•A Gfanee at Cincinnati. • Tho following letter from a travelling correspondent of the "-Portland (Me.) Umpire,' showe . .what the "down- east-' era" think of tie:r It was written on the i Ist of October last.—Ctses Ado. "I have found no that, as yet, to give you ,even a huiried description of the, queen city of the west!' The name is - deserved, andTtoudly borne. Nowhere in . rny travels itii\lhis or the other corals nest, have I ge r m such marked, unmis takeable eridenees of local commercial advantages—naiural, unalterable, entail- . ded, and' progrssive advatitages fur in. dustrial pursuits of every- class, condi tion, and flifTle. ' lls characterize this city. • '.'The scenic romance that encircles it •, is also bold, ht.autifel and figurative-a -' nay,' spirited. and -deliehifill. Were it - not that the tar/aerie: 'principle of our owl, Yankee people is besill, at work lore, towing away ine s dolly eminences dal mi.tnit, l'itihrtinat , , hemming in Ott b batik' die heateifol 0-,io itself as a mere iltlefiVicttpin 410 - mountains, the , •coiitresi th at insane would at ways fur ilie hold. gigan is enterprises of hitinatiluidestry atm sato that are already sir. Lind atid.sre raptclty enlarging- in ' .Wnti it , would be ; perhaps tinemisded, certainly nut surpassed ie patioramtc .gra..deur any wnere else iti the world.' Onl the old continent, we Anew itriou its and cities that are tornan tically and beautifully set; like a,diantond , tool - s gaudy casitig, within-the deep folda of limy hills and mountains. Many ol • them aro atuddqd thus on two or more stiles 'I Btu in - addition to their like on •' all aides, 11.1 miljestm and endlessly roli tug: water, like the.. beautiful Ohio. bears there Upon its" heiom a never ceasing train of brisk ertestners and other water varied, shapes; sizes mid struc ' tore, each laden with earnest. active ele ments, both spiritual and material, for the • building up of staves and empires that bid defiance. alike to the rivalry and the hate, and commanding toe admiration of all the World ,beside! These are feattres that • . characterize only our American cities and towns, and proeminently characterize lAs queen eitrof the west:• qlut'a.; hinted, the mountains here are being rived and broken to pieces, and the ' stone of which they are formed is being rapidly mouldedanew, by the .all.convert log power of man' and mind ; they al teady piesent brioken and naked projec- - .tions, and upturned masses of earth— • once the mighty barriers of the hugely - 'tolling waters that for ages unknown have ssrept-between, but prove now too feeble to withstand the bursting appltan ' ces of 'a. pent op -and rapidly swelling -population, impelled by 'the aspirations ' peculiar to the men of our ciittntry and oar day: "Cincinnati, at this time, k mean the populated surface of.it, Ilea somewhat in • the form of a crescent—the bottoni lands, consisting of twOlerlaces from the river. seem to; have been cast -into that- shape by two nearly adjacent and parallel pro jectionskif highland, rather than by the direction of the ;jeer at this point—and ,these highland projections not being tius ceptible,of ready removal, nor so conve- • niently built upon as bottom land on the right and left Of ,them. But the leveller his reached their base, and with uplifted • blow is ready to strike them from, before him. • ' is in runt of these 'prominences, and beyond the Crescent strip of bottom - , land on which the city is now stretching itielf to and fro, the Ohio flows in (terve!, .nal youthfulne s s and grandeur.' On the op . insito (Kentucky) shore, on a similar terrace of bottom ; Pend, at the hose of nu , nierous irre . eular hills, are spread out Bs one cointuunity..t . he twin sister towns of Newpori and Covington. • ".The diffusion . of business operations • • trier every pert -and into eveiy' street of • the eity,l is a anti:ll4;ly pro.titietii char acteristic a Cincionan. Go where you will, cetortil'air the suburbs of the eit, end the sti r eets betoken activity, concert. izesibits intention,—a hurried bieoedi mu% etrietit: 'tin the part of every body Nowhere 'else have I observed tre working days commence earlier. or ' . mintome later, among the strictly mer o aside interests than here. I suppose t'its may i be accounted for, in part, per haps mostly. rum (Mt fact that there are : . air hies and low tides here, in the facili ties,of!, commerce; nor is this either -the beeintitog or endiug of the buaineas ope rations of thousands who visit nail But a river range, of, I may; nay. thousands of miles, is .liiiked its oricon nected ,wrth this place, and there is no. pirticular, hour by day or night to mark by special convenience either the•artival departure•of the travelling and trading Innate t Lai are here. ' "There is amt l.Syed here, also a vast amount of steam power in all the varied branches of the 'mechanic arts. The nntted_efferts of a ;population of mi/hunr . • at any other point on the globe, thirty five yearsagd,noil thwirelustrial pursuita arul ..: labor of life, would not equal in results ' s those which are .siow, aided by steam power, and its auziliury, the navigable • waters of .the Ohio, being worked nut, day by day here, by the people within .the compass of thiS single inland city! - . Think, then, what grandeur must be un folded here, in wealth, greatness, and all that conatieutes eminence in life, within a few years more! Near as we are to a tealizationihf it—rapidly as we aro pro. greasing towards ita prediction of it, bordering upon the; truth, would be re- . girded as:fridiculous transcendentalism by a majority of minds. "The, progeny of:useful public, social and commercial institutions which enter. prise an an enlightened intellect are nurturing here;bespeaks well for the fo '~a tare position of Cincinnati in all these --- elements of influenCe and attraction.— Already - AO his a public - Exchange for her merchants, under a must efficient or ganization, centralizing for public use the etatistics-of l her coMmercial transactions daily. An extensive:and well cominteled room is apperided—iilso the Mercantile Library, an exhibition room of the wotks of artists in painting and sculpture; :which last . is already the cynosure of greatypromise and usefuluess. An Ob. aerratory, underlhe charge of Professor - Mitchell, (whose lady . alto, I am inform ed, is, scarcely less than himself a . tire- Jess enthusiast in the, pursuit of astrono mic.al knowledge) is here building up lofty claima l ,!of real Merit; uponl the ad *ration and gratitude of the learned world; eien;far in adVaidee of any other city, or seat! of wealth and art, in the Union. .1-!: 'The pdpulation of Cincinnati is now' 'estimated et 90.000. This, litiweveri ; lh understood to embrace the average sum her of temporaiy reaidents on businessor pleasure. iv/tilt a population, already no extended—With advantages such as I have a Ireadyadverted . in—with industry .No . untiring, with raitroeda and canals on cneeting millions; of ; fruitful acres, and of working kople directly - lith her,- wits a climate as veal etukhaliny, and beal.hy; as :any on' the continent, who , can messuilethe plosperity and nrospecia of the QUEEN Cry OF TitPi WEST I" E. IC Unit.ipli.o Eim. ?Salt Basantas—lf lil be remembered that 31/ lICI . WS3 pond rear the eke,,odtbe last teuisianef , Gmatrio..tithorisms • ; tar verernereet . t9 enter Into a centract With MI. E. IC tiOdift, u,t Oltere , fur so ...woke e. line of Amer can stesment retween N.w York and Ltee.....' pool Yes4idiOtcanierits wiraexcbangerbe.: Immo the puttee; sad will Lamed; owls eturuvrtic•-operations In building imitable 201Wor.CaravicrualAdoclisch • ' ~.~ ~ I o I TIL4INEOUS. IBIPILIDENCE. hest card of aleCallmont Se ttood.or e doblie wood be lad to behave :but int.tte a plc:lege we bad no tied it. noddoned sotto:lime Rinse the excla m:lend that we have no sight wen= getivr.:e their tear" I never arden t. of tins sportotts concern. I have s r the :sew York tekin Tea C. cam. the pobne• are arrire.mott 1 York four tones to that liar, and s neweoneern until lately but ea wool. L 417.0 5t a 1, 1 übl PloPtdeigg,g, ... rt ./lat.-4.cl hate sive ageacn ay • SZeitlO/Ve fillpro dad to sell if he een aelnLaitne for I. last, , maio have hero K. rd.' ~ e ve; heardp, th deitien. The T. basin tuortikipld, gad t pang , . oar. ia b. firm 40 aoclie that they hake • ttio .it' Pelt if.,khey Paliadei having feint know not what k ileaki I ...only • Patio T.. ,nog 'as of 11cRallmont & Road is about e els assumption or Pekin Tea Coat Icause a intone a op, for any man or o Welty totandeu to imply dant'''. •y aonneption woo the aa embed and In Tea t Marmots or New Yolk is en ay ag Inca [Maned even an 4..0 , m Near Yo k Compan 'RIM Conna•- .• corn tans far no eottfitte is them. I Ind of wool they -beep nor what kind -M.IIM 'they heap or obtain 11012 C of the ny's of 'New limn I • i-c their nerdwill see the cross de. Ito practice on the public. and to the O. Meßallmant t Bond We wool phis and base sent an agent oat here Ike eyes of sane at' out:good eitizems k Weep . ALEX . 'JA VINIIN :a march at AUY . eeyoion they mrseal loturyar 'tem Ornate to fll.led- 1 Lamul wool everok t fur a us netlarrift W at#b For Procurin'e PI ITali • , I AU Sad Proseettihm Chico al A. //tparenctud di Was Acteorty ,et Cavity, astociscd !umbel.' 'bah , .. as, of Wasbitwoo city, and bush , [be the city of hthburgb, is prepared . ,coto.ecute thaw, end execute abl I 'mph the Depanthente at Washing- r ig mlest , . • 146.7.rrinelf pr,-cure p,nt..l uuo con P e • • • Persons , a di inure (Ade a it 6 don for e parent, .; enclosing sties of • aw. when nem • ail der intotraario the atipleuntin • • Ile will prennr dre Appliesiesfe .:11P•iirt the line • Le ran he erniwn tent Lawsand once desiroas of baying exam.- • mut Orate, pnor to mating applies ,. ay forward post Ibu city, re dollars.. cle , 0 state ..ent of {be 'lair a tenting Will be tire., to it, and , dud eould obraltickl by a visit of r•oki] grumpily cottuntaimed. Ithe, necenary llr.diringi and Papers Patient+. and trans t is all oilier bp h.• profession at e Patent ory,ce. don all gnomon. etating to the Pa• lawns in the United:gawp. ibtroPe. OotiAß U Tito VW:4DX e 24 door in blame:Ps Lai ding.. ' dlarkel at bet n3d d 441 ca. ,atr I"1 . , 1 atm. Barrer ,fia .. eriy of Beatty, APRenzie A. Co. •_•••••i• •• • •• ••• .. • ..... •• •1••••• einclaind,O. J.A. U JA. LTIT• • •••• • .......... •• Zarltilrlilt,o Cana, O. Coath • • .• • Nearthleona• I BEM. T, BROTHER & CO, 0 ' 1 C mma I air Ie la 41Aichants foa!Vir. ALE AND PAttwAIIDINo cm , • WR T BAN PROCIPCS, No. 31 1 Po dear Streel,Noel (Mama. Reran •to— Aleseta Blia tin a k B Co anena, ' 'l 0 • , / es Alliregor &Co, ' • • ' "• I! DA ;Ai 0•1•ite A Co, Maliron, la. ji Eau a Morton Buhr. , .. , " - 1. I liaicAfr. Fraser, IQ/wine. I :A SPEC...in 1•I•ei H N Keel or y, Ern. Banker, Zanerville, 0. ID hpocairld A. Co, Wel.rilleAll ; ken d.:Plf I, fr. Co, Bearer, Pa, . 1.1 VW Gal. /.n. In heeling, Va. W • h• • 'ea la tr. ha Ali ''h earer, a earer, 5•I Cn. / aII. ~,,.. a I , 'h •-.- nela•hm II PI Great Britahaand Ireland arkand Pittsburgh.. • wage Oro to Wew DERSUNiiii wish can tome co art rates orilliinni • the Cabin, eicond own 'Liverpool, 6 cad itie sabscriticr rea t de at adistalie •1 Oado engage {almanac (or their friends 'enable accommodations at the low. • of splendid racket Ships, ether In Cabin, or Steerage; sailing weekly .Tow, Belfast. he., to New York, • ill secure good tbents for those who , going to any at the above pans. Tiekels fdintshe • from Liverpool to York, they will be Cols Usily Fen and expense. • which will bong passenger. direct ittsberati; and on their arrival at N. forwarded immediately by • Leech Line," thereby varier much tremble Good benlu wi pool on bow d Ile 'Rotor to Mesas ' also be engaged to ■ 'err York and Boma D. Leech teCo . PIUS VOL U. E 6 Cedar xt., New lore , n all the prAelpal Dank. In England ad, or. the Enna reasonable Was. La Igrutunr to remit. All Lebers. post • nrin 6m , • Denflo obtained • loo!and and Scott ntito wit tease paid. C.!HAVING • U Hot act's ' 'tattle! rro., Lit Tat me'. obttrit ',WriKhOrt ' ' BriKg'tt Ligvid ra:inn% tor shavirtg It AM—Fens', cream sapornste; • mpod c cound; • d almooream; Hull& Sortbmin do; ; rd atcnood cream: vinpotand. TileM standard prepa may be bad yrbaicsale tar retail of R F.cIdr.LER.S.Pa mood st MEDICAL. RYRRAL REASON". WHY DR. LEI— s3 HY'S ;SARSAPARILLA 11% 0 0 D PILLS ari becoming so universally popular ' Becalm they are prepared by Di hi B Lei ify himaelfoi regular Druggist, hem; st and Physi cian 'l'Thiladelphia, who know. the nature, the quality and charscier of the Medicines used in his pills and their adaptation to disease Second, Because the public Can take them with gteatei. cuntiCence than must other pills Ishtar are prepared by,persons ignorant both of med'ciao and dioceses. ;i Beim:ire of their combined enema, proper._ Iles rit . conl6loMll, any ether pOirt n hasty , pang: MI; Inns. the,'stomach and boo cia atrunhcaithy sun. 'bums., and at the sante time puttying the blood liM and da of ; the body. Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and heat niedmine.kobee—a single hot costing oat 25 cents, Ind cumateieg 40 polr, saving to persons a many 41011.1rai Ort toile. In Doctor', bill., ind numerous mvdictbea bought & tried on the remmusiendattuo al, others. • 'WLIOLk:SOA!2 t lYhenever you hive orr Lake any torch tote, U , t oot: bn trifling •' .L conautulton by tryonillt k tcOs crl pule or other attellictoes you see po.titrttr.l antl, memo:Let:deo by one and anottles but "Lie at once p-. Lsidp . Sarsaporilki Blood Pills ;lad yi: n .it 'not have aremion to tike.anything nice l'i.ny bill atursys be found good to shoo tau worms of insease. Inflausation of the stomach, boss, i. icls, live. Inters es; cramps of the ttOlisaCbi 'icolie, oN.ter rash: inwd here.., foul breath, bad tote ip the midi. Sour eructations and acidity or she sionhich, oitiveness and indigestion. Irani of ippel lie, bail ins atlectinos, diseases of th e spites tand killueys, incases of the akin, scaly eruptiond dry and water) , pimples or blotches of toe lace son b 01,. letter, r n,prit kle beat and salt rhoent, head' ache, go Wine s, looms., pains over the heart, al the'orosst, si es, along th e back and spine, 1 . 1.1171.• titan and gin levers of all kinds, small pus. Carlo. Ion!. trcasels,scrolula,crysipbas, and to short tney sreigood ion I diseases haviiig their origin in the fttlrala, liver, and intestines, and impurity of the blubd iljt . Tlveritysfwe coot. a Box. Sold • Wcolesaie and Betel by B. A. Faboestocti & Co ~ c orserirf First and Wood, • also corner of U" JAY A! kill VABlllulf ki.eriatini eh...— It 'fa our or/ample same management of this ppm to nocc6 anything which we find out , from personal in. vestmation, no be of nullity to the public. borne of Dr. Joyne's medicines we have need in our family for many Iran.' rot ninance the EXPEOTURAN I', the CAR MINATIVE, and 'VEILMIFIXE, which .we know to be good for the canpiaints they profess to cure. We were on Lake Onium Jte past aunarner, when severe, of •artraectling companions. from having. In Western New York, drank, tor nanny day., the limerone water of teat region , ware had!) attacked with violent Dim. roma, and Dysentery. Mr. II had ?monied himself, previous to Having ensue, won "The Carminative of Dr Jayne.", and in all cues of ita uso. amen; five gentle. mcni it was soceess(ul ut effecting a verily cure. the Expectorant we have known tined miming out iodinate friends 'rub equal tierces.; and -we reel that we shall do a good net to 11./iIC• iespecially those all. .introd they councillor e tenet, to immediate medical skill.) to I ndy. them to keep on hand both the Expecte, rant and Cann-sauce. The kapeetanuat is bettered by good 'physician. 16 tie the best recipe for Pulmonary Consumptive Complaint., that has Cove yet been coin pounced] The reason is, Dr. Jayne II not a quack.bus a regular, ecientifi e, and able medical praennoner him self. Ilir medicines WS geed by the best ptiVNICIIML EZKA HOLDEN Editor of the Phil. rmarday Conner' For Pale in Pittsburgh oldie PEKIN TEA HTURE. Fourth at, neisilifoo.X •PON D II . 44I IItNIVIICALLIIINAiIVIC BALSAM 121E01115e See ASA eniNci, a well known and ono •!ar Cern - mart of Um Protenam itrethodivt Motels The' errlertigned having been alicted during thermal winter with a disease alba stomach, sometimes pro. during great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hors wittruat rntennontort, and after haying tried various reinedire veldt Nide elrett y Irks farniihrd with a bottle of Dr D Jayne's Carminative Balsam. Tbn he used ac. corning to the directions and toned invariably that this medicine reused the pato to abate in three or four mno me., sod in fifteen or twenty minutevevery anew, sensation was entirelyooteled. Tie mecietne we al: tervrardsusal antenevar intrieations of dte at:knach or putt cont inued , ee4 Ora Sara was thereby gentlin g; ed to urn the Medleine every gentling' and somermes in the moms al. and in • feet egret. health wee on fa , inatlitnii i that :lhi• silkier eras resume' ed from a large Sutton. of opt .err pato.: From ea; periener,barreforv. he can coot e fermate-A Dr D far. Caraunarive Deem. as a salutary medic inn fia Oncost", ofrhearvralich and liiiarnia A etiliNN Allegheny s car in the Pittrits •111/4 12 Fbuirlt street, ..car Wre,4. and •fita he Dees Store of SI eCtIWARTZ. Peden! street, Alice..., IbI.TLIKOMAILIV BALLiim 114,4srit heed a Ss it dery siire my MiiiMir galsturso to state kow-tti st. Miss smfierlimy }mit Vcattahle Dologotaeg Lt.otatt, Nloc, I boo a.cg Do, llatouti, about sosven tears ago. Dtg happy effort o , tshich I Deo goys so Rosario of sate bad mama! ii-erMi OSmpleirso and amigos at ion :lola-tone • tow Joy. tines,. d is eisay incases sect the Dal ima slorm with complete Stat pm Mr: ....er:ss. II Its. sffected,reliyir 444 cam Ina very leas Jot • 11 t. er t-15 slinfssystmine do es. atom t hat mill c ane (Meal cormisapt I Cain. Mil la in mans casse• psescriatisc. and pri-reitoen it beast Iltansar. Ido otticfore. kr Ms hoor p oi sly film. mew earnsely scoomissod .the ..e of to.• Dalssac is all palasmary romp,. ins_ 1.... yesipent itim .1 toe hoed My Mean. lyf preMming My I.fc tale day . • Plll -, /alleNl pa tsco,o. . ikooo,Junn 14.1 , 16 ;.,,,, dhhlt A FA lIN lEST6CK & 4-if„ rOroct of If .t. a,.., Won , i. •4.a eon., of, O h yr., 'p,.. , ..• mroo SCItO4 - 111.A AND SCROFULOUS hIVELt. INGS.—Seripula in all Ili ruubiplied forma whether in that or Evil; ealarienowet• n the ggland 'r ins..., Goitre, White Swelling.. Cereal ftheisetat Wai, Ca neer, doictiwe 01 the Skin or Spine, or of Ptilintioary Coneomphoo. emirate l'rem one cod the dame enure, which in o powoono. princip e more or•lca.: inheres% its the tom. myrtent There. fore. males. this principle coo be de.troyal, 50 rtdi cal cure eatiltie elected, bet if the principle upon Which MC diieare. depend., is removed, a cure mutt of neecat ty Inflow; no matter under what lorm the &setae shauld mandeat TM, ilitiefore is the reason wt." J•Sirk..• ALTaIIaTIVS is 00 001 trinity .meesefist in removing so many nialigotio disease.: • It •deatrily• ;the Vass sr principle tram chic • thoto diatara hive their origin, by catering into the circulation, sod with the blood is conveyed to the tamales! fibre,!.minorins every pirticle of dictate Qom the eyaleni. Prepared and eolJ at N o. I. South Thiril Street.,Plilladelphia. • Sold at 'the Pekin 'l'l4 Stole, 1 , 10. 7: Fourth serve. Pattern/0 • • ...cell. * You . PUBSIALAESIIIIOIIII SCUUNDILISS. t iAllifk4E loran... can egeel yours! Lank at your i rAtICA lltOal la OREN • • fall your% wife., with het briettmanny face Loot, ' PHILADELPHIA. at year wn, tied Celle • !uric/n.ll and blotches! Se, Wrought Irma Flies. 1 00• ein iite. to ipre SAS ••.. a l , r • ..k0r,.. 1 .• ova mai kit to other Stearn m ClorMical swap, wince errand cannery ore cs ' Boiioro, ft.,. 2to 0in010.,00 00 .,,, r.. yourirwa mote, Joie male your yellow akin clear end pi o „ uoo. an d Omer valr. roog smitt.Y. Go to Jaremnei &Die, f.lh ettrt . a . Tohe for lydraidie Prem., Hollow Pismo. for Pitolps Yitt . litrehttinl adz a cake. , • • of *cam Fncineir. ke. NII Jame.. is the rinlj . iierecin Pliisturtinera m., u f kir iiele OENUINE late be obtained. Beware of mkt. • .MORRIS, Te l Jk NORMS, Ware Ef E. comet Thitd and Walnut street `deb ' fair' 1 &OBSERVE Ow Big BOot amid' JII tie doorway, MIME - . _. - _ ..~::a_ - 3118CELWEOUS. PILES ' • 715. INOOLDISMS ram Spactie, an inlaid rem -LA • certain lad radical nme whether itaterm4 estalri • landau; br Wad, abo, fee irritilica of th e kidmiyi mad bled err,— in the trek and side,' habitual asuitracm, amp F ooJ .hors aid dblr einfinciatt ant ekes troubled with constipabau of the bomila or mein.* ea cell au the piles- Ili all .00h emu tlat Spectre ma be take• with per liet tufa), sod. ocC,cersiost remedy.. The' Spat& la mob pergatire, and focal veyetable remedy, trabout spec tele of yemboge , eokeyeee alore—pleamemto take end W. fell ha.nnico. lhe mom delicate emu . . - • Thisin to certify that I knew, De. laseldthy's Pilo Bprifi.; to be • eemaidetwe and safe remedy. Having ieea ita effect in mend inues,Azonacit my rime eanneakina, in amend ems . re mom finned and we of the es, when, it meda an maim edre in every mile. • B ' , MT WHITEHEAD. -. Now Yoilt,lday, 1615. mon ennot. • I elneardly dire my Intim? or to the certain and Won Whin efforts of Dr. logoldsby • Pan Bpreitte r ar 1 know ii few, wy . Own aspartame and 'ober:donee, to be Infalltble; Non walk tried with an in .naval ewes alpha, wale „and female. • • • • r .OEO MILLER, Mc Tor . k, 1843. Zp4 &Mimi uauIES,CERTIFICAT S Yee 10141,1843 M. Bale—Deer Sir.-1 hire lb. em plemanre eay, Mat yam medicine, Dr. InanitilabeorDite Spiesfie, =YU • per fect ruts 1. the ma °flay sister, and I sowgis you my word that I to been sutprisedeit ma it um m opine. isr rumble ewe her. Downer, Ima now to tlis,ined pant as inedlible, and do mine all ahem who are. sly Dieted in the like snanner,do prima. lb. ertiele,a, they may depend on • certain cm+ TO9III ,siritti name,. s West CheettriN.Y., May 13,1815. Dr. Indeldsby—Dest Sin-,That you may benefit other. who maybe meeting as well al to gnome graitude for the benefit I hare denied. from the it. of your valuable Bp. eifie, I mioply with. your requeitt, md am do gieemy tatsmoo, in imor it, hosing beta eared of a mere much of the Piles illtr borzoi wad othM remedies without swam. Yours with respect. Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSON, at his Pat= blediains Werebomt, sad Bout and Shoe /Imre No. th/ Liberty skeet, lead of Wood, ritlaborgh. Price, '5O mem perbut Idly *AA APL'S OA t L 1.2133: Egim ma TIIIIB Ns' , Phu Okra Improvement has now bees in use:groin twp cart, and wherever it is knowq, preferred to all rahvir Readmitteda. For chtspoissortreomh and convenience it has not and cannot be equalled, as :It 10 - decidedly the. best; cheapeathind most convenicotßcdatcad to use,urd per. fecily prior against Bugs. The prlncipal Cabinet maker* and Turnery. in Alle gheny et_' and In :Pittsburgh, hare securest Bights in manufsetum and cell the article: .As there are spurious articles Nod Criperfect imitutons in th e market. parch, seer would dry ro examine the east Iron planes on which in ibe gremlins erects the name of the patentee, F. thirlL Y. 01 invariably rash A. a proof orallth m ts claimed for Garram's kladvleads, the follow inqcerrifi. ante from Cabinet maker awellAnown in Pittsburgh and the West,. submitted to the ribber We, the snlwariliers.practreal cabinet crullers and Bedstead otanufacumern of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby certify that we have bou the right to manufacture bedsteads with Gassam's Pat. ght ent Fnataitings and consider'the same neperter many fan eans^ with which inn arracquanned. JacaCs Lemon John allirew T B ;Young to C` Robert Fairman R Llartley James B Bar! . _ .i.W.7l:icgeit, Jr . I. Loa. Lowele. -.tun goltila Um - n Thordne 'Farley ' Ramsey a 11k:ea.:id v'i!?4" Ballack . . . !Mei Wattage .. . . Roberts & Kane J Mayors . ,Jaa W Woodwell J Nebaom George Snyder i Wm laGetr J fileglaccra & Co Aierander Lawson For Ri'xlds to make Ind sell the otave Bedaud prly . : EUKNEZER F BAZZAM, AGENCY FOR IPILTEINIEB. --7 , , Washington. D. C. ZENAS C. ROBBINS. bletianical Engineer and Agent for 'procuring Patents, will prepare the ne cemary laramnas .t 1 Papers for Applicants for Pam sun, and iransact alt other, business in the line of hn pinferaion at the Patera Office. He can be emanated on all quit/pas relating am am Patent Laws and dent. MO. be Untied States or blumie. Pe tuna at a distance desirous of haring elumnanoris made mate PatentOttee. Patent Otte°, prim to mak mg application for a patent: May forwnrd paid enclosing a. fee of fine dollar', clear statement of their cane, when Irumbilime attem sonwill he given ice a. and all the information that could be Manama by .1111.1 l of the applicant in petunia] promptly no4nunictated. ad fenm Steamets bur b. 11,11.501%, All leit•neon business vivre gir post paid. and cont. itahle•feri. where a erririen opinion is required. • Office oh F etteel. opposite the PllenrCrince. Ile has the honor of referring. by perrorssioo, to lion. e. tuund Parke. Cargrusseener of Patents., ; lion. L Ellsworth. la.• do - do do; D kW:ales, blaehiniii, rAteniChtee; In D i r lie d o! ' fil=,Vicas n' s b eetirsetts, U s Hon. Vrl A hen. Ohio. ; • do: • • ' lion. Jll llowl:n:14 . C., Mu=' !I; lion. Willis Ilan, Pin* Voik;. Hon. RoLen S pith , Al C, iltieou; I Hon. J 11 Rent,n; Capt.ll M Shreve. Misaoart Erasion' !Inapt., Flag. YENhTIAvi~BLIADS.• Beet variety avarada red In tals city benore,mado on be moan approved I:Armin plans— most naahanaalc Eakeem rtanara• u:d mans Ma , F:llllf4aP ROLL. or 1.19.. a. VON on band r side Maiden or all allot. apd at a:I prices. a. noisy Arcro hams and other. are melted m sail and • ane. tlaoa , a,lor for themoalvna a s all 10,11 by sold 1Icaalo:or reral I, aad a larcral dedocuon made. to • :wale plural:lona a 101' ' • • a wEraTPRVF.LT ILICITEII.ICALI AI.4.T.UN/13211 ; • • NEW YORK. • IF Ainen - -an Art-Vomit I. toteoryorated Car the premoneo of }hoe A fle in the Untied State,. 1 . act, critter of Flee Dation is a Sterelot, ler one year Noels ate applied (IL to the .p: odoction of lupe ;At t ie etialsell4l4 of whit!: every men , er venereal; .1; mid nril. to the parehase °fortifies; P.n.s" other or ks nt art. Li none. dr reki4ent art,.. 1 74 ,. / I IS I ISO 41 be di to, Ift are f :Aced, by Into ninon; thi Airmbef 6, tube,. ' fn . 1m paunimg• we're Aistrlbuti.d l e--s nore Wt 'fn. af Ire funnily.. nal vafunAle—snore Alrindy p,,rcli..•; and In fdanton iiHre HribuHn tnl bronze snrdals of , Waishing on Al „yin a nn eaeb member will meet, tato nrraMogs—..The Jolla flat Mat Men,' after Soup ham and ir e —'The are, Huntington T c on.lersigned harlot been aprointed Honorary 'See nines Mr Pine:mesh and eastary I. prepared m!V Cc, ..intim:a. ' T • ll l `.detrthms to become membdes will Geravard the. tate ~..r.h weird,' by dolor so ye won ae may be coneenienE W 5, B,CALDW Fl.l. . , -3rd creel. oppuede the Poo Olee Gk cor FAH 'a ESTOCK I avocet & ath its ,„,..• l II .1.2 , 348' e5 , lPr-sirtl. Latiii. 4 .itiitk Ilt - DP — LEroutt W a. 71 Peden, Eel , Clerk of di Court of gal. ter Ses sioncounty 51 . o IL E.: irrearas—Sir: Sonia Cer.e in the winter my vole one •31.ced with a revere and din:reeving rough. and t eartogar your ntvoluvide Cough Symp. I porch. aed a buine'frout 8 T. Trouble, Eag ~n 13ndgewater. and imam taking a portion or II Mt. ordure evening• on goiag to bed; sae tend immettlate relief; a. also menet Bleats have been kelesed inset/ere cases lam Mere. fore sal:ofinl,hat is is a sale and valuable medic ine.and would reennimend li to there who may be afflicted with severe coo. tor and cold,. . B. Donau, Mater, :MASI . I The tayrup' ss pot up in 25 ee t bottle., so that it may bellught by the poor as well as the rich , P pared and odd by ft E 881,1.1-188, 57 wined reee abo. tor rale by 1/r, Cereal, Mb ward, and D ISt Carry, tole nen,. city. 1 nvl3 Lj --- I.B=For is n few bales tVestern New En, J.I. moth at 1818—(rorn Bto 11l mon, sal o, Eaetorn and Western N V. early pinked, a. 4 year growth . . . ' . Pr nu Ohio do. Belmont goonty. Tb general Eastern clop of the seas:dila now being tree v et. /lIVOICI , I and when um. Hope. will Gad it Mlle . (ben : advantage toebtain them supply from the soda tgaml,as they in.end.to mll throughout the ecaeon at 31 or York s yriCee. GEO. W. smirk' & Co., robalam . Pittsburgh Brewery. Tv i,, niz ipic . i) , ;:tc .,. .i . s. , - - itir1f . i:v .. ir.. 51 .. 3 .. r. .., ,,, , t, , attt , :it '" e k rt. ' a Prpre'd'ettir flicrl one it n , j n e'er'. and nOceol n s r po ' tl7. amak s ' . P°' MI w;th erty acute I Pol.: by' W51..,89 Liberty cruet, bead ...1. sr a ;is , ' nont and Shor. Core, earn of the Bag • 'VI E.:stockholders of the Farmers' Derront Bank of / rbutniglontend making applicatton to Me nem Leg 'attire, tor retch alteration 01 their Charter at will vet. Mmktng pustleges, nil deernedexpedient, Mk to be inoratoomwd as a new Bank. .11y order 01 board Arerlare. Ti It ot Pot ter PELL. carbine. FATTia2IIIIS FUlt HALAL— Caietl 1,7 1..10 islet. Pattern Maker, Allegheny city Oil Mill. has ate II , WE•I pope.. (or :Imre. en hand coked An wad or tern Mt Pran.g awl all patter. made to order art of bApA:AKERTISEMENT ;1 -' ) . Tali PA - TN. - FT - 0 - I nigCT:ACT - WA M==Ml . . K Hammer in • tunny advantages over, all oil ro—antobg %Mightn't.) be mentioned. ' lu h anageshlenean—Therapid.tity and forecor Wow coninnled w.lb the greatest case, while the umt bpernuoo. and th• hammer may be in. utrt a rrested. and emipended at any height. Ise;niserwility, or cupheny a execute work of all .45., 'rearthe r l mm •t in We •mallest. under the mug nun r Is . mpIICIIi. Camper mere esid Cleaporm. reeembiuty upon all odes, b. the workmen. AII . e hammier' are mode Sel f A. On ulemrllo4. emlinur to exeeo.e orders for them Irk • aof all W 24.0. upon remarkable Imam. br arthes rMror ulalll.lneoire of hIERIIICK &TOWNE, . smimerstaf 111. Yakima Mettle United Snore, es! Ir Mallaersek Fouodry,.4olllsalleas DEtirtYle: , 31anafactarers of . 1 RNINOB sauna BOMB, AEON; /VERA AND GRAIN LAGS E=CI 1100, 31.4 Swab Front ?lintel. Hark ,f 7 A, Nilson'/ Cabind Ware Manufs? Llaerdent left with S. SI Alma. et the OSICO of the Res.!, Elualitirgh, will Le promptly tended TILOS. U. DERRY .n ' A. C. 'NICKERSON CARMAN/0i WILLIAM OGLE, COACH AND 1 %-..".: ' VARNlS HtilkOrk7,"rt ~ .t.i.,,.,.- Weisser. respeerfelly Infanta kis hiv e d. and dm s al e, that he hes did trilkeep ensocantl on hand and far sale, • handsome no:tetanal of mann. le Entraps Vehicles of all styles and descriptions sad. to fret the shortest passible nonce, and merited in IT In manner, of sslectieh s putenni firbff3-ly "PHlLrabrentiet 'route respectfully invite Ladles •nrl FURS: FUR. S:I FORS::: of i'n'N 1 , 7',',;;;;'.1.7,T1, " , .1 1 '11,71P., h rrti0,"1"7,1 five as call Winne pn I t has ng e l•rwilpre q' ss ' tnec c sat l li find It their advantage and no mistake ' Shit order" retelvt4 rhall lin lnithnilly antadot to at No RI North Thteil str •hone Arch, Eh iletle lob ia, JAMES REttlky 017-njmo. Rm... 0...." ~,,,, neinf "iii incAL • DR. TOWNSENDII ;SARSAPARILLA. Mutt extiAordtruay Medic.= in tAi IVeniti. The tuner Is pot op el gouttottles os toms eb b or, pessoner, and mouth esparto to any old.' wes demo witkoo romititig; posing, riots...o de blowing - GREAT SNUG Adll SUMMER MED;CJIB. The goat booty ath tut:Monty of the bantharina oar otho Medium is, ertinst it Enediealos Diem it/oleo , - ato the Duly. It es oot ol tha very best SOUND' AND SUMMED MEDICINEmem knowo., It ocelot, puiita, the whom mem and Month= the persoo, hot at Cream Arts, loon and Rid aced • poor permed by to other Mahn.. And in W. lies UN gnarg woo of its imam tut omen It hot pm kneed wi th in the_pot twoyam, man Ulan lACClllellho of Anon Coo of Dianna ; at ham SA*. ot then Inn eceselenol sumble. tem thou 4,oolloene of Chrethe Mtwooment ; DOA; moo of Dysimpeia • ; • lUu odes of thrown Debility our Want of Euro; . 7,u1X1 moo of dsfea eat FesinheCongthiala; Ortatl ems of Ertrafoia• 1,:no oses Mite Lien ' Complaint ; 2Alto coo of Duos. of the tot Droton DA coo of Comeopthey Awl Thmeado of men of Demi °Taw BOA, Os: leers, klryslthes, Solt Mem, oats lba Foot, A To toter wi th notherous oats of Sick Headaelth o the nee the Cho., Spina Mitcham, &e., Ike. Thti; we an aeon, met appear iterediblo, but We have hum ;tom physkthos one our wens from aV patth of the Cohn Athos, otthouthg as otemoordanarycum 'Van vurk, hay. one of the mot nthenable ermine he New k, h. t-,tuk.n. us that ha en refo to more den De es so to that pl.on alms: Theo on thossonda of ono in the Coy of New Ton, with* In will 'ether to who pieasursa thd to own of Moenr. It is tha best onion. kr the Preventive of demo known. 11 hadaubtedly hoed the tin, of more than SAM LEIMm/11 TIM Pan! As it mooted Lb. nu r of direr, and rep Woo°, osed daeto ft die nomads scum. Unroof, Saurroa °snort Corr. 0. W. hicCuton.or Teo Uornio Soon. NAM and inentbor of the New Jerry Legidatort, has kindly Act as die itiloortog certitadn It lolls own nog. litaxwar, .11.. 1.40. Apar does I vas tattoo odds the lawns., amlmy who!e eyed= left io debilitotsd Mahn 1 woe induced isy Dr. Tonousinnits .od mho elating two or. dies boo des, I eras yrs., much relined, W ottnibuto it nudity to the ! oatd florsapardla. '1 have coatiarid Wing it, aud Ga d d dal Mi u rsr=ttier l oa bolan' y U. W. AlloLona i late U. B. N. BC110101.• C 01122. This tannst. eisteludeely prove tint this titersapernie has perks. centred am th e moot °Sensate disuse 'of the blarL These penises. cured in we house is tuspreeedested Test Canna.. DP. Tosesusn,ltcli eir ; 1 hsve the pledsure is inform yes that ems or my children hen bees ested at the &lo na. by the um of your eareltud unsheine. Thiry ewe sellieted very sererely with Lad sons; have only bias four bottles; It took thus wry, for slush . 1 fad myself soder deep obligation. Yews nvalfdly, luau W. Ca•ur,lo.s Wenger n. Yark. Blank 1. Mt .; GIRES:TREMALI MIEDICIITL re Terwunuilts Sarsaparilla I. . aseurgo sat 4 sped? cufrc incipteat Coonsution, Runniuss, laacorrbe, or Whiteb, otatrocted or elidfcalt hienstrostiosu bacchanals= of urine, or insoluislary &isthmus nereo4 sad Gar the pa " matter lumbar In result of tenant au or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or aceidras . . Nothing on be more surprising than its horlgoratn eX. hen on the tam. from. Per - was, all freshmen nod lam. cede, Dom taking it, .t oast b.eome robust And full energy ander its haloes.. It inmedtataly coonterern the Drew lemony of tlae.fecrals Gann, which ts the mat non of beri It will mot In expected of os, in t 0... of so dolnate • en tore, to exhibit certideatn of eons feria:bard, bid we nu aware the afflicted, that hundreds of pun baire been repotted bo vas Soreral am where familintons been without usiOg • tow bourn of thn insalnahla andinitee, have been blast with healthy Marin. Dr. 2ianund: illy wife bent greatly distnned by weakness od general 'debility, end uttering continually by pejo asol and with• senastiott of beam' , dowel, falling of the nook other difficulties, and having brow: roan anon your nalkims has effected great cores; and oleo hear. , ogre namsomesdal br.orb ewes* I bin def.ibed,l obtain- . ed bottle of mar &tract of Sorsagorolk fad &Hawed the directions you gen no Ina abort period it removed basanoplainta and tenant hor health. boot gpralofial for the beneits she received, I lake Oman m altos acinowkdk ix; lt, ond recoammend.ng it tbe public. Al. D. Xtopla, Alton, :tug. 17 ; L 144. Cor of Grand fad Lydia. sta. Comeau, Sept. EP, 1545. Dr Tinewrowlr To whose thia outy eotwerit—Thie is to cortify that my wife used owe bottle of you San er presume te her contaitowat, under the newt Wormier Lei of cirearostiroter,leinj troubled with Na &apply, Tel- V of the feet, morrow laisoos, end "ere moth debit.- penmen, aod the recoolowodatioo of those tar artweir ic the woe iodored to try it, with little oo holi, wad mita it to !eh the erwitieine had du happy wad deeired !Miaow roily to the boon of coolloinueot, bot after tlilem . ctlari of =se week of 0 e the &ropy pit cep. health h now =4 7.7= M 0:: °". P.' • th. will b. al.ay ninon to yn or say ims IMO bubo no nen. of tha nadieng, you ....atiran trek.. to it I mbecribe lard( Tour bolt et that gal eblirbietmat b Juba Ag. • TO hIOTHLES AND MAILRIED LADIES Tha Extract of 3aratparttla by Wan carnal; prapared ea Werean to kook cantata.. to innate who hat rr ma papas: O. approactung this crittna lark;, "The ts/s Amain asitect m Oka it, is al is a caftan. prareattw. 42s may of Ow aosatanta goo 4Pronabla direasca . to which fanstra an subj.ct at this pan of Lk Tha lomat ma, be delayed mural ann by can thaamtscme Nor a .3 Ins raluutm w thot who an unmans., wo...aohned, st 3. 01<lakiwd to anal nation by stinipmitz. thc . Dio,d ao4 Sava..sta.; the poemladera Om Arad aoss inval. 'Dame tor all at dc:iose dawned to winch • man are auelt aj b t races the whola mama rms. pretraocaUr sha cab, costro—by salaam,. thit - imporatsta of th• body —bot „so fir staaaliamg the sputa as to peach,. a sublaowtat a/s -ta.:Waft,* Lath Is du owe of won ..demo takes for koala - I.IIBLS BEAD THIS. - row who hay* pale Ose, dull ayes, Volee ao the mugh Jua. cu &man, and aim .• owl of *petits,. am a Cwt. or twa of Dr Townegrud's 3arupandla. le will Wade your Wood, nuon the L. bj. od blotch., and give you mar.., ritarll4.4 Kn , emu qirsts. aad beautiful c?taideclico,ali which are of mamma rata. to uamar, rnd66.11- - DYSPEA. No tali oo mediummedium has ~ P r bees diwarerel which as warty remnailes the pale Ake or eolith se ditcomposiog uf u of Sassapartau sad withgthethog the mikes of digesam, oaths preps • Bona Lthrawmilwr, Albeay,lllsiy, ID, ISSIS: Dr Totemened. B.r—l bare been tavesof kw 'sierral years waSayspepne io ire worst ks an, sth ailed with sour, newof stem kw of eppetate, estrum beanthre, and • great annum to all kinth of &ma, and for swells oaths I couldeat,l I ban been unable to ream but a mull pant. oo my, stomach. I toed the ant "Mini., but they the tat little Poo erect to mranvirig the compMatit.. I sem ta de ad, alsuut two mon th s mace ta try your Extract of denim mutts, and I mow ea with little amodence, hut after twom wetly two both, trend toy naps ute restored, nth the keartlmen It...hely removed.awl I .mythausesny mom. mend the me of ato thaw who ham both adlicted as b an bath. lours, ft., . W, W. Va. Zoo.. Nor W, ISO. Staten lasod._. ALMOST A NINA CLS. Reed d fullowing, mud doubt if IVY yes, that month. tioa thimot be eased. "I hie is oaly ousel the oatmeal hue:deed mew that Toassead'a Airway Se has eared 1 Dr 7lnebutersd —Dor Ste. I to.. mans a little o 7.0. op, With • were cough end pia to my sada. I mo- oa low N eu ma y' indeed. I wee troosithead by pby. smi th , to lawa sk othastapuon Cruised Eng. spun -141.i. of matter,. had sight nemb., ao4 Welds{ very Eut: my doctor dhe could domed.; for me. I went iota the hoepital is pe of being benettled bat was prommered there as lueunthl . I sou now greedy distressed al the them end I could Stroll breathe ; I moo bassi, emaciated, end espebted to die; madam' to •my bwil:mid woe ebbed ,to bare washers ' . ,thtleed 1000060 gm you any dew, mama that would doyestice to my ethe. I was euppwed by my Squids th be past moray il bad tried a greatslumber of tnatmlies, and all 6.oied m b• to co pupae.. I Fad of pals meet et. truirdiaarres performed by poor meditise, sad td tell to as tr th, I suspected th em arm 11.1110 humbug in them But I was ' wed tu try li , rdid mo, and ma eery thankful I did . I <moot say that Ima naively well, but them far recovered m to be about soy Moines, red boys la be satire. ly well in • few wee i ks. Sly cough end yam is the aide, aad night • imam thee kft me, end rrs e but very little, and am fast rooms my usual strength. 14H it • duty to gm yott a stattionit of my I.C, L 9 publish il l icit plethoi Yosza Busse, 17 Laths st, Broady,. i pinions of Physician.. Dr Tow od is ahneetdaay rem order. (rim phyll Mil. /• d ent parted the Domes . Thou to wily thel we, thy undersigned, Physicians al the City of to . y, have. to amerces yeses prescribed Dr. Toseasend`s flassapuilla,sassl believe IA W bd en. of the Watt voluble pre twos of t r ee flanagap p bt us th: . . enzket. Stlnthlo d . l I, 1843. P ja ittaut ir ico * no %' . st D. Mb oi en oily that ms, the todenlgord, praetfelog Thouiscaten hysthans of llw Olaf Albany. haw Assiut ~.,,.. ly prescribed Dr Townsentho Cempouad Katmai. of ban. panne, and its known sunhats, would metionnend.it la the public fo merenrialiscrofoloth r end others utaneothda mars, in pre room to any of the advertised reasedms maw . la Allah, A 2,1644. • W A :lit a g:4. " ll o •4. , blase u, , ISM Falco % Sod Dulithor , N N ' T; Red. L i lt Phi:LlPS:la:lr ii.:;., l r k . th 'lt ,:, t4 tl e i 1 y dire out the U led Staa• %SW= thd a tte Ca ' n la s 411'4 ''' ' Now genuine, unless put up in the large moans bottles, whieh contain a quart and signed with the vendee givens.. of 9l' TOWNSEND, and bismu th blown oa the Oath Provo the New York Daily Yaws.. of April 9, 1v47. tha A JT:rVai th og i' et . b, r e P r " SiZ io psf.ll . l•l7p 4 rer ot7r . 'iosr l ose o tad. The whole th ong is got up us gad Wm t smut of the orom. =nod leadscape yummy am beautiful which, together with the scroll week us gold, Vitiatingo Ilse eth, made • show rarely equalled ' in Breeden, -We Whit opportunay Co say we believe this atom of OA Sanatorills deserves thlt very Areal popularity it ham assulrad, Nervetu Debility /1/;} Yetis Marsh 07,1647 Dr. Towansedr—l ham ben aimed Mow or leas far 3 Jess, with* dreadfulsialting be the thew, giddinno the I bead, Iwo al appetite, psis w the bolts, Ledge/ImM debility, brought m so doubt by the conterwak ham ind sold no erhielo ant subject to in my Memel es • dyer I hem taken other mediators, too numerous l 0 MAMAS, but with Gttk woo. u r- I ra indwell 07 what I emeriti the paper to try • bowl. of year Seroperila, from whkat flossed gnat relief M. mu. team emeral wore bathe, and ma unheeitatingly aj It the Mt medieim ham or,, Ukto—the paw is my Moot Le gym, and kel mike edits/Talmo altogether Mune I have tales you, &traeparilk I ben aow a balm appetite Aim ever I tad 1117 wo4 Men it with Atmore beoeo. tier naulta Would netemoned it a. a posit, medieim • paerally,mil I feel morinerd that if mowed thew ',veld oat ho half We Weimer Deno ta, and - ozweipieutly not ea may Ducter , s bills, for while A restores appetite, it elm gime tri the stomach and bowels their regular w ow it teem the blood to • healthy Yet., 0 Atm diem. I, nolw likely to MUM the melees And to all Mem who ani a n t in e Mem ) 0.e,l say try Dr Tommead'a Topat,s :ns, 70 4lles ti Canker In the Mouth. Below ts ea recount of mother child wed Dr TalrnsmlN SankruilL. ho. weed the lins or thoweads of children.— The fotkwring entilleste is Minted from • great number rewired this week. tiro, Yon., April 2,1A17. Dr Townsend: Dear sir—One of my children Ina very .kb with the Cancer in the out throat. attended With e rgot debility. .11 aux near dying; I obtatued *me of your logligal median*, sad lt oared it directly, Er which 1 can sawn you 1 laral Teri grateful, Foam nnpeelf. , /, ELIZOOZTO 27 Dmbromoe For wile by 11 E SELLER/. prowl, N 057 l% nod et, between Ad end eth My who ha. Men appointed by Dr .TowNENp wife A t Air Allegheny en yeAdAvelyP Ilnsband'a Celebrated Fluid Magnesia. pi -ill. mil 4 safe and elegent ant/ acid mid aperient; be- In lei perfect *elution of chemically pure carbemata of agerainiipmew.D Ne emdealqualities of dm Anent pre• parttimeref Magnesia. widened lanai liable to form mem- Mom in Ilia howels,or lout lajeiricoaly up. the or the manacle 10. tilde epoembil of the MAI tdereenia 0., f a mc lobed& leasponeful of Aleignesia. Foe liebbyo A Y AIINEATOCK'CO, corner lit and - all .1 Or. RlCLese's Worm SpeclUa. TilLstogta"47. l ,•.kiezz, ;1' *.f.'?..7.11.' 1 ~•—a alt ward. or to 11 , 011111, yb,d by th e b. of .aid medmine child or my owe paned 14: lame worms: 7 It is trial the MOM oarprlelog. WOYEllmodieine l - ev er see.. I at tine two more vial.. I - WM GILMORE For eali • - • "••••• - - •••• Y-VAPP1..T5,..V., by 1 KIDD t 00, NS 69 Wood street, E.... -4 M_ll=M 11UVE I LS. voosTAls LIGHT STREET. , BA L:CIAIORE; • POGO & TOUGSTP9, Proprietors. rir,llC4 esacial, ..111 {en ; mid w.dety shoat, being 1. axle ol tne mast eanianamos in the my of Haitian, o. I imams - many andergendscry extenathe aiterat , ollBPnii improvonsents, Al eurre new wing nil bcenthddod, • containing nornecom and airy sleeping apnoea:nth and eiteinu ve batniag mania. The Ladicedoparthoont bra adro been completely re orranteco aroithurd op dn a 10011 coigne and boatnifor style. In Men the whole arrangement of the Howe ban boon rentOdelid t WIN a'lingie eye on the part of the proprietors to the comfort and`leosareof then (loons, and which 'thief confidently men will chat- Hoye componson with any Hotel in the.Unina. - - Men Lathe 10,11 always be aupplied with reeey nob. manual and !allay which the motion afford. served op to a superior style, while in the way of Wines, dm, they will not be surpassed. laconelasloathe propnetors beg to say, that nothing will be lea undone on their pan, and on the partoftheir umstonts, to render this Hotel wonky the continomr P Th ' elt o es l t i Tsf n ar c d " d h . a . ve n d al: hoed redaeedmthe °Halving roes:— - • Ladies' Ordinary, Si 73 per day, .. ...... —• • • •I 50 v a — The Baggage Wogeon of the Homan Will air ways be found at the !Oar and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge taynkhf . . • • ED EABJ.. STAN/St HOUSE, .Cinclattatatlr I 0111 U—The aubseribent having purchasad We en. tin interest of Col. C.: M Wikharnson. late of that well known establishment. beg !cape to nate to their friends and We 'public generally. that they hive taken this commodious Hotel lot a tree of years und will cies . , Welk best energies to make it a destmblifinune for Tray. eller* and City Hoarder.. The Hotel is spacious and admirably planned for con venience, light and air, having a number of parlors adjoining chambs, presenting unusual 211....0114 to families. The present proprietors haying bad the expemmeeof Tears in this city and elsewhere, hope they will be able to give general satisfaction, being determined to give undivided attention to the house alone. The 10C211011 at the Pearl Street 110111, is emcee:mon!, eligible. having (rows nu Pearl, Walnut and Third all, so dial it is equally desirable in view of the gonvehP care of business menor retirement for private boarders, It es near by the Banks. dive..., Other, the Masonic Jlall,Odd Fellows Hall, 'and butane square thstant from Main street and ewo squares hem the City Wilful', thus °tiering the greatest inducement*, especiallFth canna ;merchant* and generally to all persons VlCting Cinema. JOIN NOB LE JONEIR HOTEL. --- it.. coutrroar Pumitunterno. rh E s p b u " .T.L. ' . Tir d .tio r n h e o s C ;It 1;11 t ?L A C tl i s moot, and bope by the e at s. to to the. wunis and comforts of Melt gue sts, to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore greened by itu former pr Z ` lrof;se Imsbccntimiroughly renovated.rod repair. ed; we theredne feel Colored mc can welcome our friends rind the public to accomModationsmond to my tt 100 cap of Philadelphia. NIP BRIEGES, I JNO WEST. - --- GALT HOUSE, Main and Sixth atm, Cincinnati. 'VMS establishment Is now In the heal order for the I. reception of the Trageling Public. Ilsortng under. gonea. thorough repot. dernig the past winter, nod hariordie most experienced men la the west, in the engines departments, I :flatter myself that all will be pleased who call. The lecanon is c entral, commodious and pleasant. Fare VI per day. Cinetnnati, March 13,1 W, N. /E—Although not exact W seine—a new him ou the n W E ranau tly a new Ribero, it is thi Id handle. Wit RIAD,ISO I N MOTEL, MADISON, INDIANA. rpnEproprietor oft!u long established bons, reveceb .I.fullyoTers his serstecs to the Cill lens of Pt mat otgh, and will exert hostelf to 'render convenable all who mar (aver him with thew' compasty. Thigpen. which has long been a faverfte one with the Provtsion De .let, at Ihttsborgh. Will, the coming scam, present a larger Geld thr their operation. than heretofore, tram the completion of the Rail Dead to Indianapolls,3omiles Miller into the hog rang rcginn sm.:beam OD Ft UHL/GIL Proprietor •THROCELIDOATON'S OALT HOUSE, Lotthville, Ky. • A RIS T II R 0 C Kbl OR ro N errs to Reclean:it his .1 - 1. friends that :he is again lessee cif .0 ALT 110 U BE, Looksmllc. Rq., where be hopes 10 meet MI old friends,l a.ssaeing And the public that no effonehall be spared to make ah comfortable who Beer bow with their patronage isnlldly• • AMERICAN HOTEL:, • Opposite the Rail Road Depot. Pratt It., Ball. HENRY Xi. twltil 11. Proprietor. iLate or the EACIMIV u.d Si Citaats..etels, Yitteb`g MEDjCAL .LIIIMISERVA CHEMICAL W R II T 1 MI 11 FLUID—In olio ling the patronage of doe pablic for.thie article it le but r mul proper th .t aim:moo wroth theclal; .n euppon ti beard Avoid 1. fully and fair ly met Meth soil al. µme guarauteu be green that La coin • inanity not be impoien upon hy tureg In Ittedbat plias ts well 41a.ra thug thy generali.y of Mark 'lake' are enaspozen of t e held together gusi Atabse and when the water, either to whole p empower:l the gum eitil prectinte • an tell at • pietymme to Om peo or mewed wiltich coot., it bi e4s cuancwal to adJv.v.!. to the lab m more to make more now, which ',metes th,C ' ell by c'!% Go the tf ..eel lo it thrhurli lyre," thert time Mow th • Wm. ling Flw , ' si in ane their mi.,. to retry re v ert.tn It is • chem. uytm eripartui 144 .114,1 maw.- tu 444 II brip.thelblnertion lea err, get Moe it,esal Mt, g eery Ctqb .•rge nomad, me wsglo um ilia yea iuto•giveu opfee I ring deeper ado Ohre . of the paper ntektugot more rm.,- 4att mut oat ail Moved by OWL/. 0,14 tree Loa y plastered at th e cad,... It • rio minutia tia matter that et iu Many for arstalta thert,e WU/ corrcale 'UN pens—it tet las moo autt although it wean of a blob/. pa.. valor yet to a lk.• bout. it becomes. d ep black wbebw II endure , ogee It is wane... wiliwrtor m the A:n gay. e Imam, by the name of " Arno d's Writing rand,. end =sahib ad more sit. Cur the mar price A. • iseiestce ` u impel.. atsy knd being 14mapted the followimg r‘cambealatte.• Were, a• lau.r he aware, diet the woes Were gime mu 4 ti of have beta ta.oe4 by any nevus Le an ttwor.hy potpies. • We itcomeared t• RibboMSChemical \l'ettitig flail" to Me Lotroomre of the NOM, ...a firs; tals article • I ma mma, it flambee from the pro wlthmit cloning it op mot to i t ora few hours btmeit a deep hr Ott black. B h Sera_pum le Co. W irk Metimmless Robert Moore John rather, mmo Wm !An & gem : . tl' wan. Co. Itlegoewatiek Domitee From • Setters Rolm 0 Mina], Boolp'r C McAttulty Se Co. ' W W Wallace, ' Juniata Kull hig Milts, Aug • Mr That K D., Sir: I hare turn timing your "Chumreal WriLiog Maid, nut hug it • firlit 'I.. Air the mixt, it 11..!•• Craig frizeu.th• gun Red became, .a rticle jrt Much -• her L atin. .1%1.r* far. T H TIITTLE Book lertiier for Bletella hic44erogle. S•T kbeti— Sirs Potsburgh, Aug 2S, 1547, your trPrar Harattg prured a eof Wrding n three weeks o oc I woo der ho,tl it II equnl if oat superior to AritoL.P. or another ink emir io use, I know of. Rosprettol y, WILLLASI STEIVAAT, Book-keeper Zsr Arthur ?Statute. # Co . Pittsburgh, Sept It, IA:. T 8 Ilibbtot—Pear Sin I am non, ,our Chrisuatl WSiting I lout, toad God II to be • moot rserlng article for sere. WM, m it doer *moles diem °Mite the generatity of oWar mks, a dews Trey •nd beau:omit diet. Week iu • lbw hours.. NVICLIeVid * E:Rii " , - a.k_k.., . for John I' . !monied and sold *Weak and Mao b y Thom.. It Ilibbert, Doywist and Clhesmiti; torner of LawTv .0 Scelisidkkt Ns... Plti+borrh, I', Ortto6. ,SIIEELNAN'S TOOTH PASTS. • usasticot nitorranee. THE hest article gnown for eleantne and whttentng the Teeth, strengthen.; We gyn.,swetitenmg breath, in. It should be used every itight• With a the brush, and the teeth and modth wlllonly require a stitch washing In /he wonting. Wet Me brush mbth +mot Inner. or.eold - stol/answer.. and rub • tel tunes on the paste, when enough will adhere tor e.eitentg the teeth. It leaven it deb.°us totem the mouth, and tra iart• a most delightful fragtsnee.to the brenth..lt.tands unrivalled as a pleasant, nie ellicamous, convent. and safe dentrifice. It is .wa /routed not to inJure /he teeth, butte preservethem. .- • . By Llama it regularly, it sill remove the tartar and prevent us acenmulaion—ii-prevent the motbuche .strengthen the gum, and prevent dl dtscaes on Chtuntsta, physicians. and theintercy reieettnecind it a decidedly superior to every thing of the kind in use.— Aalt for Bhernten'is Compound Orris Tooth Dante, and obcerve hill signature ia - attached to each pot. Recommended by Dr. Castle,. del Broadway, one of oar beat IDentinui, and by rook of the nld entablished ones in the United States, and even 21.11111,4!) , used by the Di dity of F.nglend and Frs. , . A lure propartion kataffliet mankind wine fro thaome derangement plan stomacher bowels which skimp . . use of the Bath. }IC 192[11gell , entirely obviate.; Persons of Wk.,' habits ahmtid el way. ha • bok at band, and take dose whenever ire they feel Um least derangement in their health AN:It atoll. of eases.natio( the. es LescAc would prevent thousands Fernald u WM. JACKSON'S, carper Wnod and Litotion4 dne2.l I A DIES Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, ore oflenfnot aware how Inghttully injurious Is to the skin! how coame, how rou;th, how salloo, and unhealthy the skin appears after . . using prepared chalk! Besides, it inntrious,containitig a I mac titian titycifflesid. IYe have prepared ato vegettible article, whiely we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY WHITE! f It M !maven y in glace nt. bong pushed or All deleterirmaquattnes, and it imparts to the skin natu ral, heallAy, alabaster, clear, living Whme, at the setae time atelidgas a cossacbc on the sktu, making it soft. and smooth. • Dr. Juries Anaertan, Emetics! Chemist of Massa chasetts Myst "After analyirittgJotiesfs NIELIIIM Lefts White, I had It possesses the mast beauttful and nano ml, al the same time innocent Into I ever taw I certainly can conscientiousty recommend its use to all whose Ann mounts beautifying 'I Ire Eryce Cr cent. a boo. • ICptlold by IVAI JACK'eON, at hie Iluot and Sher Store, E 9 Lflterty street, head of Wood, at the filo at the Ilia Rad Edo Ladies ladles, I'm astonished, Whiny.. know that yotr are promised . A naufral,life.ltke, snowy rrbitc, That you will still use common chalk, And look • deathly yellow fright, The ;Ileum of laughter and or alt If lin !would use a hos of JON PS Lilly.wAte, frontal.) give musk. an alabaster yet . natural what. , rind at the 'same Owe Cleat Owl improve it. Sold at JACK.sUri, ra Liberty sr Precc , 23 eons pee SCRATCH. SCRATCH. tort •tpsle day scratch, whin Bled w.th Teller, Itch, or edict dwawa oft. ttion, if they.knew who would relteve Rad...G. them hortildele be obliged to rub nnd scratch when •1 or, but mare horrible to abiiian trout 11, [foe deeency eakt,l when in entopaity. Lei it be mutton • , rd that Dr. LIDDY'S TM I TER and ITC/I OIISTAIENT • uw mei•lefficutiout of anboiher e t a, n in eilale4ct in Caring rho Tuner, Itch. and t thrum, of die akin 'As all dowases of ibe Hoyt actor from 11.0 impunly Mille blood and t o W' din bedri and "Tem 5 0 55 am eaan be of lung Mantling; and 1b.,. conctitution 'airceted theiehy, If Or. Leidy'. tintaapartilti Moo.] be aced with the Oltittnenb they wilt cute any ease whale..., and if they_ do not. the matey w be roamed by Dr. Leidri Moat caw., ilowei,f, be effcentalb cure,' by Dr Leis Tetier and -Itch Onweitt. miler, the whi c h apnea Jo impregnated by the e . dmmied Mtinera, which will be completely curie. 011 i the i9l.lcal Dr Leidy , . Mood Pdlc.•nil the mauve ell... Min heal ed by the Oictinunt. Price MOiniment ILS conic " For Welty ti A FA II NE ' , I OCK S oct2o Gor woad tc (iontute It ORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP]-It pruved to be Um al (Mat 'Panacea In coring my :rtld's &Etre:mug cough." Prue We Temperance Danner, Nov. 3, '47. Conde tacr.--So e are not iu Ihu baba of pufflng, mud , lg. toktror PotenthlidtcloeW bat we feel dogroacd recowfmend Idartran's Syrup to those who are algletcd with acough. Afterw hangt,tned the utuirremrOten to remove'aconstant and distretwan cough, that bad fat several days all tied one of oar eblid ren,without sue eeaa,wa writ induced :a try Aloigun'i Loosh .Byrop. um by (relief was antsuied to a toy boars. It plorxl to betheoartacea in this cue at toast. Ibeparedwholesalehod retail bt titrAfrdpilel6l," • JOHN D MORGAhl,lhuggiat, net Wood 241 door below 14tig;tqtdA . MMI=E TRANSPORTATI IXEILIANCE PtsSTAIIIAL UOAT loutie.. Ammo 1847 . • AMINE .n "ANL,. at EEN RTHE EASTEUN — I ClTata . Mil HOOT. TaMtaimPia.T. . 6 ri f ibm Cn' srV " rlt e a d o .•%' dt i' d i e! ieriptlon la sonmeasam Alcorn, ire not touched oil Me tome, Mos all dranshipmeat oreama handling need The Boats are of haat draught sad perform their tripe in lions six to seven slam The Capacity of oar Wireboases Inlet/lea us to store any coets.)efloTeeonftst,ftwadgtsto Receivir.s,string, and van Hems:fully prepared to make salds of Prodie,, we respecually solicit' cons/gnaws. of western flour. Bacon; Lard, Hotter, Cheese; Wool, Fewhers, and other articles for sale, on which liberal adianeea will -be made and other usual feedlots &forded; pledeng Oar eclat& that any busittesrentrusted lo !hall be as promptly executed and upon aa fair tenms as by any otherbouse. JNOAIcFADUEN &Co. Can Basin, Pittsbargh • JAS hl al DAVIS t CO HD end= Market et, Pkilatta' P TTS B ORGILL PORTABLE Be thins Mafia • 1847. .I . " ) ,Nt'Amrtc l iv:. " L " .l.lll 'e t t ra74attgL h way,he sad the consequent risk of delay, dumpy brenkage and separanon °foods. BO= & CASH. No gre Market street. EhEadelphat • TAAFFE & O'CONNOR , O%NNOR & ° 9 1.0,' P r a o h an st a rp W et, a laittro Pi r utb ,. W & T TAPSCOTT, " 73 South a, N. Y. PM'. Encouraged by:increased buitattss the Pmprietera have added to their stock and evanded their amuse. ...Metering the winter, and • arr. now prepared to for ward (mato with retelarity and diapetch unserpaSsed. by . any other line. Their tong ospenence as carriers, the pslpable superiority of the Poriable . Boat e wers. std the Veal rapacity and convenience of the were. beese• et each end of th e One, err peculiarly <hula ted to enable the proprietors in (aide their engagements and accommodate their enstomers—confidandyorering . he pate as a gummy for the heart they ropeetrelly set tat t continuance of oat patronage which theynow gratefully...lt nowlerlge. All consigmentsth Taare & Inonoor abet reed and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid and Dills of Lading tramelined free of any change for Cementite% mknuming or storage. Having no Interest threctlyor indirectly in steamboats, the interest of the gammon coal necessarily be their printery °meet in earning west. and they pledge th emselves to forward all goods coneigned to them promptly and on the moat 1141r.t. pout term, tOlbe OWlieri. • March I, ' • ..,oilL na,-- JOAN A PUBLE • TO T0.:6 euniao. TfiE Boanneni Vocable Bou Compan y being dlr. solved, the Company again 'teatime articles of Co. Antler:dim order the name of the "Bowmen's Line;" and likeanse agreed to refit the Stock sou to havels nye:diet of Boats (or the purpose of catrying goo d thtotign in from viz to eight days, with unpin:y—and Mel encouraged by the liberality of lut year's puma age, to make more extensive anangemeata (or the en• to eg year. . We woul d - _ Ll:m(ore reipoetfuolith a minim. of,orante 4lfraer moron. tefly ee to Memo we twee done bos.:e n ot Gn."ll'"' cowmen BOATBIA . IIIe LINE, For the lransponatioo of • • • ALL NINDS or NICNCHaNDI.I., TO AND ANON Peatanarma, Bums.* NaW Vet. arm Bosom. . SAMUEL WIGHTMAN & Co, Cornet Ltberty rtreet and Canal Bain, Pinsbargh. A L GERHART & Co, N 0313 Marketatreet, Philadelphia. ELDER, GELSTON & Co, Agents, • REFERENCES, Balumere,Md. PITTSBURGH—J. *Cully, Geo. Morgan & Co. W McCully & Co, B A Sabpson & Co, PI Allen &Co, :PII ILA DELPHIA--, MorlZ'auerson &Co, Reynolds McFarland & Ce, 'Elemtng Basby, Peter Wright & Son, J Joseph 4 NEW 1 ORK—Goddhae & Co, Theo. Perry & Co. • BOSTON—Reed, Herd & Co. • CINCINNATI—Adams t Creagh, W W Surber c %. PLEASANT, VA—P A Madder. .„ NASH VILLE—F Fleming. Nora—All merchandise from New York and Boston,' consigned to A L Gelhart /4Co, Thlladelphot; be be prompUj foriNanied fret of dont:alai.. WAD INDEPaNDENT. POILTABL.II "; BOAT LINE. - t . 184 7, Mast FORANSFORTATION OF PR M ODUCE TS AND AIERCHANDISE TO AND FRO CIT' BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. erWithoat Transhipment...o GOOdi consigned to earcafe well he forwarded nerlii of delay,., the lowest earnint rata. Bills of Lading m in ansmcd, and all instruct ons promptly attended to. free Thom any extra chap Ir Sw or commission. Mattress, or apply to 1.. A hitA• tig it rY CI:1 . _ Can al naln,Pinsbargh i • ORAGE. Saving a eery large and] connwalants warehouse, we are prepared to Tt•CtiVit lie addiiion to freight for ehipmenti a large amowit of Produee,ine . on Storage at low rates. (warn) C A Ne4NULT 4 &Ca - - - writ c & 010 J.l9B. sar. - • 1 8 4 7 . ilitithM El x t l ;l;. (l lri t lYP : kr\ . .r f *e.:nritt , l7.u 2 a rg rtltre'ir l p, L ' h A n!: to vli, Ilell•daYlimith. Wait , hit cebil'eteraburall and, or nee . mediate placer' - ! . One Ikon will lea., the watehouserif C A Annuity Alb. Pittsburgh. every da , [except Pundays, • and shipfarrican always nepend a haTato limas a for warded wi th out delay and at aii rates. Thu I.ine was formed for all. apeelmil aecomminviallan 1 of me way bas mesa and We proprietors ...pertly w liberal ren, libel !share of patronage. i r JOIIN PICRWORTFI .CIIIN MILLER, DAIVI, Il BA Rhl4t , ROBERT WOOD 3 WILLIAM ULTY. . WIL - .tOIIN . .MILLER,II Ilidayahuirsh I 1 - R II CANAN. Johnunwn . Agents. ' C A MeANULTY co, Pittsburgh , RILIIIMI CU. i . 3 J Me De•itt, Joha Park , Robert Moore Bagaley. & Smith. Pittsburgh. i ' mars . ,L. AIR ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. 1847. 42iia l iga ri , /11. I.ine•being composed or Fierite.tm•is Lake Erie 1 and Mie&grin Noni, dad) , be : tweet] Pittsburgh and Beam:v..lnd &right and passenger Camel Boats, 'minion, between •Umm erandErie and connecting with ,C ?it Peed'. Line of Memel. I Propeller, pod Vesaels on the takes, will be prepare upon She earliest open-: Alf of . Navigation to carry reight and Passengers to I: " la n n o a o e n ve a ry fur and Lake.. and pay. gets NlFlth . pronttness and dispateh, the pruprsetor ad agents respectfully echo I from pelt &lends and the putil.c geaerally diem at mtge.! C M Et, En. irroprwtor • • REEDS, RIOS Co, Deaver, lam JUAN A cAucigEy, M u n c h do For Smithfield and Water siO. oppogite the Mbnonms , grihela Monaca circa io I Wheeler, Crocker Co New Nark • ' Geo Davis, Ennio E N Parlto & Co, Cleve and Jar A Armstrong& Crealetroit McClure & Primal& Pone, Clueago i. aim POIPCIII, Powershrorn,Prinn• Leo filactielot Yr& Ey...l.Mb; • John Me Arthur, Ituntritown,d o Wick & Acker, Greenville, do I • Craig & Frampton, Clarksville, do Hays & Plumb. Sharpstrargh, Pa. tV C Malan, Sharon, : do • rt W Cunningham. New Castfe, do marl PITTSBUIttiIi h CLEVELAND LLIVR. 1846. . . IL 11. Itoory. T. b . eno.nd &W. CLARKE .111. VOINI&VdiStir & C0M21112110.0 Blerobaitif DEAVER, PA.' HE Agent, and Proprietors of this Line (an (aver ably known to thopublte),wirl be prepared en the earliest opening of canal navigation to recede prop arty at Pittsburgh and Veneer, and deliver the same a any point on the Ohio canals, and also on Lakes Erie alid Michigan, with the greatest despoch and at reas onable rates. ',The proprietors of this line the heathen al diet, former customers with confidence, knowing that their facilities are second en none. Apply re or address • • O M BARTON, AWPittabarih. • CLARKE it Co, Dealer. lanKi T RICHMOND A Cc C smeland. - Wfi B TYRN 744— A - El4l - 0 4 / 1 11304 - 11 - IKS — Co7 1847.! MPALk 111 .MORLECII & 00.41. OLD 'ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PH/LADELPHIA,BALTLMORE AND NEW KORA'. whichstock of this line consign of a doable daily. or Boots matey*, [owned by thenateleakl c are in good order. The entiserdmrs arn preen. red to forwent • large quantify of Merchandizt. uad Produce with certainty tied dispatem - Produce or klerehandise any to any or Me un dersigned. is tomes Idea free ot any charge for commis -111101, or stonega • - Bins Lading transmitted and idling/actions promptly . mended us. The business of this Line is enndoeted ore Maly Sabbath-keeping principle.. Address, or apply a 1) LEECH tr.• Co. Peoprieiiirs. Canal Ream tsburgh 11ARRI4 & LEECH,Propn Pit etem. No la:teeth Third area. Philadelphia JOS. 'CA VLOR & SONS, Agents, No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore W O WILSON, Agent, • . mehl.4 Pi e 7 We!! areet.New York • RaAVKI., WARREN s CLEVELAND 'ANY. OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAGM 1847. Cad. nt:Po.:larrs TELEU API; & SWALLOW LPAPP [leaver daily at d o'clock, r aner the 'arriaolof one steamboat BEA V tat from sod emirs. at W u seen next morning in season for the Stages tgloch reach Cleveland beforenight- Yolwc.tr.raantiberreeiplc&thrnagh, securing bertha on the Plusher., and scot. in the Sta ir , n n appli cation on board steamboat !leaver Lleavtbg Putsbargh ..11 O'clock, a. a ,) or to the &genus: Si AI lIARTON & Co, Pittsburgh CLARKE & Co, Beaver JESSE I/A LDWIN, hooagsmwa opts M it TAYLOR. Warren 1846 AND 1847 TO THE EAST BY MONONGAHELA 000 TB VIA BROWNSVILLE & COMBEItLAND. T HE undersigned are now prepared to forward p duet, be., to the Eastern Markets during the ens • ing Winter, on tbe most favorable terms, by this rape &nous route. All property co:waned tops will be forwarded at the lowest roles and with despatch. Itlcicliandiso received by tbts 'route promptly for warned. J BIDWELL, Ag . t. Pittsburgh. , O W , CAPS. Brownsville. need) E EGERTON A Co,Cumberlond PITTSBURGH AND ORBS:J*I7II.LS: 1847 .'lartiag PACKET AND FREIGHT LINE THIS Line consisting of freight and passenger Peek els, milt ran regal:illy daring the seam, between Deaver and Ureernril le, Pa., by which freight and pas• ga ad anget rs bhe etween the two points, wil I be cayricd promptly ' t lowest rates. Fll j !lni %rifle , d MePARLAND Et RIND, MI DAYB it PLUMB. flOarp.burg!t, do; W C MALAN. Shozon,d. ; ' „ WM. MATHEW:S r Pcluai , . . - do; k JOUy AGA RED, E AE c K tSoaCa Deaver, do; • Bow pppiolio Atmovitslisla Bi4l4o.?iwkargb. . fir"_-c.T~...•£ - _ ~ y~. N LINES_ TRANSPORTATION MES ALSCSAULAIA PACIUBT &POLL ULAN FL. • . . The new aim ge i zidid steamer CaPl- Charle s • Ileicass.eotratinees I t tins day, eaving . ; Pam - j burgh ILL 9 o'cock" a. at iand treaver aL ekkes,ll , connecting mat Pinsbarett and Vievetand AluenrCed Cleveland Boats daity.toClevelandol: Beaver, Wernest and Cleveland Line of Csail'Ptinkets and Nate. Coultas daily to Warren and CLannhicniL ennal Packet Linen in, - Neer Castle and OrtenvilleiTa,• Erie Batumi.* Lina to Meadville 'an - d: Erie: - .lCell. Mere & Coy Lines of - Slate Coaehes Clevellizid'and Wooster. leave Bea ver daily on the arrival of steamboat 'Lkaver final Putsbursh. Anal), • " • " sole at !macro:* & Co, rittsharsh CLARKE & Co, Beaver [ • UN/ON A. HS, . iaggint • -OA TAR, PEP ssssss MID OHIO CAA•7,, 'BETWEEN P/TTS D. BURGO. AND. CLEVELAND, [ EN. PARKS A. Co.Cleeielacd,o. H± [ • Li G PARES. Beaver, Dt.Pna„.oN• IV T MATIIER, Ple.barati,Da. J. above Liao n ohm (tray teemed to teanoport Freight and Panengers fexa Piug.arelt and Cava laud, to say poialon tea PuFetylvalus A Ohio and Oh; . The laeilidce of mild Line are ard equalled briny on said Canal,. in ournhera andi - catitmt7 of rionce of Captains: and Promptness of agents, de. nUqe Boat lemma Pittabunghand Cleveland daily. Mt?. ing in.cohneelion with the *emit era. . ' :' Be i t:e b rit:dt nd lALtV ' fir if b`g " - Z ° P t=itpc i l fen, Brio and dehconera, ota.Liku Erie, Damn, Ali c.hhr. and Ocalinio• • amp '. jeT7 forwarded f lo argi l fg, ' ,Ct ye' Union with ta REED, BARNS ifi - Ce. Bea . n n r,"Afel W T MAKER. Pittabergb, andi . • ' • :Cor Walegaad Smithfield 91# 'meta T-0 oLgvizzaavb.ari..-wiitarair...-1 1847. •nucoU6ll , l4 p4jIOURS: MACatx Boma Swallow' and Telegreph leave • ver daily. at 3 o'clock 1.../4 after the arrival'of the' morning Boat from Pittsburgh. and arrive al Warren io time for the Mail Line of 'domes, which leave itamedi, ately thereafter. and arrive atClevelaed 3o'clock, •• • • Thisiome Is the mast expeptlons end ettinfortable oeel the Late.. - • . CODER /4 LRF'FING IVELt; Nitres, hopes REM PARKS fr. Co,Ersve r, Agents ' • JOHN A CAVOllEllcorterVates and tisahhaeld H.* ePHYOPPaIite the fr l .l., 3 freltultntilestse.Pittsbersh • -Cl TlZZAirrliatenlac - BONT trialE7 abliaa— 1847. , WOE wet eronreTtos or ALL RINDS OF MERCHANDISETO AND FROM priw.gelipbta, Haltlawore, New reek and Atostex i T HE encourage . ' meuvibiline bureceismiliace its commencement, Are induced, the pldprie tor. to increave therstock byaddiug a number of hr • claas beets. and instead ol:giaing receipt's. hereto fore us agtuts,. we will girt our owe. receipts' for freight stepped by thia ;: The boat. are all ridable, consequently freight •is taken the whole distince ;without tranahipment; thereby preventing damage from frequent handling on the route, and as each lent is owned by the; Captain who rues them, whith is a sufficient guar, flute., tbat there will be eo delay on the meta. All Produce or Aferchaillire. eonsiseed to - the undersigned will be forwarded FREE ' OFICONI MISSION, cored vancing and forwarding, and' will be shipped without delay.at the lowest rein of *eight. . . . We reepectAtlly solicit a 'ehare public . patro • esge. • WALLINGFORD & . . • CRAIL .:8 nol , DDLLA.4 Bame P Ar i , tt eo. u .t.-• Broad Strict, Pfuladelpbie. F MILLER . Agent , • . Rowley', Wharf, Baltunere. •I'ittsburgb, Feb. 18,1847, 1. . 1.846 • 181, TO THE EAST HT,DALT/MOILH*S"D OHIO • R A,ILROAIL. FIE sanseribers reeniflife r the delivery of ' dote to Baltimore by theildermegatels S/ackaratar at the following poses.— • Ashes, Bacon, Boner, L* . LeudoPork. , Taints', Whiskey, t, sed (et. per 100.1ba.., Tobnen ffeetp, Flax and CiVlleat-41 eta per 1001 b. Ashes. (Pell Apples. Cheers, flax.feed, Ohms; and Leather-106em per BM natl. Oils,Bkinafleeds, Weed-11001 per ISO lbs. Beeswax. Feathers, Fars, Oloaena, SnakeVßoot —l4O cis per 100 lbs. ". All property conserned inertiier of he enders/geed still be forwarded midmost delay, free of Commission, at snore rates. IV 11 CLARK. Brownsville. ..11ANNA IVAITERMAPI, Pittsbnren. Dit-4-BW-Allt/NIC,II [I [ COMPOUND SYRUP OF 'YI/11:1) CliiIRRY[.. A certato and talc coraColds,- asthma, liver cs-Anlast,apittlng WO, PS gO or breast,nervousdent Ity[,-sboopinstoughl broken enasitatioir, -fx)rdblimp. TiON or any o o[c,pc -at ii/c ..r brcat..- Reader, ark ypa aufforng - with a cold or ihatitaa of [the ' lung*, try thia rinedb; yonwul srt baps regret t. • • It will arrest all'thow dissgreceble symptoms which strike nach terror4o the mind;& - prolong . your dafa. Beware of all Mepaistions phrpoiling to cobtein WIId Cherry,e.cept that beanng the lorgnetten of pc H Swine on the outside; wrapper, of each bolder,. as they are quite likely dentitaila al the article !Mai which they borrow a'nanae:_ Read what it h as donor . l 50,000 DEA 1139 BY, COSUhiPTION, .1 • Weald bedsore, be a small ertiniats for the ravages of this dreadful diselae inn single year than add. the fearful catalogue of Ouse cut oil by Inflinia.. bon 0! the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs Influenza, Brodchilis,and other diseases oLthe' Luiip and Liver, I , ; • And the list would present n appalling proof og the fatality of these two Masse or diseases. But vi al important to know that ocarry all of this drehd write of-human life .I:eight have been prevented by n timely one of Dr. SWA YNE'S, COMPOUND SYRUP Of' WILD CHERRY; G - 1 This medicine has • now; been, before the public rbme eight years. and is the Wien,' preparation from the Wild Cherry Trea.• its reputation gala remedy for Cougha.tolda, BiOnehltisi and Cab• colophon of the Lunge based entirely upon italie, !ramie merits, owes but little tq:,itiflated newspaper :Teee. Those who give it ditrial,' .. baing. benetitted by it, recommend it to them neighbors, sod thuo gradnally and surely bait gained an enviable repu tation and worked its way into;geneial time. One. bottle never fails to Mire a ieceist: cough or mild, while with strict attention to thndirections that sc.: company curb WM0,41 1120 m pulmonary dismisses of long standing and of the molt' larming Maria. ter, has. always Oren relief, and in - very many. instances has "elected coMplilte and permanent mama ; ' • • Dr. SWAYNES CetitreileirCompounil S y r. upof Wild cherry,: Read the tamdreiriarkabin.eqe .7 of Consumptit arerplaced upon record— 1 • Dri Swayne—Dear Sin .I feel it r a debt of gratitude due to you—and a duty to the 'afflicted generally-,tn. otter my bumble testimony In rarer lot you{ Cute', pound Syrup 01 Wild Cherry. ;Some three year Mace, I won riOlently attacked with Mild and inle, mation of the !tap, which Was accompanied with a eel* diatraming cough, pain in the breast mid heed -a very considerable thscharge 'Of offensive moron from the lungs, mpecially upon Oranges or weithek boweier slight. At fleet I felt nn alarmabout my ehadition,butwaa pretty .00do convinced that !wee 1 rapidly it ' refig i r w as " aca ." Xly om atile g o77ea d itgr e2 t tt Ispeak abort t whisper, such shia the exceeding lweakiets arty lungs, hiring this limo t hid uied IT3rioa• preparations and preacnp i ons, bit Mind to roller—growing ell the time avers . Just bees I era. ledrited and persuaded bye dear lend in WI ming ton to make atrial of your Syrupt of Wild' Cherry, I most confect that prerimuity I tad been prom* ed agwast patent needle:net; atd:d am. ttill . agalust those, comes out of the, handi of empines, but underitanding your claims to tlie• professio I aid practice of medicine, and haring' implicate filth in the saying ol my friends, 1 forthwith purchased of Dr Shaw, .one of your agents, few bottles and 'eorturrancerl its use. My denote at this ti ' was of twenty or twenty fire montheatandin6 eose• nattily was deeply tented. I fooled; beware coo ifitlerible relief from the twat IMO or tire b t es.., But being a public speaker I frequently , at p ied to preach with my increasing strength and rt by 1 / 1, I ruptured those remelt toot nod already in heal, in dm way, donbtleee, my ear - won g e arly retarded. In consequence of acting UM s pre ciently I I had to use It or lb bottles befit wet pertecUy rmtored. I have ao goelthai, . uch smaller number of bottle. would' boon •. • • ~ . .. WOUIII b'Wllll/ und, , but for the above indiacreilon. Th allayed the leferish habit, did 'wetly the dis cough, put a stop to the discharge of mini the lungs nadirs. teens tied the eatins spite I health.' bate deterred efferlig Wu, terti,fist new. for Use purpose of tieing. Fir*, fl y with the permanency of the care; adtnovj feel perfectly well, I offer It with pleasure... REV. J. K. JORDA Dublin county, N. E. c'euricirm cAirrzwn . • Avoid ell spurious preparations Of Wild. eh rry such asißalsanns, Bitter. syrup. dl,' harrfl, Pills purporting to conuilit - Wild Cherry, dz.., Ik,, a. they ere ailtietilious and Cointeaceicarind c ontain none tlt i te virtues of theoriginal Sod gourd litipre, paratio prepared Ity_Dr.4Stsapae, and. it a lint ever premised ie this sonar. Y.• &loath' , ~ aynet f.:oLopoui a Syrup of WILD CHERRY is composed of vegetable ter/radiants, the Wild P,tierry, and oth: er medical substances eqaily asi efficacious, it aor more an: the whole are .oellectutrlly coimentrated as to mi:der it beyonif all doubt" the most pie:want; areegthening, rod effectual remedy ever discolor.: ed lur the cure of Pulmiinary cotisuomtion; end ail dime.. of the Long. and Breast. The vale lam; fiom ate having such a train , of apufmus imitators,. stand. to prove its.great curative properties TheMiure, invalid., inquire for the originad.ps ration, each bottle of rhich is enveloped lo n au. ail wrapper, with a hkeneas of William Feyen glared th ereon; also bearing the aignaturei of r II; Swaynei the tounteifelung of which b pun. jolted as , forgery. riepared only by Dr H. Swaseg,N W carper of Elarlin and Recs. Street., Philadelphia.' For sale in Pauburgh wholesale and retail by WM. THORN, 53 hlortat street. OGDEN & SNO W DEN, comer & Wood sta. FiAHNES'ILICK & Co., voider .taf let and Woodand Gth and Wood st • - SAONES, IEO Liberty street reet., . JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city. And by all respectable Druggists and dealer. in Medicine, throughout the United Staten red Cana. rept* 'LIELLEItto VeRMIFUGE., ..1 eontider be Uall mbers.n . /Wpm/Me, AllegAriey P t • I 1 - • ' October - end . ,164). s Mr. R. 1 Sellers :—My ton ft mOroha 014. Wag very reoeleriatchthcand having much roma truma,l.con• e laded he hadworma, and harlot, heart a sreot:Ocal about your Vermitre- • - -.out your cmffni...anTrihariag;rTnii;i dots. which expelled 52 very lante "rotas. j consider . - P.SnranG ' 4l 7eParmi bvit;Egig AVuod az: Eala by Dr, j bin ward; aalyD. $l. &VIM , Ng! :'':r.l'‘: — ' . '''-7. -, •: , , , 5i— . .-,•. : . , .'4.• . i . ,—:,,. MM= u•i,:flhatlitAfPa i MEDICATTO tozzacos,,:ar!o POCd: ggmleng D IL aliraroAM • 4 .7 ureelte ' r'hust t.edug I mere. .tiee tee* fl an d eke htet' Leeee ha• mot we 1 . /erth nom ea Alt beck ut each thewer,..d • etwauires coucKLozziaLs.. Those Losengee tho aka, esart mute* ago** MOS edy for emegba, add% cussemptame, mhzakeeo., out, 411omo of the tourer autuotte Mooteeproom,... ton barer Mama ,r =mom *Kra tlay.eod aY gm. pen* • _.**,,ook, hen al Masud bet* heS.oba.* toottau. the tau geereestariug to health ?nisi almoot mcry atop of eostuefearae,and mom label* ch aster the teat 1441..1 colds ...dames. Tin& sot estmud drt or tie cuse, butreeekr homey, t h e .xpeeme, allay 91. tteU.ec instat mut remove h proxies* or taming mu. Th., us made f rom a combommut of • sattyalmok mgc loraom meet onediehms end am ,sueolcoodwdly et/peele r te ram, le aer Or the. eeekNelata. littedgeds upwaoh. eZ oleeKidoces hare beta Mired of their soimerful rm. tam, froutibeed she dm bellowed from to totomm, moo, mul ame* toper* hab -- -- it by moos thou. Where Menem:och gam in dm bread* gde, me *Sher sue% Nor liattN Planer. (poke W I 12) ce.. l ) " applied leer the part, end eau related. If mane* 1.11 teatime., • kw cathartic or tuadre tonna', ...so calharde *dim*, Mueld be - med as mamma renaina • RHERMA NM WORM iLOZENGES Them mons lauturalons beed primed in mom Man 1,40 8 - 000 owes to be ieitthek; the eel) Amble Mom dwell - tat metteeneteeerthweeeeci. Maagdisommituisce d ornn sod eneuhee bag tad inteeteenizip,, sad even deuh, 'nth ma their moor beat utspee; grown no. • Meted ° lna tbenton date dctoral for varteus complaints elithend any bendy- slim oat amt a< war Lozenge, *odd Rjouptosomef Weram—taits in thejoic tier !Layoff., Sha bnath, whir( tithe ow" heintfieg of the with gee?, and lathe.* apalesieteekeetthe hiteolith tg dashed eheehe, bleeding* the nose, agoemag eeentiee 134 etteeeeh, bob leo *had over the miss oft* bate. slight Mille or eltiv • stings, bsulache, drowsing., mooch torpor, .or draw, soda. *mar Malmo, with fright aid sermadag , souvrtintre • M amt i:mem cough, arcsit4lls.4. thire4 paha hue, I/le, tad la* it Om mateb, difficall bmuddag. the atmeach or bowei, istqp,4 nausea, opine m et yore; clootuappstiy, ituescooi negua t to /hate, .emote. thoottesjettne le ear... germ of the' body, a max of mune Oats nung tho auettl, Ma% et the toe towarde ightot frequent *airs to poomontalhig Lb= the li bomb, Ludo owe mo di...Marge of dime and tottuto. 0111.R.Mit/V3 CAMPHOR ; Lorwton. iourielliate in *mom snick LeadacLe.• gal 'ta They boo of Mb hart s imam of the spirits, deepoodency at patio( sm . thewel, lewd aa mum* cos • • phdut, feint:mg, oppreetiou or s mum of eintlog of the due dm*, opeono, slump of the *moth or ba blearing efferttoro, eml %mom dimes,' ugh the aa .ake.aa. ihmsh.theallth#-`44,...4,41 era teerhus, diarrhom; lodhode orso raw *Wires Pm • day emu textile/ or &Undies largo Um..Laersi go:stagy rolsingid imptratic booing of youth; amot Idler dies/puma, •wtdooderis tia'ime of the epic. gal atm the suptcentat loymphems ammo. was wbmdonedw 6.4.1 1 . ..ram0s 1 0 * *, 6 bar 4 beco ua tue th. ht . lare z. re, eng .a, toiralle_oonspoure of Ma term -• • • =F..=a„pOdi POOR MAWS /MASTER. • The bet* t o plodder In sorldg ands monies nueedy . puns, or wpf... a the pack, /am, tide, met a . dwanudi Otte aullias • par lull netea•ply the deered. - I`6, ty rev:Ml • Mlle nem tog befotreappLoatem. Warn** superior to *lathers.* for ms quarter the usual prim,meknag eot eoly the Met, but eheeput plater to the merid. atßudo talk! in •gm - *mu t end takes mbidabing mem , tie h reftee7o thr 4 ltnte d ar alnt. aswld b..gratr"' ory ex 4 Ley ClItE le coagita, *olds, Yfloset, dinl t t• 0ff7 . 1.0 t u tha cheat totootach, be bmm .t. mg sedentuy habits, or Zee ; j e ' W to Mitut "L oach 'MR main *tided appal from as of Me. truly gaper..., ra. ter. Phyeastaso gettereby occommetet Mem. pre& mew allotheeeme they stick cream betteetat QC:online 4 . • er feint7t thetr operation theft* .Bank*, same, and anodfrot. They anocosse of entirely diMentot cam from may other, and wit from the expericum - Ora licam the who hem mud oum 7ml/ a.out* *Mom f o themle hrated and th dalongumbed Own mod to be the tun maid awl highly medicated Ao.• gore Ore w - Rem* te:nues hare *dial heard** to mit • their ne earpeaand '`ac the ahead e tireenheo mp peter* ken n erected. s Direcnoe.>or um ant on the buck ef each Sager, .its • dm *ego et Dr. Sherman *mu.' ltr !wafture, child alveye aok br gbermaa's tom Man.l nster, and am that . t a hr w ars i. oterga . rtt . Vol al hologabo and read by W. fiCILSOff at hi, Palm am Warcheam, lies 11l Liberty street, of w ; am nom . HAVE In)vius nossumniox CAN BE CURED HY USING DIU • DIOICAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. • Cistehussti, Earth Std; Dear air,—Thu is to eatify eddie s NtrtietArly" (kW . sOnotad nth • Ewan of the Lamar Coneweption that w ide spinor no t peas mu.km netts • wll . 4llid became stated Rao map Itags,ahowing all the symptom of en approaching Cowideptitei My cough was - tight awl trookleaseas, attataled With licpbawnight mats{ • rpittsp daily • ecesiatervide ipantlty or Wed, seised with . Ala dark salter. Ply titddidit beesisakerions and Gana- DWing this time I was Wanted by two of oar most Aar.' rbria, they did tk. Nat they coultlfer we, wall ailength they pen op ail hopes of my rosoreryo nbradag tie that nothing Wore nosh! be done—that toy laws wsre catty diseased, and latioad remedy. I ern thea pt nuked by 'Afriezd of mine to make • trial of Dr., "Names Emcee. rent /beards, winch soy Phyacians pereisted eganat, clung lbw 63. teedwins ward do ea good, end would .all snore to my Aerating, I told thew it was wykut and way hope, sad that if I watt dl. of the deans% twist& was lair dot to ate s ) there . isimild be notkim kat. So I wet to the and olatieed 5 Irattbee'of this truly Vales Isle Medicine, aad comassated tisk / wisionling to . the dire.— tiaas, whirl, hawed of adding toeiseferieg, insmedidaly me on - relief, at anew arresting shit Gmbh:wens Can wain the prim and tightaew in toy Chest, gislog ose • new I. and Gratin, which won culled we to *Gaut spit Th 4 "Gt . te ass titated its vasAwork; . .whirdsy as nobly inneWitioed s instil I was made awed Maw llamas. beta at:undies le ;ay bwitsese, (upwards of 3 years) and feel as, • 'healthy.. I wish. I bass rowaratende• Dr. Danes'. Es- • peetarant Remedy in many iratasces ta thaw similarly Ellett& sad it Iwo always proved weeesafel no fir as now witriewal GB effect; My eider is wing thu wait:aat pretend, for • I Mewled Liar sad ea vectias 7f tllepuyra,whieh Am • had Grered with Or anne time; she hja oasis reeonred by the vse of this sad I aos ew:Adrat Ma 6 bottles that / take with ate to dip will eatirelyeari her. I adi study e know that there we thousands of ralaidde paeans westiag way with this dtendful destroyer—CONSUBIPTION.— Were it orducetible for them b procarr this arses in Unse, labre it be too late, clan, D.umitktbepmonmyed and their tome!., and nlittiitcs is wadi:red happy. WS mealtime will glee instant relief. and at the maw time arras llat hard and painful reason theUinta:aain theChei /ire usength to the enfisebled atal araciated Dawe s cal in • mast tame, I tun certain, will retiorps • gasket maw , • ANDREW; 7. FELTED. Montrose", Hiottalloo Cow', Ohm. N. D.—Thoee who rosy oot be acquainted with me I refer tit the oadersined, cal.! of atootiostery, Resoiltsto mat ty,"o., they lam any time, sebetatitieto thou.:me statements, • •• Itiosatert 131.11.111 LL, Gun' J.' Sawn •- • DR. DUNDA WS WESTERN OFRICR.l.5O.5mmore street, where this rafitabh Medicine smitten. be oltaisell: ' Sold to Pitishargh, by WM. iittiNtßSN, corner of Wood and Liberty . •prl4-(13n11 . . . - sdIPORTA/OT TO TIIID-I.4ll3lRl3—Comems A. }lair Cream, a matchless articlel - frir the Growth, Beauty and Restoration of the Hair. :Tres Cr.., when Once hnown, will supersede all other Ovules of the kind.now used. Where the hair indead, hareh.thin, un healthy or turning grey, Ai few applieations win make the' hale soft and dark, end. give lt, tr. beatnik! lively. !appearance; and will also mate it retain tts liveliness •and healthy color twice Amiens as all the preparations which are generally amide Every lady and gentleman who are in the habit of Doing Mrs on their hair, Maui& at care Purchase a bontspof the Minim Hair Cream, as is le so enamored that it, not injure Me hair like tha .other preparations, but will besatifyit,'lnad give perfect eansfaction in every instance- , r ' • • ' Far leatillnotly its very superior et:elides, are thn . folleuring letter from Rev. Mr. Caldieell, to !Rearms. ileaderskott & Sireteh, Nashville, General Amur to., the Western Slates: ' I , txtter from the Rev. It. Caldwell; pastor of the Pro. bytenan Church. Pulaski. ! ! - .3tessrs.llendershott & Stretch—Gentlemen: I a • pleasure in adding my femicrony In fiver of the: c rent preparation called Dt. Parrish's! Chinese Cream—tor about two year, ago my hair was veryd Mall', and disposed to Mae owl, not having pause, bottle of the Cream ! , and used It 'according no the pre. =notion, my' b a l sa m II0•1,01Velalilig Alln to en • head. Many and 'oils were applied each len. Mug my hair in a worse Mate than before. This Cream . however, has armory expectations. • • ' an Mein (Or die Totleti Irte giVelt It order core over all others, being delicately•podissiedosed net "disposed to raocidityt The ladies espreishy will had the Chilterns Cream too' be a desideratum' an their preps, naioar for the Inlet Rupeetfully, Pulaski, Jan'y. 7,1847. • R CALDWELL Il wrSold wholesale and retail, in Pittsburgh Loy John .51. Townsend; No 43 Market street and Joel Mohler earner of Weed and Fifth sta. • ' atilt I R I E 7 PEEPONIERT— F- "Cream doe Amanda Amara', shaVing; • Cream a to Rose, for shaysg; - Almonds Croon, do; • ' B uPerke Hoop,. Porcelain standsj • • r ); . :legant scent bag., palmed ornb Lavender, A ngla ,c Niel; ; • Beautiful powder poßs, of ail Panama:. Embossed toilet boxes, eornainlog fragrant extracts for the handkeeffiety ascent bog , andloll6t soaps, nonb able for argent.. Ponnur.or Chinese powderf • Inesan vagetanlo hair mt. ' • ROWS 011, io faocy or common Impacts, (rose seem: e 4); • . Jones' Pomp; Nymph Poap; Ron Lip salvo; Cold cream, elegantly put op; . I Para paths r.p. in bars and cakes; L•• • Shell aoap;•Sseasoapi togetber'w eh great variety h!!' P"fi",'"F ''' 9 ' 27Pll:llViK & CO nate . Mr 6/1 loo,d ala 1. cie - ins r from two till that,' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, YUBLIMIED DAILY, TIO.WMOLLY, ik WEEKLY dt in..oestuitßoddiogs,3la, war Or P ost (Cm SLATES "OP ADVERT.4BIIS:O.• One insertion of 1154ines, or less .... ;. $0 15 20 0 Tw .ror o ., inseit4ons . withooutaltem, . 1 00 One Week " • 50 , Two Week. .• " I 50" Thine "• •. 3 00• ,L One Month; " ' .. ... ,•.. (0 'Two " -• • '6 00 'Mice r.' • . 750 a:7- Longer advertisemaniein same proportion. Ono squiro,6 mouths, without alteration," 10 00 12 1 , • ti . O Each' additionnsl 'clinic for 6 months, 5, 0 0 12 ... , " .. 10,60 Onetiquire 6 months, renewable et pleasure, 15 CO 4a .16• ILf• Each iciditionalsqemm for 12 moiths 10 0, GO Two squares, 6 months, reNiable at plonsare, 50 00 Each additional square. 6 months, ..... 800 wxxxxx oft *as,wirscnt in Dalin tarns. .ooe 'genre. 3 insertions -' $1 50 " each additional insertion,.. gp, Fite lines or less, one year. ........ . .... 6 00 • wisponths, .. ..... . .. 500 one - year, daily dcyetildy, 1000 " " six months W." 800 anvnirmstaiswyn tw iezzarar" rant. - For 20 lines, or lea, One insertion,. . . ...$0 BO Two.: _ .. .. 075 00 . , Tbrep m00thei........ 050. _ .4t . • . t : gg es Terelos ..... 600. . .. .10 00 edrortiscieeti robe tea ogo4 by:thooluare,. and adiocount of 1.5 per cent - to oe given "'beret/to omoyor!of,folvertWog Oaceet3, 60 dollayfi per year. 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