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W.,..i - , 4 , • ''" 4 : ; • - i1 . ..'• .-!..''•,' - ' !•4 1 t:Ii'O'l - 1 1 '•'.!.1t i. )fl l'ik . t l ..ll •Vcl;ll.f;', ti p. it . I .; -41 :: ,1 : -:- , 4 1 i : 4 i '4 ' c • , i ..4- . 04, - ai:,,,iv. -i.• 4. ' 4 1141*Ar.q.1 : 1 1 ;.41..t; . /krit74,tiP . ' irt o. ' ... - 44ii t ioa.v. , i - Wl* . tdiP ...,......:4„....., ..,..„.:,..1.1.,,,.....,,tT z!...1:4,..i:f:_4:*:..z.,i.: ...::,..,:i...„0,....„. ;.§.;,, r. i . , .," 04'1* :• V. • ,clt, . ... - .itV::::', ;..12..:. , ::::-%F; : ;1::..7.....:t . !,'`ii:z l ' - ' ,7 A . -'::: - 4.; '.. - .g •:,'"'.: - Af..-':i , !.:.;.T;1:',::.;.t-!' ..1"...' - ':: , ::3 1 1 - .:F,7: - .': , •!?:.' Y' 1:,.',7,.',.?2.'";'!:-..f..!:?7:::••-!..:'.f.j1 Ammo' up t , fire of Austoo,l6t7, C....vb., 132.48126 $97,047 30 Whole tear, 1346, 199666,020 88,464 41. Mete to 6 cooLttu crier 1646, 3,199,306 169 6:13 69 Three months of the ree.von of -navigation and Paps frar, from Au= to November, here yet to ninepin, and in may very safely rely upon 60,000,060 emialtinnal tonnage to the Weimer of the year, =law onlooksd for accident. cecat to InSeeropt the mow of boat. ( el an ircrease al stout 940,000 to the Las of the . eiWnot year. Are in Wen comet La 'Wei that breammievlerkigl e9d LoTely istrevulag oa nor liffen6llllll l 6 l6 iIS with roper issoop.coot 16 / 1 $1,500 11$0 4 0 1 TM colD 6 lolthb'rOnto '.. `414 410 1 10 ‘. 60 ' • . Uti:: - .Tioinioa , -It Le .61 that a» ginzlw at Etusa• • for Vora Clot 1 aisioarioa• of Ni 'Es.% was mat • At by * a ir slid, kr bra hbaanortoi atOOthi i"_ THE P 1 BURGH GAZETTE. rths. -• • PI TEIBURGHI: • TUESDAY ISOSNINGOAUU3I:IBI7. • DaILVOASIMIS s• pablbilted DwAy. M•WreklY, AAA tv..k•ir —The Daily IsVerso &Wats per wman; the Tri-Wee Doha,. per mom; the Weekly it Two Dollars minas • obi.* • to Advertl . sees:" A i _dt : e_ru.terte u Ty_ Lo k .see. ore inoeruim, abneld be .0. 711; loe tbe • fsemolio. AU.11.1011 ‘ ,.. .o 2lol l l l.iteltftfit """a"''' " aid Prn4" •" • lOU GOV VANOR.. • • • ..0 EX. •X/A S cav;7, • • for =moo oomrtv.l • • .• • FOR CANAL COMMIRGONPA" SOS PATTON,, Coo cossostAtro mom )• • COP In GEORGE DA RJOIE, of Allelike.T CUE • , . , P•A /.1.1111.1% - LEWIS C. i., M.ELE. of Indium Tp. CCRISTIAN IYELY. of Wilkoto Tp. -• KSHALL O"ARTZWELDER., Pautough• GENRE LARGE of ?AMA Tp. • • - 1. Iv 7, ll7ll2l,ltif:Xim h. am ma APARRS, irtrwint Cliff Tp. •,'rAVE. S .4. or t' Versaillea • • Per same &enuseretal latelblenee,Demeatte Nan item. Miser News, gaspers, Memel Market, Ale, see WM 'pose, - : Ike burl! P. grefir NLeellaneouWA* PITTfIQUON AND CONNELLIVILLZ • - RAILROAD COMPANY. T EBtochboklers olthe Pivabitargband Cocriellmlle Roll Nod thattpanyi are hereby ware to attend a monlog of the ,Coatorry, to Wheal at Philo Ilan, 011 • Tweeday *ail.* of Asian at 3eMock P al. for the impale analog hue, tootaferiuloit the eappleateatal legulation of dm hut station a . the Legislates*, and afteatr nek orestaret le relation to the Chant r.a. may be deemed mot tutefal to the altercate of ibe ewe asento•' • • • CARODWAS, harathortd --• .• • . • Seet , yof bonder Dtreetors. Vii hope aim Simattelder will be Inapt at the meting of the Pittsburgh and Commitments Rail ftied Compasy this almrmart.. The elks IStaktiOkitrm an particulate urged to be promo% es a airs number cf Stockholden tie in tows ' faun the century. The business to be cotaseleted , ,' at this meeting is cf diet urgent and. important thunder which demi& the ;mance of ever] one who has coattitiated his 'miens towstds the groesiti3on of agl Eastern Road. A single vote tap decide it question cf momentous interest, and wy therein.. again eep the peacoat and action of *my ciusim who is entitled to a vote. 1 001 COMM/ II ale devoted to Rail Road mat. taro to-day, sod occupy pore apace that may be . _ acceptablo to oL of o9r readers. • Panics @ball -bare their tarn next, [a thin reading mom agree atds to the bottoms end fatally reader. There is - a time eau/ thin& and this- is the time for Rail • 'Tho, able edninstmication from Mr. MZ/Ung• the proceedings of the Cordon Convention, the anomonlarion from runl the spinal for a full meeting, w,ill all strike the anat. lion of the reader. ' ' BUSINESS ON Tile, PA. CANAL. . By the I °litmus of Gen. Levi G. Clow.r, Cot lector of Tolls on the Peorts l ylmila Improvements . • 'j it• ibis piace,--a genti/eme;- to whom we take .. I Venom iu awarding gent faitlifoincle in the die. chug° of hie duties,—we haw: been permitted use. to the doinmenie. where. wo And "-much infor roman iirsprrtaat to the public. .: The boeinew Best frottrihis city is:inereming -' largely every year, and with: paper carom the -;,, Plot of rhos in charge of the piddle works, col. . 2 lector. of to t p, Ike, • great hiasiese of rettmus to .. the Commonwealth may be'pmfilently expected. • Tame derived from the eulsSined tablei- will folly . convince the candid reader', of the truth:of tLis prediction. - Five months of the current year showe . , a greater iMourit of tonnage than- Ile whole of 1846, althoigh e lime of boiltaltave been 'cleared. Tie Marcum Of toll elready over_the whole of lost year, it stoOt $10.000; notwitb :, ,standing the very tarp amounts of freights bribe relief of sulTering Europeans which pawed free of toil, and the reduetion of the rata per cent per et*, on ; many important articles of shipment. ~ Tap fAlowing is a statement of the amount of • ; .some of the 'midis g articled ant Eutersid from , • l - Pittsburgh, by the Perowylania Canal, during the yea.. Of 1844, 1815, 1t546. And 1847, op to . , Yet Ar gat. 1 ." ArGelso 144 =1 lBl5 Insmatt Ban 82,80 moot T 111117,311011 .13. 1 / 4 5,q5 8,11 , AN ' 18 1 817?.. • 110 . i— CV.417 11(1,01 .. Toole. , ' o .587,170 . 173,8 8 ni5,..5 , % wt. --, 1 " . 3,18480 . 3. 7 8'188 roes, 00•••=n, , ' " 11.5189 . SIMI ores 1 '0111.• Liu . " 'l, trt=s9 10 0 80 IVlStey , i .,. 77P1 110'41 35A1 W.l3lar ' .14 700 ;101 on 8 1" :1 4 4-28: ttkoP 'Un. .! The. f ' 6IV V B I *i t 54 lA rr ~1 . 4 ...f....... ..,. _ 313 - ..,5•75 4x:: • .ale.. -- = be. • ~,i • - 11Y,513• 48 , ,51 . , /1/0 Ed Tastitm o eSantS .. a re 7 c ' l. - .3 /67 leti ' 7 The whole amettai "of Menem in 1846, on all '... tonnage oar the former year, wasabeat 3,000, The following , table will 'span en mine . 1 - • Sue, the 11E10818 and delloSlo ofsome of the lead lag Siliiio, chipped Lom Mit: , city doriag Am swathe .1 Its,resat year, as compared web ths gain year of 1846. > It will be teen that them is - a - mtst decrease in Moire articles paying a. Mali Jate of toll, soar l as Tobacco, Wool, Palate, ilardram and Claim; Permitter,. dkc , while in Wucies of .ordimuy 1011, there has been a meet lemmas, and to the amount of uposude of 11,000,000 of:pounds, incinding all arlidee of , ' . Beef and' Pork a new [article of Mipment ~ • ow canal, from the large demand in ! - - foreign Mutat difficulties ' end danger. et. terodat Upon' the Miriam's! dew Galt of Max / • kg, and ' the fedora= of toll by the maw Board of Canal Connidesionire The huge par. chase of Mess Pork. for the . trade alluded to. accounts for the decrease in the shipments in tes eze—ths larger portion of the meat of the Wen having been pat up in pickle: ' The season for dipping climes hat not yet ar. ~ rived and this will eeeant foe ; the email mown at doom ibis year f or th a t tirade. . . 85ipment for-1818 and 5 monike o f 1847. / oi-: l To 1.t0: Agricattund products ) ,peud:a; pouodo 194.624' 744 001 Coto. buita . 1.470 67 463 Hemp. lb. • 1,287 886 2.951.3.10 Tobocea.-Dot monot 114;24,696 7.12 . 9,779 102 F•oihers 4111199 300037 Wool, . • 3403 181 2,090.0E18 Oa. ware. " 27 0 7a7 116,073' - unx*ln'o. . 1,671.889'. 580,427 • Had WIN & Cutlery,. 239 353 ' 166,187 Lead-While, - '.' 43.398 4,523 "; Tom. p.g. & outing., . 2,675 341 506.486 Load, in b.r. & 324.985 187.216 " NMI* &mpikes, . 82,732 34,352 Bann. 7 1,661 234 15274.584 Beef & PA; bbl . 19.620 40,617 Dauer lbo - 800,265 394,165 Cbms,l . ) 675661 , 157,044 hoar, bbl"'- 156.412 247.104 Lord oil, , . lbs 2,920,288 5,302,1371 ' * ' 291.313 10220 PartMonr, o '216659 68,708 W.bioke7, 011 130,332 178,517 Dry Hyde's, lbs 330 096 227,287 Ito. of Coots elem . :it'd, 3237: 2,486 The followhig lo the whole .mount of tonnage sod toUo real!ed on gcods ohippcd Dad from ntotorrib Mufti the year 1848, and for Ave inootti is the yen 18471 - . Tonnage Toll :ice' P kWiTSMAmet 11 * .a r tin " l '"?• . ••.- E ... P/ I . .!Liirsualis.... Aug: Z 01847. 3 , : .i. jaaeluirrell;:fivery;Alrprirdirri.3,.rien: r - 40149`aelfirnirOilooretard, and Richri l ; ConamikakinemPeuternßail, Road s ' t, i ilimen•—The Ditectots of the Pennsylve; ''l Road CMcpany feel sensible ofthe aer', ou base 'rendered in eaperidending • the r ztion to the stack of the Company, a fee. i, Sect; and doubt not that the Interest jcc i forwatdlng (, will in, f l l oe, When anether 'tonse - iin offer; to . under . be lame Mk, and. I hope. with a enemis Murata with your Own Wishes rhatching the [mating of events, it is evident time aPProschttO When • more hearty mi. son 'Oa .tfla Par! of you citizens and public time, may be ezpieted, and that we may I hit - ein.filenee to such a supiiinption is [Able. thd.Dirveders to pros:cal' this great Sith redoubled energy. i • I iiyou may 'folly appreciate mid positionand we, in relation to the Penneylvaniti !bail litt is proper to present to ye], in a feW he policy r hich toreros the Board in Mo. the work, in order that pad may under r . : important it is to. the Interest of both i t ia strong effst should behold* by our r l et fellow chlorite in its behalti . - Baltimore and Ohio Rail Rekil Company resolved to make the teimus - of th eir Wheeling, the Chatter of l t Connell'. ia il Road Compute is now of ei avail as a means +(junction with that road, and the citizens of Pittibutgb most lock to a connection with PM , ladelpb aas the only direct cutlet for their grow. ing it to the Atlantic, • To re tho pease. of the trade of the Ohio, Rail Smile through rimborgh, intend of ifuough . S . 'Wheeling, to Baltimore, they most also look to an earl 4 junction by Rail Road, between their ei• ty and the State line of Ohio, to join with any road that may be made through the State of Ohio, to meet them at that point. Manieminent and itfloentiel Citizens of Pius. burgh tiold the opinion that the energies and means of that city 'Multi be directed, now, to this. junction leaving the eity•of Philadelphia to COM plets the road they havemmteenced to Pittsburgh and-that e o effeet this otj et, the subscriptions to the Cleo Ilseilie Company ought, under the Sop ! pimento that Chatter, to be at once applied to that ol j ' t. - As inlthe disettisions which are likely to ensue this vies will be taken by gentlemen a hose opinions are entitled to great reopect,it is proper that !shield entlesmi to glow that the true policy of Pitts. boigh dictates. movement 'which will tiring brio° to het stature , at a much earlierperiedtbs n can,be affected 6, 'ache mane. '• :- =1 The Pubrie work. of Penoryleania are avow-id ly ineoutpetent to curry - forward all the trade that the wail s able to Van' Into Pittsburgh even wi th the pri rat channels of communication. Uali• thereforel another avenue is open to the A tlaiiie; • railroad ,olong the Bands of the Ohio would non* Svailahlsi and niiangoentlY soy - expenditure upet such a r[iad would at this tune be premature. The lititens of Chia, where a epitit of public ,improve•Mnt prevails to a r t unmet dented extent , are lookingsrfitt ir.toneo interest upon the opera. tions cf 'the I wo sisal companies who aro shoo opening meneett of trade for their product. to the Atlantic milks tae . Thee orti•ef that State have hcretofole bore co , confined to the approaches to the Lake, beeline if the Ne York improvements offered the greaten facilities foe reaehiog a market. But now, in view of a Pennsylvania fotprovement, a road le pnj . et• teat, an - will certainly be mule, Min MG* the great het of table lands in an East and West /di rection, ertile to the Mt degree, and burthened 1 with .cetleal profane. This road kids:toward. Pitubo ,h, and will, without doubt, teeth that point when the connection is 'complete, and calor, to no cite with facility. .--i - • • , - The al from Ciecinnati North is now bnuoch• I ing in cab Easterly ditection, end will aeon be un- • I der coarse in constmetion to Newark. i From that point ire pr. i , icier. will watch with interest to ascertain its sreedleaticontieetion with I the eloquent, and whey er . 'le 1311OMOle road or • the Pear ayivaota road eine it., eurin indication i 'of rapid' comPletioa toirber will that road teed. i and hen the motive to all Penis' ylvarda to cult t _their a . venial. to complete their read in the 1 shortest ' Ile time. u: L e Let M now look for a moment to tee hew thin is to be effected. ' The Pennsylvania Rail Road may be divided I into three important sections. . First—From Baniebargb to the Allegheoyk Sloontaiite. . BCCOiali—The read creasing the Maintains. •i•.•-. - Thirdj—From the bus; of the Mountains ..-. '' Audio+. ... • . •' • - f; For the first division the Company ate now 'ri- - posseiniolt of ample fudde, by the liberal sobecrikj tion of the city of Philadelphia and her ei ti zo ~.'-' it 1M: however, no more fund. et command thatl:„' an necemary for that of jeer,—end hence, wail . , bin a mill exception, (the. Western fiftenamike ) t - is oblige to confine its effste to that object, in I. order to ring the road into a condition to roma. aerate Stockholders at th e earliest passible pr. clod. T is division in now being pr with . vigor,—care than ball of the dissect) will be= der etntract for contraction this year, and there. minder h tarly next smateer. •• • • . • It is i intention: when this division iscceople,' 44 to mined it for a time with tba State Pomp toed, is iider that a continuoM linettuy be avail. able to t • Western base of the Mountains, no:, til the Wstern division is inade..andtimealMeed to make pent:smut location &crow; the Alleghe ny with& t Ito inclined plane, the practicability of which is ily ascertained. ' i As ther.ond division by the temporary aid of the Porta ge Roil Road, may be postponed to the law, thelents of the Company will, upon the m epletio of the firo, be directed to the third or Wate r i i i division, being sure that cotifilinee in the road, ben made to that polar, will &rah foods ee 'sin, to its corrulttion to Psitibuigta. I'M na re of the country through which • part of th Western division of the toad purer, is adversesuch an improiemeat, and time must Mips, buy re its asperities can be tedoced. About o twenty Ltd milts el the country between the Mo. nongebela and the Conematigh presents obstacle. which mast be overcome by deep cutting and ton nehripecee silly slow in construction. This di• vision, the L eh shorter by wome.filly miles, will reeptire riei es much time in construction as the MUMaa3r, . Whic h presents more favorable • - If there .• • we are to compelled postpone th e a 1... commencetent of the western' ditieion until the caftan is called the whole wink will require doable thetne than tit would if both divisions were pure i conateuction at the same pedal-- i But if the Mmti are Provided to commence the western division as coon as rho - surseya are noun plate, the It i nctionscaa bitimittle sheoltaneously and aMk connection be mode between the two cities al least, two year. comer thin if the pot icy is Firs:lLl which present cireuenstanies dictate. The qtie Sion, therefore, far your eineei to de. ride is wit they' expedite by their eubserlptione the opening of a mutineers railroad between their • own marke, and the Atlantic, or will they bestow their energies upon a roeclwhich cannot be made available to t Y awful extent for the next Lire or I look wi enofidetwe to the teepees,: The . : PonneylVaaiarded mop be pressed with vigor. • . To effect the. great object • and enable the di• Tessinto' forward both . d ivisions of the road 1 4 . enthe)4 - tnewmai a:pillion of dollars is Wanted feints' th:ii_ kilfen coutities. That ' todliori uoder tihip6Sldot44,l l /0 ordinance will draw tukither ikillkat - frail 4treiii4 . et # 4' cl tl °f4 l o l del• i l3l *^ - fill'jOsilii IV0410*!-,ti'ill be ,'Ii1251"1/.• 4 411 t ) tialelllie iiilit*l:4 l 4ins whithwill k4 ,--11 4 ; :l el siteetes [6 l :natured thiettfintrferlilliiintlt- I i ' Yoe iikitePridwie , ip divitid* . ttuk.pooL- , Willfeiliosid.l bnP,iluilifthiliOP*Are Pak. he [66 ii / 101 11 #0 1; iiiiittnd illi q tlio-5 ". 6 4.t• ftif:ltiiifg iis Plail.i%f-r!Tfitti'li'4l.ll4.4*46 Rail; week., take hi dace ylr take thitt tb opera hislitu I .6ii .will e ,l -work, your RAJ, wordy, duetio stand titles Ths hiving Road • villa • ' Nei tin t /1W a duaaisists Oki ta law WI it g, -;;A bond* Thiif 'company will caniniate their road ona , selmlted by debt Cal when cothiilsta it is pckctb coins giii.ebt t epri e s, tending to incressa keine! 'fieneni er pruEt, and A will rtheintes.,Oui lanai -that nioy. b. reintrad for that peepoee,u 1 1 ,61,. is lti eeVe .P o4l the and the eamlition. of the; Ohio roads shal, make wick • ciiineeting link advisable. The Pennsylvania Itailioad company win stand pledged to furnish to jou the (ands foe the river roid,ao saan as the uccathin wurints its in:came. non. Now, we wanCyout hearty, energetic anis. lance, to place the Pennsylvania road in a psis lion which chill ensue, the tendency of the Ohio Central road to anch• a point so it can through your city connect with it, and pledge ourselves to cotwanunitie that connection. Very respectfully, -. J. V. MERRICK, President Penswylvaitia Railroad Co. CooopondCdte of tk Potabotet Oareue iLLSTILLii Oaro, Attend 28,1847: In your paper of the 27th last, Galin die head of "Rvil Rued movements." you say, "the Wells vdie Patriot says that hand. are now at work on some tedious of the recentlettitig of the Pittsburgh and Clevelend ltdad-.via Wheeling." Of late, we of Welluille have thought the Gazette seemed' Sery . carefal not to mention any thing dent our. Railroad that might place it in • favorable light before the Pittsburgh public, and seeing the "via Wheeling n attectted to the last no. lice, rather . cordirmed us In the opinion we had formed, u we know the hatred Pittebureh has to any thing that savors of Wheeling- - I fondly hope. however, that 'this is en error, nod that it will be explained to the, satisfaction oil your traders"— Though apparently trifling in itself, as a Director of the Road,l look upon its explanation u belug of importance, as we are aware that from sectional jeelocsite and local whims., the Clevlatul and Pntidiurgh Road has mug. enemies. and chant has been declared in jour city that the couture- Lion of our road wu more to the benefit of Wheel ing than to Pittsburgh, than which a more *b awd notion could not he easily conceived. Among the me:chards of Pittsburgh, the great impatience and utility of our work Ia generally on. I deratood, and a large number of this class are sub. Bedbug to stock of the Company, but there is another else: whime inter:We Ito in-another direr. non, who have been very industrious in plotting for nor injwy. I ant yours iery truly, • We hope It has been explained satisfactorily already. We made the correction, as soon 411 the error was diienveral. Se far from being indilifa eat to the pax ,- perky of Wellsville, we are rejoiced to bear of breve :4 prospects, and' shall be hippy . toconurbute to them in any way in our power.— Our . correspondent Count remember that there are almoot a score of diversified interests connected with Roil Reads, East, West and North, • We have smelt to give elf a hearing, and sincerely wished success to. ,every enterprise calculated to give prosperity to Pittsburgh, Western Penneylva. via and Ohio. We are for whatever Road thu Engineers eirall pronounce beet suited to the great. tat welfare of thehusibees people.—Ens. ,Oax. Cowespeiedeuce of the Pittsburgh Gazette. 'Carrot, Ohio. August ;7, 1847. Yesterday, the:Convention of the friends of the Western Rail H tad win held in title place. There were over 100 delegates in attendance represeutt ins some 15 or 70Zowns and villages. Ex Gay e - rnor tlartle;y previded, and several member. of Congrese were preeent, two of where, Hon. F. Letitia of Stark, and Hon. Geo. Fries of Coloin• Mars, addreitsed the,. Convention. The picaseding• were of much inteiest, and occupied over *ix hou r . of the day. Thera seemed to be a ileterMialtion on the part of a large ens , kuity of Me' Convention to inter act with the Clear l,nd aid PlashOrgh Rail Roid at • suitable point Eat of Canton, as it Would laird much b,Ver freilities for their trade with the lower river couutry than aoy other route, and at the same time give them the most direct and cheapest tom municstiou With Pittsburgh and the East. A survey' was completed from Wellsville to Canton, showing the route via Big Yellow Creek to be al torgeiber end highly piactioable, no grade exceeding 60 feet to the mile, and Men that for • Very short distance, and uo curvature of lea than 1.200 foot (radium the coat of construction not to exceed 54,000 . per mile for the flmt chusof rail, and the libido distance from Piitmorgh no: to ex• reed l*miles, and by intersecting the Cleveland soil Putsßurgh road about 16 Milt* from Wells• insirad uf -mar Muth ilicorgetueru, the dim team mould not exceed 95 maim and that over one of the cheapest rooms in the West The -*s port of the Engineer, Omits R. &chum, E.g. as • rsfr tied to a Com . mittes This. idorivention will *snit in mochlnod Li Ohio. I t! prOved couch:Seely that the comas, is ripe for Rid Road facilities to the transports lion of their stores of produce, and that it will not be' manilytats until Ohio will be pouring her mimes of:,wiraldt and COUUCKICS into the lap at l'At Pk 7, ;0- r • Corroptd nee e( are Potmeekle Oaten, New essix.s. Ps. deg 28 1846. The litlig Conventicm met in *time am Moe day last, and nominated • tithet.toil.e; supported st the miming election. On neat . : 4 4efu of sy the &Maoris' Conferees tt 'Atelie r , end Bayer c- no. ties mail to place in nominsiien a candidate to represent that dfateict in the Sena! Of Penney!. > mils. The Whip of Beaver County, I, em informed. .. i i see pilling to scud* the nomination for the tun ~ '' ing term to Mercer County, in ss mir th so b; non -1 4 maims of that conceit they , received the Ant - I imiventatiu In emit Ueda bf the Legislator , •,., lan the disteiet wse formed.. . - - • 1 • Muter Comity presents as her ; choice pred ~. Saari, E.q. of 41shoniog teridsinp, favorably Iknow throagionit the commonartakiel as an indul ttrefoils, talented, end able repecauffeiiete in the 11;;...;.J'i ';• ''.;;;:.,: :::".. - i- - : :•::' , Z:41,.:41 Legisla tire &veins of 1645 and Ift4 A. I think r,,_•,::: . 4',....:: : •;;; - ',1, • ••!....•'....:::.:. • -•c, ',...„-_ ..;••••:.':::',;iA;,-,YI him one of am most popular men i4her Die. net ...' • ;:• •' •- • . `lC'' ' ' . - 12 •: : '•: :: '': - - ; .. :' , 1 1 :: : :'::: . ..1-for the t M..* and it iuminated; he 1 wee net 12 ., .. ,..3 ,; - ..;..... : :,,;.., r ,;;;;; - ....,.:::::::.• -• :: : : '....4.• ...-':;' .; ... - t;t:f.,C . Leliltielly the limiest! a his nuottitin.oki; t have a ',,,...,„,.-••:.;!::.• • -.: :...,:.,. ..!7!,,.H,,, i V Al l iiifibra 1 eje to the velem nf the to at large. ne ';' , . i 't,'*: . : - • . ;'4e.:;g,,,V....: - ..;A1'e1,,'.7-:::: , ,,.i,',.;'',..2 ....', :.,l i kie primped, a the whi t s of m r t e Cooney . • - ' l " . . '111 , "•" 4 '...'744114;-''''''''' Us elicerint' and their roijoritv will be Maraud The Puy sub toeftif,td ! - . -' • r .• • • . - • 1:-. f'.- ,at they coming election. Inadelitiopon the gunnel of - hirwattole:„ MU. Y ou s h a l l i O% f 4 me again; nine. • ; mill rid Inil. -Ito .0 net 2 .7 9 . 48 g • A * 4l ? il ! .Vs expect to hues a good set r kit hem old ha gave imblicify to his crifed;oini if be hid been, . • . r i , . ; Allegheny st the ene-ong 0 aherosturi!! Vection. we hava.o3 evolenos whatever duet he has 'abut • • •• doned god creed now. : Upon the eforitntry, his lie cooilitoents had evi3ents that be ;Whetted to it.eurof it we. for this they put iheit mark upon him. ,We change no banes with tbs. Post. The . ifiere May all as -hypocritical" till their longs crick, sod the Whig p u tt' L. drunken," f•peofsenf.l• 41aephemuns," omitofinemovi in mid. night begies," udiseoluts,".!fruklese," eMen en. cm: raging their fair doarbters to forget the debts. q of their sox," , All this it but the rs •ing or Idioq or in..nithAnd will pass helm an ietelbgaqt pub!ie fur juut what it in Wwth. It it enough iq 111,119,01 . to know that the Pow is .Ibo apologist lend defender o(lintert DaltrOaerf,— the author of a W , nrso - btil leliy and greater hr, morality then that of the mitt notorious infidel` who &aye Ffirleil to Revolution and Europe to artirchy.l With thei ientiments of 'Andrew:Jack son Pr , i. and It Alan Date . °Wen, the Poet bid. fair to brown us Liberal en TOM Paine in It. creed, ernf about a perniciou. from the promuf. pth,o of is The Whip of Salford county held a meellug on Thuredey lest and nominated the following ticket to do:suppotted at the tantiug general den For Assembly—David Rowland and John Mite , gee. Esqr.., For Cernmissiona , —Thomutipret, =For Atiditor-1!. R. Hight. gran,—For Tun/- neer—W.' ii. Chapman. . The peoplo of Bedford have little efection for the previa' MAW Executive, since by. hie veto of tho fluad:Top Mountain Railroad and Canal Co., he hu denied them the privilege cf a minket fur their great mineral resources. It le expected they I,IIIBIOW by their votes thi, full their sperecladon of Locefoco idminietration and vetoes. . . .. . 8 I limerens.—The damage trostidned by the accideht to this' twit is found to Lava bean much more than wu at foot thought. She lunch .the wreck 'id a boat at thehied of Big Istand on the hiblia , rippi,ran bud upon it sod the sand wiriing away from *cub she was in danger of i t breaking In two. - ,_ln ender t ' llghien tinr.boat about noe . ..helf Menage wu lb ern oiarbeard.-- The hedn - weimitteiderably injo . , r 1 .': Ereou 'us —Tnes• Bring, shoaled a Loris amio„ bus bsso aoirdod this souk On 1610/0d of A wad auto oar 20 ruralise 160 perrns. The !tally arrirsla ocenjonatly . 41,1 141'7.1 _ jj - Co -L. gir..l-This pa sa otßear sorieckhrosigh klirriourgh JAI work, 'on hie what bit is kr ssisliklie r t 6orri Vinan:7— . City 901xxelm--Tbe isolation antharbting the IPProw!etiNt.iif nu to easist in rootlet the find pay oripietit the lot Purchased by the Vigiisnt Fire :Engine company was coneurred ho by the Common Council and is now a law. • - A resolofion levying a tax on rarrisgnmcuts, dteym Vl/11400, dr.c.,a4o passed bothhrsuches. A communication was !raised from, ihervient City Treasurer, resigning his offi,W from and at :er. the 15th Of fivnerober. The resiguition was accepted, and Friday next. fixed for the meeting of the Councils to elect a penion to fill the twangy. . A good deal of discussion took place in the Common Council., Upon the resolution changing the grade of Fifth street and Virgin Alley. The resolution liras laid over for the present. • The Councils adjourned to meet again on Fri day evening at 8 o'clock. Astirr.—A man by the name of Casper Ja• cobs was arrested on Monday, for throwing an old man, by the name-of McGinnis, out upon the street, in front 1 4:1 1 3tevenson's lioteJ, on the corner of the Diamond. A cart loaded with clay, from s cellar excavating in the neighbirbood, was just passing the door of the house at the time) the old man was tumbled upon the street, and before the boy who was dnving, could . stop his - hone, one of ths wheels of the cart passed over the breast. of McGinnis. We have not beard whether his timiea are considered dargerOw by Physicist'''. The Mayor committed Jacobs fora further hear ing on Tuesday. Jacobs nye he had no Intention of InjOrinithe man by putting him out of Stevenson's door. The evidence before the Mayor was somewhat conflict. log. Eternal:gr.-0e Sunday lent, ono of our Po lice officers wrested • man by the name of Tay. lor, for the larceny or a trunk, carpet bag, and oth er goods, the property of Nolan Davis. of adroit', Michigan. . The defendant had eloped teem Detroit, with the wife of the prosecutor, end came to this city. For 'carrel-days back, Mr, Taylor has been en gaged in selling patent vine. The carpet bag. (mak, ikc., were thing. used bj the lady far con. saying her apparel, but Melly, how marriage con, tract, or otherwise, the property of Mr. Davis. Mr. Taylof wag held to bail until Monday, by the Mayor; when he was committed ts , await ths , requisition of the Governor of Michigan, or be otherwise discharged according to law.. The run-aswey'e wife has not yet been arrested, bat we are iortrmed she is in the city, and. legal proceedtev Y* 'bout to be instituted against her. • Axaxwarst. , —This evening Dr. Colton will give bin lecture upon the Nitrous Oxide Gee, and the exhibition of it. eff vie when. breathed. at the Athemom Musical Hall on Liberty Ytrect. Il will probably be the most snoosna exhibition of the season—being !Pettily a laugh(' g Blowsier, of the troth.of science. In New Yotk Dr. C's. exhibitions were cbsracteriz .1 for propriety intl 'mood order J—and were patroniztd by large num. , berm of ladies as well s. gentlemen. At the elms i selection of instructive Philosophic , expetimente will be given. : Ma. Reunite gave ry interesting exhi te b hion of the Mimmeope et evening, end will improve upon it esnight. The diemolving colors are beautiful and the mica:taco* views wonder fol. • G taa.--Tbe station house rf, the Oak• land dinnibue Jine, in the vicinity of:this city, true entered on Thursday night last and, ribbed of II NMI of money. On the same nights hstiae or, copied by • German, at Soho run, was broken into and robbed of SISD in gold. Ptoc►oczrn.—A. eonctigman who bad been indulging ■ tale too hely in intozieeling /bloke on Sat arday,e• •niog, bad hi. pOriete nll eJ of their contents while rep tog in the- hterket bane of Allegheny ci t !•, No aloe his-yet been made to the whemboats of the Wag. • Itos.—in Alleeheap eitynn Sennisy, a Car man tamed Wells nu Loci 14 drunkennan and held to hail in J2OO 1.1 moult nnd henry on 'won colored people. A few socii 'vitae would do Enoch to convince people the! dente and brick- Ilits cannot he ihionn 11,1141,154..._ Tairoita Fir LAW --1 he Levi!, we of the alio of Ohio at to het .ration parr a liar per eating Telegtepti poste end waft ick be con/tenet ed along any of their Puhlie roada cir that they do sotohatruct the public in the C. of thy %rids.-- Section Ch. of the arm act, maitre t he m iiret;ng 'of the poets and mitre by the eeittLiipottert, en In dictable offence punhhablo by Liao cod. imprison ment. Would it not be well far the Leghlaturo of Penneylrani& to rake action on this .suject, and guard by Penal shuttles the Telegraph from being molested by the rielaua 1 Cranial.° inn Coeurtaos Rart.:Roan.— Mr. ChtMe ; an eSsineer hunt the east, la engaged on the proposed rail road ' Nate !mu Cleveland to Cdlumbus. The, Clarklrad floral says; Ht. les bars are particularly fort the hew Ot of eastern capitalists, who, it le expected, will beetling) inlets bled in the chtert rise. . Mt. K,lly; Pr. Went of the Compel)) we ohs wove, H acting in Iconjunctlon with M. C. • levy. Item.. Hon. Mr. lawri, Charge . D'Affeires tO Den. mark; arrived at New York on Thursday in the packet ship Duchies D'Orleans, from Hine. Coo. Vacs. remains were remained to the tomb, in Fayetteville, Albanese, on the gd lest. The Ceremonies were attended by foir ttliessand persOns. I - i The Georgia Whig nominates Mon/ Obey for President, and John Me Loser for Vice President,. The Mee Bribery earn, lo ihe ass of President Polk lithos alluded totry La Feria the hipsnith piper; at New Orleawri ; We 'shall lay before dm peLlic the weenie we bees fur believing:that the Thies filllho4 here been devoted to the vile ow of buying up Oensin Maximo. Aisne . ' thew aeotionten it .weli not sorprielog toiled a. the chief the been of Down Vista sad Cerro Curtin, who knew haw to love both actions so &tautly, when baba.' sock derided advantages over kis oppontuut." Ooa Coat. Taiut—The snood yield of Its Anthracite coal mines of Pennsylvania is wtleost id i t 2,000540 Woo, which, it ft per toot "ma i smonot to 011.10000. I „" Ida fetervesaeri's Will ttu been depewom in the Sturogstee °Mut He has left the futlewlng swot to public lostitations • American Bible Nudely $5. American Tract • J.t: Icaiitealati for the Mad • 3190 • Prettiest:it HalflkittirtAsylnai 40" Hen real estate Is itsiirooted so viet:lied wilt hie 'prkitserty, at shoot $* .W&000 ,'—..pannetatot $3001040. • He his We ani,Skin reel estate to twelve neOlaws awl neiewsl to does odor upbar l i 41. Mho hatliv—N ) " • f ..-: • •- • •„ .• • • • , . • -; 4 4 41; 2 4; 4 1 • , - 7 1 ' • . • • . • • • =EZ= BY MAGNETIC 'TELEGRAPH. ceiresieeasee er vuteeereei aessate Fuels CALTFOR, th,,late. of 0e 7Pittibank Gmua leri/cisakir, Aag-30. 1 x . Cm Kearney and suit have arrived at the city of fit. Laois. They left Monterey, in the Feriae country, on the 3tet of Joie and reached Mon. terry in Mexico, accompanied by Col. Freemont sod others on the 22.1 of ,rnignat. Col: Fremont, it under arrest and 'ordered to' ' , Washiegton pity, as reported some time mince. CoL MISZIU is left commander.hvebief of all the forces of 'Monterey in California and there mss every irite!Cirtion et the time. the Party left of • peaceable eabotisaion on the part of the People to his authority. :'..,The . , only exceptions arose Bum i 'Americans located ; north of Monterey, w are restless under militari-Ninthority. A company of 776 Moinnini had arrived t Ban Diego, Many of the party had expired 'the severity of the march, salon Inference, an '— the conflict . / they had with the InhabN Col, Barton hid proceeded by sea to e session lower of California. Cori. Biddle was commindlng the • • • which was at Monterey at the time the •• • Com ! Bhubrick had grate to the Gulf of Dia for the pprpcse of blockading the Cuaymss'and Ales:Cart. • Gen. Kearney's journey wee slow and • nos,--ermetiotes through embankments • feat sleep,. Their route lay spots of the Siena Nevada; Before 1. it vrete compelled to swim etetrams muchsw•u meltcd snow Large partite of Indiana were met who .170 co trouble to Gen. Kearney and Isis escort A great party. of Marmot's were met on their way to Oregon, but all of them too late licence. bly too reach the Uolumbia riser before winter ere Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. PUCK -YUCATAN. RICIIXOND,. Aug, 30th sr. x The New Orleans papers of Monday 23d inst. have been received, excepting -the Commercial Times. There is nothing later from the army, although there has boen an mini from Brazos as . Isla as the 17th. There are no rep owe' of yellow fever given in La Patti., Lee arrival' from Yucatan state that an in erection had broken out, lend . that 'a plot bad been discovered, the object of which was to mur der all ttmee opposed to the measures of the iunr. rectiouists. It was notdiscovered, hostever, until • number of the people of many Tillages had been, malrected. All the white and mullet, ioen, with their women and children, were murdered in the village of repeal. \ All party &Scold.s bare been set aside and the Yucatan°, are nrildng in reektthe insurgents. Carrespoitheneeof the Pittsburgh Gentle: . Nzie Year., Aug. 30, 10 P. P.M. A fire broke cut last night, on the comer of NISIMO and Iteigielier streets, which destroyed the buildings on the corner. The building coca pied by lerry-W. Bell, printer, was destroyed—no 'insurance. Applegate's Copper plate printing's. tablishenent also burnt. No insurance. An old man and woman in the 4tb Wary was burned to death. Total lose estimated at $llO,OOO. Correspoodon:e of the - imotorgh Galena, Cartanz, Pe.' Actg. 30, 8 P. M. The Jury, in the cue of the Commonwealth as Protean:l bfeellatock,.of Dicke:mu College, in dicted far a riot, came in thie morning at 10 ad 'Mace, with , a verdict of not guilty. Twelve adored' men were connoted of being concerned in the riotend rescue of a fugitive aisiro from the owner, a gentlemen Goat the State of Maryland, who lost his life in the affrey. They bore net yet beau mateaced. laicism interest Is felt In the Rauh of theta trials by out emamacuty. Correvcrldenee e• the Patitrargbo;sau. KLECTION. durcierzavi, Aug. 30414 r. x. The Nashville Whig gine os foil mins= Of the late election in that State. The Whig* have 're of a majsriti in the :Imo, end now ha the Rowe of Repranintatiees. lg . 110.4.01! no tituhret Cionttn. PIiII.ADELPHLt MARKET. Pitmans antis, Aug, 30 10 r. The news by the mourner has unsettled th soar mat►et. and no Important estes have been ads -tovlay—flotters an anxious to make as in ...Nguema of the &Framing etrzst of for eign neon. Every thing in motet doll, and asks Ezekuove OXMOOMillint of aa • riusaarla °nem NEW YORK MARKET, Aug. 30, 10 r. x. Tbp near b that Gokudatquivri has Ada de. pressing effret !van the amid, and arm thinks Frour--Sales of Wagons' bma bean made at $6,60 per Mk and Genesee. at 35,75 per bbl. . Corn--Startet heavy with sales at 76c per Int. 014 bride 49e yet bn: Comm—Market • • Presniosis—Market firm. • The Iron market a also in a healthy maditiOn The latest letters reoeived from Liverpool by the lisr rammer 'quote Mattis= Float Western In bold balk at Liverpool and Load= at Ua2sa per bid Corn—Dest western at 29s per 'qr. , ;.• Ezeloam Cerredpearlenee of the Mothers* Gazette BALTIMORE MARKET. BaltiMars, Ang.29, 8 C. at. Flour—The foneivi mews had a:dsPressing effort on the market end we hive no sales worth reporting tt day.—Howand shard brand Is held at $ . 3 so p. bbl. ' When—Moderste sale of prime Whits at 1031 105 ft../ het—Prime Red la active to' l day at 1051 107 p.r bo. . Cron-811es of pima Whits at 88170 e per ha. °au—Limited sated to-day 38%410 per ha. Wbiakey-Bales at 28c per gaL--Llealers await. log the receipt of their priest* lettrrs. Proririonto—Toe market is *Wady and prices unmoved. Stoeks—Tbe trinket continuo without change. tiotton—The.muket is quiet, presenting noth ing worth reporting. • Exchnive Corremoadence or the Porabargh Gazette CINCINNATI MARKET. • AUff. 30,9 P. - Floor—Saleior 4 ooo bide/ Tour tonlay at $4, M. 00 per bbl Market heavy; The Armfuls news had a &preadult affect upon the market,. Grein—The mead le without cheers. Whiakey—The market firm, with moderits sales at lITt per gal. Proviaions and Groceries continue without change. Lard--Salce of 270 bbls prime at 93x94 per lb. Esc!mire COMBpondsoce of the Pittabnith Oaretip, BV. LOUIS ,MARKET: Ally. VI. ' Flourlitales it 6435 per bbl.-ouis 64 Is freely of fern! of .wh , ch rates holders serape tr sell. Wheat—Moderate sales at 75.83 c por 0 as--Salre st 30a24c per be. Corn—The article isteld at 351: per be. ProsisioriNo change. Lead-441N at53,40e3,48 per 100 lbs. Tobeeeo—Market active, with sales of 140 fade at farmer ratce , . Hemp—Tbers iu s good'tlemind in ibp market whb sales of 400 bites ats9oalo9 pay ton. . NCW CALL /DIA Temers.—Tbe Wu Depart' meet hes just called for fire newregiments,asehr .ire of the regiment from Ohio, Which is already trporkia to be tilted, end is now In program of being mattered into pablie genies; and will in a few thistle en roulefortlers Oral: The flee resilient: now celled for are to be drawn from the folloseb3g &stem Two regiments from Kentoek,y . ,- 'two born au la one The regimenti from Kentucky are be rendes; sous—one at ',Oakville. and the other at Smith. land, at the mouth.of the Cumberland deer. The regiment/ from Tenanted are broadened --ounguNitahvills, and the other at Memphis. .. Toe Indiana regimeat is to rendesbas at such firmament point on.theaiver Ohio did ■ MUD` or of that Stant may designate. These Gib reale:mots are expected to lb ropldly raised, and PrntitPdf.Plantd in the WattiFyice. Gar. Boon'. Lsriza dalad op Tbamlay, that th* totter to M. Pillows was odt geoulat. "Waco. loam tumour, from aothority I amid. adatilaW no Itiatteu that it 6 I moth. Me, bat Wait Priam while Mr. Alloooca =mbar of Cowie,evyam ago, and by Was Lavribi to Mclog Tanakage c 47 of sew Ycd; afteismokq•Aogark3l3th, CATHARINE. Hew &nter V' led ret Fanath. and 'III Th e lancral enll take P 1... eat Tkkeday- aueraeaaitt 3 o'clock. The Meads of thejtailly are mipketikllf lashed o'clock. . dance opal mar Lo the comer atT9.IK" I.4pc.a. • P.noct.4ntivriozir, WHERE4S Is and aby act of the General Ac ettobly of Pennsylvania, entitled asset rein. ting to eteettone of this Commonwealtb„ it is en. joined on roe to gore poblie notice brooch elections to be tied, and to surnamed* in such notiteirhat be elected: in pursuance thereof, Jodi Follllllrlll, blierpt of the coolly of Allegbee Ey, do therefore mato. known sad gyre this public notice to the electors of said county of Allegheny. that' a mum' election will be bed in the nod county; on the Secood "fetidly Of Octobeeneat, at the &event electon <haunts therein.. The eltetors of the ,First Weed of the city of Pituborgh, to meet et the boon of Mrs lams tattle, at the canter-of Ferry and Fourth streets to nod wad. The eleetora ed the Second Wara el the city ; of Pitteborgli, to :metal the home of William Ates I storm, corner Third sod Smithfield streets, in the said ward. The element or the Third Ward of city of Pittsburgh, to meet at the boom of John blefrlM. ten, Jr.. on Liberty street near Seventh. The electors of the Youth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the WashingtoeCollee Houma comer of Penn and St Elsie streets. Ado The electors of the Filth Ward of the city of, Pittetiorgh. in meet at the home ofAleaandor Stew ' art. ha mad ward. . oo The electors of the. Stith Ward of the city ol Pittsburgh, to meet at the confectionary of John Barrett, at the corner of Pentiminnia Avenue and on ',Washington street in mid ward. • or The electors of the Seventh Ward of the city el Pittsbeigh, to meet at the house of Wm Wilson in mid steed. a. 'rise electors of the Eighth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, to meet et the house. of Conrad }my 'me tozle, on pennsylvaara Avenue, hr said ward. l b. The electore of the Ninth .Ward"ef the city of Pittsburgh. torppet at the office of Palely!), limn 0 Y yard; in soilkirerd, by 'rho electors br.the not Ward of the city of-Al legheoy, to nreektlihe house of J Woodhouee, a Robinson street. • The elector. of the Second Ward of the city'of Allegbeey, to meet at-the forme el John Oliver; formerly occupied by robe Griming, corner of the Diamond and Ohio et. • . r The electors of the ThinrWard 'of the. city of . ! Allegheny, to meet at the publill School Home, in said ward, Os the cut eommortif. Tbe electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Allegheny to meet at the boom Orkin Wjfie. east C 00303011. The electors of Pitt township to meet at the hotter Of Mn Nancy Murry, do the Mechanics' end Far mer'. turnpike road, in said townehipllincept the qualified voter. residing in sections Pius 4.7, sod 14 of the city district, oho ehall,vote at all getters) elections to the Ninth ward of the City'or Pate. The elector. of Peebles township to meet at the house ito, John Bride; in the village of East Liber. ty. The electors. of Wilkins township to meet at nib house of Fredeix Wilson, on'. the Freekstown raid, in soil township. The electors of Pleat tovinship to meet at the boom of Margaret Little, formerly John Little's In j geld township. The electors township to meet at the White House, formerly occupied by Thoi Neel, on the Pittsburgh and Greenebergh turnpike road, an mid-township. • • 'lb. electors or Elizabsth toernihir, including the boniugh of Elisabeth, to meet at the Onus former. ly tree /Mod by John Walden, in said borough. The electors of Jefferson tovreelop to meet at the bottle of Joo Sue, formerly incepted by Jam Lug, in said township. • The elector, of Mifflin Warship to meet at the house of Samuel Wilson, formerly occupied by Jas II Neel in said township. . The electors of Upper St Clair township to meet at the berme of Jas Cooper in said township. The electors of Lower St Clair township to meet at the bane of E MeAnich. fo r merly occupied 3y A H Hushbarger, at the cad of the Mooongehi ' Bridge. The elector, of Balaton township to meetafthe boost of Sarab,MeFarland/formerly Ate. Forlood In and township. The electors or Findley townahip to meet at the home of McLelland A Armor, formerly occupied by John Charles, in the village of Clinton, in said townehlp. .The, electors of Moon township to meet at the house di Peter Ounce, to mud township. The electors of Ohio township to meet at the home of Jobs Hay, in said township. The electors of Frauklin townahip to meet at the house formerly occupied-by Jiihn Shrum-lo laid township. The electors of the borough of Manchester to meet at the public School - Howse. The electoral of Reserve township to meet at the boomed. Gotlieb Faber io and township • The elector. of Baldwin townehip to meet et the noose of lobo Cowan in cod thimble. The elector, of SeowJen township to meetatthe boom of Peter Boyer, in ofd township. The electors of North Fayette township to meet at the houae of II Heys, un the farm of G Y Cooks In said towettlp. The elector., of South Fayette township to meet at the home row occupied by Frannie Jamismi at BT ns Rogers' Mill, in said township. oe electors of Vine towed:tip to meet at the mote of Wm Cochran, E.q, in, told township. The elector. of Wrist Deer township to meet if the bongo of Nat b an,conley, in mid township. The Electors of East Deer township to meet at the pone School if ouse,in thcaillage of Tarentam in sold township. The electors of lodises township to meet at the bottle formerly occupied by Samocl Mackay in rod township. • The qualified Toter, of that portion of Indiana township, residing in-the lo Joann 'described faun dory, shall Tote at all general electioes in the bow oath of Sharpen:re, at the el. non poll; I. mid• borough. Ira: beginning at a point on the Allegheny veer at the upper gem of the farm of .1. Rms. sad naming a northerly coarse between. the farms of said ficantand John and Fienciaßeatty, to 'the N comer of said Bolted form, theme rooting a wester ty memo to the Rom township fine, in Mich a mad eer se la embrace all each faring Of Into yawned Conaisighersia district.tiekbiglitaguirg to chat are called the river treelaitillhe*Rdsrettedwaibeel boas. ear te eleetote of die borough of liltimieghant to meet at the public School Home in •did borcsagh. The electors of the borough of I wreacerille to meet at the Town Haw it. said borough. The' elective or Ade borough of Sharpeborgh to Meet at the bowie of Jos Sharp, la mid bewail b. Al Whack time mil place., the qualified electors' at aforemol wilt elect by ballot— • . ON E PERSON for Gov era*, ONE PERSON for Canal Comedies:tour. ONE PERSON for member of the eetittio of PenrSyl.. venni on orienstien with Butler county. - FOUR PE tidier ectrAthers Amembly. • ONE PERSON dor Costar Treasurer. ONE PERSON for County Corrunigrarner. ONE PERSON far endow, And by virtue of the teth station of the lot of the Pi of drily, dela hawed enacted that every person, except Julie,. of the Potell, wise shall hold an office or op. p.oiounent of prods or tenet under the Unvertuuent of the United Sta... en of Ale Stale, Of Orlin y city or intorno rated district., whetter a cansautitionnl officer cr other nrise,a subordinate °Meer or agent. who is or dietl be employed under the /existed.. Jouldrary or exeeuti re deparuntem of Otis dun, or the United &Mee.. of a n y ludgeor meteors:ad dottrel, and alootbat every mem. bar of Omerem, and .1 tam *ate I.emsanteieng of the Select and otratmon Come iis of any 'city, or Coat midisimere of any laempotated)forrlet, is be the law Medicable of 'melding or exerchmerat the mine dote die ottlea or appointment of.Jadieu,lnstecter or Clerk in my &Mika of this Commonwealth, and - that any la irpeelor.Judge or odor officer of any snob election anal. adt be eligible to any odlee to he then voted Er. Amet, in and brthee b eection of as net approved the. 19111 of April, IMO, it is enaccd. 'flat the 13111 section: of the act pamed July ibe Mt , thlii entitled an act re. hating to elections' or this Commonwealth shall not be costumed as to prevent any in hue (deer or Borough edger from nerving at laden, Ineportor or Clerk. at anr (generator epeeist election in um Commonwealth. And the retitle Judaea of the. reepeeme districts altuestid, are /resented to meet et the Coen Ironne in the city of Pittsburgh on the Friday Mier the second Tunday of October next then and there to perform those dears required by taw. 0 iven ceder ety had and seal at Pittsburgh, this. TM day of Amon. A. 0..017, and of rho Independence of the United Statesthe memty-first. nil JOHN PtIRSYTII:SheriIr fleilajoes °mane mid Experience of Mad. .Liame De IA elothelleyon,:lcanther wort th e personal History and nektons Omegans ot Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. by Professor Upham.. The Powen of the Peal over. the Body, to refut e .. • health and morals; by George hloote,td. D. Waslnninort and hie Generals; by T./ Headley. .'Fresh Gleanings, or a dew near from the 010 Field of Conlbantal b:orope; by i H Aland. The Onendisia, or personal memoirs of the Patriots of the Frrneh Revolution, by Moo. Leman., Tales, in prose, 4.1 r the Yount: by Mary tlosOilt. Men, Women and Melts; by Letsh Hunt. • . For .of. at the Bookstore of , 031 CAIIIKE4 t Mc/MIGHT. Ee m.t et xt Tlllll MOST VALOAIIt. an AND IIo.AU. TIFULLY SITUA rklD YROPEKTV "ntfcred at aucEon for many Tear., cliher foe hallding or manufac turing porponeit, dir,ded knoll Building Lou,.. on come of which Were are good linek and framedwelliv /ton. ma Attu. .undry mechiner. and tool. cottneeted with De Rope-making ba.ines., will PO tcOd on the Perm see nem tna Allegheny Amen.] and opposite the new cent • very thin morning at 10 o'clock, ptecloely • Ilya:der of 0 tiltOrlaWAN • 'Attorney in fact for H kl ank of re lCl sm.ylvanin _Sky.The Die wilt be pi:miner, all pEl.slll PL 0 VR—OOO bta • 4AI° Mille Flour, .I. , frous MIA Whelll, lambuft from • SUM' Notiork; for ouleby RICHARD OA KtOHD, Com Merchant RA ~ ' . liberty oi, oppo.lie southrield eitiCiAlth=ibiarlaN CF, 7 . 0 • lig bx• Cobs; • ISO bait whaa Droxil in Woe; kr rale by .31 HA OA LKY k.:411 n 1 ...--• ----- • ' Le u 01 ..1.1 0 of ono, two, three, and fixtr:llghts for Parinui ll.ll.. /loiels,liteambonu, - • MI • W WILAON Gtgly P oPpitt — Juum":„llloittellTotddA m ' n to linnautedoond at the lowest prices. - f• • all Yi %V wit.soit • BORAX and Oy emi.; e rtga t i in iv g for W xi wood it Cll l / 1 1:15 . 1350bis rectereedi 13 1 cot. smilbSeld &water us' CIIEIKSTR-103 bill ilia Cheesy; . : Larßrcam do; -* nib by ant oREER. , M0.1455 . E5— . 11' 01 0 blils4:111 by MEP BLAIDDffiRII-41400 wanted by 'all - ' J BCHOON3tAK6It & CO I . s o'Z''''"""'JZitta,',74l l KEß co wcz—NeAkx Erfah Venetian Red, pail ed nal' foe aale *- I VICHOt)N 4AgER CO lITTIM-4:10010. keel foi'daby- 7 ". 7 7 • • 9REEIk br MILLBBIBIIIII°° o6L N Smits O ..1.1. R1:::....,}3.4°81.8Y 8g ;d. for .9 CI-1014.rco'"a188nAGALEk 514ral.rbi la kip y -.-. - • ' 2uthon CZatei - v!-`3 w ? r1. 11 1 7 ,, 1 .,,r• m ir4.f1m • Public Sei!lnf . Valuable Budding Lids 'Marble fur.Prilateßesidenees al ucturn. OIN Tuesday - . A r ticust-4 t a t/0 o'clock in the ore- V . noon %el i n itrerest Mrasle arFaLlic Anclinn.o4 the p,emiree,4l. Cuildr.irg Lois hnd Holldless thereon. benunfelly shamed Toe /mile derethrge an front of the Mansion Hosea sad amend. oFtbe Abegheay extending from the tulle Road m.heAtiegherty River, on lend nejteilii.g the. Homage of Lawrenceville, near the United SLairar/HeenaL . At the same dme semdry mechtnery nod tools connected wall the rope . maling baldness. It tit the most vattingt le and handsome pop e/Iv odered at auction or several veer., • Terms of gale. oue4outth 'Meath at th e dame! sale, the rcetatader in one, two and three Tram, with inter tit, to be eceirsd by bond and mortgage Ott the preset. rit _plan of the lota eon be Wee at the warehouse of Gee eltren and hIcKENNANAnetion Room. COCHRAN, Attorney in Fact far Rank o EXf/ Pennsylvania at: JAMES McKZNNA, Anna li By . John D. DaviSi:Alittileer ,• TherbebT mb,*.bialabvate r?;ailbo'cleek, the C .ramerecel RlbilktOTller of 'Waal and Falleate. 10,11 he bold an ene neiet labor taretof lhaey and staple AL 2 5 bblrend 3 bld• Mee; 3 bass Rio coffee; • 4 !if chests Young Hron•resd • • 15 dorm coat and Devonskise Slurrelo, lm neet• band h.oSsin 40 ream; troWp wrapping payer .. • Cillasiorare. sloonsware, tinstare, tab.*, klaos. mulch o rainahn stove. to .. A Large qualm). now , and seco es, nd nand household/hosanna, among which are mahogany bureauu, tables bedatetuta; fumy, and own. mon chairs, work . and waab •tonma lookang glans!, mantel _niacin', earpoting,&e. j • • At 7 Cikelcek, P. 53. • . • • , A retail met 'of fatty Ind 427 Mona. ne cutlery, gold and silver watches gold pens, book• 'and sat one 7, magical Intliiments:rcrady Londe clothing, boots, aback bats, German fancy goods, to, a3L ay - American copy- . louse. and lots ie . La wiencevilie at Auction. ON Toesday, rimming the Slat test it D 4 o'clock. on the preinisetrwill be emdt.That 'minable lot of ground minted sun? ete, Mlecheiv Arsenal, hnking a front of 51 feet - on the east std. , 14'11011er street and 'extending back to an Alloy 20 feet eiferout which is erected a large dare stoti frame bedding' oceepied a. a aron by I Green,and fire dwelling..-1. Ali?, end other la of ground ,edininieg the above. beep,ff a• 1 runt of 96 feet. nod :enesedoet back 150 seie to said alleystd which is entitled a large double brick dwelling house with heettroett, a pomp of en. eellent water In troll and &stele In the rear. Title indisputable.: Tenase: 041 4 .1 itegs6'. ARUSEIIENTS: UNLIOUNDED:RNTLIIHSIAS3II L 272•01113111,1112 PCP - 411411Ti or TIM VOCALINTIL THIRD. PNGAdEMEN • r • One'VV•ek More. - • r' Prize of a apt•ndirt Siker Otspf Vie bat .Melody or Eararogan • ANnßEn'3' &Ong cumag ADMiTTANCk: TwKATT,..rivre THE TROUPEot Voeolista. havotgoee lotoetpie. meant at tole Tentelr of Pleatere.eloe oo Macr ae evening Lett, wish ondiminiated 700:Way:and ,rroorded howe—ut the argent solicit...too of Oho yea. alterlam been prevailed upon basement r A FEW DiVELONGER, • They will accordion,/ spent- every -Evening. Ibis Week . I n most•tionular. songs, glees melodies end KKK !it 2 nsasct the. nay,divenn(pngthe Pei:kr/02p., e A lrizo am Sliver Coo mill he itscirded to the anther tie the words of seeh thithoplanZelody or Estrada dicta to be set to music by the koope at pretest rigged. selsch shall hadeclded the best by the spinet-- neon. voice Or the Audience at the TWA!. MM.:CERT g. September:lL . • - o:7'retsons contending for the Prize. must rend in Rem pieces to the Manager en or Inure Friday 110. n. SePteMber Wender to afford nine for the adoption. em of metier. rech piece which may he offered. s • .mfTPT) we.) - - ' • tr- KENNEDY. having teeth., the' riumeth• der of of:panne. from Philadelphia. will exhlltlf his Niemrc eat PHILO lIAE L. an Monday. Tuesday, and Widnesdas . rEvenings. • The AnimateaLt 01+11 , 1l ir.he-Canal Water will be shown together with an Infinite variety of Whet llie snseapie objects The preens. ar - CrystaltrattansetlE . . I . l 3 l le , g,e z o t. e , ,e , l ,... ndin t r ve sn . tr of t:Es i ro c4 tat .. Co? . ta,t. e T.elets far sale at tbe,petnelpal. Keith ettores, bomb: anti me War Stores. Allegheny. Dam open .71,Erldbition to thwuneath u B *Week pmcietti• AaenumeZ tent... 4042 • • BY the meet redinestofeeeeral gentlemen, Dr. CO.- TUN wiflgne GRANDEXHIBITION OF #LE N1TR01730.74DE. 1161/.1450G•• LI/C•110.5 GIL • At the AthenentAMAteeolitalL,Libeny r., near Wood, throne) evettteg An r. 31. Dr. C. gar. the sense eraibt non in the Ttemoot Tem ple. tiosere, in lets, for the benefit of the Pthrbarh ref *e'en Fatty gettene eras wilt be piepa!ed,ho that a lame number eon inner tt • a io The effect ache Su to dere pe'th e lesdfegtralw ore:unmet. alum undo' its influence. Mme wilt neg. others speak,others Once, otheo err Je. Self Oc,ent consmottureau is retained to avoid all impropn et, in Mc pt... ere prmormonsts audience. Fine. werj inen,of the first respectability one en. "ntr d ervc stac tl tn e l e ' r . stre calmed . to nand vpirn'he . star: (winch ordi he erected with a railing s -and m protect those ander the irdlorreeof time ga from agelima whole entertainment will be cc Coved scilhthat and demrom ortrelt shall deserve the patron age of an intelligent elara ot - mat and gunperoco, Dr ea, there himself that It -mat be carrel; diferent (tomato e tocishf !omit or the same k,en . Thl an t e whol ' e sc.ll conclude with '• series of roost bril ,t PfIIIA~OPIIIC { L EtrERINENTS. • • • A. brief lectors span .. the properties of. the sits sriU pr cede the Exhit.itoms, : . .•' - • " ' Doors open az eonseleseir s quillee.biskire 4 iei SS weer., i'skos, 124 trawl, - No it. flat Pavi elle and Ikea. Neat*, wit loc reser. ett.'oir ladies 3.4 ibose orhoneeoropsoy them.' . WELD ma's auslozsei. OLV3II,IAN. AtTPII/TllEAllitr, Philadelp lust. rtr' s .P.Mitw.zg, 4 ,N - Ez 4 .'w'=l"rr their threadid Toter Ptoof Paredes. ermarmorhoredy fethithed for the eetekutithle retry:men of iithel persons, 4114142110 u on the Mb, 111.6,11th,11th, I.sthfuttl,thei, ofSrplemlrr ner - , - . . independent or svaiw celebrated Brae Baud, the Compartv will he intiated na their .rr.V.4l, li Mr Wal btreo Suing Bewl, playing airs (root the most reran, Opal. • In the everting the favilhonarill be illuminated by the ?nun; stir& Oar, invented by ❑ F Caston. Esq. of the Crown runes ihsry Debarment, a @show °. It isen enti,clFgessmethod point a softest°, •liato; fine nous all annum. / t orn,. we flab of all other anrcapts, and ef +ling d . lied tearecty less brilliant than the =ands/ tub. Cannhwia;this company will be Wed Mr Jo Cal reaftieferi who will ude b tit meth admired Aim of tee Russia. Eewy the Tamil rf a Soreaw of Siam and iseeintfel crusaded the Sprite and his Wu taut aie 3 arida horse•. • • .. . Maionaa Loess Heaved the veal N•11•1;Enigi1.1 EVA...I•Ig, whose admirable peraeamiena an a single how, chum and delight CI waa behold her.mallty:ng patine opinion in ovrartling to her alca high peallacn she Oat ..o , lace , gsfgyle held amidgt a boat as Float cats, Culla:a—Da. Ries she 'llra 017procodiag Dan:Whoa , ' Infinite JE , I and FUN, summed be matadenesa wad 'calamity. plaaea ?cat far beyand }he readier iaxatatiaa Nr Hansa Nie.olas, the Pralenal Dina 111aaleril W • 21a O.", Faasity, ware anian or talent la lanhihat aparallel in she aced. Mat Mars she moat haat...l arms la his &trammeled. Slid •treeliaa of sceaaa,and gtargant,, camps . . Fridoick Diem preaentae 'req . alai fortien act that caa'pro* by novelly, and bawd Rican (thc•ananitable.'l arta perfana hii &caw la musks' bor., ag performed loans the. rrealdeln and Sena., of she Datted Dates, awl by all Pgageat declared the •naaat perfect anion of aerafacansfraar the emelt( evil. - - .• • Mauer 7 Feeilla who has acquired the rare an g, and es... the !nest diracull feat bacikwhids,, pri a e nowe Mr Won Slow will ride his fine classiiiietsol27aed feronne pyramid of hoe. , perCOn e t 1141003 he will hear above bra ranted at lightn i ng spc . • 1 Signior Gerwownt, the raighiy Gallen !quest/I. 'will ride are Incredible necromantic scenes, invethielfreLes amens do r i n g aland his Golden Pelcions. ite.risa: He wig a an bi forward bra two vroluietfuldsgt, whose ate with. , equalin th e Arena. Mr W Howard. 'die tannish Seale eider, and great great regoovinalive of the Hied Man of the Vetere.* Mr Cars Fate, who rides a great dramatic swine, nel a Grand e M ary aci; 1100 R TO pun 516_ O 411 for our Camay. j ,which IV. aid of: correct canner. he will represeat the Chief Patriarch' praying for his niantry.GAN ZACK TAYLOR,at Mom temp,Mesa Snag, a Yankee volunteer Santa Jut the commanderof Mexico, cane hiding with the 2. 4 01..Dni or ildCnnerr. bearing themensenible resolve,--4.lcaerl Taylor miser surrenders . - Mem /Aria.. of the 'Clique Glympiqn, will taw; , dune the Arabi. Deeming ol are,..fiardes. , who. DO - Wel dance/ far earners o ars - anything of the kind ever et b..* blare ikte public.. Also the rewi r e tome owe and Juliet,et by their comic din - ner tames, ' Pe and °eagle/leaps, prove their initiAcuire bent I- • le gja•Parents and guardians wiraritil eenfideileibilNir - their families. as ander thus watchfel care of ihe koPw' riot, nothing approaching • stAide ofugiganly pa find he way monk the choice worm moons of them. The Arleneon and evening priformanocsengel4 - va ried. • - DICKSON 4 CO., 24. so Market Sgrert,fliv doom Mew nira,koth .41.4 • IhIPORTtR9 and %delegate Denten I, Walshm NVined Glisses•nd moterialg /toad/70*P dmerip dons, qoallea. and mmes, comprising aka , * 'nis i. Costs, Dixon d, Sled , EirnLlM %grim Silver and !Inver plmed mares ebelSold and Bismuth.. Vie , fumy ludo millodgers R Sm's and Wana,holm't caF Ivry rams*. seisms', masors. and Raves, to.; ISM d•odled mble emlery of Mt angst, madam and com mon qualities A tarp assortment orgold pe ex, pert fuewl-Imeemele..-damer macho mld•gapanned tray., vasious shapes mid - qmlttles, at .remised Imes, gold waled en-ts sad eilger mare of ad imeripdona man . . • • DICKEY hiring trecitiala eeciiined into the large. and commodious warelicis/ formerly occupied by Ahura Aslihurst k 'Sank an( more receopy by Ashburn & Penning - tor, bey Imam to Inform 'Watch De. elemi Southern and Wmiern Mere/tufa' and ethers that they de/new/laving at in Lines 'an otronme.fil of Geode of their es.n importation which they are deter ealeedlo sell at the loweet ' ErEisery altratiol mill be mod to the pachime ot clouds and la the oneeµdoti of Indent, the qulhles and pewee will be fully guarantied anninst all competition .Valuable roaLPreperti tad Ball.. Road SAID Property Le Minted °mike Monongahela Kiser, immediately oboes Look No *completing of Rail Elomi.Pit Cam, R. Waygsna and cool') cooeonfroms, for tanning Cool, ail in petrel order Thomism eleven houses aporrltia premises inroad main:able order, and now paywg wilt or Can per an MOIL Paid Stood !kin into. an inrzesocible veto of Ceal,ithick can ltAgi, tabled man very reasonable terms : Any eon meting Ii Mammon* Or roil bial,eae ram Pad thlea faro Opponanuy foorfilllis lhoi whole parabola. will be taken in Coal, Forpmeculara annairo of ikeranb.eriliertialhepretr i. o , NINPUI4ecLoaKKv . • • Wtraty'lltV4V.lVl 71 41:12 Jewelry to weletr I would dell illowolelicoya opsis Jewelry *pal Jail at 0917kaper eetwedwatite owleltoWt eeetellUtle.; end wilt idatanwe every ankh , . es re svaari —t3yOttortli owes. Sekbett Led derts 3 de Gaodsl do de do.•Lonwierienrolliti eel/ illiTert • , 5e.....d. tinkneAth*A.—^_&i.,, 0 4 . le V i "N 44 0 Mad: < • -- hrei.ToveT icnizys se tISAPARILLA-4 • IJ 116= 0 **Cleat Bleed reirifiee ei nut ege4iere. received and far by R *beet...» , mettsk - vtGbag . o . 4l:o [ep7 27l . remarry; for sale PT ittßiEßTrOn Rrni-Rulti vv. GrasEla 4 and rreri. fromitlie m'as- V .ufamorr,S.l42 210, 9x14, Wzlt te- to :Ifor 2,17 HER & RY.I . PC.R2 j4Jai, of Rry ik;4l-r,R4,i.j4; brand, trier 10 0 11,01fred, .ste trr •1, - an' - - ORU . Mk; KEW & 00, en, tt 1104 W PRlNTS— sonment oCbtamiral.iditbmlored. Rad of peat :aim al - pt.. a and gamma:ie., to. • Prints gala • 811 At. Err - BlM P ,..lttlrz„"..rx;"?&V - Plesl" .. ''k' them Blue rnatejust reteiveJ (err rat., • - StIACKLE •4. WHITE Lparssirp—e• assoruces . l of inbred, .1./ bayed /...nac3 .9kb:opened; int *ire - sZr• , ACKI.KIT ies ucvi •ty tiFiu.c) Caul • meres jet received; for Rafe tki , ' •.r APACOAS—A largo li.itoitment of lair prreck 111:tedium aw/ LlalnTriAtte. MT& - ' .511A-C L jj ARDWAlLE:—uetiecesrd: Mime New ratt II chip dies sad Adees;etwasetwie :lees., Hm/neje, Vice.: ?nee Chains. wtreght Cam.- ten wall, Cfo6l{ GUI and pit eliWy', far tale aZ•O - • by 00U tV G.4sallaltll3—Opened SestcrdaT r a haidartaa 01 dark atyla dreso Gjagauns, sunab la An It tea sou stets (Regan sad Irke.ur la :Plaids, for Ladiea , Drceacasi ow sale at tan dry gouda halve af aRS W R NUE PUY . CJII/T/El , ll GLASS PAPUA - C -I'la ,:ufethA 4.3 crmsztun Stud Paper-1114/rvaniiitooried ha I of !clod kw to ll•rdware men nod de•Ceng gem. tall I. for •Ide•by . .11,14 • •• J KIDD ACO j ',S.- W. , WOODA, Ittickriistet, 161r.nongtkItela •11, itrret. otdrts pwleutally fitted.. Ad... by 151*"1 71:Z b LIC II-r'1 Yn 61, 0425' P.( b. IV 11.t c HBAtit.H... - 4 wood et Flantl 7,l'h..• , g°,:„'„''kl . , a t " G Y ; "d " "lU :11,1:11 g IT A HIM /I, olvrOdi •1 FLOUR—vobhifreobgiouod• BsightwalPs rc r,. " l ‘ . 11 !NMNev car , Zil6 , ll : C"rtteTty!elltriolirtil: 4."1"4'.)'"' as_ _ II car 1r0k.71 , ..! stiL . (111/C/LII!W.-75 bxt Jaime ma.* elieeee, it print nuicksjm mem, (or LAIC hy • • • ; at 4 _ .WICIC& McC.A.NDLFES • P_ fIFIOIIAD 15P/C/Cli fur rale wholesale and reteul •eYI. • by ..WICK aIeCANDLIM CultislV.,,bAltxtzt;.g.4,l:4u.:l4 by CnzusE—is bzs ;ibis R ed; bsr bale by V Ala - - 11,bibtartqlECtli T ABIPLILACC-2561.15jiil reed,' kir silo kr IA k't 80 FA4,57..... QACON-14,0001bs Silks rierived: for silo-by ' •10 . 100 J_JOIMkrtiAION T I Z.II- E . N- 7 4 .VlZl l4 .:t t io;. ; • A 1% . WYSS.. C!uAJY.:.j bbl. '1 Sh ian'd pe, ennai; (w yak AA77 a 31.: JJUNDAN kr+lN. Val MAD 6-15 abb. nian krbna Bean.,. pranearnene JJannual; for sale by k. c I) LESS - • RAS . eor wood er.. Roar at, - - 11EE118191/.0 loss-er.amCbee... faiWeby pb..• : • ' WICK McILVIULM3S • 4 APLIT. urchin-9 bbla (crude by ICK & ItIet4NDLESS ~SP „us ri.kirTinincn . =il9.r est ror a. 92 c try i . n • , .- 3, - - • - e Day APPLES-4 bbls wred; for sate: eat • - • WA: Kline UTCtIEDIV VIM& 0 61 . 2 0 1, 14111r.0i4 - re — r . 3s.7or saq a 7 . .• corm cliir trAtbirtyL. ,4#4 :Qvimuvrir. op , OBP/11,303,We" 1., awed: for tee by - ' "-' " • • 'll,l•AtiNk';Eri_t_. D 1 • 12-2 bincata, J dams 1. Coll. l'auhioLd. X' lad for salt at footory priors. :a nu cousiP..., b7.'- • .11 a ETO . LID, a2O - • 4 20 aood s H . ACRICP-2itl Wes soctior Mo. 4lwitotte.l4" , for . sale lIIITCIiISWO , ' • tl. - 41 441.41.4 11,1 1- 4t71.1 eases MIA ttaitjo?t • ktra 't- 101 2: 0 , o— . 2 etzprts Manttp,a. TOBACCO--W bii. To?areo, On. g ‘1 44, Its,l7s, and pound/imp; la MHse ~ • & RO6 ceo bony at CIOWYEEIOO - JO do Goversdadt iate ßoe r ord/ !a cf:l 14.. JOSH • E EP— 6 ensprime Jiintqiii,rji•neitinr. U for mashy 4.105P-).Me 0 ".., lawn , n - 4117 T AND DE.Y-40 .""414 A.L.a H4lUS—Coeturees - "meatier t r . cd .." 9o ' HU T °fi heed; foe sale wbelemtle end 01. Y. N~3 SON USLIN EDGINGI:.— laseumbedt /11 pauems of these des+eab'e 0 4 . I .".Peoed 4 - Ha. ti r , 4 , !: •P it GhTON riilVl-40 hiatus irlf; '' ' Iv. im.L.11.441 1 . rt 16 kr • !-•-' :• • • A wnujorilitokimE • cossittainly talt, , teZ kr.l 01.1 V bbl B"ikattiZtrittlbrt:ROE nu. GREEN—I eaasiV alu i; s do.halulms kr ale by . • det D 'R.'"?kFgaMIIM,Z,FeIt,°.! '"A"" • •-•-•-;1!• , r 5E6A831-i233.oopmki 1,13 4'" FRIEAL;:fiIIUg CO . SIOAP—IP) Ems CieWild/ R,ap in 'vire; fai sale 47 io bl • 1023 • ;.: • cot emilhgeiJ .?,:water " ciTTON TA.5.4 0 , 1 .00 ibs eutma rm., candle. Z i an .'" u:a.. " Ze 2 alg{ll "‘ c:: c . • "POIE-N0,141E74 CO MOTTOS-721aes kr .1* • %.) .25 - +• • FRIEND,-1111EY hCO CIL/SS—Sots OsIO,IUOJA Ittit +Out //5.14 Gloso LI in Ease; fsilki /Ow SY . • . Imp No l e twiaifoi bale kr b y •••Trryt •c:• gA4 •4. Im "•• •. PitlENLViltinr& CU 15 .? ! k gs . 91 !P b t •tfar7 , ati :dnkefiEt bg 7717 13-50 Swt rec%-fOr . :NV : .11(101.1/AM, olio , tut is wood as Epsoirll , AL , , Tf} 7 ll:: cs . k . ajsui!!! - I, h l , 6e k et c bz ox 4 4' . 01./...Wilibls Atli tied; for role by L of • WICK McC AN °LESS i u.f'sza.ow-tui lba Foto No I; ' ' - I , * no 2 jam room veil; for- • •R E i4:14.11-.11.4.:a wood at n -- A9Nlo6hda Ham.,-'-• '. •• •• .D i '• 6do .troalders, - beigtt .11 Aim just. .. • ' • , PetANCISSEf.LERS,I2 libenT st ir ' IVO-IAO tuirtiniiiirirdlic. 0:{III et Ll,* lot .I, 1. ,• - • ' .salc Ay.- , r like UN a at.rrt:n. It • - - I - a1t 321r. . 7 • 14 K •• So R k E b D .T 7_:1.1'13 5 6 '4 11.1 , 1 j;TEI7.ITtiIIOO • iquoutcwitacktrou lbw frcalicitoice rI c tom., trnt; ISMia b7.,Eltt AIN% t Ithlrta =WI VELKA.2I TAILTIAIV,4O9 juititedOor Eli - 'by ' kIitALIN AHD—NOI Oicai* Lard f.,'r sale by • re.. 3 ' . LAD—I ear wponor Red Lend, o.bau.snanubto fec'tii for bole by . JOilN D fuottblAN SA I...111101)11.. tot cake rer, ; sale by • ?i /ARAN MLA:AIIMWt =lYbouksjunreed; far oIZ • sax '-' K L SELLERS 'OEM/CIE—CM bse prime {4 b. jut beb , Y, (crude Vby • • W &It )Ibele hall tafti OPLAR LUAllik4Y, body/b.:Um., kr bate by Y JyYttf • . -Mt brAV AL..nt• E. ' sOCOUN —OU Wes iot val. ht. lyo4 2II3EAD, ROE'S &CO. ().11T8=75 blubels for sale by .' • • - Jyt.9 • • ''•UF VON uONIVH0115? & CHIN EISE BLUE-4141bairtzee'dou4d }MAHN te REITER =Tr rtiESIE AV l4jr:4l3 " -- bawl asul La; ode UMNG-40 ilflA UN & itt.trErt nn '.ale Wa • AMP ALACA-11 mks ittei nee/. a ucirtoi b, Mia4l{j,67N—'73 I,ll7Zaltin'tAve MEM 014 , 1N0. vas are ipetut I+llnow landing, rentals .MILLEAIe. R1C143.50 , 4. • (-1-55iiyiwgi----11,,,, Iwaver's few *ire 'very /ow. to eloOntroillipmcnt,ey.- , 01 , 11 fOVIN mu) 10 1711 AT31bsintir. Nh i. of"l , llreriagt reed; .LII .23 ,1 • for Yale by : 4t, tWITER.' • :I ,ARienie rott tep.t ITad , for ask by • • Ai A lAONt.7COCK.4. CO. - LIRA Tiliratfc= • mca baeGebie Fraiban, Lod tbffirma 2141 rib:dream, tor sale by. . CARSON & AIcANICIIT. . • an . 7.• - a* between woo d VItENCIf.IBAIit tz.KIRT.P-'-A • aoiall. apamba,bl,,,c L`' black, t Onto and.modu cUbdajbat meciab.l from the halm:ter, aale by ; • .• .0111.1,A13.8.-Arreab ha or n.lO Work e d (*lin . a...r0( RIM 61)1 , a, and a 101 01 JOIV paced pia pptm, at aYp_ • • CARD E , VD,I-1900 •Iroijerk!, for sate by-.• DA FArtAildrUCK &Co. 1 1 AW.1C;Corloarre risk vriOorOltliiiiririTof finer Shawls. rrOiaLlo- 10 ir.easOn•••41 . "Arson:me io trlorndaithedsystiophoore - • •.• •• • .-AT.RAIGttPII-4 - n4O •J C 1,7 by W leis fr. AIcCANDI.,a ti . Los vie ar,67,o...swesucialv. Dean .UF Brown Stint at Ike War mote Dr ate . • JACOB - • . _1 0:,
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