1 !, _:? ( ••!°?rt • ~, War iile. ad eraelCorareefiet, • ' selerlae l• • Pr.. '' ''' * ' ' iectse gee= Mb T- ZA57. 1 71 ir..., v ---.. Pale ea op •y n( TEAS lust ' teosighl a . tee vs. Wee. flees 37e A. le 4O pale. ',A-ovate, T . . .' . 1" . . iZ . , ' Sol' 10. the ear eater 4i* 4 i!t r P11.1(-17 • tneelleelLe rut , raiKlf' : -' :' - A ,lbliestelleiaelkaEr.o ",7 • . • vo ,een.tiled lecier•■•••••eiert , ••::. . : , , ,•• UV riot s.. . .......•L2_,—.11 ...., 4 • • $..14.:8U1e is * 7.77. ,N, -Aulsoi.G7sulk...., mi .. 1 k ... • . -- " --- PLAM . 1 .- "VtAt. lictitc 4:trrATirt.etilisiit , ich . Ar - .1 1 0 - - - • - orders seer - v.IW Übe ' '' '`"" FA ' .4 ` . "' l ir 'llii t ETODD. I " ; ` ; '" i ' ti t. 1-1 . ' I "rS.. -4iieeitlystaiss -1l :mpiei 1..),... ii. .. --, gip: , Itios, toe ben sown pa NT .2.g.t.... A. , . , .. bYlli In ' 40.1,011, '_-- - • -_ .4;g 0 - ....i.etwsi WO. noised ebd Z1Z . 47-..,ften.' --. '':' :' • JOHN n ...mum. • - ii t oIFWGIE. 11 ilea, timei fl ock Colsgrair bap.. : D o wertedealors,s/uftlan. Mon *inn Hon. 4 ..ewste s. tit. bine bolsi( :; 3booll WEAVE"; . AWL :slt i vitetab 41Kintud i+ei. MIKEI , r rtietrt,-fw Ws by biota' mail as dr • ewe, Ifidaarlart Weems' Mem • - ) VitAltla tvsTbfflMO% " L'L TUUlligit44"..tr4avrtPrarbeil KUap "11r..°"'" • The Were otT.rste ' ,re pme:l4.ll y I inlied . tanIXX nerpassedmed /7.l**Aitig jd.C.l7k SUllie-4Vaited-i. few ImelC.Fauen ottbisklntalsc, Iti. l Wl3C/LLA WE L a 4Smo rf eJ,RI)• ilf A 41npov /geebedding ACUAILICII.totiIb -. . • ..'.......Asiuhilt:AfilakeitiON lkicz.Tuis - , . CAW Vii2lPArli — k - -riuti rennin, htl want. ne nuns fer.o.k , u 1 "" JOAN k.-OCV • • - 7'ennone ?Ow; tbenr*t tun:o.l4n • ••• • :no •Jo • slaw and lm en. , I, Y . :40 4 : -.10141:4 MOTT- ik.•oo Uncily-4'• OINOWar-1 !a l it reeefv,dbr3:l 0 .kKiNAM il & .co JICt mamma* 14-11•144:146 . sad ,Asirukcilm"ju reed sad tut ce 11: lir ;1 - Z 60 , bblilyll4lriitler .jUbt reteli.Atlilo2ll , ll,lloo- rbOD ,", • _tIMMIJIMiIVd f.sd (or laic VT OLACWOLY & CO • - watct itadaleirY AU? i : A.uttrainiuttioit,lis übmw• .4 • ititA Oiotutd: hofuslat:iitti, Fa,. urs•rt4o6m „ m yti Y IIOOXBCALuuMN 014446100 Elutes A heETer odebl I - • +i 130300NUAll= CO . • - - - . INSECI) 011,41044 ilantOor aske.by .Jy - liallAll DICIICETt Co 4,alift. TO% -ICARIII-41160 thnestlecetted • • ship o:comnyt ; fur mg.h. 111 . • • . ' Tsmt4t Tryst 35 weedp Veit Vp I DEB-1066b for ale by jyls • P VON lIONNBOILITrA CO 4003—zynt. smarted bomb, by • - ' ha J-, ' r VON & t irer ' i-- .1767d5 - jail recießed Giink.by EV V RUM" & 37.rntc+ el UV,/ T.* lb, ulsby •• • t .1 KIDLI*CO:ter wooll 41. itb Ins --- Loam., . . isedtg...l l ol.T. • J> l .4 ••• ~ • • •-• 0 • 1 4WILCO• rit , ra!rro . lang .•Imeounmr forsidelwAy ,400 J• istMOONNIAW.a. C• Artri 0 I•6oirjuThin — wegiiirG - Reiltiiiia o..m.i.r'sor.,N, •••• 1111111 1 LER 111JCIEETEIUN • bbl. NP41256,,, .Lv4sa, • ilEazeuro .24 , 11R - EfSaltiOtaba)iitreceivid inantivocialist, .Ja rt. .l.l o ka a nocit s .4l: comer of Okla leapt r X T It.llittltrity,uss just neednut letspissilsel N.IS• . - Wllttebtnwet ribboa% Yd Witte gtomaptiWal north elf est thlt.uud utursetUts. --•- Ca ' RET cp.reLlor9,6o dps: bank*. do;.dri.,rpr ..b.Y •• , iiiikarni . • Nal. Mena sod emirs of Yam, T r attporba, (7. yroef, la owe, sod senbOp .. - " &WATERMAN .i'F,,-..:4,,,,,..-.-.;, ... ki..:'-ii:-.-i: „.L;.s; ~~. ,'''~.'"YN~ J' lump. !.,),7totikep% sijrnifS:c Ix hs ' fkinratt QU NORINS-43 fcall re ,1 vat • 17 wk. woe, ti *sett sitory i ktr i Mr o ll, 8. ! S p lower et;1•1 elm et • I. IiDOI.I7GLAt.I3.-3OCClkmeo '6 by3o,llldailkby - i*,clo oe 9 iTts; 30blow lt ludo leby 14 A. 10 . . . ~ A ~, A c ------ d• 1: oy V; 10 4. a tr rill r• For ..„1. 6 6 . F 7" 4 "°7! ....... JULY, -I 2.. I :',l'.' 1= I pb uet .1:41V.'5- 5 -P' o °'l2arre , rait&..i;o: - . , ' 2 Pllndr 7 2 `ll It VI irw.r.-.0, „..!!........!A. , r-%. . 4 —.. int, - . 1. 1= 1 :•: I 7 1 =if • _ -1 5 01tnt,:ibaxiiiive,....... .3•=', 24. II "VI km. 7 ... - J),.,_ : . _,,-..::,,,Av1a)mr.iinv. , 1,.. ~. w."-d.7- •_ 5 6 1 4 I°3 G aTuttilgeitZfre CALAZEF 3 I , 2E,II . II7 mica soperistsnielentan 14 3 . AOOB 114.111E1g.Wisse floe. - - 111i-15 - C6ON . I's.dets. of in isliet,'lnimo lilt pl.. 1:7 Fur oale,*bAcip.,Wor puska to.r., JAMB WRAVER... .. 4:: !, - pi1.4.-V,,ILSD:QittIIt...VPs--£0 /as Cierman.t.laji. ,:, • .-f ~ • ..... ,„.;...,,,, L ..,tiatte rote isalts isr.2,oc by 1y,5 ' .. ', .- .• • CARSON k bleAblOirr • UT s biL•ll a4W loser' ExlO,lOZl.l, 111x14; 10314 V y : Milk Hsi& 11.00,759, - Elrly,,Alitt mg ~fsl3. als.i:Lo sserti,crff,/ ale by. J 'Li ..1.4 WATEIIII Alt . . , • BUCKSTSAND.BII I IO OI / 1 . . . . ; 10.1 , 4 .• Perobtkobes, lot Wlerbb . . jiff., .. , . . , atioi• iFilty ... ' • - 1 4 1A ,.. ,", - ~...° !-j yt7ill 5 . 1 , 4 1 -,- 147"' ; ' T, ,, ,, .1:4,/liit ' , e asy 6.' .._ _ .._....._ -.. QPIIII. .1. truraarrnrs -t , o bbu Jan Yee'd: fty 1.7.ui1b by , . ': , lytil -•--. BRAUN& REITER. , . 0,17 E aseasjiitreed: Ay be st Sß ~ , ... . t•s., • Ni t •t o iZZO I 10,,i ,• VI t`t 4 . • t ti) N.,• • , t•• 1--4: t —;.-s.c•-•z•%4 . 44-N. f ACON 11,PACll- tag reed ud Gar ode by . • B_. jylo , SNIO F, PERRY,IB raed ilLoug-gyp al;8 nit noir te slag*, aft by r ~—• .•• /NOR PERRY fp 014111 A XL) lICORCHIBOS - 1 0 441.111 . lorimissV , L rJblO FPEILSIT - • fir/r*li—WriribONltbalro b . !robblf gird prom "e „ Zga a ilass la ipsit.t6,aio,7-,W) Fliotbstiins; • r ou GLAI4-3' bar d a oa band ho mite by -- 17 0 - • • -W t R bIcCOTCLIDDes ID-----VATJ:F.—iumas—so Ws*. J•C 'MAW 611 s, 6.4 " .1...11 A AMA WINK iIitSUOUWEMBO iskOsit seed, .Llwitik4sal e hy. AT iFOUDJONt. &CO Cskaol7?..•ue, .41 1 / 1 0 -WLAUII4III,O7mi • A I.li dei4eperie tt Jima Ned elf . 811.aUir.AZITFAIL • nil; rilEAL—riirririintreteired And sale by • -1--jyt3l ~8 4t-WIfiIREIAUCIO,I3I IO4 COlUginuo MOM nerd for T •ralr r4714.A.r,e-1114.111P11•911.& 11100 • ;Lifirltfitartl4,iiiapreis kmarle:o7 113.11 b bblribiseedOit Wirth: by ' • friletaAr,,,e44l 4— „ — ! —A-, 1 .4 '' ..„ , , .16CUSINEATLII. VSBlnlialer tillE9ftittil=l:4 - . IIICOO iltllt Altil Wuft am, etesefer less - I LIA 0,-Ioe L. Nifri %hams& laid.* seergst• "4 12 " iiiiiizi L AM. ,.. 4 .' . rye (treAseljkl& is &sec beetle • br , . 1 ,, a , - canals ibmoontorn 1, ta g imtt 1, I temibb: ow L , ~ ,Essisids • —.---.. ,C 1110011) r eal'int. UNA% bead asuti i l iulb ‘‘j gram 4 " I - " a : aa q We i gs f lrik/t, . • riStlAMltlyy.t...-s.lPatirMifarrinat fq..., 7, , ,.. i1....1gui vat 0 itosmaa p,, Mtrtatzttlir nu rtlns nli .. • - - Fee &hal- ,r,',4111AL64 ,- PE) e ple ttitere • ph 4 11 4 lintif , -njt tiViiii --- Atior camera .M ciff._ h e.i ....... k•r b 1.3,..5.4,1, tausuitlyeabuid and t sale utile that tat M i eVeary,lr7 Vl* •ALMlllte ' .176 - 1[ DIII0; ch6fis . all u, .„_..1.1..b..ita,a u m m l. iir vmt Fridv . ! i , metg f ntn PwL l'ist.liz r a u4 , 4 , ... tW" :14 i f i j:" ii. splellrnal. 1001. _ t W 4 wa Ir . Llianitr-Illentlem a... din.= ti s 4 , la me • m di 4... IL be 11%. - . ...ZWISIIITMIIIIO24 &.. - , Ty;lt.D.llllllßST—Allitdi 01,11,rmibmblit•••1 I . ...... USN „eller is wow 3 . LUIS 141:11. mil.% Wl3lra FA,•.inir itTOO '46i117 U " g ala " • . I. MW W;1401.3a t.yaeir is ••••••2101.1as. da ldsmilfor klabAß44,o l l**eset a t oU • /41g - nigi b Y i rk& th r &It d - taw VS fables As M iL lOOrymrr wheino rip —003,06•646.-I.lig- 'Ht.I=PITIFSBEfte A.J RATES llaWaTers . • • • 2,10 do - --t.sp#:•a• •••Al ' Warr!..lan,,,••• -- --- 4 OP $ 000.100ge • • • ftlinates•••• - • ; Ai•—rbip • ssieities—„ , :_of • ...4 , - .lUseekan ommewei • —O, Small White_ la 0 7' Yea • • tIiNS • • s., , CdadellSOned 40.0301 Celie ' .hi 1104 - 4 41b5:07.:55.. - eask• 6 , ,ckoi;eitiiiiibNitb.:lll•ole, -0079•Tersr4 . 15'028 ...... 001kati. 7" U 0 1 - 11144,,Ipidaet 22701b5., - •.. - ( 4 1 II 013. 7,500. MO . 781.3 r 01m.44.1b: - .... • - :- : .".• ,:- .COP. 1 •••• - i --- ••• ear "Sim ish• ••• •••• •• . Oil ••••• - •".llennedie-b • Do.lelunlj:•,: . ..'•:•• • . Us nipper. edia7l,oo.oo" 20 „ I,_9C 311.13 f. CIS, ••• • • ..... ;.. 4 c 7 01.16/ Ileass-f lb: , 1102'LV• I ky..,::.4( . 03106 Warp - 540 Of .... , • - •.... 056, Leelase,,A.is 7 0 9 : „,; " -Mewled Ball • 19 - 090 Lee MN 0.0291 - (1e 111.211116-,b4 edam._ , • q " p: ' ; •*. " 4°GP1 ,70 " 34415..4C0m1e ' ' i•-• 74 016 ' 1.21• Ls .•. ; 7- .7- S 4oolp 11s*Lhutoe050 t - !MU 1 , 11 v(Irio1 5 : - lla Jot .. . . '' 1 1 50 ; Casts • 0 0110' 4os,,VC. •3 0; • 1 ,Lenoie:;.•••••• .Amoco! titled. • . . 546 :4•• , 2,1110200 Bondi 1 - . 6 . . Lense.•••• - •:•• 3,591273• • h - alls••: . -.• • ; •• , 51 1,0 Pemns ',•;4,11006,50 Meek 5 Cp 501 1 - • •4152/5,00 • - ••••.• ••4 0 - ..41 Ilia doe ' •. 1649273 !Web Aids .. ....... 10 ,. 10.esb, - rdoir .. . a 073- &Sul- 41.1 9 ; Sal Assam . 095 . ••-• • ~4d9. 6 . 0 • Set: dds• • •-••• - 1 4 0 Bar. . ---042 • .90 036 Co usineiseiriper'. , 4 510. Tussle deld ' • - 45 050 e 0 .et :1P el 1010111 . L410417ex• . Dye.Wisidt--11 dole, Balionare, . .200 Cuss ot• 1 -Nes .Yea.., - ...•,,A94/,90, P.. •••••1 Itldr J Denuded, ... "•,;13011 1 ;• 3 t i k 7 4 . 0 0. 9 .! - ! • !! 7 11 1 , tcol l .lo -1 6- 1 P•••• •• . tho 'Ohio & sursesee:ll9 130 Was, block; perdeci Almonds sbell l / 4 1 01 00 Bass do. •30.0001369 • Flab •••..i • ....... 17 015- - lrper 5di5bed.•••93,0011299.00 1 Hard •• •i •. • ••••••13014- Lipt,--leidbed-.••040/036,00 I .Cosuds, ese. •• •:;14 013 • Calfskin do- .13,00095,00 Filbers 1.. 40 9 lode lengths • • 12,0110•••• • •.il Gramdquia . ... 1,50 -0 1 , 7, • N•111 ,4 .ai1k0a1........ rr,„Turbei Nd•♦ 6164. :. • aslage-1, .121010 e. do 63,0170--- , -1 NOUS& Blount --It- •- i do- ...... 15,000- ; • I BMus, old ••••0- Mt-Prom pile, •• Cnnbesis;. ...-.- 0-150 • • p low tact. • ii. - 4.,.3,0114.50 Pine, clear, inch, .... -41190.1911 1:4 = " rear36,.:tirrg : swot sy •••- Ili= I A Z%Ettk a •t - 4 9 1 t " : fZstl; - 100 01410, • .F t nerte. , 4l In. d0..4039E0 : • . Fleur bbL . •• •Oek do 06 -41/19,00 I Sari 'brands ,•••-504111 PineSideglesl9looo MOl,Ol Sesoln. •••,•••,•• -.A I / 4 17 Laths, dewed,' 100.1404/1.80 Fitte-• • .. ... 410494,01 • Live !!hock 1001 be nt. 1.1: ols • r-41- Hop ••• . • ..... ••• —04.50 Ideoberbeal, 49. lb . - sue Case kCabree-••00 0 4918,1 01 ..... nos 91s0P 1001,70 P0.4-I bested. - .3leLieles-• li Ban if Fearbose •• • -.41 • 45; Sboss 11 01.3 N. Odeas zs-• as• 11107-t bbl : Neural Sloss- i• - 111moketel lo , ol• • - Rodin," ...... 2760700 No. .111,14•:• 0— Pita 4120 3 , 50 N e • ; 0— Is, Antibody"— - • - N. 29 4 .0 1,, • • • •-• 411 .= • -•" N•CeLdids4t 4 SIM 4 '046..73 3•••• --7 00.0tiu tip No. . Vamab,Oopal-•••1.750301- j.H . Nt) . 11 . ,a116,50 . , 31411sa l tee r istlbe., Seised, • 1601650 ; 'l ",7 N 0.2 . • -0 -1000 d Ja5e5....25003,73 Shad t• • ••• • 9010 Bif ••••••-.3.750400 • 04.41.1 b. ••: -0 60 7d .4004.50 Pars- . . •••• .4-4,11171114,75 Red Poz•Ndl. •=2ll at 4.1 "• •• • 5.0003,, -0 37k al u • Ammo l iDiskret•••i 100 I* Spiked Plb 410 itacroon.• • ...... • -411 • revised Li Boils Rivets •-0. 7 I 1),4( {MU►lb: -14 451Lese l'Pinabough -4/ 1 ! Black !kale. 01,19-• dal T" . • ' Quati,f , growl -0 opoi.Limed - r :••60 • I Pint, •• do ..... ••••-• 7.W1 Laud, City.... .... •.• 93 070 -1 MadOalorine,s,lll.lo pl. 0/,00 011%. •• • po Olhl cum., you- •-0 lOW Soso, blebelied -0131 • Med.. Bleu, • UM- , I mableached. Cat broods. -11 0 3,501 nut.. ...... •-• .700 70 ••y• ...... -0 436 Toone. p bbl• • 4We/tip , - 07,1 0 • pwia-rib. , Pateld dt,• - 101.14 id Pres. /11de ••• .. •.. 70'0 IS 14111•4 - 0— • Ladsbleek•-. ..... due 7' Cdentry band. Spas. 19169,29•••• 110 1 - 011 2,87 03, 1 6 I Chrome Gus 3$ •55 I 1019 - . 1 6 4,:5 Ve1150190133 as . aspiwasr-ip-Nola• ! Fp•Fs ....... .• •• .30 Napo Budnick Gmen.• •15 0 271- Eag1e,11.111,6 -- 03,00 WillisLeae,dri--,440. 64 Da•dosl lb seises- 07,06 f oll„ese, ter '.--01,65 I FFFG dd. -14,10 " . 1bo.1.• • ••••••-01,35 Elgin 40 -di pspeu• eV* LSI LAM. • • • -.•,G10• 9 Boa ..pander - 03,15; WM. 0.1.;,, • • - • , 121 - 8/ 3 - arills-19b,shel. • Vex,. fled 110 S ; • When66ooo Yerdilr,.••• pP 34 Rye 40 067 •Ntetal-191014, 6 sot 3as . 21 093 ' ' Co., ramp No 1 asSe ••-6009020 Wien ••-•_ 49043 •• Fogs,' -2100031.0 Emu 113,006 . 1 . 10 . Ilarobautable6, , ...7ll INV , -416 Black Oiatt• • " 11.1,01K1X1 4 .0 4 . 3 - -11--- - Ploga . weePa ••" "* II4 SI i 7 Teantioiliod".lladiv , l:l l lll, lissibey tb 101110 - 4/boeia, fif! . . t. 1.4 dippe9 . 9 w Piuntwel .. • . Spam, laands • •Ifia De . Promi.lfoLwaxessat Puma. rea to:l o des lb • Wagatta. • 2i 130.14 . u , r.ul , --e.„.. &dila:Mr • =M;=I Sbertrabl—f. lb No.b !bloom —* it • in lumeaiuK'►olani IP_ lbso _Lug /00 —• f •• ••• . • .. s no. . • .......... •—•.: 7 " • 800, IONIA&• ND 7 COTS/ISt Yana lb —0 • eaglet .. • ... X 3 Llama TWIN • 20 CitndleWjek • • Wm-lb t ra=l ,, l s o b ditue ..-03/ 8 14 Lapumm. • • MOO ei• Copper-, lb. armors' -0 0 .Mesbmg• -0 ' Mu:" 180 PI Cor4l/11•44 . itiff lh ' ...... . 15 %rime mre, -4/ 11 r. 04 I ("AWE Tam Ilie• • •- • 11 eeaumei•••,-40 JeseP BedCOM,VOe - • atm Long . • ... • • •-02,5 1 / (gm.: .. ... . • 4-005 Commem.. l . ... • • •-01,15 i ltrl 60 , 4 de 87 ' 1 te yd Weed ••• •'• • • —O4B 25 k 0 ..... 03,55 J.. lioegb mei; 0110 Demeseles-foyeol. _ 6114orelio Brom'elr.• 11 / 16 1116 - 111/1/i.• 501...—. .orosda A Voce 6011 ...aid o tainYC LA INF/WAIL: .3.61•111/1 1 kWoldnd—•- 111'1.114164 / oildoiii= 31ch000s .. . ... . . 6.. C. A. 1.6111113 .Itoclodu , . 11141 1 / Weld • Illeseled • 101/0 tido& *adder Drugs — . lb. Bl' 10 ' 007 10 00- 041 .- 10 440 011 04$ =l=! EMS COMMERCIAL RECORD. Stamen. Cap_taiaL Leave Amt. Leave Earaoe. arlutuelad_l l ll" - 1144444 ' 444 • 4 Jelly 4 albents,Wal • Side; • AU 111 ' "3 31 7 13 Camblia,lll , l "••• 3,1411 i 3 ., 3 4 31 4 • ' J 44 1 1 1 : 4V444"44. 4) 114444; g - reg ' JLI, n • (pr) - • • • A. 071 Jab 31 Neuf Vert. WI) • • Septa' A. 113 C.kaPrl Sepi3lAag 31 PITTIROUROII /MAUD OP TOADY.. COMAIIITF:e. FOIL ALTUUSr, - .1111,111•11% W . JAIL t/IfYA LG PASSENGER ARR•rdoesmras FOR 1917. Stems Scat. Packet Luie, leava daily for Ma c/anti, 10 A. U. Pam:eager Packet via Bardasvilla to Baltimore sad Philadelptiia7;B A. 111 Lod 6-r. m. Canal Packet Lice to Philadelphia, daily, 9 r. r. Mall Cock Lbw direct to Philadalphin, 9 A. ■ ad 126 X. . tVertera aod.Sootbarai Mail Coadli Liao 6.. X North Weston via Clevelmid, daily, 10 A. • • • Erie aul Vrtittios New YJArk. daily, 9 A. 11. L. Nate Earle= to. reiladelphis, daily. eteept Sue • - ARRIVAL AND . DEPARTURES OF MAILS. Eanteni Mail . nin Pldladelpbis,d e. 3 A. !A d clown It iV. Weston Mail, Cieelawti wad LouisnidE, don 8 P At, olnos•A A. M.' lanais= MO tis Baßimore nod Wantooitob, dos .• 8 P. M., elan" 6 A. 81.• North Westin res Clerethod, die 10 A. M., clan gibe and Waiters N. York, die 8 P. M., class _ _ - Gaulle Oliva, iinviso .f 14. MariasAr sia web eating seem- ! . ' 16rrais.g4agustll • ! ' • R ..Sineir our last reports lee' changer have «Maned le the market:. Trade improves bat altlheegb ou riven contuses ht bee naviga ble order, aid every locality is. aimed' lir, shipment is all directions: Within the het two or }brae der realises had fierreat mina, and me now apprehend no deep! .1 very foie waterdoting the balance of the quill*. • . 1 AUtematitionethit tossup am mount:ally favora ble to the census ereperpecially 'emu, oats, and potatoes; roureing men Wesel abaidasee, and the wheat crop has timed eat lo he good. the het gertipeui advice.. we learn that the usatkeiutatlnse.it riverahletri the relit trope, in r.eglang y irbac un,the nutmeat the wheat: harvest. .ha proved d eseillealipahty and plenteous. ... - Dec. caul r tneeputur M. now reetuvieg rratdigiugldelortiriselmetriss horn the Eastern aisitn.at•ii Wester* towns and cities , : *id dogleg the resod Awe of mu 11,1171!1, and the leuratei eiTraights we think our Petinsylvanie, l'Cestral:ttegtetr deeitheily the mat advaati untes - dnag ether. herb la time asarpeue. il3B print lalmaiket I. Out aqul n ' the.detr ud, and price. contineefina, with inet Wl:gine Rem lat. "it Feb"' iretnity if Wilms hiamiliietturs which In eau/ . derl . 4lbe heketusol, Itu` it 4 pierint eminglarthul 'idol* ;sad banes .the .comparenvely receipts's! Output meek: We tar Wes Gißle; Pearls•6l66potsgo fidieetej 42 6 4l : 4ll4 4e Put lb- - I ' • Rtistsu ' ib de eouilases is good demand. ri#,! l /. - 1 11 Pik"! rag odes of Ili' sresiiluirsbsse is iii oigeisi way et 871119 pet Obi. uoceri,—Tromply is narked la booty milk igen to Ms datitud; aid picas boo openly ohms 6.:11111C410(il ILA ispott. ybo rake at the ;goal , b to 6.,..0eit0d, ray of boor wpm Ito at Wear; lido foils:1 q uoluou " 9c i !ad Win RI ,IterlitlL.77ltilo;l3l/ mutat la Exalted, sod 0** ,1 44 iattlikillbl-01.4.1°. • We 11 °U , .0" of 2° kr* 41141Wt0l *solo art'll offish ti ll sailor Wire 5t,400128 'per lb. " 3 1 4 2 WAX•4 5 SiiC 4 , in 0 4' 14 lad is io* MO 04 • • BROCINUL...The eartit Vitt dill; and former rie50b.47,104.106 "We, 1 1, 4 4 alibirms More 122.414;14**4 rani. o p suciurrs ,— Tio +WV midst "4 tint to the-found, sad the ptitusame u hat 1 ,004 Good Buyer 'titbits risr:turtuul 'Stmts.—Vary Me is dectiatt; with limited ' Wee igkeze-Pbo. ; ttttttN,-.Tboi*eetota,;eil.i , wea4 b t. i 4l er hibitaid amiss eilJ lasi Ma" will. Item Mt* it 1094 M be.' wriroi. dalag is the allele. The atthitietudotori etuptita oi,tbr ram tad litigligagb , eorobC operatic= tor tie V" l' at.ffia 4066.114'41eistsod ths 6 ie eid PhcolOge Our-bk. b‘u Solidbjlhe.lumsicsny sod IS rim liitbrildriri 41 . 461 !a - MO. tl l4c CagtBE+Th ' illpia !PAM it glfql3ll. to • ' tbiaNillia; lll Millis\ said* he gaits Intik ta ben ~:. ~ wimosiamilmimmti.momeNSl " ' • I * -- etfititENlf 1 J 'iIIARIP4I4.It44IJfrANCiE, fltfl (INTO- iC. E rrAb...wwww — Irihs fleeted. We now nlea during We w of W R, at kiftfigc—Cream cheese to and sale. pi a regular lily hare occur per lb. CRACKERS.—The market I. quite inanelactatiea see doing a fair plainer rectal change In the pewee, we quote Water dickers SO. Better do 4 • •Pileit Broad 3 • Sugar & Soda anchor. i:ortnnur: —Sales of the week c War tranorneurins, at the runtimes co Manilla rope, by coil Do cat White Rope,by coil Do cat ' Tarred rope, by coil. Deco Packing yare, Sae.. , . .... Do common lIEDCORD., u Do peo Heap 1,50(4,25 - o3 Do per coil, • • - 4 , Locosi I. Hemp.... 81 tt dot t'OAL —Aothing apeclal to notice in the trade ; The immeme quantthes ;shipped doting thm.receat dm in the river swept the market clew; slime which time sales in • regular way oily bath occurred.— We quids miles from 'korner at 6•54, true wagon at 4654 C per bo, . CORN.—lio declaim:lla the market + sod the era. cle quite doll at the mica last quoted. Moderate sale.t ..17p40e. per be. • CORN MEAL,Nolibi don is the M44.L. Natall mpplief are ro Mld,. nominally is stom.t 4/00 • . FRUIT DRIED...AppIe. maree,ind without deenend) they Sr. hvid'nominally, le store..nt 45a Ste perm, of reachei, regular sake once. at I ill al Vic per hu. Green epplioi betosung plenty, and gales are made et glertbOto3,to pee r, bl, ac cording to viably. • FLOUR—The receipt., during the week have been unusually light, and, as a enusequenecithe pri ce. have continued firm, with en evident tendency opened. The supply l• mom atpee.eati. quite I'm. MI, more so than at Roy time during the nelson.... The sale, of the week amount L0;000 bbl. at pace. ranging from 24,34 to 5404; arid some smell lots ol extra brand. et $4,65 - per Mil. The last of the above mentioned ulise, which took place, Monday, was a lot .1525 bbl. kt g4,3l•pire bbl. . . FEATHERS:Iie motet is wail eapplieqyrith the article. We quote sale. 0(60 ache is diflerent lots at 23630 e per 16.1 'The receipts eras lest week have bean fall; bet, ea considerable quentitlee have been passed to the &Mem market, the supply baseli does nit emceed the demand, and Ito prim as above quetediremain SIM enpy in melee Is fell—and the sr bete nether dull.' m• ules of the week have been confined to molar transactions to the trade, as lowe:—Salmon fiselsx, Mackerel N. 3. Vero Kr; Herriag 56 iS,and,Shal 59610 per bbl.' ~ . . FREIGHTS.--No thanes in the market Mace last repair: - 'Sea tablenbors: . ' 'ORCX.:B.6/6.2.—hicesharscolitlasitd iiirm,with• oil Say clans. 8/se stoma! table. • .HEMS—Very little la demand; suppling in hand limited. It is held lottare,Wommilly, at 5161,05 - .HAY .—Ws dards males or - 50 tons dung the shwa M 81,5014860 per tool prices Brio.. . . "IRON AND NAll4.6.—Tha market continues lol ly supplied. A frit bilaltiess was Joyce daring the. weak at the following rate., • -- Plat Bar, ram i to 44tech 3p lb .. .do lrom Bto6 by 4 tot inch . 3 do Deady Tire, different idles .' do ' Hone Shoe • i••• • ' 34 - do- - Booed sad square fro m Ito li innh .• • 3 do 'do Irmo II to li • , • 3l' do • 'do do 2to 3 .., .. . , .. 4114 do ado do' 5 to do • do do 5.1 to 5i do do do Ito i •' ', • • • 326t0• do Elpird 'tau ' ' _ • • ha do l do Steel,,Ameltuis, Blister; - • , . 4 •do Nail,. est, 10, Id, 16, B) 3.1.75 Id . 1 4 do Band lid 461 do .do 6 7.4 • • ' • 6,50 do 'do . 4d .• - :.8.'70 do LEAD.—Limited ale arm at 4to 4a. INbat• at 41 to ale b••• INeatt staktimo. . • LEAII3KR.-4datkat quite beak. and prices of story datellption coattails arm with an apward Ws. datsey Wo quail molar , salsa at Itte ,lalltnator ratesr Betimota 501 e,........... . .eatrsteic 10: ‘----- . - Hew York d 0............ .1%019 110 • ti* lighter Ili do ' Calr'Sltlaa I 15044 do i Ilarotto.... '.... ..... ~....latot9 lb , lb 'l.llMtlEft,—Salet datiai tb• week' Toot the dif• lastat?anb, *mound to some 3,000,00 D lilt, at the nee. akar .. ... .......4......j4000 r NI , ttotootoe . ...4........ ..,....10f0 do Cban7 It Mallet Sold; 11W0 .. d0 , Poplar teaatliai, boanla MAIO 44 , I.Arto.—vol bide Imo[ to Lie aoriodi eloi sales combat d wilily to. gamut oe molt Immo. boat. , Sill, In bog, at att6h. and Sera lb. I.BAD.—.The attletait quite Ilialtod lath* Mat. k/lt, both il supply aaddetatody Was oily tstb bit. ! do day Ikea/. al.lor pig, 4e; bat Caper lb. , Wens GEAD—Saloomagoitstiiiirootidis , 24 1 , 40 ' 115 ra log , •,. • •.-. • LEAD PIPE.•-P4 lll / 404. A ;4 1 1 0 vs' k ' taeb goidooi,llol mod pips 4 r . : s h 00. • i do do , a* 110 40 de do. do, tie , . .- do ' ' I do '' do iitiPtr LEAli:"Bi Ole allOt•Si.Witin till 60 Alromp.T-iktK "Awe .....au F.lltlika4 .. . : ...... lyitl jhbod Do¢ „ .*4O fs ... .. lip • • l ' "it ' i i&k: ,i2.4i2"5: j Dro l tiagestrr ''..,..- AWN] •, - I,I I LOPPI i 1 Teaterm- - ; **Do L Fboulry Pi . -1.-411 rra;;;;44 . ..0t . .. j 1 Foundry Ptg . 49.10 030,00 FOMO do .. -.— 0 - , PlostorProlls-fr lcsr.. , Plaster m.-. -1440* IPre•tasooo-1 , I " gloolders-,.• 1t• lit; ''• &des ~71 It .1......... t.,, eooatry zr.:.73,.. lie,rt.i. - m i k.g.•_,..p • hi 1 ,-..- r t - tkbrre 0 MIMI( .. 1 In kr ' • 131 al . L Tel toll • 10 1p.,1 Moue, W. its. • - - as Gi i Groben... • •-• 10 Crackers, PauborekWa.• ,'' ' DO e . a bb !: ::: : : J:: la: Poutoes-ap f.. 44... 100smoollads . • r".'.... , • -,- , Nesholoocks 1 .10 40 641i•--0.11,. . 'Country mixed.••,- 11 1 31 D,.. good wh,te. • - , --44111 5 Rice-. lb, 1 Leo '61161 alek-IP losbol. , ,Ticsoil I Mooed ‘ -i0 00 i klumard .to • 3,10 Spleen-0 lb. Clover , 33 • 38 Cams, saltine, 0 0 00 00 • la Nome's- fib?) 1100 repper ' 1010 11 Alspice,.. .... . ...I ix a 1 4 • Itaalterest-111 lb. Yirstellil , l••• .-. .. 1.-40 14 [Senses f100p...0 lb: 1 1 ~ __ 1 413 b 1 " :1 rg1. .. , , I 1 : 1: 1 1r: Stool.o 10. e relgo. Cast 81mar• -• • .114 • 11' . Do clogle ..... •...„,+• • 16 Sett tieneatt....-: . r.L.8 11 - k- I .I-40 it Iu Hoop /...• • ••••1•-411/ ti, riusborgh Ilassiseibro. - I Denounce! t.-. 0 if I I Englob blister - , -0 blamer.. W Amer I, man amer- • - 0 4 HOMO -on .1411 5 ; gpirillo•-•0 gall.l Ararat, Orderer .1"1011,50 4e:lolle• • • 4,00 02.50 i La , a. ea 4,bpr..1.50 01,15 1 1 1 ! • 4 . k . 7: l. 05 ioSololw l-. l • II .01,50 fats-IP b. N. 0, prime. hb4.• , • 7108 `Our, MO . i 7108 ilassons obite, lb.i • lals 01 Hrsell , 16.401111 11 Polvensed, P 411,4• 1 -• golt.--kr bbl . No. I. deal ~ 11100 1. In siore• • • • ,-7 10001421 'Table, d dos box• • • •.0 - IP , keg itpo/014.10 IP,00r• ••••tr• 111/IX-i Illsitp•-•10 1 , 1 yan , . .. • ....... 441 101 T•tpairtus-f 10-41 0 1,' CL 1 Oir lot cash-it.r nosorsets. tog Tobacco.] /!sgsr Leaf. -Good ryl old- WM.—, lb.. Sheet • lb Slab ; —• 7 • /iPrelekts—ip • Se - II n C Mci a nssi. Gmx.4. ta=l I tIV/71;;‘, ''''' Dry. Good.. Ilivi ood. fordawd *ad Dry G . ; •10 Wary • • all • 271 — 2lrspehoroz Brouveseilk. - Dry Goodgdam3) . • 16 Produce, ka lop) Nurivak. Dry Ektds l• 10 To Wirehier Dry Goods. • Zareasair. Dr, Clood.• -• • He i ri :4 • . ; ... • • 71.7 Irost tOrlea . ea Ty Gosds •ns. ...... ... . .is a 75 °lnas, am., 0 7S' Ram Iff Prsighl on Lis hanryhrmia C.. • - TO .3, . 050 lianarnaas .4=33.lld.g4eillni: per 1: lbs 6 0: nta Bauer and Bacon, Beef, edited -—5 O 10 On Bale rope and . Bagging do DO { Baatiorax,: do, 73 Bender, - dO ' . ddi 1, 30 75 Cheraw, 'do DI Cora; do 30 ; Cotton, do .010 I Chilled Rollers, - •do 73 [Drop and bledtethea, do Or 4rTeMt, do 1 00 . do Os. Floor Iper bbl. 671011 OW Pore Ltd Pelirirs, perl6ol 6 . 1 23 : Prather', do 1 D Femme, do 1 00 Olaseware, do 73 'Glau,Wlnolder per ba forms , Otnaenp,. per DO lb. 73 Orocence, do of :Hardware, do 000 !Dora. do ratt do 021 lltallit, i I Hldea,lraw 73c; dry OH do OCO ' Leather, d o DO Lead, do 40 Lard and Lard 011, do 60 Oil, Castor do TS Ode, (ed. Lard and Craton O. 75 Pork,' pet bbl —0 137 • Hags, per 100 lb. PH Roped and Cordage, do 000 Seeds, do 73 1 Moe, Deer and Elatalo, do (HI ZIO.:17, ' do 000 do 02 Tobacco, Leaf. do 630 • do Mannfortared, do 67 ' Wheat, do So Wool, !do— 01.23 Whlske, per tat. 1 SO • 7b Ile East via Moaoregallao 1 : Sktchiader. . . • 40 6 140 . I 10 --41 61 •-• 14 440 7 1...0 4 13 • 14 14 -.14 -0 14 ' -0 14 I •--0 16 11t2=1 . _ Plegusksp• • Plug vs bums M7SMI Lorp In Itpx . • ina•Taliaar.W. OWN Wabiskeyßai lb., C 1 Close 3ia ti—fienip, PAN in bales, No 3—Dried Fmk, lAk heailies, Oil. Rap, Skis 41,. %V.I. 1;30 Clam IVo 4—Drenran, M A lb Pbrb Tosar lb EIM Ft= EEMEM!MI Tinplate-1r b • Bearelasi, - - 2,--!1/ - 1 x .. ....... .. ~..-.- 'lvo ITail lard -AP lb. I . Rendered J e I l &mat -•-• • ••• .... 1 . - e l4 I Nr i. l!) .. reara lb. i 4!0 a I &did' boxes. •••• -He - 1 •Wlrsea-,P Falb. - L T bLeariaY.Mlo 0.1.00 L P Teneriffe Lilo .01,713 Liobon ........ .... .75 01,70 IDry 01 alas, ..... . • • 49 6 0 Beset, ',ad 11 5 I Pa a , . : ... •• i • J 76 *;01,,C! 0 73 n . !Calabria ' 4• ID M=;=Mil Fro. Pitutoargh to I.l7ttoolisor, V.. MI *IL tram Ctadasass, 0 lIP " " Lmtiavilla,llly• • Isl stilaaitil4o.. i 81 Boonville* do —gel • " lodopendtoce••111 , 1 Goleta, 111 • •••111/11 Meroplos, Ton. UPI " " N. Orleans ••••1 0/1 Rocs N. OrleazotO Plitsborek• • • •I aii exLaai.. " ••• ••••is Ottar=.l.l4olßtotto !WL.,-.We base Leant ni *Doge. Mace oar hat presesaing say chug. is Floes. Pig *lett] told at $30..13 per taa. VS—llegolsr silos of - linseed, troy store at IA plei. gal. Lull ad, 63.10 c psr ROSlN—price remain srithsat chanze. It/scalar sales or No soap ramie, are wanted at $2,661463 451.1 eek of 480 b.e rather scants, rre 1 al Eltigie e brisk, and the ss srlthoet ny • ae follows Sk) P bbl. ; 73 „ RAGS—Wo woo rtes at 31 t 4e per lb. SALT—Ssles dorisethe week amoust to some 7XI bbl. $11,06151 sub mid time. TOBACCO—Tao M.t ket remain. without claw,. Larte . amovite centioue b. arils., by pnxupallr for the k:aatete median. WHEAT—Receipts are Refit. sod the demand It is bold oommally at a3a9oc per be. oUnei 1.. mg 17 L—Very Milo dose is our market is the way of sale. The follorrieg ere tee pace. paid by our asses. For prise 33c; 1.11 blood 30e;! do 26e; do t.e. y od common TA • .25e, tab weak =.25c per WOO SKEV—Nlarkr t firm . :wht re ice% 1.1.111ng.J. Sallt• of good Up, at 37..; ot.l 3 ) ; C. 1111.00 Me l.fus4 at ;leper gal. Meier, Bosses., Peaces &c.—Money ennuis. sea ebandent to the Eastern cities, and dixonnts are freely 'obtained upon goad paper. The Rinke are etrohg, In the possession of armee. sad therefore able, to discount with freedom. We ohicene, how. ever, that therejs a continual drain for the precirds motels to the South, thence to Mesita, and thence, as .re bare recently learned, to Esigi•nd. Ma He Thelavorahle nice for eschanga between the tinited States and England for the present, hews ever emote a freedom from all meharresemeet on acerflitof specie. The twenty Ore millirem is gold and edam which has found its sexy to this country, and which has Noes upended lithe parttime of our ,sorplos crepe must be a long time returning whence it came, and we might hope to keep much of it, te the taunt)", bet for the caress of former les _ potentials likely re come in coder the Tarid of leld thereby bath lamming our foreign indeldedien, and Idiminishing riot home emonfactures. We re• gard, this so the groat event of our present Revenue system, nod it se one which in time mestantlict seri• rirMentharrositient upon the country. 'chi, meant payment of the interest epol our StaiSdebt, and the good condition in which oar Tht4.9 b placed, PrsPerly becotaaa a subject of public congratulation. Not only j=pll7ol aback debt ho, been paid, bet the Anuast interest amount ing 45949,19170, Sad alter all this an suitable balsas@ in lea ie the Trivial of $39.7,,,t1 S 3 Froln tila favorable state of facts, are hope to see no (sling back into the .logo ef • want of faith or et pease tri' meet oar obligations. 'Ch's Stock mullet, both for Goveronae nt and State aricheitlei, hail' changed bet little niece our last.— WI/guide Treasury notes at bg psemlain lathe rapt. era markets. t/ 9 fi's at 5,1, IA at 97, NY Yes 1011.0hio6'e4003I00.1.411inois 6's 494/019, thealscky pail Ir . ennkritsula s's 901. BOATS LWAVIDO DAT. ; LEECH & Co'. PACKET, Philadelphia min i Bilthooto:9 r. 0. SIBROWNSVILLE PACKETS BA. r. nod 3 0. J., SEAVER PACKETS st 9 nod 10 • r sod 3 r r IBEINONGAIJEL4 CITY PACKETS, 3 r. a. ca . .ASikl%V PACKET. ClVssow,4 r. r. WELLSVILLE. Wellsville, 9 cAIICILINE,;Nizon, Wellsvillo,9, • a . TBEWYON. Woodward, St LIMAS. 4 r DIrPATCH Nelson Brownsville. PORI' or rirrsouno. - T ARRIVED. Consul.Bownieti. Louis McLane. Inmost'. lliowaille. Wellsville. Barnes. We tle,llte. Genoa, Ebben, Sae&b. Despatch, Nelms. Moe. City. Caleb Cows, Skein, Mugger. Berger, Hoops', .Besver. Lake Llasvir. Camden Headrickna, MeKeesport. • I,kippat, Beaver. • • linden. Honker. Zsanville. Conran, • 110lettive,ratkie. • - DEPARTED: ' • D.WITIIIII. P ony bleLsoe,,BentielL Brostwstre Monterey, Woogwnd Brownville. Welbsille. &lees, Rhode Mud. Damns. Sean. Gan Cope, Sboles, Glasgow. Bonn. Hoer, Bean. - - :Lake Erie. Hemphill, Basra. ltstodea, Headdekno,, IDivpstelt, Nelson 61011 , 0111110. ,ekippar, • A. , aabeam. Cochran: Cm. I ' SIRES FO.—•;-......Cin• I I Ttestoe, Woodward, 81 Lens. ' ir. J. Peltill Universal Callut Kandy. A EY.W tents of Onat..f.reulNVitiiiir alto lobs known sad lbenagbly lettel r bie been nal - obtained, and Isar elle by Wal://e31[00:14 In Llneety 111. the n. as* nai einem rawly I. ewe aft Gag, far anlHiau7 "exussedlimay, nag gag 41/graveled ensaf menu ur elven u tzning Sore bi e nellkenbaleaseere,manb,, naellei /any, .. impalas, center. , nab, incipient- bieneeblne ineleabay,- eon *awl. bleak - ad all anWirofellent;'t tanker, in dui amenl, sionsal, en/ .1= Ma* thnicd ocearienene went Oadlnellems ckwayney , y elleb bottle.' TN sande tarelved . be . iteneanar..o l 4 ACM Pet ben/bn Praitai Mr7=llTl7TryrTrY •Tie steamboat vt:rabit. Cgs. 11. • • 01tra ornammer nortpl be ..errif - Deana und 111 e. Sault ,Sie Ittio at. 44113. Aslkh , i:WatklT /,,. , ApriZg ftp.NOTRIOr Or the finking lelw4g' Otl.rOit Off rrt Tor .44! ii I*. • Tb. 51.1 **b.* powerful i..w Pei." to re nlghte,iand Is well sid.apadd to ibuSantt trada. For FreigAtcr Ferviter•pply 00 110.3.111 b • • C LIRADRUILN A Lleireli64 , I N ELLIRET,_Detroa- • inl2-10 ". ' F W LAWSON FOll CINCINNATI AND BT LOUIE . (be fast Tanningstmr IttlitSGOLD, gore, master, mill leave fim doe above •-• . and all intermediate pone this day at • ems • ,e. m. For freight or passage apply on board all • - 4110 . FOR RANOWILL.R. The light draught 'and Cut =sauna lambast hillittO CHIEF, klcorc, elostrr, well ply or a regular packet between thin place and Zane*. villa. For freight or prorate applyon Loud or to rayg GEO B MILTENBERGER. :AO • Plitutturgen and suillah — Piiilliiir ---7 • .. The Dew and fi. steamer . . 111:111110154 Fil)ert, master,has resumed her re' sakislur' trips an w di leave rittsburgia as above every 'Thursday hod ?don. day.at 3 o'eloet, P.: hl. For freight or pas.age appb ou bawd. orgd. itEfiUl AR LOUISVILLN PACK VT t iat t, ' • Tee new, light though' and fast ran kling Steamer F.URFICA, • , •Craner, marten will ran en regular acket between Pinsbasgb and Louis. oil Oaring tke season. •kliteileatres Wednrrday July l'Otk, at 10c0cock, I ; • . For freight a , narrate apply an Loans. Oil ' — 3G — Tayoegar eke avekr anoiskinkllnki - P - n44 .1 4 ' aithtl'he,new and Ibm fanning inertial/oar. • I CALEY4 COPE,' Role., manse, built expressly 6n ht. tradn. will ran as a regular Packet to • , Deaver and thanrow—leavlng l'ati burgh daily at 3 o'clock, st. sr . and running bathe...gale, Ismaili of handy and lteneereanal l on Mondry, st , el.. nerday. and Friday.; _,.' , For freight or passage to Drayer New tr snan,or the • towns West and Nankai' New Lisbon. apply on board or to Jed' Bk. W HARBAUGH. MI wood street Xiges-Ul.rik—giffelßliktihrlPTlrWlek3UNL-' .d;1 . The Steamer iaItIIIIIERSI.I. Samuel Slunk, master, wilt commence ranking.. • regular packet about the 15th enst , leaving Pittsburgh ever) Monday, Wednesday avd Friday, at 10 - oleback. A • M, leafing Wheeling cvkty Tuesday,Tkorsday and Satur day, at holckick,A.• M. Fur freight an passage applY on taiard. ' : hall Pli'lhllfilifiiiANSWirATS rActkf. — . Tim splendid and fast mnnms, surd :NSW ENGLAND. Captain° W Ebert, will commence ruitning an abovei ou the vd day of klaveh, lease ng rillsbUrgh every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A.M.; and leafing Wboolink <eery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at It o'clock. A hl• The New Falkland has been bought expressly for the trade. and will leave regularly as stave. For freighter Das' age apply on board, of In fable . .101 IN FLACK, Agent MO TLAR PACKEF FOB 'A EId.SVIELEifi lil:—° . . . . . . STEP LIENVILLP: ' The new and hen aronoht Wor mat1,1111.0•11VOTON. 0. Id. Stevenr.nurrier, loaves Pins , bath .overy hlOndir, Wednerdny an.l.Pl 'cloy et ncentock, V. hi.. know Swabenodle every Tar lay, Thu/ally an..lB.worday atno'olook,,r, hl. Poe ftethht or pauaan apply on board: .1.1.11 IdcIi.E.ESPDS r, GL Ltda.:ED AND aiuNostiii• DELA car PACKET. net new Weimer IDEIPATCII, Saloon routes, will run at, abovede a ring . Pitt•burgh every Monday, W 4 d neaday and Froloy, at OJ oicktek. A. M. antifilonorti bola Coy every Tuerday,Thurwlay and Satuida y. o'clock, A.M. For bright or parragn apply on bond •TZ .- Allayytwiery Etta - ie . Tbe fine and Pim Stearobatt —. AD.ROW, alto. Jame. Atloutton, will con.' ute to run as a Regular Packet dui ring the season between PliudArral. and rrankbo. Pot or plt•togit opplY oniwartl• ocrlli Pllttstmegll anJ Zatses. lII*. Paellas. TIIII lotht draught . NEWARK, MO. %la.ter.ordi wake weekly tops to 'kr XirOVC pots drol; Chc or to D For (might or e oppty on bor rd sop; %%11. paeray 1iINS. "Le, PDCKhT FOR NA sIIVILLP The yew • m at s W TOM , in Copt. John F. H 11 oye, w, contence her regular Dip.. h. the abort post on Monday, thc Yoh inwonL, at la o'clock, •. r. For froldlo or ;W *Y on boatel or to oachM J r t+ll A PRO. ArIS MIAMI:LEN dr. CLRYELAND LINE or LANAI. PACKETS AND STAIJk.N. , 1847. CANAL PA.:Ban:l TKLEM ' AMA. SWALLOW 1. KAYE Beaver cin , lyd o'ctrntk, r oh. aver We LJ •rtivat of the ctcamhnat BEA VELI. Boot Pitutituncht Snd cruet at sh.ttrr otnt ntornata,to • L ovto In, mr ke. .Lich rerclt Cnn.thdnri • Ilan.. urn ieeeipledthrtardt.rnettelna. hrobr oa the Paeketr. and atm. m the on nip:mm.loo on board ale Wolroahlt.arrr. licartnk rtitnhorgh o'clock, •- r 4 or to thr agrutst G BARTON A. Co, Piusborgh CLARICE & Co. Dearer JESSE BALDWIN, hortorktorn apls M D TAYLOR, Warren E=lLMaliM= iiiiiioicipprA AND DALTIIIORIC 1 iIF. Curial vol lltulrosd beim( now in exeellent Order, the Packeta et Iltut Lone oral leave will, pap menters as follows, every Mehl at 9 o'clock: Packet Indmon.Derkey, Monday, A imam 2 d Lowsimm,Thinutason Tonsdav, do Keaton ky, Tnl , y Wednesday. 4 do intim Cram, Thursday. Jn Indians, lterkey. Frets y. de!. I.oa. - am., Tbo,m , meruntet. do: du Kent. ky. Trimy, &must , G.) b. • do 0100, C,ale, Monde y, ,L, 6, du [when, Ilerkev. Tuesday. do to. Tbaccip•ou. %% edorsday, do 11. do Kentucky, •nisby. Tharwlay, dolt. do 011 W. Car Friday, do 13. do Ind/a l, ns. Ile. key, Saturday do 14. do • lemhoimm, Thompron. Sonalay.do If pm desire cheap trovelung and eomfortable inseam. modations, smote yokre beket• at the Pukes Uffter,. MonoortArla Douse, Water start. or of eve D LEECH & CO,Cana: Ruin • cullausc. & cols 4411., Elagg&N & WESTERN EIFRKES NIERCIIANTA and oh., 'ending monde Fast, are' Informed th at dill I/Atli. , till. fasten tha w between, Pittsburgh and the FAst goalie< iing at Bain more with Adams and Cempinh's Faure... daily, fir all eke prineithl Kaatern elan.. Package. of all siva , etched and forwarded dsi y to Itrithrossille perste.= en hurl , MeLane and Canals! and,l erica by our K - overasesegosa etrare onJerlock, in Cumberland and thence ha mail train in ElalManth. for Naar pahthatars enquire el St Charles Hotel liallailnga, Wood street. 1721 halfllG VICKERY, Agent IV MIN EXPRESS LINE Fee Cm tom . For LI the trawl...potion of tnetchaiolile. yiar kart% W e ventaitle melee, (money eam•Pted I Th. Pohl.. We in k mn a prepared to Gm* an/ by ' , team Imam to Cineinuatioall utt le lee entruated to our care.m e wait expeditioot manner, and to deliver them rot Inetilliaiy after al Cinrionyj, mini g ip m e, agog from Comforted :or Pitts .orgb. If Minuted to our agent, wlll,bo promptly delivered here. r 11 0 VICKERY Agent, chatted hotel tiaildhsga wood It 3 A JONES 1,33.1.0 . 10 commernial row, end Wadi • .1110LIPIIII DAN Ll/11114^. ETW M FXN BROWNSVILLE AND CUBER- B LAND; I. 11[.• sunning daily each way, carrying 70A,G00d40 and Produce between 'hove .preets Merehaddele from the East is delivered in rittaborgh ea the eight or Vie third day.from Combenaud—making this OE mast expeditions roots for dented eat !Atoll (sour the Eastern Cities. Tha Arnt in Ilannuoro will give a receipt as to time and eat. -The oulylAgeort are J C BIDWELL. Pittsburgh • G W OAPs, Wear/m:4le • ' McgAlt/ &MAGUIRE;CamSI leirdaat ; II 1111111N:50N. Baltimore Consusaptivo's Consolation. Docesieriteseseelgh upon your beast? . Or pains afflict your breast? Tty Dr. Doman Ant, And It will airs yon rest. • It clears away the taint? cloud Diseasespreods o'er the soul, And whispers through die gloomy shroud. "Your health may yet be whole." See yonder rote of lovely hoe!: 9`ei withering week dreey It warenly inpo the morning kw, Delete it fades away. The %Voile of Death woe en 140 stems, And strengthened no it grew— And whet( 31 lihroinehi to ' , the/ low,) It Ripped through and through. 7 hat WOllll of Death might be defied,: If Dr. Duncan , en were wee ;1i • And many lovely dented* mewed rho fate of an untimely grave. D?-DI DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE, Ne ID e fly eAtroarn etre., Cincinnati; Ohio; where bla valuable niedimne iN Gold. ! . Sold in Pit.lturih, by Whl. JACK/SO:Cean., et Woad and Liberty etu. pl WART, ' cnitsooronThie lill bvROM Om Kee ASA MINN,•• well k no w n ehdPot tater Cluny manor the! Memento Methodbt Chem • ! The lalkl.iped fleeing been afflicted dada; Moroi. whiter wilt &diocese elide stomach, temeliwee duel., greet ie. hat the .1.313151 C h for tr Der Melee{ hour* without interminian, and tenet honing tried ',minus remedies with little rgrrt. war fun Wien with a bottle of Dr D Jaynes Cenr.inative Salem. Thio he tealiJ colcing to the dirretinne, sod Mend invattably that this medicine vaulted the pain to abate in three erfoer tnin etre, sod in anncn nr.lwenty.atioutro event sonar, set,.. II" was emi,ely quieted. The Makin* liras tetwatd , toed whenever indloations of the Rematch Of pain wale perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed He continued in use , the medicine every, evening. and atestelionea le the 'LisbiriMir.. •nd A. few week. health emu., far motored, that' the snlic r wan retie,. ed bore • large amount of oppreelive pain, • From es pet bine., Me rebore, he e'en enaMiently !fteceame id Di U Catilisllll , f.ll9ll4lo. an a aalMary meek hie fur discards of the ot.mach and bovicie. A SIIIMN, • Alleatieny eity.lol! For sale In Eittelturgh thaVEKIN TEL STORE /8 Fourth Street, near Wesel, !awl aloe' at the Dreg Stove of ii r ethe wAnr4 V.1*1•41 Alifille•T - . . . AVA DKATIST,t 11/18 Removed w the bane an Pea , throe doors above Mod 'Arcot 111.SMilas where be Mill tat found from leek/et bo dogmas of being co:playa by norm bat Mom who wilt mobs lamantinso payment ort boat the Isaresobt Ati.his lain of mattiotlas, Is world tholio omi t :Ittfpr. l l ' l.llZ , 72:gror ' it i o b lULlK 4 •1 tba folloonng yaw. • • c All .;18.1111"ting .T ilthy • , Matt OPVIK.OOII per prow,. Oita, costa bo sada ompamnents are oat tat omal. bill. will be considayed dna Amtording to*. above ms K. M.-46ato are liver h oly to him otaioaiort iota", 11'. mamba: Immaibitely .mlll be piaenib Imiata(Aropetalt**Wl4toirt olittbdbminfP ME!=== al== =USW== [,' gog.lic,Tgt. , lisoicAL wisToemst; - . • ciciNNATE,iTo. . . r ag ma .l. F . al th i m S T l . 14t n i . ""aratr•i i; :=ll. 24 6l 7 ; November. end contina toorrinoiks: which in lane- Merely sue , eeded by th e" e"Vie and Punnet sisaiort, which al. coon nee. roar Manta " A'noteitone pn - j liberty coarse eaten On the Ark Monday in Cr cons . . ... ~ Manna •• a 1,1141,11 %Anatomy and Operativolitargetylllti, ol / 4E done 11 D.Matena Medic.' Therapetues , . and Botan ' ' . • . , 100 II! Oliver M D Che y m say and Pharmacy ' 100 W 1100 . 011 D. AnienT end memo Medicine' ' 10,00 All Baldridge Pi D. Übstennee and &weenier- ' • ' . . ~ . mimeo sat childten . - f 10,0 0 , I ft Ilmethanaa M D, Pliptiolocr,10•41110. 111 . Medicine and Mutts! Jetispradenee . 10/1i T V Manner MD, Patheeogy, natty and 10,a0 ! , Pinnies. of Malielne • Mittindation Ticket 1112, Use orlibrerylid Grad. alba fee till. Demonstrator's Tleket $3, option./ , MOO M paid nadir before the ArnMemdey la Noventber next; will be received-for mimes in full aflame/Men. Or WWII by the In of Oct..nen, will scene all the edicts !brow fell connei the Demonetrator's bean. me et . l.dbrary seal Manlesdalion Orket excepted.. The Institute received I a abetter 11l 1E43. Thee-Wiese edi fice is *incased ache earner of Mari and Plant all.— Tbe imam °new Unite will Amami. every Mies of seine known and tan& la Ike Old Medical Colleges, weil Re the Balanced and Batieleal &hoot of Medi cine.' Sin or seven lectures will be given daily 112ard Ann 00,50 to 111.1.00 per week. Pandidates for gradiation, In addition to the preliminary teener study, moat have attended two fall entrees in some legally , in• catenated Medina College, the lion orthis mast be in this one mune tiler four years' praeliee. • Alf letters .oliesilng father infmaneion, or containing money for the Fatally, mast he addreseed to the ander• signed irposi paid.] Noteeofenvent Banks of the &Stet in which students reside, will be received in payment ot Fees. • T. V. 1111500 W, ay. yt /Ora Dean onto Fienliy. BBL LAMB'S BOARDING 101100 L. na Arott Strut, Gem Maws* 80. side, PAlladelphlwr l itlr g .4e , namd . tojhl . s . legir b n. v ezb= . 7.l w l rb tented on in the numb, Italian and Lane Lamina. The settee. of the most eminent Profestors ate per osantonly tweeted, and every facility given pupils for acquittne the different Languages, together mite other accomplichmentat TI a year it divided rate two terms of Seemonth. each, commencing on the lit of September, and ending on thnlnthof Jone. The charge for the Scholastic Veer of ten months,. MO, payable half yearly is advance; witimn extra.. except biotic and lnming, which OM 'AI PrOfrit•i.r . • prices. now commencing LOT time wilhia the term will be charged seconlingiy. It It Is litoOlat deettable by parents or g 000,0.0. St peptic from a damttce, they. eon mma:n daring the naunace vacation, when all due anemias, will be psi flush Eaton, Eq. Dr. R Pl' Patterson, Dr a McClellan, Hoe. aroma %V Toland, Philadelphia—P It Illerrao, PA, et Leeds, llorilas Reif°, W memo... 8 . , . . Ala Ihet halms., Keg. Spence. Ala—Wath /wk .*. EN. N O—Caleh l/ Noreen DA, NeshriDA Tema— Hen Richard K Con, Tel she.% Florida z.Dr.:llwout Legelelewan—J INlfee home C New•lL Fes, k, Geo—liev Snodtrorm New York: •104.1 PENNSYLVANIA MEDICAL COLLEGE. FiVan, name naiad sa, The" Anneal, Comae of Instruction In Ms [naiad:on ' , ad! Commence on the ant Monday in November neat dbe continued limdl lb* main; dm of Marra. The Faculty i• romalnud as follows: Damon, M D,—rnaciples and prsctiee of bletheln, ' John Wild... Lot, DI A-004teuinyuld disease"; of aromou.ond eifiidtro. 0. . . 8 . Henry Patten ...I,M A—Materiallle4ies and Ttol •pcutir.s R Guam. M D,—Annbitity and PhrahBo7. Mimi Gilbert. M R.—Principle. and menee oftbir . WV. Washington I. Attlee, M D —Medical Chemistry. The Anatomical Roam. will be opened on the arst Moodity in (mber, ender the directional' Proles*. Otani, *slimed by A F Mclntyre, M 19, Demonstrator or Anatomy. try All Pepsis anendinga second Comma Lecture.: la. well those received ed insadea., es thole who hare attended their bra Course in thin Institution) will be rernisited with • ticket to the I:tiniest Inwine matt at the Pennsylvanta 11o.pital, Pine street. Fans—Matiieniation.ll3; the each Ticket. /IA end °anon, Vt. PATTERSON.MiILeUto POllladstpkti, jyte7ler ?to 91 Arch Oncet. _ _ -- • MUSICAL INSTRUMMIITS: Tolls R MF-LLOR No al, Woad sure, k» iwl aa. eriactl a near stock of ilia &naming !akar, Band lannimeall, tilt • -ttwitystiwt, with 5 valves in P, with E bat crook, new end very poorer fel brim inurement. 1 reneweettotut PE du, and E Eat, made by Grave• and Co. Troolbooes in 11 flat; with :lutists, by °nolo+ I Co; Tornirieui do do' do do do do; Kent Bayles. Kendall lottern,ES II fist do do OphieliOns in Balt, lIIISAInning siLle., of the best qoab P ity; Comore in eases, Paris mode, and very solierbir . . Tnnolione• with t .tide end key. new Finneran and snitch improved, Connect. Freon II OM, 1r WI 4 ore crooks. . - Platiocaa and E Bal Fluter; °alum, neat; Plage4,latz; Aceotdio.o. Viaancelloa, Doable ilaaseiaStrings, IteEda. Mace Pa- t :===n Row Toik and 500101 nines. TORN, II hIELLOR.6I wood-ot, hat on hand and for salwat eosin prices, One very elexani Rosewood Pianolarte.stanabtetured by Ouch pond of Dorton, and ',r peed by the be...ad...m.1n ode coy. to be ...peeler owunowet they have heard Price 67W, cosh an extremely low pore In elow tnet-S tP l t , nd•d Ma . .ohady CI e nrage Plano forte, et bolltant 101IC. and fl, Corry teepes a very ...peeler ...- ..eurreens manolaelored by A Out Oa, New York. kwmc.ly tool. so the 'Neer York manofneturing Com . Also, the falloanng OLD P lANOS at •ary low price.: Ope 6 et tave Demme Piano hole; One 6 " Plano, made by Uabeeek— poem .73 One " do do Rotenbann.; otiets3o. Ones " do nearly new.lnade in N. York, and wish melee. furniture—price 6575 .'ne 6 e...xv. beacon Nano, sea de Sy Fi. V:en. no. in nod tsplr T. and an ereellen. Rows ae 6 . 11 . 3. an credo of 6 mend.% wills Itestd weoritY• /3 =1:=1 9 , 116 SECRET PARSION, Li he author of Shahs A pent and Irneuaa. Chapman'" A ricau Drawing Book. Nu 1. Duman of amn Da Saul wad of Madam" R. land, by Alrs. L Maria Chad. Unite Maganne An August. Illacksood'a alogurna tar July. " 0 ,j1:"; u s that turned even - 0.1 , 4 itll , brom. Vgratner'rou.s.ar'Nale.ar a tratell.c at Le =Agile and Nu t theta Staten . . • . The Courtier os Oro daysof Charles 2: by Mrs Gorr HumD i os slit days of tiler!. 2; by G P a lame.. Mono; or the Pieter, by stothorofkits, to. • Living A or• , No lea Manche T 0.100.. or the Maiden'. flour • Intimla of Horatio, by Atoaandrr Dumas. Kinght of Gwynn, 7.7 author of Carry Lorreue, Av. Saakskare and air Friend., F W Winter, Etif Pandits of the Osage ko. Vor ra:e by • iv A CALDWELL sup port 018c1 , bottanur New Beek. .i Hen..,1111 Waagele Maven. • liik: NECRIG 1./I.:4oNby the author of the Y / of Shaken... Oho/town and ha Friend., we. Ilunon,or the thence, by the author at Petah Wont. Lafitte, Cape hyd.hte. Yhe Ditiblai of the Oiage a Western Romance, by Erne nen Llennett, aintor of the League of the Miamy o • • • Living Ate. No 169. Renk,nea Half-Trarty A tetra t, loty . , loft. Illitelrwood.e.itlegaatne for Jolt. The a wart; by Mite then Plekeight. A gooier Roue in' Kentocky, and other Toles, by W. S Po ner, Fsq, unbar Of We III; Ileac of Arkansas, sod 00.e1 , Talee,ete -- The Uoion Negwine for Sagort, alth lUrtrtsalgoi Cuomo.% Di-aorseg Book pant Charober's Cyclopedia of English Clemons, No 14. Taylors Counterfeit Detector, No W. The Golden Fenner, or Jemmy Tordeber Englond ; • Innewne Drum. in 2 wig All Fowler.. pahlteabone,treatingon Phreno.ogy and Mannerirro. krpi eornterutr on band at' Morsels Lite , auY DePol,S4 Fourth between Wood end Market streets an rem=xti • I)ECEIVED M A Miners - The Delte and the Coe n, by Mrs they, author of the Gambler's Wife, etc etc. 1110 strand of of General Wisteld Scan, Omusan der.in.Chief of the Amy on Metiers, embracing • fall &lenge/me( the Capone of Vera Cron, ke ke. Bandits , of the Osage, • ;western romance, by Eincrson Bennett. ; Barton; or, the Begeal by the amber of L.Btte, ke The Secret Passion, by the anther of 'the Youth et Bbakrpram." Ellen Fenton end the Secret Pol.olle, • . . . Cbamber's CYMepscalla , No 14 Dambey & Son, no Da Alm, Dembey I Poo. col 1, comprraing the Aral* Dumber*, for *3 cents—Dl **al ba. complete the work.. • Pother Clement, a Rowan Catholic Piery. ' 1 Tito theca td *Rene Mr Augurs, embellished supe rior to /My Fas Mon Plate ettramely good. - • For sale at M MINER*, Solithlleld.m. 3d MOM hoot Harper I A ptetow's sews Pablicatiekaa, rtltsr rue s, and for gale by Jls HEAD. tot at al Burnam N aOn tha eat ly setilanenw a( the Reath W ewer.. Terri 11- A, mdection of Itadlng caws open Commercial Law, decided by the dopreme Coen of the U. 0 . with ewes In.; by Ju I' Macomb°. A Comoembout of Mercantil. Law, by th. lots Joe. Wm. Smith, greatly enlarged from Mc !rd sad bat Ea gliab Edition, by Joe P llolcombe and Fran ce Gbolmi. Part Ist. Loots XIV and the amrt of ln Ma 17th Century, by Alias Pardee, Rather of the city of Ike Nebo., etc, beauttfully enthelliabed by 1,4104.11M5[11. graruss. portraits. etc. Laic mtd retrain s ammo. and imperials...of Mad ame De La Mastic Our., wieldier web some account of the personal hiaterj and religious amnions or Frac lon, A rehbishoo of Oweihruy. by Theo C Elphro,loa4 New Lot Wlthustoss • ' KLEMM b. jaw reertred the %lark* sew H orbreh all be sold lower then can be bought In the eau. One elegant nothogsny,ll one. mede by Nesse k. Clerk, New York, or grest,power sod sweetness tone—extrernely lax priced. Chet elegant rosewood Prone, mute by Obiekering. Boston, and selected by him so Me bow instrument of the rites In kis helm—price eery mod,emte. ' - BesidesiMlVllM/ drf Illl.llor all T.... end ewes; doming the S120111.1(11.1TC Plata.llollPier O&M' beet, No WI, drd-st all W Woodall's. - PlAsos. JOAN 11 Ed ir:LLOR No el Wood street hes melted. and tow open for Jae, • superb rase wood to Red •kelf twtoye Piens Eantr,selected fain Mr. Midler iota stoek.f..ttsiometielf tone sod &Mehra workman - - skip, For rmidst MyClikkerlng's Ftetory sma _ .J II kiPLIAR WINS' 'TORN. TIF:AtZ Vr''prZl aM l :ridutitoti',..:' ?Z. tax sit de.. Firmw and pooliiies or dzy awl net Wines i„wood folkwing *lO nod popafer rande soported of Olore, ere 1101/ °feted foe *ali— enates old Months.. Modena, Old Illioekb omoody C do; . ld W do, elensted Pier do, (ern end spa, 1014 ) C' g P C . 4 Wend's Malantydo, Genuine Doboey do• .41.. Wine.. Li roldron Istroned. and this was pan or ;mescal troy x,p.b.e s Know, to at- Mod enaa geinkmos. form eTI, fP.10.411 a( tha blear ena 117 - Nora tdri lA* sm. ruperi. snider hi bodes est sold ene Infra, word,oser fat Choke old aranadlnde Moles o'd Cores Pb,:?): Oaf Gordan's Wlner,• Pale, Homo andOedd. Old Oporto Pon—forLavalfds—a dry Irma Old Pole,gonefeePort—ror lasalMe—assetreine. Teacher soda a lonm assonment avant, atd red Wines, Clarapagoes, *rho's, Witsenles, Gerona Widow from lb. Shine, lifeeelle Hooksossuklag and sail, and wee 111 nineties or Frown sat Imam eaty Cordlals,botos esslatively la Ode It bosidoot4 persons will ha' atestamodifted 'nth trying, fiat will grll.7.l=NTU° c""*"" 6 "" sash, y , aleoate s tre eas ma r boat ad- 011,91.011f-100 bale s le more &ad tor de i LEO/3 wrcifieogt 03 XPali& flail& Atitessel cep Beare, UNDsold t ER tbe Pdonoogalsdafinase,lbald. 4 kipie Tb rarar` l ' a Mti su t t ' 4 &ill ty, a so '.ow maned Mg des inspetniwtailles` • A , Jarre sad earefollg selected etemetette4 *filet* awl Copt; Of taetT tTeri Veen- ieeed nett 4ailte., atlttelt he - 'NS eon Vibe vn7 lowtMeash wreak, • Hating tulle anangessems with the tamed Home of; Heebe Costee;of NewaYmi, Ise will always have on • It tillages* Ofilur netelbtateelleaVer,Hllind .Natria HES* Also,ltnwits, thummeresirmii 3 Otter and Aglaltd-Hnin.bWsofNastent and Hantemanontrisrl; bleb,ho will at .all sasses tale.pleasate in stewing- Ile reels awned dot all ingot will be sadisd web b. able•lion, and.m *sm. base his piece:wilt the _Meat Mossontieal... He it determined in Hese motet% not who bums:. Do not, iberemrs, forget the Name -Sahel+ Howse amnions, Satiddeid st. ' • • THIS being the derthe Leprinr:Pashion of Hats will be introduced, by the ohm huh. - tomtde establishments in New Tattle:lt Philadelphia tavaaaataiceati take-great' plaamnif in being enabled to anlmanee to their antomearfriends end' tba MMIH manila. that Ire ale'prenftedlositmdralt whorinag favor as, with, ealvintlt the dublenable 'Oat be the . . . . . . . . . comprising lleavers;')Vestriss,;.ano eF,1".1., itatsi either wtbolerale or , - • • =vat • • " • ebr'grood and ill Its sift 9 ideORR, Sad Cop .liSsaessisVes ..remora Kolb .Wood woe, awe dam liis:itoelc swains of ovary slimy of thiukan Lo deaps,sistis ia limn owls :Also.Psnasa, get! VrelOrE "' . Alp.). IS %vow Owl door above FOSlrtlir • gown Paaklana. ISMS. • • • , .4 .11ERHE k COSTAR'S loryle OentiewriNilala wlll be iatrodated at • WEEVIL'S on Thursday. A WOW MIL kentleosea inohing.• cheap: fash ionable Omar Pittsburgh wanafarture ahead of fashionable /fitts Imported • ad Advertised by MOE Of the trade. please ea!far• • ' [REVS. k aaOkf._ - • —ItO. bead of Weed sr ASVILRER:WASHION FOR RATS JUST received Inane New York, tioStow men Stile for Its eaviintoir of -.Whom Beaver, Pearl end White ss, Preach Caeideerre Han, with Ventilators. num itt want of a beaatifal bight/1m are respectfully. Invited local!. . 8 MOORE mIY9, 73 armlet, 3donrsabove 4th. VitErirtal tiOUGLArt - hu laal reterved • freak supply of Ringgold and Boma irmut Silk Glared Cape, nearetylet. Extra have-French STelevkin lisle, at very low Priem. . felt' • No TB weed street No u inanafaelurv: and *yea.' • eanytanUy an hand, every rainy of I We slide ape or the !weal sty le, and prices very In* ai 79,yv epe street, East nide. . - . . Nap ; . MISCELLANEOUS, Jetririttiletti. eVirtern... NO. Z 0 WOOD. TRAID.7r. PITTSOLIRD /I,Pa. A ANCKEII. le MAYER , wholesale and retail dealers ' in Eutem Ready-made Clothing ..ald respect. Why take this method of soliciting dm attention of their customers and the. public genet sdy, to the following that of their mock In trade. and same Arra also, tko they I+lll sell as eboap if not cheaper Man soy other establishment in the ea y. Our faellines of purchasing god spenefietarlng goods, are Inch at to enable es at all times to Imes a cull amonsatint of ready rondo cloth ing, at lea prin. thou ther can be obtained elsewhere The creams stock 00 hand moan. in pati of the fol 1 77 1 011 d ack e ti li= met ßmds a, fr.Mt SID to RIO 120 do do French do 10 •• 70 Immo and inviable green do 18 115 . ago cotts,tpleodidly made of good material 1900 pair pante, of .all style.. DaDides and Prima MOO mats Ile do , do • • do 100 donee Lawn plainand stitched bosom abatis; Mocks; searts: cravat.; Wearing .eallnitl mmintademi melts; drawers. acid -under thins of eeeee tuiery, all of which here bans recently parehased and adapted to the pent season. Merchants and others who are in wanted' cletleps,eannot do better Man to givens a call. -- TBE submnbon having been appointed agents for the rodeo( Rena Ground Sprees, have eminently m hood and for axle mato tom:Menace Anton stemes omdmog woos, • hair leaoilfnest. moaning In pan of the kliceerieg, vier Abp.a in boner., eoutaining and tar papers; , do do 5 and 110Ib tin vans. Gayest.° Pepper. tom hoses Mirka each Mandate, ropmftee, Evan and No I,ln boom (bibs mob Common , in kegs 93 tbst each; a. do tobonent andllbPePerM do do in Sand le lb tin ems Gorges do. Nol l is kegs 25 am each. award, American toy and loth coos: do do its Iteme,:mil 4dm men, do do nl,t and f !bean; do Loudon, in 5 and 1111 b ems. Pepper pate, in 25 ;hien.; do do in bermat and t lb ropers; do do No I, in bones, h and I lb paper. ;,30 WICK & bIeCANDLESer,cor wired tr Int et — OITIZEFTV R. Faueth,beitaip Wend and Markd-c ,cppacite Maj. Larimer's'Eichange Office. Tua: unJersigued is rammed accommulete sun mintier., ad lie public generally, mat • del le ims bath. Siemer establishment mane open lodes, pro nded mar every thing meaner") to lender bathing • Janney. SALT and SULPHUR BATHS prepared 4t required The abov&lntablielrebent is toted rip ID enure new iresng lb. . be he roof • nd. the subscriber is confident that improvements combined comity.. ,render Mu establishment the most containable one sow io the city. tydrehn II VANILLIN — 1105125 LP:AGUE FA ' Ramo awl, Cage/AA:S, ay, T"E ca tomes who found It foient to go to hie Pie n, hu proemcd - rooet from Mr W • Nearby, corner of Soutar and Merkel mete, where • good alsorment other heavy 'Wrong, cheeks, be , will be kept an band. and in hie abseacc, otderewill be Slled by Ilr Jenteethl Burchfield, who em be nen et Ilr Murphy , . Store-- TM entire stock of the Into from of Hamilton, Stewart &Co, le Me deposited there - 1 eat be sold on faVor able terms. to pane the l, • • ••1" he Company 1 4 • . 1 41 STE WA RT s :6. .• - ewer 441 canon /NO. DR. JOUR CHAPALA, OF BALTISIORE, et the solmunton of numerous Wieedl. has cencluded to locate himself persitanem ly in this city. , Ile thenfore otters Ms profesetonel senrices to ,the publie, surd respeetfully mltern • Mate uf putreume. Pm molar minium given to disease* peculiar so wo. men and children. RtzMuntcot—Professer Saornelasew, thatimere; 11. AV - 1144 Baxley, ll," It NI Cmarrata r 14. W: Law reale!. Orrin: Smilhadd oral, opposite We:Maras Bora Met( J. JugL, IRTIFICIIL FLOWER 11/110FICTURII, N. 155 Nara Tair' d Stred, •1101/1/. Pit IL kDKLPHI A, AL On I.ana, and saanignalaf. to order, Asnieial H Flowers. r... g.hem'rul.....m . nLa Fate Cap. L. Ihoos s.calso, %side.. Canvass. auk And every do.. non of Esse,. Goodinsta...ll l ei at she tonrcosasarket price* N 11.—Fe ather dyed, dour!, AndesL sossetaoifira 17 1:14CIIIMED India Labor . ?Aeolic..Gam Etah . tic Fins Engine an.. Fan., ROSE. ut received an Y011f1e.60015 ably. OWE of . inch so tillschcsindiassotcronhichnns.'n =son okonsfs• or than leather.. ••• - •• • . Tbe alma Dose is malt [sewed by an entirely trie and moaned method. •It has bean eobjeeted to, sad is warranted to anted a bear tar atom leather, is cannot be slanted. bracide. ace does IS ablest by cold To • Mill (honors it to of great valise, as Demands of feet otay.tre consected. eassiertibiongli ...roma where the macbioary is in opetabon, and net kak a drop. • • , • Jk.H PHILLIPS, &Woad et. vny. • Dealing Agootsthr DOORS kir receiving Co so the slack Of thet Yeogbieglieny Nay. Co. will be opened ai the boo. MIS Weaver, Pittsburgh; at the boom or Mrs alezander, ' Me at the boo. or David Da order, West Newton, an the house of Robert Illicanno, Roast i'leastui ten tabs of IMMO. and epee front day to day sant ibis Ord day-of Sigiember. Jsaeols Markle, • . • • - James May. • • James Dell. Jean D Dos* •• ' Jim= Gee!, • ' •.- • Atezarider Plower, . jyl soma Maces Derbies. • • EW Dress gingham; prang. —W RMDRPHY N invilnithe =cation °Moyer. to the 'allowing goods, Imoised. — • ' ' : Dartow. CllngtatasSetood Mooning doi Twitled Tanen Clingbent' Loodon Cashmere Prints. nest style Moe and Orange dro Genre Monet _Loatdale Deakins; Mosquito Nets, Blast Alpaeras; Wroth Dowser Rite • jy3t • • nonl can cot 4th eat ulike% ste Lrd~foiPscruaizn :: cu. . 5 Loom 'D Ham , * .P. To'isoco; 53 do • •.R assail k Robinsoo 3 o Mdo to do %Giese. Dm{ as do ' 31tis do DI - , , ltntectes Naindlontado • • . • OS do , 'Congress . ..ss do . • . 33 do . .ekosoo.ree MM.. • .••• • ' • • 'at do Cal?onue Ai 4o: , Ori roosignment, for salt by.' A DORDON• AA DIVR tbizio lAI.ILF . revel, mall fully listrig 40 mile. from Pinshorgh stied. Weed:eel girl to go ud woe two small children. Alio, rermi goads cook" ehalabowealda starve" eptl girls for all tredrztilleaseverel nee- for WWI* and Isar resew.. Men wanted Ibr several hook-keepers;ealw ewe, sisnehaamemeW,Xe. . Please eirgly u IdAAC II &HEYS'S Agency and latelllgerteei st near .1 1 2 Kourr it. parmicsort •-, I = has opened hu ol ge ehle !,,,e/L o t es First at.; rinalfdlfdooallel VAP . amaka loteeeeedn ier flireeo Woad and Setitlilield 'Pure* lit the rear if the llfootingabeht Neese, est* as entire saw weak el. Hems and tarn • ape efthe best quality end latest atylea: Hones ept at livery Its the Isistaseener: ." • ' cs go. A ' A 7 PO r, SON PAPERJor aka dodrocklos of to 'to. Sold *lateral., a adtmmilby 11110ORKgen. c rid* pent for the U Fula. al bla cheap boot and pa p, establoolomera, 124 n Stamm greet, Babbaore. , Dpitrn o o. rot ant Talleone-tiglatkp sit ofa steel, Irtlt saturate it 11oro 11,1 d 1 .7 pan• of. rota *bete Pie* morsuittoa. Ate. Oro, moan samob.M.i 1 aftYLet. alts from a l purls Of the roam, awl milasepj lattitnrialst , i de. la: FM' solo by „ ' I 0M1111111.13..E.V1.wd0d st VT en&,r.ceet °Wilee apoyarmot el:Forel/pa 3Vlooa Oodl-14.0rt.. Beisa eaola.lr.o &yowl pothis 111 1.91.1.k...1.Ma00bi5t0 tho .roarfopulagaa l lhot. . ported In Inihnl or nitac Say. aclir Is aol 4/visixams Pal ioNetioq, Ot all limo* 5. ~ h aava , wr.• VER 1111LV011,11.11Mals , eilllkt of thasetaluaee lying Or ih ken: sr -will 1.0 .At.argaia..3ponApplle.ulan te. i.e. Miller sr 103 O MIL SCAMS .. • IMILISVACITuntIf.: .1 1 OM riabseribeTkeepa Lan.Jl....ll,`troadimettraftl, J. , add asaaaloodytea alatdesetl Apra; andiati vairrand isentard i 4K.seap ladle., ani aurar. Maw, lartierand kb' threaded and; Oda wh at dr Weft. prter WILSON • 101 l " • eataetWlreltisil Oreel• • eal.:ardwa - haemompiam.au.o Ole • ittdaraeliira of Lard OiL ate Dew WW.ed eworm all mkt,. far Oaf aadelio.P2belroll Wee The beet caulithemd aril be add as Oa loweatatarktoroes, iWOLO•atiaa alfDragaina spodOroawklapelieerr rearmed. ~J JORDAN 50N.187J....? at . . CAME ; 71.sTannber en Keinfey, lite I Airy, livicr inflect. teenenly, k n ee. imam ono rW Ikad 1/111111114 IINT lIIT Melt, low Ler aseatteiverlek: ins maser at reipieniiil en coos foreci_eiPr ptoNlif ip“l , , F . !.el , c e :01" k id " *"' aAt.untint nt.ilemor ' so C m • 4 dllttElt of Smithfield sad Fmat art *lcbera C aimayabakad pane Wilma aad lAtalrear animah. as Imported, and Warranted to ROM ea tot; Me raagxtamed For ealc :a qatatiut • tans, '• 'CM& . . • - BOASKY t iIANNikti-Clei, ionmas, -ssemuleit_ Yawning. AND DEALINDI IN,Finsagagrag.,n ItiigEnte axwirtn: wayadnaratft - loan, win gam AND Fab% dolma, appiNi Ole Batik if cuutorr • bIONSIt rieitird 1:144/Ipt , Chetii be wiltokii ilitittims Aide iff. gulf prinelpil paws ill Ne thited imam ThA pod fit • • • " " Adr.4 , eol nudecuteas. , moFtrod,oe' gm: on liberal tenni • - • '„ i.llolle - • - • Baultori sad Dogalanrilla • wastarr.surxt.rirrasiaou:-: 3 *tn. ( Elidwumc.,. Baylis Lca: •-• . • i p r : ' Ca:whine% IL.. Pikiladalpina, • • - do Losindloi.- em Bohnoore, • do &Laois, •'• .1100 tulkgmesi: • • 'DA NOTE& • - I)Opoetases. „, .•. r . Coif Sanp.Otion% r Indina. • • . do Relief Mama, . gensankr, - - do Noinsylaala•Cy'. , •' do Virginia ./ •do, - d o •• no ) Wareltog, , do' Near.Odena,• do di ~ )larylaitdi r dk. CepAtettalatralitp. iIIIMPH H. 11/IZ., (late *YAM Oral of Wm: A. Cal/ lied Whip C. CURRY,latectrlttia, Pay •have omelet mu Orpaturershlp. w i de r We:name' or HILL ra CURRY,. gre the purples of awning on the Ranking end Exchange battier. to all he branches, at NO 65 Wood .streth three deer* below. Fear*: sett 41de—where they whell the canna of their Wanda and the pohlic generally. ; • JORRIIIII lIILG math C CURRY ; . ;mete R, HILL. • Hee. • HILL & ODBXXX, _'- BANKER' EXCHANGE DROXEItS..DEALEES • IN . FOREHIN AND DONYHTIC wag a HUNT [ELIA OF EXCHANGE; CERI DICATIW,QP DIO.OPITE, BANE NOTES AND COIN: • Nand Wield aireet,Ond door belay Favinb, viesi vide. DAR Panda and Commie received ea Depaalie and I colleetinas spade on all the pnaeipal Clues Wi Iw To B ;f 4 ,l.l= h gl e Cili ' cln a gr " siaDl th rr i alt" N "' IMO, Indana. rentacky t Vtgelnle . p d Peanarlininia z b. g Bank Netts, boatt and veld on In% Ia riad, WILLIAM A. 141 L-, A X /KU RS EXCfIAN . • PORF.ION AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITF, DANK ItOTMI, AND•SPEOIE:: No. e 4 ,Inad Som. ono dooto.'obroo Fawn, Snit sin, - , ehlel Pittsburgh. Ps.- fdAwl .Dlll - .Rh 111•1111 BANKERS AND EXCHAN Li GE BROKERS, m Foreign and Domain HIM of Enhance, Cala.- taus at Datums, Book Nina nad Coln caner 0(34 , nd Wood sancta, dined). app.*, St. Clalesllotel.. milLadly MEI= Olias lodmna s inky, mad P nts' ny and . City Otden Imam: at ' re=rt: dinoim, by N HOLMES SON . dew& CIMAIre Broker. SS N. km Hs • rtelloolloa. Cincutuati. Lomselle, Lows V sod el accessible poi,ls in the United antes exile Boilers meldt6. Nod Yorke it riolleetlons en Cteeisseen. Larkerian, et Loots and ki all ether aeceraible points in the United &ours, reads ea eceooneedidlen *ram HILL & CURRY a • - • Wood sh nen dam in le Enlace Ezit hasts• on New York, Philadelphia, and Hitt wore C118.1.11Y oak by HILL. &CURRY apd Wood et. next door no Eagle Saloon C lTzej u lite ve U r h , Iniiinnp or a=m . F . ty HILL. k-CURBY • . • $I O, Indiana, a • r 11110 y I ftie• Premed at low nueo by N 110LIMI &son Noll Nwkat 22 HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, ice. 111/LUDOCIt.II JPIZI4D . _ fOR 111ALIC:—The saleable estate knoWn by the £ name of Braddoek's Field, gimlet in yPilkna town. stoP. AJlegheny roomy Pa,lo miles hem Patsbargh by the Monongahela river, aed 967 the Pennsylvania 1t..; Road; ortatamitm32s acres and gi pereben Two thirds . of the tract tt river bottom, and the whole may be eel tiessed. There is en the premises a lane brick manatee and other improvernems, and several spongs of excellent Water. Situated on the Monongahela stackwater, as well won the line of the great Prasylssnla Rail Rend, at the 'mint where the travel and trade Rom the Atlan tic will arstvesehr the steamboat navigation of be Wes tern neer. Surrounded by . a at healthy and product che eoantry, by ineshaainble_sopplies of the best and eapest lad, and having. no the.p remise. • bendanet of e 0.9 and lartestooe, thtsplacc is admirably meted for the rite of a great manafamenng hobnob. The Pentsylvaniaßaal Rout is located Iluomah t. pawing month of the mansion 'house and through the battle ironed, and is now larder tonsmet. • it is also on the Hrst peel at . the idotent/abela flack water end the Onswomille packets and other Mato, boats conseantly meek at ti e landing On this Mahn Ii is therebre the most cosy of tweets oranFintoftedir our vicinity, Imbibe ben suited fir coontry sears; netts the rites ofnmehanies shops or gmat.nsetorietart • . - us the piece is one of great remota it has been 'is. hr.! by. tmeellert from all earlier the 'llniontite owls. raphyoschstadied,.arta its been y i9pYrelyMod is as. neassary here to give a more munetuar description of it. For terms enquire at the Merchant. and Matrafae toter's, Hank, Plusher. la IY3 l 3thr • Vesper for Salo. • DVTwine ef • deed of Irma Om Willia*Lambdie, briatopher SLatabd*, had William - AVE Lambdas', and their Imes, lathe undersigned; dated she 31rt day of csmober, 1836, and recorde‘ia Mort% Odes of Ohm county, Viten. in book tlasari 411..4 411, 1 2. Hull expose so' We,as pithier stamto, to 'the hi.eat hidder, at the Slant daer of the Coo me in • W.. tor. Va... the FOURTEENTH' D A Y.OF AUVOST, 107, at 3 o'clock. r. at., the folio.* described prop.. sY, so win Lots number. 111, to .4 26, in the oriental plat piths lowa ofSooth Wheelhar. on which is erceted Swats Paper Mill, stalled the "Virginia Paper REV • together with Or the seactstenutand herediounedv them owe belonging or in say nese appertaining, as convey. ed to Kin ondossigned by said deed of von akonsaid. Terms of sale, to wit: $6OO In cash, and the helium, lo eioderol Polmems, in eix,tweive,eigidoco,Nres. • ty four. thirty, *biol.! X, forrY4. cab fortreigbt rani, 'Kos the dnYni sale; eat it deterred payment bustring inteerst bud ohs interest upon cachets** se ha paid venti.auntinity from the day of tale. The wbolo to be neenroailly a seed or MN imam. pmperty Selling as • trainee I shall epoxy oar. the title owed to toe. though the title is believed to be_arquessmaabie. ty6did . DANIEL L.A.M.B. ?tame 41 bUILDING LB - PIANO BUILDINGS thereon beanunally •imatell in front of Abe lgansion Boom ants groonds of the Allegheny Cemen7. extent,: log foam Ike Batter rood m i te Allegbeey Leer - - will be offered foe sale at Public Aretion on the premises, on Toetetny the 31st dayoflinges4 ISM at 10 oiektek, A 111 At the same time Iluttdry SLtehlnery and tools connected wit the tope making .bneiness A plan pf tie lots and ter= of sale will be mete known by um.coctmeN serf Attorney in fad IbYthe Proonmoys.. . . Per newt. • - • A CONVENIENT thrge swry brick dwelling Haase: with s good basement and back to:6Na; at the comer of velour and else PKh dos ash. war d. This ',rope rtv will be rented • ery Id+ too good mu m IN. so comaructed that two (sail its might stew . . V;irit'l l ri, VT!' Poui.tioe tiveri tounediatel bet adjoudos ille.above. • iv 41141•SOLIZA IP CRAM:Mahar. • np YAWNS destroaa puchulttg Lath this Cate / . .tery astreiirml for is famatfott thee Papashitsitt Penses the groonds, or M. That's, Drupe.; cosset co sad ihond sresis, . By orders! the Board, . CIIIBLETI.,. • Valuable Neal !stale far We. - TIIE •aderraaeil being atemtio remove de Tannery to the .:wiry, obeys in sate 131 X: BUILDINU how b.t.e. Ferry meet and Re. dotal% Alley. lot twenty feat fronton meet. and /nighty fettle der/ The late.nrill be eold Welly oe the weak together. Fer terms apple ut the aejteeriber on the presalocsi. . JOHN CALDWELL VOld.7l.lllllld—d — lwl. Roam oder Pita. Ilall,Tbbt tbe lasge Imo la the tad sterrX. and and and kat at, ar adman. 'welly* na a Linton Dryad and Pedadacal ogee byMr, War 5 Caldwell • Wald • • • ti EIOAZZAII I TO LETe—A Innle.enewneelione, and well an; bled, three sully brick dwellunr, on I. can al., TO' way between °moon ailey and Wayne CU Poseesnaaginen inunedietelr. Feet pertieelmsnettlen at the unite = W W WALLACT. • large tam fiery bane ea' kiandt atteet 'torten *sit dield and Grant arena Mount, on around Gear statabin far aeon. Paseanioa calla" gar, en inunedidtely. Eler Tams /te ' apply, at dot Gazette • . • 'RAVING removed to dmeity, fw eanweenseee u, prates 'alma, leuunese, I mill rent the Mamma Holm and as lensed au, enelerrare,eitaere on the orgweltgaoee.ope wee.. Pi I anl43taert r ~ • JAM ARVILAFT DI 0 LOT SIANCBEATEA FOILEALE,I have Dr We • Iheneofel Bail/ins Lot in lianebeatee,sear thereto.. 23 fet Beat by DA feet &op It *DI be old tow, tetek en eceaussoduhti tents. Tense streseeptionsbie. rtlyl9 .lAhl FE BLAKELY. Reel Venue Agent THEAStory Iktelt Wentbesen,No.ll6 WINK lament:4 No.loslFtest et. lesned.atemenvekes, 11apply on the srentisee. , Jpidaf , ALEXANDER GORDON DODlKfiritT. LOTI4_-40 (cot 1101/4of D 3 et saloon= the ODEON.Int tab. enquire of BURBRIDGE. WILSON &Co...tea at NIW .A. AIE IC HARDWARE HOVER RICH T. LEOHj'ili.s, .. TUPORTER tuld kl-to roddlery . lllsohrsrs an d J. estrum* Trisamioss, Is mw mos irmr. Amp addl. ,tioni lo hot stoa t diteotTy Don 11Dotiogetass att4 the esetorstitsantaelotios:to toßiols ks Dols..d.lir in vb.. We sue ot ton of _mummer!. slot de*on groefatty. ~ ~ bQPIBIBOISSIVI 1.7 rabbet Bbip Satansek, osbk4'l l l.Mec s o.s . r, k „, ,„„apeAu e a serf is . I,4 sBUrL .min, Tbesm.B lo ."* . #'. ‘ i ' 4*-" A.bi KEDIABY Ibbita• ';- rig *bad &Witt• n AvlS's EXTRA PARTLY FLOUR-LFuolinniesuf J./ et all time* inalu/POodyrnbAduory, soperforosalny..... ofdground Floor Ift. Ibe Halduvo kl illo, by . JOHN,D DAVI% tor wool kik ma'. 1.11/1. I#ll - r0T11161....A loggotoppirof Nor- i MeasuntA hulio Rubber idooloon. INdulog.dono 1 I.* Oil 40 - ROO *14 , 0,.! - Jost *nand sad Om Wit, ', Thin fiatt4 . 4 iti r !APIS! ' 4 = 111 :1 4 14.r 4 " t4*, uarunßol lbrbealKeola , is dom . Monona tio piney% , '44 .., ...,... a ..., " !M r . it -- 111. - ' =4' 7 ".lL ` . SHA L' .tk WHlTR:oregoteßrips.A oraif logo '.. •wl desint asoonnoral of anuniosOlo dry raid. as, WATBII.IILTPARS, kr spurning Waler ibednia.- - it. nod, Wyly aos...rooder:og ,it as Sleet " sod ..-: arca as spying wt. They iiro on very annum on ift dui Ramon eine.... Pot ago lejl ..... ' - *7l[llllrgii al" W6/144.41".1.---nr;it— 'LTA . . 111111LICU-1. 04 hriati, ...... [1 Inspected; alHo imported priocirducrogi,nototigg , , ' km Net. are. akikuoaa4...ilola , en. beside Ibt wißlsoOket , losik f.'s!? ~.!$Vt Su m° ""ri l litr: -. win e 0, ..t. of .•.,. ~ .. .... *coo jo t .: t .1.,_,1 . m,16. - dreAAßßOng ing - ' .' '-ENeitaMri •- . 9 " t e 4, di foOl ...liboti! by.rtoquiting.'aL OusadleAdq......int.l:es. „...ir,: r , m 74 etsfved por rßosiokill oohr I ~,...! ..I", p -.0 - • szi, ,,-, ."..47-7111 15 AVUOIP.IIIII:IRWAWIMAIR:Ne 4,14, X . , 1, ,,, . .: .. - f . , - . raj Va.p.4 Elint4P o- . ' MME====
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers