• ' THE PITTSBURGH GAZUM, PUBLIVED COt pPrmsninion. M 1 ,..,w -z - , - , SAIVEDAY MaIINOW, AuGaT 4ii I : —alslabrius isCiliiilikAntE is sion. Adverusements and Subserspllonstorherarrtlillmer.-1 ansad prated States Gllaelte, Philadelphia, reeervai :nd fuurarded frouittdal7ls= ~ / i r t .. 1 .."-*I2ITAF SOILS .81143,1% 873 . Wes Wirt 'receive. and forward free of expeosed , versit =I __,,__,_7....M this paper CIogiIkIERCILATA ZIST 4.I2DVILIL /IDE 4- .R£ll.ll. valor. cilitarar. 8-abiaptiOri to travail:WW2 proper winbe TOO:teed l aryd forwarded from lids office. P- . ir - TVs Prreaacitatt TWIN Galatia Is published Da .r ly,' Tri•Weekly nod ‘Veekly.--rues - NIIT is Seven pollni4 per outfargthe Trjo.Vectly le Five Doll= per , _auto= the Weekly tit 'TWO Dollars par Kamm, solely . / 107 hand n j'ax."" ;71.221 s-2125-u:ereurriditly rmTseelle actr favors bedoro..2l,w, sad at early In Wedgy ea. bedtimeprance Adverlitemeuts nos Inserted, form epees. i 7411 invarmblllbe charged maul ordered oot. Fog 4,1272 Columeretal ape, lae,Dolreates Mar , kets,Farct News, Imports, scw, tee. see tldrd page. Democratic Whig Dominations, FOR. PREOIDENT, 6A012/28.1C TATUDB. ~ FOR 'O7E P4F.SEDES/1;, ail 1. I.AILD . v 11.1. is 0 ILE, 01 , Nsw . vac. ' ' KLEcToR.4,I. TICIEET• sENATo LT. Ir Lei. ELEcTORs. Tomas Aic.cc..3., of Washthron Jona P. fr messes of Lebanon iti4itice E.L.Ecrorm. 7. 'Jbeepli o.oliskaon, 111."lieury.leturson,. -.., 2. John P. INethettll, 14. Wilham Colder, 2 Jayne. Pb. Davis, 12 Witham billow*. P 4. Thee W. Defiled, 16. Cheeks W. Frshar, ll. Lam e 0 lbws/ 17. Andrew Ck. Gni.= 1 . Jaearia Dungan, le. Thus It Davide= r. John 11 Steele, W. Joseph liartle, 111. Jolm Loudy., Li). Pearl Ape.", S. Joseph Sehmueker, 12. Andrew Loa" 10. Charism, Snyder, 2.1. awhard Iran, IL Wllltsm O. kralley,.. 21. Thomas. S. Oat, 12. pm., ry ter, 721 Sam'l A., PurglarKse. ----,-------- FOR CANAL. 00:dm049101,1ER, !REM RIIDDLESAVARTII, ON owl:. covrcrt Anigmftimod avuF Whig NOnliill4lot. FOR CONGRESS, :b nosics 3i.A.MPTON, 07 rtrosoolog. -Fos •osmotax,y. LEWIS C.NOLILE. of Indiana. SNIVELY, of IVillOns. SWAIITZWELDER. of Pittsburgh, LARGA of Dicalictaa, - HEXEXIAti NIXON, 01 Lover JOUN SCOTT, of Roil. CIA= OW TAN COMM . DANIEL ISPCURDY, of Elisatneill Borough Ara= 11, JOHN K. FOSTER,. of Baldwin. Bee we xi page ter Telegraphic News. THE TEN 11011711. STOTEM, ere. A. Woo. TO OUR FACTORY .CteXrATlvin. We chiral to be as much the friend of the 'ten hour mritem,' and of your roghts and inrennia as the noisiest of the orators who nightly declaim to you; and we therefore with confidence tisk for our view of the question al issue between you and the proprietors of the cotton mums, a calm and dispase sionate donsideration. Yost' right-to tetrad out far the ten hours is un. questioned. It is your privilege to ay wholength of time you will work, and what time you will , not work. Any one who should, by violence to yaur persons, or by intimidation, compel you to work a inherent time than the one you yourself chose, , would ,e gmity of one of the most serious oren ces. L. would, in fact, be reducing you to slavery. , Now, this very offence, some of you have been guilty of; lbr others have jest on much a right to say they fed/ work twelve hours, as you lines that you will out. Neither does it follow that twelve hour workers are deserving of your contempt nod execration, as your orators would have you be lieve. Their necca,"ties may be greater tLan yours, or they may very honestly believe that a is the best, and only coarse practicable. • Your rig/a to demand ten hours and to refuse to work any other being conceded, the question urns is it your i.ccre , t ad, to do. You have the right to demand five hours; but would it be wise to do so' If there were any prospect of your getting ten hours by standing out, we should advise by all means to holikeut. No • one would he mote rejoiced than we Mace tea or even eight hours the rule through out the whole length and breadth of the lsed. Buti a emend examination of the subject convieces us that this dedrahle change is not at present Fact:- 'code, if it - ever shall be. New England works twelve hourat— her products come into this mar ket in direct competition with our awn. Your or.' • oars admit that the proposed reduction of time would amount to about 17 per cent upon the pro.' duction of the mill. It would in fact, we believe. all things being taken into account, amount to 23 per cent. Bin they contend that the profits being about 50 & . ipent. upon the capital invested, the deduction 'might Bull be afforded:and yet leave sufficient prop,. Now this matter ofprofit is most grossly exaggera ted, we camadt but believe wilfully, for the put pose of inflaming your resentments. In New Eng land, under a good and wise law, the operatives are very commonly proprietors also, and ,bare in the profits, which are annually published. We have not the returns by us, but we are very cow fident that the dividend of factories mailbag on plain goads has never lately etcreded 6 per tent per annum on the capital invested. lust simple interest_ It not pretended that the factories hem are conducted with more skill than those of New 'England. ...Now ' deduct the 17 per cent. loss which your orators allow would result from working shorter hors, and what is left to the proprietor? A ban unquestionably. Ender these circumstances, we dunk it may le safely &Dela ded that the proprietors canner run less time then their New England. brethren. Now is it wise, or useful, or for your interest, to contend against • impiurrail • trie' Wathiak not. • A. word as to the "contracts" about whie.h there has been a great deal of very pernicious, as well as very silly declamation. The law - enacts that the • employer cannot run 12 hours without st written agreement to that effect. Before; it was passed a verbal or tacit agreement was ell that was! acme sexy. Your relation to the employer under one form of contract is precisely the same as under the other. You can leave his employment whenever you please, with as little formality under the new, as under the old law. All you promise is that you 1561, for the present, consider twelve toms a day's , • worli. The talk in which your orators indlidge, • • about slavery; and about selling to slavery, is de. ending and insulting to you, and presumes very largely upon your ignorance. There are no slaves in Pennsylvania, neither can there be. You were not slaves under the old law, and the Legislature had no sort of intention of making yonsuch tinder . the new. .. One of the charges alleged against your employ. cm is, that they have gone into the newspapers wittr their statement, while you arc precluded from doing the same on account of the expense! Now we promise you that, while we will make your employers pay for every line published in our paper; we well publish your replica, of eetal length Inc nothing. Alymys . supposing of course, that they shall be segamentative, and meriting to ourselves the rigid to etcp the discussion, whenev er we thank it his ceased to' be Thate - is no occasion for anger, and passuartion either aide, and there would be none, were it not fostered b 1 persons, who, we cannot but think, are more non. ions to diatinguish themselves, than to promote your tree interests. Their meitements, and indent awry tonsongues hive already had one disastrous resell, and it would be well, wo think, for you, if calmer counsels should hereafter prevaiL The New York Express publishes two Secret Circulars, which have lately been issued from the . Locoksso head quarters at Washington, which ahow that the moot desperate mane will be re soiled to by the Locaboss to secure the election of Cass, and if the Whiga we not more alive and no live, a march will be stolen upon them. Whigs rely entirely too much upon their confident belief that Taylor will certainly beelected, and they mate no effona to secure the result. This injudicious confidence may be found to be fatal when too late. What is doing by our Rough and Ready Clubs here? What to circulate documents, campaign papers, arc, and;what,o hold , meetings, and wave a5en0540,50,041°U! G ss .:BsionFL.--The Weatmorelaad lutelliircari car atite4 . soirt a reliable source, that, withal ' ' eral Male is grate, Cul f9r ltind purtialitY of hu • &ends, he 13,11.6174124 re 101144 44 .1 bin 4ii**2 his tiargsti, : uuder.narenenpi . itapcti,i;olhave his thane laviight beibre the'Vlifg COnVeaticinfoili acerdpitkoilf9r,r rna F• • '-ittlavihts,StileiwoPhicd Journal, that Mei + :jaw . from Pittsburgh. Stderp has needed 1.14 bispeovemrat, and we ate gratift. IBM - t -- 1 „ -1 2 _,,ir,.... „'. a!ilitil4.9l!; l o2knersa: otis t "t rA '' S. - •; e '' I ' ~• ' lf.!lou3S atercsii: '9o:rfp'"at 04,4111:14i*Etille.tiara*of 04[] ma' l oo} turiu 't 4.., 2/ # m "* .i1iC44 4 4401 ? a l 't i to hearts: oeitir:' lepirirlantA eifi'Mril ': t- 00 - 11,0 -5Ld catirt 7l 4,-i0; 051 a. 11011 ..w oo ka.; t manufacturer, Yesterday am reverted to this sub. ' .le-et, and- gar e some &chi. Today, we add the ~.t.nomA fro ! . the Philadelkre News, and ask the candid all entroTl& — eniery 4AI-a wholly be' naffed !by46 anneftineflol, tr! Party- , American . manufacturers, artisan., mechanics and farmers, are idled o tek'nbecteds if Aar &Mr; lir the Tare RI of 1546,--there 'is no-safety bnt.ln its repeal, and,the!hubstitutiou of, the TO of 1512. We .perceive by - a statement in Warner and Smith's EUTOScaII TimeS, that In the th ree wee k. ftrun-Inat:' at June, to the I.o4i'of July, there were exported from Liverpool 16,03 toes 0fir0n,L3,613 'ess WEE= WAS SHIPP= TO Sun UN1233) Stara. To the British Possessions, 1,260 tons. To AIL mitten PARTS or otte wet= ceps, tons. the iron Eigiaty.two and an half per of all exported from Liverpool for these three weeks be. mg sent in here to the gr eet injury of our iron works'. And this entire owing to the Tariff of 1845 Let us examiner this advalorem Tariff, and nee how it worts: Iu June,lB24, Aar iron, in England • was seven pounds sterling per ton. In January, 1626, it was fourteen pouna---and it fall in the same - year to ten pounds.. In I.V.S, .1627, it, was mine pounds, while it fell in 1832, to £4,15. In June, 1644, the price was six pounds, in July .07,15 in October, £8.15, in December, £lO. Thus it will he seen that in 1832, 30 able eet. duty, would have produced $6,64 per too, in December, 1831, it would have been 644,40, and in January, 1824, 520.16. When the tariff of 1846 was passed, It was £ll per ton, and by last accounts, it was £6. Thus the duty on bur iron was £16,50 per toe, When Mr. Walker made his Tariff, nod it has fallen now to $O. per lon. Vte invite the attention of our laboring men to this tniquitcua treed practiced upon them, allow ing, as it does, that their labor is leR entirely at the mercy of British laws, and British trade. What is Iron! Is not is value nearly all in labor, and agricultural produMsl—for of p/bet materials is iron composed? Coal, limestone, iron ores,sand and-fine clay. To produce the thirteen thousand tons in a year, at out man to every twenty tons, would be six hundred and fitly men, and we learn front competent authority that this is about the sr. erage, one man to every twenty tons by the chars coal plan, and one to every twenty four tons by the anthracite ccnL This is, however, only to convert it into pig metal. But this thirteen thousand lOUS was or every description of irori--bar, .l oo p s, .beer, boiler phut,' mots, castings, Milway man, lee..w ht e e would much more than the hoods to be cmpktre.:ll DM : cell it double, and it would give no it hunc . ire.t du , all"i'l a wife and three children dependent each, ms +t would make in three weeks, six thousaad Ilve hundred persons in the United States, deprived of their mrunu of support for one year, to support the same number in England. Surely there needs no argument to show what a wicked fraud was practised when our laboring men were told that Mr. Polk was a better tarts roan than Mr. Clay. Nor is TIIIS, whiph takes place in iron, any ruing more our item of the iniquitous advalorem taritiof 1816. It is tan name thing in onion and woollen goods, with which the whole country is now flooded, and which do not remit the oast, but which must be mid, and thus the United SUMS is 'made the common sewer for all the refuse goods of English manufacture, because the lower they are charged, the lace duty they pay. One invoice is made out to enter , them by, and another to sell them. The revenuels 'thus mouldy delrauded;end our working men cheated of their wages . This it is, that causes all the-trouble, and until this is rein. -edied by specifte duties, our working men will be greatly dtsappointed, if they think and State laws can.relieve them. - A Newspaper. A wan eats up a pound of sugar, and the pleas urn he enjoyed ended but the information he gets from a newspaper is treasured up in the mind, to be enjoyed anew, and to be need whenever oc casion or Inclination calla for it. A. tretillPalw not the wisdom of one man, or two men, It is the wisdom of the age, and of the put ages pa A family without a newspaper is always half an age behind the time in general Worn:anon, besides they never think much, or find much to tallya , mut. And then there are little ones growing up in 'gun' ranee, thoui any taste for reading. Bosides ell these evils, there's the wife, who, when her work is done, has to sit down with her hands in her lap, and nothing to amuse her, et di vert her mind from the wile and cares pt the do , mastic circle. Who, then, would be mitheat a nowspaperl--Be 7 q. The foregoing opinion was ezpressed by ore of the wisest men our country hen ever prodatted-7 Dr. Franklin never received much education, but he was it sound thinker, several obsegke of men, and withal, very intelligent Hi. mind was well stored with farts, and these facts vein so assorted and arranged, as always to be ready for use. The consequence was, low men had more practical in. ilUenCeS than he bad. In every eituatiOn of life, in office and 03 vete citizen—in the public councils, and among hie neighbors--eu home and abroad, he was univer sally reseeded and confided in. Now we do not expect every. man to be a Franklin, but it is in the power of every man and every woman to become intelligent, end this will add very much to a per son's influence. Indeed without it no man can ex ert much influence for good. But to become real ly intelligent, it is necessary to keep es run of vitipt is uninspiring in our own, and foreign coontries.— In no other way can a man keep himselfwith up w the age in which he lives, and be prepared to act with credit to himrelf, and benefit 'Anthers, his part in the world. And we feel no imanation in expressing the opinion, that one good Newspaper, carefully read, will do more to make a man inlet lgent,thanthe reading of many tanks. There ia nothing in the way of discovery, of invention, no new.theariew in religion or politico—no movement touching the happiness of national, social - or vidual life which are not carefully _noted, closely scrutinized and fully discussed.. In thisway troth is brought to tight and error is exposed. Well and truly does Dr. Franklin say newspaper is not the wisdom of one man, or of two men; it. is the ' wisdom of the age, and of the past ages too." A 'Western lisarend, 6orrie days ago we called atteribort to a few stn. dation facts respecting the trade whipli a rail road from this city—through central Ohio, Indiana, and Ulinois would secure. Our object was to show that the road would be well supported by the ordi nary business which it would have in the way of transporting produce and goods. This act Is fully established by the success of the road from Sur. dusky to Mansfield. Sandusky. being upon the Lake is a convenient depot from which the pro duce of ilib'country is shipped for the East The road which commences at that place,terminntes at Mansfield, the 'county seat of 'Richland County, and distant from Sandusky between fifty and sizty miler Almost its only bruit:leas has thus far been' to carry the surplus products of a few counties to the Lake; and yet, the first year of its operations, it has paid expenses, and six per cent. on the cap• ital invested. The second year it did much more than this. It is now doing a large and profitable business; and yet the travel is but small, barely sufficient, with the currying of the mail, to keep up a single daily coach from Mansfield to Columbus, the Capital of the Mate. But, should a rail road be made from our city, through the center of Ohio, it would not only secure an immense carrying bail. was, but would draw a vast amount of travel. We have nottime to dwell longer upon this matter at present. We hope, however, that our caseate will direct thou thoughts to the subject Comma morrr —The Canton, Ohio Repository, gates that Bent. F. Wade, Eirq„ one of the most prominent men of the Western Reserve, who had hesitated as to.his duty on the nomination of Gen• Taylor, but reflecting that Abolitionism in 1844 Is. directly secured the election of James K. Polk, and conseqttently, the annexation of Texas and the ,Mexican War—and leering that opposition now might produce a similar result, by electing Gen. C r iia—is now on the stamp for Gen. Taylor. He spoke at a Taylor meeting at Ravenna on thd 13th ult. Judge Humphrey, who lately bolted from the Looofoeo ranks, also made a good speech m avor of Taylor. In referring to the Allison letter, Mr. Tlieeti, late a Whig member of Congress, said he had the authority of Truman Smith, of Conn, for saying that that letter was written at %slng ton. Mr. Humphrey then produced a letter from Truman Smith denying in into the truth of Tilden's statement. This left Mr. Tilden Latin awkward predicament. &MIT .--s,••—We learn from the Wessman , . land intelligence: that Dr. MAECIWID, of Greens. , burgh, died very suddenly, on Wednesday evening When he retired, he Was in hrs usual heal* and, early in the Mght, perhaps about 1.0 o'clock , had redined on his bed, and had been reading by the light de candle which he had pltleed on a ta.. Ede near the bed. He was Gonad in this position, early on • Thursday morning, 'a corpse, with the book which he had been reading lying open at his The deceased was an amiable young man and inalimakts deeply lamented • by the eiUsetlaie that plate:,!-* bnlntheAcmeof boitc..... 6r a can -fact licika that thie . doinninii, the cat i ons was e . had increased . upon the affirm aired* at Landon th a n 200 miles between gate length of no Lena 1,40 and 1818, or at the rate of ahou!'l2 mites • of The NllllllllOlll We fai;e4Orready spoken cribs wfw itla4Pr lefulPs Ohoseitlithe people know *album*. :nor thassAttih - .Eike, near the routes to California, and OilisiUt, itc:the basin of the Great Salt 141irsi amonethiloothem spars of the Rocky tdcrantahW !AU% folkrwing, is an extract tram wiener win= last October, by a New Englander, since deceased, whose letters have been recently received by his friends. It gives the best idea of the country we niefirith . - 2 . 'We do hope that the hitWmons will not be molested in this' new possession, and that their brethren who are still detained by povee ty oG &Owl*, of the Missouri and throngheut the West win be speedily enabled to join them. SALT LAZE VALLES, GREAT Rums} October 14, 1847. • a • Since my lan I have gone thr places and over such-mountains would make the'heart of a Bostonian quake were be to come ;Nn theta unawares and unexpected—such as anyone, where the water has gullied away the mountains for ages, leaving the banks on either Edelman) , pfirpendicuLer, to the height of 400 feet for 50 miles in extent, and only o space at the bot tom wide enough to admit our wagons in simile filisead a small brook which we had to cross fie.' vanity with great difficulty and danger. The ; place called the South Pass is simply a place ; where two ranges of mountains seem ID termin ate or change their course. The Wind River mountains can be seen on the mouth west about 95 tam off, with snow on their tops at all seasons of the year, and another range at the south east, about 100 miles o 0 the same range, I think, farms the eastern boundary of this valley. If you wens to enter this place with no more experience than you now have of the Western Country, you would think at first it was about five miles long and. three broad—with an timber or water sufficient (unless you should spy the Salt Lake on the north western boundary;) bat by ex amining and measuring you would find it to be about 26 miles broad, and from 70 to 100 miles in length; end the ' canyons' in the mountains on the east side supply an abundanos of timber—the prin cipal is fir, which la the same as you use for urns. menials in Massachusetts, but they grow to a grea t height here, and the timber is the most suitable for building; t here are also some sugar maple and oak, the young saplings of which are to be preserved to set out for shades and ornament, and the others are to be sparingly used for purposes that the fir will not answer. There ale many small trees of the latter kind springing up, and if it hail not been for the fires that sweep the valleys and mountains yearly, this would undoubtedly be a thick timbered valley. There is quite a large cream of water running fromthe Utah Lake from the south, north. ward, directly through the center of the valley, and emptying itself info the Sall Lake at this north west —we call it the Jordan. Emptying into it there are very many brooks which are fbrmed by the melting of the snow and ice in the mountains, and also from the springs which abound in the valley OA 'well as in the canyons.' 'thereto 110 wild fruit here, save some mountain currants, fa service-berries. There le no rats hare at an, aadthe had is watered by a simple Illwqme Irrigation, by taming the mine of the creeks or brooks as you desire the Water to_flowwhich is very easily done with a hoe or shovel. The soil is a rich mellow loam resembling ashes and can be as easily worked. We shall need no ice-hones for we are settled on the east side, about 4 miles from the mountains, and the snow water does not get warm beforewe gat it at our doors and al; so by digginga that or two you can farm a spring in some places near the main spring. formes the curiosities is the Salt Lake, *l5 miles off, even so salt that it ts impossible for a man to sink himself above his arnalam, and eller bathing there awhile 'and 'drying himself. one may rattle the salt out of his hair quite fart—his bead will be while with it. ; Also the hot springs and the warm springs; the for mei are boiling hot all the time. The *pries or hide it issues from in the mountain is as big as a beneli lad the Water poem oat horirontally. The latter are not as large quite, but they resemble the former both in color (blue) and smell of the water, which is like brimstone, but vary clear; they ere clout two miles from this location; and the people resort thither to bathe in the warm springs, which ale blood warm. There is red and white clay, also limertone and many other kinds of stone in the moan-. tains. For our safety Gem the Indians we WO building an indrawn or fort, M rods long, and 40 broad, to live in this Winter, and are also inelosing a pea , tiori of land sufficient to put in the Fall wheal— Our out buildings, kc., are to be built of unlinked brick —the old California name is .4doile." They arc mixed h4e mortar and formed in boxes about the size of four common bricks, and dried in the sun, which makes them very durable. They say in South California the people build chiefly in tius way, and they last commonly one hundred yen All the houses in Santa Fe are of this kind. Hoary Clay, The Visalia:4am mineapondent of the North Ainerawn, has the btlowing ternarlm cancaning Mr. Clay's position, Calcsa I am aingabuly misinformed, Mr. Clay has neither by speech nor letter evinced any o ppo- sition to the nominicion of Gen. Taylor. lie au remained passive, not feeling himself called upon any more man any other of the gentlemen whew names were auhmated to the Convention, to make proclamation of his adhesion, and certainty not, until Gem Taylor's letter of acceptance was made putlie It might have been mere satisfactory to aome of his fnends,—among whom I claim, though an humble, to he a sincere one,—if ha had at once signified his acquiescence-, bra I see nothing in his present course et which exception can be aistly taken, or which in any way warrants the belief, that be adverse tbe election of Gen. Taylor. I should be sorry tha n e uch a asispii-ion nod enter my mind, concerning one whom I have venerated as • patriot, admired as a statesman, and loved es a friend. Snob charges are calumnies epos his character, which all who reapeet him Otrell-to re- Pd other stories have been set afloat—flow proved to be fabrication and forgeries—with the design of affecting Mr. Crittenden's election, and of estraegs ing the friends of Mr. Clay from his rapport. Be fore this time, the-proof in public in Kentucky that a base conspiracy was hatched in this city, the aim uf which was to dekat Mr. Crittenden. I will not trouble my readmit with the details, but the fraud was contrived to produce the impression that Mr. Crittenden had mainly been instrumental is bringing Moat the malt at Philadelphia, and with a view of furthering that obpin, had written letters depreciating the claims of Mr. Clay. It is well that the charges were made in • form that adadui of no equivocation, for the whole scheme is now detected, and fraud and forgery are the weapons which appear Gam beginning to end. It might have been sufficient for those w3io reflect ed. to have known that the notorious Limn Boyd, of Kentucky, was at the bottom of this conspiracy, to have stamped it with discredit ai. the cratiet.— He who, in 1814, revived the most infamous and outrageous calumny against Mr. Clay, that the black heart of evil mind of man ever kbriceted.— Ile who volunteered to defame-the character, and assail the motives of one whif - renderedlis State illustriona He who came before the world as the slanderer and reviler of the sage of Ashland. Such is he who now has the audacity totake the reputa tion of Henry Clay in keeping, and to charge ern city and desertion upon those friends, who, for thirty years, have defended him against the brutal and cowardly assaults of fellows like him and their employers. The vocabulary of propriety does not famish terms sufficiently strong to stigmatize such imblushing villainy with the approbrium which it deserves. Bat )usfice sooner or later will reach them, and I consign them to its judgement—that , which of all others, they would doubtkiis be most willing to avoid. "Tux Plato% aim Loon, rim Anytt."—That veteran editor, 7. I. Saunas, Esq., who has edited the "Farmer's library" with so much Inc. ems for three years past, has purchased that work with a view to its being continued in Philadelphia, under the title of "Tux Pinyon, TIII Loon MID run Atent."—e title designated to indicate "in gee. eral terms, the spirit in which it will hereafter be guided—that is, with a view to impart to the cute. vaton of the soil, in all quarters, the persuasion that the best security we can have for a steady and re munerating demand for our agricultural produce is to be found in a fear, alms board, and acknowkde a national encouragement p home labor, el. every I kind, against the rivalry , of pauper labor, over worked and underworking, In the emplepment of foreign capitalists . ' The importance of ma a work, and the ability of Mr. Skinner to conduct It, we trust will secure success, and if any man' deserves enemas, Mr. Skinner is that man. He has devoted a lifetime to the spread of unfitl knowledge, and the improve meat of agriculture. The fallowing appeal which he makes in a ctrcelar beibre us, we trust will have its effect "If in England, Mr. Cobden, the agitatoi of 'free trade," was deemed worthy of a donation of near ' ball a million of dollars, Is it unreasonable that al. ter thirty years of agitation on my part, by all the means in my power, in favor of the most impor tent pursuit of ail civilised countries, I should hope to find friends enough to sustain the costly effort we are now making, to give to public opinion, (al ready on the torn,) the right direction m the right quarter, end thus ensure the declaration of Mr. Jett tenon, in 1816. that "we must now place the Man. ufircturer by the aide of the AstricakunEst," to be ! finally, and as soon as possible, carried , out la the action of the Government , " We understand the work has the hearty appro. val of many of the principal manufacturers of Son ton, New York and Philadelphia—end we hope soon to add Pittsburgh. We learn by a letter bee thee us, that Mr. Skinner would be pleased te, visit our city, where he has not been for 20 years, it he could receive proper encouragement 64 his work. Let the encouragement not be wanting. Ws tormi are, $3 for a single subscriber, OW two, and Ten Holhes for live 'NM CHOU= 111 Rourke—According to amounts received from Moscow, the cholera is making &egad progress. The number of cases on the 29th of May alone stall 89i the number o f deaths being 42, : Dung the eta previous 'days, 464 persons was attack ediof‘hoto l ikew ise died f This dreadful vial. tattoo ivery prevalent et Robinakl, Relent*, and Jared= It is, therefore, an• daily travellips vreatward. . • . 77 , 1 111B,WIZIBLE DOOll 004:nin &ids like=s !Owl which termi nap:sin a frigldfal Meap«.lee: we are warned ofitibe fiiiketeO; bathe law is gone forth, weitinst *instantly edvatme. I would wish to' retrace' My steps; on, on, forward; we must unceasingly advance towardi the preci pice. A thousand vexatious, a thousand troubles, fatigue-and distress us on the road; but if I could but avoid that frightful preci pice. Nci, no we must' advance, we must even rtin,'stich is the rapidity of years. We console ourselves, however, because from time to time we meet with objects which amuse us—running waters, blushing flowers. We would wish to pause: on, on! And yet we see all that we have passed falling into ruins behind us; frightful crash, inevitable destruction ! We console ourselves, because we have carried off some flowers, gathered by the way-side, which fade in our hands ere the evening approaches; some fruits, which we lose in tasting—enchantment, illu sion! Still hurried on, thou approachest the guff : already everything begms to pass way; the gardens are less flowery, the flowers less brilliant, their color less lively, the meadows less smiling, the streams less pure—all fade, all pass away : the shadow of death appears; we begin to feel the ap proach of the fatal gulf. Rat we most ad vance to the brink, another step. Already horror has seized upon the senses; the head grows dizzy, the eyes wander; on, on. I would retrace my steps; impossible: all has fallen, all has vanished, all is lost. I need not tell you that this road is life— this gulf is death.—Bossuer. A CLASSICAL ErnmsinoN.—lf it be asked how the morals are improved by a classical education, say that ancient history gives the purest models of virtue any where to be met with. And the youth who enters with en thusantem into the struggles, feelings, and domestic character of the hero of Troy—who accompanies the ten thousand with admira tion in their glorious retreat—who lights for liberty with the Spartan at Thermooylte, and pzes with delight on Athena shaded by the laurels of Marathon—cannot bet rise from his studies with a more glowing plulanthri py, tl nobler independence, and a more elexased ambition. Let him imagine he ' heard the thunder of Demosthenes, a nd he feels himself Oready an orator. Let hos but walk in fancy with Socrates and Plato in the academic groves, and he will feel the full effect of reason, piety and virtue! Let him then turn .to Rome, and her mighty names, and they will, by tom, excite his sympathy and kindle his emulation. And can any one quit such studies without moral as well as intellectual improvement Will not the taste be refined, end the predominant feeling be that a 'avid admiration of those illustrnts persons whose virtues he has re solved to imitate. A NA-RELOW ESCAPY ANU TSAAFVI. RETUI , senor.—During a storm a few days since, in Cameron, Steuben county, lightning struck the door of the dwelliug.house of Mr. I. R. Chase, destroying, one side of it entirely, and passed so near Mrs. Chase that it stunned her for a moment, and then passed out of another door which was open, without doing ' - further injury. But in an adjoining town a man who was admonished for his'blasphe mons revelry during a storm about the samd. time, i defied, wi o th n ho th rr e id liz o h ath tain s and gs ofblasphe mousheaven' and so horrid were his oaths anti daring his wickedness, that the inmates of the house fled for refuge elsewhere; and hardly had they passed the threshold of the dwelling before the booming thunder bespoke the majesty of Him who holds the winds and guides the storm, and quick as thought tae lightning's flash was seen, and an power fell $ upon the proud defier of God's arm, and as maidenly was he prostrated to the tico.—a mutilated. lifeless body. The clash had done its work, and he was summoned to the ku of the Being whose light:tines he lidd •:I1 piously defied.—Genc-ste f.;:ang. 1% It 11,01 111 , .1 ,31.. wr nay+ 1., rl ati trtl... c1,1,02..t.r, watt dm prep...l.: Naw AIMIXEST. - 11 is now argued, and very justly, that instead of the in vio- ,:rcpasc.l 61 a .' c on of the Sabbath, in consequence of the ; Po.i.!s. increased facilities now arforded for travel ling, the great saving of time by this means, artno ca:,: Tea Sturc, 7t) FM" for bminart.pnrposes, 11/1011.4 , 0*1180 men to I feel more deeply their obligation to keep the Sabbath day . holy . . A Scottish railroad com pany takes this new of the subject: "This new and powerful application of the power of steam, which so greatly diministre, Me effects of distance, an thereby affords us so much more time for the transaction of our worldly .affairs, ought to be eratefully regarded by us as an additional means at forded to mankind for the better observance of their religious obligations, and especially for keeping holy the Sabbath day." In connexion with this question, the North British Review says: 'Hs it too much to hope that this golden sentiment—worthy to be quoted along side the opinions of Hale, and Bhiekstone, and Wilberforce, and which confers on its author new nobility—may yet be adopted by every British railway, and the suspended traffic of an empire be the weekly tribute to Him who teache3 man wisdom, and who has made the modem six days equal to the an. central twelve?' that THE ENGLISH ESTE/MIS/MD EIiVRCH —A foreign correspondent of the National Intel- 1 ligencer says :—"The Established Church is undergoing the ordeal of very searching and astounding statistics. The income of the clergy of the establishment is said to be up wards of 110,000,000 per annum ; whilst that of the clergy of all h.nrope, incirpentiellt of Great Britain, is only about 17,000,000 The arguments based upon and deduced from such statements are not favorable to the recipients of this immense revenue.' Demise the recent fight in Paris. the in surgents went to the infant schools, where many parents had Bent their children for safety, took the little ones, and placed them bound, so that they could not run away, as barricades, to prevent the. National Guard from returning the fire, which the insurgents continued most murderously from behind and between the children ASP Coot.—The Lebanon (Ohio) Star is one of the papers which heattated about falling into the support of the invincible old warrior, and the Lo cos have seised upon some paragraphs In no eci. lamas with great avidity, as proot conclusive that the State will go for the man who gays that the hearts of the people meat be prepared for war:— Well, hear bow coolly the Star relnikes them. and spoil. their calculations. "Leap cool, gentlemen Locokoos. Remember that though we are Taylor and amt Taylor men— we are Whigs, and the first article in our creed, as to give you inch • political khrashing thin year as will destroy Ohio Locofocoismjor ever. It is no consolation for you to talk abotil Whig Preluden Del division/s.—sec to your Own rickety, rotten and trembling Locofoco party. The Barnborners are tearing your vitals out, and soon nothing will be seen but the putrid and maggoty remain. of Lo cofocoismi And, again—Taylor will recruit ten. of thousands from your ranks. When the heroes of the tattles of Duck Creek and Baena Vista aro plesentad for the miffrages of your early, Criss will be deserted by regiments." Tux asunisto--Mtmnasit. The lion. John Norse'', 11. R. District Attorney and ex-t% S. Sen. 'tor, Non. Lansing Mistier, A Wales, Esq, lion. Alexander Davison, and Isaac R. Smith, all leading Locorocce, have commenced the publication or a campaigh paper in Detroit, devoted to the election of Taylor. The Ann Arbor. Democrat and Allegan Record have dropped Cass. Tim deserters are no numerous, that too much of our space would be occupied to chronicle even the leading ones. ' , Thus star by star declines. Till all have passed sway." !Err Use Tea Ponces Mesas.—lf you wish to be nue. pessful hi any andertakteg, you must always 'use thp mopes means.' Therefore if you have a cough, use Jetssil Errecroassr and h r naiad. for it is the proper moans. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing, then the only ea/tient means ID race ydu II to 11. Jayne'. Expeetorant, which will immediately overcame the spasm which commas the diameter at the duties, and Wm=sand brings up the mucus which clogs them up, and this removes every obstruction to a free res . ration, while at the same tune all inflammation la sot deed, and a cure Is certain to be effected. lisveynu Bronchitis, Spi_ning of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fact any Pulmonary Affection, then use isyne's .Expecterant and relief is certain, and you will find that you have used the miller means For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea atom,': Ith crest ace, Wood. Gael; Tun Oarmess, only true and itenume Liver Pill, pm W ed b T °44e " . maxims, 0., . 1 . 1 )* hit. R. Fr. Flehem—Beim nbarly out of your celebra ted Liter PH* which are hut pining pree.edeneetryer all where, 7ixi will please send 12 desert 6 toert. You .12,3100 f, ven send them as soon he possible, es many. Rilirbt be lost should we not have them ;hen called for, fot so hligh do they stand in the cameo tion of the people here, that many persons emu erode the preseripthina orphyslolime and use the pills in their mead. Yours, respeedally t ' A. doom 64km. Prepped and 'mid by SF II 088 , 01 W o od s r, arid gild by dniggiful pie rainy, a rittsbut7li and 4r leglitnr• • goal 'Don't low a - Foul Breails—lf you have, two • nrio gbilllng bottle of Jonas , Amber Tooth Paste. Thal will make ),oat btealh meet, whiten your tenth, Om.— Said oo Ea labuty .I ffl iymaswiy I { Local A,l*!' motento . vox Tux trz:taiptsatuura. GAZSTri?.'I .ATairricrs-va 'Pommes it knowri:io rtll , . I yourince, without distinction of color, ago os ,ex,; that on and after the sixth day of August, in the year 1849, you are not to 'Laois. your farce in arty of the streets, lanes, alley., gutters, dung-heaps or mtdpiddles, of this goodly city, except at the im minent peril of• your Liberty, limbs, lives, ead "sa cred honors.' Our City Fdthers, in solemn council assembled.. have issued, and every where pasted up, their frocinumuon, that if any of you are seen about town after the above ensued day, the minute's of Justice, not the hatchets, shall proceed against you as the law directs. Now our advice to you is "mind your eye," and go atnught into the country, or elet you will go straight into sausages. No charge for this. ROGUE CACOLIT.—The 1110.11 who stole the $1,500 from Mr. M'Fadden, o few days since, at Lynch's boarding house. on St. Clair street, was arrested. in Mercer county, by Abraham Holmes, of Meadvi Ile, and over $l.OOO tftsa stolen money recovered. High Constable Rachitrds has gone to escort the gentleman to this cify. Csrriman.—We learn from the buipatch that the ' home and buggy hired from Mr. It: H. l'attersom's Livery Stable, by a man calling himself John hick• eye, who neglected to return 0, has been eaptu red by Constable Rougher, nenr Freeport. Armamlng county, who overhauled the fellow on Thursdny, when in pursuit of John Ready, and got per tew omit oftbe property, the thief escaping to the wo, /as. Mnj. William Latuner, \V. 11. Nl'Connell, A. u r . and °then, left yeoter. ;!ay morning for Buffalo, to attend the Free .Ood Conventi,n, to be held - in that city, on Monday. ALL.V.IFNI . . — We understand the Councils of the city of Allsnrbeny, have passed resolutions en.. Joining the Mayor to employ whatever force he may deem neee,ary to preserve the pence. They Intro also appropr.ated one thousand dollars for the purpose aiding in the npprehension of Mean engaged in the salt ot the operative% in the l'eua Factory. OR Nionday last. Raston,-1)1 to 7 o . l3iJek kVA 1144111..mtmetu per• sons, ten males and aiz !entitles had been arrsted, under charcr of beim; concerned m the !sentry ri of or Monday last, of theui only two cominitinonta had ilCelli made: the remainder were • iseliaryed of bad w". int Mllllllll our readers, pa1 . ..1111,0' lathes, of Stgnor Vitt, VI:1 h Son , great catalogue sale of apical.' nalt,llf coal bie and alabaster an' urns Lunt ornaments, winca yen' take place, according advernmernent. on l'ueadtty next. In o . cloc k, A tl . and 3 o'l fork. P. M, at the new •tore of Charles Ilrewer. 11.1 , Market street. one door lcdow I.,corner 01 : , ,c0.0.1 street. Cataloguer ottll 1. , e ready can isr r 101.IICII Oil MUlltilly II .11.1 10 1,1 . tne most oplusolid nod rice c011ee,...0n :adey occamenla ever 011cred at putol.r. rail It A., rf . KA', ^ rn a Iter, ,, v tr! Lo• ccuociimti. Lana 11. e ooln.ncllceluew of Ine trntam oi lolk. I 0 &be 11000n , 1:01 Gen i . to.• In 111. 110 Hy I'. Anlxsynrh Tb • C.4t, city. Ls fur en.r. rri Ihr• Snore aug ••:., _ LE, — C1ILLVII• ;Ire 11411101 . 31 ,, anrt , thits 5155. liq urr the :talus. gooltut, tto itiNts et• 1 , 1 11.15 r Re•u.t , t.• e If llst.) &AAA our 5.5,5.1 55.-5 caul". 115e55.• 15,55:y re.pectul..e 1"11,C114, Lo has. Mr sJeo Ite , k Ern at. .rw Yurk Ms. Reeve.- Its rile 4, ,nue, 111,301,5 n. Mr It so 1 usook 515, IN Log mt. New' St , . 1.01.5. /melt 55051. Noutouro btland II U 0415 c, .ate b.rUns 101 . 1.12111.01. Amuses And L 55550 n I.lllldrtsi other • .1555. though .55• mum suet. , ...11, r/ 4. the bits to grow ota the itesstl 155,5, ...too 5: 511 , 11.(.11 maga. fell/0,11 ~..„tru 'TOM OW 100, \Ad Mllitll4 i5O/11. vr 55+1 un.• tt hoe allsri, irroL, nll.l teep.55,5r5 kat- , •./ 1,15 11101.1 riraun.l tin at %V M. .1A.C1,41,5 . 5 . 5 • ••••• n.:,.110.• I) """','"^"•r...r.. . •..I ". • i'llii!1=1111E1 rpoil, , ,C CO—..;ro wt.:. Ky A li I"i ) .l ,: it . lc i ,_ .. r s of ,, hy - 1-- ..__ __....-- i urr . r . 9N-73 L., , er. I X , I) . .. ~,,,, ~,,,,,r ~,,„,,, ,„ ,„,„,,,,,I ~ w 0„,„., N10,A...4.1.-' , --40 . .0ts sugar lions, a prttne :uncle or wte, t.enee vahrri,tashe.... , roe. are helve:l,y .O•An- . ~..!' to , “r , , ow , 0 ,, 0 - e coo.”'"nroet , 6114,4 OtOI euuu.rialus a Sueine..hcL ount". I). :1 ,, 1A)i) J. LNI'.. , &L, °• i'L• LL '.° L" LL L'. "‘''" LL L.LL` note . L. ' IL ' , L °L. ' I AWES IA itt , l. it II I . , , )1.1.. , , 4 , --- , A :SI 4,.0n , .. I ,d !!,,,,,, li A EaO”•'..o . "` • V'mo 'og , j._./ Co. tO Muss, .:. ORTe :14, :t t. tt At dt, X% nought , ,••• , r •• me ...iv t'o 3, '" '''',.. '...: '°' ...''.., ''.`a 1 CollarN Willett they aro •ohrag rti the .ow price i : 1...„ been rttOillorietteo in many aeruous of the counts - , as: „„,.. ,%: 1. , .r-on. , ihould he trn theurtrard when purcha-;:teto . grt the ;rut:tint 30.1e1c, preps fed al Ihttal.,urgh. l'a_ lk,l ORE CHEAP CALICOF.'!"-- A A MilAoll O. t 0 an, a;,21 111. received anoth , r ,ut of those ~.r) .-Nral.Cal,cr , -.4.-- --- •45 yards for one OW, r. , , N . ../1(11 1 / 4 . the, 17.)1. atennett; lei I /TEACIf Eli MCSI.I , s.-A Nt too at/ al. mow or •1111111 N , ' ins.'omacit. 111 VIINIe., .1) .•,, ‘"•'` Ille IPINha• ;11/10 gill . 1I ulet MU... //. /./• t. a”d tinted It they die 'rho , prepnred A. FA lIN U. k - - Intisher, it. Pa_ Is admirably adapted ill ti. Ope ton. , o • • imsthintieth air first. to remove the protecting muctut and reconon to .1„) ione J i A . etre. It.. worn,. retutersi benne.. al/11 tend, L. luN thus oiled It. reincin in which ever) con, , Alen./ .1411 1/ 1 / 1 .41. and that it I. answered the • J Rh I - i 1m rn" . m-inith`t from the It endreds of C'entheate• R--'clo ire.li 1(110.01 WtieNt ~,,, thu , giN.. N. bits nye I- 10ur... , re. d atm to:• tale tit aunt - 15 A Kit.M.Cs. Urj --- Lathe. who use Jones' ' , punish Lity White. have - • , by 0 tine wain- transparent skill. Of tam tnal SATTS-30 cask. s Sans. .a store and tor .ie .austy eu‘y one. Sold only in Pittsburgh at 1,, • uO6l LS NV A rEtt 51 AN will Libertl At - ON AND PLA A SINED--50eti :l e Bacot,. II bac. 1.1 Ft:ix-seed. 'mat received and tor male t., NW AND MRS. ARCHER'S oily) 1.. 55 A . rility .5N ACADEMY FOR TOUSIO LADIES, 1 No 1.0 0111.5.. BALT/MOGI. , QTARC/1-4/11, la./01y stun', tor sate by 'Tilly. PRINCIPALS OP TUBS ACADEMY :11111.111. 'll7 I. SNI .s'i mitt 111,r nest animal term will coalitioner 011 the ! rigs - r IN SE' FEMBER.. 1 and tor sow. by .1).11 Co Under their direction extensive Improvement. and _ addttimi• arc now being made In the Academie 'mild- ANDS TO HIRE- Several: good •ermat hu, d 1%- m , which will mid greatly In the comfort of all con- I for rent on We in in Augnot. rei by ned, and to •erure nos, met 1112,Cri./.1 , .4 ar• re. 101 JOHN II NI R. --I wood at that they will meeave ALIn - noNAL pupils beyotal ' - - - their u.usl nittaber. (101 -TEE-25.1 bliss Rio and Id ha,: x unyrii Cot- Thr location of One institution girea it advantages owing count and (ors'') whie h yenta ps could not be combined elsewhere The I. S WATERMAN, nomlier 01 pupils. for Ma last six years. ..shoo net-raged 31 water 11111.1 t.: front MA about oile hundred yearly. and during the lasi scads- mie on r •s not remembered nun there was one caw . indinion i ice, worthy of note, iv the family; this goe., Show 111 perfect healthfulness. II to eentral. an d ea.) and et:nisi-meat 01 access, to all parts ot the South and (Sr.). The hest PT01 . 0111011./. di all the ueefu: aial oritarnei.tal branches or cdocation. are at hand. Pre• man, of Mune, of the tirst in the country. are mina. ere It to honored with the eonfidence ot individuals in the highest standing in the community where it ex - ism. and below- there will be found the names ul many in awnnl parts of Mc country, who have. or hare had, I , daughters an the school. The French department will Sr iu charge of a highly ...rated Parisian lady, of several years experience 111 teaching. 10110 will reside In the family. mid to insure the advancement of the pupils speaking It, it is designed to use it entirely in conversation. A Professor in the department of Physical SCIOIIOI WU' deliver a course of lecturea, ri dung the term. illus. trating with complete apparatus, all the u and beautiful expeninonts. AD %Ali Mn. Archer trill he present in some one in the school rooms during every hour of recitation and besides Inking closers for inatruction, they will hove a .untentleace of the whole establishment I'hr extent of the itontutiou enables the Principals to allord these advantages beyond school 01 a nuts totic rOl pilptlawhile they avoid the evils of an over 1 grown .41111///11111[1.11, by not receiving more than eighteen pupils to each instructor. The minis for the scholastic year. for board .d LlMeillielltloll.ore T 4611, 1.10 extra charges being mud, bat for ornainental brrinehes and foreign languages 'Phi- tern. in the day .ohool are 515 per quarter for the rids - aimed classes. and *lll for the Junior classes Mr. Archer is tig - rndonte of 'West Point Adudenty. Refer 10 Mal. (toll SCOII, U. 14 A., Bishop .kiditiN Richmond. Va., Rev. Dr Wyatt_Rev. Thor. Atlrtuoint, ti 1).11., Rev. 1. M. Duncan, D Rev. G. Hamar r, D., Baltimore; J Bement, Esq., Va . Dr, II W. 'robs Vu lion. A P. Ala., Hon. W I. Shar key. Miss.; David Ruin, Alms. angs-lawltt _ - Three Stray Cows, TAKEN up by the subscnber, in Ohio Itownship. Allegheny coutit)—erne a Murk large Sac, ups of the hone- cut yearn uld; and ono a red. with tome w ite on her belly, u crop oil` the nght ear and slit, giving little intik of direr of her Mum, sor el year. old. The other ti brindled, with some white int her belly and tail. mid a white .It above the left ele larg sire, or years old. Theo wner is desired to prove property, pay charges, and take them awe). HUGH Dol- P. auarnw3MS. N the Court of Common Plc. of Allegheny Cana). No. I. o( Oct. T. Commonwealth Ez Itel Joan onnemon, James Vatter . .., a Immo. And now. to sett: July . 41.1,4--The final act...dal the Committee beat{ filed, the Court order trotter there or to be green by three weekly tow•rouw• toonew .1,0. her publrolked in Alleglpu) county; nod but the t urn. trotter. ernornart barter and John llenwdy4 w tw diwharged, unless gauge ShOWII to the • court ary Front the Record, HIRAM 19:1,TZ. Prr2lnu =in _ . CODER VIN EA( AR—l6 bbls for ante by lJ tturt:t Fitt PIN & Co. 57 wstter el _l)E'Uoittr!)" 1'" --3b' A Co ChIGAILS---t-he Met Fitments Cheroots; 164Xel Pucci!, ;or sato by nog& \VICK k M'CANI)CI - ISS All.l r COFFEE --LS beg! hlef . meibo Chtlec, 0 4 etich IV ICK & LANCI-1-S JAVA COrrk:F.--1 . 4 trees old Covernme , ft /eve 1 . . f. fec, fur mule etm.s WICK & hIICANDLESS W l 7.r iN g I S o % . ' ; ( 3: . !O 'A o S L S— UxI/ 4' d ' o -b lOr ' ettb ‘ y V \VICK & NCCANDI.E.S L las prime \V IL Cheese. mat toed rood L for sole by eutts WICK & M'CANDISI:Mh A I .Eit ,crt . c , b,o So let utut. for sale by WI , K h Al CAN DI.t.SS FUF.ATIII.II, Feat lbs Kentuch y Feaers. •alc by — augs Nylcv ,r...NexyANOLF_4d - • • SPICES—Cround Allspice, Cinnamon. Cloves, Mus tard, Ate. iu 5 and 10 It, Coos, for sale by - augs WICK & M'CA?iDLEtIS rOIOCOLATB—Z , hse Chocolate. for sale by sue. WICK h tiI'CANDLD;rt G ROUND GLNGE.K—r ., ltcgs pure Ground LiTger. For sale by nugs WICK 8. liI`CA , NDLIISS L AR 46 -14 kegs No 1 Les - v linh , t ,. / 1 !419k 1 F. 12A ULFSS TRAIall'I'S bbls for role by 9 DALT,KL.L PRIME MO COFFEF,--OG bags larsditig and for sale by irsd 0 LILACJiIIIt'IL% 8 Co VLOUR-100 holm hoe liour, for mode by X .IY4 JOHN S. DILWORTH This Fl.ltiii'.-Ptaysirtairre,ll44l74; 1 , . ,"011611A.YED.oss eteerbylf::s.:Pnild,Proraestexigs - ~;., , jri nal piettlkeliaintert.lny I'. H. Alanespaaxpi-Y for the publisher, cat ea eneleued;kir . the - Pe , Jruitsiass ''assephio cleat:loton from UM Pe uof the 1 , - eleerlai.uals . 'ilse platel 'a.% by -Ri inches. pmrdett ou T will Palter 2;llty :32.: l`r&fit E 3. or a. fear tames tut in- I - Etna 'rUF..DAT, AUGULaT B. C. dm paper, x. 5. J. NE:ALFL Patinsber Se t Cennine street, Nees , iit„. I l'crevaptory paler. Fire: Thvic,artd 1 , 1'5 . .. ff . H-00 11. [E7 . Orden may he lef at the Exchange Ilmel, ror Retro! the stock of the Ltesktltstrrox wont.mne C 0. ,... Paull nod fit Clair street., u-here copies ran he seer. comi'ion The'agent will remain in tins ea to or 12 day s. nod .. . ,KU Pte of Won Dyed Block Cosan ‘ xtkres; call on gentlemen at their :mores and offices with copes ' %fili do dtfi do , L ?. L . o; dm eantravind. ang4-1.4* Ala do H o c k,c blue and oust Doutidas, - ' SOU do Blue ..1 allied Cassiinefes; 1 "..A that e ".. i .' e 12. 111). 1 .; . 1 A ir . In Sch N 00l Director. u ' I : h f will ,It ' t ' o n i; t 7 ,,, w „, ‘ , 1 ,, ' t;_ra, ' :„;,,, -" Tg7sn a cts pc' eulu ‘ s k . "'' siotorday, the Mtn day of August. at the honer of Mrs BROAD, LOTH,- marl pieces 01 cool dyed book, Sarfih MeFar1a.1...Ha 1.. ....... aua 1 , .tu 0 cau' ,, indigo blue anti co, d Cloth.. of a, superior manufac- A. &I, for the purport of esanuntn.3 any Mtwara , who . ~,,.. nary wish a mulattos; as Wagner to the Pubbe Schoen.. I Hitt-Hoff COODS-250 pnekages fresh imported in avid township. There are 11 teneheru New., 1. and i ~u , ,,,,,,1, D ry u ,„„J, , ,„,,,,,,,,, 8 dc w,,,,bl c „,..„,„,- hterul wagon given. Schooln to coinciebcc ... tte i roent Ent of September next. By order of ale Board. I DOMESTIC (1001111-. -230 packages Amencan man ang.l-a.3l°S JOHN Ii CLAISIiFY. sec'Y atistured Ni, °mien .d Cotton Gant, comprising a DHLESS BONEs . de•ir.ban assortment. '. . , Catalognes and samples will Ito ready p 0 Monday, To r.. , (3I:THFIRN AND wv....TvaN mERcitANT,.. - - _ ii 4 .1 5- T (.. aQ. W. cARR, Manufacturers . of Umbrella, '_''' '".'. el . Parasol and Dress' Bons No. I 3 Nord; THIRD , By Janie. ill'Kenna, Auctioneer. street. above Race, PHII..kI.;ELPIIIA, invite tlo, mt. ' t tent.. of klerchant. and Dealer. to their esteasCuo.- l , ig-nor rife l'iti .1 . Sores groat caw:tor. salt of sortment of the above emelt... wlitch they If at re- .„4„..,i, L -,,, , , m ,„ ..1 1 a ,u, ~,,,i . . 4 , 14. ,,,,,„ A ~, ,p , ,, iloced paces. An examinnuon is solicited. ' Vas. Urns, (Jo-lumen., .7r. ang 4 dkluv - - ' sin Tuesday item. Aug.t h; 011 10 o'clock la toe I For Rent. tore noon and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Will be sold by . TAT commodtous bor a eure:hoe 'EOM , and catalogue, at tic new .tore of Charles Bresvez•. Mar- I 2 . larg ß e lot. the ilenee or Mri. June Allure, on , k O ., ~,,,, 0 „,. 0 „,„,,. ~,,, rho corner o f ~,,,,„.1s Webster street. Dear li, tcou i.f ts.,...ssah we.. I ellOll,lVe runt sirlendideolleation elate Inc...geom.* ' on ..Inc ]] o r o * .‘,.,.* . ]..,1 carriage huusc, tot t bona,. I , irannieinul and useiul ultiel, aver 0110000 at p u air Lake oven. r and + a variety of shrub.. and grape vines. I ..aie in nits city, consienng. to nor , of superb m.... 10 1 , 0., , ,, ,,,,, .-‘,l be {nettVll the 1.1 of Oclobc r. or soon- ' centre tables, large lirtrtitglio agate, yellow 06/8.118 er st raquited. Elopnre on th, preita,•. or GII . jilt, (:mine otru•ran hobo cave., silver and gill candelabra, near Wiumington street, of Ml'"' \ VI " . lie , 14 fififimmt , emid:esorku. eaces. card rceetsers, audj-dtf l fret stands, parlor vase.. cologne bottles, optical I n isses. _ 1 rich French china vose...isuer totem". u ttlt PelsMfit• 'g . dowers, inkstands. cruidlealickn. urger ligbier, richly ornairtentml.pamted condi - en:lc ks,brortie figures, magic bells, paper weight., and a pout variety of u.O - .d onmincliml arueles 'this clinic,. colicetion v. us selected by Signor Vito Vitt & SOS, St tile ino.i celebrated intoodarteries of Europo, and opened for the first tins into;. city. where et, erg article will De wild tl/ the highest bidder. The root., wall be opened to toe public on Monday mere tug-, August 71a. 'Foe hones mud gentlemen of Pitts burgh and vcinity arc teepee 41,,11y invited to call nod 0000000 tho l ebove splendid colon-non of useful .d tunny articles. itug4-4t JAIIEd MeICENNA, &act I 'l l ll`NiZrf, co. 192 lb* 11,1_1., ,houldcr., 111 cugi Y— ORIC IN 131-1(-4...5.[n Iton Sides, do Mans; 2.2.0 M do .., , to.mdWe't ~ to point. order; for sale by augl II EtOI4I . :3UN Ic. Co REASE— ,,, X. ,b,ll.tca-e, •olonble fwr nolulonor) frlr sale I.y nog I K It01:11: 44, N b.. I'o lifs,f .d jl, unJ for Hale by QUGAR— , ..III/d. N rir I . ,ER do . . 111 An, mild lor .nler rots; I R ROLIit•ON M u .il ,,, Sr , r i t , I.Rdrotrbitirri ..Y5 c u Erirgi R RORISON 0 Co e. 4 Rlr., re., pRUN ton• Prg :11,11.11, ion react:, eee.l neCeite l‘rr trarg.l a R ILIER•UN INT ANTIel , — exi , rtenr. , ! la« t Frew,. nl.l 011 F. V V W till A:1 elncle r••,:Tneve. , ovvole vleluslvely Addre•-• 13ux •-n9• • - N. I-. j1...f, w.Jt it • j uu4l JOON D OM: A S,Drup,..J. ..‘,JJJ•I .1 I) ;ji‘Jr'jj:;'ll:‘-.'" dut ''''' j :•11.. AJ - J , J , J I. • , . 11 0 , 7 1 11 , g , C "K „Jtjl ' T .'"r" .l4 " ;k r l.\ 1t. , 12t7/1:\ b) Cl.r.mor ie coo 11".: ai ry cunt, IA 4,1 s• owl .1. A".rn -1 .., c ' So. It. IU Dug! at., 1. Nv . nut:: I I.) \V 11.1.1 A'.(- )t 1111= I Alt Lesrd •a, ,•••• cn rolt•,ngno, it. by atiel J.Oll, 1,t1.21.j.1. AN—,, ark 1,1( V .11(1 JAM E,. 1).%1.Y.E1.1.. a 4 water Kt •or I.7.suet it IN 1/.1 . ..0t.. , .1 4 S EEI.)- „ .11;...4- 1 =Jo ,rsnL' J,fl' St kt t• w y:rt 0 . dI.IIC 1 , , .k 1%, ,1,1)..111. ZlALLiticrus--z ca.k. Cleve:awl Sa;craft., Iler .alt LI /I'3l CA:NI/LASS T inus., sound prlndipw%. 11 ..ni1 ,,,, 4..nnY dud 101 CS 01 I.IIC lin.,uranen and Sa v.... Bunks, FAIR!, . and Anil:III:an Law Pecunun4u. ran-wave In ;he nrw , ot Banks and Hunters Br. Fdinrd by J Jor ;$ - 41 , POINDE.XTER a. Co liTuans chest. i P. a.d linperltti T.:as; For %nle A,ltit+tll.7l"l , l NFITS—A A 'loans C. iotve Itot ror'd of Nloaquino No::., of vortooA t ‘ outi• I•es no 4 ,Vlto LMU) (111,—.1.. 'lurklturdi, on hail.' ue and , or li) 1 FOLD et. '.7a, ACCALIF-fl: 6Nel-T—Jtnn rre'd and for bale Ly KIDD &Co MOBACCO—It4 onr Cut Tobacco. krhowidg. 1 . on baud nodfor gait J Itlllll & Co .1 , 2--120 bush llais.Just reed and for sale by ll JY6 \VICK & IWCANDLES.S - COTTON YARNS.. !cc —50,0 W !Ls asscrrted No la, Dales Candle Wtek. 150 do Saturn, Corp..t &c, Twine, tor sale at manutacturers pitros. FitIkIND. ROM" .1. Co 7011:11 liIItAL-11 bbl, Anshote`s ktlil tined Corn lj Meal, both white and yellow. In more tend mr enla by /I , t , blele ,reeh grouml anal fur u.e by \ BARBA' 1:11 ACICEREL—C.IbbIe No J m ,torr 11'1 tor utleby Jr.= 11.11".11.11 till • - C`HN—VA bush 1 elicox Cora, to .:.re rtml io•do ,r-W I bas Crean; Cher., a t;‘,. art.- v. a; store and for .nle 1111:11AI t.II AA— - T(X)L! lughe.i pane p:nd yy in cash (or Wool, by :11'41 rt.A.s N W 11 Morph; to, rr• JuL cci viral a few Int re• uw.eraw•l „are Home-Made Flaunt.. Asa. florne-Nln.:.. 11l „4: , ,- K14'114, a good article, and at 3 low pnee. at northeast canter 4th and Marken an. at: 51 BLUE ANU ORANGE PRINTS, 1111 d 11111 e Met . , triack do. constantl) Lot hand at lowent pr Ice, ai wbole-ate loom of W MURPHY. xug I cor Ath rt,il marl.ct exult prune Cliccie, BA Ju W lj do; just received acki ior side by 00 L WICK A. SI'CAN LA EATIIE..I—.4-4 such, primc lecOvera, lur vile by r cut(' 1% IC K A MCA N BIWOMS—Ior dot Corn Broom , for Ellila 11 ILK A ACC.•.NIh...ESS • • AND ttllr 91 la's I v.. oo.vrioic order. in 1 and 1 lads, nod for Ale Ly mostJ KIDD k Co _ . ; 111.—INIgi bboo-11,15p ,- rdi 00, lODdo ne ga turn) ...red do 0., Intl do locarNcd Whale do do, 750 do' ,cm, oi bids I Nnut's dodo; 11l ila Brawn da do; ;Ist recal and ior I sale by 11.7 MILLER a RICKE'I*SON , I;s1 . 311—dol bids N.. Ma b itarvi, sdoNo 2 do, too i halidi• Nu 3.1 a; 20 do No 2 do, 10 do N,, l do; just receood sod or sun: by J):17 RICKET:, , N US 2ii Long Inland \ ludard.lrru INJ. do do I nod l lb eat.; 5 eases Oo do bo 3 croe'd unconsionolni. nod for at Eastern by IY2, .LER & RI I'KET,‘ , ry • XI ALEhltbd,—... inr;.. No 3, In half do do No .111 2, to ljuln do do No 2, tnt+ do do No 2. :+al- Mon. to st.ste nod for .we by it BLACKBURN A. i' B ACON -3 Ithdo fifteen S,ttr a. for I.l+o why to clooe .119. • • ItI.AC4iBUICti Is Co 1 AHD A Lob idite LAN to.. .0 ,00re ...I for p,le U 111....1,1,111. IL\ 1)17. e i t ,o oo do powdered; to MO, and tor JAAILS A lii"TtIIISONA ro. jytil Ages,. of St. Loot. Steele Supt. Itch twr) _ . t.. 2 11. MU1—1t..9. - ES ANL , (tOLDI—N bele Ai • St Louie S II Mulaeor_4; 5 do do litddet St rap, 10 hi do dodo; t.eo non gall°o ieds dad?, foaltdo by ... . jy24 . JAS A HETCOISON S. l:o TOWNSEND'S SAICSALLIAIUr—..rust rsceat;ti for sale Ly JOEL MOHLER. iyi7 Post Ilutidioes. or wood and 311. sts - - oWFH VAROLINA TAR-110 bhl. N cTor, to 11 good order. for sale by UMiALEY & et rrii Jr2 s _ vetted .t N 0.3 hi.ACKl:ll):.L,—ibt,i,...i.lot Ylkie I•y J A:UE:4 IDALZ 3.1 • _ • S HURTS—NI WO, short., fur Arslc by JOHN S OHTH NEW , TOR= mardlngs, Prima it; itosini. By John D. Davis, Alaotionner R tit •,olkl on Monday after:,,on. 7111 Mal ' , du , I, at Duct.' comulercal soh, rooms, corner o coots and Flith ntre.l. tor neeouut Vliikonrktinny eun ern, Id hhlr e , ng . nr Bonne M0113.33e.. I tsblll No J Moe k erel. 7 1 api Itto 00,...,1 , 3, • I , L , er end - Ott, 01113:33. I I,,gc nrc prou Pry Good, al Alittion. Can Nlunday morn i ng, .tug. 7, at in o . elnek, al th e eaosoneretol Sale. goon, earner or Firth puce. will 1,, sold. wnhout weer:e a v valuable of ....noble Dry booth , . conal -tang or a ateat yore yr ealato... ote ,l .eKter onagiaanal. lowno, bolzarme de Inane, dra wog., to eerie, lawn butane.. pow Heavy tanned ilia, and cotton dy n.-o, 10 Viral'. hamd laixr, uicani d hate hale. t ouna hyron and gun pawder tea, carendl.h tobaaco, pa rran medicine.. hardware. euncrv. t,lla are. quecnrware. aLe the bat :MCC o l a eounin , e Pine minoparant window blind, table.. drenaana, andrlain DU 11,11.10, fatty 41111 COOllllOl l CIIIII, window saali.arw i4attra, rya. Al o'clork. Caner), jewnlry, inualcal inatrusneara. dry good.. Can. and Taylor lidk G.:etler end cap pap ,. r. • ia tr pa., as, Lag .1 •WHN D DAVIS, Aura . - • JN Saturday cventsm. the sth lost. at n at the Ornittiort . at,. koote. corner of Wood and Filth ,1r wt,l turge co , dernon of valuable tai— ,tntous Look.. embracing auttard work. theoi hwory art., nelenc,l., naume, hr.. Al+o, r , Wr/Z.Llg pap,, .a=1!) . :zlO.l pockct 1,3 . 13an. hoo'c•. piano t o.lr, gold and A ~oneittli of enor , ivloo. on' various !Lc he. Ihmto...tnunactl on thc niternoon of sale I •upertor 501.1 Patent Lever WutcG, bit ,wraed, tip J Jouln.. , ll.l.lNerpsiol, neatiy or art! to Mc, 0,14 JOHN D Au J U rWILLIACIS . t. u i.l Aar May .and !Jolla,' City Band jilt A nte at =EMT Nlondur e‘euirtg, August 7111, at 8 u.k. tbr ctal suln• rooms. corner o(wood ut.d .tr.tree , ..bon onnuerc d of Lit elty of l'orsburah for Out Thonaati.l realretuaLia , on Iro Alay,lstr, iorcr rr pro able .4 . 11/1-LLPu LIT. 01./1411.1 . Lands. nog! JOHN D DAVIS. Auel EAGLE SALOON, WOOD HIOPIAN SERENADERS' AN)) r.oLA Moo, - BEN EMT I)1' 11.$1)N EASS THIS lirre ♦) 111 F. ETHIOPIAN SERENA DEN, In t.on the vortiter Troupe ))))) 0r,t.)).).)¢ PHouda) ) ev, our. Jo.y The ))), •,1% ,o) r•olatur):11 )-011.)41 4 MMMEI ~~ ~.-';~~F.i ~ r i U„r .0 C 44,• No, r itott, t MU eru,.. I . llant.. I lot,grantthe:ththl.y. Jro ant 1 n.t.ths. Ationo,n: only kr:r ALt ,zottlthty of the Lent Icy Cicam t.t . ncti op to v1.111.r, The belt: order end decorate pre , ervad thantge oat We entire estahlteinnont. ati x.e. Ley 211 . W(1 1 a) JONES tr. CO !patio Ha ll , 4th street , nears Wood. TfiE ORIGINAL VIRGINIA SU( ENADERS. J Ii Nlere, 11. A. Ilarrincton, t. 11. Crosby, 6. Kunkel. Sdlmuou. t. 11oru, Will contd.ue their unique nhiopiati Concerts at t above named p,uee uunl further uottee, with a thou of programme every erelong. During the week conirmily wtll ittrature the Burlesque Ind.. Dui Negro Statuary. to . which wt. received at the Ch.. nu . Si Theatre, win, innucimr applause. 'theatre, open at past 7—io commence at I past a pi - Card, of SAMIILLIOII, 25 cents. , r WM. BORN. 'Agra _— -- tvlstittam Its essrvo. 1T a grout sati,actlon to us to he utile thus publicly 1 t “1111.1111,, Mat me great demand for our super. , um! u p. -mod prcpural.one or our ••FAMII.I . MEDI Cl ]I ;sr erre,. our most sanzume expectations paineulurn our Indian Expectorant and Compouto Curnitne,tive 1160511111 , whirs lor beintny on oppeatatice 4un-riorli:, of nieredient-, and the conapouroline to-m. tocethet with the inarnetwe disparity sir • m our bottle• over any omev,—Mc beautimi 111141. , 1101 oe,. em,ravit,es. anti me tulle domihyol the put ti of on them up. is u lumber incitement to the parsonscr Awl as many on my od e inert. who knewts• rit (tat,. Lovvtm.)vellett to the employment of Dr I) Ju, he. I IA .v . beg leave respcctfully to adorn, then :Lot I ,1111 one on the firm of .1..,0UDE-.'N it Ca, Arch street. bolo. Third. I'm: szAct.n.uta.. where I shun ,e happy to nee them. who, aided by his brother, regui t. r r ummte of the ••I'lliladrlphiu Collect of Phut uacy," masc. put up. and cortmound, with our ut. hoods. every comprising our ••rannly Merit cows." eir Indiurt Expeetoraat. Compound Curtain. tire Balsam. Compound Tome Vernutuge, West ludi• ,31l1111[11, Pills, nod Oriental 1101, T4IIIICII. We further beg leave to remark, Mad we do it wit nt confidence that entrant hr shaken. ) thul we have di COVseed And made . isoproVemeut Mt our Orient Flair Tome, that at est e,ds ally um( niver offered the public. Give us a call at No. ri ARCH steer Out terms alone ore ein inducement, told we are su of the rcmlt.aufl::hn The Iltass.k.ers' Magazine. =EI • Poruculer attention will t.e given a• here:more fif Inn etnnpilnnon 01 recont decinina.rreareme Wok.. Bro ker., Mll• of I.".....chunge. in Note, Bond, Notarie•, l)atna,c, Conn. of Ma, ILaCilu.etts, Connecueut. I.oa, Peons )I v nom Maryland, Virpnia. SOlll.l Caro Imo. Ohio. Loonnana, ll'efirmnare. mid oilier "roue. Thla Ire oof tte moat important felting, ine work. and ne to 11.11e:1 claim the nnennou of I . re...delfts. Costner,. 'vet en. Not and other, Among oilier detail. of infielllrt• auce to hankers and thn work will contain 6i:f ustier of the Bank• hi every smnle ante Union; too graphmal aketches of prominent 13ankrea of Europe nod America: I/Metal nide. showing d. tae, [ie.', expenditure., and financial rood moo of the -.eve rat State. of the Polio Pubisnbetl niontlq, 64 pages octavo, at Three lor, per anntl/n. ELLIOTT Lt. ENGLISH, 7t... Woenl a. aut3 Agrnts fon Bankers' Nlngnxitte _ New pubifoi ,, lo..• IT ISTORY CONGlLESS,.lltogra; , lstra: arid I'ol/- 11. mai. cumprteittn ntell.l , l tba member. oi time I.:ongress atthe Hy H Wheeler. !Uttar:and nnmerouslloal,l“, 0. : 41. e Val.l. rear, -rho Nally g. n or C. M Flat and ankireame, wit n anni F.a1 , 1,d, op it liiecl) I soh - v s What I ,aw in Oink...a. fly Fit 0.111 IttyanL Vol In on .intime., Poet, John and Lnite. cl, n ra”, an d Counter,. than.; liy films M'lnto , ll.au• thOr or -TO Artlll :rad to -Coat,unAt.• b. e. Man? t.ro,er, a iknunnlin l'entperunre Talc, By C Burdett Rnsro and qurens. or lase ni the Polace, cossantoss; of bottom:at ssketchoss us One and trigillltg sonsros,sst. By J. I Abbott: A Faso Book in Hparosts. or a protocol sr...R.llms to the Wady or the srlpoossois Longnages Ity The lYYsrsK Robot Owl other talc, By Rey Dr. A ',lra. 300 r, d dry K. 1101 . 1CINS. Apollo Buddiup, ot. nstssl _ Sbuceetoor to K . 1. Rent.: FANCY DRY GODS. SEAMAN 4 MUI 321 IBroadway,"Newrork, 3IPORTERS D JOBBER* of Wily Fre Ile Its pri ird Mo.lws, Ilareges, Loo,d, Embroider., Men , tthawls, ....o.ores, Lawns, lloininizine. AND ALL Opillt V ARIF:IIE:3 EA.\ CY GtXtbS. Thai inviter...try Niervltants. visiting New Vork, to examine their Moe), henore titaantg their pureiaturs. Mr Miur was fur many years 01 the house of T. Stewart h. C., trOin which hr roared oy tha tat of Jan. lain: and Mr. J3mr , rhyl.soa, (who Lta.s an intere4 to the tonAiness,l was alul ht.:m.l+ly known In that r+utb -11,41111.m. anatin y pta Ordittamoo, Author, .r 141 ,, the I;hthliu rfr. BE it oploAnod Altd Wlatted 160 r.l,ra• rittolutfgh, iAt•ciect and k 01/.111011 COLIZOIi • /14. setableLl, Tjlat Culawitler on streou, a."l bc - anil Oro herrtry author:U.4 to °antra, tor thetowldwg of a Sewer I.3tinfolitt o.floy, horn tor street. to roam, olth one abuus 40 La 1,0111 Itual Forry thiy provldwg .acre 20 e 4hali no: •11 morr limo Oat Itututrcd ••••,1, t• arreby appropsawo ion that purpow, and cliarqc ea.* to approwilwoki. Nu Oritotned and taucled unto a loin w Cua.l,lla. Ilea first day of Augam. A D.l-4, liirrea.Ll 310RUAN RA.I - 161,1:1-4./N• C S. Vox Lloluctokal. yth. prk.:Arem C C I()L7N sorruN Pres 1 C Joici 3.4001 L Cl,, S. C. • uW•3 " - An Ora - risatioisi I Chia 0 pri Og the eon, of Ifeery Slew, 13K n ordained and ~..yorA by me ouree• ei l'indiorrh, . i oe , e; 1 mid Common Coured- a - .0-10 ., ied, Ton:from mid ester Cm passage of tiyi tir./.• mance, that Heti* . strem, in the Stith ward, colt he known and deasgiitned by thenupe of Tape. erect. Ordained and miuslAd .Abo a law in Councils. this Emu day of AnimAy .. .6.l). 1016, . ;Attest; . 140f 1 fieaN 11.010111TbON. Preet, C.C. p. Vire Iluasatrisist i Clk. pm trio C. C. JOHN bUITTON. Pees's. S. C. Jut. Mama, Clerk b. C. augti.:it 1: - - SIOS Aiiree Cool 11 - o,sa . 4.5. Sole r SITU &T of , the MonopoiMela neer, a l ong ED 14 4tulles from Pinabiorb ; r id 3 bides a6Ove. tbitd 1...6k; to the immediate flee:111.1116nd by !decry-A.1460 & Sheri, and Mr. ;onn - Herbub's purelbor. This ,ftne body el Cori soli: be told at the LOW Frieg i of 8:X 1 1. 6 ... ----6 . 1 third in Maid, tiulauco to for eqtai annual payee.... n e without interval. Title indisputable. Locution. re good --Ott be surpasmd. For further partir.o enquire or S. BA LSI.IIY, who him a draft of said re. pony. Residence Mi st. below Ferry, Mr, Adams w. N. 11 'Mere I. another seam Of e . ..... 4 ... this 1,661 1 SW. GO felt above the lower ; of ....Oleo( quality. rryt , dd S. 11, = ~ - ~ i ~ .Sugar floe,. I=ll o'clock, /110(171. A. UkOCERIVS. AMISFAENTS. OATS. CINCINNATI & PITTSBURGH DAILY PAC.KET LINE. rival wen loosen line or splembil passenger Stem' 1I ere is 'odor corapoced orthe largem,eniftest, bee allotted and turetehed, end maw powerhal boat, on the wettereof the West' 1 try accommodation and nom. fort that money can procure, has been provided for paw. wOncre. The Line has been in opelapan for fire years —age Celli.' a roiliten of people without the least tttlo ey 10 Weir persons, The boats will be at the foot of Wood strret Ow day prestous to starting, Ow the recep tion of fn-isht and the entry of passenger% on Ore rep ter In CI ease, the paean° mortal' mug ne Psi. in advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. G. &Ulm, 01 14 iaav , P.nabuzgh cacti Sunday owning at ID (Palo* 6,01 7 Sunday a mang at 10 r. MDY 11,47. MONDAY IF.ACECET. The MONONGAHELA, Capt. SVOIOI. 10 . 1 ,.../ ia. " burgh every :Monday morning et 10 o'clock; every Monday evening at to r o. . . The HIRERNIA•Na. Y. Capt. 1. K1.131011 211 * leave etarbergo every Tuvvday manilla( at Ur detach' Wheeltug every Taeaday eveniug at 10 r. at. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. Y, Csspt.lens, will ne 1-`iSburgh every Wednesday morning at 10 'r; y ooi, Wheeling every Wednesday evening at lo K. THURSDAY PACKET. Tue ituiL,Luorr, Ceyt. ttuecc, will leave NM usgh every Thursday morearg at 10 &clods; WheeJiag erY Thursday eveaing at 19 r.. FRIXIA If PACKET. The eLIITYR No. C.f.- Pier burgh r.very Friday monung at 10 o'cloelti Wheeling every Frithry eyentrvg :It to r re. SATURDAY PACKET. • The MESSENUER Capt. S. Rases vt.tll leave burgh every Setup:lay aterni.rat at 10 o'ektek Wheetutz every Saturday evening ea 10 v x. • - • NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE . OF CA sTEAAT PACKETS, il ia IEI4 ti . ot_kletovro yrs Pitleburko dull), MY acloct, A. M, and ar es Uln•gotv, ,tnuuth of the Saody end Beaver - et 3 o'r lock. and New I.tebon at tl , same night t. New Ukhon ato'clock, P. It9t.kiNS tha p ranol to the river der o the night,)und Glkagove 9 o'ohtek. A. M., end PITIVe• ht Pinshurgh 3P. . . NI — . lap. mak aa; avonunuoill line for carrytnt pas wcag.,ra liwia (retain Loweeit New Lisbon and Pats burgh. 111 altoncr time and at Inas rata.* thanby any he proprietors or this Lute have t h e pleasure of ta ming the pubhe that they have tilted up two first class mit 1k... tor thy nceonsmardation of passengers and mid, to gun in rounection with the well known atus LeAI.ELI curt: sod BEAVER, and ded." , " et Glasgow, with the Pinslmrgh and einem .and other daily lines of steamers doom we Ohio 1 altostosippi rivers. The propttetors pledge them inns to .pare no expense or trouble to Insure cam satett and it:staid, Aral oak of the puldre a shwa ;heti' p.ronago. UTHORIZIa.AGEYIM 1 M. lIARTI-N, &W. 11. A RHAUGH, t P‘M•burgh. It HANNA. & Co. J 11A RBA h Co. i" .w L.b". NOTlCl , e—The martinet BKA PER. C. F. Carte, man tee wall leave after tins nonce, tor Wellsville purtatue any. at 9 e'r nick in the nutantnor . . 013 1848. PITTSBUFWEI 6 BROWN/MI:LIM Daily Pocket Lino. 1:711121:ARY Ist, lA, FEI:III.7ARY lA, 184 LEAVE GAILY Al's A. M., AND 4 P. M. ~..w.- The follownic new boats notapletn „ , ~ .4‘ toe L. for too present seadoin AT LANTIC, caps. James Parkinaon} BA um. Capt. A. Jacobs; nod LOMB MitAINE Cant Fl lit r nett The boats are entirely new, and are fitted up a about regard to egptinsn Ev ery comfort that money can procure has been provided. 'rbe Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Bout el the foot of RONI at. Passengers will he punctual on board, a. the boats will cer.ttly Leave at the advise. used hour. e A. M. and 4 I'. Id ABM . .. _ __ PITTSBURGH & WHETLING PACKET: The .wilt steamer . CONSUL, Dorsey I' - Khotey, MIISICT, will lea,* egularly for Wheeling, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, et 11/o'clock precisely. Leave N% heeling every Tuesday, Thuritday and Sa tarday. at 7 o'cloelt, a or, precisely. 'The Consul will land at all the Ult-0111.13.41.10 pant. Every accornodarion that can be procured for the com fort and safety of p.ecugers has been provided. The boar ts a:. provided with a .elf-acting safety gourd to prevent exptowons. For (rent ht or paetrapily 012 board or to DAVID C liF fen 4 corner of let and Smithfield sta FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The line new steamer . 1 7 1 :1M r. 1 , , ,,, 11113.1. S m " al E" te S r A v \ al leave tli for above nisr - -14 Interne-hate ports this day. Kt Fur frogla ur p.sage, apply on board. imp_ - - FOR CINCINNATI AND gt: LOWS. - ~.., The splendid new steamer e ‘ '.l VISITOR, Jacobs, master, will leave for above nil intermediate ports this day. For freight or passage, apply ou board. maga :a. FOR T. LOUIS & ILLINOIS RIVER. • . The fide ate D amet ray.. Cock, muster, will leave for the atone nd intertnediettc ports this day. For freight or pe.wee apply on hoard. FOR CLNCINNATI. The fine Pt..< r RlO GRANDE, r iAttimici Conley . , master. will blame for above ^ mtermcdtate ppoom Mu day. FOR CINCINNATI AND ST . LOQIB. The fine steamer wyoroNG, 0 0 .? ! , Fowler, master, will leave lavabo. d tatermedinte ports this day. Fur freight or passim, apply ou board. angs FOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid steamer FARR". Mamma. master. Will leave for above and onermenhate ports on Rua day. For frmght or passage apply on tinned, or to mica D W ILION I FOR CINCINNATI. 511k4., ene set et '''''', Of 1" • - r-, Pt FA ENGLAND, at i ' 4c j a L I T e '' •t r :ti " :1 2s e er. ed ‘ r, - , - . - . ; 01, ° :, f, : :: el:1y. et 10 e'e lock, tn place of the Chpper. For freight or passage apply on boactL 11144 REGULAR CiNCINNATt PACRE'r . The fiecalerimer HIGHLANDER,,., 4 4I4;;;;.' ParkinsOn, master, wili teems lm the • • hove end intenneditaa ports Utisder• For freight or passage, apply on board. sllB 3 FOR CINCINNATI. asta„,. The splendid use ear Flbert. master, sslll leave for above mad luterenedlum pons revalarl) For trenghx or ih•saga, apply on board. niag3 FOR ST. LOUIS. The ,piebald passenger steamer • Javeu, mistr, v S Treltve for above ti maimed ateporta this day. For freight or pas/meet apply on board._ 1454 FOR CINCINNATI. - Theuerr .master l4l Burke. roaster, willies,: I . oi [Le above , vl urterraeatoteport. regularly. For treigaL or palsage apply ou FOR Citiell , LNATl vi.:-ev- 41 The Ile IV sad splandid steamer SAC/lA : RV TAYLOR, ..'skl Lucas, musics, will leave lot above Intermediate portsregvilasty. La or pasage, apply on boanli ______ pal_ FORCI „,,,, 1 The nemi-r . V . l&llrau r et atilla=ol limintr, mum., 'vitt leave ftsr .1116% bore and intermediate ports this day . Fur frusta or plaraire apply on hoard. P/2 9 FOIL CINCINNATI. I . 4it The fi p a i rit i rr l v i, I ZlA , ilmliZt:seansea All,rore. waster, will leave for above ad inter..aw ports tlos day. For freight or passage, applg broad. jrn _ FOR ST. LOUIS .1.N13 ILLINOIS RI V EL The tine steamer SWISS BOY, Dn idson, rnorter. will I i n - nn uorrs tool IWe r IlledlU le pans. rots day. For frolgat or passage, apply on Ow ,no. 403 .. . FOR CINCINNATI AND RT. 14../UIS ,,, 'lle elegant 10te,,,,, w , . ... „1, RI tOGOLD, CdP , m 4 od` , will leave for the above nd iesierme .linle porn ads day • For Irelebl or llnsmge. a*,,..fy on board. 1 1324 FOR ' , 4t71. - (TI:IS. eve- The One ueve Light draught steamer I.FAVLS WET21..1., Thompson, crooner. wlll leave for the above and oneninUltao ports regular, ly. For freight or pnmage, npply on board. _ jyr FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. ,• . - The Sue a:rattler ..., COLORADO, Gormly. Rwer, will leLve lor above 4 Intecniednue ports thin day. For Creorbior ray age, apply on bout e ty% FOR ST. LOUIS. The fine ileum,: J EAVYIV, • big nu l '"11 Rougher, inner. will trove for the hove Q. intermediate pone regeilerly. For treleht nr piiwerec amity on bnanl. bIP FUR CINCINNATI AND • Tlvo oplendsd a:raise, A3IERICAN EAGLE, • i ..k,ktnsoa master,vr . ill leave Gar th e . above st. n , erareasats porta regalaxly For rrciallt or passage. app:y cut board. Jill, .. . FOR CINCINNATI. .i.nfrr• The light dreesta .:ensue, t ' 4 ''_ ' Dovi u s. ‘, moo er., i ' e d . r7,:i t ri po l i l j c r llL } i , :e ' L.jh a„ e ty aSette- For fretriat nr towline apply on CINC board. jei_o_ . -- FOR INNATI . The splendid stem, N NIAGARA, tatp, - Vi l p lambs, wooer, wit; telt,' re,,, b ,,„ art maand interrnethave Aorta ret,rnible, ___ h or 1 r..tflo or pstenge apply to 000 rd. .`s l ' FOR CINCINNATO JO D ST...lkllr is . ' 4 .__ N ThO *PeatZMiter4iteariscr .P• ' i ggShl , ....._,_._"..., ' 4 * leave (or above nil litre roir...Lew Pte. ts egularly. For lieu, tit 1. protege.. asely iyL5 HECiI. ' ..II LNIC!'"V ..._ L'AC /Illtr. FOR CINCINNATI. c use she ~,,,,, i 1 (. 1 -... _ . Vrni4NSYLVAN/An Orgy, tth rt%ter, 1,11 lea, ret.d...,19 ~.a " .-, above, in place t o the strew, lilnisgda , .. :For rretsht au pawls.. rApO 0 r on bond. j. -- -- - - —.- - FOR BRIDGEPORT AND SUNFISH. ',pew. The. at ond sobstunual low wale/ stersaahoat HUDSON, Aim drew Poe Altute. has resumed her regal, trips bet tloscn U , Ssaport,, Stothah sod Pius hers!, IhtVGFS l'insbiug4 on Mondays and Thursday. insio p HI tiIEABLAR PACKET POR SUNFISLL . The orar l otel fast stmt. Barnes, wastes, will leave for Maws W %manned°at port. on VireAgew days and Salowlaya of each week. For freight arms: sage apply on board or to . • . kbl4 B dip,
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