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' t. l- 'll - 01iNIN -€ : . .'6, : '..:_,:: ---. IS I II --- ` Y. . . -. : -;':; : 3. 1 .iT7.'0 ' ,...2 ' ..,. . : ". ..'. -- - - :'',.,.:,: -.. T . :7 . '":1',: - ..-:: -: • :',..-'l--; . . - .: 7 ; ,.. : - /- -.. :•-' -..---tIT 4 7.,-L7 . .X---Y.,:::::''lN--9-...-_,: 7 '" 2 - P -'.:-.1.:•;-:-..).-1.-1:'-'..f..--,:.,14.';,'-';'..' , • = -41 1 it 1, . . i• . ••-• , - •,.,.., - 4 , .t. , • , -, . . . . _ ..... ' ' ' ' '' '-- •' ' ' ----- ESTABLISIAIII) IN 1786 ... - . BUSINESS CARDS. _ CARDS. , I, LITERARY A NSON,I.LPIIAU k 00.-Irde aod Leather Deal. XITEST BOWEN-Commnion and Forwerding To Country Northants., -• . . ' ' ja == . ote li ZlNta.msh, n aa•ka a ,7,2k=bt.'“"k" Prom ". b''''''' Wood and * . Is.I3TOOK of School Books, Paper, Station , suitable for country totes, laming. Etta arca.anirem ."' I ens au Of Wthtent Lau.: sobeital t and Ith. tr.ll.767rm,ch e (teeeeee '"i“. 9 e ,....„ i ht. W'ruing Papers, of Poe, medium and Mammon guls I , • twat adva n ces made, if required. Dolan. IT Wok,) Wholesale Groan., Fonrarding era Letter Paper do do do do JONLS & Co.. Comonswou and For- Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, bails, Glom, I, l° _,_ l° ......PP , , ,_.. de. ,do do do warding Merchants, have remised to their old Couou Yams, and P utsburgh Mannisetaref generally, -. 7 ,,,,... 14 , 77trvrj -, ; -,., 4 , 11 .., 5i,..1 f,„, ,, 211.04 Wafer awl Flom streets, Pittsburgh. ocell comer of Woad end Water meets, Pittaborge. , ly W:XVALITAGE, Anil stone - saa b l tll Famish- W" V:t . P.Pe""4 ‘"4*)Pl'''''d Pth't'd ' magas aternta, of different qualities, rUN't, REG ER, Inolegabs and Retail D. 1i • WA' entthiuldthet, N 0.244 LthertY et, veer the Wank Books, in gm et satiety; • pay eon. , Of Men, and St. Clair Mena, Pit. 00°41 ' ' ..... 23 Faintly, School and Pocket Bibles, i •- • • , • ' Ps t meYl4 a. a, Air AL °MOURN:DeaIer in . Fanc y end Staple Crown, medulla, and double crown wrapper paper; T T . Dry Goole, No. 24 Markel mem, Prostaugh. Aletuffle 0 Memo Spellers end Readers, CL-LairM Rey , . Folecuc Anthesesitn„ . . / 10 _,W,„, : ,__,,:i * GLILBEIM3OI2 Wholesale Grocers, ..-..._!?-3'dii Rea d ers, : )3 .... •,...-"•••. 2",ek.u4 Na 144 laws at,' W. W -WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jeitelty, Cobb' s "To n 4 Pc il licr. ..."4 do susbagh. Pa. de " Th r• ._IFT s atiVer P. J2thoo7 Doody at. Ge. 2 7 Md.- Antlinlms, by'Aden o ts, Davis,Colburn, South, Steel -Elt A. FAHNESTOCK & Co, Wholesale end R.- ....4 - mer 7 ~,Emerson, and others.., 524. mil Onteghla comer Wood mat oth Sts i7L... UT P R. AIURPHY _. Wholesale and Rawl dealer in ~,rrd f ,'l t r :',lYe t ti Cl l dll' a dert B m4t4 2"rm'G'"l - & BARTH, Wholesale Grocen, lb and at: o ir i r ko ri...=. o ,..pq G..* °°:,th uett. °.° th Oi . entftun s roc ,.y e Sani .l lll,...Kt pn rk .., hum b , y Dalhans, Weld, end 117 Wood street Piothargh. -- rt .A. fdeANIILTY es Co., Portman and COMP - uraaluca ALARTIN A Co, Bookers, Dealers to I , J H MELLOR, j., Maiden Merchants, Canal Dana, Plusbargh Yu- TT • Exchanged:l.k Notes ani Com center ot Thud . 8 1 wood ol• 5 doe. ob° 2 ° 'Lb ; , , . , • , . , .em ems Woodstm e ie, poutence.A.,.. e „,„hp.e I T TM higher: matket price pant tor good mixed mgr ' 4- gm_ =Ms. tell] Y. Iltalnartl, toW. SWIMS WW. Tomo, Mo. a leCralt. m cash. - --. --- 'Pit, 4 • ' 110LEMAN: LLAILAIAN, A Co, Id.afacraren of WAL YOUNG ACo -Dealen M. leather hides, &c. t Sow Patilleattosul. . 1 %,,/ Carnage Sprime and Axles, A. B. and Spring Y P 14.3 Ltbeny et jaatly IVIILTON I S POEMS^ Bleemded- linFee• net. editton of the Poeucal works of John Althoo, MA eermitononenaractory on St Clair et. Warehouse 43 IV AM• hirTCOELTREL -. Wltelmde ( nmerev a =nue., thei- o .dtml temthiu ou bu IMldes teed 'tr.' . Wood et.: 0n ... St. meek, s Hotel. . tee m vg o Recurring Datillen, wad Wine and Lignor yoga, by James Montgomery: and one hundred end Merchants, also, lemoners of Soda A. and Bleaching twthay engterums frau drawings by Wane. Herne)'. DIVARD HEAZLLTON 'W.W.I° Grocer, east _Powder, ho. IGO Labeny at Flushing , Pa. pithily la two volume. E • bra Scume's Velma Tortsmort-The km Goepels and ; „: , . - I ' 74 . re in..Acsinaix a ........ toss Acts 01 . the ; Apostles, to Greek, with English now., Co, Wholenle Grocers end etteee4 . hteleeeph , eet, nee ... gee ., ;rem ke , ee ,, , SOWS alelaralW. % J., dealers in Oils, Dom Stare, and Pittsbargb Man- ~,. he , e ,h ee eee h t h e I. o• ties ne e ypda the MIWALT & Gilman; Wholesale Groom, deal- unmated melee, have on hand at all untes,a full and „a h , te t he Neee - v reeteeteee 2. the ,a,, o f I . ' , ALI en in Produce end Potsburgh Annufeetion, eon- genl' assartment atom's in their lith, Water sure; see.; Coll a reed Th te g egtee t ft...ea Ity i aer t sod Head ins., Paltsbugh, Pa tebl7 near ethrry Alley, Pittsburgh du° Rev. J, ' ll. ST; 4- Al. I wet a. amours,• , 333 m 3. toomer. TONE Al. TOWNSEND, Druggist and Apothecan, A Now Noven-Alidsummer's Eva-ftieny talc of , .• -* • . . .LINGLIgIi A BENNETT, (Late Engludi, OaPeglate 4,P No. 45 Nether et, three doors eboveTturd st hos. lore. By Aire S.C. Hall. I 1 • , • -,` 14 , * Ce 3 .ll .. Vto . lerl , e . t i lottent, . I Cierrr wm on . v. n ral!br. benthootti have eeeetete w ett. h e ,,,e e „ ee l' ee k ete d et ,. Jerati , Duty IV.- , Dus hie of Henry Na Fourth, Pain e e ee teet e e t t h e b eer et a etee h eet hr e ek eete ,,,,fl ee r, he king of France and henna By G. P. R. hunts. _ b:411313;31133313.11, he. 27 Wocod al, between rd and will sell on the mon reasonable tenni. Phyumens Couplets be beer Pthte, pep. 2 vole Moth ". • II I", ',.. ... ad Moth , ' mil sending ordere, will bei mompny at ceded to, and sup. Fee th.l4 bY JORNs i roN & STOCKTON, 0.0. stuff t term „ tee; plied lath articles they may , rely lap. as genuine. ith.S l I Booksellers, corner of market sad ad su P. r . """' dlirElt &Co NVianklala Gannon ad Ll:Trdr.....P...aaudawin I. a...1d1y and Lv 1 ' n Merchant*, end donate no (or B Non neatly prepared frank tbe best manna* at my boar of BI3°KB-At the Apollitpuddiugs,Fretatreet, peer Wood.,..dreaud s Malcom to* Stranger • • , Yam, Not 67 Waite, and, los Fond ate,Pitts. she d 27 ee eight / -* .. I ;t. t I „ • barab,Pa ,* • ftbd A ld° f0r , .. 1°, . / 1 .1 . 21 . k ° I. tn . " d.d. 2°64 } Z„l f . d- T.rhh:CmOrelo'hi'm Cool Pc*Pll' b 3 I li r"."..6. i • AI.E, E•t••• r Malone and dealer "'"'• / ----- -- I Tb&L•ir°, ORES AP 0 . 1 .1 1 7 nado° ,- :•.3 . ' F IlL s. La.. . tn....a " n'm. GLE COTTON WORKS, Pirtabargit Altundee• The Pune= end th sr .Prumples, by E Hau, LW Wood a, a••• *a - G i A ... ••• • •- -- .. u.----- • . h z, As tare Cotton Pant, Candle Wick, Batting, Twine, The Constitutions IIL llamas of the Holy Apostle, Coverlet Yard, Carpet Chem, WA..., &c. &a milt at Prue Essth; - 9,ALIAGGEW.sria it Nu Y r.. 1 3 .44 1 .44 nn.•• / mach Pk.NNOCK & Cb. Allison", the of tho Duki of Marlborough; Murders and Lips . Fitters, WP great, between • (Buten.. to Arbuckle ft Avery,) Neander's We of Clint in as hmorieel connection sod and thatddhld streets, Ptusbargh, Pu. • _ Jane / Proprietors . it. hfstorind development - Er WOW price 61,v1 for old Copper and d ltresa aa A. utroux & 0:4 No. e . : 0 ... t . ..., ,,.1N .,,, 0 , s AlLsTe j t ok., .. .and t 4pe s. lLa u e ... a p l ebLeations geothellY• I Man, Agents for J.B. Anamt's Even re Steam nay . F` / L BEAD • , 1 .1 . •" I tut. roam eon= motor, re, moth Rchnery. Alsreya on hand e large rock of , t. - . ..„ . ..... I , ram in a Vilnlesale Grocer., Co.- Loaf, Powdered, Cranied,Clenned nnAllastardigugars, I\l E.W BOOKS at th e AMIle Bruldums, 4th street - •, , . . Mint= alarchante, and dealers to Produce, N 05,58 m 'berths and Lionel. Also, Sugar House Molasses. IA The Milnary Life en Ilin, Duke of Alarlhoraugth , 1 - - ater, ant RA 51=1 Wee% PULlbltrea- anSti Prices !Mend, ends fau allowance made mall sales with colored mope. by A All sou. .. _ _ • of or ebose /50 barrel. . r. mobil Second Vol. Chalmers , Posthumous Werke-Sam. re esters, 001 m .„,.." R `.." 4°. „ ~,,_ . t, ••. "... I ''' ' - • ',' .. , , el EN W. 8 TII h. Co, Swann, Mainers, and GL Y) . w.,... 81 Urri l .. t • C. ? 1.4.. 1 M ..e• Life 01.•estus Christ, to Its hutoriem COnnection , -••-- . ~.- ....• , • ajr &Alen in Hops, Pittsburgh end Poust Brawn., Hop arewers, Wurnurge and I Onli Lirewera cor- ~ bi,,,,,, n4 , , v ,,,......., b ., A .__,.. th ,. ~,,,.,,,,,. . ' : ' .' : •.,:-. bum and Put sta. , jet veer of Isaker's Alley and Feint Bonet and foot of PO. Tree.tet, )tee the e h; Geette d . e 7,4Z, h v i ,l tthte _ n_ECIRGIE COCHRAN, Ommionnt and g ee ,,,...eh te St, Pittsburgh, Pa • Clintock and Chas E Blthaenthal, Prolesane in Dick ' ; iI. - „.• •- _ . 2,,,* Aleuthant, N 0.20 Wood street Pittsburgh. 9.1./ illanaasshcla Livery Stable. lawn College. ROIIaRT H. PATTLBSON has opened Fourth Vol. Pictorial History of England. .l i i '.... 4 :II: -;.. .*,. 1.. .. : 4 vr ,....., BRANOT, Whim and Rod Wad Mau- t h e tee , ete b te ee pi ne ~, re,. throughe, Now and , 7hen, by Dr. 'Warren, author -of Tan : ‘..... . 4 • ,It .., ~, A.I. fmetfor, P 224 sad Oil Mennen ,, metier of Lib- to b- et:, het „,, eee le , x ,d en d eeet hh ee i Thousand eh ear, and others too numerous to mention. •in red Wlime ele-, Puubbnlit. ^ MIS e 1.., i n the .., or m e aft,e,,eg.bee. I/ 0 ,y.. Cal/ and tee. ROD - __J L READ _ • ' .." . .s. .. , . ' I ERMAN, Recuiring Bindles., end An. 1... a. end, en enurely mar stoat of Horses and Cameo.. o p y r ,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, Thri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. J..deektr to Femme and Domesua Winer and U. the best 0000101 and linen styles. Home. ItoP.__, : „. live' VIIM-118 Inautimon, under the supenmou of Mr end , 4 , ' - g,nors, Na 111 Litany Meet, end' &I leamond Alley .7 in the Wt medeet• 1 ,. ... 7 j Alta Gotham, rs still open for th e recepuou of Po ' ruaTTOst. Po. ' /717-dit - ; 'T. B. BISHOP, Vetennery Surgeoit can We end will ...am. et the throe plaoe on Laberry e - , • „ ho feend or a t . no t . street. lln tothequethe oilmen changespumg taken ' .... .• ~ . . ... t .........% ' near ga. Cl= street Ilndge, lately mead pl.e, a few athentnes have oceermd, .tt 44 . 4.4 4 W 4 + 4. -• ... „1 , . . • -Wm by Nes...Carr dr !Cowles. calk.. ow, ol placing their daughters under then ire, would .- do went° NMI. an mirty application For term sea I LL H. EATON, Dealert m Tmaratugs and Von ety e ,. tet e et ., or :apply te , t h e pri„,,,,et. eta ____ i. : .^. ', . ; .•.: . I A: e Loon, Tomas sha, lan- and Flom V ~ • •--..- Name lona Woraedaßid -.aired., Pin- • 4N•t:•414,-.,;.:.,"...•*:•'•': 1•: ; •:. , ,;4. 4 ..,-,..:,..1:. •,,4' • - 7. , .. ' •• ; ,•,:-..1 , 1- , ;,*. ql:;: , . 4)l' '.::',.: ,rl' .V O,: : i, 41, . : . : :- . , ) '•''3 • ,:'' ; ..-..1:-1::: fi ' • $ : -•; 1 : : • •,f:' 11 . , , ;. t *ti 'i 4 4 1 1'..,..' - ' 4 k...i.i` : ?I' -: • lt'' , :' *. 1: t• -V: • , i , •l- .. ;:k_Ott'4 t ', -I il t ;• '' ' '" " if .'":;'• .', * :"%:;:.7 ri',. ;4 1 : : e!•: !...:''‘.. ....;.> t. : ::.Z..? ~,::' ... -1 ' ..t• ' t •:. i: 4r. ~,,,...t.'.........' 1 ..L, V '. ..• • • “i: ' ... , i ::: . 4 %. ...4• . , : . .... 1 .4i. , :': , •, , : ,,, i ',..; ..1 , .. ,: :i.'1.4._ ...,...•••:•ky ...... -4, , ,, , ,::. ,;,.• -_,;:, -: :44,-*;:b . ,-, 0 l'i..' -!:.1.-;••, .i:;:‘ : ii: - I':"1"iti t tl t:4-1:.*•:1?•#;11:7 ,T-]..:;;:-,i:11: -, ..,;:..i , t.:1.-4 --- : i i;, , ,z5;,: . . ; .::, , :t . -':,.ii. +!}i -: , 4...,..:;k:,4,14;,,,, , :x , , i , , :• , . - . 4 1 ,,.- - it.6:•.l"' 6 ' ~ it",,•`!k. : ' -`4 .t 11- ", ; ;;;;IZ:17.?:11 . ; ? , ),,ii:•.:: - .4 :•••11:', , :.„ , ... -., : I 'i,:-, ,; , •,,ii . ,' . . 1,i 1 . , •,,,,,;: Vl', ..',::';',. ' - ' • ti : iir,lA:4-, V::: ;;'-!,;*+-`,:', r. --;i.-*''', .. '' 1 4 . ...t 7: 11:• Et 4 ,* 1.Z : ::'1;•: , :. i I.`;S:' : , !.:::•1 'D i . : . . ', .'•* ,; !:'...„i4 . , : iNt ", : , rl , •,; .",•;-; 1:.::: , ,,, , ,.t,4 ., : , /,':::',',i ;: . ~. 7 , .1 , ,i,,, .1... r. z. 4; 7:ti, ~4 . „,..?, 1" , '',,, 4-, • V ....,:,:': ' ' '''' ; li' ' '' -17 •:: , . ' ' •.7 .t ,i 1 , , ,z,•',,g,! . .; , :n..1,,,', e i , A,-,,, ': .N , I:: ::. ..= ' ;'•:•;:ti ..' ' .7 . , t*lllN'''.: ., ,' 'Y 'lO/LN c satati,Rou Tomer s 'at filloraber gate trim Works, Pitiapargit. iron jdaanfiNcturor• stilly Rolling 261111 Alaclutkory,•m.ltinaborgh, aro re- Turning dOOO with oraesataa and despatch, • Ow. - 11,1111fiEl El•-bdoGUIRE, (fate of the firm of Alpo and J Idelialta,),llerehaut Tailor,SE. Charles Buildiritz, 'Thud area, near Wood, Pinsbutgli. • • • sza Aguas of tho Lo 'Steam Sow Baum - T. ttooLS wabst arul Y 1 frOnt alreets,TiUsberglL r T. lit; SLACK, -.lllerckant Ezchiange din y - 81. Cljat aty rittabarglx. . • • - 1.1011, TORN a DlLlVP4Tii—ldolesaler . Woeer, F 40.; TOHN ioRGAN , I Wholesale Drunk; and &ill.' dor HI Dye Huffs, Pounts,Oils, Vorniobio, N 0.113 Wood stagy ow door 80nt . 4 of Dion ood . Jlley, PHs. FIIISBUROIf STEEL WORKS AND xtre,mu AND AXLE FACTORY. aaic /obi., • MO V. 00160. • JONES., , k. "Ar UP.II CT UK.E.T.S orsprlng mind blister steel, /XL plough steel, steel plough Imp, coach and alle lic spnngs, hammered iron axles ' and dealers in seal. !cabbie cog., fre, engine laraps,and coach trimmings generally, corner of IL.. and Front rt.., ea. . obi BCHOONNAkIRL k Wintlesalr , Ung.i., •-• No. tet Waal streei,Fillsoursla. . JAIMS YELLS, Jr Co, (neeessor le/ . pa_ltti,a,ll9 9uadters, Motet SAM/. . - 'TOW .11: AGELLOR, Wholiiiila and Mail dealer U is tlaeic miliosacal lostsumenlsi 800 Paper, khn, bteel • r'ens, .4111/Is,Prialtre' eards..sad Mat3caar7ircatralibli.4.Wo. l . l , Pittsburgh. . i • bo • ht or tnlten . sepls TOSAIPkt /MOON & BON,' Commission sod Fcis. snaningldesilions, No. Id 'Lsbeny as., (opposite rt. Bank • of* Koss: jonG ": j OILY 1:i DAVAlLuctionest,'eorner bda and Wood 401078=N Bootselless,.Prisdeis • 'VP - sod Paper ILLsoliscuarrs, ;0..44 Market ac, Pass ;MS' T MUM Book Sion ,31k, ma, klarkl omit, irClassiical,VhOoktical Motoricatißetbooliklisool . • W. RossarrSON Ilisken wad Exthikagi I:44ll'=k= of s " a4 ? 'l." ! trj-Currettey ;inimal mud nus. 00th [. , - - 11`01IN MIER, Prboleiale ,Gtriper, deaLetiu Pro t, dun., raubargh MaaufactureA, Tak kr— ks-. O'S 4/.le ' fß Liwr..7st*.msh- . • j.• t, ) CO Who lesale TAMEU DALLZELI, r " (Imeer,Cmamisucm U idamlisMotml dosler m 'l"roeMt r e sad _rfaborgh Jouldammes. - no.:1 MLitt huaturgh. '' Voinaviss Ilsos;Winks.. - 7 j.g r i li g A bt l ettotirtl= " ZZlns quality. , Yisre . lu4,, ,14 Wl= and 1W tam t . • WiIWATEIBIAN, Wholesale Groser,For•rant la,,anclCoomission hleir-lasoliDaaler Pitill asaitscUues soil Produce, hoc al-Waler' EL:::EKT.is Who!cute Grows, Fr i r. Innsding orol Comoduson AlerrJan* dollars lho ono piusborgb tdsoufadoures, N 05,13 d 1 Wood 'Pittsburgh:. ERCER, BROTHERS k Co., Colo Ala, ..e uy od . uunlptt, tr ou sale of produce gra . . . M. IS:1100Z1.1, 'S. 8. ircuma32., .. warm a.. fa& •" r EILL, BUSliFla.li & alik,trjgassalSUrseett .. . . and Cosengsaion glercluata,NO.l9.ll.abony at, i . I ALLEN & Co., CotrawariOrt and Forwarding g . idarchants, . Widow and.,Foart.ata., betwean Ws. , =LE& 11LCKETBON, Wbakaalet Omen and t comiairioa 310,LIberty P 112.4. _ Rianl4 i eCOHD ar. KING, .Wlwkialiaad Boat Hat sUid AU,lhisomianne.,..and dales in FrnlYl Fun, count 04 Wood sad Mk dr,SON, Noi aS Platter pima( door frond calor of .roardi;deralors iareigni aad_it bills of Excliany, I.:macaws of Dep.. it,Bonk Noted arid tlpeclo. mad , oil all the principal odds - maTrzria. Ca, wbakiale GIVCOIII and Va n n and Favir . ardind MatFlania, %Vann OILERTSONIoPPEZT, ?tabooDealer. ~4 Omutaloss , Moselle" M. 1110 &mood Mtect, Meg e1"2.% Irrrr4T. I ,"'g Cansi• Ilvmaings, ofidt ti 0.133 Wood 8d2.13, IVlanlasale and Retail Dealer in ; • ,Lisibar, Unman, kildlemakannoola and Fin& j • inns; Timone and enders', Toot., and Tanners' Od, ' ' 199. Wood Pinaburgh. sapl9: - • ,/ • amise 10110010-4, undo. e. MM.* HAWNSONk Ca.,Whedesala °rocas, prouu., Oammadon blarenanuond Dealess in Ilia. ./:„Lar<6 Mlundsciarts, ti 0.160. 110 BERT 1:1-cELL NO eco., WboksalerGria - ri, COMZ INIIII. Aleichaots,dealais rroduc• sad Vitisbutsh .I . lsau4ctans, Liberty • iaoßr. CUNNINGIIABI, Wholesale Oroiri, Dul.r Ia Produce end Pauburgh.lligmfularei, 0..144110er11 Ito - " , 1 • • —• 13EYNOLDS4.131LE: Pcisg,a;s 4 l Catizoisidoe Afinsbazzlo; furl/ie./Uzi beay W m Trade, dear. en la Ottemin, Prodo,cti .VittOurgh 1.1.11/60111” TM highest prteu, lti ciali;piid cell lime. An cowl. ti 7 Ms. 'Coma of Yens awl AreCIAKFORD t Oommission Ziktoiteetar ir emy U opposite Smithfield; Dealer Deale In Hour, m int Seeds,.lso Boner, Lard, to. 11110XLEIT' 4 - 11/11117, 11Tholeule Dealst*.l4' Ytria and Dockeitla LiFy,Ciaoas. N 0.90 W blld ood st fe .. ik W. 11.1.6BAUGA , Wool idereltsith.Dealers 0. in Mar and Prod.. genpilly, and Fa:lean:Uzi as Comaxissim IWteks4sa, Vito U.§ Pitta lersl El2lgibbOn''f°et,Lot~eaa SW W.ak; Nortb •id4N ""deiP" a . HlLL...(Booeidkoi Id MU it Browni,),LOWd. iego tar and manitscsaror of Poor lioniogo dud may, mod &gar io volocriadag ond orsapplog wpm Id Wood 1:1, ritt• Pc. 'gap and :taw - . porehuod dlo"gbdo earkot.poim .rg iz rOP7Ctt. 1 4 2 1 " ' w e " : 1 "". wisdom hisrehaula, ts. I? !Lug Pittsburgb. brnm, Limbed sad Lartl , , t NON DON/MOH= &Co., W&Mmil OM. Vormudiror as* .tOrmsderreer - Alentodoe, Pi terough olandiseorms and -Wawa Pro- Malmo removed to tberr mom orstahoodokmd etuol) No. tomer offroat et. and Croureery Lone. • • QAMUEL }brirardimir .ad Commieswe Merettant,Dcoler rewat. s,s4 Piusburgh astiabh Canal ltininotiai WI it • ; 41164311748arry Gdoeerd nod Commis- Y,R.14.3,W147ar'' !•' l . kietw. No. 35 ' - • - - - Matic Apia torlidesicui soldiers and Pri 4 . 1 .11 P 5..., at the ales of Wei And we's. /huh!, Oirddroga 14, .ittsborgriL. ids. sos in Ow gemtl ism ogles at Wagons= will atieolto _asir.tossiiisos there fres of 'arms to 1.• ';:s#=;"•a:;- 7 - 4;4 ' ' 7" TioZia Yarn ...adios, Pins, Tap.s,Etruks, le.; No. 6.1 Narita west, bonito Loa mud Kodiak st., - Pitistiorgii. l72sdlr_ NEW 81101113111.111111 WARE STORE, LEECH JAI/ . ...iscr:a3 * WOOD BT. PATTLUDIasuII. TrAVINU rg , leoishett toy stock (row the hat sour -1../. Cr,, both dmotie said foreign, I = take plea. Cr ,Wwwwincipo couwancrs and dealers, that I am pre. pared . td funtieh there with al , good. mrline, oo awl better woos Wen heretofore. 'layers will recollect that dealing " exclusively^ in Saddlery Hardware and. C.a.maige frharotoge, / therehjo.dysatagee that etwelo me to ikty compeo , *kw. Call, we, sod lodge for yortreedirea aril7 PRIEM TEL'STORE.--No. }math near Wood—All guarani. of Grote. and Black - Teria, done op in quaver, half, and ...Jr pound packages, ranging froorSO era per ponnd 1514 u. jyr. A. JAYNk..A Ago. for fetid Tea Co. LAW OFFICES. WM. TIAIDLIN a ATTORNEY k AT LAW. ihar, Pa NV-tL also nueud w collections mad .11oth r bus-- en eninnted to bim in Butler and Ar mstrong mawitiea, Pa. Refer J. & iL.Floyd, Liberty M. W. W. Wadsee do Jame. Marshall: do phubmk. dly Kay a Co., Wood at. ) • j. 07 t=lln==l AT CL'fCLIINATIL—I am anthorixed OJ tho Gower. nor of Ponswylvania to take attnenrimfgaiente of ail untruntents' of writing, aim affidavit's and depeed, lions of portions in Ohio, to her seed or recorded Ur Pennsylvania Office, two doors oast of the Mayor's Infuse, Cincinnati, Ohio. EDWARD P. mar2OdaydwlrT Ationterat Las, SWIatZLII, Attorney at Law, office , 7d st, Jopposite di. Cimino Ho e, Pittsburgh, will also -Wenn prutorly to Collections, io Washinpan, Fayette , and Moen nominee, V. . Black - stock, Tiell & Co, • ' Church &Carothers, 1 Patsbnigh. • DT. Morgan, • b5ll/1Y Vi 2. HENRY, Attorney . and Couricellor at Law, Mt, Cincinnati, Ohio. Coilections in Southern Ohio, .ant in Indiana,. and ha lientnelry,'Oromptly and earn, lutly attended to:. Commiainoner for thth Swear Penni. aylvanta, tor. taking Dipole:lons, aelmovriedgunenur, Rasa so—Hon. Bell & !On, • Curtls ‘ Chrirch & Carothers, Wen Hay{ Do, Nilloek & Dana WIS. atomics= a sac. 9: B. Auomaysii - L. -7 .7 1.1 Stewart's Foenh se, heocesd dor above %vced street, klusbeeth, rs. D. W. Sell, Ccatutesstuner to take Deg:moons, de kuovrtedgeneuts of Deeds, and other instruments of wri th2N, to be used au IdiAlo4l,ll. ovi3Oea• !"!. U. UU (seeeesoors to Lowrie ■V William.) Attorneys stud COIWIRUOIS at Law. Office Kona side of ' , coma street, above thalthrtekL • teht;dterty " • 'lama • • , DUNLMtll,BbEellvatht O. " FORWARD BWARTZWELDER, dthnneys a t , L. have removed their Whoa to the South Nola o . Fourth st, between Cherry All and Grant tame • • • We. • JOKE2iI.ICNOX, Attorney at Laef Piusbzugh, tuut minced the practice of hie prkessioa i, his of- Lae, No.7,lJeklurelPs liaddiogs, Grata aL occupied daring his &Swab% by T. J. Jhgbaes- and .1 . Cht:jy TORN & GALLATIN, Mummy MA Law, ONce of Cita, between rant and satht,Sald, South Aldo, rtusbargS will Woo attend psimpity to toils:awl In the • on:0.17 UT 6. R. ROBINSON, dummy at Law, boa re , ' wind his oleo to Sao Exchange Bnildloga, :it. Cum• nazi doors, Aldennao John. • • .aplily 0/I.l.A.oaki LOOMIS, Attorney ag Li., oMce o I,h,4th street, above smithfield, • ; epply . ItBnRANCE. FWZ AND DARIO= INSVILAION. par, Iserusince Company of Nonh Amen., urrough U. duly notarised rho subscriber, often make puresasetiod limited Insurance on property, this eiry audio, simuity, MA on ship:ems. by to Cep ~ ... . - , . . . DIRECTORS. Arthur 0 Coffin, • • Charles Tailor, Seal W. Jot" Ambrose White, Edward Smith • Jacob Al.Thonms, . John A. Brown, • John S. N. John White, . • Richard A Wood, Thomas P. Cope, • Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. Smith, Funnies Hastens, Sidnual !hoots, - S. Austin Allibone,. ' • ARTHUR U. COFFIN, Furt h. —llAmor D.- linsanumn, Seel. • This is the rade. insurrace Company in the United State, having been chartered to OVA Ds charter is perpetual, and from is high atandirig, long experience, ample moans, and avoiding ati' Sake of en esti. has. "Moos character, it may be considered sii oilinag am ple a:miry to the public. " MOSES - ATWOOD, 1 - At the Cuantiog Rwin of Atwood, Jou. A ; Co., Wa ter and Front sweets Pinsburgh. .-• .feblli DELAWAIIZ MUTUAL INSURANCE Co. 10/C4 }INNEN, Jr.,4-.1 at Pittsburgh for the Del aware Mensal Safety lusurame Company of MM. aitelphia I7re Desks upon buildings and merchaddiso at ae g ,geecription, and Alaine and upon buns or carries of vessels, taken upon the most favorable Ur Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes &Dm., Pio. 37 Water, neat Market street, Pittsburgh. .- - N. It—The nevem of this Company mace the estab. Bailment of the Agency in this shy, with the prompt. nese and liberality with which every claim than them for log. has been adjusted, fully warrant gent in inviting the continence andpationage arils friends sun the et...WU at large to the•'Pelaware AL !It, lee.. name Company,!while it has the:additional advenlegei masts institution among the most nourishing in Philsciel. phis--as hiving as amplapaid.Meamtsi, which by the• operation of Jta ,charter is constantly ancreashig, so Melding to emle.'parsou emoted pis Mae sham of the profits of the company, without involving him in any rsupoinahlarylwhatiover, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of 'every obnoxious tea• me, and in itspuost a ttractive teem. • acnevi FRANILLES: WIRE INSURANCE CO. !ME Yrankl Firs Insurance Company, of rhilsdet pt., will mks Inn no., penuannut and tinned ors suety rleserion of property, in l'iiisburgh and Ibh surrounding comuy, on Womble terms. This mai: pony his apeman. chart.. Caput, SRA= paid at. • Coutingent, Pilnd SZULIPXI Od corners!' Third sod Market str.ts, Pittsburgh: • WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. FOIE mieriigrotd,eary authorised Aguilar the Mau— icon fire loserauce•.Coropeny of w effect /mamma option ton or damage epaiwt Fire, ort 4nUditig., meteraktuttre, Intril.ter, end property, Doi extra luterd.s, le this city and victual , . , apl4, 'OEO COCIIIIAN,24I wood'et. f StIBSCIIIIIERIIi been appointed Agent pto tem. etthe loannina Company a North nommen,- mat will tame r01.1(11 slat novo' to the other nosiness orMa..algancy. et Wit warehouse of Atwood, Jones la Co. • ' nPI.S Wal. P. JONAN, wain et . ". , • FOEtiVARDING COMMISSION. Ga....1210W., J. lOU.° WE. INAIMED yg. DAZIEIGHOW/GB. & co. TOBACeo CuMll65lOl - 111EIG1AUTB, No. 517 South Wharves, , sad No. 117 Booth Water st. 1 VLULADELVIILL BWS to inform We. trade and dealers iv,:rnair, of Pittsburgh, that they bacon:nu% such arm/gamuts with Ma Virgiala manufacturers and the Growers of the Weal, West Ladies; and other planes, as will.ioaum a' largo and constant supply of the following demiip• dons of Tobacco, Which will be sold upon as acsion- Vu o datlitg tonna& say other boon in Ws city or Mac. whemflicel all goods ordered from them will be war ranted equal to reprosentattom flacon !Si.„ Domingo; Coma: - _ %am; ; VoruiSico; Velm'a.;• Seed Leaf to; Cuba; L . , Iguana • Florida; • boccie ALSlG—Braucha celebrated Aromatic Sus Garen. dub, with a large Assonntonl of other popular braiuLt, and qua li ties of pounds, Se; LU, tea and :La, Lump; ss, 0, not and Ght Virpma Twist, /se sweet; morph., to whole sod ball boxes, wood Dad lin,' together with every variety of article-halo:4- ing to the trade, • /.10_dly. umurirm, aaUDIT& GAILRETSO2I, FLOUR FACTORS, Pandora, Comma'Wonand Forwarding Na CZ tioitox NVoawn, An. WO %VA.= 97, • PHIL tDELPHIA. • 'll3=ec:—Jobei IL Brown Jr. Co. 'Boben 13teu &Co. 8.,. a Co. 11 '""'Phia. &WU, liagaiey & Co. Allen & Paxton, New York. .Waiter & Haney, - Baltimore. Bagaley & &chi, Beirtaidge,Wllson & Co , Boilairtinew&& r "'T." I Bier & Sues, 112-Libual cub aduneu on coiwirnrftont• In our educe., . beara-.dly ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., • FLOUR PACTOIII, £llll amoral Commissions Merchants, No:l3Sorre Weiss REFERENCES--Heavy GratiS. Co, Pittsburgh. p.pgers a Swami, Cincinnati. 3. Pe3ootey & Soo A. M. January, Cbarlea Mahon, Jr.. Louirville. Dula, trusupb •,& Mercer, Mu. &To. Co. ) ..Plidad'e Reed & Brother Donna Jr. CrOaluery, New "r , GEOROR 'COCHRAN. -Commission smidlghersi . vrarding Northeast. !; mitt ".?,:11) es., ernsamos4 CIONTLNUES to transaci • general Coromittion boa. 1,..1 new, especially In the &rebus, sateen of Arne& cen Illanufactures and Produce, mil lir:ceasing sod torwanling Goods tosuigne4 to his care. 41 Agent for . the •Allinnectune, he 'will be contuunly supplied with the principal muck. of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest iwisolemle - prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully 'elicited PO r.L. 20.0.. ! F . CONWAY L CO, PaTSMOUT7I, Ohio Coaulnsal. and Forwarding Blesehams and Produce Dealers—aleo attend to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig troll, Cool, ate. ittorieid, lanes & Co., • Brown, Bailey dr. Co.; rens,_Sterling & Co Henry Goof, Craft' Linda./ & Co., ' B. Leech 1c Co., Lyon, Sborb & Co., Clarke! Thaw. marina . Mon.- 2. D 1.1311D0L, • . stutusects. Late a a:taboret, P . Late ontsaltiille, Teats LENPAER es, ANDERSON,' DEALERS IN COTTON, FORWARDLICO cog- 241:5810N MERCILANTS,' sro.6 nets sr.. sm. ILILOSOSSAT, auto. Beer la! ierchatits gasserally, its Pittsburgh.' nal GEORGE A. BERRY, • • WLIOLZIAZEI agoorams; FORVISDIfiII MID LOIIMISEIOII IiESCHANT, • AND DEALER IN Lrop'i Balls, cotton :Farm 4. - PlitAbursh Rlassatootarea.Esserally, ' • 10 WOOD' rragrz,.. rt./macaw', n. AUC11010ERIS • k CUEIIIbION 11/111CIIIAIS • ALEX.-LEVY 4 EIR0 , 8: CIXCIDNAT/1 AND BTS• LOUIS. Oder tO sell at either estabitehment, ell kinds or Mer chandise the lowest rates .of Coeurtissions, and arc always prepared to make advances. Thelma circle: rimecs given if required. Letters addreitied m either • hoiinwi_iftwurosepdy attended to. • ieldt_ L not.= bvr. o v. sums. - L o anon.* • LOVE • MARTIN 4 'CO. • pro:tile. 'and Commission Derstunati, . Rom to—Cssidson, Sanders & Co, &dm E. tdi, Hugh Jealans, Baltimore; M. Ale Co, Sellers Je. cols, Csinptaa, & Co, Sbneklen White, Pitts burgh; Ari ,Wheelar, TO Shaiteinessey S. Co., Cumin, /*WO ILO/MO N W. - U. CALIII/41..' j TUORPSON dr. CADIPUZLIo. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. !UM Jtionolhoturers Linooed Ull, • No. d 1 Columbia street, consult. Oum • ar,2l,ly_____EX_Caah paid for FloasoetLZU , 'WAIT U. 0 .1; A: K • Porwaramsle . sa Watt, Brownsville, Pa. Alteutia particularly to Ote Forcdarding of. Produce, Ire, to. I • ' For •-•”/ information, apply to I FOILSYTII Ic CIVN. CAN, Water at. D. M. lIIATUXIVA • W. T. rims. MATHEW' & PATCH, .• COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1 . • iz0...00 Water atrbet. • St, Lads, !do. Will give prtietdsr =usedun to the selling of Pro. • et... Lod to orders for purchasing, gaze to—tieosge Mogan &Ca, Pittsburgh, .augll I, Anuuw J. OUXtAII maga l 114111.1h1D, "4 , '"I IF I II2PARD & DVXO&N,' d Ch lON k CONNISSION • • It;utt. old stand of , Stay it"bgepard,) - •• . • , Dingwall?, reuleseeo, W ( ..e Lti b li e ve u worn , antl i f i at e, lttaXrn . to ee natit e : s e t Ily. el prepared to attend loan tun detart; enenui of taw bornicas etbeiently and (denting la Lai goad, for Mew oar, aesountobnpartiaili. /lege; I to. id. Allen, re Coi IV. mullet & Co., Pain t.... • • • deciaohn, 'I ., ISAAC causE,_ COlll2lllllllOlll BIzaaOHARIT, - FORTDESALE or PRODUCE& PROVISIONS, . N0..103 and itn tuar,r. • um.:rndoisz, MD.. Rezuseco—dlenhatte a( Pittabuzgli. IVbeCUng~ Va—R. Crangrelr. Co. tuarEHßlat • NOTICE. TO SLIIPPE.II6. wEilurge taken au °Mao ialauldialely opposite to , op, blunt wareboue, for um uremia waste we toll Damsel tenon.* a. tweak until a now bolus Can be erected, arraneweata baring already - been wade for thatkrumow. Dome will alway• be ut ...dine.. at our but to receive freight. C A BPANIJLTY & Co, Canalllawa. Glenne et .O..TEAM. BOAT INTEREST:FOR BALE— Ouo la of uo, fine warner Wyoming for .ale on moo rßodadOir knot: For paroculon anquiro of II W LIABLIAO011; t 201 I . Wolof utd Moul as AUENCY OP THE HAZARD PO W DER COILIP/1- , Nl' • for the sale of RIBe, Rock and Catdatar pow* der of yory imperial quality. City <asuman wili tK .applimiat arty hour dudog the day. way,. JOSEPH DILWORTH,* O . INTALENT-7 I . l!eias ;• COPARTNERSHIPS CO.PA.RTNEILIMP. • OGAN & KENNEDY have this day associated with them in the Hindman, business, Philip W. son kid Edward Gregg.' This atyleof arm will het. alter be Low, Wilson Co. This arrangerient re. der. It desirable,to elowshe old basins. as soon posa/le. All persons whose liabilities havalnwired, are especially requested to mato inumedi.l. Plt Pitlabor,h, Jan 1, 80. T OGANe WILSON tr. CO.—importers and Ls Wholesale Denim, in Foreign end Domestic Herd t., Cutlery, Saddlery, ac., OM, W(qa 41.4 Pia. burgh„tere now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock,of Hardwase,'Cublerhati,ito offer .cry great inducements - to 'western 'anyeri, being declaimed to compete in punts with any of the atlantic cities.. Al so on hand en extensive assortment olgiasbeigh flat& 1 4 pade.„ Fork., lion, ell ..tooh will be sold no the lowest mienisfacturera lent j , / CO.PAIITHERIBIELIP. . ~ VIE subahr ben Merin, recently cote io ership under the name of OH agher, loot • Miller, for the purpose of carrying on th Bran Founding and Gar Fitting bus& slit all italbranches, have taken the stand formerl y. ell pled by 11. Gallagher, No. KS Front street, bet ems Wood and Smithfield an, where they ere prepared to execute all orders tor Bells, Brim Castings, of even description, sod God Feting* with neatness and des Fan& .ilteamboat lobbing promptly attended to. IL GALLAGHER, ' S. A. LONG, _ • P. H. MILLET!. N. 8.-The attention af Mechiairis and Engisteen is Invited to our antisttraction Metal, for a reduced price, which has been pronounced superior to Itabbifi by numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and the public, generally, are 'ls mounted to call and es. amine our superior double hewn Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic WO. . • GALLAGHER, LONG, & MILLER. • deel7dly • — Dlaso T } TV trit 7471;01V:4 c = o r u t :lC=ll •on the Ist lab The business will . be elated at the old stand by either of in, using ,the Dame of the arm for, that purpose. Being desirous to have cur laciness eloaed with as little delay an possible. ' Weald Is. zeiertf.ul„lyourtlnest tho.o indebted Oa add - IL D..Kltill co-Pnetsk•ratip. TWIN D. SFCORD haring associated with him m brother James !!'Coed, under the style of bliCord & Co., will coutiutie the Bat, Cop and Fur business in OIL it, various branches, wholesale sod retail, at the old mita, corner of Wood end Cith streeu, whet* they solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be Wowed on the old firm. JOILN D M'CORI) j a g{JAMES S. IWCORD._ TN retiring from the old and well knows firm of Al'Cortt h. King, I mem rerperdlly reetharnend the patronage of the public my encerssora, Memos. Wooed e. Co. , lad d 11. D. ICING. Owe • &geese • p fogle. • W. STEPHEN S ollYheenng, F. Slartiberger of Attalla, and L. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, have ties day entered into. co-yannenhia under style and firm of Stephen., Sheenbetger & Co., et the Anchor iron ironling, the purpose ar sitaan faeter leg and nada of every desenplion. ' • . . L it: napalm, - n't.snocieratto, • 1. L. BTOCIVIO24 STDPIIENS. SIIONNBERGER dr. CO. • ANCIIOR !FLOPS WORKS. Whaling; Vn. • Plannfacture el kin of bailer, sheet, bat thon end nada, A. IL steel elipdc opt ngaatitt t axles. : Being con nected with Ehocunerrces ulddunitua vitas we can offer o a a rt icle of Junto. iron threaded ShoeltbengnO miattl pony made in the 0011031 k. AS of which anti be sold at the Pittsburgh prima. Warehouse of the works moues of himaruennd Water am eery DISSOLUTION. • Co-parthersh p of the submribian bder the fain of Lomb Hutchison ne., is thie dap disiolved 6y mutual consent. tither aim will 1411[0,1 to the wi th:mem elate farm, and um ha mime forAtt!.Puledb LAIWLA UTC111$0:11, JAllik2l A. II UTClll6Oti CO•PAILTNERSHIV. 'FRE undamped hare th is day fanned a co-partner i. ahirtitulartba firm or Jpue. A. liinchison & Co, far the pornose of continuit; the buslues• bennofore carried on by Leeds Cambia. & Co. and Indian a eatinnuarice oldie patrol/age banana rattan.' mina bonus. JAM A. ntrrau,ox, LEAVIS U. lIVICICSON. Plitabargh, Jan.', IRA. ThISSOLIITION—The partnership hithe roexto :flog under the style and firm Wighintan & bah • ls this day dissolved by mutual comma, John D.a. set haviog dwposed of his entire interest to kI..W4W man.; The baseless of the law hem will be settled by Wlshunaw who is authorised to use die name ache late firm Mr that purpose. 11. wictrrami. spe.dardw • Daly l IT] J. DdIsZELle ....PrFpued to manufacture all kinds of ason and Woolen Machiery, die @honest notice. Ordertled at IL Wightman'a nine llkap,eor. ner Liberty and Water strecla, meelWl_ yr...vs attention. IL WICiItnLMV , • Leacak st, Ler:Yetis Federal and Sandas kr ele.; epelidly Allegheny eny. D15.401.11T1111.--Tbe partmeiship imbuing beilveto lba aubscribers, utiles the'style of Poindexter & was dowobsed ou the lst init. by mutual twisted.. K. %V. Poindexter is audiorisulto stole all the business of the toncem. IL'N. POINDPSIT./1., C. H. GRANT. • NOTlCE—Haring purehwed the mous interest of U. Gnat; in tha late concerti of Poindexter le Co, associated my son,Theodora Poindexter, with me. tha business be continued as usual tinder the a la of Potadrantr Chk. -. , ..ap9) • 'lt -W POI?iDEIT ..' 'TIDE UNDFILIIGNED, doing . buena. under me name of inborn & Nicholson, at their Foundry on laird aural; hare this day, by mutual consent, Musa red their eenpanisership. All Mow knomng them. salves indebted to nns firm, aroreyamted call at their wareitintse on littorny. street, opposite head of, Wood, and settle; and all baring claims against than will present them at the snow pM% Ma ntine. fur seiment. Dni/ Rtt, JOHN NICOL/LK/I. • stps.thrt tloa 'TOWS FAME'S b. 5.0114:22. AVIGIITNIAN haw. 1.1 iug gas, tinted themselves lured. anger the firm of John Botha & Co, ter the purpose tsf continuing the trimness Of Me "Coannets'nc arillcontinue transact a general lereraolutx azza. ecumaission bads urns utile old stand at the Canal ikons, Liberty west jut . - JOHN FARREN, SASII. WIUHVILAN. NonCr-.lnme• has Burchfield b an ratere.t mthe Dry Cowls Business conducted bt the mow of the underrighed, corner of Fourth end Market Bs, Pitte fitlflfb, commerwing Feb. 4, 11.45. The busbies. for the present will be conducted wider the Kamer style of ote ofq • W It MURPHY CO.PAILTNERSUIP—Weet. Youngbirica GUI day sauctatad with Oto. John R. Al`Cane n the low titer /wench* Will hereafter be conducted colder the fine of Wm. Young At Co: WILLIAII YOUNG, loon 1 'NO. IL NIVUNR. MEDICAL. JoyseeKipeetorant. ftexest,colambimmea,ll, Apr. SI, le4ll. TIR. d. 3AYNEF: Dun to feel begin! to you J., and the inflicted pablie, to uail myulf of this op. portonll x ol . ving publicity to the extraordinary abets of your tarsal orimyself. Ilaringheen atlllcmd rot erre years • with ' a scum conga, 'hectic Urea and its concomitant discuss, and seemed May doomed to linger out a short but miserable existence, until the, fall of Itall,.when,heing more reverely attacked, end haring resorted to all my former remedies, and the pew theof two of the mon respectable physic Woe in the neighborhood without deriving anybeukt, or the toweled= of onviiring but few day. w as k. af: fartbeit—when die but gleam of hope *boat to vanish, I lied recommended io rue your Expectorant-- mid blessed by then Being who does ed dung. in the use of the means—mid contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friends, I wee in a few days eased from my bed, and was enabled byttne tweet a bottle, to .attand to my buboes., enjoying thole better health then I had for ten years preriona ileepectfully yours, ke., Is. IV. Friar. For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Flora, 72 Fourth amt, mar.. 9 ,11.A.Fatuterroca,l . - A. J.J. ii.., N• Y. City: 1 .. .I.l.Fanstaroca, Pittsburgh. • .., U. W. FAllllol • Wholesale Drag Store .131 the City of ll•w York. TLIE endenigned ant extensively engaged in the Wholesale Dw ; polities. at No. 471 John a inrse; o ally of New Soak, and aro prepared o supply Drugests and cousin , Slarchanta with Drop, rums, Oil., Dyr.staffs, Fora go and American Pe.fintirrYi blander,,Woever, & Mender's Chemicals, (of then own imporiauoo) *Ad all other articles in thou. le, of bold. etas, of • •uperior quality al /OW WI they coo be paw obas.in this or nay eastern city. New York, Pobln 11. A. FAIINL..N'T'OCK & Co. Marcher's Chrome Opeati. I.e O PAINTERS, BLOW MAKERS, bse— We. the undersigned, Pshaters and Ulintrlilekers, iir the city of New York, have used sod tested, and sue now using Ei Dew truck of Chroine Green, aninulactureil bT Cest. K. Marcher, dulls city, am/ fuel it to work ure 5 1.5.." Mica* a fine brilliant Posit Green appearance, watt • ry superior body, and recommend it re oar brethren la the trade as ill livery genteelar the best Chrome Green we hese our owl. New York, June It 47 . - signed byt% firms of proemial painters of the cur of New York. This nuequalied Chrome Greco may he halo( IL E. BEI.LFFIK, No 57 Wood street, who bee the ezelusive *goner fur its sale in Pittsburgh. marl Wise Setof Teeth ter 17Th Canty. Tl=ll, FOUL. illth:ATII, IIEALTHY 71 , DUMB.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, odor be ing tined or twice cleaned with Joum , Amber Tooth Fate; have the appearance of the most beautiful ivory, and at the name tune AM PO perfectly innocent and en quialmly fine,. that lts constant daity um Is highly ad- Willtageetik, even to Mow tenth that We ist•• good con dition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a pltalllUlfo decay. wor Thom already decayed it prevents from becoming se—h_alm lessens fedi as are be coating looce. and by perseverance It will render the foulest teeth delicately white, end make the breath de• licious4 sweet. Bold by WM. JACKSON, bU Libeny urea. mar/D U. A. FAIIIIIIENTOCIViI VICISMLIFU6E. Ay}ny weeks sine, ono of myhil l c aged about ,five year -w unwell for days,severa and the bikes Increased soalanoingly that I (eared death would be the revolt. Having heard of the good effects of Fabotestoces Yuguithge when adminietered to the children of my ueighborsoind thinking my child might have worrusoroui some in the symptoms, I gave it one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vert:knee, and to my great astonishment it almost immediately discharged between 160 IMP worm.. /Mhealth MIS •000 restored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to taking the Vereauge, the worms would occasionally risenit. throat, and I often feared it would die front torani'mlation. JAS. 0. DAWSON. 'Tionesta, Vkango co,-Pa.„ April 3,16, eplg EL hs' FAMILY MEDICINES. Cone. 51.Vr , td51 , 511011 Co, Po, hlarch I, 1618. R KEIFAkk.m.4 have neuly *old all she Ver. .ifpga and Cough Syrup you sealant. YouiVer. outage Is without egoeption the best ever offered .01tiborhood, havutg proved good wherever used.— The Cough Steep and Liver Pills have also given sat isfaction ItAlf ot mut. J SCUTT, Woo d . Potmastr. Prepared road sold by R E7SELLERS, 67 dt,• sold by DrCassel, 6111 Wud; D Al Curry, Allegheny; dr. SV J Saadi, mare ' 'UDR INVALIDS AND INPANTS.—Votitney's Y.Arltoot Rusk ' Powder, a dellcions sad highly monitions food, which never tams acid on the Stomach, and is now umuntally recommended by the Moray la platen:kg to Dniel, Bake, Tapioca, or plain Arrow Um v.4 sll . better suited to the debilitated stomach of no end • More strengtherdog and whederane food toy l6 . Fel' Nib by a E SELLERS Pole L„ . h 7 main .:.-~: m HOTELS. LIGHT TRL'ET-HALTIAIORH • moo AM/ TIIIM:GrOL rxarnvon, . 2 THIS establishment long and widely blown Laing one of the most commodious in the city ilalumore, hoe Meetly undergone ' very extol sive *lterations and Improvements.. An 'enure rte wing has been Wed, containingrunnerom and in &booths apartments, and esteem:Me bathing rooms. !! The' Ladies' department has duo been. completely morgartired and Wed pp in a more unique and beauti ful style. In fart the whole anarigement of the Home has been remodeled, with e'en* eye on 'the part of the proprietors, towards the madden and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Thar ethic will always beaupplied with every sub- Vantal and luxury - which the markitadords, carved op in a superior evict while In the Way of Wine., got., they will not be surnamed. ! In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the part onto& maimants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends end the public generally. ! • The prices for board have also been reduced to the following num • Lathes' Ordinary, • 11,75 per day i. fentleinen's N. 11.—ThTa Baggage 'Wagon of the House will al ways he, found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, whteh will convey baggage to end from the Hotel, free : of charge. 14. - • eanyltf PEAS". 13 BEET H01:1191ZY: • . THE subecn ha purebashd.the entire' tof Cu!.O. Ime f this ie well known establishment, beg leave to mutate' their' friends and the public generally, that they have • taken this cornmodiou• Hotel for • a term of years. and. will -exert their best energies to make it a desirable 1 hems for Travellersand City !louder.. The Hotel is spacious and almirably planned fOr convenience, light and air, having a number of patient , adjoining chambers, presenting unusual attractions to Wallies • • The present proprietors having had the experienee of Team In this city and. elsewhere, hope.. they will be able to 'give general satistacuon, bong deteneined m. give undivided attention to the house alone. The location of the Pearl Suva House ly etigib e, having . frolus 'on Pearl, Walnut and Third .11.44 SO thas it is equally desirable in view of the 'eonvenknce °Chrome. men. or reurement for private boarders. It is near by the Banks, the Post Mee, the Masonic Hall. Odd Fellow's Hall, and bat one equate distant from Main street and two squares from the City Wbart,thus °tiering the greatest indacentents. tope.• to country merchants and generally_ to persons visaing_Chicomati JOHN NOBLE; • ineb27 JOHN X. DUELS EUTAW HOUSE, coax. or 11,1.11.11101 i •NO aILITYOIII..MD• HENRY E. JACKSON, PROPRIETOR it The spiendid and vamps Hotel, elegantly sit usted the both boldness and pleasure travelers, Viso constructed as to ceatbuse all the luanries of the best hetela,wlth elegance, unreel careen; ' Choice suites departments are at all seasons restyl ed for the accommodraion of transient guests, and fait; visiting the city will find the Eutaw Hones • house, unsutpaseed by any Hotel in the Haien. The location is. elevated sod salubriceis, end Is ilso convenient to the depots and, landing., at which the coeches and potters et the house OM al .11 times In waiting to convey passengers end their baggage . to the Mi;1;11i1 janl➢uwaa ZXOUAINGE lIOTIEL. woggle oirmva aaa n. cr....uthra, ramummiti rx.• The submriber having unlined the manage ment of this long established and poplar respeethdly announce* to Traveller. and the W die generally, that he will be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all *no desirable in • well regulated IloteL The !louse w now being *roughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added,. and PO pug. will be spared to make the Exchange one .of the very beat Emu's in the country, The malcramned reapecifully sobeits a continuance of the very liberni pouonage the House has heretofore received. THOALtS OWSTON, feb9dtf Frump.", - - JONES' HOTEL, no. 152, Goss= num, rintoolomona. 2 THE subscribers, under the firm of Bridges & West. bare'purchased dl r. Jones' interest this • Ostablishment, and hope by the strictest suention to the wants and comfort of their pear, to rastit • con tinuance of dm %lend pauoungo baretoforo received by its former proprietor. ' The house has beet. thoringhly renovated, and re pairektor therefor., feel avowed we els welcome our friends and the public. to accommodations eptiai to any. in the city of Plutadelphia. ! N. W. BRIDGES, iirja JNO. WEST, • • : GALT 110IIIIIIA • , COMES Mara alm urrn ate. eIIICORATL 2 THIS establishment is now lathe bestordet for the resepnon Of the Traveling 'Public. fraying ...drag.rc a thorough report daring the Pir winter, end having the moat experience.' men in: we west in the various dement:irate, I Herat myself that all will be pleated who call. The location is mural, ram towlines and plearant. Fere Pt pet day Cincinnati, March 13.'47. W. F_ htialtSll - 1: N. ll—Although unt exactly a new Broom, it is the eame—a new Whip on the all handle. oPOt( 171HOHNIA HOTEL, ' NEAR THE DEPtfr, CUAIHEILLAND,AIII Tnt house is meetly Owed up for the reeeptiou sed • entertainrocut of the titteeluid public. Persons id rl/‘ eoßtfort will do well to call—they ill hod the clambers clean and Wee, and the table as well furnished as my hotel la the, towttof Cumberland, 111twenty-broti cents mimed. Hasa'and desperate menus have been made use ofby ems.a to injure this establishment, but so imalllgeut, public will rebuke them. The Vicautia Hotel has • oth. rwm.:l7,h-,==z7;;1'.4,1,.;. d. . oh e..nd can. ' WASHINGTON EVAN' • ma 1e Propel. • , TILIWCILMOBTOBVII !ALT UOVI • -- . R AftVA THROCKSIOITFON Mirky° acquaint h. friend. that Ire la imam knee of tha GALT IlOtaW, Louisville, 11y., "Mons he hopes ta meet all hi. old friend., amusing them and the public, that no atom shall ho mimed to make all comfortable mho favor himmith theirim .. _nrnage. ianl Idly UNITED STATEN HOTEL, Ortin't tr., amen rovviu AND rrrni ... nPrOSITE- late Bank of itio 'United States, NI. %I:r i ll " . M.. POPE. 111TC1111.1., Proprietol._ • AMERICAN u V YLTDIOILAYO OPPOSITE the Railroad Depot, Pfau et. Bal timore, HENRY 7d. proprietor, (tato of the Elehene and Sr. Charles llotele, Pitts boreAl BOOK TRADE New Hooka Jane Received. lUr ORELL'S Hulot.* of Modentiltilosopby, complete at in ono volume, front die last London edition,‘MA • Lectures on the Law and the Gospels, by Stephen H. Tyng, D. D we multi etdarged edition, with portrait d . the author, 81.50. : I Memoir of Rev. David Abet!, D. D. late Mission v itt7 ith to Chi.; by hut nephear j ltex. • portrait.' Meander's Illstory of the Christian Religion Ond Church. translated by Prof. Torrey, Vol. I Haw( IrAtanel a We of and for Lo land, ra 16.1-j Poo Volumes: from meond London edition; 11,50. Memoirof.ly C Crocker, Missionary to Africa,62 Vt.; Personal Recollecti.s, by Charlotte Meade*, mith explanatory notes, accost:4.lml by a ramoir cm clog the perievi Net the close a personal mcollecra to her death: by L II .1 Towns; P 24 emits, Recollections tu Eagland;by Rev fl II nog, D.L. • Mar M ilton, the Al erehaaPieterk; by Rey. Chad. D. Ta or, hl if, author of "RecOnbt of a Good Mini Life: , 'Lady Mari? '3lsynn, or the Pearl," he, The above just received and for We by ELLIOITA ENGLISH I 56 market rubel - 10mm 3d and 4th Renehred .t 211. A. Minerft—Historical end Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephlue, , tirst woe of Napoleon lionaparte. .lip Mlle MA Le Nor. mod. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creatien. . 1 Ferry Hautherpe, or the VieLwitudes of Forme, bi 7.lnr. Gore. Drama Harcourt .00 the IlleOtimate—a story of conflict between goo d ' pad eviL . -,The.Plysteriesnt theittne Citlei; by Augustine ! Der Signal, or the ee. 'lUng of the Illue Isle. The Pnsoner of Perote, by .1 EWA'. Ifewt's Merchant's Par Duch Democratic Review. A spleudid article Lace Used Note paper and an - lopes to Correspond. -Songs for Iht People,No_3, far March For side at A .virsers, Scifithfield st, 3dtaor float Seernd.' NEW WORKS. ALLISON'S MARLBOROUGH—The military life of John, Duke of Marlborough: by Archibald I' H S; author of "The Iligorp of Europe.", Neauderls Lilo of Christ—The life of Jesus Chriit, its Historical couttezion nod Historical Developments: i b e y an A :gt;o "" n, br.rOl d ni " l. - 1 1 t n noer j on t r &ra h' rlll 41t. Oral, Professors la Dickinson College, , • . Old Hicks the Guide; nr, Adventures tbe Cam.- che crummy in search of Goldl Mirm—by Charles W Webber. . . The Bachelor of the Albany—by the author of !Mae Falcon Family! , Dr. Chalmers' Postliumoue Works—Daily ,pea. rat Headings, by the late Thos. Chalmers, ILO, L. L. D.—ba three v 01... Volume. lot and ltd tot Pd ., The above Valuable works feints.d this day and for •.le by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, ape Booksellers, cor market nitti.ldsts . HISTORIES; -Robe moo's, &Rhea, Gibbon'., Rd.. Arnold'.l'ol, Mod. Europa, Presciotrs assets.", Pent, h e.; aoseclet's Prance; Aroo's Rotas, Harper Pictorial Ragland; ?Rebuke Rome; Coostuutional Histo ry of Euglandy Arnold's later Romeo Commonwealth; basalts Rome; I.lorna's History of his own thaw,with note, Halhurt's Middle Ages; Mill's Crusades uld Ebro., alry; Browning's History of the Huguenots: Thierty , Ilistoricsl Works; Nears History of the Puritans; Titters French Her, Taylor's Manual of Anc't sad Mod. Mato, ry; 1 titrOducuou **the History of the Chinch, by Janis;: Medley's Rome and &mimed; Rarities Popes. Mtn shore ma , w r! ith Many other valuable works, f J sale by ' . Nirar Deolm—Vresh Aftiva.l.—A Flume, In . Scotland; by Jacob Abbott, with engraving. • ; Metwardi, Literature et the South of Europe; anew Luther end the Reformed°. l Y John deon, br. A. • Lilb and %Whin= of WashlngtoM by SPatke vol Nos 40, 41 owl 41, Harper's Pictorial Weeny o Eng- Ion&• Digest of tho Supreme Court of the United But B; by Holcombe. The Poetry of Life, by W D Tenors& Parlerseabinet Library, ZJ voLs, large 16 too. ' For sale by maid 4th, near mark tab lit ENV 110iJk..reWiier0y ExPres;—Ge .16.6 1 =4end Scotland, or pricollectionaola .rich Mater; by J /1 Merle D'Autigne, D. D., Author of Hlstoiy of We Reformation, Life of Cromwell, ' A . Woodard. Exposition of. thellospala .of zit. Mat thew and It; Mark, In Mrs form of Lectures, Iniendid to maid the prude, of domestic insulted= and deco. Lion; by John herd downer, D. D.', Bishop of Cheat. F01.11A113 by ELI OTT & ENGLISH, • I=4 . • •56 market st, bet &I and 411 t 4[HIE READY RECEONER—Firahip • hollderis,hoat 1 builders, and Imnber merchants; being a correct inessurement of mantling, bawds, planks, =Meal <m ums 'gammen and roan timber,. saw logs, wood, ete, cumpris= In a number - of tables; to which ore added tabluof wages by the month, board•or Imo, by. Me week or der, and rail road Wasocasi also intaard ta bl.r; by, J ricriluer, author of the. , Ertglaur • cod Matehane'a Fonmartion. atc. ForLattlys • ' t.rUJFICIN, • maild ••• bookaalbr w. co JGHNSTUNk.. to & ad ms. LINSEE4OII,-41thlijor tilt JULILY DIKORGIAN • - =ME MISCELLANEOUS: ..... -. • • . • • , furIVIIGIICOTT i BARR, . .! '..• .: ,• ' -•. Item ..1 8 Strickler & Co.). . I 3) . t 4 TUIPACTUTIF-113 of .Phomix Alm proof utfa south aide, second. sumo, .betWiren Mood ;eno Sat Pinaburgh." 1 IS Strickler having deceased and the unriebag muter . dlr. Joe Lippencott, lamed. assoeLated himse arith' Mr, WmC Sarr,the burieess will hereafter be < lf oedema mulct the style oC iippoo-* conk Sam._ Thal of safe in Ciesionati, OP-We, Use underaiga... , d oi re i Lepreseußt . tle listing of ...r Lf . dAr . z...i.r& pl:o.l=moe anew pablie landhagond sub= • to the {amuse he= of a stone coal. Ire fin .more thau throe boon " In one her and a half the safe came io a bright red heat; the door of We fumace.-ens then ittT .ll b t ''''i elf i llV '' ata fi r third sod steady pa . y mettedsdr, We &mace was then thereumewe au the safe cooled and. opened.. The money, PaPft•l 0.14 Woks which it eontained wares Martinet ailehge [lased there, the binding.' only of the 'books being in , wed - by. the water in cooling the safe.. We have act Citation in recommending It m. the public es a 'Site superior to any we Wae es. emu tested, tied betters that it Will mod any hem which might be produced, adept a heat which would melt it to a solid eases.' _ .Bpriuser - & Whitman, L Worthington; Kell i Keinter rli #l.llriter, W 0 P theme, Alum Smi - T 15 CorSletbaso, Atayard & Co, Wm-Manse,. sle ••• , - • , , • • Ore, the Itede tma 11,...il ki" r abOvo, fono a lot= 4 3 l 'gto " ro s of ,Trober t:An% , :e AVM. • CO BPIRINO ' • • . .• 8 J KELLOG. t • ~ Beth to Cook fr. Harris, Mokorsaittsbot a. j i ', Rune Hanes & Co: do • do strmacorr. ' MIN IL WICL 4./11014•1 LIPPENCOTT C. j IhiIrANUFACTITHERS of Hammered O And Cast Mal ;in Blonds and Spades, Axes and Hatchets, Kill, 14 Cat, Circular and Om Saws, Hay amildinarn /helm 41004 Mattock., Picks, he, having completed allteir m anger:ur m ns in Th e comensal of new mad end in meeting the best workmen from the most le boated esublishmentiof the Cut ore now eminfaclar- Jog and will keep constantly on hand end , Tor sale all tbe.above ankles, having nulled themselves or the latest improvernems,and are determined Malin wink manship and material they will not be excelled., They promise to produce animas equal, if not Impede, ' to soy Mai cate be had in the Cu, Thiy Invite the &Ma th,. mdulan, .I,vsvei Of their stock before' parrhuing elsewhertyes obey are convinced that they will be able to fill all orders on their line to the emirs satisfaction of purchasers. - Warehouse, Water. steel, 4 dooi West Monongahela House; Pittsburgh, Pa. , N.. IL—Persons having Inudness with Wm. Lippen curt & Lou wS please call cso , Lippencou & Co: • oct9dl ' __ i . 41.1a1CS W. WOODWELI.s. . . Pttsburgh 'Tarantino. Wm itialati: ZEA Large and splendid asinine= onFint• are, suitable Cot Steamboats, llotelsanstpri- - • age dwellings, constantly on band and .The. postai stock on land wawa be execodell by . any manufactory in the westem- comp") , wishing m purchase would do well to give am a call, as lam determined my prices shall please. Part of ths stook eonsista in - 6u sofas with Plash and this cloth contV . 14 pat 2 do . : Mahog an any Name Chairs; .' e Divs; 12 dos fine mahogany Cltalng 12 mahogany Work Stands 3 don mahogany flocking Chaim 12 marble top Damning Spair 8 nq marble top Woriegtands It cherry Work Steads; Idahogmly, Maple, Cherry, and Ppplar Dedatentia et all di.enpuom, InCla a large ai-ortment. of common limiters av id , too nuoutrimal natation. LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING 00111110111 JPILEPARZD OHALB.; WHEY am mot emue how frightfully injurious ft Is to 1 the skiti—bur coarse, how tough, how sallow, yea , low tad aohealthy tho Al,, appear alter asisg grew , pared chalk! Beside. 111. imunous, mandates a large quarairyof lead: We have prepared a bemired vegetable . testicle, which we call JONEd!..SPANISII LILY IYHTTE: It is perfectly Innocent, being purified of all daleterloot• qualities; audit Imparts to Ms side a natural, 'ltecdthy.• alabaster, eMar,linng white; at the sane time Win 'as a costocue an the. mating mating imatft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist ofALssaw chusetts,stays: "Alley analysing Jones' Spattialt White, Id It possesses the most bcuttlesl aud nat. d, and wtm same time innoemit white I ever star. certainly ow waseicsaimmly recommendlts use to all Ea skin requires beautifying? Price, cents a box. Sold by WALJACESON. ea Liberty at mate PUS MaoklasWorks sad Foundry; .. ... JOLIN mucurr a. Co., Me prepared to build Cation . and Woolen Machinery of ever.. description such m Cardrag Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Primes, Railway Heads, Warners, t poolers, Dressing Priones,.loomsud Grinders, de. • Wrought Iron Shading tamed, all aims MGM Iron, Paling and Hangers of the latest pattems, slide and isurd Lubec, and toots of all Marla nags of every deseriplioa Punished on short alnico Panora. made to order for Mill Deane', Loo Math . ire: Steam Pipe for heal ing Factories, Cast bon Findow Sash and fancy Co.. ttLs gene. Ily.. Orden left at rhe Warehouse of I rner & Co. Lamm street, will hare prompt atten tion. ... Refer ea Blaekstoek. Hell k Co. J. k. Mooreheed Co, G. 'f.. %Varner, John Irwin k Bone, Patsborirlt; U. C. J. U. Warner, Steobnovilti. 1.10 -- DINUMNE • - &prang. Axis, Stool sad Iscra Works. arkYLEunli, l AN.M & Co, basing completed their work., ro now prepared to mannfac tare every description of COLC/1 and kliptio Sono" Iron Arles, American, Blister, Bpsins, And Ploogb Steel, and all alms of mall, agnate end Nand 'lron; which they MDT for sale on fibrin/ teams, at their Vette. Vouse, No 43 Wood streek where 4.18ay also keep on hand IL complete and handsome 0.11110P0100% 0( Coach Trimmings, Carriage Hardware, Hallealde Castings,' Nails and Iron. • CL, H.lr. Co, have made arrangements with Messrs. Day k Civil; sasnofacturers of Shovels, Npadwo Forks, 10., and will keepconstantly. on hand emtry article made by the Dealers am respectfully sobeited to all, as prices and terms will be made liberaL jyta =E2113 rrHEautation of gimlet:tea dean., of parehumg IlAxassMomcwan or S 2 / 1 1,11T,iii 'weed. . . The Slubseribers having been engaged in the Marble bustuess for the but Wry years. in Philadelphia, and having manufacuired work for almost every part ofthe tuou, can refer to a who have favored them With their cum., and w their work, teousiderable of which has been put up ht this Ofacc.l They have always. hand • fall supply of Marble Mantels, and new end orb yield Designs ter Monuments waded:et wort, copies of 'Arch, with prices Will he 4:swanks!. lig - Alluiort skipped is insured from breakage. Ahoy tui refer to any Mercantile bonus •in . phis (or standing lead character asurortnen. - - JOHN STRUTHERS Ic SON .N. 360 H4h MIL IL nails is nothing Wm...loth they dd sot furnish either dorrienie or vmmLe_4l. • -77— fi , • JOSEPII WOODWELL,leornet of Wood and sta, Pittsburgh. liar . tog withdrawn from the firm of 10000. utol V(ooogreii, Maim of Jaaaaq, Igo, I take plenum In Manounctug to my friends in th e c ity' and country, that I hare opened my new Mara at the More named place. liming purchased 'my goods for cash, end made arrangements with manufacturer. its Missomtry and in 'Europe to be conmendy • impelled,. I am fully somper.l to (maim liardware 01611 kids, on as good term. and aa lows. any house But! or Wm. Merchant... 4 others are respectfully..smiled to call and emanate my Brock, before purchasing else where— The following comprised • part of 11.1. met, bieeinboal and saddlery hardware, gam trimming., Ales Playlor'scutlery, edge anaila, lock 'inches, sey thee, butt images, screw v ene e rs, c rmea- tory planes, saws, mahogany Want. and and ell othet articles emanated with the badman, bud.- nem. mchltsf earl , 'Cat]. •-welawy, Les JOHN. WALK . EI4.• Importer' end Dealer-le Fhwnett end .. . I, k l dmtdie . hardare, would respectfully intent N. mewl. ano the public generally, thate is now *n eedn't:lg his wing supply of hanlwere,..al the 614 stand 01'11141hr and Woodwall, No. 43, Wood a., tablet, he will dispose of on the most reasonable to • He will be continually receiving. fresh aunties ili, rectfrorwdle manufacturer,. 41.D/rope and &is Goan will enable him to csometa with any es tablishment, either Emt or West.. • Western merchants am invited to call and valuating Ns stock before purchasiog elsawbere. . .." • - Pontaldisilibass Shop. : • • H- -- WlollTAlAN—llatagatuurr of all kkiai oie6 . tou and woollen inaclatiery,Allaghanyalyy, Pa fns above works being now In and suecessiol op. erolloo,l wapiepareil to e:coitus order. with dispatch . for all kinds of noichlitery in my boa, such BA willows, places, stinisidets, cards, griming inochines, railways, cita.ll:lg trances, speeder., throwils, looms, wooWn cools, dolible or single, for merchant or country work, inalesdacko, kn.; slide and baud lathes and liwis to gew . coil. All kind. or ahatling made to order, or plans giv en for gearing foe iariet or mills a-I reasonable charge, Ram to—Kennedy, Child. Co., Ittackstock, bell Co., King, Pennock &Co Jos. 6.•Grar. -. ", • stoma, and Hair DressliNg Saloosi. DLACKSON 2, FOUNTAIN.. 71mnal Pr9fruop,lkate 1.) npatesd and Lital pud4 Ehuriagi Bair Vea/mg 41241 Shampoo:wag Saloom ha aho toodm MO% mists p. pared ha wait Op 'mamma at oata t rah woo, comfort ma poltr . TI =E aVp rt ' 4=7. ' 1 1 1 .4 M - ulti at war Bakal, agar ofiErnistrutund lha iamaadi (back a Al...da DayAx Um& Btoes.) • DELL AND BRANS FOUNDRY,: • A FULTON, &U and Untis rouuder, ban re. built and comoteueed business at hie old used where be will be plomtd to see his old modem on. and Meudo.,.• Church, theambontosod Dens of eriti . size, from 10 to tb,lMeo pounds, Cl4l from patterns claim most appror• modelsiond warranted te be of the bast instates. biloarM {Voter Pumps, Counter.ltailing, An, mg, the r with every vor.ety m l nra Lastings 3 rf VeqUITO, tamed awl Gambed in the neaten wanner. .A. F. is the solo proprietor of lissom , a ArMAI7III. .1 . 102 Maur, as justly ealsbrated ifor toe rafted.= of .friction in macbinery. The Dile/ and Composition can be bad of bim shall Mama • • , • mid •• • Plough., Plough Cast.loogoi. Wagon • • - Dozes, ItOLIFIRT 11AL/ of the old ton Of It. ft. i{. ll ill Is =masa ? t i n . el h 4nollu c a .a u tke• of On tiox lie • icaprovelnenta of ":=4 . . Peacock, Illinois, andother Plonghs, of the latest and besrpatterns novi aura. Werehoute, Ita Liberty 'rout, rinoborsh,. oppaita the nay &ale; FlittOly, in Allegheny - cop, near tha, Cotton rectos) , or Mews. Illeekmek, Belk k. Co, ! A DESIDERATUM TO ALL WHO WRITE 1.. A. Marks' India' Rabbet. Fluid, for perseining pees corroding In ink, also for adapting , them invent. on parelonent without the aid otptunitte;. and to facilitate - the WY &maim free. To , students iy unavevenzers, aad memoitilaatesi, it is invaluable. meinly sdag a Taw drop alibis Fluid to the Ink in use, it will Instandr be found to be the best anztliary ever offered, es It ow 's-elites the acid, preeipitabes the sodiotens, mums • free :Sow of the. Ink, atm( dispinises with the trouble of wip. L le, a pea. Just received and for sale by - 4°1431° N 1 trrocicros,swzmw s, 'Warn carmargnnn43da • rWltr, &C.-1D bids • , - . do' lo Durandi. .1 2.3 do do. • .dam 'Pinta; •Chetatt Leto.: irWPN Malodor* W e ; • d eases Levies'Absiedhe; Just received arid kW emir • • -• spir- MILLER ar. tucKgraos, • • • • , • • - '•• • . ' • • • • . • • , • , . • . . . , „ . , • _• - - ,bRY 6001:18. • .Linton' CARPET EMPOII.OI.Ig. FOURTH 5D.., , BELOW - WOOD.' MM. salwerithecrupectfolly resume the pennies of the Owners end captains of wan, baleen; and lavalicrevuldbig nth, to large and splendid steek of canladooti Den de at Ina new storey dth street - .Therm:avast of even 7 witty of the We. , and seen Ostunttelle stykspf CarPes,thl C 4014 an, over hotteght to the Western anzket. The store has been belikettpruslyin thatarperibuine* end ha4= Du of .expense,) ; bare fitted aput the men Itte Camas reistivirg are of the latesi detagn, 6ith the lichen end mu braised colon. • - -Thar comprise, iOnsat. of the Wowing: Sown= Ttmestt7, a saw tr. alight& and . Aseartein ' • thig n ier Upon; new &- Common dee • Min and twilled Wettings; Rom sepeicord twilled do; Sheep Pa • dlbcanq Polle .1102,U o Chenille; t Common; Yod Ida Cotton, lin; nig and hemp CLpet;cousznos oil cloth, oil cloth ttaWe colran4 muted end linentabbs coven, window "hadu, colored and plaltinantittg, node,' Witet carpet biodtus, mat ail other need" usually kept's,' miner stores, di itf whiny seal be oold on u reasonable tents nen. in rite thy, Dining made rangeme rnatith one ofthe largest Mannfeetenne ia the cut, ordersiceoerWile of napes *DOM fnenedE fet" lauded by, telegraph, end &linnt in ono "rut, ate small adngcel of the scuanafacuutes price: • • {lo=7:7= l ar . ,l..% °l' . l ,T..l 4z"md cr* e iLat fi stl e l as cheap ass hey east palhued Untie natant coma. EXEC= Itirst Arrival efilpriss Cloadttlai lesion DIOBIPS. JCHEEAP- CASH CLOTHING- STORE, . 12, LIB • TV • • • . , T Peett l tdl ' Pre ae 7 OVLltt a tt . ste n so astekl=wadd eano rani that he has jusr reemsed - mt entire new Slab or. estapted Watergate/ trade, cornprising • •erl- Ma is fashionable, - good; - new and -cheap, m el eliminates, mune; Sm., aka/ether uset.numa roes to scampi to des tribe,. . Nothinglto.astastnal spection can censey in lila, Of the beauty : sank, or email,- of the trtoeir, which surpasses any in th e same line la thiseim and haring beet:mum the right time, be is deunnaned to odor It in Seteb prices as will meet therAxpeetations of all.who mar laver hint with a. can. As ustmOte has. handout *fibs largest, best' tuanofeetored, .most fashionable, and 'eheaast stock of ready made cloth:in/Am canbe tostwi All who bpy,largety, contractors.' merchuits, ,fur. nese mon i ke., aro ,pardeolady invited toelatalit• the brock be re porches*, as they ;grill beollfered each argains are not to be met with alien. • _ Orders in the Talloang line executed with dreaselt, and in the ben manner. •• • • 1' • rearteMft - New Spring Goods. ,tetiLW°l..ittat i tt,ltTe"p mar, My • tioods;wluci will be offend h o ead gam. and retMl, at do_ sculowest cash piece: dinonme our as.- sortmat stha zany be' Mend, 10 Wes fancy Eng li sh_ and American priers end chin: coammang - every new style arm in the ' market, ond•were perchued at the proem lont rates,.which *ll)mM:dries to sell:at least per cent. lesa than former prices. Also, 10 em se. man Pelterna,tast colored Meninmek and Ceche, to print., rrery . neer and desirable, 2 unarms. style - platd, stnpod and plata linen pegheamt nnal de n le and uality, spang de Lames, me* cheap, mode colored cashmere end M Lames, 27 ppaur lawns, anew and splendid article far lath& 'minted l ea v e s; ain atriped aud plaid bars . gee, 1 cue chism eave eery nett, large lot of 9-131Fmach primed etwabrice endless., lOu 415). ' best sterility ladies' end paten:mos , kid losu, wbue goods of every descranion, Wgether with • general as sortment of hoew.:lrecping goods,' etc. etc. :ConnuT Merchant. an t h e nikahhains Nusburghand sielu ny are respectfully limited' to pelt end' examine our swat as prices, which _we will .warrant to compare • favorably With the ewers markets. - A A MASOIg. • I INEW SPRING/ GOOD& SH.Aciam - rr & WHITE, 19 Wood street, are now , receiving largo additionetb their excellent assort.' meat entry Good., to which ;bey invite the attention of bayen, be/laving they mut oder such indacements as will make ittotheirinterest to mate hale with them. &repave receiving a large assortment of goods direct boa blarturacturera importers, Ac. among which may be round the foliovnem ' Plain doable drills, a/1 grades and series, printed gentackyJeana , bhm, Idea • mixed, cadeg dart mixed, gold, greets plaids, ke.; satines, blaek,blite, adet, Os.' an; plai, figured and printed rem,* a goal :wort mad, various styles; pont; a very large as or new sprig; styles, fawn green, blue, rubies; brogue,. blue, btu, stird ornge r dt..,• JO all Tunnies; gingkoes, splendid sryles dotoostib, Englisk and French, very low; Alpaccas, now styles and alias arul Sguresjusi importedralso;. blacks, mode , Caney c,...i1k and rotten warp; some blacks, very line. Ak 4,1 which. an offered rot sale oh , the most favorable tanks fetal • , .. - .EiIACKLir r & WHITE • - ' Oard4.lll oraddy,"J an. • , CLI REAT,RE.DUCTION INPRICF.R‘AIf R Meriby, .1.1 - N. SI cdenes 4th and ;markers sta., wrill,'Crorn Wu. doe, sell hie winter dome goods, and a lame prowl= of his mock, adapted only. la th e .srinter MM.. at Praak reduced prices. :ft be/u,s his object to. sea Lod udi Test of kb' Creek te'eadte - roore for sn.esrlyspried supply, co 'stud locb I be loci CC Ship cost of the goods; bat they srM he-offered pricesthat Will'obsara their sele—ocass California plaids, it ICI former price We; wiper de: &ISO Cohan pour Ric; Printed Scotch cub• owes at JO, former price Mc; do.. 5, Amer price .71R; French scoot do. 60 as, former price IN .415 e; taper do. pc 4,nuer,price 10u, super plaid Itibet cloth, 02 sad 71 formerpries IUR baud. a lane ansoruxect of Isioug skalds,. 'mas • a tkxds, Re: invites thech cheer thou bethre.orered.. . . . •. Jda APRIL 40, 111411. Ur. IL MURPHY.. is 11011/ opening. his SECOND TY • SD apturg and summer Goodsoad has that morning open an asionment of Gingham,. super Eastman 4- PriVtl, and Chintzeg 'lduhre fine Dews Owed; in 6 , ..t WrIMYi Alonehestar tlingrums, new panerna.. La his assortment nee* opening mew seat many articles at lower . pt... than usual, such as. , line Purple Prints, yield vian4: at /.0 cts; Ana British Prim at tai Mar DresiGingltants; usual width, midi. cu; Dress Lawns, yard - wine, at lei erg Shining ISlns. line very low; Irish Linen,- ac: Will also , open this morning masses:m.4 of berustifulstyla lightehintsei, mall Attires, Gsr children; Lawns for do. Also, Chn.; nudism Silks; India Wll4l do; Crape Shawls,/cc. • ' Persons wanting any thing in the ,Dry Gond. way, will do wall - to ea - we the goods and hear the luerch*l.• Unn emit Boon, on St awry an itaiti141.10 , 611 . ,.. nem goods at about Existent pre- IArILLOW CAttltiA6l/6..4-3i37l:4lrivi — Corneges,. *.trioua intatteletl do Create do_ do ,, 40 do taw ket Asir% da der,' it nests do Clothes Basket!, do do; dodo Covered Mukeritatkelde do. B .• • medi um; .„ I • Idol Bagly's Distill do do medi um; do arida:tot boldengll do Bard & Boodle%ass* rust received at. apio • • 'Z1.13U1.1.8i KINSEY'S. 07 market at 11.1. TISSUES AND BEILAGII3—W Alcupt9 , has now open an ,assortment of the above goods, melt. drag plain drab and plabt black;' satin bared do; fanr op lig'd do; from ihi eta op to gout i l ionhea% o alsq f 41 4" eatid anaer m str. '" . nr.' a el p i eg ut Nr ! tir 431 la.E LOIEN.CL:IID/F.PSW R'Sloxpby mime She attention ot,the Mdtes to ma assormwel °ante hew style Linen Cambric • Hdtfti embroidered, bete and *owned: • Also, a lama supply of low piece do, from lb eteop Leanest' , soli' C , ARBUTHNOThaiI commenced to wee. a very . law and dmusable moeltal Fancy, .Veriety sod bruneano Gotels, all of which Ile is .determined to sell at pricti that cannot be surpassed Its MU market, and many ortbma as lox' in they' coned' be procured from ;Eastern jobbers: .Country and eittdesders are respect. fully invited to tall and examine am stock, markt ba wood st, ear Diamond alley Qclals FIGUIIE.D,PfIIIiT3—Juat received, an at, o dr.d.O , . 1 Wool imk,lalock,,parple and orange, =Lan filmed gyilits awl ciiintins tor. %Madrona , wear; mid - ictriet' do; also; Oahe, pink. and orangitibuse di Nines , tot de; small barred gusglianta tr.. - 447.,sitpe Dry floods a 0134,6 of • Fab* ~• ,; . _ • ;'; • • W RMURPIIY. .1,,,11 3 . 8-Aitttghurt !tylesvopeet this wornlng,t case handsome punt., guighasu patterns, andbut colors, only Ink emu. per, yard, al the dry goat house of fetal •." W 1N..11U111.111t `Tt • FEE GOOIItS—W s aturpny Maui sea fLUOOIIOO I V- - of buyen m his excedent assortment of Wtrita Goods, lust received,' consissineof plum; and barred /*ekonatm cambriess,low priced Auld tine; 0001011 ouul canalins, Swim sloi book muslitan - bishopa 101005, ter, aid wawa an oared at low prier, by wholesale Sad mall. •• . niuss Gliiall..aild7Opon this morning, as at _LP Sore:Mut of treats gingham', from, cents per yd: up to Ent quality , Frenta, id reduced pricers.' Also, hearyldnuehowar gimes:Mat, low t v ricest and gar' feb# wir.,Plarket &tab itticriNallusLas, u="%y7R3l.lpliy sum b received an additional rnapPly_ of mow very aut.- .nor 1011 C cloth shining marlins, at ,L - centi per pool. I.also s ionts Linens', of varioda•quannes, incltonng 10.00 VMS 1.04.11. i virananted pule du; rot illy goosts Wino of.murlB.; . ' luta:env WElsu...ieZAntr4,,A tit 9 U 4m mut mmitel As, .au omptimmo m emelt vranAitimi.m4 to shims in washing. . '„ -Jude CUIHIUHDEHY...PHE4/011 t cay 133 market n, *;•e 14 . 4.or,oirrod * pew . *upplfof portons for Ontoroult. , Hcouokplo*Hos ok lawns culuoidoss order, or Inirke4 fikr *throidering. ~/inmes or itOttals worke* oitumiterebists; after Um hurt Franck style; 'Huy trouorlabrofell *Loh for the' moo purpood. mart; MPNEP BELlTH,Boikskiky'oll'd &Bk.-mid alksop., litloATher Heltr, ordiferent siros, for sale by - Los=l.• -• PH EATON & Co, tH ourkifst. D 11,6N9 eamouns !bumf; 7S e 8 tip Ai do Bh.tml tassottetla Wdu Sad's do; Nu rec , d and furiale , b ' =Mt • 0 AILLWTHNOT mifirf6l6-111ewelted pod anoleaceed bbeeenge, 64, 64 sod 74 vide: of an. excellent Aoallty, m 'welch are melba the tweets. of houselteek• ALEXANDER & DAV, ! .di nd fp16i4611.1i7A fall simply of Week, white, anbleech ml and mued count, hosts and tulf hose, tune,' women* , and childrena , stmel est opened by - smut ' elnweia,Err - c wit= -. TABLE 'DIAPER—IV 11.-SlarSty Lai reed Yn aditisael Supply of Linea Table laspors, and I.le CoUr•; . alto, 'Towel! TosrelUdff Liver, u Oc.• • • • e - • world 3 en BECK' VED — A tordodeeortrOOntot boor utl , Luau, 0/11 , 11410113 paberasj.complyaogt loud yds of avdoride door eloUi; ddd Ka wale, hoary dry sumMOll4 do do; Ibre do {do do; MD 'ryas ride, do; ail pirate . will be sold oh as aseramodabag toms as eaa be b.kh, t W tipa.t..aokus;at No Wood weet —.led. and tull;l4;tkaa, W li g7 l .. Lt.* , lnastr 4 1 . 44 . 4 drY. luirwielCAVAlM—ltal.lm.y:taut : Wag xpr-dini,Utt *llVed 'Wen Lai tcw lunle_by byb • -`. 4 — II.I.IBOLLETT ki 1 71117A115 vraidia Ine s . b 7 DRY & VARIETY GOODS IRIS» L. E . and Champ peek A LEXADIEtER At DAY have jeer Matiend anr ems • PR: arm mut superior assonment of trash. Spring •, Doods, tit h e pecipal , portioli of wreck have twee per. chased tite Eastern Auction Salm i as a meat rente doo fram e the re gulars ices -su b thete. enabled to offer grat bani task buyers, Gm Moak saw, braces a great variety of abuser every dearsimion off Dry Goo 4 and affords • very_ favorable • opponnalty Grr buyers went thenisthen :Me would empectAilly invite the aneurism of all handsome and cheap goods,. to es we ere con °rendes Mak vale zmpacti men.••: LADIES DRESS SILKS—We have espia:did Moak:: of Lanes Dress Saks, toot as super plain blk end blew blk dress Atkin blk and blab bib swiped *at baned do do; rich (env admit gel and barred dodo; napes high card_plaut charigeatile do do, of a telien, rich fied Donliirddo, of mis style and Ocamthi ty•bwredands do dm' ~~ ES D8F5.9 GOODS—French and &ODA Fere% Fremnand Scorch de latom,litrenlae- - ran Dream" p mper bared and sal.W striped Mi.. lie de [lines, both t cord and Week; Itlk , pleid and • satin aripertansiln; ma linen gingham., taiitasi gen French and &etch Olnatients, he. he. •- • YABILIONABLE'BIIAWLR—We would. especiallr• invite the attention of the Indies to our "assortment of Shawls, which is • very !superior: We' have ape plain damask and embroidered vddrecripeeliterls; do ry do high cord din fauey ink shawls drabness *ve - scuption; heavy plant end barred bib ds;',llais cask. , mere do; new style - etldman silk Shawle, gala ailed embroidered Tbibet Sheivig' blk and. cold Sassy boo' rem do; wicks groat variety ofotherstyles °firemen` . , . ~. CLOTHS AND 040.91MBRES—Ale : exuelbne itick 7 *f }tenth, .EctIBM and Be lgien C,i- o f . ti, French,- =when and American meres ? :- all ~ hich we mewl!' m_priacamfarM the Van. MEN'S SUMMER GOB.=, —Mehme• - - rettioltap de le; '. both Dril Atin and Spii 'Caney French Cemdmerea,yrien • WWI: GOODS—A beMalflarsioet: of Willie Ootals; - mach as plain and barred , Jaconens,' Naimoli, nual. plain and striped Owls.; Bishop La wns.•*.e. to- . -:- - BONA AND BoNser RWMl§— New t . - braid Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbont -- - • • , - PARASOLS AND - PABASOLIMBIB—d: tendid assoruneni a new style Parasela end _ etta or . all adorns:id very Cheap, 1... ~ ~: ~, ~ .:- . AL,9O-;-.4; eery lame iiwortneem; • of limey 'Stints -bro .' ern amt bleached tdnetlfie; Dew Aer" ail widthe,Tick ins. Ch Table Diaper Tp.aup g 6,,,, , Irish /Anew., Demesne Glinehams, AT; Crash, Llnerx-Oil Chintz,' Glorea liceierj Ira lax On e merchants: and others baying , : to fell Wm . .. , wei r do well to call and examine bew goek, bx wiuel thi:3l al od ways Ind bargains Inch an will he ready _ l° • VL & DAV/3 Market w, HAMPTON; SMITH winiLmearan DRY:GOOD.DIOAratI4 .WOOD BTREET,,EnTarantrA A' RE now opening their eprurg supply ob oesirabla txgoods; bought at Nola York Anetione, War low ,eat point private sale or the put ;thirty, dny., whudt they will odor at miimall Oradea.. can be had Base Yea t. We. thedr amortmern sty ha band—. Ikal) pieces American, Bastian and Roach ! Priatm 100Vps American; Scotch and French Gingbarma . dhD ps,Paria LawasiOrgandies, ObiaghaaaLmeam r . =Fps Linen Gingham% • new article; . ' lUD pa SPring and Dart Lilnas and Eaibstemc 200 pe Plaided and Wateral , A karats, untruly in. 400 pa Rain Black and Sfik Ntram.Alpagam ,- MOO pa Paninloo.ry every • 300 p Bu s mmer Claim, Colon Coattail, PiaLlGsra tiO p.Tweeda,Coa &Timm and Saastaor Quainter,. Reps Euelt Biding en:l Baugnp Corda and Ban, . ___, ......, .400 p. B.thsens, all colon and psAteL d.; 103 pgi Spring' and Smite: Woollen' 'reau SOU pe Ameneanyottehire and Bee= Vloth . s; 400 ps Steubenville Jeami • - ttou Pa' iin : To;Ch7ests end B:riPe4 srr he bat Dinh L'11.114 lored Cambaca Printed. and ar- Vantaa, dittg . newest styl fine Cashmere, Figural and Bann Vearings. great Tunny =iSilk and Alrwated epa, plasaybarred fig )rena oil Salina /men' InoPert‘ Lowed styles, Spring andSomater Shawls; all prices; diuo; atLo Dresiillandkereblera silk and cotton _Hata Hosiery; silk and aulon Crvats; linds Samendara, cmpes, Threads. Cluttons, Variory.Croods, krt. . • risen styla 1111. bands, 1i111111113 , 14r WE. SOT(.. Also, Cap Strati Ilan sad figared,Hata,..lammitts. brasllna Lame, Elguignate. PO bales Muslinsrfor cash at Eastern Na Rata. .70 Oases American and English blexelledaWnings, brown Drills, loam, Flantals Onnabarga Ilat6rafisa. City buyers, and the neighboring lowriaWlii QnAaar lima always well suppliQ by Intone= patbasai, ant they can buy risk fin easb. wow. • NEW .6 splendid lr.isty, at ZEEELON JUNBEI , 4 07 Market tlfteL • 50 gold layer Watch* 48.8.r0r • titer watches, Etghsla; 20 Silver dolacheparet otruch• ig:l4llhirfi'srlhr 91 her-goatder tch h ~e l sll7fine hoop 0144 doe sisotrtcat wst le ear Ern. • stool hoses, playing variety:at 'popolorrdeq.l.3voss steel slides„ all saes. S dos fine P.'s, eLks.6 00.1;sccrcr.intitif-... 0 dos . finer velvet be. 'Lows, nits styles; 10 this flort • crotchet bead tie" snow! style's; 6 dos. foosonstettelt p s;" tyles;-::3 6 °st/so:parasols, • &any And silver, for regal=or.ll. flower Tawny ...Met); 1 dos fine steel sorawfiaensh• - loos; t doe - 6n e ivory .hiP. Ph n hadhchg do Se ,sood sorsa, pin =Ltda.. A floe assOrtmszt of now AND igUitdMItCIOGISIki• -, * a:a. =see ZS . • • Phut:cosh. co • '• ', o. New York. • • A. A. Meanie* . • . TO. OD Merkel street, between 3d and 4th as, Pitts , bank' Pa., have recently -opened their now and on,m with an extiosive stook -of nab' Soling d art snier Goods, comprning epwards of three hear dred packeges, of the latestjand most • Gubionable • Styles. Merchants amen kdKilAtile country. are pardon hatiy invited to call and .exemine oar stock; ae truer interdiOn to oder one goods the /owes: • pte= wholesale prices. One of. the Sres, realist - in New con• he co:Whiney ketuling - ea fresh the mast desirable goa d; thereby , giving as event ho• edityy, le the transaction of our business that ..wold be' possessed by .Eastern *ewes. • Prices' are therefore goaranteed to be as law oaths lowest New York slidadel • his rates. ap7 TIVILITEOOODS FOR DRESSES—Open this mom- -. ing, at W R MURPHY'S Dry Atoods Rome. Meth east corner of 4111 tad Market ma a in& assort.. Tett of larkile Goods far dressei, such swias Mu. butyl*. sad Pg'th: Mull- Mall tki; - barred Jackonetat - plain Mulls and Jeclomts. -various Styles or goods for Evening Muses, Inclutha: few pouaroo o('. entire new mytes Embroideredld Rabe.' irr Neer goals mill be receiving daily. ily-p .-. • week to dome; oh newest styles Dress Goods, Limn - and French Oinghtims, - Prints and ChitreotT 100 , 7 Merchants are invited to examinothe_ ■eoda and-gni- • ces• in :wholesale' moots,- op stairs. The assortream huge and priees very Lou.. to.cstxrr k..W11113, o. fa. Wood army, ash 0 receiving a very lame and anginal,* Mocker Erash - Spring Dry Wads, ofrer7 recent purthue, and bought entice the :most favontbie citrates:m.4 aud which they ere prepared, and will sell tom erchants, at a my small advance on the eastern toss'• • We would request all merchants visiting One airy WO g ene , fl. Lore l. sz v o , c a ll . ..s . fin c. reg i a;nnation, and sws Mal %oaf- • ausgM or the cheapness of oar stee . - . . . . yr ,MSTINGS—Sop .Freich 110 Situ, B,llCatih, y rums, ;aid white Ad.wnewirctoTn.s-6 0 French, troth imported, ah colors, glandes inAtrticea.., ditty an every stile anti 'quality.l,• CABS. L. 31ERE:ITS-rethp silk warp. Queen'. Cloth, Sommer Cloth, aid deitrahla enafihrtfor gents , [rear, at prizes • • het., anyln tho thy. RO.tithlhVltilit Cloth Storey opt?'.! corner bth and anhatista , BiIACK.LETTA W W g , • ITHOLE3ALE. DEALERS IN DRY IGOODS; No; Ott Wood etraei love ea hand, mince mum& ly receiving' daring the buelnea• wean,larva and extend. usortazeirt of DRY GOOE*, sehl • eh Way. of- Dr to nutrehauts law prices, and; - reasonable terms. Delieriog that tliey can •Dne entire satudiedort, dem eonfidendy !spite DI Merchants visiting the dry toties I. LVEN.CA.II.I3II/C .11DEYS—Juat reeeteed, Um* .1.4 loge Tape Mniered, dm aro not to be beat by Onebe—from 13710 pet dlizan to 'the' dnottipralirri one , - canon hew entebon do; one carton paiviereZ gernenirded bordered do; ono do gents cob border •fil do; and for solo by lapin) SIUTII &JOUNSON FithE•oroilheoyers hie l as Y so a t i gt r of ia L l phr M sag,lOw priced ' , teach Ckulto, lately received-411,0,04.4mm of Twine., quelitiez. These 'soods ere aeltetod with gnat and ore of the beat mute sod Lush, hod • , • Intl ba foldloar fbr quality. • • - A supply cf I.lritteueohLhoearienn Cloths sitd.Casea• mem, oleo couttantly Lassa of the Comes etb sad trilltEAD LAOI.I.3 , —JEIst reeelved,llio candela wide J.::Thrdod L. 00., plop IY, cts pc!. yud, w te , m. tfUllity. Aln'ollo Clrt. P n ',dui Leer, 01111 'do (Amp Roo Medium do; za dam. Ontaado; one do blk `Silt do, one do blk charditbk Late Fail; .1 101 l we by " • 8311111 k JOILSSON, • 48 mostecot • • RLOU FAIBROIDERIP6—Just reidved.'oll6 'Caton duo Fret:on workodeoLlsro; onedo frinsd hiMin cuemizelts; one 110 trimmed Habit,: on e do lawns and ^ :Amin Capeoc ode do lieiviere and . einbnid'Lawn . ildkic at.d got 00 by Lo. tai sairru le. JOHNSON TIMS 600114,—.L:A. MASON &Co, Oi Malta .1.1 weal, have 'just reed a splendid aallartinant of urea• Coods; ,- anactut which rosy be found—Figured, li pi:jaiplaitl and btnped 'Banta pr. at viatica:lc' slit 00, mohair, Wipes, Clcoutuhass, min snipe de 'glad, plain do Satin, $E Challich fancy ffilk , French Jaconads,/ao-ke. , - • apt" 13CLINUP RIBBONS4-A A Union toCo, Moskit .t, aro now opening ..I.olllgTel 11.110n111,11t of 800- - LLOtßibb.ll,ol 010 newest and moat CosSiot!stio sqles 60 Nuked streetAlVe 5HAW13.11..11 6riscifire - Co., -ppm weired per Express, 2 cartons Preach Qlso. two 26srse2 2 do emilroidered MINA; Sas do littlk. polio Titibet,.ilerarnds Was sad other Shoodt aid N CRAPS SHAWLS'-- , /eA , Market 'meet, have ree'd per Enna; ae. user lik . 4le_lot of epte ... n•litit. :rupds Sands • net CAll.t AND COLLA444—A kelatta Za Co,' CO iCar-. kat aux., Ital'ellllltned pet Erpreas,et chattel.... aatuatut afwroaget Capes and Catitte • Wit )LACK' DLILM)E3 —A 'A Mason 'IC Co,' Will *pea D tel. =nut* , PeaP l . l .4 P 1 . 1 4i4d suit* Dn.' .gen - aims, cord do di - ovary styla. , -'209 , MODE COLORED D1LLWL8.....1. Aw.castou fine mode, sla m coal d,, Tbibei Shawls, Jam xeCA, sad for sale by '" 1311ACKLEIT . it WHITE •• • RItIBONS—A lan basement af Wait bed eelene Taffetas ea new !tykes Caney -Ames and pay Ktoborta *brash! by • ' fabanumshalii.eiv4 graitrwligollian UF Earlstatrui cheap by : e nd' Lime ibt L sekbel , T ACE Goo23— . lbesison of Canoe wer7ltrip 4 b14. , ,.. 14 ma= received and will be odd amp by. . ~:.AR.TV,Opiga4 " . l omultimak. "Dmisfuseresiladteeelred I:dh aEss I - . GINGILIAMANDLAW la NS,Ar► a _,. ssAli ' " 1 j k .... Ivp upor, of Iwo loolbezpoll ivi A... , : . Immo olom . neor • l ihie cd . mithal(l s lly iro k ots 1. 41 . 4 v*: 611 41, 1 % z- . '.--'-ffilr,t 4. ..—• ...- .., ..! .-,:::. ' - ......C.-f.: -'. •i,.q...,....--;...1,71.
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