a7` _Y ~~, y am + 1 . ! ~~ _.. _ ltu.- rtil" .„ 11114* _Lltca*.lo 7 g• • BY 8 cdP 59 . 16„ "- I : 4 ? .4 • ' I•PITTS 611. d f SATURDAY mostrilr( DEC3S, 18474 Tu r ,„.....*AlAsehtibmurestiii petehme,i, : ' DV; Te,..W . eekly, lad Weeklp.—The WIT Ls Some nat A ppstsesiposshaTitiltrastkpislistp - Essltssespes- Wvx.... Two Dollars per =Wm ississip ~ dest!, . ; j I ' 1 %Ca 1 ` • ED head is —, heiare SP. skAkad eisty in the esi. ^Tis _ . ! 1 ' ' ' OnalerenafietribeeneuDemetua Ker r' TA tear , '" wa ' i ' • '' ' g' '.• . ' .-1.. TWASIlkia- --- . etter sv owt Ao'ni. ' .. • , mot pro. . o:f 4 ' ... .. Mr. Walket,'ln hie mono) • report, is Th. 5.•." - ;x: ..; ..`, p c ,, b, w i t p is h i ii r ef the'fise tilde tariff as are '' ' ' sodltrAs fast &snot a mad read ...,/ . . + P oe lowan, . ..' t` ' -ir Ands himself" a Utile inclitiad t , & tw i t dist dts law. 4 1846 la a better one for lemma than dot t 4+ f' te),w - 'boas Wee god thus' of 1i 4 84 6 . : „ Te e „ _ t o * not Mr . Cralkge ' i dam not 110 , 0 W ...... t o ' a node tilde of mono mi leteeb°°a4 elesdflha i the I@bititg. .• - • Lopata. that d4w,.........mxt, th e old, has in oeyse I tiirct of the new " I '''' - I f a il ix toile smiths ' cod the Tremlnl.4ocalmo .1 Goanowe the dutiable isilioeoel 1846,1846 end 1847 -• . Detidge jail" . 027428.00 1845 91 largOV l r l e,.,„ , , 26,712,467 1846 t 111.4 T''; 23,747,864 lan ' 12 ; b 4 4 1 34 , the impend of ' • It" compotee the r i lliellol the tariff 1111845, we the Pad ye ar. by 00000 If re Vu4.11 iolho amooat of 629 . 7 , • II" plain ke.e, we, have 1,27, 6 °Q•0W ' take the sates *. that the a , tfi of the a °°tl "r ' l ' l°l4 lh° '° 1 1,,,,, . *nu) o f five 1131- lint, has been no kne a b . whoa we are In want Fa tor . and minima. The ettetep . .L. 14 o f 14110 6,104" to i ta riil ' by Alma °- of ,its ties, with the . Comparing the Ant leo [ . ''' n*o.sed , ng, it u dishonorable Rs taw. _ year _ nest ----- large tof .4.4. tio H. wail knows th at • Itt,..th. or ..... dufti tho' lin iett Im P anteg I ,,,. ,‘• • - and entered ender the to 1846, were loPt code r law, ew tio . ._ ,_ th nan' g ihs a nnual of important te u* se, the rearipta a*, ' * maw law* of the lkowsoli lOU &Pala*- , Tko P ie e febr Y b id ' sst este honor aroma the import' te the 1 ption ' of hie free trade tariffalena Thie noon , .. : b i t,,,,d i ,es tittle harm, ai the l ee ht ues a of tittt c. , ;::: b .,...,,,,,,,' isweStaleratood. t n 6 . caries the overage rate Wes& farm 'of the tariff is towel', bid be' we are richer from our ire:leased . ' mu. we have had a demand evert . Mail*, for,Whkh • . I tended as nos and , nneettatn. ge. the knows-thet no chap ~. - Theteloe tar y . past, has stand ' • . oh . ,in times ' TV° Dr tha C t 7 . manner hO / arin4e• : •-• ' •, o r b m Od u fr.ll3 the h • B ite Puce 'C ' loco tariff' hoe not produced big ' e kali" 'h. ' that be muerte inithe roc° GI pk.siat aaFir. oei, 1. ns it ed the ' i cgh tariff bee ~.-P all fie, that 0 •-. tuff:. No ~tlAts of 'UAW rice of .".5 1Lei fa ,,,,,,,, t i - 7 - pennon of the . 14ateg produce hos ; b eIL. Low Tariffs & m um , so AMY 017 t s devout. ] - , have net enherteea g Pa . Prica , t, offal& fad un whet •• ea it, and famine o ci a ..in4d i* the res. of b. t h e e r eerataxl taa isnntrition of pasta, the..! policy. The ironed i-s---_ andunan a....1 ' - n eiitlia P.PI° of hglaaa ' r ash what the to their reueetal leek ' n d . , did Wt. °duet, of %hal, mina a T.6.ife . np... c , p P r ~, in on e s , lo t to he ..., ,i nes in thill Until. '"' . . 0. They aa ,Iniatakens Ladd had we bleed to . . _ th.;,. not ' :top tisZili us le clo th or t to l°r enew no „ mad ,. hu teo men , elinj ar 'whether our batiokwere w armed , them " i nk . g ° 4 ° . ... i. - . s k s : e x,4 dig 8 4,4 ' l ' • l iota 44 ,; 4 3: Gai tarnin cf r with on- haste, bet their lief° onei'dkd in their &bootee. Tb*.addr... owed Th. un listed damsel Won c c t , , fl a p . , while it 44 hmata the =en r tt i ll with ado, lad .0.- mica On Pa w " Elate". That loge icoPte et. / 1 warrlonies-In .. bar ..a. a not natnndly follow gm!" w".l to deny: Wkihns =increase ofrik. il 'm e tale ...a deatilta tor letr 1 or ma" btle‘ge an increased by 60 l a g this OSoa It s been' 1 Ike. Secretory if the o Truett/ • shipments. The position that a „ ow the far and llototabio _ ,____ Issrsnts,....bot o f bir Lodi 4= l o°a ." 5 ' -- •" - he /6b, s th s t cow ebani kn°w s ........t thet it "hi t hem cowed th° fm : ed tee -- r and p o w e r that cou l d hi.. pn....t. ... ress. No human _end ..... dot the site of OUT grab , to Zeze P 4 . `" . t c a . „7, 1 1 3 , 3 ,,,,. lar that the revenue her at i. ffLrs t or .. l is so ono, ed red 111 timed of a a*, s .. , lest 4trough the blander m s ...T ibe r, on beali t.4*lloo7 Z a V eheee f tid t " c h L ib ait r i „ Pkin imit g veanton, that ever Alial . the header an ArnniCill Btifbretet6 : ' .:0:-: . .14',':.;;•:• . ,..; 1,.r,:.,'..,'.'.'.1:i.,',A • ..11 . ' • r ,tet - • 1".• 0,/ " I. ' O, A'. 4 t. 4.4 .; 4:4 mom wane TOXIN. 1 Oeteespeedeeee of the PLusbent New York, Dee. 14, left. The 0011 kcal event of interest, bag been the deathof ch.coot Bent, who departed this Itht yesterday, foll of yens and honors. Herrily bad hlsibuilm been announced, when informatkaa isallttcataskiltal the a....todua Sparer big slowly sad - his death au event hourly to be expected. In death as in ea:attain ornaments of the bar, and of minds itfa, are united. , The atosisdap Ctercent Cuy will be launched tronnexter. She le 1,840 tow ie the int of the s.eople'e Lino of steamship; to ply between 'NM/ Toth and New Mims end for igrangth and bcsaty,is not exceeded His elated ' upon ' the bed authority, that the "Bible Society is compelled to stormed its memo for a time, in co neopeece of the want pf . fends. Thledeprinte over a hundred young WO. men of the work on which they been nthed for ffuPPor t • in addition it may be added that church dom. eta o re mace enough: The ben ton in roma , vies so:the upper par,t of the city, bare taken than drorches with them, kugettiog that entry how vacated by one webby family.would be ocomplad by two or three others in the leer *boa * walks of.lthr, and that the population In ;COW = instead of diminishing hae been gout. - The fast watd r at die present Inc. r way mmilds the singular anomaly of having 1000 ithabbants and but one church jolt(Trio mond isahneet aa bad off,-tend in the , - l h r .e Sit words there WO • but • 10 au " 20000 Inhabitants-Iml yet the city te by no mune destitute of chutches, It containing 127, many of them of a magnafielant character, but obey Sib mattly up town, erected by aocienee - width base taken down their churches in the LW rid of she eity, or been newly formed. .The Hagastic Telegraph is tobo devoted to the -wok wog= meg. The pelts for wires: front the 'wetioua Pollee &al= Homes to the City Heil, . &moan In pee of erection'and we shall moon bfalter fories with lightning speed. tarn*, ew Ye* to the molicomte :•-sf:Henry:OLy.r its originally brigaded to be line Wgtherrow gwarktg, has been onevoida idetratd tint Wan' evening solely be , 'Ciaiso the nay building of saffiglont capacity far each ea aseendiage as this ocennort is ears to con ', elMer i sZte 4 DPP & A' ladled the Mining Stodr Endiange, rwientil been formed in this city, for the ago 411 Nob or `aimW • ' e tch past week' initt 11105.600/*/ the ant deimer from postai $7, ,-..4000 taxi Canada and 125,000 from Newt YOTit errll4llda to be shippei,wisided the mtel dap. Nadu at Vedid 81.101544°V" " / 0 4ei'lftt. 40 1 444 1 .10 69 . 1 % - r."r• - Not hind. mem thin *tsa 14s* the - •ampt. feta beaks and wab-treattnY It *lf eight. Winces, sod :ohm one than las than . • 'Sands ado.' The coin is now &hey Acurican fold.: The gareramant haw hien sari lambi , ism In minims all the Brttlah gold which hill into ibete tMrsda, by which Ile gam thir ea el this mo. pent htelmen reduced ma per mat. Sol* a I cams beweetc, Doom* it*P ic g liiihih• The renewed activity in fiegghte madame end taldiacT if sane lcupwari. 'About *WO bee Corn were ecipaM for Livered, by the Ode& at MaWld. bales - 01*00 e a 3 ,4 ed. SNOW' fine at 18 3 : and hall freights st2se. To Pendent 700 bag Preridona stye and to Mar 4 igifff 100trar. Doersii•ea. We mewl orren/ days since t he &omit 2whielt ans gient by the piddle and the tenitina of , eel MI , to X../ .41//111* 6 : 4 ";' moos otaiteitol Adit thaw wawa oaths Sib *4,be seak 'boor* at the Aid EN•kka the ~e(el e lf 1444"."ibait "." ^ a. tjt., 2.t.- C•° -,i ..Tji:.?i.,....'',. . t.;,:i;-..4t-, ~,, , ...':4'f- I , ; *:'6 . ---':, 1 .ii;!1, 4, !37,.. .0 ~ 4 14 .40..:1, 1 i.: ~,.,; .e. - o,.:iie .......,:,: „ : „. ; ,: x . ~,_.: 4 1 ivt1 , ....*:::' . :.:r1 ......-.g - .4... , :;.. , ..! :.-:', i ,. iilii: , 7 , .!:.A.pi-4,:.-A , - 4. , ,:;:i.„,e!:4,-,A1 i .' : , :• , , ..5 . ... :1-;.,w ~......, , ,0;:::::...„...•. L..•-,,titi1i.4.4A,-. NY r'' ~ ' '.': , :-'!* '-, IAO: 7 4. . it 5 ' 1 '7001 . .1 , -4=*? litbertaltinl OP TEM ogagiraglr„ ' 442 4 tfIaiSSONAMI "We if At AaisvormteVeatt4. 4,64 Count*, reel, aid weindkriAO Mar by the PrtiOnotr'...• Mr ffizine of Pittateargli; *ant tiatGeo W ElekiekEng. of Cenem.denowlahhoutan Oeci **a Mr. Belden desired to be mused until the; Cominittes should report. . Mr Berme of 'Beaver, moved that members of lb. Convention bs sibbetty to moms Mak nano on the sulgetikto &Übaldo on which the Con tention had been mica" Motion torrtalladr Cod tier gentleman. Bea* addressed the Convention it leargth. the general subject of c ooo rtiottng et railway from the Ohio river Wes, ant deprenated 'Ms introduction of lot Meta calcuhrtedlo elicit from the Conveition an ox. mat= be firm of any particular Mut& • Mr Pollock, Woe Beam; Pe, engirded • tithe Convent* that Mr. Perkins °I go**, who was present; had many irlduable "halides, sad weed that they might be rent,whers the gentlenian from Buirunitt presented the following papers to the CUm to New York Cernaia, Chicago to Halemsoo, route of Can: .redier. Are road, eh* • ! 4shresareo Canal R. R. (complete) i - • 144 ettioago to Datroit (Rio distanta y dais) 288 Balrolt.to Buffalo yis -Canada -Railroad " MIMI)• 200 Buffalo-to Albsay.via ffsw - Yrirk Rafload ...7(complated)' = • - 390 Aftaisty to Now York. (Radial Ant) 000 Chicago to Nem York oht Ihfirio Yard 'Brie _.- • -; -- , Rail Read. '1 • ' Chicago to Toledo (in progress)/ . 23% To Cleveland, by Lake, ,- ' '' .. - 'l2O To;Thuillrk , do .. ' . 150 ' To New York. by Erb Railroad Stn Ma; 'rem) ":, ' '. . • - - 1 • 460 ,. 1 2 - 1 no/ter - by 24 miles. Chicago.. to Miura.. ' .Tidtdo 4- Pillsblive, 1 Chic's° to Toledo (in Moires.) ' 233 1 I To Akron by St a g e toed ''' - 1 ' To Belem, emitmon tied Pitt TO Beaver , .do Co .- j . 86_. To . Pittsburgh ' - do . - ,.' ' 25 1 Toledo' trr'Pi burgh ... . ; . 216 TO Philedelp '7 S (in program) , --- . - S5O Shorter then: by the New York and Erie Mal i Road 178 toiler, - - - ' ' ' ' The gentkimen from Hainan% saidle desired I shciartitePhiladelphiens that from Tot der to Pith. burgh, during the - elose of naviptkat. no tomes of / Mixtegiol MBon'6iuld be had. pato show also 'dna immedlits magentas should be taken to open Ai commtmiestion from the intlilii of Ohio ,to Pittsburgh. - ... . ... .. ;.- - Mr Janie; of efusillou, addressed the Conveil tion it ate length: and . ** his Winning read " folloWini stlidetiCC . ~ ' • • •. -- . ' I Pewees ; aeon Pinssuatotatm Tit* Olio Rirrie-,‘A friend hes taken some pains to aster- Agin the: grumpy of freight which May embed at this place front Pittsburgh, and forma the OW Rim, as will es' t h that ', senoed hem 'to th4W playa 'during the lest year.- Alter enquiring 'of our merehante glad forwiedete, end Sti martdestion of theft Woks It has beakkanti that the freight to sod fr0t012410021, which wohld begs pawed on a Ramat lf OM had - eriljtErielutteette Imam* liana* of uao riaenswinal.Sed aid- thir ty...fear tharuirel,.. rise hundred ;an& severq peradreer very twarfillins Wand hint,,,Wheri it is borne in mind that Csnton, and /owns I rotor thawwell - ge,Wrmiteend the places hil Ito vicinity . ; Wagtails:4a .eutsiendinty'of Pine. I Weigh end Phitadephia vats; and .inesta , btiog .1 en immensely greeter quentity; if Mier Inane Of I tramportatke .. wens .4uhrer-elvor etimina 4 Pilni. Miuterls44 and the eountry,west of:tbei. plea u far el bodieste; mould pia an "We* .010. haw, thme 0111 bine -doubt whatever that leack in sash a road would- be profbable: Little doubt. ameba entertained Suit this would, temme the greet thinotuatistefor•teivei *Mod* Booth and West to the Ewa.. And thewhole .grasmitt vaunt If/ to se ripialr - bniinnks •- • - i ts inolfm onoin creaming so .thintensey,- that MAGI flevtiMi, any estimate that the meat. sengolosweild now ' make 'of business which would he done Nall. way kom Pittsburgh to the west, would 'felt ail below ths *dual salt._ .- ; ' •; • Statnocat of a ne efths srlieb . ! solzoixia sidjpeeth ~ as Mmlloo, Dom and runes durg A g ' semen Jim*. rim Ufa is 11.1 oiad.p to tsar ma, 15 , 17. • ; .• ' / lam Moallak ' Dons , -- `. Vodka irtwatftikel, I,=. ensue; , ...an i no Fkuu• SIIITItig; Ca. 10 -''• AM latter Pnam . b, Sues ..'fps ' /05.9* Lad, i. “ . 1.185.16.- . -is Ant. ..164 " Beerw. Wad. •• • sysea ~ : stunt ...._ age Zip DnalVivit, • 41315 dm*. :fwd. ed. mu. NO , .. 1:15 Leivir.Orr. 402 , ' : 1111•• , 5 , , - ' I MSVla k tt 11.‘: ' - .7.i - ' " Totu,salwainctbe .1 , ::•.r- ußbeakai 5 DANIA Is ilia , Da r rel wirer &taw, 4,4 t) t,r22: mnsarthe.,,-121,922. 1 Pork Mae. 007.. Utter iNleallyl3l3l27. lartokollrie lilt Hat0a,d0111,775. 14.•0.1, d 0.154,0?. - , The C4l:ll2ittai to Iscortala MA ca rarity of Milt pacer within 4 sallas.,ltam Canton, Report. That 'Orwell at this gime : wen tali &i !ass s 9 within Wales 01.9111114 .-7 , 1 11A:0 0 41 11 .44 4 ,0 4 ' to grind 120.2241-liathentl79eailrfew =pre; ; maga; which thialet . taiantiOnetfflaatif4 ADAM troocemdelVi ;-- ,.• ~.-.,:, `i ADittof WIP/k a ,, , i'PiflLOPM l i-,i;',;:. ' 1 0 T BROWNO4O '...`" -- ' 2--- . :.. ~ Canton,lhe 7, l 947. -- ••• H. - It • eantense toured:sin the =nun droned brought to end tarried from Canton, pm =MM. by emenons, on Merced nannies East end ' 4 West, report, That 'in' punatence of their appouttneret, they Milled on the several nernahanu end tubers intowsa some of whom wets feeble to give soy inimmetion air to, the; anyinist of. their freight gwr . . . ... enttent.,emt. are flinttly left ou the menu dirreener set ..: The Enright off •edise, who . handed in them rep as tolkson l. 9, My Goa Iderehants • . lbs. 1,354,311 gaixtvmre States , .. 309,742 8 (hearts . . ' 687,00 1 Shoe Store : .r_. . 9,400, I D rug-B Sum --.-. • . . ' 10.000; 2 rug itoria . • ' - - 35.000 Sandrtes—qmen:Mbot.m2MtiMlMmt, i44,01Xf, ..... One, . establishment reported, &side their nectar dry goods Mishima, • 8000 bbla of Fleur. lAei.ooo " Total - ' ' - r . :, 4,24.9,453 I Dry Gods Merchant, 1 Hardware, 2 °w ades, 1 Sae and shot bombast of thoul called on, made no report. Mr Csdat,. of 'WeSadie; also dimmed the cornardion.. in foam of speedy sad enaMak acs tica to further the object of thircomention. Mr Bigham from the SustneMComMittee, re. ported the following preamble and imolutiona for the consideration of the consentican , • , Whereas, Maims has demenitranalthe iln• penance of ammo' Meat' and speedy =caw to the rich Grain growing counties of central Ohio to the roasts of the Atlanta, which will not be liable to (=wreaks from the frosts Main= ad the drought of Sumner. - And when= the cons. pletioo of the Pannsylaidi Rail Rosa from Phil. . adelphie to Pittsburgh. end iis speedy. rmenaion inteihe Interior of Ohio, will afford the shorted, cheap= and best miens oteichanging the aim , aut ligrictlibmi productions - of Ohio, fa the manufacture* end commetie of Penmyluania,ana the Atlantic . Stars, .. . , . - • Central. Ohio .-gesobed. That the llamado . a imperatively demand the %cartaction of . s_Rail Road through WO Mantiert of, Stark, Wayne, and trc.a. Addend. to Mandeld, by the most dint= practi cable and best routs. Ma asid wad to be so la cited that caimans media may. be COLIIIMiCed, astendelfromit to tilemlanclion the North. sail Newark. on the Smth . West. : -, Resolved. That the =ester of thei Penna. and Ohio Rail Sod eomparr =mkt mama a nrco ask o. that the through Magee fOr freight Ind pampa shall not mad that of the ?MAGI. sank Hail &tad company. - ' • Resoled, That this conrention meonamical that a charter la promrd for ireed from soma point on aid Pihanhe and Ohio Sall . Hoed, to the town of Newark, la Licking county. • /Icoidaed, That the int.ioc of the State of Mika, =nest entirely ern off from all cotaresmiza. Wittittut ewe, and all acme. to lb. tartans *WOW Attlittli _ _...TPWP ate`helf ef the Yeer. e• aiigatba Brig inceialibla claim upon the Le gi.. latarr id the Sabi to giant Dural chartinito con. "iiiiiia Ai ilia youali*ai recommended.:' - -..:(Bcantand,,Tbis the great wheat growing coon [ tima tlentral Ottio bee trmedanted la km, du. rtng Me last las, by befr;g lid out from merit= =tithe immeareetenteuhlion:of rival, prtaincut canicat in A' a :toil li the , price at their great staples, ea wadi boa bleu vary aid, 'aiding to him aninaratoted the ',proposed Rail. Boob through:Mar . =Mt to the ydaern Inc_ of Ma itcookod, nit ottotatitto ' dies to appoint- Ot ;magi&of,thio i*Jo cootko, seattorodottli mod.. dopy tsii Wok PrxrPet, eat brot#:,01110:401em Oblo, otokct ouctiotlit6ooplus 114" objotto thto cansidica; ;S- • , tog tOOO nod ca dgempadit. moat» wilm D Keirtor; Eib . of Stork. tlillehar Od too do toast icomalmikiliottbo subject.. :MO 'W.:4104c botitijoit toitoodoii , ,Stitii 1110 odo*o.tbsittei woo adept* oat' to& Mot tooooittliviott &I to *dot toto;,lokt I P4 0!.....141,01:111,9411•S 11604taribi A ,.''''-:''':'•••- . ' , ''. ..i II : , .: :. :. ate,,, ) 4 L -: i , ; -., 44-:','±! - 4,l',',i', .!,i:,::j....-;;::2.7:--,.4,?J-i?§-:,-ii:.,4:.:::?`i,ff''4',',Ii:,--_•t,.,?;,•N:',:',-,•'7=',•.:: otuh, oPon wtlitert!l ~,,ligitgo * a : eon a wriest of b , ma.,r•Fs.4l Massie the a ' . the coanaiiire. bgerhkb,:: 1 Abets Memo JAMlid Wolne,ftliNcititark. l itoday, of Richlankiameer, Seems iiiii,cd. i ,lift, cf cohuntamili k .:l'reatiss , efA i tikeittil end I Hamm, of Beyer. eininty P.. wbkh dribste cc; Copied mach timet.eniddiscressed the Matti in- trillenlany,of 'the aeveralrontee in the county .rat a. The' resohnion wee adopted 'with., out amendment. The matand mealtition being now taken op,. it wes,Con motion of. Mn 'Genet, M. Imo I , , Mr. "Sinn. ked that - the} find :titillation heretofore Oland do now bio reentuddered, which Motion, after a most animated debate. in which Memo. Wiliam, of Pittsburgh,, Mr. Perkins, of Baud; Mr. Ursa of Wayne county. Mr. Rrithatutofi, of Mansfield, Mr. Haase , of Elterk, Mr. Purdy , of Mansfield, and Dr.; Polka. of Ofatec county, sod was carried by i vote of in ayes to 26 nays. .. . , ' The question ca.:wring on the original motion to adopt the rasolutkos, Hon iMr Brinkerhoof moved to amend; by insating after eie word 'Mansfield,' twith: the privilege of extending' to the west lineal the &gloat the option of the cern. pony,' which motion preiailed. ; Mr Juvisof Eltuk,mayed to iniand. by stfddpg out •fdanaliald,' end inserting •same initableptalnt -in . tb. marry of -Richland: which motion._ itter' a lengthened debate by Meters Purdy, of Mien: field, Jarvis, of Umerillon, Larwill, of Wooster, , and Heriphill, was lost: - : , I . Mr Larwill then moved to strike out 'through mandator Colombluil, Stark. Weltle end Rid' land,' and Inserting iby way of Canton, Massillon, and Was:niter: which, after Achim y Moire Lie nil!, Janis and Mania wu;withdrawn by the Mr Hanna, of Columbiana, then moved. to amend, by inserting the Seamy of .UClElbeflind• Which, after &bite by Miners Haim. of Colour. blank Hemplitl‘Of Weyne,_W,no „Farmer, of.do I Ismailia and Righam, of ,Pitieborgh„was with. drawn by the mover.: • i : The question teCtlrtilli on the adoption Of. the I resolution as 'Mended atter rembrks y' Mr la. 1 cobs, the sane was culled. • i s . The question recurring upon. the adoption of the remintion, the same was canted in the follow, Resolved, Thit the intends of •Canirel*lO impart:o.l4demand the pandruction of a road, 1 to lie known* the "Pennsylvania and Obio Rail 'Road," from ;the city of Pittsburgh, through the counted Statt. Wayne , and Ashland, to•Mtos. field. with the privilege of emending to the weatern line of thi State, at the option of the Company. by themost dime, prictiaible,'and best routs,- The said route to ha ..,erected that branches may, be conveniesuly extended from It to Cleveland on the North aid Newark on the fieuttowest., Mr. Bakewill offered the following resolution. wtdch 'was- carried: • '. : 2, _ - - ___ . Retolied, That when ttili Corinntia.a adjourns it adjaamako meet at Oita pliu6a at past 6 o'clock On matiodoE.Mr. Cuter; adj4atatd: • 'arsine& memo. - • 'The 'coniention Ming called order bi the , Prieldent,. Mr. Janie offered! the following AM. lotion, which was adopted'. - • , ,Resobred,. That nothing itinitalool in the AMA !mime of this Conventkei,* shall be construed. to 'Ontliet With the roots; and objeets' deeignated ' m the proceedings of the convention held at Canton.' on the 36th of Angola lest, at the petitions sigtilid Jusimocrianca therewith. Mr Rhaetian, of ta.fiski offered ai•pitiou the fa/bowing resolution whintienti,adopted. .. .1 Resrikerf, That thicomoilthrett fire op/minted by:bb COICITiaIOI3, be bounded to eel in concert with the committee of ten, appointed at the Cm. ton ',Dirmention; In Aug old Went,. Ind dud:Odd committee of limbs mcpiested tociny out at Co lambus; the obiette and amigos, of this ammo- lion . Mr Reiden,ef Centon,4Msd the following to , ' Olulloor ' • Rembiol, That the ticminitiee' Mended in the • rettolutirin:pailed by this conventionit.lo emceed be designate .Wooster, liaseillon sod Canton, as palate to and at which the contampla plated Rail Riad. obeli be located:' ; Which eseolutioo,Mili B- Wilkinson', looted %Whig Mena table, which modals were do to • Most anintabid deists, in which Mama. Belden, Carter, lisma, of New Lisbon, Bigtoun; Lanvin , Wilkinson, Pollock, Lahore and Cameron, took The motion to lie on the tibia having aliCited much debate Was withiliewn by the mover. Cu the debate was condoned on the motion to adopt, by Mr Belden and the Ambition edoptedi Mr Belden then dieted the lalioalpg : - Rcsokoi, That in the opinion of this convention the Ikons the .4:maw:plated Mote Of the Rail Road In Ohio can end will prepare the Mad for the soferstmeime and that hiving dons; this they will mpect their 'Ammtrii frie"to amid, in sapnlying the moos and materials forthecom *lion of the Work. - ,, ` - ' • The Ancitution, altar Wog debated by yields 13ighein, of ?Ittsbargh, Jamie, of Muslim; bl Of;Mmeillon, Purdy, of • Mansfield, Bake's% Pittaltangh. Prectim of Ravenosi Cuter, of Ad meilkm, Cadet, of Weflerllle, Bow. ton gina neitris, of Portage, the latter two yode -1 men by , way.of.exeulpating themselves ea Dam. tons of the Pittsburgh and. Cleveland Rail Road company, .lioni; in , by Mr Catlett, of Welkin*, that the Road of Directors of ths ' Pittsburgh sod Cleveland Rat Road, in the old edition of ,petitieme and muianstrincre agamst wbiel was idolititforroces,..,...,io Rewired. That the thinks of this convention, be tendered , to 8 V Merrick, En, the President hoc the patient and impartial manner an which he hasdischuged the duties of the chair. On the adoption of the above resolution, 'the President Undated la hearty. thanks to the chi. WWI of Mesaillinsand the delegation genially, for their cane:anon in esnyingni the ohjecw of thin convention.. That as Hanoi. home he felt dberastfol, d doubted the ounces Of the project of an forming the Pensuryinnia'arid Ohio Rail Ron company, bat that now bajthredd : return to his foliose citizens and assure them that anew+ len mini. The Mon. genuethallthea Wet amid the planditeof the convention. , Oa motion of Mr Leisure, the following rew ind= was adopted: Revolved,' Tint ' the thanks of the convention be tendered to the cinema ofideirillogi for their kindness in providing accommodations for limb& agates la attendance. On motion of Mr Dakewell, Resolved, That the thanks of the a:mention be tendered la the Trustees of this Home, for their kindness in furnishing it for then, of the COCI. •vatio On motke of Mr s Pendy. it era Resolved Thee procsalinge of mmittee tirrellued by the areas Meter, end published to 11l the papers the wend counties through which the eontemplati ed tall road will Pone, end In theaolumbue papers and the enntrentlon haring crowd its Libor. ed. Axirran Oasi.-4t will be wen that the President mem Compere to maks an: aperopria lion to pay the OW1:11113 of the Arolslad negro' a claim which they eat up *phut the government for the vitae dame colored persons . , who, It teal be- recollected, went dischargekby , our coeds. We look upon this Executive rocopermuution as nothing shorted an Moult tothenatioo. Mr. Polk vetoed a bill to pay an obi debt doe our own demos. But this Is a claim' for ''slave, property, and that Makes -a might: Monism In the eyes of dim Ezrative.—Rochoskr Anieriears.' DIPLOiILTIC . • Curare-41ti • Waskinstnn ecomOndent of the 'home! of Gommetce says "Mr. Viebbffe bee been leaded fresnltubsted thus so r i Chaie s im to be spo A nt.4. ~ Trim. will; it is apposed, bseiellber Na• gm or Twin. Mr Widdel - of New Yolk la i teem, nary stzonsif Meastunmand **MAO • . caziassiri.:—cept. , staibiail.,Guinicki:of the tali mai. of Naw Irak has bail' Mantel bj the ciacaa of Enem!, with aitsiitkificaat Itold' amial, fat saving the km of Fair B thigh . salsas at sec Captain L. Is a waived Phlloooll. Thar Journal of !Commerce' ens eit Wl= DOA evident that the - lElanh Eoglank wee Pa the Oat ittoPe -0 4 2 11Pe7osett. end.. nonktrbees. done so but foi the aotbm of hthlhaent ettied 'nethns:', Noun' at thnlisquaklana Alannii Bank WI Ml* b VOl it outii ! Draw ! of PLIIs- . , - Nom G. W. Dusisi Jai: boo •Laud chop at: ',..0 .2 ., . i ', . 7: . ". . ~.. C 4 " 1 itinn zo *se that Edwerd - -and ; Mrs , *Ailey* Irlidding in j.oodon,gns indrueb. 4.1 thiiir spilt in_tits city, to clEr lilonst2ien of 'loo sires of 'land in - the. Weetearil'ennsyleiMa Ilospllal Boeiesyibeing elicathrif Of' the'lenkin• • doled in the willi9ps4 Croglumsale, now in tim. 9titwarkef.the city.rif 15ttebutih• ' '' ' The above poem= offer secures to the facie* all the, erns tem:tired both for the objects of the Haiiiiiil :ilia the Lonnie dayium,and is a eon: ing.remerabstancer7 (Mut-this lady, in a foreign had, to' her Maim city.. Br !agitations migi. tuned - .for charitable, purpose, the eharader of 161114 commonity is judged. Their's Mast be a' great iatiefact/on wluican contains to so worthy I a pupas. -The 'motive which bodges; it iewor thlof all praine,for rich gifts emanate from best feelings of Melton= heart, browse di to the noblertobje chatty which endure ' for the perpetual 'bene fi t of the many—the si and poor...whom we always hero among us." ~ TM active mover to completion of the lioipi• tel and. Asylum, is due to the pulillil and found ed' on the Iwo liberal doititions; will be a proud monuMeur in the midd of a pthicely estate. 'New' Estiz..ixo Boomer will be seen that tier citizens or New Efigland ;origin hate taken the field in earnest, and that we an to have a Nei E 4143, Society, and a. !eleintiM3 of. the day fa which the Pdgrina Fathers landed upon the in. tinepiiabiet Itoree of the Old Bay Buds. The re,. Wine principle., the energy and the high toned morality!! those venerable men, hu extended fir west; and -it le meet that their deeendeate ip Pitlehargh ahoulti t tluough dismount of a New DI. gland Society, have the meritnyot the olden timat . 'readied 001:41 a year, mom strongly than dating the heeds of rimy day life. • Faunal was wintar.like; No fax as snow was snn• `tamed, more 'on than any day 'lids wagon. On an or two ocalatona we had al very slight fall, jilt disnabla. but on ThruidaY night and Fri. day morning it cams down fasi'enongh lot good old fashioned winter. Ths sinwriras about eight Inches deep yesterday. Tarn Mann—The snow alai the good in the rir,u, ha. thrown the meth on mast tif the Ibis into confoxion. The mail froth Cincinnati boa brought nothing later than the tith, , leaving two , don Two' are also On from Bahian*, and the pert. Bot*that send their math for us that way.' The . New York Man le in nr fate dno.- Troveze—We would refer oar nadir" to the: advertisement of, Robert Hall; of Allellbonf 047. His improvements in the manufacture of ploughs: are said to be of the best character, end hie den ate extensive for the 'Want and watern well to home teraketa. . . . Frio The a;lm €lli• iseedurutu iteMmed by a fire breaklni opt little mote of W. Bcq da Bon; on Wood et It woo astimmished belied material inlay wuisnitalned the bolld, of -r thr F irs porth Wa W ip ard .-7114 will W1* a , me . a ina t tha A 7 t home kaimul d ' f Valentine rep, corner of Duquesne Wei and irwin anent, on Elattuday Abe. ttttb Inst., to do+ deleptu to the Melon , and for ih• natl. intim of Coancillmn and ard arm& Tee 'Whig-and Afiamons of the: fifth wad will meet at the 'abaci beim, coma of- Me =A Walnut dream on Sataidar.enehii the tftth iiiß iifo'shx far . the pmposeof elating daft? Aretsi tathkallyTeeetellost; . ' ! TEMP •Wblp . aod Antleassotim of the; 3d ward will noigi at Haitian!, on Mai. tj street..oo Batoldaj aiming, lgih. To eleix delegate!. and noroinsta °panellmam and officers. ACCIDILITMt Hogui of theit eery, bad DU leg broken i few &yr 'Wee. boini the Ibiza du& nett se accidifit 4a happened , . . BY - MAGNETIC ' TELEGRAPII. rrupeadeace of PlttsbwrOk .Canayeodwx W the Pit mg!. Onazie. CONGRESS.. Washington, Dse. 11. 8 P. 11.! .Th.' B.w was bet eemsioa today. having adjoannsd over, altarlha Fitursige of the reettlailoits Maitre t, the death et thelate Ifoa.Jeo.o dpeigitt Mr. Patin, of Indiana, nude a apeeih in the Mouse, yesterday, out the robjeetof the Prctident's Veto of the Rivet and - htarbor B:11, to *lnch the i•Union . took etteeptioni, mad anlinadv . ated oFtat ' it in rather a savant and noun:Atm tw meanes t — Ms. Petit took up the amide of Fatter Ritchie, e .sad made= exeorhning rejoindit.to.day.. Hr. Botta, of V.., offered a settee of reeolotkino in tette of reptscing the Southern Meth They' ware read and -referred to the appropriat Coto nate,. • Mr. Maids, of Va.." pronounced an raw an the death of Mr. Doi:trawl; oaten, after thipets legs of the customary resolutions, the Soave id. joumed. Great Flood in the Muskingum Elver. iirrEsyiLLE INUNDATED Oorzespoodenee of the Putsbargh Gazette. Zit:ter/fie, Dee. 17 8; r. K. The Malikingum tAeor higher by three (eat than the great hood Of 1832, end 100 families Italie been, forced to leave theilhoutee• by inutile. tion. . , About 2 o'clock thiji rooming the levy sem. mensal giving Svay. and by the most extra+li• nary exertions West Zanesville, the elnatmehm, mills au/ IssidigJ.. mai, be saved. The water Liao* subsiding: No' lives here bean loet: Co...ma:mate or dire ristainagh Gimeue • Ciocinsaati, Dee. /7.0 P. The river hes receded just one inch at 'this point. The New England No: 2 hen just arrived, .s.nd reports the river gnslually subsiding from Pitts• burgh'down. Thrs welcome Intelligence has gladdened thy hearts of thoniands of our citizens, who nay pow _ soon return to'itte houses which they wereso spat• [bully forted io kasety the flood. Correspeneenee :or the Pitteburgh Gazette. Baltimore, Dec. 17, 4 e. It will be remembered.that le July !Mt. 04 trial of Wm 8 Birch;listko - wes Whited fare rm . spiracy to anneetkm with TanWor, fo rlefran4 , the, Mechanies Dank &Baltimore; the Jury c?nla not agreS ppm,' itudieland'Were consequently •dimbargedhy the Court.. 11, new jury wereem• panelled today, the cause tiled, and the defistelant '(W 8 ilini),coneicted. , . • P. 11181101160 WBElLTainrcrs. Deeemker Itt-cowviwrs , is num 1 Pres/dude WOW 11114 the Magnetic Teta itsph-The Home Trade-TAW:dal Correipar dence-Fren Trade, Protection. &v.-Roar/on . . . of Gan Taylor at New Grime-New York 13or• ,reepondei:l • -Smoke.Priventlee-ftoproimants in Gunn Cylyndriai PipswrFic - on Efsesins .Tike Floc . slZ•qns remmo. of , Col Mats/Ron damnation-7 May. meat. ef • - thri . : Gaen thasiners-Trammy ,Paiia4ate new' from Rant' Fe sod Ghlbrishos ;44liittaka.tarntoien.t.From New . ,YMit- God ibm- - Wei r 4o 4 f. 'Ettilti4l*nome . , - Otays!t4filarSOf Renratary of Wu-Yougl Rthln Baby of l'l4tharith4Repat , k - q , " Remataiy. or the Tree/nil-7Tbm Mingling Num. bog-Philillogical'lnditoti-AReport of the ewe of ths Nay-From kfrica-Rewir Items Wert Telqnlobio 'ewe, Yonne rod Doutesiks. COreMereA . euefelly - tor/roiled 'Review of the Markets* talus neek-Tbe prices is the local city mathate-The Cattle Marlict-Ttorp . rices of America Prod= la. arias pad* of the Union. -Maoist of Fran, Wheat, Corn Arc., welted ewe the opening al the thutsl-4 1 anel Wm:OBW arovemeetsof prodeeti.-Market lotoedon.. l •.. . City Nava-;ppuitottblPrikoor gimes from the terspogjoantelsoathielateraMistithra Fawisatthedak,atogyrtieio" Pike 4 anthaß/4 1 • 0 41W ~,81dilabliallin#611 111 *elk baIIMIS., EMI 'Aly *gluten. Ripe tAel • •upits : • nut0...4.,D06% llt , 'Floir—The dentin/ is roue/dim dint it -Wer. '.bnt there aeon change in prime The weitheitni been rainy on. dais which kW esndsreti4atellour Operations rather insulin, Onun.—The _ioarket - ntati, , Wittr turellaspr in pTiCOL ^prime ltad Wheat b ergels .t 14.0 e per be. IYaw. Southern prime Ysilaer..OrmissaWng. 56a58e per bu. Old prime yellow is selling at raTic per bu. Saks of new prima . Wil4 per bas : t Cotton—Sales of Lonksiana it 91. pee lb. Proshians—Tbres is no acOvitrin In attieler gestations remabr steady. Groceries—Moluser and - Ojai...are iOre, but prices ere stesdysfl CoiLsO Ii without Le. Bear Catthr—Sides on the hoof at 111.5*6.15 . perr SAAR 11)117 100 • , -, • Ontespon4enas of tloinutburghpyssit.! . ' BALTIMORE MARKET. Bootsois:Der- 17,3 s• x• , Floor--Ths weedier has been mini, Ali day, rhleh hu eluded otadiaor barium to I eccuido; ptbla extent. Holders of Howard street lasi& refine to sell at SO; sod bola,voandlYfat , $ 4 4 25 per bbl. city. Mina brands .ars , beid' et $B.Bll . per bbL . . Whast—Good Prime . Witibiii 'gallica JA 158 al4oc per Int. Baas of aoo4Ptimo Rd 414.,81.1 Clover Seed—Saki at $4;60, per . ''' Mem Poilt—Moderate semi of W Ito ;1 11.116 per bbl.- • - I ••• Prima Pork—New IVestiint is' sailiol,akio. f ireckd I :Por bbl. ; ' -- - • 1 - e. .. , Mesa Beef—Bates of M.ei Beef ele _ .ei ' an Beef--Limitsd sales At $8 Po .Bacon—liifesism cued Haw ate 411Ing 10} cents psi Ib: Ban of Ohouhlon 0, 70 pia lb.. Of Western sides at Biqa per Lard—baler at Sa9e per' lb. Tbs maid , is dell with a domisard teadatloy. The sales of Provisions ars only for.ds Pl 7 of the regular thide *ma " • Conencrarletea or the littlaboratt Gosotto. NEW tyoRK MARKET. ricaw Ymk. Dee: 17.3. r. Flour—The Market is ivory 1(01..01 di. =lotion'. Moderate eat . th of G reer are quo • ted at 56,t6' .per - • Guthi—No selea-of Wheat 'luau* Bales of. P. W. Corn at cults • of 10,000 bit, Prim; Yoh;kir it MO . psi', ba.- Osts mu in moderate moped et 48 cents pa be. Corn is firm rind in toodulao ,ll . ~ 2 • -•- -- WhiikeyThe 'mmlollo4o for ell descrip• dons. .. - Limited ' sake sielroteil et S 6 dit pr.' CottorTbero is a better folios in lthis Dia., bet, with as adsince of is . in the lb . . - • Orocelies—Mohmes , end Coffee of at a little. &ohne, bin isithOuilmisinssi sales.' S u' ps is without change. I - . • ' • - - Au old t man =nod Paie. Titei.; l4l Ischoied from jail on Thursday, went biek ,A completed of eytneis, siad wee, found. dead on Fridayinatelni:. Verdict Mahe Logi:test in nem• dame with the fa c to.; I!. UlYr•Te 'RUessesboar Nan and Otllsor e—Cory earl Id nicer Pam Yucann—lit it new conceded by' medical in. that Cannel% ; =(ield Pain Eames., onthathetared by Contatack Co 04 Mainland au N.Y.. I. the flaunt wonder of the; .I.9tb tensity' Ivy erect. • are tract caaentona. • Alt paths are rannycd.thatablana; seblds. h.e, and externals/n*l. at. temp application. healing th a tame an the thostdelleate skm, ne scat. - It is epwlly bentictal• thr all kinds et .ilika diteateamelt as we rilbbleil and 6yey übrall. Rheumatism. Width ktercittnit Ulcers, 'Umbels:llmo, ChbblaiaCtryaspetha, l- Mes, ; Ti,' Dotoreaar,ts. We alibi eta as proof te savagely, the names of many tonnentpbytdetins ado melt a theta practiceond handreda IM elerky *mantas It to their yeithlik. • gird meal keep Itmbabby cc kandi rower ar.cident by ins, 114 may W leateritkoat bat by ha we all bad. are aatutai to its eacaroti anthem viols are donnthed. Ciation—itentembee and aak th tho rthamellta king)cal Pain Extractor, thatuthactoted by ComapektCcu,h.l ad ao *eau:, • • • Many by WU. Tai tteoN, Apia rer Psttsbnrob,llb • Many at, beaded wood. - • ,nekbdandlater ttrra. cum.o to the Boman vatic* too skin,) the Geddes cheap _flora kel t& told, and eke mole calms ; Dah, Coarse Ceruplealcos. Thee it IA module that!the peros of the .kin theald be kept open-Ou dwit mouths shaold•be frecdfroueoupurity-iwas `has the avoiruaßearaaP4l. troopers eared all due wee-they carepated ifeet son I,searee and unhealthy vapors tilt Opeugh . the ports of the sloth*. any rube* outlet of*, Nagy. It le rieteiP' dientrote, le keep the ppm* opeal-all hooters are dwelled G en the sate from the pores, When they, 'malt mina Sexesqtaltaa.Chretteal Poop. I have seen heave thewerst and oldest cameo( flee Rhetlat, FulutPtler, Oldliores,lterbar's heir, tare Sleek Ithmsr i Ztat PM: th =re ' Verne, 'Ll Tet a ltrd tbottall tuba yellow and wane: re yroaderfit removes Preez atm Tao, eautdosOlforpbseroued dtcliareurestet.tht akin-bat persona mast be parameter eh ase Cer.loles! Peep-label ia PUtreurgh WhllJACKbeNotaut ' of the tag kk,os, Ea Liberty a, Pelee PO 07 , Salter% Glaiseette Mathaseas—Menteat. TnerthealT—,Yre her relflr to call pablio atteinnin to . theists...ad, froth 'Dr. Wei. Doan, itt Withintredlo Clermont Co., and Wit of the sexy 11*pr:tennis:ars in the °Seery usarhtli he rethiest, are late Swam in the thaw Legislates.. It is cheering rhos to see the lead, Inn OMR of the prof . ..ma, ber.rin: th± bonds of pruk. ',anal peer od,ce,'s na giving toent int due: ' • • ."Sli: 1 hare co ms. practice been rising...err Tour Gnisene Panacea, and, Ferrer. ansyriall,pleased Isi to <Verdant Catarrhal and Dionehlatteinplands. Please close half t, dozen bottles—pot them as .I.A. u Too I espeet tr tt contioaesto readers,. eeneml sat s as it Ims heritoftub: to heel tt coonantly on RthpectrallT , lot? INNn. Doan, ft. kao patod, l breidi; . . Spann rams aka mumdeal t ,.. • h manta. end dindratredi • Alt mold tone iamb what xi Oar?, at tdeatb—ttatd ganwain Of If • • WO, dalayt—Nay,qateniy hewn .. • And asda Ws of foam ronth Peat. ,11nonn ont •A cents, and Intently beastahl wank. It farm uta tech a dna cannonl.. Sala In Pittsbutta 'at ID ',Lanny at. - •. - . 1.: • antidatart, • . 115rIcaportaat to Adivertzetirs.—The &dyed:, ilvenienta whichappear in the . DatlfMornlng Gazetia, also appear in the Nn-Weekty, thus fecal-ring itra ban eft of the circulation of all. Withal.t any additional charge. nig la an advantage tow ail renlaen , w,rllMot any enn. erpenso. Advertilientenia are also /alerted l'Attie menu' , paper apoii reasoned,' lane& • • r— To the Halt &e el Lam s Nene analioot Liniment andlOdtiat Vegtoabler Elixir, is do sy,ot effootnal corefor Rbesadira.l . . 'Bold by WM JACKPOSI, Agent larritutetrtht - . • 4 ovlltldkludtrit . - ,• . oGP..Ladies who ate Jones' opaniah White, tiara always a fins white mum...trent An. IX tld• • trial . will unary an) one. an lvl only in Pitnitratati.at LIE. a+l u — '_v 1 arlAlkwly ,• . . .7 p . M . esars .killtors . ..- 41 . me 6ot — O . live& : mitt uamd of the obaathatlon Maypr i . dcl3 • FIRST: WARD. • . . . , na"Den`ibiin a Foal Ilreallt,if t ira,: hee, nee It altllling bottle of Jenes'Amber Tooth Awe— Taal will mete leer breath *way witer, year teeth, tee. -. Salt. at Si ',ben! elk' • 1 1 . , .nalthl ' _____ , ...... . •tErn. Vit: &midi% pniadh Ma, Hall nen Sablaill., at 21',0'alack...I. . _ • Anse Fara and Coal Laud, AT PRI , VATEFeLE.- subsenber offers kw Ws • PIM, 111181411 Union lownslup, Washinvon ca!, a, contatautg ma, ander mmd cattle. non reit Idual la of Uta best quality, awl all tillable., awl also adapted Pt grazing panwswa. Abotnloo acres am cleared Thaw are two Dwelling Onuses, a 100; andante, necessary buildings, slaty& good and The whole Paw en Um on suet* a In guilty Coa t e( ade ep vein. and easy a access, as In tee alghborMoi or an extensma market The Cant een' Is worts MOM than M asked lathe Fun. if not soldoll beether, a n i tor dtvlded into lots to wilt purchaser& alluding o cleanest; eppormany revue vacate Coal Lea f Tbs terms of Sale and coadithots or payment, will be made Canna eilher by tie tabscriber, on in miles from Pasbatigh. on the old Washington Stags analtrac by Levi Fut ky,Edq,; Ftaleratltc, lb the c/ of Ma premtsca 4 /AMES fILARTLLOCIC dniotaxt•T A peat . t, THE onrlttrigned ts owner of aOOTTOI4. FACTO RY,Iost newly floinhed,oetbe While• Water Canal, al Brooketlle,lmliarm.ilernlltia Irma Cineinnad. '• The' enablulbroent new contains IWO Vanes, with Pater from the Canal to propel them.. Also larrner to ton 3 me of Bart Mill Stonerler night, if deemed: The emu. Ilshoteet Is Whim., and in complete order,occurbler be made from CA to LOA Ibe of yen. per day: . The priprletor Idlost false soma ready root" an far thy pupate proposes to soil tbe one half of the ahoye e mabilehmeat at agreatsaeriileet. Capttallst• will Ind It greatly to their adeVae lopic lute th e banner, as 1.0,14.14110.11 t eta be ado yo • very hear' per es. Altborgthe emir t o t narliatila to c lactated, yet, ;gas bridal. to Drootedlei fit la taped eviler Mr all atanufaetarn*parpoees ^ d. WOODS.' • - foe. 17, lilit:wiltaT, •• : • • 317estsin tiadvirsity. HE gliaminaiknoe!at 111 a Ilnieereirrwill commute . pa glowinT negyit o'elock,A. 'Load will beton ilnetod la.the following older: I • Ha*manes. ' From 9tbl•••••••• ••• .......... . t From -9 le 'Lido Ind Greek. w ...... ..... -• • •IMental PlaloophY. v.. w .... nod Greet wsnuman I Pram 9 to tit- • •LJ'lglllh Prep4iatory Deparidicat• 10 to ] 1.• sad Oteek.• . , Rom 9to 1 ' Preparitory-DWInm""L. Ju Addict attend. - .It DYER. IN. ; ' ThelialrTer y w rill commence Oil the tint Mow aw u jpin. r • . . doll3-3t- g: ITT " 6 " Wgt 3 J'A m : ter it VAL - ''°°" l " , g'isth - N gtaintgsll CO • 01‘1143.Nt bbti No 3 toYiakt b ,41 . 18 ' F_VON BONNOUn • _ . 77, ms•RroOlin neer • to b g y 11* -8 1r iitt VON. N NT4Ofurr : , . • (vil • IXTUITIS ITIBII-421bbletorlatc_for aakiby - YY ,delB. • BR. VON BONNHORR r co _ . &DAD—Mk) kip for.sle urn , a no , Lir; Dto lasTAL,itierecovea. i>" . 4 del & t WICK& tdatttAlin&ESS ft . tor wsediltwater Ins Orral4-tY!!e f~ ~ ^+ i~~i ~ lIOC~D~ Iolt~• _ 110tt ar • la; ith?p=, il tiik: martbeir teem esiaranee or There 'ate *Am:lmm soot Psusbnegborith It mottos itdoped loose lola heel! nig eritb eaa iTr= asertelbrtorok Irr this arrangemere (meta on the lame a 6 where Mato piens trolow,ltot tallo rivet in mach beetr et It .rill abet bo borne, eLpbell,C2ul . !font= M ON New 61&"Ma. Albarry,li&t. &M em& St 1.4 ';;VALVIALM.VaBIi AND 4.11211p5, For Bola or Haat. • F yn nowonol frillEdilloeillotoill sell or lease o Own en the 'Alla. TEV: - 'li=l;-==i4rd ' er fall elakiva ulso ends a good lone, bam and ober INAMSICIII and deal , ble losprerements 'both '.7"Ar orOalOiad Ontaled•debble twelve llsilet of elo. aboadsoeia_theinnee,abedy of fine fannhall ,• tame 'ad Usisbl.eals -- Leed, enfoollser. of ONE THOU/SOND Abler Wadi sell or kook beintidea . aallodred.' Slob on , sen °knee lows aateral of welds are nab, and , all eeittenfible deliled=eollned • tyliairga ,= •' ' Them ate eta !goal elo :wee, the , Whole r 11 and easter plell/ahla nalthmllna; laird ill be Oddest,. or letsed as debited by • Tbe fame( lm semi Oa be add 'et /aided dAll beiiiint It denied easibe ere. laaeledlaselr. • • - The oriole bodyarlande beteoffezedtdmbrae 4 tom Allegheny hear of WO mad lout - desollnillo seta will , to ifivelf te blockaded. -• For tannatietbrothos foam .erablao 11. idiom brill apply se the aibecriber,:as 411 Muted K. "MOO • • Idea:W.4LT ;' CALEB LEEL'-,- TO awararogas. At. . iii,tilierNeviEoirl_andtra hell on Ots , iddi, aldwo, on motion' of II W Wigton, &VD WS. reaolved&ailla d'aiwident and . Vice erecidani, =nod bY 'Ls gontleawa,no be appoued by the MOD ni this maenad, be .r Committee Ranch Conniwthar and hat of, 011ags for a New England Soo *my: to be Conned" on tie MI EsccetabaLlE47: onetime' of lino Chain Shafer. lion John s 'MCas ualtaw:e Aatila, -htuees,llgridd Wok, Lake • Lcombr, th Vir warn Dread 0 FRilmoto, WaOGldwail,E6 Aire.. Them Will ba a Dapper on the 150 last, lb. Antiwar eery of the leaink,of the ellen, - Evar pongee(' NM ice attand:, • • Notice of ihildece of.lactulag will eare dtvn to &a poen an hfooday.. Thins cla be /ne of Abell& Wbl 8 CALDWELL,' E S SEYAUdSW ()ETA- • , 11 1111101, Comminaseof &renown= • Plamarbs, Plough .Clastlmo" larayme Bea. lIUBEES HALL,otiba Wars a[ .A It al Hall, ija istazuthunallair lamQnandunM PlOgikkPap Waal's:W.:kap Sazaaii.,wita ate improyeawata as the Leant. :Feacock.MaMa and War pipaspg, Ham and beat`panesaanavria . flay Se Lam:fly:Of ratilnirala , olipalate tha Hay Seale; lac kay ir l=benAltiglear Tar 'lraq lef Meat. OVIZIWOAT JIVTTOBIII-6ikirivdieiiig, Ten received by (lobelia - k OeineYrea, id ri from Phll.4oo* for aide . WHIM TrLt a rtmliufa l . - • Alt In hoed order,lost !mealy on Wel., al the tune Mete: dill - r 6! cot toireket.kheen-ese F l itS AOLIVALSY E.N.MISE 6 4 do pair Was Leqings; recaresil e de lititb.i.oat GA.l.l4Leasus, Lora , a laigigagns pal and Brusl'odnaerd dad Gialai r mgentiair -tdreeriWaxlandSaddillaid mat* , Zriligana pries dreg braktraaPar nyla • arrlNG—ta. Irma demi 'llloluar'end irdk am a nxed Wilton* & pp% EOM* inn days froaaktati i su aaaa _ 3D2l3boaldarii • b r J.MD . " ' .113 Mem LARD 011, of wst own ountiemni,wrillek rewpal- if mat Msticlosit newsznAl on band nal . 1 Ws bY !':.t • • • • JORDAN JSISOti• - 1)111LACIL. 71r4DDINO- , 4lo,derscn udwaddmg,justopealtou kit atTA.7 .IAINUI,-.lllssassms miukutt.turtpad, kanst sad .1.4 ptsul Ussi and cloak Waist Islts stIAt.S.A. Irrllll4 DAY ____ • • O.IIII.WLS—We Jot' reeehred tarsi lot o 1 / 4 71 , rue anbrablered , dellt.eurvar, I".rge DLOOEIS—a&& pas Tatili'lniains_ Mr& jjo twang 4..1. b r - • t,pomarra &CO -- L=all-101:0-pipfiatcp*tayloi4priale • , , : 4.1.1118YT11 4_2_[o.! nELIMIN-. 7 608 by prises tor dar, DALgeLLoorar 177 "Atter 117 . b ' br4`,b , Kut a AIeiDI.V,SO 'tot mod & Watt, st• IG LICeLD=4III6 pip Galena Lead.% Im re Aend Aie Y sale I.944lDErrEa a co del7 41 Irak* . at , Frrt-13 bal. Ist ..rfrtEgrAllawit Q lINAG—.III bale. pkme, lasiere: Yer sill. by 1 . 447 ' POINDISTINt t= - . 7 P"- - /Cl , l - 1 , ' • YU% its'co• Idebsts and Ili Y Brom, Guirin. dee, !imerial and roirrbMWarrt_ . a,tv ~ I ClM4lL—'?ll.l.ll"Pgllfr b EXT.Lik.OO ArIV!.3-49 treet r lb c iille s trzi nknu i tT ms. UHrirg'" "liar ow, by , WICg k rIELICIEN PLANIIIICL—Onn balii hemri lisdkd ki COO* 68.14E10, tviiisson . Jilt reed ts• •.1 • . - • des, - • " SFIACKLETT & WHITE ()LAUD CLOAN.lnflai-t nu printed Da l •11as. 1. red and Usti ow Teetive4 by • - CUSCO:LETT tIVEITK: SD CANTON V;4l !.ri- n4 RDoe Shins, Just received by • . dad , stiAciistra.ivnrrs. arp.ornia bale ItT7 r ilbe 1.7 ftin.Pausfir"inVit*FATE ". data • EISENIMMER boeleerinei B akas Pes • • "••• L7oxpon ado., for wale by thetanker bone as the • M dell • laoos WEAVER Hoceiturna brr a tsiso, Heaton 6: Co*lonni to the United , for Isla by ths crow of boats at tb• Islas-wore. doll = JACOB W &MM. 1011ANNI69 iittiEit Mei—A:few eon of Weed -0 'clamed erieeitot *I b 7 the ease or bottle] el the wine store: debt JACOB WEAVER t !JOCK:HEINER 16)1h; P'A Manua* 04 414 et potation uo theitt4 tiqe p L y gm! um. • deur • - • •• • JACOB . wiivEz 7 DMA X lairliaut 'tram' Kw Palo Alia, 141 sal e by , ••• JAMES DALSELL • • 'Daimon istatmosi , : iticalved pakitxpress /"at62 idarkri another Invoice of 10p,Frenek NamOKAcf.Ooko id ss.',l Z); lift oug oll CAMIS4III4-44 Kam &co. 9116Ltrk , 01;h4kve reahlilwastluallepes of Met Culasisrea; of even,. • aslittsl4 • NO.' I ' del6 BAlt!•I'T - '"b.°I't:{e6;br P4RIUNQ 11004. ofMobldiplat:kli web by MI 9:11"°' QpAtticuria.kossELLF,twa Wins; imsale • 1.3 Lie °mar batik, at the +rim atom • •. JACOB W&►VR nniscAret.locrvizei oonximraal forAGM by the etre balkl m wine mom. ; GM ; aaos wr T If -13 " N° L"'dtY'rtit ~'arloltt SIIIIDELLICI c — bt r tle Celia WU pollen •- ' 11 bete doer reef , I Heim , rake resehes; " -.• • . bale - igege Lea: rsteived per inms•Be EßM aver, far ple g. 31 erstett (rent an lbeCtle,etia*bil=4 .IV.L VO lb* Calomel, Eaglinki • " red Preclpitami, . • ' 11 , 3 , “ .CorpsiTe dablioui • not reccred sad hi vile by • • .11 •PA gsruag Sr. IMO • • • • - • 'reotvaref let*. wand ea • - poRICI43II TOBaCIVOo bales Cabs.. itavinis V and Polo Leo 7rappe.rnadaucrinaf Tananwi, in• • LA GO !U..' • AA 111101111 A-10 Ills loquar ' 1.5 W. OrimP.4 l .L. 4oo ;' • • Jou rectivasidill , ll4lllrf I • • • , _ • B A FAHNESFOCX &CO 1100.0,411n510a1l .10bii504/SN' • 1f i gP 1 4440 4 07.. : LI% t Bd6 • WILL.. MO Viraiirel—tltble Se LnOrp TObleCo. • - ' •40 buj lb Lamp Nagar '93keglltwta do. !. - 10,1XX1W-4 1, 3 1 ACI=N- : ' • WACO ecomaioacigat.i:janneVie !altar [ _ tlbblak S. II awes: • 110111,011 CO • IS !Burr/ • , !° , lllPre: Amp le kr. .to e . o r, Pik uitumeat 0 •. I DICIMV tOO Eli elms albiialerby 'I% 6:16 • J D WILLIAMS, 110 meals' tfitt+A 4 IT- .I"l:Trrirl,r,iii`;:i r RMt, - wltiiad MAlDD—llDlFisistfrir,,fil fait ; AO .r,"4 WILLAJW T w~' ~ ' <l4'; salibiteir Vif 4iiets* : 04.6c&t r ant,fiarisbal " with a. Ne. balladat thAt twiNenti. Iwnreed neje! ','Tr: pail= three War and y,lebe neared le. \ Vlll, Acct. 10'4 , 61:4 1 r =CI* . 1 AO. staple and ...au meas. OA., ..44444. autsUxt, 44bimiobes,de 141400044 . 4 4...11 6 V . :14 eV lAA t Wig It ftlarilakbareme'r 31144parIva dthreittatioll4 •: - , • • bayeaunk4o . 1 0 0 1: 10 eld 0 101 11 ; 114011400. dame Wa4014 (1001ntra., &cub met gcal • ly N 0 eqahabd.abar 5 00017:4144W4 • ItsiNmolk 40 0 s 6, 001 . 00 a 19 0 000 bacMA[ lol4 7 Pr , "''' • il..47l6.49Ciist+Sfaia b Ar t "; Ai "" hifts; ' den 444 • doduail pit Idl.er ably sad:. • : kei etuaryowlesi 10 1 11 0001 ""____,_" krlt uomm • of Citrtegui 1044114X440• 00 5 0 ...... - 00 10404: lanse44lkoksl44. ON • • • stl4 - 41 - 1144i41 - zlllOl4l, psi Meal &Welor.lo II UP. -Comesecl4l Saks Steamy stonier Wood' And Filth Mori .111 le sold , wathost nirorve :large aid extenetro tellettsneoU-Weelojkal, steda Poet?' bintortag ane iiiseellumes Boot., among winch lia'scitesysdos editions tad 1.. Mostar iPtentha, 0 !"! 1 2 4 .:-" Jc lft l D Dols. Poeta lbstaqeopeni, at ON Wedoesdepooaelag, doe Sad It 7 o'clock: at Ike Catanieeslat leaaa: Nper. wiper af.Weied .ad aL v 4di ,efresol 4at . earner of .1 7 .1 alien earner Lobs, leg e Vent Wee. wad fit staining three Late, eaeb. • a kat eat Porn ee, awl beak 1.1 0 reFtbr • T • tal e 'maws Is rere pond iiumieT payneedsor Warta. ue: ba sensed bp bend apd .6 • • : 410abi t DiVlBll.O. bse . usi rcneady intend isio psrw.u. the as se it Cialay i tiL i org#re.,, Ar s ="ti .11 a. branebel, ban oecapiid. by II GAMOW • NO:: .ta wood sad lkohlskid , yorle+B • TIANVISIMAtM .I :LONG Ilakettlialhiagag e t • - pieKnulgarLimpniet to ',111,184u5, by male_ • AtZli te . .4o ,4ll M tgla G. r:N .•, , [Moblc nttipmN r the papa tar, and us Inken dim al lan tb Prrat, p 4 ey aro Castinp na•Men smanisdax invited to a wawa has amber. va • thePahna LIMN on Kealaboat &WM I M 400 . .:• ACTgragaSs - Posy fAc0i1 .4.11.1 -•- • '• • • 0 - • ,: ironer '. do, calf and enCer -, ;- ~.: , 4 . WOO - asp and Vilna( BabbireN • , , - • • '- ' • Ir s •• • Aleattles, (afadreedA". 4of • ~ - , ; i f A re G • ..Sti g afkr •f = -- ; i;'l . ' . •-• :" ., . 1. ! 'gill; . I=l= d iati a aoitrof I lad Rf ool• :len demi Olden received tar CAWS sad Wavelet Haim - and Caneliters=daradrelrkdoe :le . e 7 • ildeneartr * Bedliod anteeti der Cnnl : 01:- Alas, •• • .- ' rhinS:Clga.i. et 1 .1P.F. , !" .... , ,..1..-_r.....,..., _ •=17.10, : ' . ' Ender dinar, draidarase: . l Biddle PeleliCa l d i r 04 " 1 " , E,Dlar . . CLAVIAti lateedeLt r il , e , t o Ldrs,l2 1 Gradiadied:lll ' areanne- Mena; Ils Inc Issa It • Amend tar attaniste eicinaivery so* Omni. of Dernede yawn/ recolve'Loft, and 'one* 'mum kg , alsgea sale on Beet, sal Safari leud*Lad bus Vs expo add dasamme, ehtidret; rs haled! be ablaea tirr reendaenene Ii .1,,F Pa ” 0 4 1, 11 *- • _lacersP. W. drama A Sari, .-' •r. , ' War Macs r. Sas, . ;.; - ' •,-. ~ , And Um Unclean travel- wow ormita AA whou.a. Pry Goid. R 450.5.. 4.‘ 111111tatfinstreet, rem Kilpes oillpseasarao pesEaoinklijerimm. 2 assesofichngoiPialduadOwds 10 ma Inntelt'lles*4624l4 4 ll Wks Te4artkite sakTell.:* Wpm btankess;stear stylacalieocpuimpla erns astliedff7.l.ltther eat ..liga.V.llllLeMlltals b rg ty &Apar, • FF Tehhulemiywere eb theleltdei /Jet December. id Ile seheadhele, lizeeeletetafehe Late sine/hi pis= of lesies lees. Image ettla Alleigheey, desteeeed. lilt eenetuiltater mutate au demob meta.* the arum d the mid det=t, ere re enegettee mete knovni the newooreboae delaWs. Boni, Jr. al the late needestee a/ We hietehse„ i i .le ef!Allee's •.• -• • ?Ames '• wiLuAir VS r 7, - . Fenn greet: 01 PlacbtawlL. INOTIO= ' , A 14 Tenon krarn* Owarrelnaladeleello VA ea; MI6 of settee A.Drave, Jr; deemed, are bare) , • needed areall and reds their aattamterard iireelunr• restraint stout the Ueda, arrH prow des .day ardeateated Of milieu= el era rabacrieer.as tea ararelanse at Jai Irwin a. Zoe; Noll Ohm rt.; agleam . ' • OHN IRWIN Ezdami. ; LEWIECIIUTCJILSON it 00 3 , No.,tf Wager .n 692 fmt , Astnta &taut Lovii them Sm. aci.n.l; tar, in mom— , „ ales 6 a• _ M" . D ensatal {3-e"• parderal ' "a" enaial Fa oale at refixed PLICATION welter:ado fiesident,Mins . prs and Cosoproy, kr erecter sr Hedge wer ibs - Aiser biononsb4s Oborelbs rims:or is Peppy of Allossirm. for thi roped or.Preo prelasses, Nor 117,10, In rho pito of lobo 41ansobesob brr Pro Asps of brook la said Ilbsobser.. Sod ernibeates be. lag Pit or mislaid.. • RICHARD ROM !Warner te the ; Eme ampa jObrrarster;deo'd la.,4"ArAteir ~Vhukef: me prateessaperi,!fidatttatialmitirrelli. VIAND STZET . BRIDGE) ST OCR.-Tea Cl oboes of dna ateek,'epoa-w6iN'a divicktod anti wan be declared, eta be bad'by aopllestios to _ 0.-1110141'90L ' . 154,1 i 1484 iltheih hl at, Std and 4th, . M13:1), Rod yellow bane% sloo,. lino lot nloonywnlkoleiwialejliiroo , 11;1014doollokeogo dolt 73.3•11Cel .1.1, Wear dismotid. WIXILLS UOODI, A11te443 bildnnes' Wooten V T noOdo; p«►, Tiseft, Otookings. mat Gsken; isodlestOperadr Mn, Moo Hoods, Peterioss, to., csq *fond u,HA TrtioSodid donrd• .171111P5aul PRINOES=AIarp • _iiiartweivenaliad bbrinazinftir Obsip lwad'aquOir, Jon Losdakdbia ) Weft, ku lune sr 0.1=" 1112 1 1 '1". bb ig Si bbirN 9100 s. and .r• 'W&Ihk0100 1 °112";. 1T • • 10, 11•100.000 reti ENI 4 , 16 c&RODN ft & 110 GUT. &Ist nu) tarzniazziaxvioavA)b. old bait Ambler Mom ageLpf stx*inaut, rm ..irbitAft . litfhist pries 11111=1 Istemitzrds, v tir ".. 7! 4"144" . IDVAILLA powalum—awkAttak of Off.ltelon boat *oaf thlni•fillL - iAN t or' syr II!!!!ffifil IXATlllialcll4-.4 acts FisOwn ARAM ‘' • Tboi doi I oak obeetwav 1410601 for side by • dellrL • . . 1 DICKEY .k 00 TITV • TM • • 1' etometve,leto• Ulm tellefla24,llxtelna.Oltach = u, : amuTt od rarc uw N47, delS . , . 8 N i n wiles wei Of AVliet;-1 dna cialr tiwlndibla IWO abases and papillae brand* of mettl,lott aid - sta ,impetted ,odieranit et ism a callad and far adalot . al,llo tr i grat "a tt , 7l ; s'o:w rum übaty - triaan Tautigisao-A,r• Aar eirertea as diumVpriseli . ; Fill BATON MPITOIe 11:EATON luudesilicilved•szeW. Fla, cherry, atod Wan top eeland n•Wg sat no! gesforhemeeta lug &sues. • 10 deg . - OATS-406.6 a loositomeatt saebv • eL li oo.n n e-issbair _Nies vEtegland{ -- - OM. l k -10 gbaiSS*1 111 4 10 s • •N s•tiektiUi ..,,&101111191e4 lx,to • 1". SLATIIMIODWILB,OIO/M4l" Asts , , ty, 4.4-116, • RitlitteMltloll/ • A seums—vibbtiveia tut rim by ode hL .I.a. dela , ZOMBON iCiWP WiZiaGi:MM 4 .- f...i'' . i'f STEAMBOATS. Ist Mk Mt CIIOOI.IOX*TI AXllrrl i fiitata ' — DAILYTACKET - LINE . re.....""t - et: Wlll. =Ma pownf at lo l am gado _nannfs 1 .,(110 k nth at money - UR proccre,tin amps' imams. Tn. Pn o Pll l ftdortlls bolt ifoe tem .n/1 awn Wilt .7nonWoro area &Off Pls..;' sionble• gt fs 1111k4 1 of tel l i e tod enlPo pl o lolTh Da. In al we ke - pa • i . ao lan ll - . . * _'lllottikair7FAvElle• ithiiosowast.pvt• amiti4. o4 l , • bap enrm` Monday' mossnitat 10 efolxt; W been,' very //lay 0,6214 II ' • - • rviesniar Pa . The 11111F.ENIA, NO. 11, Capt. laineenr, will knore Pe ronnoktsnorning at 10 <Matt; Wheeling clear . Twat, evainsio at 10 P. M. . • .111111DIZIPAY PACEMMT. The rum ENotaND,_rio. N. wt. 6% D• l4 , knee Pitestnnet amp Wndseinhy -.lolon l o Cl Weloeti Wkedmr r:Wedittidat nnen ol 4 Inn P. lease Y7o► ,ThibonnosirlAraNk , ..ev l amoil l eraryTkalstiattatalaaptaliOalani Moan tlaat7 Tialtuta7.avtalas at 10 P.M! I n intlitalr T. cLuirEs_ A raks, cve.rmaioNoia.rias bozo 4...7enamiroming uoatbdovemibut mos rsidaftwim . -• 11671311DAY.PACIEST. t ifis linanaNSHßANlOL.A.opyrillleine ACP bond' tray Bailin wirraing lu P tilewock; ewer, Bauu.ta Immo, es It P. IL atINDAT SULOMMT. 'TM( MJEIVIMM• tVre rimbalk Suroda, walibliMreverrassay aMsti3=l) .11. 11 • BEAVER PACICErf ,, —NEW: amt will lam In awes, Worm wad 06-Tommay, tad Satirtlay' rMactsmimk. imikatlookka . mama meow, Wohimatim _mad /MOT.' sw You ihe humicm temmen wad stream& Md "pored !."' " ltt ai lr u Vait UGH, Age. • = • •• - A 0 SIWOod OL • • i• SZA.Vta AND wsuavitax. ?Arum. 4ic astibormier. moolas *tuff swam mem dim, mom moires. infWelloralAllvrillirkbluteerr, ritimikomi Wrink m. *block, x ll . "` °6 4 "111 narroma o, A 0 ..,11,4111pc!,IT P011:111N-FORCIACINNATI. . ' l. ' Miner sag AM rommt p .missatiTBSCIBYLVANIA.= o,lWrillktvekllacianulmnf .praracal 10 or a. 3.1. std Wbech4esay.Thn4a7 siulni, al Vekek . , it ar. 'Fat et some noVrips board. t w ...---fmwTorclow— Lain& • i..-7°12, Tw Vi Aeautt.t . ' swmge .ovir 1 , 08 lalty!_ollll.Boos7llBOULe&CK.V2.. . 'Miaow and am _ rad kw . dab ealaelt.' Vol Oaf& ar ?M alvd, of le del8: • 4080 MIL WI, Agana 1E01.11.42 st_r 0* Cirianflerrixit4t , - -_, ~ . .„ . :: ~. , : _,,, rd.?..trrowirlarlriM ' itta.Dew . ' r" willitearsas above this LAD °La : Odeblikl . .e it.goor lonisi.aasaar, visll4.kass as abasa dus,day asa *Watt. :fir 'fiat or • • • 4114a, - Mig :t ier;willleivet6ilemk this •' I der ••• • PPrl.kr:*,,ftrcT---1011— REITULAF.recior Ru mm y; =tarns, mum barND Theia49l6 ,, TAL . - - • 6;4'N 64;,,,,asisz4lit 'war= ~,,i n 0 afar, ~,,..i i i , _. ..- ...,=..........0 1 ......0 ,1,Fearti z a ka p t ...4 o r . ll,Jekiek, Far aa+C.9 01,—." -7142WTONAONIS0. r - .1 1 ! 6 , • A ""11. 1 Yrr^s M.1110'...T.NAV0P11.13r=41,1 • Ike for, altiostersige Teduasa * t= at igen 'I AND 410NUNGUL , T...<4lM9iiT t iff MM, p azu - - Nthesamatay.. ll . 01 babintni Ineabsseremme.,„, imidxxaml Foday, =in owric r i. siml 1.0=4 bat 017 emirrhaindanThiltr maamay•Fp "awl, F.0./taW i1y5fHA1101.0........, afloat." rittale=ved s,ll. • THE Itglisdnt, • - ' AMIt e HeN, M ake akar/ . 1 0 Nur s te,the Awry 1411dar si t 011 beta . - ..,- asevuut LotrnmuarAtter ' - - - Trewswoweremvpig . ncor slag moms 4.- 0 • Ctrader, asstesooll raa` llVrepLa Itar 0000.21.0butra40b 204 Lads witte,tlota= Ms swan. 111000•000 YOlay, October 0, uiode _ _ . _ Forfreuittar EXPRESS-LINES, &o. 1 1F9 3 1x? ( .F , 44.1 11 5 1 .7 1 w*. I soa r , I • • I.Diurutoitz'AND IBMATIEO'BIA. • I • - ITTRIG St ?Y ee a nstre i ks , Conse - McLane 1- thanks. 11311" low inkier doakti MP. k iloton Pittibotyn and Brtrwardrio: Tut morning inion agiji I ea - Ikea rattnntgh to Itonr*,—Fore 110. Prom Pittobarin in finhuteltiltia-.00 beet*.--Fate 812. By a» Bioninibost PaketweiklBlodp keed. is enotakWe ewe Ralik -ttro totranikreonn kn . otoontsks fa &plink . tad - tap andittlye.m Camber land thstdonsbn dm *raiding , elk trivet anotediee. Coaches nettintrk - tortninion?Unopkattkevlu7 de- Orkßooke • yetir . ntkete ot Oftite .ol okotiokk . Bowe, Walk st; or -18. Caulk tkieLiAtiod at. • Dial takenethe _..J-01BAKUIdEN. ponotlene • rateettles. tiT tree..•••• , Zep=lrerg Quiets elees,..by..lheOltetrtietnike434 t!thetlee4 " Trkl w Yperymet ethaneeufpiii - delr'ceid r* kr• 04 . 4 ,_ try the pralllWesoaithlithe Iceideteispetehitti ell i.d t c anems tetet.•2ll.l of Latin taken lee m.mile ted tree tealelad. The paffiestie oft. pu5L !.'ete'reMet Pottle popetewn l / 4 ,.. • • • r a. "te - • ' Witter elttetlin ehlmth. Ow* atigiWk • pug, New It , * aigto:Od all Vie , u '," 'Srutafl Cil . 1 ice"i sad Uteri sea* re Worm. .the fasten,'MlA '.Mn expeoli. tins Lloe reint.gueousatenThirwith.VAlls coo War l seenerrep , 1 , 4461. , . F tsem,itweausosnapamsp Aft or weight "' Fpret* elms dslib , ia 3 P. Y." now --• cbitrlie Nbf n'a resgeoli AND asatriTANclenhcc. , • _ PERSONS Una{ att OP. Wort epos the mann Chun may *.;, aka, PoehMßYip. a l r . romigas and airailtS Arisalryreenoneln .bite. andonadlletignam at Woes, aed tkeir trbeedSla Itseste.,ageowitbs Muds ibu toonna lily matbad upon rem, sod han ahrayi Werra! Dtle ktrani Itias Cevnt, the esti car ilia avWf lbel Idabel , * honested real pares*/ and mum , r 74t • Panlea oke avenue thaw:lves Bed• Arles for the 1 1 41 Lb" 11M61.041 iifiggl4o,4s4l tkpdeetmte .e •Lido wn.ptakb.a.abe. Meat% telepdr eW aljtt Ste am " 417 ° . 1 141 ' " ,111,1"prAri ems If i tt: e imoi,goalsold, e alcodaa a ir - W=Vraii:Zo ES: abssileMSAlOnaltake foorpand.lo4lkalk Ems_ lowtaiaffristwildur _... 1 .101 sA ileum , Litlbe ;betel% 5 1" " .11ntipirolate Am at Plgyr-Y E - . JOSHUA ILOBIPIIMM (MOXICE4Ix Catlett= riad • abet eitT Olean we azi,=g.rwn: ..=e,..?itirt.l4l, - Ibe.ltdiUa, at ewe .1,1 *bleb OAK Ow. mir., Cagamlate COW* ppoinied factlavao ;wi 1 weal man klarwl( i.1,71.1_ urceueekmiparteethittpluartimiti a itzg a tt dip t awca; tarot ?we basal...v. at, AG RitlalltAn t!. ,---- , __,_. _ ,_---.' ~..-: tErrERB Teitacatamhavitsbeitl „ uitts the 'insheribert, Bauman e ( tlte,hus,w4o wadi. siit ft Tidatulattiotliill:elitistb i/armated, ~ All ieeedsokiill/ pl lone Mailitiair poplin% 'mat 6"' =l i r= °Wit , •.. f i l tr reae-t -. -,-. , '-, , „,-.') ~. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers