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A : •;;:' r .-1 .1 i''- , ' ... - '1•::.7.1... i, „, l it.,,wa k `f.N.i Miti:los2.l,ii: I IttliPtg'.'il. . * , ..iitz.i,:!:l4- ..,,,... , , , ..,...0,..1.; , :•„,,, , Lz:ii.,4,:-J4.3.:;•,.. • i17.„: , .:,i:;;•4.;.1 v . .:--:, 4;.:, ; ::: , i' , l; r , .4:„, ,, :' ,;•‘+';',::,' ' :``‘ : :''' : •' . :tii!i:' . .!* - 4.•,,. ;, . ' o:''.•l 4. ; : i .- 1 - 41- i t.:r..• - •:, - :.• •:' , Q!_.:. : ,` ~.:1 0 ...,t:'.\ ''l::4‘.;:q:'.*li• 4 . 4, :: 474 .•-"0 h,'i,* ..: '. .' • ..,, •,... , t z. ',. •;%;,..„._•fp.:,t0t.544,,.x., q:'. •; 1 4.Ntt." - :-::‘ :- .1* , '-' , 4 , •,. - ' , ','; 4 '.'' A c T4 i tv•P'..."'..„-- ; 4 '),),:,,g' t ~.. t. 1 , ..4..ftiii • 0 P., I'SW • - .., '1 1;. :1„ ..... -... , ,i...... , -,... , :A , , Z.• . 1 , t 1 • , - • : , i ',., ~7t i., : : 7 "'.,.:' .•.".':,,',...,,, •—• ..r , WP/P,11.,..hai bap Lai 20Java: Palmed; for amieg • • top t l costo,„ . .BURBRIDOR. mum+ a • 1.111-60 dot table cover 011 Cloths, 0 peat variety of Patterns, received from Phillip . Ville Laciarp Laramie at sr: apt 3 " • .Th A PHILLIPS `ri . „ VPIEr .21. itosipinr. one Dot comer of das and • Norksortroo. eiodosseed rseoivlng dig ....Mt/ Usods, ■ad isnitts do, sunset too tun. men sao . cos ocorroll 'IOHOVELWADENPORSkk. — Tbe..d.mitned bast:won appointed Agent for the We of the 'bon articles manufactond by A:d? Pormeec,.. Au o m en ddoeued to Lila ka.al will weirs prompt 'anemia!' at the lovvalosaufaciorreA comes 417 . Oat COCHRAN. ta wood st `TVILTLIC /OUP. nIeaTLE SCUP will be served op at Beale I . - 11 E ma, de, w..; every day at It o'clock. The lovers of Tertle Soap are partseohilly iovitr4. as j0r_eM01,14!'Lrri!"...A'......., ba swPassed.lidi! W . OOll, .t,"%11L, ash vi vte l l . 4 or all the diferen musprhr.t..l.r.e, tha wool warehouse; or Laberty al and Cecil's alley Bleaketa Shm.tlaiip WR. MURPHY Inug received a large supply of oabooo goode—oonsining of , coalman. medium. aed very eaperor Blankets and ghtHiPVI Awn one et arm rude, at notte-oatcorner of Fourth and Market 11141C111.: , • • •PO7 TaALIKASIL .001311TESPAAIRS—Anapply of 11 above boaanful goods. of rink lod while, Meek. and whoa, and Moe and white,yart reed at drf good lama . 19071 . 2dURPIIY WATER lILTERZ, (of parifyin*Walor for &ma i T log and (0i1y..... Teodoro* It ae clear and mottos Boring seater. They am la veryeitensom nee la the lia4ftro cities. Forialeby _.. Id. GFI COCIIRANOSerood LANNZLItt-2 esicai brown Plea els, onipenor ...!-% . 9: 4,1 .4' fast ree'd;for sale by GEO CARAN, Alet vrr h Ina ofnewe r. ' ni3 , 01011P11401 :•••1 .n yesunday,a band 5- 4 O i e. aillarireas I.linghalan, aaitabto fin tbe * ae o !_ son. leo n and Vteunia Planta Lor Ladiet' :)r: ii lr kw O sum rego at the dry Fogelman, or R ShIURPRY .101/1..PERJ,1300 bundles S.C. Straw Papal; 1000 band!. Md. Straw Paper, • - • % -MM reams ruled letter mad map paper; 9:0 tea and rag wrapping; reams due white timepaper; juat reed an for kale low by • REYNOLDS dc StIEE 'Jill I ' ' torpedo mad Irwin Pit 111L0-1200 We Bleached; • . . 1 e•lt Siwnxt; bbl• Tamens. ' •- • 1 2 1 N Lard:;1:0 BLACn' BURN by 110. *. t C O. val.. st .HAIVITSVAILITyst niailred; Wute Voib lintterty, A 4re:Vre, Chai . ay. wt h :lbbt Cbrpen .1 cram* s,m111; en:maul pi; saw., ke, for vale ' 'B.lO by . XIS IVOODW ELL _GROG_ Md. 24,0 Bud Pr; . R Suga bbl. N.O Molasses; „ .. • . 40 Au; ; 400 bus. arr •• n Wi C • ofer;• =I VP. . i t ; •3 !- r ralCbalkjitn received: kir sale by V. Cate • • RE BELLEW; The inaende prodigiea rfil/ieln and George, pupils of Mr. Nixon, form not the host intetestam tam of the *pentacle. (MAX. COEMS-8 bales just receive*, for ale by For fell deaenpdan of the performance, see hale and mat__ . - ESELLERS pa/noble. at die pnnci nal hotel.. oryl CEl===M Tess "mm BIICIDLTR=IIIdosest Tabs, - 150 des Baskets, on hand; for We by F 0 11.0 X—150 wits hot and, cold bun for sale by • - ROBISON &CO able large No 3 Mackerel; recel emtek for ode by Pr'3 N r:;'oo;!:l l ' fi nt Q V , VON sominciasr c 3,7: (not eng°"•° FIRS BIIICILIF—& itaperiot article nfiCopley's F ey land' for sale by__ • apt? • J W CIiATINVICK us T-I.tatet, r •.• Y. • t try •e 0.4, fatale by EHODEI3Ik ALCORN - t trsim st DACOI-10 ub Was, a prim aerie e fist tee', .1-P - TO for ode Mr • • V SELLERS CunP• "4-zGAMitiArot4tb, IQ "LICTAL-83'tora , Canal Metal, Slip flu, rung kr sale br & 31eCUTHEON .41 ett tiberts, a la aIEITAG.-1011 was Allegheny Slstal,Ora itil FaSsase, for sale by rod , R 3101.17THEIMS • IL RIMAL-100 664 krt sale by • S F VON BONNHORST & CO ' . • aS from st WOOL! MX% !r—Cult paidtar p . a. wool bV muarivra LES rptl3•ll ' w ' at • • • • .t.e..Stb SOAP - 1•N by Palm soap,; • • . 17 • 60 . 4 - extra I , aita Sara In`store: for sale 1 P 1 : 0 by DALZELL F aUIT-10 'sets ailed Apple.; , 4 do Peaches ixt non; ferule by tlbJ DALZELL wets, Side., Shadlders and Dried Deer by. the AL Cant or otheranse received finer Cinetenan and be sale by 1 J JORDAN - it NON. CILAY-121lks Censtaa Qv Islam, from canal; for sala by • Jl. BIDWELL, Agent spit* ; wale, at ICEO BUTTERjastreeehred;.kr k. M r sale by " WICK cCANDLEFS spin ear weed and water au lIAE/-1000lbe amart clued in .we; 1...1* by DIDWELL CREAIRTARTAR—IbbIsjosi reehitibr isle by . .;nlO R E SELLERS (VAL PIL+I3OXE3-1 csksJast ree'C lot We by Enlo 9 EIiELLF.RS EG LARD just received; tarsal.. by • WICK t MeCANDLESB Z.SELSO prime W It Gar •ale by WICK It IIeCANCILESS QALZBATIIII-10eiks Deart's (or We by r •A 7 DUO—! • WICK kMeCANDLOIS 0001\11-1110 star 111 Uaiad Ilaba gagar roc'd; got sato on accommodating forma by •• • • CiaßaOrlik M I:NIG MT. Ebb rt wII.E.V/EW—Ther 4eipt. &umbel Me sale el Y V otl3 ! IitORSEI.I ; o'4 • —'J esk • Venn. Cloy now landugg from ea ; tor sale hy C 1111)%li ELL. .111111CS-4 new lot; Jf 011, COl3lOOll Tbouquan and ahem - for ttle •LL J ULM) Jr. IX) • AV ' • lb* - • inex for , ode by IE DO Jr. CO2) • • k Batvivitter,cr-vrAiby !)uEIUA lopriribb, . , 0 .U 1 optlO WIC k. IdeCANDLESS O XALI ' Al3l"i I "INPFStPIUII; rood BELS — WAI eer sale by ase3o . • Wl= is MeCANDLYIYS "6 -1 1.011-10 bbls large No 3 Arnaud labdinfres ea -1-* • WIC mak. Sot sale by I DA ELL ILLNIS-:79olbljuss see'd;llN rot sale by .L , B . FAEWrOCK fr. CO ses9„ cot tit wad wood sis COPAL • VAJOILOH-310 Alm York mid Nam* cialok drylog Vamish tor wed &rule by • war • • • ft 16 so.,Lials,h7 woad st iv± Dias= 11011.9 M .t „ . 40 ft„ usts I ITAXIS----Cosataaa' and sagas nand eouraraly on i 1 band; tor IWO ratalesale and retail, by • alo - • 7 JORDAN NON L' 3 ll l N°° 4 '°' 3 m -- Wb°l - t . rigir'Abli , r SUX PaINGIE—Ii. 2, 21,.; Eld S . W . LS . ILA.!?IY-lw , f/ tites . lbi:ll6l tariseT • bbl. largo oT i 2010(bblO do 2; • . • roqrbbls • do Al,' 10 klus do A tor oiall by 0 BLACKBURN & CO MACKCIAISI.-104 is Lam Meterel aft wi livaNl, On sahk by ...011UM,Idef liLEW & Co liberty it a LIZ TS—tS p air largo Domestic laststa jot raealvedas tads ykastst•kt sale axt Ot.o COCHRSN iroodst .Ritairt—Pstals groanftrom dew diop, stle as the !avast and dricdPacsory,l7 Ott et.. 010 SSIODES &ALCORN IxlltißSM:=2lTrtinor albs St . . S !NON BONSIIOSST k. CO. .4 lig-113 St* W. for side by • It . •• .Of VON BONNHORST &CO 13111 1 / 1 1P—Rio bales impaleado. dew reued in wons, Al kr Nala by • L. HUTCHISON fr.. CO •a? • • • 4t water& Itifionta ass issatto post reed pit dad Fslnassat; (ha sad •an • ' • • ay /JORDAN k BON. IS !alerts at U lf .= 777 r mitliaisailLls-1110 Ibis u. Moluusi . - ALL • - • 7A do &H. dod Is mom for rflt •aU • • • ' ENGLISH*. BENNETT Vit?" 7ll lN sl- 12 2 b 1 : 1 " r • P IZO I SVIULtr br / eeficIONMAIDER :Sel t`LL itr—Wßl bxa sac - - MILLER key ofiSpstonolaalb MARGE VOA 84111 X-00 feat lanr,l4l , ' ;Et 31 dateatwo box. " on* ": • ' vort.130:1P010 ST hCO .." 1 - 9 1 CliredriritTle:48 dos boa Lataaa Sytay. br , T - • JJ lb. Placa at single. boit'A P , oll= - . • I 1101/1, no r and/lb na prntsll—riiti IfotorTiOptottne WM'S for oabil by J B.CIIOONMAKER ad CO Nom ot ...•SACKILLT 3-77 aleby,casko lentsa ia male ask!, far • 7 con falai raw, liberty .+ , PAPlLl4,—twe tassa.l.ll mum, ow. 4mi Jonas by JOHN 'Hcorr a co •• .A i • 1.. Pc.... ea oioue by • 1 , - a A B' clgtil&V;AM.l44 14 . 4 7 a Imola ia4 grot - errs, at Ow Mostard sad ttpica Fat - • . ,V7Ftftlo st. mild illiooE3b. ALCORN 1.132113M9.4-90 bp' Obto No 3 low, • IS bbla No 9, for NO. bY 1111 E lIE.33EL7Ori. . 3914 ,9 0 ONNood GlIOU• NEI MITER. bbl,. kip a . ad loozeo, .99 Loma !DO ocoutoody i t ti tig a = (I sm " ' ' 37 711111fIlool - N1A13113313.1[1- Mu buts No 3 Lam. for able by "' . • • ' -EDWARD imuniros Eat fade at Diurnal . ',...., P fIKOUN 0 ALL3PICE, CO',3lnAtb al u er:= -NX bblb,lasmaadbm:lldiagr , , ,. r....triertr .-tad at ale Illtila En ' •pi ' . 13110DMINA table air Land. ee, tMAITIT.,II PARK —SW .2 mi nro4, yam= b.a mmi fat w w wAIZACIR 1 AVM . nn WWI. SACIP, pr e ude ty . 10114wIr IMVAPI4Y, : 486 _ _ , MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT U. S. CIRCUS! -JOHN C. ILOWEL., Agent. • Ewan / M i ,' hibiti =rinaut. l rfia . Largrtr roablidment erd Orgisatunt counting 4/ 200 Mora and nonce, an la ITT ANC al TO inc UM. 23 Cite T..' Op-Will lea eTbib'ted to Nun of the Ant... Hotel, . Pittabutub on btoodey mad Taesday, the 07th .d Ltith of ilivicenbet 'ins Company will make Meier-sod proceisiou through the ptineurolatrecu, at it o'clock in Me usurolog, hea ded by Me great..., 31AtiiiIPIENT GOLDEN CHARIOT, drawn by du beamind main colored hones, end driven in • Lind by the miebtuted Mark Juhroim The eaten. is M undy enured with gird, the ulterior is lifted throughout with the netint crimson velvet and of sufficient capacity toseat3o peopla• ibis vehicle be altogether superior to the inte toed by VW. Amber& or nay . thin liar brainwenu the umwd I States. seal east the propeuters ffOltiat . Next noun the TOM TH GNU COACH, 0a1y . 37 indica in heiOt wed in weight about ICO iesundo this diminutive carriage fame a'novel sight of limit and when meowed with the ponderous Bind Chariot the contr. la wooderful and plormg, being drawn by two diminutive pa nics only ID Mama 112 heigh . t areoespented by postillion foot men, outriders, ir.c. Thu a followed by the L LOLO.I.IOTIVE OAL CARItlac;E, en which is duel imp a furnace,. gawoomer, pipes and other mitairet. (at. enormous expense) tor , theeetrusire establishment wh eh will be lighted mare brilliant Hu mid summer aun b r Mt bat of gas flowing from MU burn...— Tide nuttl eighteen only ben. at Howe's ft Co'.. United :dates Wrens After whichmeses a train ot3o cerritigm con pernirmer's wardrobes, - An count:land has been made for the.enuan with TIP: Kimp, the cekbrated clown firm ftstleita amphitheatre, Drug Limn. and other 11i... in Leaden, who from his unmantionable superiocity bas woo for, himself Me enviable soubriquet of the Modern Grimaldi. He ants twice car. op= le appear at data Wink, by epecial command of VJG Wiz, and was grained= of royalty, KU ham. to which few public perfonnere mold ever aspire.— iffejeary and Prawn Alb. were dm Gas to Auley's Royal Amphitheatre en the first ;reduction of the 0- mho of PlarkspinesYrulice. or Al rtiles of Nigh t 4 which miss entertainment will be gin= with aLI OriSOW effects at every mening'a perDrowom of the <company Hii anon- Whim: performancesoo • molting bared at to weed : end aeromplubing the moat novel Lau with atoning velocity— himself solely with his fret Kr. W. 0 Date, firM ithnespal Dincalnon and Vaulter 0000 barin g thrown the greatest nuniber of We (T 7/ ere , accomplished by nor Performer in the world. Ili. Stilt Vault/plc while in Encl.d. made.MA% sensation, DO penoriner 00 at atdo of dm Atlantic boring accomplished over GO or GO aomenots. • • , Mr. T. McFarind, the only rival in vaulting of Ali. Dalc i ond the hero of 79 sonicrsous, for which beholds ageld medal. 'the audience will bare an opportanity of seeing two of the greaiest vaulters in the world. ac tually contesting . the championship of 'their profession. Mrs. W.8. - Carrol, the hially admired and Assay cel ebrated female equestrian is attached in this company, and will Kip= in an unrivalled act of Eqonsrian in which She will inlaodaco Screw style of fettia,crititely Der own.' . . D. A Carrot the grew two horde rides: andyaatter an attached to dna COMpIAII. M. 0. W. Saran; hia . Shakapearisc thangeab A New Penny Paper. Proposals fur publishing to the City of PhiWeis phis, • new Deily Paper, to be allied DAILY' NEW. h,a the between Whig principle, and the prosperity oldie cur, and the preeenz pontoon of th e Whig parry of Pennsy Tanta and of the Union, here induced the subsenbers Lorin:mom the establishment of the above paper . . The NEWS will advocate Whigrrnneiplcis as migi 'wryespeunded by our forefather. of the Constitutions, and adnPnblhutd t he Whig by the t he pr ied organs and champions of the Whig canoe at the preeern deg. The prtopnenne refrain fmer toning forth n 'proven tas the peenliar propriety and pressing neemany ot the publicaucn of ;bold, energetic, and fearless Whig Pen ny Paper In this city. They are obvious TLis is an agent cheap Limier", and while the publirbers aim to etimblish the paper upon the basis of solid main. they 'meld place It within the reach of all bp ill cheapness. As ■ news, Commercial and business .papet, the RIM'S shall be second to none of im contemporar.i. The most ample resource. area l, cured for reeetvlng the .latex and most ,accurate loca foreign and domestic Intelligence. :Nothing indchcate or offensive to a refined one will be admitted into this e aper. Tearia—The NEW will be delis ered to subsenisers day . ir tents pel%week. payable to e‘rricr erety Salo day Nail subsotibets et per annum. EVAN 2, PAA.SoN &CO Philadelphia, Ailtut 27,1E47. smith( GOODS sou FALL. _ _ . R ROBISON .t1:i1 • - up' H. MUHPnY,wen corner of 4th and Marker e street!, has mew opened his first Fall rupply of Goods—parealar snenten as invited in 111. large sortmentof Drew Ginghams, inclnatna new and beau tiful styles of Fan wear; t ranch, very henry and riehl an*, Qttion'y fa Window. Pladepltretvon nee Cal.' ifornia do.; black and. Fancy Stlkatthway Apaecas, including acme very typerior Elan vy Blackoak Inc hlantilloc,Stawla In every artery; e I4nalit• and Irish Linena Edging+ and Insentuart of new and bondman apt.; tinglith wul Weth Flan tMl.; and for Dewy. layman tall wrorunent of Bread cloth, and Cayslweres, 'Wettings, Pocketlfdkfa, ne., and all at very low pteez (1711erchannt are Invited to examine ho lame week jaw opened In his Wholesale Dan.. op mire, rater wrath street where win bete.. • Chown rtoartment a! Drew Goods and Dry Goods generally, at a trldota advance on Fasten cost ; rept I krt seen 11201LqP.1. TNISSOLVTiON—Ths Coquartnenlnp Nu og be LP of A M January of ittacsviNe. and Uporge 11 Tayior o(Q:thinned. under the firm ofiaintaiy & Tay lar.ll this day d tssoleed by 1320,[131 consent The ham ragas of the firm will be settled by George if Taylor. A SIJANCTARY. tptl3 GPM 11 TAYLOR In cettrlng from the above tinn I take preen pleascre • recerrattending m mrfnendst — ind the pahl,c generally •• y late partner, and hii new on gentl emen Leery gray worthy their confidence, and ask or thou a • • • • • e of the patronage extended to the late firm. ht 7re:4U/tar CO.PART/lERSII P—Geo 11 Taylor has ass. elated with him, Mr Thom G Cidrome, law commis. awn and kewarding merchant at Pittsburgh, and will combood the busbies. of the law firm of January &Tay lor. under Ow etyle orraylor AL Od,ororptileidt Agency. Commimiiim and Portrardiag Merchama, Na 14 and II Columbia at, a. few doors west of Main, Cincinnati, 9. nay reaps:oddly Offertheir urn es m the pabbe m that 01011TA'a_ t,OR THOS G ODIORNE 17.1.1UETT 434101).t;. FOR :ALE 131"nili QAz.l:lett I[..T • Ir. F. TODD bass jest recessed direct grow lb I.l.Manufac fusers— %teases fine, h fine r and 8 8 Gue leery Coml., use's diet all dm various sixes. eases Nonh's best Silvered !look. and Eyes, incl ding all the numbers. 9 eases Carpet Bags, manufactured from the fines quality Walton, gunny and Bra-tel. Carpeting. /knot/Mi. ease of,those potent swivel joist huspend ens.but opened and for sale at Manufacturers pne to elate consignment, by II & E TODD, Ma , afamorer Agents ' s% Food st, op maims:2door. belosr gad st. An thatch:moon of the coals end petces a retro folly whetted. sett? ±bIJL D. AINSWORTH respectfully unrolling to am E . E eniunaof Pia.burgb. Vial hm rooms in Burke,' Budding, Pototh.st., are now open for the reception of Ladies sad Gentlemen who w,oh to mquire a Imantiful hand.fiariting. Mr. A. from bislang es pf.rlence in tench. log has no hesitation in guaranteeing to all who become Magoupila a complete style of Chinograpby. y o f orna mental hand used by those who Ell rotrie l do k eeinscommill be imparted to inn pupil. Gentlemen can sante any hour between 3 nd 12 O'clock, forenoon, and between 1 nod 2 aileron°. A clam will also write at candle lighting. Ladies will moth m 1 o'clock. atternoon. . spnil Ithra Cheap Gala Watches. ' VET mewed • handsome lot of Ladles , Gold Pate. J Lever Watches as ley as Arty deLtan, with fin told caws, sod 'animated to keep &cod time. /Owl, Wee shonmentof higher pricedoncaotnequalled h tohre in beast) and quality. Also, Ladies. Gold Watches of handsome panelna low se $30,03 and 1533,10, warranted. W W WILSON Original s , l3ollwar Melaka,. XPEILIENCED Judge% on a Arial of one and a half s million., since 1E43, pronounce this article am, pausal:lr durability In the nonstrociton of all kinds of Femme.. , Price 5Z,73 cash for bolt leads of 10 M, =r ea m' IfriCrs ' esTge== . 4Tlll, 1 9 .0 " d7 aired, - wilitout roaranma di cock of the firm goality I. pow smelting and for sada at the warehouse, .21:tuan's Wituf,"Canal Basin, by .1 sue* kr.t . CLAREN nytett Kensington iroaWorks QALERSTUIS AND GLUE FACTORY POE BALE. Adoilotstratersof tm It Jam. MeLerlablin, offer for mkt the sMabllsbrneet situate rn Ninth Ward, formerly earned oe by bud, in Ms fife time; as a Balers: tits and Glue Factory. Ins work. min complete order kr urn ingen the besineas,withSztaret,ac,mtd ready for commencing o any time. A liberal credit will be given, and•all particulars made known by maim; on either of he ander&gned. --JANIFS MANS:LI, • JOHN MITCHELL, .pie Administrates DINNERS -At the. Aittentewe—The psopnetors of the Athens= Refreshment apanthent will pet a Menet table punctually it I deloek,k each day, eothweneing on Weds way, th e 2:11. inst. ' The table will be appalled with the beet that the attract atrordp. nosiness men are reapeettally invited re call. &SS PECE, THOMPSON k CO .E. J. nuaray, • ATTORNEY and Counserlor st Law.CINCINNATI, OHIO. Collections in Southern Ohio and in Indiana and in Kentucky, promptly and enrenfily attended to. Comm.smoner for the Slate of PeansylianiaLfor taking Depositions, acknowledgements, hat. Reiss so—lfon Wm lien & Son, Curtis. Chareh Carothers. Wm Hays. Esq., wilinek-aD2Vill. • 1.23 10p bXX)MMENDED BY TIIE,MED/CAL FACULTY A.—Butler's FAterveacentlalagadia Aperlentfor Dys pepsia or hobos nion, Nervous Debillty,.Gidainess, ttextl7.4,ebs, Aciday of tba Stowell, Habitual Cosa so ne”, Cutaneous Diseases, Gout, Gravel, Rt. sad highly valued as agoutis, cooling rargativ. Prepared by 11 llboaast; London. J ast revoked sad far sale by J D SIOROA spit 3 : Druggist-Mt N st EIT. OF VANILLA, PORII.CONCENI'HATED This pfepurEion einnelanientes n peeollar .Ad do• lighlful deem , to Jellie., tenet,., elates, ;miry, let eerie., chocolate, sada!t kind. of Cenci onnkery, Co br JOll isi D AILLROAN Droneifl TillgiOLUTlOlf —The co-partuerdrip heretofore enisenit between the subrerihers. under the style of J D Wlllunu & Co, is dor du y dtrsolred by mutual consent. The begin°ss will be connected by JD who is duly unharmed 16 the 110[00.11$ of the tale firm. J D THUS MILLEtt Pilisharab,Septi.l6. l7 . spell( VLANNELS—IIed, grown and barred Planned J; Ap additional supply received from the 1 / 1 1.11.LA. taws. Also, a few pieces low 'priced Cars;netin• (. We by ar.x) cocilitA:4 . 402 . .. _ :d.,!G wood et Ti11;BIAN Mill BALI SUGARS-13 bbl. Love. ring's noshed and pulverised No I ankle on band sad receiving; (ornate woo or retail nt do Wait *tort of JACOB WEAVER . 003 --16 tor markt% front an: — A" VG=Tit V - D . BROWN 21111RIRTIRIA .r.a. —A fall supply of Otose lastly teIe:WAN Brown abetting" constantly on bond and fir saki at namable mompoets by SHACKLE:TEA Will tE aptla Oa wood at _ .lATANTED-10.030 ba Wheat, far which thabint, tam:kat print in east., will tit paid by & W lIARBAUUII, 9 wood at bEllll:lll.—bialph AlOrabie, Acetale Alorphtne, Eau Belled Randelian. Remain, 11) . O•ninlooll. BelLadano..Strainonnauna. Halk, nun Coltioynth comp. Jam yeentioad fresh and good; (or stir by 2513 JOHN LI mononm PELIST6-1. supply of newest Win s Inelodlng .o 'patch-work panetns, wep adapted Its Qui/ts and Comforts, of dry goods house of —6047 : %V it MURPHY CMIITYLSG DILA 00 lIT PLOUGH:lit—Just ra .aeived hula the Eatt soppy arPtooghs are yeti uittnalt, ppl gaudily at th oi e o.4llstal3Nre, rW/CK ner or Woad and ISUea EltStiAli COMRCIAL RECORD. anima 11117 . SEPTEMBER' . _ San 1 Moos sets I dies 16 Thursday. 541 17 Friday • 542 15 Saturday 6 43 19 Sunday 5 44 50 Monday 5 45 2I Tuesday 546 '22 IVeduesday 547 10 16 11 6 litt quarter morn 2 a 0 I • 2 6 8 6 7 G 6 6 3 6 1 6 0 6 10 . alowersentrtof the Ocean Steamers. Steamers. Captains. Leave Amer. Leave Marone- Orkonnin, Ilk) Morrison, Oct 1 Sept 4 INbtt'att,Ohl Byre,. Oct 111 Sept IS Padlodelpein,(FOßemon Cm I Sept 15 _Union, ISO llortme, Sept an -- , Mitteari, (Fr) Morin, Oct 30 Sept .10 Cambria, (Be). /linkup , Noe I Oct t' New York. (Sr) 'Farrand, Sept 13 - Oct IS W. , Mon, lin) Hews, Sept in • Oct IS Caledeuit, (Br) 1(00, Sept 16 Oct IS PITTSIBUROU HOARD OF TRADE, COILIIITTEF. FOR SEPTEMBER J.. DALZELL. V. %V HAACK. IT.S. ?OTTE X. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR IHI. Steam Boat Packet Line, leaves doily for Cie , eienati, IS ♦. 11. Peg enner Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 a. r and 6 r. N. CanO Packet Line to.Philudelphia, daily, 9 r. r. • Mail' Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9.0. 11 and 124 r. Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6s. North Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 A. u. Erie ant Western New Turk, daily, 9*. Noah Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, except Sae days, 4 A. M. ARRIVAL AND DEPARVIIREs OF MAILS. Eastvim Mmil via Philadelphia, due, 3 A. 51„ closes 14 51. Western Alai!, 6ineinnati and Louisville, due 8 P Al., closes 5 A. AL Southern Mail via Baltimore and Washington, due IS P. M., cloaca 5 A. M. North Wasters, via Cleveland, due 10 A. Al., Clone 19 A. M.. Erie and Western New York, due 8 P. M., closes A. Al. °writes PITTWILIRCIII GAZETTE, • Satarday hionaing, September 53. to chntequence or the beery rain which tell throughout the day on Saturday, business was core. _pletel*t a dam!, and nothing occurred to the mar. ket worth noting. The priceu continue entirely withoutchauge. The tier heights on Tueiday last, to Cincinnati, were 1.10 p lON on Satarday morning they bad fallen to 1,25, and to day we anticipate a still ler. thee reduction; and 'as many of one commiulon houses 'aro completely bloCked up with goods for shipment to the wrest, the present week will prober bly be one of more than ordinary activity nod bar i'esaSve.rante CANAL AND RAILROAD TOLLS. —The Harvisburgh Union gives the following Mate meet of the emount of tolls received on the Canal. and Iladroads of this State, during- the month o Aognst, ind the total receipt. from 30th November 1616,0114 September, 1847: • I Total since orrtcu For Aug 30th Nor, -Easton rl-- ' 17,94!5! 92,53754 Ness Hope . 1,091 91 5239 33 Iles:el ' 629 99 15,758 59 Plilladelptiis 42..549 18 :151.085 51 1'a0h....4.... —.1,378 52 11,10 21 l'aikergblirg 1 431 73 24.038 94 tAlielliteT 1,93995 46,498 74 Colombia 31.7'5 51 5)),071 99 Portamott'tb c 1.44444- • 8, 9 15 64 Harrisbuig " ' 1 885 35 15930 49 . Newport' •Al 2 84 ' 4,04409 _ Lesriatosiin 811 77 13,155 07 - HuntingtiOn 535 W 10,919 47 Hollita7#mrs • ,1415149 111,445 16 20601034 m 19,616 E 5 . L 11,51315 Blairsaille 1 609 81 11 Oat 93 Freeport" 390 36 3,41530 Pittsburg/1 14,972 33 113,069 68 Otionsbur; 1 COBO4 14 Vil 18 Williamsport 695 67 798065 Nortroatobii land 1742 83 33,3!141 Boma 11 •01.050 50 75.3090 LtrerpooLi --••937 :1 7,753E6 SebuylkilliViaduet 31 115 Z:il 25 Port‘mil Outlet Lodi 1600 1,=12.7 Swatara A uoshict Bri4p,e - .1 41 311 93 Duncan's Island Uriilge 105 03 !,17041 Towll Same peritd. 1846, $19i,73211 1.^.11,37309 1.16,313 71 847,7J1 bX increase - In 11347, — lCnir .01t . most tropartnot Imitate ofltho market daring tho paid year, is the large increase io the'receipts of hreallstalFs, the rm parteof wisich, for the year H 47, from the interior being nearix doable these oristii. lior csports hare. at, been correspondingly lane. The editOrof the N. O. Prices Carnet, in his an. nasal RevieW of the Markets, dwells lengthily on the trade in breadatuffs From this intermition re, port we gather the following Matiancr. s fhe nceMm of nom hare been about doable those of la.t year, being 1.617476 hats., attains' 837E.W..5 bbl.. last season, or about hen timer as much to was received ten yens ego. Thoinereme in the receipts 01 Indian corn, hare alto been remarkable, the re. ceipta this semonbeing equal to 7.065,030 bra. against 3,,c43,000 last year, or more than levee times no much as was receired ten years ago. The receipts of wheat hare always been fluctuatirg, but daring the pat two years the inzremo has boo immense In 1813.46, tile amount received was . more than qaadruple that of any previous year, being equal to 1,670600 but. %ain't P'l, 3,000 bus. • Oar total escorts of gear are, 1,319,50 G bble. of which 671,335, went to Great Britidn and Ireland; 314,479 to France and the Continent,llo,276 to the Went Indira, and the remainder to coastwise ports, Of Indian corn, the total exports are equal to 6,- 3113,000 be: of which 5.186,330 be. wereseet to Great Britain and Ireland; 4,190 to France and the Conti neot, cad 364,545 to the West Indies. Of wheat 818,770 bur, went to Great Britain and Ireland, and 304,338 to France and the Continent. . Of flour, the higiert price was in June, when it sold at-SG:M.-the lowest once was in .y.eptember. when the article commanded only SI 25 a 33 374 per abl. Wheat, highest point La Jane, SI 60 es SI 65 p he, Corn, highest point In Femur", SI 00 a St 10; lowest point, Sept, S4O a 45 p ha. This hex closed the most important andemeiting years our country has ever witnessed, and the city of New Orleans has shared largely In the trade:- goading neat In-New York in the amount of her trade, The Sugar crop is .object to great variations in different 'aura, and Jo therefore a leas reliable arti cle of culture than area cotton, and touch leaf so than most otherproducta of the soil. Then the crop amounted: ••• its 11139 to 115030 bbds. In 1840 to 87.003 aid.. 11111 to 911,000 ." lE4'2 to 140,000 ,1 1E143 to 100,000 " 11144 to W 3,000 4 1 1343 to 186,000. " 1816 to 140,003 BOATS LAYING THIS DAT• D. LEECH 6n Co'.. PACKET,' ebiladelphia and Baltimore. 9 r. M. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS it B A. ■. Rad 6 • BEAVER PACKETS at 9 sad 10 , ' 111 sod 3 r MONONGAHELA CITY PACED'S, 3 r,. m. DISPATCH, N CAMBRIA, St Laois. • . 1 ALERT, Chu PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 2 /WET 3 111C1113 RATER-. 111,11,0 ARRIVED. Consul. Bowman. Brownsville.. LAM. hlcLime. Bennett. Brownsville. Despatch, Nelimn, Mon. City. Skipper, Beaver. , , Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Mint, No S. Cin. • Newark, Hurd, Zanesville. Financier, Rai rman, Oriente, Day. Zanesville Friendelsip, Davis, Cln. • Danube, Cock, Cm. Rio Grande, Connolly, Louisville. .Eureka, Crozier, Louisville. DEFARTBD.' - . Consul. Bowman. Brownsville. Loins McLane, Bennett. Brownsville Monterey. Woodward, Brownsville. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Skipper,-, Beaver. Magnet, Carothers, Cincinnati. Caroline. Hap, Con. Davi.* Young, Cin. To Gemara and Tea Dealers. TIDE PII4.ADELPHIA AND NEty YORK pRKIN - I'EA COMPANY. • - No. 35 North Front Street, Philadelphia HAYING received their Fall PFlock or Fresh TEAS, aro now prepared to famieh orders from a dtremee. . on by the Ilalf Chest,or peeked lit thew preu• that style , at prices as low nanny other establiebturat in rye Mooed Sows. For sale -110 hf elm, Young Ilyeon, (low grades arid finei) ' 100 Ibv 'extra Nicer Leaf do; . • tw chsta end h( rhos Gunpowder (tine and extra ) 110 do • do and boxes Itoperiallfiec,extra and low grades;) 110 elobt old II yown (vaenns grades)) 250 hf chtts and boa line Oolongs (various) litm do •do Ding Veep do, ISd .do Powchonga (Clnalan and other fleverei/ oasts). and Flowery recent's, Enghsh Bteakfast .Tens,ke. he. • This Company establish no exclusive agencies of any kind natal Phd adel shin, but (welshes Teas packed in eq d pound paekeges,bee ring their own name to the general trade of • quality equal to one *old in the O. States, it the rune mum. and pledge themselves tore. fund the money for all dial does not men entire satisfac tion. AIeCALLMONB& SIOND No 23 North Front Street Wholesale Depot of the Company N. B. Orders from • distance annealed faithfully and d. i ItratADALE the Agent of Me Company is Mi. city, and will con span titocen sod Tan Dealer. 'STEAMBOATS. POLL TILE SAULT STE MARIE. The steamboat DETROIT. Copt. IL Cottrell. Will conttinescri nothing he tuica Detroit and the Sault Ste Marie on Jane 22d, tooling weekly trip; during the rcoutkoler or the •aeon, leav:n2 Detroit every Tuesday alt o'clock, I'. The Detroit it one year old, bas &powerful low pre. tore engine. nod Is well adapted to the 1 , :111111 trade For Froi g nt or Estata a a apply 00 Lanni. or to C unnouuttsk CO Cleveland Pi ELBERT, Dalton iltll-4m • F w.LAwsort FO4 ST WiTIS-THIS DAY g b . The fast tanning U S elm jaiLw Fo CAMBR.I.JI, above atill u intet ' l ' elra i rp ' o e rt:. " fr . .ll j or . passage appWliff . i.d o.ro wn,„ FOR CINCINNATI—REGULAR PACKET. ' The ...sand Bahr draught stmt LOYAL, HANNA, JP Jack so star- will leave for 11/Ktire. E iM u ll and totem' eliate ' potti on Monday, the 13th jog at Ifl o'clock, • N. For freight or passage, having superior a , COMISPII2- 8011, apply to J NEWTON JONI:st 027 Monongahela Howe FOR ST LOUIS—REGULAR PACKET. Th"lebir.R and NAT; Er, '" Atkidson. master, trill learn as above rsday at IP o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board. aO3 ' REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET' , The new, light draught and foul ron ning.eteamer ' Mike:KA, , Crover mster. will run as a regular et between Pitburgh arld Louis 'We, daring the acto pack r a . film taunts ts Saturday', August 11. at 10 o'clock. For freighter passage apply nu boast. ari Itelfaiiii /knave r iiidlifilgi.iiP — ieTc - C 4 The new and fain runnina steamboat f • CALEB COPE. ~,...,:lq,• Stoles,master, built expressly for this - . -...-. trade, will ran as a regular Packet to Beaver and Olevgniv—icaubra Pt.. burgh daily at 3 o'clock, e. is., and running in Glaecow, Imontb of Sandy and Beaver Canalion blonclayi.Wccl neaday. and Friday. For freight or passage to Beaver. New I..stion,or the towns West and North of New Lisboa, apply on board orb ley Ses W 11Alt0 AIN:II. 3•1 wood street —7 - kittiliiiiifiTiaiCtiaiiiGE — Prieket7 -- The newlandane steamer Mk. lIIIDSON, Ebben, master, but renamed her re ular alps and writ leave Pittsburgh as above every Thursday .d Mon. day at 3 o'cbriek,P. M. Far freight or passage apply on board. octi . . . lIELA CITY PACKET. ' . nallevThe now stenmer DESPATCH, Alolceso. master, will run as above; leo log Pasburch every Alond!sy, %N I .1 nosdny and Poen r,ust ok o'clock. A. M.. anal Anne:ma. bola City every Tos.ly, Thursday nod easorday.ll o'clock, A. Al. For Ile Lea or oasage apply on bond nag%biz Pittsburg% and Souris Ills. Packet. TUE Inglo.drameht Warner NrAveux, • flood, Marter,Wlil make weekly tor..t. A to thr . obovn pro tduong For iroighE or aaaa nvoly boL rd or In rtn7 D WILKINS: Ace, EXPRESS LINES, Scc To Traselter.. •"EZPREB6 EAST PACMJECT LINZ" iVeNNE FO2 • MEM PDLLADELPHIA AND DLLTI3IOII.I4. ).Kuulatiedy J. Pravarers ) THE Canal sad Railroad bung nose in excellent order, the Packets of this Line 101 l learn torah pas- Imagers as follows. every night at 9 o'clock: Packet Kentucky. Truhy, Monday, Scut 12. - do Ohio, Cratgr Tuesday. Sept It • do Inithana, lierkey, Wkd resday. ?apt 15. do Lotrinana,Tlionspron. Thursday. Sept 10. do 'feat= ky, Friday, eept -- do Ohio. Crain, Saturday, Sept Pi. do Indiana. Bet key, Sunday. Runt 19. do Loulsivia, Thompson, Monday, Sept do Kentacky, ?ruby, Tuesday. Sept 21. do Ohio, Craig, Wedrraday. ...:111 do Indiana. Ilorkey, Thortouy, Sept 23 do Louistana, Thompson., Friday, Sept 21. do Kentucky, 'Pushy. Saturday. Sept 'a. do Ohio, Crain, Sunday, Sept at If you dame cheap trovelonn and tantrum:de arenas siodruions, secure your ticket, at the Packet tutee Mooonotticla House, Water street. or of It 1.23 , Cit k Co, Cara` Basin GREENE, G. CO'S JUZI. EASTERN k WESTERN EIPEERS, xx AU ~.61- 1„ ,.1 1 :;',,,- , °,ZL.2 . l:e"l:7rdlit'Ze=wrltirtlrg bclwetu, Pit:share'tad the Eam, tonaecling Bake CllOl. wish Adam. end Cetnpan, • Exptrat daily, fur all to ptiociqel Fatten, Packapd el all rite. 'centred and ' forwarded daily to Wow ntrgle per Krum eta Loais MeLaor aud Consul, and Pear. rey nor Ex. rear warrantee lc lerlt aro underlne.L.,loCambldatel and thence by mail tram to Ualtiraem. For l'are• par•i•minta etaptare at St Charlet, Hotel baihliaga, Waal sure', jy30.1) , 11G VICKFRV Aarnt •• • 14CLIPOIO ...Yin , " DAY LIAIIL.," — - DIETWY:EY lIRDtV NoVILLB AN it til`11111:!1- .1) LAND, le mem fanning etrly ony, carry tog 7.000 Ito of :e nd, and Previote tome ern td,dve pointa Atmehardlige keno the Tao le delivered In rm.:meet on the ntßhl di the third day room Curnherlang—trsting this De t dllio6ll Innto for getting out Boo& from the Eaetern Can, . Th. Agent in Baltimore will gyve receipt ae to time and mat. The only Agents Rex .1 C BIDWELL. Eauk , tirth W - S. MAGUIRE, Cum'd J 0 RODINSON. Y. 09 Lig!.l at, nl•:.'tm ' , Par Emu 111• A V&K,, WA51.11.1511 & tir•EVILLAND LINE OF CANAL I'ACIOII - 3 AND STAUF.II. .I,ACW "r . .ETS TELF.O APO & SWALIA.OV LEAVE rower daily a Aaclock. , a.,after the articaloithe oteatutwat BEAVEII froml'i and arrive. at Warren next monde.: in ..IAL•011 far the Stsiwo which reach Cie. elan) before nicht. Yat.en,,r. er. , , I.e rert weorie,,•l..itOt on the F0e..., at.l •.,. , t• in tit. 'Some. on upplieatiou .IniLmi,olAt 13.ay.r. [tow ittg Patstiorgit At 5 o'clock, a. RI-jer to the sprout 0 hl I lARTON & Co, Fitt•lturth CLARKE &Co. 11.eteet JE. , IOIIIAI,OWIfi, Youngstown •pl 5 51 It TAYLOR, IVorrea STAR No CLOTHING STORE, 70 Pa. • • AhICKER fr. SIAYEII would Cl'pectfal/y announce to the ettiuns of Pauburah and Yrtucty that they lane procured, the serviced of John Garvey.—recuuty of 13tvadway, New York—tuft/mann of their extatoatu meal This gentleman having been creatively engaged in the MM.m business, exclusively, in ale rose city toe the last ten yearn is welt known by that fashionable community and a universally acknowledged to be a cotter orb reat •eq o acme.. We will be month, supplied with Parisian feriae., which will give tis the advantage of Deering oar cave men the latestand newest 'style. Gentlemen who are desirous dr adorning their lament, can, by calling at the Original Par, be secommodeled. dlt artiekis hoot this establishment will bit warrant ed in every particular,. no trouble-or expense will be wraing on oar part moaned general sang:action , . We have lost reeetv.ed a splendid mock or brench aid English Omen, ()live and CLs• ret Cloths. Black 7312 F, Brciwn and Cher= Beam Cloth.. English Pilot C:oths. Ftideorrimeret IRA Mohr for Soaks and Iluothers Coats. French Doe Skinii,plain stud figured. Do fancy COSIII6ICMI. English do do. Ako. a largo for of American Cloths and Carsimores French aonor out Velvets for resungs. Do Black and fancy Sniin.. Do do do rink.. - Do do do Cashmere, and ail tube?. pertaining to eitalmainam. We have an advantage that fear hot** in the Weal have, being connected with 1.13 LA both In New York anJ Conlon wire will keep en regniarlyt supplied vritb the tweet European .191 as of geode. AL.,3O—W•II be kept nonvtantly on k a general astortment of ready made Clothing. Together midi Show. Drawers ' under Klima (Wow, Caen, newts, Gnaws, Gioves. Suspenders, ke • AfiClildtt h MAYER • Suu Clouthig Store.7o •rood •1 N. U. AU ardent will be promptly atiomled.m. .w 7 titc - wrizat PEINth PLATINATED . UALVANIC ROCESS! AIS good e. Gold Pens Eighteen Centro Cud, con raining %/Pens, with a good Pen Holder. Pen No I suitable rot running bend; 2 Secretary band; 3 rand do; 4 " " Italia do; . 6" oft! English black letter; 6 " " Lady's flood. F.ach Card contains twenty Pcnst with a good Pen lands, •• • • Thn Pen No 4 N principuliy owd in Mints and Drawing &loin, The Pen No 5 for copying MIO, Marking parcels, The Pen Nos I and 2 (or Rank Noun Siena:ore., es these Pen. never eat the paper.lovrever Gee, or Low e heavy the band may he. t Money refjanded m an cards Where the shove Pe. So not gore enthrketion• Pold by PUII:2I4ON &STOCNTU.N.'Pooknellere. 7 l emcee( Market and Third rte. ' . . . - - “A f N P. -- u a A - Ock - iv ith..--:46..,;1. ~,,LhU ra following brand.— 4 e lloektborner, IWiur,lllumnt d.: l'el • floekheiwor, IKIlr, llookell tk Co; Fludeelwaner.l..:ll.; ' • neiseithettner, NMI Mo. ellellll4.lel, 1 , 11 r; Jolaunosluoger, Lunn; tiporkling Moselle; Sporkliog llockheintett lust in .e and for ludo by Ihe now or eingle bottle to ilso Wine Store of spite . J A.Coll WY:A V/tlt ... ... . _ „ _ _ .. rilon A IGICO—Io 1., IIIIii:18 i - ion & 114108 5. Lyme, _ .1. 10 bnocs Ayr', 5. Lump; 10 do 11114401 & Robison's:it lamp, (superior) 10 do Nlc & hlc's S. Pp tin 'dog; . 10 do Howlett's So do; ..,. 0 do 3(110.1. & SOrl to hunr; .;. MI ben Ord, & Brothels 0 Lorin; 10 go l'in.borgb Flog. • • 6 bio Win's 'lb, on bond, fro role by .1 It It MAW 1). Ilei liborly-ot 13 ICE FLAB/IL for ante et the Mouton, and Spire LL Factory No 27 Fifth meet. So halo secant to to known in the community oldie 'Dille or Rice Flour in poorer cooking, and or it wholeernee deliroey fur the that we hove concluded to forni.lin lint of printed recoils [which oar eustomera non have nrittiea for making nice Floor Bread in lent, do JohnoY coke , , ran, oponne cake, mixed e *ken. blone toenSci keyire. no 20 R 11011 1, 4, It ALCORN DA RENTS IJ SEI,Lt:A .I. POPULAR EVERYWHERE: Gazoovne.:4lfa . July 21 1817. Mr. 17 P.Grahona—Bear Str-el purr'. aeit of you two tattle% of Sellers , Ve rthifuge • tint! codanot of one bot tle le IWO of toy children. which broneht from one 180 ammo, and from the other 19l 1 recommend it to the community mmal' the !M.( temidies lhave over teen or ousel for the removal of worms. Youro, reectrullr. Doao TftomoroO,Elr Preparrd and .old by ft E 6 Sy Wood at., Fetoreon 3rd and 4th ns. Sold by Dr. Carral,ah Ward; P. by Corn A lleg4ony r on. =plld YOU PUBILLAIgggIOUS BUOUADOEL I VVIIOSE nteallnesscart count yours? Look at your fair young aite, with hos bright...ay Inec! Look at your own, pitted with eruptions and blotches! Yet you to too mean to glee fifty cents fora eake Of the, real Italia. Chemical Soap, which would merely fnee you from them, and , make your yellow skin clear • and healthy. Go at nue. tolackswes Blom, Int Liberty at lquallesch,and get a coke. , N B 'Jackson's lathe only place in Tinshavgh wham the GENUINE is to be obutined. Min. of Counter feits. . . irrOBVEAVE ko Ili[ Bout stands zn the ikoonfirj: TRANSPORTATION LINES. MELIA/WE P,OWVALIVE 130.V1. LIM E. • allarah 1847. - FOB. 'IMANSPOIitTING TWEEN pirrsitußGH Ara) THE EASTERN CITIES, WrillaUT XitagatilYNCNT. IIE unproved method of carrying used by this long T Estaldedned Ldne, is node ea well known that de- Peti mien unneceoloy. Good. are not touched on the route, tbs. all transhipment or extra handling is saved. The Omats are mr,light drought and perform their yips in from six to rearm dava. The capacity or our Warehouses enable.. es to store any cans:rumen. made to as. Reccivinc,aturing, and advance. free or charges. Being fully prepared to make sales of Produce, are respectfully solicit wlnsignmenw of western Flour, Bacon, Lard, Honer, CheesOl Wont, realbers. and other artieleg for sale, on which liberal advances will be toads and other usual (=Hines alionded, pledginvour selves that any business ties to as &ball be as promptly eceem JN ed and upon as falr terms a, by any other boast. O iIIaPADDEN k Canal Basin. Pittsburgh SASH DAVW at Co meld tt Rth and^3l ftlarhat at, Philaila PITTSBURGH & CLEVELAND LINR. s aA 1846. Mai . • IL Clarke. 11. Hoops. T. A ehmond & - CLARKE & CO., Forwarding & Commission Merchants, BEAVER. PA. • THE Agents end Proprietors of this Line (so favor ably known to the public), will be prepared on the earliest opening of canal navigation to weeiveprop erty at Pittsburgh and Deaver, and deliver the setae at any paint on the Ohio canals, and alt. on Lek. Erie mil Michigan, with the greatest derpateh and , at rens. enable rates. The proprietors of Ens line solicit the business of their former customers with enniidenee, knowing that, their facilities are reread to none. Apply to or address Ci PIIIARTON, Ant, Pittsburgh. CLARKE & Co, Beaver. Jen2Cl T RICHAIOND Ze Cc f smiland. Ea2=1847 PENT/KM/AMA. CANAL & RAILROAD • EXPEED3 MST PACKET 'Awe PITTSBURG!! To PI! !LADS:. A. • 11 A LTI MO CE. Ertlusiccig for r 4.11.1,071. YU! tolt . nod condi:me throughout the reason. The en:renewal , bare now placed a ropecuor class or Pseiet• sail hall ooed Cars on the route, with extra sierommaireroons, which will give greater comfort to tralreLes A Pocket Dora will ill he i pun, ear we troe, cling- public ore reilticated to tal l and olosotto diem, previous to engaging ;meaner elsewhere "PARE 0:1LT NINE DOLLAcro' , (Meat th e Pocket. will leave the inpnoatte the United State. Hotel,) corner Penn street ono Inc Canal, 'very nikhtct 9 o'clock. - 1191 E 31 HAYS. For Inform:con apple at th e office, mononsaocla house. Water street, or to D &Co rochl3 icor Penn street .Mutual — WESVMON - 111:01 . 0.4IILTATIOSI 1 8 4 7• Lsscll & OLD ES:TABU:4IED TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN PITISBOHO/I. DELPIIIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. pug stock of this line consists a a doable daily Line at PAme and Cars. [owned by thcamehreAl 'shish air in good ord.r. The subse niters are pewn• red to forward a /Arse quantity of Merchaudiat. mad Produce with certainty and disown: Produce or klcrehnod we consigned to any or ma Vll dercffltrit. a thrsranted free oh any charge for commis can Of lading transotned and all instructions promptly utenitc.l to. The home. of this Lino m conducted on tinnily Carbruttigiecputg prim:pies. Addre., or opply lo I) LEECH & Frogman. Caul Hoorn, Ihnsborgh HARRIS & LO4Cll,Progneronr, No 13 Coon Th.d men. Phdadelphor NIS. TATUM & JUNK. Acton, No 114 North Howard event, Ltaltantro It VII.SUN, Agent, No 7 Wen men. New York PITTSBURGII POILTABLE, B. LEGE. graii r a 1847. ffigENti tilfilt 140 11 . 110 ro . ru ion of Fte , ght betomen Pombsugh L .111.1t6c Allaunr 17.11eL ilatlllll, oormloymems on lite ay. /LW COLSeSitteril of ihqa). damage, brea w kage g<l..llliLnil t.: Aproetarr 1101:113t1Ixa.: h CASH No 27., ftlarket street. Philadelphia 'I'.I.AFFI-: h IhtfONNOR Co: Conn and Wayne sot, Pittsburgh WCONNitff &Co, North ramr.t. Lattenora 1 A rea , d. I T Thr2d:tirr. 73 South atPN. $ Fateourng.:d bytaercased bu,nees . the Prorteetore hnee addett to tydlr •luek and eitended tbelr rdrunge. .dteals dormg the x,titer, and are ave. prepared to ward ire , g.s, .with re; alarny and rlttpatch unsurpattud by any other hoe. Their long xper.euca as Sanger ., the palpable bliprziot4:y of the kortable 1;oa: Syotetn, and the great capar.t; and canvenicaeo of the erare• tdnots at each enact the Into* are tt , tolit.lY ealealu red ehaltfe the prom - i ett. to fulfil their enzsgernenta and aerontthodate the., ru , to-wers--conAdentiyogertna he pyt as • gandunty for the futarc they reapertfully •eonro.nonce Or that patronage Which they Raw gratetu:4 !wk.-wit-apt. All cor.,,trnento tes.Taarre Otenormr wi.l he reed 4fld SW . 2.1 k, n: ra and llida or it n tren-nrhtted trte of any charge or l'.daun. , on, Id‘anelng oturni,. Ild,ne- noisdnr,d directly or indirectly iu Atearnheet•. We interest of the [Ol/•,[00111 chant nett-star:ly their truer; in `nipping weal, and they pledge rhea:sett., fa turnout all eonta eanti.eced TO thew promptly and on the twat atleuran- C . 0 ., form. to the Per... - March 1. le,t7 ,mart /PIM Putattnefelt Portable Pont Company being dies 1 . solved, the Company again went Into uncles ni Co- partnersion under the name of the chonotuen's I.tnt-i" men! I thrsetst =greed - roZt :Le Crock so as to hut, 'molter of "touts for the purpose of. carrying goods Oveugh to frau six to tight slays, nh eeNiniy-1.41 he/ encouraged by the hbertsltty of lass year's patron age, to make more extenosee arranger/cunt (or the on.. afoot year. . . regeld raereare rtawe:fally ordieil a are w of oar former iranolla and refer near ellrannerr to those ere brae done boarnese for. P4•!.z 847. IIuAT:ZA LISE, • Fora• - 1111/...pCrlklAra ut. ALL KIND. Or XENCILANDIgE, TO AND FROM PCSLAccurs:c, DALTIMORK, cw You, AXD Docros. SAMUEL witdrtmeN & come, Libegy *facet sand Csotni Picsburch. A L GERHART & Ca. N 0365 Mutter Strrel, Ph]latlelp4!. • ELDER, UELSTON m Co. Agents. Dalmore, ALL REFERENCES. PITTSBURGII—Jus. McCuHy, Gro. Morn & Co. W Yleeelly,t Co. 11 .1 Sun:pson & Cb. M Allen & Co. 1•1111.A111-:LP111A —Alury.s Petwoun Co, lieycolds Pullood & Co. Plenung ac Borg, Pelee Wright tr. Sou. j Bisploun, Joseph toots. NEW YORE4Gnalhoo lc Co, Theo. Perry & Co. BOSTON—Bond. Hurd & Co. • M=NO;INI PT. PLEASANT, VA—P A klartner. NASHVILLE-A' Fleming. Nona—Alt ter relnutdire from New York and Morton, conaigned to A L Gerhart*. Co. Pelladelpha, lend be areal:lllr forwarded frt. ofntentraton. frbt3 INDEPtiNDENT PORT•DIrIit BOAT LINE 18 47. digi&l v.!, T...-.T.t.,NSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND NERCO ANDISII TO AND FIRM Fri-m -ut, Rom ptiII.AOELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. 1 . II Wtthout Cranshiwoent..o Goods 0011Pigned woo taro wlll be forwarded watt• out delay, at the lowest c meal rates. Bills of Ladow transmitted, and all tow octieus promptly attended 10, nee from any extra chetge for storane or commission. Addrers,or apply to Id A MoANltl.TV'er. Co Canal Dann, Pivaborgh MCI= Ituring avery d huge andat cominuttutur warebnunc, we are np t rearro receive . addni fteita. for uluntuentt a large amount of Produce, An.. atcro on Stor n age tu to ratev; Imam) C A 51eANIII.TY ACo PACKVVOILTII 6. CO'S LINE. Eigi221.847. akii=3 E1111MM:,. 1 .Z`,...i."„,;1.7,471;1!...",i1. 1 , town, Hollidayentigh, Water effect, retersburgb and ell inteweediene places. One Beet will lenvc the warehouse of IficAnally & Co., sca nutgh, every illy, [encept :tandem) and shipper always depend on havtng Mew good. far. warded Without delay and at fair rate. - This Line wn. (muted for the vixen.] accommodation of he way butileese, and the proprietor. re.pectially volicit a 16e rat share of palrousge. JOHNPICKWORcr "' JOHN MILLER MMUITZI MIItMUZI PILINO=MI -•- • JORN MILLER, Ilollidnyfburgh It II CANAN, Johnstown Agenut. C A McANULTIi &Co. Pitmburgb REYESANCFS. , J I Soho Parker, Hubert Moore, Beasley .t Smith! porsisnegk. LAKE Ell E AND IKICIIIGAN LINK. '.iX itt t 1847. , it=ad r it"s i t i t: ' .Li ' l ' e u ki ' gla ' o n , g r7nTiZttg n ja ' i ' es ' i i ' l l' i ' n k s7at Ea rg i rt Deaver, and freigio and passenger errant Beam, tanning between Ileaverand Erie Ming M Reed's Line of Steantboat Propellers and Vessels on Pan Iddles, will be prepared upon the earlten open ni Navigation totarry Freight and Passengers to all primula° the Easel., Canal and Lakes. Datong eve, (saintly (,or conveying freight and pros. tenacts with planipteess , .ual dispa :eh, the propoetnr end agents solieit Dorn Coto friends and he putilie generally Ibnir puttOungc. C M REED. Erie, Proprietor REED.i. , , PARRS & Ca, Deaver, lets JOIEN & CALIGUEV, PittslOgh do Cor. Smithfield and Water los, °apostle the Monona. subtle Mau. REFER To W bee ler, Crocker & Co, New York Davie, Cu&lo • E N Parke & Co, election.] JR. A Annetrong A Co, Urlrnit McClure h W Bristol & Poner, lanengo {Vol Powers. rowerstown, Venom Gen acheltogre., Evonehargh, Penen John Me either, 11“,1.101.1, Wick & Acker, Greenville, do Ernig & Frampton, CI rk.m I fe: do I !egg& Plumb, Sharp cum gte , ea. CAI oleo, !Theron, • tr, It W Conninehero. NPI• trade.do cm:, , J. DICKEY. FORWARDING kN. coalussiom BIRROMINT, .Cast Beam. Puint and Bridgewater. 111•VIEN COUNST, . Proprietor and Agent of groomer. • • LAKE ERIE AND MICEICIAN, OLILT. Blair/a3 -IPlTTnnitt v intll ADO. SitlVT.l3, 1V1!-•L plc pored on entlic opening of canal na a rratinn to receive properly: nt tltt wharf boat or tlnanhouatg, for tilt point. on Ergo Lalignougn. Qom Cal, and Onto Canala; for all port* on Lake Brio nod apper tAtkos t no alio m lorarafdproducc, &cagy Penn's. Ingpiroaamoula• Apply to or fuldrelk • tobt4-dtf JAW Tucerv, Beaver' - 'LEE °it a ctiTis _ Pnekoce *witness to Pldlodeltbloo nu: Coonl beengnow open, the bore Erpnws orhich bus been es •toolwan wr the nonvey.co ar ..h..bi. pia ttge. Cr wernltandon, .pack, b..t Doter, Jewelry, kc , cow. meow./ running en Thursday, N arch !& An lean Cum, will be /watched Jally shall the else of the eanalingt. - D LtEdil k. Co MC • • 1 • • • elf Pt= tirl COQ -•.. , : , : ' t4 ' ... :-: • 1.--- ';:; ,1.,-- r .-- , ~: .. ~ . . - . . .. HATS, CMS AND BONNETS. New and Flulhlolllll.lo lint and Gip Anne. Ur fiehl street. The sanctities ha. steentiyesedlin-I li t cd himself in ore above businen in this eityomd.has how opened for dm inspection of the Piddle. A large end th ninny selected wronment of Hate and Ceps, of svery deninaltt. color and 'hope, which be will sell übs rely lowest sung prices. . Dunne made arrangements with the famed Motifs of Depbe Coiner, of New York, hit will always batmen .Itatid n full supply of their edebrutett Dena r, lit, anti Nutria lieu. Ado; Resent DantatenstDohll,Chter and Ashland lista, bother Dement and Home imunf.aetn re; which he will tit all times take pleasure iu showing e ned [inured that all metes will be shafted with Ms pelertiOn, and at the sometime his price, will it the moot cell...aim!. Ile 11 anent:tined in them! 1...e1em. hot to be beaten. s loe , o Merck., lot6et the gab la House flat tate Smithfield st. lentiltaprt G NV 11IeCALLAM FALL FASIIION. • 4 aMOORIS bac received from New York, the F style of Um which he will indroduce this day, Saturday, Aug !Abb. All Mope In warn ea neat and superior th_at would do wento call at No 75, Wood Street, 3d .bovelAt. .r7B tf Fall FA•hlon, 1840. • & COSTAR'S Style Gentlemen'anats will be introduced qt KELVIL'S on Thursday August 2711 a Gentlemen wishing a cheap, limb. imiable lint ofFitteburgb manufacture ahead of fashionable Ilats Imported std advertised by ied9o of the trade. please call at KEEVIL &Cob, cumWtf • - • 153, head of Wood at AMRBUME FASHION FOR HATS . JUST received from New York, the Sum. mer Style for Han, consisung of White fit Beaver, Pearl end Whlte French Cashmere with Ventilators.. Those in wont of a bearnind, light flat are respectfully invited to call. 8 MOORE my 29 - 73 wood ot, 3 doors above 4th _ it WILLIAM DOUGLAS has Just received • frealisapply of. Ringgold and Buena Vista Silk , Glazed Clips, new styles. , Id' tuts fine French Moleskin flaw, it verylow prices. 101 l , No 78 smut street AtiWILLEau vouoLAS. CONTINVES to martafeeture, end keeyllll consoutily an head, everyvertety .d Cap of the Lateststyle, end p l riees very low et .7a. wood etreet.Erot e , de: • IsT BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. MAGAZINEB FOR OCTOBER. J lv UST etived at M. A. 2/UNLF.'S—Orahasa's Bara tine EU October. Label:Unseats—Heroin; The Sports man, Parts Fashiatu. Gadefa Lady's Book Co. October. d Doublo Faskioo Plate. Clessibers's Cyclopeedia, No. 16—whieh hamlets the • Chanebers's Mined.] ...To 2. Partouret; or the Sorcerer of the Mounlains, by Frederick Bootie. The Firit False Steil: or The Path of Crime. The Ranger of Ravenarrant. Dy Nevem M Curtis. A complete iknde, both Practical and ScientAe, foe the Almagereent of the Farm, soda:lmpend of Amend:ea Agri culture. Ily ftl. Allen The Dell. ofglostcn. Th. iristunus . * . ife A earratire of - rAes. by M. 151..ew00d. Woman and Ler Diiesses, by E 11 Diyuu, II D. Fresh .9 7Zior's Corn Etiminer, Sept 711 date fresh supply. TLe Skilfulllousewifes o.ok, or emplet• guide to Do mestic Cookery, by Airs G Abell. Fes sale aL Al A MINERS, Smanfield-234 door from Second. mnls NEW ROOKS—Story of the Battle of Waterloo, by G GG O- 4, A MI revised by Me.Trake of Wellin;- ton—in Y parts. Talcs of the Peerort and Pea santrytny Lady Deere. Cromwell. a Ilium-teal Novel; by Il W Herbert. Gocdoriv'e laves of the Nemomatteers. Amer.can Review Qtr September. Syethht Life and Writing. of Gro Washingtoo; to be completed in 10 vols; 6 already oat • Rosh Gleaning• in the Old Ile Ids of Coutirtenutl F.c- Mpe—n very Interesting wort. Lam:aline'. History of the Oireodunk. • Otram, by II Melvin-nth edition. Men, %Vonore and Books, a collection from hie prow writings: by Leigh Mont A Simple - Mrs Inehbald, Simple mi Lining Ag 4itio e, No DS. The Parneiin, or l'onih's Career In Crime, bn author of 'Life in Loaltif—frerh For role by WM R - CALDWELL' roils 'Third•sh opporite the Poor Office Valuable Publleelleue. ACHED I•IIILt.OPHY of the Seam., illuntrating .7t. the p-rfnetions of God in the phenomena of the year, y hey Henry Dune., 4 volt. leauth, a Commenter/ on the earlier later prophecies of Irma. hy.J NW...der, of Y t neeton.Oit, !Seminary lefythies or England in the 15. evntury. wlling, or u harmony of the Love Oes• • n . ' or everyday in the year for family road- Almanon'. Sermons. from the last London edition, to barb 11 snierd the Iffe of Me Author. . .. • . . Serb:mt by the 14 . leu b rt n.. 14. Pa.h. , o rat e brehett chureb et the Ilaprue. I:order'' , Wince 5,T40111, new edivoe; krieed and corrected by the Author. rthrtve. togrtherwah rtlarge stock of Religious nR sLseclianertes %VGA. Htvt reeemed spCl EI.LIOTT & ENGLISH. Si market rtt _ -_ cheap Popular LtVES 14 the Necromancer.. or an account of the moo enPnentperwon to suerewiro wholinvo claimed for then.hetwo, aro whom it tram Leto imputed by the crew., of rtimpent power; by Win Goodwin, author of Coleh rte. Imo. the Fourteenth. and the COWL of France in' the 17:11 Century, I,y Ni.n Pardo, besatifully . rphellso - hed 0 0 00rwrout enoravin, portrait., ete eta pan*. Purl. rd r..n3 fourth pnn re ee vet& Teter or the Peerage and Paluntryi edited Ly Lady ' t?tory of the Battle of Watertoch by the Rer'd G R 'l•ig. teethed by the Duke of Wellingtou—completo in perm . . . lllvtory et the Htenrtillrtv, ar Pervoaml Mermen of the Pettiots of the Preurit Slevoletion ream an'aubli.bed eottreev; by A De Latoartinli trenviatnl b T Hde. v•tlvene, a namtive of adventures ill the y Stied, Sena; lir II hie] eilta. The aline., veer& lust received and for sale by ...v.__ N STt/S YOCKTON, market h itJ vt. THE LITERARY INOILLIC... 4 GAZETTE for Author., Mader, Rad edi /Dell h 4 F Liartaxa. Each number of this elegant Weekly eaibraer-s 4 awl* nava, In hutt.anle darni,nmvenient for biadinc. Lit darn ird principally In Critical Idesisaraaf new Pubdcalion., interrati ad and entrciaining .11 . 11.11. Notices of the min an. of Eli...tidal and LiterarY , Socielir., with& ceneral car. respondrare au matter. ,elatin; Frlncilida. A rt. mind Litera ture, and Judie'ona netertior.lnan Forrign Journals, of .Sat ,letkce aul torther will a weakly Lint nf ay, Books p-b itbed in dhe countly abroad, pre parnt . in lin fulkst roardkar. Foe. /3 per annum. • Publiahed weekly by Qa,:mnh C0.,1X Nassau -et, New York. Subveriptinev received Hy 'Wean Caldwell. A Gar csavwnws wanted for the city sod country far the above. Apply 4. WM SI CALDWELL tltdtf MOKSIA SW sin.dei mwe g . DARR'S Fourth Pennsylvania Reports. JI Isaac Walton , . Work on Andlion by G Colton. The Line& Ninnies, Manzine for Sept Ldbra'S Agrieuburalt.brinirtry. Do Annual ' Holveir. Outliers of Anatomy and Physeology. Gesirtee, the tionrrnith's Healthier. Story of No Banle'of Waterloo: by G R Gleid. Toles or the reenide and the Pczuntry, edited by Lady Deem Grad:anon. Magazine for Si'-pletriber. • Lady's Book The Antigen Nights, part 3. , Taylor's Coenterfait jiketeetor, with a faevsinule or coin. . nu , filitnnel Creher, Jock Sheppard, with 23 fine oneraelnes. Porte 3 .d 4 o 1 Pardon's Louis XIV, and the Cecil of France. Vor enlo at Moorea.P.s at* 11=WCZi==1 JOI , N H. hid:MOH. t 1 Wood et, IS now reeetving an excellent awortment of Boston and New York ?moon, arrived to-day and none open for .le. Two eplendnl Hoene.. pianae, eizpetaeeo, Ipso Ope spienthd carved Rosewood, viz octane.. 300 01.0 epler.dfd mahogany nano. six .0 a half oe- Ons grand Pinno Forte. mode at the factory of Henri Item Paris. and lnily equal to the one used by him at ha Concerts,: . 600 One mahogany netted hand•Piano,metle by St, den. 10orcester lc Oanhrun, New Pork, SO A further supply mill be received dazing thin week. spt6 New tlo STORY of ho Boitlc of Wakorfoo; by Rev. G. R. Gleiv, M. A. Itirrory of the Gironsitsta, or personal memoirs of the Patriots of the Francis Revolution, from unpubhabeat soarers; Ly Lnmarune.. atl mut kili parts of Louts XIV and the Coun ofFrance; by al iss Fresh ,Gleanings, or a new Sheaf from the oldTiaLda of Continentai PAreps; J K Ithwyel. Pan 11.Trailis Trafislaiian of losephnse—illintraited. 'The above with many other new patilient.ona jars reeeiveriand foraalc Lk IL READ rptß 4th et near market JOIINSTON k s - rOCKTON have tat. toed • (Teak aapply of the following popular worts, by J T Head ley: Hapoioan gad his blarshallo, 2 val., cloth; - IVashington and hlo,Genet slot, vole, cloth; Toe $ acred blountaiaa, ill various styles of binding. slab C=M I •J V.LLII HENRY KI.EII3hIFt. Dealer in easter° Plano Fortner et J Woodarell'e,No. BS Third Street. The Pianos may be examined et dl hoses and the aubseri. bar will be there Crain al to 12. A- he., and from tea, P. hl., atteh day. Pittab'g, October IA 40 Wit, the endersiened, would Inform the absent of Pinoburgh and vicinity that we bane appointed M. H. Weber solo Arent for Western Peanny/vanie, for the rule of our Piano Porten. from whom they may be ob• tossed atom. own [New York] prices. NUNNS Z CLARK New York. Son. 11.1f46-oo2Mltf LX==U:=l • A SPLENDID airrortment of Roiewood and Matto! , /1. any. grand netion Piunos, with hieratic Frantedivit Eithhtd and for Bahl " Alan. two snlendid Rosewood Pirinneoelth esArtisan* sista:ma .Y Minn n nisch:in:2h finished to this inest mod sn style, nnd for at F 111.1.1111E1S Jen 11l wand •creel 2 Jones above Sth MAP OF DINIICO— Maps de los Esrados OW dos de Mcpco. Ocelot lo organ do y deGoida pot Ins cedes swum del Congers° de dieha Republica: y cnntruelo per los meioses woorindes. A fcw copies received; for eslo by JuliNeroN & SIVIATON, Boot e ror m ttttt .ta LEGENDii OF MEXICO, by Gen te Lippord, • work L Second In Immo of his former efforts. Just received C=ol N Ilrit.sl3 P' fur August just by w. M CALDWELL, seta. 14, 114 sl oppusits tbe past office. 1,1:1.1 . :1::tScii: - OF iitTUAONiMSINI.nr pro ba; *pt., STOCIICTON • Dleronint. lIIMORY OP FZIGLAND—Ao oir of r this valuable work hors Just boon issued; and Is for sole by rvilt] MORA - rump:lW% NA rtithtort—lfieetry of the Co utilise, 1 and Fdropiya ander Natxdron; by 61 A Tlscir, Into /Mobster of Prone—No fiat( reed; for rata at ➢MORNR'S, FS 4 th st between wood & market, PtlEME—Tom'n Vottrught Rumble mot other Poem? by.Thomos Msaltellor, author ofDroppOsce from the Boort lust received; for sok at _riort4MOßßE29 • -- ÜBUC MEN OF Ti IE REVOLUTION—IncIudins events Rein th e peace of 17F3, to the peace Of 1M • • by the Ime lion Wm 'es II ivsn, M.D. Jost teemed a for seie ho BOOIM MORSE _ rimit: AMERICAN IN YARN; by John &indef..— .L Aon and highly itne reining vrotk but mewed; •pllB lot . 1 . by AIOR4E . EDUCATlON—Foareleden the Nature of Mug ) O Spurtlalho; fog gale at optl3 ;. • MORSE'S Ttli t an t l2 4 £ o /;I .I V . CrA. n 111 ew. navel; bp Ml* 9 92 . - • EXCHANGE BROKERS, ek. searszns, - 34XCLIA2iksE miasmas, _ AND . DEAL.E4I3 IN -FfiREIGN,AND DOSIDiNtd EXCHANGE. CERTIFICAI OP DE. rosrrr. BANE NOTar, ANTI EVECIE; 'Founk it, nearly' opposite the Gant of . I'4‘tbarnh. CtIIIitEN7 . .BIONEY received on Deane—Eight Checks Cor,saleotad coneetions 'made on early all the principal mash% the . United Busies. The highestprecnions paid for Eoreign and American Gold. tdetniconnymnents of Prodat,e4l,*!pßod Advances ma , Flaal.on liberal terms• HOLMES & SON, Bankers and Dealers In Eze4anv4 Coln • and Baal. Notes, Seill a Num ExchalLlie—ci.,nt,ol'g Bairn. . d'i;.. Now Yor k t tf; al Wardle, phila rt de m ip s.s l., . PIAILLET STELLET, PITTSSIIRCII i do Baltimore, do St. Loofa, . Ido om te Riven :AV" . IL'ri ff.. l4 ca..t . flenp ß Otd:ro, I ..14. 111.66, ~. do Relief Nolen, . I . 1 0 re'lk7, do PmasylvaruaCl. . }do do New York do, 1/ do. 'li r ''' Wheeling, do New Orleans, Ido Tennenee, do Maryland, Ido aeotlaf Copartnership. JOSEPH H. HILL. (late of the Elmo( Win. Milk C 0.,) tad WM. C. CURRY, tlate of Elie, Pa.) have lettered Into Copartnership, order the name of lULL s CURRY. for the purpose of earr)mg.o the Nanking and Prehimptbassiets in all Its branches. at No 05 Wood street three doors Leber Fourth, wen side—where they solicit the custom of their friendi and the public generally. JOSEPH it HILL mehts WM. O'CURRY - /QUM R. RILL. Wit. C. COBILY., HILL fr. CURTLY. BANNERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN A4DDOHL...* , !FIC TINE A SIGHT BILLS OF EXLIYANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. No SS Wood street, tkurd door below Fourth. welt ode. rod 131 .. Al i t k nodls and Cum ms . ~..r afa r fee l 7edi po z D e r i tglt i l the United States. , • • • Sight Egehange on Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York. Daum and Cincinnati constantly (or sale. " Ohio, Indiana. Kenitacky, Virginia sad Pennsylvania Bank Notes, bought and sold on favorable term,. Enchant:ln Httgland,,Treland, Germany and Fnmee WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., BANK Rua, ExontilsuE BROKERS A.llll DMZ. CV FOREIGN AND DOME TIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANE NO ' T'E:, AND SPECIE. 64 Wood Eftrwt,om door acre FourrA, Bag ride, metklBl Pittsburgh, Pa. [dfcra AMIN N.114X114 Xl:4n= _PAH/ rrivr_Trnm BANKF2t9 AND - MCNANGE BROKERS, dealers m Foreign and Domestic Billa of Exchange, Cert.& cates of Deposita, Dank Not and Coin, corner of 31 and Wood streets, direedy opposite St. Cliaties Hotel. PENNSVLVANIA, OHIO, Indiana._ IrcrintekT, and Virginia, County and City Orders. ke. purchased nt rednearateaofliypnnt, by N HOLMES & SON Exchange Molter. 551.4nrket sr XCIIANGE onNerr York. Philadelphia rm! E more, for oak is sum to rest. by rmB • N HOLMES Ir. SON ollectione oo C.:noon. Louisville, St Loots and all other accessible paints in she United Prates, ode on accomosodannit terms• HILL & CURRY Wood st. next deaf to Eagle Saloop flurresey of th e Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky V Banks wanted at very low rates of discount. HILL &CURRY Td Wood et, next door to Eagle Saloon ERabaul igo on New York. Philadelphia. and Dela more constantlY Or sale by RILL lc CURRY aptt Wood st. next door to Eagle Saloon TO CONTRACTORS. STAACTOIIII TO CO Reginerrls J e.Bier"¢ a.n..da Big lama. Bedford County, Fe., 17th Auguat 1147. PROPOS A LS will be received at Lynchburg, Va. un 11l the Zlib September next; for all the work on their Gaud then enema... Med for, from Lynchburg upwards on tames River to Big Island. is distance of nimbi 10 miles. The work compriwa abom eight locks (the foun ds:tons of two of which have been laldl,a few email culverts, tne ahutmexts of seven road and farm bridges. and eight unfinished sections (from half a mile in a note long) of excavation. embankment, towiop path. ter; alai two Owns amoss.lemea Hiker, waste( Bialsland• one at the Outlaw Falls, about 777 feet long and 17 feel high; sad the other just below the mouth of North Riv er, about 475 feet long and 13feet high. Specifications, plans, At of the .aid work will be exhibited at the En. gineer's Office at Bielslandon and oiler the 'Sitio( Sera temper next. and all needful information will be given at any time by the Assistant Engineers on'tho line of works aforesaid. - WALTER OWSNN al4lavral Chief Engineer Proposals AVILL be received az the GM., of the. Pmshargh Wa • • ter Work. amil th 10; of October next. for erect . . . inn Engines and ramps for the .Alleltheay city Water Works. For loraislong7soooll.4 castings for mated; and sand. do 4221 Ins Se rewholtsi do 250 Met of 21 ineo wort pipe; do 640 " 20 " • . do •WO " 12 " u do two 101 inch stop valves, • do two 12 " • do two • toek:f Froposals to state the rem Mr I..unlnes and Pews, complete—to state the amount per lb.far CX4llllr, screw bolts, pipes, and stop valves—and tomato the amount for the taro2o Inch stoßeoeks. For perimeters enquire of ROBERT MOORE, Sop't of the Pfusberth Water Workc ' and SHALED Programls will be received al the &Klee of the Allegheny Cerneu7 until the gOth day of ~pt: next, for findingall material.. end erecting an entrance Gateway and Porten' Lode.; to ibe Cemetry. Plans and spesiGeotions of therm., ens be. seen at the race. Hy order of the Board. JOHN CIIISLEIT oggiitta • Architecture - HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &c, IM===@ 'l7 'IT. tVri1".."'.;,1:!.,`71...":,T, n e11',17„`', t Allegheny emmty, PA, deceaied. ofhr for mita the :lowing mtuahle property in the ear of Plash:web, r.st two adjoimeg lot., situate on the can aide of at and Cherry alley, each fromingtO feet on tied et.ead extending back 91 feet towards add st. Aloe, one lot inmate on Grant st hetwedx led and 4th sta, of 111 , Tect !met on Grant at and extendtng hastD7 feet, (adicaning the property of Wm Archon.) " N.)3. For tenon and parn , ulars enquire of MX' Mcb ass' Boreland. Allegheny ear; or Me Robert McCurdy, shoe ?amebaet, Wood at, Patabarghor to the thlieen bars lIVIP g neirthe old Washington Road,ahout 4 miles from Pittsburgh, Tales mdimputahle. • JANE HUNTER ! E.xecuirtx, Lovrcrst Clair Torrotthip IT McKNIGIIT Feenter, Naldwao Township BRLoDOCK rump POR SALE —The visitable mute known by the new of klraldockht Field. situated in Willons town "MP. Allegheny county Pa, 10 miles froin Pittsburgh tor t he hforpnggkela river, and 9 by the Penimyleeniu Reed; containing 399 acres and' perches Two thirds* of the tract is river bottom, sod the whole may be cul tivated. There isen the premiers a large brick mansion and other improvements, and revert apneas of cruel:cut water. Cheated no the Monongahela slacrwater, or iisodthe line of the great Pcnsylvania Rail Road, at the *0 t where.the been and trade from the Su*. de will first reach the steamboat navigation orate W es. tern nyers. enrmended tty a east healthy and product- tee reentry, by toe:humble supplicsof the net and cheapest furl, and having on the premises •loanduher o r oc .j.d Innesmee - , - thisplace is admirably gaunti for the site of n great manufactering suburb. Thi Pennsylvania Rmi Roaa Is located through it. passing moth of the mansion boose and thrangh the bathe ground, and is now under cent:act. It Is also en the brit pool of the Monongahela clock soaterendtheßrewtaaville p kelg and other Mani boats constantly tench at the landing on this estate- It is therefore the most sy cf aceetta of my *peaty in our vicinity, and the belt coned for reentry seats, or for the idles of mechanic's shops or great factories. As the plate in ter of greet renown it has been vin. bed by travellers from all parts of the Union; its raplreAuchetedied, and it. beatry appreciated It :sun. nebesartry here to give a more panieuhir description of ie ..For ferias enquire at the Merrhents and blanufac• dimes Rank. Pinsberadt. ivtlbeltf 'alnable Coal Property and Rail Road 17011 SALE. SAID Property igsituated oa the Wowing - Ikea River, immediamly above Lock No et, consisting of Rod Road, Pit cars, R R Waggons and every convenience for running Coal, all in perfect order. There are eleven boass opa the prembies is good tenantable order, and row siay . ieg a motor gilgO per annum. Enid Road opens lam an inexhaustible rein-of Coal, which coo he ob tained upon werf rentsurible terra. nay one wishing to commence the coal business will fowl rho a raze opportunity no roar-fifths of rho whole parekaw, will be taken In Coal. . For particulars eaquire of the sab.criberoa Iheprem ims, anttive JOHN Mel , DARR'S' GOAL P2IOP/LIITY FOIL SALIE. OAlosonsaholanverl6oules by land from the ay, aboutlonles above Lock Sol, et hl a+de. eon. taleln2l(o acres. This property le beautifully cheated for the Coal banners, ku a railniad near 310 fret long, and deep water at the leading There ir another seam ~(qoayon Waldo/re, 00 feet above the lower,of superior quality. As we,have it open. nenn......'reen who null to ....be eat lodge a it, quoti. 0.14 property Join. the coal property of Mr John 'Berton of thin city, end will be sold low; if dig - owed of imutednvely. Enqpne on the Needles, a abort dlontifre above Deally'a 01,11. JAS %V WOODWFJ.L.or SAMUEL. DAL.SLEY, ' vote 2.141 between weed& market • FOIL REST. II THE Room on Mule. timor. am 3rd and 4th, at regent oeca4lell by the llagoerreta, Ito snob. lisheseet or blotters.. rand & Co—an excellent stand for beet:tem. Poseemioa immediately. Alm—The .Itheriman Ifall, Ilarket at., entrance by Philp gen otrri . rway. 'llia room to Well &marled and I. very mutable for Societies. 'Rent low. Alev—Abend, oleo albeit over the Poet ND O..IZZANI ,'Mee. market at between 3nl & 4th 'lTSlambi a Pr•perly for Sales WILL be .old at tinetion an Wednesday, September I/ I /at, at 3 otdoelt, r. M., on the premise., that valu able ins of irromarknomet as the vCity flay Seale Let,. beisir daisy Net In width by one bandred and sixty in teb, Nanine b from 3rd sts,neat the Nash aide of Wne3 at.' . A credit of three; six Om nine Tears will be siren. .JAS II MU PRAY ' Clutirrram of Coot on City Property . _ • _ . commix ittlsionlicic. HAVING remove,' to the city, for convenience Prafemionell • Limb sae: 1 milt rent Me Mansion Haase, and its immediate eue. ihr 'Aux° of tba /demur Ada, on, mile Above Pittsburgh. I=l4 3ussra • JAidel S CRAFT Valiantgals .fleal Basalts for Sale. lIE undersigned beirtealtout to remove h is Tannery to the eotuury, alters far sale alb BUILDINU LOTS on Second street, bear.. Ferry street and Re. dotal. Alley. Ruh lot will lie twenty feet front on ad street. and mighty' feet la depth.' The lots will he sold tangly Or the 'etude sogstber. For termsapple to the subscriber on the wattages. • JOHN CALDWELL apeget . VON. REN T—A well finished Holm over Vb liall.Thlrd • AllO. the large Room in tliertrui story X Ord end inv bet au, at present occupied b - n Cinerary Depot nod Periodical ace by Mr. Wrci:B Caldwell . , D GAZZAM ti TO LlM,—A.latge, eentsoactious, and well 111, time mat brick derellang, on lt . enu st., het( way between Carmen alley .4 Wayne at. poMssentsivestiemedlitely . . ',For partientaramrice et the aka of W 31, WALLALE. /1"4411 . • ' I " ' liberty st • , • 111111,,DINSLOT IN VANCIIEBTER flaß BALE-4 bawl for gale a. 2.ltewatital Buildtstr Lot tnitittatsteyotear the rt.tr, or a from by DX ftwitittl. - It will be .9bl 100 ree eeeenglirent. •••Tenas enezeeptianab!a. . giR ...4441 - 5 44 1 ;R•15 ? 4 ,4U ‘.4,4 ICAL. HAYS. POUND IT.”—Eurslia.l g . v (lo l, N u el ri U c At A rr il l ,3 olClNlE N CUßre nzarcp ßY Ur neutowi. arb lo 4 Oru Sir.—This pubW," • thoscallikted erritt aisr4seogAlNCL=Psi., ibst iu th. Siring of 7E431 'rag glt.kawith.li MMEEEE ===ll 'pit op daily • ecouiden4o 4pcsatity of blooi; hick dark =Oar. MY siloatiol *maw tr++Vm• Duriri this liors I ihtts stichled,by h( skilful Physicians; they did ille bat theY eoulaiisr: • C • • • at length they co.. up all hopes of ow essecmisp,i • . • ..,, ii. d ., Me that wain men told be dope—thd mileage • •••; tally discoed, beyond remedy. I was Ono • ... •' . )4...,' • flood of •i to make a trial of Dr. Dwaciari .•• . - .1 row , .1.i6 my T h Y 4 0 ...... :! .. !*9. 6 ' ••) t .4, - that thiyamlicito woold [do to good, and woad' : I 7 1' . more to y aufferirc. I told them it we soihai "•• • '.. . • hope, and that if I mast di. of the •demat,(ahleh dent t me,) there would nal:Mg Lot. 84 law to , CincioaatiOlEce and ed 5 bottles of lb' truly , 'lde Sledichs, and ccomicaced mug . • IS .: • . Limo, which, Meted of adding to my ea ' - • : ,c pee me relief, at mow amities Viet :' .1•5 I cuing the pin tad tightams in noY Caes4 • iti.. • ':, • HD wad oreagth, which won enabled ette to •_,,, This medicine watiouid Its rand work, w Ito nobly •,t• emainened, until I ansi asap wrossolinasi. 'fi eineabMan - E', attending to my beainew4upwards of 3 jean) Sl* Spa ii . ..: healthy as I' wish. l have reCommended Dr: Dee,'. R. pectorantitentedyia eaany inetaswestotionnaisfiarlywhetei'.' end it has always prated surcesafalso Ewes I Iwo wit:weak : its effect.. hly shteris using tho media:teat 'meal, kw a•• •=1 : , Duo eel /row and ,m e1d...,,,, of Ike laistgiothiels eatsW = i: ~ had so3e;ad with Sir some time: We has nowly recontosi.:; . , , by the ase of this medicine,. and l am confident ihe 6 hatlicir - 4. that I take with me to-do y willectirelymeeshma,fisinplaiW: to know that thore are thousands orralwahis proms wr en . . away with this &Wail destroyee•:-CDN9L7511 . T10N.r . 0 ., :, Were it call pomade for thwe'to proeme this medicina ht;4, - .' time, Woe it be too oat., =ay hem might be proksapilith their fensilies ...a niatioos again ratmeawk happy. ThEiy, thewill goo kotant taker, mutat the sino timeamen ..•• the hard mad pi:lna:lC*43p, remove the Oponest in the Clami::' girt strength to the eaftelled mat emarsated frame, and ih 's': meat coos,l ant certala, willrel o rm woke mom - • F''... • . lloolgoonerY,llaoillion County, Ohio. • l." ALL—Those iihoniay inA bo oolindoledwilll on I oak" to Oa anderiigned. citizens of Dloolgoorry, Hamilton mono, ty, o.,illey wino any ling Substanti,le the 'Awn stakmegk... N.Y. D 11.01.61, :, -DEL DUI --- *.N.OFFICA,I:O=O: `stoma, whoa , I ea dingo be Sold in /lit_ _ JACKSON, mo mmy a? Wood and Lahti !ay Ite. • ' Vol ollkio PILES. -•• • rrf DR. INGOLDISBVS Piles dia t ribe, ,an Entine mu. =tau acid radical care whetter micros; aroma - bkotling. or blind, aho, for irrialiatt alba/dd./a lad binds der, punt io the back uut uds, habitual eQireatio, map/ . Fa w, tale& before god altar conticemod are Cates troubled:: with mow:1pol'. of the bowels or maims% as ;ea Y that pit+ la all arch mars thi Specific eau be falai with per • ' • fat sarety, broi if a raisin reard . 7. The Sp eribiria mobil purgative, and it. entinly ImgeLlak!cmedy, without arr..; tiele of gialso,e,coloeyrweor does—ploant to take audio fatly ha nders io the mat deltoids caws. , Thi, yam cntify Chat I know Dr. Inpldebre pae 15parill.; to be a certain curs omit safe remedy. Baying man its ago, weemdcs. amenget ray Emily =notate, im ecreraltoes firmed awl macro cunt of Me oil., idiom it EH en attire core every moo. HEND.T WIDTEHEAD. New:York, May, leas.. Wit Sinth street. • ' I cheerfully pre my testimony. to the certain end setae isbitup effects of De. logoldstryb Yd. Spectr me I Impair id: Grom aion erriame and otocraanom to'be Wahle hdy#K dm it na. with mu... rarer. eon of valrilio end fronde. Ant York, kta 1845. • 1348.ittaireet. LADIES' CERTIFICATEA • ' • . New York, May, 1845. • lk-ah—Dm Bi,-1 hose, the plea.. to nib Gay . loan m ,d id, Dr. hvilidah)de ?Bea SperiSe,.tut nada ape,' fed can in the intic of my water, ond ramp.e yottnayWord that I have been surprised at it, as it was m my °pun. Was yeribte to ewe bee: throirrer, I otri now Whit to Mooted lon. SS bump inaltible, and do whist all others who we all Sided in thelike manner, t01e... this =Delo,aa they way. , depend onamtaiv can :. • Was Chador, N. Y., Shy 15,1545. Dr. Ingebleby—Dar Sir '—That son way benefit oda. who may be . are as. ell t, to corm my gratitude foe the benefit I hare &mat Gum Die itio of year rohiablo Spe ifi, I edeoply with low regunt, end now do rivra soy teal ' away In near of it, hying be. wartra( A wren attack of it. 'the Pats alter hatiog noel other remedieo witbootneeess. Yours with re.e. Sold whoksale and retail by Whii JACKSON, at hie Pot- ' ent Medici= Warzhorue, and Boot and Shoo Store, No. ES: ' Liberty strut, hod of Wool, PitUteugh.. • Prim, SO eento P.' ix. yan f - 105111WILPTIO3 AIiiRERTYLD,Te than. r:1 atlllettel with Dioeeses of 'the LIWIZZa' —This is to certify to those those.amicted unth - the first pre monitory iyM11(0131, of CottrotOptiOn, that I have been laboring for eerend yot. with a bronchi, moreneetiof the throat and doormat.m. I mead many medieion,liot found on relief in any preyiararion ofmedicine, until I • noble use of DE. DUNCAIt'S .EXFT:CTORANT, REMEDY. i have been wring this valichlo for neveml years, * altd shunt find kb relieve cent I =lmam of it. My occupation me on Auction. rot, which keeps cue alma.: comnaolly ety;aged, azalea . , toy Mutate, ot timer, to Leconte !cry alarming, when • itenee preure this medicine: .1 therefore take plea sore in ru4ing thli petite rtatentent,thattlthom matt- • ed with a diaease of the tubas and expeitomat organs may know the virtues Of this 'all boiling rianedy,'!,: . -.: : and may be eared. I Lave reentminended Ilaneaten • -.• Expemorant Ilantedy. M many of my. fricrulr, some of whom owe their lives m thilmedicirie. Somerset, Ohio, 0ct.13, - ISIS. JAMES IIEIVIT ' The propnetor of the above medicine !mold, also remise Me mdensigned „Remelts', veliCtesee in Perry - county, on whom any lemon may tall upon and be ~. convinced that therepre vtrtaea foond in the above medicine that cannot tie excelled • David Culbertson, *ov.arset; Dr. B. Etaneolo; Fran-li err Gol , her, Jackson ip; Mn. Lorimer, do; lino. ideltbek tppi Jermit Darixn. limn:well tp..' DR. DUNCANS Wt , ..111..E.1N OFFICE, 100 rye more street. Cincinnati, mho.' Fold in l'atsbergh by WM. JACKSON; ES Liberty •• brad of Wrxd strett. nalnek la • . Consunaptlve's•Consolatlon. Does sickness weigh open 'you r keen? Or painscalm poor breast! . Try Dr. Dusecnh Hsaling.Ars, And iI will sire yen. rest. 'lt clears away the misty cloud '' • . Disease spreads o'er the tee L pad whispers heal tspe the:re .) yet through . the b e e w gtoemi w llthroad t . • Feeyoader wee of lovely hue! Ms arabcrieg arab decay, I It scarcely sips the , morning dew,: . . . Datum it fades away.' The Warm of Death amain the stem, ' And strengthened as h gram— . And when it bloomed, In barely gel,/ It nipped thmugh and through. • • That W.ottu of Death mighi be defied' If Dr. Dane Ts ar. werNtried And many lovely dams•_ls mead The fate of as untimely grave. 02-Dli. DUNCAN'S WEb - rEkt-N OFFICE, No 150. SycamornSiteel, CmclnnaU;Ohio; where lila valuable median is sold. — Bold7n 7 iiiiaurret, by 'WM. JAMISON, corner of , Wood and Liberty ar. opl2d&_y_er, EIL,/&EN.P.P.9 CARMINATIVE t. FltOM the Rev ABA SHINN, u weliknown and pep, ular Clerpmcaef therm:edam Meth:edit Xiamen: The unecragned humng heen alUleted dating th e put i winter with It tiLletUe old.. stomach, sometimes pro.; ducing gyre:min is the stomach for ten or,twelvebours ornhout interturesion„ end after ;having tiled •arione re toed ten with little ettlect. tee. famithed•with a ;bottle of Dr D Jayne's Cerro mance Balsam. The he used 10- - cording to the directions, and found Invariably that mrdicirtecansed the pain to abate in three or four : Ines, and in fifteen Of mu:4y minutes ;Every uneasy; natation was entirely quieted. The medicate. eras ac;;; terrrardaused wherever indentions af the 'approach of: • painwert perceived, and the gam was thereby ptevent-t ed. lie continued tn use the medicine every evening ; and sometimes in the morniag. nod in a. few 'wake; health woe!. far restored, that the enferer was renew, ed from a large amount of oppiessiee path: From ex; petbllCe, therefore, he can conLicatly recommend Drt D Jaycee Carminative Hainan as a culinary otedieine; '; thr diteasee of theetonach and bowels.; A SHINN I • Al:tempi city.) I For sale IttPittsburgh at the PEKIN TEL SWHEi 12 Fourth meet, near Wood, and also atthe . Drag 1, Stereo( II P ectiwAttrz. Federal areet, Allegheny', Ults It mew principle foli' management of this paper . to notice anything which we find oat, Onto personal ' restwation, to be of utility to the public. tome of Dr.: layne's medicines we have used in oil family foe atteT, years. For instance the EXPECTORANT, the OAR,. MINATIVE, and VER3IIFOGE, which' we know to be gdod for the complaints they profess to cute. • We were on Lake Ontsno the nest summer, when several • of our Insetting comp.lons. Ikons honing, In Westeni • New York. drank, for many days, the limestonewiter of that region, wcre badls anackzel with violent piss ohms, and Dysentery. Mr. /tiled provided himself, 'previous to leaving hums, will "The enfilll[l.l•C of Or layer." and in all cases of. Its ore, imongtfi cor ve gentle men,_it was SVCCCIO(III.itI <Acetone speedy ; The Expectorant we hove known coed among our Intimate friends with <gnat ruccess; and we feel that we shall do a good act to families Icomeinlly those;Slb towed so they cannot hove wiims to immediate medical skill,( to advise them to keep on band bothOte Expecto rant and' Carminative. The ' , give...it isheliekedbY good physicians to be We bestvccipe for Pulmonary., that hes ever 'yet been can, pounded. "the reason In, Dr. Jam' is not a mumk.but a regular, scientific, and able seethearPruchuoner him- self. Ills mcdiemes are used by the iot, Tihviirima: EZRA •HOLDEN • Fdlitor of the Pillions. Saturday Conrierl For sale in Pitodnunit at the •PEKIN TEA PiTORE, 72 Furth street, near tVoinf, and also at the Drug :nom of 11 P nelmarts, Federal jet'dilkorT . No Care No Payt . Dr. oth.o' Pilo Extbrooohns - Near Fumy yrt I lEttE are few diseases mem common or-treiw .1 blewome than the riles, and yet, notwithaand leg eteat eflorts have been made to core by the one or pills, electuariet,linimeatir, were tante sad of little bcoelit.• -Now the Embrocation is the only medicine used. A person who hoe been 01.1. ing,with the Eller of themorst hind came from Se tem. Now Jersey; almost on purpose tramples his grgilluie rot tba •Poedi mire that this medicine had effected in his cane.—Phila. Sat. Poet. trrFor sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKEN TEA STORE. 71 Fourthat and-nlao at the Drug Store ••"e•Sctiwartz, Federal at. Allegheuy.Cit feblBa • , EItPLECT: - -Don% so etteerly.hut • 1./EA/ 1 4 . 1 ",. 'Vara of cowman ernee. lime many folk , . the die . , ane for the paltry sum of two del. rheuaaud• th ere are, • ••in deaf nth Teen, end yet ain lan o th . th . • • , Noterineeendieg many .ef no more Km:ire then !rum cs:tutro been their hinnds end sae twin 0fi,".4 • cured by th e Inn et . , ' 7O P" Authority may be dady and certificates of undpnbinte N o e o ,,,kTh, r d <vane:led at the menet Dr Vie, , ejo toe o.k. yet ithilidilpb.;74thrthe etedl6-- faiture:they' because there ns . _ Avis eonnntse nuttily Icianthrethdtetr 7 sable the intedeee IL -Cat sate at the PllaiS. . • TAlnsvirs ESPICOT,OI I .A. I Mr , TN* , riii%tes this' eXcaek oas and eheae ateditOthetht t ht'etteetTe . e... _COMO sedan rod .other„ dine:thee .eyelthgtt, be los s isell., ' 4e„ knowi .Vety taatte-Eae*hte4 t hl. ,v,ht•t•rntee se. Vthysele rep4.77.;:r1 . T4Frittlenthlthti'Macriaiyi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers