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'',.: 2 ,..! . ..:, ' , ltaly on Wool tuider the low of lll , f 2: , ~....,,..:,4 , -,:-...:,, „ ; . :.,,,,....; . .; 3 :1 1P r 0m al l Wool fmr,rsedxosunl . g fri• k e , r . ryett ecru. pc; [liq; - :::1 . 11 . •, * '••, ~',:-.•.•.-:':: Ftt i lL e as itak.opla doti, soui in Mali:tribe ";,,,- '... fat eent.r - • ~, • . ----- '77 ... -• . i ' ~. ;..4.,.: .:.' - 'll2teSer the hter of 'Si& ..- ~ , • •-• '"''''- r- '" - '• A, any of .10 pefeess. id raloltm4ozol oo additional 4.,..7 . ± . .....C ' q br a -* I": • *" 4•all. le. oche:wiser -. r .. . .. ' * ...,, .1...;?•,,-' ; . .. - •; , : :: ::. -7 . 7., Z ,,,,,,-.2, ‘" ,-, " ,- * - .“- 4 - - 1:-...-ri-' , --, --:.--L -- • . .. ... . .., •••<-• --, - , ..-z, , •: , --‘4... , •", .". —'' "-.77..Z.,.:47,7ei,M1"..;,Z;74'...7;-;;3',;•.'"';',7','"'-- __, ...... ir t • A --,,,t2,,,,,4",,,....c.'. • ' 1 '..: --- • -. : •' - . e=!=, 'By ERA TV 1.11,1.00 KS PITTSBURGH: witmi3 DAY MORS ING," SE frr. 23. IS4: e7-Two. Intsimon Deux Deerrvv.. r1161..1tj puly, Tri-ww-kin llatd Weelily.-=Tlie Daily is i.,ven gidwoper annum; theTri-Weekly :a Five Dollars per IMMO *Meekly is Two Dol/ara per anyunsi •Avieug dat • ' - Iffertiiir to Advertisers. XeAdireitisem,ents, liteure iskberunn, thoultl be d Otby Ave o'clock is tint aftenm. A twat+on tl ULVI!,;qI the pallet ear essitvects,,reeid be pnu-duc tiTrvi:stetsil benefit • FOR GOVEICNOR. 'OEN. JANES 1it.17111. • 1 (or catirtit cooray.) •-'• - - •• "‘ 'l" ' (or cvstnuit.A.No coctin ) GEORGE D.1102.1E, ofin(leglieny City C. damn Tp. • ;',E.118114 W2 . )kt TV. •• •-• NA1L811.11.1.. - S I . I ANYZW•ELGLII7I . IIISI.IIII4I ' , ILLY LARGE.of' volt con.= TILT/OVElta. p. ' • - ' J. W. BAXTER, of PltteutrlL. . 101 00.11101 i CONIII.P.IOXLII. 2110:4A3 PERKINS, of Low.. Tp. ti It AUDITOR. WILLIAM C n AVEN. of Werimillet Tp. POI LUST COmcnercial IrUelligecce, Lomucc tiler- Ards" River New,, impons, Money ZlArket, to , coo Mal rig,— As fourth Page fozgl lase Ilaneous News THY, TAILIPP—PRICES OP WOOL, Co. . The Post recently copied a table of the price. '*. of Wool tinder the Tariffs of 1842 and 1846, . • foe theenrpole of shoiring that. the latter gave .• more protection and fajty prices to the Woul grower than the former. But tho table did not • • give the years in which the sale. were made, the quality it the Wool contrasted, nor the general market value ; oil is mode up from the sales of six or * seven individuals, end is in no way a criterion to lodge of iihti-general state df the market. Soma of the . indiiidlials mentioned sold their Wool at harem, tunderthe tariffof'42, and at Lowell, Masa , under the tariff of '46—the local market. dittoing - widely in their prima. In 1841 and 1842, while the Compromise art was Open its last lege, it I. well known, Foreign Importers flooded our country with all kinds of manulketetred goods, in anticipation of the pazrage of a twill* by the Whig Administration, imposing high impost denies. In July, 1842, the tariff bill tune into - operation, and imposed a duty on for. elgi Wool costing over 7 cents of 30 per cent. sdnimmn, and a .epeciftc duly of three coda per * iunauf,hesidei heavy antics on all the common -- Woolen fabric* • At this period there were bat few Woolen Fac tories, compared with the present number, in diu • United Eitides,—the caintry filled with artipl.l3 of foreign manufacture, and the prices of Wool: as well u every ether product of the* farmer were depressed. But capitalists and manufacturer* placing =Meow in the government that the messurii of protection afforded m the then late Miff would be continued, immediately complex, cad the'ereetion-of Woolen and other Futirica, In almost every section of the Union, bat mere especially in the New England States, end prices of Wool soon began to show an upward tendon. • In the year 1844, the foreign supply of menu fathered goods hieing - become pretty much ex handed, and oar home manufactories in success foloperation,, agents were sent from the Eastern titles to the States of Ohio, POnnsylvania, and Western New York, to buy up Wool—and if the Post will fake the trouble to examine the markets L quoted in our eity papers from 1843 to 1817, It will find that the article of. Wool ranged higher that year than it had been fir runny years prem. on; or than if has Leal since., The election of lames Polk to the krraiden cy in ,the fall of '44, with his known free trade opinions, notwithstanding tho notorious Kane let ter, tended corp reach to impair confidence nod depress prices. Manufacturers lied accumulated a large stock of Wool in the hopes of the ty of the Taris but their confidence in this after the election alluded to, wes shaken, end they re .. pied to purchase until decitiro action was had in refinance totm tariff. Hence prices cummecced decikiing gradually, and the diseussion of this - posture in Congrese, during the ceonioce of 1845 .end 1846, tended still further to depress not only the Wool market, but almost every other . specie. _ of traffic. . From the Spring of 1845 until the , _fall and winter of 1446, we find o grodool dimi nationitithe price of the at tido alluded t r. During the present Summer priers hare some what advanced over these of las: year, but are not as high am is '44. The great famine which last Winter and Spring visited Europe, laying swede its cities and manufacturing dietricta, and paralyzing its culinary business transactions, is to Am - credited In a great measure, this 'adtr.ce in prises of wool and other commediiies. Large amounts of breadstuffs Aver° exported from this country and mob returned for the same. This .gave activity, and Tiger to all branches of our trade; while the Want of prOvisions and the with drawal of capital, prevented i) a great extent .eimpetition from mow tho water. But it is to be hoped for the rake of humanity, that so great a calamity will not again occur, and that " the earth will yield her kindly fruits " to the labor of the hughtudnnua in all maims. of the Globe. The following table exhibits the price of wool al quoted in the Pittsburgh 114arketin tho monibs - a July, 1843,1844, 1845, 1846 and 1847. • • Co7nmoir, 1843 1 8 cent., - Half Blood. " .22 do ' . Three-qr. Blow] " ' 24 do . , Full Blood ii ( 20 do Prime, I " 30 do 1844 28 a 30 cents Half Blew], " 33 a 35 do 7. Threelr. Blood " 98 do ),.. . . Fall , Blood 40 do, -Pointe " 48 do Common, .1815 22 do Half Blo od " , 26 do Thres•qr.BlOod " 28 . do Fall Blood " • 30 do " • 33 do Common, 1846 [New %Willi - id about passing Congresg.)2o • do Halt Bloc! " 221 do !. Thriseir. Blood 0 24 1 do . Fall Blood - 0 ' 26 do ' • Prime 0 .. 28 do Common, 6847 -- 24 do Half Blood., "I 26 ' do •. ' Threeir. Blood • 1..27 do Fall Blood . " • 28 do Prime " 33 do °. We hue gieen e brief and simple riartatiro shore, in order to Elting the l'oet to something like atealizing nue of soma of the absaiditios it h. been printing in reference to the Teriffs,of 1842- 48. • Now, we darted with the proposition the other day, that daring the existence of the Tariff of 41146, the prices , of Dresdineffs had fallen off ono half. When in May and June, 1847, Fleur told la England for twelve and thirteen dollars o bat -2,1, we were told that it was in consequence of the Taff of IEI4B. If this were en, • we felt we had _a tight to respond, that in August and September when Flour was reduced in price In England to , 46,160 and 86,00 a. bond, just as much the Tariff of 1846 did this. Whereupon the Ns: FM' wise J and finding in some green Mountain oteele — that Wool Is -high, it rittempts to "poll , wad am the eyes" of the Democracy lfere; and to tell them the Tariff of Hilo his dorm this too! and It Is added, "Mr. Breaks may ascertain and that opot inquiry. 4 Well, we hive inquired, andlprobed the truth to,tha bottom, Rita find the fecte to be ',We base given thorn, and the answer ma above, and not for one panicular day of ono INdiada7 =nth, oil One Follicular year, but for days, many weeks, many months, and many . . CITY NEWS The Pestival'al Pratt.; and Flaw...ea. We are glad of the necessity of relieving-One Minds for a moment of the demands of peliunal disenuion, and for the opportunity of revelling . arnida the fruits and flowers no searoriablt prepared and so beautifully erranged, by the 114. I ticultural society of Ettabsirgh. We honor with a sincere respect the disciples of Flora and Porno- I ra. To worship at their ebrine is no crime,sincel through thorn coo do bat look frank . ..Catard np to nature'. God," and reverence all the more, in the e , beautiful works of creation, Him who is the Giver; of all Good. The olddiouses of York and Lan. caster libelled the rote by making it the emblem 1 of their faction., and this for . friurscore years.