• - FrOultbs WeeklV Messenger. . THE WEEPINg MOURIkER RELIEVED. . •• ,Otte-. , Blue.Eiiiel4dary." Cgriet.e..Colite., tell Me, weeping mourner, •' • "- siy, whence proceeds thin woe? • , .. Arttbou of Christ a scorner, . . Or wooldst thdvito Hint got • • , Alkeirner.—Hiurt.thoi a Wolof - With:tate to sympathise, . • Or wonldst thou, fahely dealing ! . . Mock at my miserieil 7 C.—l see thou art a strauger. Unknowri.to Wee niy-heart, • • In search at Wise a ranger, The world cannot Impart ! N.—l mourn o'er long lest treasure, O'er beauty's sad decay II I weep o'er fancied pleasure, That led my heart astray .C.--Come, mourner. theae forgettiag, • • Obey my gentle voice— , Forsake:thy doubt. besetting, And thou triay'et soon rejoice ! N.—Thou seem'st like me a weeper, Ny.equal.in despair— : If not thine own reliever, • • Howeaust thou soothe my care" . • C.—Come; let tae tell the story, The mysery of the Coo.— For thee I'left my glory, Accounting it cm lose • • N.—The foe no more deceiving, • Thy presence now I feel, Aud on Thy blood believing, Would lee,. Thy holy wilt! C.—My Father's hem.. npacieun, There still for thee in room— t - . Give me thy heart, and, gracious. I will conduct thee lame ! • N.—l yield thee all. dear Saviour, And gladly go will, time, Rejoicing l Thy favor, • Restow'd from Calvary yt C.Aivay, away all nadnew.: I have laid up in dine .For each as thee a gladness 'Unknown to man before ! sl Lancaster, Ohio. A QUESTION IN LAW —A man has f - been indicted in New Orleans forideal lug an umbrella. His counsel contended stne, that it is no. offence—that umbrellas are public property—and pleads, custom to take it out of the statute against felony. , A great interest is excited for the result. as in caso of the conviction, it is feared I ' thousands of otherwise good citizens m 1111 be suddenly obliged to Ay, to escape the wrath of the law. It is stated in some books on insanity that is boce manifested itself in a patient by Inducing him to re • I Win a borrowed umbrella. The doeur, gave a unaniineus opinion, according to ' . the authority referred to, that the sytitp ' tows were idecideoly lunatic, showing a want of prudence in not preparing fur a .1 — . rainy iby / ' . and the man was consigned no the mad house, as the Only proper , place for him. It is not known whether e 1 he ever got,out. Ka , :1 EDIC AL. TO 'THE SWA SDftICK ArmT :11E AFFLICIST—ED. v GREATMT grDIRandSCOVERY. eat yfur Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Arch. ma. ttmerhoiv, 1.. ce r Complaint, Spltung Wood. Difficulty a. Bit smiam Pain to the Side and Bream, /*stollen.) 01 the linarblnilnenm,Oroup,firoken Communion. Sore Triroat, Nervous Debility, and nil Metopes of the Throat Breast and • Longs; the most effectual and speedy cure ever known for any of above diseases, ,OIt.SWATNE'S COMPOUNDsy t :UP OF WILD CHERRY. Ammar an meow syti.alas.—Rearl with aston ishment the wonderful cure performed by Doctor sw.ret. Cum red Syrup of WILD CHERRY: j,BUlLADthrifts, fa.llBlMy t 1.5, 1811. Dr. Saralee—Dear Sir: In justice to yourself and iinty I owe to suffering humuity, T cheerfully give my testimony, one declare to the world the meet sates:tithing effects, and the great core your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me, ceder toe most unfavorable circumstances. I war • . teken with a violent Cough, Spitting of Blood, se. vane Prune in the Side and Breast, which some.] . ,to break down and enfeeble my constitution, ta at :zrysician thought my easo boyond the power of • isms., and my friend. all gave me up to die; but thanks to you and the effects of your great disco , e eg. I now (gel °quill a well man, and raised trout a mere skeleton to as fleshy aiul healthy n man as I have been for pease, and shall be pleased to give at. Information empee.ting my case, by calling at my residence, blitchanic alreetthird door below George street, Northern Liberties. J• 1-11,1 PAINTS/L. TritiASSol/y is ono neared from' oil porter., the Globe: • • The following leuers.are presented wnha ;slew ' 'of more fellyshowing the opinions of l'hysighles relation to the Medical raise of Dr. StV A YNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP or WILD ('HERB a • Dr. SwaytimmOcar Sir. Haring used your l pound Syntilwir Wild Cherry astenairely in m. • . reties., I was requested by your. Agent. Doctor ;nattier, to expresa my °platen , seriling of 01 properties as t ronamital Agent, 1 11004 cheertutly comply. as I feel by doing, I will discharg e a debt 1 owe the community at large, and Phane ip putlentur. An much as I deteet Quaek Reme dies and Patent Noatruma, I vow tnduced (mot a Dilate of the most poteet expectorants. reCol , me',Jed in our maters medics ro sumo caes Diseased Luau", to try your preparatiou dl tm , Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficieut to ',ay tart ' Ittll SO mach pleased with the result of that stut imessoquent Dille, that I now ercurthe it in pref.,. once to all other Remedrea where in expectorant • indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumonia or Dioesass of the Leer, in the alarming Corm m rabic! , it appears in Kentucky, I regard it at 30 invatualite . Remedy in the treatment ot thatdtecave. ho all whoknow me I have raid enough. Ind AS thic may hug will by permute net of the vicinity of Frankfurt. I will briefle add, that I hove been erglged in in actire'praetise 01 my profession Di 12 yeare,sed 7101 • Reviler Gradoete of Toinsylvania, and the is the first Patent Medicine I ever thOoght enough el expesa an opiaiod i 0 ren tin . H. Etter.. M. D. January 7th, 11A7. Franklin County „Kt, geese/one, Ky., Jan'ry ltk , 101.7. • The above certificate is from one of our I dins living a few miles from here, be is doing* very i good practice, and is considered a good Physician, I ' and muds fair; be is, as he ways, a 50101.1141 . 2610010 • Dn. W. L. Cauvre an, Druggist and Apothecary . Testimonial , will nester awe. From the Temperance Pledge. Now that Winter It upon a. With its SIICII4III train of Pulmende and Bronchial afiectiona.Cieigh. Colds, &a. the , we would advise those afflicted .4 • this way to make immediate trial of Dr. ,way Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. it will motet • tall to perfl tm a.perisaseet cart. The reputation of this medicine has causal many sputum. nstieles to be put forth under Its name; hut the prenaro ion of Dr. Swayne, beside. being the not foe, oared hk to the public, is the only ono that can d on. The other mixtures sold for Wild Cherry Syrup, Balsams, &c., are all spurious and worthiest. and contain none et the virtues of the original prelim,. Mon, Or. Swarm's ' Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. • • From the Springfield Rupees. • Of the thourands of purported cyrative otrtro mr now before the - public, but very few are found to presets the healing virtues for which they are to. commended. Among the lacer wo are. pleased to learn none stand a better test than Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup 01 Wild Cherry. The afflicted in this vicinity are beginning to use it, and to their joy they find in its use their hopes hued upon its • recommendations more than realised. The afflicted steed not despair. hile there is lite, there now he hope. , .a A CAU'I ON TO THE" PUBLIC. frpSince the introductuin of my.article to the seddie,there ham a number of unprincipled nob " rithials got up nostrums which they auert contain Wild Cherry, some are called "Balsams," "Bitters,' ' and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, bet mine is the original and only genuine preparation ever Introdu • • ced to the public, which tall be proven by the Neb. lie Records of the CoMmenuralth of Peonsylvania. The only safeguard against imposition is to See that my signature w on each bottle. DR I t SWAYN E. PMpared only by Dr. H. SIVA 17E, at- his Price,. al Olftee, Centel Of Cleat and Race Streets, Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry preparations being fictitious andcoenterfrit ithout hi. aignalure, For said in.Pittsburgb wholesale and retail It; W5l. 7 HORN.S3 Market street, - OGDEN & SNO WDEN, Corner' & Wood its. S. JONES, 19 0 Libettf , "ct• Sold also by J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd, Cars. & Co:, Butler; Weaver & Henderson, Ater . een Nord., Calendar, Meadville; .1 H Blurt.an A. Co., Erie; hPfiensie & Koltun, Cleveland; Dente & Son, Colurnbas; Miller, Browniyille; bland, Wheeling, VS.; E B Hinman, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr E Easterly & Co., St. Louis; 5 S Morn. & Cos h Loainillei 474 Andrew Oliver & Co., New 0r ... . eprs YOU PUOILLANIMOVS • 80011NDgeig w110:5E meant...eWt equei yotout! Look at rout hir ' ppm 'OM, with Let Lridtd tunny facet Llot tee your own, pitted with erulniono and Idotchee! Yet' Ilea are two toewt to (IVO lady to for it cake of tie Beat !ugh. Chentieal Otoso, witiolt would calmly flee lrou from them, ti c t nj , al i ty k o w ar w v , elpgr i. aga h cil b e . t i pild .,. FiUshursh,and get aeake. . N. 13 ji g ggge. ill the only plowe itt ritioltottwitr re the ILLINUINE: it to he oldetned. - •Bewere of miter firOLLSgßVE the Higtoot eland. to tar Mom ay. Ull , 4l)A44lWM=l2= STEAK 1110/1 StAI.I.IISHe • VACTOILTs R(GCE ROAD, above RuktOnvioodAtreet. Phil. tphii. At thin eitablishment may be Cooed greatest variety of Plias sad beautiful Patten', 'for IRON ItAII.IIiGS the .I.leited Sawa to th 'iagiche attention ofthinie cc wades( tiny dettrip tion,and espetially for Cemeteries, Is particularlY Baited. The principal part of all the handeotrie ßailia at buret Hill, Monument, and other, celebrated !cemeteries in the city and coolly of Ppiladelphia, "which have been so highly extolled by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A large WaresKonm is connected with the eatab liehment. where Is kept constantly on band a Imp stock of ready-made Iron (tailings, Ornamental loan Settees, Iron Chain, new style plain and ornamen .tal IMP Oates. with an extensive amortment of loam Poets, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, diet Also, in great variety, Nironght and Cast IronOrethamats,auitablit (or hail i ngn:and other The eubacriher wont 17I:r ' o7t . .ath that in hie Pat tern and Designing Department be has employed some of the best talent in the country, whose whole attention is ueroted tothe oesiness—forating alto• tether one of the most complete and alitematie es. ,Itabliahnten 7 of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Rehm Road, above Buttonwood stseeL • Philadelphia, March 12. 1841d6mo• CHEAP WATCHES, rpticcIIEAPESTGOI,D AN USILVI".44 WATLYI .19.:6 IN PHILADELINIIA. Gold Levers, roll Jewelled, Saver do 63 I - Gold Leptnes, Jewelled, t 2/ lat 1 Surer d . do Sayer Qua o rners, fine qualoy, ,13 WI 10 0.41 Gold Watches. plant, 13 tal Saver Spectacles. 1 i 3 I Gold Penedo. a 1.111 " l Gold llrocelrts, 4 W Alro,on hand. a large asrArtment of Gold and Ilin Gnmclels, huger rug., hreo.l plp.s, hoop ex, ring., gold Ipelts. ralver rpoons, pupa tango, thouble., gold net k, earl, and fiat chants. guard keys and lewflrY Of every de.errplant. at equally low prices. All I want is a call I la vont/urea customer.. All k0..1. of Watches and Clock• repotted sod ar. mord to keep good . tone for one) ear; old gold and .11. ,er bought or takett :It eachange. For .ate, eight day god Ilurty boor bras* Clock. at I.F.WIS I.AIX/311.1 Watrh. Clock, and Jefirelry Store. No 41.11 ?Stake .treet, mho... Easentk. North •ole, Ilhaladelphak Er I have came Gold and Saver Levers still chv...3fiat eaper IL the oho , . poet", ..._ Pil AFIDIVT lI'S PATifillfT DilLlCGlCAGlifillfil .......... , .... ..... - • is I larromer lastly advantager over 01l mu) Le ineuhooted, It. 11;o:ageoldeitess--Tlic rspolatiy atiVarce of blow nes, vonintlied lit protest vsise. while the bworaer oi operitoott, and - the hammier was be m nT orreatekl, and s,preidrd au) Im. CitiversAlity, or cutpuoiv rxertne walk of all I 14110...001 the to ia,der the ,patar lt• Cotopseine- , nod Chromic... • Avec...auto, Upon all lode., L. the seortiorii All the hammer• are io.t.le *ll-ALloig. The Kulo.ciil,r, too.ur w rxeCute ooler. foi. the, Of ill size , . t.pon For fenher parto.olur,2ll4Okre of 111 E RICK & TOWNIE, A.,grar. of the Patent teethe United Stales. t`ortthwark Foultdr),Philad'a. DERRY & NICKERSON, • Mauunanorer.. of AWNINGS, SWAG BOTIO9IB, W AtiON COVERS AND GRAIN DAGS or ALL OKSCHIPTIONi N 0.304 South Fro ' Back of T. A. Wilsoleseabiimt Ware Manufy PIIILADYLPIJIA. A LI. ord,s with S. Moon, at An °dice of (Le A MerchaneyluLet. l'.l4sbursh, will be protoPtlY atteuded to. t SIIEI3. G. DERRY ininnalv A. C. NICULD.SON 1 'TO WATVIIIIIIAKEIIIS and DM/MEAS. LADOMUS; -. II'OI(TER of Wzoobes. Walchroaker.o Tool. owl 1 ND I. Watch Alatertal, wholceale and retall,and con. eI randy ots land a lunge aarortror ntof lamella, Patent, and Ilattl Glass. Matur.phug.i. Verse Pule, Watch rtanda, and a complete anruncerul or allteole and Ma rhelongtmg to Me trade; otth a luise ut' t.old end Sneer Lever, 14. pm, and Plata Watcher; all nt wloch Lcwrlt g my to sell al the lowest New ' Vort. pike.. All order. tiom the Coiner; panctuatly e cernned. N a.--Country Merchant , . and albeit are tartlet! In call and exams. al the Ohl Stand, N 0.33 South Fourth rat eh Philadelphia An:team WILLIAM OGLE, CCLICII ASO de HARNESS dILMER,a . O Chem.. et , a;d::41.,,t Pk.lmfdpitio, We af We firm o! Ogle 4 , arr izrg,f + V. coadaady ,a Ladd aud toe We, a Wadeocar &donne of aeldoaable Carraegra Velma:. aril! etylea and dmerltit. made to order al We abortrat We notice, and to lO tht erre beat nedmer.oferteeted ma:trial teLdV,I, 311)SCELLINEOUS. , tiTrcitt P7Cirkftir Waihhigfau, D. C. , /I:NAS C. 110L311lNS, Mechanical Engineer end Li Agent lot procuringNiepare the resran Ortoortnei an Papers for Appbeano for at rut., ILIA Ital./et all other nosiness to the line of het took won at the Patent Office. lie CAA be consuited nu all quermons tclut-op tbe Patent laws and der:- .nor. lit the I.littol Azatea et - BUMP. Pe .on or • of basinc raambuYwu. Made lax r.. 1•11 1 13,11 ,, pt,or to testing appiu-ot.t fi Xi:e./011. rrl ' af d cia i i r et: t o p i o th t e(r ' c 'h'" ase,Uro ic i ' lit &Ilea . - ban will be gore, to it. and all the infers:tenon that coul.l he obtnined by a sisal of the applicant in pelmet] prociptly'rernatunicated. Al; letters no business lease be roil pal:. npd contain a suitable fee. where a written Opin i on ir requar.l. Moe on F. street, opposite the Patent Witt- Ile but the honer or rearrroor. by pertrouton. to I lion. Edrnund Burke. Co-,. -uourr of Patents: /Inn /1 I. l':;:krosth ark • to, . II Anursles. Maeltin.rt, _ • Offieui Judge Creech, Sr CI 1100 R Cboue, ornate; lion. Of Allen. Ohio. do; I lion. J B itowlall. hi C, 51,ssourz; i lion. With. Hall. New York; I lion. Robert Smolt, Si C. Illinois, 800 8 Brrcre,U $ Stnate; I 800 SIC. 511ssouri; i Capt. 14 11 Jamas. 51osourt: Ersstas Beunge, Lou..t Pittsburgh. myl9 ANOrHER AONIVAL' , AT THE NEW IaOLLIC sroax--rs. attotx NT MT _ NOW [MEN— A.Oar Int tkunater Good., t! 511.11, te ew; plant and prosted AIZEOE ub nted and n LAWNS ; `,rel'od MEV; Duch A. .o‘ca lin and pat0...1 ma de Loma.; few nab Drab tt , atat Striped DAM TAH." %it'd saw ANo, iail at.aradmen! Doa••a3c GOODE Gentlemen.' FLAVATat; el* , Vora alade Etat, ke Flown. aka! , , - '-- • at bdc..rle I tame.. W II OA liRARD Attorney, COnntellOr nod General Agent. IAT L. PALL. carom* his (nand, and the nub .? be that he lint etonmenced tbr banned. ul A ems, its,: I,ying and mining real ec 111ibt• ,n).•nd ma m t doo a larac nrption et It. tune and. avenue. to Irtutat a - rba nom, el bon.re, corr. and tab , barb:ogs, in collecting tarsdanas.,.. ,lbare renif.and nth. .11.1 denernde, and an attend* t.. 4 Vncy bar annum abb.aralty Ile atm empire in lb. to k•- ag tabu., ca rte. and artl I furnish at/Menne .1/Cantata. In telatron Ldlhe ?at um qualifier and se -4antMlL.lttera al Mosul., cloth hi. acquaintance cucnently qualttle. ban Il me v be found at hi. rnotdence. bin 111 Allen .4,4. maul a t.4l.`clock to themart., and sae, 6 riclork ia the evening, and 1•101JK, boors at Inv on,. No VI) Chambers riteet. 211 d door (nine room. NEW YORK. F.A Tallataase; 111... John Il Senn, Oen Jahn bleßcon, 11. Orden final.. Al derman Ea-hest 'Wm V Brady. Devtd Grahan J Roams. ray. mylrldamo _ TO CORTRACTOII.II. - I)l4oPfildA Lts will be reeeteed •: the Offtee of ho James , Wye, an d Kanawha C•napanys Rtellmoud, Va., oyul the 15th Julydem, for the cult enaction of three stone dame across Jame. River ou the line of the Company's Canal brivsert Lynchburg and the mouth of I. e 'North neer. The i4Cof said owes will he about 31 ft high nno 400 feet Ror, stod tutted shoot 4 miles alma. , Lynchburg: The weond will be about 15 (t Rah ned 300 ft long, undnitunted •Iwut 9 tulles wesror Lynehbugglt t the third wlll be about 22 high and 300 It tong, about 13 eudeu of Lyurbhu , g The foundat i on of thug.: ;hens are of reek. anti th e superattheture• will be 'Nutted to bo rd see as high as low water Meel. during the present re.. on. Clues, said work. may be tee, and • p..micattoos obtained. nt the Company's Moe fh Itteh o93l9l m 9 1 the suusterther's Mee ou said line above Lynchburg, uo and after dun In of July steer. NVALTRR OW YNN,L'hief E.,r,ioscer Maws RI•CT & Kanawha Co Rtehmand 04th Tdsg,l449. Inyaa atawayl2 before—madded die Meat aPPIO.ed Bird" — and wet farbiuttabla Eameto patierns and rotors. Also ellEeP BOLL, or BUS [UN BLIND, on hand or roade to:reefer of all toi•es. mid at allprcts. 'Country ?defoliants and oilier. are it to call and rim atom for Ltiemwdrea,nd bale d will be sold wilote , ale It( road, and • liberal Addle:den made te wholewle porrbaaors. Hardware /taro Rewiewall. W htITSIURE & WOLF? having removed Own the O V street, of Litletty and &Clair street., to No SO Wood street, three dooreatane yt Chsties Hotel, would oTrV'k de a .(b.; k t t l r i a d ::: IIlt • /UCuvrv..dv„D6g, ,1 R e, ships d and Jas,,/rect toe . Al., Kipp ilellll4 A Ilflarititll Iltwiwayn. from the prin. etpal wansfaetWor. of the Ea.' 111 Stator. Thar stook being suttrely new. and postdated awn the bad twat they &el sota confidenre in bang able sucassfully to tart rompaitton (root any tisanes, uthettlar eats or west. Tao Hard... babas* will be ...Usual at Ste old tend. apt/ A 1 S — ------------ ?M V L A. AW6 A AI EBY NG Cll EGOICT&IIIya/ ReleovaTl For about one year. prestoaa in tataktng pre of Mr. Sear , Renovating Villa. I bare suffered extremely fir. acid Stonmeh 1 nave made use of ngreat sanely of usslicine seals:tut receiving mate”ai benefit About Mom sancta.. sums 1 commenced sting Mr. ewer's Modieme, erbielt bas stintelf relieSed 4010 wedity.at rtoensep. sad renarest 11111 GOILIrOP table health. Several of my friends asd a burr made u.e ev cquaintances the. Nils, and received much benefit (Matt cm. I can wt lb confidence reeornmend Meta JANE A LEE.9I7 Madsen itt Sold. wholesale and ry Wand UN relTOCli er. CO, comer of tat and Wood ..a undrlib etc je7 nitiWaol ll_ A Irameam - STOChr. R CO e emoted-an extensive ward:masa on the cornet Il of Woos and nary meets, to *bids they bare removed died Wholesale bastaem, wbere they arid tderaya braves hand an ,011elleiVa 111111101110011 et ad the wuries is Stair tine, to which Leer WWII< the even, :ma of tbe pablia. Tba Wei Wuhan* yelll lel cannel:ed loathe .1.13 IRMA COTSXt of %baud Woodas. . -1L111) IC - • IT NEVER,,FAiLBI - . . .9r. CULL99IIIIIIIi9 TEGETLBLE tiNicgi YERSONN'stected with Serrifula, King's End Cane's, Eryitipelas, Old Stites, 111cera,Tetter Mercurial Disemma, or any other,complaints elision Dein imputities of the blood, ate requested to read thWlollowmg Mtimoniali, to proof of the wonder fel properties alba above named medicine. 'READ! READ!! READ!!! We the , usulasigned, having visited Mr. biaac Brooks, Jr: at thb office of Mesa,. Rowand and Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia, comder him came the mast remarkable one we have ever we sewed or heat , . or His disease ma SCROFULA, and terrible most bare keen h - I twelve•yeara' conflict with the de strayer! Rut Palatet e entire =for hi. mouth, Mae, Up. per Lip, andiower Lid el the Right Eye hare been destroyed, hi. Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Bone carried away. Pied yet we can give o. description of his case. - Mr. B. not ennui us that in January lout, the whole interior of his mouth, as well am most of his far. was • mu of deep and painful ulcers! On the 14th ofJanuary last,he commenced Main, Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANh CEA, which chocked the disease in s lee days, a, rom that time the Cure has progreseed without in termission. New flesh has awned the place of the deep ul seri, and though badly 'disfigured, his face is sound, and bis general health is restored. • We are smeared that, to the treatment of Mr. Bosollp' pee, no Iderenriale,Ointmentn, or Caustic applestiow. havelteen used&-in fact, the PAN.% - LEA ALONE,baI wrought this wonderful change David Smith Becks county, Pa. ' Charles L. Rewind, Meadville, Crawford coi'a.. J%V done.. D Sniith,,!...;econd atiect, Pinta Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N .1. E W„Carr, 610 N Fourth, above Poplar st, N. L. S M'Cullesigh, Lancaster, P 2. Maddeck,36 North Eleventh st. Phila. C W Applethn, el D 46 South at. do • Timothy Caldwell, blanon co. Mincer.. Daniel Y e ager, Chesnut 1141, Phil.del plo a co. Pa. John Ilarned,3 , A) High street, William Steeling. M D, Camden, N. J. William Hale, 378 High st r eet, Phila. .1 H Potter, Manataeturer of Msuerat 'froth, 10. IS Ninth street, Phila. L'A Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat ,rnS 3,t street, du George %%' Mentz, Brush Maker, 311 Market St. Enee Carr, 169 Chesnut street, Phila. A El Gillette, Pastor al Eleventh Baptist Church, John Bell, Erie Street, Philadelphia, (North AMC, can office.i A2IOO Sand., 16t Cathanne 4reet. Phda Daniel. McGinley, kessler's Allen, di. Andrew Sweaton, Camden, N J. It 18 Evans, West Phila. Richard R. Young. Gilder. 4011 Market it Plota John W Ashland. 60 South rstath atroet. .1u 'l'l4 Wagner, Lithographer, 114 Chestnut street, do U J Keomtl, in Eleventh street. tia Peter Skye Sada E.l ' Jitor Native Eagle, do -Joel Bodine, ttrass utatitilactlacr, N.J.. Widisot Steely, Faimitooo, Vail Buren co. to 1. M 11, Girton, Mass. Russel Canfield, Phasiologist, Philadelphia. 'Phomas P S Ruby M U, Harriaborgli, Pa. Peter WrtghtslX Market street., Phila. Jam., W 153 Filbert .4. qt.. John Illand, 174 Space st. do WilliantUne, Pastor St. Paul'. NI K. Ch.( 'alhartne St. PUT', "Joht, Chaftibers, pastor let lndep. Church, IStua• st, do L Sanders, PObhsher of Pledge and Stsodard. ; PORTALILN BOAT LINE. F P Seller.. Editor Oboe it 1., oh, Doylestown; 1 s o 3 Bucks co, Pa. ; Wholesale and Seth by Rostand Wilton, 1t... i Folt riwiIte.NSPORTATION OF PRODUCE MEM:DAM/1141"M AND PROM NTT, prietors, 375 Market S i t. Philadelphia. E Seller-, 4,11 . 57 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm . 5.7 Mar. DU ROIL YIIII,ADI-3.1 . 111A AND bet st do.; E Perinea 51arietia, Ohio; eston ,r;T:; Sharp, Mysville, K v; w er ; t'lt, , no obioi Side Reeve., blatlizun tc;t slobte.Louo p Ville, 1:/•yerpock & Pelluus, St. Louts, 51,.6.4 :ram soy ,Dra hergr cot Alora7. Pll Metanaui, Tistcho4. Mimi Dudes,. Jul • address. or to I: A Men S. Co ewe Ficksiburgh,do: Charles J cnkins, Nes, orlem,, t;tanal If 2.1,1`.11.burg1. La, ocs . -.- , STORM ir. . . STANTON% lIXTICRNAL. RICal liflV. Ilavote a very large and cointnod;qun Avarrlnnl.. CALLeD ..-. ~r.- pr,pamd to reeevre O. addinett to 6..,01 tan.• ' •HUNT'S.LINIMENT • . oa.on.ent, :rope amonot of Yfoilace. &e, on Stoa,e ~, I lo* I ,i., 'own] . C A Sle,lLlSeury tc. Ts now universally nekhowledged to he the IN ; I t'ALLIBLE REMEDY for itllcausausti p, op t . I•ICKWORTILI &CO 'S LINE. nal Atlectious, Coutrattons of the hluseles, Se re I 7gl=,,,k a s 1 84 7 . TSroat and (Inlay, (swami/Id Ulcers. Eate. In the' tisyk lied beat, Ague in the Breast and F.MY ' 1, , Xer.t . ste a Lk' for the unospnrothou of WAV T,, or h A c h e. , 0r; i,.. , u r t o ,,,, s a l t yu,,,,,,,. ir,,,,„,. : us Elteltdrr t..tween larburah. lit:braille, John.. • ei.,4 , pia,, r,, i 3 ,,,, ~,i , N,,,,.. 0 . D .....„.. . morn, ilto eats with. Watt, Stet . .. i . t00.000,11 a.al ; Ttle TitiumrHANT succEt,s .h,rh h.... ';;;;=':;, r.. - ::, _ ae vrarelloone nn , 1 IleAntah leleAted the n4:ifiliC &Lon or ti.,, moat won w . :Kvi. , L j ,k.i, I, ' it..t.o ' ,el: evr ‘ ry day, la zeept ~:nd' a s • 1 an ' d . ME,OlttlNLin goring the most severe rants ill the • th.recr.. as .• a :o • :'sr , t, na oe hne.ton the I , R..." , r . ; ddfneent Me, ee abolte named,—and the 1111;11 I ... ,, ... 1 . 00, e. , ' , 1 a i" 1. .. ,, ~" k:NCONIII:IIS tat Lae hewn hi-stowed upon n,' Th • Loot v..... , a , n - . 1 tor the ' al ,, eial areononoda , ..t. wherever sl 11. been Int r oduced. pees me 1,1. n,e,/,t , , ee 2 , ~,,...,.. 51 1 0 lbe proprietors trot:crow c to call on tl:e ,AIELIC rgu to rt,B,iri. at once to ``' r ` 4 '•'".' ' e "" 0 , 0 .,." .. ,.." °, ' the ONLY IIBMEL)1"11IAT C.l NBE KELIE:O ' I t o, A pitti.ut ttliitr "-" MIiIN MILLER ON. ItA Al. it 11l t I VESA SI F ROBERT Wts ius ,rrrhe faculty unite in rernmetenoig the eels- .115 t LL OUtO ated katelso Remedy. Mot'. I. ntuent t,.t The iollow.tan letter troth L,;; htghly anent t It it : AN A 5 Johntat.. a COMs ANBI.Ci a. i'o. l'attabargh ) Physktiens who have been attached to the M ount i !Mei it [Nu lA. Bleasaid Stets preen for many years, if the best j ,' , 1 ., ,1e1 , w•nt, John hitter, Ruten ?more, lisalci ersdence of the vitae nt 44 celebrated Lmoneat. t Star: Sum, Dm:tuna 1;.5, ne.s. ; ' .." I r. . " ..0 . . lath My Cfcar Sir—l received your note of yesthida l.t lili ERIE AND RICIIIRAN LINE. ) asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment ,: ••• ..&. :. 7' rt 1 8.47 ., 4.ge: . . 4 as prepared by Mr George E :Salton. fillowill i '4 , '.' 4 • iu epanpn.ntiun, and harteg Irequently osed it. 1 , , 1 , Ille too 1,,,10 com,Eme.:o( A enothnet• Lek , I'd..- .. renonttnr.nd It 1 , . ytol as a a.tft. , En ,ti Rrtn, I 1 , 0 11; , ea, r;::., na , . ~t... • t• , er a ;. ay, an d in nay opiotpn, the beat Liniment nun t r . 0 , 4 i, , ...r ~., 1, , .4 , 1 .” 1 p.....,,, Co,. M.lO rta11....1g 101 over,, It,,rer and Pr.. na.l....nn,r,n ;: n tw..a was. Ye rY truly sad rospectlully tours, Ah: MOFENiAIk. COO Remits Line ore eantbont Propeilera and 1. tlr, , • on th e I..ak ex. avail pr. pared a;.:1 the earl,. open. Col hare Van Vortlandt. Croton Manor. /11g 01 Natant: on to ears Erenht and I . nagengers to i fully Concur in the nlnne opinion. ' *lt pants on the /Lyer. Canal and Lakes W N BELCHER. 11ne.on ' ' fned , ii ear eonve . pna rwaht nod pot. yeimeoves, J 4 ,4 14 , 1816, .eaten wilii p.o.uptoa, aro! dtspaleb, tita..po., -, fteu” .50—In reply le your letter, I would say that I •.., •=... ..p ., .... -0 ,, .. ~. ...1., , frirnee and have tined your External Remedy, called tiuht..• . ..' l''''' .. " n ' T ' d /. L h"r.`: r. " . ."' L' el Rat:EMI-AP _rrop,tor ', Liniment, id my practice Once you made me tie BEElve. I'AIIKS &Co. Ilene, ne , quuinted with it. comps:lion. and unhaitatingly . 10.i\ A MaCtilllT. Pin.tora co' say that I believe It to be the best Eaternal iteme Co, .Zotothar.i , toil Water •0. 0,1004.10 00 ii......0,p dy now in use for the complalnts I r whtch you re exam lion., commend it. Yours twspeetlultr, BEND 1) :BILLER. Id. I) Geo E kitudon.Eart. Among the ma.4l of wurthlese articles and humbuts that are pouted forth it the pr...coGl day upon the coentry it is really refreshing to Lod something of real practical aunty, something &no pie, speedy and ellectual In its onerahon, and rt the same tame tree from thou, injuniiits dicets which generally attend powerful remedies. Muni. pmpared by Geo: E :mango°, of Slog Sing, thoughft has den bet a short time before the public, has already obtained the cuntidence, riot only of our most wealthy sod selluential ettis,os. but one moat eminent plqamtans. All acknon I. edge it to be a autereign baler for man) of the ills that flea a heir to,aoothing the aching ion and ifs genuine stoptilhting influence, banishing d,a ease from the system. Mr. .Stantou—Sir—,S. eine your adscritscuient of Hunt'. Liniment, I eras induced to try its effects on my suo; who - bad been crippled with a lame tact front to talent; and it is wilt) gratitude I bear its wonderful !mating properftec Sty child, who is now lire ytnri Id age. is note tar a 1 . .1,r wily of recovery, • Yours, , DF:MMuYi I: NICKERSON. Posl,OrfiCll,ToWnls eta, l'illnais to, I certify 'that I am personall) acquaint/41 wah the above named ch id. and think the lather would be life to .yiug that Ins ant is &linnet %sell. JA, W UV Deputy M ce MEM I NOtliti Alan 'Awe that I have been 1,,, a number of yeaaa nuktect to frequent otnrk. n 1 11.. Rheumatism, which in many instancea prevented my attending to my buvine.. or three split, nations of the Liniment invariably remove ell a.. feelings of the kind. I:tenses of iM.es and Sleet, LOCI LILILLICIOWI LO mention, has in tlor vicinity itto7od aportain reined.. It. value too only be estimated by thy. who pare r .wro it lair trial. This Liniment is told at 1,5 and 50 recital per hot• tle, by all the Principal Druggiste m,d Moral, inn throughout the country. Whoksak Age, nle in New York. • IHOADLkY, PIVELPS & t:o. 141 Ware, KU - SH'iON & Co, lit! ..roadway. &If & D SA rit)S, corner Fniton and Willt4n ASPINWALL,'Or William street. Ordeis whiner:TO to me at Sing Stag, N nisi, be Offended to. cpxotcE ST ‘NTON, rnimrs,m, For sale io Pittsburgh by I. n 4 KIDD Ar. Co. Allegheny City,JOONI Birmingham, JOHN SMITH. ilk Too, Posh u'a culnyoulid t. 2.1. act t -A , I 11 PARILLA. Wonder ani 111-.. hie of the a ,Je . his Extract pm op to quart boar e- etc estr. cheaper. pleasanter and Warranted sup nor o sold. Ileums wahoht vomiting, purett.7, t.ekenit J. or debilitating too pattetit• Thegreat twenty and super,or tie of charter. OlFer all other rented...,. while it eninote• L..e. it Me eteors:es the body. it is used sor,vnitty I. the rallNltral and permanent cure of tall dis , etwo .• lilt I from an sinpare mate of the Wood. Or es b.l at th •vit le.M• rem. 'Lookout for Ibut.tinnsi—th prittem,c3 poroon• •,.••.. copied Der labels. and put up reedieter tt”he tam -1”. pad Sloe il,at nob bode ha. roc wo_urn 4 1:a tore of 8 Townietur For Bile by R E SELLERS, (tole 4 lie , ' y couuty,l, 37 Wood street, between end sun .a. OgY/gis ABLY YAIII.Y COX P4lllll. SIX I.EcTI.I3F-'s on the USES 01 THE LIJ Caere., PreveotiOit marl Cure of I :dement t on A* throe, and Ditreasiss of tt Heart. On the of Longeetty, and mode of preserving male at ce• Male health, Nylon:retry and beauty; el rotting r :dem and pore of thin dlsemcs then produce :onsautp.• tine, or shorten life,ss Afiaztron. of the Skin, netne, ,Steltutch, Bowel', Kidney., I..tver, houlula. Gravel, and Female Liomplaiste , Its mile,. nay, pran , taal and pore, nna a guide to yelled health and long lila. 4tl Rngrayingn, 324 pages. NI eta. Pootago 96 eta. 137 S4filllEL ti 11 ELI/ N FITCH, A. td., nt7o7 BOA I/.y;AY, AFAY YORK. Any person revelling filly cent . z, li f e e t ne , ' ,N d vill receive one tayplied. e tallmsrlailL. to n ne!P.'L No Pay I Pilot Piles t I DtiJac o ltacm's Eutbrocation i) utedirtat, that Ii ra this re ver y. ammo end troubOemne disease. It not only unmdtmeic alizi • ruin and oila. =am, Dope all bleeding,yebdoes t 41.101pr11111, at:fl int. bp, afectually came, in very, short nice p (3.118 Lead IIVo• bite been rendered nurcrible for years la a p Pl.GtiuA pre4ths Da pate. ha; lather an Recces. Lie end plesrent eeptiatiou /I • nitrates MAleted will call and hear of the great emelt.' of e,tto, Hamanr b ee n they twill Le amontshed. A gen nr hi. who had been under the knits. of the •Illiteati for moor trues times glamor bring cured. has by us ing bottles or the Embrwserunt• been aradically eared. It mils beyond preeedentl—{rhil. Saturday CourTr. M....F0r wale in Pittllnenth it be PEKIN TEA 81VRE,.74 Fourth greet, near wood, and alto at the. Deng Moro of II P Schwartz, Federal at Allegheny ei aintadAve :1. - Ire. ladies, a.woi.hosit • •Whea you know that DI eropmmived •-• A natant!, fife:like, snowy white, . That you will will nee soontan chalk, And look a deathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter and of talk. '.lf yea would trae a 'Lai of /ONE'S :Ally-white, it *veld give pave atm MI alabaster yet natural while, hoot at to. mane doe clear and improve it.' Sold at jAcgsows, Liberty IL Pvcc Y. 3 cen. par bor. ^9t.. SUIIAK7-IK , hada N. t.). Sugar, lamore and for sale J LO FYD • A Wi,STEQVIP.I.T, TRANSPORTATION -- LiNES Malt 1647; PEZNIIYLVASIA:CANAL - k. RAILROAD ItXPRISIS3 ran ri„eici-r. PITTSBURGH To IniCZA: Ain BALTIMORE. Excialsimly fur AustAiten. Tug public ate respectfully tofettUri that tbi,ollsins 1 ti commence runway on... Shout the Kith insiaut. and coolish, ll:rough*at the season. The prof:metan have now plated a sopertorelarA of Packets and Rail road Can on themw, with <Stu, arromnaridshons, *bleb will give rester comGint to travelers , A Packet float wilt altrari Ile in port, and the vise cling psiAic arr requested tit call and eternise them, prev , ous to ensured patrnge'cirescliete -PANE WILT NINE DOLLARS - - _ One of the Packets will (erre the lamhng, (opposite the United Sires Hotel., carper Penn *Met and the TiT. ' ; ' lrtA V For (olonnallun appte at he office Monongahela Dore. Water si reel, or totAirg:ll & orbit ear Penn street and Canal E9l`hltll - TRAI ePORTATION Ercdi 18 4 i• • D. LEECH tr. CO'S. OLD ESTABLOOIED TRANIO.ORTATION LINE, DErIVEDN ITITtOIUDGIL . POILADEI.POI n. Ii;LT/ MORE AND Nh:W YORK. Tl i dUe ' rVllVreta th altUar ' l ° . 70 ' „ " t ‘ trr14 ‘ . 117r h' :: which are in good owl,. "elle eul•pertber. arc prerw. red to forward o targe quantity of Alflell.dllC and Prod. , with eettandy and diepatch. Pwwluce or It.rehoodire cons:goad to 1,1111: of the un der-61w,, no forwarded tree of any charge tor cornrow won or 1111worage. I.l.ada,g transmitted and oil inatracuoft.pronartly lttt mini to The home.. a this Line is enodocted on rosetly SablosSl.reptne .. A II I.HhAJII :nstr4onre,oopg:ly Canal Un.tu—Patst.orgh II A RRIA &LERCll,Proprtrion, No I:lSouth Thud clreet.PhLtudelphi• JO!!. 'IrSVLOI4 Itr. SONS. Agent.. No 114 North Itoword street. Llnhonore W It WII.SUN, Agent„ Nal' West Karel. Nom York PliTtatUltlal PCRTADLEI3.IiNE. 1847- iiigiff!ffi_. the w,)'. 31,1 lite runArquent ttek t!fdrmy, tlntrne, aulAuuttou u( 3: CASH . ...71Nlarket ore, 1 . 11.44p11.). a TAAFVF: fr. O'CONNOR - - - Cot rout and Wu) tot SO, 1 . 111•1•111g11 O'CONNOR & Co, Nroth Street. Ualtintore & N Y. $ Eheouragml owtstomf lootrmss the Proprietor. La ve mltted to Mot 0.0 tool sltemled them tor ange I oat. -due Atg I wooer. tiod Ars LON prepared to tor. wool ire g %roll le).111•01) Mud dtepatett unsurpass..l 10 Ott solo, tote The.r long 01"0tence 111) canter-, superiority of 11. rooattle Boot S, slem. nod the grro caparits told ranven.nucr at the 0 lit houses of each end 01 the ,Ilite.arr pr:ultat calcola• e.I to sualtle the prop/hoots _ their etmagerstoto. mol accommodate Otto. eti..1111.1,—e.)1/ M ll s •1 te 4. 11 1 1). , 0 , .., the pasta t. guaranty tor, Me lutate. sPecttall , solo, a motontomer 11.4.1 patomage they non gratefully ttet.numledge eotoognitertm to Rua& & 01` .... :am will be tetAl lormardmi Sleamtval chargcs plod tod !idle m I.adlng tran-ruiord tree of any charge for Cononmsodt, advancurg Or •torags (liming no otterest .I.tecti) indterctly to stcont.ots. the interest of the consignors most nertsmols he their primal y °Wert ato smptiom me.t thry pledge themselves to forwpol all 00041. eottrogord . than promplls and ott dm most odv.atto goom terms to Mr mallet*. March I 1 , 47 mar, • "rt.ti Trr• Wheeler& Cu. Nesi , Vork ,to Day., BuffCu N Patt• & Ck vr!..A JA. A A rm.Noitg & Cu. Drtrud NlrClu're k Wtlltkoo, Milurauk, Cr1.t. , 1 A Purim Cllicago lV to row , r, Porrernown:Crut. Cen Mschelin,re. Evat.,glt, John Ale 4,0,u1. Ilumcown, In tr'tet & Acker, l•recnvall?. In Crag & Friorspin.s. do Ilay• I'M. ,aarpstourgh. Pa W C Nlu•nn, Shavan, W Cu .u.3.lo.etti . %eve t'ort'e. d" 1.15 RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 15-17. ARAM@ T;;;!-.1:/111q-VIAnVi 1 1 1 11110nanytt d of catr+lttj herd 10 1131+ laoj J. Km3+l3lolol I.tne. now o+ll Ynnwa 1,1 O t/01.10ton to onwecaentry. 63.+ are not unplard oo I 00,1100 1311 transh,Fiment or ocra I,oollolg aa.e3l The Roan are of 13gto drauglo i“.l form tar', tiql• 0.01.1 a tevrn .1411 3 Tu , rapaooy of tour Watrhou•ro 00. 0 3 0 0 10110 000 11010 •to 0003tgrantios 1.3 tout Here ronj.ttortot, 10.31 advuorra itrr of tharjett Ik oj 1303,03tr.1 to 00+103 5.31.0 l'n+.l3ll ta, .pry silly .0316,1 30130j 1 01, 31 • 01 0,0 1 , 10 Flout. Itaton.l,•ol Iluitet. l l,4 o+, W. 31, F04000+,10,1.0130, 00•10. lor tale. Olt 0-140•13 Auk +.Oll +••• 1,03310 sod tolitt usual 110111110, •truntral, plo3lgtog outt vtwo 33 11,11 Ear rtortmed u• thull hi; a • toinpliy +.0333001 .3.01 upon 103 Imo 10010 , at. by +lO othur /too , . J Nl+ Mer. 1 11)1.11:N Canal Hutto, l'at+turgh 1.1 DAVIS I`a+ '2ll/ and 251 Market +I. 1 . 101k,14 J. R. DICKNY, - f tOCWARDING h .00,1131158101 MERCHANT, Evil gums P nt and Bridgewater, AAAAAA CutIIPITT, PC., • Propticlot Ind Ar , nl of •tt.tmeTs, riairkiti2 ILA.KiL ERIE M%D 31 ICIIIOA N. • Until urrvrr.t•' VErt•IIIIIIN AID WILL be p.epariti on earl.. ape oilig of canal V V irllloll rerelee propert E y et tits .heat. ..t or ttt Yran..pum, for .sirreonot onlnto Etrien,op. ewe, C ur, and Ottio tlnnale; Int all p , Prts . otel.gl, Et le end oppor I Jac , . Re el., to 11.KWAIrES prwltsce, ke .by Prolix I.provernents Apply to or otldree s JAS rl!e1:11.W. PllllBBURfill & dLEVPI,ANU 1.1\F.. .4iggig, 18 4 6. KUM 11 Clarke. I Ileopm T. In elimond kco CL'RKE & CO., forwarding A ICularals•lon Merchants, LIFLA VER. PA •Viir. Arcing and jLonnetortt of tine Line tau (tient / tatty linown to the pahltzloaill be prepurett 0 4-.0 earllein opening of Canal nnelitatton . l4 rrca•e prop eny at Pat•lturan and nearer , or.tl deliver the alma at any point on the Ono canal., and .11P0 on Lake, F:ne and Michigan, with the greoteat delpatch and' at rt... "*ale me* the proprietor.a( tip. tole elicit. twolnea. id their former euxkonwir. with ..confidence, knowing thattheir hmil.ne• am ...fond to hone. Apply U, or nyldryo ;11 lIARTICV, Put , ore. CLARKE & Co. Bearer. , ILICIIMOND *Ce ^.land. TO r~v 11E lloaren's r./ , /table rat Company being dA. „ o i,,d. ‘ b. ,ny ague went or arbelei of Co- ' partner.hip under t e name of the "Mennen'. Lin. , ' sod Itkewtse agreed to refit the Stock .0.. to have • numDer of Ikons flr the purpo. of currying goods th tough in fo o enght days, with certainty—and feel en r era by the liberality of Iwo year'. patron age, in make Inure OXIGIOnne arrangement. for Itir en suing year. kV/. would tberelore re.peetfully wheat • cumbr ance of our ose we have forme do r patroniLbu.inas. nd rta.efer all new eucustomersto thr ailaMi l 1 84 7. DOVTdIi*XI§ . I.INICt Fog the transportation of ALL Kraus or is Litt-sant/18t. TO MOP LAWS I.IOLOOILLPIIOi, C4TlllOnn.. New Vona, ono llotroa SAMUEL WIGIITMAN & Co, Corner lobetty mitre. suit Canal Bantu Pombuigh I A I. GERHART /a Ca,: No lIAS Plat kesstreet, Pletladelpitin_ ELDER, UELS FUN A Co. Agent.,l Llallimore, FERENCES PITTSUURUII—JA I ' MeGgy. (ten. Morgan & Co. W McCully A Co. II A Sampson* Cu. hi Co. PIIILAISELPIII Pattet.on &Co, lisyruid. McFarland & Cu. Illetone & Cosby. pets, Wr,got A' Sou. JUS.pliato.dratsPh NEW VORA --sdoodra a. Co, lleo Perry & Co BURTON—Recd) Nord 'i.e. CI Mit NCINNATI—.* Cteagh, W W ricarbor. Vl'. PLEASANT. VA—l' A Muer,. NAISIIVII.LE—F Fleming Non—All merehirbse from New 'York and Ilisvon, consigoed to AI. Gerhart A Co, phllndelphia, w-dl Lc premplly p ara aardedtp of tors...nn (.145 EE re C t i t a l aelsAls. fIIE Canal being now open. Ihe Wyo . F:Spiwinwluet 14n4' In. e. co of valuable ck/we of e. bank note., S rjewelr, Re , nom. Ileondor. Mont 11 be el wp.nehr4 (Any min, Package IC MUM inier;biii tut tun Inerebandtse, open ineocuil running ow A n d we runiling rex Apply in rattail RANSPORTATION . LINES.-- REGULAR 'MORNING t'ACRET FOR BRAVER. • The new 1104)1.111rnaid meaner , . GE A YELL, , Capt.CLarlev lIIA,P, CLM.l.llerf ll< t regular 'rips toi• day. leas leg Pita barer at 9 oiehrel. n. n ,me Beaver al 2 o'cloea, r n.,- connecting math rdrabureh and Cleveland lane of Cad nal' Boer. daily to Cleveland, Cr i Beaver, Warren and Cleland !doe of Coral Packets and Silage Coaches dady to Wid.reit arid Cievelanit Canal Packet 1.121. r ID New Cantle and r.rcenville. Pa: Bire Extecorion Line sin to 'Meadville J Erie Neil. Moore & CV* Linos of race Coaches or Clevelanil and IA owner. leave Bea ver dad) on he arrival of 'scandal. Beaver front 1 . :L.6.1.0 A .ply a, ri M RAWSON & Co, Parabargh CLARKS: & Co. Deaver friEffka/ 1847 THY 11,.•115TLVANI% /11.1, 01110 CUIALt, UErWEEN PI rrrqa , Rtill :NM) CLEVELAND. E N PARES & Co. Cleveland, 0 ). IL 13 PARES, B•tn yet. Pa 1 Proprietor. T ;BATHER, Pttodeurati, It ) rpii E above Ltoe et now fatty prepared tp transportl. Emirlo andPasaengers trout Penaburgh and land, to any µnt on the Pennety loanea & oltio and Otuo Canal , Tan taetlitief of t.atd Ijne are not equalled by amen ale! Cana!, in nutnhe tee and ea,tetett) nape.- ..ace eat Coepta/. and pruntotteeze. ol Agent.. & et. thn• Boat ~,,, . Pdtsbue ale and Cleveland thtl). run. ition /II Collllre.ll Ilk the Steamert.. Nliehtran und Lake Er:, bt.tween Pill.llrx 0 and Beaver, and a Liao vi firm elute, oicataataß, Propel tem Brtgt , seed t‘ehnoner, Lal,en Urn,r. Baron, Ni. chitran andthitarto Proporß forwarded to any porn of the Union With despatch N PAR BSA Co, Cleveltmd, Ague REED. PAR ES & Co, Beaver, Attu, 11" P MATHER. Pittsburgh, Water and Smithfield street.. SUMMER ARRANUEMEETS. 1547. . . PION ONO A lIEL A 11.01.1 TE, VIA BROWNSVILLE AND iIt:MBEIV.AND TO liAl Timm*: AND 11111.ADEL1.111A =l= ' Tour to BoOlolelittint lOnlyrl hl,lra tqagto,g.l rr111F . :vt i 1 . t:T .. 1t: ,.. 11 , 11 .„ nt .: r , i r t , n , ol h l . l¢ ,. :lo e tt o t n. r . i :I;ida to kl.ts ul. loin doutdo dady Iripa. Otte boat WO/ ICAVV Monoriga• belt. whorl ova, ttttt onto, ntral,ly tit n o'clock.— Bna.annet, In tit • omong Into to Baltimore nezi even tog mume ter the Blotastelpinn Matt Boul, or Itta/1 Rood 0411144 Tlto •-vristtiw , thott will leave tlm whirl dad, at 4..c10rk, ext. I Sunday. Boattrogcr ha it, loon toll .so lott.l to coinfortditte Plate room.; loos, 'Boanos•attle auxi oamitog nib tdrlock, rtot• 1111111111441111 1111111 tort, -up and lodge l'unt• Boland. Tht” asotota, tocto 111,141 oltuguilter The ,11.14.1D1111111.4t, 1414111 e 11144 11111114, 111111111(1 C 0,11114134011 r 0111 , 4•41, 1411 tha,.l..Appolitiltrot. ur dela, a will lot Ott know, x. ni• Varrotteera 1.1.1 •141111 1141 the hall and reautor floor ai ph, rue. BO hurt - clorer of R4lll itLl4l.l or Swanton. Itotweer Button... nod l'lolutielphia Cad" ettnrtotrd to narto tto trarrt 4144 r dear ',rote %our rt Ot• datt e Iloounanholalltoure to ait Oho Ora J SIBSKINIBN ÜbIi.VIV.I.AND • In. WARREN• 1847.• . .11 , 1101 , 11 g, 10ACKE1 Bow. Sl , O. U. 1,1 Trr.Kraial lewer Iten• yr, dad,' at la erat r, air r arraral thr aaaratar ILoar . trora 1,11.1arrIal.:111 I rat.v r :a Wurt.ri OlDt • art are .Ical L... seinal 111 to rn nl.l Thar mat. are arraa c,,rral.l or, rya rartakararra 11.. CUI4L k I.F.FFINI.W ELI. AV uvnu l'arrer ItEED.J'AItIiS rt l'o Arrra, JIIIIN A l'AI:0:111i.:.romer Ills t St. irpray aro ,Irratarg:ort , l'ar.larrgh PITTSBURGH AND GREENVILLE 16 '71 17. • ik,:kys ritEnotr I.IN al he chi Ihdp w I aur,tw •rit*on Waver and I. wh I the Iwo po whll lrc c.rwaiwwol, „„„ V. WIC A A CHAV.A. HANIPTON, Clov,ovtitv. • Alt-FA aI.AND A KIM, lit, ilertd. • lIA `. rIA'3II4 4 1 NI A I.A N Al AI 111•:W”, H 1•3,1/, VA IIK , A Co. Vert.. P. loiCts Al• t1;1•111:1 vt.r , ter %V.., .IStlt 11./. , 11 7,1,, 1AN..., Om Alt..ttng V. - " • CIitZEiiiPORTAIILE fowl. LIMP Ma= 18-17 . .. z .: 4 " 715 74- ALI KIND. In= SIFT. lIANI.I , F: To AND I'IO Philadelphia, Bahl...Drs. New York add Ba.top., eneouragetupot ih. It:, I, n,cet.,l . s twin et:remelt , . tndut eat The propr Lon, to t,cro..ne the sr , c V,. I, v n.ber nl fi rldin b• at.; of 1.1,112 receipts a. here tore 44 .4;euta.4.4e our OWL recepts .toped by thrrby prrycntagll.lUl4, f• 'tom In,ptat I.4ndlttiv, , on-the route, ich Irut r,,vord try it. Captain utto ,: thro it; n, ,urti a •utrinient golf ;'%utre tlut thre run e. a 0 to u delay "Ei th ,, route. Mrrrtlanuter •-,,L7nrd to thc unde.r.ped N,LII to: lerv,rdc‘l Frair. 01 (0 t 1 1tt(PIO? nor - tdvnncing and for"rinling. and t br• Dtitprod w,t!visit at V, lowest rate. o ht .•r pu 11, %lAA Al:kill:II& Co 1'.1,t1 l'ill.burgh I It U. & Ag , I , MIL, Agent IL , . Wharll Baltimore. .Q 47 A,NU - , TO TUE EAST BA MONONGAHELA ROUTE, VIA [IIIO%VA,VILLE A. CI lI:MA[I..IND r i'll V. Len/1, 14 4 ,1, 1 am two, fir -pared lo no ward pro. I. 'lure. k' 4.3 14c . Ea , n Nl.kr. dur.ng tl.r tng 1!$1. dit.ll .ou. too,. privv<Tir 011 4 ,11 fit lorwrirled At to . ctg TU VIIIEAST DALT!" E AND II 111 II AII.III) A U. at Ow Ittl.ttsat ts. I et• r it.. ion it.. V.... FR KII.LI I I.IIn nun ~“....o. wl-I,,rn n i zsan 4, to boy, Fn . .. Ilrtet. Pnnloce, &c.. 610.40110 IL. ',WI' 11 - 0111,1 , 111 1 ,1 V tile Witi 111,..1111G1i.ai1 , I.nlony., nun owl, .. ntinonl , meat- I.y rnlling on in, al• I linvo • Vont ionnotg sraul.o/ I, treiNne'l l'ano.u/gl, land nn..inen,:lie. 1:1:11. 11 stiurfAim:lwiix, y .44 3,...nn1nAl Aecni, SI Vl"nonr .1 THE:Sic:out.. II A R1.1 , -11 rep oned Rod refitted ,n Itoptdoonte ot) Pe mid ;pow at ape Monougahrla whar. A• she to no:stored the Is well oPlop ed for carry PnC ight nod papporogroo. or for tuortier, oh lino g.tral caphoity and 1/IlINel A lIV proton ilespont. d putchnee win of rotas , oni.ent her I al.° prom, a tense. furoar or morel ror• son/ Woris, owl u onto alelpern) oun , PusPheo- hobo. thy oder vent oplvoniugeo ) r.so foronsh the looser. either no oak. or dixrier .rtn"rw, Now “NII N " oun •leo have oh Ns, termsant. nail twu Inumn, sps. n ili a ,n,pes,' fp vipers A... mode for' full d oper A n r amt .111.011 oft he ds. lento hnient potovar.l l'elsotpo d ponnsed to 11.,03: .0111. Mo. 111 reference to 11, pe r may colplrroo roe at op ,tunreo 134114,11 4. ,orent.l . ntsonrolt.or ut II adepo. nen, Spinhoorroloq , en j. .es. In lAA lIID TUE TII ISV AiEN 110 \ gle vial ploa.).,ng wmtder..—Hrn,l the 14,1,m,. (mu. rl. Rev :4. %Valet/rill, V. 1../ "I I.ll,erly •1 11 E I!,, , ,harrh. March t+ Mr E from a +wt., tn duty, ll+ well w a++ ide.r.ure.lhat I hear re• ir...0c.). 10 Ihe vtr nf )0 or ,Es•I) reSlaM4-41 Veraniseg. ..... are. , rinerbutt, and gave it tath++ , 04 to, • lohlten. who had he ttt ( 0 , w +,+k• wan *even tstrf+ tald, the nes.; (cur, and the )00tmeng cleaner. inool4 , '"The pete+rd hay—. wrm, the secnd ond lisav +even, th.rd con•aleral.le Illllloi/Cf chstitictl) reeolleord. Sineqeheo Siry hay.c Well. anti are 00-Ar 10 goad Lralth Voar• S \‘'WVI(I/I[l.ll Trott the Ile v. S U Babcock, of thellctho.h.l.:pinn p.B Church. Ir. It F. , 4 enct, w with groai pleanwe I woo!, otfoon you of the good etfero produced on toy ron, four 'nut.. of age, ,our celrlorated Alto F. loavoth cot, ut0,0,0, I Kaye Lon throe dew, wilco he pooled on billlo.l oleo:doable nutoLor, ino Willth {lint 111. KCll,llllllle Oda ha. Leers SF. BA rico". From Lt. Ile v Cherie,. CookO, of the Mention. Ipt. ni,hl„ Church l'itt.lourgh, Dem:doer 14 41.45, Mr. 11. 11 Seller:: I gave It Intie daughter Ibetw, three nod for years n 1.9 three do•c• of )our Virruitugi geentdnig to prc.triptinnrwob rLc Lnppl.n- The weaker of worrniitipt.lled - 1 do net know no eet.,l ly. log 11 wag large. :The is now in riAseiv,ion of env braph I think the medicatei) he confided ,n wl great uare•ervedgiets C Cools As iloseritoiuge 1.14 itevrr l.rro known to fail in • n V y hau l worm. itcota rateto.d, patents Wok! rive' it to pi rent,. to all oiltr,a l'ffooletrund .old l'y It. SEI.14:11:1, between ral CO. on Wood 'tree, rny 5..11. by Dr. ena•el, Fifth Wiwi' . owl COALH MAKING. Fit(rat the very liberal encrinnav hethe subscriber has received once he has faceted himself in Allegheny, %gaol. hom !minced bier to take A lease. (or a . helm of years. on the property hero" , veupree, In Benue, street, immediately betide ilia Presbyterian Church. From the long eaperie nee In me olove business and a ilcsire tiv please, he hopes to mer it rind receive a !Mare of public patronage. Now on hand and finishing to order, w hoe open arid tap Buggies, and every n description ol Mayes wide to order from seeenly.five dollar. to light hunarrd. .11 , 11 N sown, I 1111Ati 41 MAAS& Via moor ving Gleam, orlolo, Forms, or Marks (hen. Cloilies, Woollerr, Carpets, ree., he.. bud rendering sp..n where it,is applied clear, lit,rbr. new. rind rporle.s. Fold with full directions. Price oFuld by WS! J A43;• , . l.rher ir. ,le er, Boot. Wend, al Ins Boot and owe, oar. jag 1.E1A211 h co: e‘l3ll a soci ear al COTTON MS.- 'STAR COTTON MIL L, INearthe Upper Bridge, AJleghtcy Cap I T" Cotton E proprildas of the Star Coon Factory f CAM , . - fully itsonsu tt,e pal,lie thattheY Arelvvs. ful operation. Havana etoplojed the services of 0. IV Barnes.. Manager, who has had as eApenenen of IS years in the onneipal tattoo. of Allegheny Coy. they would tnfann Metehuns and Deniers to general that eley swill always have oo hand antlerio slf •rs of all Nos s flatungs, Warps. and HMS. M u st... of sorrilor make. YOUtiTLY A tln N. 8.--OrderS len atthe Mill. or at 11.0 stole of My. or., Hunter &Co., If& Liberty street. seal pronspol attepdcd us. Atettlist3m N V A.Co EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBURGH. NIANUF I ACtURE (SIMON YARN. CandlonWlek, Betting, Twine Coverlet YARN, CA HUEY CHAIN, IV ARP4. de . 4 RlNt.i, PENtiOcKk Co (Rateeemors of A,huekles &Avery.) jung Proptietots PENN COTTON MILL. PIITSIIMIGH, PA. above eetablichment being now in enceestfal operation. we are manufacturing. eery eXtensteeiy. on eniele . of heavy Sheeting', well adapted to the retail tritilc. which for beauty and quality .1111171 t be excelled by any oilier make to the eaaatry. The alto on of patchy,. icisolicited to an examination. ir EN NEI.t!llt!.l:a&ro 'MEDICAL. . - CHRlZ.;Tir_ , s‘ ..._,, -., ---.. .-, --- T , 0 0 0 , 110 , • , ...... ' ...7 , 1111: • A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE FOR AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. "Who though the MY. tzar not be exploited, Solve their ore July oncentained, Let not delucon. presltne, or pride, Ittluee rnonktud to set the means wide; Mean. whielt. Om' ample, are by Heaven deorgnM To annotate the ills of human Irtuho DR. CIIRISTIEti GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG— NETIC FLUID. rr lIIS ter/lurk - able Invent on. which has received the unicersul approbation of the medical profession m Great Britaiti.cotethrtaes an entirely new &pone...hot 01 tthlvaitism, as • remedial agent. hymn*na of which the 111,11116ty Galvanic Batteries, Electric , and Magnetic Ma chines. he . use entirely &avenged with, and the layme n...wet at Gutman.. applied wnhout aay of the objection which are ii.eparuble from the general mode now use. The strong doors. and irregular interval, in . which Colrain, is applied by the filachme., b. been pruisonnved, sitter it Pitt mid demential triad, to be deralally injariaa% and it was to rentedythis Bethnal de. thrt that this tit,'" applartnionwas projected, which, 3i. ter ithrenoing state preresCreStinCe. 1101. been brought it• Worm state al rll,llOO '('i.e (taken' , Etats unswcr al , the purposes fif the moat expensive Ma. clime% mid la 11.1.1 y miter reln.e. are Mere safe and rerthin accomplishing the desired effect. The Galt-arta. King. used I,ollneetion with the drag nsair r011tillen11) recuaanesuled in all ditr, Jeri arhkA arise from an cafaeldad Do amis.., stare of nerroa,,ar rad spoon, rout these complainta are 'toning the most pastind and universal to which we ate They u WllllOlll exception, from one sn plecause —n derangement of the Nerve. SyMent— and it Wlll I/1 lkienr raw. that other 'remedies' baying rt een failed. a new agent was greatly needed, which tt is confidently helteved, has been tau, sired i.t.tous appitration of Galvanise]. The Galvanic litlnKs have been used with enbre suc cess in all rases of Rnacatarast, &cote 03 ChM.. ap. plying to Ow head. fa. or limb.; Gaut. T.e.Dolann., Tormlathe, Bronchi.. Irwrigra.Nemouter SUS Hasid.ie, indigestion, Paralysis, Patty, Spacpsy, Fat, Cramp, Patna.. of Me Hat, Apopleo, Sad a qf Spied Corny:tan.. Lassbaga, Ninontgia, Nervosa 2Va• nave. Maxine. Of the Hmd, ra i n in Oa elaal and Side, kfir.raty of Norman. and Physical En. erg, and all NERVOLTs DISORIO.:11S. In cwten of e.,,,firmed i r op e psia. winch to simply nervous de ealigenient ea the digestive organs,the y have.. found equally successful liter exti.rdinary *berm upon we system roan Vllllo.l.ed 10 he loclieced. and ear • 00 010111 °sermonic for the preceding complaints they are equally recommended. The Rings axe of different 0110,1, Lame made of all"airea..4 of VglsOill Orna mvitial miner., and can be worn by die anew delicate ternale wallow the stockmen theonvonience. In 1.4 the ....anon ai rather Artemide than otherwise, The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets Bands, Garter's Neeklaceis &c. In soar rascal:4a sere severe charaelahand along ...tending the power applied by the Galante Rings inat sufficient in /11,151 the progre. of disease and ultimately moo, health. The improved modification in the Galvanic Belt. Bracelets, he.. entirely are die. this objection, any degree of power that Is renal. red cllt readily he obtained, and no comp:aim which the thyme:nous agent of Galvanism can effect will fail to be perritaneutlj relined. These ankles are wilt, le4 arm.. wan., Latha armies. or toy pan 01 the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Neal.. are used walla:eater benefit in eases 01 Bronchi. or affections of the throat ge.nerally; oleo In e ases of Nemo,. Deafness, and with almost uniterna •twee.. A• preventive for Apoplexy, Emlepite Fits, mi d Similar complaints Christie'' Magnetic Fluid wcd,n connection with the Galvanic Rings and el; their motbEentions. Thu reneges..nn has b, eu pen nonneed by the FrenchChent sit to tonne of the mom no cl than d.,,,,ner of rundeni set rut, It ,• he her. ltr pa^ ..•• 11, r•en4.a.rp uuret of r•ndea , , d e • gatem.o ethers Wirth mean. roneentration of the ;ult.., as the' sem of &se aoe, thus giving amd and permanent w-lief. No other ,otopo..1:on in ehrinlstr knowinoproduce the same effect. or to impart. •ialilar property to the nervous sy.teiti.by tocanisof an out sear,' local Notification The sancta: Faint contain• nothing capable of the sligh_- eta outlay. its appltcatlon is lineable, and it to s o harmless 1.1 . acn as it is beneficial in its resat. F a it Int On• a,, , 1 direction. accompany i The • , ,ty ton, perfesd y hone ,• aa, pr.tre• within the reach an a win the 'a araveaq only wipes. a fair wthl a•nod •orpnwing etricarr ••:141 permanent hortefit Christie'. Galiunic Strengthening PIA,. ters arneles farm another valuable eroticu nn of We myster,o. Induenee 01 Galtranthin They ate tit .mporthnt athafith to the genuthe Galvanic Range and itie.r demon., aci ny main the same pt limn 'O. but haring the antra:nag- Mthorr local applic.on. they ere thinfaYitity rermamended as a valuable_ adds on in the speed, ar• U Rheriman•m. acute arch:noir% alt orto, eomplx.rtt., and in putitti re meanly Mr ol Pain arid Mainw in the Amstar Sack, Paso. In Mr Side.. .4ffaaans, and in Prosiness or Gyro. ncy Raaumary Cfrram In Spinal Complain. Jiro eto arc of the most decided ...to, and they haw e'atien been used Watt complete t. They •r , also of the greatest &drainage in Pruns and Weakness of ,tie Breast. and are highly recommended' for many 0/ those ,onthimaita In which bemires are especially liable.. As an e ffectual means fors rengthening the eyelet& when debilitated with direaft or olher ea.rin as a eel. aid in Co.tintuanal Wealth.. as • Preventive far toots. and all In affectmn• of the Cheat, generally Galvanic Strengthening Plaster vent be found or great end permanent adv.tmec. It a few words; it ...theatres all the virtues of die beet lonic preparation. %rah tlth ,triperiant addason of the galvanic influence, V(1,0 In ieither tinpitirett nor exhausted, while the.. non continues. These articles will be found entirely free from those °bleep°. which are 4onstant won, of carnal.. with the °arbitrary plasters in efuninon use,. CAUTION. 113 Thepeat eeletainy and coot., of them articles sed theca to he counterfeited by unpr,ncipleA: Perron. 'Io provtdeagainst impoaltionT Dr. Cuadraa has but one authorized agent in each eity of the Unit.. The only aaetii in Pittsburgh, W. W WILWON. CEIETIFICATES&TESTIAIONI L 9, ill the btit hest dud most revnectable character; ta re MM. steady received. regarding the extr.rthriary value and NUCI . CII 4 of the 0 1 .01 , e.alqie/et , 111 bettered that th' city' of Nen . rthit !,la e, upwards "of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during • POW le , • 'h.,, a year, have theth entirely r.a...a t - 111 - 011,i' disorder. some at which have completely bat .11/ former efforts of medical art. Indeed-many ul the (4,1 I,llm nuns of thi. oily, who diclpprOire tin Galva to and Magnetic Machin., constantly aeon 110 . 0 1 1 /131• [64watt On os their practice. Watt. the ea cepai to dm., who.., are prejtitliCed let give le n 111 r•J 111 , 110,11110 R b rece.ved wig:mono. favor wail , n nth ,Jllnll l ,nl ununurt the American Faculty It. Clii,sue ai all thnes any n.. 1 aad moot hippy ta y frethiy phy er all inthrested. test nog the truth of hie .sertian+ and the efficacy of li,• &scarcer Only agency id Pittsburgh, corner Ith and Market si sent Silly , 414 . , 1:IT• urcomp:l; for J 11101 V F:1.1.. FEECTI:ALLV nod •peedily cured by the wren the Great Remedy of Nature, AMERICAN. OIL It almost toiraitutously reduce. Iffgartunaion, and eon aequently is warranted in all CllOOO W leave no ream or or sr In the 11,h. Sold wholcaale and retail by WM. 4ACKSON, at hot Ikon and Shoe Store and Patrol Medicine Warehouse. ea Liberty an eel. heatlV Woad . Pillehurgh fetes del canto aud a l per bottle. IV Jaekron being ttot Evel,tee Agent for Western Pentotel van, npne genuine but what is land by HIM or HIS appotitted,Agent , SI It. A Pamphlet contnintog ample d.reetiona de. with .he names and addre, of the Vroprietor and Prin etpal Agent. la env loped with wrapper of eaMt 1 , 01(0 Ae or eminent, eon he actual the Store. febt:darn CIIOPIII.A AND SCROFULOUS SWELL INGS.—ScrotuIa in all its multiplied dorms whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements tht glands or bones, Uoitre, Wharf Ywelllegs, i :mon Ii heurnatiern, Cromer, disc:wee of the Stan or tiptne or of Pulmonary' Consumption, emanate from on and the IMMO rause, which is a poisonous prinerp r more or Ina. inherent In the human system. Ther Eire. unless this principle con he destroyed, no rad' cal cure can be °Heeled, but if the 'principle um; which the disease depends, is removed, a cur • MOO Or uecessily no output nor ti hat Imo the disease should manliest s. therefor i. Co reason why; J AVM'S ALTERATIVE. is so uti trustily successlul in removing so Many malignan 'diseases. It destroys the •iros or principle rena whir t those diseases hoed their origin, by enterin into the circulation, and with the blood is conveys td the onnUtert Rao, removing eeery p.thrle r thseare hum the system Prepared end sold at kr II South Third Street. Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, Nh. 75 Fourth etre@ Pittsburgh. mch3l. - - - (From me Spirit of the Tittles j A FACT WORTH KNOWING A gentlean of Scrofulo hohm from Indiscretion in los youn m ger days became us affected with Ulceration. of the Threat •od Kit e. and a disagreeable and iron-, blesninc erupbon of the Skin. Indeed, In. whole as,. tem Imre the marks of being ram wed with di.ease one band and wrist were so much greeted that he bad lust the me of die hand, every part beingrevered wilt deep. painful, and °lenitive Ulcer, , and were as h 0... low and porous as 4 honey-comb It was at this stage 01 his complaint.when death appeared inevitable. item Imillsomv d,aeaor, that he commeneed the Yee of JAN' NE'S ALTFRNATIVE, and having taken st. tern kitties, i• now perfectly cured. _Tim ALTERNATIVE opermrs throne) the circalas fromand purifies the Mood and eradicates disease from the .y .um, wherever located, and the n u m e ,ppg cure. it has performed in diseases of Skin, Cancer, Sittofitta, Goner, Litre Comphont, Dyspepsta, nod other Chreinic dower, Is truipalitOnishing. For tale in Pittsburgh or the Pekin Tea Store, Pllib street, near wood. sad .alra at rho Drug Store of 11 P Sc h wares, retired to Alle•beny city Dr. Methane's Worm Illpectglo THIS is 10 Gera) . that. by taking OM vial of Doctor al g ae. ets Worm Specific. a child of James Showts passed upwards of IV 'arorom, and by the use of .add medicine a staid of my own passed Marge worms.— li truly die most sijnlriatng worm medicine I ever omit. 1 must have two more vial. Wilkins Towoship For se's by J baDD 6. Co, No 60 Wood stresi, Pitts burgh. - orsh6o • iiiiit - Trolifc commendto 11.0 atiention of those desirous of restoring their hue or ...Manta its beauty, to this elegant prepsnatton hear it every where htghly spoken M, and eepeelaiir It) oil thump who have Made nee of it, on greatly eibeatuous ""... sk 1.m6 the growth of the hair, anti preventing nod coring many atleminua of Km in It, virtues are torte uud t,Vrinnlp prrlVPai—Pr Saw bur sale it% Patilturgli at the PKK m e nuA SIONE, TI roan'. a, nr • r Wong, one atth at ag :float us II P etchvetati, Kedetal to, Alleglicti) city. 4e4 - SARSAPARILLA: For tan reasestal. fad I ermattem can otall dise•sei , gr is r imtaka impweatate of the blood , 1 1 ertabs• of the awn. it.: C ir s 4ph.„.1../..,...rom,raliatrwass.Culstessous s or flo,olts et tAa Fan. Blarekra, Baer. Cles , sa% &Ws Pwa, liin'Werst or Take, cat s I lima, Raiargemost and pain stf Me Ant., i Shaten, V",Svphilirte Sir.jq....!lbtialto yr Le*. boo. anif Awn.aririagfrossan aigudiriaas.stss Ale/vary, Amasser Dwpry, Sart.. hajaas4Wssa sa Life. Abe, Chronic Cenrnsturnal Disaeden. TS timely administrationnas been alb:tided *.• I M a happiest resultsresults In many anomalous affeender s e.. chiefly intended to fill th e void tablet, wise between athartic and aperient medietnes; knee its_madvs Op- j roodj ia thet of an alterative directly —indirt - ctly, pro ring a tatting tonic to the et mem. It is highly concentrated tar convenience and posit- bility, conmining - undone 1.. the expressed euente, and is the rep. wentative of the Sarsaparilla Rath)* the sante manner as i tusne i.e.( Peruvian Ilarki or filorphum of Opthm. It an established, Meta that a few grains of either Quinine or Morphine cl'atains all the comeinal value of a large quvutity of the evade sabwances; haste the superiors) of those preparavoita —and no invalid would desire to drink a gallon miatare taken a half pint contained thel/Me medlntual value. The Sarsaparilla can he diluted when taken agreeable to the direction!, and made to suit the taste of the pa tient. The following t en:theme addressed to the Agent. at Chicago, furnishes conclusive ptoof of he great value In cues of Fever Sores. CIIICAG. all. :apt I:A.lslft, filessrs.SlelddaS & Recd—nett: In May, 1115,1 oh tamed at you, store a mule of standfs Sarsepaillli.aud. I was then confined to my' beef, Wish°. sleep fora Meek. occasioned by violent pain tram a regal to fever soreof longstanding, on my-right leg. Sly physicianeatlXived me In have the limb amputated, saying It was thebnly r.ealie likely to preserve guy life. After using half the bottle the Fain begin to ruin., and by the Ism I lied used nearly three brittlea, I wettable to transact my reg ular bu.tnew, and before 1 bad finished the lath bet Ile. !we sas well and sound as evert had been. I babe no bee..no tit saying that Sand's Sarsaparilla was the Me na/. under l'roVitlence, of saving my limb 'and I doubt not ety life. I must cheerfully recommend; It on the hest article errant for the parification of the blwail Tours, Mow respectfully, AIILLER The following, certificate in only another link in the great chain of tesliMany to no men.: Soo. Boxsok,Caneda Easa, April 18,10 0 . kle/Ms. Sands—lleallernen: Exposed at we are to the attacks - of dlMaxe, and so frequently 'ditmppeatited in imposed remedies, we cannot but look on the MIMI* of suceesslul pmentiturees with interest aid gratitude Thais is true respec,ing lour valuable prepansiiin of Samaport lit,. I have been sevetely elfin:led tor Tsltean with a distant. about which di/agte,'' add their prescription! were sun more direr-ev. 1 SOUR relnedits. but found no relief until I contort cad using your excellent medic lie, al which time 1101/0 when) confined lo my bed -Alter 'wing it a few month. I ion now able to want shunt I di/ WO, and ea:ay/dyads linkable degree of health, which I aunt... mitirgly to eow of !_.auds Saw:marina. Plea.. tires pt tor a s . meal. grutitade and regard jotiN tl NORIIIS r ls , ;: REV. 1 . N M AN • Facture Tx.rthosv,—The 1/1 3 mylng it an saran letnu a letter tdrelsed IrOal Rev. William tmluslotg llmwsinsix, Vt., Oct :11.1e43. Mawr., Sands: I havethcen alit mid with a Wiiere - pmn in my tide, or easiotteil by a diwaw.a.liver,.tbr tits. I rt. eis duly I mar , .ffersig t toes a but 1411klide cannot minvey, 1.1 %love taking )oui Sur.uparithi, have been greatly relievi-d.wi much sothat I Iniesilicen able to anent to my bunlnc+s. and preach okeadiallially Coelho last Gate. month.. I wholly disearited all Other medicine, and thoroughly tried the Sarsapariila. which I can recominold lit tit:Maud sincerity to all thow are In any way afflicted with any species of sic - random , complaints. There have been two.. rernartableware. effected by Its a... in Mi. vicinity. Mel. I..Shaw;b) the use of We bottles. with restated toletter him Ith than the Lad benne enjoyed for mu years, end Sire. IV. tie ,who had beenAcvercly Millen:it with the Eijsiti. clan, wet entirely cured by the tin, of a Few bottles Yours truly, WM. SIALESIIA For !unit er particulars and conclusive evidence of its eopetiot value nod efficacy. see pamphlets, which Mai be obtained of Agents grans, repared awl sod by A U. ft EfSandi..f.huggtsts, Puborrst, corner of William, New Voris. _ Sold also by L. WILCOX, Pittsburgh . , Har weal, Beaver, Wm. Watson, New Cattle, U. N. Rob. !ton. Brownsville: A. Crcigh, Wmllington; and by Drumst generally through!. tit United States. Pnee $1 per bottle—six bottles for LS. The üblic ale respectfully...qtMsted to remember Mat it i s Sand's:sarsaparilla Wald /eaux.o , lY asfitea - Mg sorb remark able cares of. the most difficult class of dire sses to which the human frame is sal/leen there fore ask for Satan/ Sawaparilla. and take no alkef. SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN., - 110.117N1S - /1-11101-10711D716 - NED If Al, ASK THE SUFFERER Iltolll ASTHMA whist has relieved him ;such • elm. time from his di!. Scotty of brwithitig, Cough sadsufroculiou? Ile willtell you it was "the Olosiouist, or All- Ifesliog Baliam." Ask Me consumptive what 1.0 alkiyed his Cougl4 meowed the ram ni his Side and Chest, - slacked his night ewitiis, mid placed the woe of hank up. his cheek! and _ he will tell you SHERI/lAN'S OLOSAONIAN, • ALL•HEALING BALSAM. • Ask your friends if they - know of mythitig that so epee dill curt a lung and tedsous Cough, Raising of Blood, Bros tlyipectie etinsutoption, Roarseum s, inductee, and dist... of :he Thowl, u the Olosaoniaa? ead they will till you—No. There never yet has been* remedy introduced to ?alit notice which has been productive of to much good in so short a space of time. Read the ganging Astonishing Cures: Wit. Bono, the relebytted Bono cracker Laker, Ikf ISa st I sac rut, Biuoklyni states tyzat his wife has Lent willimed with &Album for 30 year., muPcoolderui find per:usu. re- • lief from dm but medi cal advice which New Tuck soli Brooklyn could prodoce, leas ioduced to try this gnat resse dy She is now nearly well His daughter alto was suffer , log from the same disease, tried it, and was also cured by it. Mrs Bond is mow 'so well that she is able to direfrom her bed mot in the morning and attend killer usual dont, through the day without any anyoyance from Ler distr../ =My. Hen., Justine, 17th street, 000 r the Catholic Cernetry, came to the store for the purse of obtaining bottle of the Olosomoisin, having been alikted wit. the Afthinalor more then 30 years and ITU I. islumoad on hii",arried Rat Li could not spe ak. Ile purchased elsnlir tad rods ha:Me-- Four days afterward he sidled from hid residence to the of • without fang., • distance °rover two the wonderful relief which he had upi.eicoced bola swing. about one half of one bottle. • Consumption of the Leinp.. Mr. Coorrior, 35 White street, Ina as low in the Month f Dexembq Wt. Out he was given op by his phyrienat. His friends entertained no hope of Lis mummy. Flo wag persua ded to try the Olamonian, an& lais 'surprise it has re 4r restomd him to heal th that he is now able to walk about the Arum , Mrs Aware. the wife offilp H. Allree,J•mes Harman, Wand Geo. W. Hap, Bar ean all haw testimony from eer own septet c:we of the healing properties of Rh Great Remedy in Consumption of the Lungs. • Splttlasyr Blood. Mr. Twoustorthut, 3:B Monroe strut, who had been troubled for s geed length of time be a nun seayb, and raised ilia:intim of blood, war relieved by mac bottle of the ° l ' 7= n" at.tl7ll.:s'i t te lb. rate r : L et ' ,. " r" reo T t&e.77 M' dm same complaint, although - he was very much_ reduced when he comm.:wed taking it, having been under the my of his physician dormg the put winter. Although he moth [0..11110, nu very much Mudded with eight sweets, bunk, of the remedy ,enalsktt hiniqo retort, to be Bast-. work. Ile vv. erlievrd. • -. tool. Ilsvocuolo, Laight stem ,. w. W. Butnett,• ginneely of Newark, N. J., Hums Lisle . 199 Airington sweet, and numerous other rervous - hase been e1•ye•11 , 4.1 pervavorolly cured of the same emendaint by this rune y. The Array or which could he praduonl of person oho have mod "ow_ grij, -rtinidY'VouLl. more Rao All a'oolunan. Among the randier - are permiteed refer to A. M. Untie:ger, Borcliy Mr. WILD of lloboker Mrs. Bell of bleirristown, ..14 r Jaws Il Devoe. lOilleaae st.; M'Calfne,so Albonvv .1.; Smith, Ann., Sin Wm IL Ailment ibis City, mad Mn Architiod,3s White st • • gold wholemle sad retail by We Jackson, at his Banal alesheine•Wurehouse and Boot and Shoe Blurt, No ID Lilac... lreel, hesettlf. Wood slut, Filtsbagh (rice ier but • GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Cough Colds, asthma, and Consumption:' MIIE GREAT -CND ONY 011 X RESIEDV he Coble, bawd Dr. Mean. nfEngland, and mandated isne the lanDed States unde r the immediate sumahnend-• snoe of tilt Inventor. TI. extnuanitriery enemas Cif this medicine, in the care of Pulmonary diseases, 'warming the American Agent so/kiting Mr treatment the WORST POS. CELE CASES that can be hand in the communtlyi rams that seek relief In rain train tiny of the commit, remedies of the day. and . rare been given up by the mart distingaished Phi-salami as CONFIRMED ANT lIRMILABLE. The Hungarian itaimm has clued, and will ewe, the MOST DESPERATE'OP CASES. It is go quack nostrum. but a stiodatd English triedkine, of gnomeand estebtished wheal-v. Every tunny In the United Smite Mould be stip With IlinetmtPs Hungarian lialmuned Life, out only•da - , eaustMened the consumptive tendencies of the climate. I MAW ba usedßS preVentive medicine In all came at Culds, /its, Spitting of Mood. Pain in the Side and Damn. IMMO. and Sineneva of the Lang.. 0..114 DiMoulty Erealtdng. 'nestle Freer. rilel FAWOW. : Emaciation and General Debility, Asthma, Influenza. Ilottplag Co end Croup. IS Bad In tar , a II per bottle, with PM Here. Roam ihr the restoration at Health. Pemphiets.containtng a mass of English and Ameri can cmailamiles, and other evidence, aliowlfig the tar equalled merits or Great Emilleh Fterned/Ortay rdt atned of the Agents, gratuitously. DAVID P. DRADLER, pale Agent gar the Untied States, ll L l: v Dtai r t taa• ww...0. A i.T...t . X01t6 Second area, Pnadelphia. deota Fut vale by It A PAIINESPOCK te. Co. earner of wood and front sweet. L— llaaCiaa—niTurlN-7.-Piareal Mud ere the Who' often not aware how frig-bunny injurious. is to the skin! bow coarse. how rough, how sallow and unhaalitly the eitin arta.. tater using prepared chalk! Liceirics , it i:. injurious, coma:Moen Int aetrums lity O f lead. We have prepared hticaitilful viiretabte article. which we call . JONES'S'SPANISII LILY W MTV. i l is perfectly innocent. treingmariGed of an deleterious qualities; and it impane to the akin • none ral, healthy, alaintater. cleat, living al it! time unit, acting ae emanate on the skirt, making it eon and month. Dr. James AttoCl7ol, Practical Chemist of Mame chumussaym "A net unelyeing Jones's Spain - eh lath White.' find it prmamarm the snood beautiful and !tato- MI, al We /Me lime al/meant wine I !Te filar. I certainly can consetennowty tecommcnd its tree mail whose Min requires beautifying" • IF4,.:lrbf"WgnrarioN, at Ins Dam' and Shoe Some. St Liberty meet, bead at Woad, at the Mgt. of 0.1- Me /toot ida ithituati.s votraiiktraUP—.lf . olteuld ne he and made Ill!OVan to the public." Tint was the expreamon of an old man alto tried the Syrup P1TT730.11, February I, lea 'Mr. Moment—Tine may certify the 'being mattered with a tranhicsome - cougb ratan lira!, 1 hough) a bottle a t Montana Cough•Syrop: and gm happy to my, alter mg it, nor e1:4104e malady :urea. I pronoUnce y nur pin Syrup the heat medicine I have eget used_ Pid Manly elated be without ai.rvalnabl e nasidi6ne. DAVID NIJHOHERTS, Allegheny City Irr•Tisie medicine is prepared wholesale and triad at the Dreg Store of • JCIIIN D lIORCAN Vitood Elect, one door below Diamond Allity Prieriga rents lier hettie• I f e w T JRISII 11AIIt 'DIM—Far arenna nearly dyeing Idsht. Red or Gray' flair a Dare grown or Glaek color. dyeing leourine the akin. ' Sold wins fell elm none Nita SO year, or 1111 a Ironic. • 1.1 Wlkl. 1 ACK St , N. Lt. Patem 11. tlic IVstebutow, w I.Apetty attreh head otAVh.d, at the of Oat 14 Loot. -~.. • -lIIII..t , UXIIIIIATIOS --. I hIEDICATT43:. LOZENGES, 'RN° POOR NAN'S L • . . . '. DR, LL SIIERIte NJ.. a0c0....0 o'.oi )mask. Ow, - . oo.“. oo %hos down. vat Ilk, is rcodaty mail mew le. i4 tat lc are simile i aeon" ark by at L...... rs• Pol otTask Paste on the heck of rack 1i....., ...... 'met Ball or Dint:ham 1010 . - _ .. SHERMAN'S COUCH LCEZENGE.S. L . - e Learn. are the safee, ani Ma mud effectml rem• .4 1 ....ghh .d.h r.......4.....,"h0.1aw , ..0., ~ ore, tighten* of the /mane cheataw, de. The purer,. ' bury koowa an imam when they did sot gut psi bre ruisfaction. Se m! themend bons have Men MI aria. i . iite We year, myna Ml:math rims b. aye en i) mc of ounstanuon,"ead am laboring min the mow d warms • fad, and mg:4. They do ws maii red dry up the autot, to ender ii airy, promote mpsekosteas, idly Um team s ur letson, end . rm. , the proem., or wailin g mime.-= - 'try are made from • tombitwOon of • am Temkin sem t r, not, or met malicines, atel ere utedoebtaliy earn., ea Way Main me for 0190.1%2111phi1d., Nimilnele aro - .:Reds °feuMW have been oared of Mr mental , te tra, from those oho ben Mayne from ea mtmaii,,,,,,,, and Mead to :.epee health by magi Om. Where Me . mock pain M the breast areide, eat of Sher wee. Poor Nees Mean (price 00/7 1.1" amyl sh o w it. er Ned over the fart, and mu tilt relined. If attewin welt mama, a few cathartic ce Main limes, `,,, ~,,, wild embank =dieing, should be used cw amen MUIR, i . SHERRIAN'S WORM LOZENGES • The., worm Range. ban bon paired la me Mt 1,400 , Nil cure to be infellitde; the rely men meat dram., 1 medwon tat du biota dianam arises Goas a urn laud occasion long awl beton saying, end nen dean, with oat their ever Mg suspected: growl permare inn Win yilierd with them, and are doctored fur 1,11.10. eantreints , without any Merit; who:hope dry of then Lamm. woo" speedily ma than. • • ' Sea porsuef morns.—rains in Mt Jobe* or liter, DIN. sin broith,picking al the oar, grindiog of lir Wen china, aleepdoed at ticampilmseabout the lipe,with dueled Min bleediugel the met,emaiwing setwalian et the sormalt,ll44.- mof Mt over the mare at the body, slight chills re esit .ring, Inmelecht, Myna., vertigo,. tar., ' , Seethed dresses, madden ataling in sleep, with (nes end areiretieg, wartime* • tronlikame rough, inerielesese, tbireptillitt law, fits, Imd taste in the mouth, dills-ell brtalliag, tam iit lite stoma or booth, fatigue, nausn, meatonlem, eati oleos appetite, Icennese, blamed sumach or limb., Oreg. MIMI juin. et Moos fell of lb. body, • .me of .. y Mita rwmg in the thomt, ethnic GM. awe loran. night, • frmatat run to pea amnia, franttr boweb, awl war time*. discharges Yellen and mow ._,.....puERMAX'S CASIPIIOIL LOZENGES. • Fry gil haraediat e re li ef in ItiellOW or itick headache. pelpitatit. l'i the heart, lowness of the spirits, despuwinn, ,fetimunatorp,or putrid son throat, bowel or mart cm, rent, litionnoopremisiou or • awe of sinking of der , Mee, abatis, slam, my of the Noinar.h or booth, 19 steriell effecter., and ell nervous Comm, drovnieme through the day, and: walmfulans through lite oighli Mina u, Mal, ma morbus, diarrhom, Mind. or •me of fatigue. ?et travels% or weeding her partial, will falli the Limn ,. evilly mei:egg to ll narnag the buorusn'of 'oath; wed__ slier :Mir ..., wi mon the tom of the memos pal yell', an demure the unpkaant symptoms meta mu wo Gee living, Person. who bete been tat high lain, and abandoned their dinirted habil., will Gad Mt Images id. mire& toomen of the 1.11.13. SIIER.IIkPi '8 POOH. , MAN'S •PLASTER. The Leit - stenigneeingplester is Me weal, aml• eareeeign ego, 1. , nowt or setanem in the .. coiai, side, owl, tions,ptiate, ritemaliwa, lumber, R Stritue millien a icy wilier& supply the Monad. 1 ticy maim 'link inns- ' tug base appbeetma. Wyman] earner to allot bers,mti fur one mime the and price, Meng out may the terst, but the Chente plaster in Mt worLL It alga& relief in a feer Imes, and snakes Writhing eases. In liver eampinio 1 and drpiptiai it Mould be worn over the arm of the leveraretuensch, end it will aford re - 4istut astouisltiog relict la coughs, colds, asthma, daintily of breathing, uppetssin of the cheat of warns Owl wiil isi romitately both and greatly benefit dr piney moos of-- sedentary Mils, ashen. obliged to Mil much, will freehe ,deified saran Rom an of kale stretigthenierg Pty. Ur. rhyllClZMlgtoreally recommend 1111122,ut prekrrims to al uthers,benace they stie-k or adhere bette,andadoed great lief: In llicir operation, they ar ebullient, tuoie mal mayor. They are cm reed of meetly dillicetu Mg:edi ctal tram aerially, end known from the terrine. co mi I lions who ham teed theat, as well as the ungell if•lidill of all the celebrated end dheingulehed elagy aod physic, to he the most mefulead highly medicated plata. physician, &gent periom hate naffed II lb. imbues. It tn.. , their eurprmind linuake, et dr alma miraculous sores Mess . pLid[l2 Me firmed. • Dimly* fir me are - oit the beck °teach Flyer, with a Er tiMile of Dr. Sherman num. It in insporteet)uu dyed always an kr Shermeals Poor AWN • Ptaistrormil on let :t u "Tltl in ter . ''' worhe n imitithesr:l 50uaa71...11.,.. s fluters, by mpriMipied dale, ,L. I Sod :OM* and rebut. by W. JACKSON at hi. Pain Medicine Waselonse, No, Eli, Liberty me, d ll—Oly.ip a G. BIG BOOT. _ ' RS' DESERVEDLYD CR: ELEBORAETES D CIIRONi— THERRIEL , EIEDICINFAS. •ONSASTIIiti of his Prophylactic Syrup, • nor lain remedy for all Caimgorms. and I•crofu lou. ailectionr, Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup. Con centrated estract of Saraaparilla, decidedly superior to all other extracts having ghat. rekeL when all others have failed, bales throuah a new promos more concentrated then - any other niter. . altered to the public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR ; having efkated port:mom mites of that stubborn . disease, when of more than Pi•years o boding, hence it stands without a rival in that much dgeaded disease. Dr. Core's LINIMENT , for all essn of weak ness or pain, and a complete substitute fOr blisters. Dr Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, an isisilibia cure for cbiln saf fevers, and indeed is more of a specific for fevers of all kinds than bask or qui nine. • Dr. Rose's INCOMPARABLE VERM It UGE, hereknowd. is used in preference to ant other Vermifuge_p_reparation: Dr. Rose's lONIC ANTI-DIsPEYTIC, for 6lh diseases of the Stomach and bowels, . Ch.lers row fectione, die Too high as encemium conaot be Ipassed clothe merits of this medicine, in cure of ispepsis, sad all diseases that result from weak ness offsstomien el bed digestion: Dr. Rose's FENIALE I ILI S,. most. valuable remedyler those general compla ints to which fe males ere subject. ,s Dr. Rose's TONIC ALTERATIVE PILLS—__ ,No pill ever before offered the public so happily cemomes the_ qualities id a raluame niedieine,se an 'anti-dispeptie, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct. rig those diseases, and thereby, ,preventing'cons eumption. - A young Lady "16" years of ago, baring 'adiseased liver for some time, _ her strength pros. tinted sad appetite gone, was completely restored In sts weeks by the use of the Ano-dispeptie mlt toeesod these pills alone. - Dr. Rose's CHRONO-THERMEL STRk.NOTH ENINU` PLASTER, for weakness of the back,eide, breast, dm. Dr. klime's SPECIFIC EP I LEPSY,the most ens. tel. :remedy for all teen of fits or convulsions, whetberin Intut. or &dolt. So certain a specific m it for this formidable diminie that the most obi etiolate cum, and those too of long staoding, have yielded at once. Dr.ftmes RHEUMATIC MIXTURE -Aftermany cyears of diligent research this compound was discov ered, lend ii. never failing efficac_y place. its efficiency ai abovel others for Mc co re of nneurtiatime. Dr. Rose's ASTRINGENT COMPOUND. a certain remedy for spitting 'blood, indeed for discharges of blood whetherfromLongs,howels or other parts of the Dr y . • Dr. Romes twat!? Mr Cholera and Dowel complaints --This mixture will effectually tore bowel complaints,. r Dysemerhasoleia Martine, and Cholera. •At Me rime :the Astute Cholera was raging in Philadelphia Dimas , found to be the most eueceseful in arresting it, erolog nine ninths of all those who used it. • - - • - IVbei may be said of one of these remedies way hr said of all; their: value will only be appreciated lie Mow who try them... Letters form those Wile bate been eared of the various maladies that alnico the broom tiodj might be given, bit w are twined to rest the matter on the merits of the co e mpounds. We hue a Fineries for Pientfula, in Its various datime.wi roudrused and <identities that its healing power has'estonished many: A tamer Coneer,occurring in the-wife of the late Governor of Delaware.lias completely eared in n few months. The caster ben been twice ten oat by pnitnittent Pintoes. and renewed'ilmlf with increased mat:teeth, yet notwithstanding the debility of Constitu tion itingiennelflor the son parts, the use of the of d PhY/aetie completely rtroosed i _esery vestige the sease.. Caws innumerable niche. various mars that Dive . 7 followed the ale of their remedies m sew e i oar sins, hut it is not deemed necessary to cnsmere Mesa asthe ascot them will ice... mend them to all.. . J. tia IUONDAKEIry & Cos, Na 01 •Wesul,..l Imet Agents for Pittsburgh I I - sallii , I.iii.llos4 ---- sal'olLiftifiitiG - 017iiiiii - ; -- A ERY—Alllessini,! AAI frock tl. A Wedded ! ' —To cure Etoptions and Disagu temente of tha Cato, Piwplrs. Fieekles, Sunburn, Pall Rheum. Sew rYt Sow ' Heads, &e., /W. - 1 • Four lens ago last 'August, the capital of France was astonished in eonseintenee oft discovery made by tut Dolma Chemrst. Many doubted—lt seemed almost_ en impossibility that anything made by thet sof man. could have sorb singular powets as that e aimed by AntoniatVesprini for 10.,s invention. Many Jawed hint end his it:MC.I4OO •I!• humbug, (and. slas,l many foolish ponces 1•••OUS Eying do she seam vr,l at letteM, piles testing it in din hospiyals, the aisut ales. .ind rim of Pane (the best chemists In the wortu)delivered the following repoty to IsignoiNesprttsit • YtWattave now Mal otely end caiefully raemined the singular Invention of Vesprini. We hive analysed its component parts—we have used is lowe vet al eases,and we hesitate not to pronounce it (the Dalton tlientical :tenni as a great blessing, and a truly wonder ftt sente• dr for any emu:woos eruption or eltoftgartawn of tite skin. Its 111VentOr we consider true &Allan ropist of suffering mankind. . _ • t.i. 11. (Signed) 1 -- LEOI OLD. DUPE , President" ' . READ 7111:j :- From the inventor himself to thit reit,. Yropri/Ww. sits. Nov. 4, YEW hs consideration of the, rum of 14,0011. I have Meals . . teed to !dr. /cum, reaidingin the city of New 'att. IN. A., the whole maces!, of utanufamentm, lob tber with ISMlltelnelil at the logrednottatcomrotosa toy ml n Chemical Soap. Ile is to manatacto re, tt lor-oae m the United :Mit{ only, and to have the povtlega Oto• mina it -Jtineel Italian Chemical Map. r Hemp J. lloldtwordt. Innettern ANTONIA Vll 4. PIO (A50:.01d by W JACKSON, at pia Patent Netthetne a‘ehoiiee, - Efr Liberty ,street, head of .1% nod, at tie aim, a the Dia Root. j 26 Ilia only. plane in Plnaberes where the GENICIN coo ebouned. All others me CaanterfrA • • PITTSBURGH GAZE_TTE, rUBLISOED DAILY, TRI•WOOKLY k WEEKL.Y At As Gs B oior Poo RATILje nCr.ir -AD One insertion of 15,10 res or len - SO LO Two insertion. without siterntioui 075, Three One Week " " • \ • ...... W Too Weeks ," ... ... . . 50 Three " ..... s_t o . _ ' oOe :4onth, ; T a m • " .... 6'oo Three " • " ..... 760 Tr Longer advertisement. rs 11•011e'ropoNti011: Ona sqoare,6 mantis, without altemtioo,..., 10 00 "- _ 12.." . • " 44 \ 15 CO L'ach additionaal square for 6 month. 500 ". " . " 12 " 10 00 One square ,6 months, renewable at pl.siure 15 CO " " 12 " 4 , ' 93 00 Each additional nave for 12 month. 1000 Two aquares,6 months re'vrableat ple.unrei 30 CM) Each additional aquare;6 months, 11 00 WIZILLT Oa 411-1111.1.11.17 111 DAILT One Koare.3 insertions, $1 50 " 4. each addition.' inserti 37 Five lines or IVO, one year. 6 00 " n• 0 sit months 500 one year, daily & weekly, 10 " sin months 0 " 00; ADYZILTIWINitiII IN V • For 'A/ — liom, or leis, One insertion, ' tab 0 • ~ at • T wo. .4 0 '75 Three, I 00 Three months, ... ..3 50 Sin • it 6 00 . • . ". Twelve " 10 OD Emit advertisements to be chartmdhy the algae. solda diaconal orls per mot to be given where the amount of advertising exceeds 50 dollars per y_ ear. • 110112 MAS towns, rive linen or lw, One year. . Nis otootbs,',
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