litatll6l T AEhighot , pleats riled' kn •11.-die dards! ✓ . s taLy a LEP: eat Labarr sitsott Gel'. army .13719d.1.n1P 111110ILTED 016 ABS PAPSB-41Aream• Na is for sale lustros fluters by • use , of reams, it is far superior to rite cocoon Sand , pe• used by mania Attic/vol. • For tale by • rst 'clop& t%Neorltis !sod woad sts CAEN TABLE DIAPDH4I4—Oste ewe '7.4 • wul T.b , e Diapers and Destm•lts—• Wm ), vt, t 4 eet.e:te. for licuels Steamboats, Ast—Ree'd ad fur sale i/f lr9d titIACKLETT t WHITE. ISSN AND COTTON TABLE. DIA / large usettmeat alatt a... Wood., at Wt. at ,k- Dry Noah 110.. e of hIL/Krltr Jew no rthe atteorttasLll.s.4 Tarim TEAT ENGINE kliieALr...A &MD LIME it Dylusder. teetswoke feel long. J . / melt akameter—complee with •-otay•rte Ae 0 h., one HENRY woo° ,22.13ur 4 mile. op 111006444twi• ETTS MVO L&Call—W A Xlarph? L ro to nt Ibis citellent aaborueentotabo ..- xxl., •uoatrle far Caps,Capeen -- 121K411 GIIeCIHAPIII—A 1.. anorment 1 , u02 121 Ca. op to the knee yn flt uw ncerco myna, to be loma the Dn (:nod-, a•en jr.ti tV R idIIRPIIV • 0.44 el rr r..-111. ,141 1.1d0 - To. 3 &ratite sod looliplroco—junracogy.d .1 for taie. ; r 1 1 ACKLETT wynd 6 1..T,'.;`4z„A, u,J zr.- o t7.:b"Zde"dpe'„°::,`::, "- SHI.CICLFITT At WM A " I.4dA.sURIO TOBACCO-10 bob. IVI e• Lamp Dote lauding, will b. PO 4 ref, lOW to dote cual.ignSl3.l by 1 wain , a co 4 - - arks Straw 1"4°1115—" ;;sella Sbaria: • , L ' a o.r. I . Flour, landing from Mrar exlrb I . ;w. awl or sax by 1 PALZErrtii 21 matey a: STOCKS- FOR SALE-. M. LW*, nd•Sdirh: tt IGM tam swk). Ap d • to je2ll l C. hi DWELL, Art water at O,Lf ?wee; • • 117 b 0... H. 111olarse.; 6 I/C•No'3 Muteseljasirceeirec br ja9 AT 001), JON Pa &CO 111E10111'1—To liable. a. byatO Helga. Itne— r at shirt blue and reasonable prie• (or at tons tr., day by this expedieisa• Noma L lags J C BIDWEL, Art BACOPI a 10 r•oka Phoulden, Palm, 7 do do; • d do llama; am raged par 3 B Roscoe rale ho ;. - 21 AT WOOD, ioniEl4 a 1:70 -- . .. — _ . 1 RAD AHD 14110T—NZpies Lead; 14 . 4. , keg. Ahoy ssed No. Landing fpm • :a Isbbont and Po rate I. , I n ' IPAGALEV k SNIITII _ • twO Vesiernjl•l wee I'd for 0 BLACKBURN !CO ent e a r water at and cherry alit. AIOI. ASSIKS-120.1ssli !loos House 111Oloiors, o sopel nt qua ity. for solo by rib • • ISA 41.1:Y is. slim +, IR and 0/ woods 1 - 1115',1•111ic VERMILION— . 4 lbs Jut re. , %.„,•nd •or he Drag warehouse of lela .1 KIDD tr. CO, Go 'mod Iv C \ALOM ICC nd.. raperter Amerman and EV ••1•1 1.. rived and ;Of sale at the Drag were h.h. icl6 I KIDD k. CO i , VA-.. nn.•,-• 1" 11. Gunpowder and Impe ri T, And foriale low by I:1? TAtSEW & laT,z wooaa i",-,,,,5it--7:!,,::,...2 I.A.Fge Pila.c.kerel; for we by 416 L 'TASSF.Y i TiFe.r. r,Tivisod rt 1A Otn. NA CFCS —4OO tier , 40 inah Burlap Woo , IMURPHY LLM Liberty la opposite 6th 11.4 Corn ,- 61 . 00 10. PAM ood M , J'SLOAN N 0.231 wood and 8 libel ty n. 4 - ‘ ,4 ATM MOM IMV bble ohl Monongahela Rye WM y Mule land lid nal., by k RLAAN Day P MAC aES-25b0 dry PeaGche• HRAN silo low to elm con• not nt by COC • Not° wood in 2.0 Ttic.i.T. VIZ.; wit, veld ‘ E ..p .f , !! coment by Wei r & uol' OlL—lb LW& Lard Oil i tiV i re t atit k id is i tet A lg r. tettl I ret Fourth meet below Feotrint IMIMED OILls Unwed O t t, mu meto .1d cunsignment for —3O bb gWij on, joNEs .‘"Y_ 1)10 rO . N-IOU tang e . o.d blare Caaktals PI; Ira. fIr7FrINITCHEON. t5l l.lbenl .t f , AN V AS-2 bales pxwitAnv reeei , ed •Ad fo , •nl , by 1511ACKLE:Tr & WHITE. No 99 weal meet TTWEEDd—A good ostonument of newotyleTorred ceived and mrf I;r_ k. dIIACKL .rr W111TE,99 wood al re 6.A epf=4 Putt tP,Y v " .l "' RIiODE.4 & ALCORN .)B'6'glit7-ii-ra-ted add Ground, for atontrawat , :roots and grJcita at ow Mostard and Opon Fa torv.l , Piftb - RHODES a. A LCORI.I - - - .NI Yea ' iretor KID r a ft,. Ly b n:l:btitl V; will be sold ry low to elate a eolongrauesit I jull 7 DICKEY, It CO. water and from so, -23 bblo No 1 Troame 011agb hf bbis jo 0.1. No I IleNium for tab. by b: 'WARM:YON i.,11 Els( •ide of 0, F ISII-30 Kilt No 21.111 C Mackerel. of ..1r1441,” 201116,ND I Ilalring, 30 tilde No I Stold, on ...ore and for We bi . 1 ARD OIL—A 10l arno k lo b or St I Lad (B''°°."' on h''''and for rJOICIAN &BON !ii',. Mannfeclurers, No II Litany, moot 1 . ) AGS VITApITILR4banoi i.ljatiol:g. 11 td. 'or Wt".l. d"' "t r 'P PFklit3 & t.tI.I.ANS niitiat _... l First street, below )Arks' CLAILET AND *HITS WINS-- B bed. Aim.; 5 hhd. liner Onulems Wine; to! olejl_ _ i, , s ' I lIILLEIId. HI C K __SO:2.I, c l aii `D PEPPER, t I,bll, kegs and boxer, twit grnund e n constant r VaalllW a s • kin ERIN matt fm 1:1--011—.1I I. Jog reeelved .oa Ultr bin" . r Logiotr22wo—so CY. e.nfri• FAH by N .F! , TOCIt a co C E R 112.1- 11 ,4 61-;Is No 3 Lome, for iale by IYII7ADWARD HESZELTOS • klmot solo of Mama _ _ ALRO-10 0 boxes SAO anti 10.0. • mote ort4 •u /S te by )• I L. 1p; tom. paler 00 Agra a. OTTLE.COUKS-4 bale; (rcese93 to RI emit Be ".""'" " 11 ( V. ;1:1,11.RS. Weal st Jr! AND Mt sorted kter..._..et_ 3 eoao D _ f edle R PAIdiRR r"V?" r* N 093 Marto street jnit 'zror rjsOBACCO aneker'd brand, 51 'foamed In •Inre coo rile .oyr by • 11 I • 1 41 !Ict rr 1 p f! R !WA! .sp,:dre• 11,fic Pear . d , r; ' • ock / DAIZEL • „pita Ly . Nt, KW 31ACILERRL-50 bar Large No .11 year's caiebing. jug! received and for solo by I.E/11a ItICS 17,91 , 1_ O!!11'51FII' —5 glares titeAllalef• qntatent jet on "d f or ;.:11e10°17NVAELI.:13t & CO.ll woad at _ . ROOKS—,Fitor, Gilt Handledl B 'a. Large .01100110* .141 F Val 4 SONNIIO kCO - A c 5ti.:;01.1414 No 3—Lange: 1 3 li,ts do, for Aela • ! • • Jr.* • M• n prune order, d KOUT, DALZKLL & CO, 1..1,cr1y it_ Li --S , D ) ttx;fa...,tt: rala4na; tot EN lt Ott & ttftltierr, le and VD trond at liEtt—Fitirkt•,L.Shnsit tor customers, at ths.Stastat £ nod Spies Favor, sS riftb street. IttIODES k. A 1.00 RN blas and I. 0 Igei Vaud _ThII:I6—NLI _ Hopes k Ai, apd, int auk 1.7 No V Mb • W IfifIXIW GI.ASI-110 big ettO, I , le bEs moat, for •nie by IV/7_221.01 t 1 I,_RI_INIA N __.._____aler and froaitts liana 'A:tip—Fresh made, and of first goat. Li,jr. lin sal: .., I.y n3yll ' .1/I_lfi 11 MORGAN, 93 I Ran LINIMILD (c brer i a rq t:Z s r I `", " j:IURDAN &FON , SE lbs wupeOor, jitst reed y.AzTru _j-el6 KIDD CO ..,,d ~ .2.3 -td tor "lc C 1310 dr.!: ; R., vz i oAr g iv .. , 151PEII:D2i) WbitcylpFt UR sale by fr " BE"? D0.,.TC11 itE.ILICI3II3--50 boxes for male by S , TARSKY , 2_ BEST. - PRPERITIN It —5 bbls jot reed and !ornate bj Joia , IF. SELLERS SUTTLA .111, lti TARCIC-ii, F 11 1 , 1 511. -4U W I% (111EILS£ — : N/11 Ir Yr D UI I IK:k /40 • " F fl , y 0)11( 1 " . „' ‘ . C .. LAla-1i it If wayo au baud COI Pai_ 'n Al 6 iNS- 3, . r 00K POVIr W I klnn anrIYI. OTAIIII-10 jas .1 COMMERCIAL RECORD. _ — 1 '...---.'-',--.---*----- , - IPITTIBURGIII BOARD OP TELAIIIit. • 8, 11 e ,,,,,,n 4 , M . e c a . t. p .1. r ..',.. h. .?::... u , 8 1L Ha v 1. E..." 1 t r , • COMMITITY. spa JuNy. • Cambria, MO gelatine July 1 J ttne3 I 1.041{0111re.; OM. A. 014..,._•. •. c halo, ! Chris Colocnhe, (Frei— ' July 1 May :.I -----===---------------. --- - : Caledonia. (Br) 11,,m, Jury 1.: /lapel, Of riff: l'ITTY•111.11 (1•70.00... til. rt-hlion lan.) Hewitt. - Wednesday !doming, Jane 3Q. hV . a ttttt I , lili tart Bltr , •00, Avg t July 4 The weather yesterday laminae like autumn than I 8 • 19, Saada,lllr)Thompson, h i ...aea early and cloudy to sunset, which gave I FOR TRY SAULT STY alattlfai Pro of .3 clear stdicephere again. The river The sicanthoac tklrtimer. pint 11. Cottrell. will commence rtinanng he has sot tlieo mueb 1 owithotanding the rain, WI la e 6 Ile feet andaisiog. I trts derma maunder of the There is malth satiety to receive th e new. by the : 4 e.... . leaving Detroit e„, T u ,„, , 2 ..,,,,, h, P . steamer from Europe, now about doe It B •lon, sal' Al i. 1, - . , old, b. . , ~ i also by the French steamer Of. NOW York .' Thellaat , ,,,,::nr, u ": , ' n u n ' d °l7 W .:l l 'itilae d .to the Z.', ‘',":l l ."`' .0) day. eel today. if she sailed as advertised, and Fot Frt ight a r Pawage array ltUßN an board, CT tri C ORA D O Cleveland the fired will be due chi. evening 1 with two week. ! J N Kulp:Rt.. Velma .ter intelligence. 1 . - V W I.A •'1 FON. - From the tablee..we have publcbed the fear de's paid, it ie sees that without any diminution of re• eTipts of Breedstaffsin the Inge cities, and without lay redaction is the export, the prices bare had en ithaust unemunpled fall for the apace of time. The -.Beet ho. been diseatroue to many dealMs, open. hog as spectators merely. but thine capable of hold tog on have deelined to sell at the low rates, hoping that the nest intelligence would bring an advance of tales. . The borne transactions in duet and wheat have been Very shell 10.1 the week past. The can.' tranaportations are shipping at the old nites,lr Sd under previews contracts, but maw eontevets have been made for $1.50 to take 'Elect as aeon as the rid eapire. Flour—Sales yestenlay at $4,8745,00.' By retail !how stores, wales at $5.1 2 e 15 . 31 1. Chem—Tina market is well supplied: Sales at 64 for tl' , 2. Coaa—Sale• at .15c. No change. Oati—Sales of Ha) ba at mac. Small lots at .Cs. 30 Lord—Depend fair, sale. at Bic. Powder—Sales 50. kegs Lathe dr. Smith's [mining code! at $3,1.5 per keg. Pig Iron—There have been large arrirala of Iron the week plat, nod the following are 'the quoted • • • hney,lls tom at 532. 6 mos, Lucinda. hb. 100 nos 31 4 mm; lilmy Ann. 37 tons. 32. 6 ism; Rol lank,9o tons terms withheld; Rocha:in. 70 tom, 32.6 mos; 100 tons. 31 50.6 mos; Clinom. B tons. 31,6 mos; 111.11 Creek, (C.4oppen'o 50 tons, $.ll, '1 tom; Prospeel. 50 tour, n. 6 mos; Order. 30 tons, 346 mow, Horner & Waddell, 10 Idol, 31 50, 6 Eons; 4atming.ll7 tons, 32 sushi Reymelton, 25 tons 30. 6 mos. Ellooms—Sales at 570 for No I. . _ lane and Nails—Fuddled and boiled. 3c. Nails continue scarce and have advanced to .0,75 coat to tag. Juniata bar 31 to 4 cents. Nails, 5150 for .INg Lead—Saleo pigs a , 4c, cash Rut. EST aTi.—We Ob•ei.e a sale Of about one h...thed lets made last week in New llork, in • re motepart of the city, (11th avenue) and selling at prices ranging from 531,5 to 5.2,830. The lots were ILA by IA 33 by SOO, and.!'n' by 100. 't Ten dollar notei at the Cayuga Bank, letter A, 'No 831, datUd July 1, 1E43, payable to A O Eleards• ley, have wile their app seance in %Van street. N V. Oa close. examination it is found to be a lulu • graph imitation or the genuine notes. 'The signa tures are also lithographir, though that of the Pre. nideol ban been marked over with a pen. The Taloa of egricultural products exported from New Orleans searing the.past three months, have r era g ed aboo4sl,Loo,ooo per week. This is very great ine;ease on the corresponding months /111 any previous year, and will smell the aggregate value of the country for the year, to a large amount The followieg,ii a statement of the Exporta of &saddens, from the port al Philadelphie to foreign ports, from the llth to the 18th lust, and also the malls thus far this year, with the value of each, the strgvegete of which iv 5161,398 Mr the week, avoid SPI. 1,52 S last week.. i•LI.7 This week. Total. Week. Total lour bble 2983 252479. $80609 51665346 t • 3til 11478 2216 61261 : 1164 213305 413X1 922973 .Vtleat ....bush 4247 439842 Ioeo9 03373 18516 139501:17 87400 11515 lout' , 4015' 70 19987 70 • 61113 /aDi bspEntid.6blS The 81weogeo Democrat seta .--iNVe hare been .sored growth, Rutherford ill; the 4 the. growth, bloom, dot, 01 the cotton cropfor en years peat, which may be useful for reference red comparison to moot ol our reader. Cul R 4rtaised it from • factor and commission merchant f Apalachicola, a gentleman of esperiance and lotted judgment it such mattara,! who ha. taken roam Fame to keep a regular statistical table of our . treat titanic I . Year. Date of bloom. Killing Vrost. Crops ' (836 • June 4 Oct 14 1,492,930 .837 May 28 Oct 21 1 911.4'79 0= Jane 14 Ott 7 136258'2 .;859 Mity 21 Nor 7 2.171835 MO Jane 6 Oct 16 1.634.915 841 Joao 10 Oct 97 1.684.211, 842. . !Slay' 93 Oct e 97 3.379 4eo '843 Jane 9 Now 18, 3.09140:1 1844 May 31 - Oct 29 3.410448 0845. May 30 Nor 3 _.100.900 816 Jour 10 .`: . I The mount received for Wl.'uo a.l the Nevi York State canal. daring the third week .0 Jove is 63 Same period in 1846—........"••. ,esAs Increase 5.13,380 GO , The aggregate mount received for tolls fron. the .aarrienceatent ol navigation to .tbe Yid of Jane. • desists. (I)3 days ) is, .... .!...5;,1G9,833 '2l eying the same perio4 in 11146,1'(F1 11.59 111 97 days,) I Deets,. -4N Espress. Bi reducing the wheat to nom, the qa‘ntity of be latter left at tide water thin year, compared with he corresronding period of last year. shows an et less visa/ to 44.5,1511 bbl, of floor —[lb. The following cm:reroute steam tot show. the rail in New tort, occasioned by tho loot steamer's rdvicem . . • 88,75• • • • .... yl 00 .lead . 5.03 03 Wheat. and Silo.• •• • ... 179 :om, Yel•ow 1.20. 090 ...• Ottd 1.16.... 090 Ave 1,,1N .... ... Oat. o,ol' • OA 3 . DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cr ivStaindone 16--The Market -elm., more activity. Sales MI ba ~but in more IWo, 2000 do imams to anive nest week Oty.lci 4i bashed aorthern and 2 beat loads. 119c1 =0 IN corn, 50e.. Corn (roar teents,4Bc --t Herald. . nceolvrs BY 'civics. BEAFFR—Pes Beavers 4 bas, G W Harlon-1 track, F Selbsrt-1.23 cheese, W McGetcheon— MS do, Elder, Gelder, & co-1 es forename, .1 C nieblides-1. 5 sets Taal, Stern 4F co-47 tn. cheese. 1 CDoro-4 bbl. saint °hey, 1.. S Waterman-10 cake pleratni, Wick & McCandless—neck. wool, Bidwell-4S bar barley, Smith & co -4 bye oil, M Carlos., Per Lake bit starch. Lambert & Ship , ton--6 by, do; Ft Bruce & co—ll sclot wool, Clark &Tbsw. CINCINN vn —Per New England No 2-48 bit cation—Forsyth & co-50 kegs butter. Clark & Thaw —lO sack. toffee, Rhoda & Alcorn—l bor. Walliwiford—ii be. tobacco, 4 do cigars. Mamma to. Bingham-7 sake wool.q ba books, SI bales hemp. H Grad-3 be., 1 bbl, Wallingford- 2 tibia G R Marne. , WHEELING—Pm Rbale'laland-24 birds to. bit. ,3 A Roe-41 hbda do, 2 keg* boiler, Robed. Dalzell.76 Mid* do, Bingham,. sato peaciPa, 7 hp 4attar sad lard, El Leechdime.. ' , arch & Carothera--10 0 bble door, U A Berryt-8. Clark & Thaw. bbls do. Cin. _ • GREENSBOROUGH—Pcs Feel Bnat Oregon -60 bbl. floor. 170 brsighow.,owster aboard. LOI.II7VILLE-4'ir Rlngsn i ld7 bhls tobacco, 18 bls cotton, Forsyth &co-15 hbds tobacco, 1 Ira, bhda insgar, SS bbl. do, A Gordon -1 bs. 1 bbl bacon, 29 Lib's Old ;ion, Hall & Sprer-1 uk, 1 trek bacon, Bingham-20 his todse 313 :McFadden bbds tobacco, I. Hutchison-7 rolls leather, Clark & tons pig inetal. M Allen & co —l5 is wool, Atwood & Jones -7 had. tobacco H Graff. • 110ATI I.SAVIIIO!'111111 DAY. D. LEECH h C 0... rAcekr, PtiOndelptna and Baltinaore.7r. ■. : BROWKSVILLE PACKETS at 0 a. ■. and 4 . Pf c .h 8011, reeern4 nedn7 CARSON McKNIGHT F. M. BEAVER PACKETS at 9 Ind 10 a at and 3 r MONONGAHELA car la.AeicErs, 3 e. GLASGOW PACKET. Gluguw,4 r. r. WELLSVILLE,VeIItviIIe. 9 a. N. NEW ENGLAND No 4. Cincinnati, 10 EUREKA, Louisville, 10 •. r. PACIFIC:, Cincinnati, 4 v.' Is •TRENTON, St Lour, i 0 a. N. N and _ Piety for ner hy F VON BONNUORST & CO D-30 keir. Ptrr trAtiILYA lag DOW I•oday.err c zk v Ai co Pilvilangh Mmeactorp t Wt R cCUTCHLON PORT & !PITTSBURGH 1.-25 bowl. far mak by s F VON KONNHoRST Yr. CO b•rrei• fair mit by p VON iIONNUORST &CO V b 4 U ,IN "" I3VIN ' AI r l "' 101 . 41 * k CO . raleJavr scti krill.kkk•sitalke lor — Laito ..111.e al. 11.11(01.n n' Nr.I".ZAW: L.o. mewed an- rAis.e.s kbiri onus., Yellow Coln ocoo L.MI 811-Fear •an hy t•AI A.l PIMPS k U boxes Chew SI s ir lis c lt n . ken LAIII—SX, ban assorted sizes as sale by ie4l TAYIdEIf a RPM The xpleadat Pyeirr.r Iat.EVREI A. Cr. , r rune, yr ill lo•ve r• above)bia morning June 30 . .b. al SO o'clock • r For freight or paragr spply on boari. FUR Rr I.(ICIA—ItEIA:LAR PACKF.T. gat $ be new 1.1 , melendul.leasuer TR/..t. JO , . Wealteenl.ll/11rter.rillleave asa , ore ill.. nwri.iug, June , Oth, el IP o'clock, A 1.1 Fo 'might or pereege appl, ou tem ttl OM pt tit CM:INN/111 Tan fine and mania ktel/13tf m atPAIiFIC, Cantpbetl, master. will lease as &Lore lb. al roma Jona .10., at ID &stank, • at tor Patellar passage apple on lei board FOR CINCINNATI ANF, lA/VII.F.F; i"--Ne,2 Ono • ark. A • LIER, 1'h,:k.i:g7.77,7.`, Lt,'.`,71 , 70`,Z7 •. For height or t poo.sge apply on I mare!. 'lOO 11 , 'Maar Lica... sad Winslow Paell.••• The new ad taw running steamboat CALEB CO It, , Shoes. master, built capressli for O* trade. and ran as are-n'ar rank to Bearer and Olastrow—leasio . rt Peeve . burgh daily at 3 o'clock. . la :land ru:ming io Glum, Month of Sandy and Beaver Canal tort Monday, O' ed. nesday.•eld Enday ' For Ineilhl or paasase to Beam! NeW Labor, Or the Want We. and North of New Lisbon, apply on board or to jes •5 A IS . 11A EIIAVO tl. 31 wood weld - . Tim Th new, double enarne passenger - r .earner SW Jan RA, (Draught only 13 metres., Cagy Coy will leave on :Ronda y . the, 1,11 instant. at o'clork. r. a , for , Cincinnati and Intermediate ports and volt perform her 111p s regololy during the low woo season For unroll , or piPsage apoly on 1..3 le , RETIVI.AR cif..7l"Cp.xr , t, SI lil - I.lrt irisiTiiifl im E lim The nese amt. aplendld•teamer TRNTON, Woodward roster wall leave as above regularly throughout the season For freight°, passage apply nn board milt 113113,1112 11 4 If.. IFLTIER I■ . TII[ c 11!!!!! ! • ARM V Et,. httlet Hoop Beim r. Camel. Bowman. Brownsville. Lake Erie. Hemphill; Beaver. ,McLane. Bennett. Brownsville. Rambler, Henghtea, IteKemport. Caleb Cools. Shale., Gimp.. Welles in, Catlett. Rhode lelawl, D. 11.11, !Sunfish. Despatch, Nelson. Mon. City. Nair Kcvland Nu , Dean. Cincinnati. DEPARTED. Beaver, Hoope, Semen. Lake Erie. Hemphill. Beaver. C..nsol. Bowman. Brommitto . hum glintAne, ElonnmA. artoonnottic Rambler IlantrAton, Non. City. Caleb Cope. Shales. qunow. ng Wyomi, Ha ys, Cin. STEAMBOATS. =MEM --Kia—CIACINWATI a MU letV The. fine and onto,. h 1,01 draught •1,11.1.a1 . 1ft,y, 1. master, anti leave an &here gula,le throughout the ',goon Vol freight Or pasear apply on board --- FOR CINCINNATI The Organ! end faml Peel.. • AMERICA. Calhoun. mum,, will leave as above gululy throughout the reason. For "ATIr3IICIRGITPN7I;7I".IOIHrg - VAULT ' 1- The new send splendid strainer GONDOLIZIA, I.yons. maw, wan built ezpreard) roe this trade and will leave reg a lady during the region. Iler day . wall!. advertised he resner. mv7l( REGULAR LAJUInVILLL PncicEr The neve, light draught and fast rao• , -roe steamer EUREKA. Croy), master. vial evin as • g n arlre /eau between rambureh and Loa.. vide, during the seuon :gee leaves on Thursday eve- I wog. May Gal.. 4 o'clock • For firtatit or paasage apply on board. , re)ll_ FOR Z. ANEBVILLE. The light dranght and fan rumen reeamboat MINUO CHIEF, Moore. enrolee. will ply au. regular whet between do plane and Zan.r vile. For trelbt or pnn.nw pp 1y on hoord or in toy 4 IWO U hIII.TO:NIIEROF.R. Agt REGCLAR CINCINNATI PACKET a e. The very baba draught and staunch RlG.lef ;OVA UMW, a. mulct. oral run a. above du. O il the inauon, making regular. o r Tbe 8. drew. only 14 a nche• water. For 1 1 11 ,1 on paurage apply on board. . apdtl Pittsburgh utht Sunhat, Packet: the new and In. mnencr • lIIVIMM3I, F.,,tagn. rosslA Las rrauteed her reg. g ilat i. aide trap. and will leave ratieberegka Or above ever) Thttroda) and Mon. day at 3 rieloeli. P. M. For ire aght or pde.age appl) on board. owed Nt,.);1.1 - _)ap on V. Ti.; 4 AltEril A NI. IP •GA• OEI.A Cll . 0 y PACOT.'P OU Ilae new •teamet .. liato DESPATCH, Nr.bon martyr. wallet) as above le • . _ ..vnig Pir ebe , ... -- ‘‘g• ... -.. ..._ _ .. _ . . _ ... ...._ _ —.-meklle:bg PI , aburab ever :Monday, t'. a ', aPw.k. Mc toonwm'-... -- - - --"--. - - --- ' • - sd tteay end Friday at 91 o'clock. A N y I , land Slosioni a. , mans, who have tried. and theretore know now to op hela C.ty every Toesday. Thar...bay and Saturday e i preeMmJayne'a EaPrewn.M. , . g.... •J a n. 27, 1644 o'clock. A. NI. I'or rye*. or Xemage apply .. bond • Lovratt. I i Dr. David Jayne-Deal hlf : I have used your midi Allekheisi.lll wee - Traile• cote, 10 anivenally known by ;he name of Jayne' • ri, e n , 5 ,.,1 f ‘ .. q...,,,k,,,, ' Expectorant. /as my practice tor a number of years; AItILI/W, ' ; and ean most tru4 say. that i hive her^ mote ...wee..- . c.,,,, for „,,,,„,„. „,,,,, n fl I lel In the axe of that as a mild, ease and very its.rough .. M p c , ~,„ ai . R,, p x ,,,,, a n _ I Expectorant, than of toy which T haver ver II•ed It nob., „.“,,,, ~,,,,,,.„ r„,,,,,, Ie the.i.e. 'for the tollowtne obmous reasons I t d oes and Franklin, For ,might or passage t. ..4.1y o. board. I nor 1, 4 10 . et In PMPer d01e . .. ewe... • dam ~,,, Me oeMnf , nausea. It Awe nut weaken Me lungs mid pnatzetetbe — Wl.7a r fril.Abk. - 171 . 11. - ktrarttielt.t..k._ : :P . ' . 43 / 4 ....”. °.°' E.P"....." in ".,..., ....'. . el Mies rt al.ite the appetite of the peu , e , ,... , •...” a - T e new oramer 4Wiiil W 10,1130. ' header:me tnecheinee; wkeli have been need by.lbe faculty. In • wont. ti i• neatly or putt.. the thing urluch Cal" John P ' I. ' ' '' ' I ''''''''...'". ' h• • be I. II RO Pet l for by many of dm faculty for iiest. e '" "'"" ."1" t' "" 4 ""' "" " b • I mi I . rear , vny ‘)..,.- ~,, ree .e.e.4., e.,00 . e . .. Y. '. ) ". .."."'' I.l, rr n A, i l miG i ti ,/,x. a ae ' F. , frt.:Mt or I, . ,„ ~..$ on t , cera nr to For sale in Pusbuter t at the PEKIN TEA KTORK• Inebtr: I M . .11' et.XII_ , X . ntrit. A l l. , -,,,...., ~,,,,,,., ~....4 . 0 .„,,,, Dn . ~,o n, ~, , .... - • - - , ...Lem , peteebureo: sad Z. memento fl 1. ~0,,,,,_ r,,,,,,,,,,, Allegheny City• I Packet. . mo get_ rd& ___ —___ . ~... The new aturl yhi _draught strainer C0.1111.T. ". A II A l 3 AD O . J a i l' s. t il ltr l d .. .. P° .^ ""••,..I.r. damn. F. Boyd, master. will run as a .....„...-.- ~ ,1 , .,„,. 0„, :r ic...” . t i l .„ .1 . , ~,.„,. "-I-----Pri› regebir packet 1.-toter Pittsburgh ; , arid Zanesville. 'Grin; had her cabins fined up and 914 0 . ~... ris p rr u lte may be . found from 9 o'clock furntsbed in *opener strle:ilte Conti, - eget. the finest • A. :..;.,,,,... 5 1 . it po. it ~p. „ ... _ ____ ..., secemandskom m mys . senter• She veal leo" , en nb ! .. , 0 ,. ..3 1..t. ~.,,. ..: , 12: 1 ,. .......,..1 . I.z: fl u , , t . , Tuesday. May GA ai lo clock, F g; Fm freight or pe,srogc apply on Wept. or Fi neceasity on kis patted motivating be would tnvi.l!POr.' Par ma D WILKINS. Alt beater attention Oa Ils• tulle:tonna terms: All lens lett PITTSBURGH AN DW lIRELI NG PACKET. a,.."ltd,:tikr:/:Fra..........1‘1PPY dogs, 0111 ' `,. " " M '' The mlenilid and fast running mar NEW ENGLAND, • For Extracting Teeth. SI . .For F.lltug Hum St to 193 per cavity. . Captain U W Ebro, will rommence Ju i.,,,,.. p5 ,,,,,,,,,,1 0. th e , At ne peoportia p a.... l warig,"::!.r..,.!.,Ti•in.,".,:r,-.V a.:',14 1100 Aii . ..lrr . 1H1Z°: a 1T19:7:7 , ,r4 r . 0 f 9 1 ' ,, : L' , ..V.. “ 2 : Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. at ID o'clock. A. M ; ~,,,,....,...;: -. e... ' ..' .I D. , ing Wfir.'lln9 o'h'G M.od . r. W '' ° ‘ . "'Y 5.0 4 N B.—There air those trtdebted to him whom. an. Fedor. at 9 o'clock. A ht. cretbp,:tdr.s,,,iffrpn,pa„lakintro,retat,oelL, erinplpl.liopppilase,ed...martte The New Kurland has men bentaht carrot? . Mr tbe '., "ada and an" 'aye "naala aanaare 'aa "'On' ogovoun MINILIIAL 'IPRINUM. Passage •pplv on board or te (Ada JOICK PACKETAgent i IWIR ANDERSON. Proprietor, respectfully informs WELLSVILLE DAILY PACKET. IN/tba public Hut Mi. establishment • will be opened , and prepared for the secootreartamm of visite., by the ~ he 'P' . ..' k ....... a loot Fad" ' : 13t h of this mont h .. C c Coheir i tat I CI I , I L , S• L a g ii 11 . 0114 . 7 ,. ;- 'i , TP .O O tt e ra it r a tlan nd .r a oidctlask.Coawohlon,tawkr.,l.34.'ll', v,Pl,a,n,en pre•sl, for this trod,. u..... wi l l nt--. a.. ~.0 ~ do t . public ".. • dad li aoaei"elVteL'a rot ' The servicerof Mr. IBARTL.Ns whom • In itT. ener rambergh eve ry to.'"'nh ti - '"' -'. --- 'F -m-- ---..- i yr and . are.tabledisntssition, all a mane col suck an every evening. hocloele The W' l• Yoo.'died or , ' , ,;,.bi,,b, g t o t, bare kithoto emeeneeded am to the -Fat'''. Fataa ; ta n a'; ,..... "'fr ea Wai" "a l ' ' '. 1:". ( 6. 27 r . farotable teased of tke patrons ot the rings daring 7,..1 1,,, e4r„, - --- . , ~th em, ~ t h 'Me iwo last 61113210110, bore been ester , .I , 9Poslen . -- — or iy , va ".' afl • .. ..... - 2n - '.. ...„ ! ,d sued ..WOOIIVO 501,A1,101 and a gat IA Id of moult, a"( , ry•ogiOO (reign, 11. th.• .r.n. •..•,--. •.i h , ~,,,,,, be en ..,..1.1. lOWA. A hIcBAN E. Agent. „ he ~....1 ~.... c... , ,,, ,.. d0b , ...., n, REaDLIEAR l'A.sitir eon •.v F.I.L.Svii.LE AND ' the Bantam. and Obmylvani Ra Canal,all eoad,• a n n d d fror grEv BEN VILLE ; burgh, one e Penns Ch. The new and loth, draught not, i western terminus or Cumberland Valley Mk G. 01. v n l7ll , , .1 , 1: : 111 . m ir 7 . ? N . IF. i , t .. .. d Eled p, Vrd have been muck improved and ate boleti every hlondar, Wednesday . ---- and niday at 3rCelock, 0 M., leaves Steubenville every' Tuesday, Theriala, an) Saturday, at 8 o'clock, A. Al. For freight or pumage apply on board — °'...12 terminus of a Holliday.. Flnrabargb, lroad, to good Or -- lel2-magl • rh'll2 1 0 MX MR TELEGRAPRI. FROM I kJ YlITS111:1111,CICINNAI 4, a Lqr ISVILLF. Pabst, ibers to the Sot/ of ILe •firxe c, T , L , :e n r , ;i r, : ... ... , ..—-,-, iii - 4 . wc ,-,—,-,.. T .,-- mi ---- 1 t l el:4l ,. ...s.thio'sfAilli a n. III:i. l'ir,p;g:nt for the eat PACKT. The en ULAN Yll'tall eatoer HIDERSIA. 110 per cent on Or before the lath lone neat. 20 . '' " lc July " i 20 " " 15th '. '.. Runnel &aid, master, will conamsnce , 11, ord., of the c,,,,,,,,,,, II O'REILLY rum... a regular Poe.. shoat the ` - Contractor for the t0m...10n of sald Line pp ISM not, leaving,hurah even' i .'irt!..idgt and on June 13, 11, 13, te,.., 30, and July 13, Monday:\ Vane ,lay and Frulny, at 10 o'clock. A 111 , 1 ~,, ig leaving Wh e el., every fuesdny.Thursday . and Sato, . ' day, at (o'clock, A. M. For fret& or passagr apply 1 QIIIEDLIEET'S BRICK PRESS—A. thy ge e. on board. 1.14 110 son bee now commenced fur r,asions Rocks the RFAULAR YrFlat. BURGH AND BROW NSVILLif ' salt o.d.f. beg 1 . , 7 ai.a In Call rho ...Wm. of mai hricliMokers and other , to this nary asefol ..hoot. — ''_,..griiii.*,,zin, gi ,, g , gg , , ;,',ei,,4l,ritl,lmw,..nlorTotth,il..cti.tcalprircn,ot.s.,pgiuo.r,, many other ~, r „ ... „, g , ..,,,,, t ,,,„,.., ‘ j We have a number of certificates of their perform ,b, „, pi,... I,,ing 1 , ,,,.,b, I tic Ile !..C..:Opy..ijrach space for mlventslog,„but every Tuesday. Thursday and ',waylay. at 10 cieleek. C.1 1 , ' ,. ...:. .;',."! .7_'_•,, ..,,.. y ~,,,,... u„,.. ..., A. Itil4 and ilrovntavllle every Monday, Wednesday 1 ..,/, ~.,., •se are lii I Il h I utensil a Friday. at et:ra:wk. give our own _guarantee for , l e performance Far freight or pnanatre apply m, , board, ' dreg . ,of the Pre.. R‘ol9 or I'elen,lNVlN2ll,6l & co t --/ASlSallar PtniSaargb •AdSana'as we. I ..,,,,.. 3 ,0 canal Gain k pont!. saILTIIII rtrtra t u . shl steamer NEWARK, I R oovs• r gam Aes suitc-rnTr,7.,,i,.,.1 iv; I ary and Nerd. of .In three pars , Hord, blaster. woo meat weekly Imo Pr i ma interniednee end gaol; 4,Ch port in fear lam'. —II m. A. Row. Itne stork compone rote, designed to the eliore rent doting ttn . et. on• For freight or 1.....iee tinter on bot rd ~,,,,,,,11115ta1=a0ttey.r0V7:17,,,,,,:,‘7,h,:,,,,,d,,,v.p::. a 7 It W lI,RIN , t Aeen " ----- r I cies cop., ed in arti.iia;, a elaasiGeniy. at letters and • words according to their nornilarify of former.; and tnstructinna aeetonntinl vet the •nriotni el... Mora in carls 'wok. The whole . arrunged as to erect great ef onorny of ttoy, labor and expenoe, and to enable the Imo , to write over each pa getw iN K i r 1 1- , i , v ,, rai i ; day and for rule by ielh —_--- . To Trovellrro. "ENPILEAN FAST PACKET LINE" agswgYllß -.....,..--...-= PIIILADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. I greluvierty fur; Porrrn.grn i • rr III: Cann , arid Itnilrond iieiiig imw or earvdrni I order the rarkri•• of dn. Lon. will Ira ft. wadi pa* v u noer• os follow, every Ingle o I V Welork . Parkei KOllllll4 , co;i 'Trul,. hlondoy,Juitu 91 d o Ohm, Cra r ig, Turvilay, /V. lig do Indiana, Berkey, Wediteotny, June !e' do LOYAiSllllll'lornpron Tkuodalone It. do KCJltYelgy,Truby, Voila y June If do Ohio. Craig, Someday, Jus , 111. do Indiana. Berkey. Sindo y, June V do Louis ono, Thninpvon, kliniduy. June .2.. in Kentur ky. Truhy. Tue. ivy June Of • , do 1110, Coro. Wrkilnesdv, June I. do Indiana, klerkvy. Thatvdo, J u ly i do Ivinisitota Thompson. k riday. July 9. do lieoracky, Truy.Sanirday, Jul 3 do Ohm raig. lundaY Jv i k 4 If you dc.lre e hr.p irouelling and eoniforialile. serum. your modailons, ...Ira i.cktio at ibe Poet. Other. Mrinongobrln (lino, Water oirrei. or of lull O LEFT!! k ro..r.nal Th. Poolof Uri oth Poet: 'no Poets and non., of Furope. The Poe. ond pony of the Ane , ents; The Poets, od poll,) A.M • FirSi "Ow., ,& Kest" ....nal Wort 7.l4'olo,f:ray. Ilea*. and Collin , din Clleridge. Shelby and do; fioldsonthn 4u. 1.14i1 P,. eat Wort'. dlinnran.l. Camone o' ‘,4.4 tn n . k., Pr re 1,14.• den Itlrs Wynn* . , Adv. Land..o's • do; Barton, Vann. and OloontGeld's Poems • • llood's Ond Ilogg's d • for sale by ELLIOTT t 1 3 411.1 .11 , e 34 and arh ernesO RICUI.TL'RAI. ORICI.II.TT4t-Al. and llonicultusal linoleum*. Afor the aermen— Corn Navaho! flfain•nd tiros. Fcrhei, enea4is and Fred es ?ether Stour. and Males; Ilast. Hoke.. :treads". Shovels; Fsonjug and Grano, Paw • mot n " s; Haddlni Fl tore.. Feiss°, P'ont Sy Ilrars Minato Ae. A full supply on hand and 14.04.04,1gKER..HA, • c. 24 ' corny of wood sad Wee. RAIL WAD NOTICES: nTGANSTLVANIA RAILROAD COIR/PA. 1" NY—Nonce. To coN-raAtrroms —..e. r d pre pewee will be tediesed until WEnmesna,y,_l.l 15. In the Baiough Harrisbargh. WP. I I •M'D Ao July in th • City of Pinsberi b.6r Illtdehek% A. `L or the slate of We Iv gar, In, for 'neer ellitig wet watetily 111 , 00 fifteen wiles or the Yeansyli,ania tending West from Harrisburg and Green WI. of ••Al Hailmarl elictrding East I'mint Viusburel. The of incinile very hens, work, •it I roe sermon) of Ma sonry. ineladiug the Pier. and Abannenisof the !fridge across the daiyuchenom i of • moin in •o•• • •• will Le unasunlly large Mona and spec . ficat tons of the codrk can be Peen at the Engl.:etc*. offirs in each ac h - ten days premoss,to the time aypointed far retaining the bid.. Any further Information can lie had epon ur plicie ion to the Chief or Aswwjer rinat r eA r. inn , • - • -- - DITTSBUROU AND CONNIDELAVILLE AILKOA D CUM FAN T. klag3l, Nit hooks for receiving additional sulmeriPtone to the stork of Ike Kuslutrgli and Counellsville hallow.) Co. will he opened at the race of the Cooktuuly in Mir MN, on Tuesday, the Eth day of June, outdo and (*Milt ue open from dey to day until the Ist of July. Book. will alto he opened on the 'panto day and for the lame time, at the other fullawmg places, Sire at Ille• grespon ander Mc direction of Hugh Rdwiand and F. Illtme—at West Newton under the direction of Joe. tr Plume, and Jame Oanlner —at Connellsville under dirretton of theory 11120mm:se and henry Walter—at CumNerland under she directum of Jon. Fay and S.m'l Calhoun. tel. J CS ROTIIF.RS. Feely RAILROAD MATTING. CONDIACT , 44I—SeaIed Proposals will be re. A owed at the °Dee of the Pinshorch and Cleveland Railroad Company, in Wellsetile.Ohre. nail Menace, A. M., of Mc 97th otry of Jaly,lBo, for the grading, beign:A, and preparing for the aopenancentre of Mat porno of the Ifee between Relined. and AI Quil ken's nett 10 miles. Plans and specifications may be exam. teed at the olbce of the Company , at any time from the 17th to the 27th J lay Contracts will be In w the low cst hidden A further (nun of that ponies of De line boo Illquillonlomtll, cussing the bandy and Beaver Canal, and exteaddir on the New Lithos and Canton road In the direction of Cleveland, will take place early in September. By °niece( the Osard of Direstoes Jenrew A 0 CATLE(T. Peet,. tfa.b.,`l;noote the honor of ;teeming in Plualmgh ono Fruit* . , Sehim day. Monday and Tu-sday, July ttod,llll, sth and nth ibt love day. only. boors open at 7. perGomanee will commence at t Ockwk each even reo ng There will hi e • gtd performarm on Saturday and. aftemoons, a I to 3 o'clock. for Farrultea who Cannot attend in the evening IPa Monday the filar performance will be gMen at I 0 o'clock. A. 31. The Company also pertinm at Hoe, Thund., Jong 11th. Waterford 2314. Meadville !Ow, Greenmlie , Mercer . att. Near Curtle 3Utlt, .cl !lemony, Thuodac. July lot Among the Pet formers will he Gotod— W W !chow, 5 1 00 Smtal• • E Ehrkoon, Rolla Rosette, S5l Ileldevot, Daman. Brown. /WM Shlndle, Jet Wiley,. Rockwell. G (1 Comp. AleKnelo, .e. E iquet boaters. Ilin,VnY• J McFarlawl. Stee•darny Emmett, Metonym. (Id Dan Emmett. Waltets Vtact. dots /Mown, W Russell, Knapp & Rockwel. ICYENUALL'S (MASS RAND Tauten meted Munninini in Itt•mant aniferm.l.4 the L e n uyilee ,h t - World. Md. Kendall et tit lead the truntente tweets uou ,•rourte tweet muudeo dnrate thoperform • ttl,,urn• —Raek. m.s. Ktrer. Err Admission tolytleent. , - AR IMPORTANT LETTIGIL—The itcllowtng miter from Pr. kln mer ekam. of lel. Mass., Lot -eaks the uniform lanravie of Molar.. of other phyv ' ' - —•- • -• linuos. feillit A LARGE end snleniliil assortment elmstiopny soul rovevrocel grand Ives lion PiMllO 4 l, Mall metall.‘ (runs. 111111 with ail the lateen improvements, which fur darshiloy, tone and marh ere 'warranted to be etruAl to any made in the coon If 7. Eon sole low fur elm by mime • - . Jeyli No 112 wool. •• 2.1 Jon , aleoreStli --fiCV11;011-‘1 "T wo Drms‘'VEN,... IlltOOVII.I.b: AND COMBER- LI LA nu, running daily e•teh way. carrying 7VW of Gond. end Omani e between •lberre wont. Merehnielwe bunt the Fan 1. delivered in Pittsburgh en the night of the third day bran Cumberband—making this We nowt Pe ar route for getting' oat bloods from the Ea.trit tore The Agent in On'tinewe will gore a wet i, I to time and COAL The only Agent. are C Pittsburgh hh , t'Aati, Meg k AG olRll' Cum'd irlF•dant 1 II X01117k1 , 411V. MUICAI.NaiI IC1,;-7/kprow...nut Atfl.,,f M'Motel Oren made between or. Opeer and Hawk., calls and mrosagri. wail be reel teed at their reepeetire • d Thor will !Mend at Ow rare nr t/r. Pronite,Thlrd et, perk, h tt lldlne• hoot %till 9 o'eloch. • m ,ottV et the of Lk Vivre, pron meet. fru. I till V o'r lnelt. jeIOVIVI.; rrysTbe sumerther request...Me settlement of *ll • amounts due no but twoks, to ttnsdste. Jade la 1047 J A M bid "MEER SPl.S.NDlDassortment or Rosewood and Medals zil..tra r n o d , s . c . r . on Pianos, wish well Frame t rust finiAlso Iwo splendid Rosewood m ane d , with CotemanO celebrated .Follsnottsobretent,fintsbed in thy west toad cm style, and for sale at IMUSIVA" • .00 119 wood street I doors nbove -.FI-.lssrili7ll27tr \ow ti T oA 4 lt7r:ru'llf..",g,nlutflte ,l ;`. .1..1.1r for Olson Mak s em. whtch th ey noes lon sale At the h.rreet 191111ket pare TRIMBLE JOH ON No at • anath bSt yea, adelphl a— eo te A grol tor dim market. jetr6d4t KEDICAL. DR. TOWSSENWS SARRAP All L A , Most rzirninntintify 31,dicin. in ite Mira _ - This so set is put up to Quart butt . sit tau" stomp &vaster, and swirrasted supstiosto an, sold. It eur.. dosesse without ramifies, putchts, ticket.* as its bitiisting the pautut GREAT SPRING AIID SUMMER MEDICINE: - The great 'beauty and rdpeeiority of this Sanappide oier ail Wiwi hlesliciew u , .wbilstrt Eradiates Duesse it hit tgor.. the Itmly, It it one of the very best SPItINt/ AN U SUMMER MEDICINES ever kawpro , it out may purifies the whole system sad strengthens the person, but it C.,0t0 New, Pure and Rid. Bhrod, a power powesud by na utner Med... dud in this !intim stand secret im wonder ful nicer. It has pet formed within the mot two yaws. more than 25 000 cores of Severe Cares of Disease ; at least: , W., of there were madder. incursible. More duo 3,000 oases of Chronic Rheumatism ; 20:Messes of Dyspepsia:l 402 oars of General Debility mid Mita of /dee, , 7,000 eases of aliffireast Femak Comphdato; WO eases of &roads; I,SOu emu of the Liver Complaint RAM ones of Disease of awl:idol mid Dnin 39 t; Or ' fAot4olan canoDisrase of St • . 21,wd. wit tOpeum,P o. ien leer with a tes; kt, h; l a 5ee. , 1h4. 1 d . 0 .. 1:;:; wile end Chest Spinal A tro,tions, b...• This, we are eerwe, must apprise triereddie, but wo hare keen from phyvkiaos and ode egrets from all pada of th e United States, informing Its of extrwiedinary cures. R. V. cereof the most respeetabledrunism in New ark, N. J., informs us that be eau refer tap. than creel.3o ea ses IA th at place +Mae. 'there thousands of o f the City of New York, which I. nfer to whit ydessure, end to men of diameter. It la the lest medicine to, the Prerentii eof disease known. It undoubtedly saved the liver Or more than 5011 COMORO% TOE Port SEASON A. it removed the num of disease, and prepared them the Summer seaawn. Varna OS•TI. berme. C•n.o W Lit cCiaan or seta Uarran Ssarcs N•yr. ad menthe , of the Now Jersey Legislature, Liao h holly wed us Ow U.lowing certificate. It tells owu story Ranwar, Jut 91.1-47. A year dace 1 war talon with the Inane end my whole sr.= IsA in a debilhated elate. wu iodated to try Ur Townernes San:Tecate, Lod after taking two or [lave bot- Ilea, 1 lou very mach rdimd. sad altributs it entirely to the said lianaparalla. I bays cordinued taking ir e nd find fira improve mg day I Isepete it need my fife r and would ant be without it nude , any conoideration. • 1. W. Mcistow late U. 9 N. Sctoina Ccnzo nil. certificate conclusively prates that this Sarraptetll kaa prefect caateol ovar the ca ms tat disraia 4 11. bkod. Thrrt per cured Wu. is utiprecillea.s. Tuacc Dr, T0w... , —Dr+. Sir I bar. the pime to infor• yow that three of my children have been cured of the Se. fah by the me of your excellent medicine. They we afflicted very severely with bed sores. ham curly takers fo bottle. . • It took them away. Mr which I feel mp.clf cud deep ohligation. Yours. respectfully. Isaac W CRAM. 105 Wooster st. New York, March 1, 11347. unzA : r FEMALE MEDICINE. • Ur Townsind's Stimapariilt i, • sovereign end wir, cure for pient Consumption Uarrenness, Leocurrhos, Whites, detracted or dt/cult hleuste.tien, Imusduturace a Urine, m involonmr, discharge thereof, and for the gen t real prostration of the system--nosnattar wbether molt of inherent mum or mows, prodneed b, irregulanty, or accidnt. teet Nothing ran be more surproting than its insigoratin of ~g ot, the bum. frame Persons, all weakens aud nleerrn from Mking alms n become robust and full under its influence It immedite!, counteracts OW C r 1 lemmas of the female frame, which is Um great mum of bar- moms. It will sot be ppeclid of us, u moo of ao delicate • na. tura to exhibit meta/kale* of chin performed, but we can assure Ms affictird,thal hundreds demon ham been rep. led to ea &nem' cues where Larnitiolome been withont i id• ten, after using • few bottles of Ibis inraluble medicine, have hemp Wan with healthy offspring. TOICMISCRAi: My wife being really distremed by w.abases and poeml debtlisy, nod suffering ein•eutsally by pain sad a *mention oft beariag dome, &UM; of-the womb; and other difficulties, mid haring known mem whe. e your medicine haaeffeeted great mire,; and abo hem . ing it iroommended for such menu I have dew-vit.:lJ obtiun• eif honk of your Extract of Sarsaparilla and followed the • direttaum you pm ox In • sham period rt ROW,. her complaints and restored her health. Being grateful for thrtoriziSta atm received, I take &mum in dm acknowlect, Mgt: . 04 *ding it the public. al. D Albany, Aug.l7. Co, of Grand and Lplim .o. Comm:ate, Sept. 24 IC-15, ,Or Terteriorrol . To 0/1 whom this may concern—Thu is to certify that my wife oaril one bottle of your Sarsapari,la parlons to her conftnerneot. under the omit LiarillJ/1, and delicate circumetanees, beim' tun obled th e drum, rad -. ling of the feet, nerromi aS¢ti and very mach debilita ted , with my permaiion, and the recomnatodamon of thine who hod mad at, at t woe iteloced to try it, with bide 4.r no faith, and mace it to fay, the medicine had the happy and desired eIIA Dot , de Si., of confurnens, but after tho mpitaticat of we emelt of 4. or. the dromy and owr tom affection pm w an aeloniabin degree; and her bealth 4 now 6irt. W an t had beat fur a king lime pre. If Ilan will b of mti service to you, or amy gore who doubts the success of the cumlicitie, you are mainly welcome let eutuceitie myself your must obedimaimad s ticsef ...a niu t TO SIOTIIERS AND MAKRIED LADIES, This Estract or s.naparilts has been exprerly retraced , is rtferewe to kmak complaint., No (*mak alio Itu res. lamb supreme she is approaching that critimlpened, o fure of . tire," 5h.114 neglect to kis 11, as at at • tartan; peeeentam kr nia, of the numerous uot tumble thanks to I whtch`ktaa!s are subjkl at,llos tune of bk. T. peel sky be - delayed Lr ken] years by witi, thismestimut Nor last kmecalo•lr e uho •r• aulmuchang sch,.•oloc.l, hAs eulate.C. hc tore quack. hat., Mr 444 41 oad th. spirt. Indeed, if..medicate as ansal• iittahafor all of the aleocate oases to nitwit seuxueo nee It Imam the whole system renews permanently the tmtn sal energies-0y reaming the Impurities of Lhe 4nal at 10 far altunalating the syskra ae hi peuJua.• a soLesuitut re• kaatiam, e.hkh ts that caw of oat mtJwanes .ken fur knsale •eaklau zod Ton who hate rel ryryer •.,dull.ytu. to . oclutt tl .1.. 'Ler, rnugh okys, or DuctMu, and ar. • out of q.t.... tn. • &elle or Iwo of Dr Tow...end , Sanapartlis It teal tkuur your bluul remote the Creek!. =4 blutututu, give youecli att utnaliou. tpurklittg exus, (um trrits, .d lttuuttrut aust ut pi—all of which are etrtruue t tat, w prartar tie4 tiI(SPEPSIA. No Bold or medicine has ever been due.tred of ,vrh nras4i resembles the rata joire ar mane In der.nreto, 4.lanal ovreithnn . sng the crone cif thce.t...n, a this prep.- rntinti eo Res partl. • , heo• DereSalehot ellbethy, U. thieD" Itee Tate.hut.: Der—l bets boa aPteted isr several or dyspeptte to' to nor. EwaMb nttehtled *Eh..., oat or stomach, In. of appeal.. attar haenewhi and • great ma'am& to ale kinds of fwd. an,foe reeks 4.0.1 I mold a I In.. ten ustattle to retain hot o smallyeatiou ou my .n et,) umesete, I lewd the weal ranedles but Dary len hut Ink no ao effect in reawning the rumple:et. I yew to doced, shoo two months saver- to by your Enact of Se to. peril., mid I must soy a ith Ilttk manhunt. hut lace wing nearly two bow n I found oty.ippetor nestoreJ, and the hes/14nm entirely fawned: and I wouW etentatly rem.. mend the use of it to Deno who Late been afflicted as I Itwe i teen' Yours, ¢r., W. W. Wit Z•mr , r. 1 :gm' :12, 1616 S./I'LL 1.41111 1 A1211051' .4 IIIILA CIE, ; Had the folkaringond doubt if you con, that etwounip. I Doe montotbo toted '164 W001y... of the enema hundred I . easa tkot Townsend'. Sartopori In has cured Lk Tbsoarad—likar Sir. j woe taken a little net re s 1 year•Dlls a were cough sod paha an my side It tte• I mewed act me e ery fest, indeed. lau raced by phy- 1 tieieni to hove the quick contutoptala I twang la ge limn. DD. arc s l matt, had night areati, Ink whiny eery nit: my daettr aid he. could do rceeth, y for to. l' went, a,,, Wm hapital Mhor of Girls teciefilfidi but wls pnmounced them ;at L e en-Atli rl.lesi no. grally dishabcd et a. ww .. 1 could hardly !wreathe .. I non became tomcatted. ion totalled to die . iso cotifiima to toy tpid. stvl ~. a. obliged to Sow' am her, indeed I cannot glee pm any dose iplum nal •nh.l 4 de? Justin; .W r lt. wi1n.;,...t Ly my fr..t. .. noel ti . a hut Ina • • great mincer of temmliem 11.1 6 1:.,:a4 ti - o to oo pm Imre I rad uf same mow es trvaditmey emus performed by your tadwine sod to,telt Lott the truth, I serried there your .4130 humbug to them 7t , I did so, &ad tem se. y the..lnt I ,I ‘ .l I ratt i" P l ee ' y ' Dal I.m colirth vm.ll, but mu .mlir rte.-neared as tole stand my business ant/ het, he be emir, nodekw weeks. sly couyli and paln en the side, night ankle home kit ex, Lad rain but very lathe. au4 tem fur plain my mewl strength. I felt it a tioty tu R ite Tu n n e m tem at of my caw, tu publish if ou rinse Prrta Boor., 47 El y ate at, Dewitt', 001 plows of P,tysticiimi. Pr Toernsbend it t r6, 4 ,4l. lo rectivnig from pis, "' Pa. hTeirl, i' sre =signed, Phyncians of OA City of Albany, bass in nunic . roos, casts prancribed Ignwparlla, and bebene n lobe one of tn. mad ralunbin reptraltas tlie , Sarnaranlla in the mark.. P Fru., 36 1., J It U earn.. v, K Kuntlniax, tr. LlLany,Jprit 1,1/41 - . This is to cerAfy that sev theiSmlcr,t,,nad, practicing Thomsonien liiyeacted c f lte'L. l l.PrstbasT h." pegs's ,- ly prescribe! Di TonenselitDd • Compudd lE.stratt of Ssom, parilla,and from I. kowtro quehtid, would new niniend ityn the Oublic fur eneeeTrial. senyiliyuils, end othere utaneons SD. rows, in pr,eferenraloOlifor the adeertited reniedid now in de. " A W Roder t o l sto Albany Apn14,141 ' WS II ti‘ahroN, I P.. depot dire, DX F allon et, Son Building. NT: Rd, ling* tro State et Doetnn . , Ds. Ojos 4.g... tte Noith See. rifid 18 Philadelphia; /3 S 'nonce, d rutto l t, u llalt tues; atul by 1 c;"rtirdllrtr:MA sth"4"" '''"" S'''' ' Nun, O nu toe,ooded put up in the larva. nosore }male, vshith casein a vi.ri awl aigued with the Written signature of 8 r TOWN`BD, and hison me down on the Olds. Vroat the New Tod Daily Deprose or April 9,1.17. A pretty pint oppedd lathe sweets yeseda. It wa. the odsestisiut calhor bareapenlla F.sprels of Dr Towdend The whole Ihnig is go t . op in tood taate t some of the ode. 1 medal landarope painting , ore brautiful,eatich, toorther with the scroll work, in gold, glistening in die du, made • show rarely equalled iu Broaderoy...,: W take this opporiontty . my rie nelieve Ow. ell act dthe,NeesapanlLe drverves th e very grt at pry it has acquired. N DfDlillyr Nate lon/4March 37,1817 • Dr. Towneend : I hall been afflicted wooer or loss for i cleat, Al.:done., iu ,6 in Ihr wd de wilily.; broothil to in by AA ersuil lAA and cold to which ain subject to in ony w asbowsa • • dyer. I bare taken wiser medicines,. unincrom to vorptism, hot ro. WU. or uu erom I was indorsed by syhtt I rio in Inc ram to toy • re or ynur rtanaparlll, from w kick I found a Alit relief I hare since taken reeeralmore bottle., and I poi unlimitatiugly say it in the beet inedicine heir ever taken—the ram in my chest ii gown, ittoil I feel ortite a different man altogether since I have taken lAA I hate now • homer appetite than ever I" lotti no wok has taken it wool, doe moue lossofi mantis I would recommend it as urd a Gauls medicine ."; Dot.% billet for iftbile Arnim, mor and rmor tars rnrll elm O w. res to the stomach and bowels their ;molar tone, it keep. the loLood on • healthy stare s so that dims- le not wailtely I o attack AA , raisin And to all those who are nA in • healthy state, lAy y Dr TOWtIWIHI . II Sareaparills. - 1 Tutach• Ervin, 70 A Moo A J Neethe Delos/ wan areaunt of unwise, child saved. Do Toownwood , Smsera”lts. ItuAaved the lives of thoomnda of children The toleate, free i• Alerted from a Rowe tounoloco received this week. New Year. April %IRV. Dr Towwoul. Dear Or —Ono exy childrenwar ry sick with the Cenetr in the mouth and thowl attend. Ital. peat debility. heater neardyin• 1 ebtsioedveme of your carclleef mydiriov, and it ...nod it a...wily, 4, which I ran 5.•.• you I srawful, , Vow+ wvprctfully. • it.:ss•svn Vowsva, DrYbrotwo .1 For sty by It C NCI I Into Drweent, Nog " betwren 3.1 end 4th et, who law been appointed by De VOW P.ISFAD .de arra Allegb. , l r 0,1 4'. , YV SELLitus , VERRIIIPIJOIR.— All ;mho try n ate deli/bled with newoderfal e&ci. Intztaa n row. Va.. Jane to. IBM .- Mr KSi Pcllr,. l shall 'urbane be out of boor Ver. maims before I can yet another supply. Please send nut two re. 80.1 as poNible. 1111 . fota d rapldly. and doing nara , 1 .,,,4 41 a t l i :rt . o . t i cr o tt IlestOciti.C=Va.'6grev"rl's. and • bow of others. I beedly nny le asked for bat Your.. V."' r Tatract of letter I IR Wlloon went, should cove this Vertnifoge, In preference to all others; it never falls to ceps worms from child troubled milk drew Prepared and soldowbolesale and retail, by R Pa. Ltas. AG Wood meet Pittsburgh, and by Dr. Casal.sth Ward, .014 In Alice:ten) , by 1/ al Cut,. 1 0 r 3 ) I _ . . .. . ...... . HATS; EAPS , AND . HVNNET,.kiffse , ftg T 4,;,BROKEttb, k... .. • • '. ~,...---------. nr.vir....l iie..t.t....biwg.ilMa Calal" • ' li 5 /l;Irr 031 ,. MU , O' Co UN rrlat the Mrsoortgehels liodactlewhllllK ‘s. . HAN1(4411,41, llkrieliAll lik D11.041CR14, Afield Pleat Tar suroetitte a Itisteeently aka tlial..ri l V, . -. l_ — AI" ° , ? .. 4 . 1j.." .: .8 t 0. 4.-li'l-7,7., AND -- - - .3 innfoo , to thr Muth,: Ipornt af I:I WI. , erty.sod ba.. D0311.591C IhNI.IISNI. , a Re TES OF.slE ,foa opt ~- tst fit • btat.l•4l on aDr eat IT A lame • PCIAII ID BANK to nv.4 t liu srectE; ,• . . - "''''' "'"'"' """"'" '` ''' liar ." a e V" ( Fault, al. nearly hprrokile in twNk or Nualtar k k. .., . de.etioton,otor at.] ..Lape, which he aril .VIII el pod et ) lope., earl; prfee , l i • t. CURRKIKI' MONEY scat efl on Deposne-Sight Cr foie toed, natattactoeat• With int (anted Mare Or Meeks die . sale, and 001'7room...spade fie nely all flee, 3 Corte, or N.. a I, era. be cult •Iseat a have on „. _,__, __„.,,, ,_ ~_.,_, „,..„,. . 11.. 4 ra9 (.11,1. of Hoof eelettlate.l Coati...Silk. and .....D....`,- p m min 1..1..e..'1".. Apure.. Nu, t. ali a . A . 40. R vat a Cesatiorreort'opy,o,tra•no The highest unto . prod (or ortuan Cl. Ashfand 11..., OW II of i. lister la and Home inanufaelar.. 0024 '''h h.' .., 111 a , (”1t , 111 ,, P'..... I" ~. .lIIK - Advance ntademtconanatunenta Of Prodnee?altip ped Ile feels assured that ail than p fail to Pa ifi , d pan hilt E ..... ~..n . ..... 2 • . . ........?_ .dr.. , 'On. .."d at , h , same tone ho ',cora trill roc ter -.- • - a ,- •,--,,,,,1g.,--z-irr-- --• most ceoeotienl. Ile a. delettnined in tone ',Feet, ... nk ... .....a.E L . ;:r...77; cl.nna.., Coin. son to be t2,ll[A. Do nal. shmetore, (tort the. Motton• ... aabe !loupe Ilat stole, efuithfield at. ..d Ham!. Not ie : , Jollaldtaptl , ♦ ho. 55, Nattirr STRII.T. n Trainmen. ' , Cl I • Selina Rater. Each...nee. .oh Pm Rate*. New York. 4pr Doncionin, k dia. Philadelphia, i do Uncial:olr, Ido thelornore. • 4 3 . 0 . 59 ko, I do K inE_Rate• I RAN K NIMES, lloh mg Rate r Ohm. . &did. Co.& Buda Orders. 4 du, banana. - Ido Relief Nowa. 4do Kentucky, . 4do . renusyleanta by 4do Vi reap., 4do New York do, 4do on Wheellug, i dn. New (Mlean. 4do T. unesPee; 3 do . Mar) land, (do no'Ahl AIIATIS HAI'S t lIIITIII THIS being the day the ttprtng Fah , oe of lista aril l be introduced, hv the nat. , fat.ln - 111Atable c.iabhalintente .n Neer York and Philo& kW the usulereigned take great peen aura in being e nabled to announce to their omen,. friend. and the nubile generalle, that we are prepared to 'apply all win, mar laver as a irk a call with the faatttutuntle flat fur the seme nltin cornprtsing lteaber., Neuma, and ea. Alit. Mole• Itata, either wintderuir reLL. WOO It Id & ' O KING per woad and ntht.te taarlf REMOVAL. As „, lira and Cap Manrtfaclurer Bs relifored to No 78 Wood .treat. three ttoorartm JJJ tounb . Clert. 1114 stnek conttiam of every var , ely liar. and Cans. made In the latent style: a! .Panama Leghorn arid Itettnl $llOOO Itam, waoleantealnd retail, at the . Intvett pnee 13 MOORE apitt Vrt Wood at. third door aLove Foetal Fall;,ragaiiini,l iii 67, . 4 ItEl.:11E re cosnort+ Style treutlernrcdo litor too will br odured at KEEVII:S ou Tburaday Auguet 27th. Um:Wetzel , wtehint; a.clteep. forth. tunable Illtof Potelturah manufacture be of faehtonsbic Raw unnamed tut ,Ivrtlited by some al the trade. pleatte call at li lOW 11. /a Co'e antrleof 152. brod of Wood .1 ASUBIDIER FA.f.4110:11 FOR lIATIVA L JUSC wee/veal from New York it r Suit mer style for 1131., co utsittlK of Mote Beaver. Pearl and Who, Freurh Cow/mere HAI. with Venolators Tiles. la ...mot a itenot.ful _brio flat ate Ortmeettully moiled to roll? S MOOR t.: tor:, 75 wood to, :1 doctor aNAre 411. • 4 WILLIA 'tl Dollidt.AS ha. tun reewerd 5 fresh .apply of Ittnagold and [loons VA a Silk lilt...demo, new .41r.. Retro tow French !do:rt./to 113 i.. so eery tow jell No ird wont torero.. A, WILLIAM DOVULAS, .. CONTINVES to manufacture, and iceepillt enntly an hand, ever) ifar‘ely of I 101 l ,ad Cap. of We laical myk. and prier. very towat No 7 , - Waniatrpri. Vast.ole ...NT HOUSES. LOT& FARMA:kc. Pllttl'EllTV IN You NG,TOI% N, 01110, FOR SALE. Tlladvertiser offers for pale a splendid Ilr.ct a Ft vrell.ns Dome sanely on the North First corner d of the ['oldie thmare in 1 ounamomn, Mehotiatle county, Ohio. Ir is large. commodious finished in el• remit style, and in the best locanon in Youngstown enhertwellmg or pubbe house; artaehed. IS, yard, with water, stabl:vg, And all mite' COllVtlitellf , at hand. This 'when is raring vc ry rapidly, is situated le.. Railing On the entieLnild whim the varmus Furnace., Railing Mitt. he.. now being Mutt arc completed. roll be Me most Elnuii•lsing place inMai section of Ohio 11 will Os, sold tom for cash. or on time, or e re xchanged fore ropertylll Patsburgh. For palant ingui.ot L& JD WICK , corner of W rticu ood And Water sts. Pitts burgh. who will aim ne9.18.w. Le:.• the •Pol..ertl er offers thr rale the Ilwellin -F mot F HOY., el 1;101 Le now res le , . it the Stltil Ward the Lot is lit PI/ feet. hnmitg on Congress and Allen streets. Five Inis 01 Ground the 7 n Ward, noncom on W eltster street—Vl I.y 107 feet deep, to a XS fret Oh Also, 10 acres of Ground in Reserve Township, ad mistime the ent of Alteg bony, na thigh Ttale of hon. There are on the ptemises a large number of bearing. Apple, Pearl, thumb, arid Cherry Trees, an attendance of IJaape Viee•,(rem which Wine list boo' rritde the la!, two years. For. Wither particulars ennuire at the' Lumber Yard' Mee of Bowan A Dam...m.BM at. i.e... en lisnillsfield and Graft.. Imia ROWAN Veil:table peal , Esiate for Salo. .I , IIAT beaut.fol pr' ' perry n . ellen,. ear Mt achester. I oppmne the rehtdence of James Anderson . I F},. fronting 345 feet on Ohm I.nne and eXtending hank 3.l4,inrAnetelgod l s , tr ,r xe g tZli . ll= o . l °IF rtiv Also a lot of ground eligibly in Irwin street, between Penn s reel and Allegheny River, GI Inel 5 inehes in DO M. hY Ills feet in depth In a TO foot Alloy. Persona wishing to make investments me informed that pottkins of that Iran property in Allealseur am. Nam-homer, owned hy conimay Philadelphia, will by offered In the market mon . as rho ritingentents can he made, and n( stitch due nonce seal be vireo. Apply 'a URF:ED jetallet O4 noot omen DEAL F.:HT ATI.: IN I r. I • •ttie northern offer for *ale n lion, and lot in Nest Mid dlesex, blereer eountt . The home is well calculated for a store hod dwe Isnierdirelv nn the Ent Er on Cana.l lit a llociti.h.nt village near by. are severa m l burns,. and .it the nod, i., a rich (emit,: d,s i met. Al. a liodie and ant n die II stir.tlont ,Ilage. of Or I 7ii r g:Tille. filer airy welleateulnied Veen Ur ',One. ILe atm., mop. , " .:, he. hero Anti on ar. 1,.%1.1111M:10;;V UllO I.,ANDS FLOC. 8A1.4.1,,,1a,rer Load. Wr , iug Reet.vonnwer, , inko. Aletge' W. Mtn. Larelented load un, der c oh, aliort. There argon the 7 101.01 ea. 4 dwrlting . hou.ea large Lon. with, good ("tem: end never-fail. mg water. Thr whole ICoffliaCT will tar .014 for thirty live hundred dolls r. or do dad ni n I the guars...rd. mem. o.a, 01 .11, MO , .1113,1. .11101,1010,0 FOT or her 111(0111.A e.g. , of II ttN.S:tlllll 0 en e) le Nv ALV A IILV: VOW/Ib:UT rkt 51./ rd• en tor,o four orre• Lan.l 'roe four nn.r .• ,nrrl? Of t 11:•••ttaul, near /Wegner:) . t•ni. The w.ter• et tw NI:11 Ron p. t h roo gh property— Awl ol itt 10,11 :or te prorat. Iltot dote Lot. the term• ea. E of PE rEit HA r III nor . New Troy, June.lo 1547 POrtela aAttention I oALK—I g ' onall,nek Dwei.t• House.. tam O 1r ..-h-rt .1 •01.1• r tt.e ....... .0 lo tweo ederAt and Son, I.elt hour enniatn. oin rot and a halt. I [intoned gar ret Thole hour, are reiy plearandy Allowed. manditrata . ...hire of hot ettie.. And with 11 a frO IllalßalLS a ti lt llo.llg, St. Clair and 11.1,4.16+t Pride Oljerelt.nrazo,hers mtleinig . toryarnbaw . an hdantra. "*.tke.d.4o.44,..'o.tcOatrrt Art.gtge at:. door media a letiro... sq,!; - ALLEGIIrairI C 12 TEB. ERSONS drairon. of Lots in WI. Cesar .P.ry are referred for mfeirina• on to the feroperiniend *M. on the ground.. or to E. 'Non, Druggi.l. cornet . " , Prilll.l.lltlllll,lll tweet.. Patiolnirgh. • 115 enderot the Iloard, 1 CIIISLETT, derll.l.4.wif Valetabießeal Estate. for ORO. Eo i lt u te "d c r o r a . trr; d . l o7e ' r! tr, " . ` , ' ?„ `` gri n. LOTS on Serott,l titre. between Ferry street and Re. John Alley. kott•A lot ',II he twenty feet front on hid .10001 and eighty feet tg depth The Int. wi.l Fold amgly 14 the thetawho together ror *ON' the sativertlier on prt 1,1,11. 1011 X CALDWELL apeUtf• TO LET. taA COMEOR rAHLF: Dwelling Ilou.e.enntni.: n g ••, romp, o good cellar coal vatt...t..ard•Ac gatinted in thewit wsird on .ertitul oirret• g.ven on the lot ot F rev—rent 8120 pet annum 11 curti.EßT.Southin at COONTRT RESIDENCE. 11 A71\11; removed In the toy. for conrentence to prole...mat IsUlt , ll, ol . I wit rent the Manson ltoune, and no intined ate eine to.ure, slinu:r tin the btu& of the MonottgOela, one 10110 at.ove l'atattur.h. 45 MR° tI , R AFT MN= LOT LIN ntANicitEsimt rOil YA I.F hare for 'ale • 1...ful Builtlin;;nt he:tet:neat tue Er,ry. 2:1(el (.opt .14rp. It will he .!illow. and on,, tanop lenna. Totni• unexceptionable able JAMKS 111.ARKI.V. At•ln TIIOS. 11. LARKIN. Nvia!y)s_A. 1. G MICA4R ANT/ MIAMI:4Si° , OMIA NT, Nu 50 \ al. Cllrtl. ST. LOUIS Itcrer to. I. yon. Shod, & Co. 9nd Anthony )gent Plt,orgh, I *RD OIL —Thr sub•ersl.sts lavinrg coin:online° , Iteinantrfarot , of 4 0 ore ono , ',enured to e e n,' mil os.:••• for that 'lltelr at is of the best quarry, nail w.ll lie sold •t the Ineeestronrlet rwes The ostention Of 1:41.61•1/1 and roner. renieetfully tet,neAted 3 JURDAs A SON. II 1.11,r V st. • otyrl _ Ooplyne broil of Srroskiteld /IFlT).l j tiT —A pi cOr. 4414"iiinra . Pettity. rtz;11g Xitive....of vat Alt. putter., ua.ttie fort ars,ry min pod garils:nreC al.o. a !site — , lnc or anta Voelte iilliV•A; • ..nt , iorar , i ,, le , 0 renewed r 4 fbi.alikw al thelrotsbutfih Sned and Artetcullutalffarrhonat . 1:11 Wood strent.,em urr of la, te7 N rr _ CUPEMI3IiI CUT TOBACCO— bas fine nut ehewiint Tot.seco. 7!tOgtil.ird F'.3n Smoking do; Absufirr. L> tto; sale vet., f YIN to rla-e a rolonanto^nt . tCBII A N....M.yeond 0te.71:: A , r ; '1 , 1 ,,, FL1 nit , settirr Tltry nre weryeßni In the F:utoerst van, l'or siert. y m.; R 14 NI tit teltitd 01.131,1 Pat IV CE OS— %ti n. , .•orns t•ttin :tinr r evils, a vrt•ittu..ll4.l.•Ai eu'or cut Altl. , Croten C 1111.• Sun.twi Cu.rimeres4- . h* had 4w - isi the On Howe ol %V it AIttIVIIY • irlo • TAitouAarr Atilt •tVI. NEERi I•l.A\f.—A I irge met A.., 1N1111.17.1. , lor ra r ;.•, for nt :11.1i MK'S • 11l W IN% I. ET'VF..II.4 , I Jahn 4Y r i nl " :ll ' l ' t " to I 121 "‘ 1,1.1tV1T 56 1.:N61.1 nil.. $ll - -- • - PEACH:R. I , 11. 114.”--1.-t ,ser Ulbd. k.l , a•L• reor,.." I 1 . ./•;11. ;1101,4 Lllg, eeit_veurt.+l , - lir vtle.ll.l. ol ~,,, ,11.1111/ , " . .1,101 1 , LIM; & ,119 wood 101:0 ANL SUS 1 . it WA rthllNt-tttrottiVo43•. rotldoino to tnv lar t e;tot ot Goia rindfi:set l'ot• n Lev,. Watch, •tototple for I uttot• tool tinittotorn of tho tatet.t en l Itood•ont,t puttetto,oott of H o . h o ,t ahui.teitste— orarronottl um! tor .ttle ut xery lox nei. • , j-10 ' W IV' Wit.rr• JITIN ES—Chow.. Ist Mi ow* cowl ni of ' Ron. V can " Ma. and ether l'orta; ...9 s .9.lnipgton. 7 and • Intnion Market , Modems; Pole 1/17 s. v i Slalart Wlne9.—wat. anted pca .h. c.k. , and bottle. 'or saltily le a p C 41ARTI?4 o rt N l l'— t s bra r t ' tl.n i t . l ' l74l l— tri s a ' ...) l l.; ' n; k e7ni l • and for 11 lo vre or pr.e.r, by 910 W WILSON ILVIC C,Et - w 0NY.11,0, FOIL, .agar Tong. flat er Hnivea. tnanartretuml Nod for .ale by \ WIL. 9 ON .411 Corner...lllllnd 11larker ate :Cab INTiiiAI.I.9IWF:, ernuartron - and Illovra In b .la.boan. an•hinallpackagea ronatantly on hand sod for 'ale at the lllLolanl and :v ire Faetol y, V 7 Firth .meet t _p9 111101111-:9 .4. A WOLIN A ft vi s l - fiill. - 3:l.oR47iricliVA99..:& — i=JircOa r l a (teal. Int nt :round Color. in 10..4 Ilruahfa and, Oil. a., —R.. •,i, br ioi d tlinfik .0111INVI.FIAN eQp re t, , g; V 9.3.111T119. Good arodimen. with tCtklly ran hear of gr9al wage. and ead.tantslilp9yit97ll, by apnlylng nt thloMerl. Inl 4 USSIOITO NETTS— 0, Wseft 7 4 ~,d., 4 ;SI 4/maga. Net,.. mod notably And N11..910 1 / treeivrd and for vnle by sti nck:Li:rT Wiol Jell V 9 Woo £ll5ll Copartnexablp. 10/FISPII 11. HILL. (Nur of the Inn of Wm.. A. .J 'WI h l'u.t and WM C of Env. have .euetiod la, Copartnership. under the unnte ..ILL 6 CURR V. for IPe purpose of carrying on tine Wanking and Exchange liu,ner. in all it. Leonel., at No IS WnoJ•treet. three cloora below Fourth. west sidr—where the, .oltett tie eto.tom or their friend. and the public genet al.) JEX:F.I • II II MM. mealy Wll C PIN' Jos ntsH jl, L. 1.. \\D. L.'s,: nut. BILL & CERltti, DANKERa & KRCIIANta: lIROKER:t. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DONIE , TIC TIME & SIGIIF • DILIZ3 EXCIIA NINE, CER I I FICATI -, OF DEPOSITE, BANti N(rFES AND COIN. • No CS Wood street. third door betor Fouttli. welt 31de. PAR Funds gild Currency rtcefeed - OntDeitositenod colk minas mode on Cll the ptmc.rut s at the thittd r Stnte.. Sight Exchange on Caninsore, Etat:W..ll , lnm. Now York. Boston {MI (7inriontati constant!) fur suit (Ono, Indiums. Kentucky. Yogitiia anal Perini.) Irania Ranh Note , bought nod told on throrahle terms Exchange on}:naland, irelitAaciroan and France plocurnit, dr :Ice. ' rocllls WILLIAM A.IH,!IL &. LCO BANKERS. ir„,,x6ite-eitir. BROKEits. In • FOREIGN ANDI)(DIESTIC EXCHANGE, CF.R lIANK NOIEtt. No 04 flood Seri.. at. , Jog, nior; ' runrui. Ease side. neh(cl: ylituburgb, P.. filtneri , .F.rt sit rt. lOWA o Rating KRAMER. & BABB. DANKEIt , ANDEXCIIANEE 111{OKERst. dealers ul l'orrien 31111 Domestic thlir of I.:aid/imp. ('ertin• cats , of Pei ono, Hank Now. and Coin, cr oons co sod nod directi) opposite 2l C 1181 1 ,.. Hotel tontridiS, REDUCED ILLATILS. dr 010, Indiana, Ken:way. and Penna. funds; also S. , County and lily OrJe nt pa tallas. at tattuesd r. ate ni discount-by 110LMIOO , OtltSi tato, Pathan. Wolter. SS SI krt •I , ( , ollecttork• 011 eitteinnon. Lounoiille. St 1.0014 V and all secesschlepoi•ot in the 111 ited , .1a.,.1na d i • e promptly, and upGil lit 'attest tertna. by N Wk.:MS h. SON, Farhatige Ilrolteis No 53 Market tt 001 cccccc DO an Cincinnati. Louternie. Si Lows end all other acceosthle points in the ussa n4de on onnor. HILL te CURRY ep4 Weed *Lite. door Kegle ;Wet. iiielllaaaias on Hew York, Philadelphia. and Bain more co:mangy (Jr sale uy MEL It. COW; yood at nca i n d oor _daloon C ' Lfa r „Trial:Cd ' u ' Tve o ry ' ..a . w " rutTilf O gl d aeot ' n " : ''' HILL& CURRY I door to Ewer saloon H lu, Indliana, mod lamotneky Bank Nemo porchned nIo moo oy N 1.11.51}744 & SON No 55 Starter st bIISLELLI:I~`EOU~~. TO* /01oalligg Dltalc•l Lltarseps A TRATlinflthereraveneon cod Core of LElMates I. by re S, Mtn arld.tinapk. Medieinea.• New edition,' rericed and emitted: with the •dif lion of a ritteMble Maar,a maiea rotating out the , wolhea. PreP.rml.ea and doses of our molt wettable, native, medical plants. and an appen illustrated with lOU encoring., G 'of 'trivet , arseolored. 1ty1.13 - Norwond ht. D. The oltret of the entire wort is to give the hislory, characteristic' symptoms tprogreG and ienuinationof ail commontllseafet. in as eorrectoitepte and intelli- Ohio terms as parchle, suited to the capacities of all who ought. na any event, to undertake the treatment of a disease, in the ternitrention of which human life mar be at slake. The eanimot plaited 6r Ore generality apac tr e°. era, and found moat hecessltd.panteulatly in the Di. es'Endernm to the tkauttrand West, tone. detailed w i thi mock minuirtmaitandlensat et... • The Family hledioet.EATOZTilk4.b.lifqedrb.. green more general satitfaction Gut Amp bwhiLot the kind est.. By 1:f Limp: aud.pgnpteaow I I•tni reotediea and the eprOpe dose..any nmrt ittied:gence, 'En to iteat ready.tatek el t look- wahowthe L esteeialy of cad..c to a phorcialt l ye hoer bean Intermutt I" amulet! families. who have ihi.. crorll they ca o riccurc anodic, coo; of tke Wok, tateEtnen to.' m.uld not po v nrqUent ry Aavt...l ranee .han num 1/luue year, ' Ms me. • •Agints wanted to tell 'lux work—a liberal commis.- tato Mowed. , AS.U. P. ‘A'alnut M. het Ilk and Sta. Clair ann sn eal. STAR CLOTHING %TORN. 'No 10 WOOD STREET. ‘• A NCI: En ItIA Wkilt ct and rend dealer. .!‘PS ,,, itowly .g. would reopeet. • lake meth., town ...t of the, oi their sii.l .... : -ore tit. in th it they 0. cheap 1111 t dlearCTllloll ontet ....ablithcoeut in the et;) thir tecilmes en a blei ltt^anf.ela , 4tg ji , od.. ate .urh a. to ea us al all m.e. to keep n auortment of ready made cloth .on. at le-. prices ',Lan tin candy , obtained el.embete rho preo.em Mock on -hand cont,c la part of tile ful• low me dew.riphun of goods: 1.511.1aek eto'h Jresa aroolo, from !VI to itldi 100 do ,lo Fithet , do 11l- Mbleuen and Meal. , orron do N tib . eo •I.l..mikov made Nur lOoli parr pan, ot al. • 21.0 ye su. I do • do do do lOU doaca t..aen plant and stitched 10tr•0nt.!1:rt.,...0rk..; .4•11,1, (,1001, totems; enitar,t; ao.pendem. koek, drawete, and under 'Mr:. ref. curt)' aortely, all or which have leen recently purchased and adapted to the pre co sea•on Merchant. and miters win ore Lit taunter Clothing. cannot do bettor than to give us a nail. • .4_14111111110N8 COLE 2f HI AN INKS; BLACK "USCAHLET,:and COE I NFi —That Block ink flaws more freetrfrood he fen. mires a old:Lodger and more aladattlaon•obar,-adoijiModes steel pens less than our other known . Pt :Jscptljaality iloF all ptypoies. The Copying liak,,TnirditeM . woung letters o onouno w :na, , el i f y. o s h ,,, Hll la r i . = . 49ter hit la p o l c tlk ri e g t: : : It nod hunt one of that mick atattolltaoaccaeggpinOn to other copying ink*. • • ; , a op- • " The Searle', Ink ryes a rich onelloak . instN , " omens in brightness on tlie paper For permanence of color these inks folly If net as per all others. for when the rotor Hoare ret on the' paper. it will reonabi UNCHANGED for ages. i ßeecis eel this nay. am! for •nte in any odontioy, by J ft AIELLO% wenntat IV-Those who writ. to try, this Ink can have a Baltic Tana A It MI Y., the yeittleinens' seg., c sale wore rent', No fat Wood Street. 1.4 , Waits. Another Invoice of thaw fine Tasy mann:non . Shots, spoon ',fly fit.. lik:mti and Handing collar.: -meoltunt on :fern oito de: a few dozen new 149 h. HYtio9j'and Mama:tog collar • at worn-neat of Corded Ana pla•y i,,shops nr •ylittlin; coda.. nylon do boaniar with collars, hoe awl ra•asuni du:dines: sohoming stocks in crest sane:) on hand: faun tle,twatitarine,Plain tat. teels, goon nuscender a. black and fancy cravats, he. ' n The anion:doer being agent or Some an the faeltarier in EAst. is constantly e n dsqpe with new and fob ...hie price ,goods and is enabled hj• sea yto oot •1 near Enucro san freights wit admit -tit einatinat.oc of the good.'. Here.:l4ly solicio.hl. • EDWARD TODD, t i p Lantern manufacturera O PLUDIDER Ali-BIACTIIDISTS 2. The subscrii.ers tavingbeett appended Agents r rs J. &AL !Caen,. nianialplun—tectennovely known toy Plomheos and Machinists _if dos Eastern cit. oiesj—for the sale el Ilona 113110Alaelltrat. are now Napa rod foonb Ptomhcra with ad the vadoun kolas of bona. work used to their Immo:can. Also,eyery variety of Gamitiren4 Coeltansed bs lwrownitve end drat,onaryrite, , e Iteittlera. ding al cocks, (111 Cope, coaollte . atidwirch they Will sell doe e•tcroi toado and Eloglec Molders, otEci• tarot l'ucea, eacjutive of:qt./Z .): x . ,KitsNmv ..pan %Yasuo st, l'ionloonth ME= Medium, 11/rl4; .: 130 do Newt , rent, ?Urn; 00 do do 'do • YIP, I - AU do, do do 31037; • VII do do do 2112'M)µ50 do do - do 2=1'.1, 50 de. do • ...11231i IS ,d 0" Find Book, 710:17; 40 adb-. do tin t IHOO4, 01z3b, dq'Evened Celotl/, WWI V . • Met ' unl. • _ On Kenllltinfler.lale by "OIIN II nie.a.a. at No 'el Weal sireet.hetween je7 —biomond Altry and Vill6.lext SIAN /BK—LILUr. I I Itt.eell, Ilia/ nal SCA Tbi Int.hoe been already to ote by the rrenlien! the United !Stales. in p2riturot4, a boa. I tun,. o f the Governor and Legi• nti lantoroa . Pendpyleneln,nn,lnionpr ou+ logldy repathb a al,don:ian.,o.neenu,andindie d- u.' lan 'll, Ink ;lows morn freely (remit, ern, improves - on tt" Pore. awl norotale a rated pen. le.. that: any other burF , or per our ore of ro'ortl,c Inks folly equal, If net iitist alt nth... for when the color to once act on the o n_r , e . ! , o r. vr . tit , ' , 7 ., rna . t , a , otttoenha..orlt,flo,r...nt, In wit p. loorna, toy I 1. .: U . ) . 'An rou-th. near Mari street — V - ink:VC —, l'ent , Ett AND BfiRDIGRS. DRICEs , KEI/CCED—Thotert. ('lower, No 4.1,51nr t I.el street, helano - tt 3.1 nod' 4 h Street,. re•peetiolly ohow. , to the potato litAl hi' pree,nt stoo k of Wall raper anti Bonder. of ho , etnor totasuihetore ia rory ca. let ,ve, nod -daily tohlitious are hang toad". 1011.00 they ore fooshcd—of new nod spletnlnl on,enot Also, a Writ n.vattrol +lock of Frtralt Par: , .$4l Amin, , ii.,,,,g ree,uttt) teolurs4 the onces of dull 01000 einiele•,lo.l o het, to !online, not enumerated.) be la ',paten to selllor. cosh, conarcis ;Lan soy establtsle ofent or the Lout. East nr weal of are toonotaOts. anClarho - WOOD I. rt . .soatc3t, May 1 , , lift LAup F s tsrder I gavezilea.poot , tun of 11'A. Fad 4. renniftrzr sus' lads wbs tr .1,11e01.111 41.11 . nt v l EVe ye:rn old. and &lel., Itte J.y sbe „ s un warm •, aretaging wpm. kb. art. 10 i ~l , r.tng u. rtr.• •nn thio tOw i:1 bar yoimrt . wl4tyali .spriase oily d "he 1.. 37 ~ .‘" 4 " eINIIOI7I vt art=t4l,ll.lF46th .1, EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBURG H. JINN trAtriblßE COPTON YARN, • CandllosWlek, Ilattletk. :nvarleg YARN, CARPF:p_CIIAIN Aqrts,_ FoNo, PENNOCK to ' • teu•sessees of Athookles dAwry,), - Plonnetete „TvIIITS GOODS voitintsseas-w B merpby invl es the attention of Isudiea to his es. Item assortment of above Goods, enusuoing of , 801 l Bcotett Mull Healing •• , :ton Stet. do Soft Nansook do - - Plain /aeons,. Barred dek, Ciielt 'French lawns, very else'', and newest wiles; ma..d Magi" so Dresses, at redeeed prices, at North East coiner ath j and Martel sueoll. jun gin.HAVE VOUNTA IPEoc-sadsh Li DUNCAN'S CAN SC GUARD BY USING D 6. DUNCAN'S EXPIETORANT ILEYEDE. • Citiosiewort, 0., ttlartlCSE 11E. Dear s to certify to dm public, Particularly N those soaped ash a donee of the Luna,. Cl:easomPtioie that in the Spnagof lOU 1 was attackinlatith a sta. cold i , which p.m terms. anted opoo my lungs, elapalag Die symptoms at m apprinchiag funsomptiou. bly .ugh eirm tight and teaublesuw, ausided with eopioui night sweetir. I ern up duly a camodersble vain. of Nisi, mined wok hick dark ma., Sly salsa. became mrtm. seed alsen• ivg During this time I was al reshd by two of am ass skilful Physicians they did the best they could Pie use, saes at length they gate, up all hopes of my recovery, taireming me that wane; more could be done- thatoy Ivor were fa tally diseased, and beyond remedy. 1 was tern permsded - flry • friend of none to make • trial of Dr. Deenr00ME. , , ,,, ./. t rant Remaly. 'Sikh my Physioims penioed agamal s aytag that this medicine would Jo ou goo-Lind would Sill add • 1 more to my mfferiugl. I told them it was my hot mad Paly hope s -mid that if I mint dirl of the Jonas, tellich was sc. '1 dent to tor,) there would be roduog tau. So I rent to Me etneionati Other and Sassed 5 bonke of this truly Taloa. ; ble Sledicine, aud conmwriced usiorsecording to the direr- Limo, which, isotead of . adding to my ~firing, immediately gave me relief, at oner-unruing the troutilsolar Cough ru.o the peas .tad tightumu in osy Chose. gin me a or. 1 lik and ores:lel, which mou nodded me to be about agate. This tardicior continued is gaol murk, nhirb it is toddy otaaanteedd'.ut'l was made a suoil son. ) hair since Urea - allsod ire to my bosons, (upwards of J );011) amt feel as healthy a, I wide I has recommended Dr. D.inn's Et peetoeso Reined) in MU) dmilarlysffievril atad it has always prated socersfol fc. tar as I has "Sassed metrics. SI) baster is using_tlis medicine at present-fora Disesel Line, and an Attempt of the Ltotp, which she I had suffered entli for won Usor, she has newly recotered 1 1 by the use of this medicine, and I am c.fident the 6 Lolls that I Site with me to-day willredirely cure her., 1 an, sorry to Its.. that there am ttiouomils of ',doable pesos scoring away with the dreadful destroyer-CONSUMPTION. - Wee it only posible for elms to pruner this medicine to time, begore it be too late, mmy Ins might yinduaged and their finlike. and relat ion.again rendered happy. This medicine will giso instant relief. beast the same time Ins the trard.d paneful Cough, re 0.. the w the got. strength to Ow raftebled,.stul emaciated frame, and in -- moil num, I am mum, usllwakens ' a I. feet cone. ANDREW-J. FELTEJL Moritgotnervlfamil.i County. Ohio. N 1.1.-Those who troy not be erquaitted swath am' rake to the oodersiped Mimeo of 'Montgomery, {laminas root ty. O , Ihey , m ll at any time label... the sham statement* Notate,. BlMultat.L., • Cm, J. Smoot. Dll. DUNCAN'S WEDTFAN OFFICE, S yyeettm ntn nn greet, where this valuable Slidkins can always beShied. Sold tn Pitubergh, by WAL JACKSON. teener of Wood and. Liberty sm. , aprliVelikwe I.IIOIIIPRON'S' COMPOUND iIItRIIP OP TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA-The Portland (fde) Advertiser rays:-'Tau remedy - hat. been more successful than any medicine we have-ever known Dyr is 'matelots cures in Gestation., Spin ing iflood i pam in the Side and Breast Boonchlus; Asthma. Obstinate Coughs, Boas sc..; Spec 'throat, Palpitation . Of Bur- Ileint, Whooping Cough Croup, Nervous Tremors, dec. _ Individuate ef the highest respectability in this ear bear ample testimony to iu power and efficacy in thin clads of diseases , Among testimonials to the value of the above med icine, are vent fn. dietinguiehed physicians of Phil adelphia. Read the indowing from Dr. Young, the eminent oculiat. PIIILADLinta,Jan.IB, 1817. Having used in my practice, as well as in my own huntly. ThorupOon'id Compound Syrup of,Tat and Wood , Naphtha,' 1 have no hesitation in saying that it is the best preparation orate kind in owe for persons suffertng from Coasumption,Loectis, Cold., and all affections of the Theo., Brew, de • so prevalent at dm reason of the year. Ws.s. Its. t. ono. I) .1n :trace it We haveseen within a few days the person who gave , the following cenificafe Ile remain• well, being per fectly cared of his dtPellbe: . Cni1.1.04.1111a, January 3,1347. From a sense of platted°, and a chinbt that the afflic ted may have rsource to a traly-invalusble medigine, 1 would state that the benefit I have eltieneneed from thewe of Thompson's ComPearid Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha k'or several yearalhave hero Otte tod with a distresing racking cougb i accompanial with great oppresstoo and difficulty of breathing, with a sen a stipn of lightness at the cheat. Ilecetaing . greatly alarmed, a who-had heed mach trenefiticil by thin medicine, recommended me tot: It, I did so, and In a short non ETC y eland.ymptom duappesed: my •spectoration Levan n free, all oppsenion left fin my cough ceased, and In a fifyr daya I was able go] Informal - on. and attend to soy bettness a welllstan. Any farther neonatal-on will het ehectfully gwen the affueted, by culling at my_restdance, No. tOl.O O . Front at. - SOS. MOMANAMY. This invaluable medicine lipteparad only by ANC NEN 8, DICIISON, at NE corner of - Fifth and Surma _ ate, Philadelphia. Sold In Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr. -- Nice AO cents or el per bottle. CAUTION-Beware of this many comaterfens that no now a6oit. The anscruyStlaus ova ever ready to semen. the nowarv. - •• ' 025d60t IRIPOOTAOT TO THE . vemucs—Chinese Ai lialr Creatry a roak - chles. article 'for thir Growth. Beauty and ReaMmtionlif the (lair. .This This Crest a, when orate_kncren. Will rapemed- all other *Metes of the Lied&tow used...,W here the hairia dead, handt.thon, Mt healthy orb:wrung grey, a few applications will nude the hair soft and Slat, pd. ore a a beautiful lively appeals... and will atm make it retain 11l liveliness nriO healthy et for twice as they as all the preparations , which one nonerully toed. Es ery lady andiwutleman olio are in the Sabo or using oils on their hair, should at none parch:tar a bottle Cl the Chinese Ifairtiream, I. it is wscomposed that tt will not mute the hair like the other P 4 ePareithar , but will beautify It, and give perfec t rattrifscuon in every Matanee. For thaurnony to us very superior q walker, see the following letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, to Messrs. - lienderihott- 2c litretch,Nsthvillr, General Agents for the tVestens Suites: Letter from the Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Pre.- . nt senanChatet,ralaski. • Nler , ar4 liendershou A Stretch—Gentlemen t I take pleasure in adding my testinmoy in favor of the excel •ent preparation called Di. Pattiah's Chinese flair` Crcom--rer about two >can ago my half was et D'art , . Wilily, and disposed to name not: hat having procured a labile of the Cream, and used it according to the pre script... my hair as now rot, elasuc nail finn to the head. Many balsams aid ells were applied each tea l/ink my }air ill a ne [state than before. Thin Cream, however. has mety eXpectabons. • Al no arnele for h e TOrlet, thy wok gives it parley rare aver alto:1).r. bethgdelo•ately perfumed, and not d,a-r.. to rnne.6 Tho lao.cs , sprcially will Mail Inc Cu Cream to b dr ileeiLleratula to their preps ' rm.. o re the mlt. !Respectfully. ac.. Pulaski..lnn'y.:. 1517. R CALOWELL Ei:i - Sold wholesale and remit. lit Ptuabtogh byOlin M. Townaend, No 45 Market street, and Jeer - Mohler, corner of Wood and Fink sta. • - r lalltf ._ Y(.41.111101. teeth is Coal and yellow— , You, whe:cabin is dark u int You. whose hair Is harsh and wires,, I • Rosty,dirty red or berg— ' Van, whose vile ode: ogre breath .1 Unpleasant is as putrid death— Vim could hare— boy, man or girl— Tenth as whim as snow or pearl, Breath ropley sweet, 01111,1 cornett .Pure and white and smooth and licaunfok A tol hair soft. city, dull' so star, By reading what is said below., ' • - RBA of:you can have Une shore-by Brand 'Micas - nothing but truth.) aping Nttleof.lonca's Co- Bestratcats es 's Ainber Tdoth • ree , e- - -eed , U he of tter Rent. e Janees , .ltalui . •. Chemical Seap.'t At t isers cost but, lode, and you are assured that 'llarfol owsitistrathtir real ilaidtbest The tooth paste 'iea the hrraihat sweet odor, white tenth. and pewter - 06 Alfleedr, 1tc., 4 Till: hair stuff all know us bc Ate mostsiguisite thing tsar made tot dres sng. beautifying, and caoshirtfictroWth ham,and ' the map, (gat thagentinelintes's Boa), laid)net)) rare hit eruptions,- freekleae de, 'and .make "dark yellow whim, clear and fair. MI these things are aOld Matti at W JACKetON'S Boot and, hoe Store and - Patent Mediente Warehouse tl.Liberty at. trisl UR. JAYNE'S vAmiLv lasoiciaMs— It is oar principle in the rosongenlent of this paper to notice anythdas which we find out, from personal troit vostlyanna, to he of utility to the publie. earns of Dri -- DO nide medicines we have used Moat family for trmby V... For instance the F.XPECTORANT, the CAR 31INATIVE. and FEM IRFUGE, winch we kodw to - bc good for the namplaints they prefers to cure. We wets on Lake Ontano the past minnter. when Serena f nartravelling companions, foam havens, In Wettern New York,drank, far many days, therlimestone water of that to lon. were,hadO attacked wish violent Discs Mesa, and Dysentery. Mr. D. had proviaed irimself,' previous m nein, hsme, with -The Carminative of Dr Jayne,* and in ail cozies of hewn', ansonglielfgentle- • men, it svu sacemefal in ettertiffeStpeedy earl: The E1Tee10111.4.11 , 0 have known used - among OUT intimate (Made Wiel'egtlal facet.; and we feet that we shall do's geed het Lot - families tospoelolly those sit sled toolbox Minna% have accent to ill:Oiled hate leedirai skin,) to .deice them to keep on hand bollithe Expecto- , ro . so d c srm i 2o ,. The Layer:mans is brlievedhy *mad physicians to he the best recipe' for Pulmonary DonmayassisCamplainse, Mat has oret yet bin. V., pounded. The reason is, Dr. Jayne it note quark. hot' I a regular% scientific, and able am...lira' prariuoner him tell 'lilt medicines lad used by the best pherinns. 'EZRA 111OLDE.N--- '• • - _ Etlltir'of the Pitilida Saturday Coveter: rot. .0. in rtohetgh at the PEKIN TE *TORE, 72 Funtlk Wan near Wt.!, and atm at the Drug toru of P Saloom , . Federal WV /Merton , " trIKIroT — Cimertnaptlve's C01.01.1(10111 sieknees weigh upon your bran? Or pains afflict your brew.? Try Dr. Dupree's /Dating Art, And it will use you rest clears away the mists 011111 a Disease spreads o'er thOatl, A wi whispers thsough The gloomy abroad, "YOU; health day yet be itt hole." See yonder rose of lovely onthering seith decay It SCllfeety sips the triornlpitllor 4 % , s' &fore (3,1 c, • 'The Worm of Dead; 3ngin, the +dem! And nireamhinnedoo it grew— And when it hlionnied, l n lovely gun.) It nipped tl.sough and donne,: . That Worm of Death bright be . deiVi If Ins•Dunesn's an wert.111122;12,, And mum lovely dam armed 1. r - fhe NM of an Irmittley rentle , ' 00-DR.DUNCIANtrAWFSPRIMIOFFICE. NoISO 0) CAmOtn 'met, Clizeinfoil e pinn; where his valuably medicate is 2014. . 1.1400-2000.e.WM. JAaCSON. come, or W.. 1 mid IlbriV it. anldassT - • ----rlfgANVelliTifili'Xl7PLAoTailt. .. ' Frernsigattatles Morton, Minister of die Baptist Morel; en Ism of Aeloonniti. 0 • Meese Ili 'tarns & Co, Pcoprietors of E. Dean's Cihentieal Plaster Boutleinen,— For yevewil years 1 Lome fl o p Moo te st ed the sirturs or P.,.. v ni,,ebe,,,,,,,, plaster by ening a in e lydy sit a remedy for Man met sati weaanyw and lness of the back, Vain in ,f,,,1,,Lin, int1....1 , 141(0m thrum owl eyes, none in the lamon. 22e; and lisle plen•tor in say og torn, at , ~,t o r. 21, r4F , , ,,...„- teat o :: l e t tr o e l y , s i t x t:, ,.. l , b;,v . e ... fii „ ts .: t4;: n u . r r ell o l more than ordinary . eltaraetrermd it,. a will general ay bo found • se§eyent remedy For those dim's,' fo o Neit it it Reqol.lll[Zika, andrm Justly enlitled to to. or e,. and rounonsge of an eallein•innirognmnolly. Veer lolly, CNA:2, MORTON.. Weaster.O., Die. 00,12• FL Sold by 1/ A Parmesans& &Co. corner First & Woo streets , maid/kw /INNEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT: -Now Vote, Nor IA Cientllnten Some leven or tr gin month. 4ner. • lot ran. Upon 'themettom of one or niyfeet, <Alen ton very painful; menced applying the usual moteihe tor *arm out nnmeeewfuly, dot mreeontinued to gt deeper. and 'prod- In the Size Or Ilia paint of toy hoe not onlyliad the odvAgtbrphytneintia. but noel) atith mien and plan extractors I could hear of, indite or them hid the effect to 'Alley. die Puha or urea t it, prom. of the pare: them wit notiglantinflaonna nods revere and perpetual pain, add it badmen down ate a regular fever note. Mr. Spender Stade of OW city, advised me to try, you, Ointment:l long at the idea, but upon Aie ument rolieitation.,ll tone • • to ray it, and to my great relief nod 4 , 100/Ounerd, It most ly relieved the gain, . reduced lottainumuon, and commenced heath/A.ow tom, Id I. now nearly well.• .. • • • .1 do eitrignendy and sieertely believe that it while any Tenet sore. If ,therooghip applied. " Respectfully yours, S PARSON rurside by R 4 13E4LEVA s7W and et. r
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