MEDICAL. TOTED 3 }TAFF/L.OMS AND 14,1F21111FJ8 OF TIM EINDIPAL SOCIETIES, Illother4 , Wlf• and Daughter I N TIIE UNITEMSTATER.—The su Weedier respect fully calls Dior ellititiOn to Dr 11. m i -re's Gcsa nun,~~reosly intended for the preserNation of the health of both sexes—whether it arises from lumpient early consampuon, Debility of the Lung, Bronchial Affection, Asthma, Pleurisy. Deranged and Disordered state of the Laver. Spleen. or Kidneys, Las. I eased Spine, Chola'. Dyspepsia., Palpitation of the Bean, L.S. of Muscular or Nervous Power, he. he. DR. C. IL BARRETT'S GUARDIAN comes to t h e immediate rthef of Females suffering teem !mega:un tie, and all other Vienne difficulties and diem ..-s dental to,woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or any similar injudicious exposure,and all this without the use ormedieine; as the most delicate and sensitive lady can at any moment apply it 19 herself without the possibility of inearring any net be danger, or any unpleassnt . results nosing rota it, and with the certainty of obodinng immediate relief. Dr. Barren's Guardian is no catch-penny, or one of the many 6=11[04 of the day; but it is m, instrument made upon strictly scientific principle, in urcordance with the laws or nectiiiity and Galva.. m; and for neatness, durability and etheacy, infinitely of the kind d ever before offered the public 7e7 e g ra rerilef ofdiseuse, and, in the language of ...of the most enlightened men of the day, is pronounced to beadle greatest discovery of the nue.' A_penod of no le. Om (our years bits been occupied by Dr. Barlett in bringing the Guardian to its present state of perfection—during which time it has Been the hands of some of the most eminent physactain at the North and South, . well no in the dwellings of nu- Mere. families, who have Used it toe all of the shove purposes, with the most perfect seeress, and who have cheerfully given their unqualified approbation of to eiti.ey-end value, as con be step by ref...ming to the Manual of Instrucuons aCeoMpanying it DE:C. B. Barren's GUlSldinn i.act, red from tunnva• dons by a patent from die United States l'ate'nt Ogler. and be had either with or without his Onlvanometer. . • The AlcaiereMeetro Galvanometer. in point of beau- IT, workzaaahlp, durability ad power. cantiot he ear. pared or even repelled, ad the eubsenbeir feels that he hazard. nothing lathe assertion that it will he found V aler g .'" va ' l o o f " di e e., ", °, ,d. u`tsT i ."'. and bloetrtei -2., than etny other latrument. either in the United tales or Europe. The, hledico-Electro Galvanometer is warranted in every vespro, and with common nay earn will last a mid is by fur the cheap: eat, because the Lest, instrument ever offered to the politic. A manual am:rya.. them. giving the moat ample instructions, of practical experieac, so that Wreadily la the mind of every one, while .. see • try oe arrangement 13 such that a child may —.puma; with It Any utkimiation gratuitously given. and all cominu nrrauous cheerfully answered per marl, either in rein non to the ElectrreGalvaitometer or Guardian. Medical non arc invited to call and examnie Dr Bar ren's Guardian, and lent u. ef f icacy. For gale by IL RICHARDSON, sole Agent. n Mar ket at, Putaburtth. up29:dtt - OVER. ,0 0 0 PERSONS in Phlludelphia alone, can tenuty to the wonderful efficacy of that powerful remedy, FHOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND le Pulmonary Cow.rython, Chrome Bronchi. and Son Throat. Aathrtia, Chronic Cniarrh. Spitting of Itlood. Pain of the Solo nod Bret.. Ihdiroloy of dreollung, Whooping Conch. Croup. Weak Nerves and Nervous Tresnor, Pallotafoth of the !lean; alto, Laver Comphunt and Agneuon of the Kidneys This medicine, the invention ni a man who gave the subject of Polmonciiy, Bronchial and littoral dtwawa the most rigid exammution, hos now been before the public near four yearn. During this perfoti it bait per formed wine of the most remarkable cures on record of Pnlmonary Consumption—.scored the recommenda tion and use of .phyu c tato , their prleftee. - raioritte warmest approval of thatinntoln nt per .ons in ordinary and severe Colds, Congos. in Itotirenne, Spitting of Blood, c. About to yvears %ine I waspinicked with Typhus Fever, which - tell me in a miner:dole 1..' of health. in extreme debility with a general pro/Mallon of the rye tern„ with violent pants in the breast and .I.lvl of aure ate, in eminequenee of which 1 wan unable tp anent to my usual buwit,e, or pert orm env kind of work I applied to eeveral idiyeteimmi end need variou• re me• dna, but WitiatlYlßlty benefit. end It:nide-paired in ever obtainin4 a recovery of Int torm, hePlai Hut mune Moe hue lon , ailvi-ed to try Thoineon. Con, pound syrup ofTar and it lk.d Naptha. and itieredible Rs tt may appear, by the tine I had token bottle, the debility, pant and ev•ty of .ibtlialog were completely removed. awl I was able to attend wdb re • stored health to.iny MV0,111011• =lM=2l Read the tullowatate4tanoev a revertald member ut the ' , wart) of Fnethl, in Poughkrevete .-. . • y eeriny that in the spring of Inln. my health wa Cer, teems. I was 'Ahmed wttli pa, in toe stile, with other oleo:tang symptom-. and surfergd lunch from great deltylnys. At that time I purr based (rum Moses Dame two hottbts of Thennotre tompatinil Sy rup of Tar and Wood Napalm, triiin loth I <KN•nell red great benefit. my health twang now c.f . i .- d i and I cheerfully recommend the emetic to all per who may be suffering with general &mho - . with yson.. mp ono of a decline. alLtilLlM Poughkeepsie. ?dumb 1 . 5.1,40." Prepared only by ANON - I. h Lheemet, at the N corner of Ftfitt and Sprees streets. Phtlii. Sold by 1.. WILCOX., Pittsburgh. nod I.p druggists generally. Price 50 emits, or One Dollar par m]9 A STIIMA, OR DIFFICULTY oF lIREATIIING.- 11.. 'Phis disemw bi canned I y a pttroxysnial roe, true Lion of the air cells; it is very 11,q•liout/111, idcno4l e ingsuffocation. DR. SWF:It:NEILS I'ANACF-4 tr the ETernsen i ess ' e r is ' i; teureiy cured by free Ir,, 4r: Dr. filweesscr's Panacea Catarrh, or conunon cold, which. if neglected, will terminate m Consumpu s n. is el. eutitlly relieved and cared by Dr. Sweeper, painters. Bronchitis, if unchecked. will effectually lead to Bronchial Consumption, but a niuslt um of Dr. Swfint. sers Panacea will effectually cure it. Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Mile? tt —This disease often knits to tenons rolisss,nwriroin neg. leet, such as ulceration of the Mimi. "riliC lirstayMp tams, Dr. Sweetser's Penmen alitiald be and used freely. Coughs and Colds find n 0 remedy in Dr. Sweeter's Pau neeti_ Pneumonia Nothae.-A very dimities, resulting from n violent cough and colt on a delnlituwil or bro ken down constitution; aged per. are sui.e: to Dr. Sweeter'', Panacea should Le used on toe lint symptoms, which are cough or cold Night Swear.—Th. debilitating etimpl.rnt will meet With a timely check. by Timing Dr.'s Panacea. ConsampUon.—lf on the fir, appearance of roma:op tion symptom., which are a pun in the ride and breast. tiogii or spirting of blood. Dr. Surcemiers Panacea im freely d, no danger need be apprehended. When the Lungs, the NVindpipc. or Bronchial Tubes tokome clogged up with phlegm ao or o, 1111,,0, Wrion or breath... Dr. Sweemicfa l'anaeea, wle h . a powerful Expectoraim, ahould ue taien aicoriting 10 the directions. . . lag xar'lTin diatreaatne epaleme, .0 prevalent our climate, 12 epecdilp cured by Ur. Svvetaaer's PTO, 81 peg. r.ta Or 00 bottles Coo 85. For sale bylVlll. JACKSON, 074 Liberty rL , stcn he big boot n0v511.1 y MALTED'S GINSENG PANACEA! rro THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED j LUNGS.—The unprecedented Rtlee GM which has ctextded the use of the 13=1 all the various fortms which immune of the lunge num.., hen induced the proprtetor 4T6ln to call amen Lion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The changeable weather which marks cain, fall and winter months, LS always a Initial source of COLDS A.ND COEItAIS These, if neglected, en bm We procustors of then fe destroyer, EMIG= - - _ The grierilon, then, how shall we pit the demroyer the bud? bow shell we get Gear of our coughs end olds? is of •ttml importance to the, public. TUE GREAT AND crms REMEDY •• - - - Will be found ill the Ginseng runneca. lii proof alibis are have from wee to LIMO publinhetl the eeruftentes of dozens of our best known citizens, whir have errwri• tuned its curative powers. These. with a muss of les timon7.frorn all parts of the country,—/roes RILDICAL AIEN OF TIIE FIRST STANDING, IsCirusters of the Gospel, hn, together with copious no. tees from the . _ JOURNALS OE THE DAY, are have embodied 111 pamphlet tosll, and may be had gratis of any of our neon. throughout on. coutry. ,iIUNDHEDS OF la rrri., have been used in Ibis coy. THOUSANDS AND 'FF-NS OF Till it'SA NDS throughout the trotted States sod ennad a, and tee t .ha Jame any manta point out a SINGLE iNsirA NOE - . which, when taken I.c:canting to clAre,loll, and be fore the tangs had become fatally disorKniutrd, ,t ever fatted to . . EFFEZT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the littered hesitate , tt by r , xon to the miss,able nostrutru. gotten up by ut • u a tatttvtd• eels u le r the hummed name of gollln en plays sdeian, and puffed us,. notoriety by eerelica . per. sohs'aquallysmknown! AVlnlst a tnedietne of , UNPARALLELED P2FICACY la tohe had, vrltcse voucher, are at Lome,--otri neigh bora,—atitny of organ tuts SNATellat FROM THE GR A YE In order that hi. M...lamWe mechotor may he plarF'd within the reach of the poor as tarn the nen, we hare put the porn at . - ONLY VIPTY CENTS, JIM ant huh" the u.oul cost of rough toedortnet. it I for sale by our age.. to nearly ,yen.towo and riling. over the west. who ate prepared to give toll taproot you relative w it. Proprietor, Brood wuv. Cm/unto:to, Mot. Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium PI afar. TAR. W. F. INLAND. ut J.. AltaLel. Loilege bt pdelpbin. now oder, to the. pub, lat. litt/tan Veg etable Premium PlUmer, the gunlgse l ul Aetch, long and toed experience, has been tothegarturlly nabluthed. To all wo v en who may be Itelletrtl watt Pro/apias Uteri. or Fallen Worup, be n . t . uateic....l.• In. planet, gualuntreing a Aare gaol Tecdy ewe in the abort space of from two to thee weeks. It applied weal Cara and rest--dnuearding all the countlen. , ient. and ea - punitive bandages so long to one, Th.. nstruni coasciento,.. in elating, Inasmuch an be ha. out telled in one ease out of three huinired`ard tilt) twee pa- Yenta. Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Bark, :it tended with yam, Were is nothing to excel ibis mute in growling relief. effecting • cure. For sal , ' lq L Wilco", corner of Diamond and Market et Braun& Rahn," Liberty and ter Clair ais Dr J Sargent " Federal st and Diamond, A llo gbeny city Jacqun A. Co, " Denman and Manumit, iltemusg lina. tea • A Challenge to the World. WENTY-FIVE 1/01.La RS will be pant to any one T who will prodoee • apes of paint, green or dry, that, cannot be iittacted with Hat's Improved Chemical Soap. I have the satisfaction otaay mg to the people at Wm place, that this &Melo, by my own improvement on no Moe Rands annealed shit cation) , for extracting grease, tar, pitch, Oil, paint, or any other greany sole stance, tram all kinds of gentlemen's or iodic* , clothing, cluPaca, table cloths, in abowle, bonnet,at, witty= injuring anything that pore water will not Ware. More Ilari one thOwLand pot mel in different pans of the counuy have told nee th ey would not be 1•11.60111 it; If lt eon one dollar per cake. lit trying Una Soap On maim thou 300 atheles of light silks, satins, 01. ;meta', and ealieoes, I hive only foond three pieces of silk, two of al an, and foot of calico. on which it changed the colon therefore before putting iteen light drag try a movie of the dress firm. I .ate this because 1 an deaClMlTted not to recommend it any stronger than 1 keen io be Sandy true. N II Flom Pelee, 121 ell per cake. Sold, whoksale and retail 17'r E ISEI.LELS, deaf 57 wood at A STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr J• FN A PECTOBANTis earner a all other remedies ror _Cattasptloa, DrOOtitithl, Asthma, aud other .actlmilts that the same penal. lettoccratacared the um of it ia duel: &miles tea lean cgo. lull prefer 0 ta .11 othar remedies aftbakiodt and.hare amt btue beau ire/aced try otber prepantiato dui bare almost invariably been tad io raceiriag the hrucfit which Mel:l6lLbiy tram the high prattles beamed be the prurietars, at bars raturacd to the rum at Janice Lc rucroaeur n ea • maealr that has array Watt, reDere , e al e a prbbibly arm had its tat:ttal ia arreut•• pc/mammy thecuta Primed rely by Dr D. Jayne Ptuleaelpttiu, and molder! decatltartf • ALES. A V Na; 72 Fourth at lair chest. V BT.; 30do do Imperial do. T9l do floopowdar do; :Sudo do black do; .7d cat; ms Ourspowder and m store and lor sale Sd 9 BROWN & CULBERTSON MEDICAL. . is . - IA A - • II:. , i 5-- , r - - I t ~... ~ .• . 4. , 621, - , ' 1 n .itiov I l ka l -_ I F , -: .... . Lim` 0 1 4 1 - 44-4 1 1 -in 114 1 1 r , -..7 DE. TOVYNSENDffi COX/OPM CSTILCS OP SARSAPARILLA. frantic, ea Blearing of the Age. Th. newt extraordinary Medicine in the Werhl I This Ertracs 4 pot ap is Quart Rota.: it Is p. Ikea d e eper. pleasanter, and warranted ow peeler to say sold It rarer Ichn-at rrnrittg, pOrfO*f, widening deli! shag tke Patia. The great beauty and superiurity of this Sarsaparilla over all other medicines* that while it eradicates the Ms ewe. It lovutoretas Dia body. It F. one of the vary beet SPRING AND SUMMER 111F.DIMINES Ern,. known; It not only purifies the whole spasm. and nrengtheus the person, but it creates vier, pure and rick blend: • power poneseed by no other medicine. And in this lire the grandeseret of its wonderbil success_ It has performed within the but tin year, mere then I ()upon ore: of !Levers des of drew. ; et beast 15.000 were ..asidered- incurable. It has parent the liens of more Lae 10.09 U children during the two past seasons 10,000 eases of emend Debility mid Seem at Nervous Buena. Dr. Townsend'. Santaparilla inetgorstet,the whole stem permanently. To those verb. hare lost thou tuscalar energy by the effects of mr.dtrine or inducre t•odo commuted La youth, or the exec-nem] todulger.e of Ile paatious, and brought ou • general ithyaneal prostra, uo. of the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition, faulting seruationa premature decay and decline, baste. .e.{ towards that fatal &zees, Consompuon coo be en. ,rely restored by this pleassot remedy. Thu Burs. os for sopertor to any turiuornbinig Cordial, A. tt renews and um:mates the system, glees activity thr bah., End strength to the muuuLar system, to • extraorditury degree. Consumption Cured. Cienetee ood Stratiyfettx. Contostptians co. be cured Bromelulie, Coeussiplitne, Liver Complaint. Cold.. Catarrh, Coughs. Asthma. Spitting moots, Sorrneee ix the Cheri, !haw Flask, Plight .rears, /Orval or Profuse gaped.. ratio., Pala ix tie Stec ere., hoe. Jess and can be carte. SPITTING BLOOD New York, April Dn. T041.17M13-1 verily believe that your Sersapa nlll has been the mems, through Providence, of uiving life. I have for several yenta had a bed Cough. It ennui worse and worse. At last I named large quanti. had niGht Sweat, and was Greatly ait.l reduced • and did not expect to live. I bare of li u.e I sour Sarsaparilla a abort time. and there has a e•eterful champ, been wrouGht in ter- I tam now able a -ilk all over the oily., I raise no blooil. and ray ham left we. You cin weft nnainne that I ern thankful fur these remelts. Your al....theta •rrvaut. WM. RUSSEI.L. for, Catherine Kt. 121= lir. Townsend's Sarsaparilla las sovereign and •peedy for Ito Emma Consumption, Barrena, Prolap.oto l'• rt. or rather of the Womb, emiumme.s. heu• dorm. or Whites, obstructed or difficult liten•trua. 1:•..t. locnntinanee of Urine. or turolantary thscharre iltervmf. and for the reueral ',m.o.:mon of the •stent— -13.. matter whether the tenth of inherent rause or caw., pri..lured by irregularity. illness or accident. Nothier cso le more mew - smug than its invirorsting rglen eu the human frame. Persons all wenhoess ancl tuJe. from taking It. LL oats Immnn nitwit aml full of rey under It inflnence. It immediately counteract• t.r nerrelemneas of the female (norm, wbtell o the great ot Rumour.... It will 11m be expected of us. 3n me-es of so definite • nature, to exhibit certificates of nre., performed but we cm assure the efiliele.l. that hued red. of case, hare hem reported to us. I'd/ en. , ,e. where families have beenwithoni children. oflor iminc few bottles of this iaraluatile medicine, have been blessed with nee. healthy offspring. To alothera mud . Married Th.. Y. xtract of Saranparilla has been exprosvly pre. pure.' refer eoce to. female complaint. Pio female who In. reawm to supine., shein appnaachinut that rilfeal bend. " The tarn of bit." should neglect to mho it, esit is a certain preventive far m.i of the numerous and horrible du to whtch females are .abject at this tone of life. 'NMI period nay lot de. loved far several year, by mOlay thometeme. Noe iv it lona valuable for the.,, who are approaelung nu. 'nunhood. ea it t. calculated to mew nature, b) L• emor the blood neul.ium,oratitu; the symmi. lualecd, — tin. medicine u invaluable for all the delicate diaea e- to o loch women are subjrcl it bruera the •holo sYsteut. renews perena tirade the rti , by r;letot mu the nape ritles oi the Iry not no far winoviatme, av prove votwequeul rel. Sate.. which ia the mow of cool medicine. taken foe female weakeem mid disease. tly .I.IK c fro bunk. , of medictuea many met ere and painful sera-cal opera toms may be prevented, Groot Bier Goa to :Plothoro nod elpildreet. It 1. the .nfert anti most eff,cruel utethrtur 14. r purith• nrz the .r•:•tn. .1,1 ',hey., the “trfenhcs • . . birth ever titvonverevi stmartheit- both thr mother and riwkl, prevent% pew and ilivevvr. iv rmwm• end mil Whey the rood. who have nail think it a inavpm•vblr. It is hiliblviwritul both beton. en 1 after rtiotimortirnt a t prose t. dsgraxeill .teleclant ri•••n rhildlsorth— C•utin tEIWEE, Crt.E... .Ir E Et. uf the Feet. ftespontleney, 11,uulturu, V Inuit AI.. u. en the nark Dad Fah , Yvu., Itemorehure regui.ttute the .e.C(C31 4 .. and ErqualExaue • Er r aim ~,,, Et hus uo rcpt. The mat beauty of Olt w•••••ine w a Is always safe. and the mutt Etellette ate tuost sureessfally• rare few rases req., at, wher ere firm, ut wawaa little C... taLer Mut... it t• lul. Ezertare sn the opals. ale awl luEbt tth EIEE _al always ensure • safe and east run. fue•ment. LIJJI!ffiU Cosmetic, Chalk. and • variety of prepared". red, milv 10 nu, when m miind to the face. very soon amid it nt h i beauty. The,' oluse the pare* of the skin. and or the circuital°, es hmh. when nature ts net theat .l lir disease or powder. or the skin intlemed by the alkalies used in soaps. beautifies its den production ia the human face Clenne,“ es well its to the redid. of rich and delicately tinted and yandrated dowers. A ewe. active and healthy denotation of the thuds, or the vocable of the pure. rich blood to the extremities. o the, which paints the countenance to the most site beauty. It Is that whkh imparts the lialmwriliable *lonics and !lashes of lovelier+• that ell OdOlll , . wt alum can describe. This bevy tsthe carotid. of sw mee—ent orper..ler or Amoy. lf thr. not free and ismlthy etrculating there is no beauty. If Me lady fair ea Moven snow, of she pain, and nse cokeetsca mod the blood I. Mick. sold ind Impure. elm IA not bean tiful. If she be brown or yellow, nod there to pure end rev blood, it caves • rich bloom to the cheeks:and • brilliancy to their eyes that u faktinsting. This ie why the Donated, and eepretelly the Span n h ladies. are m much admired. Laub.. to the north he take but little cactus*, or are confined JO rime rie , m, or have opeiksi their compledon by the appli. ration of deleterinue nilidure, if they wish to re. ✓ elasticity of step, buoyant 0p..., operldinS complexion, they should sae Fir. Town. send'. Isersaparill , Thousands who have tried • thoo mosfird. err delinhted. Ladies ~r t v •Istion crowd our office dotty • • • • • Those that imitate lir. Too catend . • Sanapare int :.rartltir called their nun* a great Itrrdt for Pr • Sr_ dr, and have copied our bill. end circular• • h reLates in the complaints of aromea uord for wore —other mon .ho put up medicine, have, since the mat Aucce. of Dr. Towneend'e Samapartila In complaints in..atleert to females, recommended theirs, although pre ...lisle they did cm. A number of these Mixtures, Pills. A c, are injurious to femalea so they aggravate ataeise • uddermtne the ennatitutum. Pr. Toun.end's is the and beet remedy for the numerous female m core pl ,arata—it rarely, Weyer (nib of effecting • permanent rare It man be tetken by the moat delicate fermi, an any no.. or be those expecting to become ambers, din the yntatest advancers., as it proper. the ardent itcd prevent• pain or dam.. and etreatthen• both mother and child. Be tareftd to g. the genuine. Thi. eertificut, enneluclerly recers that tbi. Burs. purillt has perfect control over thenum chewy.e du the Blood. Tbreo pers.. cured to one hoc... t. culterectleutod. Time Children. Towrseratio—Dear Nor: I have the pleaatire to ...rot yo that threw of my children. have been cured of the Scrofula by the one of your excellent medicine. TL•.y were afflicted very neverely with boil Flores, hove tol.en only four bottle•: it took them away, fur •hick I f.el myeelf under great obligati°. Yours. no/poctfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 10G Woostor.sL Opinions of Physicians. Is,. Townsend is Silol.llt dailvreceirine orders from in different party of the Union. tht.. is to comfy that we, the undersigned. Physicians of the City of Albany. have in numerous cases pr....crib. ed Dr. Townsend's Berzaparilla„ and believe it to be one a the most valmble preparations in the market if. P. POLING, ri. I). . . J. WILSON. M. D. IL IL BRIGGS. M. D. Alany, April 1,1847. P. E. ELMENDOILY, M. CEISICI2 Owing to the great raceme and nonsense ule of Dr. Tow ovrod's Sarsaparilla a nundun of men Who were froirrl3 our Afenta, have comment.' making Sursapa rdla Estrarts. EUoin, Ibtutra, Paul... of Yellow Dora, be. They generally put oup in the soma ahapod h , ut- Llea, and sonic of them base stole and coped our ether tounsenta—they are only ,worthlres units bous, and ahould be avoided. Priocipal,,Oflke. PM FULTON Street. Sun Building. N Y., Redding & Co., 8 State street. Boaton ; Drub ft boo., ITrig , wth Second street. Philarlelphta S. IS Hutu-, Druerl, st. flakirnore ; P. PI Cohen, Churieuton , Wrtoit i Co,, 151 Chartree Street, N. I 0 South ,rt Street, Albany; and by all the prinetpal Mut atol ,11erchnuts generally throughout the United Wr..t Indira and the Canadus. IL—Persons inquiring for thus medicine. should hot be induced to take any other Druggsats put up Sarsupurtllan. and 01 coats., prefer selltng then . own. Ito not be deeeteed by any—inquire fur Dr. rown send., and take no other. • irr RetneMber the K . 'zf.' “Tournsegarn sold by the role agents. It I,eueral Wholesale tr. Retell Agent, Nu. S. Wood street, to' D M. CURRY, Allegheny iffy. re. 46 PlCAcha I PEACE I I Nor rant, BUT IN Efi VERY lftrllEßl 011 i 111EttirKa It. TUE undervighed hns long been convinced of the neeeselly or some medirsne adapted to the Oct of - Cto/dren and Infants to supereede the ion of all theve medicines which eoirtniu °pool, nod has at length sue i„ end offering to for public IA medi cine fully enrageansw. very purl ow for nil diseases orate bowel , , without Ole our of that deleterious drug, or any other esleulated to injure in the least. The Infant Pan] n hag Inca fully tested and tried, the loot twelve wend, by munsrous persons, and found to poi.sess all the esirsorvfinary virtue, and to produce all the notnn 'shine etferis as .rat tooth on the bill of din-enc., Ih o" mh. Volumes, Chaise ,Chip g, Penne, Statuen and thIIO.C3 anssug from Teething, acting Inlineihetely without disturboig any of the funetions of the laxly, producing the happiest and most pleasant [rennin°n frinn violent pain to a tranquil and joyous; state of (cel los in the little zulrerer. TO be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Be. IpBN SARGANT, Drumlin and Apothecam John Mitchel), Elliott & Beckham, and most miter Druggists n Allegheny nod Pittsburigh. decl3 DE. TOWNSEND'S Erk 7 II.I. I PAZILLA.-50 dozen just received of Dr. Towarsend's Sorsapardio the most extraordnuiry medicine rn the world! rttp. Es .l is put up in quart Nettles. it is no cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to soy sold_ it cures disease without riuniting.lurgieg, sickening or debilitating the pauent. Loos ire rue lairrszions.—Unprincipled persons have copied our labels, and pat up liedietne in the Caine shaped bottle. See that each bouts has the wntten sig nature of S. P. Tbornsend. F.ntgiist, C7 Wood ferret, between 6 Third and Feerti, is Dr. Towasend's only wholesale and Mull agent foe Pingo:ugh, of whom the genuine article can be had. D. M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent tar Allegheny city, who m am genuine eruckt can ho had. apt Bowier ANTI (AF VAlortiq mynas the attenture ahem., toe new r.pply of theme goods, of Dorsal style nad vary ism ram WINUFACTORIES. PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, PITTATIOOG 1.,. Joiner WRICIII LI, IT & CO., ARE prepared to hu.l Conon and Woollen Mullin ery of every deset.ption, such aa-l.nwlnig Ma- — rhinos, Spinning Filmes, Speeder., Draung Frames,, BETIVFMN PITTSBURGH AND CI.EV ELAN Is An ilvray INada, Weepers, Twi Ilus,Spomet a, Dreumg , W. T. Maroon. PIOTbUTTis, Frame., Lamar, Card Grinder., So., Wrought Iron • R... l'aon..l_ Co. V,aver, Sthstlong turned all sixes of Cast Iron, Pulhed and CnATVTOILD O. CO,IITYLLIN. CI. r"'"' Hanger., of !he Intent pattern., slide and hand Lathe; • Cilllbi above Line l• now in . ..pared to try ~ ,..irtireieto 00.! tools at all kinds. .. 1 ;Mel pas,,,ter, irout I . ot-I.Lirei add t .vesund. or Cdr.tine-s of every dese-ription furnished on than no- nay pouts on the Cumin. Lt,. .. bee. Pint,. Mode to order (or Mal 4.:earme, Iron , 000 hoar leave , rnt,..l.dro. new C,•.... a,,,J chili. ru, railing, Jcc. Steam Pipe for heating Factor mn. Cant tame in comivro." w " ii il '"”' .• ' i ` • ''''' I '•' • " I ran Window !..e.Ah nd !alley Culingn e..-imi all, - hlichicaa. between 1 . 10. Lurch and 1:r. v.,. ..,I ahi n. 1;1.1,r: et: at the '{henhouse of J. l'olmor A. W., (~b- oi tint e,1 , 4 memo hoots. propene,. i.r., dlid ~., L , OO. arty surest, will have prompt auommn. ' yrs on lalici , Erie. fu r ie, and Nltrhtean Resta TO . , • Properly ILOWNIOrO lo adv pall eu t , le I .”0:. v.lll Diu twang. Bell A Co. ' J K Moorhead A Co., 1: li ill.pati hby .SiNI T .11 A I'll II! .. Warner, John Irwin .4 Sou; Pinuniegn. - .101 IN A , %11.,11-1 Se,.. I. t• A.l ll_Warner: Steubenville. unlli , roe \linter nild snialitm Id ni - Ce. i.,., i, ----,--- I Ihi 1. n. Co. rray..r. ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLI ND FA rruEt V. A ( ' I 'Yrs .— ''''' .. .r , R I i darn, ,v. Ca. 1 . Pi 11 JOHN A. DROWN ; ' " '-' . ' ' , i . P t \ i'ade• A. Ca. it arr... TAKI , dos method io inform In friend' and the public at large that hi. Factor: , 4 P Al. E ' "- E , • en., in (nil operation, ou the . .ve.,.t , F 1.0..v0.. :,,vnort. , -----=.- 1 Of the Dial:nand, Allegheny, where a con , 13.11N1 Pi ii.a......-y. l'unip!.eilyort. ....,supple of Mod*, of var.. , colors , J ti fil'ltridd. Rumen:. ----7=--:t andel ' u s n u tinei are constantly kepton hand, I NI .. CII K0:11.. Fra..l. on :: -- 1.1 ..- E - 1 . .. : also at No. i Wood st, Piusburp.h,lit I A bli.ivr t Twis. i 'us idol , Fur, H. Phillips' oil cloth waren:ion, w lircir r ..Y. Co. fin run; Vexilian Shutter. made to order in the bent fayle. Barney, Gad.. 1 Cat 5ai..10.0,y. Wands repaired at the shortest m. 0.. Al stk., a 111 ,. . T01d , .... N. IL lii* Blind 2 will he put up,without any add,- Ii Witiiiiiim a ed. Deir...l. 311,, Hamel rrrpnse en that they eon be removed .0 v 100. Ai 'nue A %A diatom AL0W:1111.... WI, ind..l In eau of fire or for wwihing, and wahorti ,he aid II J Vido.dow. Chwaeo. 11: 01111 of n crew dr e - oebbily.karl am I y - E RLIANCE POILTAILLE BOAT LINE , - - - - - - /1.1..1f.XAN13k.11. b. SONS, I I'IN MAKERS AND FURNI.`3III.NIi UNDER TAKERS, rawer Ino and St. Clair streets, ca^pollile the Eachange load, entrance on Penn rarer!, respectfully afar.,, thew fornds and tha public, that tire y are prepared In furnish alto attend to eve ryllung in thc .ine of Undertakers. always on hand a large as- Datinetit of ready made Tuts, covered, laisd and fin ihe very best•r, all nOrta and luxe* ready made shrouds of dannel,Cumhrick and muinai r and kd saes made in approved styles We keep tr larr a. amment of whre and black. Colton. .'..k and k id trlovr s, tilde tar pall barer* and m crape, raps. ran. Ines, and every thing 'lncense ry for drourners, essarc the deal, and on ma...lde terms, as we purchase all our goods .0 :he Eastern roues. Also. srl vet plat, hir env la sin, the name and arr. We have a ridenind tic , ,dearse and harms, and any number of the hm.t cut rlngri Eve, thing attr nded to promptly and nenriyally 0ct5,1 y W. W. WALLACE : PITTSBURGH erEAM hl A R.131..b. WORKS, Not. SW and SRI Lamp rote, near MA Cana/. ALW AN'S on hand and made to order, a large var., ty of Marble Munich., Puir,C,liiie Table, and Rama. Tope,Tomb Stones, lilonurneuts. tee.; all winch, being made of the choicest marble. and manufactuicul principally be machinery, will be chid low for cash N. B. Persons wishing to purchase Mantels, are informed that it hence turth unimeeimary for them go East. as I cuu furnish them with an article in all respects as Good. and (freight, insurance, Se, enichiler ed.} as cheap es they can purchase Him for in the East. Call and see. Jett COPPIaIt, SHEET IKON, AND TIN . WARE menvi-Acrortv, No El Market .rent, Pittsburgh, Penns: till F' othscritiers having made Improvements 1 in We 0011StrUft1011 of their COOKINri STUVEt, irsticetiully invite persons budding Stecirsiniert 10 rail and gramme hello, purchasing,. we eon supply then, with Deck Stoves, Forges, and evrry other kind of .'opper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary t o furni•h• ng it Sic atnhost. Pir e atm nits& to order on the shortr•l nob, 9,ti Pubes and Citiontier, Copper work (or :Scoot r verg sarong of wool in our line hint, SNEI2II-1 , h ,111111 BENNETT & BF:OTHER, qrblr NSW ARE 51 ANUFACTI: itEns. Birmingham. [near Pittsburgh,' Pa. 0 arehouse, No. 111, Wood sfrett, Pittsburgh. V? W ILL constantly keep on Land a rood to.o:1 meat of War,., of our own orniunseture, ant unmoor hanesrquality. Wlntes.sle gild Coon.) Me, are respectfully innarg m call nrolne fur Mt suselses, as w., are detrrunnna to sr n &saps, ndan Las ever before been /Aldred to Um pt, or Es. Ordnr. tent 11 mni, accompnowd hy Ur ouch or cop refro•ner. will be promptly atiemlan to. feldd.: ta.V. NT. - J vt. PLANT GLASH ESTABLISIDIENT. 121. VAN \ n 1.F.D1.11-:manulacture and k (AT ron mantis' on band Vol, :lon , ded and Ilitto Punt 1 / 1 ."‘" , . to ill t. aas , ette.. al tbr, W an - boost for. Orr tit Al arart nod Water iarret, Ptiotbur7,li. Work+ ...nue in tall nprtataat. andore nanl,q 10 our .:ax . .. Who b enabie• to hi! Purchd,rra art r•-•pet-ouil• 401 , r 4,1 slid pot r• and trrnt. ta,looly COACH M A KIN a FROM very Itherat nee . men the Pao.. hoe 'err v.,/ tur__411„......; he hat loetm.-.1 Lytt..elf ;a Alteghett,, eltAlollll , , , hos induced hit to laic • leaf, ir a term of >ear, oil Ern. property he occupies, in Beaver street, y the Pre thytertan Church From the tong r pe rot to in the sho•e busateast and a oh e re to ple4Je, he Lopes to tot,- .1 nad re • onstre ai put a pstmaa,.. Now on band and finas/ong In net. r, Kochastrav gins, open and top Buggies, and every de , cr.paott Cantanea made to order, front seventy-five 0011, ,. stria human?. IseP3-4.11 /610.1 mliii II NI. A l Ull ' T r.! D Co 11 .— I ' er r rth ' s ' v ' a U M A . f whornr-r. Phil', offer lea •sir on .ertmeroorlautf .1 and •r rte.. G . r.k gt NI elle]. to re.l Tobereo. f041 , , , ing of portedA. p.,uodr. le • ee.l e'r ande'r 111. ire.l "I'van I had It.lll4•Wit, ON?, 0,, I , all,. Jain. , ll Grn.. 11.1.,11 A I , rngr• sJuires A Soo. 1.1ta1.1. J'rbout.on. 4Thoma.. J r A II A '1mp...n.1 J rboinno , & SArr I.swlllorn S A 4 tu.•:ra,l I' Coate, 1 NI .'otob.. I,,telry & J A Clay. NI A Itutl , r. A 113:1. Win Dawson Pearl tr. Norwood. .1 N.,th rate. Key.oe. (0 II Vtiiorr.un. FAltound Henn . Porx Robio.nn. 1ti0.e. , 1 Bonmoin. tian Robinson a Co "4,4 11,4,, It Mclean.Kodr: Lao-ten , .l.or er, J Gray. I) II T,,rrier. ft lon„e.nn. fora Lite, 01 Branch —ALA"— Havana Leal Tobacco. wrapper% and b.;ers, Vara do do do Cienfurcoa do Jaen de Cu:. do do du ri boilimen do do fin Nana a Gulden do. par. hue, • Jo Man•ville do .10 ICcono-ay •rtrmos zrade• do do V aroma ideal. puttabie form anufaotunne no., export; 0 11tanoM semi Lea, p' en Conitertirot rldo. Vireoon S.,rart, sweet, German Pipes. Pipe seotro Snud.loose and bladders:) :tloreouba Nlea'. Toto,tia Ikon.. Ilavada bass, Otto Bose. Bereantoi, Caint , ria I.muoriee, Patent Cavendish . hr he ['MLA DEL 1 . 111.1. nay 1.5 SIGN OF THE BIG PITCHER. NEW CHINA. I,LAS , a i4I:KENSWAILE TORE No 111 WOOO Staarr sublienbers wish to Inform the public vmera;:r that they are. mow openinC o .aew anti latter %toe it ol Caina. Glass. gneenswere, Wootton. and Farley Gms.:, composing the latest and WOO fashionable pat: Fot renchr China plain and gold-band fanner Sets, do do `. Tea Sutn•rior Iron-Stone Linnet Plowing blue (( new pattern%) Liverpool A tercal nanny Of Tea Seth, different ['imbues; Britannia Breakfast and Tea Set, Winierr--o beaotaiut article "Lineen•.(sothie, - , Lsrap., ICorrteltha, maiker,l Liam. Want, a general assortment Steamboat owners and hotel propnetors are invited 001110.111 C our assortment of ware suitable lor their use. Counti7 Merchants can find a large sine k of article Allalli•if tor country .ales, which we will sell in ma roname pncea u stock being entirely new, we feel laniard of be lo Mt. g nine to plea.e all who may favor aa with their cus non._ iripl7idtfEewl GI Ll. cwrry . T477e 11- enadia on the mosTaPproved Etutem plans and moor s fashionable Eastern patterns and colons Also TOE CIIAP ROLL, or HOS at BLIND, on hand or made to ruder of all size., end all pnces Country Merchants and others are invited to rail and examine the above for themselves, to all wilt Le e end wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction mad to wholemtle purchasers. A NVI.WERV ELT 031:131 I. 0 EINLPS TEB,RESTIAL GLOBES, coadaitting all I.J the late discoveries, and Geographical improvements: also the tracks of the most celebrated cstrusanseigstore Coen poled from Smith's new English Olobc, with additions and Itnprwrements by Amin & 4mith. Retiwd by Roswell Park. LORING'S CELESTIAL GLOBES, rocrtn into{ all the known sutra, netottLx, Ace. Complied from the workir of IV ollvton Fla/need. Do La Caine. Ha.elw, Mayer, Brad ley, Herschel, klaskelyne, the transactions of the Adman.- 'cal Society of London, ke, fa. Paola Smith's Neer Eng WI Globe. John Mow& Shoellou hoe just reneived • for plan of Ow aLure lilubes,varpu; in ilio,ts follows: I Fur 11 =bee in duarau.r, I . 91 is I 6 " " " I " mat g10b..0 " ==== ROSEDAL E GARDENS, MANCHFSTER. ri , IIE Prapnetor Waits well known place of resort hn. I lid inienvintrin a: Informing the public that his Inahment tonvong been thoroughly relined and repaired. 1111 i the grounds elegantly laid out mid deeormed, is no open or teeir !accommodation, and he flatten ton, self w that those who may favor him with their patron age will find all that they desire, provided on the best style and on reasonable terms. He is determined to spare no expense in making los establishment worthy of public patronage He has accommodations for Washita a few families. leo Creams, and all refresh ments suitable to the season, constantly on hand. 'erg. LEVI BURCHFIELD I=iMMIM ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor , begs to in J. tuna the CILIZGLIF of Pittsburgh and others, that he to now upennig at las rooms on Smithfield street, un der thy üboye Hotel, a large and beautiful tissorment of Claims, Cassimeres, Satins, Silk., and other Vesungs; together with such other entries .sts see mimed tor gentlemen'swear. goods Lave been carefully se. 1,4,1. sod are of the newest and most lushtonable sty as well as of superior quality. His customers may depend upon Lanus's , their clothes made up it a ...truer winch cannot fail to gratify the taste of the most erintly ftswim:CO-1V Las Branch dr Watk;es' 5.. - V do do do extra pounds; 5 do do do L2B and las; 10 kegs No 1.0 raise 10 do Pei Cavendish; 5 do do Plug; M do &mama .33 do half Spanish do; for sale by my 9 J D WILLIAMS MOKP: 1101:St1-11avulg :siren the large and nano Osnole Ilea= and Bacon Storehease ad• boring our Warehouse. 011 the Canal limn, ore are pre pared to smoke sod SUM lowan on seasonable terms. KWH & JON&% mar t' Canal basin near 7th at AsmoND HAND PIANO, cost origuilly 5300, sod bee been In Use oboe: four years, price now 1517 A. for role by Jul IN II MELLOR, told M areal Meet \T0.,41./GAR-5 Mx& prone, for wile low la d a , s ,,, .11 • COrtatgaMetli, by WE ET. UOWEN, Tab 70 front at 1111 14 a i n ic e K ite 'UOlJ n.lve A rIA a tom nt of tVhtte 0 lima on o nond malting Mull, Sanaa, Book, ?bud and /snorted Mnalla, al octal' lraZiely. MOO i TRANSPORTATION LINES. 1 BOOKS, MUSIC, &o. TEE UNION LINE 184 S. IS-k. trrrwiir.N piro.-t:Lit,,ii AND 1 , 111. i 1.1'111.1 /1 , 111-: l'rEfrfr tor. of 0.. t v • fifffl If r.t Po rtft:fie Bout Li .vcd t tuff ,tr. pot 1 . 111:Llar:111113. it/ tt.. tf nn Nlarkrt •7 . f•y fora . r. , ftlf. II rr ••f erdawd the, ronnt .dra, rdn. ar, now preparrd utlrr 111111, grt • 11:t: 1.61 If brad. and patron. Good.varrw.l by 11, In or • w ..• d'a,•!l:,-ped twren .and tiredy In Itorud.l, Oetuon t{ool .n.i.,tdr. of dour nth/ r• , Jrt t0...p.1•1nd 111, nt unitottztnre I-Intr, mode Int r. 7. or •tupping or ad ..ntnvnd t Ali tor,. trdrd proann.y. and ttron wrnt• a. ary nth. et Id:, JOHN Nlc-l'A 11EN &C., Cann) I:a.m. •i. I%,hargh JAIII.S 11 DAN , ISk Ca 227 Mlrlrt . - .ll,nanwrry Phll3 Co. Forw:miing oral Corstrun ..1011 Mew Lula, Cl,nal Ilc.r n, l', 11,1 I•lllLurr.h IA NIES M I).\ VISA. fn. ront l'a , tor+ and Merchunt., .Markel. nn.l ~,,, 4,1. o-1 , 24 I.) ffilr- I , lottr, Woolfind other Je,r,pt,o,,A to ,41 TII.k NV, ot I Jti..ll[•ll, th, for a n n• i..• Ol IL.•ir Inrnilx; • .7 i PlulaJelpwa. Marc:t Ltit. I- I-. Penn'," and 01s10 Tranportation Co. Aggattft Du"ld, r.t . rnr.rnikru CLARKE k TII NI% 1.I•.11 & 1,1 I• 11, JAS S'1111:1. Cl , . t:4 CI-1E1,1: A 7- 'S. •nn.r E:=l 1 , 111,1. r 01 CO/111111.1g :14. • • - • • i• J.IN: Klim'S POIITAtILK lIOAT MKF t'lol - 1 . ,-I'D I.\ IMI ,„,, I,‘„ • 1 . ;; Sim 1..1: i1t.11.,!, • I ~.t • I UNION LIN F.. 111 4e4g. To Plllladr Ipo uttO I •i41.13..a, \ 1./2A41 A Ili • • w. amt . . u. L.... I I A 1 111 .\F:I NI/MI \ g 1 . 11.1- lit S lit 41t) t.ft sl I' PITTSDVIWII POUT I.DLF LWAT LI in • Staite. Fn. the Ttantroottattto F,,os to od oto vrrrsi3i 1 . 1111.. k 1.1 I \ N 14$10: , " 7 1:t.i1141111*-1. k.ll ~..• • MM a WILS,N N , , lort ns", LAKE Mill.: AND MICHIGAN LINE. IS4S, • oud r twr,a !tray, al, prepurrd to curry irt rely on the k:rlr Cana:. a... 1 getn 111,1 n, every Licao) .r kp..) pu•• ent-r• da•Nit..o. 1t... •fl.l ngrr e.pectfut:y a Iron/ Ibt-ir men. Unualler of Owl r pn t: NI REF.D, PA 17.1i . . 4 A Co. Wl, A:.:.lJr. , 101 IN A t'AI 2p1.1 ear Water nod ~.1, I .N..1.1••• Pat-IttlrNi iS ECLIPSE TILANSPOIVI'ATION LINE. 'to null trout lb.! F:a..lrrit T I 1....E.,PJV1J,1.V.1,1.010tL11:,101::. ar, 13 illl,. • • their reed thr.r larklitivs th meet the Wiohro, of liipper, and nr, up forwiltd o greater hrhooiit the rIVE. 1..\ 1" LINE, al.o by adilitionul reghlar vrn,,on, at low rut., 'rho. Iwi t! ll run 111 . 1.ot:rho. drltvering goods Ihro .t h dn. n . F ,- nts 111 MO./IM, nod Ptltsburgb e to ownrx and ronsigner% at t , .old ton, F , lninuo•tiOt truin alc •hould Lc murkrd J Ilnluotore • The only itgualA art., - . I B R081N44.", WI 4 Churles al, linhitt., Eiumwri 'IN Lt. C.o. Cumin.lund. ti %V CASS. Brownaville, 1,14 J C tti:t4tvtLyTtlme reCLIPSE TRANSPOILTATION '1 he erprietortr of ttott i+orolar L the Ap.stry timberland from, of t. got re to that of Lkertott , 11,e how, o rotsburgh merettLoot i.,,1 o I IL, IT Itolottsoo N. tt.4 !tooth I iturt...4 Italtottor- o the out, hothortted .gent of tho Lore or the Frotern toe, The out, .tgett. are 111 IJW KI.1„ POlttotrg It Brorrot• Ile, latti A HT( 4. Co Ciauttret,tod, det.Y.3. If J 11 RtAtINSON, Itelttutoro. GREEN & CO.'S EXPRESS ~' ~:.~ ~~- ~ ~ ~..."Y"'~.,..- ~+',:,mss 1,11•. NNW Yuaa. eu.Krox. AU/ brrr u C:I uriMd oth sialiain ,N Nr. Brut ,•dthitt the ia.trAt, •i a,l etpc thuoun lane pi., roimreutig ah Adaiur et. Co's Eir. daily, al lialnutore hrough cereipir will be Finn of ihe above place. Nitirelianclirc wid purkugr• uia•.•" .rze or weight lorwarded pres, closes dally at a r II VICKI-IRV. Arent. novvoti Chnrlr. Hotel Itutl4ll,•. wood .t J. PA.RREN & Co., ruo.out or uoir.orLorret-r CANA I. mrroo non. P. K. FKETZ & Co., 60 336 au. IMATMENII LINE, 1648 . ftL 114ANse0111,T.11,0V LI. op Dm.: To ith 1:1•1 NEW 111 ILK ANL 1141sTIO. , rj - All itols of Mt:mimeo eookioned K From l'hiladtlisloa, or to J. Farrcu k r:.,, will be promptly forwarded free ui 0/1 1 / 1 1111,./Ull, marl. 1846 aZt ;,,r0,1% • 1:1.: LAW TO TIN BUT BY MOINONGABBLA ROUTE, VIA BROVNSVILL.F.: & CLIAILIERLAND. rpliE undersigned arc cow tin:pared to forward pro. I. duce, &c., to the ' , Astern Markets dewing the ens*. leg IV Inter, on the MO. (evorable terms, by tbta rapes Murree route. All property consigned to us scathe forwarded at the lowest revs. and with despatch. Merebandiw received by II”. route promptly for Warded. J C INDWELL, Agh , Ydtaburgh. G IV CASS. /Irownavtlle. ' novV? Y. MERTON & Co. Cumberland WINES -40 yr reuks end di Ind. bbl. Pam Sn . ret Maine, null Madeira %%Inc rorupriAnsr amme very enema and superior brands, reerivrd and for .ale aceosunualatang terms, by utyll W h hi MITCHELTREE, ICu liberty it Valuable and Attractive Neer Books. AAIA RTINES History of the Ginmadiant,Ywols, 12 MO Simms' Lite of Chevalier Bayard; 12 mo. I. P. 11 Jame , Life °Menu the Fourth, of France, enk-12 Inn Sionli•• Consular Cities of China; 12m o , :Seamier'. Lire oi Jesus Chnst: vo. muslux rvejs Fresh Gleanings; or • new Shear Mom the obi hs of Conunental Europe. t Henry • Sketches of the Mexican Wsr • so...ry or the Hanle of 'Waterloo. 12 mu A -soultusr in Ss•otlaud, by Jacob Abbott. 12 mo ,st•niomlCl Literature of the South of Europe. 2 yids 12 too ventures to Mexico and the Rocky Ix mo. muslin F.-moutons orks of Rev Thos. Chalmers, I) . 1. 1. 11 Tie" Praebeal Astronomer, by The.. Ihek, 1.. L. I/ I.Als ul Jeremy Belknap, 1). If. Historian of New lboupshlre In . hr.! :111.1 the Reformation. by John M A., T 1... ',lid), Kingdom, with nt new map of the Empire, z., \ Wdltams, 2 vol., 32 too 1 he rower ui the Pulpit, try liutdiner Spnug, mo. 11 , -thel Flag, by Gunlsner Spring, U I); a Science, the Teacher on Artist by Rev it R rho Cr:II. his Court and People. by John S Maxwell. I ,E.loresort Shakspeare. by H N lludson Tho' A rusts of A tilenca—llltlittraled with rune comb steel. and routantom sketches of the list, of Aunttot, Inman, West, &natl. Trumbull, I. Vet “.) Rembrandt Peale and nos Crawford, 1. vo The 1 Prato). of France, containing sketches of the lives to Latna rune. Toter., Napoleon, Dorton, Mica• bean. toofm mol others. with portraits of each. NnuotrOCtsand Marshals: 2 vols. 12 mo llembey , Washington and to, Genera* 0 vok, lxhn 11,,a,1 le y's Sacred Mu Untat es lbe above, tonmher with a large collection of Stand. bl Works. Clatsteut and School Nooks, to sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers. corner market itml Jd sta I DOOKS POLL THE SEASON— ) Gems of Sacred Pootr), a tpletidnl imperial n vo., benunial illustraoon• on steel, by Sartain, and y 11,111,1111 Cd on;ca by Schmitz and Sinclair, richly houn•l in Turkey morocco [l.lld Whole calf. superbly Kilt The Chrocian ficeoaakr. an annual for with nhoolid nicznou to rag ra•inga. by Sartain; bound in cu rio:Nue tuoroeco I•l,l.ita•lo.sotna and New Velar', IVreakh for 1-4-, a ',moll quarto volume. printed on avow white pu rr. ontbell•heil wo aplendul mezzotint engraving.._ rho, to by tar the moat kautOul juvontle annual pub looo,l In the United Stoles. Thr Partteal Work. of Oliver Goldsou4l, M 8.. wOb rou. 1101Ie drAltll., by the Fllohlog Club, in vi rioti• ot) le. of tondo, "nh draignx, by bbroing Club, in vanoux mylrx of bindinK. The Po..t. .n 4 Porto' 01 Anacrtru, by It W Gris old. Tim Port- 4n.l Poetry n:" th, A.111.1e11/1, by Wtllterr, Peter. A 11; superbly boot , 'tnTurkrymoroeco, ayleu dui, pit. Poem, or vemoun rdyles of brndlng. 1,:i) a Kiegy tiluArrured I lotnan'y Poyriral Worts, tri Yarroua bolding, load /3) roo, y Thr l'ocrocal oriloorner, Nloorr. Its told. and orlar r by Mary Ilnwrtl Vora,. I.y 11••3111., . 4 Suer,' NI.. 1,0. .3 . 311 3 31333 3 , 3 . W3II/ 31 errat varlet, - of other nrw^ work., to ltyles of loodiOr ‘t0.1.1. for for JOHNSTON !: STOCKTHN, ilr,. car Market S W au. CA‘t , A N r 11 ,, C:1:II , .1C1'1A1: Ilt -Chalmers Se 1. t , I.l..l(tretlit,.. ott tiv i.tiv el . 111. I r,. 22til vuh In 4 the:tt It r to I 'ra., I .1.1) 010(1. or N. tJi Invlnv\ or id h\ 11: N. 1 ! C II , 1'..1 .•r. NI A 0,11. or 111. Waal.tato k 1111.1 , Airrehattrr Clrtrk. Ju I 11l el .1 01 'ILIA,. • 1..1. Ctm J'l'lle.J.. r l, h. n,l ooler.ll- do I 0.0 1 . 1.01 i. to Garonne! cplwe D D I:. Cl, r I lavJu .10 I'e l 'ill ri tty Itsr:10.1. le rtal 1101, ere, Ch. • I, ...tor,. CI int, Nov, atta I hr.. tt NI runtw Itrlapte.d it. I mots ~ I.t.ttrtetr. 1..1.1.11.J19' a woo, and :A. inaTio-1.1 V I- —l.orrtukr‘ la Europe. or t1t.. , ... Frn..Pe 11rIyturtlnnJ. I . lti .. Ilrituut ILltd Irru ut ;rl4l.;‘•“:4 „ ..t., niorer. ott Europoatu nat.• II t:u. author IV NI, • l'.ket MMOIE:=!! . . \ 111 Lr., I. I. 0 t• un.l rNa Nwo. II ,r,,t• II s , • t.•E c.6,411t..; ;1... • J., ...J ..tir Jc.fiso,rl.• 00 Nl,norta.• the IniroJticuoti t... oer , i ,utir• tAzirrt.eti E€MMEE .llr o 1a..0r • t • t., lir I. . .../ k motor./ al R.* ..,4. rrr 10r4.1 r.atrt \tar . • Nlartrarrt. or the l'e•rt. , tt I t...... ee a •tortst.e. i-A lie. tr r rr rr1.1,117 morket •t t,. Nt.1.1111 LUPOK toe Isrtrk 11•;: i • •,.• vr.r• 13.1 rmatepu,ni ar .• • cu." •., •tms) Ow I ..a/gaal 11aLe lopa) . ••.11.0m 111 Irow • •, 'be •01.1% r4•l 111,1r1•-• roillolet, writ. :A. eerrn I ll,v Slav, and fiketrbr r. , u and a" aale ALI) A ItEKY.ON HU mark ri E=! •1•1.)-: \ IA I) as...,ruttent. Ho-. w.. 1 and Nltilluvany crland ftettonl . , tow. ~ unlanr.l anJ to A... t •l wo Lt skplen4l.lßoorrouJ .„$. •a. ted :Lona. attatcLtnent,tml.tted 41, usual meal. r •, Ir, and !of sale al =IMEZI=I s A ic A F T} ..p : m. D . tir , ll;lll.N „ l i .1 , , T II E {'{{{l,l al {{ l .l{{l,ll3oll {{ V ❑a/ par & ,r. fu ompletcd I {arrive part, I . L. • ,Lt•t rrc. ;sea at.'/ur b> J‘ , 11:`, 4 STOCK:NEN": corner market uai ad .1. ..1I \ , 11 , \ r 1 lcr, ha,. Just reef/v...1 the INo, 170, Apr, 1-4-1. and Mack • Lrg Nlag,•4l//e iur May myJlo ==! • •II I A rkt.l , -- A , arLdle •no .1 tne l'oro. can bc rartm4 1,1 Lika ban. •/:. • s no•-. A lud reg. , l and 101 . lo• 4.1 iy• • sa Transportation ConsQ 4r IZaCgi IS' IS. Old E L n E tattl i s i tietl C eln . es 1848. I LA DELPHIA, HAl:rim; ,BE h NEW YuHE 1/A / . 101,1,11,•,41/4 AND 0,110 ILAIL it E prpare.l to trn.por goods and produ, to and :rtmi 011 favorable terra.. Ad. r.••• appal 10 11 1.1-:1X11.1. l'o, i!anal Bodin. l'ataborpit. It fI HIS d I.Ell I. No.t. 1:1d. 15 South Thard Yhtl I 'l'd \ d St /N. Agt.. No 14. N'th Howard A Altlu rrr, Adt. No; W., •treet. New York I . .tt•burgh, !11/m.111901.1-4.r. _moral ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. AS. c IIIPPERS and other.. lS arr tnfortned that lb. u ‘l. Lute 1.3 111 , utt nite torn throughout the yoar, lea•tua dad P t. v roduc and inerrhoothze taken at low r Alen handle l'rom lialtouore brought out at Canal Tone, hve days. C BIDWELL, Atm ru t` atcr at, tt dour, above Mong•a. House, Pntaburgh. .1 It ROBINSON tr. SIIEMI, n1)17 11'1 South Chart. at, Baltimore, Passenger and Rendelane• °Mee. is pen i billANliDEN h. CO. continue to bring persons front any pa of England, Ireland. Scotland 07 Wales, upon the must liberal terms, with their usual punctuality and attention to the wools and 01 monograms We do not allow our passengers to e r robbed by the swiedling scamps that infest the sea ports, to we take charge of them the moment' they . port !tomatoes, and see to their well bettog, and d ree •pato Meru without any detention by the first !ohms.— We so Hon feutoleisly, tto , we ilsofy one of out pastime ger, to show that they were 1.100/0100 4t hours by us in Liverpool. whtlst 014..110110101 of other. were demoted unut they could he sent on wine old craft, at a ; to rats, which too treimmotly proved their eothus. We intend to percents our contracts honorablymest. coat 0 100 it only. netil not art as was the ea, tart son, v. tilt ether otficers.—who rater performed not all, Of w hen It suited their convenience. Drui , s drawn at i'lltsburish tor any sum from it to 1. I 1,10,, pe) any of theprovmmal Batik. in Ire land, Fmk:laud, Scutlaud /1111 JOSHUA ROBINSON, Estropeen and General Agst, Fulll street, •Ite door below Wood. ATI N RI) PARA.F . .OI-.8-11tutdsonte Saint Tore 11 I . drusul• u I,autttul quality, mad tit greolly re ,,rtee. just ree'd A LEX ANDF:It d. DAY, 73 market st. N eor the dtarnoud -•- tit Ni. 111 SON TEA-4u bah chest', oung I . •011 Tea, itiri received and for sale by MILLER & RICKNTSON - - - - ,11. , -5u libbi Latiseed 01; 75 do Nu I Lard do, 20 1 N.. do do; 14 du :40am., du, I 01.1 putt do; I do bleached Whale, 5001 s do du, o,More mud fur pale by ield SELLERS & N I CIII.S LI A 111110 c, o', Columbian Copying Preepe., Inkai received mud tor Pule by JOILN II MELLOR. wcval at Ito wurrE LiLUE-.1614. reed and for kj rob,. b • nryls BRAUN a RIITPR boles just recA and for sale by li 1.. ft JOHN D MORGAN. Druggist s II —lin 0 jr:J. \STt N r % I , J a n . r: ,, c i t k c o l re . ernrh h well wa-iied Wool, by S HARHALHiII, (53 water sod Itil flint Ansel lot of.llu.quuu Netb, ofan excellent quality an rrinar kubly elsoup. isal A LEXANDER a. DAY UNDRIL.'S-36 racks Featherc 13 do Ginseng; 0 biol. No 11 Lard; I do Flaxseed; 15 nicks do; 1 boo Pr arovk Fly BELIStICS, 1 do do Funs; to arnve and fur .ale by era ISAIAH DICKEY Zs Co, front at urrruNi—tr baler to tuner; for aide by ISAIAH DICKEY Es exi I ll ' l r tt . .l ' l. Co t , and LA ., l.: e l . i r ljl ,o l) , l T l Do g ti , %11 m ßsti c . R . o i a Guide dp. iief great router of travel.. A few copies received and tor role by win JOHNSTON As STOCKTON I it YITON—S) bales Tennessee Caltoe . to store artd t_d tor safe by 10y23 WEST BOWEN,9O tessa st MOLAS4FS-45 Ws Plant/woo Molasses, on store and (or sale by tarn' WEST EtrAVEN T3I.ACK I SG—HPU dos Al 01011 s Ch•llettge just ree'd jo and for sale by jet] JOHN L SIOROA/11 P . k .4 UnWM MARINE CLOCKS. BLAKE & CO, the roily autbonsed agent . to Pins burgh tor the sale of Kirk's Patent blames Time pier invite the enrollee of the pablic generally. and of the e*, effacers and owners of stem:throats and canal heats in particular, to their fine assortment of these excellent Chronometers Unlike the Pendulum Clocks, there are warranted to run with accuracy in any position, and subject to any amount of mimeo. consistent with the safety of • common watch. and are therefore the only elocks sun ahie fur aleallitarata. cartol boats, rsuirond cars and oratories. to which there is much jarring They ore used e sivelk at the Loot in these intentions, and ktve good Yalltithellott As Family Time Pete*. also. they ere much admired by those who have tried ibcni. on [tryouts! of their ronapactimse, accuracy. neat nod the lacilay with which they are moved or set up tor use Those who is-tab to purchnso are request ed in r anthtli y rramane into the menu of cubit article. and without regard to the instneauons and deouncisi lions of LelLe renteJ peewits, or of those who know noth ing about it The klartne Timepiece wall Kirk' s Itit ttrorrment. having but recently lie,eu. patented, I March, I--17.1 and 1.4.41 ni thin country, is isot generally known. and even some Worthy Mon to the trade have %w en tonna denouncoig the whole affair, who have since discovered that they were stoking their blows at another matter entrrely— ha•in g . in reality. never seen or known any thing of Kirk's (Loser ,npement.) Ma. tie Tuneptree As We are the only authorized agents in the city, our uaaortMent will be wand the only complete oue, and ns we keep none but those which have Kirks late int. prevenient of a -retaining power in the •prlng." we trust (lint those who wish to purchase will. to J ustice at least to thetoselves, eremite our. heftier inking front a mere reninaist elsewhere. An emetic. similar in appearance, but of nut one fourth the value, can be purchased elsewhere for lens money 'rhos, Mere ler, who regard nothing but the price of a clock. need ion take the trouble to call. Ittevrry CU..' where a Mantle nnaepicce sold by us dov. Itut gtve ..141 . /11,1011 tlurutt; the first three mouths ol its we bill refund the tuoury paid fur tt, on Its being rt.turnest wsthout damage. . Infortnnuon respeettng the Merits of the Tonepirer ran be ()blamed I nK y rcierrt to the office. of the Brd- Ittlorrntoo :So it, be, also. to Mr A Fulton. nod °the, 131,AiiEtc N \V ror of toarken et end the thentond. Prusburgh New Musical Instrument. CARNAttI"S I ttII'HOVED 01IN II MELLOR, No .1 Wood street, has rec., s, ved and now open for wale. a supply of t's•aart`s onproved patent Ifelodeons, price For the benefit 01 those reuding ut a Maumee, and consequently Unable toinspeet he :Melodeon before purchasing, the following I.le.eripoon /0 al vett: The cases are made at rosewood, and are as hand mmely finished as a Plano Forte. The sey-Imard preetsely same as the piano or organ. and the tone, (which is very beautitul.l closely resembles that of the thne stop ot an organ. Thelnstrument can he unwed, ately made portable wohout detaching any part. the I•nllnwreceding inio the body 01 -he inAtruntent and the leg• toldnig under, leaving the whole in a compact nom Each instrument ha. a parking ease, and the whole when peeled wellghs only lb pounds. The vol of tone 11.4001 to thm ut u small organ, and by means the swell may be ...reused or diminished at pleasure, it is sufficiently 100,1 for small churche, and I. NOOll calmilnied for a parlor instrument ni)'.at TllB NO.II AN1).H1,471 Wonto rt r•crttrY. 11 . rlrra• scuot.F.y. AN. ISAAC M JOIIN II M"RRIU)N, having na ,tnted tb c ntaelvea tonnther under the attic and Al,I or Selttiley.Rynn &Co .lor the inanuracture of Wood l'vne. and as thetrt)pe t• altottether made Ity snarl& 11.•ry. then nvention or lunar t•totrJar, one 01 the lim a ttt, ta, eonfitletn that tr., oder amore treeteet arnete tt pc and at mach lower rates than any heretofore uttered to the Untied ' , tares. and ate now ready ho 611 oulr r. tor Westin:le. All uldortt I.ll.ltare,,d to Acholtry. Ryan Co. at 8 Diamond mllry, ttetween Wouil and Suutltheld tfort, ,111 Le punctually attended P,nprielo, newspap,.. ropying till% ad vert...engem 3 inotall.. and ....ding tturtr paper. will 1•.• rouolrt.l w tecettre. u r ph, In ape un purunatting Oar,. hitic. ainuutti of their hill for ashen...llK. ,1 430 AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ha LriNutte. / 1 11 - 11“111,111 ASI , W111 , ,,,,i I:STEHN LINE °Mee •t the Each...alga. Baltimore. 11 CEDItATI> heen redu ilL ati on 7t. nom Haltnoure, ma 1.1410. or Whet.... 4. ta.,l . orretiattehng th. on Mt teleeruptea tleletirhet h-rwartletl troto ~, \ eti GI hit-t..:6s I• 3 h rt., --lite char, tot a teleFrhph tie.tpate. ht or iron. lite...mon, htt-1,111,n ‘l, t ent. !et 111 e 11,1 tin. 3.1.1 t ill. 1 11 1. Clll . ll .MlllOll.ll eon.' 1,,• 1 . 1111.1 math. for the atit.lret. tuba Pty..- 1 lh "11, ihe eothetton of the Stull eern I.the of Tet,retith horn %letup,. Tenn . New °dean, de,. ita,lte. cm. .rdrJlu Ulla ruute. end me thr Nu. "rte., jell The Allegheny Cemetery. 1 , / 111• 1 naltunJ Inecutig to. the t tarpon...l vb ra. held ott / hth 10%1 . the :oil°, Lt., ret.otet r unatu up, ree,.ctetl N 111114,, tor the ~ .r I'll°\lo, NI 11l AV V, Prt.,etst illN .11-:,,F.1.20100111EILS, NATHANIKI. N 1,1:. 1.t.11.....1.1N MCA\ 1.1.1, , JOIIN ll Etti.i JAMES It SI•E1.11. t •NI..N. Jr, Srerrtal, 1.11,1 Treasurer , l4lrril pl,eltlekl 11, et tl.alet ea ate el-, pro.peovh• i.on 'Chet/ °llse! u, 1 le Ckl) 14 So :17 1% meet COUNTILY MERCHANTS SAVE it .0 ISL z yrr cvni OIL 1:1.11T11, ,foln the ......:...lacturvr• huv• r, re.t a wriry 1o...••• \ I Norllt 1 . 1.. t .1 •irr, %croeNtl 114. N ..1 14.,p 4,• 11...1 1. a•mttnir.. l ..1 I,olent 1%0111 . .2- 318.4 0 . 41 1 . 4 . II" 10,1, .11/~IIu 1111.1.01 K 4101 Tea t. •• .01 tur 1,1”.1 pp". F 4,/.. 'll l 4ll, •11. anal w“, Flaktr 1 1”11.• 1,111 h. , to 21 Ir. rII land 111 KN -11 0. 01 poll.rt, °veil 01,1.114.1 u, Trun.pert,i NV tudow ,14.1. , .1'arp.1.1., et, A• 1 warraittcd 105 . . N &ha Ohio and Pekaasylv•ala Roil R Dad Co. I y ao.-cripoon mr Capital Si.., oc tia• I) Company. op,kesi on Mr Wm 1.111, at tbe F.l. ham,.• 1 , 801 and at the b.,•tsilf • 01 1.11.11011 a 016. n and Fro.l Asl & Co sod ardi. n-tome mo-ri .1, rog •o o r me •uperaolemt tor um Je r tied 1' LORENZ. HAKMAK l/K.'S 7, FREI) KAI CI-AILWE V. Hi lIIINSoN =MEM AWAlliGg, RACKING Still OrA, 11 COVERS AND ~ RAT% Or Ai.l. I.,:ta No. SNI South Front St Bark of 1 A. Wilson'. Cabinet Are Manuf y I.IIIILADEO...PIIIA- A I. 0,1 , 4 S a %loon, a omrr al the Slt.,,ant's t' ttt , ,lrt4, w .it pm:aptly •ot k,:rd T 11.5 DEKRI A 1 N.,:KF:RSUN , ILIOLIVAIL lxy.) judge, on a trial ot 0110 nuilions, since lel.i, Protiooin , thi• artielr J (or durability in I:010,Yr 0011 01 3111 kinds ut Fonac,• litre 10r 10,1. 1./1 i NI, guar anier.l nine olimattia Onlcr. for a seraonil quality But. , ar Brick& will exunite.l at C. 4./ per NI. 11 .10 de ,. gya.iller A atin.l Ural quality I • 110 W tor .sin at the warrtiou.r. •Sloam hart . ; ea• nag Ilu J +ll.l N' NI All -5 HEN. • lut Iron AN'orks ORIiAN - 11. SYRUP—It proved to he the iLL wear Panacea to curing ray 01110.. distressing cough From thi. Temperance Banner, Nov :11-47 Cotooe are lint to the habit 01 pulling, mu.-it lean taking patent medicine.. but we reel dinposed to rocommend Morgatt's Syrup to tho, who are,atllici rd with a couih. Alter having tired the usual rente d., to remove • constant and dtstren-uns; rough, that had lof 10,C001 Jaya adhered one oC our children, with syruorer., weWere 111d.C.1. to try Morgan's cough p. and by it relief was obi/tatted m a lew hours. It proved to he the panacea tit this 1000 at leant. Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor, JOHN D 1110KGAN,Alruggts1, 1.4,7 wood at, I door below diamood alley. 111.\ ESILAIRTONIC Al4r6l.m;Llt.arLet* JtrLLA uuhtastottuily prottouttor Lo what. rows. r•— the bett without soy errorttoo to ofo, ,for mod prusematoto v( the hr haw. %Cr know of ootoorour uottutera whert Loa, hot beta reLlored to brads retoch have Loma bald tor ',ono and ore Ituitk ure cututot du 'lvo, (altar LAID rocotntrouttl to all our 'ratter. lotto At buoy their hoar. to tnalt• • trial ofth.• Tour motor dwelt' Boston AfasL .14r waist ta Pittsburgh at Ma Pratta Teo St. 0.., No 7* Fourths..., war mar ..Ikwr 1)ti%V:4110NO TE.I-30 half Chests sup Powthong • 'Test. stmt. and for sale ,e2O J Jr. R FL(rYD, Round Church iltoldlngs I)URE VINKUAR--411 bids sup, Vinegar, or • CUM and for sale by ,e. 46 J R __.• LSISII Ibis No 3 large Nlackerel. bids No I • liernags; tobls No 1 ritztoted Shad. latithug and lot sale by jeMt J t R F 1.0 1 .1.1 NFANT recetved, I r Infant.' itlue Pta . rl:ilal.. case Itrrnc. tog burn Flats, and or salt by SAIITII b JLIIIIN:44 IN, pr2tl 46 marl:et at rIPOWNKINtIYS SARSAPARILLA-19.1w just rer and lot Salt and int' •ale at thr drug werollot, )4,4, J MIA, t t., I,U woo4l at ,12 wuted 111 FiAjit-1.1661...xtru, for alr F Vu.\ itt/NNItuliST d. Co . ND aulr L A I .1 -1 4 r ISONNiiott,r & Co s A b i ; ERAT(.I7 , v s ..:;11 t r . .71 .5 t u u n i CH . 1 . t . :.Z..-1.14 Ft B"u°,<li --1 m — "" , cot" NViirri-: a:ANS—SAO 1011, to ricer and for •alr by jell Io.IIA 11 DICKF:I 6 Co I<l3 . JAAI LIALZEI.L. wooer .1 S TAR CANDLE:S—:t t.'tto:ratt C3 d t o ott, ju..t reretved so.l tor •.1,. ity . jel4 • NI I 1.. L. ER a. Rll'l ETt-o-IN VISHINti 4 , 007. , -7 . 1 dot 'mita Robber Ft•tung r 101 l rce'd expre•• and fur aale at lbc ln dta Rubber Depot, Not Wool street jes 12c II ---•--- f INSFIEDOII.--lo bbl. ,u.tree'd and or aalt: ul the aro, warehouce 01 J MUD& Co, jell uo Wt./A I.ELNIONS— A leve bole. Freels 1,010.. r juilt receotral and Or sale Lq jolt .0.4. IV 11.1RIJAVGII (10TrON.,—..1i) bales Cotton. more nod fur sale by jels 1 AS DALZ ELL y 11—,4a104gs reed{ved and ior sale by jeld JAMES A II UTCIIISON A. Co DAR L.}:.U./-I , Afd An an store and (or ate by jo ill • JAS A licreuisoN A Co k,ss, ww.orted, reed and (or sale by 0 jam JAS A tivremscns Aco and Altssouri peony, ot store and 1l ion sale by (0,0 JAS A HVIViIIS4J:\ ACo VtLoWING PAINTtiII BLUE IstUEENS%\"&BE -12 We •re nOwtecetrlng alCf aotsortment or 11. etterto and beattlidul ware. Jr& (ALL b.unrrl AMERICANi OUEENS‘VARE—Can he bad in WI its 'anent', at the wire or /e- 5 GILL & urren —5 bGls Porb. an hand and for sale low to JA close by je,.• TAAFFE. & O'CONNOR MEDICAL.' cONSIIMPTION, !ultimo, Bronetuus, Byet=g_ Blood, path th th e s,d,, utd Smut, Sore Th om, H.Lisenfts, e ith e Hewn, Whoopmg Conga, Croup, Hires, Nervous Tremors, Laver Complaint, and D the eeed Kidneys, are radmally eared by Dr. Eisryske's Compound Syrup of Wild It is maid and pleasant to the taste, perfectly safe and h•rmles. in its operanona and yet ft Is one of the most powerful and cerman remedies or Consumption of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Spaung Blood, Liver Coenlatitt, Pains La ale bade Ur Breast. and general Debility of the Coustitution, that was ever invented by the skill of in. for the rehef of the althcted publi c Certaficates and evadencee of its wondertiti curative powers are daily received from all quarters It is inc possible to conceive the aggregate of suffering and an.. ery that has been relieved or banished, by at, nor can we calculate the immense benefit that shall accrue from it hereafter. All Agee, sexes, and consittunons are alike affected by it, and die disease is eradicated from the system, the constitution repaired. and health res tored by the uof Da. Swat age Comma:so brace ale Wu. Lltintiti se Hew many sufferers do tee daily be hold Approaching to all untimely grave, wrested. in the bloom of youth, trpan their relatives and friends, fanci ed with that late/ malady, CONSUMPTION. whack wastes the miserable *offerer until he is beyond the power of human skill. If such sullerem would only make a trial of Dr. Swayna's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, they would final themselves sooner relieved than by gulping the vanous ineffective resnothes with winch our newspapers Abound; this 'Vegetable Reme dy' heals the ulcerated twigs ; stopping profuse- night sweats. at the same time inducing a natural and healthy elpectoration i and the patient will coon find himself in the enjoyment or comfortable health. 'lle public should hear 111 111111 d that Dr Swatyne is a regular practising physician, and has had years of exp.:mine ni diseases of the Lungs. Cheat, &a Thc (original and only) ram ine artiele is only prepared DR. SWAYNE, N cor "re at F'''h'h...°l!‘'!!!'! street Philadelphia ANuTit tioii;77tFleATE. _ - - tic . all the cures that has ever been recorded, we may safely say the annals of medietne cannot Cum/nth one to surpass this, which now , iutude as a Itvlug proof is the curability of consumptton. even when hie had been despmeed of. Dr. Swayue's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry nt all it professes to be, the greatest medicine in the known world. The True Riehea of f ip Maki, D. Poor:ex—Dear Sir— r the good of the public, I feel tnyselt to duty bound to manly to the great cure which your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perform ed on me. For my part, I lyd u it every =sly oiight to know it. I was Wilhite,' with a violent cougty spit- nog of blood, night sweats, hoarsetta.. and sound of the voice indicating an alarming state of the disease; my appetite was gone, mid my strength had so far fail ed me that my friends and physician were persuaded I could not survive mmy days. My sister, who was my anxious care-taker made inquiry where she would be likely to procure the most certain relief. She was told that tt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of \ Vtld Cherry fouled in the cure, my Ilia Vr4 tarn hopeless. Your medietne was immediately irroeured, and the hest bot tle gave relict. and by the tune I had commenced the moth bottle. lay cough had Zell toe and my strength was uch improved. In short, it has made a pertect cure oi me, end I tun at this present tune as hearty a triutt as I wish, and have good to believe that the use of your medicine has saved me from a premature grave. I shall be pleased to give my mt.-m.on respecting my case. I Al Rmves, • • ••• • an ebwter st, between rare and yule Ft, 1 . 11111 CAUTION! CAUTION'? ConsconpUves, tread' Read . ' Ur. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry . In about the year IS/7, I found it necessary In my professional practice, to compound a medicinal preps'. .1011 for diserwes of the chest mid lung al more powerful healing propenies Man any Valet hith erto known for ouch diseases. lo my CUhli s tre:SU SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, I have been very soc• cemlul. The truly astonishing cures effected by my or-Mettle soon spread us fame abroad, for n ovees startle of Its nieces to Islantllactared newspaper pads or toe ged certificates-110 real tutrulste merits of thy com pound is the ottly cause of its popularity. Its extensive sale soon excited the envy of certain speculators in the adhettotts of his fellow cremures, so much so that in le w years from the tame that my preparation was Intro duced ur the public and in great demand, a lion in this city. ending that my preparation bad gamed a high reputation tor Its cUrauve properties, came our with what they called Ur. Wtstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This respectable and .popular physician bad no more to do with the article than poor Sam Patch. The name of Ur %View is attached to make it appear that all• eta went prartiuoner was the ungloal inventor of the pre paraUnn; such Is not the tact The above firm. the re al inventor, sold the recipe and rtght tu Matittlacture some patent nardwine dealers in Cincinnati tor the West and South, sad another in New York tor the East, who afterward, it is asserted, sold out to a druggist tai Boston—so the °amber of Lands tutu which it ma, have changed ts au enigma. 111...001e places tar) . assert it emaamed from a phy ageism I/ m other, trout a ph).4mun 111aautcau,etse. tto 0 has falsehood aml stratagem stamped m rvrry lealure. .. There have horn a number pf other preparations pun porting hi imin Wild Cherry put nut since, from the hands in 111C2 pent.... which the public should guard against, as they contain none of the virtues of the origi nal and only gcnnine preparation, which Ircaxs Mr sig. mature 01 Dr. nuruyile oil cacti bottle The preecut we ot their puffs and fel., certificates have the darn% effrontery to caution the public opium! pur chasing my inedichic, the only truly genuine and angi nal preparation ail Wild Cherry before the public, which is proved saustactonly by the public records of the Commonwealth of Penns) !vaunt, to well as vari• nut other official documents DR. H. SIMAMNI . % Inventor and sole Nropnetor of the genuine Com pound "ly nip of Wluld Cherry, corner or Eighth and /Lace streets. L'hilailelphia Instophlets cao be untamed gratis, seing forth an army or reoiruoity that tell convince themost skepti cal ail the worideriul virtues of Dr 11,waynea Compound is) nip k% ild Cherry Call and get one, that all may read. Purr base the medicine, and so ....hi Fur omit.. urboleurule and rem!. by the Aga,. 11 Al MOH N SI Market al. Olibr.N h SN(./WDE.N, corm, trot! u Ltbert) tt, 1-0 1../Lrrty .t. 1,4 AIINF-.11./Ck a Cu. vvruer of Fintend ,1111 mud 7% utul, mud JOHN MITCIH.II.I., tutu-25 Great Eng 11•1. Remedy. Ft at euti4 h., told.,Asthma Sad Conautoolon! The REA r AND ONLY ILLAH.IbIi tor the cum of We l• the HUNGARIAN ISAI.S.AhI th,ovrtml by the relebramd Dr Buchan, oi I ,onavit. En,land. and introduced into the rutted states uoder the mmiethare supertistendmice of then nventor Tue streurdmary success et this luedicine. in the cu or 1 . 0/uttituary dfseuses, warrants the American Ar, re tit solterting fur treatment the worst possible ra se. Mal cult be round In the commun. y c tine, that week relit, to vain from any of the cola:non retired.* of the du,. and have been given up hr.. most distinguished ph) sti.lans as confirmed and tricurable. rite liauguri thstsarti has cured, and will cure, the most desperate ot cases It to no quack nostrum, but a standard Eng 'Loh medic... of knasurn and established efficacy. Every family in the Untied States should be supplied with Etoehan'a Hungarian Balsam of late, not only to rout., rat, the consumptive ierideticies of the claw:tie, out to be used a u preYeti.< illOilcino lit all cases at II ds. oughs. +puling 01 blood, p.atu oi the side soil eue•t. irraiition and soreness of the lunge, hrOghltin, thliteully of brealing.trecue lever, night awash, enaari and general detin), asthma, intluellia, whooping cuugh And crOup. vIJ in large bottles. at SI per bottle, with full duce buns for the restoration of health eontauting a mass of English and Amer, est. erhfieate, and oilier evidence. showing the un equatted merits of One great English Remedy, miy be ohmined Cl the Agents, gratustousl y • Fur sate ity B A FAHNEre7tXtK k Co., corner of at oil %%toot! and Wood and BO Sts. nmete We have been informed by Mrs Rose of a core per formed ou her by Dr. Jayne.. Alterative, ateett azure. superiority over every-other remedy of the kind She hos been athreted for the Is sixteen years was NEr,ltUbak. or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended trim uleeratront and cateiration of armour bones, du. rrug which nose many preens have been draeharged from the IrOntal bun of the cranium, from both her arms, wrirts trod hands., and from both legs, and it the left tea oral bone, and from the right knee, besides palatal •ier . r• on other part* of her person, which have battled the oh ill of a muslin, df the most emment ph yrwians of our ens—during most of the lime her nufenngs have been esentattarig end deplorable. About three months since she was induced to try Dr. JsYne's Altera:lvo. which hat hod au immaishtnaly happy effect upon Ler, by b e all pant rum swelling*, and erthr,ng the le, e '4 to heal, while at the rater time her general health Pas become completely restored, m that she now weighs C+ lac more than she did before she commenced Me use of r hit truly valualik preputton.---last Eve, hyt. Far further inturtnalron i inqutre of hits. Rose, Nu. lI'S Filbert st. Ptilladelphra. For rule in Prurburgh, se the VEKIN TEA erri,RF, 3U I truth rt mar Wood. l '3 .Q . C.1.01•11 LA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL IJ INGS.—Scrolula in all its multiplied forms wMaher in that of King's Evil, enlarrggot.ninpia n the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, I,nroeir Rheumatism, Censer, diseases of the Skin or ;pine, or id Pulmonary thanaumption, emanate from one and the same cause, which is a poisonous pnociple more or less inherent in the human system. There, fore, unless than prinerple can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be etlected, bet if the principle upon which the disease depend., is removed, a cure mad of !MC-easily I 011 ow, an miler under what lona the disease should manilmit therefore is We reason why JAY!. lee AJLTICILaTIVE is no ant venially successful in removing so many malignant diseases. It destroy. the virus or principle from which those discasee have their origin, by entering tom the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. Ii South Third Street, Philadelphia. bold at the Petra Tea Store, Nu. 7: Fourth area Pittsburgh meh3l LADZ 1.0 U.c Gomm= rirpored Chalk, arc Wien not aware how irighoully tenurioust to the ok in! low coarse, how rough, how eallow, yellow, and nil,raithy the .kin appears •iler using prepared chalk! lks,uck, itnurioaa, coutainidg a lasge (pan toy ml lead. We have prc-0 a Licasubil vegetable article, which ch we call JO repa Nb..-0 SPANISH LILY IV WTI!! It Li perrevtly innocent, being purified of oil deleter , ous quebties., and it to the atm • nate- I al, healthy. alabaster, cleat, li•ang while, at the same tone acong as a coasuebc on the akin, making it salt and smooth. Ur. James Anitersaa, Yvactteal Chemist of Musa eh wens. say, v Alter analywng Jones's:Spanish Lilly White, I End it twasesse• the must beadtiful sal nat.- r•I, at the same time innocent white 1 ever saw. 1 veil/nab: can cenitmentmusly recommend its ow loan allow skin requires beautifying [Ey — Pries YS cents a bor. ZpEold by Wlll. JACILBON, at his Boot and Shoe Store,BllLiberty street, head of Wood, •t the signwof the 116( Boot. too Ladies, ladies, Pm astonished, When you know War you are premise,' A mural, Itle-like, emery white, - • That you rnll Lull use Coontrao chalk, And look • deathly yellow fright., The theme of laughter and of talk If you would use a box of /ONE'S Ldly.whbe, would 'lvo your sato an alabaster yet natural white, and at the sum bate plow and improve it. Sold at JACKSON 03, N Lawny at. Prtea 2.3 vents per bent. MYB PAPER WAREHOUSE /IW. 9 BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. YU; W. FIILI) offers for sale at ibe lowest Manufacturers' ponces, a very extenstve assort -111,11 of PAPF:II, compost/nit every posmble vanity, adapted to the mutts of consommes In all sections of the country. Paper of all Mtn& made to order at .ban nen.•e. 1 he stock of PRifllll4o PAPER is anosuully kap a pastor which is of verytupenor quality. PAPER EARAC.R'S MATERIALS of every ne*.viPwre, imposed and kept coostandy o ban-, viz: Feltingz, Wire Cloth, Fourdnnier Wire: Bleaching Powder, Bane Illtrarnornae, Twine, de., de itA6lll.l Canvass, Bale Rope, Grass Pope, Bagging, e. , parelnued, for winch the Itigtiru4s:w York, preiri b pad !nor 1.7N175PM-1 5 U bags prima Rio coffee.. 150 bb Pi 0 0 :d0t..., 75 r bans M manalacturedud 0 l tobacco; PPi half eels peen and black .756 ab basesY 11 and P do.; i 56 hoses Germ. clay; 10 cask* talent d,, potash, tOrelhee sr. a general amorl mem of grocers., tn stom and for sala by CARSON k MOS - NIGHT, Gen as HHAVANNA CIGARS-1011000 imported cigars of die following seletnredi brands, pan to smite of, Ceres, A abkqta Washiagton regalia*, !Lapides, Pseulapte Dos g . os, de Poster, London Y renfa, Lord Byron* Pails pnnel,pes, main boat do, Vdicya sLtra ntm.„ do,Sylv e. ta'ad do o, m, Esa ra pri. ls ov. i ( di ., sale by , P C MARTIN ISb7 cot Smithfield front R. MS= MFDICAL 1 3 :s 4:r r%.m.„0...;,.,-.N.1NT,,.t A. tIE best ankle known for dooming and withering . the Teeth, strengthening the lama, nreetarung the breath, eke. It should be toed every night with a still Wash, and the teeth and month will only require a nigh washing to the moming. Wet the briuth with warm waits, at cold will answer, and rob it a few times on Me pasta when emelt will adhere lot massing the teeth. It enacts delicious taste at the rourtM L IIIIII Im pens • most delightful fragrance to the breath. /tetrads untootled as a pleasant, ethcactenas, 0021 eel:tient, amt safe del:milli.. It LS warranted not to injure the teeth, but to preservethem. kly using it regularly, it will remove the tanarand prevent its otecumulatton—prosers the ..d'""1" .irenktben the gums, and prevent all diseases of tnem Atheunsta phyalciane and the clergy recommend it a decidedly cope nor to every tither of the kind iA AU for Sherman% Composed Orr. Tooth Paste, end observe his aig[l.4l/0 is attached to each ran Recommended by Dr. Cradle, xil Broadway, use of etc be'' ni and by moat of the old established ones in t he United Suites and ever. ktensiyely used by the Nobility of Ertglaitj and Per• eu • A large proponent os the donne. t batamiat mankind arue Irvin wane derangement of th. • untateh or bowels, which a uncle ere of the QUI. tie Leacur.S.SLld entirely Pet.ta of bib.ut habits aboard al ways have a lieu at hand, and'utae wheneve r , they feel the least derangement in their health. Antis' clues use of the.,, I oteitges would ;invent thousands Fur alien& R'M. J ACK.:AM'S, cornet of Wood end Li bat IT •.• 6450113 A GREAT CURE.' t+fiinaed by b. copal azi4 aely traii md getanra Lin, rill, prapanal lual said by II E BEL , L KBE MOMS E• 61167, Wmtmoreland Cos, p., July ilkle, 1647. Mr It. E. Seam :—• *toe ad., theadbeted Induces toe toadd my butable totimany to favor of your justly celebrated Liver rills. I have deterred doing o years, Whoring to Vary Crockett*. maim , eta sore you are norm. dun go Owned." Mon of tbe many preparations of amputee and quacks, landed to th e Aso, Wm .on into oblivion 1111.6 your Luce ?Lb have bon offered to the paha, and, indeed, believe they will ...emir. theca o to, yenp n whet represent them to be I hoe been tinkled with Liver Complaint Item my youth; ham suffered murk; employed arty tertusent.pbysicians, to whom, I paid much moor hare lot much blob beet vomited md thoickel altaim to death; ealtrated sor 6 tunes, and b ally green up as Inentable. In 1e34-7 l was induced to tr e y your LIVCS Pilo , and SOON 00T WELL. Om boa of which as now othment to bop locker of pain in the ode. and all the other eynaptom fin at least la months. Your Pais an alo the beet cathartic I or, need; :17, r tu 'A t gt d :or '' sn ' reZT ev or lit7l °,l 6 `,.. h lE'rpe k :Usa . l th eloy"stM du 6 or 7 yesent; .old hundreds of bones, and ham our breed a wove rumples. muted by any one who has god theca Thy have rupercided almost every other pill in this neighborhood, tend in • short time will bonsai them all. earoody recommend theca to on prawns needing physic, whether for Liter Übe:opt:dot or Whom Affections. I eon eider them Ear emperor to Calomel or the DI. Pill. Reenact folly yours J L Monate UTION—As then are other Ms tied. the public c•L.L.S. Liver Pilla persons who ..none U EN UrN K should auk kw and take no other than those prepared and old by It K SELLERS, No 57 /Vood-.t lb wren Third and fourth assets. ioL by Dr. C 0...,., Fifth Ward, D Al Conte, illegheay city, fay llydropathy, or the Water Core. ocTo it 13EN.1 W. hIORRIts returns his sateen, thanks to the cal/011A M Pittsburgh and Allegheny city for the very liberal support and encouragement he tint received within the last six months. 'That the Wa ter cure should argon, such celebray, is neither 'trance nor inystertous.when it Is rontudered how great number oi eases or every variety of dtseases, both orate and chronic. have Levu cured I.) atseases, tudtmons use of lit kierrnmly, where a °admitted, sm thousand of thenorst c use, that were flora up by the moos skil ful phyeiranis of Europe es Incurable, were cured by the manorial Prlcentur. the founder of the Water Cure. In England, France and America. thousand. of horse lent CaI•VP have been cured and the numerous Ilydropsthlc estebbshroents imw in successful opera tion in the Enured Suit, speak volute. to Payer of the pracuce. Dr. Morrie haring permanently established himself an Mr city of Patunurgh, three doors sonahwell'of numb alley, on Pen/1 suers, in now prepared to take • number of boarders and Drat them has bona., and those who ' , Dater being Ironical at their own dwellmga, will be punctually anal faithfully attended. He may be consulted at his uthee from I o'clock ull 3 P. and trann 7 to 10111 the eventing. N —Every • of baths made usd of tis .he Water cure. both lor !mites and gentlemen, can be ob tamed at the Athenumm, on Liberty street, where they have been recently erected Inc the express one of Hy dropatine patients. and where every attention will be mven by the poiite and attentive propnetore. :spl4:thn Okt. JA CALIJIIIN A TlVAshr -- LWiAlli Li KUM the Kett ASA SHINN, h well known and pop r alas Ctergrmaoofwe Protestant Methodist Church The untlerttigned having been tainted during the put 'Orman with a dtreinse of the stomach, ususethues pro dueme great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve bout. without interottasiun, and alter having tried •stions revivifies with hale elect. wee furnished with a bottle of Ur LI Jayne's Carminative !Jetsam. This he used an coellng to the directio and found invariably this th mrdictite teased the pai ns, n to abate in three or four min im, end in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy angina was entirely emoted. The medicine was af terwards used whenever indications of the appmach of potn vele perceived, end the pain was thereby , preven d lie continued to use Me meilteme every evening and PolactiMeS in the morning, and in a lew weeks Leatth was en fa , restored, that thtt staerer was rater ed atom a largeammial of opprea,lVe pain. Earn e para.-11a, Ilirrelorr. he rail cOafi ree/naillamal VII,- • latran nal/ v 1.1,u0n. as aalltlary 3nedic tar Mvesses of the stomach and bowels. A 611114 ND A I leg early eity,jy3l Fur sale in Yataburgh at tho PEKIN TEA STOR 72 Fourth street, ',ear WtheJ, a , ol also at theDrog 1 UTZ Seder-at street llle.ast.l Purify Tourloud. and d wd aif Itt scrotulons coinplaint in my and had bean for unue nunitlis under the care ot phyucians. They said my case Wls almost incurable. owl they could do but little tor me I was nearly he, but with the aid of crutches could yeahdifficulty get about. In May last. I purchased 01 yea, and commenced using. p . Rue rotY issasszsan.mi After the true of two bottles, the gores codonenced healing. owl I lad aside ennch es. using 01Ity a cane I dispensed with ray mine .41 at the end of the fourth, was so well as to waist all day in sheanng sheep. In all, I used five bottles. The scrofula and sores hove all !waled op, and some last mum., I have seen nu appearance of the diseaae, ban have continued. and am now, In the most perfect ha, I state with rosifidener, hoping that others may be ben cline-it 111 the same way, that the Sitrsapanlla sold liy you has been the means and the only Incat of edicts mg the cure. CORN ELI US J. HOSE For sale wholesale and retail, b 11.kyr R. A. FAIJIEMTOCIL & Co cor front P woculltte. & also roper wood h PERFUMERY— __ r Cream de' Amanda Amere', for shaving, Creitin • In Roan, or shaving; Almonds. Cream, do; Superfine flange, nu Porcelain to I.l.lsni scent bogs, perfumed with Lavender, Angle. sere blicl; 1...m0bil powder puibi, of all pauerna; embossed toilet boons, containing fragrant el - tracts fur the handkewhiel: a scent lisg.and toilet soaps, NM SW< lot presents. Pei cast, or Chinese powder; lint ran vegetable hair oil, - hcar's oil, in Iwcy or common wrappers, (owe eeetalP Jdavv . lednPi Nymph :3°llp, Rae Lip salve; Shell map; Soda tonp;loyetber with a great varlet" bne. prouensyy: istelvtd, for we by B A FAIINESTIAA k. CO nvIG ' car GM k wood sin Pnlmomacy MIt:Si:HIS. REED tr. CUTLER—I feel it a duty I owe to my tkUow creatorea to state something more retpeeung your Vegetable Pulmon ary Bahia. Since I first used the flotsam, about y ago, the happy effect of which I then gene an meteor. of, I have had several severe complaints old attack. at my oue a few days since, and in every nista.* I have used the Balsam Munn with complete and perfect succeas. bas elec.! relief and cure in a very few days. It is certainly a safe medicine. I do not know that ii will cure a fixed cousumpuon, but I believe it wdl I.e ni many cases a prevent•e, and prevent. is better Units cure; do therefiure, for the love of my fel.„ low men, earnestly recommendthe Ilee of this Balsam, lit all pultminary complaints. I sin confident that il hal 10,0 the means of preserytug my life to this day. Boduit June RENIAMIN PARSONS. For sale by It A Fahnestock, Co, comer East an wood and also corner wood and UM. 1•19 4,,Z ELLER'S IMPERIAL OCIUHH SYRUP.—It has V power to curet Parent and. Feb. 14, Isll7. R. E. Sirarcita—My wife has for yea. been =boot the coul, accompanied with ate thcure of whieh e need dulkrent cough a mid had the advice of the most au new physicians 111 England. but all was unavailing. By chance I heard of your imperial Cough Syrnrit end Yow mdampd m ..Y • bottle 10, trial , •Ithough I bad no belie( that anything could remove her complaint. Iv my great surpnse, two daces•gave her inunethate relief. She Is at time. tibulded with a cough, hut two teurcionsful of Syrup always stop. it 1 .111 ushed, allcr a Mal of three or tour year., that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best cough medimne I have ever tried either m the Old or New Worn!. We. Faunsommut, Eleventh Weed, city of Pittsburgh. almve certificate should induce all who are troubled with cough or twit..., to give the Syrup a tri al. It may be had for 75 cell. a bottle, at the drug .lure of K E SELLERS, 57 wood st. Sold by Dr Cassel, 5,1 maul, and D II Curry, Alle gheny euy. jans Patent Block Spelog Tens., NEWLY IN Ow relief and Permanent Care of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Salted to 1111 uses ) the superior claims of lb.. truss consul in the coth sass wilts abets it way he worn. The pad of awal Icing neatly balanced on *prelim yields to pree n. on any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any usbv.nneat made by the wearer la can be worn ar.dinut intermission. until a cure w•effected.. The sub ...ben have made arrangement. for the otanuftsentell vl tht an valuable Trusws, in a supertur style, ig renal de.wns, and have thew now fur •ate si Weir whec,No. V 7, :withheld st near nisth, Yetwoulti. MATT ht U. 51i KA UVFMAN. QI . I.I.I:RS' V F.loll}l:4l , ,—.`tsuporter to any I have 0 ever used.'` Gattaa.v Tr. Fayette coutto. P.. March 4. '4N. Mr. K. Saa..t..r.cs hereby reruly that I have ataeal your Venutruge a toy hotly, and Lettere it equal, if not atapertor to any I bare ever u..etl. I gave to one of niy children one du.c. which expelled *bout Si worm,. l',pared and .Old by H E nELLERS. 57 %%nod ag Sold ny Ur Cansen 50 Ward, L 51 LAlrry, Allegheny by .1 :nada, Temperancevtne, and I' Draw>, Law my 4 L YFUNG rn , —An uronturni teed and for .o k) my,l J KIDD PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ED 11/111.1 - , Tfu.wcEiu.Y k Wk33.lth Y Ai ' , W....J. Bstadmm, 3d a., mar au Am it. 3 3 .21113 OP • . Our tubertiou of 11 hoes, or lens so to Twe .naertmas ',linens al le/rattans : 4 0 75 . Three • .....41TI 000 .. One 11. eel. • • " " Two 15 eels 280 Three • • • • .. • • Due Mourn, 400 .. Two • • 600 • • Three • • 180 lij• Longer a.irertiseusents In same proportion. One square, 6months, without a ILernuon,... 10 00 ~ ..... L 6 00 ..ash a/Mahatma! square fur 6 months, ..0... sea it " 1000 Ons square,6 sionthr,rimewable at pleasure, l& 00 '"' Al 00 Each addltlonalsquazeror 12 months 10 00 . 15.0 squarrs, 6 months, ie'vreble at pleasure, 30 00 Fach athlitrunal square, 6 months, 5 00 tirrill.l 00 Till-w KKKKK II DAILY PAPillfi. One square. 3 insertions, SI 60 - " each additional insertion,.....:.. 77 11113.11 WC. C•Illuil. • Vire line. or lett, one year, ......... 6 00 " " ail months 5 OLI " one year, daily sr. weekly, 10 00 " " .it month. ", " 800 ADTIRTIIMMINTII W ..... tuts. Vor to Iran, or leen, One 111...WT.1011, ........SO 50 0 'ID " " " Three, .4 IMt Three m0nth.,........ 3 Le 6 00 " Twolv• 10 04 MM!:Md
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