it', ' V n-„” I • = .1 •• , Y_l r recPcsctents—ia) bhd4 N O and r A Amtpu- G !•,-• L . ..., 400 taw. geeid c.a.; : • •:fur paU ,Yjoimitzr. iv*Ea3Bs:-100b.rom d mi, cur JO) bagi . end netm. Willing by - 1 . V.lllATllMltll ... mat r, Gy , L T ' t arli.,„:iial li fo ll iv o an • dcrOIN ale b7 ' 9 ? 441/ 411 waserm 41111 . T. ' 11 -. LO-I , o,Vo9ll ; i:2lloror .nt. :ol .id witi4tyo . 6tgb . 41/7 "*l'rP.eiP- 1;1V,{4 lIARBAUGII,33Iprd,t: . '.2'41 OrfLECORK.I.-8 rc“k,,f.stalgy. T UBS AND lIIICICETIIIO r dx . 6IIII3s,, • • .• g'" U"k" ...t"Fi • • &it novo p{ened fora 0. m, No: the Em P, . 5 z. lelf tygi ENKE tt:-..-,::!::j;:::::-...;:':::,-!'!! -•••.':''.s •li-:f,; , : , ; , ,;.:.:,:::.,;1,,i . '......' t . t,,..: :ii•z.',.-,,,;!,;•:,:170,;1;-,1','_.:t, -..; tr. - • •Poriiiir: •-• • • .." 1 :4 : 4 METAL- 7 -10u was !Lilt ghtuy Itlets4Ore BP . , E -114 '!" 4 1 " ."16 bY li7-,1011.16.117rilF:ON ~ ,,, , , , ,,, 0 ...4,i..ii4:41., , ,:4 -t;• *.; ~,,,, Fus: f :iilii... ; .*:, , ;; . ..i...,..,igm pYii4r•,-'1..i;,:.:•::;i.,k3 1 , .:t::::ii.....4. 1::li , -- P*'4i-4•:;',ii4'fi.:' , ...!:.'":•••• 4; - •: - :;'ii; - : - .:-,,I..ii::: , ` . .:. ; ; : 1 7.:i?.....,,,t.. -, ... ..!41::::;.....i. i *:::::::,...... i ..,...,.. 4.071:,;::„..,,,,.,..k„,-,:•;.:t,::::4 ,;. 1 .,,„.:::,....t. ..,..,..........;:.,.,,,.„....,...,....4 14,,,......14 0 ;cii1.,,... 4 . : +, 7 -:i , .. , ' ''' : ;.•74tv .6 ..,..- -.., t :, : it,- . .. • ::‘,::;.y..;.,': ~ ) 1g.140,:i. 4 , _ . 1 6; f l f.ita:_ze.;:. , .: 1 11 :6liiik 011:1, : 4 ' ~,A141.44-i;;: ' N.ti2„..--..,kt , v!- 4 : I iri . N7 - 41;•-,!?1.1.4 . fiLitwi:..iirAz':::; •,.• I, 1 . , vv• : :3.,,0)::!.. , .; t.' ,. :k 4 ' . , , •ii::, - ..z.rt,,txli.,-.; ~ .:-', ÷ .--;:•:1, 1 1.: A.* ';.'T-'•; , f., ,, , ,, 0 . ..ii.,:rt.. - 4 ,1, 111 1 4--AV 'i:/'-.:;-::::.•;;.'ir.i. , ii.;474 - ihl4 rlQ::;•Yi!ii . : 114=1?" . dai, .Shifelderl 11.011 hied Yteef byte • K60:131.717,01-Ja.liiietiiedj: for ulr..4jr ; • • W/Ch. k IoIcCANDLM calD • ear scell warrater su 51 " 1 .pu0 l'""" 11 fialtaS OOKENO AbSES—Molesale reasil bl 1 -, ' - . 7--. :''' . ;r‘?. - Nl ,l,l f:' ; , =.l . 1-- :'!`- . 2•,: , :cn ' - •:' . ,,ii. - 47 :-:-: - .V:,.:: : ::: - :.s '1 ;:2;721.*-;::•-:',.; - . .:•.:.:zi:..,'.',..;: : :-',- -,. 4.i'''' , •: ~';f:::.i:•:!..:.''''''''''''''' '." ,i t, 1" 1 3 ; '. d0 LI. 'do: as ore: for rale lb" - by_ ENGLISH fr. nu.smicrr TetbrOLilittit.. - -asebA.e.PV, r w o rt p l ," • ,, A lv . 111P. , 25 dos frt.. oral pore lo PO. J PpeIIOOPIMAKER .oCO ,„ slowhm • •:: MEE ff= _ WOP l iGgror P t l tll, Fpoly or Goods, awl Zdylud 11 0 "U! * . f monadd Idslots orzerado.. • - , • • avari,7 -- -NirOi• ?VIE bloom prieemeub paul fiFf all the dire,. e X.ffmdeo of ekes Wasbed . 014 wmi sntriloase, cot Libellf it ..I,CMlsalln, ==M TO PAUXIE64-1 good Iron Screw Preuei, well roade,..itaft for Cder waken; for sale •117 , 10 , 11% Also, 00 bbbr pens . Lard Oil; tows!: of 111051A6 DAFT, ear wan!, tie* . rte 46)1. WI Fate. • cmov.p ,t 3r4DpAPPßES,ZO:—TheirrOlorsigned 0 tr” boot arpooned A. color the ale of the above •oriciumatsMoomredWolor 'Faroe-sir-Co. Alloide. • damdoed roam br tuleb •rtickormill reteive prompt aurptioolati•alomett rrournatimer's pncot --• Townie SOUP. . CRTLE SONY will be served sp at Beau's, Iste rr Ituuns. CI #l4 every day at 1t o'clock. The losers eATurileßaup aro Panics WIT invited. as la a 115ylnElhatlay he surpassed risti WATI , R , F f . ILTETE3, - for purifying, )V,aler anat • na ntily use.. moderns it as akar and stratus:sing water. They ars is yeti extenture ste lathe Eastern elves.'. For sale by CEO COCIIIIAMIS in" Thin VIANXEIf,S--2 Vl.end.•.* —lldibtriListrutMirprsalobyGEOCUCllllA. , forthe maufteuper. aa Ditrxu—ivo bundles s.c: Samar Pop ' • •••• • lON handl. Nld: Straw raper, , , 204reaeorra!ed letter and eap,paper; '260 lea and mg mappinc; •, , 2 (CPA:ibe white wane paper; jutl reed sad for tale low by' lISYN OLDS & 811E8 lyll., • • ear penn and trades& ILS-/=r'iltini"%i''!; • I •• Ltd, bl" , ill T .. bar tale b T DLA 06BUHN R CO . AAlLDWAlXEC4ofreielretl; Nr am' New _ , Y.k •bap Axes and Adm. manhole Anvil., elllgek Ilmanutroolleegt.Trten Chains, wrrmihtliaih4 CAM , . eypn egOasmi pit sztar., FiNrc e.(or ule ale. • - 'by „ JO3 WOODWELL ritlOUllMlllW.Oposearidoetdayia handsome V.T,of duk solo dress Glugbants, oaltoblb-4,r tic*. Chvgoo mod 'batons • Molds' pt . Late: Thoms:. We Iwo at the drygoastosuo of , • TPPAC9°4IS bUISS g "'M •• - • •-; . O' far tali h . JDWILLIAS.23' S GAR* • rao SES— • fM thd•Arienr N 0 Sagsr •• - •; rUO ?d01... oft hand; finsikhi rid • - WILSON &co HALK-169 ttri red Chalk Int reeetiedi cot sele by lor , aegis• • it 13 SELLERS, P. GAYENN las Jut weaved: for sa4o trr pia IRON-1:0 uma hot sta4 odd blest. foraale by - . , •10 - • : nocusori.a VlBll-420 61 , 1* taro tic. Mackerel; reeeimg•bY eanati (*male by • KOHISON & 721 1 411c.M.;" •roe I v:cc 9.7,'"' • •• • • weffAthvicK .11SAYST-11aAna° Palm Yeast mAI utat:van hast EpalCON-10 belts Fides, b prima article ign ree% .Elh•bpi4 forbaln by' FSELLERS - rtionta v/fir.oll.ll-211.41a in sabre; ioklety r. F 131E6LE14,17 liberty ot PIG .111ETALISS 'bibs Cara Meat. Miin bibn for sate by ' %V &A McCUTISEON ERBDCILF:IIior aeptetnter, for sale at 00.16P.460btaPabs Soap, • " 60 extra!elm Scrip is Mare; for mak elan , - •by ••,. • ' 1 DALZULL • , seks dried/ Apple.; ' • •. • • • wry; for sale irOslLY.4Ciadgi 6L10111112 ClaT landmst , frans.csnal: lJ 60t4sittbr, • , - sower st • W KS-1(0) lbs eaanuy . euted install.; fat rale by' ove r pq.P9A - -9' , 1)-Ito,Privig. EDLA.B.D.p.o..ruciver; for lwattig. •. Imo prune : • K • abf • 0 • .L,,T WICK kideCANDISSS S i p le ./ i•ril.rkoffVtarripiel 511041.151-400 *Ms AP sodan. COIL earn joss ren%; Gsr saloon Ile ..telloll . n. TUC XASElbrj...i,,,,tld4rMtkr&r.;:, CPPA.L, V • , • 11111-4fo.ollg,Ntw. Yodr-aad Noma giliek drying 1 / 4 11,141431WWW.; kw sale 114 r•ACKINCI-‘l7B obi bllklihei ebilittko 81.44thi B ghto ' 4sr mils by "1011 N D UMW &N 10-11-bblEte D lildßOPAZlroorst - - LTAllllll—teminad ned.4rapi , sired eini*ltly,pn. SILX ' sysar,.‘4l,l„.4,3ouid 4 Idcb ror .1. b .oyy TE,2 CAR • • btobls* largo Ivo .1; •.. . • ~11:11211b, do '.•2: • •ID gr Mit do f47,6„6 by . I! " OIILsCHSUIIN S 17 - 41. or - T , Dols .arga• 'ea Maa j• I noti, ibnsidei 6y , 01Witade011.8W 4k, Co„ • 16 TS-25,peit fS(/ii[atcaieby 63r 1LA . 13 . 16 . b 4 gzad irau aa v ar 7 , ga b ttile_ ale . . • RI I V.O.IIv:47.ALOOILN front st ep - s 151404"Z e taTORITk,O) T issioso,oi -La Aga' H PifliNtioNritiontrr M 17777777. •ry . bose. • o • to dozes W m— • - too 0 WM • • ;16 do • V. 1230 ' 190 do: 101114 • spa ,87VO. N.BONNI 02.8T&C0,35 froutat. IL—Ol•bbls' annals 'I forulsby• • .• • • . itORBRIDOC„ WILSOVi t CO OLSI LIDATILEII--WP sides -Nur , loriptv roeNTeli sptl • Li IthRIDGE, WILSON k•CO; OOVriN' -- -Ma • sPII 0-140bbls •NO .edi ter • ' ''• 'RR ter.r.r.Rs 111 , „ NP -2.0 bale.* sapedor 24e:dew ioutdIMIROM VMUSON & CO H• . : 41.1 valet t 43 from at _ pas avenor eau • suns lar boom Isui families jou reed pet stow nairsnosm4 (spud I by J JORDAN t 801 0 4, te bb.ny 0 7 9bb see iit7l s'.,— co' Ra1 , 1"24 'AVM soti StnLin.. WitcoYe tool). c a,4,t i sak ... : . st ;nth: ay . AIIOIIII4IIR4A laiL4o fra krug. 11111yrkle , i' _Dr about, wia 711 1 1 '1 57iii4 a lbs , ukA OrtiAt i l D h="n: anx.r.a n , agW"4- meq ..arm,t , pit:llG Warren - at . 10.: -J-nn9: l 99mutza.a.w.. - , . awn 1/1 mons k. CO eamenteind raw:100.111r ArrFja4d-/IA wane, Wu (0.{....1 MOM kni ka: isle tp: 'JOHN *WIT & jziw : Ji lf s: ll :P l n i l=fonvoe'd sea kw Nit by: CUPINLAW, 4II Ham m ra. • 1111Pritaastad awiliranacti Imr.slebeats 1 1/7;1717Au1d gromr.s, kke lenalard and Pairs F.c. Wffbal Filth i 4 n.p11...1010DE6 A. ddraOßN- ,' dr IddsYie 211.5 p, vb hrld Yin War sate by - Yir` R•IIIMZELTO, ZY ~; tatt. ..' ai. de .. - 1L . M0L14 . ; HO I'EI' bt;is; kcal and bo l o; tra m G pima cpsiddanq n'a hand fataale, by • HAW St ALMON " SYrir bbls No EDWARD nEnzEvrter Eau'ude of Diamond At.ualcr, ,Cmisameti an 4 Mow. is 4 N,holus.ATtintall psekogosconstooily on hood , wA Ole allta Mastaoi Facto:7.l7 LIN — ,02. • HEODEMAALCO 7 • YCF Art Land. Ao, loop oti 40110 for "Ng . id No 9 4 Libefly !trees; poor, • • W W WALLACE' ' WOOI.IIALVW law F 7. 41 0.;o9umomust— -*yam - L utz—' NIMEM THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICI!:S CURRENT AND • RATES OF MARINE INSURANCE. FREIGHTS, &C. 8r.!5.151 Per...— . 100 et% a . t ops•IT••••.311 E/37f fil 5 etscps3s - o . eleci.• • •.-I0 055 tltzecki:l.rcr. task-•'.5107{. (1.5_5e5.; I,ISIMUIt Ctenzr, • i 2.1 1324 Coarerat.'•••• , •••• ... lie 2 • . II $ll4 6:11,g • •.• ....... . s as Gum . Ay-41c ..... ~.55 f 57•• • Ashes-9 R. eiorchiags . • • •• •• • • Aleipbelk •• - Ales --r Brist Atnerkna ••• Bat 050 Tra3acioo • •• 9,71 ehe !At ( - ct., A1anie....•.1:.631'-‘5 Ipecac 471d0 j •Jolop, powdered. •• • •1109 17,1 Litbstrge ........ —•-• • 510 Liquoneulloot 7 0 9 nqueorice WO ID 001 • I.Jte Dye , gr•& AIIIZICO D Cnrh •. 037 Madder, Umbro•••—•ls 0717 ',*ladder, Cor000n• • • •14 010 Myrrh, Torkey 01 MO Vitriol• •••• • ...... 09 5 Catior 114/0110 • Comtia.•—• • ••3000410 Cloveo•• •••••••2,5007/017 Lemon•••• -• •- 3010375 l'epperto IA 50004.50 410 lot, Torkty 4.710500 44.0 tine 10.02175 Illuitarb. root fAi 075 ' Balt Anton. 01 075 ala ••• 41901 *not 40 030 Tortorio Acid 40 OD rltrio lltoe 11/40111. Dye Woo Casivevial• d—p lb. 510 7 Foutio ~tiLbAr..lii: .24 a 3 &entoekt . 050 Obiok IkDwyoluort•3s : 000 Almond+ •hara 0:3. - ..:..........17 019 Bea ims.l oL Sam II sl'lnta Gd at 70 Cconruou& nrit'd• • aucluds—t , do, I;SNME ten. Ettooma 63,060701 b Brea ots—p thx. slerchantable.•• • • 75 61 On ?baker 1,756%75 Borke—P cord eb ßln e :ro " 2:- k ..:• • ••- • • I 1 - 4 , o n :I 50 . H 6 ° emlock " Coal—{bushel At the Ulcer. - froatyconon affiti Cation—P . lb Toollea and Alab•••• •1: 0111 Chooolate•—r lb Number 1. 110 ebeett. prepared ..... .— 0 2.2 11 Candice—P lb Cnty ..........9 0 DI "l'itublarglk thst, CinelnuYi•do aperay be . f c t brat ,.. ibl .. n : • •?0 . 0 Ib no " " Foundatol.txtvenut lb.—C3 Pamler • Tetrket Wagoneldos•-05, bzi • 0 40 Ceanterweiohts , met ®4 5 80.11rzon• lb. net. .4ip Hard • ...... .17014 Crorrants, ?ante 14 6'17 Filberts ' 5;0 Groundnuts 1,70 01,73 Fivo,Tutkel 120 14 Malagi•-• 14012 Rabonts,7luresl —o— • .7,250240 Mot; ni —o— 1.20 Lemons. ote Ip, los• •30004 Oranges dr ..... 3 . 0 0 2 " A" l'esenes ry,,ba...1,17t0 1374 Apples dry .• •• •• 7007 7 4 Apples Fir.; 71 rt 1,.. ; i500,411 ... 64,0 0 Comtrunt , , •• • .• "i O 9 F 10... .4 Lb!: Eltra brauds• ••• •-04 57 EilperGa. —01.70, Fine • 04,62 Rye II oar 3,000 ' " .... •• •-0— Ba g garbeat,f lb inns •i 117 bids ..... =M= Short reel-17 lb No:4 to 1001:: —6 IS 4, it io 13••• • •-•— 0 19 11 0 29 Increasiug illccnt P lb to 24. Losateel—P dot. • —0 —0 6 700 0 7 900,1.0 - •• 60 7 Coverlet Yaw is .... Coupe( Clutip a • :a CUltolll Tattle 0 26 Curdle Wick 0 10 - Condo—lb. lava, old what. ••••12 o 11 St. Domtogo 061 Lagstayrd text 1 Rio••••••• .... .. . • 510 Havana— .... • • • • —0 ti. Copper—if Braziers' entlitur ..... ••• • 0 L 1 I tba ro Cordato —by boilf lb- • .--0 15 4 Mum lopes . it Ported: 4 l l : Paeleg yam, fiod•••• - column , . flemplkderds,irdo l— . • ... • - -0.3 • 00 Long .............. . . 1-4,414 Commollt.• .. •..• .. —4 / 14° Ploun lanes. . .... • •-•451 S7l loaillelkd Cords—P 10 ydlltbread•• • ••• —Ol5O tr.llo do••••• SXI 0 .1 9, do Plocdgh mat.— .... • 01121 Dorbe llOo stid•-4910 4 - , Feetl4 husbel.• !Iran 49 I/ Shorts —43 915 Flah—r LW. Maokarel No. 1•••••-0 No. 1. hr. bloLs• 9 No. Y. No. *Ltd. bbls.• • •--0—• No. 3. ••• • •• .7,11630 l ' No. 1. kilts • —4l, flerttopr,'No 1 0,2561 No. 3 ...... • • • •-0 Salmon, No. 1••••• 169 3616 No. 2. 0 Shad C0d.•16. 6910 Fax.,Ziol. —0 321 ..%1 • 12 11: —0 23 Lue c tLat . Mint —(0 23 iku • kiA,Vtb::-:44 0 13 Thiith;;Piashon... Appleton, ... '" O 9 29 Lmus I2c liteneck• 910 -0 Pe. &O :A No 1-- o. 9 { ' Allegheny 0 I) Oregon:lA Unk.n.Alill —0 0 Allegheny v.• • ..... —= o u Llght44 _brawn 7.0 ify . :14Lamge&GhFalls5/ 0 .:tfarleetFic Walih' W.60A04-1. F. H PituailVa Shitg,o— - tie (I=o ,rF00” 9,00 , ..... 7,00 rtladerinr,S, 6io gal.o DIA Clorox f, 'grow • • •-39,W Window 0002., p box— --OJT 0— th:dean ........ ••••••- - ric A.R. A• 15019 Ro est Breach.chester— • ••••• ..... 111012 " 7 • ..... — O7 , • mow. dnlls B /015 `Sleuthed . • ... - 151014 Priem— Common ... . ... -• ..:.510 Ti Goat Atedder•-• •••• .4 015 Nterh'et,F,lttry Urs 1%014 PureUl do., 10014 to - Country band.. 03,f , Gunpowder—l? trs• FYI , 6 -3,•4 0540 Engle, Gllbe 03.41 Do. doe I kb canisters— 07,04 ' , EFFG do 01141 Eoylo do. to Ita.k peyote,••• —043 • Grata—t> bUkhd : Wbeat F 30,3 6yn ont••• ........ • • •Ik a 6 0 1 I 3 Corn ; . •10.10, ma .• .. ... •••-- 40045 RAZE .14 017 •31041 ••-012 .10 011 • trn;lor Root kquefe um • •• Borax . , refuted - 10MMERCIAL RE - CORD. I EMM qon v•au Alava 51cona . 5EPT1 1 3 7 1131,11.' ru nsou ris. 1I - I I h 5 •58 9 Tboirsday , 5 316 '.53 sea.. - p Now/doon 10 Friday 1 .b 35 6 18 Gel 7. • .11 'Saturday . 535 617 7LI . `. •• IS Sowfay 537 6 15 7 1 6 13 Minklay • 539 6.13 13 18 . • • 14 l'aeolay. , ~ 5.99 612 8.53 i 13 Wedspday .. 816 3 .6 10 932 PITTBDUROU H OARD O TRAP. ConarrtEr. POIL BE?EEMDER DA .Tf.. 'W. WALLACE. W. J. TOETEN • . .... _ • —.- .•th...ttiOniee, Haim i f ti.. :Aka., Jir , thr auk ending , ' Tramp I t . ..., . , ltgy Monsing Oeptembcr 15 Siserroprisiireekly repett r . nothing ban occur. ; red indlierrairldiales.iike thou The, regultr - traer it Gone to trade. Jim ..rather haa been unusually cool and pleniant, and 'relenting every inducement 2 active riot door business. Diving the week, thOe has been a rice of two feet in the ricer, which has had its infloence re .awatening some activity along the wharf ; and anion; oar Coiriatimma homes. Large rowdies of sonde *rd poodece, which bad accenutlited daring the lower shme or the water, have been lorivarded to their weidern deatination at prices considerably:3e• deceif`fromi the high rates ecomennent upon the greaticarcilyerwater.'Aithe river in again falling, inalriapent O. rename in i he kerne, raireallhough it irroilikelytbat they will 1610,a1 high ie they . yrere before the recent. mini. Oar bonsai ere; in a measare; clewed or the' Geary aup. ply of goode..seut before inothee .oMo:iodation on. cam; the Septerohe r rise will like place; after which ibere will trim inter/40On to the regular river . • Dories the low• water, a number of boats which had taken freight here, found it•difficult to walks, a speed . y,pusuge on their downward trip; awl teeny, we were informed, had groandod. on their wadi but they have tine, g ino 'op, ied will be able Coos; to retool, freighted with the rich products el the west. . The Fall T.tadtb Willett we here ensiles" Taxis, 1 oodles the of which' we hale :so • Crdenfly - l wiabad hill aoi commence with iotretted life end • , little beenclooe in the artinle 01614150 week; receipts; ete welt u the ile ! wand, being io limited tbat the wiles haw; been only tea retail way; We sotiee regdr sales it; ismer rates; viz-6,2106'64 61--Pearls 61 tra66—Soila Ain 41—Pots 4 t041,-and Seorchlegs at 7t to , le air In APPLES—Co:viewable quentitiee bare arrived . . , by:river - daring a.o meek, tud iowe 39o .btasltt..73,.iii $I p 1.61. . ; AL -- g—rifilsbargb Aloeoctlauas firm; with regular sales at $719 • sAcoN4-o,iiiciip4;'or'l6 weeltlavr; &an . light, though thO inipplyaroald.rena 16he.pifisicnt 'to chi, dinaand,lia ao ennagni haio iinniied in the pties. • Saito orSeats amar caiid,Hainaat lOc ,G . do City O . :anti:do t Sides in variolit 4ts,.at 8 to 80-15. do Moulders a 7 to 7ic, and • .#)00 Ito Elogioond'it Ba7.Bje r lb., -- 607T1ai=77te wide is in good demand: ith 22ta* or iomo 3200 togs and bbl., nt 9,1 e, BEESWAX canitiiiiesiscarca;and in Mir dcarand BRAXJSdS—SaIei 01 .0710 8O doz Ma nom ratel,Zl to $7,a.3 li , dos; according to qoallty. BLICKET*--TbeTmarloct ia well ,applied at pro• . 01;isalo 0137 dOs.Liro oecorrOd irOM atm COTTONATtie heu.or, no solos do rin the weak. Wmited aapplleittto bo4lbs sloro at 10,1 to He pir _lb. tativalOoince Outlast itijoyl:, SflßETlfit;S—Pittabarib msnafan bumf Shcatin2s e m quick sales, , n fast at the . mIII ean. tarn them not. Salta of bet or an 'e ;alpha; fisve been made at NI to 9 cams CVT Tq;i BATTIri es a lOc Ibs a t !hi* ab• ' I t IXOTTON rAMs-itizo.urs hare been sold at Ift --•:-C-1:11tLiAGE-Ozeuzg":1* the :general aeorcity of stockildiailla eked* low otit en' irlnuice eloea air 11,4'6'000j new ileitis riTolor Giles it the followlos corrected ratetr, -•-•, ;3'13 . 1011 i by coil rt. p th Go - cit. 'l3 " White Italic, eoil'll . " _Do cut- '1 4 " ?Tamed nye, by toil • 'lO " • Docul .. . . •• •• •Pirkinywn, .... • Do COXII:60111 ' IStsnlibi . • ^ A s asfitcg4,l , o rd" ns coil - " • ' • lbc lb -: ' H emp v e :'...-. : .....I,stlWX.itt3,oo to dtv - oz. - Do P.! coil . .104 c r lb -' • : J - - swoon zssas:. 1 1, frhiditd .i ' . 1- ,lti 'loots...Jr& rdoi • ( is isdd regolzilyiit fr,to No P be , CligME—t.Vbs Soceiiits of tlo, week base.beco dd11" ,11 .7*11 ,0 s *Tod, the artleln has shghtly de., elised. We quote, forrodlo prime at Gto 6.l;aud' Its i t6;l ..*ltteli.ntes SOW 600 ON hey. two told ~;: tiine—p lb: nab. ronanoc • —••••11. 0/3 lc wavy -11 ...a contb."l6. 15 VIC sall orsg. - ris ib. Ginseng —o— lon of :a 00 m lbs. 0 9,00 -• •• •• • /1111..-0 ib. 7, Miccaiii: 7 0 9 14 019 • Pocalwr . shin —l,OO 012 a Uwe I—. • • 0 4 Ilaws,—p la. fil.werri Ay _llOOlO5 ... • ... •••- •• • 0 4 ib. • ..... 1210 18 I 114i i ,t e P" 17 . 1 , 01, _7l ziparisr. ........ • •••• 9, q , 0* Iron -IF *.b.. 310 4 Bar Jonata Coma on. - 4 0 Shect••• 00 7 Boiler r awes 0 0 a/ Nails • . Zie rk •l gh 74; i gfri ti RIMil Sheet a a! Lend—i. el . . .. ........ 10 11 . ..... e cnonsiresinpo.••• 51 0 GI Leather—p 10, eole, Balumare••••• 200 ez New York /10 Al . Unmated 1.2111 Blaughier••• ••.10020 Skirinig t.V Ilse - new, black , ._.lOO 11 Bridles, black, perdos sides • 311,00036,00 Russet do. 36 00012 00 „ Vpper finished— •23,000^_400 Kr, finished 24,00030.10 Calfskin do •.13,001220,W Lace Leather te,wa— N. England Seating, No. 1. Ve dot. ..... 45,000 2. do 000— • • 3. d 0 Flo ,000— Sheep akias ..... •••21 6 Imemsember—Fromptle, fic 1000 feel. ime, clear, bleb. —OO,OO Common " ..... •-010,00 Clear, 830.110 Comt% . ". ••• 0 16.20 Clear, 2" —040,00 Cosn`o 2 " —1020,20 Flmorls Or I in. do•-0 leool It commmon••••••-17 oak do rineta.hlaglerlooo 2,54000 Ilas, sawed, 110.117301A0 Live Stock—Plooll44sh. Booves•—• •• • IMMO Hogs • —0440 Cows it Calre.• •-• 6,00018,00 Sheep 100411,541 alolaases--41. gal. . ro"tre'aun'T 4 4 44 4.5 55 0,36 , . Naval Stores— - Rosin, . .. . 1.21103,10 Pitch t 2 0003,0 Ter, Alletrbdny,•it 40144 tO " N. Csrolina {5N0.475 Turpentine, gol MI 0 59 Varnish,Cops.l ..... 1,7501,00 Ndtild — P keg, kOaltd., [es -0,5 dads lead &deader. I ' oollol Juniata— .2,50103,72 641 Dd dd —44004,0 ". ••• • 4,000345 . •." 0,10013,0 Spikes ♦ Ib' 00 14 Pressed ..... ••• 440 7 Boiler Rivets..., - .-0 7 Oakaten—, lb. filtsbargh —0 8 Linaccd ...... • • ••• 38 0 88 Lard, City 61 MO 011,e ips 01,60 Spe,m,blebched• • • —01.83 ustblsr,ebed• • •—OL79 Fall••• Whale ........ • ;80 IS Tanners, bbl••• 188007407 Pallats—t. lb. Prvg, Oluo .0 O 97 Lompblack, • 00 7 ty.k. i tin -• • 110 Chrum: Crce i•••••• 38 35 'B.Bl lon• Not :81 7.1 Glass 131nek Bottle. C tybrawis Bet. ..... :1"• N 0235 OIS Branstriell;Green.;•lt 0 e 0 W6itel4Volry al • - Red Lee4l.•l••-•. • 4110 13 Yellow Oehre••=• ••4 0 3 Ven.Red.,i•-• — 4 0 5 Venlierime•• O 0 39 pig. Metal-1p 11309 AlLrfrny. I?ia E r mutdfl ::z.Zantto) Iduring We areck.l! The present 'apply is generally of an exerllent quality. CR tl:lik:ftS-Salmi are regilar at the lollosong MS= p61ll:6-PfttI1T 7 7he alpaca:hate' of green trait has rendered Use.desnandi comparatively slosleiate tele. of Peaches ireens at sl,ln, and Ap ple. al 40c y ho. Fit Elti Fl'S.—Tho rise in the river bee caned a considerable reduction in the rates since oar last woad! report, ■nd we now !note as follows: , To Cieeicnati; 50c p 100 the To L.wteriuc , 6: do To St Loot., , 1,00- do Thero may be *change in the obese 'atm as the rroo 1d!•; tiro the diderenert,-gre apprehent, will cot se 507 to t.• For creilthts frdot Pitttaturigh to Mitadelphis,sot general latdooboiro. • The following aro the rates Irmo 14.12delphis to I'Ataborg• : • • Coffee, per 101)111B Dry Uornis do Groearira •• do Hardware . do do Brown Merlin, per bale 75 From Baltimore to Fittabarge Soruptehoese Bailroad and Fa canal: • Dry Goods, Hatt, Shoff dm, 50.90 p 305 lbe Loather, . • 47:13 do ~ Baler or Ainslie. 0,80 . do Groterin and Hardware, 0;75 do ' Qatecusware, ' r 0 65 do Coffee, • • • 0,55 do Mackerel and Shad in !ably, 1,50 p barrel Harting, • . do 1,2.5 do Wagon Freights—From Cumberland 'rest we quote the lollowlog race, viz: From Cumberland to Wheeling 600 ertiti p 100 lb.. Front Cumberland to Brownsville 414 and Rani Breurainrille to Pitts: burgh 10c. Fri. Baltimore to Wheeling,,by the Great wee torn four day line, $I p ICG lbs. FLOUR—Thai receipts of the past week have been exceedingly tight, and the sales have amount, ed to °palters boyond,regular or retail limits, bet es the damsel of ensamookatioe with oar market is now partially open: we anticipate a change in piens by the close of the'coming ,week. The Wes have amounted to sortie bbls an rations lota from Store at si,ls to 4,076, cod from ' , siren at 450 to 060 p bbL _Retail...Bea hare been made at 5,4036,23 per FEATHEELS- . -Tho'thittaiik well supplied with h goad utielh, with saki of 50 *Wu 98 to 50 do .FISH—Tbe market is quiet. and pries enutinie Goa.' Salerof 3 bbla No 3' Mackerel at 57itS7P ht•tibl., Regular sale: ot other kurclo are made at fanner ghotations. GLik.4S—The following is n correct list of some or the principal articles or Pittsburgh manufacture: ‘'. . ToniblersSest G flute 'Linn; p don . $ BOO 'do do • &arid split, 7.00 •do Plalii,aisorted nines -- 00a3p0 Decanters—that tangy eat, quiirt, p&p: 15,00 do ' do pint, 10,00' do .Double ring, • • qoait, ;CO do Triple de do - • 3,15 do do .do plot., IM do Commmi 3 pint andel. 624 Wine Glasiies—Kbob bdom, bided oho*, d. don, - GO I . do .. . Plain Flint,. do Fine polished Grecian, 1.14 2GO do BMA flint cot, . 2.2.5e1,50 Pitehers—Plain or arch ribbed, plots, r dos 21X1 do do ' do ; quarts, 300 do do • . do . 4 pilau ' 600 do Palley est, dialsl:o Cream Jogs—Giliorch ribbed b• dun 1,124 do Half plot •, do - • - . 1,00 do do , 1 • do migrated, 2.,001/2,E0 do Fancy eat . do 2,75.513,C0 GROCERLF—The market Is quiet. with regular mine at the prices quoted in the above general ta ble. The .apply coptlmlei quite, rudiment to lb. demand, and as the time for the irrival of fall sop Om, is noistmst.ot band, 0.. n mad apprehend no advancement in any el Ifinlirlieles in ilia grocery • . GIIMN—We halo no chomps to sots in the grain market. Litimittd wales of wheat base occurred et 85 to 90c. Rre—wo quote moderato mks, at 40 to 15e. Coro-salts of 500 be at 37M40. Oats,. 1900 be sold in different lots at ViiffLe. p be. ' HAY—"The market hes been well supplied, with wiles of y 0 taus at $T to 8,00; as in quality. • hue no Sales of the ertieli to 'no. Wee. Limited sopplies ere held in Hornet 3100fil ies.r ton.. • - I lONEY—Sales ofint . excellent qualtritt bee . , 111051 AND NAlLS—Owing to the low water Rod high rates of freights, the traosactlorrs of the week have been comparatively light. Sales have been regular at the pallitolog rats.: . . • Flat Hot, rota i s to 41j loch - 7 ' . 3 ko lb .. do . from sPa6by 4 to I lash : 31 do' Dandy Tire, dilferent sins 3 do . Ilona Slum ,- ' • 34t1 do iound and stPlato froml io 4 jach .-3. do • do, from II to li . , , , •3j do ; Ida do 21031 . ,„ • 45,1 do do do 3to 3.. i do • "do do tlito 4 • • ..51 do ',do do ato.l • - - • • 3166. do 5 1 Band Iroir •,. • ~ ••• 303 do - Steel, Aosericao, Slimes •• 4 r do . ~ do Spring do [loop Iron , , .442 do Nals. co t; 10,12, 16,50 . • 83,73 1[ kip . 416. /1 and,94 : .. :-' - . 400 do :do .;. 33; .... —-.- - :-1 603 . do , , , LARD—Toe roortet le)elot. end the pries wi th oat chow: Sales or 600 he at Bil to 90 le lb. food _ . `. LEATHER Is In Onnoioi, let" repho melee lie lellows; : p,i to4o-6116. 3.10 blood ''2o he ...... : ....... 0 0 03 t blood 6.Coomotoe —0 Whlaikey--0 Comma acetified tras Good tye7kold • 3763110 zi.e--• lb. Sheet 0 16 Slab 07 Yeelghta-100Ibr lb Cincinnati- Dry Goods 053. Heavy " 8- 76 Laub-diet. Ranging Bads' - No. I Foundry . — 03310 Foils • ••36,01) 037,50 r 017.1.8. Tennessee 030,00 Meta G. F. 1011117 Pis . O • F Zeonissr Co. 0. • Foundn• Pqr.• • •ze,to 0 00,C0 RIM. do •• • —6l Plaister Parts-1P to. Planer Pluiss.— —10,00.12,0 Provisions— Bann Huns- •• ..... 9 010 • Shoulders— --• —0 7 • Side. ...... floground, city eare• • WM 9 • canary do- 710 71 Lard, No.l. m kegs. tie 09 • t in keen •-0 • 1. tablas • —O. - 01 Boner " 1 In kegs. '9l 019 r I. In roll•• 10 012 Cheese W. 11.• -•••0.81 —0 Goshen to Cneterir, Pluborgb Wu -01,00 Do. Butter 0473 . . Dry G00d... Hoary Fe Si Louts tky 6044.. _eICO Heavy ~ 0 Ts tleedand and Eris, Dry Goals -- 0 40 Ile n ay ..d y n ir.. ... 5.,..., 33 o=l Dry Goralstglovra) . • 13 Psedoet, to t0p) : :...... ~... 0 10 Tb /11as4ills. . Polateen—, beishel. Common/Cc& 0 , Neshannocks —0 50 Itag. . e-9 , lb. Country ••• 310 1 Do. wood white 110 b Ities—p lb. Mee 310 51 Seeels—, babel. Clover. 0 Flaxseed ...... —OO Fl 4 Mustard 9,00 0 3,00 Splces-0 lb. Clorew•- • 33 0 09 COVIL in Mete 00 0 10 ...... 00 0 10 Pper Nutwegs 14 00 0 01 11 00 p A e letnee•.. ... , 10 1 0 l4 Bzpiberori,t.--0 lb. virprais . 0 14 Seneca" 0 Heavy IhT Goods • •••••-- 0 33 " Ts Wheeling. Heavy Tr Fawning Dry Goods m a OR Heavy. ‘• Mg TV Emma. Heavy_ " "qb Nno Weems. Remy oods - . -• • .... — 0 - Glass, &v., Bala o f Freight on the Perossyieaniv Co stal and Railroads. • .. . . . TO ramsostarms MED 'ammo. Apples ond green fruit per ao— .. 11011000 en, Bauer 'Ashes, F and Bacon, —or nod Pearl, .. 10 Bef„snited dO . 70 8010 rape and Bagging . 110 O 7 Beeswax, do 73 Thistles, Bo 01 . do 1,73 Broome, do 10 Chem, . Corn do' : 30 Callon. .... . Chiledßollers; . do ' WV • Drog u e en d d MesSeinea, do. -, 07 Dry os Hoed (mit, do 1 00 do 65 Flour, per bbLE7IOO CO - • I Fan and Nitric', per 100 lb• - 1 25 !Feather., do 1.00 Fornitare, z - do 73 I Gloasware; ~f,X, l Glass, Windsor per bx 60009 i Ginseng, per lm lb* .73 I Omeertes, '-' • • do 00 ' Hardware do I do 010 11 .4., Hemp, 04 do 601 ... Ifidee,(raor 73e; dr7 St) . do 000 Leather, do BA do Lead, . .. 40 Lard and Lard Oil, di 450 011, Castor do 73 i Oda, fen. Laniard Castor) do 7$ I Cork, r I—o Ca I Roirs P' pe b t b lCo lb* tkal, Ropes and Cozener - d° odd Seeds, do 73 Skins, Deer and Buffalo, do 100 ; VOI lo '. w ' ' , do 000 do 60 Tobacco, Leaf, do 02* do Manufactured, do 07 Wheat, do ._3 O Wool, do— 01,25 Whiaker, per Idol. 1 00- , To the Loot ria Atonottgaila S/ackwarer, ' . Boat ~ Pittsburgh No. ••••-4103 Cincinnati ••• •-4105 Steal—p lb; Foreign. Cott Shear—i•••••l6 017 Do single :•••• 0 In Best German • 013 " Eagle • —O. ll Hoop Is • —0 13 Pituborgh Hanufactore. German eteel.•• .•.... —0 Eugliah blister WWI American blister —0 44 ••Spring • • •• ..... --• ••310 apirtts—p F . :11?n. 0 8"" L i t=e , •••?? . ., 4 :1 09% ° Rs a n'eathpf.l•9B 01, 77 ; . 97 01,0 60 Glo,ItellatolT•• • I, OVA Sailgag—• lb. N. 0., prune, hhd• •• • Ira an, hhd 7 08 Havanna, ra . bite, lh.• • II Ilraul' 16.4010 • Pelverised, philed• • —• 11•14-11PbbL • Na. 1. Oat . i • 4 1. in .uno•••• C— 01,13 - Table, dm box • • • • --•— Shot,— • keit 14,0001460 bni.• •••• ...... —OIXI Saltpetre-0 lb Saltpetre' 9 10 101 Tobaceo-411b--1106 0 et' of for eash for unanuraclo red Tobacco.] Seear Leaf 40 a ' Alanornetured do • Y 0 7 Ladies , Twist•••••••'-• .9 0 10 Flag in kegs•-•••••••-:• 010 ;I Plug in boxes ..... “ 0 .130 15 6 Twist 41 7 Cavendish 6 1 Lamp in box— .11 0 15 5. ••••:•—• 120 17 lesl2o 14 140 10 . C S'atell. et P r h D r r e"o • l l IhP 6 O• '— ' slo-0 25" Taw—. lb Imperial npowder • .45 0 55 0 7055 Gu 'Yaws Hroort . 900.40 Poitebool ' 50 0 715 - Thir s ts-01oz 1 B 0000 01060. lb. Rendered --10 Vieles—lp lb. Solid boses•••••• •••—• WI woo—lP gallon. L P Aladeria 1.10 07,00 L P Tenerife 100 01,50 -75 01,50 69 0 70 Sweet -•• • ..... •• • •171 006 Marseilles - 0 0 75 ' Post 1.50 ICalabria 65 070 Chin No I—Ashes Balt. N. V : Bacon, Now, L ard, - Cheese, rotk, notate- Si Whiskey-flea Ile, 90 Class No2—ltesop,klax . iu boles. — Class No 3—Drted Frolt, Leather, OIL 8.Y4 - Skitts,eleeds. Wool, - 1;$20 . Class No. 4—Beal . rsrax,' EMEiMEI Marine Insuriusce. Bases efinsstrenus on cargoes of Mean. •••• • • •• From Fittsbooth to Wheeling, Va. 10i • Cobb Coma Ciorlottao, 0 fff " " Loouville KT• • 1011 Loam, hlo.• • llooariller do- 400 . 11.1 w r o pe4dAroo..:11: 1 11. From N. Orleans w rittsbargo• • •••let St Loot. Ctanterby good Flail:tome ) to NerrOtterme. • Baltimore.le ~,,,,,le r lb. NOW York do 1810.81 do Slaughter 131019 do Skirting 'llut.'l do (Skies(...l . . •tot 3 r dos 15ux...0 do Black tantesa 19t021 p lb Roogb .do rtolt3 do LEAD—Salea or 100 pip at 4e, sal 500 NI bar lead at 410 lo lb. . $3,120 V , bbl. LEAD PIPE—The following is a corrected list of pricer. /hitch aqueduct, No I lead pipe Gee P foot, do du do 'du 71e do do do do do --. do litqc do do do do do do 12. e e do do LUMBER—The market is still well supplied, with regular sales at the rellesies ram Pim, clear SZIOO V M - Coc:boo 10,00 do Cherry& Mama Bosnia ItiatO do Poplarscattlior, bomb • 10,0) do Shsnires •010a3,i 0 Lstb ' coat,a) hi ETA L—Nothist of importance has occurred in Ufa market Mame our last report. .Pig Metal la hold in mall rapplyal „mass pr too. MEAL—Receipts are liaht, and very little in do• Moderate sales at data 4.50 bo. OlLS—Limited vales of Linseed at 60c; of Lard at 69610 e, with pay for Dbl.. • RAGS—Sales of alikt lba at .liesc p Ib, accord tag to quality. SALT—SaIe. of SO labia No I at 51:23.. No ft is sold at 1.14 p bbl. TAR—Sales of 10 1,111.1t0m store at 31.04,00 p TORACCO—we quote tales of 'WO lbri, different gatlitles, at the pieta quoted in the abeam general table. WHISKEY—SeIes 15 bbl. .0411 ei 50e; 10661. egad reetlieel at 371 e; mit - 306b1* raw at 18c P Idasket ntber dell, with a faU supply. • WOOL—The market geserdly le 'Moot clangs. For cornet piece, e ft atprettable. • MONEY, STOCKS ADD 13-VSINEkB. Businese at the Ent, duffer the Week past, has beeti very thietuatieg. The tide In Forego Es cheep is about Kiting against as, and shipments of speetehave been cud. to Europe, pardeoluly to Prance, for the . first time In many months. The lent French steamer, we learn, took some 860,0%), mostly in five flunk pieces, which us negotiated at great advautega. - . Notwithstanding all Wattle Fall Trade in Philadelphia uidNe*Yark la repreented - to be seise beyond all former precedents, and the ' "1014.41 lot may/ kinds o 1 goods ao greet, that the supply has fallen short. The Western dealers haft goes back alighted with means to liquidate past debt., aed,! In addition, to purchase a portion of their auk kith cacti. Those long conversant with the jobbieitrade, assert that a healthier baleen is doing this fall,than hes hunt done , for yeetv. Melem men at the F.rateoppove there will be as increased denimd for money, nod that eve toot it will find a double drdt to Mexico nod to England, Treasury Notes heed risen in New York to 1614, and some saki were made u high as 105. Thin is coder the itlfillel l / 1 1of the recent weirs from Malicia, and under theism Influence Stocks' bare imoroved to Philadelphia. • At Ilk;ston the motley market is disturbed by the untoward state of things in England, and the Banks having their loins fully sip to legal limit, refuse any extension, ao that money to In active demand, bat rates amid moderate opal's prime esenntlei and fiat elan paper. The dividend class of stocks are sumewhatilepreased. • . EXCHAPIOII' MARKET. • No chine . has ocenned is the mirket sloco our last report. Uncortent notes are taken at I per et die, and Exchanges are freely made it the following ntes: Dorton &N York • • cant paref Tact& ". twallina rate) .. —Da 't • 60 days &unitising' PltiL &Dalt. night par Of nr . etta " ••• a (aellina to ',_ .. • —Oa ' • - l 'i . i o de y I : - . I n c i IP'' :it ' 4 1 ' 1 1; Cincinnati . Login. &St Lons. night . • lap i 41,.. Mattes 1.0 liana 24 Chl ii '"("14 ! 1" 1:1 1 v h : - 1 P ": :: a) CATTLE MARKET. Beeves—About 400 head were sold at the jard on Monday at gspotp,oca p 10016. nett. The quality of Beet Cattle was genotally Foul, sad sole's were made freely at the above quotation. Sheep—MO bud were taken at f l a-; according to quality. Calwee—A limited somber . 01 good vials were . mold at g 4484,00 p head. flap—Nose at the yard. !play are mote end in good demand at p 8 p 100 anti. Bovrixont, Sept 11—Beef Oath: 511,64 N 10 0 [be troop, Hoge G 61'7 r 100 Ito,. BOATS LIMIA.VI3IO TWO RAY D. ILD.:CH PAUKET4 Philldelphla sad BROWNSVILLETACKCII3 at Et A. is. aid a HEAVER PACER'S 014 and IDA At and J r MONONUAHEI.A CITY -PACKETS, 3 r. et. DISPATCH, Nelson. 1451tIsriDla.' RHODE`ISLAND, titsulßb. • RVATARAM Laois. PORT' OF PITTSBURGH. 2 WitT Ii figcsai wATIMI--rAILLOG IifIRIVED:: Consul, Bowman. 'Brownsville. . • Laois McLane. Berndt. ltrownrvil:e. Betapsteh. 1.4.150 n, Mon. City: Skipper,. Beaver.- Carnden, , Hendrickson, Beare!, Caroline. Hays, Cio: . • - • , j o G udolier, Lyons. St Louis. . - b iehigan No: 2, Gilson, Bearer. S allow, Wilson, Cin. Z nvillo Packet. Galligber, Zanesville Ingo Chief, Moore. Zanesville. Rhode Island. Dawson, dn. Swatam, Coo. Gin. ... . DEPARTED. Consul, Bowman. Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. Monterey, Woodward, Brownsville. Dispatch,. Nelson, Brownsville. • Camden, Handricksoni Bearer. Skipper, Beaver. ' Michigan' No. Gila., Bearer . Pacific, Campbell, Din. _ Highlander, Parkin. CM. Mary Ann, Duncan. Cincinnati. Fairmount, Poo, Gin. American, Ghnrky, CM. Palo Alto, McDonald;Cm. Gondolier. Lyons. St Lot.. .. >O c 7 ==Xt= • The steamboat DETRIJIT, Capt. 11. commence nirtping ba rcen Detroit and the Sault Ste Marie on lone:ad, making weekly trms daring the remainder of the retmom le ring Detroit every Tuerday Si 9 o'clock; P. The Detrkit is one year old, has a powerfai low pre. 'ore ensineomd is well adapted tit the Sault trade Por "it'd l.' "nlaggat , tri I: Vie,' eland N EL.HF.H.T. Detrod F W.I.AWSON • FOR CINCINNATI—REGULAR PAEREF • . newer and lido dome% etier LOYAL ILANNA, • , i ' l latiPieek,eineter. will li.we for above geld iniermedinteporin on Idoaday, the Wei lea ntICI o'clock. •x. 0 • For fr.ight nr ;Aimee, harinK eiperior aciointowle. &IR% apply to , .1 NEWTON JONES 11IorioniralieJet Noose FOR ST L 0 1 ,1113- -. ii RFXULAR PACFLET.' , . AlEltiVaMaas4ket . All 'won, master, will leave as above maimorsday at 10 o'elick.' For freight at . Ward. : - - . • a,.11 REGULAR LOGI/111AX rAtaikT The new, light draught nodfast rea.' nlag!ilartmer EURbX. . Cromer, Mester will nor as a regular e a son. Loeb,. 111 drain daring the season. fle learnt Saturday, Augnet !tat 10 o'clock: - For frerghtor passage apelion board; 41 it.giqir Beaver i,al Glasgow Packet.. The new and fast running steamboat . . - CALEB COPE, • . • "nolo% master, built expressly Arr.thte trade, wilt run IRA • regular Faeket ro Dearer and Glasgow—keying nus borer daily at 3 o'clock, P. sr., and nmuipg (=mho( Sandy and-Bweer Cenal,)oahlooday, w ed amday. end-Friday. For freight or passage to Dearer. New Lahon, or the Myrna Wen and Norther New Lisbon. apply on hoard orbo jeS S&W lIA REIAIIOII Iran street rittellaegh racket. The new anHUDSON,d fine illl2lllCt MkEthan, rnainer,boa resumed bet rer ulna trips sad will leave riitsbargio as above every . Tharoday and Mon day at 3 o'clock, F. 151. Far •Irclgar or passage-apply on board. hIcKFESPORT, EL.: - zniiErli AND A, .• VELA. CITY PACKF.T. • The ncoor o ol m ea s no p e A r • .Nelson nuoner,ocill ran al, above, Ira ing Pirahorgh oteryldondar;•Wid ,ncoolay and Fodor, nt DI o'clock, 101.,11nd Norm!. bola City ovet7 Taceday, Tharoday And SoLardnr: aF o'clock, A.. 111. For fic.ribt or Poo o nfio oPPIY . 31,0 ' 4 d • • 7 ii - iiiiPliiitmgEA and • paeket. • . ?HE lagatdnoarlat Meat:oar • NEWARK, Mk, Hurd, blamer wall make 'really Irmo the alarm , pint d.arlog tba rmmoa. For fame° or passage apply cm bar rd ;EXPRESS LINES, Sr.o • 0 11XPRIESS 01.211" PACT iIiESPREI FON • MAN PEIIiagIiIELPIIIA. ADD HALTIBIOICIL: Mar:holed/ for.Pat.ows I . TDB Dotal and fiailmal bong row an ei . ealfent order, the racket, of Chia Lion will leave with pa. antigen Its follow, finery night no 9 o'clock: Pat tat Nenutrky, Troby, Monday, Se pt . do Ohio, grata, Taalay, Sept 14. do Indiana Ikrkev, Wednesday, Sept 15. do fanjets., Thotnlpon, Thursday, Sept In.. do Kei.oetty, Two:, Ftiday,iyipt i7. do Ohio. Diana, s3l:li do'. Sept In. do ladinna. Uetkey. Sunday, Sept 19. do Laainiota, Tamp... Monday. Sept W. do Kentucky ; Tody, 'Noddy. Sept do Oh o , Crane; Wolnenday. Sept 22. do Indiana, 14-ekey, Thatolay, Sept tO. do Lodaituta, Tlioropenn,i.Fodny, Sept 11. , do Kew:snag, Ttotrp, Satoulay, Sept 4. do Olde Suntan, Sept If goo desire cheap travelling and enntfonnble neeont• soda dons, teem goortielteln at the Docket Oflce, lionongtdaela Ilooto, Water nocat.ot of • spit . , D LiEF.CIII9 CO, Coin! itaain BEL;ANOIL PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 11#44 1847 - PORTINGr 1 MP/ril TweEN PITTS6UI UH AND THE: E ASTERN lIS totproyad method of earning aged by this long .1 Establlshed Lux, is tusw PO gird! known that do- OcripOnn is annerossaty. Goods eranot tottebedontke ionic, the. eu tnsnsh'pelent cretin bee/Isar is saved. The dust. stool I:bht draeght audit:sumo their trips in from sixes seven days. the capacity of one Wombat.* enables as to more any consignments blade loos. ,Iteeeirloa,ssoling, sad sdvances moor cherges. Ming folly prepared 10 mate sales of Produce, ern respeettally oohed ennsintunentsof Vec.tern Door, Boson, Lard, Miner, Cheese, Wool, Feathers, told other articles for, sale, oa which liberal advances will be mode and other toast Madams afforded, pledging our selves that say business entrusted to as shall Ise.att promptly caseated and upon as fair terms as by any other house. 11\0 e FADDEN ess Canal Dadn, Pittsburgh /AS Al DAVIS a. Co • 240 and 2:4 Slather st,Thlladi a' COMMISSION 'ISESCHAST, East Barier Point and Bridge:Oates • . ); MKT, PA•P Proprietor and Arai of stessaris. • IllraliE• • • 6rin4 LAKE £IUE AND. IfIOffIOAB~ ._;i DUST IItTWIZI DlTTisulitait • AND_ 7d14,01., WILL to e pleporcd on earliest orcuirillurcudul nor. fe Col, sad Milo of ports on Lakelo to and opper Lakes,. also to sunward produce, hoprooments; Apply tom &Um., fob 241itf JAS racgrr, Lleanur Pn7g,f,34UßElll . 6s. ULIMPLAND.LIN.FI. jagt: --1 1846.- Mafia 11. auto. H. Tfooiti T. 1 elansond.ll Cb, _.' CLARKE & CO . POTWardilllff , ik ll•rchaats, . - - 7IE Agents and Proprietors of Ws Line (ao favor . ably known to the pabliej, will be prepared an the nultaat opening at canal navigation to tneeiirepnw eny at PittatuT and Mover, sad dabs. din same at :13 11Z:lt:Zh'ilTiCr=1 4 :eVafir k ' d * onabln rates. • • • • Tho proprietors of tits - sullen the business of thous/arms, easterners with confided* tnowirtg OSA their (sentries traitorous: to AIME. 4 • • -• . " . • Apply to or ultimo . • G M ItAßTSlN,Agt,PiusborilL: -- . • CLARKE & Co, Deaver. • ' • •.•• Aar RICHMOND a Cr.o Mit Illcn% cuts. _._ OLD ESTADIJMIND TRANSPORTATID N imrwer.ri -etrvaußaii, . . , PIIILADIMPHIA,IIeLTIMOKE AND NIM 'ORR. ; Tlig Moak of thts lino eanstrts of A doable daily 1.4n0 of' Boats and Caos. fawned by theawelves,l wltich are in pawl order. Tha subserthers are propsn red to forwards large quantity of Itldelaadise rad Pirdoee with cerutlnty and dispaten: . • Produce or 31archandl. consigned is any at Moan. forwarded free of any charge, for colontla sionOr storage.: . Bills Lisboa tranamined and all lastroehon• meal* Wended to. • . . . . 16 ' nbutlness at this. Una Is condacl64 ars strictly Sabbith-keeping principles... Address, or' apply SP. D LE . SCII tc Co, Propriclars. ~. . • ' • Canal Basin, Pillstarya ~ 11A1111.18 k.LEECll,Pmpricionl, • .. •' No I:South - Third rtrcat, Phlladelphts ' • -311 S. TAYLOR /a SONS, Aceollg •.' No 114 Nash Howard street, Daltanara - • • W/I WILSON, Agent, mehl a , - • .No T Won urns g, Naar Voyli , • Gag/4NX it Cow EASTEEN & ESTERN EXERIBS. i sn ANTd ed that a rt sVins7h 4 e d :lXtr htg between, Pittsburgh and the Ihmt. connecting at .I.lattiv mato with Adams and Company's Express daily, for all Ms prineipst Possum cities. Nacelles o pen l tones received and forwarded daily to Brownsville stearct en Innis McLane and Consul; and tenet by out Ex , pm...ascot. which ate undertook, to Cumberland and thence by minutia to /Uhlman, . - • • For farther panieulara enquire at St Charles hotel buildings, Wood meet.. • .• .IYdtPly 11 0 VICKERY. Agent • WAD !• WO DAY Lea I) . ETtiWi lIROWNSVILL,K AND CUM.OI3R -2, /AND, le now ' , M.1.6 doll! toohOnt 7OW [bear Goods arid Pre/nee between above' points.; hierehandiso from the tltl ia delivered in Pittstmrgh on the Mehl of Me. third day from Cumberland-400161t this tFe-momaxpeditions route Gsr. getting - oat Goods Gorr the Eastern- Cities. • - - The Agent in Baltimomarill Give a receipt ite to time 71ofenly 46ents ate PC DWELL, Plusbargh fl IV LASS, Br hIeiCAIG tr. DAG 8188, Cote'd /I 'ROBINSON, No3Llghl near Pratt at. Baltimore nssAvran, Wanuzir A. omBcvziamso LINE OP CANAL rACKET2I AND . STAGES. 1847. CA ti TELEO APO A 5 ALLOW SAVE Beater. dolly at 4s'eloak,r. the' sniv.lof dm steamboat BEAVER from Fintbarp ' • and *vi. at Waters nest morning In town fortdm gtagea Irking MI6 Clerelaod berme sight. .• Fastens.* will he race lined Ihmognoseatingt;ettim tt,sgnakets,aml seats In tho.glaga, on applitanon. so board steamboat Beatet,'llearng ruut..stOr, dolont, a: isjor to the Wolk • • - • 0 1H 11ARTON &Co, BALD IN, It ihawl. spti' D TAYI4/11 1 Warta 4 -- . . . . . STEAMBOATS. DED=II ==- 141. EIMI= MMEn itus4u,'m(jus. Eyl7 AIIItAINGIMILWAT --- STAR' 'CLOTHING - STORE; Na 70 hand a, Pia:dnk P 0... A'A I.4ICRIM SLYER meta tesPzedidl): mem.. to the citizens of Piadkveyh and 'octal) tag they awe ye:Morel serenee of /oho Garvey,—teaaoly of Itroculseay.2f IfLok—osarelenl °Waif estabatt a.!4: • This gentleman having been extensively engaged in the eastern business, exelatively, in the above city tor the last tee yam I, weli,lmema by that fashionable menturnity and Is =venally acknowledged to be a coder of great ecqui cements. We win be monthly supplied with Parisian GsLions, which will give to the ea vantage'of offering oar casto r:tent the latest and newest style. Gentlemen who are Animas of adorning can, by calling at the Origins/ IStar, be aceonanodated. • • All articles from this ntablisionent will be worm* ed It every particular,. OD troebleor expense will be wanting au intr part to afford general satisfaction. • We bare loan received a splendid stock of French and thicllsh black, Brown, Mae, Green, 011ie and Cla ret Clothe. " • Bizet Wee, Brown and Breen Beaver Cknhs. 13oxlish Pilot Cloths. Ftgi'dpetssisoores and Cloths for Sacks ..a Hosts:est Costs. French Doe Skint,olsin /ma hawed. Do . fancy Cassnteres. Enghsh do do. Also,a lave of of Aocciean Cloths and Casslmeres French gaper eat Velvets for trestlnen Do flock sad coney Sanas. ..Do. , do- , do Silks. •„• • - , Do do do Cashmere, and al(. !uncles pertalolog to oar h aiineu. We have an advantage that few houses in the West have, being connented with beases both in New York and Beam who will keep as regelarly moaned with the latest Lampoon styles of good.. AI,SO—Will be kept constantly on hand • general urertment of ready made Clothing. Together with Shirts, Drawer,, under Shirt!, Dem..; Collars,ScarA,Cravats,Ulovea, Savenders,ne &a. ANCKF.R t MAY= Star Clothing 8i0r0,70 wood Et N. B. All milers w;III.o prom LI attended so. .m 7 ====l Et== No. 35 North Front Street , Philadelphia. 4 BAYING' received their Fall ' bet or - Fresh TEAS, are now ... i .., - prepared to Punish orders from , - - a distance, culler by the . Bali low, ,le nt mee in that peen. liar sty,le. pr... es low asany Other'estaldiehnierd in the 1./ anted States. For .1,- 00 hi' chats rOdfli MUDD, Oaw grad. and Snail • I se lbs CUM Silver leaf der. - - , - tat se chant and htritms Gunpowder (fine and extra / -1.-do • • . do and boxes Iropmial(Gais,ezna oral low gad.%) ' . _ . Se elasta old Dyson-1 various grade.* 1150 Vehicle and Las fine Oolongs (various) , soo .do do Piing ,Toogs do., . ISO do Powelnange tibn'an and other Goma) ' Orange and Flowery Peeceits, - English Bteakfast Teas, &cam.- Thistle:maw entablish neezelosteliagencies armor kind oat of Ykiladel phis, of far niehes Teas peeked in 4 and 5 poundpaekages, bearipg,their own name to the. general Ueda or n quota! equal to toti oold is dm .U.' States, at the sante prices, d oe se themselves to re. food tan money tor all diat dammo-entire sallellso , lion. '' AIiCALLMONT fr. WIND . - • . • • • No .111 Noith Front Sweet - . . Wholesale Depot of the Company • N. B. Orders from • distance executed tanhtelly and with - derpatch. _ . .. MeC. a D • 1.11. brOCKDAILE atnAgent of the Company It In 1111117; and wllleall opnit (honeys and Tea Dealers. PGATIkATIM I . C B, PROCESS! Card, con. Pat No IL:salable Asr running hanL4 - 2 " 4. Bcerstamband; . • 3 " " round Onv.. 4 " Indian 'do; 3 " chi Pnaliab blick 0 " " Indy's If scd. Path' Card 'coinsins twesay Pans; with a geod.Pen The Pen No 4 is principally imd iniVriting and Ho 5 !copying 51balc,muking preels, Ted Nee 1 andh foi Bank. Note Slgontorea, aa Ikea' Pen. newer ent_tbe paper, however lee, or how. ever homy the hand may he. Janney +eluded tn. All rum where .the above Tone no not give sansfartion. sold of JOHNSTON* STOMTON, Dookaellers. 37 earner M Whet MO Third ate . . soti3 . . tKr.l2: )11.111P/Iy.,wufeorner of lih and Market TV e'erreele, has now opened hle fires Fall supply of Gehl—perlieeler eirrill64l ie invited,* his large so gammon or P al g/, Including new and bean. tile' styles of wear; real kreneh, very heavy geld tiebialen, Queen's k. Wlisdeor Maude; Oregon end Cal ifornia do.; Black and.Faney Bilkr,Ulouy A. , peeens, inrludieg Haws very superior Glossy" Meek nilk for - MaiwlS,in every variety; etiperior ;Shirting blealina and Irises Linens; Edgiest and Inserting. of new and headset.- styln; English end Welsh Flee. noel.; and for Cents. weer.a fall assortment of Bread- elotbtaad Cassloomv, Vestiopi roeltet ta n and all at Iraq kw prices- . irrhlerchants Me invited to examine his large stock just oft - nod hi his Wholesale Itoomoi assor t m en t (root Ith meet. where ran La seee ehoite of Dress Goods end (try Goods generally, at a trilling advance on Flamm tort. r sepal*. NEW SADDLERY HARDWARE STORE. •8. T. LECCLI.Jr., - ICs. t 33 Weed 'Oa; Pill-blue.: HAI7/ NG repientehed Ply stock from the hest moored, both domenic and budge l take pleasure in an. nooneing to consumers and dealers that I not prepared to tenpin thrall web ellgongs in my line on cull better tern. than heretofore Dayerewili recolleeltbatdrallarezelesivelf ] in Slut- Der', iimeworo and thump Trimmings, I obtain thereby tidrantaces that rtab ha me timeefy antlyellOn. nod ledge let yourselves. spa IIIoCULDY fr. Co., Hanutoetaren of Hall, Bottles and W. Clan, firio WOOD STREWS'. Qllft factories being now In full Operation, we are pripared execute dads In 'ear line, promptly . Daring the led summer we bore adopted a exc. plan of flattening Window Gds., (the mon approved plan now Med in the rash) by "thick we torn out a mperier aad dn. Wars flattened en Atop:est toprrfeetly Inrel and true. with 1 irery floe Intro renamed:id dealers gr.. erally, arc regumbed a call and examine for them riISSOLUT-lON—The Co-imstnentupesiningtre- Voreell A br fannthryorblaymille, hod George II Tepee of Cincinnati, an tler the lira nil:meaty L. fac tor. is Hie day domino) by medal roared The ban ner of tlin firm will he edited by Hedge II Taylor. A hi JANDART. GEU 11 . TAYLOR • . In Mitring frdn the above Gnu I take great plemore ifi recommending (only friends and the p abbe generally my lad partner and his new sieweiate RS gentlemen may way worthy Moir deefifienee, and ask for them a continuance of Ow patronage extended to the late ira A JANUARY .. CDePARINEIISIIIO—Dko /I Ta)lar has amo -63...1,6th Not, Mr Odterne, late commie aeon and totererding marchent u Dinett•qh, vtd aril! 01.131iMili the Witness sd the la. honor ..... ry & Tay lor. under Ow style of Taylor a.o.l4rneXconAdeocy, Cassino...tun Forwardion Mordants, No 14 em Colasubis few doors west of Mato, Csaeino.ui 3 O. that c Toey apae rerr eeity. ttally offer their KRI OWE TAYLM. to the p OR ada: la TllO5 0 ODIORNE WINE eronx. . -- PrllEgobteriber woad direst attendee, table Nock of Foul ro Wines and Lawns, stabilising all deavip• WA and qualities of dry and .not Wines Worthies its a lams swoon.. I r %%toad and Glass of. White and Red Wise. Cieampagar•—lhodeass,lllaniedlss, and, Wines Own the note sad blasella,lisek• sparkling and as; snow tid varieties ar Frenekustl, 4.1 , ..5n Piney Ondislit. My Adenoma king eashas4 'sly demoted no this bas!Zics., prohy,..• wilf Irgth gentiles winks. wholesale nr retaihand st mode• •tate seise. • ' JACOD WEAVER, Winn Stara ro:9 ' •• • 'eta Mute! bad Own as Original ..lllillorair Betels... • . . EeXPBBIEBCP-Dlseke A, on • insist sae and shall' Lilian. 41604.19 U, pea:mince this snide aoeoe- BpAaUMfordanslibyh the ecaarseimi isf.ll Node( • 114,74 sash for heal bads of JO 11, iessraciee•notemintbsoss. Orders for ammo! mole, Maltese Bncks will be executed at WS pcobl,if de aloe& without grommet. • stock lathe Int quality is reerlyin nod fbr rale at tle eraseboeseiaes Wkarreoembot Basle, by. '. • • • • • ••.1111INWMACLAREN . • •. . . irsosnoran Imo Welke QALERATUn AND GLUE FACTORY TOR SALE, Ura-The Adadainramnof Teta James McLaughlin', act break ale astabbabsadut ahead an N..h Ward, (manly carried an by his, In has Ufa use, a. &Balers. u gad (Si.. Pniory. The weeks are la scraping order Wean" lag on We balibussa,dlib faxastaa,Jac, mad rawly dadagrounutidug at an &bad A [Bram! nada will be _On% T d all winding dada known by carat ad ind,rt'illed. • JAMM BLAKELY, • le: • • • JOHN MITCOF.LL, . lid4l:4ll_h f eL=7 , l 3 c t ia—Tbe ymynemn of Illieder=cusally et I eclectic , . le eseh ' iter towelleiddeVdt.Weitheweee.the Ithe ist4 IWIO siqprus. with the Wu Mei the andel adorn. Uoildbee thee reweedalle /elide cad eat • ' • Prat. Titomrsom &co _ , 111. 11111.018.2. ' • Afriinsey4.l.o cotaareltra at Low,OINaNNATI, opao, uomp &Kamm t o arol WW 1& mup ter liftman promptly sad aoroded coostliatroxr for tbe Stan of Pcsaallautirt; for %kw .9=1.4%.; alt tr a 7.7' Con* Mamie a Alwiker, 110ra.6a14 WM:pa & • •ILDTLINIMPILIMPOWSI XOTIOSE. 4rOonserllnts having tens 04 61142 of Aden's ennenott the ease of Benjamin P Marti lee et. ifirootestourof Allegheny, doemeselL hereby stivesnelleo ,10• II primes /multi elision Of demands hou do teltdnAlhe mad decedent to tasks kres the same to Ikea witiNt y. stetsons knowing thenwelles Indebted 414 said an requested to nll and settle their stenonts. . • • AV/4 II WHITNEY Odee.OS eta e 4 Plt h_ lot a In derseg the er i rtee a lro j rtP efileteph;n . wee; near tlto WI Gate, Parma ' Aven:e .. *of* et. Lad, ferwhichtba logien prsee 'Mite paid In east. • arra dlorearuT. 1.1 DISOOMNENDED BY THE Al RDIOAL FACULTY Gilerreseent Mueslis Aperiew, _far D. m r d• on. Indumthess, - Narrow Deblikr, ONSOinew, Ilet+Asio,Aculity of al, Bonusit. kiabosol Costive. mos, Cutaneous Diseases, Goto.OrweeL to. sod Olswy Wised as •ipottlo.ussoliog rarely. 'repass! by 11 Boiler, Cheado; Doodoo. • " • Jan nwolood swd for les.l• by 7DMORGAN • • Dwoolss. VG wood si 1MX1". UP VANILLA, ruin.: CONCENTRATED— Ms nay prepsraln. eorarnallealto a pee OM and Oa Hoeg en Jodie.; o•nardo. gasses, paltry see eleamyOceolate, sal all/11044a hairy coolom. for *ale be , JOIIN MORAN , •413 11111110LUTION--Ilie empsrmenale hemsfam *sienna amanita the eshewiliera emdiir tbe of J Lt Williams asyalssalved by eamisat' ?no . ImenateeartUllit amliSsed by D WU llame.wbe Is Maly ward Abe aemessia ef .We l ate d r m . ~ ;:: :i . JDWiLL ,L . Vittshengli,Lteri t " • Meht LL LS—Stidakisona asellistiv4 Flannels. wren.. *book foot s adddinsal ingAr Our kw readied Ass ollesees.s6o. wren Celealan 1/8 WfintirrAD BA/1 1115011RS-13 b • tinee oreihed and petverired Na I *nicleii. ark ••41 ettel•lnt fatale wealetala 11 el Oa Why Sweat • • JAMB WEAVE" . .la eor seasteti tuna% APi •r • • • :1. - t • • : • r .11. —A' tall imply Art • • Jowly ealebtAlcd Bann **alga conimaily DA band and - ay Wesuasa ureroffires by RUCK:LETT W A; HIM ..• v IT. OF LEMON—Pm exarwntfasol , —Thl• rN 'll4 is exlmesivaly.knowo sod ascii io Slatilles,tbr • ming pro. pothhop.• takes, t wood.. sayer% jollies, les imams, 14,44 M. gmo azoelis at eoase— fa. dm* pogroms ill* Mori of • tram tweak DMOIOAN HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS:- Saw and raablanabla HathmA c pe►or., BR UNDEatheldonernalsclallade,dadds, MI The sabseritar has rdeeddycinablish• ed abased( in the above basinesa m this Cid% a d bas now opened for the inspection•of the Pabl:e imme and carefully selected .oov:went qf Hots and Can., of every deseripdon,eolor mai Appel which be .wlll.seti lathe acrb:men cash prices. • Having made arrangements with the !Vine of Beebe a deems. of New York., he will always heel on hand • fall sanedy of th eir celebrated Deaver, aml .Hown Has. Alen, Ramie; Cassdneray dony,Oncnd Ashland Hats, bof Eastern and Slane =lard thre; vadat he snll mall times take pleasure in *bow n He reels assured that ail tasted will' e eluded wi his selection, and at the same - time his prices will snit the most eamotnical. Ho if determined in those mixers, not ro be batmen:" Do not, therefore, fidget the Manse, .gabela House flat store, Smithfield et le:Muted • dif . • • FALL ITAdELION. ' jl atelOOßE has received from New Yost, 6041 mien( Hata which het m a tz o Itroduce this clay. Salitidef, • 'Aug Snit:. All thonein . nest and impeder tat would do wento eaU et No 73, Wood • Etna, 34 'door .bove 4th. • . • •egt3 tf • 4 Fall rashlea, 1830.. EMMA COSTALIVB /Style Gentlemen'sflata will be introduced at ICELVIL'S on Thursday Annum 174. Gentlemen ortshlng a cheap, fain ionable !later Pittsburgh mutafeettire &bead of fashionable Hata imposed udadvenised by r&mo of. the trade. please.eall at. gEEIGL &Cos auggitf . - in. head of. Wood AIIIIMMIER WARRIOR FOR HAWS* - JUST.nrceived Inana Drew Vork, the Sant mer , Style for Hats; connisnag . Whoa Borer, Snarl and White French err maere OWN with . Ventilators. Those in wont of a hesoifal.linta tat are rnpeeUnll- •- - T 75 wood et, 3dcemnbove 411, 4 WILLIAM DOUGLAS has just received fresh supply of Ringgold and Buena Won Silk Oland Caps, sow styles. Extra fute-Freiteh Moleskin Ilsts,at verylow No 78 wood Street A W/LLIAN DOUGLAS, • CONTINUE 23 m appfaearre. and keep in manual y OR RRIVI, ORM 011eity of Ilaus and Cap of the latest style, Mid pie. ~,y laav 7$ Wand preat.Eamsida. • ' lT BOOKS, MUSIC, nl=l== SACRED PHILOSOPHY of the Searont,illeatrating, the perfection. of God m the phenomena of the year, by Her Henry Dolman, 4 volt. . Alexander on Isaiah, a ComelentarT on the - ember and t . ater .01d:e 5 e4 o es in ol tranth; by J IVAlerander, of P TIfo Wi;lyiiesoir 41md Pa the 15th teen:4. " Light in the Dwelling, or • harmony Mete Love Gov pet., arranged for every &win the year for . " . • iio *Ai les Sermons-from the Inn London edlilim; to .which Is armed the lireof He Amber. . &rooms bThe Rev James Lamle, Inc i3Ostor orlbe }tomb Hanel at thar/lagne. • • • . Envier.* Village Sermons, new edited; rented and • 7be ea above, tog by the ether with • Large stock of-Religious and Iliseelliumoas Works Jon received ley- ' • spa • , ELLIOTT &ENG LISH, ee market to • • Cheap Popular LI tttttt re, T IVES of the Necromancers; or eh account it the JLI most eminent peoent In successive ages, whobare elalmed thrthetnaelves, orto whom it hes teen Imputed" by the exerelle of conical power: by %Mt. auther of Caleb WM111.114 eta. Lome ibe Founeanth; aud4be Coen of Flatiee f d the ITM Century, by Albeg• Pardee; beamihdly embellished by nomemas engravings, ponmits, ;to six pasts JParu third and feerthJom received. ' • Toles of lie Peons e o4Pelunityi . edifett Itsere—i.vitToto : • . Story of the Battle if Waterloo; by the Iteval Gleig, revived by thep p lkirof yYlltigtoU--cpmple. • [briery or the thrioodhits; or PersorallTentotrnof ihe Patriots of the Freurh -Revolution • Dom unpublished aoercev; by ADo Lamartine; trtialatid by T Ityde; rOoloo, a curative 'of adv . enuttes in the Sonthb , ett* by H ' • - • The above yanks tort received arid for vale hi . •021 JOHNSTON &STOCKTON. nancliet &QUO' . LITEILARY,WOILLItee - GAZETTE Me Audit., Reederswod PENAL.% idi- AtedbycrWawa. • - -- • Emil nowt. of this ekgout Its! kty embraces 27 quaelo peg% Ca Madame Sone, cotorectiest kor bind Ma.. It is devo ted principally kb Critd Rieiewaofnew ?adagio% with iotereeti mad matertaieiturestruete, Notices of the more omits or ' • and Literny Smarties, with•rwerel eor ropomieem eatier. telamg Edueetsoo, Amend Litera ture, cod judickmeelectiora from Vertigo Jooroats, of what ma se am in Seim., and Letters, to with • weekly Liet of stew Books pabithed its the motley wad abroad, pre panel in theta/at 022.02 . . Price $3 per mum. • . • Publiched weekly by Osamu, t Co., 176 Namest., New Sulteeriptiems received liy Meld A kw atereweere minted for the cite awl eowttry kw the awe. Apply to WM PALDWELL epfildtt - • 4 . New Books. • FLOWERS PERSONIFIED, part 5, bearttafully illor teen& Ember De !Reline, port 3. Organization of Labor 'and Associalun, Domoeialun, the French of Math. Driancoarc Martin the Foandling, with SI illustration. Gallant Tnm, outerperils of a nailer. Castle Dram; by AlmL Sureelser, S amm . Decline mid Do exan elhog th e Southwest; by Chorine The Olden Titan for Atheism. The Nautilus. or American ro wateer. • Arabian Alights, part . lopepline, illustrated, part IL Illustrated Lire oftleull Sires—fresh anpply, ' The Monkhs Revenge; by S Spring—fresh Pupply. Focsale by j . WM. S CALDWELL sptlo Thinl-al,nowssite Poet 4,lFew. It/>!r KIWEIVP.D.dA mesa , supply of Vindication; by .1 U Merle rid utugne. .11mmicon and tin Mortal(; by Jr- Headley. Nitimleon, his Anoy mil& Greene; their unexan, Pled Military mmHg: ...A elt tie= _ Sacred Mountains: hp J T Headley. Letters from balm by .111 leadleg , The Work* of the lam Er abort &fumy MeChtme, Miming, of th Penes Churi.h. blondes. • Haldane on thicouni; from the sth Edinburgh Edition. For vale at the Ilookatare of tifit7 ELLIOTT & KNOLISII:an marker 1 -- A --- /Wia AT mutton,. • 'DAMPS Foonh Pennsylvania Reporta. JJ haae Weben'a Work on Angling; by 0 Colton. The Ladies National Magarinefor &M. . Llbeire Agricultural Plirmltlry. Ib Animal 4 I lolprkki Outlines of Anatomy end Thyoralngy. 1 ' Beatrice, the Gammiitia Onusbter. Plory of the Ilatile of Waterloo; by G It Glebe.. of the Peerage and the Peasantry, edited by Lady Deere. Grabartie Magazine farSeMenther. ' • LailyH Mak The Arabian Nights., part 3. • - Taylnea Counterfeit Detector, sorb a fm-suailii' of coin. ' • • Tba Monad Cachet, innovated. , Jack Ilkeppana, arab 33 Lac mandate. . Pans 3 aad lal Panlock Lula. XIV, oa4 Cowl f Prance.. Far at, ai aroes.Rl Foarth-ot. • IBM New Stook ,of Plans. TORN 11. lIF.LLOR.FI Wood as sass recessing spextellent aascartasient of BOW] W Near rots bin" arrived today and novr op. kir sale. Two rpivalid &A.m. Pobion, x °naval, 121 a One apluvilid naincd itosovinvosl, via Wawa*, • ' .720 Ovilloplendul mintariy Plain. via and iv baron- O. mond Pia. Vona, ma al On [votary of Merl liera, raria, and rally tonal la Oa om. • used by Lira at We Coevals. . One nraboisoy mood bond Piano:ands by Sto• dart, Worcestar k Danbam, New York. . 213 A farther &apply will be rrecita daring this went STORY a the Beuf!* ot.Waivadoi hp Ray- G. R. Rime uv ,el htißt ias lioonit u . 1 th e Pouoof Fielel a t lek a (ol unblshed 34 sad of LoatalntastbitalßßlSofFeatvi by hlbo Frult °Rommel a um arnetikasthie olotlPkldn of Cottbooloal Emile; by l hl . • Pan JJ,TraTraaslatiou of Jevoolose—ttlautabol. The above with . matty of new votAicat... Jan received sad &rule , : : J L etan . • • . • th anent tea lueL; 2222601•22111 VlTottlill. • • j0uN1171124 SICOCKTON have out toed a Ileah wn sapply of tha allovriaa molar vett., byJ T lkta Napoleon sad We liardialla. f vol., cloth; Washiavvem tad his Genet•lN 2 vole, cloth; Tare Sacred Ibloanotinv a va rico. atilesof biadiag. rota PIANOS I PIA.MOS t t ' • • E al INV:X.4I%f Plfal eas ter n gr'e.stif Plana may be exammed at all bears, and the edema bar mill be there from II to LI. A. M.. and (meal to 5. P. M., each day. . Pettab•g; October ten Ws, the andereimaed, mould Inform the chisel:di Ii Pitubmgb and trieGtlty Mat me have appointed Mt. 11. Klaber male Arent ter WeserA Pennsylvania, for. the We of ear Plano Fentes s frOm where they map be Mt.. mined atone Olea iNne Ir.t/r... • UNNEI t CLAIM ' New 9ork.Pee.r.lBlo-clettltr Aldetain //swat Plana. • . A SPLENDID assognadM of Reseemeed mid al . ...ati,a• :pate elan Pianos, wide =clans Fell Ma, r Also, Ism sy= Ressensiod vldi Calt:insa' celebrated &ams ottani:mot, Soisbedlo the wit mad me style, cod 'Of sale at _ • .1 , ULU!! EVI; leas . ill veal street I dean shame lan DAVIS' REVIELLTIOYII. . . 1111Zr=elor Natt3 : l%tre RegZona, 'lnchon Dava, ller ! * reVec*Pnb , ev2"aado vernal.* • few sailtla vale by • NaroN a arocrrow .. aerat • ' Illsotlellers ear markri a N rts THE GENERAL LAWS of Prensytwan la Soto We year PAO, to Atril SAHA Chts tgfriallytura:i the 11th W" Co:l•2Peaaaylvraia, yi:iag oe' rne , N.p fled a 4 c etteme a ga!ea .P 4 • '; • ea sayleet fp large wooly of thati,;wasii V edition or the Penally thble. clkeep—edd much mu pe Annie b rier to dm Philadelphia cheap Edolonjest reccired, spa MeTIONALD k.,TIRPON' W&ale - iningllMlLlP—alapa de toe Auer. ow. do Wilco, Sm va to erminda y d elinido pow hie write RCM . dalwtytsso do ditha Repoblice: y walls:de pee tea lasience autoridAka. • A " 7 522;1;1 5 1ga 1' li Cn AragN, lkobaelleie • • • COT market # 3.11 EmikiKttis OP ',Mai. usuNltrfikg7al;ni bus bad byylleabon far bilibsuby bomb basins; Ctia STOnsks Wrier, yrup c e n b i t p r N iseuub: bp sale by. se STOCKTON •• V =PESOS OP Ow B Lqipstd, a work .IL./ sad balk roma soerief blab:on:nu ern% /s. MISIPSIi revlved . • IS D I TOMU liasigi i.u ne w eiz&by : 0rp1..14,' • • ..7/ weßaillg.thrpoi <6n.. • MI/MUMPS oak/AV.-A 5M15. 1 7./. 4 ... 1 !d - A6 - V ealiane—SNl:eplasmeSeajas received GOLD AND SILVER COlN—Taylor!. Opld add I Slifer Cain Eccodocrood Orme deli Detector. No 71 Jeri received Sod it dent TTNIONkfidaINICF7ikeI . Vnumber, ND recoiled and me eclo At - • , WM • mnitsici 0111611.18ERFP CYCLUPAMA—No 10 •ndthe Etof 0/ inJy valuable waykt }w received St. • ImuM — tbPal*tan44 . ois . PloUoiopiraf. rtp i toiew,dhy va tk o Jawfrecisiect mike sale at • • ' ' - - ' n. Ure:ao=lM 1;: APO ,IlivaaWS _ EXCHANtit UMW 7'77 11139/12Y, •,- BANNS:BS, •XXOTLAIItiIII ,138 . 0113111314, • • - 401 . 0 DV.' IN F0NE3025( , AND .u.fa DOMESTIP , EXCIIaIIO7....CERTIFICATELOP BOP*: . P . OSITE; DANK NOTIIk, AND BPECII4 04 , 24 Pm* o, aeaelYama.nhe We Bank aillnabanti. CURRENT- MONEY racatiod eA Thereantollgillr Meeks for sale, and ealteetioni :nada earataelr 'tan principal pwauis tha United abaci: , Tbe higlicelpreminna Paid fee Earaltppiad- Aniiehinaa Adranees made on eardagnmentsolTredado, Fast:on liberal !emu. .• - " - " ' i N. uourms SON. — -• " • • Bankers and Dealers In It tetiiianiga; CO* SIMINST 81'RLX,T,„PlITISSOIL91161,t. , l i . • g>, 'laying E Ohio, lea: • Re R.:COTES., 'tarre d -I •' Co:/t Beep oraest; • . • Indiana, 11 do .liellet Nowa,' &syn. ewanal, . • .„ Ido .rerinsbraolacy.,.. 4s Virgin' a, d do New Yotk do Wheeling, '• do' NewOrleaki,'.; - 7"" • • dor . •At wite, JTOSEP.II.II.I: I7 VIIato of the kat 01 : W014:i ltill & Co.) Wst. C. €llRM4‘ l6 l6 6 (Ektet ?kit I have entered - tarn Copanne t labli.'andeF.tha:namwoe t 14.4 & CURRY'. tite ilia tagaggreof tanyinfeklalbet.. • I Rankine and Exchangc businitas alllta-breitetesallda • 4 , .510 65 Wood street. three demi below Toargt, aide—where they solicit the egos= or thelr frlendaatil• the public generally.. • r.../OSEPU L IICHILtert , k , 10E1113 MCC JOstfil 1i..311LL....- • • WIL,Ci,XTRAT,mi HUAI& OTISUR__ A _T - 'BANNERS It EXCHANGE' PROXIMO DORLPISR IN FOREIGN AND DOIMITIOATIRE,RDICOIr DILLS - 17FAMCIIANGE,, CEETIVICATIDIy:or,. DF.POSITE.,.HANX NOTES AND COIN,: -"_""' No 64 Wood stiott, th ird door below , Foonthaiest ado . DAN Fends ind Carrenoy riveted on Dwelt", and oolloneonemade on all the principal gins in. the. United Sight Estimate oo noltioroio, , Phatdeol l a . 0 01, Sort, Ronan and CAncinnati annaanny for Ontn,lndiona:Xentacky, - Volnnusand Ponstsghsoda. Rank holes, bintaia and sad on favorable tams. • RanhantonLnesnd,lniland,Gannatry and Franco WILLIAM. A. HILL CO., BANKERS, EXIMIANGE • • FOREIGN AND DOBIEWIR.FACILANMO .: DERTIFIGATES -OF. DEVOSITEi RANK .NM . ' 1... .AND '.BP ECI h .. ' • UV.. 64. WARC Eims:oas dm ANAnr' Fro* KANDW_A Amble] .• ." ..• Pittsbar F1NPe....;..r ' ,. ..44.e1.: • 'ALIAS taiiiiii.6 ~ , ~•-• iiiiii3r(_ wile 7 . . .. -'-' - • ' -liIiALACKEL'Av ItA332!,__* --- '''' . . to ANKER9 AND EXCEIANG.E.IIRD KWR , A,.,lfialas• m rombro and D•aststle MID oriDet4po,9ool.l.: `eatesOf.Deposmc Bank NOM and COIN 11111101 en • ,ead'Wond ottreis,diieetlyAppositeacquuDlWlDD-I• Cl, 4 l l!rns oz e Cinpanytt , ProaTtlY,a. I Le r°2"" ,N WILES tION=Afti r: l'''' 621 • . N ; nENtypv LVAiNTX, 01410,111EinVireistifskj11111111 F. Virrcßini Cmitity abireitYordinAtt.._"pubbobwpflt mtr. of disobeet, by ,N • NOLANO &BON =t s 8 Eretadtre t • er.65 NA:WA— ;IMSCIUNGEo Nipe York, ettlle4,lpik* : •_ • 74 j E , mom Weis " " fj,'.7 1 A . n r Eid eatoiml'""•Wa, Ukia., ladlao4 _• . ~.i 13.gkananted ai rcry lav mea odLeaY{ F„ i-. 0 ap6 :.. . :.:Noad 671 m dace W ' F.aßla Saloal - . ;Viahangs on'Sreoi .- York, Ph 1134410, ismi.lll4 7 1.341 mat,,,ocutdatly AsJo iiiLLACURRY ilOtt 'Croat xi, ice doortiin Sidotne:A• TO. -CONTRACTOW.:I4'4-,i. 11VI„ be P"P"a":. w receive/Wks mr mks tmtfl I. .of ,Ostotm nen, e t *l'r . . . . . . . ler Vaginas end Pumps fru the 41.1/41w.wrolti , Wradr r.,,uniltida g :TACOltis tasting! for. rases; and liaL do . lbs Screwballs; do .. .560 fCct of 24iejdLlocii:pipetr.,:i - ,i t vv • do 6.10 I u “ • do ..two 2Siosn stop rttresi'..-, t.l:t 'do . two 2O- r , e rrs • proroisoin to stole th e sum 2.1. Engines and Pieope,4, comple te—io male the 1111=9. lb 'tor es mina, se row bolo, pipes and surges diosteliffbeinsoidilbl, tto two .tO r olclk For ponlculars ccoporc of KUL6I4T,AI99a or th e Pi t.rb emelt Water Werki:' •' • %Nee . ' •To Stem Ttoioissi pindeii4*.i3; Gt EALED.rn.p.utis !sin be PeetiesrestibbOieCte , A 7 she Allegheny Gauntry null the day nreespbc next, for beuiottnll toatenabs, Awl excesiellAn.estinbiesP:. Mangey end boners' Lodges :10.ther Cbinetty. Pia& ' and specifications of the Isfarlt east bpieeen steel:MP. By enter of Use Boatel.. 1 JOHN .GIIIB.LTITY.aI.: • HOUSES,- LOTS, IFARMIS, /co., Exmouounes Sale orllreral•SaLste. , - , Ili noderained Executors Of rho-last mill sad Lee.a Lament of Motel Burlier, late oflower Glaix.TP” in Allegheny county, Ind, dee-eased:offer 0: I tbei Potts nerd( valuable: property In the thy Otlictart4l: two 111Miousi teda, sm oata oajbe Out vide er and Cherry alrey, each fromlux.:o fact on...nrdsX,,,unds' xtending butte Eaftel toseardli . drd'it.' Alio;norike moats on Groat at between 3rd' and dth *Wier Illidixer . front on Groused nod extextdmg.ho997 AM) (ruthaOsiot • the progeny of Wei Antlers.) N. 1.1. For terms ud - panieolorra auroixo'c'of sea,Botelond, Allegheny Olen Or ldr Asbett MoCardy, , el* Merchant. Weed Lui.riushurgh,or to thesmbactios ' hers g near the old Washington Itmoi.shomdanippa y froui Pidshorg , tr. , Toles indLtupershl.:: • , ' ' EZoxPinir Leeman* taiirTosm.hty. , 0.43 u • .., F.xeolor, Mold*. Therostdre • - • ." ' • BRADDOCK'S:IOIE7LP. " POI& SAL Et—lize etalualge` csiste3silsra UN I 12Ciente of Itraddack'a Fleur, ahnstedis Wilkins lows. p,Alegherty costar. re, Is miles. fresiPutibargiaty the taonottp.has meth and Shy As.Pestwalvasla Bait Read; cow:juin37s acres and 29 perches. Vero thirds a the 'met is 'lli= bOtlol9, Sad 'the whale my be cal.' imated:: • . • . lw re Is en the precise.% leers lank nthisslen and ether improvements, and One/al innings of excellent water. dictated on the' Monongahela thelwaror, as well as on the line of the put Erneylvattle Rail Road, at the path, where the travel and trade then the lie will Elm remb the atertmbeet naylgaden orate Wm. am nrlß iimpuitagij I,y RAIKAt healthy and Nadu*. tee country, Ly ierehensabla sapplksof the ben and eb emwri fuel, and having on the premises eta/thanes crewel and Ilarestone,thtsplaie is admirably m•led far the site of n great manelhetetinx mberb. • The Penutylvaale Rail Rein • le keened ihmiegli peering south of the ettenotion beet col dump, the ladle emend, and is Caw under can/reel It Is also on the Bret. peel of the blooongeltelc stack , water and the Drowniville pieteln and other 113.01. lams constantly-leech uKe hthebtronlhth Mita It thereibm them.% eery greenest enter prtwetty in ner yiele hy, and the best soiled for Merttri soma,or tAO PAW of nweltaniee atom°, ate:whey:eine- • As th place is one of yrceirenewn. It Wheats eh. ded by travellers fine all pens ofthe• Vahan; hi topeg, eitopmeettstedied;rand labeeer aPateclt.l.„lt t Mooniary here to glee% sown parlintllsy MI Fee wow rehab* at Ord Mareliant seed tmer's Onok pltterqr h. .1310d.1. . ...` Firmly Ijui Ray . i r ns Ve L ALX:nI44O4II imm•diusit a Mr s ,....fkw6 o emstiagai neat Pit Cern, S nie lZ ennWfaNsols_,___ foreseeing Cosal;stll pew.m et r., m moment. „haws Vat the preMeeelisiorsd tenantable artier, ad; j; row payee/ a‘fent ern= peysam.:,neid arrodopesoli.. iota an Istenbarnlbla .tele.of coo, la/Orme he Mead steed °NM no. renteenbld terns, • , EnAnqepowlaludit to commence th...lhawlatnenWl!ry d tie • *.• •PPlrim= 00+440 01.1 all .wbedisr. 7' l b Tl i te ‘ Ith 4 of the . MthseirliWi 9"c lardlerel JOHN MeCtlhrr.. PNIZZlit .n l47 FOR NAME t'• 7 : 1 16 Ender by lend chili 0110 elry ohm It .ben i 4.111 No 3, nein - ta;cing IGO TM, omen) letethelifel for the Coal banner" hue ralhiskt Mot 310=:.., • rd deep water Mae Seeding Tee le another L . melon dna plate, en fatale,' the lower,o(moptolor ,Iptality. Ace. bmio•lt onen,•gendemee whip ornalree! etename ean lodge of loeqsaltry. Thle pommy itsine'... the e eel property of Mr Jblin• Herren of thy, and will be cad km, if dtspthed immediately." Emetic - , on the penance, a sue., &cense above Breda% • • • • • JittS . . lIAMIPABALIILEY, , Mot • ' Ind et between nada el • • _ 808 maw • . Room on Mertet es. bisperpesiniiinumai la • A, pieced neetryled by eke lisborent Mew. - Monad IL Co-.niit for besinesa. ressewims amen lemedimety. Ales-Ile Attmexam llaUr.lutst er.ninstmlielah/rh.. Plilo Hall stairway. Thin rowels well fasehthlmisille • is very soluble fet*Miedies. -Lem azoor AIM-A headroom On °math Pen • • • • n .:ED se, .r: %.23 ddien.triathet berwesefirallogthMr_ •. , etherakle Prallysdra yr-new nano_ • . WlLLbenoldat Awniooms Woleeedey,andennar_ Ist, at 3 Veleelt, on.hopms4as:llertinnotA •• able lot el emend bums as Oso!Vity Rey fterde rigez • beim thirty feet in wrdth by see ithadred end witty leeeth, rennin. chinch (me .aria nth sot, inter 1/11.•' . North auto of Waal a. • . • credit Othree, Mx and nineinere will bran.' . e3O • : an of emcee Oty'Preperte,...74 ALNABLIII "11116110:11111111%Witehtellre. V . . dor modulo, of th elete lima II 'Mgr., memo Wylie Wee; 4aoteeded,) odd loorrnbe Tar opj ke rood, e cobraunt xt Imo of piesst br Hon's Wu...doted for sale. Pannourigvo4ii: GHa P.M.3112AN, NSA Wood Br., Reif tags far. a. THE untlenegned belefatenaltortneree bib Taruntry • IS the moony. eases' rer LOTS so &egad street; bet wren . Feely weeeend ay. ditabt.Alloy, Each let twill be many CM Natal , ONO. sad I ,, ta kith" ik.; The lets mill as ahem magi, Le. 1 imam.. Pat Senttstbst .14...aurae As prustsses.. pug vAs.wwm4. r . 1.b11.C112+-41 well Sallied •Itlineviif Itall,Ttga st. , • . Aboptha lger .riat,Xt P anda u _s_e !;Av...apmegkeetvos aca'LlienryZeredriieW4l4bet . ;•• • 6 2 COIONTAriIESITILIf • •., ~.,. ii . IlAYMPreit to Oa city; Sr tea , • to preasional bosals; I grip tact thellistatot ......" liem i and a. Imasitstil 2ciiilluall *Mb. bIeMY chic MOWaffabc4a. Cat 441 i gen re.b.gai4,o halal, three eisty7relek thetelltes, es tow eb, half weiparetentes Oaronsti Wet exellNsyse roaseatcatieleaseaseedietely.. Felemytleslareeella ettbe odic. of .• • WALLACM aEI - . • • 1 , r • • , :1111 Mem el ..igAtecymyrrElt FOR BA Ilan feu We AlK.Mtteful ttenteltee Let le Staeleleenee.neer 12 fet flew I.ffY feet deelE* leirl.ll do* km t ...* 1 ad ddegoadd,addnilerms. Tamp seeeltptellase,. ply !11 ,- . Real taste leee i voa ill ...' ' Alil4 Walft lis.44 ‘ llB "' "- TIFIC,Syn, , _ iime tosißiaNißmelite . ~. .P. 0 6 .00 ,, , ... i oteb--.PPIT .4 a.P.m640.404 ;actiocii.,s; , JAW! ... • • t, .:.c7. : vouairn emurrismayar_._ l. • :4 .....:.,-... .....:, '',• - •:4-...... ,- ,.- ... .., .. ..•• . ....... ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers