• • - • . . ......,.. .... • . . 0 . .., -. . , . , . ~ . ~ .. ~ ' . . , '' v' ' ' " ' ' . . .. - ' .:- . _ • .. .. 1 -..- . 11 , - ..: • - • D . ' .:. -: . L'. . . - . • . . 1. , ... . • . , . , . i. ; i . , . . t . , ,„:,,.....„..„.,;• •, ..., ~, •!, , , gi .....A:.. . • • • • • I , __ ; • _ __ ______ • . . PRICE SEVEN: DOLLARS A Lt. X A U/k:lt Cumnrsuou 'and 11 t'.rwud~o6 tifteeoarit.al Was.: mad Ild Frop}.l2, P.a.shurgh. : ' TW OOD, JUNKS & Co., Cornmeal= and I. a "tannin, Aletrhannt, ha= returned to thole old • . . •st.std,...slisT./Atos! toots tosFts, Postbag°, °esti 13. vl yixc n itr y t.t e.i., 44l , !.: g rtz f a l z . he ekes nett Is indtoo( ells:wogs Tanacno, tehaletale and PstiSsLaslo. • W..' .d MITI= B U c l' lts, 4 "' s i ts( L!L i re ' n)"and sni tore a' ets, "4' ;._.I.nOsYL4 .14142..1464 WUN•I44e ud Rr 171 y a - add SL 4 PI , ' No. 4G Mx. tct d m) 4 IA. PAIS EATOCK L. CO., 1V504,,..1 e l' Wood and enb std. hl UU A. BADIPKON & Co.. Ofoeerti COramloiait AJe kleretraras sod healers 111 Pi Itthllnrk!ht.lll . .• toted +c.a.,. a. ',No. Iu Librrp street, Piarearegit, wee ,AOALKoI . 6 A3lll . ll,.Wholeole thwers, 18 „.; acid IP Wood .treet. 62111TH. at AGAVE CO.,&WboldsaleGer. care anal Il.durr twller•, M mkt Market Creet. be. wren;+b g„,,i 11 1 , N.,,r,a r l'alladelphra. 0008 4 -1 A. AIeAAIELTIV At Ft:onwardnt sod Anm...ung 6t., CO ., Causi avun, pas/I . : t d, PA (atI tI A ., :b:DOI Lp01..1111, Altomey Law, of. • At. ‘v Nnnhueld... Cobnnast. J..bn 1 Jentungo. Jac W. Hallman. ar. CO, Itlonitacturers Vof CM' /LW Axles,. A li. and Spring Olen! and dr..," .n Collett *l'Lltosoiags of ektry des rn4rnitactoiy on tit . Clair at. Warehouse 43 Woo po 4/ I SI Charlet Howl. i aal3l 11111. ((IF N & BONNER, Ciro 4 , •re. • Conionetion end Forwarding Merchants, dealers in Frodarr! and •Pinstiorgh taitnithadtures, No et. Piii i ihurgh NON r.eitatioN 2 , 1•, I(. 1I1311T, No r. ccolg. `a'aa' ca " Ura7 ..,1 roryt.ra.ng M,f,..111-.. Dealers. I. p..t.rgh :31Eth 1.319e11 tVood munf PAlt•liat/h. " • ' OCCI4 Y&Au KR. Imponer . and wholople and retail . dealer to nem k •nd Sotple Vartely Goods,sipi of the GM Comb. tOo Market stmt., sooeLiboGY. burgh, P. =tit EItALtCII. , Lieuler in rrodueekkeid Family Neiea r: ntwrt. 'No 46 laberay sk, next floor to eori ner of ►let t... 3181 y Jamul laset.,p • •J. !Unison Sewell. DI.I3itLOP & KWELL, Attorneys •at Law, ettorntield between 3d and 4th sta. . . . ordis I . y LAD D? A W. 111.:. \Z K.I.TON, AV Iloleulo Grocer. PA VaiLL Ikk, akl laata lakaatOlad, latkeamid door (rum Dim Ely ALT, h UELIGIARTi Wholesale Oro cent, pi l atluce Ina! Pittsburgh Manufac tures, come r tn. Lawny Ild Halal Btu, Pittsburgh, Pa !Gott, . . • . vivaLittai h uI4!aNETT, (late klnglieb, Gal , Light , a ca. , lad.,nle Grocer', Conanlemon and Forward :Oco nod Dealers in Ilraluce and Foularreb no" , tutrm,i , io. J 7 Wood atleey between Second a.,•1 11.,1 -.•. opal W at aIiECNIGIIT,AttorneVa at Law, LW_I °duo loft 444 .ki x ...0n doors nearer Grant tarot, on Fourth U. Itakoavelt aOW 1100,6, ' ' araidlnt VOILWAIW m. aWAIITZWIC,LDEIL, ~aw. ill,• removed thew oderto the amnia side ol Com dr orrrh bmwern Cherry Alley !lad "rant 6 0 Vd. Woo O. , o exalt rocert, othi Me thlannu, and Adam, for Brighton Colton %%do, Nut a 7 %Voter sad lthi Froutetrects Pitts burg:, st. &IA - - 1; 11L1.1 li. .no P tone Manufacture. and deal- J.' .rr •it oA.cal ts.nosieros, 112 Wood *tont. war Fad.' . mocha • n”11 roast.. SWIM 4 nundrrn. L , (l(tsl'T dd. Co. Comon..ono sod Env:warding blerchnto. :so. ,na Winer at. I:ntabunc)!lnyt4 ISIILLSII.B. Vnonnt. C4nnoonninn Alerenunk 4114 dealer in Produce. Cordmre, Oils, &c.d.., No 17 lebenr 11. near Canal Blain, Psualugh, N. rl. Oakum, l'neft, Dtufillr 11.0pe, - .te,'dlyny• on I Land. nayr EATON. Letlee 10 and L i • Faller d B.nrle Trtairniug, ril7,lfsrlict street, 1 . 111 Afel. apl X 011.0•1. 'VAT aaaaa a. • / IC.OSLGE. mnao&11 & CO ,• Wholdule cr, dud ConbailtlliOU Met - chanty, 105 Wood alnet 1'10,4,444.43,•14. /Itl7. A. II r RAT Wtale•ale GroeGr ianJ iniagion hlesehaut. and Dealer iai Pynaluca and Pill•l4l.lrAti blanufactores. Nel.9 Wrod?d!yK!ltsjlarillt ti , u, sAisith. M. IL Brown. eAt2.O. w 11311T/1 & Co., Brewers, Mainers, and &a ft. in lops, Pdisburgb and Poi,. Brew er rs, Penn and Pin meets. junl ECIIICAE COCIIRAM, Corootimoo mad For. ola ni ins 31 w ant, W odetrert,Pitsstargh. m. pp Stool. C. lila. Geo. Si Browse, ' aft try ' to T,u_wnr"<", r.".` raper ansitieurral rapir Warehouse,. No. tf7 %%reel Wets. ihoeburgh. JeleS ti jk la i ero l ltl tar t° a C ea i nTe L t . l0 941" Z ' enistrith metal-01r Ilikauffnalirear LEAD play ana 011ara l'imburKa. febls 19111 11 111C11.1 I. 11V111.11. 111111T,J111. DAIAU DICICET Co, \Yhulc.le tir.ers, Cortun;esion Merchant], auidealerr it, Produce, Nob 44 Ilia. .4 Pa From weer., Pittehunch. ' no. TO:71CP111 KNOX, Attontey•al Law, Oa:tat...ugh, J ,Pat., )103 re 24131,1 the etneyee 'et his porta In bora Ice. No:, It.tan well's Buildings, Grant treea ea earne ed donne hi• nhannee• by 7r. A. Lfigh en &vraf d I. Kelm Ghnett, • ptOd TOUR D. /HORGAN,. WholOW . ° Deuggiet, and dealer to Dye Stuff, Pane, Oily Wallopers, Re , No Wood slreo, one door..Slot/44 Dkankond Votehargh.. . ' . _ •-t : 4 a to., successors to prep. U. ()oval:4lw Coandlers,36 Vaunt t! mai 1[011f: IL PIE Who'stale said Mud deid a/ es Music sink tilusteallnstednients, 4641 Books, Paper, 81sier,Sitel P. Quills, Printers' Cords, sad Jitationsry generally, No. a wood st, Pitiiiburgh." IP 7 R.d s keiliddit or taken in itode. I r SCHOONM AKER. CO. orb leskle -Drug s/ • 24 , Wood sr. Pittsburgh. 7 sepld_ "FOIEPII JORDAN & SON. Cammibbob and roriiirartling Ile IS Liberty t,iapp--.lle Smithfield at I Samtwilis Hew YOUN L . GA LLATINa Attorney a c Liss. Othee sa' 4th t, baturran Grain .and Uctuthfickb - sidutb ct4e. Pittsburgh : Ps. ;tl.O elm oil promptly, 'to hn,incsa I,ll.hetLroitLat casein., --. • . TOIIN D. D.% YIN. AUCTIDNEE*, comer Fla Lt_;_nnit Ayon4. . .... 0. Pi:W.l4l . r eet 111 I/11i ELL, Agent , Elrhgkggi e Cro a/ car and C0m.:,;•,0n Nlerrlicst, Water. street, End doer above the Maiiiiiivihals Bridge, Pittsburgh. • ur - r iron, r. 1..:; do. .r ocannfacturers' prime. host: TOIaSTON t STOCKTON. lkoak.rlle 1 . 11rit.11.41 roper manufacturer, No. (4 Mork 41, I.oo.botoh. I Jo, JI.. HEADS Hook Store, 4ilt,nEar /Uri. . classical.TlecologiaßAlistarieal, &hod, Sli.cel a!,1,11.11..0d , and Sistlooery.! steal W. UOEFLUTBON & CO, flatiketi mod E r a• at • rtungo Lroklt a. corner of. Wood ind Third +totem, Cdurchattes Howl Buildiom) Pittsburgh, Pa. ArrCl:Trendy yurrhaaod at the usual me... omit J4lB aItIEIL, W hokuala Grocer, do:lap dwo, Plitatough manufactures, Tot Plat , Are. &e, No TaLiberry a. Pirtaisurgh. • lad_ /Win Fiord. aloha PloYd. it It. PLUTO, [late J. Floyd & Co.' Wboto.ute • Muter& No • 193 Lawny •truct. itotot I AML S DA ItZILLL, ICholesaleGrocettccarunisp• al .rot Marcher, and des er In Produce and Patti/tire. manufactures, 11,2 at IN' ater Inßinaborgla. 4 artnlll SS. W.LTPIILMAN, 6c/insole Ginter. •FOr.. L.a. warding s Cooneno...ion Merchant, 'c 'l it nu.tpurgh MattrP,,aclute..l.l Pruduce,_Nota'3l Water anti Ga Front st • 127 1 lEWIS lICTC/111803t & Co., Wholesale Li limner/a utd'us anPl Commis/non Merchants, and dealer.. 10 Manufactures,' /0., No. 45 %Valet , and 911 p p•pit 4_ in.n_ry I.lllin . John !Rowan. IA Blnewr mIIIPTON. Wholesal4 Grocers, :Foraranl,n; 404 Conua,ation Mere/lama, Doak,. • n rroduer and 11.nrhursh olonolae ..... , 11 and 135 W00..1 rd. 0.11...,0rab.d,b23 • JOSS (i.n. 11. Iluobfiatd. — Joe . Mtiill 111 ' GILLS O N USTIVILD, OnSeer ad Coro. SC.olllllrwhasit s. No 110/ Llbalty al et, I'Aus kLII.OIIII,-- • .1 11 AI AH,,, . ..,.! , :r . . Nilomit. Wm. K rfinnick MANtLretanAl.'.4Al:4 and F 17,11 ' Z F IlattlIV "" ; .2A'i.Nr,ERS, 111/NTICIL k Co., Wheu...l u m .,,,,, ' l Fkr L — ___. -- 1 ioo o No l',t , LI , ..ily •t. , .je2o C. W. +llO2l. .. —.."... Whillealo ''' IL AIL', xyg. n ILICILETSON. Whill; t ale Gr . etr• and Co:nano/40n Merch+nu„Nu 1 j4b. I.nvi ny =Pet. Pituthanth. . AstaCORD a lif:lNfl. :wholesale( and mud list and Cap tnitnufactutors, and deakint in,Funs Furs. tomer or i‘ nod vid lfiAh sit, udl on nierelomit, oitts ,t) Lineny and 11/3 sVood streets', Pittsburgh. NLIOLMED irk BOW. N 0.33 Marketaireet, sec. .. and door toms earner of Foartbs Dealth rn FOI• aims and Domestic Bills of gackange,Cenificates of Deposit. Dank :sites and Pivots. PP" Ceketiont mode*. all Me prfweipsd this tkrooktis ors skr 17,1(.1 Sin. , deel7 Vholowate Dr M illP . ll D l Lig. g !e. ° 7, CO, &ue., Pousbargl 0nn . .13 - it - lAri r oin - d - ditre.: enlbartoon. Iljo Canon 01/11/EXTI/11. AC o . Wbolonala: Orono, P and Coonnis..onl , nd Forovaldlog Merchant., N. 41 deetO lI 11. MIA AnnronO . . Isan.ordn, no,latnn , nrlifry-oppo.no Imo N•la Court oiindln• - - ROBIEUTSON 11.EPPKILT, Pnbdiace Deal en an mercbiono,'NP qeCOnd P;lLlbUrgh: ICHARD T. LEMCII, Importer and R Doeer io roteion and Dosneolit. Saddle./ Ilard. wara. an/ 7 nonnings, of all desei4pnona, No -na wood own. Paphorat.. ad// sum,Jr. ' a—sasmatc. RBRUCE AV/sok.le Gratemaccurds ARM , Alerel.lr, and dcaletra Prods dd and Pinaburgh'lllanniarlarra, 1,p,t7 &pith. Geld rt.: ntisldatti. Pa.' • p 173 , R ICIIAIIIO DASD, wholeeale and retail dear in Leather. Itlorneeo, vistremak ene Toole awl PM ha Tamen, and Cornett, Tools, sed,Tatotere Oil, No. PI Wood., Plorborgh. .11 ° K 8 ri t t L iO rin 1 11 1 :4 A fO L IIIITI L F L OI:a. C. d7.17g l ' 1:11 1 / 1 . $ ten in Produce and Pitubargh ?I anufacturra, t.ibeny An_rrat. SOOT. 1011100. &Al? : ,051•00. RROBIBOX & Whe r ale Grocers, Pro. • duce and Connaliaion Merafiants, and Dealers In Pinahanth Manelaclarer, Ina 61..rny meet, rals• RODI BR II T 60- fIE • ing Distille, dealer in I lactats, and ail kind, of Fau 00'1Li q N uo . r ,Nall !n co r OlMono D ahe Onho s • ey e , sash. sTn -- El MY OL t nuscon Metena for I dealers in Groceries. Prodat and Chloride of Lane. The T co p In et hliriiri 7, e s., , II moos for Country Hags. Corner of P an. /..27 11 C Shackleat s. It White. QUACKLUTT & WI terrOe Dee. 17 lets in Foreign and Doi. , :oat., No PP Wood street, Pittsburgh I fehl7tf , . S k W. AELDAUGII. virai bleich;Tia, deal. Hin Flees and Produce renirul/y and Forward. me and COMILtiPSIOR blerehante, oID Wood meet, Pitt ithergh. tont_ 0 AIrIIIICL PALMER, Mut ey at Law. Mee" 1,7 in Breed', building, No St F nh street between Wood and Smithfield. tiovlittwly aTEPHEIII 11.11111111 ITT, Manufacturer of Fan ef.tfhavingand Toilet Soaps. Winter and Summer, pressed Limit Od, Ice. No 17 Filth do, boy:cern Wood and Market .Is, Pittsburgh. Pa. 003.1 SF. VOX LIONNUORIIT t Co., Wholesale .Grocers .'orstre:rding and Commission Merchants, Deal... in P:n•burgh Manufactures and Western Pro. duce, have removed to the,, new warehouse, told stand) No 35, corner of Front st and Chancier) Lane. nov7 Q ASSUEL - /111 . . KIER, Forwanfing-and COMMI; kJ ate, Merchant, Dealer in Sall. Produce and Pin. burgh manufactured eructed, Canal Basin, near 7th s, del • ` . / 7 1ICELERSIIABI, Dealer Flow O. en. Fruit Trees, and Agricultural Inip:emenvo.No I At Woad •irret Yatehurgh. febtt VABILIECT & BEST—Wholesale lirocets & 1. Commission Merchants, and dealers in Produce Au 35 Wood street. Pittsburgh. uPIV rims. KENNY:DV, Jr., Looking Ulsis glanufactu 1. rer, and Daaler in 'Clocks, Combs, and Variety comer of Wood and Fourth streets il9 T P Frsyth. a .1 F 0 . 507 cl , P. o POltriTlll k Co, Commission klercharas. . dealers in Salt, Lumber, ghettoes, Ponlace and Pinsbargh Abillailacturcs, Canal Ilasin,.l.lberty street, harborer . , feble .1.141 S D. WICK. 001 , 10 {TICK & BIPCANDLESS, (eurces.orn io I. & IV J U Wiskj Wholesale Grocers. Forwarding and CLtannission Merchants, dealers."lrcin, tub, thaw, Craton Tun. and Pittobargli &lir factures generally, curetted Wood and Watt, .o, PP inehl4 WU. PIWIPLIT inane. the ladies to can and . egarnlnte hi. Nock French Worked Collars, ohne as law as SS cent.. enehla I:g;=3 GRIMES, Wholesale Grocer, Forwarding and I V • Commission Merchant. and Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Al.ufacturea;, earner of %Valor and -.nutlitteld sot. Pin•tinrah. Pa. ants WHITMORIS. & WOLFF. barn'," , and Wholesale Dealers Hardware, Cutlery. Sad dlery, ke, corner Liberty and ht. Clara meet., Plait. hargln, awn, WA. GLENN, Booktondee, has removed tu the confer of Woad and Tkurd C. 11. Kay, .bete hr prepared to do every deseriptioirof Ruhng mud Binding. 4 • P r' 1,;(7 - 1111. WNI.g.AdETWIlaton - e - a - nd nullTunsih -7• .4 egnblialdnellt, 1144 Liberty stet, near the carol marts W.&li. MITCIIELTREE, Wholesale Gro cent. Reetitylna Instillers, and Wine and Lonna, gerehants, No. IGO Liberty sneer, loppoilite Stn. st.,) Pittahrith• mn)l2-dly •O. U 4 , 1 1 1:r orce g t ° o7.:B A F l .Te r l7,7fee r kllair au eel, next door to Aide, man Johns. ap2din H. umutwan, Dealer tol Planer and Supi; 7 . Dry Good, No 79 Market street,'llitisbureh yawl:l.D y • ftrenn the band • f• District.) Wholesale Grocers, are now located at (.. 119 Wood st, wherelhey offer for rale a large 3usor. ntof Grocer les and Piroburale 9Lanafarwre, at low a and on favorable term. 010111' ..' W. WILSON,. Dealer In %Vetch..., Jewe!ry, . Silver Were. Matter) , Cravat" fr.....N0. 57 Aler. ket street. nov7 k - a.: - Nrtrapav, wholesale sod retail in v • ForeLgn and Dornewtc Dry (.welx. north saw coi. ecru( Market and Fourth eta nursl WiN Jr.. I , oo purell•sco ,he V i ll i rrue 9 l4ot it of 1 , ..d.5a . r Thorn, ro4l.er . of Pen 3,11 d 'land sweets, veill crop a constant supply of the he,, medwines, perfumery. he. Physic/an'. prewnpitona earefully CORITYIOIItIf.d.-- Ifedic ions earl he had at all lours of the titan,. feblUdly• A M John I. S.n&et. lATALLI °FOOD & Co, Cotnastssnso and ker. W I , arding Alt... bents, Second, notat WOOd street, Pittsburgh. P. `YT I . :II7b . urg E II IRE , l O U l' iTo r ner i" t ' o " tal the to of Law owledgteent and pm; tpf Deeds, Lt 1.11., Connuetsu Deposlnons, or •Ity oats- vrriu (uner seal or not.) to he used or recorded In :be V io la n (Oht. ("Are on Third Stnebebosetiosn cold. 1)17 Attorney at Lave 1V atifth meet, near Southfield. Collecting, Igen. des andother Janitors., attended to orith ponetu,ality Itarsaxacm— IL - ulla & zemple, Wm. frmtl.nn. A Fahnestook & Cn, John Ilerran., (kW!, Laud.ay & Co. John W reght. Junes McCully, EN, blaj. je.l4-ly RECTIFYING DISTILLER, • ♦aa WIIOLZSALI. DIALUI FOREIGN & DOMESTIC wink:a N. 114 Liberty eL, and 53 Diamond alley; PI'IIISIIIiRGII, PA. WARRICK MARTIN de Co., Bankm, Donsten Ann", Bank N and Coin Corner of Third and Wood surc., , Pittsburgh. Pa.. II W Wants...'Wla. 31 :Moon. (Seam., to Lalsie WiLIODoLI . WILLIAMSa 110155, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 013.0 bee North Aida of Founit at, abov c Stuithfield.-00 bl7dAwl yt, • ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, CINCINNATI, 01110. Co/loctiona in Sumbetn Ohio and in Indium and in Kentuety, promptly and carefully attended I. REFER TO-11on. Richard Biddle. us Bell & :on, C • sums, Wm hPlOright,Church& Clambers, ITto Rays. Fun, James P. Pusan, W flock & Dams. Jr.,' Ulmer Blackbu rn. O. W i g ILLALE, Grocer• and Dealers Ods, Boat. on hand at TA nn le c ne u 7;1 4 :s " so 'c 1 un ... 417; Rout. to line, Water street, near Cher ry Alleb solo WAIKROOKE OF Tllll JLiMfl MOMS-, rot TOP PALI OP BOILER IRON, BOILER REA', FLUE lk FIRE BED IRON. E. F. a.HOENBERGER PATTBOURGAI, PA. Ravin reke¢,rhe Warehoose formerly occupied by Water Street. near Evan'a Steam 111111, Will keep on herd a roil wmply or all sixes of Boiler Iron and Head.. Flue and Ftre.Bed Iron, made nom htsbutlma foloooke which will be mid ti rho lowest Market Mee. Enemy Builders end others, are incited call and examine his wock. Orden promptly at. ended tn. jytil di . JOllB M TOWNSEND. Ihnegitt and ApOthe• d carp. No 43 Alarkrt al, three door*, above Third at., Pitotburgh. will ban eonstantly - on hand a well *elect ed *morn:Dent of the beat and unite,. 31edicide4, whnch he wilt son on the went reasonable terms. Pby•tcians sendinc order. will to promptly attended to, and sup. plied with orortes they may rely upon /111 ine. ILYPhyatetans , Prescriptions until be acc urately and needy prepared from the beat materials, at an) hour of the day or night. Mao for sale, a large *lock of freoh and gaud Perth. m<7,_ le W. WILSON, Watch 'linker k Jejsrell.4, corner 411, and Marker mg. A large and well selected stock or w•tebe., Jewelry. Solver wait, and hfrittnry 'Good.. !Own. °el hand and al regular ea.. tern prices, Gold Patent Lever, full Jewelled 'vauter., as lola as SW. ti ter do watches,. low 2F SI. • • • (led.. Cooper. (Una, Job man and other oppreVlll “eke watches may be had at a all advance add 0:11Zs d t: watch work done In Che r very I.r.t tonne r. Y. hint.vast. • JAICK. 4. 0.C1.1i. FLIRT GLASS ESTABLISH-114;NT. NA ULNA AI \ A LEDI.II: mans factors. and keep con. XL ataxtry . Iv, band Car, Slot:Wedand Plant flint Glassware, In all its varieties, at their Warebouw•con ner of Market and W•ter streets, Yntaborgh. Our Works comm. an fall operation. and we are eonstan ly adding lona, h. which enuides {l. to fill orders with PfmnOttm , •• Porch...v.,. are req....fully soliellOd to call and examine mires and terms. xnyintly 3. B. SWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oftlee 3d It, appetite It. Charles Ilatel, MITSUI/WU; WILL ohm attend promptly to Colleetio ~ ,in %V mO • inxton, Fasymm und Green Cuomo, 157 gr'ektlkdLtill . ,rt C° Pitulna D. T. Montan 001 IN DUNLAP, MANUIPACPURER of Tut, Copper, end Sheet iron ',Ware, and dealer ro Bntarinla and Japanned Ware, No 17 hlarket sneer. The *,,hr e ab,r, fullykalle Do anention or the Western Alerchaalr, Country dealer*, and others, to bi. Intl, stock of mon sDetored Tin and Copper wan., wrth * large ....lir rnentlor imported noose Forni.hing Illtrderare , , Wholeroale buyer* and the publor generally, a re Invr Jed to tall, art. • r Olt°. W:411.1111 db G ` e, • BREWERS. NALSTERS AND 110 P DEALF.RS PITTSBURGH AND POINT BREWERIES. , Corner Carter* Alley •r 4 Penn St.' and fah or Pin St Plltabnrch. Po. J. d leaut,reol. J. tl. & W. 'BONDI:11611T, MASUFACTURERS OF. STARCH, ix TA RBANTED equal, endot superior. to anY Wade VT to tee United States which they will dispose of al tweePtiees and an 'good Tem., •, _oe2ilJyr Beaver Pa x. )9 _,lr P. & 11 :31 " aeilipii t CO".: if AKUPACTURERti or Ilannarrad anovela and dal.. evader 11. a, /lay and Manure Farb, &c., /te. Warabaame,'Nel II Wood otreeirrolrb. :,..011 PEKIN TICIAATOII.IIC, No. 72. Fourti onet, now Mei QT All qualiiie• at Unren Black Ti... IA (Anne?, half, •nd orke pound pulgare., ding fro* psr poeadi• 41,50 Ad%Y. IA ra reltaga Co A. AI. Wsllngtord. Jim I , Httiger. WALLINGFORD A CO.. COMMISSION & FOR WARDING 31ERCIIANTS, satura• to HEAVY HAROWARE AND PITTOBV/101.1 lIIANUFACTUItEII, IArAREHOUSE.S Second 'Wel, near Woad, and v e Canal Basin. Liberty street, have on hand and an aisle, 100,000 lb. vir: , Na n. ylor A Co's Cuat.libetr, Blau., and German le •f. ' Jok quigg't Ain Blain. Spring and Fork ..sit dos Shoveln, Spades and Forks, Carriage ...poop and Axle, Anvils, no holed Vieer, l. sit and ronuneo) Pledgee, Sledge Mouldr.Crowliam; Pomace Rtngere, (Juniata Irony Alanoeta, Clay arid Deal Meta • A ses. Scythe., Sirkles, Log Chain. Av.. 0 .- Salamander Fire. Proof Safes, ion. Nails, (Has. , eon other Pintbutgh Manufactures told at the lowest frinlS Renaldo Sank, CUARLES It. DANENIIOII7ICIt. & CO. TOBACCO C 031511381011 MEIRCIIA - NTR, N.. 49 South Wharres, and No 117 tooth Water it ynn...ADELPHin: ri; to ins " - rn the trade and dealers generally of JJ Pittsburgh. that they halm made such - arranuententa "nth the Vtignita nufacturer/. and the Oro 1. of the West, West Indi ma es, and oilier places as will insure large and constant supply of the following deicilp tions of Tobacco which will be told upon a. accent. modaring terms as any other holstein this city or else where, and all goods ordered nom them will ho war. mitten equal to repreeentauot— Havana. St. Denungoi Conn.. Vara: Porto Rime, Perurn.,lSeedLeaf To CAt.4i)--11ranig.T'relelor'alded",Zro"nttic St/gCZen. dish, with a large araortnrent of other popular brood., and lit:alines of pounds, .51 iii. 16. and Ita /dump; Sitlaw and Ins Plug; Lodi.... Twist: Ac, 'weer and plaid, in whole and half loxes, wood anJ tin together sunk every Ismer) or article belong. - ing to the trade. jell-Sly J D Luau; C Lale of Pittsburgh, Pa. Late of Nashville, Tenn. I 101111 ER & ANDER/lON.Dealen itiCatton, Forwardtng. and Commission Mmehanw, No. ti Front meet, above Broadway, Coteinnati, Ohio. Rosa vo— id Allen A ro. Bagaley A Stunt, 1 Pinsburgh, • Wm. ILnghana. Sexy A Shepherd, Martin A hleAlister, Nashville, Tenn. Yeatroan A Armistead. W F Lane A Co., I.lrisville. Ky. Springer 'Whiteman, / Jame. Johnston A Co. 5 ''•sal ,, • Hewett. Reran A Co., New Orleans i ltv al Ila C i ' ge h r l A ' X ' .. N ß e al . timst. Yor r k e. enti,h, Regale). & Co.. Philadelphia. Daniel Deshon, Boston. meta Ironer Ftnenly Libunch Nano onewn W 11<I rnrh t or oaperlor .anal low fol maytta ly — l::Swine na and Coro ner rende lenofarturea J. G. W. Leaarteb. W. C. Wiiiol, J. G. W. LEFTWICH & Co.; RECEIVINU, FOR WA SWIM:, And Commission Merchants, LAQUEMINE, Los PARTICULAR situation Paid so consignments of Sugar Mills, Engines, or other uncles for Opelousas and gmkspas. REFER TO—Messrs Sheffield A Liginlow, Ms. Tho mas Limerick; New Orl ea r st. Nelms. Limon A Retterson, Mr 2 M. likelier; Lou isville. ElMenet. 11.11 & Speer, M. Wm. O'Leary, Robert Wighunu. Arm.troimit NiehoDorq - Patebtimli. Mean. Reran., Todd & Co ; Cincinnati. Mears. Hynes & Craighead, Messrs. Edward. & %Phiteall, lion. Zenon Labour, Ilon John Dutton; Plaquemine. L. CRAIU. HELLAS t Co.. FLOUR FACTORs AND PRODUCE COM _ _ MISSION MERCHANTS: L -• • IBERAL cashadvimees made on rarely* of con. • signmeno. Those shipping to our address will be ,e•.lo , hree-fountal value ni advance iu C.ll, by apply ing to our friends, Messrs. Wallineford A Taylor, Pittsburgh. blew.. Th.. 11 11 A Co. Bridgeport, Ohio. Philadelphia. ploy 5, ISLS marl7AT N. B. All produce consigned m oa is'insurtd when in the ararebouse.of Wallingford A. Taylor. Pittsburgh, or in our more in Philadelphia. • C. B. b. Co. FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. LOGAN & KENNEDY, IMP. INTER` , OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER: , IN CURRAN - ARE, CUTLERY, to., No. IN INood. . - P TTSBORGIL A HE non in the enut•s- of reeetrthg lam s. e a Idst,on CI to their extenstive &ton Ilarstware, Cutlery, Sad Ivry, He., which haring teen Iturelsas•ed on the rhost advantaaetth• to.rma in Kngland. and titre, nom the Ilanufaesurere :los country, rhablea dbesn to at fet nods on le rtn• istroa.ssed by none and equhlled by few Pureha•erts are re•steetfulty united to call se , .11 CIP.OII.OIteOC.IIIII.AIV o CO:WISSION & FORW ARE T, No 51 Wont, Stnt.ar, pl r rsdattithtl. drioNTINI3 ES to transact a general I sdnottseion Business, eapectally in the purchase am' sale of American Manotactu-co and' Produce, and in receiving and forwarding °nada consigned to his care. * As Agent for the Mannlacturera. b 2 will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Alanufarture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders nod comiggernenui ore respectfully solicited., Courroy 8. F. CONWAY 40, ' 1: . ''''' ""'" cognm.coli Fu.w..fing L Mercian... nod Pioduce Dcalers—alro•ltetei la the PlitlebaSe, Sa!e Asia :Foirozrol of IrusL Coal. l c. 1.F131 To, Alarood, Janes & G. Brow', Bailey A Co Loren. Nerting & Coel lenry Graff Graft Lindsey 8. Co / Leee4S Co Sborb & Co. Clarke & TLeur marlOdly dims _ J.:rake JOHN (Lore of rite firm of 51,alentro Whole.ale u Comorls.ura & /Flour . D Merchant*, EALERtn air loorts or Country Produce, Cop. per, Ttn, •rm Plow* 'Mane., Toole,Lead, Retsia Sheet boo, Iron and Nadi, Whale Lead. Dye Stole. Cdron Yarn*. Sal. he. road PLlts , ,orga hlanonsetures general!, corner or I..berty end Irwin srreete, nostrum!, Pa OCI-Liheral adwanees. to Crt.h or G0 , ..1e, made on eon. ograments!kf Produce, anv3 AUCTIONEERS AND COM'ISSION MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. 'CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER to sell at either estallistuneril, all I nds of Mereltutdise at Me lowest rates of Construssnms sod are always prepared to make 5j05.c.. The best or referecteess given, if required. . Letters addressed to either House will be promptly attended to. JONI!). JOIIN I. SICOASOS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, nu rO WATEit r.. OPPOilTrf CHLAPSILAS: BALTIMORE, iATINDOW Glass, Glass Ware, Drtcd Fru, Ikea wag, and Cosintry Produce. Ad•auces made on consigneonnot Satisfactory ref. erenceo chafe addressing t.y mail. sepl7.ly• .I..EZIVNOINIIVIN. M H c. 0 .., TLIOMPSON tc CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Manufacture. of Linseed 011, • M. 20 Columbia Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Qessa !AID roe TLArnliD.,s y • . _ WALLINGFORD & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DSecond CCCCCCWood. EALEtts rtimborgla Mame" t Rod Ilestre Hata wore—vedl keep et:goo:a:14 on hand • Mock of carnage oprings end Mune, Rcytlie• and Gre peon wk.*, ••011,, vita Idaek•nnthe aledgea.re.. Are. metal COLM MAL LEECH. • tustrit IL LEECH. • . . MALCOLM LEECH A NON. • LATE M. LEECH A CO , lTboleaale Grocer., C 0.,,. moHion and Flour !derebants; dealer,. in •I! kind. CuminProdoce, Conte', Tin, Toi 1 . 1•11,. Took, Don and Nails, Line, Whew Lead. Dye Rama etierl Iron, Lead, Coma Tarn., tali, tar., and Pliloborgb Manufseme. cenerally. N. In. Al, and DI Liberty atrecohe dour above the bead of Wood meet, PitHourgh, P. Liberal adeulees. ca.h or good., 'wide on eon iiignmenm of prodime. Ar , fie. inebld COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of PZOLOCC generally, P 111 L A DEPIIIA. Ber Inheml advances made on conAignmenrn,..o Plallinda, Darman, Vt. tinni D. W. MATIFIKWS. • W. T. P•TCW. MAT4IEWN & PATCH. ,COMMI . BIIIOIi 11E1ICGIANTO, rile. id Water Street, Kr. MANS. MO. Kill give particular attention to the Nellong V Pro title... t end to order. for purehostne Hem ta--I:ehrge Horran & to . Itict•hurgh, I'. aril Jot. 31 Oa:lough 31 . Kerhan, C I/t'uiher••on JOHN MCCULLOUGH & CO Cammiasion and Forwarding Merchants, NOS. 93 & 95 80111111 ST. lunl7lv • ROWLIMPS A HF'. Hnitltnor• THOS. J. CARSON, & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No•. B •nd 0 Light Mt.. HALTIMORF. . . fry-Caah advanee• artll be made on con,gonent to he above Waal, by fanl I y CARSON A. hIcKNIUIIT, Wall at LICA, & CO" - FLOUR FACTORS, AND (RAIN AND PRODUCY: Conatateelan Merchant,. 71 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. • A It F. 110 W 0,.'1,1 in tee..., and rorwnra (CI kind. An' hler4and, arta an landongOntbe Jun... No r.l, end West Branch. •nn Tulearat, Canal. GEO. B. MILTENHEIWER BTE A Al BOAT AGENT, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, PRODUCE k MERCHANDISE BROKER. • aug.l9 OfrorelSla 50 WairrStreet, patnburKli Pa ___._NEWTON - JOANN STEASIBOAT AiiENT AND . CON,IISsIoiN Mien C II A - NT. SIONoNDAIIY.LA DOUSE, Pitts , Pe. - - - - 1 - 11 .A. FAHNESTOCK .Se.Eo'n. W MITE D. LEAD WORKS.—The underaigned hove completed their new works, located on the bank 01 the river above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny city, opposite ihttiburgli,ll.o the manufacture 01 a snce• nue quality of white lead. both ilry and ginned oil; also. red lead and litherage. Haying availed themselves or all the recent improvements to its manufncture, and erected the bleilding• sin a very extensive scale, and with capacity to make lead en large quantities. they will be able to supply orders to almost coy extent:. Nors STOVE PATTERMN FOR SALE—Caw, i I sh ___ster, Pattern Maker, Allegheny City 011 has the newest PAtierns for Suave. enk•nd either In wend or iron. hldlGeating end shadier patterns made enter. ire npcnr OILS T M galLons 1 11 11 . 7e . h . 1.11 e :fr;eLe d . NM do Bleached %Venter CVha le ' oil: 8 41,11 Land Oil: ins. reed and for sale by raylg MILLER & RICKETSON PITTSBUiRGII, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 12. 1847. " SCEL,LINEVirs. JAMES W. WOOLDWELL, • PM.. oliton ruIRITORE WARE k 00,111.1 , NI/ tl.l THIRD STREW, I A LORI:Vaud splrodld oorontorot of .FttruiLWi o , eondble for Firornboolito llntrls. a col on vote V loci- ' , , Imo, ronotantly on bond sod ertadOto order. I Itr prt , en!.toek Go hdod cannot be elterllrd by any nointrketory to the wertrrn country, Per - ,..lting to purchore would do well to - er!ls :,-.a ..11.•• Lana drunoi. a r - tem:tined oty pore., ahan Inoue. part of the noel o to— Sri Sofas larch Plant, n 1 Ilair.cloth cover, 2doi Malrogan . , Nur.< Cbarrri 14 pair Divnn, lY clot fine Mahogany Chain, Pr mahogany IS ort ria and, • .Idria mahogany lilac k inn Chair, Jr/marble top Urn:L.:rig Itore.u4i p.or Otrntum, lamb , IVXelT;' ' .4ll ‘ rll c t ! ;tindar Alahugany,nlapfir — Clrei ry and Poplar Iletlatead• 0 all de , criptromr; and a large an. of COMM° Portniure and Chain, too nun:lemma to mention. mar9if • M - I W H DIV ABB F1011&E. JOSEPH WOODWI4LI, Corner of Wood and lid sits, Pittsburgh, H A VJNO withdrawn ' from the old Gran of Walker & Woodwell, Int the In of January, 1547, I take pleeaure in announcing to any Islands in tale city and coulaary, that Ishmael opened any new store at the above Foame ma d place. Havana purelaseed my goods for cash, and de arrangetnenta with manufacturers in this, country and an Europe to be constantly aappbed, I am rally prepared In rarnoh 'Hardware of all ktnda. on as V ten. and o t he rs +flank' have Platt or Wl ehanie and ethers a r c respectfully invated Id cal and exannne my Hoek, before purchasing elsewhere. The following comprises panof na) stank Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Cult Tramming+Files . Plia)kar'• Pace!, Cutlery, Edge Tads. Anvils, Vi ces, Lock.. Latches, Sack Ira, Scythes, Butt Hinges, Screws. Union It ...tory I'llnm:thaw lathogans boards and veneers, and all other arbelea colanteted with the Hardware Wanness. mehl pf BAZZASTS PATENT BEDSTEAD - ssAs. NOT WITIISTAISDING intaissid opposieon IsithlSlnsen3 ticn of a entsburgb hicsblutle s a rase jorlty .of the ethete! maker. of this • and Allegheny clty, and their:lsmer ous eurtomershare shown themselVee above the vulgar prejudice sgainsa Some tare:Wens, and, they site Gazusn's Bedstead the nreleicnee, simply' her It dram. hems the ben. streng...f, and most rearm!..." Bedstead In u.e The following testArsonisl weeks for inself.— • We..the aubeenhere eraenral rahinet meter]; of the eine. at ratshurgh and Allegheny, na.., JO hereby con my that we hare bougla the nglo to manufacture hods ntrule with trastani, Mee haste...age. and consider the lame superior us uny.fastessinc. wlth which we are aequetnted. Jam.* Lemon lehn 51• Grew T B Young &Co Hul.crt Finnan J it Bartley J. 1111,1 /I Barr Jobe Losiree. Jr. .1,1•. Lover & Ben I. & allpn Rei.Jle & Drennan Ttoma. Fetter . 800 II Wallace David Luker Rooney &111"Clalland Hugh Wallace More. Bullock Mold Lokey . For Rights to make and sell the above Iledetealls apply l 0 EBENEZER F GAZZ M, dee to Falcate,- p ATENT PRESS BIUCK DIAGIllge - . - - esalweriberi havingobtruned a patent. May 16 1tt16.1 ta Press Brock Machine, and having strict. then Oily tested its tabiltly. are wow prepared to sell nghw and contract to deliver machines to any part of the I.toed Prams. Ib.- machine is designedmake ttnek from crude clay, sod will make 3U,U16 good *moo , firmbrick per day. •nMeiently bard to stack up so the kiln; Mus avoiding the expense and labor at pre. Conn t cl•i.dry.ng at hanalina M ebrick after Icing nouldea. It is simple. wrong. not halite to grtout out of repair, and 0 , rnit•tructrd that ii ran I.e Luton to peer. and put together with peal fifday.ll.ll4 render g it,ortable. We are pow budding =chases. and can Itlrr.hthenion Own notice. Fort:C(o deasnpoon we s• aid refer to a calehine now is ear ces•ftal inten tion( a Itltlltereek,bottosa. near the lb emend oflrdshth wrath where we shall be happy to egplatn everything connected with it to all who may call We hale at present no autherwial Agent. All letters to cur address will be promptly attended to CULJJERTSCIN, Mcdlll.l.l-11.4 A Co. • sertllf COI IV %It FIRE UItICH.S. • 1~ • XTENSI tuard 9ta approved during ihn . p..l 1. two) mos, hp tho pritiotpal snanota:toronno hr country. awl throughout tho towbar of Peso:sylvan.. will he rood,. for deity, ry on throve:nos Of hay:onto. 7ho Cl-11E.S9i on wbt , bihetrthwab.lny nod roper:toil, dcpetet“, it •clerted lip ottpertetiet.l on now, litought from Nlhrytheed, whew ate iliwovery ma. made—the fo•dde meltrr. with w.h.oh tt oohed. ded, i• earefatly separated They will he thormwhly horned noit europocily p r dby manholes end on• 1111te tatentaihpveh I.v Mr•ww 'holey k Cn. Ihe pm. pr.mon, oN/15. , %rwen. to Inattooln their anti...Worn' wrportority. "'ors Im In 1.1 otherw,p, will be prornotly ereru tmf. nu ni,L, ol 1.. 31ACLAIWN . . mad/ Ken•tnetoo Wo/kii IV Iz.ZFFT.iu,glTv open nn Mondxy, Apid tour doomfrom Wood and nest . oor to A Jay:m . 4...4m Ted `,40, . . . . A oplendtd II•SORMYIllor I, arneyertke,l'onreetroitar). FAR, dc . herb on da; conlner every rid); among orh;ch are ;be rallow;ng A '. Q. hl ncaroon.; l'pond Cate; LeruOn Ihiltafl; Pamrr, t.ponr• dO. Renner XII Jelly Clair.; . Altr•011•1 d... Mu; .r- ir; "order Non.; VI o , er Wrrot. ••. sq. n;,/.. Rad ; Federal Cake; A. 1 , , nog., 4, 4 , Order.. for Ice Cri•ants, Jeily, Bridcrd (later Confeennaary, /he . Are, orrectnesl in,a el Me otaiied tn qu rn.y and tmotory.by luav Wise Mesh. men; to ;id. eny. Fresh Irreatl.Twod, Rork, he . manufactured moldy from WM. Wheat Floor. and In Irmo all drags. every soormin[ , _and _ ANDREWS __ illhAV 11.1ki CLiTril'A 1 1 1 -1, 1 • Iield AIL 5 e lokrai Let all Dm, nave Shave who never Rho yea berate And show who rt.wiiv. Oh aye ;ion. Share the noire. •odes., th.• ' , imam, Compound to iso J. sire us the pint..., r, rot erst, this; the opin.on uf all I, Nr c tried it pthimunce st she Mn., pleasnnt composition that they !mac ever coed. and in order to place is withal the reach al all. I hare reduced the price law ..sough, to KUM an ol,portanity ;very person so :we st trial and pa*, :or thessiaelve. So, lienslenwn. $ writs final •Ich. rurtosie tha-e. on with your •hawitiK cur. don's be re. ied l it won t roc .h them. and you are mt a:rusk...l. the aton e, will be returned KrEvileN lIARHETr Iron City hard Oil F i netory and Vane, Soup Work., labl2 Sib at. °prior ;le Iron Car I foul HAczug ARTirixs FOR TIIE TOII.I-if Nyerspb Soap; eolitpored of ass I;:aassra' llotan;ral dircovery hfporrinsuip efficacy, for rend, ma the rain soft ant fair, as well as imparting a delicote FOrealt hoe so th e rompleitok • • Also, Ilatiel's celebrated Almond Show.a. Cream. which t.now generally used by the fasitirotible ma nn in all par. of ine United Slum Hanel'. E'er itatory powder int removing siwerlluour hair, 111114 11/00bia highly nnlebraled Vegetal.. /la. Dye. a cheraseal reaalt to` enable person• to aye ronr liav instantancoOdlh and lo change realor /V.!' bat,. whiatero, me.t.khet; and c)ebtoas, toe beanoliil brown or black robe.! 011=!nl=r=1ME • • I & CO ror Cron , and wool. ard -wood and lino rt Itardwaie. Cutlery, Saddlery deo. JOlllll W•GKER, . . . . IMPORTER AND OF.ALER in Foreign ant 0017,•C ilie Itordwitie, would respectfully intone hts friends and the public getter* iy. that he 5. now rrce.viug his Spring supply of Used re.. at the old stand of Walter tr. W 1 oodwell. No e. 3 % ood 11,4, th I,weh he will door.< of on the most reason hle terms. . Ito will he continua ly receiving fresh suripl,sdirct front he Maaufac,tur ris In Fortine and nor country. wn.rti will enable hint to compete with any Itstahl,sh rue. either East or West. % nt Vestern riterehantif arevned lo call and examine h.. .loot before norehesing elsewhere . MarS Cop rinercoll.. the topler•ignid. boo colored into Copartner V V atop for the I.utPose of triumteting a Prodce. Ctiomitation •nd F'orwardinaltu.lite, under Bin atye OILUX, BieIIAREW & CO., of end have we tbe wirehouse, No II Commercial Row, Liberty *tree t, forruerl. oenup.od by Mr IV B Posey—. where all busitieo• nntruitted to our chain.. will be prranpily nod fatthfull• attendtd to. MORRIS ()RUM. formerly or Philadelphia Tnos It MerIREW, Smithfield. Olin, PINDLF.Y H MeriltßW Paniburgh, alareb K. 1,47. THOMAS ICENNEDY, I 1.7 t fi c '• ' r , 1 . 1 .;• gra ". 70 " i :M k U. 11111/ Var , el9. Cando. I . reerr. cool:tally en ham,. of owornanufactore....4r. dererionort to 0.11. Mahogany ot,J Cutotonn Loolmg 1,2 3 4. and 3 dome , (Wier, plain t and ornimental port 6.1 from,. Att 1, rod. of Clock.. Trays a.1.11v niter., .en. or dozer., Conth.:Thrvada. and a general 111 1 /4111111V111 or 1 ' 40 .y Gond., wholese ol a .rnall adroit, on ea.; l'edt:tr. and other..uk.fred with Melo'. Churl... Car rtar'• l'not.,And 1011'14 frame. 31 New York prtee• t0.20t1 No a/. ear woo' N 0.111113111. DIIIIOI4. DR1.1014. • . . . i OE , AIOIiI.F.H. D - otagist arkl Apoibecary, .i. W I,trner.or Wool and am 1113. I.l , lAurgh. wi:l I..vp ig..rotestamly on hand. Drug, rainl., 01.,D,-..mutr. N.ll—Physirut. presrript , olo.twrerolLy roonwood". 4..1 Awn, 11, hr. maier I.nny ho.tr ni or n.gbl A. al mwormen, or ..rAtiner, title TOOOl. Brufhrs. &v. Ar, , winc lh h., n.ll Ina Mr rush. ow, I 5.44, Grocery.l4,lin. satin Provision More. WOULESA.I.II A NO ' NO. 141 LIBERTY. STRHET. ,77 h;: lignio room. need bu hiltth by t door tn old ioanilj wherr he hope.. by keeping a supply of good arhelriii.. .!1/ lug low for r Et.h• pay mg .morn.. io! hi. patron., to ineril e ;Imre of poldir patronage • COMMISSIONED OP DEEDS AT CINCINIVAII-1.. siurborired by the liovernol of Pennsylvania sia lake orannteltdonsnts of all 41- visa:nem. wriling, los nifulatit, end dersAltio, of passe. al oillo, 10 h. small or recorded in Peon-sly, Omer. ilia.r• 11 - :.ssl • I th. Masoeallairer MM . Alt I' ell ANel I en ytild& w I • . Annul, nl I.aw RAGS.; WANTED. . 100 Lo s , :t.ll/N rirag:tll7C ED HAIN avono.d. iOOO fur winch We wx4e.r pace VA:Moral be prod Alaroy. en .. nd, ',try Onoripoon of Wroo.g nod Wrapping Par aiol Claln”de Limn REYNOLD, A SIIER melriCorner Pr and Irwin at, Pat.intralt 111/Wkrt zut ," Monthly Ito.• Ana t arrrnr. Ar anitaldr for planting C ow, rowtry's ran Ise furnwhed on appiiration thr wed store, from Nurwrica of Jan. Wardrop. Alnneherwr. Pl WICKERAIIAM I NO Mt nos nennel anti ath rim wiiil , l!io?ns a:svoLvv, . , .exxamenz.e. .., ,IMPIIT . F.Iiii and Desk.* and 'SIGN , 11.., '.. rti. rune, and I Saddlera. No 50 IVood affect, iX /, . three doors ahoy,. cs Cherie+ ...f .— A ` v '' , .1101e1, Pittsburgh PA e - , aprd. L SA TOA. -. TNI.:ALY.R In Trinned l np and Variety (3110. N. Tortem .l/ Teel'. Ivory and limn copular, Woollen Verne and Wormed., Bolton+, Ndedlem. Pon, Tape+. Weld+. kr. No 61 M u ter St: bcivreen Diamond and 4111 0ur..,. Panthorxh. XyWdly BIDD CAr/F- 4 and PcTenle.of 4tiriourt 'tire, tonatent ir or hand. and for sole al -dared prier, at the Piththergh Seed Store; No 131 'Wood weer. Corner of eth •nret jr: S N tVICICERSIIASI ICE CREAM - FREEZERS—I,,4, ~,..d. o 1,,,..,,,,,,, Imeet of Johnesn's excellent Patent let Crew, Free zer+. +unable for !late . .., Stetuldiorto and prier. farm. lire at ' ' - .10115 DUNLAP nayl i No I:market ot I : LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTIDURGU FEMALE INSTITUTE. gnus. lostnution, alder the of Rev. 3. Gat U.. ASO LA ”. 111 which an the 'obi and or nuermotal branches of a Swett d edatatiop are taught is tam open for the reception of pupils= No. 531, irwlan Row. Liberty Street. lietwEen 3d and 4th etreeta. the Second Seuton . wilt colon:mune on Monday the Enh t'sbeatirr. and it, is tropitnant that any who may Junta :wrong shoold be vertu as far as piactioaltle either before or at that time. They have weaved the services of Professor RHO. BOCK.. teacher of Music on the Pomo sod Gulleq who is too well known to need recommendation Alio the service. of Mons. CASIMIR' LA DaurT, suUoe o, .tibresteintothie de la Litcrat. Er Franc..." and other valuable schwil books In his notice lanage. Mona I. is graduate ot the University and thermal School of Pans, and stands high in wietth her, who de sire it, utmost In accurate and thorough knowledge of the rrelich Language would wou do well to Warr themaelves °niter kis Instruction • For nines, see Circular or apply to the Pnneipal Mir TOUNG LAIDIFS , SELECT SCHOOL A11.F.611F.N V CITY. 'PHIS lawnn. ha* bet recently twee opened under 1 the tunion or Mr PI. W.Aletcalf. at the Corner of Sandusky and Strawberry sta. The sheens. Which has thm far anernled this School, In or esiablisbent and progreaw has frilly equalled the ei , SVlaliesto or its Instruemr and Proprietor, and war rants the hope that he will sss.insd his am. - la render it a desirable Institution (or the education or Young I willow in Allegheny and vicinity. The First Session or the next Aradernic tear, will commence on Monday, Feb. Fth. There are yea a few oacamieato be Mina. but as the number or paints Is limited an early applitation is de. s,liable. Fur particular, relative to tem.: s ac.. consult Circular.; or apply to the Instructor. f Mae BOOKS, MUSIC, &Cf VALUABLE BOOKS--Published by J A S. U P Jame.. Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth. Cltichttuttls tiniaut's Gibbon-The history of the decline sad fail of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, Eaq. A new Edition, reused and corretted thror.gb. out, preceded , by a preface, and accompanied by notes critical and hi.to rice!, relating princtpally to the pri•pagation , of Christianity: by M. F. Gutsot, Minister of Public Instruction for the kingdom of Franee. Tbe•Orelace, notes and corrections, inns. iated front the French expressly for this edition. With a notice of the Ltle and character of Gibbon, and Watson'. Reply to Gibbon. In fl vole, imp. gro, 1073 . pages, • Napier • Peninsula War—Complete. I vol. imp. Ovo.Wlo pages. Haliam'erialiddle Age., Chamber'. Rebeatn in Scotland, Robertson'. Yuppie and New England, RuseelPs French and English War in America, and Rarnsay's American Revolution. I not Mo. LPearyid American 'elec. •ns from the best, author. on American • History,. • raptly, Travolie, Commerce, Statistics, Indiana, Resulutionaiy Battles, the. &c. &c. Alta, Acme date., Poetry and Miseellaneoua artielra. dlluatra . • led with more than-500 engraving.. 1 vol, imp 800 640 pages. Onioenial Pictorial Library—Coetaining valuable paper. no amines aubjecte, comprising Natural Mowry, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Runt: Econ. array, Biography. Fine Arta, the Orientals, Travels, Geogniphy, Botany, Miscellaneous reading, die. Are. I vol imp 800 440 pp. fail sheep. The Family Medical Library—;A 'Treatise on the PreventiOn and Cure ni Diseasei, by regimen and simple medicines. New editloll4t•llied4rld cram , ged with the addition of a Vegetable blateria tea, pointing out the virtuosi, preparationy . and doses' or urn most valuable notice medical plant., and an Outline or Anatotny and Phyoiology. Illustrated with one hundred. Engravings, en of which are colored. Ily J G Norwood, AI 14-444 pagesBvo, American Flower Garden Compa..—Adapted In the United States; by Edward Sayer., Landscape arid Oreameirtal (lenient, 12. , m0. third edition. rewired, enlarged and illuetrated. Palmer'. Oregon. Ricky hlountates,&c. &e. Family Teatainert. octave, with and without Polyglot note.. and Psalm. to metre. RICO and l'ingrces Debate. Born's Works Lady of the Lake. La Ila Hooka. blore's Private Devo. uon. Juvenile Books. Cheap editions of various works in pamphlet font, mehM I,lOQlLti, JUST PUBS. 15111CD.= Mcmotra a( 11, Life of ale Rev. Charier Siracle, M. D., with • neleroon from ho , ofrnlng• an r °fret. pundencr, coined by Rev. William tdaru4. M D , Td newor Dean ivf 'rrtnny College. and M miner of on y (:nuren,Caralor,dge The annual edn.on. wined loy R,lll Rev Chac Melivaine, D.. D. II shop of the d'et.cap d cl,urnh me dneF.e 01 1 4110 11 . 00 1 1. 0 1 11.0 hub h , o the Sine of gFntork won A Inchon...o rte eh of o,s , flobcbca 01 611 e, VJra..a. by Kew Robert Day Lama, U. F-saa) 0, Theological and Mtweenanrone, re nnoted from the Prmenton Second 4, antludnq the conintninon• of FlrvAther, Dodd D D. Alexander on Laub, 2otu vole Vint on t h e cattle, prOphee3Ge—t,eolo ull tbe later prophene.-4old fry. , rattly. A Conti, System of Tbeoloay. on ate bar. Of Ibs *MUT Cateeb,mtn. by A 1.. x q, andn S m , paoermn. V. •utlan of' I. -11, "ry o, Cauren:' ao onto, damson. by Duncan McFartan. D D. Memoir of Man Jain , braham, by Rev Cbarle• 8 7be i a7lAtt l ee 4 , with a general amortment of work" Ili an departments of Literaiuro for ule at the Dookalore of ct.T.iurr & ENGLISH jes Alen, tot, bet. Id and 4.5 sorete _ . W !WOKS Rcerived at M A MINER'S : The 51. 1. a ReVel.ge.or thr .ectctentituy—.4 tee of the 1.. r i'ru•sdr• atnue! Spring. F...g A Veal oi 1.711:1, ~,,, . Irs 1:1111er, (14, Fanny Kroll', I Six Lecture.. the U.e.oi the Lumi. .0.1 ptcari'on. nail cute al Conlumption. At thin, end din. ease• nf the tiepin o 0 the laws id lAngairity, tee With illuatrauon• by Samuel Shrlden Fitch A. M Al LI The Witch of the %Wave. or the Cors•ir's Capftve Thntriearitine or Oulu/ern, and the Castilian, • tile of 00•1011 owl Calm Ellen Munroe—arquel to Life in Landon—la.t part. hy, Alien 4 . Fettle.-, author of . The mice Tllc L3lO of General Taylor—only NI cents. 'r.ylnr and toe Oroaral•—•resh supply. Mboterarna. the Berl; A Imre supply 1 . 1e10.11 rl 14011.11,10.111•11 . 11 Torsole at . NI A MINER'S )si SnothGedd st. 3d door uom td NTEW PUBLICATIONS. Ls riwory at Frew, by M. Id helet—in course of puttlientarn: wo t rots hen., now ready—the same eta he soppl ir .1 .n Nos Ignitors of the Roman 11. public. by M. Mendel— on/Wined by W. 11.1.1 t tr.su Aunt KW 'a Tine, by Maria I blelntosh• • The Fairy Bower.or the history of a month: a tale Lire of eminent individuals , celebrated in Amen. ran History 'rhe parson of Knowledge under ditficulties, tell try anecdotes—with portraits. Revised Edwon; with preface and not,, t. F. Wayland. Muller's Universal thstory, from the earliest period to the year IRK'. Dir , mnary of Pommel Qriotstii 1.. I.t J. T. W 2.2. WWII of eminent bleehanies, by Bowe. Field's Seriptute illu.t tenons For oak by • (el J I. REA D. lilt near hien,et at u ISTORY (15 eIEXICO—Jot published, Ly IL /AAUP James Cumin/lab. THE HISTORY of tiEXICO: her CI•il Ware and Worn/nal and Reirolutronary Annals, from the period of the Spanish Congers, IRAI, to the to incledies an ...mint of the War snit h the United States. Cabse•end Military Achievements. Ily Philip Young M. D With two Copperplate Maps, and seven in g• of Plana of Motile Grounds, he. (Inc yob ante octavo. or bye hundred mod aisty.four pales. pill V~IEW AIKOIOAL WORlL—Prattical olner. 11 vations sowe of the drseases of the Rectum. Atm, and Cootignius Textures: giving their nature, rem. coos, symptoms, consequences. and pit venuon, especially addressed to the Pion wirdl reader: by %V Bodeolmittey 51 D. of Imitisvrtle. K y . The auth6r of di,• walk has within die last few sears •umeintrully treated va st seven hundred roes 01 elle, and h tools in Ali. without either the knife. the onion. or the potential eautery For at the Bookstore of 1 I. READ lulYFourth. near Market oireet EW {YORK - 10 Prcaa — lit.tnryy of Meat. co, her Civil Wars and Colonial sad Revalu tumor, Annals, from the pentad of the Spanish Conquest, Ito), lb the present time, 1817 ; ineladiog on account ol the ExiMiag War with the United.'nate, its Causes and Military Achieventents. By Vow g, M D. JA & U P JAMES, eleß ' Publisher, Cincinnati. IV EW URIC HOOK—Pamphlet Form. 1I —The Melodeon: o chorea selection of Songs, Duette, quark-VP, Rounds, Wallace, and blotches; With 2 Ihrtory of Alone. Illustrated With nuttier. oes engravings. Imperial Demon. Price 2.5 ceitt• Published and finale by .1 A & is P JAM rS, , Walnut enrol. het. 'north and Edit Cincinnati, March 19, PIANOS 1 PIANOS: 1 Pianos may be examined at all hours. and the althorn her u alhe there from II to A. and from 4 ie 6. I' M neell day. • I . lltxtVg, Ilienther '46 We, the undersigned, would Intone the cinema or Vittoburgh and ytemay that we have apputnted AI, II ICtrb,y. wle Agent for We.‘ern Penn., Iron., (or the .ale of our Piano Flntea. from whom they may be oh , tented et our own [NeW York) prmr. NUNN& & CLARK New York, Sep I. ING-oethiti ItiIVICItAL TA V LOtt—John-ma nmetton Lave lua reeeivcd portrnn. al Al spe (knel•l Zuch ars-Taylor. by A !lay. under itkr immo.dotte super.n. tender..., dod dlrreimn of thr undersigned Office's. fmm an arOiml taken from Dte Miramar," by Capl. 1 , ..n0n, A. D.C. - . the mulervgnr4l. ,onvldet RodVs l'ontraa of Genet al Toylot s teal liken,. D COMM!, 1i S Navy flea. A. SVC..., A. A -G. Geo Mg.... I,,Topogranlateal Engineers 11AILAv Isetaxeot...... U. le. Navy _ll — rPfice.a.s cent. jell DEE= ytys-r Reeeiv,,l and opened by the aulogtther, the Et following mew Piatto,— One elegant Rosewood, d octave Pia no Port., I Fre.. b Patten, I One elegant Bo:larva.ALL& octave Piano Porte, with carved Gothic Tablein—a splendid instrument. MOO 11110 veto good second hand Piano, made by I.OIIIIA Co. Plntuda HENRI, KLEIIIKR mobl.l at I %V Westniarell's.ed This., iss _ ... IMIIIR Pl•nreat. A LARUE and !Trends,' aworiment or neannanny and rosewood grand ac . non Pianos, wsti, metallic from, and with ail the listen tmptewemenw, which for durab il ity, snne and loners are warnmsed IQ be anTal to any wade sss the country. Et:deals. tow.foresen by _ _._ . • F BLUME t 112 wood go 7J Awn sheen 21h MODILRA CHIVALRY,' or thr Adventures or espulin 4 Farrate and Teague Watson; by ll II Rraeltenridge. oecond edition since the authoe• death. wiih.• buqrts phiral eri total disquisition on the work. and eiplanarory notes, with illusirations from angina t deeigus by Dati j e c Li f ra4 , ll..,llo,t4g;; .2 12 nor oirMarkr re. Ort n. 8L,%" INK—lo°,l'.,TbrinkTiriftgiVer' MANIIVACTORIES U QV' E NE • SPRING, AXLE, .SirEb:l•,& IRON WORMS 91,ipt AN,.iieugen.,./. Imsbag completed Mao New workt, are not gregared lo mashie; tare_ every' daMalpilow or CoM , IIOIOWPREMic mortar, Iron anion, American Blialst, awing o. pkileA and td alma of . square, mot round Own, which. that *Ter garbed OW liberVialhaa: or Melt IPordwora .N 0,43 Weldstwetl , wbow they: e stsealteant nodA complex. and henchman amortment..og-Stionela trim minor _Cgorimalaarlware, malleablicainno, Nn,. . and - I;on: C. IL& Co; have Made arrangements odds Mae* Day & Cr,!:,. outeinfaelaron lot atonal.; Spades Forka, tn., and will Seep oaruntatlylam :band eaer. aructe nude by ahem. Dealer. aro' anapeeifidly cued to rallAs price. andlomas w iii be male liberal• . PITT MACHINE WORES AND. FOUNDRY, Prrmsaann, JOHN WRIOIIi PA T• . de CO., ARR prepared& build Codon and Woollen Mackin. cry or every demenpnan, mann n-.Caalily(Ma bine.,Spiinning FramesDpir• ng Prim.., Railway flea.!.Wooers: TwMern,Stioni • • NUrewbror Pasant,,Lamm, Card Urinthwt. Wrought: Don suefung tuned ` all ,ism Icon, gulhno and liangn no, of the Infest panern., slide and band Lathes, and moll! of all kinds • • Casungsof cverydeacriputio furnished motion no tice. PClrrn. mud , 10 order for Milt Gearing. Bon &c. Stearn Pipe for heating rectories. Caw Iron Window Stun Rod fancy Cutinge generafir.— Orders len at Ike Winehowie of J. , Pentner A Co., lel, coy street, will have prompt attention. Rain To Blarkstock. Bell & Co. J K Moitrbead & E Warner, Johri Irwin k &nnac Pittsburgh 0 I' & J II Warner; Steubenville. janl9 - . JOll2l 011.11TWRIGHT. IMPORTER aril Maindicturrpof Cutlery. Surgrt;al g.d Dental lft.tremeills, tladd!en an.l TAsircOlaut.l nntdc.Tnylors' Pate. acne% Ac' Alco Innounac. tucks Thistles, Popportefs, Ac,.went vng,eke. J. C. klanufneturer and Importer of Pen. Pocket and Taktneuzlery; Rainrs.Setuom 1 2 11 , 111!. ik El; hs. rtmovel K 3 s MOD STREET; Pitishurgh, errand . i.e. AA Diamond Alit). And ha• lam y reproved a lame assionatent or Pan A Packet slisalvase aptraa & Parka, Ala Rodgers' and WhomenholoW • PIN OUTLIERT s ' Eltoolo,RodgemZWidek. Brot'her's llanors,Seimom, Razor SWIM An. Damascus and Wire Twist GUNS, - MWLEd. AND pisTor.s. Allan's Colt's and Blanes Devolmnm. Powder Flaska SM. Delia Game BagseWallterM &Woes Etna Per ...On Cain. Bowie. lock and. Mottling Anne*. Tools each a• Callipers, %eiders, Oven, Nipper , . nand Weed. Squares,' Roles, Dratmit, AMA "P.A. Shaves, Moe& and Dien Wise and Itonthmgem *loth. amatiea' InsonamentAilte, Dotty great variety Oa- Jobbing and repairing neatly and pan ally done. W.STEPHENS of Wheeling. E. P. Sbneliliers .1.1 , • ger of Janiata Mid .1. A. Storkinn of Pitabough, have LIM day entered into emportnembin antler tryle and Gem of Stephens. Shoenherger it Co. at Um Anchor Iron Worts , Wheeling Ta n for the pompom of manufacturing ton And nada of every demo moon. W P.ranck K. F SIIIIMBRIPUN. J. A. BIOCMTPI S4RIIIIIIB, SHOBABERGER It CO., ANCHOR IRON WORKS. . Wheeling; Va. Manufacture all kinds of boiler, sheet. bar iron 'till nail, Alt steel eliptee 'springs end as lea Being con neeted With brhnenbergePs Old /Ornate Works, we can arena article er.litruata Iron [breaded Sheienherffilhq equal to any made mike esmetry. All of *bids will be M the entaltargh {Partite:awe of the W.A. corner Jr Monroe and Water streets. ALLEGHENY iENITIAN BIJNCIOACTORY. JOHN A. 1131101WN TAKES. this method to inform his (Gene!. and the polite 111 huge that his Eactor7 "enow 111 full operatlon, nu the East tide of the Diamond, s Allegheny, where aeoths H m * MO supply of Ul of valonsa copra andqualtuesistre constantly kepton hand. also of No. d Wood et, Fittabergb.st J. t' 'H. Phillips' oil cloth wareroom. suntan Sheller, evade e? order in the beet style. Winds repered at the atones' nonce. N. It. Ilia 111111.1111 will be pat op, arthom any addl. teonal elem... on Met they can be removed ill filo. I emrst in east of fire or tor warteing, and Meehan the aid antler...a 'Jr ey• jaelltikyStsnuul A. PULVWII,IW4I and Hp. Found. er. has rebuilt and coNaneneed busier. at hes old stand, where he will 'be pleased to see his old restor. — re and friends. Cleurch,SteamboaL and Bells of every .• size, from In to 10,060 petunia, east Imes • Interim of the most approved tuodels o and . • . warranted to be of the best materials. bimetal Water l'lrrnp., Counters, Halting, he. AM ogether with every variety of Dram Castings, ampler el, turned and finished to the neatest manner. irrA. F. ir the only prowlers., of lert irmarrron Novak, so Justly celebrated furt he reduc tion of ftiction in =whiner). The Hoses and Comm, 41;tioll eon be hail of hint an all time.. hotelg Wltl.dlcVl'LLY db Cue. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. Urn MU reeently•mado very smportnot improve_. ll ments or the manufacture of the above emelt, and opte latest improved eastern wheel ores Sur doh tentng,ore are now pre no pared to fumish article of Win .dow Olus, equal, if t aepecor. to any Cylinder Least made in the United :Antes and Lettittle interior to the Englrsh Cro*n. We are also very esteem lawsgaged en the MM. facture of Common Windom and Mugger's' rod, and Bean of every description. Lts ale. generally ale invited to call avlskanone for thesno-/ves at OW ware. house, No. (it Wood wen. Pittsburgh, I'.. Deign • -• W. W. WALLACH FITTLMUIttiII srEAm RULE W Okla.:, • Ns, 241 and 940 Liberty area. mar Our rani! A LW ANNt on hand and made mord, • !mop vane. ty of Marble Mantels. Pm, Cantle Tater, and Batems Topa, Tomb Nones, Mott amenis. &c ; all ...loch, being made of; the cboicest marble. and mono:imaged prlnt.malle machinory. will be sold Jaw for cash N Pet...ona wo.hoog in porcle*a tools. FM at . ..rated that a Orncr Mob unnec.• or dom go East. as I can. furnish them with rucle nt all . • rupee good, and fee ight, 'mama nee, ae, emmider , ell.) as cheap ae they ran yurehime them lot mt. Cart Cali aml iemt COPPER. SHEET MOE. ANN' TIN WAKE 51.1.NUkACVORV, - No B silariset wen, Pittsburgh, Penns: 'PRE sassenbers having resde gnu Imprueements / in the eonsultsetson of tins , WOKING STOVE, respectfully i -, ,Tate persons /gilding Steam/ions to rail and evandue before partisans's,. we can supply then with Desk Stoves, Fontes, sad every sober kind or Copper, Tin and Shen Iron wink neeessary in furnish an it ^ e - also "u nlste to order on the ottorten notice Sal Talon sod Chastiser; Copper nosk . (or ttesna Engines and every variety of work to our lute. reh/ NIIERIFF & NRIRF BENNETT &'BROTHER, {dPEENPWri NI A NUFACTUitERS. Blirmheihasn, (mm Pittabargbd Pa. Harehouss, Es. 137, Wad .Sr.ti Pittsburgh. WlLl.eonsmatly k app ea Imed • domll amen. meet ot. Ware, .1 oar ow.wmanometure, and —.lunation valor. Whole. to and country Met chants are rerrwettully invited to tall sod ex amine rot tbenmelrea as we .are determined to ..•n clean., Man bar ever below been armed to the pan. Mr Orders pow by mail, accompanied by the tube:, pity grfer•nrr. will te promptly of tendril to. Prtolti if Spade • tory. GRIFFITHS & DIXON, HA VINO commeneed the manufaeture of Spadte, Shovels, Ilay and hl more Forks. &e, on so exte& sire scale, ate prepared to fill all orders for arch M. at Romero prices. For the convenience of their eurunners and dealer.in loch articles, they have appointed George Cochran. C"19111111•1011 filereVam, No 96 Wood alreet. their Agent for the rale of their manufacture.. &Horde. addrOaw rd to halt will receive prompt attention, oo the monad vantagrous terms. GRIFFITHS & DIXON. - P.m burg& July 13--dly Great Wotan" Hatt inge Naaataitory, CINCINNATI. O. AGARDNER de Co.. snauld itithent th e trade that . they sae now tosnutheturing the Una; Hutt Nit pin lmade In t he United:4llo4 At•thlf is our prioq• oaminess we Wend lo send - ont as eounplete•an tide es ran poratttly be made. Thew engaged,. the harawa.e tradii we IWO,. Gad it to their interest 10 PCP our Buns All Inters or/anode artanded io e ul s A-IiARONF.R A Co. roe ni Nth t main ets• COTTON and WOOLLEN MACIIIINEKT frOlf oubacelhers aronose enlarging/heir estahllsti. went, anal WO prepared to make of! apses of Coupe and Woollen alochincry, on thaitiorn reasonable MIMI Orders add ' dto MI mai meet wilth - proaMt attention WIOIIThIAN Lasocli meet. Alli.itteny City V N ghintatt. he-Ca w or patent fo: • very tamppeoren on t d.and mho has tarett emmard fur the last atteen tears 3n some of the rimer e a, 3 •ive and XLICCG•4O . III COl4/11 F 11010 1 .16, of the wr•4 wpl Rite In• personal intention to plating ah. to the sat .01i1C000 01 thasr concerned , all machines idails at this establishment. jantOillv JOUR SHERIFF t Co„ No• tiJ anthgl ram oh, I'unnuar.,lllll ti•• F. "..M. BMA • 01 •II .firer ran Mtn the 'lases t.tuoinved tow term and warranted equal to any Al.nt, lattoga, [malted 81, cudentd, Ilan th Imp put,p pnatnatly and an rea.boablr tertu•l noaltally" Wra PAVona. C brawn. Plaskett. YOUNG. I,II2tINEN h PLUNKETT, FLINT (MASS iIAI , 4I.IFACTLIIIEHS, WAREN/USE No.. NI Water and lag 'First street, Pittsburgh. The Glass manufactured tit , ' us bi warranted equal to any or the country.. All orders tiriT receive prompt intention and 'filled op rehaonalde MITA. Merchant. and oilier. viaitlng city are in "'u lt . cited recall before Parelmaine alase.l fable ' LIPPINCOTT IRON WOOKIL RON Rod he. 'air, at uur ner• Warehchoe, No 6:4l'W nor moo, nea! Wuod, our 'ng io Front. • • Al., an livsonnsent at me old etand, Idehlaswro Row, Ltheny urr.g. Ilwrina mode great additions to We Rollins &WI, All Mem con by filled promptly. noylo CklaFF. L/NO3A V a no ===Mil CAMPBELL & 31.115.,c1 . 01.41. Or. FENIETING 110pli REA_ ,D ABS, Iron and Connor Took*. IRON AND COPPEDDHOE Pattern Makers' Points, of every dsscsiption, Mee No. 2SI Chutes hotel , Tlotel %bocci. febe Pittahurah. PITTSDURGII . StF:EL WOAaa'Anirirrrit r. AND AXIX EADIORV. ISAAC JOSLB. - /01.111 IN ROM.. JOBNA MANUFACITRKILT of Moder and. Blison Steel Plo2gh e !Reel Plough Wins, Coach. cad Ellptieeprinal. Danintered Iron Axle.. Co ach Malleable Camino., andCPaeh Tmanninp imartally ebroer or Rom and Front streets,Pinsbayall, feb23 rabarribew ani V now receiving a lar lla ge and •1441.11,0 antortmetn or Coati& Tennannra of tbe Weal airlew-anionn which are aeries. antelea that bare never been bean winch they putahised tbrraslifrototho Eagan% Man. &ewers. and..ge_abla men aa low at any llowW St New Verb or Pailidalphia. Tbet `could l'eaßeetrnilp ip tarbstlwatteettional dqnwL etratitsm, (alma, ear Awls HOTELS. -------7' -irliVillTAilld .11645-'7- L.I II HT STREET. eALTimoR,z. ~..FOGlP&'7lloall7oll;.?toprietoh. frill 3 eanablink :•etit bin . dlnal del ktiowi a. I . , ne 1 l'Adelfi of the ladateueoraudions to lilt. illlaf Ca it•morr. hatresealle adder ( tatextrYtente/JAA aberdtn.a. And f intpruretnente. An ernire new win ar.inao added. twatafrilugnintoeroept und al/ siorgiigtt p..eni/tote, awl atteuterre hodoieg mom, • —The badterldertartrarni has alw bra tAnsPlet. le ,r -oraanistd and diteiroprn a nian unulue nndlnAuniut Lyle. ' hi her tie whole a riangeturnt of We llAtr.e h. , , .bees ivinodeled, with a -single eye en ibet pht. of the proprinnwe urirarals be . roinforr And plensuir in 16.11 000111 S, and Which they ~ fidently a...rri will e hal we athlt tiny Witt in We r nine ' rWel "n il ' Er ;e ' er ' ill etwaYA het . .P1 ,16 . 1 w it h '" '''''''' wamittl and Itrantl teach them van a &nil, terred up in I saperior &We, while in thewas of Wines, d e., they will net he...utpassed. . • In elele I alfillallha Pla.l:legOta lai!la.adL, lb it t:ad.oig will be led undinw on their pint. and on We pArtot wet. alafallallla, to read .1. thi, 11 0 ,..: w". 1,,• ch.. t0n0.t0...1 patroinwe or fir.. mend. and We NOW: req. rutty The tre r.ena A.r hlowd en al,. Leen ~.due.•J to the ....: Sillogriryg wes,— . • Ladis' t/rdir.aty,• .. • .- L'iti •:.-,:,.., ,„,.. AL. It —The It \ Vvtoton nt the 110,. ~,, 1 ~. ara)a, be round At We i'ar and Steamboat, tnildniet. which will .once, - bagesne In and Ann'. Ito I otel, tree or engraft' .../..._ - .__.___o_94PL IYr.Afilis MTREIC.T 1101:$16., elnellnontl, 01110.-Ttie sutilcrilber; bard, posehavkl 0,, en. lire interest of Col. Ii I. %Ytlltamson t line of bus well . known esialdirlitnent. het li te re to .wala la 114, I lured. / . l and .. .he puldie renerully, ilia , flier hate turn'W.. f rOlSlllMalialill Ili . ..lair a tern of irate and till est•Ft el their Lest et.giri to mat,' a a ite.na!de I.oate, or Tree eller. and r;,, theauter*. . t . . • I The lloect to sparer: we and admirer,l•- plemend (VI • ..- v.. 0 1, ,,, light' and sir, bane, es honeftrt 4f t e•lee• ene,,,,,, e s ch e nd r es, ins-twin,. naerbeel tenet bens 1,• farners: • ' The prerrot pruftrictoth has,.th bad e'er ...ricer,. b. al 0 mere en th is city:nen elteesthr re., Lip,. .he y ehry w s ler si ea give general omen's:Lou brine deicer' , e grd se, resc und theeled meention to the lam, Maur : : Thin abort of the Pearl Se 'ere I Inc to It COOTI •,11 , 3 . elipthlc. Imrene froth roe Dreg i t H'ele.en eon Thad it s. II ;lest it ',gooier de,. table inserge of thd,,,...,,i ence of bode.. rare or retirement for pp ale boarders. ei It le near by Abe Banks, the Pow Other, th ' Ma... Hail, Odd renews Hall. and botchy ?Teem de tun f ro m Main street' and twossottarre from the City W reef, them offering the'reeten loducements,rsperielly rectory merchants and genfttally to all peesons vowing einem nine.it . • • JOHN NOIII.E Meh - JOHN A DEOLE MANSION HOWSE, ' • • Formerly Faller's Dotel,_ Waeldoghm, D. C. • JOON lIANDS, PftOgIU}:TOU., /known ropreetor Comedy associated wild the well firm of Feller eke, beg. leaee til. call the- Illtratioll Of POMOs waning the Caplet!, ether OP pleavore or bounces, to bee Oewlywurel er leehment he •'.lfiension 'llonee.• which has hewn fib up in a 'DID of .0011162fi and eleersuce teneorpe by !any other liolef—to the city. Luis:ensued at th vvemern' and of . Pereasylvanwr e Avenue, audio the mediate. *Winn,' of the ravine. Depot unents of Gover Wentand eke Premdends House. •- - . t ;Ilia table, well aleraye be eoppOrd wide With. ran. Jens end , ha/uric. to be found in the otherkqe. and no expense etre/MD-will be spared to lender t Mansion Mew./ odractire residence to all whotos 'err fit to banal! with their ludfoi , Mle• i : ' ' . ' The proprietor wouldpartieuterlyeali the altention o the Othcen of the Army and Weer to hi•Illotel to *boos it teas ever been a favorite place of felon.' N 8.. Loner, always in altendence, on e et:rival of the cape, to convey baggage ferret( charge ' coral( • UTAlN.pousx, Corner of Baltimore . and Eutaw , !reefs, HENRY F.' JACKSON.•fROPRIET R. rpm?, spleedid and specious" owl, eliatblY situated for both bustness &MI pleasure. Travethersjis ling dueted into combine 11l the hatmes of the hi at l. with elegance and contint ' ' I Choice submit:lf ipanricentram at illmssoultresessnd for We acemonalidatzon of Hamden, guests, toil Dutilimi ming the city will Sind. the tairsw llociol a Home, unattp*Wed bossy Hotel to the Union. The knower/ . /3 elevated end salubrions. ad is also' convenient to Depots add' the lauding., nt pkielt the Coaches' and Porters it- the House are at .p time. to *Hire° converbastengers and their beanie, free ' of entire le the lintel . Tiant—Dentlemertid Ordinary; sua pee Y. olslr Ladies/ dn. !!,to dn. Vlinven COLUMHIA 110 USE, Charles Street betweedlarket and lombard • " tttttt - Daltlatore. I The subseribe* barinKlet ken the Aetbve rant.. figment.. ofrefirbts .wietees to lb.corn., •nd Pahh tt C-eeerally. It is ranyettiantly mined 5.1 rerfde Ittranalionts and /Waged Repot, is in th e and. of the more ellepeive Itsportspa Itosa+i—attil in tier, the !wall. carer. 1.. thaw rooting the e):, mel• rOliVellelllCol 1.11301r011e as the telt/ minetant Hotels. The hon... IS WM , Iwine,fisted rqr WWII I leydrernitto e. in good t.ioe unit rule, and will I.eopep the'2l .1.0 01 Ap01...11 . ; The hi.Untreetiele etfar. to Vtott bin. n poniott at the poldie pain:nio e. reodent al ns Motor.. IV IV , DI X ' !Ate th,fi nf th.a S caalt • • tay_.2.141.11a. GAL'? Varner Blain and Sixth Anil; Cincinnati. rg tratibLudintent ti note to the be car for the rereptian of the Treveht, '''t , •... 7 • floe ng under gone • 'thorough reteet r .1.- ~0 harm, then em egpettet the a •it. 111 the r•nous depantnetta. I . ~,•, dna 611 w , ll denied alio roll. .nt n ipletaant. Pore SI per dip. • _Cincinnati, Attach 13,1147. V. MARI! H.—Allboach not eturtly a now Brodot it i.the tthr —a new Whin'on the oil hood!, . Ay•ttf -"WSJ, 111A111.VWSLL'S WASLIrIVOTON . 4MUSE, •• Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. • ADOVE tevetith ..treet. neYt door to l ,lto.to t .e Stoll 't Tine .ell ktutto.t e.tnhli.hmert 1.. ',Only Leon etravy enonned. tool nehtt le.ii C.ll , 1,,,i 1., . 1 1.., 1 attest...l to the Mogi fooltionAt.t,o,s,n 0,..4 4 .,, ~,,... -and in then ount:ate v etnattot he 1nd4 , 1 Oho , ' ot antocoment The prottnetot, Krotort•l for llnn et y nno• , rol patronage heat-Ware Itentlow ed. I,l!rportlno etfons in r , rittler Ins Itou.e naer)" wat' ttg 1 .1.1.1,10 In• Oneata mot nonh_ y of thrtr contain...l y — noryttrt. ot“.ll.fhawlnt - —... TUMOCICIIOnTON'S ( SALT HOUSE, ' I Louisville, Icy. ARIB TIIROCIIIIIIO FlTts N---,,, r ... 1 . r . hte Itiestda that he 14 . anent lektee of/ tb GA LT 11017 SE. lonia - eine, Ky..whetre he hopes meet all his old friends, sosnr;ng them and the publl e, - that no Con .haft Le awed to male title otnnortable tut favor Enmwiththeir pa mow. • J niftily • . IiIISCELLAL OffB7 -1 , - GUEATiIiAII.I3AIIPOPPERE NE-Flitri(Tli or o:4s.llALruf lir Blast Plume, that' is to any: )he ßen propelled by water poly'-now.build tug in Nt Comity, "It crew withtn 8 tnitee of Morgati Campy Best, and only, 3 mitre (rem th menet. mluation Within Nfft miles of PittilLol had for double aged Them in IT .ofyrood quality and imantity within from ani mile to two mile,and good rondo, In • 111 cOmatry--aupplielettlyand cheap. The! ri my 3m. acres. (au ang qoamity more adjot lOU conlaof vying per sere, elms' ul pace. (Me four•harse team and a pair of arock the furnace. Twenty acrim clear nooses, rand/ ke; ooses, Office, Omiltt Maop. &able The (grummet Can be ready fog Man by the IN her, next'. if application bent aBe ton-two-lb ptire will be taken to Amoned (looda-o0 cash, a• Me work prostyle. , one ynar th, wilt pay every cent expended, and after Iboo Kid per tent pnatil-Mat w,lt he given by in proprietors: Applications noon made will h to The owner. being dimppoiwed ro Muds is the maim for telling.. sboted the peso bI pan or the Who!. Wll5 04 MP, the' pterent oat tate IL. and add }par cent. al the Mow relnetruace the owner. would cell the emote, Ming elan will do, rather [MIX rota d thy 5.1 the mutate they will do no, and, if mauled: build-nod blew the (mace one year,. they, ger Y,eheaper than any body an.% being_ Pt( he triunes. fora bang time. Any quaintly d Wane Coal thaw by on the ,priunistia. bet to W.B. P. P. will be irtust e ld i iately attended 4 to Morgantown. ' rig Iron don be ddlirei rot meld per lee, when'ni. awanh fromi3o to lErritone'and,m4riali tra littibMili the elm _ myledlnt 'nos TON Moog OP IiCATIN( USES -Mir 11 Dexter,." Mayon. has and patented • plan al rbecitm bunars,w holt he, , eessfully noted in Banna, hew l'ort, c . end applied, bar reze.ved the thrilled - pr. fere Mbyte. Pioneers, ale. 11a advantages ere - let. Great regularity Of Tcsopermistr. Ind. Freedom from Mooke. md. No unplrwant Dryorks t ' Basila attended In. and inn 1 tiitile u, wet nut to order. irk :rem flufoility. A Model and Serifirntion may he %een mid E paratu• olosinedot Ow Copper ad T.SIWAIP fawn , of %V SI. U e , C. A Wfd, I rm my2Slf I 1. Wood and sletket [IC 'jag KAY A .1)No to Connor...al Row, I,;borly al. aPP. 4,O timid. The ,al,enbet ven...l . rvarrrillaty itlfarrn friertd• arl4l the puletw , r ibatChrs.eropetked lo 411 MI or ders itt hi. line ot ihn .I.otti4l • . 4e'rina lryr" . Dys and I Mewl, •t the tur, ever,' marsting,•r can la. lair e houses of pa/aorta leavrag coalera. Ye. of all kind, Wad 6110 Paroaearropliell Coke. and erral•eralvify rhe khortort ruolife l uoul• of Ike 1.A., ni'anaretarla A large...en,. Cont , ei,n,try. n 1 the 1..11.1:41 nitoropt en !lend • nhn.lo bootee ISO retallete ni 1. rent. per and for enrh• Al.. a In.ge taltatitity f . ite and Foreqo 1 rnit, nh,rll n. low a. eon of, eny. je7d2w J '.111.3.11ARD DEAVER, AV ADR kele , .4 CLEVELAND' : LINE OF VAN Al. i•m•Kt.:rs atiSe 18t7. • ‘N l'AeKrrk T,ELEKItAIIk Btt LLOW /KAYE Belo, d.oty ny o'cloek, W. 2 arler the I Iltalllil/1 lb.. vratul..., r Nlt ikon. II nd sow: at IVnit,t.nekiSs.anning to ten,. lot , Boggeft whiro teat 'Wt.-Imnd t•rlote 11,10. • p.akar.r• 1 . .411 1••• lefeoptr.lobmgh. poriltiklll. on Ino rackeo, - aml ,es„.. 'a Ow Flag, not aro walk.n on board ktrand....l Iki.t, Ilea., ,„ o'clock./ la to thr agrot.t.• • - t 1 fl lIARTON.Ik Co. Pi...burgh Ilcavert 71 , ..kg: BALI/ Ilknoriown apEi TAVLOIL Wat re* _ ... DUN ar LAP, kr,. . IT Notrket ••trrt••, I. •••z • rre.revtng 1•••• .prtleg VI .ork pr ilat ••••-Fnmozstlinle 11••durat, 1 , • , •••••.•u con•••••ting lip imlt... fidio4•:— •••••• • Japnssited 1% • ••re,F411,1••1• •••••I Astir lace Ft, .1, 1% 4 tti•ltlrtfmnisoi • ' •1•• . •1••• 'II et.ko Emil tAh .7 . .1 t•,1••••,....I•al•-.• I .4.• Oval Put•i I ........T•si,• ..•••1 11 41.1, i Au Enmelle.l, V.•-, . - I 'Alal Pn••••••1 WiLt, . I • ant 111 •••.1.0W•m; tun Hee...re-,l review, Or* 'VANN, Coppr r; 1.1. Tin Pl.e: . ' ip9 JODN DUNLAP, ILMalliel l APNl7B sw4.... l2l,lol , l l, . — A u ltertettteao co —the beeeertkk, atieets,," eateeeerrerieo or %Hem hair. , We Imo" liseentewebeeeeeee when,. tat tam bees ne/eeee wheel, feu , : Vel we &ink eraiesse.u.k. • eur D,ele hair. to wake ir6 , l4.rui..Teakieneediatel Flu idea Pursimerib a t the peek.. 'l'. a SeJell, 7,1 Fa VA strigt, mar {% wet' mvsatwT VOL.- XIV:----NO, -2.70 N. -YORK ADVERTISI TENTS • RUST FOR 11001 1 11 iii,. WISOUIV 3111311318, , to call the or trmioa of all thine intrrersd tit mutate', to hour GALVANIZED TIN Placrnt: tool mine tummy tolvattlagert Which they over all nuctalte mad other onlotattecv Wtkotu uncil lot this pu!, : oce.ii,crcuing authey du i the etrenipli, mud betimes-cot iron mithout ii, lialothty to rug. harm& ncir Feta boded revrrol loth iii Iltitctottolty and' Eunipe They' are alio It o; uNtet to expansion and contrartion front thdalenehaneeit of the auuosphere thou. etuntatirCrin floor, Itott. %me. Se. or tthYhthat metal now used hit roofing. an: eniiVeluntilli ions o uell hewer and frehlevverof. mquichig rar A. irequr tip‘Ti whilst the — Grut emit to but "vac , morn vithccribeth would ohm earl tit.. auealldn oh all &tiler, Slid \•orkeri to metal.. to 1612 many other pur 0 ' ..»1n uhich thus 4:lntent...l—can ha applied.— ncueral term. o qvloprthe Ale la 'unstuck, at iron wI. 1t ii to diTlabit• to in on, from the. ,::Ant or th: almovitherc i And '261 would evoretally roll th'i. to o moth thovoimeorvutut n, lE I Ail: it; ire. which i. noo- shoot rouro in Rump,. itird which ors ievercevery aurpoeu an conductor of clerinetty, rusting only ht with • that metal.on kl , h a. req.r,r, po.rcelmq elquaff daruh:r.- ty llnv , ne lately e;eee..l wad, in it,, cirr r.r !ha par• p• ot gall:nary, n ila y lt, intro/. hole., war. Se.. they 1 / 1 't ear to forme article wltieb . may be &est yupply P c• P11110116..11611,1 in Euroirej "/1 h‘nd,recos 1810 CISV;TC gunge. IYFA).010.:OD Nei: II and Id Ben 111 t, Yl. NEW YORK., The I . ..Leet Mehl !or ararle haa.beell aerosa.l ; 6.1 I • ....I Slate, no well a. 0...al and other Ewes/ran eoutorier r and all legal Istralutes will be la. lee la prevent ay ininageinent °upon.° I pro... wear Pit /NTS LY—SPIS STYLIEI4. • IS-17. •-- LEE it IL E • No. 4I Coder Ftieel, New 3'ook. oaths WASEIIOI , 4I , • I:3Cl.ll3l iT.ei ” Lr ' lVinl l ;Ca g ficnc., 300 CASES n . - ' -- g tollthe Naar. Spring Stpleu. - of Britol4, reu .l el.nol eadyikan 31 . ..aubbany., ,b.ieb,:a ADDITION to ileir weal mackoson.yrs unntaleat tan the Ineyl leentifulanJ alleartive.a the rig; and hosing jar hem pur chased Cr CASH AND SHORT CREDIT sea utbrred by the piece or pack:wan lb. MI. at and bylaw. anal Latorera - CanLixsor ' peices (corrected dady,i on- 'placed ia huada nu. Parchment will Carona tionasoliot of the nits ad the man ta, mad to wall repaid far sit ecuniaatini, *yen if tarp de 1..3.8. hare:Piedin. adraatadeptse evecatiap mina du pfirds, whkh nu eingentridly soliched. mad !ILSE k BREWSTPIt, - 44 Cedar Sheet. olikeiefale Drat` Warehouse. IkL.TII.IC- CITY. OW .91.1k.VV , 113/11C. Ili-- A. FAIINEFMCK.A. Co., No. 49, John .t. -NanYprk.ofer see a tarptend general essonment of Drop end Medicine', Dye Striffs Paints and Oili of ever,. description, which thay me prepared and dean:toped lose!! low._ Country Merchaota and Druggists are requertad • Call and examine their articles. • Orden executed frith faithfulneie and deripateh:l FL A. ratteestock'e Vermiiego constantly on ham!. 8. A.' Palmeetock, - • 8. L. Patmestock. Pittsburgh. O. W., Patineetock; • • A. B. Hull, Near York, ' PPARER WAREHOUSE. ao. o mmi.llllolL/P, NEW TWEE. g VRIJR• W. FIELD oder. for sale at the /await • Idaeulacterersi pribes, a very extensive (11110(1. siii•mor PAPER,. eowprising every. possible vatiety adk pied to the.wanh of consolers in all 'ethane of tin reentry: Paper' of all kinds. made to order •t short . •not de.• , IiIC mocha( PRINTING PAPER is am:dually laige enamor which issif v_c_ry_ warier quality. • PAPER BIAKER.III INATERIALI of every deseription, Unponed and kept Br ea ea via: Felting.. %% Ire Cloth.. Fourdritner Wi Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultralaarine,Twine, tr., kr. Carte.. ;Role Rape, OMNI Rope,. Ragging, kg., Re., pawl/seed, whielt - the highest price its Gab will be paid , jr.t3y . • New lierls,exiysll6ol, FN S UIIIA - CE! •,- e,lnd molly agotbat Lora or Mumma by -.' i re • , TIIIE - MurtYAL P RI NC IPLE. CONIIINED With the additional security .of a Stock Capital. Thr Reliance Mutual huvronce Co.; of Chita. - , CIiARDISIL PlillP/STUAL. DIP I.CT6R.. . ficorge - W. 'rotund, Jiiiio N. Atwood, . "' Thomas C. Vodka:ll, Lewis. R. Asti/mon, • Wm. R. Timonium, Ti.Geoid,. Dukes; George AL.:Aloud, , • John!: Vauderkemp, Geome IV. Carpenter. . WILL make insardnec against Lbw br Damage .r by lin", to Pritbl4PliGil arid ,cicinitz, on 'tif/Isec, titorcs and o th er Itoildings, an 4 ton b oral tllte,, (Mods. Wants and' Morcksndltsit, - Un ther roost -Livocible terms. The 'Mutual Principroulliirseil with a Stock Capital, and the other provirions of the-Chinet ut this Company. hold out unusual inducements, bulk ur.profit and,Mictr, to those desirous of effecting insurance, towhieli the Company ask the attention and maininatiOn oftbuse interested. 'Phase effecting tmorrance with this Company hare. besidea the mom! protection against lola, by ordinay method or insaranim,. the additional ads a ntigeoll a direct particitiation in tie ptofitl'ut tho C.iniprr.y,.mithiott lank , tability: • W.TVLANI), President. R.M. Iheiurin , Serretary. The eels:scriber, who is the duly authorised Agent or the above named Company, is prepared to make insurance, at the Office of the Agency, in the ht. Cita-les T.15..1 et.. thin., door from Weed succt, and n tit gu. c al. 1 . .1 h., taferotatten desired °t>= v J. CAMPY . Olt N 1 , / !V NE T. JR., AO., et rrmosomin DELAWARE MUTUAL Satesylmasmnuee Convert,. of Pldladegs. FIRE RISKS upon buildiegn and merchandise of every description, and MARINE RISKS upon laullapreargoe• or VeStlell, taken' upon the most favorable terms. int• Mine in the IVotehoitoe of W. 1 , !,. Hahne. tk. Bm., Nb 37 %Voter, nenr Markel street, burgh. . 7' Tiei turrets or his eapan/ miner the ainnlC raiment o' the Agency in thin city; with the prornarnert and hlenithry with which every °lawn upon - them - for it?, Lae tarn inltutted. fully warrant ant agent in ni. one the confidence and pntroange of his Invade and thecorturturiny at large to - the •Delsarara N: S. von, Company. while it has the additionaLadvantaget ar sn institution • sniong tne nowt flourishing in Phitad'in—na having an ample paidin capitol, whirl, by the operation on ts charter isuinist.lly increasing yielding to each' person insured his dye shsre Os penile of the touipsny . withont involving hies to soy responsibility whatever; and therefore as ponesing the Metal l prineinte thwarted or every obnoxious festure, nal in its most - attractive tom. ' NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE Ctle PANV, • , • Men TATS well elusive and resAfetable • company te pre peredohnstelnecir PESESHURCII AGhliMf to ,tnake losuyance of every kindeonneeted with risk:of t raesportadon aed inland new/anon ; loettre nuns loss or damage by firerEivrelliale Hetives, Warehouses, Buildings in poem!, treed., Waves, and Mitsbandter, and Feet y description of persinel property Jin the man favorable terns. • ApplicatiaosGr lazaraner attended ea *abbot dela!! a! Om °thee, No 31 Wood meat. - SPRINGER ItAlttll#l.l6ll ATTuf lUeetion held at the odlow HI N. Y., May 11M, the following named gentlemen arest , ehoten Meet.. of Mi. Company, foe the ensuing yens, et= - .loseph W. ravage, • • Stephen Holt, • John Bosawer. . John hleClitnt, William G. Wand; lotio . NewhOute, • • • iruiu4e. sioo6 ohe 114nao apn g, Jpkap6 D. L•kr, —JOhn • Anil :i■ sub...Tient turning e( the Board, JOSEMII W. SAVAGE, Esq., urar9l,tainnuoly reteleeted Pres ior the eranins yen, Wen, JAal BOLOS, WA/ •t'o.i Jc Snunril eopj•' • FIRE AND MARINE . ItE Inturaucti Poragaity or - North Anteries, through its duly authorized Agent, Ma muticri. Ger, alery to make permanent and limited !neer •neuran property, in this city end its Sieinity, and on shipments by thsCansi s_ll.l litsers. ~IREc "I'URS, John C. Smith Preiet., ..• .831nUtiBtrisolti, Ale.. {Ludy. CharierTaglor, • . Sand. W. Jones, Sand: F. Smith, - - Ususai,i Audi/bee White, John A:._l3roort, . Jaeobild.llromaa, John White, _John (;Nett,. Thos: P. Cope, . %Vie. Welab, Attliurit Cottin.Seec Thin is the oldest Insurance ,l'oropanr in -the United States, haring been chattehif in 11'94. Its charter ia perpetual. and! Troia iti high standing. long experience, ample uteinoi And, ay!iiitiag all' 'cake or an extra hi:anions ' , character, u .may he considered as °fitting ample ateurityto the public. AIOSP-ti ATtVOnD, Al Counting Knout or. Atisond, {noes .& Vater and Front atieets, . ar=.ll". •. INDEMNIT - Az init Lola Firc—Tbi. FRANK Y LIN Fira I • ruler Cominwy of l'Aßadflphii, TilLcak;yviart,reriaienisadlirNoneij!. itr: i : UM anrffVaiMrMr(ftlillti on raror2bl, terms. hal • perpetual charier. CAPITAL PIOD;000 paid In. CUAITINGF:taI' PURII 55(X),C(C) (Mice corner Third aind . Alarket Pittalegb. an I.B—lf WA II Rli ATAILTIZi, Agent. - - INSURANCE.- American Vlfe Insurance Comaiany - Pllll.l - 411.1.111A. , • • • .11•YrIlLe L. 1,4 ,11,41. esauu. P.M IN. aiji in Phih r ufelphire, No. : 72 1/414W &red. • WM. lIA VlDF•triti n prc'•'t. Fielnaturt Fnea.zr•SreTy. MIIMold and svell-rqalifiaLegt Conapanii.;lmiea ie 1 tusure Dui/chap, Merchsintlw, Euro:cure and ptop. rill'not of an h weard,•• I.la rune!, again. fu., • • A isidireion. for in.stncel in Pituttur,b .61 nigtiLruftioal, trill br and rinrn inlirn • prtpr Wally Or Sir - 1in...1 jn , r.0.1.,•0n faro. adr I[OIN I.y , • • GEO • A. LKUO CS S . CO., NO 71 r NA I. STRI:I7.' NIVIV A (i J- T furl U Annual% Catena iwelltea% Stymie Refinery. A twat' a 011 liana, • Intl. out& of LitaL l'ovritereit, Claed . ..tad rlaarahl Fogara. in Meter% and Burnt,' Ataci,lfagar Ilan. Nolaaret. anA 11 feitrulliswaiteeninde an all ealett &Coe SO La ferla. weal I . X /IL aign 'Fanner will hoar or a 41 niatil ooa tartatantat alittation,kg,applying at the . lie mut tecomsnenilations no to rhairarie; 14. St 4 ENCLI2H k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers