s~-,~„,, --.- ESTABLISHED 1.786. BUSINESS CARDS. A ,,,lo:l l l.ApiLl.ltFt— wi tlip and Leathei Deal- Kirawcas — John Grier Yittabarirti;E. Leiria* #, CO. PhilmuleJoido. Consignsion mod e. estern Leather Kilicited, and lib. .oral.ndrooceo if required. hbi,do,„ !SWOP, JONES .t Co.Comottserorr and Sti jl.: arardnq Merchants, luso -returned to their old soo,d, Water and Etout streets, Pittsburgh. , octal 131LAUN 4 - 11El ' Ell, Wholesale assd Retail Dag ' .gists, comer or Liberty aud iss Clair meets, Pius tiro, Pao DRAMS CULDERTSONOraoIesaIe Uroters., Commusion Merehantit,lio. 445, Liberty .1., rxtviburgb. Va. • .& ly. . BA. PAIf.NESTOCK & Co, Wholesale and Ile e WI Druggist'', comet' Woad oied 6th ae j '/ 1211 AGALLY tr. tbSIITII; Wholesale (irocersß, and , Wood street Pittsburgh. C "" 6 t uL firf 4 "": 0.e,at1., mb¢inc 031.141.L.5, iou, D. .iVIILWS, MIL W. EALLISI.N. Clut.tillAN, ILAILAIAN, & Co., Alannfaeturers of J Carnage epnugs and Axles, A. IL atut Spring !net!, and - dealer. in Coat). Trinnalngs of every de scription, manufaeldry on lit. Clair at IVareholisc 43 Wood at., opposite :A. CLurles Hotel. • jatl32 t•D‘VAIZA) lIHAZLEMOS, Wholesale Grocer, east KS aisle of Diarauml, shad tdoor from Dukmond Alley, Tittaborah. • r - • ' • my 4 • IL WALT. roux ammarr. .VW.A.Ia. GEl3llART,'Ulialcsyle titocer, 'e r• in Produce and Plityborgh dilwictioetures, car tif Liberty kil]. Pittsiwgh, Po. • feta: ' xsOuslor 3134211 usxrre. , inazn , a. (late Logith i j. Cialnh o o , r 'yr :4 ;ig ° ., lle ' r ' c ' tiot, ' Y ' fi ' d " de C ans Produce co and Pim- - burgh Maisitilitimins, Wow al., Lymeat id end - - • ocil . - P... B. tatago, r OW. Burr. lure WOOD. EnEY k 80, %VimleraJo' Cirocers and ,Comungriosi Merchants, Knd Agentr for Brighton Viigtort Y..tsig, Nos. 17 Wow, and 1W Front rag, I'itor fetr3 . 8LC311.:, l'nuer Forte Ma.nniacturer end dealer Alreueal lusurnerae, Ile 'Wood •My near 6dt. nackW. . iiALLsitGIIBIL LONG ite LULLFA Belt sod Brass flitted., and Get Fitters, 11/J Frolit, bawd% sodihdermidaleid gismo,. Pittsburgh, Ps. irr Highest price gushier old Cooper and Brass. . doge. swan 3sicsar,_ l liumrs ares.nt, 114 setti o i n p . T , KE , i &Y Co.; Villa'<sale Grocers, Com vatr...lN,lo7. to: n u., sad dealers in Produce, tios.sC , Front streets, Parabarglr. soot GD). W. 6:111T 1 1 a Co., Brewers, 11141sters, nad dealer. u, liopr, PittnWzgh ang.Proild Browrio, Pew wdlsn atm. • - • la 4 COCI.LILthi t Cowl:minion end Forgunlin g 4.X.ltlerehhut, ZU oodsuest. Pittsburgh. rityPi 11,1LARY4/RKINOT. Maio Red Lent nom facture'', Vault sad Oil Almhaul, corner of 1.,it.- Stly anitOltiont; 1.4 PittiliorglL iOl5 T :BRYAN, 11seutyied Distiller,d Wier'eagle id Foreign sad Dawes. Wines alai Li quors, No. LiLany eater, and al Diamond Alley Falatrurgh, • jyl74lly IUILN Time, at G & J II Shoenher gen' lean Wentz, Pitteborgli. Goo hlanothettuers getting Rolling Mill Machinery . at' 'Aldeburgh, an re spectlally invited tei • ..4 • Tdruing done with exnetaese end despeecty_ dive TAXES S AIeGIARE, (law of the fuze of Alpo wad lidtiudh,UteteChaut Tailor, St. Charles /holdings, lined stree near W Yawl, • ;h. • 7d2dlß A. fiIiTCLUISViii 'es Ca.—Successors . Larssis Hutchison is Co, CO iderctuuns, road Agents of the St. Lotus Rattan doer Refinery. ho. 4S water awn WI trout streets, Pittsburgh. .T .LBLACK, .dierelisni Toßer, Erehaat, 'Buil. re Clear st., litUbutykc jußrct j ..u f d 11 0 1LAV . MT . 21 51 —Ij c holosall . G v ni , f4, ,o rz PlUsVor. h. - jaii4 JO . %n ftl er tti .: ?l, W t,4 l=l , A=List i r , dgfsL Wood street, oue door sou th of Diamond Alley; Pus- I= K a r a i titLidlts . • TOILN LL MELLOP., ‘Vholesolo and Retail deader LP m Aloe and lowed Iwamoto., &boot Moto Toyer, alates, areal Yew, quills, ranters' Mats, curl .I:Mammy, IM.al.Wood W, etrubwytt. • ' e trookat or token is trade. eepls_ SCIICONALAAL — a Ca, IA boteade thugs au, :ISo. *I 'Wood suet rmseurgh. • TOSEYLI JORDON k. SON, Com:dim/on and - Fur (' Nmt.rdiug AlereLmits, No. IS LiSesty M., Sapputm *airlifted Sam ...la Som. lawl 01.01, duction4q, comei Sat and Woo4i iafeetsplaiburAit. .. • n,.z. TOFIIinON k STOCKT6N, Bookiellen; PIiDICT3 and Paper Idatannenuers, No. 44 Master se, Pans- • T BEADY? /*At e!torey eau Market street, tl Clestiest,l aeolo6ter.l, Mistoneal, echool,Mateel illaeolll4,llealelettattst books awl tittatenary- 'pad • T - rnw. nosurrsuN a. Co., Btoketo allet:Yettnagc 1.1•`. Woke re, collier of Wood AAA Meech:Lova Hotellthoss, eittsburgi!, I'o. . . 037 Currency' parelanaco at 1.40 'wool taws. octli - - TWIN GRIER, Wnotesale, Grocei, ;Seale, iu Pro dote, ratutuugh Ilautuuetarec Tau 2r.c. *x.o. Yet Labcny ViusLurstt: • • • jans ;Diu nava, szco&e:o mayo. J 1 B. FL,AII'D, gale J. Floyd & C 0.,) IVOolevale •I linnets, No. IWl t lbsaiy creec seps A . .Nierr. " baut, um . t ciculultu c Prtubursia ."JuarO.Ukeuusa. No. I Water NI., r.u.a.urgh. Jim lu • Vesuvius lausi'Works. - : * e6:c ' t=Ls ' enniu " l: ' ,tine l i i i quality. Mr aretwuse,ai wawr tront aL H WATEILitAN, Whalesaln.Groter,Faiward-• big ital Aivrchant. Lealer Itt Aaamulacuires awl rmisace, Nos. a Wa. . - . ) 2, 64111aer. a aIIIPTON, Wholarue linaera wanting aid l.43ll.llsslini - 11.1eielawas, dealer,. ill Pda.uzga_Aarainiatures, Zaks. 1J pad Wood L. Yamburim. • - • a 1..; MEncat, littUratacs t Ga s emambrion bier: chants, IMOssocipisso, so: um solo of produce str. blandly. 'Liberal subsumes misdevo cusubmusessts. • febbm . us D. Wow., 1L14111C., C. WC 10181101ELD ItuE, Whouuk brocus u.d Comm-wort itterebuttlx, 114 Liberty 51., gu_a2ngh. . • X.,•114:34 satzpc. ALILEN it Cu, Coguaamosinti and rttrwardwg kb:rebus., lu utez and haul mus., be weal and Atarial wat. am , c.,w.lucurruou. N. 4 is, N is 'I 0.1.7:7 4' t'irst,":;uts u • Ps. MeCUBJJ KINU, Wholeehle and . Retail Rat and Cap blasnusawuroa, aud linden al Fancy Fars, turner of Wuod and Fain sta. N. HOLMES 1 W\, Nu. 44 &other ht., mutual , door trout corner of Fourth, deafen 111 Foretau KULL 1101nCaliCaiallb of Eachauga, tartthcatesorDepo.- it,dahult Pions mut *Ma. ...4_ , ,ErColitcriuna • and 011 0/1_ the principal edits - ;11trou houttilto U Iva . dolt?. romr.rrsa. - ' Pol.l4Likaakat a Co., Wtioleure OrOecrs ;cud Com !minion s.d rovinshniploitunits. ko.o Wucr• drea%i • puODERTVON tr. HEPPEAT Ptodace Dealers and' t.etrosalesion Meochauts, iso..lUo &wad meet, - - ID !CHARD T. LkEell, Jr . 7 impose : mod.Diader in* • • forel-u nod Loototsue 11.40dLry. thusiware and. {Amass Truoutrogo, of all delaiipioui,No..l:4s Wood s sy pusbund • 1 .1 IttCLIARD BARD, Wet:44We and Retail Maki . in' Leather, 2doroneo, Secretrutiers'.Tutees "arid Find •• e; 'Outlet!' wet Cutlers' Ttule, !and Wanuerat Oil, IVlou et, Mu...target. - - septet ' & Whole...We (tweet., woduce, and Couttrueston dietehauts, and Dularstit Pirt. tug! llartutnetotsts, No. la/ Liberty st., Pittsburgh, ROUERT DALZELL. Co., :Wholesale Groner., Commission and Par vrardmg, hiarehanta dealers Lioduna and Pittsburgh . Manutactuses, , Liberty st. p 0:, A. ii`Yilg 1 • • 1.1110 reeer; Dealer In Produce and Pinstbugb Allanulbetures, u. 144 Liberty C... •: JYtn • I.IEYNCILLrd & SHEE, Forererdisnr And Commission JD, :Merchants, for the. JJleglieny Hirer Trade, deal. era in theocrats, :Prods., rinseurgh ALLustacturei and Chloride of Limo: Tho highest prices, in cash, puid'et ell nines for coon • try reg. Corner of Penn end Irwin ew ' laddr.l • Ala. 0 VILD & Co., Cocualuion Ignichauts„ Lao a a' #l., app.!. Sauthkeld, Dealers uo Seedy ads? Mutter, Lard, &c. 1.04.1 y , astamura - r,• HACKLI.7I7 k WpITE, WholirZ akklersiu rondo and Domestic lkt Goods. No,VP.Woo4 4t, W.411.111.3AU011, Wool :Merchants, Destars • PrOdUCe 151111ertair, and FOUNElfdlag • - Voatantaion bletcbbnu, :iv. Water • 1111T/4 14 1 .0A-LEY. & Co.,Wbolesala Grocers an d lihoduce deaiers,No.92Market Watt, batmen Gtb .111: Noah obi.. Ybibulciplua: • • bong C. AULL—(Suceasior to Hill & Browne : ) Impor' jlar, cad tuarouncture, of roper liongtrop and tdo, cad dealer towritiog,_ptuelog, and swopping papa, 117 Wood a, Pittsburgh; Po. Itare and , Tais, tifellsenps pUtChAutd al the tughea Mallet price. raztousou. • • Jon"( IMIIOIJOUETLAALI. cNICOLS, Produee and Gairtad Cm iPat.t'2 13 ~:Odarelmnla,.P.o. 17 Liberty.V., Liperm, Linseed ..tut Lard 0.1 - „ . .. 1 . • ' • 'VO r roNiNOan T ta no C rfir. i V n a A ole lc soiG n Dealt,* in Piuxburgh nlonalicturai and Western • due, have removed to their new worehentec r told broad) earner of rteall a mold Chance ry l.;• . 4 3 Font t • • 01.exetuun4 Dealer .111Nruduco lond nuslAugh •tanned ILelleitlS CuN 11.isbi =or 7th u. dO! .-- 4.138RY-4111-1., Whole-Ada (Roma and Cotonds. '' •f... ' 4ioa Widow,' and dealers in Brodgca.. No. db t ood at., Bittatturglt. . .gtotat ' VAL B. FOSTER, Agent for Gleodean soldier raid procuring penatOsis, at the o/ea of Wrn.F. Ana 1110034, bark'. gulkdogat, 4W 4 Plusburtt.' • 1 , 11 .Z. ' 3X We gonteral land odtca ai IVagliaglol s will • atietnl„lo . . iGiGGtatttera free of aspene• to stddeants. ' , ' • mu 14.417 ',IA, J:ki 4 . 7 + 1 ;.‘ : f; e 1 .. . . i i" '. :: ' - r r ':' :i' i ', :. ' •:! .- • ... - :,..--: . :.., ;.. f.'... [ ,,-,...„: • ir 4,, ~.4_,,,.„,.:,_4..„•• ~., .4...... 111 . 'lt ; 1. . .. . •- .• • • , . ' . , . , .- . CARDS. lu lir k r 1117.....V;in5tr0a5... ". and'.Frest,, ,, •• Motet streets. n. xua, L ;DA= X'CX.I.Iti• ntC/:elt, " Fond cotunti IllerchOnteolealero m Iron, Iglu* Glom, tiou Yazoo sool.liosburgb .Nionufacturts' gentmlly, coguer of Wooll mid Water litre., Pittatturs b. ; xr A WALLSCE, !OW home aod • ink; esmbliMment, Zio. 244 Libefty wear the n: Ara; tqpre w WlL.Stihr, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Warei.llilitary Donde, inc. Ise h 7 t.L . noV7I {r R. MUIW }h . WLoleisle ' aod 14tail dealer in comer ol" Markel and rum , 111C11.'. IaTARIUCK 31.1.1{T1N k..C0., 13n9kers, 11c2IFFs . 11i T y haugc, bank Notes an d Coul, corner of 11.1 aka Wood streetn / _norl9,!lly 1 WY TUC NO. . WCo.—Deules le , salter &c. 1781.~ocny e. j y • • Xi' MITCIIELTRM—WLoIeradt Grocers, , Rectifyiug Distiller,' 'and IN'ine and Liqudr Men:haute., ult.o.lmporters.of .t , oda Mb and Bleaching Powder, No. LW Lth,ny et. l'ittsbarcli, 3'a, lanMly' 01.1VP.11 121.11MICAN, / • G.A.. B. )01.3.. l;locen nod Of ot a I c L. e r s ' TaM Ita.% ' 'isn -l o7ri ' lnt tauc lured arucles, hava an baud, al all full yt. :petal *aortal°. of good/. their 114 e, %VW...aria, ur Catru Ade), 1 . 11.31.ur0. .13 Ucb. , l,CFs%, will have coustalitlY outland a well selected as', sultunun best and rcdteet hledleines, which he will sill on the most rex:ode:4e terws. Physicians mending orders, w ill he prumptly Upended to, and,eupt hued with articles they way rely Upon as gruni,le.. I Phystentits l'rescrip.ist aryl accurately and neatly prepared nom the nest merials, at city hudr cil the day or night. . Also lot SIIIC, Lorca sno rts of fresh ehd go... J r:J[l tiler - INAGLE CITLION WORKS. •'lltsb !a re!, ..14 tufo Cotton. Vern, Caudle' t% _nztuur,, V 'V iCl3::Ziteti . 80. (Suecesgare ko'Arbuckle & Proprictias. As Ital .. J N .t: L. -X .' lT ' a I LTlail .N d C .ltrie ,O all r. l ; : L• 11611 1. ICJ:unary. Always on Itafid a large tool of Loh rowdmed, Cru Med, Chirilied and Bastard Sugars,. ill Tered& and Ilarreis. Also, Sugar lluuse3lolasseai Priers lilted and a lair allowance made oust, sales, of or clove barrel,. meal! I • t`l EU. W. *man & C 0.,• Brewers, Masters, and' X.llop Dealers, l'ittsburglt,,,and long Drawers, Ir. or Coates Alley andPe= amael, and loot of Pm.' at., l'alabalF,alP. • t. . Slontattgaltela Livery Stable. 4 .: ...% 110natIP 11. PATri...c.,..0:: it. °petted the tame awhic on lira at, running through _ . to Second st, between Wood and twaithhoid t liialh a . a:lo the rear of the Monongahela Stwe, taint an courely new monk allot.. and earntayea of the host tronlity foul lineal ittyloa. Rouen kept= lire. •1 iu We beat manner, . 11 y' - • T. B. IS/SLIOP, Vetennery Serreca: cart - be found at Ida Hone Sbueaug Establislnneni, " near St. Cteir taxa. Llndse, lsiely occurxed by blesste.Cuit dc Rowland. naHdtan,_ F. EAT TIns Stllt ' lTtocy 'l 7 . ll in otsl .l C T .Vter, 1V wlan Varna and Worsted.% liatteus, Zaduanlea, Fuss namda ß d ra 4tht & , e rg Nunrdg d aa. •PCI., bata l aD ll m- • NEW SADDLERY HARDWARE STOLE, - R. T. LEECH, JR . _ NO. 133 WOOD ST."' PITT3II j _OII6II. "Vas II -11<ltnIe..atd.2.1treikgtnEtare'ptalu'reira. murmuring to crmmier* and neaten, lam p Mat pared to famish Mem wish al. goods in my line, ou adll better teams than heretofore. Buyers vrdlncotl e et that dealing " exclusively" ill , Jaddlcry Hardware and Carriage Trimmings, I obtain thereby', advaimages that enable me todnge, duty compen• tion. Call, scesendjuducloryourikes. iirmsußuif WORKS AND DPILINO I=MEIM=a 6112 C SUM, nt/IN JONES do qulaa, • M A MY2,'L lI ZagifT g 21 4 '4 4. 4 ue synngu i hinunered icon ules and donor. in nisi. /cabin tannage ; tiro engsno rarapsiind conch Mr-jun. 4" rnerally, corner of Urn and k nun, oini-Fittelitetti PEW2i TielA STOBJew.--No. rounn t, neat Wood—All gunman. of Green oo Wank Teas, done up in quivir, Lag, 001 inn.] I.nekagvs, lunging- *ow Cu•sta per pound 5140. Jyt A. JAYN IA; Ann .for Pain Eno Co. LAW ti.FI4IC. WU: TI .11111.1 N. ' ATTOUNET AT LAW, Buaer, P., WILL also attend tonoliccitons and all other Muds ness entrusted to Lim in Bader and Armstrong counties, Pa: Beier to • J. is. IL Floyd, Liberty . 4 W. W Wallace , d0 . 1 . _ ••• /elute Marshal!, t riaoprgh. dly Kay & Co., ti, • ran 7 Comm. tattooer of Deed* . A T CLNCINNATI.-- . 1 ant authorized' by thr Goret• XL nor of Pm:ll4l.l.nm to tate acknowledgments of oiltutretveoU 01 Wining, also aLf.davits null lions of persons In Uhia, to he used or seconded 1 p Penney:Tani.. Oleo, taro doors <net of the !Mayor • e, Clocuinati, Ohio. • . EDWARD P. CRANCII, . ranyßkhupliely•T Attorney in Low. ' OILO nitroil prompt!). to Or:Mellow, ut Waslaugloll; foyeao Loa (Rota eocutrier,Pa. " iLII4 - .11 - TO --" m.k.tock, Eon ) , • Chorsh r.losruthero, 1,4 - • • • rind CAitowneSlur as../.lt.at, C ,S <To wino, tEr• uswouno °Wu.. lectrons or ow, Wo , •no In Indio., awl lII'kt.II4.IIICAY.'PrIII s it,y a t , lolly nocuded etsiona....sslsrrlo , mu •itortoso, for twklux Deponow 11" so—lion. Wm. Dell & Son, CurtiN . Ciamb & Curattocrs, War. ifayi, SO S. /nag., acr. ' baYID w. SILL, • . sore.. S. ?mu.: W. ez A. S. BELL,. Attorneys st Law, °awe lit LSteers ria numb kecou d door utettre street, Stltaburgh,fu D. IV. bell,' Cootie...lw, to lute I 4lr tiuus, AS. kuourtedgiuetOw britee.u t abd otbdr tostredwuts el web unr„lo be used to Ebriste _ _ s - -0.,.. t. ai~LVl„twecuuo 04ico side of kourth 05554 LOAM auuv,ti Id. kbl7/11culy - • LOLL" SICSUPP, J. Itattano;rwetraLL, iIItALOP k SEWFI.7.,, attar'ey at Law, Orme, uu J. Smithfield, between and 4lb 1,10. ViniAVALID S SWARTZWELDER, AtToruey.ett usw, kave removed their mare to the Nand side o f t oath at., between Cherry Alter land Want street 'npetf TOSEI'II KNOX, Attorney at Lam, Pituiorgh,Paii th, has resumed Um poetize of his profirestou in lonia. bce, No.:, nodding., Grant at- occupied, dorms. Ida aimence, by . T. J. theta= and J. Claristy, iMehartt dlrolo GALLATLN, Attorney at Law, Offibei on dub M., between Grant -sod Sodthltild, South aide, Eittsburgh, Pa.; will also ahead promptly to basineas in the ads counties. omet-ly TAT . 0.. IL ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has ye. ut • mowed b °Mee to Bs change billdorry St. Gast at, mai door to Alderman Johns. • apt7lz, (1 Oht,LA• Lt.J LOC/71118, Attorney at Law, °Bice on Vs . 4111 atteet, above anititfteld, apnlY INSURANCE. . FIRE . AND DIAILLSZNB 117841.1110E.' . rilliE lustiliirtai Company North Ainenco,ffirtiopti j II duly ittithoriard Agent, the soburiber, otter( to make paratabout and Innitod insurance on property, uci city sodas vic nity, awl on shirtnoonts by th e Ca. and am Riven . .DIIIECIOR9 . Anhor Cit Coffin, irlea Taylor, anel W. Jones, Amino.* White, Edward Smith • Jacob N.Tboutas,' John A. Drava, John It. Ned, Joh^ While,. . ~.Richard IC Wood, Thorium 0. Cope, • Win. Welch, . Baronet Ir, Staub, Fraureo 11 °Wens, Samuel limas, it. Await, Atlibotte, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Proa't. Hexer 1/. Sucassatt, " This is the oldest Insurance Company In tho' united States, having been ihenered iu Stet Its charter is Persica/el, V. from its high standing, long experience, mitts atenus,and avoiding nit risks of an extra box. anions chards ter, it may considered as offering am• plea city to ter, the pubbc. - 1/ILIMPA ATWLMJIJ, At the Cauntibg Wenn of dismal, Jones Zs Co., We. ter aud Yvon streets Pittsburgh. DELAWARE mar tr Ai INSURANCE CO. 1 (AIN joriNEY, Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh for We Orli tj awarallunitsl Plumy Insursuce Innuptufy of L'ltrlat adalphia. Fsnittialts upon buildings and ruerchandiza or- ovesr desariptium,and Marino Kirk* upon bulls'or 'cargoes of vessels, mica, upon the most Maorabla bilitch in We Wavehottee of W 13 llolmea tk,l3ece, .1^4.47-Nater, utarttiorket meet, ritisbateh. T. I.l.—The success Catattaay since the want. lietunant of Abe .fcgeticy in this t.tly, wan the stietno. new and litteratity with which every thaw Kent thew .for tow hns beets ettittutted, Wily warrant the agent so inviting Weetwfideuce and Name/Age hitirietnis and tie contentaity &Wargo to the I/claw-ate 3,1, ‘ „ u . run= Cwispitty,WhilO IL Lae the additional advantages Si ingoug aie west flouretawg itt Planate!. pLia—wo having olisplOpaid-ist casetal, w Lich by the °paraded ofits 'chattel LS constantly iliacusissg, OS yielding to each per.. winged, lag due du,. or Ike waits of the eowpany, 1411.11 isivainsig boo In stoy respanstliday waste's.; awl eve rye pOssosetog We Alutnal 'Ventage° divested tit ry Wows.. !ea ten, and In its SOUSCillttpeliire - 0013 - - VILANKLIN - INSIJILILIVOId CO. ' 111 1' hliu Filo Insurance Cult youg, of l'loludel ,L pldo, stilt zw.k. luso 'suer, penusueld and Jellied every . deseripuon of property, in rtestragh cud tite o Surrounding •country, on itotursida trona. 'This cola. posy has POPOUIIi thurter. Capon!, BO paid in. Contingent, Pend:- • - • reuehOto • 'Other corner of ThSd end .Iforket stereo, PLusburglh .... s pll7ll • WARLOCK MASS TLN,Aguld. rpHE undersigned, doli atullorised'Ageut orally Amer :ULU. 'Firs. Ilan:tut , . cowpony. Id r inultutelpont, 13.11.41CtS trieffeLCllls , llll3:63itgallla on or damage ogninst kite, on bitilding., 11141C1.1A11., ilduiturs nod property; n ot luau So us to ibis city' bud victual, .04 : • tW.O CbCa,itLAN, W40,1.t. • LISCittilER Imoh - OPpolnmELAg , Lu ut,, tpro 1: 11 1/ V .soitim lamomuco Company 1.:!.,:500,r , and i• 111111 Policies AIM novo/ Cc. - : .... l . di* . NOPF7 rs"trPo :JOitEdi raoo LITERARY. H To Country Nevada Oats: . LARGE bI'OCK of Pools, Paper, Station _hal. itu, Se. , guitable for counuy sales among erbsel Writing. Papers, of fine, medium and common Lotlec raper. do do do do Note Paper" '' do ' do' ' 'do' do Note and Letter Enveloyes; • 'Slakes, Pencils, %Voters, Quills and Steel Perks Window Paper (yard wide) pluln nod printed; Emmet Bawds, of different qualstm it, Hlgnk Ilboks,su great variety; Family, School and Pocket Udder; '‘ Ckdivn.mediurn,'und double crown wrapping paper gleCutfie's Eclectic Spellers mid Readers, Ha.' s Pe'tette Arttlnctics,• Colib's Primers, Spelteri and Renders; ' Sanders' do do • Arithmetic a by Adams, Davis,Colbunt, Smith, Stock.' ton, Kruerson, and others treograp meta by Dlitehell, Olney, Smith, orse,Goods ric lat Farley, and others. • Giant:Cana by Smith, Kirkham, Bullion', Weld, and others. For sale at low prices, by I=l • El wood •1, 5 doom above 7th. The higher market price paid for good mixed 'rags, in mth. Near Pablieationa. ILT9Ys illustrated. 'tauter's n vwlw 2 . ditlon of tbe l'oencul works of lobo Milton, woh• memoir, apd tritiealwoutrke on his genius and wrs tinde,lby Rouen aloomontery; mod one Intudred and twang .Igrairing• Mon drawtogs by William Harvey. Stoker:ass Caere Triersatekr.—The four Gospels and ActO of the Apostles, in Greek. with English voter. pailosophicol, owl exegetical; coops. intlat,, etc.,: Wl:ether; with the Epistles tool apocalypse; the wholej tortnistg the New l'estameta—For the use ok, Sehholo, Colikger, and Theological Scothaories. By — Masi/. A. Spiowor, A.ILL. New fairy toJwof lave, Illy Mei. S. C. lion. Jiisrik' Mehra. 111.-- , l'ha lira, of floury the Foituk,, kiog jf Fruhea and Navarre, IL Jairter. Complete in ?our purl., puperi u vole. cloth. pkir sole toy Jill I.a.S ft.*: Oh STOCKTON, 0w:4..11er, csorner af not act and lid • BooKs—At the Apollo Buildings, Fourth street , ne l‘Vornl.- , ,lfelanst's Weicetue to the Stranger; rho Czar. his Court nod 'People, by 1 Li Alazwelk Tbo Orators of Fmnee,• The PVC& of the Apostles, by . Bacon; The Purlieus, and tueit Principles, It; Fl Hall, . Min Constuutions and Cautious of the Holy. Apostle, ! With et Prize Essay; Ali/Anis Life of the Duke of klarlhoroOgh; NOOsidcr's Life of Christ, in its historical counceuun II +SIM historical developenient, lihryiegs 'nod Appleton • publicatiosw generally. Schuollitooks, Foyer,, Station a ry, de. - ap,l ' J L RCM/ BOOKS at the Apollo Buildings. 4th 1 Ali street.— ,beltry Life oflohn, Fluke of klatitiorOugh, with!colored maps: by A Allison. • Second Vol. Chalmers' Posthumous Works—Seth. Lute Replaings. - The 'life adios. Christ, rtt its historical connection and historical development: by AugustoCrNeander. TeMileinted from thrlth C./egoism editiou by John Me. CiiinOck end Char L Blunieuthal; Protessors to Dicke insult College. FoOrth Val Firtoriai Ilitflorl of r.kri. , A. Now and Then, by Di. Written, author of Teo ThothmOd nVenr, and others too numerous to mention. Coll had see. ap . lo .1 Is READ. PITTIMILIAGII FEMALE 114STI'k'UTIC. 1 1 1 S . Il i u „ s o tillasoui Ingler the pra fosupersi,sion, andlwlll he n ettilituell ' at the ' the same plane on Utt puoo of erly some: /n consequence of some ebwiges Morals taken place, few eseaucars have occurre, and those desir ous of t plcing their do under their rare; would do wel to m.dte an early application. For terms Iwo eirculatJur apply to the PrtheipaL 10111111141111.11111 WE FORIVARDING COANISSION. c. c v • J. ItRMAIJDO 541”. CIMILLISS IL,,DASENFLOWER & CO. Tins4Ceu Culiaishiol No. Ni South Whartrs, and-Ne. U 7 South Waxer at I II.IIII4LIVELPILIA. 73EGL , to iuGirce the Vide and dealars generally, of Pittsburgh, that they hare made bilCh 1:11! W 1 the Vitginia mattufacturers awl the Grower. of Se 11"gs1;11est and caber plates, a. snit coon a large stud coustaut 'aupplg following; descrip•-• nos or Tobacco, whirli sail be sold opal. as accom tuodatius sernos nal; paler house io city or else where, aud all goods , ordsred from IL en! will be war reu.d•eq4nl to reprraeutabou: !lacono,miiiio; Yarn; POOO Woo; Peoria.; lfteed Leaf Jo. Cabo; Flooda4 boreal' dia AL calebrutod Aromatic Sart Cava with;a large ay.:use-at of other popular brand, and goalotea of pounds, 6.. es, 12s, 100 upd Lump, 6, ninud Ills Plug, Lautres"lwirt. Vinton& Tonst. aurcej and plau, to whole and half boxes, Ovoid and oul,togethor omit every vowel) of ntocle boloog. log to the rrade.' letedly .1,3101I7:1 A. flflitZ. L 0.112,011. LIARZET, NEEiIIIT 6 G&RHETSOS, FLOUR FACTORS Psi:idol:es. Commission and For warding 31 t HERA ft TS, • N . 4.6 4 Nonni NV mum, /“VD Val Wurs PHIL'S/U.1411A RUM sur—John 11. Mown & Co. Rohe." • Parc ron, Maser &Co. Mail& Deader Ji Anco & Paxton.r' . l Now York : ' WsUers & flurry,* 'Dustan'. . ' • 13syn!ty 8. mil& 2 - . 1 ti k. n. rjugc,‘Vilfn&:Co Pntsho _ y, ISIDWO Kier & Jones, • Lanus! nun Moaners on consignments lo our nuaresr, inor.ndly m.Lacnut. nraesn scar. inui. uircn EL.LIV/AKER, .ECKY ISs: CO., • i FLOUR. FACTORS And ,Reneral Commiss , ion Merchants, Ntlfihil.l.lll.t REFEItENCLS--I . l . ettyy G:Lr4 Co, Ya to lita7,ll • Rrnlgcra ti. r.herlork, / rj. Sc.-Eu/01e} Jc } A. M. January, Aluyarnlc. • .Cbarkr lia.iun. Jr., Lautrvale. I. tre ' r . e " r ' r i l * ,ru 'P . e". •, Ron] t2ltroluer, y o.9.inery., GEO COC /IRAN. ConnntelitGE: laa sad Norte*, dlrig Merchant. v.:u scoops, ' s,r - Inuzana, flOhaNVE'ra an ira Velif v., rut On e4pecinny I/1 the parehana uu..l nun. of Ameri can Manua/e'en, and Produce. .mr ill stecialui; Old iu . ruenniinnpooda h i hi cart. .1• Auto. fur tat anntalanarres, hi will he Cana:au/1y r . uppued seu h i the urtnell nrucier or Pinaburgh atenulacitao-Tit once. Order. wer-consu,na , ctu. ena reop w. ect WI; penciled • - 4 , 7 r. TOALS..M;ZA B. P. CONWAY 'a CO., ii DorcrlAl-ulli, Ohio 4.1.11/110“11/ PorNrarcPa; 1. Merchant. and Produce Irealeen—alno anet.te Lac Puraiu , ae,sale ..ki.4l...p . curnt a 11.0 iton, e. Alivatia; .IcVleti & Co, Drown, Dailey & Loivo4t4og & . lleary Waif, titalaaye. CO., , it Leech & Co., • :Aunt .003, Clarke &Tit*, jillll‘l,3) ._ ' d ,0, 4 Luis al tu .oorgh, P . Late of Dimahville, Tenn LE t-i M E IL& ANDERSON,• DCA /..E.ltSj ClirilrN, POILWAIWING & COAL. ME.1:011.11:114, au a sips ,STILKI'AeriVIS .1.0•1/WAIr cramarr - i, onto. rilvrelauita geuerally, +a PULL aria. - arra 'GEORGE A. BERRY, ' _ WHO/a:SAT/1i UROGss.ls.l6i FUR Vifithiti tOlaihalOxlethl:ll/hT, • AND DEAllEll lei ,li?n, , Zjallie.Vottsolk Tarns 41, Plttibargh. 1 at amalaelleirea gimaralty, mars, rrriancuwl , r/k. • itjakOligkaS CO2.lll3aluil ALEX. LEVY & ,BROis. 0/DICULAINATUAND ST. 1.00/111. qa'ar:to sOl al enh<l ertabltsameat, all iiuds of Map,- elutridaie, at' the SOlVeat rotes or c0m0i...00., ahvavalprepared to 1111,10.101.0006. '1 he bed 01 lin, I,WCS tlie/1 if requifiA. Letters addressed w. Wier haaah wriltas pproellystueuded ta. Uearicit a. V. 01511 a. L L u...m.rroN LOVE; MARTINI 4. CO., Prodiscei=and commisalon Mershant., . _ ..,... 4.4.7'mu..., Ilaskria,- Darlaron, Sunder. kCo„J okui,. !WNW, Wugh Jinklus, Lialuinure; 111. Alteil & Cu, Sellers ti Ni col., Ibruipluu, Smith ir. Co, 'Sbueklett tr,..lVbile, /qua burgh; A J Wheeler, 't U bhaughnessey & Co. Clueru .u. ~.i~.~oxn_oi.----- _ _ _ --- c u::i.~: • priIOMPAION COM tlefi b 8 lON MERCHANTS. ' And Manufacturers or Lins•ed Olt; No. .= Colorant, meet, • • _fors.A, paid for Fla C fpred x n. Onto. CLARK, Fe/m.OmM ng Merchant, Brownian' er, Pa. Attends! par{ or eurly to th e Forreatstisor of Produce, Ite.!&c.l , 1 . 1 1 , 8 anyAttiormatioo, apply to FORSYTH & CUM. CAlS,ltialde at. oral. o. tr. huonse., T. ',rat • MATHEWS .t.• PATCH, COMMISSION! ERO H A NTS. I.i Ma. 4,0_ later eeeeee • Loca Mo. Will givti,•piicular aitedtioe to the rit. winos at Pte. duce, mid to Orden, for purcouing. Kasai 10—.4aurato Murgasi& Co., Pinaborge, Pa. ' ainll I r rosarskil aoOrato, • . ' MIALW 1.44 Celli & t•;opttl. la ; 01 h 1.611. Aft & DUZi,iOAIN,• , • AUCTION lc COMMISSION NEUIIaNTS,, ' . I ~ 461, the alit coon of trotty t Wttroattl,) •i ' I Nortrrlc, 1 cusearee, • %p/ fut. giver prOlupl and lantorw wiention-lothe WOG ot;Ltry ;Coale, litocerlei t and riterctotndito ge entlii. .4 b.y, met mowed to attend mall thadeport , woo. all ilwAt , twsnwitt etticomtly add (drums in.. suotkltri iiirat own oreount)intpersiouy. *ter ito M. /Own, rr. Ctri J. W. ak&IO & Co.; Pluip. ' - —l----'—'--- CRUSE - - - . - I ' __.,. ~1 ;ISAAC ONNKRAA. COMIMI&1110:11 aIL, , ACIIANT, / R E P ' rt.ikt' IiCWALCOF PODUC& RIO OVISNO, h Pow 114 utollOr Stunt's Wrrotr, ) BALTI3II.IB.L. MM. Mi:retontro—Mdrchunta of FiltsOurgli. ...lAitFsis?,,r,•yac 7 ll. Cruogle ACo. rth.rEkiGnl 1 ' NOTICIC TO SIIIPREAAa. I,lArk:, ktaie Mite. no orl . ce imutittlitay opposite, T T . otr buLut . x , w o rettutt.o l t , /r , u , oLttr . rtztt, :r o nlre c wo sv t;:e ' e “ rl 4 4 4 ,‘ ‘ rr " ttog ' cl . :ernsltur:og " Wm..; Ltorn itonr o for lint tattoo.. Matt will always be at roodowas tat our whorl to retire ortgla. : • ' • _ CA M'ANULTY tk ce, - . soil '. .' Coma/town. I At..., at Sik Lii f ier IWI'CIiLIT Frill SALE-Cat,. 1:tot 4itia Gad steamer (('barring tor rare on arrow. toptlntiOg Isttiri. For voruettinnr otlyout en • I . , .. ti rt W ItAIIttAUGII, r. 2 P' i— L : fir Wtorr and:lrwin sir. AIX C OF TM: II AZA la, rywuulicoan'A 40L141.3foithe.siliiil Mat, &let and talptiatraw , !liar of *..y . :31.1,per10r gawky: illy - cut,l9Net Out! Le 'fipplied at any hour rturtng the tiny: ".-- ' ' . , - .:. appla'.' J‘kMieli Dal.tVolliff;Att,'l7'w&oll'o ' A.L.Li&T&IIIOOiTAIENT-7 gran ;of ask by : '.01.. 1 . 1 4 : . . .& k; d&tallaSS • . • . G. Vrtlß COTARTNERSHIPS. CO-PARTNERSHIP. • T °GAN En KENNEDY have this day associated . .LA with them in the Hardware businessinilip Wil son and Fstivard• Gregg. The style of firm will here fter ho Logo°, Wilson h Co, 11.arra n tigement fern dent 'ft. destrable'to close Ag old hue ineSs. emit he possible. All persons whose,liabilities ham matured, are especially requested to make immediate' paymunt. rinsbarib, Jou Ii tef9,' • •. ir o.GrAlci Xt . /LS . OII d0 . ,p0.--Inorarters and Nt ,, 0k..1. Dew er. FCresett and sees mare, Cutlery. S.ntaddleryffic4 ISO, Wood street. Pins burgh,lara now imputed with a reccully impar ted stork of 'lard ware, Cutlery, Ac .no offer very grout itulocemenui western 'Myers, being determined to compete in prices with ally of the 'Atlantic cities. Al so on Land no extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hard ware, vie: :shovel, Spudesi Fors, /los , fie., all o f which Mil be sold at Me' lowest ausaufas.turefs prices. jant _ aTHE a obwr hers havolg.reeeutly entered into pnrtnerthip under the name of Gat uglier; long tr. M the , . Miller, tor the purpose di an e Hell and ;11.14 Foauthog Itatt Lbw Futiog bust...sin all iia Laltneltes, have taken the stood formerly Otto. pied by IL Gollucher. No. lOC Front street, between Wood awl but idthell sta., whim, they arn prepared to eArreute all orders tor ME, Brass (Awing., of every den .ription, and. LiarPatine.' with neat:ie. and des patch. SiCßlllboat rothiug promittly alteatied to. . -l: -11. GALLAGHER, ' . . t .• • . N: As. LOME . P. 11. All LER. .. N. ll.—Tue attention of Alnehhosts and Engtneers DI int ited to oaf antWannullon mew& fore '<duvet! price, oloch has le•ett..proennowed. 'opener to Rabbit's hy nutwws, who Love used both. - titcootboot benders ood the public, generally, tow el o'requested to coil sod e.t.- a:moo O. •upenar doable bated Force Fowl. fur SIC:11111.11.d demesne u e. .. IS=E=I deet7tll • - Musalntl - mi. ueden tMle farm of T 1 ILEzits.l2senwl.oliregoliutk.A eot at on the lot Ha.t The laisioess wilt be closed at the old steadily either of us, using. the' motto el the firm fo. clot Pun. , Being 1100rou0 to have ur business closed wall us lute dela; a.' possthle ere would re spectfully request those •tralehted 10 can Cm/ 001110 lime account..U. hIT.IIIW. pat • H. D KIhIJ Co-Partnarshlp. JOITN D. M'COUD having aaajailia ell with hies hie brother Jason. SM.:ad, miner the style of hlteord fr:Co, lath comma the 1101, tiap end fur burfitise io all 'Vs V 11,1 0 ,1111 branches, whcilesele sad retail. to the olds id, corner of Wood anctlOth streets, artless they -eolith a coatuntuutoi of the patronage so liberally he dotard au Ws otd firm JDIIN D /11 . 031tD. /.2.1 JAhI.E.I S. 111'ettlith. N miring, from tlia old awl mcii kuovnt am at /3"Cord A. King., I .inasi re/pact - 11y tccomunend.io We yelruuaye ,ofqui,public my .auccemurs, Megan. Arcata • lt. DoIiING. t:6ip mina. COPr.Cirtn. W. sawiii-Aa F....‘hautberg.: "o " r trau aJ d nails ore °Fry descnpuou. sr.srialmax, a. s. sitoesMost. 1.1 ;qui-Vox. STEPILENS, SEICOGAIBEINCIER ¢ CO. A...seat/It _ 11 7 a,tiang, • Manufacture all kind of boiler, Am. bar trop and es*. A. /iced elsptio s pree ga and axles. Bring con nected with Shoeutrergera oid ugliala work,, we can of r article of Jammu iron 41 3 nass 4,4 . 8 hDeol'en:;‘ , 1 pool a .14) su.k. it Use country'. All of 'mason will te , "sold at the Pittsburgh prier.. Warehouse of the l'ikork•co.ner of Munroe and %Vater aut. styli DISSOLUTION. THE Coipartnersh p of We subscribers, under ill, firmof Lewis ilutclusou ac„is this day dia °Nod by mutual cou., L. Lill... of L. Will lenlClld IO the seri dement of the hroa,-and use its nanie fin dial purpose. LEWIS II /C111&0:4, jaul. : • :tAilii - 15 A. atactubox. CO-P.IIITNEaaIIII rimiF: undersigned here this dui lonacJa co-punnet - - I, ship, under the lice of Jam. A. liniebtrun di Cu, tur the p•rpose of cu„tioning the bores., he...101M ebfose au by Lewis If utcluson . .t and nuticii • calwauanee of the putrutig - latent, rrAmded to the house. JA.SICS' A. H 1 ON, OMMEECEMB DIIIISOLUTION—TI;parti:tchtp hnnerto ern, uuder the style and firm M tirtgm.fian to thla daynt loud red by mutual mutest., loan Mt. irll havitig dlopased or bit enure ltnellinloll. Wish, man. The !ame. Cl Ws late film aIiEIN oettlen by 11. Wightntan, wen tt authorized In use llaC inane of We tate firm for that purposes, ' tll. VI IWITM AN. opt-4.110, Uu:y 1171 I/. DALZLIL.L. TM: nabeenber it 0010 ptrram4 to 'navel'. ul re all koala of Collollaud Wooten hausloluery, at the ohonest none,' Orders lilts' It. Wisbnannil.ns ins hasp, cor ner Inberty and Water street's m ll nst wttb prompt astenuen. Ili WIGIrrM AN. Leacek at, between Federal and nitudasky ono, ont"esny 1 Allcenehr only. LortlA: rltnt.-11.e portuentlistr eit.uuq hetteeett the wooer/hero. under the .lye of Po/ride:ter* L., Was 41..44 edou tOe I.t not. oy thotool content. It. IV. Volottexter u .U41.1110/0 Iloc the or I tho beet nOss oldie ottocern. IL W. MIN blarEn. C.. If,: LiILANT. NClTiCFl—llaving purchased ti,n claire fnletost ore. U. finial, in ine /ate rUilecni ni tqludexitir IC Co., and fly nu, rionnlorn Poindknler, Mr. WO WiMsuln*S•lll lon condoned us lowa under dze . eCan . .ptu LJt ‘KruiNl,l-vic.o - t.';`„:IIERSIUSED, deny Ilunint.s. under me j loarr,e of Artnuts Nici.olgoo., tnnat Fooodry Inird num!, havr tins On), I,y soullatO content, dl,nn-- ied purtnernlup All thp4o !,107eiog them. •e,1•. - en indr.ned II die thn, aie ',quest.] to cull al sv3i•hotlwe I.ll,ariy Leod or V00,.1. nod Ara.c, nod La. ing ogniont tutor wdl preient them La the 101,1 place lot sclocrocnt A mil 'Lit+, • - I '.. Vm • Annociallf , FARIIEN $A7.11.14, ...••orrareil thromeivn• inreldr uttdet the firm to Jon" fn,lol, & Co., for tile purpo I Olcilotonwog tt, I , uguirK. of tic 110,11 101 l contoluenta uncontel a generslfiJrwardota• nem, of Lae old stood at dot L . lllllO LaLerly ltdlN Fi\ltllU A, Jen,. t+.ol'l, :If Advil I 1-1., N t b f r l , C , l . : , —Jen r.:. .l ,t ut , r otfi c , l c d !4l, • :l 3t :f4 r g r n r o t nilartiquvd. corner v o i Foul'll. all.4tari/etals, autgla. Fob. 1, P.,. the Sof the vtenertt AWL. voualuele , l um!, lite 1411.0/ eXiC ui I 1 , it Ail: grit V' I ANNA. ILTIVEMBII.IIP—Wm:J. unvi 1.11. I u•eo.:uard wiLa uau, iL tbe fro tlllllll.l wil! 14vreag.er r4,lnut led under - me n oiAVvu. lousig,it Cu. AV ILLIAA i\ , l It. ....TN.'. MLlliuAL. Jayne.. Expectorant. ' SALIN, CObtliOttuutt Aye .14. 1.41. DD. Jet 1 htEtt: DIAI4.,IIIC—i i;•61 laded so yon end the afflicted public, to avail myecti of tutu op pit utility of Om re publieny to t eXtrmtrdii t ury edicts' of your Expectorant.thimpiell Hering been uIU vied rtn annul year. with nsvere ct.ett, hectic fever ntd ith etancounthnt ..Ilea.-second seemed only iluotrthd o li n ger out n short her miserable 'elitience, until the mil of when, mere severely ottatted, and having resorted to all my former rentrdies, and the pre. •corn. ma of two to the moot r••ito60111/e pit) the neighborhood withmn dmirwglay benefit, or 'the conaolation ut enrylvlng Lut n few 'slays or weeks at furthest—when the hot gleam oft Lupe toru'want vett!. I had recommended to me jour Eipeclornat voitl blessed by that Lthing who does nil thing. to the myof the nictoth--and ...try to the expertations ul ray physicians and friends, I Was id a few day. raised t 11161167 bed, and was enabled by the taco( bottleoo attend to myotioYitiisince Letter health than I bad for ten , y ears previous. gr.p6elfllll7 - 10UtZ,&t,, 166 W. Eat.. hoe pate in Pittsburgh, the Pekin Tea 'ettutit. Fourth street. ' ma n) 117. A Fedintalotw e A. 1.1 lireA, N. li s tlity Id le FAlllMlVCll.lPittsburgh. I/ W. ewee:nob Wholesale Drug Stare ha the City of New York. T H \t 1 11 ' 2.7. 1g ;g,tf:.,:e 0 . 1e z " 4 , 4,77.7,V,„• `" ,,; ' ; ` . the slip of New Nora, and am prepared to supply liroggesta and country Alettluenta with Drugs, Pow., Ude, Dye...outle t kers go owl Amen. un Pe futilely, Mandeb iVeaver & Mandan. I:bow:els, oldie. own Inwortanowil mod all other emelt... ill theteline uf hosi es, of t supe latity us low they cop be pure el nett in 11.1. p riory toy comet.. coy. New lett, Feblo B. A. FAIINFTOCK Co. V=M:: ,r , O PAINTERS, MINI, MAICIALS, he--"tlie, the undo roped, Painters mid blind rankers, of 1110 .y 01 New York, Lave used and tested, end are now usitm new aside oil:brume tire ell, 121/11)111.111ted by Geo. K. Marcher, orals city, nod Gad it it work well, low damage fine brilliant Patio firer., appearance, with a very supenor body, and recoinniendit to our brethren' at WO trade as in every. anteater; the best Chrome (Seen we Imre ever trawl. New York, June 1, MI% tsgeed by it fints of practical paitam of the Mtn or New hock. tiacqualied ,Clourtie Greco may !re lied or IL E. SELLFIRS, ho Si Wood strect,who hay We exclusive agency toe Seattle In Pittsburgh. maid A Fins Est Of Teeth for'Sls Cents: — VirIIFCA TEETS, FOUL /ILAI.TIII * LiVAlß.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, otter be. tug once or twice cleaned with Jobe*. Alither 1 . 00111 Pate, have the appeare tithe most beatitifurivory, and at the smut to it s anc o 11111W0111 Solda qui-Sell, fine, that iI/ C0M161111141-IY. par t. highly ad vainageous, area to those teeth that are in a good COIF giving them a tommitul peak , runt presenting • premature decay. Th.n.: already decayed it preteens from becomlim worse—it else lawn. ouch as sr° 4*. coming loose, ad by perseveranee if. will render We foulest teeth dcheatety white,- I. id make the breath de betualy 'twat. Sold by 1 1 JACKSUN'irb Liberty are. notra • B. A. VAIIIVESITOCK'S VE.B.IIIIVVWC. A FEW weeks .ruce.one uf toy °Linnet', aged about /litre yen', woo uo.olt 105 several clay., mud the SilliCXF FO alarmingly Unit I [eared death would he the re.ult. Hornig heard of the good cam, of Fahnettcrek'. Venn/loge when addlini.tered to the children of toy ne.ghtrar., and thinking toy Mold aug on ht have worms. 601110 la th e syunilolo., I gave it e 0.1 u• half ....1.0.W. 01 the Vcrailinge, told to Ink great ammishment II alnum tonticdiatety ties barged I,I,‘VVCVII Zon mat no large worm. Itoltealth wa. 01.11 gestured, and 1110 now remarkably well. l'rertuut taking the Vernoltme, the worm. would octiniontully rt. JO /to thrum, mid 1 oilers teured it would die shun .tranyulation. • ' Tsuue.ta, Vuitton° co, l'a., apk3 „ _ Popular, because Gbuall • vnAtii.v eblubb. Jetler.' Co, Nu,. AlveO . —/bore „cooly b w ow ' mono 'swallout excepoon ow best ever Uttered asie lneighborhood, basting proved f;Nd .ritcreVCr ured.— hi , Coulat ayrup. trial Lleer.Vrao Lowe also given wt. I.Orctiou our °IA weer- SCDCF,' rwaurocier. • Prepurcd slid sold by It I:•SID.I.I.3IS,A7,‘VdIeI 'LI • sold by Dr Camel, rilh Word, DAL Curry, Allrgoeuys NY J leolyetrapreville. • 'ultra , 1, At AND INVI6 141.;:—.iiiillitileYWAI .17 laws trust Powder, u delicious and autriticus rood, which never NI. 'whir on the .tranocto wad is 'tow netiversoll reellinntellacti ay the :acuity at, prelereoce .to Lauri, Dago, 'Crw." or puns Arrow Wall" "oilreUel suited ro the debrairdelretousuelt of to 'vitals, and mum •IroulDheurng god wholerolue food' for imuntg. Yu, salo , by 57 WOW . - • • . • . NOV THIS HOTEL. LIGHT STREET UALTIMORE • • roma si l l rnummilki ranemxtOeS• THIS establishment long and widely known as being one of this mosticommodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergonevery exmn s• !IVO alteration improvnts en. An enure new has been added, efintineung numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing Moira; • Tim •lahlies , &pertinent h., also been completely reorganized and tined up in a mist unique anb tre“l.l - wyle. In fart the whole arra Bement of the+ House bus been remodeled; with a single eye on thepart of the,. proprietors. towards the , comfort and pl easure rf Mur guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison pith any Hotel in the Hui it. • Their table will always by supplied _with every sole. stanial and luxury which the market affords, served up in ti superior style; while in the way of Wines, An., they will not be surpassed. • la conclusion the proprietors beg to say, thai nothing will he itlavitdcwe on their part, and on the part of their assistants, to render tins Hotel worthy the continued patenting!, of their friends and the public gen, rally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the follownig rates: Cadres' Ordinary, ; S 1 per day. .1 Heittl,irneria l i N. li.rbe lisggego Wagon of the louse will al way, be found the Car and Steamboat landings, wEtch will convoy baggage to and from the lintel, free of cluirge, • marbf • PEARL STREET 110IISE •• • ONCIM.TI, ozllo. _THE subscribers having purchased the emirs -llama of Col. lie P. William/lob late of this ism t: ell known esuililishment, lieu le ave to mum to theif 'friends and the pnblie generally, that they have taken this commodious Hotel 'fbr a term of years, and will exert their bees energies to make it a desirable home for Travellers and Soy Boarders. ' -The lintel is wick/lie mud admirably planned for cOnvenienee, light and air, having a monism pi:parlors adjo ming chambers, presenting L 111.1.1•1 attractions to families. The present proprietors haring had the experience of years in this city and elowhere, hope they will be able to give7atteral NligfilCUO/1 1 being determined to give undivitledmtle.,tion te. Moho°. alone. , The loratoti or dill Pearl Stre House s uncommon. ly eligib e, homy, fronts he Pearl, Wn nut and Third streets, so that it I. equally desirable ti view of the LOO/00.1ettee uf bu Mess men, or reform et for primate Warden. It is near by the Llanim, the 1 014 (Mee, the Masonic Hall: Odd 114 , mid at one agnate distant (rem Main teen and two square (ram the City 'Wharf, tree offering the greatest indue rata expect. ally to country merchants and generally to ell persons rotting eintiniwal JOHN NOBLE, mchte7 ' JUH. HUHU:. EUTAW HOUSE,. comma or 114.1 . 0/006 aani /MAW ST, aacminar. lIE liT JACKOOPII TM, tidhl and spacious fluid, elegately an. tutted t I both business and plehm tra re veler, is. co teucted as to combine all the legumes of th hest hoods, with <lemma and nal cantert Choir, suites °lacono/cuts are at all ICILIKH. reser. , 'eel be the tmccolumodstino of tem.ieut guests, and funk. illes visiting the coy toll Lod the Eutaw- Iloose'mhoute, unsurpassed by any hotel In the Ilusou. The location ts elevated and salubnous. and is also Col/r1,111.11 to the depots and 'landiems, at• which the couch. god porters ol did house ire at all times in waiting to couvey passengers and their Luggage to the Hotel. Tours.—fret f6lllUl¢w:lW COO-101 01 ltar •• nolpt of re. elf Public genera4 l off orcommoda regolot tf Hut '<loured tbrou, poufs of ill be .r • e best !lose of a• ery la r ee of JO us snurr, rmhacharatraT TUE, sc rib c a, under the Arm of Bridger & ti re purchared Ala /ova' Interest I a Uri. Caurbir eat. end hope by the rtrietert Titre C otoa to tar arra and cosaron of their a Tierra, to merit a thitionee of ihe liberal patronage bereuTfore received by to Romer proprietor- The Leo ee boa been thoroughly renovated,•and paired; are the:aim - creel armored eve ran elem. our trieirdr and The public io seerTmaralations rue! to any To iho coy of Philadelphia. N. W. iiionEs, T1T2211 , o. E===l • GALT 110019. E, totomi .11CCLUTII2/71: T3l43eitabliiianicalla now ut tho beat order fot the reception of the Traveitag`nla ' 31 w' g iliTalo undergone a e thorough tepair i dun i l m i the pTit warner, and boob,: abe. noon experieiaeo. , en in the ore., an anyormuitfintrtinento, I Haver myself that an wail be l ie:ea...4i who doll. location as neutral, nom. la/odious and pleitionti ,Fara at per day. 1.:z11.114•II, March 1; 3 13. 31. E. 31-A31311. N 13.--Itlatongh hat exactly a new Braun, it iA the oame—a oror on the old handle. NEAR THE 1./FAWF,COII3IIII.A.`in, MD. T 11133.1 hoard , is neallyttriPap for thwteerption and enterthonnent of the travelteg pubne. Perron, to erareh of e.e 6411..1141'n i Medi*, well to eel-they wal hod the ehembers clean and i3ico, and the !able . well furnithed ar3 any Low-I in thotown of Conthethand, at twenty•fire cents a meal Base and desperate means have aeon made usewfby Pubto injure this •estalthrLanent, but an itthefikrent pubue oriU rel3l,3te th em. The Vuginisiiistollisia,hotin. ant to fear from honorable eornponnni-n traeolo{ed. tom' enrale upon the table on the arrival:li eoneto ea and care. . WASIIIII3IIIOIII arrival V.VSS, • math!: rnimor. . TIIIIOCK-110IITON'S q ALT a.a.a ARI911111017KAll)IrPOSt be Ks to. favaaa atm he ix avant itaaae of .eeee Ail hi a:d theni and the lo <flint %Nall l..in ram Vat him a.-ith Orr emettcrrotr. orrvreen ntettrtt ant meta () Pr.:4ITE tate Itahl: of the Votted 2 1 Inte4, Phila. hirretit2.l., tottrett Preprtetor. _ . L. 14. OFPOSITE Ole Drpot. P.rattot ttt gimme, HENRY' M SSII l'H.•prernetor.jlaie ui the fathom, amt. St. Chide. , hurkla.l .rakity New itooks. Jwt Ilevelved. Le i, ettiree on the Lew tiro the b.:impels, by titebheii ll' Tyliy, V. D. new awl euher4rilciltliwt, with ponrult the outlier. 51.40. Aloolfor of Ito, David Aloe!, Li. L). late Nliuiouon 10 Chum, by neplacw, Willie awn with porifoil. . . . Steamier'“tory or the eloyisunn Iteliiyion and Church, traneloneal by Not Torrey, Vol. 2. • Ilawknoone, a boo of am.l oar ,Finglanni, in Int—, nn too volume', nom second Loudon CdlLiClll; 31conny of AV t: Crocker, Alts'ionary to Afrien,o2 em Beeoncetions, by Cluitlmie Mirndeth, "OM exinmtnatury• outs, nonornpankul 'by a meenniemnbra. mug Mr pornno from non - neloga personal lteOtirel/0! no boo death. by I. II J Tonto.; tote. ' teak ' • Iteennliertions Lb:gland. by Her 5H Tyng,D. U. Mnric the .nn erehonf Clorki 'by Re:Chunqiu. H. Tuylor..,l,A,,notbor of '2lneOrth of a Hood Man'r Lifen,” -Ludy Mary," '•ll,layart. or!tho l'eael," &F. ainovo you toceived nand (croon, by • Euacrrr ENGLISH 60 matleet between:lcl and 4M. A. and et e ale m 'flt ot rs 3l Of in ' P e r ise 'r e :h. !' le! ,lie of Nepoloon lionaparte. Hy di 11e MA Le Not teand - Vestiges of the Natural Illstory' of Creation. Percy Ilauthorpe, or the Virissitudes of Fortune; by airs. Mr. • Ijustace Harcourt. or the Illegiiiineto—a story of conflict h e good and evil. ' • 'l'he Mysteries ot the Three Lilies; by Anguatine .1 II Matinee. 'FM Signal, or the King of the Teo isle. The Prisoner of Parole, by, J FueL Hunt's Merchant's Aluguatie for March. Metocrutie Itesiew. • • A. spleedid article Lace Eilpd Nom paper lied en velopes to corespond. Swigs foy the Popl o r, No 3, flarc h Pot sale tit'.li A ....mem asnlithfleld et, 3dl door from Second. ' - NEW wtinics, t .MllAlll.ll4DtOUtill—Tho'hillltiry hie .11. ofJohn, Duke of blarituaboo lb by Archibald .A.I- Huk Flt.,abahor of rho thatory of Europe: , Neandur slant ulehriat—The life of Je10.1•14111a, it, Its Historical connexion and Ilistorical Dora loprinctox by Auatiatua Resider—transtatett from the fourth tier noon edition, by John kl'elintock platebas E Blanton- Dial, Pro:boom in Dinkins., Cottage. tbd Ito Guide; or, Advetituros in the Coman che country in search of a tiold Citatlos Webber. The Farhelor of the Albany—by the author of “The Falcon Family!' Dr. Chalmers' Pomhunloos W4ks.—Daily rallteuthngs, by the lam Thos. Cantina., D. 1.1.,L. L. lb—lu three vole. Volumes lo owl nd recd. The .Love valuable works reeelved.thie dny.and far thlo by JOIMSTUN & nTOCKTON, old lkanthellera, coo market andial sts • T_T I btTOlLlES—lloberisou'o, IHo's, Gibbon's, gun , Janell's, bled. Europe, Presc ott .hezice, rens, Co.; ntetielet's France; Amuld's ROlll Iterper's Pictorial England; Niebute Route; Halltim's'Consmutiontil I limo ey of England; Arnold's Later Itiiman COMSI3OII,We slab; eehinit's Rome; Burnet's History of hi. owe times, with notes; 111.1111ot'. !diddle Ages, blabs Crusnilca ell iv. elry; urawnhtg a Ilirlory el the flugnellolC. Thierry's Historical' rks; Neol's History o the ' ihnittins; This rs French Key; Taylor's Manual of A ICY 4ndhlod. thsto• ry, Intniduenon to the blistery of the Church, hp Jarvis, leightley's limn and I , .nglattil;.ltanke's The above, with many other valuable works, for sale by mar) J READ Xyrisr Hooks--Frealla Arrlval•—A bummer to .111 thottand, • by Jacob - Abbott, with eligrardigs. Luerature or alio t•outtt olkurapeq new ed. !Ant r cud the Ilhfurhiabon, I ) Crud, it. A. Übe and ruing% of 10usillugtult; by Spa the vol VIII. Nu* 40, 41 and 1 , Ltarper's !Ulundi /ltatory of nig laud. lageol of the Supremo Court of the 'Milted Stiller, by lloicorobe. • 110,l'octry of Line, by W IlTappart. ParleyhiCubliti.4 Ltbrary, :Ai vol., large 10 00. l'ur rule by J. 1. 116110 14ar13 41h, titer market at 1 1 021 u eTu ' ot —G .,T . l7.l . i water; by 11 Nolte D'Aubigne, LI. 1)., Author of 11t.ory the ileum:Laurin, Ltie of thoraw..ll,4re A PritCllcal Fspuelleeti 01 the Goal.. SL Slat thew end SL hfitrit, to the form Or Lea lures, tittothieu tu gamegat the practice or doineAtic lustrug.tieu an I den` lion, by Jul:milli,' is', D. ru.hop ut besger . Fur rote by /.ILlLtir Jc M.ALI.I 11, 100 ' 13 Ldtno , kel al, bet ad d 4th 118 11.114 , 135 - 111iCKONER—ror ably butlde ,boat T builders, and Number suerchatita; ueoug louretinnt Of seaudgog, bonnie,. pleggkeg t/.ol.ayoaro and round tuubeshi raw /age, w , etc, cutuyttpd w a atwitter ut tabluo t to which aro added tuttleityl Wages by dm woggle, 4•l'd or ent, by the 0,00,01 likri nod malt road distance 0 almtituterett ta• bier, t bY J dl th-rtbunr, author al 0.0 "h0P1ird44.11.4 AlechlagglesCualpaugun etc. 'tut A de by seitmb - oAr - b. s bookreUers. aar.ruarket&Jd eta ' filidghilCricl.7.4 bal. lorfaletly s pj J D MUMS =EI ( SAY - 4;1848: HOTELS; Ilemen's ordinary $1.50 poi day. ea' do , 2,:11 do EM=I hag 1.311 , ,1'1. CL.064,a., PlTTsaradil. Pa. übmritter Loving agenmed the manage ,l this long established and popular Hotel, tfully announce. to Travellers and die 4 1 , a y. Met be will be id all timei_prepared a < them in alhhings desirable to a well I. The House ie imia• being emroughly u bout. and new Flurtuture added; and tto r aced to make the Exchange one uf Me e g in the country. I ted reqwctfullj , IP3TICItik a continuance nalpauonage e House has I:limb:Wort THOMAS OWSTON, *opt gun. VIAGINIA HOTEL, point bm 4. , 41A1.1 , et trlnt t 'Me nr.to ,tt2.111. AILEILICArir MOTEL BOOK -Tii'APE. ==fie MISCELLANEOUS. arts fist/EPPICNCOTT mum, (Late J S Stlicklev&-Co.) _ • 14 - ANUFAtTURERS of Pirellis fire proof safei south side, second sweet: benreen Wood an Smithfield Pittsburgh. .1 S Strickler having deceased and the winriving partner Mr. Jos Lippeneott, having assoeinted himself with Mr. Wm C Barr, the busing:ail will hereafter be Conducted under the style of Lippert, eon& Ltarr. Trial Of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the mrdersign, en were preient at the testing of one of'J S Strickler ,15 Co's improved Plorenis fire-preorsaces; The safe wad placed in n (mace On the public landing, and subjected to the intense heat •r stone coal - fire tor more than three hours. In one hour and a half , she safe urine to a bright red heat: the door of the furnace was then t ' l l t bala nc e wi 'i' o b f c ti l le " t e n d ne o , n u b igiTe " e d asl n it . Ir 2 w d Ze k ls ea w t :ll partially melted o 1 the funume was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened.' The moneyjr - Paperir 11.1111 books which it Contained were perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being In. lured by the water in coolinglhe .nth. We have an hesitation in recommending it la the public as a safe superior to any we have ever :teen tested, and believe Lam it will stood soy heat which might be produced, seeps a heat which would melt it to a solid mass. , • - Springer & Whitman; f. Worthington, Kellogg & Kennmt d. !hint, CV Gl' Breese, blunts Smith, .T S Dna Co, Stedman, aloyard & CO, Wm Manse, bleed 1, auto. We, the - andersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot to the store of Trubcr A Anbary. the Agents , Ct, STRINGER, i S f KELLOG.' Refer to Cook A therein, Brokers, Pittsburgh; ' r Hussey MI SA Co. do di. Begd&wlyfil LIII. LIPPIS, n my. L. a moluaa, LLPPENCOTT 4to CO. M of 1. , 313 q 3uut d , re , it t une ,. Cant u tleAl But, Circular and Hits SaSrs,;,.7 ' and ll ' asto t io, ' Fo;ks, flocs, Haunch*, Picks, d.c, having' ompleted all theca In the construction o r new inuchineryi und in scouring the ben workmen from the tuuo,.eele, b uted eswilielitocuts - of the East are now maoufnetur4 theand will keep constantly pit hand and for sale all the aboveartieles, baying availed thertwelles of latest improvements, and are determined that in work• manship and manna! they will hot be'excelledi They proinhe to produce attic es equal, if not iminesior, o. any the can be bud in the Eas They Invite the Wien* Lien of dealers to, att r ezatnittatiorf or their stock beforo putehasing elsewhere. ns they are constoced that they will he able t o fill all orders In their fine to the entire Co o r s of purchasers. Warehouse, Water istree I doors West Mottotigithela House, Pittsburgh, Pra N. I—Perseus haring bunes• with Wm. LJppenl eon it S on wit please call on Lippcocoa k. Co. ocaldly .. . 4Abilt9 W. W004)11 - 7PIL • Pittsburgh Furniture Ware 8.C4,17 orals 85; 1111. area kr. --- . A large and splendid ustionthent of NMI • aZture, suitable fur 81aamboats, Bow/sand prb vale dwellings, - 00.141i111y On hand and made to order. The •picactit stock 'on band cannot be exceeded by any ntnnufactory to We western country. P. nom wushiug to puwittute Would do well to give me • cad, as non determined my priers shall plewit. Part 01 -the stock canasta in -5e save With Plush and Rain-cludi coven, . 2 duz hlkhogauy Nurse Chairs; 14 pair limas; 12 dot Wm mahogany Chairs, - 12 mahogany Work Slam's'. - - , d.. mahogany Rbeki ug I:balrai 15 marble thy Dnuaing bureusc ' - . is pair Ottontet z , 11 marble top Work Steads, . . • 1.9 cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, 3laple Chew, and Poplar Bedsteads 01 all de eripuou4and a large no ortmenr of commas furniture and e rs, too numerous to mutat= ••. ' town/ - • ' LADIES ARP CAUTIONED AGAINST USING • - . CIONBIOX PREPARED CHALK. frIHEY are not aware how frightfullybUtielOnl it it to 1, the skin—hovrcoarse haw r.gli, bow sallow, set. low and mthealtPy the •skin appears after using prep.: pared chalk! bleaidea ilia CVO no., contaimag &large yummy of ead! We have prepared e beautiful vegetable arliclel call which we J NEW SPANISH LILY WHITE.' /I at perfectly inn al, being purified of all delewriOnS qualm.; and ill par. to th e skiu • natural, healthy. alabaster, clear, ;mg white; at the same time OLIA/Ili as a coo:tame on the skin. zoking it Non and entomb. . Dr. Jam. on, Pre/tient Chemist of Massa , chusetts, says; s her analyzing Jones. Spaididi Lily White,' find it p seems ihn meat bettatiful and ualti. ' rah and al the s e time innocent white I ever taw. I certainty Can CO seientionaly recommend its use to all whoa, akin raga ma beautifying.. ;Price, 1/A cents 0 box. Sold by /V 11. JACK:SJN, eh Liberty at. mir29 ' ,PAlt Haab ne Works an_stpeandry. crfnucton, !Ai: . . PAIN WRIGHT &co, use prepared to build Cotton J and It .1. Machluvry of ever, descoptiou, such Mae s, Cardiac Mae ince, Spinning .per Speeders. Drawing Prame Raile-ay Heads, Warms, Spoolere Drawing Frames Looms. Curd Grinders, he. Wroughl Iron Shaftlag tor edi all MC* of Cad Iron, PoLles and Hangers of the I test_patterus, slide and hand Lathes, and me:s dull k ads. Castings of every description furnished on shoe notice. Panesoa made.. order for Hill Gem - leg. Ira I !Lunar, ac. • Sham Pipe for heat ing Factoriee Ca t Goal); ualow Sealt M. fan. C.- 1 / 1 1,, g .liy. Orders len at the Warebomie of J. enre Palmer S Co., Liberty street, will hare prompt ante. nun. Hofer to Blacknock, Bell it Co. ; J. IL Moorehead S Co, G. E. Waruer, John Irwin b Sons, P.tisburgli; G. C. A J 11 Warier Steubenville psnlo DITC/IleSAN'rre, , Spring, Azle, Sloe/ leeldrizein u 1.1; ILAN, itAILIIAN te. rfo.. hyring completed IL, their acne works, are..nonr pritetned m tnanufae• tare eaery'deaeriptron of , CoachladUtel dale, Amerigpu,, Uiptja 'add plough mud all SAL!, 1(1.41111..allis and mond Iron, wlliclt they oder for rattan libera q qi, u l wont, at their ware oo., No 43 Wood rare.; "lien, they slop keep on :11111 a complete and bandronie amoomeitt of Coach low/nee, Carriage llarthezre, Malleable Coalinga, Nails Mid Iron. C., ft. d. Co., have made an . angementa with Wm. Day &Cloud lIM/ 1 / 1 /ICuurrp of rtpades, Forks, he. and will kerp contlantly on band every ardela 1141.10 by than. Dealer. are ren.peelinily sobeoed all, curf.cta and terms wilt be mane InwraL ,yd, . Marble Work. . llMlCalaraiou of reolleolca ale.tirOza of parchertnig L. Alain Alarrni., Mooturels or l.trxreneT, jo fe. wo•med. . . 'i lie t,zuhsCriLetshav;ug Lwei, coops:A . od in the Afar',la husuneks fur Ill° lulu thirty years, LI l'lttlitdclphin, and huotng ninnotactured wad. tot surinst every pan Mile ,u Lon, can refer to all wilt, lavoretlthcin with their custom, and to the,r work, icuustdcruhic of which ,•• liven put °pm lift place.) have alwaYs oa n,nd a lull supply ot Marine Mantels, aud new and un- Llesigits Jur Atottutucnt. anti talon. work, copies of cibteh, will. priers will he turward,AL • , Matruh ettipped.is insurvd into. brenkare. /hey Can In ally Alerenunieftionce in Vitilsrlel. t ill 4 /Of 4121.11/111g atul ettart.cter as wt.rktuair. Jt.."l.Dt 64'14;1111.1t, h e•oN, febtmlita . \( tilt et, Postn. •N II here is nothing in their (we wlnclittiey donut ornith either doturclic or unturned .Nes• - itairastr•re IVtait) , \ ELL, corners .4 . 40Jc . 1 Wood rum "Id sta. l'itt,trurga. ; /14 wirlidrawa trout the Yin et update'', On the ley of January, mkt, plcusuic to hun g winou ary triends okay stal country. thul I prited thy i.cw , store Otto' hie abova louver' rum,. During' purehhsedi.ay goodi for Crash, watti n alla arratigainetes 191.11141.11411,1 to hu ea tory :anti in ',trope lo tit constantly supplied. t lolly torpnred IlarOWEre hints, on n os OW terms and a, low us any house/ East ur West. Al:retools tuid salter{ are respecUolly invited to call and ekannite illy stock, before port:hoc/rig elc.c. where. She folutwan; curnprices n part of his stock: zottaint , ost ant saddlery la.n/wate, you trimmings, Nuyltirs steel, cutlery; r!dge nano, a vtla, vices, lOcks., 'atones, scythes, ball ritogcs, sera ws, 'futon cita toryot planes, saws, tuallogany wolfs 11.1 Id, veneers and el' her articles connected with thu hardware basi ns... toultlll.l • liardwaxe, entleryt,Vaddlery, /IMOJOH:\ luipOrter and 1/ealcs in Foreign and Domestic purdware,w respecUellilailerM ine public enesully,"that le is new s. eistlrelii Ins syneg supply of basil ware, at Ilse old ausnO of \ Yeager and WeeelweN, No. r. 5, %%pod sL, which he wel dispose or °lithe most scaseuable term. • Ile will be continually. reenvilig Stroll supplies di. reel !reel the to s a ble Luropu thys cowls try, which will enable Inn compete with any, Os labliabuieub ea.. Eat Weal. - . Wewnt mrichanta are lorded to call and examine Ida monk before parchasit; claawbire. main Paso Iti•Ch449 illttank rr WIG I ITMAN—.ll2 , llllmclurcr °Mill kinds of colt. toil toad woollen Machliery, 21.ileghenyeiti, Pa kboyv wOlt• tat tall toad sacceastol erasion, I am prepared to execute onion. with dispatch. tor all kuniti• machinery in toy line, such aa pickeraapreaden, cards, groldttig machine., railway.; drawing cremes, speeder., thro.eile, woolen cards, double or single, for 'iteration% or country work, inolcs,t sea., dtci slide and hand lathes aud tools m ga oral. All loods or shafting made lo order, or puma gi•-• Cal tor geanng Meanies ur al rwisonable charge. ro—lecinicily, Child. de Co. 'ALIO/stock y Co,'Eang, Pentiock re Co., JIII..A. * CI ray. • : Slnimilng and Flair 11/26As SA/66C. , I . e pnt BLAUNSON 6 FOUNTAIN. IlononolPvisiAn auZpaund tad Outdo!, their :Mummy, Ifyir Worn% load iloutot# &lona lathe Emigre idyl., and are prelittrOt trail nu rad otta mono, with we. confott tut politento. They on rowed to not to all that ivy alt without ditty: Thankful tor past taros, we witch • tattoo... o(alt, Oath at our Bahoo, CO utr uf Union stmtland Dinonol, Oath of Aloindar risPiDry floods alto.) all • DELL AND MAASS FOUNDRY. - , igi. A FULTON, boll and tlrou Founder, has; re. b u iltu and commenced beeinesi at his old stand, here he Will be pleased to see his old eastern . End mend*. - . , . t Churelbrneearbotu,arld Bells of every aim fresh DI to WAD pound.; east 110111 patterns of the WU. lapp , ol, ' ad models, mud warranted in barn th e bestrnaatertafs. Mineral Water Putaps,Counters, Hoiriag, he., t?g,' tilerAndl erFry . vatety of Oran Cosunga i sf rerpsiyetb torueri and it:J.l.lin the nentesf manner.' • A. F. is the sole proprietor of Daman'. Asn.ArnAt , Dos Marsh, so, justly celebrated for the redueirna of triotion in waribbery. The Dozes mid Comps/Won eau be hod grime as all times. ,• . • _ • /loughs, Plough Catalogs, Won • Bosse, &a. • %he; old • km of it tc. x mat in mainfOC lonng large quuulitios of • Ploughs, !hough Coollogs, av Wsg. on boxes; ,14!, v,ito:tbe ionnoventems'Of the Leer. putoocl, Moans, stud other Ploughs, of the lattskand Loa palters. now in WI. %Vureau.ist. 1.06 Liberty . surcy Phtniunihi•ollfuellte. the flay bests; Factory, in Alieghiny city swag, the. Fuolory of Mottos. lilackshxk ft Co. jdelbly g DESIDEItATII V. TO' AEG Wilt) unading In 'kforlo' ludia Rubberl Fluid, for prwicmirto Nit*. nlk; ildaptintr• dicta as WM. (Krebouent ma suit Slowing deo. siutleAls, C OMeiralleta, and ineicantile wen, is invalehlile... nanny adding a few drops at this Fluid to too Ink at tue;it *in distantly' Lc found tu be the uctualkaiiiary ger oda red, as it ilea. irultsca the acid, precipitates lite hedilaciti, eatuesa free - flow orate tult, and dupe/Ista With the IfOubla kri yeip. tag a pea. 41.11. thr gy,k by . , dtationert. • Mardi • • vorruarket and :id al* •' W hir, ktl. se.l6 .—r k "' Augusta du rand, very, 040 du 'Pita,' tut 1.1....e.ris Pplihigilo Wiitui ' 5164. A.Lniedc lust ree iced and for sale •• ha; lust • • *At tar-t.,t • 4131.13 say U.SICVANDLAFISS . • • . ... ... 4::.Ti.,.:.4:,-4..:..;(iii::4,:'?i'Z' n I t ~'~;,_. Tilt I DRY GOODS VEDIVPSI CARPET =moat:rug. FOUNTEL sr, BELOWWOOD. rpm sobsenber respecitelly lemmata the attendee of We ownera and paptm. of boats, muse. and strange m *ha ri ng Pittsburgh, to his huge and splended stock of can...teas, SOW for talent ht. nem stores, ath street They counst of every variety of the latest and most fashionable styles of Catpets, Oil Cleats, tees, ever brought to the Weilem taw ket. The store has been built expressly for the camel busmen, and has, (egard. les. of expense,' been Rtteduout theMostrangulficent nuntemsole- The carpets menett are of the richest and moat brilliant en They comprise, in part. of the Rape nor Tapestry, • new at and Americas Brus sel hr." harms, 'new aims Sot ' Ingram new de- Floe Ingrain. Common do Plato and twilled Women, Extra super cord twilled do, Royal do, :Weep Pelt, Climate, Aliment, s a; Wilton Tufted, Chenille; Brussels, tkuninore, yard wade; li do do Pdo do II do do it, do do Cotton, hot, rag and hemp carpet, common osl cloth, oil cloth tablocoven, worsted roil linen table cowry, orendow abodes, colored and plum matting; stair rods, lemmings, carpets endings, and all en hergooda Lemuel') kept to sarreet stoma, M 1 of winch well be sold on ar reasonable tenms as any rri the coy. /lawn; made ar rangement. mil, one of the largest maluttacturarn in the net, orders Gar any Mille of carpet will Leoproniptlyiler warded by telegraph, and delivered In one week, as a small advanee of the Inalotracturer's once. 'Purchasers are particularly requested to call before . Pachmoreg elsewhere,. we :eel couhdeut we can sell as cheap as they Can be putchased in We eastern miles „ marlS Ili W. LYND, 3 . lrst Arrival ortlpring Goods 11l• lessor OICoNY'S COLA!' CASII CIA) TWIN() SPORE, 138 LIBEEtT V STREET. frillE Proprietor of We above establishment would j ‘m•PeCtB.By inform hi. numerous friends and memo um* that he has just received . enure new stock of goals, adapted to the Sprang trade, comprising e..").- Wing that Is fashlonalsle, good, new and cheap, au elotas cassisacres, vesting*, .te.4 altogether too nume rous to =erupt to desenbis. Nothing but sus actual In spasm:so coot c 0 Wray so idea of the beam', qaanty, Or quantny oftbe stock, *kWh surpasses any Items the MOO .re in Ma city, and having been at at the Will' time, he Id determiled to alter at such prices as will' meet the expectant,. of all who may Myra kite With a .11. As usual, he has ouhaqd one Mille 'argent, ben manufactured, most fashionable, and cheapest •Wek of ready tootle clothe. that can be met with.— All who boy largely, a. Catamaran, merchants, fur- Oak , mem Am, we punfeularly Invited lb examine the stoc before purchasing, they will be adored sulk bargains unto not to be met intle In the Tailoring line executed with despatch, aril Mee best ...Aar, awl d.ft . . the B r est design, with lam 0/ 10 W 1 4 , • =COM ME= ,t . MASON .1k C 0,,. Market cued, travel.* reeeivad a large aupply of new Spriug and Sum. inflr Dry: Goods r vehach will be offered wholesale and retail, at *very lowesteash prices. Amongst our as. sottrirent Whited maybe fonnol, 10 cases fancy Eglish .14 An dean prima and •chittlida comprising .every uew style now In the market, cadre., purchased at the pieseat loa lare f u n will 'citable us to An. Le alallASperoellb Ir. Ann frnatcr prices. Also, tO =l Patter. fart colored literrintack and Ceche co.prinu, vary' neat and 4eairable, G/a.llll VI ha s stnped and plain linen. gingham& of every Sha nd .and suality, Caws spring AI der Ulnas, rich and • mode , eolored. cashmere , and id do Lables, 517 reTtislualres, a new and splandlikartlela far /Adis.' dresies, minted organdees, SUM striped and laid barn. gee, k cue elunkileshle lastres,mAry rich, a late do( o 4 , 11 and 0-4 French primed eantbnes and lavms, tau dos hest quality hales` and academe.' 'hid &yea white gooda of ho s eeve deeriplionitogolter with n . generl Inv pertinent al houe keeping goods, eta etc Country Merchants awl the inhabit.. of Pittsburgh ity are respectfully invited". call and examine our stock and pekes, which we will warrant in wasp. favorably with the eastEin avarketn, • . MAPION. • NEW SPRING GIXIDIII. • St A c e et 4 " U nng_ rr iz. to whin. I nIT6',. Y Wood "' e e I It _rs_4 111 CPS of Dry wouita, to which tliey horde the Lemur s : n os buytra, be/seeing they nor offer . such inducements as %rill make it to their inners...mound. bills with. Me . • We any now meriting • largo 'assortment of gtiods dircet from the Manufacturers, /raptness, ter„, among which may be a/lathe folkuraugi , • • Plnin double 'drilla , a/1 grades aud : styles, printed Kentucky Jeanit a. t a dna blue nuked, cadeh dam mismk, gold, grera ha, satines, black, blue, cedet, iarth agora J. printed lased., a gold mon meat, tartans styles,• prima a very latgialwarUpont of new spring styles, fancy, green, blue, - odiies„ browns, blu4s, blue and omega, sze, ie vanolimo g,,,,HhAtmt splendid styles of domestib, English moll Fraucb, cosy lowt Alpacem, new *tyke' end myles and ftguresjast imptrted; also, blacks, mode • Mal. limey oak salt and cone. warp; some bier ks, very fice. ali of w hi r 'crated Mr nkle or the most finotalda • , • febEl •- KILACKLETV AMITE OjitEAT l aliV/lON L.N 7 g11.71521 - 911. idurnhy, IX N. E. earner .Ith and - welltal rte, from dad, sell his winter dress gocidaand wl.ge proportion of has ...lock, adapted only to the winter Season, at gruffly reduced priors. /thetas , his ohm.; to ;roll off this ; part of his stock make room for an early Dung supply, to 'regard' to. , t be had to the cost Of the goaLti :doat limy snil Do oferce priest:that will tame., slim e--such as Califuram plaids, at 14 former price tic; miner de. at .5 former price 371 c; Printed 'Scotch' clash moms at ICE, former prize 3/e; do.lls,lOrmor PZ/60 XIC; Smirch all wool do. Sa Ms, former price and 75 c; super do. 75 former prior , 110, .sopeeplaid 'Mkt clout, In and 75 former p eii4 . hciades • largo assortatem •of Winter shstelt,Wonted Howls, no. at prices much ahem . Ikea holOre offered. • ' . ialo APRIL 10, 1848. • IV. I li; V: 22‘1 . 1-I .p.Z;;LI =.".fu h tI . I E X C IYL D ; ...annonniug ripen rouorouent 'of Linea tirivOutiii, purlSainutoil .401 Alum Chrinrsyii Ludic* hoc Ore.. (rood., iu great rurirryi "4iiittricrirr 0./lig/rains nevi purturio. •••oritantit o onio, . arc • great wady ankles al la Wei Omen. than iiircu go. CI. In, en tv'ut'rJl Cllr Oren* liiiighulas, u YOI ontlit, at .2; Larons,.)arti Orrie:Us.e.te cis Orniluil 111110rery lona Linen, tr.e. ;1191 of open rh.:. ramping .tin.gr.9 ruurut tie:annul style it niumni tigurnr;roreundrou; or Liu Abui, ; Ltin rarainu miksi India it roll din Crape boa 1,, Anrining 10010 or) wig Jr well ood.aa.l .gothe griortiv u 4 hen,. WC prrce ;rcliuniu Oror •on M;1111, .14VA1416,,,kk 0, Corn gouriiikAl Wool Lusterit po res! stein r (53. /es ! Jti 49 tug lir won. 40.1.4arrirt Lookets, no On On Sdo:idlitoTesed Merlon lia , keor do do '1 ' .... ULD Pt. 414. Begley!, best: . uudturi . hohictr, 3 do jog, KINSICk'S.t4 t;;.ILK TIASULA AND ktkJlAliti..l.—W ?Lupo. hat 'ow open an assortment of the above goods, awl ding plain drab and plant black; worn barred du; /we cy,agU do. Also, Laleartnes, (tomtit* cut up sudsiest qualities, also, Orgatune Lawns to greetvunely, auftlweet Curacy al etc IT4l4larikel eta. i 5 VEW I d'i;kLtii LINEN 11 ILLINIPS•soN it hissrpu) Li I invites the anniuon of the ladies to an ...maw,. an nue .w et) le Linen Curubna /Wet*, en:.t.a:red berr,and 'niched. Also, • liege supply of low p oor, do, num IU cts up lo Wenn. an ti (1 I ARIILVINOT has eololnenctal rearm,: • yen V large and desirable Funey, Variety and as Goods, allot which be'to determined to eel/ places that calutut be aulpawwl in this market, thas man) of thou as low as they could be procured. inn; Easterajwiberu Country and ally dealers are respect. rally halted be call and azaddlie his stock nII FY Q.NIALL FltilaW4l YWCA—just received, an aw sort:corm try taws, pink, /slack, purple and mange, prints anal climax. no' children.' wear, alsoi dark sad oil scarlet do,' also, pink. and erarge moose de Waco, tar do; mall barred guarbanus, rte. de, at the Dry tioods !louse el ' W R NIURPIW. RlNTS—Liinghara style. open all manned', t case P Aaadsame pouts, wr,haeu patterno,stad taw color; only lei canto per yard, at the dry goals house or • - 'IV tthIURPNV lxr lIITE (WOW— NV It Murphy won. We allOutlon r bf btlY.t.l o . o #arloorlorent of \trine Goormoust receive; consulting of pinhiJxud barred jael:auena eanieriela low pneett Una, bentob mull otuslins y hlopss do s book mush"; Wallop'. lama, la, add Winch are offered al low Fria., by wholesale and JEIAIUS fdli'dialLMS--OPea tbn* tuarhusg, tut na• ..raulteal of leech gulgitalus, Owns per d• up to first quality French, at reduced pares. Also, lwayy blatualeatar ging/wens, haw omen and tine W muarai fris2S ear. Market isith sta. QtturrnarmusiaisTiEza zi4171.1 recetral au adaiurmal twpply of those very ellyte• her:long' cloth shirting warms, at 114 Cads per yard. Also, huh Linens, al vinous qualiturs, including some ezlfa tine, and warranted pure al dry good* house II IV ' EL S Ku o F h "" d oRV: It TX :tYy on I t corny nat ',I -LL ;and oll ' ACt its, an: assernaeue of above &oda warranted not to cams id wastriag., . :Auld tif v Ft morose.. nYevr "pattenTs to:reinnolder tug4 ' or lawns' . embnfidered to ['Nes, or works:darer esabloideting. Amass's nausea leotard on handkerchiefs, alter the latest }Witch stylci materials'of all lauds tor the mune putpose.' mare XII.YSEY. BMTS—Bueiskin, ei rd silt. and sheep, AL :labs gouty /Jells, of d.elerete sixes, for sale by :tuna . Y H EATUS •S CO 153 market 1131OINY-rnn cutouts* bonnet; /5 do Cut; 'Mid.* ' • 11 •V Ahumu (aummd,) In do natio do; lilt *mid and tLeL..i. by • .. - (ajit , ETINILi AllneLlnn—lllsachat aud unbleached I.7,l!heettegi,' 64, 6-4 and 7-4 wide, of u exultant: veiny. tp edetel, we teeite the atmunuti of bouukccp- ALKILEUL SLAY,' • • perp: '75 market et, NW cot. diamond .UO9II.IIS—A Ain *upply of black .chits, übleacb „lLL ed and sailed contra how, und, halt Use, mew`, weissens , and chililmu'aizes' just opened by ' mars• •• ' edIACICLEInees.-WIIITE LINEs TeuiLj an addinualt .1.110,/p. COUP.: SW, pr , ipts Jul Vie usr tr - ,Cladta.alvara 4.las aide Uososl, aall du 4-4 do tar toil du J du PO, WO) Jt . ya OA artatlt afba add . . ao pan PO Wawa as Wu Wawa p.m, at Aug %V....1..4, atitat • J klilwArn. 1.11 '4 !y ° W . We, to ti tat 10tt.4 a 4 aais 4.0_01 name , VADLNSO 1W ]us iaav) I.lJlup, just RUC. eil by 4:41 tut laud Jot Itatar • a: iY 110/41,t0 0.44 si I. (1 I i ' 2l. p by : r Acimi6s-331,e...11,...da. . La to, iwq tpoeind nual INA be soid_ puskiry ,. ., ..—.... 1 .' ,1 , Fitt u rli LAWN d-. 111.0 Cvile.• boaltilliiiigi;*t r AI I ,- " D_RMIFIGIT,tiiTHJAriI , “ 11 , 1 , t1e. ' -';'.' re"c4PAN. sho,luaLA.rietis,ikli= 4...940,41,11.4..410,146,41b1i.a.,.... , ;mot ..'.:: 3:..t .4/:;,..L'i , ,, , .%4Z , V - i' 7," ' % I: '9'.--11 ' _ , ,... , ; - .. , ...:": - •:: - Vy., , .." • ~ • .--..- •1. - - ... ' ! Lk ~ • -.-.- . - - I, - '.-- - . , 1.y... , .•:. - ....'•1; - . - ••!!-& .4-7 4- -- tf. ,1 ,; .i. ; ; - •; .; . ... +, .:'-'• --•' ''' " - ' ' ct• '•-" 7 • -, : •., 4 F f •. f4--i-i.-44i-1,t ''",' •wo-z-tAi liut Ned el rot ie uji . IIIZIES !E E C=l VOL DRY & VARIETY G 0914-1- . ' Extra LArfie Mad Champ *dew& ..trec %ye: A ftiOCANDER tr. DAY barn Jost vomited ta_ - ,tipigfrsart. /1„ large and sopenor aumitormit of !nod, Itrarilset , -. Good 7st ' a t o ge " al P t :ml Ttf:?.. or s'.2.',t h _ r .,a - ba ' u fttl'-& - ,; you from the regtdarprices—we arothe etraltr,A,„ tt,, toothy great bargain, to cash buyers" Otir lack elltbk, braces a at variety of almost every &SOO& Oft * ,' I Dry • a, and afonts a very favorable oppotAMMY t` for buyers to sait themselves. We wooht respect ; ',I Invite the euentiort of all ishing to Parelumal-,9 hendsome and cheep goods, to ore Wet, ad Ws, itleg' ' confideut of swung their respective tates. ,'- • ~,,,, r , ..'"t, LA DIES DRESS SILKS—We Ultra epherailid illat/ktlfy , bit fLtuties Deese /inks, such u toper akin blll and 4 .7" &missal.; blk nod bine brit stnped ant braved dia , '•-", high rich fancy striped fird and haired . des din sopee..,Zll, high red elain changeaUs &davit aplendsdeaublE Jr fi g N/ lt , ..unieldo, of new style and Wastrel erect ' , tr.% ty,anzar rtt nae c dagt.: .o c, , ~,,, , at : s.,d, i , ... i.7 . ['L i: t mere., French, Brutish and S corch de Leine.. 'horn lidK'"g,' Ara, pregOAA plaid., super Paned ands/am abated a il s . . " 'lin Jo Uinta, both bed col'd and buck lak Plortd&t,l, tutor mnprd mai In; •mt 'Men gingham; Maas, „„r..t",qt ges, French and Scotch Gioghamst to de. r . - .'r Z•- ...,..." FASHIONABLE SILAW LS—We wet& e r =gAf mane Me attenitun of the Indies to oar moo aft , , , - Shawls, which Bad very enperiort We have estaegf,„trtt , plain damask and embroidered while crape illawhe doe ,tr , do IsMh soft dm fanny silk eh rerls of Wiriest evert. As., ylit senuon, heavy pram and barred blk it Ihte nem& ad s': . . ~:.?- tore, do; o'er styre ottoman mili Sha 1; pla in - r t ., contwordered Thrbet Shaw* blk and cord , buoy bilis'col, rep de, wnh a greet variety of other miles of tlumater t i, Ni. ,, CL(WHS AND OASSIMERF.S—An cavilers swat; ~• of French, English and Belgian Cloth., of all, colpimp'7, French, English and American CoseintentsA aro( ,-., which we nuttelllng at prices to suit the Weed , -,c:.- ~ , ,,Z* la EN'S SUR %I ES GOODS—Cashmeretts, &aide 4: .. both plain end tig4l,lfaucy French Casannetml, Linere l7 2 , • Wit / I. 401./115—A brat:tad stock orivhilsak.,..-:,' .uch as plain and boned Jeconuta Nansoolm, istills>,V plain and sir ped Swits, Bishop/Awn. &tr. de. lLi „_ rlo. iNN EPS AND pipi NKr RIBBONS—New sty* .., ,, A 4 braid tionnem and Bonnet Ribbons. . t -,..., rwaa,ol.l AND PAnasoLLEris—i Ipheaht-t•f, tassonmetu of new sr) le Panuols and Perorations, of ',.,--.. W come. amlrery recap ... ALSO—Avery large assortment of fenny Prink _,_• - brown and blenched rAluahns, Sheetrog Muting of - ' widths. Ticking., A.l,4“ts, Table Draper lbws/tog. .- - .,:l t Irish Latest., DonA:Thitt Golgharna, !weeds, &goo, -.''. Cnoth, Linen, Oil Chintz, Gloves, Hosiery, ad de ,%,,'at ,- Conntry merchants and oth-rs boyar; to mall oilUtv '" will do wt II to cell rilld eillMla our stock. In er IL _;, : - they will always find bargains such an said be grernty3,..l EktAN &ER DAY,7s.lfarkerst, - „,,,,,, .ppg - , N W cot of tho Dumped stf'4,/, . _ 'H'AMPTON; SMITH AV'CO'..' . • . - wuoiteeszz'llitY-C/OODIIIDEaLinasi,,A,, • zro.. al WOOD killth:l7, PiTflllilliiiilis., , -, ..! , -: :. ; -,14 A RE now opening !their senog 'mapply 'of desdablaJTJ.r,it joL. /iambi; bought ai Now loth Amato., andatdow.....i,4) es; point private Gals pf the Peat .thlrty • days,-!erh e1v.,,,,,,,,•,i they will offer at as null advert, ita can he:had ,Ssiekl,-,?il or yltill; In 'their asiortment Map be kiad.... ,-.., :.',.:-.?•1:--: Coup piece. American. Itingdah .., F... Is •Plia* - '-.,,.* Ina] ps Anvricau. scolch and French Gingham.% , ;Ti a gyp,. stasi s lawn., Orgaradirk-DieVnatireosi . ...' , .•_.,, , ,:l • Z i t/ I: n s Vp n rZg a rli n i= Lam e n s n'n d n' llialtien . reig.', . : •, - .: : ' ' ;' , ..11 •• ''2tar pa Plaidmland , Watered Atki n :say , entirely- neer,i-• SOO pa Plebs Black aind Bilk 'Warp Alpanag„:. ,-..:• - , - - - 4, . 3000 ps Paullloouery, every varscryg. • ' .. ' mu Ps Sumner Clo ha,Crutun Cowings, !fah! vap5..v..1.4 A • . two ps Tweeds. Counnpons endStuneaerCasslmgew , ,,,. - . ,.i.. . MP , Eneak aiding owl Dangup Oonia-and Fuer , - ,i,Z - ,.... lliel paStuntetta, all colon, and grettem--.. • -..,. --.• '3.*'•-i--. loop, .Spruerend Sanoner•Woollen Canine ..-.--F',,,,i-, gimps dm ps Sleabeoroli J 0,.,. Aosencl'orkslare and fielgitua CiOttiai-' . '-', ,- .! - •-•-.r.:: :-. dna pa Apron Cheeks and Shirtlnir aripek,' 'lsiah Lilt., CWored Ourthr•ZY Solid .... aad lira, 'it lollies Vestlop_dltut,. r neze . l t lityles due uesmegar.,-,7--. I = 2 B: l" randVoiited Elerge,r p1e,7 ,7 7,ar• - . & .71..0'... - used Dress! Bilk. audit:let/IA - Law . -ndartak 1 style. Spring ...I Sommer spaww, al! peke., 4illes • A Inca Bandit erchiefs, silk arid couon /Mk* i110mery.....i,,V,,. silk and cotton Cravats, all bads Gloves, Shomemdelny•TM-d•• crape., ThreadY s fkittens, Variety Goads, ka • . - ..th --- ,. , . i ourat st meot.tlowyle Rthhands, en ...sup nu imp Ran...,el A 1..,, Cep Ands, plangind figured Praia,- •Ismontnia, -'•ed--A'.l liloslbtai Laces, Edglogs, . figured -, ,, ,,.. , .e.., , -.4 • .300 bales Dusting for cash at Fastend Net Dais.' ....7-4,5,;:,,,,-„ 70 eases American and English bleached kkirthigip , :d , brown Drills. Jeans, -flannels, Ositabarga, Unshrellaai i i,i -- AL„, G u ybkders knd the - nelighhoriag lilies, wili liml inir... , , , -;_. attack always well an pplied by frequent purr.lieses, airli, - ,0; they can buy right furh _ , ash. - • ''- tig , kt ', ..P: -..--. ------.-------- - ~-7,--,,A1-'id • ••- - - . JILIN/SLID-Vs ' -- - t . -.:• ' ..iie, • .,, - :-....--s,,y, . r ' \ —ikAiriA4P7il.lll.ktr.•':tzr'F': r . 1 .....,. . . ... 51/ Bola i lYrr.Weleites;" glisiDatit,,, lever Watches, English; .Iki sil re, detached lever watch-, ---',..,`"'-•4 eq 'ZU 'silver 1...k.ne - witches;' ID - elver - quartier . ::::.' watches; 11l fine gold.eheins; 1 dos new sly lecar.nngsr;..l,.:i, ' 5 dorptain gold hoop rings; ado. memorial ringm dare-,,4:1, Weal bozos, playing a variety or papal., airy •11 groei4.lo steel elides, all Uses. I .. . .- • - . • - -•F i • 1....,..-V•Y'i'!:7l • • PANCr GOODS,- :‘.7..,4 Sdnit Ike Rae % eilk dud tiaperosodnaelmiinotiftie, P',d...,z 0 dos Aria !Mae; •. bend, bag; itew, styles; ie dor gier,-$...•,,,..,4 crotchet bead - belga, new nyiem 'I dos finectotekwA4.,., pip•ess, new mien 15 dna fine pussols,assoned; Blairrke,..r - - 1 lasses, fringes, gill and .aver for regents LOdos dine • -1 - 7, - ,g• Cower vase., assortedi I doe line steel aerew gin tualle•Elsd Pk, ion. 3 d e knit ivoryj scrow•-pin nushions; 1 doalliai;l4lti.:il, wood screw ,pm cusutons. A fine asiortutent of naer?..i.p , •.- .1.-2P 4P11 " 11151.'A ••-- - •. n".''''.-. nr''''"'"-''-'4"4 SPRING:IL . !lUD:liar& 000D11.: c - . 5. LL 1.. yAION It Co., I . 'r •-• ~. C. L.l.Teentlar . 1 a4g......,1): , Pitlehargh: I A. A. mason ik. Co., • --; '::::'"*•Z'::4 . . _ "CO. GO Market tweet, between 3.1 and 4th elsy:o4o*,/.`ri•%;cr• 11 bank Pa. karat recently opened Weir unitlLikt:,..„••.-1 r..l2 , : ti‘ s , t store , vith ari ,. ex a. teg og sve u g p tk ni olaeitm.„s.,,y7 I wired yorckag”,.. of the retest and met • faittialyudg 7•'s':!..ii:/... nyica Merchants throughout. the country ere pagligie...g.lTe. any invited .to call and arimine oar stock. atiAlVltt,,'=l,,,,: intention to 'otter on,' Goode at the • Idwut ',14A04,:.,.:,--:,,..F. wholesale prier. late of the 'bon milling 111.1'W.,:tr.w,,--.. to rk. wi/1 be constantly seu ding •as (rent eopplMOC.ir-: We moat desirable geed. thereby- !frying , as everyllark, eithy inn. transaction 0: oar bemuses that ethaiil:lift`.sl,.. el...toned 1 7,T...ter* Houses. ' PriEce ator th issforeeTe:44f. ;us rainerd to be is !Ow as We Infreet pine, icgr4 rln4j,;'',;is:l.ll rheadelpiiii rarest .1- „.., • : • .• ',' ' 3 IMO . ,',',.. ~.iit't,. , nt: rE GOODS. FOR ratENIM---Open ILL. sitinlinfrll„r• •y y • i , g, at Mr It Al Ulti'l I tr.: Dry Goode lhakin,, - -..!..nT rnis anti rut earner oi 4th' end Market ate, a istl , altioginti- , 9 tout Ortreile" tic4l..,ite dresges; secs ag SwiseWititigryb,,,!,•ii, te.,•pla. a nisi nc'e, Witall.•.111111 Jai- liatied giachtayalgt , ,c, .„ .lsitt glens and gaceuttesw......ol o yvr..nytwilop,N - c•SI Is' for E•rentny Dreg-, inclodi.ig a * pnions*? ••••,',it,-,V., Vann. new styles Lantronlered Slinnin I 'en, ' ....—H .t.."t4f.2 ..11.77 New goad k win rue revel mg daill, lar-11.week-ttY;,, 0 cou., winding newegt etylps Stress (loads, 'Liam t7e,f, std french Langitturts,, Prints not Chiknee. werl,3oww",:qi'.',-., •wierehanis au ...innate tO canna. the Flle4Cant! . .•4.., a 1 ..04 In . t0n . .e.,,n1e rooin.e, up . genre., !sh e a. - . 6 ..,..-*, _re andantes very Ito* •-- :•• '• - • ' .".44, .•;,'',,•''.'.r;lv•.•w''i,- ~ SPG.I.NG DU.II" GOODS. .., , ,...:14, '.1,. - .t..-:•.. , ;. - , ~..., RACK` - a. t a ill: ~, AY .11.1 ',aid; street...y..l • .3. receavi., a (toads)rel ierya and es tainiinace off* '', •, - .41 - .,•• i, ring Dry f re l y rfectit puree...CC; and lions ' ~.,..,';.4 sailor the on tavarelar. cireueuninewsnlet Wa-ladt.,• . .,4" .4C, are prepannl, and:tat I pall le neeeenatna, al el re 1 7 .....• inn, advance en too eationi can ' • . ••- . -•,, , ~. •••••,, ':••••.:;:' W - Won toque. aii tugs - view; Inciting ear fuy,rer, ..,,,,-- ',. , re our . tock a fan ei•iiiiituntion,e4.l' we .t,cf• vsyd ,- :•.. 1.41 they will Letntitely entailed at the thaapiteas a: , ......._-,:-.,,, --. ----.• 1 re..STINGS—SiIp I', reuch kV aim; Silt* Caliat, ..?1 , ,...•!). y nitres, aed caws mergence. CL4.1111 •.I.t...ittlp .•,,,,,.-.., greach, tratth laipot all colors, yeafille• was'prtess..::, - . ..7-1., ;As.,ia.lEar.:3 in every int le • awl quati1y.•, 1 :404, 4 ,.. *•4 , .• * ;4 , L-.lte:rta —Sup eilltncerp , klacena wale, .IStwortesci, A '1 nth, and deg.taint vantage we gou: wear,.l4. plicsik , ;:. -,.:, ow an) in llt. mty. f ktiro/Ssu.s . l4,utoil l SOis, - :•:- ~-...;.... mill 1 • • career 36 and wood etriZl-i.,',•..":1-i!: ' BEIACECA.kTT On Wil&TYd e ". ' • :.: ..- -,.. ir glit..-. :WY : ltaX "l :tn " av i ell!lt ' a N dt i t,lni t t tr . et ' ile.:‘ :. I . : ',j ;- - ,:`: Y receiving during Illa bildf tie. seaeonya clary.nuft! :statstiveastorlatclail Lit DRY, ti o oo,l,.l , litia racy or- ,:-- :::, -',-: ,to tnerchtuas at war iltiCeih./14 roanilA•lie farms:.; -:'„,:-- ...natio, that th ey can pie 'mire sallstiaßey..., ✓ f1;,,,f,. outaletaly invite all marehants 'meting ins ear to,ykalt: - ... • , :111, --- LME'S CANIIJRIC Inn—just inceivefls - inte ' • y . ..","...., tons: Tapp Ronk d, that an not la: be beat Rs ...1:,,,t4 onecs—rod en,: pa . dozen to the fincsrattality:Ott• clarion herostitcond dtt, tote re in ROirieta Jo; otin de 4ents cooled bordered , lo; one do get. colon. bon/5ee , .. 7 'c'' .1 da i .d f or side baicliplal SallT/1.1(./tattOR ' • t:;rl 11}"Nell CLOTHS,AVRAturyIIy ill'iltlth*.U.R,,',:,'..l ] Rnon of buyerato Ids astanitutut of sup,: and 111. , - ::;,:..... , - . i I vowed Frauen Clothi,lately receirati-a,anyeassiteohnt-'.•':'l,Ati of .Tariona 4 06111iCS. 'The. go.. are selected yrAR ,. ..f.! . . ;roan care, and are tem ben make and 'Steak and '' - Idl1 dl he sold Tow for , A nappty of llrinenatal American Cioths nod. Cnivi- ",...t;;;,y. 'acres, also constantly on hand at thatornet al4th and' , 'l ,'" cllarket CA • • • r tw r lIREAD_LACE3-IJest recciaed, two cartons , wide ptiee 12j eta pet latd, op In the' eet quality. Alan, one carton kart. PtWd inwei coo ao Gimp Rau illnebanicto; n. 5 MUM. Comm dcs one do tilt WE dui' gun do ba Chuollite, Leer . /W U; and for anid by , SALMI JOILIitION, Pld • ad martin et, EMBROlDERlES—jostiiesived. 000 CirtoEl /AO fine , Yreded WOrlidd Collar.; one do trilled Muslin ' ilueolieensi. ease do Itilatined: Halals; ems do LIMO and Capedi ono do , Remand and ambled Lima , . aue toe sale 14 Esplij 8311Til iJOUNSON D ' GOODS,4 A MASON' lell.S„ Markel .streei, halo joie: reed a rpleudid orsdritftept of press Gfteds, - anionuirhictrcory be iftetidr-frlgured; pinitisind• striped Lenge or:alt,quatiue.; ulk niobeirstripes, lieenodiers, nun siiipip do Loftier, plain do ftouiLlSl.Cisollies,'lluiey• Silt, krefteft • ---- •--- ONNETAIRBON3—A A Mason It Co, Market 41, vo non...opening in eitinnvo osionntent of lion. niabbons,ni tie newest Ind mat fasniodatp:. SHAWLS—A AArasoti C 0.60 Mocker street*tee. per reeeiyed per Fame., 2 comae Erenek CaeAr' mare Phew* 2 do embroidered Tbibet; pee. do yilk Ptak! Tkibo LlePtge, de Lakes .d piker 151koone. , i . AVOIIi CRAPE HHA\VLg=A A Alaiini& Co, C - •.yerket taxa, hay. lust s rne•d per Espreets Leer large lot of olden/0 Lrape . • CAPES AND COLLARS -=AA Masan &CO, Wrer meet, hare jo . 4t reed per ErPrefel • auryActur of mooed pee Anil Col/am • 1 . , agia • DLACK IIERAGES4-A A Allmon &C... uslia .1) Vas moteung, Oa of pligit4 - plaid aixistrOi. liere• Kea; 61.0, Cord 11°,4 e.ery ~, sue, __. AS, ODE: COLORED t . 3IIAWIR-./k canocuifisia 1 w 1, mode, slate awl *at, Tam' Show* lost rectl amt t orsi , - • - •-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers