■* J T-j-' . A, '*<*; - I r^yyyyi'y- i J -7r=?. vV: Jv" Y vr . <■s? *« u- ■owV #1- . ;• -4J '! !t!3H SSS^&.&V: r\? i ‘ ' '• 1 ’ ' ~ •.!:& 1 - £'*■> .5: ■• •ifH ; fVi S'.’O ,T' : "O' e~ L\ - •!" KWffliW#! y i.O tO;-,t. !V-.- ;.. »i s-sr's -85$fUf ■••.'Wfflte.i |f:;V ''* <‘ ■’ ■ ;-* .\7 ."■’ j* ■- <s ■:- 'sXJ > J , *■ 's• r - c pk‘V, s • K'f , k • S^k>.''•>'';-x ■"•-' - '7\ s«~- ; ; L*i%„ v w ' ,'• r . ;t, £. V -H. «•* -v< , 1 nUIH TSAI jot recited (ram , If ud Hew York k'ckia Tern Company ••••., •> -i Black Tea*, cowpminjf I ifcofeOcwinp ■ n . . \ , > , S¥s. Bi r- ' Esaw--- ’ Sr®. ' - SKtf 1 " ,s£#™a? . . wr< ,t*«a.»deox4wnhtreatraw • ' •iJili'SSe 5* |wl|e»inlb» fMI,«»JW.Uto«ld v " Wj£sj**i"L M **j||>eh«»l.JUr*njr other bowemthi* \-rm ■»**»«• * - . jambs bi ack •• J «orMTorthfrdnarfaarthficU Hi • ■ " -,,r, ma tTICBP* Mil IAUi-Gileb fcr !*"» •” Mnd.iitor m mead ,J?>2r SSfSßw** •»■!*■**; “ orf “- ’ -■■■: .i'.- ; '-> : r‘l J iJUtihSi MUSIC) ita— * . j BOOKS* ’ ..mBK Coovietfor tha Hypocrite linntaakrd; byO-P. . F. Howard, utbor of Ratlin the ■ Keefer; • I . * '! The Star of the Fallen,* by Cnnu, author of Black • Plumed Riflemen. ' ' • The Magio Figure Head, or the Ladvef Green and • Blue; by Charier Carey, of the U. 8. N- J: : • The Bandit's linde, or the Maid of Saxony: by Looisa ■Sidney;-' :" ’ . Stankm, amhor of “Striking Likenesses, n fee. ‘ Lyomore, and Mr.'and Mr*. Woodbridge: by KUmLeelie. . '• J • London Quarterly Renew. Lmon Maguinb for December lafe of Joseph V Hare—«large mnnly. .The MantrareHag Mother, by the author of‘History of a rirtb/ 1 - - * Tbe-WUfulnes* of Woman, by the tame. The Old Commodore; byE Howard. Jeanette Ajli»Of- or the Young Strawberry Girl—a -tale of -Sea and Snore; by Ingraham, i v • Kama. 6r DoyligLt.a prize tale; by J S Robb. .- ' Hir Rowland Aahton, 2 vol; by Lndy C Long. , theXIVv ndor* of Versailles, and lae Court of lonia ' FlowTTa Personified, No*. 0 and 10’ Kora] Cemeteries of America, pari A Magazines, Newspaper*,* etc.' ‘ london Pmtefa andPictorialTiinee.perlastateaincra. Brother Jonathan.'PtiDariclphiaVCoarier, and Yan ked Doodle Pictorial*. For ante by ' WM tf CALDWELL •• drcl ;■ ~ ■ 3d*l.oppoJUtelha I’oftOffice. ' 'VTfiABLY REACT FOUFtTBLICATION by J. A. fe L. 11.I 1 . JAMES, Cincinnati, the following ' new aadvaluahle Work*— —— . Doniphan's - Expedition—Containing a aketeh of the ; y life of CbL A. W. Doniphan; the Conquest of New f. Mexico; Gen, Kearney’* Overland Expedition to Cali* ' ferula; Doniphan’* Campaign ugoinnt the Narijos, and hi* unparalieled March upon Chihoahna and Durango, and the Operation* of Oen. Pnce at Santa'Fe; with a • , Map and Engraving*, by John T Hughes," A B of the • Ist Regiment of Mirmoun Cavalry. Hutaiy of Kentaeby—llm- Antiqnitlea and. Natural Curiatiiiea; Geographieal. StauMicml and Geological description*; with anecdote* of Pioneer* Life, and tcore than one hundred Biographical Sketches of dutingui*];* ' ed Pimteera-Sfoldiers.Statesmen,-Jnriiu, lawyer*, Di* .-riaes,'Jtc4 ilia*!rated with forty engravings; by Lewis Colima, l vol. octavo.. . • • :• ni. The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri vate in ihe-Tennes*ee Regiment of Cavalry, in the. Campaign of Mexico, durum ISUM7, containing on ac count bfthe March of the Regiment to Vera Crux, a description of the Country* passed over, manners, cus toms, fee. of the people; sketches ,of Comp Life; ac count* of all tho action* of other Volunteer Regiments, and a full History of the Mexican XV an List of the Kil led ond -Wounded, fee; illustrated by a large number of . correct views and plans; by Geo. C. Farbor, 1 volume octavo. 1 dccl TVOOHLS FOB. THE SBASON—llluminated riGemsofSajcred Poetry; a'wdendid imperial 8 vo^ ’ wuh beautiful illustrations ousted, by Sartain, amiss . I iilominated' pages by Schmia and Sinclair, richly v bound io Turkey morocco and white calf, superbly gilt. '■ Tbe-Cbristian Keepsake, an annual for JM* with splendid mexzotint engrarings, by tfaruiu; bound in ar abesque morocco. | ... ... , , -.Christmas Blossoms and New bear*'wreath for , ISIS; a small quarto ytolume. printed on snow white pa per, embellished with splendid mezzotint ThisUbrfarthc most beautiful juvenile aimuat pub lished in tne.Cuitcd States. The Poetical Works of Olive i Ooldsmub, M. with Bumerods exulsite designs, by the Etching Club, in va , rious>t>lcS of biudiug. Thompson's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by .the Etching Club, in various style* of biuding. The Poets and Poetry of Amcneo; by R. W. Gris -W01d.:.-; This, poets and Poetry of the Ancients, by William Peter, A. M, superbly bouudin Turkey niorocco;splen didlrcilL” 4 ' Willis's Poems, in varions stjles of binding. Elegy illustrated. r .. llemdn's Poetical Works, in various binJiugs. / Lord liyrou s •“ “ * • Fhakspeare’s ° u u . The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Ballads and other Poems, by Mary Howitl. Popms by Amelia. Headley’s Sacred Mountain*. The above, with a great variety of other new works, In splendid Myles of binding, suitable for gift l>ooks; for •ale by JOHNHTON fe STOCKTON, . dc3o Booksellers, cor. Marketfe 3d^sts._ Valuable Standard Workfc BRANDED ENCYCLOP.KDIA-A Detioaary of Sri eottjiiltrmlareaadart, eumpriwog tie history, description and scientific principle* of every brunch ofbom*n knowledge, with th* derivation and dcAniuaa of mil the km* in general we, edited by W T Braoile, FRB, fee. Illustrated by no mcrouaeianvißgioa wood. ‘ Mom’s North American Atla*. eootainucbcantifolly eol* f «r*d m*t> °r North Amcnca, Canada East, Canada JPcst, Ant Beotia, New Brunswick, Northern Team*,New Mex ico, Florida, Ten*, California, Meries, Amtrica, Yucatan, IFot India Island* usd mil the State*’ mod Tcrrito ilessatha Union. 17cal'* funlaos—The history of the puritans from the Ttformalloa in 1317, to the revolution of I<BB, comprising an account of tbeir prtnaple*, fee, fee. by Daniel Neal, M A, • >. miecd W John O Cboatea, U D, wtth aute portnilaoa etcel; lltmfNßlH t . ■ • The nee of the Body la relation to lb* Mind, by Otwp • Moan, fil D, member of the royml college of Physician*, ter JnTCBiU Works* IFcalih tad IFotth' or whkh maku the ana, a very pop- ■jvonui •«>. Parikof theSeaybeugaflccUagaamtioasof shipwrecks, fee." Bawetl's Speaker—Tha Jmrnil* Speaker, comprising clewsbuy raks tad tiercue* ta declsmalies. with a sclee- Ua or ptcres foe (racUOthy FreaewT Rum)!, iaitruetor la •loemtMa at PnoeVbm. - At abort works received aad for ale by JOHNSTON*.STOCKTON - all ’ Bookseller*, cur market and 3rd »t* ” 1 " PIANOS! PIANOS!! ' TTENRY KLHBKIL Dealer in eo*ieniPrano Fortes, “i Jj; at J- W. Woo.lwell’s No. W 'l7»ird Street. The nanoa may bi examined at all hours, and the subscri ber will be tnero from II to 12, A. M* and from 4 to . 6, P, AL each day. • . . Pfiub’g. Oct. 22, ’•» . j • . Wc, ithe undersigned, would inform the citizens of 1 ' • Fituborgh and vicinity that we have appointed Mr. 11. Kleiber mole agent for .Western Pennsylvania, for the •ale'of oar Piano Fortes, from whom they may be ob tained at on* own (New York) price*. MbNXS & CLARK. New 1 York. Pent. I..lS4ftoctS<t MISCELLMEOU& A2S!a^B!!Sua , MSSSSST®r t • Motxix’ Fxcrotr, Wevtmotehnd Fa-,J • • July Writ, IW7. { Jffr. R. S. Sdla*:— A sens* ofduiy toyouand tbealffktrd fadocTOM toaddmyhuablatestiinaiyki fovor of your justly celebrated Liver Fill*. 1 have delai rod doing so for yvvs, adhering to Davy Crockett’s maxim, “be sure you aio right, tbeßTOabead.** of the many proparoliotuef rapi tci wd oaneks, haded to tbe skies, bar* sank into obltvsou since -tout Liver Pi Is leave been offered to tbe peb ie and. indeed, I believe thro will Survive them all,” x» they are ju*t what ■ won repremat them to be. I haw kn afflicted with Liver . Complaint Com my youth; have eafitred much; employed naiacnt pbynemu, to whom I paid much money; baro Uooa; nea vomited mad phpfcfced almosttodeetL; ■altrated sor 0 times, and n P as tewgfe. la ■ 2(90-71 wm induced to try your LmrPilli, and SOON GOT WELL Ousboz of which iinowstifflcktU to keep me e'lcnr M ia ia the aide, and all the other symptoms, for *1 least IS L-a. Toar FilU ore also the bnicaihartic 1 ever osed: kewc mild. Bolgriring or giving moch sickness at the stems wdAot giro memucb rtUr 1 Lavs kept them mmy stbro tie $ or 7 yean: sold hundred* of boxes, and bare never Beard a sug'a caaplaut muted by any one who bas «fd .them. Thry hstre superceded alnunt *i ery other pill to tbu -anfUerbrnAnd In a short tune will banish them all. _ 1 them to all prisons needing phyiie, - whether for Liver Complaint or Buboes Affections I eon for superior to Calomel or the Blue Fill. Rrspoct* fo]j, nars, J L 4'otlli CAUTION—As then art other Pill* before the public for tad take Mother fban thorn prepared mid sold-by R E SELLERS,No 57 JFood-st between Thitd and Fourth •*r3aWSr CsXXXL,Fifth IFetd,D M CctXT, AOrgbeny • . ■■ ■ • ___ ; 'i? '■ DBL JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE. Wo have been informed, by Mra Riwe of * eure per Ibrmedoßber byDr. AUormtlwo,winch •rove* ilAxsporidrfty over evetp other remedy of u»c > liitui '.Qieban been nfflieted for ite U<t sixteen year; ' ~ ■with NECROSES or WIIITE SW KLU NGS, ntlcuded . with and enfoDatiott cf various bones, du • Tiwwhich Umemany pieces have been discharged from ghe irwital honc.ol the craniam, from boili her anne, wAitx and h*nd*,nnd from both lege, mid from the left : ffbxoral bone, tad from the right knee, beside* painful •• foleofs oo'otber parts of her person, which have baffleil • ihogkUiaf natuaberof thrmosicmincnt physicmnnot dnrusff most of the time her suffriingahave iMdexeraiaLDgand deplorubic. About three months •liwy rite was ieducM to try Dr. Jayna’a Alterative. ' which has had unstenlshlogly happy effect upon her, ' kTreawing all pain and owelltog*,antl causing the : wedt« to heal, while at the sametitnc her general health ' has become completely restored, w that she now weighs- V ' fflfi Iba nore than the did before tl-. commenced the nse 7 • farther infonaabon, inquire of Mis- Bose, No. 12S • #! the PEKIN TEA STORE, • -79 Frwrtb st near Wood. JJ* a! WRONG EVIDENCE iW Dr JAYNE’S El- A I EuT ORANT i* smytor to »‘l oOxr remedies for ■ Braod>Hi*,Asiho«. sad other Palmo- Mff enetecws, U llul lbs ium prnoos wkfcoescaceif 1m wseofit to their bailie* tea var* *go still prefer it to aU eitorr tvacdkaof (be Mod} sod where say bet* been induced . |»l{T eb*r prep* rat os* (bey bate abwwt lorsrtsbly be*a AtmMßtotedm rtee.viac tbo beoefiL which m rtHßibly -SueStedfnwitb* Ugh pniw«b*»tow#dbyibe proprietors, . mt bare rvtaraed to the a»o of J*txu > ExKcroasflT, a* • itotdr «*—• tow «nr tailed to ni:«n them. ud which : mtoUT new bad itotooai to smiling milmceary diseases. ' r fnwrtt mu W Pt D. Jsjno, rhileMlphia, and told ea Jab ■ ALKXTjAVNEH 7 der*adAwtf' ■ Tr Fourth »t .jourax. tHSTAJU, AaiiEsw r. strscaa. iCCTIOS * COSIIBSIOS BERCfIiHTS, ■>•■■: (iitheeMfUiuSorBtt|r&£hcj>art,) Vi- ■ NuhvMe, Tefctee, . , fTTiLL give proapl *Ed f*idW *|usau*n lothe i*Je W *f orr G®od*,4ir«erk*,*nd NockaMin gen «nHy. TtoT fcel prrpM«d »Wend »ftllib«jlepwv Mgy tkefrbciioe** officially *t»d (dealing iu » .••■•■■ —■Lh.iwiftrii ■eeo«BiW»yOTagf. • , AlKn. * o? 1 w - i aSZsto*' .• '• itmr4 Oil# • - ' &%£s£££ saKSESf’iM'S-^ SnTiiT^TgPg^ 1 " **?*”"** a ,he D * ll:c; ' RJIJ *•** rr*“ ““■'“‘JjOKBAN *i»N -- iiiibem«t,»ppo*J»o«®' l *" M f ***'BnM»9 Mlo}'lo (or mcbinery.cn ; * fa»fcfcr««lgt»T». -----—H*SL. ntan. - A ; 11 ui BOW itMiftd iii ibe leiporUJtOT at nrandiea, •-:••• Aw t ««. ta4vsf|*e-, cxclo«lvfiy.*i»dba*«nsma<le «H*Siei*ea»iiidi*e«m ptrwof Earope«wl w©***: - Sdnßurirell knownbo*s«a for jMy/««re.wplyof I will be able to delivered • hiuGUtMtiowßa of New York or New Orleanaor 'buJa eftv, atihelowtrt market priee for <«»b or «p -intti putr. I bare io «wre and cellar • very Urje • ii afvelirrapenor Wise* and !n«)oon*e imported g-wyaiasri bm “ v? Wff “ totUtAwnhfcfieldatt MAMFAfrIOEIES. - rrrr UAcniim VTOiKs add foundrt, j - Pimsctcs* P*. •: JOBS WRISHT fe CO., A prepared.te build Cotton and Woollen Maehin* xX ery or every description, ssch as—Carding Ma chines. Spinning Frames, Speeders, Frame*, Railway ileada l jWarper« t .TwiUers,Spouieisl>reMing Frames, Card Grinders, fee-, Wtaughl uon Shafting taraed.aii size* of Can Iron, Pollies and li*ngrrt,of the Uten patterns, slide and hand Lathes, i and tools of all kudr. Castings of every description furnished on sbon'•no tice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron railing,fee. Steam Pipe for heating Factories. Cast Iron Window Sash, and fancy Castings generally- Orderslcft at tbeVVarehouseof J-PaimerfeCo-,Lib erty street, wrtU have prompt attention. Blickitoek, Bell fe Co, J K Moorhead fe G E Warner, John Irwin fe Sons; Pittsbargb. OCfc JII Warnfer; Sienbeavilk, janiP 1 co-PABTireßaniP notice. -v W. STEPHENS of Wheelirg. B. F. Sboenber . !i* gerof Janistaaiid J. A. Stocktda of Pittsburgh, hare tats day entered into empannenhip under style aod Cm of Stephen*. Bhoeubetger fe Co, at the Anchor Iron Works, Wheeling the purpose or maflafsclarieg non and nails of every description. B.W.Srariwju. B.F Biioxsaucxi, J. A.Stocrron. STBPIIESS, SHOEitBKBUEB k CO; anchor iron works, Wittlmg, Va. ■ Mahnlkctart'Sll kindsof boiler, sheet, bariron and nails, A B steel eiiptic spring* and alleo. Being con nected wiih amenbetger’s Old Jeniata Works, we ean -dflenuiartieteef Jnniatalroa (branded Shoenberter] ,«jtjaltoanymadoiathecoanirT. Allofwkiehwtilbe so>d at the Pittsburgh priees. Warehouse of the Works cornerof Monroe and Water streets.' myll Jne. LippeacoU. John D. Wick- L. K Morgan. LIPPEMU3OTT & CO., Manufacturers of hammered and cast tti’EEL SWiovels and xfpades, Axes and llalehets. MillH Col,CirculoT and Gucaws;Hay and Maunre Forks, Hoes, Mattocks. Pick*, fee. fee. Having eunpleted all their arrangements in the eon snoetion of new machinery, and in seeurins the best workmen from the most celebrated establishment* of the Last, are noW mauofaetunog and will keep con stamiyo a band pnd for tale all the above anic***, hav ing availed themselves of the latest impiovements, and ! are determined that in workmanship and material they wiU not be excelled. They promise to produce articles, equal, if Dotsaperior. loanv that eon behad in the East. They invite the;auention oi dealers ter an examination of their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they will be able to fill all order* in tbeir linatotbeeatiretatisfacuonofpurchasers; VVarehouse, Water sl 4 dpon West Mopongtbcla House, Piutbargb, Pa. - ' - : - S. o.“Person* having business with Wo. Lippetcou fe Son, will please call on Uppeneott fe Co. oetfidty New fourth itrskt bakery, CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE, will open on Monday, Anru 6lb, four door* from Woodtt, and next door to A Jayne’s Pekin Tea Store. A splendid assortment of Fancy Cake, Confectionary, Fruit, e n fresh on the eountcrevery day; amongwhieh nrethe followings Macaroons; PoanJ Coke; Lemon Biscuit; Pastry; , bpotige do; Pepper Nats; Jelly Coke; ' Almoud do, Molasses P. Cake; Ginger Nuts; Wafer Jumbles; Spougeßtscuiq Federal Cake; A. P's; ' do; Older* for Ice Crram*, Jelly, Crule*’Cake, Faney Oonfeetioaarjy.c., e., executed in a tnauner one quailed in quality and beamy by any other establish ment in this city. ■Fresh Rread|Twist, Hash, fee, manafactared solely from XVhiw Wheat Floor, ami free fromall drugs, every rooming. up 3 ANDKEWB AIA.HJHK4Y VH4ITIAN BUND FACTORY. JOHN A. BROWS ■TAKES this method to inform bis frieti<i* dad the pablic at large Uni bis Factory 'sjnow in fulioperatiwi.on die East k idc Of the Diamond. Allegheny, where a con| slant supply of Blind*, of vatiou* colors andqaafiues,are coustantlykeptoirhandi also at N 0.6 Wood si, Pittsburgh, atJ.fe 11. PhiUips'oilcloih.waieroom. Veiiitian Shutters made to' order in the best style. Blind* repaired at the shortest notice. N. B. Hi* Blinds wiU be put up, without any addi tional cxepnse to that they enn be removed in a mo ment measeoMireor lor washing, and without the aid of .aerew dr je octldlyfewlamly WH. ALKXASBER fe SONS, COFFIN MAKERS AND FURNISHING UNDER TAKERS: corner of Perm and St. Clair eireets, o'posit* the Exehange Hotel, cutnuice on Penn street, n-tpecifally intorm their frirnde and th* public, that they are prepared to furnish and attend to everything in dm line of Undertakers. Always on bond a large as -nrtjnrmof ready roadeCoffiii*, covered, lined uud fin u-lred in the very best manner, all ran* and sites resdy ,uade Shrouds of flannel, Cnmbnck and mu*ttn,andail * *es made in approved atyle*. We keep a large at •onmeuiof wlii enml black, cotton, silk and kid Gloves, eablc for pallbearers and moorner*, crape, eaps.rot ar*. and every thing neeesscry for dresting ihe dead, end on reasonable terms, as we porebsse all our good* a the Eastern cities. Also, silver plates for engraving 'be name aud age* We have a splendid new hearse and horse*, and any namber of the beet carriages Every thing attended to promptly and punctually. octSly IV. \V. WALLACE, PITTSBURGH STEAM NARBLE .WORKS, .Vs*. £44 and 240 Liberty street, near til Canal ALW AY'S on bond and made toorder, a large varie ty of Marble Mantels, Pier, Centre Tables, and Uuicnn Tops,Tomb Stones, Monuments, fee-; all which, being made of the choieest marble, and urannfnctnred principally bv machinery, will be sold low for cash. N. U. Persons wishing to purchase Mantels, are informfdibaliiishencctonhuuneeessaty for them to go East, at I can fnrnith them with an article in all ropeet' a* good, and (freight, insurance, fee, consider oil.) a* cheap a« they can purchase them for int'ie Earn. Call and see. jc® COPPER, SHEET lOON, AND TIN . WAKE MANUFACTORY. No 8 Market street, PiU»burgh,Penna; 'TtHEsabteriber* having made great improvrioenu I in the eonstraetion of their COOKING STOVES, rt» reetfuliy iirite persons building to call ami enmine before purchasing, a» we can supply them with Deek Stoves, Forges, aod • 'ery other kind nl Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work cstary in famish mp a Steamboat. - * - We also make to order cn -'’onest notice Sal Tul«* and Chamber; Copper *•••>. -.f Steam Engine* and every variety of work n> uui Ir-no AIIKKIFF fe SHIRK XVH. McCL’LLY fe Co*, SanDfactorcr* ol Viab, Bolllei and W. Glut, No. I'ST WOOD STREET. OUR factories being now in foil operation, we are prepared to execute ordcis in our linei promptly. Dartog the last summer we bare adopted a new plan of daucniiie WindowUlast, (the most approved plan now used in tbo east,) by which we tarn out a sopciior arti cle. Glass flattened on t&i* plan is perfectly level and true with a very fine lustre Fainter* «fid dealers gen colly, are reqnettcdlo call and examine for tbem velves. • »p a BENNETT & BROTHER, <!FKENSWARE A 1 ANUPACTURKKS, Biralngbam,|near Plttabnrgli,]Pa. Warehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. «aaf\ WJLLconslantly keep on hand a good assort ot Ware, of oor own manataciure, and Why xupcriorqoaltty. Wholesale and country slet- Oa ehmuls are respectfully invited to call aud ex amino for themselves, as we are determined to sell ebeuper then has ever before been offered to the pub lie. , lIP* Orders sent by mail,accompanied by thr.cuh t rnv reference, will be promptly al'caded tn. feb'Jfi lirttl Wultrn Hull IIio?e aamtatlory CINCINSATJ, O. A GARDNER, ft Co., would inform the trade tha • they are now .manufacturing tbe tevt Dutt llmgi evermatto in ihe United Mates: As this is bur priori pie busine;s.|we intend to send out as complete an ar lieleascati possibly be made, 'those engaged in tin bartJsraieiraila, we tbmk, will find it to their micros in *rr. oar Batu Alt order* promptly attended to. mys A GARDNER ft Co. cor Of mb » main sis ' fIBSM ITS . . M il - - 1 JOHN SHERIFF * Co., Nov. R) and 94 Front sts, Daass Focsbxes and Gas Fia txxs; Bills of all sixes cast from the lutes improved pat tern* and warranted equal,to any. Also, Bras* Castings, ifinivhed if otdert-d, Gas Kit ting* put op promptly and oo treasonable tenSl;*' 7 • oovlßdly PIM SDURtill ffTEEL VVOKk% AND SPRING AND AXLB FAOIORY. ISAAC JO.TXS. • JOCS f. QCiee. JOfIEV ft airiGG, MANUFaUJUHERB of bpriCg and Dlittcr Steel, Ptoigh bleel, Steel Plough Coach and Lliptie Spring*.Hammered Iron Axlro, and dealers in Malleable Castings, Ki«e Engine t-tunpv, and Coach Trinimings generally comer ot Kouand Front streets, Piiisbnrgh, Pa. ~ »ptf7 LIPPIBCOTT lUOS WOBHIi. IKON Uil Nail*, Shovel*, Ac. for salemt onr new Warehouse, No. 53 Water street, near Wood, ru* niug to Front AJao, u assortment at the old nud, MeMaster*! Row, Liberty street. Having made great additions to the Rolling Mill, aU order* can befiUed promptly. aor» . r _ CHAFF, LINDSAY A Co. ~ IiIKSISCiLAH TICS MCf OM. CAMPBELL *, CUKBS, Matraracnatu or FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD BRADS, Iron and- Coppor Tanks* IRON AND COPPER HBOC NAILS, Airs Pattern Makeri Points, of every description. Office No. 9 St Charles Hotel, Third atreet, _ febj PUtobargh* P.McLVsVr. Jup K l-aniii FLINT' GLARE KSTABLIIUBIKST. MULVaNY A LEDLlEmuofaeinre and keep con stantly on kaod Cbl Moalded and Plain Plint dataware, In all ita varieties, at their Warehooae cor ner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. . Oar Worka eominae in fail operation, ud wears consuir ly adding to onr stock, which enables ns to fill orders with promptness. ffirebssers are reapectfally solirlied to call and examine prices and urns. mylttdjy ; : . TUGS. KKBNEDr. Jr^ . Wholesale Variety More and Looking Glass ' manufacturer, H. Corneref W°°dand Foarthsts.Fiiubsrgfc. ASJastfcerjved from tbe Es<t a far™ nndgood as sortment of Variety Goods, including clocks, Accor deoru. Jins. Needles, Coat. Copt, Hooks and Eyes, cauery and tombs of every puern and quality.— Western Merchants tod other* are requeued to call and exaarrw b-tun parch asm* daewhere.or going East. All kinds of dlt. Mahogany and common Looking Olaa f« mamrfaeiored and sold at Katirm prices, octal co A V aik i N G , PROJf the very liberal eneenrag* - MTWmw vmenithesubscriberhas receivedaimre WJW- he has localed himself in Allegheny, has mdaced him to take a lease, for a *■**“"“*tnrta of year*, on the property be now ocenpies, in Beaver street, immediately beside tbe PresbyieHuChoreh. From the long experience in the above La*men ud a desire to please, be hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on band and finishing to order, Koekaway Bag gies, open and top Baggies, and every description of Carnages nude to order, front •eTu&five dollars to aifhtbanarat ' [scp3-dtfl JOHN BQUTH, ~ gtiayfagaad Hair DrtsslDg Saloon. BLACKSON A FOUNTAIN. TonsorUufnfmm, hs»a mtsistsd sad Cited up theJr Pbavtog, Hair Dtewtag sad Shampoutof Balow in the modsr* sly Is, sod an prepared to rvit mpfilfw' atones, with teas, comfort and politeness. They sn prvmnd to wait ea alt that may ca!i without daisy, Thankful mt' past foot* «* *oi>eH • coatlnuaneo of ths some, at our ghte**eorp&VtJaloe«tftatai»4 the Diamond, (bach of Alvtaader^feybDryUMdsfitew^ T7BOKTABLK PULMONARY BALSAM.—To VegttsUs Paboourr B*k.m»-1 am mtea&d that tbe Vagvtsw Pulmonary Balaam navel oabte msdlejao. Ithmtovn used i* this pise* with «»pl»to mcecasiauotothmto comptoiotoflha lugs, Atteadsd with a mm coach, lost of vows, tad tbs raistofi of much blood which had brettoosfy misted mMyaparased prtacri|dieM Alter astog th< Jtodmm ous wash tks sad Iw was canUsd to tptak smlibfy. This earn oeevrsd somstima nocs,Md themwiiswoweaessvdootoaly la am ten ton tokbortoaibesiassa. RespedlaUy yowft, i • Cooeosd,NJf, Jaa.lD,lS}«. s.ldOUlU*,Ma - flotd to Pittebuigh by B. A Fahatstock. A Coi eorwsr pt LWa*dwo*d,aW<or'terth kwoodsu ’ 4kN MISCELLANEOUS' HUBEKTri CHIHO XL WUITJB O FLUID -la sdUe.tiag tU p too ageof tha puhlie fori (hit artiets, itisbatrightandpr-.iper 1 ' iMtP*'mcrit*oa which (hachia for support is bated (book! be folly tad fur' lyktfosth and aW eeas goamicts U gieca that the com. munity wilt botbelmpaaca unco by ruing it In iht first fhre it it irrTl fnirn thaT thr of bbiek ‘-Ink*’’ arc conpo**d of a prec-pjUU, held togettrer by gum Arable.and when the water, either in yhoU or part i»*rapor»led toe gum and precipitate are kftuk pasty mam lathe pea or inkttanrt wfcleh coot*ls* it It b also common to add viorgtr to the Ink' m.xt’jrt to make it more fluid, increase* the evil by aeiiog on the pen, if ■ ittclc/ne, eom>dingiUhroujh.U*»n horttim*. Now the-Wri ting Fluat” differ* from the* mitiure* in every respect,!* ituiebemicalKMn on requiring uo vuetd matter to hold it together,therefor* wiilßeT»rg»Uhiek,eodbei,g eery fluid ■a large quantity flows from th* pea into* given ipee* penetra ting deeper iato the fibre of (he paper aaking a more perms vtnt stare tod oos lea easily moved by attritioo then if il was duly plastered oo the siirfu-e. Ut soeoslainsaoßUtter that has an affinity for zstUlic iron, therefore will aot corrode steef pen*, it wnl uotoou.d, and althoegU it write* of a blotth green color yet in a fow hours it beefeo a deep black wbieh will endure tor sge*. It is warranted superior to the foreign artie c known by the name of 1 * VVniing Flnid,” and one-third more green for the nme priee. A* a guaiante* against mpoutioa of any kmd being .attempted the following recommendation* will soiSce, a* alt must be aware, that the name* there gives could uoi bare been ob tained by hoy meant for an nuworihy porpute. XX e recommend ll Hibbert’sCheuical Writing Fluid” to the patronage ol ( iublie,«safintnie arlicl* in all res pects; it fi«ws free from the pen without-clogging it up and m the course of a lew hour* become* a deep bright black. , B A Campion fe Uo. \V ick and MeCandlet* Robert Jfoor*.'' John Parker, Was Uppuceltfc Son S Wighlmaa $ Co. McQuewuit fe Dougla* Franc » Seller* Robt B MeTall, Bouks'r C A McAnulty fe Co. for \V \V Wallace, Juniata RollingMilb, Aqg 2*1,184?. .Mr Tho* K Hibberi—Dear Sir: 1 hate been uiiug yonr Chemical Writing Fluid, and find il a tret rate article for Uieoflice.it flow* freely from the pen and becomes jet black a a few. boost, . Yoerefec. T H TUTTLE. Book-keeper for Bine Us fe Semple. ■ rittiburgh, Aog 29, 18-17, Mr T K Hibbert —Fear Sir: Haring procured a boitleof !our Writing Fluid, (one three uttki ago, I cooi.iiw ilmt j Man I if Bolaapcrior to Arnold’* or any other ink no win oat,* knowo£ Be*i*ttlolij, ; WILLIAM STEWaHT, Book-keeper for Arthur idiobou (e Co Pittsburgh, B«pt 11, 1947. Mr T K Hibbert—Dear Sin 1 am o»tng joor Chemical Writing Maid, and find it to be a moat eiceLent article lor deal pea*, a* it doct tot eta them oplik'. the reneraiitjr ol other mlu, it Coin tree ana become** deep black in a lew bom. roar*, lle*pceiiully. WILLIAM CARR, Book-keeper for John Parser. i Prepared sad told Wha lew!* and Retail by Thoms K Hibbcrt, Druggist and Cheaiit; earner of Liberty and Sail!)field Streets. PiUihub, I'm Qttiofoii ' THIS Hi'Fltu XJltra improvement hoe now been In n«e about two year*, and wnerever it it known, f lefcned to all other Beadsleads. • I'or cheapness, itrenelb |aiui convenience it hae not and cannot Ik: equalled, a* it is dcrnirdty the best, cheapestaud most cpnietticnt Bedstead in use, and per* foully proof against Hug*. The principal‘Cabinet makers and Turari* in Alle gheny Ctt7 aiullti Pittsburgh, have kcuic.l Rights 10 insnufooistcand (ell tbo article. A* tbrrcare-punous articles and ioiprrfeet imiMlious in the maikeL putetia feis would do well to examine the east iron plates mi which in the genuine article Uie cam'- 01 the patentee, !•;, F-IaAXZAM.t* invariably cast, as a proof of all tli -t is ciuimed for Gazinm's Ut-d*tcads, the followup certifi cate from Cabinet makers well known in Pittsburgh uud the West, is submitted tu tbo public: tVe, t!ie snbroiilK.s.piacucul cabinet tuukrrs and Redstead raauafactuiers ci the ribe.os* Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby certify that we have bought the right toinaiiufucture L-cdateiuls with i>blziuu'> Pat ent Frjteumg*, and considct the same superior tu any faateaisws with winch w* arc acquainted. James Lemon ■ John PPGrcw T 0 Young AC Robert Fainnaa J R Hanley Jomrs U Itair John Liggett, Jr. Jo*. Lowry ft Son . Lowne a atbin Riddle & Dmnusn Thomas Farley Rnmsoy A M’Clelland David. Lukei; Moses Bullock Hugh Walfaco llnbens ARane J. Mayers J*s\V woodwdl J Neebanse George Snjdrr WoKailcu J Mc.Mencrs A Co Alexander Lawson Tor Rights to taako and sell U>« above Bedstead! apply to EBKNEZEH F GAZE AM, ; oetSß Patentee Tbos. RxsTri, formerly of Ueatty, M’Kcnaio jtCo- - t'inc.cn«ii,o. Jso.lAi Bcattv Zancsfitle.tr. ckxi G. Con* New Oilearu f ; BEA'ITY, BROTHER fit CO., Qsaeral Cemmliilen Mirehsat > IroaTBK SALK *HD roRWAHOIdO-OF I ! WKSTRRS PRODUCE, No. 31 Foydrai Strut, New Orleans. Rental©— - MeisrayManin A Co. Cankers,) v n » : " JaatesAWrcgorACo.J* I n Davui White ft Co,Maiii*on, la. • " ” Ellis A Morion. Bankers,l ” Hoses A Frazer, > Cincinnati. A M’Kenxiu, Krq. ) H N Kearney, Esq. Ranker, Zanesville, O. D M'Donald A Co, WelUviUe.O. Reed, Forks A Co. lleaver. Pa, J WGtIL Esq, Wheeling, Va. 8 .M’Clurnts A Co. > lVuhnr-h Pa NV A4i il.k keitroe, \ la. : nvttWhn '• A GhaUmAt to the World. TiVENTY-KIYE DQ®LaH:* will be paid many one who will prdooc* atpoi cf pamt, given or dr>. that c-u.cot bo-azinteted with lion's Improved Cnrre.csl Soup. I have the satisfaction of saying to mt jeopie of ; tbic place, that this article, by my own improvrmem on it, now stands unrivalled in tbit country lor extracting grease, ur. pitch, oil, paint, or any other greasy sute slance, irom all kinds of gemlrraen’s or Ud.cV ttolhtnr. caipc.s, table ribXft, merino shawls, ia.-ti-s'-tHimiei.-, : Ar. without fttjanag anything that pure water w>li not iiajure. More aask ot.e Uiomund p-.-'Ou* i« d.lTcreai part* of ite oouiarv have tnld tne they wouiJ n-ul't •wnbout fc; ;f heo*t oar dollar per cake- ItTlrying ihis ; Soup on more than 3UO articleamf I gtit nks, saiias. el pat cis.and eaheoes, I hare o4ly found three pieces ol >i)K two of alpneca, and foer e£ calico, on winch it changed the color? therefbrr tjsfoir pvKft iuou a tight i drees try a sample of the drea* first 1 »«e this iwciuse I an determined not to recommend it any strunrer than 11 honve to hestrieily NIMIai. f P ice, isl et* Krcike. SolJ.wnn.esali a>id rcm>l by RE SELLERS. ‘ drcS4 57 wood *t Dsefol aad Ortuminul Gifu. A FINK ai-ortmeni cf fancy aroeles, among which are— Hamltome Crochet Bags, with and Without clasps; ft*-1 licmd and Frencli silt Lags, Silk pnr-es,new styka. Ivory tub'ets; pearl mcmonnla, Enunelied and ivory i e;»ei pjutf»; Napoleon andponaMc lokr; Cinr cate*, tvuh comb and >l.ts« and mrmmapda Pook; Toothpick*; plain eigar caret; Port ©l-os; pocket books; ' I‘api-tores needle book*; ' Fancy box**;'Berlin iront*a«lcct«; Willow busel«.fce.&e. Now open and far tt by V ii r~vroN 'l'hu 17 i before—m*deontfiens©siapprove4Ea«t*rnplanw- Kiul mo«t f«rbioD»t>le Karntin pattern* ahitroior*. M*o TIIK CHKAP ROLL, or BOSru* BLIND, on band or made to order of alt •isra. am) at ali price*. Country Merchant* and other* are invited to call and examine tire. at*>vc for thefn*elve», a* all will Ire *otd wliolerale or retail, and a liberal deduction made wkoimale parehniera. _»nMjy A WtcTKRVKLT GinCl'liAll. Wasnisui'i'*. 0. C.. |W. Sih, IM7. (hear D. Thempion,K>q , pi&bvrfk, F».— SIH; I tmvc rr»il your nd*ern«einrnt in r.ne of the Pittsburgh paper* with cot a InUc surprise i 6mi Uiat you Have copied my l»diinc»* Circular entire, mini . approprm'eil il (■ yourself I will take iii« liberty to : inform you ibtn thy iiurines* Ciwnhtr i* my »*■*'■' com pon'ion, sml u not eri'ntow propeuy. I *«n.l not wit log!/ J-o f*ljccd in n p-wition that will iuJa*e persons who do cm knew m- torunjKwr ihsi I am not ; capable uf rctnptning my own t’-i-.ir.r.s* con:; of tl.ni I am CspMilcof pilfering aaii .•mh*f(.|»fj.i if>« tli*: <mi*i «l another to *ny own u»r. lac thnrrfotr ui d<w trie pc ee«»:W of noticing and expo* • t >ourp:a«iHH»m m tin* - Bustier ZUia»»i:.N* Attorney for Patent*, Washington. II.C. ft7-Al! newspaper! I 'at have published Mr. Thrnnp loo’t advertisement, will p'esto m«ni the >!**»»•• «J<*ll*f G1.08K.8 LORJNO’B TEHKESTIAL GLOBES, enata.foo* «J lie tele di>rotrrk>, and Geographical imj>n.»inienl»; ;*l» th# track* uf thews! celebrated rtreumi**vi(;»L.t» C««*- 'piled 6om Sra-th'* new Enclub Globe, whit addition. tod improvement, by An&iaA S&ilb. Reviwd by Roiwtll Bark. : LORINO’S CELESTIAL GLOBES, cobt-nm-c ill the known ilia ot(nils, fce. Ccmpfvd from the Murk. of WoTtftoa, Fkmfted. Ue L> lUrrliiu, .Meyer, Brad ley. Htrtefarl, Mmkelyne, lb# tr*M»tli«a» of ibe Agronom ical Soei.ly of Leodou, Ac, F»o« Smith’. Ntw Ecg ' tub Globe. Joliv.ua A StnckUn btte Ja»t received t few pure of the •bote Globa, raning is iize,a* follow*: 1 csir lUnebeein diaaieUr, ! *; •» “ , " i“i . « 1 11 teal (bbn 6. , and Journal copy. APPLICATION will be made to th* rreaidcnt. Mona geroapd Comi»*nF, for erecting a Bridge over the Biter lilonongabel* oppoaiui rm»l»ur*b.in inc eonnty of Allegheny, for the renewal of ibiee eertiarun**. Nor 117, l? 0,130, in lb# Base of John lUnier,eueU for two ibam'of clock in said Company. Haul cemGeaica be "elcslorToieUid. RICHARD FLOVD :Aitoraey for tfie Kieeutor* of John Hinner, dec d * delft. ; Y'i6»PAItTSRKitHiP-l ,|l ' : miJtcnboia, on tbe !•» Uiti lt*t, a»»otiaied lbcm*clTC», omler ilio firm of Brown A Cuiberl«oii, in tbe whole*a!e Gtocery ami Geoeral Produce and Ccmmi*«!on biraijie**. at No 149 Liberty aire«l»*nd reapcciiully aolicii the patronage of Heir fiirni. lit. potjllo in «Jj"g*j; R(nvN jwai A cm.MWim. PHIL ADA. AIWEiITipMENTS DERRY it NICKERSON. ; Manofaciorer* of AWMMS, MCKI.IQ BOTIoaS, WAGON COVER.** AND DRAIN JIAOB Op ALL ORICRIPTIOM- ' Ho. 3H4 South Front Btraet, Back of 7 A. Wilson'* Cabinet Ware Manufy . pniLADEIiPDIA:.. A LL order* left with B.S. Moou, at tbo oflie* A Merchant’* Hotel, Pilwbunrb, will be prorapUy attended to. TJIOB. U. PBfUM . KplO-dlr A. C. NICKKR?ON CARRIAORII. _ WIIJ.UH OQLE.CCMCII JSND ftffWg - HARNESS UJiKFJI, SM> Chtumt it, PAiWffpitla, lit# of the fir® of o*l# J* ~ w - Wilton. mpectfully inform* bit menu# “tUi.pcWie,th*lbe bin and will k#*p ; >UkM«. &r,b™ V.bitl.. n,d| .i.k. ul dncripUnn, Mtttnwtvr.t in..lwriMlponlbl. notice, uut tittuu. in h* ray,bat manner, cf .ejected material fobKMy FOBSI FOBS H FOREjU ' " T’HE aobreriber woald rcapreifully invite Ladlraand ' I Gentlemen abeatvianltig PlulodHphin.imd i n «, u „, of fancy PUK*,iuch >• Siafri. W*. Tipp.u,lc u» phre m a call before parclnuing eUewbere, a» tbe v Will flAd Uto tbeir adtentage and no oiitiake. All order* received shall be faithfully artendetl to at No W North Thirt«t,sl»re Awb, Philadelphia. •. .7 i JAMBMUUOKV igHMhlaSoUatlwuiaohaßd. 901 S&( -MEDICAL. TOWKBEHIPS JS AB.S AP ABILL A . Most extraordinary Shdiatie in ihe WurU. Thrs extract it put up tn Quart bottles: tt usa Uses cheap er, pleasanter, and warranted saperiot to ear eoU. •* cum villiout roaiting, purgiag, Meaacss or d* . hiliutiagihei*- 4«<t. , SREII SPEtSIi ASID BUBSEE BEDICISE The gnat beaoty aod uperiority of Uua SamjiarUla otet all other Medicine is, whilttit Eradicates Disease it iatteor itesthe Body. It is one of the very AnD SUMMER JIEDICIffES ever known, it not only purife the whole system and itmigtheni tbe peraoo, hot it Cttsus Ntie, jp uk mnd tliek Blood, apewerpoueased by no other Mtdieice. And m this lie* the grand secret ofita winder 10l mixta. It has perfimned within, the cut two years, more than 35,000 cures of Sertr* Cases of IJtsexM; at least 5,000 of these were eooiidered incurable. ;More than 3JXKI eases of Chrouie Rheumatism; 2 000 case* of. Dyspepsia; ; 400 case* of General Debility and Want of Energy; TjjOU ease* of different Female Complaints^ . IhoOO cases of Scrofula; cates of the Liter Complaint; cases of Disease of the aidnty and Dropsy, SCO eases of Consumption, , ITiouiaads of cases of Disease of the Blood, viz: Ulcers, Erysipelas. Salt lUieum, Pimples oath* Face, Ac. To gether with numerous cases of Sick Headache, Pain m the udeend Clint, Spitutf Affections, Ael, Ac. Tins, we are aware, mu>l appear inertdiblc. but we have letters irom jdiysicnusandouragenU from all parts, of the United States, mfufming us of estradrdintry earn. K. Van Uosiirk, Esq. one of Die most respectable druggists in New 'irk, S. J.,ibfbn»s its that he eau refer to more than 150 ea sts m that pine* alone. T here are thousands of eases in the City of New York, which we will refer to wits pleasure* mud to men of chancier. It is the best medicine for the t'icveutife of disease knows. It undoubtedly saved the lire *of more then 5,000 CBtuxn mi P*kT Snaaox t At it reswTcd tlie cause of disease, tad ptepared them lo . the Summer season. , Untrsn Statu Orricta. Carr-G. W. McClsaii, or tu* UurrtD State* Navt, and member of the New Jersey Legislature, has kindly scut us the fbilowiuff certificate. It lells its own story. ' iUuwav, Jen. 23, ISfl. A year siacc | was taken with the Influenza, and my .whole system Lft iu a debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr. Towatnxl’e Sarsaparilla, and after taking two or three bot tles, I was tciy much relieved, and attribute it entirely lotbe ■aid Sarsaparilla. 1 bate coatiaacfi taking it, end find lhal i improve every day. t believe it mved my life, and would tw* be without it under any' eaosUefation. O. W. McLean, hu U. S. N. BnnorcLn Cnno This certificate eonclushely proves that this Barapenlla has perieet control over the most obstinate disrate of the bleed. Three persons cured in one-house is tuicroedeaied. Tbbsi Cuum. Dr. Tovntitns—Dear Sir: 1 haye the pleasnro toiyibrm !oa that three of my children haveibcen cured of the Scto ah b/ the ose of yoor cnelleut- medicine. Thsy were tfOieted vuy severely with bad tore*; have only taken four botUcejlt took them'■way, for which I foci myself ander dtepoblikiticß. Toms, nrpaglfully, . Uaao W.UnAUt,IOS Woosterst RiWjTmk, March 1, IKJ. i t i GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr; Townsend's SnmpariUs Is a someigs tad speed; cure for incipient Coasoiapticm, Barrenness, Leaeorrbm,or Whitesi obstructed or diflCeoll Messtruatioa, 1 neontinuenet of or involuntary discharge thereof and for the get-, cral prottration of the system—eo matter v/nether the result of umerent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, iltness ir eeeldenl* f ' Nothing can be more lamtiing thu its invigorotmg tf* ieets on lite human from*. Pcraceii, nil weakness and hsu tude, from taking it, at asce become robust end fullofaitrgy under its infiueace. It immediately eouaterocts the neive Itssnesj of the female Creme, which u the greet cause of bai| renotjui. , It wilTaot 6s cspectedof us, ra. eases of to delicate a na ture. to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cites lute been rspcilcd to us. Several cSscs where lamilic* have been without child ren, afler uruig a few bottles of tbu invaluable medicine, haw been blest with healthy ofTipnbj. Jtr. IbifMtn-i: .My wife being greatly distrersvd by weakness end geaerst debility, and suffering eominealiy by jaia and a sensation if Waring down, tallieg of the wumb, and with other difficulties, pad having hnoira cases where your medicine has cf&cted gfret cures, and also bear ins it tecowmended for such casesavl have described,! obtain ed a bottle of your Li tract of SampvUh, end followed the directions you gar* ois In' a| si tort period it removed her complaints and restored her health. Bring grateful for the benefit* she received, ( take pl«4-*ure in thus sehnuwh-dg in* it, tnd recommending il the public. M. D. Moclte, Albany, Aug. 17,181 L Cor. cf Gnnd end Lydiussls. CeiaacDt, Sept. ID, 1513. Dr Tcienrfnsf: To all when thu rosy concern—This is to certify the! my wife used one bettk of your Sarsaparilla previous ti her ccufismcot, under the most abrmbg an* delicate urcnmdsim*, being Iroutied with the dropsy, swel ling of the fut, oerrres and very much debitita ted ; with my petssashn, and the recomgsndatuci of those who had used, it, sht arts induced tu try it, with btlk or no foilh; and se&ca it to uy, the medicine bad th* happy and desired effect, not only in the hoars of confinement, but alter the etpi/atina of one week of Hi use, tbo dropy-aad ner vwus aiTeetian rare tray to an astfiaimiDg derroa, and her health is now belter than it had beta for a tong lime pre vious. - If this will b* of any service to yoa or any coo who doubts the iaccess of the msdielns,' yon art entirely wekoms lo it. 1 rotweribo mytelf your most obedioatud obliged ('mat, SaJa*uji. TO MOTHERS AND MAKRIED LADIEA This Estnct of Sarsaparilla has boon eipceosly prejwd [■ refottaco lo female complaints, i No female who has m win lo suppoA she i» approocfaiag that critical preicd, “ TAi tuT<\ of UJtj* should neglect to taka ii,ai it is a certain peereaUec for any of the uumeropa and libnildo diseases lo which fomales ore tubjeet at thu tuws of life. This period oay be debyed for several year* by using this medians Nor ts it le*a valuaii'e to those who arv approaching woamnhood, as tl is caleoUird to awisl nature b> u’uckcuio; the bio,id and lavi.-.raliiig tliesywem. Indeed,tniamedieme n tacal uabie foe" ell ul the .’eiicale durows io which women ore scbject. -- . L braces the who's system, renews permancnUy the uis ral eoert;M»—by removtag the impurities of tbo body—oot k, for s'i nutating Use sysUmas to' produce n subsequent r*. Us.uou, which ss the case of most medicines taken for female weakness and dtsrato.-- . '• GIRLS READ;TifIS Yoq who have pole eompteiwnsj dell ryes, blotches «e the for*, rough oAu>, or foeckle*, and art *-out of »^lli^s; , ’ uo* a bottle nr two of Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla. It w,li eiruu* jniir blioid, rvenovo the ferckWi asm blotabcs, aud give you animation, sjoriling eyv»j bar spirits, and brauhful rouipketuni-all of nl.irlt are of koamtato valise to uu*ar nctl Udiea. DYSPEPSIA. .Nojluid or mtdicise has ever beta discwvmd which so nearly resembles the gasite juice 'or boll as iu decomposing food and strengthening the organs Of digest**, n» (his prop*, ration of Sarsaparilla. Batin JJKtakTXXXT. Albany,9|V D4| IMS Dr Tp»nttstd- Sir—l bare been aAscMM for several jrsrs with dyt;«]<,m iu ita worst hi m«, attended wit),*Oorj eeas of slosrsacb. toes of hearthuni, aid • great evettion to all hioos of (ot?4, and for weeks (wbal 1 mntld eat,) tbits been unable turvusn but a small portson oo my s>umach. 1 tried the usual. rsoseilse*, but U-ey had but huts or do effirtt in removing the complaint. 1 was ta duetd, about two mouths since, lo try your Attract of Sam pinlia,sad I mustier with little rtmtsdence, bul.aftsrnstag nvariy two bottles. I found my appetite r*stored, and lisa hnsrtouro cnlirtly removed; and 1 would earnestly reeomj mtiid lha use of it k> those who been slUirled as 1 have been. Yours, ! W. W. Van ZaSiDT. Nov 122. IntC. _ >' S toicn Island. ALMOST 4 MInACLK Urad lh* Mkrwmg, and doubt if you ru, Lh4t coososip* iutM-snsot b« cured TtiMitonlrOMof Uw wieralkuadrcd cun Otat Tonittcod'tStrwpariiw hascured: t) r 7WHwnd—Dear Sir. 1 *u lain. a litU* over a ycer sgo, with a mm rough smj f*<“ ,n B t »*d« ‘lt U>* eicaw* or m* r*ry U*l, isdced. I«u nroaouaeed by fiy .ir.im to |«i« th« ecttnuoplm 1 raised Lrgu qua* Uut» of bod matter, bal Bight iwCsti, sod ttukiug nry foil *y doctor said We evuld do iwthiaj tC* »*; 1 »uat .ala lh* faiipiUi in hope of Umg bewfitlrd. but vru primuauced Ibtn b» iueurablc I »»» bow greatly uisirttstd t< ib* lanp and coaid hardly bmihi; I sooo became emaciated, aadtipreted lo Jit. «v e*» fined to tny led, pad was obligid to hatt •setters indeed 1 uimol girt auy' desr. ipliun that would do jutiic* to cny cut I wp* sopfaiaed by toy friends tob< |«*t reo»»try ; l had tried a great busbtr of i»i»c<l«4, aod aiftettacd la br.to nopuipow, l read of sets* moat cl trsurdiiury cum |*rfuru>*d by your nwdkcib*, asd lo tali you Die truth, I »u*prc(rd then «u torn humbug ia theta. But I «u ioduead to try it ■ 1 dtdao, and am t«i y ihaakM i did. I that lam entirely w«U, but am *0 Ur rtcmiHu lob* about my business,-asd hop* lo b* ruliru ly writ a • few wr«ki. .My Cumb utd a lh* ad*, aod night iwrmu h*«r l*fl ae, aojf rai** but r«ry fiuii-, and mn> oat gatuiag »T uiual nrtngdii 1 felt it a duly to giM you a (Ulcacal 01 mj caae, to putdiih if you pleam., ' Prr*a Blows, 4; Littk at, Brookiya. Opinions of Physician*. l)r Towaikcad n alißMtdiily rdectviag erden ftwia pbjJ •icuai ia difitrtut mm of lb# Uqioa. ' Tbi* i» luccrtify uut we, lb# BndtnigMd, I'hyiieiia* of iKtCilyof AltAuytbiTc in aaioihiaa cun prncribtd Ur. Tt-wnmid'i Kitupnrilb, ,10(1 brljo* It lob* one of the aw#t ■ iluahlr of tn« Siraimrllit iatbc mirktl. ft F t'cuno, ■ o ' ' 1 WILION, ■ O, It oD#i6oi,a v, Alb.nj, Ap«'l I, IMJ. r KEutsaoaaa.Mo. Thi* I« lo r.rtilV tbit we, ill# uadrn>card, pmrtreiig TbUaxmuu I’liyikuo# of lb. OtjofAhuujr birclrranrat j |>rr>ritl«d UrTuwawtid'i Cumpotod Lilrvl of doin' ■nlU, lad rMrfo <t. kiwwu ijiiJiUfi, would rtr’-inuwml ltd lit public lur mtrturnl, tcrofuto<f.,iu<l otbcrc ulibtuut wo tuci, ta prcicrtbcc to nuy of th« ijittrtiwd rctatdki iuootl u«. A H r, Albaiij April Uilr-M. W« B SraNTos, r r. rriueimlulfie*. lUG.Kulbia »r, Mpu Uuildine, N V; Red* dine Se Co Sul# it Uotlobi Dr D)6U If SunvlJl North See* oudu l’liLl*4tl|<liii; 5 S iiine*, dnsglit, ILliintort: md by jjriacii'aldrusjuti generally Utrougbout thi UtiiUj Stile*, llr.t lodkiMid,tli« Cuudvt ’ Noo# gruuioc',uut«u put up'ui! (br.Lrg# iqtur* U4llt>, • Ivi.h rnulain i iiuarl iihJ drord With (be wriilea iirtiilui# of S |* TOVV'.VhEN L>. iLdbl'iuoit blovra an lh« Ghu#. Proui'lht New York Uisly Etj'rti. of .fprtl U, 1r47. A pretty tiiuij i|i(>*ir»d to ill. .iittli yrrlrnliy. It wa* thciorerU.iug cib.or Mra.)i«rilU!Kiprtu of Ur Towbwikl. Th« wluilc tbiog i» girt up iu good flute: ami# of lit* orua* mental Ludarai« jfcuuliujt art betiAiful. which, logtlbtr wilh the Krill work, io coW. {liituuiej in lb* *us, u'lidt a *bow rarely cijualkd iu llruwway. 4Va Uk# tbit ojfwjrtupity lo •ay webcliee# thu eilrut of tbe iSarapsriUa Ucwrr#* tb« very *gr*at popularity it ha* acquired. Nervous Debility. New You, March 77,1847 Dr. Towtucod:—l k-ire beea aAicUd aor# or Itn for 3 fear#, widi a dryadfalaokiog to tl>'« (beet, giddiot** ia lk# bead, lum of appetite, fsta lo th# l|mb*, and general debility, brought on podeubl bv Uie coatiauil heal and eold to wkieb laa aubject to in ny ouiioeae a* atfyer. I have taken oiber caedieißte, too oumerou* Io tneotioo, bul withlillleorbutac eeu. Iwm iodised for wb>t i awio the paper to tiya bottle of your Sarrapwrii'a, from which I found great relief. 1 have line* takes tevert] more boltla, add I can ashentatiogly ft} it U the beat medicine I have ever takeo—the paia-ia ay chnl ii gooe, end 1 feel quite adifikral mas eitogelber aiata I ItaT.ukrayourSarapenila. Ibavebowa betterappelite than ercr I bed hly wile ha* taken itwith thetazse ncsefi. cialmulta I would recommrad it a*[a family Bcdtcio* rrtierally, aad t frcl conviaevd would net be half tbe (iekncu there U, and eoatcqneally not *o many Doctor’! bill*, for whileilrtflora appetite, it abo gift* lo tiieriomach and bowel* their regukrlooc.it keep* the blood in a baellby *Ute,eo that diacaae it twtao Ukely lo attack the ijatrm. And lalalltbon who are ftot In a healthy (tiu, 1 aay try Dr Towaacad’* Saraparilla . I TRosaaSstm, 70 Allan *t Canker in tha’Alouth. - Below tt an account of another ebtid aetad DrTowaacsd’a 14erutwrllla haa anted the lire* of'tKdiuande of The following certificate la telccicdfroa a great dumber received thie week. N«w You, April S, 1847. DrTownarod: Dear tir—One of my children era* veru eick with the Cancer in Ibe mouth and throat, attended with great debility. It came near dying; 1 obtained aome of your .eacelleot medicine, and Reared it directly, for which I can allure you I Ice! tera grateful, < Yoara mpeetAtlly, EuiastTa FowLat, 27 Dethrone**t For, ml* by R £ SELLERS Druggitt, -No 57. Wood it, bclwceit 3d and 4th »U, who haa been appointed by D. TOWNSENDtoI# Agent for Allegheny ea 3*044^171^ Iliuband'i Celebrated Fluid Ragneila. THIS i* a mild, ale and elegant tnU-acid and apcHat; be fog a pcrleel tolutiou of chemically pur* carbonate of -Magnetic; porncmt all the m«d icily} talitim of th* fineelpr*. paration* of Magneala. without being Itablo lo form coccra tia&a la the boweli;or.toactiqjuri(muy upon the coefooflh* •tomach Oue leblerpooofulofthe?Fluid Magaetia (itquir •lent ia atrcnglb to balfa leaipoonful of Magnctla. Foe calehr H A FAHNEeTOCIt m CO, corner lai and ‘jf’oo. and H'oulnud6lk . >• alt ; Ur/AlcLsne’i Worm Specific. Tf 119 {«to reriity Vital, by one vial of Doctor McLane'a Worm Spentie, wchild of Jamei Hii*w'a pQiaed npwaidl of 7l> worms, and hr the ore of said medicine a ch .Id of my own paned, Ifilarve wonnal— It i* ualf tho *urpn»mß jwona tkMicine 1 ever ; Wiiklm Towiuhlp Portals hr J KJDDAGo, Not 60 Wood ttr^ms -DKY- 6(M)M. Odatltrial Vnnitkiif DmKi* - HA E-TODD h»ve this Ay roectreddlreet tna • ths outnnfkcaren-na4 nCu fi»t «la « New prieea- -; .■• ••• . n : i . I enne nf tiume Extra Superfine Stint; tnaijnfneinrafi lor oar own tafet and warranted wall l ease ofSasoayasd Merino andez Skint, wrapper* and Drnwcia, aomo .Tory fine* i i, 1 ease Bosom and CsOtra, including with Col lars attached. «l: r ■. 1 case patent ■wiielJoiatSuapenfien.with'odter Goods too oaaeroo* to mention,inelsidinrhUt and fancy aAinsting&ocfcs Snua oow and plain Satin ; I : Bombazine bow and plum Bombazine Stocks. Bilk andßatinTtea, r»eh ailkand anna Cravats, with one cave of low prieed tjhina which aye are sore lit quality hare never been surpassed in pried inibiscity We intend to close Use above.Goode etc ibylthe paekuge and woo Id call the attention of Forebears to 1 our nock of Goods, knowing that iowpnees wilF insure them a speedy sale. K AETODD occffl XB wtsod at, np stairs, f doors below ddrt Wholeaalo Dry Goo ßnJ NOW opening at tbe Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms, 6*J Market street, 2d ttoty, lUO pea of Alpaecas,sW pen Engihh Merino*, a ca-es of Oregon Plaidaud Cash mere*, it) pea French Bioadclutb, 44 pea faney ea**i roere, S cacee caarioeti, 10 bale* red, white and yellov* flannels, 3UO pc* blankeU. new styles enlicoe*,doaiestje gingham*, gloves andJkbclery, ingetber-with * general assortment of good*. Merchants are incited to examine oor stock, a* we are confident it will favorably compare with Eastern mocks, in style* and prices. > dei7 ; A AMASQN ACO SATTINKTTB, TWEEDS,Ap-W R MUR PHY invites tbe auemion of dealers and otbera to hi* cxeellem oasotunem of above goods, in his whole sale nmos, op stairs, as well as Ul tbe retail department, tnclndmg— { Dark mix’d Satinetu; ’ < Bis* and black do; 1 Invisible green do; ' FatHt vtriped blk do; i \ Gold mix'd Jean*; blue mix'd JeanK I * ■ Gold mix'd Tweed*: « i All of w| icb will tie sold low by tbs piece or yardj ti ro. on band, Cloth for cloaks, anJ barred P«li*te do, for L nine* j j \ df-jo flew Arrival, i ** JUST Received the balance ofonrfall stock of INDFA KUBIIKR GUODS,comprising th* Allowing kinds: India overcoats, sack overcoats, short overcoats, cures wiiitoat sleeves, capes with tieeves, ponchos, leggings, bus, eamjv blankets, hor*e covers, travelling bugs, saddle bu*,gttn covers,provision bags, steam boat buekets,air pillows,air cushion*,air beds, ■bag rucks, lor tbo ladle*, and eaatiaespall of which we have a eorapiete assortment Ibai we offer wholesale or retail on the lowest posrble terms, at oor India Rubber Depot, fi-wuod street. i t nv-n jAnrim.upg L'&UACIt TUHJCBIiIII SHAWLS-Wc . r have just received a large additional supply of extra French Turkerfi shawls. Aa these ’roods are very *earcc,Wß would respectfully invite the ladies to call ami examine oar stock, as ire are MllittfOtem very Aw. ALEXANDER A DAY ttv-3 ?5 market st, N W eor diamond JU&T KF.CEIVkDper Lxprew at ZEUULUN KIN BKY’S New Fancy Store, #7 Market street— -0 dox Cords end Tassels, for Ladies’Cloaks; ' • * • u Gents’ 1 * • 6 pcs Scarlet Silk Fringe, g| inon wide: a - blue. - “ - »• * •J j u * 1 ineh J* • Wi th a large assortment ©[other colors, i dell I UsT. KLOEiVEd— by Adam* A CoU Lipress— J fmter super English Drab Cloth; I ! Do do :do Pearl Drab Ctoth; for over, bo sices* and taek eoate: wbieh will be made to order at tbo shortest notice and most reasonable terms by , ANCKEIt AMAVkR dell • _ __ -70 wood at, 6 dbou above 4th fIRKfiS GOODS—We have jnVtTteeeived bvex- XJ press n vrry handsome lot Ladids* Pics* Goods, con*t«ting of— j' : hotter embroidered Cashmere Bober; Do Brocade merino do; •• nnepUin Cafhmeres,a beantifol article; Gc:annd Cathmerc plaids. f ALEXANDER ft DAY _rv3 . _ ?Smarket strorof the diamond t'LANNEILs —Ked, Drown and Larrcd Flannels. An additionaleupply received frdiu tbc manufac turer*. Alro, a few j-icccs tow priced Ctusineus; lor sale by GLO COCIIKAN - «plt.l ; igßwnwlst ease* sujitrbiiß and meoiuiu, pluck Ound colored English ?ite|iai ] )usi received diiertfrom Importers by, eiIACnLEITi WHITE oclb • i : W wood st Knmhu —IX gross figuted mohair-and cifk over coat Binding, just rec’d by Greene A Co’s Expyess, inSi day* from I'iuladelpbieS. or taletiy: SUACKLEIT ft WHITE dclS t ; g) wood st— f’LANNKLB I ll " RED, white and yellow flannels al>o,,a large lot of heavy twilled flannelsiast ree’d; tat tile very cheap ALUANDEKADAY duty ys marki‘l «t. N W cor divmoad M E I>l (J A Li. THICBIPIIAKT SVCCBIB. Conmm/jfipa, remember, that it is Thompson's Compound Syr ip of Tar and. Wood Nap- tha which is daxlo tjfteiing iueh re markable cures ut j • PULMONARY CONSUMPTION!!! AsOiws. Broachius, BpiHtag of B ood, Pain la th* Bids and Breast, tws‘l final, Hoar-cow. fityditin of tfis Heart,* tVfiooptog Urcap, Hrrrt, Ncnoa* I roiaors ~>tcr Ccwptoisl sad Disown Kulasys; etc. I ' THEREFORE, Uww.ofol. »purw«sm stuns of Tor or A NtpUi u icadatscKii an abroad .1 1 ■ M. S. t*. fboouea—Dear B.r— l k* asiuuLhiag t<*»fil 1 ban cspcriaaced from the aw of jour CuwpouiMt Syrupy iar and Nsptba readers it my duty to inform yoa of it. ) I tod bna k»f oflieud wtih a very bad roygh, causing wvvrs pain ia th* breast, wilfi gnlal efprowioo, ai&eult] oi bmih rot und foot of aepatite. Uouqt .yariotfo tiatiint wuboul <9eet J b*taw Carwod, I beard of your medicia*. but br ing inn* to using moot advertised arikim, 1 thought I would adbero to abut 1 bad beta uwsg. ; Fiodiag mywlf gvttitig worw a Irwad persuaded m* to uy a bottj* of your prt|«rslMa, sajiße -b* owed his life tu its Virtue* ** 1 ia j larUnts.y procured a butlie and eomswucsd using it, sad b* "lore 1 Ud tsksa two botlire, i was coanScaly mtortd to firoltb, ; tiulely for tbs bmsflt of etbrn I -lk* above brief •utnavat. Any farther inquiries can b* sad* at my n»* dence, llBCatbarta* wrest. j htspectfoby yoars, Pii’cn fitniT. Stitt another Remarkable Curt. CarHsls, Pi, Nov. SO, IMS, Aboat six years sines, ia ooassqwaci of tbs sedrouiry nature of my nattaew, 1 «u attacked witbiwvero ** tbe krauit. patpaialiou of ibr tosrt and sborttww of breath, which wcrrtKiuo felfowvil by tlx Alare ofwj-jwtite.« straw* wskefulotM at aigbiaud pui UsJ.yurs jsi* oi wy limb*—these } nplots, of a deranged ijilia being frequently attended wnb (pitting of bkxal.- For about two yr»r« I arms iMUslwr aJy throw* into coavnl.toas, wiuefi left mu* miscnbU sto<e of feebleoetstad began u affect my,mlad. From i w u timamy suffering* w*ro mors or km until alkngtb tbsy ineisawd lo sack a degree, and ibslivislne* of U* tyaiptom* were to aucmraUp, tl>at for; a Isbok year 1 was unable tuilUad to say Dtuirg Uit* time l eoarutt ed him abWpbywciont and ammdtd to tbrif provenptmoo. bdl - all Ibetr liilt was iiuni tag to procure aw ml *4 Saw at bagth they regard'd my reeuroro iHiUitty bopstem !• tbu enttditke 1 was inforarod o( ths.niLtary «&dk sf 'lbuusuo’s Ccutwuod SyrupofTxrand.WdLd Nsptbo, in a row wmewhsltimil.r t.. min*.sod though I had gtvra opaH eipcettt.ao* oft r«ci-rity of my tarnrr health by human meant, yet bring tt.uttgty nJrued U try this osedxuw, I WV at IrngUi prevailed un»u t.«do so, end li brie now to my. that by th* to* of sit LuiUetm; health (nibbmanstona, 1 »a now ibis to attend to buiavw with *s mods fotiKlf 0 unal. HENKY htYBltA Of DkkwfinaTuwmhlp. , Prepared oalyby ANONEY k DJCKrON cttbaNTß. corner of Fiftn aud ipvnce street*/ ’- Ni ; Bo'd by L. VvILCOX, Jr. rilLbaroh, 'rod DrunivU geaenlly. Price SO Ct», uf’Une dollse yurbWla.' t SUTION —Beware of laitotieos, add ptrekiw Them ; sos't Compound Byrvp of lar from abws but idmttand. sgeots. or of thu** above tfi* saspkioo bf dealing to **»' UrfeiU. 1 [ Awlldtos . SI(Enn&A'ITOU¥llPAliXib a rintic* Dinundi ■ TIIK l»c*t article known for cleaningud whitenjn* the Teeth, «trcnrtlienmg the cama, iwcfiening Use tirralh, Ac. It aboald be ttaed eterr with iitiß braak, iad the teeth and Booth willooly reqoireaatigij wi»hing in the morning. . Wet ihe-ibraah with warm water, or cold will arxwrr, uxl ruli it a few nmeaso the pattc, when enooghwtll ailbore fbr d.t*mn*.ihe teeth. It leaves* delicuot tfttte in tho Bnrutb, andim part* a no*t delightful fragrance to the breath, hftand* nnriealled a* a coovenlent. and iofe denmice. It i> warranted net to rajara the teeth, tiutto preaerrathem. t < ; lly tuing it lt will remore the prevent iti aceinauiaiion—prevefit the toothache ■treitgthen the gains and praveut all ilitea*ee of tnem Cbeirnrtt*. physician*■ and the clergy reeeattaend It a deeidedly superior to every thing oflthe kind in use.-* Ask for shennin'*Compound Orris froth Paste, and 01-«<'rre bi* signatore Is anachedto each pot. Kocommendrd by Dr. Castla, 361 01 oar best Demists, and by mn«t ot‘ the old established one* in the failed States and even j used by ibe Nobility of Hngland and PfrrCo.j A large proportion of the disease, t afflict mankind oriso from roiaederangeaem of iLt stomach or bowels -which a litneif a«o oftheCaih* nc Lornige* would entirely obviate. Persons nf bilicus’habili should al wnys tiave a box rtl hand, and ukeia dose whenever they feel the leastdexangemtnlintheir health. Ajsili. cion* use of these Lozenges would prevent thousands of case*. > Fursaicat \VM. JACKSON'S,'corse? of Wood and m-cnv m» . t irrtfl LAUIK& tv lx* Use Common Prepared Chalk, are often ooi aware how frightfully jinjunua* ‘I U lo tbe tkm! -how coarse. bow rough, huff sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears after using prepared chalk] Uc*idi*«, il it inidetou*, containing aTaigequan my of trad. We have prepared a btumiful vegetable article, which wo call JONG’S SPANIMI LILY W HITE; li la perfectly innocent, bcingpurt&cd of all deloicnousquluifit; and it impart* ip Uoskioanatß' ral,healthy, alabaster,clear, living while; aitheaame time acting u a eoaaeucon the akin, making itaoft and emooth. I l>r. Jamea Anaersca, Practical Cheaiat of Masta elmaeua. aaya: “After analysing Jones's Spanish Lilly White, I find it possesses the mutt beaatlul and nata* ral, at Uq aamo lime innocent white 1 ever saw. f certainly can conscientiously recommend iu asoioall whose akin require* beauufylug.” j Sn*j*riceghcentaabor. > l l&'Sold by WM.-JACKBON, at bit Boot and Shoe Store, 1# Liberty alreet, hcad.ofWood, at the sign of tbe Dig Ooot j |'JO Ladle*,,|s<!ies,Fm astonished, \ j. When yon know that yon are prqmlfed A natural, life-like, anowy white.l That yoa will atill ate common chalk, And look a deathly yellow fright, ' The theme of laughter and of talk. If y*in would use a box of JONtCS Ltlly*wfaile, it woafigiveyoorakm an alabasteryfct natural white, and at the nine time cleat and imbrove iu Sold at JACKSON'S, tt Li be rtyat. I'ncttoernuper box. r- ' m»8 ■ SCKATOII. bcoatcu. r*~ I'KITES,1 'KITES, ITOtl, SALT HHEUM.Ae—Who wouU for a tingle day (cratch, when ritieted w:tb the Tetter, Itch,or oilier diseases of the *kin,.U they knew who woold relieve and auto them. i. »TH horrible to be obliged to rob and (cratch when alone, but mom horrible to abitara from it, {for decency lake,] when in company. Let it be remrtaht ted that Or. LEUtVS 1 CITES and ITCH OINTMENT ia the most etteaeiooi ef any other preparation In existence in earing the Tetter, Itch, util other disease* of the akia As airdtaeoKt of tbe akin matt arise from ibe imparity of tho blood and flaidsaf thebody, and where sac a dla eate be of lona standing, and the constitution affected iheieby, if Uril/cldr's earsapiriUa Blood l'ifls be ttsed with the Ointment, they will core any cate whatever, and if they do not, the money will be returned by Dr. Leidy. Most eatet, however, will be effectually eared byl)r Leidy 1 * Tetter and Itch Ointment, anleia ;the whole syneor ia impregnated by the diseaicd burners, which will bo completely carrier off from tbe aytiern by Or Letdy't iliood PiU*. and tbe surface of the akin heaL ed by the Ointment Prlee'ofOlntmßUt 8* eant*. For aaleby • U A FAHNEffTOCK ACO oetvO ; . cor wood A fioot tti COUGH proved to be the LVA great Panaeea in coring my! chi!*! 1 * dmreulag eongh.j* ■ • ■ • ! j rttm Uw'Tempemnce Banner,;Nov. 3, ’<7. Cocoa Sttcr.—We are not iu thd habirof puffing, mneb tea* ukinjr PateatMedielnea, bat we feel disposed to recommend Morgan’* Byrop to tboad wbo are afflicted with a congk,. After hating tried the panel remkthe* la remove a constant and distroaing cough, thatjhnd-fbr aeveral day* afflicted one of our child ren* without suc cess, we weye indocedto try Morgan 1 * Coagh By rap, and byitrellef was obtained in a fewhowa. It proved to be the panaeea in thfa case at least, Prepared wholesale and retail by ihe proprietor, JOUN D MORGAN, Druggist;: svl wood at, i door below ytmiadiiy, ... * SPORIATION .LINE£L, teas! ffuPOSTJNtI t’JTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN: S, WIIBOtTT TRABIUIPMERT. 1 • j TWEES PE CITII TUliinn EtUbiub •cription ts Bi iftßte, thnsol Tbeßotui iornmalxto ’ Tbe cepfici j tap cawcos* advance* fire- 1 Being folly reapecifally 1 UicoOi Lard article* fat 4 made and'otl achrc* (hat promptly ,cj fitter toon. ed method of carrying used by this long ,d Line, it now so wdl known that do*, accessary. Goods are not tocehedon the' transhipment or ecu* kindling is saved-: i re of light draught and perfor m their trips; isevendaya. • ' i ' y of our Warehouses enables m to store' enu made tons. Receiving, storing,and ioT charges. • i ; prepared to make sales of Produce, we solicit consignments of western I Floury- Butler,Cheese, tV*ooLFeathcrr,andother, ale, on which liberal advaoees will he I er usual facilities adbrded, pledging bar my business rntrusted to us shall be a* i rented and upon as fair terms aa by any JNO MeKAfIDENACo Canal Basin, Pmsburzh 1 JAB M DAVIS 4 Co : W and *3l Market st, Philada trnaii portable b. likk. • 1 1847. as—be jasportaiionofFrelghtbeHreen PitUbnrgb! Ulsntic Cities, »voiding transhipments on id the eonseqaem mk of delay, damage, d sepanfion of gopds. ,r. pmtidan. :S BORBRIDUE k CASH . .t NoS79Market street. Philadelphia ; TAAFFE* O’CONNOR •? Cbr Pann and Wayne sw, Pittsburgh I WH 4 by increased basinets the Proprietors to their stock ud extended their arrange; [the winter, and are now prepared to fort \wuh regularity and db*paich uniurpasscd :lline. Their long experience as carriers; ioperiority of the Portable P°ot pysiem, i capacity and convenience of the ware* ih cod of (he line, are peculiarly qalcnlnf vlhe proprietors to fulfil their etigngememe £o*iate their customer*—confidemiyoffeejni ./.guaranty for the faturr .they re*pecifoll| bntmwmcoof tnai patronage which tl»ey now [ftcknowledge. i ! \ kignmenis lo Taaffe A. O’Connor win beree’d Iraed. Steamboat charges paid and jUiUs ol Ansnitted free of any charge for Commission, l\or storage. Having no interest directly ej steamboats, the interest ot tbe consignor* iirilr be tbdr. primary ©creelin' scippmg by pledge themselves to forward all goods hem promptly Kind on the most advanU> i the owners. parfl • T?OKthe tf . I~ md (be Jl ib« way, at breakage aj O'CONNI WfcJT*. .Eitconf»r» have added menu daring ward freir.it\ by any otberl ihe palpable i aodthe great) boatc* at ear ted in enable and aeeotnn . he past a*/ •oileJtaeo etaiefallyii All eon* and finwdi Lading tn, advancing indirectly i\ mut neccA weft, and the eonxigned to' geona term* t< March 1,18 SB. 01CH.EY, . ; COHMSSIOII HEBCIIAITr Poini and Bridgewater, SAATBR COtTVTT, fA., Proprietor and Agent of steamers Mg£-r» ■ AID KIOHIO£S~t iiiu ' HTWXI9 nrrtßuxoß in imiii WILL be prepared on earliest openingof cairn! na*-. Imion tu icceive property at hit wharf bout or in warehouse, for all points on Erie Externum, Cron Cut, and] Oiuo Canals; (or all pons on Lake Erie and e.by Penn’a. Improvements. Apply to or address .. j (ebsM-dif JAB OICKKVv Beavrj| . ~IS»EPEND*HI PORTABLi: {’ j BOAT LINE. aaa is 47. fisted HJIHwmvNSPOIITATION OF PRODUCE; AND -MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM- PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE.; ■llprWttluMt Tranrhipmcn' Tfl ■ ; Goods consigned to ourcare will be forwarded w.ih outdelay.ntlbeloneneorreiiirites. Dills of Lading transmitted, and alt distractions promptly attended w. free from a 17 extra character storage or commission: Address, srapply to C A McANuLTY ACo Canal Basin,Pittsburgh j storage. ! Terr large tmd eommodtoni warehouse, pared to receive (in addition to lieight for Jarre amount of Produce, Ac., on Storage at i [inatv] C A McANULTY ACoj PICKWORTH * CO'S LIMB. 18 4.7. JEte^l EXCLUSIVELY for-the traniponatiort of WAV FREIGHT between Pitlfthargn, Blairsville, Johni •UJ*n,ll6tUdaysb«rjh, Water Street,'Patwibtiruh and all intermediate places. i One Boat anil (ease the warehouse efC A McAnully A Co., Pittsburgh, every 'day, (except Sundays,) and tbipperscaaalwtysrfependon having their Roods for warded without delay and at fair rates. j This Lute was foisted for the special yeeoramodotion of the way business, and the proprietors respectfully solicits liberal sbareof patronage. i JOHN MILLER DAN’L II BARNES ’ ROBERT WOODS WILLIAM FULTY. JOHN MILLER, Itoltidayibargh ) B II CANAN, Johnstown } Agenu C A McANULTY A Co,.Pitubnrgh ) BKNtKEKCU. J J McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore; Bagalsy. A Smith. Pittsburgh. ; ] maro]_ ~ LIKE KKIK AND BICUIUIE LUE. ; btla 1847. deahrfS frsjliS' Line being composed of SirnrffboauLake Krje 1 and Michigan, running Piu.burgh and Denver,and freight and ruuwnger Canal Boats, nmoipg'bclwceji B«averand,r.rie auil conntruug with C M Raed'a Line t>f 8 Propellers and Vessels on the Cakes, will be prepared opou the earliest open* ing of Navigation to eunyXFreightand Passengers to alt pointsoa the River, Ctnii and l*ke«. j Having every facility for conveying freighi and pas se age is. with promptness and uinaieh, (he oropiictot and agents respectfully solicit from their friends and * t * b, “ *'■"*"* ZZ Pmpn.ior • \ RKEU3, PARKS A, Co, Ueavcr.Agts 'JOHN A CAUGllKY,l'illsb’gliifo . Cor. Pviilhfirld and Water ala. oppoiiie the Mononga g afecla lloasc. strait Ta Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York Geo ' R N Parks A Co, Cleveland jaa A Atm«iro(i( A Co, Detroit MeClare A'WiUiiaa, Milnakio Uritiol A Porter, Chicago Wm Power*, Powers town, I'eima tiro Maelialrnyre. Evantlturgh, Pcnna John Mt&nbur, llonutowu, .Jo Wick A Acker,Greenvino, do Qn| k Flawpton, Clarksville, , do -4 tart A Plumb, Sharptburgh, Pa. W C Moian, Sharon, • do. .. R. W-Caoninaban. NewCattJe^do PirrSBUKUH & CLEVELAND LINEi 1846. ftaßt ill.; Clarke. 11. Hoops. ’T. ft chmond * Go; CLARKE * CO., I PorvardlnK Jt Commission aaichutit BEAVER. I*A. • j . iu And pr?jriettr* ofilu* Line (eo farof iwu to the publtc),wil) be prepared on lae tine ofeanal narration to receive prop nnb and Bearer, and deliver the Mineral i the Obi* canal*, and ala* on Lake* Erie i,wuhlhefretie*tdc»paick and aituia* rplllAttm 1. ably kmi earliot openi ertyti Piiwbn any point ba and Michigan, .wiaala rates. .WIMtV I I . Tbs proprietor* of this line solicit the bs»ineu;of' their former customers with U}B iheir facilities are second to rone. *:■ Apply to or address •. ■ • U M If ASTON, AsvPlnsbtrtk. < CLARKE ft Co, Heaver. juM T RICHMOND 4 Cr C welted. ! 'WKITKOH TRAHIPORtAtIbiI 1)07 BHiltiSl 1847- 4 com. r OLD KSTABIJBIIKD TRANSPORTATION UNE, between mrsnusuii, : j PHILADELPHIA, UALTIUORKANUNKIjp YOU rpHE stock of tins line eo*»i*ts of a ooabte daily 1 Line ot Rosts and Cars, (owned by tbettselTe*,] which arc In good order. Tbo subscribers ora pp*ba red to forward a largo qaamity of Merchandise «hd Produce with certainty and dispatch; ' g. ■ Produce or Merchandise consigned to any or um an dcrsigocd. Is forwarded free o! any charge (or eoswais ston or swage. i. IliUs Lading transmitted aadallirwiruetHjnsprompiJy attended to. >• Tbe business of this Lute is conducted on strictly £abbath'kecpuig prineiplet Address* or apply to : l) LEECH 4 Co, Proprietors. • Canal Uatin, Pittsburgh! HARRIS 4 LKECll r l*ropricton>, < No 13South Third street, Philadelphia ‘JOS. TAYLOR 4 SONS. A gouts, j No lift North I Inward street, Baltimore ’ W U WILSON, Agent, { nn hl t No ? West street.Nqw Yorlt UaAVRti. WAKakCN ii dlißvilXlAj LINK OP CANAL PACKETS AND BTAUES.; 1847. dKStaS canal. Packets teleo apii 4 swallow LKaVE Beaver daily at d o'clock.p. n-i after lie arrivalofthe siaamkoatßEAVEll from putdierfh. tad'arrive at Warren nnt tnorning in season for the. Stages which reach Cleveland before night. ; . Parwuiger* will be receipted through, Kcurinrbcriiil on the Packets, and seats in the huge, on application on board stesmbost Beaver, (leaving i*u»tn.rgh at<U o’clock,a. tt-doriolhe agents: ; • f ON lIARTON 4 - CLAKKKACo, Bearer ' JESBK UALDWIN, Ytnngstawa - splS , M B TAVLOB, Waircu '•] - 1846 1847! M&au, j3Lfl!.!l¥ i T il .]Wa. TO THE EAST BT BMOI6AHEBA ROUTE, -; via mowmvntc a combkiu.4ND. ; TIIH nndcnitebd Mliiw prepared to forward pro* do«,ltc.,loiio|BßniM*r*eudorlojr tha eusB 5 ing Winter, on the inwHlvorable tormo, by Uilt ezpt* ditious routs. | • AH property ccjmgoedlous win be forwarded attno towfcM rain# and with despatch. '] ItnrctiAjidise rtWsived by ibis routs promptly for warded. ' J C DIDWELL, AgT, 1 O W CASS, Brownsville. S bot« 7 1 E EGERTON A Co,Cumberland: "MTTrfimtmrAirtJouTcicMvnACKT uyi 1847. 'CJSIJS AND FREIGHT TilllS Line eonsistlngof freightaadpasscojrerPack ets, will run refulaily.dnriß* theacaaon, between Ueavor andCieenville, Pa., by which freight and pah* •cullers between the two point#, will beeained promptly and at tho lowest ratr*. : . i . y WiCKAARCHER,GreenTiIIe;Agu - CRAlOkFRAMPTON.Clarhsrdfe* d«= JJcFARLAND A KING, Dig Bentt? dor ' IIAYSfc PLUMB. BJiarpsbuTgh,v ; - dosi i W G MALAN, Shiroa, . S WBI. MAIUEWS, PaTantl, ; Ey: ;ui RKEp,P*IcaACo I lkaTer, - S;* JOHN ACAUGIIErJeorner Water aud toihiMdsu; apClv Opposite tho Mnnonaahela House. Pin*hur«h 1846 *»» 1847 .fWTtk :" flßfltouua TO TBS BAIT BT ASt -*l~r OHIp JIA1LROAI)" :f f THE subscriber* mil receipt for tho delivery of Pri- A daee to Baltimore by the Ueaoagahela Blsckwaur at the following pneea;— : i . Ashes, Pawn, Bauer. Lead, Lard, Fork; TaUom Whiskey,-. e, *nd Glass—roper 100 lbs. ! Tobacco, R*mp; Flax and Wheat—#4 ets per 100 Ihy. _ Ashe*, (Pot) Apples, Cheese, .Ftax*Seed, ulus, tod Leather—lOOeuperltt) Ihs. r i e' Oils, Bktas. Seeds, Wool—fio roper 100 U*. Beeswax,Feathers, Ears, Gln#eng, snd Snake*Root' —ltOetsperiOOlbs. i. All property consigned to either of the anoerslcned will be forwarded without delay, free of CoraaUaioa, at above rates. • WII CLARK. Brownsville. j HANNA 4 WATERMAN, Pfcibargh. - ROVttttf aaocMß fob Charles .Itoopa,* caooeneea her uipa iki* day, teavuig-Pua bargh at 9 o’clock, a. n.,K\*&***T at * o’tteea. r.jt,- eonoecKßjrwrtb PiOtborgb and Cleveland Low df Cad rial Boat tdail y todevelapd,o4Bearer* Wornaand Cleveland-Line af CanaliPaekbu and btan CbAebas daily to Wanes and Cleveland;! Canal Packet Ltaea ta : New Caiile and Greenville, Pa.;i£ne bxuuuwn Lit* to MeadvUlo atrf Ene. .NeiUMDpre A Co% Line* of Coaches fcr Cleveland and Wooster. lea»a Be» ver daily *n tha arrival, of ateambnat Beaver boa Pmsbargh. W H ARTON A Co, PitUbnrg h ■pll CLARKE* Co, Dover - . •. . - umow LiaJs* w ;•_ .. ffifeaggd .la.-LT-c^gr^ OB THU fCBBITtTASU. i*D OB' • BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND.CLEYfcLAML E N PARKS k Co, Cleveland,O. 1 .' ..- 11G PARRS. Bearer, Pa. . ; JFrofineiota. ,\V T MATHER, PUtibUMh,Pa4 ) n . TUB above Line ivnow Ally prepared to, tranraort Freight tad PasienrehfromPitiiborjhanaCleTf land,loony poimoath* rdnwylvaaiariytu^aadOhio The facilities of said Line ore notegnalled by aiiyon aaid Canal* -in auntm |inii!eiS>KUi«f ib*** expe rience of Captain*. and prbmpine** of Agent*. 4s» • One Boat leave* PitUbuighAod Cleveland daily* mn* nia/r in eonneerioowilb the tSeomer*. t - Mtcblgan and Lake PUtrtmrxb and Beaver, and a Line of arfl clau Steamboat* Propel lei*, Brig* and Schooner*,' oo.Laker Erie, Moron, AJir china and Ontario. • • .JjJ-.i -> .jj t . . Property forwarded to an j part or ihf. Union ; with dcsp«tcb. E--N- PABJ'&riCo.Cieveiand,Alta REED, i*AßK»ft‘C^'Bciver l A«t« W. T; MATHER. PiUßboTftf, Agt ; , «I»51 , ; ‘ • Cor, Water and SmllhSeld anew 1 TOOLSTJUiAMd via. VdUOiß* , 1847. StkJEM _ . Timoircii iV a* uoum.., "PACKET Boats Swallow and Bear A verdaily.Ma«>clo<vk.*. m,afi«rU*oarTiy*f of the morning Boat from PuuL-srgbi ami drc WtJ Warren in time for ibe MaU Lino-of Stage*: which Luvb imincdi atciy tbereafter.oadaiTitt at Cleveland at3*’cJock, r.- H. ■ : i V ... ; • l • Thi> route la the bos.tixpedtrioos- and cotntriable one u> the Lake*. • - i 1 .■ 1; ; I COTES ALEFFIfiGWKLL. WantO, Prcpt’* REED, PARKS ACj.Bvwer.’AmV JOiINA CAVUilEV,corner WaicraadiwlQtieUita, Opporitotbe . " CITIXBBS rOUTAOLCAOArtraiC. FOR THr TRIItarOP.TiTIOR of! ‘"‘ i ;''J ALL KINDS OP MERCHANDISE TU'AND FEOii Philadelphia, BUtlwiora, flaw Tonic ftadißoetam* ‘ rpHE encouragement lh* liaobarreceived vinee X ill commencement, haaiaduced Ute pnorie toritoiocreaiotbeitnekbjraddinganomberolfir ; elan bonlaj&Jui ifcstead of giving reeeipuaa hereto - fore oaugcnti. wo Will give oar own reeeipu lor freightchipped by thialine.- - i' •" : :' The boau ore ei I portable, fco&eqecutfj' freight ii takes the whole divtanea without trafianipineßt, thereby prerentin jdanjara from frequent handling on the route, and aa each boat in owned by the Captain who rani them, which U'b'tofficientguir antee that there wilt he; no delay on the route. Ail Produce, or Mcrchandiae consigned to the eodersicced; will,he forwarded FR£fi>OF COM MISSION; for advaceing and, forwarding, and - nil! beabipped without delay at the IMrhtt rate* oT freight. ; *" WereapeedhUyjßlMiitAaharaof gabllcpxtro _ ...... -it BSBn^ nage. ' . WAtLINGKOHD*Co., - [iCaoal Basin. Pittsburgh., ‘ CRAIQ, BELLAS & Cp.. Agt. BroadStroeJkPJnlailelphia. 4 FMILL&R.Aj'ent .1 - . BowleVs Wbarf, Baltimottt.' ■ Pittrtnrgh, Feb. 18, \Wlj ■ v —I ; ; '• D«.BW4¥»E’|" : ‘ I’: COMPOUND B¥RUP OP. tyJMWIESRy.’v < A certain andsaleoßre lor enenhp, cold*,! asthma, . -livercoiuplaio»,»pUUo*DUiod,painsinU)eiido or breast,nerrous debility, whoopinneriugk > ■; broken constitution, CONSUMP TION or any d|ieaap-d fliilwqgf or , breast Header are you .aafUvtoff, . ■' with.a cold ior disease oflhe ! . •. lungs, try this reaM/j~' • ' ; yon wiU not peri* 1 i . \ -baperegreui. •fr.ii/'t } ,J it will arrest,all those disagreeable sjmptomnwhieb ■trike sneh terror to Utdound/db prolong ypordafs- Beware of id contain : WUdCberry.eieipt that bearing the pignatfl roof Dr H Swatsk ob Uteootkide-wrepperoi cteb'tMdtlej as tbeyare quite likelfiridstiute el'tbe ahiicle frettf which they borrow# name.' jj ' . *- i Punt »mAw# ?l hat ame! -k * 60JOOO DEATHS iß* CONSUMPTION , Would perhaps be a small-estimate forthe: ranges ol this dreadfnl .disease in a single yeto? then,add the learfal catalogued -thoM eut dTh/lnflama tion ol the Lnogsj HetDosYhiM.AiiJlouj Coughs infloen*a,.BronchUis,a»d'otnef diseases ol the .Lungsand Liter/ ;! j And the list woatd present in appelling proof of tire fatality ol theietwo Bat it is important to Ituow lB«il nearly ill olfhis dread w:i«ie or humlin life riaightjiarpr heea.pfefented by ■ timely use or Dr. VNK'b COMPOUND SVRUP-OK WILD CHERRY. ; " - Thu medicine. Jus (now b*ea l*vlprwlbe public some'eight ye*rs,ond»tbo orjgiuliifepantiun from the Wild Cberry.Twse.- iLi rcpouUod'.u. t remedy for Cocgbs, Colds, Bronchitis’, sod Con ' ramptioaeTlbe t,uogrl bawd entire If'opon iu jo irimic roerili. owe* out liiUc.to inflated - newspaper pulls. r Tl>oae wbegive Ita-'biaUibrtng bendiue& jby it, recesnmcod- iti lo- tiicir *arf, £bn», gradually and rarely hull gained, no enviable retri taiion and worked it* way into general pw. - Ode bottle never fade t'o ebre a recent coogh'er cold, white with strict alle&Uoato ihedlrectiOMthsf-se company each use in diseases' or longstanding and of.tbe moat a)arming;charac ter, has always given teller, and in verb many instances has. efleeted compleie Md-petmaneni ! • ' .m • .- :- &r.)SWAYI*E , S CelebraUd ,Coptpowid. B iff*, . upof \)'Ud Cherry. . Bead the most remarkable curb of Consamplion ever placed upon record— . ..: *. ’ DrSwayfle— Dear Sir: 1 feel its debt oTftatitsde’ due'to yon—end a duty to the atflietcri generally to odermy bumble testimony tin’Crimr td'ibar Coma pound bynipol Wild‘Cherry; ~ Some wree. years ttnce.lwasvioleatiyaUickcd wilbcpld.'ajsd irdla. nation Of the lungs, which was aecdmpntned with'; ;a yery dutresainj eorjab,' paid in ihebrsastand head akery coasidemlo discharge of o&euure discos ifroa the lungs,-apecialfy open changes of weather 1 ! however alight. At 6r»t 1 Icll no elarai'aboat joy 'condition,bat waa. pretty soon convinced tbit 1 was rapidly going into codsaaption.' f grewylaily weak*- er.and at length waa to walk about or spetk nhOTßia^wlusper^soch'was Lbe.ezcecding ol my langs, ! Dunng Uiistioc I h*4 triad Tjrioaspreparationvdnd prescriptions, bpvfoand'oo 'relief—growing'all tbetime worse, Just faerie l- wan .adnsedandpurevadedbyedearlHendio Wllmiega. too to make a trial ot you Syrup of Wild’ Cherry. 1 must confess that previously 1 had bceb piejsdic ed against patent wediCtues, and 1 am" still against, thoaecomisg oat of?the hand*;ofAmniries,bat! understanding yoar claims to the protein(m a ad/ practice uf. medicine, tail having faith In, tho sayingel.my friedd**.! lottbWHh-- pfahftsed ol Dr Shaw, one of yoar agents, a ifewbottles.au«£ commenced its use.. My.disease,; slftis time waj ol twenty or twenty five months'.rtaodufa cernm _ quendy was deeply seated, 1 (band, however, siderable relief from the tm loarjor five boUlua.- siV*^Ata7^J^tiSrf.®.?, dpup B»iteiM« P |.uie.4si»cri fcq«,og, e*^ww—iasSB..lsU^SSJSS®liSS to preach with my mereutog strength and tbenlmer whh M uie ■tomacb!someiiß>cs pSo raptarod those vesselatßat:fasd hlreidy tyegaa great piin in the sioamefafor ten or iwhtc fau«i s heal; in tfu way. doubtless, myedre was grea|~°J rt nu*rtai**ioo,‘ &nd ajicr bavin*irieo' various i retarded,, inconsequence, of acting lbttsWßffJ*7,?'*‘ l^!, ' , . lJce ! rec, .» w *tsf“rnwhei wfahe iroufo idenUv i had to use 12! or 13 bottles befWe : l v^ u J*£*e>>eniuaau»*cli*Uam. .This b« used ac< n*»O.Ml> rKiniiul i -- —...PL n ! Ihc direction*, swl foundmnrialilS ikjih,,, | perfectly I have no uqesuon, a tajedleiaecausedUitpalutonbmo in three hr%ermin* ■DMlletuusbi, of b»W» **l4 «|KI ia Sl.ren or twenty o.»oir.eTO, ,' sound, hot lorthe aVo»e • indiseretioa.- Iwq 3*entaiim waiemlrely qaieicfti -I’keßieJiclui.si- 1 alinyed the le*eriih habit, did away IbC distre* e rvrard»B»ej whenever indications of lhe acprw»cb u ( congb, pat a slop to ti»e ; dischqrg*cf : matter£J ia *« re P e f Cel »eil,e»dtiie|»mnwajitbe/eb|tptev«!iih the lungs,andgavetbem andtfie eatirasyatem mcdic *V c evigrlcvcauig health, (hare heletredotSeriej thu * “* »rek" no., to to p,n»« M odn7 .Ithto permantißC, Of to cu,; toTTnhJeuu/. totpcrfo..., s-' DohU. c 00..,, ■ Vo'.;.;.* L'lSB PahPPJiKaY- ~—‘— Cream do* Amanita Amrie*, for skavlruß t v.CrviuaalaaMe t tor»kair«Bs; • • , 1 AlmonfloCream, doj - • ‘ ■. > «*»ige,»ti Porcelain rwiulK.-oi; . " tixrwSi<i Parfumed wtu Lavendei’Anglr- Pattern:/ •' l : • t^ ,Xc *»cb:r,ainbif rragram eziiacte■ for pr»enu^ ICf * * * CCI ? ! L * < ‘ ttuU *o»P-, *•«•»* - powin : ' ' ’ ' : 1 I - tit Uaey or comuranwrappers, (rose scent • rfones’ S«*p; Nynjpb goap; fioee Up reive; ’t*ideream,efega W iyp,ri p .. . : V ",J* r J>l*a , «*oap,ii i t»Brs*nde | kes;' i Soap; ttoUa soapj toyeiber wub « great vsri. tr ° r t^* c f' rluincr j: ju*t * reared; for »ala tig ... - 1 BABA)lWbJfrtiCt{4.CO ' A wnud »i» . CAUTION! CA*momp Avoldtllsporioo»psejwratt©ns|ca Wild'< raeh as Balsams, Bittefs. Srnrpo ofWild < PJts purporting to contain Wild Cherry, dr os they arc nl| hctitioa*a*d counterfoil, and ndao of the virtues of (he original andgeotf pantion as prepared by Dr. Swsyhe, and 1 oyer prepared.ia this .country.r/AJucion 1* CoiapoeuiUSynipof WjLD CHEERY jib* of vegetable ingredient*,the.WUd'Cherry/* or medical lutwtandc*orally as effipacjyr* ,moresb; ihe wbolearCfco eflccluallycoo” 'as to render it beyond all doubt the jaoft** .strengthening,'»nd effectnil teme<ty, btfer* bd lor the cure’ 6r Pulmonary caasuoipUtM* diseases of the Longs cad Breast The M* from its haring-yach a train, of spurious **» stands to prove its great curative proper• - T4orek*re; iovalioi, Inquire-Tor ration, each bottle of which is envelope/ 1 * tiful wrapper,- with a.Lfccaeao of graved thereon} also bearing tbesjg’nsta’H' SMiyae, the coualerfeiUng of wpich w®®*, ished as Forgery. i -,, / I‘ieparedonlybyDr. of tuoHTa and fUcx Streets, rhikdi . >or sale in Pittsburgh wliolesale aa/ WM. THORN,M MafteUUcei,l~l < : OGDEN dt SNOWDKN/fcofner £nd j»U* B. A. FAHNESTOCK a Co„ cored *** Wood and6th ODd Wood streets; • S.JONESJSOLlbchyAlreet ! JOHN Mn'CHELL. Alkgbeny cili u'! ' And by all mpeetib|alin)g|uia.f n iD Medicine, Ihroaghout tbe Unitcd Sf^ 4 * (IYRUBW. FIELD plTcia for satfowen t AUaufoeisrers 1 price*,, a veryi moirtof t'APKSi eomprisi&x .eerrw rfticiy, adapted to ihe wants of eeusaawra in 1 ? of the: country. Paper of all kinds Abort notoe.-*-'•• 1 he MMk of FRINTINO TAPER If large. apurtorwtiichisofvorysßßCTteroLL .PAPKB,BAKSBw ofevery'desenplioo,iauiattad u*P4tly on vis: Fehiags, \V|fo Cl«h; f iW»W . Bleahhing Powder, BUe ‘Ultsataar* Ac RAGB4 •;! f‘ *•-" Cnnvaw, Bale Rope, Opus Hopei' f • • «> purchased, for which the highest d** will be paid v? ircy,-j * wffAlMt < SELLERS* VERMIFUGE.- -*| Uta% r resilets haviagtsiicF*ft*{i*ceo* eluded, he tad warms; b<m hkvMF** l dral abduyeerYtmlTage,! bought * dosefc whieh'expeUo4«e P 7sru,\ lecbSKler yoaryeittlfa«b*tte^ •••- . Prepared tad sold brR-B .f^JYpodst. |Bei<U»rlM. Uusol r Au ward! s^t*!Allot ihenveltr. - . ' pOETABLK < FSJ«UK*i-iJ , 4‘'? Jr. Bellows sad oil the fcnccd 1 1 i i '-k rf»4»**ar,Bgt *«0 KMMI W*.^^ *./•.■ '-, ) .'-;•"> J’UAaTOU ■■’■.• DR. BHXBM AN ItM «ItKOTm« » «j to t»«U Bimut, tedait cfcildrt* wiUtate tt iraJuy tit lm m*. Mwadr»efcfc U fc o fx-i«« mor»tel , «o ito.Uck oCwefc hawtr, m m «i« BiUof DimtiQM. . ~. , ~. ' gH&fILMAK’S COUCH LUZUtao. .Those Langoasrs tbs nfcsi, wort sort snlctinttalrm .- tif far coughs, coldtceawmpuues, wbuujos;jft»« B bi, utW 1 os*, tflitaM cC iba lungi or cu«r, tic, sic. the pta,*Kwr i bowhhowaastmaato wtw u*y md Mtf.w i •sMfretsn, (mnl tlMiwml boas* haw tafaS-wU «ii»k. the M jeer; restoring to beahh|*»>ia* is alwou cm; tut* . ofccaMmpa» ( «»d toon tabohagssrfer Use Mldbucm** colds rsdeoagtu. TMydo sot check tsd)iryjs bet ruder ilau}, fMtM njstunsut] *U«; line « - sad tiiMi th* prvtwiiia or c%HUag I’m; srs'nadtlrMAieowbtiwtMi ul s wort MMHwtMih nedkisa, awi srw swkmMbitf; in)«tiwiii cm; ucsg tausr Sir Uumc ewa/Uwt*. llwtdrfai* spu. kb dreds ofctmfic*ic*iiM«bccav<lcrtdo{UKM *oe**twit*ri lues, Iron time who hrtcUuiktni frww r»**, udraliNTwtoptrffcetMtfUi bytuiif ihei*. ** * * '• When than m week jwia tsibeWowtor aid*,*** oi Sbre *■** M*** (pm* «*fr *2i «w.) »bouW U kjylkd sw lbs ivt,**! »o.a nil rt*Kt«d.‘if aiwiMrJ with wUiijW)» h« olkinc or AMiin luma, ur u l» |WI«UXUiM r*.*um SUKR.SIAS’S Woa.V. LOZJktfUES’ JM ?k^*V l ? o r o ! ,, ??f e| k T *.b**ai*' o »*dui*anlcUwiil,tUli •• €OO two to b« tu&liiblr; lb* ««*« imi iltsuvju* h!aiiydiMwe*ari*t*thm«MiM • • ■FS?"* T** “** “*«■» asd tmilml., sub . esllkd cm btusf m* peeled; |fo»t |*fMu arc ref) oltn id<« duttaredSj; cmjdmu ■s£s&}££ i*?-*"* .torturf .bfewfisgstlfawnonjapswaywiMuirar lb* thwack. Cadi ' a* of beat omM»ufttj 9 |o„ tafftaUghiddtU or sl.n *“»*»» *“*“•» m<«, torpor, di»umd ,dn*»i WU| sdmrfwwsatroubicKMM cuufb,hcriitowJbin*. nsiiiJ “ L “" |w ia - the matfh « clms«pfCtilt t 'ksßMSfi blwtnlsbßncliOTfiwU,crinaurk thoottoebbig* id rarifta wts /iU body. : <fctn4 rising m tlic thnat, HebuWolUte asaa loirsnU iiwlii . frbqorst dawsio pa* MactUcf (ha tbs bovtJb. and* mm ‘ tiwU dsekatgu oTs&wc asdwtus, P O" ••*' > aHEBMAN’B CAMEO* LOZENGES. ' '* TMy.irrc Mnne.lisls.rtlkfiniffTm nlpitsuoa of the Marl, kmn of be tpiritfc dcsaouoturv ’wJlwratoiy of iwOM'tora tirdetnWei or aumatr ertk pUmljEuaUuc/opprewioa or■*udof twkis|-or U* ebtu ygf «**»<—fff-OwS. ktMnat fe;, add. vaksfiuMM Umwgh tl s%fc4 eMikra or cW> om awrbus. diatrbmf Uwtadc fa scasa of Cuinc £ t r coutnnUlDrorancMfaf hmftics, vilUnt tba Loua‘ after dMipaUw, tiw; piUnAanlw lamofUw tnua net • daily, aa< rpapw altUi* MykOisyptem amm. too to tlriiy. Penosi wto w Mta too h«b linri, nd ahaadroed Uwif<iaiplrihiWdf,m UMMcettiaU. BlnU* mpswtrt tbsamti i ~ t‘ . : .OHKftUAK'B POOH Ail'S PLAOTICB; TW best ttractiitaJof ph*raa vorU,a9da »»ert tea naadr Set paisa, ac,^a«duxsa/tba>*c£, fafaa aid*. wV fce. ObeniUiotLa rar will »ot sopply «M denaadThe; nqsiraanlUa Min n| MtoaajfbMOß. Warred Mptrtarttafiatliet 4 aud loromfmrwr.lbaanal iiiw<iifa| i»< nail flit |m. bat tMeh«spat plaft*riß-tM ia a bv bpara.sad, atkiiartcnlsbatJaa. •, ■'■■■ , laWwnpblal aad.d^ia f ttiJwoldftiweni anr the njriowof il>« limor Abo»i and it wiO aftard emt «ad arfoaShim rtMC. la coaa colds, asthaa. AiScnltr al brtsUuM,opprttiiOa ofrti*«f ar stwaaeVUit;wOliia ttcdiaUn aoaibad rrtathosfiltbs niksC- rim. •* Kdffff Mbits, or £m .VmSrfS dacldad Wpport frnatm <t*m traly stmyWeg phs : ZJS£. ?n ftoniha amtltaM of ail lioucbolaft«n Ibwa wui ts iba touted testinn* rJ aßtbycahbfjUcdaad darn aad bhy.^,/ u ’ . .B<nnlKnai bm'ff at Uw warlboait la era Qwi* nnrua and thaakslM almost niracaUti* nm 5 & ■a Sat uaa arc back of each (darter, liili a fiwaodlcofDr.flbamißaaa. HliimaorUatroaihsiild-' bk lor ffictwow Toapt Lba iodistiau rif U» tnu fbsisn,b; -:8oltl wbotcrakaadM *7 W* kb Fata yflciUet&c'.Vucbouwd. cS Libari; fifth gio coot. -••- :-'• •• • • jM^dic. SRVEItAL lASONB WHY Uil. LEI - BAJ&PAIUUA BiOOO -FXliLSflrebee'Dg so nnireraaily i*poitr < prepared by 9ci/U Lei. Vdr bimseir,s nij* uruggist, Cbeaistfuii l'lijor 'eian of l > bilade“t wbo ,knows-,the juinro, the pills and iheir'f**“*P. to direaae.. •/. Sccood;,Ue^ e public can tak*. then with , greaterconfiiJ*'.“J fln ntoal otherpiUa {cliieti nre preparcd,by!p* ll, >J ßOra olboUioi’inp4'.cioo and diseaaes. Tiird/Bw Bw-lheircombinedeSecti,prnperj 8 w-lheircombinedeSecti,prnperj lies not iifot** l *° an 7 other pilUj'namcly. parg ipgirnni thefloefa and bowela sub*; ■unct«; fcnd*bo tame time porifying’Uie blood andflWdaoP 5 Foarth, )o»« they kr» the.cheapen and beat raedieibfl tingle bos eortingknt 185 cents, and contaii4op*tt*»* a ®ugto eeraona as many dsliaranll-‘*- •• Uoclor’j bills, aarf nnmeiont medicines fibt dt fried on the ree.-minendalioa -* others** >' AUVIC E. ,JVheM^ a b3VO OCC * iOB ba iiWan; nifdi- CIOJS,' iio bo lulling wiU four, cooiliiuijoa b£~ Irving all Jr*l pill* or fther tfedicttttf* jou mo fnblitbed rceommendd by o*e iotftUoUier but ■ ukeatoi .•’ . ■ ■. V&a rSanajonUa Blood Till* . and jda.*oov hartroearictf-lo QU 'asvlhiog eIM. »lwsy« b luoud good la atmcut ail - -VftngV*>tea»«f-loPMPiU<H»o<iaaatob>|ch t bow. . eiWliTeA inuanujet; tramps td lfser*;. .tool breath, bad. < itatta in mooib, Suai&ractoiioss sad Acidity ol coiUvenessad iodigeirijos, want «| tltscaacs pf /Lbe apices daesset olthc skis, scaij .tfrsptiond ' dry and*<7 Woiches .oTAtisJacs ion l ^ vnu»|meb?'heatuiiißa^(irb^em > besd ache, jM«* leialnn, Mins oter'lbp: heart, of . Ustn a. ,,1, i» ,e, ** ?r# * ail lu«i«,VoiaU pdx.tirio* lou). i* l *; «cn»ul?cr}iipetu. vhd is kbeirt U»cjr axegi# althaea* ha?ing“ltoirurij*ik ia U>e •lonW l ***, w>d iccsune*, aid Importlj of u* Uooif : : '• ; u ''''■';.■'••••« ’ *s* • gyeat/sfiTe c«U i Box. ;•• : J- Retail by-By A.; Fa£ne*toek Hi* , ....Sibi u*r-tVqod, uisa tuner of yu|J Wood»u*ti. wpcS .-£t**ULA. Afi> StJttOKULUUb )3»&r-Seroiri*; i»: alt iu moltipiibtjTortas* . wh’ *® tint of.ling** KvU, enlargpßent* n u>e boacs,Gbtfti, White-gwctliagvUnroa.c RfUicni, Cunttr, disease* oflhe Skuior Spine, Qittimosaiy uinsamplioo, euunalttfrom one 1/ same cant; , which tea. peuonofttjprineipo a* lom inbeantia-ttie human sjrstei*. Therm ptaople can be destroyed, no rani*' (iocah to e(ect*d, butir,lbe principle upon ’t 'U*o 'disdain depends, !■ re looted , a curb 3i necesstljrtbllow, no matter under «bal Inrm IseaxeshonU manilcsliUetf, ,"IVj4lAe»cioro i reason wbj Jtvnk's a >ounj ily teceesusi in removing to manjrpialigiuiit *w. i lt de»un/i U»o vitwor ptiobfle iroui r thorn diseases have their origin; by.pntcri as looeircautd>c, u>dwith Utsbloockiocunveyed . ■d .minutest Ebre,-removing ase frem'lbesytienu : freparedand soiil at Mu, hth Third Street, I’hiladeiptiia.. - / ■M/Si theii’ekjn Tea Store, flu- Tt l-’aurili iitrne. ..V-... \ .' (tuchdi ; jOTi&Aji itud'r uuuaitiu hTdvks u '. t ; . avatu 8tf«l»>• ■ • _**PM* ' I" " lint it betwwg imrhJl ifc wuai PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. f KUBUtiUEO l>Aluy*Ta|.W£EKtrt4>rtKUi.»- dt&tGaxtmliuUdiitfi, 34 tuar Ui PiaMtffi-*. ~ • - UATEihOF ADVKKTUISO. ' .Oatiaiehioaef.lSliaei, or 1ei*,.... v..A.S’U fo Twotatertiou withoeulteratioM,.-u 1•> Three'. «, • . i w..»w¥i« I«» : One'\Veefc> ■ ,••**■ •• l'!*) Two Weeks -m. •• *» .. S'rtJ Three " •• " ;•...&•« 3 W One Month. *•< *♦••• • ’ u.» * lu Ywb 6 to Three « ! .«••■■ 10" Longer erffetuumenta la wine propero®**" • Ipaeaqiiare.C months, without niienud*,*** * n ,• ... # «. Ji *0 ‘Kach adjlitionaal square for® monltor.-Vy* * >.!« ».••••'««»!.• •. t• |5 •» w. jOoo j* Eaehaddkleftalaqeerefor iSmosths.*..**** Kj W .Two tquare*,fi«»ooihajre'waWMtpJw»*rt, »i Uu • jEadh additional square,6 months, «•••'*?*••• 3 t*j i eiiKtT'6|’Ti|.*tiiiy iiTMltf cnrcbn. One square, 3 insertions,I «'*» ;• uu. iddiiiouj insertion,•'. 3) "•nvstvnh : ca*b** : '.J' ( j Kite lian«lcui ®»« je«. fi'tio ~ .«*: •<. . ,«• •■; mi hi*) u u it ; one jrenr, daily* wee&y, luug • «. i» '.‘ •' ** ■' ait monthr." .. , ** :r v B'i>r AurE«nam«T* i* wuti.r rtrii. for SU lines, or lew, One insert km/......*..30 50 . «’ + " Two, -'••“••.•••.V.'Ai. ol* •• a •’» Three, « lui '.u u <>:’ Three robUm, 3 fin .•« - “ Six • • 6ro be cnit|M bjlta nuur, ind ftdiaeeuntof £5 per eeil to toe sHree <hhere the tMoeit of adr*Tti«ißf exeeeds fiOdoiinrtjer jeer. nmliMMrlMt.OM)' 00 .Zv ' WiWllmmimiwiiiji *W ■"T'.m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers