• • t •' • _ = - , • _ - r . , • • ' 11M=E .~: *~~ ;' MUM MEM - t 11,T :yr ,`40:i••:—..:11e-tt Alt • %•,;• 11% , 1';f ; . 11 *. • ts . )•`;`4:-. i •;.• ' 4.• f t l.;; • • '4'l' • Vt -I••:•;.1. ; .. .` • .7. , • , "7 4 ":,_:. •- 4- i:k 4 . ' • "" " •frt (7 4 , - ; 14 ` . P.hir4 4;4 . , •• •,; I .41 , 31:4..viNVi , •11 , * ?f t :i. r, .^ . 0. 4, -:1 4 • 4 .-4 • 1 5 • +*. • :7. 1. 11:4 ,r :54, • • 1: 1 7:;z4 f r., ;14 1.,:::•1.1?: •••:.• 1 % • • 4 , * • , • • ---.'-'..:;:::',,:. .::,:::: Te. EgTABLISAFAV a IN 1786 BUSINESS:CARDS, A NAOS', LAPHAAI k Co.-411da and Leather Deal- ILLYs3l; r ra r Pittabnrib, LeTick.k. _ Cepripunsamof Western Lad., sad lib letil - AGost ant advances made, if required. mod,TWOOD, JONE:3" .Co. Cottualssoun sod Pots altir hais maned to their old Inter sod FlOtatareeu, Pittsburgh. cctil L171,1=- 6..„ contr.r or 14.1.Frty sad St. Clair areas, Pim. ums, Pa. mayl4 mows. IA: , nrr , • 100.1. 9 6 and Commlulon blerehanli, No. 145, Lita !zmEgi;;l hteANULTY. k;Co., Faioraidiar aad Com; C. minion Mardian* Quad Ruin, Riusband Pa. mek* `ton =rats, tzkestd4, us..W. i11921,A1 1 .44 A. ht B , ngf Duel, and " 1 1 t ali Colieh Triassiss; re tad 4 deg seeipson,tastsZory as Cale AVatehouse 43 Wood oppOsita Sc Mules Bowl. 'Suett DIA2D HESZLEMN IVholcsal:t Grocar, cr; Vinsbiu. loan 0 - DwALT cisttiar, L AVlio koala Grocers, deol, .12 ire 11 Produce rust Piuelionsh Adanufacturco, coo tor of Libuir and fiend sus, ?Web. _tuba • Ir. vrodussi, • wan i. imam. MINOLLBII =WET!, (ad Eu 41.444 Gellather Xs it Coq' Wholesale Grocors, C 0 0.213.10:l and poo ardsor Iderchantsiond dealorif la Pry.. us and Pl. rurgh Manofsepuss Sio. 37.: Wo4d 0 1 4 bdtdreda id .4 Lira ono . saws wow. ERIE% &tier & Co., _Wholesale thneera keel . Camou th m. ssioe blesehaa and &a. for 1364 km. t- us* Yetm,loos. 57 Welch wad WI Front et., Wu. -th lads !Bumf.; riv. Zdn° aildmactirer sad deal _ er Oa Idadvdrlusuvaepti,.ll 2 Wood st.,' dear &b. menu ci.0LL•011614, - PIONCI k 111:1 1 .rxr , Bell skt Brass Pbookrre nkto,-1011 1 . • ti between rod aol 9orilkOrkl Immo, .thuobitorb, Ye. rrigOort Klee siren okt Copper ask . Bram „. . • - messy . soma inc.= J., rnli DI & Co., Wholesale Urocen,'Cann • ..ansion Merehum, and dealeta l'iodnee', Non 66 sten 'anal.? Front streeu; novel • ans: w. sown- - . - ... —..-. GED. W. SMITH & Co.,' Brewers, Wilton, and dealers In Hops, Plasm& wad Poi= Brawries, tom and Pitt MS. . ja4 r_ttiORCIE COCHRAN, Commission and Flossuding -IX Mwmis4m, No. SO.Woral wee. Pinsbargh,,sry I 7 .•-••••••••••••"." • s. ItY lIIWNCYr, Wahl awl Red Lead Mau' •la il eastandirahlt an d Oil Merchant; sorest of bb 'ray and O'Hara . h. • • • jels T BRYAN, Itee!ifyinsr .lastiller, and Wholesale daalarin Posewn sad•llonseshe Winos sad , La wless, No. ill liberty- week and' &1 Mamma Alley iittsbangh, .• ,1 7r17.d1y 1 011NCIW ITl4alTaner,aiCht3llShaeabai• r , 4 % 4 .. ' k t x ;gt2 binary 'Taming dotrwidt exactness and &parch, rhaS hIeGUIRA (Ws ade firm of Aiwa, iald K(man%) hierelmat Tailor, Sr. Charles itarldiags, "ifusaSUseh near Wood, Piusbargh. • TAXES . A: HUTCHU3OI , I,' tr.. Co.—Sneeessmi to Lewis flulthisou• .11r.._C 00,, Co63llitiiol2, Merettanut, apad Agents of , the 6t. LAMA Hum Sugar Itetimery. Inter and p 2. (rout *meta, litubarsk. M.' SLACK, Merehant Tailor, Exchange Moil • • 0101 S. 111.1.WORT/I—Wbolessie -. .Ouse=Pro- U duce awl Carausission Manhunt, No. V, Wisad. • Pittsburgh.mai , Who!enV Draggiet i rd N dr l li Wood' went, one deem South of Diamoni! /lei', nits- AbilEl4 KEltitar., St Co, (erteeematiur Joseph Da!is,keatpChatallera, 3e -Water swam an - • --- TORN IdELLOß;••Vilsdesalts and' Retail deities U• hr Mtge and Lusipl lustrubsons, ficheot - Bodush • Paper, Slates, Neel Pam, war, Priasere I..lslts, and Stadatussy generally, No. to Woodai-ipittsbarigt, • Bas. Wight or biked la trade-- - • . seg.% : :11,. SCROONDIAIRR. Go., VStolcsala.lhiggssts, U NO. 1N Wood street, Pittsburgh. -• IRSEPH JOILDO:4 & sox Ostordesket and V 01..- U warning Merchants, No: PS Wary :es, (mown Istnittateld supSusretetes Haw. • OHS XL DAVIS, diclioneer, earner Stit end Wood 11 77OHN ON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers • : 111.154 Paper blannfsniarere,Pio. 44 Madan f!" T 3 REMYS.Book 13We; plt, gasz Mule •!xlet, IP • Ci=gftl,ll•xdogi, Mau:erica, &boor, )113. sad Utta .80!: cal 40! anA 314110Utrig,, , '' W.20.13E1M0N Eiyikiriamd howl I.laaellap, leiusburgh, • •or Currency purebAsed the masal nun. Deal: Pro- TORN ORDIR, 'Wholesale Grocer, a,....ke& dune, Pittsburgh Nastutsetures, Tut nuts; tr.u. gm. km.. No. 422 Liberrgi Pittsburgh. • . Asa " B. yr ! , ruyd & ti :sea,. its Liberty lima. TAJILES Dia.ZELI, Wholesale Ocoecri CetamLlano Merriman 'and dealer iu Produce mud rzusbnligh ALanainc • N 0.14 Wale, st;Tinabnyo;_ Aida . . Vernier Mae lioa .Worka., - EWA DALZY.J.L ,k Co., Outten...wets of all ai .ij zee IM MeV, Boiler. Iron aad Nacho( the 1.#4 qaaliry. Warehouse, el water and MS trout et. 11WATERMAN, WlLMesals G ro cer, Forwrod lag andCaccoasaica 2,lezrAa.o Dealer in IMl*- AlugnatacsAros And Prlxtuci,,hoA,ll Water /u., LA warding dllIPTONOVIsolesal• tiro:mesa Ppr• warding and Corundssion Karelian s, dealers. in rodau. am Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos. 13 and 135 "W00d.14 Prushiugh. • • felat IikULECEIL . BROTHERS k Co, Commission Mei - . AIL edanu, Phihuldyttia, (o the sale ol produce eel amBl 6 Liberal edvanees nude on coneys" trbeina.; . ~ raw a Wads,' " a aleisanatb, . amaze C. aria - , -. XeGILL, OUBliblElill a. ROE, Wbolesale Grieve amid C002111.i.i012 hle/Chanta, biti-lbi Liberty it., . -• ' . • l i i • ALLEN Yr CO, Conbanteion and' yoneanling " j Merebenu, ',Voter and Frani att, • between "" ow and Market eta . • , JUL= RlCSirliClN E lVboicals Groan 'KM Comsdalon blackmail', No. MI, Liberty btr; M oCOI.IID Wlikasla . andfleutil Irlas.and 110. 1, ME 8 k NA N°. AS Market 4t., second dew from amen of Fpardy deolars w rareiga .tkimestie Bills of Esebange,Garateunoe(pepla. on ill - the 'prior-Ipar cities • • Low the United atiaes. deal ACMIINDYTER,4C., Wholesale (Irma's:7- X mission and Fuerasaing Merchants, N. 41 t SUM. .011k2riliON & 1112PlarF,..Prodels De to al a in . te Commission /Mei stunst;,, N po. "• " . . • • E.s.CLIABD T: WXLI, Jr, Imporurr and Dealeziire Fopsigo sad .I.lomestio saddlery Hardware and Tnsonsingt, of all dogeripOons, No. FJ %VoOd OCIIAILD DASD, Wholesale and aesail Dealer Leather, .11.5r0c. Alosimake fa' Toois and Via& .Tannitne MIA thillare Ta• Lei and Talums , Oil, 140.1 W Woad ac, ritltburgh. tepid Worn son,. a. sosamax. 11,011ISZION k Co, lirboksak Cirtcen4 r,od u e. wad Catamisssoa Iderekuunsoutd Desien in Pitts. =ifs MancLewrea,NO. Oa Marty ss-, Tuaborgh, E MT I L A s l i E ld i tn 9 k nr C a:d4 V ra r eli roduee ElttOursh jitanufacturcs, Libeny di., °BT.. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Chio . edi, Dtakr ProdAes satd Yinabogh Idamd.r, 13EPNOL1X3 lEEM,Forerssdieg and CoateassiSat %Alb adatehauts, (or the ralteglsearkivet Trade, deal. ere La emelt., Pscdoee, Pittsburgh' llanalletosse • MI Cldedde of Lime: —, '-TheldillastOtiees,WeaslhPa ltu.aldt ° b.o. Ms. Corner or Pena l:win ats. • AWLS ahiPORA k, o:4*am/silo:I bler De , chant 7 Lt. Waited. ""l4' , also ikrfutili,,th= .C. anienteri, • .. -mem llidC4LI.:l7 t WHITEn Whole."' Psalm in ondDamostin Dry Goods:Nand Wood it. Q a. W: 1.111813At011, Wool Mere:ban* Dealers fr 7 b liont_dod Voodoos pawkily, nod- Yonoaldiad sad Comadmot - Motebausty Nam Winer st4,Yans.. Q SITU, BLOALET Ca., , WbAciale Omen • gip. tree iiesSa arta, N0;223 M streeybetwecti §L:i.. 7 11111.41..t0 k Biowaa,f/dWdr, 4 urt aad.Jaaanfastater Pver Mammas I , !d. 'sad &gar to wiz*, prind.og, 0.4 wnpi. 2 6 mar, Wood at: Enabargl?., Pa. Bay and Vale Jon .e • mammal at deo tagtmst mange prim Fil=roolime • • • nem maw, minium Jr, MOIRA Proem. sadt .Lieneral Ltee iekeiguldeeebants, Ne.A7 Liberally Plebtrab. Llerel and Lard Oils. . • Ltor., :cort.Boun., k. Co., Wbolesale Grp. ti i,. IPOtoruding and:Coadeduitin. /Sudan* tot litudnuileiladateciums .4 .Wencra Pro ' del_ lunitremond la Om* now warehonseAokl .l d) 1”... "mei , of Float M. and Chaueary Lane. • t - • • i S . AMUE.t. ' ELM, Forararding and Cotateimgan - •7 ••YabM, GalWr fa 110...1r1. 1 .fah atarlth 4 aesr,llllol' °Weer , AIDd Canada • Morehants, inn( denten in Pnninea. NO. Ni ••• . • • , WS POSisii, Ageat ft , r buzi..... =au.. led X . P• 1111110. • oft. ar Wan. h. 1.- ' ••• ' Egi.; stag gd=d4dibt, rinsburgla. Air ladl r k genera land cede at Washiagud+,:aill lltu" ul :,..d.g. Waists, Won Ergo drama. tslaPPlleii.dir' \-7% • CARDS. TILT}ST .130iVE$L-Cormwoloa 'mad idombant,Dia.so3 Front st. between Wood Market stream • .feb24 rdrur n. DAM vccmgoutr & M'CANDLESS, (successors &J. D. Ty wiao inoleisde Grocers, Forwarding and Commies:ion blerehants, dealers is Ion; Nails, Glees, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, comer of Wood and Water di atre w e i burgts.__ sue cs 'i tablialuil., l4 No.l44l.iniy in., near the ca.nd• • • numb - TV AIL GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Staple 111 • Dry Uoodr, No. NI Market street,,istabstrgh novl34ly •-• ' WILSON Dealer in Watches_ Jewelry kYse '" 1r W.". Mith.7 6 . 4 .4 nov7 W R. - 111URPHY, IVlrolesolo and Retell dealerin Foreign :mud Domestic Du Goods, nordt east corner of Market end Fourth nu. AITARRICK MARTIN 3 Co., Bantam, Dea U Exchange, Bank Now and Coin, earner of Muni mud Wood auceia, PivatnuT Pa. nool9-41 , ltt ' El " UrN. Y u Ctig k n eherl, kc i 3 .. 1L0.5.1• I"Ny & 241TC4ELTREE—Wholesale Grueen . , lbseurytug Di/wham mosi Wino and Lrouor .bterchzeds, also, Importers of Sods Ash ond Mumble{ Powder, No. 16U Liberty. sr. Pittsburgh, Pa. jsubdly oinza E,AccarAnt,' aztoicrx R. tam. O. DLActiI3UR.N . &. co„ Wholemle limers and ki. den.l . ejt: Otts, Boat Slare,',uul Pittsburgh /1411- 'unlined tele*, two on butd, at .11thaes, a full slid tenant ono cut ofigoods to • ihoir lino, Watt= street, nit Cherry Atle , Putsbuzgh. 1,1,13 • T 0 lIN M. !TOWNSEND, Druggist andAApothecary,r r— y, No: 45 Market et., throe doom above Third et. Pitt. burgh, mill lame tonstasuly on bead a area-selected is. sorbs.: of thi, bust and freshest- Medicines, se Web de will sell on the Mon renal:stable terms. Physicians • sending olden, will be promptly &Leaded to, and mgr. plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. [ ilryakiklui Preacripubas will be securately and neatly prepar oraight.'ed. borethe beatmaterials, at any Immo( y the da , - • - Also for sale, n large slosh of Dash and good Pcifm WOMB CaMON WORKS' , Pittsburgh, Mann' Ca a .l:g turn Cotton Yarn, Candle Wick; Batting, Twine, Coverlet Yarn, Carpet Warpsy&c. &a. _ PENNOCK . k Co. (Successor, to"Arbackle & Avery,) . . rropnewra. ALEDOTIX L Ca, No. 77 Canal street,. Nesr;Ch , s .leansai - Agerds for .F.B.ArrnantSs ExteusavertStesni Boyar Refism iw Always on hood a large met of Loaf, Poalle trtatted, Clarified and Bastard bums, ill Tierces and rola Also, Sugar noose Aloloases. Pikes Illseral;and . • Ws allowance made on all sales of or abilie 50 basis's. " - mobil . _ F3X=2 astral & Brewer!, blalslers,',sad (x Hop Dealers, Pittsburgh and Polla Brewers, cor ner of llaker's Alley and peon suet, and. hub of Pin ot., Pittsburgh, Pa, • ' - Neuenagahela Livery Stable.. -ItOORKP R. PATTERSON hes opened the large stable on First a, routing through to Second st, between Wood and stnithaeld . ste.,irr the rear of the_ Monongabola House, with an entirely new stock of liaises and Carriages' of the best Z i ity and latest tdylest.,liones kept at live. ,T. B. 1118110 P, 'VEuinnery Suravon , can be found at alai:lona Banning Eslablishmeal; near 51. Clair street Bridge, occupied •by Mama Carr & Roarlatal.• netklam. EATON, Dealer tn' Tommang and Yiniety I''4 (loads, Tonal Melt, Ivory ~,` Flom Ckunes, Woolen Yarns and Wonted., Berms, Needles, Wes, Tepesißrades, ke.,.N0.611 Masked meet, Wynn Doe- 116 W SADDLERY RAILDWARII STORE; R. T. LEECH,. JR. ' no. 13 WOOD PITTSBURGH.' . ATINU repleniaied my amok from the Lear H e es, bothdomestie and formen,l take plauuM In • onnonoung to C 045111.1111 and omen, dui lam pre pared to fnmieb them with alt good. in my line, tai still Letter term. Mau heretrifore- • Boyers will recollect that dealing !, exelaairely7 in Saddlery Iludware and Canine 'Prlmmlngs, I obtain thereby, &dominos that' enable toe to defy compen• don: Call,. wee, and judge for yoluxlves. • *pH _ .FITHIBURGII STEEL WORKS AND SPRING • .. ' 'AND AXLE FACTORY. !If H. gals., JOHWEI i guide, AirlditlVstertlilkStS of smuts and blister 111. plough Meal, steel, plough ann., acacia andclip !. -sprang., hammered Lon axles; and dealers to anal leabie taming., fare engine lamp., and coach sainutablgs skserally,smamer of 11:;a11 - and raltstlath '-• • - • El.. TEA WTORIC 71 Anti* etOsenil7ood ,, All. quanntiee of Green and Blaek Teng,'.4lone op in quarter, kalf, and • Pneeki Pe4nree;,rfneng from SU cu , pen , paned *Ark . iy4 eke. Or Pekin fee Co. LAW OFFICES. TlMl3Lei_ t • • ATTORNEY . AT. LAW, Butkr, Pa . • ilia attend to tztlestioittedad all other boil. COUILIII6O to Wm in 'Bigler luxt AMl.strOng . • W..W:Walleee, do ' idly INT a M., Wood et_ w: A T CINCINNATI.-4 am anittorixed by the Cover nor of Pennsylvania to take acknowledge:mono( ' ll/1/ASUIDUCIIM or writing, oleo affidarits mud &poll lions Of personi , iif Oblo, to be treed or record.' or Pennsylvania. Oflice, two doors east of ihr, Mayor's : Debre, Cincinnati, Ohio. . • EDWARD P. CRANCIL may4WandwlyeT Attorney at Law. T IL SWEITZER, Anomey at Lass, cane 11 at, opposite SL Chaste. Ilux1; Pittsburgh, ' , rill 'also aun g nol promptly to Collections, in Washington, Pagans and Coven coauties;Pa. 'REFF;ri TO Blackstock,Bat dr Co; Church & Cnrothera,&burgh. D. T. Alined, • . tocl3By El .1. HENRY,. Attorney and Count-allot at Law, Cine!mad, Ohio. Collection* ittlionthern Oho, and -iv Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully unmated to. Contunuiliner for the State of Penn. ryteanot, Prr taking Depointions, mannerledgments, • Raram , ro—flon. Wm. Bell 41. Sou, Curtis, Church & Carob.; Wm. Bays, pul., Wil/oelt & Deem WA -__ is A. S. 'BELL, 4tlonteys at La . ; cTifree is 1,/ kdteetrarh Building Volutb at.,aecoad dgor above ood sheet, - Pittabergh, ' r. • •• Ceeeeresaketer to take Depotitions; M. knowledge:mats of Deeesozad other laureate:lmo( wri ting, to be used to Illiametai. owl2.ftre a.w. witv.rassa,- r. sum %)ll ILIstAALi & . SHINN, ioneeesaori to Lowrie and WV WWiams4 uorues• alel Counsellors arLasv. 021eis tvortli'sbile of Fourth street, above Sinithhig& feblltkely:_ 1•1112 I,lllMors • . . . 1. Ittllllosl o r DUN leO u l e l 4 l3sl we.. a riornaa . l .; w, eeh on WARD SWARTZWLI.XLM, Attorney. a l L , aw, kayo reamedlaw, their ofEce tha South side o, 4 , cawth between Chem Ailey and Grant street., age JTOSE,PII ICNOl:,.Anorney at Law, Pittabo his resumed the practice of his profession Su his of bee, No.?, Itakerrell's Buildings, Omit st., occupied, dorm his *beanie,. 6 T T. J. Oghtat and J. Christy, Fans. Nsdacrtf WIN L. GALLATIN, Attorney at Law, Mace ou ej T 4I K., between Gnat and Smithfield, South Side pusbst Pa.; L goo wend ',lumpily to Walnut: In the inir counties. ,1 • AU 0, IL *MN/30N, Money et Law has -VT . to his office to the Fachesig• • os, St. CisorsL, lest doorso, .411141611•4 John. ApOly /1 4t smlthfiel()SLAM LOOMIS, Attorney at Limo syrlly oared %.,/s , h limey abort WC= INSURANCE. VERN AND 211AILIND INIATTRANCIM• ILIUM Insurance Conmsay of North -Amenea., thmusb: A .Its duly authorised gent, aka huthseriher, ed.s to, make perm:m.l.W limlied Insurance on preperty, in nu* city and tin vicinity, sun k on shipment*. by tha Co? Arthur 0 Cotrm, . Chaim; 'Taylor, tou'l W.laneo,• Ambrose White Edward Smith . Job bY-Thomns Jobe A. Brown, Jobs R. NO', I Richard D. Wood, Theses P.Cope, Wob WO* Sainuel P. Smith, .. • Pranks Hoeliens, lisrausbßreoks, . • Austin Allibooe, ARTHUR U. WPM. Pe.% Hewn D. Sall•rlD, Peel This is the oldest hisussoce Colgpsny in the Mated Maths, basing been chimera - lie VW. Its e hertei iti perpetual, and from its high muslin', Icing esperianeis ample moons, and avoiding elt risks of en esua bast greens character; it they be considered es offering plecority.to the pubbe. ' AWACS Arwo• At thejNstodur o , th of Atwood, /one. C0 .,1. Way ter sod Met streets Pittsburgh. • febiD roacavreast looTu*A. nova:to co co: WIN Piusburgh foi the Meg awantraltainal Safety Won... company and. lof MuMedrlphla. that. upon ball. ae' .argue.. of I:aain Odloe to . it 1,,,47' Water, near Sdartet street' Pittsburgh. N. Ilw—The meccas of thin Company slime the comb; lishelent of WO. 'Agesecy in thin city, with die prompt. sine and liberelity with which every claim upon they for lon baa here admisted; (oily warrant the agent ail inviting the at end pauunsge of his friends and the . community at large to. the, Dchisrare M. 8 4..4 ranee Company, while it h. the additional advent.. as Illllastitullon among the most flourishing in phit e del phis—. having no ample paid. capital, which by the apenstiew of it. chance is constantly incomel,,, yieldinga each person insured Me Obs.r. b ra,. ,prollis of the company, without involving him tasty respmsiblitty whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious raw 411111,' wad to its modikaitnctivifuna, otayi, —VEI.A.NALTsIif anzuransumuicia • co.; :rpm ra.ukti. Fire Imorance Company, Of Ptllladst -I."pltia, will nuke Insurance, perstm.rtent lust Wiwi 'on even , &script/gm of propertr, In rsusbnrch and the surroandlng. country, on 'favorable terms. This cons, pony tam a perpetual chancr. Capes.. , . ISMOP:OpaItt C.uthrtni , " Fund • • SCAM • °Mee consas - of TIM a man ttlaritetvirecu, Pittsburglt. • Mil ••: • . -wAssucK Pasiffliff, Kent.' • " • Tniorases. Tll. Mn' LIU 'alrCompany 'uflrWp ldcmrnift: catiti.es to edges humane. against i 0.1111.07 ,on it; on buildings, mcsnuandile, faraltusa and ptopeny, not antra hanazdoos, bt this eity and yiebuty. apl 4 • . DE ( COCHRAN, dt1,..0.4-.4 WE ISUBSCB.IBI.I3 hat been appointed Agent pm T tem. &OM 10.117.00 Company at Nana AIMIZIOJI, and Will f.. 1.1 Policies and attend 1.2 We other baMmaa of the Agency, at the wambousa at *mood, Jona. & Co.' .'• • • WM. P. JONFA•rates at -, _ -_~., LITERARY Yo wog' lulles? flembaaryi ltir R. N. Vi'llik.:TCALF would manotmee to the chi -411 coat of Allegheny and vicinity the intended se. move of his school from the comer of Sandusky and Suawbetryatreent, wham for the lam twelve month• he has been telelung. On and after April let he will occupy room. on Federal street in u Colonade Row," ad door (mein the r bridge. The Modem:tic Year will consist of two smitten of five months each eommenc lug on the gist Monday la February and September. English Department—lncludiny Reinke:l, Orthogra phy and defining, Writing,;Englith Grammar, Mato. ric, logic, 'English Composition and. exiticism, Geo gmphy, Manny, Arithmeue and the higher bnuiches of Matheatatici, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry,. As tronomy, Bounty, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral Scieuce and all other branches requisite to a thorough English education SRi 00 Cluuscal ! Department—lncluding the Jade, GreekandPrenah languages eaeh an additional 16 OU charge •of ices ; . The sery of competent Teachers are secured for such so may desire to receive Mau netions In drawing, painting. sal music. Those designing to enter will find it for their Interest to do se as nev the opening of the session asystosiblb; yet pupils will be received at any time during We ses sion and will be charged at the above rates only from thexims of entrance. No deductions will be made for absences except In CRSes of protracted Illness. • • Any Information which may be desired will be cheer fully communicated to those who call upon the Instruc t* at his rooms. 'Reference may also be mode to the following gentle man: • . Dr. T. F. Dele, Allegheny, lion. C. Shaer, Pitiably Bev. D. Elliott, " Rev. D. 11. Riddle, Mr. 11. P. SChwartz, " Rai. R. Dyer._ . ' BEINICKVEVI.CADEMYCLASSICAL and Commercial Ikettelug School Afor Bays, on the Ohio Bond, la mike from Pin.. burgh. Rev. JOS. S. TILAVELLI, A. AL, Principal. ' The Summer. Session will commence ou Tueolay, _ 31. 41F . 1V15-Itoard;ni, Tuition, Washing, Fuel, Lights, de, per seeslort of five months, 1175—one bull payable in advancei . the balance at the doer of the session. Books and Stationsry Unsealed when requested, at the expense'of the pupil. All clothing to be distinctly marked. Papa; famish their earn towels. It is very desirable that all should be present on the first day of the aession- TET Flu &ober particulars, inquire of the Principal, at the Academy, or °Messrs. John Irwin & Sons, Pio It 'Water street, Pittsburgh. apLtshAvo PITTSBOUGIECIPERIALE INSTITIITE. rtl:ll rs S Institution, under the auperviskin of Mr. and • M. Gewhoro, is still open for th e reception of pu p and will be condimed at the same place on Liberty turceL . In consequence arson. changes having take,. place, a few vacancies have occurred, and those desir ous of placing their daughters under their eareivould do well to male an earfy application. For to see circular, orapply to the Pnuciposl. ____ • • To Country Nereboats. • ALARCH STOCK of tichool Books, Paper, Stisioo nry.'dke., suitable for country soles; among which 'Writing Papers, of fine, medium and eommint Letter Paper do do do do Nom Paper • do do do do ,Note and Letter Envelopes Pencils, Wafers, quills and Steel Pens :Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet ROW., of differviit qualities; Blank Books, in great variety; • ;Family, Stela.] and Packet Ibbles; Crown. medium, and double crown wrapping paper; • MellulSel Eclectic Spellers and Reader.; Ray's Eclectic Arninnetica; Cobb's Primers, ripener. and Readers; 'Sanders' do do do .Arithrnetielt, by Adams, Ditvis,Colbure, Smith, Stook• tan, Daemon, and Others. Cieogrvinties, by Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Idorse,Good rich, Parity', and others. Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Ballions, Weld, and others. For sale at low prices, by .1 II AIIiZLOR, CI wood at, 5 doors aberre lth. The highest market price paid Ibr good ridged rags, in cash. apt> FORWARDING & t' . TOBACCO COLtIS6ION NEKCILUITS, =I=MI==MI MIM2MA .13FY13 to helmet the tradeandlthlare generally, of Pittsburgh, that they have made sous, errangententh with the Virginia manufacturms and the lirowers of the Wen; A. est Indies, and other places, as will thrum a lar- end constant sopply of the ikillowito descrip tions of Tobricmt, which will be sold upon ...on. modeling limos DJ any other house in this coy or else where, and all goods ordered froth'them will the war. rented equal to representation: Havana; St. Domingo; Conn; Van; Porto html Palle.;liked .Leaf to- Cuba; & Florida; hikes.; ALSO—Branchs celebrated Aromatic Slag Corea. dish, with a' large alsocumat of other popular brands, atd qualities almonds, to, Cs, 12s, this and Zits, Lump; 65,6, fo and 10s Plug; . I s adies. Tsrisq 'Farouk Twist, hr sweet and plant, ID whole and half boxes, wood and toOM ne, tepid's, with .very 'Many •rticla belo tl ng. ICI trade. . . priesy BARNET, NEellig rr ik, GAILU.S.VBOIII... FLOUR FACTORS, Prods4e. Commas/4m rad Porwardtag ItiCll/1111, Nu.ps 10= Wstirr, Asp I.ll.ll,yrtqr• "rtsu.~iir~.Piii~. . - • -. . . .11crint so-Johna Bgnson & C. . ' • Robert Ste. t Ca. : Bareton, Beast, Co& .. P l', . ; ., 11 . 44e .. 29 . 5"- Allen k baton, - Ness i'ork. ;Matters & Harvey, • Elahimore. klagiale ti& 4ir. Smith, - 1 Cur e,Vilson &Co Pitutburgh. W ienprawn lc Co. Kier & Janes, a - Liberal rub advsness on consignments moor unigiU:dly M3MBlelfil FLOITR FACTORI, =,===M!=l lEM=StIl= PHILADELPHIA REFERENCIIe all Graff & Co, Pttisbanh. tr t r k, Cultionsu. A. E. Jauary, AP:srate. Clak" Button; Jr., Louteeffle. Doak Humphreys & Co. Attlee', Bro. Co. }Chiora Reed & Brother, ' With & Cororoery, Now Nark. GEORGE COCHRAN. Cosessilisal•sa and Warsearilllag Nisrabstait. ' en. sa wool, sr., rirstausida, riONTLNULD to tmesitet a general Cornmission WU la nem, especially id the purchase aria .miss of Ameri.• min Manufactares and Pro - does, and in receiving Ind forwarding Condo consigned to his cam. As Agent ghe the IlanuMetares, he will be constantly supplied with the prlncipsl articles of Pittsburgh hianufacterc lathe lowest wholesale priers, Orders and eowgnovuu are impact ... hilly solicited. TOSILMCIaI. CONWAY as CO., • POHTSMOUTH, Ohio Commission end Forwarding Hardie:. and Puridone Dealers—alsolottenens the rurehale, Sale and Shipment of, Pig Iron, Coal, he. 111171. rm Atwood, Jo i n. k Co., Elinwn, Dailey a_ Co; Lorena Sterling Co., • • Henry Wad; Drag, Lindsay Co.,a D. Leech Co., . Lyon, Mori, & Co., Clarke & Thaw. defame. _ MaMI MzML== • LEHMER 4 ANDERB,ON, DEALERS IN COTTON FORWARDING) & CON • , MISSION airzonANrs, 0. 8 Farm arms, awns sanagarag . ,, ructalayt, orrtf , !toter to Merchants generally in Pluslairgh. spg3 EO O IEI R E A. B ERRY, DNI AhD 1111 FORWR CDADT, AND DEALF.It LN • " Iron, Nalls.'Collon Varna & Pltimburik • 'llama/lunar. genersaly, 10 woof, non?, ern'ocadm, ra. /1113101011118 k 0011111116 ION MM CUNT& ALEX. LEVY & BRO'S. ' 011110121 BAT/ AIIMIT. LOllll6 • Otter to hell at enter eahabluhroent,all kinds o(llfer chandler!, jet the lowest rases of Comtem/oas, sad am always prepared to make advances. The best of ref. fences glean if required. Letters addrossral to either tstpLorriztly attended to. _JrJOrily . IL WM= LOVA. C. V. 1114.11XCV. .1. a. Molina LOVE, MARTIN prodaiie' and Commlanon Moralitantau Harm — to—ThhottlaM, Bandana Co4ohn Rem , Or Hugh Jenkins, Baltimore; AL Allen & Co, &Um a M eals, Heartromtletith & Co., Shacklett & White, Pius burgh; A J Wbeeler,'F 0 tihauglutatusey to Co., Chseio. nen. I coarlittly urn ottoamoo, W. IL cAXVIIICLL. TIIOMPION & CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MEFLONANTS. And:Mansfatunrors If Unload OH, ' . • • No. ay Columbia M Ce eat, aCnretwn, 'Onto. ...:_._ll=reash raid for Fleastl4 we M: Ciw 43,1_ Forwardingllsrohaat, Broormnrilla. Pa. Attends particularly to the Forwarding of Produce, to. he. Fur any tnionuatioo, apply to rokivrii - CAN %Voter st. octle • • M. W. rev:urea, - V. T. PAWL i SLATIIIEWS. Ie PATCH, • COMM 1:810B MERCHANTS. . •• o. 411 water street, Will give prbealar attention to the-felling of 'Pro duce aud to orders for purelodog. • e Kim* au—peolge Morgan 4 co.,•Pittibargh, Pa. suet " • soave U. asmaao, aralkiw !. Lam rico nhop_ard. 111111WAHD Jla DtiSCAN, !MIMI is COMMISSION , (aitha odd Claud of &say' dhopard,) riaalkalllO, Tease/aft; w Il i p lo rp )l =und funlif o Lu d a; a te=.sh ... : no, feel prepared to 'attend to all du; &pan !stoma of th ou. borlatir eltolently ood (dosll.l, gamut for thaw own occoord)UagauniaLli• . Calor . to Id. & Co; J. . JraUer b. Co., Phu,. torah. deottoulu_ ISAAC CUE_ I GENaeltAl. 00.111111/11181.151 AllsafftCHAXT, YOKTHE SALE OP PItULUWit PROVlellObld, N 0.114.4 107 Sautes Was., HAurielotw, MD. Rartutacse—Morehants of Pittsburgh. Wheellegi Va..-11. Cranes le Co. maratadant .111(1 - TIOArt ,TO,lll HIPPAGIA. .lArri. basal.. an °dice immediately .opposia to y - Znar burnt warehouse, hbr Ute rite•anl, wha.L Will Mau. bottom nstual, oath • • new house can be erected, arrangements ha sing already' bees made (or thai burp.. Boats wi11...m.1m la ... 114.3 " . " LW wharf to receive freight. U A WAIWLTY L Co, Caitathatin. UMnr LI eaalla BOAT INTEREST FOB RALE—One hal! lba 4w ataamtr Wyanang Coa Wo ok aaaalb' .4,4414,14111. past/calm ea= tion, . BtW SI Wawa sad Front no 'ALLJEMER% °IN:IMF-NT-71mm for Bale by AY.L ! • Eli SELLERS WAY MORNING,, , APRIL - 28, 1848' COTAB,TNERSIIIM CII4 O IIII.TBEWIIIIP.. T OGAN A. KENNEDY have this day - ass o cia t ed. 14 with them in the Hardwate. business, Philip Wil son and. Edward Gregg. The srfle of firm Will here after be Leigan, Wilson it Co. The arrlmilmmin an dors it desirable to close the old husmeurts went possible. All peraons whose liabilities' have endured, are esimplally requested to mete immediate pUrillell4 Pinsburgh, Jag 1, 1849. ' T(MAN, WILSON d CO.—lmporters and ILA \ Vholmale Dealers in Foreign wild Domestic Ilartb ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, he., 199. Wood street, Pins boreb,„tare now fully pies/iced with • recently impor ted stock of Hardware, (Many, kg.; to oiler •Ivvyy peat inducement. no western buyers, being detarWasid , to' maimete in prices with any of the Atlantic einem Al ware h is an extensive assortment of l'inabarlih Hard w, vim Shovel., SpadesgiForks,' HOW, Vices, be., all of which will be sold at the lowest manufacturets Sant 00.PARTNEIB.SUIPs • -ATH,E subscr bars haring recently entered into partnership under the name of (Weigher, long, & Niller, for the purl*se of carrying on the Bell and Bras Founding and Co. Fining business in all its branches, have taken the stand thither!y oeen-, pied by IL Gallagher, No. 109 From scree; betvreew Wood and Eknidileld as., where they are PM...al dxecute all orders cc Bells, Brass Castings, of everti escription; and (Ns Fittings with 11.1.. and des patch. Sthambost jobbbag promptly unaided to. 11. GALLAGHER, • 3. A. LONG P. H. MILLER. N. 11.—/P4e attention of Mzebinists and Engineers is invited to our anthattraellon metal, for a reduced prier, aphid, has 'been pionounced superior to Rabbit'. by numbers Who have used both. Steamboat budded. and thepublie, generally, are al,o requested to call and ex amine our superior double beuori Force Pumps for amen:them and dorne.tie nos. GALLAGHER, LONG, '& MILLER. D nn lon. ctg under the firm d on the laciest.. The business will he closed antes old stand by either of us, using the nano of the find for thus purpose. Being desirous to bare our business closed with Italia° delay aspossible. see would tea spethfully request those indebted to cell and Wife their accounts. JOHN D. M'COIW. juts 11. D. KINI.i. Co-Pactsiarship. • • TOUN APCORD haring associatod with WM Us U brother Jame* Weald, ander the 'style of 1 d it CO., v a r i ou s e iheDia, Cap mad For baainese all its branches, wholesale and retail, al the old stand, corner of Wood end bth streets, artists they. solicit a combination of the patroller so libelist!) be mowed on the old firm. JOHN D ItI'CORD - Jaa JAMES S. arcoßii. TN retiring from the old. and well known firm of. fil•Cord & King, I most respectfily reclrsamend the patronage of the public my I.llccel.rll,gllBlll. Breath & Co. . Watt If. U. rah/k. Not/046 • E - w. wirEruk..*s of Wheeling, 1.1 F. Straub erger s of Juniata andl. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, base the day entered in., eo-partuentlaip under Olylo and firm of Stephens, Shoenberger tr. Co., at the. Anchor ow works, Wheeling, Va., tor th e purpose of mono factoring MD .4 nails Of every desenpuort. I. W. - L. 1/.111.41101.16.. t. A. STPCITOIL ITEPIIIKAS,..6IgQFppa.F.iTBe. f. CO. i& - ddolt Weeding, V. Almufecturo nil kind oflioller, ahaet, bar tton and U. Steel rung mil area Hein con• oected with eboenhergres old Juniata works, wa cm offer an week of J mats iron (branded Sh.nberket/ equal to my mule to We country. All of which will be cold at the l'ittatinrgh pricsa. Warebnose of the works corner of Munroe and Water Inc tnyll _ . DISSOLOTION.. , lIIHE Co-partnerlA p the subeeribeti, under Or L arm of Lorna thawluonn Sta., is thisday dterol•rd by 111101.1 Conlll.l.lker Of us Will litleDd to the set.- tlEtuelll of the Cum, oal.o a ail IMMO kW that p. p.. junl JAM SA. LEWL4 lITCHISON. trim a:Westmont Lave this stey formed • co-pluses, I ship, untie: the him of James A. !lutetium A Co, for the purpose of coatis:tau; the' busittess heretofore tarried on by Lewis /hash:sou A Co, nod solicit cuirtiatutuee of the puttotusse hitherto extended to the hoe's. JAMES. A. LlVltilllsON, LM=MM2 11,11 1,14:1 DIIISOLLITION—Tke rfartnerstcp =tomes:fla ing under the style and firm of Al ighttoth k Hal ted, is this day dismayed by mutual consent, lob. Dol. sell haying disposed of has entire iotermt to IL Wiobt. man. The. business of the late Ito will be miffed by IL Idlightsaan, who is authorised to um the sumac( the la .ptr dust pu Poly L'4 I L D.ALZEI rpose. I IVIGHT3LIN. 11 . THE Subtoriber I. now prepexd to mthotaresAp all blade of I..Natea and Wthlen Machinery. at the shortest ooliete. Orden legal R. Wighthtegmetthop, cos ier Liberty . sod Waier.itmess,ordlumetoridt prompt . • It WIGIITMAN, Leabok at, between }Waal and bandosky stn, • • . letebrestym , SSO ill/Pr-11w paratersalp lawns' !mut the n aubwribers, ander' the style of Postalexjlirto n 44.7, was dissolved uu the talus, by mama! eittleent. It W. Poindexter ts.aytharit ed **elite all the basin.• oft!. mtrern. R. W. PULS MATER., • -flatter pertitued the rutin interest of C. lit the , concern concerti of Poindezier it Co., awl etiWetaied my win, Theodore Poi:Walter, wilt lie tie besittest will be ewittneeti as tonal en d er Ow seklb of Pceiodiraiiir ari. won W POINDMnr. - lipac UNDEKSIGNEL &mg bitsuw• ualer, ,tne 1. name of Anhars t Nicbolsok, at thur rentadry on Ibird street, hate this day, by mutual rimettat duaol ted their co-partnership. All Most knowing 0.13 7 *elves traletata to the fine, as. et/quested to call at then eremitism an Liberty tutu, °apatite bead . or Wood, and se islcand sal having clams* against than ilk preatut them at the same plate lot statement., JUICY ARTIIVILS, JOILN NICHOLSON. p • qi. 111 liii . 1011 N FADDEN /a SAMUEL WIDIITAIAIII bar ing associated themselves together tenter Me its. of John Funeu Co., tor the purpose of commuted; the business of the Boatmen's t.ttre" will cuattnue ttassact • portal torwatdmg , and commission terse new su We old stand at the Canal Lamm, Idbesty JOIES EARRIIN, j.111:1 SASI'L witarrmAN. NOTICE—Jameo d. Burchfield heel. ntsrost Indus Dry floods Ilusuress conducted is tho name Didier undersigned, corner at Fourth and Market ma, Pitts burgh, commencing Feb. 4, 1.4,d. The business for the rae pnwent will be copducted under the former style of as R /10-PARTNERNIII P-1V Vu'ung hitv6 dos lJ d.r emaciated watt ban, !able N. PiTtenr, thee.. Thee basil:woe vtll hercedler be rendurtrel under the brae of Vert. Young et Co. WILLJAM YOUNO, land /NO. It. bI'CLISIE. M-EDIC AL. Jagelloo blepectiermsit. Sault, to Columbium co, Apr. 94, I.I D I. D. JAVI4tRi Dux c, feel bound to you R. and Um ;dratted publi wool myseif of tlaiop portiotily ofglving publietty,to the extraordinary edicts of your 9.Ypectorant on tityielt Unclog been ortieled yr seemed years with o revere Cough, hectic fever nd tin corteemimot &meant, and seemed only dooil to linger out a *bon but miserable vitiator., until the fall .of m itt, when, being more innately attacked, and. baring resorted to all my former remedies, and the pr. *Minions of two of the most rerpeetable phytietiris In the nerabborboiml without deriving any betmtt, or the consolation of surviving but a Jew days no wicks at fartheet—when the last gloom of hope was about to mob); I had recommended to roe your Espectoraut— and blemed by that Being who dicer all things to the um of the means—iand contrary to the •rpnetallons of my physicians and friiinda, I was in a few days raised from my bed, mtd was enabled by the ma of a boule, to attend to my basica., enjoying same belles health than I bad fur ten — yettrs previous. Respectfully you., kn., Jaa. Feu.. Ear sale In Pitubergh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 99 !ninth Meet. rnatll9 IL A. P.a.:swell A.D. u N e, N. B. I. Pantrurroca, Pittsburgh. G. W. Yananwin Wholesale Drag Store to the City of New Xprk. nr: ondenigoed are , exllinsively engaged le the Wholesale Drug tattiness at No. 49 Juba meets in tlb.eiry of New York, and are prepared le supply ry Alerthants otth ILhvga, Paws, th . ZWEZrsi go and Amensaa reintinerYt blander,.Wesser (of Ikons awn Impartation) and all other ankles In their nue 01 bust new, of a superior quality on low mil they can be pun chewed In thin or any eaatent New York Febll3 li. A. PAIINIWOCKi. Ca. itarehees'itbronse Green. rro PAINTERS, MIND MAKERS, he—W:, the Ohir. d `Crls d iv r e' l uVdtruPa l ed d , A artra r rn'e * ZUL l a new article or Chrome Grate, manufactured by Geo. K. Marcher, (KUM. city, and find it to work well, pro. dueirig a One brilliant Pali. Green appeareneei with a gleVa i ras i t Y' e every ";:x.":11 Ishe'rz Chrotoe Green ed e have ever used. New York, June I, 47. Sign by% firms of ',remnant painters of the any of New York. Tide uneacelied Chrome Green may be Ladakh E. ISELLYIKE No 67 Wood street, who+. Oa exclusive agency for It. Nabs in Pittsburgh. :matl3 A Maws Sat atTeetb for AS Cowie. -- riirrE Tam!, FOUL URFIATH, HEALTHY -CiUllB.—.Telkrw and unhealthy teeth, alter be ing once or torten cleaned with Jones' Anther 'tooth FILMS, bare the appearance of the most beautiful ivory, and at the SWIM ulna ills se perfectly quisitely fine, that its constant deily use It highly rut. vantag even to those troth that are in a good con dition, glvin eous, g them a beautiful peltsh, and preventiug • premature decay. Those already decayed it prevent. from becondag worse—it also- hastens such as are be comma loose, and by perseverance it will render the foul di delicately white, and nuke the breath do licioUsly sweet. Sold by. WAL JACIISUN, eV Labany tust99 - •13.', A. VAIINESTOOIVA I VERMIFUGId. AVEW weeks Mute, one of iny children, aged about Ave years, wes unwell for several days, and the What Inemased aoaltirtninly• that L feared death would be the result.. Having card of the good erects of Fehriestock , s Yerotifuge when administered to the children filmy neighbors, end thinking MT child might have worms, from some of the sysnmosus, I gave it one and a 'half unmpoonfule of the Ventilluge, and to toy 'gat astonishment It almost inunediatery discharged batsmen WM and MN large wen.. : Its health wee won meowed, and it Is now rocuseakably well. Previous Ia taking the Vern:doge, the woman would rucesionally rise lit its throat, and Loden Muted it would die from etrangulatlon, - ' JAS. 0. DAWSON... ' Yenango co, PA, Aped 301 k. apt3_l . s filicausiGlAD.ll 77 I SELLERS, FAMILY hIESICINk:S. MR n'ilSkrnit-tnilet M eolflt Vett mifuge and Cough Syrup yea sent me. Yeti Yet , vantage Is without exception the best ever offered in thir The basted proved good WhefeVer ased.-1 The Cough Syrup: and Liter Pill, hove oleo given stn.! Miamian. Your obl sent.. J SCOTT, Pootmlelet. Prepared and sold by R E SkILIAIRS, 67 Wood et;. sold by lirr Cassel, oth Ward; U M Curry, AllegheO7l W J Smith, Tereperaneeville. mat VOA INVALIDS AND INFANTS _Whimsy's Ar, X row Root Rusk -Powder, a delicious sad rughty, stuoitloos food, which neva turns acid oath; stomach, sod is now uatrersaby recommended by the facalll is ioc. or Nail AP!. V1747 41' : re =Ott e gq rt ta stomach or rahus7... ' s ' lamatrearthroing and wholesome (cad for taunts. For hy S . 67 1 V2st .• HOZEiiB. • . 701:11ITAIA HOTEL. LIGHT STREET-BAL_TIMORE roan asyniturros, rlohl:nEms. . . lITHIS establishment Meg and widely knoWn as being of of the most commodity.= the dry of 13alumore, has recently andergotte very...nem sire 'alterations and. imprOventents. An enure new wing has been added; containing num..s and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing roman . The Ledies , depart:near has also. been completely reorganised and hued op it a most unique antbeenu• ful ln feet the , whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pert or the proprietors, towards the comfort arid pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidingy...amerr ieill challenge, comparison within. Hotelisf,dth Unita' Melt table will ;always Ihl° supplied... every ..- .Ottani and luxury which: the market alronl., served up lea superior style; whila in the way of Womate., they will not be sissed.l • ' ' la conclusion the proprietors , &ut say, that entail; will be tell undone on their Mtn and on the pastor their nisistants, to render this Hotel wonky Ore nu mail patronage of their friends end . the pubho generally: The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: I' .Ladies'Ordinaly, 51,75 Per atty..' Gentlemen • . N. B.—The Bagsage Wagon of the Honse will al• airs be found at the Car And Steamboat Landing., which will <tme) , beggar to and from the Hotel, free of e e. moral' PEARL srusr.wr nous= • clarciaaip : onto. • .1 'TILE sabacriben hiving purchased the entire interest of CoL O. P. Williamson, late of this ell known establisinnent, beg Imre to time to their: friends and the public generally, that they. have taken.thls commedions Hotel for a tenni( yrs and will exert their Lest energies to make it a de si rable home for Travellers nut City Hoarders The 4liatel is spacious and admirably planned for cone Twee, light and air, haring a manlier of Ratiors adjoining chambers,. presenting unusual auracuons to families • The prevent proprietors having, had the experience of years in this city and elsewhere, hope Met will be able to ;give general staisfecuon, being Heitman.' to give undivided attention tothe house alone. , The location or the Pearl Olivet House utiCommon ly eligib e, having fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third streets, IP that it la .equally desirable lit vies of the convenience ofburineas_man, or retirement for Private boarders. It is near by thcsßauke, the Post Office, thy Masonic Hall, Odd Fellowle Hall, and buione Square distant from Idain street and two mutes from the City Wharf, Mus odering the grentestiodneements. Inspect. country merchants and generelly_ to all persons : visiting einem:ran ' JOHN NOD ruche] , JOHN A DUBLF EUTAW 1101711 E. .01)311:FX m empoonc Amy buy, al:a, 3*LTIOO2Z I[U HENRY E. JACKSQN, .PROPItIETOIL • • • This •plendid and sputa. Hotel, elegantly on - noted for both beakless and fileunre travelers, to so constructed as to combine all the !tunies of the best hotola, veldt elegance and real catnnstt. Chose suites of apartments vet at all seasons reserve ed for the tweontrotslatiou of tratutietigguests, and fain- Plea visiting the thy sent hod the Eutaw Ileums home, by any Hotel ih the Unto. • • The location is elevate dtand salubrious, and is also causal:dent to the depots and landings, at which coaches end porters at the house are at allla ,orsating to convey pusengers nnd their baggage', to the Hotel. Traars.—Gengernels ordinary IFLUY Ladies' dq V,JO do -Yantinavraon - SCX.CIII.IIIIOE HOTEL. • warn or rase asa sr. =AM en-, renew/ wag, ye. ' aThe subscriber having salumed the mumm meat of this long established an popular, otel, 'respectfully announces to Travellers end the Public generally, that be will be al all times predated to accommodate them In all thiugs desirable in a well . to slated Hotel. The Horne is now twin. thorou ly repaired theonghont, and new Furniture . 4.24, an. no puns will be spared to make the !lychees., one of the very hest liotels in the eounuy. , The undersigned respecuully solicits • continuance or the very bberalpanonste the 'louse has heretofore received. TIIO3IAB OWKWN. fahndtf . Proprietor. I . JONZII , IIOTEL, ' ' .•• —, NO. /21, C111.X1.7 Mitt, rotaanittnitut. ! IaTUE subscribers, under ?be Arm of Iltridoin itr. West. here purehued Mr. Jones' interest =this. esteblisiimen and hope bp the strictest attention Id the WYn= and mouton of their gusto. In merit is' eon. lil/U•Slet of the liberal panonaas haretnfore reified tiy.its former propneter. , . The house has been thosonahly renovated, and ie. paired; we therefore feel. to ueureit we ran weleocoqt . sur friends and the pub' area...iodations equat any In the city at:Philadelphia. 1 N. W. to P.. ; jty2ht • JNO. WIIITi 'MILLI' 110171 E,. eons. MAIN AXDSCSIMITIL CKICEDMATI. , aTHIS cslabligulitikt vow in the ben order for the 'recline° Tithe Traveling Flaring undergone a thenxigh repair daring the pant arintur, and having the "eon .exPetictitta men in the west in tir ruioo.dcpanmeot , I danierriaprelf that all wilt be pleued name call. The locatiatalseentral, C. median. and pleasant. Fare 41 per day. • ": • • Ourinuati, Mara. 13,17. ll—Although not exactly a neve Lenora, it is the . Banie—tr °err %Vitiation the old band. ' aptitt viaaisrs , NEAR THE DEPOII, MIMI how I, neatirfilted up for the reception eutertainowat of t h e iniveling patine. IYrsious la search arose mui rowtnn will do well lo —Ship: will find Oa clamber. (Wean and nice, and tic table - A, welliuruisheid as .y.lusel In the town of Coralitrlanit, at ricenty.fire Cent, 11 noel. • . Haw arid drape rola 'RM. bare been maderole WIT mica. a tulurs this eittiblidurient, bat an intelligent public will rebuke theta. The Virgo:Oa llotulhaa uoth -716-fehtlaz-1-17'"Txrent -it - nand ecru WASHINGTON EVANS, Aron?! . Proprietor. TILUOCIEBIORTON O II GIALV lICIVICK, tbrISTII.I.S., KY. . I ii.ARIA THROCKSIORTON beim to acquaint his ftseode that be ie analas Imen/of the GALT Liolleit', LocnsvUle, R).,R)., whereo. hope* to meet MI Mean! friend., emunag hem au Abe public, that o effort shall be voted to make all ientiortable ho (arm him with Mete • etntnare. •- )aolkdi UNITED STATES 110T81, come re re, a crave. reetatea .19.nrcu am (APPOMTF, -late. Hatak of the UaltiekStates, Plalle I M. PliPt: MITCHELL, v?..1.:21' .. . • ProeltaLur. I A3l RICAN INOTEL. ' I • rAcraufaz, mu, jaOPPOSITE the Railroad Depat, Pawl a. Hal ' timore, lIENItV U. SMITII, monolog, Hate of the Keettange and St. Charles Hotels, Pitts aorta:l . . txt2tally" BOOK TRADE. U..ke Jame Illenee4ve4. - A1 4 : 1 .,R.F . .'f.1.".r. =PIL`,„ - 4 Lectures - on the Law stud the Gospels, by tist7ivesi Tyng, D. lk nedr atal enlarged edidou, with portralt ol the author, lEW. 1 • Memoir of Rey. David' Wheel, D. 1).. late Itaidonney an China: by hi. eepliew, Rev. G. 11.. Willistawon, wide •T.1111U1.. nende4 Hillary Of the Clciatien and Chards, translated by Prof. Torrey, Volt tt • Ilawkstone: a tale of and for Engle; in 14—, ill two volumes, front second Loudon edition:lSA. Memoir of Wst INveker,kllseionary AfrieNGS et.• l'erronel•Recollectiolia, by Charlotte niradeth, with explanatory ilutes, acaoropanied by memoir ernbra. sing Iles pericel Dern the elm° of personal reCollection 10 her death; by L II J TonnerDtk cents. ' Recollection. in &lifted; by E4Il 8 H Wog, /dlr., the alereleat's Clerk; by Nen. Charles , 211 A, author of “Ilecorde of a Good Meal V•adr . eels yer; or the Peatl,"Ac. aboveieed end for ludo by r . F.L.LIO7T & ENGLISH rstarl3 . 00 Market et, between Al and 4th R. olvbd .t 31.1 A. If Inee•—lflistorieal and theeret Memoirs of, th. Empress Josephine, Sun artre of Napoleon llooaparte. Lty fd'lle MA L Nor mand. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. - Perry llathorpe, onthe Vicissitudes of Foitone; by Mrs. Gore. Hun.. Harcourt. or the Illegitimate—ea Mini of connict between good and erii Tbe Mysteries of the Three Hint* by Unpinned' H Huganne. • The Signal, er the King of the Blue Isle. The Prisoner of Parole, by:4 HTuel. Ilant's Merchant's !doyenne Gar March. Democratie Review: " , . A- spleturni article Luce Edged Note paper and en velopes to eorrenstod. Song. teapot People,!No 3, for ?truth -For 6111i0 ht A Minars, Srulthaehl st, 2d door from Second. NEW WORKS. ;' A LLISON'S hiAHLIJOHIJUOH-NThe lathier,. life AL. oriel., Dube or Alarlboronatit by Archibald Al. P IL tl; author of j"The Ilistory of Harope.". Neanders Life of Christ—The life of Jesus Chtist, in its Historical connexion and Historical Developernesusi by Augustus Ficander,traneleted from the fourth Ger ma edition,•by John hllllimock and Chaa if Minato thatn , Professors In Dickinson College.. Old Ilk kethe (luidet ori Adventures in the Osman elm country in search of a Gold :Hine—by Charles W The•Hachethr of the ' Albany—try the author of 'The . Falcon Esmily.” • lk. Chalmers , Posthumous Woiks....-Daili &Horn. rot Readings, by the hue Thos. Chalmers, 14 D, L. L. 14—in three vols. VOlnnlint lit and reo'd:. The above valuable *wk s received th is day' and for, ulebys• JOHNSTON t STOCIPHON, spa . Bookaellers, nor anthill and ad sm Rollies,Gibberth, Btu erWs, Mod. Ettrok, F16...W. Mexico, p.m, Lor4 :.no rid's Fretnew,• Arnold'. Ilome; .Harper.lietortel r.nirlend; Nlebake lime; Illollant'eConAtitutioattl ry of Eaglanth eanoltVe Lost Ronan Coramormeelth; ttehreits Home; Blanch, History of hie own Woes, with hli".lA4Ce7AhlYs Cntrades and Chi* , airy; totinlog's Watery o the iluguenotat. Thierry's HWoded Workei nista ry elite Puritan.; Thetis ' , fetich Her; Tay leer Manuel of Atte't anal Mod. 111111t0• ry; latroduettott to the History of the Chore h,hy jerris; KightleVe Route end Leirieteh ittoka's rep..., The &W y e, VIA many other reluable works, for al. by mom • ' L READ "IkTew Dooko—Presh 9!lcomer .111 Scotleud; by..lacob Abbott, with engraving. Siamotsdi, Lherature of the South of Europe; new ed. Luther and the RefOrntatton; Ly John Scott, M. A. Lite and Writitnts Wetddngtult; by Spark.' vol oth. Nos 40, 44 and Ith,Harper's Ismturtal . liirtory of Eng. mta. Digest of the Sopicrai Cohn of the United Suttee, by Holcombe. • • - . • The l'oetry.of Life by-AV D Tappan. ' •' • Puler. Cabinet Library, lth vol., large 16 ma, . For sale by J. Is. READ, ' marl 6 lth, near ntuthet4b- UtV LgEiprees-Uetm .OJ F.rtgland and Scotland. or Ilecollectioni of aSsnas Mister; by J II Ueda -IrAublyne; IA 'D.,. Author of Illstorf date Refornunituti Lila of Cromwell Ste. A PL.cue-ni En...llion of th. raa.p.i.._of.st. Mat. , thew aud St. Mark, in the form of Lactates, Intended , to assist the practice Of domestic, instruction end dean. ;ion; by John Ittid Sulunier, •U. U. bishop of Cheater.. For Rate by - ELLiorr & ENGLISH, . feb23 • . GU market at, bet :W and 4th— 'rEtidTtr JlB l IVbrile it autt:i h t tsl id :Zino b t '"'"'" 8 "'" c4.6%lo.rfnunKitlanke, cubical cow blurs of squarer and umber, saw logs, wood, etc, eumprised la a number. of tablesou winch are added .lablei of wagea byte' month, board 'or. rent, by the week or day and • rail road distances; also Interest to. bles;:by J A Sthiteatir, airthar of the .Englither's end Mechanic's Compattion a ate. etc.. For sale by eaLIiSTU imucicroni. • 7 Marla? " booksellers. 00t. not!liet A 34 sta. 1171nellitho OiL—Altb , s (al Weirr • ala JOHN D MORGAN MISCELLANEOUS. sommsurwwworn wrsc rears . ZiriiPPiraCClTT 4.11&11:14 (Late J 8 Strickler & Co.) I\fANDPACTURERS - of 'Phtenix rue proof safes, In, • south side„'second 'street; between - tVood• and . Southfield Pittsburgh,:. J S •Soinkler having deceased soul the euivinng partner kir; Jos Lippeneott, having aisociated b;wwit with Mr..Wm Cthe bush:wee will - hereafter be conducted under the eryle lir" ' Trial of safe in Cinninnati, o.—We; the tatilerhign: .ed were present MIMI testing of one of J 8 Strickler Co.' improved Phrenii.fim.prootestes. The safe , was pieced m of urnace on the pubic landing, sod mbieeled Oahe inlet:Upbeat et ti•stone coal firs for mora l than three hours. • In one hour end a half the safe curse to a bright red heat; the:door of the : hiroace. west's= closed, which caused ea increased end steady beat for embalm:lee of the time, until the east Iron wheel. weta partially melted DM the furnase was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. • The money; p and books which it comsat:ad were as perfect as when placed there, the binding only' or the books being in jured by the, water 000liog tie safe. we have On hesitation to recommending it to the public us &safe superior teeny wehave ever seen tested, and believe that It will stand eny heat I might'be prodaied, keeps shear winch wield melt ittos solid K, SL a nar i rt riitott o L i. Loslusso, itl,o at . B"Datian Co, Stefiratin, Ilayard Wra fibrmai • We, the..md emsned, selected. the side spoken of shore, from a/at la amnion. of Trober & t he i ' C G SPRING/4r; *setae j jr1r.1.110: Refer to Cook k Harr* Brokers, PittsbitresL • /14111110 Hanna & Co, do -do ladadrlll3 . . -LIPPENOOTT ARP 00. • AXANTJFACIUREBS of Stammered and Cast Steel .1.11. Shovels and Spades, dzes and Ilstehets, 1di11, 14 'Cut, Circular and Girt Saws, Hay and hbuntre Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, Se., having completed all their • +.l.4lgelanols Lu the einisimetion of new enachittenr, and in securin . the best workmen from die most tele. bested establimetas of the Elio are now ountufactur ing and *id keep constantly on hand 'and for sate all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest Improvements, and an determined that LuWork , mashie and material they will not be excelled.' They proud. la produce aniems. equal, if-not seamier, to, any that can be had in the Eimi. Tbey invite the *Ma lian of detlars try an eaelairmlion inc lock before pumhasing elieabere, at they are connoted that.they will be abbe to 511..11 Orden. In their line to the mere satisfaction of_purchasere. Warehouse, Wateestrool; .4 doom West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pi 'N. IL-Persontlhaving business with Wm. lipp...: coo:, Sou sell please co oo Lippeneon tr. Co. oedidi JAMES .WAVOODWF2Z: Pittsburgh liursittUlie Waro ituestellss A large and splenthd assortment of Pend. lure, mutable Par Steambouts„ilotes ma pri vate dwellins' constardly on hand and made to order. The present stock on band cannot be zieeeded by any reanuthetnry in the western country. Mews tanking to purckme would 'Mt well to i.eF ate s call, se I eat determined my sun shall please. Part et We stock consists to— a .odorofas with Plush and ilair.loth cinema gehogany Nurse Chairs; 14 cl.r Down, efe :=41.11,"°,tha., 15 marble top Dreamer Berens., a pair °naming e marble cop Work Stands; 15 cherry Work SUM* _ Mahogany Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads on NI Vetertpuorts, an! a law avortmenl Of monsoon &name and anim a too numerous to Merestion. meal LAMB ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PEIMPAILED OIfiLLIC.I frliElt an not tons bow frightfullyiniaricas U In to tba skinr-how cause, bow rough, boor,gel: low and 14m/dilly dm .km appmsoiler 11114tir pved chalk! 'Besides his inionous;cootaining alai")) S uantity Mina • - We hare prepared a betanical - vtable article, which we call JONEW SPANkfill LI LY:WHITE ft in perfectly initocesd, being pooled °Call' &Mush= qualities:ad it imparts to the skin a actual, healthy, Cobalt.; clear, tiring whito. at We sow Mao acting as a cosmetic Gotha arm, calking it sou and Smooth- Dr. Jamas AndonancEractical • Chown of Mawr chasms, soya: .Aftor analgoing Jones' Sp.oWc lily Ntatilml 6*4 it possesses the mop beianial and cans• ral, and at the same Ulna innocent white I emir saw. .1 certainly cim conscientiously recommend itilme to all whose skin irmitrso beautify-44,n Price, canto a boa- Ewa by W. JACESUN, ea/Liberty.- want% Pitt Kiteblue 'Works and.Peundry. TOIIN WRIGHT& Co, ore prepared te build Genoa Auld Woolen Machinery dem. deserlptiory each as Cardin Madroa, Spiani2 , Frarnes, Ppette's', Drawing Frames, Hallway lle Mopes; rePffioiera Dremiag Frames, Looms, Card &maim, Sm. Wrought . Iron Mailing turnekell sires of Cut Iron, Pella' and liengere o f the latest panemeorlisle sod head Ladles.. end Louie of ell kind,. Comings otamery .description Ihmished ou shoo notice. Panting made to order for MU Gearing, Iron Railing' &e. Pleint Pipe for koala inyireauriee,' Cam Iron Window Sash and faney One generally. Orders led at the Warehouse all. Palmer & lb, yberty.ettesq wlllpave prompt arton,, . • Rerer IlLtekibiek, Bell K. MoCoreiliaid.& Co, G. E.' Wanterolohn t o ur & war , Paubarp; .1,1: H. Warner, Seenbewrille. • - • lama SprialsvAskr; awl lion Works. noLssoN RAILSIASI /a Co., laving completed la their new ' wort, ani•now prepared to =ulnae . at. dam:trams of Coach sod Etiptidl9pcinga, • ..• aminiesseStistre-gptillg and. 'Plough Steel, and all Wes of mail, square and mural lota, hie, they oger M r sale 101 lat their vnue. hums, N 0,43 Wood street; where. they alao keep on hand • complete and handaome assanniens sif. Coact Thimine, Carnage Hardware, Malleable Guiders, Nails aml lrun. C, Co, have made arrartgern . ems with hiestre. Law &Crater, maardeeturera of Shovels, lapides, rot., te, apti will keep eenataerly • . hand every-article made by the. Dealers ara respectfully aoliehed• to all, •se prices and terms will be made liberal. JOS =EZT3 eglllEatrention of gentlemen. itesimas or pureimemg Musts nogg., Zgoemmge or !tense.; re quested. • The Subscribers having been engaged 'tithe Marble business for the last thirty years, to Philadelphia, and basing ulatunicture4 mirk for almost acetyl:kart setae Union, eau refer to all who have &cored them:with: their custom, and to their work, (considerable of which has beenplat up in thin place.) They have always on kale) full supply of Marble *seals, end new and ori ti‘rcih= . 14 : „ S ij r e tt , :o i, :lothat work, topics of llyAll work shipped is hawed . front breakag ee . linty ran tear to any t he honor in Philadel phia the standing cod character en workmen. .• • JOAN ST,RUSIIINIS SON, &addles No3oo high at, ILA Thew is nothing in akeiiisurraWailiiy7lOool hunk!. either gkonerrio or :monad. __. • ,IWEP It WOODWELL, corner of Wood and al ste.,.Plusbargh. Hay mg withdrawn nom' the Hat of %Amer mat SToodwell, on theta of January, t 54 7,1 tato pleesum In announcing to my f ri ends in the city. and country, that I hove opened my new once at the abuse named place. Maytag purchased my goalefor cash, and made arrangements with matmLacturets in this country and in drupe te . be constantly supplied, ant fully preparbd to furnish Hardware of all hinds, on no 'NW , testa and 10 nn. 113 m y house Vain or West. Merchants and othcraisre respectfully . lathed to call and examine my stock, before purchnsing else where. The following composes a Part of his Welt: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun trimmings, ides, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge usks, anvils, vices, lock; latetterocythes, butt lunges, sante% licuotrEac tory plasm, saws, mnbftstnY boards and veneers,' and all otter articles connected with the hardware tinni ness. • • . metal( • Ilatriletrares_Cutlerys laddlorgli ace's • . JOHN WALT UM, Importer !and Dealer.' la Foreign and Domestic hrdware, mouldrespeetfully inform his 1a..., ou. the public generally, that ha Is now rep. “Ivlng his spring aupply of hardware s at the old slated, of Watt ,: and WoalemU,No.4.l3, %VOW et, whichhe will dispose atop the mom nameable term.. He wdl M .comboully netneing fent supplier, di. feet from the manufacturers &trope and this Oen. try, which erlll enable him to compete 'pith any a.' lablieunant, either Ems er %Vest. . Western merchants are Mailed to cell and excidne his stock before purchasing 'elsewhere. • mad Pima Machlse shop. H eradon,l arti prepar efu ed io = owio ute onfets diap=l for all k awned:lm in rat 1101,.sucli 1,4 =Wars, pickers, spreades, nerds, grindtng =chine% =Janus, drawl= limes, speeders, Wt , loo=.lroblea eards,dduble singla,tor cnemliant or nountrt eatak, =lea, innkaakc.; slide and band lathe. and =Liu M end. Al kind. of alailing nu= onler, or planagiv. en for gearing factories or =la atreasonaoe KO. ro—Kenne4g, Ch il ds &Co; Blac ld ks=ll7l & Co. King, Pennock & Gnat: ' • r /dweltl pj. ianad nat., Digitalin. Iledoemei ...,. DIACKSON & VOUPITAIN...7I en 11 repainted dada ledap *air ddlaeing,Usir P =ti' d tditasapeontog Salads in Um neetara etyle, aad arezelni wait ea Fadeout at once, trilli inee, comfort and itensai. They art prepared in weirdo all that mayeall lei . ttehty: Tdankful km pate tants, am odieit tt tontfananedo( the IMMO, at oar adketaiaorper of Milos Arad udilta Mtwara, (Wit at Alernader t Ns% Ihtoo.d.itora.) ...' r.. . 112 HELL 'AND MASI PCIIIIT/ERY. ALA PUl,ll)N s igell andlirldes Founder; bfie're built and commenced landau at Ids old stud; whore he will be pleased' to we his oltficamorn, ors and friends. • etiurch,Stearaboat, and Donal °revery else; to LONGO posrodi, cast fecal plums orate mod !stoker-, ed model., and warranted as barna!, boa materials. tUnenl %.Vatlc.rtanos, Fawners, Hailing, La., Wee. , Wu with every candly so Draw Outinp, st required, turned and finished La the neatest Malln.f. . A. F. h the. able proprietor' or thieves /Lvlr•Airai• .floa airrar, eo lardy celebrated for the redaction' or ftiatioa W maebblary. , , , Tba poxes atrd Ousepoattlart. tea baled of tdat at all tizzies.. .. • . •.- 61:1 • . • Ploughs, - Phony!' Castings,' Wagons • •uoutar .114.1:,, el. tie cola Ann of &S. Ilall,le menufse ' tering loge gu nntl ties or Ploegtie,Tiongh . Cusithp; Wag, on buses, au,,enll.l;lo-ImproVenustste.ol. the LeaT.t. Peacock, and other:Ploughs,:eitherlessa'sud D est panerns now In use. . ' , • „ Ward:sue, lee WA:ly' street,. tipped*. :he Hey ,Sesle; rector, 'Allegheny thy, self t he '. We Psalm of Mum: Illseksumk, k't7o, ADESIDERATUM : TO ALI...WHO ',WRITkL.—: • Matte' Odle Robber Elok, kr. preventing pens, corroding in Ink; , aboo for adapung them 30 wnla on parchment without the 'old ofparnicei and' to facilitate • Melia flowing free: Itt . stadentajcoardtantere,:and '100(01t01111 rhea; It is inialuable , In. he drops Of this Bold toil,. ink La nee, it insuntly be found to ba tha heatfroxillary. ever aroun . d, ea it IN , minks the acid, precipitate-aka eediment,causea afros. 'Sow ark., ink, and c apel** wick the trouble of Imp thg a pen. :Jan received and for see by .101INSION &STOCKTON, Stationary, - meal . : . opt Mute and alw N27S;ACI hints hldisisillen Cleintc . - ... 1 la eases no cannelloni; "St.:Est.OP rip 010 er,. t i tlICS do .do “Jno Doneldt" : S do do dd Tinily O;hattos Leto tir • - t 11/pipe. Cuilogne Wine; • , • . • Stases Levies Absinthe; bus received anti for Ws by • . 44 • SIILLISII ts ItICIICENOid .1. r . 1 * 14 ; ,,i' "11`710,-"eh_alocAND MESE DRY GOODS • ftTELPIr CARPET TATOILIMG . : • FOUBTIVST.4 , BELOW WOOD. TMbutiber 1 .4. 416 / 1 / rerowl the aDeutissiot the'eunsers and captains ' o bokti, 'citizensend crown risitlsoc Pictsbuttit, so hie lag/Sand splendid. stock of carpeting curs tarsal.* at, noses uccoOlth stteet. , ' 'They cOnsist of etory raiiartY of the !Meal sad moot fialionablotryle. of Carpet., nil CkOk4 ko., , arec brought - to thaWastorn Theinote has Aeon bulk expressly firths. carpet tallness, aid his; (rowd iea of espouse& been hood aphides coon wicettacent modematyls. , . .• The womb stocisihr stsiOot aid latest &aim the claim and moot bot"-- . . They comprise,in part. of . thf B.P7,Tamax, "ax. at-' . E411:1484 American 1 .F.7 11 lagrxixr xi., Plar — itee:•:artgreirgxreir . Fine Ingrain; ' gra trit ' villnl Venilsey• Extra aver cord aa; Eayal Sheep Pelt; Cheadle, Ankara:, • • L o ri e; • Wilton =3= Chothe e , Brussels, Comtism; . 1 yard ende; t. do do V do - do 6 do do • Cotton, list, tag end hemp carpet, common oil cloth; oil cork table covers, worsted end linen table donn e window shades, coloted aid plain malting, oar todo, trimmings, carpet binding* and all other Was U s kept in raison. storwe,-all of whit h 10n11.1,e said en as riesonable ten. as mg in the citp. Haying masks .T.• tanirtmeols with thus of 'balmiest manntacturen Me . ma, oniztorotay apt. of evpat willbaptesiptli kw: wardod y telegaph, and delivered in one weekint a onall Ca thenianefactoreel Prioa - Pursdrasers ,are panicahuipstquested roam , nova . e parchasingalsewhereom fml confident we can eel elleao4thireao be piutluksed L inliteioutern MEE= First Arrival otSperhaat Maeda this Salaams recnsy , A CHEAP • CASH - CLOTHING': nom; . Lumiefurry N ' i lli=h= !Wi he le ° frie . nds'and - Oasto. mato that he has Mit tft.itad as maim nowaseek or' fowls, adept./ to tlar Irate wadcr eat.P.P4 eT a r,;' MUT Mar -Is Catawba, e, 'good, near and WM,- elotha,cassimeresi restless, ke.y alnegethertoo; rume n:en' to mwmpt to describe. Nothing bot acmil ePection ean conveyy anidea of the beenisc or quantity! cabs lbdr, .hieth *UMW* FRYthin id the same Wei In this cirri and Mums been purchase. Ix tlot right time, he is dmermittedio offer it s l soch'prices as will meet the expectations of all wh may Larek blot with a calL As uses!, S. halm head oda ofthe Urged,. beet. matgentered, moat italhitembler, and ebzisrlt, stock or ready made • clothing thim can Pe met All schri PO largely,' as dantraetonc merchimui for., me*milt, te., are wicawir.iwri!ed 10 the stock Pekoe porchasing, 1.1.11 W il l b? . . , b a r b er tho ' 4 w mt e g liter exe:ated with •:.dl4tte l i; and mMe best manner. • • marinmov• . . . A X . . MASON et a araa, to ,receivad s largeupply orztereSpring land Bond mer ray Goods, which will be eared whnlesele and murk arthe req•loweit ensh prices." Amongst trete.. .21225222thimdA222 be ftandi 10 coesiusy English and Allielitl4 pugs and chintzes,, aomprismgM*l new style now to the mute; and were pore st tee perwol low tridWohleh .Wlll enable as to sell at least 25 per cent. less than dormer prices. Also, 10 ea , sin man patterns, fur colored kiirristeek and *who, eri prints, very near and desiudde,. 2 cases now 'style swiped and plsinlinen greghsros, °term jitiole coil • outlay, 3: ems *nag Id de L Woes,- nets and cheap spode colored cukesere and do Lainte, V pee eas,l case eltsureable Inures, very rich,a tore ord b lot of 44 and 9,9 Skeet printed ennthnes and lawns, 100 dos test quality ladies , and sentiments , hid .gicires, Whim goods of every description, together with a secret a sortment or home' keeping' goodsi etc. etc. 1ai1i . 121 . .17 Alereltrou and the inhabitant. of rillsburtat sod ere sespectfully invited to call end 'examine oar stock sod with prces; which- are Warn* 'to caliper. toned . ferorebty *t exam mark.o..< • A A MASON.' NEW SPRING' GOODS.. SAM:WIT k .WIIITE, OR Wood street, saw no* mai additions to their eneellentassort l toot Ooodti to winch they moll, lbw attennion oi :that' can offer sank Indocetnedut as iti*Trno. tne-ie Lamest* nuke bills with tams. .iffrise receiving si lams 'assoantent Of goods. Altelllsanfantstfent,-Insportcps, ke., aisong. *eh Os found the following:. _ . , I —."' • ' -Plain islionblo ' drills; all .gyades and .ityles,'"ptinled Emuielty.,Sal; Tab las, Woo taus; suds; Anal naked, gala, green, Ake.; satinetts, blank, aloe, esdeq, Oz. plain, and printed meals, a good work-. meat, vstaton . sAy . te7 pato, a wert i l . s=ort b mint or blue= and Waage, L P L ' , ll' l , n sable ghliants, vfr-oaia arks ..ra... - emib,E.Bi.hl.4•Ft. ym losa v Aisseas e Aew rles and styles and figures, just 'mods col. fancy' cot spa and ;snarl., All allskiek am a favotaLla toms: - 1. ' • catlan warp: yam offered Car • Jame is - . 13:1797C17031. PalCPS—hir ft • T. Pl.-.l7. , sorodedfdritmll lnartet St‘selltt, *old dmq .1 Ms wader dens donb, and • largo ;Trapani= Of has stock, adsohed may to the minter •esaah,• at way reduced poets: oo h{ Ode Oldent to sell of Ls of his stook wake row foe an sally wing appfr, m}e.gard owl bo had to the ettat of &ego.* bat they orM be anted Ithideed that .‘n pada shell asits—soehM Califonits lands, at lid nuance pad 45e; star eoi ull4anner pneo .7704 Printed /ketch tag. mem NI, dinner pries dlrdes.t3, firmer prieo273% Panel all wool d 0.74 cy foam, rim 07 and 73 ei sap. do. 73 Former Wes I4R dame plaid Titibet cloth, as and 73 foliate pass ledt baades a lam mondani of WU.. shawls, .Iso,/latls, Le, at psfeq much Waver than beSor• agent& - lkla *PHIL 10. 1641. ' t NUILVIIV pow ; opening hi. SECOND WS . SUPPLY Draping and inmates Goods, and hail Ma morning open as uaornoent of Linen Oingbisms, aver Earl.. do; Prints and Chinni Ladies! (rut Dress Goods, in grew variety; Illandhester Clingannts, caw panarua. In his assortment miss opining are a great many, article. at lower . prices than usual, su eh as fine Potpie Priuts; yard ende, al 121 cts fine Blitifil Prints 111 /a cu; &Mil °Whams,. usual width; at Idl cis; Dress Low., yard whirl, at 14 eta; Shining Mn.. lius vary lost; Irish' Linen,'lkm • Will also' open this monong an assortment of biantiful style light JAM..., small figures, for children; Lawns for do. • Also, Cha maim, Silks; India Wash dm Crap...L:llmila, de. Persons wanting any thing iu the Lin , (10,4. way, will do well to tall and see the gbods and-bens the Mare hams von nun tu Who esala Rooms on 2.1 story m Inviting stag co. gaols at' about Eastern Alrit.tow .cAßaieuarzitiThVaiow canisW, TV Votiods pnce.; 14 do Clod'. do do; .40 do Cos ket eludes, do do, IS hods do Clothes flasketk, do dot 3dos do Covered /dirket Ruske% 'dodo.' . GOLD YEN'S... - • 1 dos Baglers best; it Tic. 41; Itledill113; 1 do, wilt ou = holden; 3do Bald*. drothemue'd; lust reeetved ZEBULON MNSErS.67 market sl Q ILK TLSSUES AND BERAGES—W R Altirphy hu 1,7 nmr open an assortment Mille abatis gotdainclu ding plain drub and plain blank satin barred dor Caw ay fig . tt do.' Alscallaisarium, from lak els. up to amid qualateta also, Or Laerni In great variety, at northeast come, in atlx and market itts. • • 15 'SLEW STYLE LINES C.:EDEFS.,W a IdurPhY si invites dm xteen. alba ladles lo an worts:rent of e new style Linen Cambric • kWh, eutbroidare4 been and mulched. Also, • la,rgo, supply of low piked 'do, Irian lu cts up to Ansel ARBUTILNOT has cauttnenced to receive tell V. law and desirable stock annoy; Variety and borucapo Goals, all crash/etas is daterroined us sell at owes dun cannot be surpassed to 1114 market, and' manyof *mu law ulber mad be' premed. from Eastern :abhors.- Country andanydeatess alo doPeci (ay lotted to call and examine his Stock. • , • • mara , Nwood alley SMALL .PLOURED MUMS—Jost' reecieed, On as. some= of blue,:pink. laloch, potpie wid amp, emu Araied 'plum and chintzes ow' Oltildtated clew oleo, datiz sod soviet de ; oleo, pisiniSertketnd Greece moan detain., for do; smell barred gonduuns, to: ec.', u the Dry Goods donee of"' feb29 -11Werd—Cilashom lastUterdCilssstusm style% open th is warning, sass j..atssubissos posts, gssessas •,.tssssi b d soVors, 0 , 4. L 26 mit*P" M7'l, AITTSZILIIi.' TITHITSGOOIks-AV Ft Murphy Invitesthe atteado • vv. 'gnaws to tas ..eatiepv.sonmeokotl • ;facto received, consist/Jag of plain odd. •• • ockooeug eembrici, Jovrpriced add 'Hoe; tkoteb muslinkSvries do; book =alio% Wein& lavretti and which are offered 'itiov) 'ppm, by orholceede and 77rairk,233 GiNUHAMS-.Upon Ws morning, a,. aa• . JJaosuourn afresh gingham; from l 4 coma pot yd, up to ittur quality Trench,' at 'reducedjloes: • 'Alm; ,h a t yry. ninn n ke "!• lll4b " * °"' kWh: • • • • ' :eor..*arkut &Mit du .0. utamillatiiraiarithi.4 - 7671.7".rui ruelved m addaloW • supply. of those very sup. Not long cloth shining lenslins, 14121. =leper yard.. Also, In& Lineri, of venous walla., iaelu some tau% Sae, ludynarauttdpure don, at &yaw& bone* /1. W. R. IJEGPItY ViV 4 I-FLANNELS ibeelaally on land as ',dry , booze of Wlb blandly, E meet o Aui -and‘vidatet sub •11X11011M9111 of above foods VaaißOLDEalrl-F liEitonkco,dannirtetel,liave Xa received a new supply of pancens tor crab:eider mg. Dresses, muslin% of lawns embroidered loonier, or worked for embroidering. - Names or initialsworasa ou basdiwahlefiVatlellbe -taunt Ftettett- Erie; aim", kmd4 for tinte =IL), M. C :skt Vot i z i etTl 3 . , AV ._Pn EATON*. • 101 market si. • ' AMON . 8 , 40 team.. Ronne; Hi 650151 7 3) do Kama! ailionella 10 do Rada dlsßot mid 'And oge*bi , malt) C ARBUTHNOT i NIN — Ui . lThS—Binatimil asibibrels.Q Macadam 54, 54 and 74 ands, of as atoelleM quality, lo wench wan Rohe Ma ananuon of housaketp, m . - , ~A LEXANDER XDAN: 'marl - 5 Market at, N W bor diamond - , - IrERY—A AB iniiply of black, while; unbleasl,- ad andmisedbonon . hose and' half pole; mane, woman. , asd eldhlrana , iimeßat opened by. •• . mars BHACELEIT & WHITT. . luw tota salltional apply of LineerTonlo • • rs, and teals I.lOlbF abo..Tootals.d.Towolling • pew, at low prices for 11. 1 4. 11/ST ,81,,Vairkb—At Urge assornawnit Ywor ay Clot. of Tads!. pisTsrahornsur %%yds of, 5 daq 2: l Bol.jrn r o;Ve h tb; do dal gl; ;.Y d a la v oT all owhich will too sold 0n...mm..1g tams nw tin bo boaattln the United Stots,at Nd Wand anal. natamiked, y Rath. *three' pada; rtleibibli tumid info yr - .OI4.ACOASU,IJA•-ipb- baulk bilebAyad. 4iug,juti tscaired by Caul ab4.Gx• eW h 7 . lIIACKLerr WHITE, VlVlroeftlia - • „ _ _ 01TWORIES-3,t 'Vnin t iVlPlV:r ~iatV ~' N7."..!;,110.u 4 . • ...: lARIEft riait A 133/CANDliiile-BAVAtavol•just rosidned sii.•xtrk Jia. luso sod pion& essortoood,olin&di Blain *o itotoopa, per** 01: wideiglillW , book pot 'chased at the Ewen: Auction Sales, et EMI nate' tba horta the regular pricato oro therohwo enabled - ttial.r Peat benalue Wee* borteW;Ckir *Wok ow 't ;Wee sweat swim &Amp& ( ague . ePtiaa er Goo 4 awl attords rery wrontbl oppurtualty for buyers* suit thantelvea. We would tespoetftdbr Invite tho, aneutioe of ell i pse:Ms 00111Aelawaluiwo handsome and champ goods. onnr, La WO ana.. roads* of &Wog their watseetiroluitott - • ; LAMES DalM3BllBl-WOltateaepittodid suck of Lai. D. Bilkedtush weisf Pia& la itta bin hik thasa stag bik wad him bit swiped_ sod barred do do; rich fancy, swiped hed barrhd . do 4:4 mew rid f i ti=vejt e lo,do is ol4 4 =l o c i= • `7l =t; ;la-0 'C "S ca t t 1." ask. te'.WaL. ant=te d j U i ra.. u ltArn law s ihae - 12;74%;tingir cord and black; Ilk plaid and win swiped manse sot laneregiseutots; lowa, bare-- ; ;its, Rama and Saab ton • . FASHIONABLE SHAWLS-WI Weald &WWII' imam th e attend= of aka ladle: to ear asoutteurat ot's Shawl., width is oar *pinion t . =per - pinta damask-mad ilubratered white:meted/awls; do .; &high &Will lite gooey et* shawls &almost wrote de serip henry plus mud barred blk &es Sao cash mere, ate OM 4410 OCOOOLO Shaw plea awl • erahroidernlThibet Shaw* bib nod' **l fury " roge do; wit* street yorieteecotber-atetteefsloonter :.CLOTHS AND CASSEMERI:3 , -Ae excelled' seek of Freochh,, Hellish sad antdan ca need Freon It , todt let and-American aa ada w.are..l et ernes co colt the . =NS SIMI= GOODS :—Onemettette dee te, NM plebs ale let% beep Fec , tell.,CaleleOM Lien . ix;,ntirat tolt - erwtateacnid‘ 7 DO NSfb tr bd.:tai boned •Income,' PltssV. nee . AND S UM A DDIONS—New style lend Some, nod Ball3lll Ritecon o - PARASOLS AND .PARASOLLETTEIA Splendid unman* of sew eye Parends one lennumlls or bm. Al lta t rot=74EZ . Tteig= of sl colddielloklags, Moen, hallapor Temded Jab Lamm, Doman fingesse, Joans,.. then; Lettp,l3il Cents, , , Cautery essichants_sndothere fodeellstle:- will do miles call an sworn, on stock, w God brake Itch , m MR , : be peep ' aon ISW curare* Demon , WHOLES/MCCORT HOODS DHILLERS. • : No. al WOOD SHIERS, .P.ITTSBUSE . .- - coo n is, w tooVit Now rtrearml; ° lnd at - mops.= pants . .ale of the pun tairsr m, oath/ • they will oar tas small adman., its tea bo had Ban or West.'" In therissortarent am : Pima's amoriman Stasis andßonella:PthoM :loE ps Americo; Soo./ nod Gth= • • HO ps Rath LowswOrytadlM-Othiltnal 200 pa Lisen.Glagnasso,, is um Mtl4q 100 ps Spring and Dark Lathes sod Cothmens; • • ps Ridded and Wound /*Huy' entirety. now • ' 400 RiPWi SRA syldSllk Wrap , 7mops Raudothem, worry ostimm ' • =pm Ithatomr clo ,Croon Cq o gi Roy Ous, • • tie psTweads,CoodagthrisandWatantressdateres E r' Bkl4'TsodlWtg y p.Cptda, nod 400,ps Sistatens,all ettthno sad pothall It • 100 p. 13prhat *ad Simmer Woollens Cadman:a; i• 4100 p.amettessyititlrelind'Bettionifflltllim .• Lag t, . ps OM Cheek. sod 111114 DUlpels, n. M 0 Tiekkotsy best make ••••••• ••",,,,••• Irish Linens, Colored, thithabralq• Rtited -awl Mu sillies Wain'., Mao, newest Myles ,Itat Rodtmem, - Figured aid.Phan Satin. Vealors, Vest waSety tem,. S il k And Wonted Serge % ploth, thawed ondllg.; Ono! Dress Silks and' Seal* Amen; i seem' Dress Spans. and Stamm Hum*pie. Sli‘prieor, dam, Dress Soodkorehiers, silk sad somas Hatay Hosiery; silk and toads Ramat; all kinds 'Gahm, Saspraders,' • Crapes, Threads. Bortoss, Variety. Goldsi • Career style Ribbi , xtd , s, Imostially,kottonisort-• „Olso,thap plan oad. Cowed Nets, ..ideoeiells, Madam Lsees,•Edgmgs, We. .. • • . =lisle. Muslim; !Motet in Illutenrifet 71/ cams Ssomissa,_and Emil* ellastav, taiMo Rills, leans, Fintiuds, Ontothargs, Tannin.; ' • CO' loge% and thonotellarniy . • thwasyntillind oar stock always we ll supolleany (togas:ln parelimes,sadl • • • thsy ma boy right Wreath- : "'aptly M=l "NEW and ispla witty, al ZELIIILON KINSEY'S, 67 Marko 30 gold itirerAiretther, 49 Weer lever entwine; Tllbtb; ba lrerdeachedlenrer vrasolt• en SO Oleo .I....yraechon OS mirror , wurtles watches, L 9 Ana fold eltalor, I do, ilersetyle purloin idol plain told hoop en rol dos resd damn' ll 9 esa• aim! l bow, playing a vaiepopaLar LIN gross *reel slides, all sloe y iwoo reser 000010 • • dot firm rens, Olt aseS pew; desketelOsen rum 6 dos hoe 'Oro bead boo, no ARS km crotchet teed bets; um Ity.fer; "0 des Sore rote hoe =,,frin=atekl i frfor reAin; 100 dower new; aaserw49 IM* iteeliewO_Frid nab ioon I dos fine. leery mew ptoiceellidors alba im wood some pi 6 weir& A - 1996ftensmeo of oew Toys, &cam.- -111.111111finalltnitarMaraiRma e.• a. wawa 4. CCS .ciAmore Lco, Plttabtv94. A. mr A. mason cir, • • y. NO. so Marin 1113.t.4 between3d Rad 4th m, Pito burgh Pet, here meetly opened chair sew and elegem store, with an extermave mock of etch. ®p rio r and flosemer Gods, comprwing apseanie of throe Imre. dolt peekages, •of .the 'Latest and • ewer 4:Womble style.. Ilerehaos tlstooshott the country am porde.- lay Wetted .o call and moles or stock' ' s It oar iateatiw tofoter oar goods •as dm Lowest Einem wholuale once, Ow of the irto reaideog bas New Volt, will be consmoty senatog 'es Dash mollies of the to desirable gooda,,hereby Ovine lIS every fo. ciliry Lhe tresteac tam 0. our bosom* Lbst .11W be reamesed by Ewen: Moues. Pricer am therefore ...esa,r_ad a lo r r m ite low as the Lowest . biew.liork end .P 7 . r . ' rt . WHITS RITE 0061* FORDRESSE3—Open thismorn- • T V.; itfri rot W R MURPIItyR Dry Garda Rm., north east corner of 4tit and M.WharSl4l,a . assort mut of white Gooda for dresses, snob as Swiss Mar lino, plain and Red; ' Mull Mull da, barred Jackonctr. ober.. Malls and , Jackonets. stika of goals for Errning Drew*, including's few patterns of entire new mica - Embroidered Masao Robes. - • • ire mn.loga..in bwroceirroff dilty.fte to come, including newest styles Drair-GoodLusat and French Gingbas, Prints and Chiturei„ eery low. Iderchanut are barred to cantina thtaooda and pd. can in wholesale . roonsa, • op gait* alto . :storm= ! , . • • _, MIPRINGAILY .6001:11. •- , i. , ' 0 ILKSLETT k. WilYtkl, No. 69 Weed atteet. - . are 1.7 rereltinaeiry r,' lame yid =aware Met o(freah Spites Thy afte teeentinuebale, and beniht under the LOO•t avarabte eireentstaneec hint whaah they axe:prepared, and aria mall teaterehaateiiu a vety man advance on the einem cost. • • • - , We amid request all merchant. visiting out dry . U. Five our week a fair exatoisello • sad ant totkeocal dent be entirely , of the chaspuess of ' Yixeree, G l — tite V hito Fre' WPTlt'l l' 41 4 a*tet all 311.111X7S,Sep malk wen/. Ancona Sammer •Oloth, and desirable Cowley for gene wear, el prima W, aerie the city: • ROBINSON'S Cloth Stem epl7 • • center Altittehrood las ITYLIOLINALE DEALERS IN DRY. ER. N. y . On Woad atom, have on /111114 ISA ma cantata. 1) , rateiTing daring thobusineal oeosoo,ss,bno an 4. elutruive ono:aroma of DRY GOCIDS,,orIdeR Roy of fer to roarehruni at low oriels:nod . renormildi .tennn =that they can grro •eronsolatufandoO; too f imiss alinorrehootayiniting thentryar• Paruszt r" Pernrit 7 tedkt :44k444 7o7•eartor w cgtel l° lnete " 1 114 2 ; t .. gents corded bordered deone do gerdsoborder ed do; :sad l'or sale by • Witt) slff7il'&3ollNB ON Ftgt,terElVlr itteuidalisatenda rapt Feenehroal,lataly reneieeCaseiments dr earletPlatidet Taw' teals 'at - Wald tau eases and . ea desteet pate Alirliakay and will be sold low kyr a laity. • caner a Beast 11134 i Arm.d.htikais tiamd meta, eat com p any on tad adappanerepla and ti C_/.1.—. 4 1* le 2 esiired,tmr.opiiiuts --- 4 . l 4PUV.Afons " anitiMs ' i r isaria4 . ooe VkTirt"ochh hTad d&rojcis."":ll"':,7 do We by 44 a'* - 11 PlOl/AO,l, ' , sold • 4B Ellaket K • 13 ICH FIWBFIOIDERIO3—Iot mein& one canon Mo Hoe Freaen 'omitted Collars; Our ., k , I rilAd Cbanaot,:3l , ooo.do trimmed 0.4 4 .4 dt , 14 , .• Muslin Lopes owl, do &Avian and, tollioo - .Lawn 1 4 26 gad rof.d.,b7 f1igL".40.4-ACNiWN.' EMI, ha . m 1 . 1 lA A vc . I M a apteltd e = l"l 4: -. Dram Goods, among ',Mich may he Coun' Awed; plain,Phddaad &Mtn of .11 .palitim Lune, mohair mri Gmnadiara. saga atdpe do Lana, plain do ' n, St Chaliles, dactex Silk, aura /mode : ' *Pig BONNLT RIBBONS—A 4 Masai *A:a, Motet 4, ere noir opening an ezieneive esmortniesu of Hon - nottibbony alba omelet and meet flithionablo dliJimi&Ca.;oo )3 Just received 'pre Expreis, cutods - PecriON. men Shawls; :Ida embroidered Thibet; 'cost diti plain Thik% 8. 3 =1 , 4"Ar Ufa, told o th er Shawls 4/0 rfAMON CRAWS surovt.s—A ‘„r. Matket greet, tiara pen: ne'd pet *new, 'theri.ge let of Wd Crape Shawl. •••5.., - C A k i rseejtVis L tt ita rte —AA A=h e r rl " *11,14”.1t of wrought c.p., Arc o - CO Os, PIVL I of ereiyjstyle. -• ILKODE POLOREir6I - Wlll.9.finir various Ina Ul inndecninte and dran - Thibei toed uafor.uley: , npl7±• - : stucaltorri f E. grrE . ~osoxe .fol . l lilons:4tacia.izatiokmacl , Illfetaa • .4 now mks fano Vi and Cap . Eth.borm, for sale by SH6C /elver& at _ ~.... t we eirepi g7st,yanoty Air We. • M icy ki:by ""bi" . " , 7 . 81, 417112=6044 . - a l E g s 7 3e Vilt rCla and e!, nrte Vada ba•iebov pby *pi ISMITitAIOIE46O6I, 46 swat st. , T RErecitravem--1 , 4. a.. TxßEssoma seppli tudat Ararlarnis— wim I_, Sas Ism nitlishosoll km" arriv.ristsit-io4Belidis,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers