. , . ... . ... , • .•. . . „ - • • . . • . , . .. - , ... . • . - . , . ....,. , , , , ' .. • , . . .. . . . .. ..., .. .. .... ~ -- , . . .. . . . . . . - . . , - .... , .. .... .... . , . .. . . .., -' • ' ' -- - ' - - - " '' - '''' - •• . . . • • , . . . . . . .. . • - • --. . . . . . .- . , . . . . .. .. - ....' • , • • . • . . . . . . . • • .. . ._ .__ . • . ------,,...a.,,, , ----i-•-•-it.,,,- . r• .- _ . . .:.:.„.- .. ..... ... ~._ ~ • • • , • . '.'.. : ',..,': - .,. ." . ..,., : i ... ...' .. 1 • . ... . . . . , • F..: , ... , ~:,,,,;,,, ~........,:.. .... ~.....,......: :.,._, ;..,: ....,., ~,.....,,....,....:, „........._......T.... . , . .. • . . ; . . . .. ;.,.,,,, J. ~.,„....,: • ...; ..;,,, •:.......:....„ .._....,,,„...........; ...„ .;..:.: _.. 7. . 7 - . .7 7 .'. '1 ' . '. . ..-: ~... __• ' 7 . 7';- , ' ',.,;...!: - • . ~., , r. . „ . .... ' • . ~,. . .. . • •'' ' ' '-• ' . .. . . . . - -- - • inAGILLXIr . Wholesale Grocers, le and 90 Weed itreekr tsbutettP - 60.: i fpolculle •-• ,- ...111„ Produce dealers 'BAGAlai* , norS fib and WM North , r 47 , 1 V StallgilLTY a. Coy.Fotwarqmg; and _ V.Coasscusslon Muchants, Canal BSSIII,PaubIEyI6, ~'}YF~~~.F~ff. 'y.: ~ :1;,..,:'..- . „:':;:;i,:l..,.• ...i: ... 1 ':,..., '•:.',;:,-,•;:i';'';:•.!. - . WOODS, Michas ,kar MORlONglittil liver. — All Orden pitoeu*ly Vied...Jahr.. by ellirrllrmagb the Pan Mice. . , A.11)-tf u. Hill. • . . WileG ar ig w e, rinitaliEl..trecearts to ,Ilogn raperanaGenar:arraper . fAuchon.:, MTV IvaLl DICIL3T. 314 • • *llllkLl4ll Dlolll6lr Co, %nays.le Ortotell, Chnint.4o4/ 1 1 2, thent. azul dealer. in zedaesaial 6Watet sad 107 Front Wet ranbeagh: P • =MI . • ' ! ••• , ,ts;;#... v ; . •1•:*2'.',...: ,' :!, 'l4( ..4 r :11;: 1 : , '.. ii . ii. :'•' :7 =P - 1 ~4 .. .' •': ,pt , l.-411:.4..,.•: , :,:c. • ..1.14 1 ,...,':4:.• i: l' •* iikti •.; '; ',,f • 4 ?.t:Vt* *.i.'z'At!' 4 . . f,'•`; 4 ? A k'F , 'Llii:. ' . 4 :4 . ;,4:''''';:, .: ~, • ' t'4,i ; &Vik: ' .X'''..- '1 i 4:1 4 r . w• , ' 4,114. " • ;'," 'i-! ,-.l'; ; 1 t .: ,, v );•:, 1 '":` ,5' , ..:4,7: 1 :!‘ .\`'-0',,n1 , 4: 4 1i .. - ..: , ..',"e:-..):-. • ~ , f:•rl. -4 , -7 - ' 1 4"::'•::. } ' •4 0-1 : !4' . : :11;;;'" ' ••• I .oiliir - , -, : ,;4„--1, 4,-. f us P .- . .V # . P. , ' . ' :054 rf TOUR a HIDWIELL, .Aireat, Wholesale tiro- eared Olunraittaieu rilarehast, Water street, Sttel, 11001 . acre the bfauragshela Bridge, Pitriburgb.; ' kepi Tiaile,lilass, tot it stanubtetarerif Frites. . . -:1111;.11.0411 . IRTIOE Macre sad Ex, g,p , of Woos and Third sum • Promamt Bola • )paiamo,ra., es. ~. • • • mho rat....'aill 1031111cort:" . • • Itieksidneld• IL; Illatti,noi J. Floyd tr. Ca) Nn.denig. Ofecaralgam Liberty stmt. veva ..•t - ,.:1; -,, .. , lil , ,;,- . .0, N',.Z . :7',',..;9?,...9 0 1.‘:•4 is ZWIIII UOTOIIIIIO2II 4k, wigdeug. MJ Omens, Ferman:lick . .. lA Comtlission Statham; 'Mild daer, hs Pittsburgh litusiteautts, sa Water sail Front xis, • xxen I LA R .Zl4. 7 ll=== , .11 PRAWN.. Cid I . ll3lblltik /1118aSelalell, ;LI 13 mut '. . , .1: .,"' ; ' ,... r.' , : . - ;:f.4 • ... , - , . . • • • , .. ••• ~.;•- -{1..2.• . . . . a.• iviiirizin; Iran?. 0.•.201, IiceILLXIIIIIIVIIIII.I9 i EON, Wholusde ALL Omen sag C 01120111•1011 Melebnn,7: l 9 194 la•• k:J. (LOAN. Wlatesal• Grocers, Thilkali ski Prodite aviSoltousd ForwardintrantComagio Zia IliaralWh!fir.E 3 b l .4 l 7 aatfpWrd : - - • , s AT••SOLINCta SON. NIS Koltun ittoo4 ea. oaf Otott ittrO ,l =ol' E ranla, DealtsTo to Fbo. v.• Cetu6estes M• • trz 1=6...""*. 1.6044.11011/8 &ITU • •'flialli klfaSillitilVa; CO, Prodaed,lnniard;' - Ina and aimilleges Dierainnainif. itlnereial kaw,Laany *met Plnatmrtaaaa.'; • ardA • diultdad ' 1 A Catbensaa. C Wald 11102NDARUe Ignaga la menu "CaaanWl ',";;;(*.tgFrig?4elFkugg••Pl°4l' • • , • =TSON ir.IIBPPKRT, Padres Diu& ' . • ars ma Orkasaissioa Pastelist% Na .- ll •- a • Sscond st, .• . M al k i deVe4;s: ' lil arl=B:=7,llanS. " n4 tainor /thlkarlAlNef C . • R•IOI , IAA.IEN whigaate and Nall Dealer *roam, alleesaakere Tools and Fled. . Comics Tools, and Taxmen Oil, No. • • . ' , *evil . . apmer...zostsber. , 0 _ ,' ; Suez:, P. iactipiaii_. • 6 ....... ..ipisolNl *. 'Cst.e •, Wholesale Oreeenk, Pre . • , ' :isee aad Otieleillicat Ilerebsats, lad Dealers is • . '1114'"":"..144 " 111 . Liberty illetil, Pin} =EU PRICE.;SEVEN DOLLARS. BUSINESS 'CARDS. : LACSAldialin: pognon, Commimfoo and AFymmidlig 31e10 3m, 34 Water and 103 Front Ads, Piz • mehll JOSICI * Co., Commission and inglfen*auts,biye =turned totheir old ajlrnlF.Escis,PiustnyTh. cern _ Swaim arm. MD WM 'EIBAUM £ REITER. inalenala • sad Retail .3?!Pef. Of Li ayty and Ea mr4t., .12 A,PAH2FEITOCIC .41c 00., 1irb01041,3 veta3l Boma Wood aid ISth ORLABDO Loollll4 , Attontey C See on ath ante *Atm Southfield. appy_ iicTl,ltolentatt. Jetta F. Aorange, Jas. - W. Heilman 10LEBIAIS, HALLMAN it COOdatradactureta of Carnage Spriap and Axles, A. B. and Syrinx Steel, and dealer, in Coach Tricot:dogs of every • des. aripnon, manufactory on St: Ow at. Warehouse CI Woo d at . o . • ite Waterloo Jan= SOON C.. 1111011. I' - S. =man. C&HAMS t 111e1111101IT. (neat:tsars to If. wows & to.) Wlstlesala Grocers, Castmission "d Porwardtas Meistiants, Dealers i Prolate asd Pittsbargit htutafortsres. Plzdt street, Wawa Wood and Übe Phut,. .. Pa. • oetta et:lNlVAGllol.ilogieener and whalesala and retail %I dealer in Fano , sad Staple Vitriol Owls, alp el Ihe fflitt Comp, IU6 Market wea r- Ita-U Le.bert T. rim" IoWA, . • . actll • , Jantes Dan .•• • '• J. Marton Sewell. IrtlltSLOP 4 ILEWZI.JA , Aummern • at 'Law, JJ °Sees easithictil, - between a lad Clem. VI DV AND ILIMILaIiTON, Wlmilisala atom'. .1111 cut side of the limincod. second Ant from Dia. sawed Alle Putrburh. .my 4 L 1 WALT. WALT. , ..., WC/ MART; Whole:lab Eea; dealers in. produes and Pittaborgh mikanfao• taro, comer ofLibeny and lima sts.iPtuaborgh, Pa vrx. 4.411.11111: 031112 1111=r4 t..III.3IO*NIIITT;Caut trc4Miii;l - t Co.) Wbb}malts GmeereiCimaamston and Patugtd Mercluum, and Delano m Pmdoca and Piorgh nonfnetutu, Na 27 . Wood _wee limn.= .11Ssoond end Thud _ ; God lk /AGRA W ItlaK2ll42llT.:Alpraey. La.'s J.W.I Mita naitoad a fear door. aaarct Mast atract. an raffia. to Balta./di); Old Mum .. • apsdl • VOILWARD t owsnorzwimuga. Atm- V nen at Law, have reenerod their °Zee to the eoath side gd Fauna street. between Cherry Alley and Grant SUM . aptir ill nun& Geo. , Rbey. . • —James Waal. R-102113, ItllElr 416•C0. Wlkokule amiCainoussion Meacham, euul Ageifiliktr . Brightou Cotton Yams, N 0137 Waist sad t nont areas h, • febB , '0..81.111.1.K. Piano Fond Alentiattnrer and Jr •••im in Musical ininamenti4 Un Wood =net, near F/f1.4. • suchM 0864TH k ' 1 , COMI3III2IO¢ indForarardiat NO. 30VAILI . ritU • • • 14,. M te. 111-eA"..ir*. °-'n'e . km Ominap,-0.1.14 ke, No. I7Liberty near Canal &sin, Pillabargla N. B. Oakum, Pita, Rope, be, slams on S. XATOS, Dealer in °loves, Haim. and • .Panay sad Etapte, Trnaniings, 63 Market West, NORLIAN. •. • • 11rATIL1431 ra.L.lr B. illiollol6 SIORGAS & ,Wholaza& Gr.>. ILI ears uttl Commissioulderaxma, - 103 Wood.u..t Ti&b.nit Pa. : GZO. A. HAM= Wltektiale - Osixer and Con maximum Kerebakt, sad Dealer in Pluto. and Pisba Ablannfacrares.:4kkvl4Woodst.,Pinsbk ,k. Geo. W. Smith. "•• rt. Erma. W:.•1111SIIT,I1 oo,..llnsvras, Cl mod dealers in itcya,Pinstnatit. and Paint Brew nriimPenn and Pin amen, • • • . • -.jand • fIitIORGEI COOEIRAN, Commispatir For. Na - warding Afirchant,No.SW . o4..treci, barglL Awses, imumv, - Denten in DO' neota,l 4 l. tact, Pittsburgh inimufainti .ni• c14.01.2211/1,017 rill.biar •-• Mad AirIII aBILOOKWATt Dzaggict% • mired Rovrocu the canal bßinto F 1 ._... .. a . • •• •., • 0 _Wil • tr. • A, A , r.g , , g' • . fac. . 'aintk.ol , MatlanhconaciaLib 4 , ,2, ‘...1..• • - Pitiabilt.• .feblS MGP'3I6;ZMI PP S" 11 ;I= l l A'E' re i t ti 1"; Pgi"rgh kis elite. Net, Basset ?Tildiop, f il Lasireet. espied dunes Ids ebsenee by T. J. Iliglissie sad Ji 0.. •„ 0 zir %ha.— • •.' • and ander pa - Dye Brad'., Pal nu, Oils, trams an, ke, No Wood gutty one: door lialath ot P4oornatallcy, ' • :4 .10 r .111.11111•LOR,Whol000la Ind Emil do,d a Erin Mode sod Mules, Idouomento, School 8001., Paper, Elam; Eltood' rms. (Iddihj'riamn' dloodootrr peendlyi , 'No. El wood st, Eidsbont. TOUX. I3.IIde tondo al:token in trod. telly/ Item • J: witoosalAssa. Pius & co.whdeu.to OA Dng . • N. 14 Wood bargh. JOIIIICPUJOIZDAN & SON. Compission and Formed'.. DrerettaiasiZials lapertyst,OP=l. • Tons L. ama..tris, Ann. at Lew, otke • linvi= 'CV WM OHNIIITON Air STOCIETOK, Booksellers PrthSas nod Paper roon?absclisser, No. 44 Kato M iii43‘oili i . 4siwil .U=i.4.. , 1 ,- TOWII 0111=11, Vasksala Gleam dealer is Pro- Am mansfsesuss, 7m rue, aFo.kc,_ No NS LAssm Nusbissit. "'"'" 50421... t. rest r/as , as, Daa.Ziri4i & Clo.—lltanitfaetare atl Laden ellaller, *beet, Bialrom Nail. of ilie bac qualign Orden let at Ctie waserwara of R Derell & CO,litaiwy o.m L &Walesa& water at. will receive INATIAPIAIN ' w►eleaL mma.m.. 4 camZum m F" ' ruubmik mumammusta "'"" ik"'"l° mum. • , • me, Noe. al WM., Jt Mks.. •Nimiek.• Ws. Z.Nlawrk .M.V.LEBINC•I Irtizaga. Itiossysonti ,-456 . aeri ssel Menai bsimi lierth!wis, No 170 Mort Pillabargb,Ps ; —tar N iCOADir.lllllloi intolesale m re, Hat L - $44 snasafeettrers. - and deafen fa 'Fancy 7122. mart of Wood and Fifth Fts. . _- 1221 1411111CMIT, WILWI * CO., MeleioateDry; jYy F!e , , 11171% , ;,r0. • I Wad woo, husbust BUSINESS CARDS. ROILICJLT DALZIGIAL t Co., Pinola.a (nor sem i Coosonsuon and Forwarding Manhunts, des , era Prato. and Pittsburgh 151.11111IInlitek labony meet. Pinsbnwcrt. Pa. lab 34 1)IIHAIll/KINS, Attorney at Law, Gnat st, D 4 Bakewelre Building*, timuly opposite the New C.TI 11 .. r, -- _faeitus.p...r moonz, Wholesale Grocer, et,fy t l,tl il llrk°Z; ' f ' l%, P rgreUtd r l n kteTt: In o e ' s . and Liquor'', No 11 Libcrcy strut, Pinsbugb. • (alt. B. On hand a very large mock of erior Old Monongahela Whiskey, which will 'be mall who cash. ' . may' ly L. O. Reynolds. J. L.,. On and k. snEE, Forwarding d l%Com mission Metonym, for the Allegheny River Trade, dealers hi Groceries.Produee, Pittsburgh Mannfactures and Chloride of Limo. ' ~ • The hi hest, priors, in nib, paid at ell times for Cottony Rags. - Corner of Tenn and Irwin gu. jani.o ROAMPORD & ce. r Conunarioa .bregaltant.. .Liberty ta,appotar Sennhaeld, Dealer. in Flour Grain end Seeds; also, Ban., Una, &a. • rPttlY , DOIPT A CUSIN,INGEI.I.III, Wholesale Grocer, D. Dealer id 'Produce and rinsbargh Manufactures, 144 Idhrnysr. iYI3 ME= MM= • • _ Q HiIICILLETT & WHITE, Wholesale Dea. 1.3 lero m Foreign and Dons&nio Dry Goods, No 89 Wood street, Pittsburgh •. febEtf Q & W. HAHHACON, Wool Merehanlijj 2 * L 3. en in Earn and Produce generally and Forward ing and Commission Merchants, No MI Wood Pittsburgh. jant SAHIIEL PALMER, Anontey of Law. Mica In Breed% building, No El Fourth street. between Wood and Smithfield. navgd&st v SF. VON DONNIIORST & Co., Wholesale . Grocers .'orwanlinglia r d Commission Merchants, Dealers in Pataburgh Mantifketares end Western Pm dime, have rernoved to their new warehouse, (oldaltend) No .1; corner of Front in and Chancery'Lloc. nov7 • ' Q tuzu, Forwarding and Commis 'ion Merchant. Dealer in Salt, Produce and Pitts harsh misaufaetuted melts, Canal Basin, sown/ISL S di WIOIISRHIILAi Dealer ID deeds, Sole ere, Pruiareoe, and Agslcultueal letipb 132 Wood street Pittsburgh.. . rola T/LIIISEY i BEST—Wholesale GT°CCM &• Commission Merchants, and dealers in Produce.— No =Wood woes, Pittsburgh. apet. PEWS. KENNEDY;Ii.,LooIkini Glass Atansfaent Ater, and Dealer in Clocks, Combs, and. Variety Goods, corner of Wood and Fourth suects jig T P Forsyth R J Forsyth. TP. VOR I YTH & Co, Commission Merchants, . dealers in WI, Lumber, Groneries,_ PP:4IOC! and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal 13nsin, Liberty meet, Pineburgh.' ebig wen li r leUnitheoa Haiku Nlcenteneon UT & H. NeCtITCFIEON, NV batman Gxn. T Y nen, Damien in Prcdpee, Iron. Nada, GI an and Pittelrgb annaractsuaa, gaanrelTs / 44 4 1 .b."7 - ..".4 st 9 & M. 3IITCRELTREE, Whole ale Onseers, WV Rectifying Distilless. and W h sod Liquor Mer: chants, No. IGO Libsrty street, [opposite :Sixth street,' Flush! jest EMI= E=CM7EI3 WICK & arCANDLEIII6. troceettors to L & evID Wick,) Wbolesale Grocers. Forlearfing and Connntunon Manhunts, dealers In Imo, Nails, Gloss, Conon Yam and PltSbargh Manufactures generally, comer of Wood and Water Inv, Pionbarna. mai: , I TAT U. antes the Wm. call soul V.V ex - mime id, sulo r lior Planck Worked Collo" wow as low as 7G Cents.. olchl3 •✓OIIIIIIM, Wholesale Grocer,Forararding and • • Comminnon Merchant, and Dealer in Produce and Pittsbergh Manufacturcs,:corrier of Viratar and Smnbfield ma. Pinsb lb Pa. • anl3 - Virlarr tlf°"%.`,T2r,`,", diem itc, antler Llbarri an/ St. Clair meets, Pins- W lLLlA ltate ra i d i.W° l l 2ltee l tit .. . "wood It. • 20-30 „ W. WALLAII9 M. Mill mum end null furnish enrol• Log ertablialnient, N0.x41 Liberty net, neer the - ' mar.Z W• t . P ° Zi O Merchants, N 0.160 sroerty sum, toppoite * einis q :t r , ' ) Pittsbutxh. • - 751114E_ INer .: o 4 : 4 2t lz enlyl c l e SO . StA r t .. to c rney a ‘ i t h t u vr kiin b r so , Si Clam street, next door to Aldumaa John.. , • W - 11. GAD. 11.2111..% Denier In Fanny .. .end Smote • Dry GoodkNo.7l/ Market street, Snaborgh. nO•13-dlY . IITILLIAII6 h DILWORTII, Oa. the barer V District.) Wholeaale Grocers; are how loomed at No. Da Wood at. where they otter ferule a large visor. ment of Geocenr* and rtuaborth Manufncrargeol tow . . 'Ur. W. WILSON, Drake. Wateb., Jvvvvirl, . V V :Silt.' Ware, hillilary Gooda, de, No. 57 Mat • • ner7 MURPHY, whelks:de and mill dealer in Y•Foreign and Domestic Dry Gcals, north cut ear nan' *aker and Foanh sta. • ' anfgl , F. IRWIN. Jr.. her neurebesed the: VT. Ilnec Owe of &liar Thorn Cotner of Pena awl /Wel arrow will seep • consinat steely of th e bail reedielnes, perinnierb Physiethala prownetions on roll) eomlwanded.- Medicines can bit kedat all home of the • tAPl.Arato4d ' i,i6.:;r i tjlAt • • Inustitri )41,:mhzaub Aceopoi, near Wood .rtreel, Phtsbargt4 TAIOIIIJId. DA13134/30 , Dry Anity st Lem TV Pinebargli, P.i, iegr er onission to e the rie knoirledraermandproot of Leeds Les • tlicuiets, Dop.itions, or an y otbe, o r 'ring (Inter owll or dot,) to be used orrt'wrdta , ux.e. Mow of Ohio. Office oa Third street,abooefetottleld. .: • ''_ ' 'ROA' c. Aualwrnatratz,-Atuimer 'at Low ;Fin street, near Smith fi eld, Collenng, Nano eies and other batuncte attended to aritlipemetaality.. • ... nis.eit. a Seraph, Wm. Closhaa; 11.A.Palraeaock Oa: John Marro - ad, ArA, . Grad, Lindsay' &Co, . Jahn Wright, dub Jamas McCall), Fag, `Maj. LattlaW. Jett4T Mr:WCIa RECTIFYING' DIST a ILI.ER s FQgSICII >c DOIEBTIG WlllBl k LICIOIB, No. 114 Liberty at., and 53 Diaawnd P 117511 UROII, WARUICK NARTIN'dc CO4 11... t ." ' ' =OhttrioNitd 4 5 2 r 4 Pitta. u:. C==ll V 1.1. - • fitalorkiLnwfi WElneortAt • •WlLii IASI" 111113 - 11, • INEYS.AINID COUNSELIAMS , AT LAW:- (is.ooSee Nark pick) of, Pena at,a6me Siald446;4lDoi O4!07 fllackbonir' Gems- B. Miss. O. OLACICOt3 is co, urnotzsALE Motors *ld Daslors In Oils, lkial • V T sisnes,and Pitniblugh lifsnollactonlnt= . e f s on linsait toneirs. (el and general s guilt lino, Waist street, near Cherry Alloy, riVti .• 7 f : ZSkINITNGTONiLaiId rtteever,yeill mead telleriayirizingat,AieidthroleJlde,tha kio/1= o "H. ne c ifdici to the 0ftr,...0r the Reeorimg H ' e;eMdr,'lraueburigt. ,-,so/7dllth TORN X: TOWNS ND, Druggist and -Apothe er mry, hisaltet st, • ice doors above Thadm, Pittebertb, wIU have mimeo • • hand a well *elect ed lOW croeut of the beinluld fteshen bledleides, which he wilt sell oath, men reasonable tem.. Physician. sandbar orders Will be prhsaptly encoded M. plied wah articles they may ftly• Owl u Itetannt. frrYhystelawdrreseripdons artfl. be accurately and needy prepared from the best oaten*, at any bow of De day or nrshc ; " • . 3 • Alm for rade, - wimp...Wel of fresh and rad Pads- TAT W. WILSO N Wawa Maker . t Jeweller, corner 4il and Idarket ars. A large and well rel e nted met of wilebm,'.leerelry, Sileor•wam and Mllitaty,Gooda. Always on hand audio' rular ear earn prates, Gold Palma Lever, foll Jewelled *swam 'as low an SW; Edam do watebes,tik law 01118. ' Gamine CcepeT, Tarim. /ohneensald other approved' roalearof ameba. may be bad_ at a 'mall advance and ;warranted.• .11:77fne watch:ion! k &Mein Me eery' pert 'manner. J. B-BWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT - LAW= mac. as xt, oioposl4 . • it. Clhazlfed..lletel, PIITEBUROA; iecolf . ectionson Witsb• and GYZIA Corntics, Pa. . ETlllatknoek j ll.llk Co 1. •• Q • uack Ciundosr. Pitubmlb. • • ' DU. • DAVID llVAlri.Dontim,. ,•' • • having made such ammgemems • :CoalAtodaess that he east devote bit :whole tono urthe Mules of his weds. ims, cosy Te iettin hie othee, corner or 4th and Ores• tar sUeels, betirreohlarket and Perry ma, at say boor Corm Ms dayi froze 5 s.M. till 8 r.x. • • jyatty - - - Z. ,7.IIZAILI . , A Tri3ENKit and Counsellor at Law, CINCINNAIi, 01110. Collee.hont in Boathem Oho nue la Indiana and, in Kentacky,.promptly and carefully intended to. Coatonasuaner for the Elam of Pennsylvania; for tame DLTra ilto co,neknirledaesnenta, en. - - Baru Ilan Mtn 801 l & Son, Curtis, March & Carothers, W. Bap, Esq., Winne's& Davis. els _ _ A: LZDOVX, to NO:7IDANAL affREl7, NEW ORLE.NS. A GENTSr-7 for J 11 - Annarn's Enteroire Ste= Sneer .01. Refine. *heap; on Arad, Inrge moo, or 1.a.; Powdered, Crooned, Clarified and a Sartain Itiornre, ill Tierces and-Barrel. ,AlrehBnna,. loose M&o.tu. Prices liberal sod a fair allow/Luca made on all rates af, - or above, 60 barrels. • - " meal - OZO. IV. •ORIITU & Co, rfurrels. MALSTERS AND 110 P DEALERS PITTSBURGH , IND . 2OIIIT BREWERIES. • - 13reer Darketi Alky 4n4 Perot SOOd &or Of MSc, • • poobrjatt. - • •W• , D onk M l B. • • vr. nonroniawr, iIIkNIIVICTOKBILI , OIv STARCH, VveRRANTSD amid; If not roperlor, to any made m sac United Wats, and *idea May ivilt disposc of at low • Prices and on rood Tonna, - • '' •. .•, • a P. =AM • .161.11pe1. •LIZ. /0311X11- . Eh P. & 11. L ISULLSON k.C116. /ANUFACTUREIId of Hoeuerred Bhmw end Spades, Hoes, Hey and Munn . * Yaks, ice; At. Wereketee, Nn II Weed Wri e r P I Inerl3, • • Da. JOAN I. Olt&P11.11.114 - • bums: Satilifiald mem, °Omits Zolerchsat. note Raidenee.Mmongskel!, Mfr. : • • iNU •pRP WMAY/lifl,lghte More, ioracr?flier " 1124 44914- : ; .177 I A ~"+~r.~' f.6fi •^: s..__ _'`'~:.: ~~tM..':;e::'c'"mac FORWARDING & COIdifESION, Joe. F Siam A. M. Walitagfard: WALLINGFORD & • . • - • COMMISSION &I.FOKSVARDIND' SIEHCIIANTS. agar TN lii:A.VVt HA/al/WARR AND PITTSBUILOII • ItIANUIPALOTURES; VOTAKFAIOLISES Seeemistrest,' tear Weed, and, Canal Malin; Liberty IttlVt4 hare on hand and for sale 100,00011. assortedaseek Naylor &Co's Cast, t3bet(, Ulmer and Gang. teel; Jones &1411;g0f Am:Mune+ Sprint nod Fara Man dox'Shorets, 6.4. and Ports; Carriage Springsand . •• (mouse holm) Vie., (patent and eonnact4 Sledges, Nage &Mid!, CriMbaisi • ' Faremeo Ringers. (Janata (man Mattock a, Clay and Coal Pietas; tt. Ares,Bsythes, Sickles, Log Chains ho.. rte.; • IV-Salamander Fite R eef Safes, I ron, Nails, Clam and other Pittabatolt Martufacturersold at the lavrear . price. . • . (abaft C H Danrnhower. J Renal& Sank. CHAILLES fl IDANESHOWXILA, 00 • • • TOBACCO C 01121681.01 .I.IIE CIII NTS, No. Wyouth Whew es. anADELPHIAt d No !Mouth Water at PIITL vp Et? to inform the wadi, and dealers generally of Plutibmgh, titol they hay., made each arrangements with the Vumma onmufaetarors and the Grower. of .the West, Wein Indies, end other pinees as wit inure a lame and constant supply of the following deserm thins of Tobacco which will be sold ripen as accom modating terns as any other haute in this city or else- where, and all coeds ordered room them will be war , ranted renal to representation* Havana; St Domingo; Conn., I Yanti Forth Rico; Penn's ., &attar TV Cuba: !mum; and Florida, bum , : • ALSO—BranchN celebrated Aromatie Sing Caven dish, with a large nuorunent of other popular bran& amd qualities of_ pounds, Ss ea lye Ile. and Its Lump; 1.6 s es and les Plug; Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twist, be, sweet and plain, in whole and half hones, wood end tin; together with every variety of article belong ing to the made. I • lele.dly n. Dicirant FORWARDING 4 - CONIIIISBIOII NEECIIMIT, Bart • Beaver Point and Bridgewater, . . : 1114T.U1 COUNTY, WA, Proprietor stild.&shrit of cesium • • ;larldit LAKE 'ERIN. AVID 111101:11GAN, • DULY • arrwszir • TrrTastrzeit'Avrii IXTILL Ire plepaied on cation crpemlnief !anal nay. finnan to receive properly nth!OL whorl bdn; or hi warehouse, for all points on &le ,hzionvion, , Crons - Cot, and ' Onio Canals; for , allpons on Lake Erie and, upper Lakes, as also to forwanlpcoduen, tto•by Pen's . Improvements: Apply to or address • ' • feh!7-dt( ILS DICICFM. Deaver _ J. G. W. Leawteb. w. C. J. LEFTWICH & CO , • TEECFXVING, - FORWARDING, * ' And L.C.aasenisalon lleralkaata, PLACUMMINE, D ARTICULAR . !aural= paid to cmiliraraeras •of n ear .11111F.lines, or other aniclea for Opelomas RF.PER . TO—Metors.Shetrie)d & Ligtalaw, Mr. Tha. alas Limerick; Nei. Orleans. Meese, Lanon Ee I:lettermen, Mr. Z. M.Shevier Messrs. Hall is it , peer. Mr. Was.:o'LeasT, Robert Wighunsis, Ametrougk. Nichols.; Rillebl.o. Messrs. Rev., Todd ft Co.; Cie...kn. Mmes. Hynes k. Cron:lead, 'Maus. FAlsmis %Vilma% lion. Zenon. Labauve, Hon. John Down; Plaquemine, L.. - 11.41 TOWN 111. COMAS. FLOOR; ,PRODUCE, AND GENERAL •C03a1.18- M • .SION ERCHANTS. Na. 1 6, Yuri; Baltimore. OFFER heir venires to Merchants and Fanner he sate of Soar. Grain sad Pcialace generally, in lbe Bateman Meritetnd inn heir entente Evan. lane annex parensere and nippers, tan safely War ren satisileion aides. Correspondents will tonnasuly be kept e.thifed a t Ne note of he Markets, Ike. Rata to-.-Ments. WEL \Vilna &Eons, Itne Rey nolds & Son, Desidion te Fanners, Reynolds is kWh, 'knot% Dreyer & Jones; Novi York, Ralintore.Jone 21,1647. - • CIIAIGI. HELLAS IL 05... FLOUR. FAC'PORS• AND PRODUCE COM. • MISSDNI ,DIERCII4N7I3. . T MERAL eish 'advances . ' made on receipt of nt;un /A 'vent:hems.' Thaw , 'shaving mous addleaa will be ram ilanafiturtha valor in advance in Cassi, by apply log to oar friends. , • Mown. lVatlin N & Torion.Pitabsisilt, • lUewrallica. AC* .Briderpon.iphio., - Philadelphia, Al ays, lON mav47•tf N. O. AU produce consigned to us is insure/ when in the warehouse •of Wallington/ A TO•111.ri3111.11p on pour mornditybiladelphan 'C. EL .& Co. , NEW NIDDLEIT EEC - OW.IIE, ETOBiI. R I. LEECH; JR.' ' NO. 133 WOOD ST.. P1TT6111712011./ .TTALVINU replenished 'armee trona the hest to to LA boat domestic - .and admen / take hawsers, in an nominate ideonstuners and dealers that I am prepared in famish them with An good. in say line on Msll better terms than beneath's, ' • • " • ••• •• . fluyetewitl yeeolterstbsu dealig 4 exelosively , in end dlery Hardware sad CMIB4O TriBUCIIO, I audit thereby adyeeteees that teabie Inceo defy etrYlPeti... Call;isee,sed Pelee for remedy.. . 'Da • !REM! /ItIrUKTATIONS HAJLUWAIitt.. L''OBdll di 11111E.11.1, (Journals OF AND WHOLD3AI.6 DEALER* 11 HAUDIVAItE, OVTLEIII.I4, • • :,./No. t 117oextitatetet, '•• • Vii hnbe A to &defy, at!, thrln m ka . v i ln . i i = juzlerd .. ou ffi t the Slanufattureta in Ws ectuatty; vale's them ite of let ,acdrontesataattriumed b 7 nano led equalled by few. Puteiaversurercapeetlellyitteited ueutl. , • aMmymmin COCIIILAS, COM7iBION.6r. FORIVAKDIM; MERCHANT, No. 'Xi Weary %MEX.; riTTIIIIIIta 11, 'irfONTINUES to' trteMict a general Commission lJ Busimms, ba the parchmie and sale of American Manolactirm and Produce, and in rectifying and forwarding Umida•comigned tif his care; • As /great for the Manufacturers, he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles 'of PRtaborgh Monufacture at the lowest wholesale pnem..Ordms end consignment' are respeellidly solicited. • I. 0. IMMIX, • •E. W. ANDIMON; L 4 of Pittsburgh, PA [Alcor Rai/:6141,7cup. LER ANDERSON DFAt ulr H '.4 I M NE CurriDN. FOX* AADIND AND COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, 14. a 'Paw saw, labors Dranthoey, Cincinnati, Mae. Refer to Merchants., generally. in Pinsbaron. vent . C 0 t g rraca'AXlD GRIM ' • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •- ARUM:ALF:MIN PRODUCE 0 ENERALL.T. 141. -- ES mutt Howard-is ,Imbur Marley, Ballfinnore. 'Rau lo—D • Sprim, Fag., Cat&ll4, T Cloys, PIA , Lindcreet &Pon, Wu, t Donteorlis slin(- lo a G D A W& S Wyman, Eiwg&dr& mt Gm* • • MAVAILD A. itirgirallßO. _ & X. • (11UCCIII011 TO GOODMAN VLIM,) 44.. 11 Fonmd i ng. Conarsinim iterigisa, out : Cow,. /Broker. . . .- - - Marn.i.t.,l . door goad, of Planters' Bant,Dlesphlo. • Arran to—M ellen & Co, Moir, Pennock &Co. D P Conway.. • • L E Tomhonon. . • _. D. If.' CONWAY & CO., • DORTSMOUTIL Ohio, COMMillaillit Alla Pomading C Merchants, ad Pm! acoDnalan—alionigend io the Parniaa,Dale .4 &dogma or Pig Iron:Coal, An. Al.noed, /ones , • Ilrowk Bailey &Co Loren, Mediae Co Maury Grad' Gme, Limber k Co D Leech & Co Lyeaallkothic Co •• • Clarke k Thar '• marital*, - • dek.. JOHN n lf.. • .• It of the eon of Malcolm Leech & Wheless'. Orocer • Cemonlalom 4. Fleur TILALEit in aTI kie uef d Country. Produce, Cop. JJ' - par,ll., Tin Plates, Tners , Tools, Zane, Lead, germ Meet iron, ism and Nails,' White Lead, Ple Cotten Varna, dale, he, and Pine:mesh Mannfamarte ge.rally, corner of Lamely sad hem nemees;.POntargh. ay -Liberal advances, in gate otOeals, madame con. inonnenla of Predate, ee.. mys • • 'AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' ALEXAnDER. LEVY. & BROS. OIN.OINNATI: & ST. LOUIS OFFEU .tosell et .other ettabhehmeol, W kinds of ,Merebtedise at the lowest roue of Commltslous end , are steturepteparett'to mote advancer, The hest of teklreneelf glyeallf moulted.- "Letters addressed to either *me will be promptlr attended to, irately - &,CARipionz.V n , om mtssioNo:NTB And igamiteetursivot Unsaid 014 • SO_Columbia 81reet, , . CINCINNATI, OHIO. • uj.cam PAID ros sz.a.zstip.,CD .ww - I.Lisovono & co., cconivissioN & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, -mow Wood. iALEIIB In Pittsburgh Manufactures sod Hvy ea D.llsidouNg-will keep constantly op hand a stock or, counts°. sprinjf arid kles,huoresiseyOes sod sick. loci., proof Vag, MilYllo, vices ,I•lockstruibit%t mo lowc; stedges,Ae...kte: • W.' INIATiIZWII• W. T. PATCM. niornaws a PATCH'. • CORILIIMION 1111311CflANIS, •Mo.teWa.r Ntreet NT. 1.0b15, MO. Will giveratttenlat attention to the sellingar Pro. duce,and to orde . nt for'purobemng. Rum so—Goorgo 1 o man b(li, Pittsburgh, P a. hJoITJOH : itLov Cnabonso n, . !avotLcia woo. Cummiuiun aid' Forwarding ilferehirnis, NOI4.- 93 & 95 SOUTH BT. jaii27IIo_DOWLIN4PB WHARF. Uallthaerta: TI101:7: - OXIIRON t &Go. ' • TOMMI99ION MERGHANTS, 1 / 9 9. It lutd 9 Light 91ALTLICOSE. 117`099 advances lotabe madden consignment to he above addruts, ly 'ant IT. • CARSON& MeRNIO EP, Sluhst.. • , • LECA, !wile FACTORS,• AND tiRAIN AND PRODUCE • Comm/salon • .W lferchnum, 71 SMITH :W HARVES , PHILADELPHIA.. •• . • A •Itg now prepared to receive and forward all kind. nAllgereliandisete any landlnrconthe and Weld Bunch. and Tideam,r Cannes: , jr9if n LAJAIDAN, 117110.T.D9A LE GADDED AND CODAUNSION, V:DIEHCIIANT,IreIII9 Water wed. IS?. Lout!' Refer 6: Lyon. litet4,lk...Co t and *nanny Heatiat, Frw.lattsbiWP., "E T°. coxib 126.. 0 11 "EA'aß°Alr exeele* rAtem =ri" ' tl""WWlltwabli ..gl No = pAitxll4oe OHIAULAr 14 /OR 11.1101101 - PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER_ 22, 1847:- MISCELLANEOUS. . . ---- ..._—=-1-.....---I.:—. - ' f" ...- . , . - A.i..:..,.---._. JA41C,11.W.3V00D1E17.41., . ~' l' ' ' rrrlistritur imam:oi' whizz scam; • . i. No Ita TIIIRD-SIItEET, ,--; lIIEA LARGEand splendid assortment of Furniture-, suitable for Btearehoatall i M Hotels, and prnateDorel..- • • .-; . ' Bias, emmtantly as hand and piadelo order- ....-, -: T present etoeken hand cannot be excelled by gay manufactory in thevresteencountry, Per.tma Irlsidug - la puretwuironlaid do well be glide{ ado near!, as 1 am. determtned my pnees shall Pleam. Paste( Ma stork.; 50 Sofas with Plush and Ilair-clunk covers , • . , 3 doe Mahogany Nurse Charm; ' 14 pair Divans,- ' 12-dos fine mahogany Chun; • „ • 12 mahogany fl ockin gds; , . - . 3 3 3....h.w33, Chain; ' • . • • 13 marble top Dreesing Bureaus; . • 8 pair Ottoman.; . , Bmosble top Work Stands; •- ' , : . • . 18 cherry Work Shand.; Mahogany, Maple, Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of; all deveripuons,.. and n large &moment of Coalman Far:More and Chairs, too nal:Lemon In mention. . . . mo.r9tf NEW HARDWARE .HOU§E• - JosaPa WOODWaLL, ' Corner of Wood and %I sus, Pittsburgh, HAVING withdrawn from th e old fine of Walker lc .111 a. Woodwell, on the In of January, 1817, 1 take plenum m announcing to my Glenda le the city and country, that I have openedary aids ran at the those named place. barring purchased my goods forced, and made arnongernems with notnufherozent in this, Country and to Europe met bconstantly supplted, l•arn fully preparrdlo firoush Hardware of all kinthy_ ll on an =terms. d as low as any house East or W e.— ta haute and others are respectfully Invited to cal and eameifittlny sleek, before purchasing elsewhere. The OntoWfng comprises p panel' my static. Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware, Gun Trimmings, Files, Naytor's Steel, Cutlery, Edge _Tools: Attalla, Vi- - ces, Locks. Latches, Sickles, Scythes, Butt . Scream, Union Factory Plancr,Sewahlaborearrs bonds and veneers, and all othn uncles ounstected wnh the .hardware Denney, • mehltlf • • GAZZAII , B PATENT BEDSTEAD.' • NOTWITHSTANDING 4,1 ntt Outran:el oppootion to thin invent j lion of &Pittsburgh Ildechattlitr• or. „ Jority of the Cabinet makers of dus and Alleg heay elty, and thetrnitater; onseusiomershaveshownthemselves above the vulgar prejudice againstgorwirsatisains, and tbof give Gazza.oes Bedstead the proferonoe,simitlY become lt doom brOng the ton, orroaprt, awl meet tonaosiott Bedstead in oar. The following trollatbrilril speaks for dealt— • . Vire, the subecribera pruner:l cabinet makers of the eines of l'instuunh and Al kglicoy, Pa., do m e re h tar dily that we here bought the right lo kuutdra bed ands with Clitattm , s Patent Fastenins, and ermaider the same superior to any fastenlaso with whwhme are acquamod. • /wars Lemon .• • ' .111Vrew .... . _..... . . . T B Young &Co Baticii Fairs= 7R. Hanley . . lutes B Barr _ Jahn LiTted, Jr. Jae . Lawry b San Lowrie AL whit% IWldle tr. Brennen • .. . . . _ iiioanta Farley nap II Wallace David Laker Ramsey lc SlPClellvid. • Hash Wanare -Mous Dilittek .. . [Meld Lukey For Rights to make and sell the above Bedsteads " I alt EIIDNEZER F DAZZAAL ' Patentee "DATICNT PILEBIS 111110 K 'MAC — MYR 17 e eubscribert bavingolnamed *patent, May It IBtAft ra Press Brick Matt ne, Add baring lance then lblm , lthlY tested its ability, me sow prepared to mil right. aid contract to deliver' machines to any pair of, the U mad SIAM. The machine I. designed to mite Brick from erode clay, and will make 30,0p0 good moan. firm brick per day, entEclently hard to stack op in the kiln; tiles avoldingthe expert.* and labor ofpro. patio rMe elay,drying end handling the brick Owe beteg melded. it madeple, ttrong,ssai liable to plate natal repair, and is conatnnted that it can be taken to pieces nod patintrther with grist farillrythee cantee n/a it portable. We are now budding machines, arid ean ham sh them on short notice. For • tall dew-potion wear: aid refer toe machine now tit stietemfal opera tion, a Mill creek bottom, near the West ertdolLighth street, wherMwe shell be happy to •ciplaln everything connected with it to all who may call. We brio at. penmen; m autbotued Arent. All letters to 011, addreill wrll be melody attended to CULBERT: 4 ON, MeMILLENCo., cnicianw•n, . BOLIVAR PIMA BRICK. ' VxTr.:isivELN - tested gad approved dating amazed A:a two yesrAby the principal Ir. 112.1111.1..3...41 tha, vreatc:l3 Manny, and throstaboat the uttstiOr et: Penerylvania, will be ready for del velyne the opening of Navigation. The material cm winch thrsrdembtlity andemienority dt.pend , ... selected by experienced mi ners, bonito from Maryland, where the divrevery war first made—the fevible_onater. with which it i• ached 'dm!, is care/ally separated- They will he lbormighly burned and rotpplielly pressed by machmery,-and sta nnic attellbor given by Mea n. I barley lt. CC. the pro , onetime, in all le,pec IS ID 1016111flia their acknowledged " rr:lerli l by i otherwise will be p pd y es'' ted,on applieTtoTto J Shalt' tiIACI,AREN mare Kentimmon Iron Werke NI IL W STREET llARlgigle, /1 CONFECTION AK I' AND FRUIT STORE, meth open o¢ ?Under, Apnr 5111. fear doors from. Wood st; and next douvin A Jaynes Pekin Tee Store. Asplendid 4•01 . 12.111 of Fancy €.ll(t. Oonfeittounry, E to, truie oo Ste mentor every day; amongertuch .re s ide following Macaroons; Fa.d Cake; Lemon Mundt; Dm. cra P 7aZr INtep On:serfdom Waleriambles;Ppprge Snead; Federal Cake; A. 1"G Sugar dm • Orden for 100 C0..,a getly,lndee Coke r -Few* Caanfeetiosarr, Ae, gm, tenured in a meaner- une qualled i qualin and beam) y - any Other estublalo went In this city. Fresh Dread, Twist r Atukiate, manutantired solely - from White Wheat Fin c,aod fromalidrege.every morning. L___ANDIREWS MOOS "F ODI 2110P1GOIS ISEATUSO 110V BSES—Mt. G. Deuter,or Bacon, has aziangrd pagemed • plan furbenung boesor, which.. been sue ceeefully used In Bono*, New. York, the...d wherever applted. has reeened the decided prrferrore over area, Menaces, fr.c. Its militant.... re -Ist. Great regalunly of Temperature. Std. Freedom horn Smoke: • DM. No onpkvssnt Dryness 4tit.Easily attended :o, and not liable to Rat out 01 order- Mb. Great Ihrtobilny. A Model and SpesiAration may be seen, and the 14'!'? *bW"'"" tr.?! 11117,11,V,'Ir"'Fit're'et7" noyIDDI bes Wood and Market AO Hardware Cutlery Saddlery, Le. JO'HIS VrALILKH, DIPORTER AND DEALER in Foreign and Demme tie Ilarstware, would reapectfully Wawa his friends and the public generally, that be i. now receiving his tlywiereapyly or Hardware, at the old stand of Walker Woodwell, No tea Weed street, whichhe will disperse of and. mast /eczema/la terms. .• • Ile will be continnally receiving fresh supplicadi reel from the Manufacturers in Earope and thir critintry, which will enable hint to compete with my establish meat, ebbe r East or West. Western Merchants am 3hvitul to call and examine his stack befine purchasing elsewhere mars TUT- the undersigned, have entered into Copartner , Y able . kr the purpose of tranmeting a Produml, Commisalon and Forwarding basinem, nudes the aty/e of OPIUM, Moo/12W 00., and have taken the warehouse, No 6 Cornaterelal Row, Liberty meet, !browny oecemed by Mr. W B Pusey— where all businem =muted to am charge .wiU be promptly and !alibi:llly attended to. MORRIS DRAM. formerly of Philadelphia VMS B MeGRBW; Smithfield, Ohlo PLNIDLEY_B MeGRZW," Pitubargh, Mara itt,lM. ' nseh23. • • •TEWMAILICZNAZDT, Op no tate arm of GlPaola & Kennedy, Looking Clan Mannlamorer and dealer to One ka.Comba, and Natleiy Good., keeps catolantly on band, of hit own manufacture, every deskription of Gilt, BlakolPnr and' Common Looking Claimer; 1,2.14, and 5 drawer Toilet& plan nod ornamental portrait frame& All kinds of Cloaks, Tray., and Waiter*, la.aett. or dozen.; Combs, Threads; and • general assorintent of Fanny Goads, wholesale, ata small advance on cow: radian - and when applied , win Paeirks Charts, Cot rine, Prima, and 10 by 14 frames it New Yerk price. mr4Olt • Nn el. one wood and 41k 111rma i mpAaa xi l i sIz i m i altabla. r. • wll. • hae opened the :Fad amide ros' rrAh ITS F eVon t T'' ,bet ' orlen li ror g al Vi and se tedthfield minas, lo the rear of ills Monongahela Ilowe with an entire new rock of Horses and Curl. ages e.t.d best quality add Wan WTI.. throtha earn at live Id the best manner. Islay Bala," Ofr WI• flair Dessaliagilaloon. ' DLACKSON & FOUNTIJI9 licuorrid Professors, hme repaiatcl Iltled them their Playing, Hair Dreasiot ma. Europa:ming Saloon lo odern style, end are prepared to ' , snit gm gentlemen at owe, with erne, comfort and politeous. They am prepared to emit on all that may call eritlased delay. Thankful for pat favors, we solicit a carahmasca of she mom, at oar Saloon, conserat UM= detained the Dreamed, '(heck of Alesander 4. Day's Dry Goods Sion.) a 9 DIIIIllaf . „ BELUGA, • TOM 1110111,0 t, Drown and Apothecary, N, W, .4 comer of Wood .d &b atr , Pittshorkh, wilt keep eonstandy oe hand, Drags, Paints, Otbri iLlye•stittra ton. N.B —Physician's prescriptions carefully composed• ed fnm the best materlata, at any boor of the day or ahl., Alert, ...sweat of Perfumery; flue TOO% Mau, and Cloth Brushes, to. Le ,-wlach he will set low for canto. • may 1 EAGLE- COTTON WORKS. P IT TSB Ullllll. • MANUFACTURE COTTON YARN, Candle... Wick. Batting. Twine., Coverlet YARN; .CARPET CHAIN , WA RP, At a ., /cr.,. KIN PENOCK Co (Suecemoo Arbackles&Avory,) • fang • PropooloilL COSIMISISIONICEL ow Ditl4lll • - AT CINCINNA'II-1 ton nothotised byline (inventor, or Pennsylvonia to take aelmorekdomenu of .11 in , mouotenis o( writing, also crrmterrilil and arporial.llo of potion. in Ohio, to be need or recorded In Penneyloc t oy. owe., y doors VA.{ Or 11115 htavoraOrtlete,Cm• simian, Oho. ' EDWARD P CRANCIS myttnihtwly • P Attorney at Law RAGS WANTED'. - 1 1 1 " CD LUS COUNTRY MIXED RAGS warned, l, 000Ull far which the !nitwit price in CAbIl will he paid. Moray. on (bend, every deseiration of Wetting and Wrapping Paper and Chloride Lime. REYNOLDS& SLIER melt* viNlN Co u rn n er .. Pe r rin a n d IrwinPracharab !trito, to, oultatio atr4, t ' r?nt l eirl' r ; can he (brandied on application at the seed store, from Nursenmor Jo. %Yardrop, Manchester.. • t •--- S N WICKERSHAM • ; mohair No Int era cooed ;indent, Hi - (1 AND SILVED. WATCHEV—Raeatv,ad an NJ - addition to my large meant Gold and Silret 'Pat anty.,..,-Watehes, Imitable for Ladica and Gentlemen -4( the latest and handmentelit panesna and at Ma boot manafacmte—warmated and far pale at ear/ lotenti! jab • W W WILSON F. 11. EMMA , ' - • • Imirtiro e. Annte L d iß ,aut, in ouoy Tr nr ia: Nd ris ..ni t t i t an om d .2o V l77 l ,rw e Lpe G ue.7 e trily .l7:4te .t. fi No 0.3 glutei between Dimond &h it 1 J fstreets Pittsburgh.. . • - - , nuto CAGES and Foams of infion. dmtioanttant MIIO I T , as hand. and for Bab". al sedated priece, - al Viusbargb Seed More, Na 131 Wood stmt. corner of Odudleat. , }a7 •.- 5 N 'WICKERSHAM • ,u{s: LiTE.IXA - AY! . . . —T iTirranout Bpll6g lIISTITort Tts Itistitit ir oeeoaronntlrder , I..l ,l ltasji It/T s :L a M namontalbranehm of a n iuthed7edddad/ola IM " ,aro:ra ' agrt now °poi forihe reception of Foptla No. 6tl4 . lnel:lm How:, 14bertrOtroot, between ad and dth wrocts.'The &mad Session will cosossenco.on , htouday the 3Dth-of „Anon, mall is important tbai any who may design attertng should preacatim fires pfacticableby that time. , They have seemed rho servicoa - of•Prtalisor RHO BOCK as to of Music on the Piano and Guitar, who lootmell knowntoner recommendsdkon. Atom potent French teacher will easpbyed. Prot BINGHAM will ha chvrgeof the Department of Vocal /dace. . . • . . • • . • . 'Prof, fIITHINSKI - will have direr.tion of the .Artistio Department, and will She loseCes, in drawing, sketch ing, and painting, both in oil and water colors. Prof. S. is a competent teacher, and. Nos rer..oromeadationa froin Inc first mon in Europe and the United•Statta lie ho. also, bean teacher to the lint institutions of the country.- - • • For tones apply to the Pnneitml. antf MU. LAMB'S Ttomaninva 1011100 L, 1N0.166 drelt Su,w, More Thinned, South tide, Philadelphia. • TIIE planfu-ztheoPi.ehtlirri.9.7.•:«i'2 .initmetion In the French, Itaindtand Latin.Langnedm The aerate. of the moot eminent Profemors are per manently mewed, and every facility given pupils for acquiring the different Languages, togothervrith .other accomphshmenta. The ynr is divided Fate two terms of five menthe each, commencing.% debt of September, end ending ea the 30M of Jane. The charge for the &Ulu%lc Year of len months, m $250, payable half yearly in advance; without extras, except Music and Dancing. which *re at Professor's prkea. Those commencing any time within the term, will be charged aceordingly. . . , . Lilt is thought deitrable b parents or guardians of pupils from a' distance, the can reinsert during the Simmer vacation, when ell a attention will be path clist. Herta Elliott. Err s Wit. hl Patterson, Dr 8 McClellan, /leo. George W .Toland, Pnitadelphie—F H Morgan, Kee, Ft Lewis, Hon is. Relfe,WeiThompaon, littLeuia Ma: Thee Kaltman FA, Florence,./ila- , Nosh'isek• eon Fan, N o—Caleb C Porvell Edo, Nashville% Tan— gle!: filched K Call, Tallehassa,• Flmida...Dr Thomas LegareCharlemon—J F Pieter Esq, N C—Tboataa g NeseltiEwhElaventali, Geo—Rey Dr Farnlintssa New York_, • - • .• ;Warn _ puxo LADI 11 , 81411.1111 ALLEGHENY CITY. LHIS Institation mder the direction of • N. W. METCALF, ts Ball open fist reeepti • • Pupils Comerof g andeak and StrAw • rry otos The Second deaden will y eoutosense en • uday,Sept Itch. . Those assigning to eater will And it to • ear Interest lo do w as war the enema; of tka &Ulan 01 poisible; Omagh' await. will be. reeetre4 at soy during the sesame. The services of emapetent 'lrs will be secured for Buses that may with to W. Ye instmations ie Drawtog, Painting and Mule." •- For particulars relative to th e and of 'launches, terms, Au. eansellein War or apply so the Insuoemr. A lisitheny. JO , 11,1217. . tf lirk.dilMlSo.Poblished b, A 1.1 j" P Jame., : Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati. Gnizot's Gibbon—The histary of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon, I:aq. A new Edition; revised and corrected througy. out, preceded by a preface, and accompanied by notes critical sod historical, relating principally to the propagation of Chrlifianity: by M. F. Ginza, Ministers of Public imonsction for the kingdom of France. The preface, dotes and coneetions, trans lated Rooth. French expressly for this edition. With a notice of the Life and ohmmeter of Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibboa. lea vols. imp. 8v0,1873 pages. Napiet'sPeninnila War—Complete. 1 vol. imp. Svo„lll.lopages. ' Hallum'a Middle Agn, Chamber's Rebellion In Realized, Robertson's Virginia and New England, RuseelP. French and English hVar in America, end Ramasy'a American Revolution. 1 vol deo. Loney of American Hiatory—Containing telec - floss from the lint authors on America,: History, Biography,Trarels, Commerce, Statiatica,lotliana r Revolutionary Battles, ike: etc dre. Also, Anec dote., Poetry and Miscellaneous articles Liman ted with more than 051 engravings. 1 vol, imp Bvo 640 pages. Univenal Pictostrl Library—Containingvaluable papen on various aubjeeta, .comprising - Na tural Hinuey,'Natural Sciences, Agneulture,Reral Leos oiny, Biography. Fine AM, the One:nate, Trrvels, Geography, Botany. Miscellaneous reading, &c. all.. I .vol imp 8.0. MO pp, fall sheep.. The Family Medical Library-4 Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of 'Diseases, by regfmen and simple medicine.. New edition, reamed end filial'. ged ICUs the addition of a Vegetable Miteria Med.. ma, pointing out the virtue.. preparatiene and doses oi'oor moat valuable native medical plant., and an outline of Anatomy and- Fliyaiology. Illustrated whit Die - hundred , Engravings, nit of ...hid', are eolored. BiJG Norwooil,bl 0: 7 114. pages Bio. • American Flower ,Garden Centralism—Ad/Pied to the theitedlltatime by Edward Sayer.. Laudsape and Ornamental Gardesier.; 11 um, third edition, seemed, enterged,and illuatraterL - _ falmter's Oregon, Rocky.Mountains,dr.c. - 'Family Testament, octavo, with mei, without Verenri l e ' . l4te nd e' r st i erite ln . Semi Wellss. Lade of the Lake. .Lalla Rookh. blore's Private Den. Lion,' Amalie Books. Cheap mildew of varioue works in pamphlet form. Valuable . DRAIiDE'S RFC !CLOP-Wild—A Diedenary of !ki ll eret,latralare sdszt.eaempriciog the htaory,darripties and air aide . principle. of every breach othuteen knowledge, .ith the dertention wei &Oakum or all the lemon in amoral ase, edited by W T Braude, FB 8, tr. illustrated by au wants taerarinp woad.. blorer's North Arairina Atla, enetainiegb=utifulir cored snaps at North 'Asertione, Canada Ewe, C 42948 West, Nova &oil., N4Vg groureciek, Northern Teus, New MR. 49, Florida. Tenn, Cahrorain, bleak*, Central America, Yucatan, West India Wends and all the States end Terri.. tin in lb. Union. Near. Puritans—The *sten of the PoriLeta Crean the raforseatios th 7, to theeeT0111::00 of 1:811, eoseprimew of of their principles, he e, by . 1)..112C1 Neal, NI A,, - rerisnf by.labe elf Choate", D, arttll me tomtits oo steel; La Iwo 'lames • The or or the Ditty in' relation to the Wad, by . George Moore, Al D, oseothreof eel rapt eeltege Phyluetaor,Ae. EiM!t=2=!! NMSlSi===l &rile of the Sea, being affecting narrations of shipwrecks, ' &uuril 'a Speak 72a Jarentla Spann, coraprisin cleanniaty TUNA uni amens. in derlasaanea, with *elec tion a pine . . far practice, bp Francis T irstructor eke-mien atTriarvina. The alme wanks 'weaved and for NI. by JOILNRTON fr, BTOCICTON, 411 Banks - atm ea market sad 3rd ata I,(R.DICAL 8001LC8..-: /WI Dunsliion'tflluman'Health; Paille• Instion . es of Medicine; . Hornet's Anomaly, _ • . Pttetra'a Mittens Mddica; Moller , . Elements of Phisloltigy; . • Elliottordia Practice, Wlll3oll'll ''' 4'..; klerllc's do; . ; Elxrlie on Ftinakai . . ' Cooper an Hernia; • _ 5. itamsbotkamits Practice of Pannattotn _ , 1 . 1001 on the datnnach; - Combs on Diseases of Children; - • I looperta Medical Dictionary", Clymer on Pavers" United States Dispensatory—new editiot. The above with a general asaomment of Classiest ond Miscellaneous Books' on retention and for sale low. ELLIIYIT & ENGLISH optiin fld mike sL between drd and 4th urAarzeiva • PUBLICATION/I —N . relater', Ve',MUG FLOTIMOT II Id Iloniekeeping. Mordottes Men Liddell add Scores Greek and English Lexlcon.• Draper's Namnal Philosophy. Macklcy's licotisetry. • Just read and far sale by spit% hIeDONALD & BEE , . O,N PO vaulter at tiiNGLlstrtithstory 4:a o creek Rey °lanais, unil of the an and campaigns arising tom the Ermales of the Cheek Patriots In Ertionelp. ling their country from the Turkish Itoke—M. two vol. unics—splendid copy with numerous Maim nod cops— sings. . !Anton' 11!narrative of the 'reign of William 111 (Mn 1051310 1708-with line pentium, in V vols. Companion to Me hod,' of the Holy Veriprormi. .. Harry Moarbray, thrifts romance, with 50 aeon rings.. . . . lour' is the Holy Land, French Stage, and Sketches is China. Jut reed and fer We by_ MeDONALDABEVON • JON : FOlnattei crest eve on Sr • Inkiest. • JOHN R. BIRLIAR: Ft Wood 0., to now .receiving sin excellent assent:tent of Roston and New. York Pianos,orrived to-day and now open for sale. •• ' Two splendid Rosewood Pianos, six. octaves, 1230 One splendid carved Rosewood, el outlives,. • Xi One'splemlid inabsgany Piano, si.kand n half oe- One grand Piano Forte, made at die fernery Ot Berri Hers, Paris and hilly.equid ye the one used by him at hit Contorts, One mahogany second hand Piano, made by Rio , dust, Woreesterh Lonlians. New York. ' 4.4 funhplaer supply will be contend du ri ng this week. A • • .Nswi L73l,welt.iiianitPiinnor. — 7 HKLEBER boa jam feell•TlS . th . ibllowinfr new . which Will he sold lower than can be booKlai io the root , , • One elemt 'mahogany, d oetas , e, made by Nonni tr. Cita, New Yost, m Kenn power and innelneill of 1000—extromely low priced. , • the elsgant rosewood Plano nude by,chiekesing. Boston, and attested by him es 'the best instrument of the tit.s to hi•fdelory—price rem mode ore. Besides, a number of others of all priers and styles, fanning the in eXterigtVE 'Pelee lion ever offered Imo, No P.l,3rd-st.at WOodwelPro , no • Menton and New 'dark Manna. 0, . "" ' • ,SOUPS 11, .IdELLOR, No et Wood 0, Loa reemend and oßers for dale—. Odo sprendot Rosewood Piano Pone, _• an* CJ octaves, Iron frame and now wale. Made by Oblate:fay, of Ramon.: • Ono elegant Rosewood Piano Poneornh 6 octaves andiron frame. Made by ehletering. . Oran elegant Mahogany Ptano Porle—dnadd bP 0 . 1 . &Co, New York.. Ilm above will ho sold at muntfaetorer's priced. . Alto. fee Palo as above, a #edrod band•Plano•Fone, with 5 Octave. • - '...: - ' ' 'joie` HISTORY OP aLit — lLlOta—JAnt pubSabsd, by J U P Jamea,'Cinrinuarl. THE HISTORY OP MEXICO: her Civil Wan and Catania! and Revolutionary Amal., from thy pomaded the Siataidi Comittest. ISM,. la Gm prepant Una, UV; incladmg an account of ibe War with Oa United Suites, etiatte• mid Military Achtercamata ST•PbdIP 'Macau. M. D Wahl... Copperplate Maps, and seven Enrp arlop or Plana ofHanle Grounds, .••• arno ostmou,of Eva hundred and sizty-dxu • • A 4 AP ow. RlOlreo - - - .lT — ,i JYL doe de idelleo, Sem le oreetaxedo7dedoide per lee Teri. Aetna del irteeo Be dieter Iteriblltc y eeourodo per lee ration* eouredodes.. - • • • A few eopleerceeived;. &reale by -- • • • JOB;i8k1314 &ISTOPKTON, Booksellers !rpm PILINCIPLAS OF OATIIi . IE, ker Dime Zen. Mike as . Ilas"." ird , Oloott . =lll 10 g *al , au.inrita,,,. - -F 44,?F1Th MANUFAC-TORIES. - • 0 U o_o ES N'E SPRING, ABLE, & IRUN SVORRS CIOLEMAN, MAILMAN, & Co., having 'completed ft./ their New works, me now prepared to manatee• tete emery, description of Coach and Mimic sponge Iron tales, Amerman Blister, spring and plough Steer, tad allelee¢ of small square and rotmdl Iron, which they offer Mr sale on liberal terms, at tbeir,Werahnew N 0.43 Wood arced, Whewthey Wm keep on hand ■ eamplete and handsome moment of Coach Una. mines, Carriage loudware, malleable castings, Palle and Iran, C. H.& Co, have made arrangements with Messrs Day & Crous. manututurers of Shovels, Spades Forks, *.c., and wi ll keep constantly on heed every article made by them. Dealer. are respectfully *el cited to es 11,as prices and terms will be made liberal • I•2s.dTer HIT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, • • F • • , JOHN WRIGHT & AiE P7ared to build Came tiedWoollen Machin. lea Ldeste4r,ipeo2.,„samelia=intg Nti- Seaway Heads, Warpersers,Spooter,Dresung Frames, LOOM, Cant Grinders, &n. Wreoettl hoe Shafting timed all area of Ca Iron,. Planes and Bangers, of Me West patteme, aids and hand Lashes, and mole of all kinds. Castings of every desenption (unated on shod no. rice. Patterns made to orderur Hill Gearing, Imo railing, fee. Steam Pipe for heating Fectorles, Can Iron Window Sub, and Caney Castings genentlly.... Ordersl eft at sh ave WareooMpt J. Palmer & Co., Lib. any street, h prompt ettention. Rem Vo Blackstoek, Belt & J B Moorhead &Co., CI IS Warner, . John Irwin & Sons,. Pinsbergh. G•C & J Warner; Steubenville. just) -• JOHN CARTWRIGHT, IMPORTER and fdanaincittrer of Cutlery, Similes] nd Dental Instruments, Saddlen and Tirmeral hand tools, Taylors , Pawn Skean, fee. fr.e. Also manufac tures Tresses, Supporters, lee, in great variety. J. C. klanalketurer gimilmporter of Pen, Pocket and Table Cutlery; RasonY,Brissors.Files,&ws, Toolsolcm hammered to II W OOD STREET, Pitunmerli, mond door be. low Diamond Alley, Rod be. Intel y yenned • large anortment of Pen a Pocket Salves. Malvin & Forks, Also Rodgers' and Wlionetiholmal • VAN& ouTzactay„ • Elllotts,Rodvrs,',Wade & Belcher's Ramrs,Se4mdres Razor &sopa, M=SVIS mid Win Tort& GUNS, RIPLTh, AND PISTOL% Flub Shot OAPs and Blom , . Revolvera,Powder Flash Shot Belta. Game Bain, Walker.. A. Coes Erin Per. cession Cans, Bowle.DA and Huntlit& Knives. Toole. sorb as Callipers, Dividers, Flyers" Nipper , Hand . Vices, Soares, Roles, Braces, &us, Spoke Sham.flinch and Dies, Wire and Iron Cines, elk., mnatical Ingram:ants, /cc, in vars..* eartelY.. frf.. Jobbing r sad repairing neatly and panctitally done. CO-P NOTICE; E; W. SrEPHENI of Wheeling. E. F. Slaccitliin. n tarot Juniata and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, have thia day mired into croattrimenddp wader Mita aM !inn of Stephens; Shoenbager G Co al. the Anchor lroo Works, Wheeling Va g Co. the parpoetanf, manalsontrung jinn and nails of amid...MS. 4 . E. W. Snara ints. F Ft 51101.101.13. 1. A. Shrooryon. ~ ... . .. . ITEPIIENS, BIOSABBIIGNit k CO., . ANCHOR IRON WORKS, • Whieling..ra.; . . Manahan= all kind. of boiler, street, bar Iron .and nails; A II Meal elipue sprusgi and axles. Being non- beefed with eboenberiort Old Juniata Works, vor can offer an axnelet of Juniata Iron (branded Snoaaboraed equal on Bar mule in Ibp country. All °Nina Irii I be , sold at the Plnsbarghpneea ' :Warehouse o(the Works corook,f Alonrodand Won meets. sayll •.&LI.EOIIEPIT VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. . JOHN A.. BECOWN lIITAXES.thai method to Warta his friend s and the at public large that him Feesorr ;asloor In full operstoo, (turbo East lido" , of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon, giant supply of ,Illinda, of nanny colon andqoalities,are constantly hooter, hand. • also at No. S Wood at, Piusbargh, al 3.1. H. Ptillilpa , oil cloth Intercom. oilman * Shatter. made to order in the hest style. Shoda repai red at the shortest Douce. ' N. 11. Ills Blinds will be pot op, without arly;nddi.. aortal C. 111.11 NI that they ran be removed to • MO mem m eite of Ire or for washing, and without:the 014 of a crew dr a oetedlyawlataly A. FULTON, Bell and Brass A go Forma:, cr. has rebuilt d C92lllllenced Moine. al hlsold mold, where be will be pleased in sec his old eoitamers and friends. Chem], Steamboat. and Bells of every Moe, from In to. Innen pounds, east from patterns oldie mom approved models, nod . warranted to be of the best materials. bimetal Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, tee. An. e k'' T ith.cr th l e i 'sVole" i "D e r ares e m "th T ,f"q'ir. rcmdhetbertneuntof . VUVNMis OA prop lszatt Anml Oy celebrated for the ceder. non ca n in machinery. The Boics and Compo • onion ean be liodpf him at all time • -_...._ nmil-ly W. W. WALL CM, PlTTSlttilloll STEAM MA ULE WORKS, Not. 314 and NO /Rerrry mu ismr Eke Contd. AI.WAYS On hand and model order, a lame varie ty of Marble Mantels. Pier Cintie Tables, and Neon ToPs.Tombelumes,Mcmuments. kn.; all cable being made of the choicest marble, and otanafnetared principally :I,v machinery,will be sold low lig csA. . :M.O. Persona i ensiling to purchase Mantels, are Informed Mat it is bencegirth unnecessary for them to go East, as I can furnish them with an oracle m all I M ts as good, and (freight,msuranee, di, consider- AM Cal ch pp. .they eon parthaso -them . for JInOS the I. l and see. OPPER. SHEET IRON, AND TIN ; ' WARE MANUFACTORY. • No S Market street, Pittsburgh, Pen= L . HE eubscrihers hiving made meal tompromm.ts IR constmetion of their COOMIIO STOWIT,, revettfol/y inane persons building Steamboats to call and examine before curchosing,las we can supply them With Deck 810•C14 Forges, sad 'every other kmd of CoppeSteamr, Tin anbeed d/Sheet' I ro n work necestudy in feudal dila . I . - We also mate to order - on the shorten notice Sal Tolle. and Clamber,. Copper work tar *team Engines and every variety of wort In our line. . feb9 . SHERIFF & SHIRK WM. NeOULLIt ace., Manofactonfo of Halo, Bottles and W. Glass, No.= WOOD STREP.:T. • O UR factoriee being now in fell operation, we are Dan j a ' al ' he lasr ex''u e ' r t w o e 'd :Zre . l' adZt r eti ' aTte i = ..seem. Window Glass. (the most applwred Plan ran! ...din the cart.) by which to turn out a superior Ulase flattetted en Ws plea perfectly loTei and tree, with a very fine lustre. fainters and dealers gen• ale requested to call and examine. for them selves. - era. L--13 EN N ETT 4 BROTHER S QPEEN3WARE MANUFACTURERS, Inrmlaallahuhluear Pittsburgh,) Pad 'Warehouse, No. 137,-. Wood street. Pittsburgh. IF , WIL,I, constantly keep on hand a good amori relent at Ware, of our own manufacture, and eaperior nudity. Wholesale and emmtry Mar chante ere respectfully invited to call and en. amine hr themselves, as we ate determined to sell deeper that has ever bane been offered to the pub lie. MT Ordain seat by mail, seeoutputied by illeessh or city reference, will be promptly 'wended to. febt3 Drat 'Valero Butt Hinge Eautattory, • 00101XNATI. 0. --k GARDNER dr. Co., weed inform the trade that. they are now manafaconing the beat Bon Rim esermade In the United States. As this is oar ;marm ite beelnest, We lamed to send oat as complete an or. tiele as can posubly be mad. — Those eagneedto the hardwate trade, we think, will find it to their retereet to see ear DIMS.' Alt orders promptly attended m. ptys A GARDNER *.C.4 car of thh 0211 in SI. JOUN IMERIPP Co., Nos 93 and 94 Frost .101, Bun Forenoon and Gas _ SIRS; Bats of all slam out from the tains tmpureed pla sma and wartanted canal to any Also, Brass Casungs, fouslted if orderud, Gas Itt. lows put up promptly *talon re.uottabla terms. nost9dly PITTSBURGADanzi, NAZLR noits3 a vai SPRING _ _ _ soiel .111 • • aosss winad; , A XANUFACtURERS of Spring and Dinner_ Steel, Plosgh hese', Steel Plough Wings, Coach and Eliptlo Epilgs. Ilammemd Iron ~and and dealers in Malleable Castings, Piro Engine Lamp. atui Oonela Trimmings generally carom of Rom am Prom mean, Pittsburgh, Pa spria ;• • lIPFINCOTT. IRON WORKS. .Plt ,l i e l ,t. a ' Atl l :4; 66 . ir et, Lo IV:ll,6r= !Ong to From Also, an.losonment at the old nand, MoMuder's toe, Meru oven.' Flavin* made srest additions to the Rollins Mill, all orders can be filled promptly. neredo - GRAFT. LINDSAY lb Os. ' BIRMINGHAM TACK •FICTORI. CALSIPIARLL "AG MINAS, .1111210/ACTOMS 01 FINISHING NAILS, HOOK. HEAD BRADS, Iro Capper Tack,. IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, MID Pattern Makers' Points, of every description. °see No. 2 SI. Male. Hotel, Third woe, PlNtsbarlfb. P. MDIMANT. Sown 8 Lanus FLINT GLASS ESTABLISH/NEAT. MULVANIr & Ll:DLlF:noinufaelure and harp Da ..ntir. ...bond Cul,' Moulded and Plain Flint Glarmare 10 all iU varieties, at their Warehamse cor ner of lidaiket and Water *tram, Pittsburgh. ~ Our Works continue in full operation, and wane etnienutily adding to oar met, which enables 111 to An *Wino with promptness.. Purchasers are reapeetfally solicited to call and enunine primes and iItIMB. *redly Original nilelivar Bricks.. FPERIENCED Judges, on a trial of me and tibial( Was* aineelbp, pone this snide mut ,. pawed for durability an dos comtrannon of all loads of Furnace. Price 0 37 a emit for boat loads of 10 M, varanteed nute months aso..Ordera for aßumal Bolivar Bricks will be executed at SW per ICI( No de. airml,•witlusit guarantee. A most or the first quality is now receiving and far ale M the wmehotrao,"l3laan's Whart,"Carial DaMichY ' • J SIIA,W MACLAREN • sniff 'Kennington Iron Works ,-.- ty*ILDWAMI—Jart rtetitied; Witts'New York LPL slap Azot sad . Adoss, atossakak, ans`ilst Hammen, Vizes.Trae Cslas,Orosight NailtiCs tars tools, milt, crone ut•aml yaws, Ftles. &a, tor salts • - by • .46111woop.tvaz: DJUSUII4-60 prime Benteh ast4 4 No en;,;3 Cur. At rants reed per comal; (or sale hy iiptft WiLLIAMSA.DILWOK7II,IB mod II : HOW ITOI AND THE PEOPLES JOURNALS tor . denoted ""k"brit Fen We sprzz • 2rd a. opposii. rat 04145 e 111ILLIM-9XOOB Anita C4llr; c:• '' , • ..1 • • %., MOo . Bp. Wblung r ise buddur fin ;We low by • • --- , JOEL MOH • 1 mptel —— NM , eel , breed - lb Mb ea , • • • kis Clblbsd In Hunt sg; trot the WWI glk Via , 'IIIIWEV it • MF,I}IC A L : . • BAII/MG BLOOD . • , And Consumption, Pain in the Bide and Meet Sumacs, Asthma, Whondng Teeth, Talprtation °Ale Bean, . Liver Complete; Enmehirut, and all dieitesee of, the throat, longs' and liver eared by Mee,. , _'!-g•;_ '4 llt i o l dr='onsumpttion.. Rix ati Builder, is Bratiklin, waa attacked IVA with raising hitard,lallaWad b7 4 ,a mill, 1 4: a lai= 1 e t Lib: r V h :7:= 6 .7= h ril e good, and told bee be COULANQT B =e be sew at 1011e10r.7 at ftigi7t rHmnd bryoltierl. I . lges,l.l9 . Fi n dir t., and~l{{ool a bottle; if iperoed like eodgbl Befit, he had taken one bottle be t ht. rk_ . It had aavEDHISLIF7I; Hb dangler, retiding atIT7 Myrtle Avenue; can attest 11." . - ; Miss Ann Mama, orWilliastsburgh I, ming in Tenth near South Foardest,sayia—That shako troubled with a hackies comb, and pain In the eirest,for al lima which at last became ea bad that. she Ina obliged .to give op her school far room than a year.. She en commenced lakingthertli-lieellogßalsanr, which uren alleviated her syroptuns. *hole now fastreeovanumg, and has resumed her labmicets occupation ma teacher, Mr: JoEn firNend,'ll3/Ceventiteed Est at, nrifered .Bfinceelittrallit4OLPhislon Ind' pabrin hls side. lie could get rio BurEP till he tried the All•ileeling Balsam, which drove the pain nom his side, allayed the cough; and brought the diocese awn. the surface; and before haled taken three bottles,was entirely cored • 4. Pkurisy and Coguumption. Um Beiges, a lady upward/of 79, rending BS Mier. heifer year. been subject re atmcks et Pleurisy, Italeing of Bleu; and Cough, newness Breath, Poet In her Head and "erten* parts of her body.' Her Blend. 'believed her PAM' RECOVERY. The All- Healing Balsam rehevpd het armee of all her alarm. ing ampullae and shop ow able to attend whet work. . thifinart Wfirupin Cough. • • Idrs..Lacretin Wells4l3 Christie...n..l. 8 Beals, 19 Delaneepet, Wm 11 You,p, 76 Wetritd•n, know the ' the Taloa of this great remedy. • Ask for Shenusehi All4italatElalaaax, sad sea that hls written alumnae is on each tie. Price 45 eel= and Si per horde. ate` • Dr. fib pal ernturs Worm end Conk Corsages told as MusD:lt Niesiumt, • S Pr old wholesale ritar Imo viro l : /..h ei, e.• his Patent Medicine Wushans sad Bed lig n i , Mrs .ii ! . ltonr, NOD =we 'reset, heed el Wood army !nos 81 per hot r 1 ‘IIOfiIPSONPS cimPouan siraluP OP -TAW AND WOOD NAPHTHA, , The Pentland (Mel Ad, enieer says:—.This remedy hoe been more saceemend than any medicine-we barterer known far ltanmacreos wares in.ConsesepOne,lrgtrowl,pein in the Hide - and Breast, Bron*ds, Obaunatt Cour* Hungnam Flare Palpl n at t h e Heart%Chopping CoughiCrowNernme Tumult, Le. Indindusla pith., highest respeembility m ads cachou , ample tesumony so fupewee and ataxy in this bless of diseases. • Among the Matimerilidstn the ultra at ihe above reed. Liaise, are neared Sem dimusgaished physicians of PhIP sdelphia. -Read the Wowing front Dr. Young, the ernmest culist. - , Pinumunate,Jan.lB, ; Pinaim OJOS in my pramme, as well as in my lawn finely, qWmpsores Ceupound Surma( Terand Wood Naphtha:l hue no herniation in saying Hsu it is the hest preparation of Ow kurd in me bt pareensuderiog Bun Consomption,Cooghs; Colds and all affections of Um Throe; Breast,. tee , eo l prevelem.st the, mann of .the year "do r i • fiw ors i s, e t a b li.,l63 Spam: o at ,. the dal/owing certificate. Ile remains erell7being per" rosily cured of his ilium: • • • • PW.tan - Ar=e,..Tenury 3, LW. Prom a sense of vatitue, and a doubt that the attic red may have rewire, lo a truly nivalogne medicine, of stare diet rbe benefit I here experienced ftom the ase of Tbompson's Compound !Syrup of Tar and Wood Naplllll...For several yagrs !have been smi th with • distressing racking comtb,nunomPsnied grtml °Parameter and dillealryof bresthlng,witli I Slaa. make of tightness at the cheat Heaping, greatly alunted,ei friend who had been much benefined bythis medicare,' recommended ene..to try 11,1 did so, afidin very shuttles,' every alumna Nympteas dmeripeired; my tape° tonstem became fr-w„btli oppression left ine, my cough ceased, and In a Am days 1 was able to go out and lanced wary burners *well men. . Any Amber inGaretnuon will be chearfellygwen the • ralbeted, by calling er my "endemic, N 0.113. &Chong " JOE ' This initlaahle medicine le prepared anly..by ANG NET A DICKSON, al NE censer of Iblth and Pipme am, Phdadelphis. Sold In Pinsbmgh'hyl.-WILCOX; Jr. Prke C 4 cents or per borne. , CAUTION—Beware of Ile buoy converted& that ire nor:afloat' The ansenipalous are ever ready to 'paid ROOT ASTIIII4DIUSO DISHOUI &BT—A Blessing! AM rule!!I A Wonder!! —To ewe Eruptions and Dosteturestents of the !Skin, Pimples. Freckles, Sanborn, Salt Rheum, fourvy, Sore Heads, fe.;&e: • • •". - • • Foes ye., ago, lad Augast,the capital of Prance was astonished in consequence of a discovery made by an halms Chemist, hinny doutned—lt seemed ablaut an impossibility that anything made by the hands of man, could have such unOlar powers. that claimed by Antonia Vesprini fortis invention. Many chased him told his invention as humbug, [and. alas! nutty radish persons sentient trying. do the acmenow,] kngth, ater watiug it in the p.n.», the Medical &; may of Paris [the bestehen.» m th e world] delivered It e following repe mloptely and carnts FsgssorVaprint. . • "We have now efully examined the Mitrail3l2 of Velment. We have anarysed Ito component parts—sre have used OM enteral ceses,and se 'hesitate not to pmnoance It [the IWion Chemical se • great blessing, sad a truly groolielfalime .agr Its e =Nes tousidet the in daltre i =AI of saferingeankind.l (Signal/y.Pflpgp DUPREY REAIb 1 From the inventor himself thelreeentPropneter. • PALS. Nov. 4,1040 ceitsidtration Of the sans of .Sl,OOO, I bairn Amid. Red m Kr. .T. Jones, residing In tho etty of lit*York, N.. A. the whole process or tonnoractentes, together with a statement of the Mgredsom. emapcolust y Itat lan Chemical Soap. He Is to manufletare U for sale in the United States only, and to have the oneness of na. ntit itulones'ltahart Chenued Witness: Henry J. lioldnronh: (Signed) ANTONIAVESPILW . ocrSord by W SACID3ON, his Hamm Molter. Watchmen, St Liberty greet, bead of Wren, at the . 11n of the BM Soot. J only plait In Pinibangh . Where the GENU INE eon be obtained.. All others are Cotelterfeic AGREAT CURE, perfonaed by Ow orient] end way from nerd main. therTlll;prepare4 ia iAd by IL Bann , 49.017, Walmoreland Co.. Pa., Y. • . Ju1y19.5,1647. Sean ..—A man alley toy... theallieted intim. me to add my iambi. tathon.yis kr= dry...justly calelaslad User rW. I han atonal gang m fir ran, adhering loran Crockett's min, - "be son you an nght, dem ga shad.. M. of the mmapreperatims prompt ms mot opmem, loaded to On skin, hue sosik bandana. a stn. yon Liver I. Womb.. oared b pale, sod, indeed, I bean the, tveurvin thonalL" as thwy are Jost what you mynaut them to hi. I ham Wen dated mith Liver Comdata. COM my . youth; hen 'suffered Mod; employed may eminent physaus*to Wane I ilea Much amen hoe lost much hlo* boon vomited nod thysleked slaustto amt.; Wm... sor 6 times, LW Indlygnan op theardan In 1536-71 ms Wooed to trynar Lasor Paso.. 80014 GOT WELL. Club. of - which is sow madent take...clam of pair ie the Ode and ell On rasa 41119431014 fiJI at Ins. lit moat. Your Pins ann. thiamin...lmnd over used, b 4s lied. kollrdPin ri•6lg 6..... 6 0 . stn: oat, r t ere am mach t.Lef . then kept than i. any Woo km 6 or 7 years; sold hoods.. or lons, .ad has nem beard a ongfe naphtha snarl by say au who km used them. They baron...add... every other pill in Ibil neighborhood, aad m short dm will banish than W. I ouroessly nomonnond them te. nil picric.mooing plink, whether km Line Compiant or Milken Allketions. I cote shingles no earn* bps/owl or as lilmajk..'ll,ll lls aws tars an other Pa bd. Om pudic caws Lion Pilo, pers.. who manth.GENUINt should ask L. and lan lawn!n dumdum premed sad sold by It E BELL, No SI Wader bet.= Third , ad Fourth - . , . , Sokl by Dr. Cum, Ti 4 Wird, D M Cigar, .1111%tegy N 4 . MT=== We have been Infinmed by Mrs. Rosner s care per. Rinsed on her by ElevJe.ymeat Allorative s which meat e L s . io c r , ith l c i :er e w ted a vy: ha remedy .i the with NECROSEd er WHITE SWELLINGS, ath y mdrsd s with ulcerations and enrol iation „of various bandi,da. ring:which time many pieces hoes been d‘xharged thm the metal lone of the eranina,lmen both bee arms, wrists and hand. sad from both•legeond f ro m the le ft (reambone, and hem the right kaceebesidee palatal eleen o n other pane or her paean, which Wont ballad the Wall of a camber of the e emn phrielans of one efts—dunes moot of th time. her segannite hoes been ezermatnia and deplarabl. About *rim menthe vines she woe Tethered to ItyDr..7.lntee Allembsol , which has had an astealehlogly happy effect spec her, byremovlng all pain and awclllmrs, and - gimlets the ulcers to heal, while at the Nemeth. Imrgeneral health hoe betel= coinpletel yredered, so that she noliwalghe od lbs mare than the did begin-the cot dense of F obt tmly rateable prepation.L Eve. Poet. • orithr informaften,uiqu b e f i t rs Rossy No. Albert st, Phlledelphia. ..•. Per isle in Plinbusb, al I/4 MM TP A` ST9NE, Fanth et near Wood. . ty6 ost,erbsee tee • u an. ye • Yos,whose skin Is dark and sallow— You,whose hair is hank and wanly, • • Ruatr i dirg red or derl— Tao, whole vile olrenalve breath. • • • • Unpleasant Is uputrid death— Too maid love—boy, manor girl., • Tooth an white as thaw or pearl, • Breath a rpiey sweet, and *ankle • Pure and white and month and beanhfnl , • And hattten,mlßT, dark In ithslit • • • Hy reading what Is said below. RBADRRB,anT or you calultive the idols Or (mind' this le nothing but troth.) axing* ga bottle°, jaw. Co ral nal, Eleauiradve—a b beta of JoneOndether Touth . Paste—sod 4 cake !if the germ.. Mart Chemical !bap. The articles cart bat little, and Toe Me named that the Anima, are their seal qualities: The tooth pane dim th ebrealhe meet odor, white teeth, nod prescreen the teeth, de. The hair stud all know is be th e as egnainte thing em and. fa dna , thehenntifYieg, and caning . the growth hair; and the soap, (get the *mine Janettingosp, tein,l) will elm all eruption., freckles, &a, and sake dark gallon *bite, clear and fair. : All these thloo are atlldAtinlY) W JACKSON'S Boot itpt -Sloe Own Mid relent Medietne Ware/questa • so. ,• . •.lay7 • • _ • Care, MIR Pays • D...Tssehre , Pam lbsineastes Jr.. 7.1 W WHERE NW few disuses non comma or OW blesome that the Piles, and yet. zotwithstaad sliff:,ll=l:llabr made to C al l m ini b m i lli al " zit al little beheld. Now the iteionstation is th: only medicine need. A panes who habeas alai tag with the Plied thitWoat head m= lb= Si. km, New Jetsay, almost an pupas* to egt,esa his palliate lathe speedy cue that thli med .Wat had greeted in his easti..4'hils.ltlat. Pa*. try For We la Pittsburgh at the PEE EN. TEA STORE. IS Fourth at. and Waist the Drag Shaw H P.Sehwutc, Federal at. Allegheny CH, j• ail PS HAIR P.:ffitC.--AhseraNg tals SAWS ' L0tt.1.14 hymir e•-•.he hut attiti, •yr we rot*, at ass__, halt* sestarsasataad i =es• of imolai= 7sah,' at - • hoes at memos sus. hatatadiesa nsierstallueds -which Eye %ma 11.1.=7.71 t , wi th alasolds thrhar,to mak. a - MO lidSTONie Winom: 6 4 Bt or ads is litlarrk_ aLlhcfaitis-As4 Fearthsuwes wed WiSi , Tai"E u ra:l4 44rz n eiai,(TP, riritc4.3, oral -~t:~. VOL. XV: , ---NO. 65. INSUILANCE! . JOUR PIANNY, 4411=" AT 'mamba von en DELAWARE MUTUAL safety 110111111441 company cit'Phillidevia. sElms,litSlCS upon bandit* aid therehaadino of every description, and MARINE ItISIS upon =reargue Of yeasete, tekea upon the •, anal le tenor,' or Office in the ,Warehouse of W. B. Halms & Bob, No. TI Water, near Market greet, Pitts.' I . B. The uteeevaor;iihni Courant! sine theastab. ei 0 , 16 ddeney In this city; 'nth Ocervuumat euthenesten web ertneh nem elaun von them for • beta has been achuted, erarreat the ageinin toe tided the confidence - oml punntaire of Mercian& avid the evormanny at large to due Adenine hlic Al au emu Cuipitny,•erhilo n has the *Ultima, advantages aa sa institution among the **etlb:minion= Pktilacriu Unman ample paid la eitilt&r ~.._( brim omationoritnehuterueavatiatlyi yieig: to each person bared hie din cyan. - the Volts of the company without, invoicing him - in say reutrairibilir whatetir; aid therefore u posaithieg the hind principle diveited •or:erraer ebaosdolis fisatue, as 1 is its mast- attractive &ha., FIRE.AND mAnixe INSURANCE. /PRE IBM/WIC* Company of Nora America, 11 through its duly authorised Agent, the mtbserk tier, offers to make perntaiwint and limited be r. : ante on property; in this eity and ii. rieinity , and on shipments by the Canal and Rivers., . , DIRECTORS. ' ' John C. Smith Samuel Brooks, • Alm Hang, . Charles Taylor, Sam!. W.Jones Semi. F: emith; '• . • Edward Smith, . Ambrose Whits,' John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thoreau, John White, . John R N efi, Thoe.k.. Colts, •Richard IVood, . • • WIIL, Webih, _ - Arthur O. Ccebt;Bue.. - This ig the oldest Innatance Campo ny_ la Oa . United States, having been ClIallered•111 1111 Charter rs perpoand, and from it, high seasebeg lour overlain', ample, mean., : and. 1 , ,0 14411 ad • risks of an cairn hauidonif chorister,. it tu .... 1.0k • nom:Wanda' offeSag ample security to the MOSES ATWOOT " ' `", At Counting Room of Atwood,. J 00•11 Wlllft and Front stivels,'Plttsbaurgh. , ..ap2841 MOE Avian Lou by Fire—The FRANKLIN, elvis lan none Company of :Philade/plibl, ingrux nuke bentraffee, Permanent and lholte. VT on "every daseriptlon ofpropertnVITTS BURGH and the SURRODMINO COUNTRY, on favorable terra This company ha a pivotal CAPITAL, • 1:400,iblO fh. CONTINUKNT FUND 5600,R13 • - ONee corner of Third and Market„its Filially, 03—ir - WARRICK MARTIN, Ageat. INSURANCE; :Amurteam Mr* Insurance Canapaai Or PHILADELI'LIta._ Cum* Prom_ Carnal. ansM/00 Paro Offiee Wa6, and. WAL 4,S,VIDEON, !twin.. Farman Paarsa,Eieey, . T ana old end well:e t etdiebed . Compeor Contralti NI ertinotof a=eizaullowe egfae ' egalarleini damage byfire. • Appheasems ter Insaranees is Pititbaralt and 'as nererhood,arill be receiv ed , and risks .takeu ei th er Mansell).* for limed periods, ealavorstde sera, by oocair.ex, agent, omit • • .• • No 111•Wobd et. IawiImAKEIDDIIIM --- becrmrip HILL WATER CDR= IasTAAB. menutioNT—NORTHAMPTON, Eon ~ . , Da. EnreaD D. Dray**, fladdhellsp - dna; -' T- wea mslltthab..=—,..l"P.'"•ixar,'l4'°o* tica of Janda° Got above the Coonntipot Ri ... rer whin i anion- Th. pomade earrordios the nonadatypyd, Za=a7t t f*"Y'rof.iiirtiena.'''ralsit""li grows sod pruediee fared beware mammas bempatisovie pkbiy ebswed.aed y roar mile. afardiai heanfol Ind itenet *Unix- The cannon and naverodiroas inwidier of lbw wgibli.h. .e ere located : upon lbw palm= brow of the edam- ;., Idok one of tin mat curb:Win benallenpas an Ow wor ld .- Immediately re front, SA the Tiller ofDietivaithits arnonoue and henhanedwellinp, maid/a tin alles of loßy sad Preadaropad elina. Fano, an ao lb cur aro the rich nandolre of Zniaarepton end. ,thireeed is foe Slvet Tadao of Stant.* ihe . babelimeatirf ums wed Ammar,. Wider*, far oord. erid seedb, WI wed We smooth sod heal endear a the Coonytan't,• tamely niaidng . ite Ivey to tonna.. tha thonorth;na *men 1 dia. n the villap of ihafteld with its .aide tad ...., bewi on tier ewe is thd dooteibiog village of lied ' ley, .d eft. or Anhast wilhitalCollipa *rile yr no din teem with Jr aid of • Per, nay fa eesa ea amain and partlyeiv did nap or many. ,Da lie soldhaarcad Oh l{ sewn diersoce, W Mame biolyoke, in' Ni &Ira pf or, peeV end a little top*, le son thipeneat r.iblc...r s..nthoility; as the Bomb, we behold * abont4 nine dianna, Dr soyeatic Moot Tye, and the flaming labge of East freppon, within aged whoa 'patina— the whole, peoecaing a parbinaiore of Rotund m, an annotnark paiape wareallni, by any asap in no erode. ' It ma naartrodly • zardleman, who has apart wan thirty m rlA k r his tia nnot y ur y. partt oflropr, that !k• ' merle et Bond HM an very oiry oad op- Yoe* end aro anikly eallfelent far opward/ Of,taa Inuoind ~ leis pronin with in *any* tbe parole In- - tatica .t nad ery other el:pin to Pm the &Ds* paintcant andice. or o popl *nm-riapma or ar and wcadaroty nensaftd ran= of „ ma Dr.Denniatca ado nada in that Ea 'Pali of adaried eaprriroce, wee ed inEraype, wan be *pled the wireaft,m of *event pen an no celebrant banitabrofEtniaillal Doalha oal ha been a enennord Pnetioaer in ads vicinity by Enna dda yearn-- paint. say A Mercian npon sabre doaddeoco ia laskillud ar prevail a mode fai ateradoray. Araceri Enna ran* Dandlap minding wan* ulna VA 1.4- tint. wall be el/flaky yin evay article ire pleblag.fe. ra • ffratanYln. Eao.,Aapst 5th.1842. ,- ' - WAIL; , • '81 . 11112. ilitOOP IRON: soiwiliq, s iwoujow seijTta to 11111 E sabserillere beg Weal! the aue r etlenor all Mdse.. J. interested in Mohng, to their LiAt.VANIIIEIt TIN pLATEA, and lo the EMTy exhume.islucli'llut, peaces area all metalie and ether substances Ethane used fin this puroise,poisrardos as they do, thaeuength and iightllena 11011 emboli' luliabdity to alit, liasum now been tested several ems, both in this ceentry and is Europe They are also. tete siteedt'ut cremator • ecourantiou ft= aadderi changes,. the stmospbore than emuntou Tin Pima., Iron, Zinc, ha, or any mho% metal noertised for motam, - and alseseoently' !bun a much better and tighter ro4 remained ter less itetMedl retr , ,..er , it t 4le r t it t firm tom d labafa rise more. dealers and workers in meta* to the Many ulterpritt pones to Which Inra Was pretemed, ran be applied:— In general testes it 111 applicable to all inlet.' of tree which It ts deairahle to prima nom der amino Lot the atmosphere. And May would e -apelpy pall the- at , tendon of those interested inTriLh.o - EAPN/C LINES, to their Galvanised Wire, labia le now almost enure. ly used la Pampa end which aaswenetreay ...fourpcon as a eoudoetor of electricity, coaled only abeallnao - half as musk as copper, and pftrMlag eqtaddruablli t Aiming lately ere Med weds in dna airy or tktitOrrO, pose of galvanning ruills, spikes, bah', Mae, am,d2 wilt be able to tweak any artlele , which Maybe 4 • red. A sup pl y) Plame_boartarnetaredlAtltunmea eoustandy 11 eitad,from /Ito w MOOVVIDIEIk Ca _ Ntio.‘l4 ands &user et,. irmorrromr-:• . The .Patant Right for thle aruele bu bean sneered ' for iho United States as Oren neGreat Britain, endeenst Mma.er. m * a ac y Efrinl all e legar b m a sura wil bamnnyporahet Who'seals Wow iswaseas f ise e . - IN TUX CITY- OW KEW AA/WU „IL: B . 44.FILIE , SZ • f td . o . fo e assortatent of Dregs and Ideditineli She Stuff.. larla / Stuff. , ralats and Oils a - every dewslotloa,'WNsh,Plo., werewolf and detensoned to sell low; iot ul al u iTi ld!tebu mias ge l l: d astl l3n ie nis,u Taledlif wite faithfuluess and deapas"B.4,LFahneatoded etoted Vennilage constsa=nd. B. L. Yahneateek,' A.B....Nati, Nei, - 4, PAPEOL-WAREHOlJSE— iknuaziscusuip, :raw volts." 31(111.10.1 1 7.F1111.1) Wren for tale. at the kat= l!itatrakenstere , prices, a vety atlas= 'wan— • maul of PAPER. eemarising ,orery paprika. macre:, adePtroltothalrams ansanantis al acelatle ptiks eautry. Paper. stall /dads mode Wader at . Mon recite. Ike,toekuf PRINTING PAPtit Uaavnallyfel,, . PI VAP r of every date/lett= ltaried sad kept ephessaptal-7 Falun" M! C 1 WOlll, mockin g porrar,Bla RAGPI.I Omens, Bale Rope, Beau Rape, Artakolraa,ll=, =rasa, be which the =hen pnea 4.14 warps way • New York. Jittntou,•,':, hardware Wore VEIITMORK WOLFF' liningwadoed La & orner of Idbeny and & Clair straw 19 N. aorta w Kn.+, thief, doors &bore St Olathe /last, reweethilly • ask , tio mention of baylar to their mat of HARDWARE, CUTLERY aid tddllDLEßlterise'd.; per slops !Unroll, Viols and &sada: &wade onneflieturan of En and UndseenT• • ;;" A 1.., dueet supplies of Anserlean fraw,dtsprtne•l stl . rdollialnlrla tbit &Meta *Ales. • • . r s bawd entirely awn sad pareheed opts ~... dos best terms duty feel mat sondilenoss la :being . sureasfelly to meet coaTelition flow. any qsarthr • • nand.The Ifiudware buipth Will be canthmal as Die .1 , 1 /4, s A iienv=ur t m i t t. crixlrolt ober foe say sslabbillaseed &saw 'di hltallt fonarr/r SUM/ ankle luiLis id life due; • lad ms &ry aw. Ile !mu ma la esamPlam i dmdW't tor eas flliVaioriam ithilisuasa,/ke. mad Md11.7.,= eommanaming Jura *ma liberal strati and isdu giwri t all show of m putierdete sada llnown thr- ado saignmd., MAX yt, Ask Fitatosp,No r 7 Fifth street. , llitildlis • aeilatinr h a." 14 the lleshattaily ef whiso et Ries PkwiLs': pain* emoting, and ma , a *Winona dc. , at.,lfor !.` utmodatokat Agave conehutee w &hall an% ' rand reeled,. (widths's,. eermatentrist bed a r audios wee hoar Dead LoaSsits_ w .florstrpooda take, dozed saws.: paw. *4 l l.4' , lists ' RHODA" • • L,S. .114 , I#11talayABLILy . • ••••••••41 wait 7,r1. nutkiMed Thar Gift the bade.— D DAVIS, ecemimiff lidh4lllo -vs 011..sosAvear ' , 46 ,7 0. 1 •• u" • `=wissi Itx4=c-. 'sperm igalAreirif ._wstpuwww` s. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers