. • . i - . ' 1 ' -- V • ''. ..-,..,,,-!,•‘.., - -,"•--...-,,,, ... . . ratSSSP.-;.C.,....77-_,5t..7_,1.,--I'.' -Zi..7.Z,.„...'• .......- .. 11 :, - --- 1 • • _ - Az , .... - ... . .. , ... i, . . ~, ~,_ _. -t-----hic • . - Ir7" - s«\< /~ \ ƒ/2 K~~ ; ~ <» }j s ,'' ~~ '.a. •-„l4t- ;>41.: " • t . • . • « :tkk• :••• /tr . . k 11:Nle . ii4t1 ._ "i lif4 '1 4)1,.. : • 0...,%;.,,,,?..Y..." 1.- . " : :. AT A . T 1i;' 1 :4•P t q,,,,: 24 ,r : ; • ':;V',-z!'.i.-41 R' 1 r 14.. ..1 1 ,440: , "t,;.-44 ' ; ... 41 1i 4 5 . 1: . , ti t „, t,; : i :4l :lll4, * . 'l'"'';...-4''4:' , -; .-N. -- „,, ~ 4,',1!-:•,3-71-:::!It- -!:,x174,' C - .5 1::4 jr .: : .7 :1"; . 1 if e, 'z: • 411, :gh.k '•:,: - ' 1* 1 .:4.-, 1'i . .'1 , .. , , ,- 4 ; ,';:-. 4 4,.' , •,,' f, ' ,v,',.%.•:"::r,i':.4 - ; 4 ; 4 .t4 ' -', .I . -4 i"e 4 :44';',:i :;,'•!: ' 1 41 - ...i.; - • ;4 •t'' ".' 'IN. : ,st.l. , ~..:;,.-,' o , ;;;•.•ili: . 4 4 , ;;I: 0 0.1r:- - , 2•1;,, : 4 1. '.liitttl isi• ;., ...",...1t;t: :' , 't .l ;;,s' •k , '%]l: 4 „:. 4 % ,c4; l li;mti:-,' 1 i r ~... `I 4:F 3 : 741 ,4 4 .1.ti '1 l ;;i • , ! ‘: A * *,.t. 41 : 15,%. . r 44- 4 11T,trfr,, .f 1.,. ''P : .•,' ip, . 41 L.•-•1.1111; ci.,.: :„ , r , 1.,...: ::, W. 1 .Z.V.,:0.74 St . t• '. ',74.."..X".,'.: 1' ,..•"•.: %. . I:, ..:1•5*4")'41. 41 ;:t .. .1 t ~..4.4 '' .i, '' ...; f4.•.` ;,!•',...:','!.! t:i'ill. I'i l / 4 ?.• , :..: .* " .1 :• . :' , ..t.: • DEE PRICE VE SE N DOLLARS. 1 BUSINESS CARDS. A,Liczasurat uou-oos, Coamisstan, sad '.at..Spronislimi Mem-ham; M W.i noiluS nout A T. 00D;"JONZill & r : Coy - Comtiligion and Plonnirditit Merchants, lam Mimed ilpheilold inariti.lWvatr varront ptreets, ocl2l r.4.1.11111C5. MAMA. SWUM ILA UN IC; RE/TER, Wholesale and Retati B Draggitm, confer of Libeny.and 84.L,Chtlexree . • ~ • il ts, t. A. FAUNS TOOK & COW . Wtokode & tailD.Wer... - egonser AVood and CO EL • I ♦GALEY & ROIITH, Wholaale.Grocenl; 113 • • . UA &C 0.,, th &loath (ho ard out Prodded dealers, N. 213 Markel strut be. .idees fth and Gth. North s Pldladdird. ' 00,8 C: Y• a. kIeAMULT CO, Fairminstand •Cosimasion Umlauts; Canal Timm, Pius e C. ORLANDO. LOOIII o S. Attrny at Law, of W. •is on Ilth wee tale. einahleld. 5p1714 War. IN:gealtn.. John F. Jenahan. Jas. W. Hallman. trOlXadAllatlis ILAULNAII k. CO s hlansfacturcra ofCartiage hpriagsaad Az.las, A. IL and Bpnog elecl.lsad dealers in Coach Trimming' of eesrl dr. - /nation, manufactory on .24. Clair at. Warabouso Woo .1 at. o• • lie Sr Charles Hotel. '`yam. ione cause. - S.I. =Nimes. . ,f,SAMION Me/ELXIOIIT. (ssecassort, H. sa •6' Greesrs, Coaserscon juid Vidwarther Merchants, Dealers in nee and rhubarb Itlanufsetuses. Sixth street, beterea. Wood and - Likerw, • -Pa.. • ' 0e11.4 • CYEAGEIL, Importer and ,wholesale altd retalt deltic; In Fancy and Staple .Variety Gals, sign of 161 Gdt Cantb, lib Market street, near Liberty, nu...- oven Jame. Dunlop. - J. Ilitri/na UMLOP dC SEWICLL, Am non in L.., D 06ges en Yluithfirld, km= 5t and 4 h sta. -- VDWAIRDIAACAZIALTON, WberAle Orotee, .E 4. cut mule Cr ,be fhauCulc uccOd . lbli (cm' 1)10. awed A Ile , rzußber A. • : VINk ■ SVALV.• Wieland', Oro, J2J MS, dealers in prodded and Pittsburgh. a P Wu, eameratLiberty and Hand ate, Viudbargh, Pa febl7 dm a. =Eat. .0210L1l11 & DEN • (We Eddfish. GI . .Ci tegber a Co.) Wboteeale Omens, Commiewon and . Femeentom_blercbann, and Denten m Produce and Pnenbungb Idasufamwes, No 37' Want suet% between Second end Tient we. • - *ell - _J_ MAGItAW/r. NoILINIOUTOVomerI nt Wks removed a fair doors roarer Grant erect, W Fourth. to Hakewdtti Old Hone. apSdha VONWAR.D.AWAIVIIMCIADEIt, Aunt neye at Lem, Uwe renegue their awe to smell aide of Founit street; betn<ea Chary Alley and Great street. " • • • 3weir rirtnend. Cie& Slap. : James' WOOd. VRAIND, MIRY & CO. Wholesale G metal, X and Coumussion Merehaaits, and Iw-stator Brighton Cotton Tani, Noon Water and 109 Frain streets Pia.' Pinuo Form tdarinfactorts sad deal oar in Muskat insinunents,U2 Wood meet war .c(;=SISVI4 :tia w s t ri b.: l3 l l 7 u iri S i. P n deal lia fr 11S in l'lod G ee, j"k'u F LU( Oaklun, pignktol,ClnßaslZ ml p M , ` "1 E'Pe, 441' 'EN H. EATON. Damian in Glom,. &ann. •17' . Fancy and !Staple Trimnun' ad adarket mut, • ISZO. 301511/. WITIIL2II ZALIr r_tjACIAGEI 311)11.0,4 &CIO. Wholisalo Gra la:oo nrh oOr a pomaniosioa flompants, 105 Wood meet • • asdal..... A. IMMIX lo Grunt and Cona iffienon 'Merchant, and Deafer in Prods..e and nubs k Manufacture. No It Wood Pittston . • ~. Gm.'W., SaMh. ' . . U. 0. Hmiir. 10.0' . lAT . SINVITII & Co. Ureirors, 'l4sdnerse G , • • ' and deal e rs m Hop., Pitutrarth uul Point' Drew ' ' esi • .resm and Pitt scrieng. :," , -J[ail GZOILONI COCHRAN. Ccounisam F.. w.ldiag Merchara,No. Ay adsuxt,Pittpluei. Walitii7VVOODS, Briekmat blooonsiatteia 'JUL giver, ZAllorders psoetsally er, Addrou by wys , , • • rta Post Office. - . . wa. - "7 •• . - Jelin D. Miley. • ' TIZASS dr. BLILIBT. Dealers in .037 Gem+4 lin. it tide!. Boob., ilboes,Plusbarea otanaractareci atti elaga.c., fb. rier Liberty .t, Übangi.. 1716.4 SILL iih G io=liip. 4-13" Imporw. &ad atannisenalers of W!ku raper and and ih Tne ll tily.,aFir W , AssbonAc . T a r . _ BALOCILWAY, Drumm. l'l7 _x.9 14 jj clallioir, near !in canal Ca/nn. 116•111IDICXXT:. 11011211r1ICEXT. ;I. DIONXT - ik Co. Wholesale °raceme, I.ooulesiesiela Iltercheots snide:dm is PraiceeclCos 11111 Water and MIN= emcees, P.- wolf Trra,-Timmsi - mrmi:l ramaliox. Aiming at Liiir,•Pannisrphi Pa.,liastemmed tho praeriesiAir his profession m Gle. Plo'f, Bake well*, Bs ad ings,l3rant loner. De espied dsmig his absence by T.'3.lliptam aml.J; Omptieolaws. ItEld.lkyrtfr Jong D. MOILLIAN,' oed dealer Go . Dye. :Hai., ?oleo, Ode,' Vornolhos, - Ao No Int Wood outcome dOOO _'oath of Diamond'Alley, 101111 i U. JILIILLEVIti Wankh, :as and Kcal! deli a; er in lirmie and Inaunmenm, &Eel BoolA Nifer,VlSWONlsel Pea% Pitalell , Can* ann glingenerg generally, No: St -Wood A Pitraborei. jrr_ll,a/pja^shr or taken in Glide. eept-5 JOBE sa d de, Cie. Whommle Grocers, Por i Idetelaante,Deeams In Prri briarnhetsurs, No 7 Commercial Ewe, Liberty sr, near greened, glitsbarga, Pa.act2 T laMOONflarblea CO.mtelemile: r • gists, No. ge %Vocal Piunbargh.- 30IRPIA JORDAN .£: 1101, Commission sad JILIt ,11,Ceell.sieno'rits " plush* , ea. ' l,s WO.° attend moo+ to holm's . AUCTIONS 22. ismer MAY aal Wm/ sun% PinalstrirA mg' Jrarrtflilotamili.lan Mombasa, VValar , Irrel4- above the Monotaaliela Nnarai rilub t X1 1 4 , pboa, Nails, Glast r ae. a!!aatfa„ Hookup,. d rtintas .gyp per auusafsetaren, NA. (4 Nark. •Tr L. *wow Stare; ltth Idarket L. Classseskilseeklicat Rimiest, Selo* Jewel *limns .4 Metbodoraanies sad 1101.11012110_7 , .apSl ; W. ROPZILTSOK tile,' Bataan aid .ekaArs earner of WoOd and Third 11Teetk. Pludsoes IWO nm Urnuearst, Ps. • • • ased 1.1 *atonal nuts— *MI JOIN Nyto r rale tfree :Thi r,=in e, Pr: - John Fki& . jRPtE i . - . TJUISI:11 DAMLISLIy Wharesedearedid,Conage . ' inon here am p and dean InProdne s and riseddstr. gosesifeedrres•Ne K Wear e4llroa6sinda , gal o.warata tram 'wags". gsgliZZLti a. Ca..:=Kushetori . i4 jOns egodes, anent, Bang= gat Nods OW boil neildr• Orders 101 l el Ike welaneave or It DOW , g: : eaaned wax LS Waumw. wag It et. wiTtesits, T Pionag;Ters W* and •Coassinsinn MIIISSI D. iii ' Idannfaentressadrnidwg,lain:dt Wl* 41F-41** ip4 (=ls Pintharg Winer sidlO.Fteat awl ett ill`WirgalLanni letriVir a %Vet; 4.11 Commtinga ~ 111ernknaly Dealers IR fodiSeall ad Phinbarga . Ildr es elde, esdkreeer tm and iddina.. r 1. NORMS, • WALT= 11,1 1" " :I °lls.llr. taib i ttigillo il,!"zb rett -Mex. rThatek. ,WIC Maid 11."91 7 .fiN7t17 , Tr i . • " " uric & nitlirmsonr, Melees]. On.. aird.coreadssion Merchants, No VA Liberty ol , err NlWrreh.Pa, . . HaU . . Ilaoollll./c stsa, wbolesukle and feted Ilan and Ow anannfeentrem and drain* In Penny loste.anner et,e'oodand Pale ewe Jan . 1 v1." . JILT,L 3 2.1* - '4 ,6 e 4 j!' est.-- F r e, 4113 1V2. . 1.0..14 , • ar.•trmsoli A co:, Wbete.l. Dry . . t• • DeOcts,..tlo,. B , Wood .otrect,' Platbargb • • ' °LIMN i SON. No. 53 Market moil; oft; l°9 lbL•lie fnm Odin of PsoNofoi CetWeuec of • ' .4: I X Moo —.4.r-u.'"74r4.6rf4,-„,,,, •••.,ariVeCIUCW & OA, iodoe... Forted' ~A .O sarl Commiuiott btettkonis, Ka 1 Clooosertlal • - - lot. overt. Memel. ro• -' GOT . ' '.. .1 W Poindexter. - • A Colbert...et • CH p mai - 7' . ... .13011113.1 ASTER it C... Wholesale firneero A. on4Casoalrsion rod Forwarding Merchant*, No4l • • .: AVo•riltreet ..I. ...- • _ si nk ra Teem& ncrrwa..r,-r..a... an ea Coingamiou UICEIARD LER011; Imptlnav and JlA , Dealas Faneign and dkaatatte 80.11‘4111 Hard- Ceninge liiatanads,ar all denenpnana, No ...!..lairaad uteri. Pnishand.. • arai 4t.WEIMARDi ribelesale and mill dealer la Le Alaroceo, alaeiriikers , Tools add Ited• T O.. ,Caniva Tao , la, aid Teasers .01,1,10. lieric - lostior. , ' . ' imalwi. soirees. + 4 ,4 - itOln a. oit 064'1Vlbelesile ()Mita; PT. • ' deny sad Coaxal:Woe lie , dmath sad Maim " 1 BilOrimittreialo. Ili 14bcrty . Um* row BUSINESS CARDS. k le U rt g l . o l. 3 111013 7 21 4 11 1 itr &1 11211 ge h rell " Xis e , ( t den enlc: Produce and ktxuburgb Muaufieutret, Li erry street. Prusbucch. Ys. ALtamey al Law,Grant et, a. Bakewell'alluildlug", nearly oppooite,the New Mori Howe. - nioorts., Wholesale timer, Reenty ing Ihrttller, dealer ui Produee. Pittsburgh him, (acmes, and all kmdo of Foreign and DomeeueWinen alri Liquors, Noll L,bel street, Pittsburgh. go l et njliak,°lte band evy7slrhge nook 1,17s•"'f:; cash. may2l.lc L. 0. Reynnlds. , J.. 4 Mite. DIGYNOLDP SURE. Forwarding nod eow /.11. tnbswn Mere nal.; for the Allegheny Wirer Trade. dealers.lsiOniecrina.Produce,Pituburgh Manufacturn and. Chloride of Lune. . . • - - The highest prices, in cash, paid 'al ill time. for Cannily Rap. Corner of Penn and Irwin Its. jaunt D OA ICFORD k Ccanmmitta Merchant.. Fin " natty - - - DOIPT A. CVNAIINGIIAM, Wholesale Grocer. Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Maniectorrs; 144 Libenr•st. . , I . . JytP. B ehacklett. Thos. @ Prime; SPULCILLETT k WHITE. Wholesale Vett left in Foreign end-Domestic Dry Goods, No P 9 Wood street, Pittsburgh— - . feblgi S f IP W. lIERBAUOII, Wool hlen:haols, deals s era in Floor, and Prodoce generally and Forwar .ng and CDIPOIthiIOI3 Merchants, No' ad Wood_ succi, Pittsburgh. ' Dna Q LW PALMER, Swami; ;Slaw..Office' 13 in Drced'a building, No 61 FoartliArect, betarea 'Wood ind Smithfield. " tiov3d&wiv De — k7.vbarnotimuousT Co,,Whole — aa .Groters Forwarding end C 0111111114.1011 Merchant+, alers in Pa viare, Manufactures and Wectrrn Pm , dace, kwre removed to thew new warehouse, (old eland/ No 35, corneeofFront at and Mariam Lime. nov7 • AIIUEL Li. ILllklli t Yonvarding and romanS sion Merchant, Dealer in Salt, Produce and Plus tiugh'manafaetared articles, Canal Darin, neat 711, u. C. N. IN JOKERS LIAM, Lear Seed g, Flow 177 Wers.rmiiTrireNand Agrieultaral loolententsi No ood Duret raubanth. •- - MASSEY . £ BEST—Wholesale Grocers J. Commission Merchants, and dealers In Produce... - Cio IS Wood saect..Yiststaalh• g spv THOS..KENNEDV, Jr., Looking Glass Idanntannt 1 ref', and Dealer in Cloo Ito, Combs, and Vonexy Oaado.oomor Woodond Rant& Jarmo. 119 P, Fornyth. riIP. F WILIITTEI &Go, Commiondon l'ilerekants, .delders San, Lumber, Groceries, Produce and Pirtaburch Btanufacures, Curial Dacha, LibenY wee+, ebld wwm 64l ;°& aViranmcnsoirk‘y m ;'f' hrs. Dealers in rrodnee Ins ' N l' 1 1'.- I' Gm' rittsbargla Manufactures 7 IS. ne. 4,lf4l.llreeq..lreet; vlO • *,wd Pine and Liq claw% No. 160 Libeny stmet, [oppeetite SLath mysei,) lea_ DLtID X CANDLIN =S'al= WIOIC t WOANIPLESS, (snCeesaors to I. h. .1 D Wiekj Wboleaale Grocers. Forwarding and Commission idershants., dealers in Iron, Nalls.ttlase, Corroh Yams and Pittsburgh' Itaratractures generally, comer af Wcad and Water au, Vauban:h. rochLS , UT R. NIIRPUT thanes the ladles to call and examlore Lie Stank or French Worked Collars, *owe as low MI $l5 cents. • ncbfl j; ORE*R• Wholimde Illtome,Formuding and I I • Commuma Merck.; and Dealer in Produce .and Phut:mitt 11Imulieture., corner of Water and Smithfield no.. PMthamb. P. tot vuurrisolus 4t, WOipP, Importers and VVI Wholende Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dlery, tee, matt Liberty and St. Clair streets, ins OP t DI /1 LWOB.T, Wboieea WILLIAMSV Vii Grocets;hodoce and Commi.xioq Merchant...l7 wood et. ept.l9 - 12*, -- liliTiOn — C,iiiiilfiliniiE, 'WI.. IngeashLsbnen 4 Pie l .`eH Liberty str, near the' canal. mans IXT At 11. EfITOTIELTREGM., tcholeatte Gna. Iri • ter*, Rectify Distiller., ink Wine and Liquor Merchants, No. WI Lah.erty anew., (cippotite ttistb may 11-dIL . It..ittr:VtlP°774t' 1 1171.11 ob" ot Chu anect, next door to Algoma. Mina. , 11.. °Amman, u.a.r 'n e t • DrY Nio "9 • ru. p.a W. Market urea, PlusblOgh.', • - • AA711.1411.111[11D/V1 . 1 . 1/0/1711, Ifnore bono V.V Lbotnet.) Ilrbolesalc tower. &moo- located at If. ILO Wood., rrbereUxi oferfaraale abater gown ruttof Grocenes sod riusbargb annoforutres, low • • and ea favorable mom •• • sna 1.3 IAT W. WILSONi !kale,. in Virstride•,/roselly, V• Silver Woos, Mdttary Goods, ke, No. Mar lin 'street ' . not 7 41:113PIIT, whaltnale and :cud deafer in rknnutin Dsl Gooch, wrath manor. a Foank Aug. •• . 40t -Y % IRWIN, Jr.. bnn cirrwrebankr the - *torero( 1-:dear 'nobs, earner of Penn - and hind anreers. laillaen. • constant napply of dm ban. medicines, perfatner7„ pmeespnons rarefnlly eocoannded.— Medtelnes can be kad at all holm of the nigla. • A hi Wg t ufw, n .d,, John F &maw ttric.l4oroaD & lb., Cotomis..on and For- T ..oranting Ihtchants, Fueond, oar Wood very , Mann* PA febl9 Atutracv et Law -,,,Vats4erek, ...ozoorioiiiier ha take vie 6 knorrledgreeet and pre.. of Devil, Levee. Comm.., DCpOllO.lO.ll, 01 to ceb, ermine looser lied of to be wed or recorded - O. :he hula of Uloo. Offire on Third alreesoitkikedeauaheld. WC. 'AVOIILIBFBALK/11, Attorney at Law : KAY Wed, near Staindtekl. Mltrend, nan nies and other batatu attended wan punetnallty. Raimondo— pl M peoe CroiMia t Esq., - R Aauna Paluesioelt ,, Co, John Herron, ku, Graf; Linduy t Co, ' / old .Wrintn, Eon, /taxa McCully, Esti, AN. William Latin:T. k 1144 • U=M3ll RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AND WIIOIC.PaLI DIALTIR In FOREIGN. k DOMESTIC WIRES k LIQUORS, No. 114 Liberty st, and 53 Diaritond alley, PirrsaugGil PA. ,La., ' & _CDrner (reliant :21=4;eevA:7 i 64"7 baell.afor Plttsbarigli, Pa. W Wm. M (tlsoceisof th . Loioir WILLIAMIII..O. RHINE, TTOORNEYS Atilt COUNSELLORS AT LAW. wee :loth ride of FoonhoLabovelSmilM.okL-00 A,M7dko•I7F Maur Blackburn.. • • • Game B. Jones BLACKBURN &CO , • .I)I7IIOLESALE OTOCtIII and Dealers in pa., Boni Tv wanes, and Pittabankhlanalictursd aruclet,have an 'bawl at all theca a fall and general anorunent of aoeda aM6 Wcit lint, Water west, ntar Cherry Ally, -N. REMMiNGTOId, land bleriferor, will inwid /A eft &reeving, laying cob and dividing leoda mai. klieg traentio. or Real agitate: /o. Dim macs at above Head, next door to the Office of las lenording itegolaior, Pittaborgb..gipttd lm •TORN 11.' 1011 1 171111 END: Manna and dpodre o/ 'ora7, / 4 1•4 3 Marketst, three doors alio.° Tinrd Pittabergh, will brre eon.tantly on band • Wei r elect- Mdloseritor the best and freshest Idedicide., rbicb be will xenon Ad mot re.lonable loran. Ybyceinnu sendlndorders will be inaptly` 'tended to, 'end sup: , plied entbdrytielea they may only open a. p.a.: - 117Thypeiaot.Fentlio." end be aceamely and - many prepared from ths 'tan 01111t1i ON, at any bent et aiarild stock of . (resit sad pod . Perri- - - - - • lif.-WILIIIO2II, • Wala Slakes tr. Jeweller,' Tale :earner 4th and Market sw. large and well . r ocleclard stack watches, Jewelry, Bilrref•aire and Cliencla.- 'Always en' hand and at regular ea. tens anew', Gold Patent Laver, fall Jewelltd watches, se low as lilt Bilrer do watches, Ira low as gl& • • Gamine Casper, rahlas,lehnaon and other appeared make of watches ;ray he hid . at a small advance and warranted.• 1327F1ne watck,arorh dente la the very belt wanner, spa/ • .11;11. SWEITZER • ATTORNEY.AT LAW; Mee 37d apperIto Vbarldis Hotel, PrITSIIIURO11) WfLL.. pal ette aattenol promptly to Colleetions,lir iN alb and Green Counties, I'. Rata to,. • " • . t • r Rim kiW etU&Co Church&csohes Pittsburgh. ; DD. DAVID LIMIT, Dunn.; having wale such arrangement* In his alai.... Calli thulium that he ean devote his *WO. Wan to th e thialro of his prole. ann. may ba seen In his offtekcarner of ith and Inca- - tar Wren , Letvaea M at ket and Ferry stal, at any hour I.lllll* the day. 11902 84.1 s till Gr. jyytdy ME= ATTORNEY and Conn.llot RI Liar, CINCINNATI, om). Collocuons In Couibern Ohm and In Indium Pod' IlientnekT, procnoly. and isarelalty attended in. Mlaslancr fin the Sweat Peansylvaansi fur iatang. Dapoatnoaa, - acknowledgement a,& t . Kau Iro—lion Win Hell k, 6011,C1111i15 Chareh k Canal" Wm Hay., En" Winona & Dam'. a2l • ^ e. ircuocz a co., - NO 71 CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS: , A CENTS for Armaat's Extensive Mum nogar 11. Radom. *Woman Mad, a large Ripen of Goal Powdered, Crobed, Clulded and Canard nogere,in Mertes and Barrels. Ale, Sager Home Molasses. Mem liberal and • fair allowance ande on all mkt HIEWEII.S. MALI:S3%ILN. AND HOP , DRALERS :;;PITTIBIJEW AND-POINT - BREVERIES.. , Darken Alloy and ?aim Et, and Cxx of rill r 1 Pittsburgh, Pa.,. I:& DOnbnight. • W. Boubfiqm, .1. 11. W. 1103111FLIGIIT., • SUINUFAC, _TBERS' OF 'STA PSRANTED equal, if not superior, w 11/1Y made a um Vaned Nateu, and which they will dispose low Pried uuld on toed rem., • , • Waver. Ps • 'llll4.l•Vii , Pon . Lll.. H.-P. & NIELSOPIP A. CO.. .M. H .. ANVFACTURERS of ummed' &nave 'Auld Spades, Iloct, is sod M.ure Falk% 11., ax. Wareboose. No 1.1 Wand uro . .t.Pitubarxh... i marll • •—• _nuU JOHN 11. CH/PISAN, • Osimes: Vierkkield street, oppesite Merchants Hotel. Itertrisoire,, Ittaitlepbers flours: • kilt cat of lohttioies excellent Pignut it. -......• ,_ eram4BOkiWiiiii - VriiicTothussioN _ .... it5ti.4 . 1 „.„., 43 ... 6 , 0wir .... aw"; linlialnira, Woo Store, master ir — at ... KO N O n trO lt a ° }l l lLti lig ITO 0 es, r ~-. Iw,at• ... ~.,..: - . ..:lo ns h r urrttA rki oil wild Pim-- -. - , . ' 177 4 : -:. - . • , -•. . • ••.. - ,,,,,.x,_ ~:.-ggy , 1 1 le - -7 ' '. - . , ::, ; f • ' :4,..,:, ... - L ;" * ,4;.44....; tt.1,4.':it , ;' , 0-:t :, ..:= 1 '?;;47 4 4 71.1,: . A,. ss°.F•' 2. 2 ... ~A, i ', ..... ~... ;?;24- 4:7, , ,,gi5-.1, 4 *,,-'7 , . 4. lit'''' .°`."-". '''' ' 1 474 ,- • ' '''-' - ''''' '`.‘,....''''''' ....,,,4,,,,,.**-: ,_ 4 .:*.;,'"' '?7,.... - .' , .. - .A.,;tYst,,, . - ".- .{ 4 'rZ"'" ,r• C f":;i 3 air i l .6j " ...--.= ' ;ll"' '''''''' ''''''.----''''' r4,'..1',',1=r..5,i1a.,,,--' FORWARDING & COMMISSION. Jon. P Mager. A.. N. • Walpng tord. ,WALLINGFOIID & CO!. . COMMMOION - . • FORIVARDING MERPIIANTS, .141.111. ti ! ITEAVIrIIARDWARE AN'D •PITT'SBDIACIIR RIANITACTIALCS; AVME•II3 - I.T.tib;e:ynetrete7,6iive'o"alLlVld n ' od . f ' o d r mle,ooo lb. awned Steel, air • • Naylor &Co's Past,Shoir, Blister and Germ. tool; Jones &blink A.m. Blow :Isms. and Fork Cados Shovels, Spade. and Fork. i•; CareiagoOpringa and Ailey; Snows hated) Vices, (natant and eommorn) Sledge, y. k a eMoluuldn/iNaeg.ba n ; Fornaeo Rogrs.dJCoala Ima gla. ,So , May a Pieta: Aa yihm, Sickles. bog Chain., ac.. &r.; rrdalamandes Fire Proof Safe.. IroorNad., Glass ,Surber Pinaborghdd.ufaetures mold al the lowest pricer. feblS kSM I MaWIq.MAM TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 66 loath Wiggly en. and No Uncouth Water at • • ~14111ADELSIIIA: BEc io Saone dip traria snit dealers generally of Pridshiugh. that they hay., made mach arrallgertielitn with the Virginia manufacturers and the Grower. of the Welty - West Indies, and ) other places as will ;wore a largecomma% suppl. of the following descnp , nes. of.l'ohanco which will be cold emotive. or • Waling resin. nanny other house in W u City of rise isnot., and all goods ordered Own rheas will he war. Catlett squat to rep resentatiOnt— Havana; St. Domingo; Conn.. I -Vora; Porto ' Senn'a., Seed Leaf Te Cuba; Ismail and Florida. burro; ALSO—I/ranch'. etlebrated Aromatic Stag Caren. dish, with es large rosonment of, other popular brands, and qualities ofounds, Na Es Id. /6s and Ur Lamm bags x an.l in. l'l p ng; Ladies! Toristi Virginia Toil. die, ' , Overt unit Male, in whole and half boxes, wood and tin, ma:ether with every variety or artiste belong- Inc to the t node: • Jclo-dly FORWARDING MERCHANT, .East. Beaver Pant and Bridgetcafer, I 09111r2r, PA, Proprielor and Agent of imam. • LAKE; ENID AND MICILICIAN, 'DULY 11Z11472.11 TITTIIIMIDIN AID SWAMI, W2tate.ylepitre4 Ork ...lint °Pen/P . 6 0 r Man . : Z . ui wartgcraZ tatentoo_o, Cross COL nod 0410 Crook for all Patotorti..ke and' upper Lakes,' willows rorward produce, te.by Penn's. latplosetnen ts. Apply to or address feb44.41( JAS tucrzy, Desert ' Le.tsrlcb. _ W. C. WiLon. J. G.. W. LEFTWICH & CO., VI:CI:WING, FORWARDING, flail Coenselssloss noviehinsts, .Plaqtleananc, PARTICULAR attention 'wad to consiinssiegu of A .agar Al ills, Etlfrilleir, or other uncles for Opelousas and Ans.kulas. • ••• • • . RI:1-tR . h.)-1.1mrs.Sharklild t Listalow, M. Tho mas Limee.c.k; New Orlea. a. EMS=I;IMI=G • - Hearn. Hall k Speer, Mr. Wra..o•Leary, Ruben Wight:cam !mamma& Nielholaom Plusbarga. • Hamm. Wass, Tan & Co.; Cincinnati. • Aleasta..Hynca k. Cmigoead. Hewes. Edarakts hitrall. Labanac, Jlon, John Danom Plaquemine. La. ecte-ly HATEarx & CO.ILLE. FLOUR, PRODUCE, AND uRNEIt.m. awns. SION AIERCOANT6, . . No. 10, SWOON lit hart, Nalllntort. OFEB thew sarrioes to Mere Junta and Fanner , Vile Woof Flew. Grath and Pa dace generally, in the LlMO:nom klarket.andfitim their extensive areaein. ranee mooed purchasers and shippers, eon safely war. mint ratiathetory tithe. Cortexpemdeat een.thadr Le kept nthrited of the ware or the Market, &e. Roma ko—M eon. 'Wm Wd•on &Pena lame Rey. told* & Son, Dm/I.lmA &Ortundere, Reynolds &Bond.. c,nstarry; Baltimore If 'llkley. Cr.dwell &Englisli; Philadelphia. Baltimore J ane Dear er &Jones; New York. Pt.lull thaarlholl 1:Z=M1t,110021 FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM. MISSION MERCHANTS. TIIIKRAL cash advances 'made on receipt of eon -LI wyrdnents. Those sbsppings to our address will be run Ihree-founbs mine in adv.. In Cud, by apply mg to our friends Messrs. Wallinefonllt Taylor, Pittsbargk. Messrs. TA.. Hell & Co, td,dgepon, Ohio. PAlleglelphus, May S, Is 4. • •mayrdf AL R. All paw:late imngigned to an In award when in the srATVit.ll. of Wallinytord tr. Taylor. Pittsburgh, or ot our store In phi failelphla. C. 11. & Co, NEW SADDLERY HARDWARE *TORE. FL: T. LEECH, JR. • 11 0. 133 WOOD ST.. PITT4IIOIII2II. Li APING reptentshed toy gulag nom the ben tuutert , - 1.1-tedb dernerne and Wein. take pi in an • nom nemg to eonadeern and deal.. that I am prepare. to furnish than woe all goods to my hoe on cult better wren than beretolbre. . - . Rope lb rocelleetthet dralinreselarively'in See diety Hisoferaire sad Corrine Trimmings, I obtein thereby adrantsees Met exotic me to defy mogreeloc. Cail,see.ind indite for yoenetireo NAKUWAHo.. LOCAL& I,I3I I IIIEDY, IMINHITERS OF AND 'WHOLESALE DEALERS 78 lIAILDWAILIC.,CUTLICRY, • 11.0. Wood Street. _ P T1C11131711011. ARE now in the eourso of receiving large airline.. to their emenuivesloe% of Hardware, eisnmy, Sad .lery, ie., which having been parebaged art din most advantageous terms in England, and direct from We Ilunafactureni in this cnentry, viable. item to. of. fur pods on terms surpassed by none and equalled by rsw Pe tehasers sm tinier 'fully In vit rd to r.ll - • ur7o/Cor. cocullAhi. C 051110:: & FORIVARCING M No: 26 Vono STRIMT, PITTSMOKOH, ONTINU ES to tel a general Comminion C ltainess.'especially in the purchase and ale of American Alanutannees and Produce. and In receiving and forwarding Geeda consigned to his care. At Asentler the Manufacturers. be will be constantly applied with the principal article. of Pittsburgh Manufacture M the lowest wholesale prices. Orden and consignments are respectfully ir 7 J. ID. ILIIMENI. C. W. /1111/1111101, Lam of rototoltab, Po_ I. of No Tenn. 'LEHMSR & ANDERSON DEALIIRD IN COT.IIIN, FORD ADDING AND CONIMISSIODI .11ERCIIANTr, No. tl Front Otto, afr*i Brom:ray, Cionnosati, Refer to Merchants, Fruetatl.is Pittabondi. spt ALT 11.1 & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OIND DEALERS IN PRODUCE GENERALLY, south ik erarif.st beldny Nuke; Baltimore. Beira ra—D Pprisg. Epp, Cashier. T Cam, , Landstreet Sona... k Daugherty, Slier tuff &C Ewes, Wk AVytuah,l3iirseatt is Pasoan.. EDWARD A. giidir.Ll3o, (SOSsisSOR TO GOODMAN & ASSTS.) Ass -ring, Fonearding. Commission lienhani. Ind ; _ Corte!.. Broker._ _ . . Noin-rt.; I door booth of Flamer.' Dank, Memphis Hasa ror.SI Allen & Co, HI ng, rem:took& CO. :1; F Conarq. L I Tojninnaon. 11,1 P. CONWAY & DORTSIIO UM, Ohio, Coinenisstan ancoFetsraiding X Merchants, and Produce Dealert—.lthiatiend tha !lactase, Pala and daimon! of Pig Inidt,Coal, &e. acme TO, Ato;o14 Joao+ kCo Drown, policy k Co, , Lorene. Ne!Nog & Co Mom Graff Oreff, Liaecy & CO D Leech & Co Lytm.Shorb k. CO! 'Clarke & Thaw mariOdlv damte Moue ISA Y. Pitallll.Y. !Late °kilo firm at Malcolm Leech & Co I Wholesale Grocer, Commlslets & Flea; KerthenSl DE/U.841bl all eines . of CourT Pm z hica,ap i - Itualr%h ri cei ? to t' s '. r a n ' d "" N hi n ta '' Le ed. M eet., ; 4 4 1 : , 0 1 1 ' ‘ th , Vt\ d y and Irw,a street., Pittsburgh, Pa.• • o(}l.it,crel ad veneer, ID Cad, or Goods, made Oa eon. of Produce, &e. toys AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALEXANDEIt LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI ST. LOUIS OFFER to sett st either establishment, all kinds of Merchandise at the , lowest rates of Commissiots and are.alwaysprepased to make advance.. The ben of refimenees given, if required. Leiters addressed to either Roma will be promptly attended to. ,iyakur Mtn 11.011IMIC • W. 11. C.11710*. . THOMPSON k CAMPHMLL• COMMISSION , MFRCHA ' NTS And idanufaotarsri of Linseed 011, • No. 20 Co/um/rid Street, • CINCINNATI; OHIO. oilant raw 101 ruisisii,,CO • • !!!! 151 Y WALLINOPOILD & cosimismoci & I , MOVARDINU • Second S near Wood. DEALElWll•lri:nbenth Manufacturee and Heavy Ilarnware—will keep constantly on hand a mock of carriage Noting , and aolco, bow., royal. end sick. ant proof' Area, hnv de, vices ,bluekamitttal bellows, oledgen. ko,ke. • mcbt) D. M. MATIIiWsI. w. T. PATCH. • MATHEWS & PATCH, CONBII3IIIOII . • No. 49 Watertr•st, ST. LOUIS, MO. Will girepsrnentar attention to the wiling of Pre. dote , and to orders for porrhionne. • Mimi to—George hi organ kW., Pittsburgh, Pa. !mat • • JobtliToßough. .1 M'Keobao Culbertson. ; .1011 X RFC ULLOVaII & co. 'Commiition and Forwarding . Ikrehads, • .2(08. 93 &'95 SOUTH:At Moray. ROWLINWS WiTA9F.Usdithanre. o• COSIII4I99IO9I',MERCHADITS, • • Non. 9 anita. I.light 1111ALTIEORIL ID - Cosh itdvonoos Inn bo meddn on eon@ ignsnent to t he nbovo oddreno by• • land ty • .. - CARRON /t. MARIO irr, Sloth ot -a, co.; FLOUR. FACTORN AND OItAIN AND FRODUCV. Conimltslon Dlareboodi. • 71 BOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA: A RE tuni pil,pued to receive and forootol all kinds tier Merebandito toon y lauding Olt ibis JanlataiNorth sad Welt Munch. ono Ti&trour - foßrf • IL LAU/KIN. UM 0 LEfl A LEG ROGER AN D GOMMISEION, V, MERCHANT, No 69 iWatet stleiL BT. LOUIS MO. Rckr to i Lion, Math t 4 Co, and Autboay Beek., Bx 4 . WNW* wm=arzim PITTSBURGH, THU'RS D A MISCELLANEOUS. STAMEN *.TvTiiiiiiiig*lL, . . . PITITIVIOS WelllTlnal VrAILIC.ILLFWM, , . NO 89 TINRU 8T , , InTi '. , -• ': • . ' A LA/108am/ splendid '''• ....g.e.....-ot. assortment of -FamiturO ; . •,1!-":....7..`4, , r soluble kit Sicionboatal - - :' , . -- 7 —, ... Hotels, and pnvaleDurell" -,..,-'' Una., constantly on babel and Osadeso'order. i r:...' This present stock on hand cannobbo elerlltd by any manufactoryn to the western coantrk. , Peron% '.+Whin;, to purchase would 4o well he eirie Janet.% as I run duloranned nly pricssaltallsileaus. . hut of i he stock consist% in— i SO Sofas with Plash god Flit ;doll% roysoi 9 dos Mahogany Nurse Chairs , 14 pate D isown , • ~ l I .., 19 don fine olahrigarty Chat LT mahogany Work Stands; l : , a . . . • 3 dos mahoganyfeekilig Cipher - IS oturblu top DirgqgklaugrbsiB pair • I ' 8 marble top Wpal ad Pumas; i .' f • • In cherry Work Staudt; Mldnllf 9 nki Maple, Cherry and Foplir Bedsteads or all derclipuons; nod a large assnntinint 'AI Common Furniture aud Maio: too nnoterook to toctithio. mann( i . , . . . . •NEW. lIARDWAIIK-fillUsE. JOREPII3I/00CiWELL, Corner of Wood and, Rd fie, Pittsburgh, AMINO withdrawn frnm the aid firm of Walker lb Woodwell,•on Ma Lt of -JaMiary . a tti7, I SW.. plmmre t announcing to my fnends in the city sad wittnnT, that I have opened my Sr.. mere at the above named place. Haying potchased my good. forret, and made 411■111VM2JIIS WWI 6111611(6.111r r• In OM country and in Europe lobe conimtly tarlibcd, I mu fully prepared to furnnh Hardware 'of all kinds, on as Igsal {EMI.. and so, Law ItS soy houy Faster West to klerchan and otters are retpectfu ly to invited cal and examine my mock, heron" pur h baeing elsewhere, The following comprises a part of my rattik, - " , Steamboat and Saddlerry llnrdwati„lim Files. Naylor's Steel, Cutle ry , Edgarl'oola. cYI - Locks' Latch.% Sickles, Scythia, fin t i Scream, Union FactorY 6 m." and venters,,and all other articles r anee wadi the Hardware business. • anthill , GAZZARLII PATRIST aipnarra.u. ...- B ~. PIOTWITH.TANDING •,""... :an federal. oppolation•to this inven3 le -.1.._.' i ..., tion ors Pittsburgh Mechanic, a ma. - •Jeritrof the Cahn, e enacts of thia 7 -73- 3 and Allegheny city, sod their newer, ou. cusunnershaveshown Mamma.* above the Vulgar pt ejudice against Reotrinentrienz, and they give Gulam's Bedstead the preference aimply because it devour; hom e the ban t ...Irish ski Rm. , evetrevind Bedstead in use. The tollowing testimonial speak. for itself:— We, the subecribers. practical cabinet male. of the chi. of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pes, do hereby net , dry that we have bought the right to enunsfactare bed stead. with Croat's Patent I- Wettings, and you • the same superior to key famentrun with which We are anguatu- Jam. Lemon ILVercw -' T 13 Vanua &Co Robert Fairrnan . I R Hartley James /I Barr John Liggett:lr. J.. Lowry & Bea Lowrie & able Riddle lc Brennen Thomas Farleyrests II Wallets David Luker Ramsey & ?Welchem& Heigh Wallace . Mows Helloes David Lukey For Rights to make and sell Pee above Bedstead. • apply to EBBNF2.ER F CiAZZAAIL, smell) Pamtilke ' 1 ) - 1AllSkPF . F.ikrs .itti BRICK . 1 t e subscriber. having obtained a patent s May 16. 1...16,b TR Pre. Brick Machine, and havens since then there stay testedits ability, net ems prepared to sell . rights and contract to deli.or machine. to anygart of the It mod States. The machine istdesigned to. make Brink from 'enede clay, and wilt beak. •20,c00 goad. moo. firm brick per du), sorEciently hand-to smelt up in the kilo; the. avoiding the expen. and labor of`re parin 1 the clay, drylng and handlitr the brick ter lm' ba noulded. It,. sample, strong, of 'athlete get Out oatod repair. and loco...zed tha t ,. can be WWII to piece. and put together with great ferdity,tins render ing it ;enable. We are now tnuldthe machine% and ean tornishthent on short notice. F. a fall dew option Otter wear old to . machine now in eurcesofel op t ra-. tient anti creek bottom. near the West end of Eighth *trim, where're shall be happy to explain everything connected with It to all who may cell. , ,Mtc have at ; present .authonsed Agent. All le:t hr ramcar address still be promptly attended to CULBERT:O, Mehl :LEN k. Co., uopIX/tf _ CritICINICATI. niiiiAii Witf. — stalcif.ir Tp XTENSI VEIN tested and appinked during the pun I.:s two yea., by.the principal Wall manefeetorieme ebel the wean. cannery , altd lante s ..- t the 11.11.:W . of Peonsylvank, wallet wetly for deli• ry on the rewhing of Pi. igatton. The material on tobi hthrtnetWabgriy and superiority depends.i.releetedl. e ape nen. d alll-' nem Women from alaryland.where the dlecovery.... Gust made—the (amble maner,witt, akar a I. imbed ded,..refally separated. They well be theriritabiY horned tad compactly reseed br machinery. and kw nom lineation given ter Messrs. Iterley & ca. W. pro primer. in all terpec is to snalstik their acknowledged •61.CINMIT. Orden by mail °rather..., will be promptly erre t ted.mi application to J till A W bIAeI.AREN, 5.0 . Reitsinmen Iwo Works 111 POVILTfI STIIIK.K.T DAKKK% N CONFECTION ARV AND FRUIT e'fltlit, tint open on Monday, Ann. nth, fate &loci Dan Wood in, and nett door to A Jayne'. Pekin Tel Pon, A optend4 snornoont et Paonz GOD., litafrettonnri Fait. ite, fresh on the calinter•lrery dayt strong attic • ate tber Maproonsi Pona C•tini LenKe Panty; tpongt , do; Poppef Nutt lellyantten • Almoad dn, MontgArs P. Calm; atm, Nuts; Went Jamb leo; epartir Bowan; Federal Cake, A. Ph; nognr do; Orders for lee Creams. Jelly, Made,' Cake, Fpner Coureminiaary, he, kr., <lmre , : Po a inumor pdre. malted le ...ay and beauty by any other ertabta. meal an this city. ' Free! Weed. Trim, Reek. to reannfae laud Wel) , from Winn Whew Plan, and free from Chirp., every sp7 . A Pil/RXWS SOITO3 FSODO OP MIEATINO 9153-110. O Drater,or Boman, lan imaged and plumed• plan fOrileMing bowel, I,as breD ine• maufully med an alum, Seer l'oes. c ,und aeher.uer applaud ha. fetr.ToJ dc,..1 Mi^t.ol, uttr Sarre, Fume., e its adenumum 'ln. lineal re.l.lyol Trny.r. rha. Vaud.t arum eunke. 3rd. No [motet...ow Drynrs4 , 4W. E.T.A, attosultql to, and not !table to cet nolo: ender SW. Greet Itobtltty. A Male! awl Streifteation any ha area. and the ap paratus &darned la the Popper sad Mtwara. bartin ul WM. II SCA IFI. First rtrrit. tordatt het. Wood and Market U.rdware CalerT, JOHN . WA LKICU. • I'MPORTER AND DEALER in VolVign and 1:1.1 , .." I tic Itatdtrare, untold reepectfolly Intoe. Lis frier:Am anti the public xi:wally, that be .1101./ re r vane bu tvprimrsupply of Hardware, at the old mu nit of Walker Weeetwell. No CM WC.I.ITeeI..•LICh he will diem.. Of on the MINI tealim.ble termt. Ile will be continua, reemvinte Dealt supplies direct fano the M.uuracturer. in lionme and this coantry. which will enable Mal to cutripele with any ettalibele meal, either FAD or West. Western /tracheate menhviteti to tall toil examine tile mock before ameba gi ng elsewhere mar:. 4;opar, narsulis. WE. the enderinened, have mecca into Coponner.. • a ship for the purpose of Donne:in; 3 Pr0d...., Conamieuon and Foca...admit haeincea, oodet the style of 0113/11, IIIeORMW & CO, and have taken the warebono, Not Commercial Row, Llbeny meet, formerly oceopied by Mr. W B Pamy— where all betels.w enuasted to oar charge will be promptly andlaithfelly attended to. 011131. formerly of Plillade/phi• 4 TIIOd MefIREW , PealthSeld; Ohio; FINDLEY B MeGREW," Pittsburgh, March 41,1647. mehY3 ' TIIOKAII 16.30NMACDY, JR, //IF the late firm of Gillespie & Kennedy, Looking Manufacturer and dealer m elocks.Combr, linfl Variety G 0 0 ,14, keeps coneuntly on band, of his men maransetare, ovary description of G; Mahogany :and Common looking Glanung 1,1.3.4, and thaws, ,Todeur, plain and omamental porn a:t frames. All kinds of Clocks, Trays, sod Waiters, in tells or dozens; CknobaThreads,..nd a general asaortment of Fancy Goods, wholesale, at a small advance on cost• Pedlars and others supplied wok Pticlph Mans, Cur rior's Prns, and 10 by 14 frames it New York prices. mr2oll No 60, ear 'wood and 4th ft, -- nomomplialaalia Mier, Stables ROIPC IL PATISRSON has opened the large cable Weri: an Finit at., twining through D4giar k g g ' to Second et , between Wood . and Smithfield street*, In the mar of the klonagithelo Douro, with an entire new rock of 110.0.11 and Caren ages of Me best quality and latest styl e / . Down kept at livery In the best manner. . .1 y3d ly — lll — ts - as - flair Ormond:ear 14.6.11. BLACKSON & FOUNTAIN. Tonsorial Professors, hate repainted and kiwi up their Slaving, Mir Deeming and Shampooning Salem Mae modern style, sent unprepared to wait on gentlemen Money, with ease, ounfurt and politeness They art rowed to wait am oil that may nail without &My .Theinkful fon pad Penn on solicit • continuance of the maw, at our Sawa, toner of Union stem t and the Diemensd, (lea of Almal. 4. Ds* Dry Goods Siore4 . a • DRUGS, DRUGS, • TOEL 1•10IILER, Drasgrat end Apothecary, N,W, mimav of Wood and Oth .u, Pittsborgh, will keel , cOnstandY on hand, Drugs, Paints, Oils, iDye-stu&. tee. N. D —PhyricierPs prrseriptions carefully compennd. ed from the brit materials, at any hour of the day or night. Also, on assortment of,Perfumery; fine Tooth; Hair, and Cloth Brush., fee. Ac , Which he will sell low for read. ' • Mil 1. EAGLE PITTS T D COTON W ORKS. URO MANIIPACTURE COCRIN YARN, Catadle.Wtek, Dotting, Terltie Coverlet YARN, CAKI . Y.O CHAIN, WARPS: Ay., An., KING, PENNOCK Co &tremors of Arbuokles k Army.) • Proprternor COMetINSIONICIL OP Digit — Os A T CINCINNATI—I ma authorized by the Governor Slof Pellll.l , lVlTill in Mu, uknorwlidgments of all In. atruments of willing, nifn gigAni"an d d To deimu of poreona in Ohio, to bc.used'or recorded in,Vennelylmo ma. One., s door% East of the ?delves Office, Cin• elnnati, Ohio. EDWARD P CRANCII mygOdiswly • F Attorney or Law RAGS WANTED. LDS COUNTRY MIXED RAGS' wanted, 100,000 ,for which the higheciprice In CASII will be paid. Always on hand, ram detcription of Weerg and Wrapping Paper andel:deride Lime. • REYNOLDS & SHER tricbl . Calmer Penn and Irwin sit .Pitisherrh ' „‘„L soles and ',yes amen, ke.., suitable „, lot „ pla ,, nlin! In Cressy' eau be furnished On applleadonits We store from Nurseries of las: Wardress, Illutebestre_ • , Srt NicusitsriAN • nteleialfi_____ Nis 132. ent smut and Ma of GL AND SILVER W.S.TellMl--Ifccettrod an addition to my large tort of Gold and :hirer .Plu g n , L e g er Watcher...ruble for Ladles and Gentlemen —of the latest and handsomest portal - a. god hr hart manufacture—warranted and for late at tretrlndr• W A ors join V WII.:4? F. U. UATOh, D Tonmea ivory luT /I ' Po g en a eo 'd ro V b:, ri Ar r Ol ' e Wonted., Dolton., Needle., Pin e;Tapet, Waldo. km. No 63 M n 81; between Diammtd and Ith creels Pinsbnenkt• MI CAO . BB and Fount.f ♦ariooa • G% eil,olllllol 10111...0 vanou . letgaret= " Nnl a Wtrlna=4?( 7l ath sure, -, of - - • 8 N -WICKP:RBHAU-, ICE. qag4a.t FIIEZZEREI-4tist rata : slige imam. - •;tellent ?ausat lee Cram ; tie*. MORNING, OCTOBER 21. 1847. LITERARY• • PITTSBURGH PRIME .INSTITUTE. T i1 4,41.1.2V,tr, , .gZ.1. a .t;,'`. d noinentaibranekesorn.finuilleil otheontion a re taisint nt is Anw open for th e reception of pupils at . „No. 52, /rowlas Row. Liberty Str . eet. between 3d and 4ili meet. This Soeond Session will . . . ementence an Monday the - JIM 'ol Aagnst. 'and it is important h e any. wbo may design ca wing should be present'. lathe precticable Ihtl _Tiady. have secured the *entices of.Pmfessor apo- BOCK as teacher, of Maio on the. Piano and Guitar, whets too welt known to need recommendation. A com petent French teaches will be employed. Putt BINGHAM wilt have chargeof the Deprtment of Vocal Neale- .. Prof.SUMINSKI , will haws direction of the Artistic Drponmept,.end will glue lemmas, to drawing, sketch in:, and painting, lath to oil and water colors. Prof. 9. is a competent teacher, and bee recommendation* frote the first men in Europe sad dm United States. Ile has also been a teacher in the lest institutions of the emintry. ' For terms apiltio Pnaeipal. • Olt( RBI.. LAMPS BOARDING SCHOOL. iNo. ICC Arch Swett, abort. Thincenda, Sava side, -. P4lLdelphl.l. . Till:piano:aired tp thillMOnnioo.embraeeiall the higher branches or cm light', lineation, with atrunion In the French, Italia and Latin Languages. The servitee of the meat eminent Prefacers are pus clemently secured, and every facility given pupa for Impairing the ilifferea Languages, together with other accornplisienena. - • ' The year le divided Cam two I.CMIII of bra Inondic each, commencing on the Ist Of September and ending on the WM of June.'• . ?teenage or ma *beanie Vesta tenmonths, is $250, payable half yucely in advance: without carat, except Male and Dancing• which are at PridessoPs prices. Those commencing any time within lit tarn. will be charged accordingly. If it it thought desirable by parents or guardians of pupil. from a distance, They can remain during the bummer caution, when all due annual will be paid. 211/SIZIECZ. Hugh Elliott, Fick, Dr R M Patterson, Drs McClellan, Hon. George W bland, Philadelphia-F U Morgan. M Leeds, lion Jas &Ire; m Thompson, St bads, Mo. That Kalman Esq, Florence, Ala-Waal Jack son EsehN Ca-Catch C Neoroll Eel Nashville, Toon- Ilon Matra K Call, Tallabasso, liorida-Dr Thomas Legsne,Charlesum-4 F Pa ll et Esq, N C-Iltastaae C Nesbit Em, tannish, Goo--Der Dr aloodgrauu, New alo4ta l'oollo LAMINA' SEDlltlitalr, • ALLEGHENY CITY. TES Incitation under the direction of Mr. N. W. METCALF, m mill open tor the reception arropils atthe Cacao. , Sandbaky and Strawberry ots: The Second Pemion will commence on Monday, Beet Thoeedreigning to eater will find it to Cacti interest ado et, as near the opening of the section as ponlblet 'Neagh pima. will be received at any one doting the lewou.. . . • The services of competent Tracheri will he secured for claw. ihee may with to receive instructions in Drawing, Painting and Mamie. .i •. For particulars relative to th e coarse of I n ems, terms, he.. consult cite ula r or eye' y to die Ina:rector. A I leitheny. July 13, lon. tf VALIIABLE BOOkileePtilished' by J A & U P James, Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth, Chacinuutis G ism?. Gibbon—The history of the decline and fill of the Boleros Empire. By Edison, Gibbon, E.g. A new Edition, revered and corrected through. out.preceded by a preface, and accompanied by notes critical and hhtorical, relating principally to the propagation of Chtistianity: by . M. F. Genet, Minister of Public Instruction for the kingdom of France. The preface, notes and tOTTOCIiOaI, trans lated from the French expressly for this edition. With a notice of the Lile and character of Gibbon, and Watson'. Reply to Gibbon: lint vole. Imp bro. 1073 page.. Repair's PLI111111:1111 War—Complete. I vol. imp. aro. WO pages. thillam . . Middle Agee, Chamber'. Rebellion in Scotland, Robertsoe'. Virginia and New England, Ramiro French and English War in America, and Ramsay'. American Revolution. I sot 4m. Library ol 'American Ilistory—Containing 'elec. lions from the best authors au American History, Biography, Travels, Commerce, Statistics, Indigos, Resoletionarj Battles, At c. ecc. &e. Aldo, Ance, dotes, Poetry and hliseslitheorm adlelet. illustra tad with more than 500 engrarinp. 1 col, imp Sr 640 Pages: , Universal Pictdrinl Library—Containtng valuabl paper...en • urine. subjects, comprisieg Nature Hisiory,h moral Sciences, Agricultnte,Rund Econ. only, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Travel., Geography, Botany, Mistellaneous reading, Sic. Ac. I sot imp too 640 pp, fell sheep. The Faintly Medical Library—A Treatise on the Preatetion and Cure of. Diseases, by regimen sod simple medicine.. Nervedition,revimfd and enlar ged with the addition at a Vegetable Mamie Minis ic a. rmirlt.lll4 OUI the virtues, prepanitthes sad doses of our mast tzlitable or.tive ruediest titmice, and an outline of Astitatuy and Physiology. Illustrated with one hindred Engmitige, ma of which, are colored. By J Norweed, M D.-864 pages Bro. American Flower Garden Cornitheiere—Adapted to the United buten; by - Edward Sayers,Landscape and Ornamental Ga' nieces. it me, third' edition, rithlsteEtelargad and Misstated.. Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Mountaiu,&e. Family Testament. notate, with and anthem Polyglot notes, sad Psalms In metre. alien and Pingme's Debate: Born's Work.. Lad .t the Lake. Latta Raokii. filore's Private Des • tion. Juvenile Books. Cheap edition. of venire wails in pamphlet forte- rochfS aa f landard Yorks. pNDEII ENCICCONEDIL—A D.ettoury et ncre,literatureandart.tomprineybeliWArtry,dely.pticia wall inking!. prawiresof nary Wrath of human kr...telly, - with the &Timbal:lard deakitaat of the le.m e is rese.ral use, ed,teJ R +r Illwnrsted by nu • werua.•filar...,gog. Morse. Nmth Amer.. Atha., euntruing kcatalully eol , wird may of North Awariew,Cww.da Eaat, Cuafa Wew, N. Amta, New Untroveitt, No, there Trzad,New Mex.. Vt,n,tx, True, (11iGrais: Mr..% Gehl Au.tnr., Punta,, trut 1..114, Walvis and MI the Slates and Teetho nes thoon Nett'. ruritato—Tt. history of A. PuriLlmo Roo the ref..rtaltwo to 15.7, the re.,1•1,0• of MS, mooring% ast 00110.1 of One protelplre, de, a<, by Mont Neal, M A, reei b, /Ants Chualrr, MD; ant, now poorosla out steel; hs The 0.. eF tlw Baty to relalm to Mr MM, by Grow Moore, M ;molter of the royal calm flt)wilos. de. Joyenil• Work. flnlth sad Worth at *hide maw the soon, • very m olar J.teelok work. Perils of the Sea, loio,affectiog oamtioao of sh.pmeke, Rowell'. Smarr—The Jjoreoile Speaker, mapritior ekroentst:y sok* owl csersiw Jerkontm, oath • mele. two of pwee• for midi, by Francis T istOrMor to elocution ot Priam. The ohm 0,. reerked and for male ley JOHNSTON a STOCKTON ' 111 Booksellers, roe market ad VrEDICAL /WOKS—. lkl. ponglinon's liuman Health: l'annes Invotates of Metheme; Borneo A MOM), Vett !intern MAIL.; Muller's tiled c.d. of Plit iolog y; / Eh:noon's Practice, Wathon's do; do; blerti a on Female.; Cooper on Hernial Riunthothanda rraelice or Pattunlion; Pinot on the dthennek; Candle on lharases of Ch.ldreo; Banner'. Idvdical Dienostacii. On . ..rm. Fever*: ttilr4 81.11.1DitptflInterf —new etiiiii>o. The above with. genteel asnontheatof Clandeal and Miscellanea. Books).t receiving and for sale Inw. mLltriT& ENBLIBII moan yr. heivreen 3rd and 4.h spl29 HAIIPEIVS PUBLICATIONS— Webster's Domestic Economy and lionsekeepine. Murdoch... Masten. iddell encitiConit lircek and Englich Lexicon . Di Draper's mond Philosophy. 'lock ley's Gronterry. Just moll and for nit by rptCo McDONALIi & 6F.FSO 1, SO market of Efietiritill — bbiliEN—litstory of the Greet Ile, eltitiOn s and of the warn and campaigns arising from the strogglos of the Greek Poirot& in }innerly. ring their country front the Turkish Yoke—irt two vol umes—splendid copy with numerous reaps and enfort• vtnge. Loners' illustrative of the reign of William 111, from tra to 1718—vvrth fine portrait., to C vols. Compaoton to the study of the holy Ceripturos. • Hang Illowbruy, thriling romance, with CO emu .l oar in thy Ifoly Lund, French age, nod Blotches: in Chino, Jura reed and for sale by • hIeDONALD &BEEBON ept22 Hl market greet lito — IVTW Pinos. TORN 11. MELLOR. al Wood rata now receiving 1112 excellem easonment of Boston and New York Puns, arrived' to-day and now' pen fir sale. Two splendid Rosewood Timms, NS octavos, • gI2SO One splendid carved Rosewood, six octave., 300 Ono aplembd mahogany rum. Ws and a half oc• lave, On; irhstd Piece FOOL., made at the factory . of .---' Henn Item Pens, and fully equal to the one - used by him at hi. Concerts, One mattogeny.cond hand Plamb made by Elio- ' dart, tYoreeeter & Ihnham, New York. 28 A funber.upply will be received daring thin week. 12/7r KLELIEIt hos just rdeerved the following . newt 'ff Posner, winch will be sold lower than can L. . height to the MO. • Ono. elegant renbovany,ll *curve. made to Nunn. &. New York, of Knot lower end liWeelneri Of lone—Oilronfely lbw priced. Oen elegant rosewood Plano, made by . glickering, Borten, and ...leered by Imo a. the bast in.trumint of the clans In hi. factory—price very moderate. Besid a number of other. of all priers and mtyle., forming di es, e Mel eilensive Kleiner, ever °bred here, No P3.3rd-el at . WrWer.lwvill'.. Sue I rrremrrrr. CT nii7ro • ii , • JOIIN IL MELLOR, No M. Woodsy has received. and offers (or ale— One splendid Rosewood Pianoforte,lra ill oaths, Iron Irma and new senle, mit latiaetir Cbletrring, or Roston. Ono, elegant . Rosearral Piano, Forte, with Galant, 'ond Iron flame. Made by Chickenng. One clerront. Mahogany Piano Pau—made by Gale & lb, New York. • ITS ribose will be sold at manufacturer's prices. Alta for sale as shore,. second band Plano Forte', with-Sixteens. SI il _ ----- -- -- 141111.011. T OF PfICSICIO—Just Published, by J A k U P James, eineinnen. TM:1111310W( OF tiESICO: bei Ciril Wain and Colonialand Revolutionary.danals, from We penal at the !+panish Conquest. than, to th e present time. tti47; including' ati account of the War willithe United Stele., HA CaLises end .tdilitary Achievement, '9Y Phttlp Voting, ALI)• With tan Copliciplate Maps, and seven ,linstavings or Plana of Uattle Oroands. be. One role wee octavo, of five hundred and sisiy•Riar pages. AP Or XXXTed: - /- 4 !r; -- WtelaiEstadiii Una. I.Y.L doe de brelieo, &tun loontanitado y deleida poi las • ati dela, del Cantle. de .dielra ilepoblieat 7 controdo For Ns mejores asioridadee. A free enrolee received; Waste by• • • - JOllNtrfOri t itTOCKTON, Dental:4M • TIF PRINCIPLES Of NAT URIE,im Dim. R : ...dmoArgtz ,, " . A..... 44 qua tian4l% , A.d.ro.ro.Ni.. :.t:inAii. ' . 1 ' 1 t...;.Y'A.p, , . ~ ,,,t wail • ;,.. ------!.. SttPtL," 4 :o: , T , 4'' ,r."-ila.i.*"7 i''', '-ALt64..i14 `-;! •-• - 1!%,506;it1ik.4. ,f. , h,, if..--03.',i4ei_.. 0: , i',A,a--;v,-'...,... 'MANUFACTORIES: U Q U E.B N. E . • SPRING, AXLE. & IRON WORKS con.Rxm Ali, MAILMAN, tr. Co, having . completed their New works, are now proparaLso manufac ture every detest/non of Coati and Eliptic springs Iron anles;tuerseen SFr% spring pkiugh Steel, and gist= of wall sq re !SA round Iron which 'they oder fatale on liberal ierme, at their Wars/ wow N 0.43 Wind street; where they, also kerp,pu hand a completed handsome assortment of Coach trim. mines. Ca rriage hardware, - Malleable ciustmge, Nails and Iron, ' A . C. M.A. On., have made arrangements' with Moisrs Day . is Cants, manufactoras of Sbovels,, Spades Fmk., he. and will keep - Mentarnly on' hand .very article made by them. Dealers art respisetfullp col cited to cs 11,os Pries. and term. will Ire Mad. [incest. tvsleVdTer . , , ' PITT MACHINE WORKS AND F.S3U/SDRIf,' Prerseoaan, PA. JOUR WRIGHT dla CO. RAE simpered to build Cotton nod Woollen , incbiw ery of every desenpnan, sorb as—Carding Ain chines. Spinning Frames. Speeders, Drawing Prunes, Railway Ikeda, Warpens Prawn, Lanus, Card Grinder., &c., Wrought lion Shelling turned all saes of Cast Iron, Palliest and Hangers, of the latest patterns, sink and hand Latbea, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short no. nee. Patterns made to order for Mill (Jeering, Iron railing, ie. Steam Pipe for heating Factortea, Cant Iron Whodove Sash, and fancy Castmg• Orderst ell at the Wareboase of J. Palmeri ertY street, willt•ve prompt attention. • Rau to Dlackstock. Bell & Co., I K Moorhead & CO., Warner, John Irwin & Sans; pinsburgh. G C & I II Warner; Steubenville._ lanlF JOHN OAIITWR,IOIIT, IMPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Surgical J. and Dental Instruments, Saddlers and Tilleere hand loom , Taylars' Patent Stinnett, &e. &e. Also rOADefoe. tures Trout., Supporters, 10., in great varietr. J. C. Mandamus, mpg Importer of Pen. Pocket and Table Cadet*: Razorspdel store, Piles, Saws ‘ Tools, &e.; . hasremoved to , 53 V. WD STREET, Pluabargb, second door be low Diamond Alley, And has lately rceetved at Afeeirtreerli Of Pala Poellrat , Wolves, Knives 4, Yorks, Also Rodgers' and Whomankalms , PINE CUTLICHT, • Eltions,Ralgers:Wadeteßoteher'samora,Semens , Razor Strops, kn.. Dements and Wire Twist 01/NS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Allen's Calla and. Illent's Revolvers, Powder Fluke Shot Delia. Game Bags, Walker's & Ones FANO Per. cnee, Bowie. Dirk and Deaden_ Knives. Toole. each all Callipers, Dividers, Flyers, Nippers, Nand Viers. Squares, Rules, Maces, Bats, Spoke Shaver, Stocks and Dies. Wire and Iron Onagu,ldath amanita. In smentents, Ike, in very groat warmly Oa- Jobbing and repairing neatlyctuall and puny done. • CO-PAILTNICILSIIIP 17W. STEPHENS of Wheelirg. G. F. Sas:seek, Lis ger of Juniata and J. A. Stockton or Patsbaryk, bass this day entered into co-partnership ender style and firm of Stephens, Shoenberger Yr. Co, at du Anchor Iron Works, Wheeling Va., for the purpose of nitinufsentring Iron and nails of eye ry description. • E. W. Screw., E. F Seto Rao., L A. Stocayok. ATRPBRBB, BBOBIBBRBRR &TO, ANCHOR IRO. WORKS, J., Wheeling . , Va. Memnfactore an kinds of biller. steem. bar lion an d nada A H steel Minna springer med allea- Reins con. netted wnh Shwnbe rgce's Old boo Mm. Works, we c. offer an arteele of Jana. (run (branded StmettbnfPnl equal to any made in the country. All af arluchweelbo stdd at the Pe llah urgh prices. Warehouse of the Works comment Noma. and Water street. oryll ALLEGHENYOUR NliTaN BROWN 'BLIND FACTORY J A. - . TAKES this mbthml to lots= his friend' and the i public at large that his FactorY **my n full operation, on the East tide of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a cold = I slant supply of Blinds, of various agora - • andquanues,areconstantlykepton hand , also at No. d Wood at, Pinsbumb,as J. k. U. Phillips' oil cloth wet croons. 'cameo Shutters made order in the best style. Blinds repaired at the ahortpat notice. N. B. dime Blinds will be hat up, without my addi • canal execute in that they eon be removed in • mo• meat m can of bee or ter washing, and without the aid of • ere. dr e oetedlyamlanAy A. !MET° , Bell nod Brass Fomith er. his rebuilt d commences! !mimes at sld o sta dn, w ere he will he pleased ' me his old ellMeetli and rieetot.. i AL. Mach. ElteatpLoat. and Dells °team' aiw, lona to to, lildgt) pound., cast from t,- f i r....., pentane orthe atom approved =dela,. and • ... ' *ermined to halo( Mu best materials. hlsnerat Water Pampa, Cdunters. Railing, &e. the. eigether.arith sorry variety Miloan taming*, dream, nit ed. mmed and finolied in the neateel manner irriA. F. is the sole p now of Bann* darn: Arrant , . Moray act natty elehnited Car the redum. tam of ftletion tn machinery. llie Boxes and itticatipoii anion ear he bad of aim ma i times 1001-11 W. W. WALLACE:, PITTSGV111:11 iffEAM aIA RULE WORKS, Nos. 241 and ttG Liberty mod; amt. OSA Coosa LwAFt+ on band and made to order, • large varle t]. to of Warble hlantels, Pier,Centre Tablets, god Bureau Tops, Torah blouumesms, a.C4 all robin,; being made of Me choiervir marble, and mentiMetated principally be machinery, will lie wild low for cult. N. N. Persons wobbly to purchase Mantels, am informed that it is henceforth uunecesrary for theta. to goEast, sa 1 eon furnish them with an article m all TesPeCl. all good, and (freiglitantarbnce, fcc, consider cudas cheap as they can purchase them for In the East. All aild.sce. jed• COPPER. SILENT 'DON, AND TIN No Market creel, Pm•burgh, Penns, Tin the cowl... Wan of their COOKING :TOTES, retpectfully Invite peptone building ;'lea n to call and earunine beGure, purchasing, as wo can supply them with Duct :chorea/ Forges, and every - other kind or Copper, Ti, and Sheet Iron work :rat rary in furnrat tad wiettne t. et alloy mace to order on the skoncii notice Eat Tube. and Ctountter; Copper work Inc Utcturt Engines and every vonety of work in our tistw fcbtl SIIERIFIP It SMIRK w n DIeCULLY a co., Manufacturers of Vl2ll, Bottles and IL Mau, No. Int tVooll.,:riteKr. ('UK (amens beteg now in full opentlion, we arc prepared to execute orders ill out line. remedy Daringthe law, rummer We have anoptcd• neerplan el datuntac tV indoor Glass. (ibe anew splitoved plan now used in the wok) by which we runt out rs superior awl. ele. Glass daltested on this plan is perfectly level and tote. with a very fine lustre Paint...addend:. gene erallv. are requested to call and examine for them selves. at, BENNETT & BROTHER, t./ FEENsW A RE MANUFACTURERS. Birmingham, Omar Pit ialbarghd Pm Kan:house, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. wWlLireonotanely keep on hand a gm/ moon• smut or are, of our ono manutaeture and auperiordualny. Wholesale aml country'Alet charm arc reurrectfully invited to call and an amine Mr thermehen a. mr. nre determined to cell cheaper than Macyer berme been offered to the pub, Er Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cub or rev rarrenee. will be pnanaraly attended tp. febZ Gnat Western Batt Binge Seurattory, LLIfL: A DNER. m ao., irenald' intents the trode that Its heyare nownufcturing the best Lien Hinge commode in the United Suites. As this is our princi ple business, we intend to Id oat as complete an ar ticle as can possibly be nead . Those cpmcdin the h. n yeeete trade, we think, find It to their interest to see our Hum All ardor, promptly attended to. mys A GARDNER it Co. corof Pth h mole ste .704121 SIIERIFF Co., Nos. 07 and 04 Fr .e, Buss Iroctouto.uld GA. FII :au; als.t.s of all sins coat . . from the tares tu:nova pat tab; and warrantedequal to any. Also, Brass Casung, < fuushed If ordered, Gas kit • tings put op promptly and on reasonable terms. - noTlOd“' Fir!73I3IIIU ATD 6r A E X E L L EIVITO FM B /pi D PILING ILL. 3.111 W. QOl.l. Joaras n qtriac, ANUFACITRERS•of Fpring and !Hater Steel , ~ Illosalt :web Steel Plough Wings, Coach an d Elliptic Spring. Hammered Pion Axles. and dealers in Mallealne Casttnee, Fun Engine •Lateps, and Coach Ttienminge generally corner of Ross and Front streets, Plusbargh.ra. pen LIPPINCOTT IRON NVOILIIN: TRON and Nails, Shovels, tor sueat our new I Warehouse, NO. 59 Water street, near Wand, run. Meg to Front. Also,' an mountanent at the old mud, Mehtaween Row, Llbeny .trees. Row, mid., great additions to the Ithlfing all orders tan be Allen promptly. GRAFF: LINDUY & BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORY. cemrnitra. & must, 7/77017.71 . 7.17 07 FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD BRADS, Iron and Copper Tarim, IRON AND COPPER kfIIOE NAILS, Pattern Makers' Points, of every description. Office N 0.2 St. Quiets Morel, Third street, tnt..l . . Pittsburgh. P. MOLVANT. • JILIIII3I II Lupus. FLINT OLAIW MULNANY Es LEMAN =turn/clam and keep eon, rattly on hand Cut, Moulded and Plant Flier Glassware, in all - ha varieties, at their NV archon.° ear ner of Market and .Water streets, Piusbursh. Our 11forks . eontinue in foil operation. and ware commun.!, adding loony Work. *lnch enables as tp orders with promptness. Purelolsers are rerpestfally . Solleited to cattalo!' &inane prises and terms. .rtrylOdly 1 41ollvar Ihrlets:* • : XPERIIENCED Jodies,l)l3 a trial of dee amfatialf .ramillion., since pronounce WS article ensue. passed for darability the 001.111101100 of all Mode of Prier, 1P37,73 cash for boat loads of 10 M, ansranteed memo:los 611 r: Orderean asecoadqaaily Bolivar Mick. will Lae execuledAtfl2o porM,if ea de. sired, aritliour ordankmea. A stoek of the 'first quality is new el•lng and for ale at the warebrose,"Bloan's Whuf;r Quail Basin, by 31311AWMACLAIEN pilaf - .:Yensing Inns Worts HalLUDWAßW—Jaut.wetind; Watte Naw.ferk aim Axes and Adsts.xxxwilbabi Warm' ii...utc.Viera,Wrlntle MAW% "nought Nailihesysni Jets ioolt,osill, ems aid a.t . ti,pit 'awe, feetftliWil by JOS WOODW . 1131 , AllitNEl —SI prime sll.llchitd kaki Zwe F.re IL rants reedle_r canal, for wale br • • spe23 - WILLIAMS & MINOR"' HOWITTS, A N DIME PEOPLES JOURNALS foe be Weibel' devoted re proerere. For sale be t WM 8 CALDWELL' - 4,127 • and 61: oppeeee the Pon ' . . (1111ALK-7iblliii White Cltilk;' • • 4CO3' ." Pp. W Whig, fine and tryoullor JOEL h1.1)111.F2t'. , ; 1 w' tor wood H 07,414 11 - ° ! Vikt 4 • ME,DICALI 1.161111110 BLOOD And Consumption, Pain in the Side gad tght Sweets, Asthma, Whoepieg Cough, Palpitation Of the Heart, . Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, and alldtheasea of the throat, longs and liver, eared by Shot- . • • tesn's All-Healing Balsam. Raising Blood nod Consumption. M 5 . MIL NE , Builder ! in •Brooklyn, mu slacked with raising . Wood, followed by a cough, pen in the aide, and all the usual, symposias of consumption. Be employed two of the lien phyalelans; tbs.) did Lou co good, arid told htht be COULD NOT LYVE. ' - Hearing of-the wonderful mares perfintned by Sher tuau'il. Balsam, be sent at 10 o'clock at night so Idra Hayes, the Folion-so, and got • bottle; it operated like a ehMen, stopped the bleeg'and cough! Before be had taken one bottle he waa able us he about his work: It bad RAVED lIIS LIFE. His dangler, reaidthg at. 197- Mrnie AVenue, can attest It, • , . • - Mission Mama, of Willistothorgh,living la Tenth near Borah Fourth-at. says—That she hod been tumbled with a hacking cough, nod polo in cheat, ht s a len time, which at last became so bud that she oat obliged to aim, op bee liehool for lam than a year. She then commenced taking the An-Healing Balsam; which soon alleviated her aympteme. She teams fast recovering, and boo resumed her. laborious occupation as • teacher, Mr. John.O'Neal, Nth overate inrid,2lsi st, suffered with a coriO, of phlegm and pain in his side., He mild get NO RELIk.F. till he tried the All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain drool his side, allayed the cough and broaght die disease epee sarface; end before he had taken three boitles;was entirely cared • ' Pkurity tuut Conaiimplion. bin. Bows, a lady upward. of NI, rending 83 Sher ff, has for Tears been subjec' to mucks of Plauisy, Raising of 31wd severe, Con g, , tlbortheas of. Breath, Pain In hoe Head and variousroots of her body. Her friends balloted bee PAST RECOVERY. The All. Healing Balsam relieved her at once of all her eland, leg symptoms. and *hobo ow able to amend uherwork. Asthma awl Whooping Cough. Mn. Lucretia WoliShAstican L 8 Beala 19 Delancervt, Wm H M Welnat.rt, know the the vain of . this great r y. ' • Ask for Sherman's All-Healing Balsam, and see that his guinea sip:Anna Is oe each bottle. Price 21 tents end St per bottle. Dr Bherman's Worse and Cough Lounges sold as abatis , - dp e 108 N mum, N. Y. Solds=sed Wail try W ham, et hi. !Weal MMedicineWarehom. Medicine Warehouse:id boob enelliot Store, No ER Law ty strut, head of Wood Mut, Pltbbegh. hue $1 per bet 13 , 17.4 Us. iiiirOMPsows colavoimo SIII4tOP OR , L TAR AND WOOD NAPIITLIA.—The Portland (Me) Aduniser says :—"Tlrm remedy hes beeninore ictemeliti than any medicine we have ever known for ts MUMMA mom in Consumption, Spitting Blood, pain in the b' ide and Brent. Bronchitis, Asthma, Obstinate Cooghs, Hoammiesm leers Ttocat,' Palpitauon of the Henry Whooping Cough, Clasp, Nenroas Try mon, tr., Individuals of tbs highest respectability in this city bear ample testimony to impelser and elleacy in this Clue of .diseases. Aiming the testimonials tette, ulnae f the above med icine, ate several front distieguished phyelmens of Phil. addable. Read the following from Dr. Young,• We 'element actin. _ Pminguraza, Jm.113. ISO. I as in m own fimi ni gNoVpson hi' ' ' & V ClTpoo=nt w p e o l f Tar and Wood Naphtha; I have no Imitation in-saying that it is tha best preparation of the kind in nas file perms suffering from Consamption, Omaha Colds, and all affections of the Throat, Brew, fie so prevalent in ens mason of the year. Ws. Yoetta, ma, WI tautest • We have area within a few deptbe person who gave the following cenificate. . Ne =alas well, being per. fectly cured of his diseme Pathanizenta Usury 3, Olt From a sense of gratitude, and doubt that die. afflic ted may have resource to a truly Invaluable medicine; I would state that the benefit I have experienced neat the we of Thompson's Compomd Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha I . ..several years have been elllic ted with a distressing racking comb, accompanied with great oppression and difficulty of bmatlifng t viil • sen sation of tightnesa at the chest, Ithconung greatly alarmed, atoned who had been muchbenelithed bythis medicine, receenmeeded to try If, I did so. end in a very short time wee. y alarming symptom diempeared; my expectoration became free, all oppression left me, ray cough ceased, and in & lbw days I was able to go our and attend to my business a well man. Any further cSammie will he cheerfully green the. allbcted, by alling at my residence, No.lo. S. Front JOS; bIehIANADIV. This invaluable medicine in prepami only by ANS NET & DICKSON, at NE comer of Fifth and Spruce ma, Philadelphia- Sold la Pittsburgh by I. WILLVX, Jr. Price 60 teenier St per bottle. CAUTIONLIcerare of the many counterfeits that are now about. The ansempalous are ever ready to deceive the unwary. Arsenio [LIL MOST ASTOUNDIAMS Eltlf —A Bleseing! A Miracle!! A Wonder!! —To cure Erup tions sad . Disfigurements of the Skin, Pimples. Frock tes, Sanborn, Salt Rheims, Scurvy, Sore Mad% de.ite. Four years sip last August, theemphalCif France was astonished in consequence of a diseosciy made by an Italian Chemist. Many doubted—. It seemed almost impossibility that. anything: made by the hands of could hare such singular powers as that claimed by Antonia Vesprini for his Invention. Many classed him and his inreniion ar a humbug. land. Cal! canny Wish persons without trytiig do the rams tionq at length. altar testing tin the hospitnia the Medical ste <Mts. of Plalielthe baq chemists in the omit/Nell, cred the following report to Signor Voslmtki: , We hare now minutely and easefully examined the *regales invention of Vesprini. We have snatysed component parts—we hew used it in mistral cubs, and we hesitate not to pomounee it [the Italian Chemical Samples a rest blessing, and* Maly wonderfal tome.' dye tor any event:ens emotion or dafigorement of the skirt. Its wrestler we outsider the MO pitilopixt of suffering mankind. (Signed)' • t I'OLTS DUPREY - Presidents! • nom the inventor himself to /to. present Proprietor. • PALL Noe. 4, leo In coneideration of the coot of imp % I have divol s ed to Mr. T. Jones, residing Inthe, city of New York, N. A.,' the .whole process of awnisfactoring, iogeWer with statement of the ingredieuns GS:Twang sty hal. the Chemical Soap. He is to nwsufneture n for sale in' United SIALee only, and w have the pnvilege of na. wog it"Jones' Behan Chem* Soap.. ' Witness: 'leery J. HaldswoOli. IStsnedr ANTONIA Yr-AP/GNI Qq-sold by W JACKSON, at ids Patent Medicine Wareboulle, ItA Liberty street, head of Wood, at the stpu of the Big Boot. •' rhe only place in Pdtsburgh where the GENUINE ran ho promoted.' All others are Counterfeit. ' ." AGREAT CURE, perf.msd 41. origial and rely cr. gra.. Lirer rill, preirrn4 sird .old by RE Bloaan' Pacroar, Wet/goreland Co.; Pa,, July 11kb, 1617. M. R. S. Selifirs:—l. rm. of duly throe./ theafilieted insfornme to add my_lamoble intlemety is favor of your justly nkhrated Liver Italia. I have detetred doing so Er years, adhering to Davy Erorliidt'a maim. 'b. more you ag limn go .head.". _Nog ail. many preperatioas of =mph.. and toyearks, lauded to the thie=han nab into oblivion she. ILiver Pigs ban bete offered to the paha= sod,,iodred, I Wino they will ineervlre them all," g they are jug what you versant them to I ban ban aimed with Lirer Complaint fwea my . youth; have staring moth; theployad many .'mat phptemeu, to whom I paid moth moon; ban log moth Wad; been vomited sad phydoked almost= death; ..basted sor 6 Lams, and Anallyoren up la tonmable. to 1516-7 1 nu induced int try pintaeer Pah, and SOON GOT WELL. Ouches of which h 1110111' sufficient team stela. of pa= is the side. =Call the other op:spina& in at hag 12 math. Your Pill. singo the beg enthartic I env use= Wag maele ripthew giving multh +kis.. at lb. .tam: ea, bet give ma moth relief :I bin kept them is my Care for 6 or 7 yam sold hundreds of turns, and bare • arm heard a sing • eamplaiat attend by any oat who has used them. They have vapetteded almog teeny other pill in this neighborhood, and in a abort Rom mill Imaish thine all. I iarnestly:ncommen Co m p lain to all perm= needing physit, ei der them Sr.operrorto Wand& the Mae Pill. Resperh r ”urs, • J L Moen. . CAUTION—As there an glen Pills belay gee peg= unity LiraPlilb pima. who want the OENUINEthouId a* the and tek. no ghee than thaw prepared sod sold by R E SELLERS, No 57 Woed.st between Thied and. Fourth siren= Bold by Dr. Caul, riflh. Mai, LI Corn, Allegirtry city. • We have been inforined by.kles. Rote of a mire per. trtmed °abet. by Dr. Jayne's Alterative, wWch prat...lts superiority over every other rernedy•of 'the kind. She has been afflicted for the lasi artsem years with if ECROSfs or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended with eleentions and entbliation of various bones.du, ring which dine many picces have been &gauged (tom the treat! hone of the envenom. farm both herrn-me, weal. and sands, and from both legs, tend from the left Tea oral bone, and ham the right bore. besides patella ulcers on other parts of her person, which have htlited the skill ova number of the motteoduent physiciano of our Mt.—Junes MOM of the time her stratum!, have been exert:moms end deplorable. About *me toonMe sines she eras indaced to try Dr./ape's Attend., which has hod an ustoaishingly happy edict toot her, by removing MI pain arm.strellings, and ceasing the ulcers to herd, arbtle at the tette tiros heraeneral health hos berme completely restored, so that she now weighs ILS lbs more than Medal before she commented Me rase of this truly valuable prepanon.—(Set Eve. Post. For further infonnahon, inquire of Mrs. Rose, N 0.198 Filbert st, Philadelphia. Poe tale in •Filltberllh, tl th< PERIN TEA STORE, 7S Fourth sL near Wood. , • JO- 'esi,whose tee re • alt ye , Yen, whose stints dark and sallow • • - Youorrhose hair le harsh and . ' Resty,thny red or llery—; ;•' • ' York whose vile ogenAve breath .. Unpleasantis eeputriddeath— You could haveboy, marl or girl— • Teeth es white mt snow ot pearl, • - Breath a spicy sweet, and cuticle . pore and er lute and smooth and healthful, ' And berserk sake, darken Mee; By reading what is said below- : • • READEIBLany af you, can laveithe above by (mind this 10 nothing but Mirth) using a as Wale ofJortees Co ral Hair itaterative—ii L bog of Jose.% Amber Torah Paste-rand - 4a :enkmof the atrium Jones's lunge Chemical Perm... The articles MIL bat Mlle, and, Ton ere assured that the following are their real gestates: •Thelooth .pure gives the breads a sweet odor, whim teeth.and preserves the teeth, te, -.The .beir meg all know to be the most exquisite thing ever made for &te eing beautifying, Ind cawing the growth or hairy and the map, (get the genante Jones's Bap, mind) will fell all eraptions,, freebies, .he r .ited. make dark yell°, white, clear and fair. All these tillage are *old (only at W SAMSON'S •Doot and shoe Stine sad Pater Medieme Wareham+, MI Liberty et, • r ••'•- toy, Owes. , !Wra Pala IhnaniowieW N or 7.04 rillHEßEltrehirdbaossinore , common or Wee. bithoninthaul the ibles,"and notwithtund• iniereth adleria 4ara Mama suede en Climb; the nen of - pills, elethaafica, limmentsi &c.' all were futile aid ii little boatel: Now the Embrocation la the oely . medione med. 4 permit who bee been sofa* Jag with the Pilitof the worst kind Mims from Sa lem; NeWJetinanalmmt. on perpme to apnea hie palinode for the feted, darn that this medicine bad effected in Me Post. Cr Far aide is Pittabereb al the POSEN TEA STORE; IT Fourth at, and Menai the Ding Stem 11 , P.Schonetcrinicifala1- /028 HRle TOrditt,leit.r,rtng artlel• trid,vii weimitad•gly mamma t %WON' prek. .-4h* nnpries. is, sm. foram vaerntiat of uti Irma Maws: of mamma isuanen where lair bas bee. rammed th Mom which Wee tea Midair imam aid we think mama& =dam to eatimairad to an mr enders - mho 4/4.7IVOIPAArad 11i1 Taslijatadiabirt, ehmila W tl j i'mkkaTie Slow."Nall" Tem& Memiiimia "wed - VOX *q9/10114-10the Ohm 400 7172104U - NOOev l .Vilidt . tk eowp k WM.O. 'L. :64.. INgURANCi! same as-nrrusas son an Jon is P2l3lllWr, - • i••• . * '• CIELAWAKE 'MUTUAL. lestestyisunsessteeConitgautky ;RE,RISIKS upon buildings sad teeichsadize I'oteseiy.diveriptlon, red MAMAS RISKS upon•lnillsoreargoes or Teasels; takei. epos the suostlasorable IMMO. : ~ ..111" Office iu the Warehouse of a Hma • &• Bro.;31o. 37 Water, near Martial wont, Lim • Ts. sump, awaits!. l' the Agency N this cur ma thersolommo and jibe. Ira which every chow them fee loss Las tieso earned, ' folly watratthe arm= lA iting the amides= sad pureeige of his Ists and the cinustattitY 5 0 bur to•the Delawan ta. moo Company, while tt has ths - addltioellaitrastagsa as. se institution =soul tee _awe id ie hanng as ample pidd bseapital, sr • by theoperationotimehartertseocuitaidlyilereasiug as yielding to sere pore= =aimed his dui share of the profits of the company' mahout =volutes bias In ley responsibility whatever; 'and 'therefore so postiesing.the Mutual principle ffivestediof emery obnoxious feature , au 1 lu its most attractive fors. IPIAE . AND. A, 41-/IFABINCFNEtritANCE, • Ti t li k ro ' n l =i t = o fg r ati o t r , i ;t h he Am in e b r s i c e n s ! ber,!offere to snake pentane& end - limited Isar. - uncoil property,: . in this city and its ticinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Ringt. o • - DIRECTORS. - t. • • John C. Smith PrePt.; 4. Surlier Brooks, Ales. Henry, • • ',Chutes Taylor • . Sam!. W. Jones, ' Saird:F: Smith; t• Edward Smith; • I•Ambroen White, - • John A. Brown, Jacob Ai. Thomu, • • 1 • John while, Jobi It. Nell, Thos. P. Cope, j Richard Wood; Wm. Welsh, 1 Anion 0, Boffin, Soc. This is the olden Ihrounice Company in Use I Dieted States, haring hesnchartiged to 1791. Its charter ur perpenal, and Beta id I'46,oW:dive. :- long ergo/lane* ample, minas, ,and evening all risk. of an. extra ' hazardon „nameter; it mu be eendisrod Oaring Ample imenrityn the public; • • bIRigES TIVOOD • ••At.Counting Room of Arwood, Jonei & „ Co., • Water and. Front sine% Pittsburgh.. j • . , • INDEMIOTY - ' Avast Lam by Fire—The FRANKLIN/ire Inn. lance Company or Philadelphia, vplyiLL make Itimuznee;punseeent and limited, T T on every deseriptinscrptoputyinPlTTS• BURG! and the SURROUNDING COUNTRY, ea Nye:able terms. This eomparit has a perpetual CAPITA!, 11406,000 paid le. CONTINGENT FUND zffioopeo office center of Third and Marta ids,, , Pitlab'gb. ap D3—tt WARRICK MAATIN, Agent. • . IN URANCE.. •,..1• American 7? Instaxameo Coaatiatay Cuanza P s _ a _O7 PAILADELPHIA; ' • - • rr= . I Carnal. 5= 1 , 00 0.1.13 , IX Office bi Pitiladdpr, No: 72: VP aintsk - Spyri, , , , WM. DAVIDSON; Pmt 7 .7.... e. rfllllB old and wen ' tab lilted Co . naptirit; coital:toes Ho .I. insure Boildi Moreltandiso,Formatta and prop, erinot of at extra h OA/MC!, Zeir !poor` ppleauonsj3r townie. in. Pinshotakt - and to neaghbotimod, wit be roomed, ,trnd risks talon rubor perpetually or 7lionted periods, on formable terms by • .- ' GEO. an:HAAN, Agent. 1. ,Ne 111. Wend at. nounAr.L.l, WATER CORWESTAIIe LI -- EXTNCIRTRAMITOS 01:18; encrusts= nu nailitons. smart WrirmiasidPimprietor. • De. &mem E. Dmormess, Ileideet Phydetha. ' rTIHIS delightful eetablishnum is Atoka shoal half ..J. ± west of the theatifel village of Northatommi. at ea elm tim of about 20 bet slant the Comement Ilieeri with* orethsults. The graced. ensrounding the stalehmest. comprise sboet forty me, hir& ma entirely eminiEenim,s the mend Omura of the Ninon. amadstabeataillil reunuo puuitinfueluthtuanumweintrel=bar; ft=l r kd er utlka. b""1-61"4 _. The nppaaeeww ltdemanmlbobm7dfog•,df (661..bbe.- . . cant Ns muted opaithaustern hem ot the 64.1 over_ look one of tie mat cod:outing hinthemes as the meld • Imendiately n Amy Le the rillese Northeorporionth its unctuous and Madam de Mom, amidst the duos Mina of tufty and oredwaging yen Polliwog to the um are theyia trandomofNc-ethluttplea sod - Had ley dressed lathe velvet encl.! of Scrip. varayeed oaaannula Samson and Amorm. deny, for sie nunhood oudb e ie seen the mouth sad noire o the Cmountint. - slowly sundae As way to suer.' Os thew:Wi e n woom ue pimp. is the Wiles. of Hethehl with. lit, mh . 04 beeMfot &emelt thelloarithing Miley/ of BM. my, and elm of Anthem with its Coneats'y whale no the dle th the aid of a atuainayte an Rotuma wed smat. lydiverafted garage of country. G. gent gi lathe dummy is !Meat Helot& ia its drew or tor'rem , tad • little /aped. is ewe the pfewset rage of noetlitsdien int t h e south, we behede soene,4l mites diatom_ , the neyeAle Alma Tom, wet the ellumeinf village of Rani Ilionmoni, with its element Mewl telltherm.- the wbok, presenrog a coMthstion of went amen ein sapared; primp. unequaled, by my Ohm , is the world- . It weerwismaniktry a puteiwo, who haslet/leder thirty • int," of kis nit k emus parts of ruope, that he new Wield emu Ai pecitetlytheuttiad audeucliaador •- • The ametwoadations at Hand Hill we way earl mad me. ,th. 7.6 are amply witheient Ber upwards of am Madre& It is providei with au thoodsnee of the - mums min wa ter and any other isueiate Sir the fnll..d maa applies _ ton of Me please sad wooderfoUy sommefel usethem of Dr. Penniman who re-Adult the estibtah iie geode- . cr nEeiped caperieutc, tres'e.thested E m u ropa . .n.. he mum ed the edmatmee of weeral 10001 practice ft the I, celebrated bonitals of Hilenburg aud thiblio.md hes thee I a wicestsfo/ Premien.. in tha. vanity Ca. wren! yeah • Patiendua ts my Amnon moment. Ara:Ann I. bithell end . " disere Ample fgnoion is mode the stwodauce. Amorg Woe min ! played ere emend well &esteemed Getman nurse. Term of Bearding. Mending medical advice . 410. Pe timas will ha sumlitei Mth every article far poiththy, e.. at ' dolma of th e merle. I Northasertm. Alms., August dth. . • unthel. • • RUST PRIMP IRON FOR HOOFING,,WISDOW SHUTTERS, gni R fibers beg to call the menthes Moll them • 1. interested In roofing, to their OALVANIZED TIN PLATEK and Co the many, rolvemages which they peewee met • all metelle Rod other substances hitherto aced for this pareoacmosoeuing satheydo, the strength; and lightness of non without no liahtlity to rug, haulm mw been lewd neural ... ran, both in that country and . m Europe. They are so kna *abject to ummaini and contraction from sodden donna-sot the atmosphere than common TM Plate Iron. Zinc, to ,or any other'. no mete! w used M roofing, and consemently lona much beuegaad tighter roof. rem:Mugger tea frequent• - repair, whilst the first cost is but a math more. The subscribers would elm call the euctition of al • dealers andyworkera I o metaht; to the many other put times to which. Iron the protected,-cue be applied.— In general tams It is aprableM Manic!. of Iran velueb .1 desirable p °tent Goa the seam of the • ancompitem. AM they old mpeezelly eall the at tention of them interested in TELEGRAPHIC LlNEht. to their Galemixed•Wire,Mneh theater almost entire ly used to Europe, and winch mergers livery purpose as a conduettir of eleettietty. complf only Moat ono her no much es copper, and possessing equal dumb - 4i. erected lately erecd works In Ms city for the pur pose of galthroxleg neßs; spikes, bake, wore , ft.e., they will be able to furine m article which War be desi red. A supply of P h late. y lmanufseltfred In Europea matronly on head,from idlo@d WilagMtga. CEO. B. 2doß.Eth OOD &Ca Noe. 14 and'. Beaver et NEW TORE-. ' The Nunn Riga for this artie ' le has been seemed • for the Baited Slaws es well as Great Britain, and other. Eampoun countries, and all legal mean,. bet.. hen to prevent any Infringement by Imponithe oroih• Wholesito Ditty Watronsivise: , • IN THE CITY . lOW NEW YORIA. • =A. VAHNESTOCE in. Co., co . 49, Jobn.st. .• B. Now. York; offerlur.aate a large and" genera.' usortmefit of Drop and..Bledicines, Dye Stuff. ?Wats and Oils of every - deseription, width they "are prepared and dotal:used to sell - low.' -' Country Idercbants-and Druggists uo:requested 'to call and eirmino theleartieles. Orders executed with faittdaluew and &viten. B:A.fahnestoek's Veradingo constantly on band. " : ' • • . B. L..' Faboestock, Plttabuigh." .• „, A. 11.'.1-toll,'Neir .r 5 . • . PA EJIWAREHOUSE , SRN 0,111111 ISE BLIP. NEW EURIE• ITRUS W. FIELD aerator We. as de' lowest s Earaufeetarers , prices, e,, very . eatensiva.assort• 1.; mentor PAPER, comprising - every posarbie, varier!., I adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections ore* memory, Paper of ail kinds made 2g order at short • '1 ttemdegof PRINTING PAPER is unnsaaßy large • parlor which is of.very toperior PAPER RAKERS MATERIALS of every deseription, imported; and lope eon/tangy on - hen-, vim Felony. Wire CO, ninth:der =Wires, Bleaching Powder; Rim Uluamariati, Censer's, Bale Rope, Gores Rope, Pallieit_ 4 4‘,/he n parrhased, kr which the highesrprlce aub Paid . . . . Hardware Stara ..Datotes W inTMW M corner p . gekklote , -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers