EWE I .).:' .___. . . . . .._,. . ~ . Ay Aware* istestes ea teneteemieteti;- -. . neeslici'hin ' iliat ' iii ' the put, - and ht.' :a entsto . , eilliOnt-.l,49teh'epaSesplece ikectileid)is 1',44 - -4 . - -4-iiiyan aail.liuneeeer- forget, fer4n. - :nee 'tire rent tiara eniaansr . Tee/ remelt& .-.. ' : teinif ,-. ...-E .. ziiiroat*w "-u r .4.: _•:.' .- i gi` 4 ii;iii.oiii. ii:iimiti.i. um ity of . Pratiy ' V -. `; ` :.'-i...;' , .. - P __eterihe;io eincirttes trenrettitekstbe ....-1: ...:%., . erehdpg at sad iTti iihele#liitisid Went the ~. ~: . - -,- ithi.leiet lii;'oini etle itinnan. WeAere ta ii,_ r , .: bilikil l fiteSititi+t ilifpiliiJ thciiiis [lsom ac. 040'4 . ,,siwai : i«.iiii.si, kiaiii....• el the ii:l.. -.. dienineit'peliheiso - eien: • ~ - ' , ..• e a lldidere Deieserei," Inn UT, Oft at Intl 1 / 1 " . • *Viso; it the ires o[lB;9cited the ow e(1144 sod VB, or iti sawn iicinte",,thei Will .e• askatit: I ?On oiseeicl e intimacies Mr lath the reittet _, .i„" punt Mimi ea mad, and Itaiinii HP a amts. ! li:..I i :.. *tin deteMe.of isms: ',Pion , acii ;of ihe minent ' linemiels' am her. This ii. ae Gamey Red cos , . .. shilinoSl _the :doceinaat., petty, which ;Ints'fi, j . • ' *Sed ' atiiitie ' titinikee big hi the - W4ii ricikSd . ' . tinicennitistaml4 fectimheax," end theeentiiiiii to di* hoSiena the sest .tiline, if& Stet !dap of iiesitii..iand is hi. snit ' s. • .e./a 1.1 is co ‘...' ~ . . liyaliii# titre or: lbei.old bli;htsbt iiitniad 04111 01 4 k4 P -ri l P7 fP I fini;E*Yid- and r;l 4 ' ll6 * 0 ,46, thi n 4 ibst lir the , West,. niiiiiiiiilusn threat - .14:41" neon it .iitilitc. it* 031 i i . oi)ir;, -; , .. -,. - - .-•.-.. ..i4lo. midi . Ilieloti 3 Oita tbaDemoattie 1- eiiiiteffectist . ittelAeruteitniesisole . nidatchtiv Mei to biota geMilitil '- . th i Pfte#4o . Sicii Unnuidipizitibe.Atti wet 2 11 1 4 A.licee..etid'ese , ;.cid:Pidaidiec... • cethe s '_, ,/riiineilati sjae, is bar it tit,. 1.,..vie0bv.p., graffoo26mor,dd ';lo4s3ol4lawenai aiier, kat allailialllici 4a1 ,. ---4 a ,4 *-* "t'll'ile• ' - ' - ' ' 1 J6 . wlnte 4* IfilesiDgh . Mona. but 4 1 elpen . betre,*ese .one. tacphcins chesi;•lask; Chants tared laineell, rupir ilia ha:ri!ipi.o .tiply iniiisi:lieielenm, =4,liiiiiiehr Sins teak - W. au:Acid ..- . lsas el` .. -, cilssielt."" ited - lehe,.we,Slizsof tena ~ . • aislecisidiii:l4aira wirai 41 . akrfew ED& ititiLien ti,,,ar.-iitiktiger, ti l .•,ano., • ,spipoi.titenpou.iiiki - ap cue of thu old ilessi 1 .I:ch 1 . - mt esceitete ~-, - Es ainestnet picteades :01l 11 idisetiitto . ip*ogiOithinswit::,. 85Dao8,Jct. paws laden to-the Cilia of aft .rag!r!,4lnothir it Ai crta, -- eit : - anal i ticn idiom** tai ; vir - oi,Ast;; • za. laid, He Aiiii bac shwa apiee*loni forams Niir_titiiiirOi!'po inctiter, to &end, td, . .; , 31idetertaitieciit,rMe patiem7 of spa., la ti: ..-_.:-. nil* iiiiiiii alien= et the Ole lad :mewed - illay.alialiiiii,SinoUs in the Seinen den!, bs --:, 1411"emumwWaist fu New I . leigiiii; his We .Veins: lii . gea, -Ara McLain, an all :liiii • PediaMi*:nnt all eld,4anbmt and henceasi.. rAin dtonietd it and. '-. '' . . 11hact . 1114,tncr;Se' fell .af than, sea they all : 10101611 , 1P:6146r1 q11;41144 SW* Wm „biiiiimii In cieleir.: . Time ;elk. Bin st.,* Int pet 4 bir_alap ID If.iiiii I . lolatit Dellilley ' sitiangJ.4neini al *beat fiamini:— - , -, : '.- ... I. alba Mini* 'tensor caesPelek;c 4 .nine ., :” . .. Tiiiiiiiik*,:iiiiiiiiii, swkii, ik. Vienne.. :; .s -: -. neri:,!lfifoft so Aki!ttegir. Auca-ViinkepoU, 100 :5 . :Ddit54 4 i 1 4 ,1 0. 0.4'.. laelesila. lue ..;:l, : : . • 14/iiiieatiainii;* s,lloski;'.loo - :* - Pren= , - ; 1 1 ' ; fn . ; .- iiitiiii'Ae . d; ii4ic,eiciaili fain su so. . n " -.,...•,_::, :- iiiitinoijoitatbiioaiia . .-bellibl r oitan time -4:--•'-'-';::-'-:''-ie4iiiiii-aor E d na ass Ma Ihe theitTuiese .':rs4 , .. eitteinieililncnitit; Mir own 43itniid is esitli, ''''."". to fig - a:aal . ' it bat wet .f , - mei artastepithat opUrnitt D. WWI o.f . ..Maplifststy,- ~. . ... ... . , , lititkboutat that ..n. es ti ed tinder tett II to_ot red; i , i , : : •..! .': '. ' ' esti= is hens IS UM dirtes'wciii ie a wr . i...fi , ..i , . . . , ad 0_ Nu/ D: - wpm; gioitat amino' %dm - : - :antif.loge 'king le eisainii isid - If.nue ,c4,' ~'...= .•,,,,•-• - ' ; - ImitoiWtsid Cite'vihn "piths Wei . * ttlekiide ni ,:,. letWinlaual, - Wiiiiiiitit pie I ..Peliniliina it ~.' ata,Atie - old/nig of :akt . '-TTrfairons, alma , s- , ,,•••• ~ :- ~ .:•Agiclikiiiii4iiisitati epee - :aaeiageles puti. , -. =Aiiiiiialilnia';:tiiis ..ia*isa..n Mika her: ;7•.•:-‘::'4;- : .' , -•:, .m . 11 6 . 1 .21 itiJi hide belibi - *instil' cipieh ' i .f - Adriiii ark Wood rilltPoisce; if pct, r - I':.-,. * :•- - :" , gaiitbib ,-,:- -•_ -- ":------ '•-• -- - *:- -- , ', - • -•' .; - ;: `,7-I, ig ftit ' ,.: l 4ii"iskt:!ilit d 1 ioi 5i!.7. 12230, '. 4.3 Raa'a ,anaien* - erfiew end_ -C l . lo * 4 ' ' ,IMPr." O O4-ctialna4ificirgiii 3 9 4 0111 ;. 1 1- . ib* it.mr,ac !ailvi*ingnilj 11kiji ' ' :,luliiie,. and -wi - is. 11*-47 mar waimi- 'l B,4;l4iiissi,P*o-11: mlo ‘ 04: 7 11 11 6 : 4 ''11i, 2 4f...at.tb, ...A. 1 4. 444 12;!bar".91FTiidetal,pauit - Asa c " Afiftles:*kbise**4,* :iii:ii ' fiii*i4i4Criiiii 4‘triet;,(lns".- PK4 I 4: . P l !...gßiith7;.bab an dUaili ;*„*lsaneleanipaiaislimainToeinene -e. -:- 0 0*.,,,, .-: .....:# l !.**.ifikkrklifa r i 4s--i.lki ..,ti , lTbli”!.F4o: ii, r ,, ,, .....tr.,'...10i4 : ... 14.7144:301:4,10.*4gre•' . :1,0 O . '.1.".;7t ; ;i' .10, i re e i i het!a '.. ha-, iisiiittislicialaMilla-iiiiiii. --- --".5.#1.11i0N1iji:04‘14.!. , ...• , . - —.... '4".;•••• • • i• 4. -^ • / „,,1 04!•;4f , .. - 1 .. ,1,‘,t1 . , f;•., .:,'.-:. ...4:'. , - : , 1 10 .rA . ,..: - - ••• ,• 1 f-,:.;. ' 4. .tt . .% , :e . f ..- '4...;4., .0,x, j ,,,.,1, 1 •., . . : r • ri f C. i•a, • o+,' '.iii t . ). F., 1 ..,•,-,.....,,i • 11-1 .1...1..?:4:' , ..04'''.1.: •••,, t io ,411;, :4 tt'l-111544 t. :-A ' , '"Ar-' - ' . ..,*41:•,',!! i t l 'X'- ', ..t .' "'.it';;;:e l :,"*. ;*;•`. r, ..t,” .;.-41-4-,-.1.4•••t4.4'::. '4'..::.:* -5.1,* r .;S:i: , ' f :,' ''.t: i. c !•!4. .• ':'; t , ' , ‘; ,:::' :. 4 :: 1 :il 1,••:;:-;,•••• *.' ", q. 7„ ••-•‘...: = . 4.-...-: ',I; .ittixt's7.6. 't '.' ..1.. ' , i'-::1.! , ::::::',,,'. , • 1 44,- . .. A, . •...,: 1 , -,;. f.,-,,, : 4 . 4 : ; , ..11 .i. 4K i .. ' l' .:',.:•4: '- • ..V if 11.thf:• ' .! • ci: f ~.. I • .1;,i'... lsq... t : ...''. 'L .. . .1.: . - '*`;--- ••." :":‘:. :.:-.3. .4 t A r i :. .t.: :: .•• -.,-.._,:, ......': ,1- 1 ,-+; . :1 . •: , ):4 ,4 :-.-4 - . .1: . 1 ...P.,k-.... ••••,. I''' . ::'-A t T.4:(,...?i':"eiW . 4 to 1 :_,..... „ i „,,k,„...;:44 . ..... , 4,. 14 jiAlili;l4:s:?4'';l. ~:1 : 1 •fv. , :;:*5i,...1.:', 4 4,13 ii.„.„..N.k. : •'4 . -,;: , , :IV.' - ' , " I°. ' l.' ; l: R. ' ;': ;: i l i ‘ ;• '-' t i k Vifg;•*- ‘',.,-' .;..' ,it '..! 4 'N.';' - ` . :•:4 .*4. 1 4:1 ....:1:". -.... tt•t.::',.: l - ,; j i. ;...4 . t. 1 / 4 ,!,i'.::...::' It 4 ... 't u . ,:.! ..., ,- ...! ,--.,..:14.t. : :) , : g f• ':''3:-..ie t il ,:' -°.; • i , ..... 4 tr, .. A -,/,, ~' ~.r.q. K`;*4s* : - .e. : ;;•. 4 ,5t:: 71 ,4 ‘ '. : k . ',.4: ''"•t: :.......L.4':;l,',.:l':'*l ;‘, '-::.•.' :..;:';45,3..2tAl I. . e- .'" - - , :;41.44XT• , ~ ffe' ' ;..- ~ ‘.1 ,, .... . ( q. 4- • :'' k PITTSBURGHI 113tODAY.-MORSING. tv eFrs4v.sa.tat.:tisam s AW .$40,100/6. . r 4 l 7o • rik. Dad7l. tiff= mem. Ve.le eddy nye Wiles per :Arteelithee.V.entelpmtr amnia ; anat. . : •.• Ilierenisamme, feceiouiseruon. 'Meld be pbTilieelieleek the alierniabr r Age..abon bbiperbet iberiniewsbers, erookrbe prod= .... `-'I4( iIeCANAL.'42O:I4IIIS.IIONEZ. • -W . P • T TeX I. CillatilLallY o.om I' imtots bAntair,e, Antiwar 'al. ••• . : , ....411.1218111 J • NC+sl.Nel indt. 21, 71 , • 'MUST] N IVEI.I of WilkmaTto. liAlumlL.BßAxl7.v. MINA, idaGg.t7 Wan 7sk aucTgß, o r ' `roe eolifyr ccousupsis. rEktoss,o, legns,;...ciair Tp; 'PM 401111 SPA. 6; -.l4•lllll.thill'Caya.,..!7,o(y.tank.Tp. . 7 egavilutagaii`dlL . etrisaurpull. ?MLitt K oa s Aratiti,Liassata Cm. ' .... • :,_ . :-.. ' junk 'ollUNitht. vlapuiruxunt, TYurarouilaAN ' . -: ,: •-. '.':! ~ ,. .011a IL k. Ab ;uxtritaur, York ':-•:' .."`: ,-7 : WICuilli• al Me A.lT4C.ustmulasi, -. alitNi44-41 SHAME, Maas. t r ' QOI/lAAN '; -:';':','..:, .!,•.- vWbTatlittl i ,. 1 , 41g1a at,. lipuitarnakruidwirei.ihrzr. '.. -. . I°l l k& . '. .... xit.. WWI M T . ll , ts.Nlt.tri; Wasizio i,. ...._ x. N AN R.,,,ar g"w iligi u .;2747.4 = . •• ', . ' :;......BI A t IlltWlZlF % ' Nestaego. i .; 7 4:::;: - i t At.z stx.iit«th.p.... 4 -- .' - '-,1 II latmailatYilaymelwat,„ ~,' .: ;:: ,11•1141416 A fUtillA CY., . ay, gir*as,a.... . war ch.traal lofWpacp,_ ' Damn t ._ . ZINN:. Miew•Oapons,'"Ams7 Nato* ..• "" . ' -.. _, . ~ illi• altlrWirs go ter Si ise Wane. as Zvi's. ~. ....,a' ' moo Filibon, .- -..,..ave ,--- ioi within ;;.1 ,•. On _ • • Bia s or Van, or. 1- tn*lPlNtr_a_,,l. • - dmiabe Ihnvitir . r ' - v.l iiit ....p•Er- Ci • thrombi, -'• an. -•• -of Vain " ► 6131.3"17 1.014 harlii4l, Pr. , me 013 n i ' biro, thai witil," w,' A 11:112A, AUSAI.r ost 9:gai We by Ai*** die a4an aid and Biirt 8: 041, I .o".•biteacict4,Ao434l. 'rid/sane Tbi finariml 140 Itlas - thaine . T 7-7,7 , "4- Drieseriee.* Drommas Ale 14fror kihor 4i*lleati sa It& oil wet. weelert*re i t. Safi 114.)e rep . - idlisdvmda gtaild jOili!9o-agiba Mal!! ii'. ll tiieotripieeed. - iiiiiin the dm F ta in !is erootetetirTho Wesienillhiekin Y slee'beket eonsundod co* very fieriest& einanosta4s. Eagfooors anr new emOoyed la 'arraying the ethane*. -Mr. - Keeesoltoiehergorertter Di eisice from Harrfshaigh; , to letkeetorm—lfr. Bop, frominitelown Leirienoino—Mr. Taintunen. f;oarlawidown bibijazietka of thil Item* ado* bra* W. sten, fioni theliiiit9imminemotheins. ntit of tbi Miestoraim. -Thtle f veld to be the mort ditteukpsrt of the oceuitsKto b i tureensd in nip Lei, end a her end eftyout eielor feki gitaers are eirktfili Difirt irs hie sunii4- The Wm* mAddekilil9trtiiod . thatdNeaoi. pm" from the leboopfthie "pit, eleereffie miet faxtrable•rolit mei * greet U* 4' be: wow the Eagind sti did poi lino thri Eleteriiiiciloirof 16i A4W.' zwestabor, npirml tit Hine. tpeclo fx the pttipoubf m ioli balm* Oat gruset.lim fro, dal pia teTlVDDoverbort mare Free** *rd. , Mt. Duda , boo chugs 'at to %woe-tom us moult wool io tho mow theCoooloonsti. ix Mock Liok—trion threnningto so Brook C ask , Mo.ralbertbie• Potion onsosoi- the Pantrongb want tbo bolo hi &amid*. Day rbo rnalipt hotnien tri Monti int Tonle ClOti'llin not mad 471 cod pies*, mad witot Eut Maly will to no moo tlan SI!. It tou bestimantgala dodos. of lha mon& 4;;Oboono• Omni to *Catena aim can,bo paw iyy 164°. "'oath .49" 1, 0 1 ID: 60 Ft** pint on ttio oni*to Tnnlo . • The lino to tor otLawitowl idll notlntato nrodketo GICININEDff 1$ fiat in74.llPOnostoini nootaattlininteint aleigin uaa ofi =don. Fioishth, plies totho Aid ot '93egbinkg;the B,ollis erik°,Y bi t k nlfr!' Ifoi St tit, aid deo towligns at 10/1 11104. The mei ta'ragit oa io doosofa win _ to lot lior000st;or. aid fiat Afro totboll4 mks silty - Ai !bp yeti: : • • - - Ti. :A i l e en" a I ;h:usit---Aiximigletehiltahl the Pampa& thi Hintze e anew lettere br it bait eocemeale . lepou the of Dooi:- Wa - *lto tbi writer - 400 hit let the emir* , ;stable mooltakete duo thstilititemotki:tio tads. W. Wood froneloppiiitm ofthkruipi, with an 4 0Regiete:trio . their ilississ-wisdab and illreepeel6r.tbeir MO !GM P. 0 # 0111 i: . Oren cautplaint awe that tbilibition 'Edirne eios. dosed the kern, the *tit is' do iStisca , het s matdeor bed 1111011,,111e I.le/iWy ighr bit old aid ratettee. We did wet, we sada% Wait AO alliCh Of o Vlllll4/11 lithe if, 60 COOK Sp # la a al a ll e e lla leak be Dim Yt s edb yd wpr eidir ' esr ere otit la ttaoaof Ragwis rid►.iad Go imatimit oetbi • togeleiedty en to what iodate eaglet:o4w witted, end the alio*, we "gab taepeehidtr of tbo haps, bit Maly ekbetieeitiee cram Gan, Aid ado.* Mid "It4oliitioi;t "swab,," ?LA& !perm:lather bite eridrewebeettAiroll rdeipliwadeseitriteddbete rile* id+ • .ebtfookeys to 'ay that a eleriad 'nor wee of ants woffit.dookolf bapittial tdal, ead iba•el eata deeiehia ar a Coot. It mu ear mow for "ha ind ottfee",'! , fitittt Mt wit Mow of i to 4 toot bele& tho &hien al the Jtoy eadmeliewe or the oicoor," ithitti ;Wowed ea ti;b:t us aide. 'Wi do pot .to Aim btat'lbi elaetoaeof the / 41 4 ". Mut: Ars marl he tame taur Datta inr batatiot, =dame embalm vistiiisiiet - 6e - tho dead' tat.aultioooittet of the Cos!! ht tall;we bialdela ewe slitig r zir Sossehisi this hisfissi us inn ilidiPhsaL We ant ;IFS'S ella il) la the two go.head be UM, but whoa we Wok we as: dim agetvieit. ttissOs thSue sikoa• Babs 'i ls isis"isizEsssli‘ 7 thesegret. PBaia ihisisli• ISM la Opi;o:fiatititi! timid alba rd ampeetbd web ben the Wear , jibs essewal*auew is the Ped,dbirowiag may r.fiskapjaaavt , aisnolors: Itte raw 'phi- 9derillea' had wit. with the Queue bilL.l,l trtre, mad weeibidatell ear rtassebh we Wait be wadi ha.. name bat tled with ea lit spinet at is Mimi of die „ Tik• 000 ir4Sediker6o,klhiegkarrilk, ilogi r 4 tip &theory( dis Ti.tonsi. G• nog moist loto dmi,Thostry pit* L. !mobs in Ind& tho.ToOffor Weiss bolik io drelosku;kos 1, '1111:1o*ood 314 - 11.' lowa 0tit76D00.044 - Oo oinked IT lei- Wu, Mr. Chatias gime' pootiso owl= Mr 1! 0 1,7133113. , Who it do both'lollornoa ipoo ;woos olondog. the kiefoorpro3 &maim ' t 6. •Tn.iarT NIL mad &Obit .ma the gmaixiiivki•C: 1 9basterJ'aesanwollimas Bail" VlNabl Cfraleisi;baiejaue aide 9augale 'iqma aer nail as 4144 bi will be - ties Awash to aa!eifebat (belled Awe*. .00 le the egotism, M Tom be di* all said ibr RiciGbaelli far ihihh o Audi F. irlyikdeoindia.rs.itewhilAfrow Tana b s now bead adbadis Iblialgalbblbate(MailOovnalleit in Nee Flak; lar ydri' accosim. aibir a &tuba& ha ileiwwittlakideftle Bugg r, cr, why ins thilthhitiedi itlywhhis in Ow • of pot! *btu, sadiadiftetweia doNai eer via* Rki anode? Not do. asw wimpy ama bare. Mt.ePo la ids saasir mow 6 &siva; ;art w.haft•egaimimaarniirod wo• idi . mks meme"Pfiew !ass, Coast* sad - gin, azikalass 410. easy peansicat riatri Pos - paisi ss masa asks*. sad oreasi las aaliat 1114 Talk idaisd4 Miss jaS am* Pe *lasi tattillsill sof Charge Natallia 'no/ 31 m 01 .. *NW*/ *Yolistolt• tut tor tiro Nat Sat . *pi* sis ,44uwe Bun the &ow, at c, IMO dotupWhir liko' 4 iaa feeld. *but Vb. 1 •0 11 11* Mitsito."— Now , if mil o , l **Poilidittl l *lll*,. stoo Itosimo thowlosioto could loolobta pow** elf $ll,llllllllOll air 6: llastai ichasela treat of the vas tit litoko. maw ot, lb. Pio P t a yajoo *kb 01'0.116411,0c,. sick and Foul:ink or wilt Is Mai sl bass fib tie Noma L. lao L Vl**, Matto. Ittkilotr , tam utth a goose quilt kr Istio safs , iik tir ith atoomitioo, soda otoktolt Mao mos Or his 41,1 of bow.: •as to dm, topoout, sd ltgot" tt o , Aaiew,.t Jut Unite web totrtmsp tot. aeol mato* •tipaiogioto,H' so you.- oitt trwa r you mite oa th *tea Antiploo. Poly, *taro astly Empty amrk , y tome den odor MO, "ion** tiAtibist baitita% , • • Tea Sarar..—Orar, lkomis 'egoists at . 83 maws. Th erein iwthif la be Amid dihr rim Tl 4 pot*. chusessiddses voad• dig bag .1 4 6 4 4 1 tine LoolOom 61 Nasky The .r'1044 sWeinikeirtcarrsinitl: 41r.: Chu lid, 101 lay Ai1t4 4241 -*/ , * 4 ;Atek. whitzetiedq *al an 2 -10'06 4 • • piaipttka‘i*ltis fel . ffilos. 11 6 1 4 aisal' ll . l "!' Wit,Viermt, .71ma , la Jima Itteltaimlty : B Bemot.- • • wise- mow. - -Aroma» 1.04 -1111,:ffir .111dillistendit xivarth .- :;:• 1111 "alla" • is..-Walt 111 , 01baiNC; ; , =Mr- Jr.:^Alo:#ol4l' ~~.,r~ri I . I =',MM -.' " : .. ;'. ' ,:Z;1•,...,.; ., ji:' -1-.-:::4',i'i5':,::.::,',:,!!..,' . . wrotAt.. - •In 1813. thir shah was as b as & pr ond and waa than bn o tpto by laws W dttto a- rely ,grest enewifiend he ,as imminuicai far so doing: The Weak Wm, hoinster..tbat bit perinea raised ittit3o,amitir imdmitTy 41.1 pat it on the br'dmit et i t pet of POMO, As the p. 1.11. did,not'thast anynispottion take bold: the holders, In mif. detieta, were Onion tonatatid dm toed end JO , puree he rihar; hot it hat Mwer paid MT decd. sod ttaiwideroilint:4l.omirev on the., lookout to muddle it on oihar oass. Mr. Me.' CuSth 'satin Oman it would Mmtar.'went into it alio' ;ma a aPecuiati".. sad their puteheiss emit it mit> 74, and me it roue. 041111T;b44mti.put it on to aud ma. cave tO buy enention4it to obi prow; And to bui,',.wm obliged to by notbeinie,, o °' k• 4 'atiO•l•S ' silt• of hf.. r hiqPiliwo UW7, "Jib Do. 0,,0q0 @hint to eastry.ami Adam fa gamey at rail enth ddrin e l. tat putifr.linti 'wit beak in ;annular; Mt , son. of dr irsaisak a 1 *Mob wet said to be emiatn• ed laths spindation, it wined but for one pasty =is a loam and the .atacit loran. opts Am tot Ate. add the mita 611 from 74 hi . , 6 d—skstotssoo.ooo on thembele meny Unveil restuted, .hichidins Mr. McGill. lough whore bulk mounts hare been onerdrawn ociteideralna7m.nicond it Is suppated that, Wile Men leas , titailsenl." he made t dash at Hatinnte manes himself. About the rime tlmi imiunateniami the' diemonny of eztensive (ow ! Aratlianother`stooktwokir, Mr. Fratanallirtlett. riot neethinua family in go nevy, but isurly ltdation finer Nock beam- Ho wed thir sum of Muhl- Stun H; lad of bit brothes-4s, endslatembirit—te lb. utast of some $4 of Mtn& the .Phnnix Bank has Mum St4oo: Holm abecondsd, . He was allege matte •• • Ivy &Vele* gpsealatar; bar erj is high aedit with "dm bonsr . His Mother. is understood, hid. ban bait( !nibs Wiper. with tbe Owe kl Imp it tram as Y. Conti). Wag Ins Preventive.'r ninivad the Giihrini fihak New Irah. tothehtkeihe Inds se to Indulge thehoph *ire keg the mete eulieues will he abitid 1 `• Nalrt,gc.Pept• 21 . aF , -.1"• We toodketly Win. wa haiedir Wowed the tree ptimipte' for eceolopikhing the reat 'heighten" istd'idio . the tight mode of its. macaw& I'• - • • • - • We will of ettome. for the email pets' it, Make k ideate/a ;sedition, that wee of taw 'patent rights shill Menthe be alientakek *Wok ett th. etaatisri wermer.. crony -to etina - ]: Should the penile cffartag tee reward claim say of mid tights of iawrew. to the ettlits molt* from' the dhemaj, we tomb, &elm the eaultpoiths A. the.mbeS end littitsigned.lfiaiir,• width tipkieted is lb. Gainta of , I4th Sod lalai of , Au , rod; will toe Mae therefore' to team toe. 11 balm. wheel the essainatioe la dad far Ming gale hate, mod what steps ate again.' a be talus by,...ift•. Pete aod myself to admen to it. I imy . edd that we ate prepared for the trial at ley mommt, haying elnedy amuck oar ttlaikw el *Pipet alike. Yours liGnseirolly, •,. , • JAMES • ' •: Waimea accafeed sad submit , to out', raiders' ibir SAWN* base Coalabanajair Ik. atatemeata al CakBaliebary:. It will bi area that Mr Craa. illaaape ea adiaa of die paper, ar , rebkh the are tub aelpaarea, sad th . rt deciateoly pram tar 'Mk remli•eriatb his has mobil- vat eig7.- 7 ,1160 dm. , •-1 • Pa.usaaraia,Seat leaf... , dee—lierurg . bean • tba ()typal edittr rod rabbet., of a japer 42061 the .Darroaatia (Sbampiea.'sad Winabeam . than seam*, -4aee.boo aide 'in Pose paper sad I.ty fxiatia• dieead bj the leaden onabar• at the llableppe at Oararear Shark [bet that Juries. ta myself. as, rad as io the POI oat tug% bids cos aka favor atjaar bind', I tarsals. faellsoly rand ready ia..eridirgie•siere all iuGmemetiou as tha *Oct • salter evened to. abeßld Pau sea deb. • Vie man lima; I,sak• the Meow at wait. log, that it in • filet sabre ray paraaaallaowl. ado; that Betakearrilitn, Seiler. and alkir had e lag fediade'id tharemor *mak, DID/waist it. ileine Le lb. sat i paper, Omen Otitis kw Hwy Maideabni. ADO I eurrd retstj to revs We lasiedial la the seam wake at, giro. , • • • -; JAMES B. WIANGLB. lir Milhi !det;ied the satborskip of them tetielee shying ler bfebi.atbees as ebatpd by Mr !Saheb* sod *tient. . T lai BO* of 'the rit4sspg7;;lik. - A -Avarua Ina i. vas rem darrativ afravv—it k big km toad avrairy. Is or do. it poodblo 6 l to any iar aprolekk4 shako b Pitvallardr., dui dm veva lamer albs Praia: We rigiNizad ma, (koehroa4 should Iv braviht Oen open the paters put .4 lbditstoy sad else of his kr hifi.ll4l3ll. (NUN) Relleall Moo* boo solak media= milt d mobs demo, oozy Wm pat cif the Allay pia Pm ma - mem Woman die NOW, ftits were else the la ;NADA Wawa, oldie Streiloreararsamet oak, Vaud &sit, la f Bhf.iF bred to rata as fru ozoo. dm of sof not of ' , WSW at the • - Yioa rnainacriare vi.th ea the Masai hp* is b prise. sad rid be ast la this erse• Ash ',Chiles. s seassitsbile arrodastka, sod goeafeaber rhas Sim et trey Moabite stele in floor of the Sorikosid tit! pozeroir opcdto of itototholopropoly --Batt Atioo. • Thiele the sea of pains Mr. tislits la mei* at the *alb. Alms thaeherSut sad Dales didt resdy Se beast *gas far ala, in alb *Wig ens lairaispectise bids for Iteathera litr tromega Teadaybreals; bsbsbjattu ibers4l, sad iodid* sow enbiberoad spilt ef the ege, pet St - SIMI upon these ao. Istdsh they rep Dot aoly searnabar es last u ffMri,bo. tat the :ow anti at uticb will be le dew tillissf' . proriei natant Se itish *Ka Hi. J. tkiebuno to wrilbso a hi. br Yokota* Wilma Pomba. Ho iota go boo dinooratio troop( ob Obi ookloot tow.mk s ... • ;. • I copied exuldagly, iis ftwo,, Wed& foglois Oaks. ua• discastie pmi," , Ilet. Nebel= is 1619, was 114186iis LAMM Wse.. an 11,11 V" sad od rt do" tholos byCoaposi." Now, bourne, bit ill Sit Ara tarboty simi kw coovitior ft", lota ifs" mai AO AO . ", in sold i•thotoodhoo• mike groo4l. Wii,l b du plopkt of igkpoia amen* *IL , i.Too Taisosoio.—.Tboebbiobi. 1111 m at iblo idoio, 'Mr. Lwow. Id kW rifikis .fir Ms Wow. I r sobo i OCOO 4 rIP* OII O I, O4a Of .tho limo polowsowy toibii Water onoptigio: Tbo likes inoot land.boo. wbkb Mr. 1. will pokes. Today the kw waiting co Gmbwitioir Bul. Thooki, of lbo. Tiftokogb Tokvaibliof Iko, with a' lib paps% boo loft lb* bob with 'maw final bum to mob all swim bonen •Itiftskiwitb oiid CbuolOwboio. • - . - Isms. d; • To 'am Douro sasaaw—A, slog*/ jpbeo asssaisi, ago a Frain paper, has shows 'half is a groostroosi at Iloes. AI th 6 dais whoa all alke poses of asiodeii, roses, &taw dm, ano rersrp tbasostress to Est the btu. solo; them. absieerbichastant loss Wood In thus kind plass; stows Sos WAIN° $ Strode !of SUM MA upon tb• pistols old wire ppilitesd by ow des& amid' of • assollis 'root of the 'Osier Ino blade robs% Tali Float bebop to .M.lDaporee. The lototiot petal n ot the iblreft aro of &Owe id.lbp sal stilts, and both. Ira wiled irkh itoo. Molar* dm t:dustbin lrem a Police report Is the N. 'rel6es/6,mA isionthe s Morals mood Ontislas Butauio t 'vie undid nor ram ism Is Was tor.tholl, - srlie' esaisoed that fur bad toss Suss deossielprismod , Chummy far a lords: "dims ad hod bent fliatheroits! so WNW'S is woutet emit to thio n ioluott, = I • Ii bi itoecOyod Ibis Goo:191111azo Gibbs Mafell 11 is tho iseersari of Gees Romig& docirtaid. 1 Ihi eassisod of • Mph fa lioshm. I < • TUN. tx liksyno tblab Itprthabli'thot 41. fjemotio ortaapoicor will yet bo modo,ohosortas ow atapagy of the Callfonalas from eadquotto the of patolloor. TMTatoth Ihrraiasat I. .bout to 1 11 10411 t• :it the baq of tro,ooszooo, 380,000,000 E , &MN Wile eel*, la atla oars la Aimsaitta Awoke taLaadaa. A haw aartiltat Peatallita. ala lota lam boss dopos at 69.70 per coat. • A:assatisala i. Doke 6n. hit apes a pia of I astratottlai astrallta i. 7. 0111 whittiitillalealtpaail an umbrella paw kb; *MI r is Mot, dm aid at *us Mak ptii.lonsawasst tuba W. sad pat— riot 14. 11 . 1 OklsoY,af, • ;13- • -- • ;;;- -,_ -- cl4, u z ii 4 ' l . - • ii . )l' °lilt lllG'' . RAPIt Ma , : Cgoirofaa, Miami Imfortilie . Cab. 'aid foams 1041 mactiotOrm admit, andia• o •"*.anatae: a ttaloafralt at 6 4 8 . 1141 .1 bleed ge r fonaimg "oft ilia KiMI Digaity i.f i'MoMmtiromfimmmoro* boo goamtOod ,tim Vag. _gt - woo ibt ocioa dios a t4 OS& 418 - its slaw s 00144thvaphi e f o .` Ha -for wait !elf Bow, dial! P. thtbaamAtailtd* adall odor *fa. Timlino will . timootoiymairoa this good wait imprommoat au atoio goo buio of mob ma whelareil repaired nal be pot byeed all goofmod inn. hid doornail, a °Mom Atto more of onlioariltorma: fr.ifg . Wain* • , 44 Walt that` co' min eobld Ira trair ' iirio a omomiiiiatioa flint lila Ent, but morn= its Imo- not trairgool, tad *boor' sot wean" ' "''. 1 ' '''' ` -- - illootratod bgloottiod boomidolgotp. IV boor Oct mom oar 4041160 M a akitarlahblOadate gdoth 4ao,l bat Mmaitio Bad imoomi, it tomiliono apordei - Timm wore oommfloCialitlegiroso tof';orri; make bit-nimbi° end boo dmaa•af oMaty, of omoitfto Mit, MOM" oaf; doilpiticolatig data ligialli ,.; ; .. and ..„-_." chl i rei -3 11" laqata alma -- mi ."... o poolyie upon: (Maraud! sad the promos Popaoli Boma: 11)MM/a Itiib *two otamptiti toptteiratSidtfiaiM dm Progidio seldom Tim ludiamotoolobiallimua. bars sod '4,0.64 'lanais' tot. iind or.- ha, ersainda s ova me twar :Da 'thaty'agnitai. km: roe a rusio4liddla saal Eeatt.• 14n paiona the rig& to make sod Mid aim, Mad of doubts action, form,pmap, la AflogAgov, Beam and Mama orda4 Tba Map io said taba- a l,9lo.ol thmonstmemsesilar tefilim of emir from 50 to 'Mt kettle', ami iii "my limpid is ito - strottorg. Tboyata *Wad to tiowifrom 50 to 400 plkmo of intmporadrolath. and iaM:imea adopted weirs amolo mobs Inatal, 04 00110100 0010 shipci fiss iba," • %racers: , Kamm owl, mid ail orb 6 boa Milo' i don tom pampa would do we torouiab . to tide , • We has not s toll apart stew sell* cif 6s City Comials„ Int maim bk Issas ilia sago wr wing roe astss6o fa testis Mk. Iss47 AIIR, was sPrslldak biAsoth amass of ihs 4/aukla. Wr upset taiaiiiii7 - 114aiii imamowlqiulizat iv*. Good lodpi aterT se thumb, le ea exiispothedignd Page Prblo;;Thishfroref bre. obletteecurra oogit o'clock on Wedgy wan*. woe eaceibood the ban**ofOISMSICIPI itelitithass Moen yeas the comer of sod Weed, tlesil "nmehrithOregh idtmoty,:iad nest docile .bs• per's ettelotedori, which bag dor*. ed by fire oxos for rreribeireeei Tb. 1n *se arilovilibed,.bot oat Wire the * VOW Pen of the goode . were deosoyed;reed the booth( ado beirdbee oruzr much lespetred. eaßresotto. the:wwit th. Coo ibis the free ado ores buret epee tr, eibhiereene; eat bine &of to Dy dollen* teak taken from he esolte. - The,preperty lnu W. midoaod iiss Behest 7tto.y ia• sa a myna at $5OO far ithezmice of roar tette set An to !be . 140) ! Frpg, -Sossi• • - Ttio anoploini lombinerly at id foe ecifyint innyisoPolo ottboillicidoon et tbo - 13ii• Kuno Conn froni inion _abaci oak* ,Wo own ear siisti' bar Winn for Ikon oar iotontion to gob Ws el la nosy kookmbicii &mai endeivon to sem libit *Noon his Oro*. We bad nitilikif Ojos add onotio: bat in the proeoio of.coadoinins inn procoodio. ea no to brie( tt within oin , onomtookedto,t isponoat ,rawoor. • W. ifid tat am 11 7D 0 00k hen do dicionici so *BOW in ttio *Pan." mum sod alt if dos to: Any,;- ILorstedikinj • ' • , flortsxo Cotrair. est. tr •:•-.106p1t Leal vs Pais Immo* Co. East to dr District Coast, Jodie &u Miami *a opioiso of the Coal, offutoing tbo Joamosof of the Com boko. Isom Lawn Jaw Milton% Saar to m. Coot of C 0..... Moos Jody Mishit &amid tbe opfolott of the Coust.4sfaiog Zolosof ' Leopold Salvo, Emelt We* - litoNtffur to 1 / 4 DlEnef Cooff. JadioCoshor &timid taacp ii*ei of the Cowl, :dinOss !to hifitmat of tho Coot bitty..', . . • • From* . D giossuErboodllomodlliddlo rob or V ann. CM% yore schiiitod wain oil stiorolot d ado Coot • • • - • V -Yosoololknobrot ox tor Witlisoadooq, gm/ to to a* Maio( CooreolCioweoll Coos% Cow alma'tlll sißit Willow MI4O .Joho Ilotwo r , Ems, to lbw Conti of Comm Rome Courf,lioo Camay. Combed 1111 mit tom - • &but Dickson so Ado Droodlor - Snot N Ito Coon. of Gamma Phis of. Cesuford Cteaty, Mold M ran4o3a_uidisimi sar k Ploadt Baloojfildio kir nionfto lo Erne. Jacob Soak tot tiw ow *mood -Soom.flotoo to tIo Coostiroommoi Woo t tr, orypori by tomotior for nolosioso is Sam • • - ...• ' - I - - WpNaat W WON Nil. !said. W 'Mob at al, East. to tbs s Ucian 001111006 - Pima Ili Erie Cooney, imrW Bakal lad SO kit Pin; tiff in Error and WartaraM Cisbnisk ix. D r. Baturr Box , - la the maw al' lie esteliaa osoaat of Alb. W Illetaod snags elEradeclankaagiminty Pen* sod Pasoan kr apponasio rid Inairont Novos—Tho Nada Dome Dlisisi war , thugs, 11.(Ciloopotwat Jamostros'osomriod! rol so nil so that ay for do itsiakormooso. A lottio se ibo Pouomjo GUNS of this . • tooloso., Wed Aston tatarsio. Moo P. Nitt Dr. Boas did yesaioy; A./Wm asst lotisooo. ttihlosessimp • Dr. MoCissolion *id co dig idwl. . Toso two sot DIO MOONS Moo o( sho ogourioss of stow 361 lift. A okop boo jolt who( .trom Tapoo .bb *obi: iellsposoo Ad wary oilloorm bawd ars Argo" ➢dot. %Ma am kilo did • • t . rb• amass sorof re *bum Fliis pgs•widi ody six Rot bode Tie commodons hujut orolossL No 'aims Aeaseirt—h. aitie ibiddst 041441. ea*. toilet ihe Rama Nier,bl (N. hkii - mist. A wily a• u.i aresmik, atm btatio femur atiirnaroubdriri 1M biz_ 61 7 MulpeOlmar w!lit 'Mkt 63' NO. bar hoed in hie as $l4 re, wrirefinual dis backlog•of ihr nwsiii;o4 aid aims Olt or 'llk sorritdit, aludioni of tbtray as be bottajirghediON Mari. bel bhis ko UNA istbsiiimary tbir ems bid ran ink* &Irma kWh a' due allowed fa li. dapetwi d pemphA Zoo:cum bai withdrawn boo tor poooorobpp widirranoili'thi**l6l,o Biloo‘4orosod air that paths of Ito Onsotml 'art to pli.dos of to. Oribuisod isi(aboriosi; :al awaits& itai a to coodald - Who /*Mob koodroo . a'aos. . The Zooti4 and pooch *Wows lid wind boo die flat Pim& Noe; tridoi widow!, bat affal ni slimed ditirloc 10 . . artiqemmus for tam* itiolltootagtos Pfo9olllooe ital. IMP UM ploallo4l/111 01* itsismie44. Tee 8 04 0 /IBieeekLie seedy. . The Welealier — and rto?itsw* Alit *lseult completed, Mb, dipot.pmenis s (do at .70 Destowd wW amancoodei• tow alapply....the Worcetur, the Boiratiolbit 1 . 5 . 1134kike sat Ihr • 'ft. vecelptio*Laci otter. kr cameklatslys. was oestillb" yag dorm Lno aratioti 611 he sotriegot had, - • ' , •me mots? tioissdioimi4.l , .c e i. !Fs , mat buriturnotiwubb s t ak p t. . 60s Ids roommoillt the Loth; Bohm Oofersoolo o tie &sib of Idofiugootol Dest detain walslipipipi:ps**4? Of *Mallet Pal bfoldlt .„ iloO+f/n.'' . • Ably walgive Mend', • ' • if awsittbe ood • ••• Dillow • ag misioAke Ohe W and wldepenamil &my • ..YeuheaammekyriksArky s .. • &van nos otlevidilso I• i • ii=egroaffwrigd."4 ' • - - z , •• ThiWinsif - wlisa it bion*la leviill , imii . j . z . • ; MEM if du Mimi% .osisu' PiglidepAka,EmMth, !,P. If. Tbs, mawiction divBeattiem.Tiepbgra Limbo brit y Toot. laiolAdncifll4,44 Lue'recein*-iir mad ir 06416eer idieilistipiCeit, , s iothyir foal etuncter:wokL Sijqp9filmr, • • ;MAMMA - , AIABIET. • . i•, • PaILADUInfIa. apt, 25, • buT — The 2152 4 22 of Flow pennons iceman.' ir, ma. witti tiodilistaiiilai4ailjan km 05. 511 b $5.50 wraamaioq and fair areetern.Vbeddl INSAde it s s,B22,lll dilitrifina"ne2s,7s to $5,. Rye FloorA-11bdshia , sain at 54 pan-bbl. ocannisal—ealas at 112,2542.50 par - WbattL—lltottorati ulw at , 102a112cper ' lat 53rtair gobd," '- - Ufa in513,75a14,25 per 511 • Pailk—Modfnitti atkdrat 111,55a10,50. Man Ilass.49ales far+ skip stores at 11114414 pi BALTIMORE mARKEi , ••• • Didtimore.'eape;.:s.l:3l. -• • . noui—,We qu ota Wee this tormactirci eboict, bco bbL Howard street Drencher 1115,50 per bbl, Heide& ituleilfiug toZteke 1 101 4111 4 , et: la; City Wile breads are held u 14,6D , per* bee their erusellere at -hat - ' afit Ploar—A bilarsti bbl;, Cern Meeto.aehe Atigllfentiler bbl. ' :Wheat -8 407- tither . babid;tai. =ming, with Wets at 107h115* for toodßettould 112 e ..1.:04 for %Id*. j . • . • Combtau*, with saki oflerldte‘s6ar nu end of. ?dm 6filiBoe per Rys—likist et 'go, and of Ude dbellidietby. ,Proefekine, ere ding end Peoberien didl at tni.l7n petty fro= *spsuir.- kiss* Isis faits of Casoilleboo.oSissuldid M * chia • Brobasteg," bas recontly gone to. , sas&lbs Bid Orsads,lo saki a foray ups! US Kw** aitobsosiotai_ • . • . . • I lemma MeMeau traders ham lately , whited Bast mad pan Lived - a 'hole quantity. of aooda:, paying kw them itt poor Inver in Mira. The Atwell Domed mations lb. - twirl at BIM Amami:, hors Cammack of Mr Moue Erin' la company with Me two Mr Meade.- , who- ewe so MoieweiMed by their kindome - to am Maim Fe pinnies iteatteioThetutai „TIM bloom! Thaw gastitamti tie t_thet froMtWeiti - Whitile Inc. Moment Met eaw keimidient; too aaarytli.. 'May passed Amid' Bab lialietimod, and fiend that dry eattralritisocited by Meow-They bate all beaWriathid' fo *ism hi te• detente of thi cattail( Betimiso Monteret mut the Ovando We mode wirimay, whew Welted with Mit pail* so moth as gretOttediii a iittreiCii. &opiate kr emit! pest* to morel - • The Memo( Lifeedtmoo Co, .Get. Mao% haw Dow coda COCltillit, en terair peck. et dap to cauctititte a mph: tine bowsaw thot dty aid New Tat: 'They hte new •to proem of cominitchia atlerthod sad the min will be hosetted ao a shot the 201 hut. • • The tames I's Goommer le michcp Wins Theatiethei at patriotic iodhidiale encircle ei iure dok Moto is lb. capacity of Chief Wes. trot* h rog.lergii;itioacti now of them, we ba lleoktimMi r.iiiittet,tistrT tiotaineee. WAWA Mu* . Airtirl. of dos Prim Dr De:Damp, ,I l prOiktlii rag Leavand:oo--Progress °Pie hoop aratildas lo Santo Fe. Ora Prbea, Dr Ds Will. A, sod attars. la advises ot tbs Mammy lams ems of ow. via In Now Maim lod rtpind, artisrd at Fon Lamearremb ea am 1 lib tam Santa Fs. , Tbs . , left Siam Fe an am 1I Or of All wws quad. la /Tax 'llissieco, *bleb mu hat l by - tyro. commisas IT a Maya= sad tare of estemisas, re sobeard. body /kJ. Wakes. Ors ..0111 Itall of 4•lbdribey arsLim Allen. raXA Cape It'Ssir's boalcsaY or nomad uses, sod d.. eteteoped b riber se lbe Mao. Next day; Col. Zola; stab by lattalea et infraery, embed drams sign {, be hadellbilibi • Sup maid poramanin wig. um. tld & Win dnr.r• abler amis. Darr' ll two eampsnits, camaradidby eyes Shepard rap Jam, yard the camp at Moro, .wirae D Camp eel oboe um swathes..br tba aracal at Cal Prise and Mr. Rich. sada to blear my: tsar.., Bl•Richliad bY.sam,wgaa sod moats stay save dal Warr adegrieranyad, bystemb. saderrrf. amaymbi imam, sale m bia•i'dY , A fame iambi of Volantrws win mot au Mikes,' oal fiats IMpar tad Allroutt ' . Fs= the &Lena Haitobhat& Mp Ilth.-04Prke tesessed a mut:Wm as Drigaie Chews! in las atm. fa was twilight by a "aim usin, , and rat aka him. Clan. PON, .16 sad Dr: Ds Gump. sod a. swell wawa, Stile& du. !Flamingos* and blankest only, fa rota Lesvanenthathat they winks° the ;7tb, hong antebsd -nun east tom oaks a Js) to we thee issiadajn, sad din, with tired abash,' sad el the sad at an eight bumintd weak/anal. that. tsiiimar.lets Wairbiesto• city aci_Virodt pal* hot, far Nins'ya . tki Ma: gtolpb . ty Yaw the Win pleenja • Inr dar for St Loofa - , Boaters Glaseng zweemes—..bibetees Tee.6.—We beg keine call ratio lII*2IIOII tlu Narietag, 4.81 Dr. W. DM, Withaniellb, Roman Cee, envie !le very ItetipletAleeme •tlettipi widelvire eseldes, sad lam Beam, is the epee bleilliMite. itr faMbensIKAIU b cee the Oa Sokat ta t betAeg the ten* 0 ( Pmfe► mow leyNky 'Meg Nene gut ddee• - alit. I Yin ta syynabee OM sift same *At Munn roam. Philard hi iiilletsji Wank! am 'maw Cesolalnte. Pima seldom MU s Jana botthili-vat ties, N /V:** Tae pur, ait 1 spotlit it aliannes 1,1,46 {eairal eat istratisa as hln Intribit. la WO a laaaaal4,o" Itsva. '..aaspitalhal. pen lt. li, • . in. 43 No .1...1, roil ;ribs& Pilaf. V- D. blebbob tho,loly arebelas ow cob Ole 11n bin ammo and doubloon t..._. limo oaly isloolor/7 Lam ped. ud blo matins. mope blasdlobsobdombahuk n o4.." lipg.boloiftllllf our% io a; Voltam fama whom 000 IMMO nee soaddild idnerable soft v. . gi toseem beediro. bet ~le d a B aal abs irper calhod =de Azad*, *I err. ' , lova lean s.IM 00 1211 momodb.o. -A gudow of Mad boo soder*e kWh it Numb to Mow do.Como video Weir mod. ha. toplbelidoordo Idobseisdas. boo erobeady It mods b0.....pr00de01d—(741. doenko Qom. tp , For . 0 1 In PinfnufXll *I do VIIKIN TEA. "mum nook ono. aid tl.au glo Dill IDIOM of H P Sollirono, Ibditrel K Allezio.y... $5 00' IST allT 5 ~ •00•.: ~_ tinTs `CORNER OP POST O.PillE •L:Luv.". THE subseitber nwpoof.ll7 Isamu As imbue ow l to Rueriummell , thcakawkive uonakmenv • Bow, otgooll wortmisobli. ..r=rin warns apelierio 'y Bow ever maila Is Pissbarp. far Um pneir—.Tbele n lossdrise Owns wilt...me so sews., aid \P*MIIII/ This ...toms 8.014 1 11_40 very ;twits,. of FIVE ' DOLIARS .cAna , nsv .. Res.- ' WILLIAM 'VINCENT littliENTS asifo UN, • , ewe Sees:mew* %V 11•KRsKINE TXIII . D•ILT NATIONAL WHIG.' 7 111**Iliord *rad Chy of Washington, sat* gave Oldest, et—daaday excepted.ma oalearjban Intim Chy, at tho Navy Yard, la 44. 1 t, WM •Inandrh, and in Balthane, th e ram s °wan. *Garai cant a *lea, plata tha lb* Artant'for go Whig, G Manna, s ot Ids order. Its also *mod sa say pan of *silo hates krill pariar. nil or Oa Ibr all mom*, pays* In game. • Adaartharialds orlon !lunar Ina Inatned old; dm hr lo anis. me dam for* GRIM thaw times for II an amok far p ub, ten weals an lin, bat mana raa mosillaii, don ma** Sly, sit months Oa, year 10 0 -I•ll*****a ***ldee. , ' Ms Norms& Wald/atilt* Its awn a l Art 'lt Wahl earaistenta or the Whig _par* al C. 1.11 eat* tritastlaa at. paldiejohey. batiste** the Wadi** lad Paraidowa,lrmautar Tenda.aahlea. ao Os *oh** id a National Cognation: It rat Was huIAISPOZ , MA *emanate. and au et the adialalaustims *mad to Le @dr** b tea We. mai err tharatealay, sad expos/n*l4m her or raver U. oorrardolle or Um luny ill power. kat:ohms are 40.1 wittlybudathetelealr), (or as Odra* or, 10 4 th° eri t c pligda= owe In the Nadentar . 10'14. inns domed pabllastlinta•pon •grtoultare, Waal= et=l_ f•!1:74 titt m; will be deraa, iah, • wadi* No of the 'Pate= aM Fadijr Woe ha Pahllahat *llarbala ilanar a eamplaia Wally newspoper, .• ' Irtat Weakly latbssal, ON Kik brnPaPera. la the I IWO El alga MI maim Irv* Daily Nadeau , ud gektirboil nary Vatonisy. St*. km primer per gaggag, , male hvathrartath"A 'ttorttilo 4aal 441 ,",=. 4 .!4 o ' o ' 7, 1 m Plater Par sap*** Sr *a Ma*** Whdir, ars hi tow* af . pahlleatio•— e' ammeseol MIA .ipectu-namber, a r l ti a l la ***l *V* haw Mau and to on y , • ihagnriaaarof National Whlp a 3,1647. -> .yri .1 narrion Itaitiosa 4.4in4owles. iBLAMOSVICJI boo toustmuseit Wu . 44. weal Coresnia. , up oss' Parneil sat fa" t Cdies • net /Mitt —ii, rusieshnini MASOpi. , ;- -1•4"„1- MIKRAND bat!. 41:1111"3.- • Theardy:,l 7 ier.ba. ;tat,iec Will be sited adaf red Phr 'ST R.b.2113 ...... .• -Ikritzwr , . ..... • 4 4 • wi• gen ••t, WFmrsti I rew ......... Mr. Danzl lAiler Ithie6 bY A NN close A 3UL - 131.nei.'•••••• ......... •••••• " ytak.. !wt., 7fo oo Moatetit At, Inrribers open ett oo ..Ul ft* p _+ pal Ta Gioen'aiitige Too Dfrolesm. .TUE MULADELFUIM:finiDigSW YORK Man; Alga CoMP,aIMY; • • . $3 Nara Print VOW..k!tre4,3ita. ;n lf ter l f e Zetkz. 4 g -il ~.0 0rr pe nn ared funtsholden from m distance, ibex. by tba. Haw 'Cberb - or ptebed tbem itt Go m o o d Km... too aunty Other establiMnientio the V sound games, Pal' bald... 130af dons Yooog Hymn!, (loor gradas andimp UM Itnkagn.t eon., Leif ets _ • • Kobus =data., Ouripdordor (ietemod I , 11.0..d0 do . ledbosesfinge.gbq(3.o,natam, aind low grade%) , • 60 elms old HpOn P b ain k ostra n r;) ISO bf cld ana bm oCnougiano ' .) WO do - • do" - rung Yon. - Oot.• 15m do Powiliongsr amsod'otbeillartnar Change and Flowarg, - ,,Peneoas,' ; 'Ettbsb Mukha Tbls Umtpasi eiiablfib no icelel,oi ily , kind moor Panadnipinal bat totaitbelTaalpltekett Yn and pound pack ages, bearing theitiorn name to the _ gnaw. mode of • %gain, aqua to inc WI in ulO - •gi: Mateo, as to Name anon, ood pledgeyfismiehreOlogni , pad ii., toy tin an that does motg i v e ennraotiiga , ' tam , DieCALLMONT*. WINO " • •t. • • Noah ,INottlrPtoottlnget ~, • Dep. of the trannpary , IL Orders from a dimanea olatudest fattlontly IC OfOCKPALE apart lborl Com gaga Co ps/Its thin and will ern open unseen/mg TestDagers. • .teineieitys thaueth.r. OUCT/ONV-I:4re—Rsitingussrliscassydeptk aeid bnotiug* Stu ouidloalooo‘ludos,Selos'esst tenable st s.mmiaos solieshos Soo 4.14., 'lns &Elmo- Grout* sops* . beamir, • . /Ire fn. fkloor Sfroossel*.S.. touts frogaillil is Slat* rack; Ls whys lioauf icio* Lind sloqllSalsta. Is order „,.. diasiss maul* tke turd ostu Right fortluessa. • Soo of All,abeay,- . 10d0utr..4 we an tam pm pout to tecolveonteniaroarer CI of the shave. *au i *moue* as la se'maay,of &BataA . n the last °lig loom *thou past.esolidaou .1n of. millsopossille *teapot and oest - Polus sus h t u.... F 40.44,, Rollag, NSW - JIGS, - ud other AMID, tikvso,lkelat Rau Coo*** c 4 r Via*. CoO4nd , odoei , Ishesilad lo fool. whom** pa* nuolred, they b0i.44,' Is boLoPuops....., ALLEAA2II*AIiIIDDLY, - . , PJ)W.A Delaware Groke.,./driou (11111. ?ALICIA b Eponsud. Oi doil; '„ ~ V&A e Rnitrii; ' todiso Ray • Dash Pistp • L • • Ta mers 6d; . Whale AN • *: •• • AgoT.P.Weei ° AZ. "1,1 1 ;47 . .. odNithil; • . ••••• - FooOdl. , —Cosniswei As. Finn,. Tomo. Oxalic Asidr • Jul ) I, W. ,• 4 . Chtesse Gram Bye Do Roth • Ind.so..Spie6/4 .Patis Growl, •••• - • • Drwwwick tlotets Jul reed and he saes ekes,. for task VI. Spa • • .**eorsW 1111111101.117•10X—Sne ysttotiship"lll•4•6lCelibt- JJ 2 .1 r ..der 641 4 , 65 . awl pill of Wistraun 1.64 asU,ls.thiSday dispivoi y sistisal coooniq.6lo* sill hawse dimpoped whktespro lowest o IflSlghtstai' The bitsisrso of the We firm hosott'od b tl'A t l 2' was what* istherised to .. uss thitrostas or the JAW tir 4io ildrpass. . • • • nuramA. • ,4p1X0.•„ • ..thilyl `,4?.) • . • nig Peerd4r la r Oina sanaiwtosi.all. los& of tyyttoo and 6 ooW.a 4.0h1667 4 ale alwtm.t. MI.. 'Orders led st R mk,milee r..sytatfkop.,tor., set Idtwny mad Vi war ikest • ail! meet wtth prots i r twain • 11 WIIIRThas, Lsoodt stkrtween redwal Led ed.4 4 P 1 .11.0 6 ' OptalHt7 • ' AlleghwtY WY' ~11 N lIANWOR.PFOOIDP:D AT. SHORT 40T1t..E FOlt.cusroillalla—St 0 ease faripk.artiksailno A dOlble , 4l,llCUMint it liluliOnolverM o.4k.toork, 0 dom. Bed Conk/ PlowakLiocaeadlkenioo fin k and. sal Viaking U r oaa.a.m.,Twinaialmorku.: kja/0.9.121 - 101.1 and 10-14 , Caladolo t4Y.un 010•1! a. Inn wan; oranlod..o good 'lawn %Lacks and a LooksagGlaka a Fond amkkaarat lalmoodal.k.roiaaa .a.an exalt* a lbEagoall.(k lad imam Procoal baba, mkt Wan • /a; Pnng -aa;, , arnayo..k...r,aad.larap; is Poker Oa Vapert.HISAMP. • • • • •-r karoala knr cub or •ohabla marry prodassfat Consignee., by isaiicktakillar, agem Yid Omani. r.artedondaka.rdkai - ~ - . .•saaakiottarT. • stAbimoit taomriAL, - ;- : 41.110184.11 , 1, INnuQta'• Tgr: proprietot Only, lo nit einabllibia booPe. t*3;l;•eci folly fn. hie .10 , 111C.10 damnof entinurit, *ad 1.11 oxen titiMl v saadit eopien.oe. .1 I 1.14 mar Wept alai arab im,lookatea a (storiWoett fhe riev , idox "era et • 1 , 1maar.11.1.11. tie eqraiuis mama. prem. a Wutti QaW , 01 dish apmaikvaa Wm" Iva °Cites No ace/mope/Wm .4( A* Ran • Rama to' lagiaaamt°,3ooomfanaer law tbeharralarag meow ti D rzht 04. ' , M . mietor ' .lOClzenL.4llwerizedjlrdjelaaer .- 31HZeadeeddlidi et - Meirdnee n, fadrenfaa.aiaterearral r ia pie sea severe et JefliHT AR* far inLansatisn. wlnelt detara and vender dta permute, lemma 11.1.7 santrg dre re-baikogetn the'llneed starch: ar flayartraltoar, azie fan 7pl M% dire of Veydi Yl apeirdlw TiS Pleckbol&ns 01 , 1Pakrams , 'Pfvoeit Ihmt of Pita , 'Wia• hai , td nuking lipp.iet.noq Iba,ne.ll Lerstatare, w nab r►re, alters6ets el *elf Clan*? aring 'me them Bankiax privilsisa.er liareeledelpedient, will'euk be meorportned •• • W.' Want • • frartismho, - - rum/ P.31.:419.1.T.: rialblei. • . - pilvirso ; car= ' . . sae matkiehl konuer sts ' • gef4:442 , v4z,r, , .% WOW! Otli;r4 i•4lect ree'elbr oalebir 0 We. • .10111 , 1 o sioinvc• 6-4•1.111 K Ats,,un'os“' . 4 . 6"lo4. , 'Ateg* VAw- .1 ittliPicatTLEZ —le tuts for utiol.r. , • •• • • • •-• •• • • JOgN aogoak 14.11 0 01.10 E 12007 —1 Patti !pt _ .1 0 MORGAN. ri IitLIMLLAO cues 4..uto.by ' • LI ant*? , opaultaiN, vry-1 Calif - ay o.lolus Mazia;ZMl lIAMMI9 Ilt&ZAiMialMm3 Snr l'!"`" 23 kligLlPAnitx;s rtblil/181 PIP/141-IEO bu wlubb krr I , al ail!: 44. *4 wicocarsieremol.F-45 . _ C u a 4616.-14utif &air 'Rica nevilbr uy HOWArit3 AN THE PEUiLits /OURS MA, ig 6epte Ill ! ' '3 ak "' Wit • a r ri • .pr..i..hre,YoriChSee 011:116,1 1;, 111,114.1*-, u lam WNte Ouilt J Amp ep: Wlbungilbuse 130driusteke ale low by • - JOKIS .11.1iCk , • .putt' • got wood • !im" Ampinw.rjriplAlliow 11laiirAtka Li pmeklpg Olassoj 4.lrian; fur Clie by :9110 '• - — JACOI• vtgaTen. Itahl UE 1 0 2.1 . 1 WILANY-210,30fi11s valuble Newt *Au set% kr.1141 , 3 bi.. - Camrutry, LEITER WlttrEft—Coefeig' re y efleuersbusll.koblecw..4.,es , br rant . Artlß96: t • I •611 cr • neilii_riieliinft ron emir Magi.ot; for see bt 'JAMES DAIZKLL oh few dohen ro etem;.fr . .ete et the Wive Store, by the' bolFol . lfeaeli., ...pill,/ • 34tirEhltElt G~" ;A1:061{-i eue (Sp(ti~lllui»e •toe :alp . - .. -.- . 67.w0ad q" , ARR. littld :-9 7 1 filloareced,ftfialebt • It ki4V.1.1.F.R.‘ DILL gin IR' Iltindrules gounite, i recd .Ecir ' g. 1.401 - h.r.t.s.tis, LIDLITA xmvax—iou ule 1., A QAt• • "i I X , LNE- 41 . 41 "4"ft i riVATI 2.4 by " A.VERLY PiOVELS- r in cheap flint..Pt .41.11 VLOOR—au tibleitesleepogadflear reeeaceau . .I. ; :pcs7•• Awl* D 7.; , JAhl ell DALXI44... V1,41117R-,ICO ealeVe . . • a ,115 •. , 1 JORDAN'k*AtlN:lkilbeic 10PI-4 balt hau l iufrg A n Ai t • 'Pm - wlart(ontlmu s Urana..-160 ElLlahlo.ilew4aDeChir J LA .6 " .•I. OTC /CM moiwissavp-ix ? bbis II 0 far .. 104Thiliel o prla R 4, cl Aon, . . _ • alba2lra klaill'alq • —‘ `ku4alleibl"'britl-7121::1;DAII.144 ilkyraiVit - MUNI- TI)81.11:120 7 , • lbdanApEnylit,"•l44; ..,I.larlAtinsaivittLit.tralme 00Ar by 44;CtRimiati fro 4ale • 4l water at r i f=rabbbni.7! . ..4l . l, l t i r t bmq • • au.g. Cu m1"."..1 -4 9 bp?'",t•ot isusro ted tth . b ouosuk ' ur■:.. ""; la!( ,,; gL9tileStOCKkco. P~ ~~~ '~ laZgLir iMEaM »-r> - untAiruir. 4 '. ' kh0r1 " .. 4414i1 is 3.ll44itio'ockiiiii .eswes sc..; hfair of Woocgo4 kip., wane 1014 an oattowoowaomoont of seamalMeN47 --" - - ' 44 4tOtieeKe it t'-' Jar: , 4 ~. 114-igiiimm;.ie f is. int ie Wiaosa4•4l. Noa known. woosArluelk los" sweguy NW4444> own tableolldr sold amionartaik, ' , dint loglropq kW We lroblowt Wort sod work Idluld4, wohlorstaises,"dlay ow Iwwwwwoowem id^ woredog. forther wa,awouswo molds' gwVeteold :wow% lolsies a10w114.444. ' *o r 7 ‘. ..-4. .r .1.• llw I , V AA..saw er•sessimpos.: ems.... *tow VW• b e ,i, wro mit*. owl Rod datwoldre door* 44; .WWw4l.Rarl, r".6a Po". f . • •.• ,• • • ' • • . • —-' - ••AtiocOeti. -34, , Almolliossil wootesoi ot 1.4 aldno •441 th kw 0., io.oowoon, reE, wadoolottobw lo ono vitioy, told woll owor 'ruches, woOleal loarolowOoloo tibia .3417044 W 0414ined oNlowlowNAW••o4.444 fowYwoodm.kr.:-, ...• •• 4. , ' ~• 4 14Z1 Two damtwoywail 4dl op Radii% Amitliit. C "' :ON Ttrondwritolli 44 A eilal: 11 4*$ ill CoonwrONl doles L , wkWollwr W at* galo, volt ha told low N04411"00d344 Is p hi 0.07 olio:41y domed forliwwwwouwilrll 4 dad Of 24 tow oo PwwwWwwW l w 44 o l 444 414 44041idu100 of ldr G1i10wn,0444=411414./.4 2414 w 84 lw• *OW, is f e et grid. TON le. Tomo at why. ..„ 1 wow - •••••• - ••• . ORND D 01 1 10.1441 . , 1+ -• •• 1 , 411011/.1•411:4 100 WI .-I• i ~ ;`, CBAT U, etr3l4: . 044 tim e iii44:4o • raw Cligs*Cll.l;arowalint.X.;,,3 - • 200 / 1 242 , 004-111408012 - . ygt,S944lWeloll".l, 11170:14%g enithist4ll(4o. Ai kiaNag.Bl- Ihbo F t ie'4 , !?lidgW. ...Ple .1. !";.WF!kIP-4 1 ,,, C= • ihe PieeeP•rX ai e • e!,! ,, a. • iltairs s ii beastifill 'mac colored honey etitleffeet - W by.tha ee *Weed Kok :1413ieele:' The Maier kW; eddy dome* **tor raterlerislhtedtheee&aeltdi tei reds.* crimes veluetielet aekiasilatpieplzhniit. aci ta.di.iii•Nteptioregiestar lathe Oak teee 'kr Yew &Ayr', sen. aser Una leulles ettee the 418•01 . oaffo-oopeorillutio ateo!" • ,TofimfUOl2COACit; ody.37*heii• Wed ,444 reigteeletetllB;ii;rtq Oar sbak 1.44 ohero.0 hero . 1484 Metioe„ drAe•tnetie entedefaxed !tenigolragoi"Ort.oroioitio' • po, lit is... kw , • , I. uOnVt. GoO.O •,-. Motor. O Ihreep, .B•••••ie vi dee m me ether 'clueates. - Imiat eeareneseecreet)-60 Oeset h eme, eateeteleeeteerhdevill be Aped *or. 4. f 4 6.001.3,10 n beam .2 . lth mod •Of ea may Kffeeeti•4 VA. Crafted 'W. elm 91 1T r a l."4". 1= 1 = 1 1 10 .4. 4 /..**.a &ilk 2, •• - • 2 0 0 2'. f r ury22o o , •stioes: sad' ethee thestiei letelep, Ise Aw• hit espoioeity !sweat Axe himetlf,liee.qtthhi• =:rt, .1 tic Moom &nista: . Et inkhdo:110000: Vane to . oipoor fa AO Oude,-bi1epta1a122.0.4.4: elau, 0.4 sa SUM. of olaity, . 2..f..2 . 1 .•0•2. 22 w;pr0war500051t0ra 2.jh.oiy_oo,l•mr ouoltyrofr 1210,1.n00.4.0,2',i tt•th• -dk, thlet...protleeteek *C;the arai Maim or • hslll,ettidt hee•u aria Ixj eleeteettesesent mei! hiiteseeNthn•tigeffeee 11.'erPt,Tor tho ,4 *} - 2 hildaftel‘ leelir page memos e, nftleinglartel - •1 elleikud teenteeiserdee•teetvevet lab*, mai* vehen ,... er l iLzi Nampo le the ..urn ha. 1144 most -ma. of motaerws 0.2) eve , ereetheielet .141 PlllllOll4ll-2. the well& Mu eeilt Yeetttegsrhthe t 120201:44 n a F .122.• ir:=7o.lt2dosola ot:edse A i r: ef do aP Jlfr. 2'. ere 20171i.21.1.•*22*12. 141e.eted the hero. t. 201112111 .115.W.,11.1er hOkte tivide*:4L the1.11•11011,..../1111erh c o 7 4 ,l o V EFid a ssi lit'l lysayeel-.1 itteuntlemlseelimuiate lambed telthkeemeee— tossa.sisdisii —as s • aWmalpir LS alfssiosa lothtseessp ~!•• • • it WWI' SSl°.4 111 ter. .1 810.170aai notatiahr sop& st: 11, Stmotsilsna 'not V* last Mlien* * 2 . 4 P,40 41 .1 nw.fiudtwawkniatbe iTedanS4leire 144 W rasa Iris st prissipalsosets:.k, tkdpt irtw - imiVictioe-;: LEE- - &-.II.IIEWSTEIF-'4 Eeii>now.' Liiiamese fit om sear Lim br,tb4sie ! peee of eapplyOteoe ern ipAhuselieTradeege, ?SU WWI cAuooas tsacLusivamr,s,,,, • I 14 . , Pew.aadeilibluar,..1 ell *Moe& se . elei,..oe_kmgest Afetneem k , Tliek= poor ewe* opeetei Seven! Ilesdted Packs/en, . every egew-etyle of Axe** end Deem& emetic leel, 02.7 ,otvidelearcemis btut 9 . 4 .* •1 ...* , 6,104 enet tis edered Sir We err ueinigl gen erylie. pscsikasagLe• ie. 4 Jiltobl s UVE7IOIIIB 1 ; ''- ►tr*rrd.SeWw Otailirts iClitirland Alas, as. ser Pt 0 ". "Ar e e•tru*phith'farlie I 6. 40_0: I bkgiiktreffi hisliuMmer egllgNArcri et ibe Raini Draw tusittittaCinefilhuilearietsta Lot gm tad Am atiOtal. timetrads thittette,".. ctry teem untiveittnt ile=lEtil.bet4h 'Mt' and 'OA td teeth/ Taztair onttjt,icto;efe: t ti s qppA i ltt 11.04=te trati%lietitltsiteCeestitltir deft. ttert l 4 1 ~ 114 0. 11 1:4. • Ttepirater astreglege titaltes 1 . 12, “ OK Nit teratozprestoe et ite.itte tea beseakimi war aloft' eripetly am Ji tisMix,-IV2olWiCtiftriarrir PemperWly proicklirbitlbfr_ to put ter otpuNeasettekekettlitirthe aw* and anti emotes it 4 0 , 1 74;. , ML15t %Mt atmetwite ;:7:lmilewm i trilft , ollllo . yllllllde 4po 4 '7" j A napimakcaawaiw CI rin, N.-wocbmwelrmakoasunynzivir: • ' , ' • ''''-n- ' ,, 111/611:eirfOre!'"" '-" "' . ` 4- 410(1:11t0tREIVY NAVWATION - CQUnin ....,. Y. lie elocaleatot a Preadirs,liTreile Ramada Thmetsty et Air ay Nutots. I.7lo7.lol.6llkeldlitlllNtime 1141015 lie tbelfemploortierArivef ,or -11alsoyethe ith OW Of • lambetionwt, Uhl !mkt, V( IS iIRMar, 4 a.:,*: up! ": tat* mega Kfriktiethi woo soupeteitualttyibe cMtpr AIA 3 AMKPIA/1411. _7 e :samaithw meyLE. to Apex Mum 1.4 ,JAmEnAtNy u " , ''''',`,f,k4olipup at • et2s4 NE Ntbsattenr schi': this Nar NON sac of p. F. Nanies,L.maJettraNd. Soul* giallaa; sat Au bevy reeeleed wateb mid at men.. ~efacuerere Mere. .Tbe' WOW eemeted•Peculuter neea M awed on debbb ibeVilbeibte; - pry SU the . =Neu 9.itarlsautsha 11.140111Aust. NGINANOthap ilefinow et N Tart tact 445.thar pc*imienarcuaNtryiluia..NOlNV,Goi. .The pion an p 4=1123 11,,asesedii u dsr lauNty. •apol7 .41/1-senel " LIU" Pigi.td7 tar , mot= We INV Aar/oe*. balp at dm Gnu =I Sorlrilhgoodatu Alion LlNdearAgilktas Treremeari, Artrediraradaier:o Paid MM. mole deeekardat—Tia Ortic Mill Mat= Mix at ehammtbres pea lastaionalmo Illitousi sliest kW lac Ailma'ageta attratoletherirmarry* Wimitioli OM. . ' :Term. =derma.. !ovum ar dm=Uwe*? dal, '.'llTredlUßGli MM. Walla ANDWILIIMr. - arta.Aust.sacapay.:. 4riniii`/Aktriaer ultalFAcrimEas soa.s said Maier am& /U. Valet tied. and Pleggli4Viaiw at Egorang•lhalrerd Iron Ailowasit ham* Maiteable Castl4l, X;te.ragialt UP! itivl Cos* WATOR'I.OS2 ,, AISO ' r DST ibis leorumg a geld ratstpryirWypyo. - . LA by 147obtioliaii&ettool, NORM 'SU Wet m.e..the &pm newastl by Wm/milt el tr., ittorifor AtitlaProWytmor twket. 1141 i mos a abbiCalli tt".."'" 4114.11. - Martell* **tit. ' -•=1/4_ TWOeuraco peamss— zap LomvaiminlLA' houiAutt lie& %sank* Iheicuji., ealsevi wadilmva, Ispanal and Med' irAcQui, all colata,fia* dtlisialat vaitets a( lisrarep, *I pg. pro.. Tuscany Amnia, ant rtt7,l ,l Pnw:4*Bate at a mall advaustratew * !prawn - - - - JAOI3II ictit'VetrAZ •••••garltetk ZatlylbiCif ON, Land einirerwo karat a =l: . 14* '• se.l4:ira iw,o..ioaitsaq oaM • • _i~_•_c MEE 4_,~y^Y f ., a f ' `~2 p a x ~K~i 757 By ilia D. Da _44, co*semilmo. sse .i.b.,,.,, rwr Hohudimala 714.4ni b rIn ko'cimk; r. XL , F" iti will be gold on Wo onto* bitwona' the Wadonawn and Hts* ills moille Roadsod iolnincronpoloneenine,v9 hoop Wologiato,naHo- j biz Sor hen., ond.ronred nondeneso_tfln IN ,b 1 mine eines of eittslanib - Zan'allOgboir OUP pynnuo fordo he mashed is I . half. Mat. - Alin; Oar Inudiebor litidl. 91timiii 'Cbasto - • # Hoof,. at pocoornoceoplOn:bY. , SO ..c- .T. , •Onnot , beiHnipo I Ouci t tn, cded:onn o kelt mu. ofsioann 030.1i1e 'lve 'Ur elWee flint no.l,..bronnocroorinei - *OW ,1014KMOOHAoC - Oneb Lefinrlll.limtebeible.tarMtVedteln,'ltreeKl ohn ofnibieb ewe* mg la Awl Amber the plover!, oboorn Wilts 'lnOrnignoo at - 11, l'enntrOoklbonroomb, the poilftn,‘ Horiintgon4 :4 1 .' P .7 * -14 .!., 10 ! 4 " i " , .1#, , ?#.1P 4 ,0 0 , 1 :: 1 1 1 " 1 optl6 • . . - —" . -•• • ''f i,V - ,1...41 n.Ware, ' Onlem . 14.'. • ' trodenrritah eaLsoi-Us ON wedmieo4loeattry6llliellidtisii.V7iftimelret ate.Commensial es Rails, mon' or Weld I*" AV, .sts, wt JDe void lb, aeosost ',boast ital cooserik—...? kfroyie tasolusecoafitaidwankin• isidaudiier ' ~t . e.. , iri' ie. - Junood a rch are strellarda. the. ~.onummy stociteres; cti4.1.41 9 ,04 • 1 “.140 2 ; • I . 4 4lltaievneskai for Cott ma cloak& dr* 140 4 / 1 b ""t je kK ll 4 l llB niernhoski,'Ssireatiiirrniniduti* lofts. Ina eeremypoinatylk+WW;!)... Uermvt Imps, allre. and Gads_ pas„spollps“inAz ilium Iliad Nisei, se* Imiqi. and lIPPA: .. ..... n. "Proell-In*s;pleelactles,ar--' - .14. . i._,.. - 1,,,. .. I tarp' :invite of Gframa 11,0c7 ,i1i...7 Ik bi. ll / 4 1,At."' ".... ' .., .' . * JOHN D UeVIi •. 5 VOW'. '' •,...,.. !' , • •-....-;,... .-juied....._.. . - , _, irrirreit LA DAILY:JAC ~KET H7O welt t.o . a U.eN W . lll N' - 1 " an la war ear or argon. Pr we, • • airbrd watinsalod.wid woo wow al-tws. d . • pupa et WPWeris SWIS Aft !a ' ton datormasp our proms* . wPaa araWars.-4•1010411/1•0 00 Seal l 'oPl""* . F."4=. • —bare darned a"laillala or 01.0 0 aaadow - -bou willpsA PU low ; 10 : 1 • 17 ut e Or Aiwa WA.A& wows cloy asparameta as - ' 40 5.; la PI WOO O 4 0 .4: 00 , 4 0*".F73 11 !.9.1. ..„ '41101.ao • , • OS° ' TIOOIOOIO BI -Qwl.4owwWolorwaltro loop swot lloaday woratotas Werarsti.Wirellag. • e . 5 30 • 010 w 2 P..0 20 0 8 ",r•R1 - • - ' - TV .RIN SAID. a‘ PO. A7I N.• 4 0 1 -7 . W.5X 11 0 00. " : 11411' Papbarsaarroy Tbesday moral - ar 10 Orkolo Wheallas oers,Pwasa, evades at 10 P. 111. : • ...• , '"1111/111INSIDLY . . P; Ma NEW SNOLANIk,I\ 111, 'Copt& Aim; ar l l '• -OWOI overtaradawday.roonlaw• Prlaek; enrory•Wednamtas awalapia.lo • ••. • TISONSDAIr PACICIP26••• •.•• • 731101001 : 1 NINNXIIPS.S . OraWolltiam WOW .barip .oaryThasedapooraingalloaralae we* Tho o dy- P.' lITAIDAY Ms CUPPEA:1 1 40.11.Vapt.CcaMsorill pit*: - bailig crier Fildat Accrefnearlp Inc") PO !cocci Ftiday atelOsioulo •-• iEßßEZiagairOMPL , Wrid=lelivill'lMA binvilonirsSuludikismalarutOo -Maas* t - 11071DAIr - - - 71 1 AEO'NEWTON, Carttitli lemrPigablegiv=llebrit.mulairatlir Wielt -Wit *MP Bow ;mu* ecµ . l i p kiit 4 =iw i , : ciatig.="inViiktorabistenigb,r, FI 11LTAPOLEON—lits lawrand sGesnaktbeir eib; enosµ,A rantirreansn.wiat.tvorleik,aribec Fffinotatiiolati -eunimihts avrviarg bride -s• ,NOigiv -AA hlibbtN rtetnr4r- 4 0 Cidrie 441181. areeilkies ". ' RAIMIIII-40 prim Bata ala a cake Xatu!iime• - ' ::C1;;: -2.---1'0:':4.148.;'4,','.:,..',A', tnaP 7 -, TitlrA7io is IKE; y PaitIMICI-20 ink lillkia; l 3 fo rdiV ir i-.- ...`..DpiltS,.-:.. -: :Vy..4 4asal/....gmbis moped Um lir amen bt , i .. ,,,.........._.045 - tata by . T.L.VEr &JO:air ..:.. vILINWAXI.-10 bri pa dunuaz ntrideelfVtfreeilaloi . J _._ -nowrnuk.,4oust itt.we'iLletpttt'l,.. • 2' f aiib ta a 4 Al' Ni*C r I . A iia : l 11244"!491 Ai • tgs...llW -.- 27 7 V- . ...A 04' , P. - • • ' et Frora.tiett makniovvr - va_munov.;•c- vrazt.c.i: C • UPWIDQUANvT S 1 1• 4 . 1 b 1/3 *OS* POU'ltb; 014,„7 rAit qgoteir E a W tr tt~ur r at c" #earlir g ", - JVitt i tta" . . silar " ew Azagitkftsairsi IMMM ext P Et* - 14uJ ars clank e 44T ••• • , - J Mum' 4 - 11:0 U_ADDEL-1. cskJusitebr . sa. t51,51411CK67*(10/ e r.ILIP/ASJO•ACID:Xt Ibthat met facialo . D bisai - aivar ikutv:ll? - 4;%.1.14.rpii4 rime aga r :: it be sat! - - r rasicr. . • : • elle,OrT.,,:dra,ooo IFSAII4-175 MO hph poiorisor roc* **egutry.... "cot is tau yogurt nay T. :da" Ihniimeitoku r :...141orMW" Itouittrktx.r. 4 - . _ 11.4.0,0211: ' . hr We trir "tr.hars, Weeny wsoirik *Lao ISACILIUMI4.OIO, bble t.nr. fer Api a.. RICA 01601 , 1 - . - Lamm & iewiA • alolua - - iya.,cuaisstoto tizs sisqrted ..ton ••"Nrl:44- .87 VON bOSNHollarkoa. ***** «yna l nc Hgryaagytofa^t p4muNim R",. 3 " 3 ") ; waz;;mmi Elltr:LEll4llF.iii Nuee beeps t3 AWCTIVAP-12 bXs aiss:ried iresilleli Iff(i,T, NITJILEGS 7 I - faisliOnia4o by • bbiass, =Pall Wadden. Oirsa/ob, rinzaariL4shii prime R %I 'OM . • D kaascsaut.. - 4161•X0i.102 *.rftta, mm!n PLIP14111 . 111:10A14.4141*i4 saki Vial& MtelattiMer S TAR eitilart.4l•_....` o, _ . - sage.; IMON=IOII6Mi tiN ' oi 16 Mik• 4n8:14 - MI "Mr,linhimg *arab', t. 4mi! ' ' JOIIM En:Ur ‘ I 4OOWX/Mt , -.11? Plvi pa hand aapll kepiktf'. 21 ' • rratkr ERNiiZ;N;=m LUMI-I~pri,Faiptilanas wept.— a_ " 41 4 4 ,klinaviajwr,._ 10 7 , 6- , , w;pPO;ftw *lltUr f,1)4404.341,* Eir‘.! wato.Nl . e wait MOM& ALTJE. , 43I:II linKar IbtriAsbr • ?, , .J Aii HAM) • Abr.ersuly Jam tr.¢.••••• Wow. ... ,111 a...W..aatUuthaagroodiat _ Q.ll.llllli—a. cmg.seminematafeix,ibou;Geit -1.731134.1p1ag," okapio&Miteel seKeraelle .41W:- • "" • ,'.• s WArmiamor La weTxy° ~ii.?;~G. elpirt44lo-14 clits , ani-eaddicoof Y. i 14 1 ,14441. lis Al ' arde,rl:44Ntsek'Ntionn-sitgef toe andimr,r - ' • - " • -LS 4VATERMAII.. attle.*,!LzßOOT-10 ickelteeniltitagesiveil: tataal Palmlaw r a I '."ll4aia. Just Ib l r SlZgat.Vir °I sad 'sugar 115.4 - 7. Ri <zass-uos.b.4l)..i.Atinswei. ow- .11auaktot a aiass-ibeent um; Nark .1020, IVAN MIS, sat Mil la mem ,t su b.. 7 Ibr b =by UAW, & REITKR, ,ant • eat bi elair /amity aft - AHrcs.nua twilawed. kar•alp /, • tak.sUN •••, . • ‘ .0_II1419144:1 . MK — —ltiribir ~' era N glare_il7s4l,l • • memiktimi, „SMILE ' 4 4 ' ir-4411{115. 111111 it &UN sinter' ~~,"s -C 1 "" 4, air saddiadd and Vieliffir;• r_=MESI F- ' l'"ulre : e"" VrPialr,-its his Josi 7 24:b, wari alai4PIN bM=ll"..o,llll*VirdaNtn:. Oa lahell WWI PE hate'i stn. r: !: ~r~:: ,:., s ` 'i;:~:
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