• „••, mother, took, on so when I GM her good:bye, though I told her 1. - wouldn't , slay over a p fortnight,,that I had a great .-;rnind_to after : but .I ;lid told , all the 'folks I was, going to _ 'Boston, and had promised to bring Nancy I new, tiomb;....ao I stuck to my resolu tion and jogged on. When I began to feel hollow, I pulled. out some of mo 'ther's dough-nuts; rind ktpfon eating till • I lad eat a whole poiketful, so I didn't want any dinner that day. t went on without stopping only once to get a drink of eider till a good piece after dark. Then I didn't find a tavern, handy, so I thought I would stop and inquire. 1 - knocked at a house where thete wan a bright light. "Walk in," said the man of the house, in a voice rather cross I thought. "How far is it to a tavern ?" said I. "Take a chair," said he. "I han't got time to sit, I've got a lit ' tie belated, I believe-1 just want to know hi:4 far it is to a tavern." "Where ye going ?" "To Boston." "What are you going to Boston for ?" ."Why—going for a number of things. I guess-'tart worth while to go into particulars." "Which way did you come from ?" "Why," says I. and then I sat down because I got tired of standing "I've come from the north-east about a day's walk." "Thais away towards Popersquash. Do you know Deacon Job Smilres, who lives there ?" ~ "No I don't, but I've often heard tell of him.—How far did you stay it was to at tavern ?" .r "You don't know Deacon Squires then; I sold him a yoke of steers the other day—maybe you're seen 'em—the 'nigh one was brindle, the off one pretty ,near Itilack, with a white face." "No, I han't, and I don't want to," says I, for I began to get a little riled because he wouldn't tell me how far it was to a tavern. "It's getting late and I must go on to a tavern--did you say it was about a mile ?" "No, I didn't say anything about it." "Well, I hope you won't, I was just a going to say, but I thought it Would be saucy, and I never Was saucy to an old man. "Won't-you stay all night," says he. "No, I believe I'll go to a tavern." "You shldl be welcome if you'll stay." Then the old lady, who had set still all the time darning stockings, looked up and said, "You can stay as well as not." "Pull off your great coat," said the old man. "Zeb (Zeb was a great boy that sat on the dye-tub in the corner) hapg up his coat and hat, and you get some supper, Hannah." "Lain% hungry," says I. "for l'a , e eat two pocketfuls of dough-nuts since I not out this morning." - "Never mind, must eat if ire ain't him grY.." So Hannah (that was his .daughter) stirred round, and hung on the tea ket tle, and fried some ham, and warmed a mince pie, and got supper ready in a hurry. "We've been to supper once," said the old man, •'but swe'll keep you Company." So they all sat down, and before we got up we had made a pretty good hole in the victuals, and got pretty well acquainted. • • • When bedtime come, the old man said, "we always pray before ae go to bed, we hope you'll join us." "Certainly," 'said So we moved a little further back from the fire, and Hannah set the candle on the table by her father, and got the Bible, and he read a chapter, and we all kneeled down, and be.prayed for us all, and es pecially "the stranger that tarrieth with - us for the night"—and he prayed so like be felt what he said, and was used to it, that 'I had like to cried. When he had done, we all grit up, and sat down, and were still for a minute and said nothing. Then be took a candle and gave it to me, and said; "Ypu'll sleep right over bead here ; you tiny blow out the light when you get to bed. We ire stirring 'Piero pretty early in the morning. I guess you won't want to get up as early as we do, considering your long walk to-day." "When I'm home," says. I, "there are not Many roosters that tern out earlier than I do, and I mean to get on a.pretty good atrech towards Bos on afore sunrise to•morrow." So I aid them good night and went to bed and got asleep fore I knew it—the first thing I knew was somebody working at the door, which started me a little at first before I thought where I watt: then Zeb came in and set down a 144 "Want you to get uptooreakfast," says he. "Breakfast han't ready !" "Been ready half au hour, only mo ther hated to wake you up." "Tell 'em I'm coming." So I dressed in a hurry and went down and out to the pump - and washed, and after we had a short prayer, we had a first rate break fast. the time we were &Me' it be gan to grow light. "Now I must be off, and I shall remember you all, a good "Stop when you come back and tell us what you saw, for I guess you are going to see Boston more than anything else." FOATI , SIX DAYS IN THE ICE.—Capi Allen, of the ship 'Albion, from Green. ock for Quebec, thus describes his ad-, ventures in the ice last April and May, in-a letter in the Montreal Herald of he 9th most: °To my great murtification we again fell in with the ice'above cape Ray, and on the 26th, the wind corning round from the SSW. we got stuck fast—the Belle ' isle and Erromanga both in company We were dragged by the ice along the coast of - Newfoundland, nearly as far as' the Straits of Belleiale, and remained fast, driven about by every wind, until L-the 24th of Mat, when a gale of south wind having loosened the ice, we got out into clear water, after having been detained in it 46 days. The Erromanga got away on the 15th, and the Belleisle on the 19th. We were frozen into aso lid field, and during all the time we were in the ice there never was a break near us. The ice turned us twice round the compass.and for twenty-eight days there never was a man at our wheel. The ship was no fast bound that the rudder would not move. We made three at tempts at cutting out, and you may con ceive how thick- the Ice was, when I mention that, after all hands had been at work for three entire days, they only managed to cut seven feet. The weath er was so cold I was afraid they would all be laid up, as they were.wet all the time, and we were at length compelled to abandon the work in despair. I can not accuse myself of any bad manage meet in getting into the ice, as every thing was done for the best, god when the wind came from the S. W. on the 26th of April, we were in the heavy swell within ball a mile of clear water, and if we had accomplished that, half mile, we would have been through all ,the ice, as two men who came on board of. us from a sealing schooner the day after, told us they had come from Byron Island, and.saw no ice till they came to the field they were fast in. I hope to get to Quebec tamorrow, and will pro ceed to Montreal without delay." - t,WVMMMENTS • - iii " FarA - Kl A U ArACTILIALYT, MGR fIOAD, above, Buttraemood Street; Phil.: 1.110 adeiplila. At Uusestablishment maybetfoand the Mated 'ninety ennui and beautiful Patterns for IRON lLAlLltaflt, in toe-bolted Sirius; to which the attreinin ul throe in want col try duCriii• lion Anil especially for Cemeteries, is particular', inded. • • Tbe principal part ol all the handsome Railings at Level Hill, Monument, and other celebrated rtimetenes in tbe city and county ol Philadelphia, which have been no highly extolled by the public press, were executed at this manufactory.. A Doge WareNDOoo3 is connected with the estab liahment, where I. kept Constantly on hood 4 large stock of ready-made Iron Railing.. Ornatdental tran Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and ornamen tal Iron (late., with an extensive assortment of trot Peat*, Pedestals; Iron Arbors, to: Alan, in great satiety, Wrought and Cad.lronOmasoeita,auttabie for Railing. and other purposes. The sulaweriber would also state that in bia Pat tern and Designing Department he has employed some of the best talent in the cottatry;whose whole attention in clewed to the boaineas—,fdpoing alto. gether One Of the most complete sad systematic es. tablishown of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood Street- Philndelphie4 March IS.. 1841 dditior CIIICAP ATCHICS. • • - eIIEAPLItIT GOLD ANIISILVER AV ATINi I KS IN I•HILANELMUTA . . Gotd Levers: full Jewelled, INS to Liver do do 2 - .1 Ito Gold I.epines Jewelled, 31,1•00 Bdver do do IX 1..0 Salier quartiers, fine quality, lo to Gold Vl.' atebes. plat., 13 Ott Sitver Spector+, 17A Gold Pencils. 2 Ott Gold Bracelets. ' 4IX • • Alro.on band, a large a..ortment BoW Ind Bale Bracelet., finger rings, bre a.t pots, hoop en floe. cold pen., Silver eyoons, *agar tone..tlerablee r Kohl "ek; curb and Ilyb chat., guanl keys and jewe lry of enemy desertfraon, Cl equally low better. All I avant i. • rail to contract. tu.tomera. All kinds or Watches rind Clorks reputed and war ranted to keep good tine for one year, old gold and sil ver bop& or taken in exchange. For safe. eight day and thirty hour brass Cloekso at LEWIS LADE/MUD' Watch, Clock, and Jewelry :ante. do 41.31 Itl•rke street, above Eleventh. North side, Philadelphia. 117 I have sainelsotil and :silver Levers still Cheaper than the above prices. jOl g N /LSE T TIEN PATENT El ititc2}iterios STEAM HAMMER. • frai n l . hfrer ng pazgs h eL , My m a e ti o n n U e lte.• over al • . Its tilanugaablesimus—The rapid:thy and (ince of blow may be controlled with the greatest ease. while the bloomer I. in operation, and the • hammei may be la. twiny armted. and suspended at any height. Its U menial:tr. or capacity to execute work of all kinds, from the laigert in the •mnllest, u•der the same hammer. Its hstandicity. Compactor.. and Cheioniss. - It. Amesmbility upon •Il sides, b. the Workmen All the hammers are made nelAActing. . • The subscribers continue to elector orders for she hammers.or edam., upon rensonable tern.. For Anther partieula., mature of ALEHRICK &TOWNE, Amineee of the Patera for the United Slams, troth-IT Southwark Foundry, Pdatliad'a. . DERRY do NICKERSOIi,• E=MI2TIONI . . AWNINGS, BACKING BOTTOMS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS or ALL DESCRWTIONS No. 304 South LY-oat S ttttt Back of T. A. Wilson's Cabinet Ware Manley PHILADELPHIA. A LL orders left with S. S. Moon. at the offiee of the A Slerehant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, will , tie pro.pay attended to. THUS. 0. DERRY . A. C. POICICERSON TO iiIiktibIINAK.IGELS And DidALICILLS. J. LADOMUS, IMPORTER of Watches. Watchmaker's Tools, and Watch Materials, ortuatemle and reubt.and eon. aunty an band a large a..runrirt of Lunette, Palma, and Plain Wass. Mainsprings. Verges. Dials, Watch Rands, arid • complete amortment of all Tools and Ala terial• belonging to the trod-; swim assortment a large assoment of Gold and :Myer Lever. Lend,. and 1'1.,n Watab e s. all of which he umll guaranty to Agit at the 'ogre. SPVI York pm... All orders from the country punctually execamd. • N. —Country Merchants and otbc.+ arr invaed call and clamant., al the Uld Stand, No South Fourth ,:xtteet. Philadelphia . 'ant: am CARIVIAGIC.S. WILLIAM ODLE, COA CH 4ND 'HARNESS NAKED, 9 , 11 Chesnut st PAiDutelphia, tate of the Gros .f title it 9attANIV.. , • Watroo. respectfully iaLnaos his 4 ...Is nad the public, that be has mud •d 1 keep rnaistaatly or. hand and Gar ule, lumina. assortment of tautly Nehmkaof all axle, li/A descriptions made to onler slur shortest possible Isollre, Aral mewed he very he moue', of selected material fetaZt-ly MISCELLANEOUS. AGK (: % FOIL PATENTb, Wathington, D. C. ROBIIINP, Mechanical Engineer and Agent tor procuring Patent, will prepare the nc c .... it Drawing• and Papers far Applicant. for Pat ent, and trannact allewher 'Amoco% to the line of In. mot, itaion at the "Patent Offire. Ile ens be consulted on all queanotw relating to the Pa..t haunt aml der, I the Untted State. or Enron, Pe .na donative dceirou. of bonnie xannino.ona made atJhe P neat p,nt to tin/. tie appLcmion for a in sas, torwurd hotn pant. rilvitn., •Noof fi doll., SI Cif,' MAIlC111(1. thrz w Lien 1131=ediute non will be /riven to it. and all the Infiytotation that could Le ohm/nett by a visit of the applwant In person' promptly communicated. All letters on Lowness meet de post paid. and rontaln • suitable fee. where a written opinion is required. r Klee on F. street, opposite the Patent (Kee II e hue the boner of reterrine, Inn nennis , ioo. to lion. Edmund Burke, Cortunt,,ioner of p o w ou , Ilan. 11 I. Ellevennh la, do di., II Knoarlr, Slaehier-1 • Odin, Judge Cranen, Wa.l Boa II Choate, Ms, I' tO s e nate, lion. W Allen. Ohio.' Bon.) El Bowl, AI C, Iltssouru lion. Wlllis Ball , riow York; lion. Robert Smith, Al C, i Hon. 8 Breese, VI !tents, Boa: J II Belle, AI C:Slissour); Capt. II Al Shreve. Missouri; Emote Brook., Esq.. PtttaLurgh. . milk IMEIIIIIIAIPSTITITE - PASTE 4 .1.1131111 t, _ . . rrlIE best article known for eteming md whitening 1 the Teeth, suengthemsw the emu., sweetening the breath. Arc. It should he used every night with a end brush, and the teeth and Mouth will only require a align mashing 111 the morning. Wet the brash intk wimi water. or cold will answer. and rub it a few Mae, on the paste, wben enough will adhere for cran the teeth. It leavesa delicious taste in the mouth, and an parts • most delightful fragrance to the breath. I satanic counrivalled as a pleasant, ethemiosis, convenient. and r e s denthfice. 111. warranted not to inime the teeth. bat to ph-serve them. Nt By us , regularlY: it will remove the tartar and prevent iss accomulation--prevant Site toothache strengthen the gums, and prevent all dime.. of teem Chemist.. pkyamians, and the clergy recommend it deciedly superior to every thi of the kind in use.— Ask d for Sherrnan's Compound Orr ng is Totelt observe his signature is attached to each pot. Reeommended by Or. Calla, I 7 Umadway. one of our beet Dentists, and by mon of the old established ones in the United States, and twee pensively used by the :rattily of . Engl.!! and Pm. ee A large proportion of the disease. t Paiatilletmenkmd arise from some derangement of for stomacher bowels, which a timely, use of the Oahu tie Lozenges would wtirely obvi at e. Persons of 'bilkas habits should al ays hare • hod at hand, and take a dine whenever they feel the least derangement in their health. Minh Mom use of these lozenges would prevent thousands of came Form.lea: WM. JACKSON'S, comet of Wood and Libeor eU dent/ Attorney, Counsellor and General Agent. A T L. PILALI., inferno hta friend• and the pub . lie that he has commenced the business of Agent for buying and selling real estate.in this city, and will devote large portion of his time and anent ...a to alto leasing. letting and hiring of !muses, stores and oth.- er buddingi; in collecting and disbursing, rentmandoth. er claims and demands, and in atnroding to Agency be. nun generally. He will also engagaiin the begot.. non of leans, contracts, etc.. and will famish authenne informatien in relation to the poking qualities and re, Apo:1,1[11116es of tenants, Zee for srlizelt his extensive acquaintance eminently quid I destine, Ile may be found at In• residence, No 141 All aucem until 91.1 o'clock in the morning and after 6 o'clock in the evening, and at other hdderat-Ims office. No :to Chambers street,l2nd door fmot room. NEI,I(‹K. HEFERENCES—Vo A Tallinadge: Hon John 11 Henn. Hon John McKeon, on Ogdro Hoffman. Al• Berman Exbert Berimn Ald. Wm V Brady. David firahan , E.sq, Wm J RoOme, rag. ' my *dant* before—trtaile oil the roost approved Y plans olor.. i no made to order or an enea. snit at all pricer. Cottony &terabits's and others are ineited oil nod eaamine Inc above for lberusirlverota all will be sold wholesale or retail, and u liberal deduction road• to wLolnrale purchaser. . _ A tV EATERY/I.T Ni Payt Dr. Drawn' Pile Emburcttion _New Pea' r HERE: are few diseases more9lmmon or troll. blesorne than the PllOl, and yet, notwitheland. ing treat efforts have been made to cure by the use pipit's, electuades, liniments, dm., all were lutile and 01 little benelit.. Now the Cmbrocation 'is the only medicine used. A person who has been auffer• mg with the Piles of the worst kind came from ha. lens, New Jersey, almost on purpose to tapers 1011 gratitude for the speedy cure that this medicine hod effected in his es.e.—,Phils. Sat. Post. IrrFer axle in Plitaburgh at the PEKEN TEA TORE, T 2 Fourth at and also et the Drug Store I P Schwartz, Federal - et. Allngheny Cit IntatlT Hardware Stare Removed. t Wf 11 ffilORE A. WOLFF having removed from the X X corner of Liberty and St Clete street. to No 50 Wood street, three doors above ett Charier! Newt, would reepeafully wk Meartention of buyers to their .took Of ILA ft DWAR al, CUTLERY and SADDLERY, rec'd per Chip. &monk, Monongahela and Russia, direct from the townfacturers of England and Germany. Also, supplies of Americanllardware, from the Mtn. opal manufacturer. of the Eastern Slates. Thr stock being enurely new, trod purchased upon the b est mt.. they Mel great confidence in being able sucremfdly to meet companion Dorn any quarter, whether cm or west. The Hardware busincts will be rontinued at the old stand. s 11Kum-17-iff RENOVATING PILLS. ‘„. IF? , xboxlmse ear, prevloutt to :slaking me of Idr. 1321.. Renovating Stlla I h•ve w is e d entente], from Dyspewie, and en avid Slartmelk. I have made u. of • great variety of medicine *Moot reaming material. benefit Ahout three months ante I commenced wide Air. Scar. Medicate, Mich ha s vitst.rely retteved me from acidity It tar domacp, ind mimed ma to comfor table health. Several of my friend. all4/Cquaintanfell have made nee of and received much benefit fnew ern. I can with confidence recommend Mem JANE A LEE. 37 Bold. wholesale and retail, by It A FAH NENTOCE I CO, owner of Is. and Wed, and Woad Odell wt. /a, • eglirtCeralli - Drag - Wareganataat iCA-rid )]. PAILDIUSTOCK dt. C o. i_TAYE amend an enemies watches,. on theeorner .L.l of Wen and Man meets, to Muth limp have vernoved their SVholssle. basmess where they , will always hove on hand on imitated ' aseonotent of all the articles in their line, to which they incite the alien lion of the pabile. The Drug business will M continued at the ore stand corer of Mend Wood so. sari UG A 11-110 N 0.• Sugar, is .10te ioA 100 ' 16 R FLOYD ' ffEWIC AL .TCCTIIE SICK AND AFFLICTED ' • . . . . _ DR. !MAYNE'S GREAT DISCOVER Y. The rat Ronerly,fer Conampiton,Cousito,Cald,Actana. Ern:teat, Later Complaint. eptiting brawl Ditheutty of Bientainr, Yale in the Vide and Bream, Palintation of the Ileart i lnenenza,CrooplokenContnint ion • Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and all demaries err the Throat Bream and Longo.; the man et:reamed and speedy cure ever known fot any of strove dant... , a DR.SWAYNE7S CQSIMUND 13141:1P OF WILD CHERRY AMOTHett Litton wive can; Read with r.ston. ishment the vrondertul cure performed b.) Doctor Swaynies Compound SF rep of WILD I:DERRY: PHILADIELPIIIA, January :Li. 1n47. Swaync--Dear Sir le Justice to'ourself and slim I owe to suffering humanity, I cheerful!) give my lestimbny, and declare to the world the wet astoniahing elects, and thr, great turn your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on under toe most utavorable riretitntlanet R. I wan I taken with a violent Cough. Spitting ..f /Loud. se sere Pains in the Side and Breast, which sernie., to break down nod enfeeble my constitutor,' . shot my physician thought mr case beyond the peon ; medicine, and my trieinie all gene due Up to the; but thanks to you and the effects of y our great dieuse ry,l now feel mysell a welt man, and mime !ruin a i mere skeleton to as fleshy and health) 3 unn as I have been for years, and shall he pleined to give any information respecting my tune, by calling at m) , residence, Mechanic spec inl door below Ueurga Street, Northern Liberties. .13C1131 r•listnit. re.gingany is now reamed from all yoaricrs of I the Globe. The following letters are presented with a view of more folly showing the opinions of Physician,. in relation to the Medical value of Dr. S%V N COMPOUND SYRUP OF' WILD CHERIt t . - - . Dr. Swaytte—Dear Havieg weal your Com paint Setup of Wild Cherry extensively in my pramice,l was requested by your. Agent. Doctor Crotchet, to express set opinion in writing of its, properties as a remedial agent. I most cliceriully comply, an I feel by so doing. I will discharge a debt I owe the community at large, and Physicanv in particular. As much as I detest , Quack Rena , dies and Patent Nostrums, I was induced from a lailure of the most potent expectoranu, recom mended in our =teas medlui in Sonic case. ni Diseased Lungs, to try your preparation nl Prenua Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficient !way Dial I was so mach pleased with the result of that and sunectment trial., that I now prescribe , it in preler• once to all other Remedies where an elpeCtUr.int is indicated. In the much dre•deil Pneumonia a Disease of the Lungs; in the alarming lone in which it appears in Kentucky, 1 regard it as an invaluable Remedy in the treatment oh that disease To all who know me I have said enough, but as this may be seen by persona nut of the swab of Fra raffia, I will beady add, that I have been er g in an active practice of my profession 1,1 yeers,,vil am a Regular Graduate of Traraylvania, and this o the fest Patent Medicine I ever thought enungli of to express an opinion in writing. ELbisom, Al D. January 711,, 1847. Franklin County. Ky I , ll•l4ltantl.r, Ky ,Janiry 7th, 1111 The above certificate to rtoin one rat our Physi cian. lIVIng a few miles from here, he le doing g very good practice. and is considered a gond Physician, and Banda late; he is; at he says, a regulargrailuate. • Du. N . L. CILICTCNUM, Druggist anf Apotheerry. Testimonials will rimer croon. Front the Temperance Hedge. Now that Winter is upon us with its attendan train of Pelmonic and Bronchial alleetlmu . Cough. Colds, &c. Arc , we wodld advise those afflicted Ass NDEPENDIENT PORTABLE. this way to tnake immediate trial of Dr. Swa7 sir'. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It will never BOAT LINE. fail to per!. tin a permanent cure. The reputation j T t kagi t ...witilllA„ e -r v .---- a . f I S 7. maw s of this medicine has caused many The articles to be put forth under its name; but the preparation ri7r7r7" . 6 KnspoßTATtos OF PlttatiUtlE of I)r S'eYee ' be"" bein g the lie" eye ' °fere' AND R(.tit'I3VIIIIIt'ATIV.I'ITIOA AND ItTlMiklnt.l;r -le the public, is tre only one that C%l be 0 . 0 " " 0 - . o.l.g s rl sos The other inisturi• sold lor Wild Csierry Syru r v . 0 „„,;- ; : d „ ;;; .„ ; „., r , Balsams, eke., are a/L.1.r.. and worthi.-... and noi deny the lowrin co t rent rate.. Hilo mt./Wot contai raren of the virtue. of the original °repay,. irraarmilicd, sod all nisstrtleliun. prOsuppy JJJJJ stied so 1100, Or, Swayneis Compound Syrup ii Wild inn In= ear cairn elntry ter ) mow- or rown...ion Cherry. addre•• or 1.1,10, to r. A NeAN t:I.TV Co From the Springfield Expreti. earr•t llaort.rroshurah Or the thousands of purported curative nostrum. • STIMAGE 11 now before the public, but very few urn bound to „,,„, a very o r , an d possess the healing virtues for which they areor• we sw preps... to rarely,- 00 additiou to betatil fur commelided. Atnuowthe latter we arc plcarvd 10 !mgr. mood. 011'a...taco, A,. on r , arritge at learn none stand a better test than Ilr Ssnsayile •, Low tater lm ii A Alt AN 1:1:F\' hA _ Compound Syrup of Wild 'lni.ry• The affircted PICKWOUTO tr. CON LUCE. .Joyin this rrmnity are begruntog to mu. it, and to their iladmi IS 4 7 i g w im they Grad n its uric their hopes based upon ID • recommendation. more than roylrowl. Toe allbeted IX fVI,UhI 1:1.1* bur abr. nassapursalson Of AV need nit litre,, (tie. there now t - r.r betWrrii 1 . ,114/11Igh, iniltfM,ll, Jul us hope. ' too, 1101;01o) Ooirch, Woo, Street, eeeee Inssals and A FACTION TO TUE PI BLIC •rewurrer.ie older , rfifiti e nce the ...introductron ut lily arliele tile inn` , 'it" w'nfi'Ln."`rare A s lr A .L.hV public, there bait, a number sir unprincipled • "um" mid vi l dtlaila got up nustrnms they awe, coma., the" ) ..1 W ild Chewy, aOl. are called - Balsams," •• Bawer,' veva ,. d even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but none is the , 0 , 0 ,- o f a y Lruossies, proprsenstr. re.nrsess - uls, oflginal and only genuine ' , reparation elk r snlttulu ' . Islscral satarr 01 patronage C. to the public. which Can be proven by the put, be 'Records of the Contrtomocallii of Pentraylvanta 1,11 , 15 , J,P i n,„%. III ,I, I •FLK, The only Diriparid against imposition is to see that i t ' IA n '"'" .."".`"" WII.L.JA)I Ft I.Flr• • my signature is on ear It bottle )1/IIN sin:lnter, •Lslng Is ) lII[ II SWAY NE it it CAN SS Jolssi•Son ss ) Aires. Prepared only by Dr. If p r , p„„ r . A 1.111 v t'o, pal Office, corner ul Lour and K., Street. Ragan ...a. Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry preparation. being / 1 Ale D... Jahn Palk, Robert Moore, Wesley tietillo. and counterfeit without Ills sigraiure. . t smul• rulttuffch marG For sale in Pittsburgh so/Ind.:Or and retail by LIRE ERIE AND .111C111Gill LINE. WM. THORN, Ka Market street, OGDEN & SNOWDEN. corner Ind.. Wood • tr.• "7. itaki r ag S. JONES, DU Liberty street.' 'l , lll, Line being eornprord Selmtroitts Lake Erre Sold also by 1 Mitchell. Allegheny city; Burr!. ,„ .2,pg A.Co, Butler, Wearer M.l err; No man Catch., Jlt Bono. A turrt re e 1t0..., am/ t e , .ng 10110 Co., Erie; ArKensie & Kaskell, f •IMetanti. Dent: llss,s, Lose ni ransunat Vropriler a and Ve.bets S. Son, Columbus;. Ilrownarill.-; Alan& on tire 1 , 0 , POP.' d unto earboai open. Wheeling. Pa; E B Hinman, Cominnatt, Ohio, Dr o , r 0 , E EaMerly & Co.. Si Louts; S Morris & T.:.• i 1 i . e 7 ;, i ; v i 1: b i r i 7; 5 7,4 ) % . . , ,, Louisville, Kr I Andrew & Co., New Or• Ilevma rye ,v „ age ., wr.th promptness.. 01111 durpswo,Tie prapr. ebnod nrr a. leans. aOO is.l aces.. se•pectsall, *ult. from do, &mats and • •u. s s. Orrallk an, patronage. k. Al lik:F:1). Toe, Proprietor HEEDS. I'ARKNACo Beaver. Liu Intl N A CA CGIIEV, tl" on..dift-1.1 a... 1 Wan, .srs appo. , 4 Slnnsnsfri STANTOX'S EXTICANAL HEM ED'i HUNT'S LINIMENT, Is yn.a r Luiti zs . Ali acknowledged to Its the IN R MERV for Rhea:mat...ll.Lp. nal Alections, Contracttuns of the Muscles, soar Throat and Quinay, lasuesiOld Ulcers. l'aans to the I Rack and Cheat, Ague to the Brea. and PM, ' Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bruteea, Salt Ramona, Rams, Croup, ' , mated Veal and all Nervous lhaenael.. The SUCCESs which atm at. . tended the apolicatlon of tlita most RIONVEItiI I. MEDICINE. in curing the Most 'macre 'cosewial the ddlerent Macawes above nnted,-kand the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that barepeen ticatow ad upon I t, wherever it ha. been intend ccd, glees an.. the not to call an the ATTLIC to moon et once to the ONLY REMEDY •rIIAT CNN fir. RELIED • ON. llJThe faculty unite an recommending the one. hard Katernal Remedy. Hunt's Lchanacot. The following letter from the highly menet I Physician, who have been attached to the Minim Pleasant State Prison lOr many years, tat the heat evtdenue of the value of this celebrated Liniment Sine Seed, December 24.19 My Dear IStr-4 received your note of yesterday, asking my opinion in relation to Ilunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Known, iV compoaltion, and hexing Irequentle used it, I can recommend n to you as n safe External Rente d,. nail in my opinion, the beat Liniment now in use. Very truly and respectfully yurs, A 110 MAN: Col Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor.r I fully coneur in the above opinion. W.lty BELCHER. Vonatrown, Jan 14, MEL Sir—ln reply to your letter. I would say that I bane used lour External Remedy, called Bunt'. Liniment, to my practice since you Mode roe se quainted with its compriaition. and mihemmtingly say that I believe it to be the best External home dy now in use toe the complaints fttr'wit tell you re commend it. Vow, respectfully , BENJ U MILLER, St It B7Amoet the mars of worible humbugs that are poured forth nth upop the country, it l• reallyl something of reel practical utility, • pie, speedy and elect.] in its oi the name time Ire. from theta hich generally, attend powerful r • Liniment, prepared by lien. F. le it Sing, though has been but aeh i the public, has already obtained the s only of our moil wealthy end intlin but our Limit eminent physicians 1 edge it to be a aotereign bidet for n that flesh is heir to, soothing the or by its genuine stimulating iellorocr ease from theaystern. Mr. Stanton—Sir—S•eing your of Hunt'. Liniment, I was induced Pi 1 1 , no my son, who Iliad been crlpple tacit from an infant; and it in .tth i testimony to its wonderful beating p child, who to now her year, of age, i way of recovery, Yours, h, , ' DENIIIO7% I' li , .. .. 3. articles awl he presont dly fresiong to loot ttott. , thmg too CC I I iit'e ol rl Lase br lore ;Alt Porr Orrlt k, TOWN. elle I certify that I ant peraonall‘ at the ahem named child, and think th ,be aslein saying that hoe loon is alto. JAS WI Nov 5, IBIS. Deputy D. S. I would also state that I h number olyeare subject to frequent Rheumatism, which in many mats my attending to my bminesn. Two cation, or the Liniment ins:l6oly I (notion* of the kind. to Clues 01 and sores, too numerous to metal., vicinity proved a certain remedy. only he estimated by those who have TM!, Uhlman% Is aold at 45 and frJ tle, by all the Prinespat Drugg.sts throughout the country. Wholesale Agents in Neu. HOADLEY, PHELPS & Co, I RUSHTON & Co 11l ...madly., A B &It SANDS. corner Volt°. ASPINWALL, IS Wdli,n, sire Orders addressed to inn at Sing S be attended tn. GEORGE E For Nola in Pittsburgh by I. WI LI KIDD & Co. Allegheny Car , JOll N Birmingham, JOHN l'm as Then you-know that yon are prom, A natural, llle-like, snowy sloe. That sou wit , kill use amnion r Lily And look • d•athlk yellow fright. The theme of laughter and of talk . 21;1 41 3 1 7 ,... rr0 y u 0 1 u d r. t . a to bei of JONIE'S I. and Si the time One elea l l b slTlMTM: ' : JACKSON'S, t 9 Liberty at. Peer. 23 rani !By-white, it lurol white, it. hold al per Imic trqg YOU PUSILLANIMOUS SCOUNDREL I WHOSE meanness can equal your.' Look at your fair yoenewife, with her bright sunny fa cc! Look Voarown, pined with eruptions and blotch°. ! hen too' aie too mean to give fifty cent* loos • cake of the great Italian Chemical hoop, which would entirely hoe jots front them, and make your yellow okin dear and healthy. Go at once to Jackson% Store, Hi Liberty si. Pittithurgh,aud get • cake. • N B Jackson's obtained te in Pltmliaigh where GENIIIINE is to be Beware of Lhutnter felts: 1171.4.181CRVE the 11. R Boot ttßastls the ennevray. oteh3 'IMPORTATION - -LINER iitadala -115 4 7. ilailit. Pr.:c alrLt'Ar.3.l CANAL A RAILROAD Exszuz:•. - rk3l . PACK kr rte. pirrsl It: RIM TO PIIII.ADA. •ao BALTIMORE i Ea.dunrcl, foe P 611414 , ff S. rIMIF. 0.rt,,h1,:e,,,a: running he *n re * as r tn. ' Th . e l p t rem " :teron% tows no placed u supenor elors'of Parket. and Rad mud cars on the route, with extra aceurnmodattons, o high will gi greater comfort to ( ravelers. A Padket It o d wilt ale.). he .n don, and the rlte• el.g pOldly are rettaeued to Call and examine them, ''''' l ' l7l3t7tM t r V . Mtln2fa RS '• One the Psckets trill Darr the landing. (oppeaih• the rnited Sures Dosch) corner Penn str, et and the Canal. sre ty night., l , ohhock 1 rim c_3l DAYS ODinturunnon apply at he r .lice. Monongahela I kw'', % an, street. or to U LEP.CII le Co mehl. . mu Perin street and Canal I,VK TERN T ' IIAIISPORTATION . CO. 181.7!: ijam D. LEECII & 117099: ! OLD P.STABLISIIED TRANSPORTATION LINE. itr.rwEEN PI ITSBURGII. PIIII.ArELPOIAAIALTIRORL: AND NEW YORK • r 111.: iitoel. 01 Ito. litie r0i1... of n donliie flail) Lilo, al Pamir and Car, (owed by tlient..lvriiii which me in good ord.r. The iiutiveritirrii ore prrpa. rod to torward II large quantity of slerrhandize and Produrd certainly and dispatch. Prodder or ionfigned to any of the un deroigited. t. for worded tree of any chars., itor corneal.- 61011. of ,141,1,'. Ira It•in:zird midall amzurtiolt. prom! tly Invudrd The hooness of thrs Line is conducted on ctly krepirag principles. Aid ssss s or applyatr. in 1/ I.EECII & Co. Proprietor,. lIARRISCanaI Basin. Pittsburgh '. & LEF:CII, Proprietors. I, No 13 South Third rtreet. Philadelptua • JOS. TA YLOR & SONS, Agents, No orth !toward street, Rahn:tore W Ii WILSON, Agee,. tn. No 7 West street. New York I PITTIMURGII PORTABLE ILLISE. ! SAM 1847. &JAME the wa and the eruisequent risk of dela,. damage, • hreska e And reparrnwn or goads. 110r171=3: & CASH No Market *ire, Plailsdrlplun • TA A 1.1.:k: & O'CONNOR Car Pt nn and Wayne so, Pt...dough U'l:ll\\ 1111 & Co, North street, Italumore IV &) T TAPSCOTT, Sollan an. N. I'. S '`g ril " • Encouraged iry ..reseed business the Proprietors ha, e added to their cor It and exended their arrange , ineot.duroig the wooer. and .re d 30, prepared to for ward fie, • woh regularity and dr/Tract; unsurpassed by rainy nitlitir nue Their long experience m• carriers, 1 lb. supertottly of the Portable Rola St stern, and the great espartt) and convenience of the ware. , trouser at each end of the hoe. are peculiarly ralcula ai to mould, th.le proprietors to fated ellgingemennla uceoin.n.4.l. then, cUstotners—corifidently offering Inc parr as n guaranty fm the future. they respectfully .ulie it a cutninuance of Os...patronage winch they now gra ,u 11) acknowledge, • db coaatto srit T n “o aal& h. O'Connor wall be reed owl 'awarded Steamboat charges pad at.d Hills of Lothar tranatatted free of any change for Coatnatoort, al, ancmg or norage Having no interest directly or 'aluceny on airanatantn.the toter. or the ronstgnora taft tiree•inrtl, be than armory object to ' , nipping oat day pledge then:ochres to forward all (pods coosigned to mem promptly and on the mat advanta. gran term'ao the ownerr.. Match 1.1,17 marf Ittfril TO W heeler. Croriker &Co New York tiro Daly Iludaio Parka C., Cleve land Jai A A rinitrong & Co. Detroit McClure & Mil 'ratite, Bristol ik Pone, Chicago Wm Power', Powerstusio. farm* Geo NI arheirny re. Evanstiorglf, Penn. ' John Me tram. I loom, do Wick & Atter, literati., do Craig & Trample, Clarksmile, do 110 • Ptatub.Sliarpshorgh, Pa W C Sharon. de 12 W Cunningham New Carole, Jo rners • RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. Waal 1847. - FUtt I rtnstitlillaTlNG M.IIWg Ii MP 'l' W PIT'I'SRURGfir AND THE EASTERN el it al, wlllloCr TRANIIIII}IIII6IIT. ItflE improved method of earoing used by this long 1 Patablishtid Line. Is now so toll know. that de , piton I. nuorcessati. are not touched on the route, that all transhipment .rostra handling i• eared. The 110115 are of light, draught and perform their trips in'T fro mi to ...even tiers. he m eapaetty of our Warehouses enables us to more runiignments made mil, Receiving. storing, and ad mote, ihra of commix. Ile Ong folly prrpareol mkke sales of Produce, we respretfully solicit co rmigronento of weidem Flour, flacon. Lard Hotter. Ch.M.,, Wool, Feathers, and other .isles for sale, oh which bberal advances will be made and other usual faeilltA rolforded,ipledrog our seJvcit that tiny entroated to 114 Mien hr a. promptly catieuted and LIN. as fair term. an by any other Lou,. JNO McPADDEN & Co Canal Basin, Paraborgh JAS Al LtAVIS tr. Co 249 and till Market sl. libriada .1. B. DICKEY. FORWARDING k COMMISAIDN MERCHANT, East Beams Point and Bridgewater, SISTER COUNTY, PA., Proprietor and Apo. of Kramer, ilaZia imiiMie . . . LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, natty BITWILN rITTIIPCIIOII JOID BIAII.I. lATILI. Ise ptops red on earliest operttngof runal nav- T V igatton revel ve properly at hia , wharf !vat or warehousc. for all patens on Kra. kaienttant. ems* Cut, and onto Canals, lot all ports on Lake to and upper Lakes,. almtict torwurd Itrodaee, ate by Penn'a.. Im f i Cl.7l.!d m ir n' APPi) n, PITTSBURGH de. El. E I/OLAND LINE. 1846. /Wag 111.1 uurpoun 111 :tckr NI 31 . 01 th 111, 1 , lamb, to lung /it It Clarke. 11. limp. 'T. chmoild & CO. CLARKE & CO., & Commission &Cotenants, BEAVER. PA. ndr I .r elo,m ‘ly rr I t ,In'': Agents and Proprietors of this Line Ito favor 1. ably known to he poblicLwlll hr prepared nn the earliest opening of canal nartgabon to receive prop arty at Pinot.unth and Ikaver, and deliver the *aloe at any point on the Ohio canal., and alto on Lake* ErLe onaulr rate and ft - belug .. a, wolt gt..ntost to.pa tc h and at ma.- Int. it/ I'.ltn. • r , ild ell h %lAN The proprietnra an. hie lolirot the harm,' a their (owner ...owner. , wrth confrrote, knowing that their factio s are remind In none. • Apply to or roldrerr • 1. 31 11A RTON, Atrt ' Pomt,ur g CLARKE & Co, Licuvor RICII3IOND & Cr een Las I In. pryted Itiee To Too PUBLIC. --. "-- T , IIN BOIMPION Notable nom Company hemg dm. I solved. the Company mason wetl tom articles of Co. partnendop under the name of the "11011lII.U.• Line," and likevatne agreed to refit the Ntoo so as to have n numbe, of Host* fur the . pulp., of cominggood. through in from six to eta! t day, with certainly —and feel enrostragedl.7 the Illteraloy of loot year's patron age, In make more ex tenat we arrangement• for the en. soma year. W.• • would thercline wthele a ranttnu mar eof our fulmar pu ne.uml role, allnr w ru•tom,, to lame Mr have done lotainea. .• nal= 1847.abotal LINE, For the transponati. of . A LI. RINDS or IA COX /IMIDIIIK, TO ARV gqoat iLA'N ELMO, il•LTIMung, Now Vats. MAD 1/01,[0:1. SAMUEL WIGHTIGANA Co, I.,b r og Greet sad Conn! Rosin. Pittsburgh. A I, GERHART & Co, • No 3 , A &lot ket steer, Itholadelp&A EIDER, GEESTON & Co, Ageots, REFERENCES.IImo" PITTPIIIIIMMI—Juu. AleCuny: am M om . & c o , w 'McCully & Co. R w Sampson & Co. M Allen & Co. PIMLA DELPHI A —slorri • Pane mon &Co, Reynold.. McFnelund & Co, Plenung k Rugby. Peter Welt & J Incohann GM< NB%%' IORR—/IwJLue & Co, Thro. Pricy & CO ROSTMN—Reed; Ro! & Co: 6114CINNATI—Adarna A Creash, W %' Searhor- V. PLEASANT. VA—P A lifitclokr_ NASIIVILLE—P Fleming Nva—All rnerchandite front New York told Up s o n , conxigned A'L Gerhart h. co, PhltadrlOlsta, art)/ be ornotottkforwarded free; or ettromisainn. f hl3 LEECII & CO'S - Package DE:paves to Philaieli.kla. 1111114111411-Om n e l : - P C .:74• 1 :7417rt5T e % eie. 1.01.0011 r011V(71.11.• of ealoable poelrese. of Inorehondise, one, bank notes, lonooh 7 . k e, coin . menced loaning on Thorodny. Moteb IS. An inonynrre will be dopeleheel holy onnl elo, nf the eAnnlingerooob A Nil 1' .16 TRANSPORTATION .DES. RILOOLAR RORPONO 'AGE: • T FOR BRAVER. • ate mew andaplendid warner • Crpt.Charles; ifoop, rosamenewi h. r regular tit as IMP leaving Pd. burgh at O &clerk. a. triowl Craver at 5- elinor ettslg with Powbarati and Cleveland Lane of C o d nil Boat. daily C/eveland. 0 Beaver,jWaeeen and Cleveland lane of Canal Paikets and Stage Coacan daily to Warren and Cwvelanu, Canal Varlet Linea to Cain* and Gt.-et...11e. Pa ; Enr Extension Line to Meadville owl Erie. Neil. /Moore & Co's of Stage , Coaehea tar Cleveland and Wooster,. leave Sea r., daily on the arrival of stratuboat Beaver flow thwburalt Apply to O hi CARTON & Co, Pittsburgh arts CLARKE& Co. Craver UNION LIN'E. 1847. ON TOO PCIINSTLYAOIA 100"01110 CANALS, DETWEEN PITTSDUEGII AND CLEVELAND E N PARES& Co, Cleveland, 0 ri G PARES, Deaver, Pal !Proprietor. tV T MATIIER. Pittsburgh, P. F 1 above Line I. now fully prepared to tran•po. 1 'height and Pa..engers/ront Pittsburgh and Clay land, to any paint an the Patio.) d. Ohio and Oh/ Canals. The feeilitiee of Paid Line are not equalled by no, unlit Canal*, in numbers and ca i nieity of Homo. r nenee of Captatnr. and prosnplties. of Aro, &e. trine Hoar Inver PitWbargh and Cleveland dady, ru nine, in connection with the ritearneni, hliehigan and Lake Ene between Pittsburgh and Beav and a Line of first elm Steamboat., Propel lers, Br er, igs and Sehoonera,.on Lakes Era., Huron, Mt ehiaan and Oman° Property forwarded to any pan of the If nine with deopetrh N PARES & Co, Cleveland, Amu . REED PARKS & Co, Deaver. ay. W T MATHER. Filubargh, Agt . an2l • Cot Water and Smithfield streets SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. .4E11 , 1847. _Willa MONONGAHELA 11017 TE, BROWNSVILLE AND CtiNIIIERLAND TO• BAL TIBIORb: AND PHILADELPHIA. Tone to Baltimore PI bourn. Time to Philadelphia ... .... •••• • • • ••411 '• (Only PI Bliley Staging.] THE splendid and fast running seamenConoul, Lou. McLane and Swatera. have commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave the Alononga hela wharf every morning pmcisely at B o'clnek..— Paiikengem by Mr morning line will arrive in tlaltinnaie next eveningin Vole (or the Philadelphia Nail Boat, or Rail Road ears. The evening Dam will leave the wharf dads at 4 o'clock, except &tility. P•smngero by iii. Wet will lodge on board, in comfortable Bate rooms; leave Urnwnoville next morning at 6 o'clock; cross tee 11100.012i0a in du y light; cop and lodge in Cunt. berland. Thus avoiding night travel altogether The preparations on Mi. route •re ample.and the to:mem:on ecomplete; to goal dioappoimmemoi or delays will be un. 'nowii upon it. Passengers eau wailoo the roam and m their seats num at pleasure , and have o f Rail Rail Road or nietitnimat between Baltimore and Philadelphia Coaches char red in parties to travel as, they drama Serum your betels at the office. MonongOela Boast, or lit Charles Bowl. 1 hIIinWKIhIEN 1et.16 1847. atialiffi-- - -1116 . THROUGH IY 94 HOURS., DACKET llock. Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea- I err daily. tat'3 o'clock v. - a after the tairival of the mottling Boa. front Ihttoburalt. and arrive at Warren In thne for the glad Lne of Stage., which leave ttnniedt ately thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland ala o'clock, P • Thte mute to the mom expedmouo and contrertattl one to the Late. . COTE k LEFF, NGWEI.I.. Warren. Primr'4 REED, PARKS & Co. Beaver, A gent. , !WIN A CA UGHEY, earner %Vater and Smithfield in aptly Oman. the Stanotsgabeta Howe Pittaburgh PITTSBURGH AND GREENVILLE • - PACKET AND FREIGHT I.lNr. rill,: Lae ron..ll , ling of ft . ..4011a5! paeLsrng, Park Irt., will ran :ettulatly .e durnig tits .mpti 0r...el lies., and 1-k - cc:ante, I'a. by wtneh frig tit an , pa. arn f i r ra be tweet; Ole two points, will br rarriect pmnlptl• - and at the lairrot rates. . . • , *IATIIPAVS RKM-D, e.A Bus. , A. 'co. IGeerr. An, .101 IN A I'Al2(illr,V, rortzer Weser end No.thlir .1. • 00.., The Moriongatbe's I luu.e. CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT'LINE,' ' 1847 . Riffl4fri roe THE TirattsrottiaTtom it Al.l KlNte• OF MERCOANDISP.To Ash FfttO Philadelphia, Itsltamoao , New Work and en Poston. rjlHE'encouragemt this line has received X its rominencerrient, ha. induced the proprie tore In increase the stock by adding c nitriber laesixtals; and instead ofering receipts as hereto fore as agent., we will give our usrs. 'tempts In freight shipped by Ono line. 'I he boat. arc all portable, ennsequettly f eight ttaken the whole di-Vince Mahout trattelniornent ereby pre curing damage front Irequeat handling on the mute, and as each boat is owned by the Captain who runs them, which is a miller:lent guar• some that there will he an delay on thn route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to th underti g red w6i forwarded Fr.Er: Mr COM for nibrancing and forwardink, and w ill be shipped without delay at the loiseat rates 01 Iretitht. e oilier:0111 Clinliett a .hare nt pitbfic For.. oar. ' wm.l.l Mit ORD & co , Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. BELLAS & Co.. Agt. Broad Street, Philadelphia F MILLER, Agent Bowlers Wharf, Baltimore_ Pittsburgh, Feb. 18.1E41, 18 46 TO THE EAST BYIONONd:HIE, VIA & 11 I d i u E e u & d r. l ' ! n tts ' e a. ° ,`7l , l.7l:o7l:,„°,`"Zr a ef; inu Wm.t. on the most 1:vorolble term.. bp thin cupe. thump. mule All p.roprrty conxlgneirm al will be fopirardeol at ,he lower, is and wltlt de•Mateh. tarn Is•nd.oe mr,tved by thls route Orosnr.ly t'vr warded, 1 C 1111LAVKL.I., ARM .I . Jll•Marnrh. I. if Brovenrville EfiF.RTON & Cortirrobr,land =MC A :ILI - Li TO THE EAST BY HALTIBIO " ' dffi t. fir doernbscribers 1•111 reeeipi for the delivery nf P. 1 to lialtanote by the hlonangahela Slack yea a the followmg Ashes, Etaecnt. Butler, Lead, Lard, Fork. Tallow, Whiskey. Cheese, and Glass—hll eta per G ip lb. Tobacco, Getup, Flax sod Wheat—Otos pei too 11,. Ashes, (Pot) Apples. Cheese,. Fla E.Seed, Glass, and Leather-106 ets per Mt lb. Oil., Skins. Seeds. Wool-110 elm per 100 M....az, Feather., Fors, Ginseng, sad .lortke•Rant —ltd els prr 100111. All property consigned to tribal. of tlie uildersigned will br forwarded without delay, free of Coinentsalon, at above rate.. Sr II CLARK, Brownsville. HANNA A WATERMAN. Edialtangli. - .. . . makFRE/GII ri:Rs and others orlahing to have Fire Brick, Produce, Ste... brought to rhos place front Neubenvllle and tntarnsediam land/nip, can make atrangesnenta by calling ea me, its I have a Goat running resulcrly between Pituborah and theabenvlll, GEO. H. •AIII.'rENBEFIIiE,R, icor Steamboat Agent,•Set W•ter at, _... . . THElSteandroat HARLEM re; sired and refitted .io handsome style and now at the hlonongalsela whorl As she is improved she is wellailapied for ruing freight and passengers; or for towin-, sh has great capacity and - power. Any person di d to purchase will of course tweet her I also propose to lease, forone or more years in, coal Works; nod so a manor energy and business habits they offer great advantages. l ean Amish the terser, either on sale or charter, my tow boat ••MINER." Ile can aim hare an (sirens term sin homes, three Oats, and two. coal bottoms, si ears with ropes, fixture. h.,,., made for full Opeflllollll Art with oft hew*. tablistiment is invited, Persons disposed to negatiam with me 10 Cr klrellel, to any of the above particular t, ilk ‘) may address meat my Office to Stuart's Bui ,t. s is street, Pitt-ourghi or at Ilmleso,near Mormagn lr en, ....Ai THOS. 11, lilt i Til K Tttirril, RY MEN OF Tuurit. triONCERNING SELLERS, VERMIFLIOE.—n sin. gle ',al producing wandero.-1(e.1 the foilowiiig from the Rev. 8, Wakefield, Pastor of Liberty rt. hi U. Church: Pittsburgh, March 9, 1:40. Mr R. I: laelletx. It ts from a Pen,. of duty, o. ~ well great plea•ure, that I hear {,,,m00y In the v t , tilla of your rustly celebrated Vermtruge I procured tuner &Wig and gave it IC, three of cog a Mldien, who had b een ill fur aeveral werk• The eldest wax ' , even veers old, the next four, anal the )oungext eighteen months. The firm nestled fifty.xtx worm., the meeond fatty seven, and the third a coll•2de . raiste number not distmetly. recolleeteat Slue.. then they have been doing well, and are now ut good health Veen. revectrully, pa From the Rev. S Babcock, of the htethalou blrbrect l Ch urch . Sellers: It im with great plenure I would iniorm you of the rood effects produced un my son of four yenta of Noe, by your 'Only celebrated MIN N. haring eonvulslon., I rave hint three diner, an when hepined an almost Ines doable nutuber, nom vititch tome p In general health ha. been improved. H ll•liCoeit. Front The Rev Chd tin Cooke, or the hlcthodin Fp, cupid Church' Plataburgh, December 14. ISM Mr. R. E. Sen..: I gave re y little daughter theme,n three and for years old) three doses of )our ',tantrum, secordmato prear nutlet, erah h•ppival success The number or worem expelled I do not know p.m... Iy. but t was large. Pb, is now in po ion of geed health. 1 think the medscone may be confided in with errat ant tine,. C Cooke A. thir Yen:name bar never been known in fail in soy Instance, when worms actually existed, parent. .linald give n preferenePtto all nth,. Prepared and said by R. E. SELLERS, between Id and 4th, on }Vaal fond. For sale by Dr.Eaa.cl. Fifth Ward. GOACH MAKING . . FROM the very liberal encourage MilVotett the subscriber hat received Piece to Wm located himself in Allegheny, ha. ts4uced him to take a lease, for a • term of year. On the property he now i occupies, in Heaver Street, immediately beiude the Piethyterian Church. From the long experience in the have liminess and a desire ta pleaae, he hope. to mvx h and Melee • thereof public patornage. Now on band and finiating to order, Rockaway Bug. Varltainmdisi op onnlTtm":e.::74t7= eight hanantb - Iserivhfl ItrilN SOUTH. o a f BotiPLror retitit ring Grease spots, Slains,or Marks from Clothes, Woollen., Carpet., Re., ,In., and rendering the 'pots where it to applied clear, bright, new, and spotless. Sold with fall directions. Price Weenie • cake - 'Mr Sold by WM. JACKSON, RI Liberty street, head Woe& at his Mot and Shoe .sere, sign at tie Utz ro is 10 h .r Venn al asa Cr. NICK & FR, Greenville, Av. CRAIG & FRAMPTON, Clarke./ die, d. MeFA RLA ND & RING. Mg [lend, a. HAI'S & PLUAIU Sherroburgb. a. C MALAN. Theron, OHIO RAILROAD COTTON' MEW-- STAR COTTON Ml LL,' [Near the Upper Bridge. AlMithen y City rlf , HE proprietors of Merldrar Conon Factory moped,. raily mama me prairie that ihnare no ilt mamma eitieranoti Haring 0 math} ed Ihe msof W Hamer es Manager, who rim had an ea penrnee of tg year. in Me principal Families of Allegheny City. they mould Inform Merchants and Dealer.. in general Nat they mill alway • have oil nand marline Varnaof all Nos., Warp..•nd ItrommAtoi.u. Of mperior make. N VOrArTI.V A co N. B.—Orders left at the Mill, or at the rime of Arr. err, Hunter fr. Co, IS Lihe ty street, gill' he prompt.) attended to. mehM.Gin N V h. Co EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBURGH. NIANUFACTURE corruN YARN. . . Candle:Wick, Batting, Twine. Coverlet TARN, CARPF:TWARPS Cte . dr., ' di KING; PENOCk & Co Itincesenow of At buckler Avery.) jan2 Yroprteto, PENN COTTON MILL. Pitesonitote, PA. Till: shove enahltqwnent beam now in atarreascal rulmn. we are matturaettiring. very'eXtrus,trely. on article of heavy Sher It well adapted to th r rtlait wade. which for beauty and etualitrannol be excnlied by any other make to the country. The attett...oo of Nock...era solteired toall oon. feht 111405w1t etrookuml.lll).ost& Co MEDICAL. _ '" ''' OM.' ,%.•.. - A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE FOR - - - - RHEUMATISM • AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS.. "Wins uhough the rouser may not be explained. :Inlet. their dress: are duly aseenained, Let not delueon. prepldiee, or pride, roduee mankind to set the means aside: Means which: tho' simple, are hr Heaven desigii'd To allsvrate the the Of hunt. kind.d DR. CIIHISTIE'S. UALVANIC4IINGEt AND MAU NUTIC FLUID. 1 . remarkable invention. which ha. recetved the J.niversal approlmumit of the medics. profession of Great Britain. cotnpriaen nu entirely new application of Galvanism. as a remedial agent. by means of which the ordinary Galvanic Ltaueries,Klectric and Magnetic 31a chines. &L., are entirely dispensed with, and th e !aye', riou. power of Galvanism applied without any ot the ollection which ant inseparable twin the general mode now in nee. 'the ...tonne dare., and irregular intervals. .1, which Galvanieni la applied by the Machines, has n~~nnuitecd, un er 11 Inn and inmanial trial, In Le ly injuries/I.llnd .t was to remedy thee radical de feet-that this new application wag protected. which, af ter unceasing Intl noir perceVelianer„hoc been brought io its simile. state of perfection. The Galeanie Hill I'S answer .11 the purpose. of the most expensive Ma shines, and in many other respects are more safe awl certain in 'accompluthing the desired effect. - The Galeanie Rine+ used in connection with the Mag netic Fluid, arc confidently recommended 111 aft 'thaw dere which arise /Min aut enfeebled oe coutwaiti y smu of IM nerrenr or vital eyitern. awl thew. complaints are among th e moot painful and universal to winch we see suldeet They arise, without exception, from one aim plc ranee—• derangement of the Nervous Speen,— and it was tit these cases that other 'remedies' having I. O ft en failed. a new agent on. greatly needed. which it is confidently beheved, has Leen found so !he proper and judicious application of Galvanism. The Galvanic Itinge have been used with entire the. cries in •11 rases of Hugest ATISY. seat. Ot thlOttle t op t=,tten,hnectir,r7 Indigestion, Paralysis, . N Epil rroe epsy e , Yin. fasitm, Palyitatien af Mari, Apoplexy, Sifffness of Joint, Spinal Comp/aints , Lumbago, Neuralgia, Nervous 71 , 5-won, won, Di:minas of rite Head: pain in the new and fide, General/Ye/ling. Deficiency of aYerieus and Phyrim/En• wry, and a/3 NYRVOUS DI,SORDERtt. in caeca of confirmed Dyspepsia. which Is simply is nervous de rangement of the digest] re organs, they have beenneond equally surceesful. Their extiaordinnry effeets upon the system moat be witnessed to lie believed, and tor a certain preventive tor the preceding complaints they are equally recommended. The Rings Itre of different Prices, being made of sill aloe., and of vannusennw mental patterns. and can be worn by the most detrai t . terattle without the slightest inconvenience. In.lnet die sensation it rather aerreable than otherwise, • • The Galvapic Belts, Bracelets, Beads; Gaiters, Necklaces, &c.. Is rows Ma errs severe characte•,and of long •tatattnc. the power •pplied the Ual•anic Kings not .I.lm.ent to arrest the progress 01 dt•cau and ultisitately restore health, The unproved modification lid dm soave:lie Ite. , Bram..., de .'e Direly reme. thes elm-mien; any degree of power Mat la 'Not re,' cab resold) be team d. and no compiaint which the in) steno. agent of 11airii/11.113 a effect will fad to be permanently relleved, These articles Oft adm. led to the tea., arms. wrists, Itnths, antic.. or any part of the Maly, with prefect cutlers...me. The Galvanic Net Mace. arc used with meat, benefitln uses vii Itroneht. or alb, bons of the throat ectieralls , aim in case. of Nerves. !heartier, and with •itost unifomt a uer . ,lmanta opre,lammtiv e ar Apoplexy, Ert, pie • Chr m stie's Baguette Fluid is used in connection wen, the Galvanic Holy amt all their modtfiestrons. 'I his C.11 1 1.00/11011 en pro nounced by the French Chem,ls to b e o,m of the tact. et.raordtosry .ltsr °Terms of modern se...nee It I. be Iteved ono.m.. me remarkable') ower th nem.. •emustoes vele. nor onion 19 Mir timatts earweittratunt of the mfluenc.ltt the' m.st of du o the g rapid and permanent ..bct No other emery...on ,t 1 cheintsir ts Imownto prmluce the some effeet. or in Impart a peope.) to the acre.. system.by means of on outward local unpin:anon •fhe mallet.. Phuid coma.. nothing capable of the st.ch ... . eu injury, ar applicant. is !namable, and tt harmless tbtalan as It heneGelat in tit me la. Full col...mons and doctor,. aeroranany tt The etnni.....l ....emu, • are tn ev-ey Way pertemly le., they are mill at pm e• w itain i.el mach 0. it, ..t.l the %I...coverer only moues. fair trial St.. 11,01 their ell rproung . efficacy and ....anent benefit,. Chrlstle's Climate Ntrengthealag Phis. ters. The. articles form another valuable anthem un et the mwertaus Influence el Galrani•na Corp' •i e important adiunet t o m e e artm.nr fralvante Ittn, and their roodiGcanons, a upon the same plitmtp le, bat having the advantage of more local application. 'lite) ire confidently recommended as a valuable addimm me speedy eme of Rheumatism. acute or chronic,i in ermtniamis, anda pro., rentenv mmer al _Pam oml Workneu in the Cheet or Bark, Pain lnW sae, ta Aldonasie Affeetiow- and in Wedpies., nen of the Pohno.trir Organs In Spatial Complain. the cis area of the most denied character,. they hone often been used WWI complete cocoas. The, art also of the area., udran mac tu Patna and Wea of the Breast, and •re histily recommended for ',may nt those complete. to which females are especially As au ..rectual mot. tor strentph ening the smtett . when debilitated wt. disease °rather causme as it er tain aal to Con...meal IVeakne... • Pre, titter for Colds, and all itt arfeenon• of the Chest. gene , the 'Miran.. StreagMenmar Planter will he tot.,d ni great and .permanent advantage. In a few wonisi tr. embraces all the o , rtues of the beet mete prenatal:olo with the important addition of the galvantr influence which ro neither it patred nor et bemired, whlle the at ban commutes. 'Plies. ankles will be found comely free front those objecnotts which area constant riollree of Trunnlaint with the ordinary plasters Memento!, use. CAUTION. • 117- The great celebriy and wee• of theve articles has caused them to bet oontermited imprint-4,lmi persons paprovide against imposinon, Dr. ("imam h. bat one autlionsed agent iu each city oldie Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh, W. W. W lLittN. CERTIFICATES dk TESTIMONIALS, Of the highest and most re•pretalde character, nie con. 'windy received.regarding the extraordmary value and successor the above articles It is ' , obeyed that in the city of New York alone, ,upwarde of EPOIT TIIOUSAND PERSONS. durum a Vernal of lc m than a year, have been entirely relieved of the most li' nful chronic disorder, some of which hare complete') lief. fied all former efforts of medical an. indeed many ni the first payment. of this city. who disapprove of the Galvanie and hlagnetic Machines, constantly recom mend this application In their practice., and with the ex ception of thole who are tooprejudiced to give it a in. •I. the Invention has received unanimous favor with Me most intelligent among Me American Focally Dr Christte is — ui all tones ready nod mar happy to gore early faeility to physicians, and all interested, for tear. ing the truth of hm nous and the elficac) of,his discovery Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner 4111 and Market at sern•fidlV EFFECRILIALLY and speedily cored by the use o rt Remedy of Nture. AMERICAN Ofk h al mo st obraeutously re dueo• In(larontanon, awl con sequently ts warranted in all eases to leave no wain or sear in the flesh. - . dold wholesale and retail tir WM. JACKSON, at his Boot and Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Watchcase, rf/ Liberty alreet, head o' Wood, Pittsburgh Pnce 00 cents •nd El per bottle. W Jackson being the Exclusive Agent for Western Pennsylvanta, none is genuine. but what la Scold I.y HIM or HIS appointed Agent.i. N..H. A Pamphlet containing ample dlreen.ins An. with the names and address Of the Proprietor had Pri pal Agent, Is ensteloped With wrapper of melt bottle Abundance of yentficattes rail be ...en at the More. S( :RO/1/ LA AND SCROFULOFS SWF:I.I, I NGS.—Scrolula in all its mithipbed forma, whether in thal of King's KO, enlargement., i• the glands or hones, Dottie, White or ',run:, Rheumatism, Censer, diseases or the Skin Or Spine', or of Pulmonary Cnnsumption, emanate from one and the same cause, which is a poisonous proicip e noire orlen inherent in the human system. 'Pheres fore, unless tin/ principle can be destroyed, no rid, cal cure can be effected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure must of serenity follow, no matter under "hat lone the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the IrCIiSOO Why .1 /11rNICS ALTRIUTI E 111 PO MO venally nu:enginl in removing sonany malignant disease. It Ilearoyelhb virus or principle.frorn slue I those diseases ban their origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the ininuten line, removing every p 'Dale cf disease from the system Prepared and sold at No. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin 'Pea Store, No, 72 Fourth siren Pittsburgh. nich3l. • Irma o• the Tanen ; • A FACT woRTH KNOVVIAG A gentleman of Scrofulous habits from iniLeerettim Hi his younger days. Immune alerted whilelceaton. or the Throat and Nave, and a disagree and l ti blenome eruption of the Skin. Indeed, hie whole tem bore the nctrltAzi r e yo u mortared with di., a, - One hand and wrist were ro much affected that he had 1041 the We of the hand, every part being covered wi•li deep, natant. and offensive Ulcers, and were us ho;- low and porous asa honey-Comb It wan at this stage or his complatnt,when death appeased inevitable. from a loathsome din the. he .mmencegl the toe of JAYNE'S ALTFRNATIVE, and harms taken PI,. teen bottle, i• now perfectly cured. Z.This ALTERNATIVE operates through the circula tion, and purtfies the Blood •nd eradicates d from the s)stroi. wherever jw..ated, and the numerous cores it has perfomted in - diseases of Skin, Cancer. Se mm, Goitre, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia.and tuber Chrome duteitses, is truly ”totashistg. For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Satre, 72 4th street, neer wood, and alsOal the Drug Store et P Schwartz. Perim.) al Allegheny Cur., tnygiawg De. Mc Worm Specific rrlrllf I • to certify that, by taking one vial of Doctor hleLanets Worm ispembe, child of lamer Shim,. passed upward. of 7. lemma. and by the use of said m Il edicine • child of my own passed 14 large worms,— is truly the most surprwmg grown medicine I ever •,/i. I must have two more GILMORt Wilkins Toorrship For see by 1 KIDD g. Co, No 60 Wood Co , street, PIM burgh. rnel,o HAILt . VONIC—Wr commend to the . atiention of those desirous of restoring their hair or 'mproviog It. beauty, to this steam' incite patine. .1 , • bearit every whets bled v spoken Cl, (lid especial!, by all Ito. who have maiio 000 of it...gre.7 eAeaelsus simulating the growth of the bur, art preventing and curing pun bur, y affection. of the slim It. virtues •re • OmP end C mved— PR KT. Suit IN TF 11100 F., For male in at the Fourth st, near Wood; and also as the Druk Store of II Y .tiehwatts, Federal st, Allegheny ett),- j. 4 'MEDICAL - b'SARSAPA •' 4lt IVIII0•11.1 and i ermaneut " ''..6"i hem mbetrltreyret: ne SrviaiLslcket . .o4, P.WetaiMe.Aeti Attempt. . tpr 11urrGa on tee temip PP. - , BM( Wm. Tam, Sold Hemr, Satmimente yam qf the t ApPem.R.ts, Sntipltar.." mploahh, tettes K Lure- e ft , .4 D;;;aerwin — acfrima an u'iitki.., ..i f i 1 AGrnolf•• Ao - OtOer Dr.pnr,girrpartet tar hopreuksscrea Lis. ' d'so, C know' Cosiness e el ITS lintel y adminlistrawn hes been at o iled se. I the happiest results m many anomalous , ' frecttone; bat , cao ehteil a nd te ha fill the toed which emu between thartica aperient asedicsnee; hence 'lts mesh. op- moth is that of an alternttve directly—l IrectlYs Pe. vine a lasting tonie to the system. It it highly concentrated tor conrettle ce and porta. , billty, tiontaining rialtos; but the ea sell...nee, nuts is the mann e r of the :steep silla. Rom la tthe surriemanner es' Quinine is of Pe ssiatt illtrb,or o s hay. of Ovum. It isansesiabhished fah sleet a lea grains of either Quinine or Morphsde . contains all the mesaclnal value al litee flOtent4 of the erode sebsiances; hence thesupenoray of prepare.. -.lnt: no invalid Would der ge its drink • fillonmisturre erten a half pint contained the sentenediclhal :mine.. 'Che eSarsaparsha can be diluted when...len egrecabhe la the directions, and made to suit the taste ot the pa. Pent. _ _ . Tao io/lots'ing ceruficatc addressed tA . tha Agents at Chicago, fat nishes conclusive proof of v ita great value In rrree of rearrAnres. • Croatoo.llllS.t. - 12, IMO. Wrists. Stebbins A Reed--Gentm In firlllf, VEILS,/ obi tamed at goat store a bottle of Sand's Sarsaparfila,and was then confined to my bed, without sleep fora week, occasioned by ViOleill pain tram a regulkr fever sore of long standing, on my nght leg. My phVinciamadvised me m have the limb amputated, anytrign war the only k ,,,, likely . . preserve my life. After' ruing half the bank the Fain began to subside, and by the time I had used nearly three botdes, I afal•ble Itairlinlael ray flp alai burmers, and before I Lad finished : the fourth hot ale, IWO. as well and sound am ever) had Men. I have no hesitation 111 say tug that Sand's Sarsaparilla was Me doubtunder Providence. of 1.19114 my, limb and I not my life_ (most cheerfully recommend it at the ben article extant for the purification of the blood Yours, omit respectfully, • JAMES MILLER • The following certificate lo only:.other link in thi great chain of testimony to im merits: Sonxn Ramos, Canada East, April IS, IHIL: • Merest. Sandw—Gendemens Repot. as we are In the attack. of doers., and so frequently disappointeu in proposed remedies, we cannot but Toot On the clams of successful practitioner, with interest tad gratitude. Thor to true respecting your valuable: preparation of Sarsaparilla. I have been severely altered tar 17 years wirh a dm.w about which "doctor's d sage ~ . and their prereriptionr were still more diver, . .1 tried vs. rious remedies but found no relief until commenced wing your excellent medicine, at which time t was wholly confined to my tied After using i : few umuthit I um .w able to woe about ride &in t end enjoy a cam fnnalilt degree of health; which I Munnte entinely to II e use of sand's Sarsoparillti. Please accept at) as •orance of gratitude and regard. JOHN fir NORRIS Kiting personally neq:tainted with. the above mate. mew, I hereby amid) that the same is true. REV. T M. kik:REIM N • FarmOtt TroTeoei.—Tho follOwlea u an Mrlet from e !Mier morived from Rev. William Gala La: Bemuntutc, bless re, Send.: I have i;Cell ;Witted with fo e the hi my wee. occasioned 11l dd..... live foe th e I mealy years . sudi•ring nt tames sylm. I image cannot cotrey, lout since taking your Sanity iliack have been greatly relieved, en much eothat I la ahem, able to attend to myl, o.liiees. and preach ace Meetly for the last fine.. month.. I wholly discarded I other medicine, and thoroughly Wind the Saraapatills which lean recommend in truth and slueerilyw all th • e who are in any way afflicted with any 'pewee or .e • • felons complaint.. The have been som remarkabl cures effected by um use re in the. vicinity. e Alm. w , by the ate of six bottles, was restored to better bra ththan she had before enjoyed for ten, year. and Airs. yens, who bad been severely afflicted with the :tying. else, was entirely cured by the use of a few batttles. Vont. truly. Wffl. For further particulars and couelueerTevidench of tr. to value nod efficacy, see puraphlete, which may be obtained of Agents gratis. k repined and sod by A.B. te D it to Fulton at, corner of %Vahan., New York.— Sold also by L. WILCOX, de., Plitsburght, H. liar wood, Beaver; Wm. Watson, Neer Castle; IL N. Rob ison, Droornasille; A. Crcigh, Washington; end by_ Druggtsts generally throughourta United States. Prtce St per bottle—sib bottles for $4. The pub. ale, respectfully requested to remember that it is SandiSarsapardla that it le constantly achiev ing such remarkable cures of the roost difficult class of diereses to which the human !Map Is enbjeet; there-. fore ask for Sand's Sarsaparilla and take no other. SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ASK TIM SUPYILHER aOll ASTHMA • harha, relieved boo to each • shoe time frook his di( Geulty-of Lreathiegj,Cough andautroratioul Hs will' tell you it was "the Oloswartiae, or All 'limbo( Salem." Ask the tollnoaptire what ha. allayed his Cuvet,reawned the Pairs iu his Side lied Chest, checked his night swvats,atid Owed the rose of Iwth upon Lis cheet wad he will tell you 131111CILMAN'S OLOSAONIABIs ALL-11EALLNG BALSAM. Ask your friends if they know of any Italia that will so rpm day cure oYwc cud tedious peek, llaisiug of Blood, Bran cLeis, Dyspectir temiumptien, Hoomeneu, Influenza, and disease. of the Thewat, melte Olosmoism? end they will tell yen-No. Then, mere, yet has been* remedy iatrodoced-tu public notice which has been produckie of ereinuch good in Mort a space of time. Read the kilkoring Astprilsking C 0..... ' Boon, the criebreted Ikeemeneker baker, Pi Hare sad - dew, llnoklyo, states that his wife has he .Min ted with asthma fur 3.1 'ran; .d ootild trot liml_permatieut re lief from the beet medical advice which New York sad linoklyti could maim, era. indnowl to try ears great reme dy. Nbe is now nearly well. Hi. &matter "OM was suffer; iug from Uv mot dimmer, tried it, and was aLm eared by lL kin .Bood is nose so well that elm is able to Jilt [man fact bed early inks atproittg sad stood totter usual dative through the day without any mamma foaT her distreseing_malady. Hweltr Jacuon, I.lth .beef, guar the Catholic Come , mine to the Weir fur the purpose of obtaining a bottle of Lo O.aeian, laying been keeled with tha Asthil. kr more Limo at years, and was so exhausted .nn his arrival that he mild out speak. lie purchasedbottle and rode boom.— Four days allemoyard be walked fro a m his residence to the of five without fatigsts, a deduce of Ofti toil milers, to tell of the wonderful which. he had esperketeedjkom athet atom toe half of am bottle. Conakkaptles or the Iskugse Coarolte, 35 White greet, was eo low as the assails of December lan. that be wis yrea ap by hisphyticien. His friends matertaised no hope *1'1%6 meow,. He stosa persua ded to try the Okaaosia., Sod to ha surprise it has to kr restored him - 10 health that he is um" able to walk &b.( the dm. Mr. Akira., the wife ofWm N. Attree,Jelies Esq. mid (ho. W. Hays, C.M. am .11 bear testimony from thmr win expert.. of the heeling properties of this Oreat Bawdy Comunaption of the Limp. fiplittog Blood. Mrs. Tnoonorrue ' 352 street, ,who had bean troubled for a great linagth of time bya snare! cough, end rained quantifies of blood, era rained by W e battle of the Olcwooian, and declares gill.* greatela remedy ii the •orld. Dams Baur, a 3 Water street, was alio alined from the mama complaint, skhough he was very mach oda.' hen hrrommenced taking it, baring been undid the me of 'Kis physkian daring the rimer. Although the mashed eimstantly rod was ray moth troulkd with sight sweaty a hordes of dm remedy enabled him to nitwit b Ids dray "work. Ile wm eaticely mlkeed. DAVID liIMIDD4ON,6O Laight street, Geo W. Barnett, formerly of Newark, fk. J.plreary LOW% 19, Rianren street, aid numerals/ othirkperiiiors bays been * , e tly and Permanently cured of the mantemmaplakit by thisnemedy. The Array of Nomad • whiakcouldbe produced of prams who ham and thie great remedk areal!' man dm fill indium Among the number Mr.LID permitted tonag to A, 01. lagliirele_y , Mr. Warm Iloboken . Mn. Bell of Idoreionwn, N.d.t James B Devoe, 11l Roo. O.; Dlr. ll'Callive,4o Attorney , Bmith,9l Third Ainslie, Mni W. tree of this city, and Mr. Arehibeld,2s Wbia st Bold whelmale and retail by Wm Sabo; al hM !Meat Medicine Warehouse and Boot and lame Story, 4o SI Libel , ty street. head of Wood greet, ritiabagh._ ,Prsedel per boot tle deel6/1, booed Dr. Bucitan. nf.londnn, Endiand.suloo'd INS the Dated ban under the immediate • ris end-. ton e f tAClnvanice.. ' •.. • Td ertnutedtriary-miceem of this medicl e to the Mile of Peibincatey *alum Parra* Gus Aliarican Aden, in solidi* Bar treatment ilte WORST POS SIBLE CABES ht can be Mend In the catuntnethip *metal Rent mile( In vain Mai any of ttp metomp r pen en tedimdim of * the day and have been giventup n by the ** Pimientos m CONFIRBEIS APPD INCURABLE. The Ganger On Hamm has Mintd, and cam the MOST DESPERATE OF CAOLES, D to. an unant anonym, but a standup] English ounalcre, of icaoret and estatelalied etliotcy. Birry dual/ In tat United States eltead be i . ddled WEB Buchan 's Maim* lialearu of Lint. Sot Y *edema th e censumptive tend** of ten dpeme.. pa m be. need as a *vendee Medk.intrin all *a of Golds, Count., Sfetttai of Blood. Pete to thj , Hide and 1 Chap, Intel* and Soreness of the LinTs, meta* IlElbatity of Womb*, Debi lit y,va h **Pa, Emacialun and General Aelluna,ilalle eau, *Ong Cough, apt Ocean: PP Sad Inlay luatles, atilt per bott/mwilli halt*. thane I. the reatemtlen of Health. - Peamedpa,Contelning a same Easliab Annul. cam certificeem, and *ett nide*, aw* * ow aPPIled maim of tlia Gr ne eat lisli Remedy, may obtained of Ore A4ealadtmantio*Y. DAVID F. BRADLEE; tale Agent fa tbe - 1. al* ewes, 119 Cart meet, Baton. T. W. DYOTTsima,Getseral WbolesiP Aim* No. In North Second infect, l FO , sole !y . ') A FAIINES. fOCK A Co. coof wood end front eircelt ote.fl • 14 ..11311 M b 1 - VbciliseDonimoreirthaJki ellen not aware how frightfially injurious 'I the skin! bow coarse. how rough, how salloW, and unhealthy the _skin appears seer using prr • chalk! BC illit[l4 it it injurtou., eontaleing a later • tity of lead. •Wc have prepared • beautiful vege article, which we 801 l JONIMsti SPANDSII ItITF2 It is perfectly illl3o,tnt, being purified • drleteitous qualities; and it linessits to the don a rel. healthy, alabaster, eiest, hying White, at the tithe st •ctlng as • rostitehe on the skin. wakinS utd neenh. Dr. James An n, rhurotts ear!: "After aollysing /navel Spanish hite, I find it possessetet .e mow beautiful, and rat. at thr.thane eine . 1111 , 04,111 what. I versae . • certainly can cOnanientiouily recomtnend to toe I. Who .e akin regoima beaultrylog 123 cents • bog! Sold by VIII. JaChPON, at hilt Boat and Store, t 9 Liberty street, head of Wood, at the ht Itig Boat. , o=l MOlt GAN'S COL', __ publitlidd and mode known .0 Ike pub Et.. Thal te wa.,.prewiou of on old mad who tiled the Syrup. Pet - marten; Febnutry Mormin—Thid may cenify the Mein. alined wuhy "'mildew,me cough mere timed bought • bottle Morgan. Cowls Syrup. and am happy to anyonter Za, cough id entirely tonal. .1 prtmourtce your ih ' Syrop-the - bewt anedititeo• 1' have !Yid:used. Not faiui ly'atiou Id be without this valuable medicine. 1 DAVID M. ROBERTS. AllexbedY DitYl ErVE. mcdiCida is prepared whokwale and retail thE Drug Note JOIN D MORGAN I Woodorteet,orte door below. Diamond Alley' SqeedS.dcam Per boule. , 1 ripitanito olax oinc—For gentle' Inently "dating Light, Bed or Gray Hair a Dark Boon or g. k oaks. autumn dyeing or injuring the *kin. •Sold walo fall direction, Price 00'easou, orgy • p"gold by IVNLJACICSON, at hi. PateniAbel LL ~RIIuaR [9 labeir) . Meet. 11.1.1 of Wo[W,4ll-th Liu al the Mg Lbw.. 1 ' 31 IlitC-11-:' ILLAL all d seam.. • bkod IGIT/CD Gas, 'AND POOR TAILSHEAbIa N IneHaiatcarreet a way to asaae pleasaaa,soiaat Outlaw wan take at (4.111, mare. See that holfetariaibfill analod iara ta.a {.ye rut °Croat! ruts geed. back of ...y c.a. of Direetaom ! • - • , • t L O L LOZBARIES LMIAMerM th..:re, aad edscluxlr•m• , dy flirmigki, colda:meenemmom, ertsamoryoougto, ram, tighten of the Men M.Litt.; etc.! ftw igg,ggege oever knom an Inman When sing son gin reign action. Several Mom Met slamware the Moja% minim to heakle perm, mar of consumpum, mid those lborer order the mew nen. i.e.., colds gad ramie. They do out meek aad dry up tlionst., , but render it imey; promote tryierlorange, allay the %his, .., I mimetic% god moon dm 'primate or orbit" eu.r. 'My an made from a combinatimiod a Ram ealumle. eagr 64.4 ...mg% R . l . tee: itime‘ sad 2/, undostredry gape.. tg and. It= bitt=4: "L. ,,, torsi from Maw who tan Men mud from 110 Mrlroml rru tit, , Lr•rr. and mowed to perfect health . by usury Mum _ W e, oue ot Sher Oats', 1 . 000 Mae, Plaster. .(ing Ity remo sim..l. apydial ma the part, ad gro.n till mimed. // sg,,,JeS with coaster; • Au callthrtio or Malin l ,oang. me mild calla.. malielm, Mould be and as cram mpg.. my . ifiIEB3I.IIIPS- WORM LOZENGES T 0... worm kageogis ham Ms prowl to mace than lAlkt • 000 gases to be lafallebk;the ninon wma mamas ererdoirovered. lag dine.. Msg. Sum •gesc. tad orcaska king and Belem sateriug, mermen death, oat oat their tor bust, thspreltd; grown perwiew are very ode. .li.ed.witle &Mooned are Mowed Far various Mrralfooool. ,stitiout'thi..tritoLt; win mug dose of them Lriesogg. mulr muddy eon them syeriptemes IlMews.—Paim io the jointsm. limb% ogee - .ee breath, picking at the wow, g ri adiag of the teeth dorm. dettp,thd other apace.. about the ipt,with fluebodch,ers. .bbeelingatchn SOW a gearin sematio• at the smooch, . h,. Mb -es of Mt over MM..* of the body, alight Map, headache, dromiam, ruler torpor, dieurbe deem% addetnertiogn asep; with Mena. samming. nmetiouta • trogeblecome cowl, fernishone, thirst, Ipelhd hag, Ms, MI taste in the mouth, diglcult brgathiery, m u the menarie or bowels, fatigue, imam mearnielness, von, eiompetty,' Mamas, bloated stoosach or Inotn, (trying, shoolusgpma m various parte laxly, a meg ot Moe Ming reang im the dm% Ming 0f.... towards eV., oue. dem to pm something from the bowels, and mme linutes dreamers of Mime end mum. CAMPHOR LOZENGES. They gin immediate relief id anon or sick bcadreehr, If the hem, lowness of the spirits, or putrid MIMI ihroaLbovel'oe warm ! 000.- . plnsfeistunr, oppreadon or a mug of sinking of the cheat, Mal% imam, romp of the dome* er bowels, hysterics! alSortrym and all neurons dinarrs, drowrions h the &hip! walteletarm thmuer the night; cholera or ehol -era sorebm diarrhoea, lassitude or a rear fraigui or tragellrog or .to her parte% evil/ find the Loin remlly ramlagil tow., the buoyancy of youth; used allm.thesigetson, .Mime efthe t)stroitte4 ntry, md MUM the ouplmant symptoms mane wool roc liviag. Perim who hate ben too blgh been, mad mrnUs abandened their dilated habil% will dad these Lampe ad. 1311EIMerprlit00/1 MAN'S PLASTER. The ben strearbsaimg Amer the wallowed • Wevererya remedy:kr paths, or rOrmilitm in the back, lob% gide egml, insbe, win% rheumatism, longterm Sm. Wm rolliim • year well notsuppry thedeamad. Theyiegabe • little Inflo mg before paths, Warnated ammo; to WI uthen.and for me Wilmer the anal n, prise, mt.( nit mely the be but the cheapest planer in Me world. It affords relief in a Ler boom and makes astonishing ems. • la liver complaint md dyspen% it Medd.. won over the ngiemofuse liver or mooch, and /1 will Med great ad mooblawg 'eeleer, In combs, moldy anima, diewalry of Math*, mimeo. of the chest or esomach, they w ealM mediate ly soon ad greatly boodo tin mum. Pof sedeilary hibitr, or 11.000 - obliged lo stand esuch, • ill receive derided sapper! Own owe of Mem truly emengthenaug ter. Plummet ginetally ammemead Melo' 5 fonts aj' eutenf ' Way "."":" 4 ft:l:rand . 004" TbryMe mapomee of eon., differ:en Mgrs.. emu Mm other, and known from the exptrithre 01 Mal- Isom who here used Otio, as well es the meted tedium:or of all the eriebrated essel dismeguished Mee aed phydasoe, to be the mid useful and highly snalicatadMeter. Several pumas have called at the warehouse to newels son us cum these pluton have effected. Directims far we are on We back angle Omer,with a Beaten. of Dr. Sherman • tame. 11 is impataat yOO aheuld strays sok Slignasn's Poor Mal Plaster •00 %M. ctr.td Ito.r,V= „ mpriaciplowl dealers. y . Sold wbeirsale and retail by W. JACKSON at his Paten bledkine %Mime, No. in, Liberty Weal, 111 of tin 810 BOOT. _ jm i4-41,._ Ci. ROES D ES ERVEDLY -CELEBRATED CHRONI— THERBIEL BLI3DiciNFIs. CONSISTING of bi• Prophylactic Syrup. a ter. lain'reniedy lorall C011511111•TI VIC and Scrofu loua affections; Cough Syrup. Croup Syrup Con. centrated extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly superior to all other extracts, tiering given rehel when all othen bare failed, being through • _new proton/8 more COLlCCOtrated than any other eeir offered to the public. ASTHMATIC paving effected permanent cores of that stubborn diseamt, when of more than yens hence it mods without enrol in that amen dreaded disease. • Dr. Rose'. LINIMENT, for all eases of weak nrsior pain, and a complete anbatitate for blisters. Dr Rates TONIC MIXTURE, an iulalllbio cure for cell a and ferenr, and indeed is inure or a specific for fevers of all kinds than bark er — Qui- MOIL DL Rose'. INCOMPARABLE VERISIIPUGE, w here known, is tied in preference to ant other Vermifuge Preparation. Dr. Huse'. :PUNIC ANTI-DNA:VFW, for all diseases of the Stomach and bowels, CI: lee, in- • fectione dite. Too high an encomium cannot be pamed on the merit. of this medicine, io cure of Diepepsia, and all disease. that,reinltirom- Weak ness of stomach co bad dtgestion. . Dr. Ross'. FEDIALff. 1 ILI 5„.0 moat nluable remedy. for those general complaint" to which fe male. are subject. . Dr.. Rate's TONIC.LALTERATIVE PILLS- 'Nopill ever before offered the public an happily combine. the qualities of a Whack medicine,asut anti-diapentic, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct ing than diseeies," and thereby preirenting coo. auteption. A yooog Lady 25 yeareorage, baying 'diseased liver for some time, her strength p ro,. -trued tool appetite gone, was chnopleffily restored in Me week. by the use of the Anti.dispeptic astir tureand thesepilla alone. ' • - • Dr. Rosen CHNONO-Tkik:HSIEL STRLNOTH ENINti PLA STER,I or weakness 01 the back, aide; breast, dec. Dr. &we'. SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the man cer. tale remedy forcues. of Sty or convulsions, whetiterin infants or adult.. So certain a specific t. it for this formidable disease Out the moat ob. a/luster-nee, and thoae too of long "tending, have yielded at once. Dr.Rrise. RHEUMATIC MIXTURE-,Ancrwiany_ years of diligent research tho componnd was discov ered, and its never flailing efficacy places Its efficiency above all other. for the core of Rheumatism. Dr. Rose's tASTRINOENT COMPOUND.. certain wniedy. for. spitung blood, indeed for ,ditcharge. of bodblood whether front Lange, bowels or other 'parts of , the y. , • Dr. ItoseaSYßlfPffir Cholernand Dowel complffints —This migrate will effeentaily core bowel complaint, Dy.entery,Cholerahlorbus,and Cholera. Al the be Astute Cholera eras ragtag an Philadelphia It was Jotted it be the woad .accessfulto arrestffigit, eating - nine iced!, of all those wha used IL.' What may be uirl of one of them remeddies may by mid of alit their value will only be appreciatesl be chore who try them. Letters from those who have been eared of ites'earions maladies that affect the.humor body might be Siete,' but we are Milling to relit the - matter on die merits of the compound,. We have • for SelefulLiniti vanoaafonas.so condensed and efficacious that its Mating power ha. astonished aunt. A case of Caricer,bccarraig in the wife of the tateHovernor of DelawarO, mar completely cored in s few atonalh. The cancer bad been twice of out by prominent Iffirgeons, and renewed itself with increased malignity, yet notwithstanding the debility of Galenite lion and remove's! sheep* pans, the ak• of the Pro phylactic eampkody removed every vestige of the disease, Case. Innteneffills orates Sarum cares that Isere followed the use of these liersedie. are M.P...- . Mon; but it is not deemed oesrossary la !Menet ate them . as the awe( them will reancinlend them to all. - J. 2431,10NA1 AKER, 4 a.„ Pito yi cod Ftreel Ammo forPittabargh - _ notedly irEnd MOAT ASTOUSiDire4-7.-AileCthW. EgiY--A Blessing! Aal A Wonderl! —To are - Ereptions and Disegarroamits of the Hun, Pirroles.Freeklia, Sanbarn,Pah - Rbeanalteurvy, Sage Heads, Are., he. Poor years ago last Almost, the capital of. France *as istoteahed in .mosequence of a Gisedvery made by in Halton Chemist. Many doubted—lf - seemed almost on impossibility that anything _made by:the hands of man. weld have inch iingelar wees as Mat claimed ! by Antonia Vesprini for his invention. ,klany clawed him and his invention as a habffing,rand. alas! many foetid, persons without trying do the fano awe] at Magill, Mier testing it in the hospitals, the. .11 cdiral clety of Pori. (the best ehertem. lathe worldidelivered the following repot to Signer “We have crow minuteiyand confetti exatnineirthe singular invention of Verprinii We have suatysed its coavonent pana—vre have u setts in iteverat risen, and we hesitate not to pienounce it (the Italian Chemical s'o•rl u a ['eat Mewing. tad • Italy wonderful reme dy foe any eittacteotla minion or dirligetement of the sYin. It. inventor we consider. the tmw philanthropist of suffering mankind. (Sillncdl LEOPOLD DUPREY ( - President. REMY TIIIS! From the inventor himself to the prevent Pap/teas Nam, how. 4,1E40 In consideration of the ~ or of EWA I have dva/. ired hlr. Jones, residing in the city of New York, N. A., the w hrmieothole proems orwtanufactuting, together -with • statertleto of the ingredient. contrail-int Soap- Ile tv tomannfactare 0 lot .ale - 01 the United State. only, and to have the privilege of Oa: 11011i1 ., Jogirie Italian Chemical Soap.' Witness: Scary J. lloldatonli. -, (Signed) :AN'fONIA YYSPRINI I% OffriSold by W JACKSfaI, at Ida Pair , Medicine urebOine, Es Liberty Wee; heed of % I nod, seas sign Thef the Mc Boot. . an only place in Pnialiargh where the GLNIIIN can beolitatned. All easel are Ca.:erred. • PITTSBURGH' GAZETTE, PDBLISIIED DAILY, TR.I.WEEKLY & WEEKLY At du Ginsta wear lA. Pan Cefen. RATX6 OP •D ED.TIIIIII/Na. One inse!Don of 15 lines, pr so LO Twohnertions wilhoutalteration* B 75 Three.' - . ...... 101 Ong Week Ong Week. •• •• ! 50 , I Three -... '. " ... 300 Orie Alot.ih, .• • a 00 Two ." •.. 600 Thor' 4. " . • . '7 50 , tizr LoneriLe.edi.e.evts re uuse, pepportion. One oquare,6 months, without alteration...T - 10'00. .....'.15 CO . Eackodditlonaallequare for 8 mamba, 1 5 00 f'. -,. '' "AI. .., ;1000 One aqoare,6 Months, renewable it pleasure, 15 00 or AA 7S_ - .. so! II & t) 03 Eicliadditional agnare for 12 n0inttw..:.....• 10 10 Two oqwwww,6 month., re!wable at plasm..., 30 00 Each additional square, 6 months, • ' , 800 irsticit Oa rat-wassir. IN natcr One squire,3inaettiona,sl 50 •'• . each additional insertion , 37 ' • 11C11131ZU 'CARDS. Fine lines or lea., one yeas.. . "' 4` xi: motatliai . 5 CO OMI & 1 2 co AA iAA surnaszwrs raj • For '.AI lines, or less, One insertion, • SO 50 ." ." Two, 045 " Three months ' 3 , 60 • .. 6 00 Zf'" ... " ' 10 00 ZTAJI idvertioaaaeats to bit ebated . by - t - be ignore, 'and a ditrottotot2.s pet cent to be wen where the atboo . e.l , or attrottisioirelogeds.sodpitara per year. liViturias ease.. Ciao line, or ..... $6 00 ' " ' :it or'' 5W ~ - - 11
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