' " e r = . , . antimgs.sttc:gesinleie,feei, , i -, ;'" NO -• i t in?' .7•Prqi _ ~ - - . I • 3 -1. , ,_ • :. : - .• - ..,.....g ~..&.- jist reehtFos it- I „..7- --, .. ‘ - - ' ,A.,'“•-sixtbstreet, Es I . NO. Item stou •' M atedem kw tab:l..6y , 1 , Iu aDALZELL ' • fi weer lit C4oABlaG—p' o mrep•ala aAI Marks' ti,lllpes . impenor Preach 084 Clasksap• A A MASON & • , • ".".:Vpattygind pfEop , g b ox , niail rep ';A 1,; ..; • 414,,f F1 . ',.. , :: . .i., - .;:;i . t . ;4. ,!,•.,:r;;;.:--.:of;I:.;,:. :J;:• 'lt 1. ''. '..-::-N!ii, . • • 7 1 . •`•-: • :.. : - :1 4 24: - ! ,1 ;e: F1 , .4; 4 " .71 i: 1 •3 : 14 tl'‘,l 4 .0 2 . 1 t1 A • .1 4 . „ , i *,:•: : • 4 7 4 . 4 . T.. ; 1 : • ~ .44, 0 i, % :•- • , 41;(44 , :4;50, j ,!1 11 ,, '4;l ••;., •:•> - ti Z: 1 ?i5.7 1 3 . ; %; • .! •• N; '• !:i :.1;t . . s ".; . :;VO 4 1. • :: hee2i; -. ' 441(A.; • - !,- .<'i4,~ •'.~ c;.:4 Vii: MEM •.ITOBACC WILT. 14 , 40.15r.kad Mr, LlGUN.4l)oo,ketigulg....o QUO/Ji—ffi lads tag erelf pi _ re„,l 4 , y . lO In " • -•- • • ATWOOD, JONES it CO • •1141 I- "- • - • • wiSer & flout au; lig , tt u V A T;V= bassari en hand: la/ sal - LT 1 . 1 ..,;„ I W R hIcCDTCHEOLI : • • 131Lberty B , l7olo . hins o!!xdis'ol!?l,!lrg i A= , co to XIIITAI.-130irs t0...11am. TALLow: , .: 9 abr. ' 01111 A & SON 18 lib area Mir—aock Mrs receded sad fig Lee ' ' • TJORDAN lc SON , 15 : 1 1" .17:1:'1:'6N° V ELI."" I,l,e 6"l' n e : la" Limkeg. Ne gdgegigkfies war Pegnsgl mkt: for mak. erg .1 -4810 1,13EL1X11.1 M;li=lM R4IQ S—IS hide Coldest 131 . retc .. TAUP hr bole Irt [et chedv , - • I • ito gal", 'ittlrrea"ul co er a OS tos oLArtnatt.Ctiorposi übel . DeAuivaßernta ,[7.irtß [ tad Bail 041110.0.0. reeht and for solo by . ; L. „BRAUN & RtITV.PL ppy weed hn U°l " (ivge tavrzeart— .y' =Lb by -I td.r 4 : " X<AT .. Vt 147.406 . aiedi lac sale by , • -- 000-45 kegi. No t i twat, (ledge bfundi • r!10 mm' 0P 034 .43: (4, -- • . ' . 'JAB DALZELL Lad; farsale .11LICRIPIA--7 Pet bawslylb, rum? 'Mod bad potters;l44 opened and for sale by I ;, • 1: • . , IMACICIATT & WRITE 11-111 Amp Pains, ref . ihk.ppi: 3 y, ea wougoinearis, 4 'it"; cmszTa :gm ?Flees, landiag " WILTH; fdlirOti I ai Irr neenrettlas dap k. 2.14211 la k SOlnad n Mine •tws by. '- VI Domccr co . moan' t Ws !lid .- 1±66 . 1C1t CO , a cizr Mind weed ma kagilat Pat nea , Aarmeroci & co r aird: N AZll:r io tsais Itt Mar/ Casa sue Ilsay Lamps, . 4° 6 lt T L;EEcH, e •'. grivoriipmeNiki.. &CO )4V9l3"LatMgomillosiir burio Mem cheese ier . for meetly . •:av vorf Boxhino a co OLAIII-4000 bzeised sixes forrats'` .15 P VON DONNHOILIIT 1,00 S l e "V ! ai "I"."" Stra 6ft & mow su XO7ll-0 beam ecioalmosisu far .sale low .to „ I b. I.lt7 ra lle ill 4 1:14 . pad \ . mecArinmsll ".. • r • ear wood & water au aff v nASTlcaltra wet. for CICItCLNDV. —:pFsTr—ltp.l4lo bl'Adern ;" , -red ; ; • ter 4 k mod au .;.1 TTOITS 'COLORS, 1+ 41 laSok:-.73 '1,1.4, con. wifereattseird;• /ante.% -••- • • irgl6-3116 , 16 Limit Oil aaartasalaerma near Pa 'oll4alkbl DIIECAP:a: • • - , . ( test 1101LO=Di1514Y1•41111-10? oz Jon re.tpiledanil . VI PC,"I. :co Lira 00 lUi .~a ~~xny t I .a•L•••• , ES?.. -4 pica...rot oad- [moo •Plasure M I; qv. eltlo ecoagsby • • EMI; • OEO COC..•N-118 wonder XfftrliTißD-Bpniat •Ueataar—is.tta cans—o .01 wile is, ball •ead gear*, perands; lust reel and rot al* ..• •• • - • EDVIARDNE4ZELLTON , eenuT i en 4 fo! 1" _DY!. JLODA le 6b4.1x M L..' .-,BPYONPONNNOYSI'LCO EOPII-4000 Ita Wallas mill F*l°B.A7, 0111='.; ""ifflgePgrtvlirrE • .- 1,50 I • - 111) wood a lt*l 3b" N'q of • lor ,el.bk b 41 I!AVi l v i mr . ,l7ee;:k4ioe .pl4sql VO►B—t7o4yap .llte Bran, ungan , , " 4 *I" br, liraMrrairrijrt: , Mo l ****lnr bbts new env N sow landing ' BAGALEY & ==l . • SIINIAII.-0 riam N O,OOM. "War, ww deB , teint.syk tsutin LT SAP-40 0 3 pip QUM, totranir:trecg itorrim bbib; sals !ay. - SOPYTH tt. CO = =-• trloll4.oCo—artibiliy; baiwa_pper.kod And* in • deb IrOKEIVTII 00 w iman GICOMMINCIS-11 atoll's% KEY reed, Ibt ode by NOLDS dSLIEX dee, • , "tr." 41 inm cova-co bbl. bl GM A BEANY.I9 wrdad .t t..taj . * •1... a. , QEOABCY y bbl• •- 81100111 -414a4 limos; g eie L ankl.s, racteind "IS 'ANEW usentsient Diana , jw,...o.l 33 rewaircet from the saagatlMbsaqmrinr' . ,i." 1121." 01114111111.CRILlar.11,—It bbls Cnaberner,.• ; . 10. bts f.t sale - , • irrlS ' ear raulbfeHl rydrin, pEaVaSI-4 0 bu Jan reced;'iof silo b y am ,II.•CUN of arras: STON/C-1 or Winged' Mr mai by' :66 •:, r „ A /WIN 4k co .011:10A11-13 IL& taw crop NrAus kit* .0 LIN n 7.. . ., j.eIuDBEW ir.BOIMON 12fIrood 'S.46lll!:prienek:P 2l us ?rt f • - r .eer fillidmßeYtwnr as Ema;i=m trOLICCO-451bisjiinte lig kr sce aaa,br 1 1° 7 131 w 110inT-130 Ow. u...; wilo • ANTHONY DIIAVO, Jr, • " aotlldista sub. .Soolll4lKOWS—latusk• sesNiml formes evd tif a mecurcitEori WAS Olisailasiseigibtps iteehred4 fer .'""Plrlital=4l ocki * Lustarty F'etikan neY .."•• Zooluur.ll,ckl.l2!".nore; ..410 • - • IDALSELL I ClTlisuat.r9... • 4.g 1110,1.GISMIC oars ua~uwssss-}' 2 il64dYOlloi+aetiia food Slit att9l'.= '' ! . 41 ! LOOLibat=i -MoE—Pinoto .pia . Hoak mags,*ilnll prawns them' igulerneat Inr malmsey at ike; store of /.15.,E0Pit, Jr. Co ;tram delll • 1 1 , 21175 K PALMS—A mall bid Imploome pup .L ternsdastroteeth Ibrsale_ • . II T,LNKIPH. dr. 133 Wand • .4. m• •• • to snel , es, • ave. ••• - • • dell biltEltaMAVEll A-100 hf chats Y.. Q Tea;l23 0 P Tea; for sale D y " • DALZELL dell •- stet ~ . 11,••1 f guar -; i°ls' ifaitem. 2° - - for ask - 1 • • ',l/ it FLO D dell • . ISt libert y et • HABIDILIMOWEVF-50 dos kis sad medium Lama Caminle Lidtkeorded' ad plain bordeM /Ma . r .d• by • 81AC1LETT & IC WHITE wood ICISCP-2 sits •prime ;Wed beefils store; Ibr we B dell.- Teommetelaltm.,libOtrie • —de bblo for see by dot 4 . BRAUN & 13F2TER • t PTII..TIO 11.PENT132-10 bbts for sale by 13 dal BRAUN 3 BEITER :MIOOT.-3301b.gevaIne Bermuda Anon Rolx,jyal `lll. received and kw .tle by - BRAUN it REITER OUR-4J5 bbbi}oat racy{:6i iale by t 4• • • cor sm4kiel`f&GyralgeErattir HITS' LEADS- lUD kep to itore• far 4•112 bY aaa tV OtLEVEL IZ%Giaii=l riourtir,N ITRUIP-10 bblo Jou rewired Lod for, 1 - 7 sea by' doll W uREER OBTATOBB-45 bbl. Bleibunockt, ZO « iced: m yore and hr see by & W BABB A UGH dal: • • . , 3.11r00d fa A PPLIMI—.2SO bbl. exaxied 'demi keeping eppien. .a.evuustng of winter mess, bell ikswets, spiecenbee gen, reannitee, Wes, Ike, ie. b eu.e • deb • • • Mk IV HARBA.UtiIi VIDIELTL-10 bbl meet cider, iced; hi ode by .dti3 -tlk IV HARIMUUII LNDLE -ao bnmmldcandles,Mtebelly brind, la Mt received by bionebiabelai' for We by •• Acta . : ' 8 ir.W HAIIHA UGII • . S ALE " Tus-1411 " ( P"'" . CANDLMS WICK & Mc C& QUOILUALOAti* rime, Lain tram mar ,Msztem., 1.7 for q. by . „ . ALLEN tOD ' DEICUBSIONC4PS-POO At, asniottediAotm.lved .1 EA for ask by - - dcl3 • B A FAMIESTOCK k CO • C HZESE-400 du AUUEET r i pizoAdee 1, NCO Ws_ bY - Libernritreit., t 4014536 1b—,50 bbli novi crop' leading frt. =or 0.4. Nue Newborn kink by • • ' den • , M ALLEN a CO. water si 17 lABGI4/2 bbla eidetYlneinkin store; by alio ..Yet6 • '• ,by , I DICKEY &CO -1 ID ic it-49 11 , 1.1 s gad ilallt in 'tons; O br del& , „ . , • , WSltt - - VJGAIL esk for ado b • 11111tUerlirii, b , d , for *an hi_ WHITE . . , rr a r . "— fa brs , e7 br sale by W OMER baktenbe,cheds33# W"" 3 7 4 ?'""'"'"g"117;;PAVI,b&:, isd,ailk :over 44 SLZIGEi 8E744, la &sound strapped, milt for wo: saki by la MASS fIOB MILISUI/I—* JO snorted JJ *sea, noelradand 63t."11 • • 031Aoszt7 inks near Snipanal Pantiles, in i L •sinsin-la saki by si LSWATESIMAN • ilnlo • ". . •. Ammer is SS ham so MMUS-4op Clorrarleed;.: u Tomsk, weed shui btu.% dal) i : 1,8 WATERAL&N Tl 6-14 seMiii Maki nod 6'LIL .010 : • WATEILIIAN dole " 1=4? ' 12,44 4 ' 1 :1.• • WAIRJA"I'S r•wizat- *du" ttle , gzelkre A-FP•Pe'r.s.elalpF 041441 a oillpit amodarazdpne. deght •- " 8NS81+(W[!~~ 111 Av 4 v ,, 11—.400 reed; 6r male6y Y..'&10:. • •.W k R PieCUTCHEON DMA 3111-144 k. mall vigor, krwk , r . JJ deco , Wk R MaCuTCIIIESON Prf* - '"°drimPWBl°." geClFh "eaNbi 1111•013.116—li bipearskst a rrar rc ilk a tl N 7 dela 'l3 OAST& 00 • 35 front a 04=D—al be prime gbyreriediA kor subs by 1,7. del a . W & breCUTRIEON rrr • bag szNI keim forW . 4 . • W & eI.U . T 94514/ IsbeM • CLOV/LISCI bbts npentor tasaly Pau, lau nag r *ed. fig iskle by 0111331,111e011EW 00 • '• • • ' gm:ewe-N.l nrw, liberty at MIA fn 111" aeinved; to+ Jkrir'.lo O i ra l°4" "°4 ..1s s; SO t 4 au7lf-6o ea atm, ii.ed; ex, *~oiass~-u pw.s U ut ! deli° .. ~• ~... - F FI.LS66~i Lsalp.,iixo, r a g e . chi.Ls ! erl,,tiettivert per suer 3 /Crittenden; GM ela q &ID • L turransorrit ' r EAT 1 : 1 X 105 7 44 WV. Pritimsan4 Teed kn , sale try 400..:. -... L IIQPCHIsONt co , • oLL-41 bbts llama t 91es.? ice a* low tild•GO C.N.4I.Ma bi i m , • J *GROOM/AK • 14 loma co t at -111. els fa MGM ta , Rl*b7 • • - \ . . . DALZELL •rraMLIMIENAMS-41upiletauerteCrises,anim was and, bla la WI samba; .ha Re% by eA/Ma--jeuu pe . or /boom% IWO., mama's.- tio;a0o wive perstela Palgr AIM and 111141- WWI% **IP 07 Foaarru g roat • , W fr .„.„l:ft,i;-11,77,1-7.4.y • " / & I FLOYD BLJUISLI-RSpoluesbenets.eiWC •for We by - • RIC 110 dia tagS tT=SW.liritn,b;Lo,i, • QO/LP-12 bit CanTlasotnso9s_ xv. " 7 IJ 100 bz• rfa..h. , 15PudA OW; I ' 4 nie %ft:IAA:118 &Duzvoirrt.l " XMOITI-4 0 P bzs reed per nor Br Ckel, 0110.&N CO enk"' uherk"l" D T 11 - LSO woad Sr B LAJIEXTS—AXI yur huge. Doessibr I:llabbbi. : rbeyiberl wroglymbesni Ibr bale by - r . • . Cit.o CCM.4IIULN wood a • .. LILA TAR PAM • for Lprbd, Le- L ways en Mud sad for sale al No 214 Lsberty. MI. ipar Canal- -yam W:W MACK giOSIX.-1.40b.7 8 U.1! s jff Kl&a NJ *el* y ski Xl* el" 8 14 b 7 m igIER ior sale v bj • 1 .4 st, liner word (11111111bri is W irr We_ , g_ by _ ..skro - -• MOMS tMeINIG AaPrarbob, rots* bearebsnp, rk& Blzek Saw Pr uL br • csanort iivairmonT • ..VgaTkissia•-lopo prow 4 , .14...u.......0 . , .• - 7111.1101C1k- Noolloll7' b. pwe ort7 • CA • - i . eICNIOirt MA.N44llbbli otllwlLr • NO.? . tirade kie.! , %-10 , !aim waxers Wail% t DIN/ORTII " , laltican donee; imola ---- . • • WILL/ANS& DILWOILTO Vg&1111141..11-36seks bole os emu Cocain 1,7. Onside by_ org ••• • I DlClthir CO Via 7litOrl6- ATMlRS—flocks rea_yi for aft by. F= "iLWICIPOP, JON i=!!!!MI porAA. t y .Cll4lilEit, ex . "! rinS a lto443,l v er Neel& itritiliff - 14110 twriii— • . Y. 13N1 In . talles 11 C t .( nAI D.O anti EspiirN , ~. 130 . .11tedius lam . . . ~ ... ~-' 110 : ." : DMedias ussuntre,_ for sale bi , ma ,: -._.. , .. REYNOLDS & SHER ' 1 4 • j, b il • RAClLliqUelaralia b u ffeLl4 l l 4 , r, 31X011111-40 asi# /Waits Lamm la (awl .1.1 Otani ica allobT - • FC MARTIN • .afla eoraaltarkeld & front sts •P ? Mcol BUSH 41/M -111;01L1..,.. 11013111 , 1 - & ROE Obis ' °4 loB . ' l ol D f" II ."' ORI by ANOKII wood. •alellkiss tar 1, 7 Grnit4lsl" pa D MORGAN 'l7l-4.11" blell ur do; Mat Broom mei. " a ' kb ' " 7 ; 6 ' di bY DAG ALET a MTH aka BillaWT- 41 "I"; ibr ?'" by inGuma ategersoN Cn m k ? ua4W MaMi co COAMMIIIIII—IacianI pa expape ei'• • ‘..O•PLASUPI miskaaillfa.of apaiat Yana arint j)(M:WO?L SAC:B, , for sale krw ty. ' 7 7,7F~upO►h.~d A— — .ra:r~'i'.i' z>~ - ~~~.4 COMMERCIAL 'RECORD. s- - 2/' nor Saki or Leon. _, . , LIG NA 0 y . . I 3PE T7 ° "' ea " w 'm ,* ".': "Alm" rpm tam tut 6 'kalif Pnaml, Gader+ Renee . 2 .' ISBT " Mlugnia.B ßß • .k k " Dri*C4.B444kkk a lki--Bl i D B°: ete . h.ov ilAirl°ll7ll:llteimaimilWo c ku l licr-lx). ,• 4111441125° '; ' "" " ; C: MS_ •' ' I Son ` Sea I Moony Mona DECEMBER. I tine • 1 sets I tins I phans ' ARRIVED fatale ant b new mtn teens The lot natal , 3 eine onr eulla Wan, • t BankolPitranGA....•••tenSUMßlL A Snaches t the Parson _tenni:id. fronts 100teet on m ain et, and Ido bhms end mega prink op.a aas . usqn pe r ige.opyip.. a 16Thunday 717 4 35 - -- r5 - ------- Consul, EM T'', ' iln""'"Ill . , re. tack ISO r. e.l to Park ann. The main besldesna ado Oee. plead esiceo .- , m erc h - il, u*,33aajopast_. - wipialal.,, - Miclumui No., Gilson, Scum' 'of brink', dace Isiah, and GO feet lime by V 7 wide. 4do lotted and atnpftessameren ' ThanPhilailphia•• • •perlffiteluingli Bk. of Vas- 1 17 Blida) , 718 436 36 3 14 Swann, Cox, Brownsville. 18 Satarday ,718435 3 23 :rh.Engiiie a e /erre and* omodusiss, with an a bales erne, red an WOW Bine* Girard Bank partlannenl3k. of Va- •••• a engine, boder, ilk . ke., all In complete order. The leans ___Aaitre t r.l . .:____ - Bank oftibireiluttirms •parißli of the Vallay,••-•-• a 19 Sunday ' I 7 19 436 431. ' Bel mo r tero s y. lkr jsi k t ag intl Ettott e r onot . „ pnaperty salt be '4 lear, or kased lor a term nyeare 4do •ma•••__._ P ' • • • •• •• I " Mortar o: Dv • •par Bk. of Taman • . 20 Monday ' , 719 436 537 co advarossums tense - . I de I•mr•l= ' " Delaware Co: • • 111.k.M.11k, Wheeling y II .r...., ~7 v/ 4 3 7 ~/.. 1 p i p 5 . 05 Danube, Cock, Brownsville. Louis McLane. Bennett . Brownville A spinosa budding lox Mr a pnvatereadenee a alse, Ide nonce G a' Mon Ca -pax do Mortresteras•-• + V. Wedneeday .'7 al 437 UR I offered tor oda It fronts 130 tenon Part a, ond extends 3 do' -Cann lanneto ,_ _ . 5 'f . o b., ..". la or , Bank v„.- / Despatch, Nelson. Mon: City. backlog) fen u. an alley, haying Trnmons Weer for so. Alas, white bona whits gone of every ihoterunaik GpimabiaßliZr..• par do Wellsburg. .. ... 1' Camden, Hendrickoon Brownsville PIT•11111171Rall BOAS') OffriellATlß. whole length nits Fastens boundary. Thu g luzy hoods, cape; gine: bonny, lank ske. In. On hand, D ,,,,,,..„ 5 - . ;-.... 5 5 - p./..p....- sy Lake Erie , Hemphill, no , la covered • ..,th it.. choicest fruit trees and drab =estrum. stock brown and bleached mush" fah. Penmen ' Bt 11 5 ,iikpa Vennesseess COMMRTES FOR DECEMBER. North Ilner‘Deen, Loolnalle and Post It 00,1r0 ii• a too mew of the riven city, fra' ey prima gutthams, ebeeks, taunt Ands, Fran 1 ,....,,8 k ,8,./. '. ny...p.......... . 3 • Punta& RAPP*. W. A. • it onnar. rail. NAV. DEPARTED. Tills Sot es only aboattO novae walk from de howt of Nam., ato merelests are rapeethlly invited to nal p..... w4.1 . ,.... 5 7.p. p s .y. sy /demos 8k.... 3 the any, and a wore dalothtful spot for a manse raw and examine oar assertment, as we are enfant ear "..... a s , Rt... .p., p1.M.93][...•• ••• • 3 arrant rirranuaou Oaseret, / CommL Bowman, Brownsville. Leine 51cLane, Bennett, BrownswoW donee, can scarcely be fond. It wiff be Ind low, and mock seal fernery manse nth Easte rn hones both 1,..... 0n....... par Union wk. i 3 a lout term of Tan Macs fm the payment of Ike moat In tracery an poem s. ,* • • 0 . ., B. .3* atamnirt . Snootily Hoeing, December /8. I Dicatch, Nelson, Bornemlle. of the purchese aormey. Thla ter will be Sanded woo SI wen ~ A A P l A k ' N kBB ' Brownell. IR-- .... par &meth ofbasatei• •• •1_ Ottang to tba now Mono whirl OD 511 m 5 11 Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville. equal parts, 110)014 a pordaser desire It. Enntire Gibe - Washing= 8k..... .. •.. y North Caro li ne. ... t of tto , ,lay y ....", p b ,/,.. 5 re pipay, am, Swine , Cot. Brownville. aubeenberochotian be seen at tharleco of the Geode , PRINTS ONLY. Geuyabort Bayae6rul/4.1k.•••• • I 113, of BIT' E* lll ' .... I eve. forenoori between*. boos oft and IA toad mash • cnnaben, .. .... .. Merck's sk.,Nisertiens 1 er ts nes al his 100100 et Ninety's boarding bone, Se- . '" -- 7-------- done on rather a restricted scale. Sufficient, how. B , , ,p ol l or ke fir e ekk jtoro r B o. " . w kn oib l i th o. ern. 'en trawnted bit teal 13 . 1 O• =dm , B• 3 11 Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. tonsine new BM, fedora .t. Albite; Cafi t7E, _ •, , DN. W 44 letup Copan/ - South Clazolten• willont any tonstial •161•111Ftekk• Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. attar , . • Art. at 'h..... 'C ED AR ST NEW . YORK. midawto.o kr Bk. c'r Bk " B ` sk ''" ** I l riser The ... k ., ... Tit .. to o 5 ,,,h,,,,, I. Michigan N 0.2... taboo Bearer ..,, 1 G Tower Iron Orn s - • , Cabala _ "LEE 4 BREWSTER g ""' -...... ft. °"'''''''''' . . ... ' BGek ':•Pl. Moore. B••••7°° ° W eihk " °' eriliE sneers r offers for sale 1153 acres of Ind la 551 e1 50/5114 t hou gh tP Of MG" ori littal We"' Monterey. Morahan, Brownsville. 1 the Immarneinborheed of the Grand Tower, • Columeresal Ilk 1 I Ferment and Drovers' Skof Iffambert - •• ••• !Y - The neseipta partial, would nem, Irons the • Clipper No 2.Crooks. Ciro. 011 the. Muslaslppl noon, Peng wooly, Mo. Thiene as saantiabod a starannes co the year MR An the nay __..., 8 . 1 A1s W•7 5 •"°•71• • : kf.k kku° Bk & 1 echealln..l war.. . o . ii ,, the pf i es ,„ , ,,,b„ ow . ffi dent • Amenca, Calleno, Wheeling of the brown he (or, as Dr Ring ens it, the h 7. pow a =POP." Om Cal and hued. , Trade win """."'"_..,_°° 7 Pusan ' 5 ,. _,.....- ... I s .__,s,„ ,s armed brown or ..) it has all been altered since the PRINTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, as Be"••••• - • -•• • .... k "•••• """'• •••••-•"' •• Monk day of / last expressly to menthe or.. The low poterend oxidating, at an . Lebanon, ...• ....... • • Mairplausels . to the demand. We notice regular salon by dray lead at $4,9055124 p bill and single bbl sees at BOATS &MANTIS° Tall OAT ' whole lies from atialf to one and a half auks from the of the viar,the, o Weat Assonment lu Prkill•••••• •• " •••••• " 8• 1301 ,1%. , 31VQ,,",", 9 1 ' s _ _ .. I ' Yo= r". .. - .. *-. : Conbelind M. 0 .( Alla TILE vvORLD NM to 5 37. as in quality: BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at Ba. ai. and 4 fi r er b an k , b . an ni.... k,and4wed b. i rock . 2liore .. l e. ndad wa . Zia% In Die Orlin market we donee no chute 1 • 7 • 111 r. ig. ' maybe .Ocelot at fatuous notel--alsoot thogram of They are now opener Several HundsokPackagen, W•mßH•ch Bk."•••• • 0 `gong ••• k CINCINNATI PACKET, a'. is.the emcee. Iw I sell the whole together,. to le. to ensedmaX ' , Ten' lo""' •7 10 of BtoMG I mad Boman B°l° ‘ Nom k F.". ilk: of Du l ikka.. " Whe is Id ' limned tart tII pobeing. at 20 IDo t ses a a „ , ' stet pan to asers If ' sold together, I Road hare no ob. penumbra man of which no not so be bend e 1... Mk 31Bk. Peen. • Farman k Mochansc! t" i metope i „ . ho. Corp . to , the BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10A se and 3e a ~......., Provided it ~,,,,, ,k d inbr... , 0 2. t i me e sake bT pr. ... t 0f ... 4.2 . ar.d stitare, br iutit .i. erld w eli c.b linn .a nst d. beco ....i ntre and are BU Y k4k.°llSkriP"'" --Bk. Bkkakkkk wind rites o ex. tent ol acne 300 tea, ins sold at VG. Barley is in MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS' 3 ..n. Timber for charcoal 10 atnol.t. .S.' further dentition mums M.6IMCCED ' Slue /B .G.' Dritodar• 1 Regeortowollk • .... " DISPATCH. Nelson Browmnalle, Goentpleappo...„. .. a Mineral Bk••• • ..- .•. • . .- fair nest at 480.50 e, Rye at 450. Oats aro in ' Is deemed anuccesaarr. inasonuok al I presume no yam .• - - FROM ' os • a GLASGOW PACKET, 010.16 00 • 4 •• •• 000 woohl anus pardons milieu 6ns lariat nun- ' ANE To F iv-E CEN TB 5 t 8k "47,1',4 1 ,/...........::: tr ° 47,;np.,.......,„ as imprtnod dinned with sales at vane p bg , had the! remises. Ilea Inn 2to 1111,1011 ROIL ato kw Raeon-The glutei is without ch sates WELLSB/LLE • W. 1176144 S•• 0 . ma I sold in the Pt Loess end Birmingham Iron Wen per yard below &rider& of Anil and Mos, as pas 2 . 1 . 0 Wt0 'i5... 1 .... 0 1 1 / 6 01 1 signore , •••• •• AMERICAN EAGLE, N Orleans. fanning comiany. Indian i ' printed Ostalogock which are contend daily, for Ms /4 "" -kb*-- -°' ' " BrAchiffkuk waranting. to win 150811:0 were effected at, for dr7:10.• I JOHN SCUDDER snyernanse o f ea am i 0111sactseall Banks o Bk.'s( St Claim.. , -..... Huns 11109 cs tor gOod to prime Sldea766My Shoal- • LEAVING SUNDAY. "P i ts AV 11111111 J Columbus- dof •..•• • a Bk. of Raver Bainn••••- VALOABLIE STOXIII QUARRY GOTS, , N . 75 . ,./ .. to m , • ,_„., iotr e..... 71, . ... as. kbppigap h., Q s .. ... 5 . BEAVER PACKETS st 9A. 31. and 3P. M. 6 , -".z_____OK SALE. .------ -- _ _,,...........-- Sanandle a Par./Alec/es Bk.-. • 6 den 6167 c p lb. , Ithentwelle • Haller-The be . - o f th roads too o BROWNSVILLE PACKETS st BA. M. snit WILL he nid as Pie Amnion Rooms of Jon D. 13a. I Ti. am , ... so = rd ... k , Panama .- . 4 Wisconsin Torrily. 010010 0 Ma y P. M. va, corner of Woad and PM strew, Pnball a ' o __,_ _ s r•nod ' Wooster , bLackriroln.CoAllino II on the ath day of Jana nest. al 10 O'cloc k,A. G., a __,..•,_...1.0.", k ern j•,__,_,/a• ek,„_•••••• "unwire alsini Gnaw ....:-..4.... " ... - Cilllidetr Inwood the tweipta by Ingots, which, together with Ina, ennered 1 and g m the rehalvtaion at. the P . "' , TIT-a- "C tr .. .4 ~,n 4 ,4 0 floott iS •l lA . l 7 .:: . :;•:.•',... r f .. , " ket ree kk ' aii a. N ... 3 the near appreac 6 of Chain:as, bat initiated ter) ISAAC NEWTON. Clocienatt, 10 A. 61. ant , ato late.Pamicellelezander, US Indiana Town- ' I k "'•" kkkalk k ka jr . materially the into of Re ankle. The mullet le PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1817. ship, about tee:soil. from Fittabirrab, on the eson g ooot all r akmkk "' •- - • 1 114 4 - 4 B k - Norwalk•••• ••• • -.." ••• • 6 4 10 r• 30 3. and , Gia5a1e05......1-..... • • 164•111ach• value. quite Wm mid good Roll would Ind a ready sale at Steam Boat Packet. Lin, leaves daily for Ca.' No I ,,,l kini z o nkik ".,"C °4 kklek "E i -.d MN "' d =" Welltsna "_ l i la j. r 3 ry, o eon mg urea on wide s a - - Hawk= • mul3 • YOOu 124314 c. We nottco moderate sales of keg st 10 to 8100 E4 00 A. 0. house., excellent rock kw mtany, and Lena cumber. - ra,„. ama ...u.... • , ede mytto. - ----•-••.- -• " Dusts a Ise S 2O lic p 10-scarco ' . . Peesengat Packet ma Brownsville to Baltimore Wlllt . 0 10 e.., k,, En ~ zoo m . Philadelphia, Ba. is and 6 r.n. Wenn Enema a E./Acid •-•• • 7 . 10 OS . .„... p ..„,, a0.4 ,, i o f if, o 15,; . :o . 0 o this rm.,. I . Alia, ISM KY/0 ..( 0 . 1 ..." 0 " C.'" 0 " 1140 .............„" 11 . o "t' ... , ! 4 .. Prinklailek Columbus • Eagle, new •••• ,10 00 Lard-Ie in limited demand, with modulate sale. Mall Conti Line diner to Philedelpha, 9e. • a* will known as to need no ranker cosonendatlon.- ~,,,'° " '"3 l "t.,,,* " "'" l =l. d rri,„,,,, 1 ".."" Chffilootha • -•-• k Dk° 40 . 5 .7.1. 3 . 5,16 0, and 111 it. Pecans dement; of examining weld Lots sow apply to -o °P° .° •.17. - 3,3 ho k•• fw Lako Erba•••• ..... •• • • De.Pairiot "15 50 ea. Nods Rion Alexander. rentolog thei premise. nag bean mainly &iota- - / a dirrerel,pa .....- .41b • Cheer-We notice sales of 50 bur IN Rat 61c Western and Southern Mail , Cach Line, 6 a. a. NorthlWestarn ma Clevelsod daffy, 10 a. st. JOHN mem I Minon:ore nth° lase „..kkm,„ 3 • °° °_,__,..A fk.kkka °T l l .° kllkku.ss.••• m olds Lanus. ........ ...rd. • time :eta JOS COLTART, { Sarni Alexander. ••••• ••••• P.a.". 500 •••••••••/•• Rad =rh o, . et HO2OIIOII ........ •••• c}3 • nekediers...l•67 PO p lb. Emptier Wes of Goebert at 10c. Erie and Western New Park, daily, 9a• a I • aol7dltadAtlanT tat TARN.. •..• 7 En North Eastern to Philadelphia, dally, except Sun- -- 6donanal --- G =kre 'llk Wk 0m00n....30 a Guilder. • ••• .q so ORPHAN'S COORT GALS, 1 1 a E..TODD have this day wound direct from Urban ••••-••M - ' days, 4e. iii. , Or Coat Lands. A. 1... the aumudaneren, *Wafer for sale asNowNerir _ - . Groceries—Considerable accessions - have bean made to the , supplies of our market by the recent arrival. front New Orleans. Thee; together with Other .tocknoetho way, to arrive soon, will place in the market a fair winter supply. Quotations coutintre wißroet change. • . • Faithsre are in increased demked, with salsa Irons Store at 31c a Itrciroice lots would command 346 p It-preens ate on the advance. •Rackwhait Fleur is in fair reliant at Pea! % p 100,1er good to prime. 'Potatoes-4We quote regular sale. of Picahannocks at SiAsal.3l pbbl, and of Reds at 611.468 c, be. Tar—Conaiderable surintitiesliave roarnifyheea received ben, via New 0,1011114 and it 4 bell with moderate sales at 55M r bbl. ' Apples—We notice sales of SO bbd itoriee at 51,37 to 1,50 ly be: Common to good an sold rat Carly at 1:0501,31rbbl. • Salt ie acute, Mei limited tales only occur it 1,37 Fiab—Ths =Met bas becolne almost entirely bent. *We notici silo, io *email way mad follow log ratem—SalasonAKl V bbl; Stud 94310.15; Lake Flab VOW; fdickeinl No 3, 7,50 "'bk.!. =EI Dried Frill—Yenta wti good demand, With ales at 1124:i to 1,62 toy unwed; and 3,72e4 for pied. ApOlea to pretty freely et 62 to 68e I , be. .Cranberties bye I become earn. We Write, moderate ales hem 'More at ittet2,l2 2. ha. Darthasks are dae to Mr D Wahiawa, of the steamer Moak Ether, for 1u of 011CW/till pawn adenee of the mails. Tie Werra : ex APO Rtvits.— During Ttedw W 41 night, ow lell toho depth el 6 inches, which was Inerwtsed doter the day yeeterdep,eowe these inches ;Th e neer, at Clank lut mening,.tood at about 13 feat water in ebaeiel and mealy at a Mud, baring (m as oily about 13 thaw drew the pieced* It bons. Sboald them be a heavy fall of tense la the enthantalne; lad R throe enentience, u the prised thitheratere or the weather seems to indicate, we theald not be asimmed at a 1:111 higher rue in tho fitopingabiela and Alegthay. L regard, to the weather Red nem at Cincinnati. we irceoed, Yeeleteg. the thileteiet tdagnpbie despatch Ina:noir eromispoodenn INF n—The weather is dear nod cold, end the sane; which is seine fifteen inches to depth, riaaloi. , TIM rim Ms 5 rube. lemeigibt, and atill - swellind The banded cad thou. sands throng amt of doom by the flood, a» still in ,distnpdng eireemataneen but all they me do is to hear their troables.vints that fortitude the severity wit,e date reqdies, and patientljawait the Nobel. ding of - the waters. NEW YORK Cargo Mariet, Dee 33—Beef Cattle ate nlßor hoot to 16 to 7 p eort—e decided impretierant npon the Weer orange of tut week'. Ilipusairthoegh:tbe'deland oo the part of Wpm has not4reetreo; active. Coe aand Calico—The market Is better supplied; and both are wkea Goin SMOVI to 60. Sheep and Lembo—Pones of Blew, 51,256330. a fare entre ana snorted as 160 se 57. • Lambe $I to I,734Trib.' BRIGHTON Cottle Marred, Deo 3—At market - 830 Cattle; 3t yokes Wortang Oxen, 46 Coos and Calves, 79p3 Shoop, Lod about .1536 Swiss. Prieee , lleold' Cattle—extra, 101.13; lot 61366 • Sod sod Std do from 4to 6 1,30. C..• and Cctrer—Safer range flow gIB to 20, • according to gallity.. Sbergo-TSalor of lot at 32.' 2 2,33 and 3,Z; ono or two lota par: poor at IX. maid,.. - Dog, galas at wirolonde for Sows, andAO•lar . Barrows At retail. from 5 to col*. LOUISViLLE—Far North Flirer-41 aka tacos biltebel-18 Ilbda *wino, S treslantittlltanbergar —9 eookiag Wires. 81 Allon Ikeo-4 hbla lard 14 ; 4 . F hallos-0 Oa wad, Bakal—, tad 71.111/1, C Creel= of Coloupsbm—Hirst Tonao—To it. Bald and Grey—if yea rusk a neh, hutment bud ot heir, flu flow dudralf ud scarf, do out fan to mewl the rename Holm of Cohnstda. In sues or baldness it well wore new strewed /oar Geranium litsay wia hays kW th eir half kr a yeare eve bad it metaled to its ongisal oesfection by We we of this balm. Ate, mtoer c6o4stiena appeer w tes no obstaele whatever; It also cauce the field tallow with *Met We &bestehen , tube ls filled. by which weans thous twines int was psy as the Ansene Eaglsi have had then hats re stored wits neutral color by the tae of this Invalublo remedy. In akt cues of fuer it win he bond the moot plesunt waSh that cep be need. A few opplicalwas only are secustry setup Wes ben 4oM OIWSII 0 . 1 - . 1, incognitos We roots, n neref Wirth /WPIP3 a gluey appearance, and as's beams bribe lona it is aneenolledi n bolds three name.. swell en mbar mi.• called ham testoratiVai nad a more elect's! 'Me tenalne mansfsetamd by (fib k Co, II Coardaset W New Sold In Irldsberth,fely seesaw, by WM JACKSON. E 0 Lawny , of Wird; Ps Wwilistmj. ht by ibereany k Pono thewarrilli.br jaall= lo Catlettsburg*. by Dr. Vinci. au*, by oar eliult_M every ansa in Ohio and Md. wdfilkwitar TO:lba Veal le , }l4lNiotwoh. 011S.P. • *A 'tate pleasaro is recoonoonding to ilia cluseas of Pinabaroa, iho , souso of JOHN LAppuuN he the Mayoralty: ' He hi i gentleman is imp, limy aaalHott to /11: go: elti,'74:l l / a antleaetly,aad temperer, iod at tto: same thaaindealtlearhon they tin:ere, mrn ---~.~.,,t~, A. a stellar butanes atedre wed harem higher reeettmendetiea Ulla the feet of hie bete( cent b the City Oottetl from .'ward dt* law he metal giVeft the l*Peg°l* Ogari!Y; , Kr. Lueghlhe law alp been, for the hag eine rees,w W tltirertatt,Voo4.oaell of Leas, wood. bailable; iitawaterata *tad Weds: the labor and use waseted W the stutehu beet ref OW, swatted* , entitles law w the retail and le4anuee of the Whig party. detC bleerfftwate. b 1i;10 . 7 ,1; J4Wr 3 rIPUsa Pa S— ralspool "archon Is; Stoll in ge edielne that wilt ease this so vary COMM and nnablesoote &sense. It con Daly temusdotsolY.talrltwind Ws' saest, stays all bleeding, =Woes that tatoferable ateh• ixtatiallgeirlUntreirt.,4sid.l47=ins, It mons_ rApirlic="o,4=o.p.kpr rash er sese a= WI end tear of the great lumber of sun that hays beaustned, they ',Mlle issouishoe. A pease Ito of this city, who luuf bad *Wet the balk of the utgeon for mini thus., than without. being eared, kas by ses• WO honks of the Esonfogatioa, been magically nand. Ras Lyme pfeeedrottl—lPhil. Betatilay County. W* For sal*. so Pittsburgh at the pEvrt Tin I ff/VRE,7I/ Fourth anon, DM wood and also's* the Dlog Store of p P Schoen, Fiseeflif stilinolteof Ca c"' r" n l ° 1; rigiM AN LinsioOil Off lOU trr - W OREM tilos feeds kr. It *ilhOSOlf , , co Was—WO. made Mall at , tlb • . ... • OA-2161VA JOB gIIMITIINGIVIPPICiIIr TORDsTIRUT. CMOS ~CM, IPOIrt OWIOII 'LEAST. are' tere preparca to 'execute Di a aageriot and eastaltdoss Amer, 10! Mal of JIM ?nano, 'sseb - sa large Posters, &emboss falba ggla of Luling, Least Mast eiredars, Handbills, Cards, tra.,te; , • ZOOM' 41110' 11/1112:110 us say estaoi azeautial 11:1.11n ileAl manner, and all Mau el Pallallta dons ar aecaracy sad maw kammi . VDU bad tad off, does am ram 14tinh, to It thlf, L k , 4, In I CI • - Dart =thy. eiiir . b:11, 1 got• ma its bad of Mum Lad to have dda. yo. baao *.three abiLladds to give For laud of /mg Bala lgeOladadire., • Readora yas bara. bad Wove Weald nally ba sia; tonlahad at Ike I n dace a dira4 at* . lir Joan' COltainadi Itaarmadays Imago 4.1% Deed. bad oaa did. bold al Et Lanny Saris, ke—Tba ortiga thu arelak m e oraj i g=er i rstie U :4 raisrusble.:l=ll;Wilf JACtairrl4l._ wr Omit barn TellowlarletlaitY—thsy clubs Ina gayly 16411 ail Om mina box et ,ftar. Awl ilk4olo4.lpAil,liyiceleatitisbnicij SW.= • avialliwer • ' . , .i... v..:..:L,..6::.. art- ... ~ .:,:)-:: PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVAL AND DEPAKTUItEIiI OF MMUS. Ilastain Mail via Philacialphia, ine r S A. class M. WeIIISM Mail, Cineinnati and Louisville, dos 8 P M., dowb A. id. „Southern Mail via Baltimore and Woakiington, dui; 8 P. M., elms b A. M: • . - North Western via Cleveland; dun 10 A. AL, closes 9 A. M. Clio nod Western New Yort;dse A P. AL, closes MISCELLANEOUS PEALOICI PNIACMIC. • NOT IN MtXIOO. • ' Bat Im Invory lleetherin HamestesoL Tug sarterogned has Wog been counnted of the eecessity for same medicine adapted *the are of Childres . and Infants to renewed the use of, all dime stediebtes which mama optato, and has at length me ' ceeded In preparing and offering to the publlC a medi cine tally answering eve* pewee far MI *reams of dm bowels, whitest*. me of that deleterious droll or any mbar calealated to Wag In tholes 1, The Went Twee* has bees felly teasel andedeeds lug twelve months, by mottoes parmos, and Rand to pawn ail We vitrandinary gigues, and to protegee all the swea tshirt' effete, inset forth on the bill of dlmetwa. Diar rhoea, Vomiting, Chong, Griping Tams, Sickness and. Inseam arising from Teething, *cling Immediately wohnst.dietottunginy of the ¬ions of the body, prodacing the happiest and most pleansm gramition from Medea pain le ■ Cognquil and Joyous Mao, of fee** In the e sufferer. - lb b. bad wholesale sad retail of the Premien:lr. Dr: JOHN BABOANT, Demist and Apodweary: John Blltehelt, BUMS & Beckham, and Mom Other Anatole in Allegheny and Ihnobargh. " BA. FAUNS:TOMS TNICUNONIC, or Cottei ais/saist, has • greet advantage over many other Omit preparattoos, as ploUnad meta pence, it to tic ased erubont insonmonerms. Bath melee as. Balsam, assame in the spersdineta of Its cum We have known some of the roost devalue cough., game of odd* hod • been mantes ends a considerable length of time, yield almost immediately wi its cower. In each weather as we have bed daring the put winter eviuy ate is foible to take cold, unlem greet pre cautious ate need. Wed feet sad sedge enamor, to the ideleowney of the weather often lay. the -p of a laeking most, grlekb needs a wank remedy to prevent Knows results. We have nememos emblems of ecru which It hat pinisimed, miry of winch are from penises in this city d the neightenhood, and they ern • egfficient refer ence InitnOnt laying soother word In 11. GM, • Prepared awl for *le Shelesale and WWI by B A PAHNRYTOCIC l (A comer of Word and Ist end dela SASHAYING Of army description panned) GlAMllted in • tonefen manear, tg Y. L A 8 int IMAM" N. Z. Cram / 'Dtinl end Deck danna,, • VITHERR ere lawny. be had &Well nernee • . Awe& Ana Stab. ogginde; Stela for Denim, dociednGePmdese, &e. Prelearnmal visiting cards. maimed and panted: - DoWnee inwa rd. and examine Specimens and at ennosent dem of Itasons.Odd Whim _ KECK & DAVARPOILT. • QV BuiLJay CiAcirmati. Ohio, MUPACTURES to order PIMP-NW • nd Freight: Care of ilia mat approved deaCeptiell y bresob. , M. prima By mew al lb• Ca.* Railroad and Rte.; ar, they are enabled I o amp spat reasonable leans Co all points sn the Wool. Those watt will ha warranted caul in allrespecia warty nude in dm !lusted Elates. All orders parwanally vacated. KECK A DAVENPORT. Fielliethr let Row. 132611.12 Oro - Irafil.g. SFAXIBID HAND COTTON MACHINERY, le.— ; 2 . 11 „ mad =les, 12 spindles each; fro 24 inch aardsi . , 14 Inches wide; ' . a Loma far wearing 4k4 abetting Befew Pena far ballngShierlagn Tanga Speeders, drawing frareir, Re; 3 sec ond kankeyfladar boilers; all of wide!, wall be Obi km. Pupate of BLACASTOCK, BELL A. 011 , waglOhlaal - Pin Conan Mill,Blnsharait, Fa. 11111. 1117.1111021.11.1111,11:1yiLrapakleisao would nalOetlefally i storm his Wends and thi. aliases rinaboren and Alleglway U. ho has deadest to motets to Ma city dunned.. snout, and is prepared to teem patleats, placing thetwelves ander to. earo..eeonto b l to the num as prietired at. all Water Care Fata l:b. steam, tar either Aetna or Chronic discus.. Tioso orating to anal tleesesalve. of his aserirea wW call al Ma. klussaN, corm, of Liberty wt. sad Evans alley. Dr. ht. has tested gametal severe eases et disease i 23 thbrehy anth great mecca, to which be Is ponso .rra tted mkt WAUTZ.II3-30.000 Ws good clean Pap wanted, ac, C.0, 44 4 4 4V11714: 1 47 4" Nan t1 =a 'ln .iWCILLDWICK oetli .tine' ri.betwer'n peitak.litwlT Fw x . ,,,, ou. CLOTHS— . • . . ", 7:11 1:Ifttlt, 6aT antalht r 0 " f " • I :1 1, 4 lrrder„af yarloos pat. Wethhlaw reed from Ito Ph threille Plethora Get e.ta at emir ware mat, a wood it nil -- I &II PIIILLIPI I . 6 wood at . -- . .• • - TUBT teecir a. Na 1ag...40m Snap. and boa select: ad ad lot of Hi rd Cast. *vat offered in aka aurae of all aizes. venb at without (laws. Call and a. tam at Plnobargh Seed faarn,l3l 'mad at. ava N WICKIRSNAM. Stedman. INlpitog—auma asedi- • . 1 itilllgt ";e" MUNI Marton; 'Jayne , Excettorami , /spell flalrTiook; ._. _ Jut recelv C" Peend LC: :: : :; i tt ."'"'Th ei F y:: : l . ll *' t' Eroc ; i, ; a co dcIO ' ' cor lei e. mod sis 94010A000—tlabas DJ Warwick, Se; . . I. 110 boo Jekoi Racket, iSO t SO 4: do ry & lie; • 10 Henmet, GC 10 G J YI &loud, 13 " • D Read, Pr! 1 16 '4 STAtitr,' , 64 70 ' RR Warorick t fins, 1. 40 " Jako Novell; - IF; 7 ,r DJ Warwick, sorrier, 1I : • 4 4 Joao thicket, . • Iri ' , Conalpaicat frow realistactorera pf ySelbort, ideso ; for Oda by no; " • ' - - 31 7fli I•War 4. G 2 Gnat MI DTLs".l.,l l l,lt.ttratenz: L az z . -, Gemming of.e. Popesembroidered Cashmere Rotas; . ;-' Do Croeado merino do; - Roo plain Ca eltmAttosa— a bearldfal matte; gala aad Cashmere plaiad& I mxaNpka a DAY I no ?Salaam mem of the diamond L. F ILEN' FRUIT, kc-40 his new crop bona Raialas 5 fn1"11 ttgl. • 1.14,16 • ~cd tu; • ID bis A.Zfo 1 Nock Candy; ' BO tots so. scaled llonlar roo"ived Pp mu Camel for.'" by LA MO IYIBT -In d it atllPr eoa N, 33 ~i MAX 1:16PAO T 111111313- TOII/611130- 35 bas C 46.34334 , 35 " CbaymaaY 54. 20 • ire s 64; 46 RobtasoWs 64; • 10 " Branclues 31) '. 615w403's I4r. m rjograxilk:d tfyuk,Totiotti • It 7s i at!ofe, " fLii !so Malaga; • ' rkt Bellaimma Jon terolved sod t RAFIINESTOCK& 00 -. tat Ist &wood Qus—wootir bleached Whale ?lb pulse . 6 6 fF-teda dedatrAtrtabir . QOM\ 1.1111-40" socraleodfteemtetre z ?l e— PO et eirtals December, via New OtWan • • It eau of same atreadtkintainuia et the heihnithoh anentletorent,froco.vlanawe expect hereafter, matas saptwo, and eon terot en et OlaneeM ors tble martet aonet *temente Wonsan sl y : . 0 STNAMIO T 211111-1111ravail "r.t Tlron wiper W heel MOS, with email; LIAM Pa.' lot bka. and konsiofflopliao,llll...ela u gtfai` Pm. AP* 111 • Wad lICIIIS ; e iv% • iallosuirpok ~~"` ,''f ME= 110II8ERILM Fan Li. • . TN pursuance of no enter of the Drphatelestort of Al. I. Mallory century." , ill be exposed so publle sale, on the premmes, no Thursday, the 1211 day of Decembe, WV, et 10 o'elock, A. N. All the likane Coal contained in and under the ganger, of , f 0 ems and 01 perches of land enoate to Wilkles.Tosnothip; Allegheny moots; being pan of the estste of Witham Wallace, Into of sold township deed. The pundaser to hays all and every necessary pnvi We've( amber from the ntrthee, elk holes,arut all ether fuelling for 'cluing and rem*. sing the said cad The Coal cot:mined in the aboie premises la of excel. :eat gattlitr, and is situate near the mate of the Central Rill Rath, as at present located; Termeash. owl3wthkrltdae ROEIERTCAROTHM.O.Aderrr. . . lOR KUM. • B LTHE'airee wory dwelling lima sad Lot, now copied- by H. F. Ethweppe, Ekkoo Perm It, near 1111.4 The Lobe Ft by ISO feet, awl LI pkawiatly tamale& For ow= apply to li . ta arbscrio.r, who has slap FOR RENT—The three wiry boas. on dot corner of [Anal 5: and It win's alley, rem anneal ass slot. sale sad retailgronery atom by.. P. !mope. Pon. session Innen ownediwely, on application at t h e ware• beam of John lorini, Sans, No L Water Buret by defiant /WIN IRWIN 1411 E “Fkeentale" Farm, rnern the Sat alma neat. 1 It ts Mutated= Chanter's Creek,ll miles Gan Pict. burgh, on Me Steubenville Tampike; u «main. 10n vems, ail ander culuvetlon. Thera ani en the place I eamlleut Apple Orchard., a first rate mehards, slory Hone, Sam, Co. Souse. lee.glonse. te. Ac, It u anmtrabll adapted for a Dllirf Fenn. For I MOS apply vi N GRATTAN IIItrAPEIT 4cl/04.9t(i. at M. 4 4 .1, Wilso; k* 49 ;wood a von: MCAT. A Iliadairraely firuabed Roosartagarktit street, ately.oeettple4 a. • Dagampotypa trzablak iaratAtp Dloraad & Co. Afro, a well ISaithed toad wall &noshed Roostowit able ttrr =metros, to:Wolof( the Ilan of tha Mercantile Library Anoctation. Enuaaeo Philo BOIL E D OAZIAM • oet97 • Mee, owlet it. between ird • nth • ' FOR BRIM .ft Tug large and cooventent dwelling beau oa Federal at, Allegheny. formerly °leaped 04.1dre Ann Gamut. Real tor. Youssion given ea elm of April nest. I EDUATZAM. Immediate poteemion of the Oboe boom ean be es mined by applying to M. Creighton, at the canal wate r boon orClarke • dell riga tyro oozy oriel HW..n Mash Allegheny car. neso . the or Bridge.. TM Los is 93 Cori In from by 103 deep For terms engine. of &MI A WASIItRaWN,4OIst • FOR' RENT. THE largo fire proof 2rasehoese. 24 feet front feet deep,on 2n.1 et, near Wood—Had nod. orate. • alre of ' 2COOO2OLLICEE ICO :2016 21 wood et =o==! -•• • • • EVElCterce Cod Load kr sole, sham us bend of Odle Iliver.above BroWnstifle,ra.b.- 10. • veal of Um Cani,wida will be wol4 Jae:chance bevall :Tor paniellariapply ' Gera W Ila 311 wood n lITo LeT,—A na (alga t athi and Well In telct. three y briar ,deelltag; an tern. half way between (lamaor alley and Wayne at, rtaiessiongier,o laninediate4. Ferpartlealanenolne jYttha Zee of . W W WALLACH. itf I Ma liberty w. BUILDING LfIT. . _ TN MANCHESTER FOR RALE—Obare for 6.16 • .lbessblul Bail& og Len i lagna ester, near an Ferry, 1%.. ham by IYU weed:al, II will be ..7d low, and 'en scrommadmiall terms. rens. goraceptioonbig• MIA JANIE.S.IILA RELY. Beal Rama Agent IPOR. It T. 5116 3 Story Drier vv. - mu:44a, Na 64 Water weet end Hp. 405'Frent le l lnedlatepos!ereeinn ir , ..--apply en the pr01e... , lyyltr • n1.6- 1 / 1 61DER GORDON ILOVIN9 2 • COMITRY IPJABIDE city CIP, , • tenoned gto , eweroate to pmfroomnal barmy' I Will toot Pio Matsu — as flame, awe itotoodlue eoclotore,sitosta. tto tioblo of Pre AloootKabels 'ono to iteabooto Pittkbu4lt„ Mt orp I WARP P CRAFT most REST. - • A BSIOXE 1101MIE„altualid on ronb .Alkio far Llnet. , llasre of ROBLIg7DA [ ZLIZ &CO del] . • h. rl Par Rum • TL! Idyll fartudked 8 , 014. CO Mar. afteec 1111 ' .. bdivree• 2rd and Ibb meets. at maim dce2l ,l *g by Dunn. A. Tuner. roddeado* gi ps es **Joel ./Affititts • E D A handsome epee Over,ildl4•DDl. 13•111 - . 1 ; ISO °Maar MSCE,LMOUS. • -- - - DR. TOW NSZENDS SA RYLPARILLAL-1.94 dtmen Mat iseeisid of Dr. Tapia.'lWO s,lreapalilliv the ouvo extraordinary medicine to the weed: Thu Es• tract it pot op In good berolos.l It n olz doses cheaper, 'plostrantro.4 orbrtsotes Olko:O7 to / 5 7 . 55 .1 t cow I:lo44tre wnboot sbantl4, pulping, Colonial! or debilitating the patient. fah mailer Insfeatients —UdPitneMled_pcsoono hose copied out sad pot op medicine It. ma rime As. pad Uwe.. See that each belle km go written Ovr tare of to I' Townsend. BF.LLERS, Dreeptist, No 57 Wired et, between awl and eth ate, it Or Tosirewed`a only wholesale and retell oscine:lr Pittebanth,of whom the outome article can be had. Et Id Carry tar been appointed the sole Mont for Alla. ghetto city, of whom the genuine onlele can be b. 4. a HELL= Is labor s ring hiao.. was Petalled, April 'MOM, which W 'steer of na great darabilny, cheap ness and efficiency. Is sionsitany of eonewasnon and the ease and facility which it Is used by either Voys or salon. is Inevitably demisted to sapolvede all salmi Corn Shelton for general nse. it in feel' applies a deelderatata which has lorlbesn the Weatasd Stater. t cage landau Me-tenth of the price of the salary sbe rkono person can shell Store, with it. as fast as with any. For sale at rho • . Store, cot nee of Wood and Sub as. • netls . 8N ArICIEEIBIII3I • ' Caution to ll*lf PIA le, NEW YOfttt eng PHILAWLI9II.A.PEYIN -I- 1%4 that certain venom, In Pittsburg were claiming W eaelante night to sell Met Tets to OA eity, would state thin they have &ban• doped some ewe elute the .et t eluslie Nicety warm; end that nenhOr tie. /Rpm!, Dallas te.Cet, *or any ether concern hum right to claim any tactual , . ppm. tent, their Tees. The gtuetal Agent otinte9m. fta l taire l klZA . 4l, *. f: 1 1. 1 . 1 ° All Tres 'old by this %re. ' mu, afe l mage,eo a tt: at to any ma 4 to the United Pi satiate d no payment reZulreg. emit beyers entirely satiated es no the fact • Pcinelpal Warehouse of the Company, N 0.311 Hunt Frontetreohtlitadelphte, • .1 nrititgaertes ' . . N.CALLNONTis COND oinoVgalt. %Vanua...ON, D.O ,Dee.110,1E47.-. Dual D. Thompson, Rm., POWSeaga. Fe.— O • 111+ I have read y nalortiwzroutt use of the Pitubunrk pape on rs with not a llttla *email • I And =sync Imre cooled Iql haateresa Omear entire,and pnnits ur t*Vaaolf...l Will lake the hbenyso 4. ci Yon Mat besloen Circular is my own cow pawn ;and M cot common properly. I Mall act wit. hagly eensent tribe placed ion petition thalwill (adage parlous who do net troy ma to myopia that I am not c.. 4 / 4 4 . 8 r rompoemg my own tßaint?s card; ma that; I am capable of pilfenha and•appropriOng the card of another aty,dwn use. I am; thereSsrei t rader the on. easily of amiably and exposing yoerpl mhos Marls manner' DIANE; Attorney for Parents, Wasbloaton. D.C. IXII 6 AII riewvaperi Min have pablished Mr. Therm. sans advertismosta, vnll oleos:14:1,ml the above. olollif - , 111.011EIS. °mon; TERRESTIAL Gump, that bu• dmantries, oad Orogrsiddal impramant# Igo Ike track. att. moot etbrtosted etreossofirsiors Cos , piled fn, South%urg w e i ratii Oen, with Waits, tad agIVEt Y etiESTIAeZII:ISO. 4. 1 7aa lkwftli di it 11110111 114.11414211,c Cooli:ed from dui uprici of • ' 7, '. == . l4l o r, l ll• C te n =s2lttl . i= Frigill.lo,lllnr Egg lib • •Jthismaa ettilut '" nr . pia neett.l - Pint of 1b Flo.. 0 kiairmrybi la as I Alma • • 12 mesa la 411oeter, ..._Arrieva,Cbreatelit, lad +nal ow. - ••• itotti SUMS. FAMILY MEDICINES. SECennzumus. 0 Dee 1,10 M.: diepend of th• Eniellitre sad. me. *la nne io.lonend • ,• 901•3011.. x. 5 . t. dos. Wheient par Isaiah= have bft% and, ;nke rain ninfanion. .71enalMS• ilkStr AM•qn eneenney,' Itenniass, *mined anal ..hi wig &o na Ist 1113134. =Mk M Wood 8 .1. 2 Dr. Clog, 3 , manti :•nel D M Carr?, •Setbni eln• 'deaf • PRE idgbest - price In toskpod lot 011 Ottiti sta4ag of et.' W.ked Oltweellismieue, el sat Mail ago f - a J: =DRY ! VVMM GOPD& • • I=of drier Edna illaperlna Shirrs Innasractend exprmaly for oar VIM rater and r ivarramerl wall trade. • ease of &arm and Wain apdarlihlria, ~.na Dn ii,ime~fae~ Hamm sad Collars, =lading Maxim with Col; tan ameba. 1 tam moat oortve I Jobs lgoopmakra,mith other Goo& too namemato to melbas, nabob: bit and homy seMatemSoteko • Mum flow mid plate Saha &mks. !' Samba/Lebow and pleat Mamba*. Moab. Bilk mad Haan Two, deb alb sad WWI CraTat.,..th DU eau of low priced Wets yrtuei wa arc slue in guilty haw now bon omputate he pried la Mit elm.. Wo Wend to elan the above Goods Of by the pekoe aneomald eall the almaaaa of Posekammo to oar smetz of Goodo.imooribe that law pact. mat lama them a rpoodynia. •ME TODD .; o me is mood so. trpMairo, II doors blame la et ' AdhlMaul glumly et Now Goode. A T N 0.73 MARLET eTAYLT, Nook Wen corner Al of tka Diannea, trim .ro recoivett lfa otkik tine to oar largottol won muted tiotsoj a lone lot of wale. and my deolrablo polo, otootti•wldelk Med—. Flavor blaok mad mode eol'd Plinth kreitacoo' • tooloansim Do Lolotek 101 l otottlij blatk otaaulla silks; • .„ Frontal Tortoni tkowlx ' • - • Mask Ftenek elookinoolotkkoldi bokkkliltl qal II is...mbite tad olio.: Preach okoha, for orkstok• All ontal Brocka rem lorytoz, • Nock silk bonnet "slow, • - Eno Madame gala Wald. • • dots • • - , • - ALEXANDFit t. DAY • " er tat urr MUitraY IMAM Wl= SlCtiT•lit VV reek of Wiesen lionetty t web 4 k and ealrel darder hon ;.• Than deowykeit - try; • - • •, White and laird maim ths Bleak liegewa doh Blank Aldine* dca . Black Thibat dal • - Black Lana weed de, eery wheaten; • , Mesh !pa silt do t dm kn. - AU et tle Walla posalgo pita.' ' - dell i. liasaftsit Mae pipits. MURPHY =due the estehthett pereiste ' jites imu e=hie Wane; - Dv • Lb • • wish setts stripe; alpaecis and , Trench isteriaaet T• the exe*llme gooniteet et stave pale enr. es .' • 'Otidel• Sunse t R. KVruc opened yesterday a few ictnikViif f • le Tare Sadirs,ise dresae =lt p wildeerand eardiaaht atm) estesed-Pkomeat Searles liareellbseg IrCh radAr kestxr se ILibbew • • ' • Teste em d sha ta wl.; - 'Nebel ehaerla.l6.lra.- rylasonlveaat ter= th and lintel me 611161.1.1110 A.—w . L mummy ISlllollthlt wwwwe or 1.7,1110 his torn W 11.13.1 &woo warn, lady toed, Imhof% ern ot WI boot stn, kod anewolly krw. Also, Pow* Illodlos; two I w 7 7dn wits; Pilbw rus owntow,elorowu owl ',poi T itklags, morn: sad nwrioG. 110.11 . 1 . 01 e.. . • Also, a row ot Otwo colored Goon na c talon; .3oompoo of • • TRISH LISSIIII 41P—A IWO.* a t u,a I Pan , Or OPP.M.S i•Ot rx.L. ter[ pareku.d b 4* arm of t. mamma ...•• ivy yours, ems tr WI as tory Ism Fn. on. • 1.11.1 [obi. r " " • ' a) obrikkat Mantel* ' 'lleelmbid Lot otter Pap.% las. to. . Besides • Imo somortment a Lm•e• Guabrie a r Wail" ammo ea/ Aspirfor. W MUM' WtoLe mkt imp op Mir% comue ea sti erg, . . • • ni l L IIV *IF IY W ri raie n = 4. • •VY want a( above dediaa" doola;:rr i arall dal la as aad dbraktad i =r . htfly walk% .11 Samar: began der nr araia Idtlatia}sarne e= dodo; al Wry padre by Ow pka• ara yard. ar .1. lams cram dames bra d•-6 wad Ram 41.minsaL Trer ItarelTpl-. balmewa Maar fa ft peke INDIA itt7ll.2&looollll.emmatistmelss fairmaz Nast . balls IlMbes, Itne sveresms. ssek Menem& Mai ~emu, eir es ksat stoma. mists seal Mamma Pmatm,lMSlMs. las. mmik MikAsm, lons eases, vanillas Mmossiglas bus, gra COMM proskshaa ones Mai Maus, cis pliSsm. sur embises, air bob, lam risch. ter Om latleks, sad <mums, all of wisolk Ira ham disaplets essosnqusi tssa vire am veil/ma+ sr semi Uks lenmsimss Ole ass., II car lailm tabMr Demi, 0 mad sank. ' • n• 24 I II PHILLOGI • . " D imon coax judolie«Ydiunated Nalrn C disce-430dy mielmesaded 1%711616as am bets( a care pampas amain Wass( lassmpaisbi• aer• Ties is Rbeasuids as( 331.assartve to 1.444 o 0304111elea an is ram aald asd Isaias= Tan of a *amide Inning. MUM. lidid and earl is Ail 1.1- lisadactarad Wald islidassisliy 0111. X. L Pn.• tArgr, Wiltimarbord, 4 • Cali minimal ad Ladir 1 136 3 bid old bY •3 - 1111•11DIY. 63 mutat la TIM 1111101:11,11Dpar gipesis ZEBUVON O 1111 , 1114ew Rey SWO.O Way. .Uni-• en bob u4fairlo,listt+.6o o emetc Outs. pi .... smut 5111060. it 1 . 4 . 1 1. 4 s.. btic IDA wenii.as et ak:a JUST SECElVED—bg b dass Ktorcoo— . • " r V A Pearl Drat: Ultotlki to over, be. itaan dad 'mak maul; ortdoi tottl 711W4 to ardor at du Yount sodas sod atom naltootble tenon trd_ ANON= a KAT= - doll 70 wood. edam Mod. 41 FANN= TOBAUDIERLI , 1111AVVLS —We Imo Ast readesd s Saris sadiarnaal wets beams rasa Tartest shames As times goods messes, sr. was misessedli lavish Ike ladris= nod smg. ass Oast, as we ass sailing Dam slay ALEXDER& DAY sett Waal& at. N AN W ear diamond - 11finie "'" • ik A. MASON CO IA lawkol 0.10.• ha we'd, 11. MI mow oad pottage* a New Od* moos wkiol way bo Osod orwooly•Wook of &mote of ry Today, dimagoeda mow ful000ta• AMA, olwk WAN a.Ol soden. hoar koeplog goods, trio okus. Lt. deg 11701/13311111a0 wool tom milt ditto, MO wokoo for elk tilton; clilductil olio, wool *told odeted low oti the elt. Dad, 8,14 tor H Aid rroxiisnre a Mit, woad sit* SINLII-110.• Li wool, Besets lUawlu - tun eed sad wait iu • insu Mama. • • ALILIANDIMIDAT s nutiri-uomiet ri. dties Ise ad No with Hyria==n; Mats; ea Hil'a by • • • avIS • . H SOW viaxiiimis-em. Brown •Jui banal. =' - A: An addlunnAlnan9ty Tensins4 Rue lie tater& Alm, • lbw plea* low ninon Cauladas; fin 06.0 00011111API . liiirsed Suarrus-• sup uperkwi and eselhua, Hatt mloOlondle*WHlSHWujuil roc, lwd dinon elso 117 lIIIACKIXIT WHITE . ..; *weed _ Plata CSI 4D,L asi. 7 -7 A A. MiliON & Co,llllsaslngt *kb.** last remind blit4Cl=Tlid=Zth* ab r . "57136. OILILWLIA—A few very sepeact: wira; s.3.l . 2tietawlft wilsea.lis:ssii Erviuly haw ' Use lead quiz, - • A 111,0111101,112 Markel ;Imolai twelve& pes Express, MO OMNI wry nelk sad 11µm• We lama awl ASSN addMawla• - de. - DAS.II,XO OW • met, as 'SWF sect siovvieede,evitame fef dome Itemse4 Wm; large amply c.f eldalti, et salable Wen and quellty Cot Liao , Cletalciesse. elates stOyAmmode Mew et • elit &MURPHY t==:==el WUHAN 6—• Luss oplssitil suck bode, O Comtism. ml Thanks, wink will be ws4s • Wrdi la Ls luisc cryis se wow rsaisosble trf /INCUR I MIAMI 79 wood mi. 6 dooms ago* • maim anallNoS—W• Mao Nalmni , •‘ 1:a a Drpf aforruocat of black •a 0 *Wool Datil.' Illuasoa *Lisa ant Isola. U.• somas ot Pomo IM 'uta, NI ars arloolltaa do. • ow Mu , Saki. dee is*ANDsoa DAY .oamTiFrto ass us mane a 4 b leatr , s , Wog tg=l"DraWfrir r ia. Wa rr o voila MEER -- i il Un ' 'RAT 01? 4• • •••• • 4 50' Itackkoss,gl..' New Yotk . .. , Pkiladelpkto ' png doom .- • przo Bk of Kutnkt. .... 1.• Bk.of • Malian Bk:k K.. Mawr Torlk—aty • • GINVESO. all Ow micas fonai vlit men, has ladand a• pry FICHANGE , SIIOIOIO4 , . I nuounr, =mark s co.; ; munisaul, =murex iutoirsam, AND DEIAEktIN FORMA AND, DONEE= xxcaArme. CZNIIFICATEI OP DE. , • POSITS, NOTES, AN UMft ' Yeeph:Alle HAAN astyoppothe the Bin D k ► of Petuthern CUNNENT MO NEY- nettived ea Demme—Nat Cheat? On , Wooed eolloaleas =de ea twisty WI therqueelpst pitnatio the United &tem ltiebelepreettsee paid Dr Henna poi , Alttet.ll JefPeodsei t shipped :Nettle MERg rH.,,L . H.; (hue of the gnu °Mu, A. UI& Co,) UWE. C. CUREY,.lateof Elio, Pa.) havo' emoted um. Copoufnenalp, under flu , . sum of HIM di; CUNEY,Ab. plopootof currying on 111.1 ihating bad Egbaki z Tatum in All Mambos, At No 63 Wood doors - .below: DM* rim oblo—mrbefs Ow • atomism:a aflrlflocuilmad. t0Em0n.117,.. JOSEPH _A HILL' lIABEHIE EXIVN IN POLEION DONIIITIEZWE II EIGHT MLLE OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES - OF MTGE= HANK NOM AND COIN; , Ns Ai Wood mast, ilunt ever MUM Hoolth: ireri side, DA.itlfusols fmd Illiunempfoolood on Dousidie,Misd eollootlaps mode At all plincipd .4ruj . : i kffjo ct ßsld•efef ... PnolpHs, No* Folunedcf.Yughaio sad Po=tfaula aulkNoumboo6f and 60.1 on bums* wet., Ezeboutou Wu{ Clemeou,7 mot Erma ^, .{ as Ed, itizitir srairrivirrsiozaz. • ,- -• Bolling IsOIL " Exdod. e . ' ' notogßases. . , Now York, ' ' u tlYr• " I!I , t Ilia. Pldladelpida, do losiondo,! , :— r ; do litAttai. -,- i - 4 . 6 Li A Z MRSIII4. o'. ' / t Co. / Beni Ogden, I dio. I ' Maio( Nosey i . . do: Mmtodlry, - Ido •Petooylvaolo Cz. odo , I Ido How York% ' do, .d 9 " ‘l %. l . ". .Whosboir, Ido Now ,011ooms,1 . .do Toosoode, . ~.k..2 do. Idoglhold.". , ! tao. WILUIAM'A. HILL •C ' - 10 ANlFini,-sracriiksoit romorl CEMICATES Ippek A. 64 Ma pc WM imams. • ./1111FWAJOIALIPX. aNa v iu r tga. factlits lial er4:6l, &akin Fbrdlgo add BUN et SzeMari, Omil em•s et Nosalle, Back Mad md add, mid , of al ldUldr Weddismen, (mod, oprake eg. lieltousL mi au =l. ' ed DILL/tea )1 ..mud. bey& le /3 mama et Ur Caned Balm et Excleuera, Aire, meek la up pan et Orr Old Ctraanta MMae ie ilke ma a! 1113 le dm ewl di:Cacaos or dirnraw. by JOSUCIA SON, Karopeea eat Clieserel Aar al. Mt deer weal et weed soled ' .• audg at9A Pirdwan !h° k't"'"" 4 "IN tior;mr2 a atm me • ituldti gralMs - I. • • L l en Nom Yogi. Pbiladetpbio.aml • • Baltimore, • ! . Comosat/y for nabs by N 1101,311..9 t Don dab >s tanker a . . . . em payable la asy put • the tlamme•lMM 0. mat Monalomos. N NO:4W 110 N aka 4.10 in • VICIINA.NOI6, an rig.. Yelir, Modelota., sad lia2Asern, oigkt, atm en ootipardortesoo. wally ka malaq HILLI CURRY. octl I wood moot WOO , W.W. wzrrisiva VIINDS—The it ill Oki% I ciel3 koa, add Nostosk7 Danko meow* al low nut of ducaort, at thaV • • ' • HILLAICURRY, OS used it belmlbsegt M . %rill galtiV i . Irma ot Wow /earth aM=I HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. - • • £4OlOll £Ol 10111111. • 1847. • MiCORD - HAI - MIL% • Comer 41* Road cod Fifti leaned th eir Ammo lope of Hr., H they moots/oily Itnite the hUesuboa of :heir c au. Irma ammo, Ruffell• IlrarUltarla Hata. jtallaCALlAll 14•103 undyed a tumults) out . Male At Omura Wl' myla Rau aridatt br nataseas awl !MU mum be oupaned . C4/I utba Hu ewe, Iduanapiitta Haaaa, (a haldd n.. aa4 wit -i SS I . • - • • ..IPATANT AIR CIRCULATgIit lIAT PItOTECTOIL—Tice saboimitas es Satinkay, OA, q. Gamies= *RIM wah *is limanbh mists - • =LI =mix • . • . . PALL FASHION. . • ' 001.1 t leaweetwat A= New. Vett, Oa • WINK Rua witwit Lambe. Ala day.eweellTi AWN& All Opste La wog ars am sad manor Ma above AA wa itao at Not/'74 Weal &Nat, Al estor . . t 4 vswkse..ll4GT - 7 - 7 • 4: BEEBE* 005TKR11811• cei 61111 a mill be latradace4 u KELPIE% es Ragan Ell licallarea analang loaabla blase( Kaaba:rib suoneactoor Wapad at tattioaabla Rau bayonet all *fobbed by staa al tb• mat, phom gall at _ lESEVU. CV, walk( -• • LC bead of Woad at AIUMMIEJI. FASIUOII "Oa MATRA ' Jon received fleas tier 'Loa. 11at5.5* sar Bola ker kWh COPURUNII of Wlw New. PaH mod Mate Votaci Casalacre 11u. aaall Veadloseal. note la vial •b . brL, lothat am respeckfally bolls, to call. 5 MOORE um, y 3 ..d Yawn Oar. 4il 4 Med L• 11 tits WI mewed • be* Lanai •*1 Boma Vim MU Oluasew style. No 78 elt sae. iltsalt 11•1•41• Hanwoad u . at mil? 1 .1 , fall • net A• • WILLIAM DOMILAIL WILLIAM to suottoctoro, tad kooplit 'oolutooly es load, !Ilan Tleello . AM Moo of.dto Wan Aylo. Lod view no toe if •• AI Meal Km* Earottio. .• • ••• " • Mt? ~~;~~ „~ ri11P1117511111114 Norce ao UONTILAt,TORS. TR petautnee of 4 14114141.101 2 Of Los Save or Dinner ore of the Pionloogl, osi Ceenelknate Atli Road 7=, Menne 1.• witty pm dal Seek 4 Peewee* toettal to the ef. (Fnektot rlet.rnalandVv ti=eflre: daa, not ixtr utto ef tie rota elk 71 Z thcagenolter=tosi,olsendttan op the nrotakterhnen. tint, tem the 'Wane of ea the onenny . up+thtm the' ceit . le ter the the WitenW i ta Godr e kbenrenni 11 V 1177. 1 . I hni , tiset R.77enn.—' hoffnCE TO StOMOLDERII I ir r mums of provotiois of Oa show tooo= gi N t ok. N o . 0 0l rtmor of do tkoekhohim of Out N s ip - so4‘lll Iho Id ems Moodtry, N Jima b (tot* the Lea soda, a + um Asia) of tiro lbw Ologeorf , its Itomoo s oo n , , ia Oto Off of flOttborgb,isr oho rooforet Olfslttriot Mews Ow efoolloyiso. 40181.1' • . • lIALIERWRIA,Ihntot 41 ,: b . ,-"lttri. Imar r oth. =gla roe ll'" w ;T'Nl"llbrit /WWII by O.= sinews. ..:.....1.001 WV/4V%* - 4 SWIM& MA" liiEZ • , , IgDIC scocoaos. : I , itis • ad.Wood.A•mi • • ttsajoNti ior : ••.• *- I • • sown tine . -it. =Wool • ' • to laforotlroo tt.*. . . 1 * .• • j ' h= f r i , 41 • :* • oosog: , Fioliog No. to toy • boolo milk Okla lk in it, aad A or • • • , 1 mho di Wei cosbo at Toy • • ''ri..oticraoror A ' • orko6lo Cat. 11.10,100. • • of tin soda • • t I q ; ji . bl : • • Maui • omi•tio. 4iotoaco of • I • fora Hob , ••••••• ' • I A/ i • NN't I• .1. wourom Wool v quo, IS V g4 oto= in try Ws Nadi:toy I. 'ldi 11.11 ow! b'472 C 451116,111' Deekisoo TowoOt.,; 'ff YT Ivy f rYzetit: l6L ''. •'. DiCi_ottNii RAI. • 74 1 wake k • INN *. 'PULMONARY tlTl= S h.ap Sfilli Z CEO S.A. .I..t>Pelf • • 0 Tbr 116- Iwramkro bury bob lil j will fob le the Waist, with gnat • • Artb.. at appdits. 17 .• 1 lab. a.1,5.,1,1 hiterbow b xieQwoe • re rely Ms 1 Win Sahli for kik sblaust AO balm !Illbb./149biiti. • ' I14) 00 M ,- I R . . Stir Ablest as =tarst, Is • • grotto! my Ins MO lams. pdpitadios 016 *ilia wars ger Mowed .• Valk% and tertikl may( • Ornardi with qiiiiat of Mood. for Ilinadr• ale coaval•I••• sum cd dorbierdro mad idp• timmymakriap 114.1 iiKlOll.l4 to suck • d • spapfoos Imre to semt gaols se Weed to •ey dme Oda Oploodo and • twit all timid skill mum • at Ingth INry,nruded . my io • a•rditio• / was nraked litadom's Cosipwasd S•pol somenbat t 8 -, mum, vq•ce•Las of • Irmatery of I I • mujr•sii " b p=i i os le de that by St onset Is bean ury • Ins 41111110thad so • • wl•' " - • • . Pressd ady • ANONLY et t tan. ißled limes • Sell try L. V+ 11..W.X, Th aMOMlral . Coopc.4 erg %pa, at et W.. Jew a ilidoarsik •ropelilii . • a. dalbs pr►Yl' • • ad pittire fra, Nom lunt amtani, •• - • et &Wig •PiF 11 , 5 • ANACEA! xiszAlp •• sateas "Audi no • • /ALT ' :11INSENG TROtrE l =i2 . atisold its n..[ IE. . 3mime, , o*.en eks iii•eArrd. to attn., amkgsriort. ek marts ere fin of .Itha scasesof !. • • 001301111. - 7ICCCRI7II M ar Tbeelmitable artyler. burr mewl; • thwart COLDS AN: Thaw, If Dayleeted, %sr assiswer, . • , 717014 Mx deartirF fY e , jar id our carela SUS 1 0tbrepertie. ONLX ILE3SEDY 'Panacca. Fn.(' at ill. • malted 1h earnests • • • ..whe time espaisase w.!. a Onset aumairy . CONS erattoe, tboo, Now • le bee bor. aloe Ink fit ___ Is of vital • • • , TBS. GREAT A.. r lb. tooello b. Mae, Soo boo boo to nob , boon of ttot beat:ewe es emu: petooro.,, Soo aU pans of Os inancu. Isar 07 • • PIRS7 STAiIIDING, 112. , -o et lir Gespel; hn., ureelbei wui eopices le otri Ma die . JOURNALS OF THE DAY, • Sim emblem! la peeppatet Seel, tied itro be bad - tyyAlsof art .1? .lean tbtosdtieatbe eoetteT• • OVII.DEEDO OF NOTIIES. Aro bias. suit if, chty. •• • ELIOOSANDS AND TENS OP TE0138.1 IWO IliseopleyilielfAtel ewe. Gad Ceases, tete tee ettal,;• laq/ptormalk • • • _ • • '6INULE INSTANCE Weellid4 iota tikes seeontleg to datteeloes, and tho wit had beeetso (sully dlsoslyoutes , It iat ; . fort failed to • • EPPEG4 d irisreiTevax • !. ,weyoheet,, wee the .Meted beeoSet Why sort t 0... were..4o bearsaut, trotted up by, aideyeen beheld We steer the waned new of SOW 0009111.15 d pp; idcsaa, tad paired teas swami, by et pst=, sow optellK set &ewe When el • . S. le be el,etloteeoectereere a t tar,-ant 1.64111. ; Wri,—autay of wheel It hes ; ' SNATCPIED FROM THY ORATE In sobs Wu We boaltable I n tl mar be,pleasa 1 • wittao the teach of tbsApoor Intl se toe De; eye Lea pet tbe, once et ONLY IPTSPFT . law Ono bat( the awl mere( key* eteteloes. It D, fon ewe by oet messes toew? every town ad sea the way Na Sc. permed to_slyeall Dilemmas! teal.* eu. • •T tfaL YRPewee:se t r• _ r 1141 — • firoTIT-Tyir ,o orrigirr. , ph toroth'', thaw otll rho ammo ot greedy, ponas ocot,orot rem swat &Mead ash adioas Oases, tat al Maras NUM *Nostra& • De. Bona wail mans show atrial at* plass ; Ceram ortal Savo bussmasnodo mosarsagreas, ad Or as snee easoasaaer w*. roma usamas a sho doh am dodo esa a maga* sad Jos, war araLlso Masa was Om &Antal otioroa M • illmienwoms of axis eases, sad sorra:rad to Marsala mr&saaso is eszigts pen., isausaroa soot ii*****Yar, cad atookaddasasts aim/meta mall 11 aft thaw afore inihrxe ahem lawarasairsseal &an so • Aspoloaloarour . Ifs partaaatY Hsct s a as Ws bow inward alaStreosabllr Waal bl Wars oas ash Ltoorliso sorry sa.lobs *mane; . agar toss= ovumm 0r00ne0 1 4 ,, ..4"A ,4 jaed b &Morainal.% mar allark It ssissaaNatio az thaw cogagoo la . = ., .orost4a of moisolim gro• eal dam • . • . Eferzga, or Itaptsto—Do. Brow, aiso urn pane. salicsod on* Items to WI, bo Ms poi raniadar aneatioa asta damns; Rio *awe& also FDA" Pala. e(4 . Waal O*ll4 • eliber mei fii**li kr Oats Omar amass otaaus mak-bu hew, ay silkeemet nowN, 11. p. raeAkimid.mapi Dutwot wed* Namir ~. • Maw • twirl • " ' eath AfiurgrinzLlP• that. wttk °Lewis! of iiiii•zatagft —lift is deadly Lose sintreL wit Ira pre- . faxabsey *meow coesaminotk, tar limes bees - bawls/ Lir several yams writk • brosedd, Mean. se A the Unsex and seem:am, 1 WeLLL O YLLfieOA Load r raid is may prep.:suss sardietne' aatol ' each aro f Di.. DUNCANIY,IIIRECTOILLNT' REMEDY. I blubber's smas Oda salable asditral! Se aerate/ lava, and always dad Usisellave erbas.. w►eaver I Make as ad. 1.1. SfeapirSkab sa as hmercass., 'rope WwwwwwwWwwirrit. ewers i my discus, as Sash SO bosom Ifsryalar, win i at on. preexelntha ..kll4 0117.1b1.112.4M1121, 11 = " MINIII=1: ' ed *l4 • dusease dm Wan and assonetrant mead • say tam Owrumata !all Waft remedy,. and my be am& I Mee vessayDr.. eLek Expeciriresi Dimwit saw army lybea , b, maw of istAss arsniabeir See Op s lb rids sulistes. re. yr te.a ysnews. fikares rests arsaU, ebb . rayer las ssdaraiSbed peseiwireekr aka* to Dirty.rt weary, as .Arbiast- Wipe ow tall span asdlis sarrYisesa 4111 Uinta ala =Mel *Sad lb tbe bbrnikr wales. rhin Imam be mailed , . David Cabana+. &anelissi Dr, H. Meta. dear; 4 7,...• orbs Galtdopr,dietwa 4114 4 . .l.4risseerdlas OW. Darrow, 4 DL DONCANII WElrtLaVAtikr -; somp, assiand, (no" , , • • baIiDiImikbI.W.V.,JACKSOR. LThInY beat et Wiwi wee,- .1 . . suutoninse. A,nu Qlwl =ls es Dtr = by a pansymal issarsh . ata!y sa air s t Sult s at r k swi lshstlvr c i 4 ... Oriskystatt hylressitsSif . • Cassis, or WM= sld. _toritab. y • amass assesSaS.l. sissa4= 01=Erleemse• MULCH. ..0 . asslslad, sal dbal=llll4 arsonist GoessolaS Stt • ••••I• °Pk, • ..g 4. ll .oK:iir t y ,..i.L. ..7 , ,ti ft ;.; tsar abed Wade to seam eastestossts Sai t cies mak Sousisa a - at tanatatoll , l6l:46llo,: , sitspasaa Dr thresse• rusts ahostiIISLIMISA . ••••••• are- - i ow ar was La • pm* Stsisssa•Salsr r aj tot7.-aal tiOSSIONS4tia a 3 6os &sips amass/ coil as.Statissileldlesta arra assinstoe; SFS SOSO SIC Apr' SarteliVo hams& stmts.:ZlA tra so sa!,frip. rooa s ....—Tsa•SlisaustL vuse isilaset. • r al:= L ast .4 l.ll.7X i g a pt lamas on, aysprossoaiskars is elks . rrool 12 "1 • 3 = CC I S Waal So a lszar, ao Vrrl =earllat ttrio -1 V. passed EsastIar .. SI6,I6OI646SSOURSOSSISS sr asps spaM es seaf bp EMrIM: Ma SI pot sand awes NOM11. 1, • • We try NMI taALSONlalellsagyi6As st• .• Cows mare.wee in=arr mr7 . ff t ir=vi le r. , 4l4l 2l , • A•knlnuit7.o,l!.., , A .11eiseve sem& alteleed .u•pose ilateeo ll / 4 =0; 01.16 ..!Yeaz bean/Lamy to! , • ; lead er9' 44 vuonoer 1- • •- dawa . ; - WSW:9 I, O 4 n a r Yr " Worm of Deal wi.etlevre!ek:.;l. , And itl.ez Ltbb.ria Is mat of Thumb tizei be &We: , • tilled oreerkeolf , •no Due ef eneeles_,‘ - ke.DIL DUNCAN'S si , A(I I IPVIZIM•Ip., , , " ,111 ! "1° `•; OM Ptru"rg , b rA rICIMF OR" I s . _ . • •.--;.• =ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers