re,.~_ f~..rµ~ r~~~' tkiA `47 - : -,, 4 7 , - - --- • sti.Tuwasisfue,. .... 7 1-5. :$— Ak r IMPA ICJ - L . IA f-A L ... • A:o6m in (hi Wadi' ... , Illitaistiodiflei Ii 1 _ bairn ali lit tisMitl6lllo: • . ';'.l l r t 4rat6ilCpf 7:r2;111%. • ~114* ' : ' i 7 i .- 1,1111iii? lll7O l, OEILER NEDILIIM•• ~,..,.,11.g$.h.sioniaysallappVyl0lsdietr.01 et 01 teet is sls pe I ill ~I '-, ..:: i 11 l U N Idi, - It le i nst of its. Yr I ' S VlUN a ti Arl ' IttieII.IIII2I,I4.,IILDICIIICS refs ir i s,. it tot Nns al= '. ,! .. 4 4 :- .11 Ito itti any ZlM•A 41ipoTtr rolly,••• amt., 14 10 " . •;.f . ~, 4 , r is deb 11.*Mares ;Via 1tur.40141 : - f .fis ' milt Sean Caved -11 Iraw Ver I N IN ,11 " == 1"1 I.""l' ' '' '' !7 4, . Pl' • '.; I . ~ • ' ' ' t ''' ' ''' .... et Stasts Dl MailsSii St i cef Lsvilt -. • ... WitOinser &IRMA 11.04.4: :, , . • ' srdtkaa • "r- . Th ...l„.. C 74riki ii igi.a.kvii: tne;;4l . I :; ...,glathildillbstas, a as tistt i s..• . l4, -. tVitt i .,":l lsBll4 .4 66 =l:reetee,isst .es ban iliblininitikatiotueSsis mots Gtr ste pads of tbet I 1.1:1 - 111sibillbarb - bebtrosa=sursst,ll, It. Yu o'ilda 4 l 4 . k . N. E =i f e time be ste nn sortste • _ l3 2 , mss : ..„ is., 0 ..... k.... v ......q.. r u•.L.0* ta,.. V': Militrl d p., riots best Illefe N TAs do . Ittostiirs 0( kinst., 11 sals a / 4 0Y mira go lire ~' 410/1011110111 31111 . 1 tars Swim 1' . . ~•'- - ', ' AI It MIMI Ible assiati.lismooset re trued tress 4 F.;; 2is lemes:irss. , ..5. 4. : • -, Vans *MO 0 lava liarme fn.. • • n.n. ant - Cl oenan r": W at ja tbe c" " ineo .1..4 Legabme n. 4, ...,.teitediy eon 1 . 6 . 6,kmb i gutif.`" / U - m il mer T,J0e.23, 40. pm ' Ina in.. via no 1.1. 1 .. 1 / 2 . 4 1 ~.. ' l ,a b. s l iebinated Om. Ime indwell l o lry D. rn.ttt llooprialt= l I " J ., VIZ: tl ly loth; , 4 == n ;171 5 :01 4.64.... d la* tt:lsmilti ' . 24 _- . kr. a 1174 .0 1,. / bdi115e.1.....:1 hfr, . - ' 'Tlalopriasiserabat l7 1 0 7 0 . = th. ,..... r. ' 61 • "4"4 .mot t andl is sea bows 6 11.1i0101 4 , Ma - ...Toga Manaus. ,f.i.ri. Orr!flir tt n av r e w lt: t i r i .1.• r, ' m tr.,:r • ~,..Astellma 11646 6 .. W ien ...t diWPI " 17 "1"" h"fcrsnrkielskr dr,.. .....4 r . , . p.a., -14 . 411.? ii Vitt; Wu* le MO. . 7_ rikOrwrir,d l fiamillga . • .'" n 1,..,„ 0 „,., eon lir irik. d ...=r b i . boatmen. . ' , WM. Ur , .. i ...r...; d„,,„,4 4 4 k, the. gres. ,:. ' - t r sawias or Ur ' . 1 . 1) .. 64 ,„ mime mon, • rat bYb.1. 1 "70. 4 .• _ .- 31."6 m bs n*" all itmksass and ' Sou as UR Mar firm. .0.0,. a. fa or lur -• au. km ukthr al 0 " b "V" ' 7,,,1n0at, tarn:: , - in a. 8.1. ~z ••, tem nant , l .'.4 ' ' 61 T.• A Ono. pasddint. 1 ra., OalludLint=rateo b in , rfOrtr i vim 6:Rain lan Las villas% ehildA s on, batt. a this inakabla 1.114., i C " mod: My Rik nag gnat!, illanza.A by ai plank lAD!, RA .H, matfroallf swam af in .;:liaas, LAWR‘ of ila ta-vs•M, ant 6111..abksiead Wag ,Ikann,:naic Amtpadicisa 10, Wain gnat arta; iml dans, arommallatarina, awn inn anerind,l alnia. IaRA. Ulna Itslnet • a 11,aapaIILA, '21,3 11.110,11 IMP.. In .. la wawa .nnal IA named ii,ansl.66 ea mama %a keslll,.. Dan :vadat, 6, Imilails do Wing,' take lamanto dm aaandedg . . AZ .14 Sat ratirs it Or ralie. M. D.:lllcoas, .. ~ Wisadwg,,ATl l lll.. , Gana. ad LOlia OA. . • -- . '''.l i ;''''‘:. I: '' 7. CaigialAW, Dr:7l;ll6iiii4 I , * ail . 4rlisi (hula, asans 2 -11 , 6 li' 61 rat 6atiar *Rawl an 14414 par flarsaruill. - '•,; ' , I=. to in sminama, wrier lb. laad slam .a. bdigtrml6l l win tia WPf, sad. , . _ lattwobiama""....tatraou.=na="" al •.•.. , • . , f iallis lOWA orafilymithiul... , .. '..„L ,' •-• Alibi ea NSW it t• syibgamolk...bsol lb.lapyy sal I .f,: -.:,-.106.4411.,nt ealilia #.. bean Of aataaaaa, 1.. a aa.,. 1.. , :: ; s= la et.. _ .10 Ui am; da inlay ARI ma -. 7, :., j• ) "8 ;. - .. . Id: a.- ass * ...,1 ; .'..• . ,... , 1... - , a wi ths w e 1 i......;.... iu I. ~..-4,3. ' ~..=' - • lonia' as Juin mAiuuiro LAMS. Tirbellbieulut IllenbpbuThe Yu boo urge sly revved 7 . ' ,"AirMtoi=ds4tomiki.a. • 5 ° F . 7. 1°, 11 , ue: 11•11•11.01-0; wet euseoes bon ibis dime. ba imbelsei naiad t lia• r. ,14 : • •-• • yens by Wag thimediefie er iir574.0191., Uso.Vds• eppeeF_lll.l2l,l=ll.34 I. di di do Ibelideds iron be 'dal .eoesse . e.., • Or' Teo. mule; PenteeeellY ob. pue: • 4sabilds.- 7 7 6.6!Z:1= tan. 11.1115p*.140#;. 64 : am, movki... amoltramilm glegie }eke elt_rliab r. poem ywdeudiduottbbbbc lb* Mr . 1. "".I:Mini:innsman.,,ao= 10,15(thl ..* - ne,eeudeetutireeerg t " pg. " s dssil w :.; - idiAdd jdllt lis . d4, trim Um , rsdadddd, rouiisbeed t.. mead dote to k 7 7'.•r Xarvel t • " plidny l aid I MIA witk arti •—Daar Bari azrorz.; egee.d. = l ll beb l "../t n 2 .‘ ""1 ieers Pbt: *bee bib Wm dee ns 5.4 zeMnd.ete., rdo - 1% 1 • 11 : 1 =tddh,,,, ,, dsi doe ea. I sfeld ea* do bag 1:51 I end mud 'nab' 6 .44, ley bed, sod was , „ , Widen • Weed I ow% 'bere - led . _ / v.r ..= na nd Y LT, atiinoßone lowan ilk 111. M. r' UMW idddesd W1,140d ds, sod dm My thankful ' ' dolma ay dot re eeleety well, bet sse. b&al.dee. IeMUM Mod my bummed, s ima 1.0. 11 17 . := 6 ls 7 rn .i Anna,. I . 44 it Triety to give " 4 4e/r * ' ! !!=q 4 = l7le;.l.‘. ,i: ch i p b,. rbidiota l i t. ph ; 6;nl • • wo Thha is • , 6r 4 7 1firmirdia ro shor tw x. t f •m/ma tye,o. tiparOus.... D. trecrierAftwog. ems sown& ,pr jidssidd•als, addldiorrsiltdiddssuf dur pad' tltNtM L n l untkr. 6..-.06".1." ar • : -_,.. _ , . f S Ittatnioaa. • 11; . . .. , - . irbb 11141144111* 641 104 .1 1 . 1 . 0 .i.P .4 . - P "."" . ': , r.... • - ..10110iihrlmeof d. Col irt s non los (moos. •.i . i -• .- 'LlireeDialississi% cissrma r+Diwi .4 oss.. ...i.5 , ` '..• • • iribabiadur. .1.,,..i51i nisiosi 414 -..• , t , • .. be rails Ire prow/Wolorostalootywol oderoWwww;sof '''' 4',..'' • wow lo ilf.ifolow Yoga do Alwetiosl icsisihirkseD ... ..." ' ' . • • A%V Ofossd.,A.isve: • ....p' ' riAlfa_ lOWA . -; WA 11 isTssrisers7; • - "e% . ;.. Ofios, 111 IF WA, A, Sus, 111.14. g. ?I .n. 11.4 4i5. ,. :. ti‘riraTX:"* alZo"`f,; :, , i . . - • • Veaw 6","'n' INF DO stsl MAN ' ' . , ~. • CAW. For , roods so V• 115, OA. Lop wwww . bodlso. 1121altio a 11.•••••.1 •••••• we! Do Ana. wade •;:, !' , ' • 11. TOW lt•101 D, pp, ll blo idws a do MAW. SWOON. Arm lfsok - Dafp Lam. aprilildrlll. i :* .:,. ~. ...I:2,4bi,4sgssersol Law Amb woloo:w. 11 AriO =A , of Dr 1 . ..4w ' • • itt.A.A. bongo re spy owl t swot of dos ono: f Eto i 11b=isl gyp L.o oWs ‘ 1 41 . 1, ktria.., = l 7 '6". sootywrolloi IstA7.nodes, ty so 1 ow walodos. W. tomes et do Ittoswo.W. slow.Wll. "d r , • 000=1../WA.' ' ..- - 11110 Yosur,,bl.aektr lAD or Do 5 ' ooosool ;•1 kW bois awtea ..... a..„ zLos„... Ds4rsisiskisg• is Um Ord; gDsisss is ii. of owsoAA,', no do kolas AA govond A 01.14. w so oswoolodo pie , tostiossal het OW old .. skid low osAwA W Wow Owosso wady., 11n. Woo odor wsolhaws W awlsonno d wesAoAslod odd kW so • no ow. woo. 1s ni)obool by .M 0 woo slogger to 1.7 stook : of wsw liowloato from Ali& 1 Wool veal MAL 'kw. *on Woe ordwl mon loodesood I co salwONAossy so, Ai in D. at weeds* flow low ado.— do pm to ow obools ego, owl 1 hal OA • diatom Asa obordWA esior. I wOOO. wow ionuowlh. 4 Iwoo vow is bows &mono , - YE woo 1 W. - All milk ho. Akira A ends do was Woof. WA mall. 1 wale mamma Is o. a Goat, ..dies.Vl 1 ANA toodowsl *bid Ow u•i siii d Diu. smile = lief sislmasdisre is, sol essmistol7 sac is ino fo wan bigig Dor oh& is r.•/•••• vp.1.1. , ot do g As soma& OW Mood. dor r•vdme .00r.$1 Imp! th• W;ml .• • /..011 OA, to Ant Dow iii siis se tiluir.s toad do 411.... A.II 1111 A dada fe on sot is a Waal OW, I Dal Alr 110 ILowsose.dro/odue : . . • ' ' Thaw ?Wirt, 19 iiDs is . ' ' -' Oinakiirin Ow sioutft. D • len is swoosat of row dill mod r Tww...A. =4wdo Am d oof e w Nu • gar•l samba rmsiosli Di oral. •_, ..,. • - Raw T.U. April %DO. , —Of T•olo. Dm, sin•-Ore dmy asidivo vas nn iidc vielhO• GOMM a• Ds tomb isill DtsiiS, oussisi 1.41 irmi 1 10...ti•0. d . r ' i i g d: i i , O t o l u a ia y, lrkilodr p woe•thhDikff aa 1 o m w a D a. l' 4 . p O. , T j,o. r t -• - • Tor wk try Ilt 6 !Miltia/3 Drsaist, 1461 %%mg ol Whom 311 kW ON As. sdo Ms foo appiwor Ay D IOWNSLAIDaksvot ior_Au_k_l am .i.041h/Tr , yialffsLlCAl 1 flTdf, AOAINATT I A WOIU.Lf liDessiscuivius,D, evil stagy', , •. . , r_ againl pereliii a( yos Wu i.lion " : y n . gsys, 3.2 darzsa.Uo,r Veriel Dints grr,lcitxxi . - •. Vi .V 47.: di this*. II ~to lo de• best %milts. la ow- Xri 14 netas ts a istal—Ds u 5...” .MA I. ... ' InDOl It 1:11321%Zt Mrli%Ddle.rb.nrlC! steer .row ° -..- ' • ToWWWIOI. 'o * ‘ l ' ''''' ' • ' W... 111'. . ' ' - --- --YP'u itta y. it-Eff6ilLEDsS7Wisit. ''''. . - -..-sliVirigoirosi,,lliilYsrd, awl 0 CIAO . . AD 4..: . :•'''' ' - rtl ip. .: AkboidnollgifesoWsll! Is %Onus. . 11181114011.6 u pqrluog L a n ow.), block 13, 12 sWisiiiil:4l2faxits ix Y. kw week Niald 'iOgapor or Tau Vavagge, +NO is ash *Waists 131oInt. v~.14"so•••• Oat ha" 4.4 1 (Waft,. "*ltrlKl.adooYlleagra—, 1,1 Sell•th Woods Sad 11. Oami,•• %Vasa, awl D 3,1 f4 ,11 Y , . . - ._ 7 MME mama ... , i-ii"::41100K8;11111311 1- 4 , 0 . . ,- ;. , ' , . T-i• -: [-if iliiirkg/TORTE,ff;:. ...--giIigIieTELEADIIIPOILPIIIFTICATiCeIIi i ' ' Iiti 7 .III.II.CtILNEL.WILTRKNI pl? FOO L PTIV. b 7 .L A: V. P. JalfliS,Cusehroalt,thn pdleteleg . •.: • .., l_ l..._... , .prpgraza, iii . .. ir -- : . ~. _ ' .. "" 14 '"" " -rcw '''' - ' .:. '. ' L's -;-• ' . i r ep...4 j° B a ural',/,' Za ‘vdt4lfigiii t-- - Daniphaes Enna • a sketch of cry el ceeil' doseriptioni - each as—Carrhag Illie: life of Cat. A. W Damietta= the of ?ire chfites,Ephaing Frames:w. dent,•Draw‘nit_ . llteriiett. Aka ! ..c4- itz i hray Ileeds,Warpere.panileM 6 9son'elt fond= Doelphan's Campaign ageing the No Ited frames. Looms . Cant branders, ke., VI. ronyht Iron 1 hi. stuptratMlm!lielvt , 49" 9 6461 .1 alai Ihmartgo, frames tarred all' sizes of Caw Iron: , Pels• sta. •,,nd the operations= 00111 . 10 - Pam, Pe; .tub it, Lltengess, of the lams pauermoditle . and head 1.0411, Mutes, A Sof tile and =As df huds . • • ' . . • t............. --ri rriiro.... kr e.....7.i ,- -.-, ../ Castiag' sof pray &sent/Atm tarnished cm Amt . 10- - - . 11 - liWOry of teente - 19 , -Ilte ''.,=nioyaities L and Ne tl' ,ling, ti, Owns Pipe for bearing Factories, Cam .Cariosateq Geogniplumj Statictiml Mut Ineehrgicel . I Jr.. WindOlf elfti, end raney Camino generall p ,— . deectiptionr, with Meadows of IKoneireilk,smdmore u-derst it a itlite Warehouse of J. Palmer too., Lib- Akan Oka hundred Biographies' Sketches of d,straieh. cr.istreet, will have rensupt useetion. . 4 tn ' P p, lkl''''.'4"lll'..m.tlA°l-oVony.';,t,m,'"eln.",,,nbY ett - wila ' Pdeektiswi, Bell •.:. ..-‘,. 1. 4 IC Hemline a Co 4 6 wl eZ..„,,,,,,,..,..,-• ~ , ,•, •./ •• • Warner, Jobe leen, la eel Palshelrgh. •"- ~ • ' • - " ''' • HI- --. - "-- / • ":")". ft C & 3 Il . Wanter; Steubenville. -. 1an1!... , niT ' il ' . °nab' " '" ae" ' " j " "'l at ' e'l . • . Widiterre vtNiiiiiiiiiiraiiiVtisty. ". isle in the LTennewee Regiment' of Comity, In the • ~ , J 011.16 A. SHOWN '• , , .6aseirehnt er Mexico, dudes ISett.47,settleintng an e• . coml.= the ft Martha the ReiPme/VVID Vera Cron, TAlsWttua•esethed to inform We friend , deserted., o Country passed met: .111Mkr*, ena! . , andths pablie =large that his Factor/ loam. Ow.' of the the yopl; Sketcher/of Cani4fe; tie- 4 'or,tow in fell operate:to, on.the Etat aide V.Mt•of ill the of of inhefleuteer Meets, . , - Of the Diamendillteghsup, where a mad end a full timer; of lb. bail 'War; Lino the ICU- - Want sapply 'of Wade, et various cetera led and %Pounded, he; Main try a large number of ' " andamditlee,areuenstantlykePtoe MM. ...T.C, : views and Puns p 7 6mr. C. Ferber, I Toluene . -, Id= stt N 0.6 Weed st.Pinataugh,l 4 i. ql,O. dent , .' H. Phillipateil cloth warmer. - . , Pea tout netters made e order .in Um beststyle , Olindarepaned at dmahttnestnertLee., ' - - N. B. Ills Made will be pet 'pr.' withostany.addb. tonal ezipase Ire that ~they can be removed 11l Irmo-, sou to ease ochre or tor walking, and witheetthe.4i of a err, dr e. - . , ' . - oetAdlyesarlasoll 1300101. Sea - ,=WEJLlON—illisalltunted Carts os Sacred heist . a igdoodid imperial en. on* beawifotilluatenlars on steel, by Sumba, and illsonituned pages byilkbtaits and Knew, riWly bound Li Torkey motakeo and whits calf. superbly gio. - Christian Hoiteake; as annual (or IS4*, with . =ll. l '''' nx,'1.4h“../.17”4.614 bylintlaim wood ioar- , cum.: pr uned Ne Wieink . for. lbr* a mull rte velum*, pr on mow wipe pa, per, codeelltsh , wills splendid !solemn cognising.— v .i.i . €4 . a aa,uundirven/la_ , actutial yob, to . Ito Noe al Works of Oliver Goldnahh, D with names. Mite Weirs., by Alm Etchiug Clab,4l eons aly ei bliedieg: • • • • ernes .Smomons, wits wienireeren dealgre, by do Fluting aerial...ay/es of binding. TY Poess , and PoMry of Amer by. IL W. Geis. Poei. :and Poem elllke Aneleetts, by William Piter, A." IL; umetbly bound in Turkey nueocem•Ptml - . tr•te. Pooms.'le Varinits.l7les of binding. , War. Elegy illustrated. • • Ileman PootlealWooto, vatirmakindloga Byron:. • o o 'l b. wooaorrb.:iiitooie: • • ki.tha... 4 other l'oeme,by Marl ••• Headley Sacred 2dielitahet.- • • Tbo abate, with • loom vanity of other limn works. In splendid styles of suitable for gift books; far • , • JOHNftON t STOCKTON, der ' ilookarilets, cm. AlkGre!!"*syr. • Detionmi eci.. ari, pp commislogthelostory,descrlylioa sralre'raibeyolociples of seal lima& ennuis Inwededge • will. do derivation Ind &foam ,sn lb. tuna la modaiebeilemlifdltmk ?t '''. ;*. en.* dawribhterwila Eso,Cessia west, N. Saab, tirrerßreseekk, Mathes Tens, New /lb. Ira; Floridly Tom, Orilforaos s LAlmbe, Twat.. est Iran Wind. end all Umlethim F.rn. An - , • „, Mars Miii s .f.'a ahititui, A.or the 'niformatim 4,7, Oh meolobto, of Uteil, eamproim. !let•oali tbear prsolLeilis, by Motel Al mind 11.1.1,a Cf D. ails presitamtweeft 7he e ' ne 'SuiP ihe bibt4 . t . .. o .mtY Hoots, Al V, ormlartor„Owmr , rhY Juvenile Wok • • Drorith ind whbb woke. W'man,a Tat 1.2., . s,,,6aigOKike ae. _ibsroira em,ker—Tbe; Anomie : Ilimaker,_ eseWishig altmestery end earehom in,a WK. Lips of poem tle practial,by Ferrier Rosall,bocrumerta serer .sra. %twelves sleeks seal JO ed ad T ON Mk a. 14TOCHTON by • • • • HNST - Boaloollemme market ad ad ais LCTIUN*RUCS, Grost, Faig!lskr; Claw. AmLmlarfa _Lletionary of Ureek i tand Raman Aatigiiidec l"Ca .etlin l 'ee's Di tnaw, ary., manafaco tes l sad Sul • Itielneets Octavo Dictiorwi;reris; , l edition; • Todd'. Johnson's and Walker's pictionarn I , forcesit.e. Dictionary; , • . " • NrcriVe Greek Visseerr • • Robbie:ors Greek .I.ozicon of NesiTestoromoh : I everett'i In. Lexicon; , , , • tints-Da • Lslin Dieuonirn . Ileseumm and ljbbile• PreuebDictionsri; • i+.lWenaoloyie... l Dictionary; , 1 l MOD 1104 s Dammam . Itabinscas, ' • ' with general ossortmentoillteologi . . -iiiiiaaii,aaai a genera. —.--._. ____ n , _ __.. Clouissr. Ilissellinsous,Statbsoday Skboot bos, sr trays . bsad had Say =him, br _. • .- • A- - - • • .- ELLIULT Pt ENGLISH. , • .. . dr3 . ;'s3 Natters, brohyry 3.1 h 402. .IkY . EW Of hi1i..5.-Memonsts• of the Itorodostiou. of 1.1 Mc.11.11.1,33. IMO' the Essseru soars.. rtssPrrung loosphicsl makes orbs ettly. preachers, sketch's of its ' first church.. and reaLiaisreutes ails erstlystnrg gles sod turcessely, by itce. A itterror, A- It. - .J.. 1 Almon. of Rev. Dark' Aber!, 151. T.S. late hlirriostary 16 ibios: by Ids strydrew, Urrr UIL Willisouon.. . Mark Iblolo.d. blarrbsto'sChsl“ by Ws Clarks 13 Taylor, M. A., notbor of "[rotor& os a thiod hboir The-Lad•falarySlugaset. la Ale Pratt: a c. hr . The sbo. ....ids a Urge laKillnarut of new booko;ou kaod awl Aoi rerciriug. ELLIOTT h MUSH,' : • 'X _ ll -,,.. n r - 4;Tatt."' , == - 0. ,P°4 ok . . e. l : -- ..; antenali L pluck of new Waage known t actlie f „ Afoot, Biealettrepreatith week a ' few doors Wes o Wood, whete ho will ho beam to reeciie Ws old frit otir. inti se onatinew one* ea may please tnietwr hint with 0 esti: lie kneads to keep on hand a goal aloe k - of bout. and Watkwary,to be whim Preece( eadt II.? itediraitril VillW/Ll.. i W at ttvo tireelt Hilt.' 'La tete... fad. Of the . Were tied cletpailte twister (ton the strufree• alike Greek Perna. In Übe. ipl. dune:mit counter . front the Torkith Yoke—lo on-or—rptcwild copy whit ononewntl kuP".” ..V . l. I ym . . I ew er` .t enn Coe of the reign of William 111, from 110 to PAS—with Sue portant., le V role. Complexes to the worths( the Ileoly Mcripteree Itarplonbrer thritlng romance, \ with Zel turn. rico. \ 'an n, the GeV Load. Preach - Cum, and Slctehee in tAtitia Jun xeli end for este br •\ . • ' • '. ' StlekrlSALU/VIIMSOI4 .' '', real , i . ro Wetter greet , .-- ~._.. -t ; Nair Iliy id Life . 'l•lii`4.oPhy of Lao! trop iviinitiishli'srlitZll.l3 'K ; tulip {i= " • •• The two . .4 . thy. Derwi!. by 'no:bleary uobsn, D. .Tbr.Ctinteli l y Dr. ' - • •• " •Go' Yostos,ilbiatridi!d. Tbi.copmat's Vir i ssoms do irAllllAgarillaw7llCieht — l4; * - 1611 1 .• V . %Viral 0011,14 no% ithePratc ,l Bin sbitom.girtglis isre: a n imar. Hm%Vy Lol4z. ,M I toe reoleo; ••• o • Wacky re bookeepcate, 7 t Ws. Pm the toestodel Doe . ton rear., batty booed; Ilat.ere Uwe of tlee Peon*, 4 Jude. clezaroli toiroreJ ; Moon!, Alsiore %Yorke,: role. kla 0.04 VprdeCotet, 0 rote rola filo ,no do • da [kaiak Rankle., 8 ro. Terkel cot. Wk. it,. abrts, torlir e . t: lop: artsatut et' el.- rn:dyfr, 7 i dres walked/op, 011 ' as - tech pill bo sol 4 tower 1,12 etc, ogered to tlasmatket. al SLEW mood 1.1 • .aakitili wood a A eopetb r0.8•1101hIOISSTR POI •Vall and puma hal Itimeovale by J. Clue kesiegabottuek... , A vcry • levant torepreetL 140 em • •Ctilr• tYMON KV/ erste., 804 pekelP7 lo4 110reke kty J. C10cker.04. 1)40 % 00 .. aloce tostrosoe•ote ; red, and pc.. • opts for xoreotepo; tor eele C lu e teramre prl• Cor reek or teetered pep.. Moo on Lend, role clad.. rosewood Gothic pearl., • toned ateoldter., sod eacrotded Irk.; P octaves, .seed, • by Oats ard Co, new York. Ow do. comd roeeerood, 0 octaves, made by Gail Cs, new Yogic .teeloge.Yerarne. hood ri.•oo. a okumrs, of es. deiteto toes. moo to cowl order, atadehy Ckiek ends k el...:111 1160 Chee rorptdbouri rare, made op Item Pane, and 00enorteePlitiit Ike beer rseso Won. to Ike coy, ,411 be rad alsileillr • plerderata • ...PUNS It .43, . - illelliniTintat' Masa. . :,:.,7,...,1 • • 11.11elecNIAD arttbellon.; entlealutlelehed wear gale. . • • . ,41,1mktgre giv:lel Xtoeugood Pagan, IMlALLlllolteleittated•ongee alleclueentliatied lil nod madam style,,uba fat ask at - ... MS V 141.11.0; a tlf wed _ a • '• . • PlAlibiti-'l,lAllOllt •._ 131eatv Itl.kllllilt, Drake In gaunt; Mao Mug, 'AI. it .I.' W. Wumiguirei ?Co. siThied Surn. The ghee.. owl be SHIMMY/4 OS ell haus, ald de ALA loPr *ill Le thug rote li ea pl,' 11.. end hogs 6W , 6, P. W. sub d.y. . . rittabV.o.l-St, M 6 ..' • . . • . . . W., the sedusigreed, wa - d. lame th. .101.0. of Pen,harits sell vklehy that w. knit sprinted an it 'Saber geld plgat• de Wooten:l rangtgllguld•luthib. gals or cur rouse rotura,. ire , . whom lisp mr. al 0b.,. ...I at our V.. ti . i...k..t)1 1 001,1 ti . iiii,;• • lig4 Tett, rep I, 19116-etlithl. *.'•• "• • -r ~ i.— . lam of ken. or EraboOtf ".r: Oe• eowybrw goblo to the Ws Wade. tb Inat worm booson#l.lllolLebrt of du mod. of . CU/01one lownootko kw we rpm. chaike Crloyclio 110 r brronwo.. lirr=hdl Wawa. • llolleeggiots,t mot sod splialhe Wt too. War Hook of' .r.-tbr 'all wIfOILL WI L *KAU, 4111 uew tostact a. • • . WOW N0VX.1... ! Taw Usuv. THE FA1111111.4 , Cbtinotlot lritlotlobbklobtolyby dolma; olited by COW YOWL - Joe woolval awl bat woo by JutiN4ruNtimmiu.V.. MILK! CIIIATYST . ISOCE • Or. 'llll.:um,. B .1, Dr. WW.ter's Cnrst Assn*. 150k..4. e ta s Vbitimit Laesaag., madam , . Aiwa. former ember «unshod; ',nisei . try ebssesoo Cambia, Prof. Vile C.slit: Th. won Vm 0 44.. tios slat pubitaLrtli *Ss • . crows ssmet. '" Vas ask by . J. L. IMICAIIy .. , •:. *. 4:10t.5.5. Medial M. J CST rretivol s ood for soio, Say rooks of WM nia,v u of Union brim! Wood Sn'olocollooamitli. aorroml, opal in Comocuimo of itabrood Clatelmitom. Viust orsb,orieabrr 1147.• Ilk. Ocala , . . • ma !SJ • - Etzaurr a rAum Biqa ',.'aii4n ii ' f ruitoviii 4 D Ain,' ONIS NalllTS—Tma4 j *1 - .4 lli ot am Open! galas &ilo • Pupa :Emtomoismomao, us awns or•pUbllialimiS by la-Tail /Mb.., Soo Toot,Smariel imolair"illa by . • JaiI:COWS lt Brocrivti.: 4 '.. . 6 • • amokoOless, cot aorta sod al IMI • • • §IIXII AND SUAWIA4-4, A Mope ir.Co,IXI Mar • opeu Oda owalag, ibe lagoon eseenteeel, Mate end Nowt. to boa/cue et tie ell; eetetbmibe blue eat feetY•Allo "etta - - - - Sairlo24llo.l‘ t a ßer.tritit C MARV I.4=roofirdallikpleie:Mac apstiroiMed,,Maell isorlaerelles Shawl& •, • • Iwo let t! it:vagrn cad., is/ wail 0. .11 mit i. ' OSUCOCUILAN. • TJ.Ya lo Ina bort 'sty r Mena IA •wrten. wh ;slain 14:2644 00 SW pot.W VOUrili Co /__ : ! WIG ALICIARIDICII i sons. IOP/1N MAKERS AND VUltrilSillll UDER- . %..., TAKERS, warner el./elm and Vt. N C N ate sireetr, r maim the lisehanae llotel,enuance ea Pena sneer: trvectfolly intim their Rinds and' lin wattle, thea ow are Maimed in fanualt ands:mai to everything at; Malmo of Undertakers.. Always on itt.ta a mess ....: tor ready made Cothruheovelods Idled mid 1 d• = the very Lee elltieter t . all mans and amen may made Shp's& of Re anel, Cambric knad urashis; and ail am, made in approved stes; We keep • lan! an torletent of will and bine cotton, site and kid Gloves; sable air pail bearers and maarvers, Crape, caps, coi tus. and every thing accemery for dressing the decd. and an reasonable we aerobe/re ad nor vette et the Fee.. cilia. Apo, saves plme• (.n.4..14. he Wins and age. We have a apleildhl nee beetle eel.' horses. and any newber of the Lest carriages Evers those attended topredaptlyhotieanaaly__‘_oe l W - •• _ _.' __114,• Sirs 'W ALLAOII4_,_ , •PITTSOURGII STEASI..kIARDLE WORKS, • 'PS. ale end lAS WWI Mrssh sue (Sc Canal.. A LAVAYttni hand and made toorderodarge Istria il. ty nr.Marble lidamels,_Pler,Centre Tables; and Unless Tops,lomb Steams, filonaments. frn4 all whale, befog made of the chokes; marble, and mattoforaurs . 4 priaciprdly be maclnnelry, will be sold fowler cosh. N.U., Eamon, waking to parttime Mantel', are triturated that It is litencelorth anneeessaip for them to do Kant,. I. tea famish them with an article in all terneeta on toed, mialfreight, meantime, Re, considers ed.) as cheep as they ,, -Y. eart panhaso them for la mMe East. gall arid am..: . 7 --- iiiiiiiiii, latliagiTiiiiiii. m 4 .1). mus : • .• • WARE MAN IIhAEWILY, •. • - .'• ' ' .. No ll Market ales ', Pittsburgh, Yetniar • ..•:- .'fittlEseasesibers honing made mem Impromsarnati La la Me constrorthia of their OCSUNI.Niti e•rovt respeeundy joust pumas building *Mande:opt to cal, and e amine before perclusand we mai aupply theta • end, deck •ronves, Forget, , every other lied of Coafrer,Tto and Sheet Iron work necessary lit frindill , Ang a deambost• .. kge alms mato to order ea the shortest trolled Sal Tither anti Cludtber, copper wader/. Stem Engines sea ansn' mei,/ of work in our lino: '. SAP . . ~. , • , , . • SHERIFF' h. SHIM. ' BENNETT & BROTHER, . 44FEr:NSW ARK MANI: , FACCIIfIk3 , Blemlng ham. favor. PllLobsolf(bil rio .. areletw, No: 137, Wood drat, rittsbiorgis li f NVII,I eo,iooutir keep tor kood • good imam pert Cr . 41/ are, of our otos an.onoselatosno • roreticrsioutly._ . Wholvale lord country Mal '.... itionto tre - tooorculdly talrOod to tall and ea 1.r.1w. for .I.emarivts , au we are omennowe w eon tbr.tre r qmil I. sr..ver bane ber. , offemi to the pah• • li I[7.litden=epl ul ataitoieeemPanied b 7 the eve gee rck w genr• will be pfeelptly encoded te,,. Sebt3 - J•ra+ e:~l.saus' • CLINT GLASS 86TAOLIUELIUM 1 T• pi uLyAriry l Lb:DLIE mitafacters arm ktrp eon' illauy OP band Coo, aloalded and lien Flint Ultimate, In all na VIStittICS, at Weir Warehouse ear ner arblarael atal Warri meets, Yitlibingb: - 'Oar Worts cantinas is tall opsralksa sad sr art doasiasi ty adding to oar mock. welsh enables ass" all order. Lai pit:gnaw". fatek.rer• are revectialty call aral stamina muet sad lama - CO.Anum ea •M K I NG . • . . • • the u liberal etwouthge manlike subscriber has await-N151...a be has !wawa biaioelf la Allegkray, • hal, tadeced bias to take a lease, far term or years, *alba pnnverly be neat pampas, sa Deafer Creel, lereev.Wely beeiJe tee PresbyterianCloarcb.. From the kabsesperioneeta dm. above bileLneval and *duiret. Ocoee, be bop.s la r it anal (Mille I Phare 01 . ;ladle patiolisso. . • Now *baud and Pane/lug to cedar. Rockaway Oas ores and lop Miter. and ever) derenpviou oa Camelon mode to nada, from ace eniy bye &Ants to Lard Ott. - .. underdone., are two' wooled to tkel? ' • 1 <11•11.0101.mM the public goncendly run ...toed ' tent anitn , Wu , 1b...FT.., toduitnewo • bleb Joey tad ...nob oteerennodanne tensts. Ito,: 1. dm bel, mnrell, be a.. rod &Irma) uttered 11l We inn.te sod nosy be retuned 1 twt sabstattory. O ' . 1 JHDIO SAM • • • 19 en) in te le. hags! r .114 nuttalde tor int. laioer, 1:41 MEDICAL.OE SUSLOIOLL .4.IITIPICE., , ~..- -. • •' Not. 1:15, 1111.011.ai1l ALLEY. 0 .. . • ,:,,. • few doom below Wool emcee, u. ~. , _*,..... . esgalatiy adasated 41 1110, Medical ......) :. .. .prufassion, and hada La atom ilute . . '... ' .', V!. geoalw .. prattle°, Dour coition. ha oßteatloo to the imamate al .44 lb.& private and dalieate east tereOtaa for_otojoiele hit oppotutuhlea — .to- .t It ' lla."lr n** 7too= l . l4 :Tot Cl. t Lom Au of thotatiectooptaitaHdotoong 'el.!. Woe ha has b. 4 more practice and has maid ma pa, • lianas thaw Can Crettall Va the lot of wly pow* pm. Eli ooo o .001 Wilda. Moo to an asnartances at !ma*, pe mammy loud aatialactool ewe to all aLLietrd aid. &helm &stoat& and all diataaes suiting than from. , . . D Brown wooltlioforre Ouse allies.' orttb prts so dbesws which bars become chronic by tube or ep trraelsted by the see of atly of the common ...vow , cs the day, that their complailuts eau be radically sod the. oughly cared; be haring It esoillil entotitet tr. the treatment ortueb 'caws, sod s hued ie. tostalrob , a invuoteee in Corti , x peraies iolleour.stioil of 11l to of thi bled.ter sod tiodred &stases which thew . revolt Inuo,thote topes where others here eoustitted ,; 1 *has to hopstossdfspair. He pattietilarly Writes sad • ' '4ll* P . 151=5i4' as hays Urn lootratul tonseesesildly treated by when: T. yam Amu. Assume.. rth hilt; when every tatistertiou will Le siires 4 • ..,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,. diero t ••• their &we. tees , itt • ...ad01..0.A...d 1 HYNRT GRAFI' e.t.r..•t!aleal Deem l'iitetaiol. '.. ietellipeas meaner. panted mot by, a Wog eaperleacer 1 111.711.11,-.HUMYHHEY• &Co.. No IV Mattel .il, Phil. study, wed iareinigtuaort, which it Is ithpossthie fat thaw. V. li. goose. renter Neittt & ttertilotte ace that. I '....,,, sorspai Le general practice of met.. to gee ...,, Jo., Einathe,tiotil, • tlil *Nip, N.,.. York; .- l ?.'". one eta. of dme. .. . . ' frrllensia Cr—Dr. Brown also intiltes pet , / XrUTICF..—The attic often finer trig lot knotta la. moue ea:acted grab Hellas ta call, as be has paid pante. 1.11 and slier llus Ow. at iquebbrit. a. Henry lira& olerutteotioo to this disease. - • - .I . L, r . i &Co.. stelat l'hillitrlplita to Watt. 'teleplay, e &Ca. .... .. - lIESILI 'tili111". _ .411, st nevr ntvairt; .• raa, saw. a.aday . Charges eery N. IL—Pionntf a either ors liens at • din... bt won/ then disease in inane. %troth all the op*. lain. roil owaiu coition. wok direction. tor sere 14 addrainitig T. DROWN, 11. lA, poet paid, sod easel * tot tee. k :No 43, Diesoo.4 astotarbr 00 4 ~"1 41 —/ : ILo j 111-1C8 00 ;IUTl y NO lor tk . ll nip mat ol this alp...min llV l ser.rat you", devoted to the lastriarrlitie, on ho ctiessille oesle,lint .0 vitals wind to a l the wows of 11. coasorter. The perfective of 111. orndo: LA cornice tri ha Wiring 'tape:dew nonnt—us which propeny lt .11 M found low=ser:l=rot prepanletren. /i w4l nor with ei th er tretta quit er staid Pe., and I. adinly (no hea any tarreice ow Onen—Rim color of nits anion le • till, Inutile bloc black. II atneseary, however, to pre ono. menthe follsenog coool black lob. froth Its «reseasy chenkal eitisunadwa nthotanehlishwho m 0 . 4 .1' aawf.nd %.,. deep rains. le must cot, hen cot, kw esp e the touerrot the bout. I. opeool, the WA will k to he ahtt Welt., Th. Ant .pearatwe ill I. polo Cat Baer *sweets to the thereat anion of the anwe... phone calier paper or In do inksmo, will WWII brillteot T h e ir color Is .allaraula ey the lapso of Uwe. It wi/I error fon. Oulbis encode all la me., num. email Lo owls is thls whet.. ae years dentin and eirangtneii IL. hut. Co aMy rb. la 1. mumble for s a d. of ecnallie peas, turd for pros nun of quills, what la lam. ladt eutd very derrralr ornb on., alve A pelfect lenprestaan or b copylag Ms& Irr.We n 01.1 lat institutions with *Wok Wo are conuceueL Atoms' bled venting Lek, sad la argent to uls. brillisuer of vo ate postaw.ny, beg.. it impeder to .7 we hoes h.rotolon aseiL Al horwoo, venire. look of Isadseille, Was Rub ; awbuot, ashler Nenthern book of hlsautery; Owe O. Owatliwey Auk., book of litanockyt .Cu !deem ptheidein of the ens boat, Time L Hens, ekirll of 13.- rOI away' eow4; Correa Copra Oink of Jelier.ort coon ! 17 court; r Arwao,acma7,.rgslll2li.• larillance • Cornalni John kkor. scoot Lretapati LiniaranCe Car, 8 tioodwisoco, Tor.. Dry Doek A Noma. Co; I/ Chalet . *ee Franklin lift b. litanm lee wax. Cia 1 Irripiner,usaaans Leonetti. &mop lanhatitna A .apply a the above Wk. jaw received ad for sale by It iO5l JOIINffrON► giVCKTUN. Type Paandry . . suincrllocte Save nitro he 9 . 71.0 Fitiondry, A 61/1.014.11er Mal .111 rumba. We tsioncr• Intr. ly .t.d.e.l by 'Wien Taylor. Tber wilt to an orden vino ponetoolay solthisteh. All the Of pe entuifetined by then wet Ins Inad Can; antsy tiny wilt Mouth all \lmlay( l'ltnlrre neonate, of the Wet quality. ' J AT the Fend is stollen:played ea sapeetinend. tb• 0000 irlf, deparreeni. kiraprielord of Ito...paps ft, who bare not ad yr ninrd Cur the rut.enLer, INSu iaaypablnin this Wane I.r doe• noon*, will be 0.11.1 to rem. their pay lit type, on ;machining lie outs • the aruaat no atoll bdh wrati• arrnring. ',i,dlrira,gitira?s,./Chn'trltol7l 0r,!,7141 , Roll Titylor,) eon. (hod and A. sea ..Addles!' iotatly Mod Minds Oh , • , ..EJ•Vsadoott,Obio,./slayl •43 t , edso• • diairoy•sr yst• pre,. enure panawasal da who howl had Of...foam to bawl Volt .laVia Villa Yrs also vimiog • high Lot ted.fros bank n e e. • 66•Cosmsluis.Olds,Jaap/7, tr 46. • Lir R. K Bell• ts- our Veradroge telisafkably laia, 2.4 Ms {atom! ills dad Cootidnoyof WI wit* on lb. Gough Sytult. Vo••• they • Duos. Ossur. *imputed tod . sold by aE. est.lev 67 WOO 4 1560 DitdCattiol, 64b %Void, D. Pi Cony ,All. ;hoop issilVidd.Vodtb.Toolpitsocorill f ••• - • SOAPS, de., is nonsod Cot sale • la( 4ato6 l 4 a ilo• e A r Drarl o p s h m . loat sot Di e • s: • _.tot•_,y=o p dmmd MOO%. • t . "4 4 rlo;C:o, ror Ababa (, : 11 1v . . . Gad Cnaus;• Ito« Tao non ' Colfroa Watea bin **lost Car ILA boa& toisb2ot. as. . dablo • 0171111. - iildi 1•31 1 1 , 1" ., :;:ea%) . 14etehasetzu• vial . DJ. b ASO Oar tea• lar• lea 03 baba, Nam WM yeast Okt, two . 4 .9y,,y6111, and ib• mosso any sprit Drws• I di • I•toselo Amoy hot lions Was opwarasol 'we p.a.! foam lawtonsanog by sso gooldrod 4'450 la two biotin doss i .Dois • enik:Oniiiiiii:irsaa. 1414151. hIM OWLS HOUneantog Mao 5a,r,„4,, ►pMoo sad Imes •Vtitelomas ea. d,4•01114/tbsOke• Prailliedosi pm. po pata4l pikplueutthle is r. W.R Coast bads, near Mat • MEI M=EMI C` sPoRT " 11" atim - FM iilZ ritaMattarraltotente Ls AYIS FRODUCF , TO P 1111.4. P.l.?att : emansoap, 'G teat delhy Os=l::Teste l 'i n t rres. i' . .' "' llill Vl' 'Lenin; transinined, and ell instructions promptly . att• tended Irtoree. Coins any tam e barge 'ins 'storage ot: 1 eurnmistunx C A InedliilLTY. , XCo..Srop`rt s , . -.. snarl . __ ..•.. ,t : -,(. . mil taarshltttsburgb,.; , t Itlfillell6.NTS`„*Al 101rr..0tity.1 • 1648 . i. 7 1:1.;. ) Illiga4 , . 1 ' •. -- ~ 0 1..0 i.,u,a Rieke..One Is. Co's; 11.,1 - : 2' I : cittestexha IV. TUEZILISSPOStiIieII hit U . S.X Pitilialrr IThYkailtsbairgit„ Ittairseille:Yueustrovix Holt ILL, lidarturghWisr!strjeii9e4ing&ts Os) sisal all t i One bowled, 'eine the streetsrkurrho ocOsh Me Mm , &Ca, Canal itasin, Liberty_ si n Pittsbu; every i hay ASA tatty? excepted.) and shippers_ can op. OCOd Otl'havlng their goods for triaMut deter, i Mal at fair rate. , • .. . ' : This Line was formed exeitisieely *tithe "eclat ite. I commalation' of the way business. 'Me Plenttmorth ' thankful forth° eery liberal' panunage they have re. ' eeised durieg the last teen years:. would reoftecultlly le ' form tbeirohl eattontere and the' public generally, that ' set hare extended theirfeentes.xturing the paitt rein : and are min-better prepared tusteeenruncaltde ats in ... creased busiums. .• t. - It II CANAN &Co, , Wt.! STITI . . II ti IsTrlT, - , JAIAN./CLORF, I.l‘o.4lllNECldill.rllll. . ... TRINDIA: b. McDOWE.I.I.. * -; • • C A VeA.NIII.TV& CO. o=l burn Citt.l RIL C.4IVAM , ' ' do Johnorta .- lk,t.' • ', J01E11%1111414 • -' .do ItollidWg ! . .:7 • ' !MEMEL!. & MYSTINGER,d.. , •." . - _. • Ftwthsca-,Pththurith—Smith ,&. -Sisthler; :I , &:3 lioDeriith7l - & . 1 It ShomtherOr; IV Rebliththt & Cm It bloom Dafral, er & Smi th ; John Parker, WthLehmenJ Jordan & Son. • • -- portikquatElsovr Lutz, ire. ,2z=z 1848:' 'sot 111.0..ATATION , or azscirOomr.. BETWEEN PITTSBUIDDI AND PIIMADELPDIA. THP.X.%6= 11„ ' 0, kl !botor . t re la rgr ' cg ' 1: 4 1X1:! pint lo Philmicipiallt,.lo t UN , . 4 4, V , ‘V."V h., ! . 4m Marker st., Meg Gomorlrorcumed, sod oho la. crowd their room for Momge_firltralusgbistro.uow .tLen . rop . ler amok greater at& their fonds (leo& •mliriod by ibis are 'rtOt tonert Finsburelt and •Phllmlelplrlo. beityr corneal to. t'oely 131 Perublo s4ctiou Doom. To dolmen. of mot otior goodiermmiting coralbl , boodAtofft imPomneo. chomps mode, for rocoirMl or slopping gods, or advancing charm.. , All good., fonvonlod promptly, sod upon. mosortablo ism.os by rtymb- • /OWN AIeFAXIM Co, .. • .1 L Canal nazin, ?dm it, Vim:bort:h.. . • •JAAIIiS DAVIS & feb*l ... W 7 Market &Wedowee. eI,PA4. IQIIK IitrADEN & Co.,Fonearding tod'Ciounse- Alerobints, Canal IlatseWl'eito ri, 140.11,,,egt. :1 --- SANIESAI.D.A.VI3& Co, Flour Foeiori, no,l Cormciv don bleeds.* EtO.Altaket, ontl.A4 COMMICK , AL' PhilAdophis, • • - J,l77Lorossees made by eds.' of ilso above on I.lour, tr, 00l wQ other desdipuoni of bleTe.osn. todined Nre,..ri',,,rolll7.7(t e itML l SVi TIL,M, of rlp c sbyitrSh, ant s ianvis, of ilia , 'hey %in 61111U110 M=044,6.10.. ur !we.. esti...Ann Rook ler IL a coutinnanee of- 11:e patronage at their Inertda trpalt. to Co. , • , :wad Obits • Line , • riasT CLASS NEU' 1:06TO AND rstreoluo ISEJLErOIt OW. LClRlirt! CLA MICE Claud Basta. Ytitobtly . Kb. BUTI.F.R.Vta aorta a., P1u1a...-whis J too._ MEI. a. CO. AEU, filmed .. CLIWDEN,CLAELIE & Co. 70 &Jab 17.41.. W. PolitlUCg.-Itgi., li Wool rtreet, Neerl tot Joarls —DgorUsershlp. • flgIF. saFlerib er Liy iLi• day o.tielatc,l thrlP4els, • ntl Wu( Kter S. Juno.; 11 , e iPv. toinpou.annttimiing dot rpx!iet! - et, by )t. Kier. um! toutunOlittevr . lll Gb u t. • ' • riltelAite,h,hlerch • - • . . • POILTABLIT. nokt E.. • ;71 C111114./SE.I) E.NllllbaS ut Ewer 1013 it StXtrlONlSOferel, I'UR TIIILADDI.INIIA AND VIALTIMOIWANACANALtet ItaItAIDADS.- • r. are preparell to terelee foyeeenl (frigid to 11 the Ihallintannt.lizte Ogees Wll4 ilespateL,lDelels” lose ralef, a. anJ otter eboeu.ible :The Sillc hill. b;ne.3 poril. lIa• tee , In iu le pereethe/ly mew:ore, op utteyeti n* our' alts.eyetwe eeuble up lower,/ eert. ihrtilly: brut... Oh.ter than .y Peo Wier leye. t, • el C3114114 ,', taar:lh Pittshttesh, )11'011.1:m, , . .1e1,... m. •.... -- s. l4 , ts Tr 11T1.4.. JoNl.l4—.Co eta! roseratsluse Mer XL ha to, aosl Wleuhsta:e Deaters •itt • L'est. Massage Libtrat rash asleastessesei reship:meat, p,.,1 q NNW •ItILANGENESTS RAM : iiiitg- : Q6C. 1848: F . ArEtt2ll - WAGON LANK • , 1848 PIIILADE.I.PIIIA AND PITT3II.II.IIGILI.II. et1.1...31. , la ILERI.4IIUati. DY DA11.110.113 ANO WILI:UN. - ACAR 'ee ry" in Pit .V AI 111'',?1::“.:,,,t.'',. '1f0t:‘,,!..?", arhzeb will en ' aute es:Wages. to leave II ,Left' allo day. 'elapse( hof.s, rypaing del .1 eiztat he•. ure" the eettain antral of gvetlit us 1 e Da; h trete 2b""'lS“' .7 `l.l'l.l,:reti . • Ihustrergh. 113111114 1 1.V3X1 . . • 13 toot I! .tath 3.1 et. I , f , ilailetphie. • •We' ottll n.(elpt fet avo IS. m0d.,,.:,. .. dai!) - . to Fe threat:l'y therastoore lute after theutor e . - . • ieh . , • • D 1.141.3•11 A. eo. a_ 0. 11:111.0. OM C.. 11114141.91” rhasole:phi, V51076:J.1.1i C.,?....1 _ t tteln owls . I ill I.atib. • ", • 71 ,1 17. ND C 011771. H, pk i l o k lpbti •• CHAS. 11k7tRY GRAFF,•Pinelitars marthr 1848 s , eiptits Et ! ND. • AND SAULT STS , 10. okniturr. Ca t. J. C. L:Outdo will . nos. dodug thy of 1.4•34, betteceis clortloltd "Souls Soo Marie. ea she . fulknoing manner, toutidog tdoctinaeaud intermediate plat Laub Leona! Clevelaneellevy althaday, al 7 , 1%31. • Da --- • Detroit.. do Toceday vA. •• • Llo Idockirnte do ••• Tlioreday at2 - A.31. - Relate/a(' mill kayo Molt Ste Norio ererry.Friday. as ' Idu'elork. A.M.; sad Mackinac ot lOocloc3. mediae., Damn every Sunday • tuning lat. Cleve lond.'en 7 o'clock.- • ' • , • • . A.Otte :Aker* tc. ottnanmEN kCo. -re ati CRAVN k WICKWAIIL bIcIiN I GICC, Scott ete Mai Detroit. The Detroit hoe Leen theiveghly repaired and refit ted the .pol3orinter.andthe pub3.c ruey rely upon tho parka - clung iatha l t Wirt With punctuality oe advernsed kleakat - • -• K WARD. Bkia t : 1848.. daigit vccLirsg TRAXIIPOIITATION LIXE.. 'Ku awl (ma lea tarn clues,vela CY11.10 , 141411. rvilF. previews ed poputal line. have dace theie re•unueal”tkun lardely bareared derir facili.e 1.11111.1 Wien. of 01.111,P w fai lejletral &map' a {rash, •11101611/ by the FlYit DAV 16lit, as *leo by adldrutla/ olizou• al lave Area Ill* ha: willrun lbeaugheilii'lle year. deliveries guada then .• spats in I.ll3llirtlol. 1104 Paltebotsh t 6 uveaen sad t4.ol.l4.lolll!rethied Mba and owe. Shipment. trot. Philadalphoa wr 16*-11n55 ehaold be Marked .Cara, thau .... re : " • • • • • • 'lle ueh or'" l' Is • lionivggq. ' • SI t/ C4irler• it 1.1411i11101V. P.II(iFJCION &Cu, .. 14(1 . 4 . 11 (V CASA. Ilrownsills. C 1111/11(1:1.1.. (.14 ' • . . . tatiQ* p iligO cLipuse TII4I3IIIPOILTAVION LINK :.• Ibe everri.l4.. 441. me.tee. 4....ge4 the Ague, at ...berthed Croe. d.. 1424 t AtriCes, gue.c a 11.21 Lor Erfrrtco a Cu Ce.14.11022d ..Irma .441.41isere ificel that .1 Ilay. ru4ooom 4410C.:24n et. 1a214.44 es dee 44 4114m4 es tleel:a.tenetWee.' J C w ore Rm./m.6.04 • U W t: A:'9 Itromam&o. A It . C(EI • 1....0.1116•01114, • y a t l " , J tl 110BINSON, _ . GILLEN & CM'S gx.rnmusk L rmumultit, aLtamttottWAmll3,ll" ru l o l gr u :7Ainito .”, M i ra Ibat this the Calultlgt:tl= ear. 011114.1.18 w gpliegp.ll: connect ..d.lllidfAthillUe& Kip rem daily, el Withtil.Dre., • •• • V lbrogigh reCelpl• won tivea lo soy atilive aboyi plate. hirrehatolne awl rameto say si,e Ot wet& forwarded Kamm doter daily *l3 5. , . If la VICKBBY,AjsnL. Clotilea Hotel thail.brag... t.l S. MIAMI 41. e. • COl.llO. 1.1.0111.11.7 1 •INO CA.b am; synsinimo. V. K. FrAIiTZ dC Oo h 3:03 outset *rater, IviutrrteinC. 110.12111:1VII L NE, tit IMATAINAITASIRIM Or .0•41u1.1.- Mit; I PRO.. ri MAUI :14'111A, ILALII. Ngti" YtHtK A. 11) UMW:, 07All kinds idureltandlas rousidurd lo P. K. FM& or to J. Flamm it Co., l'ittobargh, 'All too promptly &mottled frog of IA " /846• AIM 1847 arie " " - 70 fat lust itlaUiloticeUELl aoOTI4- • VIA DKOWIVIIVII.L I3, CMICIVND. •• sadalltaal is .pr e 10 0 faard F. J. tat 45. Itthtto ths Wars IliasUUdaleg Ih. u P lug Want/0.106 MOO lairomble tc s am, by I. ul A I propetti ealiegried *a irin be fora. tded al the Vititen We* aa4 with 41•441 MA., • • . . • Alerrhandua seciavell tbak 'wait Pro ay tar • •••• • • ' J.O tIl Vaubn,. tI N CAM, nurcurale. .V4l, l; VaitirrON Ca,embetlaa4 ARAN numb, piatavvrolosiluipintwasik BRAVED AND Cl D LlNE,tru-AVAILIIKra4 Card I'OrLeI—SW.A.WAY,C4n. Foul . DMA-NJ:N. attars, • , icyg of the &Lora Packets leave Destratevetydyj tSdedays excepted) 1111,1 Writ! next =man at A melt. where they eintneervellit the 11141Ane. for `Akan, and Cleveland, a therm place! wore Ope Pltelkelt twee Wasreu dailyt et 5 P. m,.hpd urn'. to,t ake the mumin6+teotohoat fur !'tttrLarSL. 5l /I TAVIAM. , Propni RENY ER AND GREEN VILLE LINE • Carnal Packet—PClll'ONK, Capt. Drown. . ' I •• PASHION,Caisb W P SOYr • , • One of t he above Packets will leave Heaver every evealaprunaleys excepted) at 7 o'eloest,and arrive at Greenvil g. le the tarot mottling at LL. o'clock; and sue leaves Greenville every eller - ties:aim I d'eloctOrmil at. rivers at !leaver the eext morning at G o'clock—through in la Isou,--towed by tearaGAtheeeboiaeg . each, eta, honed every ..10 miles. At Greeurille .they. connect with a lice of Stages through to Meadville and Erie. The boas , are entirely new and built expressly for this wadi. REED, PARKS & Co, Seaver, Proprimare. , • REAYF.R AND NEW CASTLE. Canal PackeU-TELEGRAPII, Cent. Wm IWilillins Leaves Denver every learning (Sundays eseenser ) al . b r eclockS—leaves Note Untie every evening (Sundays ex.:Garai' at 7 o'clock; and connect tug with the oleatil• era I.ntlYKtio end Michigan, Tinning between Dearer atad l'inst.argh. REED, PARKS& Co, Rearm. rib...niers will be receipted throigh by either oft's* shove Muted. seaming berths in the packets and mats its the -*sage, byepplinabou to either of Me, proprietors or &gems. JOHN A. CAUGHIiVi Pittsburgh, • con. Water and Smithfield eta. ISCIE.NTS.—Reed, Parks & Co. Beaver; U Parks te Co. Youngstown. 0; Cutest Lefaigurelb Warren, to . R %Yemeni:lomm, New Cagle, Po; • W C C M M a a th a e n w .S ha Pa Pi,a Pta;! Ilex a . Platitb,lihnspsvilie,'Pes Csr an me, P.; C Wick, Po: •' . C Recd. Erie, l'a. apl4 LAKE £RThI AND &UCHIDA IN LINE. 1848. THIS well known )sine,cimpoied of steamboat. LAke Brie and Michigan, Laramie Pittsburgh and heaver: cod f r reigUl cud petaleAcet. Canal Bow be. %neon Beir.' and Erie and C Reed's line orfiral clews steamboats, proitc)lers and vexed. on the Lakes, is prepared to carer flirted pulite:gees la elitists on Cut Eris Canal, end es Die,' lltirott and lad. Ilaving every facility for conveying freight and pa o stagers with plots:lemon cu d dispatbh. the proprietor toblngents respectially molicit from their fneuds aeon. 11101011 . of their oatinnate. (1% nEcc, Peoptiefor.' BEET), & Co, Deaver, Agents. ' JtHIN A.CAUGHBY , Agent, apl4 :eor Views' and Smithfield sts, Pittebaryh. - T E 17 It I N E ;1248 13ETWIlkIN PITT 8111.1111111 AND CI.EVELLNIA W. T. 'ditties, Pittsburgh; . Lt.& Pasulr. Co, Maser, . !Toot s. 1.1.. - Xtoao & Cuaattursua, Clevelabd TlLEraluire Law is_ now_pmpared ta transport frei tatd. ahrt I a ll ay porn= line ‘ Canalsiaot=reh. uad el'' One boat leaves Pittilotrgh and Clevelanildaily,Ban l ring itiemincetion with the elcandscials Lath e Eric sad Michigan, between Pittsburgh and }leaver. kaid a line of first elm.:. atantalmala, propeller., blip and whom' eis on lakes Pole, Huron mad Michigan. Property forwarded top art Of the Vidon.witla h, by . WM. 'P. uny bIATHER. or • JtSILN A. CACOLIEV;Agenia, for Water audilasithGel4 Ibusliargk. -AtlENT*—Becil, Parks & Ca Beaver; - R O Packs A Co, Vwngeleawe, W Coley.: Co, 'apron;.. D Borterick& Ca, Bcculport; A L N Clark, Newhm Lewis, Newport; . • ' JJcII 1l Whittlesel'i,cm.o l . 4l rPsrg 11111 ride. Ilavettna; 11 a C II Kent, Franklin: , dlillarAToule, Cuyahoga Falls; Wheeler A Co, Alto.; . Botany. liitidtaat Co, eanduslyi lcatiatte A Lula. , II Williams a Ca, Del oat, Nick; • _ • • Walture illiams, Ilderaukta , Wit; IEI W•m&lovrW,Chiesso,lll. . apt' PIICTSUVROII POILTAIILIC 130 AT LIME "ma 1848. For tki• 7`roxilorlation rf Frei hrttrext. lion.' PITPS111:41thll, ItALTlSlultli. N. - 0.1010000 k Caen; Philadelphia ' Tot.IC lElltllllo. Pittsburgh. ' rl , lll - 1 old established lone brio; now IP (4// nperp• 1010.11 , 1.04;04.00,a ladtvt etllett.ire arrafiget otenta 10 art t id goosli and litodure withdexpalth. Ahd meth.. titost turoruble tenni. 'lll , y ronfidently hers r ,neti Loos., I,oo,oooetts . .1.41,, , nnr, goott•-11 , e 14.11111•4111.1 1114.1 c. 011,7.6 tug - csints - tous Sti.rehd.i• at, at del, 1001, 611001toldtroxlitnialtoadaa 10 oldpra . T. i 0 art t pro-litom—logrttittr with their lonj fltlte• tieto . dad 000•001100( an.1111011.l 6.efure to them a eoutionmn.c of that liberal patronage they berrhs' at 00.00tortedgcl All .1./.04; . a1aC1. by aest rte Ist . low received. Misr , git ttpaut. atdl unwanted in any termi teal direction' , foe oi •..t ~..11110•1011. 0.11(n, nor along, No vain, .1. does il) srenteliortts.. n 1 etnitt•ltotsteptiatittivottitttll totettilit4 10 00 atittica -1.01-10. the hiliow On, at. 010.: I 1.41111111X11: C. 11.11.1 1, Alathet T.k AFIT: feCttNN.lll, Caned Basin. Pittsburgh. sift iN&Oltes & Co. North wt. Dattimora. - 'lll' 01 C 11'11..c1JN. rd Cedar at, New Toth. op AItRANGENIEST. Passasyreassle Carel Bett.ltemd pests Vast Peeket alms' rico xi t•n•re,ccpit TO 1.111DAL.1.1.1.D11 SAL: TIUOILL lEactusively (or Pusengr.ra) pnlide arc, teepee:far Informed that this Line Will*.potnateatts Faittlitir on the i&d lost, and eat. tittart 101 . acqlt0tit".lat - The btn3l.ll.tet mew. led ore sapanOf Cuatt. Macs cit.. lisegeslealivi.Miltich will %Ire greaser coutfutt. The ears a P.: th e hate sunsuits un. A ti,at *Iwo) ehe So port. lraletera axe le. yttotrd to rail and Unsure 00,016 , 40 m engaging pas. ttswo,t. tYnto imi(eitte dollars througle) .Que of the Loeb. of this Luie isilli“se the leading toppoattit C. 5.1101,1, COP.Int of P. WI Crtil and tiewal. evell aiettl al 10.' 0 ' . . 1114{ , 41 day+. For ladonsinon. apply' these, litsmuucultela llones. at D LIIECII Cst Pomba:eh, March ad, 1-11, ' Canal . . Wa.tern Transports lea Cent s . on .e A altre TO LILICOU di.Ce . esi 1848. 014"Zotebtlallted•lo`ita.- Tit 1itA1.715101111 t NEW VOOl Irrit tallatiTLY•all. 11..1/. anat. 4 tit:prepared to trauspOrt gito4o end premiums' Wand 1~ bona the above Mare on tavortsble lerata. Ad dress or apply to ; D. LEECH A . Conga L'inshargh_ " BARI:15 d LEDCII, No.. 13 & IS South Third el, Phil 1. 're. v hen s.[. 2RIN, Apr. No 14.N'th Howard et, UAL A. Alltail'f gr, West ettect, New Volk. -Pitt.tourgkhlanchl9M,lt.4l lUlt.\l a ca. • • • roadeager and lEtrovialousere Ofloo. 011,:tiftPC—N Ik CO. <cahoot to briny perm mot any part of Llarloud, Inland. &Wood et Welee, upon it toed liberal tends, wile theft 'towel patretpalay and attention to tho want. and tot*. dirt tio eltallierbrO4 We do out elbow toot panoMers to be robbed by the tattedllov....g. .. roe take charge lel Item the modest WILT.. port toesneelvate, Rod ore SO their well 1.4.1, ma 11% en+teb th ese witiont Way detentra it by the Ira We ray the. Maritally, or seeder,. moot oar hems - eon to ober that they votte detained di holm by ao ln Liverpool, rrbiltt tboosatate of Worn wore &entered eopottok, soda dry could he pent to mom old eraN at a h p rare, which too freeptently provod their cob.; intend to perform ad/ notumeta Ikawaldy, cod what 11 11147, sad tot act art was lb. Gale LW oertarte, woo ether tahcorrr-wbo editor periortood not all, at when 11 gaited that 101.11.0i.0../. plods thaw• at timbals! , too any .am room 1.1 to porabies al asp Miro prow inual Camila In Ito lam). ro‘clood, Arodard and Wolin. • L.loel4lltd ROLUNPUN, • romp,. sod tionoral tae t. ' feel • . 111 k eureka= door below Wood. - • IRITORTAW , TO TISZ LADIES-Ch. dee Ileif Omani a.141.161de11a arttela fur the Winn; Irceuty Ibragnsibea . of 'Lass Dail. This Cenein• wove owe novena Vial inginienia ail other emelt+ oh . la, [jod now asa. • Meta - the bale is nail bunk this, anienlii7:. at tanking grey, e eppUntiosis will effete th e Mier mot aod Meek, and give it a hentunl lively arpcortuter; and will also lentil it tenni WWII, linen end healthy color Mies as beta all WI preps ',duos which aro gederclly nodh livery lady Sac cretinism hoewra lit lite /Is la of Using ilde M. the. an, should at Olga pundavo a battle of the CillatK Noir Crean, as 11 to cioupond nu letU NAN the hair like Woos oilier prepenetiolill, but artll bettallei and glee portent Ytteraettott innerr) lustatted. far testimony it. y• ver op qualities, eve the following lens non Nev. An. An elnen Ilcodenhoil t a ltew h , N o ahr ille,limtenl Agent. rot Weetorn linen Illiensn Church, renal. yearn. llettdmOunt a enreteig-ificininnen , I into pirenre in mining lay intienourns men of the excel• lent propsiaitin osin4l Or. wash's Mite.' Ilsit dry, snot lieu 7010 aid, my hair was very dry, Wilily, ant disposed la coma cue but Wring pea esired.• a blade of the Cream, war . mead it axed - rein is the inewriptlas, aiy hale Is how salL elasilit .eel km itse heed. Allay ballet. mud ode .wets applied, each leering say lab in worse elate than bendy.- Us nun ter expeetshome As an Bantle far the Twin. toy wile goyim it P. t .,. rate veer all other; bring delicately pentuaed, ta/ nut deposed to reneidity. ,ledleet especially will 61.1 eldoeste Creams WI. • tlesitlendlun an their vitro eolion• for Ike Itespeedidly, be • • • r 01031 . 1. Jon. 7 ism. • • IL CALDWELL. yyrywid,wiltolesala end Mall. Plueborge,hy Jobe ..Al7tortoooll, leo. 43 Mateo Ofeei, loolJoey ablates I eveiteria Wood owl ;AMU: . juletr. a. 11. elnlIM A LLItht non Meth MUSA 'l' PACSIMS LI, and tiaglere-Periristawishby he kayo ' , seethe{ cr swung dame twill. alstldmpettly Orplc•••• rve 33 • They will Gad It as thew nti aesaige.ter we ate fully litteptiteti to du w,iek as law eta oily house the ewe nun elm or will doll. at No. 3.W'ood onot: 14.11..- 14 4 wish. it to Oe materOool Alto orbs, oot gees Iles 4010,055 molaseetoe. sootawl: nor mast seaWa jtir, boo.. 'Write loom ray . leepotod to trenaaes the posy one eosin thorn wester orate. , , r ~ • • • t • J PHILLIPS. gintrii of al w..withism. c. :cm 1.=.03 1 Liao, 1 - Tkh i• Jan.h, 34r t• ilmill'allersobig durum. , moan. X.ln for eaprlllag worm, I loaslit or C. y. 'tenon, of New Llsbo.h two viable( It miter& Volatilise, mid. coo Os contents of sae vial to %too of or etakitoo Clank Da any, aged o.yeals, it expelled 43 We hem Ike second, el years old, IA sad from the thig. sears ntaklex worm. expelled by • sal owe 'WI.: recommend Pellets' Vattalfailt.ssi S. safe bud otsepf ,. .tlse mina ellectuel Wurtautedi.cioas bee torgie,p.altd „ ta b . • bltla24lyr. void 47 c22,ll.Bti=lt Al • • I .0 '• ottempoltols ii,3reao . • - maim. • • i'. I • MAC WILIJAII3, Mow Tstrit: i Poem Or ritUdltirgb Med 'As( sow upenoug an his Maus au Soldblichl" • der the !above Dotal, a ham awl beastifel• • of ClataaCesdattens,bansw,Blllre,aull otheelblethilael airtime will such other attain as on at r1,11,/.11,1t..= e 'NA sale of the mewat atll man[ style, ea aa armee,' • tusy depend upoa having the clothes made ap Is a sunhat whoa casual fad io' (sadly the laatibelallet moat luudloas, 11"141 - . ••. . . • , .. . . 7,4•*e...••=17-jai.o.'x2o.r,l-......-•,......-4- ..• -.:: - .A. it4kr.?• ••• : 0✓%• , .. ir,1t15......ij474-;.‘"' : EOIJs. lESEWllta i it'l L rPa.' gal . ' .- 1 rirllE Staaarelbeib t eitio . ' •Ihr este bie aserrottoilt. le I / Sou to l'ult meebasurAtt rail redoeed .Prteea.— Tba eolleetiouts MI agilialltul dors ethep aitteibrueuvo sanely, la it.. Wester. model; eououning ahoy seer, 1 Isis and velooble getaa,orooesehattloponoWtosel tto, ste Jafonse. large tortiug plant., frau 3145 feet u, brogbt. Cott.. Abaltees, Geri..., Fothetti. Aloud, 1 l . l; c oteg b as.Lays 1 1 / 4 7:toid a lUra, lo gr . :ma i :, rtllar I The Dabloa at COOLaill. We sew olteurry=li u ite ". gsTgbbery, grown; dunce •," ever uotni :tett:, ....7. "" tuateuri , Morten' tees end '" albeoo, who ',nut to decople ,Wif 11111114V11.1.1., plain PIT r mina. 4.1, Veen I. ..t.... are teopeettolly lot Ilea to deed 04 coo leo od,ethielt le zo =lo . ra. w ea i rep . l . cut=dot ee r. i ;.: , o ., : n eezo c oecs .. by . 'Era sod toy road, or may be Loa at our utasal :‘%. o :a. Disease Merle; where order. led ototh di. or by son ID Tifilburgh Pint thfine, seal be proolgollp alien/. eti To /oho dlrahasnot praesseal garJuler, ~IL attend 1162dIediaj Ands trees, :eying of gardeus, ite. — Orders webers./Mi. WARDROP, I .- 11 . 1 4. 13 " ..31.r. '? 1•^ ` 1 ' . ! .".k'd.rNL. I /Ist MaTetuanoerlyaf tlesug,BllKetagoo .. i. &Op. ..... ....«........... •••••••• taleasnati3O, SEA A. C0rgE......... .......... •••,-Zazteeellte, o .• ' EWA O. Colo • • New taken., orxriir, URO niElt & t. 13., 1 13•ElOral C ensmalsel on Dlirab••s• , „If Mt Ilia ILL,LIC •110 V.141VA81.,100 01/ . • • • w.r.s.reas PRODUCE Ko. 31 Poydral Street, &to (AWOL • • Afro... Marton a Co, Batters:lN ' 0. • Janie* Ill•therurkeo,S• , o lame( Width a ON hledbuto,lai • Diu A Noma Ltatoko./ - " Ilcomia. nrayer, Daciimo 1. fd Kest bey, ay, Bente', Zogoesitto, b. I/ ?PI/ought & Co, NTellstllle,o ,•,•'' ' ' area Puha ILC.o,lleaver, Po, ...... :od. 1 %Id GM, ?N. wbsons,vn. ..,,r, P WC/otkn a Oa t • ..... • u • * , ' . VI k at llarbelusg. 1 • , 11 L'uto . -0 . , O . _evlAUs siwiiii:siiiiilikileid-- -7—'- tiautEl:ll:rilis suAlueb r IWi.,initt.l,tlosms. !wee es•fully used hu 1101.1016 METE& EA: 1111 . 16 ' ..... probed, ban heel l a Wean/Sea pea onorn, horuner., he. Ala 111311.1111141t.r." 4: • i at. Weld regularity °isotopia:Yon. . V. Freed,. trout emote. • .. . 11 • 3J. No wont...ant drytner. ' -- 4th. Ideally abeattal Waal NA lisilr to voila.* of sth. Went durability. • l'; . - A model aod speeilleetio• say lue two. outt/loppar. too obtained. at the topper ad oars. towtory.o; WI! II SCSIFE, Etta at. /Wm betweett woo/ and gbarket xfOrlGAN—CtiCilirefi'lltir tprotN o. Lrica M plot Panacea to emote ray MOW& dcalettiog tough ~/' From the Teotreruen /saner, Nov 3mi.. _ Caron Siter —We one mot in We liahtt . = moth It" tutting patent . floes' but ore to reeoohnethl httorptes Syrup to thoooe Woo*, edliet• ed with e cough. Auto baying tried the oulthl nage. Wes to revere,. a roottant soul etatreeotogbirate, MI bad for several da)I1 a/hood woe of our e rou, *Oh. .cult aura., ere ursno iudoerd 10 V7l t NlCirg V ea* syrup, and by at telnd wet °bloused so 0 ereljtoare. It proved ' r o d be b IM o r p u an l a a c maod i nn duulel cya thagle etr, • l'epae w • JOHN D'IIOIIGAN, Droplet. ~ wood ot, I Poor IoCkAW ollsoudnod v• ---.--... --...,--- .---s-i-s-s•-•-- ----- .• A OhAllsopo to the :Wart giamair.vivE ra.LLAWSarill be pa istio Arena I. • AA will produce a Wit rt . raw, a ~a,,ia, oq, that cesium be salt-acted look nate* Imptorel-ko weal AA. I bane the Adnacurin of iiying to tn . peorto 14 dos blare. that Ala artic! my oleo istre/icascatea i, mow Moods esti rare/ in Our tonallya•ociratt grease, At, pi/M.lO, paint. Astor{ other gra.) sale upee. own an kithls sit gentlemeire ur but ' clothing. eviunr, table tunes,' prelim. WWI', lailp. loi . ffiret., Is , Wit irjor r tic Attbleg.lbet rata arnA II MO .Alo. 'Moro' 11.11• As untamed. pent/AI:1u eilDrAt pan* et OA CAA! Ware told =Amy sriald sot bo Alboat it..f tt [lOl NW dollar piu este. - GVlrysiig soap Go ina.l. Moo 41. , 13 aruCleargliglillillni Sabo, al. tavt,..aml cativo", I keel *Ay Deed Atte paten IN ak. Itle'ptalrelello, td 'foot A AneoPin 14.4 is Onward Are AA: dieseAr befuee patbotilt on a tight Ares try • isasple A the &AS int. I stairs boesasc te I tue da e witted col la feCONWW.Wi It 2141 " NNW! WWI tans to ter A/ally nee • DI II liar, ......,' 171 Cl. per take. :sold, *ADA. sad retail . IC Si ' LEILA, . . I i. ~57 wood u_ DrsAClik2 PICACEIi f welt .fattta. •" ...- MT IN lIVFAV MOTIIVAD 1/03$1.InTt:AD. / , i - lir. aa.k,,.aaa,l Itaa.Los4,,treca.con'ypiceil of 14. I *aressity IN/ soma mob.. wariottd to Wilmer or •Clialdreis tel Imams to satAberedi Otertue of all dam mordicifiet which tiintain opium , and bib A Nagai ate. suestral to lit.coriir . arid soigne; la llArpablie a we.- CO. ialiv aware otorarery Crop.. so. a; a...a5...A1m 1.0:Va15...1...11 Ilia Oar oi it/. Jelelarcals Leg, Away otlarr [1111.1•Wd 40 . 1ujort Ns 11WINWI. nte AAA Pali: Asa Itaa been tinly. *Aril und Itin.tlTbe•last twelve ril woad.. 11) Antenna per* , and iiiil to lAA. all . We estrautJalary sin.* !la to ri •ad ILA aster. laltinz elects as son WNWIes the LA Amnions. Ai lirstiett. kateittog, CAA., (Inning, / ',Sickness Aid ! A nt !Maul lion. TecOus;. oil itic . ..ni1...) Otero dtuarlints auy a.' lb: w, ~ ai ma •LK•Jy, esJotser the hartura sad MUM 4Wwaes traasittur !Ant rialeittpaut SO 1 , transotil •isd • lass.r. a reel. .c . 11. 1.11/..allawr. • • • ;, .. • To la baJ etaulesals and ret , Al.l. Praotietor. Dr.. min SAID:ANT- Ina,:aist AD; .'.:fi st' Jobs tlitcheW 131Itat 1 Cialliate. sad'.(?`'' ono, bragalas I ..-.`'*1..1, ..' 1‘.1.b....*:... f: l __ .._;__ d .." 3 _ LtELl.tirn IMPFAIAL !Zit Orittll..-111 A* I kl Arairateseure • I a. raii. la, AIL • 11. Es. Inausatirs,.s/7 %W. .basZyclua born lialotel ix • distrasuur cutlet., areortgar aids ailhoto. COI Ihe mor . a *lnch she asesl.,ll7. cough remedies; I sad had thi,Aletee of We lAA, or I 004:ca. In • Paiglattil. but all ALS WWWWWA. wig .1 heard at Aar Imperial Cough Oyeals, • * badtwAl +a buy a wade tar A 21,11111.44 I IttatAl he ' that anything eaald mous. bee complaint. /16 my great Arouse, tra p 40.• gam her muctediatAkslict.. SA is aillia. traidiAl its' a rough: latakrApal or STAIP stsnly• stops I. IIAt At AAA *tril of Area or awl)ear* that Mulles enstylk)kyrup is sbe best Anglo . ..W..14.e Aes duel aighaa a, the Old 0 r NNW . ‘NONIA. . . ViliCFussueAss , . fleweetk D.Vd. eityal ristsZiorglb., lila above rettineat4halont an -tyke ant Ira arab *A coach or gssablto Sport OW; t I "Iney A lAA• a. bank, sitbdidrug rt•lt .VtAki.t4:ilktii6/ anntdst , • Tt.e4W;e6wieet ..::_•...ekeero,..:-:, - • -;i asil peva Paha:Patio sissollippp• TIIK VilEAr ROLL, et Skid GIN MIND, wt. heal P pule boat , uf ill vispiebul at all peteiss, • ~ •• • Campy PI pedalos MN ore are lavitril Os OR sea yes.. the above Po bb Pelves, as e ll la lie u s oilabesale or remilowel.:aiberul desAtios iiada us • • ' - • i A \V tifireRVEZI. T "PLO klt. • +I .d:SIXO 'fillip rtit Inottits eastidshur WI Le tba Ws 4 iliseuetrifs. sad • rbiai , arr...... 6 Oak IM lrAcks et do w e TAP w e S.W. ewe rogie}. gee, web wiiiiiros zed apaopossietif Apia & noucasa by Itiovrelt fall 1..0A11011 CflefiTLAL. .I.OBES, ecaPialag Otis • tha Ivan,' foleaP u te L , 1; eil CAP 10 .., 14: • 4 11b=.its kit) roloCriisattiams dont P . ....... kel Awiesg ...( ALL, Ae,4e.n I.on Swill's New Leg lishiGlele. a sc.rt to M t.f.leitrikjii fi 1. 1 . a th. ewe Al core, ssw., • • . ..: J r '"'' leeeesorer . .' ~. - l' a - , : ., o ii etl IllgaZlV.; .... • ~..n .., 11 0 T0R01114014 PAINIAPARILLA.-30 &u e m . joel roreieed of lh.ltrwowiers Sapapseilla, Ik non•egireordires Ispeditil. Ls rho Poke. This ES- . .Lwetiept 'plover bottles. li is sic tises_dieePrr, Allegeseeer,. sod warren:eel superior so ser ioU. IS • Wolf irserwe mellboal PAPILIsg, pargiiit, . 1 1. .r Illabibllabbf the palmist . . • 'LOW= V. L‘11.11.A.-Cuptiileiptcd perigee , bAre • ilird' Oat leleal. obi put up prairies Si So iambs ;tggl's*. *alb WI , 41 0 0 k.f.ike. ,, f , 4 1 .....1 . mow if if. P.Tmmend. .. also 14.1.14319,01114462. ST %Va . */ eirees,beswere ! Tell.ld Erni*: iii Pf. roresseast • only wholeWe owl retail Will al •f?AlSbtifigb. , of whose she • &PIP article sea., ' Wt.. • ,• • • a M. c.. , 1 hAs b... opp.imeg i iole igrei• for • Allegheny' r 1 a whew soe 'review smirk as* be : I.t L...•...-----,-...--•-••-.4. ! A. I.TEINt ;:itlils l :4,",,,,titt'.l l " 4l IN/t .rta",..g.! . . ; amen, I- Puppis., Onaiebilo, Aoliaa. loodulblee Palo. pry vilivtioMi. Sou Penh* germs wlso oxewnwol the er er gl Is dolts B e AO Mt, sr *lig rrafri a well ter ...kin of ilse 1 , 41 i awl • lists NAIL.. lwerleAlseell Iwe 0,10.0 rm..% ...: thn•Swir Loot laessielblf Pao isaiipvispil is pollaz Slo WWII 'Plies NY fpllBoo l ol . t !phial (molts Isqh pfliosSliessiossd by the prorssl.4l. .1 :rawrissereee se the weer J•fIieI.EASIICTISIANS'. es :s lesselr OM ha ewer Ailed so Watt Woo: Ad otos' nr ofter4ligt/Vit'srAtger:l=7% .., '• " • ' ' .ALEA...Ine Mai .. thvisatwit• '.' ' ' , ' • - . .• 711 , !,!uu......4 , • . -e l - . -, taillirir NitiltPiSiK llaaolereeer. es . • ' AWNIN NS, GS; :. :21SAINU - uoTIO w.stotn..i..VitlVltti AND t: RAIN liAild or ALL tasreerrioes • . . • 'lll.i.sari south' Frew*. Rizete. , : }feet of r:A.. Mason's Cabinet , Ware Mastery • PIO LAGICLVII IA: - A 1.1. orAtte' left ro I it. A S. Slaoil.At Po *Ake of the. LI; Neselsols'e Retch l'.ll , LerCA, Will be p.werilr mired.% t 0 . ,, . • • • . . , TtiUS. ti. Dejibby . ~,,,,,46‘. . • A. C. NICIMRKIN , • " ORIGINAL .11.111.1Va11. BRICKS: ._ I;llirtalirdicialimle..o • mai of op awl SSP( .2;;A WISP., slop I pr0,..11.ce tyv ortlele.Pauti p5,..54 uodurabi ll4l f 1, We oupOsiZei of PI Allele of Venture.: Mlle ..6,ltesh for 1 , or to AL pp.:. Pared PP =PI We. Orders and satou.l . gasliSl - ;Voile. Oriel. will to queued ez *Wow AL of A° de.. sired. puma pilanottaa. A spek st Use Aral quisliii is now formic at Al e warehouse, Ilpotis"Wlaari.'• Ce. 111 ii./ • 'J ?MAW NACLASEN, • . ~ o 2pCif • - • • ~:,IgoislligtessAteVorAw '', • faltZle.s WAR 1 UN 11;.-ATINtlIstisideli'4 '1. J. tag*. Isi.l.rsitaliugty MOM!. tesillAWllreollof sie•Abe Wm ..t.i., ..a.. say e 1.-oh•Ral. 7. .....„„.....,..rre. of We Mow beir. AVolsorro W Memseore isteoewi Own lair bps piped 1.1.6 vials lwerilwee SW lor yew. eo.l Wet Irf grad.. Stlipat 114111• senolUs•LJ I.• i .A.p .0. ed.,..v... • ' derNlwit,;to wt. a tral of s; Teuie isateNelldis.: Vero& es Viltalbergls isi Reireßie lA' S.W. Ilie.te Vin•isrAstan.ol. ow Neill ......,4 wartideso?' ._... . • ....-.-----• -..... .... -. : Et 11114 - Alio ad.; ixo, NO -egeobiseer,lll3 het( *IR. Wu* I •U• Nett -eke salons. tils4.l (.woes. OW .• , •• • i WV C 4 ..4.: 11 Rapi UAW Ve AO ?Walk bl • dki L. 1 WO = 1147 oW ? ; 10"1" . iiCatel: . • u~~~~" ,;"&t. ~.._-7 _ ,__ —_ - • ! - , .-Atozsipurvzors, -:. 7 - • • , ' :fait:ma 'lketiv, gptutaLtltheeL.Piiiei di defilade' . wad Mee; e . 1410........ L ••• tithe Uvul a W /31 boop.comi , p.c... a r k, ' , pi,r,....T......, /....,...%....i.. , , and Dimases littleeTra eve stauv - Di. Stir:apses Ositioplthelad filprop of Wil hi. ain. pleasant as the tam, perfeedy safe and' tandem tit rel oper•oo*, mallet it 0000 aelao Anal pow srfa mid ecrealartmedies Mt eoussimineas of 11ke Lungs. Cu.., eel., Asthma, Cp..: Mood, Liver Complaint; Pa. the Side et. /Mod. and (der!. Debility Otto Constitution , that was ever invest:ea y the .111 ef ma for the crisef et the Maim. public. et e afies anal evidences of its weadmihl eurallf a power are daily rm.. from al gumtree. It is no- t ry as conceive tht.trurcnwi warn. sad taie try that has been relies or by ir, nue coo w calculate the immense benefit 'haulm' moue Irani W i leresfier. All - ape, , se us. and , e 014401440416 14/4 , Wile affected by U. sod Lie domain. is eradicated from tbe system, I ce cnimitaau repain4l, and health ns lured Sy the t of De Swerser Fultroeoo Brad or Woos edam. Dow many soaker. do we daily t he hold approaching man antunely grave, wrested. to the bloom uf youth. tram their Maus . . ma Menai% alakt- . wait. with that faml malady, COMILMIFYitet, *M. wait. the cinema...darer tend he II 001004 U. !wart. al 'human AUL if each tritgenia woold only mate a Wet of 10.0erayare•COmpound Syrup of iVitil ; Cberry, they would Opt themselvesmemoir teamed I than by germs the earia64 rualfseuve reenedies with hieti atit new abound; th is 'Vegetable Nesse dy' Malts the slimmed Map, stopping prolum nisht sweats, at thew. Wm Inducing • riatural and healthy expectation's, nod the he ems find 1044.011 in the enjoy mem ogemnfortabla beat&The publie should bear m oiled that Dr. Sway. is a regal. practiriog phyeiciath and he had years of expetience in dissams of the Large, Csest, Ike. The mr.mnal and ordylgena bie ankle i• only prepared DIL letVA Vial.% N W car eer of Eighth am Kees enesuuTtelsdelfstua. '. .41-NOTHEA DONA CE=Fle ATE. ' ' Of all the Maros that hastens been record., we easy safely, say the aanalepfaardlaimer.l.4 death cos to tempos this hich note stands as • living pt ofSiss ealahlth, o f :onamploe., ..freo when ltla had bed deepoisedot • Dr. Senryne's Compound ;Imp of Wild ' Cbrery Mall flprisfesses tekw, the greatest medicine lathe kaoline world. ' • • . - ' The Thre Rieke u • ef I • lic . eia. . .. . • Da. Sabormi-Dsto KG-4W 0* pod of thiepaet.l bid myself ia duty boatel to unify . to Uns peat mem which your Compound sm. of . e Chem petfemm ed on cm. For toy part, I tell as every May eight to know It. I was athicted with a Mcdeut malls, wa nes of blood. sight sweats, hormones, east of the voice tortiesung. alarming mats' of the disease; y appetite emu goat, and my Wear* kail me Metal -1 ..... me that my trim:band physician were .pmensuied I mald eorarv ... the r . 1 daya. et ~,,r dr y 40144, who 4ra i r: t raj . likely to npeWu poems the most dm. mile!. a. woo told Utst If In. tterspes'e FY Ma of Wild CUM' Oiled Sothis cent, Me was awn hopelese. •Vose. meilieute wan tardy mowed. and the first bat " gave relief, and liy the 1000 1. lad commenced ;he meth boats. my coups bed left me and my isuength sae; path lasprOyst I. sheet. It tuse etude a perfect cup . owe, cad I am .1 tide present lie as hearty • tn. We ' I ansh, 404 have good teseeia iss bolisce ghat Uo swee t year =amine Ma eaved ma feats a prea4oool. pied. I &eller pleased to give any infokatatiou respectiag My es.. . .. • 31 cheater te, between nee and aloe tot, Pt.. ' • - - ' aturiore•imonam c.....Fri , c., Head: likadit De. bway.heempsand. . !Imp of Wild Cherry. , . • • In about the year 1e137, I tonal it riereasarY la my' Viont: themes ef ' ; elicit :cl i . Nap, pc= mere pinverfal Malin propenics than auy other kith ewe C.,. for sod &mama In my COSIPOUND . SVIILIP OF WILISCIIKIIRT, I have been Very WIC. ' 4.4014; The truly astaulablag tures effected by Mil leledieine mon spread it. fame abroad; f owls none Still sueuess la anniathethred e rg newspapr pugs Or for gedeenstimum--the reslintrumie cirrus of my mem. I pound II the mays.. of Ith mai =M. Its ! sale soot excised the envy in cenain 'pentium* MI. salietarme of his fedow osmium., so mach m that in • few years nom the thew that my preparation was hare dazed at the pue aud ht pest ddiantlot Ina in thla city, finding 'llOl my preparation had piped m. b.llOl mutation Maw Its surmise properties, feat oat With what they celled Dr. tVimar's Deena of Wild ebe M. This tespectable coo Impel. physician had tin tome wide with Um anicle 1.00 peer Sam Pat.. The mu. of lie I% islet 0 attieitedla Duke s sppc. that Worm. tatty practitioner was the original men. oldie pre; I para.* sad is tion theme. To shove kohl. re. .1 uthester, wilt. reel. _amsdnght to masiutheturc to i some puma mediate dealers in C. 11.111.111. Aar the I Wou mud Mit., sad mother la New Volk fort. DOI. . oho Oftertruels, is iu userted: mid 040 10 le &again iu IMMents-•a the number of katale low erhifb li may hat e . Mumma is an map.. I Mom. places they Shutt t enunated from a pity im. inPbysdelpbml in others, tram St pithsithth at Oilisseaebusems. the U has thaw.. 'ants etratagreti I stamped in every annuli Them have been • amnion etas'se powarallima par ponies to roe.. Wild Cirerey pal Out 01100, from the hands of iitexperience, which the public Weald glend agoeot, 00 they comma ease oft. viruses of the ariti ....i and only punier palmettos , which bears the WS aalure dr ur. swaym aa saes, - beak. The premat maaniketerers of their pug.. sod fale modulate have the denim effrontery to caution the palm against paw chasing my wtolleaue, the .holy holy genuine hod omit. mai pesperaiiins of Wttd Lborey . before the. patine, w Mettle pored eatioactorily,hy the public made or ' the Cummonwealth of Peruseylrauls, as well ss vas. .4340 other official documents- 911.11. SWAYNE. . Invesung and seta Proprietee of tht Pt.. Cum pound Syrup of I Plied Cherry, censer w Eigkit and - Hare 014 , 04, Philadelphia. , . Pamphlets earl lee obtained gratis, setting furth 0,, array et leoauouy that snit dimince the Moot .rep s,. cal of Ma ref:demi vino. of Dr elempie*e Caen Syrup ut WO4 Merry. Call awl get osie,. that atri ." 4 read. . Parebase the osedicia, soul. masa. For sale , wholesale O.J retail. by We Ayala. WO T 1 lIMLN, fit Martel su OGDEN A •NOWLICIt demi Wool • • a I stony 00 t 1 /USW, and Libeety et If A .FAIINFierDea a Co. diem of Pima. 10 ood and with ,hod Westat. coil JOHN 14MNIELL„ Alwalimiy city. ' --,, • .' . Great Emallele nenseilys r.. on Coops. Colds... Asthma not Co...pion! The r i:REAT AND ONLY H.E.UE.In Mr the tam of the • meta .d..ILKS, I. the iIIJNOMILIN YALA/01 OF UM, dierovited by Ms teleatatad • D. Lleulaus al ' Ldoolo., 1:n4.4 and listrainved into the Lotted ram. ; ended. Samethrua wspenuteteleud or the isthemorg• The extmentinary mess. of th is medicine, in: the rem of Pulmonary' diaaabegi. eAuratio dm Jimmie. Apo{ iis medical* for inwasemlloa woyst possible cm ue-eta: csaloaluusul in tie comastaity-easestitalopk : niter in vain fiuta isey'ef the by reamilimi of the . tley, ewe bad Mee given up by Unt Th eoitiegelstro • plysttiatiam .oust end incurable. liumpai: anDatmailisicored.a.will tare. lla opt. desperate ' of este. It ts ins quack ao4lnua. lull II standard Log ' p .1 C ool ly(0.11b0 IIDOON• ud awtered etheacys Every lin the United $l OlOO sbutild be upplied irith Lateheee . Hearth. Desaas'of Life. baps ly. :counteract Pot ennaustruee'tendeumeli at Me ethent, lad la be uesl 10 la SruCauthe o de is .1•400011 04, cold., coast. rpitelap of blood, polo us the 'MM.& chest, ordatu>a and sem.. or 00 1aug4,104.111110. a 10.. 0 1 , brew keel, night sate •mnited, . Oran sad general tklait y, •stluna, ultimata, w cough and crtnia. . :(alien torte bonito at 11l per boar,. ith full dime: ' ' . 00.00 the lemmata. id Mala .Painithlet. r e, a mass of English soil Antal. can certificates, . .l ether weiderme, Orawilig che ... owned menu in this paw English Itionedy, may be' Mow.ed of the Ave., gnmasooey. For alas by li A FA.ILNkNiVeIt a Co, tomer of f awl Wood aud Weed multi. Ms. • . mud, • - - -- • /AV Sell - We hare beta litainaled by Sea Mae of knead amber by Inn Jalneeha Alterative. antra sapennity one wetly one: manly earl 'Abe an WWI alLetat Itir We Wit tiattod feats .1111111 LCKUSLII or NISM OWil•Ll:slia, 'waled a/creation. awl rafelbaree of.tatioaa beacydit. cannon\ dm many ineenban been dt.caarged frau, the Instal bear at tae etarovia.tom ben. bee *rasa wenn b a n na fun s oa buth keellwl ne lan taxi tat y ant! tie nets % bender inlll,l . alms ea other emu at bee penelYanaia Sad. amtatabct of the must mono! sat ens—dame meat of. Ur Woe bet anknega bare. bras etreannag sad deplore/1a Abele three Walla saner *be MIA vadwarl -to try Dr. Japes% Altembret. wank Ito bad In tiPP7 tent erae b , f. by nommen all pant au swallow, and esa.ruit Iba luer.s n heel, vitae al W amebae bet general anal ban Inverse eamplorly waned,. Me 00 *TWO - Ji,ea mots than Oar .hd talon the coonaared the sa e of 'nay nnabn patriot/It —ion Eye. Yen. ' • For (other mannsund,lainsre of tan. Rosy IS/ Alban at, Falladelptoi; • ..• • Gbr sale la rmamti4 as lbe PEKIN TEA STORE. 11 keen!' it near Wore. , , , - . CROV A.W. Math bellthEll.OUS ,"sw ELL Sl.Nus.--serwsia la all Its malt/Olen foraii:, stheLlocr .s that of Illorfe eslairgoeslat d the child. or booms, dense, Whim Serciliegfa.Voraint tibmanstima,t-muer, /Meares of the Sha he *lee, or et raleuarry alessamphon, • ISM Oath from oee *anise wren/ came / white is • putumnes priscipui more or leas lobe mot is ate hawse gym*. Therm fore, wilco dna principle caw be destrotell, eo rani eat coil too be thlecled, 1 1. the en.. t. y le *es el Ms the &sun depends, is reams , a can was{ AA SoteSSily WOO+, ee t034.0r gaiter what:ore the dremw .hold EssoutoSoll it. 01 1: This, itstrerOn it Cu./smolt why Jites'a eternal/telt II So WS tonally sseeessOitja tOISOVing Su =toy mihglosat 417.saaas. • It deitreth Om rites or pruscm* frees shies them/ dieciess haaa theirarype,by esteng 1510 the ctreeletlon; and with the Wood So cons** to the • Minnie* , etire, mum* ovary' es/Wool 'disease frons thesysters. Yreparen See sold at lII* ''J South Street, reiladelplus.' • • . „ aold at the Vette *rei No.*Ferthettse. itishurgh , • -• • IMAM 'L*o°l= ivt+a , Pit to o.ilute bow mann, bow tomak, Poo i4114•,,tt00, WatLeaiby ake•laemrpsus allot otos Preplred Jikswei,iiii.iejsriaaa,eoatoning 4l44 p, ll / 11 . ai lead. Ae have pntrol • beaatool vegetable' utter wbieb we call :44.7311 L.ILY Weide It I ..pc.Conly totoceaulmioi panted of aIl •deleterawriquillaso awl It unbars ea Oa alio 4 ma. halsby, alabootr, out, Lunt white. at do sane lE.. acliug 111 (03 , 111<tat 00 We tkla, atablai Itao(t Pr. Jar.. ti Medea) Chemift of Musa. ► A.S •olo• "Moe hoes`otoantabLalla do er sl trobsst boo twablifol. lad eel, II the sae sent addle begot VOW 1 retecolf ea* loolsoblosaly evessmillihiblisb. abiAtegostebbeaatifyiag.o • • E. ny.Oiebtiteassibbs: • • •• • .•Lettold by .W04.4•011,140:10Mbleills01;bibfill thate.eto LAWity Ottoti bead of. %Vadat. to do ma do Me Wool' ' I • L yeb• .• Ladles. ledlee,Vat astoolsbed, • 2 • . •• ' %Vb. yd.. {now that yo• aso promised A asedral,, above' . • .• ;Thai yea oral stal tootooo ebalk, Att4loot % dea th ly yellow fnglt. • • . Tto Liume of lasittee sad of ult. y biroola area 4.1 of JUNElll.llly.wlaa;lt -Moo Live Now Om as &dower ree-ealatal oboe. 'sot at- Ile utee um elm and itarave ii. 1144. at .111.' 11:4'.1,tt Uun7 rt rote TO ecata pate-boi. PI PER WARE itQU 8 E.- • MIA 9 99111/11111• 1 Mar, amw TURK. :t FlELD.ofets fo r eale at the lomat • or Nanofaelerets . prieet, a very 'enclitic., often. motor PAPER. colopnsing cony parsible corny,' .P.tapool tp the lomat. of C 90.100•31 .21 all seal.. or iba cou...,ry. raper el ell kittee sada te order at short oct.. 1e rock of PRINTING PAPE'S it anpaaallylocee • pastor which it of V.? 11141tfial hanat. . PAP67/11 AtettLlMS IIrATICRIA.LII • • or en ienrijipg, Wpm trd and kept 00.1.4 OW 01. r p .e i H m". Was Cioth, Fonnatamo m. t m-Ab ig nowdAlao Vitrumacanc,Tlmeyoi*,4l4) May. , r 'l4l, ~pyih m braika 111,11110•1 Or" pub will 1 ..;• ••- - • May — .• • Woo .h • behroneli IPIS 10 MU* r, Load*. Loath it, do dr , 1."4. !Ltda. leirdiOns Fr• pans. icjrr,jr *lianas% 011ibegl&I &irk , oR ereptiene sad di • ott,e. Men r whew runples,UletebeSsell rrAsYel Stern , ' Ilebi • Nom, c barr4ll or ern k otSkis., earl (trail other t brosin, which fegaue *eternal reamdieb, el•ap samds enys , OW. U. IM atspetsynokka, doer bum, hicolkw , T.; 1 . 4 Cabe dark, ar.thaftea , c4l We; islstaldir, yoatbral, A Imb supply, warraated gettelbes We et iber Oared yl les a; yer esite,leurari own rroveul, is errata wreak. by £1 A PAH Pll6 rtAAVII. , carat (laud wood esua are utie nun. of sag* ...I 'watt aut. • • . 41.1 u. ws Alll 11047! COOKIXO ale by:t 'wM LI WA art Lil •-• 404 letires • -- ~~.k r i d • to riltiefille."'. • • -I , IIE - ..a.i5id•.1...v. a th•lborell 1 / 2 1•11.11110e.nlit the %lows, en etle.iodt WV' teW,l • . Ite: 111shisibil be wed eeer) Inge, WI& art • ' '.• • Leas; hoe the teeth had vomit, itrillenty re , isine• tllt. 44+14 .• lltc•stortanty. ' %Vet tee tom with W... - • .4y, owls, of T•l4 •WO adlawer, sad rib Wa tomes ea •._ ale Vasa; Wank evevegh ertli itilhersofo, a-Emotes Ago teeth It t damage taste in Lac swath, am ettrb , • wart deli/LW morn.= to Ole brneda.llosonds. • atinvanad a. a Scuola. ethessuiee, tonveateut, seta - - • oafedeaudn-e. Ittis 1.4.100 •!,..Fi thfe . te tboa - . Sly anal d regaistly, it will remove tie tartar aeJ • ••• ifeWal lawaaldialwil—parreill lee WWltache • , weavea the ipe5e.....6 prevent all shaen.e. er : phyeietaits, awl the ttetfy rervintacest It . • Walladly . Ba,apiap nasty %ph...flit,. a. ad la we.-- • Ash ter Piernasol Cuespaand Ome Tt•lal! 11" , deserve bis Oreattire ansehteltu dirk pet. • by Dr. e.t.d., 7 . 1 5,014 way; eat II • , +v.' tternics....l by w att, us the Old cr.ablished ones t• the Undo Walcs, awl eat ak,lilaClT ILK , I" •ITllw,Awl , alay eV Potpland and ers•e• • • •• • . • • • teifeOnsperran et the di...m.1 st•ebetatentiod • keys aalsa Serssgemeal at s teatach or booms, • . • which • • Valeta Wf. Ciall at lalwlar • Ileal4 eaurely coeune. l'eanisesi lances habits oilleaud al. • • p WWI Leslie • boa at hind, wad taka Sas.. slue e xpo fet the trait dersassuarosnifto , , , e sot at theda Lermaties wood pieuelltlemessads . ; ° ;47l;ir dat * 41 71•J•CIONiAS "/ 01111.4TOUNSW•Sfesortdis imhiusammlealyte•• • revise Lie•olltspseparedisli W e I OIL vigessill!Pieffi/04W•eltieeld .'• . . Ni S. 5appp....411•••• Odd, sepias. Waal/WA ;seems •• wade aIfIWWW• W etyaerfaslif • nelebesfeit' Pdlo• lon• &Sneed idea a• lhorthni . • ob..* le Wry liharldett menee • ihe mrs . yam ataillght• •••• th„,,p dot of th• Easy prreistsovie of rapt . uel fount., Ueda to Aka, knee lush law dbrieeasidirto ' • r 'you Liver b• hen beta Orem& telbe!pe sed, Wok, • 1 Weer. tart sill... Wile b an. MV... the),ent feet •• 7w trp,.wat 11.ers be. I hes •Illiend • silk . notepievel La my los* halo sallfiet • p. Walt apwail, We ••• ala. walk • beta renhelfalat phyetelled iterate, ,oy, • .Leapeds Or litany faellypiaa , tip se lecailhas. t 074.71.••• le isismi yews Lem 44744(007. 'l be bee er walchiJevrearlatioatuketip.isa , of pelts hello side. owl di dr altar syssrotaa . Ca ?I oot teleawdel. 'fear Pitmans/0 do holitothuentl mesiteef • •L, heignelld, sisigelpingte tag si•ch sickeers in the dew • eelOsis firs toms& Mat . I haw halal/ma my dint Weft 7 yeses; add kodrisis at hoess. ova lia• • Win •-• h." • • 15 5 • •••teta.t •tteritiN., alie Itait awe • UhaW: invilvahei thie • . • • eoiedissielestoad short liar enl3 haul* WWI 1.11; • woody Swarm! dna Well Femme oveilin Op* •bordier Liter M antesn Whir Alrievisas Iwe . VP viler thpo far iftyeri.r eeleesell lento Wm rill: Rayne. •• , Wit,ihrlflt:t—ht then an htho • .WAIP Cm. Nib mat tie OKA • - ash for and tau windier list them repent and aslil•try R • W. It g.LLE.II•B, .571reaket haat= esti Shane •• • • • ati4hi.D4c4.m.iir4ib **gm coin. Arksko: • 7 - 7nAy4cm4A. INOMS:.111:07. tV."1110111118 Motu s sinc 14 ere • JIJ thrakilisslie eillaititeentsbill.aad•lNleihenf • . Lasfor shatter, !deni m...MIS iledeaseoarsetranst ha • has Wanted Irithld Qs Imagistically. That tlia We. ac shentkl• acquire sad, celebrity, - is oteilbet lump nor eaysterteewohnn h is considered haw rest 'lt number of easel al awry variety of due..., Wet • .misread chronic, have bees tared bf iteiteloas aro ' ant .la Germany, vitro inifhlalteh. - tna . fdui ennui pose., that Vote siveskoprtry the I=o ll' ful pb) amis. a( Eaters as•Enembloosev• caved be • • • the lubetutul treet the itabiet ateletWater Case. In Cetahaellletsbei bed-Alleelialhlhalletebilkof hope. lest ee•es theribesili 51M..y.14 Uhl Ike OWOCraaLa. • ilydhipothie estabtistoosti war Air mereeefal opener lion vit dui United :Utah allearallliali. be Wet &at* • • , •• Dr. *Mal aa Mall - wag pfniallMPllteistlLNihed,lntsosti in' thee Pi of Pittsburgh. direevelitym onatittteu silt. • win's Allay, on .POWllefeli. siovp preentetl to thin' "• , • batabe boseden MIS WO them at te• leotettelatil ," Pawl Who prefer Was MOM It their ten dwelt •'. will he ed huutlly ataillubldhlty attnihed: lie an 7 •" • cow:di al his elites flee *o'clock lin 3P. hL,...4• • fruta - 7 li 10 ht the evinnehr.:- 4—P:eery minty of baths mails 2entor in her.. Water care:beat tin Wan and gentbelarn, cut lre oY ,?,•1 Wool Magi ntitheadvust. on Lawny strict, whets th•Y . have beta recently erected for the eapti.... use of Hy.' .• drap•due patients, .4 *here every tinentloattillan • give. Ivy Ilse endatieetive prop...sewn. a f ealibm • • 1011.41a1f SIC 0 INATILVId tIALSAaa •• • 12 MU the Ice Add 1:1111NN, a well Wave and r • . 14, oar calmer ist PeneeleatinethadittGleWeh , - The aeleetWwre has Uwe athirtelderieilsherel• , ; winter gall. • dtseaw of thr senuacloanteliesee pew, lletnniereat Pala ie the stomata fet vast melee Well, •- • *ahem. tewnnWelm'and ener f setae toad viteieeh, 'Nandi , . lank Intleedeet,iw faft.i.l.l whit battle . . pe pell!.layne'll:artuille llaWases llostw amid . - reedinj to the dlieethwe and fried lAtiaLlf oiaiumb!. 0 4 1' madiewerwewallta pi; M at3sus m tired a/ bar . ' • , atra; and is hake Gt Menli 004.11.. .• alm Quler4' The lektuialli• tear a4arat wbeairrer asdiewiesof adresebt of itamlalc peter d, and the pate was Owenby Ferment. . ee lie continued le tat the Amalie* every evening and wastellmee au the manias. and a- Yew weeke, • teuhtv eras rw far teetered. that the titer.. was to . 4 hod, a lean? welled, el oyylawiat punk.. /*row en • • a pewee, tbetehne. he rags . sevemmen.l If • . Jay he , rat misatier Miss?. as •ialsalulf ractlaiiirz Nl • thweett elate etuaneti are imalls. ziIIPINU ,^5 alu - ea. enl.l _fah •• '!/!e Inriliseargib at • tad YKali. Tics ' , Whit • , TS Fein) Steal, .a•at WWII, awl Who. et thallaa.r rt WART% Vw4ea.1.4.... Porlh wir . 111•44. tolUt.Eg g the pref.. miner. I eras rate Mull sarofelosa euenplahrr ismy logo, std had • lids huearr winithe owlet Ike rare at phywaitine. Tits sail Wolf co. wee shwa inewable, war Uteg conl4llll.,'t . had hale feriae. I n 0 nearly tealple., lout SW Or crotches ntutd with dioullabunt, MIT sit eatelowil of sag to ad what Dam rah eetwean: Ater the atom avows; the' ' epee. evitameacvi healattr. awl I aid aside mg crotch. • • M who; way a eau, t &mewed with tog caw, bLJ ye tetrad .lees tho 'Worth, wee a enh a. to oaaoatlll.ht7•, - idebeaHag etwea, • la all. I. wen die lanilea. • Tao oesorsti4oad MICA •111 A. Laaholak., and woes /sot • j smaller 104 r. area no appoOrot.o tat the aims" lutt have mantioatel, sod eta ibew, to the mow perfect Sohn I emu with eitandelleeh . holuagthatalhent oar lw ba+.l vaned in the sera anti, %Ws Wor you, has beak iha easels sad tho mall moons_ ofg_tur, nig the cure. _ ' ItUlth V.CI US J. RMr... ••. • for sate toboleshlOhdh tot.a4 '• • t. ilk., • •• . •• •. • Uao:FAIDII9-MOCIUIt Mto . ;:h • ; t.l eat MAC, And Pa, dootorear.wwweer. Mb •.- e , nivisr•rCeniciandt lW eirlisp or Tar sat y. r ," • lime e(1.11 Ogereeote, mod all other olt.e.w. et: ,UWagotentteisiIIirgtoPUSIONARYCUNPUSIFIION, ro. • The great wol•itopmeadmeed sweet. Of this vain.. fete unnerve. and • desire to diusatioaur have iodated tbe proprietor. to fix the prieor at .4 nom per hada, plamog st within do nraEh of all. No finally t•botilJ i.e without, or reef o Lon they lane ca., awn asol epprtriatol it• aluiow 41nm:ow. tie. •° eon the - yore oithr above tomataioni. ' Containing rat annotator narcotic twerediturs, tot the sligloest dear— i gee or incentrettionce can mutt fora dente. .11feting Awn cloup slot whoopiag cough will tat* , with wooing, and toe ImmdiaurtWl, Lo.laaeecbow , 1111.111 time 1,2201101, Wealth aceoldiag Tate. 6 . 4l . • yd . / Lg . storekeepers igetekakt.. in this tool Ootiaig roaattea, acid wtdoliteeleited_cethair hy. pp`. '.• tonerwa.. — • Jll* M arsTor.. . gia so • viebruss VAT— • caI•in•ILNISMIS af • 101.• Clicoll • 11. Owyhee sarsutia; -• . • ,'AlaemlrQOW:' dc.: • • Yetperaise lissareon Porcelainsnare ,• % . 1,1%.4111.6"/Lt10W..9(.1chr2.1...11L AroOlw twall aliel; • • llasuifut Waraer pub, e(aumeters; , t.Ssitaosasal ages Wises, eloatalalir. esvacts, • Ea doe halateareltief: klataa tw , a l W • 9•• •••,,:r . abla lot tomcat. , Vetsistaar , Utlaisapotwair; segetaule atitt tat,. lwat's ml, la faaeTor Walsalau weauww, lowa 'Kale ' *d hows ' &a X Nllloleasp ' ; Roe. Lip w Y. t•Welo soap; taxta saap; . awatber was a area vasie 4•llapilinattati: :astseetemeav Tar sate ••• • •' ' ll & CO • ,101 1 11 • • : • • ow • bat a. awal 'Paliiiniary Balsa... . • ; i. IMED*. CUILF:U -1 1 r.IU • tlaS44 , : ma. ennui sot/ (slluir creature", la taut west • ,Wow respecting Taal Vegetabla 14.1atekaat7 Ltalsews. Shale I Orst wed sae Daiwa, alma; t!e•sert Teats ars, Ow puppy alreet andel. 1 then Can aa - iiewastal of, 1 . witatluals awl Attacks al wry: I - , 0011111 tivr dna Wows, and ta every intasues lama and Wa Uslausalosto AMU eusteue awl perfect • , wean. It has elected Mau Wal care. a very fur glom. It /a cartaitay a Gabs medians. 1 do taw \wow *al it will ears • fled etaloataPthaa tat ball*. WA ' sat la to 13.1:1 LIM" a posswunit, awaperretaiosair. - ..? tauter tissa==i t a Lt i :r d :!gati7.l low me; is p.a . ...qv complaints: 1 us epalaknia Y. LW. Ultl/11. pRIOTTII4 say. two nil 1161.1119154 • tio-aue JUIN to, veL. ar.%)amix rAMMIN* 2 _,.., • ..:)• "...a. by Pattesotocle et• Ca% .0.4 Potosi Slack /pilot Trews. , • 4. • • NiEwLYlnvENTED—Fortheia. 4, ..ermille'tt I,‘ 111SIMIA a; MI erpkt.. tuibeCti!— • caw.... doers au .11 , 14 1111.1111 i (OW mitre 111,(411/111,tillek it otity It.. WM. - 016.(1.1. ..44 togas nestle balanced on •vilapaiddi so pot,•• }..m .4 My part of it,11318 01.11044114: adapip 111 w 00,.....“ wad. Ity 130 um..., *gad bo - 10114 . eittu.ut lutersrmast, steul CVlTeldeireesiaL • Titopelim . • . ies• bora Ws tussle arefageotmos 410•11. 0 1,94, .31 tease valuta& Tru ses,lo a superiorruftdslutr.°N f • Mpa sal bay, Ober mow far dreitsiapt•lts.-. tkoestr Skutt, VALworist. • •usd•• .• • • • • .4 U1)1111•14: ' fr.3.I.I3BIAVELIONPVIIM-Fwicliuo ibany - • • . • bib ;., • woo Tri, VIEW@ comp ; St; 11. B&La•-• tody 'tow} dot 11.. imaf T l ; ki •14,8,41. .0111.:a.m.A.goat, ispetior le ry•l limo!regit ',Jo& littYa to Goo tae . illthittot/owo.gbieb oXII6oI elwl w..otlU: • • ThoilaPOil oil aid brii liskl by Dir Comehllie sVonk- ha 0wy..4aki1..) - Zi,. .w,j illiwrso,q.morivar; WA 4 .. Ursula, Lau citee‘ine. • . . • •.) -4 • asoonokrai ash tail nod Mai - • ,O. nY7 • • .1.1. WI) • • • . PfTTB9URGW c37I2ETTE; 4 ‘.ru ut.sessuroau.vOrmmr.snia•i..,:wicrAkk as 0.1/mitielbilleed Vara • ow. ti:Ass 0111.. • • T SIC YV;ts R.ViG WI •l surrtioli et;rllhalliAlklaii.i...:: • Su ou ithaiitVlNeatieibo, • 'el -Three .• • IWr IO Oue Week " bl I:l'era • Weelie • " ' A -rp m . • • " 1•110'. • 1....4' •••• • .-_ . One roloutb, .•, . Two • ...... i 1p irr Lotter adverllietneeu ta . ......... Use'rquark,G aw...lll.4*.tboet 10 ' • , .11M11,0iiiiti .1: lkiiii4equaeit rota /0004111, • WOO.. : " • .One etrari'ma411.;,.. 640.1 ...."" r5 . . .at Twolaquarresb 6 morAlisifir!ir...l*.t OD - , rActiaddittosatintofrAltstbs, .... • I*, vtt •ex Ix e, ••r rAttall./. ......... ger: , . .St CARD , Vilees et hotosi yeat. ab.Aeathi. .. ....... • • A.: iar, ly *may , IL/ yo • • ii': ; '.lo.Agit swab; - 114,j, , iIX w..... rms. ,' • Vor to,iped,,orllso#o l, 'Sly )9q .• .." • ir4ns. , ... s-uu • • " • • •TW l 'e 1506110, , 3 ilta of •. ; ' 'runty. ..•""10 •:, 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers