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'. 4N:i y',PT, .r , e4r` 1 60: .4 7 *.‘ /^ ' ;fr , ... , 1. , ';* , •:' , oo. t <I: 4 li . '".1:1;:1 , 21:.4 • • :k r ,• % 4,. ".1 4 ~ 4 t " . 4 *. .%.. s . , ';',.. t l , •4: . , t,' ‘1 5,4.2:: - ' C raTr y cata Ociman - Cjay lanthat:ftwa canal: JI.. BIDWELL, Agent 4WD , Witer St kEO BUTTEltiamaceiccd; ui—mat it. wally cued In Earn for sale ly a:p , P 0 0 ' • JC BIDWELL :. , WALL LAB,tait—l .pn bbl. 7 l.treedi,for sale airs. , t 4 P. "i 7tM int nili mw, b bcrq ml C e n leAu r ,, , igi ..r eo rue, 7 commercial low. binsny at 10 - Torch ' ingiq re' c'd and for is by , cuNniriutiAnt Man l y st. • , Orninranomod bout sod tracers, at the 31 *stand ia - Npice Pam , , •• . &Mita , Nth ss. myta RHODES* ALWRN 14AOKE , 11-10. 1 .—n0 bit MAP No 3 large, ' 20 IMin No 2, Mt solo by /7?1 E'HEAZELTON,yast Mao Mural (I,7II3I3ND.I 7 P.PPER,i"a tibia, testa and boxes, fresb round and 000010001 an band far sole, by • RHODES & ALCORN No 17 Plftb street •--: livaurialawny aco Fo7=ffl sins oat 11111saatIssip. vir R.IIOBPFIY ksi meshed a large issaV'ef I • • .above Se•ds—eassissag of .essanon., medtaza, ; sod very superior.Blaakess sad Ebeavisga rasa MI ID Anse yards, at aordvesss aseasiolFoas* ass! Market • ' • " TORTLII SOUP. TURTLE SOUP will beaerred ap at Reale% 1„e VS Vaeit,eth 44 every day at It &cloak. ' , ' The hems et' Tonle Step ate pa rotularty Invited. as !peer myself zbet tee SaaP OSIVD—V••Dry Geed II urn,. •• R. 7IV ; • UT. Nonk East comer of hb sad T tart t, has coeuesseced reeeiving bla Stu Pall s p 1 N ~...and invites the calls of lus wow ' meta am) by, els rorrally. • - earn 64,14 and 8.4 Median and • /I teed Linen • Te. ble Dinpa re: also, one ease 8 4 blesineeLinfli ter) tteantital artiele,jus opened and for by ' , Lb • SKACKLETT & WHITE -Tadah7liktrint'j;Utt,".; II diruin MURPHY te LEE. - • OM wool arambause, cot Liberty 4 and ceeil's alley my Oak./ • E 5 0 5 4.1 81 l relit °) I saa ri Lerma • Juiper Atabcs. Rectified • Origanom • :M Common '• Bargsmot • Cedar Saab: teet ' v m edled:Gir rale by Wh""en optt7 R fIRT.LP.RS.fi7 wmd st ANABIU FACTORS° TOBACCO— IIS YfLa. Caenneeh ac ttS do do Congress ask • 20 do Chapman'./el IA do Branch's &arts; • • -• a totes /lam , * Pei , 30 •do leen 6s; • la do Baltimore Plea; 30 do Barson'slM; On eonsigunsent and for-mtle to ea► dealers. A GORDON 103 front .l Ql7l=BlE5-311 bags pepper; . 0 • 10 bags Allsamai. • • bbls Gen Omar; • • 23 keg. Eng Alssumliinn.... 4 .o gala by .14 R FLOID S . II 11.111 Go b I . 9I s n o OLASSIBS:. 110 bbl 4 are. Nol in more; for bale by_ LEWIS HUTCHISON 45 &Err & 9J front nig 111.011 AND NAILS— ' CO ma ItorOssaitsd; 3.911 tags Nees, la stare, for weir/ • ' I. S WATERMAN . ' rptl3 . • '3t Water & Wheat ats - YARDS I arida FfooroilCloth Ints binder, - 400 reteived from Plotlip•Illo factor', for We at oar +maroon; 6 Wood M. • • apl riATII and BRAII . ua iibtei for bale by - - "7 * AV. CHADWICK F&Ola bi lL—Pl. bblithlAretTastegilititt CO for sptl7 Com Meteham kbany at . IO Lap Prime 1 0 °"11.1'—' W R i o ; Gov Sara: ree'd per ea . nal; for sale by WILLIAMS & DILWORTM sptl7 • IV weed 4 -- -i— - TODACCO-193 bas `gaisell Roblsales; 'Gnat's; red J.,. IS bas periods; • .110 - 0- _ Labe, for sale et?) Wesid stJ by • I :optlf • & DILWORTH'', F L° rejli EL LT•l b a b ry ft"h ' ft 47 1 1 .1 . 111 1 7 k j'" 31 water CI front sts MORE 'WISES for Medical ourpnees--yor, X deka, Mulogy end VberrY. rii3n!c.nuu moy rely upon the porky of these miner. Received nod for !ale by• E SELLERS. C O'uppgx,-.1.60 Im prime 1!.0; •- tknim:o 13 ' more; for mle. by • t KFLOYD, libenr m . . Ts'—E9 Id tuts Y I.lreeal . .. 1 20 de . Caro,weer and Imperial; Kt catty boa IC IL G P and Imp'ijam_ratmeer4 pos.. ," far tale by J R . • . eIdOYD .. ~cKSItE L—tvp ar rire rv i.on ; d, br MILLER & RIOCETSM .170/ibany • MICONONY GOODS—We steam reeemag ear J.Za sapplr of Economy Blenkets, Sammie. and 7 Q./metes:which we elrer in sale' et massfamensts rice, • - RHEA & PF.NNuOC • rcelAillw . COS enact rt - a 011lIC 5 TIO PLAINNYLIsi— bb pieces 44 white, lA , brows and plaid Flannels. Anhar s Bro's manu• fistant yµgseeeiced Sad Ist sale by 'sptlB.7lss • 811EJS:IsPENNOCK SUNDRIEB-77 bk. Meese; • bbLe Ewe Blain fie ' keel .bost Umpire., fee see by . ' JAS amseur rptlP bx wax; .• 1 bag gap, landing Cr= oat &limo Cblef and for sale by sptl7 JANES DAUM, FLESH 9'SAB -50 hf chum fine.Pfrokbang Ter, ' 150 caltieyOurpotrdef Tea, landing; (croak by BABALSICt SMITH 804 3 / 1 811- 11 200 bids Loaf crushed and powdered; 20 Las D Hidalgo Loaf; har sale by • L OUTCIII2ON kOO ePtIS Arects of Pt bouts t' Min.,' - - -- - Wool..—The bigbert price In cash • r il l be ped toe clexe•lrsabed eounmen and gannet b loo d Wool: by OEO. COCH RAN, • 41111: IN wood a. .11/IIT311 : 1"mt_Itlanilla, 1 eau% Eazteeis,,t 300 DOS. 11/LAD BONNETS: mai. ted; fos udo by ~A.116117111C0T, uye2O 64 wood at COIWOBT.II4-3.50 des Comforts .rd Dom wool le, for rola Ly ' -.., C ARBUTHNOT. C 1 dozen Tab ti : 1 1 17Vro ari olkao liLli fo e r'ulo bT Pi ' 1 k. R FLOYD Daccus—to LW., .prima article ion . reed XII'. spa • • gale by F SELLERS-- WWI ITIZZGAB-221bbs In own; cOsnak by spa - VSRLLF:RF, Et Ininttv 010XLKTAL.—nr. Inns Cu — a 'Moat, Llina Fv .L moo; Vac We by W L bIeCUTHEON • ononlnn linen, a • DICIEETA.I4..IOO 100 Alleigheuy Alms, Ore lig I Furnace, far ale by • upl3- . RAHMaCHTHEON O ... .11.1.-11C0 bbla for •by F VON BONNEIORST k CO 13 from xi SOAP -150 bu Peal Soap, , •10 •• extra Pala fogs in atom for • ..ptlo • - by • , J DALZELL ooko dried AppleF; 'd 't do Pc 100 in own; for olio by • [ld . - DALZELL treats, sag, /Dwaine,. .and Thud Beef by the 'JJ. - Caat ay otbermseaccatved bona Cincinnati and - tarsals by - sepal • J JORDAN &SON. ovamt.B o-4 -uia“Wirixils'Y K. gpko & NIZANDLEAR ii I 81/0-19114x• pnme w ule by_ vss • WICK PI NeCADL K LLA 6.-1 pki Desn's for sale W It bv,vtsi ICK MeCANo ,401.161/16-1.40 khd O . nod Cabs pow Jolo reed _ 6,4"lo°,."e.crouVleitiVinivr-60," ,A R*o Ihr&T-11 echo OernnonCiay now :analog now en• lJ dal; kw sole by' C BIDWY.LL Tlaus" - 4-azgin°r. 4c-7.16. 7 .11w° WAlLlA3,43oJestrec'd,diforont gloCideo._for .1. w ile , KIDD& W N": 1 ,•173-k.'P Wlrßrlal="4"rag .le • TroThrat—Oto imp Kno .10 /two just ree'd; nto • opt' • swamp° v.. WILSON dt.CO ' rtIL — CCOVIIIW - 1 don lode cover Oil Clete., la.grear variety of Pauencr, received (non Phillip. vino Isotoryi Or sob al Awed st. npa J*4II4III.IIPP . NACIALICILEV - --2Thri - blics Gip 1'0;3, londioZ for fpOil solo by BOGAI.Ehrir Krum bbts lot onlo by xpo .9UO WICK & bfoCANOLESS OXALIC ACID-8L Itaisst ree'd; for talc by •ptl 0 X E 'BELLEW , . 67 'rood at EZ:IWAS. for sale by, • • 110 1171CIC k Mee NDLPII9 ran laadg front ce• nao; ;at "1 m by . DALZELL. _ BAND-700 Ibr i dost reo4ll .. ke ; OCZk CO r_TDfli eor hi too wood oh ()OWING 1./LebSFS—Wholeetle and loud by C ARBOVINUT 'BI?aFRINGg-I,l' tAttir 8T14....11k.AU5--I.IANI.AweYes fol l r i E t ry TH :tat bOts ' o1; • 10qFbOi. do 2, ill! 1 0 , 1"1" IrßtldrAt222l. CO. 1,1 Clitang.—uuis - T ;age Ho 3 Mackerel Jan .. I~ = a s AI saty P RUM, MCGREW k Co IaL.ASKILT/4-44 pair Oros Domestic . klaakets coaelanmem; OsWis b t i . 29 Oa) COCHRAN, wood at :'. • DICE OLOCII—Fresh ground &maws copal's . JR saki at Oa *Word and tiPie. F.euni, 27 ' 4 li; POIODW a ALCOR P VON 71011N1100.13r kCO : 2Sfroctsl DX. bb It No 3 LArge,..for sale by EDWARD 11EAELTON - East bulb • Dibtobbd pLAITELEI: TAM, kg,. al- Way* an Moll awl for tato u Nolll4 Lawry rite, .MUCanal. kWh • W W I.oooton "11 mr.k.nty MURPHY ...MC =EIS itMMINEOITS. GREAT U. 8. CIRCUS! • • Siebrneing• • Treble GraMienememl . elfinrlbe Ening Eiredidneent new Orentalc4,sansiering of :` SOO Nese wad Illereela _ _ AUNTS - EMMA To THE UN, AA CZNIM PcP.Will be exhibited. front'ad the American Hotel, • Vittebents on Monday and Tenadny, the CM and Mth • of Demember. • D ante their graad' ' preemie., through ,r lVp=stmeto,*l llo'cklek in the moraine, hea ded by Hu great and • MAGNIFICENT GOLDEN CHARIOT; dews by 20 beautiful we... coloml hones, end driven in head by AM ft:rented Mock The exterior is M :';x red with god, Mc interior blinedthroushoset with i. 5 ". ." velvets and of sufficing capacity to , elm 33 people 1 hie eshnie is altogether periorb We one wad by Vas Ambers., or y . that has teen ia the _United Melte and cost the pro 196000. • Neel Swam the . TWA THEWS COACH, • only 37 indite in hetet end is weight about 100 poonkilds dominative nrrinp tones • novellught of iteelc• met rhea compared with the pondrems Baud Chariot, the cootrut wooderful and ydessinc,. being draws. by two diminallin ales wily 3) imam in height, meampented by postillion foot, ma, outriders k at. Tbs. is followed by He LOCOMOTIVE GAO CARRIAGE, on which is At ,. up a forame, mumestar, pipes and other I , apraralia, (et %a Coarlawa es . paus) ;wheeling the esteruin arablithemat whet, will ba bitted eirwe briUmet Hum inl4. summer seek the heel of gm EMMA; Cam 900 boiern.= This nova sightan only he wen at Howe. k Co'.. Veiled Naha Circa, After whiehcomn a train of .!;I carnage, ceo brining primmer), wardrobes, As comment hat been made for the name with TI. Mono. th e edebrated clown from Andey'e Amphitheatre, Drury Lam , and other Hearn in Leedom retm Awn Itia ingooseimable suparieriry hes von for hinted/ the enviable waterimet of Ma JlMen. Grimaldi. He was isdre called tspote eppeer at IT indoor Cagle,' by special conkonad of Queen VICIOrIy and war grented anaemia of royalty, an nor to which kw imblic perfinmers could ern win,— Her Majesty and Prime Albertwereaho visiters nitky's linyal Amphitheatre as Me first_produstices • of the yams. Num of kLarbquin'e VrEin.nr / tee not a Piiptt, which heaatifelantertaimermt will begins, Mihail oripon4 ellen* at every'evenbm's mrs forename of de mammy. - Hie moo ishiag pert...mesas • revolving barrel at full taxed and occomptithlng the meat Meer feats with Ilasuing robscitr, repelling himself Misty with hie fret. _.. • ASH . . IV; O. Dole, last Dinenna 'Vaulter of tbe'clunnter, berate throw the greatest number of to (c 7) ever accomplished by nay perfortecr the wotld. m o d e HSt Vaultbig while In Eneland, B eee notoPeord a greet mutation, no perbarmer ou teat mde of the Atlantic having Er complialted over AO or 60 sorreamul. . . Mr. T. Dfaeriend, the only rival In vaalung of Mr. Dale• and the hero of :9 1101110.eltr. for *lnch behold. • nigold medal. The audienee will have an opportunity of seeing two of 'the greatest . cavilers in the world. ac.. walla .nt.tint the etitunpionship of Mete ptofcasion. 'Mrs: N, B. Canal, the highly admired and Justly eel. elated female equestrian ft attached to this company, and wit! appear m an enrivalled act of Synsurian in which the will Introdnen a new style of teats, entirelY her own. o== B. TY Carrot, itae treat two horse rider and vaulter is also attached to thl. compute. ht. O. W. Soctoot, in hit iihaltrpeorian chaagesble tat• rd'fb.g.T. l ,t;?..l l .ll;:e're?..M.t..Go' g rgpVilif 4 thl spectacle. For &fall dextmlion of the performance, me ball. arid pamphlets a she prinei pat howl.. spliS • AItRANGRAENT. STA R CLOTHING -STORE, - •. • 1 , 4,y0 Waal rt., Pius/maga. Pa. A lICKER hIAYER would reepeettlttly announce hi the eJttaeaa Or Pi.. and otesnity that they hare premed the IMMO. of John Garvey,—reeemly of khoadtoray, New Yolk—as bream or theta cash:nip This sentientan having been enenevely engaged in th e eau, m budnesii, exclusively, in the ukase City for the last ten years, is well known by Una fashionable community and O universally acknowledged to be A saner of great acquirements, We will be monthly supplied with Parisian fashions, which will give as the advantage of offering our cave. men the latest and De...! tiros. Gentle.. Who are desirous of adorning their permits, can, by calling at the Oriental Star, be accommodated, All *niece Soot tbis establisionent will bu warrant ed in ism particular,. no in:ioniser espouse will be wanders. Due pan to afford seismal santlitetion. We-hive just received a splendid nod of French and English Black, Bmwo, Mut, Green, Olive and OA SIS Cloths, Wart Mae, Brown and Green Bearer Cloths. English Pilot Cloths. CoatsFd Cassisueres and Cloths for Sack,. and Business . French Dim inriny,plent and Anted _ • Do fancy Caistmeres. Ermhsh do do.. . Also large lot of Ameriesn Cloths and Carsinterca. Freend ewer cot Velvets for 'remotes. . Do' Sleet sod fancy codas. DO do do Silks. Do do - do Cashmere Lod all Mtnles penainin to =squirters. - We have an advantage tint kw. s in the West have, beingeoneemed snit* bonsai both jo New York and Emma who will keep as sigalarty supplied with tie West European style* of goods. ALSO—WiII be kept constantly on hand s general assortment of reedy made Clothing. Together with Shirt., Drawer!, underFhirts,Boroms, Collami !kW.. Crams, *Doves, amender, de de. - • ' ILYSCKER /* MAYER Star Clothing Btore,7o wood tt N. B. All coders will be promptly attended to. mr.7 PALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS., . WROLS.ALE AND RETAIL. • A.../.:'MASON & CO., 62 Markd, betunen Thyd and Fourth 30eds, H A rtge: f ag t terred p a wzd%of 1 . 5 D ea ma f a .ad modCfastondble &a " ; enstcAers and the_pn" t he generally nto-nupreaay mired Cll3 and eZIIII.I-se We Blanca bard.. gratlvariety of rich Dress Goods, al= Rich punted s De Laine Changeable Mohair Cashmere Plaidaand; ; OvegorrandCalikmla do Plaid blank and mode cord Detainee; 'Preach Menno•--smorted onion; Aiwa.. Laser. and Beentiastnes; . Verna and Badmen Gingbarec . Callcoes, and ncir Dram Deeds generally; Leh blank Dram nod Mantilla nay; Rich cold Mersa/las In crest 'suety. aIIAWL.Y—New Pans designs of long and Inman, Cashmere !Mamie, Mediate and tom pored Turkish and Cashmernheary and nett demob Hind, Llsekand mode card Thlbet Worsted and Silk Pero and ma. ay ocher ehamis. BOUSIMEEPENG.I3OOIk—Whitney. Distreld and Beim Mantels, very hearr Marseilles Qailts; Fara.- Chintang Amity; Flom Balm; Linea Table Cov ers; Blair Linea; Linea Fleeting! Pillow case Linens Napthts; llamia and Table Diepnr. Wbne Eines., an uno,llor.ieris. llama sks,b.e. COTTON GOODs—Urown and bleached Sinn all the known brands from I iod yard. arida. Ana. English Shindigs and Wog Colds; COl.Oll - and stoolen Flannels, of every eoior, kind •nd quality; also, luny articles, Illogiery and Gloves, Le fee. TAILORS , TILLMAII nitin—uillr Serra, Wonted do Silesias, cold Calabses. Bono of even , desenplion, Bindings, Threads, Sewing Si Twist, Canvass, Pad ding. Le. tn. • WOOLEN GOODS—English, Preach, and Amalie. Cloths; Wool-dyed black and fancy Cassimeres; San o. Cashmere and Velvet Vesiingst a very large stock of .e Cammetts; heavy Pilot Cloths; Bearers; Kenny.; Lin- laving &Noose in New York wa will be constantly' receiving the newest and most fasloonable moles of good. and at doe lowan priers. -hlerekuns from all pans of die cavalry. are Invited to azwanwoor week. Wholesale &Oaf op main. optridnw To Grocers and Tea Dea/era, THE PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE PEKIN - TEA COMPANY. . ..No. 35 NOW. Front Street, Philadelphia. ezeero red an oF. zr prepared s est h s 6 orders from Cest, or , ender by se nose pitched In thew pent er liar s_tyle, al prices as low a y Mier establishment In the Dented tunes. For sawnto-- br yp.og Hymn, Dow grade* and final) lbs extra Silver Leaf do; . SO chats and hf thou Ounpo*der Pee and extra ) 100 do do and boxes Imperialline, extra and low gradeal 50 ohms old 11)800(1w - ions grader;) 150 blasts and tins fee 00/ongs (various) MO do .do AIM* Yon. do , IMO do Poorclumgs tChatatt and ether rtavirrett Orange and Flowery Peccoes, English Breakfast Teas, to. As Thht_Commsny establish no exclusive agencies Many kind oat of Philadelphia, bet fat aides leas packed lo # and # pound packageabearing theirown heath to the general trade of a quality espial to env sold in the U. Omura at the same ones...and/dodge themselves to re fund the Money Or all that (keg D. giro entire satisfac tion..ileCALLMONTFront BOND' No Ogi North Street • Wholesale Depot of the Company N. D. Orden from a distance excel:nen ranlnutly and with &snatch., Mee. D . J. E. isTUCKDALE the Agent of the Company is in Dint city, and will can upon Wotan and Tea Dealen. _qrttlit3tay_3m • t JACOB WBAVEII, ISI.I receiving and offer* for into the following pore J. Arandi.— Old Olg l l.Tge; rft:l64 in octave czar: Leger r rere.lW7, 1810,1E42—half pipes, Latayette,lßM, do; A Solgootte,hf pipes enders; : Pelreol ton— • do do; , Anchor, Crime, and Coquer.brandrafn I piinsi. Otardi Dopey t Pines. Coalition to , Old laragtOry 22 • Old Champagne • Together erne a saner of Coyotes, Rochelle, Roe• dolma, ano low priced brandies of nil maims. The above woe 'elected end petatiood from tba Custom Homely myself *ad ,will be told at a fair advance,. wholesale or mitt/ at the Wino Mate ofthe aol, , ,criber, JACOB IVEAVEtt aral6 cur =alike' & front su ES. AIiCSWOWTH respeettally announces to the . animas of Pittsbargh, Piet tag rooms in Barker' Deriding, ronnh.st., are now open for the reeepdon of Laden and (ientkmen who wan to acetate a beautiful hand-writing24r. A. from his long ezrwrienee is I.:eart h:4 has co bearibliel2 in oar. melee to all who become style of CbitroirraPhY• gawp style of ornamental hand used by those who 1511 pablir decameters will be imparted to was pupil • Gentlemen east write any boor between h and It oteloeh, komoon, and between 3 and b afternoon. A elms will also write aiesadle Ladies will write ai l °retook. nue:coon, amanita. DINNERS—At tko Athemina—Tbe proprietors of the Albemarle Rellreshreent epanntent will Set a Dinneroable punetaelly all o'clock, a. , each day, eormenerna on Wrdeeddali the oth' inst. The table will be supplied with the best that the steam afford.. • iikselaess need Ire nerpeedelly lose led 10 rail. • . awl • PkAiK,7llOhlPllOll & CO' P'onYlulYHA r A • Wed,. of newest 01PtwitOtItultsaldr:f P'cb.dre'""*P"'"tw° ,spo or% 4g _ VW, bon— f W it !MURPHY— VLANN*LII;.-Ited,llrOwn and barred Plaenels. .L An addlitnnal 'apply received from,die enanefne lavers: At a few pecce low priced Ueivineuer tale b Willi 13E0 COCHRAN El woo! et Ttrt.1.b.r..74•41.5.EZ. NOI a t tflo b ie l fro band aad oreelvinerfor sole waolesale or retail at the Wrioo Sarre of . JACOB WEAVER-.. • arta • . • -- 10 cot market /errant KW, 30001'f,=;.d.17,l'ir141 1 ;2;thgri7:2 /man and tor ..k al our Ism niona,s Wood at. spt] J h II PHILLIPS ra. —A fall supply of Mose Ins celebrated Brown alrotlags conommly on hand and for sale at mods. tarerszticys by ISHACKLKIT W 111 laißlllierADJC.—lest received; Wens' Nevi fork ALL slop Axel end Adze% mousebole Medgeo. Heauseriklrke,TraceCheicaorrought Nails, Comae t I .o l %rain; cmia cut awl pit sews, Frla.ke for We .. JOS WOODY.' P.LL Walsh Mannala. U. II VIIPUT laanoot open a tad amonlat .of above desirable goods, Watford coshrinka by% also, Bilk Wasp do, flume do, sad • lalia aaaorO 11E1 at arldia Odd golotad *Milk dad ••- -, gat , - • - COMMERCIAL RECORD. -• .;,:- --' A' L Bie: 14 - 44.0 , ..; 1847 `. • 'lan 1 Son 'Moo* 1 Moons 'T -SEPTEMBER :' thee 1 sets' tines 1 phases - • 1 irsursday a4B 686 439 _ - '24 Pridsy .r. ' 1549 555. rises. Falltd. 9 5 25 Ssiorrisr, 550 5.53 6542. '.. 26 Sands, , &al 65l _ 7324 ' - . . 27 Monday 56Y. 6811 8 9- ' ' - t 3 Tuesday 663 5 48 8157 29_yVedonsday 6 64 5 .46 948 .. . netetlients of Me OVUM Steamers. El.ettexx• Costume. Leave Amer. Leave Emcee. 13 ,4L , ..nittx lex) Marriew x Oct 1 Sept 4 ... ,, venth Mx) Syria, Oct II ' Sept ..Phii° 44l Plaaart)Besson Oa 1 Sept 111 union, Urn n e eben, • **LSO (Er) Morin, Oman - Sexpl3o , ameni atr) halkitte, Nov 1 Oct 4 New York, (Ex) Funt4 Sept IS r Oct 9 71. ".. (Am) Metrat, Sept al Oet 9 Caledonia, (Sr) 800, Sept 11 Ott 19 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COSOUITEE TORSID!IFXBEL . • DALZ 'ELL. IT. W. WALLACZ. • W. 4. TOTTZI •• PASSENGER ARRANGEUENTS .FOR. WV. Steam Boat_ Packet [.tea, leaves daily for Via. Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and philadelphia, 8 •. and' 6P. N. Canal Packet Line to Philadelphia, daily ? 9 I. u. Mail Coach . ' Line direct . to Philadelphia, 9 e: at • and , Western aid Southern Mail Coach U 3,8,6,1,11. North Weatern via Cleveland, daily, IS A. Erie and - Western New Yark, daily, 9 A.ll. North Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, vascoPt Son- tarries rirrsiused uasurra, Thursday Moralug,Seytemher.23. Oar market yesterday vnia steady and quiet . , presetting no variation In prices frau last report. The river stands at ateiot.S.feet In Omni& lute rising Ziwehonge'm Imaghti. Burness along the wharf - presented some activity, a number of boom binrig sagged in taking in large guantittee of freight for porm below. Flour:;-Tbe market is Steady. with rm c 344110 io Prices. We note mini Isom the'riser of 100 bbl., fresh Bsightwell brands at 4,871. Of NI do from store at 4908493, and sales in smaller lota at 4,95 p Ltd. Retailing at 585,18.1. Cornmeal—Limited 'aims at 454350 e p bo. Graiiwi-The market ia without champ. Modesto sales of wheat at 90e; 400 ba corn at 371; and BNI bu oats at 55e 1 4 ha. Baeon—ttegidu sales to wade at former Mei— hams 9910 e; sides 8981, cad shoulders 7 cents p pound. Potsdoes—Sale 30 be at 37840 e... Green Apples—Sales of 93 bbl. at 871 p bbl. Cheese-50 bra W N void at 61e p lb. , • . Batter--Salo of 50p.lbain libla at lie. • Aloluser—Sales of tO bbl. Nct st '15436 emits Sngsr-10 blide N 0 sold at liaSe r . lb. Fsatbem--Wa note des of %tacks at Itgo lVtibikos—The market madames well *applied, with also of 10 bbls rectified at ftir-1.5 do raw at leo, Mid regain sales of old at 45470 time, {lei tish—Sale. 05 bbli Maik *fel at 57 Y bbl. Coate—Salta of ado; Rio at eie ", The Ca so tan. 'Thos filcGalSek, mad- lea glen. did new light draught steamar, jut fintabed sad receiving freight at oar whorl foe her first trip lathe Cincinnati trade.- Her hull was bads at the yard of J D Aiten. Industry; liegines by Ochbautri lc Semple, and cab• in by White, Owen at Rosa. She is • line Moamar, of the lighten draught, and it every way worthy the public patronage. The steamer Rio Grande, which was sank man woe dote, below Goateed'', ham hese raised. and is now undergoieg repairs at flew Albany.' The hell of the new steamer Wisconeie, No needy completed, and will bomed, jiirlauee.biligat the fast rise in the ricer. Statement .bowleg the Coal chipped on the Reading Railroad Irom t he following Mations 'or the week endingillarsday, Sept 16,1647:—', From Port Carbon 10,331 14. do Pottmille 5,•45 17 do Schuylkill Haven 14,197 11 do Purt Clinton 3,566 04 Total Previooaly this year Total, - 919,89 :19 The following are the exportaby canal at BOW° on Sept 17: . Flour, Mils ' .5..%1 Choose, lb. ;40,1V Pork, 13 Wool, '123,193 - Aare., 65 Lard, .--• Wheat, ho 33764 'Stases, 6913,1913 Corn, 161331 Spirits, gals . 1600 Bolter, Ihs 48,463 Umber, ft .136.261 Bacon, Seeds, lb. . 60676 Tolls 84,34 73 No of elearaneris 88 Receipt. by cartel at Toledo, for September 14th and 15th: Wheat,bo .7140 Floor, bblo pp,s Coro 0127 . H Goode, lbs Satter, lb.. !&335 Whiiney,bbla ISO Heir dr bnitle. 1088 Linseed o il 47 Leether,..fle'd 0810 Lard 01l 08 Hemp 11,.'09 •Laed, Itts 471 teat Wool 110 lilercl.44Eiso 1717 Beeswax 153 Nut 5590 Shipment b 7 earial for the tame period: Meroboodise lbe 573,506 H pod., lba 5300 Salt. bbl. 971 Lember, R 51.040 Fish ID/ Ale, bblo 4 FLOOR AND DRAIN. The quantiti of doer, wheat,eorn end burly left at tude•water during the ind week to Sept, in the yews 1646 and NA Is as follow,: Flow bbl, What boa Combo Batley be 1847 68,095 61.111 • .104,088 17.54 11146 • 60,059 131,118 V:73.3 38,567 • Decree= 914 13,947 1ne181,360 Dec 37813 The aggregate quantity of dour and ran left et tide voter Inam the commencement of narigaliso to the 14lb of September inclusive, le as follows: Flew, bbl. Wheat, bo. Coca, be. Batley, hal 1847...1,615,414 3,630,191 4,837.894 314301 1846...1.650,301 1,064,974 1,036.890 833,101 Ineeth 076,113 1,615,220 3,772,004 28,916 By, reducing the wheat to doer, the quality of the latter lett at tide water Mb year, compared with Jhe eerreoponding period itat yeu , show, so elveu equal t0t,197,167 bbla of door, and a decrease exam since our statement of het week .4'10,103 Ibis flour. • The receipt. of corn mow far exceed by 3,137.145 be, the eaue receipts of 1846.—[Albany Eyeeing lour. LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARRET.Sept. 4. —Beer, prime mess p tc.c.,...p0. to 02. 6d; or% dinary eta to 86.; mew ► tobl, 60s to 62s 6d; adios. ry, 42s to 48e. Rant India, IP tierce; lON to llos. Port,piime mew, oew, per al, 661 WM. qd Al.' to 604; prime 480 to 655. Hasa, coked cod dry, I. ceases.. per art, 40s to 60.; in asks, Al. to 40s.— Bacon dried ad waked, old .36e to 40, pei an; long emddles 49e to 630; shoulder., Al. to 37• 6d Cheese, floe, per cwt. tfa to Al., 'middling 46. to 49a. ordinary 21. to 440. TohBuee.l4l pickle, per dos 15e to'Als. Pigs pct art..76e to 35e. LIVIMroot, Mena. Pdauts—British - air ip we 176. to /OR., Rods LID ;., lloops.Cll IC. to 111 If., Obeid. Ito It. tollll3e,Carao In Wak., 8.,.1d 10.1. LOW, motel, Poo Nostl and 3,•11; Lead, U 010 boa, XII 10. w tie tom Tin PleieNl 0, hem charcoal BIICIFITON 61•Itiltr, Sore. I3.—Beef Rata $6.26 a $637; Ent quality' $660 a f 6; maul 8,5 • 86 Al; third $4 a 511. • Sbesp—Sales at ,g 1 60, $I 02, $1 33,52, $2 If, .rid $2 62. . - I =l= BROWNSVILLE—Per Consul-3 `b=e, H B ersig-r1 do, A Kessil-54 do, Biniloghsso-1 keg Bsgsiey & tiltaisb—t6 bbis Boss, Scott Per Louis MeLsoe—.2 bkgs, 19 bss, 1 ble, 1 bs, Bidwell-2O bbls 11 our, Bennett-6240 do, Bright.. SEAVKR—Per Comden-.-11 lip batter, 2 ski wool, bbleKonr, 1 sek d apple's.; Maher-88 ucks oats, Robinson' & CO. . • Yu Keelboat Brooklro-12 his cheese, Mattocks —2 abs wool. 51orso-55 bin cheese; Cason & McKnight-28 do do, 5 ed. do Bklwell-17 sacks rags, Leech & Son-. 11 tons prilron, Li A Greer-2 bbls floor, Outlay di:Smith-12 empty bbls, Wood do fiaghs-22 sirs corn 6664 do, 6do trao, 78 do core, 1146 &. Booth larlief-13 irks and Haney, Glimmer-10 Mils door. Friend, Rbei,& co-10 bits corn, J& R Flord-2 cote potash, 1 sek wool, Wick & 111ceasdleu-2bdls Mond iron, Von Ron - horst-46 bur cheese, 3 coke do, 14 Mils gloater, 1 bo bums, Wick dr. McCandless-62 •do ckua, MIMI" & Hooter. • MOATS Lgevinta- WWI DAT• D. LEECH & Co'.. PACKET, Philadelphia and IlAttimore.9r. w. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 A. a. old 6 BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and Pima sod MONOPRIAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 P. al. DISPATCH, Nelson, Brownsville. Da FRANKLIN, St Laois, CASHIER, Cie. - • LOYAL. HANNA,Cia. ' wilitOF PITTSBURGH. El====l:l2 _ ARRIVED. Conard..Bowman. Brownsville. Louis McLane. Bennett. HimontlD. Despatch, Nelson, Mon. City. Skipper, Beaver. : Camden, Hendrickson, Beater. Lops Ilinna,Jeek. Cie. - DEPARTED. count, Bowman, Brownsville. Louie McLane, Bennett, Brownsvi lle, Montan). Woodward, Brownsville. Bigots 6, Nelson, Brownville. Camden,. Hendrickson, Beaver. . Skipper; t il ete r iusti. Friendship, Davis, CIL . Thinker CalliClA. ifj'' .- "STAIROAT'S. WOK TILIIIIAI7I4.T STS BIABIE. The steamboat Dgraorr. Capt. H. COMB, will commenee tanning).- Detroit and the , e.it pi. Matie on Jane CM, nuking weekly . , . inns during the • rernaleder of the 5e...,., regain; Detroit every 910.4111-149 o'clock, Y. ~ ThaDetrol m t ii one gear old, has a powerful low p 7 sane aigites,aod Is well adapted th e goon trade, For Freight or Pasciuto grisly on board, or to .0 BRADBURN Is CO, Cleveland . . • . ',.T. N F.LBERT, Detrbit • ' r i . ' nt 24tre ' F IX , LA WPON , FOR 6Y. WUIa a The Sze ha FRA K la donor suor LIN. • MA! eClove,' D ¢laner, will !caveat above Wu =none si to o'clock. • . J NICIVTON itiNk.A . Atcol miles • r Mee, Ilonookabelo. Homo . FOR CINCINNATI—ItEGU R PACKET. ki That ntein,ltt draltalmr • iteGa Fick, master will leave as above this mo rn ing &tin &clock.. For freight tomatte apply on board. • ' rpm FOE CINCINNATI—EIEti ULM!. PACKET. ' • • . : The nem and lii.ht drama; slaw i ga LUYAL, HANNA, ! • JP Jatkonastar, anti lactre for above .4 tutenordiate ports on Ttonsiloy, the Minot gala o'clock, • m. For fief& or, panne, hairini Ruperior aecommodi• don., oPPF7 to J It EWTON.JONEri spry ' dionaatabehltoo. REGULAR LOUISVILLE eACKET , . : , The new, light droughteted fest not . Wog neuter EUREILI, ' Crozier,' met., will ron u e regulse whet betweeo Pittebeteh nod Laois elitee doting the MVO.' She leaves Thesdayi Rapt. 2101e10 okfote. ' . Fer.frehiblee pairageitrody on board. , optit I FOR ST L 0 ,13 IS-REGULAR FACXET. . . • The elestnt and regnlat mast :Atkinson, :L i tfor Al : l isilTte ° a• L eia rbma modal at IC o'clock. For freight Or P•miteiPAVil Wad. ' atl . Rovilar Botwae aaa clasgaw Packet. The new and (am miming steamboat • legal' CALEB CO(}, moles, Master, built T fm dun undo, will ran as a regular racket to Boner and. Olasgow—letning Prow knit daily at 3 o'clock, r.r. and running to (lingoes, (month of Bandy and Seaver Canaljon Monday, Vie t notaday.'notl:Friday., • , For freights unman, to Beaver. New Labon, or the 'towns Weal ma MIMIof New Li4on, apply on bond er to' leg . 8k HARBAUGH, 33 Wood street .- TAI - 4sburilx and ilte new and g ta~ii ate steamer. HUDSON, Eitbert, master, has manned her reg . alas Arms and will leave+Pittsbengh above every. Th &in 3 o'clock, P. t r i passage .7 Sodli3l; hicKEZAVORT .F.I.IgAIiETSI AND .I,IONONUT. lIELA CITY. PACKET. , . . , The sew steamer DESPATCar Nelsoo.itaster, will run as abose . lra lug letraburgh every telantlaY, oesday and Friday, at 01 o'clock, A. 51., and Morons a. AelaCity every Tuesday, Thursday and Salooloy. si b o'clock, A.M. For freight or passage apply oo bontd. 11.ijiit - ar — Partaiiiar —- iieriiVtiii ) Packet. • THE. light draught steamer . jaNEWARK, Hard, Ilasterorili make weekly tops to the &bassoon during the sou one . et lo X r freight DWI passage NS apply co on boa rd LKI EXPRESS LINES. 674 U:=L=l "ZZIPBEILI PAST rAaucir Lrsien ErißM FOt PIEULADIMPIIIA ArAD4IIALTIMCMPAL. jrsiody At' PommamosHs Catia(t atrele and Railroad being stow euel/em Torder, the Sockets of Dirs Lint wW kam with pu mas., aa follows: every :debt at 1/ is'etora Packet Iteatockp, Truby, Moodey, Pep[ la. • de Ottio,Crair, Tue•daypi It • do huhu., fkrkgr, Wednesday. Pept 13. do Letaittuta,Thomposa.lllonsy:6<pt de Kusecty, Troby, Pnday, hp 17. de Obis. Daus, Saturday, Sept Id. de Saimaa, /Matey. Sudsy, Sept la Loalmann.Thoodmardldooday, Semen. do Xemacky,Truby.Toesday, Septet. do (11., Curd, Wedaemlay. Sept t do ladiaaa.Berkoy, Thais day, Sept el do Lostielaaa, Tacoma. Tru:ay. Sept 31. - :do • kootookYriTtaby, Smarday, Sept as. do Ob io . Cutif;•Stroday, Sept xi If yoo destrkebaap Waved lag sad comfortable accom modations, 'Mem poor tickets at the Packet Dace, Illonoimahola Moue, Water street, or' of D Ll:i 111 CO. Canal Rine '- laitlanagicsxs cos E - agyEgN k WESTERN - ESTRESS MEACHANTB and vibes , tending gone Eat; ate lammed that Wu line is lltefantst now running between, Paraborgh sad the East, talkies ging al Bahr sow with Adams and Company's Export* daily, (or all the principal Bawls 66.4 YiAcliskes OIL! .Ixes we:tined andlhowaried daily to Orownsyllle pct memo ern Lonit McLane:and Consal, and tunes by oar Kr prestwatrgont toisioh am ande r lank, to Cumberland and thence by moil train to For (*.lib., partienlata enquire at Sc Charles Hotel Wilding+, Wood wetly /12SW 116 VICSIMY, Agent eiTWO DAY RTINIZN BROW NSVILIA AND CUMBER LP LAND, id now muting duly each wen carry* 7.00117te el' Goode and Prodere between above pit. hierebeediee from the East le delivered in ritisbargh the Rigid of tie third der from Cearberiand—eaahlter this De most expeditions Mate for pmog oat Noe& Nora the Eastern Qum The Alen InD•ilt:irdna will give a receipt as to time and co. ?homily Agems in C BlDWM.L,Pinshargt ' 6 IcIAtt S 2II.IhOIITYE, LU GW4 D No Light Mina • near PAut stßal!inarlre • 111lG*vi i. wausuca LINE OP CANAL PACKETS AND BTAOhlt: 1847.. Cats A . KETS TELl:di APB & SWALLOW LRAVE Deaver dolly et .1 o'clock., a— order the Arrival tette steamboat BEAVER from Pittsburgh, and arrive at Warrra tell mandarin reason (or like &It. Which reach Ctereland Who. night. Passtroters rill be ;restated thnogh,serafing berths at the Packets, and wets in the Stage, or apphearon en beard marabou B e arer. Bra9Old Pidsbotsh oe 9 O'clock a. R.,) orto the agents: lIARTON k Co, Pittsburgh MARRY:AC., Beaver /FREIE BALDWIN, Youngstown apIS N B TAYLOR, Worren MISCELLANEOUS • • rYSIE Sebseriber, Lae of the brat of J'D .Ce., hams this day purchased oho INOth of 11 r Peach, in tle wholesale and retail fatally wooer,' and mein, Malmo., Ple.M. corner of Market and Liberty amen, would respeettally solndt.tho mamma 'of ha Blends and Sneer eamootera of the establishment, ao• ming thew thai le will always be impelled arst.h the best ankles the eastern markets coo furnish, and at fair • By an mama immanent with A 'Jaynes, Env.. Agent for the Now York Pekin Tea Qom. ay ,be wilt be constantly supplied with a a...witnesses went of the Companft Tem, at New Vat retail prices, for the as• oommedenoa of More of his manners who prefer said TM. THOd MILLER Mahwah, September (0) ea. • In retiring from rho Grocery and Prodoeo business, me undersigned world mAidty erammend his tonnes. err, Thos Jddkr, lo hts friends and former patrons. spPAI Er II PRALIED 151101A/TION—The partnenhip hitherto uiim- D ing ender the eryle and firm of %Vigtoman & Is dos day dresolved by Munro! etrusero, John Pa... mil having dispersed otitis entire Interest 10 II W ishunan The basher of the Ira Arlo will hesitated by I: Wight.. n7t hce pu .4"'"'"'dtlo . Indy I J DAI.ZELZ. THE &Moine, is new prepared a manalaetpre all kinds of Cotton and Woolen machinery at the Octant notice.. Orden len MR Wipthtrann'e boatne,Yhop, cow. ear Llbeny sad Water street. will meet with promptab tesnlen. H Wit:111AI Lacirek q between Federal and Handout, Ott eptliOdly AllratienfOtty .STIJIM Cloollll—Plzin Black, Alpacas Lunre.;' Plated black Alpo Luotre.; Heal do mohair do: . • Preach tiellled Parainatte C oth.; • „Bleck Indiana Cathrocr...; Do. Puglia; hlerinees• • : • Paper English French Cesemere ll D'Ecosse; Ply . Rich now style (seep do; . Henri sod nab Pans Mousseline /Plaint; . Fine plaids awl Canty do ' do. - A,Tety good essortment of above goods opening and for sale low Lo the trade. by , . • s . ad) lIIIACKLIMT it WIIITE.4O wood et ' • PALL DAT . SDACELUPT lk WHITE, PO Wood sr. 2 &marshes/3 Diamond Alley, Plitsbargb. woald inane the . 111114.6011 of eV and country 'Layers to their very large and bob Mock or STA YLK AND FANCY DRY GOODDminell they have recently purchased at law MICA from the Eaa tern Mananscurrers. , • Oar Meek is we. fall and complete, containmcmanT rare and desirable goods which are Millman to And else. .where; all of which will beeold at • very mall advance and sa low so they can be purchased of the h:attere, labbenr. ' sprat. flldlitkilr;GAlNlfir.wAn.D. • • THE shove earn will be pool to any porno who will retormoNCeally It of noe <ity Of Ph"' hater, JNO. 'TABBY, an Indented epprentiem to the dret:iilassblowing business, who absconded free the emp meat of said Wm McCully &Ccherfilte rh day Dept. .D. 1817. Ilia said apprentice is about Id yea to of age. slender Damao( body, and Is soutcwnst loon to the Nee. All persons are forbidden ro barber said apprentice. or treat biro on ma arnoont. sun/ I lw , g. 2.c. w. •111110115011, • Lye 011Plusboix6.,Tht. Ude of Nathiille; Tema.. LEHMER & ANDERSON DisaLzoge IN , COTTON, Tom% A DOI NO AND t Front mot, ObEe Broadway, Cincinnati, 07,1 a. React hierctinctis, genern , ly, i'insbanch. 'pan N!',7,E,f,i;;T:;.,•:Ztrrehrry" . ,.4•rotrresdpe l otfo l li.; ntkrat those Itaotron themeln. joarole4 th. ono, to maks I nuatdiate paytatat, and the. laving <Wm. quad too to ram' theta rpfliell:Cittal co Or beton the hist of &toter FORCE k Co. ItraOltfhaattOtpt 511:1w • ... TAing BIOTICIE—Tbst I bare applied to the Judaea of the Coon of Common Picas of the Const q# Allegheny for Me emend of the Insolvent Law. of Corinnonwealdt and tint they have appointed the (berth Monday of October neat foe the hearms of ma mid my creditors. ALFRED COREY. reptlO Ream; --- ATTORNEY actiCouneellor at Lam, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Colteettone il3 Pennhern Ohnt and inlndiana and In Emnoebr,'NentMlly, and cordially amended to. Commismoner for the Bute of Pcanryinutlat for taking D L .,..nams, acknowledgements, Re. pia To—Hon We, Hell a Roo, Cords, Cloth A Carothem. W. Vora, Rea, W I lnek & Darla. di LILIZION n — a r , Les.psnzrZbeg e to .i lla o fj D Wil Ism Cs, is Ws day dissolved by smog Gooiest. The basilicas will be condnaed by J D WU. huss,wie is dsly asstionsed settle lbo seessuilsof lbe lids 416 D WILLIAM, COP lek viz.—nreeeswelm' G one in ,br Bk 12. OC co OOP% 1104%U . INS inietals TRANSPORTATION LINES. itiriacsos. puirrAnix BOAT LINE. BPOETING 117# 11 .e Deis TWEEN•PITTSBURUWANDTHE EASTERN HOOT TEARIAIPIUNT. ,11111:F. improu'dmetholof carrying used by this long -L.Established .Line, is now so We!' known shut de- Rapti. Is em,ge gg ,,,,y,,, floods arenas touched on the wane, thus all transhipment orestra handling is saved. " Boas are Of light dmagia Mid perform their trips fa from mime memo dayg. ..The capacity of,our Warehouse. enables as to store any consignments made ion. akeeiring,storing, and ;101moms - free of charges.. , . • Being folly prepared.to mate sales of Prodnee we respectfully lien. molgzanetil• Of Western - floor, Bacon, Lard, Brasier, Cheese, Wool,Fentbers.mdother articles for sole, ea whiels liberal advances will be made and other usual facilities afforded, ea pledging oar- seises that any business entrusted to Wall be as er h promptly se. executed .1:40 and upon IIIad.DDEIN as fair terms es by my oth , Canal Basin, Pittsburgh JAB M DAVIS h. Co 2.11/ and =Market at, Philada NYILLLL'i 1; t 1847. - FOR the wansponation of Freigbt between Pittsburgh and the 'Allende avoid lug ttanattipments the way, god the eangegoent nak of delay, damage, ,breakage and mammon ot . goods. Do= & clam • No 1.78 Mirk *tree*. Philadelphia TAAFFE t O'CONNOR Car Penn and Wayne sti, Pittsburgh O'CONNOR & Co, North street, Baltimore g W g.J T TAPSMOTT,7.S South st, N. Y. j -. ".`" . ' Encouraged Ly increased business the Proprietors have added to the ir stock and isitended their , arrange ments during the winter, and art new prepared to Itig ward freigat wait regularity and dispatch unsurpassed . by any other line. !their long eapernmee es Carriera, the palpable 'ape riority of the Portable Boat System, and the great capacity and convenience of the ware houses at each end of the hoe, are peculiarly macula 'ted to enable the proprietors tooll4l. their engagements and accommodate their cultonsers—conSdentlyoffenng he Post es a guaranty for the future they respectfully sane it a continuance of toot patronage which they now 'gratefully acknowledge. All consignments to Teaffc A O'Connor 'militia reed and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid and Bills al Lading transmuted free of any charge for Commission, advanemg or atorage. Having no interest directly or indirectly in steam boats, the Interest of the eansienors mast rfeeessurily Le their. primary °meet in mopping west. and they pledge themselves to - forward all goala consigned to them promptly sod on the meat advent.. groan terms to the owners. • March 1:1647 '. mart .1847. Hata PIKDDISTItifiIWo DAHL!. d RAILROAD • manta PIOT PACKET • • PITI/3110RCIFI ye PIIILADA. asp DALTIhIORE. LEarliaiwiyfer POO.lnak.n. T"Epublic are respectitely !Keener, tat thus Liao will eounneace running an or about the mud continue Donnie= the'reasoni To lionoinetore have now placed a *opener elan of Paean. sea nail. road Can OA the route, with CELTS set-ma..... 5, winch will give greater maim to wavelet.. A Packet Dom will always be in Cling public Ur !moisten LO eel/ eta: alimailso UM, ptaraoa LO enraging portage elsewhere. "FAREONLY NINE DOLLAwn.• • °near the Packets will leave Ibts iliarmsMwypoute the Vaned States Ihnel,) earner Penn aux. Dna the Canal, every night at 9 a'aloelt. TIME.3I DAfb. For. Infannaticia apply at the of , fin i e j Aanelh H Wat oare. er street. or In sachlh car Penn greet ants tans! TO TFIePOfI4C. . • . . TIIE Doormen , * Ponoble Ihmi.Company being dit soived, the Company again went inie articles of Co. partnership undefibe name of thetoainien'a Lintel and likewise agreed In refit she btoekao rte la bate a *amber of 800. for the perpoeo lof conking - Ifioda thmegh in from six to eight days, with erneliny—and ftel eneottraged by the laremility of lam year's patron age, remake more elletiAllre arliDgeMeatil for the mi t/matWe Ye. , ' would therefore respeetfolly when a rentals ante Of oar (Orme r p•tnrm.sind refer elf nem ClisteMerl In those see base door bacon. for: ~z = 1847. =-~ HOATNIANS' LINE, For the tranepottatmo of ELI. MOM Or 1111COGNAXIII.Z, TO MI6 Kakis rtIiILOCLIWIA, B41:11110rt, Now Yon, on BMW. • SAMUEL WIGHTSIAN t Co, Comer Liberty wetland Canal Hamm. Pittsburgh: A' L GERHART it Co, No 7.1 Market street, Plitieblelphic ELDER, GELMFON & Co, Agents, llaltansme, Md. REFERENCES. PMMBURE/I—Jas. MeCoHy,- Grid. Moron & Co. W McCully & Co. U A Sampson & Co, MAI len &Qs PIIILA DEL PlllA—Morns Patterson &Co, /fermi& McFarland & Co, Fleming & Busby.' Peter Wright & Nom J 110mkomi,Joecylt brat. NEW I,ollK—Gesodome &Ca, Theo. Perry & Co. BOSTON—Reed. Mood & la • CINCINNATI—LAdazns ):61eagb, W W &arbor PLEASANT, PA—P A Alubtet. • . . NASIIVILLE—Vreotiogr. Nokk—All inerclotrolire hour New York sod Hoetokr contignerl m A L Gerhart k Co, Philoderploa, torn be prom ptly'rotorsrded fin of <1.102.0/1. frblb INDEPENDENT PORTABLE BOAT LINE Mai 1841. ; FUR II n THANSPOwTATION OF PRODUCE AND BIKfteIIANDIM: TO AND FROM PITTS -01.4411; PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. il.MWnhout'Tihattuposent.,o Goods eamovted wourdero 1.11 be forwarded with oat delay,at tho lower carrem rates. Dais of Lading tretastaiued i and all lastrueboas promptly aurbiled hoe Dom say egos charge for *torn, or reinutimeon. AdiDiss i otapply rat C A hIeANULTY.k Co Canal Basin, Pittsburgh 0:1331E1 . , /faring a very large and 'commodious Warehouse, we are prepared to reesuro (in addl..n to tint! for Gill praenl)• large omo•ot of Produce, an 'Storage a low rate& tOtarol C A AIcANULTV &Ca . 1 847 . ifibiEM EXCLUNIVF:L.Y for the Itanimonatien of WAY FKEICIIT Lamella Yittelwrgbrillairoville,Johne. town, lkdlidaysbargh. Water faucet, l'nerabstet and all inwiniallate place. . Om Dom will leave tee warcimeac of f. A AlcAnalty k Powhiiiga t tttt y day, (except Sendaysj and aSippervcan always an d on harm their smida wanted Intim:it delay and at fair maw. Thia trice ems food for the gpeclal accommodation of My way lamineaa, and the proprietors respectfully solicit • liberal abate of patronage. Yropnriors. JOHN PICKWORTII JOIIN MILLER DAN'L II BARNES. ROBERT WOODS WILLIAM FULTV. JOIIN 5111.1.:E11,11olliduluiuMb / Johnsiown Attuls. C A AteANULTY A . Co. Pittsburgh agrtittlicrs. . • • . 1 McDevitt, JOhn PMter, Roben Moore, Linsley & smith. P/obarghl . IND lIICHIGAN LINE. • =i 2 g tb47. 'Mika , 7 ,1116 Line bring tompoted of Sitlimboats Lake Erie J. and blink's., running 4.4 fintreeen Pittsburgh and Beaver,ao4 freight and peseenger Cans! Bolus, naming between Benveruel hive and enameling with C M Heed's lane of titeamboat Propellers and Vessels on the Labe., will Can prepared upon W. eaelnndope n . int of Narlitabon to carry Freight and Pasectigers to .Jr*Won the River, Canal and Lakes, fleeing emery facility for conveying (Wen and pa. .sengere with promptness and dispaieh. the proprietor and gents terpettfully robed (tom then Mends and lo 17" "n"lj. 'CRY Wed EEP* P "° A D. R '''' li .ll ; . l P C 'P o, (te n ter, At. • JOlffi A CAUGIIEX, Pitisb'sh Coe lintitbdeld and Water etc opporite the Mononga• (theta Ilonite. RIMER TO • Wheeler, Croaker & Co, New York Geo Baal., Buffalo E N Parka & Co, Weveland Jar A A nagit one & Wt. Derma McClure & W Basra., Mdwaok ie - Bristol & Porter. (litany" Wirt Bowan, Barrenly...A Penn. • • Ore Mao behave. Evenshargb, Peens John Me &Warr, Bardstown, do • W rya & Acker, Greenville. do Craig & Frampton, Clarksville. do Biwa It Plumb, Ebarpstourgtr, Pa. • W C PUNA, sh•ron, do W nnt EaaE r orro. Now eqlll4. do 'nark_ PITTSBURGH & ULEVPLAND Arai, 1846. IL Luna . If. Hoops. T. k ehmood AL Co. CLARKE Co., ikornisritinki k. Commission Alorolissits, .11EAVER. Pk y A rrIIMU M"' I:3 I alki n t7lV, Vt o a f a:li L r?p:eTlitTe 01ttlicAl °pent ag of e•nal instigation to receive prop' en, riusliurt and Beaver, and deliver L ame it any point on a Ohio canals, and alio on sKyle and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and at rear Doable filet. • • 7La'ptoprlemo or ihrs line solicit the hennas o their Conner 0194011114 P with oonfiance, knowing Um their Cocain. Mmra to moo. • . Apply to or madras. G 111 OARTON, An Pltiebtarik. CLMIKE a Co. Beaver. T RICIGIOND & Cr C greelond. WESTER! TRANSPOItTATIO/11130. Etalat 1847. sitat D. EN.OIII hClyne • OLD ESTATILIBIIED •YEANSPOIPPAT.IN LINE, • • BETWEEN PITTBHUROIL PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. HE sack of this line coneiats of a doable daily' TLtae or Boar. and Can. (owned by therowlverld which are in good order. The rrobacrtbers uu pram.- red to forward a large quantity of Alerilhandiah oh/ Produce with certainty and dispatch.' • • Produce or Meichandin consigned to any or the un dersigned. I. forwarded free or any charge for venni. con or storage. ' • BilleLading tmounitted sad min Inunrchonapronaptly -Bonded to. The business of thin Line is conducted on cloudy Sabbath-keeping Address, or apply to • - D LEACH A Co. Proprietors. • HARRIS L a EEC R l a , t P io ro P ri t i s ion gh • Nol3Anoth Third corer. Philadgronelphia JOS. 'CATLOIt .4. BOS. A., Noll4Norill Howard eiree N Lllaltnnore W D. WILBON,Agenti anchl4 Noy Wen erect-New York J. 11. DICKEY, FORWARDING k COIUDIASION .San Bearer Point and Bridgrterder, • novyrr, 741.,• • • - PMlietOT and Agent of Manners LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Duty syrarrair rirrnsonna •Ann oo Vurna. be ',tapered on 'argon opening of canal Dar. TT Igation to receiva progeny at his wharf boater 111111U0111ae for Ml Mlle.. on Erie Esteriaon, Cron Cat, and On ? °. Camila for all porta on Lake Erie and upper Lakes ' s/0110 landward produce, ite.by reanha, troonerementa Apply to or *adman • .1 • cab244ll JAB AMWAY. Deaver • mr.isou ar. ems raosugg. Naprems to Plabodolpila. , . - rftE Coast bolo; now Nom; the ilpgiliatabooo Espren which boo boat es• r =ond. ip 'r oc c riPulls nt iltfo,lo g or n o b l i sV iall" , m.. 11 mowed rorlitog op 11Pooday, Mardi La • Astir:PC=lw bodippatelodJallmitilitotelooe Apply to, D LEECH a. co salami" TO CONTIIACTO: .• •TO coxTurCioas. ' Enginses Offirr,lsna River* Renew. Coq j;iiblandi Baffiall CCow.,ie , " 17th August 1617. r DIitOPOSALS will be reeeived at Lynchburg. Va‘ an. ul the ghb September next, for all the work on *err Canal then uneentraced for, fn. L7nehbarg on Jame. Baer to Big Island. a. distance et.= iles. The work canton,. glom eight leeks (the foes, datums of two of Which ha. ham ),a few mall e Ovens, the abutment. Of aeseg toad a d ad raWide., .d eight uninizbed Wrenn. (front half a mile to angle tong) or ereavationi•eothankment, toiriag Path. &el also t. Dines acme, .lanteißtrer, weatogßig Islam one at the 43:whew Fells, oboist 777 kale:l3ml 17 feet high; and the other Jag below the root. of North Ris er, above 473 feet len and 13 kes high. Specifications, pia., go of the said wort wall be exhibited at the Ea .artneer,e OM. at 134 Isi.d on cod after the 13th of Sep. tember next, and all needful Information will-be 'Oen at say 4 ital. by the, Assistant Engineers on the hue of works antnwant WALTER OWYNN .al4:3tawtd • Chief Engineer Proposals IMi'ILL be received al the oiled orthe Patsbargh.W. V ter Warta until the la of October nett, Or erect ing Engines and Pumps for Oa Allegheny city Water Aorta. For forninneg73ooolbe ustings for mown end stmd. do 4EOO Ihs Serewboltst do MO feet of to loch hen pipe; do uo• • , do MO It s do two td Web Cop valves, do two It ° • s cocka ?tomato to note the .me Engines - and Pampa, ebreplete—to sun. the =um per lb for eastings,serear bolt; Pipe., and stop valves—and ID Stale the anneal dor the two 20 inch sup cock. ' • . particulars enquire of ROBERT MOORE, Rash' Of the Piusburah Water Work. • arohd. BOOKS, HUNG, CHANDLER'S GRAMMAR—A °mama of eb the English Language, adapted to me dr-keels ofAmer-. lent by Joseph R Chandler. editor of the United emus Guettn.l vol. limo. pp: 308.1011 edition. Cheadle r's Onsumat Is being itittodaced Soma great rainy publie and pt limo schools throoshout the Orion. - WARD SCUOOLS OF NEW YORK. The undersigned Conarniesioners sad Inspectors of Common Schools of the 13th Ward. having. with meek core and ,de:itiemilen, crammed Chaedler's.Grammar. of the English Langrmge,• re of opinion that ter some .Me ammgement. happy tUustottinn, andludicioes ap. plimukrn of the prinetplesof Grammar to Laturusge, it thunequalled by any Work of the kind emu,. We have erefore, adopted. It lobe used in the Ward ig ehools under our charge. - WILL! AM COOK LTERft, JAMESII: ' ( Comrmuienen. CHARLES D AEL inspector. The undersigned having examined Chandler's Eng. lish Grammar with • view to anemia Its adeptatimi to tophe purposef frsebfn& take 'real pleasere in tee. ommeneing the *MO as a work cc meatier merit. . The prominent teatime which seem to rdWISISItIId the book strongly to the understgned..amizet,the ay. train!' commenung the study with the busbies, of in. &wave parsing; the introdattion of the ditferens pens nf 'peed; progressively; with a correct reference lode. finitions, neuter with the uniform simplicity of expla netion. It lathe only text-book on this tabled now In use in Ward School No 19, coots:mins over twelie hundred P c; ly P 4 Kittb, Pen. Male Departm't Ward School No IP. J D Dwain, Ain't. do do do O 117 Pent, do do do Harriet N Moldier, Prin. Female do We the ondermsned having examined Chandler , . Grammar, do not beanon to ant that in Is adoption s. a lexi.hook for school...it surpasses oil others of this kind ikon ha* come unser our notice. We are so well stewed with it that to have adopted lcin oar reboots. ' Dwight & Brown. Prinelpal of Brooklyn Ihsti School; Salmon Phelps, Pnn. Classmal t F.mmtlith do; John Vso New, 'do English and Commercial School; Slim Helen Al Phelps, Pim. TooncLadies' Seminar,: Mr. LTowrt.eod, do Select School; W•lier Chris/101mm A N, Remora the Brooklyn Grim taw School; , • Rev Henry Clarke, Prin. Classical High School; V Thompson. Pan, Brooklyn Union lonians. - BtooklYM:N. V,. Semetaber 11,19 P. ; , Cheindleer Grammar putdished'and Or lately Thole.: as, Cowportimaite & C 0,953 Market Bt a and JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,cornerof Market and Third. Pinsharch. - • ainaldecaltw : 'MEW HOOKS—sitory of the Rattle of Wmerke, by RGlcie, revised by the Make of Welbeg toe—in g pane. Wesel' the Peerage and Peasantry; by Lady Deere. Cromwell; a tlistormal Novo, by 'W Hmberb Goode ink, ;arcs of Mrs Necromancers. American Regime far Peptembor. Pearlth. Life and Weenie of Geo Washiterion; to be completed in 10 eels, 6 already oat Enke tileaniept to 9.015 Fields of Continemtal rope—a vcryintereither work. Lamanme • Hirng of the Olrendlre. 111.0; by It Me i vin-sth edition. Mee. Weems and Books, a collection from hie prose wetter., by Leigh Ham. A Magee Mom; by Mrs Inehbald, Living Age, No 175 . The Parecide or Youth's Career In Crime, by author of `Life le Ltoden'—fresh emir. ' 1. For pale by Wbt 9 - CALDWELL weld Thircbst., opposite she Post Office MORE NEW ROOCB AT MTORSEIL YY i t n eltl G nm S e O tflo l m' V , A lr i ee " : i r it h y Y dr3ste ". The lion Chem, a play ht 5 ezta. A Mary of the liable of Waltz/op; by Roe GI EClleig, AL A. Harkley's Geometry. for Schools and Calm.L. Drapees Nunral rbliampby, Inmdrod ons. lloarids Nannal 111agery. illustrated: Ilownn's Tale. in Verne. juvenile. Lose XIV and tae Cann of Ranee; by Ilia Pardon pael.2. The Nursery Rbyrae Beek; being a poi/tenon dkr awns p. Id m rhymes ge, No. and I,73.iegletb—with illOuationa aing A • Taybe's lbzunterleit Deteater. • Lades' Naltonal Idagnalne be OCiabtr. . (jodeyl. Lady's posh • " Glabaln'a al agaziee ' .Ardent Prang/non: by Capt Idarryatl. Jam reediyniand for aale at MORSE43,B3Foanbal. beivreen al and Weed. Anglin/ ' NOLISQ 8001ES—Ilistory of the Onset Rev , _Ed °lotion, and of theware evd campalps arising men Ike slnlig!es of Me Greek Patriots in nnencip• ling limit country from the Turkah Yoko—in two vol. ortml—splendideopy with 126112E.11111 cups awl mgr. meg. Letters' illoairielee of the reign of William 111, foam ma to Irin—with fine ponces, In V iola. Completion ut the.study of the Italy Sertures. Harry llowbray,*rilleg romance, o ath GO tip.. Ir4r is the Holy Lend. French .61mge, and Sketches in China. Jun reed and forme by MoDONALD & BEESON seal 8p marketinziet I hOm kn. TCSURErElVED—Recllecteme of Englandtby el Stephen It Tyro. It—Lis:Wm Erbium.. The following by the Presbytenan Baud of !abbe. Con mu Theeghta on Family Worship; by hoses W .Alexani der, Pastor of We 1:1111116.11. Pmbytenan Chercbt Neer York. A° Exprwition of the Confeesins of Fuld of the West min Ammetily or 'Divines: by FL • Rob. Shaw.' A Cb Comm Companion for the Chamber of biekaosa by • Mheeter. Dernamisal Aldo for the Chamber of Nehmen The Cinema Seidler, or the Ttie.Ph aGnee io the Army. The above with a genarafinortment of Theological and Bliscellaneous Book. for ere at the Book tore of ELLIOTT & ENGLISH . • spell 56 market et. between bid and 411 i egl triffearticia OCTOBICIL 'II.7ST remind et A. NlNERsa—Gmhunos Mary 0.1 COI October. Embellislimme—Htmine,Tbe Sports emu,. Paris Fedsiow. . Ouders Lars Rook for October. • Doubts Aoki= Chenbers's Cyclopedia, No. Ill—whielt botoplwhe work. tSiesobsent Wised/my Na 6. PastourC; or Ow &reefer of tha Mombasa, by Frederick dose a. TM Pint Fol.@ Step; or TM rebel' rinse.- lb. Heave of Itmemtream. By Serge hf A maple. Gukle, bulb Faro. and Schatillo,' foe tie Managemmt Of Me Farm, and cempitod of Americas Avi culture. By I. Mks. The Bel. of Boum. ' TA, Virtuous Wife. • narrative of Feats. biMi. Ex,. Wniewcod. It Wormwood her Diiewes, by E H Dixon, M D. FM& wpply. Woe% Co ' . Plawnwor, !Apt 7th date freah 'apply . The skilful tiontewik% Book eompleis ludo to D} eo mw Cookery, by Alen L 0 A bel el • . Furiale at fit A BUN ERM, ttmlthleldwiL 3d door from Breond, Apia A 0A ZESIT. for Authors, Itcaden,and Publishers, Mi. .11radAy C llormew Yeah umber of this ekont Weekly embncae 94 quarto prie,io handsaw. Pine, convenient for binding,' his Mew led princliiely P, Criiiral Reviewer new TublwalWot, with Inure g end entertaining flarle• Notice, o( the woro: rnents . olliiworical awl Literary Societal, with - Pg./eat ear- Tondo. ou waiters seLittog to Education, Aw wed Lio* inre;arid judicious wleellone wool Foreign Journeyer what ever it new in *leo. wid Lowry, together lAA A ,well! . Lief."( pew Boob. p.b arced In the madly and abroed, pre pared fn the fullest manner. Price 83 per annum. Fullished mehly by Owner, & CA,136 Meownwl, New York. Subicriptions received by Wm A few =MOM imbed Po the eitT and eon:Me d/ 1M abort , . A I. WAt 8 CALDW ELL JORM 11. MELLOR. et Wood u.. Is now reetamMie an excellent, assortment or Eamon nod New Tod, Pianos, toriyed to-day and now *Pen Mr salm , • . . . . . . Two vplon4id Romwood riamw,sa comet, • IMO Ono nilefoild coned Rosewood, Ilia octave., 31)0 o..ploodul nabasmay PinnO, six awl • heltoe. lava,•3lo One grand Piano Forte, made at, the oratory et • Ilenri Item, Pola.and tally equal to the ono tiled by kiln at bit C 0,,,,..• • One mahogany second hand Pram. mode by Sm. • dart, Woreaster & Dunham, New bark. • • 403 'A (a ll ntler aapply will be received doting thin week. ato 1115RT11151 PEN% PLATINATED BY GALVANIC_ emocv.sst A 9 goal as Gold Pena Eighteen Cento a CIO. COW taming 9/ Pens. with a good Pen Holder. Pen No 1 imit able for running hand; 2 Secretary handi .• 3 " roand 'do; • 4 0 " Italian do; 5 " old lingliele blank Inner; " " Ladra Hand. • Each. Card • contains twenty Penni with • good Pan Bolder. ' The Pen No ale prinelpatly.used ia Wedgy and Drawing Scheele. • The Pen rio 5Mr copying Mule, warklng ravels, etc. The Pen Noe 1 and I fee Hunk Note Signatures, as then Pens Otter cot the piper, however Ina. or how ever hesej the heed way be. Money refunded to en cues where the abase Peas do not rye. eatisfeetiem. • ' • Ehdd by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, %Dinah," 27 earn., of Market had Third Ida trll3 . . • • HENRYSLUMS, SL, Dealer In assigns Plana Peril, 11u J W Wardwell's, No. SS Third Strveh-Tbe Mena may be esawnsed at ell beam and the elthierl• bar will be there lona Aim IL A.' Mg and Amid tad; P. M. each day. • - Plash'', October SI, Ws, the andeThgned,' would Islam tlaS eitlz.na . of Pittsbargh andslelnityThat we have appointed Ns. Sieber sole Agent for • Westera Perinsylvants, Ibr the 1.1110 of oar Plane Fatten, hew whew they may be ob tabled atm own (New York] pnees. - , • •. • •• • NUNN!!! A DIALS • 1 • New lierk.ElepllBl4Thleldtf• •• - • • '••• Metallic Frame Plasm - A SPLENDID aswrfirieotof Rees iThed sad Mb[abelp Thy, vied action Punta*; with asealle Pranro.l Anisd end for sale.' - • • • • • Also, tworndwarlid Rosewood Pianers,ellbOoleraanTh eelebrated..Eollan attachment, ludThed In the men • • eTh wyle,Aed for !tale at" • V' EILIMIPIL:. •' " • •tif wood meander's, elan* Mk* ..AKAP OP NO.lllCo.4dspa de los &mare OA, AY-a• dee de Melted, Herm la orstairado 7de r, ill 'Mill WWI del Orerrem ii. dleill XtP.bliC Y, eardrnala per las ratine* arnarldade.• . A r !" 78u'li awn . " trikAtare, 800 milts i ' xpi . ear ossiest SO TPEnrniildULT.Rll4.ml mud gots/4411. 1 and lesarrials. &piggies Amplithrui. . . . . . . .., .. .. .t HATS, CAPSIND,IIO _ ‘ ip.dC. 'well The enbeciteri haa recently eatlhlleh; wewssi. ed hintsell in the dbove Imminent thi City, and hes be opened for the inrpection el the P !die. A..large .end seleated assosinnet of flats an Cap., et every deicrtptlon,color and .thape, which be win sell tberyery lowest cash perm, •. Haimereade arrangements with the Crated Douse el , /teem &Coster. of,,Near York, he will alyn6. have nit hand • fall sepplythr their celebrated Beaver, Sint, and Nutria Nam Casstmeres, Cony,Otter and Ashlaad He bWIt of raiment int Home mamsfActu ft; which he will at all times talke pleasare ihowing He reels muted that all tinge beaatified web 11 "1 " i a.11 /Ma Si the same Line hit priers win suit the, moot eenneadeal.' lie Is demmined in !bete respect*, not ID be beater, Do lot: thitrciore, he the Menem • eahela ileums Bat store, Smithfield sr:. jerldtanrt, hIeCALLAh • .FlBlllOll Flgt 10TUBIL .••• M 1 .0 0 - RD - &' . ICI KING Carner'oliWood and Fift4Stnylr,• TreVtirmetrea (heir Atoomti till° or Nat. , to w) ickt T.PeCrollY invite We 1111C1111011 of their t. osto• morn sod oittten, (morally: • • n,'4 PALL FASHION- ..13 MOORE los reielsed from Nev. Tort, the FUll sitear Hats whielk Ae win liurodsee this dpy. Fuardq•, Aar litiSh. All those lo snared& 11.1121141 d superior to woul4do irellio can al Nit 73, Wood Streeci 3d door • , 4 BEEBE &&co rAldB Style Gentlemen , sliebt .1.111 be introdaced, u N.F.F.YIL*B on Tharodny' Afton Ink.; Gentlenton 'oohing ieheop;fau, Losable Hat dr Pittsbuigb niannfaelore latead lbabionable Hats *ported lid advenised by some of trado;pleaao calla'. • • • KEEVIL (Ws waif. 4;4 ISO, bead of Wood As unmans pAsni pnr von nkrs • JUST molted from Ho* York, tkoBum At • . • mar tylo for Hats, ecoolisung of. NY Imo Beaver, Pearl sad Whim, French Cessimere Hata, mirk Vontilsoors...Thossin Irani Or s heandful,liobt Munro respecifolly invitedp _ 82,111011 E • m 7.5 wood Jti, Udoors above Oat 4 WILLIAM' DOUGLAS has loot teterreit a' fresh supply of Ringgold: and Baena Visa Silk . GlasedCapAnew ortyles.. „ Ezttxfuto French Moleskin Hao, it very low "BSI Nri 78 mooed Wee. • WIJIALIAit DOUGLAS, ' CONTINUIV manaractare, and keep coastaatly.m pond, every vartayor Hatt • and Clip of 1.110 latest otyle,ancl prices very losr at • 713 Woad meet, Pasted.. EXCHANGE BROKERS, mriszir, 111ANN.V.t • • . sainczas, MECIIAMICIE , AND DEALERS IN FORDION . AND DOMESTIC EXCIIANGE. CERTIFICATESOF DI: POSITS, PIANABOTEA.AND BPECIEi Pith or, many oppoaito din Dank of Piusburgh.: • CURRENT MONEY reeclired on . Deposite,Siglg Meeks for ;04, and collecilonr ; made on nearly ail ,the principal poinlii 4ko United Stale. , ffM=MM= Advwees msdeetido estimmentsalTroducmshipped East. cm Intend terms. ' erehls ' B. HOLMES & BOX -.— Ramfairs mad Dealers In Iratelinmse, Coln , luta Bank /Cotes, NO. 55, 11•110 LT STRELY, everaecnoit. Belling Raton ' ' Kreitman. llaying_liaks. New limit, • aI pr. Qacionau, , ' • I dl.. Pititadelphia; x * do lagiiardle, Ido Baltimore, I do rg ii , ;l.il i o ;s ais, j 3 , • u f . do ax gri,t4rl4l". BANK Co. &. .. Ronne I du. halloo., Ido •Itellef Betel,. , ido Irentseky, IJo Penerylranirey, Ido Virina, , Ido New York - do, Ido a. ' Whftbairs I d. , New (Pilaw, 'I do Tennemee, 1.3 do Maryland, - Ido -. wad COp•31112.111.611114 TOSEPH H. Witia, (latent tho firma Wei. I, J IIW 3 Cos) asd WS!. C:CURRY, Ow of Erie, l's.) base entered into Coyarumship, under the Caine of WILL a ellftftle, for the purpose of naming au the itanklay end Fsehartge business in all its branches, et No lob Wood street.bthree doers bnia 'Fourth, west side—where they solicit the customer theirfriends and , the goblin generally. • ..ILISEI.II 13 BILL muttls Whi. C /Mint R.. RILL. HILL t 0117811 Y, CCEMCM BANNERS & EXCHANGE- lIROXVIIS. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOhIIatTIC TIME t SIGIIF BILLS OF EXCHANGE, •ICERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE RANK NOTES AND COIN. No 641Waod iurect, third door belt,* "Posith, sweet side. DAR nod. and Cameral received on Depoalle And ealleenem node pm all thaprincipal Chas in ,Lic United Swan. • 'ltirnoie. Philadelphia New. York I Ld t ' D ' i l' or.l l ls . ntl constantly for sale: • Oom,lndiaoa. Kenn:thy. Varninia and Prinsyl4 Bank Notes, bought and sold on favorable terms. remisedExchan o ge on England, Ireland, Germany and Pions, • WILLIAM'A. & CO., B• NE RI EXCHANGE 131KIEZII5 FOREIGN AND DIAE:YTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOITE, BANK NOT}S, AND SPECIE. 13Miin5!!= • .. ALL= ICIeX3II. • ADAM) 114ILIC xr.iwite& & Hann, DANK:ERZ AND ii:LCHANGEItitOKERS, dealers Mut Foreldn add Doioratieltille of .Erebengei nte ewes or Depoede; Beak Notes' and Coin. comer a 3d and Wood streets, directly -I L ?km Ceagos lbw/ orreedt ENNpLItANIA, OHIO, iidiana, Kentucky, and r•Vi County aad City Or& es. tc.'putchased at tedaeMratea ilfdlacoant. by N SUN apte ' • Eackanaa Wok.: 63 atket VICIILITGE on New York.railadcwhia and Balll Ma sr% tarsals is *ma u .434ty' rpis - N HOLMES & EON oLleeileormea Laii‘liitte, St Louis and C all ether aceelaible pointe iv the Vetted Staley, Curressey , of the Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky Ranks wanted as eery Mir rates of dierount. HILL SCURRY 80 8 Wood st, next door in Eaxl.• tia loan Vickanito ito New York, PIIII•deiphlo. and Bala .1:‘ mare coartaatty in sale b y. HILL cum - Olt -Wool &Loom doer to Ito Salmi HOUSES, LOTS, _FARMS;. • • .ILseerstate , s Salo *lf Roof lEstat•. TBE undersld Executors of we bait will and in,. morose ef Denial homer, latis of lower €4 tear Tp, ia isSestbeap emu): Pa. deceased. offer. for sale Thu following Saleable pieworty_ swans oily of Pittsburgh, Siz two sitioloing low, situate, on the cast side oi_xlid St. and ChM) . WWI, tack fronting/feet on tad wised ericedlog back So htt.tOwards hid Also, cos lot salute, on °Mast betsteenZnkand ith six, of 241 fee: boot ow Dram at-andlsrleodipabuct tem; (sem:nice thir_Posecrsl W Arthur.) ..- Fla w Of nsta as and or enquire of Mr Mo. lea Boreiand, •Ilegiscuy ci y; or Mr Hobert McCurdy, Shoe Merchwit, Wood' ss Pintibureb, or to die suldirri% hers lieseencar the oh, Washington Hoak about 4 miles ftow pinsionih. Tnles mdisuputable. • .• , • , 'JANE MINTER . Execatrti, Lower tt Clair Township I T Ale KNIGHT Erectile', InildworTosirishin • • Valuable Coal Properly nod Sail Road ros se s Qv Properry intuited onthe Monongahela River, /3 Immediately above Lock No V, eontirting of Rail Rowt,Pitears, A R Waggons end event convenient,. foe nodes Coal, al/ In pcifeel order. Micro ore eleven boote• upon the preadves in noodwaaniable order, end now paws tenet 1100 . per annum. Sold /toad opent• lola an ineahanetiblo,veor of Coal, which Coo Et al, alined open very yr./enable terms • ' Any one wishing /deo/menet the iostberirere trill: bad tbul.a' rue ow/tunny foor•fifilie of tht, whole porehairo will ha vats! In Coal.. • •.• • • For pas fieloler. ersqoi no of Um robtoriberon the Nero. Wes. . 531640 t• . JOHN AIeCIAIn EY COAL PROPERTY FOR 'BA LTG.- ' ' OfIN klostisiphs nver,lB oats by land from the' about miles above Let No 7. sight side. eel]. (alnico WO sem, This property is I. t Caufoity ri ins ted for the Coal business, has a toasted near 2N met long. and deep water at the landing 1 herr is another tease artesian this piste, CU feel shore the !owe r, e f sopet Aar.. quilt,. -As wo have oyes, %trainmen who wish as eastbdoo arils quality. - This poverty Joins" the coal peopeviy of Mr Joan Sienna en-this Chi, and will be sold low, if disposed of intentiliwoly. llndrine oa ate premises, a abort dataneeSbove JAW W VOODWEI L,or. tlaZiet. r • • Arid w between & motet you a>@ns" THg Boom' no Mattel it. betorecOrd and lib, ed present occopted by die Daguerreotype ...b. lisbment of Hems; Monad & On—an excellent mot for baldness. Possenkon (men Imekgraftly,. • .•Also—Tbe Atbenown Hag, .Itaik et st:. entrance by Philo Hall stairway.. abi., tool is well tumbled sod it wry smudge for Societies. .Rent . • • Also—A bandroms egos stet the romknini'e.. HD fIaZZAIT • •.• ngy, Ogee. mailleist between. nit lti - 2 , ./2table Rape _y for 1471 LL belied at AUCIAM Nepteni`rae y V In, m 3 weioek. su, on the premises. that 'alp able leu EMMA known an die-Coy Hay f‘eale Lot,* Wing tbiny feet in seal* by one handrail rod sixty in length. tannins Atm*from ter eth, au, nem, the . Northaida of Wand siX • • • . A credit of Way, six MY: nine yeaii oven. T. JA6II MURRAY 820 • Maimed Or Coat. on Co Property , Valuable Rica Metal* for Sale= TIRE undersigned being Acute worebls Turnery to the - weeny, oars en Sale SIX BITILDINt/ LOTS ou Seeeed creek between - Ferry s . treo t and Br, dodo Alley. , Each lot will be Wreety Sot from on 211 street - and toOty feet la depth.' The low win be sole sleety or the whole-weedier. HEr ItribeAVM, to the sabserlber ea the penises. /WIN .CALDWELL • ..totarTax RIIPAIDENCIL. RAVIN() remesed to the citnfor eoesrutenee ti professional' beano% I wilt rent the Mt:mien liossa,lsed tulmmcd.ate ettelosure, situate on the bluffs of the AlosengOeta, • . mule eSeve Pittsburgh.. Until Sutertt • • - . • /AMEN 8 CRAFT. nTAB werr.—A bisk;dellEig 'boom ...Its ' Vest7l= l ; :t a I' lE 4 "n""'I kihor . 4 1.:•rsiessesise pus pd isi=it " estt ot gal - tt OLT" EZZT—A latiled Noose ores Polio *Ters=trllten.ele'ind'siro'r;:/( Sri 'Aar. net st., at present accepted u Literary Depot and Periodkal ogler by bleiWit. Caktwell. . • - Jpldtt -• • g. • t BD GAZZAbt .2 TO LLTv—A Iner t eoenenadEm and Ein.• , 104 Wen noir Onek daelltng, .on t enn omix.eak„‘. ,„I,IV WALLACE; halfway belTsfLO,s.rnxin alley Red w."...c Penewt?. 4l For artienhirserivae leftlt -. • .! s. lawny aril:rota° LOT . IN MANCHESTER FOR BALE—Maio RN - gala' a bandral ERNE* LM la MancileverPtiartherewy t M fsat,fropt .by VW het deep. Ittglll be, oottkrw. and _ . ll*lelles.- Xenia vismelecpUonAble. ton JANIa. HI.AKELYO Re al Ematruut aßeck Woorebone, NO. iii-Water itrottaad 24 .l l *Yriiiimarlineihnoposse!miaq If: , bORM)N - 01121 214161 00 1 r x t Co., ___74o,l l glegto!**llkra* 1747 MMEM= . . I'Yilttiito.4..k.,..:- - ::,i . rONSUMPTIOFfitIIgtetCtIRED iIY DUNG DIU U DUNeeN74 F.XrEcTORLS:r .11/31U:Dr. . IBM Da, sh,--11.6 6:116#4.6..a.tr0 6, 3.41 , 1.4 , n1i • dliesse of the Lark. Comemslisli that he,. Spring of livEl I Ina shacked with a sem. sea which soca became waled upent my Ivied, eke** . 11 . *1 symptoms of tsa !sm./aching Cmwmaptrom hif 4 .11 1, tight ..d traoblemosc, etc.p sehr_impre.abght mislay IL spit op daily a uoundersble ,am ity of biked, mina will Lick dark matter. Ny 6111 . 100111 Mg WWI. Mg. Donn[ this time I,w. attend. by her of as. mod skilful thysicians; they 4Esd 'hits. they eagle for INN war ' .1 Iregtil they guest up all lege of my vienemyil me that mulling more could Ise lasser-thatuy hags wen Is , ' tally, diseased, and Inn. remedy. ,I was Om insemolked • friend of mi. to make • trial of Dr. A.m. raw Remedy, which my T.... penis,. eponyms% Oa this medicine would do no goad, sustl weal URI WA mors to my, sabring. I told Rum it Ina my lest ad emly hope, wed that if Imoort di. of the dummy (whist It Ina ati. del to my) them waohl rsothlng keit So I out Is the Cincinnati 02re sad obtained b bottles of thin tear Thha Ole Attdieinesoutd eacentescad .dint aceseilag to the dine Cons, which, indeed of adding to toy seaming, immosfiaktr gave me , relief, at on. arrestiag the troablimme ming the 'pain and tightnese to my Ch.; /hits mowwn lite and gnarl, which am enabled sae to he bk. vim This median emulated its gonad work, *hide it to trah4 eacomelled,usa. %slued m. - lishielatmlemm attend.; to my business, (upwards of 7 years) and Owl ft healthy I ed..' I ha. rememsturd. Dr. rnaces's Ike ?cute:rent Remedy in early histatices Wiliam dna.), allLitbill mid it!. always proved sactemild m firmil tore witanmsd it. ate; kly Mater in using thumb:Reiss'n pram!, kw a , Dimas. Lime, and on difectirm Lustgyallieh shie had suffered with , kr scum they she has measly recount, by the use' of this medicine, end I wad ekleat the II Whim that I take mitt sae to-day will entirely eure ler; I carom to know that Men arc thousand, of rehab/. pent. Wm*/ away with this dreadfol deshoyer-.CONSIEISPTION.;• Were, it only possible for those to pronn pin andicier 4. have, Lcfmc it b too lam, way !homiest Ise prulatived mad their bandin sod relations sysig rendered kap'''. Mk mcditioe ghe imwat tact:Rada the ma. thus an. the liardapa gmathl Caney remote the Romer la tha Ma Rik strength to die rambled and enaftatidi frumossi ia mart eases, labs certain, will plutons* peel. eum. ANDREW J. MIMI.' bladgatocry,llaasiknis Costal', Okla. 11,11.—Tbose who may not be acqualaletwillt um I rube is die ushicrugned, Miss. of Alcieugastay, IWi lne,os. tyl , 0 ' they whist ony time eidatantlete thee.. statemeney Carr•J, Semen. • Dltc DUNCAN'S {TESTER2 OFFICE, LSO= street, where this relabels Ahrieine on alemplps Sold ill Pittsburgh. by {SW. JAMISON, tom., ei .1.14 trOLDEIBYr3 Tam , rifirtienal.rm eerteM and redid cuteothethee Wet*, mate • ' Ideedtg urtt4,abt, for irritator! of Ihe kiditle and WS 4ee, prim. Mc back atal ride, 'bait* martnamee„ amp] • • Females before malt after eccEnizood. aro Atm toalded watt cmslipation or thc bowl, CO•tift0132,1111111140 thli yd.. I, all such cases the'Specifie em be tetra fah Ira tatt nod ix e-certniv,rssecdy. The Bpretie woryil pv pverti. , .a is an crarety . l sptaUte emedy, titterer apt tick of plots:vs., ealreitator Mom—pinar to tan mlpro3 Italy Ite,tudeut to the chug csbcga Vedee. - This Weto ttrtlfy idiot I blow Dr. Ingoldtbyt• Pis flpteiki to be • remises curt god safe remedy. Mteill seeWitit to several CM" witedipt inv cootwieas,io meral easy filmiest oe4we eases of 7sthe Owe, whet, it madam Wits ; " 17Ter ' Y " u7k73 . fay . , Wts. ; ; MI Shah sentet. ; I cheerfully pet toy etstirosisy as to the certain sod wt."! Wog cads of Dr. InvW.4os Pan Spelt Is 1 /mow Gus my . owls etreriette twit otwerestua, 10 be Soislak; liiteing . wrnu decd with *octets Set medal emu den male • saahrZe! LAiS[ES~CEBTW cfk9 . ._ .• • • - -New York, bley,ll34S. • Nr. ttole—Dias Sin-1 hare We . phuzaro to toy, lhat liner miditim., Dr. levldsby'sriledilitylielm Ode apes , fot era , is Me inymiur,aid (nongiroyou ay wet 'fiat I haie Deep surpriird it it, as it ory vino • peisibk' Wears her. liowsord totAt to dossed ne otebig hafatfille, and do arias all ohm who en 4 SOLO to the like moor, to proving:is artiekoe they my deisad ott • twain ewe , , •• Tour. with repeat • • . ' ••West Gloster, N.Y.; May 15,181.5. Dr legolleby—Dear Sin—That yoa Inay basalt 00.2 , Who mat & soaring. as well at to expros my patio& foe tle bowl I lose denied from the wee of par I . raltal4. Spa -ode, 1 comply with your request, and stow de pro my mmy haiing lent eared of a mere amok of 'the rthe .p rof er having on/wilier, moan cateocoo. Your. with reipeet. • Sold 16°16.a le mid retell by WM. JACKSON, at Ith Tab eat Medicine' Wontouse, sad oil Sloe Slam, No. NI Lao., snot, heed of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price, SO teats per bet ' . 14-11 • g stInaPTIoNIA 11111CSTAIDT. I.J stalcted with Dlitesa•in tho image. —Thisis to entOfi to those afilieted mob he Ana pre. , monitory symptoms of Consumption, that I ban bees laboring for several years wit a bronchi, mtrenesa Or . tea Want and hoarseness litsednimoymedisines, bat Mend no relief in any preparatitin of medielrie, well I mede use of DR. •DUNCAN'S..EXPECTOILLNT ttESIEDY. .1 have been using this valuattininedietos !or several yours, undalWays nod illoyelieve whoa- - ever I snake non of it. Illy contention' as snAuctmas ace, which keepi'me almosteasstautlyeagnol,minsce' my disease, at umes, to become very tannin, when at 00Cr.ft0C11(0 , this medieintsj tbereessetaka pleas miota muting this pabhe eta ent;thet others erect , ed with a. ilifteltge of the Luigi and expectureat *spas:- may • know the t•irtues of this 4‘ll beating teasedy,... and may be eared. I have ienniuneitnind De Dannente Expectant= Remedy to many of =as of whom owe their tires to this medicine.' . • 0ct.13„ Iss. JAMES ITEVVIT The propnetor of the above medicine scald , Was Mello the anderiiental'persoo% who 'nide InFem . cent), on whom any person . . may call open and be • . Waned that dune nm Cloaca foand ha Use aboi• cdwiue that cannot be excelled: • • Dnlld Hellrertroo, Pomemr, Dr. B. Shine, dot FII6. Jact.fon Mr. Leriwier;dor Goo. Polberv . • IEIOOI 44 Jersal Doviren, Hopewell tp DEL DuNeArs , W ESTI:ILN OFFICE, 150 ore street, Cmeinuali, !Wo. • - . :old ir.Plu,likugh by WM. JACESON, al Liberty beads( Wixod street, , • apadater Cothanliiptive'a Conpolatiollw Dr.c. sicas.we sgh open your Wait? Ur . afillet pnir breast? 'rry Dr. Dunemes /haling Art,' And yon It ciente seep the mirtreloed • .Diveu,e epreaeo o'er tbe boot, And 14,1140t:re tbrougblbe gloomy enamel, • "foot he-n 1 b may yet be wh01e.... .' Ste yonder rrwe of lovely bee: ale Indicting wed. decay ll'seareely cps the motatag dew,: Delon alleles away. .• . . The Worm of Ileith.vves in the. SIM. And strengthened ns It gresr—. . And Isbell it bloom d, lovely gem, ) , it nipped throogn and throne. -. Th u ; werm of Death ?night be delial • If Dr. Duncan's art were tried; dramuly loysty dernsoky saved rbe fain of as untimely grays. • Of}Dlt. DUNCAIS'SWIIWERN oFFICK No ISO %canters street, Clem:mai, Ohio; where his yabtabla mydterae is meld. dold is rsubergh, by Will. JACKSON. ,m mar of Wend and Liberty alt. ' lalikVet Dft.JAIME'S CARIIIIIVATIVENALIBAns 1' EOSI the Res A rIA :SHINN, a well kuownead pops °Mr omm:eau et the Prntestantrdettnettst Church. The uottemigned hat the !men satiate Mutes Maple Stint. WWI dieenm of the itmentlt, rateentees pro t. 'treeing great v ain iu the stomach Mr. mem twelve hewn wothqut tntertniteien,Wnd alit haring tried , waticela 'enmities with note ctlect.was (writhed with a bottle of Dr D Jayne :e Jaynes Catemit, 2 steam. This heWsed hes corciog to the ate etions., and Mend Insatiate) . Matilde medicine tooled the paw 10 chile in three or bar Sins ate.., and , in 'town er turenti mieeteemmer scow ix, wmcmitely quived.. 'the mediums eaws Mrs terwardauted wherever itmicatimis of the agrusiaeite . p,,ht.wetepetce,sca, and the rata sees thereby puwaels ed Its commute-to *se the: medicine ever; eating and I , onletMell Ihe mbrniun.iudia.. few teethe health waseo tnr tesloll therniffeterwm MUM. ed from n Wee Mecum n imprest pent. From on. ecrience, therefore. he can eenfittleuall• remnant.. .4 Dr U Jaynes Cumninn ids Daltern. as a sMatary median& for diseases ofthest,tnach and,bowstc , A amps AReghr For ante tit Yinstargh at ISe I , K/A1 TEA .0 72 Founh street, Want, and elm • tithe Drag .remora t - st,tometeFTE. Federal meet.. AlMahee ntylalsfr 'l5 Rigour princlde ill the managementonlins pipet to octet anything la hick we find oak fwd. yednotnal nive mangation. to be.otarillty to the public. Remit of DE. Jayne's medicines we have tired in our family (=algal!. years. For instance Incl. - Erb:CD)RANT; the C ar be and WERAIIEUREk. ulna g,mar be good for th e complaints they profess to cure. We wtweon Lake Onta ma the put Minairr, when , Veveral f eur travelling eumpanintia fr. m having. In Western New Tork,draidt. Far maitydayvoto limestone water of •task region, were attacked with-mien% Di*P. Mena, and Dyscnterp. : lr. B bad provided himself. •nrevioas tet leaving Inn.: with .The'etuntinaltve al Dr Jayne.V'.and in nit cakes of iM use. amengliee cattle- Inen, , it wee meeessfial in . esenting a met dy can. • The ERTeotorant we. Inn e known area lams oar intimate friends wait equal roecesm and me feel Ibis we feed do a goodact to families lespeciallyfbnee;alE sated to tbeyeannot bare , immediate Medical shillala advise them kV Veep on hand bath tke Expecto rant and Carminative The Expectorant belittled by rood Ehynicians to be .the. nest recipe fop l'ubtonary Cetwompuve Complain t., that hat ever yet bees Mane denuded The Dr. Jayne is not nquilek.biag a midst, ecte mike. and able medical pramittomvr bat,' 'tell. His medicine, are wed upthe best phasic:tea. • EZRA .1101.,DEN • , . .. i • ' Editor of atie Ellliad& Cain',lay Coarieti Rm.,a to patonaryth at the PEKIN 'TEA STORE, fl Fauna moo. near Wood, and Idro at tie Ai: 8...• of II P Colorant. ta i i . derni at. Alloptony. ,jodiaA..ir , . . DEAD rANITREFI.EDST—DorI - be _ Sweetly, Mr • tallow the dictates or eon men *ewe., kloir Dourando tither are, who foribetaltri ex,y .r t wo lard, arc wiling re reptant deaf rer.yeers,init yet it i s . no more Drenthe-Dow Dud reptterresterdift..., trf their 10.16. and arye r athrincee beats r beest.i.erreetty cured by the oth of evade , . Aceortie and ~,,,fieateted" ethloobied authcirdy way. be tw dad easard the of e DoteDr Jayne, Neo ;there7ll .er,PlUadelplndotitere-ilre,therbethe thlor sale • yet LCLIMIIC there a a :tithe eonorae edl 0017 Si r aa , wy theiitnendo, Limo t 6 rablelberatedves—ParLSee...•- frrFat sale alibis PEKIN TEA - SIIDRE:; yu Funk Wet, tax.: VA.J,I 13,11117: , B •P.O rultam,Dear tiy— I ptorb , ocd off** two . battle. I.( welters , Ve.minAn end made tueol woe bol• tie to two of my'et!cirrn. which broight from*. 188 and from the Ender ILO,, I.reercomen4 It to tie . cotennunity Is apt oraw 1... k 11.04.14140 eVet at labodlor ;he remover or IMITUR. :1• . ' "ts,'" 7 .'''f?lj rae r 'xiinai" _Arai:Tad and rola E.- SELLERS, 37 Wood between 3rd and 4th eo:d by pi.,Car4l,stlLWart m - - .0116 Jalirriin , 64a:phatrronan • The" 'nu .of • medium and Cheap mediV for care VO co thh" 'l, ff tiont,t 4,0 dt.cai./ 'cannot the too:veil k. D •wet.=- V.3-111.11y Ivrea hate been wf,T . i • • l'ot gala Plittburgt the STORE, Ti Fooraisuret, near .11 - 04:00 alto at Pete Sum or P Nehwifts.Frde-nllsl. X,r. urit, ThiAlufrilVin..vaintwitale• pee4luiraftil iF potful a ,or * . 0406,,{ e.r:P1uu7•11W.2- , _mum, 4 24CG4lei 8 4 41 ! /46.° 1 61 Grulair y . '. • ,r 2; .. • .i.:,-14 , .... - ';' . '3 . i-. : •-•:, ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers