.. ~~~~, r.r ~. r ~~ _. a , V.;-i - ?..& , .' : ::.:_i',':.4 . ';:i"!. , 5,.: , '.. „ rill l I&llFOWiii ;!..= MIMI= etio=,'"'"'”' auto rudokataesnisisf: , INOUT,lvin.be prof lop Dialtoliko4 era, lay KU Adak., 4Y Adak., D l3 at =pIP *en etTailefinpsompsrut,9l Invite Oet( that my -...45 , 45114445 sad Tsta• v •• • 41144, me safe 4- miaow une# Paswik, f'verfAnk triVit• tigtworspeks eetitstO alat# a:growl el beasPab?4l M VII(I i Y' • izmaj oitedirazi Aga. - • . • fJ bk".616.j.k G;lrt. is Maori 4.0.) ettrirsier 6retiti - , rin111111: 11= esawried;, 33017s!"Brap!;" #l4,lOoteivroisalsaAN ' 31 water llitreatos _ . , COrritg.-461bz Rio Cerotg• • = • metiirkeig kit sale bry . _ • SADIVO , DAILZIII•4I/ Wale a 1 1 4 MA 1,f ebc.4 r;11.1 • 4'`W' Y Ten; ' • . Black Yearee't; roe ..*,;r7l, gragelvz"rft rOPIPILIA I 4 4 Aorit, oilood moo do mouton. lot do do : Zip* id do Worn do: of orodivol , aOM v. PRAM? , " - - • • ectubbetry tlnns as ILlN4tllllsTroltaitiust - ul4 ILIO , 'II — - 3,1011,1111 1 . BON, Villbsoy st. Nibblisimerod 4 . 4 b • O ff! 616 -/ 1. 0'. ' i t!Pil 6 Vi:P*,:y :,'f ' iatileld wide Atii tiU. ZUF4l.l)dox Inteklust • 1111- :!'""jait,V=l , l2'jbaxis' grreg us Tserived loiLooar - wt. 0 sill SAI ►- • •-. ar. tlB l2A- - 7NI- 21 1 1 , VON faraiIe ADNNUOSIST I OD 'Clot% 4 . 4 0 , -,_= it'ARDS f . 3404 ,1egrrfac,o1vv.;!_, AVOnalltga"st att Pint"P? 014"10.1PViinifyiNed; roc pna.s , Al wdfctivivultsi voos*.i inmate st to.no.rim*lbtrds t ynsa' , Assami,so Mots rpetintiel! ffx W==;zwzi 14-01 oblipriett.4leedi rrr.l7Cr . .. 04ar COPPllllSUllbspiattriedi kisaLIAL la r " sot2t ' ;CM" PE" AT* •aaliasiulluss tansy or see tkci; rimy • -Abilliziniaat.. 'Nam* wo. by •-•!•'•- DAY.FORD Clq's • .pll3 .„:11.11‘basliabb,11bettysi. •• :la' 4 old Goy% awn. real pof no fO islet by ' -WILLIAM! I 014 WORTH • Jon, MOSACC9— . Pir bp 4, ." . . 460.1ir. t; 4 4 ; 0112VC LOtri.bltkr.froth groml Pless A lot ettOtiviorspet W ATEIIIIIIOc , r: . . m. UR wnrits ttedle•Liroi' _del* Mal*, asul Pipern%Macaw. nai Mon thetPlasilta theW Tix***". l h. O.OIVIPS.E423Obist-p. , as,* litpermaroliMal . alt AtttlttettY nu/ _Y -016..hge • • - t „ foe saleby, R FLOYD ._ . • _ . , Ae.!?. l3° rlP ° . r* los weftre ' 4 MIL I.S it avocerso.l Caahon.sikv ioollaagsmain ri, a i npl aleima offaulbr .as seesaksucKetanirr priee. - StlEkt ygn 41.1111t04. la. • la ...let,' .1.11.11X111.1 1 . 4 0 nilOa 444141., -him' sal plata rtaaaala,inlutr Et 800 awe , facattmluziataind Lai taaasai SuNDlor al 4r - • - atiEsits unfal Yre4 beat bc-*.ow•r.. • • 3-3- 20 2.20 DR Imo Loaf Ow sale 1,0 • -‘' •-•-• L Hull:Bloom *.co - • , 4200010( St Laois 60•0, ljprikll....:TbsittOr* tleit in cub gral. • T 2- or .. eleasors i mem and QUM/ b. 4 iod *4 • : T., • :w• fedi tinsmalf by MAILBUTH)Gar:i OMPORTIF — M 422 Coafinissitil hm, , .0 AILPUTYINCYC. AGOORSIZOIR—Iesse ifinctfilm tkei Mantas wiry-130W cileribrmk •• • • - . la L AOEs AND EssinaGS—A *melba by C ARSUlrlinn” flLlVOW—ialsisair.tiy.•Afog c •OS ESKLAXIIS.474rma NF. T.A.M.X.IF.-IN Doib . st me!tlioA=sl4 101110,40b51 , Ettv Veastlanltetlast ne L L alrfn_ _Auk !• K K KE 10I0111=-40 bit kills comb int reeV; Ibr mte to • WICIS ArbUCAPIDLESS riKAAHIDEP&X.TIIIII-4tbbls Wade tit DACHWAIf tr ; • ii ;'t g r t ,t u W . grilitir:BoAlryoolcilitrikroviger. I orris k - am RILIMITAS-Or *4.6 [Tyke V01irr,...1 ag co tryollotri . cO evarl-4 11.7 Oat remind and dot male Qllll0 -9XI hul, aid aeon Caiw7 aeca.ho gut tacum! by - 1 KIDD is (30 6 4* - 41113-50 _b* lA* ri• 3 alailirard bt ehm-Y BT.; potVIKETSON n:e.4 Web" - nnie• •• • • k ILI - Liss IJ' by1.44e1.111* -A.a s. saner' , eat lass Uus saute by- Val oe Oat. We +l4 'tree*. , ; : 50u7.1. " * !i7, 41. ..- :447 . • 01Wiilte0IEW-2•00 . '• 118 'SA"' IM O V VaIa 2, • et.. 114 1 fiaila won Nu ANUS* 0/14-0 ale issir; s florsehr *wiry TWO'S —1 ea a k in athifOr lidt Lir SCO_ . :SITEr O* • L "`clr q v "— --- - °sent • we — crraix — r.si • .0-e1t1301111% S i li jlNG-11;2 ' *"."'" C P, Va far reli imwrlch. IMNYOYC4OiM ~'y~ ... .. CIRHCTIiHO!` .;41:‹1;. , • -• • • :: - %Vita 'do intFale ' .t`OTILACKITURN ' mat en, of 11 , 1,AZ1, foes alirnlltla ' 4FOREVVI Ci '''' - 11F- itT11.45 pat!: Lup Domee b y ripplresion oigasigwatk for We CULMHArfiy. CIAL . I 6 . r tlq Mistaid and a Tatum 11_ : ;1 • • HODES k A LWRII - - ••- . • ~sbzz, for qua • oAwn , ~1 ...-, •,, /'-. ( I‘..- -.. TV I P I PI T °:P.' " .: .. !IE- 122,X. %V It br ado by • ~ , sp,.. • ..- -.•• IS P VON BONNER'S*? tto ' • M/ATVS-37 dab *Ceram ha summed kw i, . • lop maw geNgs. 4s ogre Ili ft" k r by, *WIT Alr,CO3, . 7.t.assatelal mNidwirr.t To • • • RA 14IF botstaaaa Cl*, n ', ;i• IP idisiarif alit=a! ton PC11411„ , RHODES A. MF 1 111.14/•=4" WI WINO HEAZELTON,easteida sopa ?MTS. la bblsOietindezai ,l FiallzaistoOfen fund IFII _ & agr , 14, Mi a I. ...7 -P.O. ler 1,0., Y." n; ` , T4',;j.i:r • AN rgtiVag l by Ewa bale of :Hamad .Gp~Elr^lvt+bi~ Tor L./.1, at- al. teal and Ibr is3eq lee Litmarets ilrtool, nag, '.,11!!!1/?i,cLsi 7- . :;?;.' . .11411, Prelims!! fir pabhoblitio of:Philasiel• pide. !,am Doily Piper, to b. called "• • •wring 'Deux NEws.• • • - IrisaOte n VPltde . de0:12, 1-' 1;e ". " ce rn d ' of existlrt " • =WhiliFsineielee eoliths preeperity °Meetly! mem udettiou of tbiWbbfparry of ,"enroylv orienfa tad Of tind Milo% tan Mewed Om ettbaenbcn iet esepotethe cstabbsineent he almn ".per. - - ' The NEWS will advocate wbixprozo,pkna.o..omi *ally srpossidesi by our knobs hereof the Uentnitsthoss, •and adopted and advoeated :by the acceedi tett pions Amid thitumione of the Wklg eased at the plesent. The an:rottener., rebate hem sculpt' follow a protein I tne The pectins, sopriety and preesing neemspy nishe pablitansitof a &A petunia, nod fearless Wing,lferv ny Paper in Mb. are - Acne. Tics ot an 111 , 1= lrerann, and while publisher" Sint to per van the Mom of mein t WOl4 Olatas it pa viilde the teacesof all by no etmapnem. dh AS. 'loos. - mammal 'en& business Mom •,lbe NEWS valet De Memel to ecnelof its eettlemporanes lumen male Mescal! arel.o=k i ß Mtel TIPS the latest and ,ionst =anti: areal; nad s tiomesqe oti en.L r fag Indehn 111 sde plper ' or . Offensive to reined taste:win beaddbtedimethiaoo• • Tram —Alba •2‘ll 8 mid fee c a r et i to r itiNienbeis so six cents pet meek. payable to rrir very Caw day: 'Mail subityiben 81 per Mont= • • _ • , EVANS. PAXSON &00 121100 •Ttla, Anus MOM. , • ..sonau. 3 NXITZII.II UNIVICRISITY. Ar 1001: 2 17 , jAt . e .. 1:13 1 ANDZAINTINa ;WV' seztourlar. 'eametlitr. ="4.,,gg=bec Draiiri•• • eeerinir. .• '; pre. - want prept earn airat ewes *that rise M. pranks in Drardaa al'arieldarry. r relo.t. and Des*alloidilas kafm alaufrepuoi varioao saga/lout of rarralq• ' • I ' .Tarretab ilThlatElett will he earn nu do, Lava o. Parvenu*, sarkr*or aro** ar Ptiaraba; 0 . 6 1 ,11 ' er 0 ' lisakaa4 'abide, and 1.6 loloelplas of Art, thaorpaen I Vipeataattroill - .41 .1%1.6( orteerdri Drailiras sad unnimieftlth.lbwDevornovn -.KA...00 to ' la, sardaraafitala tlawasiry, bat ir car to all. ,Fr pre ViiitTe i roatt a :L: n tro.Claaieoettooalf -. ri,and Zgiscariiii, tar .lod to.avail liaosoalres of lola wparoothi uvula an An incl.spenglabla w aar ac asonpliabed preparanaolu omit panels Fro Wan Pardrulan faar re al the Dal. array.* ar Mn. Driatadal at lais. White r ‘ oaLpamy n. • .. A farr 0 4mar Win faeamosnouveaortio Dons, aoa-.Paiathat at. Mo. Psatelki , o roomy at Id IN/00 , s ne ai their ilgootir . , MM:Zi= 4 . •ABLAPPOILT WlNES:adad .addlia,' ad''' 10 , 39,H, .41},2aid and epoisdqie . ~8 0, f penis d4pala!t , e pata I. - ,I Para , .. e , .ita— '' u . Tr'bio gmln , q hi " br. , 4 = 1 46.- -.-, •• • pibit -do . atm... ..„ ey&c.. - - • - , -do ' S t •IltrA ila!r. , - Haw !CWT. ' ' "....- ' 'Ark g,i deb. , 1.?•• I; Deeaun'*'' ‘ , Ve ' t 1 . t:VZ n PI.' t ' lii. It ri r b. c " 4.11 iarlioi.Laddra — it ,e.l.h :Clall.uk, i t Several of these net ail) the best far medical par. PoOdicanany,Of than edam hem the Dayiet of idakappar ,Canmeailla.ly haed by or heat aeldity pa al b, - :A . , . • dust reeefaingam non and for sale ay tlr,ilof th : b b. : aka, and_ ale on taada!E!k ° raort WEAVE; . . Sear mutat & laud au .. - • " 'Pt t11111 :P ar" Vr ' ' ;16 1 2 patOiai6,Foan6 oinot toga %filo mottos co( Ladottaad (31. attoatc..todko mak to atom a bentatifto , dnAL/114101.20^6. , .. 1...t0 lowa* hosaatitta paraaatountto alitotto become .Itnags a complete taylo of Caincgrophy. lakle,a(aotaatiatalaaad asad by doom lobo :ill pub le dm-moats will be imparted at um . xOl • Gootkottea•east, woman boar leettorto B mid It totestota i ~.17.160 lad 6 Women. A ;dam will abo.,mOt.asettadto tatiaatg. ,Ladios will Intoatl etiodr..anetwon.. opo alto, , 141tolatiti'iiiilDtvAitkinci#: • ; -•x •• Hains° replgaidoed ebels• thehentcvcn Loth delimit sad "mum 1 lake plespere is an. aoagetvg to Mamma and, 4ea/era that I aot prepare at Walsh wide poly to toy liaa an sun heacr • Bay 11. retialicsaat ilian ' ag.tiaft;i4vaty.ia .. I =Virseve*lstt=rie i tinereo l dana carties.4l.lwre fqi.ioars•Nrs.. : '3"1,117'. • ••ISiallira,P4lo — els IPKWIZCF.I J Jodges,ah sui,a tot a r Fr limos airtl yypp Ap y r 't7, efl,as lot War ta irwraaw:a ame samba asoOrcfsibaletalad ilolivar, Wick's ataaw.l atria per WI( Kr 'de sired: whimt Rotraeme. A cork of the lint q‘ality 10 nowyrettriaralair, for 713gAW '- •• • ...Keatin g rims Worl4._ FLlFeeeeek,a4 • *CMOs krt•nui setwe,G6id PaTe.rt. keer Waukee sable •we loop , kiku, ;wall I.re sCaliels. and leranymed ta keep ',God Atka • Alm,' eponceektorkisbee.pneedoeeNakegsalkdkese. ink lary and Apiaty.: , Ale*, Lee:kW Gobi Witches - of hew:tie/me patteeke scMaGaRCISMIWP. rirsalt 4) . • • GIALEIATUS AND GLUE 'MMES./MR SALE ja—Tbe Artalairalirarborr War James MeLaagaria. aria Ibrsmaira tbra asabliArreit f az eao* ara torserireareard gra baba L e bra Ka as a %Alen tatara4 Gbarr Fogroxi. Ila warts Ara In crimple** order for eamrimaa the tosines,Wititiztstri.lke and ready krAarrusenciag Saa.- A liberal eterat will to gm; and All panleatara am& brwso b 1 ealiA¢ ttaare/tM;aw,k*.' , Ascar JAMF73 BUM FAA, O imusEgg. emkprjrr Eat, and ALL Woo T Tohogoonsd b Itailsr.--Tle lodomenboro, ot s bum aspesed, lam neeeeded i a aaalthm Wei by machine., nr,ll.ey our tom able toolfeitodokeioze , • of Paworgh is much; Arertor Is anny iespeet.os soder.. Ossueity , hoodof sonar; b0uri....0th0 , ...0 , *4: Sir s:filts to gams lab Wm good mod ueatill name Alleoheny-4 to 3 , ooOvets:jio :oho • " 7 .l l laborsb—Wm M a r klojoi laejblla,aad many • *our a 60.C106 , loraeation. 13E ORES /CO . • aboovarProof CAII.21011•• TO TEO PVIEILIC—Mbe ter.,l4Arrities itisetratt wirti theYlDflll\ ro Mu itaresettete'tiltlf l6kit lbert Tee. ;il4 Pit let ore and Allgithae 1., wing^ ,Attf to ray, lbetereas;'e2teept prcieored ;At nu, is pnwll.roc deceptions).* (raid viva OW( Ina.c amine not babe tehed ad.• • • • 9e1••• — • • • ••• ' • tiFoantixtett - - - - - • 'VALI: DRY . SRACIELLTt & W U l7 & a 9, Wool at. 2 &Km .boar DiaisongAlley,Plitobativoroold inane the anomie,' again , Auld 000ntry bolos to their very lama sod ftdol• Pock of . /MAPLE AND. PA NOY Mai 4;olllDS.wh,et , • they Lavirceeraly parchUell al km rates tae ka• Oar &oak I o now (Azad comOatd• eootattt'ng alto o , • titiairatde goods whichue d Zeals ro Mal else:. vettam tin of andelt will be mad at a eery mall advance MOM JfirW biipikrebased cf ra.ten, twortl TUSINIPISS—At 4a-arassasts—lbe prapt4lOrt's. 1.! Useidbemeess Sefres/want rponsirss, vs-11. sin s MitinSetsblei - pasemally u.l . o'stoek.r; s,eacb eay commeneing en 7 Wedsesetsy,the'Mlb inst. The talk 'swill 14 sowlid^alib tkibein that the stalks* siforAs, Br." 00 sum oss osPeCtidly iorted a etll - axed • PECK: THOM PSON CO' 110=2 TWIN 11-4000'ton. Vulcanised Judie .I].Aptil L Efrivi rim fie lk lathes diameter a rale. did smelts Jag tokataad fat dale at Na.L Woo le r _MIL It tea beenn.4d by:ene at ear 'wonky ant 'salaam laden BOW Haw road sot be mended. We ale, eaa,,a*ve Mill de it... ' • - ' J H PHILLIPA RJ6-3 ht ehilis tad 160:eiuty bie troll Van comprising gins ScsericsenioViaing Ilyson,lly. on /kin, Brian, flispooder and Impalal. Also, ' ...o.lo,M.lNUNTeassliecYC,lo OOP 4. by optlS %let& SIeCA:IOI..E.BS -titicisca nao*a og.ornL4iy. 1 . 1 MITH yHY Nuqualy reied itsaarornort of wavoas qa *in atitelje pea : gendenten's DOI.. Cass, ao.kr 4.0 JOS/ seEty ; Val JROAD CLOTHIP.A oopplant Drowa lad raisitite Green Blood Cloths so* !non et lily Good. 41dosos of W..ll,SlGltillifreruties:alatass and atl ne. ATOTIOIO , i•Tb - ei Weer berilenr d:qawd 11... -7.ll•borglissailf44o.... nor Pad j.f.1111 time /sow .r, *mem' us OW as nut. Irak.. -inks tniardsta sinvest, irt thou kifrg We presiat dui, kr settintstm Ara of Vle a f..T . lll:4;ct Worm gm .Iblusday die 3311 inst %Tee rob te are wymetfolly..ltreied aueßi The e;creMei will earl!. - Mn:maw be expeeteit *dle elm'. et. es• 4.llsiftVieft reed:ls TTIli T :::111111111.1011 • *Anil., al • • ,PALIKEit Ku loot rro'd • (01 rival/ or Ara •,!•*•oadfa*.brodl'lloaasts.rkbaarkßiabeno, P. ;aro , Lbifrainsq' for sato at jai,' prim. • • QAELSIt First BarkiTO bit z lod.riag the Own , at the Fen Mg cry Blokes amt. emu the T,41 Gate. Fenno Alum, %A, Reall,for 1.1.1 et 1 R Itigheit pnetV1114,61 , 04 tom& bepaldiwt•nCr 00,01, • 7 F-3Ua• • F"NTLI".=. 1 T22:7,.'..P.11= • liVossed'Brieil e I so-I tk3,163." bike bawl preoe4 I I• ' Aadmo MA [Wigs DE OM* Co 'Po.t Oire Pillatarth BUM Drick-Ai .eta. II, Ivicremr. psibm.-A . pearem Or le, .I.oaddinir• mom •paidb-loorlr pommel well *WWI OD drkd Querns, dada pod, bodod or • Aal Moly 0f4 1 .6 00 r foodr -et lohrated anon 'llle4litleeol4llloLir on hood eistt tor .4 do al' enannele :t.4, br -- • . M I 6 cIgAIT . Ad me, manL*AllpillAlL.llllo.llVLS—jd bbl. nare elstabedand. palaertaad 2 , ;0 1 ankle on hand "rial.; fatale yrnalcarde sr =Mal st the M toe amn •-• .dAC O I 3 -WP-AVER • • rot markets 'MO an 11AIRDWATIM—hist Vast a diritiruand Adty mensinete Anrily fledse*- Haassersr•ties.Trase Clalayormibi Nalls.Carpea gra "blip/1111TO ea 'Ai pit inn. ?Om ike,tor sale I. :1 -• • e : - Jotr• • esita /remit Fat ir.vrV eINKy of ranll , Pf a •.' , l .1274111147 .., k tie beepkor otrwr or .rd ~, • asi • . • p N WERS A sorenpa a ide wide Floor all Clothharer myle et . rattans led teeeind frost the &atm , sad for We et on mere etteee..sA"..otl It. seth - • VLAKIWOLS—NN. Hievn god Inkrretl risobol. A ' An 64,110^Aol.cPP/1 reerirrd tem the monytao. toren, •A*3,oft!tneces ItAr. prirrd Cemoineo4 for rda Stionvd et " , W. U. ieruisruir Ea. now: open a fan amomot VV . at above dogmata toads, wasmat , 4 tembrinae• blt t. aim, Silk .W aro do, Gams do, sod a lard* Mont. meat of velum and nekond domentel dek - , • - flntti lIAWLII—W watt' tit A the ladisola hlc *swum= of lqag Plaid Fbawisi imitadinir fr. • in • er. , • . 245 BX$ TOIL& 944" bliadrCC:, s„ WIZOLP ni" n I"9o.llDlZlewsw ~~~ SE I. - -.- 1 85k I Ses I Woos I 5EPTE.5288.R. 4 I floss Inn I rhies I i 23 Thisi - a.,:ff 77 izi 6as IY. so 7----- 7__ 24 Friday - - . 5 4915 513 mu. Full 51. 9 5 25 *Atm day -. . ' .5 59 5Si 5:42 • %' Suaday 5:51 SAI 7 2'4 • :7 Mosa . y • 2Si )5 50 8 9 • , .-. tt Tuesd22 5.55 5 48- 8 57 :55 - Weduesday - . 3br b 4 4:4E5 _ . . -• . - . ldofemeb t. of 11,14 Clreealbilieacteno' • Ate=cite; Captains. - I.eave Briiannte..lll4. .118.1.1A014' • Oct 1. , 4 tiibenuni(Srl *pm., . . Sept . Sept 10 Pcieptga,(Frlßteso - &Atli Union, tF,r) • • • • E4,,,30 Sl.ecorii (Fry . Sepal/ rinbrii,tert?ltching, Noel :Oct 4 Near Vett Fept 15 ' Oct IS . Wii•fihce. (AMY lip. tS Septet .. Oct 15 Ct.L, lo doh*lttlY :„Sept 10 Onl9 DEPART,FRF* 0-sl.vi '- i4tiirNell-irks Philadelphia, due, 34. M,, - items , . *WeSitairtditil4ineinneti and LcedsviMt, doe 0P gonthern 8120 via BA IiMOTO nd • Wubiogtoer, due ` 8 P. ly., closes 6 A. North Western vra Cleveland', due 10 A: M., closes 9 . 11. AIL Erie and Western 'fieeitork dun BP. 61 close, OrtlcC 9VtteavaoH Gazlrrrit;/ Tuesday Igintiog,.epttmbor;2B.-. Yestaidaypass day of'setivity is triainess far ea. cee dj og soy . violas, da7 . of the seastn„thrisib somewhat cheekisl by the heavy min which Sell dtr rlegttle W.CPQn• The 'lint is DOW SU feet is 'thimesi aed - st a 'flatOita..." aid" may Safelj'aaj that - lhe boxy nil' swoon is cos folly itOmmsoced. - Buriarimbi! not yet ao foi revised ai t 6 foiko any risible silage to tbspnees of• the mrsket,and Islam a regular chaisithr:: in the market dines the Mesta !he riter,ind pileis coati sualfithosa aliaage toe odour asks of earloos 11C11,11 lot. at $4,13764,90, retnil sales at 6:ltldsAsc V bbl, • ISO by wheat from store at too rtyip-100 ' cam--5 -1 0 bii it ?1640[; °i(• goof qstiole at Oa' - Madam% Wei of Earley or 430430 V' ha. eroiisfoss—Top . msitet'crutrom eriPr• osiehisite in itiacs. Silos 200051. Radon hams at 9610 e lorrsatttolisime. , orMOlbi aidesot 84184 1.4-1200 abeaiders at 7a 011 Lo.t 300 lb. Sold , C — lteree=Reeeipts bate been model:eta, Ales '0f.21:0 biz lat t djedie. , Goties sates of demo at *Se. The supply is le:Ethel, and Onn prices is dirlereet lotelor -11 &4 0 ' t Airerrieiellits—atiefolreirins are tbe rites am eberged from 'Pittsiiorglr 'To Wbeelini.' To Ciorinniai - ; To Los:n*l'loe To . . • • The ipleopid aim. Meister Mum, eapt J s rjale., leave. th?tlare . .ll2,p'eloeV foi s t I Onii: bankaampLerall from top to bottem,igiel Irom the well lumens eapprieoen of Copt Deem, we plenuire -reeememediep bistro:Wl 'be may be ruag that year, AB they .. .milt be sile...ko Bid to bioi oati'areij wq r i4igs itoraq. tQ - • • *lrma MAIMS This Eno steamer Is now 1018in:tit ear +K, properatoralo bar 6rst trip to the loon; rest tits vtod eider the command of Lath a mita meant !AIMS. Oho bin't bole but rendertbo molt implst Who awl tender her theirpatrarran: She , in atAlbeeling butts but, and, dues ample credit to bee.btnldera. Her taltiO try DisulthiltideNsorAnin enbin by ii 4 ieust ggo. }fir 'by j Phillip* & , HaT,. lenethfo deck is-181 lent; 'X Ices error. 2.3,8. beam; hold . 6 reat,--arid Is built r 410 :tow burdia: - Sbn 6sir4B Splendidly fansish dEtateriSorni,'lnendea 8 cominruble state Items in her Teens department. The tarty!. cabin hay pitched to It a sphisdrd hot ind cold Silt, This is rocenthieg sew In the Inv:ries of rteshsboartrtvel, rhould.end doutsleve will.serress It strong reercentendationef the Mari Stephens to the ttarellier 042131 it. . . Rica Harries—The lateal semen tboa the South - steter.that the weather bat not berm very fattening, DWI the . plaufers were piting In they crops in pretty s igood order• We have recants Stint, different Wm:trivia - iklabstri4 which ireiverp vretirsging. It rs believed that the whole crop is Crorgia will bit a large nee / and Hie. of a . aspeiicke ° - - R oet reshart,9.plsl.-Therit bat berm ma actin onward tor Wheat to dew. .Webearof rale 1003 ho at SEX; 151 M do at 1,10,. sod some miss Amor haar,lal fame uhnuetions. Better is - tired demand, cod aella 1.507 Pi.eY gas AO; Fept . !4=Casial 1 4 111 hithevllt Wood Ifo Mt; Tobacco Gl. , • thh Brio ,1391. Pro , Iron 115350; Iron 117.4 Th sari/ 34:604 Wm. 4016; Call 19;485 buy Wheat 36331 Masten-Sole' of 850 ibis beer, 'Elpsrry' brand, to $4,73=5 1 30de 'Watt) , di Haydee :4,75-403 do straiht bi.sa •tits-A. ho .beat 93c-339 do core prune yellow 411e=330041 mad 4k-100 du 4q-1601 do 41e-1460 do at 47.1e-6ift be rr• 50e hro,°llo,bbls coif. salt 1,56-100 do boa 1,174..- ' [Hereldl.. Drf Bort. Sept 4:3-Floarr-Tbore ma' abetter reeling in the market yesterday than for several days pot:-+e4stioht arlraneeloot place in Faroe pnecs, .red 440 to 4,44 .2. freely par& The retaWtorde emota: .101.011 material 000050. 250 bids *old is afore at 4,50 t• ' - ToAm« theimorint and 'theme of trade of 41 S in the followinz Article.; we trite their iMpor tarkerlitri,funtil4 countries: the Am siimooltry of, the year- for 1846 and Import 01 Americas Seel into Llverpbol:. , , 1846_ i 4619 bib 'l9.ls! les; •• 11147' 5143 do '- .9 . 5446 Import of . Alas riean Cheese tato Livemcolr, _ 1846 3191 calm • -* 14,105 boa 1817 r; 44924d0 • 19".36;d0 . Imports of 'Amencan Lard into Liverpool,. 1816 9691 bbts flP9'kbs • 1 . „4-1617 • ", 21,585 do . 41,8.16 do ' lmport of Americas Pork into Liverpool: • 18461 , 4554 bbla 1817 1G984 hits • Import of Americau Better tete Liverpoith . 1816 . 1960 tams 1f47 .3155 do' , " LArlieittaer. • Leomvitie, Scot ; -v.-Bogert and RAtte.-4 9 4 bear cf .are. of 175.bieres ol'Oaegincat 14e1 cod sales Ira; roil, ropti rit 64e, 151 Ito at die. • " t:ouon-Sales.of 10. bit st ICie . „ crash, sod 10 bls Cool-Retiil of Plosherith at name, Floor and orain-We haar eo fiem one of the mills a; $4.15; and Italie mints from mote of 275 ',bpi at 440: retailing all-415. • Sale. ofarturnt at the sells at 7.5086 e.. • Can re mints at 30 to 3.5. • Oslo !Or. tabu. • , •.• Oroeirtl4, kr-We mmte o soles of 40 by. Kio coffee at CI, rand 90 bp fat Ole. Light salts of ill 0 sugar iiihbda Atli to 8e...(f00n • St Lettur.9ePt 30-"Froo•-aalra 4•366 colon bee country brand': At 025: 57 kilo aperfor ,at 4 tel tt 61.1. IVpear-9 r'es 0f,171 sharer. atl3 cent.; Sib do s alt at 7414 PM 'abs ptime at 19et 130 do At 19e p bu. . - in At , • H e n g p..4it I. prig:node* rotindett sipt.p.too...- Barley—iga!osss2 slis penis at 45168 do fair 40e . Inf. Rid 60 .kcal 40e, 'T.tigeigr--: hbla tore. fief Elaucod-13 Bka at. 750.. drl ot 6i•—(Rep:.. . - NCN OREKAgS:Sept IB—Salsa cotton )oiterday 200 quiet. :The day prorloaal7l,sl.o 'Ws login& purchaterr, principally for •France. at a de-• -aline of ic e Good &Wolin to/diddling Fair hoot: Men mad al !Pi to tic. Tobacoo.-36bhila related andidynitted were aold at 3060. ••.I . i; . Flour-Po demand Ihr grhititoat,Mlei for ihe eig ty ennumption at 51,55 1,4,75 fuel/hie one CH. nom, itaYs,lo 550 ler; St Louis. C 01117400 saegga. white and yriloto.itrigtiony.:lliersi *eiergold at 55n: Wheat—The Aitarket ga *are 0f.at00k...0.1* . Some porrharcarharn boon made for' tbd Amy ; it miceo ranting from 33 to 376 e. . ' ' corms 41D Tablet* lITATTMIIIT. , Cotton been • Tobacco hndo Stott on b'd•Sep 1, '47 • p 433 "4,36 Axed Srpt 1' 10 . 14 8104_ • 1436 do 14. to 1.7 . • 1093-9203 . . .000- 1436 , . 3269 d • ElSorted Sep 14,15 1128 previa/Noy 1441.6..1:!531 5816 Stink h'd vot dem! •' WHEELING—Per Istßed PReltet......S3 hhde to bsceo. If Leeds a, co-7l do do, Roo,-1.5 do do; CINCINNATI-Per Umpire-1G 'lb& boom'. F Sellers-U bb s ham. Ido alcohol, H. Graf(-I do do. Pa breatoek & hhes tobacco, J Maturie-. I do do, %Valli' Word & eo- 4 do do, A Gordan-1 .bas ads.; It E Selfens-2 cria.g.aro, Fmk & to-9- del 40,51 stk. gro4l,l:lLeeeh & co. • For honbeaso-1 be sada, 40 bias Thieltey. 2 cad horns. 2 bbla dn 2 bag bake H Ondr-di cobs lace, Peeler-3 had, I treas. S Wig htosao- 2 Idels aka lead pipe, I to sheet lead, Wales & Bro -23 tag oral. Parkel-24 do do, 93 aka reathora„Har-, bhda toba co. Roc-16 do do, Dolsoll & Jackson-h 0 bbla ..takes:: Kai & Out. cao-2 Fa boobs, la Leech & co-11. do male, Fah & bag 'battlers, Atwood, JOTIOS & eo-I truck, bbl, II Wmoe-I tor Dal, -100 paper, Hobirson. • • r Per Hodson-400 MI. sahlgley, Watson & co-7 bus endao,.l coaebioe, I b.. I bid. Atwood, Jaws & co-7 mks 1.11301, D Leech & eo-40) ma i ao aa , Jo n dad& Soo-97 dis do, tamer aboard. , 2EIF.AVER.-Peg Michigan /in 2.-12 As mirth. ings,..Carson &McKnight-152 bar, 2 asks' doge" 6 bbiai..l- kg. butter; Cagabe3.4 cake sigag„,o - iss tilasaoss..4 cab caflsl Bakessell & a t a4 , . kg. bottom, beca,irnrt 4 0 Ptah,34l4n:cora Mt,' ; - ' , ,,i,:4 , it;.....fc.'',.7-.7 - 7, ,?::';:...,.,4.,c,.:;',';'i..,:'::..7..•,.,: M=VMI It lOU lbs DOMIBTLC. MARHBTS 141PORMS DY. REVEAL. ~ y ~ .udt 9'UzMtr.4'>Lk'F~h.'M' - rh~`~~~y 92-yiolYr ~ ORT OF POISBURGH.- ==:E==l • - 'AREWHH."' Broin- Louis McLane. Helmets: HrsuenS•Sti... •-•-•ss- Hespslab Heinen. Mon. esunden,lisrsdrieknoty Beasser:'-` , " ....l . 's • BaSser.Hoops Senior into 'Kris', Hemi4ll:Henlk: '.• itbnde Donpeey.StLau Hudson': roes ,••• • - ." -•!•.- • , • • •• Swslnio, Cos; CiOr ,k 7 • DEHAESTED.:: ' , - ••• , Coda] , 011111110 *Watt int. • . Lotia Mebane; B•naetti BrantrtiUs. Matters,: Woodward, .Btorhsvilte. ' - 1.114.3tCh, Nelsen, EttotrottiSig - '7. - •'_` : ::'! }Utter.' Hoo-thciteater. — ' EA. Pit) Itemtbill. Remit. • • Mt. Veraon,-Patkinson.ilitlj . Caleb , -Roscoe JaTetr. St Lotitt:. • i.~: , • -Ntnintltanba Ittyt:Citt.' • 'Hiltson,P.oe... Wheeling. • / 3 ° 6 • 16'1 •_ 166 : 6616 4 16. 161i&t: D. LEECH & rACKETVlPlfiladolptita• led Betimitie:AP..l4 Da 6 . • • BEA►'ER:PACKETS n 9 trod 10A r MONOSAtIELVCITY - PAoKerScd DISPATCLWiebon, IStoutredtb,,, FA,IBIIOV,Si - pitiEßNinxt. , -Lolis,- • .SUPIREAIdi .., lORY.STRIPMS, LO44iyie.: SA:ft.tNA,StLouts.: : Aura% par* =ECM :; - ;5T:FiL1V.01'A3:8',:...,..,1 THE SA.OVP STEP JRARISL,' 't • - • -7be steamboat PETBOIT,Ireit. N. l Botilleintnoevee teeßibit be"' • ate& Dwelt-Red the /*tit 51e hinfie'es Jane' littlonaltiegdireekly deingt. the - ruttilteeesei , tbe . reen2,lo,,,ete. Dettett every Teeeday 14 dttylpeß, The Deuvirifetet yea , igd, Ms* pswedia sere entitle, and le well atleptett tethervalt Buoys 4 . Fae ti • J. N ELBERT, Detroit • = F W LAWSON.... . , - • citicurnaL , ' , • • The fine nem me • ' • ' of NttratNrA4 No 2, • liCktelorier rourerpoillisareualeree Oar morning ai l!echrek. Ferri:lp or • a • applfon leant: • .143 7.. Fin ErrLovis.!.: • 71 . 61.11, pbayegmatiee.witllkirrasib.i.;.... morniair if litectoek: - o' freed or rapotv sirly on hoard:- - • . ;leav atons ins It ID e'eloc . k...;Faifreigh‘or . ago • sopivon - 77 - - - The spteathd vein • • Dales raister, mil lameabsrecias a... at Pt e'elopk.u . For ferlghiorps. .10 110 hoe was • •SCItiFISAIt;' ~ Cockras. Lawn thi• moonaing sin Velotk. F " oc f 141 erl.mmirikaply as bo.a. . „ • .Y.4s.rigster. will Wee .6 aboitis v. 10 et tack. • F.O fr.oski • plusajp• a.plidev o oo:•4l tmtv9 la.g. wtabt...4.1 I E-4" , NJUY E,F,t.rit m at Laic muter, lint) leretcaboTi this ./. evoutg. l 4.'/ , -.. 10 r"4 1 ""lr *ago apphp beArk' •AD I4!.iNcitAlpVsl,; , " , •POR!1 . LOINS ANL,: • - • • - Tae figrurg ,,, r A q trCormiekowasu 6.01 ?mesa %belt Wadgopday al 10 eeliwk. Forfrggbur poorngs pplfaa boara 77--- I'OR VirIIF7II.ISCU • •• - • ,' .', - • - ' • , L l ' • . 11 ‘ ' th,'". ~11n ' l i r ;• .." n est 1. , ,,a, .resviet, ladr .reaasted leer rev' . ;star Itipt Land ardl lure Irttutank • as aloygotry 11,atartay • OW . Nos, day is 51002nal r• AL • F , 7-!=!o , ..° l",t ri lir r Atr. '.. F44B F c 7 -N 4 . . .6 • 1; : t 7 r,e 7 E 0 1 FACTIMZ • ' zn4a,xilrm a.Aat *tai --- Sll t 2L l l %W Amanni .m cl 4i..iiii3,i ng slla 4 odii Poryn.lo,2. or poi.aid aWr as hoard. .-.Fpg CINCINNATI—StbtIJI.I YX i ..... . 11' !" "'" 114.1..11,1Iatt1... - .... , -..-...:. - • • ..ii!iaeC i." star.artll learn Yers alum !arta i ilevja Orman Thanday,the 2 Ida at ieeeiasi..•. - . • : , ~., . ~: . Vitif•WW 4- -: tiaaa , PP 1 0- „ :: ~. Ag a ,,,,,,,akeia Ham i • sprtS 1 '• ''' 2k4414 T16 1. 2 1 4 6 , I V l l l L :lt r u& A h C r iK anf ---- fattra. hi .. EUiti t .4 igidar p r ra:l ' Lt X . l7 l iilb ' A:tarit.oaia : iita; oaring at tOgsd 4µ4 mug. ram kayo Togolay,repl.:" F. t , .. 224, 0, 0....0,-.o9litrtiboara. . ap_CiL, • FC!/tIFrI,OUIS—XFZIII*iIt rmuccr. • "mirailLTh"nrit lntl tit% k 1! anstamo;moutter, arty! losaa an sae*, ' *day at ; 10 o'eloak.' For froatia . or pangs ,appty do boatd; Aria • " Tao arm and fan whin tata Tia *tangt itLi,ling, manor, bailt OlOroull GrtlW *ado, will ran *a a rtititar sag b • Jammu : and .otatgar- - lexakst Fna* taarat'daily at - 3 o'olaolr, nmalpg ul j 113X4th of Saldl Aid D.Tet Car011?51d15,021;,. , Yi1• neadal, and FrAnY. For fretittlt or ratarati Stara Nerr:Laboi;Or the tow.. W sisut Notlit of New f.144a. milyort bated ,Jp4- LtwilAßßAU(lll;33.oodYttert. .21cH:VeZPOSITI Nht"tAIIETH :AND MONO'sibil, mailticZ l alas !wjali tenFvfil l ln7 4:in a - cs und, - and Fridirri, rl4tro i ck,lr kfLinli a lo eels City ccery.Taerday t TbonaloyatniVoltrallEn• o'clock, A. : Pot frold'Ol .•!P l l: l4. o ll •Prqr * l'crh ryt3. • and Ilue•• • ' • I'mk•S• - Th‘ • ETinkidrascot mm., . Oars, ddlorloharill oqLkOldd7 l4, l 4 ' to spine poi aring Ow *bah . For frelld or yowl, appl bro or so . n 07.•. ...n - F.XPRF;§S . To TrewsSierra —. • iespitEss ww,w, Wicgulm LI ikfiggik - PHILADIC,LPIII&eds AND, lirefusi fro • t• • • "NW Csasi and Railnusd being. arow in ,iinedent 1. order the Psekso eta Lieu will leave iridtioW elers as y Night si 9 Pocket Indiana, ilerSeS4duoduihsdP. 2l . , • ' do • Louisious, Thompson. Tsesday, de 99.' , • do Kentatky, )VedeesdiY.4eptM. do — Ohle. Cmg,Thursday,F....ept:4 4 do Itailioailelkey, rtidsy. OOent I. do • Louleasrus•Thare;i•on,Eilordsy;Oet 2: "" do. Kieauelry, Trial, atelier, 001 • :do (One, Creht -.ldooday: , Ori 41. do Indien‘llerkey„Taxli•en Ost •-• 'do' Lbuslivut. Thornoion. Wedoesday,Ckt 6." do Ifeeluely,irehr.ltror4diy, Out 7.• • ', do • Ohio. eteig, Flidsy.o4.4 , • . ..• • • • do. 13crIty,rulanlay, 009— . . • : • t to Looi4isno,Thompeoe, Fundey,Ot n, If yuo desire cheep travail* sod 'eondbrusele area* . orodadons, wane Toot tickets Ist lhe., Packet Ode., Al o naegabele&latae,Weirr..threl;or of, , • 19IV . aI:BEM & CO. Canilltasin , . Gazirds.m.4 eons EA6R.EEN !c 1118.TERN.EIPILEIS geacuANTs end otheie 'sending good, Bub lino ,YY/ ntiormed ihrtkibts • llns is ibeincest now r u n ning. IsetWeen, Blatbursb and tile Eatt t conneeting at llti7 , antra .stitb• Adams and Compri, • • Bantams daily, al 4W.PrirteiOrd Bawls sides. Peeing.. of nib , tiles tvent ail ssed an g forwarded dully to Brownsville pet' etesak• so,Lovit MeLaneind Cowie, and nonce by ourtg yresew.gonswltieb are anderiself, to Contberlendsnd thence by mail train to ng ß enquire s Fosfordwr p..inni. , t -- 04 St CbgeieS lbyttd. boildings, Wood street. Bretelv 11 a vicKgrnr,,itAht kcIAIPAD serWO DAY - LURIE? * ITE7WERN BROW NtIVILIA 'AND 'CUMBER -11 LA ND, la now, fanning daily each way, oaring 7.000 Ina or Goods end Produce between Above:pante Merchaodee from the„YaNis deßwred Pidabaratt the eight of the third day tine•Cumberland—makint this Ow must exgodittoaa mow for gatang.wat Goods. Gom the Eastern - • •••, The /Wolfe Elnlumora will alio a receipi., loliiaa Ind core' - 9.17 C RlDWELf;.Pillebugh • G CASS, Brovranwitire MeKAIG & MAGUIRE, Coned J 13111081C030:.1 4 6• 1 0 ft; near Pratt et, Daltinewo XD/77...." f~flE Subscriber, loth of the Arm of 7.D 97111Iinioe A . Co, h”,er ibis slay Dutchmen the sthek of hlr D Fral in me Irlsoletlas andretell wary arid fl rdne. anelnehr, 418.'ecnnet ef Markel. and 1.1150111 tsteets, eroold..lespretfolly the plunnige,ethis Mende ondiatmer pH. sac - ro oosthn.rre yalerapplied.renl. the, heat artleleathe Earlern thiuketh Can hualah;cod pricer. , lly an entreinf erranalaneny'rritig , A. - Jaynes - J* l ' 4 Wet for the Neer Tort' Petro Tea Cowan - y.b will he CMlUMlY,sapplied Wlth'i general saeongtenter the c.,..ponVereas, et New. York Intel* for the' ae commodallea of them of cu!winerre • .Poltherath Depteraber (D) 20. In reV ring !resit-ha Dtherr elid-Prodithe . basinere , the andenuthed 'mold undtalltthanaanend Menace. aer,lboe 7,1111er, so tua Mende and former mums: • amen • - II FIALICA aftfris.v.--n. xr.„ bYseing teme k r, the ebbletuebnnolA Jot meet:Al est for Axle by the ettithut PuuhteM elleteriec - ND, 40 des Satteinut and - are. eale.by the dollar steep bottle, et JACOB WEAYENSWIeIIessi actin et /EWA 1 4 1 4 Tigag 1913 IBY ~j~~gg~~'y:'GQQlSr . - ' - .V.lldr.li'',ollD iIIrnIXA*I)IECT totirts:' ' . - :- , ,;,..,w,e9pseacrjAarr ain.,01.:-.:,., -, ...,. F '...-:;-.'.'ilii.-141411;ont.:aii,:oci..,-,., , , f., '..6921dr ri r nticeda..iddiftand , F o l ol h 4 l i d el d ,, ell VP . i of . lboiivis 'MO, Bref od(lea I= viii.i . mple Pry Gagf.o-14 , ' lisowt;ll..l. abtoSityTeS. • Orlteisfarners sizietthe pii .21.1 e ferny ...,:r,:s.pefr E l l - !'"' . ';'''''!". 9 Vrtit . ciu hib:Thl iiistyie:cifopkh - Pyin Go'44, ritlehpnitted CollmrriArind Dt.Leimer ',.. -...:, '•"Chinicabte Idobintilaldn •• _.,", , ~, r , ..., , , . :• . , OteNondadCallinrxd* drdv •''' , '. : , ,„ ,_ ~ Piaui blank and mode eod De Lnindl: '' • ~,- • r . Reach idend r ol- .. d0 ,i • - , r , • Allman Lame. and Boanhoudndn, • 'Errnetk snd - Entlnton GinginnA• - ` r' -, ,_"_..... r ••• r • ,• , •• Canton :lla mew iht4fl;ood2 tiff ellkli r, .. ', ...: • , . Rheh tatek Minn mid Idaliddlthltor . • . . „. . • • Pleb*.lld.DrestEil abbe , SHAWLS—New•Parit designs tang: 'nud lan.re Cashmere ElDawik-Ifotion 'and lbee."Pned'Ttlittsb and Cashaob• has bT aenthelt fidmdh I.lalChlabb aid arolherBh 'sandal cord 7111 bet oratODinti , en n k ; F 14,11194 lasi ,ICPUDISKIDEPINIVGOODLI—MIitto‘e'iIatteId . nod Point Blankets, smile-an; Marseilles Fem me Chlnmesillontyi Fioyek lbr Lunch title . Day Sheep a FUbw Rare, ezienzive absonmanD 00,14emeolo Damask", be. • COTIVNOOODS— oswel sof Dleaehed toail the tnowht hoods, from: lib alltr3. l , 4 the &OA , Shining . . and lorwantirK.tlbliatiLa sool,n Flannel", Otelbes" entor"kbediebt•OaaFot"ol.oiliknor ..t00k..., Maim TAILORS , TRI Id filUDDirtelb, SlelbaKootd Cionnel. Onneits' Dreyer" Itelenplen, Simian% Threads, ble arlalreilk(Csel"D'Caqvisalk. PatD VOOLEN frrenehonol Cindo; Waal ODD! hiaekbni' a; ssimeA~a ' ri "tom Cashmere, lrod:Yetbet" nib. a sary nock of Cabeteetic;Mairy,Padabiths,4lalieN,`PeDoTniPte !tar e! avows hloosoiel NeW , Yorkm•orill *medal:ley ioororing * ealPodasapdyrrest and. Mali sabblehmale tab of blerehlorm from bll pans of theneittiorhoira to examme oar melt.. '6'holciale Bombs oratotob-1, • '.N&W ABILAICONZISN,f;r STAR CLOTHINdi; , ,tS , TORE ig r o-70 Wood a„,,,Fewag,th.r.r., A , IVCAEgicALYI4I respectionyteeikoard A the pimp.of Fireba,nrleMad. owed/ Nee they Lave yerwared seryleal of .'.leee.edy of Broadway, Bow Yesk—os oi *tit mat. lar va :I , A t• • ' 44oll , ll4ll9o4ainetimpadskagacdp MOWN • the. diastole. bmae.!rteceta. ll.in dwomies: curial 'the list ten yrwrAlayroll Aware eythed.raßria..dele •aconfordly aed la on tvaraelly acknowledged to to la colter of great seguirementa,,,, • ,•,•••- W. +i,l4,,zwau4 wid44l:ool fasidoUs pee as the *drudge of orrioryoor ago gwiweareld Waren aIY/e,a• .Geolleowner boort Malmo. of iukuerlegAttrdr - parietl, oan,jry coal etc al A, Original eise,rbe acoomet.4l.od. , ilde a gg . parves "* lts ir t44 _*_44 " olt,q " legt=t; wimaing on oar part SEM general eletiainfoo.. Owe lort fteeiverre . wet of ke.oeb V. l E.itia'/Ill i b ßid ri iih ! e iPt tc4 9 4 7. ° W.4lt '• • tk eke' •Brelen and Oren BC/Rei •• • norcispaAntowthillFl'4lt aielcd*BatAd4 , phno.a 116eIrldiKplitio attliinier • Alim.o to* laid mote Frond,air: est Welted for vaadada:- - ~•• Da . dd . f,'Pastiden6 Oraltmtes perm', edig kraal • - • WikOdqi#a.d!antdra, ',to* keirfrea In the %Tem luerecluoinly eooseeted with hutment lath Id rea Tort and kovan VW will, trop at lairda:..prii.d ' , rub Br lawn Elaiztais el lea Or inod. AL CI.-If ha kept - acoatantlY ba laed n general asaortaieid of Mgr 70106.rIgLlblikaN'ThAweraigailer Mar% namilail, COlllllll4Cll6l.Cp"lYAkr , eetrpurocn . hc ac. tfatt)to'rt• ) : NA e wood ....m.-allvitetriwilf.Tmmarryama,dsa -.• VALV TiiIGC4SPOII PACK AR. . 1111 rcioti pH weaved i1itec1,222.2a 2121 3/21 3 0 2 3 221 te 123, t cut.a ane; 23 Ans,p2. l P aing all•arlOallart11."c • or I ow. flora beHlfilvii724l.3kHip aid iy,sa, inch, dlat olt-ibe imditHro r ono, Civet 123 r: 01200Heloied (2(HiCt . 2 . 6 6 . 203222 gazi2ty 14 , tim22,t42.20 kftd 2aturtber elm of Hobe pasent.imi j ,gsp.Crtd tsnaperted *ad 120 - •ftle 1110tett.tleniti , 5 prkti attonteonsivarat, l l - , H H 702 2 D, Ms" dri.elyret ? Assay se Weed AMS oret.C:fdom ivievrzna ft: an examiastio23-011,122321-222381He5s U HIP eH Q. . 1.1 /FP QUORIFrri.d. WlWdt Llama; t. 7 Pgatedbiddl4.ldadea Laurin ~, • . 'Aida t0714A iltuouttd yotls9 Biddle IndadaLeastantrttl . Rapti Fremii Cddfddtft PrEsisidr ,Abettnet• Md. dmil • . 114..1 sad rudldt+ fa d d r e olddsoeb td id n f .lteptia? ' •d •-•tdr Rand ity ationtateter dtd,tgtidinientilt and Isaac* . &. wirre,alinii.4 it TELEGRAP.HIe NOTICPS: . • A 'MASTIC, LAX AMP Dlfliitai IP PIL •9ELAUI4II I •Aftre .• tender the .41901194 e .otOloOlgloolo aotrOoto limpte4s•Tokitrokit Pni.unia T•s rs Ciummore.-ToCueree; ere'o9l , or date. hi/04914,3PP 441494 Ueehet lednerie9 91,41 la nr beisree.e totermsei9eedle94ll9l99l 9•3 thriesti •ositookga, 3coot.:onti be aster .. • 23 • 12) , ..011- :20 -30 40 23 Lueor ,•20 • .10' • -2P .33 2020 ' 20 C 4911.3- - ]3O vi• - .29 0l 30 3 02 .10 .'. IP • 'Lie WARW. 9 30 '' 30 ' • •114. Meer leemP ender ab . .miniervvof_obs MateeneTeleptiqh ' • • j Tess•Puue lers.--Tei melte; *tardyl of dme. o. aro.weer and *W.. Oe each .rorO, It 9 -- - —.-- -mosnircrOrtntu,urt be o.ur ... , ~ , inueug fa Welfs•cni iikl ZaJorsdle.en Colusata4Zl do' m.,ltecUnd ''''.2o ,_ - ds , ..Dailnn , . ~2 • . 'de, - Zasirst4ll, " '.llll ' ' 'da ' ei,inra , i . toll wit i fie . 0 Cqta : roll.ll :40 , ..lo . Loarrn4,l4a , ' - do ""Dailod - .40 .. . .dO . 3104t•0u 2O de . tlodlo .•KO • ~.... di • 'Lndsiiila• •TA do La 100 • F4doroLd4to Papoo .. at --. do Mad' n-• al ' - do 'Clunk.. an tfJ do• Lonisiorlto „AO d0 . ., _ La Wron4-,44 V *loop, toAlflutelinC.lo ."';', ",do hiutißK ~ 0 40: .• Z0n0i41044 .IV •::"'" do :". liar! l. . 4 • '' do .' ; '.4:siotoDA4 ; !."h0',.Thiy1004d.C4140 , 44.4 ' . 41. . do '• Dolidai ' '2 , 2 , di. -14 , , ,, ficag 4 0 do Cinetuusti ett.',, v dn . . .144 , P04 .:0 ' do' -- toveredeet'bt 4 1 1 . . .di I.oulAtitto . ',hi ,do • No 40.40:: 't 40 . .gg.'t0 lA.. t....i •g„ • :W1 ' " 'in - Latitstrati '''46.. •do ; • Dituff:sin ''• ,;Wheeling to•Zotteltutibt•.l,sl • -'. 'llo ' L0i1i.:.1114.:i.. - . do .. CotatobsrK:. , - 1... Lome lieWlt lo Modielip • do - 'Dopho . lA, ' dk. .Losi.4ll. ,' xo do , Ciocj .! ouo .' 30 '6lad4sooto.Lpuis4kl.4 idl oft,,,,,butduoge . e., - .4X1 -_..' .: :.-tt - :.7 , t.......', - .V. , ..- ; •,...' , ~..,.....; ,I•tr.,:tt".llllKftpll.llltg.,.-7-,..,,t:,.Z .Itt,t,t iiiiliti:ol4l:l-o)lsokikt‘lo44lltiro*:*kka so Liaetikeyikrie‘ t iliguilitbelOirrietle ,iuttlyileritt. : Pittobatuttiskelfirystardt.auesttkittypeyety,',# 4 ,4 lvtz=ust is seord.. 3 , - , f ,ii i ti, , -IrntbtVirrb.. kr.polkMarageturee , tett it od- c . : , !igrn ,,, . Ercry ...Immo cooolkor,coorplato4 owl+. Inisuren into, and AosaniLndlfiltanunanla..ll ,o public , arta • r unesled tosnatknownannk,ei*s . loPin 1,4.10 tb,irld.peettunaloos,or to thi.Gentval *perintoo4.- ern dr Ptliadelplda Attd Cluatutttoti.tholsouitcms • rbe • ' trdiecLed,onektMlloddniadis 011' auto dledtiliss forth,. ',public 0n..Z... •,,, '' loo,; i '.l . " '•'' ' 444 . iihick. ' eine !span i!litTl 1 1,Ui VI I bre l Vocla,g,iotb. sKerednoss Of all'ennuanniciaons totrostodyttirem cog uninuosiss t oto.. ... •.. , The nnielisof Atioolution requite the ChSeee lota 'eloted on,Stheiph.! 411.1.14., C4ne btomtuyiqm Wont , . lo 10 P. . " ~. - , .. ~ •, • - spVidio , Ict4ripitiiinfittitTO csrifVlso, 'rl 'HE entle;olPttharrig. iibuelned iniin E ; • notnif.4 :g.' of tho Patent t oy Joe pionte),. 4.11+w; wiel•nit•gripfolie.tig tU, tonstnret ss lion anon Ply,. burgh in Penn. y htunta to 01ton hent ilk 1it11,11111.0 of /Y, Volt by say route 'steel may Ns 'seleere4, 'hereby • ' oo nv to baitd a 4 Hued Teltuiltai ombedie ealre,•equal oil ',spec to tolbe beet Iluf pow 14504 In ilk 17h and Yates: Including 11,0fterit, pumper, prno . .o.l.e.ota 1` Cur:bloody for nue, sill inchidlog - Ike - rut4lll With , umrinto periuintnir. kir 'one • hundrtlrdolhuu po . ol,nn, payable in Instalmen.s as itni.irock 'plogresl.ol , oindir the dlteetion of tbe puree, harnutt4lll; Attlfsodu therefor ' • rio ll ojegt i e l r ''' ilratlo 4 te 7 tr 1212:u ' Ittel l t ., vett, a Inte fkoro ' NetiA orlYCjy Onkltoccolg,thr - , 1100 of tka rins , ..Yor* no, d Mo lt Vi. 84.4 , 01.. k Will b. betlieutrig nut Sprina,..l4o. giving .dte • people et. Yhtuborgh'aud tufrrnuediatepluea a chiap lint of mgt.' . MtMiillll,lll Rilb..Lba SAM* Of ti...,Youk imil canAdas, 1 Wciolnaleduunidddreastd sollilr.of us of lulu. - 14.1t.i0r ed,poUditdiliuh:, Will h o ovonded to., • .. - s. t.. . . ~ .. RdMN FM. 412041hu& . P11 1 `F t. ....... , . . . J f„. o ' l .'o tt - ROUND la ILL %If AT Nu C,II UK Ibladl. Lllllll7lf4fl-NU4TEILAIP I ON,llaas lomat ninnialua; Pro l ies ' . Detfmaratv E Driminevol llesel' mit Phynelam rpm. debghtsol sosbriament lidualita4gNutl,olt a one J. anal flbn henvolfol ml 6; eof Noethemplen,4ten A. jam of aboM MO *et .hero Ma Canneetieutlfiver which it „,,l oo ka . Tls raids. no , joabdog the y Eseshelhosent . :',We:e :I i ptia " :; 4 lh r ettr6: "l stn " 1 ii r t r Zt i t 4 4 ver eseed fehnlirve formstremerre nuneeroesVol paths. en., 4 4 "/ •h" .d • .. . 1 .1.4. 1 h . d qUi"..1.re.... ,.4. ke nosily hoe Ohm , mers=ropo: a 71V- 1 4, " !;1 1" „,Ilif eg7 . 114. - look one of the OHM egehantldg midwifes In vaii lor ' origt —1 lvx.a..lPq o .dtis 0,...11 go of tiorthimpion, with IP numerous and handsome oho oar aleialLthe, dorm sO tar f fie% i . =. ll lt 4 ;th ll* PI 44 1 ,',747: ;°4'...' 71.1: letret mesh. of Blinn or Me • roved nabilmwels of emp. dad ma.... Aldway Me enslesinsmle nod walti, o. .00 ,i, newoh end Orgy =boa 4(QM . <4......., 1 s tarrlp ericulng,ils nmfle Umaream ,lhelne norIM tvi isms ,p.,p, 0...nt is the 1ia,14 oftlatiell mill de nth and, Iliesnlifii. Wow, nt. the eam 6 Ilie Amnion ogles. of ma obwa.s.g.sma.m.o.h.d.. Collleses,..whils to the dav ta „,,,,, plrh the aid of siatem, may be wen en *Manila nod pemtly diversified nage of ementey. (Mt ahe wentee et at iteut 6i NOM dol6omesh Memoir 110 yoke, in Its dress _of vener-Ileon rem; end miidle beyond es men the pkumit ! Apse of Sou th fleshy( mi Ma moth, we lebol i f m about 4 wo es distmem Ihe mafesbe Meant Ti#l2, anti 14 &arm.% maws or , gne/ ilempker, with Ise • gent wheel edlfkes.- o ,...m a s e vassals:lp • esesWeatlevot ashen I.ll[lll .. 04totpa nnemisl ad, by ny other in the world' • it era mucked iv scognaao, who has spent em 4 4 16 .e1Y =lVesm kk oo ' V= " l beannel r aa ' ati l" '"' TM weemonedalions a blond MU an nry airy bad ay. a nd on 1.07 nfficrear br upon of one tiead and 110, WIWI' '4 • ' It is prended mlth m bimodal. of tha won coring ew ',erg nary other' rorbin lbe lba foll/04 perfeet Off eldest thi. I rinks. Ind votwinf lOb. olly aocor..alul =alum of Dr.Deaebl er oo aria nudes hi MAI ahlobaf, fa a intl. Nan of rotated mariner, ins odnatad la Europa want Sy. Opted UM admmtstm el soma] lour ., an. In the ..toenesd lempine6 of idet/sort na4 Dobb aad baa ben a manful Pranioon . WO 'Jaggy fib meeml yew , •-• PetirMiomidladdr..Pme mOrmeonfidowesn he alullend .. e ,.....,.,.....i_..i.;.. ~ ~,..,,E....... p'on no 0nna. , .....Gan10s own. 7.....rikwin.P. 4 . 44 4.6.i .a,1,-. co. 0 P. t k o b a m betg k linb 'Unary artrla for packlmtb u26 . 004 0" 13 .4A.V. ,151 b 1.,C1- .17-30 rkITORNISIt saftreiselkor atIAL:CINCIifTIATT, 1/01:110. Colleetmas hi &Dothan Oluo sad In ladtatrA 'sal hz LiateeknPbmo ll llo4 CS , Oran7.alurde" "' 111malioneettr a g: EWA of,Peinaserwag fat 1111:3141. '.=13.1a OspokighlTmktimll;ol4WigootikßlM z,,fF.•T'.:4'.1,,',-,0-:;-,7,•:';7'..::$.7,r.,.',,=,z • '0,7",'1.,,:.•Y...1:,,..:,':•':-,',:_-I',•:'..':- MT== - - frj7 • 4.Al t itoi cp...4;featee,Riiati A"dttatle notimuitt iacere..oartieYatiamfgtVa.. t ul ‘l.• oa,....!tpi!.TbeTnext. al,lthe.oeilfbata Carl usatotorart..l N.. fro. LOarbbilrit Up w.l. aJmaa itoret Of.. .ea et afloat,. t 9 takles.:allicaretteemprimiabantelpt lek•ObefeMa daans dela° whieJt.ltiearbeal tefearetmall njvcro.it. abeimenteif m,,en mai old &fat brititia. ta elate voltiliaaed yeatienalfteoattatf a adhiltrarnia WOO , / embantrierentekftemjj. l l; &et Om two Destaatressjamas Korey .entemef affelala...,,, _ad* ant 101ba CinMer ta n Is, al.aorrdleelig IWO tagif, ne,tbeelater n belovetheanatttleof liestlehte. ef. Carat 473feetuff ana t 2 feet WON Ppeelathat. the mad wort mill be exhibited niterKa , cineeta °Eta atlttg Island im oiled after the la the /thelee; tember neat and all needful Infontatatailaelit at any time by the dominant lantnnaereen alteltne.of Finks sioringd. •-• YilfftliCEßGWYtlai. allt3taertd • . '.4.• • • Mitt 1:310110IT . Proposal. • - I le T r h iTtleMei P a l elr t :L * l: iv Farina., and Poor for . 410. , , atm . Far funtiilllfig7SOKllirs'OPPli.l'iroi , i l 4.2s •d 0.... do • - do — ' " "25theIrropysirOi." - . ?MOM. to•aftint iiiitrait for Falinilllia.4Nioai, rempttors. soaelbteirEttainfperikfofeattiossoirrew hoo...plork - ssii se* Vtless—and b Est. tYa ,eatouat,lhr Far rafliculsr, enuir. ofOpF. R1r14,09, o r or..iiiOritv.Oodoe %riot's TOCKTO EIIZZa 546. - .001F.0 faik..4 *.k .' • .11,0,104 Nroy yatja6 '• I kl.4y!Ai ~/,i4et. 40113% iign.i.47Altir,l sad mtil Mna. 'Oa WlLwana.aatl aiinFatna;,lDy,the aatierat• da Yiewa 41, , Y.o4,:of,Xawad.wan !ea. Ed.P.deki , = l .qgins and goo,ht In Manua; biTaziani-,4 anal , TAa..gtalrlranl' anaek ennui** dwe.Pnywaaate 41,,w,s t o T A anhaalanana donameno, e.bionspimar ,wa,a.,n.ajdann soda .lancal.atAkeir swam an In ti yob; -ttnapilell from orwialabarcao, by Edwin ...Enanatl tt a r. ./44 , Lthe. want Seim& *Ur, 111= I _e n d liiriMrZZ,= =Zola. ,b,,,:emio;,erationl..by Coo I.Veldwick, win, ad. dtdodo N O lO IPS avi,DoOnta,V.: .ti14,30-7A. 'flesh rapply: • ladlantaranitt4Faeinaw,. , - % 111 °*TMWfL'id" i k el .; .0 4. 4 T o nt 414,0iii < Aitag, M: r aaawai aait 4 Wtsidnguin tar I s4AldttfAla be aaand,ninabaimby, J • l asP d t , b , atara.ta & mani l! drgijMnlog ... tf ri ' 4 tor. ... iTpeei 4,0 pprim4 . F Taal - dtainanan‘. T 11. 7, VED , A1 , 14"4 .- lidoweeritse Ma Jam trbeinf al" or acti w .0 tse Otd ,es, *b. ,-.Tkaaanmier aal Won; di itte Trlo4tr Wevan, ctinaliateant ‘he , ?tencl. ar Predeitet to " • Tiat.rotiarlb Obtbbr br CleeitararTailtoble;.br rbbiTti l iOo l 7 - Ard.C-Platitadatßth *tliaked VatLzhinglt4* SlntratAt. • • ••t • . c4.1.1ad Cjanier Baal . , ItilidefartlidirkAeii I,arni tad aL.,"es taxa +i,dl. matt"' teiai4l , the R.uppl , ..tr. frAtVat Mart, dhe Waderer, ' a tale a( 01• mFxie at, , Yd.ri 13711E14 I lab eittaineidn Oatat , - • • AI., atl th e rate fnibtradt..ort • ' , rof sere rt "fkallEli!ta • _. LniOninnT , CALIN , S.IIII 1 - 01:i7V01 . 11:01%' Lana-inn -ay. Win Prniinnt.infiniiiit Pliskinadyi Pi. 1.701411 Omen , • nrinrh innintini,itmeenttidievinieteteltinlnenteinikii neentineuf Pen, in 11-:,n,ing. liy Res Weirs 51¢01. , 0rny. ,- , - ' Th. 11. n-on, Aiinknit n,llCfrannt Or tin Brig aa-milik by A., nn Sietnri*lnir sAnni.y, w gccautitie the *amnia', rellniop item.. and Snit Tema. et UM 'llll4.4o,llrVillet-by QX Nor Jaws bff•G evin The Vote< of Tool, •.1 seinincile aerzasiiq; tiy..Thos Seal • -4 , ••• t •••'" •••• • Tt, ••tlfisttireibinet h in ±m•COliriv •Joill •- •i 13 VIA rrT& retf •KtitiLlS r • •nin • • • inntintunidnivornennininilili"' - - 1.W)1(10X.51 ,, ,r p of *a Mule ef,Wwerkg..l4 KT rt 6 It 64.,,,611t .ylog.i biabe. Duke o.Weiltor Isles cvthe reeragp......l Ptasatsl,lW.L.6l Thst4i4 I , monigo.el.* ittoyir,est/Solryi.-hy.ll. , ty . klabtrt. ..,.. Once, Ca,',..l,re..erf.the tit rinantnetall. 1.7 :-. ,e, ~.., Aurenr..-milt4ic•rs• fur s.ertrulrer •1,••••• .i...!. Loa mud Wtiusgs of ite• WU.O.7W Is 50m......-.1 an tily•ING-alrestly.tit ••4=r ...• • • -• •,. te••• • Fratkuessiov.teilmt ee pletiWitcor o.subssittslEts•E dus r . tairrale , II truvry of tbe 0411144 M, -,,, •,• .' • ••4 , •• i orr.rgi 1,./ o Irforrilt;-sllrediiim, ,, • e • • hi,e,ltramorr•ord ihnks,•.l/eqkat Emit hlipr, • A ttitsplo'Cooril,ny Mrs Inolibably : . . . ...'1,..z- • I..wing 4.4te..N0 .173: ... *Tba..sis.tic.or.liot &lo rle. Caren.is eel:sib...3oM - for *at: by • ,r 1 lrl S 'CALDWTi.Iir 7., .t 1 i Th;-re-st.:eptuktrixh ,ey Po. Oboe `-' •' 10Rt tOntr.l3: 1111„ lISIII .7 f l:o,rt.slrintitr*Lluilm ibg.t„gaLrlcs, '..- 1. etaple'Slirioa kw noyeldabliyjslbbpll. l'be 11. Chem, tr. p!.y in }.Rat:-, • .. , . 4..,,75 r... a ~ ,t dstli at 'Wszellpc, — bals.,oll.Cll4l;, ' l i.. Sir t 4 Ci-ohittry l .i'oi . h.le - ..4 isl i aiiit& :..., 19 , sral'• Nlui4l.l l, :lsP bit ...... . HoWnot Ic.irit II ;,t.e'ry 111'4ra:red: ". !bob or'r - Tarcs b 2 Virsi,, ky'ecirli.. , •••• r •1••• to . Ui••• x , Y. 1 4 - 4 . lib PY. 1 4 0( 4 , 9ebil , t)tuo ientes , , :Ty. Vuis•ry.Rhyt4s,Pooki igruiSr". l /.l.wmatoPfms . fsitleisrbque . .. . 4 alass., ~ ~ _,. ' Ife ' cts';,Ful:l l 7. 7' ,l:l) ,. ..t' ''' ''' '‘. ‘' ''!" ' ' ''',., 1.1.044` tiai.• " n 41 31;gea:ne rfi1..060ber..,,,... ~.,.. -........, Go .W'1.1,1), 1t0ck.,.. . ... , .L. , ....._ Ir6lo , rittlh Ain: . by 04.3 . bialryid-,'-.......„.1 JusirreAvr.isull RITI ,, pa JU .V.la4E'S,b3reagilik! te I.f.er 11 .11411 . .e1.004,..:_, -..4. , . ;.:;,. ~sptA . N X P.; v ET4P 11XIS ll rl M ymillbM Ok:941;0; bt P •Y .1..... : Ade . - milt.t beg si.4C.pi Mainstt, ,',. _, Lqi(Ci pely;p b of.Lbert: , , .., . btstepAniTsi lAbsl-4altlr, '` z-- 14mna,mar al' .41..-dletintifi , `,.• Coonters , r brlinqops'blA7' . , 4 ittilisk gii,; , : *--, ,-----.. 'Cunt, Old (1„ iske Ilic,-AjAeryAtin,yet* r .:, , ,l'be fleyo.bier Teitylien. _.. - . _, ..,;. Insidents.l4l„4offensgsisibe blemean .War. .:. FloweryPorioaified. p!t1.6,.. ....4 4..• , -, . ...;',... - New blsilS,:&e: • rot sat. by ' .'; ' ' ':"','' '% '''. - WM '' '' LbWqll," ':'a ' oilimsito the fbe• Place I. R a i° jai i!".F2g 7 d U`f•-erekiit (it 7 d Pouter -pobcttiskt , -...111, Gutaers Lady4•BeAL fee' detulu.i..l Doable habit.. V., • • cumb.... criat.aii,•"No• 1.3.-40Aeff bine iertgany Neu.l2. .1 • nutuurt. i «,ha Borten , of the ilatusta6, by . Faltrielt .T.Le Foot Fs;er Sem or The [Mad 0ef10,.. • he raver. of Ilmemmteat Namur /1411Mlfg/fu. ' A romp!. fArde. bins. Imetital and Seleataffe, it,. the :M.Ar.rgattt of the.fann•,, and mapcsal of American hn• ea turc. yle fe.. Uri:. .1 The fkl tuous Ikeeme.•: Th.inA if.. A aimeeir of FIKSA. ay Vim pr . MJ.4eelDisemat. by Ell Ilisanolll, ,, irgair• aop. mylura. Ca a i.sam : ntrr. Ser. 7110.M1aa..107- ahe tkilfat limmerifeh. toot:at rempitam uu psda ikt., 'tvrWecookarp. by L , fi.Al.• L. I t .. •• u , A- • 'For tale at . M.A.AILN 3d daar ham mt •lead- • • • 7;7; n.Uteß. ,l ) ll ilr lArpitta); kk p1atrrer.....t..41.1t. Enth numfMii oro4ilertni ;PAX • .I , , , iget, ill Viands Gmm . ,mnisienking fix kamlinp:...lt 4sx.Pub,slcatfilm‘yrith.: IntermilfmitittikaainiFt extlls. lbs.ammr • fitoricni sod LamMtii&miononitistimmf. ,4 4" pan:alienrla eEA.cuimstned Ulan, !um, Ssii , judk Mom x kith us from Fortign,Thistmkhot oh} etrr neer Scirue.c end 'Lettere, Iry Wei of ,new thole p 6 ithed in the couniticsel purl! fo the fu et, in one, •,, P. tee 91 per anntta, Putniehed weekly ay Cannon& CoitW:.;TAithit..elfi.li Cad n • • . Stihieriptinne rreei cd by %, in 9 ire A fon inner...ere meant for the 01,atut Ft . miry foe the sheen. pply to .• hi xC FOR 'Or at Me LAN , 144.1) & 41.F2:30:415;10'hiiirlif I.AI of Ike Per•imil ithlitotbt of tbo , Pot , ottot thy ttotat.lalfopt:utioni bi• A I.loLumattitot Pro. 4 aleyoittp,oy Abosotneof frotetbisold'Plilds' of i,obbit.Al.l Foritbe; 11Y t ftiofooq't 2 ltoM" " tYarY of the IlitOo of WiVerkor Ito* A:-2 roni; • •• . 70.50r - Itge oro.— . Veetntf nai thei`enuatit , ; edited hi 4. r O.O ..; hi 10 0.4 _ _ UH kt: lI M. tyl i .l.ElOf Ifieh r —tlTrt Orgies , EariET,T."l}Cduenra, Ltery. .• • . Tedrel., • Cieseaueler er,111ella; Ie Deed. Ceunlele p( 1 / 1 9.en• V- B .' l EA' "' ' Leginds Mel h, Oro •S. ;I , PPLOi'freh..e .. i Alt lAA :foe Deel(er., New 31.1. e rm. ece br • — , A LDW ELI , - . ;111;11 • . li-poet elEee. . _ zw wortitog worti of•hrlvercilfen;" /I who ierishai id the itenindeal l.e.alegtancrehlea bernvon her trp (min NI•or Yorkro !Solon, la lEtk an i vole, vat a raroaoa of die author, yen bj bil Ilonon's Anatomy of Milanohetr.-Dablits7dith.a: Cornan'_Vpner nea—Fnelidt -ro. Loa • r •.• • , ef.N . I .11. lit , . PRINCIPLES CrF SiT,UtticKettiiine I. I elovooo, and a.V. leo to atMaliff.:odi 11 and through Inctn , on Vav ,• Anuther:he v lOria WOroderfel rhordta haibeen.reot 171 W.,11 CA ISM RLL'., • • , P1A13109 P 1431111111 • LIEN RY *MEIJER, Naler eineto Plitno'Folti4;„ at J ivena*tip.,N6 15 Third threat • The Pinang fi may be cantonal! at att.boore; antl th e manc d . ter will he tame from 11 to lte. and from 4 145.• eaekday. •'• • •• !Nab's; Ottober22,.". lea, the andeisisied,••roola ititerna dafertlaine of Pittsburgh and , vieinhy that.ve bare apporiintalklr: , • Weber aole agerdierlVe.tetn , Penney snit: for ihb S.ale of oar Piano F..rtee. how whoultae7 •risT ire oh. ited 4192: 9 7 °- We ' wk iniri Cis York,l4t. I. 1 Ala-orthld •• • • netallo Frani. Plana ' , A gPL.EN DID arsostmrot of Rtuevrood 2134 hrt F.TF N . It . • t mopplesksoseiroddiqueet:liitCool ; imi. eillbrated Zell= attattimit,lailatked in tbe socutolV sly,_stylio, sal bt sal. at - BLUME% 1111 wad art* itouri on , • • . - - r , 7"! Tamm.B l o)o H e w "ri . "l" . Mt alit I:4*MM 1 141001 M l' as ty—',...-:, ..:, k 4 huiDiWirea= Ihir $,.. o;r0,0 ittessipinwoots,olltosTot. , : 4l. axe earefely'addeemd amencidedot Iltite eel, , et eery doortpthm.Vomfatitt Aspe;iftb• A , rt! &Wm.:ray brew ewe rives.' •• •'.• • —'-•, • ". 1 1 Maws ma& atdaeltedeadde dillfaint " %we &Me iiara.prof.Now•VAtkdreurill skortis have bands rwl, ivatypi del* askthlass. Amen giM , rittfil it 1 lON IsteM QuamendeXdarbOear Asalead .Itatichidlor Ineedie Me.Deedeeneteaddimg *hitt he eriD ar all Ausertake-pira in'sbeents..• He Page wend Malcom. , win " ." 1 " I wt* lia Menm me es tbatendeetme WI pekes deal adult de eon mmeneat: -mid deteradiaad I dtesdi , adrige he beaten. Do mt. therelem kept *ld= la limn DadetdderDseolellig* " " dlii jellidttprir , - •:. - , .- rd Sr, at jk7:: tilled Ito TiikAc astit•Find4balt. , 11riCa foci:l,o 4 l* /Limon lope olliaokao TO, id, ""A . " !° , 4 411 at deofild oo o sero ond - • KVA' .doll. tb miter Old* s del>k otilriamodaeo thlo coy, Pedro*. AOrderft.' , an 4,64 e lo . otint _roaad mayor . la world do Will soda id No •15, - ,,, Ood id' door gefl I VE 1 4%7t, V 1 L.4114 1 rA n airdEjest ,-.loosble Itato fi.itt*llmilmlhor ag litrw NMI • Coshiipaabie:Hattisionmfr litrennisal brims Wgads. pious , . I.l3ElatAßAft AIVIIIMZICIPAImionr.OII HATA .7JUtirreesitet frtralm. V LW. tam n _ ve rggle reistiZ ACAN kna I :Pefe VV.° MP" TOO Pr e ..l 't2cZni .WV• 1 0 1‘ .4:01161. 11 . 5 49Z0VVI ed si i: Ir nai ng.VM l 4 AV! ExirraEleiebiyeaki Oftkaiikiylost "kW' , 79 Wadi skew Air - • , 411Oual? m i. "e"=“1111Z • earmitsagtait 'WV apical vow/ . 6 , w K . • JAW CRoof tb. , Is Wool urentaNist EXCHINOWBROKEIrIe.:: ,--11111111.11tr;' • MA 'CO; , S R011:11111, AlftrOgallgtlf ITCP3IIEII3IO,ND' fx4dOrriCtitciiiNtry. - 020neeStorr. w PbSht, 130,4764193; iND..FSQS Ihss/"aoftlitaluti: v13 . 1(11E1 , 4 , 1 MONEY. mustn34.•••Dffoate—Siglia Ouse Apr,salti and sailartbas ad 'neatly iliepthielp4authleilkitaitaitimui6 • " T"l4" 4, Altintimiped Geld. ' • t . H c.._ samees wad,' os*mgariems Peeduite, A 7 d . - g.0ir. , 11106,11t1 /Vileacr''' : ._... ~.. isaltires'alsdpollers te:*l"ttili?7 , sss .L.,,- , • - • ,l ' " '0" /1"""... ' "Bg avail: • ~ :00„,m,-AddiKsrAlriatirri :, nrci r, um. _NewlLi.ntailli c at do.sk, . •1•,,,„ Yottd . ,• ,- •;• - r' 1 8 ; . ' LosirriUs.:, PinisA___Oiguk..7 - ..e.• :do 'gt.toold,,^_„.... . _ da.: ago, I du , C.. 4 Fewg.,,3r, 1; 7,,: d„ ...' '"4:46'‘37.1 ory lftall CS '7! do . 1 Kran5e14.....4 . ,'", r N o ., •-t do,..t•d lo Virgin.* V" • .._ , N ow dodoodoo. 1 ik• to 'C VC4.IPIA. -korrand; Pd° 'll4a a. alo Ram arm • J ° I I ITC•4 I . I. WiII CUilliMilal•arEl% P. , I haia *mama Ceparaerldv•troart We 'mote* , ”ILL...a•cUltßy.,bricia , papeft act:Wages tb• l a a (clop y t d Se bad sn , n all it. ameba r lack ISS arrauvaa.tharldoona below ,ralalkover aldartio•lbayliallely calla= ataxia Okada fur - -JOSEPH II RILL *OM ir relUrs , . WIRLIII H. BN.Lt. . C. CCC.! gnu. BANKERB,7IrEXCIIANGE. 1:180116.15, DEALER . rotteiGN ANOWiiirriq TWE =AI lacluotenviilitglincATEs-ot 'Dn'oenT-I.3Mmte:irito cont. V No if Woogot . tui=tr . *lot Yaw, vntijmile TAReNtdo atada' ; Ire= ( I=z e o: UnittiChne.!.. n 4•• ••• !%•'• •• • - 44; Peit iaj on~i ti lmsoN,..rrtioisiois, Vert. hive *Jamul eoosaNn.irtAloto • Ity:Vkithga sad rommilranly- Bent Notes. t•nd"mold an 00010/ 7 rtotohie arm. ;Eft 1 504.04. 1 , !VI Ft. 1.4 WItLIAM A. HILL 'ilr; a l "" ;- SC.*CI/AZIOS AROMA* It FOFF.ION'AiiIiOiIigTIO tOCCHAZOirE. cE.ETIMA.I733 OF DFJPOIFF 1. 1 BOIL NOM , 154 "pod Ova. atibbor ar? MlOW:antliers; Ray r. : Aim!, sincsaiklimni rip: iNttaFVOV II KX%r lkirdar..4;;ki4 orelp,numiONlMOlC4OCKSOralliK l Jattli ?:Sig•o( Depessie,,Oink Mar sot OWL corm of frd WoodamvsyhjOreeu; ^mete Chulcslictud t orstm LVAM.C'tniAWil*:Kastitiky, 1 ' vues ll o l . 4l Y =I Ott elm oaretabet a_ rd•eethitevOlastiguraly 11:41014bILIF. . •-• • • --fteiticeittoker.avotw frXi.loA.NOBsittkaciodiCAllallOpla 41:.4 sortilcullealwanir,alt, 4.•• • -••••• •L• • . • ••• BOW • , S.A „..-WWIJMMfiII.MIOI,4gWAVOIM rumfts•l , onte Ohio - ritooi;`ibid tolimAt) ji4 , l3.e.lumented* vel7.lior,pitts of direenek. • ' - ifILLSCUIRY I ,,,, wood'a;tizreforirsbV,us.Sattim OsalkaugiiimNestert,,iledletpkia,'■nd it* .moot_s coolie& invileby. HILL CURltif ,W.NtUlkortdow,thU.o6.o" i ,~.QUS~4, ; ~£~;~.FAR~IS;', Vin. RAW ••• erAirotriOrroirreeaseews of the .iaal Sr imeeet et "lie& Hogiar,:lairhetkroon Sr Oat 'no' fo..*ikrtheey ram s offer. ler Wrote Itaxiiteg :Saleable rePerrr, re Re . ein ritßbgnre' ITS:....ovororOrbrirorkesooleotera nor•east side o44.11:14011-411117teRek heaps Wiwi oatid 111:Nrie o4lar WRAP. iintonrrnio ...lid Abe:11010 hto OA (haiku booms bre awe lUY.a.er NI ha' : boohoo Irrjot orte.sarrodong beet In Me, (edoxolOg N.rh ,Fer Wen trod pertkfuters ereplie id MI Mo. rDorgoodrAikternaiW-Ar 11,Robert ReOndy • oc l a;:a...ootA,,,rutiburib,es who Worn oll.nrg Ora oki:Weehlronoo As c iiiilerrEß wr • T UM *nub ip ' ,- .7141waaaa.041'0141110.' - • - Irl'aßelseldis farm of abets Ca arratwith 46ad won anwdotablagleallett astir sada It lawn aul goadVslimialW tort cleated-4i lks'an pablielawls witosaltwllWW.itwilaa fit" r.wino. 30 StielL 1111 Iva ap ra~ iftwpawast and go aldtwielsig et Cation st s Alta, • atileataraisisabasit WO tam; 13 wile, froai . [skater"! bilt taw, Elailadansi• ' nust;' vats& pnws'a ' t=l tVViU r ih Ira 2d =tt L= slt> a awalHitiai ottiattkiat - tlia - Warlist tad lwEarth teat uta' camanaltoligat havesalastak• sdaititap. famed urulvtastataas spasteart - 'Aams 'Trim) will' as salt law sad ats MICOWS.43IIIWIDMI: Yoe As tepid pawlealar• 'PtruteaLl saltlikte ND Rakcipataral (*Finials= tstenhans.;Fi fit at taarCavaL , optitiolata 1 leltuiblo tog Property: iid.ll4ll- mid, 4 4"*... Of 1 M 4,1.. Irlnt raw r• I , ' . .., MD Propertflaltatafra attar Meaargiihtil Rim; tatiledialall•tiibbas o lLmlC fatat.%ilatrasot of Nail 801.:PlrOsaceltWagetta and..av fo im i o n ,,. e . .for wratiellai,:ill PI pp fie afar nee met/tea itStaaak,a altatragdata la ratalenataat,le nakt.axd tatrapal *worst taaper atlllan: SaLl'ltoottakaa .00 an haprattattialca_aha"l , l s = l , Odaltaka 01 oh Ward apan 'lraq Te:datable Wats .. ... . . • Yin ft. I.ia t I 1 k a ea/flirt!. Ott . * iII INIIII- e. 50 tali a lankattmlatft . tyi ttaaat at ilia . aqtata .phaalafaManabirl '"". It: rot pattlett re ramie otaaratb.eliaaran Om raw ata., .. ~.. aaidato• - - . • 110#II *Ca Mimi' • • Ll.ooAlC•raot o latry ran Maaiagtllheitc riety iltat—ilts by land now de • Ueiniktotntiiilteitb are lOolt•No 3,lgebesidebesa 'fa try 1001.14 V Tellt p oprnrlewdytabyantl.yrd Co Ilk 0411' ttoneoa. bap► emitted ne.riro vog had mallhOpoirater at tho lead] , 1 beta 1. another lass tbalidayek hot aboaetholcoreto4 sapalior gooney' . l tne we hits itepen. aesil.ora eat* slab 4 s, X el,:r;A n v il ifiCt * kt i r/ P r . 4111 to Wa r' s. If di:4l of, nom ell'! " avely iirs oa ,112r4;1.14kaitriar 4 • OT hem*. wocot Y 044111.'' . , Thine= on Amin v. breil•en3rdwill ent% _4,r:wow ear.. by lb. Iligua WOW pe • • sib 114nowoof.bliwank.: annOlcOo—an excellent w.. 4 (of Apliedukik sPomordoa gme im. edlVerl}.' • • - - La-,The Aitken:owe kali, Marbeem.. - enintnet by fbinietbaksithuoli...l l o. roma is well rws.Lbed Wad r ... sentankk foe Webs... :,. lien. km : - - . , . kwee!•Abarkorno Ate &wattle lal VOW. • ' .: , --..v.: , , ~,EDliniZaM • Valeta. Icild to! Tilltiijiteksiptet h.inf Ammo ranovOlsTaan.vr waveaunir *rem fot:s4le , tO2 UUILUINO Lallitekt holed tireet.ftikVFCC/1 ferry speetand V. Alot144.1104:Zigb: 1 80 ,11 1 Monty lean= oe uafy c. sumt - 1 1 4.d.VVVrstibidefik. 'Mu miahs mid intetitit... For :Frew 6101 ,1p :the sub•enber gurttotp.'".,..7ollll , ..11AvINU;Hisooted toAlla Ilar mammon itrOoressionsi Inglis; I rant Os amb. klaniis .6*. „ . •and its Warned' ma imelonm,ilmatsaatbsbhtb °t irilaiMft 7 4114 .: , Imainete& Vitae :Z 11* l or i t itt2rtfarrilrik 1. 1144.7 ty. • rtagsate itnaask Om Ist af Oa am got t.O.- sin of - 21•Xel OWE tabod. 7,Driek . lief way WM.} tharwon atey and w • eat& IMMK ski ~ee .atili#l,,E.Wiie.llMMeni WALLA .111 1111aNCREak IdaLlddvaddi we s 4 . o fid B,dydiss Win dadaddadat,diaa thedtat• si r orkembr sgrildt4diad and. sad andredridadm.., 6° ,09 „d4ll kdiadrEVE -11 ** 1 time AVE Water "amostad2fo. W W 1? " -.'"t1M4041(00006- AA L t • i t 0 .. It= _ '7 . ''"; - ' 1., . 121 4.1161111111114411i11iPi _ • ,_ . , ; Z' . .: -., _ .- ~.• WU; TICIV.III/NCIII 3 w. Cala nol, artiotot sod II ' sed Qiid - sir* i ll =tow' i n .- ; molt god Il ` Maar eft the hada. •--.„ . sie.m sthae'lalalaa Imam at utilised lith.udemlediabsahl - bo WO` - - owe itipeoiumedy.inti !ft,pkigli flit** seb•' :. . ..1)r Sorealrem earthy a brae la Aina,ollea. : ad this nomukalite Gm. That the Wale al Oar -:•-",, ailatAell 'me 'lleeehial dirmeat 'hem all eau , heath. ad apeet-at they ate hes Demals• - - paw sad ,dusete oath lute the paned af-Papt any son solietel so meth natio= k meta= . . r. risk.. Cubed, sad the all (Sr ry prompted him to lantate a UMW of-thlia nmetiab.aeseeption to the atas tale is lath ybe anise bake a- annoly mliertilt ~i *:.'3 . ;, . - , *eau om.the *meg ot the lest dad'. 10. • -,- ; - '4 WOO aleartes Urea * the habit i f... .. , . . the fist magas of Padang:ands "i .:-, o..detse faulty al thwarting that 'dova. ' ~ ' `,- a awl Oath ity is lbs swam sag Mori mums a. U. Meru: or Wobb slush ea.tdas ltd maw- iti easuiail is all *sit lake* aaptlaity Osaka sal, It L. a auto tams* throbs lethal us... -.7 . . iw Nardi Arena en la trrelniskable,dekrim too nootawa Fair sad dialariottat ODA - ad* towboat the white t wawa. ate seders. ... . Whelow 1b57 Mita immiplatita as iie the war .. - _ of Mtn treesasettelLL Ceisdattid Ott the'thethr " no teal onasithabba du her. .- , t _x - -- _-:- t...q. , ' lbia.lteadyla sow utossalyaall anion thet ~•.. 1 Puce al the ma smakeditioadi amTatai lb.. , 1 Lulea who wen ease Mae Wash annlbesswer , 01. the &Plea erMapielt to thAwato at army . - 43* iees.4 del sit a, thie- pletielse p~ .: litell 04Getets a was ate wain witleatoiart sat.:'.. .. . . ..- . • . Mr s , at 'atm Deo seiwitnO.Yeenifil ta lbs two ' ma. ' , Wits Wax by Dr Ilanktatoos tlO'sil*' Da *few Moot. Dr A 6 MODTIIII2, mad boratio_. moat ktottadarawatat at ha wars woratikoti arc orind oath to UN lord part it US ammo '. aka: me It iandlyeanalued to do - tarty tritb Nat . : ;. isirid ordoo et lasi woe.[ thash feel of plthil , dithild'bOth, an pup. (11l Pra 4 h o o B ., sc MIIIII7 -, Tele a Woo -reaattabk lot tratylite - dug Wawa wawa& dawn Sano tat AP- Wawa cantaot secompoo Timor 'alai la laallilli 'i -- sitsti amt- fala stele el the Irma • ' obranuompsaids,thfo dame* war telt sthth . the .11Orti et nu of On toadmise. : , , M TI media te e pawed is sac ka bey tato . * ' Dr A C blattnalitt, p•mbls aad pairs wt Do AS 1.1 Itarmial lap': No& Vogt; ,bas boa appointedirdi spat ler tall." Catibt taw, by - Pe lidospu. all te IN eslyi peva hi kite .many: the I. , asthodded Is this Intathatdestedichre, ea the hatiratisdiabllll ,• - -!. (neridiallfroUihil Aratell.):' -` ' " . • . • ,_ Yotadose 10d%1147. • - lb'k-l: ilithilltdai-Dard/ro.Amtalitethe apeman saris lath Wass al ail W - thie Frail I.ter dal. yea that was: wisl.. Weal ittaftmc Is railed States,fly .1t *0- . feat tha'paiii awl daspeni Mega to mama at'ald butt.,) slid It la weary for Mat le . saw ito.letialy the ;alio arta gasoaaosanol pea ' ' ' .oy. A. pa ate sat the spawn - of. the mall.: . . as tii tbe itemise if the ass or alai M. to wad it to at Is sou l * made, -, .1 brie Ma aamit with it, • opecones a Jo miser im labia {lb pet ay barons. la tuba mama l - shashilwish kW Op. pm that Unita alas . Elti....tth ranswa I oasts ads, - •F li 800,DfaLW,Uf., At P. . r 3-1 also stud yea Sooty or o Was ftworalt gr . . (446 I " R e l a -A " m7 al . I ! 4l6 , cs t i : (Trimalaiina OE Fmahl - , , - ; fads. ha WI tabro .; . To a Omani ann-SthaaTtat coaimmolow• *. ma or the Academy two tyysitiod ate oadonspai ...,' Ira them umber, er It eseauttell. 10 tern MN* wy lawns. lit the moody laid bethre.,es by yaw - (tormmed'theethis aid dap temeibutt term aliso. ead ald birth) deinonlesdamm levies anis eatutuad ta . the Audatay-the Meads al air apeman . in the me of par remedy, we bar ~ • ma to lay it boom roe, Waal It lobo the bait • amnion lagiatagita ado or estatien. surd its ast slice that title ryse tribe paha laid him , - man!. Warner ndonee thin body Mar pu. a ain tee enetetaf of tbs phitheakat wlllueited to faribir an adoption of this ready latOMeserel a.a. eau we as:tombs atoormy_aall a milathog . lima; WM richly 'dant. rat Phielmass haft mod Um ad vino, each is ilnythma rif do. ' ovary. food dental, war isi ,in prmairlara iestsikmloadi isd way delivery. Rabe,. am shaaater. • Whb the Itteeptlee of lbw's pangs 41 Pi Pi act there we a paeact ymmesity toe my as re sateen or itilitias i.e of sae are ir imolai waits wbo bad met whit a math- . tilt a math - prearia to *May, wag mhos Inman to ty sr er that ea t with a - puha hemsnior, . am la aataith dilleeitientated. -.Tba earths' -- .itarlipm 'Mara Oa pelvw,vas Mee wlre tetilmlni.' . 'llp.m.,?brie taw esormuou is sit great • ellaber soon so itow hambetirdem Um mambo d.elb... :far at you. rimed:. gee hue Mamma one:lei iin. it t h at ream eedation ud appioul *l. r:--; - we to it. awl Op huthataoi rte.'..'• -, , : , 'at . 1 (s.pstil bt Bto.st;HE • f'_... ' ' I: . .wAtiCalit. ' %Vow ot li. Comuldwan or a- den sea.;, ,_ .. , . , • "Too Oblie coatioossl ..eozusol sropi. ti 01 , 1 Sj' .A+o. 4 llsw. A 906 is Lomssii Mos - Yea. r woozsso or po sk i p- la ..rotablo We Os...imam or mot so isoy 'pet qr IOoL • t. • • • L , • Yrs o 1 Iwo ,dolistaro picloogo cootLaissl6ll4l6. lhosossigiosirols d obtairdOg this Gisst 001y ..b0 yjelltos lIISENIMINCIII to. le enr. iantvdpi • : "I'w.;Dosses. lomtosiO.Vi . , ',.`33 A C 6:o3'nh.E.Kffolo Aral fa US. - 3*,.,NoXsld Lipearna es; Noir Vs* • r. n: gal HAMM lalallarTa illarar—banbib , ' • reifilhifal Olt Del ILIC =LCD ST 1711130 DICaIibraUDANT usirm. • lime , • Agpm,Strb die Iv daa pribigintyllr : 4 "" a l lb "" • arDagromyriga.' algriagaf-lbla I gm .131. L ddab tear %iamb ;gaud arra 4 1R, Aim* all • ijagyaregg al ie' syyriaratag CausaptlabY7 . wailk obleglatsbramg, abrial grab eerigeWit 'mint ,46.0 ow%U dd.lia liadryrat bagedoalsal mall` kb* Li emu; lay airogriar aceme alba lba rasnr. , . !as. Dark! ibig tigne I war Brawled try alga dam suri • *karat tbricinga tbt7 dY tiabrot With *of DaN 4.5. 1 .4 6- da7 Km s7r.lbt#.li ribs goad% bore mail ha agrib-tbat harm bo.' bay armagologral kraal aggal• ggag ProakdDt .• E.todof War Weak.* trial at relit Haradir Aish arylimicriguiyaniarel rilegreglrag Aar gib ialielag .i. 4. najoraoill bead gßal aid gm. 9aagY aggiarar . 1 Meths it-.ogYt.a& & 7 belay aad Gra if 1 pot Jig d. the argogi, bar amen gog;),Unst wail be Inab' lat. Di Topa aa, Chß • Diaciakaga Offier'saa Saw* at !hi - • tea btalieb* vim • 44.4 lotitkinsiml allibicl,_o7 Nag*: pal me nUar. It airs airragtaat:' girg tioglibmi Dor • ' rift Ma are ' Ilk rad sabrailr., dadi axa arM5 arg, t.; *MVOs.. Tab' medicine gaitharima rea d net; a arkr,, mg. slaoa m me • thm`i*rms, *sad by to ay lairagg, ornaig ea rang sal healthy ag I bib I have namosolat A. Dron . Peral DAIMINO low Iblogrartothroggrafkatigilieba sod aka always prone anersaild go Um I isms rewind •itaratetb bay grata is magi tai. tr • • Dart 'law tr/r •bob....,4lldineinths,asilmaithoSigials• • alga I edge vial raga-lay gringatirely can bar: lograrril I 'a birrar tame bra ani tbarimar of Wolk maul army with Oar ilatrONTOSCPlll:4l.fia,. We. It Wl pgagairlirDroga II pagan. *kis wader -; is.., Wong irk tog Woos liresalol yiairagail walling karma 1004 mil* ran mai 'b.... aerodrome plain I ,Larggio, res. trgatambkrbaClar - gba•rmartb as, do aababd ma ramrod bwaroad • NON FUTtll Nameme, 'limbs Goon N at...my - ma I..aarabutegl Ille i Y r obermaggd dame ~L =to mmy,"thriTos me= - :4:Dttitc Ive RIUMOITICX,I4=I mot; whined. lug ihompli told m pisioeco, bryi mr,,,,a see Cf. slum, . • issl4 dew I==t3:go=:==l •.,.. . . . _ ~.. AA. ai.ow a• • ._, : . .; • ... - e," ' ' , DISH4t am , sabwri, • t j '.. , _ .. , IrOara 4 ll i a .i bsr pt: , -',' • ..yabbr I . 3:er i. • p.,1 0 t: •• :, •: .., , •( ' s .te Oa irmumt su. llCll.....'" ... .- ; .. ;• , . • ' - • rival. ii.nd-flialar•tecri , ' - 4 , . Si plasmas bridal. brr frt..- :,, \\.., 4,401, •, : : ‘,.. -,..., soaks abb. - bib., ....eip• casliatlVArbilir, )reasbiar et *SS ebsyl -• lb:blabs* ••••••,,, - • • "'•• • '•.•: 19, birdman . priers , . bnd • al eel. rr.,,, - can ever fin ID* WI Ot A-) per., , .. , ~. pi, *OD" lISSI - IXIS all .1. 4 .".....•2 dureas" asi ab &webs rilarobses., , -, •-, • - :-.. ~ •' Dr 141 , M12 ...1.4 ..far4 l o .l ..! '".-.::: , -.1, imbues *Web kalreibetalMeinote.,7 olll • l3 /eV - I•viii: ,, AdAra by Sass ef is, - of Ur' coeslab-abassaa bt , Dar , i'-' • a)) ,askr idea eirpresas our Ira rableslty ng „.. begioteured, it bays" Oxen'ikti earefar attenbeal la.„ • • a marinate sbebesbbLastb... o4 ,,..._____ __, al tabiOnlia •, , albatross a 1N1P. , dl. Peek, -- ' .. of the baridar. L aseil Marta itiniiratablubbirabbbiselt • -', - ram Sass etas wins arks baby ISISSIaId ,lbsibs. 'r, . 11.4.0....1.441fDs PararstbeY lotto micas have's • . tern *vim I , . , , , uisied Waken wigs z•,. , „hia.,,dys very rsairbetwa sifts erns** agi . i c., um it cemearrivri baairendirtsbriraberbarl ." 'sbassrilsalsr. , PIS V; SSW _ _arradsbas;abbty u4 2 . lr - . :.. R.l.lgsleassreabria errabia • Ibr DM aspiall la' '. : ...mad preed.~Jefaiio. ion la MI6 dar or. , '.•• i 117.Henut it 0v...4.k. iilive.:ii. -ii., , . . r , pawn amin o iMlLUareli:ll 111141s1 iS Oft 1014, ...• - . Stift Siftftftinalr,llol,rftlftttftatk.l.4llllll4lll4:' -•:.:: :.", S. • . 41 shit: la u. it a tlhomiss .:•. H Paw ditiF Maws is irtillig,"agial tbersup...• woman obtaStatearairms witli busetkal brim by,.. ••• bAaraboull J . ! eig ) , V l!! "- • Di P BO - PO "a M I N I ; .• . tta-***is ina."9.iiii*,,Yol4.--:. ~ ~. !is air a' 7 114/0 •- ' , '-:•.-', ~ ..-: /as. .: ~.. . Rn]) 'AND EILECTS.4IOIit be , ma 'Emortt• Mb* 4i Crow of orms MM. lbw wimpy OISMI3IIIIP &v. stwolos fee the Wry pm of IS Mb. lase, .11116:8 nimbi iltsifx=ll yet emote 'truss *a Jolt Meadswintassimmi PrmCkINIL, and m Ibe 11.• if 'Wives A ;axial • an esollatet Air WPoodeg . szomual ateitlionst 7441 m. 11111adelPhuh Vl** Worse thIPM +ay au* at • eriesmil Waft* Almerib*ft 4*-0 04 C. "e:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers