• GROCElMai t •lfitAtard i f .r i Are . err, 40 Wm 11:00.1 " tea of Rg% UM mks Welit 1 10,0141 1: 4 ! wl "'- Andi Tom ties. p Rueirgiitif *. VIWIN108••40 *freak* mei iSt led. Ebb:Fort, Went Maine, mo.4lseeies Me* WWW.O " 04 * Ol 7 choice en 4 superior broud' :tarred reedier We. setalsowiatiewwwbr..... !ETCHES-TB= 10011bilty LATENT ~CIA :A511..10 n: , ki JOAO. • Marla Sotro Arai qoallty Sods A 00.1. 1 ,1 reed per iotooser mid for solo by • ardl4 ,11:14_X TdlTdiaTßEEl6o.oitry. Jlitsriltl4-04.V.ti.t.trat %Mt' '.% PinsbKys.,F:L., ha% ii4 . loC:lkt!folyisril !,,,,.,. %r=4Xtgaa 106iibbi sm ..re 4 ~ s toe. 7, 4. 4, G.. '' xud 4 smell Jo; 113 . : prnlessa; IVIr do Crash !'l'l4 d 4 C 1 P ... ..,--. .-,.. •: • ~...,.. .1 awl@ . , QpiAli1101:g.SIOLASIIIII:411 bpi; fu / aids Bc. kJ Emery Is stiltm'und 4Yir 4sti km • ~,h, '. ~ --, , • -.. ,' - JAS A. iturcuisciN iCo - lj P—.anseriesu -Dew Itcived aml • Manilla, cart warixly oL baud and far lab Ll • . • mos :' JABS ‘3•;TC111-SCIN &Co ;i, for seeiv --. • -la “Flan, elowi-itoib.ige Cern, ler eale by ' • =vB • - • J tr.R FLOYD bbti Will White Ileum: for We pEiCIEPI4COkuth plate Peachehiltehieb Jh i l - • S . IJMOL-110thbda N 0 Sago; :SI JAL Loaf dia • at criSfor alto by Loyal' .11. 'WILLSON tCo ‘1101.;39Fi-40-111•41iiaiaaLibabio4;ses;40 bbis Sua*Ellouse doi La loom Old for sale bk 10 IROZl—lai tons Pit Iron. 'for %ale try • ylt '' It()BISONJk. Co L EAD - 1 72 0 r b t Galena Lead. Lo ion and. ke loyle - - liberty' at, athleard . odaes Jji 301),Lege 15alla;da diCla own and for cata Stl i . EIt.ATF . S-2 tacks Sake All. }use oe'd; ...J.. & _4 Pot tor aide brlrilj j ai& lticlV l :gt TlOiosoObtads - r uqu. .ATWO(1" 1 " 1.- JONI'S & Co • .8 4 2.1,1"1`"k' Q 11.110L.A99V8AV bbl s B 113104100 i . /J• awn &teams, Saysili. and Tor Is hy - ATWOOD, /ONO( k Co,. pbAootirs c r a nt, V*l=7 this suomrsc. supa Isms ssytelests, as cuss pri: 1 11:4 . 6 5 t 0 n 04 , 1 - Goonias.boss bsisurGimuu , dut drY. goods h... of RAIURPHY.;pI E.., 4k k =skeins • Wlsolsiale r Room up ours, entraussa ism Roo th 111.1tWiad-4‘ ]laroit Ca,oo /Inflict pilea4.l;ava jag Maah-Ed. per Expaaaa, Lta eartcma of &awl; aompaialar Canaoa, Craw, Saarias tstlk, Beregaa Pd 'ma.. .1< lain° wad other Yhcnis. . FDIO a Al: latta7aitia at. ay _ : WICK APC& ANDLWS.... 4.1113—80 cask.' pram 'vitae. km rale br atyl7 • WICK a. BI'CANDLS A A MASON:Ik CO,;4ollarket Irue hove •reet. brst T " : " "d d Pl l n er 3l"b' e boar; awry bin_a_crione." . Le. - • • inClLArCiiiills l A4:Wion — i — Cio, Wee opened 40 ben of white, plolc,bloe old ecreer,eol'd Crapes • --.. 8013 fIINII Mt 31111013 wawa:bent of above 'toots of near platens, lately fee'd at Dry _Gooda House of• •.- .• • 'tayl7 • •• - •W R MURPHY • 11u,Rtawar':—*-"t7,11t1471q3'!" lan men- Xiea!.y Cep...VA -7 ...1x0246..& C4STOR 011,40 Wolfed per4.e.sser 134 1 for sae Ly, 1a) . 17 111.A.1.1.1111,k . TBY , PEALC/11-11 wits NA reed and fat se. by /LP I=ll7 ..• - —WICK 11.14 , CANDLEMI Mr; 7 . 4 t ..4— etUt i tr 4"- - a 7 3Ra CBl* ,HOP7II l.t son Western N. Nark: iv -, sort, • ' BROWN i CUL9*2/111011 ~,.R1i~r~3 n~,.~.~i~ ~'S ran® • oa.b•lx, at 'and for liar by ' % - gggaEl TO 6-auks comma Vas!, an cogleigusee4 .Csr sale by:, .. a mp s J 11 ALOND - IEN/MA.014.-146 1 s SevircaVil, reed from Salim worts and tor pal:rE7th:t; •• SICEB-10 round Poppet; 10 do do Mom 8 do &Clare% Bdo do Albion; 10- bogs Pepper; do Allrok.o; I bbl. Ckring kir made low by eyl3 - & OE-NNETT i. IkTEEDLE WORlT•Flaiertis fat id khadog of Need! %LA Wort Embroidery, and coabitht ezeenud • ardor, at o. Consket amtOurmit. • mil 3 • Fit EATON &Co == K teeelT= lamt:..aigsrY.Mi mCamotieramkt3lmmts,•matistg Me most entasiyi ew mmostamot to bitMundla ary. • .soy - • . . 'IPLILASOLS AND PAlLOSOLEM—Jast.seceired JL - SO Xarknet,l9 ones .Paraaals and Par-. miens; oft, quality' and prim of • toys • LAMP bbk ipxima for side by Awl& .= WICK Y MTANDIOUS Viluk,thi r tgiZe _Ty by,. 2 0113 __AVICK#AVANALLMI3_ PLAR - Lblinzei uQ Piaihdee,lo; - - 41112 , 11 STRIPE 4111PACIss disdains goods, low priord W bitd asuul rirj_nr. W 111:RP . 111' =&WC .. DS:ir . iifed.prit . Itspre... al A A or it. Co's. 00 market sitar, A. as tuns • asartnosst of Drei6 Golds Is Is *and 1.4 . F81344141NI4:1130.1KIII a; les; Want* Imp. mt. WS; • • Jiro Dams GOODS—A A Wise A ca,a)ark ' gm mad pis wens, Si p.,41(. And Wiry solored Sibs. • • • raft . . 151Elk;11; iiiilCG/PINV * kiW Mol , jut nresk.e4addissusi sapplrel •WI MAINAAAA Owl* TIAly I.&A and Llera &OW: .5111.14.i:1991 sews r aro. . • • • sylIL: DOViET blespby Deg AN by Earrus, a km abet sipmosibass &&0011%, &Am LT& ut7J . e 114151111 & OA Jove jobtopord s la* et Piss, MORE & pllr 010.1,0110 .111. Q Frs. Ttluium NS-4 lit • lOCia-PhorMr. 'bed sad ibs We try 111!y ' - S:1041: QUI :ZVI autes• -• by= . 'B• r ••arrise *leiAnzunroaritoN , ally . _ S _ . Strar niMEldOent Y S° UIZIL laid • tit kr . Jr. le . .. ILA 6.A.ILNESTOCK Cl 6 ;OA reed god Cow br . sym .1.1 A VAICYESTOCK a Co _. ENTED LaIONS AND Aahlooi Xs Co, OD ]b ran swot; hove recchidlialON . 114 •IA ..411!?"'" grrep, ' ..by • • - D • FAUN : aga k irTA44olllC/-4soeis 1117 . M.1 11 PAHNESTUCCIIta , rwai .- • . Ausmass-ig inn reed A PA.PIir9CJIC . - Trirmtimip-lapiskgapiee.4 . • :•,%. 12.:911,,V.V.1151. 80.A1M1411=s; raid/aid Nis _L (100r0 05 NJ .!• BMX& RUM. EMEZEMM • • ors-1 b•se. No_ •071) - • - LUZ& : TIIILVST iumßON—Art S14114:14.1 INN Maiv!isubb".M lairilesikriewe cud kr. safe W . inpia;. •:. •+ US 'A INUTCIUSON*Co • • • _ ,Joasoomucuace . wHAtion. 4 o this Air • I. ay= • .• J anilAU7aULL.N—Uuel • thuhlei he hie " , 17 belk gird !Jul Ilen, he Ws •;• • • • • •• •• ILEATIMMWEEDLEMeassm ieh . All&eu oh caber Needles. kr j l V• i r ar. _, • . • .. • I , U EATON lab''. 3.:BLA. cIS 'NW 1J.02.43ma0i11a paws. K!huh "" 161 , 1111 .40 4 B...nivel et . •• • . 1.117 " • .-. , „ . v 11,4 bt.4 11; bud Oil_ • tallt ... f r chw aiAtrdr. , POW '." • • cne isselutteell talc lIIALIfiDICHEtts tAND•OII.;-111 Ude 104000 named 1.0011141. jot -1000 bur 11011.111adate0 10 beltie I* dog sad I,ooole by Ci==al - - 4 , 7 1.7 • itER/11110 1 - 4 eaiti Sax loie by aam • ,J Ir4loo.llMaltEßcots; .well a . tIIKGIIII socor.4 MO wails Garr ilaw hag il..s.eliTteed heal, br • a7ll F: Vend for sato by. ' ACO3-41 vests.elki u ssgv . a . Hp? , ma ce 1..4 LA foe oill• -. WPC:: .• • . . aODA A.Sil-40 tags etas 'kat ir I.7.4cisMulss4ow. Ileasland, via Xs. • Consau, ss smiss p!: rssonsa las** and Asheri/sa Esgler casks si sadelksteoltike wartquanta., far dim Ow ". 4.14 " .4, • • • Wig. rocuP.X.TFA rit .EM I a:Lig 1L 1: 2 7 ,== "d 6 J. f.b7 J C mu Agt, , •. • wawa 10SAL WATER C(.; 1LL1.4 balitiate 4 and tor 0 , 1 1 1: , "SWIM& AV= ' !bo.e.kk fragrMs c am ` are, pardoned Skid Ina Hann. dl- - • -ilantierragedarah rkapakrb. W.. Ch A r e l"Yq±'.'!F Aarb 4to bar 1,6, 6, 7 as.-71 •4666 boat .110 t-17nbarpganoten-ina‘bearalaten:ia 4nB r sale by JAME% A IH/2011.114:ni & Co, Agents ta Loabagram Soya namay- .=E 760 • BAIIN4PID TAFFFITA 'NJ AA' amok lb. havoletsised gf.bosso . of solli Fufin and • Ribbow of ..m.ry somber, esp. 10 lases Or ob*ldyfo Bosoms gibbous:': , k • ..osslo SCO Muu sad bbasidersaby sato by. glitglFlF &DOL. paw:lves—a , &sobs Flessiem.. 30 do Illatssoil; A . 3en,eps.4 Iddsgreass Lau* lib sytisqo Wr ibis by • /SALM DICISEV Icgo; lirldißß rce LV/Z . vials DryCos . laocrt,ldodut del L. Itf. e ma n. Dry Goad, House a mO7 - R AIERPHY •tilß • lARAB ET SHAWIS— , Azd bit do, a cation D 9uslides. An.eccctteat os.ortmem y . lawn,. pne.,to be toand al the care of • • • MY/ 7 ` - • wit 111FRPHY OT ASH-4 mks in , store, of wporior . for P liar for ale. • FLOUR -1t bbl. Fs=fly Flom qtr ude by - - FRlEria BIM!, IL7Ce pqiitlli , ..:l4l.lbis; a superiorirtitle. for uctit rrARNISII 7 -1 7 b -7— bl• huulture coach v.r. 4 warnme4sFpegor, fat oak 104 F foresail by oygU ; 'JOHN ble PADEN MACIMREL-10pbblooratrootc4bestqualily-will m.41°1'177 I..'7HU'lne/IFNMVALE,'Y AIXIj-;vcuk~ltaou sod S . bo . oldin, lon recd for gale by Jll, RBRIIX.I,I%ILLSON az Co, SWELT' • paraTotn, FOR SEED —t bM for sak. by ID ' ' ISAIAH DICICKY &Co ' . . S IC"111—"""" lqri niCiViiloll6T I.Addbis 7.0; VO do Bill; ,Orooln •••• ' • G• oky4 • P VON BONNOOpsT ,It•C•4 • SlM i titudyinlttr=badopolior,l4l. BAOALEY do rolz) wood - st . r . : rONCI.NNA3I SOAP—QM bx. ant I loodbg and iofook by .• ' • 0111 .,. ..• • • . • BAOALEV NO:SUGAR—I= hbd. •N•Oftintsr;laadinifrom ..LillypyroAand for — sale4Y ••" • LQAF suoiliit4oiia:t ioallos...N.s, 4,6 mut 7;for sale by mlatt HAOALI taunt SH. 01 llifo n ,4-200 MA, superior Quality queer s Flog. Molasses; /Ado Gold. Flyruu iree'd mut kw sale b m , ,I3OrIdIABY SaliTH MEED 01L--206bIsinot reeelral b ',MILL., BONFIELD & ROE olsucAz-ou blsds, prime nene • Rn. e 3' en • tzt 311/ILL, BONFIELD & ROE rINDOW: C eitTAIN PAPER-10011 • dos/ Cunabasper, yud side, au; ray oe. bi Abu yuautitp or =k`l' pkitcygioz7r m Liz " fi t n rile. • c seerrigioT ciaav Orimut Blue reed MA for sale. C Aanrrietcyr AffI'ASOIK , K ULACKIKG-100 duslir& site; 120 d • medians dcc dd *mill do; (o ule _ . • • • WICK it'AVCAI'ML.E3.3= R(* Vs SOAR -I BS Liu No I Clteintudi Soap,' 63 of dby toyle WICK IC SMANDLLSB ;DIG lIET AL— 45ra atrF4ofur sala by. tßiLi.THikco t rial ij"6:;"l ' bi . mLLEI& RICKMON ALETiaTilS. , ilszsko Clivislazi4 Gar usle by - 'WICK trSIeCANDIAMS • " 1111513 A TOBACCO—GO bales Filler k Ran:bees Cobs Tobsesky in dore and gat nak bqi,• • • , talbs . 13MM:I #„RicKETSON Wn.lii=2o - 131411:vipeifina Floor, inonisnd on consignment nod bruin by - • mu 4 m*. itICKETSON 1' bbistider Vlbygar; Yeiyhth east • .wi.ite Rl= Vilaltat ba ear. ..tailor rata by m7lO MILLER i Itlowrsox I.IGAEL-I.llthds liot 4 ug•r•hudiut b 5 JAiIt24DAIZE34. BASJ.EICO Slacks Birley du vale by • - I . JAME: DALZEL L / P o7' ASE—t 3 casks loodibd boat inmost Lydia -Erie mud forage by sold JAS DALSEL4 T AEDolll:4l)bbislooding from sunr 1610401e laa and for sale by • Rlyl6. JAS ISALZEI.J4 • ttOILVND MUSTARD-40 ealla.pare Lo odba Afar G tardi 41 do do DOriarn do; ld do do Antntieen do; jun permed and far sale by • . exyld WSW AILVIASDLESS -- 34 by- ... , -- FIEU— Wait:at . lied .11 Anriala rc: myth , 1 '.. .1C BIDWELL, agent. water W bUL-10,1W1b• ben gialiiy . pnlicalie -, . SQ bbla Oat rousigunearm dud for ado by • tulle/ JC BIDWELL . 'CORN•SIELL-30 Weld in runt awed for by • Soda 6.10 tom 9 Gomm Coy; for sale bi ryle C Bp/WELL 6.IIOUND COMMON tin& Pus Fowl Cia ard • ! :: xviciaincanum C wl i l-- . 4 . .. -.4---- ! 4 : . •! ii atis h ii a aut .'. . • plaixCrs de; oa ATig - : g k irodsweiFtik — ii., a %., Ilm by • . . •,_ :: will .. - MCC /I IrCANDLI.39 G a•simset 0:21:611•4 111 de 1,11,1*; Mb : 0:11 .. CL" A .WCANDIYMI .0111Gillt OW►I:A --- :1L ASsES.--vmW ii-lloote, it -1.., a tiverroar ...I. . • ; . tp. •it /. •14 IVICY 4 NI . CANDIAI4I. Ailluili—ti obis, ......6 . erwass.! sr .5111 WICK & WCANDIXI.4. I . iiigffs - ilitTri 7 -s — t IIQ r.7;7, f .si arra • WICK' k 31CANDLOSS ICE SUUJOI.-410116114 Oise N.CLeipran 1g WA. • .ria es Mam v soloma lam by _ • .. / to . • , •c !i• JILIS ILIPITCUORN &co . Pert .. " - " ,1661%.18,4A.. INiaaM;O7m l 7N IDATOrt.fORTAULE POUIESI, Mw SR .L-Attaladisi... The swots* at asamliast sal oh!? NW falrupja particularly ionised. arr 6 • , WAD SCAM i4wys•lost iseY sad lby ask by • ki • PANISECTOCK & Co, ThltrAiralat—al snicks pram Vacs , Cony just laildin 4a opal. Orianal sad fordo by . • • • Nye • . ATWOOD, JONES Co male Grq S l }2l . G lye bsr. — C4" 7l.krA di rial tree - F 81111213-11 sacks . wri Lain fror steak .C 1, ,be.4 f°l lij. bY CEY & to,VssOt " as. .• bias listen .at fen br • ISAIAH WM& et ; c_4 Nt.B 11 11. vo rer Malatamrseld: AhoomeljOkanbevork• Of 04011. • • • .A. NANIANIX(III. CiVlONarkersue_i_Clpre 43.: vv.! pet espoess,llllllp. Boma Mbiromq .111 pe Map Moo, Ups. saill Seiko loge armitiessi. - eOll/11 — ii&Ai 1106&& &Qv 00 01001004 &no teeeiyed pet ezioniao, as limoooooool7llk ./147:110110 Tease &yap& .36a 40 Lamm! !aid Oespai .0; ram Estee de a& 10 01ebnu Piwalwer, rant on Wl ived; far .10. u r • §O&P-40011•Itaadidor snick; al bums 100000 & GagabliO• &aU T. 10 db Campion k O=MINED OHBVIIIIUNGItArtA form .- 01%.1011e. pat up I. pair AM %sumr 1 1 0. 0 0 0 10, 1011 W 0 iA cu.. 1 . 1 =1" SWe isiiirood so. &Aiwa& &woods& ,~. t~7~t; I, ~,7~~sf ' hrF'^_l " ~ll~L''LL'*S~ 111 .--- thienallien.in owe is& bridal,' • J.,: ' ' • ' • OBLACIOWILN iCo IDACICRF;4I Mai *het Iluen JO do de Ebonlinns; I 2J 40 nn 1 . 11 . 1, in mine oil forsaktrg A . . a • , IN/a . •• • ommicsuist*comigt._. . —l----7-- . QOAM-1.111161. Conninan bosh in ma . and not is!. .117 .•• ~ Awl! •. •• . omacitsmitt_abc• - CIII6OIY4 -301. x. sow 4 ima 0142 le sad for soli be p* . • m wel i s m usaverr e pneim.l47;:. i.aieslas 7 l.l7o4 wA►e'n'lad Riga .I.‘ is am sal IGN We by • . =PI POINDEXTER & Co Tatnernax cm. saA l .A.—henude r.9!_rfPm italsmquqw-vans:vis w Mak a L.__ .. d,lbil*d. def In . /71111111 ,po rlfrziLopoii Ilymou Impend sod ,• • • •••• • .1 .01 # 1 ?.4 713 tA . P!_ 1 4 " °:61.614. !6f ar k issiv,..*:Ce romenaioirmias iakousity tWr44l; Al 64Wi~33ow1cq I,lUK.n.da &Pa jois ioeti iidd oak bp . , • , ..,11 lIIIIIYASAyibItig Co Lool . , bido, reed ae ' • oty,3 :tom arm ut k ,0.1111X118.-Do liiib7roryptigoo r 0 Now, ,or , J bIN • Maiie godly *am Ist polo by . • • • • ' • • POINDIXTER O. co p an tf ii - al . W.aTa; *Ai aim Gaffe late by.. JOIN)! 4.7 EN, .11410Crebilialptiaitgroteltie9,04 ifttlind (no il e! ll l"...Vosimiziiran‘c, • Re • • PLOWI.4Ii Wiliam. near as . aid *rule . .‘"li= LAZ(. l 'on- - LOLL Imisalios• frOm — auur• 14 . gave: • •• ,•• ihtaMa4 DALZU.J.!_ 13.111LIZYSI hippaster; Jog need rtg lksvar jp Bed he whisy , muisacwit • Tip MD 111011 .tX-4esseelvet feed add be sek fl, awes • Jecomatmont#.cf§f wood s triages aad °info* j and @almoners's etDiess Pampa nre+.l.l.i.n. pea at .r.;.:.(4.11r13 . • I!IIJKATUX Won' , BarrliColllll-114Z; •;xl4-4;al;l7ce„ rixotiovorid,- ieed sod %Alb! 0, 4 I A2l 1I I 1 I hit is oat • ,aliir" Ibl , art e,a. 141.,Tidaalii.4 America,' " :Seinnion Candreng - • Ib enain Britannia, ".! •-= _Lang • Caledonia, `Lenoir Acada, r :none Poiabtande,..•Tborapon • Learet 1.1; 2 poo ri r Loma New York Calabria •• • .... Hibendi May . 7 , ...... ••• . •• .Learn Liverpool. Leaves Learner Acadia ....... 3 , . dritasom . s •-• •.;.. • . May Maj /17 Caledonia . . • May. liiagata• •.. .• . • .3tay 20 lane • risvroßurea TRADE tommtrE t k,FOß MAY I. Caforitstes brifthe piniargair aligns,/ Saturday 21101:11$11g, May . 27, 1818• 1 • • -The market yesterday was generally quiet; with 140: Change ht Sales Wire'On arestritited .meals, and prima showed no important variation Crain those of the previous day. • -.FLovx—The market yesterday - Was dui A safe of CO bids was erected on' the wharf at 4,2.1 r bbL Another lot was offered at the river the 4,31134,32, per hairel but tip to a late hoer 'it had not been disposed of it. ould have Leen takre at . 4,25., Flom inn*. sales were very liinhed, probe bly tai axon:l42oi) tits 1;1 4,50. to 4,80, hbl. • GeAts-'--The mtutet is mid:tont " change.. Re . ceipm Mutinue verf:lght, -and we continue to wan lirititml salsa at the following, raleiv•Wheat 55 g }3 ; rye, s f- 1 5r-d4 . ,barley, 40r emu*, and unto 254.10 c f bU, - --(1 , 31UM0/P-. : Pea ottrot--The bacon market is still quite dull and saki:Ware confined to limited lots et,fir hints St6ltl,;sider. 50031, shoulders, st 21621 e pl 4 as in quality. Lard Is quiet, with very hole doing note regular .rake in als et 51, and In kegs 51 for ;No 1, Butter, of roll, there is nothing doing and 'remake nequotetiorts.—Seglrutter;is tolling too limited extent M9v7. 1 .14 Closes—limited quantities continue to arrive by - river, and the demand • continues good. Good W Striti sold nudity . at GISOIc •.'• • Ditto -Faure—Of apples, supps4s are limited, with moderate sales at Sl@Vc.. Sales of Perches • 'ht 1,50 bu, fn a good article. • Georammtv—The receipts have.been light,though the market is well Mpplied whit almost ems' ar tide urnter this heed. Sales am no:dined to the repLar trade demind, mid prince are entirely with- Tow saki at ?att. doz. idstos.—The market i. dull for almost every kind. Sides on a limited wale we reported to u■ folloisiw—olover, 3,72lifrit'n; timothy, t,:t,62 t1ax,90;d93, *ld mustard, '450013 p bu. liat—Regular sales ere erected ut the river, and from wages at 9,500510 f ton. • • 11Lue—Receipts_ COllll.O light, and supplies; are somewhat limited. Moderate sales err efeeted at 105:2110 p mn, iir blisiourk—atur tic p 1D kW Tae—Tbe market with a blight decline. We note limited seley'st $1,250/,50 p bbl, accord. lag to quality. Besms—Modemte sales of good' white ire re ported to us at 10316 y bu. Foe Sr. Louts. The spleadid and fast steamer Jewess, Capttougber, leavei to shore this day, at 10 4.111./ She tare' freighted. and gees with a pretty OA load of passengers. They will to cell etteided to. NEW YORK cor,rox MARKET. Ma l y, 23.4 Tee market br' this maple opened yesterday . it 10 Ic imprarewent.on ppens ear. rent previous to the arrival of the Caledonia. This advance buyers tieely paid br 1300 bake, part br Shipping. This morning the demand is moderate, 'the sale not exerediint :200 labs at the mom fig. , mar The market . chests Arm at the folkaiogsmut. . r N. Oriensiiiidd' 17pLyds: Florid.. Made. . Ordinary rp 51 fit Middling • ..; il ti; Good middling . ._6! iii GI Middling 1:11‘ ' 6 S 61 7 Fair 7 - 7... 71 FallY Ili , 7: none 171 Gana fair , 7l acme i>s Fine . waling eon. . i nominal Stock C.. 1,000 bales. . ', NEW ORLEA33 MARKET. May 17,1519.--Sales of Cotton yesterday - , 1,000 comprising accent mall ksa—factora Wm at outside rates awl Saturday'spa l eea fully mania tined. • —Of sups sad molasses. confused to a for small loots at previous-rate.; 01 Floor. 2110 bhlo second St Loads,on the Ism, at - 4,75, 200 at 4,95; aad 215 tine at -4,1:5; Of Coro, 3000 sacks yel• lour and tolled, at 23,, and a Qat boat load of 1.00 bbla oldie, in the ear, at 420 v WI; Or oats, RCA sari:sat 30q 7:,100 bbla Omen 6542 T 9 5 -1 oat 7,lAldeen, steady at 8,50; Of box*, at cask* at 4: Mani istallitur at 21liar, ,idea rat tell; Of la 4 too Itega:4sCOand.7lllllls (25 and 12)) - 6-460, on Sanirdity;lule paned. 210 kegs at 61—puma in--kap scarce and beans- Is • and nparanlC •Of tallow,. 60 bbl, city rendcred rit.7l- Of tobacco, '7l Muls mimed, in taro lots, - .No alteration in exchange—star -151K211 prerni-Nork oa days, 212131 at. count, and n ight 1. • atal pram—market gun. orally . , ..... - • May 2.l—Canal becuripts.—Flobr, 2311 bb!s; park. lit whiskey, 17; batter, 4,972 br, bard, 41,- 534; bacon, 3919; saw, 3200; encassabs i 3000; hoe, 30421; aa2 4 . 72 , 6 6 0 ;4 1 4402 69 ; PAM* • Ware 2,400; cost 3.057 ba; wk.'s; COM MatLets—Sates 410 bn wheat, 11; 3000 do cne pines terms, apposed 111; 1.077 bia 'nom is two boy Ma; 40 hbls ..Fraretabangh" wh Iskey. I6G CV hbis pickerel, Mk 20 halvei,o3l; 10 b,.& wltitsfuh, 7.50; 10 babes 31; 100 W. salt from Jock, 13 1 3; 150 bags der, sio, 15r. . Now Tat ldse 71—At market, 1,400 beef a 1 dai(dl 01010 1 Ge Sla lll o 30 cows cad salver, 000 bop, and 1,000 cheep cud !nib. Beef Cede—Have bens setailicjc duren the work at hen SG to 1,25 p 100 oa. As wily, de• masa pensiled, and ally abase 100 bead noun over unsold. Stamp aced Lamle—Are planer?, sad prices are 'beauty. Sala. a. abet+ at from.l • 7.Yiis7 b 4.60. at is quality. Lambs ,50a1,73 to 341. 100 an. We. . . flop-401 io grow,. IRIPOWts ZIT AI VIM._ Ciarisaar—Per Moswagar-20 bb la laid oil, / 3 G2lhrie; 3 baa &woks, Mott Or. English; 92 MU or Watey,J Scao; 31 do Jo. lafohlaboa; 137 Ibis lahiskei,J radar, 1 boo oulae, Taal% Jc Moo- Bearer—Pea Michigan-41 oaks 6: Bruce; 2 aka tow yarn, J & ft • 121 as came, FA Draw. 4 Obi scorchinga, ic • k Mo. Fabricator& & co; 20 bbl 00001 8 Dan* 122 do Oram 41 , 48sCrew;19 do do, Hammon; 23 ca. into grbellai McCully; 8 hits door, 2 do rasp, J loidao & ow; 4 bid. bon.. W Iliagbam; 1 box mdse latbrtr; 31 bbls ilostr,Ortun & MoG.ew; 100 do do. own& int Ward. Si Z....4er Cal . ..re--200 d kid., John B Dyad; 106 dodo, Walter Bryant; 55 Ms betop, A Hutchison & co; 10 ohs potatoes, W B Mohan ec b.; 400 Piro Curing, Rotations& co; 1 to W 2 bus lase, I W Butler & boo; 1 oak betas; I) feed. 0; co; G 2 blafors, 0 auks bacon: 5 bbla lud. 40 d bids., A Berko; 2 boxes coin, Lramer & Habra: 2 LW hominy; Jas Kerr jr to; 62 bhda tob, Mirk & Thaw; 5 cults bacon, 11 awl; 10 btu cotton; J Paiatar S co 65 do do, Stoortm.l : Sfpdo4 do co;ro• 1 lax mdse, I Dickey; 1 do do. Whims/0 & Wolfe., ' ' Per Cdors&";.-508 pigs lead; J A.Huichisoc; 25 eke wool, 4 do Cumbers, ti boo iodse,Clork & Thew 72 sks potatoes, Holmes & I=4-11 bli furs, 4 cske Limn, 1) Leech ikerg, ciks two.; A.Gordon; bl cap pkgs, ackeno bLa fors..9 do deer skier, 1' box box furs, W,ll War.; 1 MI sundries. m. 0.; 7000 cane rods, J•Lsgy; 100 olry.bidcs,• Juries Brownsri7L—PeeArrow-1 bbl* whiskey,lso Per Atlamie-8. sp pkgs, Viekiut;lo Ems glass 2.; Goldin & co; 14 *As &ier, liives; I laughs", Eberhart; 2.5 Wole Itoui, °weer. • Per IkleLsue•—•44. , sks wheit s ,'Swilier . ,• 0 big Was*, I Dickey; 7 kgii;ails, bbls flour, Evans; 409 boa glass, Ebertisk. • Pridgrpor. - We" . ',mil; 43 bbbi goer, W lli. , 31 midis lacal,l Ire, 00 do do, 8 Alto Irk co . ; 2 do do, IV 'OI lii TIR&C. of aroma in . .1 /14 parent., and _ w solport ffet.sea, every aware. Is wad to elyet dm to itoioptly and atorongt.ly. lhootiaeon of &MAW , . Wont. ifarm/foge aro data Wry of. Lao boot mama of strowdlabios taiintooli. that ban *Tat been tobseined tbo walk; ondithey Invite to it th e anew lion e'en lib. bate dot Wolagotorat of children. Tee tioditioo to • mao ointpitoMai .w, and savor foils is yrddtea sliodeaind eeea to sale at lb. Um; Sum 0( 4 ... • •mfg JI 'IUUk Co, Gti wood ot '• •••• 01.0,1 almPi tooneatea . gereftleft ta. beets liftable =ea . lei • The bee. late eemtsokit....diew. co mll l ft pot often, ft If It were *bank one or toe coin alba lbased. 1./ tawaiwka yen:niters, Notid4 Os only tale sad ft a ewe Cur worms, hss beftftbalftialed /a MAY aft: earatty, and pewee. sefteld be es tide• ..er riu fwe purekftlea' .. lp tet r5j . . 2 "; 9 ! ""4' . . • • . • •• - Irrrefis Rug Ike, Lisboa err bar Vegalka. Etw, *Orme nes. M Ilkarstim. ?ad W Aims gyp.• ka=mv4== ===te3 =M:== "d -1 M==l ,kg war JAcir. 11:: .•: Louie hictsais benaen; Camden, liewiriekroe, litKeeepos. \ ' • leak Nea o Mason, Cm. , • . • De 'Win Clinton, Derinney, Ca,.. - . Couiesee. !lower, Illawia river. : . • Anow, oureity. ' • : BF:PARTE - I), - /Am Erie, Murry, Michigan, Boles, Beaver, . Beaver; Clark, Steubenville. • . . Welkville;Beros. illo n o4ielf. • - r .. • • Louie McLane, Ben t. Brownsville. .Clipper4fo. 2, Crooke, New Erighoul, Meet ore, Cm.,• . . The !sat einaing at nine ket water avehennel,falliop • . • P./MENGE R 4IIIRaIiC4II%IEO/1 Is.l - a. • " . For Philadelphia every' evading, at ,fo o'clock; by •Lrech'a Packet. • • Odlee upPluite the. United filthice . Steamboat, thicket idaq leaves doily-for citteamati, paostngerracket aiirirograrrillo to lialtiniore. and Philadelphia, a A.. and 6 r •• Mail Coach Line direct to. Philadelphia, 'V a. or. td Wester ' to n and tiontbens Mail Coach Late, G U. NordolVestern via m:eland, daily, la a. &le and Winona door l'ocki daily, 0 lionb-Yocum wiladelphin,• daily, :txr.ept Sundays,. . ARRIVALS AND DEIrARTURS PLUM Ilan via Philadelphia, dee 3 closes , ie. Wee'n Noii. Cinein, B Loaletr,dae n V. ay, clone 6 Dudi.viallalumnreaWnekinelan.daa 8 rat. eVe 4 a -7.n. North Weeternvia Cleveland, doe WA. IC, clones 9 A.:111. Erlausd Western New Vert due d closes d , . , • . U* . Stpkaas' Winona x—ls works wonders eiery where. plo t emay,kY...2llay 10,,1E.49, • E. Mr. It Billers—Dear ir—lour Veraufuge era such , wonderful result* that I think it worth while to give 10u a One facts about it. tleighbor, D. GroYs . bought froot nut ouesiglof ß raid gave the madmas to three of. his childrim 4hri bused iM, the second Itfi. and the third 70, making 40319n= diwharged by taring one viol. abr - - Gray humeillately bought. four mal more, Mr. J. M'Sorlef also gave the content., of OM vial .to three of hie children, chick brought from the first 13, front Me. sweat 34, UM! fray Me third•3o, making lag worms, by , the•tew °lone 01, I gave ray °wee/ILK aged one year, two teimpootaful;which es felled It, ormats, Me of, which was at kart _one to Mu Ifcrodfuge is Considered the best tint hie ever been brought to our wction of die century, mid en fat aa I know haenerer failed. Noma resitectilp • . • . . Prepared aad raid by R. &SELLERS, 67 %Vaud Sold by Dr. Caasel,..bb ward; D. R. Curry. Allegheny; W. J. Staab, Taraperaurevilla, sad P. Drava Yaw triteavdle. 'TIMINILCIILOVISCONSLIZIPTIONs 'TV BNRCULOUS coNsuairrioNbone .. ..o fr.:- - Whig and dangompt specie s. M in t on es ou With ry eoush, breathingwot ddlealh pa sae, but Aot - confined tea particular spot. The breathlog Is af fKted br • ehande of body, the appetite poor. Thrp ) seldomspecies excites slam, soul n has made muck , j'oter 000 have been cored by the 'genuine Deism xl ofliverwort, ~o mode at la Ileekman greet, N. V., where orders moot be addressed. • Not a day parses, bat wbat we hear of weeral Frew% cures by this medicine. Read the io lowing, watch. ie one ofswerre cures we beard ofremarder • Asnacentaa Reis .or Corairxenca. • • FEF „ . In , wm attacked a intlantertation of the lune e;l I mimed with. comb,' night 'malts, and genital I nos. lath:M . of the systeem I emealteelmany physicians ;end I teas told to my • change' of annute,' matt! ete ke., but all were afraid to u 7 10:tiite Mt; I Wed herbs, tc; natant did me goat 1 bought all the nouns Tam ties Consumption,' and your compound,r only ono I found faith in. I grew better daily, aad was bemfiled by every Joao.. I sanlll.l well; your:medi cine cured me, after I had pled almost every thing.. lead wasted to a meek skeleton, and tear rspidiy.do. eliumg~emaciated, and getting worm dally . .ltut fur your Holum of Imraoeh ear s mete hem one gale me up, and weeklyexpected to hennas my decease. lem volt thankful - , mid will ever remember your medicine as the greatest blessing tinny life.. 'Teal and innately your* . 11 Ii Blelain.ll. S token fire bottles. • • •• • Sal Le Pittsburgh •Or J 121111orpth .92 Wood su 1 .Torrothoth btortothq 22 1 .1 ,, 1 car Muk..‘ uad ma t A Ile:Moth Coi'•l2 btheny rhet, 'edam! lt Consialling inglaeirs Cewaneiliir• fir , Patsate•st „ . . y' , Office for procuring god ou worm ralCll4ll., unpyriew thionozdtho on Alechoniel And the apidtholiou ol Se q. coon u. the An} and on' Asericuo end Yoreign o Yf rateuth. IDHOF. WALTER. IL JOHNSON. hue of Phiball. phis, C. BABUINS, of Washita°. city, so be aided by Hazard limuJes, Ertl; of the United State, Parent Otteed have a...M.4 Shentrellit tagellmr for the pro...talon 01 the Melee branches of pcorrxicutal buwwh mil:mein their other, at the Patent Offen, ,ur before the Courts and mat' de vote their undividei anemia° to (unsmiling the ilter. ed of Inventor. or others who nuiruisodt th tar place business is their handle'' Mr. Tiountee has' fur the past twelve years held the pmt of lderh3nest le the toned Mat. Potent Other, and resigns that ,iituation to take loan in the prermit unClectskjac. Ills. talents andpeealiu huww tnr the important elite to lone fil led - by turn, have, beca fully recogni..l by inventors - wherever the attire itself. karma. The office of Messrs. J. h. H. is on F ram, appetite the Patrol Other. Washington, D. C.. where continua , cahoot, pest paid.eril l be cramp°, attended la, exam , ambito. made, dramiags. speeiheations, mod all ramie. to papers limpured—ruid models pen-need wt ( n{ dew ted—an reasoutible tens.. Let., rapidry, ir.l4.re rO yo be answered eller ezainiaitioas Lad. ,Inn 4 be rte. convenes' ILy fee oillredalluil.' • ' • ."• • la th e &hese( their tate wh ich penal. to the Pa. tenthrorS,'Mestiev.2.if wilt" be no*irted by a legal gam na b Mt. Mal.° protimlicat enamel., and tun Serseat entsileehaaies and other Selamille subteeiv,: . • - r_ tnyMedliely'S 7 Co•Partaresitip. •-- WILE erdoeribers baviur moved lota re partnerslint, under, the motile Cancatiags Jr. :Mink. ferule prir poselof trannetitig a general derieys- Produce and Coouniseion business, Arnold reopectlitly lama their (Mende sad the publte, thst they have taken Mar well intablisted {Varela°.r recently , occupied by Mr. Uri. silt Applegate, Ilayanll apposite the :Pioncmgishals , Hoare, PrintldeLletmet, near Ottdriver. lehere they grill be' prepared to melee all bled. of r pradece and Pinsborichmenufailired uncles, oil cone (vdtvs..lunge: forward , d 'or disposed 'of: moon& ;dig to-iChourt , ... It, will Jeep en' baud and foe Vele,4l the towe.t Tuarkeirmerynt wierior art °tiara Faintly Flom of Wheat and Rye, arab all tali er articles - in the Produce anal Feed line.' We mould, tfferefentri respertfally. solicit the ardent el (tracers, Elgnfilite.ddainafitanreny utdOtbers, aria take ylens• are senriug_thesa, on reasonable (nine ' . JOST 111110Z1V1120, • • A i tu74411:17-I,"o= l 6r.hte: asst, en* oalw largesk ebeipod, and wews We moat calnesds, adapted ktaireedkaimee *bp add santeme bah, ever offered km vale la ~ propsietor ord. nhoso esrlahliessa lla rsZtga ' to men. at attention of his friends and easasearesto his meant largo and Isishlocabla mock. whieh harms boa seta patehaeol in the piton dersensal mats to In the Kamera 'aids, comprises sot calynnery thing that anew and faahlonable, bid la tomb Ismer in pitta dash !.panted by thoseboa•es who pur chase culy s an It being =poen'n convey any thing Tile a cornet ides of the es lanoty, or gash:) , of dm d, a , it will not boa attemptad; In I la booed all add amMedt their own Wens," and call and weans foe tkem. mina. .pad pnenor Caelfesoadant slut than goods nirvana nay thing In the nano boo In the ally, and ea:Tata/en In Moe mos desired dun feared, be any sham us do Amide, a aeuen `hale, mak all Ade WINK/eds.. ant eiespaaL. . ta—Orders 61 the tallanne lam tix.lrf in the mast fultionaWe Yyls andaedattemlat manner. ' 1 EXPIII)i. Smart sop. at- Ell pe rnie4 Froatll 111141 (MIAs, sod rich u)tho eggytgerrl. Wirt •14 card C.l.Miteytims; Q 61111 0 .111 . th4lthantor C'oth;; 111`411/Ipla/u l / 1 014:11.1; Ye.. tioxs tern 'eboi,oo CaAhmrrq., bilk. and 14.0e0, raid Cx'a Onto Thins, ebe•per pee ' 111.111Nolth'S Cloth Swot, Pro litithlithro, •thell1:111 , mole/m.4mA /116 iimerant et flail Eating Sletaat. • Talgyetael tar, teapartiallt Wart. tbeakt la !Ll...truiestyet meads, mud would when a corium. watt. If titai peuxamar gala atm Eating Seleouion 71./01"ineta7neet Wand. Hellas' Amid hie eta mad U. mall and 0 fearlet b. =waive balsams. ha*. aunt up LI• preaent clue is a .tile tLf.rill mo de( it ~tutu to any tialeou in doe any, for the sat. Aalltnottahttute of regutatsed esiutaleutculatioa, He ha sloe a area Hall la cauuretion wilb the Vaoao. *bleb itlaapreerly. fated op mar: paLlic timutera eeppel private rams, • • A term, urclrOice MO. will Le centaltedy . eis haw, sad I• oats aft opts V . bag earl wet savateltayka soya/arm • • U. W. 811UCKIArrit. JiLLCT 11011100 L: lewd.. ut Boor Ina Teas Pliebbiltlitiit Cutlas.l &CATON'S Pehool mill I. opened Or Or 'trip , Jon of pupil. of both Pekes, ou Woodsy, ibe "-LS of 7. %Patronage Is respectfully solielicil. Potsbancb, Apeal/h, isa - .. . . .Rancasacte—ter. D. Biddle. A D. _, A. 'l'. bfetilll, D. D. • . . ~ N. George Albrea. • . . a Illebard Edwards. f. . j • bake LomiL . • ...w. W s . Wilson.. • • : ITTEW;ilolTrillbseklkok sOosieetilimerii; . p — si , l;sber, ..17 ad Or ale tot the 111•6•AbAllosk Won. Sal .1, OW Mied...i.ppeariwwW•lhawsr.i. an. , lA*4'll4OE4; • Wilma, bathe .Peewit. ileparadon for thensplt. .• .s_ .. . Pketebee of So moan ea ib• hir•Lbs. and Minden of Christ, by the author of die %Spit tlyekspedia-000 'sketches, Ike. Tbe English Pollan COllcetion of set• poet by A. mot endues Sebes divines of England. • bluffness Vot.A—Doing Good, Chestnut Love, Loc. All thelsomeactred Medltatlans. •• I _ oral- • - lee Cress. IMO • I Wino cream, =mos Tema ead Vann teriarrs. L i kUllfsahlanatge p.on of resift fat god gen.. ' Jam OIL: .N. Is NOW O. Perron- waking for ' °NAM ICY:CREAM, or osuyof the ditlancles alba rescoa, tumult lo Leger than lat this , g.- Mbllehment.. The' r.noix SALOON hut licco Inn( ittellnk Yew/albs ascw sidendldphices klud the western tosatry, and in Ate thane MO ti any, ;Se:tousle tie United Ames soperkorta tBI.. . Itieproprietors Wye Piave tali:ow, that coping shall Le wanting.. their part so teak. It one at the mad pleasant plate. of resort fur lodic* and gentlemen.: in ads Nty. tayglidler • YKAICY.4 DM AN. iIii W M NKKS-AND-4 IA 56Nrrlakirklifii-fii—o7la=stoo inuses te, aro hereby notified dal In sa y. wanes Of tie destruction oldie Freeport As:redack cd l goad: will be &dowered by whisaul stifles order. team the owner. .std roominess tu forward them at their additlonst • • ' • • . sayp r _ . irf ilaerA o gN*C• . . TOWNSEND'S SARSAYAIULIA-41 hie a( lb.i. great opting and swum& inedlrteult i lble day pied sad for vele who:deals and snail, igy .• • .. • , . RESFUESS. • —As IL Kill, Is Ih.Tavnadmdl'oevtly nowt Mr Pritabargh, point. article may away. be had al rk_a Woad anat. ,}.13 071:111. GOODS—St . el lag Claws, the hen ..sort. k, aural Is the city, • trel Pads do Sag TruntelgPa Pura do; do Farm Dings; do do Clasps; do hider, da , Key Kiwis; du TOIP Cobbs; Ms reed gi &., 1 , egg ..„ Store. ed Merkel street:: t.• • • : • • scald • • • lc KNOX ' 0001* , 414.44 p!IngVI Y at =rep I •Tol..2.l.Liqr_ • • r at= MOM mush V2ME?M pitalL4A9lll4llpohlpoill B U ITIN " pbTA I LIEW:. - tia; ts. Vel Mt* fir s egia . TANSErpi Drat =llllllllll ~ , +sr~~n~e~! ••• , --4 ,„ .. ".. - -::-7----- -. . --- ,1t.,,1' .1 VP RIXT AIN - A01 7 11•,: / '-1:T :.. —.T, - .;..,-,... dEteAli!lt." - -,14E.W:. il f o ItiV?. • ' 2 . ' LEE'St:SitEWTEIC - '.-__ - f:' , ' E.i.budmi a .ipa..inltp --19 = 11 ... , -. ; 11 ..1 11= F CVeggi'AgirivELA - ,Z i! .:: - . l° :itx" l ; ° ,l" kiblig l "' nu tt°tl nr: - KF1.132,.. „, That ate ram °geniis re har z i •jazz. `o= l ar g Y arfiratglgra 1.4 Pig gralawa4 and are unclad fin sale lot Cash and gort !ratglifitt , - - . .. . . . . 1111411:e8 ItILDUCESIIc . ." ,, ;..V.:' , , ONELTO.FITT:ChrS, ,ier gage be. pr. f Ap I end 111, ~_aa_per proned-entolose ' ., whic h :re co t :stela "doilyiler the ...dimwit. of hovers: ' '. —' ' ' ' '•• ..• ' J PRINT WARIIEI4OIIBIiiI - - • „. '.,.. • I- , - • • , New Votki.lette, 1847: llyhelielg • - • '• ' • • '- .. COTIVII DIMS. . . :..' tritE oubseribila ore operating the laziest eatahlish- . , 1 meat is the United Males, la the, manufacture o f Cotton flail Daek,aod oder .6or +ale no the dealeta4i l'invbargb, at their lowea prices. Duck of saiwntiv 1.. 1 4, of every deteetptioit et width sod weight, use- , , able lut• rot:lnns ttleateheats. foe. Awainga, Testa d , this, Tent‘theeltang; Demon, Ake, vie— . 71 inch hear duck- . ' . , , : I . <„1 •..+4 lurk . do., Ma Tight, , 2' 64 loch ' do . . • do_, i - : ;43 L s .--; Minch 'do .. ;i • . • do . ' . w. 2 ., . ; IV Inch Duck, tern No d /toitio.t% : . N...,.. . =loch Ravens' •-: Ike. t to l'40:6; Fe.z .17 and 2.4 Inch heavy twilled Dock, ke. • . 6 ..-t Dealer*. will find an advardiage.in pair-having (also lanuoracutrate diniat, rather than Inwood hand:, : .., fIAUBBILL,CAILHOLL3 Co .• - u. U. man, 13edford, Pc Jena anostritia, Indiana, Pa, • .• :Ulla ,61100111111111A.De , , • . •-,-.. • jgrliCii.E-ALE. filth:CM, FOrartuding , Ind Cont.! 1y • nossloarderehinte, awl dealers in Produce and Plusher ,htantfactuter, co ley Plt.butgh : ' _ rnet of. the lammed and 1 Ilerstravers,Br. P. need:eller, , pi ' „ ,; . ~ . ..•Illebuduvol, • • . . 264 +10 , ' , ~ • .. . . Rick. el Elliott, Elm. #"' 4 " . ' • , , . - SisllOU Dram, Lag, Greendergh .- -. .. - • • .. ! T. Getomill it Co.; ndiadelphla. • '• . •.- . -.._ .I. Milliken &Pons, Lewistown, Pa. • I Reamer, - L '.' - '• " • . 1 ',I D. be nrill ri. "''• • . , : -- , Ila. VI. . teeny, ' • • Baker olkv - Iletribliete• Plalelleatlama, fit RE mibseribers having, bean appointed agents Mi .L the 'sole of ' the , pabliestiona of the Owe. well kurnvit publishing home, have a fall supply of their books en hand, which they eon sell at the eastern psi, cen; wholeple and retalU Among the worts which have been:. reCently heard by them, which' tam been highly rwtommended a. exceedingly Latatesting and ' valuable, any be fentath,The Caw. Me Court t Pew plc Ireland's Welcome to the &num - .Bethel Flag, by Dr. Ppriw, Napoleon and hie lltarsheht Welshing- , ton and be. Generale The Peered Mownehts; Orators of Francei:Teeehlag a Schnee, the teacher MR Artist; Charlotte Elisabeils•• Benno Werke,• T. P. Arthur's Making thine to be Rich, Riches nearing*, Keeping Op Appearances, Debtor and Creditor. ie. in. • :. Also, the welts from the pose of Hobert Carter, the character of whose publications la well known. 1..... ~tine's Theology, in 4 vole; Kedah* on Bommeg Me. Cheviot's works: The Convent,by author of School (Mel in !Ranee, to. &e. New hod received so /OM to as published,, - , FLuorrs ENGUISI4 ... toll , , 78 wood mud al:market tie • "... . iiiil - Tedik - fifirifililß i liiii P.o —'___ NEW ellnid , Gfateit fr. QUEEPD3WARIK I ( TOrur. rI'IHE mbeetibers with to Inform thepablie gen= that they a re now opening • new and lame 0 China, agar ..N.Qocewt ware, Britannia and 'Fancy Goods, COMPIII dog the lateN and moot Mello:table pat: French Chinn pi terra of ana gai-bisof tioinit 8.;14 ...-: ' P.speribilron-Bume . ', I :Lamer " Flowing blue le new patients) .. - • !'-. . " A Kresavationrof Taint*. r te rent 9041tieig . . Bnoutoks Wasting and Tea Penn , .• • • . Weltem—a lamed( article Kiletnee GeNcr ' Putter Lamps. learnelios,loaker;) . • , Utah Ware, • wawa/ safonoe4. . -. Svetaboto owner* awl, hotel preptiaters ern Latina! to examine au assortment a Mg! pliitablg, Mr their S, r , • .. . _, Cooing Me whams rim "find i tas te neck of merles minable tor co awry sales; which ere will sell at 1.. Our stock Wive entirely sew, we feel saddled of Ow Mg able topic a h all who may:Myer as lei* their eon. 'tom ,lanl laittawl j L. . GILL lk GETTY. - - • IarODARTI4II.7II,ED73 ANALOOT—HoI?aro Am TI alyoi. of EDI top. Dodoes Analogy of fteligion,No nand and Ramialeo... :toll* routmilanon sad wawa of mum, wlthreous. ••••A Do, CraadAnDa (tomb , . (0. . 1 ' maluatioa; folioed and' adapt., to tlto met of wboo/e., be Chalice E. Wog I,: ertuelpod of DAretrWoO4tate,4rl . the ear of New York. , __..• . _ -.• _..• . ANYHONIA •DE EFINELTETE, - DE' AIkIICTITAD., ke:•—lloo da aLeurciale,,' de At:denims Dalai:leas; nod Solution, Scipioaa °Cent ano, and aro Life Of Amiens, by Gumbos Napes, 101 l It English Nona Critical and IDelamuory, by.C.healeo '. Doh.. L. L. D.' .' - IDE DOI'S SDI LING I.looC—Deser/paon of rho Seaton, Fernery, Atom ',Life; sod Country A...- tan., by Thames Diller, a ah DI IlloomaioaC A NOVEL DV ALAREVA IT--Tao Elaldreu of the Neer Petro; by Glib /darn att. R. N. • FIR THEODORE; DROUD gips, or Laurel Water: by U.D. IL Jame. • • . . • ' . The shore works reeeaml D is day. and for *ale. I. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, " . toylL.. . Doc/mullet, co tt.onohat .0431 .. NIAW DRVG IP Teag; - THE solui bas .eg i tr aro w tIIVIA WY hu 000 .. 1: DM: , .1. ,i of Fourth aad AuLfteld osreetZ r '.: . . 4 Delieolog that oho *sou onto . " Lie pate east of Fong street wl/1 /a ' •aldu he .Le r d . no eanewe ha Anhog no tba mew wit 410- .tonnwed to keep no ortielm bort • •of the. bum vial.' iy—of °Woolrd purity and IC:IMMO ee•-• ..• ... A fonormmutuat of MedimnonaPerh may. ood arta aloe woolly kept in on eafililleboreta of. the . Mud, .to , l . Baying lao dirulhog in tie soca.' boJ ai ' log, oh maid eolla will be encoded wpm...way. - - 11Se baelseee milt taw coral:toed on bane °form at .tlio uhl itaud on ]larks: ascot. • •-. z co _ ptill9l3. ' ' - L wit ',x; .1 . o • .._ _____ ____. .._... L. . ~. - --. . - • • • --- • . • • —. • WEST rout? lIVOICKII • DAIMON & Unit. &wilts tl Ws. Yeve e6ollol.l.ltVa Les.aeu 011 P. 41% at. Wu she Ana , . ut Ilse enrinisbaluseas a:lnnerly enniad vat., Pi se. nuns* & Naha. Potions arioluse to maims. a unass plena det Way ea fur oiler permeate, and pins as ft.* u• silk • col, p• on Owe: ourselves us tar all atoll nisi Ways ens fevorable tense •• no) Ohre. ...as' le&noastassthe any. , . alsa. seltlag eads and ...sal.of evert Mesa SPaali in earn I. bed nisi, Wariest moues. • • • Radlai=vst. C ll.:ln„l.lrerr, ?beaus Ikon. "-saV gnu . & Iljeu rn apit i V ,.. a • ..L...!_/.'"CI!_Wi.sO.X.ILL Da.w..3. 1 31 1 1 .m 1 1 1 4 'Dwst iu do Donk ortiud stsle.n. Dr.lllalailka. la " • a " i r lt i rirCi tta h trAlt.boq h. Ai, legbe4y a./ ric au Dr. A. N. UeDinrall. • • UlX== =!== q. ?ir. Fab .!nN Mr. Ilea. Weaver. • aprokka Merelkaiiirs VIVI AND JOHNSON. ill blefket • sneak have re. PIP erred 13 eras Donors, cc:414160t in part of plafa News, Aurora iltahls, View la &slimy do, EsCrell• da, Cilia, Pearl and Plenary sea... Par Leaf Ilanlnfants' .d Harr Laplrsis *ad Braid de An/. bast Frow.., to friary wiry. Alm, XS do. twdies Cella Hew. laws 73 rums pee del. up or the doew robin Turd, dos Oats h HOUK.; • rod amonameit et Llale Mead, Silk sad Cease Olavwc Ups silk Rah,' Lap. .Waddeva do,lolldaa Lima Canasta do: IS car tes. Coto* aid Tread Loess A 1.., • paid await. far o (Coaw' Outlaw, Threads, Needle*, Plua, Cal lay. le., in all of which they will offer • reel ladaesseol in priers to ruslasers. aflt • • ILUAM AI. WALLACE, arErie, Ps, having bo. VP ease •weelated *nth die Ana of Hauwas Wal/we, the busbies. a be no by tb• signed, ender the sire of Hausa, Wallas, &Co.. al Me old mend, N 0.11.1 Wool anat. JOHN ILL.NNL. • HENRY ILAN. ILL WALLACE. WM. lI:WALLACE. Potalnirrh, May J,1943 W. 44 ,. .I.GLIC111411iiiiiIiiador W}: are still artgagol the-Mora lataioeu, rennet 1T: of .Wood rd Pram, IYWtePY. whet% we van prepared ut do any work la oaf Uag oritirdea , patch. Wo .read to OW work penman and bedew avIU lao given In restudy; Us mantas mod do. wattiilty. Wank Books fated 'Own . iatatrn and birtnni• watt qamielly. nook. in slumbers orold books Wood can- Ihity or repaired. Names pat on books Ira silt tenor. Ilona that hue work la oar Una an imbed to call. 'hires kw.. mr4o7rtf o P°Bl4 % E yat . Ti NC ri; g. ANDI3 F IL of apleittild PLI came collecoon of Cloolteberry Trona, of ttLLaa i• hew r , .. 113 . : . = , ; ),.. A 0,11 :a 11,10G12 00.11t , = with one hundred area of Box, for borderittc,Jor sale at 11011INSON1r, Fah ottani, agar Uoodt when, mai ha found the kaardanowa sod be • collection of'Can. ry Bode and llinl Carn a l a tbe city, with Caaary and firms by Ow pound or barrel. ate 7. 11:0 DRY GOODS MERCHANTS—A A Mahan ho . .. _C, 60 Market 1, hare melted eavoca atm* printed Lawns sadhlasila, hewn. of. Fl•ah &Se( atm eanety of ark, 10 caw , . of good .alae, fang; bangs, l donor alas P 11111•1 4 do bins avl °map Cal lan...an Jo 14asehri Means, all griddle. Alen. am* bleached, brown amt bk. Drily Colionaaes, Oran; Gingham..ke he, ea ofwbkb rJI. b• offered tube lowa. Eamem. whole...de One. . mian • -- SWleVirgins • • .4N UPRICIIT ENGINE. SO lath gander and 6 km . Awoke; Inaloilera 30 Inaba. and lb tem m leach, w las been an use la dr Plugotugh Waal Walla, will be .old low, am appeal:len . • • • . J. H. gIeELELLA ND. api7nlkerlenS •-..• • rin/a efibal Warr Werke LILIECIIII it - COi• ',.: ' ..,.. ~ -BY RTEA3II . O TUN AQUEDUCrtd , Zrt, T HECHf A. OD. will Mud ii steamboat dilly, at , ' 'A. ' . .t .., M., to the'Aquedurt,• where Parsatiaers will lie convnyed to l'hiladalpbia and Halibut. Its Wald, with bat imp delay. Poe, roomer lamination.' Inquire at the oillee;..itlononiodirla Ilan., or of D. Leech ar. Co:, nrtbri comillitHasin. ___l .r , . Iy*IIITEGOOW-ii. frill assortmetti of plaithchertl , . and striped Harobrica, plain and eblerdJseonata Oa' so and Boatel t MID, Hook Muslin; Hilltop , Lawns, Noun:mks, spotted Mulls, Aiistosia Lawns, , Testate+. ,• Muslin *, together with, WOW 'assortment of Bobinetoy i I , F .t.h.ind r.. Nnt.,1.6,4 /Mena*, lassnlugs, A.. ,-----:-.`-,' - ----- ,- ",,Ctilliu: • •-•-- - ' ec'., all '"f which h.. JO•t: wised 1).4) . ).))))) 1 . , in ) • 1 - 16ill'i!fx..ux :alt .o - tsurceamrs to Robb, Waif.- P.° r"'s, and for." 10 ." Cmtni... " bt" " r'' tlf . btrOif a C.) VAII.eIIANT B AILOR. teeelloot. 12017 ' ' -"• • • •_____• -•-• ICIIACEEtTri & W ID TH 'D um mrert, l'ldlailidoltit I. brig Amite to inform ibe . ffl,,g. -----=_ ita - 117114.1141C, ,1. --- ' ---- i and patiotW of Itja lain AM...1 24 )00rr.) ,1 . 1 2 , 1 4. . A A' CASKS .las.•ltlaspnot A. Boa's bratida;just laud- i city, let Holy .00 ! tio IA ry.mitpt oath a -ong nod v ... - A . - t, trtg from &l earner Northern Liglit. s o d fur sale by Murmur Positions, AL •P p- , hue," " 4 ... 4 ..' I al 1„.. 1 $." ::, ::: -. ::. --,V 7,.. .. 11, hi N • iii. ITC . ,I :l l oo 2 :Ti_ba ßF . riy . j4 ' , ;t'' . , -in:i 5 ia:a f u i:1 , 4:; ., V1za " . ' :tiag r .._ 14 :0,. g , 10 1 7.1 , d ,...7 . ,' ,. .7y , n res h oim C . : L t o fa, C lu ti" W akt 6 ei , l T IIE MOM.; pricer In rash paid for good eta= rags : { .; . ‘ , L- i . , , L , ,..lk,,i6ititikili - ..;iotiii.giifit7 i 7.. $ ) t ''' , - ;' , ' .1 " 1 "1""i ur'",,Zlt i A g ,.'w w°°l*.: . i ;tom* A Sou' s Sapn)rior sweet. lb. turnpa, '' nig -It . - k • ' h • " •-•*• * * *-"' • - -----_.: t At ar tas,loMs Ender's, mpatioi iturrat.rid ii 4. .64; , ••- -• .wlia. 44. b.. - Pet. k• lib.r! :• I . 14' . ~,, A., Cabana.' i.'. : 4 , do. ... lbiAndllt fultri 'AI du J. A. Clay , * , '.. „I, do' ...-.; ;" I ,U) Ca gell A. Cll4lolCle .1( . ., % '46 i ' . i I r "." iii. ` ..k. ,11.6 Thani..l4l . 4.o . l.*iiiiitai i . ~. -:I au landing from eta totems and i rnallet: For Co ten bj . . ...11i . ..usitiliviratet. it; ltl'idrath JEM:l.lll=4lm Ookt Hirtlioare Coin: drdo /woke.: et. far 'lair do do Donn .Pi w, do do Ear.Rlo4 i• to do Flop, Ring.; do do Cloud Moho, do diO-PID do; do do reneila ood . Von; do do Cht.pg- ht yard °Moe Jewelry will is well% call as se WAR* meksaies • • •g" • • 1111 , 18 . 1Crik EMICi taitltta i earmley, b*ra eimdblesetadloutpidpolt masigiatmordlimilqhmuollgoiablesidqM i 1 sag bPOVrAI H‘saillcs,ol4lr qualliles, at .iliVettlia. C hIDIALIRAT FOR 11,41,C,adis oam! 11.1, 4 7 1 1Va l eeltarAt 6.,ttr ALLIL CaILEHON ~ Ansymay Y. I l i .l z . egaggeg g j_ glOgStio NLa odeed' for ras: an. a •:. Aratenditte, Olerl - OCUTI W. l lO , 00". iagiri the following Vol irfotwrey, tokrogisf,tp , ,a. , •Daaat of Ike late Sawn Cast c.doraided.dia-t. ' 411idjarge stove awl Wog, faiotieggon - liarbii.ofi Moo atm.. guthigg. 6 .A....9.... 44 1, .. 1 . 1 ... 11 V`' pig stream, and =Ow ka,l the Lit, korona la Ille ci. weal Out of grOwnhinoito Lill Leda. In. Pad toy NO. /I.PRO iz—rho raidgrorty toting dndl known tbi Argonaut Unici.., wo . a accounted ,whi tbo locilition of Haowniagloot in onotwoolui ta a 01.84 thing in commandallo. of OW ploperty. It wear. ' .ttosaglo of junction of do steamboat Landing, dalhe . . WA of tie Mottoopltel• block Wafts Narigaion and 1 - the National/W.4 drama..., .wl.lO fang got II ' • atrogagern for law partake of a/. odor pub& : boatiscoo above evot7 oatir LO Ertodlt.ina• The .4. , .b/PS g and aka oat lodaliap continual,* gidtproL , oaaggoomapla nod commodioaa. ,-.:...,...,.. • ...: . _.. r: Ja....0-LThr ataaplor 1•31 et; Lot of • .Gtouot4 with the Padding* tbutong Wag . .4 'IV.W/pt IL. 3wvlwrir bog. deporidokaaiintoroem . Mama and Water streets. Mk rotocoglodatod.oet . . trepan 'been occupied an taa moral Maga ale. for Brown_arillc: and also a• a dreog mom 4., .ciancal, and Wall anapted a* a good barons property... • ALSO—it Lot cal no ad:bin:and ao the eau Odle if the ro ad 'dr ottrat TIMS/Alf from Maass street al. Me Markel bow.. to Wita sures..4laaing soak Mae a. 1 11) facralloy is/ few, and natiagthcrona a• 10111 oar I Frame Dwelling Homo and a Irmo Shop, sometime* ssoi M • alone cotters shoo. Tao osid lot Omni al .leer' wide at tba notate to& 4$ foot at the noon, and 191 I W s :V:4;p? j ,. ..71 . 1;r4-.2:: .. , .„...•• ,:. Tlte saki • . awoo...(11). sued ond LS .i., 11 , ./ .... : 117 7 .3 . 0f : 0: ... d.. 74, Litnated b.... .: 4. 71 ,p 1 „ ; . : . ti: weer., I , 7 e t roa b ta :7;b e :lll wc 7A :ta r,:l 7 B°l6b4n".- --'"-"Ik".:8.1"4 ;a: m' Iloadth .:1171"• :tf • ita i"l'‘b l; : a. •.. It meg hardly ba .a.l.Waod,that do papaw which haageostilr tont '~to boOooto aod OnPoorrawat fa landotatals. coma OW a occoaiatlng ire a few jean eggelir Whim* Is'lle c 01..? ropartg; ood gaiglog *MA Isubw ofesrd rag wag is pee oho, lig ' aryalpitrlfla gamine. grata. or for io -Taint Pi ' la billit. sof the t.a... • bilswarszwiethe, widikommo, Karel by log WO IltglooKbp. _NlWErgillgligiegm lien 0t5..4 to 'sok* Utsgimbineil; awl thu iggn 100..W.CLANKF ssugg sides will '.. " .WIILIg _C CIAILMA LA..P Ewa; to 111.11$11M: , • brR ll.E . hVieSilier of.* C0e.1.4. Om 'Hundred and F. hr. or Las 4,. sham oniamt ludo siver, it es, above Worthensillik, isS Urns.* county; Mies •• • Amp acscaal Tidal ire la a ligisstats nal. • 'sod on whie.k Melina holt arch.l. • hekse• Is mod hand. with rich soil and vary.. rlblbsitsd. and abouods Iv ins loralbm Is s 'am Naiad& ace, arid the fertility of ika co/I Is on- Pumas wishing to• view• the pr.Sho& Mr ' el 141 the Iht . tte; hlt il 4l,TI T . - ::: . (ntylfrtrUnte) 244.4 Sat•Laliwiiiia , • ' 7 •• T."4"at,"'`,111: 11.- raad kadirm otra. Brighton to fronlillo toned ,a6o ' at csisi.s. voiles from Pittsburgh, and shorn eight dies front the town Of Freedom an the Ohio titer.. The thkel MU. tains 403 sera perched, Mkt maranua • litts land is to l dan neaten{ quality and weil wowed, sad will /ss either In whole or in fume at wontr.inett sise, is sun parch.... • • • Far lattherpeeticalars haat. of WIL UOYD, Aul at Law, awe au 4al w alum. tuailimat ellaubasta: •-• • • VALVABILIG I.IIOPKIITT Peg /ALB. THAT propprty lat.tyry 411. EN, 441 C1447.40441.1ten seeik 4111, Ina be vottl ea eefoseesiadeinnie. The let Ls 23 t 4 beb.r4 en C.,{.animisgeroash the Canal 110 fset: Tbm!to • Mem,' [rum destling lease es de preme44, .114L14, Ole Ide it eon awned, eastalaug • radar . tketialg•Grait trees, en" sbnabbvy, it. • 7144 pawn; Geeartek mob , saluted torpnion. eras baleartaeliker Pm*. 14bppMtehha Aiktbe4r.ano 15in/sib/a neideete..Tills 4sdieletable. let tem. apply-gall% /1= 5 :7 Ng et Law, efbee ea Veen/. mu% CTN. ==== Vii.fireflavu saes lerlisniesK PrpCs i Catica rivar—abar 30 Jam Ca 0 exiasprosed lass La Yaw • tetWonsaiTre.esS C. G/ f e et b O. el., vto et Caais ilis emus et llarLsort, Co vrsh dsellios lose• siiKese—ove of Isom Ws; Kandt Su • muyelsasto lies Wesern Sew. e. Any of . 4.11 WI fareelfewill,is ode solucima very asomsoodattag liola , :..... ..... ...mmuu .; Xgrtau. V At.mbe County. .LfYr. Moron.. awl DasUlna. aUnala. an 04 • F.& t...Ylausian Canal, 1..11. • U.tage of Wear Ilia telex; a &doable locauoa foe a asseti.u. Alta, • sold gook/keel hag !tonne well mull for a Tama Vat .r tfalVlrldirElt e Co. n° o *WO • • • • Water and Prolaloa." — Viiiiiii citifew tll6. log...ikon , oder lot gal" inmate. of eboleo lohtatetaa Secenul Wank froati.li on lba t. • . gralad. on is ten., Invite of %Ult. Il00:20111Zin4.1: ?,. H1NriON. Ally al UN. & Calf et ' •. or •14... • Iltylthiartf . • ._ — fit . far. lloo.fip, — if - 7 --, LOT la ao 08 rozd,4lfres ea 1.4.= 0 iwot to mew, w of LS* moo 10. Fa'at woelleo to Vie with ww.ll. For wan+ Inir Se alig tents tie Wilma:4 Beek eg05,444 emu FtFt. ow ...1.11. aorelliao on CI ut we E. . Greco.). 1.... • Iteb10) ..7 IL - -- .. 40 .t. . • :* A•ewi isalb 4 " dr ' Th wuk"V . ttei C alt: th tl i na. r aM •&itty "min fur a tam s diutvet NO din of th. eley..ax• asiolg"#"!Ml fb%itt%l/4ASat4Cai - ••• • aientauksasi • ,14i•eiscubniv &seq. _ i C d¢o n, e. a . irn " • . • .41.1010rr Emit ewe/Eqpt Shied it . 1 Wows& aimed oa %leo Owls of tie Ude deer sleelqwelgE et la•oebesew. Apply n• ... ' ' • ..141611,112 . /-HVICKISO% ,t" T• Let.. • • • . • THIS Ihvglipi Mars edemas& en atit east I.s nee* cased Wiry as the city of .. Pitsbe .,.. LL on. DIM SI by• 10 &et nib • • • int 511 f ID:Deirinved. AD*, a frame asee ' ..lth ' te, swam, with ma ants organza enclosed aad melee cultivations eilaaka ea chble Lac, in the el of Alletrbe ity. bolo 44, D IV • I • , -- .• Fr;Brobress• • ' :FOR HA IX ott Wowing Pittlwirib Itroye. •oiy, with AIL tut Wowing appasatoo, Wl:we on . Pooliotroet sad Atrium's ality,and .ow oce•Flod by 1110.311t.rotitis it Ca Youttostoo stun antic int "1 4 ~ 111.: lt r off,trs fur sato the FOR wary Wit* , Woondeme dm Wood tirvot, twoptett 10.41bspoillf : COi It veto now for SP= Tor `mt.. ' • • - • •-• • . 4,17 ~. • An: WILKEE.h. • . . "T• Lau Iv sliio ' three 0./ - 114 . 6„ .44 • Ttnve, otc•fra trim : en ARot ---, ~,„, Apn, • . TO IOPU • • The malacribera 'nal inn o y f iba •nueo • • • Inger wen • • mi . Aix. irz e k l . mo sii th ofille otot zIV: JaLv t . r.r. •vect—• nbtetlb ation Co! ?teaosbaal . TLV lek ‘ " lOLLSIAND hthutiuscui • e t 1—" e m s e i th . b • r V t i s ba xbdCO M iiiit ia;dkr 14Zalga1"t i" " lAI :1 " 44 A .lh st ; • ." 1 " 1. gm.' Id a. ister ot- Wm mba iCHOUNXIMaIic • ' Wl*" . 14 . • • • • • • all: • • xiateel ihit. fleas ar/a7,lbX • A.B.** !lime, _lda ex x mama. tent Itteatte . • Lib, err aI. • • - • -.7 • • AIRS beettaland :MB 11_, tee sale, tintala la /ander s c ; am above Brageweilla, Ea., MOO widett veld be ...la .sdir d ign. - .TaycirM i t r . hes apply to W ROO3Z TO LET.-0a eirTesioa %; im wait. • lost swum h.. Dia Woad /MO to! ' treatehr .. • an Eltauctral Orel. ILthetattax 0010 • , Baltimore, ißayh, 4,51 ROPI3BALB bade r wed we wttably•AL • BATOR ,.4by 'the padataipatd, aP AY. the BO of/ asta, prem.. taalarbra. ta , ,„ A v.A. 'traction awe W.. mane viadseta OPOII laxten Bnuteh IhOttalare &M. Bo , tha Yanueat lieu, war the Baena facia. `r and We North' West Draw-11w liladeosbtarg. . Theta viaductsol Lath lantemessorsit tee, tb . ; OrieSllloll of Walnut.. piths Atm capacity for , " 4,4 ar , aarit, 4. 0,0 Ittarrefora.iwited to exam, Ahem The plan of the Widow any be nnnll. Ceattpauy's 011506, NO. llAt ale 41 000 street, lleitietwil, t It when, se' be 4100014-Gl'. /dewing, !Beater of Road. . • lAtexeeptioaslde reeolantendatiam moat aaent..y. the propeaala.; onlat of Ws President • and t o • •'• Bpi). U. LATROBE, • _• ' • 'n..e.irib.drelaTiv - M, le....paa. 1101001larrill be opened for We mallatriphau of Block a.) to extend ..Ittla talpronmiest Alma Broaaaadia tb the Phila U., at the I bil wain; Whoa aal p 1.., els, at • Wayaerbargh, Ore weft, *sibs l/th cod 31.1 Ala); N.. O. eva. Paptua ea : oath. Ita /up.; Waal lineonterille.,Wwl.lwa ab ""."; Pitlattonth. tat nl”netipt . the th Juw.4 cod la last arantiowd. risco Until ether, rot the Beanie( ilattowt.t. . ht. TIAILDBYEti., Peer. iloiii.767;'elask, P. Al. a;4 o + IN oaths,. of .1. W. KKaattrr eth meet: foe xradi...the Wit 1 hulidtke a aide wt. Thera OW be Atte., - yard* At nitanStilin, Slaw aial• ?tell et a . 'will be exhibited eaweb . 040. eg • • rgrtV• n r thalldia; Oollittlitte• of Wettent I penweelrenitt Ito Wild. - • ....ylik.dhoridr. 461 ! unexisvoitqamomow th• • Wei. iftilllr rel i r ui tVial T 4 Pal* • . 111.1 1416.-tilitli ralis sod . lemalitsC,2- PH sawn= .... Mil ft ' r-rztrviia-s ~ ; moo «NI !Iwo P t • .I lekas .;_' _. . 1 $ • 1.104 ruan P ?b.!!:. , , •a* saarin p app . iyi.„ • - - • . Aim ..1, ,04i or .. ~10. 0 1.1 9 / 1 4 =RIM . . • i i t O. - 4 .... , I. ' x:'' . . -.. • ', ' --Ntlie.4-izi.k - ,-..:.:, . 4 p , _ • ...- , • -- " - - ' . . • :,,-;"--',A,..•,•-• .i....: , .. ,, :ip1- , ;: :. -4,, , ,,,,,, - 7, -- 7 ---.-------- , 4 , ..., •.• •. ... • :".• • ''''''''•',7,AW. ~.;,''.yk-...V.P..z.,V,1a,:t4'.(:;•.,12.4',(A..0., ...,.. , .' . ‘"•-',.•:`..--:r ..... .• . -. .... ,' : t. .. : .... :: . . 7 ". ....: . , ...:. • .. . '.•:•::.. •: 7, ..:''''''''.s•7‘,.l,.... .41.-.I'LIA.A•-","*:lV..A,A.'''';Z,4-,..' :i'16:..1r.0.C,i..Y.0-.he_c.er..,:i,,*--.. - .: ••••• • . • . . . • . ' 4 14 - . .. . . ,',' ILICITZ 1:1;" DaScoUlt7 , 7 4l9 morskol4 , :-..-... • • ...- , f • 11.: 00.140)1141; . 4 1001 ti; - i. 14 g/ . Bio' Lapp Broaan, ri.arall Malkin W.I. sen dica . ai . • ••• • ••••V•1•5' , ..:• ,. ) , i . lloollroko t i-'. 13abl. orPl 7,....,,t0ar -- 7, ~ ..,_ , .11 Esolarage ~•!. • ~••• •Pa. oloVerio • i& r•'•,;:. or ' .. i. , Wesel.. a alaa.Maat • • yair' ,a; ' - • . filo.oll . hrladalgkia,••. sau:a .st Ta•, al :'Uleird 5k0ak.:,,4:•. ,, ,..•;•1 Bk.ofirao• ,• By s i o roa, • Bk.artataakley,i .-r•-• • ,, Magas Caatjr;•.par ~r. in n 0,,,,,,,.....,.. . ,. , ~,,. - 1ia.....aii:•••.. , • *ali t vnwellsi t* - Boaaraaal7,(*.•,Pali ..80.. o ' , Ow, • • ••• 11 • • TividoomaßSlDS• • VI: Pr.' • Va•-••.: 1 'l' COlaabla OrSt i o. l •. -• Sl' Wollakars• • •'-•,' li ' &,,,,,,,,,,,' ...• • ; L ola • • Parka tosari •• , Tamers' Mt. 11par • - .AN/m*4mm. - Paeocro'Bk.Boiabska par or Taatagooe•'.... '• • s Farmers Bic Musser: •r• • rir• 4ll .V•''''" ' 1 Lamm,' C.. St.:. A ,44t,Flatiich • aI to ! , • ...k: '..... Laocur 1i15• . 1.,..,••• • Par BS , o• ••• • •,• '' .. -•-• • 1 to i'Lli="lri47:ll!iii st, I = I ,TIZZ Ii WaoloOsara 8P,.• . " l, Nrartlaß arenas,. Otirosbaoshat,rn : ,,:411 , 1ik.at.CalS roar", -'f 2 Cloambonoarcr....r., Ws si : ,NeorSer...2 fir•rool..o. g51111t.:. , 4 , asat..- - .4-• • . •.• • $ torbe•P•Br•Vor•wr'. 6: l :1•141$ essokltskai -- $6,1414t0•n2 .1 . ~• • • --• 1. 1 88 at Markoosoi•• • • ••• t - oVashate . .I . Itroo Ma '•t•' • •• . -,.1114 - 11•;• - • •• . 1 .Fansers. nil 'Llroacts.. latartlasqbars•••• •• 1 ' Bank, IS'ayaistrats.• i Mardis= .111 t... •••• • . 11, .Hanoabatv • •••., ..... Masco rolgeols'OBS• V 1••••41 1 ...••••r - •••••••• .1/. , 111a of Sad Ilualiaa•• 0 Ukase* - , Pouraitha.... t..; '• P ot .. ' . '1114" C ". .. .:41.r . ' Wionisti..:•.4.• ••• • ••• It Balost BO littc7la: • 10 York Bt. :a. ..... .• i ,111aakbastaad Bk.orAlla, • -West wad, Ert . • IV' gk..y..!•_•,• .••-••. .•••li Kasai' No •••1••••••••••• .7 Par. Bk. or Marysaaa, • " I Mt 31 Bk. rittad•• • • FareacTook. alockisira•- 0117 k Boum Scrip— • •BC Fradericl • • . Okla. • •, • Prodariakii,,Bs,..«.a.... Soso BY . sod armhole 11.11agenoms Ilk ••••,.....', • , • Moan floanat••••• . • o • • Illorral Wt. .- 7 .......... f 5cr0baaJ10.......... .• • sasapae.Da I a M . ramp.. i••• ...... • Warloaroolik.....,ao , PS Manaus •••::-....11.: a., al! .orw .....n.... 14 . • Nov 1,, • : ......... • .... ...11ibk11411.11.. ".. ui,j,.... ...... oi BR al si. cw,.........—. 1 smaoasas - ........ ids Ilkat River 8a15a5......... ~,,,,,,1 , .... ~. . , ;;•: Iteldsaa 100.58 a..... $ vssmr, ii, ' .4...1.4. • rasa Mae !Oa BS - S. p ata ami...,.,.... • Wlacoanatn Tarvltoro aar.,..,,..a0.0.i..... 10Maskilsals.0a$Iihohall, ilarathos z , j 444,....*:•••1111 - '.- . reassollim• • ..0.,...4 eaaosaki • • •• too., ••,• , - 1 14111rolrffsalis•••••••••B C ri 1 =in:'........ : :: . . 1. .. 1 I• rl-WrllsPAßOr Bi,,,,aonias.-4:atolli Mike . l4llllparkaValikk% Xenia. • rapalsoas .411 is Dirlol3 ' 4....1•.• Mew 2 - 150.11.11/1.• wort 1141101111..... ,.. Itaglo,•111.. •-•, a le INV Praoklia WS Colantoor• •1{ 1 0,16.. , •••‘ loon.* Mitliecale • -..: •• Doablooos,BrasslS7ll in Lake Erie. •• ' r ....... " JD. Patriot ...or 111s$ vekaa.. . ' .............• • Sovereigns . • tr,•4 $7. Lascamor :••••i•-••-•10 ' esiiso . Mail=. . IV ProderolsoPori $7ll Orastille• •• •• i.' •.. . '.06 Tlislora• -. .1 181 ParaVrl in aillo•-•1 Ts. 0 .0 1 • ITO • ...': • .1 30 Urtasa Kaataelay7 '-' 14111 278 ‘ 14,10114 ~, " • Bit of *kaiak], ' '; 11. W, Vart . :•”...,..orka .Ba.or lotdcoilko • • * fPfilladalpllleoiro.,o• pm, Norbert, -11S:ream.17 _, • 'Bata:wow -• ar,w Task-418 BmSa,lar.• -Wats* a.klSor•-14 -- th f " \l'l =kit TORkiNitle. os ikA '''.4'. " I 2L A III=D r ifi E3 C1414151 6 4 ' a Co,4la•gla la N. vd.m...RbiN, ,, Eu ar.a., Ag bege,...? , ; ' I ff ix 4Fr 4g 4=r4 d t sr•ucnN i t 6N 44l4 l : - .„iilltt" , L .p - •,..r. ...r widlr aa.la• laakalkid, ----,,,, ~a,i' • awlauka•s. at . a gar ld 3R l , TAU -' Jams R tkent. - . (Mani DM& ' 5. , .. 5 ,5 - a-honest/ . 5, -•" Ind n. S Jana laltataid,-557...a.t, Weimer thd, • . • 5- J Thom" -, „' a -..: 1 55,0.-.4...tileast Ismsdbotes,3r. All Annhaddss ' , la s',., , I . "4" J Rows& Sab, • Madam 111 ..- t .. ........rt J P Car , •$ _ J Cobbs,. , as ,: n...ts. ...a,.. Trz„,„f•T'•'.- _ii,t 3 1 ,2: - ''..''T'.:rts.;' , ;!..4,-",::''''' -- Y; „,„„„" 1 : wat......,, , i. -- .4 , ...*-i,,,,.......-= =lnwood .1 - 8 Ratans& r" - s,,tes: . . ooilooin = ::: ... i.° W LI Vueltas, EMMA- . -, t. str a -.....„.- 5 5an . $. Mums Robinson, Saadi & A **.vi ' .. .t. 1 " • ' KAM labium. ACa &it Halsey, , - t ..- , e ; ... tr5,,,.1„ a ia afay...,, Juba Ewa,- , ~, • a . t... -, -.555"...:1 5 - I.smenee Louses, ' 3 itablatat .i. -$. 1., it, es:* *s!!:4 ts - Day& 0n1y, .f......x,,,,g. - ...t.' u ,..,„„„ ~ • . s.a . mot; ' ~----. -,..--,''''' 44 da DM tkenth • - +-ALSO.- . .., . , .......,.. . a ..„„ ax . , 1 4, ~.. Mum Led 'PAW% Mara sod 66647 4 • .1"" ''''' ...4 ''' Ddldoefoll do ',. a• 'l . -. • •••a• • ,•• •4 ~ •,, - , ~.... [kit ISSottie.tdro do ' a 3 -do -.. a ... 5.40 . ao •,......, ~,,,, ~, .f. 4 ", k i t ~ , ,h, .., .4.1 , f-rs ata,,,r•- , 4... ,, ,,,t 1 = t.,,,,att,:t...- Itpu * MA dada do, pan ride, S. ......s d 0.., , $ ...$ X..d.ft ,-,„` gratacky thrums insolia ; den .1.,„ ! ..,.... u s.- vaika lest nimble the a Caudim sal athelik. - - akt W 6 u...1A 8.04 Wiraky, mecum andOkith .. ass i.. 55. us 0.5 .- • Pao Scraps, swat PIA.; PM brulda 45. - 44 . 5054. 4.*, Mariana (loose nod bladdena A1....5. Meal; ...f. 6.. A., la - Spain= Hems, Havana bean: Om itam*lssmamma 4 ''' , Ca , LitunianTsdautelmediskddaradynaltfuoaa. 1 ; Ls , k,,,. PHILADELPHIA•myIth - ••ast ASA ;:",,. FrOtiAolo-3u k imp Jan Hitler mar la IP,thersu• !,, _ . '43 o "Jana Radian ' 3* "." * o '.'-' ° fo.o ",;••• , 1,3 bat .314Stelretti ' ,A.- o. .^ r. 4.1.5._ , , ~ aa " James, , - !fe n -- 1 ... " - -.40.. ° Itrotry A Jesues ". -,s. ;!*l. ~,s a st'..fd - 5 - 3 SS 4 Henry Jolusee - , ' 'lb' ""o : O;T•X omaiii" 0 • Is 'a w sprawled -+ t 'B,O- , st-n -",systik an ' emaapawal,Gaa awasiaataras a! PL "c i . '''''' I: t i 11 = W4 '314 In" he " t:4l . 44:l lt ia` l ''t l ' "s. Aawl mom • ' -al miter =IM ltediee *f Otro.: 11,6oeldsag„ 4therMas and leedlads .„-: llt. N07J116, Ofaccesters a 01 . at Itelany h•-• • ' . No 63 Rik Meet. tatamen Woodead allidarrready ' " „: , Fineatleethes recemdatabildyntelk......s.a.4s ,- Mara Iteirtenee, the Myanmar Pinabarsts-Aldu 5"" mad " (hear spa . I Ma elatedly tecodusantte the okramtam,fas.,- - ."- * 4l It:r i .:L ' Ll7 , l er. m id T m ' idl iteraist= M S? ' • W l ' 3 '9 . ;1.1 f..... : or sod mad& ed WIWI,. -"" ' • -•- • • ...35.5.* axial,. 1011TH( as C 0.,,," • - V l'ls;', 2 -;:r. I - NfTift3l their Allard. and th e publia chain eat s ir,4,*.57. 1. "". ° ,L.no lamer any emmectiou web that Ism cambia). •, n. • moot it Pane wee • known ante PiltaimultiMmayf_ 'bed ot r i a metitud thea. maim toularma to de Palmy „ l A_ - ....., 1311 • YAR Poe stmt.-. .t. orirldsdaw4o3,, s sa , - .'„ Aik. Aitt....4......,, A-vii.: -- ,,;;,-vt . . , ~., F. =Mope. ant present irseskas ...!..rass seduciat, sail :Zama Trades alidaleardlia.sl,s Llrb Ple"6 C" '''l 1 .10111. ' N'.... '- '...t i. 14. IldoloilllblOtheb. l6 ,l 3 . ladl llama* .. 3,......4 0 _ ••-• I:4 4 PrOONiOdinthodo WoolidollroPetral . mains listed IlluislpritherPoPort - 4 ..... 5., w-rat o ruled no plan letter Me all van". ~„. Mk grosatariute sod liar fterlutelionda itend47,,,T: "", ! Ilthresturamitupsampe wi p, „. ,_ „ tro .4 lisnlyane,Pmer teed ad .ths ~..,,,,. oblo to O 7 • NN I DOA. a $ wt. ...., - , corm peneurad iraktas, ...., , .. WOOL. ' ' - " """! '• " •-, 5.A. L VIM Ali REr. er 41IV .0 0.4:,71,,, ,4 • 19areeisers to lad. /lad t Old • $ , •: -oak 5 .! GBNIMIL ELIIIIB3IUII lIIIRCIIMITII/4-, ~,2 sodTONr ^e' pumas; atenda; paid to Me saief.Tirmitesdlthe„t s `. ° -r;s 4 B frITASISOATIVANDNOYELS-SWo haveriamard, hemi r := . aasortoterat eflroothona Wslsi li anis. MO 7 " ..." sign afire Deg PitcheNinad af• t ::$.l Deatatr hilly CAP, awaaNs,w inamage.'•-f, • ' ''-- Lir Invites the MantemofbnYea 4 0 I. o.Pr,e/Ar?.. * Moo saakrakkka ark sakrarPk•/.... - ' --KEDICAh ,' 1 -.:.' ... , ..4 - r , • •••••' - xma• • •k• - ; 'lF' 1 •I' .S" !Fsl'r ?. ! ! . ~., • . ~..... 4 HAIM vrarrantal Erraacr k*a imakar..,ii. D 4 remedy for Exdleptlo FiseePallsogSkinallt , 5 i • , tseTta Data& i lt b " ta hm. haltri e = ae* thilloraf.„.•; •. - .t . * busiMatteressrotaltdottichte,aoconsemull4.sss. garde hare ads& Is t .mimea* ...,... slaw yielded up their Ism os UM .1.1040 t er,,,a With all deference, hoard; V Maginimer 0111010/ 43 great End leaned, tea Um it Ms lass atralL.....as 4.3.7 -..! HARTS VADISPABLE EXTRACTS 1 - ^O.. a yea ••• *. Par mom 'maim bees timed by Imo .plare who be. aimed sunk thin triodlni Mum pedslia am" ".,.i emery o w Morr en,.. e1l Ms ad a Gdr Mel, Ms ellboarklis:3,... nay il van and 6 emirs, Mod hy r iba mar idd area; s mudiaral atedl i . •-...ne Ft • , -Brad the mia of themsdr, re. .^-, Wse..l4eute. l4 oss nOodtdfddos 8.611° " - 1_ 1716 1 - V.." .* "'Min PM 27 years am I, 6.11111)aam, AIM wzmut-ss -,al • I- 2 ." Jamb England, doodad Odom/ rodPothrolorionnian. a-, 44... t!1a most masa physletstd sad etspeuded Mr 5 meted toreasad him idetakahrm thew •.,y • t atsi reamed web mantollustanalk• tat N a w..,,,...r. st oopmeee e pnererry benefit atbstaf•-ai . l. -, 'mars AOLNIDITRADT4 ,S *"-_ - • $3.; I[ l h a s Seeere's Letter ta Dm Imas and /484 5 3.14. +c - • 1 has mist aver a nd ante tehousand dollars is mallbe elm animated ene. 1 watistethedia take le •-• ' iota to Ems. milvdre,"wi Alt 1 did: Lim Moitelia% •' . -`.." Folisdi. 4 1 muck. the Mel mama Mom is asperse wait asmatory AthelladVAl.,th premised accordiasty. I retasined.tham wkatut In .......ktssa soy change far theMest, Mach 5. t - •*., cod Ma arm tasinuntred and My doksapeandol to by the . alainsaand M. mat that 1 NlPOSdiNilksm their that my' son% ewe war hoyakkaaaai pa* ..„,„, oval/ le. 1 amoothOdYlet Ekekenth sad seamonit s eked dormer Scotland. Gmessystai Wawa .odes-fs..„ , t unseal am Mild meth of November butt, withapt p., ww um Irma bei.g cared ea when lief, I sap Rae a. i ; auctibetnent in ma dim New York payele,-Ind,, e ,„. ... 1 reoclutted to try. /lOW. Vegetable Ketnort. rear gassy ~,, " s. *mamma and etretlihates of ea many anew, *ma Maw; twenty sod thirty yeas! , surodinsoW I amassmapta,„3,4 ~s - tr. • lam oat any I did so, so by the mad libuTs Vadetsb,,, s We Extract Mose., be •was remand lamdtat hcatib„,,,; • 4 Ms raison, which was so far:sou at to soil hadfars, ~. bathe% is entirely femoral, with ther ptoepedt sow . :i before buts of ifs, heath and asthltates.• d l ..th-0 07 144. , ..• t ! tar yam or we, • and If 'y ents sal 6 mothuotdmeww. 1 toas las been *dieted Mtk thia moat itresdfat afdisa,,„ . ! Shaer, ba thank God be Is now osloyhryyseali biabk „4„ . f ~ 1 lir., lleallemed,Altb swam make I datti.dt.lts ! in. To ay that a abet w, a r e wimp ikaasur., .:01455, sidatabere enclose m thallad Mato. date bath nolkabt ballet yoo MS think skis it., 1 0r,•,,,. Laud mho a dlideot dam, Ths debt td" oet../ tat ., .' - aid owe yoa, tan lane to seem Oa Pima& •,...0110lAi-i': MI interest oath* debtin IRA's... ' -.- + - ..,:. r . 4 ,. i _ _ t arl) THE AFTLICIRD, .- . t .-f ad - .5 -' , One of the • predictors of Me • Mamba seedareirow ' '. t , : Zodseas Miami thrr . r . al w aeas with. =leptie PIM", ',- mom sir Lad of samory,thilesility of sad al.. -3 - - 7 5 . ,, M ke er mt rr ;It= i= 111 l' ' * ,l ia .'. aava• - aork vadat their andemo, and ha Cow.r ' 5 3 4' r Ida mud Multhersimi one us italarnthh, 7; .A to pererrere la its as Maki. adtbertherats. :4 " ma a Parka scanned= to bank vide war stail..., ~,...y., dram yam. ' tas.-5,. , ,n ,--• 'We woad reihr to the' an who lath - bees rand by aim Ren's Y a MIMI: , 'Dag Deadsantamovat was eiliesedletse Math; . $ sadden a Tooker/410W tae! - • - +,, , , ,-., , , 4 . I V E=r re riainy in g2g= t a.: ` = , ._.,]..tr • Jogh Inv um year,, Lou, Drad3Rt, Ls/D 0 hear Y.tkCashaJiboad. -. p LWm F. Ciass_tarely. yes. 119 Remertenlyst.,...- - , tN , ... Wm If Pathell,tharedl - OtoaXMos Wriofthlkid - • ' ' Jacob Petty, am yessul74 mmm,s6J .-r: as, ..•5 4 ' Philo James, meaty. Mit 70th , utreonaassie.ir hdlr°112";11-Emm", Na w Ticks ~ , r , Thomas lama of .Ili S tdosT , ' .:- i,.• ..., , ,,ty Pa k = . sLo gl Z L lir_, " w r ge •r w T!!!i ' t ' .. r .:?;,...l. - a . - DrWL htharolaratiere,o: -• -,-, :s e ROY flickszdatilselapartill s lllo „,. STRAW (MODS. • I hlr Joseph littillef i Caft , I at, NTo , • , `S. .5" &1 DPALlithl‘ atea Milted to•museine tea it / ,CD thatsktai lie tataaava a; sr„ _ , ,,..„,„,i. ~..,1 ..... 4 ~.. . PALTER'S "antek or timer Goods, of th e 'Mrs Tames .5e1e.,..214 ,ohlas*Noteri'v-7.-- "" i NVNli'''''''' V 4 .-,&.-' -' i, , iringiVl....,P,- , .',!,‘ 4 4,' - 1?- .-.. • o• • - Amellesa do ..g. ,dry "-B" eg ), r acath,tae Bugatti, ••-, • da. 1` q ,-- --..- 1.4t i1 ......; F.., amp, a.. it. / Ckoloo Mows too Woo' 01. '4 l - • HATS-- . allows Palm ~.., Panama, Faticy Straw, I_ 5 Al "l 011ildeklithy bit sold mett; ! ar adatuesp,rt, i .Id, B „17 rulara, tW I* gts, AMlM l, lSOssi.ralik9s., A.. , stk. Ika -1 ArrP"4"bY D''„ V noith , ,llata Pasha .. 4 wt wanawae.asawaaaL, - 6wWi 3 ' Iftlo.4LiS ADo 4O Ribl 'i '' ' ' '' 1 g --11 1 1--/F- " r- "" ' -'3l-14 r. Thi i 411? .1.; itott ley NoinS4 beareitatt=thosoli ll a& • .'! IRS a 0 R•p= d, Ca l • s alg Mauna% Otdo, whelsaaltraid relit, entedeabla Vtll.l.lmrodese tba Samplityle at. Flats ad. ••3,1 ~....,,m mx., 1 , .. " ..i 4 14.....4 ii. a* Eaturday,blarch la, nal 7 elf friends sad cosmic:este reseeded to call and I 2 " , mat osPl in i'llrok'd Po '' ' alkitheartyp. examine Ma stock dilatory getet .... ~ .v0,,,.. from; . SaIsTERIS ~.. , - '- ' ~"" • ' - .1 New Toth, to Othi , '"wr °°°°76(6 ‘O 6 ' 6 ' """.`" "' n GINSENG' PANACEAI • \ 1. 2Y 4 ''" I PO TUOSE SUFFERING IrtTu - lamitalai - ALVII3I4I 111. KIIIINTL. Alik i I 'LUNGS...The trupreadentakkomiaraltlth Ind A Patubumh. Prlampal Store„ 72 rodeth 0P . % I, ~ oviNgsa , ttioaduk L , ”L.,,,..„,,, „, 1 .„,,,,,,,,,! Mauna mai and aeconmodstion Starr tan 1 a all the-mianwfansts Much krustion ofdaluniiiil . -- - - 1 yotall strum sod Vagmallar. ih,_h...A.,..4 , N'T s .. i .! rid for shippbm Pm. - 5 - nry*. ° IT' 1 .°6° Sm °, 61 ° hid°°°° d.PrOSOW4OIII/0 10 6,ll)L f angl • -• *"--',... TUNG STYLSI-.S 11100RELla add. I _ W0NNW 61 . 5 %... .. 21 WASATO:the .5 * ..- " " - " 'nll. o -,-,. i from ft.ve TorlytheElpgljNyl..of flats, I aro ekangshk, washes . man smirks „our ,r,,,s litl; -I r h mates math% is amp a Ifulthal soured of" ' - 1 .4 ~..a... i ttn io7 l:l" • : 6 %Wirr tni C ol th ",, ' - COLDS : AND DOWNS. ' 4W " ..- " ! - All to . l o i nM. O: 10 .5 . , . Poo t at, cali a ,, aatNo A i••• newly door above 5, Tkess, tf smiteted am bra*. p e . e .,..... - ".( 1 1.04 's, ..,.„.3 F 0„,,,, •__ --, --- ------ , .• :. co:km.l3lmm. !, - : ‘••' I ....,,, 30 ," •11111/016*.5. *DOM hag etell". 1 Tt ,,, q,km , il, 1,., ~,,,.. th. li r di a i,,....3 ' Lit.rjr., - ..7,..5t,' Y a k , Obi s rait,tlYlltt H as l''Ll° 6 5 the bud how aau ra, Ta oleo Dar 11' ....st amiss \ " .t0d,t 4 .3.1 ...._ ° ‘' .. r...... , " Au g . fftr• t odd kr !data upon.. to tho paola. - $ -- ~* „„ AS mom in want of titStl• l .t . '°2..si . ,r,r r.... - it , ) • TDB IMEAT AND WILY arater.r.„ •t ' • ... 1 ‘ .. 11 ....w..y...a.-„, Wood , Scree, OTO I will be SAM an the toss Partin Uprooted nuret" ___.• ...-.-- , we have from me to toss pubisbedtho ! "" iiik ig t=m , isi. L IIIIIIIr nou. IiATILH dosed. ems best kaant edema, asho hers man& -i 11 4U81 " e ' et7.61 i ' w. '" l "N -Ink°' the Mr ; a,-.41=7,1',- 74' 17111; 2b "'"" sooar,tr j _ . „ o ..wuk . s° 4 ,! -.. 1 ',"‘ - ' 1 1 ..i 4,,yd : sa tt. ..,...ral , ,, , 1 4 . ph,.., pus yealatal , PdAutOAL stEN OP TIM IrliM tiTANDEINEF,J.,- - 1.- new Istvalit of • bessUrds di. tit /16 '41, 1 %.7:,,,, emd ,1 iy4 , lls°.o rasa 1,?.43.94.t. , w10.0.4t4.6.*.* - -1 1.,a.1.00.• -., __,, 3 5 e ,,,,,,, .t. 5.,• ,* - 2, • ., , 1 , 5 - „,rotmekkys ini T i r e D ,V . 1 . -•-=.-.. , --,• ...am • - 76 ...° 61 + - l.' Ta Catatraetare sad 31 6_ 1 1 n ...... ii. I walk a sla i r uli ku ps iZs i t i thsom#l7„, F C L l LT.s7:7 7 ....V.V ' Stfick 4"e lef A M 1 Paull I tare been media thll city. • ""L. ", 411 ,,." - "o i,"• - b. - ! '".4, 1 . 0.4 of . p . dama ,..,,.........i& c ac •,. a =t i giAs AND .IRNS. ' .43F I TDIOIrths.iIV • I °, OutedthaunausdCassds an - the e ..our-.- ,•., . gd "tiodc3-. 5i.t.,,,V?°4, I. " 7 .11" tgralril l 'i r. ; ..t 7., -,, •lw wit 5 - ..,' ltuarlll s / I h l W - ki•T ' 41131 ' 446 "•'. °" ;;;;1 e erblets when taken areafdlutto disasi.W;; ''2. l l' 0 a ow., essatoraiy, Culstrs Craut . sl,o., , 0 ,,... k ....4, hs a b..... ‘ ,,, , , 0 .0 ad tor sat by , ,LII S IS,LIMOOf Nott'ith l ....1V... i ....„.,.,us k ,... ~ , r lat iao,,k,ia, "• - D .. , ii a, . oak, umakkba• Aka.. kad...": -- • -,- . -- .1 ErvEGT hjaitcy -, ,,,, i „. • C., 5111 . 11.M. 5 1C 1101 1 Ali I IiSTRIZ-Pentoort wleklni Why, then, smuts .01. 041 .,,,,,,.;q7,• , ,..., its - .t..) ;shay suds of abase kind, ate nodal ba look a , IS. od.'llablab..Stsms,gos.i.- , :;:iellOn la - •2 ,/,. ...amain ecaeoy .opkaan okuly, ra r. &kr, a , salsa Jiallital4Motanlloll"..aste oa • Vekt aka ''' ~,,,..t. H .... 1 o f . , .AV .1141.1U/Arkit ,r‘, I titlari, sal pattirdinto m. by ...ty.." - 5 ana - - .Sip" - 5 . ,t NE s orne_stdets34,l6l 4 4 I aindequallyan .dildist am:Mb. -, A . * PW ° Sa.l.kil--Alesateleris'U t i . S.". lam a - Waaaa rasa i - . I arIP Ergm,ter , ~,,,,. .; -&a plated Padua !, al.o, ads suip:d gemj IMa id ha4v11••• mother, Sr. ., frt.,o,y_.e. .0....g..11,4- owl owl striped Maud dila, ;gar bor4r-eidaY s al *boa kilts ~ .• .72,57 ! +751•••• t 5.,,, ..., or wbseb samba mast thattparth Pr dm OM". o„;, , ''' t 1 . • 867 • 67 C 116 : 66 -F 4 2LTD4141:144'.." 4 ~° bll - DirDeE -4-74- 010 - 0,7 4 Al re a -6 °° ° °4 66 , u ld t ppathipice at mks sr, ° • poorer ,_,_,. „,„ t 7", _,!, „*., -.." _A Ramo* OD do 1. 1..., , ,„, ~,S. ~ a ...., ~„„,....t vwt o ..------ lard; 30 bookeoloi OO told - P ,p ••• r ' tanlug,* e -01<<",,,, k - - -bwitiatrithirlit-• y ~,, , j i -741, „2 2 11 as I....drery - , - ;...- l l ' ' WIWI ' I n lw"ine n .,.. ehe1 ",.,." ,15 °l n.", iii.. . r reer t 7 ll.t irCt, ; , :: ,- Zikikt*t1 9 . 1 7:71z7.71_.Y . , 4 '.' , ,,r' -, 41,-. :';',..v. - '''..2 . t•J ,itivitri. . ‘^'Ak• - • ' : • . , . L'• ',,-' - - -,i, , , , - 1, -: - .- -.11-1 1 --, I.N: :sli.,, t -,:---;,.--,- -,, _,,‘• •,', • , $ .1 3 1.4:-Iu IJI .' ""l- 14 ' Z, , 5,`, , , , - % ': !* : * ,i-. "'" ° "t' ' '' ..; '''' 'IN °,.`,l*!...64ardirr MUNE:BROKERS, fk.••: • ..:! • - Flyer ,cousiNg,- -- • . a.k. - .6. na of la h. atm) •, • - BASILICA ANSI ILITUMICIIM 113:1101[Z11,. Ore s. etpommt ti aa=tert C lieszftie. ~.., ..z . .4.' r,. .i....... ~.ii;,,....t . tar We he semi sip salt -..-. •-• .-7-, - •.:. - cualEarr .4 p. vu 441eE.... • • coia.scrurxp ... ! ty. cm,o latellieefilt• Wm at ' flta Urea rue. - - ..•.::011.11•/..flar i gg, 51 1 1 1711:0 4 1AME, C t ,;,nizr. , In Forskpited Densely Bichaage, Qtnibause of Boni New. sad *W Spec ahl amt. m: Z. 11,* Bulk at Plluita Geeta. Cammt leo4 ad :2 *WM I=l. ri...IZ " peilt% i. ,1.. AO Witted iirapa ma ~sld fir Pilim4¢ sail I.l4l!ric - sa .Marei ..Ute ' iiii Cg4iniicisti of #4414, 4, . . E.; az I,*ff.l tam. , . MOO '. • ••• a. nous= .o sox, BANNERS As6J Design fa Esebsaze_L . , aai Ssa 11.• hk I" e r g aum I di. • i :t".""a, 9 I. nalagelPhnt L o d, - 8" "'"" NO Ustiliasss 31 ! .1 " , 1 - C.. a, 11e,A'Ordat% per. Or • ' 4O ..x,flauss "do Ar.". 2712 . "d. •nee . do , 7V* Wi+Dat• d. • de "s*%iur side itaogi:an-A,.eAouAgokr • DmbElill. - Sloisosawszt, . • • • ..- rLL A. ClUtittitaittels ead Etassafro S ea to n ; ...4. , ' metes &of Dimentbe ?Ise ...a glgtit ' I. ofEzeb•fpg.cen/Skeates NIVI.I2q, Bonk Nate' twl toil.; No Woainmecillit doer below m a mmal wsm 44. . : . . • ..,. aatl tf Mk wiLitlat ►+ •• . 4k4iDir4 Dtoil=s; EXCHANGE . and Deolors in Foreign and Doolostieltze . , Cordiedzoo of po.ito, Batt Motto,' sad ter*. . 44 Wood st.. coo door atone 17cosrdi, DM sole, lipoborgi. Pa. /MILLION MICLINNOW at Irt ta..14 aid Zealand booed ' Billy. y 4 =teethe Cumoir Ratnror Et= *1 pa la Loy pan or tie Old C Goo LS to 0 . 1. 11,"al Ile rola of IO to dor LOuniiory. Aoalagilaii or' &aroma.. by 30: 1 1En t = 13 " . IN Avow.. am mew.. - IEI32O3:AND =MINOR LINO diolea F sad Doom& Sts' ttriliop; of is,:flant Nat.. aad Cvlaofooof 341 aml . Woolstmo.. difecily oppodisrSf. CfloAms ArkWridplrllFVNlF • •, • • • ; . • • • ••*...- :Oak. . . P0ff1.11.4 fllelmso rues Y. Mann. S SON, Matte 4re+t 5/ l i fislll4V fAIXC II API la r ,N;t. t Cheri, oo • 7 ..• , • : rimaraly sab. by N. IHILSIES •• Markefikt. • Nam e,d Ateeptan ' paribli in say parka Uke Unice. foltemd quo the eta &nab% ecru :N. F 1041136 & eos.. • •`• - - 111614trYti a. • • HATS-CA•AND•ZONNETS. m•s=rri—rrf7 , 7l . . .. . . ..4THY. Sabot ilhir..tallaSitioalealo vire* monolociating ellliatalmo rude want , • tool:toad/a kisses:Woe* &Ca ; (W eon foohloaable hatters of *a elOanCavirlfort,f Soya Ne al. soaply of tiSis be ent . Hays, led Itaviaalaill "M tired • ki• lIIPS =lb* MiIkIIKUIIII . I:2lie r li g aiul , be ftiudiiiis eanta .. 4: 4 1 . 12 ... aez;11:1; Ettona. when: mar tallinad lomat "Viet; al MOO aael Coi.• of bis own' ilaaaroelare, wtoknalo wan. tail. Ilou toad. to iodia 4or Cam satiea .•1........ ...... HMO= 0C1t•,•.•,..1 6 dt 4 1 1111 . Varatesabis H I lli. trentl C elben Re. relyoa ly DAVl:re ' xi eta %it Caps nom oarosabbAerao or dm my ritsiajzif fad mossomastqr, or the Ursa 1,711.13, - • ' Comotry'llorelumis, poreboolog by ookolobata• am Morbothally inolud to earl and esoadoe oar Hoek as ose ego my with cooldome Uat as PororctobOmmi end rum is wilt not ruder to la compansos mill any .bosmolo rhiladolptda. • • •• fabl7 fiwableWalaliallwa sad -Clap Illwawesetewi. A(.116.1180}: ANSUUT2l,,llewst,resprethally totems Ms' friends sad- the palate guar ally . that he has eoestaetwed the atanalheosse Hsu sad Caps at N0.:13 Wood areal; woe dooralsore the goatee of Second, where be low -sow at band a fine as artmeat II au and Cape of ha 011111 astsaataaans, which he will dlspasef ad the seat 'emeralds tame, wholesale and mall, kr Ina or eh: aeoeptaaee. • • - Hats ands wader arthe shaman nodes: WW2= '-., - 4:4l.rertuvesiAr if - trahLaVzuce:soit t. au rm• Liu Amu iseeneaccesse ,12hrunif fliff, of Us& Maki & Colk A:4 6 2a -4: F s ~ ,) Jo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers