, :, :.:ray',;:, BUSI,O CARDS; =SE umi As us es OUNAAPON. Coiastmos - wawa, 04 Mal!ir sal IVO Feentas add& Kr F w000=1:4 ,4 7.: , =1 ,1 Bnav,• W ailed wear Llbeirg rltßi y ea St. Osig sumo, 00... mow. • 0 ,..,01 Magi.% wan , Wood aid ea as. -Itratnituel,l: 4W"Gif y Yillalll4 CACIALIET a. CO., 06015.61., ;'leasad Prodace as. Ile. Zlll Market wed, be. •tboadlloh.Sordir 4, . 1.101.41•10.6. •••*1 Slielf..lloLTY Forran.l=Lnd . AISCOMMIsSa blirebuyts, Canal Bum, P ORLANDO. LOOLLLI: Abair Atom A ,5.4 k=w 46 euver totems Ilmaktelt. sIAMY . Wes Colemslo , J;kei Jemuiss. h. W. Hansen. 1011.131114114,11141.11• MAS /c blssafaciiress o(Cumsete timem, sad Apes, k U. sad Spring Oise, sod 4es(ste to fteth Ttesossiome of every Os* Misetiaes. suoisissierf oo N. Qelr st. Waroloome tl , MOW? C ISA IA Wboboa'a CaTOCM . .411 Dula is :rm.:lac ar4 Plesseersb tellsemOmmercs, le____q__ , ,eryi•ert. • Joao uturx. PIeRNIGLIN, WWl:sate (levee's, Osemoimion •',.:•• log Verwime Vlo Verner tme Menial's, Dealers Os prosesso anti Mseuellosures. &vat wee; beetsrems Wood -s •• : ITICA(31811. Immo. awl wholesale sad rem • .• • . W 3, Jailer Fumy mod Nook Vanes °coeds, sign of 'ee • .. ••, liiirGels Comb, IV, Market eutet, rem Liberty, You oast. oc:11 • 111"171111.1.930i, SILWILLU L Assms. t 7 L I A L. . . Vaes . Mbel.l, Somme 34 ..d 4.h H. 4.1*113._ -•• • . r • #' ' . '1 i ; •I• .1' L:'. ~:~ ELIDO ARO OIRAZAWROO, WOOtsale Grocer, tut UNa(tw Iftutosi. osetul from nu mart ^49. Ahlobasb. •'" • ^74 gr. • WALT. Wel *MAW. EM ALT, s GELMAN!. Wtagesale COO, dearerc on produce end Plusbarsk tano,corau at Lit..ty Lad 11.6 riusborgb.?• . 11. =GYM. lOLIIIII k, 08AAlrTTr dais Nmen, Ual r, jp g he, k C 4 .lWconen Onects, and V.Ammudtsg Munn% nd Dann Is Inn. mud YOU3.l3l3lasudatares, No 37 Wood unmanned Sand and lan Via. :'..:.-. 1 . : ::f' : . .. . . .. ......,--,...: .1:4 , 4 , -arial•Weellpariffiswijalliresd stroeVasar .1% •r. • Dios orosereak:. . sa; „; ... rza p r e rra. Moab: 16 4 11% sCrit • • 1.• _ . cep Fmum= ;= 1 . 1 . 21 M 3 .7b,„,, i , .suato.t . .. B4. "l..ocassi • .•: Mil .i. •:• • , •,-A • • " 4 t,t'• 1. ow. iroasatii;74‘r.. • mamma rigir J aosasAWailtoblAt ;mows cm. • cinema . •N, , ..* Vsr ,0" 4t*lo, ' • %?.f. ,- tillil, , .. ,i , • Avre.;t: ,`,-: ' ' -..— :•Atr, vr, ,, 1 V 1 ‘l•tc.:e- r -34466ei !, *ii , .v.;.-•'lp.: , N.::' 144 , • , ‘ . • 4:,,,,......, , ''..4 . %—.2.., "1, 1 14' t\ 11 ' 4* -4'..;tfe , 4144. ..t;.,.. • - ;:i. " r !' l '.,' . ‘; • ;.. Vi: 4..74' . ' • 401::::- t i- ' ••.. -. 4. .-"•; l i ttb:.:V .k• . , 'Azt..,' • 4 r ''':.‘ l " N - ..., 0. 1...., a. 4 y- - .... 4 :..... • . ~-. .h., i , •. , .. 6-i,. , ~.....r,„,:,.,,,,, ..ri...„ ~,i3..v.....1:. pi:....t r oiitse.....i:). i1e4.,,,....:,1t 4 ;go. .ii4..:1.t.ti.,:1ii.,1:! ...i.,:t,.......,..:..:. •,.. ~....tzt.L....,..t...,..,,,,,,_........:,:. „1,4,...N......1.,..7......): ,:i.4:...4P,:,-; -.*... --: r'"n;S! - . 1 . i: ~ ••, - . ' , f't 7 '...f...'•: :•_ i.,'. ','' ,', : ~,i; • . . MEM NEZ • „ -~j~ .... ~ i : ; ;. ••• . •- • ... • - . •. . -... ... • :-••• • .'' :-....*::: .:.:.• ....':' , ...'.,..;;:••=3; .-4 ;:i."•'-'i........... - -",..7.-... - ! , -, I / .".. .-: , ' • ..,. .. • .... - • ...: • i ...., i... : ,...., ~•.,••• , : . ;. ,• ,a . ).: • . , : ..,0 2 .. e.,;;i -,... 7 41 ,..,„. - 1 L , • _..... ' --. ... - _ --- - z - : - .-• ,- _ ,_ - - . ----. .. - ..tz - ,:. - ~ • ..-- -, ~.-••••_-. . ..- • . 1 ,•-• .-• , • '•-•'. ' _ • _ ~, , ___ ..,„... ~.,,,..,,.- • . —..:.•,..... ' .*. -•-, :1- ......••••••: '- .• t-.....e. , ..r. :"..,. ' ....N. , ..,' A , CZ . . , ,• • . .....• . ~... ......:. .... ....... e., , , . c. 2 - -.; ,;. ;-.... - '. -I . i 1 ' • '• ' ' ' -' .. . . .. . . . . . . ' ,VOL: XV:--NO. 20... - • • :-- • • , .. _ 1 -e---Nit • S. ' • P ITTS BURGH, tUESDAY• ,MO 114 G, AUGUSI 31. 1 5 47. ... W!!!!1 g&N PRICE `..4EVEN DOLLA lL MUM k SearalltlßTViaancy• Dr=. marred • low doom 11..ru GM% MCP. le • Yr Illakew•U'so4llNoso. asS•I tbe au % side of pmli;irerNMetriss parry ^LW agarle soia • . remeal. 7 - - Tries MU_ esee-Weee. :00.--starat.runzir a.ovtautakk Grocer% je , sue coti mmNese ma tdaialaa.s ald4 ,l *.be Cates C m.Vas, Wametaeilla wropersiti be • • • • ' •••MB • 110. , '' ' im iZ ia ll . r3 i i i mm il•Otl OM. ,•—• 11.1511111T11 &Cs., Beinwir4 1144. 1 .. , Multsla ilopei. ritiabull* mil Nies arr., sod tot ernis. .. , -.: . ' • , , 104 : • C., r-7775. ruv• ••11615144111•6 111 Oboes, stel iiseerdh 441.' .4 4 ‘. la . L- 7 Iwwx 061Itr. flalp sad sasattetitter. of %Fa Watbstte, r. ,sr rani .111AZ:allatilLWAT, Wap*A.No. t Coo. v.kito e•ma bum, rtuinnt .• a mug arc BED tria! eyqW pz.p7pW.r f.febl3.• • "W m arir. .. soma. arms, t a CaOVl.arg a 2.' ate.. ~+nPasatmeds. P.1301,11a. I . ll.ll.tragneed i r Ennaandlar.. - . • ;num:. ro, anollitrkangs,Orant museum. copied etis;e • ea, . ikusir duns* frabscoma by . T. J. theme •sail I ..Ckn : • . Atsd . and Wboic.S. 080 D. /I I 11 " 11 .L. . I :;.iroeater.oi , maats, ..o• ln ige mad sarxoe dm)! 7t, • „ lastie• ..: . im*. . && • ..iieria , . OAF. Orris to t &Ar m , . Water et . ••.eir?i,. MIA , illi ., ' V kdoas at& illemniamfr4. ••J let Ix • ant fro,cati& Alai Siskill i • ,' Par&lSEbr,easei • Prisare.alltValle • ftudearry Keill. ~ V, • •,,,,..101,14L' • Nowa' j. .:car . . W... eiMMSOO.N4 i' • •, a 1. 1 OUN 9,IEII6ENTra St Lair, Mee al 4 ilk betamaxM/ PI • a l.W h at as risupty m beatost ORS INDA end Waal TOLLS C. LUIPTELL.4e" W 77.. orp. IS ter sod axemisem,Watcr otrett, lut Boar alms Ow Masoaplehn *re, Vitulands. tZr Iraa. Naar, 01." banatartengs• pica. JMINSTOS • STOO 5. Ew e ner. Rieder. sod Paper anza.rtr!, 'Ns. 44 Iliarte iio/06=40.4akTrwa ad E ti ; amt nianc4 e . , • • . sea .. i. o Cliocialti Wits. j due. lS. l.6ol4l l4 6setk . WM, Tidriass,lo:Afi ife ri A l gie r Mama 21. In LA.Nmet . J Loa Nesga=er festalAllailmi wastarsam. Pio Waionn.l4 . : , • • Jill ' wVar,."9,1,1`,...a1trAr.. , T s. urmessuss...yrothesi• Ossek we us -ftwilma bleats:4 un, I. ral:bil MISNACIMMIIId . "Mini% MC also.. t /MD 11011011111101. AVOW, Wbitfakj La Oto s een l i= . l . l V i Vag*. naistals. . .71 — mmly_amtmn. • .toim mu • • L=MT It Wlicammlo Una". F o cmard mg sad Commlmios bicrelmou, lmdleea god VicoMmet aluminum', tim i tlt DORM m."imulmmk• . Mai • Attin g tiClAlALlTti Orarl Oreeernart Comatesion WNW" 11•11 X lib 0111 4114.1. CaLst k. g 4114411 Lek 01.9.01/inka pod Toorar7 - = k r:p . =7,7aPst and Fnai as,ksisters Wort .M11.71114t=5=2=7:11747a. IteCOID Ilenigo •ma Ulu An sad Cap see to int *sins es Taeor. of Weed asse., ins it M_a J. 111.011.1111061411...r1ikr5,M. " ihr4.41:47:11110i1T0. N. ggn: __SOL . rllllKOWi linam aree , (4 . gigs WDirmisoe Das of Heim{ g. gg RT Calidimarlose MI Y./gVf/gI JQa tarn To WILSON it CO., IVIMItts . 7 • 140. I w«+ our^ r. -.. A Kah.nono. 7]UII•USXTmat C., W Wools Grocers a" C"""'"' 4 Fw. .gMonk= to. No IL doe . / rjr r taOC4 Dal* as in Commasioa ascalwals, No IMP 6a:oat cur ia r irion. • irtreel. imbergb. togye • • - • ...B No'pi agree, Jr. . a warms . BRIMS op, Winless:a Mon" Cassia • ~ ~ fl aqa llerc4atna, and dealers in India and ; narlderst Sleudtaeudes, Liberty 'opensin •' • •;;Salidenn. es • ' aye 'AIIOCIARD [MILD. wholuale sad rerun dealer • • - •lIN la Lorallhar, Mame*, arenuarra' Tools sad 17,7=mm and Camera Toots, and Tubers Wars: wend ei./ l'ebareb. . •• • ; setae ROIRTAT ICIA.LIMLIe Wbeitalle tett Cloadaltuem aad re idestlataus .ett , Predate and Pinebaraa alum Lftrty Abe* !tear. 1011.01. • sues.. 1 J aosisaur. .aornsox i Ce, Wholnsabs Owns, Ps. An: use and Csinuaission Narenantsoied Denim In /11Inendosmszes, iie.lßu Libsny area. Pins . LaW,lLarilat • • lit the New I • dim Imeer, Ikea) isbaytk Mean . • 9ta Wamo • rIMI • kor saparme W .old low kr ma ly n."l/AW/1111 1 .11, Ammo, at. 1%. liallawsir. Sandals., nears • Sam Notue. - It woonit.'weami. At; log Distiller, Mau Plectim, themes, and ell kinds of Foreign and ani Ikons, No 11 !ebony street, Piro j uor .U. On hand a very large 0 d 31naongahela Whiskey, which wil O. Itailtritils. - tlillalrillOLDP 4 1111122, Foram , .11, mimeo Mamma for the alkalies &skit la GroterimProdiece, Pitudioriga aad Chloride anima. To Mabee! prim, to, eadi, paid a, Omar "•-a corner r. 5. sad In • C - B l 7 Suction, 'not Whim. sIIACKLICTT W.bolosale Dee- Broltl Foveign sod Domenic Dry(Goads, No et West 'intl. Vasbergh • fobl7if . ..____ Wo ol S I. w . ILAILBAUGH, Morehnota, deal- Pa en. in Ple. and Poadoce none nallr and Ponrord• tent end Cooanuarion Morahan., Nat Wood wag, ridilhornk.. .. Ant ,IMBITAIVPALIKEEL, Attorney at Law, Mo. § ris Breed% binUtots, No Or Foonh Brae- bowmen. sad 004 *WIWI& • eor3d.teelv _.— Ss.7VoiracialtitiitißsT a ca., Afiol...u. ,Alieterl gbianuding and rantandiron Merchants, Dealers h IP.a.burgh Tianutaetnrea and IVestemike• data laidedammod to lbetv vow watehoevo, (044 wand) 00111 if of nom at and Chancery , .I;ane... nov7 SLIMNS Forw arding and Cowan aon Merakant._Dealcr In Salt, hodata and P lag • • taanarkelared melds, Cana Ilaan. neat 'Aka. 11 - 1.. - 0/10111.1011.51tAM,Icr la. • a•Ple . J. fn. Rail Trey's, auct Alneultairalb4plpieM4bk. NU Wood lurtel HuolAdit, %tummy . «..BEIT—WINANaI Ooratatirson Mkrettamis, wades 1331 Woodnntet. Pdisbargb. LL, KENNEDY,Jr.,Looking Wahl Nnasfactn ,:andVer in Clock., Catonn,fand VarktY rer, comer of Wm! sod Fourth Worth Pa T tk . rrr..IrOFLSTVII At Co, Comgairli . e..l.a . ver, I; ro=e4, . 1 • Wm Meta . • Stamm IsOmetw Gp ou rAT NeowretizoN, . eeM. Desists is Prods... Pinils,trtass add Tir‘Madt blassfeesster, gsdersliy, I.ll,Pbeny husberth. . • • I iyji_P W••'1 1 . MITCLIELTREM. b& 4Me Grocers • MutleMai DisOten, .4 w Mir . 1•i••• , MU' ebi•ts. [email 8$•t• wen, Cab!. jell . . Joys , D• &lOU. DAVID IVZOK &111,CASOLEGIM, oue DAVIck,) Winduale (hon.'s, F• **rebuilt; &Biers In I • COOP Yam asel.Pßl.busit Mannfact *sma Weed aset:Wan m, Pitubs UT —. B. WILIRPHT issues tbs lath' .:ixamisa kl• neck of Preach NS Übe met mut. • :il-0111=4. 4, a 1 ■ .; =aaafacnir SeniMiN M.Picutwßb. WILITAOIIIA V V .Wlrkissle Doak,. alemaeMmailLiben,. , OLZAZI, &mkt • anon of Wood .17 ietedieln• Ft peurd do kiiarali TV 7 .- jr - .." - Vn=Orrt In eitoblisanest. ‘ 717.1 1 4. i. 1111ITOMOL: M .'nk4"..ll:ll2laaV • - tex3; erg s — o gee Clair area, ne It dam ceena.a oozier • Df7 Gam., Ne• *abet - afrelUty . IL a omn Vl' • a W. Ilimielj.Wlatesale Gmaera. an. saw laeasad a rt. Ile Wood az, aria...Lan aftr fat We a lane • akMelCilloeisnes mad ift4so • - ai • vim and do tr_eoTable tsar. • . • .• -a OkittifgEi _ V V .Irareirm owl Ikuicitie Dry serylNarket and Smash eta. W ilrriC ifililhal. Jr bar 1 1 11t -a 4" tissd wean. •• seditiseL yerflesay7 p a: "• • cocoa , • Phygriark's pramenpuente Mehl ktratriess vas be kedYst WYNN* fabl.o4lr• A r Watilufeni. UTALLING/0113) &V D, •• Y V wunliNt Marckanti Pktabaeit; P. 11•21.1.11NOTONs Atiornsy at Law arigt, .mission. la ago the mg arawris sag atom . or Dead.. LA.." C•nanown. Depegtioss,er say mac writing (wader seal ;meat) la used ar resod us :is But Olia. 011 re *a sirsot,stswe Sant .1.16. • • Yen -tf AMOBINDA.tran,' , A • •sy !tt W:FIN Mee, soar Essitaeld. Calieetns, at. elci and 'Mir baastes• Wooded t itb psottoolity. Waco— .. Hawn. it *mpploy NV= a10g4.13.• v9, tl Fasces& Scro,John I lama, Ex!, La.a.,..k. . J.Ya Wngto, Reg, • Isastle011117,2•1, - I:ask • J. BlirAillei r • SECTWMV DI ILLER, be. a v plum aluserne WINES & MOW, '...":!.l4trtglicagirriammielk34 WARRICK MARTIN Ik•Ceo. • Ark. Jr Ark." Sara Nile ea: um, • °weer of Third mool W cool UMW • oeolly Pitranerigt. l•O V W :Mumma , IN Livia • • WILLIAM! •111.1S_. ATTORNEWS.a couniertunts' AT LAW. (0-011rwe Norl side ovf ?wank mokLionisldthikidAXl . fobliOtwl Ifinelbitrd._ Tae If. Jam.. O. 0LA0831178.31 . iele"atfitllresaWaratt= in Oila, rs aa Wald at all um • (all and !central staeftmeata. r oods ia t tlatia . Waal, sueeti Cluarryi....ll.lgy, ILEUMS OF TIE JOEUTI MILE, lot ?at gazz knr HOLLER IRON, BOILER HEADS, FLUE t FIRE lIED IRON. E.'F,: - IIiHOENBER I 3ER sP TTIMIORGH, PA, iwtskeis W Wareboobe ibrbsoly orsepied JO' s .B.Pbey & . Water Hanel. mar gysAN Stalks IMOL , TM keep ea ILlete.a fall *apply' of all sues of boiler let abd.Hwede. Flee and Firslled Iron, sada boa huilseUrnbele Mow which will be Gobi atilt lavreat met raw: Eskers Haltdera sad calms:am bolted WOW and exudes Ms well. I °Men elerpOr es, *idol ob. y WWITOWIIIIS MID. pitmen mai MOW , wy, 43 Market si wiero doors atewerbinl Plusblngi. will Iwo eawautatiloti band • waliadieW ea aweittmest of tb awl wid b. Ike esuwallte Una. Pirfailialls . stallaiaricrs will b p 1.007 OLU ,. .da I ud "Th. plied with articles tbe? way reiroipo" m vendee.' • arrlysicims"Pnweripikim will b "marital? sad maily prepared !row lb. beat wawa% ai any boar of 91117;ratin • COrdet 411 • seleomd inset of • Mdauy Ocala: • tentimees, 0•141 law •• Gessiss Coop“, sea* el Inking s • Mr/taa week' ilt, • ATTO , LAW; Aides ad se.. Chatty/is Motel, I r1175BUE(1 11 ; uY W lC 44 ltgga i l d ir c tl e r= ions : isk 51""1"..; urn • ' Much ult • • UT • • JOild DIOWL AP, xvortrrAcru RES of T., Copper, and Monet LW/ Wm, end dondor fin Drummed, and Japan:nod WO., N• V/ etreaL Mit etercritnrr teirpccl• fano sells dos we ahem of don Western Merck..., CosOry deakss. toe Ahem tp lugs met of ens o efinged Tn. ood Copper yrue,.watin la rge Aon. wen hoporna Hem V • klandwer..• • Winisso4 Oolong and dm he geserany, my loon -A n own*. P.Z. 7 wow ute p art aokocrorledimeau of 0010 D, LAust; 01012sA0, • • • arother yrrllin• M neeirdal A/ wed 10 Owe. at ICWITU DA Y. INDIANA \ Tr-vapispeqsousuusu OAN.OOkO & CO., fro Ir 7 (JANA'', 1511117. T. , NEW O RLEANS. - ' • A OF-Vlll bt J 11 drateN Ei1..41115 Stria :War Kelerr4A.lerat‘on heed,* largo neck *Met pewdemi, bed, Oltniee and Maud flows, le Tktee• pad liartele A /10.18 1 1/re , Aioleeees. Priers I i beratsed bar lognuel sled, ILU•ski of. or stews. 60 banllL • • 1...11 -7 7aso. tiv. s BRICWKAtv 14A PITTMAN 110 Ohm/ ltarliars Allay awl • 1.11. Cloadsrat., • • • • "Vr. Boabrlght. • • • .1. 11. & 01111111011 1 % 11131,-qn, WARiucervi npai, r not It o irrior. to WV Wahl' they...ria &spout .. 001 1 , • "• . Heaver.; Pa awe" a niues • .mi. karixt. so, V. & V. DOCIAON CO« hifANUrACTIALNII.. :Nemesend barciamo lad Iv.i.'tlystitn,lfoekitay •• blanun FOAA k 4, Alromb•••••• N. II We. 4 uvat.ritoommi.. marla I' cauriaxi . Omer. Netebsau Hotel 11c.ulesethallsreaplliela Nome. .. • }old • 'Aeon NIVOILVIIM,Wioi taioo,toraor or Mu let mail ViOakei4 • • Jy7 A. M. Ws.ltitigund. • Jedo:P. Rear. WALIANCIPORD & COMMISSION & 51:11tWARDIND MERCHANTS, loans u • 'llt . AF - V HARDWARE AND PITTSBURGH 12•2111t/WACTURS: 11 4 WAKlLa i t t /U .i rt t arra, o u . Wet .1 . ' 6 1 sale 160,000 lbs aa4dye t e . o h l! e tres: Naylor Apo% Oast Yee, r. Blister and Denman . tong d o s(Woes Am. Maar Ppong cod Fort VA ds Mantis, Spades and Forks ; Ognistn rutp and Aides; Anode" Dmorso how) Frees, (bums and obadastO • Furnac e Sedge Alm a etr, Furnace ilingeralJaiata Lw) ' , lancet a, Clay sod C o ol Pieta A nse swan, It Log Cages,dr.; IrrSalssaander Fire Proof Perm Icoa. Nails, Glut and other Pibbargla lUanarsetwes mid as the lowest elirDitamobewer, • • •J Resettle Sank. ow-Imm U. niziatkowsa ao. • - TOEACCO COSEISSION• CB A NT P., Na. CD youth Wharves, and No 117 south Water st PHILADELPHIA: EG to Infants du trade and dealers generally or B Pittsbargls, tkat they Say, made seen arrangements Veit,, Vitinna roanofeetarers and the (hostess of as West indica end other place., as will insets a hub and EOOOll2ll sapply °Me allow ong descry. Limo Or Tobacco gala ordi be told Isms as atom smdatingbons as any other boa,. ID this city or OA. orbefo, sad gat goods ordered nom Goa will be ono , ranted meal to repredentations+ • Havana; SiDowingo; Con.. • Vary• Pecto Rico; Perta% . , Read Leaf To Col.; Igatnt; and Florida, bursa • ALSO—Erma% celebrated Aromatic fluor Casco. dish, with • large aasentsent of other popular brand., and qualities of pomds.l4 Es lb and 32. Leap, UN band 14 Plug; Ladies` TRIM: Virginia Twist. meet and plain, In whole and half boxes, wood and ti together With every variery of article bcbar N ot i. e trade.. bledly ,•ivitand Oxs i River Trade, Illaadatiates !SE;I J U I..zablea, 1.) V ASDMOV. LateorPinsbargb, Pa. Law of Naakville,Teete. 1 MILIVICIL i ANDSII.6OII, DealereloCatate, .1.4 forwerdiate and Ceetzetsswe Mettbasu, Ho. • neat weer, above Droadvnty, Coalman, Otti• Man to— At Allen !V V.>, • 1 • Htti.ley & ttraitb, Pluebatik Wee. &zee.. Near . la likepbettl; . Alamo & McAlister, . I Naahvllle, Tem. Vtlitmlata & A ruaread. W F Lest. &Cat, Lotae••• Cr. •Pnager & W/ 0 ".4 Ciatimall, 0. • Jam. Jobetwo & Co. ~ Hewett 1 km k Co., N ew Oelesaa. , • • ' Ittrrar;tte ld re C i l . .. ti att Y'k l . . . ; teatit.b / Baga.ley k Gs, Pbaladep7ala. Dmk . . - . • lo a rt j a=u l . Pradece and tybeny street, <Mei x cAXIXisi non L ned 1.4118.01 m, gesevally. b. nahl3 J. W. Lanerven, W. C. warm J. G. W.••LEFTWICH . • PECS-Mlle°, FORWARVINU, Ana ConamaWales learnan44l49 • immonclitsic, P+ARTICULAR &nevem paid oonalinamena • ft at* , HIU‘ Ragine4 or other ankles for Opaleneaa nad Aura apes. • REFER TO—Hewn Ftreglold t Liglettear, Mr. nos enaa Limerick; Neerarks.. Hearn. Lorton ikuenon, Ur. 2. M. Shelley; Lc. iaville. . Meows. Hall & Speer, Hr. Weee: pia.itsiNeri Wignunan. ern:moon& Titepalno: Pouboa Ham.e • an, Todd le Co; Cieelween._ Mews. Hynea & Cenianead, Maass,atta, Ms. Zenon Le:4;m, Hon. Joan Damn: La • enlB.ly •ilr;d Oo sothl3 • .T'6 , szt,Last 0...„ • FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM litBBloN MERCHANTS. T =MAL Tub Tirane.% nude on neniT ocia 1,41115i11%. nose slapping u. oar adds., Ub emu diree.loanlia value ha advance in Can, by apipty las ai oar Mend., Mew. Wallingford &Taylor, Pa:o , We'. Mom nos. lkilwtelpaia; 5 . 1945, • mylo.tf T. D. An palace, id am . %Wand Tana 4a iiin I.ltt l / 4 .11.0 W Instordk Taylor, ritubereh or tsar more l• iluladelpina. C. B. t a. - - FRESH II4IIIETATIONS OF HARDWARE LOGIN & 1111 . 1111TERB OF ANO WHOLESALE DEALERS II UASDWARE . CITPLISELT, . do. 10 Wood Stoo. P TT/OEOOM •• . • A REonr k t6a ttoana of teccolog Lams a.kfmoos *dr exteasin stock of Hanlon" CtoboY. 061 Am, Irbieb F OOOOl our • oirastagooas Was pr•ed, thtetl from the Mattaketworo to this eawary, otobles Ora to el fie mob ea moot oarponett by mono 04 otstollol Cow rairAmters aro raoiaottattf O.SW 0 aiL see IS asatten cOcultAx,__ COM•It , SION FORIVARCINU IMEALHANT, No. % Wool) Sracrr,Peresinion,. CNTINUF:S to transact general Commossiee Bowsaw, especially in the pun - base mid ale of American l'ilaimbretree sag Produce, sod to receiving sad ferwitnimg Gads coseigued to OM care. As Abets for Use Adamdsetimens, be will be coustaetly supplied with the principal articles of • Pictsbutgb hissielbetnte et the lowest wholesale prices. Orders sod eowaigemesta me respectrelly solicited. . • ' :parehurra • " of Pen, sad ply the ban SiMI Joho F Singer. .• IssLao .2141 For- Wood nneet. teble Camay. • • • 1L... CONWAY' lib 41X11. WinnSMYTH, Ott* Gem Maim sed Ferrnsdiag .1 L i n o, aed PooSoca Dealare—alae snood ea the Pankow, WA and taloa:tot of INF Inman', to. To, Anna* Janes ICA Dream Caddy t Co Lamm. Sae lirke &Co I lea rr Graff Cita Lladaey & Co D teeek h. Co Lyou.Saorb 8, Co Cluke k Taw martially • • Mau. Mom JOHN F. PHRRY. time orate Arno( Ala/oolro Leech A Co] • Wbonnal• G rocer. Comostalen 41. Figur Ilsrelisat. D • nALgai. tar. of °wav y Pro-bee, Cop. per, TIN 7tn Plows, Tiartrolloby Zoo, /4“. Roan Cheat Imo, Ina and Nail., Mbar L. D7e Stang. ecro. VMS.. est, - (ce, as 4 finsbargi Aloootaveleo ',morally, comer of &batty - Inns sutra, P mace', A. Q7.lbonlelvinAtesoaCaokkorGcoub,audoon . tigoonalto of Prods . • - AUCTIONEERS AND: COMMON . lIERCHANS; ALEXANDER LEVY & DLO& • CINCINNAT.I 14 ST. Louis MITA to sell at owlet emabbabetaal, all lOada et Matetisailite tba lomat rates of Comatisaiaab and ex etyma clewed lo make admute. The beat of regrew. gleam, if ma/abed. • Users srldrearal eitbet &M.. be promptly +Mended UN WWI/ • JOHN 1. it ICIIIRDS; COMMISSION MER CHANT Nu. 'so W 41.14:14 trr- OMClieArtilue lIIALTIOIOIII, IXTINDOW Gloss, Glass Watt, Dred Prvii, Brew V wax, sad eveatry POMOICO. AO•AtLet• IMMO OM COOOMMUKOMB. SOIMICI.7 TO. ere*. to Woe sAldrvesm MsW. scia74l. . .I•llWOmpa s . on a oaar hat izi c.ris. COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Jlamagloturars dLlwes 01.11, 20 Cokunbis Stryd, , • . CINCINNATI, OHIO. crualiimus las rusassah.CS ocriLly ' WALLINGFORD & CH .00snassux1 a FORWAHDIRO OD.. Becoad Strut, aw Weed. DTALEAS ritt.b.llol Iliasatuutm tad Uni Hareware,wlll km. axtnaotly UM • S•as. <4 carnage 4.~ swe mulch boww.wlW•usi mil , prm( WO, aimlt, view Mao luwalme bellevn, Aledges. weld] D. W. WiTIIWI. • • • W. T. IPATCII. INATRZW• do PAWL, • • • cesium)! 1181CIIN Wall Water angs t 6t. LO ID, MO. VA.II give pangst•r =win te of rap, dwie.and w elders to wahs.g. Una ire.-I.lwole 'goyim num. -Torke-199. .17ema. C 009500.& JOHN . JAVOLLOOOII & 00. CosinsissioN. Forwantiar- lierckeeds, NM: se et. 95 sotrfti BT. Wert Ir• DOWLINIVII WIIAIIV.11•111••••w. I'UOVWIS/311 101 6 di - Co• COM/418810N ME81811ANT8; No& 9 sa& 9 LI. t, . %.• . 111A&_lit STIMOILIS. is Cub adraneco b• matte Ws wo•lpant - and sue , j~~ WIEC=I jadis - sad wirer•drsta add ed. dtrodstar est. /smelled .aiebies,• • .2..1 other • proved twill divided. sad ~`~" tftliiigii • di .7. " FLOM' FACTORS. AND (MAIN AMID YRODUCIZ • Comusisslarei Iforell•lata. •- 7L 8011TH efNrIe►IILARPES, PHILADELPHIA. A :BeosfP Trzr v i t.rm all4ll . sad Wog Prlukii. Rea ILlowere i r Comets. -37 • 'MO taillArA.:WilitAil:A Oo t wen. rmir, o.• •••• t • • • ••• ••• Water' 11100!1 , 14•Amot Anthem Reel's, inTiclllolM rit- N&TadaiW N NOONV i a l lten USE, • • rattantrah: Pa. 1.) A. AD PAILINICAWORKBTOCIE At Co's. WHITE /JP • LEr-Tbe oodersigend have completed OW, env worts, lemon on the bank of the river above the Aqesdeet, In Allegheny city, opposite Plttsbiargh,fbr the niandactere of a euts. rim qnllty of white lead, both dry nod ground In oil; Moo. red Ind and litherage. aeries evalhed themselves of. ell the recent Improvemeata ie It, manufacture, and ereetod the huildiap on a very esteasive scale, sod nth capacity to. make Ind in large quantities, they will be able tomagily order' to almost any nuns. sorh PAT'S' • •rr MOIL 011.1./L—Caleb 5 Wan, Potent Maker, Allesttny (.1 . 1) 011 MU bat th e eewiln: rattans (Of 511 , !•.: ea r bald slater( •• " r _ OW HOP • ° CALM! UR 111LBREBLES. ;;;;;,,,... KIX TICA Illf nf tlllB, .X="1" 4 Vl . 4l:Talftes of ' Mesa awl uts , wr Lk Tax; • one ep la auafxri half, a nd ana posed pachilyi rtt giag oaaa 541 p2f pound t SIPA A Ylal•Zh . • A?. 1,10.0 r. ra, tootet2ltt..94, VlLlsbougla. • Dr.PAITIDIIO hoe tog nada moo arnageoresto is Ids reel taalsedatlai be es deists las abed otr albs dodos at sayearessaa...i. le ass la las alias, weer ddi sD Lasstoraireas. Sennett Sohn sad Teal ahalff 99 9 9 6 r99r ,60 ..esa 9 1916 r. ••• • '• • . .71traia it..la NW/—A Ora tss. Allem ult Eli Lido isisis • for Belt*, srstl7 naa , ror 1110 "sib, erg Immo. ipm iron/ • • I.la s n Pitii.UPs.g.not mot T °SIDON PORTZIL-14 don lopedinrAmodes jj Mown BOW in 4. 10 b.C".11.. 1 . 4 0 I.l4Wat MrWebv.: • WI %. po at 11•4161.1% Ws, a main ardeaursita • • ILSCELLANF,OUS. .. . . - JAMES W. woopisraclA, Erma — vitas IfCaarraill liana 100 lat :, , i ...- • ••Ii.ALAR ff ISISRm THIRD IITRE; •' ' ' ~. - emortsaml M Faraltan, r e • ' likable 6r etemboma HON. awl enema Dye. . Voss, eenielltenly en heed and wade lo order. • . • The passel eleekeelmed cams be mettle.' I my, 'wesurfactory se the western mortify. Pomo. ',Alai le parttime weakl do well he 0.. g am e celL ea I sai .menaced ay ' , nets shalt please. ran of the Maki mimics es -60 floras with Plash *ad Ilaireloth corm; odes Mahogany Norse Chairs; . . , 14 pals Divans; II dos Bne miogany Chang . al nalomarty Work 13.2V1414, 3 tkr's matron., Redline Chairs, IS amebic alp Dressing Hareem; 8 pair Woman% . 8 wattle lop Work Meads; • 18 chewy. Wert &Mix - Mahogany, Illaple, Cherry. md Papier Iledsteeds of all deterlpem6 and a lane 'assonereer of Common Panthers and awn, toe nommen , soention. .., • 1 • meek( •IVE •HAHLYWAHF. 110 S JOSEPH WOODWELL. Career of 'Wood and 9d ot•, Plttotrarga. AVINO veiled men bens the old firm or W alker LI Wm:dwell, on Hie lot of January, ISM I take plasma In annonnelng to .my friends to the cite and essantry. that I have opened my new store at the above aimed place. Hamlett porchased my goods for cash, and made arrangements with • manufacture= in WM county and its Europe to be constantly supplsed. I ea fatly prepared In (arnmit Ibudware of all kinds, o. as md Lerma ad as kew as any boon Faster West.— Iderebents and M1...1ax reapectfally Waited to cal sod eaglet.. ray auck. before Intrelossialt following comprise's pastor my meek. Steamboat end Saddlery Hardware. Otni Tramming., Atha Nay ktrUtSteel, Cathay. Edge Tools. /writs, Va. emi r Leek. - Latches, Melaka, Benito, Bon hinges, Sere.; Oaten Factony PlaoesSoorobloNoloo , bwNs sod TCOVITS. and al other mania WzglicaSed wi th the Hoedown booiseoe,. • gooldlif • 11.1LBEAND PATEIST BEDSTEAD. 4 0 ) . . NOT.WITBSTANDING an woad oppostEon tat thia ionall that of a Pittsbanth Mechanic, • re. Reny of dm Cabinet makers of Mu and Allogheay any, sad their nova arneastemerehaveskannt thetnallays above the vol., preNdlea maim., demoieevarima. and May give Oaammee Bodamoi the areaway...4oY been.° It dart+ it helm the km. comae* .n 4 mat owneskat Badasead In can De fe4lowmg tenimenla/, speak* for molt We, the anbcoribera praeueal cabinet makers of the ciao of Pittabanth and AlleintenY, Pa., do bcrebf ner• dry that we have boatsthe net to manakautre bad. mad. with Bancent'a Pinata ananinks, cad consider the mama Imparter rue kwaanana wail:. tuck we are aotoainueL Jamea Lemon ' - BPGrew TB Vomit P.C.! Rot'on Fianna& • .1 1 UMISoI Jams D Itsnr Petn ' ht"Vhi'm Jas. Low 1=1:‘ Riddle & . Moms Farley maga 11 Wallace • Meld Laker Ramey& liChaLud . liadtWallacs Mows /knack David Laker. For Right. m make and sell Ma above Bedsteads Nal: EBENEZER P OAZZAI6. Patmaes oriessyr OILLOS 11111101 E El ACllltill I Tt • aatweribers hominid/named • mama. May 16 .1666,6 vat Paw Brick Ifatelune, and Itimtag sines then Moro ifikly tasted its ability, ore atm prepared to sell nem and asetract to dawn =schist. to any pan of the U. ma Boas. The sada. to !Waived to mate Brick hem erode clay, and will make 30,000 good moor'Lam brick parlay, aallicianat hard to rank op al the kn.; thin avoiding Use expel:me and labor *fpm. Lange =Any lag Lad handling Ike brick Orr It tsaaeple, won oat , !labiate getout ..',2 repair, mtd la constmcied that it can be taken to mime , ad pat loather widt treat faellay,tles reader. to a ;eatable- We are lam !mild:a' machines, and can airman Mesa on Ann mum!. For • fell description weer old Wm to • amain* nOW I. comma( ti or Is *Mt A Mill creek bewmoolear tbr. Wen end of koahat meat where're .hall he happy to explain everything ermaemed arab it to isllwko may call. We Mae at prewal De sathortred Agent AU lament to oar address ."11 4. " Tl7O/3=14, memn.unt r c... .011101.111NATI. anriihro -- Earritsmax usted end lepproved daring th• past two years,by ',meson/ non manafamortaain th vremcs pantry, and aroagbast the interior, of Peenthylventh, will be ready for delivery. the opening of feaelptlen... The ntatertal an m bleb lbw durability and myonordy depondkls *dented by eaperieneed bon, brought anne Maryland, whore the at/Gfa•Ky Inn asele—ake ftsible matter, with whieb deeds esrefnlly erparmed They grill b. therosikly, burned and owswmetly pmseed by mankiner . y, sad me ants anantongtma be Mears. Harley t Co, the pro. ',mom. in a/I reepeeth to maintain their neknorledged " ZrrtViy . mil or otherotee, b. romp 000 . 00- ' led,on spy li etlion to 2e e l, tlt MACLAREN mare [own's.. lona W..'" • . Phr W SVCII.7III 'TICK) oAlClaillY. CONFECTIONAZY ANO.FUOIT IMRE. and • ere. osAdooday, Aped lido. Mat: door* esom Wool ' and Matt dose ta A dayse's P Tea Store—. A splendid asstistmeat of Faiity Cabe, ISafeeboassy. Frai freMiesithst emitter every day; assangebieb ars yam t Posnd Cake; Lemon °mall; efdor do; Yapper No ,, i. • MI.; Alabama der. Molasses P. taxa; Wager !tam Wafet Jumbles; eponge Biseal; Federal Cate; A. pa; Sugar doc Cledeus for lee '.e Brides' Cake, Vanier Confsetioaary, ae., de., emoted id • mama' vase dulled in gash.) and Wow, by uty mbar estabbal. meat in ibis city. Fresh Bread. Tis;st, Host, de . oranorsensred solely Gem Wand Wheat Pow, sod Ilea ream all drera. every saaredaj.• ap3 ANDREWS 13OP TOP 310010 OP Tit *TING noiT eues—ah. O. De 00•10 h, km arranged add parsed% plu fortie s ssag or Seaway white bas bean sae. a/Meetly dyed In New Vert. he ' and tabors , ' applied. bay starved the decided preference ores swear, Farads., to. IM adesoure arc- Geer nurslarity of rewyeratero. • Pod. Freedom Rom Poeta 34. MStospiradasi Dryorm. eth. Tomb, attandod in, and sot ltabla to tee 0.101 seder. • Mb. Gee=Useability. • A Model sad Specileation say be men. and the op pandas obtalsed the. Copper and Massed iaelery or WM. U SCAIFE,FeeIa stlted, irrOif bat. Weed Rol Market ats . . _ HACItLZ . VITI= d iL/11 . 1 111 {TtALET — ...., discovery of 110,11.4. ellacy, hor rend.. In toe sato Dolt en/ Aurora weir as unpartlag Jadeite...a IVOLILIO bee to Ito eompleztom • Ithast's eektassed Almond Phavlag Creue, artgelt is am generally wed by gm (sahkosble cow. ratinal is al/ parts or not United Slave. tool's Drok story Powder rot mooning eaperfloorr Irwin .Malso his highly celebrated Vegetable Laqaid Hair Dye, a chem.:Al result b enable perenos It eye Omit hat. tastaatartecondr, and to ehaega red or gray hair, arlisltese i tassusehart and eyebrows, or • bpadrul ljo m r==ass Du sale. wholesale sad Omit. by . . ••• •D A PAIINKSIOCK CO r!. l -01F' C `".;,..: • ItArdhware, utlery. ilddlar y 7 4 / I A. roes vrAtmira. DIPORTHR AND DEALER to Pomp and Doane wi Hardware, tosald respeetfally lakes hisfriende so 4 the pebtio gesetally, rut to Is sow receiving hit Ppriag enmity or Ilardsrarth u Oa old stand or %Vatter Wooderell. No to Wad West, ortdeltha will dispose of olds loon reasonable Was.. . He will be cootimnslly moving fresh srodiea diner from. the Illasairovrars let Ira nape sod dor loantry, which will enable thaw compete arlgiatty establi amosS, sales Patter Won. • I Waft= Ida rcill.oll an Imiled to call .ad tumor Ids Mask Warn imebaanis akevoler• ' • • Copartnership. WE, the ashininted. ban mend tato Copartner- Zs= ar =4; twit: ilesT l e ' t j ote ' r i t; e of - °ROL Illeuesaw n CO., asd hen wine werehotun he Ceetwercial Raw, Lawny outrun-nary otearied hy Mr. W Pawl— where all !menage trarented te eta charge will he prostpdy net rainfall 7 - amnia tn. I O MONJUS <MUM, briserly of Philadelphia TWOS 111cOREW, • " 4- einthgehl. - FINDLEY B aIeGILIZW,a • o o " 3 Plusbargit, Ma:that DO. • 'noses gairmw, d'Ar the 100 Ps 4.11 , Nausedi, Leeklog lJOlato Muoiacuorit ad 400 to doekt:Cooo.o, sal Variouy Uoeda. h oMonsatly 'es hod, of ble IPoro mansLociono.om. 40100000 o, 0111. Alsioguy ud Common Lootbu Olubu .1.11 0. 4.0010 drawer Tatar, Oslo indonsunialport.sh (mu 1 AU elnds a oak% Tram led Wallolo, lal.l o 00 Amu; OgoUnoesdo,aael n uotiol unmoral of ?tug QsdtirkokaaWata wall odour. , on eat• l'edl/01 and other* reppl.e4 PholollCoolo, Cor Hoed Primo. and 10 by 11 frau. 01 Nu Veal one. wr100: • NOM. Me wend sod 1.11 DRI7OI, DRUGS, TOM. MOHLER, Davos: and•Apolbecarj, W, cl.taar of w ood aad aka .u, Patstargb, on!' keep manual) oo Wd, Do. o, Paw, o,m; ,D)Tiltlr4 B pecactiptioss caporal!) command-. tolfloo3 Ue boot inateohda, .t.. 1 &woof ikeGoa day or aromocni or rarraroart; Tooth, 1 6 1 „ al w rgod , alotls Bruhn , to. .67 . 11 , 711 • • iosos s hte:INIO irr. eamb at. EAGLE pOTTON W r _ laktivANl:nlTia YA RN. iposolonVielt, Batting.. Twine, Coverlet "I" . TriViggrakte i Obecioon or *sain k.Avelyj . hoprl.ll, COSPIIIMOSEIL OP DICED/ • . AT 0114011411A71—1 emberized by the Governor .a.ey posonyl•gnle IllketatkWelaidglol.4 1%1 1111 IHMllliede or wining, also Oder, ond drperitiestr of perm:min Clio, to hasped or recorded In Penosylre• Ma WM; 11 doors gam of Lbe Waives Me. 06. Onzia4l.ollu. EDWARD P CRANCII .erlOdt•r! Anoracy,sl_ll,w .IUVIf,-,-114i TED. ,102,000 Vo l :2h Sgblgtor.st ros E tc 82 1 111tita S inn,' en brvl awn' dateription of Wrpint 'VP ( ' wiC6l"i fil:WroLD9 EB OW Cornet NIMI d Inn. no. rnio'bonth VININO WAWA Nottitly Rose* and Noe: ; nen., ko , satiable for plaelinc in Cesnotm's an be famished on application laths sttla 6111(0, Nanenea of Jas. Ilfardrop, Manchester. ••• • 8 N AVICKERSIIA III . • Netl24. e'er weed axd /41. et. soeINN ( 6INIIOLD AND tHL l . addision es ory Writ. Noek of Gold aid Slylle Pm; en wet Waieba;soltable OteLaiks sollGessletnen ..of the Iwo and bandoestot Nunn , "44 of do ben samdlNNO—vrarrented u 4 fa sob at vegliD. . jelo 'W %V WILION Vallln Ttnereittp and VariegClooN.Tanotse. eery end Hors combs, Wobtlea Yam and •WWlMlMNbettene. Needled, Pine, Tepee, Br. R... Nle au mutat gin between Demand and lb sinew • • I I . =AGO sad Fauns of VOSiOal.sin.aantai 11,0114 1 04 and br We redered peter , . et be Liefillum , . No tn Wood street. env. ta tl • 8 N WICKERSHAM ; WIZRMAIIarRERZERS—Jew reed.* lege aeon / iestitet bauwoiSs excellent Pawn tee Cr F. newleeMlibie br kletele,lbseemboate rtee fem. Pm • i .10111UNIJIP =ZO fi22 'AL CIOLLECIE of, oulo— be i.T.L• canna of Lemma In this Ittudien. will co. xenon tko Ant Mon.lay la November, and Cana ul the ck of reb.oe.y. • :•••• . t' •• • Faculty.. • ' 3011F.T LI mp FTWELL, D, Professor of Anatomy :sa • vrtisA. • "d011M• LA/ar, 31 D, Tremor of chemltuy nod LUM ASEY.2I O. .retsor of SoicrTt • 1.11 LAW:if/M.14 D holcuor of Motet.. Medico, Tithooheset• lad Gruc.al Pathology. • M W11.1611T, I'mtettar o °bunting and Dbourn of Women an.. Children, a n d Dean of the Farnhy. • 1011 Pi T DAM:LION, Troftnat of 71... rs nod Trs.tico of Medicine Tee Tr. for oLn...ion la be Ltethrtn of the Ploke 'gats 113 each—matins Me ogglegotelPo.to be paid ' lo odt ancC. Tl.r Mau cols. on fee of ls. catit:ce the dind •orann. enin no tba.oth of 'fbn Colter. Llblarydori pm ns ike The dek.-1 for ollenJaner at the llo.al In Sh, and the Diuttonc ithket nth either of tablet., may be .4 ken of ortin•e , l taplo.are Tee Dluet.ing Room. will be open easy in October ander me Demon of the Pfolithor of Anassoy, and hi. au.stooL John Davit, M D. A will beg:wain (lc giber. by the Proftntoth, grauslurntly, 'bath In Me College nod 110,thual, go drue +heathy wish auend Ike wader ...inn Dostd.og (tom 2 uo 3 61- tali per wad.. By older of the neon). aYWIw CI 11 WillUtlT.3l D Dean UNlViCliiiiT Y.OR 111AWICLAND. . • Faculty at Physic.. &mon of Intl , s. IIE LECTURE:I , mil COM.er CU en MONDAY,SM 01.10Laf, nod maims° until the Ist of March, ens. le SII ARO WILAI r DAIL. Cberondry and I . him:Rey—WM E A AIKEN, M D, LLD. no ntery—SATll AN RSAHIB. I Therepennes. bleeds Medics end Ilyglene—l`AWL • CRAW, Al D. • i At emory and Myr :own—JOS. ROBE. DID Than - acd Practice iii Medieirm—AV H. POWER, Al Dernonalator of Annear—GEO. W Al LTENBERG— All VD 10) unction in Canis ll Med:eme ad , cleat Sorcery every day 11l the Dal be . 'attorney appetite the !ilea teal Collie. Thu non. for practical anatomy will be opered Sktobee at. ender the charge er the deems. neater. Fees for the cadre course SSW Comforuble board may be utimineid. In the vicinity og the Medical College for 1t230 to SZAO per week. ( WILLI/LAI EA MEEK 5.411w . _ . " ; . __Dtanof Mc rocrl7 PITTSBURGH PENILE INSTITUTE. pins institution, it the ray of Rev. J. td A Camas A.lll LAD, it watch all the eolid arid or nomad& breaches of a fonehml edit..ten am torten to tow open for Ile reception of penile at N. 511, Amiss Rowe. 'Aber , / Sereere letween3l and 4th streem. Tan reared Session will contaterme an 14mtdey the abth or Aognsa, and It le important that any who may design taming should be ß Ent ea far as practimitileby that tdrie. hare atteem d the names of Professor RlM as teacher, of Moslems the Piano and Gahm, who Is mown kerma to need recommendation. Amnia. petent Preach teacher will bdmployed Prog 1113:011 Altar:lt bare c e harge of the Department of Vowel Mere. j • Pro( SUalltiPßLwlll hared/anima of the Artlaio Department. and ~p glee Imam, la drawing. sketch in, ad painting. bob in oil art am, wrote— Pat. y is a competent teacher. and Wm recommendariali from the first men In•P:onspe and the Vaned Stara. Hel has aloe been a teacher In the first insounione of tha CNTM l Olry, I :2171 ... _ b 3 the Pralefft. ' lOW NOS. LAM 114, • HOLAHAN° SCHOOL. St No. P. 4 Area saws Mineral, SeariA old,, , • llastelplata. rp III: plat pinata in Mis lost notion. cabmen all the 1 Inaba branch of on English !decamp, with lowan. In the Etencli.lialian and Lena Lamar. Tao service( of the tuat cognentProfessore are per manently secured, and every fae/lity given Peril. Re •erprifine the different Lariguesesoogeiher wilt other arrempriboterua . The year to divided tam two tams of five mottle ear*, oseineencieg an the tat of September, and coding. Ae 30th of Jane. e'elisemo For the Scholastic Inc of ten months, te porable half airily in mleacee; vritacete.a. except lati•ie ad Dancing. watch are at Prolessor's OEM — rhea felevntencing any an ytime •11111. die to Ind begiarred accordingly. If It Is mooed de.irable by patents or pentium of pupil feet * d.smom, they can yenta dating the gentian aerator, oboe all do Menton will he pole • Krq.*4 M Pauenkos, WSWCleft,. Hoar Clear W lorana, 14.rImee•loklo-,F Morgan, [male, ifors Arm ;kW, W orThomson. N. SIO. Mo. rkoram Eop. Floreore. Vo—W RA Juk to es Vors.N boson Keg. Natimi Tour— Ma Laud K Colt,Teiboow, moth. —U. 1 boom Gregor de.aratterrioe—J 1%4n Kg. N C—Tlorna. C Nr•kit Pliresoaask, Coe—nos Dr tiorklmora New York. • stO YOUNG LADIEVIIII/BUILRY. - • ALLENNE.NY CITY. TBL't Inviietiors 4.dei ale dare:knot Mr. N. I NEIVALF,.. upon Ix the reception of Pop' • • &tam : Conr of Sandisky alma Strawberry W. Taalwed reseina wan ronwarre en blenear,rept 12.11 . Tlmodeeidalogla river will Sod rt to tee. Intim Wee. es hn of to woe.. 01 Pdse.S . linage peps will he ree...ived at any now taring Jo Tee Mniees corapMent Teaabses will berieeenre for Ousel Wt a.sy wok to melee Mummies. is Dertaralntang and lilwa.e Fe Imbue retativels Meteor...of loetrocidos, .."emleshcitishe or apply I. the Jammers.. Allegheny. /sly 13. MO.' if vALIfAnLE INVKlS..rabh.bod by A • & U V Walait avert, between Fourth atelTaftS,Clsc.incislL Gnats'. Lit:awe—Tee history yte decliee •od fall of the Romeo Empire By Eioard thbbon, kkaq. A new Edge., revmedsed o:omitted throegh• est, preceded by a preface, and ccenee-,/ Anteater...l and hi.tilrical. t,. the propagatten Chrietiamtv Sy. NI. Murata of Yoblic Inetructies for tb• I'm.. The pale...mew endcotrec lartvt from tbe• French eip:visly Inc Witb o Deities ul the Lain at J cbaractr.ri and Watson'. Reidy to Gibbon. 1s hv0.107,3 pages, Depier'• Peettrala War—Complete. "V litto.all pave liallam'a diddle Agee, Chamber'*. Scotleed; Robertsocealreaitia and N Riaschre Preece and Reeliali 'Wei !tamely's American 'initiation. 1 takiirr - Lthr.wy of Actierieun Eliatory--Cestar,, lions from the best authors on • Singraphy,TrArele,CornMetes, Statiati. Sevelationarytlatlm. jlte. Se. dte. dote.; Vix try elo StaaOmelua led with more than 800 eng.tiagL I G4O pages. \ Ummrtal rieteeisi ptpers ea vallooa subjects, .coutpriar - ,:. Ilidoel,feetnetlBciescee.Aricultere , t.. l, . may,litography. Floe Arts, the Onsets Gotr,73, pby, filiaceilatmeos Ate. I eel imp Svcpp, fell thel. The Family hterileFLlbratre'A Tres . Prtvaitios sod Cur of Di•eallie by simple medicines. 1.01. Ith the sddidoo bl a Veget.bit poictieg out the virtual, preparstaid-; ref our moat voluble waive ss Goalie of 'Attatooly(and Pbriology.;; :- with ono huedrod F.egratioge, of woiee - em colored. By G Norwood, 51 D-4.44 Pars Boor Americas Flower Garden Compatuao—Adapied to the United State.; by Rdwanl Sayer!, Landscape and Oramseetal Gudeeer. 12 me, third elltios, retired, enlarged Red Ululated. raliacee Oregon, Rocky Alma atatue,&e. Family Tcaumert, °etas*. with and wilhhht Polyglot epos!, and Vaalms al metre. • ' Rice and Filigree's Debate. Bore's Works. Ltd) of the Lake. Leila Roohb. hlcse's Pante Devo. don. Jatatille !looks. • Cheep editiCimt • of wines • modulo pamphlet ma. rocbM li atarergt TRAT/r!E on the Yte ye utont and Porn 01 D, novae • ri.• by 'reopen and •itoole Medminea New redido • revised and eutarged,wite tho acht.uon of • /re/Mak Neon's igefins podnits out tke •inues. prepatat.one and Mores of too most reliable, naive, medical plants, one no sppendis;illnoraird with 100 cearaviess,o •kich ue to:4:4er Ily 1. tl Norwood. ht. D. Ile Ole,/ of the entire work is to give Me Moiety, eltsrammi.de sympodpa provers a4d termination of 1111.1. 12 1 0 11 dls .5 eas correct. Weeps and Intent.' Obis tarots es poreMln, ended Lier the cermet... of MI 'Awaited. In any event, to undertake die treatment of a dleease.io Ma tam tosnon of which buman life may beet male. Ile teentrernt pursued hy the generality of premien,. 'mead round moo waecatioi,perticulttly to the sates Fmlesete th,Soith And beendetathid • IlliISIC&T; lIIIITIIIIRLENTIL rf)l I N n PI 81.1Arit No PI, Wood mrval,ba. lam n. J ..anal • nem mock ofthe rolMeing MLitary Mad loon:menu, viz: - • Ursa Tuba., oath : valve. in 1 , , wi.h E Eat e voo• , • new and ierv.poervv re , lout lovuomeni. Tromnse ollev an V' li flat, and E fl o, made by Gee • Trombones lei B flan with 3 ralvvv, by 0 tLvev & 74 . l ieni m roVeft r a .lll4,: ', ne d .o Pa lil flu -do do'. Ulpid4idvs in U dm, Mil tuniai: oldo, or dm .., est dual. . • Ptieniini I. tome., Porky mid., std 'or/ m.i . " 4 . 1, . TrOmbs ch,l4, l7 .n m u l.lr x t : n o::t:and My, neW paiistaa MORONI improved, . • • - . ailiVait,f macs, llorocerlibllltd.erillita. ". • Fluim 4 V.l.r•Gvhoo, POO , : Elliffiaidoi Averantrra. 1 allolinealloa, Double Illameapini•p, need , . pan......e.- per Male Cattomlnatromoul. -.. ':, r nra -;.. • —2- 2 - .1 - 41011 . 404 niiitork Pianea.: . . .. . .... .. • . . • . . . . • • • . . ••• • . .• ..• • . and Medical Jultoprvdenec-111C11- ==2:l • imut math estnnttema nod stem tare. • Tm romily Medi 411.1.obrary, is believed hat nivon moan gener a l aminntetion 14n anp book or the Slatl• taunt. its aimple nod War/moons alreetioot,—su Iota( temedten and their proper dotes, any one of WI; mat inwilinanet, will be 'enabled us West moot ....n et ilintea wanalit theattettaill at enllin t at • Pb , ntn , *" We have been inhumed bt bend al..(atni wim hate in that, haute 14ma.etwN they oat memo sawnet ropy hn vroth.:ieta Us nom could not patella. t havin t g ft mimosa.* moted MOM pa Mat, in oats year, Agenl. wanted UV► tell this wurt—a liners! commie. *lon olhmo.d. J. A.. U. P. JAhlF,l.Pantiehtro, Mal IVniust M. bat. 4111 mad rob. 4/ Ilna .10111 N AIRI.LUIL No Ul. Ns toneased sad Greys for solos. • Hae rplesdtd Rosewood Plano Font ri tli n l sloth 611 estates.; 16681 from sad mos soda. Nlodeb7 Michelin It. d Ronan. Ona elepwt Rosewood Pius Poste, with 6 octavos sod Iron flats, ' Mono by Mrlrston." Oue oloont Malmgatty l'uou Poste—made by Olds /LC . New Yore. • Itu elves will be sold at otonohtotorses prises. • Also. for Osifi IS above, a scoond hood Pious Forte, %saki woos* . . LsTonrcip ntructi:z.hilitiiblithodt by Cl J AkUP James. elseinnstl. • • • THF: maronv siEIICO: bar ClOll Woos sod Cotoolst sad Revolotiooory Alms% from the yersod of the Vpsoiett•Conottoot; • IMO, - to dm 'peseta tleco.lbiri iseiSMOY 44 505.0.45 of th e War whk the Halted Sioux OA hcaes •qd Monitory • Asko...onto. Br PULP vo.up M. D M.D. •wub twoColoyetplsto Mops; nod sows Ettytowlons•f PIO. of Bahia ()moods. de. Ons me WOO% of 6,6 bundled mod siztyftsur PO. Dby ltdiboardsChnsisity. . • Fl.sipg and Valizes Preach ndgaglish Diodossoy '• MeDONAIX MOON .DUQVZSNe SPRING, AXLE, - RTKEti & IRIN WORKS fIuLEMAN: llAlLlAN,A;Ceg r iorrato emookled Weir Now wrka, Dom and to mut ea. ME every denription of Coach and RiPti. triage Iron sales American Hiiaer, spring and plotigh Steel, and allhirce of email glare sad round lion which they otter dri sale on libend tonal: at their timbers* No. 4.1 Wood toner, when they elm keep on hand a cemplete and handrorce • mammon of Coach trine lap. Carriage harderattit, mal'oatile castings, Naito at sad i/VOSI O. Mk Os, have mode anangeinenta with Mein bay it WM. •mancfactorere ell Shovel*, Erpadev Forks, and will keep commonly ma hand ever, article •rac by theta. Dealer. are reepeethely Nh •eited peieee and mime Will be made iibersr. tetietTer mAcuirin WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Paroceax. PA. 0 lid WRIGHT & CO., Callon sod Woollen Machin- Heads, Wole Ilfrs,Spooi...Drsine Loo, Card Grider, Is, Wrought lioo turned all rises of Caw Ifont Polite* and ' of die hurt pattern% elide sad hand Lathe., oSU knots f enti &unpilen fontirhed on Awn na wen. made to order for Hill Griner, Iron e. the Pipe for heating Ileiorlea. Cut o3ow Pub I.li fancy Casting geoefally.— I. u the Vlfarehooen of J. Pa er Lib• t, will haws prompt Ltlrlilift. ELUsa re lock. Bell dr. Co.. I K Ilfeenhead & Co., G E Jobe Irwin fr. Sons: Pittsburgh. JII Warner; Biesbewedle. . jaolD JOIIDOARTWIRIOUT , lAI PORTER and Illanofacturer of Cutlery, lb al and Dowd Inroad:en», Saddlers and Tome» , bond toe», Taylor.' Plltt.t Shea», Itc Aleo tomoha tom Trove», Popparterv„ &a , great . .N et J. C. Manufacturer and 'moue of Pen. Pocket and Table Code»; Roaors,Senwora. Filet, Sawa, Toola,kei boaremored to IR WOOD STREF:T, PitubargA, second dm bo. low Diastraod Alley, And bee late: y reeetved a lomasoortatent of Pea A Pocket Hulwas. hailHaForks, Alm Roden' Bad lalleatenbolaste MUSS OTITL•ZIllf . Eigotta,Rodew,.Wade A Dar her's KosanNeelfooto. Razor Poops, dt..boom,» and Who Ton» GUNS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Allen'a Colt's Bob Mont% Revolve», Poer FlUlts Shot Delta. Gam Rag; Walker's Core wd Ram Pew ow.» Cape, (Mow. Dirk and NMI.: Kale». TOCold. sae% as COSpers, Divider., Flyers, Nipper., Hand Vier& Sqoares, Rale" Omen, Elm, Spoke Bb.», Socksand Dice. Who and Pon Goatee, Math aenatica. lawmen», ko,its Tore Arm vo . ortY (Q- /ebbing and »puma steady and ponetzally done. eirW --- 7 - Co:11 , 111 7 1 - 111 . 111EL11 - 1 - 11PDIffieJg 7 v W. STEPHENS of %Vbeelirl. D. Stmobor .Ci. goof /*aim and A. Spawn of PasborM kr» Li» day emend Into mpartnenbip, under »tie sod fina of Supben% Abeeriberisr & 04 at tee Anchor Iron Wads, Wbu.l.tag Ve., for the porno.. of monvfaelaring Iron and nub of every desenpoon. E. W.Prignocrs. E. F daonamoza. 1. ..t. STOMTOII. 1111211 BAS, 6110BEINIGE1 k CO, • -- - ANCHOR IRON Wha WORRS, ling. Va. Mailibellus all kindest Wier. Meer, bar iron and PER • Riled • lags and ash:. Being *on. mud WWI 011 /sala Works, we cut ofne as musts 143 eat 111ne. 1, 4 Sl...b.lrin opals = . .Uallis wow. All .t.luchwle. seal et Ye Wasslom of the Worts camera' llama soltalsr slum. isilll ALLEGHENY VENMAN BLIND ?AMORY. . • - • • JOKE /.. BIIONVE ITAUS Ma undhall is btforta bla friend. . Fr the patine si Ism that tar... o .. ettow In fitnyenboa, on the East ere Orthantemnitkay,where • ad Illaits=iat Illimia. 0 asloa colors Mg milteincrianditcpton hand. dm at Ne. Word et. Irsambencb, I. J. a • IL YbiNpe all cknhwalairsea. Mind.lntaleta made to edge 10 the boa Mile. lniad. riffirored at the st.u.t maim N: B. Ng Illiads will be anal, withal eng addi banal cecina en that they can be removed in • mo ment ta cue Ogre or au inshlog, and without the aid of a crew dr a atedlyiarlemli ATPULTODI, lien and bras goad. . .. en. ha rebuilt and commenced bosoms at ...d.- hie old stand, ware be will be pleaned to .:::.. ."-- me Ids old C0UL.1313 and friends. Charek. theambeat. and Dells of every . , 4.z . ..7.. , ate, from . In to 10,MM pouter, east frat ~.........- .• plower orate moot approved models, and warranted to be of the ben material!. Mineral Water Pomp, Conner., Railing, Ate- he. to with erety wawa! el Uram Camino, Licata ed. tamed and finished tit he neatemouusner. rcrA. P. It the sole prodnetor of Demees Aral- Arretros Um". to malty celebrated gte the coda eon ofkiction La tagalong. The Doha and um ca an be Imeler hien mall lima inal-li C:L:M=ii=l IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAYINII reeenity nude very important unproven meanie the meanteeiso of gm slave aniede, and adapt! • WI Wm impaired engem wheel oven by let. atomere no pre sued to fanned. article of Witi do , mno vr Keel, if t seperior, to en Cylinder Garr made to the Unwed lutes, and ant lime inferior to ilt• Enema Moyne. We ere 6110 very erteurrely e din the teens faetere of Coalmen Window Glens Deadlines' Tisk ned Doles of ...try demeipoon. Dealers onerelly are invited is ce;l w e ed amine Or tbemarleen. et our mare- Mama lila 131 stnet,Pleaberib, Pe. • . oens _ - ----IXT7W-7-CML—Ct 7 rirrsavacti STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Sr. %I •Nd —Law, amt.. near Aliw:NL:4l:ll.t",°""&f,t'4l` , L . 4l=4' 112140beibEte lleassema. U.; .11 which,. bon - • IF^ pe e p lel . IM llohod ethoth..l, dr . oar prierl-1 aie bestows, we lame lo meow as :Xpleto se ar ticle ae cart peletbly be wade. Thy towed in the bantware wadsowe think. will Ind a to teem aaserrst 10 45 ca' it h a 1141 i ilk, rs.rt'zr=l,l.t.,.. COTTON and WOOLL 1111LCRINICIFIN T"s 7 me awl Woollen m ehloery. so Om ems remommble terms. Orde re addromed to as will meer widt mope alumna W1011711124A . DALZELL Luba um; Allegiany Cho N —IL Viiyhualro, .bo a has • patent to. • very Imporant imptavone ot on the Cud, sod vela has been e'en.' NI the Wt &nosn pan in moil of the rust rid. wavy nod •aneesolli Caton Fat tor,* of the .eat, wilt fn.lue pennon] saralea to ratios up, lodge eat iygoeuco,,,/ tWia concerned, all nuLalkoe• nude at ibis embllsinnent. • • lavateity C..,se. XI eel 94 Pm: Dam u enct a ci t i tlI F . 11: .. 11 . 17111 . u ll: tru" lt : MN BELst of ell Cm net fnm the Ism imptoved pat , tem atel wartseted coal lo say. 4tle Buse Cartlngs, Lambed :f btdercd..oa. .I.n -liege petpromptly ..dor: remeable ono.. coolliklly Wm r wail.. c Mauna. .. r Pinball, . • vourroonlisits k praiirl.;, ' FLINT GLASS AI I NUF CTURBBS: WA r if= g r NoceLiater 'xi 1111 Ant Suess, Tee seasoned by: es Is warranted a goal in any to th e • All Was will Inceive 'prompt Intention .d NA ll.f reassasbis unno. Alannansa and others tit s f dIV' day atom. 'thentorall bawl. parensaing ell. =r e . • • fnAl4 le — I.7iIiqr.TNCOTT mON en. a. (RON and Netts, ttlntre.ts, ke. for sue at tow new .Wereboaw, No. 89 Wan,' went, new Wood, ma ming to Front. Also, an arsetunent al the old stand, AlcAlarneest lAtteny street, flawing made erealk t ddttkets to an Rolling MW. all orders cap be filled premed!. new= GRAFT, Llnitl9AV*k BIREINCOAII TACK FICTOEI. • cAmenzza. a. puzss, • INANTIACTUIIta• OW FINIVING NAILS, 1100 K ILIAD MUDS, Ire* and C. Took*. IRON AND COPPE ppe R SHOE NAILS, . Patiern Itakere Points, of coy description. Mica No. 9 131: CUT!. Hotel, Third .treat. Pittsburgh; • rrrrsnuttait STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND A7.LE: FAnfORY: •• • • ""c ""4' /Olit; & lZKliGdr "" ,. 7. 97h " . ‘)YANOFACIA/HEItS of soling ayld salsa Rigel. LV.I. Phrase etre!. Steel Ploralt Caulk oral KlrarloPpneenlloromrrad loin A sins. and dllen. Is Srailearale Caelsekagol Coach Tsenodep generally corselet Demo l From ssrate,Pineboegb,l's. MO. P. • • . • •gun F. 1491.111. FLINT COLAS& MITABLIIIII2I6IIT.. I,IULVANY & LA:OI.IE ateaufae tare sad keep eau. M. small on hand . eat, •!Joaldinl End I . l•lnfliat Gla 'Mare, In all MI •artattes, St their Wareham art ner of Market awl Water wens, rittabargh. . Oar Walks canna.. In fall operation. sad wo ant comas ly adding teen stoat. width enable. nut All artier. ~ii protoputesa. Parthuon • amrepectfellr anlirited to call and examine prices nod terms: ... • OoPARTISIOILNEIIIP—The volentlgned h r:. V tat astecieted towhee ender the tame end style et Hey • et Maley, On the pat pow of teeneactog lippecal Dty Geode aed•Grogery basin.% wish le Infoostthelt friends. and the pablia centrally, that they wlll keep en hand to 1 , 11 times a rod essonenenter goods In them be big whotesste co• resit on as gaol Win. they eihte web:mg eleereto•to. • • • . 17tt • • 11 20 dateri aappookali Paki -p-o. • . • . . • w i —,.. .B.A.i 1.10 LOO . .. • i • - ./ItE s D•IC B ALL led Catomptio. Pain in the !tideland MOHR atoi Manna, NI , hasping Conga. Pelpstation *Walk t I..lver Complatm. linntelnua, am d an dimasetolf • I • the dn.,. law and Geer nand !ll.Rhete• I t omen All•llealtag ~,,, . • • . Railing Blood and C lion: . . UR MILNI:, Deltic, fa Idnaokbahl wag ithirked .IVI with raising blood. followed by • cough, pails in the aide, and all the amid stotokusta or consumption Ile employed two of the ben ptqaleians; they did kits Do good, and tod l ban ha COULD NOT LIVE'. Hearted of the mendarfal earn perforated by 9ber • man% balsam, he mat at 10 o'clock at eight to btrat flares. 139 F141100•VS, and tot a bottle; it operated like a .11011. stopped the bleedtat and eamth! name Le had liken one bottle be VIM able tow awed bia week. It had SAVED HIS LIFE. llle deeper, thaVoll .1/V Mr Mei ATM., un •110.1 it • Mu Ann Mann, of Wnllamthargh.telog In Talk near South Yoarittat.anya—Tal she had been awnwhtill with • hacking mei. and pain in the ehest,for • low nue. which at last became on Lad that she was obliged to gas rth her echoed for more than a peer. Ph, then commenced Dina the Al blrealreg Balsam, 'Ditcher= allerheted her av eupteme. She Is now futreueeting, and bea resumed her Danas aeoparam as d leather, 14 YEARS. Mr John O'Ne o l, 10th accuse and tint et, referred with It cough, Damn of phlegm and pain in hls elde. Ile euld get NO RE.LILY oil be tried the All Heal leg Dakar, wraith drone the pain from his side, allayed the bela, and broeurbt he thecae aeon De suface; and ow he bed taken three bonle.,ons entirely cured Pawriay and Canbumption. Mn.. Dairies, • lady awards of nr, restdlng Ebel , it ha. for sear. been san et to rack. or Pleurisy, Mathias of hood, weere Omagh, Shona. of Haab, Pam In her Ilead dad anon. parth of her body. Iler Meads' believed her PAST RECOVERY. Toe An nealing alum rolleved her at once or all her alams• log outproass.and she ow ablate sand lobe. work. Agana; and Whaping Cough. Mrs. Lateens Wells, 93 Chriatre.en L R Deals,lo Delancey..? Wm Yosapill Wablebst, know the De velem o/. obis green nnse. Ask for Sherman% AthHealing Balsam, and see thal his nrsineneignathe Igoe nal bottle. Price Si ants and II per bale, Ur Sttenna's Weem and Cough Lozenge. Auld those. 1:71,1%,10"Vi Y. Fatal Wantmeisull BlK4 Sim* Laos, NO LAN, atm t, 10 Waal instinitink • .. r. .n . ! 1421 • • aIIMIIP - 01T a. TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA...The Palle. gde) Advenroce nye :—e remedy has be. more spattered than eny medicine welt.* oar knows for Its antasmot male Cameron., Seining 1= 'a la the do and Breast Bronchi., A Remit* Rosmenms; Sots Tim., PalMou ' at N. Ile an, W booptog Cough. Croup, Nerwoo•Tremorale. Inditestleals of the blast respectability to Mils elry bear ample tearaway to its power and abate, in thin class of aimum. Among the teamonies to Me va WA attic above med icine, an several Iromdistlegenbal physicsof P adelphia. Bead-the folio lap from Dr. Yoga& the mental ocoltn. PartaelancalealB,lsl7. laving used in oty . prasuce, as well a In my owe faouly,'Tampon's Lompooad Sleeper T.aad Weed Naphtha:l have no battetrua to raying that It is the beat prep..= of the tied intim far penon• ended. from Comosegnion,Coughe,Colda and all edam. of the Throw, Dream, ke, est preval.t at as name of the r. Was Yee.. , Meta.* al We have teem within is few days the person who gave the following certificate. Ile mules well, being per• fectly eared of his dines.: Pitaxisszete, Jammu 3,1317. Pam setae of grantede, and • doubt that the aflik: tcd may be. amerce to a Italy eavaleshte medicine, J would elate that Um beeefit 1 bareexperienced from the aro of Thomproe's Compound Syrap of T. and Wood Naphtha For sterna pears lave ban &Me ted with a dettreaing realm ceesatecacelmeied wlet great oppression Tad dank, of breatinag, with a.m. eat. of tight.. a, the cheat 8ee0124111 greatly alarmed, a Mend who had been m.ll heaftual by this mato.. recommentlea me at u 7 0,1 dtd vo,.d la • nary short.. eye yalanainy eroptom•dolappettrh4i my gnome:att. beams free, as open.. lee Inc, my toagheestaml, led M a few days I was able to so tad aurae w coy butane. a well m. Any Rather infonaut,. will be cheerfully oven th e' afraseor by calling al my reakma, No. 101 Front et. JOS. McitLANAMY. Thin Invaluable medicine is prepared only by ANG NET &DICKSON, At NE earner of Ftflh ..d Spruce ats, Phdadelphsa. Sold in Pittsburgh by L. WIIAXIX., Jr. Nicene ants or Slyer bottle. CAUTlON—lteware of the moot counteffetts. that are eels afloat. The ouserupoloua aro ever ready at deems the tummy. e tllLics /RUST ASTIJUADIfed -Laultu • I. It 8.1r.5.A Dieting t• Ael 'tele A Wonder: t • —Ts ere Eruptive and Disixeramente of Ma thin, Pireplea-Fteekrea,Ennben, Salt Rheent, Scurry. Hee beads, hu s tle. Fear yea,* ego I tut Attract, the capital of France was astannited In consequence of • desteerymede as Aaiun Chemist. !ley doobted—tt seemed almost an impoorinility that anything made by the haat of ma. meld Lime snag simpler powers as than clamed by Antonia Vonore' for his Inseam. Many classed Wm end bin invention as • 6210.4. (and. Mai: many Mollsb persona nithoct trying do he saes ansql et kart. one Mating it in the husnants, the Medleal trau der of Lade (the bet chemists; so Inc norldidcbvered abe rallowing apart mo Signer Permit no vstnatey and easefully examined the mettle Invention or Yesprini. We have analysed ite component part'—we bare teed ot in users I cases t ent• we hesitate not to mitoses 11 (the Italian meal Amp] aa • Tat bleartng• m th sit: Italy armste ,, !lin. "' Inventor ma mute ' t r tf phiT.rtmentipiat el'mankirA ..• . Mimed) .1.74P0LD DUPREY. • - , READ MDR . • - . 77 From the termer himself to the_protentltopnearm Paw. Nov. 4,1,40 In consideration of the sum of CAA I havad , md• red to Mr. T. Times, mediae in the city at New Twit'. N. A., the whole preens of osmodeeturing, together with a Mk° eta of the togredimus compoMm my Intl tan Chemical eoap. Ile I. toomonfactere it for tole in ,the United Mates only, and to have the env:lege 0 T AA f nine it(lonea' Italian Clore leo% Poop.. . 1 Wm.,. Henry J. Iloidevremb. ' -- , 4 • Reseed( A:I TONIA VESPFUNI 14pg•trolot by W JACKSON. at his Patent Medicine lAt archeme, FS Liberty street, head of Rood, et the of 'be Iris Roo. • . • . • • PM • :yaml the eels p ism. to Pattebergt where the GENUINE :ten be obtained. • All mbar. are.Conetterfeis d. AA .ALTEMTPI 7 . -- . .l.• •We have be itithileled by Mrs. Rake Of • ease per y medoe bet bypr...lalese.• AlleamMeot wideh t noes ho sipetiority over every other remedy of the • . She hoe ken afflicted for the law itimeee years 'U. NEcitcram or WHITE 6WELLINUS, attended ob ulcerations and =foliation of various bones. da ' egarbieb dm: total pious have been dischanred boon frontal Woe et the crania. Rota both bar arms, ete sod hand., and from both • lep, mad from the left eel bone, and from the tight tote. beades plinth! on otter parts of her pe mon, which base he flied skill of a number of the most =lama phyaietena of 1 e,.. eit.,denrsg mat or the time bee seffenage have n exerulatog and deplorable. About three months 4Oitte• the was teJueed• to try Dr. Jaynes Attentive.. '.'• istdelt haw bad so satosobanaly happy effect upon her, .'Unoviog elf rein and swelliega, and calming the ..t . to beM,whiie al the same time bee general broth se become completely Imitated. to Mat the now weighs Ma con them she d 4 Wane she commenced the am rFoe. u troy valoableprepancus—Vot Eve. Post. ; • farther infunestme,aomitte of Alta. Roth, No.M 2 'il bent at, Philadelphia *. . ..t,t Far enjoin Pinthergh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, • 7•llPoorth et. sear Wood. -. 1 ,3 I ,',. ~wboot tem ts fittlW— . You, whom akin he d .filloreark and sallow— N I Y., wt.w hair tsbarett sad wing, .-,. Resty,dirty red m Amy— si • • Y., whom elle offianstve breath • Unptnuant le espetrid death— •'. Too coda have—boy, man or glrl—! Teeth tomtits as mow or peed, *eau. • spieysweet, and curate . Pere aad wane sod onow th ead beantifal, And Mime/Lathy, diuk make, . By reeding what le odd below. • REAUNIUS, any of yen tan have Me stove by haled 'this to °Mina' bat testA) aslag a 3. toile ofJones , s Ca nt Gale lemoratlvo—at Ita boa of Ames Amber Teeth Paste--and is calm of the roam. Teem'. halmo Chemical Semp. 'no steak. cost botlntle, and yes am metered that the telkonag ere their real qualities: The locals • putsi Ores the Meath a sweet odor,. woo, teethothal preeerece the toetlalo. The hair mar all know to be the most ezmilai le thing ceased:oh for d res. elms. heaottfyieg , and causing the growth or hair, and the amp, (get the genitive ./ °neve Elea, toted( will can all commas, freckles, he, and make dart , yellette white, clear and fair. All tbese Moots see sold (only) at IS JACKSON:a Scot and Shoe Mom and ?Wad Medians Welshman SI Ltheny to. • ••. my? ABITI;DICTOUN Pablo. LaONG experieoa establithed die e Pall Olt Out alsoftlietr moomenu, and they bare takentlntir piece magma the standard madmiticeof the U.K. Their eafailing activity. yet mild operation. have tendered Mien femr.oo.aupecially threaso the West end Pim*. Entirety free from bone deleterlova ingtedients welch are so apt to putouts Pile., by Valeta purging OM to. peaNd use, they act plemantle and decidedly eyed the frame, temente( all billions humors, sod loaves the towel, in.a healthful coedition. , '... It may 1201 be generally known. bet Is neverthelen ..11 Important feet, that may of the po opaques now in commoo nee, bath solvent aad vegetable beteg ma the . most Modem. constipation ark at t he y lime ceased operating. ti A Fabr..stoclVit Anti.Silie • Pt(la, bar ium ann. of these hurtful lagredtanu,cas milady bele. lied opal to produce the mow breeficial egret., std , Meted' ate reedy now to bear orsknekll It, Ilktid illat• lid* merit. • Pamela Old veld by zrA:PATINESVOCK4ICe.tor Inwood Weal: alone. totals sal Woad aea. tale • I 151L-TOWNOINNIST, C 0101.4011 042111110 ill tAbOdtd- VANILLA.' • Weeder sad nasieret the lir It! This Valfikel Is patty la quart males—la 41- Malt cheaper. pleasanter, and draniterd stipetkOf a nay sold. It cars. with.. Voctlllog, pantos, dekeelniLer I deletitating the patient. ! The 'MattaAmy and supenotim of this Sanayarille ' over sh other retreat. I. while fUeriategalte agrees. It Invigorates the body. It U coed seceemmlty in the tomithaf aleApermanent tans Of all didessed drake:ly from an =pure cote of the blood, or habit of the aye.. tem. • • • - look oat lot lautatiniso: —III prineipled pereouls have tophad era label...mad pot op medicine iodic come .bat mad Wawa Sae dasieseb bottle he ire.urn Meas ure et IS P. Teworeed. _PortilsV It lIIIELLERS, liele agent for Allegheny esserriew alipiml meet, .between TWA and Foot* Ma.: no ‘.- . :.:::.::: . .. 7 ;2 . .......4 .::-:;::§;;',••,:.;-...:.':0;1. AY/Olis II Ai TOSlC.—Alter vire deo Sidon enististincly provisert it lobe slot it roil= es—lbe lee &radii withorsesirsonpitre • is sit),,,Corlini minivans end teserrainised the tuntrtio kids, atisorinn iontostoi 'dine lair Ow tons rerionta Oohed. width barrio. Willis rem end wail& nisi• Arne dim resssuessi in oil owreaders vibe ni rmi•gtiptir bait. to miss Ind et tido Tordelsentioliandr Bows /lAA • • • . rot ode in nita.it, U the n Fnertliorrit, sew osi • • Mbeloodie D. A. PAONCSTOCK 40 C e o H AVE t Woo san steed•ti d Floor creed%ni rotoisivo anuelseries theism. • e ibt , y Mrs ramrod their•Wholniale.bisinota...lia. ‘ 1, 41 will thwart Store on Soul to '.esienitire suroisteent or ell the smelts is lark to width ti•ey iirrite the ales: Son of the p Wlie..• ' The Dies bisintee will be iteatintiritt amino etas ...nit of 1.4 and Word f a. . a p r. 377 oregy dyeiog !dote. iced or Ural itch le . Derlr home oe Week ester. silioeielyeleogye thjogigg the Ain. 9.14 with felt clitecthigu: Wle.e.go,ceto:e. roe el M-wid by 9irle../ACSO9baelishaitnt/teaich. 9.7rabbab 9/ Libels? 9149; ee tke.itie Rem • . hip &KU. Dr.2lb.m.ne Oselsimtlll.o.4 o -k Diailitvistntan sliperier ~,,40,0. 4 a4, 4 ,1100, 3 P1001are.4.110 eosin limo , enacusyfim tAo “am, PrieNZ4l6sineeived sad far 1104WIPIAS,10.100A.tesi . RUST PERMS` IRON . • • 1111 ROOYINEI, WLIDOW. SillriTELS,.&e. • piteS•bsetibers beg to eall the aticanee of all More lI leartested inloogrig,t. Izmir GALVANIZED TIN PLATER mad to Me many a... gee which they pow,. over all reclaim and other *Deaner. hitherto used lot this parove,peosessing taller de, the shee r and banterer of nen m e lon[ liabdlty to me. havoc. wee been tested etyma: eats, Loth is this country tad • In Eamon. Th.Z arc atm era eddes to ealoasiar • rule contraction Irmo sadden chancesoe the mmosplete lb. earataaa Tin Plate, Iron, Zito, id , ar any ow, metal now used foe reefing. and nrowevently knee a mach better and ughter toot requiting larks. freqaent • rr pair, while the gest cow Is bat a Ingle more. The ....ben would alto .11 the &newton .1.1 dealers and workets in metals, la the ninny other pat. perste which Iron tens protected, cee be implied.— !sageness! terms It is applicable as Ohmic'. of iron wt.. ILI. desizeble to prtneet from dm ettlent of the atie.phere. And they wenchespectally ca/I the at. ranee Of thaw interested Jo TELEaxAring to their ti genet:m.lV ire: which is Pow almost enure ly coed In Europe. and which ...a <eery pup., ' as a conduct. of electricity, molten only about*. half deem.. as copper, eria peat:wog equal darabat ty willthat metal. . • Haney lately erected work. this city for Um pur pose of ...agogal hes, holm. wire, rte., they wiII be able to' fart. say aritele' okieh may be dro ned. A soppl yof P s linutafaetated In Fonipej coestootPy on hand, front to S 2 wiregyp.. ' 61:0. hIOitEWAS)D ACO • . - •• - . Noe. 11 and 11111cavor or: NM, YOUR. Tiro Patedd Rigta for Odd. oruclo lou been *corned for Mn United /Hates Bs wok en Great Beta's, oodotbor Kmoecao-covainco, and oil legal meuarro wig bo ten so prdvent ony bafrieircrooot by ippostsuot • 0r.27.1y sZi=l:=l SA. FAHNESTOCK & Co., fie. 49, iiitus at a New . York, aer for gale a largo acid genera. asaostateut of Dregs and /Medicines, Dye Stairs Palate and Oils of every dencrepUon, which they are prepared and determined to aril low. Gauntry Merchants and Druggists an nrccested to eall and clan:Loa their articles.. Orders executed with &alai:leo and despatch. D. A.Fahucatock's Versailuge constantly on hand. B. A. Fahuestock, H. L. lahnewtock, i.Pittaburgb. ' G. W. Fahnestock, A. IL Hall, New York, ■. PAPER WMlEl4o4s_E__. • no. Ikßum.bkalle Rear, NZ rUzan. iTRUS W. FIELD oder* for nth et the !wrest • klaalthetorers! pines, a very extazoithe wen. aSel4 a PAPE". amen, mg every ponible variety, adapted iodic wants of C 1511110,16121 mall .ection• ago. mostly. Paper or all kinds ends to order at anon oot x' loe Nock of PRINTING PA.PLIt is tmoszally larp "" Plarllr AvaregragiTuALS" of every <thematic., thapotted sod kept cothuthtly on bait-, viz: Monza. Wire Cloth, Foordrinlor Wire% Blaseldlig Ponder, Moo tiltrarnarthey Tarim, rte., Re. RAG&I, en WIWI, Bala Rope, G ran Rope, Baotou Re.,Re.. poteththed, for the telt the highest prim thi- - sk lath be paid IPDY New York, key,ll/14/3. NSURAN CE! Isadababity. against Lora sr 'Dassitire by TDE 11111711 AL PIUNCIPLE COMBINED the adlionnal **easter of a Stock Cape aL The Raw= Mutual inatiranee Co ' of Phila. . . .CUARTER. PERPETUAL. • Manerow. (home W. Totand, lobo U. Atwood , Thomas C. &lethal, Leyte EL Ashburn, Wm. R. Thompson, George N. Baker, . George U. Snood, . John J. Vanderkesop, George W. Carpenter. WILL otaleb . inatara nee aga net Leos or . porno g e by Fire, i n PITTSBURGH and ?malty, on 1100.-2, Store. and other Baildinp, and on Fa rni- Aaro, Goods,Warca and Merchandise, on the moat favorable term.. The Metall Principle, combined with a Stock ilanitil,rod the other pretrial:la of the Charter el thie Companyi held oat anginal Inducement., both of profit nod cmfety, to theme deeiroo■ or etTecung loserance t towhich the Company at the attention and etantiontion or there interacted. • Those elleellog.thenraneo with this Company have, beaides the areal protection against lots, by the .ordinay method of sosurance, the additional advantageof a direct participation in the profits of the Company, toithenf env .sohility. GEORGE W. TOLAND, President. H.M. HINCLIUAN, Secretary_ ; 'The subscriber, who Is the duly authorised Agent or the above named Company, is prepared to make 1010e1net, at the ()Mee of the Agency, in the Sr. Clarke Hote:.Third st., third door from Wood .threet, And will giro all farther information desired mytn.diy. 11.1t1S. J. CAMPBELL. . JOHN PINNEY. ant AT reressexon fOR TOM • DELAWARE MUTUAL gala ty Ina agnate Company of Philadoga, FIRE RISKS opoo Imildinpf a and merchand.to of every denenptlon, and ARLNk: lUSKS upon bolls oreargoes of vessels, taken upon the I' mostlnvorable terms. • • Mr Office in the Wuelooss of W. B. Holmes & Bro., No. 37 Winer; near Markernract,.htts- I i b l7. ll lit: The. sceeess of tki. eeet is Coin in sin M vole• 41 .5 = . 1 : - I H - 77.72.7". . . • • I=. , hict — tevery e fe,ot OO Teel. for laa heed uhostrd.• fatly warrantib, airtime in t./1.40m conftream, avid putonage or his (muds and tle comomaity at lame to the Delaraue h.t. el lase ranee Company, while It has the add clonal advantages as an in/M1.1403 among toe most dooriahing in Philad'ta—aa having an ample paid In capital, which hy the oprostion ofitschaster u maiMantlyMeseasiag aa yielding In each person insured Dia dee than al th. profits or the company without Maclaine hint in toy reatalambility whatever; and therelorc sa pluming tie binura prinCiple divested of kmery ohne:tem feature, an I in its meat attreCtilei form. mere . . FIRE AND MARINE 119199.1RAXIDE. - rgtHE Insuraneo Conroy. of North Atheries; J. through its duly authorised Agent, the suh.ri. her, otters to make pariosnent .d limped lour apes on property, in this city and kts vicinity, and on shipments by the Coital and RI . • John C. Smith Prts'i.., Sandiel Brooks, Ales. Henry, - Charles Taylor, Sand. W. Jones, Sand. F. bolithi . Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob ht. Thomas, John White, • John R. Plea, Thos. P. Cope, Richard Wood;. Wm. Welsh, . AnhorG.Cist6n,See. Thin is the oldest Insurance Company in the Wiled SLUG.* having been chartered to 1794. Its charter is perpetnal, and from. its high stiediog, long overtones maple one., and orris:ling risks of extri husnions chiracter, it may be considered as offering ample security to Om public. • MOSES ATWOOD ' At Counting Room or Atwood, Jones & Co., Water end Frost streets, Pittsburgh. sp.X.tf • INDEMNITY •;• As silistLess by Firs—The FRANKLIN Firs Inn • 'ranee Compa.y of Ykiladelphia ,- ; WILL M i ke /..:"Fe,Po 6 enta , 6dlimit ed • , ..ia;Prrt7 la PITS BURGH:7tbo S3gNagiCOUNTKY, Ilrese th le serum This company ba6 paipeulal simian CAPITAL,. ' • • • i 400,006 PUS lie e.:ISiIItINUENT .. ... ISO:I,QC° Office corner ol Third 111241 Atukctsul,,o4l,lo. ap W--if • WARRICK MARTIN; Agent. • INSURANO - C Amsrlcm Firs Insamumes Company ' O^ PHILADELPHIA. • Cumin Parimu- nninAoo ►gym rt. Office in Pitikuklphia; No. 72 lininui Stnta WM. DAVID:JON, Fleet Fuca= FaucaT, Seer. • • U 11114,14 u 4 vrellitaublisbad Company cutinua ti 1 inUnslll4l4laga t i4P4ll444ise,Funiuma .44 pup bate= 4ura bassidpu *muter, agaiait bus or du** by ke. , • ; • A tg3=VZl Lm=.l,?;`:::ttcnif thT: pupeuully (or lioubdt pe ri ods, tuen4de %tuns b 7 • GLEV. COl2l 4.4 N • Amt. nutg • ' • " No la 77 1:1 0 ' sari' Sse tUTilt "i n et of V. ft e 11 V yt t sg8 t7=l: l lt, Wood airoat,lloao doers above f ' Cltzlea tiliehin.nreald nr• pectraitt ask the altealion f Layers lotheyr atoek of . IIAHDWARKCUTLOW end ISADDLItRY ree'd peo Atka &mak, hlortankalo. sad 11.ssia, dsrcet loom the reseadaelarera of Rog' ad and Germany: Alto, ettOrdle• of American Waste. from tha pito opal 61041thletlirTn , of tha.E.aslet tome, • 'rhea atoek being enhtely arle, nigt pot:lsad open . Ike ben le rata they feel gent eenfldente. i n Wine sole vette...folly to mem competidme from any quarter, WlrCher .14 Sr WePt. • • Ton Iktnlyroto both:elm taillibc coral toed 9( the eld aimed. • JOINTIIIiSLIF - 7 -7— ", • I%r° IT diarkst sgreet, la 14 reeervialt hie min`' woek of lloose-Fetnaktog Hardware, Britannia, nonrtran In put SS • .• ' . 9 bas Japartned Wan, 911 f hsh 144.6CA•ti • 4 has DTlLlart.• do' do do, • • tasks Eagloh Tinned irsp.ni; • • - 1 do. Ovitl reki 1 eise Ma) habil yaket.s 1 do PAameged W 0 •.1 do' Pressed Wart: Leask Ibighhhlfam . ALSO. 11 1 101bs . li•sded Ceppet; 3091111ekTillitedCoppet; 110314 a Imam W 1 t.,• .r. SO hae NJ (M N •• • • ). DUB LA P. 17 Market st ---- I.."'T'iiiitdril" II e gorsoo.Z. . TnE 6,,r. 1 , ~,...1 *Kw. oodTobseco, 1 , 1 Alen...Cl half .... nilni. I /ISt rho sobseriLor 4so Inn received la .oseonv. sooruscot of Moot opploved brand., wok g Iberia ore the feeloorkrt. Ws- . • . Vletarts, . Bantam Proolpi,... Veoo•lierdlio, .i... Faviri es }tarrenPrh endumos " Alm a few boxes of Tlakosee Moot. FAL' ero•kbta tat thewiazioloupi. • _. JOU. niont.r.it a . • Druci.t. sib a mod ot• rXitlerblii. -" ii;.,=;: -. 7dne Lithe morrafactora sr. Lard 0.1. are_oore (.N...4 m eseouto Clorairo . fOr Oat oriole: Their Lill I • of 108 hen qualm, and mil Le Wargo, loncrudorlei rotes. Tire anerak's of Druml...id °meet.* ooSPro , ranY fOrlso*Sal. • l Joapik in :4 ta.e4Nl.l,ll:ll.ier el. :5.1 . 5q,...0 . ..em . .) .. t .. 114 . 1:K c iter A! i 1 . •.- I AATATEtt FILTINIIP, kr'SkrirMlNAcrferkka : • • log sad family um reaSerdiat gorfitst 'sad 11110ectas *pan waist:. lbounsa.la . m . kii ptruve!.• lathe Irapenicielea. Taiosieby • •• • . • ::•1141 a.. :-, .$ .:' • '•00/. CUCIIRANAIIt mod si • . gt=tioe 11,5 1 11, 7: 5 136-itilw.. :. , to year wlxeribentloyo Felltill4T• •,,;$,,,,, ' i . A ;;A. at 4 • .1.1 &IiPHILLIPAreIIi At sa. . -..V-... , 0111,1 Lit. We fur...t_ Tu. liunslarryr.',. : 1 / 4 1, lomp aad GniTyPpearidlikliwt..4 order of the but muss ter•b • lus kw. ricarly WILSO N. : 'P' rtketst.,. • StiacworrriSvitan, ars ieeei , l,4welaTiolta dteribli an.II110111.1ffrkl,*0.11""..," NoW weal , , • •''' • •••—• •• • ' ti1 4 ..c...,•:• - • • • • et;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers