W' 4 ."!" ---. ' ____ ------- VIE PITTSBIJRGII.SLIZETTE. 111 , EItAITUS LIROOFMat P ITT 24 '- MONDAir . , tr.- PITTSBURGH: MONDAY MORNINO,',IUNE 2.1, 1847. 051 -Tot Tersont too DULY Georres • pito:weed Tri-Weskly, and WweltlV.—Tho Datly ts beim Doll.. per annum; uteTri-Weekly w Five Dollars per annum: the Weekly io Two Donato per arwen. iR whowtee Notice to A.dvertisere. • • - 11:r Aiirrivectecnis, to uor•ore matron, should be haruted to by five ciel.k. in the afternoott. Aueouon to Uot,on the part of one too:outer., %soul./ be prod ue tide of roatobeoefin. VOX OUVEII.NOIL, JANES lIILVUV • • (or crazta e.cier,) FOR CANAL COMMI.S6IONEit JOSAGPIII W. PATTON FOR 11.RATOR GEORGE DAIISIn, a Allegheny hl R1111.111.T. LEWIS C J NOBLE, of Tp. CHRISTIAN SNIVELY, a( Wal. Tp MARSHALL SWARTZ ala.uEm. HENRY LARCH'. of Niatleu Tp I.%r7VAINF T -IZ .‘ to FOR C0C.177 .10LISFIRIE1 THOMAS PERKINS, of LAverr Tp. Ira /11r,111 , 311. WILLIAM CAVEN, of Vcrosilleo Tp STATE DIRSTLIAL COMMITTEE. THOMAS F. FRANKLIN. [..nu. Coy JOHN C KUNKEL, Haupt. , Conroy. 'THOMAS DUNCAN, JAMES AIARTIN, " THOMAS C HAMBLY, York. WILLIAAI IM WTTS. Cllll3btrighil. DANIEL AI . SMI A SF/R. Adorn/. JOHN I' WETHEMLE.Pluladelobin C. - JOSEPH R CHANDLER, " ROBERT T CONRAD, THOMAS AIeORAT II II, DILLER LUTHER, eac ROBERT AI BARD. Ersiukt,n THOMAS M T M'KENNAN, Vs'iolongu.a. ANDREW .1 OGLE, Seiner. HARMAR DENNY. Allegheny. RICHARD IRWIN, Vennngn. JOSEPH H KUHNS. Westinoreln.. O J BALL. Erie. II D MAXWELL , Nonhninnton SALISBURY. Busqueti.nn. ELIIAN AN 'SMITH, W yarning. • SAMUEL A rußviehicE. Bader . HENRY S F.VANS.,Cnemer. ROBERT T Alonigracery. pT Extra Copieshf the Report of the 031.10/ C4llloliitee for sale at this Office. A large number copies of this Report have been printed by or for ear Lerma, end it is dedi table that they shoutd be read b every man in the city, and in the neighborhood of N bead waters of the Cibio, as well as between naltimp and Psasbonsb• Vor LAID? C.11[1.1 . 641 Inielpgence. Dornesuc Ms flcol, Rive, News, Imports, Money Market, , Wed page. See fourth Page for alleeellaateoas Nears We employed n Write afternoon, ► few dey. ainee, In vieiting the beautiful location select.' by the genitalia and socumd by the enterprise of the people of Pittsburgh, to be used fur the purpoee ot burial to all time to come. It is sitanted near the left bank of the Allegheny river, about one•fouitti of • mile above the United States Arsenal, end about two miles hem the city. The grounds corn. prise one hundred and ten arra, beautifully di• Versified with gentle hills and lovely drier, open lawns and thick 'woods, mounds, slopes, copses, luail every imaginable variety almost of natun.l. sylvan scenery—uniting, on the higher ground,, wile of the finest views of 'the two cities and Sur. rdunding eountsi,we have wen any where. As we approached the grounds from the city, we found the canted enclosure defended by a atone will, substantial and well laid in mortar, and about 12 feet high. This wall at present extends the whole length of the road, being shout ono-berth of the circumference of the grounds, but will be extended ainund the whole as the means of the 'directors will permit. A beautifiii gateway. from • chute design of the Architect, is to be. erected at the principal entrance as you approach from the city, and another, less imposing in its structure. at the lode entrance, further up the road. At the main entreoce is e Ledge fur the keep.; of the gate, whem visitors are admitted, end who tee permitted to ride through the ground. in ear. tines or on honebsek, 'but out to go faster than walk. The gentlemanly Superintendent anti A rchi of the grounds, Jona Cutaster?, Esq., who -sides on the practises, kindly acttompsnied us • the grounds, and pointed out the various imp • meets in progress and contemplated, and the viler farmss of the location for the purpo . which it is devoted. The ground is all of a rolling character, com. posed of hill and dale, but yet gradually ascending from the main entrance to a beautiful ridge near the rear. The Manageis are dividing it into rec lions by mans of roads running through a in every direction. These roads are at present d 'graded as the "Main Tour" and ~ S ectional A. slues." The Main Tour is a wide carriage way. commencing at the main entrance and winding about among the beautiful little hills and gentle almost always on a gently inclined Owe, . until it surrounds the grtionda giving to the tiai tort a view of every paft, and some most Charm ing views of distant scenery. Thla Main Tour will be in length about three mike, and will afford one of the moat delightful drives to be found in this country. We can warmly conceive of, env thing more beautiful. when the grounds are folly improved and decoritcd by the hands of ,taste and affection. The Sectional Avenues, which are laid out for the convenience of approach -to the different .co tion. of lots, are wide mirough to admit tarrlagt conveniently to peer. They are never located in straight Imes, but in gentle curies, accommodated to the ground, and moat generally on inclined plaves. They run into each other and into she Main Toar, and the whole will feunieb a ride of ataxia hake mile,, without even passing o'er any part of the ground more than once. All the made are dovered witli.k gravel, found on the premises, which bececom, by usage, ...head as a stone, making la road a. smooth and rwhd as a McAdamised turnpike, but free from the annoy ins daat of ouch roads. We were ash:mild:tad to teem; from the Soper. intendant, that family lot. are taken as fast as they are prepared for market. Indeed, the section on which the workmen are now employed, is neeffy all taken. No family that can afford to secure a place for sepulture, in and about these cities. who have visited the ground., but will hasten to secure a lot. . • About and hualred and fifty penults already deep in these grounds, and many fine monuments of white marble add to the beauty of the scenery. We rejoice, u citizens of Pittsburgh, in this _noble instituticei. We feel a pride end pleasore In it which we an scateely express. We look upon it so having more influence in binding our people to the city of their nativity or adoption, than all their stores, nr workshops, or dwelling homes. It is a spot around which the heart of every Pittaburgher will ever finger with fond re membionees, and his last earthly wish will be to rest with his farads and fellow citium in the peaceful shades of ALLUISIIIT Tit Mr/lCitlf TAlLltTe — it is stated by the .'spy in Wastungton," that Gen. Scott has strong. ,ly urged upon (Le Govimment at Wimhington. dm amenity of giving s . pledge to oar merchant. and Mow of all •the. world, that if they import goods into the Mexican porta. and pay the dailies Manton, either wader his tariff or that of Mr. Walker, than goods, thus imparted, shall in the ==M==al the future consumption of Mexico. exempt from all tat and molestation slice the peace. Guts Ortesuwoov Is not Mr.. Baker nor Mur. anybody ebie, as we havetold the public she was, by copying the error of some of our contempo rants of the east • We are very sorry the mis take has occulted, but more . so that Grate Groen• wood pewees in leading ,life of mingle Mowed- Holders of Isrousts Srocc will receive the first otred.annual payment of interest on the ne* five percent. stock,on the I st.of July, at New Yoriu Moods must be surrendered for bloater previous to that date. Thai Vera Cm Eagle give a as a report that Omani Almonte i. a prisoner on en accusation et holding correapendenee with Gen. dear. eIIISIDEIT or!ll Tana B. timara to-mo torwr - prirsk .7enatylrlizata Vlseatecr, /nrcaysaiteDeleif itt/dapa—llarel Char: ra--Kindnesi of the Feople—Frie*Uy Fed. tog bdwetn tic Sdelientrond the 114.xiatne— ifipie and Wit r - . 14 Furioey Pried—:::The Has; flurgecns.Ae. .1 :is, May U. 'The main body of the American Army having pushed an for the City of hisser., this plece-has been left under the military government of Col. Childs, with a garrison of about 1700 men. tom. hosed of the Ist Regiment of Artillery and a nil and twelve pousarhatiery, under Capt. Regulate. the ted Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. an, der Col. Roberts, sod three companies of the lit Pennsylvania Regiment. each under their teepee. tire commanders. Captains Morehead and,llaue, and Lieut. Denny, the whole under Major F. L. Bowman. The balance of the let Penosy lcioia Regiment, composed of Captain Small's, Neale's. Scott's Riles, Binder's. Bennett's and • Hereon'. companion, all under Col.' VlTynkoop, remain in garrison at Perote. Thus much for the condition of infamy in this section. As to the garrison of Ferule, they were in'es• cellent spirit., and were peeper.' to defend their castle amunat stnatever tome the enemy can bring to bear upon it. A. to our garrison, wears more eiposett, and could the enemy rally a strong force they might give n. a very pretty light. And, in deed, Col. Childs seems to deem such an event not .t all improbable, for the troops have been coacen. trated la town, and the utmost vigilance is exerci. sad night and day. For • tramient visiter, this city. is shout. the moat expensive of any 1 - ever was in, and the ac commodations hear no proportion to the prices paid for them. A place on the brick door of a flea infested apartment, whereon to spread your blartkvt,or at most an ordinary wood horse cot, without a bed or maims, and the Oahu's , and Most wretched osokery; constitute the sect.caLp. dation.; toi a hotel at one dollar and fifty cents per day, and at the principal hotel for two dollar. per day, you have tb. Incur? of a meatus. but have t pay, if you will submit to the imposition, an ed• diumal seventy live cents per day for supper. To a pecan perfectly domiciled here I should think the expenses would be light, for the rent of hou ses is elm.. nominal, and the markets are usually • very cheap. At present, however, the prime of marketing, owing to the Femora of the American troop., hare appreciated a hundred, arid in same, instances, e. high even as fore hundred per cent ' Aud indeed the advance in price ranges - between these point. A. an instance of the high price: of produce, the quattormas'er's department is even now paling five dollar+ per bushel to the natives for forage, corn or barley, fur horses and mules. The dispnition of the major part of the inhali tante toward. out troupe, has, I think, undergone , an entire change for the better, since the first or second week of our occupation. OM soldier. have made it a point to behave with marked cour tesy towards them, with but few exceptions; a ' number of cue oliloers board with private lies, and their polite demeanor, and gentlemanly deportritent, have completely won upon the'affec- ' lions of the people, end rendered them our fast and warm friends. 'There are a number of friendly as.' sociatione firmed, which, when the army comes tomose off, will CAWS, many a regretful gems. don. In fact, the deportment of our officers, to. gather, with the huskies. mtiuty imparted to the place by the pr, woes of the troops, hes , effected a complete revo:ution in the feeding. of the people —, In their - domestic erraogetirents, the people man.' Jest considerable tut %, though their furniture to scant, which gives the large rooms, with brick pavements for fl tors, and high unphostenefreilings, a cold, and at night, a comfottless appearance.— They are graceful ip their manner of dressing, are lively .and anima ed in their disposition, and are kineande'tentiye to those who claim their hospi.' talky. I am domiciled for the present, in entreat. family, at the head oh which presides a motherly lady, the Widow of a Mexican Colonel, end a more kind, affectionate, and attentive family. I newer saw. Several sick American officers have made her house their home, IMO had she bens then mother, she could not have been more at• i. reouve to their wants, or more solicitous fur their' restoration to health. And this seems to be the genetsl charactsiietic of the respectable pinion ,1 this people. Ftrocity, unlike their militar7, and also unlike the Rmchere populace, seems to ! form no part of their character. A few day. ego four American soldier.. who had been coneicted I by military commission, of a moat atrocious rob.. bay. baring broken into a ktazietio's house tirith m. in their hands, and a portion of them stand.' mg guard over him and his wife while the others riddled the h.., were pubocly whipped in the' Pisa. nod Inc polosh meat eta. Universally xd i.y the populnoi, psiticularlf by the female poriiom and pronounced barbarous and unworthy of a civilized nation. I have ! Alen beand tall of kleticen politanew and I mist cool.. that the universal exhibition of that quelitilacalculatel to one favor- ably. 'there is no affixation and no mere cern. inouyiin it, but it seem. the offrpring of a mmuitio desire ou their pin ''.o civil to all they meet- And tha chattel , . 'tot confined to the upper area. of life, but pervade, the whole body .of the people. Indeed the highest class have exhibited lees of it then the other paten of aomety, and they seem to be the only portion be. , tweet, whore and Our officers a perfect good under. standing has ant yet been established. This hauteur lion, however, begun II wear off. and I antic/ottani a very short time m emote dimmest Once. It is the same proud spirit mat appeared to animate the whoto people when we lint came here. and I do not believe that it is proof naiad oar civilities. A timbers' or the Mexican officers, taken ptio onere at Vera Crux and Cerro Gordo, ate here on parole, and may be teen any day on the streets sporting their rich and tasteful uniforms. Thej are not unfrequently seen in company - with cur oleo officers, between whom acquaintances are springing up daily. They say that a taste for tousle is a test of cie. dints in. If setdha Mexican of Jalapa are high ly cinlired, for I hear nightly as good manic here as ever I heard in Philadelphia. Their favorite instrument appeere to-rer the goiter. though there is scarcely a house of any saattspog, in winch there is not, io addition, a pima, a harp and a harptichord. The flute also appear. to be much in Me. but a+ to the violin, I have Mien no instru ment if the kind since I base been in Maxie,. The hospital of our army at this place contains near eight hundred parsons. It in an old content, built by Cortez, and great complain, are made of the wretchedness of the foal and scommoodations It does appear to be c meet cramped up place, and: I do.i't see why better quarter. and more Corn fellable arrangements are not provi for our sick. Our hospital physicians have thepower in their own band., god theta is no excuse tor not making the necessary extensions and reforms.— There is scaraely a day without a funeral, *rid I feel concluded that many of OM brave men din or i ore rendered incurable, from pure neglect I have not yet wen the Merton hospital. botrim told that its arrangement., attendance and waren tenors. are infinitely superior to ours. I know that the Mexican Surgeon General io attendance here is a man of 00..mmite skill, and that his attest dons are marked by the utmost sympathy fur the sufferings of his patients-,a quality, a little mora l of which would not all hart same of our surgeons, or diminish their assfulnms As far re my experience eitende to describe the whole. I deathbed the architecture of Vera Cruz, ' ] the pri n cipal featured of which were es hibited ! in their public buitdingsand churches. The same characteristics are presented every where, and I • imetimes think that cern the details are ident ical. They knee, hare a great propentity to ring. log church belie, and it is done without any harm ony wherever. The only conceit seems to be the time •I which the clatter shall commence, and no time of day cr night meare tube free from the ar rangement, and when it does commence, eay at midnight, one isetrongly reminded of the discord• ant sounds which preside- Philadelphia front the diffirent hose and engine houses daring an alarm I of fire. It may La all very well as meriting n time for devotional exerciser, Lot certainly the noise tuts become a great bore and nutmeat to me.— And this more particitlatly. as the fleas are' numerous, and we bare not more time to ,:emote to the important duty of sleep than is pb.olutely necessary to health and strength. ll e have a priest here, who I. the personifies. lion of wit and goal humor, and who has been' ro long and so well know in Jalapa that the piece would be lost without him. He menu to know every holy and every body known him. As • comequenee, he is tideway. in M. strati on his vi. sits, he has a word. • repartee, ors geniie rebuke fen every body. Ho is a man of great politeness., and from the large share he occupies of public at, tendon, taken the privilege of .4dr...ins as a mat. ter of right, though without rudeness, every per non he meets. To he in Jalapa is, of course, to he one of his acqoainisoces. I need not ay be Cie • welcome winter at every house in town, where his jocularity entirely does sway with that awe ands...genre with which the priest character ia regarded in this country. When the American officers first repa to town, the worthy padre did not think proper to make them, on account of 1 ' their being cooquelore. an exception to his genet. al rule of cracking joke+ upon all he met At . first they did not know what to make of it, and were Mile than half inchned to be swage about it, but with true Yankee Instinct they moto dis cowered the drift of the meter, aid at once enter ed into its whole spirit From that time forth there hal been a constant encounter of wits, min. sled with practical jokes, in which the number. and cuteness of the Yankees have got the mar tare. Oar padre, nothing daunted, continues the war against the odds opposed to him, eadin or. der to facilitate his operatlem, he hare commenced the stole of the English language. This be cop trims to make the mat Indicrons of all hie opera theta He pursues his Pudica Ii • roariPielar nre; quieter.. and the odd gesticulations, grotesque mixture of Spanish and English word., corthivrel to Ix put ingather on is funny a mariner its poia. 40. a SOW., of gam aintseirtent numbir listen .toa e:•raaisTPur rag canon —w of orlon and a la , ge circle of hu acnadnitmcea . i semi: and received niereral Otters Croat A long train of 150 teapot, snowed from Vera 1 ,Urta a few days ago. W. expected that the bag. moPoy a deep- 1 4 graVring intanort gageOf the companio, containing the clathing of Road. hoaMeaa men the the officer. and men, would have been ain't op; but metal anxious that Pdorbordb rah old hoc instead of that • otimiaer of wagons gr:re occu- the Caner, and feel well wonted that Balt! • mad by mulene VW* and the "•F• of • el ' e• will Successfully urge a Rail Road commuoiMticao company.' When Gee. Scott heard of the outrage between the two • that had bee to n th ;:rr:r o a f te ih tL e len' good s a h r o ni7, D b aus ut, en t'i me th. hoe so o t ; The Baltimore Arneriran aim?! sins of an &t -ether the;ciretta company eacsmel moms roost unjostifisble and 'dangerous 6 the him. So me weeks since the properties of a Meat- imotoote of Baltimore. to mingle party, pAitie l y or d tt rical company, soul the persona of the neuroses. ; M the proposed , subsarlption asked from that, Cely Were smuggled here by the 91M0 meats, W 0 e / the wee. time Wage, we re d o „m o d oz „ sick s o t. ; Councils cat the Connellsville Road. We quells thereon the road; and the baggage of ni Italy the] the of the American: tt whole army was le at Vera Crux for ward of Look at the friends of the Pittsburgh connec transportation. The dishonest a gents who P•' Bon throUghout the by—are there any Nati/Ls-I pelmet) the shave outrages have not let bran d;.• unctions amongst them on this subject! The gen. covered, but Gee. Scott has ordered the matter to temare who offered' the resolution itself In the be invoe.tigated — Currnepondcner of ih• l'hil a. i Council, a gentleman 'high—and deservedly sr— Lerig. in the confidence of his party; higher, we venture to wy, than some of those who Censure him, Demount, with capabilities of acting for himself from convictions at macro and duty, and with sa gacity enough to know when the internts of hi. party are cone rued and when they are not. It woo not de-seed a matter of party when Mr. Mel.o‘oo internated a readiness to subscribe on the part of the Company $550,000 to the Pittsburgh connecti in. How can it ben party matter to urge,' that suliacripti in now when all the conditions upon which it ices first recommended aro C 011• plied with! If there are personal, not party interests or views concerned, en consideration of which the prosper.: ity at the city is to be regarded as a seconder, metet,lo be postponell or sacrificed as convenb rnce may gunmen, then we are free to say that the sooner this fact is known the b.tter. For it may be concluded most assuredly that no such obsta cle can be alto ved I.mg to remain, to impede the progress of Baltimore on the high road to her great and glonous fortunes. In an other article upon the importance of the Pittsburgh Connection the American says to its re oder.: • Foreign Uinta. Rom man /JO roon —The Hanover Gazette of May. the 6th, says that in consequence of the extreme •• scarcity of food in that Ye dist), home Ash bad been introduced among the population .with the best effect!" It adds that 5000 lbs. of this lurid of food had been sold within a fortnight for consumption, in the different towns of the kingdom. The Nation insists that thereat:mold be a disso lution of the Repeal League of 1847—tthat there ere $600,000 ..totally unaccounted for" besides e Navy debt—and that since the nrceasion, Mr Johnfreonnell, &c , do not represent the Natioq al Party. Foreign Newt by the Cambria The Cambria brought 101 passengers t., Halls lon, left 14, and took in 111, making 09 to 801 l ton. Among the passcrigera are Mr. Polk. United States Charge at "Inds., and the Right Rev. Dr. Biahop of Toronto. R. 13. Beasley, Eq.. for many years Ainerican Consul at Havre. died on the tel of June. All the American ships at that port hod their flags at half 'mast high during the day. The Cambria brings about .C 30,000 sterling in specie. The differences between the Queen of Spain sod herronsort hadviaen t., such a height, that the propriety of adopting immediate measure. to secure a divorce had been discussed in the Gehl net. Queen Christina had gone to FORIA to use her Influence at this Vatican to prevcie Queen Isabella from obtaining a divorce, and tt.us to cc. cure the succession of the Duchess of Morttper, war and her cons in to the Sinnith the met The Revolution in Portugal will continue. Panaceas in "10.—TLe iiaandsl prom ! pc. of tie caintry are on the whole ammatmg The disposition which the Bank of England let ly evinced to discount mare freely has become more largely deer loped, and a great degree of cot fi trite has bean imparted to all branches of trade. The weekly returns published on Friday. the 213th show the amount of notes in actual cireula non in the week ending the 22J ult., including seven day and other bills, to hare been 119,57E1.- 243. The question it not between Pittsburgh and nay Southern terminus on the Ohio. It i. Pitts burgh or Nowhere. The advocatee of Nuwletri norm to have the day for the present. But we can wait. Look at the facto. Ir will take all the tom patty'. resourci a—State bomb!, credit and ell—to get to the State line. Mr. McLane intimates a edoutit whether he will he able with all the Com pany's means to get even to that paint Yet we are told that when there, or at the point of diverg• ence, fißyefive miles beyond Cumbrrlnnil, it will mill be within our power to go to Pittsburgh; and that we shell be so far on our way also It Fishing creek or Parkeribufgh„ if Virginia shot ldbers ' atter grant the tight a way to either of these points. Now what mockery is this! The priai• lege of going to Pittsburgh et all will cease in Aril nest, unless the chatter which new grants it I shall be s !cured ny a beginning of the road and a Isubsiliptiori of a certain amount of capital. The acipinition of such another charter, or of any prnmicable right of way through Pennaylcenia to ' Pittsburgh, is utterly !topples. And as to going ; to Fishing Creek or Parkeraburg,!eupposing the' route t r either place open, which it is not, nor likely to be, of what avail would the right Of way I be to a Company without a duller of resource.! Cuvactan am PITT4OOIIOII-...1t will be I seen that steps here hero taken for opening the ! Road between Pot.burgh 0011 Cieinland.— , Specification. may be ermined between the 17th and 27th of July, and the line first to be contrite ' ted for is between Wellsville and McQuilken'e F•arasme MCA. or PLICLPOICITT --The /t.b Mill, 20 miles. A further letting of that portion natty Argo. of the ISth given UP the following ! of the line (roil McQuilken'i mill, crossing the fantastic trlzlis of the lightninu, the storm and , s andy 4,1 Rea ." er Canal, . wad eaaorojing ! the the Tel. graph . New Lisbon and Canton road in the direction of A 50.0. dOrDO 'parsed directly ere , the city Cleveland. will take place; early in September. yesterday afternoon. It was of but Mort duration, This bloke like a h ginning. and the gentlemen but the quantity of min which tell was very great. The lightning was mid; but we heard of 00 0001- whit have taken hold of it, will press it to a con. dent resulting therefrom. The heavy mina Joe is a most important one ing the last ten d.ya have peon the thusly teak , anu we are glad to u r a commencement of what a thorough, soaking. We had no report from the sre ,i,oim 11.4 9111 prove a efflux. end. With the south last evening, the line bring out of order in Pittd , orgh and Cleveland Rail Road under way. consequence of the A.m. Atmospheric idea tor• ity during moat of the day had complete p use. and r.e Central Rail Read c o m m en c ed, we .hail won of the hue, and mitt the storm passed over have !, least a chant,of words work.this city, watt imposaible ti.,,,btain any comma- : , .. thins the e impany.w told tom• contolered Mention from the e mit, At st., .01 tmlf.pam t •,, clock lo.l...btest .1., ti,eity t,l, !, "eta Inter, tM, place i n tim telegraph office, dianthus the relay out rvute than him been ireleeted.'and by author/. magnets of both lines The game attached to the sing conirocto to be made nearer Piitshurgh. To relays mato the &Murry were melted off. and Mo • entire luta to Nest York rendered (Jr a time per • " ..I .W at Cleveland, fealy awake* The western line as far no R ,el.- would hardly be a Pittabimgh road, and we hope eater was got into operation during the e•entor , that due. ated in the line dd. and but nothing rou'el be obtained (min New Veer— kv,Jl,„o„ +au tau laws t'et , Mod •rt am s At , ' 'I, Ist. J! •. - Tha amount of gold and silver coin and Iwllinn in the vaults of the bank watt £9,948 63a, ing au increase 01 £788,400. Too monthly in crease woe /731,753 A email portion 1 , 1 the Insigho loan has arnond, and the fund, have ut, ding.° llttld ar no variation, aw ing, in a greet measure, to the improved comp!esion of the Corn market. Yesterday, however, the money multi t was rather flat in 1. cam, and the esch.gs wait 106 i to 109. Lined from stal•NAellc eirclaig L bran opeord. At Troy. tits. we uuder.sna wire. were Melted tom the batty .11.1 relay Magnet.. sentous Arrn•T •T Vo ItroWS per all tr tencone, Itltely to prove fatal to one g.. ;11l tins, curved at %.w Town on Friday lam, igen ner p.A Southall, formerly a Purser in Ice f ti Nati and I linters Ncitign. I S. t ol,,ctor 1 . 1 ker. Mr. N. also a much total er n n si basing rer,umted his nephew, Mr Pa um rker lro ts oerion party lona, they - together met ur called •tsoi Mr. S. when some perso iat oaplemorit >here... occurring. the partim cline ben i and then the _stance of Mr. Nelson, who was rimeti the smatter man of the two, being considerably orromed,tnitured .Mr. 1' to Interprwe, who remarked to Mr. S , that he had better take a min nearer tos sire .nit physical strength loru light, which dtrerted the fight Iron Mr. Neloon to himself. not, bowels, without then first uttering many hard mytnga, e,eil 4,701 r, the other. Mr. Parker in Itits figot roots,: himself the stronger of the Mt. sod being likely. nt• told, to n, dirt a pretty seem , easttgatton An hit an toren:, Mr. Southall area his pistol and hetire i• enlist be wrested Inum h., notseithstondlng an el. fort to do so by n byaltnder. flied slid •Itio Nelson tn the abdomen, ohs, earlooning •• 1 ant o shot • gm, his knife and made an attempt to rot the Imo tt ~1 Alr.Southall,Mes knife striking Southall in the h.. • of the oeck. and laying open his neck and far, wine to the corner of the mouth The padres being en% /01001 n to be separated, who had in the inter., pro sided Mansell with a rifle, fired at `south ill. but without effect —Norfolk Beacon Use. 'fauns COM" Hons.—The :`t re I),. karts Southerner of the 7th instant say . .. We have some foundation (sr the belief tha U. Taylor will estutn to the United sup n; sk•mt a month, on temporary leave of absence." lie will create a sensation wherever ha makes hi. ippeerano , Bin met, better deto u rs the respect and honor of hi. countrymen. We thing there must be tome mistake in st;l this, are general Taylor hss Won ordered to Vic (aria, en rotate for Sao Luis P.,to•i. It will b• remembered that General Taylor visited tits p dot once before, and it may th r roe regard as familiar ground. We regard it asa riastetly movement to have selected this route instesd of that vitt the &meet, to San Luis. Darr Tucta.—A lioatan pipe, nientio; the following outrage in that cap A shameful outrage was committed au situ, I. night, upon the dwelling of Dean r, M.. Grant Cambridge ,treat Pour 'Tore gill.• Ix, lbw, filled with coal tsr, were thrown ihrouc the windows, one of which irturk ohm; debar in the parloi, scattering the eo.m. the bottle over a new Brussels carper, a cent, table, and other furniture." It is thought that Deacon Grant'. , the cause of temperance hrought 'hi. ....Rath. upon hi. hour. 1:1=01=1 Sreour.•• AcclusarT.,-One, of ob• physician., while engaged in Writing at hit dry. log • few evenings mince, was &mood by a to note. very near him, like the report of i mud, On looking up ha Iterceived that a. valt,,ble loo' ing-glas• plate, very large and thick. oa, op *crash, • feat or more from the bottom It vv. moo iaer discovered that the plate seas broken the beat of a solar . lamp which Mood 'icor it front.—Boston Ado. LTIKU Lnw.—Wdkinam, the mar, who Man Augustine, Texas, poisiuned a large wrdd party, it in Paid in the flototon noertaken in bin Illght by a party of the (Nolo, and was hong by them Ha belongb.: •to moderator party of • Mahine, and he said that took thin opportubity to destroy as many re a. powtible, to •venge himself for the inj me. the ; had inflated upon him and bill friend.. lie made fearful atonement fir thin hoird ninny , other., may he implicated and th.i , lody !node •ot the regulators and moderators tooy bra F•tlegrtil. Jeras G. BIRIM.-1110 l; , :un.+r sejs James G. Binary b.. left tha I.‘berty . lafty, and got. for establishing a new party, ou the 1,1. • propped by Willis! Goodell and•nthera, c.z . live wade; opposition to secret societies. &a. The National Era presunisa.that •Air. Disney, will be the Presidential candidate of Ito new patty.' The New York Courier announces the death of Dr. G. P. Gouraud, the well known author of a system of Irtnemotechny. Hi. wife died only three *mike previously. IiIII9TINATI ♦ND COVINOTOIO have 1130.110Lbr ringeicent. to ttivir their Volunteers a brilliant re . . caption when they TOM home. The Prowl steamer did not mil on itte Ist; UM from Havre, but (rum Cherbourg. Tot :'raa%TlC Ana Sr. Las...kart It•it Rola •_The limbo upon Mi. road is now prognis cog vigorously brh in Canada and in !lathe,— The ar r iuoil visa b•oken at St. Hyarinihe. (30 irrn Montreal.) on the 17th. by oltudeMe oh Si. Ilyseinit e. The work is going on upon the 4:. nni.•a uolat k 11,1. 1. r oilra,. and Pai iron pi •I reair shipped for 16 miles of the road. The same enelgy nt mahnt.ing Itself at the Mains en.] 01 the line neat IN:Oland. liumw• Riven z LLL n.—Tho ..rood stakneni hea Itiaa been paid up with unpitvAnnt ed rumours.. "rt. Company in now ready to c..llwith Itur great undertaking. • r at. aor. u rite :ai•te Naar Euc•, or car Voitx.—The .Lip Mary Ellen. was totally I with three of Err craw, on the 9th of Petrnw sty.. bound far Neer Yuri', with a full cargo, chief ly tear she .nurk co itarge ledge of reefs at. theta! side al the Island of Ltiht. Soon she, sinking. Si the .hip went over uh the eturbostd aide. the mmate were cut .way. She tighted,hut not broke in two., the middle; a heave Kw and out( web- ing ..cry thing out of her,. l'ejit 'senora end twenty of the patty made' oot Li reach the sham with the help pf pieces of plank. Thee they of alter eitenntning and wading through the surf for opwards of honer, Gut not without losing three of their . number, whose itrength gave out, and were washed off and drowned. The iemainder of the crew arrived at Singapore on the 15th March. 1108rIT• a SIT. ACIS:11.211) Cprl,-.11110 Bo ' ♦rd 01 M wager. on tiaturrley, eeSolitsd the 'try libfral want of lend made by lion. If mama. Desiary, •for a hospital Site. There ye eleven and half tele. of ground, well 'suited to the purporw, , and wroth, in markii, ten thousand dollar.. The 'if, therefore, i. • magnificent one. anal will be es teemed by the public for all time to come Tbo thank; of the Board were po rented to JAME'S S. le•er, Sty, for the proffered done. don Made by him in connection with the pro, need pure hew, of Kalmre. Leo or sus .Sr L A xxx Enes.—The steemer Edna e o plodeal on the 4,1 h Inst., oppoeke J um b ui The four boilers of the bola esplalwl just as the -was slotting from the whatf. Twenty poteopi e killed nomedietely. end several were wound. wer The best sunk Instantly, and Amy thing on bosql %es. Inn!. Font tom hurtuaoc%cc.—Lord 1.11.16.Y0ug4 ...coded by Lord Clarendon, rorLo.rd Liontenant of lidera. 'rho uew Irish confederation protease. to com bine Irishmen of every grade and section of opin ion, to watch over the rights and interests of the country, and to create. rooter and develop., a wand Irish public opinion, trot epective of piny. .Istriot 141.1[V.—Mr. ALL. Inform. us, gist ~ 11ait *ell he sent oR bills °I lading to kladel. pl l i. tor full Iwo hundred/on, of relief firodure. From du. sircurn.tance, all blame as to the canal j 1111. not Wing favorable to the poor 10.11 should s be given up. Toe RAO Itoa 11 ' Wt. tTO ST. Louit.Wp hsve received a leiter from one of the mostdiatin-• 6m•hnl citizens of the Union, uponithe mobjeci of ,the Weettro Itoed,• which we shall publi eh to -111•113./N. , [C.a tear Coral-Ir.—We learn from Wesh , u ; tud ina a tiabinct I,!..unril pee L. Friday m ruing, said to be on suiportant intelligence cr. co red Imp Mergieo--thought to be of • peaceable character. 4AXTA F. —There is new. from Santa Fe to ~ the!, 20th ult. All was quiet except_among the In. dicks. The enmsucties and Pawnees were A °pan war. i.inuentaa.—The rain on Friday night wail accompanied with sharp lightning. The chimney of ono of Mrs. Burma hour.. in Penn street, sea. wink and shattoreal to piece*. Bal. t 'Et the glee I no ote Ipledatpl frost Plftsbursb teAthe gra Ceirrousion. : • At a sperial ineetuogOftha Boarder Trustees on therwreMtig of the lBh init.. the Comic:Mee ap. painted to select Delegate' to the chicagoCon.' ta be held- ohlhe sth July. selected the following gentlemen, which selection,•ori motion of Mr. Shipton we. "agredd to. The delegates are autherized to fill vacancies and add to'their number. • A W Loomis. M Hampton. B Patton, W J Totten. 'Cuss Avery, John Graham, Wm Ebkw, Geo P Smith, Robt Woods, John Irwin, T J Higher% John Shoenberger, CO Loomis, Geo Wernan, AS Robertson. Dr C O Maa.ey, •Chu Brown,' M Janes. Henry Sterling, . Jahn A Forsyth,' Chas 8 Bradford, Thee William., W J Howard, Geo Dank, R Edwards, W Lorimer, M SmuivirelJer, Semi John Anderson. Walter Forward. Thaw Bakewell, A Nicholson, Wm Wilson, Geo R White, • Geo Hogg. Wm Holmes, - F Siang, Geo W Jackson, Joshua Banos, J K Moorehead, • Wilson McCandless, Rl3 - -Caleb Leo, N B Craig, Harmer Denny, Robt Beer, Jain, May, J Dalaell, G E Winner, • W Robertson, H Childs, Austin Loomis, We hope st will be found convenient for the Delegates thu. selected to attend the Convention. The basinese to be considered is most important to the whole people. and in soma respects of pe culiar interest to Pittsburgh. With a canal al reedy uniting this city to the Lakes, and a Rail Road in contemplation between Pittsburgh aid Cleveland, we hove a direct interest in the im provement" of the Lakes no well as in the Ohio river. Our greatest interests unquestionablg I ein the direction of the Ohio river to New Oilcan., but both the Rivers and Lakes have claims upcn the General Government which cannot be much longer overlooked: It is probable that one thou. sand persona representing the commerce of this great I:Won, foreign and inland, will be in atten dance at Chicago. The sentiments they May embody cannot be too strongly eipuseed in favor of Internal Impnwemenis, and alike for the great Rivera and Lakes of the West, as for the sea. Ward. Flax yr S. Lou i • .—Mesars. Fellers & Wright of St. Louis, lost gIO,OOJ by fire • week wince. Maser.: Charles Harlem. Henry Been, N. IL Mer.itt and Lewis Mere, are also sufferer. The Republican of Monday sap: When the Are gust broke our, M. Fallon, and three apprentice. who dept in the froot port of Pie building, in 'attempting to descend by the stairs, were driven hack by the flames, and were obliged to jump oat of the window, to escape suffocation. One of the lads named Oerard, in jumping out, had his throat .badly cut, and his life was yesterday almost despaired of. Mr. Pal. lon area also pretty bairili burned on one of hiS hands, in endesvorin to eatinguish•the hmes. The friends of Free Trade art Now York have iooilyd Dunn H. Lewis to • patio dinurr. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH C pondence of Plilloburots Gazette Etroksore Corre.pondenro of the Polsi.urf Goloor PHILADELPHIA MARKEF. Dins 19.9 P. M. Floor--Tbe market Footloose exceedingly dull. Holders are In the market .traring then stocks ,freely at $7,50. but rovers purchsea in eareed• iutly moderate quantities, and mostly far use. Grain—The market is unsettled. and quotations tar all descriptions are merely nominal. taThe exports of Breadstuff. for the meek ending this morning were as failures, 8,1)1)0 GM*. Ctonmcnl, 12.009 bbl. Corn. 19.00.0 bu. I.e. 4 . 4 /VI rI, ...Ir. .n J 1 at $14,:5 per Go—wt. Clean handsome TionMy Seri . reatisaa;3.lioa 3,12! per Inu.. Sales rammed at 146a1470 pre ba. In PrOViaiLlll. them is cm chanikellitiatcier. --_ I Exclutor• C.rtesnoutlen.. el the Plust.aret (iimet.t E10:3r0111 M - ARKET. lone 19.4 I'. 11. 0.1n3.111 Front is held iu Store at $8.024. tin Ibis quotation* may be considsred nominal. Mete .being no sal. of the lent consequence. The Grain market is at a complete stand— norhincauing. Provisions—TN, m ivement is steady. No chisirgre in the state of the market. . 1%. , • 4 .• , I.411 , ••••••1^. of 11•• !re.. G., to :NEW ORLEANti MARKET. done P M. The Mak.. foe Cotton is ouist—littls doing. Floor—llhnois. Ohio and Mo. bninds are sell. ing at $8,31;a6.87i, and the beet at $7.00 per Of White Whet rein at 195.i68c per bu. Curn—Salre prima Yellow Caro at 75attUe per NEW YORK MARKET. Flour—The midget did not ckwe oo firmly teat night as I judged. It has since come to light that al about the glom pale. were effected of 6000 Ws Genesee. at $7.89.1 per bbl, trek% 12 cheaper. To del the market hat been befog it "ab int that figure. Sales Michigan oo the pot at $7,75. Fur Southern deecriptione $8,20 te demanded, but few or no buyria Com—Sales Yellow of prune quality at 100., 1050 per So, and of similar quelity White at 94 99e per bo--sale. of the 41.7 50,000 be. In Provieons there is no movement of conse germ.. and wales Moderate rit fxmers prices. IWe tea:dyed our Commercial Dmpetches cc usual B.turdsy night, but at a late boor, end in es 'imperfect a wets, we can ow but a portion of them—we are not rare they are egactly correct eo far as they go—bat hire tried to make them The line Worked badly &dunks night from roe, site. From neltimote nothing.) Lars ran Maktto.—The Legit!alum of ghe State of ,lalisrio declared by ft Vote of 14 to 12 that the decree of Comgrpse ordering the election win uncoostitutional, and they MOW to go on with it. - This Le • step toward. revolution and independence. Oo the la ult., the new muutitutioo, founded upon that of 1834, wu formally adopted. Santa Anna. Herat., and the members of Convert, swo.e to °beer.. It, and this ceremony being ore% they marched to the Cathedral, where • solemn 76 Dam was celebrated. A revolutionary movement had broken out in Osjaes. The Republican° etal rides its votes •gainst peace; but an a remarkable feature in the aspect of ths times, a new paper on peace phis wan to be Warted at the Metropolis. Repoit for April. 1151 f, of the Sick and Wounded...3f the Regular and Volunteer Corp. or the Army of the U. S. et Vera Crua, Aleateo. fieriness Amur.—Of the 2d Dragoon., Ist, 24, 3,1, and 4th Rrgiments of Artillery, Regimens of Mounted Riflemen, Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, sth, oth, 7th •nd Bth Regiments of Infantry. Admitted, 704 Returned to Duty, • 225 • Died, 34 - Dietted, 1 Total remaining in Hospital, 444 Itemarks.—The dials* of thooa that died In wool most Diarrhon Chronic, and Acute Dyaentary. - bird one cam of Fob. I:terrains ap podded in the Horiiiial during tin month, There ova. but one death canoed by Vulout cum. VOLVNTI EU Arta r.--Of the let end 2J Tenn. Vole, 1., New York Volt., 31 and 4th Minnie Vole., Georgie end Alabama Regiments of Vol., Tenn. Cavalry, Palmetto Regiment, el, 11. Volt. t. Admitted, 779 Returned to .Duty, 277 Died, 17 Deserted, 3 Total remaining In llornital, 434 Discharged by ,sawn of ■ Surgeon's Certificate of ordinary Disability, 48 Re=Th. —Deed's from the wee coos" as above. Tout! admitteJ— Regulars 704—Dietha J 4 17 Volunuers M—Degthe Ag Rrgs and Voli 1483 !Jambs Foots Tastriro..—The report we have of the beallb of Tampico is Very unfavorable. Many meld yellow fever bad occurred, and they were on the increase. The Mexican troop wire about to abandon San Lula Potosi, and take •prWon at queretaro 1!!M:1!=aUll!I W 0 mrlth the attest:lm of oar readers*, dwelt treordlnery e*reio(Serofele perforated by Dr. Curiae, /.dies /ecstatic Pates.e, sloth they will eCtlrd • ed enothet role= of toll•re paper snlostt dtabt the moat aro:Aerial on treord, andhat e . so hero prothouced by many of oat mot respectable pbral lane. The Wieted azol Dawn interened. are iv quegonl vim. theta theta at then , 0w... of abode. and leant Coon their own lip. the avoadetinl offerh. of The acetone named,. Mr Isaac awoke, who may be Senn daily. betareed the bourn of 9 A. AI. and 4 Y. M. et the othce of Howard A Walton. No 36 Mattel al. nod Ofj-S•lter'• Ginseng Panacea . Tartraostv-sWe beg leave to call public attention to the following, from Dr. Wm. Dam, of Wnhamsville Cletosam Co , and one of the very bin pracutioners in the county in which be resides, and late Senator In the Stale LegtsJanne. It is cheering thus to see the lead. tag twin of the profession, burning the hoods of pones. stoma prijudice, and giving Men late due: - .Sir: I bare in toy practice been using some of your Ginseng Panacea, and. no far, am well pleased In its egrets,. Camrtbalgrol Broochlakoomplants. Please send toe half a dozen bottles—put theta as lon as Too rani us raped if it continues to render as general so: I.Clettnn at it hes heretofore. to keep it constantly on Game!. Respectfully. apl7 1 Vat. Was, w $5,00. BOOTS 5,00. NO. GB FOURTH STREET, CORNER OF EfIST OFFICE A LLF.T. TIIE tulo-erther respectfully /Mimeos the pulthe that Ise t man ent ort commenced the ufacture of tirraira Fa..!At gonad!, BOOLL of torMd maternal and wothroanshm which be will warrant euperior to any . llopt ever made Partsburgh for the prate. There handforne Boot will be made to Mel. rr, and warrant them as reprr tented, al me very low, price of FIVE DOLLARS CASH Centlemen are requested cthll and tiara ate them I. • W It ERRKINE. IrrYourn AND Aol are equally liable to the ensek& of Ilernaorrboidd or Piles. The VenetaMe blectuary, prepared by Dr. Upham. him effected wonders in th4o complaint. It so hailed an an antidote to dna baste of human exislenee, and is utneersally cottudered, besna an Internet remdy. as Me only one upon which the &filleted an rely e Yeah enefidenee Mr radical mire. ' • ICHZ:ri o .lltl.l % CrFltagc d t, n Net t l'o b ilt; Market wen, and P. R. SAWYI,-, Sinithfiirld qTert Pittgburgh, Pa. Prire SI per uoz iel9 1w Fr News Reporter Nyalsted.—.te active, equable men. well ticquair tell with the city, to lortlifli reports of the City Noon, and other limiters of loca l Merest. Apply 1.1 thin office. le2l THEATRE. A M CARD—R_ FOS. I'Eli announces to to. frmnd., and patrons of the Drama, that hia nu:SF:FIT will take place on MONDAY EVENING,' JUNE 41ST., when presented the celebrated Comedy of LONDON ASSURANCE: Ilareourt Caenly.• •• . •• • Mr. Eon, • A Favorite Dance by. 111, To renclude with only tone this. se•sond I• 1 stet of l i the Grand-LeAenslary Drama of the FLYING Dere'. • m •N. irrHoo Houk now up. seglitt PPLETON'S NEW PUBLICATIONS- I Joel received and fur talc by J I. 'REA tr, touch, mar Market suer ti— A Voyage up the River Alll.O/3, including a re,li define at Para; by %V. 11. Edward, Prevention beticr than Cure, of feared wanth of the World we bye in; LE Wm Ellis A Sominer in 1 c Wthldtuesso, embracing Canoe Voyage up the,tdoinitssuppi. and around LO ri A ot:tenr; o by Cogs Leonean Abner`. Poetical Works—cheap ed. • s•nrr.A's 'saw 1541110. limme•antl Haunts of the most tininess; Or.b.li Poets 1 by Wm.•lnowitt—illustrated 0 004,19 mu Diana. Al the Age: comprising Portraits. Coral, °graphical, thd- Descriptive. kly ti 11. Francis, Goy A (Emory of Rome, front the earliest time. o the death of Co* nunoslus, A D. lM Ly Dr Leonard Sclunitz, Toe Lee of Wesley, end Den and Progress of Meth odism Ily 111.1 Southey, Eitt.,LL D s with Notea s Ly the late S. V. Coleridge. , and remake on the 1.1, and character of John Wesley, by the late Ale, Wool. Esq. Edited he the Rev. C. D Smithey, M. A Second. American k:dition s with Notes; by Rev. D. Curry. A. The Coreespondence and Mithel antes of the lion. Jno Cathie Sioth. LL D. formerly Governor of Conn., with an Eulogy p•ortouneed health the CO.C[ll.llll*- tonna' tioctety at New Haven. May 07, ',sit. It; Rev. tV Andtew• Thirst Volume Life and Wtiting• of Wathington. The above just recethed and for sale by jell f L READ ‘ n TAGAZINES FOR JULY, woh other new wont. ja•l received •I AI A MINkIt'S: Gude) , Lady's Bork for July—Paris Fashions N•11OOM Magazine Gnstmor's •• • Caamber's Crolopreilta, No 11. 'The Chain of Ire-tiny. or the Adveuturea of • Yoga. hotml; by tbe author of The Orange Girl of Venice. Log of • Pnvateer's Man, a hundred years *go, com plete; by Capt. Marry.. The Adventures oi Ohadialt Oldhur k Adseunirea of Eller Triptalerous Tut, romans:og important and start. rg clom,onirea—a hiateiy arousing work antabey and Paucisrer—freshsuppl,. - • St. On And 5; James, complete.—tresh .upply Legends and'Strivies Jai Irelang, by hover—lresh sup. ply. Handy Andy, by Loaer—fresh anpply Canso,.. Hos, U. T S A rthMr —t. mit ommly. Hesubful W,dow. Consumption Curable, a S . JACIA. , Treatise on the Letur, to prove l'onsumption anumagrat i le does., oont toning the e•ose• core and prevent., ot Contralti, moo y Row al 0 A • fess rk A , sof 1 .11,S1 D VALI , .1 PIA, i Abstr.-M. sod other Lae issues. A braut,ful article English Toms., P•per, assorted ecdurs. A large SJ 11.4 PLetalial Jonet4w. Alm, Pietor tat CouLers, for the Fourth of July. • For saie In law or • quinmics Our extern.en and varied umortment cannot be es ' celled , t MINF.R t ail Smithfield street. 34 door fon Fecisrol To Trovelle_ RTercEsitt PAY.T PACIIET LINE: ^r7. PIISLADICLPIIIA AND lIALTI3:IORE, (Erchnierly foe Par.ruirea alll.l Co.! and Kaylrtaal beta' nolo In ezeedent K 'Order Sct Par arta Af 1.,0e will leave vt,ll, an as Coflora. ever) h.llllhl al 2 o'clock ranker Kentucky, Carl TtoGy, Monday, June 21 do Oh o, Crate, T ocaday Jane 22 do laid...Berkey, Wedneadety, June 23 do Loo •,/1115.Isavandon Tedrvtla, June 4o hentuet ,Tr oh). Frinoy. one pa Oh.o. CM' setatda . dn. e2O do I od,antt. Bet key. duriday.laue 27. do Louts ana,Tbornpeon. Monday, Jane 2. do Kentucky. Trot, y. Taceray, June :V. tlavo Can 2, Weduesdev,dane do lad au, Berkey, Thuraday. Jaly 1. do Louoiana,Thompion. Fndav, July 2. do Kentucky. Yruhy,Saturday,.6l , , a. do Oh a. emit, flanday. JOT 4 • If. ye, dente cheap ,ravelnna awl comfortable arro.n• modation, aceure your I c.kett at the I'deket %I - mm.2lo.dd Horse, Water vtrert. or .1 Irdt I/ LEECH & CO, Canal ILAILIIOAD LETTING. TO (MN rßACTJae—Seu'ad Proposals will be re• re,led.at the office of the Pambaigh and Cleveland Itadroad Company. in Wellso.ll,llhm. wad I o'c net. A. 11, of tie CM aay of July, ISI7. for the grading. bpdamg, and preparing for the superstructure of hat poreon of the tine between 11'el/senle and II Quillen's non, At mrtes. Plans and speetficalions may be again -1.01 at the ndiee of Mu Company, at any :,me (row Me trM to the ..tab July Cnntraets witl is let to the low est bldde.s. A feeder t lemag of Met portina of the 1..< from SlVoilken's mill, crow.: the Tandy and Ikayor Can•l. and e Misdate ost 1.111.81•nd Canton roa I in the d.rert;on of Cleselsrul. will :ate place early e 4 September. Ity order of the Ilmni of Direatoes pelt . ase A to CATLe: fr. Isee... June 1971 dr r x ==== . . . 'SION' AIRRCIIA NTS. IllesltlVO 'Si hall, Baltilaterg. r t IFFER mtor thillerehants and Farmers fOr aale-of Flew. Grain sold Prentice generalT, it theßaltimore slarket.ind from Wei r extensive neat..- .nee among purchaser. and shippers, nazi steels' war rant...factory Wes. Cortaepondenitt will constantly he keptaciriseila th e state of the Markets, to Ratite sa—M . W. Wilson & Sons, I.aae Rey. melds aeon, Dsvitthan at saundets, Reynolds smith. King te Carry; Hailhilble Tingley, Cu dwell a. oh; Philadelphia Ilakgerty, Drat...eft - 4 nee, New York. Bantrtiote,lone Tl, I hil7 gtawd. 1 lifi W GOODS—Just received at Nogg We al at, LI up Bat., a few donee of those very . hap. easli'nua ble, wide plait Trey manufactured S m ite, with Byton and standing collar* of I rard:n't fi nda n pint ufrl l :r . eTby * Uelk tTrtlu o r ' y s o 71 • atheturing Co ,Conn. Vlach Sstin Striped and Plain Bann AdJnatiniS'ovli.• eery narrate far glimmer. A beautiful either. rot of Sarin Cravat., light and dark colon. 'Uon out flue Wilton and Brothels Carpet Bap. kn. ke, received this trim and for sale at Factory pm ors, hy fret II k T. 'DU Agents for Pattern Manufacturerl ANDREWS' FAULK ICE CREAM SALOON ADMSSION 1141 CENT.. ONICERTS Every Evening durtng the We. k, CtoLich ...... KNEASS. MURPHY, nod lIDNT -IEY, oral hay* the honor of app eating. 117 - I . rograratne changed lalihdy. • Fersons te,shtog to be /erred with lee titan,eon poet.... their T,Otats at ibe door, at Ide yenta touts grpeTtekets an.sd for One night only It Tld A—ls hi chests Y. II Teo. 3 "do 'miens! Too. B du rhalpowder du, e• 1 'ally by. ii Tea, do Superior V. 11. Tea, 9t do Snoehang do, CS do Superinr r. 11. do, Just received and for .•ic kw by MILLERS RICKETSON I/ A 31. Al I'I'~IIRI.TIIRIi , le , ole 000eri, V V • Remlyieg D.sullelo. sod Wino and I.lguor emits, No. LW I.o.erly street, lePPoill^ $ 4401 ilouo.l Pill•tuargh IeVI G RO0EI111:11-70 tank prime N 0 low. b 1.14 Lou( Valor; " 403 bbl. N. U. Nloloto••; 3001 r boneV IL Te• - 10140 V. II Rua ti 140 D,o Vareo; 01 inote, end fot •40. by ' )e.11:2z IV re Al airreitEurarr... ‘l9l I.Itv,IF • WINES AND 1.14/4.10/D4—Tb,7gyrbic,,lo , e• V Moroi Well iurpliell l'oreign 01,0 Doitteille Liguori, Wlneo Coe , *Melt Ilte) ,e.I areortnoodohqg ten,. 0 , 31 d Monlogrohela and super., reef 401 obi at dui lowest wade, 00r4 4 feel or, 34 411.1,0111:4.11114r. :21 ISO Liht") iti - kIIIC-75 haw W. H W . Chem. for mr.o by jai R ttlkarrt!lll:ON NuED-41 Ohio prOno fur at W & x NVOU rolits.oNt 1 1)10 .Id blaai Cgmbng hg Ind gaol quality, llaw sale by Iril. R 111`CUTC111.0N.I.Sg I.ll,erty ``OAP bd. Cit.!kWh* Rep ja. rerni , ed and L7for •gle by bit MILLLR R'RICKF:TRON I,t new PRINTK. —We have feveseed a tele elute. new tole Finney 1.11111., of recent purchate, ortrott oral be sold low to att. 4.11 , 4 yell! • ttlidyClil.gl'T .• WHITE M°/QUITO t-lUarred Mmquba U•rred Nang, • go es god talkie •nd long pieces—pm recerred and (or tale by gxl eUACKLITrd wtirrE, wom " U _ al lIIIF.LLAL , --3 casts of low rutted, 01.1110:11, and / , :tad Cation and thogbarsi Utatirella—opriied end for sale by le9l SIIACKLETT & WM I E °i311114-40 or-lust eiceived and for rale tit' • -I teal i JEDD & CPO GN YAM-2 bales glad Canvitsr, received and for male by . SIIAEICLEIT & WHITE jell No Pi? assail Wiser WEIRI/S—A gond azoortinentof ~wstyleTwe,dg, rrerived and /nr •..e ,11.seN1.1..rr1 wilar..?) Mood.{ Mirtioil Sat _ _ _ Uy Jobe. LIGAIltylaN AskilaompOr Aloodaymontlag. the 2111 at II o'clock. , et be Castoruercat I d mlno ttodoo., corder of Weed at d. Fif h s mnr will l e SCId extentive wtsentornt of eensortikble.sl4l,:e, atuiflnCY Dry Goods, &o. . . . ~ At I (ra.k. Y. M. A quAto.lt of cops and Faucets, oboes dishes, coffee anal I. cops kit O day and ,coffer clucks. looluet glaa4ce. cinpetiot u teanber beds And Odu.g , Oanspatem laindoar bl ,a general ...t -wo", new ' and second hood fasehold Rod ktiteban (couture. cook, meet, grates,Oven and boiler. Win dow each, • gulatim of geoccrick spantsh indigo, ted cord., mt., era, mean, mackerel, matches, thaw els, Se At El OVlatik, P. M. F.ne labia and pocket cutlery.•bantaratc. a,at and Pecan,' hand matches • ambrella., patatiota. booMoiboca . !bal., cap, whip.. Sae .birrs iinth 1.311,14Yr0a1d and col lar, an amonmem of et...eitable reedy made ckebles. dry epode, m eneal jell/ American enter. . ttale.of Valoable,Real Fatate ON Weducsa ay evening. then! instant, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales room', coiner at Wand and Fifth street', will be sold: Than lame and very ry brink dwelling boa,. with extensive tiro Plo " m ry bark nullified:bath Mom, lee bonsmtwostory brJek ssable. carriage {tome, ae . situate en Water at, helms. Ferry "Item, st omen% oclopied by khe sableri• bee The Lot is at fret a{ inches tittle be 160 feet deep, from IV 01,10 Front sort. — Title ludistmln bit, Tens•. Waal cash, &NM payable ninon {ear, cstilue w 6, 7 e - ye•re,Dritts intetts,payuble eetailealle• al Ale, , that splendid building lot of ground baying a front us thirty feet on Duquesne Way, between Pitt and flay streets. adjoining property of Gen. W. Jseksou, and emending back 150 feet. Terms, nne half cash, residue payable in one year, with Interest, in be Seemed by out. and mortgage. j,•111 JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt's.. - - !IR. JAYNE'S VADEILY• MEDICINES.— Li It :sour prinetile In the managementofttlus paper to limier anything which we find out, from personal M. errOgaliOn; to he of entity to the public. Some of Dr. Jayne's medicines we have used Inolll family for inlay years. For lissme° the EXPLVTORANT, the CAR AIIIVATI VIZ. and VER3IIVEGE, whlch we koala to be good for the complaints they profess to care. We WM' on Lake Ontario the past mouser. when several of our travelling companion. Freon having, in Western ;New York,drank, for many days, the limestone water of that region, were badlt attacked 'with violent. Mar tides, and Dysentery. Mn El had proviacil hiontelEr prostate; to lea Vina W mo, Cara:l44n... of Ur. Jayne," and in all aired Of iU nee. among hest geaties it was .necessfal in efferting a speedy core. m 'lTe Expectorant we have known steed • among oar ttninote friend. with equal recces.; and-we feel that we had do ac oosl.aet familiellespecially lbw sits sa tees. they annot Is access to immediate medical kill,' to advt... them to keep au hand 'Attune Expecto rant and Caentimantre. The Expectorant is belteved by good phywians to Inc the hest recipe for Pulmonary CenttomPdc't Complaint., that hoe ever Yet been cotot tested, d. The res.., ia, Dr. Jayne is nut n9uaelLbut regul.. n ?Lc, and able race teal pract uoner him self Ills northern., ore need by .the hest phvaicinna. EZRA HOLDEN- . Etliter of the Mittens raturtlay Cosier. Pet ra'e In Pluatturfill et the PEKIN TEA nIOBE, 72 Fauna mire,. near Wood, and alto al the Drug Store or FeEtwattiEFetteral et. Allegheny telKttaneT HEALTH,. HEALTH t - ' R. WOO D li•rupheills and Wild D Cherry Ditiers—This new.:and valuable Ex tract or Sarsapirlla and - Wild Cheery hay been used with greet '.uceet• for the penintnent removal of all such diseases as take their rise from an Impute stale if the blood:—it piomotes a healthy Action or the Liver— wrengthens the herres and at once ileures health and vigor to the whole at Hein. In all eases of Jaundice, ludigestion,•Dyspepaia, loss of Appetite, Habitual Dostivenew, Scrofula, Headache, bananur. und — shat Depression of Spiens. which Is no common a complaint in the Sprint and Spawner seasons' of the year. this enedieine has not bit equaland a sin , gle trial will convince the most incredulous of its peen- Irr For fattier particulars the reader is referred to the psznpalets which will befurnishad by the Agenls,ihoW ing the Cahtnalioola which dila valuable medicine is held by those who have used it. .-. W-Caution to the Public. - Be particular and ask for Dr Wood's Eacraparilla alnd Wild Cherry Bitters, and riceiVe heather. this is the Boa prepanction of these set ales machined ever offered to the public, and the great stir se anebdine its use has induced the unprincipled In gaffed and Ma- tato As a preventive, see that I ' bottles have the words "Dr. Wood's Sarrosperilla and Wild Cherry Ed trio' pressed on the glass, and that each label on tee iwll le is signed hp the proprietor, E Thornton, Jr anad,. wholesale and Mall, by WYATT'. a KETCH . Cl o ,Actl i c 4 r u s:meT , :, , l c tt ore, Pitmlndels. Po. Price It—lame bottles. p...sdOvir . Odd - ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. rIIt F. Councils of toe City of Allegheny, beteg about_ to engage in the conmmetion of. liV - ater Works._ and dewrous of °blaming the mow approved plan foe otnetruetitig the same, hereby offer the above reward for earl. plan and imecifiemions as the Cannella shall accept and syritovv, for th e proper Steam Engine and Pumps nee finery lor raising 1.0.000 gallons of water. per bow m an elevation of IPA feel. Th, PlOll. and specification. to be left with Messt, I PAINTER Co, Liberty at reel, on or before the glith in tint SYLVAN US LOTHROS. r flaat Chat man Sub' f'ont oa Water Works Elo.ton and ?Jim Tort Pianos. JulIN 11. MELLOR, No ed Wood has sere ved an Pew fol One splendid Rwewood Piano Pone, wan Gl owns., iroti haw and new scale. Made be Oliiekerina, Ilmon. One elegant Rosewood Pill. Poor, Gamy, um, tree (soar. Made I y I ' , , ,,o rheitering. iegaid 5/slotany Poor —sadile by Gale 5. Co. New 1 isas rlie oee will be sold at wanisraelater's prices. Ala, for •ne above, a second band Piano Forte, with 5 octave', • ieIR ECLIPIIM ..TWO.DAT LIND,* DIN D'F.EN UROWASVILL% AND CUMBER LAND, th nowtanning dolly each way . , eam - inif ; fined. and Praline between Sibara points. DerebarAthe from the } ie delivered in ?Manuelon the meth rth third duv fthm Cumberland—mating thls eviv:thtunth tooth for getting out Goody Amu •ith nthtent Clue, MiM=iarM Thr only Apt. ate J C 1311/WELL.PinalAorgh 11 W CASS, BroarimoUlo 3IeKAICi it IILIGUI6E, Cen'd J - B ROBINSON. Bali:more Nj^UTICS—Tor Stockholdersor the htuitmegt acid /I A ilecheny !Midge Company. foe eratUng • Bridge over the Allegheny Slyer, from the erd of Hand street, re a betchy kJ - rifled that the animal electionfor a Stem d• W. 10 Manager% Towels.' and a Secretory, will Le . hold ou the 10l Monday or July next, at the telotpanT's Sown.. NOltha'3lt of the Midge. at 2 o'clock. Y. 01. =3==2 SALR—Feet Lou of around m 3Le7th wal, Putsbutgh, king lots Nos In. I7d, and SKI, tn . Conk k Caftan's plan. only MOO nt the purchase motley will he requirediu hand, and along emelt will be given for the balwe tots It I ALEX: H. MILLER O LICT—A eartnionsble Awelltng House. cow Honing 5 roolusplenuntly situwed lu Ilte 6th ward. Rein 010 u per annum. S CUTHBERT Llrnakficld meet L'olo SALE—A Y ..tory Ilrick Don 'ling Hoar* r ph poataly cituaed on 4th envoi, above braittlfield. 1...1e0 low. and lefm. acroramodan!tig. • CUTIIIIk.KT. Reel llknor Office. ieli. No an rrmi:h field Auer t O RIU n Eft T aiwariment of nom. mer Tone.* of rariou. abode. of color and quality. Moo. Crown ClOth. and Sommer Cwinierce—lo bo had low arlbe Ury Good. Goan of W N dIUK'IIY_ /eke . , . POPLAR-400,000 feet Poplar Plank, J.Jdoorde, soul Swatitliwg, well seasoned, having has owe than two Years in the Yard—by Weal /so 144 Libetty sireet, by jellkter W• WA I.LOCE S NDRIES-20 tal, loan; ; .,; br 10S. It. Mola.r ' 9 Ile. No 3.llacarn el jart ft-carted and fur sale 6E: 1E49 Kr , . 00D. JUNKS & co VIZATHERS-4,odolba good Lbre Geese Feather, E in sore and for tale by ' jrla I DICK IN & weer and front Ida /OWL/SKS-12U Lila Sugar house a lolas~c., 1 A pelm,q arilsr for .ale by jel9 It AGALEV a- SMITH. IS and 20 weed st • 011131E6E VER3TILLION-40 • Ms lull reed Vaud for Bala at Om Dntg 'esteem. of field . I KIDD CO,Go wood et or. menet aalieneaa lad jan received and we IFILIe In the Dreg were hwae into J KI DD &CO SA—td packages Y. II tlunpowder and liver's' TTes rsocnred and fur sale law by leto TAMPS k. ZS wand it bble No 3 Large Mackerel; hf bble " far rale by jet 6 TASSEV 1.3a , 1% 33 woad et IrOEI&CCO—de las le Luint;, ra, aNi Bd PIOXI on &add .d for male ' /dd_ TAMEN' & EMT CWARSIOOO al . o" Sprsh Cir o; ielG TAMICY & BEST BD—go .ownedACON AND LARL .owned Alcoa; • • I No 1 14rd; jels ror sae hy pot VI/EATER la CO AU S-17 tants country allied, tart raceined and lAror nsfe by - JelS POINDEXTER & CO. x r !USK EV-150 bbl. Monongahela, for sate by 1Vj.13 BUHRRILIIIq WILONTr. CO F LO : 1 31 11-tull hb la , hand kod Far sale by &CA'l • ‘IO. K--63 hb4l..n an,,, . )eI3I LLKII & RICKEMN I) B ACON. •Itc.-15“.iin, roantry cure LIA con, 11,05 hulk ea; Dried Ap¢leq landing P.O' - DALZELL I=l 111MAN-11 nee tnet; taiga W. K., a thole., G latt 'arrived and for rale , lel J D 61DWT.1,1, Agent Py4:.\s7i-Sm.tl \YEne.. y' •flit r. farrPe by ..n.l \VICK t\IeCA\ULF~9 orrmAll-k*bl,l4 Cop a. , Gar salel - y 1.5 1 4 X 43. DONHORbT & Cf) SW AI M c 1• .4 N A CF4A-44 4i. jtl./ roo d and for aafe by R SKI.L.ERR 4 13 At;: I T - 11.0n0 lbs Hog Round far sob, by Wl4li & MeCANDLRBB VOW AND FLAX 'Y A RN—For b pqa d & eCINDLRI4S 70 boxes just ret,irod and (or sale by . jotO %VICK trAloCArtfll.hrk4 1)10 P1.1111 . A1.-410 tons .1101 , Owl -Cold" Bier; I l'or ..le by FRIEND,IHNV &CO IrJ5 No 57 rosier street QCORODINII-11 east. filP•bsbY Jets 1 , 111101). 11116.5 &OD .AD - ARD 8110T-30UpiiLead; lu kt. Stan, aso'd Nor, y„ l y from amaiaboat and for r ate ti by_ AlieL ania•• SMITH 'MEW MACI[EkTort .-440 Ibrlo - No3, Large &mai Mackitcl, Balton larprotion, landmg and for WS jel9 HAGA.LEY &SMITH • COTTON-734-117en72.41.0, r _ t do, mimicked; jrlv Fr I DI C 6. CO Ar) at via rtaWDlo4 Fos •air. by jity - I'A IAII DICKEY &CO G,lttcl6lt 4 lC-64 0 boxes Chesso . for site b jell/ . 1 DICKEY &CO R7O COFVEIL-14la bagslarnmeOreaa RioCeefee, lat sale by jell/ LIAGALEY &writ TARC R-100 bzs POI'S Clneinnaa me sale by 1.3 ISADALEY & &SIMI --- .44.99ROOLITS—Benske io arrive, for sale by e ISAIAH MOREY i-CO ATAICLA BIAANIII—Large sktolind DTA, Dr • jcls ; J D MOROAD AC/OA-1000 poand• Hain and Sboalden,kr tale B feel by. NY& lIMUTCFIEUN • T °" PARR - 1 d rod qhstiof.har ,ale h, jela & M AlVirreilk&l:i..h .aiL LASt OINOINNATI Aap PITTSHORGO DAILY PACKET LINE. well kneura lee of aplimdid pawnor etrair - 1. .en infer - to convened of the Lam.t. urtflial, bete finished and fasnialied, and most powerful boa • ea the entente( the Weft. Ereq accommodafum ana run. fen that money ten private, has been piece:led bus.- wort.. The Line as beeit in venation for 6ve ) rare —hare carried a million at people entlurat tee treat h'ury to their painum. The boats will be at the tom or s ood avert the day preview. at atinirry. for the-reiev• non of freight and the =or of passengers ea It. regi.• ter. In all cues the pentane Mane) Wait r . p..d at attunes. , :: - KONDAY The XONONOAIIELA,Capt.E47,InIII.7 b. m b ii..dv...2lptal Nod; 111..,1 even. M0n4.7 . <reams TuirliiiirPriaczr. • The HIBERNIA, AO. A. Cep. J. Ailinifthn *in kage•Pittsburgh every Tuesday Awning .at Wheeling ever/ 'Nerds , evening . aut. P. N . WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND, NO. Ai Capt. 5.144, nu kale Ptuburgh every Wednesday mamma et le o'clock; Wheebng eve rWedoesday evening st to P. , KUESDAY PACKET. The WISCONSIN, Capt. S. J. Gnars,mill leave pin. Opritt everi Thanulay !morning Al lOotkicht Wh, e Eng every Thmreday. everting at 10 P. M. SEIDAY PACKET. • TOD CLIPPER, NO. A r Cept Creabe,millka. Pitt. burgh every Prulay seeming at 10 &clock; Whrelitta every Friday evening at 10 P.Ol. • • SIT - ORDA - Y PACKET. The UFSSENCER , Capt. Lkfid, leave one burgh every Satarday morning at to. ehistir; V. heeling every Saturday evening at 10 P. N. . • • SUNDAY PACKET The. ISAAC NEWTON, Capt A. 0. maw.: wo leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at lu o'clock Wheelie' every Sunday evening m 10 P. M. Ms • IS. 1817. WOOLi WOOL Thighest price in eadi paid 4rall Or dideren / 'nand clean Winatted Wad, by _ . dIURPHV.k. LEV- Old wool warebauw, ear Worn/ al and Creil's alley • rayl94ll.wilF • • - L ABM 01L-11 Wig No I, Nat ull, by ' B A FANNEEMCK au) jell) tumor In and Wood .14 MIXTILACT LOG WOOD-50 uae. 1 , 4/1 .4 .0701 ..Criatt Geared and for ask law by • JelA • •LI A FAIJNESTOCK Jr CO •CKERIEL-107 Lida Nei Largo, (or *ale by M• EDWARD REAZELIDN • Jelel East mde oftii4lnood WINDOW -GLASS-100 boxes 13210 alsd tual2, so store and for We by jet, b HUTCHIYON & CO, water oat front ma ( ' LOUR lIVIPHO6-I,ooUlbe jum leve:ved an/ P tor saleby 'lOlB B A FABBIMATUCK kCU BOTTLIC CORKS -4 4sles, from. CI was cents lirod Just received sad for sale by EZELL - RR/kV wood sr • i•A ItT AUX() AClD—vio oz ie.tare and for ale Yeti; ' by J KIDD k VANILLA weirs—V Ili - manor, Jula meld and tor ale by - 1 LIDO & CO GLAIR—RA bares talierbartivo.lloGlais. not reed Indkir vale by 1e I 6 7 Ct• BIDWELL. Aft °MAYEN—ISO bee beet ttio, received till. day and by jet 0 TANSEV A LILAC • fililltPES—Y3 be. White Pipe. for .ale by I ' jew —' • TAPAEY fIE.P SCOTCH boxes (or side by jel6 • • TAIISNY r U7.4 .1 69 4 , Vl4l,lllll46447airsEtalp BOTTZIL-5 bbl. Fre;ll Rollorete mei ti•day jyts CARSON & 215941 , .11T ' STAROII-10 Isis Fox's Sottes.sost teem wed and tar satally . MILLER & IIJC1(2: FLOUR—IO bbl. Family Fkpar for role by Ixls tl F VON BONNIIOItoT b. CO DRY lAPPLIM-11X1 Lea Cor may Ly jell DARIO 110/811—e0D dos weaned plat . .1 , alum lattaeibree's pnees, for sale by R H PALM EA jolt ea, Re IS tot LLLLL meet mascco-28 bts, 'Waimea !nand, , S• Tabanca .L . in at and for sada tow by J DALZELL 21 water rt pour DER—Z tep w.nlm. EClPolierr;_ -1014 F0n...14311. J DAI.ZELL - - P.MACI . IIBf!-900 tur. in bbl . and P•C a, for !ala - int 4 • WICK rEMei:ANDI.K:vt NEW DIA,CIKEItEIi-50 bids Low or Ibis yeliPs curbing, just received and lac ule by • • MILLER k RICIGET,ON bbls No 3 Ls rib Mackerel. I>f "1246;" -- .1.. 20 bbls No I Herring, 10 bbls No Ittit, ,I• slate sod bir 1.108 by lea • 1111ILLER d KICKS; .1',3.0N• IMEIC-ICO bble Louisville While Lime CeTrale by jeB POINDESTeIit & CO EILAILICED-11bbls and I bag fur We by P. DR • ' POINDEXTER kCO S C V lCH RTri 3 irMllZlrr4t , tg j :: 4 DOTAIIHR--(1 top. pad qnslfat sale by • IjeB • W FMsCUTCHEON b ,11.171T-30 I. Dry Peaches kor sale . by ' W at a UcCUTCII EON BROOMS—RiX dos. Cern Rms. kr nab. by tes W & B.NCCUTCIIEON • - OAP-30 bell Chielanarille .sicurcilEcm bl Jed • Setl:7-11:0 bets No 1 .ILVlr l yelga r lea ikos. AIID 0111:e—A vine article of No I Lard Od Ideonstantly en band and der sale by .1 JORDAN SON lje7 Maaarselarers, No 1$ Liberty street ROUND NUTN--DO bor. &rode at No 1001. menial Now, Liberty atreeL by jerithlr SIIEPIIARD UIATICENT-5• kleArate "s Mamma on ason and for sale Ir Je7 J SCH(AtifiltEß k. 00.94 tame st A LCOHOL —lO ioblaaligh proof. Jan vaceived and Il br ula by tir. je7 J IiCtIOONMAKER LARD 01.W.10 bid, in fine ordar,ror. wale I , y e 7 J eCiIUONNAKER &CO LSUWON ST.RUP-44dsnext Pane, breafe low 67 10 J SCII. Ski AKER kCO ITADULLA. lIYABIS-sbaidles fin Auk Ly V j. 7 J NCOOONMAILEtt •CO - }1 =E.. % gyrULDE3lll.7.ozzwl:44. BIORI6-50 doz. Gilt Noodled: - • 'ft doz. - Lome Size C 011141021; for ode by_ S F VON isonNuolver & co I OVISVIULLE LlMlA=JrAbbls LI my:l9 _ A GORDON, vraier at VRILIIT-4uoiiirli.iore and Coii r ile by pyr 8 & W HAABAUGH OIL 1 ) !IVICAL : —.11Ix ags, jun me a aiid s IlG fii DACON-4Agl Ibis, bug Nand. ill *me ..d sa , e .UPbl ,mity2l S Jr, W IIARDM:011 n A 8 D11311.1,0P0 lb, et 13 seats per lb. Ks. sale by "jestrw J•IIIIEPHARD, Litany street fOTTOIN-100 &Ida awl for sale LI are • FRIEND PAWS &CO riCip ret.d. tir Li 41 31 D MOHO AN WIN PIEJLOUES-2 bbl. and I box. jun reed SJ•nd foe We by jed .arVONeoxdawartCO,ueti u C(DMA VIREO/LB-19 MU Pm Cid, Vine- Tar for mile by % 9 F VO N BONNIIORFF &Co. 25 Front a. D 111.81 ) PgraILCIILZS-150 bin. Wier,' • priors article, in acile and ler imtirtry ' . • • ' J C RID ;I, ELL.. Waier ravel ser.,-so bz• ober& large Idri 6, neighing Vet lbs.:mita jeer received and for rale by Jed • • J C BIDWELL. Water NMI OAP—tt• bsn lint Cincinnati Sap: Ism received S trErl2ll l wat„ st 1:14A5--10 catty by. Yeiroe Green, .- 3 do Extra V. for bale by jab ' • J U WILLIAMS 1..1.1011) wood at QUOAR CURED HAMS-1300 lb., :art uceivedmi 4.3kr ula by 7DOSO °DUANE • bit Opposite slionougabs4 Masi DACO*-3600 lbo esroned,'So Soo order, jeer reed Deny for We by 101 l THOS li.OvIORNK F • ANII.V LARD-79820ne Tirs; pot up expte.aly fot Miry tub, Imat 7 to aU lea each Jar—Gas sal.. by 101 l T.lOB U ODIOIINE `WY HE LINEATIIS.4SO doe. CoamonaTsclicii;t Ohm sale low byTIIOII 0 ODIUNNE Oppa;.iit Moueozblien mu. FLOUR. bbl. Freak' Omani Family Flour, m mom anikformala by ett I DICKEY fr. CO. wale, and limn ma' 1) ALM 130AP:-300 !exc . * landing from newsier Ben L oth, tar sale byy Bill JAMES DAL ELL, 24 leallereireot Y eTyrrawt tar ' rale . 4 earner leniitifiekl and 111.1 10.• • MLA d V=Cl i b m. bl2.,ll.,Jbarria r i .A 7dd i lz . rer Jai . b isatoide of do Disuoad Tea. -14 bolt North nuolaa_Tar, fecrivirs by C.. al'and leals2+l JAn a.ZE.LL_ PANNE.II , 9 011.-25 bbl. Ireel•lni 7 by Cabal g;n4 W Natal • - Xil .111.9.ZELL ,E N TI VAN In non and for on:e • J DALLMJ OLDATE bizke . ale its quist.sleis 614 i) porebutts, by jolU P C 6TIN nEACIU-1114111IDY-Old Peach Mandy, 'or sold rjuddaolltits 10 00 it, by ion/ P hi A Hl21 B.rOLACld,"lleti•hant Tailor, .Exedudir Om Ni Our 0101/ GaIiCIEN APPLES-40 We, warranted isrood order. Annals lry P•C bes. small Wore Ann?Bean:for. We jalOY t: titTIN ligleSE-11110 bacbat received iied Ger WO DURUM° ' WILSON a CO. wale, Gbis ambled saes, from fir 9 bleM, C.Tbesteobotry bmais, to mare sad for We by legJ. C. BIDWELL, Warm sr ‘eNUFACTURETI.TOBACCO—.2I bie 3e. Lamp eeality, direcUy fnma Lyzwibureb, Va will be roll nry melee* a coaeignowei. WI 1 DICIUrX .1t CO, water and (row .1% LI A COI —2.OUU lb• Ilictio Hideo for halos 1.9 • Rr R ITAL. TWIIT-16 ikg r s 6 Twiu fOite. for W. • __ by W h. R McCRICHEON POTAUH—A prima article. in store and for gale by lola • VW ICI( a. Mt Ca NULt.I4B A LMONDS-4 tuts.Aloondafor bl uzes slate.WICK k kIeCAN VILMICHTIII-4 sacks filberts In ask by jolt WICK it IIcCANDLKISS HAVANJCSU9AII—tIi bin Drown' - Mao White; for cale bT kIILLIM !RICK I•TeIONT , ABIVR 01L-A bt44 NO. JOU octlau4 (pj ek e jelb CE SELLERS je4 MUD & CO, Cio .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers