-. ...._ ... ___t , GAZETTE. BT EILAZTOS 111100 .fik QYY PITTS2IIIIBIGUE, . - -' 7 : . 78/7DAY MORNING. APR11.;;14,. IN& '.. 1 • am nedst. .ai.nd .rte Pud. 'A ..1. MR ,,../UO*. Aa.LI **"°""; • "`.....urt Illirwitid free ado elk.; •sad*Weekly.—The Duly i.e..® seep" UrMeekly i. Ilse Doll= the Meil4 TireiDetless pee amaze, „ . traimeicas are aarneadiadqamaad Innitiu - dew haws Wars t. a, sad as ea:ly la id day aa Asi =Wm. 1 Lati 01 n CaMudd lissa.igeseq),...d., o ". 33 Parti Muzets Ix. me . . lit„. Wide sat lastlensileale roIicANAL tOMiLISSIONER, 11111.111 MEIDDLZIIIVAL BTU. , Eli iI. ConeipoOdOOoo of du . litoapirgk. o u.u.. Aierli 18gi. `P: isms If Pose** Pentair*. `•.The Ccenntinee on Ike Mee sad red Roads *gal a hell ptoeidina for the kikeiring - - tatanof mto 'ntriejertstion, :which I send as im. potent, be ail hating eeeretpondenee Ea. rtco: ' • . , Between the U. S. end peruief Europe; 24 de :ilettemett the U. 13.. and puts of Weston • cashaear `. 20-cts ,...;.'''Stiteemet the 11. etatia an d Pmts. -- ; " Mccien end Beitteki American Previa: ',lbis for eta half nonce, and race warmed . , . `' '4fookt and triple, in each half oanee or Diction. iin 'Patel /wen to P!) , P;lckei pogsses. wbetit• '-'. eninpublic or Private hinds. ' it,*d icalell.fnan any post is U. Staten to any place in any other aountryithe anibieli gate of 1.0 csoln - ' ; 4 - Portage to be paid by Me sender. ' Igen/vigor parsnip to Ettrope,........Ccente Fos Nth sheet,: and magazine, and pamphlet, to • ply t r 2 oat , • The Dterentment is authorized to reduce those Was, wheuever reciprocal armagenteam can be - M et leak the point of .20 cents for as serf : viol, between the distant wets upon the two con ' Th. time is not varefir distant when the inland . plug* of our awn eauntry wilt be reload to a ,point • far: baba,' ttnipresent rates,rtrul unarm thrts*Sati the . country: Tho experiment made -• • by Commas, a few, years - since, wire eminently • iteeees&l. The Department is now paying its own way, and, with ,latter,manignment, would • 7 a larger revenue. The mail service of the ,', - owatr!lu. Ina"! very far behind the times, and .private enterprise, through the-press and trade, Li Wield 'ath. erierglei of Me Govenumentou at pram adininimmird. 'Mere are just complaints, too,by the pram; galas some of the exaction, in dung laws; which It is toped Congress will 100•11. srianki It* MUM WM • llnealusksts of congrattto France •- - be simsetby the Prewlent today, and be lent to die American Minister, by the nett steamer.— . Maws was but tinier debate — yesterdsj upon the anan*Renintionn. A sper ft= Zdr.Aihmun, of Maissehusetis, in 'Vindication of amendmenti cared week 'since, mito Use Aboktion of Slavery in the Fitnr.li Islands., Abolition in St. Domingo Win 'bairn to :be no cause of the change of the eystent afGarerament in France. There it was a war aiming the races, and preceded the war of the arrotosioa. Mr. Bayty Wished to draw a parallel 130 tween the scenes of St Domingo, and throe -width wcitdd triaspins at Guadsloupe,Martinique : In a ward, be did not lore the anti. - shitery of the wmAutioe, nor do any of Ids putt. wash of the Pritnnac. It is hardly talented, in. • ' deed, thai alsUlistott teem such servitude impala be affrored, though shiwzry hal long rested in its WWII Lem in theFreiteb Wends The Member' from Purina treated It es au insult to the South, to speak of these institutions at all, and seemed to - 4asirsthaftbe thoUghts of the Nation should be so Muer alworbed , sport liberty abroad, that there . lamed be no time left Its a thought even upon the *tursonat of Slavery, at boom. The rurnians who *Mud the Comantion, who airiest the Declass. Una of, Independence, thought better of Muslim M. AMY than ths. . leers= and lianison, Ay& and the Lam, !feast and Braxton, world have been • ashamed - of the pro slavery Virgin* ut .The namentions of the Senate received in the - Firmie slunk/ a unanimous voce--two membess _Orly diereentine4cot, of . Ohio, and'. Caliscre, of ', requiredVeataimausge tints to vote gains she'emiuman astimen4 but both WO bone/ men, :sad tore enough to do what .theYthinit . ..kfmai thick ail these demonstratives prematere, ':bet It Isnot - amigo that people like oui'a, In the enjoyment of ea ialelligem . hbsztp simuld not only *Wish tn sais, but atuxeirsge the spread of similar iiinittaiMas throughout the world. Tirane was a Kass or Requiem le the repose of 'eue /nag ar the !dead wbo 4 ii4ird in Paris, Miami the dere days of Felonry, perierned at the prin. deal Catiwdas Clench of the city yesterday. The ettetandahreras rimy large,ind tbe French citizens eitheDiattletWere presences mourners. There was an shirr in Annie( Me church altar, covered with Me French and 'American Flags, illuminated by :tern bondred. lights, aka supporting a =wave ea. Caa Tire cepa; I, ant told, was impressive and .4rlwpwjattrOter, forever, declaring that the sanitial,avas not meant ai one of sympathy*/ awl Sias' i or People,but simplia xquiem ix those erbe bid died In the-recent Woe struggle. . . • csatrommin cisme, ece. • 14r; diseontsed throe two or three hours lama these elainis. Bia Nam tieltineed a valuable hiatce7 of the geogrs. nurasii earapeige of Upper Cali lbeakt,'bsa zeal* es 'animated . with the more. . 011,15 of his eau le kW, Lieutenant : camel Tie , stoat, h wa• expected that immeshing would be " SO tilke.littlidaelltieceived by CokmekTremont -ego the .A.oinsinittration; but s Mr. Bentoe knew .• }War than to prejuditie Ina wain liar's claims, by "el; nfete li°e • .PN4 wan racy .thoogli batmen* bat hazily in:sited the states. tlsn of • pantos. of Seam" while the galleries - Se o " 6 " VtigligTlY szeOunt of empty bora. ♦aatlKY.ottor area. Ooa..Taylor . • W. der snderegnedi do milli that we bay. 'Na Lbe original letter of Geo. Z. Taxi& bare the dcpubtef no gennuwonee, and the•Waprthithnether ode of this sheet u .literally 'anted ineverripawiontor. .1110.1.1EDIDERSON. DANIEL. E. IiENDRICKSON, WM. BENDILICESON. Rum Hove; rr., Feb. Dm . sal lode; Ismer of the 12th ifilinto, rip. :larks to the atm aid Magistrate ef the =shun . lersjoethmsthed reply to which I have to Masi a fa, asl mOmemernol, I baronet dinged ..t=n I first occupied; 13 regards my being • far that high. dike. At ,At the same time; each his been the iodmanm c( the peopte, trio ereetirs of Foxy, ai evinced by large meetings in whey of the &atm in favor of nay being • mudi. Me kir tha ogles in quethon, as to justify me , *without deputise from deices:se I have marked art to ponsus, to accept .st nominator from a setional recreation, should such be held, Ear the =, (mm eV% whip or democrat., or from Id they think popel to lender without Wei pledged, Of grey esoneektief thyself m, to eldreests the views or opinions of either. And 1 math repos; I heel no aspirations kr civil office; sad am only • candidate no far as the geed people Of Ito conntry lune. made me sis and those who ass not willimg to nee far me without tole dpi for 'ths :pessidencl, -km - them cut their ram at the popethse kr those who will make them, And Illoaki oats of whom - be prekrred to myself, and kapail wit h th at high union, it will be neither • smeter mortification to me. With -nte of high respect and esteem, you obedient servint, • 7 TAYLOR. . , . We . usuleriund this col. Asa/a Imbues es 4 (or , eune ri s So . city, and Oiximencle wine oflostasse, upon hlemr*. theory, 011 Disc. dsi.o,o4se. gestleaum hu made himself ijpest *lmam li, our &dap eities—ta Muir. okkathilis *aid fr &fir faity *Pi browd• I , oopt,losin date Nam and' Midshipman. Rod ion "helms In tiro castle of Pone ' .peipeimi.hi our. city; , • _ Casisalaie-Cal addition of an 0 to our lip issairsillabW. Lea Masa. lordas ac Sal's las Asoo,hromia ce ssta air bow) • • - • • . %.• • 4 4hiP , - •- •=l=b QOM 111C0,11 4 4 MlThataialr qii l o6l6o , M feptfirtp*s (04 be ceder Wit D. .pattaielkiiiiiissidigoVen.,Scokkin d, sad sad miming bbabeti44•o2astoirory iu --'- • ..Wasenerroai Jestraarl3, 1.968. Sit : In view of the present rated thints in the army tinder your immediate command, and in compliance with the sastuance contained in my imply to yuar.leater dale- 4th of-Jane, wilierms you asked to . 6c-ra=lia,. the President has de termined tOrelieie yon:fim' flutter duty as com manding pneral io Micrico." • Hera theimpression •is clearlY conveyed that Gen. &Intl was relieved saki own nvour. The correspondence reined to, in which that requiem is said to have Web urged,' a compliance with it promised, has never yet teen' published. We have, however, received a copy of it from Wash ington; and, as it ewiibaa more clearly than the documentary avidenceahrady before the pub. tic the injustice which has melted the conduct of the Administration towards Gen. Scott (MEP the bring we ere it inaction. .lien Snub as Cowan& know., was compelled to ball/ma long time at Puebla, crating reinforce. mean .whletiltad been promised him months be. fins The official documents' demonstrate the, moat ratmordinary neglect, on the penal the War Department, to supply him with the meson indis pensable to Ma advance. Finally came Mr. Mist al Cm:l=4=oer, with his Cahn of power to con. chide AA armistice oat of the hands of General Scott. Under thi n state of things, the General wrote as Wows to the War Department: General Butt to Mr. Nang HUDQVALI.I72I or rum Asirr. Punta Arse 4, 1817. • I arrived hare with four troops of hone on the lltathrultimo. ,Twigg's abrasion came up the next day. The effective strength of this army has been • suprisingly reduced. Besides the discharge of eaves resume:us and two independent companies of old vole leers we had to leave in hospital about 1,000 men at Vera Cruz, as many sick and wound. ed at Jalapa, sad 200 sick at Perote. Here we have en the sick report 1,017. Not & corps bar made a breed mas h , po except in pursuit after the banks of Cerro Gordo, and every merlin mention has been given to the health of the troops. Making the further deductions of the killed end wounded, the garrisons of Vera Cm., Jalapa, and Penes, and we have here but 5,820 effective non commissioned ores., artifice* musicians, and mivetes—a fares evidently insr..ient to garrison this large Open city and to march upon the capital, where or near it we may probably bare to beat an Indifferent army of from 12,000 to 25,000 men.— This we could do with 4,000, bet et a loss probbaly of one-fourth of our number; wharves, 6,000, our Ices would not exceed some 3000 # 4 4 We are still ranch emburamed by the want of money. But little can be obtained on &MIS this • side of the capital, and we have not heard of the arrival of a dollar at Vera Crux for this army.— The attempt to subsist it by living atfree quitrent or on frayed contributions, would be the end of maiden , operation& I take the liberty to enclose • copy of my re. joinder to 35r. Trist. No doubt he has forwarded • copy of his most mmaaniinary epistle to me.— To have Such a flank battery planted against me, amidst critical military operations, is a groat an noyance. Considenng the many creel disappointments and mortificidlons I have been made l to feel shoes I left Washington, or the total want of support and sympathy, on the part of the Department, which 1 have on long experienced -Ibeg to be recalled from this army the moment it may be gate for any person to embark at Vera Cruz which Csuppose will be early in November. Probly ell Held operations will be over long before that time. I have the bonorto remain, sir with high respect your most obedient servant, Ron. Wt. L Maucr. Secestary of liar: It is impossible not to tespect•the impulse which dictated this fetter. It bears marla . not simply of wounded kellngs, but of a zeal - tor the good ana the glory of the courant, thwarted and crushed by those' whose duty it was to std;sustain, and mooed its efkats to the =cost of their power. General Scott Withal he was teat confided in bribe Ad. ministration, • which had broken its promises and treated his remonstrances with contemptuous et glee., and himself with insult. • For the good of the service, therefore, he requested to be recalled; Ilea the. army might ba pinned under some one trim should NSWs, the vsympatlty and support" necessary to its mace= This was written on the tat of June; end to show that the rectal was not desired on his own .account., that his sole motive for the manna. was thew:mem of the army and the good of the epee. try, nothing more can be necessary sheathe follow ing meet 'from a subsequent letter doled July Gras. Scant Ali. Ittarry. limmeniarces or rum Attar, ?lulls, July 25, 1547. • •' * w 'Siam my acknowledgement of May 7, (report N 0.27.) I have bat two leans from you, dated, reepectively, April 30 and May 31, re ceived here in the order of their date, June BM and July.7th. - Ido eat acknowledge therustice of either of Your rebukes contained in the letter of May 31st; and that I do not here triumphantly vindicate toy ed( is opt Iraqi the want [l' will, means, or ability, bed team , The first letter Sad F'ehrusty 22d) received from you at Vera' contained a cenattre, and I ant now rebuked the unavoidable—nay, aerie if it bad not been unavoidable—release on parole of the' prisoners taken at Cerro Gordo, even be. 'km nee' ord of commendation from Govarameat has reamed this army on soamat of us 'gallant coodact in the capture of thee priponerie So, in regular' rogresses, I may, should the same army gallautly bear me into the city of MeriCo nest wren or eight weeks which is probable, if we we lot arreated bye peace ore truce—loak to diusises' Irma A/ atrium s of ary orasure You will piresiviulat Yam aware (u I have Lug been) ol the dangers which hug over me at home; but I too am if anima of the 'United States, and well ' know the obligations imposed, under an circum stances, by enlightened patriotiam. ' To dengue* that be might be Mulled; urged from these motives and with this ringleobject, the success tithe army, General Scott received the following letter from the Secretary of War. Mr. Mani to Gen..7Scatt Wu Darearmarr, Wemensuros, July 12, 1847. • • Your letter from Puebla ol the 4th of lane' has been received and laid bake* the Pres , ident. Comidering that you bad claimed, es a nue aright due to your superior rank, to be placed at the bead offer auxin in the field, in • Mate of ' actual war and bad earnestly besought that pus times a tuner darer, the President was not a little surpriSed that after so brief a period of service youabiaald aslito be recalled. The grounds put kink Dr this change of purpose 'ham not probably had with him the infineom you 'expected. They ate dank an extraordinary character es to claim a passing mace. Of 'the many cruel disappointments and morti fication" 1 (you) hare been made to fret since I (you) left Washington," you have omitted to speci fy a single one, and whether they are real or ins seamy is left in great uneerialnty..• The sending of ItteiTrist to Mexicana scomausioner of and the suspicion you cherished that you had been , degraded by hie- being. clothed Waithimilituy Inez thorny to interfere with your . rightful command, are (notably. prominent among these leruel disap pointments and Imortificanotte exposition which lass hemmede of that mid slMws the Lim. eatable meat to which:ego, may Koran in per. magi mattem,,whires prejudice and suspicion pre. occupy themind. Should iyter other undisclosed .'cruel disakeentaems and mentdeatioes" be of a Like unsubatantial character, ax it is presumed they are, you may wall conclude that :they constitute no sufficient motive with the President -to grant the indulgence - you ask.. I am unwilling to believe thatthe grave charge, that you have expuienced'ao keig Vie total want of suppose and :sympathy on the part of War De .partment,, was thrown In si a provocative to en. sale success to your application, and I certainly Pala* concede that it rests on the Memo. found'. Aim efface fa view of the vim diaeniity otlitanan character, I ought act, perhaps; to be surprised at any extra. ,vagiutrre of telklekuooo; pall should be oin this lIIII.IaCe if duals to be regiUded as a .welliconsld. eel allegation, ellecting thisettled convictions of your mind. That it indicated the true IlUdi of your feelings at the moment it was written I will not questionybut that it is at all just towards the War. Department,' must na m oWsitively . deny. h an mention tmaccomPanied facts to support it. It relates toe matter at to which my informs lion mast but least as an and accanate as your own and I feel bound by the Most solemn comm. tions'of tmth to uy that you are mistaken in the entire length and breadth of the allegation. That you have beet disappointed in tome of the as range:mats made here as you have in some of , mar own which did no t .depend upon the action tithe War Department, is undoubtedly true; but stela disappointments do ,not warred :or sustain the abarge yacht's', made; they &Meru show that youtsve not had all the support bout this Des Caen:widish was within its competence to give Department C• 2001, by themeee fiat origami!, call into instant ezumance the menu it may re- Tune, and place theta where thay are tweded.— Human agency cannot contra She elements so as to' make them subservient to its wishes, or to pre sera them from sometimes !mantling its best con ceited One. In conducting a war, sub as that in which we are UPW .oeo e ofopelstions, as you well know, is cline _widest tinge, the ma chinery meressuily avast extent and - complex ,ity. the agencies exceedingly numerous and disperse d over not mime TMa-atithie complication of means and agenceseliceid i respond with prompt near and punctuality, in every Instance, to any di reeling will, cannot be reasonably expected; that mas failure whether by accident, necessity, or neg ligence should involve others, is inevitable; and that unkateneut dissmisidtmeam' should occasion• ellyhuyipettla working out maks should summis no man who tairesasensible 'view oilman affairs That MeWer Department has not realized all that mitYhaeit been eXpeeted mite Anatol:lNaa may bA eddy admitted, wdhout layink imelfepen to the charge &keener Width let iwab energy =la feet, or ofloorlog weeded (MY one ores essential datisa;oe to the lath - la= =blinded and reekkes °harp oC toxin Wed to et/boditn) stinPati what' torero the Gamed at the head of mm Mina in the add , Thn War„Doutmentimost darptyintanrd is-isfearrying the war tiet-suceenfallitiue; wield him no .motilit;iid, byarty . Miter then • mind straparddoded do , it amid not be suspected having 'an maim to Um than its almost to mum dreamphind -10 ear Ereaq . sod Pi • clatria'4fidore ofdatyla tespfek ispeexar pada milli spy ipe•Wfti&e, Inn eady . Amu. 5. /NI , i: : . 2' ., :* - ' , i' , i - i . :: ,: '.4'l:l'g , i:i : '4','-i:i..-:0 - .1:i.KI1g2-g; , .,,-, .Tiflair-W . kW on We isommoo,* its slakes, in; colsont. ittur streamer. etßxts.,,:xlmikasaty.denaed. idiblittablues of the war.' Bellaqinif tha:lasois , Marna Ywhi - bare asakynal swan. ed as erring to have reryllstle inilUellell 011 dia gnostics:it will be decided bribe Presidia= 'with.' estelosive iefereitse to tbe . public mid:: When &Mahan renderit ptoper, ia his opinion, to with , draw you Giza Tour cocanuutd,, his determination to do so surf it be madesintowwto 7aa - I Very respectfully. your obedient servant, W. L. IsfAßCY,Seeretaly of War.. Major General Wrinzus Scerr, - Commaridina 1. fi.d.any,ldesion. la this IMMY Geieral Seat is rebuked in the sharpest manner for' hiving asked to be recalled, and the,Secretery'of, Wm exerts all his casuistry tOlolait the Baia-Me War Department. There is, moreover, throngbout the latter a clear, strong vein of angry resentment against General Scott; and J is tauntingly told that the reasons he has assigned kir,bening tobermalled deserve tohave very little influence on the question," and that "it will be decided by the President with marmite raj-' mine to do pubic good" 'ln other wordii i General Scott's request to be recalled would receive o at tention; his recall would depentientirely upon the "loathe good." "When that shall render itproper," General Scott was assured that his should be re- called. When his request; in plainer language, could be converted into a punishment, it would be granted, and rot before. That time Mune! Atter General Scott, by his own exertions, in spite of the neglect of the Ds. partment, and thnough the gallantry of hi. noble army, had routed the Mexicans in bur successive battle., and planted the flag of his country upon the capitol of the enemy—when he stood upon the lot: ty pima* of fame and 'glory, which hts own ge• nius andtbillad seised—then descended the blow which this magnanimoua Administration hod held Over his' head during all the bloody bulbs which had conducted hhi to victory Then he could be recalled! Then the coutury—.the public good'— could dispense with his services! That a recall would be, mot a grateful compliance with his re quest, but the keenest, most poignant itag which could pierce his noble heart. And then, while the whole country *as ringing with applause of bin glorious deeds, =4 thinking of the reward which they deserved, the Secretary of War sat calmly in his closet brooding over the threati which his cun ning and the Malice of his master had bung over the ,devoted head of the victorious General, nod sent the blinualing racimage. in which injustice c0a 1..." with ii l o ll , to moderate his patriotip and grateful joy • • “Wsz Dcruaratesr, 'Wssuntanos, Jan. IQ, ISIS. •Sta—Ln view of the present state of things in the army under your immediate commend, and in compliance torah the assurance contained in my re• ply to your letter of the 4th of Done, wherein you ask to be recalled, the President: has determined to relieve you from farther duty os commanding gen• cod in Ma co.' not 'assurance' was that the 'request' would not be granted as such; but that when, in the view of the President, it could be converted into a pun ishment, 'hi! determination to do en would be made known' to bias, and thin order was issued in attic/ "compliance" with that " assurance."—Arta York The Poet comes milling back to the discussion of the condition of the Iton TOW, with a tierce uess that Would lead a stranger to suppose that they had found a 'fact; and were eager to give it, lest it should be cant - Mai The few ideas, buried in an ocean of words, with which the Post favors us, are soon disposed of It stalls, by denying that— . 'Esch . ton of iron Imported excludes from use a ton of American, and robs the American laborer of the work necematy to make it--end obelus the A merican farmer out of the sale of the produce that would feed and clothe the laborer while he makes WLNFIELD SCOTT. This denial loses its force as soon as unmet], having neither sense uor truth to =stain it. It is the very extremity, of stupidity to make such a de• end, alter publishing articles showing 'the interests of Pittsburgh; in which the position Is taken— ' ‘That every moo, who derives from among the citizens of Pittsburgh, the means of his support, is bound to contribute, se far u his own necessities end requirements ate concerned, to the support of those who are 'aiding him in his cams to obtain wealth, or to add to the amount of that which he has already acquired.' This the y , Post writer argued is the day of every citizen—became we' nuts; if we would thrive, keep our Money and our labcir at home, employed, 'They are thus booed to susum each other, be cause, without this reciprocity, ItUtburthea gov eminent would fall very unequally. Admitting that there is not mutual obligation, then one pre, tins of the community would be bound to pay for the legal protection and mentality of the other; and no right thinking man would tolerate fora moment such a doctrine.' While we allow that we have those among us who can make all we wen; the writer argues, with commendable jmnice,thet, We are ray of pacticing toward. them, plain and palpable huustice, If we procure eleewhime what we may with to imam. or • employ ahem to do Me to what they can do.' dnd-again— , ' Every dollar aPie rit out of the ciiy, far articles that mow be' obtained in it, is anst to much ulna from the business piofits - of Me place—just ao moth caked Gem the lastly anticipated wealth of those who bare embarked in bowels lime. Nor does the injury end here: • - .• it be belisyed that the writer of the Post does father than thin, - in dennunr-ing doinistic or river and harbor free trade,. as distinguiabed from foreige or salt water free trade, if ue may so speak. and cad—, 'I have been mrprired to find that Limo sustain me in my orpiment. I assure you, however, that this is ac;—that it in Goma knowledge of facts I have been induced to writ= Ear I am not one of than, who care to wife upon mere abstractions, spending time combatting with windmill.. I hare been sumnsed to find that there are men, (and a oouiderabie number of them ton) who have ere tertained, and still entertain, so contracted an idea of their own ben interests, as to procure regularly from abroad, such articles as they might obtain in this cig—where lies all their wealth—even more cheaply and as well , finished in every 'respect-- Thew gentlemen hire never sorely th ought, that every dollar added to . the income of our own men chants, mechanics, had artisans, is an' addition to the wealth of the cityy, and, incidents)! y, di their own wealth; that the increase d population and binned bons, enhance. the value of their real ea id il Mate, taors compedicm in business, and excites to greeter evertiolk to produce every kind of fabric of the bed quality- They surely have not thought that every dollar contributed to sustain any branch of business here, operates as a bounty to those en gaged in that business; while the purchase of ae. tides elsewhere, that are produced, here operate. as a drawback Ito the manufacturer of them nth. Mee, and discouragd enterprise and active coin petition in that business;—but, whether gentlemen may have thought this or not; the fact is Montano. vend*: Now, we leave the Post to be answered by the Musts from its own Columns. Pittsburgh' is but a part of the United Stites, and the policy urged, as her true interest, is,withaut the slightest change, the true American §Ystem, and- the one most cal. culatml to build up 'the national wealth. lf die Post can we any reason why the Pittsburgh policy, recommended by itself. should not be ihe Nation al Policy, we should like to have the remelts gOiren. APhiladelphinhat,Wirm on a Pittsburgh head, is one hat less to be made by a 'Pittsburgh hatter, or your writer's argument is a humbug. If you uy your argument ie COMV, Vat denial of 013 f position about the Iron is nonsensei—for there not a shadow of difference in the nue, when illustrated t by iron instead d It is to be regretted that the views ofthis writer in the Post ue not 'oftener inculcated by the 'Demo cratic: press — kr they are full of the soundest prin. ciplea of national economy and wealth. While thus 'commending ',Aug is good in the Pau, we moat also notice whin ix bad. It copies, in proof of the ability of AmeVican rail road iron to com pete with British at home; the gaming: 'ln the Liierpool Times of the 12th of February last, there is this annaioneement: . vessel strive* at this port from Netv York has brought, in addition to • general cargo of Ame ricnn provisions, f 3 tons of railway iron consigned tourder." Thii iron has been prover', weeks ago, to have been a toe of roue Beets' k iron, !darned to ,he place where purrdared, and we hope the Post has more reliable nothatitikw its other acts, which we shall examine at leisure. HYDZOMIST.—WO call attention to the adver: tiscatent of Dr. MOrrili, fit today's paper, relative to tide new principle of curing 'ills which Bah is heir to."—The merits of Hyde:parity are becoming too well appreciated to require , melee. The illus• unions bander of this:system at Graedeaburgh, has fully established, by some of t6a most remit& ablicures on . record,' the eilleacy- of cold water when judiciously implied. Dr. Morris has now several of our most respectable &miles under his charge, and we learn that he has been very six. modal in his mode ef treatment. , MLsau THY NATIOXAL Casvirsnutb--A Telegraphic Despatch kites that Mr. Clay has pub lished an address; n dui Lextugtatt Observer, in whkai be gives has coUserit to She use itf his same u a candidate Garlic i'resideney before the Whig National Conreatlon. . Bunn Cow= Casia—The Whig mays—Our farmers unite in the opinion that the pteapects sale:Ohl grain crop are better mar that they have leen at soy= for 4i,filptst ten yeas. , Mum( b . —A Pi. ilea, of Sta t e c a amay,ll.Y, alp Wham f Imo time miming, is dammed Otani , been murdered. The mui fhafakhumed triaodritt slime kila , 4 MIA kiund 011 - 0161711 late their debretica. , , , TIRE IRON TRADE The extent and rapidity of the changes which have lately been made in the constitutions of, the smaller Grataat States, are such that our space is not suakiratt to enable us to detail them at length. accounts relate so rapid a change of events so multifarious, and as much alike in gen eral character. that it is not easy to prevent a sy n°4mh::Elector. of Hesse Cassel has been forced to grant the demands of his subjects, vim only al lowed him three days to deliberate; and the Dukes , of Saxe God* and Sere Weimar haveldso grant ed nary of Me pins and extensive conventional raforms. Tke liberty of the press and a regain a the Constitution bare been granted by the_Senants of Hranburgh and Bremen; and more or leas excels sive atabires have been made in the Governments of nearly all the petty states of Geraiany. In the grand duchy of Main, Hesse, Darmstadt, and in some of the 'neighbotiag territories, great alarm has been caused by therising atherieuanta, who ore said to hive determined abolishing all taxes and tithes, and to have already plundered the hom es of many nobles. - , There has been a constitutional revoliition in Ba varia. The Prince Lettingen wrote a siting appeal to the Meg, urging him to accede to the popular demands, arid warning him that otherwise he might tee his crown. On the Gth, the King.yield ed, and published a proclamation going the whole length of the Germs& movement--conwitutienal input/Bay of Ministers, entire' liberty of the mess, with abolition of censorship, trial by jury, and the protaine to forgard an amended Germanic representation and Diet. The people are in Iran ports of delight at their victory; aid the troops and students of the University have swam allegiance to the new constitution. . A rams:labia nimbly took - 011cent Heidelberg on the sth instant. Filly-one Germans, nearly all members of the States at Prink; 1111T14.. Wirt' temberg, Baden, lime, Nassau, or Frankfort, met to deliberate on the measures proper to thetpreseat crisis. They adopted a manifesto toting froth scheme of policy, of which the heads are them No war of intervention against the tieing order of things,' no attempts todeprive other nations of "the liberty sail independence which they have earned as a right;" a representative assembly .for all German Bates, to avert danger. internal and external, and develope the energy end 'prosperity of the country; equitation of a body of warm. ger representatives, to offer their assistance to the Government in this matter; a unman defence against foreign aggression. The its& of this probicoi to understood to have quickened Ike procesidirge of the Federal Diet. The Fraakfut Journal Innounees 'as certain that the Eihmaanie Diet, narrated of the necessity of miming the Federal constitutes, and wishing that its propositions fir that purpose may be finely accepted by the people, has Unlit:4lbn several Go linimnt eof Germany to send immediately to Frankfort Mea enjoying the piddle condencei to take put nith the members of the Met fa the deliberations which will he held for that per. The remainder of the month is pregnant with events of momentous impatience to alt Germany. On the Milani Comings of her Sovereigarowers will be held &Like:44n. They will 'them tiner• mine how t:Germany. . shall beat pnpare herself against attadk from wit4ota. abode. ode urns suchnetutrea tcconatitaticaud lama as they see willingtoeing, and upon' what wider tut they will is the Germania Coniaierginit On the 3(kh the lleidalberg delsgens mast at Frankish wberatkry still_ be by inurYether Liberal deputise . The deciMa of the Caapsu MffME . • . .. . - . ... Sitattaiirt SS Skit - - 314114:11.001,a. Ma/than ha kflOEUr s and - will he'ecal/Pared-'with .„.. 0.1 In Ulm wnlas - ,- --•-• ll,si ilk plutoPacomainstMitlinqnoll-littAisitddili; ...- -- - , •-•..,. , . • -,,,•••,- betgcattututteeswhichissoirturatly'ready- .1..1'i• 6 4- 11.e ..._.....- , Vballeial___,,_tailalateelee - 14 - Gamin Nl* ;-.zf-• The - mar, - Witax'anikoste. or.xtunig ,-,,,-,7-...; =en a/sauna autheny ippeuved, eed none *lee -.hi/torpor the,preseetweeksaystlin 1 en ilia Isistast deems, crewll, ng mobile Kau Utiles - aag jessasj„ ar March Xtb,- hes witneuld this I dm suiseallance cttheState, with a Ulna ofnar. -; - faia, a &yawn I. Western Estrop t el ptesaa-I untingllta meelPts to be neVathle the the aped but followed the a:tempi:l r ani,* and Mettentiehl lied vskusof thedeponit in ernes. I like Gaut, has fled from the gam. He..had fled, I iOm Wednesday *Um. Fuji news. •• '-- but the Emperor mere &wealth= Louis Pppe y the Sank ct Ducount comment remained t, popular moitarch: et a popular ;id its operation& •On - Monday, already WO so- da ,v agnen t, . -.- ..- • -1 -.. • .' counts were aPeeed, sod there are 800- demands This great event, Mont important than the on whichePlies Wall e even to•day- Hinsoonm French Revolution toolrplace - ou the 13th. 'The . Mr shout a million of humus were made on "Mon- p.spie, sided by the heads of the learned bodies„ day, and on Tomidal • Raoul Lfifiesafifi• Tins .a... presented a memorial demandingfrom the govern. thblistunent will sender great amen e to . cm - meat the liberty of the press, and other organic re mince, sadism ahead,' ateeciaed The e imm ence forms. The Council was sitthog, but being unable ont'the regomtion of confidence. R yes• w .. o va „ prompt reply; the deputation became on. medley _enteatude end Pace. or the Pruedingdel .potent, entered the chamber, and an ~we was Were,loleMblY engnined• The Precious' metals' the result. The soldiers ed on t the people, have arrived in considerable quantities within the several lives were lest, burin the" midst of the tumult the Council' demanded the diamissal of last day or. two, and gold hat Men from ten to fin', Pet c uced inent Pr e mium. The lake 1 bread bun, been Metternich. "I have resigned," said he, entering red Paris. The P the chamber at. the moment. The . reply was aProvisional Government was going inward; still sustained by the ple. General Cavigudoubtful comPlimentj-sYou have laved you ise coms t r yr .. hsie been appointed Miof War. Berne:ea.". Letters from Vienna hive reached Liverpool to bas been named Minister of Police, and has issued the 17th hut, and are as f the most gratifying a decree gating that the steps to be taken for e m- desseripuons. ,and all h been granted is Minis. Playing 'r0i1.... in the public workshops , will k try of own, and all cause of danger, as regard- . five er the ed that part of the empire,' would seem to be re confined to native workmen. Twenty PanciPallsanllem waited upon the Finance Mink moved, The whole couture is said to be in a ter to request him to postpone the payment Of cora state ofgreat enthusiaun antithe steady confidence mercial boa for Illdays, but he refused , bee "d u t s h ho e wri inc to tie'l a re markable e xtent " in 7theuniniatevre- M. Lefitte boa nhtde the treasury a present of 25,000 francs. . . rupted fulfilment Of their mercantile • aThe Union gates that M. Ro th schild. called up- tarp , s ,bi o : g . t i ony. All payment if . i i veld. m ere mode on the pre fe ct of Wm e to centeelled a meow that most punctua ll y, and the privilege to'ilrefer them -tor fourteee days, which had been_ granted, has he. esired to leave Paris, and to suspend his • F a L r• meats. He meant to remain, and to keep an o 'a tot in any Way been ib resorted e ...., t0. i. A11 ..g. - wea md qu b ie l t ‘ .. arangements withregard to the loan, and to take , d. Ber li n on d e p .... n d , the lament manures for strengthening credit 1 the King had been received With universal enthusi asm. - His Majesty, Frederic William, has pub Ile added. that" his brothers of London and of Frankfort, who accompanied him, had come -- ' limbed a dense , granting a general amnesty for r laical otrencee and miscletneanors wing. the Paris with the same intentions, and to corwert with him that no mistake ought to exist with respect to to laws which_ regulated the Press. Another decree, calls on Cempheusen, the celebreted.liberal the diasters which had befallen the money market c." Paris, and that it wan not the events of Februa- deputy, , heroine one of the nerw Mavis ry which caused the embus's...meth of certain 11,,,movement irs Germany relieves 'Europe front the apprebensicin of a general War. There firma, for that these embarraraments had exiateil more' time. no longer exists a potent despotism ready to smith The Minister of Public Works has inued en ad- F ranco oa . a & amen ,. examp l e w, neighboring deem to the workunmenieehostillff them m re t urn States. All nations us revolutionary, and sympa• to their labor, thy bes taken the dace of kat, and though free On Monday, about 8,000 Or 10,000 • "oncupag sloths will lei toga .. h .. out.e.4.eo , geart moos," es they ere called, el , all th e diderent wade. , ro t as will as despotisms, yet the chances are that went ito proomsions mad wearing their ismilltda m the peace is now likely to l ast acme years. me Hotel de Wilk, to declare their support to the tazhaa D. Government, end their determination to r". 8 " 6 Meetirtp, without number, have been held in the revolt. and guinea which have/ for °ilea ,- et; mropolis, and throughout Ireland, to symps jested between the dare-real WM s in every Pan of tine pe a l with the French people„ and petition for a te. ance. peal of the Union between Great Britain and Ire land. Arrangements bid been made on a grand The Methane contains an account of the annul ration of the tree of libertY, Phoned intim Che m scale for a monster meeting in Dublin, 'on the 17th de Mars. M. Leder' Rollin spoke the_speechwhich Marb, (St. Nttiara day;) but from the immense amounted to this, th at Fames "'Paid wawa'. w ith military preparations Medially the Lord. Lieutenant freedom to her invaders; Austria and Prussia, bY and et the advi c e °Chit John O'Connell, and the their struggles for liberty, gave sufficient atone- suggestion atheLord m .,_ ; __ _,„..„_, _,, . the Waterloo. Has eech was in favor of peace rd-r-viiiTiv coat eutettiou zlni , Zrr et.e 7r v z i : with foreign countries. on that day, at which Repeal petitions Were adopt ed. On the 20th instant, however, a meeting was A project of a law, it is said, is in hand, to al. low the State to buy op the reassert from the held. b y the Young fret ." petty , e , the Ko rth Well, companies in whose heed. OPT e o w at, giving es .-Dublin.• Stroagexpressionsof feeling alike against ahmeholdeu in bee fire Pcs cent stock at a Dee. the Government ofEngiand, and in favor of Faethh price. Republicthism, were • expressed thereat. These On the 234 inst., bills having been posted by the have met a hearty response n th t he provie. Be ens and Gesman., calling upon the French are. W he th er, however, froth the self ,. tot. Wig. to give them arew, and masch with them to Fe/ orous measurement in . requisition by the - Lord Lieu gium and Germany to establish Republics, about whoa; ce from thet tomerettoe of the people t. n 000 people ...Oiled al 'Ran , wee- aeweve's the advice of the more violent of the Repeal Iced. contented themaelves with burning the national era, oil the dethowthwthwth Dewed otf. quietly, save tags. one or two in the north of Ireland, at which fatal All ideas of war with the continental power. is results tooh place—one individual being shot at - at an end, except he regards Russia. If the Poles Downutrick and another at Ballinehinch. rise it will be eiceedisully difficult to keep the _ _„...... Q.t. French pe*e from rushing to their aid. The gov st m t — neso • T• um hita.2l4hE't Mari: atllMaat wW, in eliPlelmbilitY.be cem F elle4 h F th° Letters Aceived on the 24th, from Belgium, pressure of the multitude to Interfere. It will not stale that aisinsurrection bad occutell at Ghent dose it it can - le avoided, but it will not do so Wit , with a view to expel the Jesuithfroin that city. A. ' - .IM be a " M ...., ded a , „.,.. hm 17,i11„.....na,,,,,,t the '"U3 Poles truolvof between two end three Omuta& ratan., nay:gerie''` display °' sympathy - tiog 'Vire la Re übliquer bent their course to the few day. t "., nt y 4/Pthd. , emigrant ,„,,,,,„, 14 ,._„,. P „.," 1 f„„' church and ..ilen. of the Jethits, , the latter of '"nee wit-the m- " --° - r ------ e which they demolished, nod then commenced into Poland and raising the Mandan d of revolt.— net,.....trme. to „tide are looking .A,A..;,ftat arrival of a ns ih uri c. n vithythe shed , afloat .. f d or' i.o th l e ice tim thi. ely , anxiety to the result of their exertions. „ ' splendid church would have been demolished and All the Russians residing in or visiting Paris • tithe received an order to kave the city immediete. ransacked. Iy. .„ We loam from Antwerp, by a letter dated „.. _, ... ~_ „ Monday,.all the Jesuits had removed the whole A F s°n-mgleakm'Y was "" f e mme ll ”' '''' tr. ' n- a their valuables from the tcrw.n, and taken (wed by ilth department. at th e absolute domiew _ . night. Volleyer them assumed by the Parisian., and it was thtteeded the , the thotrecke. the elections from King Leopold has given his .Hiniaters fall leave app the provinces Would tell against the Provisional 8 „... w m ",,,, , ,' .. , :5 1i p t:F.Pt* ,... li" del' may 'eia . k ad/ant. Government. About 4,000 of the natives of Savor, resident ITALT-17.13 CONSllTallaa .1 , 1.011. E. • is Pariicivent to the I Intel de Ville, and applied - to r... Leg. Balitha; of the 16th, contains a formal the Previsions! : , Govam aan p, to he considered proclamation of the newßoman Fundthiental CM ' mFretteheitirdna. M. Lamarline replied to them, Intuition. by his holineas.Pope PM. LX:. ' • that eller havingmade that demand collectii, The College of Cardinals (chain by the pope) iy, they esust make it individually, when the is to be constituted a Senate, meepareble from the government would hasten so twisty their laudable- same, and two deliberative councils for the for. desire, . illation of the laws are to be egablithel, coexisting On Sooday afternoo n a b o dy • of 1,;100, to of the "High Council" and the 'Council of Depu . 2,000 Game= assembled on the Place de la ?dad. near ehne, from which they went in procession to The judicial.tithunals are to be independent of the Champs Mune., singing -patriotic German the Government. and an allt =Mina • iti wain ' Courts ere to be in future eamblaltied.: The Ea sOngt. i . p odothaaoaa of rai i, a , a gave a w .,, cter h av e. tonal Guard is to be considered as ingitutiou of taken - place at Rifle, in consequence ore manifest. the State.' lion on the part of the workmen employed- in - the The Pope convokes and prorogues the L egials spinning desnrewa obtain hi g h, wages and aa . rive Chambers, .and dissolves the Council a D,p, s . duction itt the hours of labor. The next day eve- ties, being requ ired to . o .v.ke .-. 13,,,, en....br 1 , t i,i ng 5 ..,,,,,,a. ct 1 y gun , sa d ua thip,..,....4 t o within three months, which will be the ordinary du. w a w aga am any NM, a... wa , n ag ev gas b, t o ration of the annual session. - The mune= are to Oka place ~... . . .4. •be public.. The members of the Senate are to be The Previa/ideal Governuient has published at • •P'xa . led by the Pope for life, and their's/mam la prociamatith, concluding as followev- . not unlimited. The qualification otaßenatur lathe of thirty yearly and the plenary exercise of ci, • The PrOnaithal Government has fulfilled its Jo- UM op Citizens, it is for you to do poem Organise vil sod thlieal rill - ots. . candidates without loss of time. Flom this The twte win..., ,be chose P o i . - Pres - lye , from day think upon r chifice of the National As. the ~P relates, enmeanstica, *mule., indlles,. namely, ' . yourselves by the Adana at. C. , .. 404, . of Stele, Conslalt , rml Lawyers, end wow .. he the imaper discharge of ' , wi pe d ,. the ponesurs Of . income of 1,000 sendi per aw . Understand that it ts of the greatest consequence cam. I w , t h e ,a,„„in, that the civic anards .honk! reoetve The Pope will appoint the President slid Tice a complete develop/ea/ea. Understand lore rte. Presidents , cessary it is that the power of the Provisional GOV• einment aboiddin retuned to the representatives fiver dome liT tb• people; Prove by your tare- sty that you notsgaly feel your sovereign power, but that you pone. intellimenc. Meriden that calmness end ad union which have given to all movements so noble • character. • Catty, indeed into your etesiong services that concord, of which your gala &Itali a / a s of yesterday .has been so tus king a symbol,, .. - 'Ham; Mintarllh.* —Hem min threads around all the istaineeifbionses in thin tommereial city.— Some eight or ten addittolud &hums • ire repmted. We regret OlCCaditlirly-10 lanOtalCO that of M. le Mamie: Several slur' avilleb have arrived here,' bare trithcatenteting, been ordered, proceed to L .therpooL f • We have thither advioes from oar Havre Cares, pendent to the 20d ins., by which we team that', . there is nothing doing in =tag or other article. of import. Indeed there is a total oessation of busi-1 ness roving to the want of money and confidence which has kd to the suspension of alined every home in that place. Oar correspondent add; that the Mite city presents the most gloomy and dis UrSing appearance. The - Grand Duke of Hem Darmatadt atxtica• tad o n . the fah init., in how of his aon, the Grand Duke Louis, who had appointed M. de Gar gerin, a thorough Reihmter as Ids Prime Mira*. ter. =l"=M The Emperor Nicholas, of Russia., in an ukase directed to the Minister of War, has commanded • the immediate organisation of ell the military re. eaves. A large.portion of the army of Rasa, is to be placed on. war Eating, and to be assembled on the let (13th) April This step. says the decree. "is required by the events transpiring in the wet: of Europe, manifesting iturauful design Of admen tag legal awls:alien. The alliance te of diend sbip, and the treaties by which Russia is Connected with the neighboring Powers, impose manes a sm. cred duty to take timely measures fin . :placing pottiest of oar troops upon a war foo ting that; in case circumwances should deemed it, a rime front may be opposed to the direful . Spread of assn cll." Beyond these preparations, it la 'rat andel. - pared at present,' that the Emperor will lake any steps beyond the conduce of his own dominions. the tranquility of which trill not, it it expected, be amiably disturbed. • . r9La.m:p—.licroLvtiox . .-• . Oa • the ' 15th, the inhatatanta of CIIIOOW, pr.* elmuard a Republic. Fifteen 00am:id lama.• pats are under arm. Oa the previous day, the Governor Wes (Impelled by the people, to reMaae 400 political primmer*, implicated in the' recent id; {UlTeCtiol3.. 1M1,if131,..11F01.11 AID AGITATI4:4,4 Letters from Kiel of the 13th March, state that courier has brought e e ry important tees ham Co. ptabagen; thn press ts entirely free, and popular meetings are authorized. A leiter from Mande of the 14th March speaks of the imminence of the memo hetweeti Denmark and the German duchies, iu consequence of the reaolution pf the King to effect the intsuporatken of the duchies without farther delay. Saab ado terntination would necessarily provoke a war with the Germanic Confederation. It is said that milita ry measure, are already being apopted by Deo. mark. A latter from Copenhagen of the 14th lust, so. nounces that a report was navigated that 'anus/dna deal was to pass through the Soled deibepuipose of assisting the:Ring of Naples; the Danish people had conveyed artillery to the coast, to oppose the • passage of the R 1311111135. B WIZTLLfJI.IO. 14a .Vontes in Swirwr. kmd.—Thls eitraindica ry andkuutorion. individual has Good a new pro tector in the British Charge d'Arlitlrs at Herne, Mr . pond Sir Robert). Straus seen promo... ding daily with him. On her . arrival, Mr. Peel gaye, a dam, to which he invited tbe • Ambassa. dor. Lola look,: pale and sickly; but her eye still retsinaits brilliancy, and her carriage is peculiarly graceful. , . In Lapin, on the 18th, the town witaillumjnnted, o kola of the victory gained• by. the inhabitants of Viirana over Metternich, and the announcement or a constamicrq to Arnatill. An addreu of onncraa ulation was signal by numerous inhabitant, to their "Brothers in Austria:., The mire of the proclamation of the; French Republic created great excitement in Stiackholro; the students resembled, and had a grand torchlight procession p • crying "Vice la Liberia !" -Viie la Re publique Francaese!" Vire la Suede Viva Charles!" "A bailee Jaunts!" The police very schraly atureined - from all interisrence, lend the students after parading the city, quietly diem. Heneter.lslaralrlS.—Last night NOUle &able at tempt. were , made to produce an cznertle' ro. this place, which however were opeedllyiritstrited by the people,—His Majesty Mathis day hunted • pna. demotion, expremire of hill grateful acknowledge runts to those who eo promptly catmod the laws to he maintained. • . The Hanoverian Gazette coatduaa decreesign cd by the Minieter of the interior, abolishing the censorship of the preen, but at the same time pro. vidiag for the punishment by law of thoee• who ehall publish polittod libels against the established order of things. . • The Purim Petrie of the 2 . 3 d ultimo, )mgx--The Republic Is gmooltimed in Ludt Luxemburg, with the exception of the towu-of Luxemburg ire which Le coder the cannon of the brtmu. The newu SPAIN. • From an quarters of Spain come assurances or complete quiet. A solitary make...ire, 'Cepheid Burg. had preeented himself Earpedals l*si Cats. he l m, and a nay with the sicurs had taken piece In The Popular contradicts the report .01 ',the aa moi, that any intention was entertained by this Go• vemmeet al admen Montpensier to the bead Tlia Kingdom of Grace ap in a Summi t with imp marching in itio mom gypprobtibla that Ma reign of the Ingteclkt Oiho in &torn; to a clam .::~, ~~ ~;~_ . -St MAIATIV ~rwyodiae%KPSt -stet the Yu-. cONGIBX4I*- , - " ~-W astaxdrok Szsarte—Tbe .estnateirss proosedell to the coosideration sines. Nonterpos petitions • Mr. Downs otrersAjt resol Secietiri of 114 T T ... 7 fo to the impartatiOik of inigar. On tension, the Senate bole siness,'itied proceeded to the order of the dog. vir The Badger . offered to amend Me. Fremont, with two other oG. the President, m oommissionets to adjoin the' claims. .Mr. Mason renewed his motion to moms. mit the hill, with inetruesions to amend: • A debate on edastitational paints invoked, ensued, in which' Mews Badger, Rusk, Boller, Beaton and Phelps participated. • Before the question was taken, the Senate adjourned Rocits or lltrissurrsrwsa—Mr. Item', the stiecessor elect to Hon J Q Adams, appeared, was. qualified, and took his seat. The Branch Mint bill introduced by Mr. Tar. imulge, was rekweil to the Committee of Wipe and Means. A discussion took place in relation to the'corr inked election of.bfetars. itoziroe and Jackson, but before any action had been taken, the House adjourned. Corre.ponianOOTii; ''''''''''''''''' St Lonis, Apnl 13,1838. The Steamboat Charter Oat:, Imams for New Or' leans. was burned on Tuesday , night, when about ode hundred miles helitw the city. The fire origi naiad in the engine room. mad syread so rapidly' throughout the boat; that the passeußrs,* . whout there were a large number, were obliged to escape through the dames. In the confusion of the bong bla dikuter, many lost their lives or were serious• ly injured. The Capt. 'and First £ ugineae wet. badly wounded. The boat had on board SOO tins Of freight, cow. gisting of bay, hemp, tob4coo, &a., which, Niith bola, ill a total loss. • • Carregpatdenee of We Plusburgh thaeui. PIIILADEITHIA MARKET. Philidelphii,: April 13, 3 ►. • Flour—Western mey- be quoted et 58,00. Crain—Yellow Coro 31 of Red *beat 11,15 yr bush. " Provisions—The market is without change. Groceries—No sales requiring 'en allergia:Os( W6islmy—Mny be plece.l nt Z..le p gill Conorpondenee of lOW Pituburgh Gaulle BA.LTIMOII.E MONET. . . 11nytwcm.s, April 13, IEII9. ' of Howard - street, at $5,1311:: City tab is held at 1511. Cora Bleal—Saleir at 52,011;. Grain--Sales of prime red whim, at 51;31; of print., yellow corn at 44c;.and prime arlule at 4O 42C. Cotton—Tbe price has Callen tp pound: since the.arrival of the aeanier.• • Provisions—The market is heavy, and lower' prices would be accepted, but no sales are re- Porteti- • . - . Pschtelse Correspondence of the Pltistsugh Gismo , NEW YORK MARKET. New York, April 13,14115. Fkirtr—Genesee zany be placed at 5 11 .000411; as In; onndition. There is n steady buslaess, but not an.active market. - Grain—Prices have a tendency downward the wheat, but corn maintains previons 4tunit . ions. Provisions—There is less movement in Pork, but the market is steady: Minis park, Western $9 . A.003,;i71: Bacon Shoulders Wake; Hares, 5b Cc p lb. lion-s-Tke market much unsettled by the, new. Lenz England advising aileclino.. • MacCarthy &Reidy, recently from Ireland,will deliver • lertore on dartuday evening nest, in the ohl Court on the preseut condition nod prospects of the downwnicketi and opprewhi land of his nwtrity. with • description of the operations of the famine, the distribution of the American funds end provisions forwarded for the alleviation of Irish dir tress—the sensations produced on the winds oldie Irish people on the receipt of the 'joyful intelligence that the Amerman people hefted their moans and were rallying' to their assuweee; and the feelings °relentsl gratitude excited lanroph i i n c .Americans the n ir e r b i e Ca a n n e s whwoa sd g th e e n e b t e o n u e s v l o e o n o t n aib p to their relief. and in pertinent towards America's greatest end wow illostrtous son. the lion. Henry Clay, Where Symfaithg.forlrelitnd, and wanly, iliaisier•stall and continnons Tricidlshor for. ths exikd cluldrewwf Fzioi fora such *prominent element in the romped of she charaeter of the great patriot and ever sin ter. nod steadfast friend of UM oppressed and persecu ted. API3:3t • {t arQda PMW11.1,3111 HOSTIW..—ALI election for Managers for the Western Pentutylvania llowitah in sect:names with the charter recently obtained, will be holden or 7Le.Lrc, ae futh inn., at 3 o'cler it. P. M. it the Itooror of the lord or Trade. spla,tt JOEINVAAPeIiI, PABILR7IieyO PACKET LITE. Mr. , 1848. 'WAVER AND CLEVF.LAND LJNE,ma WARREN. Gang Picket-RWALLOW, Cept:Ford. • • OCEAN. Capt. natters.. PNE or the above Packets Mare Result miry day, IRmodaya excepted) and mire next morning. at arma, where they connect with th e /Nil Piave Mr Alma:rend Cleveland, airlring at each of these places before night . One of the Packets learn Warren daily, at 3 P. X. and arrive at Dover in time to. take the rooming steamboat' for . Pittotiergh. • &.I.EFFLNGWELL., Warren 11111 TAYLOR, P.Paz to BEAVER AND GREENVILLE /..LNE: Canal Packet—PEYTONA, Capt. Brown. FASHION, Ca t. W P Sayre. One or the above excepted) will. Leave /Mayer. every even*, (Sundays excepted) o Weiner, and arrive at Greenolle. the next morning at 11 o'clock; and one leaves Greenville every afternoon at 1 o'clock, and Au drey at Beaver the next morning at 6 Welork—gbrough In 16 heure—towed by trona, (three hones each) sta. tinned every 10 miler. At Greenville they connect wool a line of Store through to Meadville and Erie. The boats rue entiaror and bolls. xpressly .Gor thin trade. PARYS k Co. Beaver, PLoptietorv.. • i/EAVER n NEW caern.E. -- Cane' Packet —TELEUHAP/f, Cam. Wm./11Mo; Le... 1 Waver Amery Mamba: epttdl es seelock—leareaNew Cowie evert cremes (Susidaye excepted at 7 o'clakt mud chance./ with the steam er. Lake Etie pad Eichigen,mening between Bear e r tad Pittsburgh. HEED, PARKS&Co,l3earer ' Proprietore. Passengers will be receipt:ea ihrough.by either oftlie abeam routes,weariug benhs is the panels and mare In the Mite, by application tocither of Ilia proprietors or ageate. JOEL*/ A. CAI:GHEE, Pittsburgh, cor. \ V ter and Smithfield ate. AGENTS:—Heed.Parke t CA Dearer; - R 0 Parks At Co. Youlagemern '. Co m. Names, 0 It AV Cunningham, New Castle, Pa; DC Mathews, Shiest'. Pa; . W C Malan,SharOn; Pm Hay a• Plumb, Sharperdies, Pa; - WPariend and Esng,llllgDend. Pe; • C C %Viet, Greenville, Pitd - ,- • • CM Reed, Erie, Ps. • apt I oFfv4-m-4...11.3,,ra le):wiroT.7t 125121 . 1 4 548 .. YIIHIPY known Line eitenynastid of steamboats .1. Lake Islie and Mieldgin, bentreen Manure, and Heaver, anefreitrt , and permeates dual Bowe be tween Beaver and Erie, and C M Heed's , line of Mt elm steamboat, ' propellere and vowels an the Laken, is preps:4 to early freight and paasengere to annotate on the Erie Canal, and lakes Erie, Horn and Michi gan. /laving every facility for conveying freight and pas.' tiengers with mundane and die/welt. sae proprtme and agents reMctfally solicit (root their friends a eon Lineation of OM parolees, -•• ' - • C M R REED, Proprietor. REM PARES k Co. Beaver;Agents. JOHN A. C.ATIGHPY. egent,_ _ spit ear Water and Praititfield eta, rtneburgh. THE UNION ITINE .•nrninzs rrrrs sultan AND CLEVELAND. W. T. rillll2ll, Pittsburgh; Blow Pans & Co, Deaver,rP apex. Cillol/02.9 & Cootastica, Cleveland} above Line Is basr_pretrarad to trsumort freight J. sad passengers Prom Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or my point on the Canal. ad Lakes. -• (Me boat loaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning Insonneetion with she steamboats Lake )kW and between Pittsburgh and Bantu, and a lice o(Arst elm steamboata, propellers, brigs and schoon ers on lakes Rne, /baron nod Michigan. • ilig:Mty r""l'" lrPAT.rtt l a r t4 t A ti '4" JOHN A. CAI:GREY, Agents, cot Water and Smithfield etc. Pictsbargh. • AGEN"M—Reed, Parks Coßoaver; Parka & lotuiptosntigh Cote A. Co, Warren; aflostwiek k Co, Rreadpon; - N Clark, Newton Falls P Lewk, Newooee' • . /ands, Neivporti:'.• . • - J& E M Whittlevry, Caraphcllspost: • JO liFkleidit. liaclanna; • . , • Al M. C II Kam, Franklin; - • diiltu&'lVtda, Cuyahoga Falls; 'Wheeler & Co,dkron; , • Barney, Gibbs ik•Co, Sandusky; Watkins &Eagle, Toledo; • Williams & Co, Detroit, Jean; . • =lora ik.Williscoa, dramatic, VAN • • — lainuracatta. 'PEE wiSandlrued.duly authorised Agenl oOlsOiniat , Icon Ara lap rancvContpapY, of. Phlludelplua, conduces toifecf insatance latiluitiou 'or damp allalaat on tnerchusrutc; itunitura old propeny, corn bakanis; the city and vicinity. apl4 OIAI COCHRAN, SO maxi ac IChti—Slip - I;cciprigna Dacca, o at toed and for .ula hi • * ,)ViCX AiCCANDLkS3S • Pseastuis--8 f.;;";.1. 4,14 '• • • 1 , 71011 2 IiteCtANDTIPS - - • LOW-14664$ run, for kiwi', tuft for b • 14 WICK k kIeCANDLES3 RTAPPLEEHMiuIts 1 reed aml .11.! or ralltk9E— 9 bxe extra p rime, lan reed d ' : aple WICK Atee, POsitire grOrg Goads* " Oht Monday mornitsg, April 17. at 10 conloski a Gm sonmernial Nile. Boom, comer of Wood and Fifth as. will be sold, au amain amottmeat forrics and Inantie staple and army Dry Cdoods,kr. • • , - At o'clock, p. , A larga montinens of new and snood hand boar hold (unmans, among which en mahogany oteratarg, book am, dimwit and etionnon barna% Wm, ins hominy chairs, tables, bedsteads, work rod wash stands, - entre tabko, fthey andeomaionrs, muse clocks; looking armst*lkathet beds, bsal4, mon.' .ddi Writhe, wiat variety - of kitehms Ainnum, rook• tn more,' inillog disks, haulms, empathic ter ,large amnions of glassware. mistinsWant; 11 am tontine°, organ, N 0 IhOysrs bra arodidiam, sho• vels; hay sod samara knksorniten,L baskets, platform wales, osafeetionary, writing end wrapping paper, mattocks, pinks, shovels, folks,ke. A lane aisimitomit of =amble reedy 'made *big, super Franck %Snit with Ilan • bmms sad collars; boots. Mom, bridles,trankeirme mbia and pocket cyders . , gold silver Watch.* jewelry, shot pistols, riles, meordeonsc On. German Gael goods, tea a*4 : . ;OM r! DAVLS, Ana • .tvgt Ws of .Ciaga*/ Salm& doting. On Friday_llte Ma at 10 &dock; All and al, &clack, P at. at. aw ea=serelal sale. min; ItOrtl.ra Wood and lailltatieete, will. ha mid witbadt , resette foe auk enneaey, tea patiageo alcod,quallet tub-. losable span =I somata , ewaprwing. itur and moral worriment, which fa Jag Wm re ceived Itana New liara, akid to all:who may 'deal'', good - bargaistem AT= G`Wlogme.rul aalloallaa aataialag, - ! of the vale • aPI3 Jowl Diu:W:6l=i - . • Adairsimviter Asiistrinvilz Stack. Oo eiamrday erenli*' the lahlost, seB deleek. at the Cotornereial Iftitg ROClllll,;eorilora,ftd. end Fifth' sts, eriT/- be sold I sinner meek io the Pine tenth end Oreensteeih . Terepike Co; Kat . IMBED Lth.VlSOUsee Si. Clair Serra:Prayeir daciata. - WILL be exposed Sa peddle mak; st dee beensweeied Booms, comas a Wood sad nth my so ds. day the Ode I=oll teloak, P all don °weft wee a dreamt Wooded oaths chanty medeoltSt ask etreet, balms Pam Mutt sod tbe ober pal Midge, Weft parts of lots Noe 31 and ilk lef= of Piesro, sod deveaibed foamy et. 80. at *a coma arena laky, depsba enemy. Is stow Ot Geis elneet,nonlearly,llll beet, sad ha depth, county, frralyl wide Pextr story abaci Oa feet to • Moot Wane d& Os (tee ase=were of the mkt slley. Os Ate property In Wm loaded brick he (each obbOteet how) wirk ens ir .ad ttoodawte Sad would sick 'annul real of eme drain. Tenor—Otte-knots teeth end ihe b,ls in Wes. equal sowtal ionalsief le, wish loternt egett4ateally, to be peened by bood sal • etoehrso ea, the. - told. For .11ortite leformetket to /I it , ~ • Plaile,ads'ef• Loti . o, .Tre ink; ON &mirky the lab tate, .0 &cloak P at the Cotebettelet SAN Ihebb, meet of wood and SAL stir wID b' s g srabt wid e v= ;""u rtr=t em A tl7 7lt44 4'4l44l l2 l thd "" 7l In Irerinhq two of which ars each Of"' from by ,. ISt Het s allay Oka bh Weirs wade, the re• maltbayi sidle ea emelt 20 thin in Pont by IYttet to the A pies Lamy beim. en the Gibes - 01 . MI Walk Ihtth eib stmt, of at the abebeatoose—lheraras stk. bbb Ls JOHN ODAVIIS Abet: • . MCA nano far Bak. ONE pair iszy, sae kw Grey Boner, Sys y old and Tel, Andy so JOHN DDaVig, AMUSEMENTS . PIT,TIIIIIRaiI 7 / 1 1BATAIL . . . C. A. Paces ... . , ; ilanogrr and Lessee. FRIDAT,..APRIL L AMa . aeIseenee with the -.. , .. . . Itc;lfe Vies Petrie.. After whit!, DAILNCE.Ioy Illiee..llerins. • - • 'TV be *Mowed& the .. COLLFYiE -•- - Aft cr yr/deb, DANCE, by bilis Azilta3talrina. Ta coneludCwltt the U t AN IVITIS TUE cespgr Ala . Grimes • Wolel4 l&lovaa & Nathiums, •- •N ATIONAL 'C't FLOIJI'S! mum the National Amphitheatre, Chem= greet, PbilWelpW,coarlstulg of a vlandul talented cm rglblZOnthaZireS:=4.lZ.v; for • ,hort mason, on the old ground Az Prontaf . • • Th. telkth,g and pospatai itarkaatan Vitty r, . r.artZ7R ''sucVatV- E , lO, FLOM .BROVITM, N. a illElttPl s alO r li ih ? .. . j r4=BEN BROWFM, kaanilicrox climaxe Crsdai DUNEtAit, ANTHONY -PASIT.B. TOM -lOW M. 111 0q0y0M.MaaterapTLOIK44‘pkittOP1455i edminboi cats Dlct`Na list( prim: a+abMon' aqua at IM—peMtmaro w comatose!, at 71 IPt;==Z= GREAT IeIICIMISOF • • 77- : . Desaisvaato OK' TMcialicoo at, Apollo folostlciet. IM blohly.dauctiog reception of thistlinet *mime . 1=1 , 1 , y; the olucons pe=res and . nelnity, l in the eity P „ ' VFolnif oceoptits sw ' suly two ogre.of coons; on whit. Is dithedly toptosentsd the v battle-lield i s m , chief loom and .*tie. con. of 0 1 irmt tk Amy ander slllons. dam wol Taylor, dui *bole kowt 7 ing the anon deligkOal sup at clews weer odated fo public exhibition, and Istioneyiatoc an secants Idiot. of that coesury to whirls 41.3 OTOS a lbs, world base,..rith MOM °olos mms; c Mudd see bills of the dor. Adosiusnceslac atzw.k.k. Hliebeelty, Sr tali Wetter Vlore: DOll - O&M. W . MMUS returns 'Me 'alarm Undo to ilte clarets of Piasbutyli cud dlleybeni• any for the yen. littera. salmi end encearagoacei be ..r. t . ties received within l ea ac mooks.. 1%.l th e We. ter can sbaakt op nab taltibrhy, - Itr -- neither strange oar myna edema beabsiined bow ineat a tombs of c of ry variety of disown, balk aced and chronic, h as bout coed by a iodic= ore- .In Honesty, w it origtested. dx,. of at aurae wen riven tip bribe moo tail. tel Opticians of es .tricarebleovere, cored by the immortal ' the budder of theWelei Case. to &gland, France America, ilionande of hope less cots have coed , by, it, nod the nettaisate 1 Hydiropethie establishoota eke. kt suopeotil opera : tion at tie Unitedlin s, speak reliance at Lena of the pranks. Dr. Monis banter ansiteally Cosbbslied kintseit in the cur or Penh Vase dater netthenut at k ais alley„ 00 Pe= .ts nor soared tank. si. umber of. boarder. mu them ea. hie Mose, sad them who prefer May tensed at their were dw= mill he paucteelly end thlikihtly Mended , He consulted et his alba from 1 Web:octal' a P.M., and anal to In Ike evening. . .• • ~.,, i: • N. IL —Every ,vethey at bead math use if la los •Waser cant, both ka Mean oat Hatilmete, on he ob , Weed ea the Jithetnaiin, on Liberty ontesoere dart . have beau reeetaty erected ter the cokes a m of Hp dayeade patient% end where dewy etiolate will be enig:be polite sad attendee pOpf*,ll : ' t• ' ' ' mlivE utirwoutDDDLIAILS :swan! llt da 3. 1 d soy • penton or pew. ere* will area and penman to sporklion the ineendiatiaa Who eel Le to !any t' amnia bas of ouldinas iu` dr n pf.the day ol'Aprd theb at,in the citd po y orPles. . I int alio an in ilkosiand to one; on belWarsite a j end Insurance .ftmes of vity,en additamod neleari of 1 , 11/1b HUNME.IIDOLLARS, to be pahl, etto. elation o(the Individnal at in 'aped' in die /Woe at theillareSs Offine,in the .14: of rittabvimb,' Ilith day of /t.1..1:b 1613, ... • • apLIA.2I ADAM% Miyor,ll. 0001319--Jan 'nomad, Weans ql li b °rT. , anon Boonnoi 6do do roans On On tin Fkoonon AO mums Dm, on bouN MOO pa Conn Lamy 100 do Arpin - whin. will offend es orboloon• lon as oni bo no 2 - sinnii imago:lL ‘TOIICTo-,11/mileed rho Loden gy o pm metro, er North Alabama, a grays noseil te centaur °WM*, lurked ~..Diemertel .ht,TlMebetgl47 The ozn u s . eirbyy.reqoe:rd rilarowtrirate, TUECO AND PLASTER OP PARIS—Pira 'Do Min. ofiL W. Ciuminittani; Gauls by • RINI W JACKSON,.' a • LtlindfroaS .4 rxesr Molt' - - . receis btulel eritistrY • 14 .. 7—' n . 1 "1 81iL116 'WV%W GLkll9:-60:10.ce ix/ O ~OMo MIS do 10441o14.11111; in more and kor sale br apl3 • .• • . TASSFX CILEIrr' OTATOFZ i ,-73 bt4.,Naltuumells, Jon reed my spl3 :;" • TAB3IEY&BEST • B _ ACON-1. cut Sisiildeng I do Nolet; 1 dei f rt. received 09 ea dam, sad for sale tor crrrox-wbalisTanuessos Comsat al do Mimi. C au; b.wA mai ice .1 WEST atti MAR 401thdarrme NO Ram' -Morospa low L i&t, ,44,744- RAISIN& -100 bzs 111 A Ralsbu, lea , reertvid mod tot .&le by BURIGUDGEi WILEOSI & , bbl L. jusi teAliumitor Aisle by via i BURBEIDUK WILEM)Nkee ACON-30,00? „ Snow IIlam; ACCO do do Wes; Bat- w - v -d itagra. op.. . • • 53 mita sod 101 Roo s t 4 R lDEstnn !lidnd in non sad Be solo • tood—a r .43-40 bbl' male. noplat'Cide . VLie .V 7,3 i n. bl 4 sad fot RM bi • I WiLtia.yon FLOUX-47 3 for .1.1. • 341‘ HARBAVOU PunIiOTASIV-ItaitittAlikle4l,44 ori ' tot sal/ bY; , EaosPeoNt ;f r ADD-43 Ws 01 kelp do da flu: lei* LI ;tad for ukle rpm iraosaam ! Co trnEill bbl. Dana; II kip AblUtt , rant fer..akitatie owns szaw—es holi wweMml rinL • sp Ow u Y ILIUS—Oe do TOw Ybat On sal* b r WICK sas t . ~(' i STRAIBOATB: onrculawrz a inrwsanfim m. A44,4. ._ _p4„ Al E. • • • ipsi.„4 silizathipaasenaer Swam: aza fon=rovr.'t! waters-et the Wm.' Every attotin.ds Lion and istikallimiOrdes peawlNh birbetimprriOrd tor . The Lille has been epfrattela tor Ave --has etirdegia =Val Of=e , rittotd kut atht• mkt Iletiepaisosta.: Th. wiu b. at the feet .5; Wood street the day patriorr• to riarlirkr, for dm reorp. tea of hriglased Abe FOOT " the rem. tar. in alf eases the losakse mono: atoll). paid b. SUNDAY: PACKET. • crao - melee NEWTON, Capt. (1, 'doom, orl. Icavo - Pinsborgb every. klstclar toongagir o'clock; Irheetbar evorrpoculoy ereolNt 1 1 ! P. *4. • • • ONDAY PACEMIN • lUMONONGAtiIit • A, .."1"17 kloodar moramg• at 10 otloo4 even' soasusy eire.zung atlo r. • .; • • TVICADAY - PACILEN. .r. . , - 7'll l / I P-RlNak Na.*, CapLl:Euxusaria, Brill la. iltuilliughertTrrikesday irtaing,akap otiota l 'Matting ayttr Tttafar ,ra,tios- at 10 r. at. , • • 'wskiwasurnuir PALCIEEM Tait, NEW. ENGL./CM N1X..2. Capt. 9. , IWAS, ana leave Pidebergh sem Wedee•eleY • mwawg at ID otleeki'Vraetn.veyerillredaeadayaval.l9.ara l? 1, _ 11 • • pea -13 m l Gum, 'ea Pugh ovary Thatsday alamtug io coeloeki Wheellet, *any ThandaF evealair at la r: sr-- ' • • ThOCLIPPINI chgx - esmsu baler rmry Friday moans at ,to o eark: Ayberliu , tour Friday owning M 10 , - _ siorvium.fracrorr... ' MESSENGEB;CaPt. iri/klitare rms. twit, elery - Satemitrenomlnitat lu eg19.031th.4.8 Orm.lßstura.r"'"ln "": • ' 'WAVER -PACIIa;—NEW • AslFAßailuirs. burro for Deavan•alculanar and Wearills, an Tuasdar,•linzidar, sad flanantay, bf rash watt, az 9 toeloak 4 . lag air Monday, Wadneadn end Rider. She ban a I Natal the lomd bannona Wced man nndibe bridle, • prapasad metre fralaint=e. • • IL9 ' _ 33. Vond • ,:00:#1a1;s* Imam r cake 1aa1404_15 ,4 4 ONSLIK 14112el•PSSIM, t,kriahat), 0) BOOM imd Viralbgrilloy trattir rt . . I" . :=Vit 9: Valeta; ia Waseilb 113 --- O. BL.ItaL,tTCIN , fr, rirrstavaaa a itacilantivnia • MR4444:6,!, LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. 44 .1120) 4 R 11. •• • - • Tha taw *bat) tomplala • Ala 4la• for Ibo •rmaieell. FROCIU, AT. 14124T1C, Cam •• Jamarb , , Rilkinasai TIO, Cava ItTJatoblt LOUld arLANEi C.V. v. 8..: The Mau 'are orohoty new, sad vs hued dap without regard dif ispdate. ET , g• anti w emlate ill leant th: a gaZtabehi W4 lno Etoat W ard. footafitows al. Pavangtia ,1401 1.. ibutetail•all bo•ao thia boats a nd orrtamlTS.ltat la adira , and boars, BA. M. and 4 P.M... ; iyMd RIM" ORI Ed.tf;'—'7l— _Tiu"harCrrt Rißde, anses,lll.sum *HI bars lino/aro oh VPlckliky, et 4 the . holiht 7 1;1! , - IPY ! ' WICH4 FOR tCREELENR tAlat turipalrogr . • • Mre_scat . .youf aub,M.F),!Ol !qv'116371. rhun sdtsil Ato Mum. vat rtinzwuru Do: terigar trip, brnreeu Whelt=idd hough. karing)NuOvirte.on. anal7pandsll6 RecruLea PActeriiiiiiiirzsm, 7- 7 - - Maglerdwill Infre,.Lr ahoy* 1111• Mata tong Voting. days Satonlayiti4 cub weak.: }or freghtor pas• y tr# baud or to • - - • - • -GEO B 1111.711Bilik0 Art. - • PITTSBURGH. WM:I=C/ PACILIW. • • CONFIVI,• • • Doren P mann, tam% win In, 7 ref Leelites," ee fdondayi IW/twain and "'Mai, at 10 ceeloek=l • • ' • Len* ykeelutg every . Tocedn, and 14••' • undoy, at '7 o'clock,' ot, "mink, •• r, • Tke (knead will lend la all tee Every accomodarioo this um be km and safety of— .smouirt.syrers =Hod. ' The boos le to pmebbed..Wm eelf-ecnn tudinvereard to = 11; • F ! ' t VIU 17 . Y " bbl• comet of isdand Batansew sta. ' ge :wax , poßt: anc..a A-vb.riatiSpear, LA. CITY PACKL7i , •• Seipp ey - tiaxrer. - - 'as-above, ;31ndar ,IVedneKlay , suld Frlday V; o'clock"... V u hlo,' ..1 1. 1 . 1 .CitrrolVnn4r, ThurY4? 04. d T. O . e/c.ekt ••714- Y.P3:#s.o4:ArxlPmn j ral " • A . ,l l 3,llllcr,4•Fiar, ,u - 1411.4."6", ate' va port ermeryiyaltaosditAWSKl. u. 1.70.1 4 .0 . 1 .11 1 . 1 or3,,mge roll oo ~.- .. -- • Itibi um 'W end' Al M . 4.: i . Vitr i : ' Z6B- "* -- t. .- 7 . 7 . ;_ . 7 . " l o oolatererWitcht*T4.4 Wen 4eer witches, 25 dlrst4marated Ism mash. ' too 90. 'am •,.11 - yealcbc;,.2s :40.1rer counter trattS . 32 floOgold Idozzew mkebir Kap: Etnq ial 5 dit Weld haqpdin aimmta "dogs: 9 am. eke/. i~TuL ut PleTkOh vatielY .I Pt*cder . -"lttr. Idirbl, t. bdos (menus, silk mai mon .SO de. F. • 6 dos kw 'tetra bead balm bow torn; lo dect -fine crotchet bead byes, new styles; Ado* Soso ratchet pima, caw otyteg SS dox fiat, patieth Atm, tostals;ttimee, Olt and odor Mt re ID tiny • liotter votes, monad; 1 dos Pne Aim iwzroepan coch leas 1 do; ins Lem • mew tilo.tothiatten pot Ittu wood TiYßwale pia cataicoa eke ~A; factasatottos clef now . intrifidendittyatiery Othunnairga *filo latest 4 2' 10 53ml Meeind atgat LonfiLrsars, loo tr: mon meth annnig which are„L •• • • an groat daisy Dutton , assorted uoioos IN gross plain emoted waste% assorted tact!, • • ISO gross plain sandlotigorledonlor . • . mots noun% • netranicle, 'wt. • 4 / 0 :,1 . . kl ie" 447 trategir A wry hug. stocked' doubts. irticle r• abut ladies' open wotkoi • - •-• Edo/rater herpliir tut Aosu; • 25 dos , gamy toy thin thr'd • 2o a. --•- •co • . • • • -sCrdos L. „• drtg • • daimons' raw • ' 'Shaded 'twist, steel Ind gift iw • bnd bap, .reel utd•velven One lias,pansols, •-•"' • n. - piaraars;!llL___;:_ AA and SKIN AND ElTY.AldlloAliiosuA, AA and (llaxiera—renone wte lung lo are punting al aux* OVILUiIt. and &Ayala: tan , • . gun, ealL • Thy mill Cold ism glob-ads tor • • WI are tally pupated to do wort as /ow LartX • inNtho a _two lv ettins h ean u oviart=ar n bto... ll sll . * . 4 1s tron ,. . not quit the painting and giving, as some *Oncost Ennio. friends bore been taking the lniblie ray . - skit we Well going to - retire how that' bra •04f our badness. Wean more ilgly premised tatratatasi • pawing Fut ilariag . than we ere, Irmo, • • 'ape - • • 1 IL.YIIIWPS. • - IriIt.I3IDEJIATUM 40. ALL YlllO '.1{111321.:- .44t .d idater a , itt .j l .o l/3 b i te/Zi=oraz :wag pen s parekunuat withoetibir elder buel=o, lie ink DOlRittg re.Weins; erststiyarge, aed • • meseantile men, h invaluable. By mho ly adding • leer drops oftids geld to the ink in me, it *A Maundy • ' • be Goad to be the bon auxiliary nearidlered, Os% MI- Ltrallars the acid, nmeinhatee the nedimett, camas a hoodoo a( tha arid dispomeabilt.th=rg lriPia, ;P*! . .ceirk , i4si flubs h •• • - r RIIIIIMCZARTT IarROLESALE DRALERS IN DRY %PA 20 1Vobdatteet, lurk hadd, end aro taw- , Iy.recahriag daring the badnaaa matiosu'Ailat y atl extmomaial aaaottment of.DRYGOODR artdebl J ear toma eelan a at loirmisaa,all,l4amotabia Rehr, Rut tNe7 can gm cod» watgaisesits„,thay • _ alma c ainaße allawarchants glee Ra4l 'es Virj! „ ,lA .4o ll2Ett i tt d. Sll . 4rda ..41 . ! kat daira, do RO 7 otatido ClOthia,:da do; ado: do Covered Ablates Baalcatlo Raeeri 14+,4 It dodo tooßmio iota taßbont - Iladdarao7 do Bard4tlltothera, seeds. Jam aeoafind at aAlti • • ;. , : , ZEDULON YlNSEPR.=nsarket ".011 SACP,: .All /10AT INTERFZY VUR rb ts a,7 of dal Rta;staaoser Wrovint. for aala,::,a) 4oacora rn't—a4P,ll'!P?!;.,3l!lrFaVlVllJl.L'Olk - - • Wawa add - Firma • §UPERBLY .ILLuerniATED F.Mrtrit - ARABIAN NlGHTS—Krpre*slyGles resainv in coarse of yetblieense them Nea York. To be completed :LA linette:tarte, Pan txtJust received and renal. by • - • - , JpIIIII.4TON tatociam . • MEM highest prig In Cub paidtbr imdlebkia tate; • J. 6 1 .bre.6..., b•te ,6 1.5 - reee fOr r bag, wool en Fagg, ....• • • .1. *PG , **G** etiri3...113 Web Per Ani &pill • , • illiEfilikatlEY *Co • trOBACCO—Ii ten :go 6 Twist -Tobieco, (R. 4 ouampriu,aerodeadlor walavv,,t4 Q.ILLERATUS-17 teaks Clorelnul Saltniput, rfterodiutd,io! Rale i; legit . - AVICEk-SIeCANDLbtS ncritass,so ciou. pea. --- • ". JL - .91t- „wicict,akcANDises BACON.IS Vitirinia coped 114414 d 15)442, nowlendang444 for voir,by O~TEEt • . Co. 44 Wata it , :1144mer' .• 011 MJGAR-41 dare 'i Lb ypy rtaaa Amu Bel n a • -1410 ALLY k. and Wt 2 , 11 - • la and 2 1i1 ' 1109nlaturtar Xl.aß Chief and r o .'"••• • • ia. QTAIIIM-141L haw Seas** Stild P6 l .quth i, laea:' IBucion 4 44la o . - 'Plattea=k."ll - iirmat;xteitois
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers