. . . . . , . . , . . . . . . .. -1. . . ~ . . . , ~.. . ~ , . . . -. . . . . . . . . i ...,. • . . 1.. •__ . . . . .. • . - . . - .. ' . . . - . - ....,. 6 , tj 1 n - : . .. . .., ..^ . . I . . . iI S a . I . . Z , . E . . . . . EM:EME PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS I;IA',EsS CARDs N I—, SA .sl,l,lt.ttttt AsTnua , A .10. A, Ws , er sa) lt , Z, I. tr. All, .• A / WOOD, JONES. 6. Co., Coma...pan and :1 , ..r....n.,ag A,r1 , 1.2.1., Lava - isturneal Lu the.r o:d ( ^ •..' V tn, 1 no, Ffr..: cl ceza l'alkl.urgh..___onVl _ ] ) VISC II i-:ST Cii• dealcT la s!i I apt. oi I ta. Si. ,r , .1"1 1 1., , araar. Span.wn and i..... ..... k, . .... , ar , ...g Tunatnu. actne•Mdc and Jell ananna 1t.."7,8 . I I t:Ill S 4:. It gli:F.y.,_Whuie..a.,..and Hntall •rty Cla" .3rects. mayl4 1; Al L1L.1;,16..j.1.,,,,,,.1.4.ti,„.•;.1t1,e an.d ite aod No. - - ‘. 1..IONI.:i10C/CS. CO., Wb01,,.1. & , •.; • 41.311 and 1411 VV. 411 , r. ts Ala...me • y 4. ; IT it. ,Vl.ok.ral, tiroccri, ie I .r 1: k, 11.1 •v, CO, I% bulcoale C re , _,..• Sl.:kei slrect. be• 0., I , ,,rwurd:lig and 1, :•.n. nioO ~,,tons, At. C, ( • ....• 11t • 11, n nolr-a , e Gro , ,n$ und. 1131,,,,% r.-1.1 m, .1.41. • • !...• . , jw,s ~• , ...... I :, A1t`.101 , .. ,i..,%.,11C411T: ..c.,t-t.re......0n . to 4. -,. . ~.',' : , , ‘‘ . ' ,.el::r-4 . ,11 1.rndu " ::rl ' I:1 oclll • . tin,r ,Nl4 I • S;np, ty wood., ~'L ilea r L:l.crty. Pat.- .K,ll t to,act . otot Vino) . tn. 1,•t•tot) pt. next ouor to our lie I y L. It •, W ELL, ' '," 1:43: Newell. r, t Id and 4[4 sts. Lumwnk 41. t. Irout Ins _gn) lorrt GLICIILAT• 4: F.llll A it T. Gig awl l'insburigh e !land Pittsburgh. Ps t..tut t. ant,terr. Gate Hug Conunt.s.on and and ,s. Vroduce 0.11.1 ,r 7 Ftrtv... oCti :‘,l 111,;:rt: I m ,• AtITZWIF:LDISR.AnnI . • 11,(1.7,t.. •, ' 0 l'll . .0•10 i . Uk LIA,VII Cll,l , Alley GUAM •Ir• jyrno: ood 1:.!‘F.1" ie Grocer, j, 11 ••••,Jl, ana AgelaalOr linglaton ; -.yr; 51,4 Itr• rgotn fetoi I,` 1:1,4 !I t utua Vow 'lalLoracturerlid deal .l` “trulent., , ll, IVI-4µl .eel, near f . , •, metal IiAION A. VA./011,4. TII C0.13111..;130 1121 ti FOrIVWdIN, ‘v.,r Lt. I, trborxll marl .1 1:14. CIS 1:LL1•111S, thocrt. Cemmi 1' • ,der Vroduce. Cordage; Oa, ar Canal (Luta. l'ittaburgh. .0 ei Ni unklta Myr, aivra). on .Ik.lod. k10.C1), wnd ~, .11.aLct F. Ai 11411.1.111 PALM . n. , /LIGE .11 111.G.151 A, CO bolc.ale Uro k.l id. ,Vnod • -- • 3..0. A. BE.,ALIC rt.id t...• n . Mercl,3,.. all.l .et Prnduer. and it .urvs No 19 lVtwod ••. rtne..l(.l. litown ‘1 NV. Co., , fewer.. I,laßrcw mltop.,T.wr.surg an. , Jaw' FAIR,: 1: ICOCIIII.A.N. I.iauctamou and For. 7 , `in rd sutet.rklna.nraS.l S .1 C. HOC. — Conu I.llLooto V.. aot: 1. eor col 1 . ,,er no. Lou., Nu.-o 7 pld. 00d ICN ..31•111 Inlu cif..W AV, 310.2 Cum ot-rc.ol How, lo , “ Oo• caoal 1/o•1o, oo.o . :.1 01Y 1 :LARY tlitt:SOT, WIIITE. a. itkILI.LFAII Manuo,•oloo ,loteltoot come, of -•- 1•11 , 11.1. t. j 1..il DICLiEY W1A51,....ic C. Jr:Orr...ll l'FOduce, ...1 10, I,ll.ltuth J ' piacsat, of 1... pi wers,o,t , tor, ti••• .1 . J I..ghatts an. , J. r2,11•5.e...fr I GUM D. DIOILGAN, Drugg,vt, P. 111.1, t , :., VI.III.IO[S, & , UV 4 W 441 11. • door ,uai Dlefoond Aii :y, - _ IAIS.y KirdLll.. Je .1 Co, (..urge.mrs tc, Jo.-gti g ) ,-..o,Tll*.hgr 011:11 er 11,L.1c 1, Incrugsgras. echool Book n, ,ge. eged., g,l .r] I ,o , l;•Frz. y. 'N'o -I Wood ot, Pa4l,ueo. t7f.`4.g• ondr. SC11101.0:101. of, CO. wholefsle Drag .l . -L•Nn. •I. 11.gAhurg • 10E; V:PLI JO:IDAN 3, SON. \ Comultsuor: Ir.ll .1 1 - ..vear.'in N. ;;;-, ;;;;.. NA , n L,by .1, (appo-..ne - - JOIN L. G.t z.uvreN, 4ttolrlaty at Lay, ,41.ttc .1..1 ttettxr ttr...t• ••10 ua Watt ,t - tutt. 4 -ttltt, I I a t tcticotl prutuptly tu ha. rt.., the Attu.. tag a. or, - II JO RN V. D.: V Is. .% l CrioNcEs, vomc, totiti r tlitt J i WIN ti. I:1,1A 11:1.1., ,I,nt. Wholettaitt Gru aanti Cittti •. —tot ti.trt t—ttti ~ .ii.• r mart . 221,1 dm,. 1,1- W... ....a...et., I:t.atar, l'atttiturab. „ . . ro•toulacturcre 021 No. lA.ok Stnr, i h, near Mai.r. tl. .1 . •I ,og.l .1, 11.corlaal, &bead, .t... I 4.,k. and Siat.onery• LOB .:TSUIV j .t C. 13, Liankrr• A n , •. Lorne, or IVaod and Thud ...raaq*, lAttrrhania ”.:. P:argh. Pa. t; r..tcbm , .....r th, t 0.1.11 rat!. ro.:11 •lIN WI., +rile r:rnerr, draler 1.1 Pro ,an.s • & R. VLO /3, F 6. j itE.,76;\ I Id. L. V. ; /.01e.a to r. run .J • "AI 1•r..1.3ce und l'inaborgla turtn 11, r .1. I•.s mit6_ LI 14; 11:1',: lan jrn i z , ;fr lco , c; ire. Ptudaro;":qa.; .11 W:Ler woe t j J LAV 14 I ' lt am] J.ulee.~•.l %%. .., 1$ I SL)N 4: Co., Whole.sle .nil CW11111..1400 Merebunis, .r. M.IllutIAl'l,llCA. Sr . No. 45 211.4 i - - - • Jolla Sinpton. A 3113 El t.T e 111 PUIN. Whalrsalc Alercbant....Dralen. n ',lure rd mapoinetutec No: 13 and Ch•ta.l • :: j ei t r A S;nek K Nimict and Mar:" _ 1%0 Ai f Co, Wholesale Grocer _ . VIL.IP.O. C W. LICIM6. ILLER a , ItlaKir.TSON. Wh.!...1e Gm. ntal Merchant., NI. 170 Liberty 1.141 MteolloA KING, wholeule and reul.) nal and dralernin Fancy I!‘ 2 f 5 J. $l.l. r x, Demkr. in . ..1.1 F,,rwardlite mud humo ur "Lem Merchant., tty ar,417.1.1 Werod street', Pitutotstb. ft: SUN, ISo as Market street, sec. . and door ,m., Neene.e of Fourth. D.J.,* to for e:go eiod 11.11. of I. lzeleange,.Cert.fientex of Drown. LL:LoI. N.:. • C.Zern......a, e• oar the rneeeteal ohm tkrogegi.- ottl , CItPII Y. I.l'llLtia,;i. CO, %V&A, 1, - Z ry - 7 IVA Good 4 Dee, No. 15 Wood street, Yn .Larry w 01,15 R: tV C 11 . 6tAnt DOINDEXTEA. & Co e WholeAsle pc.l r0c0t0,,,, orutt EA:J..l,ll.qt Aletebont, No4t W. rr vt nw Grotnr , xrul.y 11.- dpin.Nn• _ it It. ItAWF.A.Nt* iiOI.IE.RT.SON a. ILEEPPERT, Produce !kal e,. and Colo ~ .. asion mon:horn.; No 1 0, = 4,41 0 0 al. Pi,lel.rell arplG --__.____ - RICsIAILD I'. LEECH, Jr" Importer and !kale , in -reg.,. and Dorneetie Saddlery 'lard ware..and esmag.. 'I cinonings, of all deserlptions, No rex. tr. ap26 arman. Ilk BRUCE& CO, Wholesale gr oc e r s,G Commis 11, 111011 March... and deolers in Produce and Paisburgh ManiOhetolet, [Ahem st oppos. Smith- L• 1•1 rt. Ihnslioreli. Pa. iirbolimalc and retail dankr P.•in Leather, l'i d irc . z . s .r hoe . nrk .n er d s' T ToolLii . tt , F , 1 1 z1 , - 17iji.otTL, Prnsturgh. , BUSINESS CARDS WIJURRT 11-I.I..LZELL a. Co., I. nono,:r i.ro- i A. Al Vl' 0 .ne.ord. Jim F Slngeo. ) JAMES W. WOODWELL, It 'rn . . C.. ......... 0, r0 , ...d" , K M"'..."", 4 '.. I WALLINGFORD & CO.. ell - re:at - min l V KNITOOK 54,110 51.0500, Inr• LLI .P 0 6 . 1. ., and PlCAtorgb Banolaetot..... L O k , IY ; COMAIISSION A rllllll A /11/IN1: 11 , ./11711A ITS Nl' o'l T.IIID , T111:1:1', civet, rillttorgh, Pa , Weed or•ute lo A I.A 111.F.7 or .1.L0...1..1 ...,-.........).."- C 10. 1 .0. 110OINOW. .1 . 1 . 1.. a. 1.111.3. . II I.; A V*: II A R lig' A/IF.A Ai PI : ..' ulla 'll , L I •LL FAL..., •, ~. PITTSIBBILOH 2/ ANVFACTIe Ii.RS. ) /F_. ... ~.. ~: e e .5.1: --- D ROBISON & C 0.,. WLOI,-....0. ,:reeett.•Prn. ii ,„ ~,,, „,,„ c ,„„,,„,,,,,,,„„ mr ,„,„,„ . .„,, ~,,,, , ti,...1:1-...,L....s ltecon.l elreet. nror Wood, ...1 ••,,,,,,... ~,,, ~,,, „ . t,„, ~ CdiaLusi)l, Manaincture., No.loO Ldtert) •t et, Plitt- : r. (."..; Bde'" 1 . 1 .... Y. elreel. hlcee on td,da , d .., ~d,• 1,11•14111, VII 1.6111. , .111.1 IN tde.‘,/,..irr , •Illt. 260 000 Ilya annsorn ..o1:001 olt: h.r. "'' ' ' ' ''' ' . '" U : . Nay ior a. co , Cetl.Sheir, lIII.t. r and 1.,..„,.., ....;. ..' . - ' ' - r 11.: '. '' ' ' , ntunt.dion,r, .n tor is ....0 .1 . ott :::),,,, 1 er.n..• tv.N na e j. j ion,. & .1.4u1a ... Am Bloat t ^rein and 1-',O! R U :s n ig * ll ß tn ' .7le n r..?.? ,l „ t r '' . ' n . l" A ,- . o, h r. 4 ;7 th ;;,; : : r O . 7l: R Tlla ' f r a:- ' 'Ae. dot dh.t1,..• , Pndro ao , 101 , :. :1 ° .., ',)" ,:n ' , h ,:1. ' ,71 . : " r ' "- -4 : 1 .: " . '. .h r 1; , 5." .,..,... "' ' 1 ' .7•7! .' , ' Y. i .....:1 . 'LL" . I.L . ...ILLii oil k:.'• or Forel,: and Dillilt.•110 % . 1 . 111•-• Catenpr -pt. 4. and Atlr, an 1 Latort, No I/ 1..1n Cy Wert, Voi•burgh ALL , L , ,IOLoaIr ha.e.l 9.0. 0..11”...01aLal 0.... Li L , , 705.0.10. 0 i I. PLa h t .111a...h0t: ........r.. C•III•1•I In • ID - N li. 11,, 11.11/,i ed to t large ttorL of supnnor , ~ edge., ..'don Afoul... Crow.., 4 dot Aloo11) ~..... •o. :. • , OA Mon:lngot,. 7., 911,•1,..y, sr!, eh :4-.11 1... 0)41 ',ow for I Furnaer R...e0r..1.1...,.ant Iron . l • 14,, Llttut. coal, srld) . .:3-ly 1 idadora ...‘ , .4 and Coal P:elt. IO dor floe Ilinne...:: C, r• . . At, . Nu:, .1...., :on kir. 1., Channt,.l... Ar. L O. Ito,noltle. le mahr , ,,) c 104 t 111, I)ETIVOLDIE 1 / 4 . SIIEE. Fl/14.a...1. j n0 L and ' ,.C1..- ' .C -- , c r.. .. ° !!'"7'.':'.'.. r .,! .. r... 1 :',..,, ' ' ,,, 5 ,.. , ; ;:. ,..,, h. 1. ,, N , ;',:: . .... „, ' dr : . ' „ ; 3 - ddr Intl.‘d,) R. da. , LICIL , O , : IL Int... Lon leiel....Llc, /or the AL,...:110LL) 11,. r ['rade. , "'e, ',',..`-` e L . ' 1.... L. Lf i 15 intC.l• I.:, I, ...tn.) 1. :: ~ Cl da Goncer„.•.Peodunt P it-id:roll Cdoufarlarra , IT. . lel.le 0 p .r 1 human.. and Chloride*, I.nne. , i": R Donannns, J Rentldo Sank ....L... :op 1 . ...1. =r:. u:•, Tido tinghtot pr,res, :n oath. pool at ell lino, lit/ ' CIIAILLES Jll.. DASENIIOWEItik. CO. I- ell . orl. , and.. o„v 11:taes Corm.: 4,( Pet., lIIIIIIMIII .01. land . 11" 0 EVA Cc b 51a,,,,,, .11.1 pie ,il,. to, 10,1 pa l lit d-zradt of II C Sr '1 de, r.p101,•, tad u dtror A...40ne. „, 1 . 0 ,,,, M0 ti ./ lia. II WI ...• Cit it Ali:hell A 818, 1 , ,,,,,,,,,, ...4,1,,, , ~,,,,,,neent,.. to a:colter, QIFiACKLETT /1 WIIIVE, IVI, ) ,,olIo ler, No eet Sootli iVlearve...und No 117 eouln Wale, ti laarlte _ _ _1 irre In I - ort go and Dome-tie 1) , ) 1....4, No 19 , I ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, N I. W 11 ARI/IVA II F. I: ()I , 1.. tVond a•reel,l•ltt.l.orgh n 1-2 !is mono: 11., tta:le unit denlrr• gen:err:ll o of . JiPiEPII WOOD'W ELL. _ Wool March an, deal.. ! .1., I L ...burg:4, lino theylrd strode tacit arrange/n.O, CT & W. HAILIIA.UGII, Corner of Wood land 0.1.1 0f..., Plf tolurgli, ". j .,..0 t ,:1 ' C ' , " ,, 1 ,,1 a. .... 4 .71 1 !:1c. "A re h ' .l '' ..i g ...7 " N " o rd :[l ‘ ''‘.\ t ' :d .'' • " l7:: .l ' . . I ';L I' '' ' 1 t ' ... V '.\',.":. (la:T.' ::'''' ''' ' '' '.‘b".; .. l A ' r.'l.:!::: ' - ' 5.::117:: " : i ' ; 1 ''.ll A".,eN " l ' ' '' ' '' ' '' '''!; ‘ ''' ''' ' ' ' ' T. ' ' '' '' ..."l: ` ' ' ' ' '. . ''," ; ,°l-‘l'7 . ''' l '''..orl'e ,0,1,0,g1t 'Loll d huge NW 011161.t11l Lowly of Ow L0nua.1.05.....eap. ~ ~, ~c ~,, ~,,,,, ~,,,, .: - oont 0 14 1 ,11 1 1 . to whirl, 01,1 11....n1d upon to. neroan . ,',, 1; '' • 4,,,t AllleEL, PALLIER, ~,,,,,.., ,‘ 1.,,, Oa,' 11.01161.1 ...... ell) Other boa, La Illio <ay or •• • - ''' r, • ''”' d'' . l' . ' eI In) 1.•- y 0 .1 , ''l' " .. 'r I.lleal Il.no. 114,11, 01.11.11......11 11/, good. tar e.t.a, - 1 n Drerclh. t.a 1./..:0. No `e Fu 6th o, re , I,l `''''''. ' siterr. and on good,: oolerrldlroat then: will Ite.ototr. ~,, ~,,, ~,,,,,1 . ,, , ,, , ,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,v „ ~, ~,,„ Wood and Ixt,heir.l,l I'os . '''''.v.v_ rasin.l equal to rrpre,,tiolLon:- errantry and 1.• I.IIIOINt I.li.ti I. , ..lattit) vappbed, I a n 4=2 TIEP - lIEN 11,111.1i.E - TT. Marilee:art-rot Fan 11, etna, , I. llont.not., Coon., 1, . . ~.,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,I . ~,,,,,..., ~•,,,,, ~,•,,, ~j, ~,..„. ~,, . /.1 te ,Shavone and 1 „let A.:,,,.. AV inter and ,Onsator •, 1 0r:3,, 1 .,..:0 Moo re t„. ,idle In !,, „..,,, ~,,,) ~, , . ~,,, ~,,,. , ~..,),,,, ,„ s•d Laid, 00, Se. No 17 I- oif, 0, I,rl a„ n %CNA 12100. 10..„.. nnil Finiala, bat:: o. ; 4) , ~ ~,,•,,,, ~,,,,,.,,,, ~,,,,, ~ I , ~,,,, ~, ~,, __":1:1 . A 1 , 30-11tanea't t Viet:rated . .roflld-111. l..):1, Coven I ~,,,i ~„ ~,,, ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,. ,„.„,„„ ~,,,,,,,,t , „ „,.)„1„.,„., dad llerLet :::•. 1•11,1,..al, Pa ; ....h. with a !IVA, 0....a..ral ol war,. popular lir:and.. ~,.. „,g,„„.,„, ,„„.,,,. „...„., „„.„„, ~ „„...). ~..! ..F . VON 11113I:tillORT A Co., NI hair.hcle ~„, „.„.„„,„... ~, ~.„,,,..., .5. 0. Lg. Ito :nal 3e , Lutap. ' •".„„ ,„ . -„, ~..4.J . ,'i ,i,..',,,,,, - ,t,, :,„„ .1.,,,,,„„ )•Goeceet .. orward...e ....I ( -0.1.111 , e ~, : , MeeLe.l l e , .e... P. -. :tad 10. Clug. Lad.e."r....0. Voguld: T...,., ~ . .;.' ';" . '''' . ' ~ .. . It alert sex Ie ttt' , urgh 11.,,,,J00 Lost • tu! We.. ni l'or, , a„., .„,.„, . 5 ,4 ..,,. ~, ~..1.„,, ~ o ~,, "o„ w. • 1 ' ..e" d'. . - , I , ; ...,‘ I. ee 1...• A. , ''. ' ;‘ , .. ,, a . .,.. r 0 ,, ... , „ „ e , e r rr , . , 71. , 71 0, 1C; t . e: , .: ‘, , r ,, 1 , r i 11t ,, , , , , re r, h0 i nt „ . , 1 . ‘ , .. 1 , 11e 5 r;) : , r, ,, , ,, 0..,: h . , ,e,Lr , i , ,... r tel't • ... rs • roe.. b •. dc-o i ' r e i, c. ,,, elto , lP - I ' 4 ...', .st l f. L l k '; - ... 1 .1%. " . ' .::::, ' 1 , , ' , ' , 1 :1: . ::-. '" :,, ". .t1 1 1 , ' .i .' 1 ' 1: I I ::. ' L It, I s ..,...r, ...hi a.I 0t,,,, ...,..- t2A3I UEL 31. 13.1E11., Forwitdlnt Anti r . ,111:13../. .1 b /.1:1141.1 , . ... IL JIML/5.1,/.... Ili, •....,,,1,...,.,.... ,) /....111 Ai etchaut. Ileulrr 0, loan. Prodoer und P Lto Lott 0 1 . 11:4141,11 Mt ~..ral, ntanufactut. .1 nitzelc. Conal Co,. arn: 7 h et. i E1131E11'.2, AN 0E1(90.V. 1..-so..r. oil I . on. U AZZAM 6 P• .541 . LI FurworilLng ond earn.....LL 41..5e1. Lor *... I -....., IS. ii.qiiii:lls HA PI, 1... ale, ..0,...d.. l',e a FI.,"III e'ree 0 ,..... , 1, .... 1 A.0 ,I- ..., .11. , ` •I , e. , , _ .„,74,,,.e4 ...1.....,' , ~,, ~ • , I . ::.llT„o••,:nl.Agt.roliural lo p en... 1.1. , Po, ^1 . " . .. 6 , Al Allct. & L'ho. I 1 Wond •trert Pl:W.:ire,. ' ; ''''' ll il' . 100-.. arid Ain-ch.,. . agule) .1. ~,,do, 1t0 , 57 , 1 , pAsLY & BEST -W1.A....1, t •ide. v• A Wm Bingham - no•en - d.nn ,- ;.• L Cu m00t....„ Aleirlitnt, and Ora.. 1. a C - o oa) a 0,,,,,,,,J. ) , ~ no. :hr. i, e . p.„, . , • ..... rt• V. 3,5 V,...,, 0, eel I. I..,,uree Inet , • alit on & lirAt,:cr, ,I Na.l.s.C. I'. nr. Tilt), KENNI 1/1 Jr, (..1.:•• M........ 0. ' 1% ". 1. , ,.„. 1 ,,,),„ '" 1„ ' 1 n „ " , " i1 a 0: , ) ,,,,, 14 ) 1.101, tad Ma .O, J , Cio. 4., S o ona.., ani V.1:505, , hp,,,,,, Jr " h h. ,.., ,, , ~.A. Corner 01 Wood a... 1 /.,,,..11; •Ircet. ill . . ~ ~ LI; c./111.41 ,I/ . - - . - .14.1 n al 11.4011 .. 1.1./ ./. P 10..yi1, R e Vert/ 11 , . Hewett, Ocean & Cu . Nese 11rieglil• 11,114 1 . .1, sII,III o::.. I A 0, „.. .. t. 'I , P. FOLLSICTII L.Co, t 'tnunnt. 0:: Alt.:el:an. I Nlagereraor & Alton, Newel 014 • dj I .dra.crik ml,, I.usub, I..nferLes Produce nral Duvall he eldrr A Co- 11.11,:no re P,...1.0reh Altnonseto.rs. Canal Ilat,n, Imrts •Iterl. ,olt.i..llogdfry a Co. 11,, ad..„l, l• i.1:1:illr2li i 1,0,14 Milllti Re•oon.1100o., „no , conuu.n...l ...11, O. VIM C. Pallli aler. , 111.1.aa - 7. .. W Leaven:b. le. 0 IV'.., Jinn • Lonity r II I :note S. C., I it I / 1 1 /CM & 111 . C/I.3II3LESS. Iwo, ~...", 101. & J. G. W. LEFTW I C H & - - 7 p• - 11.,,,1, . V . ill IV:rk,i Waal...sal,. 10ncers Fonvardloo awl , R ECK] I, 'NI:. FORIV ARIAN:, CO.,' 4 , , ,,,,, l ', „o,„, Jr COltanl•+.o.. Alcrrliontr. deal,- in Iron, Na.L.L.irtaa.. And COM 11116•10111 31ercItotal... I ow: - e 5 00 , 01:: Yams and le,d•bo.o CanonaclOre• genera.l,, PLAILVE.3IINE. loa. I Itoom• 1......., I.u.v. II Wo;:a.. es:Fortin Wand aud Win r IL., Pnlalturah. n.vhls , Diarricul.&:: allcutum poal Lo cson.gnment• .0 4 ). ,,,, i . „,.., Ilan, ) .I. 7.1A*,, .411.1 I Iv it. aluitu'itir 111 VII, 1111. 1.1.. - LI, o 0 cad and • ~,1 , d ' ',X,,',, ' ,,1 ' , 1 , ,' :: En g" .. ‘ . LLLL ' LULL " i " L '''''''' L '',''''"''' ii.,.., w. , ... r, . .N 1 • ••• • •• .•••••••• ~ It:, Id 1.a,•.- , V . exatn:nn. Int .tor [ v i Frent.4 41 0r..-.1 Collor,: ' ...', .. . 5 - ~,,, , ' nr.14.11 ro-m,....,. 5t..a.,,..1.r.1.1 e 1n10w. 111 'rho. ' l' i , i . ii , ,i, „, ~,,x, ,ii i 4,. , ~..,,,,, 11.. do: al. -one at Lex a• 1....: cent.. M".... -: 4 41.6 LUELP rIC 0, New Uric... , I apply to 1:BENIM-.1f V ie A.ZZA NI, I. ~,. GREEK, v.,-,.,,,k,„,,,....,,,,,,,...,„y„,,,,,,,,,,„, and , •ni X. 1.• IlAtllt/lia. IiCIII /Olt, alt. Z ?..1 2 , l:oriel, 11.00. , i c ,,,,, let:tate, i I . Ctunn,.....,,, ellerrlt OIL rand Oral, .1 Crodoer ,etude I.ATI,INT Pii.gbh. HOWE - akic II 1 3.k. r ,.., i.,„,.,,,,,, ,N 1,,,„,„,.,,......„„,„ ~, 5r,,,,, ~,, Mem,. 11a,I et 'peer Nlr IV.. O'Lear). Rol,. I , ~ ,h , , , , ,, , ,,.,,„, h , i,,. „ ,ii,, , s, ~i , ,,,,,i . xi, ~, .nil:field st.. 1 , ...„0ra11. Mt ~,,,,,: W,....,:man A car , Lratta A '9 1..1.0..n. On.batgl, 1 -In t :A rm.- 1tr...1. lla• :, 1,. and Itoodla Innen oleo 1 111..... 1..1....• 0,4 A ..... [ . ..e.t.a. rI • 1/11T:1101t1.> & WOLFF. Intito,..r. and 31.,..., ,:, ao . .a c r A,,,,,,.. .1 E.,1..,,,,1, & ...'," ..,,, ~.,-. •,• .• ~ • •,•• P... Prer 1t01 ,, .. •' ; , v II t ,,,,,,,,, . 4 ,,,,,,, ~. ii. ,,, .. ,,, . , r , -., , 5yt,.:,,,,. ik,,, z,,,a,, L.,....“,, , , , , ig,,,, mt,,, ik,,,,,,,. ~0......' •".". ." "''' ''''. -' "'''''" ""'" "") ''i " "'. ~.. I ~,,, -,...-• 1, It,. h... , dr. glird to IL.. lo •':ctl,Lr.roturr. I.lllefl, Ulla rll C 3.1. 01:-..„. Co,. i.,.,,,,,,„,,,,. ~a ur:el;. arnit .., la t .,, ir,...: crud, • ' CRAIG. BELLAS & Co.. on. , her t 1.,f, iier itit, •nni. . en' I t ..,-1 In .101 • s ',' I 7 91. GLENN, 11...kt.11,.1 , 1. 1...• Imuo‘r .1 I. the F 1 , , i - it 1 ... ‘,.. 1 , 1)11 , 4 k oa, pm wuct) (;(511. 1 0. i..,,, ‘,...• ...v.. ti.ti the rri. 41, lyil i.. 1,01. ..I I." , • i .orrit.,•ll Wood and 1 i 30,1 .1:I :::,..,. Cil 1C0), , • ' : • ~,,,. It. , .1::, ,•I.: tto ...,0 ~d, ,to :h.- :,. t n., ..here he is propared Io do every dr, „notr, ~ Rul.l,g 1111ssloN NIERCHANTs. , ..,,n, .1..., I, • • •.•,', •,,,,,, ~,,, • ~ ~.',." ...1 Rot.l.og n-_ ,- .: • 1 111 11111. r .0, ode aorrt ,nadt nn re: r•pt 01 ...a oa , „"., o „., ..,..„,,,,,,,,, d ~,, , ro ,, ~.. ral. a u „: / etolneno: T1.0.t . -1..1.A.e15... , tdd.rett •‘'''. ''r p , ~• sun ;no L. ... • o .. •11, ft 11.1, W s 11g . : 1 i i 117,!.. L 13 A: t.1 C 11,... M ;{ . 4 . /f;nr. ' ll " ,. " ... " l. " l ' . ' ll:. " ll ' ; ' li. ' t 'AILi . 'IIn . LLLLL'“ S . .I'LL . 'LL a.'''LLLL .. .LL CeeII• 1 ') ..P1.;) :to .1 0ct...... W.- ..:. , :e . ..tido o it" hon.. an, , 0 ,,,,,,, ~10 Jo our ~,,,,d,.. • • %1r.., IV:.:ll..eford a 'rt. 11, Mll•ittlrrit , 7 & MI. 311TCIIELTIIEE., 111'006 . 1e lin, . , a 1,.. , :. TI,„. 10.., a. 1 . 0 .1,4 .I n / roe , lA., .11 I 1 ..•-. It 1..... ~,,, ,INar.... .Ir ..t . te., .11 I . ern ileol,l tit): L/t•t:11..r.. and IA .n.. 0 .11. nun: ' ' 1,,,,,d 0 1p,,, a . M a) S e , 1;, 1,,,, , u., •., -:, :pp, 0 . alt., n ... et. ;er...... , No pet /.. 1 . , ) rue t. (01.1. , ~. 01h 0.1 N. O. Al! produt .. 0n...g0t:1 to u• 1 . .n.1.0ra1s no:12-.11v L. 1110 war, hon. , . iLL WA'. „elord o I'. ; U. 11. ILOLILNSOIV. Ati ! .t...-. il i....A. 1.... 'II 'IL "Ll.' .., '. '''. L.. ' .. '1' .... ' 1 • ...‘' 14 ,....L '' ' M ''”" LX".... ' '.".' ..' 4i: Esti im volt i'.% ritlA:•• 1/1. II 51.1 , 11'11, • . -, .::a r o,a, .:,,Yl,lr lo Awe...on i 0....• O - &11 1 . . 88 8 1 , 1 i , , tiIi.IIII , t it. 0 , 111 , ~,,, ~..„,,., 1,, , ~,,. " ~, ...,,,,,,, IIII,.C.ITI.:11 , .ll' ti :1: IV 1101.1. , A LE l/F-11.1.11 0 i , s c 1., ur , (~,,,,,,,,......., y,,,,,.„„., , i. ,„„,,,,, , IN II AUDIVAItIZ, 121:TLERV. Se.. 411.41 y No. 14 Wood ~ P TTS:01:11011. aLI . on, ...I Au, gan er Lau, of -1) • Ihetr.rt.) ono' irlood. A j r , I. 11, tr.,4 olr, tor •.to jer, I Ll' tuid Ittou.nornto Mattoort oars lorr h and on Woo:aloe torrns • noii . l:l d o r oolotrnthoorr. on Wtort W. WILSON, Deal, • Saver Warr, iolt:onry Ctoonl.. Or. No 7; Ms, few Loretta..., are ro.to-loot, oot .ct PV7 r . tohotn•so: soot •.. t “,..111i," t /I it I 1 .1 orn,nn Dot, ISoit•...or 1 . 1)1"1 , •:1•N lot.l I ht. I anti rourrit St. Nu Wont. Oros, r I'l, • I tt. W N. Jr It v.,. one ftIONTINI F., tot trans tot- uttnor t: oto n0..1. toot bra; " u ' f f Pf . " ""` k/ Hostrons. rspertall, in the ottrenlett 4:14. hale £ FOL. writ sTO is sCI•Itc , 'and vonstard Popp:, of ins on ~tti•tst- t tt, • tar, ttel porfioncry..ko. u led.—rennitong and forhsltding h Icnnsighod tu los ' -I ‘ r ti • netticours ctiSt re Loot 411 /war. oi toslot care., As ',Lent lor ale Alantzfacturc.,l, .101 he c enlthilv• cous , antly the pr.ur .rticles ‘,„ „,., „,. y ,„„,„ 5 t al WlOlongrooo. ritti.burgh Ilanuracture at the hnle.ale ter ttnout.on XTALLINU POJT , .1 . Conhor•• on end IL. Ordr'n ond co stznotooot. 're 1r r ono, ' In- • t's •• tno. shooto,i 3io ttocotobt. 00. tr tt •trr. ;s, tiotsbursh:flnt Sy vs 1...2a P. CONK' Al' CO.. s T3I /RT511..1. - T.I, shoo, rteorn.to.. on nor ,o , ns owl-dgirent and proo lo naro. 1 . 1,1111;:telc Mo , trbtoot, nod inohiort• o. • • - a,•,,• , rrt.1 to oltr U'rios , ttor.., or .7 Otno - . .yrtlootnr lancer so., 0r, .01.; l'orenorr. 444 l' o t troot 1:44/0. c. c ord or rec0n....1 .he Iftuto of 0h,., ono., onF. fiord street, at.nre.S.hi , t I .1.1 Aturoond. Jot,. 3, Co Lorena 'or FP hitt 4 41 4,1, 1 4 411 ; •C. AUGOINBALGILL Armen -1 Est I aroto non•• Joh.. Wrtglo. lames 11ceL.11,.. :otront i r y J. GILV Alt, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, wauccd.Ly FOREIGN & DOMESTIC WINES k Luaus, N 0.114 Libtrty A I and 53 DiaIWITIII ratty, . . WAIMICH MA ItTIN d: Co. Ere. nv. Bank o.a Coroct of Th. Wood oret, n0v1t..119 PItI.I nr KI. Pn. %v.,. [Surer... b Lawrie 4. WILLIAIMIS & RHINN, ATTORNEY:* ANV U Nt•ELLOR, A r LA W .47-otfice /Sorb ...le of Fourth .t, al.'' , Sol thfictd...Gl y .I.TTORNEN" and Caanacltar ar !tau, CINCINN Al I OHIO. Collecitona nr Itoataattt plito natl i 11.1,111,1 ‘n d ' , cat... , I • !qua:tatty acid fatal 01i, att.:ailed in. REFEII TO—lloa Iltrltartt San. NVm & Carmn , r, IVm 11, ;•44... lame. I' Nitta', Wolork M. Dor., Itlarktmra. Ima= - - I‘7IIOLEZ , ALE litocers and DuaL.r. n:>.. r inotca, and IdlnuLuralt Mann lacrurt.J.ri c'arn ru dn hand al ail Lnlc. fidl and genural s•annueni nl goods.n nand' hoc, V. alai Mtn., near CLerry Miliana ON l'llE JIMATA FOR TRX OLLIA OF BOILER IRON, IMILER FLI'L a FIRE EIZIESI E. F. SHOEN BERGER PITTSUURGII. PA. Ilamng taken oho Warehoure formerly or rnmr.l M. U Utley b. Co Water Street: near Nearre Hiram HUI, Will atop On Lana • mit ompply of all ...dr- of lacd•r Icon end Head.. Flue and Fun-Ural Irmo. mad.- from bm but Juniata bacon. widrlo w4ll br mod a; Me lowest na-arkeicratet Engine Ituall}rt and one-, are itorand ••mill and OZMII/Ilt ilia monk Or area promptly •1%. e ndrd JOHN TOWNSIGND, thargi., and Apna.e par', No 35 Ma, udre don" above Th. rd Pdt•latrgh. have. nn.tanny 14dsid ed a.Nnieneld of dir Set and fr,olleni 3i,dc d, e•, wh,rb It , nod, aen on Ihrtr con. ,ndomt anidr. win 10 nuemNd plied with orin-irs thy y may upan al Prr.cripld.". w I.d - dd. ...an-I, and neat; y prepared 00111 111. onwerilis, an, I ut Om day of nd. , d. Iti‘o fur Nirgr itof iref•S and good i l'crin- Jdal 11T m.. Wit,sol4, lVa th Ma'Aer Atli., V I . torn, 1.i3 331413birket o,t, A .alectetl ainek wnt, Doe Al..fars 4,4 0:1 1,111,1 .a: ry pr.cr..l:oo Palrm I..v.r.fts Ba r low 4{o `Over no twatr.hr. u*low - Genume Co"p.r. g,thr r Niproced snake id watche..ll., Le I.nd at a •mall lir,, awl war ranl.ll END= FLINT GLAAM IV :lattavrent in mil ttA et tlectr Warelluto, cut• „ Art .( m o , A tt And Watt, vnets.Pl2 DOA. %York. 011/101111P 111 011 00,1100 .1111/ r. e A conetton ly addtng to our ow,. wit), h u: te.• u• to fill order+ with prootp•ort.A. l'orthat.er• 3re Sul .). •altratrd to call an ox ant ter Imo,: and It ituA. tnylOelY . . J. D. SWEITZEIi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ttme'll ad St, oppomate St. Charle• llotel, SITTSSUSIM. WILL %%rush F.yr;, nusitirreu (V 11111,... r, Ktrkr: 117 . 11.eloonek. te Co el.urc M 1 h rotiterm Pjusburgh O T Morcnn 001!111 Were, No 17 Murket roe, fully call y the utlent.on or Country denkr, and othero, to tinctured Tin sod Copoer. ww. whn w••oit A. FAIIN ESTOCK at (JON. W 111 T E of peered H oy ., F ur .",h n , IyEA WORKS.—Tne onderslgned have Wholeralr loayrr• and the polar geni•relly, err .nv, contplee - 1 their new works. located nn the hank rd cod to , r9 ; the river above the Anneduel, in Allegheny , ' -- • .. GEO. W. HEITII & Co, , olosee de i'dtaburtth. i.e the mnoulactore Of a gape. IiFIEWEIrsa. ?IA I,, , rp:RS AND ill Of:SLEW! or qualety oi whtle lead, took illry and gumod in 't PITTSBURGH AND POINT BREWERIES, ...II; alro.red leul and litherage. Hartbk loaded e.,,,..., 11,„p.,.. ‘,.. .0,1 v.., rn ....I 1'.., ~a 1. ',i ‘ , ..'"' - ' 0 0"." ''' "'" ',"''''' ...I , ' , ""men , " '" ''" p . it.b. .. 0 ,.. Po. ortrmitrtor....ll. d erected lb , buntl.;;• ..st :I tere J O tr u ,if,,,,,,. - ' •w . ~,,,,,,,,,, ekto..tar ierle. and olth cap tette lo to lead to " largo quanttilea. th ey o 111 be rble to att re l y orders J• la. elt. W. lIONIIRIGIIT. t Into. vets extent: .' MANEVACTUBERS OP STARCH ''' ' , .ors W , A , Allll:tirdll/ equal , of not aut.... , to se made . CZTOVIr. PATTEILNB POlt BALK - Cab , . C V I r Inked , tates•itd whirb th-e ...II dispose ! -' , `MH". P"u'r 3 . Maltrr. Allrahrny taw Oil Mot. ot at lour Corr. and on good T,,rn.. ' i ha. Mr newrit l'eteern. for Nov., on band rub., in Pettily! p ~,,t , ,, p. i wood ar ;ton. Aldtriratons and all other pattern. made kl, P. A. 6. NELSON a, tii" '""". ' 11,1;6--"'''''''"' in'a'ne' ''''''' ';' '''''s 10 r. ...Orr • k•Y,,... -- , I to ~,,.. NOW MAMA' AcTultEns of 11amm,,,, j„„1., „,,d ' V 1,00. do Natural Culered SprrniNdel, Spades. lloem, nay and Man., tr k kr Ar tee do Bleached Won, tekotle OA. Warehouse, Ne II nay Po '" '-' 1 ,nbls I.ard Otl. )u.t r . r.r.'d end f0....t1e by . obur,rh tn.., i aPitICEN TEA ISTOISE: • ' m •12 MI l LER hi R11761.1',07.. , No. 16 . !sort roue near Mort 1 ICE CREAM PREEZE6S-Just ter'd, a Isar maw, frr All qualities of Grern and Marl( Tr , I ',mut of Johnootea excellent Catgut lea Crratn rter. "°"*. °P i " 1.0""" * """' ''" °1 °". P °olol S'm'aattra. r an I err, .unable (Or Holets,Stestoboata and (neat, ram, gsng !row We jo:r poundi• 'list. A A V tit. hr. at JOHN DUNI.AP irs) Ail 6ir PoISTta Co i mi l No 17 market it FORWARDING & COMmisiox Jail:, V. 1.•.:.L,1. II Whole•ale Comoalsoon I) E. A LER per. T.n. Purl , a -r 1 !r• MIM ''~ AUCTIONEERS AND CaI6SION ALEXANDER LEt'l" S HID) CINCINNATI L. ST. LiQUIS orreal o.i/ elbrr •:..t 11i .Oti• 01 Mt-rob/m.lo, Lhe :ovro•t rot., 0..00- n.tiwoyo,to.ortl noi4r :olvaot TI. , tot of reforrooe. gcvro. .1 trquard Lroor. r.lhor rooir:v uorio,ol JUN 11. RICII.4IIUS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, so w mit r II•I V SI, Are. Dried Advance, made oe ' e eirs , ce 244".171.r77/1:1. =!1=1 THOMPSON A. CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Mawaracotrers of Linseed Oil, No. 20 Columbia Skeet, CINCINNATI, GO'CAIIII PAID rota WALLINCIFOIID h. CO., C(Ill)1 hsloh k FONWARIANO NIENCOANTA. C=EMUZSI=C= l'ilt•Laurgh Xlbtcture. end ii[3ll, 11 11 ralwal . r—wlll tun amotl. ,“a y :)(1 hand ar. a .11,1 01 cagr iprtngs and sale, •c) anti pa, fir,- proof .21., I.lack•ntlaLs' belovor, : he , ha- anctal i MALCOLM L scril a 1.11 el INALCOWN LBi.o It & NON, ATE M I.EP:1& Whole.nle Pon• La .1.••.0:1 un.l Flour Nlddlan., .1..v0r• onlt.rol4 P.oup, Pooluce, Goo., PlArr• Totod-• Too, Iron aval \'. 1. Zon,Wlno LP, Sniff, shed Ins .. Cortun tido, ml • Ert-lorgh Mapulurll.,• v-ionaPy 1/I! DJ. und VI • I..o.Arty on-rev.onr Wove On. loud. 1Pn.1.1 PAtnorvl, I'm . . , ... * , ,R 1 : 1 ,0, 04 , ...1 . :;1v p 5e r, n ,. .;:: .. 1 . r . v h .h . or ,ve..Al, voile m ov , :i “ nt I - MERCER, 1311.0THEIL% .COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . For to K ea.,n , ... r. Plk I=o MEKCIIANTN, N0..11 Water Street, LOUIS, AlO I W glvrnt.un in Ilsr •• 1 0.4i P ,O duct.. allll to order. for parriams • Hoag In—(.rose Og, (.. P.. ruel I =lllll=2l .1444444 f4l I '44..444.04 J 4: I, 4 . 411444:41.4344 4/011:11 .141" C 1.414 LO I , GII & CO Connni,dan and Ponyardia4 Merchanix, NOS. 93 & NorPrii Sr. I+aolv ARP Ile Itlmurr TllOl4. J. - CAltsoll. & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No/. N and U y gill Ss., 13/11..T11101tit. fla-Czar.le advaners will 1, made nil eutt•igemenl to 117 nlms, adJr• •.. jau l ly CA II OY & KNIG /IT. sigh - GEO. IT MILTENBERGER,. s r: ANI UUAT A OCNT. COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, 1 . 1101111 CF: & AIEFICIIANDI , F: BROKER, 30¢19 Otter. No 50 IVlorrStreei, Poitolatrigh =IZE)=3ZI . SITANIIMAT AfiENT AND COMMISsION MICILCII A NT. MONONGAIIF:I.A 1101 7 SE, P.t tsburgb. Pa PITTSBURGIL WEDNESDAY NIORNING, JUNE 16. 1847 nra.r.`.7 t• efimred ben • a•r. 11. L. Co eguai.., try • Sit kVI3“. rltiU lil I . lklt Cl,lO - . CCM= Cop,' Cop • •.on 1,11, Pli:l'l'..:it S 1).4OL'EIllll \ \ t•lll:'I s:.t I't' .\ 1.1.1 1f 1.: -:.. t / r... I':, . 1'1:1:11 r. . 1... :.M i 1 ..~ . ~. L,, 1 ~~ .. Ter-s. lot, I anp-cnne l'ner Hardware, Cutlery, goad JOIIN NI Nurrcit AND. DEAL! I: e- a.nl PU:•' MO of nn ono•I ,rro,• :4,111 meal.. .am. r..: or N1,,11.4.1. arr. .„/Ili.curl... ‘ . 1.1111M•ilk 0 0 11.911 11.. , I'n, Co.. '"'' " 'lllO, 11 Fl\ .. N 1.1,1,2 1.1: 1.111 . 10a. bit nn•.,1341 a on hand I nnn.. in• A;.,. I;, u ,1 NO. 141 I. I 114:11TV til'ILF !, I)IKNJA !II IN 1:0l\'\ ou'd resp,. 01 11 . 111.1,1:11”4i n • 1,111.10.14. COSIMIsSIONP:IL 01 , 1)I, ED,. •11,1,11 , • nl.n ,t Orr v. dcor , 1:,•t tt,•• 3Lalio'd Offire. C o N , '.l Aunr4. , RAGS WANTED. 10().11111/ B'4 ot NEI! M ,Xl.l for wr .r ti 21, ori 1.1 11.1 , Waappoix Paper .tl,l 1.1,,rtr1, MANI/I.IIS SUES molt 1 Corot, Prott toot Irwoo to• Ottoittorh •LEItICSIIir AV A AIT - For iyk. ses.,• .r. attlr C,tnrot.rroul hatiattlottostott tto tot" - thr tlertor. ot In• I,ton, 'ort toter or lootorrr ts rot. rroort , nototrrol for thr Cart ear Hy et, Falttorn( Grlrriir WIIITMOILE !Alvin( 11,1 t, Ilra'r• oi I lal•lrrpr... rlatl4ll, Nt Irl•11.1 .ice r Ori.ir iltrrr 0001.. a.„ l • _ lItI:o1.0.0. I ./ . . New Plsn'os. V. II EATON. I UST 11, eels, d and oprued hy the sobscnher. the ri EA r.r.n it Tr0,n.,,, Og, V nr,ry Goo.'s, Torun , i r i y p i,,,,,, •,.•, ham ,. ,_ 11/ Thell. Ivory till.l UM. r ornhe.ll. is dle o • Ills and "or elrgsso Itosehrood,li °clove l'rano rprte. I rrroelt W e rsn.J., Ilut ttttt s. Need:, I'm, Topes. llrinds be v p ,,,„ i No n:i Market Sr hriworn Iholochol 0114 , Ith streets r t .., rirg,,, 1t0.,-„ •I „, por , p p , p 0 r0ar,„,,,, I'.; shurch I , • , ''d , 0 eorvr.l liottor TAl,lrt•—e splendol nen i uiro in. • AI, one rely rood ...cowl honk J'lsoo, mode L'S L EI. "'” C°P"3" r""5"--O ''''''' ',mill< Pilohio lIENRI KI.EIII , It ol superior Copy,: Pre•.es Si.,, Vol, ire Ihsr•ls. _ _,,. to, lit .1 tv Worslvrelra, , Thio Ft 11,1 l'oprr. and Coy) Inc Inks— qt.! rrer,vril stet tor sale "''' _ Ls irniiv -To , : .5 sTOCKTON Pianos. gn} ,:, Cordel Isarlret end :Id st• • A !AIME end splendid assortment of to shogany and rosewood grand ne 1 ' II ll' , Isol vorshisnrr• roost • Ti l l i : 'D o(s ' ar . itr. o . • ' ,1 . 11/1 " :11 ' 11. IV ',Nerd ones, lit the rvp ,. ~, ~._ ~.._!...n_li't, a o 7 :. . e , , ,, ,, ,, h 1Z . , .! L :e_ 0 (; .,,r. ••• • ? . : 1 1 , J Ettishotelt th-rd now.. No 111 Worst ~t rert corner ot „;;;,; - . , ,r;:; ,,, , nr iirxx,,.‘ , ~,,, ix ~ . ., i- , L : ,. in ... y . m .. x 6th street 1 , 7 S N WICKERSIIAST - '" Il'e eosm'er For sale loss for easia ov lORT—A rlrern roll roc. , ss Ms thli Bends. con P BLUME Lemming about rive Donors. wuh dropeed .n4OO or !II.:".I 6 I Na Mt rrner: la 2J Jon. shove., Plorliet *wet yeslerooY '''"r"'"C The r''''''' , ''''''l b'' 11 AILIDLRN CIIIVALRY. ar ths Adventures a olutuhly rewarded I, leaving the .note of ihl•offire, or ivi epo‘n, Faunae and Teaser .. Rbybb , by ~ i , sr 1:. VI ON's TranniineStore I . LIOLIVAR VIRE DRIERS ' w"h"• Inoeraphical notire. • entir•l Maio/Cristo on the p r p„ the p,.., K .., prh hs, ppr woo,. snd esplanatoo y 1101 , 1, mob illumraitoilo from W 1 1,Til• A r N ” T r l I :1 1 . •Zd e i:17 , 1 for sale at the IV. •rl.ouipe !.''''''''''' l''''lln.l.T Darted ''°u nd I n 6 ''''' '''‘ d pr. , . ••etiosn'FAN hart, - Cams] ' Baron. J fINBrI , I3 tr. S11 , ••h N ,er.:4 .1 SIIAW • MACLA/LEN I ...e. ' I cur of Mullet 6 9,1 .1 a MISCELL NI , I t r .0111 i• ANDIN t; T.I lit r. h I thr • • see ~n,~r•v..iL; • t•L • CINCINNATI 11111. IVA ll 1,1111,*. =Mil 4,~~.. an ~ n,. ,'''... • F.,,, I WO 1 I I I, ilia , tf LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTSBURGII FELILE VISTITCTE uo. under the ram or Ver. J. 31 o• ono' op, (or lho rcoupt,on ot pupils at No. 59, trvelsts Itots, Liberty Street, belwrea and 41h moot, 'Ear Sooond Sevamin will cooouraceu SIGI'dLL) lhe .114 of F., -vary. nod a i •inportaog that any who itaa, oroof our should otoo pfeatan that far a- lantamo , ao alor hohaofa that c The} hmer ...cos.,' the re f Pidie,Of n- of Nluelr on .no now and Gulnr, 'who ,s 100 wed known In nerd recoenrnr-Illolion Also ne sers.r, o• Mons It LA Lill F:rl'. author or , nonintlire de In I.rn sawn- FF/11101. , ." oust other •elns,l Looks in in. manse eunr, Nous srallswe of 11, I: inversoy and Nolns! :school I 'n- . . wlunk leuell,r, 1 hose who ,h•- •.11.4,i.i.ts uncuran. and lhotough knowledge of the Frew n Langan, wow,lo well to place ilaemselses .un ler has melruenon fo .ce e/ reula I or :INA, to the Prmriral is it I *. Youma LAlllpf !iELECT SCHOOL, A I.I.EtiIIENI" Ito. lout recently beton nitetoel under I r N. V. Aletealt: at lb. Conscr ofSottilt.ky awl Strawberry al•. 1 The •u, ve•• winch ha. Ilion tit . auentle.l thoo. Seh.tl. c.lutoll.hwent and pi loot fully equalled the Karr' tout. of It. !wore,' and Proprretor. and aet ran t+ rut., 14at toroil ote •to.tooned 11a effort. to render or t. de. idle fur the tolttuutoun of Young la A Ilegloony and eletuity. Toe Error eveeoult Of nn the next Auadeoe ) ear, will i•ottlinontoo colt Mondry, Felt 'li,. Tut re 1e a vacant-10,n he filled. lout ai the lictonloer pont , , le humeri sot ratty uptollentom i. de• ttraltle. For tourtieuldrr. rt oto term, Nr.. urtotettlt tlott Itotroetor telotti Gres". Adv • attage• of Ed.... flan.' %. A ,FAI!NnItY NEW lIA VI-.X l'A 211/ per ,e...6m 01 five mon.. .v 11 Aeatlelo, for go). —T. r 83.5 per ut fiv, mon,* d rt made io mo-e alto 41,1.11 11. vow'', ...1c..., S 1.1.. I.rnirs•nr no i II rit h‘,.. • Itcr I Sil , .W HT. Cutip.•11•••111e jr3.11 BOOKS, (TA ill .1 It LIF: BOOICN-- isl.ed by J V A. I Jaineti,•Walinit ...rev', between i'ourtli p,ol Gedynn —The Inetory of :lie decline and fill of !lie Empire By Edward Gibbon, r , l A Ilr l.d dine , rerteed and'enrrected thregti. liut pre, tied tie a prettier, nod acrinnpanted by note crito,lund bt•torical, relating prine.pally - in the pr. Npat,on td . CtirOdianity. .by M. Gout., M.nLter :•IluultllClll.l4 for the kingd of France. The - prelare, notes and toirecoona, trans e don, the French exprpnaly lor t,tt CIPlI0t) W Ili/ a notice 01 the I.ile and character of Gibbon, and W.iinn' R a Reply In Gibbon. In vole. Con. 1073 ',igen. Napicr. s Veninsula War—Unotplete. I vol. onp. 1:v0,1;A/fines. I Indarn'y Middle Agee, Cliatriber'e—Rebellion in Scotland. Itnbeetson'e awn. nd New England, How Ir. Frond, and Eidiy nh Woo in Aer.ca, and It.inityy's American Revolution. I idol 410. Li r.rey Amerre.n I Itntory—tontamsng .ole o Wen. :rum the heat authera u., Amerman I Ilatery Elingrmh,. Tr3Sti... 'ortneerne Statretrea. itme 11,0.0' nettle, Sr Zne Alen, !te e n. rnitn• Peett) and :61norell tnCOild arts it n I Oust re led nrzil 'alo migrai Inca I anl rim, :.VI io pag.• • Un.,r4al I.thrny—l'a.ltaantng •aluable ,p.r1,14. ,übjucts. cuuspri.lng NAtura I it.tury N.tt ur?l woces.Aplt ulturc,itura: Ect.rt i ..lny;B•ovrailtly. FIIIC Arts, Mc Ur:NA-els, Travels. Itiaany, .7 , 1 tsce,lancous re.mhug ,Lc. 1 vul imp 14. Opt pp.lllll.Mer p The Famtly.rthylonl 1-tbrary—A Treaty.. on the l'atemo.n and 1'u•...1 01...5C.1. reg. met: and o hum, revisost •itd enl tr. ..;ed .111 J the .tedttroo td a Vegetable Nl,:ten.l Med ' lc, ptocten4 Wit the v:rtnen preparatsuns nn, .1. be, .1 our 'toot • tluahle tned:cal •tstA. 4r.J an ootlme et .1.1,n1y Ph)ait.ll.o. Illa.tr4ted .Itl. one Luatir. d Engratmmi, 411 oC *lnch 4:r co' ored. 13, 1 11-,64 pagei .11 I..sarr I•,rdeti I 100p.4n. Wapted ' :fie ratted -4,e, I,) Edward .card. ape , Ilmo re , •rd. ot.:ltgr,l iliuMnted. et) , MountAtna,&r. Si IMEME mehl • kla LIVIV BOOKS, JU,T 4.1 .M..ina , r. of In, thn Pen Cho: h.. and hen orhe 'at. Co:!ren. and Al n un, of Trtn: Tr.t. ninh::•l . 1 , 1.. 1:1:h.or: , : n n o 10.• it.. Va. r, . L) I,hett 11•4 , .• ,wler %%rt. •••: ton tn.• cons tr:l ir.. ilter oola •.p. .Ir. pArrineill• nI I. o II 4,• ore ol I:IA.101'T bet :kr wrol i I •I.or•• I ‘../- X Cl.lNtr Up S11.1„INI I '.AI. , 11 . S. 11: NIA. A NE, Aur,.,,..n,p•...,,, 11.1 SI !MI I. l r 1.1” I 1. ,1 1 1 an, .t. ;a ~.•11cd utr •••" NI Attrtr-t. th. whether he: to I t•r.,g• trltthtat...! en owoutttr o-itt4l‘.•.. .o th • vattott• rettattr•-• • . • .. .ro auteth a oh., th•eht if!. I ittl,-t •Proo I for"S;:yrr aomutt: \ "EU' 110()T1.13'N.—..ved ni b.. ,Alll.l-i S,r.nrg, Ve.tro: Comobibilb. by ?les I ^ v nn 1 1 , Lrell•11• 110 air o , I.uvc• 1 •1011 011 Noa ra1 , 111 . 1 . 1 1 11•0,11.101. ,••1 111 a. 01 a •' 01 IN, Ito.. 00 IS oh by S 4011.: I Ir I, A. . NI I; , T7tch 771 ft, tVate 7fir tai 'rh.• 11r7,777 ..t 77,7 ".7.71t17 , . C.151...,1:1. A :771 7 771 M 77 7771.1C77717‘ eitirne--4-07-1 rnii.l~rr hurt 1.3777.7 g, ny 1'.17,7.1,1M77771 or - 1 he mart Gunrral otrl, 1,/ . est., T 'or and Ivo Genetal•—•p•all • Nl..tvratat,t. A i..tre l'lctool II lin44^r Intchna , i. horoalc at NI A • 5ta.t1,11,1.1 .1.3 d .Imbr gnat, N LAI , IN I.' 1V It• g••• 1 :11, Ito :nctilt: •i l ~ .~n: r U .. nn.l I'•~ .rll.rl~Y •t.~1..._,~~ r.l,•{.n „i.I. I 1 0 ,11 r. it r 3,1,1.1• t 4.10. , t ... 1..., • t.... 41 ( . 4,11 ... . . 'lO-h •Lap Abr n ~.n 11.111..1 p rrnPwr n. .1 :1.1/..1.1 *tom': I /12,4T1/111 L NEV Y 0111( I•i t♦.l 1,1111, I) 11 1 1. i r.r. No 41 t u..rl .t,ro. no.l :on wone. I y 1,, r,,rial 11(1,N INIMISISI Ell . %YON 01,\Irt, c.J, 11: \ and ''ol ott (rim, nt'. the 'N.aninh u~i13:11, 10 the r.rea It ,11/1, 047; incluotnr, 111 t id Co.. 1,1,1,11;., War until:kr U.3l , e‘i .1,1” It. I 'w.c. an I MilitAry ,\cloernn~onb. 14) Iloilo 1 ' •10 1, AI I, .1 3, I; I' J.%:VI a. Cincinnati. 111 . :411' 1100/C —Pamphlet Ft.nm. —Tim NI rit..l..nn; , Snngs, I hir:ia. Walize , , anti Alarel.er; mil. a 11.• int) 0.1 I Ilindrlic.l with 11111111 , engra Imperial 11,t3yn. Price 'Li cent,. Published and for by J,\k I J.A Al i.S. Walnut larret.l.,t.l.'nuriti and I. March V/ 1817 DIE= IMMEO H l/-aler C.3.,(111 . n1nn lordn/.. H J W o od Wo N0..1 1 3 I'lnno mar Ise rxdnio ..... Int nil hour. and •ulneet• her n • I.r lbrde Irvin II In 12. A. A: .and iron] I to 9, I' AI , ouch 29, Ad We,-the notietetenetl, vroohl tolnrm thr ritiZell• of 1 . 10-I.lngto nod I) 01, we hare epinhotted 51r 11. 11:ettrr role Agent for %Vence& Pootortl.llll, tor the .11e ott our Ihnort I , qt., front whom they too ote lathed et t.er ono (New °Or] pr.ee• NUNNS. & Cll/111 . , :en. York. Sep I . 1,76-att-hltf 11 A N FACT all I ES. •• • _ DUQ,UESNE SPRING, AXLE, & IRON WORN', OULE.NIAN. 11.111.2 , 1AN.d Co., havtna compicen their N. work,. are now prerarcd h.) tnanarac tart. evrry at...option of Coach and Kliotr apr.ago Iron asle, AILIII 81:ator, spoor land n'oJah kkrel, and rta sire, etieSl e , of small square and round lion. wine!. :her &Ter Or sale on liheml term., at the., Worth... 4 No. 41, Wood street: whe.e they also herr on hand a cemplete and handsome ovortment of Coach 16811. ru,stat, Carnage hardware. malleable c.akung., and Iron. • • C D.& Co ,have made arrargronews woh ~,,, Day & Cron, manufacturcre of Shovels, SporN, Fmk., ac.. and ..,-;11 keep ronmantly m, Land e , er. made by their, Dealers are reApeetiony coed la es Q.... pr•ce4 and ie,as mill be made l•berli. or II E Partner.bm heretofore exigling under the firm or hlar.lrall. Bradley, &Co , was draarrived An the sth ro..tant 1.1 muwnl eonr.ent. The Ints.ne. of the Imebrin will tie ...Bled by Mar..h.ll. Me. tirary JAMES MA ERIIALL ALEXANDF.R BRADLEY Wen. W WALLACF: DENBY MeI:L.:ARV. FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. k7.`,°int.'l3 W h Co. .n all 11. variou. anrl.e. !Wiese Wart tll Gear.; und Stove Plates I.tglak .IJach•ry 'Wagon Barr . Eng.nes Grate. h Sad Iron. Enloe Ca•tio, Plusgh. h Ca.ting.. Re. hr. Made.l the boot material,. and at ate lower pi.ces Puerhaper.•rc lav,ted to esJI and etantine our Stock at the 11 orchoure tn Lawny vim No .1. neat the head of Wood street. A)IF, 31A RSI I A LI., Wth W. W.II.I.ACK JOHN WRIGHT & CO., t: prepared te Intiltl Cotton nod Woollen NI oc ery ot aver)) degettpl.o..,too—enraloott % Spin .n In chon,. Spoo rtanten Speeder.. Dear rr:1111 . 1.4, Itnilnetty Worper, , Ttv.llei•.,ttool the..rong Fen .. .. hoom, Ctortl I:roofer-. Ic. tonght loon. Snaking tut. ed all -lees col I'a-t lion, Pull., and Hong..., of Or lot .t ratietni. tool bond Lath,. undoool. ur k.tsdn Cary., of every dr...riton !'oo rto•heol. nn ...noel ! ce Palleto. made ha order tor %II Ilearto;. !roll ratlsoe, Sc Steam Pjoe tor Leming Coolant:, loot Iron onion- tt.Lio'.. nnol fancy t'ut.torgr. generally.— Orden. left at the .Warchoune of J. PE:11/Cl & en) .ircet, will Iteee;ramp, nt , n , ton• Kr,. TO Ithaelf.loo( hell & CO .J K 3rworli. rot . F. Wn t oo.o, Joan. Int.to & `Lai., It o• & 2 II tr erne, Sortthcoov.ll.. Ei=l==!r3l 11(igi NG GI, N irrit. and lam, Warrlion, N., tot Wood nrar LI lila-burgh. PI. Ito te .a I r air! R. mil Finglials anal French Japanned Wailer. and Trnyx. I zioli iXin.. Mtn,. by dlr box or a.tIR Picture .111.. of an ',ix., Britannia Tra in sena or nnrile pierrir, Pon.iaii•nd loin Franca; F..... Iron. and render, Malio•any an Ginn..., ith I and I dr.isv.i. Grnlllll,llrer andTra •poon, Ila lid Itlnanifyiug Mirror., ultri• anti Trnyx, Gill, axi ' d xin 4uxiniirl6eiti. ra,., Con,. Iraq O.,Merch4.ant, . rc t /1 1,1 and parking xitliy aend.. in , Li...xi inr ca.ls AI.I.I.I:IIENN YKNITIAN EMMEMZIZM • • • TAKE. 1111.1h0..1 ornan Ina frtenda and the at tame e that Lo- llucte7 •••novir in Int i op.unton.ott the Eaat anle of the /Lunen/. Alleght where • eon: atant oupply olor% and qualtnea.are ntly kept.. hand, al. at \0..1 Woe. at,. etona:n l'n“burgh. at lk a.nan a„Lele repa,rad at ar, alouneetnoure N. IL 11, puLup. r u mo r any add iri,e on 11,/i :hey eaa he remove/ 'I, 140- meta 11/ aA , Of fine ~, nll waking, and aridawlv the anl 111 a en. 0.",.1,11,1tw1nt01v A. FULTON, licll nod 0ra.... I ow at &,„,.. er. a , rehu,.l and commenced inItIll• ~ at hi. old .tand. who re he w it k• plene.l to NT' hi,. old ruootner- and friend.. 4 4g& . , Church. 5:can11,..,, and Pei!. of every --", •17r. 11 . 01.11 i ,, IU 111.1. Nand-, ra-rt ti pathern. , ot the mdt npprro•ad 1n...!...•, E. 1.1 warrant.,,, materral• M3neral Wale; Pump-. Count, e•. na.i.ng, .e --. 1,, nether ‘,.th eve, v a t.... 4 of Urh•• ea.,..,, II.", r• olrhed ny,l r.n...h... , .n I,e .lever.: thamn.r , 1L:,.... :1/ wrAL, ...., ..h,.. t ....htnieti ghr Ihe rt dh..• tonn: h whon I/I 1111.•11,,) Th.. Basler and l‘oth,- ..han ran , h...,. .on al nal Um,. )11n1:1v WiI.IIIcCULLY & Co. IMITAT I ION CROWN GLASS. r VlNti recently maths rry, rnsysrsroorcr } fl inristss .rs the insissuirsosurs- abuse Arne,. svol holute.s rosproved rn.:ern wheel ss,ou ror setups . no- now syrrssaresl to to rsorsh annrt,,ni st nos Azpor or trs nny • 0 , 1%•• • - rnp - 11. We sire sslnsa vow -losse•ss, f.sethrr of Cpsnrnass Wool°, Sims.' sous ' soul Entaesoleso's) sirwrsissross so, ns-s sot. rovitot, so a!I n , rxxu.r.r for ,ss sEss..;sws oh s honao. No. ix) Woo s , wee, twrgb. l'u oer.s. WALL:MIS, rivrsucluoi s rr,ol ftL. Vo• Vos .20 and lin are, wn , AI.‘V n n hand to] Innde cato.r. n vnoo- pr: {a b. mach...ft.. 44 Etc sro,tt Ir., tor t Mlll. S. 11. Itrt.o. tv,•lartg to porchn,su teJ dal It I. , bencrtotth \1011C.C , ,,k” t go 11, I ran fu•tEttlt ttletn atith att ttrttrie s• Ft.rEttditretrltt,qtratanc, de. i.or stlet. s• t neut.. the) c.l ; wenttat 111 me Ft. Vs, owl COPPEIC.'SDERT IKON. AND TIN 3IANUI Aer(lllV. Market tot., l'althur(rt, Penns: • 'HP r• man anpmstemr, I ha ,nr l'On•lrliq 1:4 Mc, CO, MINI: STOVES, ~ .pctstulty r4tms I.Mititttg I. to ra.l 54.1 exam.nr t•elost puTtliattine..,,e44 44pr4 them Smr.. I 0rk.4., 144,1 .rrt 0111. r Itturt at: upper Shts t Erin sari. itter•mr) .44. 4 stratal.st. p!..0 11211• C tf. Ord( I . on Ow ottniles, no,t, Sal To6e. and Chita 04 , , r war/ ;tram Eucne• tir.l e•c•y vtuti, ,1 our 1.20. BEN N ETT & BROTHER, 1t11:1 . ,,VA RE wear . . .. Ilirna.,sgilaxn. I e Pllt.btlrgh,jra. It crehroto.., No. 1371 Wood itrcri, Pittsburgh. wv.. ILI. ron.nunti . v keep P.l hnitii LI sobd ni.ort. vot of Ns. 4. eu , of our OWII ostometona, hod ..i.,.orqou:ity Whoicsa.r und coward' Met. eh.nt• aye te,pertfoity Invited to rail :.n.l CO mns.ur Iv. 0,.r0x...,... a..• we are- ,teteroultell lo .ell 1, rap. t .stt ha. es , , e urto Leen oJere.l to :I,e put.. Irr ltrderreeent r , y :I, LAcroluran:r4l by tlo ~ ,t s't or 3 New tilaovel. Spade end Puck Mannfoc- stf so gr ttoasliw and qu..tsest, wStltt.s ir,ot mac tour:a of cto to two mist, ssnd rott toul., in a hue lArIPIllt itStst,t, kt.d eltettp. Ise Tun:m. ale. tsay It ettrett. tuna Roy quamay more thilinstn, 151.43 w. t 1 crt:t ot pet' swrc. c ow . isa Atte tut-. nave 'le Ivor Itortts want WO a js 114 Is( tsatt 0 at . I saw/ace.. Tvvrett) :tete- cit•tar lona, t.ww.ds•w s •T os ittrstaen tsun least, tor laft•t y Iltet tt of t.cto :ter rttslt .1 ipit.syxl.ollltts matte two's - 1 4 40.14a. prtrts t:oll I, 1,1 Ai•ul I .0,1• ,rwttl at. C., woralso gre •krs Ij mot . , ear llNwit! pny twot nt tszts,ert:. pt/ 'ter ernt ,;: s it . tstt ity Inr rte....silt op,. tot.. t.otteswsu wsti atten sett to Tt, lent; et.toppt t ol test ttt Loot • Ilst,ltetn. ths• tre.tsu ttts t.tssstg t t lptust: Iter,oit mom! par i or the, Ito t t w•tslt I ,111,4-111 owneets w I:1 Y. tts tgAti n 511.1.1 per est. Ity the rt.,. w whit relntsst..s.sts itw tin ve, ••••14 tht W., lan if slts, est, wt. .:n, ratitcr sit:3st it, ' a Ili, fitlith gig of tuts tswtoost• e5tt41,...,1. y w;11 Greut Iliatrru Butt Iliuge Manufactory, •-•---- -•-• •• GRIFFITHS 81, DIXON, °' k+. kr,nu an ralr. ...ula, iitcpated in 4.1 AI , order* inr ouch mrtl cic+ar En , tern pr the eottvr.t,etwe thr, ru.gomer. ond denten'', •twit abcter , the) It,e •ppotaled George Cueltrn, l , nontokolots N ' lere hunt. No trt Wood .Irert.thi,r Age to iot the rale A whirr. C:. ed Irnk will receive prompi atte rum, On the otmtaJ 08111'11 II: +S VI MAN wdmrelt, 1:4111)N1.1; tr C , Jthe 1( tde th A . ,he are vunan,.e.r.p. the elr par Ira. rar.a atter, I, fa st r ati otro ar rat.prate art ar. art rra f 11411.1, Tho r , a...grad.% tra. rr air,. wa Ora," Grt.l ata tar, artAfral rtr.ft A ~.1111, N Elt I:, ~,,,r •ttr • tarrar ro• aro. O. 011..1•E .Pt tal CO.. • o N.. 70 1,..0ti NI. 1 1:111:1:••trr co lt lord 11..raTrio. t..a.1.r0g lorto,troo an 7 ro 1..1.1..... t.tra•• r•••• [cord. t 0... lCLI•.k011 Cap., C10r.., Coro• toot r.. poor. i.. 11. 1 • rrrt t orti -dr. -.to nr..4 ~, ro.. rorroly. motto or tto•ro roto.o. roesortoed 1,10111 an 1.1, VIP or 1 ot aro! 1111,4.1111011 I•C 11.11) rororga y tr." ...• rt . ., or Ar• 11 It'ast.not it/re. Tr.., o•rorrOst 5. •.1 .• rib, toortlsa.• tor rarrri•Olt. e,rviroN &and "I C'lll V ..r,•l ,'• nod r, thr nr.l oca•o,.1.11- hdet • no u. w unre , wath nmaopt litton 1; 1‘.1.1.01.N i.ZEi.I. C;tl N: 11 —ll %V,111...t.:.. Woo 144, a pn.r.tl 1..: v..ry Ow rind •ucre-41.,:• C.,14; • • ..111.1. i•lllrg.ve ol 11v1ner e ..On Itm neh .LIOOIIC,. /11 • “, _ a .. N 0 4.11,1 and IN Front Att, DRA•• FtPurioloN.d Itru• Of tett• cts.l • • Nom itte lanytoved toar .1 1 Irlll4 anti wary:n.ll tinal • any IN. ' Hint. C • ,e 4.•••• I t pn.istt) N/1 on n MN ' ) ' Wtn Young. C itnn.en. F Plunkett YOUNG, 11-INNEN Jr. Pia/SKUTT, VIA NT GLASS MANUFACTURERS, WAM-All/USE Non 53 Water awl ntreet. Pin•lnargh. the "lama nutuutartured u• warranted _equal to an) I u the enoutry. Alt oodera reeeeve prong. anew.. and filled oil reu•or..ll , le tem.. Merchants and rulzrr• vu,iting Ilia city arc ,n. vded ioe•Il before purchaante el•rwt,ena. LIPPINCOTT IRON WORKS. IRON and Pad.. &c. for mu new WISIVIIOLIft, No 5:4 Wed, crt t t. near Wood, run ning 10 Front Alwan nen:Maven: at the old nand, Ileblamer:4 Raw, I.theriy hteret. llnving mode error addttlnrin 4 the Rolling Mill, ail order+ can b¢ filled ptemptiv. novt3 14R.AFF. I.INDRAY k BULEINGUANI TACK FACTORt. 1/ABIPBELL & CHESS, MAMA Of FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD IRRADSs Iron and Copper Tacks, IRON AND COPPER IMIOE AND Pattern Makers' Points, of every desariptithu °Mile No. Y SI. Mirka' Hotel,t C.,14 Pltterbareehe PANINII GUITARS—A new and lard. woo, went of very auperior Spanicli Guitar, i.y aie f evt aria menutanarea, ntot received avid (or sale by ta y:1 JH MELLOR • El Wr F I , ,Fot.NTAIN noTEL, LIGHT STREET. BALTIMORE.. FOGG 8; TIibILSTIIN, Proprietor:. citaLlJ.h • can long nnJ r.idcly mown oa of Vie Inn.rnmevottwas n ILer.ty at Mai 1n.,. vr, 1.1,11.1. and npruynnler.l, A. rutre .4.w atl.fra.. conlo:ning Itnn,rona nod vi , y paa nut, ad irt.•,vc The latiree'departnn nt ha. at-rt Itt7:lenneple,el. ie. orriniJed and hand op in a tuna unapt., and l•entittl,tl te, in 1:.2, e shO:c arrl..gesnentot bee. ren.ntlete.l. writn ainglr 'on the; tll . l 0: the pront.te.o.. toward. the convort mud ptee-nrr oi .41,11 wt,.t ennfiderelj tt ill chill. I. romper ...it , tlt an) note! in the Vision Th,r alta4).suppl:ed tenit ery , u'.- stant•al and litsury theinarket afford, ev rrat up rt truperlor nitre, Willie Is.) of W....at h.c , t they will not tr attrptie•ed ronelutionth pro,r , e.urt teen to say, that riottm, nil leiLinidet , .mt thr.r ?An. and not, pal of we,. ao‘tmates, rrt d ••• ths. Howl wonhl the contii, .1 patronage nilhe r tnend• and dm publie gene tall, 11,e I, re, tor teurol have al, bet n ' , Atter.] Ili the Col lowtng ra ie..— i 73 per I 3 N. ll—lke H•crage "neon of 11,71tot t , ..,11 RI. veto, Ite foutttl et the 0..111 S.CRM:NDI rr ll Latttllnge, watch u ill roomy baggage to Intl !mum the Ilotrl, ie cti elat,e thT2ltl -- STItils:ET Cinctinnsal, 1 0:110—The pubecribers hey", /were. 01 CO!. 1 1 Willacaeou. late of 111111 1 .10 . 11 known eethlo,l.m,u_beg leave to ...ate therr and the publ,e general.y. lila. they bave t.a.ea no. commadiou• I,el tor a term 41 ,e.% apt] eviti rzen their lee, eot Mie. to in,ke if n tN•iralde lezone for 'Prav eller, and C 0) 110 1 11dt r. The 1101 , 1 i. er.nrioo- and nen, rel.ll planned for en, twbi :and 44. ha rag I eraller 0r parlor. , adjooeog charnbeie. - ple•enuog owleqii. l ,ltractlous to . Tlnt in.r•ot pro/ ro,,r• hat' toc,ltatt Ti,.. tt.Tjudten,... vevrtt ado. rity rl•rg L. Lope td It. nine to glYn gesndal •andstettoti it titg dnirdtunttn: to grt, utttlrytol, nitent on no tt, luttl.•• ts,etttn The but ittui ui t•••• nr1.,tre...111011.e 7 , unrno ..111.11y Wit •Ilg ou %Val Thini do t ot i• rymity at...le - able it ew of 110 . rectyrit.• ,uti• of .•-r..ureen,ili for prlvoueluutrder•. near I, 111111 k.. Ma-onu• Ituil,Odd Fellows and butane .lunrpdt•tuto Nom u ••ire et PAW Iwo .yuarnt Mtn+ Ii t',tv t% bust. tho. fur., lb- great..l au. urenulv.. rapeutully I. rousory :nut urn, ul!? In ye r . ton , V.•nmg Cnryr oat, I 0 it) UN, NOMA.: 101 IN A 1)1:111,K - - - E:=l Formerly Friller's Hotel, 11'nehilielon, H. C. JI/IIN 11.11 , :ts. 1 1 1101•111rrej - I: • 'I 1 111-1 protractor fa. gnarly axsorlnled sedh Ilse well nowt. tir - .• al roller C.., lav icaSc 10 Cat.dl.:wl:rthrroa L ii e t .....a•tra or 1'11... ••• 1 , / /0.10 nyt,r c Bo.," whicto Tn. 1.4-0.1 ed op in at 'lota . .. rlegdnve tin:us - pa...1.d I.) any add, liat.d in edy nt IVV•lef;i Cad .of Penn, • venu, and 0, domodtate ..,cardy.of Ittc ,nrucd llas hernlenia 11.. ullr w.:I alway • be ninTlied with ali the rum, la. .n 4 luxur.ea 1a bo found In the marl... sod an raptt,. or eb.it. Wlll be iparetl itboraal,r ale sJ...ten llou, nimtruve re.idenee n't who in•y •re fit in w,.1! Ora p4tr..tiage. Tr, proti .111 t would pametslatl- ...all 111 , alt , iituan of lb. Oft••-r• of ,no Arry and Nary .. .tot, lAr•-1 to • luats ILa • c 1a40r.• at, rt—ort —7, II Portr,, avny• .•-ndallre nil 'ls , Iltf I, I te.c••••) augs.e, sserniChn , R ,. p1:1 EUTAW fli,oxys} , :, Corner of Bollimore and tintaw Strreta, UALTIMORE. MD. 11F:NR1 JACK,OS. I luirtia:Ton and npnn 1:on.!. el ni• nanatell tnr hn•mnr • ninl plc sl*ra V,• 'lern. rn 0•41- ' dor•lido n o conilante an Om nu.- <4 or th- I.os, tie.. c,innecn-i.a nemuntincdotn and raar I,r• tvil: find the I ni.w llowan a thins, 11 mar the i,n m 441 1., a., I Icon! la the Ul/1011 loraaon .e . mvoted malut.ranu• and / alma mons, turt and the /4111111,4 al 44/hi: hthe Coache• and Porma•nt the Ifo.isc um at a•l iota,. • la-44,nn to r on , ..ll,mmet,y, I. tine Oita' irve ta m 14,1 ~entle. mon.' Ortlm par an.y. t": 0.1,2,11 COLVAISIA 110IrSE. eliarteg Street, between Market and Lombard street.. =A Tim havolg taken she a'snve I.•i soss• c.d . ,. n•r.see• to .shn-a.s.,en. nun cennt.stiv. It :. rowlenst•dlSV .1111,4 as rrstSrt.• ihn a.unce.o.s. • and 1.1.r..1 In p.tt—nt sir the ossid•t nt •h•• snare •• snt ts'o,s...—stact ISse on-..s.oss ustrrs st.nsn •••11sa•s•st Is • ly. a• nss a,' • onve .Iss-rs sad •••• sstart• a • 11, plane., al =EI u11:4, 'II IC, 111 Aprll.l,l;tret•t• or, • op I t• woz a ,Ironn al the aablie ira•raarq , -. re•alea , ~dnß ' d♦ w 4.1: ad IE!M111111111111111EiEM Corner •Dlnin and Sit ro.• Cincinnati. . . . . . tv g tile tor e.,,net.. • .t • • 11, Mr.,. .11 0,-1 .otl• i.eportoerooef rii tool all "Lod, hi. e.ro•• .1 yrt,o C ^ 11,1t11..11. entr.A. e.nro,VPu• ,hen•ant. l'nr I: , .: day. r 1 , 17. W N.111 , 1' it —Aphouro no! exneey al,[4:lV Fin.lll. 111 1 1 lre • - Ile-A - W/e.1.1 Ole II ILTWELL'OI norsw., lirsaul St 0 !, y ee, star.l.arod r rit F of rto , i lorei.hed. hla ..1 Vit- row , 1%e...0w C .. .erout .tree., and , ,n the Immo &at. v rod,. ot Ire pts!al e plore• .e, mood propreon, gr,ell,lr rbe vet y eri T.:rm.ore here -Le .I •m-pate no efferts ‘e trirr loe 0.,,r Way aPreeolde hoo aII ,orhr ‘leor I - 0.11114-d flip, a. m..2 , .a.tv,:m , 'rtittocts. vox,: ,dpALT 1101.),SE. Loat.rttle, hey. A ";',7,;,r, 1 . 1 E I.out•rdle. Ky-whero he hope+ to meet ali cod n...orozg' then, pobl.e.thst effort .10111 -pared to atil, allefholirrokble Mefaver tem vrot Low 1111114,.. iontldty 4••••'' MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT BARGAI*OFFEWED Tli er 03 lAI.I , of not% , %V alor aronro t.l say, tio tuov. , 1,1 lo 0t00rer—n , ...v1,33!i• , ,:0 511,,t00,u0e 34.,0,y, V 3, k .woloo, A a 11.,. of A10, , k13n00l ,le C 13111 Se,. or, I n., 3 33 r. trona .1i rorre 110 ...Ivo No latle. of I'i. 2O 100 for c li, mon it•ked Theo, s• Ore bank. ‘V .1: Dirt r =EI rvu, un..l ronterot, lon.o! on IN. ninn 0n,1,11r0 • 4,1 !very. elt wrr• I , g•c yttrerl, .Sel..tors 1.1 t: 1100 •rcond oe• • hAV V.1p..../ A 11. ~ • l'eu A ruci.ri PINIZ 1.1.1:1tY. E.1.r.. 'ltart.l A.. a. N P15C411. , . • n. 1.1 Vo.iaer i.uLne Itae, Pltia 1,14,1(111 Cape. llowle:thrk I two.Ml, i ~..~:. •. k. • qva (trj-Jok.t.r4 g.““ r,v. ‘2111EI)I.V.11”4 tertICIC pr:nrss A. Ow 0 Lou 1.4• rAdvag the t.,•41.11kcr . s 4,t1 r• Iln• tt.ef tl"cw.ll wnrrmli 17 tr. ~of oAlef r,..1,1,.• tht si.rsaau r;eiTt !CI .”1.• JOHN Uer.tDe..`i &1:() f C.01..11.11 ill A . 5.,111 CO-PARTNEIt , IIIP TICL I, S'I . ErikENS i lVteclia,. 1.. I'. G.r of n.,:i 1 .1 H.wLtat, of l'ai•ury.lt, 111,10 dn . t 1 roarr, swn rlFer+hip wider oyle rndfirrl ot s±t..prwo.. ni Anchor , 0.1 V. or k 4, NVh,rl.44 Vt- for the fittrro:r or IMO. allot a u snf rreiy.t.tcyp,:on. • V. IV -.vit... P t , •tersnettovt. 4.'Stnocrirc - STEPHENS, NIMENBERGER L-CO. I ANCIIOII 1 lON WORK+, liquelini, rot. Ninlll/111 , 111, all k in.!? .Iteet, L.tr,rou nn , ; 01,1, .'t U-teel colvic Ever:re:l : led Whit Sit I:•Yir I wl:nl4 Wnrk , ..ale otteran art.*, eC.luntAtn ran (..r.e.tra Nen! TO tundn iu the count,. .th OCW/111.1. .n l ti atthe l'lttohotgla Nivea' IN orelianv , or ii, ~ V orka comer ~1 Nloarne and II:a;•`f • . 2L.!l` tillteinfb I rate 13 Oahe Fire Vegme that *al throw meg& Ind one rallety ittram.. yeah rupen and rectVhing randy kitPhe reev!ee She will be sold low —ll3r (d .r raws. parttnulato W.ORNIA:II, Inge.° of 'ADAMS oKrrv, car vrif..*oN; ECOND itAND PIANOS—An excellent acs 0 cond hand Piano Forte, Ingelly'Dtibora Bacon w York, swab aIJE octave., :ton pima . ; and in good or dor A Six orison ...Enna band Piano. mule by Llama. a Co. London. For Salo low for cub by i.Y IL JOHN LI MELWR VOL. .266 N. YORK ADVERTISMENTS OM=Mt= ••• FOR ROOFING, WINDOW SIIUTTERB, &e.. 'l , Hr; sithscvlberr herr to call the attention of all thous / interested I MASIIK, to their GALVANIZED TIN PLATES_ end to the many advantages which they po .. e.. over all menthe and .0..r..4.1..c<• tuaane used fin this pur,ore,po.itessing n•they do, the strength' oad la/micas of iron without as liability to rust. haunt. liven tested several y ems. Into in this country. and. nEurope They am also lesi stinject to expulsion' and contraction Iron sodden chances of the ntorosphere tit!. rannuoit Tin Plan, Iron, Zinc Ac, or any other nom. wwwl Mr roofing. a n d ronsequentlp loan a much letter rind tighter mot reqinnug far Its. frequent t+ ran. whilst the Grit east is but a trifle more. The •übscribers would also call the vuention'of all tot!t nod workers iu metals, to the Many other pur- Ivo,. to %%Writ Iron they protected, can be 'applied.— crueral terms it is applicable to all articicv of iron wcicit it Is dew/table to protect from the action of the at•nmphere. And they welted espcmally cell the-at t, uon or those interested , nTELLO EAPHIC LINFA_ u The.; sr.ileuttiard %Vt... which is now almost entire ty Europe. and which answers every Immose a. conductor of,electricity , costing only, about or hn If as mach as colaper, and possessing equal dayab:lt• ty with that metal. • Ileving lately erected works in thoe city for the por poi... of galventsiug A t la, opiken. hold wire, &.c., they v.:l WI aide to furinslitny article .whlth,niter be deu -0.1 .apply of Beare Bnottinnetured. may con•tently OA hand. from In to 32 wire age. - EO. It. SIOREWOOD&Ce II .3'oolo Boon, st, NEw Ironic Pavia: Blunt or this article has ken tweeted tor the United States as wells* Great Britain, end other litiropenit roontric, vie ell legal meal/urea will be as hen to Prevent any intinnerrinent by iroponetto or oth• erlytar ore.7.ly PRINTS ONLY-SPRING STYLES .' LEE t BREWSTER A -1410.114 Cedar 51rect New work. 'DEG leatr ton nGnta 7 kr. m Dry (f ood,, this they have avravd, and ittc.now eshitatiag,st the ESCLUSIV ELY fur Prtnird Cato- , , 500 CAREX, Freud, au ; romp:is:a all the :Vali Spring Myles, , C British, J Maimectrr, ADDITION tothair usual stack, renders their aleartarst rat •of Bic must Orasurfalashlattractite in the city; and hsriag just =o b r- , chard fur CASHAND ;4101Lt uItEDIT, are the piece. uriacks, as die same tenni, at and below CLOY , atriums pr.". (eonected dailr , l ane placed la On Purr Lawn will inEarn, theowidres of the stile of the seau , et, mil be well repaid tar so examination, eyed if they du of purchaw. & B. het, peculiar advantages for vaetvting orders sar pi - Ant...4160. ate reseectrully solicited. , • rucht , I L66 BLICAVKIT.K, 44 Cedar Street. Wholesale Drag WarchSraise. IN THE CITY OP NEW YORK. 'III A. IA tl NESTOeK &A 10., No. 49,7 ohn .t. LP. New York, offer for salt, a large and general P>ortment or - Drugs and Medicines, Doe Shirr. aints and Oils nr every description. wlich tlicy arc prepared and determined to sell low. . • • • • 'iountry Merchant. and Druggtsta are requeetod to call and examine their artiChee. Orders executed wiitt Mali Wines. and despatch. B. A. Fabnestock • e - Venniloge constantly on hand. IL A. Palo:work. B. L. eahamtork, Pittsburgh. G. IV. Fahnestock. A. B. Hull, New Yink • • I PAPER WAREHOUSE. NU. U,EURLING SLIP, NEW YORE. , VIU:S V. El E a• l.tt Greta (or sato the lourrat I • Mano(nender price., U very extensive aaeOrt d of PAPER. noznprieal, <very posaihic Variety, j , led lathe wants of eeensinnara in all teener. Mein ecneidy. Paper of all kind. molt to order at *bon Wage. PRINTING - PAPER Is tutosnilly largc pnitor wtti is of vo' soitestoe tinsltlt PAPER MAKER s RATECRI ALB oessery description, innensisd end kept constantly on nun, 'is, Psitings: Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier' Wires, inontthing Powder, Rue 'Otranto one, Twine, Le., &e. RM;St. • • fia;hll,,,,t;ritss Itopc Lagging,kr., at., rurrhar••••l, Int which ale highrst prtec ;i1 Cash wllLbe Niue. i)lay New York. Jr:II%IISM. I N S ILK A , N C E! Indemnity *salami Loiter Damage by Flee. TUE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED W the additional securely of Stock Capital. The Reliance Aftstuai Incuranee Co., of Phiro. CIIA RTER PERCIVITAL. PIRECTOIre: o•lnge W. Telank, r Jot 11 NI. Atwood, 'Dramas C.•11orklull, Lends R. A ehharst, Win. R. Thompcou, (Aroma N. Raker, • George N. Sanaa. John J Vauderkemp, Rearge W.Carpenten 'tr.., 1;1 LL thalre i neat:lace ap.tal Lou 9r . Ramage V try lure. In NTT'S/RR:n[l and vimmt7, on Houma, Stoles and other Buildings, nod on anti tare, Good.. Wares and Merchandise. on the moat favorable terms The Mutual' Principle. combined with igtock. !api tal, and the other provisions of the Chatter of .his Company. hold out unusual inducements, both r profit sod safety, to those desirous of effecting one s towlsich the Company ask the attention nod eramination or those interested. . . . , , effecting insurance with thin Company n..re, besides tho usual protection against lises:by the ordina y method of insurance the midi:leant adrautageof a direct p.lrticipation in the prop of Comproyorithout Oct .rability, G.F.OlitrE IV. TOL.VIND, President Ellactinse, Sdcrctary. The mubscrdier, who I. the duty authorised Agent nr the abort , named I rumps ny. in propared to make :n•urance. ./t ii 11., Agency, in the S. Chi Ice I C . , n r.! at, third door from Wood street, and will give all !briber 4 - urination desired PaUS. J. CAMPBELL. JOHN PINNEY, JR ENT AT rrrr•r.racli 1 , 08 THE DELAWARE MUTUAL • Safety In...same Company of Phißadalla. RISKS upon buildings and enernbandive .ler every dcbcripoun, and MARINE RISKSI upon_ bulls °reargues or vessels, taken upon the awed Invorable terms. 110 . 01fite iu the Warehouse of 'W. 11. Holmes Sr. Bro., No. 37 Water, mar Market street, 11tts: Moth. , 1. N. U. Tie sneers. of fhts Company . since the comb- o` the Aacticy in O. city, with Melina:l,mo, and ithenitlity with 'which every Mann upon them for toss he.. been athavted. fully warrant th 3 agynt in in _ viting Me omagdence and puronage of bin friends and Me community at large to the Delaware AL S. foss f t mace • moony, wlille,ft ban Me additional advantuges i ris enatitutinn among Me most flourishing an Illi 'ta—as ha frt ngs It ample paid in Capi.dl, which 1 by tbe operationoritscharter taconstantlyiocreasing as yte ding ant nett person insured his MICA., of Lb.. i. oEti. of the compamr-without Mioliing him any responsibility whlleverf,eil therefore as posiestng the Mutual principlu 'divested of cant,' oboottoul feature, an I in its 13303 t attractive form. TM : I • NATIONAL FIRE N NiAHINE MeI:HANCE LI3.IIPANY New York._ • , •rtillS.w ;v rIl known et trance:able company is I pared, througkeitch l'l'll'tr.tatt/ II AliliNCY, to mato In.mrance of every kind connected wall risks of ttra.ponatton and witted earn : rat:au; to insure agahrst ardantage by bre. Oweibtig 11.:Nsts, IVarelsottane. IN:Wings at general. Wales, and Merchandise, end e rot y description of personal property on the most Nvorable tetras. Amq:ostione for Inenranee oteetoled to eenbenat delev ut tae offico, No St Mond ,acct. SPRINUNIt lIA RI:At:1)11 Aei. . . AT,Ln Mer:. hela at the bC6, :, N.. y , Mpy I:dd, lb, fo lowlug timrd grill tern v t Tyree ei, a.e II Da evors ‘,;' th: !loinpany,..ur the enmeing 7,,,..p,r, tiv , . ' . .I , ,A.. 0 \\'. came, Netpben Troli, 1.... , ,i, lin.. er, • John McVh.n, Wllliwn V. Want V. ,iii pm W.Cazoptlell; ' Jtillii Nr, , rhou.e. Jacob:lloler, • tl:.atn S. Slocum /111:1?. Stackir. 1222=1E1 Va puboequctit imenogvi the . Boar,l. 70:4E1 . 11 VA(41 , .,1 , ...1., wa4 on ~,, imausly ft,let . lcal VIC. , r Oar ..n,n.ng ):a F. Wm. 1 A 51E , 3 111.1(a.iM, • FI E AND M.l - 11.1..5E INSURANCE. ( "111.: terureoee Company ol North Antenna, ti meek its duly arittiorixed Apo nt, the autumn. en to make permanent and limited Irian, awe II property, in this city end it. vicinity and ~,,oin•snon4, by the Canal and !Imre. 1111lEC1'021S. Smith 7 Sainisel Brooks, Alei. - Churies Taylor, 'anti. Wit intien !jinni. F. trollb. .lmnruce White, Joh A. Linton • .4. Jurob Al. 'Anima • A. b, J 11 Int -1' f ode • Jo:,” It. NO!, IZit'hard IWood . . v. 4. Welsh, Arthur 44. This is the °bidet Insurance Company in the IleitMlStattis, having been chartered in 1194. It. <ltarler u.perpetual, and from Ito Inge Mending ? 101,g etperience, ample means, and areading.all r 1111: n 1 an extra haZardo, character, it may be concidereil as °Bering ample security to the put.fic. AIOSES AT'A ooDT .h 4 Counting linen, el' %Wont], Jong. 4/, ' Co., It ater and Front streets. "ept:94l' • INDEMNITY inn LOW by Fire- , ,Tho VIrAN f.tN Fitt luau tartnee Conataany nf . • ISURGII and tha zn I-OUNTIIrt nn favnTablo tera. Tlll4 company•has a perpetual charter. ___ ..,..100.000 paid In.. . . i:A 1T.11.. 1 . (iNT [Nt: EAT F tiN I ~. .. . ... ,SStIO,CVO • I)lse< eiTner ut Third arid 51artct els., :'ittali . 'gh. ~..,F•,_4f WARRICK' .14 A ItTI N. Acen4 _ r... ' " ' INSURANCE. .. American Fart Issattraxieet .COnapany -11111..11/1/1,1•111A.tt, C/a att. IMMO* Pam n. Ojicc in Philarklphia. No. 72 %ant/1 &rat. WM. DAVII? SON, Yrcet- Faabaatex ry 11110 old and tvell•cotabl,thill Company ow:Limnos to 21,tore flualdtarf..bkrebandi.o,Forettbr..napyty, rrt not of no extra hatarthett• character, agalan 10. cry dam y age by fire. Ari.c.utons for inoturattec; and hs itelghl.ortmo4l. v,ll he recei‘ed, a n d rt.l. mien eid r. perpetuallyor fer littnted (avors , te te rm. .•. GEO. COCIFHAN. nowt,' oi. A. LE/304JY k, CO" Nfl il 77 C %NAL. o•THEET ' YEW OR 4 fort LEA pu ". ar P l otl ß O ' r fi er7ro . ' C .l 47 , 4 i, lo n a d'.4 i 7:4B":'':dlm°ll4 " '"L. a r , Tio , er. arid nannei, oclZr.e.e,,osisi.,bc,r,oralbortal.foir •Uovraoec'mod"otAot'alo-alog ,-• ANTED—A. Journeyman Tanner wilt heir or ' YV rood and remanent: Miamian, by applylng at the I morn o+ the aderaiyard. Me =iamb are good recoMbendationa as to ullatatanr lac. as{ ENOLIFIfIc 11411.:4k.T4' Marcr • t•prialr, J. ila N. 1.61 th
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