--, England.afterwards redeemed the wrong in part by making it a National rymbol. What in itself , is so porn andso beniutiful, should forever be rep- ' crated from the keg of war and the stoma of I Stater. The Persian. have their annual fettled of direr., when the youth of the country pride the highwayr, and give them as offerings to their. friends. So have the Italians, the Moraviens end the French, with Stalest of whom the best behaved; maiden of the town is annually crowned in the church, whither she is borne in great pomp. Tliat indeed, were a crown worthy of the winning, 'and one a monarch might envy. Tho ladies contributed largely to the bevutiftd exhibition of the Horticultural Soviety, - and we hope hereafter will feel a personsl interest in eve ry annual preparation. Who so fitting al they _are to show anintercst in flowers, in their dowel. opement, end in the kindly infleorthes they pro.. duce upon the heart. The home can never beat-. together desolate where flowers bloom, nor the affectione cold or creel where they are cultivated.{ They are no messengers of love and purity from' Him who made all things well. Whether as house.' hold god., or no symbols of a better world,—in their blossom representing the spring time of life, and in their decay, of the grave before us, they alike minister to our instruction. Some of tho exhibitions in Philo Hall aro et, serving of special LlOtlCO,—and first of LIM Plow• The Pyramid of Dahlia., interwoven with au. Moon Bowen, and presented by Miss eartesurr Muniroen, were a magnificent collection of every . hue and form, sod all most tastefully anangetl. There were also many beautifulflowen me.n. led by Mr.. Shoenberger, sad among them two vases of Heliotrope, a plumbago plant In bloom, tall, stately and beautiful. At the end of the Hall on Third street, is • rich vase of Dahlia", formed upon a base of Hyacinths, Interspersed ' with every variety of flowers. This was famished by Mr. Fahneatock. Upon ono of the tables is • beautiful dish of Dahlias from Miss Elizabeth C. Juan. Bfr. Werdrop presented 45 Dahlias, of dill taunt coloring and shades, and some of them of rare beauty. Among the ee• and shrubbery, were orengo and lemon tiers from the garden of Mrs. 'Wm. Robinson, jr. Also from the 1110 e; In. die rubber trees. Mr. Fahnestack sent in sow 'loll corn," twenty feet high. Fur the rest we must speak below. Where all deserve so much praise, 'it is not easy to discriminate. It must be remenos beted that this is . a new Society, and its fiat ef. fort. We do hope that it may receive each anon. tient and encouragement . from the public es will place it upon a permanent foundation. PARTIOULAOS OF THE EXHIBITIONv 6 Black Spanish Wetampions, George . Buff man. , • 15 Varieties of 4 apples, W h J Murdock— Comprising: Fallawater. Glaris Mundi, White Bellflower, Fall Pippin, Engle 's Codling, Pumpkin Sweet log. Newton Pippin, Burton Buret. -Eropria Spitzenberg, 031e5 apple, Fall Icarmain, Ram ha, Rtbeione""Pipliu , Whapper, Vanderrere. Pound Peen , . and Sickle pears. Century Moe, sad out laqucl, 1 Arbor Pae,Anaerieau,2 Arbor ri• tae, (:Inuese.„ 1 S srcdish Juniper, I Hedge Hog, English.. end Variegated Holly, 2 lloen and Waterloo Geraniums--W .1 Murdock. 4 Drumhead Cabbage--Capt . John Woods. 3 peek peaches—Thos 1 perk Caution apples, S Hoguets dahlias, —A Miller Erg. .111.r.Georga Sanas, ca1:1 ., . the following curio tieri of Peaches. Priore'd late red rare::. Crsorfred's late '.lals ,cature, Red checked M. icat.ree, Red checked Malacatune, basket, Smack free, heath cling, Rey., babie late free. 2 peeks Sweet potatoes, rod and yellow,—W Petro. Cut ilarrerv,2 nue Heliotrope, 3 vases Verbena Ttrreitini, I l'lumbaua. I }lda Mincque Huse, 1 J 1i SlioeNburger. 12 But:er goals, 12 Margin pear,—A Miller Sago Palm, Cufflarrtrs and hors Wardrop. - Cut flowers,—W Eichbium. Dahlias in pore.—J Wardrop, White : Tuscany corn (20 leer high,) —B A nbaorstock Quinces, Isabella, Catawba And Sweet trate, Grapes, Cut Ebtsers,-11 Febrer. Lemon trees,—Mrs. W Robinson Jr. New grape,—Mr.K J Friend. • Ashman apple.—Jas. E Karns.. Norway spruce; babas grime, La Nymph rose, Ficus Elegies—Mesa. W Murdock. Bijonia—N McCombs. Paulonia & J Murdoch. 12 Tariff apples-4S F on Bonnhorst. Pea nuts, Lima beans, Snake beano, cut flowers, G Blood boot, Rhoda bland Pearmud, Seck.le pear, Wethersfield onions, silver skin unions—T Hutchison. White solid celery, oranges carrot, sugar pars. nip, Wood beet, sugar beet, red ditch cabbage, drumhead cabbage, Cimblings - purjale top turnip, giant rhubarb. Victoria and English rhubarb, eau • hflosser, yellow Strasburg onions, Sims bollllf, curled parsley, vegetable marrow squash, cut flaw. cm--William C I dial, h ewers—Min Elizabeth C Jones. Dahlias—G Parkba. The following apples from William Martin:— IBellflower, Ewe Apple or Lemon Pippin, Golden : Gate, Green Rambo, Green Pippin, Grindatone, Leathercoate, Mammoth Pippin. Orange Pippin, Newton Pi pp in , Pennock, Rough Vsndeveie, Red Rambo, Stone Pippin,' Rhode Island Greening, Spitzenberg, Smooth Vamlencie, Summer Pear. main,. the Great Unknown, Mute' Pearmain, Winter• Ross, ROMIIII Knight. • I Stand out door Grapes Isabella, Early Wilmot Rheuharb, Red Turkay Rheubarb, English Green Flesh Rheubarb, Curled Parsley, doz. Comm. here, Winter Rose, peck Blood Turnip Beet, Sugar Parsnip, Catawba Grapec—John G. Mar. tin. 2 Baguets.—W. Henrici. • 2 " Thos. Genesis. Napoleon Pear, Lewis Pear, Sickle Pear,Fred. crier', of Wirtemburg, Bartlett, Steven , Genesee; I Paaloeia Impetialis.—John *- Thiel, but a partial list of an exhibition which we hope all Will see for themselves. 'rho expense of annual membership to the Her. ticulturel Society is but $l,OO, which gives a flee • t xhibition, both to the member and his Evrry cbir.en should take Pleurae in paying this trilling annual subscriptions. Tan Comeln-1m of the Horticultural Socie ty byte engiged a band of mate wbieh will be in uttendance on thin and Fciday . evenings, end Hill no doubt add ranch to the inteFint of tho bibition. The exhibition bun night wan taut - - 0117/1,11.10 ]MALT ON ELLS. PULTANtL..— A man by the name of Mathews was arrested on Wednesday, and brciughl before the Mayor on a charge of having obtained two dollars from a man named Culbertson, under false pretoneee. Math. ewe represented himself as tho Captain of the Steamer Alton, employed the informani so a hand and ordered him to oil the machinery. On ex amination he said thorn was no oil on the boat and asked Culbertson for a couple of dollars as ho had no change with him and he started elf— After breakfast it was 'see taincd that Mathews bad nothing to do with the boat. Ho was found about one o'clock in one of the small groceries en the river bank, asleep. in dcfreall of boil he was committed to answer to the chugs at Me next Court of 9starter Session. Lucca'. 5 /Na 'pAzes Parrxecsa—Officer Hague, of the Independent Police, a:toiled a man named Strain, onWedimstivicharged with deal. lag - pig metal fronitho secimbest Welrtllle. and with haring under pretense of befog the owner, .empt9yod men to loid a keelboat,and after hee &mince reMalpg to Pity them,..Ationnin committed the prisoner to jell, to some at the trajCoott of quottot Nodal, - ' • ;Tee Pacanrrentair Saxon of Pittsburgh wet in the Hier Presbyterian Church, Allegheny city, Nedneclay evening, the 15th inst. It . v. -opened by a memos from the Modaiitoe, aria or. igenized with prayer, afire which it adjourned 01 Thurcitiy morning. - On the 16th. Rey. Professor Alexander I'. Mc 'Gill au elected Moderator. and Rey. Gao. Hit of thariarille, temporary Utak. The . proceedine hare' been in the ordinary channel of beldame thus far. On Thursday,' Walter Lowrie, rag., Secrets ey of . the Board of Foreign Missions, addressed the Synod, giving iihistory of the difficulties and thoeoceen of the Missionary rouse. He stated that a large portion of the 'churches under the are of this Synod, were ;remits in their duty on this important subject. ..Their contributions to the blienionary cause did not average over one'foorth per cent. per weak, for cach communicant. Favorable leper(' were made by atevazal • item on the aut•ject of endowing the Westeni The. ;ological Seminary. The next meeting of the ;Synod was fixed on the 31 Wcvlotaday of Sep tember, 1848, in the Flirt Church, Pittsburgh; Saturday war chiefly dames,' to religious ever.. !clam. fisese points of constitutional law, involved in • review of the minute% of the Presbyteries, ;went discussed. On Monday, the Report of the Committee on Publications was adopted, and the Res. Dr. Swift, Rev. Mr. Lee, and Alexander Semple, Esq., were lidded to the Committee. On Tuesday, an overture was made to the 8y riod, for tho appointment Of • Marion to Oregon which was acted upon. but wa have not heard tit • result. ,Wm. S. Caldwell, 3.1 at ham received No 6 o -iFlowers PeivaniGed," n work of great beauty ode which is more sett more attractive. We aro elan indebted to Mr. C. for the Flews's. ber, number of Bankers Magazine, width Bankers and Commormial men ahould all enema,. I Vohavich;nrequeSte — d — Mstateto the benev olent public, that the Mrs. Ingraham whose weak eye. and plumbic story hav'n misled many, is not a deserving object ler their charities: , -•— dr.natxx Coma?, Su, 22, 11 347,—Preaen. MI the Judges. Joseph Long as Penneylvania Insurance Co.— , Error to the Thatrict Court. Argued by H. W. Williams and Thomas 'William for PHI iu error; Metcalf _for Deft in error, AptifiV/ Manna vs John Barr, Error to the Dietrica Coon. Argued by Hampton for Putt in ;nor; McCandless far Daft in error. IVillista Chambers, et al, vs Thomas L pa*. Etrar td",the District Court. Argued by Robinson far rut in error; McCandless for Deft in error. :Jamea•Logan vs James Mathews. Enor to the Common. Plea. Aigued by Houlihan for . PUT in error, MiCazalless and McClure for Dell .in error. I A LLEGLIEN Y COODITY. 711 the Editor of the Pilisturgh Gazette. Your paper of yesterday morning contains a malice by the County Commissioners of the asses•' red value of real and personal property Alle• ghenf county for the present year. This year be. ing the triennial assessment, renders the redaction important as a limbs of ecznpariron. I have to day been making some calculation. bared thereon, the results of which may possibly intermit some of your readers, and also enables the public to judge of the proeperiry of one city. Allegheny co. rabestale '47, salami $16,486,828 penman! property •• 3,365,174 Asscased value in 1817 • $19,852,012 Real and personal as fixed by the Revenue Commiivionera at Bar -4ivlung, March 5, 1845, $14,689,025 Increase in 1847 over 1815, '5,182,987 • $19,852,Ut2 This shows an incresso in the Antenot's total of paid property in 2 yrora opiate 351 per ant Thi4 Assemnont dots not. by any meet. in. persona! property In this county subject 41e31110 taxation. The fad if, DUr county pile into tbo State Treasory about an equal anoint! of to. not includetfin the above amuse. menL Nunn. engaged in sigma variety of business bare to Inke out license end in that form pay a State tax.. The State talcs, 'Llorporation stoat, flick inheritances find to reference to the Acaator Conerars report that Allegheny county has paid in three Miami-, Igneous! items into the State Frew:try in 1846 47,719 She will probably pay in 1847 about 55.000 The amount of State his assessed on real and personal ustate in this county was shaut $45,500 test year. The amount sawed in 1847 at shown by the said table. $55,545,06 11751 estato in burnt districi rex impled wad 1849 $1,445,950113 mills 4,337,80 58,88;9.5 It has been a frequent theme of complaint at Harrisburgh by Eswern Representative. that Allegheny did 'not pay her fair proportion of State tax.. The above figures show that she has paid annually during thedain two year. ova $90,000. and mast hereafter pay $llO,OOO annually. I thirk this is her frill and fair proposlioo. sop; 22, 1847, T• J. B. BAN., IN LW iota B TATL—By the late banking law in the etatz of New Yotk, all Bank. ing inititutions of dirccunt and depoaila were' cermpclled to place in the hands of the Comptroll. er, State Stock, as a security for the .redemption of their iS/110, in the event of their failure: By tho following table, taken from thegusiterly report of blinks made to the comptroller, it will be seen that some of them have beeic doing a large buai. nesa without any resources other than the State Stock. deposited in trust to above stated: C8=!1 trok Notes counted Epeeic. Fdromer'• Hank, 04den5b0rg148.394..545 152.5,15 D SLOAN Merchrow' ii. Chatiranque to. *MEW none. Wu Formeep Ronk. • do 7504,1 none. 469 rlus" do do 50000 none. 10tr American Honk. • do 41003 none. 100 Northern Danko! New York, lawrdiree Co. • 1:0!05 toile. 8502.5 ltaisilwrdkne r encnango Co. 03000 none. 4e7 31,011,727 ' . 112,(5S 11,0,140 his apprehended that if a pressor° In the money market should occur—and from the recant heavy forlorn in the city of New York each an event ~might take place—the chore system will be found diaartorous both to the State and to the note hold. era. U the banks . should be unable to redeem their issues, the comptroller will be compelled to sell the Sista Stock hypothecated In his hand., and Ito considerable an amount thrown suddenly into market will have a tendency to depreciate the Stock. ft wee rciontly announced in the Buffalo paper, that $40,000 of the Chatauque.County bank were cent home for redemption, but not a dollar could be realized. A 1,11.1.11 IN rut wzrrses vsonrrsu.—Gen• Arbacklo has sent off all the troops from fort Gib son, in obedience to cutlets. __He skys all is quiet there, but he does not, know how long it will can• limn so, after the weakness of the fort is known. The Mexican war crudes excitement among all the 'lndian tribes, and beyond the tribes in the Ha mediate neighborhood of She fort, is a vast plain traversed by Comanches and other roving tribes: who regularly receive all the intelligence from the punier, of Mexico, rind imput it to Me qeminoles, 4.:bieksurarrs end_ Creeks. ' A band of :Hiekspoos have lately been commit. ting dePredatieninn the Creek., Chiekanwe and eendooles, andireatly annoyed them. The latter hare determined if the matter is not taken in hand by the Guvernaient they will themselves remove this telle to their own lend. The Seminoles arc raising an abundance of corn and upland rice: - The writer elates the corn crop to be the best he ever new. Wild Cal, the Semi. nolo chief says, Gen. Taylor is a brave man, bat he whipped him in the FloriJa war. .lie thinks the Mexicans are cowards, or very P3Or Inteu React Fcvn.—Wo witicy by a late Beaver Amu_ that we were led into error by the account current of the Treasurer of the frith 111 , ' hot rand for Beivei count'', and gladly ma►e the correction, The arcount.forwarded at horn val uation wu $3,470,611--at foreign ulnation about SB,OOO-. Worm or Dr. Murata as.—lt is stated that the copy: nght Dr. Cheaters' works, itnoludina his life and letters, io be published by his mks. law Di. Hanna toted= with some additional red. ma of sornmata, and a ecntunentarr on the Hi. hie, Lae teen sold for between 140,000 +ladle°, ;~~y . iiE=MMMUNE= Coz Fneworx.--Thts following ale the closing 'paragraphs of the, lettie//addresied by Col. Fee. moot to he War Derutemxt, spettly after his at. Washington city:— "Heretofore I have said nothing, and could have said nothing, in my own defence. I was ignorant ', to all that waa going on 'against nor, ignorant of the charges tent from CalifornS; ignorant of the I intended arrest, and of the liabsidary publications to preyedice the public mind. What was publish ed in the United States in my fever, by my friends, was done upon their own views of th tags here, and of which I 'Anew nothing. It Prat only an my arrival at the frontiers of the United States that I became acquainted with . there thing' which concern me so nearly. Brought home by Gen. Kearney, and marched in Waiver, I did not know of his design to arrest me until the moment of its execution sa Fort Leavenworth. Fin then iraloimen me that, among the charges which be had preferred, were mutiny, disobedience of orders, e:ssumption cf power, &c., and referred me to your effice for particulars. . Accordingly, I now apply for them, and oak for a full and speedy trial, not only on the charges filed- by the said General, but on all accusations contained in the publicattona against me. The private calamity which hay this evening obtained for me permission from the department to visit South Coralma, does not crenro any 'ream for postponement or delay of the trial, or in nny way interfere with the necessary preliminaritts." J. C. FREMONT. Lieut. Col. Mounted Rifles. "SHOW YOUR TIUKETS!" , —A • Railroad Sketch.—ax 201.17,111 E. From (he Louie Rereille. On the rail can between Albany and Buffalo, the conductors aro freqdently changed, tiering a single trip, and us each new ono token charge, he announces himself in office by the execoontorri —"Show your ttcketa!" On • night trip, recently, a truly oil Yankee wee one of the passengers, and having exhibited his ticket to the first conductor, be carefully Floc. ed it in • well worn pocket took, buttoned it up in the breast pocket of his cut, pulled his hat tightly on his heed, and folding his arres, rraigced himself to the care of Morpheue. Hie nasal or. gut bad scarcely proclaimedtrilll in a dream land, before another conductor came along, with— Show your tickets!" The old Tanker awoke tvith a snort, and bar. leg been made continua of what war wanted, ho exclaimed, "I reckon you don't want to be satin' it all the time, dew you?" "Once will do me air," maid the conductor. Well, you bee seen it that ofda," replied the old gent, "so ion kin pass on." Toe conductor insisted upon looking at it, nod the disturbed passenger unlideoned his coat 1.111• steeped the old pocket book, banded him the tick et, and the conductor paned by. "Them tellers are why afeed of gettin' soled," said he, re. placing his ticket in - hi s al a i pocket, he again resigned Monett to sleep. The conductor, thinking ho had mined some of the panengers, came back again presently and asked to we the tickets. What! again!" exclaimed the old mantttwell mow you air the most peekid bother I over seed, Jest take a good look now, and her dote." The conductor panted on again, and the old man stock his ticket in ids htt.band, and this time got fairly to sleep. The motion of the care in a abort time loosened his hat and fell oil; which a sleep. less wig in the cars perceiving. ho picked op the • conductor's lamp, and approachine thst old ;gent, shouted in his ear—. Wane your. giebdr "Palermo massy!" said the ola man, "et hero not one of them ticket fellers:" and then he pull ed out his pocketbook and searched it, put it hook, then felt io his vest pocket, beki*i_ vain. "You've got it," said be. "I gin It tow you. I know." Here tie recollected sticking it in hie bat-band, and now commenced a bench (orbit, head-piece. The hit amid the shuffling of the passengens, feet, bed been kicked along under serest different crate After a boy starch of some minute,, lot thought he percieved it beneath a fat old ladreetat. In reed:kik fur it he awoke her. • "What do , you want! rho invited =impishly, as even the most amiable old lady would da when awakened out of a aped deep "I'm only reachin' far my ha:, mom," said be, it's got under your rest." "I tell you 'inut,"itaid she. "That's , a nice ex cuse to be combo' feeho' rained s body with, when they're asleep. I'll tell the agent; too if I don't." ".Why, good *various, rearm," said he,"you might sleep an age in the utoit builiiitievith air ; toad I'd never dream of teebin! yen." "You migh't dream of doing go," snide - ate, "bet you abut a bit too grad ta, I'll tin hot:ed.—comb's', *akin' people up in the middle of the night, when they're all alone, (there nem fifty ire the ear.) talkie about la hat—why don't yes get your bat, If it's'ibrre wed go away; bet f tell you it sins Were, now, sled that's enough. lihink, for any reason able person—always dtsturbite people thuseay why don't' you take it I say!" . Thu commanded, the d,stressbi old gent:omen reached colder the seat at the dark looking otj yet which he fanciod was his hat, arid the old lacy's small pet dog, which ho caught hold of , by the neck, seized him in torn by the finger', with a woe ts twouglitr "Oro ant.' can !hr ran :earl !Hog ! he; "why, it's a live varmint !' "Now! said the old lady, "I rcrken you're satis fied that it 'net the kind of her prune Letkiff is and you eon go somewhere elm and earth for your old bat." A jolt of the can hero nearly throw him inti. her lap, on which oho gave a !light scream cod called for protection. .•Peihaps this is your hat, air," said the wag whoring personating the conductor, at the same time handing him his chapeau, with ttio tidie r safe in the hat.banil. With an - exclamation ct pleasure, fie scirell it. mane; take the conauned ticket, will you!' he exclaimed, handing it out proutiecoousty ; but every body min.]. ..Wont nobody her it?" be ingnired. eI vole tew gratioue, wont - carry It anotber miniir . Shomyour licketo!" exclaimed the candoetor; entering, to erbitti be added, are at Auburn, statement' • "Here, take it," maid the old Yankee, in ■ high .state of excitement; "I'd jest gutter bo locked up in year dad-rotted old jail here, than trued by night on there waggle., A man's. eternelly show• In' hia iicket—ninnin' •gin mus dogo, or what'a in all - Geed sight muse, anus old winner As he leaped fr nu the car, his waggish tormca. egg •hooted if,, him, '..Shose your tickets!" "Darn your tickets, sod the hull !alio' on yr' ha shorted back, as making track. for the hotel, bo diaappeared in the darkness, The numerous friend, of Edward Miller, Chief Engineer on one of the Di'visions of the Central Railroad, will be pleased to bear of the very ast• Isfeclory manner .in, *bleb he h. stineved One of. the most diflicu% objects of bin air pointment A highly' in•eiligent fellow , towns+, men, who has lately been of tbu work, and sho d three letter. to the Garb American end United States Gazette, on its importance, have bees ex tensively relublished, and meet a still morn cc. tended circulation,speaking of the must difficult part of the line. etayst—q em alike surprised end delighted, in going with Mr Miller over mast of this line now under contract, to °burro with 'whet conatuoate Weill he had overcome the neural im pedimenta of these fifteen miles,"—Philadelp4iD New. OIMNINO or GI ill 10 COLLItti E.—Salary of Cm Matrons7sD per annum; Steward, $800; pal, female teacher, $500; fast arsiatant female teacher, $350; second asaiinant rouhdo teacher, $250. Maintenance of the pupils, matron, teach era, - governess, and clothing of pupila, je.nit,,e. and gardener'. wage., and wages of how° Ferrante and foal, $2,000 was appropriated, instead of $ 3 ,. 000, as originally reported. Parr:sir or isrense - s--The President and Directors of the Baltimore and Sarquehana Rail road Company het week, made a payment of $5,000 on account of inte(rst due the Stem of Maryland. Ten thousand dollars nerd paid two or three weeks ago. Them payments give evidence of the reprdJnerease of buvinets on the road. Maureric. Teetnuarn.—Ws are informed that the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph line has been opened to Louhag, Kentuckj and that &speckles may hcicafMr be forwarded to that city. t Home's printing Magnetic Machine is dinned there, and communications aro received In printed letters. W•-No curet ito Pays Pliant Meal— beJeckson's Embrocation is the only , medicine Met will core olds go very ,anon. land troublesome diseima. It a:moldy foamed...ly ape,. pain and inn.. malion, Mope all bleeding, subdues that Intoleruhle itch itom, bat efteetually cures, M a eery .Iron tone prreons whose llama hare been rendered miserable for atm...— Its application produces no pain, but rather au egrcen hie and pleasant sensatfon. If permute elle:eat will If and hear of the great October of eases that have been cased, they win be 0.101/141rd. •A Ftlit:cinall Or this city , who had been under the knife o: the singeon for two Or three limos William being elired, has by to. logn bottles or the Embrocation'tmen eradleallreured. It solid beyond parcedentif—{Phil. gaturtia, Conner. Was For, sato m hasher/4h at the PEKIN TEA MILE, Founh street, twat wood, and also at the Drag But • of If \ P Schwan:, Federal ategheny .i -ty.al4d4kw O►Z lll TS TIMID STEM. (13.19 a are now pr and.expeditiona mann soca a. largo Pastan, . Laud; Sheol C4eitinsi,, PAINTING , OPPiCEi NIB or oorr orrice ALLOt repared to execute In a Biperior ter, all /undo of km .riorturo, ellethroboat Bale, Bills of Wing, Mood Arno, Card., - l~l7►gl • EL= 711.1171718 ; .d N inn beet manner, pa nll . 114 &tenancy and al thn lowan kW a h n y arvtuagta idm. nise, m;g==ffm , ~ Correspoodeace of the rittstflugh Gaiette. '' - Rte uxotrb, Sept. 22-3 P. x. the Sauthem . inail . has arriveiVbst captains:2o stews from th e Army. • - Interments a Raw - Orfains 'on the 14th am Yellow Paver, were—Charity Hospital, 2.3—Liv• hyette, 12. m. The epidemic is evidently abating: Exclusive Corteeponaznee of ilia Polobargb Gam.. ' PHILADELPHIA MARKET, PRI.i.II,I4POIAp &pt. 22, e e. X. Flour--Sales of Old Western, at $4.,374; of Now Western of $5,25 per bbl, at w the h rates there ere more sellers than buyer& Rye Float ....Moderate salve at $4 per bbl. Cornmeal—Sales at $3 per bbl. Wheat—Sales of6ooo hi new Southern Wheat afloat, at 108, per by, 68 C ern per he Market is rather, dull, with sales at Market Provisions—Po r k is drooping, Bacon and Lard continue firm. Whmkey —Prices have slightly 'declined, with oaks at 25c . per gall. Cation—The market is quiet, with no change in prima - EXclusine Correspondence of the Pittabergh Gazette BALTIMORE MARKET. Baltimore, Sept' 22, 7 P. r. Flour—There is an Jameson in the demand in the mar — , and prices azo on the advance: — Bales or, Wedeln at $5,39i per bhL Then) ate mornbuyera limn sellers. Bales of City • Mills brandeat M:5 per hbL Carn,-Ittodersta wiles of Pnme White at 64e per be. Sales of Prima Yellow at 60e per be. Oats—Bales at 39p per be. • Exclusive Correspondence of the Poisburisti Gonne NEW YORK MARKET. Sep2, Flour—Moderate sales occur t. at '2 $5,7546,00 por bbl. Wheat—Sales of 6,0001 n Prime White at llBal2oc per by. Cani—The Market is quiet, with no solo to quote. Vats — Moderato nibs occur at 46c. Ryr--Silos at ?Salem NI. Cottoo—Lliothing doing in the article. Mu. ket dull, with a declincrof is on the lb. Provisions are withcrut change. Prices nonsi ell. • • Groceriee--The market continues quiet, with no change in prim.- Wool—There is an active demand at the fel foleMantew Am Bar 8 p 15-40 a-45 4. full bid) Me-35 0-48 U 3 4' .--34 " °atm 1-28 " sup( pid —3O a-32 " Ped Pio 1 —2B a-30 By the Western Magnetic Telegraph. FIIO2I CHIHUAHUA AHD SAATA SE. Conenrondenee of the Pataborgh Game. Ciackmati, BcpL 22-10 A. A. Dates from Chihuahua to the lot of July, and from Banta Fe to the Bth of August; have been received. In the former place a very satisfactory state of things existed, the Mexicans adhering rigidly to the treaty entered inbl between the traders and themselvea I Foul teen Companies of - Volunteers had left Santa Fe Par Fort Leavenworth, a abort time before the date of the news received. Tho' four remaining companies would leave in the course of a week from that time. Col. Love, who. had charge . of the $300 , 000 fa: the payment of the troops - , arrived at Banta Fe on the 'Tafel 'Jane, The returning Volunteers have been very much reduord by death, and the companies will not now number over 40 men each. • Carreapandence of the plttaborzb Glizetit - CINCINNATI MARKET. emu.,NATI, SepL 32, 8, P. M. Floor—Salo of 160 u Ulm •t 84,610,23 per LW. Graic—The market h without chaise. Providons—The market is quiet end prices nominal. . Whiskey—Moduli° sales at 16ia17e per gall. ebetae— !SOO IN Irma sold at le per lb. FROM THE ♦IUIy; An interesting letter in the Washington U 111913.. psye the following knit and desersedeoitoplitecni to Gen. Seat.• "The greeting of Oen. Scott by the troops idler the action, on seeing the success of all his plans, was loud end 'nail - mons. It mast have &Ikea the *Hats of the Montexuausa" Their 'sulks. slum seemed to cheer the Mexican officers id their co ptivity. The army has implicit confidence in hem, ind apprehend nothing wirers he commands. He are a every thine-and calculatei the cost of every measure... During the day, we took 2,700 pi:turs, 8 Generals, 37 pieoe• of artillery, and amanition enough for a whole campaign, Their &teams were completely turned, and their plan. upecto Another extract vomiting of Colfteilly's.stitek r Mop: .Wo hurried 600 of their deed found on the Our own lose dienot exceed 60. Mika Gen. %Whim 0 Buller, of Kentucky hy so far recovered from the wounds which he received at Monterey, that ho proposes immediate• ly to jain the army of Mexico. Mr. Kendall, of the Picayune, says, why some dour engineer officers were not killed in the dirt (went reconhoisances and actions near Mexico, is almost a miracle, for thby were always foremost. The Vela Cron Correspondent of the N. ()- National say. that Gen. Scott was wonaded at. /lowly, though not dangerously. The New Orelwi Commercial Bulletin learn•, ed verbally, by tee tory Kingshuni, that Parades was et o!iriba, at the heid of a body of troops, and had declares himself against Santa Anna, and agaioet any peace with the United Status. / $5,00. BOOTS 5,00. NO. 013 FOILTRTII STRUT. CORNER OF POST oFPICE ALLEY. LetU miliacriber respectfully informs the public dud ban commenced the esanufaciere of Gentleinente )'.Boom, or good somata! and workmanahip h . in whi.di he will - wanton...loam, to any Boot ever made Pittsburgh for the price. Thew ham/wane Roma will be made to elongate, end vestment them as envie- VASIL acne dial the lem en very are lo rew pnce of FIVE DOLLARS Gentquested to call and them. WILUAAL VINCENT ROBERTSON; -examine meld . thecesear he IV U ERSKINE ID o WIDG AND ANTI3IASONI6 MASS MEET— ING—WiII be held on Thursday Evrning, gad ins In the South end of die New 3firrket Holue, , All e. ny. Lot the Friends of Protection, and all there who considerthe People c•pshic of thinking and act ing for themselves, attend iho Meeting. The Meeting will be addressed by several dirtin geliheil Ppeakers. op= =CM! te E J n O T H ue N s U. Rhef Sl E ot Y i , n st. b h y A t T h R e AR v I . N.TE, M OHRceAs daughter or D. S. Scully,Esq. On the Inst. by Rev. Franis Herron D. D ROBEICrSIit SNYDER. Al. the D.. to Miss n VIRUINIA C.. slaughterer Mr. James Crossett, all oljthu eity. PORT WIXEB A EMS. POILT IVINES. toad vl 13, WO MG, eonxieth, of I tl•trix & :on o" pore ' do awe . Trelde dobloro gpe " dou FFILCo " du Intage., of *.k", '4O, r 4 . '47 ltt e e; 04borne's LEC!‘I, non ca do g imler, rich, Ducal tkups single do I n vn end no iin? Buglundy very superior, Legre cs Q Cala pa r i e end Cede. Feverel of there wines are the bent far medical per. pm sr; many of Mein come from the District of tbe upper Como, moody freed by age from acy or mireetneu 1.01 res doing, in mem min Mr sale by the °rims' pack s,. and alsd oa Ll:aught at the wine store of the sub. scriber, JACO!' WEAVER cyrll 16 cur morket & from sts y k .T ADE 11/ta. WINES-7.1 Mao Madeira., Sher• LY-I..roni, gluing., Litho. nod Ten lin Wines cm. bracing some of the choicest brandai Met receiving and lor silo by the Muds panting(' or otherwise. gal.°, 40 des rsto and etherries, for sale by, th e dos or single bottle, at JA,COI3 WEAVER'S wine since, wittier of Martini nod PIMA tb. a/ PUBLIC EXHIBITION. T I L E, a b i l. " l ' .. gre, "n` would en TilinUn - Itte Y clitl e n fe sllegbenk comity, an as exhibition:of specimens the chimer at Fon. grown in fentlittancrica, in th e CI TV OF ALLEGHENY, on Friday and Saturday, the irt and '«I rf Ortsber. Persons may engage Fonit 'rree Want the specimen vanctie•extobilet and the trees wil be delivered an a s geth Oember. Aiken none* warranted as rerder4nted. opnr.larllT S A libibillaisa . NDU k BROTFIER CAUTJON TO TUE PUBLIC—Th oubser* Ili bar -by writtch contia t with the Pirm e Tsa Coy has dtc ' exc lonian. right to :ell their Tell Pinaburgh And Allegheny cities. Any person atletoptiog to sell, :bele Teas. except procured through mg, ta practising a deception And a fraud wan the public—and their UAW MEDIA are not lobe relied on. spl27 . A JAYNER 72 Fbalt QM:CT IRON—too luna NO tl, lgotled; I.] g 5 lAN No V.l.Junfauti 50 " u 25, Juniata; En vale by `goal ' JOHN F PERRY I , 7l l Z — ZtV%*=lfi:.74l;Vityc;E: spt . rdit 17 TIN-40 Pip on hand and .13 ioi • A• TLANTIC ANEP.IILSSISSIPPI TEL. EG RAPIL .- Connedting Lines tor naitog the printipal 'rowco , in Ohio, with the maitiTele graph Linest—ThitoLin. of the • eAtlantic,Lake and MLiinippi Telegraph,' whieb the aubsenber and his aseoelatee new now' extending along the shore. of Lake Erie and Michigan, is well no on the. Na- Ronal Read, (end or wowoalent a tn. - maned miles arej already erected between I the scabord Line and Pittabirgh, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Detroit, Chicav go rod Lel:dawn° on.the route to ',St. Louis) will, with all reasonable despatch, be arranced to as to accommodate all the principal tow. in Ohin,Mich igan, Indiana, Monis, W tsconsin,Sce.—thim exten ding throughout thwe and ether States, the eon.. tages of. satisfactory ...Ora with the Main Tel egraph Linea between the Eastern Western States. (These objects will be promoted t the Lower eliasissippi Valley by the ‘ - litimissippi Valley and Mexican Gull Telegraph." winch it now being bold under the imperial.. of Messrs. Ghilme , Dana, Relay and Shatlner, between, Louisville, Nashville and New Orleans.) The Legislature of Ohio, on,tbe memorial of the onderaig,ned, baring diluted. , right of way for the contraction of Telegraphs 'on any plan in which the people bare confidence enough to enlist their en• imprint or money',—end the undersigned 6ctng re arrived to furnish the best modes of Telegraphing that hare been or may hereafter be devised by American Ingenuity, has secured the right to uee 1 four Merced - American Inventions, (including Mar . se's Patent, and also House's Patent Letter Printing Telegraph)—securing each inventer liberal mem aeration as reqiredf by IcOntract where his invention hierriployedta tne end that an delay or difficulity need everaccur Irom relying exclusively on any one mode of TeleVraphing upon .the lines constructed through my agency. While I will hare nn personal controversy with any of the peddlara of Patent (tights who are en deavoring to humbug the comma ity with nasertiong that one Patent, and only one, can be used for Tel. egeephleg in the United Stems, It meats proper that the brand of fraud and imposture should be stamped upon all such rash aneniona. There a mom than one Patent; and as House's “Letter Feb. ting Telegraph," besides being paiented in the Uni ted States is alao patteted in Orcat Britain, [the on ly American lliegraph thua hoomed,] it will I, quire more than mere asternnn or threat to prevent its being used along with other Telegraphs amen our lines, whenever the public interest enquire. it, without" panniasion"from any other. Patentee or his agents or controllers—cancel:illy asProlesaor Henry, the highest lining nutentity , in Electric Seiv once, declares that Haute's Telegraph it tent an in. fringemen t on Morse'. Patent, nor alinnything which Protease' Morse ms tt right to claim—the fnends of Col hlone'r Virginia Telegraph. which I lave also I the richt to use, being equally sanguine respecting its ratan all well as originality, arli equally resin.: red to resist manonpolising pretensions, Irma what. ever quarter they may proceed. The result of the attempts to the United States I Court at Philadelphia, to prevent me 111111. Wag NOM'. Patent en the lines covered by ray coati..., I indicate. tho fate that will befall any and all at ' tempts to blackmail me and nulify, that contract, I though whatever might be the fate oil that contract, it could nut impede tee working ot.the hero or Tel egraph constructed by me Or my alrOrialre, inns. much n I hold the right to eire fuer different Amer ican Telegraphs, either of which, oriall of which, can be and shall be need whenever Mquired.by the public interests and the welfare of the Telegraph system generally. Any communicatinn7reapecting the l .esteasion - of the Telegraph, will he promptly attended to, it ad dressed to the tebscriber, either at Albany:P h . delphin, Pittsburgh or Cincinati. • HENRY ITRIELLI Cincinnati, Sept. 11,18.17. NOTICE—TELEGRAPHIC. A thorough familiarity with all thel lacts or the case in controversy, and lull investigation of the le_ gal principle• bearing on the impordint question render it proper to say that, as associates of Mr. O'Rielly from the commencement of the l'elegrapfr. in enterprise through Individual resources in. the United States, we also "appeal to the public." and to the tribunal, of the country, to protect no in our jun rights; end we hereby warn all persons. comp.s. Mee and associations, that they will noVbc permit led to consitTum and put in operation lines of Mor se's Electro-Magnetic Telegraph ore, any portion of the iertitnry claimed by Mr. O'Rielly. until we .cease to have laws to enforce the observance of con- Vaal. HENRY kL SELDEN. ALVAH STRONG, F.:LIM-LI D. ELY, JONATHAN CHILD, SAMUEL L. SELDEN, GEORGE DAWSON. Stare of New York, Aug.. 1147. sepa!St Parnes..fie., for Sale A FINE choice farm Of .hove 230 00701.R:10 n pod tavcroataad.inable,eleelleat vpr.nev nod /0.11, house aol.good farm boo,. tiered C On a public mad, and on Pm river, rode. (ruin Paid , ureli. Ali., (or .ale—a 41311th iraci of 30 nertS. iag m tip. per St Clair tovrovlvp, tl or U voiles (non PalaborKti oboe, half approved, oad an old budding or tea it. Mao, a chair. toren of aboat Yld °ere.. ICR.tradi l'i.pealrgb, on [he Klitannalq -road, mast paavea ibrougli it. /I Isai a goog sio4y nal a tia.i darell.pg bouse, aritta r a Lichen tad cellar, add aboal am. classed. Al*, 0 11.1113/1 rll2l tie,•, on the worrrn and I Salltburgh rood. It ban a comfortable log h00f... black- I hmitit Amp... good spring, and n%clung osehnrd on a All of air above oropeny Sc said low anal on stieronamodetui F trout. For :tee and part, plow, call nt tr:qiiiAtt rt11.1,-,IA gent iittld cOl/11. afttal lilerr•blUV. Firth At, near Wor.f, npvrialkw C.1122110L1C INSTITUTE LECII:IILE.S. T"Eundersigned Lecture Col.l . lEldlee. or ihn Catholic Institute, take plenatt re to attrinunning In the public, that arthogemcnot ore being'eompleten for loaning a re. rite of Lecturee upon blterary as id tteterdifto sulneeni, delivered before the Iniztute during the eunvng Fresno. The opening Lento, rid itelivrted by Jon. II Conn, ,of Ihnleirlphta. no Monday Leering cot the:lth loot. in Ilia 11015 of I n4ttt. , 0.1 Pau., reboot bu , ldt nevi at o'c took Single Ticket, la inn In-enlre. 23 c,,nte. 'rennet* ad =Lag two 1.2111 e. will, GenlieMen.:o ern, net. map heprocured . ne 11., Store. M W mitte ItleCoe, or nlogue and J./urging, al, et , °i.e./men of th e com al Mg door. LUKE TAAFFEI, Dr D AIc3IEAL, I JAS MAY, Coo/unitive. PC tiNON. rrp-W4, 11-71.:11MAN. A SHEEP bandit, la, rre'd aae. ILfar *ale by !WIN I , Pli/C opal enr lairrty , tooln FL. CL°VlgB4 "hl7 : l` V. d oi=3; `, ?;,;& co tor lot Ec WL7OII Ft. 13 1 " 1 "0 Jo. , V ,, eht'o Indian Vegetabla warranted go - noun:l,lnm reed; for sale by opttl A E (11DEB. TI/VEGIAR—W ruprr:or nr ell .J relelveil sod for eale , try= WICK S. McCANDLESS _ . A PPLICS —I it) bbis grecn App:tejugt ree'd: 6r rn spt:ll by W GREER bbIO 19 a prenc Linreed 0.1 burrreed; for Web, ne.• F SELLERS.I7 Ithern- LAILED OIL -0 bf bblatlim fll enaTed fuel reed; p_ett for We by F SELLERS RED -1.5 bbla ben Engloir Ye:let/au Red ion recei ved and for we by I; A FAUN F.STOCE h. CO 0 Liroe2 .axe , 1111.1 Ni PLATES—WA/bre f X bort cloorroal , broo!la rove/ for rale by JOitN 1 . 1,11f11 G LUE —1 rok Nol extra wheeptAt rre'd. for rale by .pErl • l; A iINee'COCK l:() • 13 11 .LYISTONEIbbi•Juo reed; gor ible by opttl • IiSELLERI,:•7 woodlo pARTAIIIO ACID—Z.O lbs just teed; :Or i t J. .pre.t by It k:bEILLK t , IT. LW/WOOD-313 11oe ree'd; for fala by a Pry E br.U.Eltb D IVE-1 caul:linen lAbe ree'd: fur balc by tpt.24 I SHLLERS BIUCK. —I coax I.'oo h 11.211 i Wick lust ree'd; to moo oy It It ....1t121.E1t.. B EAss— bbl e,• ye 1111 d c arsenal; white, to 12 apt 22 , salc by WILL a. aIeCANDI.Ezi ALEMATVS=2I) eras vclatail I. , teleram. ea Ie by IC): et elLkre BANBEELRIES- . -.1 b' Is reed sadtor Mk' by C J D . WlLLlettea 11U woad et D ICE FLOUR-2 cares *epergne foreale Iry 41, D :1611UN015-1 Dordeaux, Jai+, far ask by 4, aye. JLI Yr ILLIA NIS b I by CITRON -3 Demob tar sa e ‘../ spit) •I^ J D LEEoE_E:2 ca for solo by ve J D WILLIAMS_ F ANCY 806 P-1: . b. Resorted for ea, by opal J I) I\'ILLI/01$ Ntritilmos 7 i bbl !rest ror rasa by Pa 7 .1 L _l% ILLIA31:1 S NUFF—I bbl Garrett's, malt bladders. for .ale by pa,: J U )1'11.1.1).31e STAR CANDLES—IS bee let role by !PM J C HEESE—VS loir prame W II rjorol,lfaiAais M-- ACKEILIZL-3 bblo No I, Its 7, for n i ne by opt= bVILLIA3 I ~TAL LE s""—utlrtn.:,4lCtt;rlNDLES STAR CANDLES --01a• for salc . by . epr..l_ WIC/i It bIcLANDLIt. _ P OTAFIIi-3 cyltsjus tre.o'd . l;lld ior sak by .. sptt,' V. 11., & Alel 1-.,:AN1,1,:i B`CIUI2I . —Z) Idtd. :laculderm ,on tereived and m sole by J JOILLAN h ,ON -4p121 I, lit.crty. —,_ . __ S A . L p k. . , P AT "VTZ:;=,nn.,, co . _ _ ._. F Lovit_lAbble ircrh grc. ,,, , , d J 4. Z,,d,i4i.771'). oppl cur rmithfieltl nod si no, sr, • • L}LATHER -6 Jo,. liumenstoVd Lrethcr for suit toy FRIII,AD,I(IIM 81A, pi:me 11nros; ld do bboulters n rectising; spell for vale by 171,1,50 st FILL/Sii VLOOIL—OIe bids Hinton tilio flour; • dO Unto co; receiving in store and for sale by OAISFORD k CO spreldgt Commission rbereil tots, liberty sr MASON'S en LIAJ jeer rc cowed and for solo by El A rAIINESTOCIC Jc Co Corner lc 4.oroni _Le MACK EII.EL-100 bbls LIMO NO fur sulc by IF. Mgt tac-OP: sptlJ cur I:ltcrty truv.n uts OTANII-I.:‘ pure at trosll . ll,rtitte -- hy .0 Tlll Nitta( LIT 91.A85-13au in. mooned otir for •Ile by •• • plata El F VON BONN rioasra. Cu PAPER PILL BOXES—WO loc:i;it4iie4;icooi s - C 1 ATM by - BELLIMS SurgeudyJast received; ger mile uy I uttO 6 E SELLERS DOW/DZILED BUIIHAIia.--Six cll.. East . . lad* just tecolvod'arid for rate by U A - .FAIINE.rOCK & Co „, corder kt &wood 2 1141 r nand g am in e w e b =MEM 4 Y maillowaipamtK _ _lndian Salm Hy J. McKean*. Al.Upaesr rbk Buddil !we_.— —fee-- in the 61h Wardof the Cifyif Piete&urgh; at Audion.l- n N bstordar next,Sepirmlier sath, at st o'caink so the x." enernoon.,wilt l ai en.ld on the pre... in toe Slil3l Want of the city orriusbergh. 39 Building Lows been. •tifolly situated. tor private rest& aces; lade the property of Aaron Hera deceased, commettlrealled Grove Hill Mansion, (rooting on Walnut et. and Coil Hill; Turn pike The Lou anat.., and yell laid oat for Private dwellings, It to the reset yaluable and handeentely loca • ted property °tiered at Abellon for many yeara. A plan of the Lois ean be seen at the Auction Recess of-the subscriber, and any infisrmation !aqui red will be given. Terms meth. and the balance to l iaterca6 ,2 and 3 oars, with payabin normally. swami be bond Tang mon e. oa the pionaisca JA3lt NeKENNA, spun Auclioaeor ----- John D. Div r . , Large Coate Rouse aeui 29 .Building Lois, At Auctions. ON Seturder,The ad day of Octoher, at t o'clock, A. At., will be sold on the premises. situate between the Washington and Steubenville turnpike Roads, ad jetniiis Temp manta elite, a 9 cheap Sultana Itits,suna. hie for healthy and retired residences of Moro engaged in theritostairr,h and Allegheny, winch can I.y .nant bone, be reached itt less then half . hoer. Alto, that handsome - and spaMeee frame Cottage eat present occupied by the Rev S C Jennings, adjoituntithc above Lots. with 'Moat one and a halt acres of round on which ore about IVO choice fruit tre,,,bn.gthttery,an ezeillent well of water, stable, de. Raeli lAn wall be aessible by consentent streets; plan of which may tee mien et the Auction Rooms; and the propeny shown by the proprietor on the premiss:a Talc Inittepalitble. Terms—olle-fourth rash, the atiidne in three equal .annual payreents, with interest, to be secured by bond and ' , longest. apt. JOAN D DAVIS, Auctioneer --- funding Lou in Launtneevilk, at Auction, FIN Satarday afternoon the 25dt tartan J o t eksek will kJ he sold est the preedes. two valeable lots of pound Situele the ibroilgla of Lawrenceville, baying each a how of FS Teel on Nailer et., ar.d'exterhlteg bark ILO feet live. to I rwstie alley, which le 2U feet wide. gale pogi- Ternt•--One.half cash, balance In one year, arittfin Wrest; to be seenotd i.e bond and mortgage. Tate to (Imputable, PKTER bireA.RTNEY aptl7 JUIIN D DAVIS, Anea'r, ----- Lease of Brick Howe and Lot, at Auction.- nN Friday afternoon. the 911 h inst. ut 3 selack, on v.." the plowmen St ate SSr Of Webster and Elm will be sold the tine:pima won of a tense, haring alwed seven years to mu,ott • Lot of Ground:3Y fi from an Coal Lane or Webster It. and extending back abobl 63 feet, on which is erected &two:wry tlackaiore and. Dwelling House, at present occupied byJames McCon nell, nil - teat to an annul ground rent of fourteen dol. for e. payable half yearly iblissesnion Steen on ISt of °ember next. Tenon at sale. spy . JOHN 1) DAVIS, Aces Extemnra Sale of Rooks ON 'Wednesd the day the 23rd, and gf orday th e atth herb y :o'c at lock,Thu ra at the Csnancterci ri d Carer' Room, corner, of Wood and sth a in, snit be row without tesenie, • large collection of valuable. Hooka, Sow refire from New York. embracing is good assortia't of standard work. in theology, history and travels, po etry and the drama, medicine, architeciure, and other brancb es Of science end literature, hooka in rich nod elegant binding,enitablo for presents; fine hbrary cat. bons of etandard works, fasniT Moor and cap writing paper, gold and steel pens. black hooka kg. sp:22 JOHN DOAN'S Atte* ON Tharsdar raemina, th e 22 1 inat.;at 10 o'clock. at , e Comma/Na t tales Ilitem, comer of Wood and Fifth tn, will be sold— An extenrive asuortment frerhland ucattonable eta plc and fancy Dry 000d5,2 eases Gingham Umbrella, Dams, Shoes, fine cutlery, to. . . • • At 2 O'Clock, P. M. • 1 large Iron Safe for Coon ling Mai,. substantial Baroache in complete order, with shift ing top. suitable for one or two horses. A q uoutity of Groceries,' Queenswate, Glassware, Shovels, tiand Oozes, wrapping paper, be. A large assortment of hooschoid aud kitchen Aunt. tore, embracing the stock of a family who is declining housekeeping. At 7 O'Clock,P.M.' • A splendid assortment of stainable new books embr nn standazd winks In all the Varian. deparatents sence and li lernturet also, letter and cap writing p, r, blank books, he. sp.= Po ',drys Nos. El and 27 in ad Presbyterftut Church it Auction. O N rriday a ft ernoon the 24th Inn: at 4 ° t ench in front or the Church at the corner of 3rd and Ferry am, will be sold without reserve, for cash, Pews Nos EI • nd 27 whirl: are very advantageously situated and coot • rig Inaliy h•Stru each. JOH:ilt DAVIS. • sytacd linderarnter's hlale of Blankets. THIS hlornititt at IU o'clock. at the Commercial Sale Room, conies Of Wood and Filth s ts, artll he sold midi out r..seree for cash, 40 pair blue California Blankets quo JOHN_O DAVIS, Aset Fourth night of the engagement of NB. AND .1 1 / 2 SS WEMYSS. Thursday, Sept emier 23d, 1847, • Will be presented Phakeipeare's Play of ROMEO' AND JU-LIET. atm •••• •Mr. %Venire. yiera s e Tc' e Mr. Daker.l C. Wenlyss Mier which 'Pas Da Danner.; by Aliae . ANNA DIAL VIVA—To conclude with the false of "LUCKY STARS." • Burnaby..... —.Mr. Dnaal Barbara-- • • •Miss Petri 07Doors open at 7, and eetrSain will rise at I past 7. HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITIOIS. rpm: Pittsburgh Horticultural Palely will hold t, J. Etbthinoa ur Ponta 'framable,: and Flowers, On ti 224, lard, cad RSA uf Sepreeenr, 11, At PAO° HAIL PRE3IIII6I CS are agered for the Itossiagprplurtlon VISCH:sFor tr. Or tor cguirosnalberl ausiely thf Apples, nal leis than pea i Pak Ps*Olca I.IIOC Apples Var l elyoubdoor Grape, Ic Winter Apples 6 ?galena pears. not leas than I perk - Quart of nuts IClable Pears la Quinces 11l Winter Pears Vacatrasrms—Fosuls Eec 1 hauls CaLimy, • 3Smashes stt Limas. 13 roots noisily sot , 12 entrails Pock Union, 12 Parsnips Vcastanle Fyne . 12 itlood Ireets Lone double Parsley Peck or Turnips ; pck Windsor Penns Peek Tomatoes • I Pek Lima yo Pecond best pole POIIIIO.I " -sweet da FIDIVEZa —Far Vic For and teremi ten trisplaye, Dahlias Buquet* Gut Flowers Montbly Ewes ' • Green Hoeft Plan= . • Diacretionary Premiums will be given ti idditiontt !kittenlnns! and -FtoraJ Prottagnons,lFdeented wor thy. • Claim.. for Pt eminms, who are not member. of the &Mew, will papal. • Ticket.. of dms•ion CS eremite be had at the Book stoic, end Wickersham's Seed Store. Pinsbanuti. In Allegheny. City. at the Drug Stores of II P Schwartz. .lohu Mitchell and Jelin Sargent. In Birmingham, at the .Drug Store et John 0 Smith. Or fnw one of the Exc.:lye Committee. Member, wilt be 'admitted en pi-eventing limit...dice. at the door. Compel.. for premium. will hand their names in hi the kind and quantity of what they will exhibit to any moniker oft. Ezecattre Committee, and that they will hare their prodintioni at the li W on the morning Mille Plat ' sptitdF NrollCE—The County Cote nu*stone ra bare famiohed /..11 the Awmpors in me warclty boroughs and town. Myth of the ea my Flat lint. of taxableu in their retpe fire theca*. Any perfous whose names are etnitled: or who have come tn. tm9 dtitrict end have not been nomsed. ens be assessed and have their name* entered upon the had taxable* by calling on the An. tempo( their district on or before the 2nd day of Oc tober. The names of the Assessors in tho two cities, Bi •• Ingham and AI tinelie Gler 2.1^6 as follows: Pittsburgh, In want, Chat les Crorc. Ds 3d do Wm Whitaker. 3i/ do Thos Pairmsn. Do Id, do Richard Hope. Do Sth do Jos blelsoon. DJ nth do Jilted hl Blush. • Do :di do Wm 31 Anhurs. Do • tt ard 9 Jahn Allen. . Allegheny, Ist ward, I L Carpenter. Do 24 do Daind Aeon. Lb 3d do Win Beason. Do lib 'do kleneese Derby. - • Birmingham, N I' Pearson. Afisnehelnec, Lest Burchfield. Published by ostler of Big Board of Commissioners. spilSdrodtwP. JAB GOICAII.V, Clerk PRINTS ON. 44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK LEE Si BREMNER Establinied a watchman to the year Inls, yr the . parf, polo of y the City in teiAr v Tatt w ith low prices—end exhibiting, al all acetone of the pent the Largest eleonment in • ,THE• WORLD. They ore now opening 'Several Hundred Packagers, composing every new style of Forelgn and Dominic pont...ion, many of which are not to be found nix: where, and which have jaw been purchased, and are altered for sale for Cash and short credit, at PRICES REDUCED PRONI ONE TO . ,FIVE CENTS per yard below the prices of April and May, as per Printed Cautiogncs, which are corrected daily, for the infornmonn of oayem. PRINT %V lEEIfIUIIS&ri New York, Jane, led:. Telegraph from Pittsburgh ,to Olean Fatal I " , ' , Pl l l' , ':' l 'rttlo d r b :Uestnlo' i m i 7mEle'hestnr.Sl a e g ". Ursa TerVePbr the tight to construes a line front Pala ir arch at Penn.) lwanta to Olean Polar in the stale of N. York by toy caste which may be *elected, do-hereby offer to build .adline ofte n legraph without: saint, crow in all reripec us to the best li caw* use In the un,ted States. including Registers, Untleneryand fixtures of ad knoll ready for use, and atcluding the Patent Right thereto gralaintar for one hundred dollars per pm,, payable in instartnents as the work progreas,, thandrr e Alrtttion of thc,nte n ItornithiOrthe funds tierefor. abond line woes built will connee, with a brie from Rochester sit green Pole!, now building, andwith lota from New York City to Donkirk, along Ueo the. line of the New York and Erie Rail Road; attach will lin built early nest roma, thus giving dmpeople of Pittsburgh and nitermeiltatc places a cheap line ore... woh die Stale of New York and Caned., ~ththe„ieet.ourr addressed to caber of as at Ithaca, N. Y.,. at Detrott, arch., will be attended ta. E CORNELL J J SPEED, it =fZEMZI aho . B,l„,ltretnfvaEirl,t.:CALLthoeT.nthaoie. ,"ateavye hove succeeded in makirTbricttymtcilne machine- ry, they are now able. to offer to ci tincei of PittsPurgh nivarticto much superior in every respect. as 10th... Mln My. tenacity, bond mortar, beauty,sinmehneu. be. e: :We refer to Matte who have pled miniarnatill cuing Mem—. Atirciinny—J LP A . Pa:tenni, Jo. Ralor-g, John .lton, R itendermn, N Craip. pip„nomp—lVra PI Edgrn, John Imaphlin, and Maio oilers too ...narrou 1.3,110 n. AIARCUS LEARCS & CO above enema 10-ABTAERSIIIP—IIenty Merritt and ildwess r, &area have this day aasoetated er, under the style and fine of Marcel lbws. Co, lor the pans)", of snaking Wick by machinery, htdr.Ue' abovallso Arsena.li on the aileaheny tivvr. ale RONT PRESSED BRICK—Thco r Sadao , .V traded Sr ebtamitade hand Osseo Onek Iti iurtaua with &oat Ported &ideate:6 aad et lot tbasiocaa • title attliierior &the batalnated beide. oSeetaft ! SS AIIeXIS BLARES Lg Port Once . 1 or sppiy at Ota LAW* Slum rind WWw, Tw.”.l s,. , r~~i-._F. ' ' VARIZTV GOOD& FOR SALM SY TUN CASE OR PACKAGE. Ha E. TODD have psi teeelved_dtrcct from th . ataanfacturers eines fine, 8 fine, end 8 8 fine lh or , ding all theverlons sues. • Y saw N o nhy beet Silvered Hooks end ryes, mein. dingrall the numbers. mama:Re:Wed rum tSa jmg ant Wilton, tiaraly ktra , sei. Atwater cape of. tboro gaunt swivel jo.nt Stupeod ens,jun opened and Su bale at Memothetitiers pr im , to <lose consignment, byli E' TODD, Ale ,ftfaentrers A genu, ad Wood st, op ego s, piper* below:hid A... L.,. ait ods'And.prices is respect hilly solicited. vu7 • NEW SADDLERY- lIARDIVARE STORY. It. T. L.ILECI4Jri. • Arc 1M Wood greet. Pitadurch.. • ISAVING,repley meek take dtd.heat tomes' LA both doamati and;ien I take plettPure la an• ammeme m =hazere and dealup that .1 Itniprepa fel tr. fluldah them with all goods In my late on stilt better terms than heretofore • Bore relent recotkeithot dealing .e.relaideely. in Sot: . diem, hardware and. Damage Trimentres, I °hurt thereby tfdranmera that enable mete tem tompetior eat!, me. and tad& for Moursetera. ZlE==ffl Cheap Vold Watehoiss "'UST receertd banes.. lot of lAgie l sd Gold raid" Leger 1 Vetches as low a. Any debars, wok Ana told eases, and wartanced. keep youd.,,q•r. Alto,• large assortment. higher priced ones, enequalled hese-. Sok.re in beauty .6 quality. uS- • Also, Ladies , Gold Watches of saidsome pane nat. low nil Imp and haAtO, wa hunts,. • eptl3 • .W \V ', WILSON . g l • • A 'a - • XP ERIE CEO Judges,. a tasted cur aid a bat f million., alone pronournse this article new , passed he duralitlity in the...auction of all k /ads of Furnaces.: Price 1123,73 casti ear boat loads of le id, guaranteed nine month... Orders fans seedad quality . Lioliver Bricks will beexecuted at SAS per al, it so de sired,oltheiat guatudee. A sleek oldie flrst quality la now receiving and for sale at the ...thou. ' - bslocts Wharf," Canur /Jahn, by • 6/lAW CACI:ARM ' •spiCif • I:easier. Inns %Veda ISAl A RlAl e str artors GL oPt E e F lAga ° n f le ' s . P.J.4 -t g offer for,jaalia thAestiblbhment In hinds \ at* formerly canted en by hile, in his 'Ali, tinie, as • Sakta. the and like Femur Tbe works are in romp:ere oreer the cam Ingots the business with fixtures, ese, and seedy • comuicueing a: time: A liberal credit bo goren, given, entail particulars made known by eallin . g on either of IA undereglied JA FS 13LAKELA ept6 • , JOHN .51111htELL, • AdWoihmiwn. • . Caps and Para. ,tENB' and Boy. , Fur.Canit, and Ohned CM . 0 2duit.,ll3at, prorand Rood. and Cr .0 a,.. • nal favorante tenns by ' • R II PA./....SlER,.t6rnetkei n • Amason Hanna ta, Ribbons, dtc. 111 11. PALMER has pet trout a hat *apply of Straw and fancy bread Bonaele..eieh ., l3tk g: are. hr eailed to the meows; for.e at w priced.. 8 .. _ • 111111•EY VVANTED,Fini Ratellatlet Will be taken in during the beaver, at the Fes kin Unm et). Stephen meet, near tbe'Tel I UnIZ, ranee-Avenue - •th K. Read, for tallith :bele/then _ Once eri/lbe paid • sent. - sea= di wanna • *••• -,- KEOGU. --- _____ t_ALA PLAIDS—A four. pet or.aloveDrodi handsome patteinc,Mitdaa art malt t ro yd!recar wt reed at gm!" bed. , spin, ,• • NV DSIURPDY QIIAAVLS-S , R ISlRPtllifsnrite• the:sweats:ma 1.3 Ihe Inglis*. his astonsgtent of kmg Plata l 4 baw4 Including a few'sery lumen°, • • •pP_AIAaF C°razz —354 bap nioCo a lama Alatidar e 21.1,1•N i. P4pter ' rvelviag; tar sale fr i / =II water at b; elects G Tia: 11th!( alp. Imp , , 50 do Krt Tea; • . 15 do Black Tca reev, rot gala bp .171,11100-1 F /51 5; o; 5 bits PILLIOI2IO ttiCbiVißi . .Cllll.lll by fpl22 ilat.zELL. rtOPPICII--501.1 'Amu Braziegr; idxl do :heatbug V RIO do do Rite; 74 do Doworldouort recEived so kr tale by JOHN IF PERRY : • • rpm • • cot tibr its S Irmo itio QALT—•ta bble oNi fielt us, reeore — eEle ed rove' is 10 94q by JURDAFeIt-JON4Ellsberty SIIGAEL-7.llVRt;rieditrAerztya is sph ia water st 0 LL—yo Ltd* Taartera' Oil juL rec'q v fola i ta l t opt 2 2 • t•or & water au, LtrtPlL'i - ------ aale Ly spt2o 1)1 .—.l:fo doz Otrtn,just ree'd Mc I for U'lttu.3l.3lllNOT,. ' ' e 4 wood ; " ~ • . ccotuncoart—t elm direct from Me mmulf bory—new myle,for *Me by sptAl C , C LACES AND EDGINGS—A large . =arta, ent TS; jing opened by C A ntiliT/INCK. O LIVE enk..jim received, for sal° by opal° sEL.I.EXE, 47 'wood t at NOT GIAMAS-100 Ibbjabi re ed; for tile by , .pcio R ESELLRR RV-I.o , bblaLig i, Vcoofion Hod:Al : zit J .! ;ale HONEY—N) b„ To 6t tlz„..f i c . r .v ..p3 A s i V e cr t i , ; D for did, • ; 64! old 0" , • cor wood sod oLnter a' it 4,„I,,PA`N. TURP , INPIT/NE-11 Obis for rale . Donal JOHN D )41.91(fd: N .V — EN .p lg o ß . TURYE . NTINE . —lSt ra blier.leby " JOHN D totORGA "N P. Velll l:W-1V bbls car sale by veal • JgriN D I,IOR COPPERAS-12 bbls far tale by *WO JOU D MORO yellow Oeb.igitAetytGA ED—Yreka Fogli — drienction Red (or •ate by opr2o • ' 40/IN D ZOORG . ta.• • bb ' areal ac nabs. aba (*Lanark. fire Varsurbing Iron, fur ride by • spar) __JOHN D AIoRG.II Vaugisn-4 bbla eutern mode Copar.Varnii hfoe spun al:epy .1 It fiIOKGAN,g.II wood in S„I..kiLAJIA lifiArireoOkitifflePi)VlCit by. %Vitt .li SCAIFE .1:Oa first slbetweca-market tr,xt nid 16,;IJAIS , Tnekk-4.1( every color, grade, and gang fp; a o .p e t w large I,tock, ' • CAD-44D Kg. Gaiel3ll Lead fcr male"by sptlS L inprcialux &ico ----- COTTON -1:0 Wes its store; for sale by tas spda . L IIUTCIIISUN SROP-7 71 - onle Cvsaynes Syrup Virilif.Cl; cry, just received and for sale by I KIDD CO SEED—SOO lbs fresh 2.11,1 clean Canary Seed re hate rale and remit, by J KIDD JeCt ciald car eth_cod wocd nth CC OACH mot; for wee IC: nPIIS J DIM/ tn. Al _KY - Chronicle copy. ; - 11 11 t/MK—MOO Fire Brick for /ale ' : F ISH—ZU Obis large No 3 Mackerel, lauding ac d fore.. malk. _ _sale by .14t$ D.g1211, LL iliBA-33 hi elms Tee; just reed;. 'tar ea !a by eptlB • At ILL Ng • r F 3 cari l lay . c j ilin j Nunn; M p 4 4 l l:g d fa i . tis Th ad e ire ' rl.. " ay Eir by eau ; ti;la.tisoetto3 Itioniirel receiving gel? ORUM McGREIV A PPLES—(,y Lbie itterenkut I;e7Tvtratiu' eptl7 : to; arnitbnahl ik water 152 e pANDICEUSOII4—Ia mar tit storm We If 1a Lt ay 5p11.2. GB& r.R DAUON—L-isk Sides landing from stmr Biod e .13,Andi in tar sale py JMM:S DM-2E4 141 m. - water M Met 5C 0 14. - c WILLIAMS ee D:1411.0.F.T11- TAitT4 ....TAIIIO AVID-300 lbb iau reeeivixt; fin. We by AA* RE114.11. .ear IL clalrS Ilber(ist. CHOCOLATE==bza No 1, arriving; finfiale by • J a A t. 1.4,11) tcw seetvopk A vat. •tl tr. 14 . . TEFL-- ANgtoMill.n.f.till 0(.144 art; Ger • mazy •priu k h 4,6g,,5• null A 6icel ilicorl46rfiale eptl4 L 6 WAriF . eS L . 01.4,7 5X-1341mga Rio in, co* t0....!.= , y • • opiti Ltl %V ATLZLAN I , EAS- , 30 hf show anti cask:toot Y. it., hoperist, -me Uhh Powder, stml billet Teas sn store; turStsto by s Wier/NS/lAN eIIEGIE.I7 , ROOT-1.0 mka froish just .reeti'ml spa 4 ' ior aie y • 'BRAUN apt U/1.61[11 cased 1 , ... 41 / 4 , P ." 444 • - reec; iuliala ay C A rt eAL l taii ult.'s of zibikitL.:iiiii;;:,l;47,ai 4,1. for rate wholesale and retail by pot • ...II If .S.IfLS ens SPTS. Tlblitilsl•Tnitl—falbbla jun r 17,71,71. • spli saw by ' It E FELLEbto,o2www .1 PMELNE-1:0 be. ben ranch Ileisio.; for silt by Litpl4 ILAlS4Lk.l,foo3lail, ypod st Lir GLASS—Gee, 70, brio, 11.41 a,. r r .16516,12x10, 1211 e, ono ies.e/ i 6 sonclior sale sntl4 by L WieIEtALSE • SZEIDLICITZ ved• for sole by Etc ichtl spile eor fl eiturri, oeoy au Ase FCEVILDA . --axi lbs last teeCia - i.sai, by 0 G 1,1 4 uh ti? . ls . T. trzt. li n n jun eUi ibiuutu by 'PM ' - ix. cal_ SPT2i. TUILRENTINX-11.) Lbf. tort itee; .P" • - "a. ( 7 BRAUN UtZrhit • ITILICOSOTE-75 oxj ust Nth Ly spai —1111 A 1 Hls9; dl; ._ i vi IATAIII) bILED-1 c•k superroiluvl whits teed past neeired, cAic 1.1 • ,- opt t 4 111111. A, " qq• - .. by lYgitf , • ,tV ‘1 11 :rEEZ , SX , C0 tai large irceived for 1.7 to 4ziZF4L • co, emiElLeW nad-Witur ituire . CW,;74 . spil4 • fur s+_ a l $lll IatEKII IBM 1 , ,r jusi recelved, lots, y wtiktEE 1,21.0WN ITOlCT—Sncetplai. .L 1 truly port botter, m par/ores of 7 oor,r, for sweat we Wile Z.Ofe Of . JnpoELUAVER a ir.(on.) '' • itc i.e tl iorrathecd.. • te•pLl3l AC4JIIWEAtiIix hpzems—r4) big (rah 7<as i 44 rte , urine by . j.' .p,14 , GRE,R 1111.-10 GUIs /Jsnriio reed; gkr Bale'by t_/ opll4. • fittEtiß uWaig • -• e 1 . 1 -arotkaisurceciao4i Sor.sala n . 91113 , J.'. ' • • lEW for tepuntett7Liiirne by Mkt Std et 01,11 . 4,40 s we peat eae. @rc l H. 7r Za i gik 96N IS litienr rtleadCfniid.field firacuptiLo. Fpws waml.c.eiTcct ~~ ~ ~ rt =~ `O~a _. ..~~a ~..,:..a,s_ee`_ nom . »; - >^ s ~ .' '. _ , ~~ '~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers