- . , . • ' • . . - . . . . . . . • , . • . . • . , . , . .. . „•,I _ . - . • . • ' ' . • • c 7 F I Z - 17M11 7 7, 1 7Y' , . ,,, t'w.,..r....,....=..,..z._ -', • ,..,..4 ., -Kie - - , '.7- - - T".-nr,"-r.-:....J?,,,,T..r,,,,y.,,,,,,,n.:-...,,r5,7:--,-.'" '''''""-'''''''," . r. .'-' ,,,,. .- - - ,, .1.----- , t.........,.....,..,........,,,,,,-,, „.,,,,....„,...,,,..,.,„,.„... ~.- . ~.. ~.„ . ~' '--'.,,l:'''':'''''''''''.. - ......- - ~..... , ' '.. t .- : .: T t: • ' •.i' :: : 2 1 . . nr.1m.....,.,.1:.... ,_,?,..:.. - ~ PRIUDIVADVERTISEMENTS 1 --- :;;, , ,. MISCELLAITEOU&:,‘ ~- 1 . TRAIiSTORWIRI T .I4IO,I r , .,TRANSNBTATLIONg aiNFEe i I -.,-.......,R MEDICAL. -, _ .(...._::... '. :KrDicAL. -- , .-, --liiktiliftere L44.--ecatetstattriajaillYlWil i ritiVrrOpirkt 04 i, • 5P,44, §4 044 er,of a-,acwfamily 4 ANJOU, is careful uresclude from t . • . !f, religious trtrtti:: - Ife draw" roiiiii ii . touch. 1, ' .Thaege of taint' Ef ' .--- 11 from 011 every ' 4 ' a -ifllictiotes;but •• reared 'hunted griefs " .. ... _ I , e &Thom of ',miserable pauthe. 1 ' tmr.tbOirgit 2 . ~,tibiGtiopid bid beeiV Sent 1 into the.wiuld,ro WM thit , burdens and ! , , ' elleriater the of our oetnie. ; = its - to, Or ;contempt of • reli. 1 1ti04,. .o" lattltini;Wdlicerd the effect of ' ' *religious woks:Mg; which, for the mere litiatrtyN,lilte,' - aawis Welt AnOwe to Sir ' . Walter' Seett, - K greater tliitn heut ; it'as iiiill worth his : while to employ: !'The - - public.titstedartthe Review eery inst., .lit.. "is ii dauger.,'WO cannot ' pai!, , on . ..withriut,teminding hiiiidmiieri that poet ry aniVteentitient - are 'not -religion; and ;.--' ~ .. ..if tailearaide -, Substituies for u. Nor carriV,beltaltttbat light literature - id'not the: . field.'im which religious topics:can - be most Profitably introduced p feywhen light -.Htergeti,tleili With% the ,deepest ;feeling. and -bitterest :trials of- the , heart. the Wrens" is. unavailing:" 'Either `reli gion is false,'or if such, chiPters . dirthe , histay of life . are to be written accord.; ing to - truth, religion: - must' find a plain' ' •there,- - ,- Ile, theniwbo writes is if ,the „Gospel bad never spoken of Him . who. : . le touched, by thd,feeling of our. infirtni. -_-.. ties:. is no neutral, but an enemy cruisinß: traider4 neutral 4tag."A lila 'affeetilig to ' ibink odi much of :Mid, dart or iritint is *Boit...and how iterioutris the mischief ' it rinistilO to that . :llU eadt , :nielet Of its read -r, eye, the -yonoe-lifithprinciplessinifonn ell, , end stienepiibilines,.keenly„stwake, ; ready to - take . the feberr:of whatever' .. I :, .tiOpid'tirkhmatalices may present, hooks f -Of. , the class and character now referred , ' ' io - "Mit 'by th eir' miserable defied - .Of -., correct principler.:noAesst perhaps Mate by Meedirect inculcation of vicious 'kid' irreligious sentiments, effect Most injori.: onity the youthful reader.- The beauties ; I.4)Cetylid, the lifelike pictureirtecilritit: the vividness oftouch and • celoritig,. arc ' attrietionti.Which iirili : JuiO s the unwary; to. destruction. Ile who - see. thee--c liiirlui "Am the e..eilitetable ,le:tbei draw: .intrerms - , in 'the bandit of railroad chi & - - evcittt tittiv. rieselleri,' its the '.(iiiikailt.iii the perniy4alesmen-wholicquent wharia and depots,,pti the.,,coAtatere - orliticikAtel • lers,: kna • ... • the !diet yes ,of circulating ' - lii?...Wkile'etlieA can. to e stimate the fraW • . "Ciful tendencies mil" wield in formink a • • villein". ,natiaill character—a corrupt - . perthir-iminiew..-.1.-evthem•beabunsted ii keA h l 4 '.t ii e e t ill ee . .ltei.tikfitiel44of religion ciepub p ubl i cmorality wake up and take the , ilatiii..v.- Aild'let 'ili!",ho...caa, lend'd helping hand in tke'dissemination, „.. tartiadeadt; - or, hooka , which. Mal , : effort a counteracting- induentw-,4---Smith.iTrf.r. ' Anscixrres OP -Di.: CnAmtmoil—d. correspondent of am-English exchange, noticing a 'trial( of ;Melee Dr. 'Chaliners to a relative in Bristol, given is (*tuns Of that great man among children: :1 --- "I thought, is the children ran' dp to greet . him:on his arrival; be seamed en tireV and at once The aCho lar, `die :divine, - the :philosopher—chief perhape r of his . diy in One or Other' Ae partmenr--Were all in a moment merged in 'the kind, wann.hearted i affectionate old. Man: .' There: be 'tiat, with his large eyes;. and - his noble rinse, graven with,:lines •of high intellectuality, yet, beaming with cheerfulness end vivacity: The. chiLdiei'ade 'Otiliiiitnee, and they ;hare:- to be amused";,various` are. the le , `arielmi; . ewe while be seems. to be ensi led in grave. deliberation; and pops and -deftly down ,tt . tring, them, ',taking them 'quite by animas ; one while he &taws his` finger:hrOugh hia Month; producing a sharp . report' , and exclaiming; in his bread "Scotch, 'There,. did' ye ever hear sic a noise, as that j' 'each' report - Witold he:greeted by shrieks of laughter,- and the, exclatiation, • Do it again, do it The same,correspondent Milers an. other pleasing incident, indicative eoilthe Doitor's refinement of feeling : "It has been remarked; that t high or der of Wellies is inconaimeat With touch tiollnewr and 'tenderises* of. feeling. What Ili-meant by this r l presu me is, that it is Anetuntiatent with its ,dliplay' 7 4thit phi= losophy in competent to check the tide of feeling, and to make a man a - arm ; of transcendental abut:mica ; but on more occasions atelier:l'o;Sn 10 3" tender with Dr. Citalmera;. there,were aeme'heituiftil disidais of Irma - Mesa and - tenderness -of ~ Thus, for. itt stance,,' after "parting from' -our , (needs 'I fesr,''be'intikwithionaliltititilttear , again-find _again - Mthe omission, I said that, moils all *kW**, ni-WW‘ 3 7.' inbe Aram iTof.tbit maiter,--a- could - be 'sialdr,•!iei matter at lor malitrOt br.F . matter of deeVfeeling w'01: :On Mir return, beware*, by plained-,for tour- worthyfriend;rbeforrl sealing Pe,:bACcielet l 9-fiPleibritia'kix:' nage to' drive`, ound titian . that he mighthave the Dr. 'Chimera with., book, as a- token: of hiererEte.n.eo 'MO letArd:. :,`Alt,';ol44 Doctor, as • we. !gain drove off r • that is a noth"iitanaffistre nature rho oiesilowe' awith" kindness 4-Ita kit' given 'Ma many books ,The:guestjon wink pro± ; poted;iihethiii , old age bad the effect of Humble 'the - feelinge: l Nor he- ob 4, served,''*Amyr , ar_hee..auppottetl;! by Ow!' healthfol°exisrentrcor the mind:!ef: ,Dhert Mee:firsa eltaye beitilimorod itirh shei,joUrrririg eitiset of a , leiter a • iraatietata pbia tbe'Rer. A:P:114404;ot tbe Chins;hfie*lON • under, the -Fare. of,the Preetiirt Bowl4lForeign hfissiois. The lancets dated cntih7, ,, Pkinir Aptil 21111 "I&{T hivii•hiinovea to ibie, greet DlESCultiei '6d:penslezitioa sus rotniff_os;; menielY, °l2l l b ililf t d,i . " rill ' that the- gos pel' is hereto, id ,gbetioes. tri umphal-it'd Oar tome Mutt begin 'the , work - -.4emore : -the .-rithttieli-' brook up the allow troued,'lre.','Wei'ioitst walk - ' bfeed treat intGotra,rielt SRloll,lll.cyll •thb - 4 1 2411. 0 ) 11 11.' ill '-'. hie;; ittit*;'lfeettoo. -:.1foo.will fee by Oil, paper. for dig' eultiee *Wait - E1:402h. This 'lei is= creased ~..the :Mired- to - foreigners. lit lutee4enriored - tome from our r hoose . be.. fore • the: tropt.dei'tutdc . now ere hare io o f remora . tri:"te'herererf le ;ere tensor say. - ',. it: Liced - irill Pteildif IThougli perpl` :kit!..orit''.eatir . down. •• Bet the . Lord '.ii ler:. more.: viewer* tried as. The r ho Cbarettjritj. • 'eurprieed "to heat.of.. t et dealt , of . .d • ' Mre...t3peari, Sifilinti hide:Alit hee L f trothd . * 10th hat ! , ."liar cad welt . . . Awl Iteppy. Shy died of. , Ootottooptiot ;which cote: milli on the iotege, .. soon lei hi coefkf t i f ‘Thit* ll oo4 l 4P IF". lit l Pr#lY 14011, * --,;r: Vise:. ~.. ~......• ~ . . ....• i . . . , 1•4 - *Atrium. r; pr. chat' ibei borer* off Lot* J. •rlC:onsoliii*-.; I permitioiivt.ooopke rem • • end fainilfaittaie -Iris uree•iii Oen "-iisted in ike • 1 VOintSEND% , • 4s. — 7II 4 A.PAIt • , ; . - likdiebaix,ou WIWIL i - .There=iiattlaitleetiwt'att Wait .Leap: Ati aimetetabled eseramaelwapetiat te Wedl. ear. • w.h.et aidt.W•W.ol.. i • ••••• ' • t . ; boiry atii switerily'4l.4lk boistriag ppryryrr `ill atlas blalfewe k wltihiltlbratikrata Wawa it bat seta *allay. L it b. se at sic attry beetIIPRING • Stliatlf4 MEDICINES aver Lori; it see sty='' . witalaaptem lead etrawitheaelle• pram; bill Ntil; Rim sad Latit Bawd •proter pommel be olait , iletbeiteb , thainwil went ante weepakthl more. It Lae perfor withsa a eat. heti yaws, take Zpa wereeefeSevere Gen at Dbetwe ; slaw •{ Aff•tb. •-•{ i i••;,3000 cam • aumitillbreseeliew i• • • ,•• amt eat ;. ere. at =tease=l FeetalaCtimelablot •• • - • '.O I IW eras at ...• • • •_ . • 9,_~gg. water Maw et . . • . .heatosee "." bt ettee . .ll/..• felll.itabbate, reiealtabsthe Awe, be, ar• w.assatrou caw ot Nick Headache, rata= the Claw, Said 'Afteliata, 4., , This, we are awanr,ietitt akopeat heerabble, hitt Vlll han bete teem Oriels; =oar amp Das perwr alba Uon,i Imre, =tannin at warmth., ems. ' R. ea -Mitt* Gm, moat the woetwreptetahlerfraubte la Hew irk tit J., Warr me that be no Meta mate that Web . . am es that wiaarakwa. • Thera an thoweies of ewe ha the My at /few York, wthieb ere will evict bi obit 'Winne, awl to was of etworaten. It Jr' lie hiss oakum 'tar the Yreettatire calm. kraal.. • It tawltatlaidly and lb. lire, •, • tr,teri pg...eita l'An , As it marvel IM MOO of aiwar, wipe pent thiterto • • , _ _ . UQran. breisa,Orr tcwra _ - • Carr. 0. W. PicCia.ul, or nu Mena Dram Mawr, 'mad Mai", a We New Jitney Legielstare, bat klailly wet tioikkoerisi eertilleale. • It telb iteoles etary,, "• ^... itattereVdee.2slW4 ' , ..41ry slaw I tar tamed* We Weeny sassy-rile& iidsliilitsied I.leve lodeteed t. ay Dr, ti , ==i . e c t et =CT oe Due/ n i l=ta. Ikm coetieme Out asl = me, oley. I believe II wed my di, aideioald Mood soder may • . . . eutikatejawlostraly paws Chat this Ilassawilia laisperfaet canted mar Cho snag pbstlasaa ; dtataas .f. w. V . Tlosi pcitsaiseard air 'hoar garramisaied Dr. TOMMIE" -11.1 Sr; lite.: the Phew. te istfeas . *tie of my Andrea hue be= cared of the deco.' Ade by the we a( peer excellent medium. 4.We Thep Atrit e.W.Meitilititeetrettlibileitettklitilref 01 'llP6lir _bottles; It wall/ewe teem kw 'width.' *A opt( eider . deep Yosze,ieepathlty, st, . . • - - uaz.vrizsuazimznicum,; Dr. Tanned'. Serovarilha b a ariorrdp Inad iviady ewe far. beipital COMDMIDin, lerresmito, Leoaarboot .Wl.itoi.,'obida:mtal &KJ& Measaaatis, laradirganas of. Una., ar larolaatary darlargo thareof, and in We gra ,ffral prearreloa tbs optaa—aa main. wartber thr of Cadocroot , cart or nosey prabood y irrordrlty, Wars. J r a 'a Vo I. b. 6ono. " =4:all== ladoc,7rom mhai icat cam beano reboot ad Ogler =era . Naar DJ iadoae„ U ilway condoner lbw oar. Imam et u. fiaou Dena; iithimitt 11* great roar bar- • • - It will set be apbed at ay zt alb of se delicate be; la Wait obibbao oreurs.parbutd, rob aid boltuis of mosbe bee• verbal I -. babyblor ben imitiebwbw .it ettild, b, sib bur • br bib of Wb imkbabkrblieb, lawhr Do. .11bedb: • Illy lb! tbily,liabbi by baba. milbeiel . 4•10ty,) sad mulieurbatinvally by pele•ad • iebbka of bleb(' dob, fibs- of ea bulb 1111 ii With othar diffebb: baiby baba ems bib per bib* ba• craned gnat bap sod bobb in bebobbletibbbaresul bobbribal,l obis eta bob, of yob" Eared fisibaybori flob Abbas yob pyi obi- Is a Alb Ibid. it boob od b abbot. rabbi boa Imobl., %Wog. groisfol bibbis ob. nab* [baboon in dr riss iv it, bad mosbadiag it the public. • M. D. iloaas, Abby, bg.,17.1644. ',Gut of alb sall Lylis• r. Dr limasesde mmr ersiatme—Thit :to airily tlat sift boUlt or patt lo'bser listiar sal lksis simmeitimmt= .6144.1.1,...711.: thy r===== ass had nes ST= Met= to try it, mith =am so kith; .. .bed to my, dismidicas .104 thee bsrpy and =Mal tiket,ortmly u De Maher =dimmest, but al= tho es= . o.od l s mmit ai,Ds 9...tkOrsY - LMlfill as ma Mt( Ear Mr dm is =I 'Mai Ea :Wawa pr. . . If thOs "assay- orrieo_' to pas, or wiy. ow who doolds tlr hoorowlAss goiOrOo,, yew ore vainly wokoor. • sobseribOwpd_f ritr Oat sod obyl moot. • .. • • • TO moTaxas LaILDIN.S. • This Enron Immes , afeelly pnrinnol nano,* la honk corphina.7 No Son Ss Is sr as to tows aka inktroaniag Old enlist stied, aln kan tafr,"Ssidl rest Slake il, as it is a sta. pissais for..ry no assonto awl atm Ni. /Sas to Sada koalas on Sind* that IS. of lila This ota be dna* ior antral non Sactitkoodieno Her lon nimbi... Loa otto alalnthnroroottonsok an kla attained to anal Ens by gokensar Noel .O ...got.% in WINS itairoLdhimakron la talli sh!o kr ot tho Lasts asst. to shin sons ara t.. . . It non the Sok roles nom inmost" the ao n! esamin—by renown( S. Spanks of kre batty-sot at Ear nankin' tin noon to la pods. a shosnatia.- kinks, rink is no as of sat staition tokai far kook snare ant ass . . . .. . ... Yeei this bine isde • toll eyes Maluises so Or hies; soset AIN or mil sni=r use derletan or. low of Dr Talmud% - - II will yaw wed, rem sue the freckles .4 MMus., mod rite Ice folisalkau paid* aria, Gat *phi* sod bosseiful tompistlassall of setiel aeu ore s , n t. se en.; • 11. lig& r' amfleia• etri•'‘..'..e Giant test übiefi io beady reamblea W gore jaica w arum ia theanpaiag &goad tterabc Ws argami of digeetioa, as Wia raps radar, of •-• ' • 11 = 2 0craantaarr. 41/baylltay 1101,43. Dr' Ilioutak, bare bees Meted Deno,6r annl 4179arpia la We tone sll=l, winded vrith mu, Dem * a_f • mstite,ntreme beartha.ra, aad great arereioa to km& of baload for weeks (what I ea* eat) lbw bow aaabie to e.t.a bat a moll pOOOO ewer womb. -1 We' 11 iba wed "neesadiee, bat Way ha batliWaor ao elect leC marl( Ike , caspbantlw o ; dyad. abort two meths Awes_ pbjyour Irtnei of &ma porilla,mi 1 atasOarten Pas maNsane,.bat Oa ring =0: Willa' 3 famalni agpalik ..weed, rd uw weir*, rawest aml Feradi eamatly ream. wad lb• awe of ft to lbair idea aa I bare - Led Os fatiesaley, red desk itrwerourca....4. tioa owe be send. Thais swaths wiped isesdess ewe OW Twassitts linsmased—likar, 1 !skew a lit.' ores 'Su. asereast=id pda ley tide. crewed es w 1 tau pessosseed by phy sicist to hoe IA Indeed Wye gess. earhol wes, bed *he esestly slb* my thel. gay &Ow mid be weld darsst....l slat it the of be* rlwarts proseweed these se lotibia. fuses magi} at As Imp me wild Wray kens ; I moos brow stolesdeepeet.id is ids Ism ward my- bed, as s to isee weather, belted . ' soot I* lo my Atessiptkie . Ow dalmaist so woes sea essysted by my kinds Mk pot mann; Ilnd triads gesst mbar at remodiet, sada° sewed to is Se =papaws•l ned steam Boor es. traonliway cra p yew istiliedea r rid lo fa the mak, 1 wpteled abets masa* igastesrla Ors Bat 1 wasildsesi is talk ea, sad am iney Wok ful AL' .1 aside say OW dismiss/My setil, bet en as lir fseeirsted r Mho Oweog . issiaseasesd hays Is Is wise : ly melt ins Sew V-dt. P. is tadi esd sight *rola. lessedall Os. ran Ist none Wei n sea int pining so sesol asimaili.. I fait it et ditty to ere yw •alatoopit a(3l= Is Pklrk itjos ploy • . . . . Cloilifosnii of Pisgah:luso' - Dr Tommitest i.Ysidsaf osonviagsrforo Dont shy m diforast mot. tho Usios. .bT is i....,44 this los, the lowitnipo, firkins of olio Goya Altosiy, bars is .sups ems possirihod Dr. .Totommod's Itsrispsn.lla,:sed Wino ft tots woof Aso.* ralas4sporosDooo 4 tit* Datortrilk hies magi fortzsa, s. • 4 - 1813. rLlCAzOnoitAtn., '2IL io 'fo anay so, Dio tostotofss4, P4l.floisi :Tos.ssosiiis plirielass of City et Albany. kayo Delp, traisraod Do roomoosfro cosoppssa' Wesel .4.ltiossO. =ll eolith fratositosslibioy`vosattriebsieraid um sarari4,..froiou,ssil taut summon s, prioress minor ebs roasodies wow is W.3,1".Au0 airy ApeD 2.1E44.. . 4 1;14 - inarsi, Priarsloiss, 123Falko o.llan Doric II I; Asi• dr 4. Cs Iltsr st. Dort Dr Dyon 4.14r1311 Ifo, Ste oakel 11111,1111111ear bl = Drisark; kr by 6 .15. 0 ths' Orr War, Nrs rodae,..a. pet y ix ths pry Datiks, .ridk soar as tor kI afr& .4 1 k WS arra ars kr Ki P TOW/ MI .d .r. WM, a, lb. oar Per W Nwrlssit Dry Draw at Ark 11,1N7. •par . dry %WIN ilk Oa r _yeresd3, lna Illarry rakark& er raprils Darr oirDe r U am& Tr lobar r Darr yot . op irs rsr sons KA., Aria -1 kraal Darer parsparahrir/orbisik, rare rd. tiara rat, ' bfirm la Orr sir 'sir rely roar Warray. W. tre Ur err. my gra Wiry/sr Arad Of Oks,lllurprins - rars• irrosislirty , skirral. , • . . rti - ' t • - thrlrar,MarsikW4l3/3.-k Dr, Tumor i=llars bar riser ran or Jr Ibr 3 me. sor rrlfkirskrig fis drat, J, Skr ar . . Mora ls,kg 'war, thrirDhri aradarkt Ir=stird Irk wart raspy ms,her.../ Dr briars. akatlrsoir roar Is rear% bat witliallar raw: er • friar:kr rural rib Ur mar Do_ Ins lattis: of par rrarlDs,Dusalkielt I rail rat tro4.,lbars air WNW reerran Issar, sikl I ass •arrrrey als 'arra, lar srs. iskr-Do I. death ear, 1114 arts adifisr =kr sir I harrasykssr Brigritla. - I lan saws tra rallakt `114.0, M. arks it air darkr= - • Agra* , I word arras.; It as s Ihrly arra rer,sat I Illsassirl Dr if as radars ardor shisiclarrherkr bowl apt ka ray Darrsling rill ,` errs Ifis reirrosi Dirk D ilr nor rips thalllosi la it liaretrydroa Der is sr rarely la lark Ms gate.' Ire Okosi ark sr sok sisraystry ry Dy.l* Taresar ,Draparills.: • ; - ; Tarr err, 10 Air at,' Crallushrira Barris= siami erilmeaild orni. Dr TO•11.011e11 Th./"Ana wad *slim of dialmols' of eltlitna.— &bir satiate ilk soliftlfran a gnat tirarn, remind 04 Oak. • ' I DrTamei(cDp;AL.,..o..w %UM marihnei. st= 1 ,4 Aar Pro him 1 &NW lam a/ mu amtist7r en 1 7 - 4i.04." rib" militia an Tor ' a mums= 1f 057 w . 1.1 Mimeos 401 sils, vie hoe Wm: * TOWNS /Midi I. ' r tealles Obrialleal Sow 111 1 01 all Slab of animism nil dissiwo tha SIELG en I*.us, , D 6 1. 36 .0bapp01dl fing,elMyollorialß oom l etkordprew: MN, eidak .. 7s, .rempLas i. Soap strpinalled., 04110~1.1 Fm barg- MilipbfrWANW a ura eekkrof, di* 1• 1 4•wOlt A4asio4 as t• L.. /*air. VOW A. jay selphri sampairkrumadourA Itor .51• at tlivri NUB eflntiper authiniejser beer mornivoilos Wm! Ilmsolo by It • PAUNSIMOCK Co wow Li sakre,l old sir' ir4 Ye wrist of.lzilt flee Nam , : i.ts'iaia, it ft#iii4l;lrat ontiiite44,4 Whell'. l 4! ) ? alien; . , • . 4. Oxsismak..l, . . Cdo TW 4y W, m ad kr W. by d lAnne. iOatktd.costs e .. sod wool sad wood sad . • • . • . • ~.ab~i-- o lout ftOAD, desire Bethonerood Street. Phil Atthde eitablithi n tent imaybelbanil 'thibgreitath",slisnety of Plans and iMiticirol Patterns 'for - 1110N RAILINGS th e. , thuted Motes. to whichthe"itte orlon Di throat a .11.154 Or any 'dessr.np tion,thst especialljt the Cemeteries, is particularly tattled. . Toe prinelpel part of 'nll'the:tratlieme Railings at La...sr-Hill; Monnotent, and Mbar" *celebrated cemeteries in.the city'and county 01, Philadelphia Reich have heti no highly eatelled by ,thalpoblirs press, were emmtded at thur manufactory. I• --s A Isrge Warethtneei ii connected with the estab lishment,...bers in kept constaitib rro Monte larger 'mock orresdpmdetron Railing*, Ornamental Iron Petted, iron Chaits,,nen 1(710 phln and ornamen tal Iron Gates. with en estermoessaortment rkitho Preis, Pedestals,,lton Arbors,. die: /drop; in great variety; HionghtandCnat ironOreaments4seitahle, for Railings, and other porpaisat. - -• The =bow-Chet would also state thitilahla Pat bets and Designing Deimmanint he Tae ' . employed 'Mae oft e host' talent intbeconntri,rimics whole thaentio' is-acanthi to this easiness—forming albs. .getber one alba most complete and systematic co. -tablisheseatrof the kind, the tiniest.- • • ' • - • . • II R " ROBERT WOOD;Proprictor. • idge Roadjahose Buttonwood'atzect. Phibutelphla; March Id. 13-17 d6mosl . KAIIInfIeUiPATYLINT IM IIIMPTGT•AGTAUDI rPIIIB Ilattuace pamemea annoy o calter4—among which may be mentioned, Idanineablue-Therapiditity and forceofibkm any be cannoned with th e greelost case,. Mlute the hammer ba in openuimo and 'the hammer may be in- Meetly' arrested, and stmpeeded at any height /Ls Galversaltty, or capacity to execute me of all kinds:, hate the larr l est to the smallest, ut der the adme hammer: it_ Its Simplicitp,Gatapactneso and Cheapneas; Its Accessdulny apoaall steles, by the workmen. Al ihe hasemess ate made ; The sobactiberil continue to execute orders for them hammancof LI sites, upon reasouable term, For further partkulant, Inquire of • - . Al/IRRICK. TOWNE,I Almn;aces of Me Patent tome United States, declELli bleu/harm* Fausulry,Phdled'et• , DERRY • NICKERSON, Alanefacturers of; . . &WINOS, SACKING 80710018, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN 11413 ' Or ALL DZKItIrtIOIIS : No. 384 Sooth . Prout Back of 7 .4. Rikon'a Ca/incl . Wart .I.hoWfy • •• • PIII.I4I.DELPHIIk. .A- • I.Loiteta lan r W 0. S. S . Moon, at tbe °Mr. t he Merchant's llotal, , Pittsbargh, will Ic pilarptly attended t 0... • ~• • I:loL2' . *.y. DERRY": ........ MIMMUI F. 4 :XI ikt-111J •- •' - RaLLLI.II• OOZ E CO4C7-1 eIND ay*• HettILNESS Ert.."l" , t , WE Chemist .t, -ti= Pk eePlotll * ; in g 6ortT Wruts aid IM public, that he has aid seep cooanytl hued - sad Sr sale, a headman sesieutiest Yvhschts del slytsisid deteeliptioss male Lisa. at Midis/leg peisiihtenetice bast eiedsted Om eery beet MM., etaelieted tosteriel. 11141xls • MEDICAL I DR.. ROSE'S DESERVEDLY CELEEEATED CHICON")- . 'THERMIEL MEDICINE* , I voNsisTirtu of his Prophylactic Syrdp, o cer. lJ lath remedy lor all COXsillirTi Vx and Sart-a lma alleetionn Cough Syrup; Croup Syrup. 'Con. cattatail extract of. Sarsaparilla, dedblediy suptior tu all other extracts, luring giro. rohol Asher, off others here failed, being through `it hew ftotesil moro coiteparzted than boy othe'r vier offered :Wit,' public. • ASTIIMATIC UIiIXf haring affected permanent cures u6Uut Stubborn dileasel when of more than .11 ye4rs heat. i Cstaiidg aright:iota rival in that awn dreaded Dr. Rose's LINIMENT, for all cares- Oil weak senior pain, and a complete substitute for blizteri. Drßuse'. TONIC; MIXTURE, an . inlallibia care fatchil.a anil fevers, and Weal is nipre of a vceisefur reioni °Call tilde thln 4,.rk ior . '• Dr. aure's INCOMPARABLE VERANFLIGE, where know.: it need in preference" to any odic .Vernairage preparation. Dr. Rose's TONI& ANTI-lIISPEPTIO,'; for all diseateri of the Stomach, and bowels, Chdera lke Too high an encomium cantata be panned on the merits of this medicate, in Core .1 Dfspepiia. ended Misuses that 10411. Dom' wesk gess 01'14ot:etch et bad digestion. Dr. Rose's VENIA LE 111 I S, a nest Valuable refieditor theeogeneral complaints to which fi• males an object.- Ur. Roee's TONIC ALTERATI VE RILLS— No pill ever beforo olfcrod the ppublic combines the yualttteo of soi,tagnil,!; antl.dispeptic, LIVER or Stomachic pill, Mirrec lag these diseases, and • thereby preventing con sumptive. A yoUng .Lady L'A 'years Mace, =ring .adiseased liver ler some dine, her 'strength •mus• Dated and appetite - gone, was completely restored in nix Meeks by the use el the Aatt.diepepitia mle- Oreaedthene pills alone. Dr.lteee'sCHßONO-THERMEL STRLNUTH ENIND PLASTER,Ior weakness ot the bick,side brent,&e. De. Ranee SPECIFIC EPILEPS wont cer. twin remedy for; all. case. of Liu Or coriedlaions, whetheria iufantioradults. So coital. s apneax in it for Ibis formidable die.* that the most ob. stinate cases, aad Umse loci of long Mending, have yielded at once.: Dr.ltestes RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After many 'verso( di li gent research bin compound orot disme eiedi and its never failiogefficacy places as efficiency above oil others for the rare of Itheuroobtot. Dr. Udoe's ...Ib7II.IININT erbldigitl NAAR bet .oto retordY for tpitborg blood, jOderd for disebor.. blood whether fodu Longs, bowel, or other pdrti of .he body. IltoalestikALlP for Chole.-weed Rowel e4rdplaitut —Thin Wynne win efeernally rare bowel complaints, Dysentery,Chobtrahlorbasond Cholera At the time the Asiatic Cholera was raging in Philadelphia:a we. lband tri belittle.n.t samosas: in Anemias !Veering nom Meths ef all close who need it. What may be said ef oac of these comedic. sen) be said of all; their Caine .11 only tin *ppm:oiled be those who try them. I,l3ellfroot those who Dave been eared of the various statutes that algal the bustan body might be given, bet we am wall:tub rot the smiler oat ON merits of the matiroundr. Wp bare p.aeedi fitr Scrota Ist,io As Various forma., wepadrnrd and efficacious that its beating pastellists aMonisbed many. ' A came( Cancer,oecurrifig In the ertlO or the boa Governor of Delaware. was completely oared in a few months. The cancer had been twice eat iota by proatinentffiargeons. and renewed tuelfiith i'nereascd malignity, yet notwitbsunding the debility of Couslitn.• boo and removal of the min parts, the use *flair. Pro phylactic! completely removed every eeddoge •of the Omer d m ems a the earioo•verei that have tonsured dm ems of en resseditta are 1.4 mu ai., bat it is OM deemed necessary to enanteiato them as the se them will reeemmend then to WI. 3. tiCiIOONMAKER, & o4d:Prn, *sex?! for Pittabi ' .-;d1• • ' TODTII A ritttadki DitATAtririt. 'VIM best Ariel, knowd . for cleaning...l2d Whitening J the Teeth, stre.gtheumg the. game, A tett/mai( the breath, be,lt *Weld be used every night wiJkl mewl break, sa d teeth and swath will only require a digt, wattling in Ike rooming., WTI the.brudt ',tater, or cold will answer. and nth it a fear irelcal On At 'mete, when enough will adhere for e.easang ate teeth. It I deJimeats taste in the mouth, and tot parts • ems delight fid fragtance to the breath.,,ltemnds . ea a pleilaint, etricacittulAirotirenT4t. and mire dentrifice. It is Warranted' ankle lAjpra thalweg,. ' butt* phservetheM. ' • 117. slang it regularlY...it will remove the u ltar and 'lnvent ACCAMILIAIion--prAvAAt the tt. AA l i A strengthen tiepin., and present ail diwasca , Mammas, payeselans, And the elervy recninincild : it a deeidertly superior to every thing of the kind lie Ask for ethennsn'sCealposed Orris Tooth Paste, ar,d observe his =peter, is attached to each pot. • Reememw.4d by. Dr. Cutts, Tlrlitroadws . her - or Dv best Dentists. and by mon of the. old establiahed one; in the United'Stmes, sad eve, aftneively need . by the lVabdity of Angland and • A large pmportiae of the dnease.t Imtathlcterdekind aria. frossome derangement of tht stoosteltea7wela which a timely use of the Cads to Latente Would entirely obviate. , Rerserie of bikes habit. • id • ways have a boo at band, and tate a dam whCisever' they feel the teas derangement m their health, A Jodi does use of these Lozenges ward.' prevent thousands roseate a: WM. JACiPidOPIPS, earner of Woh4 and (Dam nr .., • .- , 01)XTRIEC2111%, lW~' , .Na•vy You, Nov iv, too 12 • Gaatemoo ilomo laren or eight mondaaiate.ii tore Lame upon the bottani.of one of any tea, vrhiat van 'very, putrid, eatatearsed applying !boos./ retard:as for /*MC bat unnteeessfally, the sate vontiouttV, Sr ( dead; and ep read the sae of the palm of na }ant; 1 oat only lad Osa aftlee of abysmal:whet sad al/ the staled tad paia eltractors I redid hear of, and enlace of than had-the area ateliers, the pan or arrest the paves, of the sore: there wan valiant Ingernettetion sa u outdo oeverd and perpettal pain, sold it had tattled down inter a regular Garr late. Mr. Spencer Snail - ond of this city, advised tne way tear Diplomat; I Intigited al the idea, bet epee ha urgent solicitation:l analudeil to try it, and to any great relief and asietsistnen, it •I man indaitaneausly relieved die' pain, teduard the 4uthinattausas, oiltdsoustartsnell heeling the sore, which is oar nearly well. - I t I da wade:oat and educe rrly Isilisea that itve-11 ear any fever sore, is llsoroaghly applied. 1 • Reapeatftilly peon, g PAR, NP Porch: by R-P. altlslittitS. 67 Waal at. jr.S••• ae.Costo Pay! Piles! PWht• nii:JoslxoolEallaneation the only auslaiine toil willcare thi. Ter common fled lfoolol.orrtr disease, .11 not only Pumedottsly easy, ono sod init. aestion, steps all bleeding,sabdurs Cott nooks table itch =divinities/1y eves, to a very than lars,lPessees lives Isarabeest rendered la ,seteble for yeses Its moppet:4lcm prtsdast no pos, hat ember soaves!! blehud pleasant lICEAIt , OO. If persons militated wol canoed bear of the great ember of tastes Was; have been eared, they with Ise astonished. A votive. of this city, who had Lena ander the kiddie! Ll:eliminates kr Iwo w Wee Woes Lava( brit% eared. bee. by 11.• ityrt bottles of the Eillbletatioll. heell eredleally Cored It sells beyond preerdrotll—VblL Palenlay (anuses Op. For tale In Pittsissi at Usii . - PP.llpl 'YEA NITOILIL,74 Fourth etserey'neor wood, aeJ 4i; Drug Stora'Or lit SehwisrLs,. Federal at Ail heoy BIIU• AND SCALD" 1 EcteMtti".4".f.TlVZ 7hVnYail 'ai! It almost sintaeolonsfy sedan& IndaniMinion,rd con:. senneinly lawananted la atlas.% to leave h ve4D4 or; seat w en dealt. • ' Bold holesale and mall cr WM.I?ICIENTht, arse Boot nad nod Nom and Patent Nedleine %V nrebbe se . -5, Liken/ sinvt,linna of Wiled, plitsl,atek: iiiie di; cents sine 111 per Lento. , . W Jackson being the .Eke luai re A stint the Vole, n Pennsylvania, none Is gnome but orket ii eel bylfild a 11111.ppolnied Air nu. N. 6. A Panqibleteentaining ample d; tee dais; Ik , e. olio the souses and addrps of the Proprietor and rein elfin! Agent, la enveloped with yrraoper orrneh WO Abendnaen of eadfinains can be seen at The @tent.. , Locum, lathe., I. manwheel, . When youknow that Ton are promised 6 amaral,llfokke, osewkwkne. , That yoe will eswomonon ehMk, , ! look • doubly yelkter (right. The theme leaghtes owl or talk. yea . would we •-• box of JONE'd woetd gave year Okla ea alabaster yet mewed wham andtu the ammo awe Meat and imps U. 3 EMI at daClUMNll.lllidttertyet. Yrtee lb mats pay boa. 711IC , N00111•11 'BAIR Dlrit—Va knats 0 7 liplue LW; Red of QM Wiz 6 Dark town's.. maelreelnr, wtdioll offy4iBi orAftsrieg the 4114'1%14 sibi!liolez - .. se e!lsa!,, or II bus e Par ir t Me algeLle int s c o sad br ale by i;50 ". .2 sciicoarkicdt,. • t . IT' NEvER - ,e4kits.w . .. - ,t • vlasmiatrintisi: NS llicteirWith Scrofula,. King's FA! • piM ai ear, Eryripelis;'old ers Ific,'tettir• Mercurial Puleaxes, or any other complaint. wined from .impnittilis or th e Mood, aro repeated to nod, the folkteringtestimoulals,m proof of the weeder fat properties of .the abate mimed medicine. • . • READ!` READ." ! READS! , , W. the undersigned, !repeat-Mated lsaac Brooks. Jr.. at .thh - office of illessra; , Eowand and Walton, SIG Market street, Philadelphia;•conistier his case the tae tore retuarketleonellf hire dretWrit Hi. disease was SCROFULA, and - teregfi'kiest 'hare 'twee'. h twelve yeari' conflict with. the di .7 .l yert •. - 7 Isralake,t eenti re rode( hit mouth, Nose, Up. per'Lip, tad lower Lid of the Right Eye hare bees insert:god, his Face nearly eaten ap;Aoel part of the .law.ttone carried away. And yet we can owns desenpuon of hie case. • • • I , Mr. D. informs en that In January_ Int, the wholj, interior of his.moutbras -111 moat of his face Was a maw of deep and painful ulcers! • On the 14th offantiary last he coma:mitts:teak:N. • Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE' PANA. CEA, which nheckellthe disease iu a lowdays,Ms. rum that Mao the care has progressed without In termisaion. New flesh has supplied the place or th e deep al. cars, and 'though badly disfigured, bis lace is sound, and his general health is restdred. We ore 'inured that io the treatment of-'slr. Brooks' case,no.Mernerials,Oirdsarwiti,'erermitic applications nave been nsedhn facc'the PANA - CEA ALONE, has wrought this wanderflil ehange David Smith, Bucks count), Pa. - cheerios L. Rowand, Meadville, Crawford en , W D South Second street, Phila Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.• , E W Carr, 441 N Fourth, above Poplarst;N; L.. S M'Cullwegh,'Lancaster, Pa. . M Maddock, 1 1 14 North Eleventh Bt. . . . . C W Appleton, tol I) .IGSouth at. do Timoth yCaldrell , Mario. co. Alisaouri. Daujel Vcakel, Chesnut en. Pa. John Itarnetl,39o High street, Phila.. Steeling, AI I), Camden, N. J. William Hale, 3T2 High street, Phila. J II Pottcr,Manur.icturer of Mineral !l'entb, Ninth lined, Phila. 1, A Wollenweber, Phila. DeniecTit 34.1 street, do George W Meek Ernst. Maker, 317 Martel Faro L!arr, 159 Ght,nut street, Plot, • A U !'actor of • Eleventh Baptist Chad. Phila. Job,, P4l, sole ritreet, Philadelphia, (North Alm:, can office.) Aaron Sands, ItiS Catharine Street; Phila. • , Daniel fdlet;inley';Kessler's Ahoy , do Andrew Stleaten, Camden, ri J. .1 it it Evans, West l'hila. Richard it.- Yawn., Utider,..ltri Market a. Pmts John AV .1.i100cat.,4.) South trath aunt, eh 1' S\ rigner,Lithngrnirher;ll6 Chcsnnt ewe:, do II J'hensii, I3Mete:lol nttect; II i : Peter Shoo Stun I t, I.4htor 14.1tive Eagle. do Joel Sutra., 6..... manulacturif, Wilnunntunh N.J. • liark steel • Fareitaißnu, Van Buren CO. tour. 1.. B Culea; 51 U, liosturi,Nare. ' Russel Canfield. riiiianingist, Philadelphia. ' _ Thonina S Baby NU, Barnatioran; Va. •• - Peter Wnght..f.sll nl.alint street, Phila. James W lie filbert it. do Jahn G00d,17:- Sprit ea st. do SVilliao line, Pastor t. Paul's M. E. Clt.Catharine St. Phila. John l'.Ltrr Isl Indep. Chtztch, .t. do T E L Sand.cm, Potklibhcr Pletle . 4 azi4 Slandirte, Phila. F' P Sellers, E.noir Ohs:. B Leh, Boylestou,„ Wholesale audLad by Rowans! . Walton, I. pristors,s76 Market St. Philadelphia. It E 57 Wood st. Pittsburgh, ir"s: Marshe s{. do.; F. ItMarietta, Ohio;`'town .5 Sharp, Mayssille, K V; John W Illurnhon er,Cio, Ohio; Sidell se-Reerus, Madison IsietNiitiie,i out. vale, K Y; Oeserouck h Et. Louis, Alta P H McGraw, Natchez, Miss; llardaisov S. Joh ston Yiekiliurgh, do; thseles Jenkins, New Olean W. oe 1.1 It moue principle soli= untrtegenivut of thie paper in no n , auything which we find outiftent pentane! 0I• wativotion, to be el ufilitt le the :Same of Itr. Jut ite . 4 medirttma wv Liner uteal in out family formally year.. For /wool, th e EXPEVIOILANT, the CAR liIINATIVE. end vEtonren elt we know to be gook for th e viten/bouts ti ny rotean to cure. ‘Ve wow an Late •lo -vast summer, when several of our travelling toinpatiintt. Craton having in Western New Vo:k.drault, for gouty day.. Isowatinte water of that 1/1:00. were Inullt attacked with violent Mao theca, and ryventery. Mr lk had prolOtditialself. previous to itrtit/Ing me, with -Tbe 4,001011.1./ of 1.4 Jayzei.n tied in all emu" of I. toe. soave five Keefe. then. It was ancecrafill In effecting aayerily rare. he k:stecunitnt we hal/ /00//0 e•ed atoang Oaf intimate friend/. equal cones tr; end we feet that we eheff de good act in remelt.. [especially linen to wed /0 Ibex uttinnt bare acres. toe mtecaltne Medical akilfil to advice them to keep no han toththe Expecta rant unit Canathative. The Laprethriut in believed I,y Rend pkysiciens to be the tieet rectpa for Pulattithey Coawanptive Conipla:inv, th at ham 'aver 'yet been ;rem pounnee- The rec.", t.. Jaynoiv ran a queck.but a reenter, veil at fie, and able median] ptartiooner him Cell Ilia vereiteince ere ascii uy fievi 1101.1:EN =1321%202121 Far sale in PlUsburgh at the reecm TPA STOUP, 79 Few* meet, near Wood. mod aloe at the 'hog $ nte of II P Schwartz. Federal et. Allegheny. jellhlaorT- • AGENCY POE PATENTS. Wa.hilvgt6n, D. C. 7ENAP C. UODUINS, Mechanirral Engineer and A g e.,,. far pro.,,ring Patents, will prepare the rir ceroary Urawinit and Paper , ' Ira ARplicatito rur rm. cat, end transact nit sn line of ha Nobs/dna at bre stool ilLeit. Ile eau he ess.alt,l un ally...au. Inhume at :Le Pritirsit Laws and deci sions us ,the United SUllea or Earnpe Pit sans sin distance desitobs of baying examinations 'made i 4 the Patent Mee, prior to making apptiratiorekor • patent, may fortann/ (post pant, enclosing a fee of live donate, • clear be 9111.4 r Casa. 9rb,1911.1.11.411149 auto tine will be glean to It. and sill the lalotauttinn that could be obtained by a runt of the applmant in,person) prninptly ennattuniented. All letters on businessarbor. post paid. mut contain si imitable fee , when: a written op:nlon . req.r.ll. nn otrawt..ppp.te the ,Patent Ochre. Ile ht. the Loran ni referring, by permit...a. to Ilent. bilsnund torte, Comasunrioner of Paten.: thin. II I. Ellsw-tuth„late dri do tlm . s II Kt:owl., Nachistist. Patent tiger ; Judge .Crane at b, Washington. Us U it lion. 11 Choe, Massachase, Pans.; , W Allen. Ohio. dot U Bowls, hl en'Allssonell lion. OYdlia Ilall. Near York; Ikon. Rnben Smith. M C, Illinois,. Ikon. a Ureere, U K Penile; Ilea. J II Relic. SI C,lslisrourb Cap, II N Slimy._ Ali-vaunt Kraals. Brost, EN, l'la.batnh Meta attorney, Commliar and General Agent ITT L. ,PRA LL. inform. AM friend., and tho'pal.- 1' V that he ha. ....orunwored the bo,mena of Age. for I uyiognsulm.lltog real eatate.to One ett).and will devote a large poi tam of P.I. time and uttentmn leneing. letting hod hntogof bouwa,ll4olfra end 0116 , . Iwildings; eellerttor nod dosnor•lng renta,nod 041 , Is elanos and demand.. end to attending to Agency Lo. mnera generally. will ritgago in th e temotm. non of iO.ll, C 0311 1 ,40.. !IC.. 42111 CYrllish autto.te ittfurnsattots 111/1111011 to Ito: it quaint., and re. apouszhantat of roan., ex (or whit I. his ext.t.ivr arynoinmnee eminent') quallea Lim. Ile W. La found et Ina iraidence, Nn 111 Allen •Iretl. tart, DI .g o'clock in the morn.ue nod an.. 6 eelect in the t.Ven:lte • ond at nth:, Loam et km rilleo, No YD 013.1thert b1fe.,21141 gO.l (amp room. NEIV • FI:FL:ItENCF.S--•'oo r A Tolhuadgo. lion /oho II non John 10t: Hog Clgd , o Ifogloari- Al ••1 Ilen•^ Als Wln V 1.1r.01y. Da' berone—orode on :be nuntl approved atten. plan/ e nod nwurt &Wettable raatein materna end mtlore Alen TIIII CDEAD BOLL. orOa FON BLIND; on hood nr made lord Of kg elyee. vi all pricey. Country Merchants nod others ore invited In call and ea/twine lbe above/ (on Ilinaloclveo, u. 01l will be sold ortealreale or ennui, and n liberal tkdueljon mad, 1 0 m 4101.1210 poreboAers. and!). A WhSTERVIELT • • • lADM."' Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, are i often not aware how frightfully smortruti 't is to the skin! hint coarse, hour rough, how sallns, Ichow and unhealthy the skin appears after using prepoted chalk! Donde., it in injure/Is, continuing alege quan tity ot IVe how. prepared a beuntlful vegetable ante!, Monti we rail JONFS'S SPANIAII LILY ‘V RITE! It is perfectly i t being purified nf deleterious otmlitics; and it ImParta in the akin a nab , ra t , healthy, olglatemr, clear, lining white k tit the saint. VIDG UCLAIIK a" a connebe au the skin, MIA lug it NM and ameoth. Dr. .1601CP Anacreon. reaming! Chemist of Hasse. chto.ette says: "Afire analysing tonee'sßpanish Lille Whit e , I find it possemes the most beautiful and mint. rat,at the same man 111110eVili Whlle mr,r PUN. certainly can consticallously recommend its use mall whose skin requires beautifying " Z.1 .7 1 . rt r iVS ' l ' ..li t rallON, at hiS Mot and Alen tnnre..So Liberty street. head of Wood, at the nen of (If. Ms Boob • / . 4. INVALUABLE VAJIIILV COMPANION SIX , LECTURES or. the iiSKS of 'IIIK LUCIUS Louses, Prevention . and Cure of t:onsomption Astlieta, natl. Lit dance or tiro Heart. On the Law. of I.Ongerity, and mode el preseriing male and re• male lealth, symmetry and beatityfespealmfeausm anti cure of those draeasts that produce t:ontiainp• ties or Iheiten life,,. Affect:ono or the Skin, Spine, Stolitach, Bawds, Kidney., Liver, Scrofula, Pilo; Gravel,. led Female Complaints. Its taloa, easy, previa! and pure, term a guide to_perfect ,health and long-Ilk. 28 Engravingsr,.l24 pagea. cis. Postage Di di, By SAP,IUKL SII LD OPi A.. 111., M. D., at. 107 151i.OAD.WAY,WEVY YORK. • Any persein tenoning fifty cents, fret. null receive .ttLem : any part. 'Fbo undo supplied • • NOCURE NO PAT . DR.' CULLEN'S I N DI A N Vb . :EIk:TABLE REMEDll—Warranted to cure, or the' mon. ey returned. This medicine is prepared from an In. disillsweipt, obtained rIUM one of them in the Far West, at ,great expense. Those who hasti been familiar with' the Indiana, know that they eon and thaeuns Venereal without tho knowledge ol Mar. gory, Bahrain: or anything of the' kind. The ai dieted .baie noXr en opportunity of being cured *Rine' :the one al Balsam. This med,cina t. c lausal to the taste, nod leumu no smell on the ' Prepared by etriviAND4. WALTON, and sold wholesale And 'retail, by J. T. Rowand, TTG Market Street, Vue. sale itt Ptllsburgb by Sellen;-57 wood greet, mad by Wm 'PLorn.:rt Illuket at 'oe.d.er :Vt. J. ftltlt's Americas Eye -ISelye. irms Rrmedr, that ha. 'wrought so man; entail by an ealersalappeation, Is war en 00 .0 by Wm. JACKSON FM Litany street. - • , • 11 hummed thousands of weak, Me, tnimdmed and -diseased oyes, of leeess,er the mat separated sod ob stinate elmade eases, even or SO yeaneeLanding, and where everyeaker Inteem remedy and preseriptlop teed had failed of seems. Itlswelltnows Mat a MIM edy for Me eye is eldcanioas In reboring all,ezterual yam, stem, sad damaties, band. sodditesal: eel!. Nelms, Price Seeema per box:„ Palsokists and d frotiont;cenilleams, &a.; fae -intuit's.* lficrilittled M1(. 04 . Odde. l OePdt.d.Y Me Untied Sw , woboosoor. lOU John st Now York. y2I !metl I • - alba= 1847 - - zwainrenrx.v-- 0111A1. ItaltlttaD rrs#yßcq io •- pliy.414..;111;13ALTIXOP.E.. :F-A4f44,,,f0c ZeUe.s.v: - - 31111 E pablie are. respeethilleistforniwrunwata lane - willeemmence money' en er about Heine anstrat, AU continue throughettithe semen: The ehemetera. bane now placed • superior class of• Peening ...rl-0 1 -• d Cara on the-route,- with entrA Weeneenewassust, winch will give greeter contempte A Peeket son wilt aleriwahe.iti.nonowaStetive, eling public •are requested to eon add ozoweaw teem. • - One of the Packets will team the linuregAtikowle the United 5un...M.141 venter Yana street 'wan . the' 9nel:every night sd aekkiek.. • . -• TIME 01 infannation apply-At the. eartee,„,heiviguela Ileum, %%iter strecgor to - D Li4k7oll& • • main . • cerTann etteet untatAnal . • - 'Ea= .1.847 ! .: - D. LIOZOR s COMI: OLD FSTATILIMIED TRANSPORTATION _ BETWEEN PfrTSUCktili, • - .INBLADEI,I4IIIA, UALTIMOREAND NEW Yong rpm: stock of this line =est sofa doable daily •J. Line of Boats and Cars. [owned 15 . g. ihTtosrlftld winch are in good order. The anlngarthers ant yet= Pd to (onward a large paentily. of Marchand= and rod oce with eenaloty dud dispatch: Produce or Mgrehandise consigned So any of tee an derslgoed. is forwarded free of any.thaige for wia =aUllalod r storage. - transmitted and all instrienonsproingily +needed to. The boldness of tai, Lin o is cot:ducted on strictly thdilistick round principles. Addre s s, or apply to - D LEECII it Co. Proprietonr, • Cann' Post,,, Pittston-es, I lARRIS Ir. LEKell,l'roprieters, No 0 South Third etrectAltiladelphia JOB. TAYLOR Ic SONS, Menu, No 114 North 'ilonilird Wheat, Bahictiore W R WILSON, Agfa). . No _7 West urges, Nair 'Pork P ITTIOUURGII POILTAHLIE H. LUIS. 1847. on the way, and ' i)c• consequent rusk .of diels;', damage. laell.ads and 1 1 .110.1.14 n Of pled... . . r • • Procrirtoo• • BORDSUOGIII CAtill - No We filed:et .trect. Philadelphin TAA PPE 4 O'CONNOR Coo Ptnn slid Wayne ms, Pillidat4h UVULA NOR .L u, Nonh street, BaltiM.tt y,,„.„ AV tc J TTAPSCOTT,7Stiouth ot. N. Y. Encouraged by iorredsed business' the Proprietors La Co added to their mock all eateilded their arrioge tinting Liar Winter. RI! Ire no,' ptepared we. byfre , ti an. recut:llnd - and dfigioch onsagutssrd by any other lute. Thera bag .eaintri e nee MI carriers, the pAlp.tble aoper.rity of the Portable Boat 0) new, Wortsthe great "warily aLid Conrenlenee of lb. wore. Worts it each esid . of the line, are pont. !tarty calcula ted lo'onable the propr:etorn to fulfill their engagements ant aninolota that , ottoonten , --evuOttentlyolfertner the 1.41 ceo 4l as a gusstoty the the future they o ldllwalfilli7 o continuance Of taut petrel:loge welch they now gratetoth Itekocratetter, - , All coneignments to Tao O'Cormar will be tech) and toraranted Sieasultout charges . paid sod ledlo 04 Luthaetransmitted free of any charge fat Cencostoion, edvancing Or otorage Having no Interst directly or indicted) , in cirandlotto. the r i d s o eaftiernorl ,ntreero,2llll . their primary Illarl,llo ungping weal, they pledge Iheistacler• for'sraird alt goods rilusigurd to them promptly and on the oust adooan genus term, the Plettere. Marel L 1.17 • ...r9 IDIDICPWAID.ENT.PORTABLIC BOAT .LINE; - ;I,U l =jr 1547. rim IitgIA.A.NIiPOItgATIDN OF I. 'ADULT. AND miNciIANDIEE TY AND FR Mt PrTrs nu HMI, PIDI.ADELI'IIIA AND lIALTIAIORK tp - vinbAut TrALibif4Aenl..-Cll ' Goods consigned. to oas esso.'wth ban, forwarded tarot, our arta y. an ids le arnit current rates. of Lading transmitted. and all int Ulna procapal• atoutdcd no. .tter nous any extra ohnriga hs lorag commisoton ndittess,or apply a A IdcANULTY c. 70 • . .Canat Basin; Pittsburgh STORAGE. Casing very large and controodmoi warehous, sr.. are prepiared tureceive.iinmdslaton to freight for .1 "P...) lame amoollt of Produce, he thora4a nr low rme.. Jamruj C ?. PICK W 011.1•11 Ala CO% LUg. , MEgatil 18.47. of the transysirtalMn f W Al' .I:st .1 , 111.:1(711T 1,m%, n Pittsburgh, [hairsvills,John. Men. Collldayaburgh, Water loom, Vettratangh and oil attortmaiair places Cue Rot will leave the warehouse of C A hleAnnlty h. Ca ;Pittsburg!, every, any, [except eundays,]] mat shipper stun al ways ocpena ua hawing their accds for. %mutest w lawn: dclay and al fair 1111.1. Line was formed for dm spreial aceommodation 6a ea of aw way Emmaus and the proprietors respectfully JOIIN PICKWO . II I T ''..v r JO/IN PAWL II LIARNAS Rf/iIKILT 17011=22 - - JOHN Alll.l,Elt,llitlaysborAtt R 11 CAVAN Joh.9own Arrow, A AIcANI2I.I•N ACa riti.l.t•gh • tura:KA:Nur., J J McDevitt, Jahn Patter, Hobert Itivore, Linsley Autilh. Pitultertb. " wadi - LAKEERICANCJIIIIISIN.LINIL 1847. and [leaver, Atli Wi er er* and pre rare[ Canal Bend, neirdier lenen theirs-rang 1 re eml mem enig woe C Line ni , rwelien Ye:venni, aad 'Venda on the Lai IA Nepal, d upon the earlien °pee ing et Navigation 10 carry [height and raniengew to ali pennon. River. Canal and Lakes. wenn - be convoying freight sod pas. eeMerti with prodietnen and diwaint, the pewe e ., add egents inspecifaily week um dint Mends •nd he eaiilie generally their pan - lenge. C hi REF:D i Ern, ['weenier RF.Ebd, PAR Co,& Lteaver,Agtl SEAN A CAUGHEY,Vineen• do Cot ttinithfielil and {Vain opeoete the Menunga g.ihein 111,1[11 TO tt lamier,Crocket A, Co, Nese Seals Gin, Llama, 14.1fa10 K N Casks & Co, eleven/0 .1.1. A Atrtaltoug& tAa. UUoil , AIWA.* a %Wilma., AlCsamaise llnsted &Panda, Uncap Win Powers, 'Oilier...lN repos Cr.Almebelln te, fleausburgh, l'enom Job,. Ala Matho llotrowsten, do 11.ak A A etc, Orretreale, do Ctaig Prang wn, Clarksville. do & Plash tqtarpsbutgh, 19. C lawn do _ 19mar ItICLIANCE P ItTALILAZ 00AT LINN. AASPO t Ai TwEEN prrrsu _ AND THAVEASTERN TITIOS. WI 1101.1 T TR! MIIIIITNIETT • I AIM tioatossd de • of ca rr.s tom used by WI. Ion; 1 Fslal•11/•••,1 lan ,is now •ssli known WM de al Toon imennoetsl IT. Goods ate nal Woneheil on Ihe into, Ikea oil ninth pineal or ertta lowdlaht tmlated. The Cads are of II In tirade:l and peNorin Wealth , . in from *l2lwwven TilC cupacay of o• en, v.:tetra:le:.n nelaanuf. i free.; c 4. :t %ValeLouAte en 41.1“ us a men: de In us. lacceirlng, mums, naLl I.le.ndfdlly prev rerpernally Hatter Baran. Lard.Haner drycles int sale, o• flunk RIO Giber arc. *elve, that any La proniptly rdecuirld Ohre !ware. ts , make solis of Produce, we owitglamrlll) of W. 1.. Flour, brute, Wcnl,Feuthirs, ant/other which littoral AllVinee• wat• be &climes afforded, pledumg our s entrusted to us shall 110 iLf Ild opnet as (Ulf s /NU McMADDICSI deo • Canal Prtudnuitt /AS ltt AsAVIS du Co 479 and3larket st, Philude COIIIII6BION MERCHANT, Point - and Bridgman?, FORWAIWING k Eta Bra 6 6, , Aleut of wellinen EGA • AND MICHIGAN, DAM/ PITTSBOROZ A 121). WALL bo prepared ou etrhost opening of eansl now. V irestion to recur e poverty al his wharf bower In vonrebouenifor all ints on Kriel histeinvion, Cross Cut, j ami Oslo Cab ltr all prison Luke File cod Ipper ',tikes, as also to iirwsnl prod uce, iteiloy Penni*. mprovements. Appi tour sifdress ..JAS RICKEY. 11.. v, rirrsouituit .&-ULEVPLAND LINE. 1A46. - • *NMI it Clarke. 11. Coops. T. fi chioooda, Co. •. • CLARKE & , 1 00.111Milniati • IltlrCh• . .l.ll, .LEAVER. PA. . Agin. and Proprietors dr Otis Wee 100 fain .1 ably known to the publichwill be prapaced cot lb curlier* opening of coast iItIVIVII.IOII to receiveprop city at Pittnliorgn twd Waver, and deliver die mane a any point on the Ohio canal,, and Almon Lanes klri and nlienignn, with the greatest dairymen and at rear • • , Th. propriciora of tins line solicit the baldness of ow.r former motorcars with contalcneci:lmowing that their facilities We SOCOIId 10 none. • • • • • •• Apply lo or ad.lreara •O N lIA RTON. ArE, ElKllbl.MK• • CLARKS it. Co, Boorof, T 'it Cr TO TUE Plllll.lO. F 1 ,111.: Cowmen's Portable float Company, being di.. J. solved, the Company again went into articles otCo- Partncrship under the name of the allortinxn'a Linn^ and Iskewire earned to refit the Ptoek to ae w have a norther Al HOPI, fur, the porposo cartyiag goads through hr from six to villa Jaya, with certalety,tand feel encouraged by the liberlity of last year's 'MIMI; itgc, to make more catenside orrenienacros for Ike cc. Milnp year. We -.Auld therefow raSpeetfully wilier a continu ance of our for wee patron% and refer soli new customers to those we have done baaneu for. allaillak 1847, BM= TIOATMAnseIt LIY, For rho truartanlation of ALL tonne or allOcit marlin, To anti trio& 1 . 1111.6.Pc1.1.1.1i, Itst.rtatoarr,, Now Ye a / b arn Damp. t:AIT 716:17:: . 04 Corner Liberty street and Canal Omni Pittsburgh. • A IsOERWART&Ce, ' • No an filarketetreer,ltiladelphi& ELDER, UELSTON A CO, Agents, , RFERENES.; PITTSBURGIT—No.' McCully; Co.e Marian & Co. W Ale Cully & Co. I.l"A'Samparrn & Co, IV Allen& Ot, PIIII , ADF.LPIIIA—Morrie Panama &Co,Rersolds McFarland & Co, Fleoung & Bad% Peter Whilst & Pon, J Disc haat, Joseph OM.. • . • • • NEW YORE—Uoodhari A Co, Theo. Perry & Co. HOFTON—Iterd, fluid A Co. • • CINCINNATI—Adams A Creaah, W Stadler_ N SfIVILLE7-1! prolog' NoTa—Allartercharidlse Nat Wes t, Vorkand • eonalgued to A V' ( fethart 4 eCoarlydrO, will presently korsodedibee Of Erma &MS lamina dr. COM-- , Paeisia "' ziP ircna P tAtV i c tellig&L , ,4• Muck bas Demi ea tau eta nes banveyence w valuble tnneknoe of neretbad m ndlea, apee* bank. seem kennenr, steealag ofialmnizr, Mink 119; An lameCtearr badispagebneLlailyenlii tAa done of den aanallai season. Arany in D LEECH k_Cch meta • opr Pun di led Cda d di ; N0R2111161 eAgicirr VOB -Ac t. the new BE sleitistir ' 11/CAVIKR4 ; CsOl; cbsemt Mops. cosakeaces' br rego;ar day, loin Yong hos bursi itll attack... A., Mal ikaleireot Volook, t. estmeeringmeth n0b...0, sod Cleselind Line of Cad nal•Boata daily to Cleveland. 04 Dearer; vrtmwarl - nonskid 'Line of C.Olll Packets and &sae' Coockes daily to Warren and CloyClanet; Canal racist Lines to New Civic Greenville. Po; Erie F-itension Line Willtadtille sad Erie: Neil, Wane k Co's Lines a sor.c o .bia for Cleveland sad Wooster. kart fka. ver - daily' on dos *dint of steamboat Scalier Tom Pirmberth •,'Apply to G 151 GARTON & Co, Pituburgh • Solt ,. ." CLARKE & Co. Dearer • I • • UNION L farm , a .. . laffM • " ip7: Ir, roaLVi .1L OHIO rw:wimrssußCl A ND - CLEVELAND K N rAitxBkaNCl.. l .ol o, I 0 PARIEB,Bearct, P. PrOprieters„ " IO T MATHER, - Pittsburgh; Pi. • THE above Line ti row telly prepared to - trarismirt Freight Hod Passengers from Pinshorat and Cleve lamhinagy,point on the Pennsylvania &14doitidOktiet Omits; - The lacilidek a( sale Line are noteonalled by any on said Coals, ill ambers end eapacny of B.M.expe rieitte of Captain./ arid promptness or Agents, &e. Use Bost leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. nth ning in connection with th e Steamer. Michigan' and Late Ens, between Piusinirgh and Beaver t. and • Line of first clam SteaMboa Propel lers, Brigs and Schooners, on Lakes Pricy Deem, Mi chigan and Ontario, Property fisrwarded to any:part of the Union with despatch EN _PARRIS & Co, Clevelimd, &gut • • • REFA_PARKB & Co, Beaver, &gm • ' • T 'MATHER, Pittsburgh, AO Wt. 'Car Watei and Smithfield Wells 110MBIZRMMLNGEDIENTS. 1841. •Mi!ila; st . mgoaroknELA aouim, • BROW LE AND' CUMBERLAND TO BAL . .TIMORK AND PHILADELPHIA. -. m!lime:t4 Time to Philadelphia i••• ••60 fOnfy T 3 Mika Staging.l•. 1 • Ti IR splendid and fast running stearde”Coasul,LOnii is McLane and Swam., have commenced making doable daily trip.. One boat will leave the Mononga hela wharf. ewry mornion preeiselyiii 8 o'cloehd— Pamengees by the mining line will arrive In Babb.ta neel evening In die for the Philadelphia Mail Web. , Rail Bad. earn. no evening •Boat will leave the wharf daily at 6 o'clock, except Sunday. Priarengers by this • boa will lodge onboard, in comfortable state wows; leave Brownsville next naming at 6 o'click; craw tee mountains in day light; cop and lodge in emland. .Thaa avoiding night travel zhogetber. The. prep ikons on this tame are maple, and the tortncetion . k complwnet ns opene; no th at diteppeielefeel• or delay., will ho an: no Pameagere eon atop on the Mete and same their leas. Ilreati atpleoAure, and have choice of Rail Reed or StellintiOat between Ilidemore mad Philadelphia. Cole Cite• eheneied to parties to lialrol as they donna Beebre goat tickets at the othecAlediontela Boum, or St.Charle liotel. 7 . OOLEVEILAIND eta. WAFMEN. , 1847. Mani THROUGH IN lig 'HOURS. ,• D A M A d ST Coats Swallow and Telegnph Wave Bea' ,at 3 o'rJoek r at, after m arrival of the morningornlng Bo affy w from rituburigh. and orr d ice ar Warred In time for the Wail lento of Stagea, which leave tmenedi; alely thereafter. and office at Cleveland at 3o'c This mute is the , most expeditious anJ comfortable ne tonic Lake. - • . .. . . COTES& LEFFING W ELL, W..., FI.Pe. REED, PARES& CO, Way er, A Kama .. . . .101 iii A CALIG li EY, earner Winer and Smithfield am, ) r, giddy Opposiia the Manama &alio.* Ping argil PITTIBURGIN AND RMILIFFILLIC . Mad : 184 IG ' . tiar I t - PADEF.T AND FR DF 2 uNE.. • I'M IS Idea coaohnindaf kin rand pawner Pack. .1..., haid ma iegtnaly juin ng . the veaacon between 'Heaver and Greenvillec Pa.. b *knelt freight and pu 'andel* between the two Nino, will bee Woad promptli mad at the lowed rates. . . .. _ WICK & A RCIIEL, Greenville, Ars • CRAIU & PRAMPTON . C/IstwIlle: drn . . AIePA RILAND & blNG,Rigtknd, do; GAYS & PLUMB. Dbarpelivirgh. : do; W MALAN:Stuns, do; • • ,WAI. NA'rIIEWS, Poinva do; :REED, PARKS & Co, Waver. Jul & A CA LIGIOW, erimerWaler laud Sozdtfirld am, ayGly Oppwitis lair blonougalwa Ilona& Wltsborilr. CITIZIC • $ PO , TAW.* BOAT LilifF. EMMA 1847. WWI • .. • as THE. r • ALL X1N0.5 OF MERCHANDIWiIb AND FROM Philadelphia Baltisses Sew resit • Zug Bristol". 111H m E r c iacouragement , tte !Me d lin received since tori telie 9 re m i:Littick . by ' Ll?lin it g number al first elan boatm and indeed °feriae receipts as hereto. fore as agents, we will give ear ems. receipt. for .frelght gimped by thinline. • • The baste are aq portable, consequently f. eight is taken the whole &ninon takeout transhipment, thereby presenting damage from frequent handling So the route, and as each boat is owned by the Captain who runs them, which is a atlficient goer autee that there will ba no delay on the route.. • All Produce or Merchindi.m. eoneigned to the endersigred win be Foiiiaidid FREE. OF COM ISSION, fur advancing aid forwarding, and will he shipped without delay at the lowest rater of freight. We respectfully solicit a chore of public patro. 'sage. . LLI IN.Ck ORD .2k. tar ' , Canal Bann, Fitubargh. . CRAIG, BRI.LAS & Co.; Agt . Broad Street,Plnindelphin, F MILLER, Agent . Rowley'. 'Wharf, BalttmOre. l'ittebergh, Feh. 18,1347. TO THE 8111111 . 11eN01111,11113ti VIA BROWNSVILLE k CUMBERLAND. - . T i d i u l ee!ke. " ,ut i the Fast ue 'e m w .Cre a to d:lns the 'd e p niil o& Winter, os the moo (amiable ° trllllN 14 Wig exp.- sone. lowes All t rates Aspen, cormybed as will betynrunied al the sad with deopatrb. Mesa Lbandlso termed by ibis mote prtoospily bit warded. , 1 C UlDlVELl.,..Miusbargh. • IV CA:kg; BI01•11Weliie. 'ea.= 6 FZIERTON t Co,Cumberlana 1846 , 1847 • • • AND- OM§m TU"TIH EAST BY tiALTutoiriz'AilD OHIO RAILROAD. 'rut: sabse'rthen will receipt Nitta delivery of Pro / dace to Baltimore by the Plattomphela Slack - water at the, following once.— • Ashes, Baron, Butter, Lead, Lant, Port. Tallow, WhitacY.Gbeese,acd.Glass---01 ets periOU lbs. Tobacco. lkmp Flai'aud Wheat-01 ets per 100 lb.. Ashes. Wm, Apples. Chem., Flax-Seed, Glasa, and Loather-106 eta per 100 lb. Oil., Stine. Scads, Wool-110 mopes f Olt It,. Ileessrax,Feathers, Furs. Ginseng, gad Snoke-Root —lll ma per 1001 b.. . All properly corimgned to miter of the ondersigaed will be forwarded with delay, feet of Commission, et above rates, Wll CLARK‘Univensville. HANNA I WATEAMAN, Pittsburgh. now:tett( • . NOTICZ. - • • PRIRItiIITERS and others wishing • to lace Fite Deck, Produce, A, brouglat many piaeo from Steubenville and muirmadone landings.can make IMIPMCIIII, by calling on me, as I lave a Boat tun a ng reautarty between Pinaborin and SWibelllfllle. ' ligt). H. MILTENBERGER, lath - . Steamboat Agent, NI Waters . __ . THE Triirru: hIEN TRUTH. • CONCERNING SELLERS, V66/.llFUGH.—koiOr, glr •produeing atothdeßeid the following from the Re.. S. Wakefield, Parior of Liberty rt. M Chant. Pluebargh,Maieh lib ISM. Mr. R. FL Sellers: it is from a seam of dory, as well as with great pleasure, that I bear levolteouy to the air.' tae of your justly celebrated VenalAtge. I procured a tines bents and gave it be three of my'hildren, who had been 01 for mows! weeka The dest wan Per., years old, the next four, and the youngest elabtecit mond.. The first panted filly-sie worms, the second folly Millen, and the third a considerable amber. not distinctly recollected: Since then they have been dons well, and are now In mead health. Veers respectfully,• - $. „, • . • . From the key. S E Ilabeoek, of the Mech.:Jim lldire. 'pal Church. Mr. kt K tillers: It in with great Venire I . limed fnform yea of the gnat elect. produced on my son of our yeas. of age, by yearned/ daletrarded Verselftme. After his homes convolmons, I gave hint three doses, when be paned on almost ineraditable amain:4km. which time hi. general health Itaa been Improved, . . ISk. Elistmet. Proof the Rev Charles Cooke, or the Methodist Epii, . enpal Church: Pinthergh, Dec.:lllre, ' • Idr. R. It :fellers: I gave y ludo dinglnec (between three trod for years old) three cloaca of tour Vicaufwge, according to preagiptton, with titehappleet enctiora., The number of 'tonna expelled fdo not know vette.- ly, bet it woe large. Pi e I. tow in pus...skin of good heteth. 1 think the medicine may be coal:W.la arab great anregereedneaa CCoess A• thi• Versoinate bas never been known to (nil in nny inannte, when worms acill•ilf elpsts4, parents shoold give aln preference to all others and Ith Preps, to d Wood and told by .R. EL SELLERS, between rid on stre- Ene sale by Dr.,Cowel. Pints Wand. • 4YI COACH PA'A KAN 43 •• PROM the'wery liberal encourage ORCtent the sub.:m(6er has received ranee he has lamed himself in Allegbeay, has iadaced him to take i !easy, for a . mato( Tears, mac guopeny haant l'rUP/Ll4in Beare. drool; linumatiely .besnle., the r c asetylenatlChri{ck. From exPariellee,lnAe abr.. buelnryha and a desire tawlease; he hopes to tag. It and melte ■ - shwa_ of:ambito granariNpi: • • - N on howl and inahl4ll.4.l.l,29alktr,af Idea, ndall and. In; Baggina.,aad .arer! ilealltiptioti of ausdaio chick kohllintente•Sers dollars to airhi ham.* favo-dtjt JOHN. MUM . JAIIASIVAD 1 sing Grease spots, *sine, of Marks from Chbos; Woolkas, Cupola, de., le:; and rendering O a Oa I spots where it is applied clear, bright, new, and wardesa, • • Fold with full dirt inions., friee.ld toms • eaket• • alfr"Sold be WiL JAClOHJN,fieLOwoy.nreevawad of Weed. at kin Bolt , and then aiga af-tho TATIIIIVIS HAM voltiv—w• comocndlo the allcOtion Wow Oelhoos of motoring door hair or Itopmitte Gi Wolin*. Or this elqwolpmfrostion.i hew if cooly vrbo, Ogiouort r.W.Voo-ion't by all those who dump of It, Olgioitly . ofwavow to otfroolofieg ito or the. sad pnorcolow Imd IminT or the akto. ft. virtues are p F rono3-;..N. i. 7.4%, P hluaVak ando PrJUZETEA. emit, 73 Found at, near Wood; alma In Thor II P Pchumni.Podorai M. lloolkony,ddy• .. • . 1.4 , • Dr. . 1110 LOwe'egforms ipoofflo. In Do of soedleioo ail/ of W ows 1 1, 9 P. • It- is truly the low ettrprletec protelee 1 sm. oariV rat kayo Dry ppm ' " 1. 'GILMORE Toteetthip for sate Ity . J KIDD& Go, No 00 Wool afoot, Pilo DUO. - - •-• ' A POSITIVE ec PERMANENT V POll -88E AND !ILL NERVOUS COUP "Wha Mough tbeim mammy not be 'plimsoll, OM dtdy asermarmsf, Let not deletion. pet Mime, pride,' Indite* mankind tow t Means aside; 111/121(11.1h10'11 nib, are by Heaven dettlit'd To dlemase sis Illy (hum king. DR. CIGILITIETS GIAL - rmnic RUNGS Apyly.mgo- TIUS ..,:g114. 41 "` Of thwl"h itai teethed the. ical prelhellierrof Great Bolan, comprises us entirely new anyilleation of Galvanism, as• • remestat agent, by mea or whTaibe t oo• °Mune Banat et,Eleetne an dst Mt- Chines, • re, are Mindy tispowed with, madrmr Myatt.. NOW power of GLlvatut .mpbed without lOW ef'the nowwhich are lasagarable (Ma the gen e ral dode now in Lae. The atm* loses, and Irregular talent* us whirls Galvanum la applied by the Nadine*, has been pneouneed, after • fair and Impanel alai, be ebeidogy fermium and st was to remedy anindield do fect that Ilia new application Was previewed, which, ot ter accusing tell and pe severance, has been brosight to IN present state of permeates. The Wpm* /Mgt enswer all the - purport of the most eneasnre Na. chili., and In many Mint respect. ate tranii#,M4 [Main in accempliahing the desired edect- , The GattarstrAinm media mammon' dick theafrig mit Mid, are isontidendy recommended in aff diser dm west lariti 'fro* on Pefedlod unlioalthi Hs* If tit names sr eindsystim, and these complaints are song the wart Pained mil aniversat to which we are subject. They arise, without exception, from one slob pre MUM—a derangement of the Nerve. Stec and it was to these eases that other tremedrmil so often faded. a new edentates greatly needed.whkh fit. confidently twliend, bad been foand irt the proper arm Jammu. application of Ualranism. The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire sne ers* in all rises of 11111Z1111.rMIC acute or chronic,• ap plying to the.hcatt, faro or Itmbe , GIMI, itsDelernrt, Yhooloolie Yeefm,,NoveaseiNkl Itmetacks, Fabli Fsa, nom. pd,,,sedse tr a. Mom. dpopley, St;sear sr Adati, gr.gl Casrpishob, Limbe; Neua Nitrous Tv tom, Disaster , fik. am{ pain rim Mt and Si*. General Likokhrye Dlfirmitcy Irrnstes loaf Physfesdlln tiny. and Mt NERVOUS IikSORDEMB. In cares of einfinahl Dyspepsia, which Is simply a emotes de rangement in the digestive eines, they have been forted equally inset-Instal. 'nett ti effeetrapen the system mum be witnessed lb he behevedotad m a nom preventive bar the preeeding complaketa they are equally recommended The Rings ate of different prices, being made of all slam and of venous Oren Mental paeans, en eau be MOM by Me mat debris female without Ito slightest Incouveniencet'iti fait the mention it rather aereeuble trim otherwise, - The Galvanic Beits,Bracelets, Braids, Garters, fiecirlaces, tira. In some cases ofa veto severe chariteteJoind'irboug suindingl the power as applied by the Galvanic Map IS not sidEmient tO erten the progrefs of Meese and ultimately restate health. 'Mc improved asodiLeauon 6111 1 110 Kelm. or '3tacelets etilltelrten. dies this sli cer On soy degree power eat aroma. red can readily be obtained, and m eomplaint which ate resat-re • agent of thdratilan ens elect will all to he permanently rel.eved, hue saunas toe an . red in the wane, arms. wrists, limbs, mete. or any peel of the body, with perfect 'convenience- The Gal nude Neeklatis ore toed with benefit In eases of Bronchidi cr ageetiom °film throat generally; also in eases of Nervous Deoftiessi and with &Mot uniform u as o pimentne for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints. - • arristies7lingnello Fiala loused to connect.mt with the Gel emit !tinge miirA their modifications.' This cemposiimi but leen no tweeted BY the Frenett Cheat see se be one of the mow extraordinary discoveries ormodera emcee.. Disbe lieved to possess the remarkablep ower of router/ IS nova StailtiOli • (Wean& mire by this mane eats in coacriumtion of the indoenc tlie* seat of Mean dim giving sapidjand penis:went stile( No othei COllll , OlllllOll to cheaustr knoWatoprodate the wrmili effect, or to IMP 1111• Mafia, prtMeny al the mem, sysiein,by me-manful outward Mal application. The 111r1Illit Fluid coniaina nothlar Clinablenf he WO- - est injury; Impbeetnnt is agraahle, bad' it • is as harmless its moose as it Is benchelal is its resits; Full ex pia sadism and ibrectiotte imeotopear It The combined tore 41M• WC 10 every way perfectly bane 10//ti they 11101101 d at prams IMMO tar reach et ell ami the demoverer say requeswit fair trial M • test of their sorprisingethotty and pernanneut beteg.. Chrlatie's Galrani l e Strenathening Plass There Ariel., rorm ansdser:rainable appliemion of the mr.teneos ottlacnee et - Galvanism. ey sin 'important adjunct le the genuine Galvanic :Rama and their modificatnins,heting upon lhe came plinelele, hot having the advantage of =reload application.. They are ronridently remmonended at i valnahle addltme, to the speedy twee ef ftheunnniun, Beate or chroale; in all nervetwetinoPiailas, and as &treatise remedy meas. of Pens and Irestners in Me nor. Se* P•hi ba.tita Side, in ktlartatie arid in Watteau st Oeipess , Man qf tin Pulmonary - Orton. - .ln Sendal Coatelainfa their effect* arc of the most decided eharacter,and.they have often been need with complete success: They are aim of timmeaMsaailvainagamPainsamdMitrainsew of the Dram, .1114 are hiebly retooll9oo4oll the many of these complaints bit whitih fesindesare espeatany 'Mate. As rut effeetual.means Mr Erengthentag tlw Larne.. when debilitated watt discs. or other eansem • cm tam aid Consmational Weakness, as a Pr eyentive for Colds and all in affections of the ' Chist, generaßy, ' the tialmone Sommtheoing Plaster will be•Entod 01 great and persn.utent advomage. -lit few:words; it. embraces all the .vinoit of the best tonic preparation ; ' with the important addition of Menelaus!. laktence, which is neither impaired nor exhanst4 whdealie ac , lion continue. Thca4 ankles wiD fee entirely, fret tom those Objer.llollll which al . oloo/11110.2110.1100 Of COlaplll.llll with the ordinary tilasters 00011■100 our, CAUWOM• •• err Tim great celebrity and scemrsof Mete astitilea phase tensed them in be corimerfelled by unprincipled. rm.. To pmvide ainst impo hos but one authorised Ag ent - la eachst limh city of dmCana= Rehm. The roilyitstl Villnblirgb, W WILt!OV. CERTIFICATES a MiTIMONLILLB., - 0r1i.% highest and mod respectable elbanselertnw eaa naady teeeived. accarding the extraordinary maw and sAlCie. of the Ashore articles. It inbehreei that in, the thy of New Tort alone, upwards at MONT THOUSAND PERSONS. daring a pedalo( less than a year, have been entirely relieved of Me most painlial chronic disorders, mode of which have completely bag. led All former efforts of medical an. Indeed many - of the bent pity st mans of this city, wito disapprove of the. Galvanic and Magnetic ,Flechices, eenstattliy mem o:mud this application in Weir practice, and with thesis, ceptionaflaoeel•hr. are too prejudiced Waive n alit. al, the Invention has received ,unaninsens favor with the most intelligent among the L AnieriCanFacithy. 'Dr Christie is at all timearesdy nod most happy to give every facility kn physicians, and all intereetechkr teed mg the truth 'of kis assertious and the allese7 of hit direarellF. Only ageucy it Pittsbmgh t eortierlth and Market at wpM. STANTON% SZTALISNAL SIENICDV, • HUNT'S LiNIMENTi Is nowuntverwilly ackworidedged.wwbe thlt IN FALLIBLE R EMEDY fur Rhentrtatimn,. tihi nal Atfectiou, Contritclinus of the Nuclea r Sore 'fbroat and Quinsy; Issue., OldOlcer., IYtos in the Back cad 'Chest,. Ague in the , Breast and Fee°. Tooth Ache Sprains, Bruise. Salt 'Rheum, Burns, Crottp; Frosted Feet 'and .11 Nervous Duieuds. ,, • TheTRIUMNIANT SUCCESS svhiclt .has tended the application of thit,mnst wonitiEsrut: MEDICINE. in curing the Most severe cases of the different Peewee above .uathed,--end the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed tipotrit, wherever et Ica been iutmdueed; glaci me the right to call on the A FFLIC I'ED to resort at once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE BELIED arrtie faculty nano is recommending the 'eel& mad External ithmedy,ltuat's Liniment.,.- • The follovratg letter from Um 'highly emianit Physicians who have beta attached to the Mount Pthataat Ana Prl,oll fur many yawl! the best. 'evidence or the value of this teltbraeni LitameaL SING Sldo, December 26,.1i4.5. , My Mai Sir-1 received ;roar , note or ye:o66:lly, asking dry °Oman io relation.to 1.301011303 i N prepared .by Mr tienrenE, Stanton. „Kooning its composition, safe sod bameg frequently' used it. I cal Fete13331333 It to you as 3 Eaten.) Kerne: dy, and mmy apiroon,Lbe best Lioimeot saw ie. Very truly red revecifillyyounie A 110Frhl/iN Cot Pierre Van CortlandCCrotogi • • - • I lblly concur inlbe above opleva. • • ' reply to Jere 14,1845.. Sir—ln reply to your letter, 1 would say Wt. I hive 'used yore - External 'Reeed). ealled'Hent'S Liniment; in my. Practiceslpee you =deem tie quaintod.with, its cnapositien, tied uehesitatingly : say that I believe it to be 011 beat Esterei tlictoe ay now in use for the 'coteptstrits saiicli'ybe re commend it. • — Yoshi respectleBy,'• • • 14EN/1) MILLER, M. D.-, . (ITAmong the mount worthleta articles and humbugs that are poured forth at the present day upon the country, it ie really rehashing:to hod - something of real prectical utiljty, somethingnith* 'pie, apeedi and Urethral In Its operation, end el the acme time free - room these 'injurious ilLiele which generally annul powerful mullion Hes& Linitnent, prepared by Geo. btaulop,ol „log, sing, though lil's 'been hate sho rt , Wore . the public, by already obtained the c geed, e a t. only of our most wealthy onti••*Neutral eufwailei, but out most cupneut plimiciallin Alt ackerrel, edge it to ho a so ersign balm for etany . er th e that flesh is , heir to, soothing the aching by its genuine atimu'atlngiellueuee,banithintdia. eau fronatho system. - ;• stantoo—Sir-:-S eing your .adveattaalaatit of Hont's Lininient, I' as induced to try its efftiets on my Wart.iatka lout been entided' with a - laude backfrom tut infant; and isle with gratitude I beer testimony to its nuoi&uftil healing propertina. , ..l4j I child, who is now fire yeareol age, now veil WA way of recovery, 'Vous, 4c., • DELMAION C AICHEAths , • • Porr;OrnlCA.TelylutoLPota.%., 1 certify that I ato tlelo9AAßt. d With the steno *id ildu ,re 10 beeide in my th s tett wie toe 1,- . 4 at ! - WOu Aim ity Asia' dAte.W DYRMAN,' Deputy Post Master.' Or. S. WOO. d alto state the{ I. Mao butforje. number 0r subect to litiestent ettmlthed lb* Khooet o .tem, whic h In Utley instancth Prevented of , 'attending to my basica& Ven'oithriiratiplP caiions of the Wilmot a fJ fictions or the mod. lo wa audsoractoo numerous to mention, hits in -thy ilendty proved a certain remedy: Di natio eon mill' be estimated by them who have giaea it i ttia TH. Lialment le 25.atitt Ng ceo k per bat. tle, by all the Printipal Dinggislirandllerehatits throughout the country. . wisixiwk Arnie ix 'Near Vint.. t HOADLKY, PHELPS & Co,lld Wawa RUSHTON & Co, 110 I..roadway. A It 'de 0 SANDS, corner Fulton iee ASPIPIWALIo 06 William etreet. ' • - • Ostlers addreued to me at Sing Si tg, rvir; he attended to.. UEOD•UP. srmiTurti _ Peroh In Pittstngh by L ,LCOSJre,or • .KIDD &Co.. AllepeeCty/OHN SAKURA?' • Rinningham,JOHN SM ITH. • Alaid9 T AST itaiordaY renew quip.. no era a Huy A. l'air lsilestocketOoslleemetif ha wine& girl; between lattrolut fw e.YonlellOc tool dotheateAUYlllan perwelPtelarge wenanavefainng afore a etc !teeth. ea elects on.this.ehildaShangllmeleentkau. topi=rigerslat4r, bizazoixe,reinpeu.lyine, HENRY elallOrfl Wairlur, Sothleadd aural Prepared met mid by FAIINFAITOCK Mt, comer Island wood, lad wood midget au, jet 1, ".:litilicitti),os7.otEll. 'gip ftlfti4liii4 TIR. lll.R..dalt hos dilisit slid t tin RI ..,..,,,z se.. [j.e. ' 'es that &Miss tin tit! k 0... my . Imp Sit mom ' thte that ishJsesistikis *sod esth WM mt. s daa asi ma Poi orfiwth rats al the lock emelt Plmmriasilditi . i ....= titiEllaWl COUG'fl LitZ[lfflkni. - 'hest Irocrwmar• AWNS Mot son ad etfmustlms. sdY ad*Ofiddhat.' .', , lddisuF outn,te., mu. my Vs*. of *tempos mc, sic. no to.Teietur • las smer kat* as fraftsans.whos timp did marts ~,,„.. . rosetk...•llerwalthoiliatt bosee ham bass mad wilLis Umiluditair,r*e* to bsohltpersests is shams vkety.q.. of ,cosnospendstdMos Ma* *sr the mom .ILues... alai whicootim:- They do sou s. , hid dry up, tht essisl • alastaitssil l b . usaydromotespetadosollay &spell*. . . .reiteass, And nwesni• a . pratiMste or *kiss mama • ,i/sey en sadadmoss sombilmtios ore am eshmula espee hmatowsmigit mrilidlassmdme osoloatsedir aupermmto own stases* Or Ouse smaphdasts lisstlesda opus Rs ;dredt"ofeatillestis bass bees °feted of lien vomlcsfule .. it , bpi kir Moan/41mm Unsaid boo sit mtutiasly Reim asd twittered hiphrftetlahl. by min ti... Via_ thliessWock pas Md.. in* or shie,oas of Sher ahreoffeldes'Srweists - OtitiVit a d. ..h.jd se """" noir rot= n ott halite If .4 = ad callmtie molitS.M, *ski he seed mai .c.p.ira. . !..isallaSidi SI) - WORM Git.s • ' . . Theie r worm , .I*.geelmmlesh purred to rue that 1,4 X. .0011 oast Iso hi iatallan , the - ally omits Isom sestloyiss seed...em 'ALlsiomei.d. dimsr SAMS Goa. •Or••• sod *rim koor mil** modems domh, wins * ilwitfoted Immi *peeled; paws psnam see *cep odes widsd with themipal ste:doctored be maims eumpisial. without* Meek Iquwase dor et thr, Labi.o.. stootl putpeaseif K at e,—Nia. is IL . . joishior Wm,' orbs W braellypiet* st the somjirsisduer al the tettl. doriau 4 , seslumimessidlam.shout U.. tipwid. thatentcheelut Mrs.t.l.4 nom, epos* matins at Wm stomach, Nish es of bat orer &woollies oi the boalp, Algid chills oe Ale • seisgs,,:hembele, drousisme, mottgo,..orpor, iled • drumm, sod* Muting is steep, With fmght ad ncre...ke sometime ab."te.l.l.mw..oth fnmishasse; Mind, psnul hoe, Ms, lid lasts is diIIICIA Irnathift, plus in lb. *mewl or boinicistise,stmoist..., mos,' cioust Imam., Waded moms& oe limbs, sripispr . thimlnwpMllll - 11111 11109410111.1.01 iiw Ludy, • Ouse of mum . thing reds{ litho *rot, dchiug slam*, towards Melo. . fens* deshi le rms sowethiss Dem tho luicia, .4: .mm • thoci'diald*.* Of tikes hod wtson • .. • ' • 131161111A11 , 8 CA:011108. LOZENGES. . giro imarlieta Mk: ta amain as sick airfacie• - ==heat, lama of the spirit., eupoadurp • lurid wen. threat, hare I. muster eau pbial,krUtug;oppreiewe OM mud ant/Liner the rhos chalk, sperm, cramp of Oa *auk er kande, 4u:rice aliertior r ead• Miaow= dimwit dumdums .,. t& the Ab 4 the 1 4 , 4 eaf at eked, wartate;.eiatehiVimesitodi Or • name of hee lsa,. Per .lash rellearor Weedg herr peeks, witi asp :aux usradi: nue:eV lee feriac dee breopauorpeetta: wed eller died wen mum the taw ardor ersea cal ued, moult the arpluratrumptoaa anent woo• wo fie lidec..• /maw who have ben too teal Gnome eaaeloaed their diadjated labile; well fad tbeselies • AIM molt • MOM 19L1.1121A. • It: kat dtrithelagiviadu ix the wad:, etel • ueersiwe rease/ter , .. , sawa, ea mama Ai the teak, hue, side; see& Gabe, rtmeatisoOmbeco, Be. It, One emillion parrs bete:apply the dames&"They nquire• lade wire_' roc Sabre ippLeelaw. - • wuransed =prow to 'lkea:you! Raabe rpowar clad price, soilioc act oaly the beet, bat thertupeel Outer is the world: helots rale he • fue , buss, aid sukes!erkedshierg Inates. ••: • • :la Lm oraphmat end dupetrimot druid be wor• eta the of the firer* Kama, wed et will elbed usual& - Irak: la tucks, colds; salsa, diflicelly OA th. chest afamesch, Sher wilfien rah IndWraikj.fit Wpm • ileum. weredwitalais, or la awed ;I:14rue:: • decided woman from au of Judy Krug Eta. ta r Illyikeetos grauely recarsand tham, see pr. Wawa t• • al ..theerme the: wids Or edherebstinowdeLoracres. I. their •=e i u.y ant aiankat, nft , 47' dilWersu iftred. ,alpf.sJab lm erry other, be . 7l - owa Wore thi *smite. f all liras who Wu eteed thew, as veil the meted teeth:al tel all dacidebiabal mad d i rect:deep eal phjaateret to bellommerausSe awl wadiessed phesar. , Sue.: pone.. tssu tb• warehom• for press 'their =awl thud.; la Ow about earaw,dwee emu Woe tele an we the beak acute chirte; with a Eu4ol tilk:Erhavoie • ume., It a keportmayoa ahead :ewer ink Gar Illeennee raw blea's tioales, sea ‘ l4l ua crt tier cesedariae than mew bateau' s ihalehed Aware is for the Wee weethlwa vs Maus, ly Bade u.frfailzaamt.. fah. BIG BOOT Wardwees, We, Va, Liberty strut, air 4 of Ik • E 8 iNcatirark . l" l, -i-.41:4 61.4- der, poems pis issit Sad Sigt, Witold =Simms, ens , Fistsles;l4**lki'Sficit ant stnstessitst L iLl b "" . "":""" 4 '" 1 " Saks stab psr led saheb led Sspintas TIN Spotlit is Nis pupils% sad s mainly without ap, tisk; orpstbsis s esitsyses as to 'Assisi pas Daly Ism* is W=saddled* o'er TUN leis 'sistifylltit 1 Saar Dr. isioldsliesfik• Sprig. i to %. a issue ass salsas isssady. Orrin secs is efact issesentlests, aeo.pdtef bisliestsiss, &masa sassase. Ds seism sods ss attics surds epees . •'. ' If WillT/CLIDAD. York, lysy s -361 117 I. .eitsisfsik pro soL g lar z iwy at to Ds assists sad lala• hist cra:so/ 's l'ilatapstifteop blow it frm asy,son ClPfakiet - 0110•1411 Wis, to be Weak: basin sea it oses with rem la isms! awn of tat mei . D;nr Yak, 24 5 1045. Dia* to.< lice CEIFIVICAT.DB - - ". • Itankild.7. RM . I ) Mr- Degi.:.Dar Lin-1 ben W finnan, te Uri tour onditine, Dr. InoildiVi Disinfie,}4. lank are fteguttilin .111174201101111 a I rnwilin. lorry wont tenansin' rind at /4 Inn in! einnant pomade wart Yen., Flamm 1m nos imalynn sad do arisen/I Wee viol= fiend in the lan, wmen,lo paean n An 7 00.7 • t • ' 4•7. IWeitCheibte.N.Y.,lllml.l,lB4s. Dr. lattoWn—Drar Sin— Tat pao may Ihraeltothest tmy meomasig, naval so to even. my mailed. feu he e bersalt Dam derived foie Ile trovotywervanelle ere eine, limply lathy:or miess, nem . dogire Mai _.morefit, .leZi t . t.a. h k;= .w.. •nem meths! Sidevrhokisie awl nital aN "'" Wit. :IA • Vi int xidi io.. Wsnlassit, sod modal sees swq 'No.l4l Liberty Wad, Amide! , yllood,Pittaboglt. • him, Mama -la—dly .01.3tOliltLA AND SCROFULOU S-NW INGE.—Scrolaht la all it. multiplied roma. whether le that of Knee Evil; eilargemesta n the glands of hence, Goilmr,. White Serelliago, Citroaie ftheausatisem Caesar, dustmen *lda Shut or Spina; or of Pniietreary• tion; Inmate from one and the mem cause, which is a poksomma principle more of lees inherent in the human system. Therm, .fore, noir" this principle as be destroyed, My radi cal mini can beellected, bet if the principle epee ankh the disease depend., is removed, a .elde. muster nerataitYfollow, no matter tutder.hat lona the dilemeteltoaktmaniled 'kelt. Thie, therefor* is the reason !by Jsisces, lis t siitsrars is .• Ini venally . wecadul remommy Ito many insligaast diseases. It dosney, the vine or pnaciplet from eincl theta diseases have their Origm,hy eateries Mtn the circulation, sad with the blood is conveyed to the minatest- fibre, removing every p of ditieate from the'Sjiden . ,... Prepared and sold at No; South Third Street, Philadelphia. Soldat the Pekin Tea Store, No. Et Fourth mote Ma". itttintrAtifiCOPlEUG"Al4sl; Fee abaci! one year, previous to matins sae of Mr. &ON Renomung Pilo, 1 have stirred extremely frtita DisperaiNaod as acid damsel, 1 have mate me of a grew variety of medne 'villain receive% mamba benefu -*hoot three numbs ante 1 commeiired Mr. Sear's hiedicina"witich has entirely relieved me lam aeldiq at of Comm. and rettoroll meta combm table health. Several of toy friends wed anewentances have made see of the Pills, and received much henelts fromil I`.'7"b.TTNt'irLPCrrlti.„`":-. Sold:whale.' la s od retail, by Ii A FAHNL.OOIC is CO, meter of In and Wood. and Wood and adi _ • YOU • PILIBILLAXIMOI7II inioVl 081111 L 1 WiltittrtinercillariPti."'- "4 : 4 Talii at Tan 15 it:11%11, ; 1 4"3. goo an ion 12.1i1 14 glee M Vet y neon kir rag; ' t Chemical which world enure; ft*: , iltrata m t a. mimeo Tow yellow: skin ej,..nmg Jastson't &ore,. Libeny st•, Pitiidnirgh, end got • eats. ILO 4- Jackson's is the only glaze in Pinsiniegh when .111 e GENBlBEistoto obtained: Beim* of Commie* •' faror..yilm Big Bootalga& in the iaorwal.. • Palt•as Bled' Bp; •.r , EWLY INVENTED -Ana - YIN.% ' P.-I"PrtrA The 'emcee, chews( ibis Trios cousin'. tho eon; vermin *ilia** which (1 may be worn. • Tba pea! of mod Will/Lac:yelp balanced an. springs, 'labia to mt. iarsoil an pan.of it, and tbotswybly arroyo :t.,elf to nap otataeraeal made by Ir wearer. If eau be warts orithrial intanariction,iintil a earn ft ofected. The nab* Felibel. have made_ anangtmeeta for tbo matoolorann of liege . yallable..lllntona, lu Paravar delElua t _aad hare deny new Waal., al Avis odler,fiea databfackast .nea;rfaitikPilutbarirb. ' • . WATT, W.ICAUFFIIa N. . ... .MOMAIN, ClOll9l 111 1 1. 1 =itmati10.. , araalMahresiloa or an old Ras who ataa 0, , _AM . 1 PrMitligillrart ' . -WO. Mt; himaw—Thia 'way, era* ,Ire - I, lii7. with a traublewaste eaaah aptOt ttaic, - .tag Whaled IN " 'of diorgua's 101341,, aotil amo ._ . bengal a Lucile 7atintaaty c ans at wall; ata , . a•PP. 7atoa Ft allot Cow% 5)1404 %caw.: .ad. - 3 pwasoattre tag, r.1.0r .IVS 4 40 , 7. V 0 • .k 1 liana over wed. No '•__ _ 1;141(1 .als valuable awaken, . iTrilitlaatchtua: ...altUßlghtTlt, Alleght. ay City "13414". ., of i. . P "' l VAlrt i ltir4ll"" {tar.,l ~.. 'vs ottitel.oitatioar Dote . DI. Anal amp! -....4.Pa!h*itk , . MI --- PITTSBURGH—GAZETTE, 111131.1511 ED DAILY; YEIMIKEILLY a WEEKLY . du &woo AA,...0r Nat Offire. . 11.A.TX111 OJD ADVICALTISIA Ii this iDstrtito 0.16 lines, . . .50 issuAlioas ;.. ZO ....... ! OD • oneW.k • • - • • • 150 'No Week& '•••••• 2 2° •-• ' -••• 100 4 01 750 Er LOl4OO aftiiiiPipsestio ii•ilner;cpOrool.: • 'Ma 2 .1 841 6i 6 10611110; wlttmat alunsuom,... 10 00 . - ' 15 111 kicti additionailigairei 14,6te0 " 51A t.. '•"';1 ' IS ' ' 10 00 Tina 6 isioiiki • i . rsa.wabkeitpka&une, 15 60 •,64e.610441&WIllaiatitha 10 48 Two 6 soosahs, te'vable at plMaen,.so 01 . 16!&194&en,6 nualbs, 800 " mingiar - oer...nu-wizw amet ,P4Ptlll. .1,824&..3 inscrtior, 50 • " 'tido 11q111113111 . 11411 S. rive 4111eive lea; see ;ear. ...... 600 ' omayear, Ireek,li, 10 OD ' -• Nix Asoinimi" pp • *Pviinlail&lll4l. I7P wesliv tern. irle• S i lia&O, Or ' •i u - db i flp ,• 340 Twelve " • , . . TA . 11+44101/ma5e4614148 -61 . 4rBo 0 1 1 4;; 10 OD .1.64P41. i. 6 1 18061466.6641111 yenta be ti to • wtor3ola .l 2:, • i• of adverted's' meedetetHen Per lea 4 -7 • Ittlßir --COAL Mire liaee or Ose yeee,. .. Sti noses 606
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers