iIISC,ELLANT BORROWING' Szamoss.--It seems to be general!, regarded now as disrepute ble.for a minister to borrow. the sermons of- others,. Yet not so was it always considered,' as i,"ppears from Dugald Stewait's life elk. Thomas Reid, the .clitrine and philOsopher of Scotland. In. 1737' the worthy Dr. was inducted into the pastoral office at New Machar, in Aberdeenshire. From certain remin6- cencee•of him that fell into the hands of Ins biographer, it appears that he, for a long time after. his settlement there, was accustomed to preach the sermons of Dr. .Tillotson and of Dr. Evans. So far too from this being considered a reproach, it was regarded as a proof of his uncorn mon modesty and diffidence. We beg Those who snd a minister preaching the sermons of others to be very charitable and attribute it to the same worthy cause. Why should they seek for 4ny other'— ' Chr. Chron. I. , II F. CIIE:API- ISt . GOLD A ND SILVER WATCH E.O IN PIIILADELPIIIA. Gold ',Vv.., full Jewelled, *l5 Ott Sliver do do SI Ott Gold Lep.% Jewelled, Z 3D tat Sts.er , do do 1510 Silver Quarnera. Our qua:tty , 1.0 1.0 Gold Watches. plum, 15 DO Silver:Spector:ea. . 175 Gold ?cued., V. DU Gold Bracelets,' Alan on hand. a large Imeorlthein of Gold and Ilair Brocelet,sof,er nog., bre wt pm, hoop eam:rtnes. gold - _ I pen, atlver at,oons, +nor meas. tbouttleo, gold neck, Decrease, 1,328 44- I earn and fob chat.... oast 1;6, and jewelry or ~,,,, i dr . ..8K.11. at equally, low {meet.. All I want.i. u cull The number of Sunday Schools with- , .ara.•,,,,,..“..0,,...,... r. A ., 11 .,, k1 . 1/1 4 10 Dr Watches and Cloch• repatred sal wall in its bounds is 400 ; teachers and °fit- : rep goal tune for one year; Old gold and stk . cars, 4,884; scholars, 27,611; increase, , 0 ,, Isltlloo ornate. ill...hung , Fin .. .tlie..llolldity •11•1 thirty hone bras. Clock, it i. . over last year, of 12 schools, 37 teach- , •: LEWIS LADOSIL , s , 1 ere, and 2,116 scholars. . was.l., c.,,,A, aul Jewelry Store No 4131 51`Irke! awe, oho., Et,. acorn, North aide, Pl t tlodefishta. The amount raised for missions is Lc/ i i.,,, woe Gcod a o d 5 i n , ,,t.r, , ,,./.l.lletraper than Me amore users. tuelsto 18,076 75; for the American Bible Su : SASMIETIVS PATENT DIBLIKeI',ACTtoh ciaty, 82,352 96; for the S. S. Union of i STEAM 11A/451E11. the M. E;Church, 8384 42. . Tmis Hammer Naar..., allally advantagea user ilk A othe , —stenos which tua) be menuotted, Four preachers died during the veal ' lot Nlostarohlettess—The rapid:thy and lace of hloa .. .1 - may In eontroye d with the greaten cow'. while the Tan were rece i ve d on trial, an d al/at...li • nanattet I. to operoLon. nod the honours may bean admitted into full connection. i ...rule •ereate.t , and sa.proded at any height. It. Univeraallty, or capacity to execute work of all told., floe, the largest to the ausolleat, onager the asie hummer. Its S:ruphette.Curupselnee. and amounts* 10 Aaerpo th . any upon ell , le*, b, th e vrtrltmen A II the hottatterag. erode Sell-Actmg The .b.rthers 004.0 C la execute order. for the;, hammers. of all oats, upon roo.onoble terig. roe further. panculare, WW of NIERIOCK &TOWNE, Asilquers of the Patent forth, Gutted Sm., der Is•I y southwark Foundry, phtladh. DERRY 4cNIeKER - 8011, Nlanufaciurers of AWNliGli, LICIONG 801"1 111113, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS OF ALL otwurrioit , , No. 304 South Front Strtot. NEW YORK CONFERENCE STATISTICS ---PtO following are the returns of mem• ben at this Conference : Whites. 47,856 46,528 Fanolon, the chaplain of Louis XIV.. was one day at the chapel with the mon arch. The King expressed his surprise at seeing only a few persons, instead of a numerous congregation, as was gene rally the case. Fenelon said to him, ••It is because I told them that your Majesty would not be at the chapel to-day, so that you might know who came to adore God, andlwho came to flatter the King." Straus.—Men are like bugles—the more brass they contain, the farther you eau hear them. Ladies are like tulips— the more modest and retiring they ap pear,•the better you lore them. The new Pope, fearful of a free press, has. Published an edict. .establishing a heavy tax on . newspapers, and a strin gent censorship. MEDICAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE. No. 85 DIAMOND • LE few door. helots Wood street, tosrerds the market. • DR. BROWN, !laving been regularly ea. fleeted to the medical ma r • Reston, and been for mom m Me t . re , atment . confin his of those 're./ P al:at:for thle t U c tT r° ,2 , • tunities and experience perulistly qunlay haa t:levee yens. asstduous ; devoted to the study tiad treatment of those compl IMF, (during which Sane be has had More practice and as eared more pstlents Me, can ever fall to the lot of a y private practitioner) ma ply qualifies hint us et res stances of Meedy. perm, stent,and satisfactory tun s. ell ufflieted with liliesa diseases. and all diseases arising therefrom. - Dr. Drown would inform those afflicted with •pereate dueues which have b<ColllCaltollie by taneor veers V.I led by the ace of any of the common at/strains of 1.. 4 .1 . • that their complain. CUlt tIC radically and Mar oaghly cared, he hosing given his careful CV-1111011 the treatment of such cues, and succeeded to hundred. Of inmate. in canna pc stains of inflasamlon of he neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often smolt mat these ones where others hays consigned them to hopeless despair. lle pemcalarly invites such as have be long and i ansuccessfully treated by others to eon elk him, when every sansfeenan will be given them end their cases treated to a oarja.thismaSh and Hltellem stunner, pointed oat by. losuesperience, study an practicer it is intpomible for those etuaged =l . of medicine' to rose any one 0 Ep. Her= or Rapture.-Dr. Drown atm me, persons afflicted with Hems to call. as he bee pun partlealsr attenuon this discern. Skin Diseases; also Pb., Palsy, etc.. speedily cured Charges very B.—Pabents of either Peg living et a distant, by ailing their disease wrt tins. giving all the spar: toms, ezn obtain medicine. with directions for uss. , addressing T. DROWN, ht. D. post pa I end carte. .Mit ' ile. ID DI mound alley. 0,q...:/t the Wave.. Douse. ins Nn 1.97 s n eat' nets • • SILICA:MANI: TOOTH PAISTkr.- • THE best arriele known for elemingmd the Teeth, strengthening the gum., sweemmeg We breath, die. it should be used every night with • mid brush, and the teeth and mouth will only require malign .wasbmg the morning. Wet the brush with %enrol *rater. or cold will answer. and rib it a fear time, on the paste, Whenenough will adhere e-caning tin ter teeth. It leave. delicious taste in the moots, mo pasts • mow delightful fragrance to the breath. safe as • pleasant, efficacious, onto thus. and safe denuifiee. is warranted sot ID 11111.1.• th e le.. butte preserve them- . . By using it regularly, it will remove the wow and prevent Its meiunufirtiort--Prevent the toothache strengthen the gnms • and prevent all diseases teem Chemilts, physicians, and the clergy recommend it decidedly soperior to every thing of the kind in um Ask for&ann.'s Compound Orris Tooth Paste, observe his signa signature is attached io each PM. Decommended by Dr. Camlo, Unradway, tow Cl oar beet Dent ed by by mon of the old established ones la the United Stales, ands ever grensively used by the Nobility of England and Fw• A largo proportion of the disease. t kat abet mankind arise from rows derangeownt of th. s tomach or bowei• which a timely am of the Cathy Loyenges would entirely obviate. Perrone of bilious habits Mould al ways have a bog et haul, and take adose whenever they feel the least derangement in would prevent thousand. of eases. Forsale a: WM. JACKSON'S, corner of Wood and Liberty ate PILES ! • ISIGOLDSBY'II Sales Sponse,. internal remedy Dcertain and radical core, whether seisma, ewer*. Wording or blind,aleo, kir irritation of tbe kidneys and blad der peace tbe kook and gide, habitual eoetivrneni, crop Soma, air. Festal. before and after canfinewent an often teeti3led with constipetion of the bowls or ensiressese, as well ail pike. In all each owes the Specific can be taken with per fist allay, end is a certain remedy. The Specific ts noir Wee and is anestiorly vcreteble to without a pee tide ofgenebore, cokxynes or Woin—plawapt to take and pia feed, banning is tin swat defirati eves, mum • Weis to certify Lhal I know Dr. lagoldsby's l'ele Speen, - to be • ormain rare and ate remedy. limirri en its elect: in ...malmsey gamed my Eunitionnasiona, in serest ma fumed and mama eves erlhc pi when it made an main ear, ia aims. HEN Y WHITEHEAD. Nam York, May, !Ns Wei Birth mew. I chearfally Am utizautiay as . Me toe certain and mt. EMMA elliees of t Dr.. 'a Pd. lipacidr, as I know et. fnma my vim mperiener ao abernsms, to to ia fallible: haven .4.. it wee myth mates in several cams of piles, male and hale. GEO. MILLEII, Nem York, Nay, 18.41. LADIES' CERTIFICATT.9 B4t"'" ' ' Nam Yierk, May, Int.",. • MX. Beat—Dray Sim-1 have the pleasure tr, my, them yenti medicine, Dr. Ingoldsby's Pihts Speose, has made a per. Awl earn is the caw °Croy surer, od I stow F ad you my word datd 1 have been surprised. it, es it wag In en, °pinto° i.. - • ylowatie her. However,l co m o thers to the teed . beingubdlible, ad do advise who are of d=l in the like manner, to procure the article, as they ovsy depend of a certain dare. Yours with respect. West Chester, N. Y., May 15 1845.: Dr. Ingoldsby—Dear Sir —That you may be nefit others who may be offeinp, as well m to express to gratitude for the boat 1 have dented from the me of your tremble Spe Mae, 1 comply with your request, od no* do give my test,. many rat favor of it, having been cured of • woo snob ol the Piles the hang used other remedies without succor. Yours with respet._c - Sold Wholesale and retail by W5l. JACKSON, skAnsPet cat Makin* Wsrchouse, and Boot and Shoe Store, Nu. tO LI - betty' Oro t, hod of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price 50 cents pv be. ,4,41 7 • NO CURE NO PAT. DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE REMEDY—Warranted to cure, or the moo. try returned. This medicine is prepared from en In dian Receipt, obtained from one al them in the Par Went, at • great espenae. 'Those who have been amine, with the Indians, know that they can and do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Ater cd.7. Balsam, or anything of the kind. The ie. dieted have now an opportunity of .. being 'cured withou the use of Bam. Thia•Cit.dielne is pleasant to the taste, and leaves no airell on the Breath. Prepared by ROWAND A. VA LTON, ind sold wholesale and retail, by J. T. Remand, 376 Market street, Philad'a. For sale in Patsborgh by H K Sllars, 57 wood street. and be Wm •Thorn,h arlot st ocruisT — re Clare Dr.latiorte ego ItAbreeettan Maw Fails! MHERE are few dimmacs more common or tron a blesomis than the 1 . 1101., end pet. notwithr tend. jog treat eflorte hose been made to cure by the use eleetnaries, linimente, Ate., all were Isola ,and of little benefit. Now the Embrocation is the only medicine used. A ;Kneen who has been suffer. mg with the Piles of the wont kind came from 10111, New Jersey, almost on mimosa to esp... hi. gratitude for the speedy elate that this mediator had effected in his me.—Philn. Sgt. Post. 117 For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEE F:N STORE, 72 Fourth at , and also to the Drag , Store II S.. Schwartz, Federal et. Allegheny Cat fetrlßT • WI) PUSIGILASARIO CS IiCOI.IIIIUUM.L. WlllatiE meanness can equal , yours! Lank at aon fair young wife, with her brightsunny fecal Look at you own, pined with eruption. and blotches' Yea you are too mean to glee Any cent. for a.eake of the geoid Italian Chemical *ay, which would entirely tree Tog from the" and make your yellow akin aka mod Oo it once to laolmon's Store, tAt Liberty at. l'lnabargit,and get a cake. 11 8 ' - /acblett's Is the onlyplace in Thtaborgb where Ib GENUII LNEiCto be obtabaed. Beware of Counter. ~ t i • .17.0149 EAVE the Big Bootatandu in the doorway. PMU)A. s l. sTictiatikloarnauzusio ratToall RIDGE ROAD; above Buttonwood Street, Pk isdelphia. At Mi. estibliahment met harmed the greaten sanely orPLans and beautiful Pattern. fat IKON the United S)alm, to whiehthentteutiun of those to smut Of nay desert pt for Cemeteries, particula rly invited. The pritteipaPput ol all the handsome Railings at Level Hill,. Monument, and other celebrat;d, eemetertes in the city and county ol Philadelphia, which have been no highly extolled by the public press, apt, 4 , /tellted a loin manufactory, A large Warmltooro in connected with the vitas I ishment, where is kept constantly on hand a large stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron Settees. Iron Chaue, new style plain and °rumen ' cal Iron times, with an estrinnivemsortment of Iron Pont., Pedestala, Iron Athorn, &c, Aloe, in great variety, Wrought and Can !meth . .. mute, suitable. Inr 111111ing2. and other purpoen. The aubseriber w onid also ntste that in his Pat tern and Designing Deportment he has puiployed name of the bent talent in the country, whbse whole, attention Is I:termed to the emblem—forming alto. gether nue 'lithe met complete and syatematic es tatiltshmen :of the kind in the Union. . ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood street. Philadelphia, March 12. 1817 d6rnor CIIKAP WAT6111:11. ' Back of T. A. lkit.son'.. Cabinet Wwe Manuf y A PIIILADELPIIIMiL LI, orden H tomb S. S. Aloon, will a the Alooltant's otel, Sn otbo rgb, will be protoOtH attended o. TUGS. U. DERRY oeplo.4ty '• A.O. MCKF:RSON ' TOINATCREULIEERS 4ind • J. LApomu 3 ,l MPORTER of Watelmo. WAtchosakersa'Toolo s and I Watch Materials, wholesale dud reopl,arl col *tautly on hand a large u.runf mof Lorkette, Pateat. Itd Plain Glam. blekomprtrmo Verges. Watch lmtda, sad a complete woonmeot of all Tools sod Ma tenslk Iselon4ing to the trade; with a largo askant:ltem of Gold and Nitres Laver, Ulnae, sod Walchek. all of which ha sill gon,wy to .ell ~,bn k n .,. N ew York pores. All order. Iran the tenon puoctuall) • executml.. N. R.—Country I rebanu and °diens are invited call and esauins at the Old eland, No. .11:4nath Founb Foe, l'ndadelpbny MW=:3 WILLI4M Of x lA 4 CO.lll7ll .17 93d Chnoat - lion PAitaJdp.li., b. ; Sake: ;:is and the pohioo, that he has lad will keep ues:llly 00 hood and ix de, lundsaase assortoscot of iouside Corr" the Vehteles of all sty . ks and deseriptsoas ..der order et the shortest poodhle slows, ond sward dr the seri beet anknocr, of selected isteteriaL feb9:l-1P MISCELLANEOUS. • ic;gatifOtie.o.ll.ENts. tVashibglon D. C. Y. J 43 C. ROliftlNS, Mechanical rnalncer and LI Agent in/ pntelaring Patents, will prepare the nc ec ~,,, Drawinp and I , epers or Apphcanta cot . Pat cot, and transact all other , tictneas in the line of 1,,• plolcssnin at the ,Patent Otbce. lie en be compacted on tEI question% relauna to the Patent Law an.l dee:. sons in the Uhiorl ..f.iates or Europe • .ons lii a tfi vxne hay. made prior in nilt, tog application tor 11. rosy frirwaril paid. ritc.ocang a lee of five dull., • elcar statement at their case, when immediate alien. non will be given to I I and •Il the information that couhi heotiniihorl by • 'not of the applicant in person! promptly common:rated. All letters 041 Jilts.... mustlt past paid. and en o j am is tunable fee. where • written opinion t! requited.' Office on F. street. opposite tho Patent berme. lie has the honor of refernitt. lia Peonisoion. so tinn. I I I . Burke, Coo - •-•onei of Patents. I. 11NA-rob It Knowhes, MAch.i. • Judge Cranch, Wa,r Hon. It Choate, C S eenate, lion. W Allen. Cll.. Hon.' B flowhn. M C, Misaatin; Hon. Willis Hall. NeerNork; Hon. Robert M C. Mosel., lion.S L'rs Senate; lion J II Rolfe, M C. Missouri; Capt. II M Shreve. Missouri, /hostas Brooks, Esq., Fittshorali MMMI=NS=I NEW YORK STORK--7D MARKET AT NOW OPEN— \ pother lot nal Instinct GooridN , 'lett Spring A Vi , mows Si tit rite new; plain 'and printed 'A R n o t; and fled and nob LAWNS; 01 . 11.1 Ron.; : tr. Scotch ' nth nand printed iris de Loan; few oat Drat. paliarikriped 'PAMATA/1:' 'no new Also, ail as.nisa-nt Do azoTIC GOODA Jendeinens' JEAVATS. New York wads titan, Ac A Ma ers, cheat, r oroal at holenalc W 1110trAlltalD Attorney, Councilor and General Agent. WL. PRALL. inform, his friends and :he pub .. be that he has commenced the business of Aeent fur laying and *Cling teal estate. in this city, and will denote a large portion of km time and atimition the leasing. lettingand hiring of belomes,stores and oth er buildings; in collecting and disbursing rents,andoth er claims and demands, and in attending to Agency ine" gemrally. Ile will also eitgap in the amua. bon of loans. ciaitiiits, etc.. and will furnish authentic inLirtnattrin in relation to die pa) ing9clttles and Ir mponsib:lllie• of tenants, Esc for whie his extencrie acgmantance eminently qualifies bins I toss Piend in bis residence. Nn 141 Allen creel. until 91.2 o'clock in the morning and after 0 o'clock in the evening, and at oilier hours at his office. No 19 Chambers .trect, 2nd floor front room. NEW FORK. REFEItENCES--Fon F Follaiadge. Ilnit John II Scott. John McKeon, Con Geders,lloffman. )11. dernian Egriatt Ilenaon, AJd Was V. Brady, David graben. hey. ‘Vm J Ronnie, Fari. myl3datri• TO CON TOACTOI34I. IROPOttALS -1•111 bereacieed at the °dice of the Joule. , River and Kimamtis Company, 11l Richmond, To., ewit the 15th July hoot, for the coo t:thew, of hers atone dung acre.. Janie.' River nn the ha a the Comp's Canal between Lynchbur and the mouth of t any North river. The Gr t of said den. will be about 31 t 1 high and 400 feet long, zed mi nuted about geralea &wee Lynchburg: the second will he .beat 13 ft h,gli,and 500 ft long, and I:Ranted alou , 9 rode. 'Avesta(' L)-nehhurgh the third will Le &bean ad G Wed end 31.1 n 11 long. and •duate I 01.0113 etile• 0001 of Lyorllbutg. The fon:dation of shoe dam. ore of rock. and the enter. stance. will be twinned In be r a:- ted a. high a , low water level, gown: C pregent wits. Plant& eaid ',torte may Ite•cen, nd •,tcctficabono obtained. al the Conthavy't (Mee Rachnnond. Cl Cl eLliarriber% (Mee 011 said hue above Lyneldourz. on end are, the 1.1 of July nest. WALTER (IWYNJI, chief Fog:neer Klonvrho Co Richmond 24th M•y, 1547. sor2o4tavrthl2 l..fwe—mode on We moil .ppro.CQ plan.— and room Avdp.:pubis o r Eln Pincon. end... Mr.. AI•o THE tliiEwP KOLL. BOSI'ON BLAND, on bend or mule toPrder or ill sixes. end la all price.. • Country3lerebants and °then are invited to call and ....wine OA, above for theribielrer.acall will be wld Iniliolertile retail, and it liberal dediretwo made to wholowle iitirelsowrib Ilardwar• Stara Rets.o•6o. WHIT/IMRE & WOLFF hsming rerawred froni th e Wood of Libre') and 8t Clair streets, to No 50 Wood g beet, three doors above Cherie. Hotel, would n.spertfully •0: the attention of buyery to their mock of HARDWARE. CUTLERY and SADDL ERS', reed Per Mips Surma& Monongahela and. Russia,. direct from the marinfacturers or England and Gentian!. Al.. sopplies of American ilanlwitre. from the pnn. ufaciureni of the Ettaterit State, Their tr stock being entirely new, andpirchased upon. Ike best tennis they feel great confidence in being able successfully o Mee i competition from any quarter , whether east or wrest The I lardware bastuesu wi ll he routinized at the old atnnd . , S FL A 11' 1 A al ERMAN VidGETABLig ICKNOVATING 1 . 1 , .1.8. .. . `For about one year. preview m maim, use of Mr. flenovattng PIN I heve tuftered extremely from LI .pepsin. soul en at al Aleaumele I I, ,re midi, ow of a gees: variety of 111.d.rine without le,lll/11t icamnal benefit. About dime =oaths mace, I vortutimired using Mr. Sear'. Medici., which has entirely relieved me from aridity at my stooracp, and femoral me to comfier. table health. Several of nay (Amide ae4ararametances ho g made oar 0 , the pills, and received mach benefit fromtl em. I a. with cOefidenca recolmoneed them JANE A LEE 017 Dodson t Sold. wholesale and retail. by A iFAIINFSaCK A CO, valuer of lon and Wood, And Wood anditth au. _ ftistioved B. A PAIINESTOCK & CO AAmeted an este:wive warehouse. Stemmer AA of Woon and Meer meets, to , V , itch they here Motored their Vi'bulesale - bottoms, ere they veal the have on hand an extensive essortaent of al the articles in their line, to which they Invite she alien bon of the patine. The Drug business will be nit4ineed at the OLD steed eon.. of Chanel Wood ms. .01 MEDIC A L. IT NEVER FAILS! DrCULLEN'SIBIDABPEcETABLEPdNHti ERSOISIS alfiletrd vrott Scrofula. King's Ftvd P V.Soeer,Eryvipelas, Old Sore., I.lren,7'eum ;Mercurial Diseases, or any other complatotivaritong from impantie• of the blood, are requested to reed the lollovving testimonials, to proof of the wohder fel properties of the above named median.. READ! READ!! READ!!! We the undersigned, having visited. Mr. Isaac W 001... Jr. at thh office of &cans. Rowand sad Walton, : 376 Market street, 'Philadelphia. consider his mire the cult remarkable one we bare ever we ceased of heard of. His dirmase' was SCROFULA • and terrible fawn have been h s twelve years' conflict with the de " TiisValate,t• e eotihe roof of Isis mouth, Nose, Up per Lip. and lower Lid of the Right Eye have been destrojed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Booe carried away. And yet we can give as deneption of his ease. , Mr. IL IDIOM! Vs that in January last. the what. interior of hia mouth, as well as most of his fare wn a man of deep and painful On the 14th ofJannary last, he commenced taken. Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA CEA, which checked the disease in a low days, as... rota that time the cure has prong aced without in tern:gamine. New fiellt hen repelled the place of the deep el cars, and though badly distil:area, las face is wand, and his general health is restores, %Ye are' assured that In the treatment of . Alt. Bent*? Cat, DO Mercerials, Ointments, or Caustic applications have been used,—iu fact, the PANA -I.EA ALONE:, has wrought this wonderful change Damd Smith, Becks county, Pa. ('bodes L. Ftowaiid, Meadville, Crawford coPa.. -, • . • j Jones, M D South Second street, Phan Jneob Lee, Pemberton, N J. ' E W Carr, 440 N Fourth, above Popiat st , N S itrCulkaryth, Lancaster, P. K 01 Maddock, 28 North Eleventh nt. C W Appleton, 01 D 46 South at. ' do Timothy Caldwell, Marion co. Minverrn. Daniel Yeah'', Chmuut Co. l'a John Harned,WO High street, William Steeling. Al U, Camden, N. J William Hale. 5711111gh street, Mle. , J Potter,f4nui.icturer , 51:Ler.11 Teeth, 10) Ninth greet. Phil. MMIII== George W Mcrae, Brush 11Ial,er, 3171 l ariet ot. Ezra Carr, I:79r:hermit street, Hula. A I) Gillette, Yealor ol Eleweoth linotor Church, Kola. John Bell, Er,e caret, Philadelphia, ( h . Amer tar oFsce.) Aaron Banda, 164 Catharine Street, Pmla. Daniel McGinley, Kensler'. Allen, do Andrew Sweaton, Camden, N J: B H Evans, West Pinta. 'Baud It. Young, Gilder, 4UJ Ai.rk u , John W Aalimead, GO South 61ml, strtel, du T S Wagner, Lithographer, 116 Chesnut street, do ES J Kensil, 143 Eleventh etrees, do Peter Shen Sten, Editor Native Engle, du Joel Bodine, Gland manufacturer, W1111.1=611. n N.J. Wi liaro Steely, Fanbingtno, Buren co. 101.1 I. 113 Coke. MI), Roston, Marc Russel Canfield, Maiologiat. Philadelphia. Thomas P S Roby Al 0, liarriaborgh, Pa. Peter Wnght. Tar Nlarket street, Phila. James W Remit, 103 Filbert .t. do Johnliond, 174 Spruce st. do Winton One, Pastor St. Yaul'. M eh. Cithanne St. Phil. John Chamber. Pastor lot Indsp. Church, 13rnar st, do T L. Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standard Phila. F y Sellers. Editor Olive N. •reli. Uoylwitovio, Suck. co, Pa. Wholesale tied Retail by Remand Welton, e n " prietore,s76 Market St Plidadelphm. It E Sellers ,7 Wood et. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. 'Ph Ma,: I bet et do.; E R Perktm Marietta, Ohio; ratio) '. Sharp, Maysirille, K , Daueoho.i er, Lin , Ohio; Sidell S Keerea, hl adiwo la; C Noble, Lou,. itle, K 11'; Derermick kelloue. Sr. Louis, An. P McGraw, Nitebes, Mise,• flentewas St Jot • atop Vlekabu eye , do; CI; erten Jc n kina, New (Meal. La. 0r..5 SIVRAGE. • STANTON'S EXTERNAL REIS EDT. 11,,, aa a • 0 1' large sad c.nana. ,, caa'... , cbcca.• CALL.P.D we are prepared to receive lin addition to (iciest for HUNTS LINIMENT, large imam tof Produce, Ac.'outtterace boa rv:er. 141111191.. C A AIitANBLIALA Co_ b now universally acknowledged to be the LA ; I FALLIBLE REMEDY for liheuusatiani, Sp, PICKWORTII 4 CO'S LINE. nal Affections, Contractions of the Muscle., Sore air ? " - a s 4 7 Elk= Throat and quinsy, Issues,Old Ulces, Pains ist the • Back and Chest, Ague in the Breast and Pace XcLUntYt-..i for the trinsportallen Of WAS' Twit Ache, Sprains, Brut a t Salt Rheum, LIJYea, t Fite.lt: liT ween Pittsburgh, Blairsville,lokos- Croup. Frosted Feet and all Plcrsous Diseases. tire Fu and The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which 12:7, We warch4ose of C A !triunity tended then policatson of tin most WONDERVUL &A A, e usry day. (eicept Sand),) aoa hIF11)11. INF: in curing the toast severe noses th• ' „, gm,„ •fur different Irises es above named,—and the HIGH , fa” • • . . . . ENCUAILMS that haft been buttnwed upon it, , 10 , 1.10 e sm.. lottned or the special arromenodamtn wherevertt has been motroduced. giver me the ngla ol 00 0.) , ) mut the propnmors resperintli) to call on the Relq.ll: I'ED to resort at once to" . • ''' " lllr'.l ` ,4 t" of IttMortoCu. the ONLY RENIEDV THAT CA N BE RELIED' Preprurers. it t.tn; plc% ettorrlni JOHN MILLER ON. • , lt • • •t. ft H . lt , Ezt. ROBERT WOODS [l:7The larultt ant, in recommending. the eel, Is 11.0401 ELTI.TV. . . . ated Esimi“; lirpn 11,. it „sat'. 0 t.loornt .1 , 1 i 1 V1..1.1-:11 110,...,...“. zh ) Ttus Infhow tag letter 1t..., tin: iitglity emit., t 20 'I .'...7, A N ~1,..t. ‘,l : Ano,o. Physicians who hare been attached to the Mount C it NIcAN et.rt a. Cu, Punliarkti 1 Pleasant State Pelson for many years, Is the bent EFLMC". evidence of the value pinta celebrated Liniment.. I J Merl-nut, Juno !tart .: er, Robert ; More, Sm. Senn, December %Ana. Sr. nonah,ll,ll.l.uren. - nark • ' ' I - My Pew Sir--1 received your note tar ycaterdai, LAKE EKIE ASO MILEIGAN LINE. .ki Nt ., opinion in relation tir Ito nis Li nlmern, tt iiciii e . I 84 7 . =wag as prepared by Mr George E Slayton. Knowtre its cfpnponition, nnd laving frequently need 0. 1..1 if", t. i nel,e,on rozupc.s.,l of . , t'ementnnto LakcErte eu ,, ~....;, , ,In 1.. ,on ~. a ..oe 1,4,1111 Keno , L ~., i 1 .., v ...:, ..,..n I.z .10,, I , nnn rn It Ind... en do, and in nu .p1...e, lie brat 1.100,3ent n o ,, ~, 0.1 ~ • ,-,. +. , 1 10,61 ..0. iii.... 0,,,,,J,.} 1; 0 ,, use. Very truly sod respectfully your*, run,. ng I,lween it-..errand t 0.- and tonnerfaing WWI A g Hor k m A y,, , CAt Rest's Li ne of eessevast Propellers sand Veaneln Col Pierre Van Ctintlandt, Croton Manor. • on the 1'.1."' sr ` li ' " .. " . .I I .... the ”thaal °Pr. - log 01 Nnvienuon to carry r re,ntal •nd Ciawngers to I fully Cotten( in the above opuinun. •Ii ;watts oil er a River, Canal and Lakes %V .*, BELCH k:R. !Lams esa 1. 1.1 1, 1 1 Y aw cosacktnlt ftwlett sod Itta. Y0WL . ..51.. Jan. 14, 1345. tencentwtili cynic. and dtannten• the proptteMr Su—ln reply to your letter, I would nay that I • and stfrota te-Prettallt ben nom ikon friends sod have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's '.' P.''' . r.' 11 ' 1 .4 111 ^. p.....v. c m REEEnc. Proprelor Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac - REJT:Ds. PARK' re Co. Beaver, alp • gliatnted with its _companion. and unhesitatingly lir IN F. CnlttniEV, Pm itilkh tie say that I believe ato be the hest Paternrl !trine Cu. Stuoltft -wan,, Water or oppewle tic Ylimolika dy now in use for the complaints rtr which you re est•ln Hon.e commend it. , Yours respectlully, BEM ll MILLER. M. la as Ten To Wheeler. Crocker: IDd, New York tiro Davis, Lludalo Geo E Stanton. Esq. a7Amon g the mount ,'worthless article. and F. N Parks di Co. Cleveland Ja• A Armstrong dr. Co, Detroit hurnisspi that are poured forth at the present da,) , McCre& William. hilsraok, upon the reentry, at as really refreshing to find , 0.001 & Porter, Chicago , yomething of real practical utility, something ow, Wan Vowel, rowerstown,Penna ple, speedy and effectual is Its operation. and r. ti. hlashelosyre. Eirunsuorsh, Penns th e, same time tree from thou injoroium eke,. John hie Anhui, Itontriown, do which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt'. wiek & Acker, Greenstlle, do Craig to Frampton. Clarksedle. du Liniment, prepared by Cleo. E ',lantana, 01 :sang I lay. & l'iumb, otoarpabuagh, Pa: , Sing, though it has been but a short tone before , to C Moran, station, dr the public, has already obtained theconfidence, not it w Clatal1110•1111 Nril• eAtile, do - on+r3 ' Ottly of our most wealthy and influential citizens. ' ILELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LIME. but our most eminent physicians All acknowl• ; . . zcs s ev , edge it to be a aisernign Nairn for many of the ills lO4 i . that tleth is heir to, soothing the aching Jim's, and ' eta Nltt o A APORTING Mi i i r t i Ml by atm genuine stimulating influence, ba mailing die TIV E.EN Pfl - rlstsußGll AND THE KASTENN ease from the system. elTtas. wit HoeT TAaSattIP•iST. Mr. fitanton—Sir—Sicang your ailrertirement , •pIIE improwd method of curtsies used by this long of Hunt'. Liniment, I waa induced to try Its effect. I Established Line, Is now PO will known that de. on my we, who had been crippled with a lame'; 't't`PlMn le ann'TewatY• Guile are not Us,nehedrot the back from an infant; and at as uitb gratitude I bear 1 . 1...A% th.. . •" "....b'P ll " . . o° '..ll r ela v oi ll inat is saved {1 .re o f bah...aught ens perlorm the., tops tethanony to its wonderful heabng properties. My , ~,,,,, d„ . child, who Is now live year, of age. ta DOW In a fair , Tu e , a pa e ,iy of our Watehouses ensba,.., .., ie s tor e way of recovery, Yours, Sze ' any rtinsignlll[lll• made mac Reecivina.-iurina, and DEMMON C NieKERSON. advances tree of charges. . . . . . , - . Pont OrrlC C, TOWS r MC Putnam Co. I certify that I am personally acquamt.d uttb the above emceed child, and think the 'father u cold be sale in saying that hi. son m almost well. JAS W DYANLAN. Non 5, ISIS. Deputy Vast Muter. S. I would also state that I have been for a number of year. subject to frequent attacks sal the Rhenmatitm wlimb in many instances prevented my attending to toy business. Two or three apple cation. of the Liniment invariably remove all al- Notion. of the kind. In ease. of bruise.. apron. andante., too numerous to mention, it has in Um vicinity proved a certain remedy. Ira value can only be mtimated by those who hare g, wen it a fair trial. ThM Liniment is sold at 55 and 50 cents per bot. tle, by all the Principal Druggima and throughout the country. Whoiesak Agents in New York. HOADLEY, PHELPS & to, ItS Water RUSHTON & Co, 110 ~roadway. A FS & D SANDS, corner Fulton and ASPINWALL, titi William Mrnet Orders addressed to me at Sing Sidg, N V, tin, be attended to. • GEORGE E. ST %STUN, Proprietor. Yoe sale in Pittsburgh by . L WI LC OT, Jr, and 1 12100 & Co. Allegheny city,JOHN SARGE Sioningham.JOHN SMITH. h. 1,19 . - 1110 :suit •se'ri compound r—lt tmet reAle PARILLA. Wonder awl Illiweins or the Are:: 1 los Extract to put up in quart bony._ i..ia airs cheaper. plemanteu nod warranted nuptial to im so b ld. le carte without vomiting, purgert, -ickenur. or d deilnating the patent. The gt beauty' and rapcnoritv of thin Sarnap • ille o'er all other remedies I. while it eradicates die. ree. it invigorates th e holy. it is used atm, vitally le the removal and permanent cure of alyne.uowe 01 •ine from en impale sane of lie lilmel or hole tof M. s- Look out for latnatiens!-11, pe t ou i pkd copied our end put op medwitne in Om men ha. ped bottle.. !See Wet cinch bon e heath.. written • 4.1:1 lure of 8 P Townwod For see by R K SELLERS, (+ale agelit for Alter county,l 37 Wood street, between Tvad and sta. tot .1 iNVALVATIIIvin NAIfILY CIOPIPAIIIIO SIX LKeTuREs: on the USES ol THE Lll, t; Caures, Pretrenttoo and Care of Conaumt en Asthma, and Duman* of the Heart. On the I tea of Longevity, and mode of Preserving male au.; fe male health. symmetry and beauty; exposing r...mt and cure of those disease, that podium Cons..tep tioa, or shorten life,tta ASectionv of the Ski., spine Stomach, Kidney., Liver. S. rotate, Elea, Gravel, aed Female Complateta. Itv ' , lle, • soy, practical and pure, loon a guide O. Ardent 4th and long life. V Engnmings, 32.1 pees.. fat eta. Footage Wi eta. By SAMUEL uII ELDON FTPL:H, A. M., M. D., at '707 BIWA 1 t.IVA Y, EW YORK, Ally person remitting fifty cents, free. will receive one copy, by mail, to any part. 'rite trade supplied, Feb 10,11847.46 m No (Ease I "iiiiP.TO - Pll.. I D a. Jackson's Forbrocation is the stall medico], that will sine this so very common and troublesome disease.- It not only immediately nilit)• punt and nulls.. motion, stops all bleeding, subdues that otrolerable Ach ing bißeffrotaally cures, SO a very short tic nts we lives have been rendered miserable for )exes ha application produces no pmts. but null, in apt otta• 10 and pleasant ronseiton If pettra artil tall and bear of the great nundo ta•s of cm... trot hire been cared, dry wi.l 11.1alkittlt.0, Ficittletantl of Otis city, wo hod born under the lidtfc to the surgeon for two or throe times without bring cured. has by a.. ing2 bottlesof the Embrocation. to en erotlically eared. It rolls beyond precedent S—Rbil. Saturday (ismer. _M.- For sale m ,Pittsberiro M PE.KIN TEA STORK 72 Fourth street, near wood, And Al.O at the Drug Store of 11 P Schwan:, Federal at Allegheny ['- IT. •08711 Aw Ladle. ladles, I'm astonished, %Viten you know that you are atomised A natural, life-like, snowy whits. That you will still use common shalt, And look • deathly yellow fright. Tbe wouldrilau and of talk If younee •• Wu of /ONE'S i of •M give your skin an alabaster yet natural white wad al the •ause f llwa char and improve it. Sold • JACKSON'S, 'berry .t. Palma 23 seats per WI. C't S ri AR-103 blur.s NO. STriprt, sjrasui:dj,nrl.sill -TIIMSPORTATION - Liffig?' =TO PiramsTLVAN&AV.IiAL . & pAILycoAD EXPai..%ti . FA.ST I'd CI ET PITTIiBIIROIIII3 PHILADA. arm . BALTIMORE Rich. ityip for Pautysgirrs. erns puh:te ore re•preifelly Inforese4 thalthts Line at.llroll.l/[IICC running mos about the kith .111 , 1 r.13.11r th.lighOOL the reason. The propt.eturs have now pace. , a supenogelass of Packets awl Rail road Cars nu the mute, With extra accommodations, which will grlVe greatereornforl W travelers. A Parket 1:oet win always be in port, and thiatsay elm, public out requested to call and cramlne Orcro., passage elsewhere. FARE ONLY lb IXE DOLLARS!' one of the IP.cket• leave the lanchna,(oppomto the llottcd Alves Hotel,' corner Penn Motet and the Canal. ere t - Ewell at 9 o'clock rimt: DAYR Por lorarnlotion Urfa,. at the office.' Monongahela I n e at, , / wren or to D LELCII&Co eor Penn Meet and Canal . . ILIST99iLIh TRA9SERALtkiION ;t 3 : : ;• 1847. • 11. LitEol:l & COll. OLD ES'TAIII.D.OED TRANSPORTATION LINF, lIKIAVEK,I YFITSUORGII:. . „ NOLA DELI'II I A, VA LTINIOiti.: AND NEW YORK. h ::n r';.°7:t.r."l7e: of I ; Ite n tt i s ' e orh,rll rood on!, ellhfcribero , me prepa red to furw.rd u turge quuntity of Metellandize Sod Produra With rertutrity and Jitpoteb: Produce or 31erehstodl, rousign,tl to any of :he on der.iptrd forwarded tree al auy charge/Or commis loon Or montee. . ltd. I.aJ. „u tran•twncd and all instruction,. promptly 11:14.41..d to • Thr tria.nr., of ibis Line is conducled on criody Salthalb-lrriong principle*. Address, or apply to LEECH*. Co. Prop.iors. Camil Moan, Piusturxh 'PARRIS & L.E.4' :Cll,Snaprinoss, No 13 Singh Third rtreeL Polladelphis JOS. TAYLOR &SONS, Agents, No 114 North Howard street, Rolidoore W 1. WILSON, Agent. . tr. b. No 7 Wert strect,Nolyl:prk OITTSBUItUII PPRTABLZ 13:111IIIFE ' I MINNA 1547.. AVM inn the /431.1 the consequent rod. DC delay, thunnge, i...0..aAr1d .epot +non of goods. & CASII 27,151arket Plitladr!pt. TAAFFE& UCONNOR Cot Penn and Wayne sts, Pittsburgh O'CONNOR k Co, North street, Baltimore 1 , Wk T TAltceti'VT,73itouth st, N. V. "." -Elleettrlmett by increased bUkIICAS all Proprietors have added to and extended their arrange• inent• durme the whiter. endsrt now prepared le tur wmd fimg .1 with re Morn' Mid dispatch ammo:used I.v its., 0.1.er nor. Their Wing experience as ouner., me p.l l un it superiority of the Portable float rt) stem, mid the great rapacity and convenience of the ware. boos. at each end of the line, are peculiarly colcialu leti k• enable the proprietor, to fol6l rhea engagements nod accommodate Om, costorners—confidentl)elfering the rum • gnaranty for the future, they respecritilly 'el tc.l n cunt:nuance of that patronage which they now gratefully delnoseledge. All eineognments to !mac fr. Cremator will be reed and forwarded . Stmenthent charges paid and Bill. of Lading in...mined free of any charge fur Commission, advancing or Meng, !laving 00 Interest directly or ind.rectly,in steamboats, the terms, of the consignors m oct °m:only be their primary object in shipping we.t and they pledge thernselves43 forward all goods consigned to them promptly arid ou the toolsa...M icro. tenms to the owners. March l. ISt? math INDEPENDENT PORTABLE BOAT LINE. ii iIOgNPNEPORTATIONO rennweit AS 4 7. , AND AIERCIIANDIAE TO AND rftnxt rrrn , 1.11..8611, POMADE:MO.IN AND BALTIMORE. 'Moo Tranahipment..o comeaned tool:reeve Will be Morseled w. ng out delay.at the loam. terror retes. Hills off transanned. and .11 11ISMICl/ODS promptly attended to ficc.from any natra ramie for storage or eammoomo Adore., or apply to E A MeANDLTV kCo Caen! Baem, rooleirgh Itetng (ally prepared to make sales of Pnalure, era respectfully *aloeo consignments ol we e garlt Floor, Baron. Lard Butter, Chtese, Wool, remit kand other Be for sale, on winch liberal advs.. will ha made and other usual Mantle. •iforded, pledging r, selves that any hooness entrasted to us shall L e a a promptly ex•rute.l and upon am far terms as by any mbar boa.. NO Me FA DUEN A. Co Canal Batio, Pittsburgh IAOIf LAVIOL Co Yin and dli Market sr, Philada .1.117 DICKEY, — FOR W A &DING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Beare: Point and Bridgewate, COUSTT, PA., Proprietor and Agent of steamer. 4rIESC LAKE ERIE AEA BIICEICIA at, ' D•ILT DITWZIN NiTTSSIIIOII AND OUTDO, WILL be prepared on evillest o at pentng Dream l rms. astier; to ceive propttrly Its wharf boat or to warehome, o rs all 'amt. ott k:rte Fatenston, Cross Cut, and Onto Canals, for all ports on Lake Erie and upper Lakes. as •Im to leeward produce, Lc .by Prun'a. Improvements. Apply to or Add,. lelsti-4111 JAS lIICGRY. U . PITTSBURG dr. CLEVFLAND 1846. It Clarke. II Hoops. T. tiohownd k Co. CLARKE do CO Forwarding fr. Commission Nerohaste, BEAVER. PA. MBE Agents and Proonentits of this Line (so favor '. ably known to the politic), will be prepared'. the earliest opening of canal navigation to receive Nap coy at Patsliurgh and Beaver, nod deliver the same at any tiOint on tbo (that canals:and lino. Loa,. Eno and Michigan, wah the greatest despatch end it Teas. °inside rates. The proprieloni of that line Wien the business of their fanner summers will, confidence, knowing that their (actinic. are second to none. ArpO to Or addresr ' G giILARTON, Arrt, Pittsburgh. CLARKE Co, Brayer. Dar; T RICHMOND A. G . . 11•11 P. Boatmen's Poi table Boat Company Ming dia. ',cored, the Company again went into article. of Co. partnembig ander the name of the "Mohnen'. Liner' and likewire agreed to refit the block so as to,ha.e member of Map for the pomp.° of carrying g through in from six to eight days, with certeinty-r feel enemtraged by the liberality of !act year's pair n age. to mobil mere eateit.ive arrangements for the no. .n WeWe year. would therefore respectfally solicit a ennono. once of oar former patron.,and refer an new et:amine. to More we hove done busier.. for. 1847. 110.11.T.RIANIP LINK, Rothe tranwpottation of •LL mkt or •ancti• POO., To Ant itnott rn , L.•tota.rin•, RALTaloar., Nrw Toll. Ann llotron. SAMUEL. WIUHTMAN k Co, enreter .treet and Cann! Moon. Pitoboggh. Al. , GERHART & Co, No ao Mar neon ten, Philadelphia. ELDER, UELSTON k Co, Arenta, • Ilattlasoe, Nd. REFERENCES. PEFFSBURGII—Jan. McCully, Cleo. Montan & Co. W McCully & CO. It A Naktpion & Co. DI Allen & Co. PI II LA DEL r lllA—Morn• Pattern Co&, Reynold. Mernrland & Co. Fleornr & 'Beery. Pro, Wright & Son. J lloptom,Joacri. Watt. NEW VORK—GeodLua k Co, Theo. Perry k. Co. BOSTON—Reed. Ilurd & Co. CINCINNATI—kdano. & Creagh, W W Scathe, • • PF. PLEASANT. VA—P A Machine. NASH VILLE—F Fleming. membandlee from New Verb any Devon, tromped w A L Oedinn k Co, Pollndelpbta; will be rannmily fonwarded fire of eroranneeinn. Limon rk CO' •• Paekage FMAlLFiwbf l na g a.ll. ° :ll ° 10, pank•ge o( werebandssey apeele, bank inowo, jewelyp, contend rnawng on Tborwiar, March 111. An (non Cone will be d lops tebed latly until bC elan of the eanaling • Apply to motto LEECH cc, Penn et •N CUU •.TItAIit6PETATIOIFIBES: - 1 ,4 ill , " I' 41 (Liar' 010 :41 1=42X1 • . . . . , 'Ate near azdaolendld teettaici:., • BEAVER, • Capr-Charkta lioupe, coratninee...ber gullar anyta rats day. leavutg .1 :I+. borgb at 9 o'clock.., St t and Beaver al V ableel, r rt.- mmecting With Pntsburigh and Cleveland Line of Cid Sll B6SIS daily' 10 Cleveland, 04 BeSP<loVol,g, eSid Cl de LOCO( Canal Packets and Stag< (toner,. daily to Warren and Gavelled, Canal Packet idtiem to g N Cuole and lirreuvtlle. Pa ; Eve Evenston•Lhae to Meadville and Er, Neil. bleore & Cob Lanes of ..it - Casein, for Cleveland and Woomer. - leave Pea r dad,. au the arrival of steamboat Beaver Croat P culture. Apply to (i M lIARTOM & Co, Pttbdtargh i soli CLARICE & Co. beaver O MIUS LINE. 1847. Ltriz2 - .....- _ MI TUX KK . AAAAAAAAA ATO OHIO CAPI•Lf, BE,WEEN INITSISLifIGO AND CLEVELAND. F. N PARKS & Co, Clair:and, O. It II - 0 PANICS, Reavet, Pa Proprietor . %V T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. qv lIE above Line Is now folly Orepored to transport 1 Freight mod Pa...engem from Pitnburph and Cleve land, to any point on tit , Pennsylvam• & Ohio and Ohm Canal.., _ ~.. _ .... The (aniline. of Line are not equalled by too on said Canals, in numbers sod usoanny of Ituao. erne- Wenen of Captains. and promptness of Agent., An. One Host Infant Pitoburgb and Cloreland ILO!) vuo• Mu connection with the Steam: {{"e. faet mtd no a Itin l' aci b 7first . Cla t' sa einiustlioal hoto 'a7gopn::l4- lets, Urigs and fehoonnts, on Lakes Ilne. Mom, Ml oheoPelto: t ' sratled to any pasta the Colon with derfourti E N VANKIS & Co, Cleveland, Ants RRFD & Co, 'leaser, Axis %V T MA I I'HLR, Pittsburgh, Agt ap2l • Car Wain, and Matitaield wise. SIMMER AILIULDIOEDLENTS. Mk 1 47. 4011111 ilio2llolloA/113. nouTE, intOWNSVILLE AND CU M DNNLANO TO CAI, TINIORN AND I . IIII,ADELYHIA. Tame io IMltmeare =Loam. Time to Philadelphia 40 ° (Duly Cl Miles Slag ng.l Vil s el e a n n d e id aiT i e ( naTa " .li n ate " rnrm:?;:rin h ot o l4 doable daily ifips. One heat leave the Illenouga- Lela wharf every naming precisely at e Passengers ay by . . morning line w amen ill ae.. i n Baltimore next evening in time for the rhlladelphist Mail Beal, or Nail Road non. • The warning lions- will letter the wharf daily or 4 n'eloek,exeept l'oss&ver. lit the boat will loe out our& in eionfortable *tate mama; leave Brownsville nest inunting at a n'elock, ems. me mountain. in day light; me and lode. ur Coin beilatid. Thum •vniding main travel 4/11:1011he, prepirratitins on tla• mute aM ample. and the CO3lll elan conaplehm So !hat iii.appointnicnta ur delay. will"ne'un harmer. upon h. • - . : , Parscoaers can slop ori dm mule nad:relonne lhem avail again al pleapare, and have choice of Rail Bald orkkaamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches &altered' to pante. no Irani as.net deo iat Saran roar hetet• al the awe, Monongahela House, or Bt Moir lea Botch I ..tilidßlM febla . TO CLEV/CLrh79lO WARREN. TIIROVGII T/ 4 liot; P4ciliFlT.lliinia Swallow and Talret.h leave Itew .r daily. at 3 o'clock r t oiler thr arrival ui ih. niora M IRS .. from PittabeTab. and arrive at Warr. .. tune/or tbo/leil Lire at Stage 4, which learn rmuvA trlyiliarreftet. and alr.vr al eirreland arSokiloch. • .. . This Mete is the most cipetlttloue and ceininc2i , i one to the Laken. OtITEN/h,LEFIFINOMELI... - Wafrott rtopr'- REED,PARKH It Oa, }leaver. A p,to JOHN &CAI:6IIEIr, °timer Witier nod etruitltLeW aptly , Opporite the lblotkengabela Hoare Yiurburets ,•:: . - AltZTOnrifitdlU . AlND - 91MEEDiri7LLE. Obi& 1847 -toriggit teltulatiy 41Ering the ..e.n.o and 714' fret eturen Keay.. avid Vreenville. . whch trctiat "no sengers between them° poilusowill hr carried prvinpo• and Et -the lowest rates. . . LPICKk ARCllF:R.Grecn•i!le, ARi• CRAIG & FRAMPTON, OKA •vlll,-, do. NrFARI,ANDk KIM, 131 g Dc“d. II AVS HANN aharpelurßh. C MALAN. Sham, WM. MATHEWS, Pula.. REED. PARKS & Co. Iteart.-1. JOIIN A CA CGTIEV, earner r and Id • • aIS:r Orpeaste the Alonengethe'a CITIZEN/ POUTAULE BOAT LINE. MEM 1847 . 4361447- LIM=I=M=I ALI KINDS OF MERCHANDISE To AND FRO)) Ptillaslelphla,Mania.. Near Work I and Boston.. /111 - 1}: encouragement th. line has received eine COMMeliCeillein, has induced the propel Lenin increase the stock by adding e number oink. eines boats; and Instead ofginny receipta au tiefelo for a. ageats. we will zinc our onn s receipts le (eight shipped by thilion. brim, err all minable. conerwirritty r fur h. s.a.e. th e u hole de 1..10r, a.ubout lianahluno..l. thereby prevent.; damage from Ire9oent Landlin; on the route, and as each hoot is riumed by thr Captain who runs them. which is a sufficient gave inter; that there will be no delay on the route. All Produce er Alerchandise consigned In the andersigreO will be forwarded FREE 01 COAl• MISSION. for rdvancing and forwarding, and e ill be shipped without delay at the lowest rates 01 tYe erpectludt sans it a .Lary of public pair... nage. IVAL.I.IAtiI. It dCo , count Basin, Pittsburgh. CRAW, BELLAS & Agt Broad Street, Philadelphia. F MILLER : Agent . - - Lau AA Aaa;.. TO 'TIM BAST BV MONONGIOELA ROUTE, VIA BRowNsviLLE & CI NIHERLAND. RR Imders,gned are D. ...prepared to forward .Ito. .1. due, de., to the Eastern Markets durum the cunt. mg W., on the loom favorable term*, by this rap , &Dona Mute. An eenssened to us sin bc forwarded UT ihr Imrert rate' , and with despatrb. 'lletcCandtse rreemed by Min mute .prompt:y fur JC BI )WELL, . l'opouralt. 11 W CASE. Brownsville nov27 E.GERTON d. Co Cumberland 1846 AND. 1847 t. Kg] I TO, THE ILAST BY BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. T 1111: aultacribers will receipt (write deli•ery of ,Pro doer to liallitoorn by the Monongahela Plnekwater at the following prices.— Ashes, Baca,: Butter, Lead. Lard, Pork, Whisk ey.Cheese. add I.llaad—o7l et. per lap lbs. Tolacco,lllentp, Flax and ‘Wheat-41 els per 100 lbs Ashes, (Poi) Apples.cheese, Flat-Seed, Glos., and Leather-1001e11s per lap lb. Oils, Skins. deeds, Wool—llo eta per 100 • It c gAsrag, Feather+, Furs, talineeng, and Lanai... Hoot —IVO els per 11001ba. All property coomined to either of the undersigned will be forwarded wrthout delay, Ave of Conunisflon, at •Ltove nit.. IV 11 CI.A RIC, Brownsville.' HANNA & IV ATERm rut.l.4rgh. norlddlf - . FREIGIITERS and°therm wishing nialkto balm Fire Hoek, Produce, de.. brought to this place from .c r ane mak e and intermediate lnding, ran make arrangement, by ennui! on me, •• I hiie ,'neat running regularly betweeni•gusburgh and ..,,,,,,"313,. GEO. 11. MILTENBERGER, 3 Ind Steamboat - gent, NI Water 9 TILE Steamboat lIARLFAI tot tatted inalto and ,rofilted in handwrote ta m and now at Mr Monongahela wham A• she ta improved she ia well &lamed for c•rrying gurgle and pmsongetai or for lowing: tili bar great capacity and power. Any pit.on dives d to purchase will of course ompect her I alro propore to Imam, (Orono or more year. sny cosi Wort; and m a manof energy non burtness habit. they offer groat adimmtager. I atm flarrdrh the leeire. either on gam or charter, toy taw boat "MINER." Ile con •bio hare on fair term• all barges, dare 0.., and two coal Unmoor, fifteen care with roper, drums. ai , made far roll opgratton• An eination of the c talihrhitient I. invited. Perroim d.apo.ed to negotiate with me in reference to any of the 'above pantrulat i, may Redrew. toe at my Office in Stuart'. Buildin. ass .beet, Yill , ottriti: Or at 11 arlogn. floor Mantiugalielr ditty. •aeJi 'EROS ill RAM/ I . ._ . TILE Tlitl3l. UV MEN ot."rtivrii. 1074Cli:RNING SKI.I.EItt. F:.—A gle vial pro.ittetng wonder..•-Excel the tollow.ing from the Rev. S. Wakefield, Pa.tor of Liberty •L. Chureb: Plusburgh.Mareli Y, Ito, Mr. R. F. Sellers; It a from asense of duty. Fr arell •• with groat Wetmore. Mat I bear tereimony in the vrr tne of your justly celebrated Vernsifuge l'orommed a single horde, and gave it to three or my children, ho had been for several weeks The eldest was woven years old, the next four, and the younceet egghiecn mouths. the first ormed fiftpsiX worse, the second tom seve and the third • eonenterable number nut disdnetly.re n, collected. Since then they have been deent well. and are now in good health' Yours reepeenully, S. NV a arm.. From the RPV. S Babcock, of the MethelAgE r k cp . pal Church. Mr. It E It it with great pleasure I would 'lnform you of the g , od effects produced un my ants of four )•.• of ner, by your Justly celebrated Verrnifuse, After Ivo having ennvulcons,lgsve him three doves, when he passed a li1110•1 i nerednable number, from which titme hi. general health hh. been improved. • fiascoes. From the Rev Charles Cook., of the MettioilisrEfits, cops( Church: Pittsburgh, Deeemberrii4.li4i. Mr. ILK Sellers: I gave n y lode daughter (between three and for years old( three doses of tour Virmifoge, e g gp e uby to preyription, with the hoping-. success The number of worms expelled Ido not know eri. , ly. but it was large. She W now in possession o f cued health I think the medicine cosy be ronfidell in with Gnat unreservedly.. C COMER An ibis Veretaftqm ha. never been known in fail in any instance, Wh.s. worms morally rv,tmled,j•nent. a ny give in preference to all ethers Prtpured and bold by R. R. SY:LLY:IItf, Letween lkt and 4th, on Wood street. For sale by Dr. Cease!, Fifth Ward. IT I COACH ' MAKING. -- FROM the very liberal encourage 'termthe subscriber has received mot, iss he h located himself in Allegheti, has induced him to take leave. for • term of years. pa the'property hn now occupies, Si. Heaters treet, immediately be ',ha Prasbyterian Much. From the long experience.. me above hirsute.. .ad a desire to please, he hoper to trier it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Hoe• gies;.open and top Buggies, and every deseprimo Carnage. made to order, from mventy , five finnan in eighlhahavel. r.nuto JOHN t4OIITII. e tan. MAUI.° EILAISIVIC.II6I/ I —'Eot retoo -1 vunrGreaso spot., Stains,. Mark. from Clothes, Wcolleas. Carpets, ke., an, Sind rendering the Tot. irriem is applied clear, bright, new. and spotless. Sold with directions Prier SS cents a mike parkkald by WM. JACK:4O,4,Bk Libeny rare, hean uf Wood. Kt his Boor mid Sue store, sin of Me Hi Hoot. u 1 DT 1L MMM • 11164 :, , • t t ft-Q, A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE FOR RIIEUMATICR AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLALNTS.I "Wha nhough the calutf. may not be et platen!. Since their dram are duly ascertained, sit' Let not delusion, prmadtce, or pride, Induce mantled to set the mochas aside; Means which. OW simple. are by Heaven desigied To alleviate the ills of Parnell kind. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG NETIC FLUID. Tins remarkable invent.n, which has received the uni venial approbation of the medical profession of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new applieation of Galvanism. a• a remedial agent, by meant of which the ordinary Galvanic Batten., Electnc andhlarnsie Ma chines, he., are ...rely dispensed with, and the myste• rions_power of Galvanism pp bed without any cif the objection which site Inseparable from the general mosle now in use. *the strong dor , . and irregular interval. bewhich Galvanism applied tiv the . hlarlttoes, has en pronounced, atter a fair and impartial Dial, to be dwidally and it la. In remedy this tactical de, feet that this new applleat inn mat projected,which, at ter anceming toil Snit perseverance, has been Urinal - a to its present •thie of ptlfeelloit. The Galrania Map answer all the purports of thentom expensive Ma chines, and in many other respects are more Kf• and certain in accomplulting the desired eth et. The Galvanic Rine, used reconnection with the Mag netic fluid, are confidently recommended in an direr. dm which tries from art raforiblad or struhrafthy OW of ths nervous or mutt spasm, awl thew romplainte arc auntie the most parmul mat universal to-which we are subject. They aria, without exceptiOni from one sin, plc Cy info—a derangement of the, Nervous System— and it wan in thew eases thabother 'remedies? having *apnea failed. a new eternise. greatly needed, whieh `tinconfideany believe., has been wand in the prolicr and judiciona applicatien of Golvaninn. The Gelatin. Rags have been need with entire sue an Cr 64 In case.. of Itashaavaisat, am.. attune, et" plying to the head. fang, or limbs; 80.- Moanerka, Derankiiis, Yterico. Nervous ce Si, k iloadacht, indigestion. Paralysis. RaNy. Epilepsy. Yitr i Pal,iation of Me. Than, Apeplwy, Sarno, of sloiAn, Syn.! Calpplaialc Lasa , ,ato, &wale., Nemo,. Tem mon, Dimineas of the Head pain in Chun and fide, Goriest Doiilitp Dr,firi.pwy y Now,. and PApical En ergy, and all N ERVOL's DISORDER... In oases of confirmed D r spvlia.a, wtoco la o.ollll' n Cerro. de rangement 01 the qtgootoTorK.".. l tivVbase tee° me" equally suecessfol. Their estiaordittary elffects UpOn the system ruiset tie vranc..... to be believed, and as a certmn previa..r for the preceding complaints they are equally recommended. 'the Rings are at diffetent pries, 1... th math, o all sires. and of minims orna mental patient. nod can be worn Ity then:OM delicate female without the abghte.t ineOnVrilienCe. fact, ilo. *roan non enthor arreetild. than otherwise, The (I:tin:tide Bells, Ilmeeletn, Banda, Gluten., Neeklacen, &c. Innme eases ora wre se, ere charm-I,4amd ni long standing:am power n. appli th ed tw the Galvanic Rings .• not untetent ta orre. e masiess oi mid olornanny restore health. Toe anprosed modification none Gam.. Belts, Bracelets. Are.. entirely m d... this °Medusa; any degree of pouer that is requi red cm, readily he obtained. and we con.piaint which the retster.us agent of Galvanism can effect will fail to tie petanutently relieved, These articles are &dap mil to the waist, amt. wrists.lanho. steles. or any part of the laxly, with petrel t convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces are used obit. emitter bensfit in eases ot Bronchitis ni offeeihms pram throat generally; •11.0 is eaves of Nervou• Deafness, and with almost anirenn success as a preventive lilt Apoplexy, CpAy.s.i T., awl snoilat complait. ' Christie's:lli:whelk Fluid is used ni connection with the Gafrawe Ring! aniyall their malifieations. Thiscsartrimition iff en pro. flounced by the French Chun els to he one of the twat extraordinary discoveries of modern setenee. his lie lieved to pora.ss the remartablep owes Meandering gAI newerremains. galvanic action by this means Ca. , . • concentration of the 'alarm., in the' real of disease, thus giving rapid .and permanent...lief No other.' composition in chrmixtr Is knownto produee the sans effect, or to impart a property to the nervous systeindiy means. an outward local applmataa. The Rennie Fluid nonflog of obi. sligh_. est . in ju r y, tie upsthcation f• agrenbre, and ft i• as harmless imam. as , beneficial .ts , resa l m. expla.mbons find direr WO. accompany w eonfloned innenllo. are every way perincilynah n . ten; they are sold at pores wann the reach or all and the 'discovereronly requests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy and permanent bench Chrlntlen Gnlvunle htrengthenlng Phu,. These articles form another saluaLle application or the mystery... Influence at Galvanism They ate an t la ailoniel to the genuine Galvanic Rings and their modifications, hct.ng upon the Mar tticiple, but having the ulvantage of more local appilcaffelt. me confidently terommesided as & valuable addtpon in the speedy ogre ni Rheumatism. Orion or chrome, in nil Pain ....lain.. mid as a fgalif fefOrify 111 in of Pain a.l iri ehritt or Back, Pain on Mr Sids, in Asthmatic Affretiorwoncl It Weakness . Oppres sion of toe Pulmonary Organs In Spinal Complatnts their earls arc of the tun. decided ,:hammer, and they have'ofien toren used with eitinplete,recce•o. They are alto of theme/nest advantage in Peas and W cakiies• of the Mean and ore highly recommended for Many of those complain. to which females ass especially As an effectual utiont. lot •trengthentng the system when debilitated with dwetwr or whet eau...fasts cer tain aid in Constitutional Weakne, as • rreeenttve for Cold•, and all in afreettOlis of Ili. Chest. genevt!ly, the tratvibile sictheibtie I`;a s [ faund at great and p• in s a le w wore.; it embces nit the virtues of the best 10. e pseparamm, withthe important addition of the galvanic influence, which is neither impaired mar exhausted...bile the ac tion continues. These articles tie found entirely free from those objections which are • constant name of eomplaint with the ordinary plasters in common use- CAUTION. 0 - The great celebrity and recess of these articles hassed them to be toauterreited by unpneetpled persons cau To pt. 01, riga.. impoad.o. Dr. Commie Ise t ..... ffioffon:fol nf t ti it , the ~on. The oat, wnt e I• , ttslittrgli. W WlLsa CERTIFICATES & TENTIMONLALS, Of the highest mid most respectable enaracter, ars coo nanny received.regarding the ego...finery value ands e.. of the aboveicles. It is believed that et n the ty of New art York alone, upwards of EIGHT TWA:SAND VERFoNs dor:, a penod of less than a year. have been entirely relieved of the most painful chronic dinrders. some of wlib. have complete , . bal. fled all fernier errors• of wed vat art. Indeed twit. yof the first psysiciano of th:s eity l wins disapprove of the Galvane and Macnotof Mnfok fre.. constantly/acorn. mend Cos applitration in the r, practice and with .1. , ex ce ption onof those whi.me WO pfejudfred lo give 11 . 1• al. them vention has received un. favor WA)• the most nue/lige. among tie American sitanot Enc.) Di Christie is at all times ready and moat happy to gore cirri y facility to physicisn•. and all interested, for teal. mg the truth of his assert.. .d the efficacy ht• diacovery Only agency in Rinsliutgli, corner Ith and Markets. sent ally • fIOSSUDIPTION ARRESTED—Toth*** emitted wills Dlaeeaee of the Lung. —Thu... to cenify to those afflicted wills the fir•l pre .. re 53 anneals of Connt.mrion, that i have been Intmerng for ',vend years with a bronchi, sorrn , is of ibe throat and host...nes, I used many medicit es. but round no relief in :my prep...anon of medicine. until made use of DR.. DUNCAN'S EXPECTE/S.NT IihNIEDr. I have been using thin valuable medicine or several yearn. and •Iwayn find it to relieve when vet I niake u;e of it" lUy oecupation as air Aucbon wbirliYeepar &Rent cretnanily ennagee, eatme• my thseare. on omen, to beroine very alarming. when I in none niereure nos medicine I therefore MI.- plea sole xn making this public statement, thrit other • mice, ed arith . d.seaneof the lam, and expectantly organs. may know She virtues of tin. • all healing remedy,' and mit) !neared,' 1 hove recommended De. Duman'. 'Expectorant Remedy to many to my frlend•. wide n teem owe Meir lives in this medic ine. Sismerset,Ottio,Oet 13. 1,4 JAMES The proppetor of the above toed:moo would, also eter or the undemorned prnbno,wl. o ler de to ferry ounty, on whom any person may cull upon and b. tnceel that there sic values, f.mod n 11. ahoy. rube be that cannot be roe ollra • David Culbert.. Somers';" Dr Stoe, ‘l , . Fran in Goldler. Jaelooiop; Mr. Latimer. do, Geo Vo'be, IWek iyy. Jernact Davi.. Hopewell ip DR: DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE. 130 Sp, ore .oraen, Cineinnaii. - . • . bold in Pittsburgh by WM. JACFPON, t I.ibe-t) bead of Wood street., 19 . 10dkeir BURNS AND SCALDS EFFECTUALLY add speedily t ured by toe use o the Great Remedy. of Nature. A N11.:111P.t N OIL it almost miraruhntsly reduces InflauttnaLon, :end con. sequently warranted iu all cases to Iroec ta-•eunt or Nicer in the Sold orholoettle and retail JACKSON, et fun Hoot and Shoe Store alai Patent Medieme W,tehottae, E 0 Liberty' Ferret. head or Wood. Pittoborgh." -Price 011 M R' wtd SI per tentle. W Jartron being the F:xele.eee !teem for W• Penney Ivante, none o• but what I. sold l HIM or HIS •ppon — iret Agra, N. S. A Pamphletronnonme ample &I... Name He. with the names and 1W0...." the Propnetor, Prt n copal Airtn, Ir enveloped weh wrapper of en..l, lentle Abtmdenr•eof ertnlicet, ~lei nl the • febt7dfirn SCitOn LA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL. INGS.—Scrniula in all its multiplied forms, whether in that of King. Evil, enlargement . o the glands or boner, Goitres White Swellings, Crronft Ithetatratistn,Eanser, doe.ca of the Skin or spine, or of Pulmonary Consuntption, emanate from one and the saute cause, a dick is a poisprious cainetrie more or less inherenErn the human system.. There. foie, milers this principle call he destroyed,no radi cal euro can be elfeeted, but it the principle upon which the disease depends, is removedt a Curt mussel necessity follow, no matter under a bat !arm the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason why JAW? , ALTKRATIVE it to vereally nteleetuful in removing so many malignant diseases. It destroys the virus or Principle from whit s those diseases have !tom origin, by entering solo the circulation. and with the blond is conveyed . In the minute:it fibre, removing every p nu de if dueler from the system Prepared and sold at No. 1 South 'Third Street, l'hiladelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. Id Fourth stree Pittsburgh. I mcb3l. (From the Spirit of the Times A FACT WORTH KNOWING A gentleman of Scrofulous habits, from indiseretton in hit younger Jaye, beeanle affected with Ulccration• of the Throat and Nose, and a dittcgreealtle nod trot, Ittesome erupt., of the Skin. Indeed, his whole tilt. tem bore the mark« of being Unturwed with ditecto hand and wrist we're no touch affected that he had .lost the we of the hand, every pan being covered wilt deep. painful. and offensive Ulcers and we as hot low and porous as honey -comb. it war at this stage of his complaint,when death appeared Inevitable, from a loathsoine disease, that be cotnmeneed the use of JAYNE'S ALTFRNATIVE, and having taken amts tcen bottles, a tin perfectly contd. I =Thus ALTERNATIVE operates through the eireala• non, 'and purifies the /Mod and eradicates disease% from the sysit m. whereon located, and the natiteroun cure. it has performed in chtearete of Skin. Caner, Scrafaln. Gott,. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. and other Chronic dtsmstes, ~'trial): seiontshing, For sale in Dattaburgla at the peke! 'fen Store, - 72 lii atter:. neer wood. and sire at the Drug tumult, of 1 . Schee., Federal «t Allegheny env tny4 F Dr. gioLarse's Wokot Mpee.llllc T W lIIS IS TO cents that, by taking one vat of Doe. orm Spembe, a child of Jame , b,Shaw, pe.aed onward. ot l l . ollll‘. and by the usebt shit! w ~ awa eltald al toy own a:new.) II large woma— n 1. teuly doe nos' surpn•tng worm mettictne I ever ~11 InU•t have two more vt•ls. ' WAI GILMORE Wdtma Triereship For sit'e by d KIDD h to. No 80 N and street, Plan borgh: metal! JAVNEII HAM Toxic—we commend to the enennon of those &emus of restoring Mew hair or raprovlski its bliauty, to this elegant met - mono. At e hear it every whore highly spoken of, and espeetally all those who have made use of a, as steady efficacious in stimulating Megrowth of the hair, and priventing and curing many agecuons of she skin la virtues are ity It all sufficiently pmved—N Y :Tun kor sale in Pittsburgh a: the PEKIN TEA SIORE, 111 Fourth ss, near Wood, and also at the Drug fftore of P Sekivreos,Fedenam,Al l <sheu) any. Ebleil - a , O.A INIL) S SARSAPARILLA: ..r.b and I ermarotente.no• et all di•eirses ne i s iw r otyt c liasr stale a/tett/cod Sc'sMo• Ktesl:, irmpoenri, Isylesplo rbUltiaf He Fars, INoteles, Nan Kok; Biog. Wenn or nos, Scold, Hoerr, Enragentrol and pain q/ Oa Boom. •orflisiosts, rqrsUeon Ukers. Sp* attbr L "? .- :ego 4.1 Diseases aritinennosn dtriane , Aseito ar D ro psy, Heenan, hiperirlentir to .Ere. ClovoniConssitsosusral Dispnteral , 'w. ! • peel) edonnittranon Oa, been ardente!! Or s ; happiest results In =Ac . anornalous afectionr; y in ended to fill the 'rout rataelortirbibeterbes • cothnote and aperient inetheines; hence tle e rreb.!•7. awn is that of alteratiie !ay, pros tong a Outing tome to the stlitent.. •' ^P' .l II to 'uglily coucentramil tor convenience and porta briny. containing nothing bat the expressed; eat, and ts the reptemotsuce at the Sarsaparilla 11100 is the me manner as tfuinior is of hcluviaal or Ylurphn. of °p um. It in an rsmblished fset„gbgt • few grains of either Quinine or Morphine containwhill the tartilescal value at a large gauntly of the egfitle 1 •ka.aliCell; 'mace the supenority +if those prep:scab ns Ind no invalid would desire. to drink a Kalb:mode Tv plea a half pint contained the same medicinal sa C. The harraparilla can he diluted when taken agrees le so the doretems. and made mean the tame ot the its-- ' tient. The follosringraillfictile addressed to 'the Agana' at Chicano, Corn whet , eonelnsece Proof or its peat taloa at eatait of Fevcrhorrs. ' . . , 1 -- Cnicaco,lll.heptlY.ls4ol 1 _ 1 a . Stebbins & Reed—l. cote. la May,1815,1 '. aced at )oui more u bottle of hand's Sarsapar il la. ' as then confined to my bed, wstbou. sleep foe a . k. ocean:a:lca by violent pain from.a regul tr fever o :ono stauddla, aa laY !leek'''. My PhYeieeMked ,, me to have the limb mimetic& say a wasfite o I o , go ns I.kuir m preaerve my life. After asingibalt e bottle the yam began to subado, snd b the wee :1 II oncti nearly three I.llel, . I Willa/11c tai rapla Lay l I Mar busing., and before I bad finished the fourth' tie. I wa• us well and sound as tier 1 had been... Ika a naliesi tat ion in myiug that hand's sarsap arilla seas mem, ,o es l'aimdence. of sstang my limb' an 1 &tutu ' ,am my hie. 1 marl ettecrfally recommend it the hest article ratans for the purification of the I+l Your.. most respectfully( JAAI ano FYS KILLER. The following certificate in orgy ther link io f l great eh:lino( testimony to its tactile: ' • 1 Socrn Ilotstarr : Canada Emit. Apr1110.1E464 .. _.. 1 Mes.r.. Santlo—Gruilemen: .ern Sonar. ksipoZd as wv.are the awaits of dtecuse. and m freqnenlly disappoint in propo.ed remedies. we cannot but look on Meer of suttee.tut prito rimier. with lialrreal arid gratstud 11111 a true respecting )our valuable preparalfou f i armatila. lure been iteverely atilietedtlorn3 Yes with a disease nbout which th.lochorts dleogre,...• their prescription, were cull more Illtver!e: /tided v - r.ou. rentrdtra lost found nO nolteloottl I cant Head UNog your excellent. medicine, Cl wltichtlittle I was •Viapil) runfairdlo mg bed. Ailen none it a yerrntootbs I am now' able to woo, about ride out. and enjogn cow - d.rflublr degree of health. whtch I attribute entirely In 0 e 0510 f undue Sarsuparilim Please acvert my tol .suraore of groutude mid 'exert!. J6IIN hi NORRIS' ! Veil, r. rsunittly seattainted 'snit the above bill!. 111,11. I hereby certtly that 11. lame;, tine. REV. T Al :MERRIMAN rAkillkk TI-ITlV.lltrf.—'lria following ti,Ul eXtraqi Irma a inn r wee.ved from Rev. Wilhite Calabar t . t Dmottangs, Vt..OM * 4 , ISO. ht. s.••.:!umis. I have hemi urn med with tan re 'mei in to, murorensirned.by a drwasett liver, for ebb 1 •t t.. , :0y , car.. mdering kt I tees what language cOllll.ll vou10), but since taking your rhowspardla, I ' have liren steatl, fettered, .o mucliro that I have Leek able , to attend to ray business, Sod preach occasional! teethe taut fifteen mouths. I wholly dimarned allmbe tried.citte. and thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, who 1 , ,' tC , PISIMeIId 111111111 e and sincerity to all those sr , nrr in any way alllictedtentitt any specie. of .crofnloug contributor. Them have.been nom remarkable curet effected by Its use in thts v,eioity. Mrs. L. Shaw, by the use of six bottles, was trentored to better healthlhai ,has had before onioyed for ten year., and Alm. W. Ste! rens. who had been isevirely alllicted with the Erympi .1 els , . was entirely cured by the use of a Law bottle.. Yours truly. XVIII. GALUSHA. " !tor forth, paniculam imd conclusive evidence slot sagetilor value and CSC.), self pamphlet., which ma 4 obtained of Agents grills. let:pared and so'd by A. D. & D Sands.Droggistb, Fulton suconterof N‘i titian, New York. Sold also by L.: WILCOX, Jr., Pittsburgh,• . 11. Hari wocaf. Deaver Wth. Watson, New Castle; D. N. t liolibLil ,Fon. Brownsville: A. Crtigh, Washington; and by Druggists generally throughout lb. United States. t 1 race St per bottle—six boitles for 113. • I The ruboe are respectfully requested to remember Mat it 11 •Oaild'o , t , an.tpanllll. that It if coastal:lay schiev4 ,ur, 1111'14 remarkable rums of the mootdifficult clam of di, /1,1,1 to which the human Moue Is sableck there) .fnee 11.1 Mr rand's Sorsaparillm and take no other. l SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN; SK THE SUFFERER FILMS ASTHMA - what hu rchcred Lim 11l Wag • awl time from his dit- , gnats of brathh4, Cough aid suffocation? He • will tell yea it was sq. Okwasaian, or ALL 11.114 Balsam." Ask the coowispti. what hu allayed his Cogh, removed the Pain is his Side and Chest, checked hia night.eats„.d plareA the rose or hWth 4i ! upca his cheek? ad he will tell SIIERBIAMS ,OLOSAO3IIIIIII, • ALL-HEALING BALSAM. Ailt your fricodsif they know of anything that will warn . dill cure a lag and tedious Cou g h, Banwq of Blood, hills, llytpectic Consumption, Hoarseness, Ingo= and disease, of the Throat, m the Olosaimiani and they vallell you—No. Them 4(llVr yet has been notated' hatrodoca public uotke which 100 ban production of m. each good in so short a epeee of time. Read the following A slonlohing -Cures. W. BOND, the mlebretmlß...sont cracker baba, fah Nu ete. et Eleu.d.lyu, emirs nut hi. wife b... been allieted. wit.b Asthma for 30 yam s and eadd not fad yormanost re , lief fora the best medial adrift which New York wadi ilnxklyla could produce, was induced to try th is great rease-i dy Shc new pratly well. Ilia daughter who was Mg from the same disease, tried -it, and was also cured by it.! Mrs Bad is row so well that she is able to Aare= her bed early Mae morningand attend toher mud dales through! the Hannaithout ay annoyance fran her distressing mhJy./ Jacnsoo. 13th street, near the CallrolieCeateb7,l came io the store fur tho porpnwe of obtaining a balk of the i tueu ofilicted with the Asthma S. more! than :Al ,car. and ea. ezhanwed on his aerial that K. could not speak. He yourchaxd • took sod redo boole.—,. • Four days afterward he walked from his residence to the -*K . lice without Wipe, a distance of oar two !ala s to WI of the wonderful relief which he had naperikneed fr= about one leaf of one bottle. Coosonaption of the Lungs. M. Castro...3s Anita wrut, wu so low ma the month of December but. disa.tme was prey up by his physic-int. Him friend. entertained mmo hope of his nwoury.l Hs Ina mat. :tied to try the.Oloomim, aud lo hit no it hu mo far as him to hcalth that Ime ia tow 'gas ea milk about the Wert. Mr. Arrum, the wife of Was H. Attnre,Jsows Warn= Kai end Geo W. Ham Eft, ma an kerar testimony Dena Lev own experience of the hesdiag properties of thie Gm, Remedy in Umenseption of the Langs. - Split la ff Blood. Mr.. Tionammia, ma McGraw street, who had tom Ovulated for agreat lam% of lisle by a mar. cough, and raised unantines of blood, was re li eved 'by one bottle - of the Olosaoman, and &Herm 0 the greatest remedy in the world. Dnseu liatt.r, 26 Weer street, wee dm relieved lima the wane ouandaint, although, he was eery mach au:Need whoa he limmenced taking it, having been wafer OW can of his o physician during the pot winter. Although be twitted cmtautly aod seas very much troubled with night wets, bottles of the remedy enabled Lim to return to his duly work. He sem entirely relieved. DeVin Hann rums, 60 Laight street, Heo Banett,- formerly of Newark, N. J., Henry Lisboa, 1.70 Rivington street, smd mammas whir person. have• been speedily and permaneolly cored of the mune complaint by this remedy, • The' Array of Names which could be produced of persons who ham used this vem remedy ermiid soon than 011 a column.. 'Amoog the number we are permitted Order lo J. M. Nueva, 6110 &Mary sa, Me Wiboo of Hohokam . Mra.l.lell of Morriltmen e N. J.l Janis , 11 Devoe, 101 Rea. el.; Mrs. 31•Caffree,50 Attorney et.; F. 21.11,12/ Third Avenue, Mn Wm 11. Mentor One mtv, and Mrs. Archibald,3s White et ~-.. • Aold wholesale and email by Wm helm, at hi. Patent Medicine Warehouse and 80. mid Oboe Blom, No 19 Mx, tv strest,heed of Wood street, Pithbugh. Pews • porbot acl6-11 . Pot Cough Colds; Asthina, and Consuraption! Ty OKEhr AND ONLY REMEDY Ihr Cow 1 Cameo, *attune. atal CONSVMPTION. I the DWl suattAN nAuval OF LIFE, discovered by the ca., heated W. Ronan, of London. &Weed, mod Intscaluted ISM the 'Dated States under the bannellbsit eopetintetid nose of the Inventor. . • . _ . . Thi ortroomitnary tsars, of this esedicie., It the sue of Pa:unary diseases, warrants the Ausafte Agent In milehlug for treatment the WORST POS SIBLE CASES that can be found to the cotantenkrr eases that set refer in vain Dernany of the swum seseedka of the day and have been given top by the gars dietingniabsd Physicians as CONTISMED ARID INOUE MILE. The ilongarift Babas haftersdome oth sus. ft MOST DESPERATE 1W CASSIE It h tooe nnetram. but a etsiderd English entlicine, of omes and established adssoy. DOOM !unity in the United Rats *mild be emiled ebb Bnetares Hungarian Babas of Ut.. scot only to 00001•141.0 the Goesumnpilva tendons:lm of the elinste, lot to be used u a preventive medicine in all case of Colds, Concha, Spining of Bleed, Pain in the Elide mut Chas, Initatlnn nod donnas of. US Loop. Silladali. Drat of Breaching, 11.000 Pees. fildu bereina. gad Masai Deblilly, %Asthma; lefluensa. ereid7 4- si " Coogis, and soap. • - • ' re Sold In large bears, at I pelt MU* web MVPS. dons ft the neteranftin of Ileahh. • Pimples; coMfthig a man of Engilah and Amer, eatt cerallaCtes, and tuft. evidence, et= the sr maligned mares of Mb Great WI y, may bil ~bed of the Agent r DAVID P. RRADLW n et ADM D. the DoIW Sifts. HO Court meet. Boston. T. lir. DY se c ondoB, flerrinal Who lamb AVM.: No. ta Nort*tee% Platdolphlt. • 'r - . For 'sale by II -A FJSIIIiFTOCK. • Ce Co. canter of wood and front streets parod Chairlre I.• A ofte i ntt ir l* re ti kr.7w e° ;r 3 rAilioll y r' &lotions 'I the skind bow coar - se. how rough, bow sallow, sallow. and unhealthy O. skin appears Wier rising .prelwrrif chalk: Besides, io is injurus c o ntaining Kluge qua& my of lead. We have pr pa red a hosatifal vegetable ir le, wlnch we call /ON kr,) SPANItOII LILY un WRITE! It is perfectly - innocent, being purined dc all. &drier.us quaintest and it impatt• w the skin a cal. healthy, alabaster, clear, being white, sr the show acting as a cosmetic on the skin, waking it or& and sineoth. • • - Dr. /mu . , Anacreon, Poetical Chemist of Magda. lms^. says: "After on, ng JoneeeSp•niel , Lilts While, I bud it 1104 • the mot heaotifel and Mtn!. rul,ail Me mane tone innocent while I ever saw,. .I cennlnly tan con•clentiously re mend its aim to all whoa skinsequtres beautifying !' ra - Sven Vicente a box ID-ihild by %V NI JAC/007i, .1 his Boot and Shoe Il Snyrew I..berty miliret, head of Wood, at the •iga of thu 'ion!, ' fM uktuent . 6 ITR aUP:--qt-should'he publiebed and made lumVulll.o the puhlic." The wa , the expn.esno, ui an old mart who uted,ae Syrup • Prersecann, February it, 1847. hlnegain—Thle may certify BA dbeiog troublesome cough tonyiktime,'l l briught a bottle of hlorgun`e Conan Syrup, and Anti peppy to say, eller my cough is courtly eared.' J pronounce Soul Bough Sy nip the beet medicine I hate eier used. No family •kuuld he Yerithont thin valuable medicine. DAVID 110.110BERTS, Allegheny CI:, IrrThe medicine leurepared wholesale and retail At the Drug Store Of ' " JOU% D MORGAN Wood creel: enedentr bele* !UnloadAlley ' Pree'3s elms per hore. • febd, T HE MOORISHII A ,-- ElR —. lool(k—rar PC(I92 ne ntlY dr.inlf Lien, Hod or Gray air i he Brown or C lob color. without dyeing at legarleg the akin. Sold with NB directions Pries On mum, oral ti bottle. • • •. 031` . NoId by NVIII. JACKSON. at biz Murat afethoine atchbate. PO taboo"' Watt, bowl of Wood, at tM Cps of du Ji 1 Boot ji t DICAL. nu. OURILNIABIi - mum:Arra LOZENGISS,-AND roort.l3 EZ12:21 116. EH COMM Eisith , rerti's i tray a;•.1.• .11./ pla~,•,114l cluldeta IA ill take 11 nruhly ikaa tow. tem due biafassierus is vassal . 'axis b I rcesis AAs m the lseh Meter, sato alliAltliAlit3 COUCH LOZENUESI 11406 X)OROVO ors , Ja• aka, ism nos and ethritta .•a ady ierumba, wide. calawiptatis, alawiptag WV, 4...- 41400m0 of We Wooer rhea, we, etc. - pswiw...wr ha. weer havers ea 11. they lid %arse u Sewed mqiad keteriluie L. . w pb s Use leat year, nnitarittea heahl pen.. thoou . orooodotarkoo,l44 tiotOoloborlog wider We 01.1 culdll.‘ <anew, Thay do oar Wee} sad dry ap but wader it an. paw. wpm:oration, alliy irriwilm a amid MOM. the Jsrariaiswe sar excuiwp aaiw. . They are Wade lnalt a opeabacuraa of a arma volootrie ox,r k,),),,,t, of 000gli modifiost, aid are aodoUbtrdly faipecoo Weil away la WOW COmpadoto Hitaoliod. lipat attertilrabre Imre law °Vend of dam russaat ...a te% bawds= aka have bewared Yaw au um..., tad rotated so periki bealtk by nun ' Where Were is Mali pains the linewt or eate,cme ant., ma's Your loan 's Pastern Wire wadyorola,) applied overlbayart, 1.0.3 WI Marred. II attaoofJ 'nth anti..., • klor caliallif Of kiwi. losearw, w.ap Mild cathartic. wedieite thrall bejusi ai own.. rapwi.. r • SIIERINAPPS. HORS( LOZIaNciEs . Thos. worm Iwitneeirse bees raved so MO. thstri,WO Miaow to be isfollibir; the only nowt, Nom tow., n." ersoduesered. • Manytitaessies waists hues nu; i n , sad sonsios lonia" istatisesolferiant, and feat death, m tO, out tharstee bun eautpeeted; vows perm. are est, lo.le • . 410 . 141,5 .ibtOttratsd era *owed fur sariourowsrotatt ititootint; salsa wie dose of thew Lawns. speedily eats • I ; , AssagOetitsPirsowt.-I'{: the Saud on lamb, .4. . i " " " *64l. th •iitoorrtisdag at tits , oath aunts, ' aleep„sad tinesapokbo' miaow die iiia,with dotard on ea, biseatinal the mite, • pawiag otoottioss at the nomad, rtob rs et brat over the wawa ot the_loody; alight ;Has ur , trans, houbsbe, donique,serGgo, worst, disturtsd diewaisi'osidea wartin is Apo, with fright ml sertostne t toosetimes a troublesome tosar toreristuarts, thirst, i s 1101 boon' o, tad taste is 11e south, didkult breathing, twat is 'the ,mach or bowels,'Estigas, ottani, aqestaislauess, Drs . , <Sous spree, lessees, likosed stomach ur 0g1e.... therein poOto.ta Forts of th e body, a now ut sit,. I thin train is we tidal, oats' ofthn wt. turrsols 11,1". a tensest acute f• something Goa the Lomeli, eue uunt . lissesdisrhairs otaiise and isseus. • . • st!Eg9t,ura CJiMpIIOH LOZENGES. Thez pee unatediate relief aerroos or doh twiduche, rvna itatiottladte heart, lowness of the viers, erspowleney , try ceparid seen than, bowel or swam. r ern.. eart,issattog, Procaine or • mama Waking of Ow clo et, dirk) span% ernado of the Mewl or bulimia, byre... I airt.o6S, ill arras Mar, drowviand &pro day, and wakeifeloca, duragh the night; thorn or coed Tweedsions, Mantra, rained* or • sera if fatigue. Zee bleeding ?conceding lure purrs; will dud re Lim ps really werniegiod tenpertur the buoyancy of youth; toed after iiirtpus= .nu nature the tom of the 'yore guy era*, red Armin die isoprene! symptoms arising own tco Gee living., .ihernwas who lure beer too high born, lOW • abeadrard dierdsaaprei White, will Sad these Lorry. ad mirable matie of dr .will dr.S.A/Pl3 POOH MAN'S I:LASTER. The bar strogriaragpiasterio the vroeld, and a sovereign resort Tear'. pains, or weaklier ia for hack, ids. , side, urn, filar, riots, rheuratioes, lutahmu Ike. re. One minim a year will purply the demand. They require Mottle warr ing herr apple:aro. Vlarratded enpertor to rlotherspood . for ooe rarer the urea prier,arktes are only the trot, but reek...taped platter r the word. It affords relief u few hoar, and raker aresserie g ewes. lima In beer complaint abd dysye b rdi, rerld be sore cm 1 1:217f =gals; li , n o wner ,r w il it will .. eNardamt , breathing, *spender dr tbi ri tnt or .' weetwelo, ' tho, will'ho rediately moth and greatly borer du prier. reriraa eidadary barb, ar row ebbsed to stand arch, will write decided senior from one of dire truly strogiLeanag PllO - Physicians gerwrally recommend drat, no prefer nee to all warns lereause they stick or ledbeiv bettronod afford great. er relieE la Nude operation they are stiander, uric lual asiodyne. Tiny are corral of yd entirel ifferent lug4ed l ents Wm any oda., sad WWII Mir the esperiverre ot rho bare used them, as well as the named testimony of altdweclalwanol said dbrred clap and piquiera.,l. be armor ireful ead laig medicare pram Revert Sr/duller the' 'welt.= to ewer theirempreared trades, at the alterodita cum thre e Plasters wan effeetwL , Dim*. Saran an on the beck creeds Soler. sidt 6/carat ofDr.lilieronaa roar, It is importaaiyou druid amplest Par Slwrmaros Poor Mau'r Pkrsisr, and or that you get diagename, Ma More en many worthier alkali.. hawked ri about and sold for the tea. Shaman's Mawr, by amprieder draw. wirier end MO hr W.JACICAN at his Paten Meri A da* %rebore, No. 69, Idlerty Buret, Mao of W BIG Pnßnt Jan , R. R LEOS' DESERVEDLYD CEBRAETES D CEIROIsiI TIyINIEL MEDICINES. CNsisT uor hi. Prophylactic Syn.p. ear, tam re edylprall eon or en ar. and tit ton , . loom affectioran Copgh Syrup, Croup Syrup Coo eeotrated extract of ..Saruparilla, deucedly other mamma, haring given relict when all °there hay° Mailed, being through it new proem more - emmentrated than anylother ever offered to-the polio. ASTHMATIC narini ellected permanent cores of that rtubborn disew,_when of more than jeers S aying, hence it Mends without grin] in that omen dreaded Mamas. ' trr:Roin'a • LifilfdkAT, for-all nisei i.f titesk nen or pain, and it complete substitute for blistors: Dr Rtise'sTONlC .111fX71.41E, an intallibin cure for Chit s sod fevers, atid:indeed.is core of a specific for teem of all kinds than Etta or Qui- Dr. Rae. INCOMPARABLE VERM IF UDE, where known, la used in preference to nil other Vermiroge preparation. • Dr..ltme 6 . 1 06'1 IC ANTI-DISK:P*I'IC, larall diseases of the Stomach and bowels, Ch, Ica in- rectiohn, drc Too Nab encothisin cannot be pinned on:the merit. ol" Chia metfichm, in core 'of ' Dispepaill and all disermea thit -reahlt from week nese or - stemware/ bad digesCion. - - Dr. Rose's FEMALE - 1 ICI S„ a most. rateable remedy for three general coMplainu to which re- . male. are , subject. Dr. Rose's TONIC ALTERATIVE: PILLS— No pill ever hero,. °Hired the public so huppily combines the qualities of a vainsole medieinepe an auti-diapeptic,, LIVER er Stomachic pill, correct ing theme, diseases, and thereby presenting cow. sumPtion:' A . young Lady 25 year. or age, baring •diammed fi rer lor seme time, bee atrerigth pros crated and appetite rune, area completely restored in six' weeks by the Use of the Anti.diapeptic tore and theist pills alone. Dr.Rons'aCHNOIVO-THERIdr.L STRIAE/TiI t:NINO PLASTER,Ier weakness ot the back,algtr, breast, Ate. ' Br. Rose's SPECIFIC ERILEPSY,the most eer. min remedy foCall eases of fits or convulsion., istetherin Inf. - IMA or adults. So certain 'specific bit loithlitortoldatile disease that the moat ob. minateLeases; and Ogee too of long atanding, have yielded at Duce. Dr.Ro.ob RlLEUldaTiClilX7CßP.—after many yeah of diligent research the compound ws.discov red,Midits never failing efficacy places as etricieney above ail other. for the can of Rheumatism Dr, Rate* AItpIII.NGhINT COMPOUND, cenain remedy for staitung .bleotl, indeed for ditohargeo of blood whether Irma Longs, bowels mother patio of the Dr. Rose's 81 . 111/Plbr Cholesaandßowel complaints —This mixture will efeetnally rote bowel complaints, • 4 Discutery t airders Mentos, and Choice, At the time the Aitalletliddeli was ;ming t Philadelphia it was bond to be the iskist successful In arresting it, Luring nine tenth. of ail those Isla used it. What may be male( Deco( these remedies may by said of all; thiir value will only Id anlnebihted those who try them. Letters from those sato have been eared of the variant maladies that maim Me human body might be given, bat we are waling to rest the . matter on the merit. of the compounds We !itre n panacea for Semfalo,ln its various forms, so condensed and etheaeienta that Its Malice power h.. ...j.1 4 “1 many. A case of Concerocevmog in the wire 0( the bale Governor of Delaware, was complete! y euredlin a few months. The eaneer had Min twice rut out by promin eat Bergamo. and renewed itself with increased malignity, yet botwithitauding the debility of Commo tion and removal of the seaports, the use of the Pro ' PhYlactic completely removed evarr vestige of the disease. Case. hatuumerable of the TILTIMOL ture• that have, followed the - use of these remedies are - i , our passes. *ion, bat it is not deemed necessary to enumes elf them as the ascot them will recommend them to all, .1. 1301100111111A.KER, & Co'., No bi le soil Street &acme Cor Pittabanda 11M.1 fitY9MIA !kilkneW girt:Ws' .L o MRY—A Bleuingl A to le!! M AP. ender!!. cum Ernytions sod Didemente. of Me !ki, l Pimples. necktie, &melanin, Salt Rheum, Scurvy', Sure Meads, /cc., . " 1 Foot yeas. sic' last Anglin, thecapital of Potence was astornihed an consequence of a discovery nude by Aft . &Minn Meant! -Many doubted-1l seemed almost aau impossibility that anything made by the heads of tuart.'coald hams each murales never. at Mat r homed , qay Antonia Vetprialier his invention. Many clamed • him and hire invention't• area humbug, fend. sum! many. 'foolish persons without trying do the mme ienrr,) at length, Mks testing It in the hospitals. the alsabeal te ch:Ey of Pans Die but chemise an the world( dam ermi the following report to Signor Vesprinu use have mom minate lyand carefully ea mined the -singular invention of Vespriti. We have away es d s component parts—we hone used et in ...venal ca(cs,and we hesitate not 10 100000000 it (the Italian Chemical -Seattle!. a great blessing..and • truly woodearst reme• dy for any cutaneous eruption or darfigura naeut of the skin. le animator we rounder the, tom phosechropist of Slairol.oll mankind. (Signed) , 'LEOPOLD DP PREP ETIMEI • From the inventor himself tette presesaProprietar. Pamaltes.4, lOW In tonsidetation of the mm of lOalgt, I have divot. ircel to Mr. T. Jewel residing intl., city of New York, N.N. the whole promo oLestameractoriedr, together with a statement - of the iagrediants - certif....ow my Ital ian Chemical gimp. Ile is mmanotacture le tor male Ol lie.- United tastes only, and ID Mote the priv.terge of sm. woe it"Joneeltalian Chemical Poop." - Witness: Ilenty./.lloldserorth. (Signed' ANTONIA VSlO'lltril 417-Sokt by. W. JACKSON, or his Paired Medicine aharrboure e - et Liberty street, bend of Sa ot the sender the b ig Boot: • ! 136 The Only.phiec in Pittsburgh where tb GEN UINP. eau be oldaened...All others we Comew . . ' . PITTSBURG '• GAZETTE, YUBLiSIIED DAII.It,'TBI.WEE.IEL.r.k Wii.F.ICLY LI tia Owisrßorildings; 3.10:., namills PAi.olles.. BATEO•43I? ADWEELTIBINO.,' One Isseition or 15 lines, of, less 650 EA) I:;oinsertientsrithoutalteratimm,..... ... .O 75 ree - ... .. '..,.• 1 00 ne Week . " " ' .... ...... 150 Two %%Pesti . .. ~ ..... ... 250 Three ", • i .. .. • •S 00 One Meath, 400 Two " " ' ... ...... 600 Three ''' .. ~ . 7 50 - V. Lessee advertiaewenta in arms proportion. th 00 ,1 1040 IDOWIII, without. alteration.... 10 00 12 15 CO Eselt additiohlshaquire for 6 months, 5011 . 12 ' 10 , 00 . One equins,6 Wontbs,ronewable at pleatute, 15 CO 0•- 0 12 " D7OO Kul; additional Nave for 12 months 1000. Two laquaree,6 months, Wl...bleat pleamre, 30 00 Recta endltlmtatwpare,6 menthe, 8 110 w..... • ON I mr-winitt.r 111 DAILY Puma.. One Mitiatit:3 iiia' Oren. • SI 50 '''• each additional. insertion,........ 37 • CARD'. Five line. or le., one year. 6 00 " • o . nix months - 500 one - year, daily & vrerkly, 10 00 " " nix months ° " Ble ADYIII2IIIIIIIIIII SW' IIItZLIT Pll9ll. For Whims, or leo, Ono insertioix., - 4-4 0 5() 74,6 1, 0 73 that, . 100 Three month. 360 " Sit . 600 --" -Twelve' " 10 00 rrAli edict:moms, to tweturgredby the square; ed • discounted' IS per cent obit moo ' , Some* amount of adreTtiolog eieeede 60 donor, Voryou. scancsui coma. nos linos or lems, Oa* year. • " Six mouthy . , VIO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers