MEM ' • • 4.54***:. 1 . , 4,11 ' •'' :;;,e.!;...y, ..`,:. 4 .4.-... '''.l,•, ,', 1 1 :.....0,1L'i.:.;*..;.i.i.,:-. trlt.i 4 'Y::* 4 , i',::::9" - , ‘ .1.,..:`,.; . , : : ::•itki1n?4;' ..1,1 . 4 t. : .1 . 4 c*,;.!,i'i•W•: ,1 ',...i.,;,•;;. ; ,;.• •,s.:, . . :., ',1•:•••; .•',•• .. ;.• ~, -• ' • 4 ' .-.."' .• - .• :: • !• : :_, 1 *.‘`11 11 .....,, iff!, l : l .Ti:z 1". - ti..?:•Si :s;'''11.',. .L 41 , .1' . I ,'.. .i'' '. ,t t ii i l i . ' . 2 ‘ t. ft . l . 1 ;' • t,:; . f., ....Z1:: .* . ....r : .'4I Z. : . : N": .- : ' . 1 . ii . '! :'' .;3....! -,. ,!..4../ ! : N . / 1 4,•iZt. 1... 4 : ; ,: 4. 1 .: 1 • ::. ••••; ,, i -, ,, , ....• , II , : lf, ;;;L: ~ - • • -• •:. 7te 47:1- ,, '5 7 '44 I ' f ;t',.40„ A "h :a el the Parmelee I?eimelt Etta . . r • A zwortudeit=7"4lbrolg:.A.itLl a sa; oeee,er elerf weeks!, .Terprirati'ss 1 MISCELLANY , .. „. ..." Hivoitrnosaav Orriczas.- r , Cist's. . ` !Advertiser gives the following record oil it ,, the closing scenes of life and final fr os ting places of :stile of that; gallant ' hand oft &ens whoTfigalid in our Isra e lutionny,stanggl l. ; ......., ._ ,Ge — neral Afrr is usually said to have i , been killed at e battle of Princeton, but really died of an epileptic fit, in that 1 neighborhood, a week after ,that 'affair. I derived from...the' fattthat he r ce.iyed a blow on the from - the butt end of a niusket; in the - hands of a British soldier in full: retreat - with his comrades. He was knocked. dowirind stunned for some time, as the - consequence. Mercer was buried in Christ Church, Philadelphia. A few years agol his remains were removed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. - Putnam was disabled from active ter- Tice in tho verriniddlo of the strife, 17—, but survived till 1790, being 72 yearn' of age at his death. He was bu. tied in Brooklyn, Connecticut. : Wayne died at Erie, Pennsylvania, where he was buried. At a later date the body was transported to Chester county, .Permsylcania. Although pearly y_. quarter 'of a century had elapsed, the - I .lineaments of. the deceased -hero'were distinctly visible, and-the features were recognized by persons present'. Of course, the corpse crumbled to dust on ezpornue to the atmosphere. - _Schuyler, who deserves all the credit of the capture of Burgoyne, of .which he wan deprived byGencral Gates assuming • the command, just as all the arrange '. meets for the battle had been made at , Elaratioga, died at New York,in 1804. • Steuben, the Chevalier Bayard of our =volution, sans pear el sans reproche, af un vainly endeavoring to obtain the ful filment by Congress of their angagementa to him, returned to Utica, New York; the Legislature of =which State 'Voted hire a township—six miles square—of land in that neighborhood. Here, in an-humble • .log house, he died, and .was-buried ate . cent,in 1797. • St. Clair's last resting. place is at Greensburg,' Westmoreland county, Pa. A neat marble - pyramid has been erected - over his remains by his Masonic breth- Zen- Mifflin, the idol of Pennsylvania, died in Lancaster, Pa., and was buried there. Masroxil, who commenced the battle of Brandywine, by opposing Knyphausen's troops, in their attempt to cross' Chad's Fort, died at Flemington, N. J. Afasagolnery and Marian:al are buried is New York. - Alexander—Lerd. Sterling, at Albany. Parioni, at Marietta; Ohio. Morgan,. the hero Of Cowpens, at Win chester, Va. - • Sullivan, it Exeter, N. H. Scott; in Kentucky. E.. Knox, at Thomaston, Me. . Henry Lee, in Virginia.' Charles L ee lies at the foot of General `Mercer's tomb, in Christ Cherub, Phila- - 7 - ' PRIESTS IN . THE GREEK - CRURCEI The Rev. Dr. Baird, in his lecture in SPringfield, on Thursday evening of last week, mentioned a singular fact concern ing the Greek Church, viz : that' the priests are required to be martied - men, and whenever-the 'wife dies, the priestly office of the husband ceases until he is married again. They claim authority for this in the Scripture, which reads, "A bishop must be blameless, the hus band of one wife.", In the Armenian Church, this rule is extended so as to require that a priest shall also be the fa ther of one child.—Zion's Herald. • A Christiao cannot tsil in the morn ing what opporumities be may have of doing good during the day; but, if be be a-real Christian, be can tell that ho;will try to keep his heart open, his mind pre pared, his affections alive to do whatever may occur in the way of duty. He will, as it were, stand in-the Way , to receive - the orders of Providence, doing good in his vocation. - A QUICK MODE or COOKINO TEMA -Tom—Boil the tomatoes a quarter of en hour with-Milk sufficient to,coirer them; add, while boiling, a little butter made of water and wheat flour, and seaman the 'dish according to your taste. The ad vantages of this mode over those usually practiced, are, tkitt the tomatoes are rich, though less acid, and are'much sooner cooked. o ` How To MART WEL3II RAREBIT.- Select the finest now cheese; chop it very fine; put at least a quarter of a pound in to an iron or iin Saucepan; add- a little beer or water, stir;it over the fire ,until perfectly dim:trod ; ihave your slice of toast on a warm plate Teady to receive it: pour it over the- toast,, and servo up im mediendy.' Use for dressing, mustard, pepper and salt as , you like it. This is for a single person. - To PRILSERVE PEAB.B.—Take. out the cores; cut off the stems and pire them. - Boil the rars in water till they are tender. Watch them that they do not break. Ley `them" separate on a plat _ ter_ as you take them out. To each pound of fink' take a period of sugar. Make the syrup, and boil the fruit in the syrup - till clear. • . TilB 110IfirClijihrATH.-It will afford sweeter happinesq ih the hour of death to have wiped one Ilear from the check of sorrow, than to have ruled an empire, conquered millions, or enslaved the world. The engagements and possessions•of this life are to us valuable precisely in that proportion in with they prepare: or con• ante to prepare us for another.—dfeth. Prot. T. L. ADIX II ' Who Llse Common Peel, need Quilt, no • JL4 Oen sot armee bow .fnghtfialy *trims . 1 Is to wane, how rough, bow sallow, 'eller', sod anivahhy LIT alqn appears alter velar prepared . chalk!. Beards, it is udonems, contalalegalargemme , tip a lead. we bars prepared a be.afol vegetable ertielog which we call JONES'S SPAND3II LILY . ;mule zi is pericaly innocent, being purified of all : daletenoas qualßies; and ea r ,essns to Me skin ago /. Md, healthy, a! Yasuo cl living with,. mate seem 0041=113 couneueon the skln, making it sal • • D e . Mow 'Anderson, Pruden! • Chemlst . sf Mesas .ehatieus. say= After .alysing Joitee'sgmmish L.lll, White, I end It pocsesscs the most bearitifol nod new t rid, at the 4010 umelatleerlil white I oversaw. - I ..nilor.nconseleritmel recommend its - use tooth . whose side weir/ beauttfy log.* • . gg r a l l ' irtry 7111.11CIESON, athla Boot end .Bhoi Stwe,Bl Mem omen!, heed of Wocid,• es the sign of theta Boob • . ' • Ladles. ladles;Cm When son know dim Soo are promised • A bentrablifo4llte, snowy white, • That you wig WOoweemmn chalk, • • And look's deathly yellow fright, The theme of terminal and of talk. • ' If yea lemeld me a box of /ONE'S Lilly-whim, it Waned gl,eria skin an alabaster yet Onlizral . and ar the same time deer .4 improve it.Oeld et JACESOFISinLit. I / PP. US Cents poi box. . ;-serril lust ro ci ecivinF and offers for sale the knowing pore • Old Leger Prete, ledl; ; Old Leger Prertt.lB%.S " "" * .- 9 ` .": • Yrera.lSl7, IMO ; 181.2 7 -Jralf piper, ,Learette, ISA 1/ 1 / 7 • . - . A Solatodflo — hf Pirm 9.2 V s ; imelowimCresre, CT brands—ln pipes; - Pined, Oval lh MISI"rf • o octave. • CbantAgo T011allorv•lde • T.V•it of u•ga•est Rochelle, bar , - d eux , ga,g - law priced madam of all colas, Tlan • abase were golented and pannitted frotoole Cwbrm Hasse 6 impoltend will - he sold at 'a lam advance; Or laid al th e Wide stele of thet subscriber. •, • • MEDICAL: , 044 - /VV;ii-IW 1/..‘141 A Op; I-14;Al TDISCOVERV.. The gratliarriir fir . Consammion, Omaha, G o l l y deckles, DomekitiLliet Comptalob Bolton Bloat, Placdty . of Ste e.g, Pain intim Dille and Mead, RINI:Woe of Me Ileartandastme,CroapJ3rokenCwdiredioa, • Dote TLtou, Narrow Debility, and all Mecum of the Throat. Bmast and • Lamp; the mod. edeetall and • • speedy eareaveeknown fot. " .7 of above &warm . _ DILDWAYNES • • 'DOB:POUND SYBDP OP WILD CHERRY: Alumnus ems° mrtitzsit,aead with mitois. .shment. the wonderful core pmfarmed by Doctor' Sorayna's Compousd Syrup of WIPD CHMS.Li PHILADELPHIA, ,111112127 1847. Dr. Swityae—Dear Sal In jostle° to yonnelf and a doty I /owe ar laitHering. humanity; I ebeetfally give my testimo4, _and declaro_to the world, the roost to effects, and the great =lre your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed ammo, ceder one most unfavorable ,etreumetances. I teken-with a violent Cough', Spitting of Blood, se vein reins in the Side and Breast, which se to break down and enfeeble my eanstantion,soth my phyrieian thought my case beyond the power medicine, and my.frienda all gave mo up to die • thanks to you and the effector of your great dl.c o re ry, I now feel mysell a ',enema, and nuied from mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy • ,osan as have been for years, and shall be pleased to give any information respecting sopease, by calling at my residence, Mechanic strasi,third door Whir George etreet, Northern Liberties. Jacob hawse. Terfiziony is now rancid from all quarters o the Vole. The following letter. aril presented with Lslew of more Ily showing the °milieu of Phyidelans in relation to the Medical mducief Dr. - SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. - Dr. Ssrayne—Dear Sir. awing vied your Com. pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extensively in -my practice, I was requested - by your Agent,..Doetor Crum-her, to express my amnion iv writing of its properties a. I remedial avail most eheetfally comply, as I feel by so doing, I will discharge a debt I owe the community at large, and Physicians to particular. As much as I detest Huth Rome. dies and Patent Nostrums, I enii induced from a failure of the molt potent i erpe re etorants, coil). Mended in oar matena mettle:. in some cases of Diseased Limp, to try your preparation 01 'tuns Firgisia or Wild Cherry. It I. a ufikient {posy that I was so much pleased with tbe readier that and su`seurent el:1111;0er I. now prescribe it in.reja, once to all other Reinedierwhere an expectorant is indicated. In the mach 'dreaded Prim:mires or Disease of the Lungs, in the .Inning form in which it appear. in Kentucky, I regard it se an invaluable Remedy in the treatment 01 ritat deem*. To ell Who know no I have said enough, but as this may be seen by penises out of the vicinity of Frankfort, I will beetle add, that l have been etgaged in :in active practice of my profession of li yeart,and am a Regular Graduate of- Transyliania, and this is the first Patent Medicine l ever thought enough of to elpreo an opinion in writing, L J. H. Ruse's, M.D. January ith, 11347. Franklin Countj, Ky. VILA Jan'ry 7th, UM. The above certificate in Pom one of'oer Physi cians living a few miles from here, he is doing g very good recut., and is puede* a goad physicien, and stands fairjpe is, as he nays. a regulargeduate, .Do. W .! L. Cnozemen, Dtaggist. and Apothecary. Tertimrsiimis will ncva cease. From the Temper-Jae, hedge. Now that Winter la upon no with it. 'attendan traio of Pulmonie and Bronchial ail ections,Cooghs Colds, vice. &c , we would advt a ttiose deleted to this way to make immediate of Dr. Swayne'a Compound Syrup of Wild Chien'''. It will never tail to perform a Fiermaneat care. The !irritation of this medicine has caused many amnien articles to be pot forth under Its names; hot the preparation of Dr. Swayee, beskles being the first ever offered to the public, is tke only one that eau be relied on. The other mistimes sold for -.Wild Cherry Syrup, Balsams, &c., are all aririous and worthier'. and contain none of the virtmea of this original prepare% lion,Dr. Seape's Cosiipeand . Spay el • Wild Cherry. From the Springfield Evian Of the thosaands of purpotted curative n • now before the public, but very few are bred to ponce the healing virtnealor, which they are re. commended. Am wg the latter we are pleased to learn none stand a better teat than - Dr. Sartre's Compound Syrup cd Wild Cherry. The .filleted in thurecinity ore beginning to use it, and to their joy that' find role One their hopes based open its recommendations more than realized. The afflicted need not despair. While there is file; there now u hope. A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. A • - . prpSince the introduction of my article to the there have s number or unprincipled indi vidoila got op nostrum which they amen. contain Wild Cherry,some uncalled “Balsamv,"..Bitters, , and even Syrup of Wild Cheny, but mine as the original and only genuine preparation ever introdUr ced to the public, which can be moven by the ptb 7 lie Records of the Commonwealth or Penusylvanrie The only safeguard against imposition in to see that my signature is on each bottle. • DR. H. SWAYNE. Picpared onlyhyDr. H. Sward,at his Pried. pal Office, corner of Elena. and Race Streets, Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry preparations being fictitious and counterfeit without his signalers, , For sale in Pittsburgh wholesalitand retail by . W5l. THORN, 53 Market street, OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner and & Wood IM. S. JONES, 180 Liberty area. Sold also 'by,' Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd, Cann 5r..C0.,.8ut1en; Werav , elk: Headmen, blar e.; Norman Calendar, Mi. •trillet J H Burton & Co., Erie; hllitinsie & ell, Clevel.d Doom & Son,Columbus; Millet. Brownsville; M arsh, Wheelng, Va.; E LI Hinman, Cincifinati, Ohio; Dr Easterly & Co. St. Louis; J S Morris & Co., Louirrille, by.; Andrew Oliver & Co., 'New Or leans. arrs 1:1+4.4024 '3.117.73 '4.114 HUNT'S LINIMENT, AS now univerally arkuuyletl:ed to be the IN I FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, Spi nal Affection., Contractions of the Muscles, Sore Throat and Quinsy, Inues,Old Uleere,rams in the Back and Chest, Agee in the Breast and Face, Tooth Ache, Sprain., Unitises, Salt Rheum, Barn., Croup, Frosted. Feet, and all . Nervone Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at tended the application of this most WONDERFUL fiIEDICINL in curing the most severe cases of the diderent Ihsecises .bore named,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowedupon it, wherever it has been istrednied, gives me the right -to call on the AFFLIC fED to resort at once to the-ONLY IiEbIE:DY THAT CAN BE: RELIED . . - • 07Thelamalty unite io racommeeding the tele ated External Remedy, float'. Liniment. The following letter from the highly eminent Physicians who bare-beet landed to the Meant Plcuant State Prison for many yearn, is the best evidence or the value of Lbw celebrated Liniment. • Suet Soo, Deceinber 75,1615. My Delr recetwed pour oote of yesterday, natio; my opinion in ielation to Houl. Lininieut, no prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Knowing its composition, and haying frequently aced it. Can recommend it to you as Isere External Reme .dy,aad slimy opinion, the best Liniment sow in use. -Very truly andrnespeetfully yourn, A IC 110lEMAN. Col Pierre VatiCortlandt, Croton Manor. r ~ .~ Yonwrown, Jut. 14, 1815. Sir—ln reply to your letter, 1 would say that 1 bare usedyour External Remedy, called Hunt'. Liniment, in my practice since yea made me tie ijaainted with compradition, and unhesitatingly any that 4 believe it to be the beat External Reme dy now in rise for the complaints Rd which you re commend il. Yome RENX D MILLER, td. D. Geo E Stanton, Esq. -. ID'Among the mar of worthlms articles sod humbugs that fare roared foith at the present day upon the country, it is really :refreehing to Siel something of real placatel guilty, menothing aim plc, speedysnd effectual to its operation, and st the same time free from them , modem affects which goocrolly attend powerful remedies. Hunt' • Liniment, prepared by Geo. E Stanton, of Slog Sing, though et hoe . been but a short time before the public, hr sdready obtained the confefonce,noe only of our moat wealthy and influential citizens, bet our most eininent phriciam All acknowl edge it to be a sMerioive balm for many of the ills , that flesh is heir to, mothlog the nehiug limb, and I by era genuine stimulating irdloeuce,banieldng -cue from thespians ,Mr. Stanton—Sir—Seeing your, advertisement • of Hunt'. Liniment, I was induced io try its abets on my son, who but been crippled with • lame back from an Infant and it is with gratitude I bear . 1 ' testimony to , its wonderfed healing propeettes. My - Child, who ta now fire year of ego, is tow Incfair way of reform, ! 'Yams &c., ,DEMMOIS C fiICILERSON. Port Grief*, TOWitonel, Fatness CO. . 1 certify - that I ane personally aecusisted with the above mimed child. and think deo father would be sale in earn that Meson is almoet • JAS W DYEMAN, Nov b,1843. Deputy Post!:later. . V. 8. 1 would also etata tbst I bare been for number of years sulueet to frequeet attacks of the Rheumatism, whlela In many immencee prevented' my attending to my business. Two ortbtee appli cationnof the Lieu:met invariably Inmost: all al - of the kind. In cum el braless eprains and sore., too numerous to mention, it ha s in this vicinity 'proved a certain remedy. Its salon can only be estimated by these who hive given it a for trial 'I'M. Ltnimetht Is sold at 280.480 cents per bot tle, by all the Prinetpd Dreggithe and 14erchasts throughout the country. • • Whoksak in New York. • • HOADLEV, PHELPS & Co, 142 Water RUSHTON & Co, 111 oroadway. , A B drD SANDS, corner Felice and William . ASPINIVALL, 56 William street. • . o n leve.ed&vwd to me at Meg Sing, N Y, mut be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON, - Proprietor. Pim sale in" Pittateugh by I. WILCOX, Jr, end J KWD daCo.. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT Biretingbarn,JOHN SMITH. fehl9 The OrliMahar, True, =id theuebse r • EIRF.PA RED R E &ellen: • Closaza Dortor, A0g.10,1617.. 111 r II E Sollerst.4 wish yoga to send in by mad, one dozen of ychir Liver Pills. Your pals lac daily breast ing more molar as a' tanner, not only for lnercotw plsint, bat (or Fever and Ape. and Rai.aa sanctions generally. Th e demand is so' great at this time. that wo mum wait moil tall, when stwesPretat lo Yotw mtr. Xonni respretfolly.'. • •• -• Ald Pao‘Tol. • Conrorm—A batten, • aro , other, pills, called Liter penorw *odd be careful K! geltba gamin:4pm. Nand and sold by RF. RULERS, woodyi Bold by, Dr Cassia, ads ward, sod, D 14 Cony, liteLasties Wdsiaimkettle, 1111 is Zin k h 4. b .ii tak' ,.. • 6=l l .11: 15 = passed • opwards 111 . TO worms, and bribe tow of old i s tachild of my ova passed 14 large _wOrlos , " It is traly.tho mod ampthoma worm —lmWe.Me.l over seen., 1 man Into Unmans SVOila r s ineashin my For bete by k KIDD C, pWood stme , ,_,....Putr ri • - MEDICAL. DE. TOWASEND'iI S.A.ASAPARIfiLA, mad canzonfin.yMeglicine to thit Wad/ ,;;L,,,,,.iLioomin: d U.. and 6. 1 p. ay phesonder, and seissaated sop.* aey!. cures . disease lei/boa irM4iliq‘ {W P M', Mk.... a., tbe. • • CIRAT °i a somiglibitalic ••• 71 „, rest Uniqued stmerimity of this Nanspe4lla oes; aU pi.m. **distil Erediestra Disus it Inv ken a m eethe DoJp. It is one of the. ;my best SPRING AND BUMMED. MEDICINESvrer 'mow., it .at i t poring Do whole mem and Amebae the Tomo, bat it Create. Pen and Dkisidood a power powered bieo other Moistioe. And I. DIM linnet Fond scent of in wonderful nom. It has perforteed within the past ten piaramme the 35,00 0 man of Sense Cam of Disease ; at Ica 5,000 of these were moldered inmate. More than . ' 3,030 cam of Chroak Itheomation; • %MU ewes of Dyspepas k • • 400 01112 of General Debility sari Wentof Ewa; 7,000 core of alltereeflonale Cowbirds; ' NAM censor &rotas; 1,5fkl cane Of the Lim Complaint; 9300 mu a Disease of the Yidnep and Dropsy , 303 ones of Cessateptioo. • A.l 'plasma& of moor Discus of the Bleed, vis: lons, reinpeiss, Balt 'Mom, Phaplesoo the Fee, tr., To ether with ounterous ores of Sick tlesdarhe, I ' uthe • esdread tilted, Spinal Affection, Au, Ito. • Thfer, vs an aware, snot appear inkredible, bet ere have letter/Trost Opticians sod oar %sob roan all pert{ of tt4 'tiollen States, tolonsiog en of estraordisay enres. - R. YlO Buskirk, Esq.. oar of the mod nspeetable druggists to New ark, N. J., informs us that be ate refer to room than 151/ ca- Cso' that place slow: There are thousands of (UM in 11.0 'ry of New York, width we will rifer to with pleasure, .n 4 to' men of character. It u the Los matinee for the Promotive of disease known: It sodattlitedly moved the line of 111.1 r than 1111 NEEISMiEM!! Carr. G. W. itiekran,Or 1131. rarrsk Sinus Nan', and, of the, New Jer.e7 agyiskiture, hat kindly Sent as the intoning certificate. it telh its owa etory. lietrwek,Jait. Ayer slate 1 was taken with the Infittenss, and my whole system WI in a debilitated stale. I was induced' to ny Dr. •Towntend l a Banapanlle,ddlwtakingtwoor.Weetwt tl,, I Ins' ng tooth relined, WWI at it entirely lathe said /aragonite. 1 hen ransom{ taking it, and find; that !ransom ne' day. I Wine it and my lit, and would not be without it under nay mradnation. 0. N. licLuen,late U.B. N. That to eebeimrery pores tl t this Sarsevartha has perfect cootrot mar the room obetittee dime. of the blood. Three wrote cured to or ham is eutprecedsoted. Tinos Dammam. • Dr. Torntesmo—Deer Sir I ham the plum. to Orono you that three of my &MM. hem been cored of the &w -rote by th e ose of your ercelleot medicine. They were !Meted eery rethrely with bed mum; bore mdy tam Dor bottirs; It took thee any, far wh ich I tai myself miner deep obligthoom Yews, norm:Maly, Imo W. had, It* Wooster st. Nair York, Moak Dr. Townwisribi ftaisepaiiin is a merino and Reedy Connimptice, woe Fsr incipient Barrenions, Lesceerbai,or Whitey otecitieted ditbetilt Menstruate s ioecailbottore ol Urine, or inrolotiary discharge tiering, awl in the sen ra ycco.reWoa d,the eysten—no mattei wordier die revolt of hi neat wow or mew s product's' b irregularity, Worst oremidatir Nothing On be more swishing the its invigoratmg - et , testa on the human , rme. Parma, all erosion= tad Mal teds. Creed taking it at mace berme Mont and fall otenerp miler im Maumee. It iscomdimeJ s y sousterame the Icamase of the tante Game, which is the groat mow of bail 1.31.1114. It mill bet be expected of m, m easoi of so delimiter • a. tar, to•exhibit certilleatoof cures performed, hot me emcee die afeichol, Ida hundredsof man have been reported to as. &ma ceam other. femilies have been without child ,after ming • few b•ries of dile itivaluabis medicine-, have boa blesseunth healthy offspring. Do. Ilriessends My wife bung greatly . distressed by *akin= and,miscre debility, and soars% cononnally 17 ptin sal • ammtion of bmemg. dome, tang of the mods, and with other dilSeedrim, end having lumens mem "hole your medicine has effeckd great cures; aod also hear ing it recommended Mehuch Mamas I ham dami bed} obmin ed bittle of your Extract of ilanayarilla, and foUnmed lb. direletiom you gem me In . Meal peimd it removed boo easyleinb mid mamma boo health,. &.tay, grateful Mr Ma benefits she method, I take *mum in thin aelmoviledg ing and recisnuainediag it the politic. W. D. M man, .• Jaw, Mg. 17, Mt Comb( Gould and Lydim sts. Comaceda, Weal- Dr 76ontheds To all wthen this may orthero—Thiwis oalify that lay wife wad one bade of, loos listheathilta maths to her cottheectha, order th e east alawung and delicate circusetwause, bas thalefed with lila dropikawet tf the. W with my ee thrwith thotheth the thy moth deaths rotaamow, and W . remothathation of thus who lad mod it, the ono induced to try it, with little or no lit.' and swathe it to . sq, the medicine had th e band and dodnd elfist s oot sob , ea the beano: coothaorth, but der tho t = . ll of one work of to toe, the dram , ald i tr; brdth b rZa w t.Zow 4 ll%.= 1 1' re4 tims am mo. If the will be of my arrace te you or thy me -who /oath the weaned the methane, yaw the sound, salaam to it. 1 .:thiamin nl.elf your mod tholiesamtd obli zed wawa. ft 8 issamem. TO rad:lnas AND MARRIED LADIES. 'llds Extract of Sarawak, ha beau expremsly prepared m refer.. to Samba amplaints. No ktado who has rea rm barman she is appromehiug that aritiod prried, : turn qf eboald neglect to Wu a, aa it ha orrlaiti prerrutive. fur say of Mato.arms maid horiarle dimmer to obielt forsake are subject at this time Of life. This peeled may be delayed for reseal yearaby lain this mediator Nor in it ito doable to tiswo who are approch:ay trottranhoud, a, it is calculated to' as mutra 17 qusekromg Mr blood a , and iliv*ratiog the rydrm. Indeed, this =dime is Meal y/able for all of the delkato &seams to whieh nowt an added. It brims th. whisk ayetosi. reacw. perawandly Oa natu ral etergior—hy remormi the hisporaira of the body--mst wo 5r attoulatiag the system ma to produce a sulammat halloo, which is Ma coo of sort emedirion taken for (mule voltam and disease • 9111.14 READ Tills. Too who hare pd. compd.iuus, dud eyes, blotches au the face, sougilakia, or tieeklea and or* rout of spirits i" aan balk or two oiDr Towasesul's Smnparilla It will damn your blood, assure the freckle,. end bletehee, and giro yam maissatlow. eparkliag 47., fox sat beautiful coapkerma —all of which an of Oasts. ridb mumarj 'Sad holies. . . _ =GEM • • • so . dyad or modicum has veer been disemered which so neatly resembles the gaite juice or dim in decomposing food and scramithesing the organ. of digestMo, as this mew, ration of Sammariha. • 'Diaz Drrarraturr. Albany : May 10"166. Dr Teirnsenot: blir-1 hays been alio.: tar leveret yetrawith drappia ail. wont Yonas, ...muted .th mar • yeas-of dolma; t o of amen., eat:mite heartburn, and a gest mersion to all kind. of fuod,anal ror weeks (what I could at,) I LUC loam unable to retain lam • small portion my stomach. I tried the usual reenedies 7 but they had hot lettle or no effect in maiming 1M compLont. I was ha dwell, about two moths sine, to try your Elect of Soma peril., and I mat . na with little madame, bat , l using neaely two bouts* I foond restored and the heartburn entirely removed: and 1 would earewatly mom mend the me of it to .• 10341 ha. been afllktml a. I have been. Yours 113 , /7c., '. W. W. VAAI Nov ORG. Mama lakuod. ALMOST I,IIIIA CLL Amd the folk. ing, and doubt if yoa ma, that comomp lino Ma tt be cured. 'fbieisonly allies an end imoderd mats tToWnsunTs Sanapariola has cured Dr Tatountai—Dmr Sir. . ems taken, • lttle nem • year ao with • leers' cough end pun in my ~ d.. II in. memo on ma very Ged, indeed. Imu pnmounced by phy ician. to have the h o consumptiou I mimed Loge goat, Liam of bad matter, bad night mareata, and eiskitig troy rut: my doctor said be medal do Lathing for me. I that iota the noeytital in hope of Mem benefitud, but eme pronounced them incyrable. I was now greatly dietrimed at the longs and meld hardly breathe: wen became emelt...Land earecied to die; was confuted my bed, and was obliged to ham ben. indeed 1 - mama gays you any dmeraption Mat' toool! do s ustice to my elm. I was ruppned by my friend. e put ecovny ; I Md tried • great numb. of lettledim, and all seemed to be to wept:lmm I nod of some Moat at. traordimul cures perforamd by your medicine, sod M .11 you the truth, I enspected there ow . o.l ow hanybog in thcra. Sul I warinduced to try it, I did to, ant eery thankful I did. I cannot ay that lam entirely well, but am en far wavered as to be &boot my buried., and hope to b. entire ly well in • few weeks. Aly cough and pain in 01.. Ude, nd' night sweats have left me, and raise but very Mlle, mal en fast gaining witosiod strength. I felt it a d oty to glee you& atatenant or mirtrue,ta publish of you please.y Perot Blown, 47 Lett. et, Brooklyn. °pingo= of Physicians. Dr Forma is ahead daily resolving takes fron phy whits to difkrout wird' the Union. This bikeway dot we, the undersigned, Physkions of the City of Annoy, base in nentoroas use proscribed Dr. Tommod's bumf nd klioro it lobe cow of the amt nhabk lintimatioes of tho Saus i ton . aiotr ~t ob .IWn.s nt , f ax,xv B Daum., to a, dlhany, '461 1, 1845, ; r E zuslooso, al D. ;=StilrF4t2ab h : ll}7 . `,' cn u" , ly prescribed Dr Talmud% am od dteb r.Colima pfraer tnt pod* tad Doti its Mown qualities, would moment! it to' .the public thr ukrousid,wrofoloosotatothere utaneous 'km, in preference to my of the adrorthed reundirs now um,♦ W Brassy? r, 'Albany Apra 4,1E44. W. It 01.112.311, r, Irehatipatollke, NO Yolks 4, so r BS,' sioo. NY; Had. dm& Do Mete IkatoorDr Opp Sok, lift Moth See. mold Philadelphia; 8.8 Nance, druggist, Ballitook; .of by Cittrati=thrsitsbout lb. United Mabry Noes griolaeonkso pot wp in the lap square boUks, wkieb tontin a army ond agued kilt the mink dreatek of P TOW end Manama blown on the Oboe. Ifrok Now Tort Daily Expo., of April MAI. A away Ualog swami in that streets murky. It onto Owed. 'oisakg kb, or Surma , Eapress of Dr Towtuend. TM whale than Is golt up an good taste: mne of the orow modal kadtorspantiogkre hiundiftd,whith, together with te Lk son wade a show th. rgainewhter7o take this 'oprumlY W. _to nro m Idiom th is mink of t the Narsoporilla okorrose vory groat ppulfily has oequirsd, rwo aDablllts. NaM Y0n,Merch27,1347 Dr. Townsend t—l hers bans anima mom or lea, for 3 !yams with it Melded inking in lb. 6,,e, 01d... h. Me ! head, lees 14 meats pain In alte .nd general debility, brought on no Beth by the madam! beat and cold b 'nab I anasolipict In orybiailiess a. dym. •I ban taken oilier medicines, too senverous to mentim, but with baker noma dic... term Wend by erhat I new In the piper lo try • Wale of your Dariaparilta, from whin I Wind great relief. I ban Min taken ameralmore bottles mil I can mainlining!, my is the beet medicine Phan ever takro—Ove too toy nest is nes and I Delimits a differentiae:a alicaveher since tbave am year Danapaills. I Moe nem a better appetite than met I bad. !My note has taken it stillt the NUM benefi cial remits.' I Mould rammed it ea • family enedicim penally, end l feel comined that it as muddier< would not be half the Sieboess thin is and comeivently toot so man Deciorts-bilr, bar while. it melons appetite, d also givm the Mauch Ind kneels they regular Mat it beeps the blood m a lisalliftitate, so lima dltent it cot so likely to attack the ernes. And to MI theee mho are Da in • hnfilty eau, ay In Dr Tommaid's ills. • E " .""r Tooling Dana, MAD= M. 1 Canker Is the Month. &lash ao remota( wiedercbUd wed Dr Townsend , . FonopuiLla has saved the Ines of thousands of child,. ThaDiameter certified, is sekated from a great ,sobs elteelnd this week. Kaw You, apr3 3,11117. Dr,Towowndt Dear rir—One of my children was wry sick with Dal Cu., us,ths swath and throat. alboaled with gr est &Weir. Deane se. dying; I obtained soot of year aseelkot wed ichwoad Haunt it dowdy, de which I eon man pa !Cal eery andelld, Year. wsportfully, guasarro Fowta, gr Debmaa d- For ink It C DELLY.R.D Druggist, ria 07 Weed st, between 3J 'sod ath As, 1.11.3 bit] taco appointed by Dr TOWNSEND sole drat for Allegheny co ; jeDdllsorlyF Dr. irPtilife American Eye Salve. TlllO Regtedr, that has wrtnight so canny autos by I ,l4 ) .g r l i sL , na u tgl , ina . not Is now for sato by, Wed It boo cored therosands of wesk, we, gratiohded and diseased eyes, .f reunt, or the roost aggravated and ob. wined 'Atonic eases, oven of & years' unlade:it, soil whore every other known remedy and prescription tried had foiled of Heats. It I. well Imam that • sore rear edy bribe eye clacaelosa relnrodug all entarnal tono,nleeta, and indananon, born. staldbead, chll• biding, and ?nen Zemin pet hoz. Pamphlet. and dl• racoons. manta., gratalPxtali duhnbuted tha amts..; GLOM' Depot. for dm United donna :111 Wthalnstnes !la John at. Newlrork. rat 2racod ,L, IS date( this Greet Blood ar Iha sgo,jost reedy ed eedier Isle by R SFL' " 4 ". WsArms kw #1140,117 C•eletr. , • atmc-AL. , NV:MMI " • ' 4 ' r A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE FOR - RILMNIIIILATIBBI AND ALL NEIWOUSVOMPLLENTS fifikTultiZWit the sue may not be c:ylund, Since thei-s(.mttn dilly ascertained, Let not d....sion, praredice, or pride, Induce monk ml t the memo aside; Meant wkiek. thof ei nple, are by Heaven deismal To tthenate the Sloe f human kind." DR. CURISTIVS GAL PANIC RINGS AND MAG ? ligg h Lt h ti on PL,IIID. whichremarkable has received the universal approbaM a of the medical protestant of Greabll main, comprisecut entirely new application of Gelvartion, ata remedial agent, hymens of which the canary Galvanic Battier, Elect= and Magnetic Mu chlnes,,i2a, are entirelydispensed with, and the myste rious power of Galvatna n appbed without any of the objection which am beteg arable from the general mode Maw in Me. The strong.loses, land irregular intervals, im which Galvanism is spoiled by the Machines, kas been pronoaneed, after a lie and impartial trial, to be. widely kfuriests,and it was to remedy dos mdteal de feet that the new application was projected, which. af- I ter unceasing toil and poem serener, has been brought ,to its present stele of pedection. The Defrauds Rings answer all the purposes of the most expensive /du ctal., and In many odium respects are morose* and casein In neetimpllshin ; the desired cfeeL The Dakanie Rings mod in connection with the Mg noia Fluid, me mead , tidy recommended in ell disor der Wick. aria from an en/posLe or satiably rare of the maxim Or rind WM, mid these complaints are among the most painful and universal to which we are subject. They anon,without exception, fines one aim plc eause—a demnetiorat oldie Marmot System— and it was in these easel that other 'rowdies' , having to once failed. a new mentorsts greatly aceded,which It is confidently believed, Las hoer food In the proper andjediciout applicriten of Galvanin. t_ The Galvanic! Kiva have hoot and with entire hue reliiit all cases of KrtIITZATUIN, acme et chronic, op. plying to the head, fork or lisobr, PIN& Trio•Lkdorstre, nettled., Braaattat lingo, Nkomo orikeklioodadto, lodiaution, fktralyor, Patsy, lgyialmty,Fin, Clomp, Palpitanon of von aw , Apopka", SiWners of lobos, Spool Complainoßtage, Narrates, Armor Tre. mins, Divanoss of de . 11eud,laits in Oa Chdr,ind Lida Denera/Drbility, Dolmas, o NonwookkoeolSo erpy. and an NERVOUS PSORDERS. Zra e arns of eanfireted Dyspepsia; which Is simply a n Mous de. rangementofthe digestive organs,they-havedien found equally successful. This entmorilittary 'effeets upon the system mast be wilatuatd to to believed, and es a certain preventive for tha proectling coniplalnts they are equally reeenaracnilkL The Clop am of dldhrent Inlets, bring made of all etsa , and at 'MM. , ern.. mental patterns, and can be atom by rile chest delicate female without the slighted laseavenee. In fact,- the sensation it rather agreeable than edema]. The • Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bande r Garters, Necklaces, &c. Is wane eases ore Tore revere chatscletitatd along standing. the power us applied by the Galvmue Rings is not staLeient to arrest the preview of &wow and ultimately restate health. The improved orodtGennon iinithe Clair :one stela. Jrneelets, nt ewely reran , OW. Wit objitetion - iny degree of poorer that to mite red eon readily he obtained, and an complaint which the nay airway agent of Galvantem can odect will fall to be permanently relieved, These articles are adap ted to the waist, area, wrists, limbs, !melee, ar any part . . , of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklacees are used with stealer benefit in cases of Bronchitis of affections of the throat generally; also in eases of Nervous Nattier's; and with almost vulforto success as a- preventive Mr Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints. • Chrlaries Magnetic Fluid Bused in connection with the Galvanic Rings and:all their modifications.. This composition has been pro minced by the French Chemists to be one of the most extraordinary dmeovevies of modern science. Iris ter tiered to possess the rensarkablep ewer of roaderMg werea mullion • galrenie action by this means miming a come lamina of the influmir, to the' seat of disease, thus giying Tepid - rod permanentiLlief. No other composition in animism is knovento produce the same effect, Or to impart • similar property to the nervous .systent,ity means of rin outerahl local epplication. The sinetic Fluid contains nothing capable of the slight. est Wary; its application is liveable, and it Is as harmless in its smarm ks is beneficial in its resells. Fell explanations and directions accompany it The combined invennons are an every Way perfectly bursa , lesm they are sold at prices villein the roach of all and thedieroverer only rogues," • fair trial ns • test of their surprising , efficacy and permanent benefit. Christie's Gnarl:tale Strengthening Pins. These articles farm another an/table application of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They an an iMpinllol adjunct tn the genuine Galvanic Rings and thei'i modifications, acting upon the same pi inniplc. bat basing Ma Uvular- of more Meal application. They unconfidently recommended as a 'Usable addition in the speedy can of Rheumatism, 1.131 G Or chronic: in all lamina complaints, and as apesitive rerun) , In cases of Pain awl Wiedresess in as Chaise BARS, Paw its as Asthmatic Aperients, and in Weakness so Oppres• won if tiss a r e Organs In Spinal Complaints their erects are piths mom decided character, and they have alien been used with complete, meters. They are also of the greaten advantage in Pains and Weakness oldie Dream, and ore highly recommended for many of dosecomplaints to which females are especially liable. 'As u effectual means for strengthening the aystem when debilitated with disease umber maws; as a em. ===6ll2=EVX:C=2 . for. . Colds, and all in affections of Me Chest, renerally, the Galvanic Strengthening Flamer will he bond of great and permanent advantage. late few worths at embraces all the virtues of the brat tonic preparation, with the important addaton of the galvanic induenee, which is neater impaired nor exhausted, whale the ac tion canttnues. Thew articles wilt be found entirely free from these objecuons which are a constant water of complami with the ordinary plasters Meet:amen ore; CAUTION. .[D"The great celebrity wad soeeneo( thane articles lam cowed them to be connterfeited by unprincipled persona- To provide against imposition e llt.Cnatot has hot one authorized agent in each city'of the Linton. The only agent in Pittsburgh, W. W. WILSON. CERTIFICATES & TESTIMONIALS . - - Of the It retest and most ee.peeta We chantey,. ofetort- - newly reveler& re/prang the extraordinary Sala and succors of the above article.. It is believed gist in the city of New York alone, upwards of EI(DIT THOUSAND PERSONS,doring a period Of less than • year, bane been entirely relieved °flint most pai oral chronic dieordent, =MO of which have completely fled all farmer edarts of medical en Indeed wany of the first phoned.% of thin city, who disapprove of the galvanic and Alsenene Maehiner, constantly rt rem ewl the:apolteutost 111 their prime, und with the cs ception of those who are too prejudtent to give it a tn .l, the fhvention has received album:eau, favor with the most intallicent among the Ant e enitteulty. Dr. Cbrislto a atatoll time. ready and mo w h to give ewe , y (se/tiny to physician.. and all iliterened, for test , ing the truth of his a/MT1.100.11 nod the etTswiey of ht. dlscovery Only agency la Piatharsh.coruer 4th and Market st rEI=NMn Dr. CULLENIIIISIOIIrI VEGETABLE PANACEA PERSONS afflicted with Scrofula, King's k:ril Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Sores, - Dleers, Totter Mercurial Diecasen, or any otheroomplaints arising from inaporities - of the blood, are rri to read the lollowingaistimonfate, in proof or the wonder ful properties of the above earned medicine. READ! READ!! READ!!! W. the undersigned, Karin, visited Mr. lonic ktrooks. Jr. at•thh office of Messrs. Rovrand and Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia, consider his came the inert remarkable ono wo have ever wit tressed or beard of. His disease ma. SCROFULA, and terrible mast 'bare been his twelve loan' conflict with the de n". l7l:Adate.t , e entire roof of his month, Nose, Up per Lip, and lower Lid of the Right Eye hare been destroyed, biz Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Bone carried away. And yet we Tan give es description of,his core Mr. B. into - ruts us that in January last, the whole interior of bin month, as well as most ortes face was a mass of deep and painful ulcers! On the 140 ofJanuary last, he commenced MUD" Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA., Ck:A, which checked the disease in a lew days, ans rose that time the . mire has progressed without in tersnialori. • - . . Now flesh has annulled the place or the deep el eem,,and though badly disfigured, hit lace is sound, and L. general health I. restored. We are assured that in the treatment '.orMr. Brooks' roan, no Al ercarials,Ointmeids, or Caustic applications have been used, tact, the YANA t.k:A ALONE, hoe wrought this wonderful change David Smith, Beebe county, Pa. (boric. L. Reined, Meadville, eraWford coPa.. .1 W Jones, M D South Second street, Phil' Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. E W Carr, 410 N Fourth, above Poplar at, N. L. S Mg:enough, Lincaiter, Pa. R 11 Maddock, SO North'Elesenth it. Phila. C W ppleton, MD 46 Broth at 'do Tine, yCaldarell, Minion co. Slinouri. Daci Yeakel. Chesnut Hill, Philadelphia eo. Ps. John Horned, 390 High street, Phila. William Steeling, td D, Camden, N. J. William Hale, 37/I'High divot, Phila. J H potter, Manefacturer ol Mineral Teeth, 109 S Ninth street, Phila. , L A Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat 871 N sa GerTro t t , ' Mserv do ßrush Maker. 917 Market St. Eau Carr, 159 Chesnut .tenet, A D Gillette, Patin of Eleventh Baptist Church Phila. John Bell, Eno Stirs, Philadelphia, (North Amer con office.) Anson Spode, 164 Clabirine Street, Mina. Daniel McG Itsal ees Allay, do Andrew Sweeten, Camden, N J. It 14 Evans, WeetPhila. Richard IL Young, Glider, 409 Market It. Phil John W Ashmead; 90 South tiitth greet, d. 1' S Wagner,Lithographer,ll9 qemat street, ,l 13 J Kenai!, 1Z Eleventh street., a, . - Peter Sken Smith, Editor Native : Eagle, j oc i Bodine, Glass manufacturer, Williamst William Steely, Farmington, Van Buren co. 10 B Coles, IV! D, Boston, rd.,. Benet Canfield. Phisi olomat,.Ph andel p h ' Thema P S Roby. M Harriaborgh, Pa. Peter Wright., 251 Market street, Phila. HO Filbert at. do John Good, 174 Sprite st. do Will iom tine, Putor St. Parilblil. E. Ch. Catharine St. Phila. John Chamber. Pastor lit Indep. Church, Broad st, do Publisher Of Pledge and Standard, Phila. F P Senora, Editor Ohre kb.nen, Doylestown; Wholesale and Retail by - Remand , . Walton, Pro. prietors,s76 Market St. Philadelphia: It E Sellers, 'b7 Wood ar. Pittsburgh, to.; Wm. Tho e, re Mar. ket st_do.• E B Perkins, Marietta, 011intSeaton & Sharp, K Y; John Ik' Danced.; er,Cin., Ohio; Side l& Reessa, Madison la; C Noble,Leins elk, 6 Y; pererouck & Nikon, St. ravr Louis, Mi \ P H MeG, Natchez, Misr Joh sten Vieksburgh,do; ClierleaJenkies, New Orle • oori NV CIII3E NO PAW. . R. COLLENS INDIAN VERKTABLE JI-W RllMEDY. , —Wanunted to core,or the mon. ey returned. This medicine is prepare limn on Iro• din Receipt, obtained from one of thous in the Ma West, at great crimes°. Those who have been amain, with the Indians, know that they me • and do cure Venereal without the knowledge el bler cuiy, Bullion, or anything 4st the kind. The DA dieted have now an opportunity of being cored .witlou ttbe use of Balsam Thin medicine in levsent to the taste, and leans no smell on the /*revered by ROWAND 44 WALTON, and sold Wholesale and retail, by J.T Itaimul,:376 ma,k e t sireet,Shilarl'a. Jr . For sale is Pittsburgh by R .P. Sellers, 67 wood ism/ OTWiso , ilmsikita btatke4 13! OdwT. • '-••••-q.;•1•;',..,-,:: - 4 PHILADI ADVERTISEMENTS DiosssoN & co" • 2*. so .IBakil Sursdatfmrs tekas Taint, &nab sidr, balms TNPORTERS and -Wbolemla Deem' is Watebeat' . J.Watch Glasses and material. Jewelryof all descrip tions, qualities and styles, comprislng.all the articles connected yeah Um pad, Clocks, Dixon to' Son,. BritaniaGennanSilvecand Silver plated wire.. Sheffield and Birmingham plated fancy articles, Rodgers & Sm.. and Womenholues eat- J i m , salmon, erasers. desk Knives, tee., ivory handled table cutlery of the bum, medium and com mon qualdies A large assortment of gold peas, pc rl focal spectacles,' porter numbs and Japanned soya, various domes and qaalities, at reduced tares, gold watch cares and silver ware of all descriptions man ufactared to order. t DIMON & CO. hiving recently removed Into large and commodious warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. Ashharst '& Pons. and more 'recently by dollar& & Perunnran, beg leave to lam= Watch Dealers, /loather° and W even, Merchants and others that they design having at all times an assortment al Goods of their own importation which they are deter mined to sell at the lowest rates. 0:7- Ey MI emit> .2 will be paid to the packing of Goods slid In the caccuilon of ord rs, the qualities and pore. will be fully guarantied ag Oast all conipention. .• sOl J. JOEL, ARTIFICIAL PLOWER MANUFACTURER, . . • No. 156 North Third &red; A116.Z PEW YTATIT, PIIILADMFIIIA, • 11 - 19 on hand, and manufactures to ender, Artificial Finsrera, Feathers, TOIIIIIOH, and Face Caps. La. dies , Drew Caps, Lkirders,Coliarets, And every dascriptiao of Fancy Goods, which he will sell at the lowest market prices. 11 B.—Feathers dyed, cleaned, altered, and shaded. inni4-3ns .E:Cl=== . . RIDG WAY lc KERRLII, • 37 North Marta... Mow rasce-Orcet, PIIII.A DELPIIIA, OFFER for sate'at the lowest pnees, 01l the ardeles of the Oil Trade. Their gime is vaned rad eaten thoseand they feet confident of giviug satisfaction to those Into call. They have novr on hand, • tZt7tTle% l in ' te O r il ind Fall Oils, of did - creel qualities. Salar Oil. Winter.prossed Lard Oil. Winter Elephant and NVhate Oils.' Refined, Banked and Common Whale Oii. • ' Tanners' Oita; Spann Caudle.; timano,ree. kn. • N. B. All moils delivered to firer rate order. aletnno S.' • EDWA G RD U K N ..TRY N, No. 134 North Strand Street. Ph/lad Iphlal - MNUkACPURERandIhIPORTE ot ribot bon., Ride. nod Pistol., Powder Plnsla . ht. briga,bo penor Poaider,Peretossiort Cope, bhot tubs ball and Monk Certddge., be. de. Also—Pia Barrel Revolving Pinolet and materials for bun Maker's are. . . • • •(iuns made to ordet, and repairs neatly eucculetl• u-Any Gun which I sell will be prosted, if desired, in the presence of the purchaser. Id NASSIY TIVS PATENT ' • STEAM HAMMER. pills Hammer patentee's many advantages over all others—among which may be mentioned, • Its Manageableness —The rapidititymul torten( blow may be controlled with the greatest CRAG, while the hammer is in openuton, and the hammer may be iu• etandy arrested, and suspended at any height. Its. Universality, or capacity to execute work of all kinds, horn the largest to the smallest, tad. the.eartte Mmmer. . ita:limplicity,Compaelneav and Cheapnewa Its Aeoesattuluy open all unto*, by the workmen. All the hammers are made Self-Acting. The aabstiibers continue In execute orders for the - hammers, of Mist:es, upon tettaonable terms. For further particulars, inquire of • tdEB.ILICI: &TOWNE, . • . Arsipees of the Pl:ient for the United Sumer, deolS 4 Y. ' Bouthuntsk Foundry, Philad% - - DERRY &,NIOKERSON, Monufacturers of &WRINGS, KICKING BOTHER, i WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS I or ALL ossciurnons , No. 3114 Swab Piou Smoot. ' • Back of 7 A. Wilson's Cabinet Ware gamily PHILADELPOIA , A LI. ardent left With S. S. Noon, ot the office of the A Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, will be ororoPOY attended to. TWOS. G. DERRY replD•illg A. C. NICKERSON lIZ=ZQ3I EILLIALI OGLE, MACH AND 114121arESS /MEER, ft' Qmotatt m l • Philadalpkia, late of the Gem of OKle . Watson. realemtftilly Warms his ft mod the public, that he has mad will keep emmiantly 00 heed mad for sale, a headmen* ansortment of atiotatMe Crariages. Vehteka of all styb sod dmemptime made to order at the 'balled possible notice, and <aerated ea the eery best ataaase, of mice., material fetalde MISCELLANEOUS. AGENCY POE PATENTS. • Washington. D. C. ENAS C ICOIMIN:±, arechanical Engineer and 1.4 Agent for procuring Patent., will prepare the ne eewary Urawmas and Papers for Applicants for Pat ents, and trannnt all other bonne. In the line of his pm(casion u the Patent Mace. lie eau he rotwohrd on all qacsnonsrelating to the Patent Lows and dea n the in the United thaws or Flarope. Po •011• al n ! Instan cede.irous of having examinanons mode et the opPitention for a patent, may forward (poet paid. enetenne a fee of five 11011 not, • clear statement or their caw, when imme.nte num.. DOR viiit be given to it. and ail the twormulton that cOold by a void o: the applicant in petwol ptoutptly ementunicoted. All letters on business anon 0e post pa.d. and contain it suitable in whore a written opinion t. rrotnrode. °thee on . mwe opposite the Potent Olive. Ile hut the P honor t, of referring, b y permielion, to , lion. Edmond Burke, Commtastoner of Patent.; lion II I. Elbwortli. late do dude; II Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office, •.•Judgo Crouch, Washirgton, U It Chair, Mansaahll•raf, I/ S Senate; lien. NY Allen. Obto, do, limn/ U Bowan, al C Mmenuri; lion. Robert Smith, Id le, Mottos, lion. 8 U S Senate; lino. .1 II Rolfe, hl C, Missonri; Capt. AI Shreve, Nieman; • • Erastus Devote, Esq., Pirobergh. • mylt• TUE .4111E.N.AF..un. - '7IIIIE pleasuring deports...Ms of this Gnestulestmoneeslabi ildonent,kalwrtk *I head of W.nd, are now open and and) w ...air up In rivlal•. lee Creaaa,Sneetment.,Celie.. Cu•l Drina., and ua the tamus ref.-Amason of the The propeietere must resprxtful/y Meet. tl,e rensectaide eilesemeto 01l end me the.{t6meram Cu litennelremus dry art flattered that Moll itiAstrercut departments it canned Le mepamed, and eettainly is the mmt pkmant mixt in Use caly The BATU de, earepolled fur. iTartinents, both Lailiaahuid CklitkinenS, an _ ntainess, wad cumin. by any in On elinuittl; and the Laies' radon will atialleace consparl Fur rieceel,Oßeltreb, SEA beekel . ), with ,Illaue.of similar establialnacal be foutul any whtte. . Thr fecal Sa!mat, lahh nacirnlych , -4., lad e:aana Fooatn to • plary of the most It, etruatty . . Room. art fitted up at which lientl:tua Cum., eau hart LunchOiansraod firtresiaaratiat all ken of the day. The gnat NaLaat is rataturra In both Wks sad gentler...pi var.,. at the two eilLeatlee. Th.• Parinta,eteluire Coe La dies—muman at the That eOI.OIIM, N. 11. rattles witl be CataialraLal. the aborted notice , at. Co. bcCerc—croule on the moat approved F.astorn plane— and moat tani) Poooroo ood ooloro Also TOE - CORM' ROLL, ar BORIDN BLIND, ea hand or made to order of all sires. and at a)lpricea. Coontry almehanue and others are invited in call and examine the abOve for thentwelves,;9ll all will he sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal deductioa wade 10 wholesale purchaser. toottliv COACH MAKING FROM the very liberal encourage „. mottle sabotriber has received since he has located himself In Allegheny, •tvigegge... hos foamed him to take a loon, for a term of years, on the property ha now occuptes, jn Deaver Week Immediately beside the Presbyterian Church. From the long experience in the above blouses* and a &Orem pleaw, ho hopes to ram , kind receive • share of public plumage. Now on hand and Gnislung to order, Rockaway Dug glca, open and top Buggies, and every description of Carriages mode to Mao from seventy-fire dollar. to eight hewer. . fropleltfl JOHN SOUTH. Di. J-PcltiC~ Univenal Canker Remedy . A FEW bottles of Doct. J. Pettit's 'Tanker remedy.. (1. act long known and thenoughly. tried_, has been lost obtained and is for sate by Wm.JACKSON,E9 Liberty street. it is the sire, safe, and certain remedy in In eases out of NJ, for all ordinary or extraordinary, end most asetiveled eases of recent or chronic nursing ilore Mouth, calomel sore mouth, swelled tonsil r. cry steel as, canker rash, incipient bronchitis and quiney, powid sore throat, black tongue, and all cam of cont. moo canker, In tbo mouth, shroatoand stanatelt, when applied in aecordanece with the directions accompany ing each bottle. The article received is known to be gamine. Price 50 nu. per bottle. , 4 . T. Jones , Italian Ofilmlcal Soap. FOR all kinds of.enfrotiona and Macao's of the Skin; such. Pirnples,Dlorciles, doh Rheum. Scurvy, dent s Spots, chapped or cracked Skin, and for all other dlsca. of the Ohio, which require external remcsbes, this Swop Mende onparalled.' It also dispels Freckles, San born, Morphew, Ton, and changes the Esibrof deck, yellow, or disfigured skin, m ' a fine. healthy...youthful, dolmen. A frult supply, warranted genume, nod (Sr rattier the reduced price of an per rake. bon lust been receivul, is olfered,Gar solely J 1 A FAUN El+ roux t Co , corner let and wood and also +onto corner of sixth and wood els. , t t.ll liy E TODD, ofactuteralgents. tinlli Wood u., atairs, two door's bekmr 2adooicit the attention of pun:buena( Gentlemen Furnishing Goods to dor Stork of new and fashionable rods, mannfactund expen,' for our own oleo: warnuated well made anilgire perfect eatotartiou; and wo would ad I the attentiem of purehmersitul our miabi men to one case °roamers. N I Tut, ghirtsjual receied: one case medium quality,doi with both white nod striped .t f . nen dneriptino o n to wit 'meths:era; tinother ono( thom Pawit Sorbet Joint Dewed Ourit Elaa• tie Suspenders just opened with nrion so. and prices We would solicit the calls of purchasers who are 10 dm habit of ,o n [ er the Mo.fains for good', to call and entente our ock, to we are confident nthing. tio lar po ices nie con ooed, can induce them to (yak further, but noun u. anoth er call. all ----- Potent Block Sprlog Traps, NEWLYJ NVF.NTEU— Fos the relief and Permanent Cure of lIERNIA or ItUVTUKE. (Suited to all sixes.) The superior claimsof this consist in the com• portnivo cam with which it may be wont. Tice pad of wood being neatly balanced on spring., yields to mos som on any. part of it, and thotentably adipt.riuelf to nny movement mode by the wearer. con be-wom without intermission, unola cure is erected.: The tub s. ibers have. mode rummest:tents for the manufacture of there valuable Trusses, in a superior styy, in Pinta dolphin, and hone dienteow for sale at their other, fir R, Smithfield' n. near :Rath, Pitthbursh. . 14 ATT. D. W. XAUFFAIAN, S - KiiiiilP - Aautd.7t-un.a. comp. Fluid I:: I ...antparilla. Morettont'a Comp. Fluid KlLSarsoparilla; . Carponiceo do cln; ComMook!! do do; ~ Townsend'o do do; Commonly on hand and faro3lo bY if A FAIINW , TOO( & go.,dorner of find and woad and Wood and Won rad wooden _ _ 1 - 1 - 1 - Vis and's are - heated Fluid Magnesia. • mild sale 'sod Avant anti-add and apaiiea# bre 1. tag . a-porkai *dation cif chemically yam ratbanate or Mapessa; pareases 1 the medisal . sisosykss oltb• finest pep= puma. of Id apes*ds anuat bests,. Babb Id funs rmere tluaa the bootelside la act Waring:4ly ups. the GOlib of the gamma •o. saldarafalonba Magrali iassysis Vsa im ad%T ri n b r lAi.N.,To tean Ist sad rads =dined assl6l/s all : HOTELS. • VOZINTAIA HOT, LIGHT. STREET -, BALTIMORE; . . • FOGG' k . 4111.111T0N, Proprietary. ' T olg:t 144 and lour:telly of 13:11i b gat M e g : has recently under/Sow yea' no alterations sad improvements. An entire new wing has been added, contandeg etteIGIODS and airy sleeping arenuesems, and =tenni bahingroormi. The Ladles' deparuntm b. also been completely ie l organised and Mted op la II wique and beautiful b een . In fact the whale arrangement of the goose , his b remodeleth with a single eye on the pan of the proprinnrs unearths the eomfan and pleasare of their Gums, and which they confidently w e n will chit/- fence comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their mble will always be supplied with every sob. autanal and hang which them aaaaa affords, served up in a superior style, while in Sic way of Wmes, they will not be al:imagoes/. In conelwlon the propnctors beg to aay, that nothing will be left undone on their tract and on the part of their attains to render this Hotel worth; the continued patronage of their fnends and the-pubho genendly. Theyinees for board have also been reduced to the OrdininT, "ir, per day: _ Geudemena' • I CO. N. /L—The Ilaggage Waggon of the floine will al -1 ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landiers, which will convey bornaga to and from the Hotel, fren of charm PBA. STILIEET HOUSEd Chsediarsati, 01110--Tte subreribers haVillif purchased the en tire I ntdrest or cot. U r Williamson, late of this - well /mown establishnsent.beg leave to nate to their friends and .tbe public generally, that they have totes this commodious Hotel fora trarn of yam and will even their best energies to make it a desirable home for Tray.. oilers and City Boardrts. The Hotel a spacious and admirably planned for con venience, light and air, having a numbered' patlors adjoining chambers, presenting unusual attractions to families. The present : prop deters having had the eipenetiee Of years 111 this city and elseMhere, love the y . mill be able to give general satisfaction, being detennmed '.lO gitto undivided attention to the house alone. The oration 0(11.0 Pearl Street House is uneuriationig eligible, having fronts on Irearl,Walnut and Thinlela, at that it is equally desirable in View of the tonveol- • om of business =nor retirement for private boarders. It is near by the Marais, the POl.l Office, the Masonic Fellows flail, and but one manic distant from Alain street and two squares front the City Wharf,thus offering the greamat initoeementl, espeeiolly . to COMM merehantsaind generally to allpemons visiting-Einem anti. s JOHN NOBLE nseh27 .10111 i AD. . _ MWMMZ=2 . . - TIES Sgl.k.flDlD HOTEL, was opened on the thhhof lune, for the reception of company. The milker fronts one hundred and twenty-five e ar. Superior..., awl one hundred and ninety-fire It on Bank-n; add contains over two hundred large airy chambers and forty private getters. till of which bone been (mashed with the wow many fermium. The dramingroams ore spucious and sem., in elegance , anything of th e kind in the United States. The dining roolu t 'gentlemen's parlors, readtrig troth!, oak drossing TlMms non oil tune, airy, and furnished with ve s l L last „.„ rod comfort that money can procure. i r two years more the COTOGr stone of this .irnificent otructure was laid by hi...x.1% Wed de. pd. Son. No erpenm has been spared by them to make it equal If not superior to nay hotel lathe Union, an oral:mem to the coy. Car riagesmill be jr waiting a t et all limes, to convey passengers toned from the boats free of charge. Cleveland. July tallm A S BARNUM C 0 E 7-- Charles Street, btliireen Market and Lombard Intraa to, Baltimore. ilTot sobaenber having taken the above nub liehment, bars his services to the citizens and regarrge'renTas alentllrsigraid'telYpot•i—thrrndtlles midst of the more extensive Importing nooses—and In tact, the iotauert offers to those visiting the oily, as ma• ny conveniences and comforts as the other prieeipal !fols. The boon, is now being hued op with new &welfare, in s hodg uste and alyie„and tout be open to the public on I day of April, tell. The propnelar to thst his unremitting edam to please, wilt secure to tim a portion of the public patronage, resident an well as transient. W W DIX, `brie of the firm of Da & Fogg italterinre..Are t 7, IbP• • myindam ALL.Eliii NV HOU et:, 280 Market st delphlo—Tbe subscriber Date of the Wuhlnanon Hotel, I larrishorgh, Pal takes this method or to (ortain; his old friends and thepablierenerally,that be has taken the above named IllabL Foe House is airy and stonsfanableoutd has beentestongsvely altered and improvetl, and Me mppnetor hdphe by • strict attention ti monies. and • proper corn for We eomfort of his germs, to merit and receive a Mare of poblie pshortage. The noose is snouted very convenient for the Travel hog Public.being only two doorinbove the Harrisburg istd Pinsburgh Depot. ami'vrithin two minutes walk of . Uslumore aml Reading Depots STABLIND w inched wit. premise. Terms. SI per day. P HUGHES, Proprietor A/Iceboat . ((core. Phil's. August la, al7wprad3n JONES , ' so. r.k.: elutrx. 31.11[1r. 1 . 1111..2.111111. TiE Pubseribers. under the Gen Gillum:ma a. Wm. hare purchased Mr. Jones intereat •nk ibis establish.. went, and hope by thmitten attention to the nuance of and comforts of their fuges, to received a continuance of the Itheral pattonoge heretofore received by no former Pn" ;7l=,, p o ‘t ot eo thoroughly tertOralrd. and t'ePttit' - gd; we and (cut so.orett vire Lan rreleonte our csier.d.i and the publlc to aecoultuodatito - Yi equal to any so the city of Philadelphia. N W Jylthr NO WWI% Corner Malts and Sixth ate, Cincinnati. riditts estahlishatent is imw in hr best order tor the Ireerption of the Travel.% Publie. Ilastng under gone • thorough reptir. donor; the past winter, and basing the mow experteneed rw t, the treo, in the depamenw. I. flatter myself that al will tut pleawd who call. The oration is central, commodiotet and pleasant. Fared!, tier day. etneamati. March 13.1047. W E MARE N. It—Maotti net scarily a sew Broom, it is the stinse—a are Marlton he old handle. apdtf T.lll/0015.3101LT svi Oß lle, Ky.'S GALT LIOUSE, Loui , A• Til ROC K3lO ETON begs to acquaint hls /IL (needs that he is vain lessee of the GA LT lIOU L 3 C, lawismila. lry.,whero he hoped to meet ott tbs ft-tends, assanng them end the public, that no titan shall ha spared to make all comfortable mite favor on with their patronage. jantldly WATER CURE HOUSES. ROUND II ILL WATEII. CURE ESTAIIe LIFIBEIUNT—NOILTHAMPION, bless. I aeorself: as Itakaonn. aselmt. lON, Proprietor. Da. Howson K. Dream.. Heableat Physician. Tlll, , delightful establiskanst is shoaled alwut half a mile west of the beautiful village of Northampton, at . ele.- tiao of about 941 feet, alms e the Cmmratieut River, which it overlook. This gwouide reirmumling the F.smblishownt. comprise about forty acres, aphiob are elderly eppeopriated tho um and ikon. of the Patin.. doable ite b.utiful groms.d primitive foresttermareeemerous fo....coor pletely shaded, and anode% h.ltlifial toad plemaul walks fur nearly four mile. Ths.pacions and commodity= kiddie,' of the establish ment are located upon the eastern blow of the bill, and ore= look one of the mom amell.ting I.dvcapta in the world.— Insincitemely in front, is the of Horthampten, with its numermie.d limbo,. dwelling, amidst the' dense foliage of lolly and 'arerh.giug elms. Further on to th e east are the rich aseedusevof Northamptanaml Iladky, dressed io the velvet mestere of Simi.. or the nolilFlatti habiliments of P.m.. Autumn. way s Zn. mue, north and south, I i. men the mon th sad glassy surf.. of the Ceemetticut, aLmrty wkidngits way to the ocean. tin thenordion imme diate perepeet sa the village of Hatfield with its rich and Imo chin)on the cast is the flourishing. Tillage of Had ley, and aka of Ambers( with its Collegms veldts in the dim home, with th e aid of • glson maybe men an calmest. and greatly diversified sage of corintry. On the south-oast, at about Pg mike distance, is Mount Holyoke, in ik dress of living greesi,•' and n beyoad, is ee. Om pleasant of Knuth Hadley; no the south, we behold at about 4 miles distance, the meradie blo.t TOSS .d the chanting village of F.stat /Imola., w ith its elegan ' s school whole, preseating a combination of nab:oat scenery tom suricased, perhaps ...bed, by .y other in the world. It wits remarked by • geutleman who has spent mane thirty 1,7 ears of his fife in rano. lost: of Einisise, that ha never beheld a meat so perfectly beautiful and encliaating. The aceontroodation.t. Rental Hill arc very airy and ca -1 ciao', and are amply ouSeitut fat upwards-of one hundred mid fifty patients. It nprevailed with . atnasdanea of the purest sprhig wa ter and .nosy other mobile kr the fathead perfect applies, km of thia popular mid - wooderflOy auceneful mediton of restoring loot or =pair. health. , Dr. Denniston who the estaldisloneet, is a gentle- I man of cokes. .perimme, was educated is Europe, w he teel the advantages of serail pars m lb. eeleed Isorpitals of Edenburg sad Dublin,and his be. . a socesesful Prectioacr in this vicinity LW mend yearn— Patients may Plinio. repose entire madden. in Its skill and dieeretica. • • • • plPprorisiaa I. made far attendance. Among Bane am ora tenant wall inatroctidthanlan:nonea arms of Boarding. inelading_modiral drier 818. Ts tints will b. enpliedrrith every article in porking, to. at rho rod of Ile Wicks. OM=tMT2EM 'EIDE BROWNSVILLE WATER CURE 'AIFIVT opened on the lath of August, ender the Oosto of C BAELZ, attending Physinian and Mr. RIPEITIIS,manager of the boarding Depainnent; has been erected expremly for the purpOse, and Is well calculated to accommodate twenty leo patient , its situation is healthy and the =wounding country Is pie turerquet the immediate neighborhood abounds in pore soMI water springs, fontefour of which the baths'are nt pKestot *applied. Every facility for the reiteration of health to the invalid is here otrered—pure air, water of the finest quality, sod a sheltered, cool situation. ' The Doctor resides in the establishment. Coalmen dawn on the system Is uonecessery, la is also an enw =ration of the diseases curable by water, es It has be• come se generally known, and favorably received by the community at large. Each patient is requwerl to flimien for the sweating, and other proeeszev, the fidlewieg ankles: two forge think awoke blankets, three connottables er a feather Comm sheet, and a linen sheet that Can be cut into bandages, also mg coarse morels. Very feeble patients are remitted to bring. attend ant with theni, Inc whom board can be-obtained In the stabltshment. Tfaixo—Bach Patient to par six dallan per week for medical advice, we of the baths, and attendance daring the Konen, lnard and lodging. ' Poymern to Ire mode weekly. hoard for ony brought bp Poticrou two do lore per week. artroltro Fourth, between Wood and Market-et., oppodie Ailey. Lorimer'', Exchange Dike. Tim undersigned iv prepared w aeironunodato peribers, and the public penerally, with n delimatta bath. Ms new estutilivbmem will be open to-dav!pro vided with every thtt neeeunry to vender buthwg a !unary. SALT and SULPII UR DATI I'S prepared if required. The drove vutoldiehment in fitted up in no entire new pan; being , v.:Wilhelm' Penn dm rdof and Me wtherriber to onfident that the improvimenta combleedeontribite to n render thin establiolonent the awn eamtertelde ono now In the city. jynd3m II VAbIION QuEENswAus. to. TUST Received at tilo 111 :Liberty street. a large lot 4.1 of C/uCcusware,Tee'rklev, b.c win a . burn er intends selling at reduced prices. would Invite the attention of dealers, hotel keliers, steamboat men, and private familie, to call sad caintaire siock of ware% before purchtsing elsewhere. As they will find nto their advantage,' those wishing to' purchase, should call soon am/ steam a bargain, as We propne toe m eland Having up kin sto0: • . - . . . — l - 11 WAKE ittiLXIUMAGTOILIt's lIE Subset ibex keeps constantly, a good assortinsint, .I. and Insadaetureoln order, table, lea, and desert PrOoll4, nream. gravy and noo.tard spoons. soup ladle.. 'vbil sonar longs, butter and fish kns—. .• -.led and and minor loniiii;'ioni . er finites, threall en ~. Winn forkerot the lowest prices. '%V Vit Wi1.430N Jp coiner market nail 4th rtreeL P I NIA RINGS—Jest We'd 3 dos bxs of Patent Vu 11 snorted India' Rubber Rings. These Roo or bands am for placing Mond papers end parrots Dresser deseription—ln an instant lances bo placed round a packet of papers holding them fins at the sometime, allowing of addition ox - reduction without my loss or COMMICI3I.II.. ' Skit PHILLIP:I Agts,h" wood at tQ1er.111,016.10 1 , 1 1 4irdiP-4iimec received; pox I.7Pocket Elhipyaronack, t casks `43pnwees" Cast Steel Files, coalpnAink st,• try "Tonal unwound. Tho attention of Moolunisto and INVISIICaIIi generally io • • LIMAN& KENNEDY Avs.,z3o los prime old Outs reek% (invade by qt 9 Wit It MeCUTCUEON,I3IIibrty it MOBPORTAIION 11.1COULILB. nosatrare •EDAD jat in Tle near and w Zandid cog .Cl t sigira Room commence. her • tcritai thin this daY. - leartng PAIS burgh a[9 o'clock, a. st„ &smarm 2 o'clock, 0. sr - nil Pittsborgh and Cleveland Line of Cad Boats daily ua Cleveland. 04 Beam, Warren and Cleveland Line of Canal Packets and Stage .Coachta daily to Warren and Clerelanst; .Canal Meek Linea to New Castle and Greenydle, Pa: Erie ha . Meadville =4 Erie. , Neil. Boom &.Co's Lines of Stage Coaches Sc Cleveland and.WOCalei. leave Boa. Vet daily on the arrival of ateamboal Beaver boos Ptusbergh. Apply to , 0 MARTON & Co; Pittsburgh apl4 CLARKE& Co, Be.vver UNION 1•12eV., c • akilatl AN • ON.THZ' PSSPISTLTANIA 01110.CANALDi BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. E N PARKS k Co. ieniamli O. U G PARKS, Deaver, • •} ) Ptoprieters. W T MATHER, Pitislintebi TILE above Line is now tally prepared ei transport Firigbt and Et...opm from Pittsburgh and Cleve land, b any.point on the reitannanidec Obis and Ohio Canals: The Mellides of said Line etie norequilled lip any on said Canals, in numben and .eapanty. of Roar, erpe rienee of Captains. and prannimens or Agents, de. One Meat leaves Putsburghand Clevelund daily, ran • • . ning in connection with the ?Steamers. Sliehigan and Lake Eno, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a Line of first clans Stelusboauh Propel lers, Prlgs and Sehooriers, On' Lakes Eric, Ilustra, tli ehiganandOntario. - . Pavans forwarded to arry Tartar the Cairn( with despatch. R N PAHA% & Ca, Cleveland, Agar REED, PACKS*. Car; Deaver, Agts W T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Agt , snht Cor Watei• and Sultilifs . el4 streets AfILANGE~NT 3 .• 1347: moaroriciAnE,LA ROUTE, . . BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND' TO BAL . 'TIMONE AND PIIILADIMPIIIAt Tune to Bala/note ... . boom Thad o rhiladelobta.•• • L.• • ..... 40 [Only 71 Dliles Staging.] o.ondol andlast running was/m.120)m1, Loa.: ia McLane , and Sealant, have commenced snaking doable daily Dips. One boat will leave the blononga . held wharf exerr morning preemely at 8 o'eleck. Passengers by . the morning line will amyl, In Balboa next evening m dote Lt.*: Philadelplim Botu,o Anil Road tan The evening Boat will leave'.th wh o daily at 6 e'cloet,enerpt Bandar.. Passengers by this boat will lodge oa board, in entatortable state rooms; leave lirownsiilla next morning al IS o'clock cross Wm mountains mday Halo; sop and !alpin Cum- Lowland. Thus avoiding set travel .ahogetber. The preparations on this roa r s are ample, and the connection . complete; so that tbsapponantents or delays will be ant. /Mown Upon it. ' • , Passengers can Slap an th e mate reinnae limo penis agam at plerwam, and ha* choice of Baia Road or rtearaboat between Daltisnote end aches chattered tonartles to travel as t h ey damn* ewe yOnt natal; at theadiee,ldonoagandalloove, or St Charles Hotel. J 01bZIOldEll fable TO CLIEVILLAND vis,WAJLF*N. ' lerime.lB47.- MN= TIIROUGH IN $l4 FLOURS. - • • IiDACKIT Roam Swaliow and Telegraph leave Oct rer doily, at :o'clock r. x, after the arrival alba morning Boat from Pittsburgh, and anirast Alines in time Mt the Moll Line et Stager, which learn sminedi etely thereafter. utd arrive at Cleveland alSo'eletek, r. x. This mote is the most eXpedttious 'end Oxr..xt4iie one to the Lakes. cxrrEs k LEFsnadErnt, warm* ?mei REED, PARKS & Co, Deirver,Agenut JOHN A CAUCIIEY,comer Water and Smithfield ma, mealy Opposite the Monongahela House. Pittshmla Ir.I.T.TBDUUOII AND Gagar.lll7 ... I I I I • 1847. • PACKET AND FREIG.... LINE.: - • • TINS Line toosigingif Avlght and pawner Peek, els, will ran regular &nog the aeason:belvireena Heaver and Greenville, by which freight and pas lbe two poleG.eillbecunedgteetPdT. awl at the /*west nom • • WICK A. ARCllER,Grecevllle, .44 3 • CRAIG AFRAAIPTON,CIatinviIIe, do; IdeFARLAND Er. KING, Big Rend, d.; GAYS & PLUMB, Sharpabergb, do; -. W C bIALAN. Sid:iron, • - 4,14. WM. MATHEW:4 Pulatri, • : • do; REED, PARKS ft Cq Beaver: . do; JOHN A CAUGHEY,eornarWater and SauthGeld ins, apply Oppoolte the idorkoexakele noise. Pitt.bdtlh CITIZEN PORTA/ILK 1304. T LINE... MIMEO 1847. NAM ►OR THE TROTH'ItTEATION OT ALL KINDS OF MERCOANDISRTO AND FROM Philadelphla, Mallidaolo, Now York THE enceuragernent this line hasreceised Siam Its commencement, has induced the propels. ton to increase the stock by adding a acrobat of Gs %lass boats; and instead of giving receipts as hereto fore as agents, we wilt give our own -receipts ler freight shipped by this line. . 'rho boats ore all portable, entwequently freight is taken the whole distance without tranahipment, thereby presenting damage from frequent handling, on the route, and WI each boat is owned by the Captain who runs them, which is u sufficient gust. miles that there will he widelay on the route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to . the utidersigned wilt be forwarded FREE Oh' COM. hIISSION, for advancing via fornranling, and. ssill be shipped without, delay at the . lowest rata of freight. ri 1% e respectfully solicit a share of public pa . tro nage. • WALLINGFORD & Co" . Canal Basin, Pittsburgh CRAIG, HELLAS &.Co..'Agt.. Broad Street, Philadelphia. F MILLER.-Ageat Uneasy'. %Vharf,Baltimore.. Pittsburgh, Feb. 111, 1347;- •• - - 1846 • AND : 1847, TO TRH .EAST BY MONONOIBBLI ROUTE, VIA BROWNSVILLI3 A CUMBERLAND. • • I n dt ° ,ltV, " tr.; ng NV inter, the Iftvorabla tome, 'by tbri dill°.none. All property calor ned will lie forwardedAldlie lowest rates end yritti devotee. Met received Iry duo Toile promptly' for warded. (I OWELL, Aglt, Pillaborgto W CAM. Iltorriteville.. • nooW EF.OP.ATON &Co,Cionberland .1546. AND 1847 o ak Ogtgit TO TDB "EAST ,WIT'BALTIMOUji ASD. • OHIO RAILROAD. WIRE sebseribeni .11 receipt for the deliveiy of Pro- - J. duce to Baltimore by the Aleamegahela /Backwater at the following paces:- Ashes, Bacon, Butter, Lead , La* Pork , rellOw, Whiskey, • • e and Glass-67i eta per sli d Ai Be lbr s lTobaem Pot ep: Flax ao ese; a—B4etsp . o lb . . Ashes, (Apple. CheFlax.ied. Obs, and Leather-106 ma peeled lbe Oils, BS In. Bemis, Weel-110'et• per 100 lbe, • Beeswax, Feathers, Fors, Ginseng, nod Boaltc•Roor -..190 et. per 100Iba • • All property constgeed m either of the ouderalined. will be forwarded without delay , free of Corantisaton, at above nue. W CLARK.Borwalville. • HANNA* WATERMAN Ptasharsit. env2Pdtf • • •• I$Y MEN .01' • 1 CCINCERNINO SELLER? . VEEMIFUOIL—A do gle vial prodnelng wonders.—Read the ,followirm from the ROT: S. Wakefield, Yasterof Much: ' Pittsbargh, March 8, - - Mr. B. E.Sellerr. It is Inna'a sense of dozy, as well as with great pleasant, that I bear testimony to the . vit. tee of yourJostly celebrated Vemalfage. form:me& a singto book and gave it m 1111ne army eldldten, who had been dl for several weeks. The eldest was sever Yean old, the next fear, and the Noancest:elithmen months. Tim first- passed fitly-six warmer, the second Toity seven, and the third a eonmiderabile Matter: of dixttactly recollected.. Bitten then they have been doing well and are now in goevi health. . • ' rearxthalb From the Rev. B ERalrcoek, of the hbothenlisEpieco, pal Church. hlr. R. 13. &nem It is with gnat pleasure I would • inform yon of the rod elects produced on my son of four y of age, by yourjustly celebrated Vermihga. After his having onovahnons, I gave him 'three doom, when he passed arialmost inererhiable namber, from which time hls gentod health bat bean improved. . • $ E llaacam. From the Res Charles Cooke, of the iferthodlst copal Choreic Pittsburgh, Deeendter 11,1845. Ur. S. Ft. Salle= I gave try I nVio daughter (between three and for yeer”le) three deska of year tltnatfage, es sor t liax to prescription, with the happiest saneeSE.-- The umber or trona expelled I do not know pi eche. ly, but it was large. She is awe in possession of good health. !think the medicine mai be confided in with gnat mractvedness. • C COOKS- . . An this Van:liras., has never been known to fail in ny instance, when worm. actually culled, parents humid Kiva is P 7lltl h gr 7 d7rla,gi betwee n d Prepared Far iale C+s.el,Pihh Ward. I ntyl- IitIIERMA I IIS TOOTII PABTIP • • Jo: TIMM* DISITIIIICZ. THE I.l.utiela known for cleaning and whitening the Teeth, ntrengthening the gums, Precteniag the Need, tee. h should ho neetlevery night with a gni! brush, and the tem.—milt walnut s . ashes waslionk in Ilia moaning ., Wet the Itnn3 .11131 water. or cold will answer, 'and rub it a few Mtn on the poste, when enough will adhere foe e_enning the teeth. 111 delicious tastes in the math, end no pans a 111.1delighaill fragrance to the breath. It stands unrivalled no 1 pleasant, etheneions, convenient and safe dcrorillee. It is arm - routed neanatulure the tenth, beim preservethem. • " • By oiling it regularly, it will remove - 1h! larter and prevent tot accumulation—prevent the: loothseh strengthen the mints, nod prevent all diseases of them Chem.' , physicians. and the clergy recommend . it . decidedly superior to every thing . of the kind in n4o. Ask for Shenneres Compound Orris inralt P5010,-ind observe his signature is - ettechedm each pot.. Recommended by_Dr. Castle, MS Ltrundorny. one of oar best Detains, and by meet of 'the old established ones in the United States, and even ntensively used by the Nobility. of }helmet and Frei ea., • A large proportion of the disease.. hataglict monk ind a ire pron,rotoe derangement of the s wrench or bowels. which • tirade use of the Clubs ve Lozenges - ivould entirely obviate. Pewees of Mikes balls Monti' al. way have a box at Band, and take a dew whenever they feel the least dement:meat theirlicalth: A Bull. eines use of thew largengens wood . prevent thoisandn of enact. ,• • • • - Formica: WM. JACKSON'S, wrens of ,Wood Sind Wham' et. Firmallan, ?day la, LAST SaatnlaT I gnat, a icaapoon et A. Feb. nestoek &Ca * Vermifnee to my IN e girl, who. is between tour and gre years old, and during the day she' passed 103 larab Worms, avetnging won than Wet la lessath. he its efents on this child, then gaers'a a (all to her younger sister, whowatlanly well, and aim passed r m. at 7 , lllZi y - - . ..Watchpkaltet, grolllsfield street Prepared and sold . by. ItA,FAHNEVTOCK t. t o tomer In anAmrand.And lAA - no mtNinia scaservnlloAp—Fb mn . o . .1. vino Gamic spot., &rancor I.T.rb hens Clothe; Wookni CMcd...dte.;&d.• an t; •vrkere aoptiedclent, bright, nnsiond condom.. sea with 4111 direction.. . Yuen tta.... rate: Vohttrilnit - JACYSON,eoCitty.rvmb , "l , U, Sitrit owe, mire °Cat Myr ,~-, -~: IaiMME TIR.SIIERMAN lane Aiiiiirtundin as haishe median ir LP Flaws .; mutat ehililien'sra take it raidily ad wy•ior more. fleetea hisfebeatie in anal cw/thc,of lann to, Pot *Math Pat an an leek of inaliMear, and in pill o(de:{actmc" ' ' • ' SHERMANS COUCH . WERNHER ..• Thee Laiengin we the wartime wet edi dud ran ady Sir tenses, cads, eamennpucur whotibibg angin v we, tightens of the hare or'clierl i elg, SA ' I .r b ... Isere:ea has awn hairlril ell instancy where they dideut give panel watistervine.. Serena thenotind bum bat Mik .1.1 wain 'tfee bst you', watering ne health ram in allast stew visge ananweenpisonond tease Lionng nudes Re won dawn:tug dada sindiagen.; Tina nen weak and der op thecuagn, Lit radar it enlyainnooteeapiatarstiuti, elegrLthe tinkling.. aritation, sad maw the' paninwle or westing won. , -, :nay nne wade train a wenbinatiqn - ern wiial velatildWPf ' Parentolie eangli vsnilieines, end an :ooh wpwstneo every dans in we for Rode complaint, Haineds upon hut deeds ofartifientes Owe bent oared oldeir Monialid • ne . racy grandma wba hew beamed Over *minuet gnu e. and waved to rs.lect lintidi by wins thew. ' ' ' Ware tare soma pun in the hveskarsyir onion 'ewes Fox Min's Than (pen:ltaly ISJ rutt e,w y) .held be applied war the pert, and won UM relseripL, If attended • • with coalman, wren' nava ar , twain e Lama, or a wild cathartic medicine, datild be aid. expiwion trivia. ' • Stnamews vron*IAVENHES Three weinn aseeges hat hew wined in ogee Wall LSO 001.1 ones ni be awitaidel Hue onlyArividn 11 onn destroying medium ererdnewenriL 'May aimed awn fiat anis and wean aes cud intense snaring, update; death ' s. ith ollfth" , PT.' buS miPALedi Maw penmen ars sew attes adietni with than, and we dawn. for (Millft complaints antaint any benefit; when ane dine ..if lie.. iLneengen waif speedily nn team. ' - • , , . n te •, . sjavuonsrf Wortria-Tains In joint; a labs, aka vas bulge, pecking at the ma, gr' agar Re teed. during tleepond unseat &pantie Slam tips,with dabed china; ding bkest th e nano:wades leant Re stoma* dash, wof heat neer Re aurae 'plea y, eliggfellills or sha erine,7avadve.," awnieni* ,nertigo,nerpar, 'disturbed drnamsoodden starting in dewy with - INa add sertuning, sonntitnes • triteekinua coach fineridnien„ thirst, p?Iliel line, ay bed Lute in the oath; adapt baulking, pun in the stoma ae lardy faigue,.musen, wpanaltuess, von: eau: ,Tpttiy, /awe., bated .stownch or bolo, celiac.. dilating jaws an various putsalga Lady, it eel. of sums ' la:gnaw Wail thront,seadas Stec win towards night, • remittent desire to you MlMlllin atm la Wale, nods nwe Lime diechergre afsliare end wawa. 91 . 1W1AN . , 8 FANPpOII LOZENGES. . . . .. . . They glee imootim Mier is. mem or Mk Welsch* julphaiou ofthe Marti Mom of the spirit., shomoimey dory or putrid tom ihreet, bowel 'or Bummer emu, . phist, [Mtn, opposealmor a owe 99 ?Mina the Mat' *balk, rpm., amp, of the Amailt or bomb, bystetiral affections, and ell term* dimes, sleinrsiseia ittrewts the 1dn0 a ... 1.0.3 " , ".0; 04 taibti r oborota or, dot ~,,,tbobtoy. &oda% laishade or aAm of Mg.. ter wee trarefleig or atteediag larp parties yeDIMI Mt Was peereallywnwimited *Amos thitoloye7ofyoetiat me after duties they wiyreetere the teake 110 syMe. goy wally, an9emora till_ fhe oapMaset quiets.* me:cheat, tau! lain. !Mao who km law too b I nees,w4 theitiimipebedbMitei ea lid thetel.ampea MI =Nof &biome* '8 rooa gin , / min . = I. ! best Areerbesdopplester So thy me.l4,as reseedy for Mae, or Imam. la . the beefy My sidej wok, ,11•9a.yelets, rbwartiateilumbes ojite. 'fise . s . :Orse Mike • leer inamteopply the dame. neyismom loth rem og Y= oppLabol, , Warnatedemaiorfsallotherywal for aaa Osier the awed 'prieyesaklog **WWII* boy bat W rhespeat plaster in the melt. it earls r•Jlrt in • fa, bar yetel mien wtoebtag iitilVO: ~ 1 .i '.O la hmemplaial tat* dyspepely it shook! I. wont aver She ''m of the Entree stoweh, aad it will afford mat KM ea>ar'amt Mkt la ewe., eolde, atehadiffseulty at =opplaMe et the chat Sr Mile% they MUM Ninth and =10 ,.. . 3sellt the mice. 9erera. se , misAtarybeibitiieir ". to Mei me% mil neein, al mops* Ma eas of Inly . ..I , ien Mu ler: , 9 4tyateians geskeraDY moored am, ia preform. to nil boom they Mk or edhere bettermsfatfordareab. Ls their emetics doyen Aimless, tom, end ewe They era mm rel of =Way differed lama wee toy other, sad. nem boat lb. expexlmee or mil lime ho Me ofd them maxim the maalhatiewoy of 'ell ibeeilebrated .0.1 ds.a.bed elm mad abysms., to • be the art awful we b seedieatedMater Sa r u m ban at the malsosiee berg their ad . Maki, at Mahood olestabia mew/ us ptamn DitteLlais SW me ire am the book stela pharro ith a feesimile At Dr.fibermes muse. itiohgorpiti .1.1.1 'ol■9 , s ink tar Illisnm's roe Wm's , rater 'mitt see !Int you r e the r eeemeoe Su. am iniiim inilistions b.iked *boa sad sera Cl the bus Shillala% Halm, by Boldwholmewd Mad by WeJACXISO.ITA LI. ism • ltediefor Warhowe, /9y.lfe Likirsty Amy Sir of Th --- .111EDIOAV APED , eIiiiCIiCAX , OFFICE , : • : No. 65 s-feed dome hebw wd,a Moan!, the, market DRAGRIOWN, • ixeci a- • "I. acatto the *wheal pt. • • (memo, and been for mow • - or M n erd practice, — new crownephisollention t • to the 'treatment of' those • • • - • privet. aird •delleato coo, ,••• plohns for which his tippet -nem =ides andexperience, wntieth. qualify Id ot.-7 Ocean yeort mannione devoted , or. the wady and treatment of than Maim! , titsi (dating ,which tiara has cachet and ins cored more patients than' Mae ever fall to the lot of aty Ptivolo PM-Witmer/ em pty qualifies hit:nut:od Ir as WNW.. or sPeedY, rem. neot:and sedisfactery. um to all alilietod watt ddicate diseues, and oil diseases witting theiefrom ' • Dr. Noose. sordid inform those emoted with private diseases which have become chronieby timoor aggrova ted by the use of any of the common - nostrums of the day. that their comploints eirchesadically sad dun. ought,. cored, be having given his carefal ottennon the treatment of such cases, and succeeded te hturdtpds of tortanees in coring persons inflamotion of he neck of the bladder, and kindred &masers whodiollen result Man those eases. here others have consigned them to hopeless despair. Be particularly josh. each as have— been Wog and onsocemsfulty teemed byntlmm to eon ealt him, when every satisfaction will be wen demand . their casot (rented I.earefol, thorooghand mtelligent 'manner, pointed mit 'by kola esperience,Medy and inl sesugadon, which It Is lonmesible for thews engaged in nendpraeltet. of otedielneto gate =pito eau o • saase frr Derma or Ropturo-,Dr. Brown. also mot poisons agleted with Muni to eta, as he lon pa: pardeohir auention this disease. • • Skin Dtseues; oleo Film; BahrY,Ote.. egwedilLeured •Elge r relits of either eon Sig in St diatoms by Wenn their dimars in writing, goosed sheerest,' toms, canobtain OW N * with threetione for use, by so:Wren:il' BROWNi 111. D. post ple./ and extols W gfiglio. Dissaand allay, opposite the Warmly •, de irr cur. n part . dela IMPORTANT TO Tlll5 ILAILES,..Cumese' A !Lair Cream, a matchless article for tho:Ctowth.. Beauty and Caste:rattan or the Ibis, • This.Crenni, when none known. will supersede all other Articles of the kind nowt:se& Where'll° hair is dead, kinhalint, as bealthy_or turning gray, ts few applieanons will who the bur sell and dark, and give it a beautiful lively - appearance; and will alsornake it retain at livelines• 'and healthy eclat twice as long as all the preparations which are generally used. 'Every Ipily and geollmeen who are, in habit of asn* Oils cm their bair,4hosild - at once Paschal: • bottle of the Chinese Ibis Cream, as it is on eotsPwed that it evil rod injure the heir like the other preparations, but will beautify it, and give perfect .sautfaction in every instance: • • • For tattle:weir to to very imperial. :ealltblieS, Pro the Adlowisg letter from Re, Ale.•Cildirelloo Messrs. Ileadembou. to Stretch, Nallitritb*GeneraLAgents ate the Western Stoles: • „ • • . "Loner from tha Rev. ILACridarefl,paSter of the Rtes hytenanCbutch,..PtilaskL Messes.Headanhon & Striteb—Gentleriert: I e Pleasure la adding toy testimony in favor at Mel gee ent pmparationealled Ds. Pariish's Chinese u Cream—for about me years ago.nly Masses veryd Wird, and disposed:to mare out: butlawriug prorate. bottlent.the Cream, and used h aceceding to the pro: scription;say hair is now son, <lune and-firm to the head. ' .many balsams and oi4 were applied cash vies my lair in a worse SLIM than before.- This Cream - however, bas met my expeetations. • As an artlelelto the Toilet. ray wife give* It prefer ence over alio:abets, belugdelieately warned, sad not duel/wed to raaeldhy. The ladles <specially will find the Chinese Cream to bee &Sidman:at 'm Weis prepa ration .for the totter.:. Respecifally, . • . ..-Poluld4.leary.7i A CALDWELL ld wholesale and retell; la Pluebargh by John 11 1 .Vwnsend, *No 45 Market street. attdJoel Nobler, center of Wood and Fifth . • • jeldtf CROFULA AND SCROFULOUS - SWELL INGS.--Serolula aio all. its melttplied forms, whether in that of Kings Evil, enlargements?. the glands or bone., Goitre, While Swelling". LbronlC Rheumatism, Censer, diseases of the Menai Spine, or of Polmouary Consumption, 'emattatetifrom one seed the lame mire, which is n poistmere, principle more or lens inherent ib the llamas, systole. 'There• fore, mile.. this principle min be destroyed, no radi cal core can be cdected, bat it the principle upon which the- disease depends, is removed. a cure medal neceletili , renew, no matter endeenhallerel the deems should manifest itself. Thir,rhercrere in the reason Irby Jane& ALTIeIIATITZ is eo veniallY +immoral in censoring se Meg ,maliguant diseases: destroys 'the vireo or pneciple from whteli these dimmers have their originibi eniciinc lute the eh:caption, and with the Went 1s 000007? to the minutest' fibre, iemoirier avettlairticle of disease from the system. Pinpared and goldlit•No. 11 Smith Thiel Street, Philadelphia, k , • Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, NAT: Fourth !nice . SKAIL,I• A 11..Z1 RICAN VILGIVRABLIG I lIENOVATINU PILLS."..f Forabein eats year, previews tomaki•aure of Zan acmes litertimatum . Pills, I have ...tiered ca ra mels from 4,0 D7414 . .1.134 au acid Stomach-: have made ere of • meat yams of medteine widart reeeivnti meterlal benefit. .Abort three months stare I t 001113.1.41 using 'lle &VI Medium,entirely relieved me (rem aeldlty at my stoutacp, and restored lee to comfor table hashlt. &armlet my friends susdebluatatauers have made um or the Pith., and nrecieed‘roach benefit fmm tl.ent. A can with confidence retetretheud them JANE A LEFeale Moran et - !old, wholesale and tomil, by II A PANNE: MOCK 4t. OD, catnesof Ist mod Wood, and Weal sidith PITTSBURGH' GAZETTE, i PUBLISHED DAILY. TILLIIIFJXLV, . - NVEZIELY 44 (Matte BdOBJID. 3d r&_, tworAo.f.4.l (70 4 : 4 SIALTRIV Orr ADVIL IN O. Onninoordoo or 15 Imes or .. 5 0 Two intertloos without altencion ...0 TS Tbroo " ' . . . .. ' I CO Om Week ‘' ' ! Two AVooks i • ...... 300 Tbrao " • I 4CO .. . . .... 750 Thies "- 1 , --: „ :_ ..... i"..i :,... Cry Genger advertisements In yea i'...r• re j to 00 One equa,6 m elba, without ultpluse:!:•. l6 cxt ", • . 5 U 9 • Each additieuasl square for 6 moredr..! - * Jo oo One squard,6 Sionibetreareiraldeltple:ra co it u git i„, .. . I . 10 CO Keel" additional sgearefor ISrae eta ,;;; l. 30 op Tuna uquesei, 6 znauli.r 4 .,.. t o, tr - 800 i Qie.s erlitillenulsqwo4 '"Ss , Priam On. squers,3 ifuerilose, .. .... _.,-....,.., .........S1 LO .- . cacti additional us.c.aret • .. at • : , sosillias ~c 5, ""? .: 1 ~,„ .. u. ... .. ...... 4. 600 rive lines or len. "ii - o r o - o tb,, ...i i, „•.4.4..4. 5 00 " " •e- o s ee Yell', daily seirly, 10 00 fi t ` t . ir sic moligo " , .'-- I 000. ' samr l7lo3l3 l , Th / 11 '. ITittF7 f rPli • . One tertaos i 155 50 for !0 lines, or lei, Oi.- - l u, „ ' ~.. . , * 0 so 'l*.e . _i ,'.••••1 3.5 IltOrJ , III,:o; ... ..3 60 . u u.". • ' Sii '. ' ' I I.ll.Am*. 600 . ' . 1 rrmt siiteHrtisements to dor . 6 . 7 —frqnre. asoirriseesetorzm ,t to om_pLwr!en! , ins . await or advertising e24eada 60 . rab per j eer. X ~ ',:.' • '..: '. --, - ...w.a1...eti. , , , i 1. f 660 Fitellllo eel ieg,thie ~....!,,yft,.., --'. ' ! • ..akr.. ll ? l lnt Ir *1,1,916 Y! : . . tAgg,' , ,fiat 4 ;: ,, LA , PS , 6 , •: . I . -..... 1 , ; - ,sfkifira - ata
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers