i ',,,, •i. 'MEDICAL! DIL TOWNSEND'S - SARSAPARILTiA': Mat 'CllFXrdOPY;Nedcins 'fik• • Tbs atrate peiipisltuartlatla : MsMs lasois show grr, Omuta, had saprrim to is, rali. j• eve 4una. mattiveuitcs arils..' bitta p.! ;REIT SPRING AND SUEtlig l'be E ng bony atal aspriarity of Da lbanipattpa user !walker Makin is, ablist A &Minna Disease it E none lady. :lib ber ef.tbe my bur SWILINGWD Ul11111:6 MEDICI:MS ever barna , it an ealy pan& ill whoa gam mil amen. /be penny bat it Crain • bbee;Psas an Kid It and jja paver ponesed by sh/ attar Malaita/ Ant. Ibis Inviter pad asevelof in naoderfel man. Atha sformid witim the pot two pars, awn aaa 10/ cure of /Seven Cues of Disean; at len t s,ooo of then ware eaasidnia ibeenbile. r More that ' RUIR owes of Chrwsic Rhenotives 1 • ' RV caws of Debdity and *ant of Elwin ;7,000 =nig digitise Yank Coteidainta; ." - • 1,600 eau of the Lime Compialot; emu if f DiMala lit ory sn i t Moog ; =llmtsimeit of ammo( Dianna of the RIM{ Mem, Repinelas, Rat ahem, rimplesonthe Finn, be, fie. To rino with. imam= of ifetchehe raM a the oda and Chest, Spinal Affections ; fie., , 2 • This' ,we at inearei most oppose locredßie ; hat en bpi Wien (me ph *sat indoor nate Nat ail pub of thin Uoitad MR% ' aof eatraordinary earn. R. Via : Reek Wig; Esse aloof the Ma respectable druggists in Be, ark, N. JA Warne we that he am lifer to More th in e. on in that plan atom Then at. thomands of mei in the Rim of Rem .York, which we will - mite to withlVmere A, end to M. of eharader. .It , b the but medicio. kr the . Prieentire of discoe known. It undoubtedly sera Retire 5,000 Lamar= viz Purr Stamm r • A. it remora Ms now of &gam, rid purred 0131 6 arms ma omcv. Cam O. W. McCune, Or sea Ilarrealivara. Nan', and carder of the lie* /army Legishlare, badly m as the following certificate. Danis its own sun. Jac 25, 1847. 1. year sled Iwu talma with the Wham ,ad lay dude •q item kft b a del4litila dabs. .1 was ;kidded to try Dr: Towaread'e tiarsuort i : v ad Selma le lw is or dud Irt 114 I bare ettided [ding it, sod lild th tbar I i t day. .1 behove it and, al lib, and would j . , 000 he willow it dare say deedaralian 0. W. Yaw, hie Di E. _" ,• EMMA C 01413: This cartißince doclashely preen that taw liersiba MTV, " %stilt. 1 4.6 = """ o p f ott Taman Cmaada. • Ito. Tomes= —Dear 81. r t 1 haws du ipleaure Its taboo roe that dud of my dam-bate boom card et theirs. huh by id ad of year euallent asidietar. They were abided II severely with beriare; bare ally, ales " at e banks ;• . lt took Ilium away, ter wioell I Ad separate 4_p obligation. Yours, naposthdly, hue W. Cmant,lo3 Reds/.b • Dew York, blends I 1„111117 — . ' OILEAT YIibIALD 11.ZDICLITZ. Dr. Toddendb Sarsaparilla se •lassennutl epeedy v • owe Orr incipient Gsassaishas; Burma; ar : . obetrarld or didkatl Mcogrialion. Imewstinede. et Uriso„ err lavolontary didwzg• Altureoc ad kir the pa .7, . .<iaLata cud or etas% maimed hritPluilli re umlaut : I N. 41.4 4.4 b. more wayridag . .. Das Its hrigureg et . Sects ma the hued fru*. Persian, all weaken" a and Wu taile,trava talthig at awe *or soda ad WI atoms" oder its Women It tewaliaisly Locate:ads the 0111711 • led.' et the Guide Dope, wiLUel • id pealed= at hug , will eat be expander a 4 eues et so delicate n tureoci aihlit conittester dame perfonwed, bat we ed aware 'assail:tad, that headredi of fain ban In repaid to alrucral cues where rued/shin bee. witlwte 114 y,..1i. ding a LW. laths lof thisl lasdaolile medicine, 1 bed blot met LLkbl ofbartsugl • ..• • IF. Dimond :be* greatly distrend by weakness sad general debility, ed edam( _epatinually • . by pat end • a towaation of hoenet Mau at, the winch, ad with 4.45'446.111., .4 having been e.sur when pox minim G. eifetted peal enrol ; end gaoled= ing it recusomesuldtor such tunas I her* deseribed,l dad. ads bout. of par ESIIIIII et.•awl hamlet the dived/au you pre era. In • Sart it roomed easeyisats .ml neared habil. &tag grateful fir the trader she nrosival,l USN Tamen - h. acimardedg- Int it, amil neeta,eptina it du public. ; M.D. /Deny, Ang.l4 l / 1 44. -.;Car. of Umod and Lydia. .ter, COULCZLE, Sept SO, 186. Dr Thwounii To W whoa tid. emerra—Thia i. la csrtify daisy alb sued raw lonia or loos Sessaparille pp rice. to lan Acadia:sad, ander 11. tuat elandag toad i.aaaeureses=bmag walled with tio=t Dog of the fa; sli , j 4 ^ , s, euld airy ; with iey priudoo, extd sitioseteeddiat et these 1,60 Waved , it, site [lll ibia.bi to Cry it, with hale or no fulh; sal millet it to . tay, the imutiein. had the happy ad illabsdatbet,not only: the hold d,coolitumumt, bat der /sus= ga d way to ofto so thainsiVig degree; ad bar 7 , Lola, sinar iserha it liusti ter a hag Gin. poz If tka. be Lay amid to' yea toy au *bp 41.1,6 the duds of Ow ceedistiaa, pas ere imt.Wy Inhume le _ ' I steuershe midi you autst eheibtaind obliged trnsat, 8 8 Jana xi. TO 11IOTHEIIS AND MAN DIED LAMM nit Extssel of Beneyerata boo been crposly prepared to ninth. to female resscleinte. lto.9nolt. who Ina see esis to Appose Ass is epproacholg that nickel peri?d, ot The . nort We should neglect to take itois it sa • made reneutsis far any of the moth= and honed& diseases to wßich Omen m subjeet at this nese o< liisso•Thhs period easy bs delayed far antral you, by thing thimedichse. Nee ss it Ina rateable to tlaGee with are appoishiag vocossabood, es it is suclodeted us assist Were I,y •15Sekeaseg the blood tool univnlin MU= indea, au modicum is ion). =hie foe sD a the deliette dames to which women aro sickles-4 - IL braces the whole system. names+ popnarseadi Oss Wu. eaarpth-rry nuncang impo rt' Ito bid.7"'oot os far Assoulathcc tha mum ss to produce a subsequent Far a batises whiehistbo unser mod medicines taken funk' • methane. ind diens& ' c, OWLS READ THIEL " You oho kave pda contionseas, ein, blotches en the fine, voiCh akin, 01 frocklealad are, oi s or4tritsi use • bottle Cl two of' Dv Tennuoselk ' It wilt drama your blood, noon the funklas blotches, sad gin as Ationico. spicklizepa, fuot *pints, m od brudifid coo ell of which in Cr rake to man tied hake. I ' DEISM SIAJ Ifs Maid et ahem . .. Pts nthincovered which so 'wadi resetables'the patio pace Atha in d=coming "n of Bens 14"Lk'N prep. Baas Der . Altocoy,lllg 10, , • Dr Eserneuserx verbena MOW for sensal / pan souk dppepia vorteionns, attended with Awl ...as of slooso,..bsts of vpetths, cairns heeriburo, sod a great annum us ell of Aand be Innis (what I weld est,) Han boss s he t entaka bora email panic& sas tay stocesch. tried the usual resoedin, bet they had but lint. or no offset la tepefint.the emphat. • I was in dosed, about ,we t mhs now. to tri Mina of Born. parilla,thd I Loo say little , but alarming ball) bona, I fined osy oppotlid renond, mad the • shinty removed: and 1 woad eareaself renal need the no of Ate dose who km been eftlithed a!lan locs. Yours, 4 , -, W. W. Yea Ether. • Ma Sa, I Blab= !shod. ALMOST d hiIItACLE. ,• And the Wowng. Ad does Witco an, Cher coonunp- Oct canna IA cursaL Thins only COS of tho several busebed ems that. Tosucodk Busayestiila hos cured: Dr Tesansoed—Deer Ea. I was inns, • lidle ova, year co, with a wren thick owl pin I. say side. It Lo. area on tee eer) rimed. was pecoothod phy sicians, to ban the drillet cemilapticer raised Imp gloa ting. of bad cotter, bad night sunny and &akin wry foe me peony do path* for 4: I wad kdo ths hospitals r h o f bung bethuM., but end pronookeed than assocorahis. I was ony dsstr., at ths /amp sad mold hardly breaths; I non berasegieraztataothicspeted to die; was oniOned ta my bed, Bad err obits' to tars . ',Athens . indeed Icano coo yo u any &militia at th woad outage to say we. e I Ins any by ay frith& to be pest rw-ven ; Pbad tried s pest suother of notedies, mad an isclaa tole 10 putpoo4. ) ended' sone nose es traorel.inal cu. porkeseal rm. g ,„„; pa the truth, I suspected men wea non bmbul in them Soil was iodoced m tryit , did .1, nod ago nry Bowlful •. Ad I eamot Ai that ; oni entenly i ts as so Ib nourcred lobs Blmst smy.bseinem, se to bestir s ly well in • der week,. Illy coo& mod pus in the Nide, mud oight Arno have loft se, nal nix but wry littk, sad fot piton ?rat Areoph. Alt it a duly to gin' f 'me, to publish if pc haw 4""'" B 47 lattlait, Bth a olilya. • Opinions Of Phytlolans. Dr Tortolacid Oboist daily reenthig ceders from phyl stelans in stillasut wt.( tha Union. This is to certify ilia we, Bo ondeniped, PhpiCieLo of • lb. City of Albusy, hare Le macro. noes preserthol Dr. Tossamod9 foseprills,'slui beanie it tote tea of the mod ralsthle preparstioos of do Banstotrilla ue bathe owlet. P ros, it ts • .1-Withoo, • It B Bowes o Athasy,dpil 1,0740.. P,Elionsactuoir 0. -- This se to' condi, th at we, the andsnspol, T old!. .stsit n i Iligtott=te &DI =XT. hen a bs= 0e51.671,7 - food its kw.b qualities/ would reconunood IW So public for mercurial, Asofolous, sod 01.1etta etleeent r. Wee, la Fa:ma to soya the ad...timed nasedin ocean .'..a. A W BCO.d.T r. • Allsoni died 4,1644. Wo B fryannin, rs. hibapideiSee, ISM Fultoo action /4 Ti Bed, an* C• State el Botha& Dr Dpert 800. Lift Honk Bee : Phihdelphic if Uwe, cht. bilthersur cid by =oirditrodro.lli.a.7 iboonsfnit - the V.A.( Maks. Nose pouts, .IW:odic in the hop nos. bottles, width emtais • quart sod mood with the wrist= it=ro et P TOWNPEND,thd both= blows ths From the New York Daily Express .lApril 9,1.47. , A prenty . thiag append is& Ihe Attiett yelleadel. It AS Iheedte.leeed =l4 0 , ..sancon/la Eriessm of De Townson& Vet whole tlung is up sa pp! toast nos of the ono metal busdnappatinsoperilinutiful,whith,topthir with the moll worli,.th gold, glatniAg in the susa, nolo a thaw rarely Amelia= Brool. We laks this ray in Wins th is .'ca ulf DA Berotherille= l . e: i tht ergg C • rest ppolariAlas soquired. • S eriano Debility. • Now Tos, bans97LßO Ortiz. Tswana ss-I bare bon &Meted non or los tar 3 env..loth & sissy% its the dint, giddiness la the. of awaits, Pen us the Isola, and ger rel Asbibly, brestgla w iso ins/Ain the manual beat mi cold to which lam &abject toth saylustineas n • dyer. I hare Ohm other sesdkrines,,too notherous to thrunces, bat with Buis crease. es: I was induced by "bail maw In W . pre to isle bottle of yo. Borequilta.Dmiwisich I ksoad grearrelissE I ban since Won mural =on buiDes, anal en uschositettegy soy - it is Do best wades I ben era rains—lapin us say that Is goat, sad I feel spits a didereot lath ahoptber Ann Ilia oath)... IloooPookao. I hen gurw• better ate Wes oral had. Ey Info be. taken Bleats theses, • dal malts. I orthld moored. It as • rosily sesdicino *1 Meakeeed that If to and there roam not CVI IT• the *keen then is, end coonspnidy not y , Donor hs lOW the whim It restdres appetite, It also sins to ' ' 05..1. 1. Add bowels th ese register icon tt beep Ili. blood a healthy slatroo Oat diner is not lola* to attack the ' coign. And to ell Owns with on sot la slued - du sten,' Ay try Dv Towtseisits Senspitithi Urine, Born, 79 glen A. Candlurr in the 11111csatit. Wm is In ethount of smother etald ape& DeTeinnetelte leahas wed ths that of thossands of chi/6m— to' g cetllltesta h selvelld from • grad ouches molted this wok. Niro You Apra %IBM Dr Toensood: Dar ain•-•One of soy duldrth was roi sick oddities Cps. kg them oth AA throat, Omar with frat 3 rit . 12 0, thole ft nerb jw anz h filr . ; aortre pa I Nolen/ grated, ri• Toon suspect:idly, ZUUS.' Posirt.th,l7 Destethon r „„. . 6 R z D me ut, 1i057 Wood st Woos 3sl ani Way who bassi to. appiatel D TOWP SEND iota &pat 6 dlleglico_y_sci. 11441,01711 1 glifilsElfe-YERNIIPIJOEAOAINATTHE WORLIE sPCosurcLumtar, U. April 241848. NI. E. E. Botgan-1 purchased of yrtht but &short c m . s kins, 19 done of your Yortnifuge, which Is near. 15 gone. It takes Well. South persons bus four and Ave bottles at 4 . I eaten& A• the best Yonnifoge In OW All It Is trial—lts es th ete le save. For. wood 19 down • oencybody, , thbescgthy Choy want Yontdiaga, ontinkili Alf J. Oannt. • ?Trod itutegAl B. E. SELLER% 57 Wood .t c„,c,cy, Ward, and I) Id Curry Allt both ninth. Also bsdthalll°4"er°ll7. • §ELLE,REP enomang. immmat tab. Li your citym ; in a kw wean. and Mall mold • lawersoyyly ea your Vhnintage, oresahOtla popuiuntY ea beemwv,known. We have awed it with sower fu our on 6miiTi and Cram ow awabOas have many amurawas Dins aleaheoey.— Y=, AECILHOLa and Vold by IL E Yellers, VI Wood al: Evad T, Lk CUM!, eth Wllll4 and IT *cam AUPeigny - I " , 8000, USN, aco. READY YOR PIIIALICA'iIoN bYr.7. &U. P. JAMES, • Cinc.innazi, LLefdlowias nrs•uul vatasbie Works— . • - 'Doniphtuth Expeditiorontaina:ketelt of the WAil' e Col. A. W. Doelphain. the est or New Missiceefile.a. Kearney's Overland tip to Cab. forte,' Domplien's Campaign mature the,Ttavems, mid Ids ti*aralleled March apokCinhaahria and Derange, and the Operation. of Gen. 'ea at Sams Fe; with e. and Dips/nevi, by n T Rushes, AEt of the Ist il,egisnent of &Draped Ca ry. Ilistoricor Ennuely—lis Antiquities imd Nourrel - Curiositkr Geographical &misdeal end Geological desenrirdi with anecdotes of Pioneers Lifer and more. than one hundold Biographical Sketches of distinguish ed 'Pioneers, Soldiers, Statimmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Di vines, he., illeitreted with forty erigravingr, by 1A14 . 4 ConiXl4 l voL octavo. The Twelve Mouths` Volunteer, or Journal of a Fri %vale in the Tennemee Regiment of Cavalry, hi the Can:mein of Melia., during 1%047, containing an ac count or the lamellar the Regiment to Veto Co* a description of the Country pasmil over, manners, cus toms, k.. or the people; Sketches of Camp Life;/tic-. counts of all Me anlonsorother VOlllll e RMlnen/A, and. dill History of the Mexican War, List et - the Rib led cad Won - tided, Le; illustrated by a large number of correct view. and plans; by Goal C.FuMer, I volume. octavo. - dect BIPOI3. SEASON—lllumlosted .191 Owns otlacred Prawn a splendid' imperial_ b. va, with beautiful illustrations on steel., by Sartain, aiil.l. illuminated Losses by. L Sehadta, and Sinclair, richly board in Taikey soonsecio and orbits. half, superblfgiit.- • • nu cktht...eic..p..k.!, an annual tor lift, with splendid uteiiketint engravings, by Sastehubound N nr esquit monk., Christmas Obsesswts and New ~l'ear's Wreath for 104-% a ymnll quarto volume, printed . . snow white pa per., -mWlished with splendid merentint en,gravutga— nw hi by far the num beautithljuVenile initung pub. lashed in Ore United Stale. The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. IL. with =mow es dais des/platy the Etching Club, in en rions_style• or binding. • Thompson's Seasons, with ernenty.ieven designs, by the Etching Club, in 'minas styles of binding. wold. The Poets and Poetry of, Anterisarby IL W. (321 h ltie Poets end Poetry :!,f the Ancients, by William Peter, IL; superbly brood inTinkey morimeo; didly • AVillis's Powers, 131,ra/ow styles of binding.: • I , Gm , . Elegy illastnund Llka na ord Byrotesnh, Paaikal Works, in various bindings . B T=ral . Works " of Thomas - " Moo ." Ballads and other Poems, by Miry Ilowiu Poems by ameba. V Headier!, Sacred Mountains The above, with a great variety of other new works, In splendid styles of binding, suitable for gift books; for ask by • JOHNSTON a. STOCKTON, de3o Booksellent, nor. Market & 3d sts. -Valuable StaidardWorki. DBANDYOI/ ENCYCLOPEDIA—A Diet larpray of sci. D andr,fitstaramandarceompthing the barn, deaription amthelealifre matiplas of branch of harm kilwatts, with la Wrath= and ofall the term ha ral ma, mina by Bradt, P 11 8, M a m:roan essrainv van. • Mom% North Arnim sad Draya of North Amaries,C Canada 'rot, Inas Beam, New Brurawarth, Northam Tea.., Nat Mai Tkairin, Tau, Califorra, Mean, Ceara • America, Team. West lndia Lama and an lb. State. mul Taal. ' Neaps Paltasur—The listary of the Puritans frosa the re ratieo la I#l7, to the andatian of Dfn, patriot an .m4otoqtau _paralytic, de, its, by Data AI A, la i c. rw4,4= 0 Choat; D, ulna pottralt4. stoc: ti Tu...* a the Body 6 4:1464:i4 Os Ica, by Decays Alma, D, amber of .thuthapallaralege of Physaina, be. J wrealle•W orig. =M:====l .• • • _ Ha, of the Sea,leekei &den turratteas of shiperreeka, Itarellre SpaekeeTkee eleseemile 'Speaker, eosepeteark eltosotery ea =eve iaSeelasestien, with &ela tion of pkeal Far meek., by naiads T Besseell, ieranalaeip Tha gore iraik.reeeived and far oda tiv icniNarori BToorroSr all BOOLICOMMIt market and 7rd st. Ilaker & Merlin:mem Pnbllcatlon4. rims subscribers having been appointed agents.Rir .11. 'the sale of the publications of the above well known publishing house, have a fall .apply of their Cookson hand, which they can sell at the eastern pri ces, wholesale and retail. Among the works which bare been recently issued by tham, which have been highly recommended as exceedingly interesting and valuable, may be found—The Calls bas Court and Peo ble; Ireland's Welcome to the Swinger; Bethel Flag. y Dr. Spring; Napoleon . and his Marshals; Washing td his Generals The Sacred Mountains; Orators of Prance; Teaching .a Science, the teacher an Artist; Challoue}lisabeih's 'Uniform Works; T. is. Arlhur's Waking lissie to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Keeping up Appearances,Debtor and Creditor. Re. be. Also, the works from the press ; of Robert Carter. the character of whose publications is well known. Tor retina's Theology. in 4 vols.; Italdaneon Rattans; ?lc cheynes workir, The Copycat, by autbnr of School - Girl lot Prance, An. Re. New books received as soon as as published. Etuarr tr. ENGLISI . wood and SO mark et ins WrEW BOOKB—Memonala of the Imrssluctiott of L 1 Methodism into the Batten. States, composing, roche. of I ' Mps t c h urches, hi'° fnrjeg re ' s ' Y11:' gleirited successes; 'by Itey. A Stevens, A. M. Just Memoir alley. David Abol, D. D. late Missionary to•Chinre by his nephew,. Rey G Binh:mason. Mark Milton, the klerchant's Clerk: by itey Charles B Taylor, M. A., aothah of ''Becords of a Good hlsn's LW? “Lady Mary? "Margaret, or the Pearl.* ae. he. The above, with a large assortment of new books,on hand and jimi receiving. ELLIOTT ar. ENGLISH, aril • - • . Ni marker at r,IIIGMAJSEI BOOlLB—History of the Greek Bev. Ms °lotion * and of the wars and calnpligna arising. from the straggles of the Greek Patriots in Ensancipa. Ong theM eountry from the Tartish Yoke—in two vol. notes—splendid copy with numerous maps and env . . M.P. • Letters' Illastratiee of the reign of William 111, from lOW to 1108—with fix. pont-ens, m tl vols. Compansowto the studs of the holy Periptares. Marry Mowbray. Mailing romance, with tar mma. v re;c he the Holy Land, French Stage, and Sketches In China. Jest ree'd and tor sale by NeDDNALD Se DEESON • ..... • . En market week Natalie Vaasa. Mamas " me st t l i a fietiPLENDID assortment of Rose. mad and Mahogany - grand action Pl - just finished and kr sale. ninmAllartaro splendid moo, Pianos, with Coleman's celebrated 262.1 but attachment, finishM In the most modern style, and for sale st - • leas F IL2 wood st ' PIANOS I PL11.3011111 :011Y 'IRV% Dealer in easte rn Piano Fora, J.. W. Woodmen ' ', No. 83 Third Street. The may be examined st all hours, and the subscri ber mill be them thud, 11 to lt A. AL, and from 4 to 3, P.M. each day. 5•.,•• 0ei.•23, '46 • • - • ,We, the andendfrnet, would W enn the 'citizens of haslet/3h and vicinity that we have appointed Mr. U. Elleiber sole agent far Weston Pennsylvania, or the nig of our Piano Ponekpota laom they may be oh. Mined at on, owir(Ncer }ea)Prin.& NUISINS k CLAW.: Now York. Sere...l.la4a.eirradtt -IMIELLINEOUS , NNW DRUG STORE. TEM subscriber =add resimetfullT annonece that he has opened a new retail Drug Store, an the corner of Fourth and Smithfield =sett . Believing that the wants of the extensive population east of Suathield street will justiy him, he haa spared no expense It. fitting up the =oblige:neat,' and ts de , wronned to keep no omelets but thoee of the best quali ty—of undoubted parity_and genuineness. , A fellassortment of Medium., Perfumery, and ani cies usually kept Man establutfauem of the kind, will he Myra), Itand. Having kis dwelling in the sante building, all night calls will be =ended to peramadly. The business will be continued an heretofore, at the old stand an Market street. aplted3m , L. WILCOX, Ht. LL . d.awexuiJA=,'.,l P . . RESTON & WAGNER, Engine Builders, bare commenced business on Penn. t. en, the Point, at the establishment formerly carried Oa by Stackhouse Nelson. Person, Swishing to purchase steam en• gime for boats, or fps Other parposes; will plc.° favor with a call, as we Amer ousels. , us, be able to fur nish them on as favorable terms as any other estab lishment in the city. • Also, rollimpuill and castingi of every description cam be bad at the shortest notice. Rmartainas—Caps. Raid. Beer,. Thomas Peon, Fsm., Chttrek, Carothers & Co., R. Denny. Esq., 31. Allen en Co. CYPRIAN PRESTON, F.NOCII WAGNER. DtTi trae TIM Is to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr. 1 hlcLanate Worm Specibe, some two months ago end we bb • mu of mine, some seven years old, two bum. full, and ahheagh the' amount may nprear huge, yet 1 bare no doubt but there was omea upwar of Iwe TISCCWID Womes from him i su r ing tops qoasur Imted to twci - inchea ng. G W HOLLIDAY. Rocs , . Creek, Cerro! co. Tenn, Dee 47, 1547. 1.04 Losehlairi Cupping and Bleeding., B. NORIIIS, (Sacceesor to M. R. Delany 1-- No /56 Fifth meet, between Wood and Smith field! Fresh leeches received mircithly-rAtiendance all boon. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alla giteny and Birmingham. floost checrfitily recommend to the phriielarajmn- Wes and all coy former Glenda and patrons, hlr. R. B. Norris as being thoroughly acquainted with the busi nets and worthy of patronage. I • • marbly: R. 'DELANY. PAPER -4000 bills Straw Wrapping PaPer, all sixes; 400 reams ruled Cap Writing Paper 340 " ruled and Plain letter do; allqualitles; 100 " Flat Cop 150 ". mediuroTea Paper; 130 gross white and blue do whim Bonnet Boards; 100 roams Manilla Envelope Paper, 10 " liardarare i l t Arb just reed and • for sale low by & SHEE, myWans corm r ;Kinn and inviu vu SHIPS , PATENT BLOCKS. t lIE subscriber offers for sale a full assortment of his Ship.' Potent Blocks, Shiver, he:, adapted to trade. Also, waistline setts of Blocks, adapted to ' , OGG" ( swrY eapaetty, put up and forwarded um, any paw of '_".o Union, 'without delay and ot the lowest pn ces.. LIGNUM VITAS for sade qu wities to suit parehuoro 'CitO O W :MAPLES, apketbstlitaterTall .3G Boiling Slip, New York ,Aitpl ru nry lisgltaag i r wv Zstthetiae of tto rpmm j em i settlemenr, and all permute Indebted to said estate, will plum call and make payment to JOAN IBWBII Adin. 6t.nh,16, teS. linarlftd3w) II water st OT IL TONB FOLADIEI9 DRESSES, of the fallow ing M.*m ri-4Filk graduated leaf iplap lmen.; aboargh do; Fantal do; Castilian do, 'Tame add Drop do; Neu and Main do , . together. With ahi , and eol'd Linen, for We at F R EATON& Co's myt7 • Trimming Store, 63 Er, 'lOO 002 Corn Brooms; euk. Pot Asig, GO do / Tow Tann ISO Om liatow4 - SO las No ISOop SO do ow" Cousdlar, 1.5 do Ent Mods; SO Obis .o Not Loaf Mw; for sole by ENGLISH & BEVNETT • Cip.Partasrahlp Settee. 113UCKNOR & as: have associated with II them La theitTobaeco and Commission business, Diadd, O*t of Jacob Heald & Co, Coldtaina ) David C. McCann:ion, and John A. Wane, lard 'DOR STEAMBOATS AND HOTELS—We have on heed .large assortment of Iron Stone Wise, suit able for stesualooats and hotels, which we wi l l sell low. ' GILL & DEITY, apS7 ' • sign of the Big Pitcher wood •st •- - - DO:MET AND dell , BIBDONS—W R. Murphy lavitostho ausotkui of boyars to a new supply of pbors goods, of armrest style lAdvery law. my 22 • WHITE GOODS—A A Mason & Co. have on hand OR oxianaire allsollnietli of White Good., an3a. Pilaw MnD, Swim, Donk, Plaid and /annual Mans, plover!. mkt ,oy nom AND BEANS-Lso bbl. Beans, for salety . m7lO J C BIDWELL •M=l j-` ~.....11AN.ITRAGTORIE84 PITT MA NE woßis AND FOUNDRY. • Ptirasolaz waioivr & Co.' ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen t4Aohln.. .ery of r eiroxy description, such a..Cardinfit Ma- Spinning Proton, Speident, Drareint Frozooo, , Railway Heads, NVora-,T•Arillent,DOoot,..DToadog Frames, Loom, Casa thuldera, ke., lifeought Shaking tabled all Bites tif Tut Iron,Tallics ;NO Illahnon.,of.tho Wen pasterns, slide and hand.Lailaca, rod tool. of all ksodo. Casing. of every mad desen.ptlan furnished on short to hoe. Pas ancre to order fur Mill Geariog,lron 'rolling; to., Prawn no. for heating Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash, nr.d fancy Castings generally.— Unlend eh at the Warehouse of J. Painscr h._ Co. , Lib erty street, wall lave prompt outentina. Blaakhock, Itch & Co., J K Moorhead h Co., G E Wisner, Joan Irwin E. Sons; Pittsburgh. G dal IL ' Warner; thendwouille. —._.. • --- mp ALLEGHENY VENITIAN•IIIJIIDPhrzoiLP. • • JOAN A. BROWN .. • TAKES 1.1101 method to Inform his friend. and the public at tango that his Foetotl 971'...? oPcrouon,on.the Root side' , Amami, Allehhany,where a eon: _.pant !apply of Blinds, of various colors :• • acdqualities,nreconstantly kaput]] hood, oho of No.sWood st, Pittsburgh,st 1.1. Plullipeoli cloth vnucroorri. , _el - wi,notters anode to order to the beet 'qtr.. srepaired at the shortest notice. N.. Ilia Nods will he put up, with., any addi tional olepose so that they can be removed in a too mom to cove of fire or for washing, and without the aid of a Crew dr e octddlyawlumly • WIC AWSIXANDECIt.t. ROA, CYOFKIN 61AKRRS AND EU riISIIINti N UNUY.R— -.J corner. of Peon and St. Clair streets, ?"poets the Exchange . lintel, elltranna on Penn street, respectfully inform their fornds and the public, that May are prepared to furnish and attend to everytlong ba the lino of Undertakers. Always an Lana a bole to sornhent of ready made Coffins, covered, Ilned,and abed lathe very beat manner; all torts and sizes ready . mode Shrouds of flannel, Cambrick and muslin, and ail aims made in approved at lea. We keep a. largo as momenta( teal e and blank, cotton, silk and kid Gloves, sable for pall bearers and mourners, crapc,emt, cot. lam and every thing neecotry for dressing the, dead, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all our good. in the Eastern ernes. A len allver plates for engraving the name and age. We have a splendid new Leafleted horses, and any amber of the but carriage. Every Ming aricnded to promptly and penman . ) , tot.t.ly W. W. WALLACE. PITTSBURGH STEAM hIARBLIC WORKS, Mac Ed and Ed .I.offly army mar Its Como/. A LWAVS band and Made to ander, a large vatic tyy of Marble Mantels, Pier,Cenue Tables, and Bureau Tops, Tomb SIMI., MOMILIMAL., ke.j all which, being made of the ehoMest marble, and manufactured principally by machines:6,B be sold low for cub., N. B. Persons onshlng, to purchase Mantels, are informed that it is henceforth unnecessary for then, to go East, as I ems tarnish theta with an article in all respects as good, ((might, Insurance, A; counder ed3 as cheap a they ems parchase them' for to the TAM. Chtll and see. COPP !. , WAILE MANUFACCORY, ' . No 8 Market um, Pittsburgh, Peon= THE subscribers having made great Improvement in the cotimuctiou of their COOKING STOP& respeetfally invole persons building Steamboat. to tel and examine before purchasing,. we esti wpply die • with Dock Stoves, 'Forget, nod every other kind - E. Copper, Tin and Sheet boo with peeersory in furnish tng a Stlemboas e also mote to or d er on the shortest novo Se Token and Clumil.tr; Co pe g work for &shut Login nod every - vanity of work to our line. • Irks BHEUIPP & SHIRK BEN N ETT & BROTHER, YFEEPISWARE AIiiINUFACTURP. Birmingham, fiatar Pittabargh P.. Warti Mire _ NO. 137. Wad street, Nitsburgh. WWA constantly keep on'hand a Food assort. meat . ot Ware, of oor own suanelacture, and supertoronality. Wholesale and country Mer chants are respectfully invited to call and el. amine for themselves,. as we arc determined to sell heaper than has ever before been ofercd to the pub lic. 1 IU. Orders sent by Emil, accompanied by the cash or CUT refcrTnoe. gonll be promptly attended to. feltds P. McLean. VLIST GLASS ESTAIILISLIMICIST. t rULVAN Y et LEDLIE man ululate mud keep enn stantty. y . on band Cm, hloaldeil and Plana Flan Glassware 111 afl lu varieum, at their Warehouse coi ner of Molts and Water Streets, Pittsburgh_ Our Works continue in fall op eration, and we are comma eddies to our stock , se . hicki ens d b les on to Ell orders era promptness. Purchaser+ tie; reopeetfally solieited to call and ens:tine pried and sirens. =Tway COACH MAKIN. FROM the very liberal G encouraga as malt the subscriber has received mine 'ie. II" he hog located towel( in Allegheny . has m.oed bum to tole • lease, for term of years, au We property be uo occuptes,.in Beaver street, Immedmicly beetle Preebyten au tilaurekb From the long ett yie ounce above boviness and a desire to please, he hope-a to me. UMW cretin n übare of public pato:i.e. Now OD bond .d finishing to order, It.kvetay Bog res, open and top Buggies, and every deveriptiou Carnage, made In order, from seecioyifive dollars 0 soda humors Iset.otirl ItIITI I. Lard till. • 91t tinilerrienci arc now ptepenut m fernith their .1 aurorae." awl the public generally, with au ezeth teal ¬e of Lard Oil of theirown a..Lamm et, which the) will ecll au secemoodeung terra. their thl they believe to be ar good ILA any °tem' in the matte., and may be...chloral if not sanefactory. .1 JORDAN & SON IS. liberty st r oppoette sinithfield C. S.—Lard tied Crewe euttable tor ouch:eery, on hewn for eel, thrum. mega ISALTZWIS GINSENG PANACEAS - rrii THOSE SUFFERING' %WTI! DISF.A.SED LUNGS-,The unprecedented success which Wu trended the use of the a all the anions foram which Irritation of the lungs umes, has Wilson' the proprietor again call an Lion in this _ . WONDERFUL PRIa . ARATION. • • The changable ',pother which Inert' our fail and winter mouths leeway. a froinitl wore et COLDS AND COUDILS. These, If neglected, are but the precorrors of that fel destroyer, , The question, Men. hoer shall we nip the destroyer m the bud:lams shall we get clear of our milieu sod olds! is of Mud imports:we to the public. THE GREAT AM/ ONLY aI'AFEDT will be found to the Ginseng Felucca/ In proof of this we have from tune to urne published the certificates of dozens of our best known citizenly who More experi. ineed its curative powers. These, with • mass of tee Moony Hun Lli of the eountry,—Goer MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRS! . STANDING, ' Ministers of the (kept!, Ake., together with copious no. Lees( Me JOUFLNALS . OF TIIE DAT, .we have embodied in pamphlet fortakuil may be bad tisof any of our ants throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLIH arm been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Untied States and Canada, and we tinge any DWI ID point oat a SINGLE INSTANCE n whisk; when taken accord/rig to duecnona, and fore thiklungs had become foully disarginned, it has ever failed • ',krt.,/ w PERFECT CURE. Why, then, newt the diluted beeitate! it by treon to No nowt - able noelmms, gout! tip byect RA Individ ual. ler the &mimed name of some co •.••,_ d phy !idiot, wad puffed into notoriety by eertifien , per. mut equally unknown! While! medicine of fiNPAILAI4ELED EFFICACY I le to be had; whose voichers are at boned—oar sahib. beteg-many of whom it h. SNATCIIED FROM THE GRA.VE. In order thin this inviluable medicine may be placed within the teeth oft. poor &swell the rich, we have pit the prim at ONLY FINNY GENIE'S, • fort one-half the us.' cost of cough. Ines. for sale by ohs agents in nearly every : l4ms .4 vi ll age ! ever the west, who are prewared to gm. fall Worm. kinn relative to it. T.. SALTIM, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohaa. T S MORRIS lb h., SLACK WHITING INK. for 0 .reel or quillpens, and die copying prem. This ink is th e result of the enperilnente of wears! Teeny devoted to the manufacture, on . eztm.iae scal4 oracle ratted to all the, petrt... of the Crummier. The pt. - Section of this wriung lob comics In die 44 lout properties: Futertv—in which property it .11 be fedP,nitmare all practices preparations. It 04 11 . dew with !perfect either from quill or steel I pet., and is enlireiy free Gent any COMP. q.lities. Vokow,Thi scoter of this article' is a rich, h g , g ,,,tha blue black. It neressary, however, to give cons. reera the - folbroing caution. ' HI All goal bl.k bah from its •mcesrary chemical eyertitation, require. expo to ' to dte air to Impart a devo color. It must not, therefore bee xpected, that the =meal the bottle is opened, th e iuk will he found .to be ajet black. The fast appearance will be pale. Sot after exposure to the chemical action of the ann.. phere either on paper or in the inkstand, it will assure brilliant black huet...oo Patormtmccr—The . or is unalterable by the lapse of date. It will never fade. Ott this Recount, all im portant records should be mode ibi s article. as per on llit e Wis inkla re s n t&tra i ter " lll kinds of meisiiis pent, .d (or pens rude of quills, .d what is Janet. rant and very desirable with many, will glee a parker "' pression by the copying press. lj We en usiug in the anititutiens with which we are connected, Morris , blue Gluck writing- ink, and In respect to fiuldity, brilliancy of color .d permanency, believe it superim to any ink we have heretofore med. A 'fburstott, earairr, bank of Louisville; Wm Rich. artisan, cashier Northern bank of Kentucky. Geo 0 Owturaney cashier, b.k of Kentucky; L L 'Shreve, president of the O. Mak' 'nos L clerk of Haw. rear count y court; Conan ' ope, clerk of i • enon coun ty coon; k ft Atwood, secretary, Fireman's Innocence Company; John Aka,, , agent Les.inu lust:ranee Co; $ $ (Apothem scale Penland Dry Dock & Insurance Co; DO Chunibers, Grey Franklin Fire & Marine In. nuance Co; .1 II Rhomer, treasurer Loa/Anne Sayings Pillion. A suPply of the above ink, just maned and or sale by ifekl JOHNSTON & trTlArai ON. b Type Poundty. r r i gOolti c s 'i tree ' t:a h l e id r w e ill ceonntinhueeTrbFifirne'derstiartto ly conducted 'by Ruben Taylor. They will Kneed to all orders with punctuality and despatch. All the type manufactured by non will be Hand Cast; and they wilt furnish all heeds of Printers' materials, of the best quality. Mr./ A T &emend is still employed in superintend ing the menufac luring department. Proprietors of newspapers, who have not advertised fur the subscriber, who tuay.publish this notice for three .• . mouths, will be entitled to remise their pay in type, on purchasing Bye times the amount Millar bills for tol. eng. Old type taken in exchange thr new at 9 ets perlb. Charles . iVbiting; j WHITING & TAYLOR,_ Theodore Taylor, 5 (Succesrs to Rota Taylor,) , jaul cor o rs Gold mid Ann Ms Sellers , Penally Medic Ines hi Ohio. Wassessusou, Uhlo, Jan') 27, lESVI lore:FL & Bt2..LElIS—Vour Venutfoge is uneyoall -111 ed as a `worm destroyer," and has given entire retuned= to all who have had oceasiou to use It.— Vogl Liverr. Pills aro also pining a high repitation WM. ,Yours respectfully, Coons lc Alan. Mete' se:cum:us Ohio,Jan'y 27, le4S. Mc R. R. Sellers—Newt Vermilege sells remarkably hut, and haigedned the felt confidence otellvsho use se, elle., the Cough Syrup.. - Yours truly 0.6. Prepared and sold by R. E. Seller!, N 0.67 Wood st., Sold also by Dr. Cassel, 6th Ward, D. AL Curry, Alla. gbenyi and Wee...l. Smith, Temperancevllle. febt fIEBYUMLItY, SOAPS, to,. gam aad for axle by Joel Mohler, Druggist, ear. Wood and' fah • atm JIM. Haunt , . NympliSoap; Amandin for Chapped , Ilaadtg . Itoassers do do SupargoaShaving Cream,ro:llC • Ox narrow Pomatum; .Cold Cream; . c 70;;Wolr Pace; ologn o gue =net Ibid., Laud- ." ecrebi.4 A.. • feblo SSIOBE HOUSE Having taken ihn large and eon. ,odious Smoke House and Bacon Bukrekonie laming our 'Warehouse, on the Canal Basin, we are pre pared r nnoke snd store bacon 7 , • amid basin, near WI st. Iffi==EriMl - t TRANSPORTATION-TINES.- Nerishaatso . Tramitortation 184%..MAai FOX 'MX reatoroalarog tlr stganuotatze ego PRODUCE TO PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE.. OODS eonsigesed to ourteare will be forwarded I,3 , aithoot delay at the lateen current Ives. Bills of: Inning tmomittell, and all tettrue h ens Promptly at-' tendee,o, Are harta any eetta charge- for mange or comedown. C A MOANULTY & Co..Prop'tx tee 2 Canal Ilasirt: Piltxbowß MBRCRANTB• WAT anziawr LINE. 1848. MkBC. SICIXIIVICIA roZ TIEZTRANSPOILTATION 0/ W01 . .14,11' BI , 2WEEN Pittsburgh, Blairsville; Johtielowir. Hol lidaysl;orgh,\Vater streectl ( iintingdon Co) and dll in tennediato places. ' ' Duo boat will leave the vrarelioner pfC A MeAnalty le Co. Canal Basin, Libenyr intact, Pittsburgh, ovary dttY (Sunday, excepted) and shippers eau always de pend on having their goods forwarded without delay, dud at fair rate,. This Line orax formed exclusively for the special se. eommodation of the way business. The Proprietor, thankful for the very liberal patronage they hove re ceived during the last two year., would respectfully in form their Old customer/. and the public generally, that they. hare encoded their , facilities, during the mut w hs ter, and are now better prepared roar...date a II in ciaashd business. /En CANAN & CO, WM STITT, RG STITT, •,, • • N M ILL A LORE, JOHN MILLER, TRINDLE MoDOWELL. •;CA hinANIILTV & Co, conot bonin II CANAN, do Johusrn JOHN MILLER, do Hollidelig r . g MORRELL & MYSTI . NGER, ItnnznAricu—llitabutgh—HoglA & Mindoln J 11 .Devii a 4 J H Mbdonhogrer, Ft Robinson &Co; IL Mporei IlafFniny &Saab; John Parker; Will Lewuer J Jordan & bon. marAr RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, aZEIMI 1848. 'Uttar. roa vunsiorrfirton or 1LX‘41.1117.2 • BFEWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. r , 113-1 Proprieto.. of-this old established and first IPortable Bust Eine, having removed their de pot to Philadelphia to' a snuck larger Warehouse on Market at., theta they formerly oecupted, and also tie cregyred their room for morege et Pittsburgh aro now prepared to ethic much greater facilities to their friends and patrons. Goods canted by this line aro . -riot transhipped be- . tare. Pittsburgh -and Pkiledelpkra being enrood tirelyjn Venable Section Boats. - To shippers of flour and other gooda requirtugc receiving 1...d.U.51 thi• at Go m pomace. No charge mad fur or shippi G n ods, or advancing charges. All good. forwarded promptly, and tom as re asonable morose, by any inis r line. JOHN 111cFADEN to Co., Form. Log and Comm, ion Nerchanui, Canal 11. in; Conn at, Plitsburgli. N. DAVIS to Co, Mono Factor. and Cowan. rion Alotchards, S :Saari, and IN Conunerer Phi , SAID VEIT.nd atla ,4 a arro d o peons ' Alec Ila nn THAW, of tbusburglt, and OSEPII f LEWIS, of thin city. estcontinue 10 transact bustness for the line, at their Wasehonse on Moult stets 'as usual, and be' speak for It • rontlndaute of the pattonaie of their (steads.' .IAhITS STEM. a Co. Philadelpnia, Nara Coh, 1549. Panaa , o. owl Ohio Transportation Co. ;Z., • Dintik Doi& Lme of TtItSTCLASS NEW BOATS AND CA RS,, PIIIMITY ru 111..C.P.2 0400111 {MR. /31.110.6 CLARKE &TIIAWs Clall4 Basin, Plttabarglt. LEWIS & BI7TLESL 219 Aluket at., YLtladetyki • JAS. STEEL & Woad street. • • COWDRN, ttl.AILI:111; North ti., D.lt. PORRICL, Agl., 12 Wom rtrroz, Nrm Toth.. sonrls - te.partnership. HE sal/scubas. hare ass day atooeueted thermsebers T totelLee under the style of K h. lone, foi the' purpose of toolinalag the Wainer, foruterly earriell ois; Samuel M. Kier, &lel solicit a c outman/ace of the lib eral pauoaago beretofure extruded to the Etuu.e • 2 , AMI'I!I. M. ElEri, , s. IL E RYON' , had/arch, Blare/11,13a HIER•% PORTABLE. BOAT LIE Or:, CON1r0:11 - 1/ IINTIRI:IN or rut.,T CLAN. , EuMt ,t44 ,- -rfIoN 1:0A1,, rUit I'llll.Al/o.l'illA A. 11A lAIMUIIr. VIA CANA IS 4- talt.ltuAlk , de: tell, are prepared. to we the lOrd I,ll"Aratli trogld to the 3601, and 1/IICSISItJaBIC plan. usti. at mach de: tell, and at . low tale-, _a. aoy other respozolLte line. Tie Ahriman of shippers ',vision; to ruuttl Pork or Ita. eon to V./know , in bulk, ts purueulnily niquestesl, osntuth S. our orrangemoits enable us torakuY such snicks through In beuer order Mau any oilier line. JONIkk, Protium. Canal Basin, near 7th sk Pitulargh, March I. IM7. Ylet. Y. BIM B , 808 • 17 lER & .lOSSZe—Cloenuession and forsooth. Mr Lis.ehaels, aad Wholesale Leeks, In Iron, Wawa Sae. Procluee, de. Liberel e.ll advances ..nsigmeentk mane' i gga ttet .... • 1848 ,;XYRESS WAGON LINE 1848 WETLY [VC PHILADELPHIA AND PITIWIERGIL VIA. CHAM 13ERSIWIttii DY. KAMEDA!, AND WAGON. ACAR will leae,a PhiNdel,iltia . dady Feb rummy, with Train, to lhainbcrabare. wateltwill enable the Wagon. to leave there the ram day, with relays of bathe., muninie day llnd inetn: at car. ihe certain arrival of condi in hire Day. front PWladelpb o . Ap t ly to , . ' D LEECH& C 0 , Canal Eton, eiththingh. HARRIS fr. IiTIMIL C 0511111171 0 ,1. LI acid IS south al sr. Philadelphia. We will receipt for OUsel Ms produce, /se, shady, to g through Ly the above line atter I/10 gi Ikr 001 • ktilv • IrLFECII h Co axial only, I. a. DFmat, AID C a .. acxreirrto Piu.bur3ll. Platakfelphak. lINIONLIXEit . . • • 1 -. . -- 7 - .llnlle • • p• • a• [TA CANAL , . AND .111-1“... HENRY (iFlArric - Co Cana! Moms, Piltd;drgl. DIrtILII, HUMPH/11/VS /Co, 1'..117 Mule{ vs, Cid C. 11. /Coax, r San:mi c a Balt. /A e /dim F. Clarte,No 111, Old Sip , New . I\To7lCl . :—The style of our fillne artp be know tram and ant, this shoe. at l'hasban,oh., as H a ar ) , Bradlk Cu. 12,11d . al ralladclphia, as Mail, I FNRI 6141 E tiDIUND O 1/.311.11, CHAS. untrincEys, t k 1LF,311111 GRAFF, Pittslnsil /8 8. Denims Arrnagamenettr 1848 . ikirte. CLEVEIGAND AND SAULT STN. THE Statonotrat DIrTROIT, Capt. I. C. 14110.1,4 will Ton, daring the reason of leds, between Cleveland ft Sault Ste Mane, in the Allowing manner, toad:tug al Mackinac and intern:tali.. places each, way: /waving Cleveland every Monday, at 7 P.N. " Do Detroit do Tuesday at 9A. N. DoAlsckitwe do Thursday at: A. N. Donn - nine, will leave Sault De Mane every Friday, at leo-clock, A. M 4 and Mackinac at 10 o'clock, P.. N. - and leave Detroit every Sunday evening for Cleve land, .at 7.lotdoek. .. . The Detroit has been thoroughly repaired and refit• ted ]ha yaw W1111a.1.211.1 the public mar rely upon the performing of her trigs with punctuality as 'demised. felellTho WARD. Mtia c 1848. XCLIPIN TRANIIPORTATION LINE. ' To and from the Belem cities, via Cumberland.' • gum proprietors of dils popular have three their' j. reorganisation largely Increas line,ed their facilities td meet the wishes of shlpperland are now prepsded 16 forward a greater amount y the FIVE DAY BINE, also by ash:lke:teal regale • war:tense; low rates. This fin, will run throughout the year,7deliverlng goods thronsh the event). to Baltimore urd Petsburgh to owners and conegnses at specified rates end time. Shipments from Philadelphia for the line' should be marked "Care, J 11 Robinson, Baltimore." The only agents are ' JB ROBINSON, Pk 13 Charlesst, Baltimore. U FaXIERTON Co, Cemberhind. IV CAS.% Brow - timed/4k felt' Pottstark._:__ VOLIPSIT. TRANSPORTATION LINN— Mr The Proprietor. of thisloputer I s ine here ehengrit the Aviary .t Cumberland ''frooi tbe b.. , or MllC.ig A Mt gum to Ebel of Edgerton A Co. Pittsburgh and seeders merchant... ootified tbal J D. hßotuma, N.V./ South Cbarku st Italthisory, bib. oul Wiliorise4 agent of this 4n. in the Eastern elks. Th. 04 amt. an J C BIDWELL, tittaburgh, 0 W CADS. Browunille i - P.DO A ATOP, # Co Ciamberlwd i J D ROBINSON, Baltimore. Vol I.I3I.IIRIOAND, SALTIMOIIt, WYBOOIIOIIIM, 1.1111.11313. Pg., new Tole, eurrutt,.lollo ALLTRX ZRVIRRS MI6 4431C11A NT* and men sending good. are inform. ed that tide is the tamest, sakes, and MOM cape. domes Line going nun; connecting wit Adam. & Co. Erprecs daily, at Itrdtitnore. Through receipts will be given to any of the nhoce places. fderebandize an/ packages of any size or weight forwarded. klzpresa clown, daily at 3a, ch 110 VICKFAIIY,, Agent, Bt. Charier' Hotel flaiklinge, wood It mama V/ LISCRTIrrI2T AND //Zit. RAW Pllll5/1 MIIM2 p.m tOt TRANSIVRTATIOX Of ALL /Mum O J...•a- DIZE TON FROM PIOLADTLPOLA MNI xORE NR YORK AND nosikm. - - • 137•.101. kind. of Merehandize consigned to P. K. Pmts, Philadelphia, or to".r. Purest k Co., Pittsburgh, marl promptly forwarded, free oCconuniorioni. 184 ti AND 1847 Mgt WHY& TO THE BAIT 1111110110110111BLE VIA BROWNSVILLE k CBPIBERLAND. ..• fIIIIE undersigned r!re now prepartal to forkard pro , JL dece,ke.,to the Lastere Markets during the casa bas Winter, on the moat favorable DM, 11 . 1 *.YY. - ditleaskone. All poverty convince to es *alba krwaried ~t hat lowan nue a and with drupatek. Merehandtae reeet b)W EL L , ute promptly in wastkk • J C ved Pttabarste O W CADS, Brownsville. • OOTA E EGERTON It Co,Calabirlaed • - 11 , ? J . -.44..L.:......:_______L... ..._.. (Famwrlt called Pickworth It: Co's I.inej. JOHN bIeFAIHN Canal Hash, Pout sb, Pittsburgh. J.CMCN M, DAVIS I Co., 2t7 Market & 34 Commerce. H., Phila. Itr:WMtME:6I 11V. A. (Abe& Co, Amos. C. BRADBURN &Co. R I CkTeI.A.L CALAVF.S WICKWA • DIcKNIGIIT, Sault Sol Marie.""' rZ=M=MC=CI J. a'AIIAB6 4 00., £ 44 DO. MO dun mom nuunnuoun. /MATZEN'S LINE , £ C&a. PACKET.LUIZ ;7 ".= :lZ 1848 • • BEAVER A - NIiCLEAND LlNAvia WARREV. Canal Parket—SWALLOW, CapL. Font .+ OCEAN. Capt. Walters. of the above Plackets leave Beaver every din i -vm (Sundays excepted) and strive next mormeg at Warren, where they connect with the Melt Stages for Akron end Cleeilend, anteing at each of these pieces beget. nicht!, Om of Ste Packets leave Staten deity, ate P. 31., and arrive et Seaver in tioto to take the teaming steamboat for Pittsburgh. COTES & LEFFINGWELL, Warren M 11 TAYLOR, DF.AVER AND (DIMS VILLE LINE. enroll Packet—.P . EYTON4.4 Copt. Brown. One ortho obore L A :k i e U rs ° llMiZlTelr rY GensillK, I: 4 Linday• cieOptellt at ',o'clock, and aniTEIRI reen v ale th e next morning at a o'clock; and cm leaves Greenville every afternoon at 1 o'clock, andar yives at Beaver the. next morning nt 5 o'clock—through an Id la:Pure—towed by teams, (three horses each): ra- Baited every in miles. At Greenville they. congert wbh a line of Stages through to Meadville and Erie( The Loa. ore entirely _new and built expressly for this trade. REED, PARKS k Co, Seaver, Proprietor. BEAVER AND NEW CASTLE - - - . Wei Packet—TELEGRAPH, Copt Wm Ill`Millia Leaver Deaver every morning (Sundays excepted) at do'clock,-leaven New Castle every evening (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock; andtonnecting with the steam ers Lake Erie end Michigan: tanning between lkaver and. Pittsburgh. BELL), PARKS& Co, Beaver, t —,-- i'l Proprietors. Passengers will be ',tempted through by either of the bove routes, securing bertha in the packets and seats n rho stage, by applicabie neither of rh,poprietors r agents. JOIL`d A. CAUGH utstEY, Pmegh, \ ,L tor. Water and Smithfield sm. GENTS:—Reed, Parka & Co, Braver; , IL 0 Parks k Co, Youngstown, 0; Cotes & Leffingwell, warren, (k IL W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa • . .1.) C Mathews, Pulaski, PM H" C Malan,Sharon, Pa; . . • t Hay & Plumb ; Oharpstrillo, Pa; , ht'Parland andlEing; Rig Raid, Pa; C C Wick, Greenville, Pn; , ' Cht Reed, Erit),ym_ " apl4 LL1:....... r. / .... E.11.1: 4=, E A 1 N 8 D;101111 . I mail lit.b# LINE. i .. . • TlllB .well ktidwu.Lin , composed of steamboats. Lake Erleand nlichigen, between Pittsburgh and Heaven and •freight and passenger Cant Poets IX. tweet Deaver and Erie, C M Heed's line of firm class steamboats, propellers and iresmls en the lakes, le prepared to carry freight awl passenger. to all points NI the Elia Canal, and Lakes Erie, Huron and. Alia& gan. • Having Miry facility for conveying freight and pee. winger. with prompmess and dispateh. the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit num their inieude a con tinuance of their patroune. C M R REED, Proprietor. REED, FARAD & Co j Heaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAEGIIE's , Agent, zetaeor Water and Smithfield eta Pitioboreb. THE OXIO3I 1848. PITTSD&GII AND CLEVEGAND. W. T. Ilihrusa, Eineburgh: • RESO . . Pants & Beave Caawcoals & Coaatemmu,' r Cleveland} P"Pr' T i l E ntrZ ' ae b ng n e e tPfr n oi o n w l ‘T.7,1,`,.,°'.1"A7.17.`,7d,t any point on the Canal. and Lake.. One boat leaves Putrburgit end Cleveland daily, ma oiac In counecuod with the swat:Moats Lake Erie and MgatiTbetween Pittsburgh and• Beaver, and a line dium clam steamboats, propellers, brigs and schoon• et on lakes hi Huron and Michigim. Property forwarded to any part of the•Vnion With dispatch, by WIIL T. MATHER.. JOHN A.CALCIIIET, Agency roe Water and Smithfield eta, Pittabargh. AGENTA—Reed. Parke & Co. Dearer; 0 Parka & Co, Sonugatown, 0; E W Cotes Co, Warren; D Bostwick & Co,llscadporr, A & N Clark, Newnan Falls +' Lewis, Newport; lle NM Whittlesey, Campbell‘port; JlFlltitle, Ravel:mu; Si C II liertt, Frookitu; M 11e16 Tuttle, Cuyahoga Falls Wheeler& Co, Akron; Ropey, (Abb. & Co, Saclugy; lVdhavas Co , , Dettoix, Mao; NrClore S. William., II J Wirolov, Chien?, 111. apti PI TT - .9 /IURIIII PORTABLE BOAT LINE 1945. For do TransiorLitiost of Frdght w and frog. PiTrSill; HUH, NIII DEI.I.IIIIA. EM=VM EnntOll2= Tama,: Xr. O'Cobson Pittsburgh. ohl e..taldn.he..l Nor being now to full opera ' I to, the proprietor. , have °bade extensive amor on ge. went. tot:ten - poi goods and provincec , withwithdespatch, J on the tue , t let terra, They confidently [lope the well known promptness debt - voile goals—pr. ribrar .othrty an tootle of entryutg—eapacion• v. - archon. .es eseb port, tifobling treetnanirotlabons to stopper. and ouroe r.r. of produer—urgether 10111111retr long espe.. note. 004 no renotto atteutiao to Warne.. Will scents to then, a cuolinuance of that Irberal patronage they hereby graiensliJ All 1 . 0.1.U114/1:31 by norl ar that Into rrrr reed. ehar- r k :tra i ' n ' t d t.‘ "l r o ' rn= it c ol a'r'° a ti e.. "' lr No tutete.4. dtteilly O ft adtreetty. an Mew...testa. AU fuaLnWlln'allell• pfumptly attended to on applie tem au , l'olkm nig acne ROHM IX:F: h. cASII, Nbarkei TAAITF: CYCONNOII,•CaItaI irCt/NNOILI Z Cu, Socilt at. lialtuasore. ti l w2M==:==l PASSENGER ARRANGEMENT. Peao.ylvouala Canal & It.O Road E: pre& rant Packet Line, - 1848. ft-1M Fitt) ITlTstiVtiff TOTIM k ORE, el • eltlif.pd are levee y tame at at m. bpi VUMlllellre running on the tidd hist, and cot, tinne - throttahout the dsuart. The bOoll , are new, end *fa ruperior ciao., with c. tnnled ealact, which will sire sivater comfier, Tht earn ore the Latret eintstracuon. . . . . .• .• , A boat will always 41n port. and umvelers anit re quested to eall aisd azaleam lErm beton engaging ff== , • iVare only Lane donator/mm.o4 Ope of the boats of I. Lase will leave the laotrusa lopOsite U. 8.110.4. eorarr of Pens ore, and Canal, evert night at Ala o% Oast lilac day* , For infortoauoa,apply at the °thee, hlononohela 'lours., or to LEXCII h. Co Pittsburgh. Mach Carre l Roan. Wester's Tralasportallou Compaay. 1848. 01r1rUabflivibttiCI'Al.. 1848. TO PHILADELPHIA, ittitTlMOttEk. NEW YURC 11/1 M-IrATLVAXI.II AXD On. RAIL 141•PIL Rl:prepared to 01...p0rt goods hod proton, rood It from the aboire Mies ou fivorable terms. Ad: rL'ETAPP•O:.:CIII.I HARRIS I LEECH, Noo. ITA 13 Septh 'Third et, Phil. J. TAYLOR k SON, A gm No It Nvolow.4 • 1 0$13 1 1. A. AUERITT, Ais, h o: Wkti sue., Nes Tort. ' Putsbursit, Marc 191.14.131... $ marl MtMIMZI Passim/sr wn9 R.mlttarac. 0/11op. lailiA,NliDEN fr. CO. continue In bring pelenne Pont any pan orEngland, behind. &Wand or Wales, upon the most liberairerms, wit, Weis punctuality and attention to thiratiants and evas ion oretrunignuits 'We do not allow otapassencers to be robbed by the swicilling seassys. that oaten the sea• ports; as we take charge of theca the moment they - port themselves, and .0 to their well being, and des spawl, these ...Jason% any detentian by the brat china.— We any this fearlessly, to we Ory;one'orosa pus.- gers to show that they were detained adhesive by us In Liverpool, whilst thousands orothen were detained Months, until they could barentin amen old craft, et • clt p nue intend to perform our can ts honorably, call Is - hat it mar, and not act no Wee the ease Imam:mom with ether oticirs,—who eihareperionout nos all, at when it suited their convenience. Grans drawn at Pittsburgh for any ruin Cron 1.1 JOSHUA ' II.GRINSON, • European and General Arid, Filth am., ens door below Wood. R n. PORTANT TO THU LAMERS—Che, T Han Cream, • matehless article for the Growth, Limo , and Rasa:madam of the Hair. This Cream, weep onee known, will aupercede all other article. of the kind now need. When the hair Is .dead, harsh, thin, unhealthy, 'or turning grey, A few epplicanons will make the hair son and dark, and give it • beaidal lively appeerance; and seal also make It retain Its Letup liners and healthy color twine Me long en all the pretes t rations which are. generally usesL Every lady nod gentlemen who are in the habit of using aht oe Melt hale, should at once purchase a bottle of the Mused Heir Comm, as 11 is PO composed Mat it will not Wore .the hair like thane other preparations, but will beautify lt, and giVe perfect eademetron ip'elfery inetanee. For testimony titi lta very superior qualities, et, the following letter from Rev. Dlr. Caldwell, to Megan Ilenderehen to :Stretch, Nashville, General Agents far the Western States: Latter from the Rev. R.:Caldwell, pastor of the Pres byterian Church, Pulaski. Maim. Hendershot% & Stretch—Gentlemen:lliac Pent in adding my testimony ill favor °Lem excel. lent preparation called Dr. Parish's Chinese Heir Cream—for Owed two Veersago, my hair Was very dry, brittly, and disposed to come rint; but having pro cured a boon of the Create, and hued it aceordms• the prese riptioe my tone UMW 11134 JIRO to the bead. Many balsams and oila were .applied, ach leaving my hair in a-tvorie state than before,. This Creent, however, ban met my eapeclations. Aan uncle for the,Toilm, my wife gives it pref er. mire over all other., being delicately perfumed, and not disposed to rancidity.. The ladle. especially will find the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in their prep.. rations for the toilet. Respectfully, he Pulaski. Jan. 7, R. CALDWELL ¢S-Sold wholesale and retell, in Pittsburgh, by John corner, N 0.43 Market etreet, and Joel Molder of Wood awl Fifth 'arctic s MILLE • J. & H. PHILLIPS, 01.1811, SIGN AND STEAMBOAT PAINTERS and Glaciers—Persons wishing to have painting or glaring dune with neatness auddeepatch, will {lone give us • call. They find It to their edvantage, for are folly prepared to do work us low asnuy house In the two cities can or will dolt, et No. u Wood street. N, o.—We wish It to 'be uudentood that we bare not quit the painting and glatlug, as some aur mo tealottafriends have been tel li ng the public f gen o erally st that wn were going to retire from that branch of our .businees. We are more fully prepared to transact the paiuting and glaring then we ever were. spa J & 11 PHILLIPS. VEittigtFtltiFl,The greaten of al Worm medicines: New Litareet, 01110, lam S This la totertlfy that after unit& different' tirptkitta. dons for expelling worms, I bought of C. P. Heiman, of New Lisbon, two vials of It II klellere Verodfuge, and Sava the cements of anixvial to three of toy eluldren. Prom the beet, aged d years, It expelled 45 worms; from the second, years old, 7* end from the third, Ui years.4l, /114 - .making• worms expelled by using oat one vial. I recommend Sellers , Vertalfuge as life sad one oldie most effectual Worse truidirdhea . ore the public. licint bluazuer. Prepered end lipid by R ESELLER:I,Np 57 Wald Greet Sold by Dr. Cassel, fish wet* 1) Curry. Al. Suil .• Tem • •runceiriLle. pal 4 .ITulUi ISAAC WILIJA2dS, Draper and Tailor, bey to in- J. form the chisens of Pittsburgh and other., that he is now %emus at his rooms on Smithfield 'street, un der the above Hotel, a large cod beautiful usortment such f Cloths, Cesslrneree, Sauna Silks, andother,Vrstings, together with other mucks as em required tor gendemen's wear. His goods have been carefully se retied, and are of thei west and most foahiousble style, as well an of soperior qua li ty. His customers may depend upon haring their clothes made op in a untrater which CII4IIOI fad to gratify the Mlle of the Masi feltidenta eptltly . . '• • Nil t; Übr."., Ifurser7 Steck Pat Salo. NE r be; otTers mock, in Tb collection ' equo r rcl=lect oVre=ce— variety, in the Western coantry; containing many new, rere and valuable gents, conmeintin pan of Camellia, Japonicas, large smug plants, Srom 3to feet in hetubt, Cam.. Amt.+, Neruniumls Fushcias, Month ly, Name. Cluster, Perpetual Mom, Vining or Pillar Noses; the finest and most esteeMediorts Menhir.. TA., Dahlia list contuins the most algterey and finclorim IgOTIS grown,• Mower Hoots, Mole nariety; Vines, - MvoLtholl sltide trees, evergreens, frx. Amateurs, Nursery. men and others, who 'coot to decorate did/ yards, gardens, pleasure groin:tub, oh green houses, are respectfully invned to examine thesollection which is open to 'Anton, except on Sundays., , , Conveyance by the omnibus and greenwood Miry. ;;Descriptive rata- Ingots sent by tn., or rony:be bad at our stand, No eV Damond Market, where orders tell within., or by mail to Pittelnugh Post Office. will be promptly attend. ed to. Jahn Graham, n practical gm.mr, stall attend to phut.; shade trees, [eying.' . dr. guide. Orders left ns abort • JAW WAIW ROP, marlddbmkuler Elanchester,iit.r Piusburgh. - liter Ibu:rrt,Mrincrly of Many, ArKears Jew. A. HUM lauessltle,U. C o ss ............. New °deans. `BEATTY, BROTH Eft*. CO., R• I.oocassal••ions FOR FAME add FORWARDING OF I WICSTICUN PRODUCE, • No. pt Poydras Sired, NOo Orleans. Rerm, • blras. Karlin & Co. Baukersk N.O. " James Mk:senor ea Coo. ", David White teCo,llll(aisoii,l4., " EUA& Merlon. B . lteal ' Hosea & VoMet, ' u Cineinnat, . • al'Renzie, • Il N.Kesszley, Foy, Henke., ...settle, 0. DM!Denald & Co, Wellsville,P. Reed. Parks & Co.l.leaver,Pat 1 W Gill,Req,. Wheeling, )oClarkan & Co, 2 piji.t4 ol h. %V & U Miteheasee, 5 n Mani 13oatona Reda aelinatinag — Houses. - R. U. DEXTER, of Homo, Itakurranied and pr 1 I / tented a plim for heating•tkons3s. which hos beel undessfully need in tkrston, NeucTdrk,&c., and Wher • eelttpplied, has received we deeid/U1 preference °vet toiris, &maces, ac: Its advantagre aro -Ist. Great regularity.of tetoperatnie. 311. Freedom from amok. • • 4 3d. No unpleasant drynesu • 4 Dn.:Easily alseaded to and not liable to gel out. of 6th. , 'Great durability. • ' • , A model and specification may biiiscedi and appara tus obLilned, at the copper and unworn factory of Witt D.SetAlPti, First at, , fehllitt betweent*ood and market d01:3311 tirRUPt proved to be the M great Panacea in curing .4 child's distressing cough. • , Front the Temperance Unmet, Nov 3 1947. Oman Srary.--We are not la this habit of puffing, much lunation' patent metliciims,-Liut we eel dtspos. to recommend AIM.% Syrup to Siam who ate afflict ed with a tough. Atter having tried the 'usual reme dies to remove a constant and disiSesSing cough, that bad for several days alllieted one oC our children, with out success, we were Induced to lb' Alorgan's cough syrup, and by it relief was obtained in a few hours. It proved to be the panacea in dd. slat, at least. Prepared wholesale and remit hp the proprietor, • - AIOHPAN, Druggist, fe,b7 t wood pi, 1 door bellsw diamond Alley. IL Challenge to ghtn , Warlds DULLARISmiI be paid alley site 1. who will produce a @poi of pa I, green or dry, that cannot be oluncied with Iloit's proved Chemical Soup. .1 hire the auisfemional Impugn ute people el this place, Munn article, by my intrit Improvement,. 11 POW mandtmrivalled to the memo for attracting graces, tar, pitch, oil, palms or not oiler pew seb stance, from all bands argentin:tent or clothing, carpet., table cloths, memo gnna, ladies' bonnets, es, witheet inuring anything that gem wow will not oUrno. Mora thou one thoonandiennte dilfereot pane of the emmuy kayo told they woold not be without it; alt mon one dollar per pke. In trying thin Soap on mote door 3DO articles of light nines satin, W omen, sod callcou,l ham: only breed three pieces of silk. two of alpscce, cud four 4:teatime, on which it changed the color; therefore befor pantile it on a light dins try a ample alike dress fin I state thin because no lom determined tID reCOVVete ..it any stronger than I .kuow to be minty true. ..4 MN Herr. Igl eta per ate. Sold;Asholenle and retell by ft E SIiI.LERd deal PEACE t PEACE I r NOT an antood, BUT IN EVERY MOT/HERO HOMESTEAD. E uoilerilgnsd has bog . berto coamnced of the tybur some teethe tne4ulapted to the use of L H ire° Slid Libor. to enperee used all those modicums which column opium, 4.tui lam at length atm. eroded lit preparing and octet - 11410 the public a raedt• chic folly nue we riug every parposefor diseilaHotttle bowels, without the use of that deliterious drug, or any . other calculated to 'Marc tn the le4t. Ito Infant Pta4. area 1 Leta fully tested and Hied, the lo st melee months, Ly numerour 'moons, aniPfouud to pours extrauniinary .vinues. and to dioduce all the a1t0,,. isaing effects as it Molt on the 101 l of dtrections. e.t.a, Vomiting, CLohc, Unplug:, Pont., Stelncm and Lawmen Omitting frontslemlungimmting • immediately without Msturbteg any of the sewer,. of the body, producing the happiest and mufti pleasant transition from violent pout toe tranquil anaZioyoua mate of feel- Mg in thedittle sufferer. To lot Mid who:male and retalettf the Proprietor, Dr. JOON SAROANT, Ihuggistantl Apothecary; Johil Mitchel, Beelham, and ort.other Druggists a Allegheny and ISttsburgb. ' &mitt QEI.I-E.lt'S IMPERIAL SI - 111/P.—lt bait lower to enrol Prosateman, Fe, 11, lel:. R. E. Satmast—My wife has id, years Levu aubtect to a &messing cough, accomptur/e4 with whom for Me cure of which she Used thilli*at cough mmediea, and hod the advs., of the most efoinent physicians in England, but el leas unirailmg.f.f By chance I heard el your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was Induced to.bny a bottle for trial, although I had tea belief that anything . could remove her complamt. 7",ai niy great mrprise,' two Sows gave her tmmediste YelieL She is ethnics troubled with a rough, but twoNcaspoonsful of Syrup always stops ft I out satisfied, Oder a Mal of dime or tour ye ars,sluit Seller's Cough SYhm is the best cough medteme I have ever toted - eithat in the Old or New Wadi dtVat. nnournmr., Seventh Work etty of Pitoburgh. The above cenificate slutadtPtiuduest all who are troubled with cough or ;Latham, ter give the Syrup atri al. It may be had for 23 cenui • bottle, at the drug oecn of R E 5k?..W9.571.0.141. 11 CUM , Ole J. bekose—made on ths most apiiiorod Einem plans lad moat faskamable Eortempottenslindeolon. Also CIICAP DOLL. or DOM BLIND... lA. , or made lo order of all alum, and, al all p!tees. •.. Country eno. and other4re invited to call awl euotaboe the above for iberr . ..ellret,ar will be sold whsale or retail, and o [Moroi dedotbon made to who/male parabawm. aoldll tv T.IIVELT OLOElliti• IOllll , lO'S TERHESTIAL GUMS, ecataiatag f:t alt the Ma discomrim and tiviraphical improwitowatti al. I.lw tradeoff. matelabraudrtiestoniangatiars Cola piled tn. Seal', aimh Globe, with additions aed ouyearemesti by Annie loth. lambed by Roma& Park. LORIIICPS CELESTIAL. GLOBES, all W. Lowe War= &e. Compliod trano Aka works a t 4 dF~~ N.hir.. lie ; La tm Oolla.lisralawy Mayer, Brad, traumatic. of the totiow. =I ° of London, de a Praia disith's Nior P&L liab Globe /Ansi. & &mkt. &Repast naiad a &la pairs of Ike bra Globesoaryiv ia idawas I pair 11 web. ia disarm, I " " d k "se. glob. 6 ebrootela, aad Journal ropy. TOWWILTiID'S SARSAPARILLA.-50 dos. just releetvi•i/ of Dr. Teneuserute S.drsaparilla, the mon carousel medicine in the world: Ilia ist c act lapin up in goon bottles. It Is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted. superior to anY sold. It cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating Ma patient. Loin OUT ton Dirranosa.—Unprincipled persons have copied one labels, and put up medicine in the same , shaped bottle. See that each bottle has'she written ng natore of S. P. Townsend. • t city, Deuggist, 67 Wood street, between Third and Frani, is Lii. , Towasend's only wholesale end retail agent for Pittaburgh, of whom the genuine artleleran be had. • •ts bee- alined the tat fo D. bL Curryhu. -been appointed ma wile agent for Allegheny city, a( whom the genuine article can be h EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'S EE- C]. 1 . E.:T0E...NT le sarrior I DI other ressedie. kr llaughh eta® Broaeltitimobothottual other Vulva. easy afttiotta, ts that the mama mum erkreutaateaesd the tow of it. . o f frothes tea yw.r. ago. prekr to all Oink remin of the Wadi. lad h are.w any bare beta Induced lei try other prepuatiFY they t Invariably bee!, :happlotall reams , / the beyef4 which was removably aril - paled flow the high palms bellowed by Ow proprkLaN d lay. slanted to the wet of Jains'EaraCTollalta, a a tosaly that has rarer faked to rotate tbers.aa4 winch prolt.t4y toner had it. equal hag palkaoary amuse Ilaparad oat, by Dr D. layae.Dhitadelphia. Did mkt ea deati.tartf ALEX. la 1 NIS • • DI Voutilt et DERRY. do iV(Ukf:6BUSi, IC2M==l AWNINGS,. RACKING BUTIO/11, WAGON COVERS. AND GRAIN HAW, • • /No. itl4 Itianth ifrost.Streal, Back of T 4. WiLeoie4 Cabinet Ware ilfanufy • PIIILADELPIIIA: ALL ardent left with S. S. Main, at thilaffica Odle Merchant', Howl. Pittalugh, wN Le pzaRDS7 !wended to. - • THUS. U. DERRY A. Cr. NICKSHSON ORIGINAL GIOGIVAR 1311ICKII: EXPFAIENCEHju MIS dgeo,Nt atrial of ono and a bolt million since , ronounce thin article unser putted for d s, urability in the p coustrectiop of all kinds of Furnaces. Fries tislt,73 cult or loads of WM, gnat nuked nine months use. Orders for • second quality Holies.. Minks : mill be eueeeted ut Slit per M, ' II es de sired, without guarantee. A stork of the first_quality Is now forsakes the warehouse, •Sicut . • Wharf,' Ca nal basin, by J SHAW MACLAHEN, Kennington Iron Works !AYH VS HAIR TONIC.-dear polog Ales ankh tirial,wo Nhositatiegly premature@ it lobo trial it rooks. tho boot ottiolo, 1,16.41 uy .raceptio, ia use, forth. nkatirtie sod preservation of die how. hair. %1 • hew of sonorous ilutapen wham hair has boat rotated Utlioado ehith timeline While , rem,• and no think witertuu4.l4 raotor toe Was to reasteettue is; all our rs•dors she n. e' Nair hair.to toake• stale( this Took. Nuaediataly Bast. MaiL Yoe oak in Pittsburgh at No NON tea Nero, Na.7i FOUranreeli. war and a =Walk orT §UNDRIPS —l5O bag. prime Rio coffee; 150 bbl. N htularaer; 7,5 boat,. 11311.6.e11ire1l tobacco; P. 5 half esta green and black mar, 75 II nod 15 lb boxes Y 11 and O P do.; MI bases Gertolut cloy; lU casks salero om, 10 do. potich, together with a geriend assort ment of grove rice, in mon and for tale by join - CARSON tchIcKNIGHT 6th at. T_TAPAPINA CICIARS—IMMAS imported eipre of ja•thei following celebrated brands, pall to arrive congaing of, Caves Subigueded, Wetal4gtort "Rapidee, Emulapie, Doe Amigos, de Faster, London Urania, Lren.l Byron 's, Falls gnocipee, steam blot do, Videya extra do, Sylvia's do, La Dem:lens 1.1; do do thl,ltia, La Palma, Caladores, - • Eagle principes, far sale by P C Ain Lao:, feh7 ear Smithfield re fiord et. UYERBLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE 0 ARABIAN :STROM —Erprenly dcugued for foro." ity rending; to coulee of publication by anew Jiro diem New York. To be completed w twelve putts. Satiation received and for sale by - JOHNSTON R. STOCKTON, earner market and ad its • VOl3 !MACAU HOATI. Yo6lTABlrbrlVit(lb..—A very CO6VCIII.II stuck. Bellowiand an dm font by tho b... Ales by women, A tawl.Bl rce o ll nod io r r ale by__ 000• • IktICAWS and Breast, Sore Teeoe, th. era. Mut, Whooping • CorpM, Croop, Lire.= =* Net.. Tremor; and . Dr. Swaymels , Co...tad Strap Dls mild and plysesot to the We" perfectly ash and handersin its operations; and yet uone of the too s powerful and certain remedies for Consmption of the Lune, Coughs, Colds'Araltina, Spitting' Wood; layer Complaint, Puns in the Side or Weed, and general Debility of the Corwritution, that was ever Invested by the skill, of man for the relief, a( the afflicted public. Certificatea and evidences of, its wonderful' cursinve pavers ire daily . ..shred from all Tuners. It is possible to conc.. the aggregete Of auffernig.d gabs ery that has been relieved. banished by 1t nor can ere cohabited...ruse benefit that shell arctic from it hereafter. AU ages, wises, and constitetions are alike affected by It, and the...a is eradicated from sync., the constitution repaired, and health co loredt barmuser. at DL Sw y ' rit ' re C we " E d fr efly n' a hold epproaching to an .umely grave,. wrested, in the bloom of Youth tn. their relativw and friends, &Mel-. tvl with th nal 'malady, CONSUMPTION, 'which wanes the ni ruble sufferer until' he IS beyond the , faker 0 Immo . If such auderers would oily' ' make it Lai Swap.', Compound Syrap of Wild • Cherry, 'they would find themselves worter relieved Mali by gulping the various ineffecve remedies with which our newspaper. abound; thi s'Vegetable Usenet dy' heel; Me ulcerated loop, stopping priise . nMht sweats., it the same Ihne Inducing • nebulae. healthy expe.etotwion t hed the padres will soon find himself ha the enloynocut of comfortable health. ,The public should bear in mi n that lk. Swaym is a stgu.r practising phpilcian, and has had years of experience in di.ases of the Leap, Cheat, Se. The (enamel and mitYlants. article w only prommed DR. SWAYNE, N w ear , ner of Web. and Race atreetsabllitlelphth ANOTHER DOME CfiIitTIFILATE. - Of all the cures that hoe ever.. recorded, we cosy 'safely soy the annals of medicine cane. furnish one to ntro.. this, which now atm.; as a limit proof of the curability of consumption, even whoa life had been ,despaired of. Dr. Swayne's Comf.uld SY.P hi . Wild Cherry lei all it prof... to tie., the greaten. onidieine In the karma world. •j TA. Taw Ricker of Life is Flak! • DS ElartaDeall Sic —Poe tie good of the public,' feel inyielf duty b.. to testify to the great cure which your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perform. ed,on top.' For my pan, I feel .if every body oteglit know it. I was afflicted with a violent cough tins of blood. Night sweats, hoarwriess, and sautd of the cote* I esbf sting . alarming state of the disease. my appetite was.., and my ..amt. had so far 1114- ~,du. that my hinds and phys ician were pervaded I I feeld not survive nienydayn. My Niger, who ewe my anxious caretaker. made ioritiry where she would be likely to procure the most certain relief. • She was told that if Dr. Swayne's Cob: . pond-Syr. of Wild Cherry the cure, my r.t. was then . tselerui. Your molic tile was imedtately procured, the first bot ..ve and b3Sthe time I had commenced the math bottle. my congh had left me =lay menet was Much Improved. In Mon, it hat made a pellet cure of me, end I ma at this prewnt time as hearty • man as I wisti„ and bare good, awn to believe that the use of lour medicine has Laved um from a. pram.. grave. I shall be pleased te give soy Information respecting my ca.. . I M DMlnms cheater st, between ewe and vine ss CAUTION! CAUTION?! Coniumptivee, Read! Read:: Dr. Serayne'sCompoindl . Syrup of Wild Cherry.. • In about the year 1e37,- I. hand it necessary in my professioaal practice to compound a medicine prep.- ation for diseases oethe chest and Lang., possmisins more Owedo healing properties Nat' any other ha rmkr down for such disease, In my COMPOUND SYDUPOP WILD CHERRY, I have been very see cesafel, The wily est.isluag cum. effected by my medicine soon weed its bias abroad, for h owes woe 'of Imam.. to manuf.temd newspaper page. for-, gee cenificauts—the Teel intrinsic ;mints of my cum. I paned I. the only cause oflts popalanty., Its extensive sale soon excited the envy ofeerlain spectlelon in the alllictiour alias fellow crenures, somach w that in a few years from-the time that my pi...entree intro duel blithe public and Merest &mad, a firm in Dila city, finding that MY PrePernien had gained a.hilfhl reputation tor its carotin, properties, mune out with whet they called Dr. Mewl &hum of WMI Cherry. ' This respectable ad pen.. physician hid no more to do with the article than poor Sato Patch. Thema. of Dr Wistur is snacked to nuke it weir Mat thin lean pracdtioner was theorising inventor of the pre• pan.. such is not the tact. The shore Ann, the re. al inventor, sold the recipe and sighttomanufacture to Wme sweat medicine dealers is 4".l,Pin.d he the est and South, and another is New York for the East, who afterwards, It is asserted, sold out to a druggist in llonots‘so the number of hands into which itiney have changed is. enigma. ' In some pl.. they assert it emanated from a pity slam to PhUmlelphiar *then, from a physicianm M... efametts.—Soil has falsehood and stratagem stamped u every Mama • , There have been a number °relict. prepunions per. porting to eeleeitt Wild Cherry put not amen, from the bawds of inesperiente, which the Public Weald guard against, as they coitus none of the einem of the origi nal and only genuine - preparation, which bean the tug ... bf Dr. Sway. on each bottle. The present manufacturers of their peas and false certificates have the dazing *grown" , to gambrel thew.. what per- . chasing my medicine, the Duly truly genuine and a i. eel prepare: of Wild Cherry Wfore • the pub wLich is proved amisthetOrila by the public records . o the Cc.monwealth of Pe.sylvinda, as well as van, other official documents. DFL 11. SWAYNE, Inventor' and role Proprietor of the genuine Com pound Syrup of Whild Cherry, corner of Eighth and lace "t`.` .4 Ph2h . dhi p t ." . . .1 Pamphlets can be obtained gran, aching Garth on array of lealianony thai will marline° the 01001 skepti cal Mahe. wonderful vinues of Dr beraynela f und u Syrup of Wald Cherry. Call and `noon, U mag read. Purchase the medicine, and Tomas. 'F'or sale, seamless , - awl retail, hy. the Agents: THOLOL kJ Market sh IXiDEN& SNOWDEN, cornet. Wood .4 Liberty stm 5 JONES, HO Liberty sr, 11 A PAIINLSTOCIs & Co, ` Comer of First and Wood and Siith 'and Wood; and JOHN MITCHELL, Alle,lielly city. • rharlk . • Great Raigliah Reziedy. • I ,FTUV4;:N.I) tY R., RR 6r the cure of .Wma aid - Lt. /..11, i• he_HUNCIAltLati B t ha n, 1.111, darrovercd by dm, celebrated D. Bn, ol London. Hoagland, t o idtrioduerd the United Stun under. Um immediate .ticrintearkuce of the Manama TM extraordinary aut+cess of Li e medicine irr tie tore of Pulmonary dise.es, comments lbe Alocrium Agent on ca n tor Mu-anneal Me worst pasibla c. ses Mat can be fount Ha the eonimunity—cases that mek relief au main from any of dm common remulica orbs. day, dial Lave loco oven up by the most disti=4: . d Yysici.s as confirmed and tacurable. The u 'Badman baiteareil, and will ctire,Hae most daaperate uf cams. It is no qtaick nostmon, but a stamtaM Erg. Itrk medicine. of iknown and established effLeacy. Every family in t h e United Statcs,aboidal be supplied with Buchan's Hmagarian Balsam toof Life, not only to counteract the co.umptive tendencies of the elate, taut Mire wed as a p . mmotive otalicinc UMW ease. of culda, coughs; nat.g of blood, pain Outdo. side and Motu, irritation and soreness of the Burgs, Noah* Male ulty of brewing, hectic fever, night somaMosaci. 'aeon .am debility, 4 getal delity, asthma, iudueaas, w hooping tough anal croup: . • • Hold iu large bottler, at ill per bottle, with ,fiall eons for the restoration of health • • . •--- • Pamphlets, coital:dog a male of English itenl Ameri can certificates; and other evidence, showing the an• ex t= menu - oft s grutEtte l ish Remedy, may be For sole 14 fi ge lL,..6olkna A Co., earner of at and ‘Voodand Wood und Otheni, mord We have beeutintenned by Mrs. Bose of a ewe pet: ionised on her by Ur. silarssett ' , We* Proves ie. superWrity Owes every other remedy of the kind. She has been'afflieted for the last tureen years with NECROSES or MUTE. SW eLL1:11:3, attended with oleeradlios sad' =foliation of warms bohes, do. ringorhiehtime away piece. have been discharged from the motel bone 01 00 enutitun; rowels:Rh her arms, Wilda and hands, and from both legs, and from the left &send bone, and from the right knee, betides ',eland takers en whar parw of her ponied, whteh have bodied Abe skill or a number of Le wad waited% phYsiiiatts ol OW eft, --dune; most of the tithe her =tonna. Ova base esennapni end deplorable. Abow Aria , moths slooe the 110 t 111.10000 10 trY Dr—Jaynes Attentive, arttieh ha' bud an ustowshingly happy etreeS opine her, by removiniall pain and swell!ogs, and 0101allill th e 040131 D be am, whileat the aansellttlabergeneral EMU, has bawastoompletely restored, so that she not weighs G IM none than she did before she ciwtowneed the we of this truly valuahlc prephomi..—,t.at time. ost. For further tufonuabon, ensue of Mrs. No NO. ire Falbettut, Philadelphia. • For salet; Pitubargb, at the PEKIN TEA :/ YORE, 79 Fourth s near Wood. CROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL;• S lliGlSl—Serninia in ,all lid 'multiplied reran* whether in that, of Kipg's EN, calatzemeatio the gland. or Waal, Goitre, White Swellings, quoins , itticoniatisin, Calmer, eneasesor the Skia or Spine, or of Pol.:wary Consumption, emanate from one and the aerie cause, which Is • poison°n, principle more or lea inherent in the beau syntein_Ther. fore, anlestthis principle can he ilestroyed,Ou fipl• cal cure ca be enacted, -bat if the principle limas which We 41sease depends, in re...od; a care °natal nee ity follow, nu :eerier ander wholorm the climate should 111.211111 Mi &bell. Thin. th.r.r.. it dui reason why Jarsh.'w Abrs RATI Olt IN so on venially nieces:dui is WA:awing so many aualiguaii diseases. It destroys 'the nrus or principle me whico thaw diseases hare their °ditto, by enteria , into the circulation, and with the blood conVeye to the minutest fibre, remotion every p Aide o Aliases from the system. Prepared and sold at No ii South Third Street, rhlladelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. I% Fourth itret Pitletsugh • metal /MIES Who Use Croartwo Prepared Chalk, are often not aware how inghtfully aujariwts '1 is to ~e,„qt pow ems*, how rasp, bow jelko, awl unhealthy the stut ;tome . 1 1 , 1 ores- v chalk! Llewdes, it isle knous, comairtieqa goats illy or lead. We have prepared a Walsall! vegetable ardele, which we call !ONUS'S rIPANIBII 14LY .WHITE: II pet/sway inaccent, being periled of elk deletenous qualities; and it Imparts to Ike akin a tuna. heslthr, alabaster, clear, lying while, al thew= tune Retitle a' • CO•Ontl• •• the We, snaking Itself and mop*. • James annerwmPrattfeat Chemist of Mama. chosen , . says: "Allen inalyslng Jones's Sattnish White. I And It possesses the must beatnik and nua ml, at tlie Imo lime innocent while 1 oversaw. I. °attain]. can conscienttonaly recommend 1, um to all whose sitiarequires beatufyint.. - • - .'lgtslrt l it c. M r' l4./A b ritiliti, at his floor and tlhe Store.,Blo Libeny 'street, head oft Wood, at the sign ute Ladies, ladlca,Pm astanlshed, • ' When.you know that yon are promised . A Moral, life-like, snowy whi e,= That yen wia still am common chalk,- Aad look a deathly yellow fright,' r The theme of hattatiter and of talk. Ifyea would sae a box of JONoStAlly•witue, womb( eve year skin an alabaster yet.nataral white, and at the saws doe clue and irojotort it: WA at JACISOI , PS,OO Libertyst. Pima= a/mum bon. • _,•• PAPER•WAREHQAJSE• 9OURLINII BLIP, BY w YORK. WPM W. FIELD otos for_sale at the lowest Idanufseteros . prieek a 'very extensive own , mein of PAPER, comprinne every possible otiely, adapted to the wants of commas to all sanest/ of Oa • paper of all .kinds erode ie . aid , sr et' short stock of PRINIINO PAPER Eli stia.sally loss .ape norwhieht.ofvarryf superior paalay. ..PAPSIL /11*ILICRII BIARYRIALi of every: deieription, imported and kept eenstantly on: via: Felnews, Wan Cloth, Fasedrittier Wane ttleaehing Powder, Was • Ulusseritte,Twlns, te YAMS . Cilavass,Bals ROM, Grass Rope,' flaegine, n, parcbased, for erkiek the highest priee ta Cask will paid A my . Nast vot: ithri tor.. T. Jim.. Alia Una OhmLeal gaup. VOR all kin& of onspboas and &seams of tic Silai E sash as Poopts&lllotebes,llalt litheonntlearay, liens Spots,bbspbed or stacked Slun, and krill other Wen. nu of Um sane, whisk rapine emu! Taloadtat,thla dosp 'Ldt anpasaUed. It also dbtpels Froaktes, Mew bony blosphols, Tan, and chaise,' the ether Auk, yellaw,ot disqlpmed skla, we a Moe, healthy, yeanifd, elesstsass•• A Is.'s saPP I I, entrained gsnousse, and rei sale at the massed we of 37a per sat a,baslast bees la circled Tor sale by II PAIINEStOCY & earn& Ist and wood and also at the master sixth - ' ' ' • - • S BOAT 0001E111a STOV B ICS 0 ale • •WM BCALVE, Ksl.. Wyse witztoth C .. "i iIIIIII4IIULAN'S. TOOTEVPAUITM• . tr* botanicals Issewn for elesabta mid wltheninif ; the Teeth, Wasettheadic die gm* tweeteabla ilta ' math, shook be used evetiWalt with:* etig - • bends, std the teeth Med month Mil Only meat with shah Indust is the moralag. Wet the brush witk water seater, at lenswer,"and lab it a low Ustm on thel paste, when .enotiwlt will adhere Ms seesaws that r wed. It limeee delimitate halal is the month, and we Merle a most delightfal Crewe= to the breath. Itsteade eltevelled as. a pleasant, effieseted, enovenient, sad twadeatrifice. It is w,anstddi; pot to Mitre Me teeth, 11 7 Mang it segalest ,y it sanive the tartar and •„. merest ILI acelemenePevent the toothaehe ananathen the gums, and prevented diseases of teem taseasets, phyarcums, and Mee clergy sceommend It a • . deMemilY dperies to every thing of de kind in me— Ask for Sherman'. Compound Onis Teeth .Pasle,' and ' ' ebett/e his manteisse is semitone each pet. il."'" ... ededely Or. Castle let rt e o ld one al • o ne best Dentist., and by most erthe old established one* la Re Untied Mates, and eves atenseely used' by the' No/Nam of . Eagtand end - Fre re. A large pamornon diseme. betafilietmentad' • m doe roma derangement of Mt tomach bowel* whleb, a timely tees! the Cade etc ab u t Would total) , obviate.' Persons of ,biliem habits should ways Sere a Los et head; Mal tate a dose whatever they fml tlfe iesedtrangescen tin their health. Aj adi does de the. Lotwes would prevent thousands— ibrealet. Wel. JACESOIe'S, camera • Aa AT Ctifig, perienri by the orMaglesd only tens aadonedee Lien rai, ood oW It Z BEL LEIS. ' Hews' Fecroar,Weemorted Coe Pa.,l • •J -AR. ' ft R. Srdeet,....everes Drive to Talon titt Misled wand t!,,,st oothocor io few of yourjussly aka:see'mdaroed Lime reth, - ,l,htne deterred doing so its yeas, ttt . ~ mmeettv amiacsle Ms, you are sght, alai gostesid.'" Nast cd tbs. te a l s reed ores es ' , • ore nechs, landed MU...law:Re mak ism Wiser ewe rLees rids he Moo/Red to Re petite sod, in I believe they will .14ST if. than ali n e ea - ym repress theta In r at " have Ms Waked with Line Emplaint - from eayot 4 oati have @oared made entpleird , many noised ph to whom I pall mei omen ham lost meet tromited s, Vpieled Mame, kWh; - . winched 5 or Orion.; ad ap as inenebb. la - t 110.1.71 we tamed totgyous Boos otn_ - WELIi. ' Lee bee of midi b midleiest to homme elate • of painia the eide,mad ail the other npe. Rs et last 10.temee. Tres Yalu seesaw baleatharde Indeed; lowa wal,:aotpa or girls( moch shame at the stow, , e • Ind cies metanch Mat I lee kept theta ia ery doe Re 4 es 7 yaws; soil Melsedef Rem, end has' Wear bond a'. Mtge compleet mined by my ens who has mod Gem. ' b o de yham eqeseattedalneetenryotber thin teighberoo sad in duet tear will AMA thaw sIL- I • ;:' emsodly rtes dem to all preens ameba t e a .phye whedd ese Live Csesphdatt w dßeetioes. I . side-rieaubs= h Orel' l~aaddrrfl,, e superior to Cekesel cede L Respert.. O *t. ,LA 21-+.la there we other 'Pith beam" the = eettraLierrillo, pram Mut mettle GENUINE ask be hodtale norther the thew premised mot sold by 14 SELLERS, No 67.Woodet be a no . TWA end roars PiAlt Weil; D ht Cznete,Alaghesty er Shit Wager cases ThOLTOR RM.). W. hIORRIS scams Ids LAM" thinks M the titinllK of Pitubuigh and Allegheny nay Rs the Tug liberal support and stemmata:MOM heel . .. Lived India the lam six menthe. That the We. . Mt mate should demise each celebrity, is neither • strange our mysterems,whea it is considered how great a mambos of easee of every variety of diseases, , both swabs dui chronic, baseborn cued by a judicious non ant *Germany, where tecticiattled, six thou eed of the must eases, that were given up by the most Oil.. tel physicians of Eutaw, as mcorable, were caged by the =none! Pedants, the bender of the Water Case. LaEngland, Prance end Amesiel, dimmed. of hope less mules have been cured by it, and the liIIILIGTOLIS Hytkopothie establishments sow in summand opera. • - don In the United States, speak calumet in favor - o( the Dr. Monis hantig permanently established - himself in the city of Pitubargh, dace doors southweet of wieselley, on Peon steel, is prepared to lake a number of Louden and test them at Ids baud and. 'those who prefer being Mated at their Mtn dwelliat , will be punctually and felthfully attended. He may consulted at his office from 1 o'clock till y P. X, sad --- Isola? to le in evening. . • N.'lE—Every vdnaty of baths mede use of in .h• Weser pure, both Rs ladies end gentlemen, ens be ob. :lined at the Atheneum, on Meng street, where they have been recently erected for the express um of Ily dropantle patients, and•where every auention will be wee by the polite and attentive proprietor. • •Ple•• • . . • DB: JAVAN% CARIIIIIIIAMIVICSWIA.St rRONI the Rev ABA dill NN, a well Mama and pop alas Cletta et the ProtestamMetbodisteborek enders- heatag been afflicted dating Umlaut rith • disease tante contact, attlmitt,m pm- ' dieing meat ensile the etomack for tester twehe hours widow Intermission, end after laming tried various" re-seethes with liU eeieeectt,,woollmnishM with a Male - • oror D.ardet remet , Velum Mdb be and az." cording Wain direedons, and (nand umeriebly absinth, medicine named Um pilule Masai:same or tem ,iste.jl.4l4 hi Kern Of twaty.ialsista every 'Mein mention was entirely gram& medkine was ref• tengresda used Intense,' iodic...of Me' approach a( , enneOmeiSed. ead Meimin eras thereby {nevem. ed. lie contained to en the medieine every evening abd aorrietimes morning, and io • few sr,ecki Malin Was .0 far restored. that the stirrer was retie, ed from a large ...tor oppressive pain. From ea 4 rieme, themtmei be cm confidently rseemaead th - 4 - Jaynes I..Yrminatiert Balsam, era salutary atedlein rdtseases eitiemenech and bowels. A SHINND, For .de in Olasbe hit " die 411r1 I FINVII .- 7a loulth street. ne.7r Wood, Ind at. at theDnig Store ei it I , salt tiV rz .Yr•lend Are. . 1• - - Paults Tenor Blood. ' : - • 0111.. 0. E. SAMMY—pear. Sin Last Spring, amides " Jilt nag the pumas winter, bens severely afflicted • ,• with a senifultrus eutplunt• 'limy legs, and had been., ~ for mama mont h s under the eau of phy4cian.. They uid . , ritT cue was almost incurable, and they could do • but e for Inn - was nearly helplus, but with the aid p cmtelie• could with difficulty get aboal...ln May , ' • net, I purehual of you, and commenced wing thus- • tots Butkus...so. Auer the me of two bottles, the urea bosuouteed• nod I laid usidanty enact,- • i • ea, ming ordysi nue. I dispensed with ray cue, and , at the rod of the fourth,Was so well as to asaist all dity ' - in shearing sheep- In nil, I used five - The scrofula and Born • have. - ..ar heeled op. and since last nynnenr have seen- no appearance or the dossed, has have continued, sad am moron the mostperfect health. .r. I elate with confidence hopmg that others may be hen. ••. Milted in the um wily; thalibts Sarsaparilla sold by • yolk 11. Welt the mean and the only 113<111.11 Or Cad:, . • .„ 4m sale wholesale sad retail, h7 ) ---- - ear. Gone P wood sta. C also veer wood k.tith•is : . 111111stest Compareatd , Ilyrtap Alf Tar "aged 'DOH CUM: of Cough., Collis, Bronchitis, Bplt- X 01 Wend, Drtlite_ps,_...d at cm., disesac• oh the system tending to PutziONARY CONSUMPTION.. The Veld and ueprecedeuted auciess of Ode valua ble medicine, and a desire to_ disseminate its berti.firs, hero indeced the prep:deters - loft do price at 15 cents per Wade; thus placing it within the reach of all. Bo family should be without, or eter wilheshe'r, they hard axe be and appreebned 11, earnost instantaneous... than Obe care of die abareta.. Coataining ntiocialor netted° ingredunts, not.the slightest dan ger %%into...ismer , unleash. We its use. Children a` from map and whoirplng cough mill hobo it mills avidity, and awl imeardiaos retie, 00 'mater bow .elolentlttie paroxysm, sleets atcord_ng to i s 1 . Parsec by storekeepers generally, to this and ad triaisg aOlinUtt, and wholesale and retail by the pre: .prietont. 3TeUd ElTrEß,Ueaoggr o, 1 .00rth 164 N. Second at, below, Vtne,Ylt . l- e S' P df", i t P • U ner. r ent i f curb .. Cretin la ito:Zios stumaki '". ,•• . - SnipedPc House m an. Porcelain atartaX ' tav i went bags, tragfatot anal Latrentlerle. Itinattfal paaraeapanottf all pa ng Entiacmovi toilet bora, nontainang fragrant eatiacts rur the tunttaltn atttaft bozo . biX..nd ronnuar, Or ',Vaasa pawdatl yogerabla taw oa, • . , • I.k.e, ? a, in fancy or coninatarrsppeas.tnate' .1 J ; anata aorta; Nitaph Soap; Saco trip also; Shell atop; soda soap; trlctitar rank a great Varier, Or W. troinninery: pnt Framed; for sale Let - AlAliallE &CO grata car ath tr. ward via Polmtesissai , Dallla' AN1N86.4. REED & cunta-I feel it a abut I AEU Mao to my fallow mantles, to Data something tmtre bespecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam., Eines Ulna used the Datum, eboct eleven Teem nes the hoppyelfee; of which then gave an account M 1, have had several severe magnum sad knacks at my Inags,VMO few dayi slam,. and in every • insumee g hare Med the /Inhere alone with complete aud pecieet it has etrected.rellef and cum hi a very few days It is certainlyn sate osedietne: Ido not tome' that will cure a bled consumpnon; bat I believe. it 134; iu cuss a premathre, and prernation batter than cure; I theretote,"Mi Me love of my low wen, sarnestly.mcounnend UttLum of this Sahara.' iu all milMonary.'nowleints. ale collation that it Wm been b,. memo of preserving my lifer to this day: Mem June IS, 44 lIENJAALIN- PARDONS.' For sale by 1.1. A Fahneuock, & Co,eornm . sad wood sad also comer wood soul OM. LT:" - Patent. Meek Spelag Tromi, Nr-74.,:fr'NefiT°4,-I•.=7,2`.,ll,:czzrzt . . Sepr iaf Malmo or thot.Truas euovist Ortlor eueY +ammo coy> with orkach it tray bp. worm Tto pad wood Imint.neatly balatteettoa pnngn, yield. Ito yrcY. tete Ohlmy part or It, and thottnaglity adapt., 4841 I. - toy oirmmumit made by Um weorcr. It coo he warn., anthout lemma:yak:lP until a.cure to effected. Tito Mhz ' tes.lera have mule lirrangetamot for the manerthettke . )4 there valuable TraYxm, to a mperlor ewoli • /Upton, sad hove them mot for %ale faith., /ghee, fa, 17, reothfiehl at. gear - Moth, Pittsburgh. , Will. %V far, , . - MM. t - • U. %V. I:4.Uhreltt 1 S Fr r'P ' l42ollPUGE—"Supenaelo eoy bare " ' GIISaa.3 Tr, Flryette er,onty, Pa., March 4, tbET. • Mr-ft. E. Scusaa-1 bereby.eedify that I base axed . your Vomiter" . in my Monly, and-belieenit , not gummier to any I hare eser,used. I trove to one of: , toy eloldren one dose,sehiels expelled about ad marias..- Prepired end mld by SKI Tit.% 57 Wood et, Mold by DI Cassel, otb Ward; D M tkuly, ,55,10. 5 , :1 W J Smith, Tempetancevinei stid - I . Limo, Law girat 11,4S—Ars intsertment . lust reed . and'oo no t N PITTSBURGH GAZETTE; c Ottul.taiED wEvaLlr: Y. au. wet Or Part (1610. , nAvrtcs •, One insertion or 121inet, or lean so 60 Two ionertu.na withontalteration. - 0 75 Merl, ; " " • " One Wee ' . 7 • '• 1 ao. TemWee. • 2 50 Three l • • • -1 • 'OO - _,• _ _ One bloat, • • • 4 Ou rl.O " - moo ...... Longer arlhatisements in same proportion. Out sqoanr,G mouths, without altermion,... uut 12' - ' " .... 15 (U tiacb tidditicutasl 1141114te fOrn . 5 (IV t! " ........ lti urn. One stidani,6 munum,rencotable at ptomain, 15 00 " " • - • OU Each annitinoal swim for 11 m0ntir5........ ;10 151.1. Two :Mn.qu 6 months, re'mable stpleasure,so On Eacnad,Gtlonal equare,6mooths, 00; msicmr gllt eei.er Du LT revel's. Ooe huard.3 isseetloos, 51 SO " each additional Slt " ••••-- : avareca-Ca lit. • • Five flocs or less, one you... „.;,„ .... , . ;„„ ee, xis months 5 UU ." ,;osn3mar.tiailyie.weekly, 10.00. . re...rrt • ' sii month's 00 B Aili " iliTtsontleet an wizirii for 30 noel, or leek Otis nO i -" Two, " Three; “. . Si uu • Three eial th i ' 3he .•• x - 6.00 ' L4A P :4 '+ J : 3 a . ~ ;',
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