ESTABLISHED BUSINESS CARDS NSQNSSI , .Alll and Leather De e al rs, Perry LAPH et. Nem York. Rstincriohn Grier Pittsburgh, St Leviek & Co. Philadelphia. Consignments of Western Leather solicited, and lib eral ,advances mad • if required. feta:Adel ATWOGD. JON} & Courintssuat sad For. snarling Merchruus, hays rebutted to their old mud, Water and Prom streets, Pittsburgh. men 7111.1.11.1 an _ BICIAZGI Pgasp/ s MUTER, Wholesale arid Retail Drug gist,, comer of Liberty and SL Clair warm., Pius. rga, Pa. mayl4 CGldrl4so2l, X. 1. BROWN D) AOWN CI.TTAXEMON, I.4oCen, Jjll and Commission Alorshams, No. 145, Liberty ".1 .Putibursh. P. deafly._ M~ ~~~~~ ~, DAGALLEV dr, SALIM, Wholesale Grocers, 18 ,33 Wood street Pittsburgh. A. bIeA.NULTY fr. Co., Forwarding and C• • truselpil blerehants, Cm:l4ll3min, Piusburgh I met, ICC - sank Y. aurae, POLErdldi, 1142dAN, & Co., Manufacturers of %.) Cardage Sp and Axles, A. B. and Spring , 43teel, end dealers us Cotten Trimmings of every de , emanufaetory on St. Clear li Waremrle 4 WOOd M., opposite Si Charles Rotel. jamte. 11,L.1.T. JOHN fIZIMAYS. EWALT a Math:TART, Wholesale Groom, deal .kra /2rodisca and Pinabaygh Maoufacntres, coo. esr Of Liberty mad Hand Pstlabs . . Y. lebl7 WIL. 113,0 L 1.4.11L1C1 J. riNGLISH & EIENNErr, (late Engtia)s, Gallagher aGo.) Wholesale Grocers, Conualsalon and For. A Merchants, and dealers in Produce mad Pius :Ugh pOitlufastams, No. 0 Wood M.., between rd and 3 datkets:l7..,-- octt r. 1. =MIA Glyi. W , VaIENA RILEY & Co., hoßkals Urocer• Cmaranaion bletrbacris, and Anew for Bngh Cotton li.arns,Nos. 67 Nato, and 105 neat sm. -burgh,,Ps l&T BLUME, Plano Fine lifwantheturer and denier •!A Musks! !wow:Lents, 1113 Wood at, near :44 _ riALLAGIIER, LONG t d PP Bell and B %X Pounder* and Gas Fitton, MI Front, Dorm, Woddiad Bmiafield Wrens, Piusbargh, Pal ETABiglscar Price girm Cor old Copper and Br dots GEORGE COCHRAN, Cornmiwdon and Forwarding Meacham, No. 20 Waal moor "'" /7 • Y BIIUNOT, White and Red Leant 111.1uni• facuical., , Paint and Oil Merchant, corner o( Lit. istaatO'Hara anon DICIn &MO; nrcacr , /11, Lti&Lkii DICLEY & Co, Vardesahe Grocen, Co.. Weldon Merchants, and dealers in Prodace,Nos. • car, and 107 Front ameba, Pittsburgh. novs -.— TOHN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Lo L. • anH Commissioner for the Bute of . Pennsylvan St-Louls, Vo., Vete of Pittsburgh-I litunixesa—Pituttlrgb: Hon W Forweird Hemp ton bAfiller , M`Candless A Artiste, John P. Parke Hisaallk b Semple, IWCord A. King. ty JOHN SCOTT & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward ing_ and Cos .:dui. Merchants, Dealers m Pro thtee and Piusbargh Ililmminetares, No, 7 commercial Kow, laberly ameel, near the Canal, Tzetsburgh, Pa. myStly JBRYAN, Rectifying Diatiller, 1,0311 Wholesale , dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wiges and 1.1- 9ears, Na BA Liberty curet, and a 3 Diamond Alley jyl7-dly TAMES S SkUUjRE , ime of the firm of Algeo and MeGuire,) Merchant Mkt, SL Chutes Holdings, TWA - street, near Wood,Pittstrassrh. TAMES d HUTCHISON, tr. . Co.-43accessors 9,9 'Lewis Hutchison & Co, Commission Merchants, and Agents of the St. LOUIS Steam Solar Refinery. No. 46 water and 99 front streets, Pittsburgh. }an( y• &. BLACK, Alerchani Tailor, Exchange 13ah • Nana, /31. Clair aL, Piashargh. RM j 3. DILAVORTH—Wlugessla Grocer, Pro duce and Commission Merchant, N 0.117, Woad st., L O b • . jen4 TORN Lk MORGAN Wholewd* Droggisk and deal er in Dye Rinds, P Varnishes, Ise., No. Oa Weed street, ane door South of Lellelllele Alley, Pitts• . . . tent £M Cn., Dueceseor iniapb U. .la_ r _LlVatar !reat. deer T O RN R. MEL.LOR, Virbalassia and Retail dealer in Massa and Ruined Inelkttmenta, Reheat Rooes, r, Slaws, Stool Nos, COWL, Printery , Cards, and pull:wary ircaorelly,NO. 81 Wood in., Prusbrugh. ED — Rag, bouthr or taken in trade. sepin BCHOONMAKER & CO, Whateeala Draggle., e No 94 Wood street, Pivaborgl,. J WIN D. DAVLS, Auctioneer, earner DO and Wood -Arm -- TOONSTON & STOCKTON, Bookacilens, Printers U,,,,and Paper blarinfactarers, &cm 44 Marker It., jel helm Barker street. kuarClasiical_, Theological, Historical. School, hi iscal haus., sod Ilexthalist bauis .14 ...MUT. J -W. ROBERTSON & Co., Bankers and Exch.g. "17" 0 c 5 7,71. 4,1 3 d hlarcham , L Currency purchased o the usual riser, 000 l GRUM,leutle Grocer, dealer in Pro duce, Pinabargh Manninetures, Flax; he. ice. No. ea Libe jens .10831 ILOTO, J• fp, (We J. Floyd &(;;Trlioloy.•.1• U • ,Oroests, • 1.92 Libeny woof. .P 5 _ L=ide re DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cerozeisaion klkot, nd dealer re Mroduee and PiUsburgb Re. N 0.24 Water et-, nitsbargh. jaal6 Vesuvius Iron Works, L EWIS.Iie.I.4ELL cr.. Co., otanatiagarera of all 4.4 , .. BlL vo k Teho Bhe 4 Br i ar hoe atui Nails of the be AO/ water and IUS front go. II 7 •A n :kin` , •olcsaln toner, ormard ... .. ing and Comnuninn : .hlarchan4 „ Denier .. n3 Pi . " ... JO= MIMI& OBEST et improx, Wholesale Grocers, For . grandirsir and Commission Alerchams, deafen m o and Pinsbusgh Manufactures, Nos. 13 and 133 Wood at, Pinshurth. fetal ANE;acwa,-BitoTiceits & Cg ComaaiLcion Mar w•LUww tZdekr=l"lPn''la°Z gy ab&ua • MMU3 cOl2l. 1z ROE, Wholesale Grocers .n&Co .. 11.11,siCes Airtrehants, N. 194 Labeny Piusburgh. asisa r . AL= 1.112“, vine. Ir. Nome. RALLEN ie. Co., Corazoissian and Forward., , Merchants, . Water and Front its., between d and Market lac • lute Wis. =ma, EMER, & RICKEISON, Wltolesole Groesis d Commission illetehonts, N 0.170, Liberty st., Pit%- Ps. ' jasol.l lkiret,ollDl KING, Wholesal and Retail Hu d al..Cap hismfactures, and de afen and m Fancy Airs, earoszoi Wood and Fifth an bat .. NHOLMES & BON, No. 53 Market .t, second door form tamer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign, and Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depos n, Bank Notts and Specie. 135 , Colleations mad on all the principal cities throng:boat Ma United Stare. deel7 - C. DOINDMTER Co.& Whole ale Grocers n o d Co J. ad:pion ood rooring blerehants, No. 41 Wale sum. . der.lN DORECEMMOORE, Wholesale Orme, Recurring Distiller dealer in Produce, Final/mirk !itemize torabsurl all kinds of Foreign and Dessessic Wines and Wow; No. 11 Libeny meet. On hand a very large snack of superior old Monongahela whiskey, a which win hO cold low for cash. ard.tly #OI3EIMON it REPPERT, Produce Dealer. and VD= Menchanut No. Us Second street, tuburgte • AICeLARD T. LEECH, i t, lmponer and Dealer in 'brown and Armada Saddlery Hardware and at, Igo M.minga, of all deaeriptlons, N 0.133 ap W d ,PSltabargto g 'p (CHARD BARD, %%lolanda and Retail Dealer in .Lll,Leutituri inoroeno, Shoernaters , TOPA and }lnd. imp, Ti/111111# and Cottera"roola, aiul Tanners , o,i, No.loo Wood Ai., l'ittaborgh. ; sepia Amaze tom, SAM= 111. 11.031 KM. ROBINSON & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and•Conunission Merchants, and Dealers in Pin. Mandfaeusres, N. Lawny Patsbush, es Pa. Ann u- • -- 1108YST DALZELL Co., Wholesale Grocer; and Foruntrdlog Merchants, dealer. Produce sad Piusburgh htieuufec , ureu, Libert y sr. Pittsburgh, P. fet24 OBT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer la Predate and Pinebergb Alanularteres, o. 144 Liberty et. , 11111OLLS, I. L. alma. E'INOLDSk BREA Forwarding and cananiwio giaregams, for the Alleghtny itiver Trade, .2..1 er. in ChM. Produce, Putaborgh Idanitamme and Md l rda of Lima. Tha ea rn er in cub, paid at sal times fo i COUR til OP- 'team.. P.m a mad lrwin am mna OMIT!" JOHNSON , Wholesale and Retail Deafen "yi Millinery tonne, Laces, Hosiery and Fancy Artleles,No. 4S Market street, 7,1 door above Third st, ransbargh. iatruxrrt _yin* L warm OBACI WHI TE, Ji Wtrof.Tipleiliis itts v u w .na Domeni c Goods,-2i gu Nfitor Signg CoopoHi n ß 1 3 1=g7rer i a171'Z h rt D l7. C ts,No., i.:% on.Mochan oa Waer eL. burgh. .varra, LIAGALEY A Co Wholesale Grocers and Produce dialers, N0.2.M Market meet, between Szta • ' novb riresevitou. /0/135 SLASTIA.D. ' NlCOL,S,Produee and General Com aL Merchants, No. 17 Liberty it., httrbyrab. Linseed and Lard Oi VON' LIONNHOBST, & Gr., Wholesale Oro. I A . eers, Paricarding and Cranuoraion Blenheim, e In Pistaburgh Manufactures and Western Pro- Orel ecourred to their new WarehOuse,(old stand) Mk -corner pf Front CL end Chaneiry Lana /../ O,4ItWEL K . KLEI4, Forwarding and ClOtanuasion .- 11011 fricreliany Dealer in Produce andPittrbergh mace. lactated 'a nkles, Canal Basiihinar 7th w- dat MY & NWT, Wholesale Grocers and Coroseir blerehants,onci dentate to ?Manch Na 35 oodst., rididnugh. pa= L4B: POSTER, Agent for Mexican soldiers and pwattnagpensumn at the ogle° o( W. E. Aus tin, Esq., nost's buildings, WI 141, Pittsburgh. My son I my the genend butd °Mee at Washington, will attend to belsitens these free of expense w applcaaLL OLVID WCA.2I/ALCIF WCI v I z ikPC iNDLESS : (summon to G. k L. Wink ' ) Modem!, Groom!, Pomading and Coatadadou Merchants, &Won in Imo. No4 - 0 11 oo t toodo:Yodas, skid•Ptustonitt Aloantaamres y, initser Of WOottad WAtor Bu Mob ,';'701"."1""; • 5„,.. , - • ......,....i..1, - '‘' ,t , ',...41.7.-'4 ..r.V...,H•`1.4 .-3.:,-.-. 1 . . , ' 34 `rg'..:',. , -‘7:.' • t-r..- , 0=4. - .) , :'.: - .l"kz - 4. ,, .!•: , - , zt-,:,; • • :. - . ~, , , Z, ,- S ... ---.IT-'27`.-4Z.t'''nk -r- 11 7 . ?7.C '' '': ' .'r".'• ''''''' ..' ': ' - '''''''''''''" ':' " s : . .- " '"'''t' ''''''' l 4 -, ' If.='irfrt"'"ll 317;.LM-TM,RT'r..,73t . ..,...., . .0 ... . „ . . N . .. . . . . - . 4 ,-- ; N . ...v. -... . . . . T. ~ . , ~... 1 , . .. . ._ .... . . ,•.., ,:. I . t.,~..., , .:: • ~, ~-.....:)0 •„.....4:., " . f., I - . , ---__ . -- - -- - . IN 1786. ,i 110WiE , i — Colasntraion and Forwarding blerchttro. No. 90 Front lit. belated, Wood and Nlarirot stream labia W. %V. WALLACK Nhil stun. and Mill Furnith- Log establillinient, No 244 Liberty rl, Item, the canal marl:s W. il l h : y ` Ctotil l a, No ' 7l74 j :i r k riarl3.lly A r\l. tve " r l 4 t e thN , 8 , mt. net nov: lAT R. AIURPH 1 , Waloictalc and Retail ilea), in TY .'Foreign and Dontettir Itr) Condt, north cnot corner of Markel and Fourth .11 Pry. vort, a Aert'NE WM. YOIN G &Co —Dealers In leather hide.. oe. 143 Liberty 0. w. tc M. AIITCHELT/INE--%l'llolonnle Reenfrog LAnllera, and %% inn nod 14quor Mernhanta, also Imrter, of Soda Anh and Blnarlong Powder, No. Itid porter, Librtry htt.burgn. ja,adly uvaa inaeramati Gad. a /oak. drA 11LACKBLILN & Co., Wholesale tiroeera and 1„). dealers ia Oils, Heat &tore, and Putsiturto Man ufactured uncles, have on hand, at all tunes, a tall and geuend assortment at goods in thcu hoe, Water, mveel near Cherry Alley. ralaburga. sun TOHN M. TO‘rsiB}....Nll, Druggist and Apothecary, No. 45 Market RI., three doors above Thirt xi_ lints harsh, mill have constantly on band a well selected as sortment or the best and freshest Medicines. which ha will sell on the moot sellaCetable terms- Physictantl peding eery be promptly al ended to, and sup. lied with articles they may rely tyre, as gent/ire. n e i tfry p P re b Y pTred froi Pm"tre'fie4s7mawle ln L'arnaylillarnodl the day or night. Also for sale, a largo stock of fresh and good Prria- T e _U--- tail— -I,IAGLE COTTON WORilt4, Itir.hor g h. lianutac- X, tare Colltel Yarn, Candle Wick, Boning, Twine, Coverlet Von, Carpet Chain, Warps. &e. I . E.VsoCK Co lanti (Succeed..., to Atheekle A Avery.) Proprle tore. . - - LEnoux & Co., No. 77 Canal sweet, New Six lea., Agents tot J. B.'s Extensive Ste Lugar Refinery. Always on handa large mob% Loaf,f Powdered, Crushed. Clarified and bustard Sugar Tierecaxond Barrels. Also, Sugar Hoe. Molasoe Prices hberol, and fair allowance wade on all Falr of or above Sn Garrets. . . . --- _ . Monongahela Livery Stable. a2HOBERT H. PATTLHSON ha. opened the large stable on First et. running through to Second st. betvreen Wood and Smithfield its., in the rear of the llnuougahela House, NV I tit an eararely new stock or Horses and Carnages of the best quality end latest air les. Horses kei lat Nye ry lit the ben mannx_r. Had I y L Pliiibargb RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., INDODYED ADD 014"... addlers' Ironmongery, Harness aad Cuar Trimmings, Doss, Deer Heir, Varnish, ot.e. Sr., No. 111 WOOD eT l'lrrent Dun I ,EATUN. Dealer IL Trumann,. and Vur.ety , Goods, Tom. Shutt, ivory and lion, Cnent.., \ Vane. Yams and 11'ornteds. Button, Neediest Tnpen, Braden, an. No. titi Market ntneet. Letnrest mood and 4th at., Pittsburgh !)Kelly "lITSBURGH STF:EL NVORlis AND SPRING AND AXLE FA t"IltIt1 ISAAC 10515 I.n JONES & in r yr:On. li/TANITACI'IItEttI. sprni, and ba,er 00001 .en/ plough waig.. .onca 41 tic spring, Inuallocred 14 on axle., nod clenler. ..1.41. leebLe fire engine !rump, and•ronca trininnig• roper of lins. ynd PILIADUrnII. MPEK.IIII TEA STORE.—No 7 . ..! Fourth ct t near Wood—An quanunes on Green Lukd Blank Teas, done up rrn quarter. hair. 11101 0 C pound packages, ranging rap, Sa cUL. per pnurro 81.50. (p 4 A. JAYNE., Agt. for Pekrn rea LAW OFFICL6. • IVM. TIA/I/LI.X. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Po rr luleeL.,ll:La.tte,Ltdtotokg: toisldLs„arndanajl cam - hues, Pa. tinter td J. ds. It Floyd, Labeny W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do j Pdtsl.ursa dly boy k Co- it 0.4 st trtWEITZER. Aunrocy at Law oat,. . opproute L Charlcs Ho el, Pittsburgh. Urcett prom cpuoywmen, (:011e a_ r !ton, W in a.liinguln Fay, ,Hl-1 - E ttlack.tock. Etclrd. Co , IR TO Church d. Carothrso, D T. Morgan, J. III:NAY Lornc utpt t dor 41 Law, Cutchtuall Ohm trouthcr, 111 itllllllllll, a I I4AIESLVIL). prompt., ant: cart, rutty attcrutort to entumbotot,ir thr. ta,.. or Sc. flirvizu—lfult. ‘‘'m. Churep Curothers. tVna. Hap., 14Q, 111110.., .1 Da, H u - . 114.1.15., woe. x a . , H1,01 IA / ILJ,I&_IIS & (success,* to Lowrie and Offce No a th u maus.o A üb u e h *trees s o bo us u tA seoth e lld, 6W rI•XYL,ON ItiNLUP : 4 1 . 3VE1.1. now ryas thshce. as Smottheid, .. anal 4to LIORNVAILD & &WALtrZVt I-LULA Attoroejit Low. have removed their &race to toe South side o' fourth it , between t :ttert.y. &her wed Unto t street u. tiospomi, Attorney at h. re . moved Ars race to the KILCL4II,I. ta.l.dorga .e t _ Clot, at, next door to AliJenne. Joh.. IiNSURAACE. - . - - DELAWARE MUTUAL INS VELANCE Co. swamINEY: Jr., Agent atalturgit tor me Del 1, Mutual Yatety botax.ace Goutpany oi Ph /tat suielphia„ nye Risks upon butaliag. anti titer... Wise of every desenption and Alarm< kink. upo n toms 0( cargoes of vessels, Wien upon we Mo. tavmable term. LE,- Office in the Warehouse of W.ll Itolmes A Urn, N 0.71 Winer, /Mar Miltket stteci, Palau/n.O/ N. 13.—The au tce. of this Corupaio %ince estab lishment of the Agency in Onecuy, with ,he prompt nese and fibentlity oath wh&tr ever) rlmin Opoll them for loss has been adjusted, surly warrant the agent la Lorin/1g the coundence nod petrotoute of as wends and the community at large to the /con - are M h bleu ranee Company,: while it hoe the muffnuoimi advantages as an nutnamon among the most 'his—as bayou/as ample paid -fa capital, which to me peranou atchat,., isconstahtiy increasing, as 'fettling to each person in Ms due share of m woufits of the company, without mvolvtng ihue e insponeihtlity whatever, and therefore ne puesessihg is Mutant pna mpie d,rrs,ed a. e% cry ohnosame ire, and m it. most etnuenve Tsui noel FULD AND DAlt/NN. INSIL'LLANCE. fMikt Insurance Company of North AMICrICU, wrougti its duly authorized Agent, the euffserther, oilers /0 the permanent and atoned Insurance on proper)), oi city stud I. and ml winimente Us. and Rivers. MEM Antkur G Comm, hun'l W. Jones, Entomb] SmiLb mane. Taylor, Ambrose s tote, intuit .11 Thomas, Jilin/ It. Ned, /Lenard 11 lVood, IVetalt. Frames lloakens, S. Anson 4./litione, ARTlll.7ft U. Utri . TlN, Ares I. mar D. Subasumn, See'y. This is the oldest 111..11114)0e Company in Me Ctuted States, having been ehurtered in 1.754. Its manse perpetual, and from its nigh atuodusg, long experience, uliple menus, and avoiding ni, nabs Of an e.t . a hoz maae eltameter, it may be Coloodored as oder.% .1. lc ,eurny to the public W. P. JuNr.s. At the Cououttg Ramos of Atwood. roues h 1 n , IVo. r and Front streets PittliniegL . _ - FRANKLIN FIRE 12O4UILANCE CO. rI E Fren w, k u lin Pi:elolosasucr,ar,tre ts ne, per laneni 01,11.:11:110a,dne,1,-, on every desertpuon propert). Plastid/go e zurroandlng country, on toveratim terms Plus Won. pony has a perpetual charter Capital, bdterUrsi paid 111 Coutusgerd, Fund ddtbsUitO corner ut Tidal sod Market streets, I . laidniri/ h _ %SARI:J(7X MAK/IN, Agent. John A. Brown, John late, Thomas F. Cope, Banniel F. Muth r,ranel Brcaks, In•nrance. Undersigned, y nutnortsed Agent of the Amer lean Flre (11.111.14 CC Company 01 l'intudelptne continues to effect insurtutce autumn loss or dainegt sgurnst Fire, on touildntglt,, mere:wend/ surniturc unc property, not c<tru haLlardOlAS, 1,1 MLA elly and VIC/Italy apl4 1. to Cut:lll4.oA wood st - Tll2.iinSultg,.CtlpuE.Rfulo:z:otept.l,7l:.?ll,4..toe Ag n pr a o sod wut lweUe Pol./ea owl attend to the Oilier ria hums,. ot Use Agency, ut the worebotue AINVOrI4I. Jobe. /Lou P. J( v. tort ,t IBIDI6 ILuu UKx (4001)2. 11' UST RE1.4./VEII, per Eapl,ll, laran ascoinnetil 1/0 01 Indtat Ra . ntler (roods, cosannslng. 2 dna Meer.' Coate, 4 do. Traveling 11u,.., 4 bock do, 4 • pan. Pout-. 4 " Pea do, I•• Camp Dinneen., 21. Reefin g Jacket., 1 tntalttotn, I " Covers, U •• Idle Prexerver, 1114 yardaol 4-4 Carriage Ctotit, fine amen., 24 Aux purr Leggyuga, of aide rent aly 4c, Capes, W 41.4 aseeve, Wlll/0111 do, 1 " (tun Covent, nllOl watch wtil be wld Leap (or each. waulenate or tenni, at No G IVoon street. apll2 A. 1 . 1111.1.11', DLL. W. J. 21 1AIDIFfii/LA, 4/n7 - Carat. OVFICE, on :mannikin ...reel, 'ld actor ne.o aorta 01 bird *lre.. Dl'. Mane,. te tt spent:in/2 tends re nu prole..noon .er• 2 tees u,t the CIIILCUII o$ Pitinnurgh, Al. legheny and vletnlty. Ilar.‘”cat.--Or. A. N McDowell, Ice. P I uhaestnek, Dr. krobertrwup.o:e, Dann? D. l:rnit , h.j. Alr. Weilact. , IiENCY OF Tilt; HAZARD YVIN DLitt 1:1 , A; - A. sur lne luvic ut - k4Le, Hoot illil.otooster row. del al very wpenur quutrly. City ru , uumer. oto ite suppllcd at uu) hour Ourous lilt any. gsyhartro J./SU-ell Lill.. Mil I' otuOtt—at dor se. errs nat.:, t 1,./ vary hoe truest. a le nt ClUldu• rialLuSelphla YAM, nom the manufactory of It Al urawtoru, to aduch the autouon olt Item makers 38 Invited. Juni facetted and for sate by 14 You xi, er. :Marty et jNJJLA RULIBE.II.II4I.ILLS—zz doze. wild India ber Balls, ot drglertnt colon,. We eau 1111Ullak Imo nude to metehauta at very lo* prictc, in large gliu,l*- Istl.ii,lll the India Rubbar Depot., ho o wood st. lY.uiJ II I'IIILLLPS D RESS I, ILIErS' LAMER, VERY ell FLAP—W It Murphy dorthenst corder de Rh add mart. .t., rm. rec.. 'large lot of Lawur Ir/ 144 cta per yard, "Id at higher pncer.) (rood. dr.dcrirdy at ray .. ' =CI - - - _ 116 y (INUIT° LACE—WO yuds heavy Lace, 04 &Int a/1„ 94 Inches wide, !or liluequito Ad", now cpeu and for Ws by aF 0 F tl XATON4 Co CARDS Wnu tog Papers, of fine, onedouna and common qu'll's Letter Paper do do do do Note Paper do do -do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slams, Pencils, k% niers, quills and Steel Pens; NN'indow Paper lynrd wide) plain and pnnted; Punnet Boards, of Enrico,. qualities, Monk Hooka, In great variety; School and Pocket bibles; Crown, methuon, and double crown wrapping paper, kleGulte's I . :elm-tie Spellers and Readers; Ray's E elec ne Anthmencs; obit'. Primers. spellers and Readers, Sanders' do do du Antlinivuen, by Adams, Davis.Colburio, Mouth. Stock - ton, Entermn, and others. (rang - rapine, by Mite trind y. Smith, Morm,Good nee. Parley, and others. lira tramars, by Smith. Kirkham, Balloons, Weld, and others. For sale al low prices, by SI wood at. 6 d oor. above 4th. The highest market price paid cash. tor good tinged rugs, in npla New Publications: M i2j.\::rd.P.Ol V 4 tnl i Vo t r r i u c:ll ' .ioh. l ‘ * Ml 's , . 0 T; memoir, and entire' remarks on Ina gent. anti wri. tine. by James Montgomery; and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawmg* by William Harvey. In two volumes. Brest:nig Gag. Talmage - wt.—The foot Hempel, and Am. nf the Apmdes, in Greek, WWI Slnglish note. philasoplural, and exegetical; map. Indere. me., together with the F4niales and apoevdypae, the w f hole orming the New Temtamerit—Por eon of Scharf. Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. By Her. J. A. Sericer, A. NI A New Noveam—ALdsonuner's Eve —A fairy tale of love. By Alm S. C. Hail JAY.' Heger IV.—'the lue of Henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, Hy 0. P. K. James. Complete in four parts, paper; g vols. cloth. For male by JOHNSTON it STOCKTON, !an , Bookseller. corner of market and 3d sts T OIJKS---At the Apollo Buildings, Fourth street, near Woo.l.—lrelatufs Welcome to the Stranger; The Can, his Court and People, by .1 II Ma resell, The Orators of France; The Lines of the Apostle. by Bacon, The PUntans and their Principlee , 117 E Hall; The Constitutions and Guons of Mc Holy Apostle, sato a Price Essay; Life of the Duke of .Marlhorough, Neauder'. Life of Chnst, in its historical connection end historical developemenk Hoop er and Appleton'. publicatioAs generally. School Books, Paper, S tationary, Ac J I. READ 11‘ . - TW E BOOKS at the Apollo liinklings, 4thstreet.— .1.11 The Aldnary Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. with colored mops: by A Allison Second Val . Chalmers' Po.triumous Work.—Seep. lure Reading.. The Life at Jesus Christ, to 111 , historical comtution and historical deselopemein by Augustus Nenuder. Trauluted from the 4th liertunri edition l.y John Ale. Chino< k and Chas E Blumenthal, Professors in Dick inson College. Fourth Vol. Ptetorml 'Lawry or England. Now and Then, by Dr , IV a ren. author of Teo Thousand Yea, and other. too numerous to Mei:MOIL Call and see. apIS J L RF%D, PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. T 111,3 Institution, under the M .uperrinon of Ale . nnd Mrs. (.oelloril. It Kull open f or the reception ot pu pils. and will be continued at Oa tame pleat. on Liberty Wert. C oll ocquencer of some changes haring taken place. a ownacancies have occurred, and those dear ous 01 placing their daughter. under their core, would do tub to snake an early application. For nem,* we rtrell.r or apply to the Prnimpel. ap.l • SELECT SCHOOL. ISatoot, 1100 M 1.4 TIM Tu. PRE:11.111 , ..11.11 CO./CA. I !k IL C.kTON'S School will be opened for the recep uon 01 pupils of lath sear. on Monday, the 2AI Pittsburgh Alay Patronage ts respectfully solicited , Aprn tkL Rare., es -Bev. Lt. !Wale. A. T McGill, D D Mr Licorge Rteherd kilwants Luke Loosen , . W Henry Wtiklusix FORWARDING a; COMMISSION 11 Kw., . itd3 LIDO Isom CII2I,II.LES DANE.NLIOWICIL es CO. TUiSACCO CUAIItiSSIOA 21Eiteuairs, No 10 South \Vbarves, and No. 117 ISo • ith IVater at_ P HILADELPHIA. I_3l F iY; ' , N o l ' l ' v dre ''Tativ'ewl'lllit..liee:tlieet7rrneseme with Vast.,: t o ta llCn and the Growers eh the IN and other p:ures. us will insure .arge e,mstata 01 the tollowing dram-T -hous ni Tot,acr will be .0141 uponwudatm as IiCCOIIII - erns as any otaer house in Lags city or else where. cod goods ordered irom them will tie war. rent.: ryua. rear - v.:mat:on Havana, ht Liorrungo, Conn.: ) Yarn; l'ono Kiro; lino'..:sSeed Lear to- Cana. Igu,nt. h Florida; haero, A l, o — Branch's ce:ehraied ,iromaise Stag Coven tasa, b a :orgy assonaueul of ether popular broads, 1.. and quantle. ot pounds. sa. Es, lies, Ms and als, Lump: .-• •,1 rtue. Twod.lll,lioll TWldt, .. pt,,.. ..ah.s . halt hoses, wowl and ten. tugeturt with every varlet) u runic belong_ 114 la we rate ____._del6diy aarctrr. •. rowan. X. rson 21(S.SBIT & GARRALTS crallari ON, FLOUR FR, Produce, Commission CTO and For S warding ECIIA l(T8, Nu drYosrnl WriAlreral. 4XD W., ran Sc . I•III 4.IIiFiI.PHIA Kees, Brown & Co Rotten Steen tr. Co t linrcron, Beaver A Co '' sinlin, Beg:trey & Co Allen & Passion. 4ew York \Falters it Burs ey, Baltimore iinealcy & Noah, • BurhrtageeNlilson &Co i Haney, Brown & Co ' ro Kier & advancesrush on Corinagnn ., :ala di rs; slur 1. C.. Qui,. scat scar. Wsrtl; ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR. FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, 'so LI Sacra War. Brairr PHILAbEI.PIiI A REFERFNCFLS-11enry Graff & Co, Pnwburgn Rodgers s. Sherlock, S. Schooley & Son. 5 '“ A NI. Jmuary, May snlle Charles Bactrian. Jr , Lamaeille liumpthroy• it Ct, Nlercer, Bro. & Co. ' Naiad's. Reed & Brother, Donna & Consinery. New Nark' GEORGIA COCEIRAN. Commission and Forwarding Merchant,. ( 00Woon sr acrrincaoll,. it iNTIN UES to , transact a general Commission, bum tJ new, enperlally in the purchase and sale of Armen ay Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and kerma - ding Goods consigned to hie care As Agent for Ste Alanutacturca he will Lee constantly supplied with tile principal articles or Pittsburgh Aliuttaactrue at the ittwlest wholesale prices. Orders and conaugurnenrs arc respectfully noucited. 197 n. CONWAY, L.s. TOrtl.r.laux. B. F. CONWAY & CO, DORTSNIt tUTII, Own Coninuasion and ForPreading 111crchanta Prenluce Deoleralso attend no we IturCilaw, Salo and Shipment of Pig Iron, Coal, &e. arr. w... Atwood. Jones h Co.. Brown, Barley it Co; Lorena, Sterluig h Co., Henry Waif, Grog, Lsndsay ar. Co . D. Leech & Lion, Shorti & , Clarke & Thaw. inarindly Banos. .t.h Ltrudart, AXLEIcsioX. Late or ittsbargh, P Lama of Nashville, Tenn. LEHMER & ANDERSON, DEA LEILS CYFTON, FORWARDING & L'ONI MIsSION MERCHANT'S, nu y ranrce larracy, .ear5wir0.4441.41140084.11, onto. Refer to Merchants generally , in Prnsburgh. _ GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALE GROCIf.RBi ki Olt WEDltsli AtID AND DEALER Di Iron, Nails. Cotton Yanas & Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, Nu. 10 wool., MUM, ri - runcsaa....ra. OF TIOtYBERB & cumusaion MERCIIAPITS. ALEX. LEVY& 13110'S. CINCINNATI AND B 'l. LOIIIIL Oder to set) al either cstabkahment, all kinds orMer eil.d..e, at the lowan, rate, at Cununo,nusts, and are aiway. prepared to ulnae advances.' 90 bent of refe vit rences vc if required Letter. add esocd to tither hou,e, will Irc promptly attended iv !Kindly 1.106. kt 0 LOY. C. V rani. a. 0. MAntrron LOVE, MARTIN /1,, Co., Produce and Commission More banjo, NO. 5, Iloptan's Row, k-hchrunre Place, lis.Lrtnons., Ithr. ro—Dovoir.oet, Sander, h‘ Co., John st. Randal, lingo Joints,, Unnnoore, IL Allen ft Co, Se nets ft Ni col., Ifutoptun, Nnuth A t u, Shurklett A V% kite, Pit.- huryn. A 1 IV her . le r.T iat Nughne.ey & Ci,teln / . 1.110111 ~U 0, arildly gla.N, . nt hhhuPSON & 4nr..1- C A I d NtibSloN MERCHANTS. No 1) And llaistifacturers of lanased On, C.lonnon COICI,C•7I, Onto. mtvlly prod fur Flerxxer.d.j_li WL CLARK, Forwarding Me El rchan ii. t, Ifrownirvil At tcot 4 jo,,,ot t nty to tta. I orwarilang of Produce hr kr . rot any tutor:nano, apply to FORzIYTH & CUN :&&, 11 ufrr . •a:._ octi W W. 1. YALICII. .11ATHEWS & PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. no. 4b ‘Voter SI Lorna, MO. gave prtieular nuention Weselling of Pro duce, and no order.. nor porenomunig 1{.00511 no--ouurge :dorguo lc Co., Putuburl6., Ps. uogin GENE.R.ACVC/AgAIIEISION DIRILCHANTs 1-'1)11 THE sALE UP PROM:CR.& PROVISIONS, No,. 103 god lu7 Satrral Wogs', It LIALT griatzsgrs--hlercharits of Pittsburgh MD. Wheelnua. eresstale & Co. mar7J4.olo N OTIC IC TO 8 EILPPR.IOI. 'ow transact bosoms* us ususi. unto e a alew Lau we can toe cretqual, arramaaemettas but tug already been made for lima purpose. Bouts wall always be IL reacdu gess at our whorl to rreerve irsight. C A hVANULTY & I :th op 4 Casual Baur, Übe. rte at ZEMEMII --- WOOL. LYMAN, REED & C 0., (Sneer...its to Reed, Hurd et. ' GEREKAL COMIIASION Ent: MU IS, BOSTON. . . Pazucal. attention paid to the COO of Wool, a. id tittep al while.; made on consignments. Lnyttl:droorly BOAT INTEREST FOR SALE— dye Ulf ioof the fine steamer Wyoming for Woo o it seems =dating terms. For parucolars eoquiro of ' & W HARD, .p 7 pi was, 04; was • ~>:~,. ,z„u~::u~~...r -~ ~ ~-_~ _`cad E ~>Slr ._. LITERARY• To Cotuatry Merchants. A LARGE rrIT.X'K at School tanks, Paper, Stauon fl.. ary. !cr., notable ror country Balea; among welch Itre §d.'! COPARTNERSHIPS. • 00.PARTNERSIIIP. FOUNTAIN HOTEL. foaaffit l.,revtr/-0, Wat c asaa 1 OGAN fr. KENNEDY have dyss day aasociated 'L.II/HTSTREET B A L T I M U R E. • LAZPPENCOTT & BAER. .11_4 vrith them in the Hardware business. Phdtp W/1- even .thti rue Baron, ruomitarens (Late I S Strickler Pc Co.) son and kilaratil Gregg. The style of firm mull here. 2THI.S establishment long and vrulely known as . Air ANIIFACTURERS of Phosnik fire proof safes, alter be Logan, 'Wilson & Cp. This arramfemant ten- I 0 being one of Me most commalious in the my of 'in south ode, second street. between Wood and den it desirable to close the old bastness es so,. an . Beltdator, has recentlY undertone very eMen- '. S411111:field Pitt.bnreif J S Stockier havtng deceased posethle. All pontons whose hula/nee hare mooned, . fuse alter... and improvements. An sn are new l and seing partner Mr. Jos Llppencon., having am especially requested to make immediate payment, ', wing bar bero added, contattung numerou• and airy /notedNall litintelf watt Mr NVm C Harr, the business , Pittshur3h, lan I.IE-PS. . , a/repirth apuninente, and extenetve hadn't; moms I will hereafter 1 , .. cunt/ tithed under the style of Lippen ____ ! The loehes' dap moot has also been completely 1 con & Barr. y 00AN, WILSON & 430.--Importem and I reorganised and hard up In a most U 111141.1! and Leann- 'rrial of aliaie /It Cincinnati, U.—We, the undershirt,- Le Wholesale Dealers in Forme!. and Decorate Herd- l tut style In fact the whole arranarinstit of the (loose ed were present at the testing of one of J S :Strickler & wr u(e.Cullery,,suldlery Pm, 129, Rood street, p,,,,,. / ha. been ~.4eka, Wltil If ungle eye ott the part of , Co's unproved Phimitx fir I ns safes. The safe was bumf / la n , ”ow fully prep.tred w i t h "," n n y n u ,. tit, propnetera towards the rumfon wil pleasure of I placed 1/1 a furnace Ollttie stone landing, and subjected led stock of Hardware. Cutlery. &e.,10 offer very great'' diet, finest., and winch they- confidently insert will to the Intense neat uf a stone coal fire for more than inducements tow estern buyers. bents determined to i' challenge cutupenson with any Hotel Bat the Union. ' three hours In one hour and • half the safe came to compete in prices with any of the AIWA./ cotes. Al. [ The, table until alwa)lk lie supplied with every tub- a bright red hem; 11, door of the for owe was then so on hand w e,,,,, w ,“, e,,,,,,,,,,,,w5, Pittsburgh Hurd . I loulrun.l and luxury wloch the market affords. served closed. which /mused an Increased and steady heat for war e V i z.: sh ove l., sp„d„ , p orts , 1( 0 ,.. p, c ,, h e .tp in a supenor style, wrote 111 11.,. way u/ NVuies. .I.c. , the balance of the time, until the cast /roll wheels we , all of which will be cold at the lOWCPI 1711:111IllaiCturer.1 hey will not he totrpmeied partially tnel tett off. the furnace was then thrown der pate.. jahl Jr conclusion the proprietors her CO.PARTIRE THE sobs...bens having recently entered into partnership under the name of Gal uglier, long, le Miller, for the purpose of currying on Me Hell ond Bram Founding and Gue Fitting bunnies, to all its lirmichos, have taken the stand formerly oceu• pied lip ii Gallagher, No 109 Front Street, between (Vood and Smithfield sta., where they are prepareyLto execute all order, tor Bells. Brus Castmg of every deem - mum, mid Ga. F.tungs with neutuctos and des patch Siva/Alba:it jobbing promptly encoded to. 11. (IA LLAGIIER, S. A. liONt/. N B --The •ttetitton of kilachatiPctsH. and MILLER. Engnieer. pri i• invited to our ano-ouraction metal, fora reduerit which has been pronoanerd superior to liabler4 by numbers who buy, used both. Steamboat Lathier. mid ' the pulthe, genera ll y, are al .o requestrd to roll and ex •temoboo amine our superior doub benon Force Pumps for t and domestie use le . drel7dty I:ALLAC,III:, LOVE,NIII./.Elt. hl' Co rd d l on the I. mat The busines. will be t "...Id us the old ld %laud bp either ot us, lire 1111111 e or like hTM for thut purpate Beim; de.tron. to hove our business Sr Sib little delis) . OA possible ore would ree speculilly request thou.. Indebted to Cad' and Nettle their uenounts JOHN D.slcultH, 102i ' H D KING J wo rshi p. OIIN 111'CORD t Co.Par t oenail v ied wdi him his bombe; James :WC.* under.tlao stylo of & Co.. will contino- the Hat, Cap and For business in all various branehr, wholesale tad 'mast. at Use old mond, owner of Wood rind Atli streets, n hero wet licit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old firm. JOHN I) MINI JAMES S. NIVURD N retiring from the old cud known brut of & King. I most rospecully recommend to the peumnage of the public my successors, Alessi,. Arcord & Cu. ,mgr 11. 1.) KING Co.Partne iihip Vence. T. W. STKPFLENS pi Wlrceltug. C. F. SMenherger _EA. of Juniata, and .1 A. Stockton of Pittsburgh. hove this day entered tome co-purtnershm under style sod hem vi Stephens, Shoonharget & Go. , at the Anchor iron works, Wlecltng. Va., tor the purpose of manu facturing iron and molls of every desenpuon. V... 1 1 110101116..... • " Orr! STEPLIEMS. SEIOENDERGER & CO. . ANCHOR IRON WORKS. Wheeling, 31amiticture all kind of 1. ahs, bor iron md Mole. A kl. steel eltpue springs and nitiea Ileum emi n ected wlth Stioenuertper's old Juniam works, we can otker an article of Juniata iron (blooded }t w h ic h equal to any made In the count ty All of which o .old at the Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of Inc wo,lis ol Monroe and %Voter eta. wyll ISSOL TIOS —The partoership emr, n g . under the style and firm of %N'tglitnaari tett. thl/1 day diasolved by mutual C011.CIII • John Dui tell h ovnig disposed of his ni Joint •t to II %Vigil, mm. The basin,. of the late firm be seined by H Wi •htiriart. who a authonted to use the name of the lam fit tu lor that purpase. .p.l) 13w (July I'4l] J DM-ZELI. THE Subscriber ts nom prepared to manufacture al: kinds of Cotton and lVoolen AlachmerT, at the sborrem nouce. •'..Wders left at LL WtOta l. n mee urs Eng Shop, co Her Lrbe.-ty arid Water street., win t %rah prompt alletll.loll. li. WIGHT.IIA.I. ten cok st, between Federal and Sandusky au. sputhdly Allegheny clay issoL u.- _ TiON—The phrotersthp evttng b aetween fete bscnher.. under the •t) to of Poo:Wexner S. C. rn. I...4:dyed on the let hy mutuni coh.eht it %V Poos.i.exter nothort.ed to settle all Use hhcire.a ai the eon.rn IL IV NAN UF.XT EH. =MEM NOTlCE—llating purchatted the , uttre tnterest of t: If. Oran, in the lateraw. rn of rooldexter tt Co at' W.lllool2lCli my .on. Theodore Po.ndexter. ne “Ith me la , Oust.•wtn co ttn uord a. usua: under tne •t) to of Potudexter sitt..l , It CV POINDFAT/.IL ItTlel - ,—Juttnes AL Iturelthettl nap ue gniere•l In the Dry Goals Business conducted ut the aarne of title untlerat,ted. cornet oz Faunaanti Alntket sts. burgh, conanenclug Feb 4. Is-Se The bonnct. for the present Neal be conducted under the tomer style of zstar2o ttl R AlLit-F/IV I 10.PALRTN /BM.BIIIP la I oultig \.../ day aettootated with nun. John 11. ArCuttc. theteu the, businesa Lerentier ;re zt..l under the nn,, Young 1 Co WILLIAM 1 ttt Nlt. luny JAtt. , H .11,1 \ AIEDICAL. Jaynes , tjapectorartt.. J S , . l l . ll,.t . .kitimitasi s ais co l .. you andthe ete'd — arat ' l o [nys ' el ' i n uf Ma n Ird ' s porninny of gtvusg publicity to the extraordinary miceo tor sev our kepectorant on myself. Hartng been altscted eral years with a 'severe cough, berm tete! and its eons OISLII•111 dire ra w . and revimed only doomed to linger out • shun but miserable in Listener. until the tall of when, laculg mars severely snacked, and having resorted a all my harmer remedses, and the pre, senptiorni at two of the trust respectable physic in the neighborhood without derivom any benefit, at the consols LAM of but a leis day. or weeks at mrthest—when the twit gleam of hope was shoot to venal, I had recommended to me your Karat...rant and bleased by that Rettig wno does ail sung. to te time al the means—and contrary to the vapectialons of my physicians a n d fnends, I was In a few days mired from my lied, and was enabled by the tow of a bottle, to attend to my busnesa emoying since better health than I hod for tot year. previous. Respectfully yours, /cc., 1, , n en'. Emu,. For sale tit Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 I Fourth street. mart& D. Sk.ValliZekvock, A. IS. N City B. L. Csaleashica.ll'iusLorign. U. W. Fssatorror,• Wholesale Drug Store In the City of hew York. rpliE un4erugim.l nr• ektensively engaged 111 e I I WhOlea443 Drag busuie.s at No. 49 John street., in the ray of New lark, and 'arc prepared in supply l Druggists and country Alorchistits with Drugs. Panda Uils, Dye-walls, Pure go and Amencan Pe , tionert, Mandel, Weever h hlantler's Chemicals, tot Oscar own importalltan) and all other Oracles in their line of busi ness ot a superior quality us low as they ran beim, chased in lbw or any eastern mgt.. New York, Peblti 11 A. FAIINESTOCK h Co Marc her r i — Chrome (Arson. - firti n PAINTERS, BLIND litaliTr , he—We, the of New fork,rs Ikrrr, 0101%".'11}'Iiltig) ei new antele of Chrome Green, menumrtured by (leo. K Nlarcher, at this etty, and had it to work well. pro ducing a hoe bnlliant Parll Green appeae. wah a very supertor body, and recommend It to n er o brethren in the trade as su every particular the best Chrome Green we have ever used. Near York. June 1, '47. Signed by 24 firms of practleml painters of the eity of New York. This unequalled Chronic Green may he had of S. E:SELLFRS, No 57 Wood street who ho. the exclusive agency fur its rale in Pmsburgh. mart:! A PIA. Bet of Teeth for 48 C.ue. . — HITE 'rEtuil, FULL littzeTAl, 44:db.—Yellow and unhattlthy weth, alley be• og once or twice cleaned web Jones' Anther I 'note, have the appearace of me on beaulau I Ivory, andat ths same time a,.so perfectly tnnacent and en' qa.'attely One, that Its constant daily use ts highly est. tageous, even to those teeth that axe in a good coo- Mue gming them a beautiful pobob, and preventing a pram snare decay. Those already decayed it prevent. from Secomlng worso—nt also (miens such as are be coutunbt loose, and by persevermee it will render the foulest Weth delicatelywhite, and make the breath de but:nutty sweet. Sold by N% JACKSON, Llbeny strem. mare/ R. A. I? &UNE/STOCK'S VICH.2IILPLIGId. AFE,I V wanks since, one of my children, aged :shout Llve pears. was tiawell for several days, sod the illness in :reamed so nJarmiagly that I feared death woold he the result. Having heard of the good effects of Patmestock's Vernunige when administered to die children of my neighbors, and thinking my child might have worms, from some of the symptoms, I gave il one and a loan teaspoonfuls of the Vertintge, and to thy great astonialtment alino.l tinsuediately Ms/there-1,1 h.:tan:en tiW and 'MU large worms. list...oth was soon restored, and ii is now remarkably well. Previous In Masa( Inc Vermithge, the wonus would occasiormily rise in is throat, and I often feared it would die from strangulation. JAS. G. DAWSON. Venango co, Pa.', Aped J, 'hi. apill LOUR - HEREl—Heati the following certificate, bththrosu.avusa, 0h... May fl, This Is to certify that my lune daughter was afflicted with minus, and that I tried several remedies, as cal led, without any apparent effect. Being informed try the agent m thus place or the success of Sellers' Venni- Inge, I was induced to give it a trial. Slier giving a few doses, according to direction., my daughter win relieved. I have no assitatiou in giving it as my opin. ion, tali Sellers' Vernufuge is the best carnal. ALAI THEW AVILEN Proposed and sold by R. K xllors, No. 57 Wood la, Soh! also by Dr. Camel, sth Ward. D. AI. Curry, MI, gtreoy, sad Wm. J. listuth, Tempurnuoeville. jya Popular, boranso Good! SELLERS' FAMILY atE.DteiNEs. Coot. Eiranso, Jefferson Co, Pa, March Aff R R E SELL/ißlii—l have nearly .old all the Yee -1.11, =loge and Cough syrup you sent me. Your Ye, imiuge is without eucepuon the best ever offered in this neighborhood, having proved good wherever' med.— The Cough Syrup and Liver Ptlls have also gives sat isfaction 'lour ob 4 enrol. J SCOTT, Postmaster. Prepared and sold by R E. SELLERS, 67 Wood st., sold by Dr Cassel, UM Ward; I) PI Curry, Allegheny; tV J Smith, Temperancevnle. mars LLILY% Crd,rIBILATk:D ITCII AND Tk.TTNR OINI'IIIENT the most edema' remedy before die public tar the cure of teller, dch, dry and watery ptinples of the lace, neck and body,waly eruptions, aid all other diseases of the *km. ltess Ointment in warranted tree from mercury, is perfectly said, and may be used et all times and under all circumstances . A fresh supply of dila vahrable remedy received and for sale by kVA YARN &STOCK dr. Co. canter of tat and 'rood; also, corner of Ittli and wood tree.._tel L , OR INVALIDSAND TNYAN'lld—Whilears r row Root Rusk Powder, a delicious and highly ltYlfltiO. loot!, which acre, turns acid oil the stomach, and is Iwo, uelvereall recoutineadc4 by the moody in preference to Dom', Raps, Tapioca, Obtain Arrow Root., so better soiled to the detiddated elf)lafteli of to rands, and a more strengthening and wholesome food for inlanta. FM sale by R E dELLERS esarav 67 woo ds triat&rerauTplaintsing been appoinied sole wilts for the-sairs ut Ilurckhanit & Co'. superior lard kti, will keep Constantly on hand 6 large supply,wluei they will furnish to dealers at the lowest mortal pike Cm eel& naU J KIDD& c. YrANILLA BEANS—CI Ike (nub Vani ll a Beans; of T ■ very auparior quality, nod in= rl7, :er, Jest receierAdlreet frouilibucloo. Conine lee cream ntakars,suul cnher a eau be sapphan very :by the cmatity, by If A PARNMTOCK al Co, iyd • earner loy ansrwood Ito 'DOME CORICS-1° bales reed ad for ado by _ gill 6 BRAUN & BEMS HOTELS 1, to auy. that nothing Will he led undone on their part. and on the part of their tinaisinnta, to render thi. Hotel worthy the continued patronage of thew mends and the public generally. he prow ,in boned .14, nieo been reds to the followina rat.. Ladies' Ordinary, • 8170 per do y tientlenten'a 1.50 N. 13 — llre.Baggage Wagon or the House will al 's be lowed at the Co. and tatenuthout Landing., which will convey baggage to and trout the Hotel. free of eltarge inn ytttf • EXCIIANGE 110 TEL, cot. an OW PENN Asb ar..utx I'ITYPISUkti 11. PA. The ittlreerther having aganined the inariage. mein ortliht long r.tahlished and popular Hotel, reapecklu% nn aounce, in 'Traveller., told the to Public geherally, that lir Win be. at Itii %Mod prepared acrornmodate Hirai ist all things demrahle in a well regulated Hotel. Th.. !louse now being thoroughly repaired throughout and new Flamini, added. and no pains win he 'Taxed W mete the Etchange one al the very beat hotels in the country. The underuignett reveettully nolicita a continuance or the very liberal patronage the Hour, ham receive.l THOMAS mvsTwv, frbodif Vropr TI7IIOICILDIORTON'S GALT lIOUSIf., 1.01.111,11.1-h. l MILS TIIRoCKMI hat , . uenuaint !vend. that he I. noon 'e.g.,. of the GALT Ht It LothsVltict. KY...11 , 1' holwa to ataet all lo• old irtehda. amattring theta and ihr put,,.•. that faol' iron .hall npereal to make all eonalortahle who vor loot woh their patronage. janlldly STATES HOTEL, Vt, . KM' K, Fitt gal AND virrit en 0114Y:31TH li.tnk of the United Siete, Ptoln. delphia. Plt1.1: ITCHEI.I, Flll3 rthf Prop ne ter . . LISTELIANEOUS. NSW COACH FACTORY A 1%• firm . . inmoK. At l.l e .4IIIKAI 0.11.1 I.m ~o ruil!,ut the% bat r erected .nop het weeo Federal and isnottltt *kr ,treet. ota•lng and are prepared Io teem ( ' order. :or et cry deteruolon to . eh, Courhe• rouchr, Doggie.. Phhoote, whlch front the, Ion; expentotee ti the thanuturturr thr above te,,r, nod the rarthlie• the) hat e. they trod etttlild[lll they •re M1,.1 ludo work oil the 1110•1 term- 0,10 tCo.holote arttelr. to l'n) partJeuthr r ave) )) , to the •iertton I,li, roti•. nod ha tun none too °motor.. workfoen I:te, Lave no heetontoto in ware:Lwow their hot, %1 therefore oak the at of the intolic Im thin mutter N Hritatrutg door ot thr beht olivine, hod oo tor too, renrottutor term.. NEW DRUG STORE. milk) subset Let would respeettuit) 00110011, 11111111 1 has opened et new rcluti 1/ru Store, 011 the 1. 000. of Fourth end Smahheld stret, nelievlng tNa, the 0 ,11101 01 Itte ettenstve populartot ea,t Sun:damn' street wlllin•tity um. ha 4 spare no exec n..e In [dung up We estutonsument and ,s ter:lad to keep nu orucles but those of the ty—of undoubted add gentintene•s A ful:nArorttnert punt). Aledtetne., Penutnery, and an, ries usuedy kepi on establishment or the kind, wall Oe always on hand fizirukgdwelling to the samenight e 14.1,u/cal Io per.on,cly. 'Mt bu.inens cuistintn-d us her...yr, at ILe Id I.IRM on Market street Stockholders, take Notice. rplir in the Youalhogheos 7swatallhOLl ornimily a, beret, IlOtaled IWO 1 ,4 414141,110 a) to .11r. Jatneal/aautton, the Treasurer of the Cotnpaa). me sow of Ten per cent on en. n mut, or' their Idock, on or helorc the I).ah day of Ju:y 11fIt. and a forth,- stun of Ten per rent on or before the lYth day of Atl• rO t tt neat The stca - aholder. with Jan, yak,. in , taw autioro,.. Ihe rottechon of One per ecnt per nac Ot4 001 4,1114,11O:ly mad,. which If necessar). v. 1,1 he ml tit order ot ALlentotOA Pre.i MIEMME • 'ached dog odo I,ptne. ~ t iver Patent Le eer deta,ited 4c. odo Leinde do. 1.0 .m..bestqualttl. Is, a • Also. a good uaauruncni of Breast I'u. Lar Haig, Foiger Rap. Gold Pen. anal Pencil. The nandd have been received with the hnu five weeks, win be sold a: reduced prices Per• anti. wtstung iu puma:tar a good and r [leap Wolof, would in urn:: iu cal pre,tuint Zl,4:l'l.tra kIN , EY G f?„, thOltl.lA . NAN AI NS. he —W N Mart,* Oa* woo to a tear du ) s received %LIN). . Lonadale *ty , c,, hoe blea.thed Vrt;la, ronnuon do, unb]cactied do, hoe Long Cloth Shirtlngs, ' Irian Lmens. /very low., prime Cotton Hose. lead eol d do, Pup, l'ututot..•. es,.at :he Ilr, l.,Ctod. House. N I.:ear:ter 4th and Varlet •Iceels, 11 . 7 r, Wholesale Rooms up *ours. Dr. McLane In Tettnassee. THIS Is to canny that I purettaaed our of Dr. 11 , 4noc'. , Norm ,pecd,c, aonic Ur. Enon,a• ago /out gale to a wit cot nun, sortie seveU years old, two cuapoons lull, nun aliboogh the amount Ina) appear sage, *et I bore no doubt but there WWI upwards o f two Th quarter won.. rmeecd from torn, measunstg lbw me quarter of an Loch to too snob., long, IioLLIDAY. Hoc.. "rook. Carrol CO Ton`, LW, 1•.2.1 „ li &1, ,lit, have made arrangements with Meters Hai & Cron, manufacturers ot Slio re I. Spades. Forks. kin . and tat. keep constantly on hand every ante, ma ,. 1,, them Dina. er. arc re,pectlully 2, 010•11c0 10 all, a• price. and terms veld be made Itheral jr.hti _ --___ Near Hortforare House. -u-Leen hi ng, de tapping and . Bleeding. . , ~..... ._.... , J . u5y.. 1 , , , ~,,,, 00,00, 0, If NORRIS, t,00,00/00 10 M It Delany ) l ....41,,, 5, , ,.4:11;,..., \ nod at &I 01. Pittsburgh Hav IN, Ne 53 Ptah street. between \ Vood and Smith- ../.Irs,i, '':” I 0 mg a 0h..., Iran the firm tit held Fresh leeches received monthly --aattrifillOre all I )2a,issr and " on the Ist of Januar), 1 , 17 I hours Reference. the physicians of Pmsburgh, All, , 101, pleasure at 422022,10, (..) In y zrtend% tii the et t) glicity and airmingtiarn and country. that 1 hate opened my new store . the I must cheerluitv recommend to the physicians. fain• above :mined mace Having purchased my goods tor ales nodal to) Conner Mends end patron, Mr k ti .none and made arrangements aah manulacturers in :torn. as bring thnroughly acquainted with the busi. ! tuts country and 111 EttrOpt• 0, 20 constantly minuted. In and worthy ol patronage 1` tato' prepared to runtish Hardware triad but., ,triarted-1) 31 R DEI-ANI I. lo prod terms and.a. low us any house Rau or i West Morcrono nod 1001,01 iflre reel:stenal) melted Manufactured Tobacco. lo cod and eget:note my stock, before purhasing else. perm, sweet 5 , p., ( where '1 he following comprises a part 0 ) in stork 48 ....ix - d 4,, ,, ;,":,r , „ . t , ,, ,z..; r'• -•. .. In i Steamboat and saddlery hardware. gust traustungs. 10 la do Pries. & Harwood . .. • 1 bleat Nii)lor's rime!. miner). edge toot, anew, vices, 21 do du du it, ! lock, latches, acvthrs. bull hinges .crews. Union Foe. do do Prat I . liar wood ,& th i tory pianc, taw, mahogany boards and •eneer, and It do J Robill•on • Iris .. other erne /e• i oinueeted with the hardware La, 5 - ht do do ..41 do do Wm Dawson 0 mchll a LI du T %Sind.. ••1 4, City Dagnorrlan Clattery. . s I 1.102.2 brittqt..P.l . no VIE 11. Ell 1121, :17 du ti Anders.. . ~,,..7 111 if, I.: beg. leave to inform the cairens 01 . PIIOI - .10 1. r Had, • , O. burgh and Vl.lntly. that he hai taken the Lgue, 5 do It Mae., .. ' rm. Rooms lat.) ~,, up by Mr Porter Ille fiub• 0 do Ilastelitt ne hre nsatired mut al' the late !Tomo, elite.. are Just landing iron, .saner and 010,014 and lit sale . red. 011 d 001 IN" 21041,011 00 Operanon by Mr. Hge. 41 "or., ,ullehArs/j/..),.,d1J,1tC:',..:‘,,',,,aw4.1,,,,:::.,... i woo ~: ,:.,, . 0 , a ;.. , ;: •, r i e ni . 3 i s L 4. :. , f r. aloe a t llle: the art Vt. to) I ./11000011.1 '” . ' ' ' 0 . I . ....teed to ~V.l allwho may become Ina patron. Alt il will rm. 14 ? .. 1 ,, FA L.1 ; % . 1 , L u l n r i: ss ll , V , l. u . ‘ , / ,, - ,, /ii ...y 1,1 0 0,1,, ' 1 . , : ,, , .t11 , 4e;,.,, Lr u ' l , 1i , 1Lt , , ,n , er , . 5 n 0 u , .:- ,,, r 2 i a 1,: arnlitlenit.„lr 75 hal hos lt e1,,0r r Old supr nor sweet s. :amp. tr.. Eau:raving., bug ue r mot) p St.c. , accurately .01 lawrence Looter . 5, romed taken .. un) weather, and set 1.11 , In ' t wavy & Rovs•er •I.& a. tucker. a pins-, cars and frame. Dovuto ;Jr la Eon.. 5. , Instruction. given to ever) brim, aOf the art and up .) • :%I.l.sral ..., t pureits furnished yeti ti ~.., .-• Lawrence luta. b. hd• nu , , Mt, Dill' GOCIIk, Mk.HCHAVSA A Shah , I Co, oU Alarset la. hams received in cases 01 enrol, 'l"' i*""ng train 4 :I N TI -' : ,,,, A u . 1 .. : 1:1 , .:1:1 . a i 1:C: d ' K r iNtl.):lt::iki.t;vo,„ 1 e p , rt , si r tc,.l , La nrn a r - L t 3 is o art , 4 .„ .11 ,, u ,. ..1n u i 1 5. c. o s ., e , mse. g ...l ot F ~r e ,, ii , c , h , 5t0, ,,, .. PliiitilleTlne: , hams. 4dn new style Prom. Ido blue and orange Cid ! weer, alit° blenetted Masan.. all veidtits Also. eases bleached. brown and blue Lint's. Cottonades, Check, tlingharns, &c. h e., all at winch a 111 he offered at the saw gal F.asterit wholeside prices. nay= Penn dla.htne Shop. - 11IT Wlerrrm AN — Marini:trier. ot al/kinds of col ,, Ma, r. woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pm The above works bring now 01 coil and successful op eration. I urn pmpared to execute order..ith dispatch tor ail kinds ot macron.) in my 20 0002 24 WOOOV., picker, spreaders, i ard., grinding 00000110.. wo me n 10. e y drawing Inane.. speeder, triru.sils, loon.. card, double or ',ogle, far merchant or country work, mule. me Is.. A.., dide and hand lathes nod tools in get, ml. All anal+ of shalting ma. to order, or plans giv• en tor aeon/1g Metorte• . nulls at name charge !Urea xv—iseitiied). Quints & Cu, Rootstock, ono St. l'o , king Pennock &Co , Jos A Gra). BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. - A FL L IIiN,EI.I and Brass Founder, has re an he d commended basilic, at It. Old stand, w wkl be pleased to •re his old custom ers and mends t north, Wean..., and Hells of every sire. from 1 0 to tuas. ell Model. pounds... iron, patterns 01 the most moon.- and . 0 0 01 uO. . lie 0111. brat Italerta/S. ~,,„„0 hater Pumps. Counter, Roiling, , doe , toge ther 10 02 every as r.ely al lira. Csutings, a required, 1211.4 000 hashed to the neatest mariner. A I° . the sole proprietor of Ll•entr's Alect.Artia cioa Atlet•l., au Jan]) celebrated tor the reduction 01 Ittoltott la null Marry The Hosea and Composition eau be bad or hiniut all lance. al I y Ploughs, Plough Coatings, Wagon Hosea, doh -.. Relir:RT HALL, or the old hall . R It S. Hall, as in.masc taring nage qu ait t i t 1 c s of Platigha Plough Castig Wag on 10.0 r, al . 0011 ale 011p110.0141.. 01 the Leaver. Pent oc•, Limo, and other Plough., or the latest and Pent utter. now in nue v, a n. nr.. WO 1.1,,r1y street Pittsburg osite tsar, opp ho 110 1 .......-, , encl.) In Attcglien) elly. near the u ,,,,, i , I otto ..tsar, ol vlt.•.r. Illackstock. Bel. &Co W. a,. J. GLENN. boo/. binaes: • Ny l ;• ,- " „ ','Z'„'',:r„:',gr,`,'.',a, ',:' , " , —*".°,7,1;."7,1,7,'„,. ::,T,• on are itrepurt .1 In d o un) %lurk in our lam with des patch t\'„ 100,4 10 ow work personally, 0101 ad a.. ./11 or given ai regard to ita Ital./Cal and Su r , I 0/a01( 000 i, ruled to atny pattern and bound soh stao lini.) /0,..1.. J.l nuinycr• or ulu hooka bounds - iu..) or repa,red Atm...pat Oa In In pa lets 1110 1100 ha, wink unitur listaare Wetted toII _ trivelal .Bandr 71"-1-Re-a--re.,r C•nal.. - , I 'rev': i S iii ' m Ily , arc WI re 21 : 0 /tot1 1 :041 11 0 1:t 4 ai r ' el:Lo t ir for bin tors In sant Company ii ill be holden on IN errata. Ne it.tram 211.1 any Or Attottlat tient, at the canal thrice, in w Loam, Woo, between WC lea. 01 In o'clock, A. M., and 1 u clock, k• Al., ohod day. ell.ka u tio.TETTER, ivit-dtd :secretory a 3 P 11 t ea Coat and Wrougut iron Ltedlliag. 9 ilo, subaeribers ...prepared to execute order/ ap -10.0(201C 0 . 01. no, ocory ileaurtptioo oi lion Baling, fur isiccomea, eoloctence, Lbutuies, A.c. Ito. A. LAMONV A. KNOX, ickVdln -Craig u, Allegheny city To Conci tor s aa Bander', E , OR SALE, Ve liar,:to close the tountno of the x lutettint... Coryn ry stable 3r. Pinta ler, 3 par e of Vault Doors,. superior ill/4111140.0 Apply to tO3NSTABLE. HL RITE it Co., airß.l( 231 ta, luidoor from mood_ ICSl`H.Yeavka-----A-liirge iTtaipTerWritritio - ruient lif of CGo ths, emssannar. 'e rungs, tangs, Croton, am., and tor sabn y L Pill-LlitAlS, 31 retuu=l4.. royd ander Monongahela House, a 1)A PER—aIOU bd'• ntn tv X% rapping roper all euxe., I 41. ream.rn.ed Cap Wilting Paper. :WU ra.ed and Mom 'cue, du, all quabigc•; lou •• Mel l'up, 250 medium Tea Paper; la/ aro.. brim* and blue /4 ' , Mae Bonnet Board.; reun“ Nlanilla Envelope Paper; 14.1 Hardwnra Paper, jurt recd and for saJr low by 1TEN'504.1.4.3 & Ski FIE, to) abilm C 0111( r penn and 11 , 0111 at. SHIPS' PATENT BLOCKS. trim: stitoscribee oder.. tor hole a thil assortment of the his Stop. hum. tilocits, 'stoves, he , adapted t o MAO, cssmplete hells of Blocks, adapted to vessels of any capacity, put up and tortrardesi to .y put of ;Ls, Utitchh without Licitly and at the ...chi pn puLitiNUM VITA.: for sale in ttian:mot so .an rchaser. 1:1K0 iSTAPLS. op4-41m2mh•Thtt Lot Burling Slip, New Notts Patent Soda Ash. 44 ` , ' , " , y B, r K o s .t.' „ ':',.,„ ron- ,t..." - ttz.",l,l'c'..t",i ) , A a, AIITCHELTILKE., niyls 160 liberty st I,)RITANNIA AterAL WARE—Just receired trout the manufactory, Britannia Court l'ots, do Tea do, do Sugar Iluvils and Cream Cups; do Siop do; du large Pitcher, with lids, du Molasses do do, do Coffee Crux, with loops For sale at low prices rob trILL k GETTY, Sign Big Pitnher . Alemprsitths pateni Soda !Lela CASKS rust landing front ...mar North Caron -35.1 no. and for talc by W M MITCHELTREK hberty otreel rrOWIIISEND'S SARSAPARILLA-40 ba, of thng great •prang and summer medienlo, Um day an d mail 'or aale wholesale and retail, by R SELLERS —As IL F. S. is Dr Tourpsend's only agent for Pittsburgh, We in oracle may always be had at No 67 Wood street. tnyl3 D UTtONS FOR LADIES' DRISES, of the rollout .U) tug kiuds, essi—tillk graduated lea( prop buttons; kirandenbourgh doi Paittatsel doi Casultan do, Tassel and Drop do, Soil and Plain do, together with white and col% Lulea, for sale at Is /I EATON A Co's my 17 Tranfrung koore, 63 market at - - r 1.4A1.A.' 11—'4 fit. Wussrlick - Roblason's 54 lump lobuceo,• 15 do Myers's do do do, Ili do Ird Hurts' do do do; kr do Al ye is lb du do; 21 du Enders' hurley dew Or plug; la rases, WI dwarf bozos yrr's superior Aroatatie do; GO du, 40 do do Tllolll4l{' Seder Lem do, just received sod iur sale by jels :HILLER k RICKETtRiN rc)o Il ui ror b m . r ite t casks .5 1Z0 , i ,0, A; , 11 , ; , 1 50 do p r , 20 do star Coo dles; 15 do Pint Floods; :Jr, WA. an, 11 Nus Leaf Sugar; for sale by my/.1 1 . N[41.1,311 k istiNNE-rr PlOttoo. iT ri 6uut,2, holward Heald, Hate or J aeon Heald & Co, Hohoottreo David C. alcCartuouri, and John A. Warder thylta I OR 811.1kallrOATS AND 110TEL...4 We hero it, hand a Huge aesorhoolu of lrod blood Ware, roil. mule lug stearulfoola and hotels which we will sell HILL k GETTY, • " .51°__"12° • - _ aus7rinierint °l 4,,/ and cold Mantau and Satin Ribbon., opened yes• iarday, offered low br piece , at artiolooal• Morns GI N kultrity, rl2l northerrn any ith and/natant st. Si nary ACON—lolhda yellow =mused Hama, le do Seders; 23 delShouldere, all of pnme gnats), 6131 I F 12. 8 4}. !COLS ESS AND ?SLUE YOKE-10 bbl. Men Puffy 5 111. do primed; for We by Old SELLERS & NICOLS ripArranic Actn-4 lbs, of b xupwriar qbality, beltbdand Ide aide by int BRAUN h REIT= and the nab. cooleA and opened. The money, p.p. and book+ whmh enatanica were is perfect as win p l an there Me bolding only of the book• Leung th Hired by tho welt, 111COUIJeg the cafe. We have at he•itahion reentornentltug it to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever seeu tented, mid believe that will nmiid an, heat which might be produced, leapt is hem which would melt It to a whet mass. Springer tr. Whitman, L Worthuigton, Kellogg & Kennett. licit, l • rtier. hr (1 P Breese, - Nlurrio Smith, T S Dungan & Co. Stedman. Mayard & Co, %V. Manse, Aletul 4 Winstor. NVe, the undersigned. detected the safe &oaken of ahoy, Isom a 1,11 in the ot 'Prober h Aubery, the Agen. SPRINGER, S RLLLN / Rd, tot'oot S Harr:, Broker, P J ittabu E rgh: linoAey Minna A Co, do do ifeadtewlyS as. L,reaatv /ILI D. WICK. L MODDIADI. LIPPENCOTT &CO. AfANUFACITRF:RM or Hammered and Oast Steel j ITX Shovels and Spades, Axes and Hatchets, M 0 , 1 La;. C 7 treutar I;nt saw., Hay and Manure Forks, Hoe, Mattock., Plebs. SW, having completed all their arrangemen. to the en tiatinetion of new machinery, mad in oN:tit - mg the loe.l workmen Mum the moot cele brated e‘tabl.hmen. or the Elmo nre now Inanufactur toe and tit keetCconstantly nit hand and tor mle ail the above ao.. tro. ho, availed inetnoelyen of the lte.l undue,lmproveent, end are determined that to work matiMip atcriut thc, "l not oe excelled. 'They prottle..e prod, e rqua I, mperior to any DID/ 1,. LY had ni Flew. They noire the atten tion ot dealer. to till ea:animation ot them stock beru re purr Dl 6l• Wbcf•• • MC) . are con c mend that they will ob.. to hit a:! order. DI to the entire mo..lnetton Warehouse. Water .vent. I door. S 1 rot 1i 1 .11011,11111-.1 Iloum., PitPlnirgn, P . a. N Perm,. havate humne.• wttlt Win I..ppeet eon S.nt ~1 ott uti S. Cu W Pittsburgh F urniture Ware Rooms, rot. wralclrr A lan, and 4plendid aagtortment o( Furni tire. •unalote mr Steamboat.. !low:, and pt . , sate dw:ting, conatand, on Laud and made to order Tor pre.ent •toek ttit band cannot he exceeded by any ronnutartor) 111 Ult. reemern comm.). nc rwits ~•Ittitg to puri.ltave would do well to gt•e I a call. We I ant k C.l. determine Id I— my wall plea, Par, of Kuc4lll 50 ~otats with Plush and rovrt, 2 doz_ Mahogany Num. Cliatt•. t I pit, 1),a,, 12 doe ttor otuto,tty Chair.; 1.1 mahogany Work Attmett, 3110, ounhogotty Itoalluttg Ultatrtt, toarblt- to;• Drt , tstag Bureau, tout 1 htotmut.., mart, top %tt ork Stand , . is vlterry Work and., Mallogtitty. Murl.. Cherry, and Poplar klettittlenai% II tle-cripoontt. .02 tt larg, ent o LIZMU Immure mitt cluttra, too ittauerou. to totttlitaoo. mar9t2 LANCS . 'O4: rri ,, NED AGAINST VSINC. COMMON PREPARED CHALK. THEY are not awn, how 'rightfully trallrlollll It rtr mar., now rough. how salLow, yet . low and unhealthy the skin appear. atter tousig prep.- pared chalk' 111)1,10., routadrung a large quantity of lend' We have prepared n healthful vegetable arnele. Whlrti wr 1-11 i, JONES' SPAS lOU LILY WHITE. II .. perfectly nnocent, being purified of all deletenoud nualutea, and it impart. to the a natural, healthy adinewer. clear, living a bite, at the stmae time acting a• eo.inetc on the ;km. making tt sort and 1.4.100,11. Ito tooter Anderson. Practical COOlOlSt of Mastit rbunetta..ayn- "Arnr analyzing toner Spaiush I.lly White. I find tt posacasea the moat lamuldfal end nata -1 mi. and at the *ante acne innocent white I ever mw. I rertanlly can coute.ennously reCOM.end tve to a.l 'l, .0"f5'505ki.i1"..7v,',',"*.,.`,17,,"`T.:7%,",,!:',7'.:21,,`,7:,'...,'" Pitt Dim hlne Work. sad Foam 1 - 1,11,01.0011. J(//iN are premed to build Cotton Nlll/ %) 001,11 Nlanninery ellg - `descrmiton. •uch . Carding Ilactirne., Spintung Pruner Speeder. Ilraw...g Flame. Itmova) Warper., Spooters. Dre.....g Frame.. Loom., Card Gruideni /cc Wrought Iron Snarling turned. ail Silt, of Coot 14n. ?oldie. and thing,. at the :at...1 pattern.. ride and hand Lathes, and tool. of all kind. Ca.tinent of every descrtptioa tornirmed on snort notice. Pauerns made to order Mr .Mill Gearing. Iran Steam an for heat. mg Factorww. Cast Iron Window Snob d Macy Ca.. 111171. gener.wly .eit at the Warehouse of J. Paaner d. to. .trr, w::: Lore riompt 010,10 1100 f. J. fle.r . 11, A \ll...ret.ed A I - Q.,. II \ Jo.l 1r.,. A.J .. ..burgh , t . kJ II \Aunt., Sleut.,l,Jle I.lllsl 41...E. , N Spring, A.le, !nee/ and Iron Works, 11.111.%1AN 4. Co If “,.ng completed / waii. , ere flute prepared la Intuit..., tore rery fleet:N.4pm of Courts and Kliplfe Snngs, Iron American. liifeter. Nfrnuf and Plougb Steel rul a/l ,zeo ay( ,maU qua, a..d round Iro, .men they oder for eale ful Itueral term, al tacit war nouue. owl •lreet, st - Itere Mey a 04., cep on ua,..1 a rornp.r, end nandwome fou.ornueln of Coach Pramninugs, C.irruuce Hardware, Nlaral.le Cual.lllf:Y. Nalif fund Iron sao A /1511—(W casks • 1117111, rtrunino k focuskit faisspowOsoilsod, Ness pshsaai, AMU per causer, Empire and Arceneac casks of 'stuck cre of Um paressparziatea.... manafackara. sari ~-~-~. r MISCELLANERTS FANCY GOODS blot fine Fa.. silk and paper, 50dor common Fans; 0 dot hoe velvet bend Mgt, new styles; 10 dor tine crotchet bead bags, new styles; 5 dot fine crotchet purses. new styles, la dot tine parasols, assorted, Stan, tassels, fringes, gilt and silver, Mr regattas; ID 'Mr fine dower rates assorted; I dot fine steel screw pinuions: 1 dot fine ivory screw pin cushions; I dot tine wood screw pin cushtona A fine msottnent of new Toys. de. he. aura SPAISra—AND 141:1111RECRIikliCIDS: ‘l. ai.son lc co., I..•arnot &to , Yumburgh. New No d; A. A. Mason & Co., IVTO 6 , 1 Market street, bet Ween 3d and 4th ma, nth. II burgh Pa, have recently opened Mew new and elegant store, With an extenstve meek ofinch Spring and Summer Goods, compristng upwards of dace hun dred packages, of the latest end trlost ar t stimnable styles Merchants throughout the country ',waw a-14,4 invtted to eall end eluaine our stock, es it our intention to ode r our goods at the lowest Eastern wnoimate pnces. .Oue or die firm residing in Nano York, will 6e eminently sending us fresh supplies of the most desirable goods. thereby giving us eVery th- Clltly in the transactuni of our bustnes. that could be possessed by Eastern Houses. Fneets are theretore guaranmed to be as low as the lowest New both and Pluladelplus rates. app Iir HITE G00D23 FOR DRESd4 , I.--Open Oita thorn lag, at R Ale/iLY/IPS Dry treads House north east corner of Ith sod Market als, a full onion tlt of white Goods lor dresses, such as Swiss inen plan and tied, Mull Mull du; barrertJtukonet•l Plan Mulls and Jackoneti. Also, venous myle• of goods for Eveinng Dresses.includang a p.w patterns of <rain, new styles Enabroidered Muslin Robes. 1.:3 - New goods will be rreentim daily or a week to come. including newest styles Ilress (Mots, rand Preach Gl:4oam, Prints and Minters ve low Merebanta are incited to examine the goods and tel e. in wholesale rooms, up sm.,. 'rho •assortume r t large and price. very low INE.N LUSTRES A.\l/ GINGILA.SIS—W It Ilur kt ph y itt,ittion to,. aaaortzurot of above goods. of venous shades and qualities, atim, droned., neared Linen Lustre, for Lad:me/tresses. .i large as rtnient of fine Eariston. Alanebester, and Pratt.o neererl nyle% also, Hoyt'.Prints-oassortment ot these rm . ) desirable goods, inelud foil rng pink. lilac. blue sad double purple, of new end beauti tal patterns. • rench /hen L.awns--Pmk, blue, lilac, brO yen and newest of ne! patterns and fast color., small fig'd do for infants. Also, BritUanimm, of large and small lag• urea, tor imhes' mud infants' d Embroidered Sn'.. patterns. tire evening dres sell es, aell.• styarai colored damask tarleto., do, and a a•mortrnent of tissues, berates, grenadifies, crape artavrilAr.a. al we northeast corner of Fourth and Mar ket Weer.. 011N1 KELLY & laueeenilOrs Robb, \Vtne• lirener S Go l 2d EttCHANT TAILCiELS,Itt:Cheat• nut .tree!. Philadelphia, beg leave to inform die frienda anitdy. pulron+ ul hrni. and strangers visiting tin, c that tie are now it. receipt of lne :5p on g en Sewn., Yaillnuril Also a cameo and Select litsort d • meat of IVr,l of 'inland and Franca Cloths, Ca.,. rnerce and Vein the ing, to wlocit they reapectudly invite _np2.:dtien SPRING' DRY GOODS. ISSSCI(Lk.:rI. WkIITE. No. I Wood street, art resewmg a very large and eSIOOII/VC stock of Iresh s•pring Dry liooda, of very resent purenaae.attd bought under Inc most favorab le etre...4,a; and watch Lacy are prepared. and wall sell to 0 .10111.1., at a very small advance on the eastern cost. We wound request an tourenams our city to In, our stock a tan examination, ll and tve test ebu ient th of •laveey will enurely sanstied of the cheapness 01 . apt) V- -- - --- TINGS— Sup French tig'd Sattns, Slas, euis. tneres, and white Marseilles. CLUTkIS—Sup l'i each, tresh imported, all colors, oualsties and price. CASSIMER.E-4 in every style and ociahly CASH, ME.1L1:17.3-Sup saia warp. Lyntevi's Cloth Summer Cloth, and desirable coatings for gents' wear, at prices below .y in the city RUBINSON'S Cloth Store, apt? corner oth and Wood sts 81 /ACKLXICT & W}ILITE, WHOLY -SALE DE-ill:HIS IN WI 1 . WA/DS, No. US Wood street. have on hand, and are constant. iy receiving dosing the liu.stheas settwoit, a large and extensive susortnient of DRY GOOLIS, wlnch they oi ler to merchants at low pores, and Yin...nal:4a ierMa. believing that they can give entire aattsfactitin, they conhdently nvite. all narrehants visiting the city tog., them a cal/. A A. MASON & Co .w Aldritei niter L. 0101.1116 juleiteinalre anwrtaneul Uood.s, juti ve“ ed per Papress comp ingtng the largest and moo a-natunnle niork oi Goutin lound in nity—.w h inenuon, p. exit rich um tonnder, d Poll air r , . at new uria . .c, and Ine mutt tle , roldn goal. I. thr murk et, oleo. Roun oiripe Cool Ilea. tleteges. 'rumen, Polonaur Strspr, French Jaconeti, mpg; JO IRESS 001JUS —A A MA.Stri & Co, tiAl Markt. ha ana ve lo just re hay by l'Oud—Naga a splendid alsortnient 01 Ore. ['pods, g WAIV piapl and strtped &rage 01 011 qual/una, usaue, /huhu, ainpea, 6 rrondsers, shun alrlpt Labors, ' , Pun do Soup, St Cl , ..ies, Moe) . Silk, }reneti imeonciu, ke. D IikLAUES, &C. — Alelander A Day [nave I wow open I) a atiiped and ',aid Beragea, on the Luca. aaallUes and newest styles. minorted, anao, Nide+, did plain and broetna %Inca lieragea and 1 . 111x.e.. apiendsd French Lawns, Lulea La.tres and Utast:au/a, lull assurunent Wk, pia. and sann.atrnpe de Lalues and lint Alpacas. All lhense goods Lave been parchaaod at the late per. enaptury aucuun on New York and Ynnadalpnia. & dl be gold at a great reduction frum regular prices ALEXANDER a. DAN, eornerdttnon.dand marker at fIAW I - , --Aleaandcr & Day have recenv'ed U/IC(1 10 Iron) the Asupor, tAI New Vora. an enure CI. Or ,CIIU/II( C.lllO/1 Crape Shawls, con:up/mg u complete 14.4•0 f 01 Cllli/Ill•Ilerd.1 and pima um.... ot ail o• on. arta qualfue. :rum COO to 5... The lathes are rea• pecdml)inn.teal no examme these shawl., beitevfnig mat some on them ars qupernor to any before urftred MIA market_ They wth Oa soil remarkably cheap. Ntlt Ttoben and Iferage Shawls and Scarfs, a a.aortiocat, at rem.kably low price. • tny4_ I f V lurk: PORCELAIN BEALLI"..-The rubscnber having received the sole Agency for sale orJootut, 11 tone & Co • Plate, Ohon, Pnvot, Alolar and Iftipro•p f • datoes recta, of , nte• balms. specnaf JOEL &HAILER, IJroggnot and Apothecary, nor.' cor wood and sth Its good itseartillent of /ad.. and geula ‘,l t11.11.x, vrlme alai eolused Conon, lame. Tturaci, St. and I lab. Wove*, Large toe. Also, blauk 0041 colored Prepetk Gloves cellent artAcht, and Large sscec. openlng , +n ex &p,l , h tVHITE, 01.1 wow! et. LuVI-S ANL) lio&LLAI—Jun recd, fouti doa thcs back, white, brown euid slate Cotton Hos. loon of rents per pair op the beat quality. At IN dot. gel., Cotton tia, hose, 1W doa bale, throad, ulk and linen Gloves, •Oto. 3 cartons ladiesl.lajtni Kid Uloree. Dealer. and where war With bn. in ;he above article, will bud theta at argai 1 14&11Tei & JOHNRON":4, 48 market st LI OSUMI', tV - 110L . Et5A.17;1.. - - 11 atm dot tiose and half Hose, tor man, woman and cinsurco, with a .arge lot ofltlt, cotton-awl iis/e thread ( tlovt's and JuSt TOOtuvrd . 1 . 0/11 tae unpotieti and lon sale wholesale and ratan. hPta, I , }I KATON IC.II Untll:4,the ue.t l'tsc doi do PusseJLany , do do, Lip Mlidtm; do he) Kills, do lop Lou, Just tor d ocw y :More. it' Kfirri.cA .treat. ouyle KINSEY & KNOX turd .toped r f 3 u c l . l , u p a t rz , t . toL 22‘wisa and :scotch Mod, IS•oasltualaus o.taltop Law., Nansoots, .petted Vteton• Takeicton Aluu tooutter with, • lull zot•onateut of now zeds, luau, und fancy Piazza Lueca, adodira Innec orunga ac. , all of whirh Auvp nod ved trtsh roll Ints of roar., and ;or ass low to Ute..gasse, uy ruyl7 t. WHITE: J EW KI -111— F 1 / I, tiolslAlutatur, Caw, do do wok et, for Hair; do du breast l'lLLai 11,1 do Ear H.inga do do Finger ituga do do tsuard Caw.: do do: do, do do Poitou. nod Pena do do bracelets old Clasp. Tho•e uz want of fine Jewelry Will do well to cull on us baton purchuoag. my Id al:knEV do fiNCI.X. znurkdt StilltTlNta A Lyf , L\H--1Y H Itturphy ho, open not zoornutg a farther supply of tboae•vory vupenor nnush Long Vlach Shr rung Aluatui n also, fore Lon•dale do, and ht. co:111,1.11y on hand au door ta of •very grade of quality, at low daub pl s ee so, Iriab Liet.ezut tut aluntartga and bottom., of pare doh, and very cheap, an nonnearr eomet of 4th and Marketstreets_ _ r QUEETVIGS AND Si llitT/NerS—Aidennae ! 1,0 have last reserved a very aupenor. pay of broom and bleached ItUreetings, or the mad e tutted ntanutacturo, of all widths and qualpiee4 also, bleachted and brown Shesnags, of feu ( manna ; at ake pet yard. Mr, DRY & VARIETY GOODS LTNIPS CARPET Elmoßana. FOURTH BT.„ UELOW WOOD. qUIE sab.ntier respectfully requests the intention of 1 the owners and captains of bolas. citizenssnill strangers visiting Plissaurgh, to his Rage and splendid stock of carpeting, now for rale at his new sterns dth stre ost fashionyst. 'Fhe cmnitsi o ble sty ever". roofetyil Clo of and ma of Csrpedhithe lanislka.. ad ever brought to the Western market. The store has !man built expressly for the carpet bitainentsand has, I..ard less of c xpetaeo heenlied, up in the most mager nialern style. The carpets receiving axe of the richest and most brilhariX et They comprise, in part of the Superior Tapestry, a ••‘• tick; the latest donwo, anth ,olon. following Enlrtisi/ and Arneririln Bros. sels, Irar g i u l ingrain, new she. Superior Ingrain, new de• /apt. Floe Ingrain; Common do Plain dad twilled Vontllan; Extra super cord twilled do; Royal do; Sheep Pelt, Chung le, !abeam, Polka, Jule, Wilton Tutleth Cheadle; Brussels, . Common, t yard wide; I do do 2 do do 4 do do 6 do do Cotton, list, rag and hemp etirper. comment oil cloth, or! cloth table rovers. worsted cad linen table ensure window shaded colored and plain rnatUng, tune rods: truntrungs, carpet hindings. and all Otite2petods taually kepi to eurcwt stores, all of which w4l be 'iold On as reersonulde tenms no any in the city them; made ar rangements with one °Nth largest Manufacturers in the east. orders for ~any style of carpet will be proroplty tor warded by telegraph, and delivered moue week, at a small advance of the manufacturer's price. Purchasers are particularly. rrynelied io rail before Pure hexing ehsewhere, a 4 we reel confident we can sell as cheap as they can lie port-based In the eastern elites. mar l& p.t. W. L.YND. Door flats." OU Cioths.l JEWELRY. ZZ}21."„%124'14":',1!.,' vanety. et street. god lever Wa tc lever watch re r lever watches, English, 2i. Fit Vcr detached lever W a atch es 2LI silver I, Epine watcher, 25 silver counter watches, 12 tine gold chums; d. new style ear rings, 5 do: Warn gold hoop lungs, a don 554pned run2s, 2 mu. real hours, pl. mg II variety of popular sur, 32 Kraus ter! shires, all sates BOOK TRADE VICAILLY READYi`OIII.PITTCII.IO /yews /I by J A. AU P C.Ancinnatl, the toLloaring new and valuable Worts— Domptien's Fixpedthon—Chotatninc a sketch of the He of Col. W. Oomph.. the Conquest of New Mexico; (yea. Kearney • Overland Expedition to Call forma; Dontudiaers Cutopatch action the Navhoh and hia unparalleled %latch upon Chihuahua and Durance. hod the Operations of cr. vi v o at .rota re, watt u MaR and Engtrawlics, Jahn T Hughes, AU of the Regiment of !drlrsourt Cavalry, It of Kentucky—lir Antties and :incurs] COBoantes, Geographmal Statattenl and ticological deaetlP9ann with aneirdmes of Pioneers Lin, and 1111014 than one tittndred Biographical Sketches of disungutsh ed Pioneers, Soldiers Statesmen, Junin, Lawyers, Di vines, ithistrated with forty engravings; by Levet. Collins I vol. omits°. In. The Twelve ?dom.' Volume., or Journal di a th e Ca m in the Tennessee Regiment of rat - airy. in th Capaign of MeXico. Manng IS4B-47,c - that!! an ar count of the March of the Regiment to t, Crio• deagription of the Country passed over. a..., u•- tom, he. of the people; Sketches of Camp •4. ac counts of all the actions of other Volunteer R.- • .mts, and a History 01 the Mexican iVer, Lim hid led and Wounded, tee, illustrated by a large numbdr of correct views and plans, by Deti. C. Purber,t volume deel New Paper and Book Establishment, 78 WoOD Sr., eerie.. Fora. ton Matto. AL.LUT. THeLnZba'falgeen'stochuknotfdltroetP;ZeudnliZsesthniele'db::l Plain white and blue Writing .d Letter l'aper eon, secret:Ll and packet poet Flat Cap. demy mid medium venting papera, for blank book, medium and royal co lured Pnating Papers; medium. Jr a n and cap Dai ooks assif Leder, supenor paper and best Emitern botcher; School Rooks of all Innds, standard works to 'rheology mid Science, Quills. gold and steel limA. Waters, Wax, Bill Plies. he. Sc Blank Books of all sires rated in patient, and bdon I in the most substantial manner Country Merchants supplied az lowest whole.a.r ees for ea., or raga at cash paces. pri JOB PRI.VTINL. -Having u Job other In t•Cififieclapi with our establishment. we are prepared to ...sera. orders for plant and tatacy ?rottingot., pamphlet.. circulars. bagilleas card, bills orladlog. . with des patch and at tow prices. ELLiarr& ENuusii, myg 78 wood in, between 4th and diamond unev. A T OCR STORE on Market street. No .id, between lA. 3d and lth. airy itt 1., Mood a dirge stock of Theoloincal and Alliteellaueous goo,. \rw books received as soon as published, and sold at onv est price, The publications of the American Sunda} School tiniOil and Mausieliascus Sabbath School is, mety, always on hand. Catalogues furnished oh dpvaig,.. plication ELLA° rr & --"lf; myg JO market at, between lit and tilt New Books. /.% ILTOBART'S BUTLER'S ANALOUY-11ohur:" an d of Bishop Butler's Analogy of s.\ lurid imd Revealed, to the Constitutton and nature, withs;enpr a ,s notes Also. Cranford' s Que•tiOns for e anunation. revised and adapted to ine use f, sena... bv Charles E. West. Principal of Ilmger's lolloute. the city of New York AVI'HON'S LIE SENECrETE AMICITIAS. he -The de Settectute. de Amicitirs. Paradox, and Som.. &dot.. of Cicero, and Inc Life of A torus. by COrnellnif Nepos, English Notes. enured add Explanatory, by Charles Allinon I. I. THE BOI'S SPRINU BOOS-D Li p t on ot the Seasons, Scenery, Burnt Loa, sad Cocutry so is by Thorn. hither. with hi dlastranons A NOVEL BY' 3IA.RR Ram rr-Tne Choldren of Inc New Forest, by Capt. Marry att. It N SIR THEOLK/RE BROUtili VON, or Laurel Wner, by U. P. R. James. The oboe, works received this day and for sale 1.).. JutiNsrox & FUCK. PUN, ID) - Book seders, cur market and .ld td • - • --. Baker & Scribner's Publications. TIRE subscribers baying been appointed agent. for 1 the sale of the publications of the aim', wfiJ boo known pubustun g bonne , have a suppty of thy, k. on band. which n they ca sell at the easte‘u pri• ce, wholesale and rettol. Atrtong the WW" which hare been recentlyissued by them, which nave been lofty recommended an exceeding:y Interesting' and valuable, may be found—The Caw, nts Court and Pee. pie, Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, Bethel Flag. by Dr. Spring; Napoieon and h. , laranal, Washing ton and bu Lienerals, The Sacred MOL III ./14: Orator. of France, Teaching a Science. the teacher an Artist, Charlotte Elizabeth's Undorm %Yorks: T S . Arthur'. klaktng Haste to be Rich, Klenta have Wings. keeping up Appearance, Debtor and Creditor, &c he Alec, the works from the press of Robert Carter. the eluaracter of whose publication.. well known Tur renne's Theology. in 4 vole . Haldane on It1.11:111, Cheyne's work, 'The Convent, by author of School Girt Fra.tee, &.c he. New books received a a. a soo ;u3t,,,glied. ELL:I./TT & ENO LIS/i, n a. ...rood and SO market In N Bythei Flag. do do /steel.. Matthew, with Hartrionv Lectures on Sunk.peare, 2 co., Im Palll . y tte or sketch, of I Ile W not mortalit Footstep. of AlessLui, The Convent, by author of School I France Now and Then. by Warren; Sketches of Lemon., on Perabies and Nl,rar Ireland s We , cotne to the Stranger • Hea len upon earth, llawkston. a tale of and for England 2 vot• For sale by I - A.1.101T & F.Nt.:I.ISII _lelu7+ wood and Juan,: sf. MEW I . lo oKS—Just received •t lire Apollo Bowl. 1ng5..116 street, aud for sale by J I. READ. Ros mance of the History of Leet Louistanu, ss e.tres. by C.Gayane. erne A dlscourse on the life. character and p01.i1,1 . York;of Jame. Kent, late Chancelior of the state or New York; delivered hclore the tuMmary and bat or 1/, mry and stale of Nero York. by John Doer Ihstoey of England. irons the Invest. of Juisuis rf.r. r to the reign 01 Vlctorta. by Mel. Mark:men, a new mttion, revised and enlarged, with questions. p Robb., nivl6 BOOKS—Lectures 011 shakspeare bv /I N .1.1 Hudson, 1/1 IWO volumes. The Power of the Pulpit, or prain thoughts addressed to Christian em and Mose wise lies 10C/11. 011111.1 Influence of a p - reacned Gospel, by the Rev isardmir Sprtng, D. D. The Peuant and hi. Landlord, by the Baronet— Knotting. Translated by Ma llowiil Latuattine's Litrondists, Co. 111. lis.dors ot rood., or personal memoir or Me porno... . a lllle Fre marue. i r Revolution, [rem unpurnished sourre-- r.-`gyp Ade I Wr .ec:r d n o s r o n f e i .:te t., t; of the above wort. JOH:\ sru:s A .-±TOCKTON. my3o corner Mo. ..lart, 4.,.1 ,1 r ECTURE- , 1 ON SHAKSPEAHE' 4n J., scam., ha. Theatneal I,mors. SO.' byesLAo, N Hudson. MA The Poorer alike Polpa, or though addre‘,l chnsuaa ranuatero and mos; wI/o hear tl teem. 1.) .‘ 101(.1 lo art D D The Amonc. Preebee Conden.ed, or the Physician, belnir toreh s) steno or me D , . vegetabie mamples, b y W it I). For oale by ei.Lturr ,t ENGLISH %I 68 market st, all e bet. ad sod Da. and 7t wool at, bet Do and Mammal y LTNTORIE...9--Robert no ßooks .l%. ito;:tn't. R. LLsell'a Mod. Eur Pre.cott • ~e x,c- o . ~ , cnclet's France, A ope rnold • HUM, Harper • Pn . tor,.., England; Ntc Mike Home; Conant In/Onal ty of England, Arnold • Later Homan C4.111:11VII ,tl/12111'. 14.019 t, Borne, thstur) tn. own t an, owes Alutd,e Ago!. Mill'. Crusade. and i•lnv at airy; Elrowsung's History 01 t h e Huguenot. l'h,crr, A Historical Works, .NctO Ilt•tory ui ,ne wan.. l'.ners French Rev" ray tor', Manua, 01 ANC! and ,)Ind ry, lutroducumi to tar klatory muw Cnu rc h. oy Jury, k.,graley's Roma and England, /Lake s Pope• abovv, rl with many other va,tatrie works, for soar ma J I. /1.1.. A TodeCrRUPuTIP-a prtlacnlL tr'ehttecEoLulL Roman Architecture. together with apazioa.t, ot •a ta il Uollate sty.. Asui, Pructleal reaitaca Oli (Jeoniet, DeCinha Fractious, Mei...lran°, Trigomatictry, Carpenter) . aid Joinery, embracing all th, aad parucutarly haunted in the went. ut ta.• less 02 pCriCt/Ced. liy Cheater tin, product; hr. • Revised and Improved, with addittunaut Vine h.,: School House Architecture, by 11 Austin, arelsitect.,lo H Eaq second re•thed edition For au, J L. REAL), Aboito 13 u.ahr , ,,..1,1 Kt 11 X T EW.. BOOKS--juat received trot Bata t Inc •, and for ta at we •etthaltst Boon suara, r oVood Tupper'. Proverbia. im oylea of binding; et bGalUtibll bout to pr/-sent. Preparatiou tot Inc Pug... "` Bat sßetrlie• ot Sermons on the Parable aid M, ir Chroa, by the author 01 the Pulpit .k etches, Jae. The English Pulpit, co.:cc:Jun moils by the st siving diatues Mixuwrons VolVol-a—Lk/mg bood, Chratiau Love. 1,./. eat thou me, Sacred hlettitatioas. toy .21 - - - - OVRR'S SONC:* - -Watela you wt. by Day,i‘,..' LA Widow Alachree, Rory Valore, Indian soinia,. Staying the Deer, I,o oooll<r 'rue Two Fiory Roy; Alt me by.. wpal Thbilitalk, Loa Liaiiked Car, Mother bear, t.. 1 du nut so) thee noti Forgive, taii don Forget. T/v. t•-arlie..rob Angela I.Vhiaper; Nothing Dream, sweet ua. yp,uag, l'Oe Aorta/hod .ur Sawn. For .ate by Juil.`i `Si El-1414R. _le27 Lto , cEtux‘vkli,L_JL , ., reeef rap , A j LAtc of lromwell. 11l one took end its Effects, or Fragments from err Port gnu°, by 11r. Padztor . &chez of Grace, interior Life, by Upham. Igre Fmth, by Upham. Memorials of Methodism Rev A Stever., The kilgoaa Yulplt, • a couectyn, of scrmor... by the most CirtlLlClll /I Vlll6 CE/VIOC • 01 L. 04 tl./d. ham:. es of Hermon. on the Parabie. and . 1 1 , rse.e., Z .NC iMiel • Ufa 01 Chtill J N jeld .Apo.lo Eitulddrgu. LAlr, rrt:\. ZAC1 lAltl ' I'LUR--Portr 3.t of Gen Z l„ Taylor, by .N Corky under are darned/ate nnendaneo and dlreenona of the underazgrted mord au angular sketch taken (rum ,rde, by Captain talon. A at t'ufw,ru Deortnor, h Navy; George A )I'Call. AG. George Topugrapluciu k:14,/,/ect, flan . ) if soil, L, S Nagy JOIINSIUN h N rtgt../i lON er rolll (look metiers, cor Jd and morsel st• .f -10SIZITIPAT/ONG , eusuvenezu., eared mahout a s / medicates, duedtroue, or lath., by the "New and ,mproved LiAttll-h\ y hatVALF...N.CA.,'. a moat pm, &wattle and nut:loot. vet,,ctable food. A,so, Ont. ton's co/et...Med Trearrae 211 Con Agra.; and the. u..c sod value of the Ervalenth Sold only et the Apot.o 4th street, neat Wood, by 1014 VEW BOOKS _Lenora hose Italy, a neer lard admen: by J T Headley the Planetary and Waller Worlds; pdpul•r cad., hen of the grew utsedveries 14141 Iticofics of ino•le-r-rt Astrvaarners, tn a aerie of iculeCtUrcs. by (1 Al Able, ell. A. M., Ihreelor of the Cinekintati (berralitpry. flie above worts rust rec d mod for peie by /re ELLIOTT ENGL./S/1, in se/rem/AS market st Another Supply of Chiele•rhers Plano Fores. QIX neer Piano Forte*, et Itosewood, 6 and Ili 0,. LO Intl . be reeelVpd sad ready tar sale dnrtn lase week, by .1011 S H AlejLLUlt, a/ Wood e, bole P Agent •f or Clucltcrubs n Plano. tbr Wester euesylrame: -Jab 1 \I-En& %VOMITS MALLEYThe Lire et 01, el .1.1 Cromwell, by J T Ileadley, abllaur or atycran And hie ebtrahala," - The Sacred J/uuttlaltal" " Wash ington mot hie penman. , eta em. threinvoi Ouo day hod tor .ale by JOHNS STOCKTWr Jed Bootee/ler*, cor market and a fro pal4llC.6—Ocalutoo of the Limos, of Franco from ite poshest tunes to the Revolution et liSes--tos wheels and tandites—ersth Inunemis eagt.idgii and queouan for the eSesoherke et nerd. • .101018WKigitOcktort. J L
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