' y " *' . .W. . <tfSsaaESa H^ TfE PfTTSBIRGH I)MLY(MZKTTF I 1 PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS. IttJSIXESS CARDS. ALKXAaoKK UOBOOiI, Comroisaion trf F»r wanting Merrbaat, M Water and IW Front st*! rituUnrgh. mehlt ATWOOD, JOKES A Co„ Coamiuna u 4 lYrwurditi; Merchants, have returned totbeirold stand, Y.'aur and Front Mteet*.~~l > M | «bßXgh- B\VIKCtIESTER« dealer in nil kind* of !m - Dnies.k* Began. Spanish Leaf, sad he chox csi lindsooi chewing Tookco, wboieMueaad e mil, .No su, Thi rd Strrei, Pittsburgh. _ . . .. J**r_ . tucy. ' , •«*ow* B . Brack a uriter, Wboie«*i« *«d h«»ii l>jaeC'»i». corner of Liberty and Hr. Clan aueeU, Pulsin', rap. |'a. . . a*JIA BAKitoWS 4 TCIW«*t \yhote».le«ad Re uil dealer, m l-iicy and staple Dry Goods, No. 4fi Murkel st, J door* f«o** Third. ' _• ' ' . **>* a "wAIISKsTOCK A CO., Wholesale k. . maforlwr Wood and tab »U. jyl 11 A RAMPSOK a Co., Grocers, Commission ViM&mtlfa Manufif. m re j .W I'i U-rr mm. DAUAJ'KY A SMITH, Wholesale ,Grocers, IS P t,.d‘iu Wood sum. •* ■•':»urj:H. "HiiiTU. BACAMF' A CO., Wholesale Uro :«i...riOU.t>..nl. .«... I»»e CA, V CO., Poruranlinr and , Couuoisnoil Ai.-tcii.' ••• Bajjtt, Fiitsuurgt, Pa 1 meat, fs ()RLAKDU LOOMIS, Aijoihey at Law, of j . fice on 4ih Mt-f >.si< u Mni;lißy!tl. _ •P l ' , r . \V«t7Coleman- Jniii* F Jcnmur*. J«»-Mailman. / tOI.KMAS, IIAILMAN A CO, Manufamurrn O ofCafriagcS>pi.iittsauitAxle< A D. and Spring eteel-and dealer* tn Coach Trunm.Mp «C every des s npilnit, manufactory on St. Clair at. \\ araboase « Woo .I ff. cm o.iie Si Charles lto»H J»«*» ..• ',T. TV ' -- -- -- J.Cankhers. Flrsrrnrgh 'iiim* •«••... », No (VI Water and 115 Front (V TiTv,:ii l it a*~bONNKIL Wboiesale Gro *V'. 3 .,„ A k.ia Forvrurdmg Merchants, •V"'*; iC« ,M-r nud IMiM.orgli manufacturea. No f.TiV.V% ■■ . ». J. uuum '“lk.ON * u.KSIOHT, to .11 ( ' . ... , tviulrul. UM«, WKn W< Hcttlanl., »r.lrr. m Prodaec .ml PaV.fl. M..... S.«>H bcmff^Vood and *l‘>usl<»*rgU,l a - __ ,m _ vcrAr/fcilL imnorirr ami vviwtpule and retail till™' liorgti >’« iV »»7 KIIAI-ICH. Dtf.lcf ■» f-rotlnw «nd l-imllr D. Ur!, tjrocvf, No <U L*r.»y «, u«v door to coc ncroi >U.kr.*.. _ . . _ - - •—T il l yJ. lUrriJon Sewell rvii'il-oi- * hK WELL, u JJ oifice* uu MuuUioH. I*eiwefn J*l ontl <UJ «U. inel*yj' ... TiUIV AKUIIKAZBLTOX.W hole*e]e 0 roce r. jli cuai •ide «*l »i« l» a>t»ontl, necond door, from moon I Aliev I'ni‘l'i rth - - —7**;- JOUS BIBBAIT. : n\VALT. *. OEOUART) Wholesale <Jro ; E ,'r«,dTnlec«.<. inoducc uu.l l'.u»tMir*l» nanorae -1 L.to-«iy ««d lUiu! *u. n «u.burfh, P«" fr 1.17 jv, - — , ~ JAMO 1' aMHOT- Set oi'il anil Tlnnl •»*, » battAW t McicNIOIIT, AUonicy* aiL»w, <ll Fouith .oll»kr«eil «l»Kl turn*. .JI..V fUnJif’. C*.W AOeir-Mg- Mrr ‘’. .. jT|" ' v ' ' j >fni .« Wood'. niiiKVD RIIBV 4fr cti- Wholesale Croctr*, Y..««. -V—• ‘Vw«w..l l^troit.t^.Pnu .... nMK l-.u.io Four Manufacturer eod «te*l i* .« o.'mlS’-i „„sru.p«u»,ll» Wood Finli ' lints’rolMYTH. JOHW A._FOMfta, lAOItSYTII 6b Co. Commistiott and Forwarding i ‘M n.,»W«..4u IMI ISCIS SKI.LCR3, Utocor. Commit.®. H Ucrt-hutil and dealer hi I‘roduce, ConUse,o«U, i. ft L?lt“y .1. war Canal Pm*bur*h, N li o“kmn, IM. L, M.nill. M®, *«. hand u Dealer m Ulove*. llo*Urji *t»<l f. * *«*• y J'iuv.umli. ' JT. 0 MO RUA». »ITM*W f*LSt ». / /koRGE MORGAN * CO, (jr ccr» and Ca.n.n.«.on Mrrch.au, 104 Wood \*n*l PiiUl»ar<|i Pa_ i»— ■ >, v .o A. BKILXIY Wholesale Grocer end Coin- a m. B. Brown. /' lio' V W fliilTH 4: Co, Hicwcrt, t end dealer* m Hop-, ISuiimijb nud lo»>» «*«»• erie«, I’eun end l*iu »tred». J riEORQE COCHRAN, Commission and For- G-.Si.g Mi>-*-*'. N*.» 'V .Iteet, IMubargh. . .. ■* Geo. (j Browne, ualb i' unOWMIS, [nrccum. u H v Hmwne,] Importer* and manufactareriof'Vall mSSi i'-l-i W-i-bo-M., No. W airect. Pittsburgh. *— rfXfrrafi jckwav, Crew*. -'*^2; H merqml Ro* . .ieur Hie filial t«*m, I uubergh mchaiHiiy TTILARY BRUHOT, WHITE A RED LEAR xl Manufacturer- PamtiOil .Merchsni, corner of Ldb eny and O'Ham «u. teot -— Uil-H DICKET. nmuT-mlil.n- JBAIAH DICKEY A Co, Wholesale Grower*, (Vim“ ion Merchant, wddealer. 'n P.oduce, No. fiti Water snd 1 07 Front PttttKurih- nor^^ ’IOSEPH KNOX, Attorney at l-*w, Pittsbwsh, J Pa., ha* resumed the practice of buptofMWH in h,. office No 7, Oil ke well’s Buildings, Grant H-p.-d d-..n, bl- *b.ra.« by T. J. U***”* 1 - —; - TORN D* MORGAN, Wholesalel Drugfist, and J dealer in Dye fluffs, Patnu, Oil*, VarmshcX. Ae . No l»Ji Wo.nl iirr. i. one door t*mih of Dtamood Alley, Pm.i.urgh- - ..TAMES KEIiR, Ja. A Co. (saceessor* to Joseph J <». Davisi ribip Caaudluzs.X W ater tb 00^ J'oits 11. BlKLLOBi\V)iolenl«'*iidßei»i]de»l»; M..i“ Itl Moticnt 1n.,™*,,... PaM«,Sl»ief,Stcl Pena. «mU», Pnawn C*ri», *»* fiSUery *««*«»>•, So.tl Wood .t, naMfc (p-R«e» toa*l.t of taken in u*do. r SCIIOOBiMiitBB A CO.wholewJe p™*- J. g l ««. So. M .V'ood 'TmTRPII JOROtS k BOS* Cccffl»U*i® K. I, i-ibr-y «, W*™ K«n..'.r.HM .i Knw J lOIIK L. (ULl.m>, A. 101.0 .1 I-**'- 0 ®" I - kJ t.fm r-n orani and gunhutld, •owih *k«o» w.ii.i-op™™p>ir nthe adjoining coui.tic* . , - rOIIN D. WAVIB, AUCTIONEER, comerJW* VuilS C. DIOWKLL, Agnt, WkeleMie o»d* J'ceraml Commiawon Merchant, '' a,cr ll ! wl ' door above the Moa.-.tißahela llrtdde, PnuburA. .. Iron, Nailf., Ar al mana/actorem 1 prtret. ,!OT*Ji _ 3t£To9, Bookseller* furturer*, No. 44 Marke. rOIiNSTON. * HTOOi J Printers and I ipcr tnunu/s *l, PrUri>U£){ll-_ . ... _L Ire, 4th, near Market at. TiMontal, Sebool, iknd Stationery. apai* JL. HEAD’S Uoofc ti'J . Classical, theological, II aifirous 'oul Sle:l.i«l'H l looks! l CO., Hanker* and Ri .(Wood and Third street Pittsburgh, Pa : yhe usual rafea. 'octll Jw. uoßr.uTsus a .Change «wirc». romero iMcrchani’sH®*'-' Uu-Li_.!i.<s»J purclv*^*- tie Grocer, dealer in Pro area, Tin Plate, Ac. At, jana joIIN UKIRU, \VLoki ♦J i'.iuUi r; - ii injoiulat V. .Vi Lfi/eny i « »t. n.ov n.linc. J . im-'cr*. .I'V t.:l*ny Roc hard Floyd. Fktyd A Co.} Wboleaah street- «eptS boleaaleGrocer.Con mi*- in Prodgeeand Pittsburgh i, Pittsburgh. janlu Wholesale Otocer, For* ion Merchant. Dealer in Produce, No*. 31 Water jgy X 4 Wholesale i i CoramiMion Merchant*. 1 inafhctures, Ae. t No. 43 i AAltttt IiAwZKLL, V ,j <lOll Meri iinj “»« >o.‘.mjorujn’*. - * •Wien L». WATKitMAS . wardiu? ■■'•.'■■l J*iii«!iorsb Mat- • r rwmhvychi# L tuo<*n.r ■'•**•*■•* au.l dettier# “Y " John Bhiplon. >2l, Whole tale Grocert on Merchant*, Dealer umfaeutre*, No* 13 an feteS T A SHU ) < ForwenliHfl !u:d <**»« ,1 rrodurea n-t »in*-l'Urpta FtfWond «L , 1 Unil id A BUStI FlELD,Grocer* lad Cctt- M“'Si, N-p LMn > ■'"Sity ‘ I>, Wo. K Mimic* i r aLLEN k Co., Coi nmi»»ion and Forw«rdjn« vv.«.o. From...,!*>*«» w~< ml MatWtt. _ •_ ' ,— 3 ■.. A IVKUB, UlTSTEaico, Wbolewle G "«e r * i\l No. Litany n. | ~&L. c. w. aicacraoa. [•SON, Wboleaale Gro* erchanta. No 170 Liberty ianll IVM.UIU.KB. MILLER k ZUCKE’ c< t* and Guiimiuian iMw.iimh. fa holctalc ami retail Lai a, and. dealer* in Fancy ilb«a. -)ort McCORD k KING, 11 itinl*Cv|. inxnui'nriureii corner tV nod and Fift , r 4 J. SLOAN, Who! 'V| . Primus-* •-•*«! !*“!»• anil „<m Merchant*. No* SJ Lilwt .. . ieaal* Groeera, Dealer* in I PorwardlngandComtar*- tty and va Wood streets, , T HOLMES A SON, No S 3 Marketstreet, *ec [\ ol „j door mull comer of Fourth, Dealers in Far- nl lj Dorae-iic Dill* of JF-xebange, Certificate* of nJtioaii Bank Note* and Specie. . CoU#tit>n\ mods»n alllikt pnoespa/cf tit*ttrmsgA. j deel?- * f Oliriiv. WILWI A CO n \VbolmJe Dry jVI („rt,u l-.-ulm, No. T Wood Street, P.usbargb WVeMirrct. «V II lIAWKINB. Attorney at La*, Oront*n R nakeweli’t Building*. nearly opposite tba New &V* ~~ JT i7a\VKINS. Attorney at Law, Grant «, 11. Uakeweli’* Building’. nearly Court House- • Sc———- nnmrßTfiOH A BSPPEBT, ProdueeTfoaJ* roerehanu, No 100 Second^!, Pilist.tirth „ , - -yp - • TiirHiUU t_ IiEECU. Jr., Importer and in ForeTtn and Domesuo fiaddfety. «■«* Carriage Tnnuaiß|*,or *ll de*ertpiteatNo' .-Vv;«oJ facet, PittalrargM ' fa* i '**•'■* BUSINESS CARDS. *• »**F£jir. _ t. *- aoawsos. RBBDvE A 00, Wholesale Grocer*, Ctomrais •ton Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce and Fmsburjtb Manaftetore*, Liberty *u opposite Somh field *L- Pj’tsburgh. Pa. m ys RICUARDBARD, wholesale aid retail dealer iu Leather, Morocco, shoemaker*’Tool* and Find ings, Tanners arid Comets Tools, and Tanners Oil, No. 101 VV ood at, Pituborgh. sepl'i TYOBKRT PALZELL fcCe*, Wholesale Gro- AV errs, Coratm*srott*jtd Forwarding M*«bani*,dea- Icrs in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactory, Liberty atxeei. Pittsburgh, Pa. fetnH BOBT. BOtltOX. SAM’I. ». BOIIBOX. R ROBISON 4 Co«f Wholesale Grocers. Pro • duce and Commission Merchants, and Dealer* in PittsbuiKb'Maaufacture*, No. I&O Liberty street. Puts burgh. Pa. , jmnlO ROBERT MOORE; Wholesale Grocer, Rectify tng Disttl(er, dealer in Produce, pituborgh Mauo facuire*,and all kinds of Foreign and-Domesac Wines an 1 Liquors, N* U Liberty street, Pittsburgh- UjT" N. B. On hsnd a very large stock of superior Old Mononnhela Whiskey, which will be sold low for ea*h. may2Wy_ ~C. or'KernoMsV’ " J. L. «iee. REYNOLD? * SIIKE, Forwarding and Com minion Mriciiktis, for the Allegheny River Trade, draletx in Groceries. Produce,Piiuburgb Manufactures and Chloride of Lime. . ■ lIU I.DIUIIUC VI I.IIUO. . Tlie highest prices, in cash, paid al all times .for Coun-rr Rags Comei of Penn and lrwin sis. jaiiS) IJ C Shackleil Tho*. R White. CU&CKLETT 1 WHITE, Wholesale Dei- O let* in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*. No SO Wood aireet, Pitt-hurgh ' lehlTtf Sfc. XV. lIAHBAUOHi Wool'Merchants, deal . er* in Flour and Produce generally and Forward ing and Communion Merchants, No $1 Wood street, SAMUEL Attorney at Law. Office iq Breed's building. No ftt Fourth street, between Wood and timiibfield. STEPHEN BARRETT, ManufacturerofFan ry,Phasing aud Toilet Soaps. Winter and Summer pressed Laid Oil, Ac. No 17 Ftflh *t, between Wood end .Market sts, Pnuborgh. Pa. nc3l SY. VON DOKIHOEST A Col, Wholesale • Grocers forwarding and Commission Merchant*, Dealer* in P.lt*borgh Manufacture* and Western Pro duce, have removed to ibetr new warehouse, (old stand) No US, comer of Front aland Chancery I-a nr. uuv7 SAMUEL M. KIER, Forwarding and Comnin* siou Merchant, Dealer in Salt, Produce and Pius .burgh manufactured article*, Canal Basin, nrai 7th st. dkl Sh.'tVICKEBHUAU, Dealer in Seeds, Flow • era, Frail Trees, aud Agricultural Implements, No ej Wood street Piuiborgh. 'PASSEY 4 BEST—Wholesale Grocer* A X UoamtsHoa Merchants, and dealers in Prodfice.— No 31 Wood sired. Pittsburgh. fpIKW. KENNKDV, Jr , Uoktng Glass Msnufaetu A rer, and Dealer in Clocks, Combs, and'Variety Goods, comer of Wood and Fourth streets )19 T P Forsyth. R J Forsyth. rp p. FORSYTH A Co, Commission Merchant*. X • dealers in Salt, Lumber, Groceries, Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pitubutgb. feblS 'P A. RILLIER, Looking Glass and Picture L •Frame Manufacturer, ana Importer of Looking Glass Plates: dealer in House-furnishing Hardwire;- sud Faney Goods, KM Wood street, near Fifth. .»!•» JOHS D. WICK. DAVID MCAJDLKSS WICK 4 M’CANDLESS, (successors to L A JDWick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merrbantt. dealers th iron, Nails, Glu**, Ooiton VaiDs and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, comcrof Wood and Wai.-rsts, Pittsburen. acblo tTT XV, WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweller, VV • comer of 4'h and Market street*. split tIT B. MURPIIV invites the U.-'iraio call and , VV • examine hi* stock of French Worked Collars, some a* low asttf cents. tochl3 T/ GREER, WholesaleGroecr,Forwarding and TV • Commission Merchant, and Dealer in Produce urtTP Pittsburgh Manufactures, corner of Water and Sroithfield sts. Pittslmrgh, Pa. ' aplS WHITMORE A WOLFF, Importers and Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dlery, Ac,eorner Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pitts burgh. _* _ upttf I ITU. GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to the V V corner of Wood and Third sis, above C. H. Kay, where be is prepared to do every description of Ruling and Bindtug. _ __ apttt WW. WALLACK. MilV stono and mill furnish • ing establishment, No. SH4 Liberty str’t, near the canal. _ marJS vit. M’cDTcar.ox. bobt. b crrrcazoß. Wft R. M’CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, . and Dealers in Pittsborjrh <Mhnnfhctu res. and vVe*teru Produce generally. No. 152 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. cn'Jl W~A MrMITCHELTBEBV WholesTle Gro • eerm. Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Merchants, No. 10U Liberty sucet, (opposite Sixth st.,) Pittsburgh may IS-dly i \ O. U. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. ha* * > • removed bis office to tho Exchange Buitdincs, dl Clair stieet, nextdoor to AtdcimanJohns. apadffin _______ WH> GARRARD, Dealer In Fancy and ample • Dry Guodn, No 7J Market atrect. Pittsburgh. novl-1-dly il*7 ILL lAMB k'DILVIIOUtIi, itr*m the {Jurat v V District.) Wholrsalo Grocer*, are now located at Wo. US Wood st. where they offer for sale a targe assort ment of Grocenee ond Pituburgh Manafacturcs, at low prices and on favorable terms. tnayH \if W. WILSON, Dealer in Watch**, Jewelry, VV • Silver War'd, Military Goods, Ac, No. 5? Mar- ft; 'nTHCttPUY. nod retail dealer in V V .Foreign and Dotne«e DryT>**»d*. north ca»:n>r u-rufMarkclarul Fourth ■>!»: uuirfl WJdC'F. IUWiK, Jr , Inv tig'.purchased ihe Drug Stoie of Edgar Thorn, coturr of I’en t and Hand suecU, wi|t*erp a cotisutm supply m the be*t medieiiies, perfumery, Ac. Physician’s prescription* esrefuljy compounded.— Medicines can he had at all uours of the night. • fcblOdty* A M Wailingiool. John F Suiter. WALLISOPOOP A Co., Co minis*.on and For warding Msrchani*, Second, nuar Wood street. Pittsburgh. Pa. WM. M. DARLINGTON, Attorney m Law Pittsburgh, Pa. . ommissioner io ukr the ac knowledgment aud proo of Deeds, Lease*. Contract*. Depositions, or aav otke* writiug (under *eal or not,) to He used or recorded in the State of Ohio. Ofire on Third street,abovedmit teld. jir c. ADGIIIJfBAUGH, Ationiey at Law VV . Firth street, near Scnilhfield. Collecting, agen cies and other.busincss attended to with (lunctoality Bisseils A Pempk; Wm. Croglian. Esq., B.A Fahnestock A Co, John Hn;ron, Esq, Graf, Lindsay A Co, John 'Vright. Esq. James McCully, Esq, Maj. Williafi Laruaer itfUy ; J. BRVAfi, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, **d wuotaasu dials* i* ?OKEIM 4 DOIESTit) WftflCß & LWOOKS, No. 114 liberty tL, and 53 Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. Jytt-dlr ' WAItBICK M AUXIN & Co., - Banisn, liaaUn in Extkat sgs, Bank Antes and Cain, . Corner of Third and Wood sir eel*, novl£dlT PlUibunh, Pa. || W WiUiams. - . , Wm. A 1 t*bm«i. (SHcesaser U Lawn* + -WBKams.l. WILLIAMS A B HIS H. attorneys ANDCOUNSELLOKrt at law. 0(?-OAea Norh aide'of Fourth st, ahore - febl7dAwlyF E. J. HEHBY, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Colleetionain Southern Ohio and in Indiana . and In Kentucky, promptly and carefully aitended to. . REFER TO-Hon. Riehard Biddle. Wm Uell A Son, C unit,WntM'KnighuCaurcbACarothers, PFralUys, Ksq^'James P; Btaart, wtllock A Diets. J_ ~"i>livcr Hlacklwro. Ueoree U. Jones O. BLACKBURN A.CO, WHOLESALE Grocer, and Dealer, in Oil*. Bout stores, arid Pittsburgh Manufactured article,,hare on hand at all tlmek-a foil and general osuittment of food* in their line, Water atreet, near Cherry Alley, •nubnntb. _ ' : _ ItISEIDEsTiiF THE jTSfITi roa tbi *ii.s or DOILER IRON, BOILRR HEAD*, FLUE A FIRF. BEDIRON. £. F. SHOENBERGER PITTSBURGH, PA. Haring taken the Warehouse formerly orennied ny M. U Kbey A Co. VVotor Street/ near Evan’s Steam mil, -Will keep on hand a full supply of all size* of Boiler Iron and Head*, Flue am* Fire-Bed Iron, made from hiatal/wnieta Ueoms; which will be sold at ilie lowe.i 'market rate*. Engine Builder, ami other*, are invited o call and examine hi* stock. Order* promptlv at ended to. iy ; H dl T_ JOHN M TOWNSEND, DinggHt and Apolbe esry. No 43 Market *t, tbree door, above Third it. Pittsburgh, will ha*e constantly ou band a well telecl ed atMitment of the beat and freshest Medieide*. wh.rb he wilt aett on the met reasonable‘terms. Physician* •endint order* will be promptly auemled to, *nil sup plied with article, they-may rely upon a< genuine Physicians’ Prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the beat material*, «l an> hour oi '** Also for safe,' a large neck of fresh ami good Perfu mery. . ... J. B. 6 WBITZEH, attorney at law, Office 3d St, eppMlle St. Cliarlea Hotel, vmeo *»« Fie— PITTSBURGH: Wfl.l. alto attend promptly to Collection*, in Wash inatoa.Fayette and Green Countiee, Pa- Hcraa to ■^ssire^. o’’ 0 ’’ K«.b.*k D- T. Moi*an J oc 1 3dly_ ! DUNLAP, . MANUFACTURER Of Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, and dealer in Britannia and Japanned Ware No 17 Market aueel. The; subscriber re.peei folly call* the attentwm of tho Western Mefehaaia. Countrj dealer*, and others, to hi* large stock of man < cfaeiured Tin and Copper ware, with a large a„oit ment of imported House ,rD **? , , n *i!j|^rn! r r<! i I . e i nf j Wholesale buyer# and U»o pablic generally, are in ted to call. - - . r-* GKO. W. SMITH A Co, BREWERS. MALKTKRH AND IJOP i REALERS i PITTSBURGH ASD PBISIT BREWERIES. Corner Barker* Alley *m) Penn J*i. nud foot ol Pm M PHUbßff A Pa. _ JTsT OonbngbT W. Bonbright. • , M „ ,f* A A W. BON BRIGHT, IiSUFACtORBRS OF STA BCD, IX7 ARRANTED mjubl, if not superior, to any made f * to tae United mates, and which tb**y will dispose Of at low Price* and on good Term*, Bistw, Pa K. r. • *«*>"•_ *l«x. eotTLay. H. P. A S, NBLSQN A CO f, A M ANUFACTURERB of Hammered loieli and JJfJL tfpadeA lloea. Hay and Manure Forks. Ac .Ae. Vvarehou*e.,No II Wnod*ir**i. rnt.snareb marin FiADI TEA »TtFitE7 Rffl< * fft. Ftvrtk HU, nsor Want Ail qualities of Oraea and Black Teas quart«r, half, and one pound packages, ran i ' i.-.v FORWARDINti k COMMISSION, A. M. WalunguKil. Jno K JAMES XV, AVOODU'ELL, WALLINGFORD A CO., riTTaorncH rcnaiTuax wins eooss, COMMISSION A >'OK vv AttDING MF.HCII ANTS Nn H I TIIIIU> STKF.KT, PITTSBURG It' PIANUFACTURES, ‘ _ >uiMb.r inr WAltKrt'/OSfcS aecnml street, lirnr Wood, mid U ( ,tei« an.l private Dvvel- Hu*.n Libery i-irrei. have on l.u.nt uml :'nr . luiv*. <-uii*tamly oil Imnd a.iJ nud-- io order, sale 160,000 lbs a«*oned Sleel vir: Hie piei-nt *iock on band eaunoi be r scelled bv any Naylor A Uo> C»*t. ahenr, Blister and Get ran n ie-i. msnulscuirv in the woirin count ry wishing Jones A Ljuigg's Am Dtister Spring nnJ Fork in purchase would dn well by giving me ■ call, as l am liWdos Shovels, Spade* and Forks , . determined my price - *btsl< plea*e Part «.f m- stoek Carnage “prirr* snd Axle*; con*i*i» in— i Anvil,, (mouse tir>le:) Vices, (pat«Rl and vmnninii.) jn rtefu* wiib Plu*h and Uiijr-cioth cover*; Sledge*, Sledge Mould*.Crowbars, Udoz Mahogany Nur-e Chan*. Furnace Rniger».(Jun.aia Iron.) M pair Divan*: Matlock*,Clay and Coal Pick*. ' Iddoxfine mabngiuiy C<>H'r*; Ale*. Seyjlie., Sickle*. Ixsg Clianio, A e Ac.. I*J malioganv H ork joaml- Fire iirm. N.*.i*. Gla** ' 3 dor maliogany RnckiugChtur*, and other Pitubargh Munuia.-ture* ilir tuue-i : 15 murblc top Drevmg Uun-uu-; price*. iriilf* ' n pur Ouomnni; “C R Danei'hower? j'Hennldo Sauk.' ’ • Marble io,. Work Stand*; CHARLES U. DASE.NIIOWEUt CO. ». i* chrr 7. n,U ' .... . , •r aar*r> r\ Mahogany, Maple Lberry i.ml Poplar Uedsteadi of entini s * Cn U «S .1 nJi .. * *. a U ?" rte *cf«»«** “ a-mrimerit of Common ' IrUJI JUloolUrl 91 CKt 11 n >1 I 5, r urmiure and Chair*, too numerou* in mention. [ No. SO South Wharve*. and No Il7»ouih Water st martlif •PHILADELPHIA: NK VV HARIMVAKK 'hUI'SK.' ; DEO to inform tiw trade and dealer* generally ol : JOSEPH IVOODH’EI.L, j | U ritubttrgfi, that they bav.* inadeeucli a'rangeiut-ni, i Corner of Wood and tld ala, Plttaburgh, , i with the Virgin.a manufacturer* and the (iimvers oi ’IT A VlNtr withdrawn from'the old firm of A'uikur A i the W e«t y \\ est Indie*, and other place* a- wdl m-ure |II WoodweH. on ihe Li o! January, 1547, 1 mkr i a large and ronsurn iup|>!y of the follow, nf i!<- *enp- plea*.ire in nniiouiicnig to my fr.rtuD in' tlie city auJ ; lion* of Tohnceo which will be sold uj>oii a« uecom- country, that 1 have opened my ntw store at the above modating term* u* any oilier hou*e in this city or ei*e- inuned place, tluving purcbjsed iny goods for cash, ! Where, and all goods ordered irora them will l>e war and made arrangement* with inanula. iurer* in tlii* ranted equal to representution:— cocuuy and m Knropc in b.r con*inntlv supplied. I am Havana; Si. Domingo; Conn., ) fully prrparrd to furm-h Hardware or all kind*, on a* N ara; Porto Rico; Penn'o . [ Seedl-;af Tr> good term* and n« low ns.nity, hnu-e Ka«t "or We*i Cuba; Igutnt; und, Florida,) baero: .Merchant* nnd nther* nrc re*pe«tfully invited meal AljSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven and exitnitnl- my slock, before purchasing elsewhere, dish, with a large assortment of other popular brunda, 'I he billowing c.oinpri*e*a pun of m) stock, and qualities or pound*. 5* e* l-J* IC* nnd 3V* J.urnp, Mt-anilrtial und Hardware. (>.m Trimming*, 5, C* *» and ln» Plug; l.ait.e*’Twi»r; Virginia Twist, File*. Nh\lor’* Steel. Cutlery, Edge Tool*. Anvil*. Vi se, sweet and plain, in whole and half luxe*, wood er*. 1-ock«. l.au be*. Sick U-*. Scyihes. Butt Hinge*, and tin. together with every variety of art.clr belong. N-lrw», L'moii 1 arlory Mahogany iioxrd* mg lo ihe trade. JeltWly ; und veneer*, and all niLri article* eo.in. cted with the J D LstlstEk. U W A.vuhß-oy. 1 ; Hardware hu«:ne*» _ rnchlllf :,r p T f ,,n ii GAZZAM S PATENT BEDSTEAD.* I * ANDERSON. Dra er* m t-onoii/ N OT WITHSTANDING IJ (‘orwanljug und Comm.**,nr. Merchant*. No M *n inter** opposiuon to thrsiavenj F Tv;V.^ o^UmaJ ‘''' V - C ‘ an “' : fl “ > ' - 1 ‘l*| |W" troh ot a Pittsburgh Mechafuc.ams .. \fSSg£ jomy of the t'nbnei maker*.ot this . *T« .. i und Allegheny cdy. r-nd iheirnomer Seav'' A l »*lienherd ’ \ i ulmve (he vu'gut piejudire ngJinM AowwinrrnlMJii*. and wEa";;,,. N'n.ti.il. iv„, ■ j*-r <iv‘, Li Ye.unanA Armisiead. ) • beeaase . Je'wre. .c being the 6s*» * w *^;*‘; W FLsoe& Co.. lj)n,*v,lle,Ky. w-wmeni Badstrjd ... «-r IHr mg lesUiaonml jL r n2rjohn«in , 'A“r{’ I C ''imniu.n, O '''tv'. Ihr «uU-cnt.rr- pil, met maker* of the * --- S.^fu'RieJte-i •! m - -i* «**"*"■•• Smidt, Uagak-y A Co., Philadelphia the *um. *uprr.nr m n,\ ..t w.m «i,.rn we are P- 11 '. 1 Dc.liou. Bo.ion J.,1. «i„. ’ J. <■- tV. Le.iwicb. W. C. Wit-on t )} VouugiOn hudrn Fairmmi J. G. W. LEFTWICH & Co., J II tunlcy RECEIVING, FOKWAKDINt.. John Liggrti, Jr & And l Coramlsslou Merchants, l.hwne A ai!..n Kiddle A Dicnnsn 'PLAQUEIUINE, La. Thoma* Faiie> Hugh H U allare PARTICULAR atlctiiion'paid to eon*leiiiiu-iit- of David l.uker Ramsey A M ClciUnd Sugar Mill*, Engine*, or utlict an.clr* for One:ou>-a* Hugh '\ allare Mo*c« llulluek and Attakapa*. ' Dav.d l.ukey REFERTp—Me«sr« Sheffield A l.ighilow. Mi Tho- For Right* w mute and sell ibe Fled*lea4» mas Limerick; New Orlear*. ' .apply to LUENEZEtt F UAaZAM, Messrs. LurtonA Bmerron, Mr Z M Sherley l/.u- declO • Patentee isville. IT ATENT PRESS BRICK MACHTnE •Me**r*: Hall A Speer. Mr. Wm. O'Leary, Roiini I -| r *ubsenher* imvma obtained a patent. May 10 Wighimsn. Armstrong A .Mehnlaon: Pittsburgh. |-*tG.r u Pie** Brick Marhme, and having suite then M*i»«f*. Re van. Todd A C.i , C.neuinaii. ilioro ghly tested us ability, are now prepared U> sell Messrs. Hynes A Craigin-ad, .Me*»r», l-ldwnrds A righi* and roniract io delivef maebines to any part of Wbiteall, Hou. 'Zeuon Labuuve, Mon. John Dutton; j n, P t nlrd Slate* .Tin- machine is designed to make Plaguemine La _ j Unek from crude •)«>•, if,id will make :»,uuo px>d •ip •••* Dvr t is e#. i sinooi firm brick perdiit.snfficieiiilvhurdtostaea Dp ' FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- j L”“ r MISSION irERCHAXTS. . being nouldrd. Il i* innple. *lrong.npl lisbielo gri oul j LIBERAL cash advance* made on receipt of ran- ; ouiot repuu. uud i« '•ou»iri«rtrd that it can be taken w j sigiunetit*: Those .hipping toour addrr.* wdl be p-cr<-ami put nieetber *ith great facbiy.ibu* remler- j earn ihree-founUs value in advkuce m C*su. I.y apply ‘"k “ onal.le \\ e are naw buildmg machine*, aud ' ing io our friends. - can luni.-h-liem on short notice yor a full description | Messrs. Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh we w jld ref.-r :o * inacliine now m «uree**ful ojiern- : Messrs. Tho*. Bel? A Co. Bndgrpon. Ohio i «'*»«• ' M-» rret k l«3iioa v iiear thr U r*i end of E.ghih Philadelphia, May 5. l»». . mayS7-if «tr* u. where we shall in.-happy to cxplaiu everything I N. B. All produce consigued to u* i* iwvrnl connected with it to nit who may call U e have at j in the warehouse of Wallingford A Taylor. Pittsburgh, ; present no authorized Agent All Iriirrs to our addre.** | . c 11. & Co. * C... FRESH ■IMPORT.VriONN'OF HARDWARE. sep-jjif CINCINNATI. ! LIIC AX &, RIE Ji SED V, UOI.IVAU fire uuicks. | IMP*»RTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS ie*-.e,l amt upprove.l dur.ngrbe past IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Ac.. { J two vent*, by the pn .c.,.*l mn itMnufn.iioricin No. I» Wood Street. " ,p country. «ml tbroughoul the .menor of -P TTSBURGII ' Penti»y Ivuiiin, will t.e reauy for drbvcryou the opening AKE now m Ih, room, of rer.irin* 1,,,, .Id.l mi. of N«v.«.n0.,. '! „ ....r-ral 0,. »i,.,d ,1 1 nrda,.1.,1.1v lOlliHr ~ion.iv. ..00l of ll.tdwur. Cudory. 1 «»d-0p.r.0r,,)- d0|, ; ,,.1. W .Jl., r. p.tnid oi- Sail lory, which hoviOg ll.ni , l u, C i.a,,d oi. Hi. I '>of, tom-Kln if.in hU.yUiid. .vh... ih, di-rovr.,-wo. mo t advaulugeou* term* m England, ami direct Irani i ,nd, ' r i .' , ' r ,u .“ l w * u ‘ * l . '* the Hanufaeiurrr* in tin* r.oumry, e-ißble* them to ol jl-d. i* eareiu.ly »eparaied Ih< > wi. he thoroughly , fee oml* on terms surpassed Ky nunc amt equalled by ,ur,lpll "nJcompoe-.y pie.-eu by nmchuei), and an few 1 I'urehafer* are reapectiuliy uiviKit tot-Ail. n uic nm-n.iou g> «m l.\ . «--*r ur.<)A c the pro i<llW 1 ’ . pr.e>or-. in a,I te*pe tl . in rnsuna.il their arknowkdged “* 'G'KOUOfc COcTfUAXr “ ' 1 "V, U C!,'L in- w-P i.epromptly eiecu- COMISSION Si FOKWAKI 1 .'*! LRCItA.NT, trtl ;>P . lt ,<> Jmi j w ,'t AOtJ.MtEN i No Wood mhi Et. PiTT*Hrtu.»«. mur 4 .* k'-n* ne'nn limt Works | CONTINUES to transact n general C«.m.u«-Mion KW FOURTH "bTAUCITT bauEuT, ! Busimim, especially in the purchase and sale : IN cONFECntiNAKV AND FRUIT STORF, will of Atnencan .Manulactu-es and. Produce, and in o pen nn Monday . Ann! SH». four door, from Wyod st, receiving and forwarding Good* cuniignrd to bis I and next door to A Jay nr * I'-k u ‘l ea Mjte care. A* Apent lor the Manufacturers, he will be A splemJ-.i u-»ortnn-nio( F»> cy Confectionary. ConsUnUv supplied with the principal articles of: Fruit, Ac . tiv*hon the coymet every dsy; among which PitUburghfManuraeture fac U. 10-0,. wholndld j *™)s^22^J« ! uc.c l-omon Bi.cd.tf pnees. Orders and consignments are respectfully Pavrv • do, tVj.pir Nu:>; solicited. •*'_ ! Jeity Cake. /. mMi-l.dm Mum-*- *IV i'ak^ B F Conway 1. I. ii/ui..i,iuii i tirnger N-*>. U ai.-t Juin'< r-. *ji D *cim. ; B. F. COSWAY 4. CO., FeCera. Cuke; a FV, M-sar Jo; i PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, C..min.««w>u uml Forwarding • Order* for loe Crv«>n». J-!*v. Bride* 1 Cain-, FancY .Merchant*: and Pioduee Dc’ili'S—at-üßirmlio the Cmiteciioaa'y. Ae . Ac. <j.-i ued -n u manner uuc- Purchase, Sale and S-'nipinttit of l‘ig irou.Cual. Ac. quailed in y und t-c.imy :•> miv other eflatdith- Atwood, Jones* Co .Brown. Rmlvy A C.» „ Prv‘h Btrs-t. Tw.,i. lU.k. Ac., tuamifaciurvd solely : |j>reitz. Sitrlmg &Co Henry Gratf | f ,c,u " hue W h>-m f lour, uo-l nee irom allurug*.every . Graff, Lind-ey *Co DL*ecl, *fo mnrsmv «pt AMIHEWH < t.yon Stmr'i* G> Clurkr- A I'iunv SIIA VINO CRE A .11 -TRICE It EDUCED : JOHN F- PJ-:it:t\. • , " r”,'-neT’. {Lstr «;• me nil Mulo.im l.r-edi A 1 j' J, ‘ ( ! w , sat Dm. til- • Wholesale Crortr. CominUion 4 Flour i u f . l( ' vv . , , M . ~f )B ,, ur „. e n t‘if most Blerchant, '• , .Jm,,.,,., o '. out .l,ct hit c .vcr used* u-d in i T\KALKRir. SII U.I. O- Count.,- Piskluc.- Cop- , j, riJ ,. r .-.1,.,, me reu.-b -I an. t have reduced a f^r i, r ‘ r ''i T" 1 1 i ,U ’' v 400 ' {"’“‘j' ibe price tow - .-ougn m udort :m i,v|tnitunii> to every | Ru.m Sheet: tr«i. Iron ned N.J n. U hue Lead, ' , . v ~ lr ,«i und ..i-igc lur metnselve*. So. Dye Siutf* .lotion Yarn- SaU. Ac. and i'-n- >urgh : , p /ru "meif if uaw *i, f.„ n'r.ci! .uxunon.Mm-e mi' MariiiiDc'ure*: generally. corner <>: L.t-eny au-l Irw.n M ' . bav ,„ r r «p. d„,M i, r ... Ir .j- ;l won't Vo*, i strems Pm.bercb.Pa. mucf m fin th-m. amt. y..u ;.rr „nl snu.l.e.l, the . U?"L*btr»: udvuners in Cu-h or Gu-I*. made mi con- , , | STEPHEN lIA RiCfTTf • iginneiit* i>i Produce Ae in... |roll ni> j, af a ~.l Furtorv and |-«t,. y so«p Work*. AUCTIONEERS Hnriltvare, Cutlery, Rmlilierj, 4c. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS!. i ALEXANDER LEVY 6c. UROtf. J i.e llsidware. w«ulJ rr»pertful.> iiiL.m Ins -r.rmi* CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS \ S Lgeu^pl?®* 1 Hardi-irela. the o'd’.u.,j'.f W Jker OFFER to fell at either e*l.ibli*hmrnl, all kind* of 1 A VV.mx!w.-u. No Wood »iiert. wlucn be will Merchandise* *t the lowe*l rau-s of I'ominciioiit and , oi nu the most reasoivililc lenn*. are alarays pri-pateil ut male ndvaare*. The l»e*t oi lie wtH be continually receiving fresh .unpl-e* dure references given, if required, a.ldre»*ed to , from the Muuutuciufer* m I'.nrnpe and itn* tommy, either House willbe promptly attended to. jy’ilhlty winch will enablr Inin to romp- ie w.th uny.r*tabl »h -' " JOjis J]'. RICHIROS, ‘. ».«1 I COMMISSION MERCHANT, i *;• ... . I .VO. SO U' ATF.II ST . OFI'U-ITK CHKA I'SI III: ~ ■, '.‘j ,„t» C 0,... j IIfINDOW f»la*«, (■ ta*s « arc. Dr.cd fruit Eire*- c< ui.n.**ion and Fotw-irdinr Im.mr... under the *l} .r '»» wax.and Country I'roduee J ot OHUM, McUItEW 4 CO., i Advauees made on consignm-m* Svtufnctory ref- BIli( tuvr |Hke)l |llf . WBM . hoo . r \ f , o iVnnmetcml Row. I erenee to those addressing l-y mad. *ej.t7.ly* • [.. (^,ty , ( rert. (nnuerly oi rup.ed l.v Mr W B l*u*ey— -1 jaxx* Tuoaesox. W. M r*isesßU.. wheie uli liu-ines* t-iiiniMed to nnr charge mil lie THO9XPBON ft CABIPOELL, prnmpilv and I*dhi.iliv aitemte.l tn COMMISSION MERCHANTS -=r • 1 "'■'SfflftL,. And M.nuf.olnr.r. ot Llu.r.d Oil, mS S lfninv.. >„» .S.IJ.OS'H, ,V„. 2U CMia St r l. : mch® CINCINNATI, OHIO. s fiNErtAL region of lakk >upa q3*CAßH ralD rod i>l KIOH A few dozen (latr*t rdmom of iUutblun seri-J5 ly and Bn.to!'* Mineral ttegon. Accoiuianud by the map < - ~g |i, P onl.fr i-i,unity; nuinl er and iocatiun of every WM WATTRRBOK, Iwrln ,. lia „,o and can.ial .lock of all the mining com- FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MF.R**HANT, rP , uJlof geological n-d upogrupha-al-m- J^**®*** l *®** Yn, -. ■• together with ail the »tiiti«t>cai >nlonnat-an relu- sdvflifrr would re«pertfully inform hiadiemls h ,. tMO the vu*«e rati region ofLuk« Snpeiio:, urrcontmn and tbo public that be ba« taken tin- War-hou*e. p of fca | e j,y formerly occupied brJ K Gould where he wdl Iran- HAYS A DBOCKWAY, Druggist* aact a general Agetiry. forwatdmg und t omun»*ioii No *J roinuierc.nl tow. liberty *t bu‘ine*< Paniculsr attemion given iu all eon«ign- | .. J*au# R l.aaur. “ e u'V, martlif | KLiNT q LAW! * EBTADLIBIIMKST. : BBFLVanN a LKDLIK manwarture and keep eon- WALLIWGFOItD A CO., : IVI * um.v m ha., i fut, Mou d-d nnd Pn.m Fl.m COMMISSION ft FOKWJkUDING MERCHANTS, , t,l u ..w„ r e, m all its cur.ene*. u» Warehouse enr- Regontl Strvel, near Wood. . m rof Market und Water •urn*. Pii|*tiutch. DKAI.KRft in Pitiaburgh 'Mmiufacmrc* an<l Heavy ] Our Work* continue in lull r.p»ruiioii mid we me Hatawarr— w*ll keep ebn*tant>y >»n linnd n »U>ek | romun ly nddmg io our «iock wnt< h enat lc* u» to fill nf earrisge riprmqs und axle*. limn-t*. *ey tlie* hikl sn k- 1 order* wnh prom pines* Curelu'er- a»e re*[,eetluly le». file proof salt* anvil*, vice* Idnck'iuiib*’ liellowt. j »<.tceited io call and examine price* and term*. •ledges. Ae . At- mrlcjt . n. > |lU'|y _ nov3dAwlv '“•“MiSu. i-kkcmT^os," L».KJ^E«r«srs2s 1 Wws WJi.&WiJ’rJa: "*«^''rr^rrz'TT^ZT^t Ku-na M.rn Iron. l.«-a«l. Cotimi Vain*, Sale. Ar . and > '" m l‘f ' ' ''*V„ fn *' ' (,„.. Tool!. Ki i.bnrgh Mmiiu:«c ture.yi.r.:.liy Nt.. l»! O.J. n,i«l !M ■ , • (llil llru .| lt ., 4c 4( - , „i m .u |„. w*ll -H l' , aTDf^ , T , a 01C,OOrUK,Vr,rßjof ' V °* low n.r .*u»li may l _ * 'lobrral »ul *nnrr«, m cn«h or s<»<N. made m, r-.n Tea, Groerry FruM and ProTl.ion Store. nß.rmeim of produrr. Ac , Ac. ..., U J I 'lfi HKItT Y HTHKKT. nEItCEII, BIIOTIIKRH A Co., I) KNJ aMI.N I»>vV,N' wouid re.prriiutu mioini In* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, D ..;.i>r..,,.1 .1,- pni.u- t H,rrui;y, u,-. hr i.a» Forthe minor PR'IOCC* peimruliy. arum rimmn tie.-d liu-mv• m ihr :il*ovr br-uirhr*. oral I'llll-ADmilA. ; «l—r I.l* »M -'ami. l,r l.y Ic-rjmic a ID-l.'l-ral advance* matron con-ft.-m. m* ' -"I-PD <•' *'«»' ‘ n ** "’J P l ’, Ptlllada, Ilrrr,n..~ » d-on , 1 ‘ ‘ ~r^ D. W. MITHiW*. w. T. f ATC K. , . ... H ... p\,iV|* “ _„ „ ;tT“f n w J* % ft™'/. nui:»: shin ant. d-xoLatlv, paint kr, COMMISSION iULRIIIAfITS, n (U.AZ!KK AM) PAPKR HANGKR. h now p.t -• No. <5? Water SI reel, j paied to umlrrinke ihr above hu«ines« iionll ns vonou* }*T I.OI'IS. MO. ; briiririira. ami wairanU H> rivr m every Will (five paruculnr atlrniion to the *t limp or Pro ' rr.prri Military Si'inilnril I tanner*. I in** A •l u iil- I dure, anti tu order* for purvmi*>iip j order !>•!'' ]• nm» amt Mu*oiiir A prmi* a) way * RtfCl tii—tirorpe Morgan ACo , Pun'.jurph. Pa on li'ii.d ißinoinr-. <> I wood, unit maiii'en done m a *•. i;‘/*j»i»,ih oi Ili k.u-'« iloin- ai ilmrir*! notice. John M Culloaph- J M’Kerhnru. <- t)<..iiliirn*on. uoivdln. No It Si n,..r »t. Pitt.burcli »*a JOHS MCCLLOCOH ACO j 1 -.- e ta/aa.^ei-J Commitiiun and Forwarding Merchant*. 1 RAGS WANTED. NOS. 93 &93 SOUTH ST. ' j )()(),fl(||) cisiliK jan'/Tiv* ROWI.ING’sA WHARF. Ualttronpa i |, BI( | ' '' ; Aiwa - ,* on In ml. rvrrv d»M rmnon of Wrttu p nrid THUS. J. CAIISON, A Co* W.aim.im ..i .1 Ch.-.mlr |..|„r COMMISSION MEKUHANTB, J ju:VNt»LDSA suer Hoi, 8 and 0 Llffht St.. | mrh] I'numr 1 , .-rm and Irwin nt, PiiKhojrh 1 BALTIMORE. ! / • LKIIKStIIP W A NTKIJ- i-or a'rao t'.om .*i DT’Caih advances will be made on roti«ignnieiil U ■ l • York, IP \ rt.r* of apr: n «niiai-nn tn *emr myrci* be above Btldrraa. li)' | a‘>lr Ixnnnit-rrial K*iohli*|]inriii m ihr riiv Aa Uis jan'i ly CARSON fc MrKN'lfi HT. Six.li «i i the desirr n( hi* parrni* that hr should ic it know t> Mil TrimiPßl'l'lt i irrißc of hu*mr».. n ainall rriminefatioii ueu <1 only hr <»EO. B. MILTENIIr.IKvhIC, l rrolll ,rd li.r ihr lit.i yrar Kefrtenee may he had lo S'TKAM BOAT AWE.VT, I Kdiorof (iiwrtte. * > P af COIJISSIOS i- FOEWJBUISG MERCIMST, PRODUCE k MERCHANDISE UROKKR, I 80*19 Office, NoflO Wairr Slmct. Pttuhurgh l*a J. 2IKWTOX JONKH btkamboat MERCHANT. M O NO N <i A II Kl. A IHMISK. Plttalmruli. Pa ; -T "- fiOLD PBKB-A lime variety r.f Gold J’cii*. of BA F VIINF.HTOCK A f'n’« WHITE aT the mo»t approved brand* Thc*carcc»{pfully . wJfii!ro .p, i* . ,V- selected mid adnpied to every variety of kande The . LEAD »OnKS.-n,««ml.r.l([iiml tart ,|„ ii,y«r. ib« mV,rt.m .„d completed their new work", located on the bank ol nie[| j C , ( mr ng a duratile. onifnrm nnd rommeicial tko river above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny city, p Cn< rn „ t,c ruur.d. Their cla»nnty and Cue points ODDOaite Pittsburgh, for the manulacluro ol a supc-{ give gtest ea*- in writing, ami making either a jnr nnaiitT of whtle lead, both dry and mound in > bold mark or » U-auiiful hair turn, at die pleasure of ■ 5,. i|,„ red lead and htherage. Having availed i the witter- '»'"?*« pen? are nil warranted, and vellinK S^S^USUZ ! In. Jooa-to*£ . v .~. t n almnet any Client- ; A! , O wui) et t f u r several respcctablE private fanulldf PATTERNS FOB BALIC-Caln. i hotel*,Ac wvcral good cooks, house girl*. chamber.; iS’rsvSiT. n’Sf.vttv* a “Z'!’.-, <•.»« PITTSBURGH MONDAY MORNING, MAY 24 MISCELLANEOUS. WHITMORE A WOLFIT, and COMMISSION ! LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTSBURBIi VeMSIB ISSTITUTE, THIS Insiitutioa. under the care of Rev. J. IU Gotnoa.s and Ladt. in winch all the *olii and or namentai liinncbei of a finished-cdueauun are taught i* uow open lor the reception of pupils at 50.5 a, Irwlnillow, Liberty Street, between 3d and 4ih ftreeu. The Second Se«s,on will commence on .Monday the ?th of and it i* iinponam that any who may design er.tenng should be preecnta* far uv practicable either before or at that They havr secured ihe service* of I’roie**or RIIO- I.OCK a* teacher of Mu*ic on the I’.ano and Guitar, wbo is u>o well known to need recomme-wtstion At*o the services of .Moms CAtfI.MIU LADRKYT, author oi “Lbrc.toinnih.* de la l.itt.rature und olhex valuable sefinoi Uioks in hi* native language. Mon*. L. I* ugradunie of ilie l.*n,ver*ity and Noioiai Scb«>ol oi Pari*, and stand* high a* a teacher, Those who de sire ittobmtn an accurate and thorough knowledge of the Frent b Language wnutJ do well to place themselves under hi* uifiruction Foncric*, .cc Circular or apply to the Principal. YOI'SO LADIES' SELECT SCHOOL, ALLEGHENY CITY. r l l HlJ* Institution bu« but recently been opened under * the iiiiiron of M r N W. Metcalf, at the , Corner of Sandusky aud Strawberry st*. The sucee** whiclt ha* thus far intended this FThool, .in it* establishment and progress, tins fnlly equalled the expt-t-ntioii» of it* hiMruclor und Proprietor, and war raut* ihr hopu that lie will 'ie iu*tumcd m hi* effort* in render it a dounl.le Institution for the edut-atiou of A oung l.adirsin Allegheny and vicinity. Tlie Fir.t Sessionofthe next Academic year, will commence on Monday, Feh fcth. There are yet a few vacancies to be filled, but as the number of pupi's i* limned aurally application itde ■irable. For particulars, relative l<> terms,Ac., consult C n ulur* or apply to the ln«tnicior. irb^f V ALUABLE BOOKS—Published bv J A Sc II P James, Walnut street, between f'ourlli and Fifth, CiociannU* ' liiiinn'a Gibbon—The history ni ;ho decline and raH of the Rounn Empire By Edward Gibbon, Krq A new KdiLort, revised ami corrected thror.gh nut,preceded by a preface, and accompanied by note* critical nod hi-tonca!, relating principally to rhe propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Gniznt, Minister of Public Instruction for tire kingdom of France. The prelate, notes and correction*, traat- Imcd from tbc French expresuly Inr thr* edition. With a notice of the Lite and character of Gibbon, and Watton's Reply to Gibbon, in If vol*. imp. Uvo. I0“3 page*. Napier * Peninsula War —Complete. I vol. imp. Xvo,UtiOpat>c*. H.illam'» Middle Age*, Chamber's Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson'* Virginia and New England. Kuascß’a French and English War in America, ana Ramsay’s American Revolution. 1 ml 4to. Li raryot American History—Containing selec tions from the best authors on American History, Biography, ’{'ravels, c .'omrrerce. Statistics, Indians, Revolutionary Battles. 4c. 4c. 4c. Also, Anec dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles, illuslra led with more than 500 engravings. I vol, imp Svo G4opoge«. Universal Pictorial f.ihrary— I Containing valuable papers' on various *ubjccts. comprising Natural Hritury Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Rural Econ omy, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Tiavels, Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous reading, 4c. 4c. i vol imp flvo G4O pp. full sheep. The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the I’rrvcnlion and Cute ol DiVeuJcs. by regimen and simple medicines. New edition,revised and enlar ged with the addition ol a Vegetable Matcm Mcd> ica, pointing out th* virtues, preparations and d-«e« of »ur most valuable native medical plants, aud an outline of Analnmr and Phyaiohrgy. Illustrated with one hundred ’ Engravings, sit of which are colored. By J G Norwood. M L*—i&4 pages tiro. American Flower Garden Compan-on—Adapted to the United Stales; by Edward Snycft, Landscape and Ornamental Gardener. 12 mo, third edition, retired, enlarged and illustrated. Palmer’s Oregon. Rocky .Mountains,4c. 4c. , Family Tcslamert. ortivo, with and without I’olvglot notes,and PxaLn* in metre. Rice and Pingree’u Debate. Burn's Work* Lady of the Lake. Lalla Rookh. More’* Private Devo tion, Juvenile Book*, (.heap editin'* of van- u* work* in pamphlet form. mrh'JV NEW BOOKS—TIie U»n e Divine si*terr. Faith, Hope and Cnsritv. “ | ,Tiir l.rave-: or a .direction to Hr.avctt. By Rev iiioiiiav Adams, with an introduction by Rev. W !(. Jhowell. Meinors of M »«i Mary Jane Ginhaiu By Rev. Charles Rndge*, ML A. Author of t7h(i*tian Mi|i isiry. Ar, ‘ A Corie.«e Sjnem of Ti.rology. on th- 1«a-i« of llie • mtet. -in li) He* Ai< iand«r Pzn.ili l nil- r i* .ii, A M. I |Atticf can U.*tor>: f.i:ijpr.»i.-g ti.*ionr*l .kciehe# of the Indian tfiln--: u rt.-rcnpi.on ol Aniem-4U Auliqui : tie*, with an inquiry into ibeir orgm, and Hie orijUl of ! -lbe Indian inlir*. Ilwuiry of the United Pule*: with appenpix shovrin* it* connection with European Hmory.. Ht*iort of the present Bnn*h Province* History of Mexico and Texas by Msrciu* Wil|*,m. The almve Jii*l it vcivi <1 ni the (tor k and Pnper Hurt nf FJJ.UMTA KNfJLJ.SIt JUNE MAGAZlNES—ltciv*c«t at M A Miner' l.ndiea National for Jane— F-tsllioii Plate. GoJr\'» Lad>'* Look lor June —cniurllinbrd with a pouraii of S-tephrn (i.runJ, blms.hi rngravttu of h.s I trplian tkil.ege, ami uii mtereMirz neconni of h.mretf. The (if Mononjor Wniiiaii « Uev> ngc, Tiau*- 1 itr'l from the French of Fr*derek Snulir* 'Jliejouibo' Shakspesie. Wuiiaiu*. E*q , au thor nf • ami l>'* »*'•« «■!* “. T'te t {n jilioolir. or Si Mu I’.iv; liv tiir :i-c.ln*r o l >.f. .. ’lhrCou.'li-««-l ' 01 A ir surlier Dutir •the Vi.- i-s! ..f ||l.|1 S U-. a !«;• 01 11.1ft'* Cmi*u.ra*s l.y Jump. W.Tajloi The 11 ■ • tor ycl Dumd llcoiie, ihe £j r-1 vvli.te man of ih<- Woi. Tj\ oi'« (told an<l Silver Com Kzamuii l. Kuiinv EltmiN Comic World . [ l..ie i..iJ Public Srrviris uf lien Z J'i»>lor- Ke.li .u|.,,|» For sale at .M A MIAiFII'S Sntiihdold Mrert, ilom iroui rd VEW PIANO MUSIC .s Are the Lint, llui tfound u* Urokeh* Wjietr are now me llej*r» I Cl.-'ii.tw.t' •Til Hie Harp 'ii me A'T. He doetii all ■ lunge wejl Drv-intt r»f ihe pul The lto«r* of Alabama Mary ol Argyle The Mother '.Ve itirrl u« T>» Midningtii lln<*r Officer’* Fjneral. The Old Chuf-li Fallot VeinTru/.. a ,le-rf .|.nve fi.n r Geeelir Walt/ ; Midlliglil do ' t*i|irr»> ■ do Atmtiite do Morning Star .1.. I.inden do Fairy .1.. . II Prn-erO*»r Jo Wa.hiriglun Waltie. Tlir nt.ov, )u -l rrv <1 and lor HAIIPKRKNfiW Pi'BIiICATIOSIMv icicivrd and for Mio liy J 1. KFAD,4iii »trre near Mail-i • Otnoo; a tinrrative ol adventure* >n lh«- South S*-a« ,Uy Herman Mrcviltr.uu-horoi' Typee '* Firil end Second VoU Lite and \Vrninj;* ol | iivion; bv S Spaiku Mullier'k L'niverrnl lli«t«>ry irrm ibn e.irhrn-period to Hie yeirot our Ixiid ITisJ. Saotd Philosophy of the Seatoni, 4 vnU Live* ni' Kniinrnt Individual*, celebrated in Ameri can Hirtory. The Furtuit ol' Knowledge under Jiibcuhirr, illuttia ted by Anecdo'c*, e/itb portrait* ' revired; Ac . by F. Waytand l)U I'alrv’s Natural Tbeotogy. welt rupp'rmen’ary di* (ertatioiia, Ac.. Ac Hniorii al Ta V* fori Youth. Scripture ll unrated by inicreeitn? fact*, incident oltd anecdiitea, by Itr.r CbeMct -Field. »nh an mir duclionby Rev I Todd D U. The Cb-M’i Fn-nrt Hark Icy'i AI Keln a cheap r.'i inn. 'fjcometiy Kb rneui* of. ami Cumc by Klia* Uniin*. A M Story on tlie Constitution. Harpci’o Fire* tile Library*. A lire Coition, and Arthur ■Main,.. . . myVI Books, paper 4cc-ju»trerM. u urgcim o< Book*. and .Siaiimmry, o.»«i»piig ol all the dilleicni kiticJ* of liook* u»ed in Public- ScbonU, elj«asr eul liook» of n'l kind’, a gf. m vanfy of rap writing paper ai.d .|uurn> |h,«i ruled anil plain, wrapping paper of all *i if*, wall |>:. j>r r. Uintiet i«>nrd», l.lniik h.xik*. Ac. .Men limit* mid oilict* wcrbing to purchair. Will fil'd a .omplr'e nrrorlment of e'vt ry nit.cdr grcirrnliy kept in tn-ok *>or,B. trim’ll tve will *ell low for en«b, or on exchange ior rug* _ i lIV Thi- puhl.eation* of the Am-ticnn Sunday Srbbol I'uion. mullin' American Tran Socn-iy, always on Imml und for *ale at the Soeieiy - * price*. ELLIOTT A ENGLISH royp market nrert ]\TEW WORK—In Prcsn—lliviory eT Meti ll co, hert'ivit Wara and t'nlonial 'and Knvolu tonir,- Annal*. from the period ol ithe Spatitah l.'i>nquc»t, 153), to tha preatnl tune, Hite; including m account ol tbo totaling War with Mir United State*, it* t.'nuie* and Military Achtevenionla. Lsy Philip You s, M D. J A &. 1/ I* JAMES. •• riii'j Putiluthr-ra, Cincinnati. fVT eTv music HOOK— Pamphlet Form, it| —The Molodenn; a choice aclecl|»n nJ'Song«, DuetU, QuartoU*, Hounds, \Vttliic7, and Morchciy with a History ol Muaic. llluttralcd with numet out engraving*. Imperial octavo. Price 25 cent*. Putilitbi'd and forsnic'l>y J A <L U l’J\MrS. W.ilnut'slrccl. Ifet. Fourth and Fil'l'i Cincinnati, March I'D. ICT7 HENRY KLKIIKK; Dealer in ea.iern Piano Ponet, nt J W Wiuxlwrlt’ii,No. S 3 Tluru Street. The Piun*'* may lie rxammrdTrt-nll hour#, and the *uh»cjr bor w ill lie there fioiu It to 111. A M , «|ld from 4 tnS. P M , each day. P.n.l/g, October *.«, ’46 Ws,the undersigned, would mloini die eiiiacna of PilKbutgh and vtcmiijr ibdt we have apitoimcd Mr. II- Ktrbcraoie Apcitl fur Western Pennsy fvniuo, for the •ale of oiir Piano Fortei, from whom tliey may he ob tained at our own (New York 1 price* NUNNS A CLARK New York. Sep, t. ISdtt-oclt’idlf. __ _____ . IMPORTERS and Denle'a in Hardware. Cutlery, *n«l Saddlerv, No SO Wood (tier’, three door* atmve Si Cbarle* lintel. Piinbuicli Pa. aprfl JUST Received and opened by the »üb*ctihef, the following iie'ty Piano*:— L. ' One rtegiim Hu«cwood,o octave I lano korte. I r renen 1 Oar elegant Ro.eivoo.l,6J ociave. Pimio Four, will. carved Goibic Tablete—a aplendid-iumuiuctit. Alui one vci v Rood aerund hand Pi-tno, made by Ix-u.l * Co, Phllada. lIKNRA KLKBKR mrhtM at J W Woodwelt’n, W Third ct wr Plauoi. iSSdH A LAKUKamI rptendid taaorlment tuihoeany and roaewood grand ac- II * f f *llOll Plano*, with metallic frame, and wiib all the Itirat improvement*, which for durability, tone and toueb are warranted to be etjuAl to any made in the country For aale iow for caah bv B[ UME m-MS No IPJ wood M 3J door above Stb CiIICKERiaO’S PIANOS— An rlega.it ra»e wood tig octavo new aeale Piano Porte, manufac tured by Cblckering.*of Bo»ton, will he opened for »*te on Tueiday, May mb t>y JIIMKLLOB myll cl wood aueet BOOKS, MUSH.’, &(’. BENNETT & BROTHER. HFKKNSWARK MANIiKACTLRKHS, Birmingham, {uear Pltt«bargh|J Pa. Warehouse, An. 137, Wind afreet, i*itiabitrgh. 9\\ ILl.con«taniiy kt-ep on b*ad a podd n»*ort ■nt*m rn Uofr, oi' our own maiiuißCturc, mjid •oiH-uor ijoaJii) . Wholc*nlrr urnl roanlry Md <-ltuni« a/c/rfiicrifullv niTiii'd 10' call mid cj anmic for lhrin»rtvr». a* ilr-irriii.ucd to *c)l cheap* r ilnn ho* ever l.ciori* ! crjj offered lo tlic putl j M_MKI.U>R..-| iwot l hi > .. . ' pianos:: pianos: New Plaiiai. MANUFACTORIES. DUQUESNE SPRING, &. IRON WORK* CULKAIAN, IJAILMAN,A Co., baying complcted their New work*, are now preputed to manufae lute every description of Coach and-Eliptk- springs Iron axles American Blister, spring nnd ptoagU Steel, and a|l*ixea of small square ar/il round Iron, 4rbicb they offer for tale on liberal terra*, at their No.4T.Waod atreet; whe*e they alto keep on hand a 'cetnplfrte and handsome asKmu-ent of Coacbltnm- hardware, malleable catling*, jNaiU anil Iron, C. IF4& Co, have made arrangement* with Dny A- Crotu, monnfaclurer* of Shovel*, Spader Forks, Ac., ami will keep constantly on hand ever article made bv them: Dealer* are respectfully «ul Cited 10 callju ariees and terns a ill be-mule liberal. . Dlsaolatlon. THE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Marshall. Bradley, A Co , was dissolved nil the sth instant by mutual consent- The business of (ho latefinn trill tic settled by Marshall. Wallace A, .Uc- Geary JAMES MARSHALL ) ALEXANDER' BKADLkY Wm. iv Wallace , HENRY McGF.ARY. FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. J THE lunme»»oi the above-Eoumlry will be oijiiq ed li) ilif •üb*rril»ef« uuiter the firm of Marshall Wnllsre k C-o , in nil n* vunou* brandies. vie Hollow Ware MillCr-ann* Stove* and Siovr I'laies Light fc Heavy Mnch’ry Wagon Bore# Engines (irate* fc Sad Iron* Engine Casting* Pleugb* Plough Coaling*,ici Ac. Madeof tin* beat material*, und at the lowest pricy* Pdrrlia«er« are invited in rail and examine our Sloek ui the \1 nrrl>oo»« in Liberty street No Sl.jieaithe hendof Wood street. JAMES MARSHALL- Wm w. Wallace ItKNRV MeOKAll\l • PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Prmßi'RGH. Pa.. ' JOHN IVIIIO It T * CO., I A RF. prepared 10 build Cuuuii mid Woollen Mathm fX err of tvcry description, such n*— Carding Ml chine*, Spinning Frame* Hpeeder*. Draw-tig Frame*, Railway Head*, Warper*, Twilier*. Spool • «, Dressing Frame*. Loom*, Card (.nude;-. Ac. Wipugbll lion Siuliinc tuned all sires of Oa*i Iron, Fillin'* and Hanger*, or ilie Intti.t pattern*, «hde and hand iJnlica. nnd uw!« of ail kinds Castings of every description furnished on *bort tin in*.* Pattern* mad- la order for Mill Gearing. Iron railing, Ac. Strain, Pipe lor heating Factories. fust Iron Window Su-h, ami fancy Castings generally.— Order* left at the. Wnrehou«c of J. Painter A Co., Lib eriy street, will have prompt nttrution. Reran to DUekstock. Bell St Co., J K Moorlu ud A Co . <i K Warner, John Irwin A Sort*; Pittsburgh O C A J II Warner; Steubenville. j.'tnin TIIOS.A. iIILLIRR, Looking glass .manufactorfh, umi fancy Fitrninliuic Warelnu*e. No 144 W ood street, urur Filili. Pittsburgh. Pa ; Wholesale and Retail; I-inghsb and French Engraving*; Japanued Waiter* and Tray*; looking Clan Piste*, by the Imx or <mglr light; Table Out'ery; Picture i.lami of ail "iier; UrilanniaTea Ware, in sell* or *ingle pieces; l'ort.ait and Pi 'tuie Fra nr*; Fire lrnn< and Fender*; Mahogany Toilet <»la«*c«, w ,ih 1, S. and 1 draw*; German Silver and RriianuiaTea A Table Spoon*; Hand Magnifying Mirror*; Cnndlesticks, Snuffer* and Trays, Gilt, Pier, nnd .Mnutel Glasses; Gentlemen’* Slaving Case*; Combs. Hair Brushes, Ac. Hotel*, and Steamboat* nn lilnrial term*, and narking carefully uncuded to Usu al di»rount tor catn. _ _ fcM? “ALLEGHENY’ VENITIAN BUNDFACTum . JOIIK A. DROWN I th.t method to infonn tin friend* • ••and the pol-lic at large that hi* Factory • '•'now tn full operation, on the East *>de 0 f ihe Diamond, AJlegbt ny. where a eonj slant supply of Blinds, ol xar.ou- colors SSSSt i nndqualiiie*,«recon*taqtlykepton hand, ■jaajjl also at N 0.5 Wood *t, Pittsburgh.at J A SSV If. Phillip*’oil clo.b waieroom Venitiun Shutter* niadc to order in the best style Blind* repaired at the shortest notice. N. U. Ili* Blinds will be put up, without;any addi tional exepu»r rn ibst they can be retnuved in a mo ment in case of fire nr for washing, and without the ait) ot a crew dr e oe't4dlyAwlnmlT A. FULTON , Bell and tlm** Found cr. has rebuilt ami commenced business at hi*old stand, where he will, t-e pleased to see hi* old cuMnmtr* and friends. Church, Steamboat, and Bell* of every jlgjjßfc. sire, t’rvui Ju to lO.OijG pounds, cast from pmicrn« of the most approved model*, and warranted to be of the lie*t material*. .Mineral Water Pump*. Counter*. Ratbag. Ac. Ac. ogether with every variety of lira** Casting*, if requir ed. turned and finished in the neatest manner. K i* the *oV proprietor of Basiht 1 * Axti- Aircjr’r-t Met*i. -o ,d*siy erie-iiraied for liie redue i n:i of 5 1..-I o:: .n in II trill 1, . The Boxes an-J Oowpo «.t:on ran t.e bad„i j l; in ntuil janl-Iy _ WM.McCULLY A Co. IMITATION CROWiN GLASS. HAVING recently made very important improve ment* in the manufacture of thn nlmveluruclc, ami adopie ' hnlatest improved cuslern tvlicel oven for flat tening. we are now preptired to futmslt an article of Win dow Gin**. eoual. if not superior, to any Cylinder G!a*r made hi th<-V Hited State*, and but liltio .nfrnorln ibt Englt*h Crown | We hre also very exten»'Vely engaged m the umnur farlure of Common Window-Glua* lino Drngg.-t-' fV.il and Rctffr* of every description. Dealer* g-iurstlT s i*l invited to call ond rxatnmr for tticmsr lvi-* atn-ji iv.ne. house. No. 139 Wood sirt et. Pitt*lmry:h, Pa WfJG WALLACE,' ‘ i PITTSBURGH STF.AM .MARBLE WORK .Vet. 24-4 pad H4C Litrriy itrat,;uiur tf< t'c/i*! : \I.W AYS on band.and made to order, u large v.u.e, tv or (Marble Mantel*, pier,Centre Tables. strl Bine .j TiJ.-i.Touil' S iMniiuunrnt* A - ; all wh.rh! In* ne m id<* of the eho-crsi marble, and in.m-ifm tuiei principally In uineu-iiery. will be sold low-tor cast*. - N 'lt Person* w.-h ng to purchase Mantels, are informed that it <* henceforth unnecessary for them' ti go Earn. tn I mu lumnh them with an article in aft respect* a. good, andffretght, insurance, Ae, con«-der <-.! ) us cheap h* they can purchase them for in the Hint roll and *-r _ je^fl COPPKII, SHEET IKON. AND TIN WAItF MANUFACTORY. Nn N .Market street, Pitt-burgh. I’enna: r l MIK su*'*crit»er« having made great improvement* I m the eonttrui t on of their C(H>KINU ie«|ieriruMy i ivne prr*oii* building Siriunlmat* to enli aud eiamine before |iutvha*utg as we cab supply them with Deck Stove*. Forge*, and ever) other kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary Ur furnish ing a Steamboat. We also make to order an the shnne-t notice Sal Tube* and Chamber, Copper work for Steam fcjigme* and every variety et work ip our fine. r'el.Jt !*IIP‘.RIFF h SI((RK uipatited I>% the cash at - Ht'ende.l in t'elrtO ; 1 Pork Almuiifac* jiy* Orders sent by mail, act New gitovel, itpiukc ait L DIXON, ; onnafacture of Spatlrf. Forks. A*-,ui> anrxtcijc all orders tur'*uch aril- GRIFFITHS HAVING commenced the Shovel*, Hay ami Manui sive scale, ore prepared to hi c|c* at Katlcrn price*. u*tararra anddralersin iiitcd George Cochran, ’nod street their Agcn) For the conveniftnecof their ■ *ueh articles, the/ have app< C'-miniMion Mereham, No Sfl V lot the sale of then iniuiulitrtui ed to hnn will receive prompt i vnningrou* tr rm* GR Fitts burgh. July —dl y •«. All orders address iriiiion. on the most ad FIFTHS A DIXON. n:c Sauufarlury, Tl, o. lirrul \WMrrn Bull II cixci.w AIiARDNIIH A lo wo . iu«-Y ore now im.uulWi rverinade »u «b* I'n.-e.l Smtc |ilr l.u*inf*« we inieml ■ 6 »ti bai lwuir unde, we tlimk.w lo our Hun* A'l order* i> „„i . AIiARDNKHAC id inioitn Die ir ulr iW ling the b'lV. Hull A» I be. i< oiit |iri 11 ci ■ 1 oui u» complete an nr Tbo-r r.igaet'J hi iUc lli.ni it 10 ineir mtcrc»i otupily anrmled 10 IPIK it CO., r I ehreM JNO. O. UILLK No 70 W* MAM/TaOTI -RKKSoi«i (jla»«r», Importer* and I I*l Ac<-«ir>l?-on«. IVrru*' Jewelry sud > tiood« n 11,- n.lv-rti.pr. -.re itnkn then mi*.it* **. will “iere»»ei nl l»mne*i c. mut U*«* >ttipo, liomf*. they W-II IT s'di* lo *«• rrtpfciiuli) * '‘••■•i »>«’ “i!' - i*in jnnl'Alii COTTON an,l WOOLLEN MACIHNKItV •pHK *u!ivriU.-M iiir i.n* •iiliifßiJ'B their ei'aMMi- I ami uir prepar-d to mile* all kiwi* of t.ction Slid Woollen M rii li.n r\ . oil l it- nm«t ,ru*ouuUr tenn* Ordct* mldtr* vd i“ ~* w.|l ni <tl wnli piompl atttiiiiou W !<• ITMANA UaIwCKU* I .acock •iriTl,' All* gbcny »;itv N n—U WjulHtnsit, who lin«.a patent f»: a very important improvetitn ton the C:m) t uml who Im* hvett cnirm-d forth- la*i fificvit war* :n *nuie of tin* itiu*t r i n i.;vr ami »ucce*»lu' foil 311 Kunon-* uf tin* weal, will pivr 111* personal u'lenlio to puilini* up. to the *ut i.;«.-hoti <■! ihotc cone, rued. 111 lusi lt.m at thiw oat <|,li»htnem. __ •i , "*>"i»« and Mahogany (.ooking alert 111 InXikmg («(a«s n Cap*, ClorLt, L'omlj", rrntly. tome iinpipvcment* in inline* m the purohsue lion cf Fmrign nl Eastrrn Tliei Of JUlfCli:i«ef» i J Co.. iiu« El >I!N KIIKniKK A No- UJmuf-94 Fn.nl »ti. . Ki'C.MitK* und (i*« Fu- I’.njj of ull «urr cart ttii laie*i nupioved pat ni»l warranird rijiml 10 ...... ... A I*o, Hi.an. Cumirei, Til if o(iWt*d. <!a« fit pot up promptly uncoil n;tL<e icTin*. nirn. P Plunkett. A PLUNKKTT, SI! KACTURKHS, "alri and HM Pir«t •irret, . mauufoctuied l.y u* it the country All otdera ami filled on returnable 1 vmung the cuy arc in • eUcwbcrr ffl»H lON U'OBKb. Win I* Young. C lh Q YOU SO, IiIHSER FI. I N T U LAS * M A WAREHOUSE No*. M V ' Piit.bur R li- Tli*- Olu* warranted equal to an)' n> 1 will receive prompt oiiennot term*. Mirchai.u aml oilier ■ wiled in call before purr lia*.n bIPPINCOTT Ut IRON and NaiU, ShnvrK i \V*relron*e,No. 8H Walt r ning 10 Front' Ac for uue m uur<new r«irt-cj, near Wnot!^"run- r old "18011, McMt^u-r'a Al*o, an BMorimmi ai il Row. I.llieity «lrert. Ilarinx'tnado great adniimi order* can be filled promptly nov'JO ; OR; "bikmimah ii CAMPBELL • i<> ibr Rolling Mill, all iFF. LINDSAY k Co. a FACTOR!. * CHSSSf MAncrAcrdi FINISHING NAILS, II ) Iron and Coi 1 IRON AND COPPfjl HKAD BRADS, per Taekii R SHOE NAILS, A XI Pattern Makers’ PainU, of n&y description, !me), Third street, 1;. PllUhrigh.' I —A rtew ind I »ni»h (iuiun. hy the Leii : uved and -for »»le by i H MtXLOR Olficc No. V-Si. Charlcl f-i.* SPAHUBGOIVASB mem of Tory mpcrior 8| Ptrin manufacture*, iau rec 073 HOTELS. PEAUL STREET UOCSE, Cincinnati, OHIO—The subscribers having purchased the en ure mteresi of Col.G f Wifliatnson. late of this well k'nowu r*ialiit»iiin'iir. beg leave to state to their friends and the public generally, tbai they have taken this coremotCau* Hotel far a term of year* and will exert their he*t energies to make it a de-irable home for Trav eller* and City Bonrde'r* ' The Hotel t* spaeiou* and adarrably planned for con venience, light and air, having n number of paitors adjoin,ng chuml*er», presenting unusual aitraetiou* to families. The present proprietors having had the expericnecof year* in this city and elsewhere, hope They will be able to'givc general «aii-fi,cii..n U ifgdetritmHc.! to give undivided attention to tire booin' abmr. t The Ich'.tuoti of thr Feat I Street House is eligil'le.jhaylng frail'* on Pet*r!, Walnut and Third sts. •o that - it is equally desirable in view of the conveni ence of busin* ss'mepur retirement for private boarder*. It U near by the Banks, the Fo*t Office, the' Masonic Hull,Odd Fellows Hall.and butonrsquared-stant from Main «trrei and two squares from the Citv \V batf. thus offering the grcau>t mducemrnts. especially to country merchant* and generally to ;«IL persons vi»uing Cincin nati. JOHN NOBLE mcb27 JOHN a DUBLE KITA,W HOUSE, Corner or Baltimore nnd fc'utaw streets, UALTIMOKE, DID. * F. JACKtON. PROPRIETOR THIS «plend"! ntnl spacious llot,-l. ebgild) situated for both business nnd pleasure Travelers, is so con diietrd as to combine a" the luxur.t *of the best Hok4s with elegance and enn-forl Choice suitesot aparttnemsa'e at sit season* reserved fur liie accommodation oi transient gue«it. stnl fomil-es vi*nn>g the city will Ond the Futaw Hoc(g a Homr, un*urps**rd by any Hu'd in the Un.on The Soration i« e'eeated and solut.riou*. sndisaho ronveiiicnt to Depots atnl the gt whieb the Coaclie» Bud Porters ol the Hou-e am at u'l tune* .n waning to convey pss-rngrrs and tlte.r baggage, free of cl.a ge In li e Hotel ' Taax*—Oentleniens’Ordii.aiy. *lZOperday. mvl" l.adie*’ do, *do - COLUMBIA HOUSE. . Churlo Street, brtwfcn market uml Lombanl Streets, Daltlmwrr. __ M Tits subsi-r.her having taken the j'loveertati lisliment. offer.* hi* 4rrvse-s to the cin/eu. and public eeneratly. hi* ronveniemly situated as n-gir-tsthe •Steomhoms und Kuilroml Depot—i* tn ihe mid»l of the more extensive fmpoirug Houses'— Hint in fact, tPe lui-uiton offers to those vi*-t>ng the r.ty, as ma ny convenience* ami comfort* m the other principal Hotel*. Tile bou'C IS no,* bring filled up vvilli new furmiurc, hi good tftsie ar.d style, and will lie open 10 thc.piil>lic on the 2d day of April, 1817. The pmpriri ir trusts that In* unremitting etfor * to please, will secure to him' a l»>ru«in of the public pairunage, rcidt-u' as well ns tran'-etit. -W W DIX. L*le of the fitin of fhx A Fogg Baltimore, April 2, IM7. mylrdlim MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, iYo. . lk» iVor(h Sefoi‘l Strrti. PhUmlttpkiu. nMIF. subwribers respectfully ’iufbrm the citireat of Filts -1 burgh sad Wr.tere Pennsylvania, that they hare taken the above hnuw, where lliey are prr jiaxed to accommodate peraoo* visiting the City of Philadelphia in the best style, and uo the most reasonable terms. The house is within uoe square of Market street, and hat undergone a thorough reno vation and repairs,-and it well calculated to accommodate prnous who may uror at with a call Give us aeall, and]*re feel confident you willbetatiified. 9AMUKI, A BRADY, February 23,191713 m OLIVER H P PaRKEIL GAI.T lIOUBR, Corner Main mud Sixth its, Cincinnati. • HHIS e<tablishmetil ll now in ihe best order for the 1 recrpiion of ibe Traveling Pubjie. Having under gone a thorough repair, daring the pa*; winter, and tisv-iig the mo*t expeiienced men in the west, in the vanous department*. 1 flutter my**elf that nil will be p!ea*ed who call. The location i* centra!, comtnodiou* nnd plruraui. Fare FI per day. CincfbDati, March 13. IH7, W K MARII N. D—Altboogh not exactly a new Broom, it u the lame—a new Wh|«toii the old handle. apdlf TimOCKfiIORTOXS GALT house, laoulsvlllc.: Ky, AlttS TIIHWJKMORTti N ueg* to ncquatnt his Trend* that ho i« aqnin lessee of the GALT HOUSE. Louisville. Ky.. where hr hope* to meet nil li t md friend*, a*suniig 'hem und Uic public, that no eifon -hall be spared in make nil comfortable who favor h-m with their patronage. janlldly 1 IN SURAn CE! Indemnity againat X.oaa or Damage by THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional neeurny of ajjtoek t'aptiul. Tht Reliance Mutual Injurance Co.,' of VhiCa. CHARTER I’KRPKTUAL Mr.pcToits. George \V. Toland, , John M.* Auvooil,' l-ewi* IJ. A'lihur.n. (»cor>!<? N..1-ikrf, \ - a Ulir-1 J 1 Tliotna* C. Rockhjll, IVm. it I'biuripttßi. George M StruifS. George tV. Carpenier W’l LL make insurance against Lois or by FirC. in I’ittsbcuch mid vicinity,'on Mouses, ttnrca and other Buildings, and on Furni ture, Goods. Ware* and Merchandise, on the most I'avonblc terms. , Tim Mutual Principle, combined 'vith a Slock Capital, and the other provisiiin? ol the Charter of thts Company, hotel out it. -liiccinents, both r»f profit and ralVlv, G ' j rs.ua <•! cirocting insurance, towliic'h tin 1 ,% i*k the- .mention in i etnininntion of tb.-n, ;..tcd. Those effecting tnsutancu { *>ilh this Company have.beside* the usual protection against lots, by the ordtnay method of insurance, the additional :d7anlageof a direct participation in the Rtufitt of the ( 'nmpeny, urithout any .lability. GEOIUJE W. TOLAND, Frcsident. B.M. IlmcHNAK,.Secretary. *1 .t. »üb-r.t bs-r, vi :*« is the duly .mtnoiLcd Agent or the above named (‘l'tUjut.y, is prepafed to nuke insurance, at the Office of . the Agency, in the St. ('hades Mote*, Third *l., third door from Wood street, and 'Till give all further information desired mj2e-dty. i'JIUS. J. CAMPBELL. JOHN FINNEY. JIl auilvt at rtrreßcaan roa mi DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety' Insurance Company of Pitllade'la. lUSR.S upon buildings and merchandise J? of every description, and MAIU.NE RLSKS upon hulls or cargoes ol'vessels, taken upon the most favorable terms. ITT OlCcc in the Warehouse oi W. B. Holmes fit Bro., No. 37 Water, noar Muket street, Pitts burgh. • N B. The *uccc«* of this Company *m«c tbet-*ial>- li»hment o' the Agcnry tn tin* cii) with ilte prompter*' and ftVro/ifji with wtncli cvrry claim for loss hits been Adjusted, fuily warrant ih ? np-ni in in viting the confidence and puronnge of h>* trirni!.* nnd; din community at Urge to the Delaware M- lu*u rnnre Coolpany, wlilln it ha* the additional advantage, as as maUlution among luc most nourishing in Philad’ia—as having an ample paid to capial, whiqh by Uie.opcrat|ouofitacbarteM4CO()stanl!yiQcreastug a* yicldingdo. ucli jversou inunred bis due sltaru ol lit* profits of the comtmny uitbout iuvulving him in tint responsibility whatever-, and therefore as poKKcsing tbc Mutual principle divested of every obnniiou-* featurc.'tin I in its most attractive form, no.-4 , NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Stw York. r |T|USwell known and rc*ia'ciatit3 coinpnnj. i» ptc -1 pared, IhrnuglgQcti AGENCY, to utnke ui«urance ol every kind coiim-cird with risks of traa*l>nnuiioii ami inland navigation , to msure against !o*» or damage by fire, Dwe-lling llousi-*. YVurebouses, Budding* in general. Goods, Waie*. anil Merchandise, and evetj description ot personal property on the most favorable irrin*. Application* for In«nr;ua-r aitcndcd to wrtboutdc'av it tbc office, No 33 Wood street. SPRINGER HAUBAL'GII Ak’L AT an l-lectinn lirld at tbe office m N V , May !2th, the following named gentlemen were chosen D>i<cior» of ibis Compauy, tor thr ensuing year, viz; - Jo*eph \V. Ravage, Stephen Holt. John Bro’iwer. , Jolnr McChain. WilliainG. Want, .U uiiuin W.Campbell, John Jacob .Mil-cr, trillmm S. Slc-tim, John F- Mnokir. Murena'Spmjg, Joseph' S. Hake, Jtillu J lUrrirlu Ami ma subsequent intetiitg'pf thr Hoard. JOSEPH W SAVA(JK. Esq., war un-iiiiinou«|y ?e-elrricd I'rt-n idem for die ensuing year. M’m.JAMKS BOGGP, jyvSl I'u-i.V Jnumnlcopy Sk-ereNtry. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE.” fJNHE Insurance Company «>!' North America, .1. through it* duly authorized Agent, the subscri ber, oiler* to make permanent and 'limited insur ance on property, in tin* city and it* vicinity, atfd on shipment* by the f.'.inul ami litters. DIRECTORS. John C. Smith I’rrs’t . Simucl llronks, Alex. Henry. Charles Taylor, Sami. W.Jone*, Saint. F. smith. toward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, JohnWhito,. John R. Neff, Richard Wood, Wm. Welsh.. J ArthurG. Collin,Sec. This 4s the oldest Insurance Company in the Uinltti-Stales. having been chartered in 171)4. jts Chartcf-t* perpetual, and from iLi high standing, long expenenev, ample mean*, and avoiding all rsks r>r an cglra finzardnu- character, it may be considered air ofleringample security to the public. MOSKS ATWOOD, At Counting Room of Atwood. Junes Sc Co., Water and front street*, I'ilUbur.tb. ap2B-tf INDEMNITY . ? Ag .inst Loss by Fire—‘l he kRANKLIN Fire Inn rancr Company of - Philadelphia, _ - « WILL make Insurance, permanent andlimitrid, on every description of properly, in.PITTS. BURGH and tho SURUOUtNDINti.COUNyRV on favorablo terms. Thiuompany has a perpetual charier. CAPITAL £400.000 pttd in. CONTINGENT FUND, £500,(W Office corner ol Third and Marketsts,, f ittfb'eh. •P2O-U* WARRICK MARTIN, Agent! INSURANCE. American Fire Insurance Company O? PillLADl-XPIIIA. Cii*rnta PxßrrrcAi., Capital 93*1,000 rsm in. OJJict in Philadelphia , An. 72 Walnut Street WAI. DAVIDSON, Pres t Fasoxucg Fas ley, SecV. THIS old arid wen-established Company continue, to insure Building*, Merchandise, Furniture and prop erty notof an extrahazardous character, ayaiost loss or 4sjnage by firei ,: Application* for insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood, will t>e received, and risks taken cither perpetually or for limited period*, on favorable termsby OKO. COCHRAN, Agent. novl3 No jh'Waaa n ‘ A. LKDOCI * CO., -NO 77 r-tNAI. STRECT, NEW ORLEANR. AGENTS for J U Atmant’* Extensive Steam Sugar Refiner) . Alw»y* «£n band, a large ‘lock of Loaf, Powdered, Crothed, Clarified snd Bastard Sugars, in Tieice» and Barrel* A!*o, Sugar House 'Price* liluratsnd a fair allowance made on all sales of,or above, 50 barrels. luchll — ND. : 246 ■IT THE RTISEMENTS STATIOSEBI IJID PAmfvKjjS"”* - RICH & LOUTRBVfitIOI* 61 WILLIAM 3TKEEI - , NEW sSIIf* HeCVE now on bind, of thtir .tww wuntwn^- plete »*»ortn»euL of Lnlrm, Journal*, Day jS toicc Book*, Cub, Order lad Bill Book*, tie, MniWikß and style* of binding, from which art* of Accout Book* ett U •elected at eery low price*; alio made toordar, ruled nil boQnd to any pattern, at abort notice. , ■ foreign, and Domestic Stationery. Quilia, Water*, Sealing WarTl'eat, Black taaßei Ink. Writing FI tuij, Lead Pcncib, siate*. VnlutLada, Aad Iti^* I ortfobo, Pocket-book*, Odd and Biker Pencil CajeaTtW ktitiem, f;ro Rack*, Pea Holden, Gam TKkatsPfcfinr Cards Backgamaioo Board*, Cbeawoeo. Dict, h« FaUar*! Tableii, flator Strop*, Pink Tape,TwineßrelnTwina. lE , 4ta Ink, Parchment, India Rubber Erawr*, Sciarora, Bhoae*.- Auikmg Ink, tilc*,Rack», Diaric* dr loterrtt Table*, IFa*h Bocki.Tariflj, Exchiar* Tabldfud ' all elherarUdesfold by ttaliooen. g» inter, Cheap Account Books. A large Hock cooitaally on hand, suitable (be retail (r«t« ami country merchant*at iery cheap rate*. A Large Assortment of. Writing. Papers. Kuoltcap, plain and ruled Letter Paper,dais aid -nihl No> piper, Wrapping - Paper, Bonnet BoardsT Lcw.Cloth. Htwiery, fej.telope and Blotting Paper Colored Pipen, TfcS r reneh I‘apert, I’ackel Po*t, citra weed Bank Fo*t« Zbna and Copying Paper, M uiic Paper, Gedd, Tracing, Eabooed, and eee'rj other description of p»p*r at eery low price*. Gold Pent, Diamond Point. Richdc LcMitrel'*, Brown*», and all other celt braird oia’.. n. in ijuaoutie* to *uit purchtttn, *1 th* m' lowrtt manotoriurerVprice*. Letter Copying Prettu. Twenty-M* different price* and style*-th* Iron Cbojisw I re*», with kter and *ciew. the mod espeditiou*. •canam cal. and itmpk mode of taking a eopr of any letter or M B without writing it orer again Improved Manifold Letter. Writers. By which the letter and” copy i» written »t the ttMtlttw' r,K u " r » , “t“ 1 f ,r offered, and at the lowed price*' PusUcufflce*, Bank., tnninne* Compaaiei, Mrrehanto and other*, furnished with *eu of Aeconat Book*, ruled tad M £ "iisr’-;'- fe - Aofarto/ Presses, bor the u*e of Bank* and Cor f to affl« the mlef »uch Bank or Corpora lion to their doe am cal* Xhii om> tion it perfumed by any one, eeen at fire* trial *”*"* First Premiums Awarded to us by the American lsititute, at Lhe ki* Fair October, 18-15 • - * -For ih« bc«t Ruled BUck Book*—4 SArer Medal ' For tba brn Manifold Letter Writer*—a Dittos l-or beautiful toi»bed CopTisf.Pmse* A Pltau Call and Set far Ymnttet Trade and Country Merchants Suppßed. Importer* of French and Sldiourv,'* 1 mod mannheturtnaf Accrual Bocki, ‘ I Manifold Writer*. m.-i ' " and Carmine Ink*, Ac, Ae, 61 Willjam. • J-ittx, V Rich, ( «* J ~ j. walJWk. „ ROW PItUOF IKON —‘ FOE EBOFIJO, WiSBUlf BEJJTEBS.it ■ ql 1 HE subscriber* be* lo call the attention of all time, .• pi *-rL r i J,,ed ! n roo ? ns ’ 10 ,f, etr galvanized tin I.LArKs*, uml to lbs nuntLidiunuti «Uek ,l_ v . P°‘;7 ,^ rr •!* metnlic and other tutecl foi this pur^o«c,pofMiHDßawthey do,theamoatb sud ligimiet* of iron witbout its liability torMtbaSS* m Europe. They are-alio Icia mojeei io exosialm , and contraction from sudden chanteaofrtssSZSt!” ™ 1^ Tint *ub»cnt.er* would alio call the attention «r .11 dealer, and worker, at metal., to tba maol - poa-atofwhieh Iron thus-protected, cubs lii gcueial term, it ta applicable to alia whicb ill i» deairable to piotect from the aciion of atißoiphjere. And-tbej would eipeeially caJ?.?! « “ t«- ntioti 3f tbo.o interested in TELEGR IjviS to thetrJJsljaniied Wire, which i. now ffiS/fJffi" > 1*", w>«k anncer, cer?“pSSJt" l ». a comlucler of electricity, co.uii, onIyeCJSS Having lately creeled worl.in ihia city for lie Bate i a-ill lie able lo fntmirfany article trticl. Sfta dilf- : red. A *upply of PMle* [manufactured In Kuwm. i 1 constantly on oand,froat 10 to 3d wire cuare • V 1. B MORKVVoODACo cn No*. 14 and 16 Beaver at, BfJBW TARtr ’ Hie Patent Bittht lor this article hat been a?SSI» - for the United State* aa well a* Great Britain"allrfn'lKl European countries, and all legn’j meaaairt ®batal srw,. 0 e Pr ' ,rcn:,lnyinrrin,re,ncnt hjr 'mponatro toroSr rx-n ty - GrillleracQ* Kurnlatittiir K.>.k>. . „ (UIARLESB HATCH, 87 U iSi» 1 V ,ol, l eilJ t .* l ' enl ' on ,0 h “ Mwtnwac of Good* i^J. HfutaS tunmhmj Lme, .opened prewly for Ihe Sprnj* mil Summer tcwm, tcuiioa ii called to ihe Ulowine 1 tfUcuhr tU Silkj Suijj uii] Bombazine,all • " ' U^7/VTa£^- PU ' I ‘ ? ad dark color* “ Cy L, ° ea tod *«•«. * j:turjTs*ri> samrs-uu, t «,* ?^£s?’P®* 5 —IB*lk 1 B*1k and .Cotton, rery WbiU *nd hintr Ltaen do,tow*ah, an entire new. wlTu wa,t * £7//Kr,S, BOSOMS, *IXO COLLARS— In ererr nri. ' l ctjr of atyle and quality. 10 n,1 7 ***** Li.lc Thrad, Merino, Woofa™ . black rlaard do, Japanned Muitio*. *e fJ oSS^s -‘ , ™^‘ f ai». Moo-dfa. u, ssnas-sstt; Uf i(oul(J >uit tnil lie j, ft*),, mm* i. lj. <jp,n .. •iTOfi-u .. . » hu BJELF-MK JL V . , A ‘‘. ? u •■'>!•« diUerent Sprtnr from tha oor foranly u«ed. wtucli render* them muA • Übtc and eaey to the neck than formerly. f-.W-ni— f»HiNTS OMLY T SPIti?iG STYLES.~ ■ „ -im * Ili« K W STER nLUirrr^^fc s^sjvTss^ssrSs^iss'- comj.rn.ne all the New Spring styles. oTBriES’ ‘ >rn*ch*nd Amenean .Manuficture; whicLtnADDITJOrf to tbetr uaual itock, renden their auorlaenloM of tha . beautiful and attraci.ee in the city; and hariu iust been ch«ed for CASH A.ND SHORT CREDITS iaSl* •to£S?CS^ ! ' rt ~f-™* 1 “WT»ii~i « ifi 50. pSl.tr" njmd forto «*»&>•*», ma if they da A: E. h»re peculiar adeantaju for«,eeutine orienfoe . print*, whKhare mpccifuiljr Miciled. * r-‘ cl ‘“r .. >**> BUEWs mt,« Cidu SlnM. ' “ J 1"” ■'’••p™ hn?t“£Sj£ ?h£ ~ Oinindd«.,ianouipaiirnit,rilt. ' Essa** .£?!!% ■ Bntaaa Hood l amp., Camphene ChaadeW. ?J'ureBp m qH. do Camphene, SoUr ud Lard Oil. Fluw, BiOnrt Wlul. Oii, S rws”sTv‘is;;;rj. ,o £^ ,, j ,^ 3 'gs^' &&&&&£ marart, willbesjld at tcu U*iu nunufo«tum,| pmut pr, v'rilln‘i? 1 ; S. r J ,r ,“ ! ” m .r“t Ih- IUBd. ,rbaj«r.> , v , „ U * LE *V senior partner in the original, fi™ of I.te* Crew,Ur, (from which U mired in ltS4?)h» iolatd the firm of Lee»nJ JuJ»oo, and solicit* ihepstroesga of Li* Old friend* The basinet* j* eeadueud unJo 1 the Sm of LEE. JUDBQN* l.rg Wlmltule Draff Wartbaa**. 'IS THE CITV OK NEW TURK. R i- > * '•», No. 49.“ il «, ”• New kork. offer tnr sa'c a large and general assortment nl Drugs and Mrdicinca, Dye St. Ba“ 1 amt* and Oil* of every description, which th'T ' are prepared and determined to teU j ow ' - Country Merchants nnd Druggist, arb requested ' to call and examine their article*. Orders eiecuterf «uh laithfulneM and deipatch. B. A.Fshnestoek’s V rrintluge conUontly on hand. « ... U.A. Fahnestock } 1 A ‘ B ~ Hul{ » York. ' oprfl MO. O.Dfni?Kusi,R.f f ( P * K LI) offers for sale at the lowest l!l••■lloM• U A O FKH pncc *’ a VC, V extensive assort- •> ad. .r! !»liTJ £ c , olU P ri * ,n r evrr y possible variety, conutrv |. h ' "V °n m all sectioos of the nol .'fc ' • ° r * - kindl madc 10 prtef+i «hon; a I', m TXm™ 0 PA PER » ww««r tone a p iriof whieln* of very 1 superior ouslitv • ’ *•■ PAPER MAKJEfe’a- MATERIALS - oi every dcteripnon. imported and kept eonitantly on ■ io V Vll 'i, f ''' ’‘ ll l fS : Vtirr Cloth, Fourdrinier Wire*. uicßi hing 1 owder, Blue Ultramarine,Twine, *e.. *«Lrra _ RAGS. ’ vaf ?’P ale pope.Gras* Rope, • puirliaoed, far which ilie highest price in Cash will be pa’d jygy New Vork. Jg?*.. taifl. NEAPOLITAN BONNETS- : PAmsON, NOE &:CO., PATENTEES AND MAN UFACTCJIBRB, 23 Delaney -Sfrtcf, A ’rw Yprk. foU3-3a . AUENCY KUK PATENTS. - ' W’aihington, I). C. i ZENAS I*. HOBIIINr*. Mechanical. Engineer Ayrm for piocur/nq Faicni?*, win prepare the ne* C*.«an Drawmrt and I'jper. lor AppltcamsforFal- • rm», and trsn»*ct all other l -u*iue«* mlbellneef£a piofcst.ion at the Pntenr Office. He cube eottrihsA' on all question* retatinj; to the Patent and’ deci sion* in the Untied Siutrs or Karope.-’Po sans at a distance desirous of bavtug exarainsiiom »n*de st ihv Patent OlHee. prior to making application for a pateo, mat- forward Ipo*« paid, enclosing a fee of five dollar? n elra r siaietoent nf their case, when iruisedista alter tioa will be given to it. and (til ths information that could be obtained by a visit of ihe appliehol id person) proDipity cnnunuaieaied. - / AH letters on bstiness ratal 4* post paid, ani eoniain' a suitable fee. where a written opinion isreqnirsd. . Office on P. street, oppoiiie the Patent Dffic*. lie hasibe honor of referring, by permission, to llon. Kdmund.Burte, Commissioner of Taifatt; Hon. II L Ellsworth, fate- do " do do; 11 Knowles. Machinist, Patent Office; *; ; Judgp Craincb, Wa-hicgirn. DC: '■ Hon. RChoate. Massscnuscus. U SReniie: Hon. W AUeSl)bio.: do; Hon. J B Bowlin,M C, Missouri; , - Hon. Willi, llsll, New York; ' Hon: Rolkertßifoih. M (.Illinois; lion. S Breew. U SSeeate; i jloa.J H Relfo, M C, Missouri; Capt. II M~Bfireve. Mi-soari; Erastu,Brook*, E»q., Pimbargh. 'Si '■■■&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers