnston at ooreandldotte for Oaten*: ' ' ' 11. Smarm& Thstevery'District In the Count} be annealed-to Se Rough and Rcadr!Clubi, in order that old heny stay give her full quota In securing the e n of our County, State, and National candidates by overwhelming majorities. ~. -. , = _..;.;. - •:.r-.: `:i:: 4'..:-:-;"'..^: =.~.,-..,; :;-.-,.nom-L-r.:,'~h•;;e~~; Stii4 lewEll 44 ' 01 i dz i o e..-7171 outlast wets., Wm. F. Johnston the GoyerSKll 04 . Petiturylvania. Etr: bete — itiggrefiff bpd bil 4 / eflfae;i t°lo4er )414 a 4 PtesloMweilp placed in • dilemma by the 'amendment Offered-- they having been instractedth vote' for delegates favorable to the, vicmgmaitai stir ; 1101.,Walter For.. ward, whereupon the President, on the authority of Mr. Fortino* withdrew- his =me from the list afcandidates, and on motion, the whole of the rds cautions, with the preamble, were adopted together unanimously. ' , A note having been left on the table by the per son Who has charge of the court mom, asking pay for his services Goin the members of the Conven tion. Tbsi President objected to the claim, kir much as the people"pay a regular salary to the in dividual tithing this "compensation" from them. Oa motion the Convention adjourned. CORNELIUS DARRAGH, Prest. LatirePAROTELIERS, / Vine Presideots. Joie( Samurr, John E. 'Part . }'SecrettritiCs: Wm. A. Shaw. Istriumorner to Martotnorrea.—Dr. Dur Aide( Matches, Mississippi, the proprietor of Itoseßle, is building a stone wharf to protect his valuable pro• pert! against the inroads of the river. The work to to be °Cheesy cut atone, the foundation laid at low water wok, the blocks bound together by Iron ciamps,,and made perfectly secure against ice, drift. Sr., in all seasons. ((carried out as proposed, the Bactor will have the most prominent, as well as the moat beautiful wharf in this region. It will be found, also, the cheapest, because the most dam. ble. Should the esainple be followed, as no doubt it will be, by other holders of property on the river, the borough will present a:river front of almost tio equalled beauty. Nor in the intarior of the bor ough behind hand in the race of improvement— Many handsome boasts are in process of erre tiorr-rite streets era being graded, gravelled and made delightfully smooth—and a very large amount of business is done in her mannactories of ploughs, wagons, catnaps, shovels, spades , finks, &a. She makes the cane vregons, the earl s and the ploughs of the cotton and sugar planters Of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, &e, wagons fm the Santa Fe traders, and even for Uncle Sam himself, with carriages and other vehicles foe ev• ery body, equal to any in the Weal. The steamer Dolphin, Cript. Hazlett, hence to; New Orleans, yesterday, took out as. part of her freight, augur wagons and carts, manufactured here by Messrs. Townsend, Carr & Co., for Sept. for Barrow and other Sugar Planters, residing near Baton Rouge, Point Coupee, Bayou Sara, and other river porta in Louisiana. The wagons are of somewhat peculiar construction—the bed is very broad at the top, and iotended to tilt back. wards, like a cart, and slide the cane otf in heaps, for which purpose the fore and hind wheels are placed much nearer together than usual. The Dolphin also takes out some piece* of heavy cut Iron airmail, made by Messrs. Knapp 6r. Tot. tan, 41r an edifice in Baton Rouge. Talk of din. solving the Union, indeed. What would the Southern folks do without no and our. -notions , ' We help them to rnake , all that sugar, cottan, rice, tobacco,tc., that they call the greet staple* of the country—and vet they take all the credit, sad claim to sustain that of the whole country abroad. la. ea. 30 051 32 4 Wl!arms Datritasrrr.—The nosier, and Pro fessors of this Institution, desirous of extending as fix as possible the advantages of a practical educa tion, have nagged Mr. °Verna& • gentleman well qualified kir the undertaking, to give instruction to Architectural sod Mechanical Drawing, including thedmaring of all kinds of Machinery and Cird En• gineering. 4129 to- 41 058 81 - 00 1 3 3 22 The want of 'welt o branch of education In our city, has been long felt. We are emphatically manufacturing people, and if we expect to keep pace with the improvement. which are conntantle being made a older place•, We mon( pee that ,iut loa. 2d XI 9 4 f n o; 4 • 4 2 9 o 15 20 9 22 6 , 11 13 1 0 10 10 , 2 musens be well educated. There as no meas. tiring the advantages winch would low in upon no if well educated and 'Mentalc labor could be employed In developmg the resources of fins re• (ton. Nature has scattered her blessings profasei ty all :Mont on. bet hitherto art has done bat liule• We hope our cittrens will sustain the effort note being made. The terms, as will heaven by a reference to Mr. Overman's cant, very moderate. FACTOar Murcia.—A very large meeting of did Fartiiiy - operatives and other friends of the Ten Hour System, waahetd lasthight in the Alb , ebony Market House. Some half dozen or mane speeches were, and • great degree of interest was manifested. R. H. Kerr, Esq., informed the operatives that a proposition would he made to them this afternoon, by the Proprietors of the Star Factory, to resume work on reit:tin isonditioas, which Mr. NW Kinaloe afterwards annonaced to be the adoption of the Tea Hour System, with a mall reduction of wages, arid the operatives were invited to meet at the President Engine House. on Cedar street, this alternates at 4 o'Clock- Molar. Kerr, Kuisloe, Boyd, and others, advised the ope ratives to accept the compromise. Some of their friends, however, coin: melted refusal to submit to any decrease of wages. The meeting adjourned to Saturday evening. at the same place. The ope. Nit. will meet to consider the propmation, and many of them repress willingaear to make any fair arrangement. At a meeting of the AWIJIIIIIOO2 and Whigs or Elizabeth Township, held inf the tqwu ball in ;he borough of Elizabeth. on Saturday, August loth. Robert Lytde was made President, and Matthew Henderson was appointed Secretary. It was then . R.J.ndve That Henry Applegate and Robert Lytle be appointed as delegates from our loam ship to the Om:mention arhieti meets in Pittsburgh on Wednesday next, add that they' bore poops, in case they cannot attend, to appoint emboli. lutes. &wile That Joseph Taylor, Matthew Hew demon, and Thomas Martin, constitute a Central Committee for our township with power to op point committees ha each aubaohaol diatnct-10 call meeting., and to do all oil= thinp they may deem necessary to pumase the seem,. ofthe Whit party to the cotmty elections. -";:assolrett, That the proceedings be published. ItOBT. LYTLE, Ch' o. hL Ilontaaon, Seep. .Clasgurruss--We legtnisd, on Tuesday, with much pleasure, that the Individual who owned the stick used in the assault on the watchman on Satordsy night, called at the Islersii Office on Monday, and alter reading oar remarks to re. Bard to the use of such weepons, asked Or the Stick, and on receiving iI broke it to pieces, de. clerkil resolve to keep clear of such 'crapes IA future. understand he is an industrious, washy, and generally tempersite man. 's sincerely regret the pjury done to s. very intelligent and trusty man, m our article of yester day morning, relative too charge of perjury. it is but just to Mr. Levi B. Ant., of whom we apol/p zp r raahly, to any that we know no man tuordtrust worthy, capable, and correct in deportment gene. ref; and we freely admit that Our use of the tents, • quamsbome and wurunwarrunt ed by the nine° fact from which we derived th Oppression. The circurnatance refCrred to, win personal misunderstanding between ut 111. tho't Aim unnecessasily hasty in his course---lis,perhaps , had rearms sufficient to warrant that course. Un. fortunately, as is too often the case, we never met to discuss the matter, together, as those so long as quainted sbiluld have done, and we may hove committed great Injustice, even in entertaining unkind feelings,whila no personal misunderstand,. ing could Prettify a remark no tub, and calculated W injure deeply, one In time past highly and de. servedly esteemed. Il7'Taz CLI.II/AX Is suangely, to the t, man catiele, for skin) the sadden change Ginn heat to cold, and the smoke rouses yellow, dark, coarse com plexion.. Then It is requisite that the pores of the skin aboald he kept open--thatthelr mouths should he [Med from linparity-4was thus the ancient Rom. Philearg g that en eared all diseases—they computed More and unhealthy vapors len through fir the pores of the skin, than any other outlet of the butt It is necessary, therefore, to keep the pores ope humors are dispelled from the skin front the pine., when Wry washwith Jones' Italian Chemical No. I !Mee II ease the motel Dhoti oldest e•-es Rheum, tiry.ipelas, Old Dore.. Rarhet . Inch. Dore Head, Ringworm, when every other• luternal sod eMemai minedy hod failed-ens ddhot moderink the .skin. Wight, akar sail son, thou g-Freh it he yellow and coarse, re Wale dertni—u removes ckles, Tan, Sunburn, hituphims, and. disfigurement of the. skin—tea persona most be particular and ask for Joan tioap—to be had la iiiituwrgh or WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the Rig Root, 89 leberti as Price to coma • turrladawly tglDeal have I Foul fireolb—lf you bayri aye illing houl. ofJoues' M t.o . Puuor. Tha Wit wile your Irmsult suroot, ',whiten your teed,. ko.-. 4f 4 d 44 . *I,POOFtw J7Ltt*.ir IVA.nvicariaina are sarneady requested to hand in their favors before 6P. M., and b early in the day a. practicable. Advertisement" not 113.110 ti for a spec, fled dine ordl invariably be chased maul °Me red out n'; 4' , • ~-5 • ttrb , te pt l i tteproto time .11 inilsauxuaion Farets certain to be effected Hare you Boa elatis, Spitting of Blood, Plaurnry, or in tact nay Affect:on, - then' a= Jayne's ErPecturo" , nrr7l7is carotin,. alga goy will find that you Lave ased trPs* c4.44 1 , i t For t o Piusbarg at the Pei= Tea Stars, 71 eth street near Wood. 1.a17 Jayan's Fsbracroassr.—We would call attention to Ibis excellent reme• for Coughs, Colda, Consumption, asthma, and all affections of tha Throat and Longa Having several times within a few Teen past had «ca lico to use a medicine: of that hind, we have by expert ence tested its excellent qualities, and axe prepared to recommend it to others. Minister, or oiler pabile speakers afflicted with bronchial Sir. fill. will find great benefit from its use. It Is prepared by fic physician, and all classes will find It a Safe and effi cacious medicine in the diseases for whith it Is re commended.—(Colas bus (Ohio) Cross and JournsL For gale at the Pekin Tea Sum, N 0.70 Fourth street_ mr2d UIT Worms, by their Irritation, augment the accre tion of mucus or slime in the stomach, to whlebi sl so, they involve themselves; and it is said they feed upon it, and if deprived of it they die. The celebrated Vermituge prepared be 11. A- FAIINESTOCK. Pntabungh, Pa., ts admirably adapted in its operation; tint, to remove the protecting mucus, and secondly, to expel the worms rendered helpless and tender by be ing thus detailed. It is a remedy in which every con fidence can be placed; and that it has inwwered the purpose is manifest from the hundreds Of certificates given in its favor. led "A Little Mom (papa• Capt. Bragg . " • , Antlm.aonla and Whig llai4ad A meeung of the Rough and Basely Club and the friends of Taylor and Faltorirei will be held at Braga burnt,. Yard, (bi u myto on Friday evening, Zib iris., at ye o'clrick • Addresses may be expected from the Hon. Moses Hampton and Cornelius Darragh, Eng. P A. 111411/nRA, President. nAIIIIXID. On Tuesday. the ged Inst., hy Dn. Geo. Upfold, D. D, Mn Jon F. Sumac, to MART, daughter ofJohn Snyder Esq •II of Fittsborgh -•-- - • SHILLING OFFI LINN:CAN BOTANIC GARDEN AND NURSERY, 2 LATE of William Prince, deceased. Fluahtng, L.. 1,, new New York: Wurrem & Co.. Propne• tors. lu consequence of the decease of the junior andnf the edvanced age of the surviving partner, the entire stock of this establishment, compruthig every descrip tion, luding the newest s choicest varieties of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TRUES, Shrbs,Vthes, Planta. Roses, fic., will les disposed of at very reduced prices. in order to don, the basilicas as speedily iso poritlae. Orders rmeompanicd with the cash, to the amount of Ten Dollars, or upwards, t writ be supplied at a reduc tion of 25 per cent from the usual prices. Nurserymen, Venders, and others, wishing to pun chase Ly wholesale. will be supplied at such reduced priens according to kind and quantity, as will probably prove satisfactory to them. Desenptive catalogues OW., on application post p.t& • Ordersreceived and catalogues supuhed by S.N. WICKER/ARAB, corner of Wood and Sixth its, Piths burgh augl4-ioavrin -+ 1300K3! BOOlCS!—Lectures on Theology: by the j) late Rev. John Dick, D. published ruder the superintendence, db."... with a blograptural intro duction by au American editor—complete in one vol. • Dwlght's neology. 4 vol }:!word'. NVorks, 4 vol•_ Chalmers , Works, 4 vols. Nem:Owls Chorea History. I. .d SW vols. &I , Ewvaeo the Types of Carta, Oast published.) /Ow. a hoer and well selected stock of TUkolokteel, klweelledrouv, sad School Books, for safe low by kILLIOTT & aor24 wwal end && market FACTORY HOR 11211. R. -r tTH E large and well built Factory, erected on Reber c • street, Allegheity city, by H. S. Casson., E l .. Is ered for sale at a bargain, and ou easy tem.. rbe lot on which Ms Factory ts erected. fronts lOU feet on Rebecca wreer mid nuts bark 110 feet to Park street. The mom building is of book, three stone. high and (10 feet long by 07 feet wide. The Eugene house Li large and commodious. with on engine, boiler, stack, &e.. all m comfier. order property will be sol d low, nod of advantageous term. For price, tenon he.. enq tore at this office. ang - 24-titf Pe. G. 0. Stearns, Lknatist, ,A Fmk; at Miss Hauck', on Fourth wren, a QM U {WWII anovriATood anew, oral the oorriplenou of the Anima nearly opposite. Teeth in blocks, with arti ficial gum, &der the manner now unisertally prefer mai at Ma east. toarintaeland to ant each particular cow. Teeth, from a full set down to a single one, In terred on a Auction plate, tha. avoiding injury to the natural teeth! tiparinirin of blocks no auction plate way be ezaraineil at the office. - NI *panting, incident to rbo pagfertion . pettortneil with alga and firtbrulneas. 11\TEW SICSIC-011 Susannah; Rosa Lee; Uncle .1A Ned; What must a Fairy Drearubst. The Watch r, dum Roarnann Dautai Olds Juniata; Huloone• ou'a Llarolina MeJenlina, 6 NOK GA is Gut a Saife; TG. Dream is Put The Mountain Maid', Imitation; Sleep ing I dreamed, LOVV, Jt6analli.Qmehstep; hayeaux M.% ci‘... Hal Npnttg 'Walt.; Jenny 11.1nd's Songs, Alvarado Quickstep; l'lre Iteuon wGe trad. Trldoman airs, ransom°, Hnurs of Letsure, 4u.Arllie., by Hunter, Rote Olthane, Ite kan,l, to Each ot h er, be no Pubmlutee Wile; re celved by Express and for sale by r.rn anvil .1 hIF l/, RI mead at Are hitect ural atoll DT go btaatical Draw lag THE undersagail propose sto my nee, at die 1. opening a the next stasuan of the VIII , emit a aurae of lecterns ate Technology. together alp Al•• chine Dranng and Civil Enpaerang. prattled' • sof finial flambe. of students an he obtained to ',ratify the attempt The charge. anti be Sfi pet quarter The rollowiug gentlern•n are referred to. Or. Falai& Dr Dyer. Prof Stephens and Mn F H. Eaton angst...dr:Soot-a FHF.DI:EICK OVERMAN. Stray Florae. , • CAME to the plantain. of the sulutedDer, living in Vinabeth toonalay, Alleghay noway, on the 6th day of July lam, • pay 1101DIF supposed to btaboat If years old The owner is deafen loathe forward prove property, pay rhartea mad tate said horse au-ay. ahe a d' h e sold ateunfing to 1.. e WM. DENSAITH, auto:Tar f at sr/itcapon. 13 APER bell. lunate Crown Rug and ytraw Wrappoig Paper, I,i i tvala Medina. Rug and view Wrapping Paper SW bdia double rroure rug end +ear - Wrapping Paper: 100 bell. 171 , 3; inch bray y . hardware Pep, So WI. YU* inch heavy hardware Pepe, :Lad rem. ruled cap and Doer Pepe, all goal tiles. Zai gross while Row. Roer 4 h: ream. little Paetury Paper, in store and for ante bw by RHYNOLDS h. :MEE or peen and into, au itt BIL Yon PoshAosts for 1 O•ti. eCORD Ai Co., lutg tero. 4 ..v.39.1 T . Ll7:;r j e;fl,. - .., n Those in wadd ot • teat and beautiful - bat. Mt invited to call at their mange, corner of Fifth and Wucul WIL MURPHY het Jest received this morn ng by express, • be* supply of wt le Mk luered Man idle Stale sur4l_ JUST reeetwod at the northeast corner of lU s and Marten streets. Needle %Vatted Collars, NVrought Bonnet Itteboos, very cheap. augN AA. A. MASON k Co, have just received another . tangy aarlartalant °Mose cheap Bleached Mus. lea, as 41, If awl cent. • isiso..lunsa of thwart my supertut Bleached &Institut. at 1:1 augiN JUST RkrfilTED—SUO pa Merrimack, Hamilton and Coque° Prints, of very destratile styles. -" A - A MASON lk Ca - lterOW OPMINO—OU assorted Alpaca., various 111 9uahtxa. Also, SO pa nett mods ca 1 1 / 4 1 Lyoaase Moth, at eery low prices. stoga4 A A MASON !Co AA.MASON Co. are now operung 11 we. 41.41, A 5-1 and 10-4 Sheeungs, very destrable for family frRAB--tral pis Young Slymon. Impanel, Gunpoin t der and Bleat Teas, for sale by BROWN a CCLBREITSON, 145 liberty 1.; AM ILY rl,ol.4l.—Kept constantly on band And tiir E sob by " 0 4 BROWN & CULBEIFTSON TOBACCO-5b bas Ira Hoot Ss Honey Tobacco. re l. nannag from canal sod for sale by JAMES DALZELL, 34.3ratn st IILfACK6EIEL.--114 bbls No 3 Ntunteret, banded' al lane, fn store and for sate by • c. JAMIZ3 DALZELL Ro FEATHEIL4--tu Inge Feathers, fistula by - DALZELL UNDES3-1. Its!tod for sole' by • • ' FAKIIC &Co, conies Da stud wood las RAD CiENTIAN. 6 4 SO limps* ito'd aad for sale by an • • •11,1 a EtkIINDITOCK &Ca . , lbouu reg" am) .t 4 .ale by au .4 A VAHNISSivuIt & Co LARD—o- bbl. No% Itr store and Ccot tables. REYNOLDS & SHER, Cownso ilouv.s.AND-300• der fe more mod. ror 11%13 . 4401 REY NOLLIR JI SHIM DRANDII AND WINE-3 ease French Brandy; .2 I/ do Port Wine; 2 der Madeira do; received on con rigument and rid' sale low for cosh, warn:tided pone, lay: T artiO3 A SBEY k, BEST . . lINAW.-60 babl.lll.nb l binrA just rei t Und for sikbt by ,111WN 8. c,UI..yiER N. ' '• • • 11.1 . 11bettt. DCYTARII—eUrbsks, first wet, In story and for saki 1 bp' an64l 'INAIA if DICKEY & Cb, Imolai FFLOUR-114 bbl. Flour, Just reed and kn 1: sale by .urn %VICK & 111ICANDLESS . • • . ACON—rar node by Jo "p. WICK t WOANDLESA ikytrage,D;to Pltiladdlpitit;lo . tak.,; 11 charge °rad taloa Vend rettnrunelnindon• will be required. Apply immediately al this °tam Auld? • ID/Ini hbls superbas flour, just received per es steamer. Iltaisawano for te by • •• JOHN DILWORTH A LOES-av m. Cope, just rests sad for we by , 1r A FAILNEBTOCK comer lot and wood its 1 .. • NDltio-41seroons Carseetta t tuat readand (or sol by - m a tt! .A - It .1 , ..411.NLW0CK iCo . DR fir&ri - .a . .in-t- 6 bblattoUreco4 anill'pr sale by - 1 - 1 ,. a.f?4,,, B A FAtiNkSTOCK & co Si t.rbA anti -id casks double maned Soda. Ash; t do do do. Warranted equal to say to the city. Far sale by! sugt4 C 11 URANT, (I ;water at , L°I.:ISM-LE LLUE--Coastanily on band and In „b, by . i : abgbl. '.. •, .; 0 111 GRANT, REESE C. FLEIZ>ON, 'Reporter for the Goeetie bbl. tar sale'by . augl4. C 11 GRANT IOFFEE- 1 -10 61 ga Wren Rio, in more and for sale to ki dose coaxial:llmMl by auglil ULASS-- , trl aka darn and WV* VViardovr (damn ion roan par non Louis and fur ‘sjeba antra yAt W ll.r attAUGII ' FBPRR-74.1nrgs on hand, and for .ale very low 14 MAK' D R URA.T LIIRE BRICK—RIAD now nu An wharf, for Ale by abgbi Ir!AlAll DICKEY k Co, from st ARD 01L—Borthardt's bert,Just rea , d and for .dl T by - .4.1 4 • . J }ODD &Co Co I . ?INFIPOTAbiIt retall4g r amnia “I ROD &Co IPLANNELR—Brown and Red Flonuels,ourousign E went and for tale uy auglU tdEO COCHIL&N. VI wood sr ERSE S L W HAMM, VOll airs ISHANS--40 .bbl*, tut by .0 & arcANDI,EI34, • r UCTION f, R _ ~~)' EEO= IZZIJ On Saturday, enguu YOth, et 3 o'clock, P.ll ,anli be sold ai asurnolu.tai Runmber ofiml Building Lots at Manchester, situate on Ohio 4nne, (sometimes called poor Roue Lane,) nate , demos ofgainuel Robinson, Esq. I Thee lots am handsome ly wonted, in the midst of ells and busy polation, within a sbort-sru. of Allegheny and the can parts of Pinsborgh, g t lintsVat b rto " b r e 2 . i7g th m. nuitalkare W URNSIDti, Aunt Ely Joint D. Davis, Auctioneer, • Dry Gash, dr.., at Auction. Ou Thursday morning, Aug.% al tO o'cleck, atthe commercial Saks Room, earner of Woad and Fifth streets, will be sold, without resets for ash turret,. cy,llll 811.16.1110 5W01120.1 or fttil ' itlllo6llbill Staple and filnerDry Goode, among erhlettOMOY ribbons, ithoteherter &Jetsam . perhas endha, cassimeres, tattlxlets, alpaceas, manse de lattice, fancy settings, hive bbek - Mmmailks, black Bak artfl Menbrie hdki . s; Ciugunere ken, brochee and de lame shawls, bleaehed muiCrotrn muslin', checks, hosiery, gloves, he. 4 At o'clock, OROCMI3, .11.1121112, bbls sugar house molasses, I eash brandy 3641( chests young hyson tea, 5 hes Virghtla tobacco, a iron =leg * Quantity of Ohm.. snatches, hose, glassware, baldsrme, ales, a: I M dy tus. A general assoruseni of near and meoed hand boess bold (erratum, Ike.; looking glasses, Venetian .d transparent window blinds, de, IL fan:Lintels ear, in good order. , I 7; o'clock. Cutlery, jewelry, Vnsieal instruments, • lisp es. torus:tern of fashma•ble ready made Isloaddy, boots, shoes, umbrellas, saddles, bridles, whips, =hay gold and silver watches, gims, pistols, Caney arid sinPle aa rtety goods &a. JOHN D DAVIS, /Lao 1:14100Misak:1 Vire Works at Greenwood.' BF. Proprietor of this Garden respectfully . informs T the public that grand Fire Work, will be exhibit ed in the Garden on Thursday evening, Augur to commence at I putt o'clock. P. M., composed of Sky Rockets, Fined Smear, Boman Batteries,. Flowp Pops, Flying Pmeone, Bengal Flame, Fumy Wheels, Tnamphant Arch, Grand Lakin Wheel, in which wW be exhibited forty changes Mitre. The steamer Greenwood will be found at her Pitt street landing at past each hour, and will run from the Garden until n o'cloek, A. M. Admittance to the garden Skt cents—cbildsen muter 11 half price. 'Tick ets to be had on board the boat. Should the evening be unpleasant, the performance will be postponed =ell Friday everting, 00k insv White's Band wll be pres ent. aospnl-d3t EAGLE SALOON, WOOD STREET, Inow open under th e management of Mt Anna:awn its oriental proprietor, and Mr. Xdward. Chase.— Unrivalled lge Qsants and the various inmates of the season will lle served op in. a manner unequalled by esty establishment In the Country. • Openev4 l2 day Al.o M from 10 n. . P. " The beat Ltkosaoar of Geo. Taylor over Pulsated. ALLMN'S Celebrated Portrait of Oeo. Tavlor on Bombast, loid ;Whitell.l of. the um ca life.b a • been brought Loftus eil from Louisv il le, where it is owned, aU will be exhibited in thin city fora few days out,. Uoilinetteintori Monday, Allgiiit,.2l; atMPollo Hall, Furth street. „ This ponras was painted LlBanso Rouge, soon alter the return of General Taylor from Gin Wane. CEO• pain, and is &most seauram likeness of Me old Hero u be now appears. Noon of exhibition from BA. M. too{ P. N. Al minanna 25 cents--children half priest!. • napt Hudson Styr •anoram•, AT PHILO HALL, FOR FOUR NIGHTS MORE.—Ontimentibig Maa day evening, August 910. and. positively closing on Thursday, August 24th. Pupil. of Settools will be admitted at an afternoon axbibluon an Wednesday, Aug. 21.1, at 3 o'clock, fps, Weems cub. I Exhibition will commence at B o'elock—Tickemon ly 4:1 cents. auglt ORPHANS' COURT LAMS.. B 1" virtue of an order of the ()Thus' Court of Alle gheny yCounty; Pennsylvania, No. SI, '.l4ute Tdrm, LORI, 1 will expose to sale, by publieu+Yrosoy outcry, at the Court HOW., in the city of Pillibutgb, on October thi, 164h,al 10 o'clock, A_ M., being the Is! Monday of October, 1038, ab that ttnain 161 or Pico. of Gyve.% situate in the coy of Pirtirhurgh, beginning on Penn street at thed; yarie r =o3 feet westwardly from Marbury. street, d gialdog Peen street westwardly 3EI feet; Reno soutforardly, a parallel line with Marbury street, 110 feet to Brewery alley; thence along said alley eastwarily 319 feet; and thence nanhwardly, a parallel line with Marbury Jove. 110 feet to the place of beginning—with all the appurte nances; on which is erected three smell Frame pod one small Brick Dwelling Houser, the same being OS. ject to a yiprly ground rent of ono hundred and eight dollars, payable quoterly forevo, to o Anthony Iheivo, his hen sad usigns. Tons OF Sete—One third cash on the delivery of the deed for the premises, and one third In 000 yeas,. with mutest from the day of sale and the other our third to two years, with interest Groin the day Out. to be secured by h an d and mortgage on the premise. MARGARET BLAZER, Late Margaret Thompson, Admirustrathe of Wil liam Thompson, deed. augia-du CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, W. m'CLINTucK's CARPET STORE Na Fotaru Brun. biE of the largest am] the most choice stock 4, CARPETING in the market, embracing all the usual qualities from the most approved atelintattories, that have been tested for durabtlity In fabric tad co lors. Tapestry Velvet CMIPe do Brounl• do Etrusaal• Parpouty. Extra Chemlle amp; Extra .op 3 ply 'do Tithed do ttup logroda do Wilton do FMC do do Bnunala do Common do do ..... Manufactured to order m new patterns; adapted to patters, basements and chambers. Paintet Oil Cloths. for dating rooms, entries, trest%z bales, kitchens, he. Straw Almang, Stair Rods, Window Shndes and Firaires. C0n0n...1 Woollen Bockmg, from one third to Mr" yarth wide. Door Metz, &c. ln., to which the aura non of porettsamre et ortloleule and retail is respec4 hilly invited Warerooro, one door from Wood ottell W IIPCLINTOCR PITTSBURGH WATER WORKS. •DIROPCMIII.9 will be receivedat the Whey or phi, Plutbergh Nester Work. mittl Tuesday, 19th lest., at 5 eAclock, P. Miter dirt foLlowit% work, vim 1. For excavating the waserornoW Evaiv, and - tor furnishing ilia bnek and sand and paving the same. ti For building loundalions IN: We engines 1.41 pumps at the lower Basin; also, Mt the brick work 01 the walla mid chimney oldie engine house own place. 3. Foe making two engine. and.lwOPrdelownd. PWI - them up at the lower Basin, including hsd !Setts and other casting. connected with them. *leo, for Um requisite pipes to correct the said pumps with the 10tre, Basin, and with the unseemlier main" jet the, Plans and spectfications, vrith all other required. ht.- formation,wlU be shown at the office of the Narks on the old Colin House) at ray time after the 21st inst. The excavation of the basin and the building of the engine house to be fiuistiod by tkP 15th of December _ Payments to be wade in Bonds haring.tuu yews Lo run, and bssirng un, trusisst Per Mal . . /. N, hi'ci.E1,44204 auglOdul Supt. Pittsburgh W. W.. _ . _ _ Enyillaln - =ad Glaseleted Asundeany. • • Moot®s in the Thad Presbytellan Chareh.) - plus school will be opened for the reception of pa j. eds.( bothentes, on Monday, the 4th day of Sep tember. The muu of inatrualoa will embrace tbs. common and higher &That, branches, with the Latta and Greek langtames. Strict arbqtlou RIll be Nile to the *ilea], the telleetual,"W the Moral" utak* of laMateri Of Ihr whoal. The principal, In addition to hia own personal atten tion to the recitations of Muses, will be aided by ant numb.. of competent Male and Female Teaciteri that may be neccasary. It ts very desirable that students should enter the settool at the commencement of the sessiou, io that the euriows'ellsses may be sysnethalleally an& harstionionaly organised. L. CATON; PitllMpaL " Pittsburgh, Actg. co, 1.49. Rev. D. Riddle, D. D. Mr. Rieherd'Edvratde, A_ T. 411:4111, D. D. Lake Loomie, Hon. A_ W. Lanni., W. W Mr. George Albree H. WO.= Circulars coo be ob tained the bbokatore °rib. Luke Laetrile, No: HI Woad .tweet, and also it Hearn: Me- Donald . l9 0 YU 11. Orrice or SIR Prnastion Goa OM :Wm. Antal 19, Xe4d, LateHE Stockholders of the Tinalnargh Hos C. 01014,7, hereby noofied that a meeting tor the parpose im BM Trustees formaid Compassyrstill be held at the office of Me Works, between timbals* .11' and 5 ‘ 0609 k, P. U, on Moaday, the dtd.oll.Septuabe), 1949. - JAN , M. CHRISTY, Tremarer... N. R.-Ceruinates of Steck will be mated to deeper- Nam entitled to receive them, any rime tier. this data. dugout 19, INN auglliotsr Collegiate - institute for lismaatig rpriE Aanasm'Perso of Mis Instiroticnrertlltbodttene 1 on Me 4th of Setnember. Price of tonioW intim tugher Engilab Branches, Sdpelauarter. dluste,Thaw. mg, Painting, Fancy NeedleAyork, will be ebarited extra, IN per eirculaZ Nsi tam charge will_ lie' made for the study or The rene41...00.3:e. MI La tin, Greek', German, etd, me, riff be It4fd extra. • . , A separate Prinpuy Depattment iir be Opekea - 0 Children at 1,4160 par Outer. In this departmeniiitall boys and Fittswlll bo admitual. Bat awhile the two depuuse a i r are separus moms, trill dm genera maparriatun Om • . T 09. C. TKASDALE.A. ) JOSEPU BROWN, R. f.r nE 'V' ll 113:510.48t ---r- YOUBV ',MEC '9 LA ,. ..... 77 4r IMMLY, THE Autumn Sesitimr . .of .ence on the ant Meday id Sethedib ' Rooms on Federatstrett, in "Coronado tkhw,” triloor Mien the bridge:. • ' The coarse of Intim:dart and the Mies or Mid. are the same as Imniterrom. ' For more urinate information,: aair Circular or apply to the instructor, melr W: Mttirlr{ Reference may also berillirdetbillte following senile ' • • men: T. P. Dal., figogherT. lio r. C. Shal . _ey . , rotabilrgh Rev. dhow, • " Pay: D: Mad'. Mr. 11,-P. ftmazio,: a Roo. LL Dyer, M3aMo • • . fb r i Walt • ib Igy 4 V C O S ZIW . Vedetirtertii,l.ll M egneriV, nazi door above ttus Pca u i Orme. Z in i for taxsion eloVen weekc Second Clasa• • • tirTa • • 4pplicationa may be 1440 idler re.idetlec in s An POl2Oll stn., •Ileghttly, iptur good street Bridge tu6lo.llm• aoiricg. Avew scld Our eu.iresto4 C n - Olew ultlOsi.og our old wolulrety ijgt. • 'oh for 111 m . the po , rdusge or oiu . t i04.C , 4,1 tamers. .PO =TER, THE POINDEXTER. Pttolthrgh,Aug. 4th, lE4s • Cn. Grain, Ic'holcsa e r rimueeom yta rbry'at'4.lo!STSlP l 'x 'Q P , IP ASN s* l.ll_*. : I.:XTLIACTi iH will, to lemma.. j arcs tivi. Use time of ite appimauory, roriore the puns from the. Mee:Telt Ke . ot „b p, and rill tad Witisttb,deep . l uut ;6(144 lona had TiliTanizze Putt !It tip; ,tie had of , JOHN D azo.xlcror;ptuql d i; • NO OS/ WOW -- reit, •ogOl Sole Age,othr WOilera Norm AIASOLF. WORKS ON WOOD ST, ITST9BUOIIII. - . O NTIN[39I3 to taanufsetnes NOenmentS. Budd C amen., Tombs, Head Stones, Ideate - I PlooesiVen fp and. Piet 'Wad Medan end dankestermittd4an a molar and N. H.—Drassinal Mt monneteats, moths, &mannish. ed, a any description. He solicits a snare : I' pane patronage. DVE/ilireit.lNY- 7 For sale Ly . smirt7 ;WICK t NIVANDLEII3) r - "" STEAMBOATS. r INCENNATI £ PITTBEIIIRGH - _ - 17 15 - A4L '5 9 PA 43 WE,. I T I Vt.. tictitWofte l i ad arges i t s l=4 hes bed and tiunished, e tas ? mold powerful boats es the . *save "elf ttie Etifee letorentOttathe eap l i eon that ,eiLreeeret&...ber‘Pmer, feelas• seneera Tyarnst Wen f.twoss..r,r yam --has carried • million of peopre mahout the briej 6101 ry to their persons. The etia be etihe tom d Woad street the day preeions to starting, for the im 7 non of freight and the entry of Passengers.* the ter. In idl CILICCII the Passage money meet be 'device. , • SUNDAY, PACKET. The ISAAC toncrozi, Capt. A. U. KOKO, wia Smarr Pittsburgh tarsi Panday amain at 10 oklllel4 Mitaling am,. Sunday creams as 10 r r. May 1847. • • MONDAY .PADMMT• • • TY.: MONIXSILLIIEIA, Capt. tyrunx, will Imtlai vt. = burgh every Momlay nuamiag atl IV V Ciork; 1 every Monday eventrig at 10 r. n. TUESDAY PACKET. The frIDERNIA Nts 2, Capt. J. 14.2c2nrstot, :4111 leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday eutsming at 10 O'clock Wheellag every Tuesday evisuutsr ; at 10 r . ; - • •. ---- WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLANDDias, gal leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday • tuoraittl al ill Wei.* Whiteners every Wednesday owning at 10EX • TIIURIIbAIf PACKET. The BRILLIANT. Capt. GaAs., Nadi leave Yius hetgh every Thursday mamma at 10 o'elorki Wheeling arerr Thursday evetung at lU r. r. FRIDAY PACKET. Tie CLIPPER. No. g, Capt.. Calms, mall tem Pitt. bansit every Eviday morning at La ceelocki Medina every Priday evening an 10 r. at. SATURDAY PACKIET. The MESSENGER Cair. S: kcal, wall /esire EDIS. bu , Sh eterr nalarday maminor tOoketoet Medlin/ every_Bltaplay ef ening at 10 NEW MUM'S AND P171'8131)&311 DAILY LIIV. OFCAN4L AND STEAM PACIa.:I9, . ' • 184 8. Eta= lr~ Kama Pbtaburgh.difiry, v o'ck,clr,' A. M r , atld uhuro, (matt, of the Sandy and Bearer Ct. nal,l at 3 o'clock, axid New Lisboa al tr, maw night Leams ?low Lisbon at a o'clock, P. M, (ranking the trip cmal to dic river daring took, night.) and Glasgow are o , clock, A. M., and aroves Piitablugh at 3r. hi—thas maktag a continuous live for c smarms and freight between New Lisbon ar 'Tli' etl , rr. burgh, Its shorter time and at less rates thou braxiy other route. The proprietors of this Lute here the plea:sari of in forming the public that they have Snedop twoahrt class Causal Boats, for thy, accommodation of passengers and freight, to ran in 'connection aids tho woU. Inc., steam.. CALEB COPE audIrEAVElt, axid.punsom- Mg,at Glasgow with the Pitithtirgb tad Catlin nau and other dolly lines of etc mown down uld Mississippi sierra The proprietors Piedga,Ullnia• selves to spare no axperno-or trouble totality* cola fort, safety and dispatch, and sat of the paths "hard of Thar patronage, AUTHORIZED 0 AL HARICN,' Pittabnrgh. ,t S. Er. W. IiARBAT.IOI4 EL HANNA, & Co, - myllaf J. ILARBAUGHA.Co. `"^"r" NOTICE—Tbe mama: BEAVEC ., . E.Clerke, was ter, wilbleave ale r this node; for elborilleonetn- Lily, et 0 o'clock in the inorning. . , pia I OAR. 'MIS PITTSBURGH &111tOliliNSVILE111 , Dail,- Packet. Limit. • ~ 1 #I3IIItUANY let, laid FEBRUARY I" IA LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. IL, AND 4 P. a.. The following new home eemplete j. um line for the present searalar e kA a r agglit LANTIC, Capt. James Par - • —'- • -tt ALTIC, Capt. A. Jaen* and APLANE, Capt E. Bennett The boats' an seised new, end are fitted op without mud to experatilt;',.Rs ery comfort that money comproeure has been protiolgel. The Boats will learn the Alonougabela Wharrßdat tN the foot of Ross. st Palseagen will be punctual as board, as the boats will eensinly leave at ths= deed hours, 9 A. M. and 4 P. AI PII'IBB 7r6 .1 - I(O — PACKEr; at, The Instill steamer CONSUL, Dorsey P Known mnter, will leave ly for oa Mituldy, Wednesday arid riday, at Oo'cloek predict?. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday aid lig unday, at 7 o'cloel,■m, precisely. • The Consul will land at all the intermedhne pens,. Every accorawituion that Car, be procured for Busman fon and eating Of Possengers halt been preluded: bold alseprovided.with • self-aeling Watt o=ll prevent explosion.. For freight or pasompdy board or to DAVID C II feb4 earner of Ist and Smithfield ala SEWICKLY, MONOMY, PREEDOM - PACIPIEr The oplendid light dreght Omar in iall au CAROLN . Day, master, will run es a tegulardine y Packet betweeu Pittahurp smith. above ports, regularly lauding on the Allegheny , river opposite the month of Pm street. The Caroline Will touch at all the landings between the *above ports, Pp the accommodation of the market people and the oil: selling public. Leaves Pitt.burgh every . day en ha/f -east two o'clock P. K. returning leaves Freedom eta: ry day at 7 o'clock A. M. The proprietors of this Line have purchased= ted op the Caroline In a stiperiar meaner ass d able expense, expressly for this trade. They pledge themselves that the boat shall remnin in duo trade, and hope, by strict attention to the wants of the comma* ty, to meth, their support. (Er Fare ^3 cats. REGULAR ZANIEXPULE The fine steamer COMET, Boyd, master, has engaged in the e trad e and will tun regularly/a connection with the Jenny Lind, meeting her alliever• 4. The Comet ieIIVOS alt. afternoon at 4 o'clock. 1, For (rated tir passage, apply on board. aught FOR CINCINNATI. The splendid steamer FAIRMOUNT, Ebben, master will leave for &sad intermediale ports regalerly, Forfreight orpanage, apply ma.hmird,_ ' • , PUB ST. LO = i • . The splendid and fast nosing Mes mer - NEW ENO A J Velure, triaster,Wtave fqr e above and intermediary 'porta dh Thursday, 27 th Mgt, aria o'clock, A. M. for freight or pusage apply an board. ._, ang24 FOR snimr LOUIS DIRE T . . ,„. The splendid steamer a NIAGARA, . Co: master. ,rill leitee ha , above nd intermediate pone this day. • For holgto or passage apply oiLhourd. , • 7 . - -- The fine steamer RIO GRANDE; Gooley, master, aril' leave (or above intermediate porta the. day - . For freighter passage epplp on board. =Mt FOR ST. LOITIEL The fine new light draught simmer LEWIS '41F1." Thompson, master, will !earth lima , ve ged intarnediate poetize y. For height or passage, apply on board. .... - 1111C21:1231 The .elendid neerstaamer ONNEVA, ' ' ' 'Alex Dean, master, wilt leNte WU* • bore and unermediata pont•this dal. INT=3I For freight or passage apply oa board... to . D WILELITS,AL . FOR CINCINNATI AND sr. LOUIS.. inaL The hoe stsaider COLORADO, t ; HortleY, Muter, will leave for i d tete rmedhue pens this day. For freight or passage, apply am boom . eage .FOR CHICINNATL. The new and sptetsdid steamer, ZACHARY TAY LOll, , . • maigfcas, master, will lease: Lar aao7a d hoermediate ports iala day..._: For hatithlia,a no s board. - - lay DO FOR CIPICINI'LATrWD /OM, The elegant steamer, , mciELCope, master, will leave Rig 114aionni nd'lntermediata ports 1121* day, . iibt'freight or passage„spkly . ila board.- - eogllll FOR CINCINNATI - AND - Hcti - 51Thr - : I. ; The fine aeoriteamer- ' • 1 -4 SHENANDOAH,' „Az:44l;2i Dosetrse,_master, will lemeZr obevo "Pot* .ror pamarre, apply Op ara, , log 4 FOR CINCOINA3T. i• steas p o , er • •Illavis;strastero.ilt far dib . coirii For freight or passer apply - • ,PARY 'DRY' GOODS..;; SEAMAN 'a' MU I - • • Ife.l Mroadways Zi•vw x Orks 'IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS of Flvnelt 4.,44zansunpuome, l. Lac e eLlElobt ,z lm . IN* wrin... ate, TheßMAlSlM'A : 11 .clr.07 1 AN: Thy invite country Merchants, shine% New T o de, teems:dna their stock before mwd%th,,,PnrellaA Mr M Moir was tarmac*. years at e hocuataf Stewart A. Co, from which be retired anthill//0144a 1860 i and Mr. harms Dickson, (who has o 4 ynAaata In by,04.1,) was also favorably Irwin pi OM ON hood and for sole•ilm,fedlresning; fiffisV Riau* Rome; dirges frour.lhonitlmOre loserssndws Eastern poor*. ~4, No. I. An elegem itettlioo4,lorop ~mo, iron Inwood !Lino Flria, !natio • 1:1 , Chia•at i N 0.4. Sautruthe - above; •• o-3• Rosewood, Cluckerow, "4. , _" " Gab tr Co. " ettickering, 4 9. " blanhan. Cob:ally ..'10.._ Clara (Hen,) - • 11. • ' • Secood - PiabbiHerli% - Old Pianos tat. in pan Itaymern for elm OW above, by JOHN 1t Mad Lott. . Am% fa: Chiekerimfa Piano Fazio*, fat Mfoit'a 4igendUt NOW • Lainibs: - tba Eaal to rockleaish bfailocko.o dispose of Rio balance of ,hla goolc hand al reduced prices, and on faaur.' tile terms It eenwats of a cholee 'selection of f1.. 3 . 40 made briquets,* &Clark., MN.; and 56,,yrelae ol,Lbrestob,bineeyo4,floni 7wetavese Of r= malnutang..9, of &Serum styles Indßrlesa• - " - hat At WooduulPsk, Diannyie. r igiou tractitattalarvanovniaatons varf ll xsr , rwra for build vont, - ordieir been purchased in Europe by one of die 6ua, ter, 10 . Flues' during the ...a.", mdse. vacua** Ranch Beet:dation! MY advantage, whieh tber pm." °L6r house iu I.e. trade. wilt ruabkr them to v U a veuirrt Its market pimer .. I.o'.6lmaitaatasad,anon. willadvaneetv liar own . 4 "taa It/ aaanunieuralds einem/vie neceorenbeetb— sowst.BUOTHESS, Imptstany - 66 46em (Mulberry) between Mt and ad meets, Iturt•chtnt Philadolpian. A ,VAir.. - 47.5.1, , CLLYTOCIEVS.. No. 66 Foatth Jr :GIL eon 6ill sera oplandid vatiery.of sop Eayal 1. Yet antlT#9.47 Cl/W;l*, Intao a • ilk$1,111 bed sop Ain! fine ingrain. Camelia stun, ,1 4 1 4. sod 4cmill*li,and in couu . uSlloncluaalwayabo found 'raga Linans, Crush., Dufour*. 1....a..., lift. gna,.oll Ckaha, fru.t.u, to all of which lezeufaU ouunuf dit_ I . 44.CHLNE naginis Irene* fan usorunent of Vulcanized India Robber Mu. shun Banding, WI widths, from 11 Web. to 16 inches in wlrPh, which we will men at mantafuturess_prwes, and alumna saved Itt \ the muchness, at No 6 Wood at. ft ang9 J PIiILUPS • \ " • las 1150 • ZS t .... i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers