~ , ---..,. ~ . ,:A.,..„ ..,',..,.. 1. ~~ ~~'. 4--- BOCRHf -to intAUFIEDIO.I , • wick, fatit fatiClly , ans,jlp4 reeldved • for sue • • • -*-?: • .1• - t 01 4 ES A =CMOS • t , tor St Louis itslatry OUSDZISS—OS Wu Soma flabee de km. do; dl fJ bble Sugar How abolasoaa..loo do. Lost! Sugar; loodisehme wan* St Cloud aed for sele b_ spit • RACLALEY Se aIIITII 5U0A11,451114 iniase N 0 Seeno. 5 boxes brows tease DR del te DR Lorain; Loaf der OD bids eseersrdesell dodo{ to bids embed esd &wised .de, for We by • 4%7 J DWI LIAMS Er ERHENG.,II4 boxes, for sale by .. pa. itt3 'ENKA APC.A.NDLESS L ' ' . C f ;r l P7 C le B . "- FINS ,;; WI VITCI: n i l t blt,l)T.l.l4 N r' NAILS -20u kegs keils. for sabs by ..p3 ..., W/C.K & APCANIK.F.4.4 . GLos.llB-143 boxes esti% 78 boxes 10x1.1 Glass to* sale by - . • - ..p3 WICK I.IIPC.LNDLLIS ArKIPTEX-160 bag. Prime litio(kdrea h.di.41"‘" ,0 1 CreitArIDNUTIEI-=8 sects Tennessee Grow:Ali - Ws, 1,.1 summer Uondoberi formal. by 1 ' --• ' " - Ul - for sale by ..p3 - WICK*. WCAN MESS RCE -17 lending fraMstalt Gondolier; I tot sale by • meat 41,1LP1OYD 175E.0 . yt.fatrit=2,,T. 11,1,0L117001,11. own ind upi!doe Flow, in Sue 41°1" "I"J" " I OiNFORD &Co OVER bbis • • OY VON BOANZIOBST & Co • • 11S -VIDOW.CILASS—O OO Ds& exlCe, elo 10, do 10zili UV do 779; dO do 11., for delay mold • : P VON 130:11:11011.5T O. Co ALSSATtIi, —lO e at s, a boxes; Ow agile by amBS' ' . 8 ) SONNIIOB= it 06 lon,r o r• oxe ,i' & -- i%rOAV%.Sffi) ' .p . erior Pot ule. mos by susall . & .1, IQ IMAIR-10111 10 . lc: 0 Sugar. received, pm Waiter *7 Korth Itivar mad for sabthg catcall II ROIitINSON LW-later at Witi;BEANB-44 hen_ WaWlanding imin Mom rl"9 "" I . BlaAti ritercv s kun-sby palosoldo Toxieg•Sed,Sda 1011106 do - Adio F VON BONN/101=k Co IKDOW 11-3000 HOD, mild, for auk by • • • mart • VO:4 DONNUORSIT S,e, ILIOULD CANDLES-13 bxs superior Meld Go- dles,lldo dipt males, in store sidfor Wel** by Alb% • - OILIIM, MeGREWk. Co ryfO CAIIPENTERS-3on or d; loigo n -1; mow of knob locks sad Istcbes; with white and snannsl koabs; tousle 811 LI 4114 r~..,:.~3i~1f. s!.~arr~: r~~~~!LA 100 bbli Tar, of Friar Priditiral isiiroal arr. . . dada, m c0a.41101.11 ad for al • TAAFFE k O'CONNOR Vr. MriS.7.4o carto .t rammed w a in a l 2caton Tara La m; •fr KITH k JOHNSON, :11% ait UST itECI.IyFD-1 • ease Turksr iDedus arid bit err3ECE:II- bx* Hydis's .a snaps; and -mess by - Al 6 . . ' .1/KIDD& Co • F4l, `RFL'En7:6...ZSD.P•nedINn=re CUBStillal.llV-6 MI aseartorl of black olad 4n. lJ er i+6 neared - r : . . EILI6CKLINT4 1 fIINGHABILS—A Tarr assortmirat of Doceunthe, Rog ok7r tisk "d French OlughasiViiffenived for . 4 114.1 "I"." tg Coe HRAN , 46,.00d MOLASSIO-01 0 Ras NO&Sups Howe; Go! Ans Syrup in . bbas nod key; On hr 1 D WILLIAMS 7 61 <= -. 80/tit6o . bra F . smitr . .1.,Gx:113b L ij al Niefirjr7 lyrAn AVM Tyr aVa IV We by soos,.l.ll<gb4y i for uile - from thot bpi roroor wootot i dlitel tp yits blots 11 0 Sages . , Lir solo t tri t ~ 1 AL00412 4 1;loe lOU ioe‘ reosig E frar.l. by . : •1:1T6 ' ! "114V in store IN recolbi CTs ON-112: . • . lu . mit Oct Co , by , fir. ll 'AIM for aslin c r er • ' ISAIAH DI *. 'MCNO am RY.N e IIII3—GOiIarkO sill be•old imp. liar ja M Lbw lon, by , 44 ' ISAIANIDICIkEY TEUMS—Orgoad quality, for sale comasatly - DICKEY it Co .13EANS-21 airs imall whimi laatilay from steamer ..Lll Mingo ChM( nod for sale by • • apS ' J C Atfysrisse G , PAL7*-90 Ntds on nonnansen i t et fin nee b, T:l7 n4l La slat, to r 1116 " " 'l' g u fa:Tea * , i ME= ;Wed: do ItooK do Palso,la* re. ; eared Andros ado by • 'KC :JOEL KOBLER RIB4O-11iriilistridifY .ied and for • b7 .9 13 1d113.•M Rim - ram trolucoo—to eases S. idyereaaaar 411404 a 3 do r J name isno_reed andfor rale by .pa- _ MLLER/0111:31411 . 130N • poT s t e .s , A' "nt En• ZWEIVED-6 frOOS Allen'. Semi-ad Moe Usitsesti, and at- pia by - sps ADD tla - - - ~ l fll'.Ylt of Pim oil in awn JOEL OOKGER FL team: , 4 7 iiplL-4o Ala jait par i A t oa T an mar slay j i . /.9ollo4i— l bblo.jast rood eu iutt! olioliout-W !Moans . reed ] an i d l 1 1.11-039ou7bZiroljd JouGum SMUTS TlTMlTTE— . l 4 l bblo t tr i o 2 ki 011i-15141s for Ball blrs. -6_ vod Camas .aaad. w . f t " 17. 1 0.2 6 he Stro• -- .. Mau tw men oftewpkwaw habits.' Appiy to - • • • 11.LNICA1 4 .^9& wA u.acF, ie.oodst pATENT MEDICINE DIRECIIONS-404 iror on tea= J Ca. VGI,IIR-4 Wok. In Mon on eannicitnegi far ago I?yr. ka • ISAIAH DICIM CO;, E:lo3—afl lobate. hlf, of and efeitik pipes, of all • she &Aloof minim now in use; von to arrive, of Ow mold; grados,brood•by marin a and obstagos; sait i m m oyl4 • • • A' • .1:1111.NOI4 :AND LEIIONW-16 toris en-comics. mrnFo,„ • MAW % IRCIEYI, Co . _ • R IOE-40 eaati E Carolina Men, Oar mils by . • REOIOIISON k Co AHD 011.-10 bbls NC Tut 10 Ibis Tanner. , . 1 .1 - Vii; jor bee by • =di • 111.11011CODNIt Ca LOUS-100 LEI. Fresh randy Ykur,.lo stare J: /OM!. by ; inarbi SIOBLISSON Ca m . T Lllll-3/00 tbs JAW bbl. 1111. bad lmv: fat ss &tC• o by 08MON la sal aCORCLILNGS-11 basks rebehred on ebabblebabst, fotbale by ma* POINDEXTER t. Co. IaCIPLAI UMW; Ind Pine .lo4m, tar J. OW . W. IT . . W .Lll. luiroi ob RIM rsails-40 bb ay ls N 0 Nolaues, gre'd poi amb god luda by ' • • It ItOMMION t .Co • ate 4a l " r4o II • : Amine. z "um KIDD . - T RAD...234;4p be Lowr• kliikk j Ai z roo'd sad L brads by •A " meat" , POIR aco - br - a Wastion Mamma!, tor solo, so -.. • •gor.. . :: ..^.D TMORIIkx kCo - , ...'? OLL RUTTER-3 bblo (teals jou reo for 'd and , salo •-•,• • ,•• sari JOH* 8 DILWORTH ---,-.-- rATETT . BODk ASH -44 cute (to Moro& & -.. ' - liao`strind) luaLog tram maleer Sail•ws,kol• -' T y= ; • W 4111kUTCHFJ.0 . . l • . Ito libeo7 O• , ,-------,-- i :MID OIL-IP bbl. Lanl.oil, 141‘134 TkoAs onsee •,e, .. K..' ) 4 1 ! 1 ' l .' l -" ! 1 ", jAhrim DPirvii,(4 . .14 WS*, U .. _ ... . klw; 2(o ad _.&600. 10, 0 W— . ma; RAIDLIn o k& b ., p o•l . m; 0,, b3O fis.oa LARD— Imp No 1 Los; fat moo .40 n= TeCC . a8419 :111;sril; • Casunai sAmEs n io urc - 610 14190 1iitlto i t Itiol *.11, tun) tale bl ;;;Eja , bit"' * FILOYP— '' .P3TAIrr4R-91b1!1 for We li. SELLER" C ' ' " • • 7 prod fa, . 1 "7 . - .N.ltarttles - oftrymen- s E SELLERS. BOTTLECOESE-3 s SELLERS 'ust &d revs/ ask by uutioi SNOV7=7-147u Cthit '‘ s " 44. " E SELLE/ 18 auk bi vez.zu.LßoxEs—too fcler “i“, ;7, 7 — .^ L to, . "" ''' ' rinK FVlSH—leaseiCAiej • • .- esd co . harroalmr4koes kik frlnlas litubeuTS , and .....t.="4-110.1141plip3asirdillka and liarnAti 00.04.60 a. Afttllers elegem! vridt• L apogateb, , and Y w.f..' nsas, Chan*. bspmgL.d.llitrkt•-...e0 • TIMPLII.2I trums-2o kan amble refined burn IA. Lae; 440 lati, 2,4,6 % 0.7 288 8 = BB 1...4 8 1 8 WA. etaalied; 178 bolo pownerell; 20 bolaclarified: in fi.sa.lo,by JaIIESA. HinCHMIGN Ca mere' 28.2801 g Louis Steam Sugar Refinery: ... r ....w SUADEl3—Treesparebt window Codes ow peones, as s/.1 pciceig Het lima Oiled Oases for sitadeis . Made . end Blind Wm sedstits trill &Ude, *sale by EII EATON & Co, meal , .. .aa mar k et st k.... "Piiis, sot — Wstitikk — "'" Va l =krytes,:lself chests sad easSy boxes; ' Lamed • do • d d ... Pooeliaog, do i.m. __ . _ . . ;ii ... ..1.74. do : - Fe r e a. by J &mete - BAGALEY & RUM/ 7C KAM iM4 (11.0VF3-1 mat Cleve? . for sale by p ...,. _ep? ______ • • . JOHN DDIOEIGAN ______ . Wag PI 0 flow; a° ntllbt mitt by 9.144. 6 4 1 .1 1 7 3jarainie, 15 this week. Them dlreet b stut will be Cli;; ikkneurßrisidy, of 1 tiutetepet iwerlar P C MARTLY • SIJA.P.-5 boxes . Rosia Neap, at nib by ~,,493. ~ - •. •.- -JOHN D MORGAN DOW OLASH.L.SSOI.is frzlEk 150114. /UDR DI do :0B; just erceifod uut for sale by sp3 ' S P VON DONNHORRT A Co, 3540nt st 'lmlay Pon Wintor 'qrg sod for ole LW, r ciessrnri_ rec died 11LBERTSON, 145 litlnvq_. N 0 • mumaThozi .==s L=,bbN tragif ; Li. 1.1 . FSOLALiS....M btls b o June. Itainery.j S m ip7 e"" rOLNDEXTER tr. C 0,60, 41. water M NITINTER WHALE OIL-10 bbl, bleached Wine T Whale Okkt sale by aaYJD BAGALEY k SMITH STALLS-10D kegs asscetni signs, as sale by JA ATI. WEST BOWI•2470 !mutat _ rfOLLILii - lings twig! Tobacco for sale bY - BOWFIN CL SUGAR—WO Mai prime N O Snit sa , landing freanateames Gennesseealkils i ele • xr3l. & LED HAMS. b Ads extra ow wed lbw.. fires warm North AlLom4ood thr oath by aura HACLKLEY SthlT/1 fallll;ll7,moitGAN. (30PAL ITARAIBII-3 bbla for rale by .• JOHN D MORIUN QPANIBLIaeowsI rut for male . hy 10—.L54 • JCIMs_D ROAN VITIIITEBEA.NB-141 Was fresh White Beans ins% "r`"i"a k McCANDLESS TIRY RRRRING-121dati mall Herring. for Bal. mut7 WICKBIeOANDLF3B •_WICCSAIeC 'DEEPS .13ACONri piees. hos Tound,inst received and Cor sale by rue: . WICK AIeCANDLESS • M ap tawi !Asea ,. CASTILE 90.41,4 LTIJ a bbls packed, of gust quality; Ido toll; D for sale by . ISAIAH DICIERY Co, mull, • • . ' waxer and from ars VrACIEEII3EZASOLbts Ne 3 Alseken!l need J.U. and for sale . br ma 21• R. ROBINSON SON Co TEM. - DOW GLASS . AND GLASSWARE-100 bu -= EV • kezlO Glass; SO do MG! do; 13 do 10x14 thr, tw pan pint Auk& roils quartbotUe.g SOl3. Tumbler% io more and for sale try W.IEI POINDEXTER & Co WEST POTATOES-3 rank*, tor, mod, now. lend ta in! and for saloby ISAIAH DICLEY tCo pg front and water As VIRE llRlCE—leiro Brink equal, 'lf not saperior, to .I. • any in this ntorkst, for • Rolling Mill., ftondnes, go., band nod receiving regnlattLand for we by nenta asooms--us do superior Con, 1../ jail received lam lama, sal al ale a Roneux &co_ LRD -1.3 bk.. No Leaf Laid; 20 kers do do do in atom and for sails by [WI R ROBISaN k Co itgrAL-230 tons Pig Metal, roe'd and for sal* by . • lit ROBISON & Co rIOFFER-12 , ail Rio Codee,isi more Ida Gz4 by b R ROBISON C0,, - 192 üb.ny - - • SGAR—ISO hhda pride N 0 {mar reed and U. sale by ote R ROBISON &Co "IkdrOLABST kids X °Meuse* XI Ws Good /111. ides $ H do; received sod for rale by • a et:mist:6a a. OAY 911:0A11.-10 MI, Loaf Som. ree•a attd far solo 4F sp3 It ROBISOr tCo R ICS-40 ,08 tea Rite, reed and for_salt4r. rroatcco—ico bss.lamp sad ptagibbarcag ss krg j a twig do, .1n mom mut for Rl* 47 • • VIABLO?i k Co UaalotEil i 913. k.CC.Sbbts No 3 siseterel;ls bb . ls Tan aces 03; 35 bbt.N Tan in more and 4.vale by 110131190 N it Co STELIt BOAT UNION—Ooo eighth of th e swam boat Voioa for pale 00k . g004 tort=TAg i tro of op 7 T EAD-17d pip Cialtim far able by marl. 2 JAS A HUTCHISON CO .1k1w1.7-ICO tDL p A a m rr a W oxa co :_.__._/ moss—tlo fin , sale by laiBHR REIMERS T. AB.D.-91 kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, An mak by .Jl4 marfl7 • WICK S. JIIICANDLESS D•.t7 2 ).7 - , h, C . M a t k ILID , APi t , , LFSziO bulges Id GIISMG-10011 lb* fo, sue br marla J aramorru QUOAB.-100 .hd. prime N 0 Hagar, to mom and Cot A 7 sale by mull .D T MORGAN & Co PAPER -400 VC213111.0W11 'wrapping: 0 0 do.doublo mown do; &nook by POLYDEXTrit &Co • watts COFFEPL.-403 oeko Bi4pdmePOINDEITER t Co CCIABB-30 bbls•Lesdines embed k. pay eriad, 60 do Lobisiaba loaf do, beWe by man IPOINDEMTER L Co MOLASSIZ—.2OO bbl. Nq roe ode by • mad _ . POINDEXTER. kCo • VIIEMIL-1 , 111 . sacks, far rale by .1 • . rasa • • . • POINDEXTP2 &Co Fpa =Eatd4—.3jrrilitip male • 139ACJELETT t WHITE . - - - IBODUCE-30 bbl. 8 paw: -43 corn skekl; /00 I seks earn; =do oats; T• kegs botkerhest Boas; 2) kegs Us* ssare Led Dr We by • • • C BIDIVELL LPADON—ICO I J. lasso ass., sides sad shoulders as cons'aesaaest sad for silsay - awl° SMLEES k NICOLE liritCHED BALTS—I3 asks jam ree. and for male S by own - L B WATEFOLVN KOLAS.4ES—BO r bbIs 8 11, St • Lord. Raillery an In store anal Lax ina/a by A HUTCHISON & Co BACCKY.,..ISI . paa Joel reed. and for mile by Marti • WICK t MICA 1131.47138 BEONNET DORRIRS-40tigrataiwhIteDdramet Dsed a Ji • fine article. for vale by marEl ' REYNOLDS SIIEE. ARD-41 key Lest Lard, received on coneifnmen uld for vale by, DICKEY tr. Co, .00 LO eviller end 107 front au QCORCIITNGS—III'easkg for gale by . 11 , 00 Ipl.P.lric Co, noralerst No 1 Fogedry Pig Metal. 1. bY • - . rsur.Nry army aco 11COACON-80,m0 bbls in Milk, am* 9s maw do. for JP Jude krer elows toluipsemrt. by • .. • ...PIO 7, - , •, ••• ,}IIIEND, aIIEY tCo THINGLAW. - -1 Coope r ' s . binglt4s; or Gellatlee, Kjut ise'• and for *es by ..,• • . • splIV.. : • ,JSCHOONALAXER t Co,ll wood at I , 4O . PAt.VARN gat--41ibl.s'aCNeir York,Hoiton ud Ptt4balk saamsfuture, fin We c WO' • . •.1 SCHOONMAYER kCo lif am:gr i- 7. 4 . taaks . thee j trity (of We 4k. Co • Llrji l4 :c ll :l 3l7 Ai i 7tio%tem -ricovEBL-2 bble far sale by k 1 *PIO J scitoontAxEs a:co' PlpAirl-774.1"!-b!!!"titierlsr“"ib b OAF. ANB SVGABE3 —OD bbla.ptime 5pa....._.. ...• • • • .ARD 01L-18 BMlleir beg, verr - X 4 raisilisg;4x-sals by • • - fo• • J sCHOONMANEIik cc. %wood at 'A LCOIIOI.-10 bbla just reo'd rued An rile by ...M_HIR -11 £ 312.1X1115, di wool st __- Roos C I C ll a A I ll= r:r r . t il e Irfa V r LT 4 .14 1' • .9 10 ..,, -•-, •P. BIAIITIII: - DACON-107adirlaik — Ciii5oginand, Just mewed „LIP co consignment wad tor lair - -.NS. MU 11 DICILEY tCo DESdOiNGlLtaldfl AND LAWNS—W 11 iddlphy bar • law sapply.ol dm sad bar priced drns ~1 0, ...; : .1... near aryl.: of 111rIdak and Enoch Lovram, fan colored Limas rat 114 n0m...4.7 - _ .. . .- ... -...... , ................._ -... CV Pi tail by - • • - • %VICK fr. MeCANDLINS jbARILI-117 kip NO Leaf LH, kr sale ky alO MEC k MeCkpmiiss . DEER ru , br p_ll - • -MIME& .MeCANDLMYk rIUtIA Tot:Am:l-4s btun I tyTapper..4 rine JuTI reed meatudg4toen And (or oak I.T APO MILLER & RICEMrsoN • -• Irluvq.,72 l %tr:,•gerdru - „ quality, inn opmed.by • • , - ••• • fiIUCILErr k Wlll*. V IL IA:10 14"914 " 411 C K t7feCANDLIBS tiatlB-113 bble for uld by . ; WICK& IIeCANDLEMS inilme" 6 ".WlcC &317CAIi MIMS -inktiFll4, iiFtrr for ..iatz. TWOTtili BEEL-4 samba fa, siab by . .• • & WIC& MaCANDLESS (ILA/SS—WO big 700, au. ...I mat crim hk e., o. Ijl - *sale • *DI JOHN at:AC=ll4.4-10 bf able Ne 1 Mackerel; !ids do, o% ., V 7 ..ol ul W m itretaZirea • EWE BEANS—abblthast• Fit Kale by opIWICK & WCANDLEES EMP $l.llO-6 bble jest received and sale by BRAUN k "''""ogoOfr'airl=s b y MEI MZMBMME M==l RIL LIS427 BnaMta 554 9 Sunday, 53 10 liondal; 52 II Tuesday, . - 5 54 14 Wednesday, 549 11 Mandan 5 45' 14 Fliday, . 5 417 'S433 — rrilloTocr seu..l",ii :1 e Y 0 13 7 '7 7l' o'B 3l 10 • 041 ' 11' 1047 019. .113/ •13 morn. EOVEXIONTS OP THE PrZANOIHIPS. Prapised 114 British and • North Aeon oars Royal Mal Steamship betters Barton and Limp* and ktsrerst Near linioldLirerpool, far IMS. 'Airtariea, Orin Joatia• Niagara. capl Rye. ktiropg •• Loll -poet's , . !liberals, " Marmon Cambria, " Harrison Britannia, '• Lurk Ca/Mania. " 1 z•iteh Acadia, Captain Moue. ROM urINMOL MOM .I,IOMR. Far Americo. N. Yort, Mar 25 Caledonia. Boston. April Acadia. Botioo. April ..0 America. N. York. .9 Hibernia, N. York -..1w Acadia. Boma. May 3 Boman, "' >n Hibernia. N. York. 0 Id 01110 E Etrrsistmon GAzerrr. 'Fridny Wanting, April 14, 1848. 5 The business of yeSterday wu pretty much Itke that of several days previous—considerable in the aggregate; but mnall:ln detoiL There was ADM , what lime animation generally. but it could net be called a 'chill day, by any means: The wcattuir jug dry and cool, business out of doors could be transacted withplest.wire. The Canal lines were all busy übippiug nod receiving. The wharves were prety well lined with height, although cot so full as heretofore. The river is Pretty well down--the stage ru pre. seat being about hi leer, which is still decreasing slowly, and unless more rain occurs shortly, we may look for low water and high freights; although at present them, is enough for any of the boats which come tcf,tluir port, and the decline is very gradual, being but eighteeninches in the last air days. The markets generally, have undergone no im' portant change. Flour continues to improve—the sales of yesterday showing IMP as the rate at which it may be quilted Bacon is tending some whim downward. Ws' beard of offers yesterday in lots of 'I, it 10,000 lb., at Ii hog round, which had not been accepted; and if worm weedier should set in, it will go yet lower. Potash and scorching. also tend downward. In sugar and molasses, but little has been done far some days. brit bc. fir the farmer, and Tic. for the latter, is alarm the market, for any considerable quantity. We have the fallowing report denies; Roca hasgone steadily upward, to the surprise of many., All that 'offered yesterday, was taken readily, and at prices averaging above %base of nay previous day. Only.'n few hundred barrels come in, of which' 100 biought $4,56, 00 SOO, 33, do, '2l do, and o few from wason Si AO. The article may be quoted $1,60. firm. Corr 111rar.--Serrtal hundred bids, prime, arri• ♦ed yesterday; of ihich a w nic. old $1,62 • t Werra= —5O bbls Afccongabela, to arrive, a au perior alticte, brought 18; 30 bbt rectified, Kid at /81 cash, mad IS bldi do. aii 9c, time. Caber aales at 19c. is a small war. Arnim—Dry me enquired for.. Sales anmli iota at 705115. ' Astres—The ammant of Pot and Scorchings in and arriving, ha. binned down prices; 31031 is the asking price tin y Pats; mall wales at 31c. In Schorchimp, we heard of so transaction. Sala Asia at 4 cash.' Guy-1^..0 bushels, first hands hrougld eery lisle coming in. Ones-291 busbels in ona lob and 110 is ano ther, at river, sold at 20c; sales frOlll stare a 28031 c. Rye—Sale 61'90 bit at 10c. Poissuce—Sales 200 ho prime at 10 7:.•. Corrsx—Sale 45 tinge at ; small sake as Ste. Svosit—No impmlant des; a few hbds at Sc. Mosawaii--Sate of,itZ 1.611 in one lot, and 21 an another, at 27c.' cask:; Lam—aides at 51e. Liam Om—Sale 39 bbls at 03e. Fsersus—Mllko_Jooo Btu at 33 a. Ilan:a—Sakti 300 dry at 15109c.1 of 150 dint. at 91; mashed animated. Lames—Pretty; Willi; sales Neer Vork sole, , at 16019 e. liar—The Mud sale of the oast week terra load 331 Soms—rating at 59910. Tit Pueri--Sslen 2:4 box rol X at 11 0,:10. Tat—Sales C $1,31 Hum--Sale 15 toes cautery mixed at 31e. They are in demand, sa•atiia good white at 41125 e which terms ase two` hundred tone would be taken. • The Allegheny boats mate bring down scarcely any freight. Two w a rm no last night—one to Red Bank, and the other to landing. But fesi dat boats are now arriving. One which lay at the landing yesterday, was loaded uvlt potatoes from French Creek—pari of wbich were very tine.— Sone day lumber is coating down in the tlat Mats; brit not in any great quantity. • =ff=l=l . . BALTIXOLL Apnl 10. Carus—Owing to the limited aupply of Beforea at the wales to-day, prices have advanced. Only, 150 head were offered: all of which were taken at $3:15 a 51.15 per 100' lbw on the hoof, equal to 51.504.9.25 net, old making an average of 1.1.110 grows. float—}logo range Rem 51a35, and are dull of sale. Lavaca. Anzarcas - Paovisims Mau:yr. Much 25.—There is MR a goad demand for Bacon, and, In borne uses, an advance of 11. to 21., mom moo nay haebeen realised for a prime 'article. Large parcel. have lately arrived from.. Baltimore and Sew York. and many of the agents are eking to tilha. Middles coatitme I. good request at for proved prices, Pork sls. to 66e, and Bacon Ws. to 665. Large parcels of Lard haying arrived, rather lower. prices have been taken, which has termed several tots to he takeri=kegs 601. to Css., and bar. mix 551. to 601. Thief and Fmk continue ha 6;004 request, and, in • kw instances, rather better pri ces are obtained. For ships' rise prices are as fah teem—lndia Beef 1201. to Ms. per Cerra of 536 anus 100 s. tO105s; prime meta 9.5 a. a 976; In dia Pork 110 s. to Lek per tierce of 301 Km, and prime mess Km to ail's. per harred. Cheese ands a ready wale, and • prices hare an advancing tendert• cy, good and fine kriching 50s. to 565., and inferior and middling 42a. to 495. Zonerrel4--Pgr 12tidlow; 1000 114. dour, .to go east; 16 hauls bantam. 10 bags clover coed, 13 do egg. 370 p. bacon, 11 kp butter, 4 pkgs leather. sundry consignee.. Cineinaitti—Per Friendship; 21 bbls molasses. Miller It Klekerson• 12 hhda sugsr, W. 'Porter, 11 'ask. brimstone.las Irwin; 31. csks wine.Burbride. Was= 5c co; 33 hank sugar. MYi,ll, Busluiald Hoe; 17 bbl corn, 10 elm rags, D T Maim; 105 cobs bacon, W Bingham; 3 bags hams. 11. Oral 23 bbl* dour, D. Culbertson. Bridge —Per Hodson; 622 Mk paper, John ston & 36 bias Boar, Clark ac Tito, 9 st-s roots, B A Fahnearock & oo; 13 Hub tobacco, D Leech & co; 7 do do J A Roe; 49 bids door, owner lamb& arronfrill.+Pei.Baltic; • 3 bxs, 1 idle, 1 halo, R. Todd & =549 bbla flour, Focipre; 3 begs amassed, 1 161 egp, 2 has, Burbridge, WIN= & co; 16 bib door, Todd; 40 Nils apples, 20 do do Saw, Rota Grew 150 trts glaichßobenson &Rapport; 39 boa, 1 chest, 3 trunks mdze, Forsyth & Dunces 5 bra, 1 !idle bon, J.C. Bidwell; 14 bra, 1 trunk, d tales, IL Dibrell & co; 15 bzi, 4 helm, 2 trunks, H Graff dr ox 11 boodles paper, J Saboonmaker; 3 hot... ;adze, Hays 4; Black., 92 pa sited & iron, Qoigg & Jones; 57 leu glawr, bonyo4.6t Duncan; 5 has Pi ss, W Henderson. lifemoragokla . 07y—Per Arrow; 11 wagons, 100 feet limber, Pattarion; 121 bar glass, 2 sacks Bugler 5c Smith ; 38 be oats, 27 bbls floor, 75 bider whiskey, 10 lomat pods, oven aboard. Pruett Bierr—Per 'Keel BoatStas; 230 to CAW 30 be can, 56 bib Souriowneri aboard. Old Brighton—Per Canal. Boat Fumer 200 Sidi corn inesl,l3 & W Bortaugli. Bracer—Pe; Lake Eriep hid asp, W H 3.1 c Cotillion; 4 bids lard, 139 pa b .timn, 9 bra chen, l, s boa do, 5 bbls cloier seed, J< ,I d;s9piete , bacon, Wick & Id'Candlesii4 bib Ibur, 2 donor, I do batter; Lambert & Slayton; 13 tails Sour, 3; do dried apples, Clark &. Thaw; tined C B Tun, lied 7500 beer bottles;1800 galls stone ware; C B tans, load rakes, yawl ears, & °toper Mal B Clipper, kind 40 ton p,g inetel; C R. Pioneer 40 do do; B Sompter,; load rake., ash poles end stares C B Farmer, toed 200 bbls eon, meal, S & W Her bough; C B Declaration, light; 5 ton marketing,. 10 role leather, owner aboard. • • IVidcciP—Pei CaiebEope; 6 sacks rags, 2 kegs butter, 1 bbl potash, Toasty Bast; 5 'kW lardo bLla do, I do mess pork, 2 do prune pork, 0 hares bacon, 6r. W Hastangb; bbl clover need, keg. lard, 1 bbl timothy mod, 3 bile hewed oil, Friend, Inn co. j Louie—Pei Oriental; 7 tads bacon, 2 area do. Clarke' la new; 500. pigs lead, Poindexter* e 0 0 cult* bacon, 0 Ude lard, 45 tans do, I .7ordan/ 302 dry hide% 2U bdte green do, 1 lOW acol. -nen dank 15 elks bacon, BA Sampans & col 3 3 do da H Oral 30 do, 9 Ws pork. Sellers & Na na; 09 hams, 90 shoulders. 992 ciao. ° "' n ' dc -PPGrew; 75 Ida cotton, King, Pennock & co; 6 do do, E Ileasetton;3 do, Atwood, Jones de co; 27 do. I Park. Cintaxacci—Per Brilliant; 40 btas, 40 casks Fa: coa, & Rolastrani 52 hbla hatas,ll. do W M'Csceta 00a; 45bluisbacoc $ Iiict &Janes; 50 da,JJordanbc Boa; 46 00, Sbxpbascer 01 bp wool, J BTFaxSan Sd c 44-1114, ChaVs da nalci rc H Graff; 30 t els Miller & Rickstion; 2 kis, W. F gacastoclqi 5.4”/ 8042;11 cuts A ilaci= m & troakl _ ms• 5} IrgeT Lake Etie, Hemphill, Beaver. • " Beaver. Clark, Steubenville. 1 . Baltic, Jacob% Browitaville. Palo .Alto;ltieDonald, Beaver. Caleb Cope, Moore. Bearer and !..ouin McLane, Bennett. Browvrille. Clipper NO. 2, Crooks, Cin. Allegheny Bella, Hanna, Franklin.. Hope No. 2, Franklin. DEPARTED, . Beaver. Clark, Wellsville. , Lake E. Hemphill, Beaver. Louis McLaneßersett. Brownsville Caleb Cope, Beaver and WIIIuil1• Palo Alno, M'Domad, Beaver. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Fairmount, Poe, Louisville. Si. Cloud, Mason, CirICIEID2II. Comet, Boyd; Zmesvi Umpire, Cote, Zanesville. !Judson, Poe, Bridgeport. Brilliant,. Mime; • PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 191.9. For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock, by Leech's Parke.. Office opposite the Caned SMICA hotel. Sleambord Packet Line, leaver daily fur Cincinnati, /0 I. Passenger Packet via Brovensvill. to Baltimore and Philadelphia. 6 A. as. and 6 r. x Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a x. and Irk r. v. Western wail Southern Mail Coach Ida, 6 A. x. North-Western yin Cleveland, daily. l 0 Erie and {Pawns Here York, daily, 9 s. v. Norsh-Eunern toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, amt. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern Nail via Philadelphia. du. n A. at.., MOO.:IY st. Wesra Jlail. Ciaria. & Lonnie. due 9 r. sr, climes 5 A.. Aouth.vialteltiatore &ashbowl, due S Er. cr.(' A. n. North Westenuais ClevelstidothretUA.M,lo... I , A.. WA< sad Western Nen. Turk. alle r. closes it A..a. Er To News:soar MLA AND Orninca—Cointell't Magical Rath F.structor—itconceded by medi cal men th at CouuelPs Magical Pain Extractor, menu. (entitled by Cannock k. Co. St Counland at. is the greaten wonder of the 70th century. ID area/ are truly miraculous. All pains are removed frond bunts, welds, tr., and all external sores, in m (ow minutes afr tacit. application; healing the Milne On the MOM deli cate shin, loaning no Senn It is equally beuefloitil in all kinds of [adenoma.). disease, such on sore I\lp. pies and Eye., Sprains. Rheumatism. Win. Swelling and Ulcers. Ilettise, Roma Chilbliths, Erysipelas, Bile, Tin llolorestua, to. We might add as proof to all we eiey, the names of many eminent physicians who new it in their practice, mud hundred. of the clergy who praise Ittothntr peopte.land parent keep itconstrintlyon hand, in caws of accident by tire, life may be lost with oat u, but by . ion use all bones are subject to no control, animal the sluts ens destmyed. Ceittion—Remember and ark for Connell's Magic: II Pain Essrector, than.. (natured by Commack S. Co. NT, and nn other. • Sold by.tifhl. JACKSON, Aged, for Pittsburgh. tr 9 13thetty.0., head of Wood. orrelfthksstant IV - 112 Canunta Strllllgn" dettrlle LW! to the ha nun mown. (or akin) the sudden change from heat to cold, end the smoke causer yellow, dark, twine ceal plemotr. o Then it is requisite that the pores of the skin Mould be kept open—that their mouths should be heed from impurity—Owes thus theenalent Homan Ildlose Oen cured all disc they computed that more d lac nee s and unhealthy emote, left through tit the awes of the tikto. than as y ether outlet of the body It is nmenary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all humors are born We -skut from the puree when they wash with Jones' Italian Chemit el Soap. have !Well it cum the wont and eldest canes of Palt Womb Eryttipelas,Old Pores, Darker , Nib Sore Head, 'Ringworm, when every other internal and externs( trendy had failed—tits effect rendering the skin white, dear and 914 thOnfil (the yellow ea coarse, I. won derful—it nmenseTreckles, Tan, Sanborn, Iferphew, sod dlefimeosent 'of the skin—bat meows meet partteulaf endak Mr Jaen Soap—to. tie bad in thitsheesh W.M. JACl:hoVetough of the IHr Boot, 139 letbeny et Price U.l cent., onvltkitiorll 1:17 Citizens are honorably ...WM' that the fallow. mg an the Kemal Auahties of a la bottle of Jostd cal Hair gerteranve. If they doubt our word. they aannot Mese highly respeeml.le ciiirens, wha have tried 10 Mr. Geo. Becker, It law in, Nem York. Alm. Manilla Nees es, Myrtle avenue; Brooldyo Mr. Wm. Tompkins. ad Ktng at. New York. Mr. Thomas Jackson. PO Liberty l'inslougli. 11. E. Callen. late barber. ocelot:mat S. /Wawa. And more tbs.', • handled others ante, though :Magmas tliat it will forte the hair to grow an the bead or Mee, slop it strengthen the tool, remising lowland dandrat Imo the rows. and malting light. red Or pay hair 11411.0ri1l • fine dark look. and keeping dey, hank ka Wiry War waist, and, Mean and betinurol a re ry. very long lime. Sold at Whl. I..killESONect ta LitalskY at. maral - Oat who ups Jaws. Spanish Lly Whim have always a brie white banapantat skin. Of dal a Hist will mbar aay cm, Paid oaly tb Pltubarsth. at ED Liberty ah act NCRIS.—A Hazed ...Crag of the niernhars .4 th e Yearns Atra'a Alereanri Labrurl Aaatietatirin Itt Macharriate Irradiate, will las held at the Halloh Tues. day avartrah, April ritit.ls-li4. 317,1 tateloet. P. Ar. aplelt BOHM' EINNNY, :key. 133•T0 reit IL.. AND Liu —Camstoc Nerro and Done Liniment and Wow Veyetatild Elixir, to We ewe elkapal tare for Rhersmati.u. Sohlty WM. JACK. A *K. Arent kw PiAtJareb. • Clergymen Rt<012.3111.4 1)14 TAVI.OR's 11.41— SAM or IA VLIIWORT. iron iket:omn ince.. N. V.-1i rtemme. the inner. purMee Me Wood. 'riming gain, cult tircaQ log. by promoting expreueration. 41WnEll,en. tle eye semi and le z certain cure for cough.. 1 bora eteeJ it 1 9. 1 years la nig imuctimr. and ohm.), o tab m.cce— CONML 3IPTION CAN iIIiCCH/JJ Mn. Martin, a worthy member of my eongregatton„ was taken VI want time since with a cold, pain m the breast .d some &Realty of breathing, a. a few days...hereafter, shr had a violent cough end pign ut the aid, which no medicine would relieve. &be ed for • ion; time under the medicalnna DC : but finally bectune conaumptive, and was evidently I near the end of her earthly eadenno, when her broitol se r vonuaded her so try Dr Taylor's ileum of liver )e • ,t. When she commenced Chia medieine it did nos en agree with her for • fear days, but by leaiwnisig the dose. Wt &Mad It ...send aduutsbly; it relic and bet tatogh.d bar dlMoulty of bresthing wist.ten and are had the of witnessing her rapid recto cry , to health. Rae. WU. Asnrr tic LcoNsulintoN AstaivEacounAmr CURED For AI you. I tottered tenth these grail fliseasee, Tod fn m my bean 1-Get for .11 alaallaufy ilMeted. a n tyliez of Mr. to try Dr. ',halite:dials= of Lim c neon, TkustneAmine cured roe when I coma not Mato 111 bed, .d was not expert. to live a week—yet Issas mord in'ais weeks Willis tregetablo nthdtritie. Ji lan Bing EXIDAORDDIART CAUTION in pOrchnsott this isediethe is regaired—Retanuaber the tisot: the only tree and &maim is now Mode at 73 Berkman at. by the original roptintar. fomierly 373 DO Werr. 'DM. Is the arnelo prepared from the ongiuni recipe; teti o'b- On are but ionuillons. had in Plusbunth by J DI Morgan. 4,1 Wood an J Townsend, 13 MaratSinyser. nor Monter red h/ gun 11.derion A Cu. 3 Liberty sr. Price •reilnced pe r erns - ------- - - No. urn, liedford, Da.:aux P.0.e.., Didion., Pa HUNG- 31001LHEAD. • WHOLViIAfit:GROCEIDA Forwarding rout Com. E, mission Merchatus. nod dealers ix Produce God P l agzsh M.Macrorrii. corner of the Diem:mid cool Pitisbunds. Rerransc..-Dr. P. Shosuberger. Richard Wag, t Fl nhurgb 1100. J.. U. 1611.1, Rileh.l4 Elliott. Fan It - i. Strums Drum. Rot, I/rerun:Wei I'. Genii(( A Co, Philastelptus. J. Milliken In Sort,, Lewistown. Pa. J. lion. Dougherty, Mullion:in A - Roy. Blairsville. apa•witast'f • - 10, 104 S. XV IL MURPHY is now opening' Ids SIX - OND . SUPPLY of sarong and surnmerromds. rind has this morning open an nwornient of Linen Gingham., per Earbena do; Prints and Chintzes; Lathes tine Dress Ooodt. in great variety; Manchester Mingtiams., new patients. 111 bis msortruent now *penny; urn a R many articles at lower prices than usual. anch as reat fine Purple Print. yard wider at leg eta; fine /3ritish Print. at 111 Ms; ahem Gitrhants, ouzel width,. till cter; Dress Lawns, yard wide, at lalct.i dhirting Mus lin• very late; Irish Linen, On. • Kill also open this morning In eseseernent of beautiful style light Cannon, entail figures, for eldidern; Lawn. for do. Alec. Chn malion !Inks; India Wash do; Crape Massie, tc." Tenons eventing soy thine In the Dr y Goode way,. will do well to call end one ode good. end Leer the prices. Merchant. will find in Wholesale Rooms outd Mora . Melting stock of fresh goods at &lima •Ilastern pri er,. OIPSING AZ" D HUMMER CSOODI. a. a.. ]slot & co., c. L 'Smarms &co., • Pittsburgh. New York. A. A. 312111211 a Co:, NO. en Market street. between NI and .1111 at, rate. berth Pa.. bale meanly opened their new end e . l z egrater:t, with an th e r o ars sloth or r f te t l h i re tp i ril died packages, of the rat7st armoer famArtable styles. Iderchantathroug bout the coaulty am partied' tarty invited to call mut emu:aloe our stock. JO It mu lidediloa to otfer our Roods at the 'meets the , e're wholesale prices.. One of the limo rediling in New ' York, will be couslarttly sending os fresh eoppliea of the most desirable goods, thereby giving us every fa. cility In the Hammen. of oar business that could be poeseMed .by Exeunt Houses. Prints sen therefore guaranteed to be in law no the kliVOol New York bud Philadelphia rates. alp; NOT ICE TO GILDERS AND LINIVTISTM. LIAVINLI disposed of all my tight, tine and .serest Cl in the Gold Deming busluess..lo 31r deka 11 Hon• Levy, I bele there to recommend Inurto the patameSO of my seater mato:nem. . s `Aped 3,1 M. UFFINGTON. It will be Seen by the above notice. that the substre. bee lam puielmed . 3.lrs. Effingiatdittntereit in the above besieges which will be cannoned at the old stood, No LOO Wood street. where be will be pleased to time all robe may want Gold Leaf, roil, dc., and he hopes leestiet attention to his basing.sr and file dealing, to re satisfaction to those who out fever blot onth ispatronege. rotgam JOHN U. DUNI.EVY. ------_-- • • ltaine ph n. T 7, SOUTH WHARVItS, PHILAMPHIIA, OFFERS FOR BALI 1000 boxes Bunch Roodne; CO) half bole], dm WU gooney do do; MI kegs do; INA drum Smyrna Do; la eau. exuaElerae do; lea ends Zama Colonels; 'boXes Citron; its rams Pranee; WI blues Oranges and Wmalu.s . Oa cases pre mmed 01.4{.11 lOe bole. toll *hell AlatOodei 24 boles bard do do; tar boot Walnuts; do Fitherte; LW lota k e n. Pint and Quart Oil; 5000500 Moentroni, 100 (rade Halm La boxes Palm Soap. en emirs Candle 808 p, the Palau article in l b . world; FA box. Shelled Almonds. atata7 saws, PATEXT BLOCKS. mbmr ib,, o dera aole a full U/11 , 411 MUM of bin ebipe Patna Work.. lablere, arc., Otl•plcd. aT e w a de. Alm, complete actis of Wool:a, adapted to 011 7 . aspoelly, put up aud 'forwarded M soy pow or thollothat, without delay and a the lowan pal .. LIONVAI VIT.I: for wale hauantities to suit purehmars CEO W STAPLES, 'a • leematrowTer.S Si Bowline NI p,. New'York - - Illseriwoodts Electra Hairnetla frklE eubeeribere have on hruid a' few of there cafe .ll. Weird gelrueie batteries, itteoraptutirel Itra work containing ample directions for their use In the Meese. es to which they ere appUuhis. ~ Price, 612 and 611. .22.1417_. Co, Merced REMOVAL T BEAD would inform his friends atathi rdhtie sg generally. that hs.has removed the Flotdtrame to that splendid blixir of taw buildings kemen :as the nApollo ituildlogs,n,on 4111 ,tree, • few doom„ west of wood, where hn swill be happy to receive hil old friends. nod es ton ; new owes as may pleasem favor him with • call. tie intends to keep an laud • goad stock of books and siallonary,to be sold at lowest sash TsI.II4SCIUMER be. been appointedAgept pro tem. 0(04 batmen Company afNonh AMericen sod Vat IS.. .Policies and attend i to the other business area Airruc Itue wszehowsof Acwood,/or.es CO. , ..] -,VV.X.;P:JON.Morava ". • Pll . lllniftrittlNVllVM , SABOAT LIME .._, ~........ ,_,..._. _. .... 448 ... _,_... .... I Yov I hi'llvialetriaitiOn;tlrei,gAl BP.abrrferms LIME_ 1 pirrsotatna, !BLAU lIIA.)3AyrOdIsRP,.. . . ' ~ ' ~,, roas,'Hogrox: A.,: -- . .:, /3etsauttok it Corm Willailelpliiti.• . . . .T.iater.S; Weaascia,:Pitisbuoik ""- TILLS Old ex:1611311ml line,:hciity aow Br fall opera 1. Bon, they roprietors burr made exiciwiic arrange .ukits toLavraid goods mu] faoduc rvvith &vouch. and on the most favorable Tema. They .evinfuleollY hOPI their well known prowtnem ill-tient tains good.-pr. =dial-safety to mode of earyying—eapaelous warehou se x at each port, affording accommodations to shippem and ,owners of prodace—togmher with trielr long eape 7 Bence and unreinittity; anention,to bovineu will secure to theta a coutlnnauce of , that liberal patronstre they hereby gratefully acknowledge. i , • All consignments 'by and for this' line re c eived. rhar yea paid, and forivarded ill any requited directions free of rharge for commasion. advimons or ',dotage. No Interest. directly or =directly. in seambriats. All communications Promptly attended to on applica tion to the following mends. ItORBIDGE it CASH, Pag Market rI. Philadelphia. TA MIT& acoxson. Canal liasia..Pittsburgli. 'O'CONNOR:3 it Co, North et. Baltimore. WAT. 11. WILSON, 93 Cedar st, New York. OS TO T WA.VE I. la Ita . . -t . X 18a . Main EXPRESS FAST PACKET LISI Fua FHLLADEL- M==Z=l . . rim' P. Canal and Rail Road: bents inawila excellent 1 order, the packet. of this lino hall More with aengere se &Rowe, e very craning, p clock. Ohio—Copt Craig. Monday. April 3, , Indlan--Capt P Berkey, Tuesday. 441. keriturky—Capt TrubyilVdneday, Salt. . Loadelanti—' apt J P Thoutpatith Thereday. Gll Ohio—Caps A Coda, Friday, ;U. . - Indiana—Ca pt P Barkey,Paturday, KrnkckY7-Cript A Truk!, fianday, 411, 'The proprietors of thie line bells new boats dining the renter, 'nth the Indic,' cabin en largeth which witil turd prettier ronafori to [lf rronvlysveltng with their Pa"tenger" by this route pc,' over WO miles rail mad in day Win.. If you desk. cheap traveling:tad eatufortable account inodatious, Immo your tickets at Ike Packet blLce. Slnna p italtela Muse, water rt. or of D tt. Co. Canal it.. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENT. ,Peanaylvaula Cutal & Raft 'Read Ex. preen Past Packet Line, 1848..M.M. FROM PITTS/WM' TO PHIDADEI,PHIA - dr. HAL- • T 1510111; (Fsclusively for Passengers.) rrint; public are respertfully informed • Mil this Line w it commence running au the Pal Mon; and eon. 1.1111.1 e throughout the, SeloOD. • • The boats ere new, and ot a superior Slash With en largedcabins. which will give greater condom, The cars are de latest construction. , . . . . . A boot will ninety. Le i pat, and travelers me 11 , quetted to call and examine them before engaging. pa. We e elocuthete. Ware only nine donee& krougla.) One of the bats of this lane reinknee the lauding loppoolle 0.13. Hotel, corner otPenu sued nut ClonaL evep . night et nine clock rime 31 Sore. For information. • apply n/the Office. Monongahela /louse, or to D LEFXII...t Co Pittobur.h, Match 22.14 e. Canal Basin. Western Transportation Compaq . • M 1848. alreafiltdci.g.'„ 1848. PHILADELPHIA,77I BALTIMORE k 14E* YORK • VIA. IEtI.II.I,SIA AND MOO DAD. WAD& - A REpreposeJ to int:tome: ;exle nod piodoce to and A (rout the above elite* on ferorible term, • Ad• dorsi or apply to • D. LE63CII A C 0.., CouldKitsbureh. • HARRIS Nue. A. 36 South Third et, PAL J. TAYLOIL A SON, Ago. No 14,10 th liovrerd et. Balt. A. ADROIT, AO, No 7 11 . 01 street., Now York. Ocean Steam 211avligathan Cempaay. 31rii. Lin son SOCTUANPIOX Aau . 141.11.1 . 1. Tim 114 Cati r• ord. C4l/111111.11y Will Wail Aregularly ouzo • mouth„as f ontrirst - i 11 . FROM :SEW YORK. The Washington, Copt J Johnson, on the =An Apnl, The Ilernstuts, Casa Crabtree, on the hid, May. 1449. FROM 11113LMEN. The Hermann. On the Intb April, 154. e.. The Washialon, on the j May, 1t44.. FROM SOL - O NEW YORE. • . Tile /Iftmatto, on the MAL April, wi., • The Wft halation,. the SbaleNlay.lbga. Warm We limb of the month fella oltktralay, the Jay °legato; Irmo Sem York grill be tbalithe. ! itamage neon N. Y. to Soallumplon or Bremen, SIS) .•••• from linemen or Southampton to \.Y IW rah experieueeil aorgron on boani. For freight Grp...age apply at the *Mee of the Ocean Stearn Narira n tio: c e n tLogma. A 43 , llll . lilV . N.N: , tar to IVILLIA Agt oo. C A 11F.INEK£N A Co . Agra at liftmen._ . - Passes, r said artnittant• 0131 el. ' air.? & CO. rename Id Laing Imm:eta rem any pan of r.a g iand,lrelanaL Scotland or upthe the tonal lihetal mew, arid. the,, atharpttemeality and nuentiou to the teams sad ease -fart a clanAin - Ilis. Ice dal. allowourpuHyar.ts he tabbed bj the me-wiling scamps that miens the sea. porta, as tee take charge of thew die moment they re port theinnelve, and are tolheis well being, and de spatch them without say datetinathby the first /Mips.— We say chit lastingly, a. are defp,eda °Cane p.mw gem to shwa that they were detained 43 beam by ais a. Liverpool. vadat thuthauJi al tithera tot. detained months, until they eoeld.he'heut at some add at a th ; toe. loch tan firimmuly peered dons eng-ne. .Wd mohil to parlor. 0311 lideloahly, I gni VOW{ sua y. hint oat net ea a. the no. late With el., ohlicersd—a ha clime pmfoithed tea all. et a Imo it MUM *Le/ ramtreaftee. ••• , - - Draft, &au a at. CatAborgit fur nor solo front It to SIM% ps!. - oble 'way of ate ptoratotal I.lAuks it Ito -1:n1, pooh„ d, Howland and {Vale,. JOSHUA ROMNSOS, Equiv.sod Geoend Ammo, Oil . Ed% =rel. ooe door below Wood. kiMOTON, SMITH bk CO A W 110LESALF:DAT GOODS DE A tio. 31 SVINII srita P1T15311.3/011, 4 fa: uow opening their spring satroly of desirable 11. assats, Issug t at. New ork -Sarum.. and at Port sat print poems sale of the past shiny Jays. wiz eh mei erill artht. , stead adtanee as cast be had East or Wes:. In their assontnent tuar.be found— American, - • rierea Ena* and Femme Print. Mid, American. Scorch and French a/Mahar:lr, M. poi Pare. Lawns, Organdie., tiinahata Jaw,,.; 2,101. Lilac" Gingb.nh • M . .' 114 pa Spring and Dark Lames and Car emery. add pa lrlrearj .0 Watered Alpaca.. rusirely new aryl.. • 100 yePlain Ida.. a and :lilt Wary illparnG Wel pa. Pantalonnery. every titulary; p. tearnmer Cl,, be, Cruion, ed.., Plaid Gain. broomi „ riTweed .oa:triage/. and dummerearsinum 100 pa Enalith Hiding and Itangute Cord , and Fun. Yanh drai 400 rat. Saone... all colors and grade.; IMP k. Spring and Saironrs Woollau Can./ntre. on p. Jlederomo, Yoe ab.re and Italgini. Cloths. 400 piNteubenvilla Jeane• 600 p.Apron ..etk • • ut kdrong npr v• SLOTielangs, best make.; • .-. Wel !dna.. Colored Cusultr.c. Printed and Mat. ills Vamthora, dnso..neweat styles fine Calhoten. Figured and Plain Saha Vestings areal roriety pat terns SA and Wt! orated .11V+41.n,bured and fig urod Drpma Pith. and Saha. Lawn lhapara, ouweat otyluaza,. - tog pod Sumner Shawl., all prices, ditto, linteetion 11,1kt_ Hawkey, .ilk 6:0000 Central. *II kith:. Glovss, Sosltrad. , . Crapes, Thremds. Batton., Variety Gaul. ice. hula azyle Rildaand. an unusually huge sawn mato at low prise. Alao,:.np Staffs, plain and figored Nets, Jarauens. Nlashlta. !Ames Ea:stags, ate, • • . .IXI boles Alutlist, for tooth atFianna Net Rate. TU awe American nad tlnglieb bleached Starlings, brownro Drill.. /non*, Flinnnis. osn.bury, Umbrellas, City buyers, and tIU osighltitriug ittlyns, will And our land* always well *applied 13i, Rcquent purchases, and bay right jar cull. Clitblag forehThiiil4. • • ALL Ir. UT__. • CLOTHING AT WROLICIII•LN, are respectfully iufartned, that at • LEWIS & HANFORD'S CLOTHING WAREHOUSE,' ' cos. *52 a 154 rasa,. ...... • New York, , kIAY be' roso.ti extensl v e assollMerd 0(C/taking. tneutulactured expressly for the Southern and lerAmarket. • Also, n lar:e Hoek of Linen llosom Shins, of all gradesomi priers. Enwitdo do Mc twilled stripe do do do; Flannel do do da; sad all other kinds in graaral 4As.• .• IYo also tuanutientre and keep sonstamly Al2/116014 It. largest stock of oiled clothimg in the Prated Wawa ac embring eyory article . Use lute. • We =manumit and sell Mentona quantitielpr VI Ho shore =ticks, and would invite dm aneouo* or dealers them to call and eamnine our steak mta ri cesbefate they purchase , as we can and win mina prices Mai “111101 foil to please. LIHNIS & IMNFORD, abl and 251 Pearl at., New York. All orders will be antnuted to with corr. Intim mid Aevatelt. marbldlea . FANCY DRY GOODS,' • :SEAMAN & 321. Ur•eilW• •vi *wk. NIPOItTiItS AND /01:110-IRS elliks,Tteneb print llareges, Luce _; pied.; Meri nos, Shawls, Hosiery, el Wee*, Lawn_. liontbaaJpes, AND ALL Callen VARILITIES OF FANCY UOUDS. They Invite taunter Ntirehmot, visiting New York, to &min. their stitch I,efore tanking their pmts.., was Cor.paaor ya.rs of the house of A.T. Simon Co., nook MM. Let, calked on We of Jan loin; and Mr..laeoes Diction, (who ha, luleren in tba bpsinessa was alto favotahly knisen lu (hot east.. lisheneni. • meaty • TIT u.N.PATlG.l7l,,d,darlrirFuoLdgyn..e. Third Street, hare this day, by laUtiAlgr F 4.1.04 direal• yed their eo.partnership. .Alt those humane' Sherr selves indstded to the Bun, we rot call al their warehouse on Liberty street, oppOsite head of Wood, and, settle; and all to thorn will pressin theta at the seine place far settleonnit. JOHN ARTBURS, • JUIN NICBOLSON. April I, ISM • • =.i as•4ni 11311.101 L 1) aped has now las BTEANI BRION IIACHINS sad PURRING MILL, in eneenwaral operation, and pro. • pared tol d ishpiesd Frpot Brick, common Outlaws Brick. an Ploattog Hoards, all of winch he wan.is allperiat ardeles,and at the lowest o ut, lye . _ IL, has also In soccessfal operatiott, SUMO( baY , , for dividing as and planl: al the rate old to 4000 feet Per day, add yrill Wet.. Or Patent rights for al! Onle. LIWYARLI GREGO. ll* 719:10 itll7RLlNS—lllettehed and onbleaohnd Sheeting 4; 8.4 and 7.4 wide, alto extelleat quality, to whtea Un Invite the 'Mention Of tiotlsok.ep• • ALF—Y.IO37EIIk DAY, oter27 73 Matte' s!,3i Sit (Jr diusero iii:3loV3s;grf4-14 7 1bis - 111 . .. eon Reilstery, reed per stow ytkJl and for sale by "spitBURIBIIDON Wit ON d.Co LO P APSOOALS-400 tOsLont Sugar, No; 7,0 iod ply I" ..i,. by -BU UDU it.oo LICE,43OI;IWI • apt t • DURIOUDGI; nlBorityo TAO) OIL -40 hbll ornaltun Lan! Oil, for . sale, by kCo lotTef:,.%"'`.7'7""! style j.ps - • SIIAC 1:137_& - WIIITL sum:nails—lnn ba g s etude. entpenz— bz. FAO; so tods C T4r, btibbbt low No 3.llackerdi 641aTzznergOli fib bbiz tides f" by B L dlffili j ec D Mirr t ) .. l :ill'if 2'4 7 , " iniaciazrr wurntma,..4 'EtAlla X-_ "413P.r6b rsti Min - t7f-t. I ~' ' . _", • • -, ' 'lgstagoe : - .... ILAT* 6.O "PgICOM.SIDAM'EtI • .....-'.., ..1 - A .:11*1".".1.ri , " • lot yes Aliatua *ROM. A :.:4 4 a. , ...4.l6raaasaussi ißstila, T.r.: - • . ' at 4am:4 • show damned 'above_ran. ‘ ,Sitelange .ikOkaraiNC3l Meant *teat east Lauer . ' . r al , - The La is ge gar &ant . Persawylweelet ... .. ..;,,,..anausea, _. Zia di:Lamle wait, aril vonsbaeh'lli'llii Alley 85 kn.. Bank ofPittsbargh.- • • par Ept .Brany ale .1 . . .Tee llama erased therS: s l3tiek. way raw, two gagaineansalt.L. - ..... lair, lt,t. - ..i.....r. •I roam bigh t -1S 'feet' to by about Win dad!, ad Aui. *Mae. Balt ,par •, e .et VILIVi eds. careen ten comforata. ' .exylualre - of pastry, ,Blatarkitadelatia--- Itahrote Iglr.Yd Vrt, • 11-1 coakelles and cellar. All the roam have fry-plus. , aiard.8a1t....... Parrreltk.•lWs• •• • ad dram are emanated to Yany of the weer ' and . '.lat u uketGereannrs. ofthaValtny,*f. , - , the .1....• in.in 'every respect le good order and very • . ,Chater Chantro..pes Ether , Vlighra , ..........".. conveniastr and le .re suited for two amilles...The ,!, :Damn. Co._ •.. , Ala ma 111. Bic.; W h eeling` propery will be sold low, and true given at the largest .. " Montarea LI , —Poe do- A=lttanwo •• • .1 Popa . the areas. tearer ' . ' ' •'. • * -4, Northumberland— pat N. W. Va.-4-- } —.ire of the eab- - ilwr. •-• _ . • . .._..._ -.sr, -4. :W • - • or Id;qiire of —..seoserilwi, who tan 6e own at th e . telof tho Galatte, every tatetteaut between' IhO DAUS, of : eight and wa.. , and at other alma at his swam - fat ../Irs. IWO boanhog• house, Robhuoo's new Mar, Fa: aral ea. Allegheny ary.. . • • • D N WM% , Job 151( , • Arm for - the comer. Rihserlber offers foriale that haitor land sit e Cte in Wilkins Towns/4,5,n Me north Min of Tut , ek, adjoiniuslands o(Geortet Minton, Abraham. Bowen, and Memel Cohn tomanning, One hundred . and twenty-film . acres OM Mready'etiattos parches, and allowance : [There ,is a atinanllsa . thralliass Imam small and a all stable on the plane.' l'enasyleanits RailAnad posse. Immediately on thei :opposite aide of the "°.l. The toil f good iloarlogo than iv abundance of good timber on Mu.plaoe, and a large quantity tstone coal, with great hma dyenlyanspons. thou to market For Curlier particulars. apply to Thnaiie Davis en,in Etist Liberty, who female:thud by .rive to sell the mom at private male,. to sell at public. sale on Um premises to the highest and best bidder. on Saturday, the first dal- j of InlY, neat, all o'doel, in that Ailernoots. MARY PERCLIMEWI'. " marlddlm ME= VALUABLE • PROPERTY .8011. SALE. oer , pied F T AT era eey ImclT or u, by j l i f fi n . no,. totay, will be sold on secommodating'term: TV; Int is 33 feet inches on Ctalg street. nundag throtigh to the Canal 193 fret' There ts • good nro - story frame dwelling house on the premilea, Finely btdft, and the lot Well improved, containing a variety of choice (toil tree., grape, rhrubbery, tr. This Rropeny is conveni. ently or for prisons doing business In either Pius burgh or Alleglieny, and dedrable residence. Title Indisputable. For terms aptdrto \VAL BOI'D. Attor ney et Law, orkee.oo Foonh street, shore Smithfield. E===! ATRACT Of lend, PO MITA, in trarrison, Ponsge on the Cuyahoga river—attend 30 sexes under Un provement. Alm, two unimpurved I In the ',Map !;Warren, Tromboll Co., 60 feet by 90. Also, a lot of mond' in the centre of Hanford, Trumbull Co., with a Brie thvelnnir boom and Om—one of the , best studs fare merchant on the Wattens Ilmerve.. Any or all thin property • will be sold on • very aceoonocelanna• terms. . ISAIAH DICLMY t,P. Co. - feblo - Water end Front eta: R.al Sabato he II forests Cenetity. A LOT, .13torelltinse sod Dwelling, deux on the ,DA. Erie Extension Cp.!, In th e oblige °Mat Md.. eleven; s desirable locums for a oterehard. Also,s Lot awl goad Dwelling How well edged fora Tavern Steed, ia the village 'of Orenentrale. en Ewe li,. of Ohl.. Terms easy. MAUD DICKEY t Co. Tebbe %Veer sod Front sts. • ll.at tae Wo. A LOT In the Cith winked anon Logan stleet by SO t 3 feet on Clark street; one drew most desirable 10. cations In the Oik-arard. , For tenna *poly to Erb: lierlber at ihe Methodist Hook Storey 4th - near 'Market sines, or o 0 Ids damning. en Clark sueet,oppoolut F Trovillos Grocery store. Ifrblol IL Ita's IVITM 97.2 giA two awry brick dwelling Wilk .beaten acres o( ground attached, eitualed as Oakland. The place Is well stocked with frail of all Wade, sad Le a desirable Itlestion fora fund; being mainly:oat of reach yha met end dirt of the ear. An emulous loaves oakland houtly tor the <sty. Apply to jade .1 ATWOOL JOL , M3 & Co,- A new three . story . Wick dwaAin ho on yylie meet —PT. given on kml or peg or sooner if tared. •Ingaire of • k R LOYD. IPt 4be ... l7rdrert. Mr A . two stot7 tout dwelling with elect:is - 54ms wanted on the bank of the t o rirer, treTotoogh of Id 'nehester. Apply to lawn JAMES A UUTC}WION k Co. TEIR} dwelling hams situated on 4b sweat near mud bridge, Llthe City. of Pituburgh. Al w,, a rodeo :3 by 41 test. snub a eouveszent en trants on Cab st., near WWI Abu, a frame two stories, wall an acre of roads! enclosed and under eultivszion, Mums , on Ohio lane. in tie city of Allegbe. Of, Inquire of I/ WILLIAMS, rant 7 lit wood went. RE=I • • IaFOR SALE ORJTUNT, nit Piitsburela B. tA; wink all na bßwing appgranni, manta on Patna atteet and Batkar's allty,tuni nosy oceopiod by:Geo. W. ninon Co. Poaseguon given on the Ara day of April !MOUE. For Nana, fne. enquire. of BROWN A. CULBERTSON, • 4.•zqr .• 11.5 liberty st, , The new nitre awry Proof brink atote at second now ocenpiad b &Brent Evans, Tut rent from tat of Ap.ll LI Unpinn ot tqIOONALAIER & Ca, nulls *l wood siteeL To Let. • • .The subsetitsees trill rent put ortite wore boogie tone oceopled by them Apply to LEWIP, ♦ DAUM-4 e10,C0., • • • - ICA Imp roam on the 21 start ohAlirize holm oeramed by tha anasmiber, near the ran at Voo4 avrem—* gOod joration for a alramboat alceney or on 111.1.106 odLee. Julia I3OI.T.MANS A OARRISON. Cam! . . • A Tilt: lITC.AOfy Mick Dwelling Itnetar, ego taming seven moms, Ime y "copied by D m i Stone. It to pleresoutly Bit wd. near tbe rssi genre a( Richard Unseen; Eq.. b Allegbeny. Imme • Nola poßtes...ort given. Rent hi per annum. Apply nt • E ll EAWN & Co, • ,Insr3o' .____- CI market sweet. _..- ITU - .11s A nen two wooed brisk Swelling tonnes sink even monis sod bilge yord, pleasantly Intuited . in die Bib staid. Apply to WAI B teCAIFE. Mile Ow lin street near wood. ----. "'"Var 7- 15, 114 . lit 4 Ilse tww story brick_ sp,pn plain. meat, Allegheny city, near toe I:, r lortiln. Tha lot is teri in Iron by: lOD den . For terns inquire of _ OW A WASHINGTON. 451: et --, r - a - ric ----, 7 ------- One new three war,: 'Dwelling Home, with bath hones anseled, ~tone near the corner of Wylie and Wathingtou streets. Postal:tin en. en on the Ira of April next int! L ... i ... - . JOtLY P PERRY. --- lifefiliiir, jok, TILE large re proof warehouse...llfeet front by MOO Get deep, On second et, near wood. .. Rent mod nets. Inquire of / SCIIOONATAKER & Co., dell , . hi wood et To Let. AA STORE AM? CELLAR corner of Federal end Loom. streets, Allegheny City.. Inquire of V.:. on the pr..... k •••edlrr. ,_- Fiir Elem. jaA Snide .Ilowe. situated . Plum alley, for riot: Inquire of ItOOFIiT DA1.7.111., t. Ca, . Libert street ' deel3 CI":IOAL.LAND FOR SALll—Seren sates east land for we, situate in bend of Ilta Ilanougunela River. untie. litownsville. Pa., having a 7 foot veto of <oa, erhigh via be sold iy for P.tim• ars apply to toat.ll w /IMMIX 7J wood st , • Bonita; Veit • TN MA:sieIIESTER FOR MALE-I . hart for - sala a I:beautiful bad* Lot In.Sloneheater, neat A. fe.y. 42,feer.froat by 120 feet deep. , It will be load low, and oo deetanlo.latingteitak. , ,Terins anexeevionable. M. 19 JAVLAILAICRLY. Real Lame Apt. OOM TO I.E7C-Oti thi siefoul story of the in . n; 136 house No %Mot st:i having a (tool !Wrote,— errip to • (rxstli GEO COCHRAN Aga Wasstod . 7- erO n cr w e:: y s for nO i Ltd , r 4 UNl:ol44....ln eat the moot liberal socovalement tioircred— * ;trith a small cannel of fro to CM A chance to offered whereby art !stemma make irons 810 to £0.25 per week. fp.Por . forther particulars sddress (Imo peak) -• WM A. LEARN, marlld2tra . 15d Nook Second at, Phila. Cupping aesrlPrtraikhags NOltulP , (Soccesam to 2.1. 11. LteltGly f~a 6d Fink street, lertween Waal arid Smith- Ls . Frishiceches receireAlwOhly—attendinee all Matra ;Reforenes, the plsyeictens Pinsbaralt, Alle gheny and Birmingham. - I most c heatedly recommend to the, physicians, M. 01: Pies and allrer former friends arid patronsi lie. K. H. Norris as bang tbormsghly• acquainted with th e bald. tiers Imd worthy oimMonni., glisitinsgalhala Navigation Cotapang, Notica.to Brocanotarns. IN purauauee of a reiolution of the Board of Mona- J, G era, he Stockholders of the klimongahelaNatiga tloti Company are—hereby notified to meet at the tieEee !cold Company, hi Breed's Building, Fourth street, in the city of,Pitalinrah, at s. o'clock to th e oficrnoooof rgehil*Y. the I;thdarof April neat. in take Wm coon& eratiou certain cep' of the Legir . lantre ihia Siam, e o n oZOTtTie n a:‘ , . g.6 chimturk.,VlTlrLe ) y. Pittsburgh, March 701,1041. ' nu rsi A pinions tient @faints algebra the Eatate of the „Ck. late 'Henry F..licloseppe, will present them Mr wolement, end all penman indebted to said <stele, 0 . 111 pirate call and make Porneni to JOHN IRWIN, Adm. • rittslinigh,Narch,lo,l9. Imarll3.l.lml LH 'Wenn gr RECS.I comprisloy various pattenne. 1000 yds of heavy door oil cloth, best article; HUI do medium do do; ZOO do 4-4 dodo; 1000 do 3.4 dodo; 800 do 5.4 caniterdo da 400 do 4-4 do do; besides a large asmomeot °night and . 01 , 312: n ittr a t , id . l , of which will lier i ltgi t e l tai i ngsah, • mart 4 • . No Ow oados, ENDRii,S—Thorniuon's }:ye Water; 3 rose• do; 0 J.... David's Muter, Orris' Tooth Wssh; Chlorins dodo; Chlorine Tooth Powder: Roes.Ps de do; ilanePs dodo; Hauer. Tooth Pests; Itostur.P. do do; Li store and for sale by JOEL. MOHLER, D pi • : • tomer wood and fifth sts L 77- subscriber. lase removed to No SI Water and . ._lO4 Front greet, in the srarehoues formerly seen. .prod by l'sotritt, Upson p..,Vtattlftti. - " • : spa •• kW li.4lT9llGti , n.-HOIIISON .- k CO., hare . removed. to the seste t-Is. boo. fit:snarly occupied by Ales... Jt R Flo. d, Nst 104 Liberty meet, 4 doors below Hand et., . apt l'OTlCN:—Jamer )4:llUrelfdelcliVelti - intereet lot, Dry Goode Business conducted/It the name of th. un erequecl,. comer of rounb sad Ele.ret sts, Mts. commeneint Feb. 4, 1419; 'Me lane. for the inosent will he conducted .der the Curtner styled' .; mar2o - ' if MURPHY • QUNDIUM-15b1dobeb; WWI; Bibns; 3do nbelled Corn; Stl do. Onto; 4U dos Tow Yarn;,l ban Einn dower SeeMur nee by op: JD WILLIAMS N r ir f t i r t-ED7l6=f lrr ,v ' m ' , 9 lVlPii. l ea r ml i !' - D . - icicakii4otoi srEcific- me gn, p.„..-„„—„„-„corg,,Pap"zt:gt Thr„Mr 1 Ca r itiSeniea ;an ' be.abowa k' of. ilo , teicaey. ••ra i v . .4 ::rg_. : 4 2 il;:TifT - 11 - . iii'llifofCliiiro a ' : '' pit i',, ' t'neil i i n vea and 1417ale ' D . ''.': ` ad' 4 .: r23 ._•• 1 : • tTa vit itit Via bly mitEs-Zu dry:lade. jug mod' (male . by . . tnnal ~. S& W I VOL/ - CILOUR-I , lllAbklandpgftain soar and - kar ,E mac by . _marl • . JAAtat ELL - 13 U lt,r.Ittrt :i,t3 ndi tiM% " 4 . i rk• . Nkic lF i rr7,l7,7,l7,,tlr, . Giiiiiiiiiiiiibli* - 4 7 .iiiiiii 7 7 , 77 - 7 --- . torobiit . :* - iiiiiit - iiiisViad . for so . y ,!, ..k . ..!.. *Pm , ,' ~: nnuis DILWORTH, V yew!' t • • ' " • • QOCiA euie hks_tore and Nn s ale!: :• # GY.7110441, !raket,Ali EDALIai CLAY' 'V >1 1 ?If lute rtciided . 117:Za74;4! 01111 . 417 • Jora.sxon t s . • - r. _.. C .r....:. .. _..~ 6 2iCr.L:r.:. " -t. . i I A • •pat r CalroiJia Bridge Co.. j ilaylealoam Brook ~ .. • Pirkorbanc•-" ' •Farracri , at.:llaadjak• -'74lraaarsesi. ,Fanam2alt..Barka Ul - .0 Tmaa.aer•••• • 44. Flamm Bt Laaaaa , r• ! Far: Merth , p, Luca - 144r Co. 14.•• • 4par Planuns , : Bk.• •• • •• j •.- L•adeastar •• • • • Par , 'Jain VA. 4 - 444-. L ," ... • U. iu;te7l - iiiik BlLlsourl • BrowanaUe Bk. per tkalellkoffilisuari, .:•: Ii Waal:an/Pm 701 - .North Caurall;nas Hersukargtai.u.,...... •lF ,Elk.a(Cape•Fear•-• • • • a Aluabenbarg••:, • •• • 0 . Ildereh's Bky Neletai m• I •Haskeebanna.Co. --'7l7,analkarak•-• , -•••• -• • 7 Lekigh Coßaak, South Ctareillidles ••• ••••• -ICarnaten .... - • • '• 17 .I,l7ddlverea .... ... . 1:3111.. of Ckuleaueo- Pullets . • • • . 0 likanmereial Bk ... • .. -• I Erg, Ilk., ' • 71.13 k. olGeorentown• a • •, 1 . Fume.' and Drovers. jak.of insolaarg•••••• ,• • 7 But; Waydepom, 1 !Herchanu'llk .. ... - Hamstairc • !Planar, &51esdiale 8 k• II Honesdale , ... • •••:'i• - • lEHk. of Send, Ctaiolirdi- Poriaillle • . 0 ' :11111.1190111 Bka l •• - •••• ...Pat Wyoming: .. •; . • • ••••.: 7 rElaltnee & 0 11111Ser • 10 York 8k.. , ' ' "- '1 ;Cualaerlandtr.Oca:l Loa Weal Dumb Ilk - 'Our • • •• It Retie( Nous -• • • • • .Far. /7i.Of Blarjlitr Mt AI Bk.' Pius. do 0- IPuraers , & Mean: f u" Blr,'Frederlek••••',.-• " • - Frederick Ga:l3k.;. l••• Stele Bk. tad Dienekes 11; Gutmann St • • ." Moon P7easaat ..... • • - a fdLneral ilk- • •-•" Steubenville , • Iranspvtia " 8t...... Wuklogtoollk•a:•“-•• Monona !Ilk.ofWeaulorter • New Lisbon• 0 Citteluneii Beaks, . Of St. Clair. ••••• Mimeos do• • •••••• 17114 of Hirer Kalsen+--• ' CurAesilie a :Michigan los.'Co•••: • • 5 Zanesville ' Meek , . Ilk i•-• Putneen • " Wlie.•11111111 Tae. tWys ,Mar,&Fireln.Cabtil We Massillou _ Gaasdays Sandusky • ....... 131 eolventeenki-• ci e siesa !Sank Of EnglenaN Hes Norwalk ••• • •••• !. • • • .° I • •• 70 , P sir. Gluvulued ... . ilialklisOpeete V see: Xenia lNapOteilklS3 Ea Dayton • . ,Deeete • k . die.. WegtErll ItriferVo.•••••• . 0 1E.6 10 2. 14, '''''',1 Franklin Wk. Colsoobe " new • 0 all Ctillllecebe. -• • • • .IDallblawsiED4oolk. It 00 , Lake Erie. - - ' ' wiDo.Pairlot , .... . ...... rerverelgns • • 4 f 3, Lansaiiee • :10 Gaineas .Harellten 33 - ,PtedesicksiSota::. • • 07 eo Onevill e ..... u . •• ~.. 59.Ftlkalere -• l a . Farms*lrk Oitor,a:2oThaller,••;• a Urbana• .....-4:po I 4 55 Ilteastuellia 't • e. Eleha a i .BridCent s n va ly ' k . l , eeeYnk ..... u• pyre Sk.e(lmi le ' 111iladelphhe ,4 . s PA Nentem Ilk. Kenniy Baltimore .... • pre New Teak—Cut Ba nk*, env. Inferrer W/3". • 11 EXCHANGE BROKERS, &ta HUGH 13. KING. ord. HUG H of 3PCord fr. ANIMICILILITGE '=.oslllli Orncr, con. Foam( la. Au Part Car= Attair. DDEALER in Caa.l3ank Nota,Tata Eta Rade and Domestic I,.chance, Certificates of Deposit. EXCFLANGE o atl lhi priticipal titles of the yokm. for solo in mutt to - nil Ourchuers. , CURRENT and par Dods reseltilion deposits: • ' COLLECTIONS mode oo all . p uts, of the Enioo. 'the lavrest met. • ' aplOullarksrant •HVU Y EWA. •'CO4 " ANSESLS, EXCHANGE, lIROIEBS, Fovign and Mamie EaWale, CentSeaga of IlepooPpWue. Bank Now, and Spot* Roark area, lular " adepojle—f'll=ttSAVint loctiona Endo ea nearly th e 14! in c Olo Untied Slum The bUban rind= 45#tean Gold. Advances made ea emigmackw "maim .1,1 P,, A. HOWL= & BOW BANICEILS aml Dealeri to Esehargo,, - Colo! . and Bank Notes, No. fis, Muter street', Piasbargh. , • • Ration Rates, Exelimmta; paying:Rams. New York, pr Cineimm, t di. Platadelptda, I do - Laminate, - 7 do Baltimore, • Ido St. Lomas, ' 1 do , Boring Rates, BANK NOTES, • Boyin Ono, • it Ma • Coal: Scalp Orden, If dig Indiana, *do BolierNotea, • *do Itenamki, " do . Pearoritemma Cy . ` " do Vietnam, "do Nem York •do " do. • . do Wbeelirig, do Nem'Orterins, "do Terotemee 3do klarylamt, do ~- - • . CLatltY—Bookfrs uld F t xehange B rßroker. ,M O k. D. id FOretin and Domestic TIIII6 and Bleat Bill. of lehainge.Cettllsturr orDopoute, Bank.N 2 and Coin; No SS Wood sUvrt,lldrd door below.Vos rah, lint Ride. ,- '- • . '•- "" '' loor2ld . .' • c DAirEiei S.. EXCHANGE aphmes. Dsalen in Foreign end Domestic Le - ch,Cereiteetes of posile, Emit Note; .in Specie.. lea. el Wood one door above Poore, Ease side, Pitieberge, IPOLLICION.EXCICALSGE: ' RILLS - Oa - & nested, Ireland, :leo/land Lenten to any PIIIO.It at the ellfltl23 Rates of Exchange: , Drafts payabla in any part oil the Old. Coaalataai from Li to 21000, at the .rate of $5 to the S. itterlimen without dedaction or distant; by JOSHEA.ROSLISI• SON, tkrepeatt and General agent' otter. .sth Buono door orest•ef wood. • • • • trim man uq EANKEILS ANDEXCILANPE Bno4u, dealer. In Foreist:omartin or Exchange, Cer am. of m, Banle Note., and Cede, comae of add rfc•O difactlY ausimeMe , ma W 6 614114.4. , " • . ' • Bank Nott, Pid°hlM4l2"l' L"Wegt ""'l.hl N lOLVF3' SON,' Market Ckeeks oa • . Isulelp . Comtantly (or szar. by N. HOLMES & SON. :41c1W., 3.S.Msrkei (toz.LliwrzolFs—tmai, N0t.10.n4 ne %doea, payable In any part auto trotort, collected oa tba moat favorable terms ' N. HOL)IPEO & SON. Maiket HAT& CAPS ANDIONNETS NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. ' . ~ 4oJAME.II WILSON, Hat manufacrorn, formerly . f canter dreamland olbry .11 Wood meet, begs leave rerpectfully oa. Worm .ida old mummery, trice and the public, thelehe has opened • ,NEW STORE on Smithfieldatrem. rredond door Bomb of 4h weer, where a choice assortment ofliats end Cepa sod , Ladies' Fore, av good, um, fastmonable, nest cheap, ea •y In the cm may be . had r . .., .. and.. J. W. very cordially invites ticr &leasdm Oda • lic M remember bin new location and ostablialemenr. and give Moe a call as hearty an he intends.* welcome 4 , ,111PCO8D.& CD ISuceesson to Rem! lantn . Pit•bllosaablo a ,11 1 1nlir -Cerro of ,Woostamert Fsfik tsIiTtULAIL acteotioa.,pald to our /Wail Trl6. Gemlemen Clll rely tapottgatistritigs.tiats and Cops front our estoblishmeot of prs lATTAULS and Oroarsumistr, of tits, coszrr snus,austrsisshetanssar Country a.!..1.01.; p.okuing bY• resisktfully invited to roll ood axiom. our hltook; n. we eau say with esistfidEneo that as rrgards ocAcrrs and NUM, it will not saes in • emisponsou with nay 11011/0 iu 1%11611010a. - 7 7 • fsbl7 nte* 111100.• 'for natters , Trieste,tags. Illli solisoriba is now open post a 1.116 'triter tunes, (over the store al W. Az tc.A.ji i W.. White.) • complain osworitotal of ties Trimming:l4l3llk and Antrolweiusbes, lAntera, Are, he., of ins own tmponstion, to which he inches the minion of pnrehasers.,..Tips.ptintod in every variety. with neatness aid despatch. - Pertienlar attention paid to putting up order. is liberal discount will' be made for cash .- • • JAS. W. TUCKER, mann . • • 175 Water et, New - Yoth t. STILAN G*ODll.; - r. , 13 'am invited se-aziadista IL H. PAIASSIVS. 4100i7 , flinthrosoth., , af .pina style, composed is pal ofi . • : BONNETS.-Floreace Braid; FAillish Dan. stable de; American do do; Cbins.Posti do Coburg - dm ° I . E.L k i 717. 1 . kg ; 12.71 1 =, Jo ald, Pedal Also, Ribbeyta; Stratelbth.' set yairboase.93tharkei H. • • math" . A FaMithosairier. 1960. d iji aII.HOORD. 4.004a5s , • (LAT. attoan & naarath, ILLthriodoce. the Spring Style oflists ado day, thearday,Alarch . - I teir friends antheaHomenram Halmstad aral exarahm their Heat u(Spriag on received lam New York, al their suthe,.critherAP4a and WesHt ale,, IMAM(U 11 —S MOORE has jou U., Li t ived 6001 New York, the 1111ing Nryte Hal; which be will latrodsee Sepuday, Alasch 4Lh. All se in want oft neat end super= liatoril.l please call and mutat. et No 75, Woolf etreeti 3d-deo! atewe Douess,' , lota •Jomes :Norsk! , 1710 Asubsertibor b. removed Lis NU sad Cisp td;uu, factor, to N 0.77 Woodruser, rtsg7ly opt6dte Ids old nand,, wiserp . 4o 7130dd :bp Ids fliouds sod Qs pub 4 ppenalr to pi' 07 - Nada ,00d cap., %tick forbeautrand annLbtlUrciadotbesorpiused, WIL.DO.M4 B §I 7 ::‘ 0. 6 " - liming 74147 - ( kOzikr*Nst sill egg; Matinta or teory, L . o oo d loPdolNlN7_,XsOmosotod patrooagt of toy, i;4l4d pubueinuengii tolor . rai, n . • Nebitddlmj" , .7.4IIIS.AIoKAIN 4C.111111N INNIIIRTIORL.PATKNr. "A II; , IRCULATER AND RAT PRO'n.,vroft. ,, :rka bacriber will introduce on Satorday;Oct ash. . Uenuemen edging a bat tried with this deniable:al,. els 41'14 please tall and examine. " ' "-" r " • ._*, • ALFRED KEEVIL, Practical Nader, au . :, • . _ • _l2.L_ltelat_at _areal at t, • FALL VAIIIIION.—fk HOOKE hos reeeii rd Dom Dom Nese York, the Fall styl4-Aista which he wi ll introducer this dey, Saw 7, Ang; ecd,. All ' in; want of a nest anslenpetio hat would do troll to eon at N 0.73, H'ood Bateet,4 door above alb. 4 PALL VAIIIIIION,, 111414 .-41.1F7.11.H o - CORTARO aryl. Clandenven'elinut will hi Inn. duced at klasoihr on 41turetlay, August •gal,.. llet morn wishingts cling., fashionable kat of Pitts burgh maanfoo . . Um, ahead of fashionable Hats harem. od andadrerusetqlf.ltonle of the' trade, please Fall at . . - • , NEEllfl. •CoNi, • efwooda • " 111711117610. WASIIIO3I FOR HATA.— ahIUST reesivad bow front •Neur York, the ttentuaer Stylst few oesulaine of White Heavar ‘ • Haul sual.tYlite .Fronen-Casihaare• Haul with Vonulatone. Tho.e in warm of,* beautiful, light liet are =fora, p. , : ••• • ' 7 :triitod'ln.:ldoara.bare tith , TlEFLNE.D2llloA.E9.:4l96l..libiismailloo.t -1E) la lido., IV We refiftil- largeloitg Itlo Lbis croMed;lGS&mow tiered;9fclanfiedi in amore and for •• • - • .- .lAS AdKUTCIII:XIN , . ,Agt for St Loills Pkieauct Mutat ftefnaly ckatnalc:aarconaclntwsz,easit.; - omen Mate E 1461.011,1. 1 ,40..41110t.5u; oitoid at 41T, peat at . • r ?Ulla •._ • • • :~`!ay 4.y.~ ''n~'l'~.µ~:~_~ • . • ..„, a.7,•;TittleParrivalllMObirtr • • , wars . vrarrmuziarnuce•is in ble reatedy.Pin Epiispie Smog FalllarNekness,' vittpiees, Bpasnui,-,44 7 l weil Integra, that !mac ; time lamuniatal t l , bssichtM have.preeconeed EMI= 'dela inceniblo.-Irhatballied ant IN& itut , bostratd parser of alt nedaatma wed ...: welds have suffered through. miserable. gad Wealth at laid yielded up their _liras thn WM& With • all disfiteite,,howsmoo the opoooo 0, 00 , Ewa lad leattnetkwesayjitat 0 hes has " . HAB.TB,II WA /*ABLE =TUT . Pde sitnite yes" bas beim lamed by Man _ who have suffered with thin &cedes! dn.^ and 10 they csaewhereh hoe had - Wilq 416 f. 4 1 4.°11 " 4 Flucare. • Flu of . years_ and 0 moths, niiindlOha the fellowing.semariable'Acem, Otis td Wen Sewn. Esq., W,Philatlitligisi WillandWith leen* Fits VP years and 6 months. Alter travelling sea bb) through sftgla 5.-atNa4Ecratelly end FM.% ann . salting the astia emblem phynMft,.. and di n Err medicate; medical treatment end adviOsolllen We- - sand dollar', rammed -with •We sots to this In November last, miasma mid** o#6l . lt . .rtnu.• " 'Ai• Basra Axes Ermicre • Setore fo r to Hew Inns laid ?have spelt over three: ilusawand &Hint tin- medl cirie end =Weal attend... I di d. whih lo take a•• • tour to Direful with Idta, Ar I IMu vlithed •England. • '1 connoted the most . - irtainsted 'physicians there: in reapeet to his cm; they eamained.htm and . prestribed .aver ' I remained three motuhs withent perceiving any thong* for she boner, which cow me about ovo hundred and flitydollare potteted . by she physicians, and, the most that ed was ' c= l ,.tt lases.nase 1 . 111 hopeless' Saul pod- d y through Scot I: d n tnolf 4.=,,,tadanrn.: . tented boom la the month - of November heti- with my son le (Sr from being cured as when licit I saw your adwriveutent in • one. if the - New York papers, and concluded to try• Hart's VegetableEttriec soling your statements aml condoms of so merry• earcsi nom of .' sweaty tad ihiNY Yoko' Wending; mud I stunner . ..yen I em pot early I dad so,. as by the. use of HarCsAiegetw ble Kanter skew, la .was' reared to. perfect health: His reuen, wide!' was `ser Niger* as to mil him fee badman an -entirely restored;' with - the - prospect now • berme Wm, of life, health and tisentlonst< He' Is raw its years If lege; eirset 17 years and '0 months of this inese heehaw i dreldfal ease bat thank God afflicted-w be I. row *Waring geed healto fhdle. . Haw, geatlemon, With without wort. don't in. Its say this 'shall be ever enter"toson is one ' thing, and au I bore endows you one Imfted dollars, I - Wore no doubt but that yoawW think 'OW It another sad puha a direr= Wier The • debt Isfltrarinade I_. still owe you, but please us adapt the present amotrat' su interen on the debt la advance._ Yours vrery respecridlis., • Hlleatda O • WaLLlllllf =CORD. :Ha* 'Uf. the proprietors of this-Inmalualds utedietes • • eras • alllloted foe several ream with Epileptic • Thu Haim— had prilftoM4lte worst ofect .i. lott hls 'poem, tin - Loss of minuorfsialbeellb7 a and • • prefect prostration of • the DEIIII2._IIIIIIIIIL had Wed tie skill of the beat physielanaferasere yew.,• and grew worse entire their tteattessati. aad • he shat this medicine wary his lis• halo fee India and i nfo, and waatherefors lo v Elt lee WO, and to penowne la In woo; which be sad the resell ..- wits per ter restoration to health, was pad. 'glad IDUCteil9pled the only doter* yews: We wood. rafts le this following persons who hive' .„ bee c n a elni= e ttaisa=si - Vellatraa idz t o r: nuddra at litegrets,,Naw York. ; .• . .. 7 dna you*, El Ono! st. , t. - tt • arras pars, ItDorar 41 " 7 k L k. a 4 Ylek lonki rAulma.ths°l6, g0111 . ,_. _mem yearn likeent t ' Win Is eirgesic many yous, , Yorkville. Him ELleae,nrelva Veal; altM , tahMb - 2 et' • Wm II Pareell, tensalysthree_yesns, Nene .* . aw& Fez/. Tma, 174 t-Dedtasel aJdo M a le atia. Team ,17;me JudgeEamdatl, N East raa eway Thomas Liana, of the II $ Navy. • • • Cept Wm icor=, Blau at. Iteldgepert; Htf: • ' . Dr .W L Moose, Gafford, 11 . ' s.i. , -. :. -...:, .. Rev T L Bohn Baltltacre, Md. - • '.--;- ...11 1"` mZita, ' . 1 , }'' Zir i fw t % " = l l. l' .-: ''- - : • " Mrs Jonas Bertha% ,Ortega ge.• N - ?, Joha Faber, 1.78 Mktabodg sti. - *. : ' 'do • •D A Ilieltaa, 118 Delaney Jemogißrosts l 3 fifffolk Mt. . . ....•-dri All of widelt' rosy be cooa too, ..mot, i• 0 rx Pysyr..l by IA 8 .garr,:.(l4o Itqui-C - flaita xew York. G P'T s•miMiss & Co. MA 'Main 41*We-63044'W al: „.4 s, sod IN Tstala st,beirreta tad Molnar., Otdo, 'rr . holtrolo had .redalaAtlllst the. L W/LCOX, 24:_ettrisei 'or Marhs_iket p 4 ._ *to DIA; molds oar art ' m =WS Pa . . • - t=MthrlY '.. WEI 109:#1,..'4 .- 11A o a. c 7:7: J -- - ... doo: Nam . ~... . D1L.318.010/14 h.. 4 y ou ~-1....,p, t i ., -- -ki.-' - ' l • 9l :t* fie proM .? _ • ~, - -v .. .trestnieeotAlicia prism "" .• '‘ ~....,,rrir.,, land,. aid treattoest of those ersotel,,,,ideki soup .be has had more practise-and has Amp, p.. . tlerds this, eau peer Au to the Weeny " pm, Grimier) empty. qualifies - Mot Ps , ofire ot speedy, pernsonsat, tad smile/Won este to alt . with deluge diseases, tiodalt dinars saisiat,therel. . . was= weld lalbint iffider : dieesees which have become carted& by thaw* ad-. gaveled by the lea or any of the Comm..n watts=ad the day, Mg their emplane/a** realliallyandther. *stay cored; he baying given his . 7.leixeCni 'eretubies to We treatment saral cam, wed anteceded in'inalderft of inannen in ended semen of taimaniciq tha mob of ahs. bled/lab wet khnited disisarewVernatar rants Cana thaw ewes 'whew *hen . haysineitildeted theat to heywhera dawn*. lie pavtlenbniy *Vitra sorb as have bees Wag Ind stmeseeseilellytrined bylaw* to cows* him, when .enery eatiersettemvera them and Weir eases weeded * h careful, sad *Wiper sesareW pawed era by Imy , study, wed ravestlettlehitbranyeatie Wed** . practise of m ate gire any . Er.Ard..*Tlid=Pa. Thateisiinin4irea pee: sews bed enth to esakowirebsspagparda. .nlar auentian Is ads diaresa — . Skin dismal* mime /41w, Psial;a*,i-eyeadily r eekar4. N. rations of atm sea:living sewdleurnea, by metier *sly dieesse ,writiny, sathitaymp wen, elnl obtain medicines with dmeettatte tor:pw, by ed.rcring padi.a.l_!lott". Alere Ein...6s,.flisattond oppenue — • flat_vbs** IMaPORTANT TO TEXIC LADElinale Hair Cream; ematebless Garkhe.Wowih, nty. and Restoration of the ,• This e M .Irlllll once known; will *awards all other artich Ilia kind now•tise.l.• When the' hair 'Ls deed.'ketnily• thin, unhealthy, or Outing grey;- h e•finik is .aLielic.atZa will nuke the-hair sod sold dark, and give it , lively appearance; and will also snake at Main lire. intro . :tad healthy coiortielee a. bong as all.ttpdkpr.P. rations which. are generally , used... Every 164 , , ant • gentlemen sin In' tbs.- babirofnaina oils on their hair, should at.oinkaparchase , a bOtllll crtie',l3llnes• Hair Cream, as it ts ao ecespreed thanlt 'Wel actinium the hair like than othlTpreparatiinu, but.iniß beitoll4 and rive pertimi satir Mao* in Avery intbltid . q, For teethe... Porter 'livery superior, qualkies, see thus ' followin tenor from Rev. , Mr. Caldwell: •to Mean - Ha • &.• Stretch, Hashrilletoerterat Aipteda for Letter from 011,61. in. paiulr of thifi* • Limas, Hendershou &ftnetel—ortsata fr', - I.lMlTdlf,!%ithrgit= Cheam—for about two yen no,. my lunirn every. day, brinly, and disposed to come catA bat Lai _emand bottle *fa. Crona,and needif ace to Ate prowniption, my hair lel.. sot elniele and me u, the head =Many balsams 'end' Ws war a :emelt* each leaving my hair e aroma mile than Wpm Th 4 mea n) , N.en cuticle Co. the Toilet, my site given , it prefer, owe over all others, beim/ delicately parfmned, aml not disposed to rancidity. The Ladies mpoclally will And .110 Chinese .Cmant to be a desideramos in theft rape. rooms far the toilet, Surest:2llr -r-r.e.ti , litAALuwitai. ErSold wholesale and lanai, is Pinslaugh,'lo 'Saha IL Townsend, NO. 45.Maiket meat: andlentl , Misbkr corner of Wood end Fifth atn,eta., %UM : VOWE'S. /10411t1X0.1.1XDr : 4: USER 'wort Covet Candy is Mined to no.poik. p asatd nad aced. resen_dy for, Imo teetAmbledsconem uess, itedun=bit..=. W=4 . ' group, SOfo the Meat mot DatfL In sub aims lt isknee vo 11110.3 ationled -deeldmi and panotadetundie4 nod Atom Ito sapid sale and gnu swans sea rinemlyllsr the above disown where beettjased,lv.proadamt to • become one alba 01040 useful sod payola, medielnos. It is oared soo, as a' pleasant telistus no ocanosepther and an sodium to voesliateond poblieopeakereAlo t • Tb l a name of the ;dependent:6'7..44;mi 'musty la. gradient, and it-will be Annul:so bob? atrintano pleasant the tome, Andean, be used by.ehlbised Ind ndeltsaritli entire Itopornuy.. Tberminbibt•seed le the preparatiott are of Use' best • 1034111ity, and itaky ft lied on as to every mtmt open and donning attlela Faoiilia wattld uo. &nbt • promote nett teakettle.. hub by keeping a apply, especially in the rune of • mi. minable , IghCondy Is 0004e0000 - 4 01161, SS 11611101 10 blatbenr r bang superior to all dieVitt(od Be. by dampen in creation. es children wets naveroora to en. aben th in candy intemd, except kr elm: ;del i • El °rah anidg will convinee any pence Of 14 ON. ey, end the psoprietors *lnfo-re eery enrperontld do Mated &mat to prolate debnOvit ". Sold what and retail, by tit d Gootlito 4 • - •.^ toner ad mama - m9M AM sts,linv.M Ikon IV. Co., Prmdietors, Yfo .11.4,412uMn. • 31 n- ..,• °. th E. S piv "2.7 1 2{4 ' r,17 ,sete I ted with's seeohilOus " coraiiisisc is Ely le .0 kis acess =dim wider It core in physicians: silisp said esr essannis shassitinicatable, 'and thmispahl do ten halo for ma. : I uss aesily Wptoodistssint Os Sid of onsets* eiRdasthh,PICSIFY IlaSbniniAliVnt holy ; pOnlisted of psi. add oonissinield. yin's th:ClitAllit.L.k. Admits, ow arl.o.= ll = '. :ores coossecced tioin.sc i iind I *id asideiele es, wag:city a case. lelpiponasd rithear, . tad'. at doss's! of tho fotinh,Then Wall WO day In shcssinirstisck in AA: DSO 44 ,buttloskic.Te• sentiga ,u 4 on% US . 1 . 1 4,heak4 *NW sinwlast stammer I hiss seen so opposes:die in UR dlansohnsl have oceirtoci, &id stances endisinostpichiej % i two %nth coolderaie, . Mat= • aced is the moms Nay,' yoo, has beau I,la ' fail imastast .,.. ; o r w aalii sibedesals 14 .. _,, e .,, ,• car faint PO, 'Sid iii3k, stio ARtw ihilklano . • al !t, "in!►=FTa. rarc1, , , , k 0 c1 4 ,, r -...., I L A '44 :: Fon Tin; anti: 0rc0v.46,,' . '.gsmillixecip , . lingo' BloodAavvpo34d AtNtdineara di : , t, TT itt. rliCrze u e«M illY 2ilr,4 4 ,=: • • : . Ede neot and a dei!Ato Kf ;.61...ayitaicitaibaNatt ' r have Induced t t ptrvivratirr PriMSO46-. I =4 * 4l . liont,or;e4er:wal'.l4oo.llollAbove .. ' • *lnv lb*" goad appreeittsdkt *mg tibli in lb* dam arthe IthoretedNids.: nanend or narcotic itypotilcatti-poot , , --,, get orineimerdence cad tomtit um ~ .,A steering (tom croup nna-whootaug ccosit, - . ... 'with - Mr44y, dad 11.11ftsoie• 1.14af, r .. =r,- . : rkdent the partiniglAftbgac 4 ..St ua * l° : . Far r. "iq'br. "ae =ai r tr i e:tsil:4ol. b...' 10kddti cd PW'!""' AB t . 4 - 4 : BL ._,-. FPeitteltEf k t q, . ?" 4411 ‘ 1 04.%:, , slae r , ,au!..441.:4 ' •.', -Z,.:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers