■■ MISnELLANEOPS. D stor* *nd for «!• v? “■"•rrssSftE&a* •; jaM • “' 1 — —muUt pifc*. p«ld to e«k to 3&r»p *■ *“ ““"allows; 1 * culSebtso* ' ' puCIUXBAI. AN3 ijore3 : We. obi. JJLjj . . -’. 153 liberty street -IUU blilii N O UolilMij«tTtc’d sod MftfcKfSj U«SJ *<»._ CZSS\ ” l "“ i ‘ u '" <=* g J |- ft j »HArA-m"LLr»"N <* 2do P*ul*i'* «*■“ ‘* r tfljf l '“' “"/‘jj WILUAga. ■ H stPs*Tkeg« P eT -*» CT lfts&wsr to don ibtubunenl by: J DALZtij^ _ ouSliiuis-U bolt imtkwteM asaa? • -*rfs< bU .T Biovra* CUiUEBTSO^ UOSB'rilfc-1 eiuk fre*k, of in* qooiitf. in** * Co. JH iwaßrMl /'IHEESEH Kj by in 150 bn* -f)I2SWX-l o<t»l4 nu-l—wu,■>» *•* dih nou for *ml« low to. «fo*» [ATWOOD. JONES * Co- | 145 liberty_sL »e»ulblaek leu jost rre’d and for S3Si B. OAKFOBDfc Co. jtkijfciSeiH'l eaik b*«wax; 65 VW'd ofteooaxinaent,«na forsala UAU DICKEY A Co, COrraier st_ Bfo cjoveraeed, 90 do Timothy, i**t mimvx ACULBKRTSONV fpEAS—lflal/ci O b»8» P** B , l * by__Vo«ufl_slSJ SCED-Oolpni rtcM anaCn, SUGAR hhd» prime .N O So rer; 40 bUnme N O Wrfwe*|atl tee d *nd tor mltbr. *a] StXLEBa 4'MCOLH. TE\Ao" hi Amu V. II tea; sdo Imp. and O F do; •"‘ffi”i .. 1U) wreod .WU I' A’Ri>—l bS* bbl and O tS& •* v So. mr December, 1H .. jjui3l_ ■CTAjL*TAHirtSS=SSO kef* n*iU;*na ■pi** l ‘° * " J ‘ b, ra Waterman. S tose nr ra^7; .. Ty^l^> "fIjiNTER OIL-5 cukt blcacbod^a** , scdoootuseb *3.' s al»oda■ (•njl . No 31 wood it j S A S^ Iu^ I '?wi«S d . lygy-* • , ° ,,1l ■Bacon and . n iboulder* defsa d(>7 57 . do ia btuk,. o '°P%S‘°‘°"‘*r' nt , OTI.IXKS A XICOI.S. (■ioAL-Onkf* for eo»l UielirfrtA ia ibe city £sa V McUfaCSBFIELD*: 808- XOGS-*9U 11>» Sat '■ R E BEIXERS. JQUA AMKOM A FOB* caibor. jbr by J P nm . B E BLLLEBS. ****** SUNDRIES—abbI* Urf; taieia dried-applett! 1 Si 6a peacbea; * aoxea woo«ock*{ 60 lb»beeiw«: •M ■ v_—m ai fat tale bj ' I:PJ3 's£rtrxau_4l> Me* NonhwiP •«»« ?5 r 8 B fa akbt - 3RSYTII k Co; . ■ : 31* water»trcrt. . (br ' •' * v ' : AYICIirCANDLES »ipAB-et>bl 1 )a3B fc ~' ' . watCTMrwt. G~ gEESK—3O boxe*’iifsje W for »le by TALLOW— fiO LbU Io 1, rei r b*g) _ r v*Vt ARft—aoobox** *»orte<i to Si M 3O fo « Jo 07 BHJWELL, ~.iK , : water <U*tt » k. V MAlUkj.ffl wood «t r noaACC-JO box*. Join *primc • J&AtAIgEY fc Co. -SdfaTfieby . ■ c r l^sss^.“ 4 j'H.S VSfKI i j«a3 J : —-3* r » FBJCAN CAYESEX^E- 110^^ ! f fijSrcoßSa-u** *»“ 1451 |; V_ i«aa - • ••'•'»• ■ *Ji' ' T°b«- JU° “*> to “ r l ° cl ”OTioug*t Co. 7 ■rtSVAST»L<TAR-17 HV “■« *° “T 1 Tw'Sro. Ttotton-u) O ■oJfc***>«by IS M^CL t "Sf 01 : ' 1} rLOUn JNa -|>Ok-LAK. IXMUKU, 1. ■:■ IUNIATA - *HEEr JJ! A°V» : m: cki;r^7 w “™S [■ I i(ss^“r^3B«» ■ ; Q,„ c 1 ° 1 u y t *“”° 1 "T MOBUJ&i ACo,l«» jjk Wuwnv oa haRMAUOH.H^ iii 1 ■/\jst _a*ji« c'SJa^'ytrwraaiaSS^: / --“^^»r»Tlp£oUß-«>*« k,llßU ? aboc 1 * i«nl7 ■ f I B U £«I, • <bolc« O'* l * fcr a*i i \V > UAUßAUrU NDt£S-30 boiti noutam 10 00 MJJi S ■Ji'f ■nit :nv-^:tea* by __._ J_u wiuiJ A?S_ :; w^^^^. Bto^r-J lo,1 ‘B"jSf a r ;i >r ■ ~l^"wl1 v- • • <tHr.»bN*Con2»wy tH n bbi» Nt> l »»d a)»d; jy bl>l* .Kol ltal* ‘ , i ..tiii fm' lin| | fllnir;tinfiV« iirli m l j fnnnlrlir ‘ OPENCEB* ' JOHN OIUEI*- ' O U»i• f, * U "* ortßie tnaAS, WILSON_fcUBtF.n PEAnitCT—ISO bn». f»ccmii« from,. •**&* _-LU—l-: cj t*i» Erie and tor »*le by -•nl?' V • ' - JAMEs DALZCLL, truer ri. i COf w* l FRUfTB— KWc cw» uew *iyle, .. IWV,- ~ I'niir ■'•' ' MTins print*, j«t reeM and for *»ie by *r>OTASU— A prims atnel* atTC mn- ' • SIIACKLEIT* k WUrr^yjwooJtt. I’PPLKS—IO M>U »«« “ 1 ‘ A i*ma_. ••• ■ •'•jimlO' . TTin M.U tKin pot»«o*« Ja«t landing: 1 lJ~~u«r??rlUgat cuitd iri^^Suß—3» bbli BucUnnan’a exim 'J™ 1 * *7*; I -g? 1 - — '-—r:Z'.~ l'.>t<rr. t bbU in. UnJlnffraißEED'oib-sa bbt. prime ipKei nil: on con— ,^ I^pii'»w»''Prio»«l«'r, * --•■e.lriierluJdl. if —7rrr iUU U»;g«aohe*; 130 do AND FKATIIKRa« WjU Mid l iRY nUrtT-' W 1 3t H HAIVIXj ..^ t a relying froin»tml lal» J tale by ... , flf far nU fayV » flMity _JAS..I?AWBI4- . Tvrrn IIAIR- 3 b*let dfcr h ; . ;AP>'£3si&%MbeU dr^«r^*“ ,d ’ D^« L 2 ' ,ftoby BfcWUAKM^ I«*_ re. : VJ, nd t' i ?.^?f,^J I>a tg-130 b»md» flour, Swefiringea &lfmftniV -pLOUB-130 lbU UEP.A HUtltY- *d, }yu Undin* r ■M J fefMtoby fl * W IJAKBAIjgIL.__ V Woi e , ■ UE&-130 bm *7 Mwhc*, Ohio H iaa 1 ifl wood **««•_ . u by 7,f t w HA«ou|aH. ■•■••••■ • ——-? r. j. v,rimckt l' . 5 ; . : ga.-wpodia. ■ ”***'*"*- ‘ H »nnyl^Ma^“^*£.tiM;lLKY-<4C<»| | . j> !;• ''j'- ' _ . • ~• ■- y.i. '-rirMnßS—S>«r esks. Booeao Pott Wine; • It, " Trash do; * g) « ". SM Madeira do, IS “ . LM do; > I jo - - Symington, do; 6 ' “ . Fayal, do; ' ' }• *• ; Tenerife, .. do; 10 “ pals Sherry, do; S Golden do do; 5 “ Brown do do; 10 “ Lisbon do do; * . 15 i“ • Dry Malaga do; , jo M lUweel do do; For la caenlitis* io soil, by P. C. MARTIN, drtJ *' cor.ttrnithfleld & L nftit >i«._ *iriycaHgßTllT.Ae-~tQbxs crop bunch Kalins, f - JUUU Messina Orauges;^; , ", , 5 frail* Dales;, '• 6 eases Citron; S bills shelled Almonds; " ; 3 bbls Filberts; 10 bxs A No 1 Rock Candy; SObxsuew sealed Uerriug; received per t sinPTOJf, nT U IXJ A 135 wood »t Maidf&ctcrkd TOBACCO -35 bu B*; 35 *» Chapman's ss; 90 “ We'sfis; H “ BosmU A Robinson's fis; ' go u tranche's Is; 30 “ Dawson's Is: on eousitnmrnl nan A. GORDON, A Vale r st Myrrh, Turkey; | f do Gombog*; do Kino 'ijue; do Opinm,siewerop; \ j do Golbonuin, ttntued; Kil Joists; . do DiuuJelion; do lieUadouuo; Jsxtt rewired *na ft •■lebT B. A. FAHNESTOCK* CO, dclU cor let fc Wood m*- F ilßß—lso bbla large No 3 maekcral; 30 do do Not 1 A sft 4UhfbblsdoNos£&3; GS GUIs No 1 fibbed herring; 84 do No i Baboon: 15 casks large Codfish; 100 boxes scaled andNolUerrinf; Ewrifrt~rffairi.br- SILKTIAI —We have ju*i received • '■ wio eaae auoried colored wkiuw; tt •* very light do /do; r . * «' black •• - do; wy heavy, • V,' . m u . doj very line; . “ emVI col ea»Van»; “ *» black doj ,Lick .. .m -uio- * white, r . 9tf Wood rt PBODUCB— (JOban dried peach**; . ' 67 keg* lard; , lObbla. do; - 1 4 „ rnH buuer _ Landing and for tala by ent.n CBBAJS. u» china pouj . y O , tclj Wood «L !r-“ • - 5 a beanb “ in u vbiaka *■ ' 1 I.T IW- 3f VONBONHORSTtC^ PBODCCB— 3S kr*i \>awr, ■ *® - oq j,y*h prime chc*tnat*, s*ek«£tt»e»s; SYjTfpprgll-labbU Pmb Roll Butter, ’ II bbU CJorCTieed; - ' JD«k»Pt*chP*i 1 bale ilope; -'^^.r^riSKiSsfas* ° uc!s a Water A OS Front m SUOAH-«hhd» prime New Orle&nr, abbUDßcroehed; 10 do aeeoried eoejK' 1 a TC fi^'., MOL ASBEK-10 bbb N- o. prime, 9 do : : 9 do PhD*.«eam «yro»; _ J. D. WILLIAMS, 110 wood For cmle by i deg) - /-\TT.« 1000 gall* winter blenched Whale • nrticle:_ 6 bbU Tuner* Chi} k u Crude do; tnetore; for »«i* t>7 • O. bLA.CKBCBN*4.CO. bt« ' ' Wnter et, near Ch. wry *?■ * Afr-JSieki F«il 4 6 sclu Ginseng; 4 scks Dry Apples; 1 box do , ..' 1 esk Beeswax; ( , .. . •l aek Beeswnu in imw; (or sole* u) de IS DICKY.* CO. NETS— S bale* Almond*; lUlil* Shelled; £ ban Cream Nuts; " Jcls S — oiP »at> caSdi.e«— ~ , *JOO boxes No. 1 Cincinnati frfiapi 20 “ JJonkl Candle*; Jal . , No*, lii Xa % VOOO at. HOPS 18 bale* l*t sort western N Y 110. p»5 . » C do-Ri" *a«wn» 7 ■ «■««*—"'“J* iSuS-ni“ ES ,41 a-ntrr»_ ,iiOwoodet. SUNDRIES— 8 bbU lard; • ! i $ ** • fre»h roll batter, > 6 •“ dried patches;. : > ' § “ . dorer aeed; ■ _ _ _ Jail rec'dnnd fiat sale by L-S WATER. f<'N. ' 1 jann ■''• 31 water end wM ru m »t« • boiee pare. Palm; IN 5 ‘ u Whiiei •- • •- 3 “ Bo»e: . 7. • ?< S u " Sharing;' for ta je by 9. F. VON BONUORST it C 0., j No. a Fro it «i 11BBRU FIITIT—OO drum* Smynm S- r. t 2bbl» Zuuifc rurrr r.W 4 buie»Cc»e>» vii a 0 do For aale by J.D.WiLUaNS, dc£> Vood«.__ ;b»t» ill*. ill »lOfC c uiuwm^. «iuai rre’d and Buckwheat flour—*4 wet*, & *ap. trior arti cle, in *iore and for *afo by • . j+e** L. a WATER MAN. . SOAR— bo boxes prune tto«planding from aioamtwat Gen. Waahingtou and for ule by ' ' • j«*a ' ‘ JAMES DALJ JELL. CnMKs_*o rroae wood Comba inil rec'd a nd for ule ujioo—«v # j c bidwELL, Ag euL ja«9 ' * wale r»trcet._^ ~R will Mill* extra family Bmir, aw/ oih rr choice fcCpl I*s Lberty U. (ynoNS-M bun. C' ORN UROOMii— SC doi fejr male by , fcbl / WICk k. £SS . POTATOES^IOObWT N tshianocUrtw red nod for fla by ~~ febl __ XASSKY k U liST* RIEd'pkACUES-MO ■!?■? ; iAf” mebr fcbi TAsaia *- ■ .ist TI7TNDOW GLASS—SOO bn , from C bqt_ S' OAP k. CANDLES—7S bx» CincinmU No ft So»P. 7 w '“wlrf/ccuVoH&.v, tx. Prim., UgjjjL ipLovEßsaawo ~V ebi J^EPPEB— OTO lull p*TP cr which ctu ** dTW ■J” w a. «*■ " SALEBATU3— la'l>oxe» ud c»»i» ftr **|* .X . - ROlff’JtT VALZi'AJ* SOAF-IU! bir.sea Ci«iiui»li Sow i”“ "Sj Jffi 4 ■tlo hr Lineal - JOHN S IJILVS OK n j Cl ARbKETI WAKTH.D-A I™* IT come v/ell reconur*ciwleil, will ° ,H * f. - ciiuatkm *TA yood w*getby•» a\^__ STEEL'— A ceaenl jMiaitnwutof Cwt, BUM,, o<<W ~" 7., w 55E j-vi-niEHA-M AM • HlhWf: Be«r«f farudeb? ifcMI_BROWN * CULHBin*WL- Ent.T. mVrrTT:—a i>bl~» Croh UoH Bauer, jauro “■•"’T WICK A McCANDLBfS. _ RICCWJait ToceiTcd and fcr Mie by V _. T • fcbr ' WICK*. JtfcCANPI*S». IROWN DWLLINO&t-Ht® extra > drill* jtut rewired byj _w>ls IHORST fc airalacd. covtantiy tia hand, m;. pn M J>»d for atla at retail Uy . JUEL.AIOHLKR, .• : V ' . eor.^oo.Uajljth.u.- UOURUT A liberty. -" • U) OIL—» bbU Conklin#’* 4 NiroL* 1948 -. ; — 7&n. Sen.lVMoon iUw"'* FEBRUARY. ri*«. TSaturdarT' ' « 1 *J* fl Humlay, ;ttGd 5 * iSi 7 Monday, • i«CI 5 9 ■ a TneMlay. =0 30 510 ,» <* 0 Wednetday, .0 49 511j10 47 10 Tborsilayr 048 51« I U » 11 Friday. ': 047 SlO 1 tnon». MoTemeOtaof the To attire at New York. MAVR*.; : Missouri, Mortin,; Dec. 21 I'hilaila, ll«iton,i Jan. :S N. York. Femuul, Feb. 01 LIVERPOOL.. 1 Cambria. Judkinai Jan. 1 _ —_ Feb. 1 aomiaurros. j&e. \Va*h‘iu John*ioii.l)cc.l7 | lloriuau.Ctabire«i.Mat. 15 I To arrive at Hoilon. PITTSBURGH BO ABU OP TRADE. COMiUTTKEFOIt FEBRUARY, -. 10SSX7. ' IOSHUA IIAJSTtA. 3. TOTTFX Of'yjcE. Prrrsnimnn Gaxcttf, ) Saturday/Sloraing, February 5, IS4S. J The weatheß, yesterday, had undergone a urn. teral change from the duy 1 previous. It urn* dark and stormy, accompanied by rain'in lie afternoon. and very, Utile Urn* doing in lie way of trade. ' Ft»ut—discover no material clange in. the market; receipts have been liberal, and stocks ore quite full Sales are .exclusively confined to the regular liomc trade, and the article passes off ratlf j cr slowly at former rote*. We note transactions I from store, by dray load, to the extent of some 200 I bbl* at $4,5705 $> bbl according to quality. I Chain—The!; market is without change. In .vhent, we hear!of no transactions. There is very iule in tie market, and that little ia in the land* if millers, who make their purchases out ot the market. It is held nominally at 00095 c 9 bu. Of Hyc und Barley, we hear of limited transactions only, at 4Oolspfor the former,, and 45050 c for the latter. Sfiles of G5O bo. Cyra at 350406 ? bu; and 000 bu Oats at'2BsB"c.p bu—supplies Untiled. Pwvisioxa-’The market is quid, with no change in prices. Sales of 3000 Jfo Bacon, in loin, at the following rates: hams G0Cl; sides 5051, and j ahoulder* at 4041 c y 8). Limited sales of Bulk | meat at "3104 c 9 Iff Lard is abundant, and the I market rather duff We quote further sales of 8000 lbs at sj®sjc p fit- Sales of 1500 lbs Roll Butter ct 12013 c 0 Iff Fisu—Tbe market is steady and prices firm.— Salmop nre in fair request at 520—Mackerel 180 12,50; 7.50 \> bbl lor the ‘different num bers. Shad 0010, and Herring at 0,50 bbl . Citrate—Sales 30 boxes W. R. at 6jc 9 Iff Seim—The market manifest* wipe activity, with moderate suit? at the following rotes: Clover I $3.7504; Timothy 2.00, and Flax at 9009«>c {> bu. • Brc Fu>nt—Sales are effected to a limited ex tent at 3,7 f r Xaiij>7 9 bbl, as in quality. RccxwiiK.iT Fu*rn—The market is duff and the article slowly at 1.:i701.50,p 100 lbs" j from store. I Bkdovax—Very liule is doing in the market— I Tlte supplies nre limited, with light sales 22c p Iff 1 FtvrnEßS-frSales of 20 sacks at 32c 9 ft, on time. . Fecit—The market is pretty well supplied with green and dried fruit Sales of green Apples at 1,3701.50 9 bbl Of dned Apple?,-atjfec, and of Peaches at $1,5001,0* 9 h°. The splendid packet steamer Isaac Newton, Cap,. A. G. Mason, leaves for Cincinnati to-morrow mortting at 10 o'clock. Foe Sr. Lorw.—The fine steamer North Can lino, Capl. Uevinney, having lieen unavoidably di tamed,, will ;leavo as above, positively to-morrot afternoon. The N. C. is an excellent boat, 'and c fer* comfortable quarters to the traveller. The captain of the steamer Ynllabusha publishes a statement of the aoddeal to his boat in the New Orieaus Delta, in which he denies the charge ot “culpable it exigence" brought against him and some of his ofllcers. He sap that not more than seventeen persons were lost. | Tlic ('meiimuti CVimmereial state-* dial Hog slaughtering is goiug pVelty briskly on S*nne ten or twelve thousand yet to kiff Wcrnffi* IkuTWA*.—We call alienluui Uj the advertisement-of this journal. Mr. Kmbrec, the editor, is na experieueed steamboat Captain, ana -mderetands the interest* and wants of the bun ni v*. Hi* journal alwuld have a wide circulation . n - our ; rivers, as it'i* the only one devoted ex* du>ivcly to the xrtau interest-—-St. U)ui* Ho. ! Hirer CamalUe*. We learn {torn Mr. Kirby, clerk of the steamer Empire, tto n.glMil -Sp" which carried away her larboard BUard, boose, store room and whecebou*e. Bor'- Harp"*. » colored man. the cook of the liost. "Vi oard. The Kmp.rc *rtr*»r hoar, hr repairing her wheel, and armed here la.l Hour. On «liirdav nisht,about II o'clock, the rteaoicr Mtiwnokro going down, nnd-lhe Tike No. 7 con'ing " ™ e in cnlltron near !U,lng Nun, doing ranch SSma-c to- and nearly .inking bolh bn*l*. The .hUna'creoied oa rhe Milwnnkie Indie. fainted, jwrmn. were knockedlhcw seat bv the shock, and moveables were scattcreu Sol .he tarn The larboard to-J. tire Milwaukie wo. torn away. logelher with the hrcuinlf and tmmc of the cnb.n Mancheon.. The boalbeeame unnuinirgaUe oiler the colli,ion, the .phot having no HalT to ,leerl.y, and t^h^i.Xnd A e^,utr4 No 7 ' A flat lint, loaded with corn in the car, »rnk ■SBrrJSsrjattsws —ns..: icKfjrrr t •wiimi: _Jt—lO'Kcxll** bridlo ; kttker on [Arid for MID br O E O„A._I.ERSyJ ; bbU. No .1. lard on «*»«**“?«• £*"* for • •: liaait jtTf»lC<pLS. __• I -£ikxt Uiwrtoient of German iKnRIi»U. Hjeaf; GdUi leaf and’ Jhit j.U metal ] fcr 21wijod i Steamers. ilXrotn N- York. - Frb. 21 c, j-vrnnil. Mat. at UVWUIXM- Hibernia, Ryrie, Jan. I Cambria, Judkina, Jan. J »»ILTUAMPTOX, if- Waah'n., Johnaton Jan. SC }ioi msut. Crabtree. Mar. H Tu tail from Uytiou. uvattvou C**ttle B»rketi. New Yuan, January 31.—At martcl, 1000 Bee CatlhTbO Cows and Calve', anil 1100 bl.eep "t" Cuule—The .ales have mostly b " | " "‘'V] «0 to 8 though we hcor 01 rercrgl small lota on pored of at 37|«30c higher. Ciwi aud Calves—lie ported at 522,.d>. » quote Kale* from that mark up to $U q Sheep ami Umbe—l*ncca from $2 Vo <*o left over. Spirit of the Demestle Market** York. February I.— Flour—The »dc* ore. 300 to 400 bbl* in lota, for " CB,RrT ! and.common Genesee;r,,7.VS*i for common to prod New Orleans, Of prime Gcnc«ce. we quole Fancy r,,371£.V,, ( ;21, and &,,M i* in limited demand, with sale* of nrj . IJJ, a t 3J.2tfi3,tS| V W»t Rye Flour is.dulL Sales of 230 bbls nt 4,-.)® Klo.tr—Martel iaacUve, Held ■12.‘j®1.7s r » V bbl —no sales.- 'Wbeal—Sate* 314 bop* common Sou hero at 11 ‘o'i i>lul Genesee ollercd freely at 1.-m* JlveiaduU BtlWc. Barley firm, and m moder ate demand at S-TfiOOc bu. Com is heavy. Sales 2000 bu old Western raUcd at 61i —which is n decline. Pbrk is dull. New Mc« i* offered freely a 10.2& Old at 10 C Mil. Lard is dull, with a downward tendency. Pnmi is held nt;6jc, without sales. • , if>n . lifl . l4d ! Ihiiter i* in fair demand—ll<Bl3 forOluo, Ifi for tiuunon State; IMOT *r fttr to good, am} 21623 for good to prime. . Gj irumort—Per l'lio-nix—2o tree ripe, Kenney 1 bi/1 hirbhlliama,Crair;' bacon. Friend,-Ebey dim; I bbl ItceC 2 bbda to, Uacoo, Sill pen built meal, 3 bbU beana, 9 *> p ‘’ ,c ' SJSt b»‘iS2 tg» baiter, 29 do lard, 1 bg do, 2 tea* butter nnd eggti.Oriiiii.MeC.rew 4: co, bg frJt, : 2 Mils eggs, 20 bxa do and buUer, owners. ; Wirrlo.g—Per Wellsviile—o Mills tobaeco, H .... imb lire mdse llaynrd; I bid do, Bntler iV ''il'lS ajia'busta! Edmondson; 201 bids Ilnur, Oal fonl dc co; '3 pe" lsiilcr irtm, Von Bounhorst; 1 ldjl buuttfl AVnleriunn; 30 at, shbrbi, Otu-Uji*.. | Isiiwvr—Her Miehignl.r-32 pea marble, Win! & do; 20 Ml' bills ole, Smith: 3 bills cnllon yan Church dtCarotbcrs; 1 hlf bbl ayniPi bughi l, 'Y Benbctt:'4 rk* peaches, 7 M>L *nndne». Me .oy, 7 bdls' paper, Chmlinn Advocate; 10 dodo. low. IB dp d S, Loom!*; OS dog bmorns. Lambert A. Shpfot. lO ligib w Hour, 2 bxs, 1 bid eggs, 2 do boiler, : llrheeoefl/r—Per Atlantic— 20 bla reogTaas, B wed; 1 bbls llaiaced. 1 bl raga, Bagaley Sc -inn 2 bxa raga, Garrett; 1 W sundries, (.01; II m douf, Mitchell; 0 bgml bbUpples, lo do lot owner.; i Ter Danube—l hx*.-l cliert mdse, llurbridf Wilson A; co; 20 pip* mdse, Grafl) 1 chert < Forsyth As co; 9 hi* md*e, Atwood, Jones Ac v < 105 uu mi»inp, 5 do oranges, 4: l>U mdse, 13c cope,aft pbn, Bid well; 00 bUsltour, SO do appl Mlllun; 20 dd fluur, Cook;-6l-ao do, NuU; 30 k< nojU,'Evnnse I j CiVefwnafi—Per l'cnn^vivanin—ll2 bbU I sugar,- 4 bbl* almond*, 00 hiida sugar, “W B lie: I 25bbls loofsiifear, Morgan; 21 dodo, Mercer] i&>biaao3> 40 do do, IkUzelg 20 Tihds sugar, 1/ tc co; l<j bbls whiskey, \Val*oa; 10 ests bn«l 1)! Leech £7 bn; 200 Mils molasses, Burtiridge, Wib 1 serf A: co; 5 do castor ml, 5 do slum, R E Belters; 10 bis l>op»,-10 bgs rags, Smith A; co; 2 bxs, Walk do, J-D • , | i Per Germantown—loo bin* co&We, 20 hlf chests f iL 20 bbls turpentine, Millee Ac Rickeuon; 50 3l“ mIkS EbUnwn; 100 do d,i, W* a • S’b Bsll»fc'&‘l° do,l«oubl;l refrigerator,lhdwell Stt Cu bdls iron, 1 4 csbs*S anvils, jJouds .As Ouii^Shhdssugar, o.bbU molasses, 10 do Mjsae, MaA tn| 70 do molasses, owaer. \ m of Pittsburgh: 6 rorr v.vn x is ) ( ARRtVKT', Beaver, Clarke WrlUriile. _ ! Caleb Cope, Beaver and \VelUv»l!e. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. ! Monterey, Morrison. Brownsville* - Ringgold, Cope,-Bridgep ort * ‘f ' Danube, Code, Brownsville. ! Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. J Atlantic rarkmsun, Brownsville. Germantown, Maclean. Cin. j DEPARTED, j. i Beaver. Clark, Vellsville. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver^ Caleb Cope, Moore. Beaver amj AVellvme. } Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville.; Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. j Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. ? Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Danube, Cock, Brownsville, f Clipper No. 2, Crooks. Cin. Pbtrnixj Dryden, Cin. Fairmpunt, roe, Sl Lonis. ; Vellsville, Barns. Wheeling. ; Ringgold, Cope, Bridgeport. BOATS LEAVING THIS BAY. BROWX3VILLE PACKETS, BA- anJ n CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 a. si. • 1 ' BEAVER PACKETS, at 0 ami; 10 a. si-, and 3 GLASGOW PACKET, 4 r. si. • j AMERICAN EAGLE, New Orleans. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR IMS- Steamboat Packet Line, leave* daily for LinciunuU, PaVipngtr Packet Yia Rrowusville Jlaltitnore mid Philadelphia. Sa. »• and Or. m. ; ' „ Mail Coach Lins direct to I'htlaijelpnia, V *• »• Southern Mail Coach Line, ® a- **• Nottb*We*tero Yia Cleveland, daily, 1U a. U. Eric and Wectrni New York, dully, 0 a. m. , Nonh-Ktutcru toiladelj.hia, daily, except Sundayi 4, a. x. ARttlVAld* AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS- . Eaatem Mail Yia Philadelphia, duedU. x-rJo*e* Id ». AVeat’n Mail. Cmcin. A LooUv.dueS f.ir, South-tiaßaltunore AWa*Uington,di(eo r.«.cia*a.i». North Wcetefii via Cleveland, due 10 a-cUwea » *• “• Erie and \V?»iem New York, due *.. clo*e» *a. «• DRY. GOODS, GROCERIES, &c. A. A* UftiOß db Co., G 2 XABKXT Wt- IBTWBKI TUtED Asl> SfOCSTH STBECI*. INFORM their friewle and the public cenerallr, UiaJ being about to remote m the *jmciou» and ««*«*! Siore recently erected on the wimiu#g 1-ot iwr wi clone out their large ami .well eflecWd stock and Winter Good* el twr, ami m many com 1 * * e “ cost, to enable them toopetUheiriiew store w thi« entire atoek of New Good*. The tale will tlii* day and couUnue .to the fir*t ; of March, or turn their femoral. Their extensive u**ortroent- c Drew Good* will be »old iuU 3U j*er cent. le»* than ura at price*. They couialof the most ’ t** .K>mtbU l ael mere* and Delane*, Gala, Mohair., silk and Orcgoi riaid*: Al*n. Bombazine*, Alpacca*, Ac. Cloak Good*—French mid German Merinos. Queen Clolb, French Plaid Cloakimn, Uroad Uoih», of »» moat fa*hionaMe color*. Black and f*ncy Dre*. *tik of every variety. Shawl*—Cashmcfo.Terken, rartai Plaid, ud Other *hnwl»—n very Inrye mwortnenu ■ "jl. reduced one half m pnci. Flaiinela-U el*h. and American Flannel*, ot all cofor* a *d oualtuci Bonnet and Can Ribbon*, Glove*. Hosiery. Gimp* inn KV WrotSi Collar* and Cape;.,Lace., AruOcml Flower*, Plumes jtud Feather*. Scan*. Cmrat* Hand kerchief*. Fancy Button*, etc. lancn Good* m every description. Wooll'n Good.-Ca**imere*, C.tMnetU. Vesting*. Bearer*. Pilot*, Tweeds, Jean*, '\hilncy and Hath Blankets. Also an ex«eii*ir« assortment of Calicoe*,Chinues, domestic Gingham*. Checks, Stripes, Ticking*, brown and bleached Mttsiin*, etc. Tlte lollowihg will l>o »onie of jhc Pnces: . . ca.^7,... > '■ t;»* P"" £*4 a Mouaaelin de Laine*. I«l • J® and 51 , Gala Plaid*. , a » *J *!", Mubair A Oregon Plaid*. » • • • u Alpaccaa* J-« • „ -.T Flanaela, t “IT* Wrought Collar*, t»* • J • u ?,! Calicoe*,, 9to JO i « a, Toceiherwith every article in the which will be ecoally cheap. Vuiter* may be assured that they will not be disappointed in thnqu»hty orpnee* of our good*. UatUll AjA MAH)> now’ll **»• **»• fov "Bargain*. * t k'XAVDKR A ILW; wouldlrestMTciiulty inform .A- the eiureu.* of Pittsburgh and'tie vicinity that they are now telling otf their very l«rce and e*tcn«ivc s.oca of dry good, at an unptuaiWed ire.lueiion i.i pHM-. ibeii object being u, exchange good*n id der to effect this m. the «hortcst wimble tune they »t •ell off their eatirentwk at soeh remarkatdy lo 'v rat. a* cannot mil to »uit cn»h boycr*.; A fine . *j>polrtamtj “now offered to person, in want of.c!l.c.p dry good« supply themselves at a comrmTativei} *ma.i expenw We have a largo and splendid stock ot ' Sfk . Palo Alto. Itaena Vista’ Gala. Knglwh »;;M" f {‘ ch . t ', riao Plaids; Oregon *ud CaliJoriu* do; l turn Black atul I Mode colored*!)® lAine*. French Mcnhot a.Hirtrd col-, or«. Alpacca lustres; Bombazine*] F.enyh und Cashmere* and Mowdin De I June*; I rench and L*n ] ‘ IU,,<j,B &SASD MANTILLA SILKS. . ! 71 large and splendid aseorimentl ot rich U«i . ‘ nc “- aud Mantilla Silk* ami blue black[ Jhras . aans. SHAWLS, SiIAWI.S A larze awomnein of super French, rurkern on CaHiaiere Shawl*; plain and embroidered Tlubet do'l'bamcleon and Krocaile silk do; plain hl»ck Vlh do; siiper all wool long *qu*?e ‘^_l ,lal " ,ad embroidered Cloth do; pUuu,aml De do. CIAJTHS AND CASSIMERES. iuper French, ttuluk ««d Amehcan Uoihi and Cu •*r, ~ i "SS , iiS%*SD fi-ANNKI-S. ■ Art excellent and » l*rp» * lock -( _.i .-kite and vellum Ftunida- , l!Fu»kcii-S«r« blue Blanket, tor otercoau; fa* ** s#. ■■•*mhl -I. M- 1W- cm “ f PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR ST., NEW YORK LEE & BREWSTER | E»uUi»b«l » w»fehou*e.u» )'«•« **[ l, ‘* i | s XiiE >VOIILD... L n3K£ .«»«)• W'ThSs Imkeiiul b.ci.p«i F l«-J 1 ONE TO FIVE CENTS inwmatioti oi ' ,u >rr*. > a PKIKT WAREUOISBi j Nrw York, June, > r_r>l—Slond* J** Jtii< 10. y-, nF'ST UKDUCTION IN IVICKi*—AVK. Murphy. GN V- run.er «th and mwkel .U-. will. Iron. Uuj JrfL Ida winter drcu good*, and a large pruporuun nfhjr .tuck, adapted only to the winter kUwOwOI B «dy i/t.ciug U.» object tU off flu* Bart of hi* .lock to make room for an c«rl> *pn''f> •ippK no 'tt£«d Will b. hwl IQJh. of.h» 1 JtOiev will be uScrcd at pnee. ikut will etiAure tbur .ale—web u Calitbruia plaid*. «* former price -jc, at SS tSrmcr P»« 3U«; Pnntrd Scoirh ra.b- SSf.VI l«l, former prier 31* J 0.23, uim,r pTO* f Ir, nYench oil no" f do. M ttVfonnrr pilot'V L mld -3jv IfSr Jo KturmPtpra.lKtlurj.ipWil nubtt rt. S tnd 73 n.nut. port lUOtfct.ufo. o lotpt SiSwr .i,u»l., svor.ted lltxnU, it. nipnct. tooth lower ikon before offered. 1 fal *('K AND COLORED AM’ACCAS—"• B sk tssaest s«~»< f sa'fis'.ss t,v tilt pltto.nt to»_Ct-hpj«<4. -~=~ FSSJisr. tnagl k .fttmtott*, it, moons SndM' lEtad MntdiO.lo l.tt.dnll.tJ'idtM.lM u „„ J™. •‘-‘U “to .mid. iliaptr; do. do. ltd™*; gfesiigii? pa wood »t J S"v^^iSt. onhand ■" t’^ino Uie 10. l mouth, aiulat reducedprice*. ; . 1-- SSSeag^ssas® HuSinfoth^ ! WsSSsfe»aSa”SS'' s York, and fur »al B by SHAt.ftl.li jjo Wood »t._ pSsat; .ale by at uood *t. f&ss***-*'-** »r , j) received on cJciHUNf 20 Wood »L csr^SSttS SSaSfcsfc!^ w.tromtd not to *D«RIt!~S» -—tt;, wns^s^tstkses TVBBWMODS.AT jWJVJ .jS&mcfujSfl j» liu da l>ame« M low a* Mcl urf'islitU*fiuckwlie * will for oil <>)r ■ u u jnSO ■ •■ -— fr- | • n S , S^M?«^ W£S3 ?^ S; •rsnppiioa“PWNTS'F°R'l2l—W'Jß Morphy j“‘ ccliu; a good Mtieto ofB»u»l willll M ll ™* I 9 * 7 , iPaldle 8«l« afValubl» Pftop^Hy. T WILL offer nl’publie *ale, on Wednesday, the Ht i X. day of March next, the farm iThomasT. Boal, deceased,situated luMiddWwx town- Butler county, Pa, eoMaiuins about ont «m4 m.e binJrfcd acre* clcareJjlwcnty whicli aremeadow, llie balance wall mnWrrd. The Improvements are, a two story !>wemir n « Hod«. alarp new Frame Bank Bant with .tabling tmdeMb* whole* a frame Wagon Shed and Com Ont), a irdme A\ ash House and spring House, with a never fmlm £^ u ?P? t iho door, a large Apple Orchard, with a vanity of oth 'er-fnilt and ornamental tree*. ; if, rtm Tl»e above ia copsidered one of the be*l fatffls la Bnt ler county, being of tho twst quality ol land, Uautnull) iituated ou the J’msburgb and Budcr Tnrnpiku road. ieveit mile* from Bmlcr and iwcniy-tour inllM trom Pittsburgh, and convenient to Cburehes bcUnol-liouscs “nEato* third to tend. anil lb, talwc.il. t'™ „, m i «mm»i m»“KKt!SSwi, MS* , .'I S2=- L_ hKICK l£uSE?i?"!jjW'fob 811S5—Th0 IS Bill briber ho. or.ly lIVO “ r *^f ta 4{i!tas'£ houM-,. Ulimisd on Ifcenmr B-, toto T”™ c. are brick, llirco Bon;, logli. eiel ti room. cedi. They ore of recein "r« u °?> 1 “"id'! bruit, ami po.u.. every convenience *r re. Mil ce. ibr Miioll famiUe., haems each leparal, aijd mile will be sold «uh=iowj|nccof SLU&each! and tima given on a Portion ‘» c t P". chase money. Such bargalus, we tluuk, hate W»t la ly bccu offered in this city. j .'.v. of. ’ Inquire of tl»e subscriber, who can be * e 4 n t^V l Tl“‘ ficc of tlie Gazette, every foreuoon, l ** wee P.J***??2- of eight and ten. and at other, tunes Mr*. Hays’ boarding house, Robinsou* newrows *ea enilß Aesheii, cfly. A J’fJgSr. _ for Salt* U '. . I WILL tell at public sale, on the P r *J n |**£ fcjsft on Thursday the Uth of March. IMS ht 10 ° clock Bltßl i m all that certain plantation, and tract of late the property of William Ferry M«Ct»Upogn,.nc* of which \* improved and in V l,{f w? ,I* h£ mi which i» ereetad a -Comfortable atoitp Irtyellinff °to£ ltan,. «,»«'«' “'lif fte; ‘S .n oFclmrt rf «lret frait Tlu< piopf"? ‘W,£! mite* from l’itlshunrh. and the c.reen*buiftu aim rma with interest. to be secured by tkmd and Mortraffe. >nu» interest, to « CAROTIIKKS, of lMtun, fcL2-d2w&\rtd» _ Dea > r able Lota of Ground ANU.MBLRof beautiful Lots, fromuigon that gnmt thoroughfare.-I’enn street, or the jUwcwbnrgh turnpike road, and outlie Allegheny n»e^and imurma diate rtrecuin the tnh Ward, *tt.burgh,rt« now offer ml for sale on the most reasonable terms, i . For private residence?, burinc** and manutactunng e.ttUiihmenL, >o>. “r S of tho ground, render the lou converutni, and available at once for ude U i - d Upuu,Ma, Apply w '“SSw • m Attorney at law, 4th m near Grunt^ - — .. gtoro To Let. ; ' . f n i THIS Slotc U situated on Liberty street, be <§» low Ferry. nttd n-xi d.Sr to the grocery store of «*S»Jnhn 11. ttell. It ha» two (ro«u, r *" ,u “sn h^ l h i. rirr an d convenient, and ta.wdl adapt f'r?(Vn'J- e rv Slorc. Tbcrc i. • sooJ ■,«»«, ‘■°™ rct ' «d with iLwhlci the tenant can re-let, if he elioo**, as rented low u» a good tenant. .t,. of. Inquire of the subscriber, who can bo seen attne oi fiee*of the Gazette, every forenoon, betwten th" hours of right and ten.,and at other umes dt hn toonis at Sirs, ilay*’ boarding house, Robinson * J' e ” Prnrm for Bent or Letie. mThe uiuiersisrned will rent <.r len*c for•term of year*. * portion of tho mnn where bo now re i, .. v ,_ •□;»«*,le tor a duiry and vef, r el*“> r ' la™*- 1 I’ou&ion p»rn on tho in of March!. For particu- HENHVJVOODS- ; m, FOR BALE. ! THE thro. «nrj H<m« iw! L?', isa^&S-B^^&Swrr' ?Sw««.-F« mb*nfa*. »!» P by 11. i Sch«r r! ». l»~«toi«jH’J» Ei.«l„...U*-» .1.. 01 iota 'X'ltS'"’ 11 ‘"'“^^hwx.ibwin Choice B<Uldl»S B««* for ‘ ■unrkel. or the old Allegheny Updgr,. n.e ~,c e.id , nlli ..h I,A ma Jr tu fQlt , . Ifuiuirc'ot ibe •oh*cnl«f, who can lie «en Bl lh«* of- BwTihe'Owrtlc. ev*nr wreuoou. a»U at otnct t.mM Sf hi. nou ot Me. Ileyi' Boh.non'• ...» TOO, Mod <>• Allegheny cij. \yIHTR -'"r. FORSALEI' " i |9| TIIK XATIOS.VI.- HOTEL, !Dn Water •«**«. I ,| IC M<. : .oi. r *ahr!a a«-J ifc«*^al»k .Vi ti.nt *u<-rt. !-•».< a tra-lir.!. t?T thr ennec ffOUl ihf nfillii iwrannum. Mkaiwi. li.r we.»i«|ile m i!w lot ohic l boß)fcvl(ronlon« P nlcr.irecieJti.i»i..<lhiougli »»«’ M^fc^GTON, : For Rent. : , EA two atory bnck dwyllin* wiUt oi ground attached, wluaird at OakUn-l. T ..loie j, well aloched with iron o« 611 . i, - desinit.l* location lot a latnil; 6ct»a emml* out ' reach «* the mcr and »lm the efly. A# ouiuiba ,e. : „oakl«i*bo«r.y i Co ; „ — b*or Rent, j ' .. m A ww three .lory brick dwelling hi Q»e "tv \V)he .ireet—l’owaMon i'ltCn trn ir*t of \r.hl or Mioticr it required. Inquire Of - 1 f-4 R ri.OYU, IJK liberty* feet_ - >n ~- ~ For H«al» ~l . \ : “£? a 1 • ! r To Ltt> I h-1 TUTtt'.K dwelling Inui-wa »ituatrtl on 4th «n*t near canal hndse.m the c»7 ofl iiuhurjth. Al ! . room 75 %y » feel, wtth a oovemen rn- j e.iiiyium. -i«*» ™ u! ““ i" jhviVjjAMS. 1, ' [n>. Inquire oi jjo wood »tr«?L ; jan> _ . To Let a The new'three •wry Vrc rrcA'bnek eWte oQ weond.fl.nowoetupipd >'V M«"l lor Ju.ll> ** .urf. “■* "To Let* ETte tuMCTili*!* «»> t™i!P»n ofU.t ■»»«■ ho«- ; 1..1K , M ■»»»..ut*L. - For Kent.; ■ . • . ■ Tlio wo large room, in the Chronic s tmiMinp, k. ■a'i.S ‘‘3S ' _ J_«y*S2Kifc-- ■ "forTlrni. t_* » lianU.ouiciy fnu.hrJ f<*om oh Marker is . IHguerrcou Pf Mtobh.hn.ent bTWorla/nl 4- IV>. Also. • well S‘“i wr >‘ lur * oi.hrU romiu .oi.nl.io lor ««-.rur.. Wajuf ,l,r i « r .nu.Ul. Übiary A-.J °ocCJ? Office, market *»ceUjewfcnJUl amt 4lh r - if o fcel* i ' . ju,t Tlie ihvtllinc llimw occupied *•>;. ,u I V on -'fliMWwt abov<v B»niiilit»' , M. li hft * f. THElup- ' dwrlUns bou-J ' »n »«■ '“raiSjui ImSwl <•< *• •!*•» 1"“~! "'j * •£" uiwrf bv applyna lu M Crujbton. Wlfc* liou*r oi Clark JC’Ttiavr. :. _ . A r«fm »n 11.- *1 "“T I* S:B o.TUN-t It Ih' «»l«rnl».l». *»>• 1 .£2, ”, nrf. t-n pi«l h>r * tuan^t ■7.S'" •" "'■"“m'.'flMASs i «AH IMW4,. i • “VorMoUi 1 Mi A Fin* two »>nck f>" ">sih a ' w ™w7tXu*«.«U_ r > Sl«fi« iOf Ml' tt..r l>uui- l now oi» ttrrpi II i» uinn *ton Imrfc h«u»r, wHh tour —; — ~>to Lets •' • • MOuk new Hi roc «or> Uoum, will. Null ho»M-« dttocl.«l. Mtuatf liror Ui« contrr «l Wylie uml \Va»hm=n.n*tff«ii«. IWeMioup*- t „;r hgll "'“ Ar "* j Jtiiix. r ramy. For Rent, i ' w. Tlir. Inrgp fir«- rw»i»hoo«e, St t'rt mint 1-y dclG ' ’ " 1 For , , »_« \ ncai two «turi'd liiick. dwllttif: hoUM! win Ha iwtcii Bud InTRe ) P'* tiie eih ward. Apply 10 'V*M 1* K>.\lr r tolia*- . JSi , .!i?.! , :!L'SSyi. " xo i««t» i r l a hirer. eonuuiMliiMit, and wrll finiiUnl, Ibjro «l„ry Liirk dwrllim?, on I’eim at, half vr»y h*. Jt"l\vKii (inrrikoii all* 1 ! "«*• >Vnynn *u 1 «»«*►• •tew b i.gjjfrw.wr 1 ; ■ J Forßrtot. i ' , jfc'ts&rmt saw2s For km»*« i . t~x Tbr wrll funmd.rd »n*rc <m Market U <fe« twrrtt third ami 1-Urth ■ trr?., at prwiJl ;occ«.- Jb*p u? »"d;w .W. rj»*s« m ii.« fit-i a [nil >»«.. wvai-J.MSiHJJS-- —t ' Te I«et» - v ; , , . » Jry cckx). warrboua?, 07 woo.l auert, second M*®?” *”"* "Vr 1SS&& * '•!!■_ MCOUKTIIVIIIBiiXIIKNCK. \“| HAVING removed tQ Uin city, for convi menee to jMorewiohal hus-.nea*, I will ret:t ihc Jj ao*'on itnuie ami tuimmrd bluff* if” • jMon-.sii.ei-. ■»« " lof-ai s k w - - TBull’dioff liol > I , i TN MANCHKSTKiI KOR SAI.K-I baTe /® h OZ!* Bbbli Hemp«pd; per bluer- puirniywil. bor rale |o» M clwpranrlanmrl.L t MeK tn« COFFEE—SM bait priruo yrten Rio'coffee; 25 RbbliSSeroiW.W ;&?* ■«?» Sort*"- Liih., •* for •*'“. ; >j^ GAI , Ky fc SMITH: . Scmln*ry« " ?T*tLiaire!nr. •.-. . Mn <- w 'TnJfc aLF would announce to the fin* of and vicinity the intended ir a! oflii* the comer oi Simdu*tyand Himwbern - .trectjEwtafe for tire* la*t twelve month* lie v«. . _ n u-aclibiEi iJjn and after April I*l 1« w '^_ c ' c -! &ffcml .ireetin “Cclonad* Rof i* .loor fromthe ImU&Sp T!ie Aeademic will con .S° of fivc nto.ith. cacb commencing ob*ihe fir»t:MolidVlfjF February and September. - __ .. Ynwifii riot 6EB>ttfs or kive aosin. Fjieluh DrpaJtiTßart—lncluding Reading, Onhegra t^ e iaVi,.finii5 l A7ttUiiir, EngliA Grammar. Rhetoric. .re!l Cntid.o. O~H"PE- IlUlorvi ArillitniUstnd the iugher btonchcs ©I Mathe matic* Nature!' ]nfttlo»ophy, Chenu.lry, Astronomy. ItoSS' Vh -JdlbSpCcology. Intellectual and Moral Science and nil branches r^ ul *‘ tP ; ,l >e i*tin,Greckand French lfln~iiain>/e{£h an additional eliarge of* • -SC 00 mr»rvrc"7?(J&«™' T»»chm are jotiired ftr such a. may receive m.iniction* in drawing, to do *o a. »earffiV©>cnlhg o{ thc ‘ e^ UJU °f W nb £' yet pupil* will Im'Weived at any time during the Sc. Jon and will be'Vhargcd attbeuWrate.o.dy from the time ai entrance. No deduction* wiU >» KS^ssSaiL"’t c^, . Reference ruay ahi bp made to die following gentle men: ' : Dr. T. F. Dale, Allegheny, Rev. D. Elliott,; ■“ ! Mr. H. P. Schwartz., 'Hon. C. Shnler. Pitub’g. Rev. D. H. Riddle, u ‘ Rev. H. Dyer* u j ‘ . Jju.olatiom ; ~ • jmHE partnership, so tong existing under the firm of [I M’Cord & King, was hHmutual consent dissolved on die Ist in si, The businel* will bo clu»cd ut thc old i*tand Ly eiilier of as* using! the of 1-40 ,?Xeu ;S,r; i r ;.. H D KINO. ' c»Fartscrtblp> , TOIIN D M’CORD having associated-with htmhw *1 brother James M’Cord, under tlie style of M Cord & Co., will eontinup the Hot, Caparu. Fur ;“j I | U, £!* I >!L all it* variou* bntncbe*. wholesale and ,** . o il stand, corner of W.hml and sth Mrecu; where I they solicit a eontimiatkju.of the *" „„ s d„,, to oiaW •J“Sy > s M jr22Rb. ivsi as rvsrZlZS S£SSS&S&&£> M "v •T w.xllmtai * to r«P“ d « •t doz common do: a gross metallic Comh Cleaners; 11 to iL~ Slillto g.U Spoow a to tone MumuJ «poom; 4 gro*a tWrtnan Stiver Spoony a do Butter iS?idofc«y.TW B“kr, SOdUl C1..11* M«rbto, a to 6„; woollS Cd.nfomj.mu T.j,«.y of W»to. Coats nnd Cop* 5 dor fine French \Villow Baikeir_ «loz Willow Market do; 0 dor Straw Traveling basket*,, Jto b&iJK, Soili 3 to bon. -»>.*>?&.* ! All.n'lf.t.i.lS.volvimPmoljSpuncominu.liJ". Ilram.fldozen willowCrndlo.; I dozen Clothe. Bas kets. > ; t 1 - In tJu pryhaai Court of the Ctty and County cf\ T?'SlWi of the estate of Robert Murtland,] James ' MuTitaud. William Murtland. Martha t'f'c .J™>i.rJ?Jobn M- Art."' *• M011..1h.t.n.l til..- bethMurtlaml, children ot Anhur d Taka notice that on the petition of " ~w'“ „Jt.i I the void Court have awanied an .m,ue.t to toukc yarh , lion of certain Ileal* Estate, to vr.t: A «?* ln i°‘“' riece of ground and messuage thereon ereeied.wni*t. or “a »si: 555.*»....« > the said Robert Murllnod died »etxed, and if partition ihereof cannot be reads. W vaUPe Sod that the L atX Rubi. \*™xU °»*nZ'C>n the city of Philadelphia, to go to and upon t ;^ P LEEAR, ; High Sheriff of die Ciiy and county ofPhUnd-a..-: : janllhtl3t t ‘ ——-—— - « - TI’OS. SUILV. . mm r « OSAL POX.SDRY. . . Warehonu Commercial n©vr,l*ll»ertjr a*. rl'llK s.tort*. tat‘i 3E SSi-rHpSiSgs! Type Foundry. ’ ' riMIF subscriber have token tU«; Type foundry, T *No .Hi tjold-itrfrt. k«d wilUoiiUnue trie h"**'^* ‘“m’j'a't o.rrrml I. ."ill .-ptoyriin ..p.ri.m.i-: i„) Jai-lrib.. >l.l- ,h, ' d nuinlb* will 1>« entiltod to receive thetr P*F b' t ri'e. on, pcrrha«ing five time, the amount of thetr bills tor afl*. V *OhriVl>e taken ia eichance for new atlJ* T r'tiarlri Whiun’vl • IVjIITIXO i IAXEOIU i ! Theodore Taylor; | (Successor* to Rob'tTaylor.l . I • 1 1 Comer Cold attd Atm StreeU, K-sarffi ffl»»kCo,Mr«r other concern>4 a & to dLi» any iTilJ, ih«u »£ n»i,. »*»urral'AaeuV of ihc: Company. J ; **■ • lo r 4 gjsrssft ■sTs-EfirS: ssi dS -..’•riiUit-Sv K.nwfirdualolVwct. . . • Tr.i>< ti-i! \Uit.ioiLM of the Cwutwnr- No.wN^mi ATCAMONT* »-XP. Or!gti«l ‘BQIIT«r Uriel...’ I , EXI’KIUESCKD Judaea. on & tnal'of on* and a fudl sm. Ks&fs? sa f “SHnS Bolivar Brick* will be executed "«s•[> per M. u sold*- tired, without cuarnnte*. A *i»ck of '»* x’£)TICK-\h Election fur seven Ih rector* ot.the Is SS.. <-»;.£ to." !•■>.>■ »•»> hHdbr.te.tj*- holdH. .1 ihtii O-Sw IB a« >»..,««. Bi t™. ™' d.v d» «, d»r o. Mtein “VJooJwix, *W rine! office. Krin J»b- b°- rvßvnnihS-ISO baits prime Rio codec; bid* X O w»i ( 10 do d **£«»» “«'!"• “Jg* Cla *L ■ “ Sale. > A j, -An excellent family horse; o year* <W. 7.U--V wol k» well in harm-**or under «uld!e. g»r e^KEte““ , “ iUi .‘'.“ "si«« IV STIIFR-—o (, d *i>lca heavy New York Sole latilh* Ay*- g •ixfcl •r'i.KATHKK-ltie aubscrihera have coiismiU -1 Ytyhand article of Umhcr suitable Uir tm^iuv tei,.. ,b Brhkh .te »tote„ “'^"SnSSfrlS RE.MOVAI.-l I'hve changed tny place of bnataes* to Fivtit ►trecUictweciAviKHl and MnTQiUcM.jtm tiatclyin the rear of the house t formerly occupied, "gf 1 *"*“* “ 11 AISANuVjicOIIJDOS. S i:\iuill-s*—1«)'iw»l* No 1. 8 arid d muckerel; SU:bx* ffrah n.i..na, SObx. honey. 10 *gtP nWr KN^USB prune JVnn a Initter; «rs£ i f .1,,. -HI if icdk« of uiuertvii grade* anddcMTipUoua. '‘“" lliluW.N. Jt t Ll.lilliTlVON. 1« W*iiy_rt <re*h Y. Htiytcn, Gunpowder,* * , lor UONNH'OnST. A C<i, ».b»« »• - 3 m-ckrrcl; .. ' N»> l «10. sjo t’JJn Mu 1 h , Tf> , i]st uu>l H> dfu.. " C l ' KOlilA CUNXINfiIIXM ilw»-Noai.Tw; ; -U No. V.t<-r mi 1«? Hy > , n Jl 1. IIKAZLCrON. *Uamom No* t. A«ml * rrc* on a*" l ll,t ts, l c „J_._ ' ~,„1U <_ liViUSli - Vf lIITK HSU—'JU ••>'l'* wlli,r fisl'i I'* halt UiW<m>j- Ks&os._ ■fjxmxc U w*-«s,«™ ‘VtafaxEk 'L'SS'™ (ijuih iron— iiiuti*i<>r i*«i«by I ) & " R E SELLERS. . CAYEXSB'ffSfKtt-tM lta .Jf^eoiU cle, Jnr »alc_Wy ; It 1. »M.l,r|Kn. _ I S“ prime for »nl*b>- • . I jn-jO * ' J D NHLLIAMS, llOvrood <l.l (1 0 prime Rio; 40 «’q .Medium; 12 do I / l-.«inuyr4;o»ltroW Jrvh; ior*alu by •■? .1 fnOi ».» *» i J P WIU3AMS. _1 SUNDRIES— bag* Uio eoflce; «X) half chema V. 1 H. anil Itnnrrial'ica; 25 bue* pepped GU boiea white 1 Havana augur; ICOhbl* large No 3 mnckcrclj'lUo bIU N o motataea; 10 ca*h* alitiice; foj'ialoby t JaU _ • JXQ CIUER. I BACON ANDICaRD— 2O3 piece* Bacon llama sad Shoulder*; iIV kec* • No. 1 Laid; received ou eon aicumcuU pef- attfir. Bilet No. 2, and (brittle bv. janG___._ ISAIAH DlCfltVfeCo while bc&m; UOb Sluaeed; 3 cut* *fcotnl!>igr, 75 dox euro briwnm 15'bolea hor«; iutt rereliß nud for »ale by . frn4 S. PlUVORTlfrgT'vrooil at , TIT ACKmESrlM>bbUGi|o>:o'3.macKp:ii i 31: '44W do No I’ do;: 1 ' : ff',fiOdo do ''’No2 do;' - Jtt«t rec'd and fy Wo by' tjal] POINDEXTER. A^Co^- Iron-go -total Bar Iron, aaaorted. in atiire nniHbt ralf* by i 1.8 WATERMAN, i jap7 ~ 31 'water and tti'ftont «n.. SUNDRIES-^ American i*itisla**i French Haft Am ' ricon VermHtion: Dutch do; Cluueaa Uoj <old. toil; Sw,r'«**r‘*' IT—COKK>AJtIIi> bt :s *:sd3Tf’ l Manet inreeu beartiaai , ; BATES OP ASOUUft > IT. UOLBB Exchange Broker*, No. 58 BaakofPiWbßTgh.; Kxehange B»uk ■ Mereh- & Waa.B*uk -par BkaorPhibdelphia. •• -Pw Girard. llank--’ F* r B«k ofCenaamown *pan “{ Clieiter County • -par| Delaware Co.* • •P* T i “ Mofllip>ineryCo-*'P«r . Nonhumbet bad* *p*i j Columbia Bridge Co.* • par Dorlcstown BaDk**.\**par Farmer*’ Bfc. Reading-par Famer*’ Ok. Baeka Of. par Faimer* Bit LancasT-par • Lancaster Co. Ok.*** ,*P** Lancaster Bk.* P* l Stile irfcjfcßraichcv* ;t S**tetieri» : A i ** - | - virglul»» ! Exchange Bk; of V*.* • U F»r»«ftlk.*fVa Hk/oftheVilkj,-- “ rM.fcH.jUt, WwelinK * r do Morontowu—* [k i N. W. Hut y*-—}, r do ** r do P»rker»bnTß* " r ": Tennessee* r Bk. of Teimc*Ke* •* * * ” r — flpUnJeW Bk.vr rlUnion :Bk.*»*v**; 1 Hiuovrif U.State* Bank .-30 j Brown»*ille Bk.****~*P»f; Wiuhmgum Bk.« •••••■••‘*l CeuyabuTshßk.*".* ♦ U Cham her* liurg-* •••••* Suviaehanua Co. Bk.- Lehigh Co Bank, Igufe It • 1 Ifbrlta Carolina* 'Bk.ofCape tear-*—* {* iMcrch.'aillk-, Nerwbero*. I •Suue B«nk*'**'**—'** 1 '. South. C*roU»»* ; Cabul«i:Bk**w •** * ' Hte.ofa>arle»um*- •• J* Commercial Uk*. J| Bk.ofGeoTtetuwo**"* \\ BfcJof Hamburg*.*** •* }} Merehabu Bk-*--*-'* *1 Planter* *Me«ha*Bk- M Bki of Sooth Carolina-; H • Maryland. Baltimore Bk*.--- , -.* , -pa T BaJtm’eiO RRScnp* -10 Cgfnheflaad Bktof Alia? ■Tiantf. 'U Far. Bk; of Maryland* • “. Fanner*' k. Neehauict Bk. Frederick** “ FrbdcriekCoJßk. Hareralownßk i Mineral Bkt***— * " Pattereoßk* H - Bk.ofw**uniiit*ler ]Ueht|US* □k; of Bl CUif- ~ Bk- of lUrer BaUen- • • **r j Michigan In*. Co--- •*. 8 Far. fe Mech'a Ilk-—;;, 4 WlMoneln^Territ'y. MarJtl-’ireln.CaMilw’k ft Canada*. : . < aolTentßnnki* •;•• • * Bank Of England Note* R4 70 r 4. Btr - Gild* 6pc*l« Vain*. (Napoleon* J* Dacota 15 ®,2£ Eagle,‘old*, v« J®® 4 no w H * - * *°®® Doubloon*, Spaniah- }• «» |Db.Palriot*i******* I*®® «oTereißn»‘*r*‘ ~ Gtimeiu****— •••* ® ®® FredetfckadH*!-;**-*? f® jred Thaler* •• Jf® [Tea Goilderei***- ■. 3 J® |Loui**P»reji;r. j*j" ® **® I.ewutown* Middletown Wlliwn'"" - EMBk. Farmer*’' and Drovers’ Bank; Wayncsburg.* “ llarnslmnc West Branch Bk. “ Helief Note* ** „ Fius.do* « City *ConMV'Scrip*~* ** ; < Ohio* State Bk.and Branches U MountPleaaani Steubenville *, Si. Clairsville Marietta „ NewLisbon* .*•••••■■ Cincinnati llanka Colombo* do* •••••* CirelcviUe ; •" • , Zanesville.* Cleveland M Xenia • u Dayton * „ Western Reserve--- Franklin Vk Cotumbna " Chinieothe —— M Lake Erie— u Seiota- * , Lancaster r|J 1 Hamilton * —*l** 1 Granville—- *® Farm’is B’k Canton—3o Urbans SQ r tCentackjr. Bk of Kentucky IxmTsville-.— —'- I Norbern Dk. Kentu’kT- Hcwr York— City Banks, - Exchange* [New Yotk *pn» jPJiUßJclphl*»••••■•- 4 pnn 'n»l«inloro ~v**’ *Jpna i,par. ilnterior IP*>•••* 1 EXCHANGE BROKERS, fas TJIJfSs.“d •ivnosite. lUnk Note*, aud Specif Fourth rtreel, hear* wKdteThe Bank of noncr neelrad on depoaito—Si?M ChMka andcol* Son.madeoSwarlymTJto* P^ U m ** ! U t£ws£ premium pnidjtbr FomptU American -POL** «*. ~ iped EaM. on liberal lennn. ;■ ; ; ! H. HOLHEB fa soar, > BaVKCRS aud Dealer#' in Exchange,-Com and. , Selling Rnlca. EjchongOj WW««» INewYoi£. 1?' CmoMpt t IS? IPhiledelphie, H? Lfffiu’ ; i“-ISS -SSSImJUiei, BANK NOTES.’ . ■Buying JUtei. ®u itaMam* Iffif -i£ o /-is declOlf • -j Li, J —=• ~CO-P ART SERB! lIP- l] ' ' JnWl*H H HIM* firm of wnj. A. mil f c„".ml ware. Cro-.J1.1I ta« entered into Co-pannerehip under tlj« ttamopfiltu-* c’Sflr tl.t punwe of theßjink»mt«j} Ejehanstt busiW* in oil »* bnwchea. at ct .tlfree door.below •olicit .ho ...» Of H‘o''i'"'fs* o^, , 1 h l ”irHU^ "Siis ‘ ' WM C - W»» v iraim it CCBBT; IWI4 ' l '"“ t: Ainn-, CinUSc.lc. Of Doptatio UiMili Nou-j nod Com, No 05 Wudd meet, tlurd doo*. Ixlow fourth, wen Ij.le par Kumls twd Currency received ond e ;>outr. and editions ru.dcon iiUU»u primal ctues.utbe “swil'lsStawn °» uittim. BUM. No” York ltostoo and Cinetirnam constantly for sale. ' oivio, I.utiana, Virginia and lennsy Warn* naulTNoies bought and sojd on laTorable tern*. Hirhanpe on England. Iceland, Germany anil rranir procured. Ac - . 1 ' ■ • ** c * - WILLIAM A. lIILL Jfc CO.. / BANKKKB. EXCHANGE IIKOKKItS, and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cepificateaot DenoMie, Hank Xoim, and »«»*. No. o 4 U.ood st, one door nbovo Fourth, East sale, Pittsburgh, I a. octSdAwF ' ' FOREIGN F'- rHASGE. BILLS on Euirland. UC.. • :m.l Scotland bought to »nr amount at the .■ • .t of Alto. Draft* payable in an> < •'» the Old Countries, from £1 to -riWW. at Ihe .> ‘V “* SSjKJ’ without deduction or «li«oi: -> J(ISIILA ROblX SOS, European and General ciEce Sta stjou® door west of -good. ' i i ' 0611 fU^atm of !>po«itc. Bank >«•* anti Com. corner of Si and Wood»tree's rtirneltyjorr o Sl tl ‘ sr £*,. ,l ' > * let. < il : >*»?..• WESTKU3J FCXD»r Obio. • Indiana. | Kentucky, i' -; • • Miuonn. • | Bank Note*; puich«Kd .1 lit lawctt It'tj YIOLMES J: SON. dcl» i ' iSiI.iBOPEXCHASpiS-Si.-MChtcl. on r» New Yvtk, •!,. ' Philadelphia. ami „ Baltimore, i X. HOUMES & feO.V ' '35 Market »C- Uly for *alo by /iOLLECTIOSS-iDndU, Koti* a«'»-Aeewt (jff*, payable in any part iuon, > n favorable term*. ,K. 110LMl> jj EXCHANGE on New; York, Philadblplda, And IXnllitnore, .1 .i Btd, 8 td, in •«“ ly'SKHb*'’" - .Inntty for .lie by 1 l' ll - 1 - i , Cl ' V. R '' , . ftTood »U below Fourth. -ITrEKTtIIS FDSPfb— Tbe Noie. of *• >\ Indian" and Knmuet, Dink., rumbled at... * „,c. of dUeoant, .1 lb. odio.. or octll No. 05 Wood sc, below Fourth. C* OLLECTIOSSon nil 1! ” U,,ion. mod, by v „ J,yjfe*W . »«w Booko Ju;« BccelT««. irnSc»«. of the adtand.NWWment by Rev. J.J. Blunt, B. Bs*>n« *ol . - *l^ • Cbalmcr - * MUeellpme*, Meet work* of James, Ycttu; \Y iUo«. Phillip* and Jay in one lorco rol. for the low price of. *•£ The Free Church Pulpil. 3 vol*. : . '*> w Modem Infidelity, by Smucker; , -5e Infe of Du-rid, ; L. j „ ; Dalle walk with God, Matthew Strong, Circle of Human I jfe.l.y'Hiolock, .. .•, Memoir oi Charlotte Elizabeth, • , . . The work* oiFranei* Turretine ia tbeonyiu** !•"- in. u» lie-complete in 4 eo]*i 3ToU.hOw J*ady.. Willis’ Poetical work* in splendid Turkey '" lh ‘ ""'■HSSfrT'Sr^Sj janfl [Pott copvl . fiO market *t between MapiHth. YALCADLE Xew; Year’* Present*. - WaVerler Novel*,27 volume** 12mo, iJluKraui, i- 5 ! • “ Bvo -XXr. phonvond*. AVorb-, lb toU; 12.00, Uunudi Miw E/lcwonh** “ lt> “! • ‘ . : liarjicr’* Family complete, , do' HaV* tyulGirl’* j " ' ; ; Work - * of M-nkpspcore, 7, voli, Svo, tlie beautiful Bo*-. • ton edition, liimly.bourn}; . ' ~ * Butler’* Uvc» of the Saint*. 4 vol*. eiegant)). bound, Hannah Moor'* Work*-"* Expedition, 0 Vol* royal Svo do do 5 ;do do"Mo Bnush K**ayi*t*, 9 toU. I'urkey mor. back*. • Tbe above, toccther with a lar*e awoniaent oi ele gantly bound family and pocket Bibles, .Common Prayer. nil mm* and binding, allofwhich wnU-e ►ohl lower than ever dieted in tin* market, nUae oUI «tand , of . . ' i - cot 3d A wood *t “IVeWBooIM.. TUB Philosophy of line ond.FnUosorhy of Lna* M' ... ~. .'; . ■ SmiiV» Hrrrutchp* in China in tbU- 45mndM0,\vilh.o The S Siate" l of'ihc*Dcp a 11 ed. by Jno. Henry Hobart, D. D. •flie 'Church Univcr»nl, by I>r. Stone GuMtmiiir* l*oem», illuhrotcd; Thompson'* Seiuous; do For »ale.by } jn2> ■ ! BOOKS-CucchUm of Iron. or the Merchant • end Mechanic’* complete guide lo the Iron •trade. A. lew conic* only,—very »e*ree. SimomU* ! jterature ot the *outh of Europe. Chamber*' Information tor the people. Chamber*’ Cyclopedia of EnglUh Literature. Wendell 1 * IMncketouc’e ;Commentune*» a new edition in 4 beautiful volume*. ’ HolWck'a I‘oem*. a new uujj i splendid edition. Parlor Hook of Flov*rs-tor all *ea»oU. J LjtEAP, 4th near market »t._ - Hfw-pi.no One deganl Komwuw- ATia»»t Piano Forte double rju**d V|T?lpSJiner*.ncw *c*le, ironawnc-mad. t! S | Hdiickering.l*o«toiL .'•; . One do. gothic panel* and moulding*, G octave-Gal '‘oS’K'iShta l-u*u „»1 »»»ldi..j-yO The above piouo. forte*, are fof |htfi it!! i3*W “***** | S‘ UIU a ' UCtor> J li MELUOK, 6'l vroodrt. I JHr-—: —"""'MetiUto frßJa* pl * n n^l H » | 1 1 vritb Coleman • Alo, wo .kgendid R£*°','!KV Kled u* ; tbe mo educated A*l»» u F. BLBMES, . modern «tyle, and^for ahovcSih- I pp A«^^®?* T jf e I -OUVKK^- KWA- J|* ld pnrdte tamilie*. el 1 X) »»*• *£5S' ipparauuo«\eona!efficient i. I pr K 0 n h« «rm citie*. The KboveKtcahbe. •old/orliebeok rtoreof. :: _ | •cenandoburn^W MELLO^STwowlrt ls; WHSivS-ST do*oma-| J^J_jn«n»rdIfcf 1 fcf “ vON nONNIIOILST k Co. ■y,g p £ k. W UAEBAlXlH,a»reed.t "*'c. 11 III.! i ■ - i- .. f. • , • , !fjs32sl£SoDs2i JtL btc remedy.for E *V‘, epU^'? wc 4i known, tb* l from ' Convulsion* Sp*«si/f* Epil«l>* time immemorial, PSStakiU.aw U» lie Fit* incurable. It h**p&*«s'**£££s- thou bodied powr bf all medicme, «nd cowegf #nd . Hiidi have suffered, through a 0 f insanity. .1 la>« yielde.) op iheu lives oo »hc ld« With ill delete nee. • : . grcalandleanied,that’lhaahe*^ 1 r , * *IAR‘rSVfcX3ErABI^EXTW»» For sixteen .yearn, ha* be«t tested; m who hate stUfered with Una. d*«£fo|. every cose where it Las had a foil drtal, baa enecteu.». and 0 months, .cotedLy this truly wonderful medicine. '. : . . ./ , v r lentic Fits 27 yearn and fl-months. through England, Scotland, Ge nnany auluiW the mort.emiuent physicians, and . medicine. medical treatment and advice, three Vibd dollars, returned with hu *oa l^'«S°ihlL T - November last, without .receiving any. benefit •whaler "• “ d ’nircre ft®able ktract. : . : Mr Wiliam .'Secore’s to Ihs. Ivans and Hart. • I hava spent orer three thousand dottnxifor cine and medical attendance. 1 wwydjnagdu>«£** , most ■^StessJs-sSrSss. ssas^g^Sa iSaSSS^: i u;« ranuin wUeh was so far cone as to unfit him mr, basinets. is entirely . UfortMm, of life, health add ««*“*«"; Jf£.^nSS,. ' i *a vvars of age. and 27 years and 0 momha - • dmtThasbeenkdiictedwith this most dreadJld ofdii- .. : eases; but that* God be is now «*toytag IRg* >• i. gentlemen, with without work* I don’t beuera .. I still owe you, but please to accept the present antrmnX- . : u interest on the debt In advance. , c , . t . 1 , .~r.‘.V. ??■»’“»'r^SSiusi uam. 1 ‘ ■ (Signed,). B afflic teDi Sriict prostration of the nervous system. He had ; SIS' thrill of the bestphysicians for Mvenye«j and grew worse under their. ,rea I ™^.f^ h^lt ■ I that “this medicine was hi* only hppofpr health ana ~. lift, and was therefore determined to give it u foirtnal, : and to persevere in iu.se, was aperfect restoration to health, which was conn ued uninterrupted for nearly sixteen *' ■, _ v._ ft i We would refer to the loHowinr peiaons who haro—. been cured by using Hart’s yegetabk BttraeU • : • Col KDenßow’s daughter-was tune -. ; resides at Yonkers, New Yaric. ' W Rennet, mne years, 1.1 Grand *t/ „ I J Ellsworth, seven year* 12 Dover st_£-_. _•_ . »• Joseph M’Dougal, mne year* Last Brooklyn, L. V H w Smith, New York Custom Hotue. . 3 Kelly, twenty year* Sawn Wand. Miss E M’Keefviweuty ,yearn, Yorkville. - Miss K Crape, twelve years, 112 llammer*l) sl. Wm H Parsell,twenty-ihrceyear* 73 Norfolk *t» Jacob Petty, four year*-174 De.aney st • Philo Johnson, twenty-eight yean, Greeiwasu* Ft. Jndre Bindall,«East Broadway, New hork. * Thomas It Jones, of the U S Navy. _ Capt Wm Jeiminc* Stare a* Bnugeportt Ut Reference also made to ' • . . . Dr WI. Monroe, Guilford. O. „_... ' Rev Richard Taggett. West Davenport N Y. Rev T L Bushnetl, Baltimore, M(L Mr Joseph Bradley, 115 Orchard at, N Y. . C H Doughton. £O2 PJghtcemb at N Y. - Mrs Janies Oraagoc*- N *• John Faber, 176 Elizabeth at, 1® • ' D A Richtcn, 219 Df’.ancy st, • • James Smith, 1% Suffolk rt, . Charles grown, 100 Water st, v** - .v - A!1 of which may bo called upon, or adare*sea, po*t . *ln7“ Preqared by Dr S Him; llate Ivons A ; - A Co. 4th sts, aiul HO Main st, between 4th aiulsm street*. •CinelonatL Ohio, wholesale and mail for th® Jr- corner of Market Di' ond, only agh in Piiub’g Pa- - - • Wood tlreet, low»rdij BBO\vil, to the medical- prefer, nhd been tortoise unje *. fStaEajMMKcKg!** .'general' practice, now bon-; tine* .hi* attention to urn treatment- of those pnrtin^. ' and delicateoranpltuiUS uJr --. »^-,^Xr‘^ r <j<lt > » n «ty devoted to the .-. study nud treatment of those cctapl amts, idnnitf whfcli , time he has bad more wdgiee Httihaa ;, tient* thati con ever fall to the lot rtiouet) ‘duply- qualifieaJiW f> **» "‘T’mSS.S : meedy/permanent, and •atUfcetorr«*Wlo ?“*2£? 4 -*.'•! ; -svltn mbeate disease*, nod all dueaaea there* •-"Sr" Brown weald inform those privmlo - . Uiseasea which have "become chronic ••. gAvwed by the os* of any of the common of thh day, that their complaints can be .1 ougbly eured; be having given his | the treatment of such euscs, and ***««ri*d ,, Ji lu, 4 r ™*—^ of iiutarice* in caring penatu.ofjnaammauonoftoo ] neck of the kindred disown whicheftett, . remit from tho»e cases where other* have . them to hopeless despair.' He pamcularly »mte* «e& -• m have been long aid unsuccessfully t«aled byoUu:» to consult him, when every wiufacuonwiUU|tven .. them, and their coses treated in a carefultThoroogh anU intelligent manner, pointed out byalong_expene:ic*r study, and investigation, which it u imposs&lo for d»M» . engaged .iu- Remind practice of medicine to gtvtfijay OU Gy-Hcraii U cr Uiimure.--Dr. Brown ton* ntEicieil with Hernia to call, a* he has paid partic ular attention to thi* _: ;' .. —» . Skin diseases; also Piles, Palsy, etc, speedily, cared <^>l! I cither sex living ai a ' stating their disease in writing, giving *Ht£* 2°Sr-; A iotas, can obtain medicines with directions for «», by ]• addressing T. BROWN, M. D, post paid, and enclos- m ?>ffic« e *No. C 3, Diamond alley, opposite the WaverlT .. _. • •• •' '• • AMIS. .. }g~ yp cart no p>] owes nvna.v.v iioarhound t uv™ wort Court emir" oStrodlio iho Vf’V Jt?.. pleasant end effective remedy for cough*, - . ness, Asthma, Phthisic, Wtuwpuiff.Cough, !•£»»*£/ •:. CronjvSore'niroat, flronchnts, arm general nikcuons ; of the Chest and Long*. In such cases it U 1. . haTe decidA andpermaneniwllcfiandfrt® its rapid sale and great success as a «*»dyfo™ above dlseeses where It has been used, It JW*J®“****.- % become one of the most usetul “4 v= Ii W offered wo, as a pleasant relict to ,, and an astistant to vocalists and-public speaker* gen* - er ThVname"of the preparation Indicates it* leading la* • > gredlent, and it wlFbe foond , • pleasant to the taste, and mayjbe cWiren tnd . Edulu with entire tamumiy. The matenal. ««*£. preparation aw of the best quality, and it may be rr ■ lied oh as in every respect a pure h *S?2Sfcf?SSL’- ; Families would no doubt . .. bealth'hy keeping u supply, -especially in IM season .. : cWh Candy i* sliisnt to Mother*; being snpenor to all the patent - y by Jumpers In creation, as children were k “»*? to cry when this candy is used, except for more. Ain nl of this article will convince any person ?f it* e ,*ff£L" ' s$"K5& j!■ . ■ cornerJld and market sis, .. v How* ft Co., l*roprietors, Nol CoUcgb flail Ctw*°- ' natl,-Ohi(K ' v • . ■esE™2SS^«SKs^%;.«iai['.l SicSnificaiefromfclusblyreHwewb'el*«»y;hM^»» Sl*) Jawa-Denr Sir-Duty “ my.fiajowwjwgS-; demand* that I should add to the toblirtied efficacy oi your whnt ilia doctor* all prououucgd, im tocorablr loub Cancer of three year'* Handing. ■ After>ttnflw....... remedies of dm nrotesjuaa, until “/gjjffgj; s ■£•: in tlioir use, and hope* in their offieacy wer# f ■ 1y bshnuHed, V commenced taking row ;>. After 1 baft Bken.il Jboat ul ‘ V ; cured by it, but my Cancer vrai Ulcrailrn»«u dropped off. l«m now completely • i cured. and-have uo hnunuon ia *ayißgtb4tU»»® : -. ino»tcfficaciou*conatitudonal no scruples nor fear* in underetgwnff its TmaMaau commending it to all similarly affected. •-• J. v » : rtih from nW tab, ot “■ JW'J’iSS o»b. : r bayou, Ob.«®«Th2 knov uo be mm. -\ouxi, J p er CJ Wood*. iCe itrevnile, 10., Match W. -mre. » 4th j Fe r sale ir.rm*borgh at liio Pekin re, 6 tree u near wood. . ■• - • . ——— T>4.' FAHNESTOCK* :^ JJ. Sum. hua' ' & n \*£2£ffi£u : vetu&* it to VOttKhpf'--p«rt‘»o n *> B * lw^f^ ia ilui itrvmrQe u * ; U S«d •*«•* -We lia',Mtn contrite iu th° tpeecutet* . icaie of'. ‘j, kniiwu tomc.of •W,^*|f l Bl^l^;-.: {: of time, yield ulmott AMny the paat ■.. hstt 1 »-»<*,“p"7“ i ■'*»• niineroo» OritaM “Ccim wbkli.U .'J : J KuSraTt'CK * Co, corner, oi wood and 1M u 4 wood and «h »**• i i>y Pulmonary B<U>«»! -a r&Sßfi, HKED ft. CUTLER—I feel: it a dot* 1 -,-•, ; , A 1 owe « 0 nr fellow creature*, lo »mw wmethinj : ./ mow retpeettng your Vegetable’ Folmonary Balaam... v Hbicc 1 firet ii»ea ne Baltaan abent elerea ye«» »JO. . Jije happy effect of. which l then tcare atcnceoont or, 1 •..■•• have had tevetai •erero complnini* and attack* at tnT .. time*,o« B nfewdaye aihee, and inevery outanea I hare nted the Balaam olomswiih complete and pence! uicecM. It hat effected relief and cureianrerr lew . : cjav«. it irrertainly a safe medicine.. I do.no: know .y -•U»»t a fixed coiuumpuou, but.l peUereH ,- will be in many eate* a prereonre, nnd .prp'eaUoo .»■ r , ■ ber.er thatKure; I do therefore, for thaloro. or nrjr let- *.• • low men, eeaettly recommeud the nteofthw iudanOv • in nil putnionary-complaints, 1 am confident that «r : . . hat been tha meant of prenenrtw mrliJe to tmt day- • . " Jla.an Jan. 18, 1 BKNIAMIN BIRSONB - i Fortalebv U.A. Fabnettock.fi. Co,coraer fimijuw Wood and alto eoraer wood and Cth. - •- >*t* _ . j l nnAR 4ih nt nrnr miuKt WMM****. ,j j • mins i* to certify that 1 tmrchtued oao.TUl.of itr- v . iJ.-MeLane.’i Worm specific, tometwo aeasiitffO .. -Md cate to i ton of tome, tome teren Jt»n OiOjtwo icopooot fall, and alihouA thompognt m»T j lafßVJ®* I hate •■• dou&t batihe^ewat upwardtof [ two isoctttr Rone> S' PEAR •uppl' - jtall OUNDI JJiliew; , Cuhlcr,' I rpKS r I 1, tr IpliSplll w y_. ' D AJL" b IOTT' d» the ‘ , 1»V -« Hied .es ion,' tin e m ow ron i tp t v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers