F:n...._,.,. , 1::7 ~-,:,.::.,-,:y,,.,:z..!7:,.-F,..-:;.-, • ••;','IOMIEPIRIPERSOTtii ( ANDRIENBEINEOttHE :t".."vOS,3LEDILOArs BOODRTIEIIIs maggstar s ralgi.to Aix:A.la^ gii•te •INTRE•UITEZOST.S.TE3.;- • Thesetecliberrespeet • JjAtllY,Oalls - your• attention to Dr. DalonentiOrtalt .." :nus,ealreesdy intended for the preserandoitt • of . the „health oflunh sales—whether It ermeafrom Inmate. eurlyconsnmpnon, Debilltg elite Dolga, :Bronchial Affections: Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged:old tlßsonleredstme of the aver, Spleen, or ladneya Dirt : 'eased _Spine, Cholic, 'Dyspeps 'Palpitation of the , 4.leort f Losi of hfincialt. or Nervour Power, he- • • DR. C.B. BARRETT'S GUARDIAN' comes Lathe Immediate relief oMmalas Buffering from Iregsdati, &sound all ether Uterine difficulties and by mei, derma to woman, whether, occasioned by cold, wet • Fedor arty Similar Injedielons expcertre, and 'all 'this • without the use of medicine; turthermost delieme and •aeceltive, lady can at any moment apply it:to henielf 'arithopt the possibility of incurring ear risk or donger, ormy unpleasant results arising it;and with the certy of obtaining Ls Dr. Itarretes Guardian' Ls no. euteh-peroonek one of anode of the Oar, but Rio an Instrument a upon strictly scientific principles, ateortituice ivitli the laws of Vectricity and Galvanism; and for oetrtness, durability • and'efficacy, infinitely rarpussee It o rm r littlej e o r lAL:nd . ev a nb i e n fo t re offered .. .lo o ' _t o tup . us the most enlightened metto?the h d:ty, pronounced to be.l l the greatest dizeosery of the ago! , A period of no leis than competes, bets been occupied by Dr. Barrett inbringiag the 'Guardian to jIJI present state of perfectioa. 7 during whith limo it has been In the hands 'of sumo or tho most" eminent physicians of the North and South, as well as lathe dwellings of Amities, who have used it for all of the above purpcases, with the meat perfect gamest, and who nits h cheerfully noon ,Neu unqualtged approbation of ctfdacy and value, as cant. 'seen lryrefeming to the Ncumal of Instructionsrtccompanying lb Dr. C-11. Barretrs Guardian ts securell from innova tions by a Vent from the United State. Patent Wee, and be had either with or without his 15Iedico.Electre Galvanometer. The Medico-Et:aro Galvanometer, in point of bean. ty, workmanship,dumbilityl2l2ll power, cannot be sur passed or even availed, tmd the subscriber feels that hehazards coshing Indus assertion that It will be found _ to pmmetts more power and ,efficatty In the treatment and removal ofdiseases, by (Alarmism and tlectrici ,f4,. th „f us ., any other ic e stf;t r trn , l ,2E Llt!t t e ro r in Galvanometer is wortutted in every respect, and with common Doti nary care will aye iife-ume, and is by far the cheap; est, because the best, instrument ever offered to the - public- A manual accompanies them, giving the mom .ample inetructions, of practical experience, no that It is readily . intelligible mike mind of every one while the ay of arrangement u inch that a child Imty with it. Any info... Woe gratuitously givenretod 'all CORlSlZl micattons elteertelly answered per mad, ei th er in rela tion to the Elecwo-Galvanometer or Guardian. Medi.' men are invited to call and examine Dr Bar rett's Guanan, and test tut efficacy. For rate by 11. RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 11 Sin ker at, Pitulturgh. ete.Ndif • . • -- . n ITER ,0 0 0 PERSONS In Philadelphia Mope, can testify to the wonderful mg... 7 of that 'powerfal remedy, THOMPSOPPS COMPOUND SYRUP OP TAR AND WOOD NAPirrH4 .. , In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and ' Sore l'hront, Asthma. Chnic Catarrh. Spitting of. Blood, Paiii in ro thee Side and Breast, Difficulty of Breathing. Whooping Cough, croup, Weak Nerve. end Nervous Tremors, Palpitation of the Hear; also, Liver Complaint and Affccnon oldie Kidney.. This medicine, the invention of a man who gave the =Neel of Pulmaituty, Bronchial and Pectoral diseases • the most rigid examination, has now been before the public near tour years Daring this period it has per formed some of the most remarkable autes on record of Pulmonary Consumption—secured the woo Bon and use of physicians in their practice, oi=e warmest approval ef thousand. of persons in ordinary N / 1 :. / 1 ,77:. Colds, Coups, in floarseneee, Spitting of About tone years niece I was attacked with Typ hus _Fever, which left are ins miserable suns of he alth, at extreme debility with a generaPprostration niche sys tem,„with violent pains in the breast and loss of appe tite, in consequence of which I wh., unable- to riming to mgu s ual husatess, or perform any kind of work. I applied to several pit ) Itl (31111 and used various rema. dies, Inn without my benefit, nod had despaired niece, obtaining a recovery of my (owner health. Bat some rime last Jame I was advised to try Thomson's Com pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nambre, and incredible as it rano appear. by the time I had taken three bottler the debility, pain and every sense of suffering were completely removed. and I was able to attend .nth re. stored health to toy marl avocations. MARTIN CLAUDY, 01 Pie k morn township, Cumberland co. Read the tints-king testimony from a respectable member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N. York °This mny Certify that in the spring of 1846, my health was very feeble; I was afflicted with pain in the side, with other alarming symptom, mil macred much from great debility. that tour I purchased from Moses Dame two bordes of Thomson% Compound Sy rup of Tar and Wood Napths, from which I experien ced great benefit, my health being now good; and I cheats - ally recommend the article to all Krim. who may be suffering with general debility, vtokaliti of &decline. AlLaiLiM Ponghlreeprie. March 15,1417.^ Prepared out - , by Amax. & Dtcuoe, at the N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Phila. geld by L. WIL.COE. Pittaborght . and bydmitets roils, generally. Price Si) or Ono Oahu per bottle. mit SAM TEIPS • GINSENG PANACEA! a. THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED T LUNGS.—Tbc unprecedented imeeess which has mended the nee of the -• -- • . . GINSENG PANACEA n all;the various fortes whieh Irritation of the lee gs sumo& hue Induced the proprietor egcrin to call atten thee he this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Thu ettengable wetter which manta our fell and winter mouths., is always n frmitfril source of COLDS AND COUGHS. Thine, if neglected, are but the precursors of that fell destroyer, COSUMMON. The question, Men, how shall we nip the destroyer in the bad? how shall we get clear of oar coughs end olds! is of vital.importanec to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this we have from wee to tree published the certifier.es of dew.ns of uur best known who have espeti caned its curative powers. There, with a mass Of tes timer,))' front STANT/MG, Minister, of the Gospel, &c , together with copious noi tires from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had 1S gratis of any of ITNDRE our DS OF arents throt E t t= 2 ; count.. have been used us this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada; and we eke lenge any mon to point out a . SINGLE INSTANCE a which, when taken accordmg to directions, and b e . fore the longs had become fatally disorgaturcd, h b e . wen failed to k.rris..l . A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the lithetwi hesitate! by resort to the miserable nostrums, outran up by an. lion individ ash; o ler the assumed tome of some ea •.'eso d phy sician, and, puffed into notoriety by certifiers' t per sons equally nuknown!Whilst a medicine of us? OO AT INT VI EFFICACY Ls to be had, whose 'eschew arc at homey—oar neigh bonr-many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE. GB AVE - _ In order eau thin Invniutdde inedtetrre may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have put iho price at ONLY NIFTY CENTS, just one hull the soot cost of cough medieinut. ts for sate by our agents in nearly every . town nd village over the writ _ who -arc prepared to give full informa tion 'chance to ii. T. PALTER, Proprietor,. Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. MERCHANT OF TIIIS CITY, who had been af in. dieted with the asthma for four years, had taken almost every thing. Hit physicians constantly atten ded bite. and lie had expetuled over two Swathed dal - lam lit never believed w advertised medicines, bat considered them all humbugs. At that he tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of liverwort, from 73 Ileekiann Street, New York, and in six weeks was entirely eared, hay : ing taken only three Loonies. This is only one ofausey caserwhere utangliasuy objections to a patent medicine have prevented persons from using this medicine, who have expended hundreds of dollars to their physiciens in vain—and in the end owe their recovery to the infal lible efficacy .of this purely vegetable preparation. Th., is no mistake, that this medicine is superior to : any remedy prescribed by medico' advisers. This medicine hoe taken "3.1 years to mature, and is the w ren remedy Car diseases ever introduced to the public. . Ituscarei u: Paths, Coven, Aso Sonnets or Cuaros—Suffering for long time with these complaies, / bad given up all hope of being cured, I had consult ed the botuide and bonacep . athicgdacters In vain. I bad oworawry articles wive:used, Hui toted no relief In despair I had given op the use of all medicine.. Hear ing of the great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, and the great cures it had performed, induced me to try it, and tit my great joy and astonishment, I woe better daily. 1 continued lilts., also his Sugar Coated Pills, until I rementirely cored. Dr Taylor's • 'Britsam of Liverwort It the beat medicine in the World for these complainth, mod will cure every one afflicted SETH LAWRENCE, Captain of the Nuney, of New York. Metre. Canso.— I base suffered from the Asthma a very long tithe, and burr used every medicine 1 mold obtain for its erne iu vein, until I tried Or. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort — This medicine has afforded me most matufust benefit, mid u, in my opinion, a cure for this distressing disease; more especially, as I know of may cases among my friends, where It has been high ly succassful. Persons nuerewed urn invited to call at my residence for thither lnfernos/Du MRS. S. RUTrJN, 219 Laurans et Sold in pradrurgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood at, J Townsend, 43 Market sh H flrayser, ear m ot t o , , ut d 3d staff Henderson re Co, 6 Liberty st Price redoeed to 81;50per bats'..___ ._ ---• • - •— AK ORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP—h proven to be the ill great gm:vices in oaring my child's distressing cough: • Prom the Temperance Banner, Nov 711H7. Comm Srarr.—We are not in the habit of puffing, =chic. taking patent medicines, but we feel deigned to mem:maid Morgan'. Syrup tolhose who ITOIlliWt- Cti with a cough. Ader Wring rued the amid reme dies to remove a COnairit and diansming rough, that had for several daye adiimed one of oar children, with out anecem, we were induced to try Miargan's cough syrup, and by it relief was obtained In a few hours. It proved to be the panacea in this case at how. Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor. JOHN D hIORGAN, Inuggiat, fleb7 wood at, I door below diamond alley. A STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr J YNLII EX AM. PECTORANT is amertor to all other remedies for rq.arphs, Consumption, Eirtmehitis,usthms, and otheu Palma airy s that the rams persons who commeseed th• of of it to th eir Omitted ma years Imo. mill prefer •to . D other remedies of the Wad; and wt....di ho.. btrth ifidneed to try other preparsdions Allay here alsoort artariably beca damppointed receolog the benefit which was reasonably eat Ofpatell from the high praises bestiowed by the prop telors, acal ham returned to the use of Janus' Earacroamer, • rwitedy dear ho. rum failed to relieve than, and wilels ratably nem had its equal t. &wain Plumed only by Dr D. tlity==d eoldoa SPNIL at( ALEX. JAY N 72 Four ES th st TAYNFAS aklat.T . ONlC.—After ring this whale trialoire --nahoseennmey pronounce it lobe what it prof& Viandide, without an', aseeption. ns., forth* prsaw— nap of thihesean hair. IN • know o f 000morm b.O I share hair hanksra missed to heads which hare been behitisetinus and era think .eamue de greateriteorthen to mantonsant lb all oar renders mho ay lowing their hair, to makaa tral of tins Tanen iconanliataiy Aston roe aalsgaPillabengh at the Pectin Tooßwr , e, 'Void!,.ooo wd I.rsd.b.sT 'AirORGA/ta WORN KILLER is tar superior to all 'OA mbar remedies tin Worms. Jane 14th, 1819. Thu zany certify that] gave to too of ary eatidran, three and Rot years old, two icaspoonfuts of Morgan , . Worm Kills; to each nt theta 4/.0 Youngest passed Ottlargosoarma tha smallest cold 3 hens seesawed hiti than seseninches. The eldot passed. so large a I " Am:her that as cort'd not basin to cOant them, thave . 'taloa ells*, popular remedies Won,. she. poblle, for atertroy-with skarn consde;Mttorgatei NVorattaltettuilar ! , 11°*r,a 3g " .becce the Vbi - 111 . 411 . 4 P 1/ FX9' Aliejettmi Ount7.:. 7-1"‘"1 *4 - P7145) ilea& 3:117114 ~--,- W axisweet; pits TIP 7_______:__ 14 riTrvi 1 2 ; 17.7 .1' 7 1 irf u f 1 p t". 1 ' * I V 'Tr ."' .i .- C1 -, " 2iLli 1,1 .1a..,,, 11111111111 , -,-- .--..- DII.• , T0.14/Nll4 ND , II or •SAKSAPARILLA., Weiler .qii•Elisalia , of Lks Jet. • mod extetatdOnzy Staid*. World I 11.i4 Xdrret ilf pot up fir goad BoUlai It is &ie. dna claim pLessoder. end Imesreaaud paler t• my soli it cum Isidurst Tro!ftisgangmdrikkadayr The greet beauty:end =potbelly a thiso mesa ether medletnesb,ticolvlio head= re" th. bort . mutt the mare bar AND.. XICEVINES Ever drieirr; Stmt imly pease dm Whets spasm and f. =num the peredo, trat .d e doter =out . trgrled secretofgeTroaderild metre& Vim performed withie thi hatter° year" more thin IR= cora of omen cues of disease ; it kin 15.000 were corer:l.l.d irs.mcro It has eared. the dm of mot. man MOO children daring the two pre mamma. Romp aupe•st.46liserrall Debility and emote or Nervaass Enemy. . Dr. Tamar:oil eampatilla hairdos the whale tystem pernamstly. 'Co those she Om be their molder enemy by the erect. efatedicimer tim cedmittedin youth, no the aseetdo Waimea of the madaa . and breath ea_ a Pirreeel P...tre• deo of the wrest .p ta mot OM:bide% faintinseneatims. pr.:memo decay madam home Memo% that fatal dims% Canamptian. can lis ea. ti p szl i = M . pl . a i s , sastt moody. This Boar liorligetredimi CAMILA', As it ninon And tot...onm the sotto gm* zeds* to the limbs, and strength to the macular moo to • twat ettrnoldinary degree tPetesomptima Cured. Mama sod Strogtitse Cmseesprise cm le coed Brnachitist Cmentagrtion, Lica tideopiciat- Coya crew,* onvrihkAranZwAr • Ssreauts ix the al ert, ll PA* /Fed - Swats, Wadi sr Prefers ..Coects. retie., Piaui. the Side He cad awe[ BLOOD. Nem TOr4 4pril is, 1811 M Ott Tomaamatm—l verily bungee that your flame* rills has been themmunts, throagt Provide:net of saying cull(. I hare far several yews bd •bd Cough It became worse and worm At lam halm' largsquanth tic. °Mood, had night Baran, told urea greatly dehilh Tilled end Ted...ed. and did not expect to bee. 1 hare lady used your flursammitla a .bon [lme s and there has ennderful champ been wetted la ma I ohltma , hlit to walk nll over the city. I Cabe 60 blood.and my coach has left me. To, can well imagine that I am thankful Car the....ltia. Tour obedient sem. WM. RUSSELL, 65 MM7r7. 1 17M 1 9 • —•• •• •••••••-• . r. •TownseniTa filenaparilla la • wararaignaind epceds cure Ibr Ceitununptioa, Sameness, P a. Uteri. or ' of the Word.. Cottlagnou, 14.1ae ctrles, or Wen, obstructed or Moab Illarneriee. tioo Incornioance of Mine, or wo n dlacturge LhotrioCazul for the gerund primon of the system-- no matter whether the remit of inherent cum or amen prodoced irrmadatity, Ulnae or ace tot be mose stupefying than Invigorating mallet. oil the haw. frames Persona 111 Yreka.* and too. tn.!, from teldetyk atones beedme robust and fhb of energy under Its indium. It brunediately counteract. the uerrelconesoof the fiend. None whieb it the great cause t Barrenness • It will not be • ed of tat la cases of so dentate . nature to exhibit cortificatela of perfbuned but we can mote the allideted , that hundred. of own hare been 'reported to us Thousand. of (.11152 'draft families hem been without children, eller trying a few bottles of Ohl. Invaluable otedielle, bore been bleated with fine, healthy offspring. To Mothers ead Married Ladies. • hev bat...Pr= pared to rd to horde ersoydaLets. Piro ho he moon to rupposi As la approaching AO criticalperiod. " The Moos of tifir should retied ta take it, as it Is • outdo gossonthe •ay of the otratecous end horrible diseases to whirl fetnele• ass talkiest at Ala time of if. This period otay he do. leyedittr encral "semi by wise swaikise. Nos it It len embrable fee them who we epproachlitg ww. oian.trood, es it is calcaktedtt...P. P.P... PT ad.** ening the blood and lorigaradag the ammo. Indeed, Wit =died= Is Insoluble he all the debcate diae• sea to which women era sabject It braces the whole system. mann permaaaelly tha ounce/ enersite. by removing the impurities irf the body, not no far rtiougatliar es to produce sabseepsaut te hisation. widch is the case of mm ardichaes take% foi bfmale weakliest sad disease. Bymaim lbw bourns 01 tho medicine., tcavf.eoo and pdNW • males! opera tines may be proven:tot Greet Slensiny to Illerthres and Children. It le the safest anal moat are,..me medicine the lop the game, and ralieving the suffer*. intends= upon childbirth ever dlicovered. It strengthens both the mother end child, prevents pain and diseasehl th emes. and enriches the food, three oho here mei& it think it is indispensable It Isldgbig eseled both before and ether comilmement, le it prevents &MOM attendant uponchildbirth—in Codiveness, piles , Cramp Beet mg . of the Feet, Despondenty, Beartbern. Vomiting, Pun in the Reek end Leine, F•le• Pains, lieneonings audio regaleding the eeciatione sad eqvalicher the do cede:don it hes ren opal The pen pew of tide mediae., is, it is aim. soh, end the most delkata use It roost enseenhdly, eery few own require eras ether medidon in sane • aide Cuter Oil, or Ifineriesio fs awful. Ezerdee in the open an, atel light food with this medicine, will lahrry. COMM • safe and esey cow fieeencot. Beauty end Eltealth. • Ceemetke Qua, and • variety of preparations pnee rally la aft, when applied*, the thee. my moo spoil it of h. beauty. They des the pores of the thin. and cheek the circulation, labia, when names is not thwart ed by disease or powder, or the ekin inflamed by the alkali,. used in mum beautifies Its oath production to tho - ban= face Dirisn'• ea wail as in th e garden el rich end dellatualy tinted and variegated dower.. A tree, actin, sod healthy circulation of the guide, or the couraing of the para. rich blood to the themaltien is that wW.h pal= the emulleuthee in the most thqui. site beauty. Itb that which Imparts the indescribthle shades and dad.. of loveliness that all admire, but num, eta deemribe. This beauty I. the nifthring of or. mea—not afpnarie °taro,. If there is not • trth and healthy circulation, thew. t. Do beauty. If the . lady I. fair as driven maw, if she paint, and nee commie, and the Moodie thici4cold end impure. she I. oot blmu tifel. if she be beam or yellow, and there 4 pate and active blood. it gim a rich bloom to the cheeks, and a Nrilliarmyto their eyes that Ls facinating. This.* why 1.10 southern, and especthlly the Spa* rib indica are at meth edmh. Ladies in the north who take bat little exercise, Dr de =dna' in cloth mom, or hare sychta thair complexion by thohappll. ration of deleterious .ntiadatrimi if lbw/ wish to co- gale clam:loth, of dep„ .booyant wham, rpethllag aye teal beaerdfd temple:iotoa they should ass Dr. Tom sone. ilaroparilla. Tbommaltst Wattage It en mere ch. eatiated. Wetted Ladle, of every station. crowd err ottica Bailee to the Ladle. Those that Imitate Mr. Towthenle Serespirrills, ham inthriably caned their Cul gram Roma, fir l. woks, lke, te_,Witd bare thpled oar bills and divider, which relates to the conthlahne crewmen, woe 1 thr mo. —other own who put op medicine, bare, dace the ereal aumeas of Dr. Townsend'. Barsaposills to complaints incident to fames; theeenmended th eirs, al th ough • re nously they did not A number of there Mixtures, are Injuries. to female..they disease, and undermine the cotorthirtiou. Dr. animal. I. the only and best remedy. for the nammone &snide thew pluintsitlt can b y, rar em el if arm fail. of offeethae permanent UM e okra by the mons eate females, cthf ease, or by [hare expeedmr to became mothers, ob the greatiert advaitaxes, It prepare. tie eysiner sod presents palm or danger sad etrenehens Loth mother and chili. Be o.oofolt o rot the This certificate covelaahnily prowea that this Batas. parilla has perfect coeval over the moat abatises dbe orate Mood. Three peewee cared fo one house is unprecedented- Three Children. De. Towing:ern—Dear I have the phtasere lo inform you that throe of my children bare been cured of the Scrofula by the as of year ascallent medicine. They were afflicted yeey olerwrely with hod &Tea ; halve taken only foor bettlest ft took them away, for which I fort myself ander peal allget.loo EMEIMMEI Opinions. of Plryakians. Tovoseod 4 almost daily Meilittf orchin boo Ph...leis= in &threat purrs of the UniteL flu. is to nattily thatnre, the vaderdpitd, Physleints of the City of Albany,ltave to ounierolu elms. pieced. nil De. Tiernsionre Batinparills, and belie. it to be ee , of the mod voluble pre fa Ile mike, H. P. PULIIIGI AL D. J. wu.sotkiti.a. - R. IL PlltionB, AL D. Albany, April O WL P. E. ELMENDOILF, AL D CAIITION. ,; Owing to the great wears mad immense gala or Dr. Towesend . • Barrapartlin, • number of awn abe wer• rurmeld/ wr Array have ecauaegardatakitClarrapa. rilla Extract; Maim BIN" EXtrae....o 1 . 1 . • Drair. kr. Tbeygracssily pet it ap is the rams &toped bat. der, aid was at lbw bays slot and anard gar adv.. aremeot•—they an, ably ;worthier imitation, and should be toroidal. Prirdtpal Ogled, I PIETOIO &net Sao Doildlng, N. Y.; Bedding & Co.. B State drool, Boston; Dyom • Pons, In North Becood amok Philadelphia{ B. Mona Druggist. Doltiotore; P. IL Cohen. Charleston; Wright k Co., 151 Chastrat SUpat, N. 0.; 105 Booth Pouf Street, Album; mid by all the principal Drug pms sad lisminutta severally throughout the Coast' dssuts. Wens Who Lod the Canada. N. D.-.per orte Inquiring lb: this medicine, should not be induced to take UT ether. D.Sl3l.U. pm qp Sersuperthse, .d of Came prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by Ant—inquire for Dr. Town send's, and take other. JD" Remember the genu ine "Townsend's Serseparilla" sold by the sole agents. R. E. SELLERS, General Wholesale A Retell Agent, No. 57 Wood Janet, .d D. M. CURRY, Allegheny city. PEACES PEACE I NOT to ammo, El BUT IN EVERY MOTHERS HOMESTEAD. TbiHE undersigned has long been convinced of the necessity for lame medtcine adapted to the use of Children and Infants to impereene .be one of all those medicines which contain opted, and has at , earl, sae needed in preparing and offering to the pebint a medi cine fully ariswenng every-purpose for all disease. of Inc bowels, without the nee of that deletcnous dreg, or any other calculates' to input. an !be test. The Infant Pem: ace& has been folly tasted are ince, the last twelve months, by reunerrow pet eves; and loom to_possns all theextraordinary vtt tuna. 4tid to predate a ll the anon. Idling effects ma set lona au the bill of &reenacts. Di arriocal, Vomiting, Cholie l =t Pains, Sickness and Diseases arising from acting immediately without dliturbing any of the ctimm of the body, producing the happiest and most pleasant transition from violent ;isle m a tranquil and joyous gate of kni fe In the little sufferer. o be had wholesale and royal, arj al, oldie Proprietor, Dr. JOHN SARGANT. Drumlin and Apotheci Jr!hn Mitchell, El4ott & &clam, and most other Drum u a Allegheny aad Pitlibargh. dada DR TOWN/MP:DS SAILDAPATeFiIt s just received of Dr. Townsend!. narsaperilla, odoxen most extraonileary medleine in the world! This Ex pect is put up In quan bottles. R u six times cheaper, pleasanter,' an warranted superior io any sold. It cures disease without Totalling, purging, slic.kening or dabiliunleg the = x,i. • Laces oar roe 411nprinelp4h1 persons have copied car label 44a up. In the same shaped Wee; See thalmich berth:chez the written mac Of ft'P.!Tourniend. &R. a/n.l : SyDragtif.l7 Wood street , between ; Third and Ranh, -is Dr. only ..wiwieinite„ attd retail walla P4tabimrh, of wheat article eat!_be' had D. AL Copy.h.ss.b{eis iolis agent for Allefitvitiit at; OrVuleit gm:genuine anisla.raapii, TlOPela U atumulanoitmers to a new oppl -I . 4 r e g" ii.t( " l "_ 444 ; MiL 64 im • ; Par HaCiIIINS - Woitlze AND AID MST, • Prevaturtau, Pa. N 701115 VPRIBIBIT,H.:410” . REPoPared to bead Dolson arid Woolfailllnehth• La. cry ot every description, such sev-Outing Ma chines, Spiriting Prati Dmrsonirromes, Railway Headarliarpens, Twillen,PfuneisDrewing Frames, Loofah Card indevv, 'an, Wrought Iron Ellieftint tuned ell Watts of Cut Iron, Ponies and Bringemt,of the- latertpauerne, sEle and hand,Lathei, and Melt of all - • cof every decesiptlon famished on short nce dee: Manna made @ - order for Mill Gearing, Imm mans. tee. Mesa Pipe for heating- Factories, Cut Iron Viindour Sash and fatter Cannags Ilevel°111:,-- all at anderal a the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co, 1- erty street, will have prompt attention. Rmrve Blankstoek, Bell Ot, J ssMobrkead &Ca, 0 E Warner, John Irwin & 130 n. Pittsburgh. 13 C & J II Warner t _finvitherrille. jsrloln VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. JOHN A..13110WN TAKES this method to intone his Mu" end the i Publie at large tau N wh s Pampa tro 13 1 ' falirM=3, , O i n . the to m er side " rant supply of 1311Z7olvarious colors andquelides,arseoestunlykeptoo hand, also at No. di Wood st, ?man*, at J.& Phillips , oil ehnh wareroom. V tam Shatter, made to order in the beat Ella Blinds repaired lathe shortest notice. H. B. OW Blinds will be pet op, without any addi tiould avenue en that they eon be removed 101 me ment m ease of fire or Inc washing, and wi th out the aid. of.a crew dr ocoldlyksotototy W. ALEXANDER & SONS, OFFIN bLiKERS AND FURNISHES° UNDER- V TAKERS, corner of Penn and Pt. Clair streets °smith. the Etaltange Hotel, entrance on Penn meet ,. respect:telly lotbem their frirnds and the public, that they ant prepared to tarnish and attend to everything in the love of . Undertakers.. Always an hand n large as sortment of reedy made Coffins, emend, lined and fin ished in the very best manner, all eorts and slots ready made Shrouds of flannel, Cambriek and math a, and all sines' made to approved Styles. We keep a latge as annettent of white and bleck,cotton, silk and kid Gloves, table for pall bearers and moaren, Ctn., cape, col late, end every thing neeesstry for dressing . the dead, and OD ItISOISSb/e. le=l4 e purchase all oar goods la the Eastern canes.Alm, salver plates for engraving the name and age. We have • splendid new beanie and home, and any pertly the best carriages. Every thing attended to promptly and punctually. oetfrAY W. W. WALLACE, --- PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Not. 244 and 248 Ilbeng .one, guar as Canal ALWAYS on hand and made weirder, a large simia ty of Marble Mantels, Piar,Contre Tables, and Bureau Tops, Tomb Stones, Monuments, fr.e.4 all which, being made of the choicest marble, and nninufnctared principally Kli machinery, will be wild low for cash. N. U. Persons ...whine to purchase Mantels, are informed that it is henceforth unnecessary for them to p East, as I can famish them with an arucle to all I good,ruld(freiglitonsernnee ece, consider .,e4ra no s cheap as they cart posehasa Hum; for In the Kati Call and see. . HSI COPPER. SilliCET SON_, AND TIN WARE MANUFACTORY, - No II Marker street, Pittsburgh, Pennsa THIS subscribers havmg made great Improvements in the COLISIMCIII,IO of their COOKING STIP/LS,' re-vemlblly inane persons building Steaniboau to call ands inmate before parchuing, as we can supply them with Dee* &oven, Felipe, and every other kind of Copper, Till end Sheet Iron work necessary in (=Wh am a e Stealaboat. Tulles u 1. 17 m" fier fb N p e pe r r o w n Or b : ;c t i ' r ° Teaun ' " k t lZint i and every minty r; work in oar line. feta SHERIFF k SHIRK BENNETT 4 BROTHER, C/FEENSWA RE MANUFACTURERS , BIeasinetaat, [near Plitabargl4l Pas Warehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. WlLLcortstantly keep on hand e good assort. ment or W are, of our own manufacture, •and superiorquality. Wholesale and country Mer chants are respeetfolly invited to call and en amine for' themselves, as we are determined to sell cheaper thanhasever before bees odered to rho pd.- Re. [Cr Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cash any reference. Inn bo promptly auended to. febLM - P. Nurser. James E. Lauug MINT GLASS FATABLISIIILIBAT. I►,{ULVANt &JAMIE =outwore and keep eon ak sunny on hand au, Moulded and Plain Film Clause., in all us raneuea, at their Warehouse cor ner of Market god Water aroma, Pittsburgh. Our Works mak= In toll operan d and we are eoastantly adding to oar stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptnesa. Paramus arc respectfally solicited to call and examine prices and terms. nrylDdly COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage VWmeat the sabscriber has received ernes he has loured himself in Allegheny, has induced him to take a lease, for • term of year., on the property be now oecopeas, in Beaver street, immediately beside the Fresola.' . March, From the long nepotist:leo to the above brumes. and a desire is please., he hopes to mer it and receive • shamM pablie patronage. Now on hand and EnlsMns to order, Rockaway Bog. MMien and top Buggies, and every desermum of irides made to order, from eeventygive dollars to ceti nmeter. IMP3-dttl .101IP.1 800TH. Ar i iiLTACT ß y y lM o r a Ti co L 4 kikF ni, 'llTlACCO.— d ru wharTsr. oder for rile wnk.' o :l 4 no On seems. sung term. , 600) m r i kvIl d azaka; Ted ., jotlr s e . s, u srl .o lini u ro , f ra ' srps; I:Ps and ffs plug, and Ladies' Torii; ot whole sad hall boxes, of the following approved brand., vim James H Omni, Osborn & Bragg, Omnt A Williams. A Cabaniss, H Jones A Son, ArDoriald, Webster Old, J Thomism, Janus Thomas, Jr. A H Anmstead, J Thomas A Son, Landhorn A Annioteail, J P Coates, J 51 Cobb., Gesury A &oyster, J A Clay, kl A Butler, C A Hall, Green Hall, Wm Dawson. Pearl & Norwood, I H Illiseksatral,.. Bath Page, . Hey tone, Edmond Henry, ' l .v ortlaal V VJU . sarl. Hassell & Robinson ; Kum, Robinson & Co, Seth Halsey, H Brusly. John Endo', Lawrence Looser, J Robinem, Gray & limy, D B Turner, R Jamieoon, York White, D hi Branch. —ALSO— tmeano Leaf TobLic . co, ..rapper. and fi , l l l o ers; Cienfuegos do do do St logo de Cuba do do do & Domingo do do do lquria & Guidea do. pan fine, do rayon& do do do Kentucky various grades do do Virginia Leaf, suitable for manufacturing and export; Spanish Seed Leaf, Penni, Connecticut sod Ohio: . Virginia Suraps, sweet; Garman Pipes Pipe heads, Scotch Snuff Goose and bladdeng) hiaccoubo ?deal; Tonqua Beans Havana boas Olio Rose; Ilergonuth Calabria liquonce; Pasant Cavendish Knives, Spunk, An. he. PHILADk:LPHIA, inyld MOP OW THE DIG PITCBER. NEW CHINA, GLASS & QUIMNSWARE STORE No. 111 Watt. Snot --- - . THE stitaerihers wish to inform the public generally j that they are now opening • new and large stock of Chins, Mau, Queens - ware, Britannia and Fancy Goiads, comprising the latest and moat fashionable pat; tern. of French China plain and gold-band Dinner Sets; do do " " Tea Superior Iron-Stone Dinner Lowing blue (9 new patterno s verpool A great sanely of Tea Sets, different qualities; Bptannia Breakfast and Tea Sets; beautiful article - queen's Gothic," Parlor Lampe, (Cornelius, maker,) Glass Ware, a general assortment. Steamboat owners and hotel proprietors are invited in examine nor assortment of ware suitable for their Country hierehateni can and • largo stock of articles suitable for country sales, which we will sell at rea sonable pnees. Our stock being entirely new, Me feel minded orbe :lna able to please all who may favor us with their cue tom Jay . 17:d_tOrsw_l I GILL a Gerry. Tlrefonv-vtrodems the mot approved Eastern Maim and most fashionable o r patterns mad colors. Also 111 E ellEaP ROLL, or ROB lON WAND, on band r made to order of all sixes; uld at all prices. Consul Merebants and others a:Et:sled to call and ezamine the above for tbemselv II all will be sold srbolesale or retail, and a liberal ocuoti made v rrh.ndly l i le s. csa parehaser A WESTER VELT ROSEDALE OARDIGNS, MANCHESTER. THE Proprietor of this well known placeof resort bait the pleasure of informing the pubhe th,t his estab lishment having bean thoroughly refitted and repaired, and the grounds elegantly laid oat and decorated, is now open for teed azcommodation, and he flatten him- Withal those who may favor bunt with theirarron age will find 4.11 that they deeds, provided in t he best style and on reasonable terms. lie is determined to spare to expense to making his establishment wonky of public patronage. lie has accommodations for boarding a few families. Ice Creams and all refresh ments suitable to the season, eortirtant on hand. jelai LEVI ILI RCIIFIELD. r:=l TBAAC Vi'ILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, beg. to in A. farm the citizens of Pittsburgh and others, that he to now opening at his room. on Bmlthlkeld street, un der the above lintel a large and beautiful luso - rumen' of Cloths, Cassimere Batins, Silks,and other Vestings; together with such other articles as are required for gentlemen , * wear. His goods have been carefully se lected, and are of t h e wryest and most fashionable style, as well as of sopeelor quality. Ilia customers may depend upon having %hair clothes made op in a manner which cannot fail to gratify the tante of the meet festidloue.__ .. apiStly froBACCO-10 bo. BrnoCb &Watkins' W. do do do extra pound 5 do do do lb and 16s; 10 kegs No 1 6 twist; 10 do Pgh Cavendish; D do do Plug; 20 M do Bowl 20 do half Bpsnisb do; for solo by sorb DVILLIAMS SMOKE HOUSE—Having taken the large and coro. snarl.= Smoke Howe and Bacon Storehoue att. bluing our Warshouce, on the Canal Brain, we are pre pared to smoke and store bacon on reuenable terms. KIER & mac Canal basin, near tb at. ASECOND HAND PIANO, 'eon originally 5300, and has been in use aboul , tlg , ma i =e it now 11173, for sale by prl3 111 wood street IhT 0. ISCOARL3 blats prime, for sale low to close s consignment, b) WEST. BOWEN, lee 70 Smoot WHITE 00011 S—A A Mason & Co. have on hand an anomie. assortment of White Goods, com prising Mall. Swiss, nook, Plaid and Jaeonet hfulins, of every variety mph ' osqurro NE.-rrs—sve kavejiutopenedalaige M lot of Moaquito Nerta, of am excellent quality mat remarkably cheap. jesl3 ALEXANDER lc DAY COTION-27 bales to unvo. for solo by jeßt isitne DICKEY is Co rULEESE—L2S boxes nou towbar for ado by je.l4 ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co • Itfair ROAD GUlDE—DoEfetro Ha Road Clindo sad (inuneer for ISEIt wit a great roues of trauL A furc opi es retad=d r for solo • le9l JOHNSTON & STOCKTON (1031105-190 bales Tennessee caw la 'don end 3,./ +(mule by m 793 WEST SOWENSOfrotirsi iv, les:Cl7isW by bbil '•.• • . . .~.:t~F. _ _ _ r.. TRANSIVIMION : :: LINES. ...rus9.lvNroar l eisz 1848; ;. BETWEEN WITSHIJEC24,IO CLEVELAND.- W. T.-Martini,,Plushargh;P & Clr Co, Beaver Clevela }Pros. above Ulm hi law to transport height. and passengers from and CleveLmel, or any point cm the Canals and Lakes. One boat leer. Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in correction with the steamboats Lake Erie and Ifieligen; between Pittsburgh ind Beaver. and aline of first class steamboat; propellers., brigs and schoon ers on lakeaEne, Huron and Arteingan. Property forwarded to any pert of the Union with dispatcheby AM T. MATHER., or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agents, ear Water and Smithfield rat, Pittsburgh. AGENTS:—Beed, Parks & Co, Beaver R Perim & Co, Ylmngsanni, ENV Coles& Co, Warren; D thtlitt,viet2c . Co, Breadpro A ..*--1V JAE.Vittiniesey, Campbell sport; JO AFBrldejtavelana; erC HlKeaFrunklin; Afiller& T . 291 . e, Ftryshogn Falls; Wheeler Berney, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; Watkins & Eagle, Toledo; Willisuns 1 Co, Detroit, Met; birlure & Williams, Mb:rookie, Wis;- J Winslow, Chicago, 111. •pl 4 ILEILIJOSOICPIDRTAIILE BOAT LETE, 1848 . -fef-iak • FOR Tailiaroiraston ANDY laimaßmnza BETWEEN PITTSBURGH PHILADELPHIA. Tna Proprietor, of this old established and first Portable Boat Line, having removed their de pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehouse on Market ft., than they formerly .ctipued, and also in creased their room for ammo at Pittsburgh are now prepared to offer much greater facilities to their friends and plum. Goode carried by this line are not transhipped memo Pinsburgh and Philadelphia, being corned en tirely In ithrtable Section Boats. To shippers of dour and other pods requiring careful handling, this l of importance. No charge made for receiving or shipping goods, or advancing charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and open as reasonable terms as by tiny otb• er line. JOHN IdeFADEN A Co., Canal Hash., Pella Pinsborlh. JA MV.4 M. DAVLS k Co., fetal_l27 Market fr.. 54 Commerce it., Philo. JOHN AIeFAYEIN 3 Co., .Forwarding and Commu nion Merchants, Canal Haan; Pe. et., Putiburgb. 1A31.&9 M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and CO/WOW Won Merchants, M 7 Market, and 64 Commerce Philadelphia febl4 11 el and Adv rte " r d", , b uy. n.e ith er.eTh`..` co".7„;:ra to them. feb.l4 Vo7loE—The subscribers have disposed of their to tia the Pennlt nnd Ohio lane to CLARICE & THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH LEWIS, of thus ty They will continue to transact baiiness for the at thew Warehouse on Brood street, so usual, and be speak for it a eounnuance of the patronage of their friends. JAMES STEEL & Philadelpnia, March 61/i, DA& • Co. Pan's. as 4 Ohio Tsang ortatios ligaM Doubt: Daily Lem of mar CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, PIMPASID TO TILLX.OILT 00000 SICTWZOS PTITTETIOU .11, San MI CRUM CLARKE &THAW, C. Basin, Pittsburgh. LEWIS & BUTLER:2I9 Market st.,Plolutletptua. JAR. STEEL & CO. Agts, Brow! street. COWDEN CLARKS & Co., 79 North r t., 8011. W. PORR iCIC, Agt., II West covet, New Y., k os.parta..niip. rim HE eubmribers have this day meomaded themselves j together under the myle of Kier k Jones., for the purpose Meontinning the bounces formerly turned ou by Samuel M. Kier, and *Mien a conunuence of the lab mal patronage heretofore extended to the house. SATIVEL Al. KIER, U. F. JUNKS. Piusburgh, !dwelt I, 1848. KUM% POlll TA/3LS BOAT LINE, sauMPOSED ENTLIMLY OP FIRST CLASS POUR fIECTION-BOAT, FOR PHILADMPiIIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS RAII,ROADS. -iirE are prepared to receive and forward Ircesht to yy the above and intermediate plaem vim as much despatch, and at as low rates, as any other gesponuble The anent.oa of shippers swishing to send Pork or Ba con to Haturnore in bulk, is puneutarly 'unnamed. sn ssomunit as oar anoinyements enable um to marry much arneles through in better order than any oilier line. Kll3l. St JONES. Yrop'tra Canal Balm, near 7111 mt. Piusbargh, March 1,1.47. 111 1.. X. MLA. e F Alan, gIER Cc JONI-11—Coranaimon and forwardingMrr chants, and Ilatolesale Oculars to Iron. 111.3 am :tali, Produce. &e. M7==!!!!Mil!1 LIMIT 011.617, 11. o. DCITI.II, •ND ER.. o rsrna. e PoteOurygls. Pt:W.1..10,1A LINTON LIME, To Pair l a il aN TLD•211....• AND 18.•11.1.0•Ds 11M11.4 GRAFF & Co, CONDI Mum Potaborgh. DUTILII,III.I3IPIIREVS & Co, N 0.1.11 Market**, MI C. H. Kooae, tomer North & No sts Bak /mot F. Clarke, No 13, Old Shp, Neve 1 °rt. NOTICE—The lark of our Snot will be knota-n from and after this date, at Pinettorgh ,ii a. Henry GralF A. Co., and at Philadelphia , as Dots Humphrey •& Co II 'ißli GRAFF. I'iDIFIZID G DIUTTLII, pu.a.10,,._ CHAS. tilaillginbTlil, HENRY GRAFF, "Pittabotg . maeChf pit i rsntraon POELTABLE BOAT LINK aligMl44B,lllM For ion Fresent to am! ran PITTSRPRI pHII DEZPILIA. BALTIMOInF N YORK. BOSTON, &c. Homuooa & Cud. Philadelphia. Tsar. b. O'Conoos, Ititnburgh. %IRIS old established Liar being now in full opera don, Me propnetors har e mule extensive arrange ments to forward goods and produce with despatch. and on the on favorable term.. They confidently hope thzr well known prompusesa in delivering goods--pe cunt, safety in mode at cariving—capacions %earthen • we. at each port, •ffonling 11Cf15011211.113/117122 to shippers and owners of produce—together with then long expe rience end unremitting attention to business, will secure to them a, continuance of that patronage they hereby gratefully se k nowledge All consignments by and for this hoe received, char. gee paid, and forwarded in any required directions free of charge for communion, advancing or storage. No interest, directly or Indirectly, to steamboats All commanicatiororprompey attended to on applica tion to the following agents: HORBPDOE & CASH. IRS Market pit, Philadelphia. TAAFTI: & O'CONNOR, Canal Hawn. Pittsburgh. O'CIINNORB & Co, North st, Ha/dolor, 11. WILSON, rid Cedar st, New York aVi LAKE EELS. AND DICFIIGAN LINE. 1848 . p u Lake Erie and s aefu n, r is b rzfr , e d o Af n :t b e . a , in d ir t a n t a . Beaver and freight and passenger Canal Hosts be tween Beaver and Eno end C Reed's line of first Maas steamboats propellers and vewels an the Lakes, ts prepared le carry freight and passongent ta red ll goons on the Erie Canal, and Lakes Erre, Huron Nick,. lineal every Haig for eonvey tog freight and pas sengers with promptneas and dispatch the propnetor and agents respectfully tobot from thedr (muds a eon tintasubso of their rtronny. • C HELD, AI RZE PAHleh r & m qlio " aver, Agents_ JOHN A. CA UGHEI . Age na. oppl4 ear Water and Smithfield - at, Potent. h nitac 1848. mai% ECLIPSE TI/ANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the Eastern cities, Cumbertand. lIE puiptietors of this r.palta itsvesinee the' nleation lassely increased their facilities • mee Ee l abies of shipper% and are now prepared t foments] • greater amount by the FIVE BAY LINE, as tilso additional regular wagons at low rause This h o, will run throughout the year. deliveries Fowls through the agents In Baltimore and Entsbarsk In owners and consignees at specified rate• and time. Shipments floss Philadelphia foe the line should be marked "Cam, B Robinson, Baltimore" The only agents are,. . . • .1 B ROBINSON, Pk 8 Charles in, Baltimore. EDGERTON & Co, Ustaberland. CI W CA/39, Browne - Idß. - G6IC Pittsburgh. SMO- 1 . ECLIPSE . In . TRANSPORTATION LlN d & d: Agency at Comberlsod 'too. - 16. of IdelCalg h. Ms. pin to that oC dgerton Pittsburgh ta dwestern merchants are notified that 1 Bay by Robouloo. Nogg South Charke st Baltimore, is the only totem:teed vent of this Law in dm Easton elDes. J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh, O W CABs Bn.wiitvill., GARTO CdOuraberland, • dadOlf J B ROBINSON, N Balthwee. GREEN & ocWis ncettEss - Malligingla let COWeekloatt, este/monk, srsanceerrue SUMAS. ttw Tel[ lop, MID ALL TOO 1.141t2101710. dVFACIIAMS and others sending pods are inform ed that this Is the fastest, aafest, and most expe ons Line going East; connecUng with Adams& Cols E/14k 1 . 'er at Baltimore, ugh receipts will be given to any of the above places.rehaadlzo and package. °Luny size of weight forw arded. Leprous doses daily at 3 P. 311. H O VICIDTIY, Agent, 007201( St Charles Hotel Iluildnigs, wood st Westomi l linumportau7on Company. Mg= AtMLitla 4 0 848 012 . 1grifi l ltAllos 1&48 . , PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE tr. NEW PORK VIA TENERSTLVAAIA AND 0000 SAIL RoAln. A RE prepared to transport goods and produce to and A from the above .cities on favorable terms. Ad- D. rik:rot Canal Basin, PittsbumA ELASTICS Al wry Nos. 13 Alb South Third 0, J. TAYLORASON, Agis, No 14, WM Howard Bali_ A. ABBOTT , Agt, No West street, New York. _Piltsburgh,lllerc6lolh, 19411. HARNDEN & can Passenger mad Remittance Orrice. [UNBORN & CO. continue to bring personf any part of &gland, Ir•land. Scotland o Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with thezr usual ponetualay and attention to the w e and eorro Con of mailgram We do not allow ouryassengrs to be robbed by the nwiedling scamps the tritest the n ,e -as we take Margo of them the mime Way re. portthems6van, and see to their well beinl, We sad aam mh them without detention by the fon sty this fearlessly, as we &nit one of our n gew *". w a bitt= 4 :nee r t e ter. nave7g io until they could be soot br 1101110 did ,al II ehi,P which too Proved their man. sins:Mut perform oar contracts Mutably, cost what it may, and not eel ea was the can lan maim, with ether oNeent,-"-who either parka:nod net all, or when it salted their convenience. . Drafts draws et Pittntogb ko any cam from to [an 1100 a payable at any bribe provincial Ruth in Int. tU•gland; Sentiand and Nate. • • JOSHUA ROBINSON, . . . Reitman and Oman Agent 461 Filth arissone door below Wood;; BOOKIVIEUSK Valialibliiiiad'Attnusthre Ned Iflooki. • LAMARTlsp3lrtsisiy . ef the Glrondio' a, 3 eels, 1.2 Shmnst Life of (Measlier Bayard; 12 ieo. G. P. H. James' Life °ninny:the Fourth, of France, vola-12 rho. Smith's Consular Cain GA:ll:*itiN Meander's Lite tif.Temts Chtis# Eta*, mitali l s litarrel*. Freavulaztwi new &terror:l the old fields of Continental Cant. Henry's Sketches Of Menipla War. 12mo. Story of the Battle of WlMerlacn Um ; . A'Stmmer Abbotql2mo. Sisnumdes.Literstare of the South pf Europe; 2 vall 1.2 mu. Rnaton's Adventures in Maxims and the Rooky . Mountains; 18 mo, nmsdn. Posthorn°. Works of Hey. Thos, Chalmers, D. D., - L. L. D. The Pr - hevesl d.stronomer, by Thos. Dials, L. L. D. , Life of Jeremy Belknap, A 11, Histonno of New Hampshire. Luther and the Reformation, by John Seal; M. 2 vols. The Middle Kingdom, with a new map of the napire; by S W. Williatzw,2 cols, 12 too. The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D., 12 um. Thu Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; Illao. Teaching a Science, the Teacher an Artist by Hoy. B.& Hall. The Czar, his Coon and People; by John 8. Maxwell. Lectures on Shakspeare, by H. N. Hudson. The Artists of America—Blum:rated with nine engra vings on steel, and containing sketches of the lives of Allston, Inman, West, Stuart, Tomball. De Vell3l . Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford>. 1 vol. B vo. The Orators of France; containing sketchm of the lives of Lamartine, niers, Napoleon, Dorton, Mira beau, (Klima and others, with portraits of each. Headley's Napoleon and Marshals; Y vols. 12 raw. Headley's Washington and his Generals; 2 vol., 12ut Headley's Sacred Mouzdaing The above, together with a large collection of Stand ard Works. Cla.l and School Books, for .ale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, jes corner market and 24 sis OOHS Won TUB SlKASlON—Biumimited IQ) Gems of Sacred Poetry-, a splendid imperial 13 v., with beautiful illustrations on MLA, by Sartain , 28 , and illuminated pages by Schmitz and Sinclair, richly bound in Turkey morocco and white Calf, superbly g ilt. The Christian Keepsake, an annual for 1818 with splendid mecitotint engravings, by Sartain; bound in isc. Christmas Blossoms and New Year's Wreapi for in 49.; a small quarto volume. printed on snow white pa. per, embellished with splendid . llll=loCiAl engravings.— tins is by for the most beautiful juvenile annual pub lished in the United State. The Poetical Works ofOliver Goldsmith, M. 8, with numerous ea Imite designs, by the Etching Club, In vs. nous styles of binding. Thompson's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by the Itching Club, in various styles of binding. l'ho Poets sod Poetry of America; by B. W. Grill. wold. The Poets and Poetry of the Ancients, by Will' Peter, A. AL; superbly bound in Turkey morocco; d,d It WUb.. Poems, in various styles of binding. Gray's Elkgy ireman's Poetical Works, in various buntings. Lord Hymn's Shakveus el " The Poetical Worts of Thomas hioore. Ballads and other Poems, by Mary Howltt. Poems by ktuetto Headley's Sacred Mountains. The above, with a rreot variety Mother new works, In NIG by splendid styles ofnunlang, suitable (or gin boots; for JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. dc3o Booksellers, roe. Marto* & 3d sta. "WAND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS—Chalmers' Sr Wet works, 4 vole. Chaltuers Daily &rapture Beading; Memoir of the I.:fe of Mrs. Fry Std not, The Convenhby tits author of nieb&lgni In France' Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C D Tay lot. M A. M annum. or Si. Pearl, do Mark Clarion. or the Merchant's Clerk, do Li to of Pollak, author of "Course of Time," The Laster., by Caroline Pry, Lectures on Sliekspeare. by VI N Dodson, Life of Oliver Cromwell. by .1 T Headley, Napoleon nod Ins Marshals do sabington and his Generals, do Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, I) D Ilethd Flag, do ni Religion 'I earthing by Example; Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull; unuua 431 Scotland, de Life of Rowland Dill. Free Church Pulpit, 3 volt *Drown of Femme; Now and Then, Bethune's Poems: I J 4 •M r ron M ;rat ' il ' ew. adapted to Union gnomons; Arthur's Popular Tales Rohn in the World." "Alakitig Haste to be Rich," "Rich. have Wings,' "'Reciting up Appearances " 'Debtor and Creditor . • For sole by i:Lucyrr t KNOLISII, wth 7rl wood and 56 marker at V Ps3' BOOlL4—pinion of Congrets—Biographical .11 rind Polusthl. oompetung Memoirs of Members of the Cougrest out itw Lasted States, drawn from lathe.. no sources, embracing the prominent events of their live. and their ronnection with the politseal hiatory of We tinier. by Henry 1J Wheeler. Illustrated oy nu- UlefUll) steel portraits nod faa.sumle autograph. King* and Queen.; Or, Life in the Palace—oorisistlng of Ilistrincal Sirewbc• of Joeephine and Maria L,oni Louis Philippe. Panlittand of A ustri. Nichol., label la l 1. Leopold. and Victona: by John S C Abbott. Ilgrries Notes nn Jainea, Prier. John and Jude Noe., card mustory and practical, on thegeneral epis tles of Jame. Peter. John and Jude by Albert Bartow klart .r ter or. 11,, MIMI/1g Wl.—a Itornestie Temperance Tole by Cbarter It,. sten, nuritor ot the Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart Complete in two pa.. Part Harper's Edmon of the Arabian Nis Ina' Enterteinments slave works received ihie day nod for sale by JOHNSTON tr. iellitliTON. Bea cor Market and 3d .t• Chic kering's Piaikoa. JOHN H MELLOR- No 31. Wood H, fiMilill otter. for salent the lowan. manufactu r' res p ncc rteen. the folionnstg asaorunent of harorte, from the manufactory of .It..na. Chickenne, &won. AI allyt . No I A RoHwood Iron Hum, 0 octavo him; IMO a ' art •• tii ' :Aso 111=1 aLSO M etnan coastealaaals, A Rosewood. carved Ooduc [mat. 0 octavo Plano muds b, .1 11 tale & Co. N Y. 8275 A Roewood. ratted mounting, and moulded legs ~llnr.s.o. made by the Manhattan Co. N Y. a ver) onsrertul and subatanual made Piano, at the :ow price of 2SS A ey sup semt-grand hamo, algae by Herz, ermr Pans. 81 0,12 VO. Rosewood rases. 401., A mahog-any .mood hand, d octavo. made by F Hume. ISO A ahogany second band, made by Nunn. Clark, A maluarany second band Piano, made by Nold 1111 For sale by JOHN H MKI.LOR, el Wood smet, sole agent for Chickertmes Ptanori. for Western Permaylvama AEOLIAN ATTACHMENT. jA„,'DECEIVED and or sale a lot of choler Pianos, 'nth and wabout C , olemon's -Eo Attuhment, Nunn. Clark, NV. One of NOLIlle& Clark's Pianos, with the Auaehment, wits taken to P,ltiand hr Mr Coleman. and among enemy other tosemotuals of ad. =ration (or this elegant specimen of American skill and Inge:luny, enened the following remarks from S. Th•luerg. the greatest hanitt lining. Lament. Jan IS, IRS My Deaf:kr—ln enclosing a letter to my friend, Mr Erood, Puts. I cannot refrani from again expressing )ou how much I was pleased with your “..Eolisin Altarlament. - which I consader as • great musical en - provers/mt. .I can assure yoa that on my pan I shall ortm great pleasured° my utmost to make your tneco. non known. For sale by H KLEHEFL At WOPllvell'a rummer ITM7OII, h 1 st e.lk HOOKS—Lour,tuge Europe; or Sketches of Travel in France, Belgium. Switzerland. Italy, Anstrta Proms. Great flown and Ireland, with all append“, routamEuropean ing obserration• on chan ties said medical institutions Hy JOllll iv Carson. hl D. Angela. • novel. II) the author or egrailia Wynd. ham.' “Two Wd Men's Tales." etc °me. ft EDUCKI) ILATIX—Tbe charges have been redo -11, red on all Ale•sagre to or from Baltimore, Pots mbergitoonr Wheeling. and • earresnonthog mduc.on , ~,a ll. t t e o l tf i ftst. p ler gd ziii l i, r itce forwarded from Hal: nd fl aserm.—Tbe charge for • telegraph despatch to or from li alturtore, Illtstntsgh anti Wheeling. is AS cents novel. v 7 .Nary author , wordfor the Met tenwords, end 3 cents for each addiumal .Dteripline." Vol. 111. Daily Senptoral Readings. By the la Thomas Chaim., D. D., L. L. D. Part 4, The Thorts.d and One Nights. Harpers' lastrotenl edluon. - . the Cottager, a book for rhildren. By the author of - Ellen Herbert," Zee. The above works received doe day and for mac by ie2l JOHNSTON fr. STOCKTON I\T ENV BOOKS.--bleraortals of the Introduction of J Methodism into the Eastern States, eomprong biographical notices of It. early preachers, At:miles of to first chord..., and reminiscences of Its early ming glea lishe sad d .• auccesses, by Rev. A Stevan., A. M. Just pub Memo. of Rev. David Abeel, D. D., lam Mizanouary no China: by Ms nephew ' Rev 0 R WI!Immo& Mark 111.1 ton, the MerchanCs Clerk: by Rey Charles B Taylor, M. A., author of "Records of • Good Man's late, iLady Mary,” "Margaret, or the Pearl, &o.ifte. The above, with a large assortment of new boolatop hand and jam receiving. ELLIQTT & ENGLISH, nottl 50 market in ElROLittil litiOtti—lbstuxy of tee brace hen elution, and of the wars and campaigns arising from the struggles of the Greek Patriots In `Cinnamon bag their rountry from the Turkish Poke—to two Vol amea—tplendid copy with numerous map. and engra- OlOr. Loners' illostratiee of the reign of William 111 , Brun MB. to 17.14—with hoe porirmts, a Q role. Companion to the study of Me Holy Scripture& Harry Mowbray, Ihtillng romance, with 60 awn.- trine, 'I our in the lioly Land, French lhago, and Steidle n Clon& Just rce'd and for aria by McDONALD & DEMON ept2l lei market inreel Matall° Pram. Plano. A SPLENDID usorunent of Rose- Mood and Mahogany grand action Pl ano*, just finulted uld for ple Alms, two stdendld Romw a ood Piano, nab Calamine, celebrated Atoll. attachment, ['molted In the most modem style, and for sale at jet 3 • P BLUAIDS, 112 wood st —.— Splendid New . Pianos. — "THE subscriber, previous to leaving for the East to replenish his stock, will dispose of the balance of biz stock on band at reduced price; and on favora ble terms. It cons'.. of a choice .election of Pianos made by Nunns k Clark, N. V.. sad Jonas Chicken:lg, of Boston, Mass, of from o ni 7 octaves, of rosewood acid mahogany, of different styles and prices. li. KLIMEK, jyl7 At Woodwell'a, 83 Third st Q UPKRBLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION OP TUF: ARABIAN NIC/llTS—Expreasly deadrned for fam• ily reeding; ht Comm of publication by Harper & Bro. Meta New York. To be completed in twelve pans. Part Ist Just received and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, apB COMer market and 3d au JOHNITTON & STOCKTON, here just received the Edinburg Review, N 0.17% April, bid, end Black wood's Edinint • Mogooino (or Ably, roy3o P _ OTABH-9 cads cunt Potash, Just received on consignment and for sato by 8,14 MILLER I RIORETSON BRANDY PRUIT-12 cues choice Brandy Pren, lui recetved and for sale by )04_ MILLER & ILICKEIBON CRAB CIDER—ab bbis Economy Crab Cider, Jost eived and for sale by rel 4 MILLER & MEMNON L!NNE!IIi 1.J11,—.21/ Rile Limier,' Oil in fine ' , hipping order • q received and for sale by 1014 MILLER ! RICKETIK/N rNASTILE Iba on hand and for sale by /93 J KIDD, & Co, du wood st LARD bbls supertoe, 'Thuckhardt's brand, gist received sad for sale by /i J Y D/. Co, CO rood .t AT9-60 .ask. superior Oats, rec'dper steamer O Diligence and for sale b Jan J FLOYD,Round Church Buildings • - WELT MALAGA WINE--0/qr casks meet Mule p Wine,just received and for sale by ? 41 MILLER. & KICKET.t ON _ . WENT INDIA I.IONEY-3 hlula Icalanding and y, for sale by JAMES DALZELL, len 94 waist at NDOW Al 4 F YON BONNIKOILST gr. S:Z2=EME!!E!!INII - --,., , '*D303UM01% -ni EIIROPERIII , RGENCY, Por the Recovery of Doom= and bestepeals 1 With held Re al end PeraonalPande,the Settlement and Arbitnotimi of Commercial, Tradutz and other Deb ts Seeming Palette for lirretnienta in Great Britton, Ireland, aed,the Colonies cad Do. enderalesthereen to belonging, and Negotiating &elite Purchase or Sale of the. - same. • . IlliholPhl °keel in the ealobEsioneat this T HE Agency la to set a rest in the most adisfaetary and ecoll manner rentiarle, the mmtmras elamts folsposperty which eldsens or thetheited States really where. have, entwine they possess in England and else- The crane Of designing and unscrupulous men have been activefy engaged m influencing n belief on this subject in many grunters, with a view to petty pecula tion; and evideucesof the feet have been so freemeilv brought to light as tormuler it urgently necessary that im office be established having foe its object the tam faction of those who have been deluded, and to estab fish the claims of such as ire the rightful heirs to doubt ful property, nr that which is improperiy withheld. Ardelemallie leaked journals in the pri n c ipal mi cotes of the Union are frequently appearing, be aded" Town lay Estate," "A Great Fortune for Somebody," i'deet inc. of the fioughtoreg at Woreester," "Chase hie.- Inge," Ire. &a-, Me whom of which arc rs gewho senerally lawob. - yers seeking or adventure, only beet is t b o feed practice, upon public credulity, by producing an excitement which may realise for themselves inneedi ate came and who aregenerally speaking, without the slightest knowledge of the suluects they pot forth. The evidences of this being a fart are every where aril:trent, min no one single instance have their ill founded e x pectations been realised; and it is with a view to the correction of this evil that the subscriber has effected the mostemensive nrrangements to satisfy the inquiring, m well as to twisty the ouriesity nf those who, influenced by family connection or otherwise, wish to pqrsne the investigation of matters Often invol ving results of the most stupendous Mliplitcap As regards teal estate in England, the balk of It in subject to the laws of Entail and Primogeniture; and ever nines the revolution in 1688, the principal estates have Men subjected to the changes which always en sue on revolution, confusion, and change of dynasty, and although there have /men special laws passed for parlicular purposes, all those which have reference to this subject, and which were passed subsequent there to, are still allailable In eases of legitimate nght. It is not, however, intended in this advertisement, to'refer antecedently to the American revolution of 1776, at which period, a great number of persons entitled in va ne. vinyl 1.0 property, abandoned the ammo by joining the revolutionary parry. This act, in itself, was tuff• tlent m lead to confiscation where it was directly Miff by smelt individnalc but when those abandoning the same weft next in succession to the then possessom, the came became altered; and alienation from home and familywere made the barriers to rightful inheritance. Auefficr fruitful source of nivesition a found in the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Bank of England, and this, funtithing no it dims, each English mane that has ever existed as o bolder of Muted property, is the main reliance of the unprincipled traden in public credulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly outer°. In all parts of Europe, but in Ligleod particularly ao; nod the subsenber pieparedlo show the facihties which he possesses,for ell musugation in any of the means above alludd to. Besides all these, there is property positively bequeathed, mid which, to ulnae. queue allot absence of the parties to whom demised, becomes involved to and subject to the lows of the Court of Chuccry. In all cues, even, of supposed family connemon, the most positive and satisfactory informauon can tie UM. dad as to the facts commuted with the members of fam ilies, no mutter bow remote the dater seemingly di& ficult the investi,gaun; nut where the cane has alrea dy bean undertaken by ally of the numerous persona vrho pretend to a knowledge of this Inmiuss, and who have altogether failed in obtainhog, or omitted to sited the Information sought by the Meatus of their speciou s.o and delusion, the matter is the more readily uder taken, because of the greater salisfution to aiding where the pretuees of other have obtained so much unmerited confidence. In the settlement of Commercial, Trading and other Debts, the necessary legal and mercanule Aromas, will be brought to hear; an experience of half a Centil ry in this particular branch, w the best evidenie that can be afforded of the abdity that will be bestowed on matters coming ander this laid. Inventors and others requiring Patent nghts secured in any or all p,prts of Europe. can have the same effect d at a very tinting charge over and above the usual ices required In any piton country. 'Every informs- Lon respecting the probable expenses, and the madam operand. wdl at all amen be cheerfully afforded; and the &climes, particularly It England. for dispomag of me right. /sc., are oldie most extensive character. lit- troductioas are also offered to men of wealth and high respectability. %Whatever belongs to thu department ample. The anettuon, therefore, of the public to gen eral i. pirtiClliitZir whetted to Mt. branch of the Agate cy l'onsnaumeattotta.by letter arc requested to be poet paid BENTEIAM PA %HAN, Ord Water street, New York. fILYZIGINCICI •SK •MILIRSTIII ro . . llou Chas. P. Daly, Judge CI.- umirion Pleas, N. Y Cartlidge k Co. W. k J. T. Tupseuti. ii. R. A. Rickert', Rip. '• Faiwirni Schroder, Eari. Clilelll[llllll, 01110. A. Patebin, Erg. Preet. Patchui Bank, &awl • jy4-shsw3mmoeure T . . itE undersigned oefers tor sale • superior article of knob for building, made by tun Swam Pre.., improved machine, for which he has obtained a patent. and agrees to give purchasers a written guarantee that they are stronger, and will must frost and wet weath er and unbite lea. moisture or datapne. than any oth er bruk, posas ura sstng greater body and superior texture and much more dble to every respect. each brick being .stye test to • pre asure at never:ll too, and I.s. e t a handsome smooth turinee and even edges, me t make a front equal to the hest trunt brisk Met bare nivel, tile grettit..l stin.tartion to all .10 Lave pltrchaketil. A kiln ran he keen at my works, mid apertmen at the Gazette otter . . Mose having supplied theinaelves br their buildings. and wishing . Landsoine (rout brick. or superior hard and solid paving brick, can obtain the.. . _ ham, June 12. Ints. =rl2lM=E=! CARHA:RiSUtPROYEi; ;dLODkON J _ oliN H. MELLOR, No. tal Wood street, has rectal ved and onto open for sale, • supply of Catnart's Improved patent Melodeons, pnee 144 For the beneat of those restdang a distance, and consequently unable toauspect he Melodeon before purchasing, the following dethnpoon to !raven: The cases are made of rosewood, and are as hand somely finished as a Piano Forte. The tey-board as pruc.ety the same as the piano or organ And the tone, twauch is very beautiful,) closely rethmhaes that of the flute nop elan organ. The lustramen a can be Immedi ately made portable without death/loth any part, the bellows receding mm the body of anstrument, and the legs foldmg under, leaving the whole to a compact form Each 'instrument has a packmg case, and the whole when packed weighs only 45 pounds. The vol of roue if equal to that of • thaull organ, and by means of the swell may be Increased or daminashed at pleasure; it is suirmicmiy loud for small churches, and is well calculated for • parlor Instrument coral WOOD TYPE - • . WILLIAM SCHOLEY, H. H. RYAN ISAAC M. SINGE.II., JOHN H. MORRISON, having as sociated themselves together ender the style and title scholey, Ryan & "C. 0.„ for the manufacture of Wood Type. and ai their type is altogether made by machi nery, the Invention or Isaac M. Singer, ono of the firm, they feel confident that they offer amore perfect article of type, and at much lower rates than any heretofore offered In the Muted States, and are now ready to WI orders (or the same. All orders addressed to Stholey. Ryan & Co., at their office in Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets, will be punctually attended to. [Er Proprietors or noranwapen, OLI copying this ad. verusameat 3 Months, and sending us their paper, will be eilliiled in raceme their pay in type, on purchasing Marx times the amount of their bill for advertising,. piltd3m AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANT E. mmaraae . 4111.11,12. ESTERN LINE. V" No charge re =dolor the eddrees and ewe LK. huh! the cornpleuon of the South Western Lane- of Telegraph funs Memphi. Ten, to New Orb:outs, des patches can he forwarded to Morph,. by tho route. and moped for Neer Orleans foil Tite — Alleighmay Cemetery. A T the annual meeung of the Corporator., held . the 6th tux., the- followuts person. were unan measly re-clected Alanagei. for the ettsulng year THLI.SLAS HOW E, Prectlens JOHN BOISML, J&RSIL: CAROTHEIIS, NATHANIEL HOLMES, WILSON ATC.,LNDLESS JOHN H. snot:Nur:m.4:n, JANES R. SPEER, _ • 1. F'irotrit, Jr, Socretary and Trestotey. The annual !nutmeat presented the sdams of lb Company la • very prosperoti• coodiuon. Their ode in tap city t• N. 37 pacer moot, QpILI array InratcuANTe riAN ( oto 23 per rent. by parch:wog %.../ their OIL CLOT rom IMPthreet from the inanotheturera pornm R. CARMICHAEL bare opened a ware house, No. North Third street, above Riser second door South of the Eagle Howl, PIuLADISLPMA, wbere they will always keep on band a complete assortment of Patent nestle Carriage Oil Cloths. Mt. 38. 4th 4 6 , 4' and 51 inches wide. Figured, Palmed, and Plant. 011 the Inside, on hbislin Drilling and Lmen. Table Oil Cloths of the most desirable patterns, Al, 41.1, Ott and till Inches wide. Floor Oil Cloths. from MI inches to of feet wide, well seasoned, and the newest style of patients, all of their own manufacture. Transparent %Volition. Shades, Carpels, he. All goods warranted. ntraiditna - - ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. MIR 1848. ii i Eta and others are informed that Chi. 1.113 e will continue to run throughout the year, leaving daily, Produce and merchaname taken at low Mies. klerchantllne from Baltimore Waugh' out at Canal rates. Time, Bye day.. J C BIDWELL, Agt, Water at, V doors above Itloov'a. House Putaburgb. J B BOBOJBON a BOEHM, mkt] 92 Soak Charles at, Baltimore. DERRY & NICKERSON, Manufacturers or .IWIIIIIOB, BACKING BOTTOMS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN DADS O. ALL DE3CRIPTION3 No. SS* South Front Street, Back of 7 A. 14.ileon'e Cabinet Watt Manufy PHALADELLPfII.II ALL orders lett with S. S. Moon, at the office or the Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, will he promptly attended to. THOS. U. DERRY well:141Y A. C. NICKERSON 01.1.1013 ML WOLIVAR XPKRIENCED ;ekes, on a trial of one and a half millions, since 1843, pronounce this article unsur passed for durability to the eonstractioa of all kinds of pomace, Price pera,7s cosh for loads of 11l AI, guar. alibied moo months use. Order. for a second quality Hobo. Brick. will be execated at SB per AI, if m de sired, without guarantee. A .rock of the fimit quality is now for sale at the warehouse ' 'Sloan'. Wharf,' Ca nallliman, by J SUAW fiLACLARLIN, sapauf Kensington Iron Works PIICRNIX FIRE BRICKS—The subscribem haring been appointed sole Agents by the matutfacturens, for the sale of the celebrated uPticents Bricks," are now prepared to fill orders (r any quantity, at ta, cosly per l,wu. For the constrooron of (unmet, at all kinds, these bdcks have been pronounced by com petent Judges re being superior to all other fire brick. lima in use. C A AVANULTY & Co, Canal Basin. my3o P' - - FOR ISTICILEI BOATS. lORTABLE very eonvement article. lk.lievra and all tpe forgenan be carried by the !mo or by tam mon. A (oar iliac recd and for sale by '1 , 114 Lit fir,IPC Ward, ON JOHN QUINCY ADAMS—Delivered Mayllth,l649, at U M Um School um of the Sixth an!, huablughr... By B. M. Breckenridge. PubLiabed, by JOHNSTON fr. STOCETCST, end for .ale by ell the BooltrtallersiA the bilY , . jy3 INEI3-40 edults'acul - 20 indAbit Port, Bacot W ?WIN% and Madeira W 1... oomph 4 "; very choice and anpasior Imulds, mem. and for We on n e t tw• try gar t &hi "G`IIELTILI36, 160 libanv ~ E D:I~C~I CO3IIIPILEMDPIN o • Asthma, tamchiL .SPig_Slond, tßin in the Side and Breast, fiartj,roal; UM - m. 0., htindon of the Heal w oopingtoughotrosp, yes, Nervous re, Liver Clami, and Diseased ladaya, b are Wicallv hared y Dr. Sororneo Compoun y d Syrup or Wild Merr. Iris mild and plessaarte the taste, perfeetly safe and harmless in its Operadohs, Aral latil IS Cue of the most = ft il and cones re and tonsumption of the lfta Colas, Amt.*, Spitrity Blood, Liver DodtPbttiot t om. loltutt Side. or Dreaft, and general Debility of the Consittabo x Ito o f eV.. invented by the drill of man for th e relief of the afflicted public. Certificates and evidence. or Ito wonder f ul en. ,,,,,,j,,,, pervert's are daily received fro, 55 iii,..,,,„,,,,. is I. 5,„,.. pc.ooltio to ec.c.i.e doo_tylvesitte pianffering and mis ery that has. be. reliev ed m' o. meshed by it; nor enn vre ealetilialaShe immense benefit h,„, a.ll . c ,,,,,, fm. It hemafter. Ali age-., !excel Ma coastitmio. are alike affected by it, amid. disease is enn aj eete a i nns . she d stem, the constitution repaired, an d h ea l t h se , sery r the of of Ds. Son Catcr ense Sum or w i y e h d a . r . HOW muir eulens. do w e daily be hold approaching to. untmely grave w.t ente d, to the bloom of youth, from their relatives atoll friese e . jamas ad with that dual malady, CONSUMPTION' winch waste. the miserable raffervr until he to obey ih e power of hum. Ail/ If sack mfferers won,' way make a to of Dr. Swpyne's and Syrup of Wild Cherry, they . would had theatselres sooner rello oc e than by gulping dm various uteffecure remedies whit which oar newspapers abound; this 'Vegetable fterrio. di. heals the ulcerated lungs., mopping profess ,ash, sweats, at Mauna. time imilleing a:natural and healthy expectoration, and the patient Orill 'Soon find-himself in the enjoyment of comfonable heelth. The tpabhe should bear a t mind that Dr. gwayna is a regular practising physician, and has had years of rience in diseased of the Lane, Chem do. The to and only grim. ine article ts only prepared DR. S VAYNE, N It cot, z ...d ner of Saab and Race stree - Mehl. ANOTHER HOME ' KATE. Of all the cares that hate erer been recorded, we may safely say the annals of medicine cannot harm. ono to surpass this, which new stands Ina hymn proof of the curability of consumption, even when Ur: had been despaired of. Dr. Sonayne's Compound Sy rup of Wild - Cherry is all it professes to by, the trivalmt hiecheine in the known world. Tin Mae Kidder ii f Life is Health- Ds. Storms—Dear Sir . ,-1. or the good Milos pabho, I feel myself in duty booed to testify to the great cows. which year Compenind Syrup of Vtlftd ChenErfemt, ed on me. For my part, I feel as if every ottgai to know it. I was afflicted with a 'Mica c spu, Sing of blood, algid MeV., hoarseness, and mead oft the voiCa indicating an alarming state of the diseasen was gone, arid my strength had wfa fail..., ' am a tiM t l i t te my friends and physician were persuaded L could not survive many days. lily saner, whotwas myl alto. canctaker. made inanity where she would bet likely to procure the most certain relief She was total that if Dr. Swayne's Campeau! Syrup of Wild Cherry. failed in We cure, my life was then hopeless. Your, medicine was innediarely procured, and the firer hot, de gave relief, and by the was I had commenced the! sixth bottle. to cough bed left me and my aresigth . • : mu eh improved. to alien, it has male a perfect cunm or me, end l ant at this payment time as hearty a man as I wath, and have good reason to believe that the one of your medichte has saved tne from i premature grave. I shall be pleated to give any inforottuice respeoung, my case. '' ', till Rastas, 33 cheater st, between race add vine out, Phil. CArrioN. , CAUTION!! - • - - - - • Consumptives, Read: Read! Dr. Seraynent Compound Synth of Wild cherry. In about the yeas MC, I !bend it necessary 111 my profeanonal prat Lice, to compound & medicinal draper-, anon for diseases of the chest and luny, possesalng more powered healing properties than any other hal, ens known for much disease. In-my COhiPOUND . SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, I have been very sae-, nimbi'. The truly astonishing cum effected by mj medicine soon spread its fame abroad; for it owes none . of rte success to manufactured newspaper puffs or for. god ceruticatho—the real intrinsic manta of my mai lroom' ot die only callse of itspopularity. Ita extenaive nth soon excited the envy of nuarerspeculators in the afflictions of his fellow <mauves, wrench so t h at in a few years from tha time that my preparation was bum doted to the public and in great demand, a firm in this city,ute finding that my preparuion herd gained a high mm rep lot cunnive pro pe rties, came out watt what they ca/led Dr. Winter's Hallam of Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular physioiao had no more to do wnti the article than poor Sam Patch. The name of Dr Wutar is attached to make it appear that this em inent practitioner was the original inventor of the pre pennant; such is not the not. The above firm, the re al inventor, mold the temps and right to manufacture to Wpatent medicine dealers in Cincinnati for the t sad South, and another in New York for the East, who afterwards, it is asserted, sti4l out to a druggist in Boston—so the number ofhands into which It may have changed is an enigma In some planet they amen it erniunithd hem a phy• act. in Philade/phia; in others, from a payatalla MassachusettsSo a has falsehood and stratagem stamped in every feature_ There have been a number of other preparations pur porting to contain Wild Cherry put out more, from the hands of inexperience, which the public thotad gourd agamst, as they C 0211.1111 alma aria. of the onfp• nal and only genuine preparation, which burs the mg. nature of DE Swayne on each bottle. The present manufacturers of dna puffs and false eintificates have the daring effrontery to caneoo the public mama par. chasing a.y medicine, the only truly genuine and /mai nal preparsuon body before the public solace is proved itabsfactordy by the public records cd the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well es von. one other official documents. DR. H. SWAYNF, Inventorsad sole Propnetor of the genuine Com. Foetal Syru p Whiid Cherry, comer of Eighth and Race streets, philthelplua. Pamphleu eau be obtained gratis, *cuing forth on affay of Irsumony that will rennet,. the most diem,. cal of . tar winidertul ovate* oi Dr trtornyner COVIpOI4IIII syrup d Wild Cherry. Call and get one. time all may read. Purchase the medmine. end ex ninth. For sale, who/angle and retail, by the • WM THORN-53 Market ex & SNOWDE N, corner Wood and Liberty stn; s Jo, S, tbo Liberty at; B A PAIHOScrOCK & Co, corner of First and Wood and Sixth `and Wood; and JOHN MITCHFI t Allegheny city. Mar2ls 13= DR.. JAYNE'S AL We have been informed by Mrs. TERRase AITVE. of • core per formed on her by DI, Jaynes Alltieratiers, which proves Its superiority over every other muscly of the kind. She has been afflicted for the lan Mimeo years with NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended with :Licentious and enfoltallon of various bones, Mi ring which time many picem have been discharged from the round bone of the cranium, hot both her arms, wnsts and hands, and hem both legs, and from the left femoral b r and from the right knee, besides pineal a kers onpa of her person, which have baffled the skill or a amber of the most =Meta physicians of oar eat—daring toast of the time her . aoffenniss hive been exert:ming and deplorable. About three months Cilee the was Induced to try DT.Jayitee Aherili•e, watch has had an ammisbingly happy greet upon her, by removing all porn ane sweillags, and coming the aleers to heal, while at the same time her general health has became completely restored, eo that she now weighs 13 lbs Moro than aim did before she commenced the ose of this truly valltable preptwore..—{teat. Eve. Post. For farther information, tarmac of Mrs. Rose, No. 192 Filbert at, Philadelphia_ For sale in Pittsbargly so the PEKIN TEA STORE, 79 Foonla ma near Wood. CROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL 1.7 MOS.—Scrofula in all its multiplied forces whether in that of King'. Evil, enlargements n tbe glands or bories,poitre, White Swellings, Cruet. Rhenmatism, Causer, disease. of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the same cane*, which las poisergosup principle mere or lees inherent in the human system. There. fore, macs. this principle can be destroyed, oo rad'. mil cure can be elected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a core memo, necenityfollow no natter under freeform the disease Ewald manliest itself. This, therefore is tie rouon why Jails ea AITntaTIVI Li co cal vernally maCeelll in removing so many malignant Mimeses. It destroy. the virus or principle from thins those diseases bare their origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every particle el disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. II South Third Street, Philadelphia. .Solciat the Pekin Tea Store, No. 71 Fourth Wee. Pittsburgh inch3l : L&DEWS Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, e r a often not aware how fnghtfully injurious t is ho the skint how coarse, bow tough, how sallow,<flow, and unhealthy the non appears after camp prepared chalk! Besides, It n injurious, comaining a lerge gam do of lead. We have prepared beautiful vegetable Miele, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY WHIT It is perfectly humeent,beingpurefied of all qualities; and it imparts to the skin a nista ral, healthy, alahuter. Clear, bring white, et the same name acting as a cosmetic on the skin, ma4ng Rsoft and smooth. Dr. James Anacreon, Practical Chemist of Massa chusetts. says: "Alter analys.:44.loncos'a Apantsb Whne, I find It poctesse• the moat be:mind nod A.M. ral, at the same time innocent white I ever sitar. cern/tali can cousetentioaely reroutruend ti. pae to ill whose akin requires beautifying." F . 4" ,, nee Gems boa. Id by Wrd. JACKSON, as his Boot and Shoe the Store, g DomP9 Liberty street, head of Wood, at the sign of lli Ladles, /Idles, I'm astoulthed. When pee knosilhat you are'prousised A natural, life-like, snowy white, That you will still see common clm/l, And look • deathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter and of talk If)ou would use a box of JONEsS LII/y-white, It would gyre year 4111 on alabaster yet ,tarn white, and at the same bate clear sad Improve at. veld 0 1 J ACKSON E 9 Liberty sc. Price 23 cent' par Wm. PAPER WAREHOUE- • 9. - Bou.Liso HIM/ AWFU.. )(EDS W. FIELD offers for We y the lowers Idantilbetoresa , priees.,, very estensl•e assort meta of PAPER, eproprising every possible variety, adapted to the wants of consumers In all amnions or the eorintry. Paper of all lunds made to order at shon sotto, / he stock of PRINTING PAPER is Flues!ly large • penal which 1. of rmry ' s rmrya•lity or every description, *patted and kept constant], on hen, •11: Fclungs,Wire Cloth, rwardrinier on Illeactung Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, 0.e., be RAGIR4 Crintrairs, Bale Rope, Gnus Rope, .M 404, e. c, purchased, for which the highest price to Cash will be p ai d 11 , 237 . New York, Jely,llSltt Dyr• Promham Plaster. - . W. P. INLAND, albs hlodical College bf Phil adelphia, now offers to the public lua Indian Veg. etable prenuum Plower, the qualities of which, alter L o t tu h indzu ed. t etrerlence ; has bee whom:ystsfacitoc rtly ted wz Prolapana limns or Fallen Womb, he recommends hut plaster, of sure and speedy cure is the short spare of front two to *Lee weeks, if applied with cats told rest—discarding all the counties. InlitrUDleall and expensive band,sgea so long in us. This he feels COSSCNOLIOUI ILI otESSIg, r iIIIISMSOb as he has not failed lit one case out of th e hundred end Gily-thrtie pa- Lents. Also for Rhementtero and Weak Breast or Back, •t• tended with pain, Were isr 4hing to excel this Fleeter in affording relief or effecting a cord. For sale by L lVitrox , corner of Diamond and Market at Braun & Reiter, •• Liberty and St. Clair us Dr J Sargent 't Federal et and Diamond, Alle gheny etty Jacques & Co, " Denman and Diamond, Ring leamiM A Challenge to , the World. TWENTY-vivE DOLLaildwill be paid to any one who will pralnee a cot of paint, green or dry, that 0.001 be attracted with Holes Improved Chemical Beep. I have the satisfaction of saying ID the people in this place, That ibis nniele, Uy my oleo uppnovemee l on it, nog, slam.. an rmalleil in bin 0... My for oilnietin g Seca.., at,, poet', oil, NM I or any other greasy se, stance, hom all kola of gentlemen's or !edicts , elothag, carpets, table cloths, merino shawls, hetes' bonnets, h e , without ldonng anything that pare water will not Wont. More than one thoersand persons to different parts of the country have told =they Weald not be andsont it; if It eon One dolls, par cake.sn trystig this Soap on more IL= 700 articles of light silksolaunsr, pace., and calicoes,' have only bound boos pieces of silk, two of alpatta, and font of calico, oft which it changed the color; then:km before patting 4 0/2 a light 1 ress try a anomie of th e dress arm I state lids became am determined not recommendll any onaN .llger ataa I know lo be avidly Mat ?nee, 114 eta per cake. Bald, wholesaleand recall by • It F. 139 t fr , M d dec24 XWO _ chests YliTea; Aldo do toopuild do. r K E .10 do dahlia din cap ty flupowder sa4SinWM • CIALBERVIEF gam and dos sale by .8 I:, it=•. !A CiBEATRI 7 / 1 8, LT Um oelliand mtry _tr.= : .111. 1. 0 1 1 3. p.a.b0 LiverV=l and ail by R MIMI& FACTO/it, INestmoretind Co., Pa.,l JuIyDMZ 1 lfr. /t. E. Beam;si—A acme ofthat to pound thee/limed indnenme to add n humble tustissay is favor ofyourjostly eelebramd Liner FM. t hare detetrul O'na far yrnmi. edheriug to Dart Creelndirs =dm, 'Re y e w you ore ritht, them to thud. , Moot of the many preparations of repent, and quache, tended to tee his, hare mob into oblivion ones your Liver Pule here hem olfered - ba th e polite and, indeed, I belie:re they. will ...trim them ell," nit they on, joet what mpreaatt them to h.. I has hem attiemd with Liver Complaint from m 7 loot!; ham ordered much; empkrpal 0007 =Melo nhyaboans, to whom I paid with thoury; hem lost much blook bom mmaiitml md phymicited abeam% in death; mlorated sor is tom., mut neaDypeen op es incurahla la 1534-71 mu iodated to trt your Lrem. Fills.' SOON UOT IS LL. 0.. tun of eolith Lwow sogkiesit to keep use dear of pain in the eide, and all the other ity.ptcom, for at least 11l month. Year Pills areal.* the best eathartie I rem toed; bring mild, not gripin or airing much micknem at the Meer sub, but mamma, nate( there Rept them m my dire Dr 0 er 7 years; sold hundreds of bons, and Imre •nemt bard a minis tomplaint altered by any oom who has used threw. They Um sammoded alumni *eery othur in thus rodatthorhood, and in a Mort time Mill basiah them ell. munestly ncommend them to all proms mcdias *Pk, •theller Lium comp/o n e or Davis 41Detimas. I cpso eider them far supreme lo Calendar the BlimPilL Elaproa.- J L MAME. I ,,ADMN—As there me other Pith before the mbhm . CALLIID LlTsr rills, perms who want tho GENUINE atdd ask De and Wool:mother them Goo premed end sold by It DKLI..FiaII, No 57 IVomd-ei between Third and Fourth octets. Rea by Dr. CA.sn, Fine Irard f D bt COMM, Alkibely yutx the Itt r ate - iCiirree". J. W. MORRIS rearms his damn thank. to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny ear for the very liberal support me encouragement be has received within the lost six months. That the IVa. onre should aminire each celebrity, is neither to weed.. etc mysterionawiten 4 is considered bow greet • unmoor el cues of every variety of dioetoos, both ace , . and ehrunic, have been cured by a Judicious use of it. Gennauy, where it origiusted, tax thousand of the worst cues, that ureter:leen op by the mom skil ful phylum.. of &mope toouroblo t were cured by the ihtttnond Messina, the foamier of the Water eme. In England, Frtmm end t o thousands of hope. less eases have lama ettred by it. eml the ...roe. llydroputhic establisk,„,,a,ts sow in successful epees tion in the United States, speak volumes in favor of the practice. , Dr. id,erri• buvltgr Permanently established himself in the a iry PUlabargl4 three doors lumbered of win'. alley, on Penn Street, is now prepared to take a number of boarders and treat them at his house, atui those who prefer being treated at their awn dwallums, will be punctually and faithfully attended. Ile maybe conultal at his oft. from I o'clock dila P. ILL, and from 7 to /0 in the evening. N. —Every variety of baths made else of in be Water core, both for ILMes and gentlemen, en be ob. dined at the Athertmuu. on Liberty street, where IldIY have been recently erected for the expreas um of Hy dropathic patience, rad whom every attention will he gir p t i t&the polite and attentive proprietor. Great &airllea Gamed', - Dort coughs, Colda, &edema add Consumption! The X GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cans of tito aßove diseases, n the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celcbramd Dr. Duch., of Loudon, England, and introduced into the Raped Metros under the immediate su,perinteminnee of the inventor*. The extraordinary success of this medicias, in tK care of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent id soliciting for treatment th e worn possible ca that can be found in thq community—eases that mak relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, AM hove been gives op by the moot dirtingebted physicians as confirmed and timetable. Mid Iluagari an Balsam has cured, and will I n c mina desperate of eases. his no quack nostrum a standard Eng. hob medicine, of known and estabbshed efficacy. Every °unity in the United times should be Bayonet% with Buchan's Hunerternen Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, bat to be used as a preven ti ve medicine in all cases of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain In the side and chest, irritatton and soreness of the lunge, broehitis, dtificulry of breating, beetle honk, night SiVOll.ll, emaci ation and general debility, tutionst, riecuaa, whooping cough end camp. Vold sit largo bone., at El per bottle, with hill direc tions for the =moralities of health. Pamphlets, mainaming a mass of English and Ameri can certiftcales, and other evidence, showing the un equalled merles of this great English Remedy, may be cit.:mini of the Agents, gratentouely. For sale Ly B A FA/INF:STOCK & Co., comer of st wed Wood and Wood andath obi mar° JAlf ITIC'S CA.H.RIEIffi A TIVE BAJA Ain sr' ROM the Rev ASA SHIN N, a welt known and pop I' Mar Cie:lumen of the Protestant Methodist Church The anderdgned Llama been afflicted during the past winter with a disease oldie stomach, sometimes pro ducing great pain in thaatomach for tenor twelve boars widwor udermission, and after having tried various remain. with hide effect, was furnished' with a bottle of Dr D Jayne's Carminative Batumi Thu he used ac cording to the direction', and found invariably that this medicine caused the pant to ebgte is three or GNlrlida- Ines, and in Moon or twenty mtnutesevery uneasy sensation was embody claimed. The medicine 'resat terwards used sherbet er lodised°. of the approach of palowete perceived, nada., pain was thereby prevent ed. Ile continued to Use the medicine every evening and sometimes to the morphia, and in a few weeks health eras. far restored, that the safes", wog relive ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. From ex pericace, therefore, he can confidently recommend D Id Jaynes Carminative BIti•11.112, as a salutary mullein for diseases of the stomach and bowels. A SIIINjyND3I Aliesh eit y, For sale Putsliergh at Ma Pkifil N eny ha STOR 111 Fourth street, 0.114 Wood, entrain° Si the Dreg Store of II P SCH WART& 'federal street. Alleghstay St Dear , and do.. .LTJL rum the previous winter, I was severely agitated mat a serofulous complaint in my less,. and had Mart foe some month, miler the cant of phylociana. They said my case arm almost incurable, and they could do but little for me. I was arlyhelpless, but with the aid of tar:itches could with difficulty get about in May last, I purebesed of you, and commenced using Bata. tls Ssatssurt.t.s.. After the am of two bottles, the sores commenced healing, and I laid aside my crutch es, using truly it earth. I dispensed with my mine and at the end of the fourth, was so well as to Ostia all day att.briAT cheer , In an, / osed five bottle. The scrofula and Pores have all healed op, and limo lest summer I have seen no appearance of the disease, but have continued, and are now, in the most perfect healthl I stmewith confidence, hopmg that whets may be ben efined in the to way, that the Sarsaparilla sold by hes been the means end on/ means of effacte tri g the mire. U 8 J. ROSS For wile wholesale and retail, by d&w B. A. FAILVESTOCK & Co eoe. front P wood sta, A &Rammer wood &MM. Flaw. PEI3Ji . I7IIIERT Cream de' Amanda Amore', for Miming, Cream a la Flom, tor shavingi Almande Cream, do; Superfine Rouge, on Porcelain Want* Elegant scent Mgra, perfumed with Lavender, &nee term Niel; Bemuful powder puffs, of all natural; Embossed toilet bores, vonoutinig trigrant ronnie for the handkerchief; a Scoot bug, nod to.leCamps, mut. able for presents. Persian, or Chinese powder; Malan vegetable hal r Burl od, in fancy or common wrappers, (mu seem kerimf Smspi Nymph Soap; Rom Lip salve Sher Soda WON together With a great variety of fine . ma received: for sale by B A PAHNEasoCR & CO rmliS Gin Oat Et wood ets Pulmonary filaL. k.MSELS: REED & CVTLER— eashl feel it a duty I jgg "Owe to my fellow creations, to state something mePeeting yew Vegetable Palmarary Dalsarit Since I first used the Balman, ahem eleven years ago, the balmy effect of which I then pea an account of I hate had mvenal severe complamas and attacks at my lgs, One a few data since, and in every Mamma I hovee turd the Balsam alone with complete and perfect mecca. It has effected relief and cure in a miry few days. It is certainly a safe medicine. I do not know that it will cure a fixed consumption, but I believe it, will be in many mum a preventive, mid prevention is better than mire; Ido therefore, for the love of to fel. low mem earnestly recommend the use of thts Balsam. in all pulnary complaints. I am confident that it has been the means of pri.mrvtag my life to this day. Bosom June 16, DENIAMIN PAlOulliliti For sale by B A Fehnestoek, tr. Co, comer brat an weal and also earner wood and oth. late SELLER'S IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.— It has power to ravel Preen:lima, Feb. 14, LS47. R. F. Etatume—hly wife boo for yen. been solucct to a distressing cough accompanied with asthma, for the cum of which the rual different cough remedies, and bad the advice of the most eminent physicians in Eogiaad, bet all was unavailing. By chance 1 heard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and won induced to, buy a bottle for trial, slump 1 had no belief that anything could remora her complaint Tom Sh y great surprise, two Awe. pea her =mediate relief. els at umes troubled with a eough.'hut two temp:armful of Syrup alway. stop it. 1 ant /satisfied, oiler a trial of three or Sod: yea,., that Seller's Cough Syrup is the bon cough medicine 1 have ever tried either in the Old or New World. Wm. Parammaag, Seventh a The above certificate sh W ould rd, i c uyof nduce nib t who are troubled with chap Or asthma, to give the Syrup • tri al. It may be had for i ti emus a bottle, at the drug 13070 Of R E S 57 wood st. Sold by Dr Cassel, 6th trued, and D 14 Curry, Alto. then/ 44 4'.. lard Pasant Block Spriug Truss, M EWLY INVENTED—For the re lief mid Permanent LI Cum of HERNIA or RU PT (Salted to all nut.) the superior elate:Nor this Trim corolla In th• row- Denture can. with which it may be wont The pad of wand being neatly balanced nn springs, yields to prem. rem on OILY part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself LO any no:Men:Lent made by the venter. It coo.be son, Withola IntermlctiOn, milli a cum a effected. The tab. tethers have made arrangements for Me manumit/Pa of these Valuable Tmawn, ra a supenar style, in Phila. getpata, and have them now for sale at their otheo,No. 17, hatidgeld at. near tooth, Pittsburgh. OED. ATT, Jett D. W. KAUFFMAN. SELLERS' VERAUFVOF.—"Supenor to toy 14a.e 119, ever rued., Usasson Tr, Payout. county, Pa., Marsh 4,'43 Mr. R. bau.s.as-1 hereby sentry that I have used ' your lternatbge to my family, and behave, n equal, tI not superior to any I have ever sued. I gave to one of nay children one dose, which expelled about b 0 worm., tbs Prepared and sold by R ESELLERS, 67 Wood sr. Sold by D, poutel 6th Ward; 1) tr Carry Allegheny; W J Smith, Tomperaneeville; and P Dray°, law, reneevtlle. ft/ye STRINCIES—A» assortment 'just reed nod for sal • b ntyll J KIDD tr. Co • • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PrittLISIILI) DAILY, 'I'M-WEEKLY & WF-SIII.V As asthma& BitiLintel, 3d as., was Ids Pau Wks IRATE!' Or ADVERTISING. One insertion of 121ines, or 1ea5,.......... ..80 NI Two insertions withoutslterations,..... ..... 0 76 - Three " ...• • 100 One Week 1 :: :: .... ...... 2Et Two Weeks Three " One Month, " . •••...... 4 Oo Two .. .. .... ..... 600 l'hree " '• 180 (Cr Longer advertisements In on° proportion. One squase,6 months, without alteratton,... 10 MI .." 12 " " '' .... 16 00 Each additions.' 'noire for 6 month., 6'oo . .. , c " .. 11. " 10 00 Oae aquare, 6 rocatire, renewable at pleaaarer, 16 011 - - 1:1 " " 20 OD Each additional aluare for 12 mouths 10 00 Two aorta:rat, 6 months, re4rable at pleasure, 30 Mt Each additional square, 6 months, 8 00 7 - ' . lailEIT 01 Tral-W LLLLL TN wast.w 6.itr'i . I Or. cncarsr.3ll.loltOttl, cc ft, ,13 , 111i0 , Ai 11.. , " .;,. . '4P.M.* 21.,1. j„. e4,r. , r if^ ), ~. RA., C'.... ya.u.•,`-.... c . ":C Fella, tr,i ,- re a ' c stn aatintha " Atnanrrimazarrs . ur vizzi, For 20 lines, or less, One in!ertioi, .. , II 81 ld 7,.. •,, T h ,„ . ",„ a.' :-.. ' asal:nos* ••• sk i — = Qr : Tints" .1.. i ', - , 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers