.. • . • . • . . - . . . .•_ . - . , . . • • . . . . . . . ... . . . . .• . ... ... . . . . =,,,=, • . , . . . . • - . ... . . . ~,-. . I • lh • .... ( • • . .• ' ' T- '77: • ' • , 1 • . . • . ;0:- 2 l'• . .... i 1 . _, _ .. . .. , ‘,.,......,_:: ..... ,..... 410 ,,,,,,,.. ... , ~. _ ,4 ...:. . . .......... . ..... •. . .. . . +Ow . . , , ~ . . , ....... "-• ' . . , .... .... .. • . , ... •. ~ ~ .. - _ .., - .. . . . - .......... . .. , . . . .. ...... ~.,.. • • , ' " . . . • , . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . ~ 1 0 . I' ------.----,-- I I -__ --- --------- --------------- 1 ----- . - . .._. ,_ - - . _. . . Ir A T TT/. X1V :...'.. .N ( ). :265 . ' . .2 - • • BUSINESS CARDS, L. L: XA N LAE tot Olt LON , Commas:on •gid ,sr.otio, • terrh MI, 54 Vhoef and ItY5 Front. t., '1 WOOD, JONES & Co, Corsmaswon sold ; , l ,I,reliants, have returned to their old 41a,! /1,1'1611d Ennll wwris. Vittsburgb. cren!. 111 VW iNctim.wriv.a, dealer in all haul. of ha il,be . azt-,1 an I 1.,tu,a.1e rwaers. ispanwla Leaf, awl maw. chewing Towareo, wholesale and ,1 ra. ttlamreek. Vstwburgh. lea Groans MUT.. and Read fall!:rl}%.Cat'di'll'id.'Cla„ streets. ran l'a. .?!YI4 I / A I Z.lt SIN% Wholesale and Re. tam,' and Maple Dry GaAs, Y 1 No. .. nm ort I , AI N ESTOCECO.. & C Wholesale k. ) .•• Wood and elk Ws. WI 111 A•ti A Id & Ga.. linzers, Conimis.am 1J . laki, ...a Dealers mEtraburgh Esau.— uc.slala,acy GUCCI. Pllltlltlfsll. DGLI7 BA .; A LEI & SZEIIII I . NVlndesale Craters, If , 531111.11. [SAC:ALE • & GO, .‘Vliolesale Gro cer. .-.d oral, No. ..v.3 Market street. Ca• .na son at •1- Vhiladelplna. rood ci A. 31uAN t. I.l'l aa CO., Forwarthni and .1 0 .41,.. • .0s ,i , reloa vt., Canal Hawn, PatsborlL, socht Pa. f I MCI, ANDO L 0113114, Anorney at LA.', of f /. lice on lw ...we tut , an Istadlitteld. _ wpl74y_ W n. ~01,n.n ..Int‘n F. Jennings.alltuin. / 101.E.IIAN. II AILNIAIi b. CU, Ittanulgeturera N.J .4 Ca, r.a, tYl.np.ault A.alea, A U. and Spring mer , and t:eale, in Cnaela Ironnuogn of every at-1- ,111 041. 1113.i.101y on et. Clair *t- Warehouse 43 Woe .1 ..‘ . opia.i . . - S, Cbarle• llowl jant.V - 11;NNINGIIA31 4: BONN Elt.Mholesale Gro 1...1 „ r ., CA...1i1y...4U .11 Forwarding Merchant.o, ii.. 1411. r. li. l'imill , . till.l l'illiiAlrgh manuN a,entre •t. J. SIC" 16110, I , Althlni .t. IIteI[NIGHT. Nweeewors ro . 11. , ...no., o . t. Whole/tale Gns-ers, ,Gornouscon and 1 .ow , g ed.o., - den lant.. Dealer. in 1 rodnev_and rtast urAb A 1.,,,,,.,.. r‘,..1. Meet. between Wood ~...,..0cr.14 Ts ij Fe..l t. Int. Inn ,, rter and wholesale an-l-retall %._/ ...stlr tit Ft. y an.l,,taplr, Vowel), Goods, sign of the rob Comb. in- AlnWeL street, noar Liberty. Pine "lel, l'a °cal ll 1 11. F 11.31. + L tl. Dealer In eroonee Family V. It.laiLl.o.v . - \o 40 I.lLetty 10 rm.. 1 d and oor to Coo nee of NI 113 ty J. RAM.. Sewell. • ELL. Aoomey• ot 1.1 LLnlo• •••• -oolouel.t, Inv:teen ZO.I sod Is.: InoU-11. t Wbolesalo 14..JUc.r!“ is) it 3 not.J, eccond dog! Cross Ds _ _Ls y_4 NV A IA , 4,s1:1111.111.T, holearde Gra- Le ,rad.. 01, r• -. produce and Pr trebargh asanear• true, r) and Hand sr.., Pia-drama, Pa (cid 7 wv. tt .aa N ratan a suartuTt:, %Ell 1,41 (tate Encash, Vat hoede (barren, Councilmen mud oor:7d ' . • ,•• tool Pewter* in Produce and Wood Mace. betureer SIS.,•••11.1(.1, 0 • . - . Sccond n•••• • 1 ton A all a ne KNIGUT. nuonie7. at Law 1.11 tpline sewn ird a lent doors nearer Grant street. on Fattn...Cao...vall Itns-- I;`Ott.Vli /LIMA ez. SIC AItTZIN ELDER. A Unt- I: ......1 Law.-bs se removed theLr other to the south •.•le Li Co.ont stre , t, between Cherry Alley andGta c nt .Ir .l . II Cr.end o. . James s tVood. 1, -, !till:s7.ND, IL 11 VI ' C .. V. holesCe brocer., J: a .s Cowin... s . al fientri for Itn&blan ..n..1 Yalu., No ' . ' 57 tt. aver and tarn kraut airetts Ctn.. buten. i a. (ebb . _ . _.. • . • Forte Aletnufactarer and deal. a' • r ..1 NI u • ~... in.uantents,lll Waal street. near I- on. utclen —.—.. -- . . .. 2t/ILSYTII 0: Co, Connenosion and Forerun:mg n, sVaier UMAD:CIS Grocer, Coon:miama ,I,re,ALET nn. dealer 1U PTI/I.IIICC COrall.p. 3.e No 17 lat. , . yst. near Canal Wain, l:11.1)aq h, • DI O. thtkozn, l' AO, Manilla Rope, no, alorays on osto 11. EA T° d 0.,.. Mantias. WATCaII•S //AY" U. i .'711,111.01t al ORGAN! lir, CO . Wbole.ale liso k-1 . 10 n •nd Con.nattenco Mr rchunu, 103 Wood Greet l'n, .01 l'a . nugll V.O. A.• LIELtRY NY Inole.ie Grocer and Coo lo,-. Slorchant, and Dealer so Produce and l'n • i , ores Ma 0n...0re.. No Id %Wood Al, Pnt•burch ... . .. _ tic, W ,ertlo3. " M. U. Blown. VIEI.I. W. 8311T11 E. Co., Crowds. Ma!ger., vr aatt dc..ter.:n I ila., Eatsburgh and I . oint Brcw . 1,0, Venn and Pat curate. - jan•S • • F.0(.01.1 COCIIR. •Ii• Comons.on and For ‘.., , ut .1,-a- Me rchant, IS ..MW odstrect,Pitudnirgn. . . ' r• • • i, rand. C.llOl. v,.., Gnu. in thew.— trtlirotrneTL°ll;4;ll; - Wtsi.alltc.,:rZen'a're anoV3 V:tvr-r mat:ol,lml ParCT W arehouse, 'INo!r7 Wood t•rr , t. rittsbu.gh.. & BELOGIL•11i• Druggsran,No.: ''. 14.1trIrlIal itrar, rear .14 c... 1 num, Protnirrt: y MARV iIKUNOT, WHITE a itED Laat , Mn'.far tut. 1.4.111 5.03 Merclia.. corner of Idb n rrly at. ri!ara . rovalur Zh. (eta, - 111/CII,1• . ILO.W. DICA..i. J.• SAIAII VICICILY h. CO. Wholesale. tliroeets, Ituntni ...ion klurchant. anal dealer. to Psoducty Nos,, in Water and tn. l'ona stereo., Pantkurlf h . ltt , COSE.P 11 ILINOX, Atll7llley at Law. Pittabatah. *1 Irn , ha. resoluta the practice of tos ptoferpson in 10. ult.! , No 7, Btkuweirs Ifaildings.lirant atrevuoe rutuud Bonet to. ansen u l ! y T. J. Ingham and J. etzr..e,l:Nr.s. //cd&wtfF JOHN D. D1011.41A , Wholesale Druggist. and dealer In I.1)e Stud., faints, this, Varnishes, t No all ‘Vrn,d al...Lune 1 South of Diamond lAlley, Ponunnals. _an 111111 S 404.14.11.,..1. A Co. fa!rneussorn to Joseph ta/i. /Liu i.l Stop Cu:waters-Ls/ ‘‘, mar st. 4,31 (011 N BC/IUL LORk Wholcule and Retail deal a/ 01 in klu.ie and klo.ical Instruments , Sch. 4 Cook., Cape, State), C IA rens gutlls, Marna' ,Cards. and Stuknitery getterul/y, No. ttl Wood st, Pnwbuigh. Irrilag. I•nug Cl or taken in trade- •1.4115 ___ , . y SCOON 31 A 10EV. & CO. wholesale Oast !.l U g.s a. No. 14 .VoOJ •t. l'utiburgh. red/ TOBV.PII JOILIC./. 1 re BlOir, Coaanas.s:ott and ...1 Torwardintr at u eck 0 ,... No 19, Liberty at, (Opp.. - I 0 LIN J.. C 1.% I...LATIN. Attotney ai Law. Office J 410 I , nova, neva , d l. * on told St./11116.3d, south . .dc. Pittsburgh. Vs kV .ii *tau attend potnapdy 10 bush . n the adyno , n) 0 ...ties ordS-Ot _. _ . .. , I OliN O. la.l Vis, AucTioNEER , ...., lath ..1 and Wood mt. ... !,-. irn....utch octS 10119 C. 131 OW 111.1., Agunt, %Vbolcsale Oro. cur and C0nn...1t...0n Plerekunt. Water wee, mod, dour &wee Ste ki ,nonganutu 'lodge, Palk:omit. 117 . !coo, Nat • , 010..., Pe. at ocanafacturare veleta, 0 rni. . ---------------- ,j - 011/ti ft 14 15 N & BTOCILTOO. Booksellers nutters and l'aper totanafaernrers, No. 41 /lade •2,,rT"'_!"„0..!.._ -------•,-----.---2E6 T L. READ d Book 'Bore, th, near Market in. . Clas..eal.L.eolopral, Hanodeal, dewed, Idirenl alnenne ,r,61 d.., ...fon ;Looks and divonery. . nord_ JW. 11.01.11,ILTSON .t CO., IlLnkers and En -change Bruk,s, corner of Wood and Third duets, Otrectioner 11, , Budang.,l l'aubargh, Ple. . crrCurreney onrchneed ~,,,Barria rue& o dr Wholesale Grocer, dealer to Fre t) Joett, Ptiett.oteh manufactures, Tin Plate, &c. &e. No 211. It belly .• Pitterorgh mut/ - - Join Fioyd. /diehard Floyd. • k 11.. FLGYD, date J. Floyd &Co.] Wholesale J J. Gro,rs. N . ltd Ltherly street. ' PeptS J.1.4,1M73 GrA ',ZELL, M'holeisaleGrocer.Gon n.- r.nn .Merchsr, . and dru er in Produce and Pittsburgh r onnufne,torr , - N•• dl Writcr It. Prtsburgh jrutlil ..... . •y D. WAT;,:yvilkll. Whotcssle Gamer, F0r j...... a ard.nr, n ..l Commission Membaar. Dealer 10 l'ol.l.nrch Man.. octure.•nd Produce, Not. 31 Water sod GU Front .1' PI7 I IC INIX. ll' TC3118(11( Is Co., wholesale • Grocers. F.. , wani•na and Comm...ion Merchant., aul dealer* in I o•`..1.1,01 Nlynotactorea, ke , No. 4G %Vale , and Ut , , c“ '''.• __......_---L---,.‘ . ' 1 1 ... . Genry 1.arti...., John Ghipton... 1 AItiBETLT k SIIIIPTON, Wholesale Gnxer. , r o rwar.l , n, ...0.1 COMMIS.IO/1 Merchant.. Dealer. 1 P ur rode. od ..1.1.neg14 manufactures, Nor 13 and rtiWood e. 4 ?. , i• ‘.r:2h. fetal John 1,1'1;,11. 0. It. lluthGehl. Jas. D. hla:si :I\4,"nstuoL.Lozgl Nt_ll7.llSEtial.!:Ufo.l.lL).:l2: ' i c 7 ' P7ret. jam toogh. jahl ly stet. tinanck. Wak. :Cadek ti Allyn %. cannrtioion and Forwardmd 11 , 1. 51nrchan,. u~•wr and rrUll Sl.l, between ond It X-11*ItS 11Tfr:31 N. Co, Wholesale 0110 C .! r• .1. I. No. 14 0i I,e 0 my se__ _ ___ _ eW • ' C. W. WC.1 , 02 1 . . -- VW i. W ILLICIT. D I . tr e NW holesaleja O-l-r o Mi!i E"'ILCICETO, and Owlosson AiC lianas No IO 14. n esnealolehars . • l'a ' llulr eirOgil) a IC.llNOTwbolcsale la Tanul Ilat Jaa and. C1.1,,•111.11Pfill.1.115. and dealer. in FLTICT Furs. corner n: ~0 0d ninl Fif th ua._,___. ??????? 4 & J. SW/ AN, Whole...A. Gamer., Dealers m vla Prodder and Sail. and Forwarding and Conithic on Noma:Lin, Nu+ t 3 I.thany and 03 Wood.atrenl. , Pinthargla XT lIOLDINS & SON. do 65 Market fleect,a For. ce- .11 . ond doorfif , er of Fourth, Doaders in elan and lama- Billscorn Pa of rhange, Ceroficate. of Deposit. Bank N es aecie. 1.0 - Calfieion. math nd on Sp aUtlit principal Oda dee.l thival auslio finnor pb,„ 7 ITISIPLIT, WILSON Ss Wholesale, Dry IVI Goods liculets, No. 8 Wood tweel,l'ituiewo woad Wr - i'oindes A Culbertson. CII (WA, POINDEX4•ER k Co Wholesale Orate" and Coend-fen red Forwarding Merchants, Noel warolrerl dregs /1 •lIAla IC INS. Anwar. t litant . Bake Italliting•, neatly o p posite Wir•NEis Souse. p_sog:kna • . . 1.30HEHT1401.4 er HEPI4.II.T, Produce Deal. 1. <,.. and Communion inerehants, No IrA - 846nd.4, . Itiitalirgh. -- septa TyICIIARD T. LEECH. Jr:,.lr6ortrf -sod Ili, likuler in Forrian and Ilennesue &dale:) , Ilaid re wa. aid Cs rt...rs3 paugunst,of all descroption:A. .....V.pd mires, I'llt.borsh• - - . "it - rarc_,a li. — th • lIIRUCIC .t. CO, Wholesale C . ;c:ers, Commis 11. mon MerelmOrs, 1.11 dealers in Produce sod Poodmrslt lon,rfsetures, Liberty' sL opposite LiMitir• field_ Pololoorsb. PL. . . my 3 RICIIA.RD LIAILD,, wholesale aod retail desks in Lestiter:Ntorocco, ahosioakere Toolsood Find. _ . 1 T• .1 and T nen Oil, No. BUSINESS lARDS i )01/11LT DALZILLL tc Co., 1V /,,,,A...e.rr,.. 1 A. 31. W0.1.a1w0,11. Jsro F 'Singer. JA 31 Eti W. W (1013 W E LI., ili.cm+. 02 11 . 11111. " 111111111d Forw a r lllll ll M 1.1.1111,1,,,11 ,' Iv ALI-Ist:FORD b. G'O.• PIII,IIVIIii 11 1,05 urt . ti F. w Jolt. ROOMS, ...,...Ita ProJeoT an,41 . 1.1/orgl , 511“.11 , 2C1UT..., 1...ny L ci),,INII,iStoN . !Vit , s All LANG 01EttelinsTs. N ., .0 TIMM ,TIMEr. 111, Yinsburgh, l'a. ft .l / 1 .1 . ~...e.,,,,, I7s .. . j 1 l'l 10 '. ,: ji.:t itp‘y . , : it ! .:A NII ./......1r1.11 .. . to . ruri....a.. ..-•' -, '1: ~, , . ROW, 110.0.0:1: 1.11,1 . 1.. 11. R0b1.,. ..,.... RouisoN , co, ~, ~.,.,.. 1 ..„. PIiTSIIURGII aIANUF ACI'UItES, .. , :d.0 ,. , ar i"...0. , .......... Ji.duce node...moon Me:NOnt , and Dealer. on ' ‘ . ": Hl. "' "US' '' ' '''''''' ''''''• 111 ' . ' " 1 "" i i " 1 ' --• Ito , . woo , tory , . 1.1wi•l• Pntsborgh 11.orfactures, No. 1 tott I, herr 7 street. Pitt... ..." 11 ' ''''" 1 - I '''''Y 11( r"" 1 liaye oet band trod tor 10, 1. cur.:do, o, 1., .1 d.ool mole .o o7alor . sale 100 000 ll.s a..orled S,rol ea. burgh. Pa. '''''" o ' Naylor . .1 tl.lls Casr2heo„. Itoilte'r unilliermun te.l. ,„ i" :.. P' ,.., ' ; ' , ' "' , l' , ' „, ''' ' '" ' '''''' ''' '''''''" 4 Y rd , 00111110) Person. woo•hos DonEuT hiootm. Wholesale kiroeol.Recidy 1 Jorfr. & timgc . . Ara 11Ioster "Tron tend Cork " tio ' roar. ' 2 ' o... w ! u ' u ' d . .l.l ' yee ' orto go. omea 01 .1, as lam ./.1.. ing Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Mann - , 1 1 2 21 do , 01 , e 1 l• 2Poedes oral torsi, doepn to dmy pr ce• .1.11 pied., Eon i I ine oock (denim, mid all kends of Fore.gei and Dootestle Wines o' Cure.age 1 :dte, owl Aire , cootie. 11 - air 1 Lorjuors, No II Ltherty street. Pittston rgh -knit i I ~ prams , : 110,0 I Vll're, (pedant atttl cononoon 1 sto rot, web P., h .' tl 1r:or-cloth ....et.. trr NH. On hand a very largo smele. of superior *%edge.,,Siedg 2 Nloulds. Crow too., 2 lot Nlaloogat l l Nor , t.1.' 1 Ohl Monongahela Whiskey, which will Ira .011. low for l Furnace lt , tiger.. tJunath. (moo II pair Dean.. cash. may 21-1 y M i otork s. t lay and Coal Pecks. ' I. do/ hoe mahogany 111.a.r.. J. L. Jae - A es, Socy the, Sot kir, Lop Chotin,,ke A,.., L. O. !Reynolds 12 radhogoony st ..0. S ow - ' . trcrulainsookr Eno Proof Sates lion Naas 1 , 1‘.* D IogYNOI.III I 4. SIIEE, Forwanhag and Co. - o „„i, „ mp r ~ ~,,, • .• . • 2 dor toil.,,catty Hon k one 1. 02 ,- • ott.urg . artutanto-• sold so tb.. tow e-1 1.1. missron Merrra.tts, for the Allegheny Hoerr *read , . j ' 15 marl 1., tor Der.solog Ddrion, dealers in Grocerms.Produc,Pottodourgh Al drialacture. : 1 , 1, 1 1.11. • eel.l 2 0... r i ie onormen. and Chloride of Lime. 111 Danes nowt, J Itetraldo Sank , e „whir. rap Work Snood., The highest prices, In cash, paid at oil tomes for CRARLES IL. DANENUOWER & CO. 17 cherry Pio cork S.artd, Compry flogs Corner of Penn lend Irsyvn ~ .lan2 l -1 . , TOBACCO Nlnhos..ity Nlur, Cheery houl Poplar Ilcolocad. 01 „II de•, root., and a large .i.oortion•ot o Colwoon 'lltoe , . 11. Who. i 'l,ollMissioN MEILCLIANTS, Foittonere and Chair.. too nameron. h. 111r1111(01 11 11 Shacklett QIIACE.I.ETT ic WHITE, Wiwi...ale Diu' i N ., r ., ,, , ~,,m , ,,, wh,„,...,,. and N. i, ,, ,,,,u,h wa,e, ,t, ~,,,,thr 1.3 lets In Pomp , and Domenic Dry l•uod.. No LP , . PHILADELPHIA: . NEWII A, E 1111' AItI; I T (1 1 , 1.,. _ Wood tome', Potrteurgi fcbEnf • 11 "...; to tnfortn me trade and deal, rs•generull) or . JOali.Pll WOODWP.I.L Qfr. W. 11AitnAuoti,-wool Mereh,ns. dear. l 1: , 1 1 ,00buma, th at they hag:mult. such Arrange...eon o co nee of Wood and nd ts ,PI 'tab tegin kl• er• in FlSa.tSod PrOdUre generl! um) Fury:AM.. ~ 4hk the VOColoi manuthetUn.ra and the (.rowers of r g r i y VINO wetlulau to orate are " ..1.1 hint of WOtker & me and„Comon.sion Merchants, No si Wood street, Me West : West lathes, wed olle . er 'daces:l. tetli in..... I ri w ,„„,.,„.„, „„ ~,,. ~,, „, 1 , • ,,,,,,,, ) ~,„,, ~, l'Attbutgh I.ot ! allare and eonoant ..prty nol , .. 11,, "" , r , mr , lr - , ple..ure o ninon/won •in ens fro rat 1 . 1. the coy and • CI AMA:IEL PALMED.. Attorney ao Law. Odle - , 1 :,,`"„11:°:,,(2,.:„1',',...ur'r.'„11:,',1,,,,5,!.:',' 0 h ::,, °1 ,, , u ,, , ,:”:,,,7 0 1 . 1 ' , ..? . .." . saodietry, . that I have ore ' ned ray to.w eto ' te at the dpoye , oia Breed's building, No 22 Fourth 11ree 1 . ,11.1 ` 1 " . ' where, ;ii..l all ood.orth-red 'oon Meru well Lt. war. "'"" "'"'' """"S P"' et g".'d* ''' ''''' Wood,and Smithfield. novllkwle i rm .,..., X i and made ettrangement. with noratinowers „I O. equal to tern...en...1.-o . l',ooll ry and 10 E:0101 , 0 ,01,0 I 0 11,111110, , nipol01d. 1 Sur QTEPIIEN DA.RItETT, Manunternme of Fan ; 1 lavoia; St. Donungo, Conn.. I tuoly 100,1 rcil to turni , ll l 1 Iwo ware of 11 , kind, 00 as 0 ey.Shaving and Toilet /Oar , W lame and Slllllll, , Pura: Porto (1,00, 1 1 01,n 1 a , 1 Serdlxaf ro ; ~,,,,, ~.,,,,, „ I , „ ~„. „ n „, 1 ,,,., 1:„, oe We.l - pressed Lard 011, Se. No II F:011 Pl. Lemon Wood ' Cant; 1.2. n., and Flocidu.) bane. ; 5 1 i.„ 1 , 0 „,, „,,, ~,,,.... 1n,,. ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,.., m , 6 , and Market eta Post...ale. Po. • c:11 AI.SO-13tanch's celebrated Artimatoc Stag Coven. 1. • ---- ' iltiolt. %yule a lark, A•koninonl of ono, impulse brand. ir , -...."110" , .. ,,,,,, "1- P.-h.-1"f. , --0--- s F VOX ROS.NIIOII.ti.T h. Co, 51'10! tole i ~,,, „,,,„„,. ~„ p 0 „,,. ~ ~. , ~ ,,, , ,,.„,,,.p : ! G.: ..a.ar oLa , 7111 . 0r i r:n . ,, r , 7 , ~,, 7 . , , ,, ,,. _ „,...„•0,. .7. (11m s'orwanltiog and Loo llll . l oote , le"e" 112111. :HR. iso. wed IN Pi,-; Linloes . To ..t; Wagon. Twist. • ,'. '..; ''' ,"., .t L .. 'r ? r 'r " '“, r" r , %.,. Dealers in Pit.eiumll Manufactures tont Westero Pete , ~.. ...„,,,, „ t , ~,,„ ~• ~, „ h ., ...., ,„, ,„„,.... wooed 1 ...”. • k`thr • •t. 'o' ~ ,Y I AK' . , ool•• Ao`' , duce. bore rembrod lo tLe.r lie. , woroboure. VA.) stood) „ u d „, ,",..,, 1 ..,,,,,,,, 5.,, ,,,.,, , „ ,,. , ,, • t ,„.„_ . ..„ 1..„.. k ., I.„:, h ,... ~ ~.,,,,,„„. i ,,,„ ii ,„„..., Na A corner of Front oot and Chancery Lane nov7 m, m ~,, „,,,,, uk ,crew., k eson 1 terrory Plaeoes,ra . Makogana I oard• - • - S•VodlY . a ... 1 votirer. and all nth., article.. moth etc.! .volt the (.2ABIT.IEI. Al. KIER. Forwarding sod Cointms . JI) 1.0111,, I. - cc As r osooos. J sio sale rchant, Dealer to Salt, Produce mot 1 1 doe 1 Lateen Pottstown , Pa Ix' , n Nash 2 ot., Tetra. t.orgh manufactured mock, Canal 11a.... new ith st ° 1 ECM Ell &l'u. AfiVEILSON. Geo , ..,prona, I.:AZZAI S PATENT LIEOSTKAD. J.l I.i Forwurdrag anti C01111111 , •11/1/ Nlrmlont•. No 11 "l" n+'l N o • 1 1 W I rlt rio r A . N I) I N 11 - 771 - I.‘„ - .5.D.E1t121 1 / 1 .1 1 1, 10/ aim ore ~,,,.. D ow nom 00,0, .L.,,, Droadwny ,1:ora.11111011. 1 th,„ 0 1: ) ..,..- , -„,,, „,,..,,,n,‘ ta this:oven: 114.-,L,,e-,i,-1.,,,1 boa 1,1 11 /,11,10,s:11 N 100,1111,1, mv . en. Finn ree., and ge/cultural 111.11 , 011 , 110 , No R.'. v. - I 2 Wood street Petodourett. ~,,, , NI Allen &Co lorot ot the , a id, ranger , . ot Oa - - LI leaky . 1 / 4 Sown, I•.:1 .hough ' -,....,..7:.,_- and Aileen , 1n a l ai. um! d 1 'r nun:, 'PASSEY & BEST Wiana,,,.. ~,,,,, & , Wta Hole:barn it. , .0.. m., hay •how or thonoolveS 1 Caratotss.un Nlerrhant.,tod de. , r • .it • Erodni o - 1 , SonY , N. rowpl.erd, ? above obe vuoso pi...i.t •e de •10 •1101/1110 , 0 . 06011 2 . 1 ( 01 ~,„ 3, W oo d . 1 , 1 , 1 11,,,,,,,,, 1111,11 Martin A N1eA1....0r. 7...5k , 10. relth. 1 ~ . 00. eta.: 1..1“1111 0 11 , 0. 0 ,, 00' Ir •• ith.101o 0 0 1 ) V" artuan* Arnuovad I . Mninductu T'.:%.K,d"i',..'', 1 ','„ , ..',',1•2::'" , 'L , ' ,. J': . 01;. , , , ,„ l' Lane h. C0.. , Ky. ru.iren;nlll,.l,,,il:ri ~• 1 ... n• ow .114 .eight. aro ) So...lgor Wln t c 0 .. ) ...00• For 11-. th.- t.,...ar, conker of Wood and pourds -tree, i' 9 ' Jame. Johnston rt. Co ' l ' lll 0"'- \t 'r • t he .I,IP, 1,11.. r. po 0. 1 •al t ,11•00.1 makers of thr Tl l Forsyth It J Pur, tn. ' Hewett Horan & Co.. New "ilea.. : 0 . 0 t ., 0. Pottsliorelo 2od A 0 I , nl. 1 0 .V. lO h rbY 11 01 i tot, tlo.r• Y.., hi, 0 bo: ehi the 1 clo In n 1 " ere sood toed T.,1:-.:16;,..°R5.27:1'..&,C°.,tz,':::11;m.r:':-.‘,‘,1, -',1:n7r,.°,,r,:',',1;:r:',;:.N.7„.'„,n.5c'r: •,ead. won Gni ion 1 1 . ., , , o I Etnor.o not eio•ider lnehurgh Nlanuiamoi es, Canal !Iwo I.,:ierty •ovreet. ' Sust.h. Ildgaley &Co . l'ln.a.le.ploot olle 0,n0.,...1.1.1 “...r.., a-. .....4• 0 1e` ..1 0 ,11,11 00 tir. I..llthafejlk. ("Me ! 1).....) Dephon lia-lon ..1 tVJ ..... ) ....tor.l " Jol.• :11(1iew .10i10 D. WIC , . ' I,Vlti 0 0 se. (MCI! 17. 6 Cy. Lcovrieb. W. CNN .1.4 , 11 , r ~ y ome &Cu Itohert Frartnan VICK ite AVCANDLESS, Dokee...ors lo I. &IJ.G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., Jlt 110111, .1. otos 131 arr V 1 1.. o n Wholesale Grocers. Florwardong wool t R ECEIV 1 NO. FORW A/1 HIM, 1i• tpoo ry & Son Control...on Me desires tit lion. Nails:Wu. , , And Commission Iderchontar lowroe ,C.' 1.1 to It.ddle A. Dr. aro -1 Cotton Varna and Promborgb NlandfueOme. generally. i PLAQUEMINE, La. Thranit- Foley Itugio II W.liaro eorngeof Wood and Wet .r we, Ponelvele _ inehls , on\ RTICE'LA It Whom.. pod . eonsrgoments of D i .o v .it 1.0., Rom., lk kl'Cleinand - ! r ugar Nlilt., Engines. ter other cane le. for Opelonsa. ! ~,,,, w „, 0 ,„ Nloses 'flannel/ W . i te trol U teu ft e rh.0i5iLT.71.!.`":,`,',:',":r;L%,'..."::, ~ .d ^‘,.'' Day ol Neale)' m ,,,,., I REFER TO-Nlassrs Sheffield &. Loghtlow, NI: TL,. , p,,, R„ . 1 .10 m ~,,,, , m , .„.a o r , n i m v e It e d,teads some as love as id cents. . n ''' ' mas I.iniertek. New Orleano. • ' I TP' na EBENEZER 1 , GAZI AM. GREER, Vilade•aieGroe , r..ronraolialt .a , 1 Messrs. Lon Hon In Better/on, NH 7. M . 2herlocy. row &ern Pottellte2 1V .. Commi.son Merchmt, azol Deailr on Produce M e ssrs . I)ATENT Pill' a • IllilCll. • 111ACill. , ig Ind Pit.lorgh Nlanufactures, corner of Winer (111 d 1 ,Nles`t's Doll & SPeer. Mr. Wen OLearY• Robe. i ~ ...,,,,,,,,,,. ~,, , ,,,,,,m , ,,,,m . d „ imm „„ i‘ ,„. m Southfield sts. Pot.beerch, l'a,__ _not 5 V 1... A I . l troeog & N.e. 11.112, 1 ols , urg l e• 1 -IS .1 r a nr,.. 11r,..1. Nide , toe. mod louvoric •oore Ono Nt.,.. )e n tice an. ~ , Id 2. Co . C.l e.llllOll ‘ATIIITSIORE it. WOLFF, Innu.rters nod I Nies,. Ily , i ,. & Cra.c.end, N1e.0., Edwards & Cur 5h ,, 1 „ , ..' ,,, ''' ., n ,'. 1 1, 5 , , ",,7 " „,.1 .1. ,,,!.. " ,n r ,:; i ::: „ n, ,, V V W1011t114,10 Dealers .n Hardware, Carle rye 2.1- Wlidealt. llon.'"Zonon Luoaave, Hun John Dutton; ~, f i .'„, , ~,,,,,',„. r um . ~,:,, ~, ~, ,„ ..Fordo„,. m„,„ akey, ke g corner Liberty told St. Clair sorer., Po, , rm„„„ „„ b.” , p ,....r, 'reek (non erode e . o.y. nad w .11 mule 10 1.00 e . A .A burgh. - ale - , CRAIG. HELLAS & Co.. .0100' foot 1., el per ,011 .1.1101,011 ~, , r, . 1, . ..:13.1. up \ V t r. ? ,. /. 2Na i 1:',11‘.i.';,':;;1d....'.:".",:,„":;:577,1.1',th: I FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- ~,,,,,!::, .L L : . : ,, , , 1 , . ‘ u , a . la n ::;ne. ,, " • I :!:• , , , :7 „ :. ~,,.. ~ ,, „ , . ..k . ...', 1 , ; , where he is prepared to do every deseroploo. of Rug MISSION MERCH.kNTs. I.• ne. n 0.0.1 - ,. I, • • ~,,,,,. ~ mug lot .41.,e on g , low nod Bowfin ojb?01 I r 111 RA 1. cash ulyaners made on reeeort of eon. 1 oat 1011111 owl ..........111 , ...1 Elva 1 1 an,... 10601110 . . - Those storpoteg to our Fiddle.. wool be mei ~• and out tonothee Noll crew, ju. 1,,, , t. n . . 010,. lAT W • \NALLAC7, - M 11 stone and moil (toms , s- 1 e-Xttene.ols VV. mg cstald.rnent, No-21A Liberty Mel, near 1:1T. rszo Il.roe-tour , ths rzthir .n advance In Cast, by aro) ~, ~ „„ w, „ r ,. „ 0 .,, ,, ~...., , 4, ,, , ~...,..„.... ~,,.,....:, on9sl. I tug to our I,o'lll, , ,„„ ,n, ~ ~, ,I 0 , 0 0,, .00, n• , . n • . . ' Alesora. W110..411 , 0 A. Taylor. PtlShorol. or ..v 0.1 1.. , '.f.., i...., othe .1..........a.ful opoth• 1Ij•.Ik DI. ILIITCIIELTILICE, Wleoloole Gni- I M e s s rs. Th,,, Boa Aco . ur,d,,,,, oh,. I: 1...th00 tiour 1.. 5 1 / 4 ..,..,...t ... 1-e.thl. llf s Oen. Reeolpthe ihstlllria , sod 1 / 4 % me sod Loquor o o Pholadelplon. May & leth sl e rehants, No. Wu L.Merty street, lopposite Sara .I. 1) 1 N. li. All produce ron•ogned to,o. os Amo 1 ....1 when , onnoavo..l o ... 1 o a ~.. in, co. , V. 0 s PakklthrEk con.l2.Aly '1 in the wareloon.e of W •llongtord k'i'te, lon r,,, ,,,, ,,0 , . ~,..,.. , ~., ,„ ~,,, ~ , , , ~, A,...- - II A Co \ A - O. 11. nouissoN, .more, , 4., 1...... In, ! 01 "' 001 00 '' 1 " I.."''''''',""' ,le i 1 • rk. 01,, h.• ' , ff..' 1 . 1 .0 E... 1, ...5' Daoldia.l ll - O F"l;Esii I mvoRTATioNs or II NIiDAVA RI.. ..., Al hair street, trait door to Ai deunot. Jol.n. LOGAN & IiENNEIII, ~. Lt u p2d3ru 0,0 ' IMP ital.:llS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS 1. , ), iP I kI u• wi11itA1LD. ,,, " .,... ' ) ." ,,, q. ,, ' IN II 0 11.13WA1111, CUTLERY, die., :ro tI . . Dry Good. , No Ili Market street. Pottstourob i: 1 ' No. 122 Wood Stret. tarl3-olty , P TTSLICROII. i . ..,,, 11, a 0., ,11.E.1.A.ai5..-LOLWOILLTII. 0r... ..ara , j % HE how 11, the ems,. of re, , pog 10021 el Id I , lll' 0 l. opo wl, . 1 Dtstrmt:/ Whole•al . Oroe o 11. "'''' ""." Inc . " RI 'ri . 11e , r <ostensive .rar Li 01 Ilued wore. ry and ..o, .•.I,d m ~ i : ere 1 i.o. o las Wood lit where they oder fol.olo 0 :urge a 0...... Iso i ler) . &i. . whoeh havoe 1.1 ea tharr..o4o.l ,th the .....- toi orb. :rod. 0., wog te no .ot of Groceries and Pittsburgh Nlanut.detures, at Ines m_ , ..„ m m. m .. „ 0 , ,„ p . „,,, m d „ m o A.„,„ mon , ~,.. i „ . ,, : , ......1 on favorable term. !MC= W.r WILSON, lathier tu lVathav•...lcthr ry, 1` . Silver Ware, Military Good, ac, Nu. 57 3thr. tat street $" em( Market alai Fourth at.. m:2l and',tract., will [cep a c.thstaat suppi) /., the bc..i anerl,eines, pernanco). Lc, phy. m ian, rre..ertp:, ... clref,illy caathautlJet l . Nletheittes cm Le Lad at alt more of the ifebladly - -• A M Jo.nr FS.ucct. lATALLINUFORP Se•cond, o „„n nr ni c „d llfr word.. Mershon., ... Pittsburgh. Yn. TILTIM• IL DARLINGTON, Attorae) nt Lave i ......,..1.1.,_F. I I:).!1", ' , % • V .1 V & CO., . . , ~ , F , ,, , , r,.. „ . NV Pittsburgh. Va. Onttnins.nttor to Unk 0 the ac- . [Yu , ,• ," II O. , lun• r.'n" , •• "n °••I I ,',•••,...... ~,,,,... :„, ~, c astowledgreent at proo of Geed-, Len -,Cuoiratt, . Merelialit , . and I • todo. eDe .'ere-s,•uti.lenci ot the ..,,,,,,..,.„ . ~,. qeP ,4 • lll . l th , or ao oa.. I,,itirla Nader ~cul ur noth th. ; I urchanc. Sale •nd , n , pow. o. Vig Iron t oal Se _ ..., .:. .....I.er ...tab. -t. , ~ ne Intted crr recorded in dm :tate of Oh,o 011ther on Int, Lilt To. Int , ...11..• . ~ Third Itreel.iloVe..n it !old thllltl . Atwood, lone. A C.. Itora.o. gooey h. Co V, •11 Itteo.l I', .1.11 0.1 .. north `,. 40t.,1• , .... I Lorena. 1-throng h 4'n /both, Grad iron. \V one W .0411 1,. r :too t,e, tronta,..trar.•. evety !P INT C. AUGHINBAUGIL Alltonry nt (...to . ~,„a . Lo ,„„, ,co 1. 1 1..e01. 11 Co 11 .Fidh .trret. near Southfield Coil eftwo.nt•on : t., en Lot,S A. Co 1,,,,, n. 1.1...tv tio.r.or FC..% S '," ele. and ntlo 4 . b 0.,,, ,, a ,•,,,led ..• ~... 1. , p. ,,, . d , ...i. •. „,.„,,, ~ , ,„... Sll ,S t1:1. 0111 EA n 11:1( V. tit:art i L:1,1 • Ittrothoeth.- ls S. Senthlr, V. th C0g...0. S., , JOHN F. la 11_13 GT V. II A Fahne.ork & Ca, John heron., F.., I Lane of 0.0 tom 01 Nl.thoona Leren h,,, ; Graf, Lindeay ..t. Co. )011.1 55 1,41, Keg. - Wholeutle Grover. Conuot•ton & F lour h,.,.,•1 Ihs h••• James AlcCully, Esq, Maj. ,V,ll,an Lanni . 1 I 'Jarchow,.,lo • ~.14.4. _______. ____ _ .. D1epcA,1tr.;.:11.1.,,ti,4.1:1. ~,, .' , 0:,..1 , 1,r , 1 Prothe .. Cop- 1 , - .1 • BEIVAIL, Il RECTIFYING DISTILLER, D,r Stills ent.oo I.,rn. ...... the and 1 1 1,...tha0 i 0.,..,, 0,, , , . ~. . AWD WHIM...ALE DEALER ~ FOREIGN & -DOMESTIC IV INi-S & LIQUORS, ,"`&7i..1.',",-",:i11b,1,1,..",-..,„c, „„.(„....1.,,,.1 ,,,„ ~,,.. ~....,,, ~-,,,.,,::',,,--...„„,„. No. 114 Liberty at, and 53 Diamond adry, ' 'month.. of Produce he it.,:. 0 , o ~.. ..-0-0 , .. :41.....1,! • n ,Rlirt I .1 PITISIICII I /1 1 , PA Ira. , C , l, 1-., lt . I I.or. ned I ... t. ,•,....• " . .c•L•• '. ~[717-dly AUCTIONEERS '• WARRICK MA ILTIN & Co., ••• POILl'Elt'S DAGUEII ILI A \ POU'l ILAIT - Banhers, &Wen in Erekun re, Bonk shms an 4 Coin. 1 . I. NI) COINSSION AIERCIIANTS: ( -LI. , ~ r t r...' ...''' Comer at Thl rd and Wood f‘rret, ALEXANDER LEVY & BEDS. • 1 ...: t• l'a -hl a Ints I• )4 ••,,,iti it,t, trOvlll-.IIT , Pit"b , " ,! gh. P". CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS ..... , .: , 1 ,,,,, e , ~.. ... ,0 .. , I , ~,, ~.., ITWirittltatiltt. t'n. M , 113 . 0 tlFrEit to • •ell nt either r.t.001-I.4thul, ell It 41.1• nt ' ,,,,,,,,,,, 0: ite , ...ette , t'' orto. , ... ISt/foetal I n - Lowrie 4. 1111.nothl . Men htAil:lt t e at the 1000-4 roe. 01 4. emu, ...on. and 1• I,, , ~,, e ,,,,,,,,, ~,„in,.., 0 t,, Th. .• „ , WILLI A 31 S A, bII RN , ,„. ~ , , ' , 5 p....A ~, th n, ott er l'he too, of ev, .1..4 ...or. , and ~thr, 4., • Om: It. ATTORNEYS AND CO AT LA W- ; refercnre. gthen, it reolu.red. Letter. addre..ed tn ~ Aly ,n to, ~ , ,,,,t. , A 1.0...0 4 My-Office Norh tode of Fourth 0. ahoy.- linntldn:l4.4.* ~a 0 ii,,,,„ ,a.1111,,,,,,,i, ~,,,„,1,.,,,, t . “„,,,, ~, „„,,,,, ~,, ~,, ~,, ~. , feta:tits...lff .. ~ ~,,,,,, ~ ~ ,„,..„..,,,,.„ ,„ , r .„,. - . . ' JURY 3l. RICIIA II D S, -,,,,,.. E. J. 11EINFLY. ArrousEv and Counoellor at I. CINCINNATI . COM MIS lON MERCHANT, „.,,,,, ~„,.,,,,,,,,„. s ,‘- 1..-tru , ooth• Ithunth u. :. .1 0 I o , : ... ‘'.' r. 1...11 r.t. 0111 e. Co ll,ll dna . S. 111111•1 ° " 1 . A llll . ' l ' l ' ll° NO SO WATER .- • • too t /GTE CII EA rsi Dr , 1.w.,,,,, , ,, -, 0,,,-.1,,, 1•n .0 Ith,l : • t,.., 4, , C3 , 1 and La Kentue6), promptly and careful., noroded to. lIAL IhIOIE, ' nue.. nd,s long C.tet .. .1, 0 REFER TV- 1101, Richard 11,41,110. IV. /1,1 h. you.: , a g To, Driw 61... ..a.• ~ are, Dt , rd Fr.., CU.... Hardware Cutler - 5,•,1.1 ler Se . REFER tutu, Wto Nllfinght,enurch &Cro:Lem 05u lla, e, VI ... y. ~,,,,, ,„, i .„,,,,,,, J/lIN W..i1114.1.411, '. - .E.qn Jame. P. tatuart, Will‘thlt Jr_D•ie , t , O . 's._ i Advauer• aon c0...v0w-nth Sstthfartory ref. i .,, t ., ' ,TER ~,,, ttlAt., g ~, t „,, Oliver Illackla o n. • - 0eor"" U. Jone. GrOttre to those addre•cng 1., mail .. - 1• 17 1 1. /t c I 1,0.1 a to, ....old r..,,,..5. , . 0. BLACKBURN & Cl), tor.Z• T•goßrAgrs• W. it I,XreEt.t. and the pu. ~,,• • ,ent•rolt , 11..1 he . • Wllllo°(LettAgit%lttlrgTftttntan a l' at ' eVn " re. " d ::rt ! L c ' 1 1 :e. 1 1 , .:v . „! , THOMPSON & CAMPBELL, • .pr uz.tlynl,. Ilar.l. arc 4, L... on huld al all taunt a full and grortal OttOoltilletil tot ' COMMISSION MFRCHANTS..‘"'-''''':' '''''''''-'-'' '.'.. And Manufacturers of Linseed Ott, . "'` :I' r"'' '"'''. ' ''...• tptsl; b their hue, Water CM, lartlf etterry,..Pinitr;,, lle wl.l be c n.l.aunlly reee .•r•O ' , •“•• , •1' ,,,,,,,, •' • No.. 20 Cuitsmbia Sired, from the Mat .Ittiotilf , t. 01 I.o , othe ..,..1 0..• totht.,. WIREIIUURICTF TEE JUNIATA AVUOKS, . - CINCINNATI, OHIO. wr,..1, vt .II rn.toie h... 1,,,,0.rp , :e wall .01y ,toh , 0, CO . EAER PAID roa rtaxerso...a) , met, rO, V a.t nr %Veg. TOIL TOO PALL 07 . We..tetn ltle,h.on.u•r ~,. t. , 1 .1.-all .14 , 1 r 43.4 ,, ne BOILER IRON, uoiLER IIEA DS, FLUE & FIRE . "P''' ' ' I, 1 10. ~,, et t.• thn ;p.. hnooc .1.,.,..1.., BED IRON WALLINGFORD & co., Lows., ~,,, Op. E. F. SHOENBERGER ' commis...mos s. FORWARDING 511.30;0ANy 8 ' ~. . , i Ili 1. thu underocthol t.u , o roteth.l 00.. C 0 nn,,,,,,. • P/TTSBUILGII. PA. , ...., Second Street, ne•r Wood. I 1 •111). tor It. I won., et sragtrAcniEs A Erughwc h 1 ° i'tttAi.R.Fit MADdtkr hp,* and 11 e.or IC. thn0m0t..... ,1 Farve,,,l,,,G hr•••,,..• anal., the .1,,, Haying taken the %yarehou 4 e 4:lnnerly occut , ed "I/ ; jp,;,;;,,:,,,,', 0 ,,'_„„", , 0 „„,„„,..,,, ~,‘ „ d ~ ~,,,,,, , ~, (GLUM. Mc° ILETY & CO., Id li /Choy tr. Co. Water . near Ey...a Steam .11111, lof rlrnnlr e .1 ,, n!;. , 2nd.. 10. 1nn.!•••••:,..7.,,,n0d.!,k" 1 h . ,..1 hove :Alen It, ....ratan, No to 1,1111110 , 0111 , nit t aC Will kcep on hand a full Nopply of all 0.1, of Bonier I le , "f" P?"" 1,.....0 00/ " . • ' , 1.e....L.. 0 " n. " me llows. I. herty 00 i. furitths , , orca, , ted .• • NI r 51, II Plth , Iron - land Head, Flan and 1-tre.lled Iron, tondo up& s_l_tdre •- • re •oe _ ,_ _ .',_ I ~1,, , , ~II ha...,,•• 0.,, tosholluniata foroesr, which hrtll be Witt at the 5/ 000 ,NA LOol."1 Lr.O.cit. ...GYM I 1.1.V.CH i NOII4II I I and t•ltt.l,o', nth nth d 1., market Men Cupric Lit:Oder. and nthE WE arc snvit•d I Id ALCOLDI LEILCII A SON, MORRIS I IDll`.l.l , gro.wr , , r 0 in, 'el,. o call and ezaronte b.. otock Order. pare ht• engird so. • ,1 Il v -L , m0..0n "nd Flour 111erolthot.• c'eo l -th 'll At: lint, FIN iiI,1:1 It Al, I• 114.0, lo , stitry Pri.duce, yel,ppor, T..., T.n Piste*. 'nun,: , 1 . ..'., , 1• 1.'0(11 ,1, :Y! •thtt' ., t t ! 1 .4., ._ . _ TOIIN Si TOWNSEND, Ihnegt•l and Ipo , 1:- I • " inn , Inot a/al Vail., 2,./1., Whar Iwa.l. Dye 01u:1 - .. et eary. No 0 hloraet 61.. thse , dn. , at,o , c'Ttord .1, 1 ~, .., ..,_,, ~ L.. ~,,,, IN : m 1• ..„,... ~.,. ~., ..,. . . OILUGS. DILL'GC.• I'l,l.lmph...sal have con.tnotly on band a well .rthet- I 1.,,,:, ~;,,-„Lx,,,,,,,,„.,;„.,:,„ g ,. .,, - , i .. ..,,, a 7 .. ;•,,1 • f tO•t. 1,0111.1.0 10r,,,•1 :,,,,: % ~., 1e...tr . .. N W ad atrolnnentof rho best ate ithshes. NI rd.tholr, xli,rls 1 , ~ ~;, . 1 ',.:..,„, o . ~ L... ..':,„.., ~,,•,),;..,,,, , 00 '., „,„, • .1 ~.r 0.... ot W... 1 e.i 5it..., i• ...I, , th 1. ,v, I /eel , he orth Sea on the totho resthonellor 1. rm. 1 1 14,,e , u... , ,'. : 1 t ~ • • • , oon 11,0 Oil hood. 11,1101, 1 . .1 /I , s, 0 ..., 1,,• •ustf. sendtoe order. wig be pthoupth . .1,0.101 in, ...I nolo ',",:rg,',',,! ~.. . ~,,,,,, or „....,,,, ~,,,,, on c . 0., ,S. . plied with tune thsthrl 1n..) r.l) to.a., 4.• armor, ~ ,: '",,...1, ' „, r „..„ , ' ' ~,,,,,, Irrlll4atenut.' Nevem...ol. *AI be arcuthielv tool ' . l'_' .. • ' . I ' .. ' ' he. . • - 1 rd. , ttollY P l cPared loan thr l•ru noter , .. at ato hour ~1 111 /CRC 1i..1t. 1111.0T1 1 E. ILS h Co., the day or n,to • COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. Also for sale, a large sock of fresh and rno.l I,th,- , l'or 5••• nt . , 01 ['nom on geerally, , • , _ or_ __ rani I VIIII.A DEPIIIA. Toe. or.r.,ry. Fruit and Prorl.i.G. SI ore. u ir W. WILSON, %Yr.!, Maker or fsw.her. I 117-1,,1.eral advnit. e• tn. , th. con,tht ooo . - 1. 21 ; ,V,1t41,1.-.., l' A NIS III:r W. .1y . Lamer 4111 and 11.0.1 os A I.orh 011.1 toe•t . POII•sla, Geesn ,,,, tr ~... NO. lid 1.01111:1:TY STILE ET. ..I..eted ....I. at ....iirlie., J,,veD, 04:01 00. ah,l ' ~ ~,, ~..,,,,, 5111starg• Goals , A lway., on Lunt tmol .1 ,•41.1ar ....a , .W. ' Sv• ,• 1.0, 11 I') ~1.11?rwl• a. , .1 ~• pa, ar ..-1.. ran, la .; 1 I, N/ATIIEWS & PATCH, tern as Go: Fuel. Lever, .u•I Irortot , l , •alchr, ' ha low as SIO : , ,Issr ea ...ache. a. tow 3..1. . ' CI) 31 MI S Slo N ',ll EReII A N I s , thou to i, •0 .1 .....'. 0,.t.1L. • • • GenatneCo.per. fob., Johan'', ual other approre•l I , .apoi, n• • so si art. , .... ..1 ••: ,•••• No. 4. Water Street, make of wow he, may he had ut a maxi n:, n 1•. Aril Aw • ... Oretrttt n. 1. • ~.t. warrant. d. • ; trrEtne watch work done In the v..ry he., man..., 1 , , ‘ ,. T.11 r',"':l""T . 7 . Z ":„:',.',..,''..',,,',," ''' ''''''''. ‘'' l' "' l' ' COM MI...SDKs ER t o} DEED,. '' n ', • ' lt ' er ' r ' e " ro"-!;•;:hice'hlIatantn. A C., . P.04.,0rgh. re. I I I t I , l\ :t. kII ten, ..... , t •., t., ..., r „.,, I'. Mchrtar . Jay., I: I r•d..w.. I •rr t 1 :Iv , I,l,itayang, t h , lAA, ret,, , , ,, , , gg , rt ~II gi FLINT GLASS ESTA BLISIIIIENT. • •1rm,,e, ,, , ..i very nu.: 1.., 0 u,,,,,, 0, ..of 4, , . , w.. ot NV.11..V/0 0 ; tr. 1.ED1, 11 . 1-. . usana mclurt. and . k. , p ena• I J.'. ,''• . "'''' . ..t h 1 ''' .'"' '''". .. "' '" '',‘"'"" ,p• • ~. n• tana •., h• 0 .. a „,• ~,„,,I ~ , ~, „ h ., ,;„. ILL stanhy oa I,nd Cu, , Nounlrd and I it.n I 1.0. , JOHN M'CULLOI/ 11 1 1 6. CO ',,,, , ~„ ~'„,.„,. ~..., • , ~,,, „,,, ~.,,,,,,• ~ ~ ..ware, a l ail a, 5a 5,,,,,,,, 0,,,, u,,,,, o°l . 1 ('or ini.sion and Forwarding Ain - chards, rim gr. tr..; - 110 1 1 .00 I` OR \ N•E I ar t. o f Market mut Water s , lee, 1•.,:a , atgl.. NOS. 9:1 & 95 f.:011:111 ol'. 0,..,14,.. it •F °" "."" 'n"'"'' '" ''' '''''''" nil ".. "'' 1 l'''' ' '' ' '"""''''' "." A" thsli"hnr. . ' ' RAGS WANTED. constan ly adding to our stock. Wtilt h 5..,11 , t.• OP an I order. with nand Varcha.er• ars ,e•p•sn'ai . , 1 THOS. J• C ALISON, & Co• I. •• • ~, ki d I: \ MIS . I/ It o - whetted wean and exam nt pm,. uti,l Irrn.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I 11111,000 ..„.,..,1.,• • A .yi.e., I Now. It and 9 I.lght SI , 1 Ek . BAl.Tlnttit E. , „ , ~ • 11' If rfla.lt a.I V. 411 ,, wail Er in•Dlr mg con•ignmerit ,t, , ''' ,' ." • ID. Alm, Add, .. 67 I 1.1,1 I•'n r„ Dr,Di rr , Itr.. t i • 0°13,1 tY C ARSON k ,10V•tift wr 5,,,,,., •"' • _ . ! ( - LIMIL , IIIP WANTED Fat , . h It FU. H. liti:rErillElWElt ,-T I. , NI BOAT AGENT, 'I A'•tr , wilto , IA •ti: E.:AI E E ~,, ~, n r st ,. COMMISSION li . FORAV,IIIIII NO MERCHANT, , th , 4-....... h. - i." , ... -, .. ~ ...i --I ~.. , • PROOCCE & NICRCIIANDIsI: ItltOti Ell. ''',••• . 1 ..- ;'..`,.. " ''an I. 1 •••: 11 1". o.•an on• .I 00419 11111 , r, NO 56 Was, Street. I,ll•Eurgh I'm I 1^?"'''11,1';'1:11,r11•11, I. I. , s , • 0.0) I, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 3d St, opposite St. Cha 1 7 r 11C les rtm Hotel rt wild. also attend pro,aptly l'B4l , tiohr .n War'. inhlon. Fayette omit.. wen eta:otter, TO 117 81WC116106, Ben & Co Church &. Caroth , r l'att,urgh D. T. Mor j es o n u ItF M . 7 a .;,,° fTi .„e l )Vere. Nol7 5 mint Alert. nuh•er.t...r fully ehll• the utient;oo of the W hta , •, dealers, hther, to hi. I.rg, r hr, chrehlred Tin t ultd Copper w•rr, WV a I.inc ment of llnpored flour , FUTIII.A./Ig 11ardwar.. Wbolessle buyers and the. pubhe generally, FI re. in, .nt rrO led yr_ehl/. __ ek. Co, - BREWFR.I. 51A1.,TER,, .111 DEALER: 4 PITTAIIIIRGII AND POINT UltEWEItiEs. Come, i,011,4,. 4,1 P ttttt mrgh. J. 5 Uonbrlght. Ilunbrigtoi. J. If & W. 13015111 11 W1 T . ANUFA I tT II R!ES UP STA BCH, IA I ARRA iiirED egos!. of nM ousorrlot. to ady made V I tue Vented Sum,. end whith ,h-y will dist... oflow Pricey •nd on good Term.. cret3 yr •. t. :WA°, • ',rt..... ALE, rosTi.6l. E. P. hS. N SON & CO, %/TANI/ PALTII FIERY Alf II on.mrtrd Svels .and /VI ova., llorf, Slay u•.l Nl.nure rorkx. Ar . d.e Warrhow , N r o Is moot! rimis TEA roTOILE. No 71. lourcl tlct, war no,: 'All gouWire of Gr n eco tool Mat, Tex. u p in quar,r , 5.111. and one pound pock 1c..., ran pug Ircto C pound co Slid. A I Aj't flor ktl IT to Co FORWARDING COMMISSION., MISCELL INDUS. IMEIMMM GE.Olit , l , COIL 1.01: \VIIII No :21; Won. SI,/ LI 1 . 117 I ,ONTINUE!"-to tran,act a general tlnio-...a j Itusincz, Crt porcha , and •4lr .01 .ktrencan :lanulactU•c. and l'rodurr. and in rerrning and forwarding Goo, contlgned InA care. A.;ent for the Manol.ar toren. wdl he constantly lupplted wtth the principal Articlen of Pitt.bargh Alanularture at thy looc.t whole.alr Ortlrr and ,groon.• 44 4.. 4 4. ' 44 , 21,/,C14440 jp, sWEITZEIt .1. NEWTON JONES ' ,rilAmilliAT Ai:ENT A\ll iiirillitiSisi(lN , • 1.V111T1 , 10113 , I. NVOL FP. ni.az It CHANT. - ----- 7 - • IMP. rii ilii i , I Ikal, i 1 MO NO N O Alit , . I. ,i 110 USE. i . ",-,' s.• 1 .11 IN, do ay.. t ,. ?...!. • . Pittalitiriali. 1.111 1 ber, ..• , ~,,,, ~ 1) I I A. r A llNEsTocii do Co'.. % --- 1 . urn.: , 1 , -.74 7 4 . C , 1f-: ._. . ."` ' a 3. LEA 0 IVORIE S•—The undereigned have„,t. conl:1.1e11 their new works, located nn the bank I 1 • the Iv., utkove the Aryieduet, in Allegheny city, i ..,,,,,„, ....,._ , :' , .. 1 , i , . 1 ,, ':. ,, A , r.. 4 . ) , A ,.. , . ..., ~. 0 , ~, , orposite . 1 - I , aliiirgli_rdr thr u.anUlaeltire col 1. suyo• I I - ) ~F,;„..1,.....yrn.:1,7,,,,,,, ... , . ,,, S . U . ,, : , ;: . 7 ., I p. ' 111 : ., ,t nor tindlity ot . 010te lead, hntli dry and glrelnd in : w „,,,,,, 8„,,,,,, sr ,. , . I . „...,,,, i f,„„i, 0 , ..il: ai. , .. rrd lead 3nd Ittlirta on. Ilawl a.adrd , s„ .1 a1.,,,r, ...- 1...1.a , , thd.,......1....1 111, ord , . thein-dlv. , ~ I 111 the ~.-alla imr.,•rmeni., 1,1 Et. , p 1 ...1.,,,r,. .'""' i. "'""• 4 ” ‘ . " ..1 " U'' ou"'g. "" " ''''Y I ic.r.r. Kit COPVING 1011.0..i.sr_s_-,a ..no, exten•tve scale, arid with carriti , to in lead in , 1 4 , ~,,,„,.., ,„,„.„. ~,,,,.„.. m „„- o ,,,,„,,,,,,„,,,, large quAnm, they will be Able On ~ ply orders l t.,t rave. nod ....,.....1..1, E., tre..,,1 ..1 , 1 tor vine In almaat Inv ...mt. ar th j, y ' /MIN - . lhiN a. :41101crtiN ---------- I ~,,.,„ .oroe. Nlntk., and ad .ta ~.L TUVE. PATTIKItaiti NM Slatritl—Calet. , 13 10.1.14 rata ra !data, Allealsray 1,:i 1 ) , • t r h . l h a , lol. \ - 1 - )1r ,.. 1:A ,, 1T - ; t, L10,r , .. ,.4 .k. , ..... , ,, , f , ,, , ,• ;! , , , , .. , : . .. , , , ,..... , ....%, ,, ,7. , : ,, h3Ol ilia ttel.vert l'utlarae far Stove• nil 1111 1 1 , v ~ , ,: Ll, 1.!„),,,,..,,,,,;.,,,, 5. , ,...N,, l i:., ..rcr:„? : c‘,.,,,1c , cKcc, c., ~,c4 7; c wood or 1101, MAI Ileum, and all caber pattern I la order. , aplarl fith rlrert err . . ..._ 1 0 1 1,g—Irrsa gallons Illeacla..l . Spetto 1, I. . l i 0ti„.7.—,,,,0rti,r,.-:•;:nt:41,1,a,k,1_1%rae_ar;L1.,,,1,,rr,1tZ1r,1,1r.41,,,,,11), 1,000 al,' Natural Loaned alperm Osl, . 1,1 11 log t ....,r.). t o l: 01n. : 0 7 ..4 L . . t., , 1 1 ., , 0 tea) do lll,icheol IV :al., Whale ILI. N 1i,, , ,,,, r,.0 , ~... „ ~,0v ~,, 1.,, 5,,m 1 ,..t 1 - 1 ,. 1 4 0m,.. 1.1 n, .6 liblr hard rht ~1.1 rer 0 alol lal rale LY I .alably re . l7a d , ' l „ 1 r , ' All LIM , Wall I,IN I„, nA1 . ,) , . Trtlntnine • as)ailti •• - • ' CREAM FRI7I/J.:RS—lu;sl n , In, ine , rn, t (11' It S iIOLIVSII. FMB BI • o! loLn.nri. I•form Ire - 4 0 0111 It rt r • I rt-lr or " "me V V il:11111 nod for •al,' ow,. .•, 'Cnnul al No 17 mad. at Roble far Rtratn j . 7 , Al, j ARILIA NTED .I.EN A CINCINN ATI. 1101.. V A It VIM.: o • . • • • L.°, roe, • Polyglot no:eg,ntl Ps.shoo to metre. lil‘i % r:iv' L.nly. •' 110:1 J.lgro le lioM.• (Ambit ettatt mk- „1 pamphlet l'orta. NI 1.: W POUIRTII 4111.1,1,1 NEw ~,FI•It•Ili). • NI, ..,•1L5141 , ,., • • • • Ntrowra of Mr I. inn Rev. Cholles Smiem, Al D.. wan a from I. and imodebre r thied by Itey %Vs:loon C-tro•. U, Fellow ...1:•emor Veil. rißtly Co:lege. and M roster of '"'""g rno. Poore, Comb rot, ebted ore the tol'oomg. — y Ih r, l Rev Chi, I,l,vbsoc, 11. .11. lb•bop . ••a erm ommr,two h. • U. Valey oh t b, Reg Polmst Do.v , q .051. lu J J tt i um. J „„. .TO/13 11, ion ...rey I t' , l M•-• r:I or retttim, , y. tor ca.. 11 \ lip. LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTSUURGII FEMALE ISSTITUTE. • Linder tlic ewe of Rev. J. NI •xc 1.1.13, 111 which ail the and Di natneloal 1/111M . 111-1 firtirlit d edUral Inn r.. 1 .1 UlllOl I. I IIIIW (Well for the. reception 01 tarpopt t No. 32, Irwin. now, Libey Street, I tielwren 3d and 4th inretits. The entraneure on Notida) Ft':t lininry, and it important that any wo ruriy deiit evoiring shotild, ho prew..iit as 1 - 11 T pi h neticatile either Leto, or or Into Th,7have rid the aervires 01 I'll.' Or ROO. e• tear-her of MUNK. on tho and 1.;t01.1r, who t• Soli known Iterd recortnne otation Ithe pervier , ot Maim CASS It LA Lilt EYT. author ot • Chrextornalliiii de la lan ratanFralten,•....llo other ',Kitsch , shoot hook,. in hi* canoe lanyu4e. Ntons ' grailunir of the Univerbly nett Not ni.3l School ni Pori , andi.tond• high 0. a oineher, ho-e who de. •irc .obtain no aceurire awl thorough know ledge 01 the Frettenl.littguaer would do well pluce thoto , iver node, li.. inktruetion Fortencl,..er Circular or apply to the Principal. j 2711 vouNu LADIES' SELECT SCHOOL. ........ MAJ.:OIIEN Y (Iry ln•niuton but recently beet, creed LIII , II . r .1 Ow mesh of Mr N. NV Metcalf. at the Corner or Sandusky and Strawberry it•. The aurae,. winch bal. Moo far attended thla t-chnol. in ttr e%tal.l,l2tnent anti prove., ha. fnlir o‘iao''od rho expectatan, of .• Inoruetor and Prortetur. and IN or ru tio. the hope that he omit rm •...tooted .2, 12, effort , . to render It dry..al.k. Im .. o. for Me education of Young laufiro in Allegheny and eicumy. Tne F.mt Seaaion of the next Aeademte year, wall commener on Monday. Feb Eth. Tot re arc yet ala varancsm , In he filled. but WI the ttinber of rapt , early appl.cation de. a,rable. For partteularc. relat , to tertni,&.e . unroll Creulo, or apply to the I it•ltuelor. fen,. - • Great Advantage• of Education. L QEMA I. I-: SEMINAHY NEW lIAVEN, PA— SIO per Se.amo Goeloolllll, Neve Hoorn Aeadrmy for 'tarot —Tri r, f 35 per nof 4vo 11011 1 1 M A reductton made to taoae sto herotrong Addr..“ N.,MER RILL, Prnier..ot of Muilletu.ic s COlllllll,l l l, Pa. Kg/FR.I:E. Hr,. K I sTE\' A Kr. P BOOKS, MUSIC,' td'.' .. _ •_ ALll.tiii.F: BOOKS-orublished by J A V .... U I' James, M' alnut street, between Pourth and v.r.b. Ciuciunnti. 14, tron.'s Gibbon—The history. nt .he decline and fat of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, 41. now Edition. revised sandorrected ttoongh• nut recsded by a prelace, acconspunied by note p s critical and hidorical, relating principally to the pr , pagation of Christianity: by NI F'. (kozet, NI wirier of, Public Instruction Rd the kingdom o France. The prelate, notes and ColreClions, transr. red teem the French careen!, tor this edition. With a notice of the Lite and character of Giblion,, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. In :: vols. Imp. yen. 1073 pages. . Napier's Peninsula War—Complete. 1 vol. imp. :Ivo. WO pages. Hallam's Middle Ago, Chamber's Rebellion in Scotland, tiobertson's Virginia and New England, Russell's French a English War in merica, and Ramsay's American nd Revolution. I rat 4to. Li mu at American honors Merin melee. i lions frern the best authors is. Merman Illetory. Biography, Travels. I lornmerce l:datistinii, Indian, Revolutionary Rattles, Ac. An. An. Alan, Anec , dotes. Poetry and Miscellaneous articles. (Nostra toil with more than .:4 , 0 engravings. 1 col, imp :lit tiAll pages. Unis meal Itictortal Lihrary—t'ontaining trainable papers .11 10111.1 compiling Natural N3lllteSinences, Agriculture, Rural Eenn• my, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, neat Is, I Geography, Botany. toceilaneous reading, Ate. A, 1 vol imp Bs, Bid pp. Intl shop. The Family Aledical Library—A Treats. on the ' l'rr sendnn and t of Diseases. by regimen and .itaple tnedicines. Nl.' edition, rented and enl.r. r d %ab the addition „, a Vegetable Alateria a, po,nting not the striae, preparauuns and 1 of our mint valuable ti.vtive inediesl pinis, and .n o u tline of Anatomy .cl Illustrated with one hundred Kr:gra...to, ms. of w bleb are colored. Ily Jl; Ivn.ood, r 1 D- 4 .* 4 Alutin.n Hower GardenLompan.aa—Adapted to the United dale.: tin Edward hay cr.. Landsvape and Ornamental 115n:finer 12 no. third eat..., rewed, enlarged and Illustrated. l'alnicr's Oregon. Reeky Jfountams, Sr. c • • • 'festal.: t, octavo, with and without 1 Eso,lo. Theo:ogtool and li•Leel,ntiecti...m rlnted non too I.t.cl,tot. Sero.ol .e •e itv or otooloolozo. of Key A ben 1 . 04, D 11 A t•lx.rhdrrnn 10a.11.1. , n0 vol.. F‘rot earher topheelea—oocood on the Inte r prophoeze--.old -ope otel, A m I.e S., vett, of 'neology. on . thr boot.. of the n , h , om Es NI i`Lwer-on .411 10 M.tr, t.r shaus, itcv t:Co at w.th ge,rral AnFOr,lll<,l wnri, 111 nil .""r""'"" of '.:"`"'"-Etllaio.`,l'7:`,'n'A'r MMIIMM ' 1 ; 1 11 1 INI/1•A Vt 11. 1 . 1 ,1 1. 1. OF 811.1.01 AN, 1 101 . 11- 1 :NA I, t.)I , soli.: NCI.: AN° . 1 111Trh rochioleoll ref. to le ...New, of Ihr ee-1,...•. rolhrsr.l , ~ oh, et e- ,ear• v./ Iron: le 1-111. 1111•31 , ' 1 , 1.' , ot,hred mot G top,. ler eele 1., ;1e weir, retl • 1. e ton) roalently he'lerellaltht•onder vo xer. ..••11 Greer aite•ol, not eGir In ;hie, who tole ..... •he who , 01`,...1. hto la n.l who err cootie/ to on. Tiny w.th the Ave end 1-e•eor ve: for le home., .1, d. e•rmleto the render cool I, o. ohe •ul toile ;nee" re that beech..., th Jotooel on the • 'eller. thot ItOrreete lon/. whetbr r releGitg Ito the ere, rres eceenr, to the deGole of facte lit Ihe chltererd • .1, partenevl• et knowledge. e• he Ilse •ar mum crone' , • of .loe of other hot nine wt•h•url. guele thTenG , oop.re ol the wort in pul.lo. I.,ratief of ho,. et ; tid•voluele become. evellabte " ; Cornier , @roe ef the enure. reGe• 11,1•1-1,81 et the • II pt,. /MI o,looi to do. F. 1.1 Sutoer.plion• Go the new or eecond eeTer , .o 1 Noe del•Tered tree of pocage fill S 3 per meeent. •he Agent tor I'llte.togh m)1.1 WIV w lI.SON, 57 Ma;ket Or. et • • &Ms 1300 KS Itres-svell al Al A AISNEI I . I 4 • t A - 11.4 AlOnl Ilevenge.s,er ths.se,s.senesot —• s hrt•rb•aslr• I Sartsarl Spr.nC. 1,11 1 A Vearos Contolalsosb Isy Alrs Itotler, slaw Finny lis's l s l s'e ) 14 a. Lectose• the l.' r,• Om Lone•: and rau-4s. •1 as...venoms unit ruts.con.tabos.on. 0.311.1.31.4 ti., rst,a ot for !leans on the law , ssf Langrvssy, ac— Walt '2 4 lllottratsoa , by Statnussl SS l iscltlen Inch A. AI . At 11 The knelt of the Waves. or the Corta,'• Tbs. itrlZanti 11r or GslitStts•ll vnd the CU sale of Holstlilliacci,ton and Cohn M uo yess•—ts,,l to Y, I.orkl.ln—sost past Alas, sage, by Alto. 4 . Ferns,. R11(110, of - The isthers• . . T T IC h, Y t,,', of General T.. y im--Imly 11 ern, Toylmam! him Genrralo—tre.h vupply. 11iliVeLl1 11 1 11 the Nero. A 1. r, supply rietort il Brothrt )(In:WIWI , • For ou.le of NI MINE:I% , 1 l'.` Prntthlie . ,l of.:1.1 1 . 001 Ipmt . .: , 1 I A RTlltlt'S NEW 11:()11.1E 11,r,v.. , 1 nt : , I :1. AIINI:li , The ik.,,,,,,i ‘Vialow--33.: ,, vci: o r - ~,,h Jr . Rolkimv Ur.t Di mleer—e'r .ta,l'v :11,v0r1, , e Jo:.atlior !or Me 4M of I u ), i.:7 11,1 rm.. nut 14,Wer Sirmr4,--Ire•i. I.J pp', Ttmad., .ie Tiool,TicTer, do. i Th, 4 rum„ g hu, I DancLuz Ceatm.r nn.l tt. S, col -4 010. Tay kW, t;o , daltd ...,Iv, Com C.,-,:mmm,—rm.h ,o Alto. 11 largr att-ortr , r , t •tti tteirrt I t•ctuttor the 4.111, For .4c I.y M A Sit Jot .1 34 Oar,. nom 4 1 ICrATON S NEW VI/It C PIA 1 , 111 , 11 , F)A.ltt . to II Itlttllor. SVottil tltrett. hat oil LA, ontl (of . t.r ttt mattaar rtvrt tlI r.t,ant 0.11110 I . .ttott Portr. , 1.1 r ,1111,11111,11,1, 11:110.0 nl.t. I I.) C111.•1‘. tt l'A I It, rely I,,rl.niert NlAltopt..y I'ollo. rnll.• c:,•••• A Co ists,7 . "."""-lu ."""' o, her Cool ,Vars and I t ol•nual And Revolu From the prfrtod of 111.• to the Inc qui time ,I::17; t urltpllng nrenunt l'asstlng %VWWWI the 1:11111.ed :,11Ittury ,%elocvon , o,ntx,,,Ry Plulto Van g, I) J I' 1.%111 ,, , ' ruhlti•rd. Cincinnati. L — ' T .‘V U •Nl S el W k BO i OK—, Parophi J oet ip arm. tin on; a rh.ier .rlectln Quartelt, Ittatudfi, Waltze•, and Marrle, - , with a 111,1nry nt 51,mtr. Illt.trated with tome, tut, cagravtng , Imperkal octant , Prier . 23 rent • l'ailt•hot.l at,' for .l ny J A 4 It I' .1 %NI 1. S. %Valout "er1.1 , 1 . t. Fourth and rincinntoi. 1411 PIANOS! PIANOS!! HENIIV KI.EIIEII, Dealer fi,rafN , n For , •. Li, J Wo.4lwtll'•,N , i. N 5 b4ot 'I be I`l.ltior may be r.t.iin.th,lu n:I hour , . tlie • Let wal be then. Irmo IF t Pb 31 , 31, and Ifl.lo tn .1, , orb day. Unpin( 1111= e..the undereagneel, %vele' take.° the ttizetto. of l'ett..l.aegb nod e teata) thatwet have w have ...I.l.oeneed Mr II I:.etta.r eole Ag.tett tea We-tatta rettle , ,tlvail.a. tot the ealet OW h.,/ Frtran. team wheal they may tee. ate agar own reir4 Varier , . . UN:SS et. CLAIM w York. SI, I. sw-wv, New' Phattoa. th re,. II mid nrrtted e suit. r t the witow:ng new Piattos t— totte r Irgillll retaH, rotte.tFtetteit woad 04-rkve Ponn Vol zr, 1,111 ,Arve..l xpirli,.l 111-r t Lunt ol A I- nt... gn,RI b.tul lt,lnwle I,‘ A A Co, I . ll.ladu IIEyS .0.24 ut J r s Thild al Pleaioa. FRIT/1 LARGE ttod ritlentl.l at•ortonel nr tuthogany Mid rrt.-nod gtend e• von 1.161111, vroh ntelathc awl tvoh WI the harm improvittnento, twhoch for &natalty. ;one and touch are warranted In hr equal to any made the country. Fore 0,, low furcush 131.UMF No 112 w ooet, .1.1 :on, above 511. - - CIIIVALIIti. or the ,tventurny of t Captain ear .d Tesfue O'lleynn, by II II an I , r^ekenridge , second edttion mune .. Rot .bor . . druth. wnli a nocra'lie Inntlee.t cntital dinyturition nn the unt, and e y may Aluntranons fmm nrtntnal ticeigny by Darley. bound tn loth and papr. JOIINSIVN & 1,1 cor of blukct cc 3d eN . `DUS . UESNE SPKING, A K NA . di IRON V.Ottfil.. 11A11.NIAN,It. , I t .avinc tomr are ~trx ~kt‘ , o In, evrr, ut Coarb mot Elooo n wr,C Iron il,. Ant nnr! all •ize. , of .11,, 11,1 p.. tn solve, the) olor ...the on 111,, lern, 'at th,“ 17,1tehnu, No 43 Wood .to.rt. wbr , the. u... 0 keep on baud • complete .ml I..tmloom. .1...0,111Mit 01 coach trim. Corrmge bordworc. nollen,leca.ting trim. and Iron. nvole ninolvlocom oral, Moo,. ['Ay & Cron:l mn,.l3,..turr• n. 01111 , 1 4 , U U leer moloallth) tql ever. rticle:nu& lo them. licalm• an. re.i.ecttully !it'd tor: 0.1,, lerv , ii.,de I re tow,. exo•ttit,:ller the_ firth I ul .•I, it•I•••, Co , tvai, dtssol, of the sm •El , aht row , . The hu•iheroa of the late lirln mill be -,1•• I byti Whllare SCNIe Crary JNI NIAIITIALI. A Ex WALI,AVE • hIrt:EA/tV. FRANKLIN For,DRY NV se.ort• Co . all so. vorio., ItoOtos %Vol, I. lri to arm.: oTol Stove 1.•[1.1.\ ' • ..Wry Wugon too..tor, &S.ol Iron%Cns. o Plough.; rough g Nladeot o,e boo in.to•r.:ll.. 00.1 ,o.ro• rorelo,rr. nrc a•I nod I.l,3s:tine our Stork nt the kto•lonoo• ' t loto.rty o•oort 71, near tlir [loud of Wood Wm 'X . I.V ALLA OE ti ijoGV.A It v Pll7 M.kClllNl'irr• V. OVOIM , AND 1. - Ot`SClll , .1.1.. , : 1 . . k. JOHN NV ItlG 1 IST it. CO., AC .. I- f : v p : 0 7 ...r , ;- . ..1 ,1 1 o 1r . 1 . 1 .. t , 1 , • . , , 1 , 0 . t :::::!,, \ N„::..'01,1c:tr.,N,1.:t; Al r a t : c l do ,•,,loonido, Frain,. Sd•••••:••••. lon, .td Frond), lisolorny 11,rui• \1'0rp,..1,,11r..,/,, • 1•••••• tug l'reolo , Id n,. Cord .rtoarr.. A r . VI t ough. 11011 Saolung. tun ~1 all r.tr. oi t . .•, I, o n. 1.,,11,... ;ro d Ilungel, 01 t l / 1 1 1110.•1111111.,,, •ldle :o la Land lull, n. and took of n•I k nil)" I•, • ntin, of rd....) dr-e, T.lll furo,sldot on non 00. ley l'nutott• toa , to gad, no Mot lit nro.d. Iron rarldtg, 00 SO eo , ' ,' L ye tor helool l'acourito.. COO 10/11 %S . ,1140 W TO, 11.1 lune) Ca•rotg• gencratly.— °Merl Jell al 1110 Wartiwzi.‘ . or .1 1M liner &Co ,1,1, ..Black. )treel, )111 hove 01 1 011101 1.111 1 1/T O ll. ilv.i . llMl TO Black.. k Ile.l & Co . 1 R 'loo' 1. , zol ACo . •X arm,. /not. loam & ..SO11•1 11.11,1111•'.. l, C & J II %V oru,t, S rubcnv , .l.- - ill()S. A. II J.CLIF.R. °OW NE ,11.AOS ,IAN urm!re It a. am! ... 101 - 11 ,,,,, . N.. ~ . 1 Wood .1:101. to , Fddt. rot•ldorn. l'a , IVhcod•dl , tool 1:,•tml:• .- I.:n{l4ll.nd Frrnclt Eddrovold, Japantical Wader+ and Trat •, I,ook log tkla•• I in:r.. lip Ow box or •,nr.le light, 'rabic Cur'rry, Pteturr tles% of ad ,di,•, 11rdAttloa Tra IV arr. in se. or gle p.ceen, l'orl..ast nod VI on, Francs., • • Flit Irons and Fentl,.. 111,03,oli) l'odyL I: In•s/... o Al. I. A. nod I ,Ird a •. Gertott,• , l , r and Ilrl,nor.:t T. a & 1'364.51 , 000 , , Moo, Slagnli, dvd Nl , rrors. l'od,r•dclt• Smart. nod 'Fro t ... thl n l, l' r•.rdl ' a Ilaidel Gla••ex, r;,,,,,ne0 . • Slimy., l'a.c., Colnl.n Ilair Ilro•lo, At Ion t • o a I ‘l o!:: . et b ., ' . r" l ' ld p l a k' d ' lc r :l . d.3 ' r ' a " : l ts' tally ' ""U'lTe";.l:.:;ll'hirve :U.' 1..1•17 O d,.routo for en•lt Al.l.Fr•lit)Nl VENItIAN BLIND rAcronl . JIJIIN A. lIIIOAV Di ITAKE-, ,h..0..11,00,010rtmit lon inend. and the).o.l , at Id•dc ditil no, EncloiT 'n;now ol 6.410, ,,, t000. on Inc Ed," noir x,„,..,,. 0 , 1 .. the .„ 1 , tie t ir0 v d. ,. ..y1ti11e r t , , r n., ). .. 1 , 1rre ,, ur . 0 n t : sta. nopoiy 01 Mod., of dm,ou• colors ananuallio... aro Cl/1,1111111) keys on bond, UOl No A Il",),,,I ..t. l'ilt•burnit.nt ) Ar. 11. I'Mll,ro'o.l t Ina, walrroorn 1/ T 011,6111 Shoo,. no tar O. 00101 1 ;11 the l`r.l .1)1 , Ltl , itd• rt.p.•• d al iltd Flo/TO , rlol.cd.. ,N il. 11, 41,sol• •00., b.- put up, ,e,.1.0ut ant. add • 0031 ot ONdo, of nr• or rot on•doid. anl wdluott 11,0 aid or gt rr.a. dt pi 00 , 141, o. 1.11) A. EO I.: LTON . I,:t totO i1ti0.... i ouou ..C) r. ha• rtdol.ll nod co ndto mcd ld.otdo .) al - t lo• old clana. oh , • r , lie woil 1••• plrusea to C1,,0t.,, ~0n00, ,,: t• arta ~ c :ery . .fss • ~•. ~,,u , 1... Indott i•oona• ctod loon oo , rit•o• ad. MOO 01 . : .... 1 .111 111016-1,. ,L.. 1 Mdterui IV al, Pool,. Coto . ••. Il.a mg. Ao A. BEE MEE \VA.McCI'LLI b. co. IMITATION CROWN GLAS,F H .l Ntt - rt,ctitt, tutttle r t qtlopt. , Itt 1111] , (1. , d t tt, tt Irt e rttpttrrtlltt iillll:l3,lttri fru.turt: ot rouutio.. \ Luvord n0,.9 3. I. x , how. No I %Vood ~r. 1.9 . Sc." NV .11.11. AC c.._._ PETT. , IIUHI:II srESM WO, nn,l :116 • A A 1 ^ 411.1 var.- t rctrott• r,,•ltttott to parrim-- tttt•ttlt wormed ittat tt •• it,ort torilt u ~,, ,:r•••tr• .tt• tat. t• utut tut it.•ll 1111 vetitt tut art,' r• - • pa l ntltt tt•urittr , ,Fartlt. utt Lary • nit , titettaw. It n,t •••• I .014 •or . COPPER, SIIEET IRON, AND TIN h 11.1NUI hltll , l{Y, Ntarnet nllrt 1 1' t,lntret, Venn.: • •111 , r;io ha et,: itnt err , tinpraventen , I the ettontott tttnt of the r STOVC,I. Imiwir rt•ott• •u ,tenitiltn• No run and vinintne 1.. fora. ptyrit, ttg • t.n.• t nil,b , 11 1 1 11 ) tltcru thtth Deri rtntn, rt. l,nd tit 1 . ..1 and Slte, Iron wink t tne.ttur) it furnt-It .ttg St...nutty. \he mlso mn;:, ertler Ilte 111.1111,1 1101 ire 111.11 :Ott...null V11111;1 ,1 C. Conner work_ iat Stellllll t lngttie . and eve,/ vane, ot worn ttt our tote h np BENNETT & BROTHER, \ :• , VA FR: SIAN CFA Blrmlttgbant. ittinr Plll.burgbd P. ;tar/house', No. 13/ , iVonti strrtf, i'illeburgh. ‘vltolentne and country Nler• entin, 21 1. 1.1-1....1111.. 111 1 1 11 11 ( I .lllnna rh :nu ne it.t NI ttttt ttt i•r+ ,w^ nr endeternmted nen e:canal al'. 1/, ttenitte !wn otlnred the Ord. r• gent r.e k. omnatued by . the o, New Shovel, Spade 0.1.1 Fork Irlonuirec tory• GRIFFITHS & DIXON,I ir.4 l ,;‘,..,•"l,7;n";". r ,T , ri „‘ i ' l7 „ :l ? n " r lr :Tr ' :f „ Tar : soie ore r repo red to 11.1 •111 order , lor such ur rle• or re,orrn roL. I'm the r0w:en...n0...4 the, enetomers and denier+ In orh the% hove anon:well George CoOrao, home.C11:111.1. tti Wood •treet. the, Nr,e3ll ale of limo rtcairr , All onIr• tlitrets. tn hitn m.ll revoke.. prompt noterun. on the neim 4.1 V 111112,41.01,11111114 DIXON. tt•hte J u , k --al V Greut It'slen] Butt 'huge Muuurartbry, k CTARDNI It n veenor wenn rtre rrade rhn 21. • it, eons n !rr nre 1.•1 se, ct.le tier ••in r A • C.r.. nr r.r.e 1nt•...e•.. e In ..In/ 1011 11N enonplere nn nele ne. ran p0r.1.,1 r ‘ n.n.le. 'ln e nricr.ltrr rrlsen , a ..T. ter ve,.. fin.l to 1110., losers 10 .0 1 0 1 nut 111,1 A. , . r , er• oro.or;eit 111 0 111101 i . 1i inn A GA WINE.: A CN .nr re ss ttt ars JNO. (JILL i•L'SPIIK G CO.. NI. 76 AA ana.l , 1 A.NI HER, .1..11,.../A 1..10,116 aI nittl I/ea/cr. 1.1 Ka; It.ta , lrp matt I • lsor e• a..,eral •re• •llt11.• 11?1,110•11w.nt. a/ (11..1/1.. 1 1 . 01. at anr.r ka • lll, p 'rig A. ...•. 1 1 po 1 w, rt... :111 1 ;11.11.C.111. e : oari COTTON 4,0,1,1V001.1.1tiS •• , i 1 rIIII,II " V 6 11::11,1., "s At. I/ I r, Jklirhinr. .11p1IN Co.. No. 10 - 1 uml l'r"un t.. 14u , al! II , " Ir.:11'11w and ,rulant..d rr,al lt.tv Ira.nwit.le tiny rq:~ liik' :~~~: =. ~~_~ ~ ~A '' „ I y o u, t• I' I'p Pbll~ iginisEN n PLUNICEJT'I, 11.1\T 31ANCI'Al"l'UltEliti, \ WITIAIO, rciltal 14,:, 1,-uti,) AI. pplpt• rpp.pt 1,.1..,1 704,..77p1e trrpp. Pp. , Py are la vtied ra:, pprprop,,,,c • LIPPINCOTT lIILIN TIZI:N and tin n , r . “,.: 1 \ narlmu.n. No r n rt 11, mug in l'rnn , AI-, an a —armelit wit Row, ar• al , ~• 0• nollitig Mill, all 0 ,•,1,,,,•an GIIA Fr. • BIKVINGIUM TACK FACTORI: CAMPBEL a L & CHESS, • slAssrrvaerA FINISHING NAILS, HOG HEAD BEADS, Ironand Copper Pork. IRON AND COPPER 0E NAILS, Petelli NoakersSt. C ' Poi ri nt c+ s. i l of er Thirdcry descri cerption 091 e, 2 hantel, Plltsburigh• 011iTAItfi—A new sari Incets.r of very oor,rlor I iu ilars. by e sr • manufacture., just rece:vcal and int. cal. by y 3 J II 311:3.L0N. 110TFLS rousTAIN noTEL. LIGHT sTn Et:T. BALTIMORE FOGG a THURSTON, Proprirton• ri-webli•ti • long nod! wield, 1: row:k edit one ot iudeletiewiendidu , di 111 , PI 1111. G. ecidentis exten-ie teiveineriw. it epere slew w dig twin added, treitipi,c mom roue:awl ry,ftt.. 111 /% 1 ‘ .171, Thr Lathed departnn . /tl Ifa , afro been coniplen lint e• oreatiered and fitted up in a maid uniqinf end teiatiful ins le. In fact tle wh,. arrarigi inent ihe :Ica, tin. lire reniodetril. wan a nine= tie. , oft di:, Part of the ntoprir fora telaftiftlft the i .romfort and plediiurcle then dtid evlifcli they eintfidentl, ii4at wall chal lenge iititnpardien arnh any Ilotet in tor Union. Their table svill :Own), he tiopplied yeah e vet y elide manual and luxury which ihe Inn ttirt ffod, iierveil up in a intpertor •thle. white in the way of Wuxi Etc., they win not he en rptiaiied In ennelneion lit nitoorietrir* beg . .ay, that nothing will lie left undo. , on their part, aid onithe putt of their aide-taw... re: 4 lintel worilty tlie continued patronage of their (nen& and the politic getieraffY The pr ceit fur bleat have also been tedoecirto the following ete,— Otilitiary. Sr Sri per day., I••nileniend 150 N 11—The Itagentife Wageon of the lloute witl a I , ways he fauna at the Car and Szeantliont Landing, which ail! convey baggage found train the llo•cf, free f charge ,-1,21tf 1) E A al. STREET 110 USE., C 111.11131.0. I WI la—The suloeribers having purelins - d the cm no r interest ut Col. ti I. Willorma.m. Ina. of ttos well known eetnimad , ntent bee to rani to th ,e feend. nod the publie stenoMi). goo 11101 I se , 101 , 11 . II:, griminollon , Hotel for li 1,1111 a ) MT and wit: exert Mmr 1004 olieretes to male it a er•tralde home tor Tray rite, and Cit) Demote r• The I :Me I I. *sem, and nem ratol) pinimed for eon veloonce. light and mr, having a number of parlor , :idjo,litite chambers, preset:lms onnoutit ouraemias to Itinnhes. . The present proprietor. 111, , 1e 100 l i he es nevem s` of yar. In 111, vay soot id..where. hope they w .1 I he AIM: ki mot- ',mem! •Uh.thf ',II loam detettremo i to e,ve I, ntlegamit toll:? lo g n , . aloe lm Tin, loo.noin o: ti - r , 1.. ail Sr 0.. t i Lull /.000111 ...oil, ?ilia,ll, Imo mt Mon , Peo,l, Wid., i aml Fl Ol Alth II o , enli, Moors Me ni ea, of the to arder, ner... eiiee of tarot...o me. or ref Melbeill tur rimrte h It is • near hy the Honks. tho Po. IP er. the Ilmonie 1 1.11%0dd Fellows !101l slid tonotie•ip ore detant loot Me a .ri el and two .pmres 10001 the l 111, V. hnif.lliii• ^', r.iieilie peon— I inducement.. entree all) tO country ~ et..iito. and genre ally to ail pr. 1.1111% 1116110 einem- JOON Now.t: JOIIN It DUBLE - - - I 1 SIANSION ROUSE 'ormicrly Caller's llutcl, Mull tigton, D. C. JOHN 'IAN IX'. PROI•11 It: MC .I ;IC Korea.' foirnerlY dated w il tithe well know u him of Fuller 4. C... beg. le ve rail the ohommi of persons rooting 1 he Capit'ol, 0 lirther on plea •t, or 1111,11,, 1 0 h • 11l WI) Krill estalM•lanent th • • , larmititi Dome!' which hne bee i fit r,l up in a .1 1 le of comfort .11.1 elegance tin4or ng,od hy soy IF, her. lino I In Ilie, cily, It is clouted tit it, western eipl of' PolinsyhoMs Avenue. end inlitie taimethato meanly of the raritios Departments of lscreernMettland me President's Douse. t Dos lawn well always he supplied w ith all the corn- 1.109 riat tat,— fort.. and laguriox to ire found in the market!: and nr. rap, arr. or •effort. will opared to render the into I kW'. am attractive ...donde aa who may we fit to honor tt with thetr patronage. propri,tor would par ocularly call the attention of the (lm of the Army and Navy to la • f loicl, to whom a hat eat, bean at nvorta place of ream, N 13Portersto conery ..ways ha trndance, on the arrtval [ rrf the rat, trgnar ~,,rel`atite. ' EUTAW ROUSE, ,Corner of Baltimore and Yutaw Streets, .ILSALTIMORE, MD. lIEN ill JACK,ON. PROPIiIf:TOR 1111 !.p,end,tl and rptmous - Ilotei. el•gtbty situated or both bacmefs and plcasurc 'Nave /0,11. is ISO con ueled as Id tolnuia, al. the Ihltmes of the beet I latch! wan el• pane,. and eaff•hrt eito.ne ounevo , ups rtoteitt• a , e at 311teasono reserved ttLe .tecomuolabon of traniient g. 1,41. and (Imams voque:g the rity will find !he Etl,V Horn a Horn int•oroi.Aeti by any tlrorltq the Union roe to I• G and Vkill,I1011• aid IS O . KI ,navement3 It•po , 1 and the Landings. ut which the tAntlo , and l'or," the 11011 Se UM at 31.. vow% lo t.ag to convey tt , s.eng. r• and the"' battnage, to cl.rt g to . o 0 ' Tir,m-- o .entletnen.'Ordo,v, '.1.50 per dny. 111,1, 11.10 U Au ittawflzo Indemnity agate aoss or Damage by MUTI - Al. PRINCIPLE COMBINED Won d, additional security of a Stork Capital. ' The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co., of "lira. CHARTER PERI'MUILL. ' tit (Bow W. Diland, John M. Atwesid; J flaming C. Roe . G Lewis R. AshhOrst, Woo. It. Thompson, eorge N. Baker, • Cringe NI . John J. Vuuderkemp, George W. Carpenter. ' r ILL make iniura nee :W M,. Lam or Damage V hp Fir, In 1 . 1 . 11,,1t 6,11 and vicinity, on louses, Sloreffand other Buildings, and on oral ture,-Cloods. %Vara, and Merchandise, on the most favorible tortes. The Mutual Principle. combined with a tock Capital, and the other prevision] of the Charter of • tins Company. hold out unurual I nducementa, both of profit and safety, to those dcairous of effecting - I ncur in ce,Towhich the Company ads the attention ,red examination of thine interested.. ' Those effecting insurance with this Company ; ' r , besides the usual protectiOn against 101 w, by I die ordina 3' method of insurance, the additional ho call. 11 , ....• ttentrAl,cotontrt oto. atiVarttOgCrlf a direct partimeation in the p, GP of pico,ant. rare f. , l'o t e 4 r day. \ S 'V e .' :r ; gl ib ry !Al . iN4D Pre ' d _ I . The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent 11.1,11.1'WELL'S ASIII3GFON HOGS , I or the above named Company. is prepared to Mae • Chesnut Nttert, Philadelphia. it... -vire or Aganc the fr Wood " I" , " street. and will gZie all further infannation desired . tind r,eht, lure:4ll , l. :":10S.-1, CAMPBELL. . o th.. ,hogt fotrtoctoottle port ut Cto , out •treet, onmedia, v come ot the übt.e ot .TOIIN The re va,lol'ol. the very .ww- g ota - r rirrsscasu roe xus sal •atrti:tge hcrvofcre be.towd, will .pare no circ, DELAWARE MUTUAL. tim house every way sereerlite to his eur•ts , th, t f eoo tini,ed nljrof 111,1 , 3{1.0e111 Safetirlistenranee Company of I FIRE RISES Rice buildings and merchandise of every del.cription, and AIARINE .RISKS k TII thatr o Lo I•rt r N t,ogr neftuntal . nit .p . ..7 1,, h , u , 1 , 1 .. .t b ir 11ccii :a t r i g r o .. es of vessel., taken upon the cads t m again of the GALT to lf u U .l R. toulavdle. kl l te v. % , % e 'zre n l c to a ta r k c h t i , s3 l ! i sta t,. .! . hot , um their V....P . Il The succecs of this Company. mime the oast. lislunonio` Mc Agency in tide city. with the sinrinplassi , inroroilly mania which every claim upon neon for j Mir has Imen adjusted. fully warrant Ilia agstit in in. j 'he confidence and poronage (flue friends and ' edinsuunity a large iodic Delaware M.S. ion. ranee Company, Whiten has the additional advantage' as an institution among toe moat its in having an ample paid in capital, which by the operation °fits charter is constan tlyinereasing ao yielding to .ach person insured his doe share of it,. profit, of tho company w k thout_igiolving him in any responsibility whatever; and therefore as poii.o.ing the ,Motual principle divested of every °brimmed feature, ao I in ils mint attractive form. ceiLvssettA HOUSE. Charles Street, belinea Market and Lombard • • Sireeis,llliiiore. . 2 'rue in!...calprr having ll.e e.ncn.....s Isha: off,. ,ralaes to atte :Ind 1,11.i:c caner:oly. II 1/oUvrat..rtt!, .atimaal rrastEl4 lb- Ste:11111.n,- I:apxn—in in the nlll-1.4 /he r:aote ti.n.cvc Ignporat:c Cae'latoCer• t•ost• vmacc.iy. ut. In a eaqvaa.anari una eumaati /CC otaar yr.4.C,pal o ' o ' tl, 31 043 of April. lozo,: rcum lu• U.:, tu•ll.11C • to _ ;•orOoti of p,,1t0 Po to o2 o " of the firm of Om rnvl6tlGin m Polo :ore. Aral! • GALT 'MUSK. Corner Mein and SI, Gineinneal• 1M IZ tall.lC - AT UAIW /LIN IL/PPE:IIND NE-EITR 7 II.III or UN of a new, Water VI Mart Furnace. that it to pay, pre nellows to he pyrpelled SO kV:Mr power—rtuw budding in Monongelth County. Vitro a, Wlll,l S toilet of Alorgantown. the y :tee, and only 3 ini.e• from , 11. nye, Torre t. no ,iv nonagon wins. SoU emir. of Vitirtnagla. can he had ,or do, e the sum There is 20 Ore bank. of good aught) and quauttly wino.. (mu ono 10111,1 01 .n.lr to two in le., and good loads, to a fine farming e.T count r)—tathplies 'pleat) and cheap. ThHllll,lllOO, Any Nra nett...taint any quantity 'more iJ)0111 1 114 that I Itre cords of wo.nl per acre. ore to the Aar out, tine rota-lioree team tool •pu 4.1 rattle o .iteel, the tut one, 1 . 41,111 y 2,1, clear .011, meadow, A, , limo,. Office. :;111 th S•hop t3Cat...e. &t• •Yis.. furnace can he - ready for Id s ot by the I•i 11 1 licth ner. neat .f soon—two-thirds of Ilo• priec will he taketi .-. rotted Good.--onc thod id e-h, the v.-ark progrr • and ne year the cropr.l d well pay every cent expended, nd af.er that w.ll yield RIO per can Nan—that oral be given by present runnel°, a A poi...at:one anon male he attended Tiw on tor • I , eing disappointed fund• dun limit, .a the RR., tor *ening hould ..hryvereon buynig eny part or the who c wish U eel., the creek:in owoess take it. trod a.d.l 'Goy percent. to the cog. It in with reluctance tile d ws would Pell the whale.; Inn if no. dung ese w. do, rather than rtta d the fini.lung of nit tut riace they on!) du AO, and, 3 f wanted,. they *al he r nod 10. ow the I,rance one 'ear, na they .ennal.u.ld her I cheerer than se, I.eine proficient et the for a loi.g Any' liqamity of the lent Sit,ac'Coal &oat. LI on the cminire. A hue directed to V.' E will he ginniedi arty attended to. Cocci linrcant Pic 'lrbn can he delivered at t .. ...d.tir‘th for from 913 • to ..9.111 per ton. when 11 .• WOlth from*l o tp 241. tErStnne and nia , eriols . o hoild on the epro. • inylhllth JOllll% CAItTINRIGHT. Mrolai:lt aml 3tatta.to atri r of Cuiory, Surg•cal 110 Pout.) Itt•irtitnettts. ttn.) now,' Baud Ta, rtatrut ,11 , trot. c At...e untwf.to• Surportor• itt gloat vlot, J. C ‘11.1110.1,./11., A.llll inn° , irt of ar l'ockel told rtt!tio Cotton. Razor. 50Lf.41(4. SaW, r:l • '` otrtort , llu .3 0011 SIRF.ET. t'ortt tow Datto.trot Im• lobo y re ootvotta•-ortmoot pooll'ocket ICnives. Knives .. Parlor ,\.•‘t 011.1 FINN CUTLKUN, - -^•• 1:n !,^nrn.:%V. , J ,. h Iluvo• ltanof WITt Alto," Cott'. 001 Ll', ,, '. ' , h.. Brit. Gaup. 11.3,, A Cps, 0.....ut0 Cup, Cova..e. IJAA 'ap.l I ItAISAM T001,..te1l on Cal'ar, • tn. 11.1.1 V.r••. Batn. n 02.1 1 , ... nV M •tivrn r nivt trpit 11.4 0r..1 0.111.11:11.7411"S ICSS ~,. 0 non • now tn.tn...0..t..: tor utak , g r• I.r, rig... v.. 11 Li.e t.I 1,6.. in kunn.r. Ana F. JO OE% cr. u•rial \l'r will vratrtnll r ,tw, it. A ...l" . . ~eber 'lt et 7,1i1,41 , 01 114. 4, periorn. "Ilti n toe eree , ode,. t ,t• .s . l '.\'••,. 1 F.O, otke r.lar atilt , 11.! 1 . 1.• 11. 11.rn1..n1e ,1..11 . 0( C0.11 , 1N 1(11IN Me t.\ll f;\tffl vult,t:l.a.m pen., •• It I r• ri el .1 0- CO -PA ItTni K 114111 12 • NI/TIC Ir. 1-TP:rill:NS of 1V Lech, g• 1.. IF • t• c,r of J0tt...4 mu! J. A. SlOl . UotE 1 . 111.1.“ , g1, rote - red irco co.ptlourltip under ~Ir eti heti te Nehew. & c„ . lton %\ orks, Werehne V. 1., for the I.urrtee lee wt. lortug an and walla of every Ala:renown. W V. V S.IOI66ROCR. J. A. 4roccr. l STEPHENS, SHOHNBEHUEIT k CO., ISCI1 01 : MOS: WORK., tsleciing, I ' M N:11111(. 1 1.1 , It hotler..heet, Lay iron 6:1,1 11:11•• .1 II .trel •1,1115 , 1 and ash n r a a'a ran acted Sharnherart'n Old J 1•1114. Wwk, tar, un Article of Juniata Iran aaal any made tu the eauntr y. a... II IC.:i no n Aat the PitOthurgh prices Warrhonnenf We Wo•k. carnar Mantra and Water maidiSTE you,SALl'•—/tf,T.,i rate FI eta.. Vlre Engine•that ay.ll IhrOW I , F? lOC an d CM< gallery Area., Walt pipes nod aaary 41.1 1 0 re rn dy fr:r . Laerate? She will be Lnquhe of nnmos. uKrrv, (IF:)) WILSON, Corr miter m)6 EGON° lIAND PIANOS—An 'excellent re l." ennd bArta Plano Fora. rude by Dkbora & Bacon. New York. with six cre tor er r :ran plate,antl in Elrod or. Jr r, A 1,,t floor , recon.l hood Piano trimle by Cleo.. s For tale low for om cb by to l/ JOlO4 N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS ROST PROOF IRON FOR ROOFING, WINDOW SIIETTEGS, &i. llF:.cltsevibers beg to cail the aueinion of all dove, & Interested n f00f111...; to rte.!! t:A INANIZED TIN PL.ATE,. .Ind to the tuatty advantage& which they: ...es. all meta:. and other ..thstances bdihtlrier r t .ed 101 neer par,see.po.6,olllg n+ they sln.the strength mod Itald nes.. m ron hour its Intbillt y ty....hatruag` . now been tetrd rvers] neat s. both ta that counts 7 .4 in Euro, 't'he' t are rtC.o iess sabre. to espausi. owl 1'0 , 11, 0 e 11 0 11 om mulderi changes of the atmosphere - tl.tut common .Ttn Plaw. Iron, Zinc. &c , or any other ;octal now used for roofing. and consetjuerall lona merit nett, and tighter mof. requirtng tar less frequent sob:l•t the fast coat is but a Ink , more. • ill, e rs wen,' also call then tientum eon r•lers and workers in metals, to the wank other par ,- o.to v.hteh Iron thus protected. c. be apd.— tn geueral term. It IS 11prileab, 10 ' al/anted. of rota whtelt destrarle to motect front the notion of the • ...rite,. And they woutd especially toll the at -0000 or Muss "wrested In TIdI.F.GR&VIIIC ,; : .ar.0..4 Wire. winch t• now almost Matte, ly use,lin EttrOrkf. and winch anniers every' samosa a conduetor or electrtetty, cordate only about owe , • hall at much* , carper, and possessing equaldumblb. ty waft that metal. `• I loving lately erected work ttr s in this eforthalta , ~. of galvanising Ic, apilrea, hong, wire. fre..they • w,tt able to furl, any anWir wineh. doa. red A supply or P vo [manufacture° 111 ElirOpea • constantly no 18 to 2: wire ALLOW GEO. D. SIOREWOOD &Co • Nos. l l and It Braver., NEW YORK.. t rho Right for this article has heen secured II for the United Sill:, Oftwellas Great Britain, and other ter Edpran renown., nod legal ...urns will be krnlo Orr Vent any in frittgelloo . llljO.l. l intrlntitt/ 0 1V 1010th• 0 -if PRINTS ONI f Y --SPRING :TOMES. ' IS-17. . L -E—E 4 RILE IV S T E Rs, N 0.44 Cedar Street Now Nark. DEO leave to itafwen Dealers ea Dry Gtods, that they bare I ) reeet.ed, wail are now eshilutin:, at the WAREHOUSK ,i EXCLUSIVEL If fur 'nit.) ('. Jinn, SOD casss, comprising all the Nese apriog Style*, of Britih. French:sod American Manufacture; which. ta ADDITION ill their usual stuck, renders their swortawat 2.• of the raoat wautiful awl attractive in the city; lad having jot been IW fo e taw,' r CASII AND SHORT CREDIT, ars acted by 1 . I ..t , t w itiere r rk pac m kage au the Wane Wrens, at and below Immo. Uataloattes of prices (corrected datly,) are placed in ilki ands a Wpm , Purchwera will inform thectutelent at the Nati of the kd, and be well repaid for an raantiaatioa, evils if day do . . not purchase. , L. A B. hire Peculiar advantages Co emitting - orders for prints, which are respectfully wheited. . 1 ' meLS I.k:h. ft BREWSTER., 41teder Street. Wtablesitle. D rem Warehouse. :,, IN THE CITY OF NEW TOILE, - -!ii:nt lA. FA I - INVSTOC I: & Co., No. 49, John at.. ..-:,... . Nei, York. oiler lot sale a large and general moortment of Drugs and Alcdicines, Dye Stuff -. : ,,- ,.i „ .__ Paints and Oils of every description, which they .. ' -2 ? -1 . are prepared and determined to sell tort. .... '.." -. 7 1 Country Merchants and Druggists are requested ' 7se . t to call and examine their articles. Orders executed ...1— - - with faithlulness and despatch., B.A.Calineatoekbi . ~- iiiil Veriniluge constantly 06 Mad. IS. A. Fahnestiuk, '. 'Be 'i . l-1 - . B. L. Fahnestork, Pittsburgh. G. %V. Fulnicatoek, ) 1 --- A. B. Hull. New York, : aprs ~t... . PAPER WAREHOUSE. NO. 9 BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. W. FIELD offers for .sale at the lowest I • Manufacturers' pricer, a very •ezlenaiva awn* not P.APER , comprising every pwaible wrietY. mit pied so the wawa of consanters to Mt seed., of the country. Paper of all kinds Made to order at Won stook of PRINTING PACER is wastaally largo pt not which is of very superior quality. PAPER MAKER'S MATERIALS ' - of ...cry description. impOtted and kept womanly. en Lan.. yrs: F.ltinut. Wire Cloth, Fourdrinie , irhat Illetwhing Powder, Blue Ultramanne,Torine, Chum... Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Bapting, tte. t te., purchased, for which tie highest prier Cash will tw, ; mud New York, .IMy,II9IIL INSURANCE! ' NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, New Yorks. ry MOS well known and respectable company la e.- A pared, throttgbAlted PIITSBUROIIAOLNCIi .to make Insurance of every kind connected with risks of ansportation and inland navrgation ;to in. re agstinal toss or damage by fire. Dwelling !louses. Wareherawo. (Wilding. in general, (kinds, Wares, wrdAlerehandisy, and ever y in of personal properly on the most favorable mots. Applications for Insurance attended to wrthont delay I at the oerce.No MI Woodstreet. SPRINUER AT an Election held at the office to N. T., May 12th, the following named gentlemen'siTre chosen Hit-echon of this Company, for costume tone. Stan • • Joeeph W. Savage, • Siephen Holt, • . . John, Brouwer, _ - John McChain, — - William O. Wunl, William W.Caraphelk John New-honor. Jacob Miner, itillisan S. ill,Cam, Mircus Spnrig, - John F. MackiJoe. hn J. Herrick. Joseph S. late, Add ma subsequent memingof the Board, JOSEPH. WsAYArt E. Fag., was unanimously ro-nlerta 50,- !dem Mr Me emoting year. un a nimously BOW% • jr29 l'o. as Journal copy Serrefsay. 1.._ .. _ FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE.. T i th 'l rou l •T, ' ,ts "n littlyullT:i i ledlg N etV, l tlm A z m ul= bet, itlers to make pcnnbuent and limited 14sur aner on property, in- tins cdy and its vicinityi,and on I ., hipincuts by the Canal _nn , 11 1, 111: 1 : 1 . ,aylor, ,: J hio C. Smith I) Pr i e ll a i T. : : lllß S S iii . huiH. - r - 00k ,,, ,1 r...„„,.. .. add. W. Jones,. Sorol:F. smith, I ward Strath., ___ Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob Al. Thonints, John White, ' John It. Nell, • ._. .... .•. 'rho.. I'. Cope, , Richard Wood, in. Welsh, . Arthur G. Coffm,See. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United State., has i ng:heen chattered is 179-L,' /Muter is perpetual, :and horn it. high 11t3OalOg, long cope/ eons, ample means, and avonlieg all Iq9 or an extra hazardous character, •it May be. considered da ollcring ample accurity to the public. ARF.IIS Arwoon At 4.:ouoiing, Room of Atwood, Jones & I' Co o .Toter and Mrentetrimm, Pittsburgh. api`3,tf INDEMNITY inat Lois by Fire—The FRANKLIN Fire Inn. , ranee Chcipeny of RhiladFlphia, I CVILL make Insurance, permanent ;Tll , !lrlite4,.. no every description ofroPoltY: to I. Ci v rl , I tIIIRGII and the SIIRROUNVINts LOU?. FRY, on ivoraldo testes. Thin company has a perpetual, rharler, • j CAPITAL* 5100,000 paid to. ' -CONTINGENT ... .. $1,00,00Q , Ono: corner Third mid hi arket cant,,, ittab'ghi st ,WAR RICK' MARTIN, Agent. IN - SURANCE. I American' Fire InAltritne C ompany frt I.IIII,ADF:I.PMA. 1.0•3L.11e.r1k,e55,00,,K) PAW IN. ' Office in l'hilndtlphia, No., 72 liabtut Streit. W,MI DAVIDSON, Plordt. Earnonirr, • vrtiOS old JAW is.aure nucldwg.,:garctol4lise, VoraMoo ondSOnt` env not of inir Italurdoul character , againstloss or dolonge by fire.' A ind,eatunts for Swnrancrs in Pillidnogb nod Ito ve wt,bornood mill to revolved, and rivlto taken perpetually pr ier lamed period., on foyararde tonna by GP). 1:01:11111,14. Agent. novt., • ' at.. A. LElnlatfX & co., • NO 77 ie 1N Al. STREET, NEW ORLEANS. r iI:NTA, for J 11 Armandl. Extensive Steam Sugar Alwaya en Ittl,d,..laritc Mock Of LaaL Pandered.; Em.hril. Clarifier, and HaMard •Sogara,fa 'Tierces and Barirlf. Alyd, Sugar llama bfalaasen Erie, antral and a fair allaaranre made on all sales of. or almov, au In &Ha. • • • mc m, . - . iX f iO Ait—A Journey V!' K..l:antl reraOrnt Ature of na Om aiderit; m Ennl. u.thiee grad tecom 4c4 i 1 -d =, 1.•^,~ } loan Tuner lira' 6.14, or . tucion, bx•pplying tha cridatillO. as if • barmier, NGLIS.II 8. BENNETT
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