•wl3= -=-) OR I E 1028,. G d .1 c—tts. 04,4 AA. "" Wid at mauslap bbl 4 apt 414.14101404. , 440; 44 lags 444(84Atar, boo 8.40 C0t14444: 1114444. 100 4 0 4 144 ► pa5e041040 A" 44044444 4 7 ,44 44 et -1.45444 /F 4449404444, sad W. 4414444 ataß " At =4C/03.32.EF. earenks se& - 20 Ind. 1431*Pon, Sweet T sad - Madeira Winn, compriting &mt. 1 . 1 7 awake &ad sapetior bninds; melted and for We on accommodating. w a r& • ..111 W&M MELTREE. !Rimy it reatrrr BODA.ASIi--40 calks Janie* Marmon I t 3c , als A.,b,jastmed per stesmnr Wk. 24 AITTCHEIAILI*IIOOI4Irnyrt . I. TA If 03 ib.g.IUTCIII.9I)2i t,Co, Avoid Fdr 81-f oais . fl Stem StleSIT Refinery, ha. 46 Watqr. mg( gg grog, • street, Pittsburgh, Pa., in store theloWiriog ar Barmiest afield .W&e...for „_ ••• b. doable re large Loag bbls Nos;!, 4, 4 4'l sod 8 sobs! do; 230 do PoWdesed; 200 do Crush ed; ld do Outfit& - . , I myl9 - • • Q.ONIRUES-30 easkr Seda Ad, branded M Sleets k Rom Livorpaol; XI do do ' Ido Jiaci . oApnut k.Soas, do; RV bag. Rio Colle; SOO boSes 7zO, Lipp and 10z121V, Glom, for sole b Loy9O y • , JOHN GRIER, • • QUND . RIIOOOIbs Holk.Potk; zi) b,ith corn; B bblx Clover Seed . Muteks Rogr, RII do Barley; MI Idds Moan box ig landing Rom Istronser Cope nod in ado a/ARES DAUM/. . .„ FLAx 4I -1,24"4 Pr"'" order, "" t " irq24 EBELLERO TOXACeoWa . Ie , Leg" ,, T s4 ob . t i i r o,;:ciced pi/ lAS A =AMA 1, • C O quarter boxer Makin Oar loor tor9l • JAM A HUTCHt 9 calks. Hams and Bbott =T9I JAMES A HUTCI.IIBON & bbt.l.tymed Oil. &id°. lb. CS k o DIL-56 W 64 0!1, oo • F r Sr, ib .9 13 mg”.m" wile I . = 11§k 11.rdiSee .72:1 • r " 'd r ; - 4 fo — r _ . 3 1)k, ct„.l° Q AND CANDLES—Ie bzr Sperm Cau lk, ti Noo,d, .8 ood 2,0r0 imams IVuder Sperm Od; .I do Alleaehed lobar Ilpena oi4 Ivo der 011 do do; .I=o do bloaeliod winter Whale Oil; 900 do N W W hole 0 1 4, Ant received and for sale by m7Fv , : ADMEN A ViCIEF:NrON ; rponAceo4io bra . Hassell & Robing& Congress Tobacco; 10 do 13Ohnuom Plug do d o looMy ers' astraib. Lump dm Jost reed and for sale b elloeits—iikika Flora Principe Cigars, .' very ropers tcy3te No I do la Cruz do doc 12.1X0 No 2 and 3 do do* AM nreelead and for sale by •• •• I • • • MILLER & IIIeNETSON R . t.fms e o t i y e—tuo b&Lhriis,lrcinot Tf /lA= 81 1 1 . 0AR—Artits Ratans Dupe ; U l m • MILLER kEICKWIRON TIOUICE REFINED LOAF SUGAR—LOAD cases I/ Doable 1106440 Loafs am,just444W *44 for We by myt6' MILLERA DIcEETSON S TOLE le , Altir b l-110 bbl. said 6 Last u=i in t tfr y tw s bt o 7XD ; doil&Ik li myfvb y MIRY*, Co NEW ORLEANS SUGAR-43 Lauds {nitric N O.So. gar; loco fair do do; for sale by lam • , • • WEST BOWEI Ili Cron} et _ • 30 00 0 PIIeRNIS FIRE BRICK, Jest received and for We by I - 'rurAil • •C A M'ANULIir tCo CLIF.FSEL.32 Ott Cheese, for tole law to r eloso too .brtm‘ota by 703' ENULLBH s BENNETT ' nItEASE-7 bbls Crease, boar landing from stearin Ur Cumberland ”d for sale by . ; • ; je7 • rellAH DICKEY & Co,frout t t VEATEIEI/8 ANDlanding Goy a merrier Cumberland end for sate by I je? ; ISAIAH DICKEY &Co DPEACTIES-150-km Tenuessee , in item and fur tea by je7 • ISAIALI DICKEY kCo . NiO. 61.10&11.-111bhda prime N CI Sugar, received by meander Telairtaph and for sale by I !Jeo . IS& W •- 11,1E58 PORIC-16 bbln prima Meat Pork; Past reed Au. and for. We by 88{V lIARISAIIIIII, • aril . _y7 water and 104 frontal , 1. - PEATIIER-9—Jost neared aad - for nle by X jet . • GEO 00CFIRAN,Ahrood PT'S. bbbk jun rea'd .41 for 4 3 ...de by ' URAUN& REITER ANILLA - DEANS—Prime quality, just ino d and j "In bY in 6 BRAUN & =nue 1 - 11L . VITRIOL••-•91 carboys net reed end for sale el ll the•Onn than M. jeb JRID c Co A — Ll4l—W ban in non ant sale at Me dots Irramboate of jes- J KIDD & Co AI .LEZVER D BONE. LINIMENT-30 iron ju, .retened and far sale by • ab • . . J ;CLOD k Co • ' of P S'EED—Folh Lbl foe {ode ,attPe thing was; hanse .l :jes laDtk& rquunti HOOTS-:J• dim' India riber [Fishing It ii="poth'do We 'l"b7 & H PHILLIPS HOULbER dee si.otooo Drie s, S dim Habiser, received by egpress and for sale at the Indiajtabber Detsta i bucesi street, I • •. • •Jh li rumupii K'"Wi!rja"'d 8"4. .lelo : • PL3 A 111i1VIILSON &Co StatArp-mr.1 6 4 .-. o =4O 6 'l''' 6 ' beresCand for We by, CUZ I C O /NNAa . l ia r r rao2 tkaa No.l Soap, rastas ,}aICIL . LIADALFY & SALMI OATS AND 1 1 ApLE1 , --1000 boalrOsts ariilSCClbo7 1k kV D= 1, 73 la ..paioo,Marbrin for ask . ... , • iako "LVITP°";,,. - C ° ll7.7r' b !" h c*".'; by 101=_•'1! 1'1 1217" eh redniA"." 'uor _ PEACIIES T :-A' kw b&& irtidOia pa fix Übs ' XlO 8& IV lIAXBAUGII. POTATO} —.N nth . Galena Neshedeacke, received end RI( sale - I Jell , • POINDEXTFIZ • WILIEESE-20 bes,W Ramsse, filf Ws try I ) jelo, ' . !CIINDEXTER Co 1 . 110M 7 4 keg!' in sic/17; 11 + 1 10 ' .. de c k i„ by 1011.LCK. .L.P have on hand the most extensive ssionaLent of black sad fanny Silks tolx'Canad to die ei . 10 AbitPu u rt--125I..prime No 31tasmaeSnatelis to elleissoeutaanrsialetg from No; ti " r "' 4 " _ _ ItOktEMON REPF/thr j ' • - 109 wood, ne..9000 DBODUCE-40 Obis F Flw,," 00 do. Com ideal, 10 do, Corp, JO do Osit, do Mho &oar, for We 1 .7 Jeo J C BIDIYELL, Intent Q SALTS-20 bWs on consignment sold tor sale low 1, . t. . 1 ..0/ • M 9 J C mown', 3000 lbs for sale by .t 3 F VON 130NNIWRST k Cei 33 frout ERRINGS-15 bbb, for'sale by • `..• 'J • - SP VON BONNIIOLST k. Co KACKESEL —75 bbla No for AN by AL ji.3 S P VON BONNHORST C o 0 13.3 • ;WI - nßoomr—ao do gilaum..recgochimt, 'MP kr .+ l . hi ieZ P VON Botearonsr Co VrAR -100 bbls warranted pure Cider Vinegar, rt i sae by Je3 . IP' VON LIONNHOBST 8:Co LASTER PARIS-2 was ground Has ,ter— _ for ssl by 8V VON UONNHORST 4, Co lARLEY-201 hot. liattii ntethed per Nani :J., m, Hid su for see by •- . , . J BO 011,--.10 Lisa fin- sale lair by . / SCHOONSIAXER Co Vi rnAlX. tom (AIL VITROL- . - 1 13 eaxiloye Ze sale by .: • • lJ myl9 • JSCHOONIU AM Co L , iNthi GOODS—A A Mason it Co., have joisiAlined Spa 104 Limn Sbeetings; - also; ps 64.L•D10w Cue do; 44 IVldte Mel( in grat variety; inyßg rtOFFED-300 bags pixie green !DC Cafes, landing N.l east Cos sale ht . _ isayß . R FLOYD ZRAB-44 half chests Hymn; lidodei-Dee powder; 40 de do Y awl P. reee ielna halal lb DS • my= ' & R VtdOYD l '''°"'.ll7Af("r;' LT' F ISH -1001111 Nal Herring; fur =kil t 0rd 9114 -10easkepans Parody kr sale truk bbl. wur &sus, for-TaTis 17 ,073 15 wi g bc•st tu" • Sam:, ji3ialgre_rab hPt~t~ !8 Wnpptng PPaappee for ~~la & N FLOYD. ' , Lora 075 1 , 71 r, , at lO IRON-110 Itionl A.ll/40. T. ),„,,, 1m • __ J FLOVD in tukaankr, 6r u~kp)l .1.:026D SKIRTS —3bo noe'lLtad for We b OLOIED Alllinlhtto2 eases reed and An. ssk by u~JI, • C ARBUTHNOT ILX GLOVES' AND 11117713-1. good &manioc* ►,OO band and kit sale by 10231 C miuunitivr thuo II and Lanais by Sk. W 11Ald1nUO11, . lir!tAr sod 141 (row .. YI3 FLOUR-75 Ws just ree'd and kw sak by , S R W LIARBAUGII F GO. F. • 'etilienc 6 do 0 . 6 . 8 .1rr0w. 4usdin6 from 1116.1611( Na. gland snd tor saJo try /.6 MAUR DICKEY PANISEI WHITING-9 bEb In oars and fo'sble by j 4 lxateli DIGIMIM-Co PIgi;IM=EIMI 'NUMB-108 bids Flan , In am' tad fiki Sale low b) _js3 • __Kyliq,l9# & lIENNETT, 37 woodln P . FM , ' T • 7" Wipes,in aton 'sad gar salo km by )441- GLUM .zrr(E^rr . BEIG—BI bu Bertpqr, to! Aralr ,. ec.!=!(.3l.u, !' ' • I • • • • ENO_ B BENNETT gal:Apr=lW 1. 'vibe. 64 jail tatadibit I Wemer 'and Cor sale by _ . .• • 8& W ILARBAUCiI _ _ isme nW k e nir to el 4 BUGA6 • r I kVEST. 80WE N 3 co.isvula;br 7114.0811. ~~~:._ ~, • • MISCELLANEOUS, R.. MIME £IIIIRTDI9 111USLINS—AT 11 hlorphy has it opatt this. seoxuswb forthmsaPPY 1.1." my *pante British lan Lboth &bung adrashaa, at le do, and has eartsteedy.pst hand ut mom atUlf wren- "rade of ottlity, at low club poem. .Also,Loam .tot alortmotutd bosoms, of pore 1 / I *. sod 'a* ...temp, • at notm. sit ember Of 4th aod Narkitatent... •-• ; *l4 PPARASOLS'. P.I.RISULS:::IOI. B Itipty Lot open *L.:gentian it fresh arloaraent o(green blk nod *On rattail!, Lead Colored - do, fancy mope and eol'ol do;at lowest • dem. • :1.14 . - ----- DROWN BRITISH CHINTZI.S-41I 3 IREtephy Ims II )du reed soother supply of superior brows toil white Briiish Prime, of entirelr new sod beautiful de als., so which the =entices °rite ladles is, invited. \ /NUPE SLIAWLA—A silo assortment of plain D s . NJ mask and embroidered Crape Shawl; of very superiiir quality, received by • 5 ALEXANDER& DAY, market lit jail N _N eirt of the damn:old %ft.; joiriczt,. rir.beautifulg h• cheep, and to which we invite thermeation of the Jen 'ALEXANDER* DAY 171Sii—Isliic CT.., Baltimore, Illd„srill be glad ,o X hare orders from his friends in Pinsbusph and elseorliere,for the purchase of Shad and Herrings du. B. the season.- Orders executed with despetch, and at Wwirst Chargetfan purchasing light. mans boxes double refined large 11 , 1 4.4 44u bbls n, 4, 's. 4.7 and n.m U Loun 210 bids crushed; 176 bbls powdered; 211 bbla elitribed; in store and tor sale by JAttlIN A IIUTCLIISON & Co," mutt Agents tit Louis Bums Sugar Refiserp. W!MI .11101AitASOL8-13 ease. nilk,anion and gingham Pa J_ mobt,lene nyles and bandanna pattern. jut ope lag azni fat snle by , tc•WRITP., ns— A Dll . h.:Put food "Vre Co, prisiug &repo, Grenadines, Tissues, Pore de Ch - S, XV LS—A A Illavont le Co. have on hand every atria). of Ehaala, oda& they are selhog eedorieea • _ jet) ,r2I_%NGIIAAIS—A A Mason hrre reeeivedW. Uug jj.e.4:l=ie o w ( p G , l i nghantA Which they We Pei !o cc of,ltte JeG eta r, TONADENANDSUBIMEASTUFFS—A A Mi= autaketo. bare redeived 4 cues of Couonades knel Bummer 844 comprising - every style, suitable km amass wear. • • • • • my?? 'F aincr~~ ~ ...3-10 pieces bolhon Rod cot Silk Fringes, Wack " ' co , retched by ieh.r • Imo...: . BI . IACKLETT.I. WHITE GNGif — All3-4.9ki 'ems French and Earlston.Giog tl2oll,l•llo3l3lCT atTtuy 'll , Openedaillt for alle . by rel 2 ' SIIACkLETT Jr. QHAWL2b—A. good osoo - =lent of arW 400 7 UVSldet flboolds, jag opener! by je • . ' l 2 . SHACKL.ETT fr. WHITE LNSI.:ED 011.-10 - OMB just rec'dnod for sail . _Li the drug I”rehouse of . KJUDtn.Co. jeln•. . GO wood HONE:V- 7 = jAs: i ! itt fr da st islt: • , 4 water st 7jADON-4CCO Ibr coamri aura Nest' landing fromXr sumer nadrorkaad for sale' by JAMB D DAL:LELL LA Rll-110 keg. Noy Family Lard, in stare and for axle by - pad JAMES DALEELL bb l l llll, BU . ;fiFIELD & ROE 13.1111 ft SHOULDER...4—•cusks just meth ' • iul9 • • . Brou,L, BUSH Fl ROE i CoRN-6 91,41 ed Corn, for sale by Jell 3VG/LL,I3I.I9IIFIELD & T EAD-4300 motive& for! Joao by :. kw • JAMES A: LIUTCLII&QN &Co R LEAD-40001bs in store soil for anis by Isla US A tarlreith,oN a co V, warted, rabbi said far sale by JAS A' litrreinsoN HZ l : — ...m:; 9l lzd Nrz`l,MaLTafrc'ond Imp ;icicle' C. - ducky Feathers i jur received and fur vale 61 8 • . jeto : JAS A HUTCHISON& Co - - _ . BACrItAIkIS 7 S ruks flaws, very superior truived sod for sobs b ula --IAS AIkIUTCHISON kr. Co I V O B4C . T i —164.1 s lb: and p or t i s a a p i ouper quality, reed jeS •TAy . YEY d BFST . . • ffONEY BELTS—A few as samples, received , by P* - Pssmaaa Gar Bale by /P 3 J t II P1111.1.1PS• CbIABRIC-3 eases rad Cambric, for sale by jes C AbIBUTSIN SA I:ILERS' TI SHOE 11111LEAD—.Titk7'4!" green, ban' ainlnr Lite, for sale by, jes • Ca RRUT INDIA RUDDER lIING—Colup, rising • latg stock, suds as Coats, &aka rea Jackets,. Cakw with or 'without sleeves, — Leggtogsl QC three dtderen ,kitals,all to Ldp at tbs . India Robber La pot. No 5 Woof st. • • J.& LI 1W11114.11.5 ripoueccote kets No fl tirfanobueo, Innaistg 1,•,-(nua steamer Monongahela mnd. for sale by tjeZ LAMM DALZIMI. M I LOUR-7D bids receiving from rune Carnal and fo .X• sale by ....„.Ic7 JA3IF.S . R.11.40L AISINS-313.1 bia Brunk Helaine, in awe and fn R by • • jen lIAGALEY it SMITH Pcris Alit/ PEA111.13,-.27 musks Pearl Ash; 13 d• P9kdq_!...ri!l. .ien OALI Alrr iirtg CRAPE —A supply Just reed e anind 'TV uL bY ied iC 4a4trritNur je t9ll-11 casks reed this thi . liZitt E rrti by F r t ymo ye 0n27 1:1 6c QUEENSI u~oetmezytAftg c Oe,glp sAbezutll:u) sic ' '; . .S ' GILL GETTY e[.vat= QLI:ENSIVARE—Cas LI bad La all •/= es, 41 the WIC of. I . GILL R. GEM' Ws Pitch, on hand hod 6r sale low to •clow bl ic3 TAAPPE CFCMIVNOR 1C 1 1,9 , 1L11L-20 . 1.411s in snare ind %sale iff y &nail, . 3 litrACRERIZ—hto 2 and 3, lame; on band and f• AIL sale by jes VASSKY k. IiKIT • Q • SALTS-21 bills received and fer sale by /..7. ieS TA./38EY & Ilb.T . RYE—A (w bap Rye, in elate and air sale by ie/' ' - L. 8 WATEILNIAN 11ITHITE BEANS Ti bbl. melt Wine Beanit , fm , 11/ =l. LT jet L 8 WATERMAN (101LN B/100.118—ro din gilt luttaled Carte Blooms, if 6r mlb by jel L B IVATEILVAN , bb 6 ,tr'P - If•BVA7' N °" !l i ft 4: 11 4:44a 8/11101 . 18E . Y . IijONEY-84,010 • 'e a W . L11131.11011, _ 0421 • XI WSW WC 304 Gout 44 0114—.75 bble Flo.reeed 011; 54 do No Lan' da; do No V do. Also, Sperm o.od Wimla Oil; ill BUM sod for sale m reduced pnoes, by . roT3I SLUMS & NICOLS TaiTUNT PtIRTAIILE FORGIA new lot; di day received. The aUention of 'tambour sue sad others using small Gnash, partieularly invited. • soya . Whl WAIF& LEAD-730 Fags bed Ualeua Lead, in store and far sale by H HRUIVOT, liberty at, Cab ward • . • STOR. bblY reed per steamer Swim Boy; Mr yak by myl7 M ALLEN i CO E%%5 gMj OPS:—lfrbdee.ln rent.-1 eseerviNcer York. re raring and for ask by • • . 0rr17.. BROWN & CULBERTSON T. ft bbl., Backers MAL, altn ~• Ju.o reed and for sale by m 7- • BROWN Or CULBERTSON - - CYT/ik: Mt:AVIS-60/km Patent Seidl e Suestdi la Gar sale by styli ,J kit PLOY') VITOCIL—S,Soks efromou Wool, on consignor:lt; TV " for rob • _ 1 k It' FLOYD SDUX* gll-2 bb/s. Seneca Oil, reed from Safi works and Ass sale by • airy • KIER & JON1: 4 1, Canal Basin DOPLAR LUMBER, sad Pule /aka; ler sale by iyeNtf , . W. IV. WALLACE. LARD -4 bebbDal &Jessup pure Litd Oil, fur sal by - • eylls • ‘VJIARBA APLTY FITSK-3 bbls for sale Ly I inrAl JOHN'S 8188 ORTII DACON-1U casks Baton for sale by , .3ras • ; JOHN 8 DILWORTH Ili .ad TUALII2i.. 8— Rik o t r ilit4lDll4 re 4ri.ag ( eed ii,irnep; press at ' sayl3' ' f.rAWIN & DOUBLE COBABLlfitil;iiiebliiidili;FiZeiry-- main BRAUN k Mina bTitl.lB=Ba--.lgii-gbliic ia]ii by" MI) inylB i Tessny k MST . _ . VLOUR-21.8 bbls Fondly Mar, C ut by . , cor.6 1S DILWORTH 1:101•74-4..nu Gales hop., kr set. by • • it my% • 11 S DILIVORTU TOYACCOI2Iteg. kOist,landing fromstl'• New EngIGGII awl kr kale by my2G . DAI.ZFLL, 24 'Guar Itt L A al:7:—%—i"g' 7 71711• P S iatZbT ITRIAIMEUH3LAD-20 bbl. Nol3l7;d7iWree;lasTd for ..1, b s .3yvs tiEll.liltrifr.::(l k 11 . 'l4l 4°lb l= l' L. 4 "stitzlmcc4. 'L11.17.131:ED 01.1.-4:1415 Wr sale !•3 .L'L 40:r 41...M.F.R8 4 NICOL 4. Xi, O. 81.10.01—:14:1 bWi ,nl t bandAtene New 441 • tCti • 051214,75 WANG.' lbAbt, .to arrive per views Aly TsOboni (ma New Orlean...d for tale by TIAN NEN-3 cute Atm .rea end for eby "CIOCIPERII WHITE tILBH-3 Ras 'red and (o V Amtn by uryl3 r . . BRAUN & MO • b • esitiititriiine and !arsine by ray= WENT BOWEN; lin fnant irairelb.B -- WL — Blaanationr nfolarses, In morn nele by =VD WESTBOWEN I •P kep pare White Leed, in more and kw nao by my2.l MOM nowEN DOLL BUITER-4 bbli mu/ 2 tap 'Fresh pultaT. .2% igt.o teeeiychlnd tor sale by 4 •., & ILOULKVaiI Qllo2,..psurtal, per wawa. Nordt River and kr sale up • , LANES A IIUTCHNON & '' e . . SQ ILA IV LS—AA Plisses k. Co.. hare we'd upwards of ;500 /Murals *rarely kind, eapprisiag .61.1 re --,uperia_LLCa6Al4 and Melia Shawls, WO • I)ARASOLf!.A A Moan & Co,nava iee•dglAinloni of does veer rich dark given iLAIU) Laid Oil, landing from maniac ma gi • MaaiseiAnnit fat tale law claw eiidgnaaani, Y • -I' , JAMES DALZKLL ' H- ERLSON't3 Colombian Copying Pre 5..; Harr AL solea Coinmidon Ink.; ...dyad nod for ludo i / 65 VOUS 41AIEWHI, ed wood or,d` • (rO32IINOOL fai :471e markrea La <Wl. a :4L tr i ' lT j Zl7" fed Wor 71.VARB111 jes , r^J water .4104 front Stneet LZIEMM „!e 1:331232 I :kmßun Moon I . 9lOin'n Mt& I set.. rises.' phone — f - 21 - —. 7314 439 721-72 13u 121 e - 439 72i 941 433 : 10 47 411 7.21 11 14 433 7 , M , Lamm. tu &dually, -.7 11 Fatally, 12 Monday, 13 Tuesday, 11. Wednesday, 15 Tinaday, 1G Friday, MOVICEMATO OP THEBTEAJOIMPIL ?mailed sailing.; V.ll, Ilritish a n d North Avirri caa Royal Nail &mouldy, MICITII Bosani and lareapaul and Liiio6L7l New link am I Liverpool, America, • Capt raterl, !af t tf Britannia, t " Laug n°n , .$U Stone. CRWSIOI saw son {NV LIPPIII.OO, Leafes laverporal. Leaves Near York Sarah.Sand,— America Cambria iftbentia MEE Le ;• Lirerpoo) May 6 A 167 PITTEIBILIDOIi BOARD OF TRADE COSINFTTF:E FOR JUNE T. S. cur.r. w. C. O. P. VON rkimitoure. Gyro. Prresaustou Gazarrr, Wednoulay Morning, June 14,18.18. f: Very huh: wni done yesterday in any' branch of business; eveiy thing was stagnant, though we could discover.no material eliange in prices. The weather is cool and pleasant, and Conlin! iieivery dry. The river is gradually receding with same three feet water in channel. Runt—The marker, ye . sterday surpassed is dullness any previous day. None was brought to yesterday, excepting a &w email parcels by wa gon, which was sold at 53:7501,871 p bid. No sales wem transacted on thowbare Limited sales from store at 3,51 bbl in small Tats. Gcser—Salts o 1 200 bu wheat, in diderent lots at S3O V lin. Rye bi inactive with moderate sales [only at rzatr , so. p ho. Barley is nominnint 40c.— Sales of corn at 33e; and of oats at 260 p,bu. Pauvuuoser—l!he market continues very quiet, and sales are regularly elie.ted at former quota-, BACON—Very hil a doing, and pines range far ben e:ty cured, from fqta'il in limited quanti ties. Outer descrip tions renal to le Lower. Lao is is limited request, sod moderate sales "IY are effected et WM} is bbl, sad tiaaalc is kegs. Clutea—Forther limited sales of W R were eC feeted yesterday at C, rte yi, EC Stroan—f:hilea of 5 idols fair N. 0 al 5 05f0 and several, small lots of a lower pule al ile pound. • blux.ssts—Regulir wee of N 0 nt.276i25c p 0104 Coma—Si des 20 nicks Rio in different:small 'Lola at prices ranging according to quality, from 7; t o Bln 21. IVmsare—Ssleo of rectified et 137:119 cents y Icitimus Cmrrnat. Itatutoan—The following statement of thercceipts of flour at Detroit no the Central Railroad since Sept. 25, ISI6, up to and itichuling the last month we find in the Commer Mai Bulletin. On examination it will be perceived that not half the floor has been brought over the rand far the lag five months, that WAS • received during the corresponding months lag year flour brought over the Central Railroad, from the 23d of September, 1546, to the 1g of June, ISIS. September, bble October November December.......... 7,997 $2,911 tr'9 (6,1:0 20,907 30 04,071 19,931'60 21,4111 9,019 39 / 4 /. 5, 551 552,572 - 42 1547. bblA 50,9 Z; "9,170 43,164 49.453 January. February March .. April.... May .... lade.... .... .. .. . .2:4712 10j 53 10 .... 2,751 54 ... ...... 25,245 12,261 01 ....... 52,021 21,204 51 57,1:4 23515 00 ....... ...... 9,770 3,710 00 Augurd... September. November. Decemi.oer. [C.0,397 $143,935 '3B Janunty. Pabroary March... 8 1 022 93,948 59 11.295 5,399 XI 1G,G58 7,050 '5B 19,909 9.119 52 12,330 5,7t13, Ir, 66,064 $31,507,14 . ' Th e thlleving is a list of pica et dour and whera et the Ftrizeapel markets e(tho Uttiott, at - the latest dates. 4* Flour. f Wheal. S 3 57 53 5 75 /25 5 :kJ 130 5 G 2 125 357 55 4 37 sr, 4 00 ' 75 15 90 5 25 125 5 09 95 4 50 90 6 00 050 5 75 125 ,4 75 90' 5 75 129' Pittsburgh New York Philadelphia. Baltimore, Cincinnati, Louisville, W. Louis New °dean itlesmdria Nashville, Detroit, Bo too, Richmond, Rochester, Albany, lliew Vona Ca:Lau—The 'Wowing table allow! the 4unntity of ,sorne 'of the principal anielea of produce at tide water from the commence. meet of nartgation to the 7th of Jane inclusive, darl i ng the years 1 hto , (53 days,) thl7, (38 days) and 7b46, (36 days,—) 1516. 1917. 1815. • Canal open. Apnl 10. May I. May 1 Flour, hbls 591,450 799,752 425,336 Whati hu _ 191,271 :63,229 318,653 Corn, " 272,750 1272,962 226,613 Bitley„ " 92,213 154139 . 61,033 Bent, hUe . 27,351 5,309 14,931 York, ir f 23,753 14,767 40,521 Ash., P 19,040 .9551 13,336 Boner; Ms ' 1,001,100 1,075,650 515,113 Lard, i " 1,250,900 1,065,900 4,8851131 Cheese," 1,370900 „1,793,800 1,45753 Wool, " 4 t0,56c1 320,900 420,721 Bacon, " 619,600 601,300 3,212,917 IMPORTS BY *LIVER. St. Lttuis-Pei Wyonnitig-25 bgs !maim ,rs Brown dr. Culbertson; 42 kg. nails, inco ,Grier, 26 bg. ðers, It II King; 12 bhd• tole, 2 bas do Mtn ino.;e; 2lnks, 2 chests, .d 6 btu mdse, Clark dc Thaw; 42 his& sum 42 bbls do, Hutchison St co; 27 bbl. lard, T.& & O'Connor; 51 bbls whiskey, Miller and 'Lantana; 12 Wads sugar, 10 bleb lard Cburchfic Carothers; 4'sks bags,H W Smith Saco; 46 do'whiskey,.l... enchants; 2 htids and 1 Ws broken glass; W McCully. Brorer-- Per Luke Erie-23 bga c yarn Friend & co; 241.9 lolls stone ware, 7 I,bla ale, yarn , ' 25 hi" Ulm ek and 3 qr bbla, Smith &S been; 1 bid fiati,l3 A Sampson 8s o; 25 Las cheerier, S& W Sarbanglq I hoz mdse, passenger; 21 Mrs wool McFailea. I Per Michigan No 2-4 odes potash, Floyd; C Lxa Bcol Rail; 1110 hoe cheese; . Rlgen St co; 2 pkgs A & C Bradley; 47 bra cheese, Bagaley & Smith; Wa k e rye, McClutha! & co; 1 bpi whiskey, 3bp oafs, 3. do dour, Rinehart. ' • legs nails E Evans; 29 bide flour,l Allen; 72 he glass, Robert. wn & Henpeck 10 do, W Eberhart. De. ItillimazU astionithing .de• mend foi this great teed/eine seems to :tie on the in -create. Where it ha* hernint ioduced,it km attained & popularity unprecedented In the annals of medical . prectice. • Pltromatts are using it in many cases, at West [wn they can obtain it. Patients, however, need no de under the espense of asking medical ad. vice,es they can pure hog of the Liver Pills, with which directions Will be furnithed, which will wok a speed popularitye Oil/owing letter fr an agentshows I s in ale section front which the letter is dated: • "Bunter esprit& Gennep Co., PA.,I Me &C0.,.W00d .t., Pittsburgh: ich wJ, ICly. $ Gentleteen—We Bed we ran sell a greet many mare of Dr. hi'lancZa Pills than your agent ten wide as. Them Pills are rapidly, riintg in favor, and we have abeam sold all that we hint. If you can send es Ih or 19 dozen more beset, they will last perhaps until your egret, can bring us a new empty. tb. Drug Store of J. Jllll a 4.1.C.K.42,30.1.1..00dn For ale at veer. —— - LIT A Pirrommes Trarigar—Kellen' Lime. Pills; The original, only lose and genuine Liver Pills." Independence, Waslungton AD RE Sellers—l wittiest add that rem, Liver Pill. bare answered the very best purpose in ley potence, and from their tannery effects to my owe preserip. Lion, I an confidently and safely reefintatend them wtiere I lave hitherto hemmed with others of great repute. N W WRITE, AI I) Prepared and told by H. E SELLERS, 17 Wood at. Sold by Dr. Camel, fith watt I). M. Curry, Allegheny; W. J. Smith, Tcrupenmeevllle; and P Dray°, Law renceville. • 1.14 _ (E TO TO MI.. as Lmax—CAtrostock% Nerve mid Rune Liniment and Indian Vegetable Kliair, is themes) effectual cure for Rheumatism Sold by WA[. JACK sr stei Acted far Pittsburgh. novlSdimitaT ' mrprua, Sum, tre , .—Tbe (knells, Hay.' IJmA,e,, la au article wore justly celebrated as a cure for the abo've Mao ally or all others. Its noes aro abarket:io numerable.. Sold br WM-JACKSON, Amen U. IQ' Don't hive yellow dark Too • y ean be mad pearly whhe by one Ime. osleg • loix of Jones Ambe e r Tooth Paste it 41.14.1. the VIM., 4weetans the breath. to. Sold at k 9 Lamely el. tleyltitwly Eli=i2=l PORT OF•IIIISBUliG 3 ixer — , , - scANT oranat CILANNELZAILISO. Lake Erie , Mu Mich B eaver.er. igan Gilson, B • , Atlantic, Parkinson,-Brownsville. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport. DEPARTED. Lake Erie, Murry, Beav e r, Miehigair, Boles, Beaver, 1. Beaver, Clark, Steubenville. Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. , Louie McLane, Bennett, w lle. Danube, Cock, Cot. qlliligence, Worley, CM. Niagam, Capt Ryrie , Canada, t• Magi' " tram Caledonia, " Leitch SarahSmdti a Thomp The nver !art evening* at dusk wns 3 feet scant water in channel, by metal mark, and • • PASSF.NOER ARRANGEMENTS FOR lots. For 'Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock , by Leech's Fackets. Orr oppolite the United State. Hotel. Steamboat Packet Lane, Buren datly for Cincumati, 10 A. v. Patpenger Packet via Brownsvilk• to Baltimore eat trhdadelphte, ha, r. end T. s. Mil Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 • a. ; and 10} r. a. • Western mid So' utliern MCI Coach Lute, do. o. NonlitWestern vie Clevelend, daily, to a. r. Erie end Weston New lint, daily, 9 a. NordcKestern toiledelplda, doily, except Sundays, 4, • sc. .111ny May 51 Leaves Boston. May 3 May 17 MuY 31 Jane 14 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS. WeaEastern Mail via Philadelphia, due A. nary c loses n Cinch, & Louisa, dues ar, closes SA. la Soth. vialitditmore &Washingtothiluo it. at. csAA. North Western via Cleveland, due WA. ac, closes fr A. M. Erie and _Western New York. due n it. r., clos e s El A. w SOLE AGENCY FOR 711F;.HALF, OF Mum'. & Clark'. Grand aad Ilipt*re Plano.. THEiabreriber would' tespeetfully inform th e public' that haring received the preference, among the assert/ applicents for the sole agency or Messrs. Nunnts re. Clark's PIANO FORTE, for this city, he will keep a couatant and varied supply of their ninth. mums. The Pianos of Mess,. Nunn te•Clark bare bees known in this vicinity.for so' long a time, and so 1-1 1 2 orthlY, that It is cpusidered almost superithout to say any thing in their unite, They have always been favorites with a Pittsburgh •publib, tini from the first unroduction of pianos into thin city to the present Jay, bath been preferred to almost every other make. They have proved themselves folly worthy of the patronage midconfidence thus manifested; and , when we roost. der that the firm requisites of a good piano are volume of tone and durability, it will readily be admitted that the Primo Fortes of Motif & Clark, New York, have scarcely their equals icenciriernot tbeir - superiors) fit the world. As/rapt. are always wreaatiefactory and conclusive th an WoVI.X, end o long And labored caloci. um might be looked upou Wirth there assertion, the subscnber begs leave to subjeto a hot of ilteptany stanent where Nunth & Clark'. Pianos ore awned , end the number of years they have been in one , Geo Ogden, o Piano of, Nunes. tr.Clatt'a,io constancy. forat years. Mrs. Judge Dallas, in constant the for 20 years Gee Rapp. Esq., Economy, do Ps C &then, Esq. du IR " Alra .1 Park,. do 17 Jas Crossed, 2Lancugahela blouse 12 Mrs Oliver, Se.WiCkl7 SertitialY, to liau dodge Shale', ' M P. 21 Judas pad, , Dr McDowell, /17 " - Wm Jr, Esq. 0 The above pumas have been carefully examined by the subscriber, and were found ithrixcellent order and i t a remarkable state of preset's:pion with regard to cone arid exterior. . They bare given entire cutisfac rim, a4d, ry Oto words of the owners, 'there coq let in the wail oflune nil fixing th an any other pianos they have dem of: Co fax from being behind the nge, with regard to the iixlitAickutilts ant pe,fertioas of modern time.. Messrs Manila /r.' Clark they he kn./ doted as occupying thole ackuowledthdluosition, no. as before, vist Our of ,he irst, if not the very best, 1 their line of businma foe the those un acquainted nob their thothfacturo, th e subscribe would refer to the following: 1131urray, Foy, n Loug,Em. R 04.1 t hlcKnigLt, FSq. tJII ~win, Veg. James Fltrk, Jr., gay. ' //Stoner. F i t. Dr Robert Snyilrr, S Lothrop,Fr.q. 1- 1 111 A Nixtt, (straper Fayette /deems, Esq., Se thew:kern Vorld ) winery of th e S. Mere, Copt 4, •. I:Wilcox, Jr. Fog. Coo Orma, Eq. y."lliew, Req. ' J Parker. Ent Detbmidge, Al Sterling, tips W F.m. Fau. Tlimbstsedier, FAq, New Lisbon. Ohio. Rev Daniel Nevin, Sthrickly Seminary. St. Xthieth Scrunthey, Sisters of Merry, yumg,. town, Pa. RCunningham. Est New Castle, Pa.. Ilariett, IrismAthothiamon. P. • irs R McCann, I.7irabeill, Pa r0.4.p prg,EN, Beth.' Charles pitho, Itte. Mill L k Furnace, Ventingi county, Pa. The. authentic, pledges iththen that oe cell tht Pianos orNituns !Clark towka than ft tbonfo n orb et make, prequel quality. ' HENS V ' RUCHES, At .1 W Woodwell's rel Third at AISO—On bond and fin sale, a large lot of very a urior Pianos, made by Jonas Clack, ring: of Bone iel3 IL E $7.170 73 11,491 92 VOSS CI 17,151 39 15,394 75 LEE A. BECKHAM. iRtIG(.6I' AND Federal street, If my dams koia l f'ort Otte., Allegheny, will continuo the business as hermuMr otters M lle oiler rale a complete msonmem Drug.. aml ,, inclu ding all the preparations tately introduced, whim, w;) dispeureal with great tare. Irr The strirtem per.lo.l anention will Lc paid to Pkyincians' prescriptions. All naitiliones will be luteelled,and presenptionainuM liemd before immlog the store. fu Adams:la/oil*:,e a large assortment o Fan cy artiek-s; PerrumeryNaps,Jfrusises, Ac. Lc. Paints, Oils, Dye Swirls ott Lon , Abdul:nit Chests kir Campy Me. on'the,niost able mama. Media/nes delimmill at Any"itine of the night, Hare.pectfolty .noels • continuance a public patronage. jelltlitti • • ANIERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPA rimaricoim. nrroarminam, mamma. - :RN LINE 01151. he lE /Clehmetge, Ball/mere. BDUCEIII 4 / 1 11;14.—The cloves base been red-- jai ; ced on all 51.0ges to or from Baltimore, Pins barge 54 Weeelioe. and a rorrespoinling reduction modem; ail hiedeapakhesfor,ardedfrau lyl- More ro Moore West of Pitedarre,e. Pa. Amm.—The cheeps ier cal.rolie ilespateh from Baltimore, PittsearOe mid Whiebag, ia 45 rem. far tee Bra len words, and 3 cents 10/each aildifitnnli Word. • inID" No cnanse ii made for the whirs. nod Winn ce. dhihtl the completion of the -South %%lectern Line of Tekvapli floor Memphis, Tenth. to New Orkoor, dew ;tutelars-ran Mrporded blemphir try'lltir mote, and mailed for New Wean& jell • lIIIICIE FOR SAL . unproved Maithine, for s e nt ee has obtai i. ned a pa ' sent, tind •greca topiva ratreloss or written guarantee that they nristroager, nal will wait frost and tact Wrath es. and imbibe lesannoisaute or doudracm dual any Wke er pa...caning greater Wady and suptnoi Let lute and ertuls more datable in every re s! each brick being suhtected to a pressure of sevens! tons, and pow veining handsome smooth mutate and even edges, they make sa front mend U. the Lean (lOW Intl, sThey, hese tbe greatest sandfaelloll tool! who have purchased. A kilo can L. seers of my work., and specimen at the Gazette tame. Those having supplied themaelirts for Welt buildings, and striating hands/Amin front Wirt, or supenor hard and solid paring brick, can obtain them. AAC GREGG. . Birmingham, June If Isli. l if - - - • - • Di. Eof•. Tanabe and Antl-Dyspoptle PILL& . • . . rilliE general properties of thew POW are Carmin a nee Purgattve and Tuttle. In the 6110,0011 disor ders wi s ing( imprudence iusiilll, &1 . ,..4, to stek 6giii ~I ....es* o, ib. stomach. I eertnern, Geadarh , i diri Aie., whoa • medicine is neptirvil. this ebination is very appbeable; for es earionnitiv end mothing el , feats give 11 , 141.1 immediate reli f when worsen or I stet"... kzise. Ito purgative opc ration upon the Wpm. 'deb and bowel* it gentle and 4011111.1, and its tunic Vropertim impart eireagth to the•eligemme organs, thereby atfablongth!M OrgAIWI to perform their proper . lanctione with wider and revile/dr • . t The pies has been reduced front GO to tIS ebt a box. Fur .ale wholoiala and retail by 8 A A/INFTOCK A Co, Corner Want and wood, and Gth and wood sts jell Agent. for Pittsburgh : . .The Allegheny Cemetery. AT lbe . anoint meeting of . the Corporator*, held ou the gift inst., the followtne peroons were anent moody re-elected Manage. for mu mowing year: JOBN Hl: le Al. HOWE. Provident. SELL, ' /MOE CAHOTH CBS. I NATIIANIEL'HOLMES, WILSON APCANDLITeS, - JOIIN H. SHOMBERGER JAMES H. perxn; J. FLMT, Jr., Socremey and Ttenterer 'lke =Mai statement; peerented the Weir. of the Company In a very prosper°. condition s Their office :a the city is No. T 7 %Tater street. tote Illockhnldeini lake ;entire, I.H}Stockholders io Me Youghiogheny Navigation Company are hereby notified awl required to. pay hlr. J more Hamilton, !Ise Ttessurer of the Company, the sumo( Teat per lea on each shore of their Mock, un or.before the 14th day of Joly sleet. and It Nether sum of Te2l .. per reul.ms or, before the Igib day of Le gal nest, Thu stockholders will alto take notice, that Ale law .thorises the collection of One per rent. per month, on instalment, tint punctually made, whirl:, If found twee...hey, will enforeed. By order ,of the Board. -, ALEN PLUME:IL D ien • • y , • Administrator's Ifotier. Lirrn4{.4iurAdminlmrstine on theYeinsie of Samuel Vfgra dee'd,of Al Tosiniship, hove this day been nted to the subscribers. {wend., in debted to die ihmte or said deceimed All tusk home tale payment, and those boring claims .folitml Raid estate will present them for settlement. IVILIJAM COWA N, Irahlwin me. lune JAMES WV. lINOLICSITANS, NiPin tp • • REDFORD NIINEIIAI. SPRINGS. E"V I , ANUERSON, Proprietor, respecifully in. forms the phblir that thi. Celebrated and fashion. able watering Mace is now opened, and fully prepared for the recePtlotrand riceorntoodation of Vi•OCrA. (hi removing Pie mill pond near in, springs, n very valuable 'White Sulphur Spring . has been We water. of which Ore not Inferior to tboeq of the far fouled White Sulphur Springsof Experienced serventa mid a Gine Ruud ofkusie have been cogged, mid every provision Made to secure the comfort ofvluten. jel3:lla ittrANUPAC7II7ILED TOBACCO—AI bx slonr. & 8011 . • uperior "reel lb haulm. 75 heir b. Weimer Old olkiperiurw seet ',bap% 55 ' ll.msvreneu Jollier • La• (ielitry Roue,' ":I.abn 1.11 " ", hlel,eod Dupont lila la Dire) " W" 1U 1 • • " 23 Lawrence bother "6a /Ca plug Jail lUnd g from steamer and for aide by BUCHNOR a co, 41 N water et and 11N wharves,' lay3l . • Philadelphia. Allegbeay_-Vostat . yi IN the matter of the pennon of Thomas Varner, eel tug Executor of the Emate of 'Wm Maims, deehd. And now to * Jane Id, 1249, on hearing Wei petition, the Coon fit Baturdey, the 10th day oftlinly nest, for the dimhaige of pedunnet, utile*. exceptions am filed, and (umber order and dirym notice of that tm. pileation to be given by three Infir.lll.o. in • daily nmespeper. the last of which shall be three week. be fore the dey of hearing. By Be Court: lelltdßusnr , JOHN YOUNG, Jr., at. Ill•SollatiOn. • t TUd°,°,l":7ll.,h l To—ex„ 6 ,l,l, allot dayydiynl. 'ad by tante.] consent Lee A. B.IIIIIIEI hal., pert eeesed the entire teleran of D. A. I . 2llett the coot earn, will emend le the settler:nettle( all . beilriam eon• meted wile the alto firm. • - ' • DAVID A. .ELLIOTT, Allegheny, Jonr.l2, EII.:CKILASI. LEE A. jel3ml.3l* .::r.~`...ti.~. _.ana N. - ~. etasalUast 'Curators . *Cinuesial"" sr. fur atna** -:..1_.......... Office: for procuring and dekading Pawn*, imparting :infortnnuon on Mechanics Ood the applications"( ease to the A rt s, tad ott American and Familia bor. of Patents rtR;F. WALTER IL JOHNSON, late of Fiti/a4el- ie. and Z. C. ROBLIDIS, of tt/ isshington ,caY, Ito he aided by limed Znowlea, Esc/., late Macknest of ttal Mite& States Pa er.) have sisaaciated ' them Ives Ingether for theysecution of the•nbove bow es of professional bessincasl_cither in their office, vote Patent Offic or before the Courts; and will de- their undivide e, d natation to forwerding the litter est o Inventors or' others who Knowles them or plata business in keir hand.. Mr boa for the pat twelvtelcars held the post of Machinest lathe Unold States Patent °Site, end resorts that situation to It:, part in the present mildew/Wog. ' Ms talents and collar fitness for the Important office so !wig fil led y hint, have been fully recognised by Investors whatever the office itaelfia known. The office of Messts..J. & IL is on F street, Opp:mite the Patent Office, Washington, D. C., where communi c ationi, post paid, will be . promptly attended to; exam 1110h0115 made, drawings, specifications, and all regalia. :tus 'renew PrePared models procored when desi red-on reasonable lamas. Letters of enquiry, expect ,,,E.,,, ed I be answered after eXPllli.tlol32 had, must be ac ccla treLltclataVsaortrelrffiocfgedecw ilies ldeb Wotan* Id th e Pa tent ws, Messrs. J.& EL will be 'waisted by a legal gen eaten of the highest professional character, and sully conversant with Mechanics and other Scientific gelatins. _____ atOiksLkwl y/1 "TEE GOLDEN BEEsIIIVEzt, ItF undersigned noticed with amprise in the Chn iole of Nay 2s, an article signed by Young& Sn seaman, wherein comphdat la made against me for ply. cing at front of my Dry Goods Store, on 3Lorket street, between Thud and Fourth streets, as a sign or diatinn tire mark, a SCroldeb DersEive." Messrs.seem to clam, that they have the ex.,' elusive right to 11/0 sack a sign in Pittsburgh. But as, they show no legal PAM, kw sash exclusive right, shall continue to use the sign I have adopted, or any other that I choose—sanded that to doing suit node. parture Ifmrat mercantile owes, and no infringement of my neighbors' rights. Arid I feel aura that no lIOA. °mans merchaarwill object malty using sack Mims as think peeper. Fair, open and honorable compeUtion• meis 110 such exclusive right, and makes no seek childish complaint. I seek rot to Ware, in any way, Messrs. Yoang Stevenson. All who choose to trade with them eau at: t c h o e u rssie nd o of s th; ea n " d G iolll d who eeo-Hose ve oc aln Made str e et, between Third , and Fourth, will there god as good a stock and assortment of Dry Goods. the sale as cheap, laud on as liberal tetras, as can he 'found at the rival ..bleas.ilivanof my complaining neighbors. That is what I ca/1 fair business competition; and I do not believe Meant. Y. & S. will gain much •ccea- Mon to theircumom, by sack silly etort• to place them.' selves beforolhe public, in their SMARMS attitude of Injured men.l, • aurN _1V1L1.44114. RUSSEL, • Ness Mualeal Instruaesit. ' DA.S.GA DI :8 IMy Rf.tyED MELODEON. iHN }L MELLOB, No. Bl Wood.vent, bo. red andnow op n for sale, a gapply of CatenrVi .proved patent Melodeon; siding For the benefit 0 1 Mose riat distance, and consequently unable to inspect be Melodeon before purchasing, the following descripoon Is given: ore e cases are made of rosewood, and ere Os band. MOell A Peno Fitne. The Key-hoard is Pfdnisell ; the Nebo or man, MO the fond' (which w very beautiful.) closely resemitles that of the time atop of an organ. The instrument tan be immerb tHeiY made portable without detaching any part, Utn bellows receding into the body of An instrument, and the legs folding under, leaving Mt whole m a compact form Each •uutrutneut has , panting cue, and the' whole when packed weighs only 13 pound.. The vol ume of tone is equal to that of a mall organ, and by Means of the swell or be increased or diminished at , pleasure; it it cuMelently loud for smell churchea, an is weltFulcalated fora parlor instrument. my 23 wins INSTITUTION, undef the charge of Me fate- I taw of Mercy, &Mum on Striketimo *tract. NAM . of Penstnyleania Avenue, is now open for Mc reception I of patients.' The medical gentlemen attached to the Homital arc— DR. J. P. GAZZA3I, DR. ADDISON; DR. BRUCE, • DM ANNEAL, DR. wERNELIF.RO, D/LISNYDER, Non - PaTing - patiems me received as formerly. Pay petkitis h rate. a received et the ras fulobted for the tempomrt limpitu . Lowey warp t ' 1:3 per week. Upper wards lin which each patient • ha • a separate eppartmetn) Sri bet sect. 4 '. 4 . l .biiidr , medical attendance and meth . Pay Patient. can hale any (rmuta') physician they may make choice of at their own cayenne Clergymen of any denomination are allowed to mot pa nun. when desired by thew. The Mercy Hospital as delightfully utuatesUM pen. airy part ofthe city, and anthill ten Manus walk ot the Courtlloue. Application for the edit:Motion of patients, can be esker In Dr. buy.kr or Litlblai BLAKELY. nii3lid3tes Cate. 1.1 - Couththiae I . 4`ey p.p ! y±l. sung OF THY. 111 P ?I ot TV 4FA L NEW CH NA , GLASS k titTENsil STORE No. 111 Woo. OratiT. TTa r:t: e se y rb:rs n, 'Walt to ow ni i n ln a nst .e ite public gene large t 1 ot China, Glass., Queenaware, Briorn a n ' ti d Fancy I Goods, compricing the latest and most fashionable path. terns of French Chine plain and .gold.band Dinner SeD; do do . • .• 'Vea Superior Irm•Stone . Dinner ' , FlowiviriVo (V ol'vretiorrot) ••• '• - Agreak la bariaty of Tea Seta, ddfcrent qfialmeig' trntann Breakfast and Tea Wets; Watters—a beautiful article . Queen`s Gothic,. Parlor Lampa maker)) Blue Ware,• general assortment Steamboat °tenets and hotel proprietors are spotted to examine our usorment of ware suitable for their Coaelry Merchants ran find a large sleek of anodes suitable for country Bales, which we will lull at res. amiable Kw?. Otte moot beteg entire)/ half, tog feel sillisfied of be ing able to pie all atao Map (floe d, In their cur ittflinitnkwl i ciLlaatr/Tv. WOOD TYPE.. me hawk alrQleal wean rift rscrom, sr rßnr- ILLIAAP PA. ClIOLL:1 - , LI. IL RYAN, iIItAAC M. c NY E DINGELL JOHN y MORRISO:1,1 having as • so therpiclves together ender the style and tale of . h&hafi• /lint & Lo.,rpt the manufactere of Woes! ' Type, and as eft typo is almgelker rude :bg trattehl; lief?, the invention Of /4.0 Al. 8 1 / 1 1,pet, oncroi the linn, they kel confideutthat they 0tr.,•.0n, of .71w, mid at much lower ratm than any heretofore Wren-din the Vetted State., arid are DOW ready to fill orders for the same. All orders addressed to &holey, Ryan & Co., at their okra in Dtamond eller, between Wood and Pr - italsfteld 'week; wilt be punctually attended to. lir Proprietors of newspaper*, on muter this ail veromment 3 mouths, and seeding tte their paper, will he enuileit to receive their pay to type, on purchasing three ernes the amount of their bill lot advertising. jeTidDro 77- ittorrOliratetr. 111 l -- auliscriberi we operating the largest establish. meat lathe United States, lu Ms manufacture of Coulon Sea Doek,and Mier for sale to the dealers in Pittsburgh; at their lowest priers, Duck of superior uality, of every description of width and weight, suit able for covering rteamboals, 4 Awnings, Tarpate fins, Tents, Sacking, Bottoms, he , ildbe h heavy duck; ' LO Deli • do and light; L 4 inch do do El F..' 44 ineh do • de ** (Leh do do oir Ineli Deck, from No. I io N 0.1% YI inch Raires' `. No. I to N 0.% 'o 17 std inch heavy twilled Duck, Ike. •- Dealers will find' an advantage in purchaaing * froca •nufocturersditeet, rather than at second hand. • un.111111114, pa ditoLl. Co, mend Haiti:acre, Md. NSW COACH FACTORY. • lirlirrE, BROOKS k CO, would respectfully In- TF form the pubhc that they have erected • shop on Latock,kietween Federal and Stooluaky streets. They are sodare preparwl to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, the rouckes4litsgies. Ploctons, So., h o., which (Mot their lung experience in the nianufact re of the alcove work, aniftha Wadies they have,they deel confident they are enabled to do work on themosi reasonable terms with • those wresting articles in their line • •• , Pay in particular attention to the selection of mate dri hoviag none:but competent workmen, they have indite/donuts warrannng their work. %Ve thesction as' the attention of thh public to this matter . N. B. Repairing done in the brsintatiner, an d at the swim reason a ble wrens • jean( ROINGOAiE 6AtRORN/1,- MANCHE:in:H. • 1 1 411 ,V i t zn . igu e r o iAtis nn eri , 1 ,,, Ik t l i t , :w p. n t eLselo . fr , er . op . has . lishment baring been thoroughly relined std repaired, .ini. Art KroUnds elegenily ma and decorated, to now been for their accomntodation, and ha flatters bunt self that thhow Who 'way Antos biro with that: palrOlS• ,age will find all thnt they desire, provided In tho best tstyle and 011 reasonable tern.. Ile le detenained. to ;spare no aspen. in snaking his estalibohnsent worthy of public parsonage. Ile has accommodations (or boarding a few families. lee Cfettow, and all wfwsh. • menu suitable to the .thason, canstantly on hand KAU' ' LEVI SURCIIVIEMD. COUNTRY lIERCIIIANTIS rIAN SAVE fives 15 to 25per..cent. by porchosing thew OILCLOTHS direct from the manufacture. et. rcnTfac & CARMICHAEL beig,pened a- ware. ben., Nu. CM Noh Thid stree, above bare, secod dour South of the rt Eagle r Howl, t Pour:talents, whe n re they will always keep on band a cannibal° assortment of Potent rJewie Carriage Oil Cloths, 2 0 ,36,40, 4A 40 and 54 Inches wolf, Figured, Pointed, and nom, on .the insole, on 111thain Drilling and Linen. Table 011 Cloths of the most desire patterns, 11, th, viand 61 inches wide. Kira, Oil Cloths, rtom;y inches tu Ot feet wide, well senroned, cud the eatunist style of patterns, all ortheir Own tuanufselow. Transparent Window antedra, Careers, be. - All goal. warranted.. ' myths:dant — Xiliettisii subscribers haring tiouriheir lower 1 on A.. 1110 Manumit in succeasful operation : of fer their upper hllll, with its Steam Enginesod Lath Cutting Fatahlishment, and the Frame pend ing, con taining them, for sale on reasonable and accorannida. ungl.ll3l, The ematwengine la an excellent one, and all the lnprke in the Fstwlng putt Lath Cutting estab lishments are in good order and eundittee, ind a pur chaser can remote the whole end put thew into opera lion In amber ;due, In less than sixty days . /alters post paid, directed to the • uthsuribers, Pinsbureh, will he promptly attended to. M . :M.IJ: B. CRAIG t FON. of ty D ---------------- eaten noon, Nay Merle. ettiLetteo. S Hwy: begs leave to Worm the eiticenrof burgh land that ha Inia taken the Hague' , sno, Hoothis ately occupied by hlr. Honer. The ipati l are neared dint all the hoe iinproveinents are *cow red,•nd will be brought into operation by Mr Hoge, who, has been a constant operathesince the an wan first .discOyertd. Entire valtsfaction in gentraineed in nll .1, 3 , 14 y beco me hi. patron. Pe IL will refrf with pleasure to Mr. Porter, in whose establishment he : has ope ra nd for the last twelve months. Family 'Por traits,. Fthgravingii,: Dagocrocolypee, ten , accurately opied. Isikenewlea taken in any Weather, and actin locket., breast pine, cases and frentel. Instoictions given therm branch of the emend up. paratus thronthed. irthtf • To Contractors. t§HALED PROPOSALS will be received at the store of 'William P. Haunt, Wood street, Pituburgh, on- Tnesslay, the AM inst., as 4 o'clock, P. K. for gra , ding the piece of rouL [WWII ae “Rwery• limn , o n elm Pittsburgh and Coal 11111 Turnpike Roadogreiably to the plan and specification to be secs at the store of said Baum u - y- All proposal. to be accepted, most sotto the pnce per y.ra willay loose atone and rock", The successfal bidderhe required to give securtik for the faithfuf performance of his contract, suck as abut] be satisfactory to the Board Of Al i a i n b age la ra llo. pmet. W BOOTH Seep. • OIL W. J. MADEIRA, Dait/st. • OFFICE on B asill6eldureet,34 door riamh Tbird street Irk. Madeira re ,l •• • • ••=llOltU I:OPArburglit IL N. aaDaircll; • .Pahnesloakl Robert iimproo; Jome• Craft, Esq. William Thom Mr. Deal. Weaver. /111 MICH °ROAN FOR RALE.—The Organ noes In {,./ use In St, Andrews Church, Hem ing a great volume of tone, of good gnallty, bulk in th e best wanner; and in perfe ct eider. Enquire at th e store of • A. ORR It Co., 013,41eriewt.w.T b o 9 Market •1 !WM MCELUOLTS. Let. for Sal.. A LOT in the Mk ward, 40 feet on Logan street by 60 2711. feet on Clark streak one or the most desirable lo canona in the Gth ward. For terms apply to the nab) scriber at the liletliodiskSook Store, 4th near Market alma, or at his dwelling on Clark streekoppoiket. Trovillo'sGnmerT Mora. '0 .6140 .1 J L ILKAP. Por Rent, ma *nil ItvliinEr with I?01:11 acres of ground attothed, mutated. at Oakland. The .i.ce is well stocked with fruit of all. kinds, and is • desirablelocntion toe a hunt; being entirely out of reach of the river and dirt of the city. An omnibus teasel. oakland hourly for the city. Apply to ;arm A'ElViloD, JONES tsC&I, Property in Allegheny City for Bale. 11111 E subscribers dine for salt d number of choice Lots, situ., in nirSecond Wand, fronting on the Chinni on ground, on ens)" , crnt , inquire W. OIL ROMNSON, Any at Luw, St Clair at •- or ofJAS ROBINSON, on the premises oryl7a/Orsolf T v.r Ban. A - new three story' . brick dwelling house •trevt—Posuignon given on the first April or sooner if required. Inquire of pal J & R FIX/YD, 19-21iberlY ann. . For Rent. A two Flory bock dwelling with about 5 ace. r o fEr n oti . ll ,; :i s tr o uid ls fin n t . b e a r nk of the Ohio nee pn2l JAISIES A lIIITAZ4f zt -_ •Co', . . iatTHREE dwelling heiress situated on 4th atone near canel.bridge, In the city of Piltsburgh. sa, • roam 75 by al ( O ct, with a convenient es. 114/14g:411 :Ai at , near wood. Also i .o frame dwelling, two stows, with on eery of ground enclosed and under culneatioss. situate on Ohio lane, in the city of Aileen.. ny. Inquire of ' .1 DIVILLIA/118, 0.0 110 wood street — e , F l trsi. ------ jttFOR SALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Brew. ery, with all Ile brewing applicant., annate on Pena street and Barkers alley And slow .cupled by G en . w. smith isc Co. rOttle.loll /ell 41144 (MT dky Of Apt, otz_ n l i tc r e t n• t,Ltt i 1eb2.71f 140 liberty at WAREHOUSE MR SALK—The sabecriFil offers for tube the three story brick Warehouse on Wand street, occupied by It. Tanner Co, It rents now foi $llO.O per year. To Let. • The new three nory Gm proof brick mom o• second or now metmsed by Edward Eeanot• to • rent from In of Apnt next. Inquire of J wiiP.s4.±44l,e4 ec co., jmlnl ...._ r . .. ..41'weiocl totem!. L.I. The mloeribersTO L will rent pan of the w bemire now °ermined by'lltem. Apply to LEWIS, 'MIZELL. at Co., Ann? 54 witer greet. 'For A lerge room on them rtory of the worehon occupied by Me aoloseribem, neer Me foot Wood net good 10C411012 tor a sward.. ateney or on Itmoranee office. • 4.1,..‘1,L)(Ahii & GARRISON or Sale. . Ad. A IL Pule . twro . otory, brick hoow.'on main otreet, i ft . ,.. ii l n sto n n t )4tl). near the tipper brfge. The lot to delfof . 1 . , d P . , For term. tnquire of . . k 11, ASIIINGTON, 4th M. THE large fire pr of era rebotite, 24 feet front by go f t deep, on eeeond et, near gaol. Rcpt woJ Ci 11.143. i I SCHUONMAYER k dela Si ',rood et nt. ALA Smoke florae r Re , Muratori on Plum alloy, for rook Immure of &WERT DALZELL Co, Liberty street/ doel3 cqm. LAND FOR' • . SL —Seven arms coal land for sale, situate in bend of the Monongahela River Brownsville. PA, having 7 foot vein of coal, which will be anal in carbuncle for gUadv. Por tank. • •r , a to locZI S W HARE:IEOIf, .7.1"obood sl • KNOW ALL MEN THAT OENNETT & CO. II AVE remosed from M 2 Kiosker street, to their ne XI splendid and estabhslonont to Ile too the 'TOWER HALL CIAMIING BAZAAR, N• le2 Market street, between Fifth nod Sint,, 1•nwo • The proprietor: feel reluctance in pnamulgating i any way might appear like the Waal Bombe to s. tic exaggeretion of same in lite wade. bet will beg to quote the following notice front one of Ger city papers: eof the gteatest cortouties that oar city affotds to the stranger," Bennett & are a clothing store, No. 1,2 Narked street, belsreeu Fhith and Sixth, which has been styled 'rower Ball," Gem the peculiar finish of the from. '11:e buMling is an Ituthebee one, contain lita seven vegan°. rooms, all of 'which are stocked with every variety of ecasonable ;MUUMUU. arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The plerprtm t ees tgh e great pleasure in showing their building and content. to citmenapartirularly trangera, and to Mose coming from the rountry —we know of no place more worthy Off v • m7-2fl:3m JUST nigosivircc - 7, --- A ND opening during he prescutrweek, at MIL DlE'Erri Cheap t r ash Citing :nom. Ind Lib ert y street, one of the largest, cheapest. and most fuhiona ,blestock of Ooods, adapted for gentlemen's spring and soinmermest. everodered for sale in Pittsburgh. Tin Pfontlemf allot nbacry caMblisament beg. to invite the intenti ii n ei his frien,l4 and customers to his pmsent - fenre arid fashioneble n' k, which Miring Wen jusfrinichased in th e proem 'depressed state et trade In the Eastern mum, romprise• not only every thing that W new mid fashionable, but is much lower In price than Min be offered by those house. who pur chase only in early spring. It being Impossible to convey any thing liken correct ', idea of the extent, beauty, or quality ofthe stock, it will not be attempted; but ii is hoped all Will consult their own interest, anti enll imil examine far them• sale.. The proprietor 'Ceti eonSdent that these goods surpass any thing in the sonic line in the city, and compennon in price it more desired the . (ennui; by arty thing 111 the testae, auction coeds, with all their impeefectiona, notexcered. P.N.—Orders in the tailoring line executed in the most fashionable siyle and substantial manner. my2Mllnt I RISH LINENS ANIJ:$11111TING AIESLINS—W Il Murphy has lately receWeil n,t udditionsl supp r ly of above goods—the Linens wurnatited pure Flu, and very love the quality. Very superior long cloth Slat , inAiu.line, yr reduced prices Vide Q.-- tooings—nlr. ately recrived, au nuortme (Sheelitegn, blrecliedand mableaadcd - from 011 C 'tree yard. wile. Pihow Qum MUIIIII4, of medium and eery fine gu i_tien, eery cheap • Dinpencend I:tash for Towelling —Law nt•to'd & fin Cointed (hilts, int•lncling wino vary large and of ataprtor guiltily. At northeast cornet Founh nod Ms tot o nts. rnyal Wieru: has lately received n fall assortment of white gouda for Lndim. Dreasrs. ineluiling—Seuteh mull Md. lint; Ste-U stl eda; barre Neasood do. Alin k do; ain Jaeonets; .mall bar- Ford do; tin , . mall Evening Dressea—White embroidered Swiss Muslin.; pink stabroiJered Tarlton do; blue da; new atyle datnask striped nod itnbroidered do; plain white, blue, pink and straw colored do also, embroidered and Swiss !Staling, by the yard, fur Evening itlark lace Shawl+, SeattS and CapeszFestiar and also Semeit needle work Collars; an ansortment of new, mid beautiful style Linen Comber llandkerebienti mount. ing do; all at lowest cob pace., at 'ttonh.east corner or 116 and market Si UI'ER lILR PRRNCH Cl,OTlltt_W R Murphy 43 invites the intention of gelemen wonting Cloths, to hie aotioninent of very be n make of French told 1.6104 Cloths. A few pieceo very noperior Murk French, Jim rrekl, also, Discoid. nod Cassinieres, in great variety; suminer Cantimeres and Tweeds, for men.' end toy.' Wear. black .tin Twinge, white Marseille. do; gent, white and bordered linen cambric Ildkfs; .riper white and colored .ilk do; gent. Gloyes, !foolery, kn.; 'Gout*. Merino and cotton Undershirt., for mintnierstrear, blk and fancy Cravns! Ginghoto and Jaysinet do, be. tO7 'to Country Merchants. • Ci MUD AND JOHNSON, 40 Market street, have re O reined cases Bunton., connoting in part of plain Straw, Aurora Waldo, Virtolo do, Gimp do, Eclectic tlo, Chino, Pearl and Florence; 6 coots. Palm I,6af Ikte, Infante nod Goya. Leghorn mid Rigid do Arti ficial Flowers, in every variety. Also, NM dos Ladies Cotton Hese. fm 7S cents per dos,up to Ilse finest quality; Ilk don Item. half Nose; A good esoonment of Lisle thread, Silk and Cotton Gloves; 73p. .ilk Ildkfs, ps Waddenado,ltgl dos Linen Cambric do; 15 rae sons Cation nod Thread laces. Alois a good anion. meat of Combo. Hinton., Threads, Needle., Pins, Cm. lent, Jewelry, An., In all of _which they will offer • grin inducement In priees to parchment- otyl3 grIIREAD LACKS.—Smith fr. Johnson, 48Alaract havelust rectil 2 cartons more 011fi101in wide Thread i,n - ges, foam 121 to per. d op. Also, one canon of mewl. do; one do Pari Pond do; also 15 cartons cotton Laces. Dealers and others will find it to their; Interest to co/l,u they will be told ea extrornely low' prices. - pallitiTS —A fine assorUnent of bine, blue and or r afige, and fancy Prints, °revery desiagbh, nle goAqualtly, Just opening and for tale to the trade - at ,extraordlnary law rates, bribe rase, Ac. je3 • SHACIILLIPT A 117/11TE 110LYSALE DRY GOODS -AA Mason &Co. , have Ann received al theirla l boleeale Room, N. Market Orem, 10 ease. of printed Lawie Altalios, ono gond myle of Okayama; 4 do nave style of Galicol odo otectronnilee and Sommer Scoffs; 14 do riareole, of. every vialety. Alio, Ribbons, Lane, Cloves, Doeiery i Shawls, Domenic., Ae. Eise. iel ACE% EDGIISTGS, &C.—MTM;to . na low stria.' lOW surdiunt Edgings,,Laers, losortiugsAjuilliugu patt and lOary, Nets. oldie latest importation. just opened I.la sliAcluxrek. WiIITE FOR BALL • 11 31. COMSTIrr mum; on InrOZ TUB COMM llorn rpnr. undersigned, administrator of the estate otAun 1 Sr. Clair ItlcFarland, dec'd, offers for sale on ac codunodoting terms, a very pleauntly kmtual House and Lot, in the neighborhood of ginenville, adjoining property of Alexander Ilteckenndge, Esq. :The n two story ftains building, with basement—the lot contains bee • acre. on. which isa vary scares and choice selection or every variety °flinty and a splen did variety o(shrubbery. Fotpartieniso. refer to the Moore Iterrons, Mr. IL P. Co i n, or Mr. Soothe Willis Sooth juSaltlw ALEX. WILSON. Atha's,- Tract of Land.for Sale. Trim subscriber subscriber will sell on Rea outatimiating terms, 1 valuable tract of unimproved land,. situate on the road leading from Mahlon to Franilln, about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, andabout eight mike from the town of t`reedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tains 409 acres and 2111 patches, strict measans land is - of an excellent quality and well watered, and will be sold either in whole or in farms ) f Wu; to suit purchasers. . . . For further paruculan enqaure of UJII. 80% Att'y at Law. °Mee on Ith it, above Staithaeld, Pittabanit. IttyZaikwif 8 17-47-AllilL4G-1414711511FirOuww-xsuwAX--L--,-..-..... ask THAT property lately occupied by FL NLvott, JAEN, wiltg street, near Robinson, Allegheny city, be sold on accommodating terms. The lot is 33 feet 1 inches on Craig street, mining through to the Canallso feet. There m a good two story frame dwelling house on the premises, lately built, sad the lot Is wellimproved, containing a veriety of choice frail trees, grape, shrubbery, te. This property is converd ently situated for persons doing business in either Pius burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. TAU. indisputable., For terms apply IOWA!. BOYD, Attor ney apiodtfo. st Law, office on Fourth street, above AmithAeld. ; a to • • • o. A TRACT of land, 90 aerea, liarrin,Portage Co., Jul., on the Cuyahoga river—ahoot 3 surer•under im provement: Also, two unimproved lots In the village , •of Warren, Trumbull Co, 60 feet by 00. Also, a lot of j groand in the centre of Hartford, Trambull Co, with 9 fine dwelling home and storo—one of the beat man& for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all ' Min poverty will be sold on very accommodating lartoS. Cabin ISAIAH DICDICKY _ & Co., Water and Front eta. Neal Estate Is 71111113enu ALE7ie Ft'nlranaltid, ueemr; a desirable location fore merchant. Alao, a Lot and good Dwelling House well suited fora Tavern 81. d, in the village of Orangeville, on Mato lute of Odle. Terms may. ISAIAH DICKEY a. co. 6610 . Water and Front at Store [osanG e. RENT—The lower floor and eellainf core Ni,. 39 Water st, ailiong Messrs. Durtoridge, Wan= & Co. Enquire on lbe premise., or of • YPUNO, IMINEN & PLUNKETT, regY<n 63 water at WM. WILSON, Jr. 12:112:191 NODS. RATIOS OF DISCOO/ N. HOURS Eatettange Brokers, No. 5 Pennsylvania. • Bank ofPittsbarer —Par Exc./tango Bank Par I March. & Man. Bank •Par BkaorPhiladelphia.• —par 1 Girard Bank r .—par 1 Bunk of Germantoain • •par Chester Cottaty.••par 1 Delaware Co.• —par 1 o " MantiPto nc borl ry and• l Co...par Nortkozaas 1 Cannabis Bridge Co.• • par Doylestown Bank par Fainsors , Bk. Readin o. g.par Farners , /A. /racks C par Farmers Irk Lancas'r.par Lancaster Co. 1/k..• • •par Lancaster Bk par U. States Bank.-......-30 Bnisrnalnlle Bk. par ' Waaholgton Bk. GoUratirth . /* II Basco:charms Co. Bk.. Lanes Co Bank, I Nr—ixnuttx, - 216.uw . =a t :sok, . ; a madet street; istu Ra in Indiana. ' ' ' State Irk &11ranchc5.....2 , 2 If Eichange B. o 'kilns Fanners Bk. of Va•-•-• 0 ' Ilk. of the Valley,-- 7 , fklivlL"'Arh.. 4 4. 1, - .'.';v.ll=l°."'' .-- : 1 do Wellsbutg I; do Nike:lib are. . ' - Tenneseee: ;.. Bk.of Tennesace• •-• '• 10 1 Far•-& Mori 8k.."... 0 , Planters , Lik.•7- • " Unionßk• ••,••• Mlssouri. . State likothrtssouri••••• if North Carolina: M. of Cape Fear . 2 - March's Bk., Newham. 2 - State Bank * - i South Carolina. 1..e.72.10na- •-: •••• of -l E aunder, Bk ...... ••• • 2 2 , Eddiclown r. Clkariestori••••••• • 2 Carlisle • • ........ - I • • • Commercial Bk ..... •••• 2 Eno Bk. ...... • • -• 40• Bk. of Boomtown. -.• B Fanners , and Drovers , . Bk.of Hamburg. ••• • • 2 Bark, Waynesburg.. 1 Merchants Ilk •••••• 'll Burnham • " Planter. 2.olecha'slik , 2 1 Honesdale-- -......• If Bk. of Borah Carolina.. 2 Lebanon • ••• pvil • Marriand. . • Pottsville ..... -••-• 0 Baltimore Llka...••••• •par ' wyo n thi g ...... •• .• •••• 11 Bahmle 40 RRSerip .10 York Bk. • 1 {Cumberland Bk.of dile. Wo k Branch Bk. 11- 2 11 .. Y••• •• • ••• ••A • 1 } Relief Notes ... 0 Far. Bk. of Maryland• • 0 Mk hi Bk. Pias.do. ' 0 Farmers , in Mechanic , (Sly &County Scrip. 0 Bk. Frederick .•,.. _ Ohio. Frederick C0.8k.• —• Btate kik. and Branches If Hagerstown Bk Meant Pleasant • • 0 • Moser.' Bk••-•-• Stenbernile..4•••• •• •• : Draseeng. . Bt.,Ciairtsille.- IdanettC,.....-•• • ••••- 0 Bk.oftrtatinster •• • • l New Lislxiki• —• " • Michigan. Cincinnati Banks 0 Bk. of 81., Clatr.• • ••-•-- Colniabn. - do. . Bk. of Weer Raisen......- Circleville . --= -• 0 h•La ar. & big ilk na Ins. C 0... -• 5 z..6..triu,, .... -...... “ P Mach's 5 pornim . • 0 Wl•l3oll•lllTerritiy. v 0.,,,,,,,,,,, ..... ..... -, 70 Mar./Wire In.Co-Milarlis 0 Massillon •- -11 l Canadaa.. • , Elandky ~ ...... ••• -• .. All solventßanks ...... 5 Genn iar ga •-- -- •• •• • • lk Bank ofEni l land Notes i Gloseland.....---..ii Gold& Specie Valise. Xenia . " Napoleons •..•.-.. .3 80 Dayton ........ - -..- . 0 Ducats 2 150 220 Western' Recerve• •-• 0 Eagle, old • •• •• • • 10 60 Franklin Bic Colman. 0 Eagle, new 10 00 Chillic,?o,,, • •-••-- - • o Denbloons,/3panush. 1000 "" Del Patron ..... -•,. 11 60 . (Sovereigns Guineas 5 1.10 IPe n 17 80 en Thalr. • • • •• 7SO Ten Braider. ••• • 3SO ru.... • Exchange. , • . New York ono Philadelphia. • • • -- / p m Babilant. . . • prm Akan finance WY...-. li Lzi;;WW--. ..... ... .. &has— • ..... . . ..... 10 Ilarnihno 13 Gtunville Farr.' , . 41 Cantrin• —4O Urbum • • ......... —• 00 14•11ttelty.i Bk of Hemucky • 1} Ilizof LottlsTille ..... • . 1 Norhern Bk. Septa' . ' New York—Coy /pats EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. • HUGH b.-KING, Ute of the finn of /Mord& Kino.l7 • DANKM Aarpiracuemon BROKER, 0711 CC cox Foetal; ex, ono P 067 OMR Acur, TIEALE,R in Coin, Dank Note., Tuna Foreip ,LP tool Domestic Exchange, Cenificalee of Deposit, /cc. • EXCHANGE on all the principal cities of the Union, for sale ht sums to lull purchasers CURRENT and par fads received on depositp. COLLECTIONS made on all parts of the Croon, tu the lowest rates. ' aplCGltattreamT FIANNA. & CO" B &NEER.% EEC/LANGE DROEE/19, and dealer. In Foreign and DeMastic Exchange, Certificates Deposit. Hank Nola. and, 6poejej Foruth strenonear -74P214:311 Lidtkol'sgAr.ri :fah.forcw !actions made on nearly au the principal pouts irk tha United State. Tha highest prenalom paid for Foreign and &Mlle. Gobi Admen. made on consignments of Produce, ship. pad Elf!, on liberal term. B --------- -----, . "OLIIIES-4 EIONs . ANKERS N and H Dealers M Excite:lga, Coln and Bonk Norm No. ZS, Market sweet, Ihrgsharoh. Selling Hotta . yrogreh an. baying Rates. New York, Ipi TStikirinatl, —; 2 dis Pldlooelphige, do Lonhville, ' 2 do Baltimore, do St laWis, 2 do Buying Raw, BANK NOTES. Boyirig Hams. ug, 2 dis Co: Jr:Scrip Orden,2 dis Indiana, • "do Belief Nowa, • "do Yentanky, "do Pennsylvania Cy g „ do Y ., ado New York do . "do l .. Wheeling, Ido New Orleans, "do Ten bStifnessee, 2do Maryland, '" do fe AMIN Q. 14,117. I. W.111:11,9111- JOHN EWES! & DROKEIg. I.:XXIIANGE DEALERS U/711., Na Aloaant errzar, . WHEELING, VA. Jentre B. ICU. CCC. MCC triLL& CURRY—Banked and Etrelnutge Brokers, Dealers In Foreign and Dettletee Time and Sight llills ottisebange, Certificates of Deposita, Bank Notes and Coin; No CU Wood street, third below Fourth, west ride. markttf WILLIAM A. HILL & DA:SIKER% Elmo/GE Bricums, aia Beelvn Foreign .40 Domcsue fachnge, c e rtiA gr4m, n.As Note.; specie, Wrd.s°l door above Fourth, Duluth", Fhtteburgl l / 2 11. oettd:ner "DILLS o PORZIGIN n England, Ireland, and Scotland benebt to _ID any amount at the Current Dineen( Vit..l,ange. Alto, Dnats payable In any part et the Ord Gumming, Ram £1 to .tIC OO , 41 Vag .tirof lista the•Z Sterlinc, twilbutt dedttotion or dummy by JOSIDIA.RODIN EION;ISnopeati and General Agent; office Silo at one door treat of woo& ectlStf 41.1.1 34.1 ~.A/111:1CR ILAII2II 10ANICER AND ER BROKERS,' *Worm Malt; Waal tga- 1„,9r.:°4-' oo !14:31de•"7. Ca„ 3d sno . wood wean, eloteilx opposite St. Ciarles'a atth ltelieno,. keeoreity; Ithssoort, Dank Note Pu"h"" at the I°‘"4"mN.I7IO6.ITES iOsir stet° _- 35 Market street • biLLS OF EX OUANGE—,ightee Fhk• NewYork,' Pkilattelphie t and Corlrhlarli for vale by aim • latt,ll:7=rii — D , .. s ..Noi„w:d Accept.- the most favorable !gart r"". """" " . 1.101..N1FS .1c dere : Market rt. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATS. • • THE subscriber, uo additmry to his convi t minufactunng of Hats, has made arrange merits with Messrs. Bebe. &Co., Sho most fashionablohnsers of the city of New Yorkd forarreg ular supply of his cuss Imo Silk Hata, and having just received', • few C.., gentlemen can be sailed 'milt . a very rich and basalt& that by calling ai1.... Hat and Cap Store, SmithLald street, second doocsouth of Fourth, when; way lie Cm.) kOdit mains , of Hats and Caps of his own manufacture, wholesa/e and re tail. Hits... to order on short notice. • JAMES WILSON.. CO.P . mo b (Sucltceisors AVrd Split) Fa•lontablo Co Ha & ir t .e"..1111.11.111111 Corner of Mod oned , FoH. ISMS& 1 - 3 ARTICULAR attention paid to Sur Retail Trade. JI Gentlemen can rely , upon getting their Hats and esp. from our establishment of tie eh. Dimigettla and wintotasallits, of the Lame mks; Mil intl. monad PIMP. Comm Merchania, purchasing lar wholesale , are iiiiitail to call end cams. nor .1 we rail say with confidence Mit aS regards optiamirT and P 10.14 it will nit safer in A•compprison coy house In Philadelphia, • fehl7 Paahlenable dd.{ Clap manfaclory. CibGE S. ANsituTz, respectfully informs his friends and die public 'genendly -that he has commenced the manufacture of Harm and Cam at No. 33 Wood street, one door above the corner of Setoadowherei he low now on band a fine assortment of Ilais and Cope of his own manufaeturei which he will dispose of on the tn., reasonable tertm, wholesale and retail; i lori each or cqiaccepirdici i Hats made to order at the shortest notice. ..._ DEALERS ore, invited to examine R. 11. & ip PALMIERI'S *wet of Straw roods, eif the aptinet stle, conitiosed in port of BONNETS —Merenre Did it 4 llnglish Duo. amide do; American do do; Chinn Pentl do; Coburs do; table do; Franck lace; Fancy Betio, are.Ae. II ATs—Leghorn; ['Stir Leaf, ?molten, ra.vStrote, do Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. I Alao, A silleiol Flow,* Ri bbonet Re. Stria, Bon net Warrhouse.9.s snorkerat. I ; ntortte . 4 Spring F 84171444 .lor: 1848. mei] oRID & Co., (La. Woo. IP, env-) sii-rhita, T i ft -11 4 1 ;d 1.7 !i ;;' y, " h 7. 1a ; rtd ,,..... *1. eirt (dean and cueh..rers ere reddested to nil and ankitio their stock of Spring Hair, jot from New York, o t thfir stare r ebrner of Savant( Wood Ste.' mare ~j•le olllab tCi. dir, ALFRED I,FLEEVIL. CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter in piitsburgh. Principal Store, 72:Fourth 'rill, sirens` Manufacturingand iwcorranodation Store, cor star of Wood street and Virgin alley. llighest prices always paid for shipping Furs. , ragilCly id/SPEIISO STYLE—S hICHICE bassos& tw. seised from New York, Ike Sp nrig Styli. of Hats, which he will intwalace onSatanlay, March (lit. All those in want Oa neat and auperioillai,will please Fcallo urth and • Inlillo at NOD, Wood suet l,ad dope labor! FAll ALL PAIIIONG-8. MOORE has reve . . id froin New York, the Fall atylesst Rata Wch he will intrarnee th is .day, Sunday. Aug. tit. tle In want or • neat and superior hot would do well to call at No. 73, {Vaud &reed, lld door above 4111. 4 NIIMEIRR IPASHION you HATE.-.JUST rocalred from Nem - York, tba -Summer Style for halm, enameling of White. Dancer, Prorl and While Preach Cam/mare 'Hal ,with Vt'lln/... want oY • bottadful,light Iles respectfully lnvited to call. . .1 S. MOcIRIt. mayStEl . rs wood .r.,3 doom above 111 h IFNEMB AND CONSIGN EE S °feeds...on b y ,yßeliance Line, W Glut O hereby notified conse quence of the desuitetion of the Preepon Aqueduct. uo goods will be delivered by svnicat wnuen enters Ina the owners and corm/pees to Comer, d them at their additional expense. .1 • Xl3 JOIIN MoPADIN CA) By STEAM THE AQUEDUCT. -•. T sem co. will seod asteantboe, E. 7 to the Aqueduct,. wh.eru.rassengers wtll, be conveyed to Philadelphia end nantmnre as usual, tea m, soy delay. For further ink/rotation' Inquire at the office, Alonongshela Douse,. or of D. Leech le Co, at the Canal Basin . . . 1311LFAIXPIRL: BRI-Cifg--Tbp—Silsentwor harms J: been appointed wk Agents by the emu facturent, for the sale of the celebrated “phrenle Bricks,n, are now prepared to fill orders for s p y quantity, et SG, ' cab, per l,uOU. Per the constron of furnaces. o all kind., these bricks have bee=toupee,' by cowl octant/tidies astreingsaperior toil other Ore bricks now lean..C A AVANULTYrk Co, Canal Basin. nabs . factory, Glasgow &Orland, prrire per •steateerS Empire and casks of which ace at Car purest In wanufitclartr. tuplS PO) h77ioTorTIM . ,ia Nem Orleans, to !American Eagle; 44 • slily for dial glass IitaTERA .~,Ly- J.:. sus: Valciattlel and Attractive New Rook& L AMAIITTKVS Binary of the 45rondistti?,olf, Ip. • Shasta life. of Chevalier Bayard; l2mo. C. P.R. Junes' Life of Henry-the Fourth, of Fronts, Smith's Consular Cities of ChinM Limo. Neandees lift of Jesus Chris% 8 co, muslin; Atarrel's Fresh Gleanings; or a new Shea( from the old fields of Continental Europe. . . Capt. lienry's Sketches of the Mexican War: 12mo. Cleigh Story of thellauli-of Waterloo; 12 . • A Buttner in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott 12 mo.t. S.ismondi's Literati:reed the Son th of Europe; 2 rola 12 roe. Rusion's Adrentares in, blexieo oral . the Rocki. Mountains; 12mo, muslin. • _ ' l'osthansons Works of Rev. Thu- Chal mers, L. L. A _ The i'mctierd Asironome . r, by Thos. 'Net, Life of Jeremy Belknap, !Gnarl. of New Hampshire. Lather and the Reformation 2 voles , by John Scott, M. As by S Theiddl W. WMe Kingdoes, - Witli • newatiportheEmpinx illiams,2 vets, 12 1110. The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D., 12mo. The Bethel Fthg, by Cardinal Spring, A .11b: le mo. - A R. Halt Tmehing a Science, th e Teacher Aniio by I Rev I • The Cur his Cout and People,• by John S. MaxvielL Lettermen Shaktmeare, by • IludsoeL The Artists o tAmenen—lllustratal with nine engra. ' chip en meet, and containing sketches of the lives of • Allston, laman,i West. Stuart, Trumbull, De Veatax, • Rembnutdt PelllGll.l3{l Crawford; I .042 so . The Orators of France; containing sketches of the life'. of Lamartine, Thiers, Napoleon Barton, Mira. • be., Guixot and othersovilit poranitiof each. , • . liend/ey's Napoleon .d Atarshabx rots. 12 ' Ileadley's Washington and his Generals; x Cols, Ithri Headley's Sacred Mountains. a The above, together with a large collection of Sm.. a aid Works. Classical and School Books; for sale by a JOHNSTON Ir. STOCKTON, Booksellers, corner mooket and 7d ata of LIFE OF CROMWELL—Jost yeeerred per express, t. Penh Hendlers Life of Cromwell, in one Vol. • and its Effec; • or Fr Folio: by Air. Painter. agments fmm my Port . Mohan ofGrace; _lnterior Life, by Upham; Life or Faith, by Upham; blemorials ofillethodwas, by Rev. A.. Stevens The English Pulpit, a collection of sermons by the most eminent to divines of England; Sketch- es of Belmont on the Parablei and Miracles; Neander's Life of Christ. • 'I L READ, jet° . I • Apollo Buildings, eth street . • . SELECT SCUOOL. Root. Room ta tar.,..Ttnan rumen:um Cmcsum.) R. CATON'S Scheel will be opened - for the recep tion of pupils of both sezei. on Atouday, the 261 of Alay.. Patrontsait is respectfully solicited.. Pituburgis,.Aprifoll34B. Rmranisons—Rev, D. Riddle, D. D. • A. T. ItIcORI, D. D. Mr. Geor ARtree • • • RichiLLEilvraVds.. Luke Loomis.. ap26,3tat Lienry Wilkinson. .iiisTsihter Supply of Chiekerfor• Piano , ones. • • • OIL new Piano Fortes; of Resewood, and GI or- Ltioesonillite nmeived and ready for mil during this week, by JOUR II AIELLOII, Ku-oval st, Sole Agent .for .Chiekeringts Phut. for Western Pennsylvania... • ' MEDICAL • • • THE ONLY 14,16229712Y1 - - iDrARrs VEGETABLE EX.TRACT is an inialuav HA blevemedy for Epileptic /Ms or Falling Sickitem; • Convulsions,. Spasms, den. It is well known, that from time immemorial, physiqiiins have protonneed.Epilrp• tie Fits incurable. .It ban baffled all their skill, and the . beamed power of nll mepicine, end consequently thou sands have suffered throegh a miserable existence, and attest yielded up their lives on the altar of - Insanity. LYRIC all deference, ho vet, . to the opinions of the • great and !canted, we ahir th at it has bees mired. • . itenrs VLGETABLE EXTRACT, ~..•-: For airmen years, hest tMen tested by many , personi , - / who have saffered wid' this dreadful disease, and in every ease where it boa had .a fair trial, bas effected a perminent core.. i Fits 0116 year — s - and 6 mon th s, cured by the use oI • . this truly wouderfel.medicine. Read the follerwing_remarkebbs ease of the eon of Wm. Sir r e, Esq., of Fhiledelphis, maimed with Epb , , leptic 27 yenta not 6 months. After travelling through- hunl, Scotland, Germany and Frence, con-- • milting the most eminent physicians, and expending kr • medicine, medical treatment and advice, three thou. sand dollars, returned With hia son wilds country 'November last, anhout remising any benefit wham.' er, and wail Coital by mina Rams VEGETABE orrnict - ' Mr. William Seem's'. Linter L t D rs leans and Hail I have spentever three thousand dollars. for medi cine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a mar to Europe with IdinJ Wi eh I did. •I' first visited Frigland. • I consulted the most: maineut p 4 elms . there In respect to Lis ease; they ennetined Mm and ,• ' prescribed accordingly. 1 I remained three months without perceivrag aiiyammo for the better, which. cost me' hom two itund,red end fifty dollars pocketed by :the physicians, 'and the most that I received was' dour emhion that my son!s ease war bopelesa and posiv ' . • Lively incurable. I eccordiagly Irk Eagland, and trav elled through Scotland. Germany and Wm.., nod Is . turned home in the month of November lac. with . toy '.. s on *far from being to as when Mat I saw your • ement in oue of the New York papors, o ur , coneteded to up Hart's Vegetable Extract, seeing your - •• • - statements and certificatm of so many cares,' sone of. i, . twenty and thirty years , etanding, sad / tan astute yea' ' • I am not sorry I did so, as bythe are ef Ilan'. Vegetal ,' 1 • ' bin Extract alone. he was moored to perfect heal th - h " /lie reason, which was so fat gene ea mu nfit hien for... bush.% is entirely restored, end, the prow:wet now •'• • ; ' before wa r of life, health and ruefulness. Be lanow d sli you.. of age, mid 27 years and 6 months of *hie., ' time has been afflicted with this mono dreadful ofßitir '•• ens.; but Gunk God he is pow 6owd ettioTio6. heath. ' Now, gentlemen s Gith without grateful I doe& believ m e in. To say that .1 - chall be aver to you tea , thing, and as I hero miaow, you cm hundred dotter., I •, have no doebt but that yea mill think this is another • arid quite s a Gamut thing.. The debt of gratitude I still men yea, but please to accept the present =twat as Interest on the debt in edvanee. . TouM very respectfully- • . - 1 • (Signed& - I , WILiJAM MCGEE , ' •• • • TEI TILE AFFLICTED. • I One _of the ;norm of this. invaluable medial' rte •, was o f fig vend pearl with 911.eleptio Flu. The disease bad Pre/aced the - worst ere: i vies. his mots% yet Loss of memory, imbecility of and • perfect mortration of the nervous system. et bad tried the skill of th rvbers phyeicians Icemen years, • and grew worm undertheir treats:tem, and he anew' • tbat,this media' m was his. only hocfor health and .• • lifes eutt was therefore determined to ve it a liiir uteri. ' and trbyteriarrecti 111 ittarie, which he ' mud theresult . • -"' .wes a perfeet remormon to heolth,whi was con*: nod ummorrapted ro: nearly airmen years. • • • • We would refer to the (olio • persons who buys been cared by amag Hurt's le Retract, . • - Col EDensloves dauOter wax nttlietet nine yaang • resides at Yonkers, New York. • , 1 ' W Bennet, nine yeans,l7l Grand at ' • I Ellsworth, sena yarn, 12 Dover at. / Jompli MTlnegal, nme years, East Ih - ootlys, 1.;;;p hf W Smith, hew York Custom Braise ,q - • 9 Sell tarn yeari, Stab= Inland- - ' :., . Waal; ~e 4 twenty yeare,Yog . .' . Miss E Crane, twelve years,ll2 Wm II Yisrae ll ,verenrythree Teare, 79 NOrittl Jacob Patty, four years,l74 Delaney c.! ' yPhile,,d,'lßt %,11;""u4614 asti gh oelam "'"; Y, New - Y o rk Pa ... Thomas Rlones,of the LI S Navy. • • • . • • . ' Capt Wm Jermings; State at. Brageport, C l . • , • Belem:meals° made to. • • Dr W LamiGt„tertilford,G. Rev Rie tt, West Davenport PI L. • ' Rev L Beeline . itil i tireore, Md. • N . , ~,... • C H Draf:lllh Clitikildilearna Eli Y. . - ...Wiley De, Metier, Orange Ma N T' John Raher,l79 Elizabeth st,' • . •do DA Richton. 218 Delaney so, Jame Smith, 116 Sadolk et, , do • , C Brown, lel Water at, do barlee B B:All of 'Web .reay bo called upon, or addreesed, pelf ahl • : ~ • e N Er v .F . rt ro by Its S him, Cab Ivan,. Al Dart i . i. - - , , •G F THOMAS A Co, 148 Main a, betueCn 31 and, , 4th eta, and. tun Main at, between 4th and fith meets • ' Cincinnati, Ohio, w 1 l ase and retell game Ibr thi math andurim. L WILCCI,II, Jr. •. otter of, Market Sexed the Dial montl, Only Met in PinebG P_______a. - Ja2ldawly 171 - E - lir /IC. - 1 --. . 4 --u gillta/Ct . AL ClIc,F, . .' -• . . ..----.. o. 611, DIAMOND ALLET, a few N Aeon below Wood once,, to- - market. • ~• • ••1 pit.' DROWN, having been • V - • .- ~-. .. G... , , regularly educated to • the medical •• -1" . .;,„ , profession, and been for some Moe 71 1 . !general practice, now confines . - ••? - .. his attention to the treatment - of ' • -., 44- those private and delicate rpm. . . \ ;drams for . which Us opponumtlee , ni il experience pecuniary qudifr •-V,t, .' -... '‘ tde,,. 11 - 'du I d a ~, .yeam nem Out y wrote to study 44.• treatment of them romplaints,(durutirwhich • F linn he has bad more potence and hes cured motet pa- v nem than can ever fall to the lot of my private {Woe- titioner) . amply qualifies. him to eager assurance. of speedy, permanent, end one e ar n to all afflicted with delicate dtscams, and all ditemi :milting %Libra : ' _ 'Dr. BrinriMillid inform them afflicted with priVala disheses which have become chronic by time or wt. graveled by the um:, of anyof the centurion nadir.. 01 the day, Marine's comphuntsean be radically and the. , oughly oared; be having given his careful attention! to the treatment clench Carer, and mccetheil in handled* of :nuances in curing pereeni of inflammation of the neck jai th e bladder, And kindred diseases which of result:from those ewes whom others have consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites each w have beta long and winacconsfully treated by miler* to consult him,, when every. eatiefration ,will iTC/1. the t d th eir cases treated In a careful, thouraghand iigeltigent manner, pointed out by alougmtierienee .for, and investigation, which it is impeemble for Moat engaged no general practice of medicine to give any' one chum of disease. . pankrain or Rupturek-Dr. Brown also invitee Per. • sons afflicted with fiends to call, as he has paid Panic.. liter attention to tin discwe. Skin dinewein also Piles, Palsy, etc., speedily cni.a.. Charges very low. N. it-Patients of either me Hviag at a dilitance, ' bY • stating their disease in writing, prying all the rympj . tom, can obtain medicines with darections far ana,l by I.i .addreadng I'.' DROWN, 51. D., port paid, and canine. I loint k'. ee 1 , 1,;: D i amond alley, opposite the needy float,. JJ7 - No carino pay. —7- l`i - troTe Care Establlemenent • , A T PH 1A ILLIP:0131111611, Beaver county Pa.,. thl it from Pittsburgh, on the Ohio tiver--a place fa,. I mous for salubrity and beauty of • erthery, when, the subscriber has rune, eight years, on thll progrees,l a • Warn-Uwe 'EsTthatitintagt. lie has lately erected such buildings and other necessary converuencee . to enable him us . oder every nameable couvthieuce . and comfort to the patients who may tenon theninelves under Ms mac. T i The proprietor, not willing to boast of bit success in curing the most acute dimums, considers himselfjustl. fled in stating, th at being the brst wholintroduced the Hydropatiiic system practically into this country, and by constant study thd applicabon of the new &sew. rtes and improrMents lathe system wedeln this coon try, as Well as EprOpc, hi gained Welt an expert , mice, by ethic hide establishment, under his treatment . will render a benefit to the allicted. , The entablishmenCerill be ready for tbereceptimnof ' . patients on 'the first of .June. Persons insmoked" ,• health or country one and clerris, find , ever . . well arranged as possible for their , Charges moderate. ELJWARD ACKER, ht Proprietor. - 111tairilL, Mop .113:1515. . IVe take plewore memorandum Dr. gickerls el. • lablinhment to such a s may be desirous of resorting to RTydrrooppuhte . dame, • Jolmlt ' Stumm' Id • • Lawrence, John AllisoN Wm Denlingor, 'Prederielr chulas Speyetar. • - • myamat . ' TESITSIONY-Thpatal, only tray' J.T.I. and gettnioaLiver Pills,pre R Egan". {Whammie s Galiin ea, hiol blay 15, la& ?SLR. E. /kilns: After Mererallyeers use of • Liver Pills, In My practice, t LIU prepared to say Mut they are just what you, 0011 theme who have used them represent them to 'be, • vial-The' bent preparation for ' liver complaint and dram! arising Irons • deranged „ f: 'mate Y e n he liver, that has Ter both offeted to Mope!. 7 Vill a nta tmly; - G. W. ALMA!, Prepared and sold by 114 dri.LEFLO, 5,W00d Pit hiLegi?,"7'AP*6"i' nddroggits gin OWNSND.S f'un ryring and thin rel'or y N.D-As H. E. S. is Dr. Townmod's only arettfiss Pumburgh,.the genuine ankle may shears be bad at No 57 Viceid Meet. . ~~~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers