• • • • • r OAS ruveravovars. Cr m impno juva N Didirnhownele COILD HT 1 . 1110 DIL . •,t :;,94sabeaddi Mud. 3. 1 :13D,' ' dhr palkraw, lanbniarly of lie U.N. Comapti. ill IN Ili Ss** MCI Ins &Mama with sr.* <old mid& mar boded ay. ny gap, alumna ad tbs . • Vardnie al annuldair Gounrialoa. Ely nosh van 1 10. 3 4.1alaallad whit copkasaiald nreor, I at &By t aaaeddaabY linatlly of Mad e au.d . 60 aidg auk lIIYIr.. ll7.katio. boaana mikes sad aino. De*62l Deao I was Medal by Iwo or our man 401 4 1 , P3lTlO‘a r i 'they 124 bat )314 toad tar *van . 0 ' bileb flary gan _?pad hops of ny ioney,fitionidag Ray diensad . , sad bayood meaty. .t.inihn ready! by • frinalat alb. I. nabs* trial of, Dr; Denims's liipaen, allst Rana//, .Witt 1.9 , 1107 rnheed agonstoryisg . Idwt6Y andiebai imam da a red, mak =add 431 add mints sly aedba a , I 101 l Ana it au my Wad nlj ky... tbalf lama di. at IL due. 4 (.61.1 fiat la aaia,) 'tbat ba madder bat. So I and to 34 CidiendOdisa and obtodaagl 6 bouks of ttgla haly Tas bb)ldatiefaa, of hanneanalaoh t aceordiaa b.ta dine *bada - 1., Wed of "Wagb to., nleriag, baandiataly imo_na nlia4 at Ana &nosing dm troubles:Os Crag ...14a an p. 4 d. Warn ia my Chet airing me • anr ! • i!gb 111 1 , 31; ;Web eaddad me to b about again • TO • madame. its rod mak, ankh it so Nobly 0 ,3 tin. role and as. I ban daft bon abiedhar la* blabs, (aperardaof 3 Iran) as fnl n Idaddry is 11616. i ban eennuonoled Dr. Thames T.. than abnilarly atllietad ea baiahulempiond nentadral a ken I ban trineanci liaidhata M7 aM. kwor,tui gmlidge it Penni, far • Dined Dim and 'ale 4110ess iff IL Leagis, dad. ob. k r ad nand vial kr non this; 3. baa saniy reentred *if Oda andkir, ad 1.. on4deat th.st!alin no to-d. 7 illealiselyna• bar. las moan •b brat that lien an nomads of nladde ioneas mating •' array oft tbitziord deeteoyer—CONSUMITION.— • Wen h all SorAton la mean tide median , is !alai it'. lee lagoon Uneasiest In Pnin . ned ad nit !old nation vain todend bappy. The nubduda p.. hatint Mier. ad at the ausittio arree bud Nodal Comply mom thiticetame la Or Chas n r ams& la en aabiebled.aail •Ited frame, ad is • nay 1 nbearada, will foram ►apnien con. I . ANDREW J. FTLITE/1, I Itentanaery,fiami/loaCaoaly, Mo. • 3 ...;5.-; 1 1110aa hbonay sat In oequatalid Ina ma I rear tlia oadlaad, akin. or MOll tirellan Ilsaatoonam -43411)4 arida* dad wide.....nnknonnon. _ 2 Cari-J.Sinnita. DA. imaraws marring OFFICE,I3i3 NMI. lisdkir m ohms 6. . Enid is .1 . 1.64.06 by MIL - JACKSON, earner oil Woad Lad Ulaany.ata.:. aarl44l.tw ;i. METE Lo,•-•,;...,.....;; ., .... - :.;" , :-.k.: • , i , .•:.7: - 4; . ,-;:;' , ....- - .4 , 411::-...:•::: !,.:—.., : i .,...:: - '.'..;',ii,;':::',:]:i ; ;.:'!4::.::••,;' . .T..1'.i.1,::*-:::-:'::4s::•.::•.!'::;': -.-- - - ' , Y, , ,elv,e , _ :•;;•. -1 ,'.4 ~,i. SW,- 14,•.:*•44;1;5 , . .t.ote-i5c1i7.:..,., - _:l.i. e-V-: : 11 ,- ,1- - ,,w-•:!:-.:,•• ) ....z . ri.,.;:•i:-:- .1 , 4 ,•-•i:•"',. .1,11...1 11 ,, • ;:•• , t t•-:;-; , •-•-:•, .i ., :f.: 4 • 4 .,::9":', 1 :1';: '1 1 ,..?''.i:: 4z P. i1..;',4 ,. , , . i., - . 4 '.,.• ' i i -- ,;.:::.-i'i . :',,i:, :ll' t :. tf:':i:',........!...q'• ' . 1'4: 4... 4.1''',..:; . •?,': ;,;.;;...1.. :1 , ,: k41115i,-, , ,', I. ~ I L 'l , !,,,;: - . 4 :'.!',:e.:T. v. :' • ~.Y;.:• 4 447 •. 4: , ,•,: 1-3- • •',..• • .' 4,. 41 1 :: '''• - ?-1 , '441'4: - . • .''..' ' ' ~, , '. .e : _ : .•.i. :„. 4 1 NkS•o• l*, :g 14Ort: 4 :t; ', 1 1: , ruit: •.-. ;l ', - ;;,414;:,. 1. , ti • 1 1 .i;,... , .:.;1 4, ', 4 i:,z;: i ,';', ' , ''.i.,V•f!,f:.li4 : .; ..:;;:. 1 4,1t,%.:V*4 - ;:.: ;. *Z , i.;:i:::i ,11% . ' 4 4')f..'' 1 : - 7:'!;"‘Tii. , .'.....4i.''.. - Ps• 'f... :•,.. ~. , , •,,,,. 1 ~., 1 4,• 1.2. • ' .14. , •••,,.• .-,r- , .: 1 , 4-:..c.?..,...4 1 " ty, 4-}.„,t r: •1' %,:irt. Ai11.., 2 .t , i-'-'4.41:,...=,g'5'C: '' • NI••••;:-,..t,'It-;-AN,4`; q*: - . ; p:li - • ,-'• • !..:.:,, - ;..,1, -.. c , ...-•-:1) . 4 J ,- .:,l'z'':-.?,-tv,';'::-:.-t-;',:7•1,1 1114-Weas ONE* • . :. Ashistruitia=l.4 #24 , lo,.._yats= i tzty • . ' That Weni•lDesili=6"l"l !. , IrDrAhasainmst • 1; , poutr e rely *Nods mud - liiiiiraCAft. " Mfrgti = 6 „,matathoidg.; 4322.4.1.21. iala d viask!isk ...weer of CAIMIPIN MUMar irasi=4"ll==poeretLlP""in ' weverimools et maw W ampullae. awls of ur. Jinn xiMisimm we olielortikew Way foe meel„wmeeelee lmuut iwog.2l; 6 sb i t , ext . blVolillaireniNews bey mime to gem We woos Lake Owsaw tie pan wamel. larerswiweries, Arnim laWeeeenr) -Mr iimi l t r ay en Ve r ar umVid """"..:4 °l4 "v 4474 = .=,Tm..a1'ad "..4.7 bows . ar r 4Tif z ni t I- AMON w, foolliis texpielally deee_en• Seiwitim MOM la tagesdieet moiled GNU ti OW. *eep es Mad Waite Kiwis. The Eareeleme is believed by 1417diebal W bag Mips An Clemeidems, du Wow pa bees ear. I . 6 oo =l** Dr. Jane Is Not aqawk,bn emilteow ,1 116 ,!TrINdbrbart i rtaans. id4ilwPfillada Satanism Ce. Mer Illta " ,elKwat ireAMltTa t ff rcerg st aimetarmaitel i , mho., jet pWNW* calumwrsvass'Aumn. ones AN MIA SUM, a mall bows dam vat etas Ireemesessildediedift acted.. ~rez dii.... barn„beini eiltried . = pm• past Ti=ipa Noma kw len Of twin thaws ftar •aml after Innis/ tried various kk. ~~. tl W reN.W lC lem e WA a bottle ,Ths Mead at- Qat MI6 OM. allier d :aly imionitscre l fy- Zessy gin game& The medicine was a Ilanamileamd_rdimemer tail/idiom at Ma approach et delarmirspefteMilit c asd impala InsMereby prent ;Elismiatiaamt as ma the medicine *TM creating bliftliMess ta Me .mernisix, and in . few seeks lifteilft.darrisafted.ftiat des warm Ins Icier., as ammastat appmeehs pem.. nom ex. ease•Misiliwassi acialdeady etaramen4 Dr .oarmiaaihra Skies" as a military medians jr=emagbicaftemeli aced bowels. ft MUNN Irby Ira. ise Salida PleiethiMbi al the P Al arfik nrreitE IMPtenik .nomWeed, sad OUP et ibe 'Drag Omni WU ft AMA Talent inset,' Alleftlemm !1;:;''''::: , .• - 4 ,5. ' , ..:: 10.•;-i7.';:-:i':',:'.!`; ~' rem ..ariftelifirv. lesw. raw MIME irk few dlssuistsiont ammo or boo .", 114114001,61a* the Moo, led yet, sotelthstaod. pwricelleete hoe beta mile to are by theme tiebrittlemialtueok, , all were Mine Welt. flew the Mitoe' la the eelysteactos end, Apogee wholes bees meet. beroehtb toe Odle tr kW ase heel SO. hem, Sew Yezeoteent e 10 ewer hie he the efigOMi bkrr =r uc tni oat ate ittead a i i i bad 'mew l! ,ht Plithieteb at the PElkili TEA egotei,aho tithe-Dm Stool n- irsarasiqu . usbuy au, R St lM Aletet nallir iP 2Nr&------- "rdletetee ematie esie e ! "" liete aeg ' Ohms&w el l . , l id tior elepetto us el two him eaf tor ywo sad yet It is nom t Wow ties fietrebbee= l many of' ttere *Loeb apt. Wm, perfectly cue -by Ow** of 'erAteireec sad mu tt 'eantlesui of mdeebud turietn =7 be deoy vetoed at the siere&D.laysa, fie at mod et, rbiletkiplus, obese tbe mental te Or awe yes beeeele Wren b toosubihry of be Wan, tee,- ' oottonoliet WTI° tb!tirinhabt Witte Leas k* . . . - " - 'TF X t i Tb. ?man a OwireptiiiksmisertrAllmucs egoir it io "4l .r,=ZIZZ, X I T B _ IOO, °ova In it•-tri. • - wer, , a 4 murwasiihe ?ZEN Tita wow m a rri m ilo s m.prie Dm/taws eq. .410 rZIOT6III r Irvie ea Wend nun . • 0 . Att1 . .1.2 I iz: e i r n =4....J, ...t..z . 4.4 na go o*l bbkr bthth.o ... 4.,..% .^ P VIIIIIIIIINIidfiIIi •01 ther etedlese.i .. Or &ambled -.lei am.olplio. of do bomb or astirs...., al•alp.• dr je....,,,..„,, em Ur Simi& em n t :lola wr per mil ina m ailmlyvq4=ttt spa etipolm.....magelabiar to td dire: hiraiii* Ibmatibilais ars . iiit bm4ili‘li ker. m lac•il= • Peos era.; Yobesairlai am sad salb early. nob. rim. etboll.N.B, im..plwg , ll2 a .onesiamo l ancral Nes NA mem ow or il. mimes k med. nadir. L i g '. 1r INETTRIIILLD • Nevcrerlyilhkr.' 2,66: ' stmt. I ibiptilly chi. tar g. V bi to ib. eat* ua &dal frldsgaisis a Dr. 51 yge. Elppar.„.• I haw 11 dim wqr we sapaire abm.l to b. Waal.; y am . mil 141 mem its malilamatA , ..a. i5.,240,.~ 14 . .114 Sixth arm. ',,-. - LAWN , CLITIFICATZS . • _ .. . , Mil. York, airyAßC.. iirs--2 Ws Um m ploisars to , tht . : aperfleibm made ape , .1 4 Arglitiboam sona allaroal Imerairits Imply pant lasi I Wm Ism airiemlat it, is It ame apy armor. ios ttalY• idea l o ai s eaddEd alto tarter ter n o r e li r med; ANYiOwfur ammaadalWe Ethabowheys ,e amataairs..pawsth alas firs‘ , list ars tar& others mho as Inn ae to ears my trig Am Ib.ha from the um arrow saint& Op ella,l simply with sessoadoiad now do gin my: msti minCa Woe alto km mood of • gems swat or Oa Ma Moe harlag other remedial without somas. - • Toms will newt. • Mid wholes& sad retid by WM:JAC/AWL M his ho me tdolieise Wsad Ikea sad Oboe &oes No. 09 • Lb*, I:mat, bead et oaf, Iriasborth. Prim, .50 eoate pa 14—dly prIOXIIIIICP2IOIIIAKLUZSTED—Te times epllnatedert (At Ibterairtui et the Lug. —Werle iirtlfy to Ogee dieted grub the 6m pre. sesiebery..weptosne et Consineption, thin l have been kheciscp Ili aerial Peas with a broach, oneness or the thrust ea/I beenesess. 1 seed miry medlelses, bet *nil hire/kr hi en, prebendal of mehetno, Irak ale let OIL Duricews YXPECIORANT • ILEXIMPI. -I have, been on* this valuable medletne Sac seem! 'tete, and always fine It to faro when inki meet in MY 0G04,116011 assn Alarcon iser, which beeps see almost ceastantly emoted, canes •11.02., at WNW% to heione vary alarming, eebes ort sees posers hientedicher. - I thenthre take plett ones se seeking this patter statement, that otters sheet ed * dhow at the sop and expectorant organs #57 bow the virtue et his ..2/1 healing remedy? , etey be eared. I have rcesereseeded Dr. Dairen.. heard, to euury et ay fnandsoosse ethmarin doh three es Una medicine.. Pliessevet, thhhttek IA ISM' JAMES bIECTIT • I reposior et the abate sedielae would, also *chi the nedleftase palmy who reed. in Perry Ow" en hies say pent= may tall gym and be, • earideood Viit there ens Inoue knout In the above irsdkdpe Sit Wheat be cie Wee Devil Calbereers, tlerszer, Dr. EL Sem; dcv Fran. ills Chahar, Javkaen ter lir. Latin:eV, oti Oen 'When. DL Dt 41. 4 4°.4- M.Varr li tz, 130 Bye rune stree_yaatstoselL Oluet. r Nold 10il,W6tRilt by 11 - 131. JACKSON, to Liberty Lead or Wood antra. .• • anlettnerT • -CteasanpetrAs ektatessLattess e poce sickness wink syton parka:ll • • Or pains alltst year breast! Trenr.DeneettliS,Htsdittg • . ' And It Will eels you rest. • . . It cleats way the minty clued Moue greatbia'er the sold, And whispeni Womb the gbiemy shroud, "Yees . bed& may yet be whale...”, . . .Itee n ziet= Verrgame I . {= t ztie :rg dew:. DU. TOWNSEND'S • SA . . S Alt . P.- - .AIIIL LA:,' lfixt*trac.4l...woygulicine in LAC 'Tortfr, 1: Tin...dna Is pot op nt chisel holies: it mem Mama ehirap. a; pleasmiler i. enAharranted apes* loony mid- rii tares • dhow walkout 'muffin. parffiag, bantams oa. de .b aitn~wa • r GREAT SPRING AND UMIEB MEDICINIy Th. P.M Waal ms l eoperiarßY of this hareaparillAmm all other Medicine is, erhilit it Emilie:atm Memo it hewn, ides the Body.. It h one of the wry best !WILING Airy' SUMMER MEDICINES rier:komen , it mat adi r parifut the stole mane and as drengthe the pima, hot et Creates Air; Roe astd Rid Eked i'ap.rer rumen& IT no ohm- Hakim. Mid in Mit to the mod secret of ite eronehtffil moms. ' It hes performed .iriinsa tha_pom two yo; man Man :13,003, mins of Sven Zs,. or Dim.; at knit *On of time were mosideeed homed& More Man ;MO miire of Chrook Rheemaiiiim ; , - .' • ; 4,004 cash of DymeMia; 1 400 eases of General Debility mid Want of Enetyry; -* j; 7,00L1 ems of dilkiost ramie Comphiats ; 4.tdtt Sao of • . , • 1,600 Imes of e Line Complaint ; . .1. i mem of Ohmic of the lithiney and Drain , . FOO eon Commtptirm, . r i • Thomande of owes of Dierisioithe Moo; vim Moms. Ennipelm, Be Rhein; Phapiesombe Fat; he., tte. • To rten mith nommen meta of Sisk Headache, Vein en the oilcan! tffiem, Bylined to fte tr. . . , • TM., ha am amm; mod appear hereirale, bate ham U n ites from ph sad our agent. (Otto n o parte of the United Blame, informing m of setraordiary norm. Buskirk, Esq. one of the molt too refer /untish iii Se - ark, ff. J., informs m that tir too refet to mom Man UV - m i na that fete alai. There meth alami* of mats hi' 21-ej Iffete ama df=hieh ,.. ietiarnolti. iv:q.t.:l%l,n 4 , .and of diaease behest It mikodmedly iiihod the ea • • • 8,000 Glat.o.st. uts Port Szo.ox t -• I ' A. it mama the owe of dix.a... and pew... 1 timer* the Buxom num. • - . , . . ' Unrroo ms 'Omens. Can. O. W.ll,loCuu Su w, or TO Ullll2lO STAMM NATI', exil member of the New fermi Legislate., km iambi mat as the kikwing certificate. It Mlle ite tom wary. . - ilastwAT, Jl.l. 94, DV. brew atom I ems taken Intl the Weems end ml whole gatsto kft in a gebilitatal abilii. I tem indasd to try Dr. Toworendh barsararilly and *Dor taking two or three bet ties, Ilelna very much reticent, end attribute it mainly bathe said napentla. 1 hue ecatialend Inking it, end Mid of I imamn every deg. I believe keened toy fife, ..1 Imola not wit}uotit abler cal ddealioi.. -- gill. W.lCLmo v ilak U. U. N. • This certificate coodusieely prom That this Bumperlda has perfect coaseal one the mod. °bedtime disease Of dm Them reams eared to one boo m is odiamedeided. Taus Dr. Tovntsaaro—Due r 1 hare the picande to bskod You that three of ery children, ham been cared of tire Stro fida by Ihe me of year entrelleot medicine. Tbej men atilimid very namely wide bad Komi Mrs ooly lobar hoe ,bodles; It took Mese awq, fix 'vrlisei, I fai asymelf ladle :dap oblivitka. .TosmoMpoetfidly, . • . • 11.4. w W. Cama,lo.s'Wocetit at. rtnr York, Alma 1, NO. • . • . Gazer mug xi:mum TOWILCOVi 5421•4111ii . ii• it a. WOCIVIgIi genii Wincipient Conencepuon t llorreaber, I.tricatoloo, tibstolistael or iliac& Alcootr moot oisabousoo of mlt -oNUna., or imam/dg atthotto 11 ..4 and &CZ of ii= 4" °f or co "" r * lnsittood by Moor ; or oiebitiat. Ala= b ft fm b .soi=ty, all 'lookout! not tote. Goes hiking it, slam beeoraa roboat fano( paw 'order itifitooro. It bootollattly eiooterseto VIM id:lll=Na We koala film, nhiri 6iS.pmtoow of b. maim - It will mot experhd of co, is can of 'eddied. a as- Aare. to exhibit macaws of ems performed, but eta con rare the•Micted, Mal handredsof cep have beta reported to as • Beverslcues when fireilfts hoe bee. without child !run, after using a low bolds of thin' iunkludble medicine, bye been blow ersth Imadthy offrptivg. • Dr. Ilnemaaset:_ Dl7 VIA . I grettlx distruied by wednew tad guard &MI L S sturevwq <omicron,. ly ain. and • versatiam of - .do e% dra//ihs of ' the veockb, sad with otter diflicultlee,- 'kering 1:00 . 1•11 con where year werdicia• hum Waled great ems; and aloha:m ini It recemewoded breech ears I bareatecrThed, oda kale of yaw &watt of SteniwrilD, aid (.Bowed W. 4inmii,s you pre we Ix • elwerpriod it naseved bar_coceptwats and metered her hada. Wog trawler Sae the Onelle &a received, Lteke plow. Es the er.lwneledr hig•itiaadnmsoediq it Übe public. • . DLR./dem, I • Alheay,At l .l7, 11144. Cor.of Gina sod I.ydane "Canacin,igh. 94, 1913. Dr lbwbond: To ail - wham nit mori nraern—Titis is btttlifj that my nib and am knit of yaw Darmarills psrnoa Wl= inanorbontoinder tba asaitalanals swd d.lieb aratoinsion, bons traabled win lha dmoy, Inch =gar tha annon.aboniabi,ns9 an= ien tat, =Was insiusioa, atia neotioannanni a than =so bad and th slat woo indoeed to try ink rem Ain, and mann it tong, Ile =Akio, ihi haps an t e . dearail affon, sot oily to the =anal' binfmancat, but aner 11: =loo . of ate book ain ino. Da drops k. herldi am ear " giirlitsd a d lZZie d pa. . • If this vial he of say ism= to yoli or any ciso vilb doubts the sum. of the esedieiss, pit ars siiiirely nekton / mbacriba sayacif par soot obedicod and oEGGW aniasaL 8 S.lnnutaan. TO MOTHERS AHD MARRIED LADIES. ' This Rand of Sinaparilhi has bees sepses:ay papered refesasse to Omsk soosplaints. No Dente rho ho. m oon irippoes she is appro.-Moe that critical pried, "no POW of lA^ thookl neglect to lab* it,.. it is • silage pretsta• fus say of the 12021201161 and bona & diseassi to which koala: Dv entbjest at this thee of ER This period may be &Dyed fir tesssal ran by info; Das medicine. Not is a less salvable to those who an sprabehioyoromarlusel, as it is salealsted to mist esters by quirks:set' tbs. blood and itaiganaisr the system. Indeed this enslliessi is hea table De of the delicate Amu: to slash somas to, It brae= the taltala mama mann permastatly the mato-- Fa esterrier—ley resattrtg tha itarattirs of the body—hat Kt Car sthatalatiag the nate. al to producs aiiabactiructit re•• Warns, which is dm ewe of meat soattkista lakes for fh.ale MINIUM* and Char • , • . GIRLS BRAD THIS. Aron ban padeaesidedsouu, dull ages, bloladua ad the Sum, rough sib, or freckle and an ••..f of kW" cue I barna or two of Rd-radukl.ll.• .blusel.ls win dam goad hoed, IMMO the fm-kles ud, sad uusaustioa. spurkling Jut /visit, mud brusiful cow of which are u‘ ladacase value to usueurg DYSPEPSIA. Do Asidk meddle* he her beta Gicomord which . to icerly resanbbet the gamic juice or alba in 40e0{121:011Ing kod mid airmathsming owns of ittudics, as kis pram ration of Sarsamtnlta. Rand Dcroarracar, l@ev M 10, DMA Dr Dretwansdn Sirl ham ben for amen/ 70.0 with dyspepsia i. ' l. womb:.., ettemited with .our r of stomach, km of appetite, estrrate treartburo, und • punt km to all kink - of food, and for works (what I could cad) I bare km unable to retain Imt a smell portion on my stomach. I tried Ow usual remedies, but they last but little or no effect it, mooring Ow complotot... I wan in awed about two mondo tined a My year Emma of Sarre. -petite, sod I mom my will Uttle,moddeoce. atkr anof marl two bottles. Mond sty appetite motored, tad tie mainly remora& end I would , earnestly moo. wad the am of it to those who hare been Maimed m I lien, ken ur SS, 180. Yours, fa., W. W. YStolen . Ewa, • 1 N. . ALMOST A MIRACLE Read the Stllowitig, and doubt if Too can, that mossenap tion is =ad be cured. llie nook one of tharemerothundrol mai that Towaseadtsliermparl'ls h cunt! Dr 71mentemsd—Deir Mar.: I. scat t. 1.• little ores • year wi th a mere mouth a n d pi. ns my side. 'lt M on eme nal but, naked I wet probational by phy -Weil. to harethe quick coostunptioer / raised buge gum • Sties of hod matter, bed 'Milk sweate r and Waking eery dud My doctor mid he amid do nothr t i l dn for me. I Iraq Into the hosyitsl bop of king based bulks oomaced there nettesbk. I Tree sow greatly Uttemed at pr the limp sad kali hardly Immlbs i I toad haunt cormitted, mai everted to 44e, ; was coked id my bed, sod was obliged to 'hare watchers wweld do.j d m efsn anodt glr wa ppaoys e d d escrpin' kat byley friend.' 'bale pot rmewy t I bad trieda gent number of remedied sad a/I mead to be bat purputa., Defianf . be most ra treoritia S ary corm perforated !FT , pot atabet=d tio tell PI Re truth, I Impel:tad Oak wan km to Owed Dat.l was %doted to bill ill did ed. tad er , y thsioli Tut I lid. I anima my that lam entirely bat am to Sur recommed am tole aboMasr kolas, sad hope to be cab. 1.1110. kw weeks. dly coach sod pia in the add amt Right melt ban kR me, minim bet miry littlei oral me fist asklad ettylsilaf stelagil I AU ft .duty to diva ys a sWmat ofm uses, publisb If you Omni .• • nmitamnr, n LIW st, /Reddy*. Optaleas of rhysielissis. A Tovusheed le ahead idly meowing radon (re, plsy Heim la Caret ;art( the Aka: •• • - . Thiele tomtit, mu ere, Lb. oadagdpea, Phodelast of the Cityar /Any, leen •ia seserefte cues preorftee Dr. TeenteoPs SenepoiDafamit Mine ft blamer et Sir" ! • Wasik oft.pereticae et fie laropeftla tithe motet. • IR I' nom, a o, .. f! ' ,--, - • R D Arm IN t /Ash Jprft 1,100. -••- -e zZLICIIO0 ed, 111 N a. • TOY le to anti& thatwe, the ateloOpee, plartiefti ilbamooka nyr,• deo aty or Aftemy. have Med Dr Tooraereaft Amoco:A Estrett.er i Vre. aol tram Ito Ilesennqualsllet, would reeoaiftened Eft* A aftrearielocteakasoteed Ware ate ftexa eft . ow am, bpreference to !woof fta eefieftaar milk. row is .... . . 14tpril 2,1814. coal, /X natal A, Daildive p lt II Pad. bras ra rg, Dr Dyall 4.Dat i LD ;forth &ea We• P = 4 thicWile lke ad tir= ' . - - Name gemboi,bakor pat op la ` lt hop 0pm41 . 11.141b.. WTOWiten " lltodt a loo 4! bit:l7=7r. " Roo NoorYork Daly Eq.. of Atoil tleff, A ma/ Wag woofed- fo lho fawn yesterday. ,iras ihnolverlioing Exprav of Dr Tosnoiod.. • .Tbo orboirtboosio got op is good' baWf rooe of Dm low' stab! hotompoooatiorobro besollfhlothkb, together wftb *matfett onorboo_goil, glososiog lbo mai thoo neeliAmlbol ikoodwoy. • l b lako Ohio opuoity lo my Inbar. MU. tatted of lbo fioroprorillo Orrres the rory pat priority him oegolied. • 'liar . . !Yam . . Zfst/eYolut.hisrehil7;zsa Tenniend haze bias ellieted Otori ott leat 3 yet% with. ardeffni slaking in the eked, giddatest is the hood, Ins of eptutate, pan la Me litabs,end teem! debut),brought so oodoelAby Um anthm! heat awl eokl to which lOM ettbjeet to ins best es • dyer. .1 hale liken other rolikinee, toe neatened to mention, bet trial little erect., ea. .1 Ambulated irreket I seals Clapper to try • beide, Mwis Ilesupedite, fivateiticia I And pad adieE Hum din tales legend wee teaks, mai unbentdiagly wit 'ft. is the bet fteilkirk I tare ent. lakea—the NA la ay Almelo gone, and I Seel quite direct:at teat skydive. sinee token yew A r nspenDA. hoe news hatter llts Una este: haL webhes taken it "kb &Am del man would metal:teal it es a family meditate aid I het Aearteeed nal It ea used there would eat. half Admen there A, and eye:gangly oat to essay Dodoes lay for while it rakes. appetite,' It de ki•CS to lie donde end bowels thew regain. tmcd tiny. the Wed ni beaky isle. to Use Denise Is ate &kite!, to Meek the . Dr And to ell thou oho en not !Maltby 404/ toy try Dr ToeneneatiY Senetaritli • Tigasiae Firm; 70 Ali e ned. • • t.lb• Mouth. ' • BekmieumegotefamotbreeltUd wed. Dr Towvantly W wed IM Waif theamedh of efilld.res6— The i3" =•eartilleaft h Waled kom a peal number . . . • . • • • _ . lsw Wi, AptU 0,1847. . . .. _ . . . Dr Tehilhak Dee t sin—Oes of ley thhdrat - woofin,. skit MA ti, Cower le the loottth ad W hat, worded with Emil lIM*T. • It ow odtu tlyhe; 1 *Waal hiw for par, nulled iithe, awl h wed it &lady. iv which 1 cow rothht to pwaywapateral,. - Yours nnectally; . . . Luzallaill rowurysl7lkwlwasawt... . Fir ale by a 2 13241X28 Driest*. No 5? %Vasil 4, betweat al lora 4th sto, who las him hpprinthl by. Ali TOWINISTAD Kai hint frff alhithh.7_o3. .r.5.1t29.e_i, . • Ara: 'Pettit) American . Eye • air ho wit:nightie_ Tanr_ereLby Je rs • SVEVZA=L M . ,.. "7 : . _I P /I haa eared thousands orrweee; rerei • Creased nee, tenter% tbe nxerlaggratated and ob. edema &male easee,eeen or ge yearerinanding, and ' , Owe errerlalker berrenternedy and ere but Med oleseana.r.li lavrell known drat a innerese odr gerib• 174 le edleaeleas la relieving all external boor.' Mad Intaaustlon; ealdbeed, chile Prie•lll anti per box. Pampklets andel% :re:on 6Woh % aertl/easee, antaieraelf andribu'd. o = l, 'Oenemilltpcp kr tballatled• Maxi, -Wine aft lel tedia,st. earYeirle, • Irlaleneed TOWNikinDllinajWiziawrj — ri, Air &sof lid. Great BIDS! Mica a/3M age,jart nrralved and he Male by,llE 140 AIM* •• - • TO THE , : -aim AMID- AFFLICTED, EZdMI=M :qlteA l t ,C E. :3l4oVsny i , • -- •con....pnon,'Ck A i g b., Colds, Aga% Stenekbl44Llver Compinint, Spitting Blord, thEctilty or Br, Paulin the Side sad Breast, Palpitation of the g - Heartlollasner,Croopltreketicostico., Sore TltionArkmi. DoOCiiy i ond all diseases of the Throats Brent and - Lore.; the meet crocua and speedyeanscr known for any of shove ducats, " is DILSWAYNkss COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY. AlioniCit 11•11103orrnist,--Rend with setae shment the wonderful'cote peiformed by Doctor S"..fae's Cocelmod SIAM of WILD CHLItItY: CUILADILPHIA, January 23,1847. Dr. Swayee—DearSin In jocks to yeerself and a duty I 'owe to etiffering is, mmattity I cheerfully give my testimony,' and davit to t ine world the most astonishing effect., and the great cure Your Compound Syrup or Wild Cherry performed come, ender tae moat unfavorable circumstances. I wee taken with • violent Cough, Spitting of Blood, ee• 'ere Palls - in the Side nod. Beast, which eeemed to break down and enfeeble my constitution,ou that my phyaician thought my ea se beyond the power of medicine, and my Mends all gave me up to dieL but thanks to you and the effects el your great disease ry. 1.-now feel myself a well man, and raised from • mere skeleton to ni fleshy and healthy • man as I have been for, yeas,..e. shall be pleased to give any inficrintioe romeetieg my we, by calling at my nsideuce, Mechanic. strect i third door belowiJeorge oiled, Northam Liberties. JACOB l'A 8., TaltinUoly in nOW:rOCCiredfrons afl ' era o Me °Me., ..,' ~" 4 _,, gu r The following letters are preadnted id i Deli of more Sally showing the opinions of Flys' chow i • relation to the Medical value of Dr. DWAYNE COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Dr. Swayae—Dear Sin Having used your Com pound Syrup of Wild . Cherry extensively in my practice, I was requested by your . Agent, Doctor Crutcher, to express my opinion. In mat of in properties as a reniedialngent, I cheerfully comply, as I feel by so doing, I WA' discharge n debt. I. owe the community at large, and Physicals in particular. A. much as I detest Haack Reifies dine and. Patent Noncom, I was indoced Dom a laths° of the most potent espectorants, mem mended in nor matens .ausdice is some taxa Of °Sassed Lunge, to try your preparation of Prune) Virginia or Wihl Cherry. It is sufficient to say that I won no much pieced with lie result or that and an'aiequent trial.. that I . now prescribe it is prefer igligcoteoll Cll t ter th ,..t e x =ere so expectar aded tat orh Dimas° of the Leap, In the alarming form la which it appears In Kentucky, I regard it es an invaluable RemOy, in the treatment el that dlsesse. To WI who know me I have cad enough, bat as thin may be seen by4rsons at of the vicinity of frankfort, I will. bra add, that I- have been engaged in as attire mortice of my mthission of 12 yea and am a Regular Chaduate of Transylvania, end this Saha Sint Patent Medicine I ever thought enolgh of to alpine an opinion in widish. January 71h, PH. - Franklin County, Ky. b amizooar, Ky.,Jaery 7th, DM. The above certificate Fa rinimano.of oar Pity* clans &leg a few miles from here, be is doing g very good practson,and is. considered a good Physician, and toads fain he is, as he says, a regalugradeate. . Da. W. L. exorcises, st and Apothecary. nofizoortith mill never wan. From the Temperance Pledge. Now that Winter to upon u with ita•stmadan nein or Polmonie and Bronchial adectionaCough. Colds, &c. dic , we would advise those aillictod in this way to, make immediate trial of Dr.Swayne's Compound Syrup el Wild Cherry. It' oever fail to;perk= a perreasuit cant The iv:detainee of this medicine has clued many "panee articles to(be put forth under Its num but the preparation of (Dr: Swope, besides being the first eller attired to the *bile; I. the may ese that am be relied ea. The other mixtures_ soldier Wild. Chery Syrup, litalaanii,lbui are all of imikarorthlus, sed contain none of the virtu. the orient Son; Dr.' Suyser'a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Fifa the SpringSeld Cigna. WO. thousands of purported faunae Rostrum now before the public, but very few ere found to poetess the heeding virtues for which they suns; commeridciL 'Among tholepin we.are pima to learn none Mond a batter teat than Dr. Swarm's Compound Syrup el 'Wild Cherry. The afflicted in this vicinity are begioning to nee Bond to their joy they find in iia on their hopes based upon its recommendation. more time realised. The afflicted cord not despair. While there is bile, there low in hope .A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. 07.5inc0 tho.totroductioe of my article to the public, there have .4 umber or unpnnupled Indi viduals got apicot:um. which they assrucontais Wild Cherry, some arecalled . 'llaisaum,""Bitters,' sod avert Syrup sit Wild Cherry, but tome to the original and Gplj geevine proparatioo our toned. cea ton, public. which can be proven by the pub lic Records of the Commonwealth of Peneryirania The only iafryrwd agibut imposition's to see that tor sigoatlno sa pa each bottle. DR: H. SWAYNE. Prepared only by Dr. H. Swans at his Princi.. pal Office, corner of EIGHT and ' Rees Streeu, Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry preparations being fictitious and counterfeit without Ma signalises, For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale sad retail by WM. THORN,B3 Market street, OGDEN 4lr; SNOWDEN, corner Sind& Wood sts. S. JONES, 18Q Liberty street.. . Sold ,also by 1 Mitchell, Allegbeny C it y; Boyd, Cares & Co., 13atler• Wearer*. Henderson, Mier. ter, Homan Calendar, Meadville; J H Burton & Co., Erie; M'Kensic & Luken, Clerelscd; Du& & Son, Ctilawbuir, Miller, litrosinsrille; blush, Wheeling, Va.; E Humes, Cincinnati, Ohio; .De E Easterly & St 1..0w1n; J S Morris & Co., Losissille, By.; Andrew Oliver &'Nor Ow. leans. - 11,25 ~~~ti~~: . . HUNT'S LINIMENTiy IS now univareally acknowledged to be th e IN FALLIBLE REMEDY For ktbconnuilm, Spi cal Atlections, Contractional the i blaseles, Sore Throat and Qainay, Inues,Old Ulm Pats ', Pan the Inc* and Chest, Ague In the Breast and Face, Tooth Ache, Sprain., Braises Salt Rheum, Rotes, Creep, Frosted Feet, and all Nervosa Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at. tended the spoliation of this non. WONDERFUL MEDI IN Lin caring thelsont moire cues or the dilferent names above tiatid the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have' been bestowed open It, wherever it has been introdand, gives me thenstit to calf on the AFFLIC MX to resort at once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED i7Theacuity unite in recommending the cello sted External Ftemedy, Hunt's Liniment • The following letter from the highly eminent Phyaicians who awe been attached to the Mount Pleasant Stain ?neon for many yam, is the best evidence ofthe value Mthis celebrated Liniment. • Si.. Sure,Determar • My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday, asking my opinion la relation to ilueVe Liaison, as preptuod by ItltGeterpe E Staaton. Kaman its compoetties,ead ham( frequently sad it: ea recommend it to you aa • safe Paternal 1t..,. dy, and in my opinion', the beet Unbent now le *se. Very Indy and respectfully/ours, . . . ; A IC BOPTIIAfi. Col Pierre Van Cmtlandt, Croton Manor. 'DI folly collCarill the above asenten. A eficitga.. . , YOAKUM", Jan. 14, 1845. • Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would my that I have used your Extern] Remedy, called Heat'. Liniment, in my practice niece you made me ae gealated with its compoeitioi; and unhesitatingly at, that 1 befieee D to be the best Enema Heine dy now in ice tor the - complaints for which you re nomad it nunitzlimctililYr ' BM D MlLtnrs,M. D. (leo E Stanton;Esq. .•. . • - f/Antoeg the ma Emblems astiMee itembuip that are pared Meth at the pascal Jay tad epos Lite canary, it se really rithanhof to Sod . something of mai practical utility, wafting ma speedy and eSectual ifs operates, lad at the eau time Dee from these lejesioes saws whichnneentify aUend powerful seesedien Liniment, prepered by Gen R. Mute., of Sing Sing, though et haa been but a abort time before the p ublic , basalromprebtained the conlidence,set only al nor most wealthy and alleentiel attain; hot out most eminent physician All seknowl• edge it to be i mercies balm for any of the ill. that flesh in Ina to, soothing the aching limb, and by In patine stimulating fellieuce,bseishing die nue (root the gam. !Mr. Stanton*Sis-Brefsg- year atinatisemeat of Hunt's Liniment, feu induced In Dyne elect. on my coo, who had been crippled with a lame back Dom ee infant; and it is with gratitude I bear tatimany to its Wonderful healing properties. My child, who is now Sie yea. ol age, is now it • fair way of recovery, - !. Veen, Inc., DEMMON C NICKERSON. Pear Orrice, Town tan NIUE% CO. I certify that I. too pareonally acquainted with the above named child. and think the hither would be male in saying that his ion fealmeet well . . • -'- • JAS IV DYKMAN, Boy d, ISIS. . Deputy Feat Muter. 3.. S. t would ilea state that I bare been for a number ayes,* subject to frequent attacks of the fthetiouttima. which in many legumes prevented my attending to my,busincie. WO or three appli cation. of the_Linimeet invariably remove all-al - fallen/ of th e kind.. . In case. o f bruise., sprain, and lore,, too memento to mention, ft bee is this vicinity proved a certain remedy. Its nine can alba estimated by those who have given It a fair . This Liniment i. goblet :Sante° cents per bot tle, by ell the Principal .Dreggiets and blercliaats throughout the country. • Mande Agit: to In Ay Yerk. - figARLEX,IIIE.L . P . I2 It Co, liS, Water IjoiliKiii & E;c fir/ t.roedway. ~ A It & D SANDS, coiner Felten and William. ASPINWALL, S 6 Williein areal. - • . 'Orden, addresse d to ma at Sing Sin, N 3r, wur be attended le. VEOKOE E STANTON, Prop • 'For Ole is Pitt:dough by L WI LCO2, .1 band J r KIDD & Co: Alliumeny City,JOHN SARGENT Bireniagbato.jOHN SMITH. feta riiitrorristwan, Only. Irma, sued Omannato 1• - ' , Liver Plata 3 RESAIEN hy li E &Ilona e. . . r NeNE &II eM- 4 ?1:1 : I NT: etil Li t IV t ra g iotha ;&ten or your Urania n . Year PUN r . ..da1 b 1 7-herenn. lat:4llF l' r a and ilt4 aartlifi' —l.7"' Wes generally. The demand Leo= eat at Ulm Uwe, nisi , are mown wan own fall, awe ke expect to he in year ear. • : Veen remeetforly. A S Fames. • rli'Dren ' Ttt=te a VL ge1 . _ "144; e aaadm ' lle4.l4v ' t pare d mid by ~ RE ' reamna l w mu ll. a? wood et . picretld by PcCumat, kb ward, and Tr II etwur; Afferthear MO. . . . ert 115 —.Mils, CiLliatol. VfZuirlltllPeatno.--=—'.,,,,, nuns is ib certify Utah by ens Mal of mown ,11. bretAnee Worm Nreeine, gob Id el Amer Shawl paned upw ards ' of Td worma,and 17 the nati or said r lk t. ls ttol h lMr a mtwi ar a . ri a= "d .-mum l w=hte mmus.— l gear 7sarc.--1 mast ham [immure nab.. .' •- ' , t • t.. , :.: . : Fans& by/ SUMO/SOS ?le 1111. Weed mast, M • .y -i M!= - HRIStIE'S A POSITIVE ik.PEILMANENT CURE FOR • AND ALL NEEttfOUS COMPLAINTS. °Who though the oi sou may not be explained, Since tbei•lien am duly wertained, • Lel not d —mon, pegedice, or prole, Induce mankind to er t n ew aside; Meant which. them nple, are by {[caves To ..mate the Illat [human ki ed.• - DR. CLIRISTLEV Clair rANIC RINGS AND MAO- P =IS FLD. , HIS remarkable dim alien which lona received We ' aniirersal approlsaM ri of the medical profession of Great Hearn, col:uprisen La cutely new application o f Galvanism, as a rentedm agent, by means of which the ordinerytilabranie Bernie ea Elector and blagnetie Mai ehines, he., are etulrelyslspensed with, and the myete picas power of Chromate applied without any of the objection which are fowl arable from the general mode now in rm. The strong loses, nod irregular intervals, which thdranien it %polled by the lilachmea,has :been pronounced, after a lair mod impartial trial, ta be decidedly (nderims, and it was to remedy Ilan rtbealde •feet that skit new application wee pmected, which, id. ter unem.siug toil cad pagsVernac_,c hat been brought to ita peCsent mete of parection.• The Gedeonic Rings ,analver all the pargandl of the Moat expensive Mai •chines,and in many other respects ere monnefs and : Am ain in aceonvihli iris the desired effect. The Gekorne used in eoanrotion with the drat , mat Fluid, are ea dently recommended in all disci den rebel an:4Am an Wader et enhaddip am of to names or Mod system, and these complaints are among he moat p ainful and uveroal to which we are • subject. t They a e x ception, nsc, without exception, from one sim ple cane—a derangement of the Named Sys:em— end it was la these eR that other Cersetlica , having to often failed. a new nt was greatly needed, which his confidently belie r , hie been Mend in the proper an d judicious e of Gahrentsm The Galvanicp Rication have been mid with entire tee- In all ease. of Rsaoeaame, acute en chronic, up. i7 . l s uo d i tt bead, razz 11=Ccer,, 84. 11e. =ro , , DciUMUsm, 7 =it, rsj, Bailee , Fie, CreaP, Pondknan uf the Hata, hp: 7km Mrs= qf Mau, Shat! Complains, L Norrolgio, Palma Mas mars, Digit/al of titt='paist if. Chat end Side, Gosersilifiebeity, Drfisimu le - Nov.4.M Pyics:R. orgy, and NERVOUS DISORDERS. In cases of Mdlineed •Dyspepsia,'which is slept) a emcees de rangemeut ofthedigestiveorgans, droyheve Mtn found equally !successful. Their extroordinary effects urn thetry stem men be for maws to be behaved, and el a certain preseve for dm imeeding complaints they are Needy reeorentendolL 71se lbw are of differern prices, being latede ot ntl/ Heel , andet cartons ouse -1 ..-ficO Patterns, and nen be went by the wort delicate fentak without the elighten inneassaknee. Itrfact, : the ammillon it rather agreeable this otherwise, The Galvanic Belts,. Bracelets, Bands, Garters, Necklaces, ha nee eases of a Sere gage chmartes,ond along standing, the power asapplied by the Galvanic Rings, Is am .safficient to wren - roe regress of disease and ultimately glade health. The improved modilleetion Eddie Gelvaale Belts, 3rocolets, kn., entirely gone.- dies Die objection toy degree of power Wm t• regal. red eau readily be obtained, and ao complaint gnat the IMMerohas agent et Glelvanten own effeet will fail to be permanently relieved, These ankles.. eat,. Sod to the wain, arms, Wigs, limbe, :melee. or troy pan of the body, with perfect eoneerdenee. The Galvanic Neatens are used with grouter benefit In eases of Dronehitle or affections of die throat generally; tato in canes or Nenroas Deaf - nese; and with almost uniform meets, as a preventive for Apoplmy, Epileptic Fits, and ehniler complaints. Christitosnlannetic Fluid Is Wed in connection teeth the Catenate Rings. and all Weir modifications. This compurinou has been pro ,cawed by the French Chemists to be one of the moat extraordinary dutcoverim of - mestere reience, Me be lieved toposansgthe remantablep ewer of misdoing th Ogg amirisig a fignsi, cadge by this moans comma a concernment of the infinene, at the' real of aware, be. Pelee rapid:and permanent taller. •No other composition in chained Is krignitoprodpeeLlio same *diet, or to Impart. similar property to the acmes systern,by means Gran outward local eppheation. The at FLald contains nothing capable of the slight est I n ha application Is - thrtable, and It is as html,.. In It. as It is beneficial in its Fall explanations and directions seem:pony It The contested Inventions are In every way perfectly balm kriss they are sold at priem witqin the reach of all and the glagerer Maly respleata • (air trial as aMt of their enrialtig efficacy and permanent benefit. Ckristle's Galvanic attengtecnintrias. tars. Throe articles form' another valuable application of the 'mysteriou• inilsronee of Galvanises Thep are an important adjunct to the genuine Galvenie Rings and their modifications, acting upon the sameineip le, but •haviugthe edvantage af more local application. They are eglideritly reconunandrol g • valuable eddinen in the speedy ease Rheumatism, neat* or chronic; in all bonsai complaints, and as a faction roma) , in cats of Nix and Roams in the Chat at Rttk, Pain in gt Gisfaiis Agasnatiedafigiass, awl in Madmen w Oppra. viva v/ If. Puhrtenary Omens lit Spinal ' then effects are of the Moat decided changer, and :hey hare often been used with completes/WC... They are also of the greatest advantage in Pules nod W n rd, ne,s *(the threat, and ore highly recommended for many of thosicom_plainta to which females aro elYealally bole. As an careful/ Meant far rotemnberneg the system when debilitated with disease or mber causes; era eet otn aid in Conneetionet Weakness. as a - Preventive for Colds, and all In grentlons of the Chest, generally, tb,, Galeyne Strengthening Plaster will' be Mond el great end permanent advantage. In a few wordy is eisibraccs all the wires of the best lostiageparallOn, with We important addition of We galvanic rogue., whieb it neither Impaired not exhausted,. while We ec• doe conga.. Theta /Miele. will be found entirely tree from those CAUT l objection, Whig O are a constant scarce of complaint with the ordinary N phas . tere in common too) Ecr Tee great celebrity and teem., of there ankles has mined than to be canaterGsitad by angl aelPlOd persons. To provide against happen:on, Dr. Canatte has but one authorized agent in cas s is clly of We Union. The only agent Pituberch, vmsoN, CERTIFICATBS Ar TESTIMONIALS; Of the Inxben and meta respect/die chum kr, are eon gaudy - received, regardi e ar t ic les .traary value, and semen of the al - rove lt 4 believed dun In the city of New York alone, upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERatCribl.daring • penman( lima the• year, have been enurely relieved ot the most psinful ebonies disorders. some of which have empletety bar ged all maser Aram of medical an. Indeed many of the test phyaie tans of this eity, who dimpprore of We Gelvanic and Mague tie Machu:we, constantly teem, mend this epplieetion talkie practsce. and watt :he es , modelle( those arts, are tootrejudieed plc o 44 the Inreenan has ref eiv enrolees+. favor with Memo intelligent among- the An/erica/1 Faernty. Dr Christie is at all times ready end most !sappy to give every facility to physicians, and an interested, for led- Mg the troth of his eleprtsrot end the efficacy of his dummy. ii Maleacy la Pittsburgh, corner 4th and Market at . IT NIEVS! Dr. CULLEN'S INDIA VEGE T ABL E ?MUGS.% DEMONS afflicted with .Scrofula, King's Evil Cancer, Erripelas„ Old Sores, Ulcer., Teller Mem:rod Discuss, or any other comrade ariaing Rem impurities of the blood, are mqueskid to read the 101101riag Intimonlahr, In prool of the wonder lel reveilles ol the above namedmedicjae. READ! READ!! READ!!! We sloe andemignad, having visited Mr. Inac &oaks. Jr. et the. office el — blear. Remand and Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia, coma Yin OM the meat remarkable one we kart tree sewed or bastard. His disease wee SCROFULA, and terale man ban been hi" twelve years' eonglet with the do l alate,t se entire root able man, Non, Up. rar Lip, and lower Lid of the Right Eye have bee. Jae=, his Fans noun eaten op, and pill or the te ended away. And yet we can give at description or his EMIG, Mt.ialonas us that in January last, the whole banns or his moan, as well u moat of hie flee wuatnuise et deep and painkittleen! Ot the 14tb °Clammy leat,he communed taking Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGE'tA FANA. CEA, which checked the disease in a few day; at rem that time the can Ins progreand without in teredamon. New Mesh has npptiad the place of the deep al eery, and though tinily dialiapared, bia face la mad, mid kis general health is restored, BWa anareMd e h r iaae the t t m re e a n t t m s, e ntof Mr apOiesticse lave bean used,—in fast, the YANA. L'EA.ALONE, hut wrought this woaderfel chugs Dand Smith, Becks county, Pa. Charles L . Mudrille, Crawford cora.. W Jones, M D South &mead street, Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. EW Can, 440 N Foartb, ahem, Poplar it, N. L. S DlVallough, Linsimater, Pa. M Maddock, 28 North Elereath at. Phila. C WApphtoe, M D'46 South et. 'do rwoothyltaktwell, Marion to. Missouri. Daniel IfeakeL Calmat Hill,Philadelphia co. Pa. Joba-Hareed,39oH_igh wee , ' Plilis. William Steeling, M D„ Camden, N. J. -William Hale, 378 High strectiPhili- J.H Potter,Maaufacturer of Mineral Teeth, IN/ Nialk itreet, Phila. L A Wialleasieber, Ed. Phila. Democrat 777 N .1d arrest 7w do Meow Finish Makr, 317 Market-St. 14 E:Tram, LW Chown nine Phila. A D trdlettii, Pritim of Eleventh Ltaptiut Church, Pints. Doha Bell, Erie Street, Philadelphia, (bonh Amer eon office.) Aaron Seeds, 144 Ciethsrile Street; Ph lts. Daniel McGinley,dd Andrew Sweats% Camden, N J. R H &MIS, WodPhila. Richard K. Vous, Udder, 409 Market at. W Aebm cad SO South Sixth street, do TS Wagner,Lithographer, 116 C'hestutstreet, do Si Ransil, HD Eleventh street; • • do Peter Skon Smith. Editor Native Eagle, do Joel 'Bodine, Glue manufacturer, Williamatown Willizei Steely, Farmington, VIIMB111 . 172,C1). lowa L. Weida. M D, Honour Mu.; Russel Canfield Phielolograt, Philadelphia. !Mamma P S Roby, M D, Harrinmrgh, i'd. Peter. Wright. 30599 Market street, Nola. James W Newlin, 103 Filbert at. do • Jobe Good, 174 Spruce at. do William line, rotor St, Paul'abl. E. Cll. Catharine St. Phil a. John Chamben, Pastor IM ladep. Church ', Bread st do . L Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standard, P Seen, Editor Olne Bloch, Doylestown; Wholenle and Retail by Howled "v. Walton, Pro paean, 576 Martel St. Philadelphho N E Sellers, 67 Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Thy a,6: Mar. Ain et do.; E O roans, Ma ri etta,Ohia l :eaten & Sharp', Maysville, K Y; John WDanenhower,Cin., Mel Sklell dslieeree,Madinon Ime Noble Lotus K Devereeek & ?afloat, Et, Lours, Mo. P H MoUnw, Hatches, Min; Hardawity & John stun violothaigb, do; Charles Jenkins, New Odeon MO GIME NO A V T DR. CULLEN'S INDIAPNVEGETABLE 'wispy—Warranted to care, or the moo. K ramie& This medicine is prepared from= In. alas Receipt, obtained horn oneof - them In the Far * Weak, n/ r oot earima.. those who have been Pordliar witli the Indian., know that they can end do cot* Venereal withimt the knowledge of Ma. may, Balsam, or anything or the kind. l'ho af. Meted kave now an oppertanity of being cured without ithe sue •ol Baleen. 'Fhb medicine is =it to the taste, and leaves no smell on the ; Preprred . by ROWANDB, WALTON. arid 'sold Wbolooalo 'adroit:Ll, by J. T Rowand, 376 Marked for WO Is Pittlwrgb by R inner', 67 wood attaayal WIN ThOrlit Nutlet It. 04:64w1' ~._ .__... DIONSON &C 0 . , .. itu r kei Specifies deers tenssa Third, Sorsa 'fl44 Pis liadetphissi • • T mporasgs sLud. Wholesale Denials Watehcs, IWateb thous and material s, and. Pules, earnprivaig , all the articles connected with tho trade. Clocksanzaa Oct Soles Ilraartia,Gennaa Silverand ,Silver plated veinal; Sheffield and Dirminghtnitt plawl fi.cy.rtiemi,Rodgi rs Son's and Wostenhiam's eat hcry., n...es, seivtar., ranch, desk Knives, no, ivory' andled tablattalery of the finest, medium nail com mon qualities k large assortment of glad pro., perl focal Ppcclacles;xopicr m ache and Japauned trays, nation. shape" and p ier radoced eaten. gala watch ca.. and 'silver warn at all descriptious man- . afactured to older. • DICKSON' & CO. having recently removed into the 1. ?? p, t .d commodious warehouse formerly 'occupied by hie.. Ashburn . [tone. and morerecently by Aeltharst & Pnni engton ? beg, leave to inform %%awl, Dwacmgo t itimm aim M. cause Merchants and others 'het they design having at all name as assortment of Goods of their own haportatton which they are deter mined to sell at the lowest rates. Erkir cry' attention mid be MIA to the packing of Goods and in the execution of orders, the qualities and paces will be fully guarantied agallitt competition. sal • J. JUEL, ARTIFICIAL FLOWER NAPICF/CTUREII, No. 1.56 North Third Sired, ABOVE SEW STREET, PitlLADEipti e , Au on 1 .. 1 0..1 Innusiseluses to order, Artificial HFlowers, Feathers, Tatlition, and Face Cepa. La dles' Drew., Caps, llordcrs. Colt:nets, fr.c. Andover,. denerilltion of Fancy Goods, which he will ten at the lowest market prices, N B.—Feathers dyed, elevated, altered, arid shaded. atte4-am - ' NEW 011. STORE. • RIDGWAY & 'BERILE, 37 Nerds, Snorers Wine Ilare• • ra, FFSR for rale ns We Ewe t [mods, lii -the articles. 11 of the Oil Trodo, :heir ,l ek lo varied and 'extol stye, nutd they feel poufidern o giving ratiornesion umus who null. They have no on hand— , Pose Sperm Cla. White Winter nod Coll Oils , dl Solar Oil. Ninterpressed Lard Oil • {Vatter Skint:tut and Whato C Refined. Reeked oud Common Tuner's' Oils; Sperm Caudle.; N.D. All stood, delivered io Sr GUNS. •• . ED WA 'II Li K. 7'R YON,. • No. lil4 Nerd ^' - std 5c,,,, Philadelphia, MAN U k ACPU It ER and IMPORTER of Shot Gant, Ibbles and Pistols, Powder Flaalts. Shot Dap, So. perlorPowtler, Percussion Cups; Shot Wads, Doll and Wank Cartridges, Ao kn. Alov—six Darrel Revolving Pistols and materials for Gun Maker's use. s e •Gusts made to aide.. and repairs neatly executed ltrAny Gan which I sell 'will baproved, drained, in the presence of the purchaser. ' 116 BIASEIR TM'S PATMICT 113111.R.CT.ACT lON ' STEAM RAMMER. . ; Tm.s P.setwes Many advantages over all 01.6015-0.03011 E which clay be Mentioned, • Its Nutmeat. le tiess—The rapidMty and Wises! blow may be controlled with We greatest ease, while the hammer is in operat and the hammer may be in stantly arrested, .11 suspended at any height. Ds MS ...Will', er capacity to execute work 01.11 kinds, fro m that:llgal to the smallest, under We ; same hammer. Its Simplicity, Compactnesi - and Cheapness. Ito Accessibility upon all sides, by the workmen. All the hammers ore made Self-Acting. The aulneribers continue to execute orders for these hammers, of lall slue, Upon reasonable terms. • For further particular*, inenire of MEILRICK &TOWNE, Assignee• of the Patent forthri United States. deelh , ly Senithwark Foundry, PbllatVws DERRY .4 NICKERSON, Manufacturers of • AWNINGS, NICKING NOTIONS, 'WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS On ALL DESCRIPTIONS Em. 354 Sontb 'Proem street. 'Back of 7 A. flilsorec Cadineg Ware Maritify PEILLADELPIII.A. A orders left with S. S. Moon, at the olLee of the Merchant's llotel, Pittaburgth,"selll be proMPSY attended to. ; T/lOS. (1. DERRY scplattliv ; C. NICKERSON 1.!! . ,V)A1..1T 4 3 • .. WILL/AM OGLE. COACH oLVD • 11.111LVE.15 MANTA, Cheettul phiL,Ophis, 1.. of tbe• fins of Oide lAWItow. rispeettlilly infirm hit friends . the Robby her hoe uul will Imp constantly am heed tad Le 1 ,. headman eowelotatt 'Almada , CAMACCI. Value of all styles and tleteriptione wale to owlet at the *bolero poteible woke, aml emoted to Ow my best wanner, of velsetol ,teawriel• MISCELLINER AUENCV POE. PATENTS. • WmAineun. D. C. • 7ENA:3 C. NONBINS. blechuural Eng.nerr and Li Agri:inn procuring l'a:yht., will pre •t the Pei. ceaarr if e and Papers for Appbranot fur Vet. enta, all whet . 'urines in the line of his pit,ctirron a: the Patent Glee.. /,,e consulted on all quer:nos relonna to the Potent Laws bad Jeri. won, in the tio•hrd Slows or Vcrupe Po nu t tbstatice des:roof of har.r t a etauuoittiotis made ot the Potent Odic, prair to making applwation fur a powt, may wrward !pow pa. d, eneb.wng ol fee a elearnotrotent of their erne. ulsen immedratc atten ono w::: be given to It. and all inn ,^ on that erra:d be:ibis:Ned 1.7 a 1,4101 opt.beant in person] ponoptly conunttuitiated.. Al, (crier. ou snug et p.a.( paid. and roman: soTable fee. where a written opinion 1s required. Othee on V. street. opposite the Potent OtEre. Ile has tho honor of reforring,by . perinarton. to bblunincl Burke, Conanalasiosor of Patents; • (ton. II L Vllmworth, lola do ' ' do do; Il Knowles, idnehinist, Patent Ogle; lodge Cmnep , Washiagtoo. C; Hon. H Choate, Slassaellosetts, V S Senate; Hon. W Allen, Oho. ' do; Hun,/ N Vorrlio. Thragarii lion. IV /1:14 Hall. New Vcchi Ilun.`Rohert iliittott; lion. B Ilreeoe, U S Senate; Vow! II Haire, NI C, Miwatri; • CaI:LH hl Shreve. Missouri; Erasta• Itroolret Esq.. Pittsburgh. THIS eimeraffittni. rpllEFlreworindryarmaulAufritior.ososal”ternireestabl li.hwebt.Liborty et head of Wood.aro arm open au@ may to orne up to raritert.lce Cicsaw,lloroctotaista,Coke, Pena., Disals,wid ah the VILODYI ferrvoilVit“.Of the una The propriebvs al , 4,now:F.lly ibtite reserelable Its.. la ..11.4 '<elle ihtIAX.ID Cia• blbesamthes. be they fl.tteete4 1.643 ivall it. Jifireat dcrert.eals it cuttot 'payed, ace tetlaio:y the toad pleatcat rood io the 4, !Writ department, I.th LadeetiadOtatleownet, are natynalkd elea.bee, meanies., and hy nay in the <wean, f and I. Ladies' Patint.. will challenge a compernou far riehneworattiew, and beauty . ..oth thaer, ouly aimily ratabliiherient h. be found anywhere. The great dean, with its =elan,. awn, and entnie Fottuulia, ea • pleee of the moil shit Fag caraway, Roam are fitted rep at which Ventlemea a:oar can hart Luna Dinnerand Ilefiralloweatial all hairiarthe ' day. The Great Sake. ieenteaenin both Like and gentktien.r.tritnee at the Two coaxal's. The Lenin , Parkwyrclaatve fur Lte• dirt —entrviate at 1 6,11.1COLcluts • Parties will be fotstild.ed at the tqarteat intim - - --,.„ in this ear The berme—nue oii Me most approved r..tom •..d most Mann:labia Easte rn minor. attil colon: Aim ellb:AP KOLL, or 131/8,1104 //LIND, on head or made to order of all slats, and at all priers. Country Wareham. and ether. bre melted to be examine tbo above Mr tbennelvea, aa all will void wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedoetion .made to whole's/a porelimera. anldb . • •• WY.STP.RVELT COACH MAKING. • FROM the vary liberal encourage .■ - earritthio solaeribar has 'received since haalweerod hiautelf its Allegheey, esiga.nr; hoe !solaced him to take alum, thee term of yearn, on the property he now' wonky's, In Brevet lame. I mentedlately hosido the Presbyterian Church, Frown the loan exporience the above bosom. and Xdosire leptons*, he, hope. to meth it and receive thereof public pconmeno. Now on hand and natation to order, ROckaway Rug gles, open and lop Dangles, and every Yeairlpilon of aiMmages made to order. from miaow-nye dollars to eahrhunamt• faiso-d , UI JUICY SOOTTI. Pitil i r s Universal Canker Remedy. A FEtV kasha, and tal rottit's "Canker rosued. (1.. long known thoroughly tried.' Lai been j et obtained and lath:sato by Wro./ACKSON,tO Liberty I street. tI. the auto, safe, sod union 'remedy in to cases oat °fan, (Sr sal oriloary' or eXtraordinery, nod most acnravelod mimeo( recant .or chronic uninn• Fore Mouth, calomel 110111.11:1914111, swelled 1011.14 erp . swaths, canker rash, Juno ent btonel,ilie and quinsy. putrid mm throat. black tongu e end all ease. of nom mon ranker, in the mouth, throat, and strouseh, when applied la actor - deuce with the directions nocoinparty, inn each bottle. The article received is known to' be genuine Poly NI co per bottle.. Oaken T. Janes , Italian Chem ical Soap. 1, , 0R all kind, of en:pliant and disco l a of tie gkin: aueh as Plotpies,thotolas, Halt Rheum Stourry, Hut g,,,,,,, chapped or misled Slio,asitl fur another ilise4 ,ho nein, which mourn txternol reit:when On, Sony trendy usipansllcd. nice dispelm rrecklem, sun burn, Morpkew, Tim, and 'honors thu color of dmrk, yellow, or. diefivocil gain, ton her. healthy, youthful. eleornero. A fresh nuirti , y, arrnintd al th e reduced linen of :171 per cake. leo inn Veen reccived, offered for ale by A FAIINES CHIN , co , corner In and wood and oleo at We cornet of sink ; and wood he° PiESTIriNSIENIS GOODS, (al orlinti: IT lale,l 11 & E TODD, soinuCeloirra Agruin No In 111.0.1 vt., op Nair., two Joon, below Sal, Indira the attention of . roo.-Inwirs of Clendrown. FunilAbion 0140/: II 10 our Eliork of one mid febbionablo gootto,rnateutoctiard rilirrwlT for our owe sales,.trananted well nude 004 l giro iwrlcet soli.Codiont nod are would call the-attention of porch:wen. and our mot.- wers to coe nue of superfine No I . l'roy Shitle,jont rreeirrd: on, raw medium quality, do; with halls whim and striped of every descriptim otol tally, with *rip Co soh purelirwrot 'mother enoe of hoar Isnten 1 Swim! Joint Draped limp Surposden jai opened with various mos Mid ma. We would th e calls of purelsoorni who are io in habil of OW; Int} Motallalitis for goods, to•odt and eremite on, Mirk, a. Co uremia:dent lo oking, so far plias art en. cooed, can iodine them to look Author', but insure tia *oath' re calf — FliciaTit r iee — kliticia - , ------ NIEWLY I N VENTED..For the re hereof, Permanent 211 Care of lIIiKNLh or RUPTURE. Mated to all Mum • Thu superior claims of this Trews consist in the Oaths partitive rasa with which it mny.bc worn. .The pad of wood being ncatlybolanecd on eptings, to rms. sure on any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to, any =cement made by at wearer. It can be wore without le/emission, until a Curd is efTected. The sub. Sceibers have mud,, arrengemonts for the manufactnre dolphin, valuable Truss., n eupertormylc, Philo and het, thorn now for sale at their office, tie, 77, denithgeld 0. near Sixth, Pittsburgh. ' , • DPAIWAIT, • D. %Y. KAUFFMAN. SabliAPAßlLLA.—Bristot's Comp. Fluid Ex; ktarsanntilts. hlctelu's. comp. FIuIJ Ext. Forinnarillnt Carpomet's do Comstock's do do; Toornorod's -do ! do; ConounlT on hand and foss* by DA, PAIINM TOCK b. Co., COSACS of Ihnt and ?moot and wood nod ' Husband's Celebrated Hagnesin. rrilw i• a mild Darning nieil6t 04 &Aland aperient; be t lag • prat aolutioo pore-no na:we of paid""Worrt".".. o tot "' 1' ; inat j nie Downi4orniset tojliri+npna'tlit ta of toe' ttotaaelt —One tabta apootrfolof the aid 51agueala Went is l e aroottft to halfa teattaliatfalof Magmata., . ,T sa by El /a FAIINE*TOCK ft CO, vont. .1 at and Wc:f oaf Wood wain ala. . , 'l f:: FOUNTAIN LIOTEL. ;LIA.H.T - STRg.Er, BKLTIMORE; FOGG & THURSTON, Proprietors. r utlenabhehment laity and widely' known as brag bassi:tinily h e undermine very o n emenstre t alteratoni inn improvemenU. An 'milli, iris wing bas been added. couraining numerous cud airy ileeping apartments, and extentive bathingraents. The Lidice deparunc tat him ulro been completely re- MI. - intact and fitted up in a moot unique nod beautiful style. in fact the Whole arrangement of the !louse has been reanotleled,.with a single cyc the part oldie . proprietors towns& the comfort antileasure of their Gams, and 'which they canfidently miser* c.hal• tome companion with any lintel in the Union. Timis table will always be supplied with every ital.. /gamin] end loinry which the ..... =dram., served op 111 a supertor style while in the way of Wines, ae.„ they will not be surPassed. In conclusion the proprietor' tug tong; that nothing will be left undone Ora them pan, and on the e o their itman., to render this lintel worthy th continued patronage of their (fiends and the public generutly lleorteei for:board have also been reduced to the allowing Lod tes' Ordinary, SI :Petper day. Cientlemened ' -• • • N. 11—The Ilaggne • Wogport of Abe /louse will al way. Le foam, At the Car nod Stcatobottl Landing. %eh:eh cosmy Luggage to and froth the Hole, foe. of change- • egy2 , ll( • DEA.ILL: ST/LEICT -LEOLTE, Cincinnati. -L 0111 U—The subscribers having purchased theca. fire Interest of COLO P Will aaaoa late of. this wall known I, tabrs:iment.beg leave innate to their friends and the public generally, that Ihey have taken. this rommodia. Hold for a term of years end will exert their best energies to mote in a desaable home for Trav alters and City Boarders.' • The Ilotai'm spacious and Admirably planned (or con venience, light'and air, having a :lumbar , DI - parlor , adjoining chambers, prerenting rmosanl oilman°. to Thepresentproprielnes having had the expenenceof years In thin city and eltewhere, hope they will be able It give Oilers! satisfaction, bring determined to glee undivided attention to the haute alone. The:location of the Pearl Street Ileum. n unern..mon,y eligible, having fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third ells, so that It in equally desirable in view of the conveni ence of business metier retirement for privet,: boarders. It Is wear by the Hanks, the Post Office, the Marmite Dail, Odd Fellows Ilall. and but.. .imam distant from Main meet and two squares from the City IC brut, that offering the greatest inducements, espeeiallyrta country merchants and generally to all persons visiting einem natl. JOHN NOBLE mete:7 ' JOHN A DUDLE — Weddell lloaae, CleveLsnd,li. • zaTII.BSPLENDID /10TEL was opened on the Na t of Jane, for the reception of company. The edifice fronts one hundred and sweaty-five cc tdn Super iof-st., and one hundred and ninety-five Is on honk-n; and congaing over two hundred large airy chambers and forty private peelers. all of which have been furnished wth thew est costly furniture. The drawing rooms are sp acious and Wynn in elegance, anything of the kind i n die United States. The dining room, gentlemen's pylons, reading rooms, office, and dreseing rooms are all large, airy, and famished with every luxury and comfort that ran Swum. It is over two years since the comet stone of this musnificent structure ware laid by Memoir P. M. 'Wed dell & Son. No expense It.. been spared hi them to make. it equal if not euperior to any hotel in the Union, and as ornament to the city Carriages will be in waiting at at all aver, 10 convey remsertgers to and from the hates of charge. Clevelend, July _ A 8 BARNUM " different crudities. Whale Oil. Guano,frx.b.e. rale order. al6tl Ct....13111ff licie - sE, bailee 81reet, between Market and Lombard ' Streets, Baltimore. lit Toe subscriber having taken the Move estab lishment, offers has services to the chlrens and pablicretimally. It is contentenill suited es retards the Steamboats and Railroad Depot—is In the midst of the more extenuire Importinalloosea—and in feet, the ktelltloll offers In those ambler the city, as ay conveniencei and cattiest as the other priactpal The beam u now briar hued uparith new famiturn, la good taste and style, and will be oppn to the pubbe on Me 2d day of April, int?. The proprietor trams that bin unremitting cant , ' to please, wilt seeing to him a portion of the public patronage, restdept Ms well as transient. W W DIX,,, tislinnons . . Apn12,.1677. Lots Pl of the film of Dix ylngim Fong ALLl:glit ANYgal glio Market st ,Phila delpWa—The aaluteriber Date of the Waahingeon llanisburgh, l'a ) lake@ this method or in. foinung his old friends and the palilic gerterallY,that he haa token the above twined 11(011 le The House is airy and conifoitable, and bait been extensively eltered and hsprosed. and the propnetor hopes by s strict attention to business, and a proper care far the comfort of his Vl ' i . e .' o O u n alt:=l:l ' eTry " ea s e h r i c re n ' ic r ltloc i' lln 7 nt " v g el. hog Public, being only twe doors above the Illwriaborg and Pittsburgh Depot. and within two somber! walk of the Bellmore and Heading Dram srnaurtu at tached to do premises. Tenn, Pt per day P Allegheny Howe. Phil'. August Xi', 1e47-apnbt. .30.11E8.110Tb:1., r • p u , P.! eux.rxrr Puukosunu. purchased TgloteVi rter * Zou '‘ ettfilfsb: went, awl bopeby strictest nuraion to an, AVS:111 and <anatu of aeir gums. to m ern n continual., of the htami patronage tareafore reccived by its fan., pownear. The !wow ha.been ammoKhly tenoraied.aml repair d; we therefore feel uc , arwl we cnu welcome our friend• audabo public to abcomraodaliona equal to any tbc.esly l'hilatte/plow N Jy-'1"•f JNO Wan. • . ISOUSE, . Coiner Plain and Sixth sta Cincinnati. 'I , IIIC cotahltrhinent is now In Wettest order for the 1 reception of the Traseltne Public. flaring under seas a Mntrovr,l, repair, darter the past winter, end Lester, the Kos expertesterd tern in the welt. 111 the veneer alrim atents. I latter myrelf Mat ell will be phius,l who ran. The location,. central, cionninalioes and pleasant. l'areSl per day. Burman. Merritt 13,1-47. W E MARI' N U.—Although noi exactly n nen Broom, it is the remet—a new Winston the old handle. .apdtf lautociiniowrolvs OALT uousz, Ky. A Ft r i ritfa l :L O , C I !!! o . gy i ltirs o i t otg o qin o ili A nN SE, lounnnlle.Ky..nlete he hopes to meet all his old fnends, assuring theinland the puldicaltat no Aeden rhall be spared to make alicemfortable who favor im with their potrenue Jantldly WATER CURE HOUSES. HOUND IHlell. WATER. CURE ESTAB• Li I fHHI 4 NT—iIiUNTUAAiPI'O Y; iliac occusatata as awarhaan. Seurat. Wier.. ans. Prop.... Du. Flow zb s= LI. Drimedrom Reddcat rpm:, &Uek:L..6[46mnd is shim. &boa half is Iwed oflTn baudifol village of eitedteapten,, at . now of a.nt dolt feetisliwo the Cemiscrtievt which it crierkwka The grounds ceersonading the E=tdishikocnt, compti.i about fully sec., whiel. ere entirely appropriated w the use and plewame of the Patients. Amid. sts beautiful gm... pimal. Anew nomerom feet pattu, cam pletely slouled..4 dfordine healthful and pleasant walks for mealy f ker miler. The capect.a and commationa buildines of die e.ablish. meet are hicatnl upon the emu. brow of the hill, and ewer look one of the mod ewh.tiog rand... to the world Inainediately to front, is the vill.go orliorthemptoo, with its PUIMINNYIas handsome eleielkings, =idol the dense saltwe of loity and orerhancupg elms. I: nether onto the sat we the rich meadow of Northampton zed Hadley, dread in the ' elect verde. of Spring or the: wisest. habil... of guinnwe mid Autumn. Midway, fir miles, north and south - , I is wien the smooth end gluey sue.. of the Connecticut s slowly so toideg its way..< ocean. k On the Myth, IN 4400. died pew a the village of Hatfield with Its 14..4 beechrul fartric thecae is the dourishimg witlagee of dad-. I :eh and alici of Amherst with its Coes. while ia the dis c.., with the aid of a glaze, any In sem an ended. and I [flatly ititersiked swop of country. On the sindh-east, at I about gg la diraues s ie Mount Holyoke, its its drew of green; and a little beyond,. twin phanant tillage VouthHadleyy cw the south, we behold at abet. 4 not. ilist.ce, the =rade Mount Tan, .ado the charming - Wtill... or Ifampfice, ends Its elegant .hoo e whole, presenting combination of natural =wry we , surpassed, perhaps unecomlied, by .y other in dm world. It wee res.riked . by a Beekman, who has =eat some thirty ratio( his fife in wend parts of Europe th at he neve beheld •seeisew perfectly 6isatifial and ..h amlet. fIrA The sicenta at Round Hid are my Wry and spa <Jocks, and ire amply solkieut for wpwerds of one hundred' and fay patine.. is prorided wi It th an ab.4.a of the purest sprltig wa ter and eVely W. minis. far the full Sail perfect apidlce lido Of lid/ 'tench:L. aedwwiderfictly etieteesful medic. of rota-eine kid ter hafelred health: 1111: D.Wslow•wbe nuldea ha the establidkonwt, is • geotle.. wan a enlarged experitoccomis educated in Enfoye. wb. he enyaryll ths 6411.1341,10 Of 'WOW perk= , in. the celobrate .hcopicds of enburg and .d his lawn a soc.tafed Practiceerter• this 'lenity for :went years .I'atlents may thetefincrepwe .4. confidence in hs ekill wed discretion: Acrd prwieion is made for adc.lance Amon thaien. whs. are .enrol well hat... Gene. hums. Teraw of Illocirdlng, including =din! shire etel. P. bents will hewith every article (tr paelting,efec.. at thee= of the cued Northantyt . ,- • 4 1 .;;; , $;;;, iugust Sth 1647. ' PRE lIROWNSVILI.E .h ATER CURE ESTAB MENT opened ou the lath of itogushemder the ears ot C BAELZ, attending Physic-tau, and Mr ORIPFITIIS-manager of the boarding Depaament; has been erected capremly for the purpose, erid'is well calculated to actioutruodate twenty Gee patients. Its satiation in healthy and the furrounding country is pic turesque; thd immediate neighborhood abounds in pate soft water sprams. (rain tour of which the baths aro at pee eupplied Every foeility Mr the restoration of health td theinvalid Ia hero offercJ—pure air, water of the [nest quality, and a sheltered. cool eituatlon The Doctor Iconic, In the establiiMpent. Coalmen. dation ott the system if unnecessary, es is alsn an en.- I tom - Rona ratite 'senses curable by water, es It has be. came so generally k 110 n n, and favorably teceired by the coalmen:ly el large. Each patient mqui red to hanien for the sweating, e ek o woo!. it b ther proe-i r-cf. tho fellowiag itrtielos : two large thilankets. iliten comfortable, or n feather Lid. ant. enarie minim .heel. 1111,1 linen chant (bat eon be cut into bandages, also 4lr coarse triwela. Very feeba. patents ate frquired .•ring MI attend ant with them for WllOlll Liorud can he obtained in the Mng—cm-It Patient to par sin dollars per week for reediest advice, are of the lintlisAnd ettendance during Memories., board and lodging- Payment ID Lac mule weekly. mind her any atelttrui brought by Patients two dol. Inn per week CITIZKNSi Fourth,Letween 146.4 and .ilarkel-st.,oppneile' 21rsj. Lorimer's Exchange Office. T WE enderaigml is Frosted te n nectan i :nod d ist , 7 s n ub : Inith. C ll7•Te n ve o cyta e bris a b ' rtlen i r aided wall: covey thing neceasary to will hr tender bathinj a luxury.' SALT end SULPHUR HATTIS prepared t/ required. The alyyire establiahment t. Riled up in nn entree nem plan, being venni th e from dm roof and the rulmeriber is canfidentrbal the improvement. combined contribute to render than establishment the most carafortable nob win the city. /1 ,13 a1l II VASHON J lEE QUNSAVAIIIIC UST Received at ere Libany street, n largo lot et queenswarc, Telt P. Plek IF., to, which OW own er internist selltnat sediment priers. Ile would Invite the allentien of d e nier., hotel keepesa,atenne a n at men, and private families. to and cianitite hie snick of genres, helots. purchnsing elsewhere. A. they wilt Gee it to deur advantage, those washing to purclasc, shouldcall won and secure a bargain, as the propne tar n ibeut closing up hit stack. ar.lo HlLlNiati. {VALLE fli/LNUIVACTOItIf e - , T l . l l:l3 a utelbe ,.t r . k m e:p . 7 . c 0 0:x . 7 . 111z gr t t tz , a d n d rt e Ln , L , apoona, gutty and nmotard spoons , map lad lea, and stmarAntra; butler and Seh knives, threaded and pinta forks; at the toter , , prices AV W WILSON corner market and ath Week MirdPl—Jut brt of Parr Vol. bands a m ttd re for ;In:ing R u bb er roan I ,ll p n unnniircels drectiption—lo an tortoni one ran be placed mond a• p acket "(Paper...holding them firm or the unto time, llowlntrof culditiOu or rcdoction without nay lop or compoeut,cia.. J k II P1111.1.1Pd• r all • Petition Ail., wood•ad reQPILNCEDVS FILICS"--Junt received, ID Minket Shlikearanaek, 4 eitekto•Nrenecenh Lnst Steal Filet , compneittat very general nwortrni The ehOoliao of Mach:ADD and eoluinwers generally invited.' •• • LOVA:IIk. KENNEDY., ' Lieltt'L • • ! ' . wood itmet. STD—'IAO tin primi old Otti ivedl Ibral• U rpe W it - ItIttoCUTC/lEON,l2lllbeny it • • HOTELS. - • • . The new wed splendid aeataer' • Capt.Charits Hoof.. eolveaeneee • her regular trips this' day, uvin Pll l / 1 burgh at 7 e'eleelt,, at • and Graver st g Ti • eeaneedia ma Pitubaigh mud C{eveinnd ed Coil nallaats daily to Cleveland. U.; lawyer, Warren and Cleveland Lineor CansrPaetets and Sage Couches daily to -Warren and id:midway, Canal Paeati laneva• New Castle and Greenville, Pa.; Erle Extension. Line to Meadville and btrie. Nell. Moore a Co's Lane* of Slog . Coaches fur Cleveland and Waage, leave Be. den,- on nee arrival of stmusiboat , Beaver how - Pittaberga • Apply to ' - O M HANTON Ca, Pittsburgh erd4 CLARKE a. Co, Beaver - • UNION LINE, 1847. IN TIM "rxsxcrLvANlA AND OHIO CANALS, Lit.:TwEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. E PARES A. Co, Cleveland, 0 RG PARKS, 13earrt, Pa. Proprietors. T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. TIIE abouo-Line is now fully prepared to trunspon Preight and Pa...liners front Pittsburgh abd Cluve. land, to msy point on tb• Pennuylaaninfr. OhioanOh Canals. The fne i lilies of said Line are not equalled by any On raid Canals, in numbers And capacity of Boat., expe rience of Captain. end promptness of Arent., Be. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, TM- Ili le g In connection with the *warners. Michigan and Lake Ens, between Pittsburgh and tte”en and a Lino of first class Preamboats, Propel lets, Logs and fiehoonera, Ori Cakes Erie, ninon, hkb chip:and Ontario-. ". petty forwarded to any. part of the. Onion with despatch. E PARKS Co r Cleveland, Ars • REED. PARES tr. Co, Beaver,',ll,gta ' W T MATHER,Tittaburgb,•Agt, t apilt Wnter and Smithfield fluent. sugnizu r kak 8 4 I,;i DIONONCSAIIELA ROUTE, ' ••• BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO BAL MORE 'AND PHILADELPHIA. • • ' Vane to Battienore••• •• ••• ~. , ..... 3,1 be er . Titan to Philadelphia 10 [Only, =Miles Staging.) TITE splendid and fast muting weamersConsel,Len.. is McLane and Swansea, have commenced making double daily trips. 'Qua toot will leave the. Aloneepi bele wharf every morning precisely at 8 o'clock-- Pa/tenger, by the morning Imo will arrive In Baltimore neat eveuing.in time fat tie ralladelpitta Nail Boat, or Rail Road an The *Ming Boat will leave the vrbirf 'daily at 8 O'clock, emegi Sundays. Peasengers by Bile boat will lodge onboard, in eionfortable state 'rooms; !nave Brownsville neat morning aret'ek i ir cross tan mountains in day kOt ; sup and lodge *Cu • betlimd. Thus avoiding olOt travel altogether. e preparations on this root, are ample, and the et/auction complete; so that dtsappoinueents or delay. vvillhe an. known upon IL • Passengers can stop op the route and resume their seats again at pleasure, and have choice of Rail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia: • Coaches chartered to pasties to travel as they dealer: . Secure your octets at the tree, Blitnengetela Haase, or St Charles Hotel. J fable- ,1 TO CLEVELAND via. WAOILZPG. ; 18474.iiikaa THROUGH IN 91111 OURS. 111.3.CICEr Llama Swallow and TelMenph tea*. Bea' r daily, at 3 o'clock r Y v idler the anima of the -morning Dom from Pitubergh, and arrive at Warren in. time fin the Mall Lane al Stag., erhielt leave Immedi ately thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland al 3dekreir, r. E;M;= OOTF.N k LEFFING WELL, Wesse., REED. PARKS & Co, !terser, Agents JOHN A CAUDHEV,ecroer Water and ResithSekt aped Opposite the Nonaneahele noose Pinsbtugh PIUtiFIFWI4.II.I - • ff•'• T • PACKET AND iILF.IOIIT LINE: . ills Line eansisdng freightendpassengee Peek - will run regularly daring the season between Deaver and Greenville, P. by whieh freight nee , pew and seegersbetween the twapointif.Willbe awned leentlAl' nt the lowest rate. • • . • WICK & ARCHER. Greenville, Agt. CRAIG &FRAMPTON, Claristitic, do; MeFARLAND & KING,' Big Mod; dc, • I1AY8& RUINS Slnttptburgh t do; W C MALAN, Bhartmt, . • do; ; WM. MATHEWR, Ptdiect, do; REED, PARKS & Co, Herm. do; JOHN A CAUGllRY,cometWater add Smithfield us, didly Oppoosite tho Monon,aheli Goose.; Pitubamb CITIRRIS PORTABLE BOAT NENE inn THE TnaisNMT.l.le ALT. KINDS OP AtERCIIANDISETOfon•OV AND FROM Philadelphia, BAltimors; New York and Boston. • Milli encouragement tit , . line has received none 1 Is cornmeceenacnt, has induced the proprio. •tors to increase the kby adding o needier of 6r class boats; and instead ofgiyieg receipts as hereto:. fore as agents, we will gave our own receipts for freight shipped by this bee. -• " • The boats are all portable, consequently freight is taken the whole dotance without traushipmeat; thereby preventing damage from frequent handling on the route, and as each boil is owned by the Captain who runs them; which is a aulficient guar ante° that there will ba no delay on' th e route, All Produce or Alerchandise consigned to the uudereigted will be FREE OF com- ISSI ON, for advancing and ; forwarding, and will be shipped without delay atthe lowest rates of lrembt.. We r espectfully Solicit a ibare Orpriblie patio. , WALLINGFORD & Co., . -Canal Basin, Pi CRAiG,• HELLAS Oc u e7.7rgir. Broad Street, Philadelphia. , F fdILLEIt, Agent • • Rowley', Wha4 Pittsburgh, Feb. 1E1,1647, • - 18 4 6 IN D 1847 gt . 4 1 MFR Al . • TO TEE EAST 11l ERIONGIIIELA' BWDTB I VIA BROWNSVILLE tr. CUAIBERIAND. I daee,to ,m the _prep red bri forward pro. ;:le ' r7lll.arit:Ls during the ens. iK Wilder, bra the most faroVabit 1G1112,4 by this cape diva. mute_ All propeny consigned to us will be forwarded rat the lowest rates and with despatch. a ilerchaadiso received by this mate plealptly fOr warded. C Ag't. Plusfiars O h, W CABS. Bierweaville. - E. MERTON t CtrAumberbtad MiMs!ia TO•THE 'DART DIU IllitTlMoll.lo AND OHIO- RAILROAD. • T sabsenben will oreeipt fartbeAelisen of Fro .l doee In Baltimore by no Monongahela Ehtelnraler at the following pnees.— • Ashes, Neon, Bauer, Lead, 'Lard, Port, Tallow. Whiskey, 3, ar.d Glass—,l7/ els perloo 1 , Totaer n Risen, Flax and Whest-111 ets per 1001 b.. Ashes, (Pot) Apples..Choese, flax-Seed, Mass; and Leather—Ml eu, per 100 Ibe Oil.. skios, seeds, Woed-110 et, per 100 tbs. ' - Beeswax. Feathers, Fan, Ginseng, end Sna.keranot —llO cut per 10016 s. All property eonogned teetther of the andersisnet will he forwarded without delay, fres of Conseslss_ ion, tt above rates. W H CLARK, Brownsville. HANNA & WATERMAN, Ilitshargh,• •.• • • - 7rim" - Th um ' iiirmm - drefferK -- CONCERNING OfERMIEVIGE..—rat ete Haw. S. vial potidtteing wiudera—llead'the 'fislkiwrlng Qtareht from Wakefield, Pastor of Meng 5t..11..L. Pittibentk. ?dwelt lir. st. E. Selleiw It hi from a wawa of. dam es well as with 'groat pleasure, that I beer teraihnoartathe vir toe of tourjaalg.telebrated Towelled.. Iprocured • wirsets bent., mad gave it to three Gimp cluldren, whit had bean eR far several weeks 'The eldest 'was - wren years old, tha next few. and lao yoangew *tableau mouths. Thg first noosed Gay.satwortr, the second folly wean, ondthe third a eon m sidebla ninaVer not disunetly vsloolleebsd. &nee then they let waheao doing wolkand ate now in goad health ' Yours reepeelfollp, Wremna. From the Rev. S R Babeock, of the Mathodiat Episco. pal Church. Me. R R. Seller= It I. with atom pleaure I would Inform you of the good effects produced on 'my son of four yenta of age, coby your Judy celebrated yen:drugs. After his havlng nvulsion., 1 gayeties three doseril when he passed an almost Inerednalde Comber, freie which than his general health has been improved. . 13L. Beaco. From the Ilea. Chicle, COoke, or the Methodist Epia m . copal Church: ... t• , Pittabargh, Docemberl4.lB43. Me. R. F. Sellers: I gave y little daughter:Pet:wean ihred and for years old) three doses of >our Vironfugt,' • areardtlix to prescription, with Me:happens uceem.—.. The nbniberof TIMMS expelled I do not know pteelre. 19, but it was later. She is now in permasion of good health. I think the medicine may be confided In with' grrallinfeafVedilt.S. C Coeu. - . . 'As this Vennifuge has never been knoWn lo fail in ny instanee, when, worms aclaially ignited, parents . mold giv e ii in preMrencii ho illillhers.. - Propwd and sold by IL E. SELLERS, between ad el 4th, on Wood 'PUCCI. For sale by Dr. Reese!. Rillh Wan!. =' .' 'ten simitnAbra TOOTH. PASTA: . cowgirls 1 1 14321 1 / I C/.. • TIDE`, best snicle known for cleaniegenA whitening / the Teeth, strengthening the gems, sweetening the and It should be used everyolglit wills a end brush, the teeth and mouth willfully require a sligh washing its the morning. Wet the'brdsh wldoWsres or. or cold will answer : and rub it are ban ea pan. when enough will adhere nor crane.% the teeth. It leaves • delicious taste in the.mouth. and MI parts a meet delight MI (sentence to thetbreath. Ilstands unrivalled as a pleasant, efficscious, convenient. and oaf., dentrifice. /tie warranted natio adore the teeth, , but to preservethem. Ity using. it regularly, it will remove the tartar and , prevent Its lICCIIIIIIMhIIIOII—prevent the toothache I strengthen the glens, and prevent all diseases of teem Chemists, pLysicions, and the clergy reetentnend, it a decidedly superior to every *legal the hind in use.— Ask for Sherman's Compound Owls Tooth Nato, maid observe his signature is eltachad to each pet. Recommended by Dr. Casde, Broadway : one or 1 our best Dentists, and by mart of the old calublished ones In the United Slates; and ever nmusively used by the Nobdity of England end F.?" A large.proportiou of the disease. l hatailliettuankind . arise from conic deranget of Ibt • tentacher bowele, which a timer', use of the men Calha rte Lemmas would: entirely obviate. Persons of Wilma habits should al ways Imre a hoe at hand, and take a dose 'whenever they feel the least derangement ustheir health. Ajudi ' eines um um of these Lozenges would prevent thousand& of c Forsake: MM. conthrof Wood and /Wow ins teruun LSI Saturday Ipso l a I spoon Mall D. A. Pali.: lineriook 1r C 'l. erroifueir Ia My Kiln Kiri, •isidi is ' , torten four and use years oldounl dainty die day she passed 103 lams wornis,"averspais MOM Man a fool in length. Scal* OS effects on this child, I then pr., a inn lb her younger sister, who iris iipnaisinrurcu, u ,d she puled 17 wornsf of equal size.' . • lIENRY.CIIgurn • Wauilusinketeninntblal4 rutin Prrpared and snl.l B A FANS $T inCO, •nno, 1.4 and IsnoiLand.srend and CM sou • kis ' MILE MAOIC x 'lag rsaae Nada, Satins, or Maas flogot-Ckaless, Woollens, Qupets, am, and tendering spots virilleft it la applied Wear, antld, daw and apoup., dal d with direedaaa. Prl_en 23 ems stake: Aryp•deld by Wad; JACiptION,OII Marty tuaei,lotal W ooa, Waal/coo oa4 Shoo Eon, atilt of Ute oy-• • REGULAR NOLIV E RG B V:ILORRT VOR. :miuNCATM .LOESXWM• AND MOP: Irgehrg - . Tilt linEasfiN h. die:oared • way it am..., d ,a './.. pleasant, WI thad childiem rill rake ir array ad cr, se d Inca. See sat hisjocaiimid is aroma sate lea et 1.... m• 1. Pot orTath hide on th, Ink of ads Mae, ace ill _ SEIMNANT COO& LSMES. . . : Thai lawmges turas saga, eat son mul eddied red ely Souwegh., aids, dettomplau6 whwptgirsh. al - , era, tights.. of dahregar cad, elk; etc- proprielow lm rear lumen an dance where they did la gen peria. alisrectio. Serail Uwasel boas has bay add ugh In th `gym,reatoring Co bath prados ist alma vary sage ' orsce,aael Mow laborer; ender the Wag dictums ...Wald coughs. Tlcepa nu auk and dry ..', 0 ....0. hat radar it easy, peace ...vectored/m.oohp the tidhag et 7h i c ratian y ~ at tti anon the . prewar.or . 6 =Yr , .. ... p„ 50.., ....0. ...Le; and a nra re eadcatedly , upend to every thing in we Or thweaaphinte. Modals oime han dad. of mak:aft hare fan aired credit 'data,' ter/. ha, hue thaw who have bats add hat an oitimedy um. ad restated so prat or resisgmart. .. • - Where Nero 111 much pen or the tredve side, au of Ober maree Aar Man% lagers (price ody Leg meta) ahead be applieduir the pert; Si.! rue nit ahead . If attended Ina m a d•` • rev =natio ar bathe lacterty or an mild cdturne medicese, .booth bo mud ae occadon regehea.' SUES-MEANT WOll.ll. LOZENGES . . , Thaw wars rous lotus,ate hue ban proved in awes adyil,4oo 00 tan to he : gm lay mare warm deste.yieg daemon euedowcared. Max dhemeariata Sam woad ..d maim king ad iblensesanang, made,. dash, side oat their car ban /marled: 11... P... er a_arthft.. • ahead with thew, and are dammed for redoes waraint. without any bleat; whew me dame. I' thus Lance weal *ly eta is - . • 1 , .. Thapar .adpf Wiame--tta his lliejaato or labs, viist , . po.,g rimiing tr deepieadatiloa a ahem. abouthelgawi the fad, dualth gashed chake, • , blealayst t et the now, aseuriag seagioe et the semoadri Dal i or liee our The mad. ol the lady, slight chills or da crag. baba. theraisue; Imago, depar, daubed arum. addax dunes in Jeep, with . feigig sampeconap,. tautirnes i doellama an.; Overeat.. Ohm. Mild • law, Ste had tea a. la merai/el diEcog hreathiog, pas hi Et..t....d. 6 ! kr.res. MO. Mon, meauidrce, are; ekes mpperie, harm, 61014 • domed oi Una, Srmmige.. ehapaeott martial pet" of the body, a due of ena thin rionv a the law, gams albite. towagsmighL • , Sauer dada to yam oomducei Sum gie ad tau ilialierges ardent awl mu W s, ma OW . m. • • , . ' . '. _.,.3lltahlAN'S CMPHOII. LOZENUM -:" ' • They . gine handiers Wier In envoys. oe sick beadle* pf maw and Mara, karma the spirits, derpoademey - ' oe paid un gust, boat or dander ma •. - piaci &Wang, opprusim or a rasa( sinking or the dual • ', ache, grow vamp of the soma 'or bads, hydrae' I ,_ Murray aod al:Unmoral dames, dr:axiom thrash the.,/ thy, and walefidus Sayegh the . orghh cholera ar choll era toorbew, diarrhea, hated*. a sums 'or Wive. ler was trarellag or artadieg Inge plain, i. 5 ha tha Lodz pee stay naringissol &mean. the bacy of yoethsend mrld deajetwa gerY sarestaa the repp is Isla. gal _ nay, 11•11130. aU the omplaat emplane entiog ha.. / too Ova living. Pence. sew Leto bah kw WO Inenoul dadoesd ewer died& halasorill dad Ode Maim al. , '""l",""HEWrps POOR. MAN'S rinsiiii. ,. .- 1 f The bed dresitb.iwpiroberia the eraedi lads 1 ...reedy Or Ph.... ...sum Se the ack, khd, r.,. 1 15C010tri, 141340Ve. 6.*: Itl raill 11 ' bd....P=116 '-Waymied r=o :II othenyasit ' one Irasna lla maul ude, mak; mealy Ute bui, Lit . sh.th.Put *A. i. 0u..4a. stab.. mid .. a. hoar., and awe adoeishing cora . I=r' Iln liver gonadal and tly.d., a *aid ha wore our olthe laud sami aid id wilt arroreL%mad el=reUrf. I. eagle, odd easy . or , meadow of the ebed dr annaelo, the' hs"2 wroth sad vat:Mara tie meta. :mas. sa 4 . tary Wits, g i. v i ~=.w .... 4114 glt• ...., Ihprearts poinaly nen:ulna' .thas. la prarrenft I. all beam they elickradhandetter odadonlypea Theyr .....11.ey aro sthialati a...quad; :so . dyloc. ase .1 entirely different inrai 'ats Iroise, other, and (at la experience of al licoarho here rand than. as all a. la aged latisocey or ... dl 4 eatived oul dqd.hal 'any mad phyagens, ta - M ths amt lard wed seidiuted plasm 13mo! rums haft el the madam iia exprees/ . itlejz=sed thmakitott tie duos. Wreaked coa. Ursa :. Direetkes kw al are os lir hack dad. . ,with aI . fit dune or DrAhotrudi asea it i. t ' yoe aideld days •la id Sanouth Poor ,rium. rba, red Ma alai ' rs rt U.• MU. .. Wu.. reemi t =e • isialeesi, weal about and mold kw ire end Loki*hauls ad reim2 hp We/VAC:MON mt iii, Paha . Mediae Waeliee.. No. elil e Maly ant, Sip r ip. nlO MEDICAL -Ally ID" 1 91/1/GICAL OFFICE . - Ne. IS DIAMOND AL LET a Few doors baker taarket DROWN, •• • Hindu beers ricatarly ed , - - neatio. Me teethed pro fender, atsd been Swann: • A time in aenerilryneedee„ - ' now consneskiaalteutien.. • A to the -nearasset-at Ulm "" private and dellcaticessaf ;//' plaints forarklelt ids emir' amides 'and "exmlienee - • pecuirl. qualit' n il Eleven years mai • coca . awned .to 'fflawanly treatment of those mond, au, (daring. welch: Om be has badman, t. L and add 1.611 eared more poi:Mate Mao. ,can aver tall us the lot of any private pleeptiener)ase." -- : ply qualities hiatus ell tr as emcee of speerly,satimi;., rot and noiesetery I are •,, all slanted with diseases. and all diseases arising tkerefmas.-: - Dr. Brown would (hkerse Mom afflicted w diseases which have becoasechresie by time or anfreva."s ted by the me of any of the woman nonneas or lb. dmr, Mat their complaints can be radically ned t o oueldy cured, he having elven his combs,' menu= to' she treatment of :riche...es, and seeceeded sn hundrons all assume. in mains persons sh aftutatioa of he seek of the bladder, and kindred dreissee white arm resalf row Mom mum where others have eonslgnat thews. • becalms ; despair. Ile particularly invitee each irslawr becalms and.mmaceessfialy treated by others to salt blot, when everreatisfaccon willbe givau ao their eases treatedat a earefol,theroughsutd • mansards:tinted oat it long experience, Me= vemigarino,which las hopessible- Le those engsgstra practice of atedleise Eras anyone orals . Irp• Bemis or Rapture—Dr. Brown - also' .rusi • persens afflicted with lierna to earl,: a. hr i n pad premolar attention Ode disease. - ffltin Diseases; elso Pilet,Palsr, err .. speedily cared . „ • • Rl 2 l=ats of Mace -11112 - by stating their disease, re Writing,_mmagall•the sympt , lons, eau obtain mediehma with dtreetleni far me, by t addressing T. BROWN;11. D. poet pail aad track. No. 11 5 Dom ed . lino. opi.ob• docuralior . • IDS No ease. is DST! .• :dell IMPORTANT To THE IsADlEß—Chinssr' . ~11.•Rair Cream, ' a nuaetless snick, kha , 01011144- • amen and Resioratkuref the Hair: TbieCreaseierben ones known, *will supersede all other ankles or the kind bow used: Where the bar lidcul,harshalna,tui. healthr 0/13112blifit, lipplkailoosir make- ^ Mc kart. era mac asd rein besatifidlivily aPPestracem and wilt take Rn nailer:Baas' and healthy cialor twice al long se all the :prepstratives ' , Oda are getieralli end; Every lady andtpratlemmif: who are in Oa habit of est quells on their kale, Ocala ' • atenee perefians a Smile of the Cheese Fisk Cream, as , it is so compassd that It Witt not Mime the kaii.like rha- • taker preparatious, bat s'ilibeantaly Nand Erns perflset " I n / . t r rabl u tir L ea 'le fl ' entr i sf2iii t gS 4 t;ele i , De'neiraitelsTiCt%ri. Who Weawm States t - . Letter from the Elev. It cadnell, pastor of lie byressafflestek, Pulaski. - • • . ' Unsay HeAdambou a Stretch—Ciathenieriii •• mire leetisnonyie Meer or the, s = mot prepaniou mired Dr. Parrish', Cressa—Mr about two years arm to, her rota veryd • . • Walt', and dispelled Scream mai hot having procure a Pottle of the feat, - 'l l / 1 41.6601 it according to therms seription, has" Is now sod, elms+ - and .srm 10 ih,;; head.. Many balsams and oils were applied each lea. Lama toy hair in a.Worse state lb. base. This Cream however, has mat my expectuiena "., As an aniele lot the Tolley my Ink aims it Prete, ea. ee over allothersi bolsgdellestely maned, arid oot „' deposed Tb, holies sweaty:J.llf 'ACC'S, the Chinese Cream to he a desidenaam in An:' preps- • '- Mien. 6r tine toilet llcstiectfulty - mole and ectiMbe Pinnas by John' • Id., ad, No 45 klarket lIIITCL and Jeelktolder, , . comer of Wood end Flakes- ' •• •": • •• • • • • CROFULA -AND - SCROFULOUS . ; SWELL* INGS.--Scrotala In all its melliplied..fittaw, • whether in Ulster King's Ertl, enlargement. n the glands or hence, Glean, White Swellings, Careitit , _ Rdenmation, Censer, diseasetrof thelliun et Spine,- - or pf Yeannnart Ctuisnatption,. emanate from one and the wow cause, which is a poisonous prisewle more orleirs inherent in the hamiweistenti There. fonNtadeni this principle cam be destroyed,ne cat Ceti eau be etlected, waif the principle ?Ow . , _which the disease depenids,,ls removed, e. awe. . mast of amenity follow, no matter tinder Watt Wei shield sninilest 'nit, therefore le the reason why Jivps.'s AirtitiVivx is "so"onIi we/willy sweeten] ia removing we many malignant' 'diseases. It. destioya We_ virus or priseiple from *hien • thine dinettes have their Melds/ • • into the eircolaUen, and with the Woad it conveyed to the minutat fibre, removing; every particle of' : disease from the kystem. Prepared and whist N 0... • . C Soillb Street, Philadelphia *ld at the Pekin Tea Store, No. IS Fourth 'tree S kAIVIS .11. MICELI CAN VEGVdTAIELSI • t - Vor about one year,Olutee amebas le making oriel Mt. , S elies.ftenerrattniPili &offered etuessely ream • DS apepsia ‘ and ao acid Stomach. .1 )mve made me o(••• a emu vanety medicine without teeming maierLal benefit About three mamba morel eommeeeed axing hlr; Sam's Medicine,' width boo malted) re li eved ma from aridity at my stostacp, and removed me to emalbr. table health. Several of toy friend, teal asquatnumeca ~'; have made um of the PO* and received couch !meat froM ea, 1 eon with eonadenee re LEE eetomend Melte' • ; ' • ' JANE A 01711ad_wea Seld. — wholeiale and retell, by -FT FAIINterrWE ,a l Oo,eumerMist and Wood. and Weed and aduds. • = PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, euatiSiiED DAILY, TitiktiVErar,Y k WEEKLY: Ai tar Guam Sitildinp, 34 se. mar 04 Pen Opal. . ILL9CIEB OF •DVILAT/111111164,••• • - Ono iniertion of ID lines or. less 50 50 • Two insertions **basalt...Bos ' ThiwO • "• '• ." " • - 180 Om. Week " 110 Two Week. " " ' • „I DO Three " " • `31:0. • Ono Month, Twp Theca "- • - •,1„ ... • 7 a W o Itr• Lover advertiaementa ie taint, proiZthr•-• • L. .. Ono aquaro,6 mouths, without alteistion,...- JO OD , 12 .. • . • 00'; E ' th ria.are ' ro[6llllollan •6 OD , " " • • AZ • " - / 0 CO • One KaareA,montlacrizevabl: at iBSLIS;IS. CO' " " • Lt. ,tr„ o SO CO , - FAChadditiontjalbr IS -. JO GO. ..,'W..O.lnoutts,retrabloatptests, 3000 Ks .oualuguse,6 sosth., ... wit ILLY a waz-truswir 'so salt 0o 9utste. 3 ineettioeri ;1,.80 ' • , ess additional insartton Five lines or let, one year. . - It months .a oo ones you, daily & !vilify; 10 20 rt , siz months " " 8.00 . ADTzitIiNOLINTS IN 7'NINLT PINAR. For 20 lines, er leen, Oneineertioi, . .. 50 • 0 75 Thmis, 4 ..... op Threem onths, ... rt. , Six . • 6 - "" Twelve " ' 10 00 g:FAII adrintisenisits Who eherifed by the noir% and a discounter:spar ermf to be rivos moosr of adverthring extends 60 00 .0sper,year.4 4 ‘,`,: .arsurzso Fire h eel orlair,:thle . . 1
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