>, virrsßUiioH qazeii.% 1 KRAifTUS BROOKS U RG H: |! JONDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1847. J , tI. p'ttnii mb OiiiT G*xrn?i« p^^ Ii®SJSw!S» 1.T.0 Doll— *■ *»"“• "‘f» rfy -•- • |7 tL _■f . aotiea 10 Adf«nucrfc ..< l|rQll^ , '/ '* Irr AJv<m**tne«u, w fcec “ re produt 7 ; hinAo! «4 by Uve o'clock m tbr •u*'' l w xuir.on tlie y* rl of on# cu«mn>«‘. .-; ~ • uvvof mutual bcue&t __^s.'itNOß, T~ ' ffi4its Ittvm, CSIfTtK COCSTT-) O BJLaNAL W. PATTON, jor CTM*»KIJL*» Car*TT ) * • ' T^r-'Z. ’ A STATE CKNTIIAL COMMITTEE, THOMAS K FRANKLIN. I.anc*>ter City. JOHN C KUNKEL. Dauphin I'mmir THOiIAS DUNCAN, James martin. THOMAS C lIAMBLIfSork. WILUAM M WATTS.ComUcrUod. DANIEL M SMYSKR, Aduin». JOHN P WKTHKRILL. Philadelphia C.n. JOSEPH R CHANDLER, J~ ROBERT T CONRAD, THOMAS MeGRATH, Philadelphia County DILLER LUTHER, Uerk#. ROBERT M BARD, Franklin. THOMAS SI T M’kENNAN, Wa-u.ujTr-n ANDREW J OGLE, Somer-et lIARMAR DENNY. Alle*bcny. RICHARD IRWIN. Venango JOSEPH II KUHNS, Wetunorrland O J BALL,Eric -11 D MAXWELL. Northampton J B SALISBURY, Suaquehaoim. ELHANAN S'.ITII, W>omm«. SAMUEL A PURVIAWCK.IJ.itIn HENRY 8 EVANS,CheMcr: ROBERT T POTTS, V.ouiroiirrr ANTIWABOMC AflrD WHIG COUNTV CONTENTION. Id nrsutncr of the csiabli*t.r«l UKaj-r* uf «!«•* pmri). the Democratic Anumaron* and Whigs-of Allcelif ny county, will awml.le in primary roertin*», m itim •everal Flection Dwiricts, on Saturday the tDili day oi May, 1647, to elecrtwop«r»on» from each district, a» Delegate* to a County Convention, to men at the Court ilouwon Wednesday lUe '.*oll day tf June, at U) o'clock A. M- 10 pat in nomination mumble randidair* to supported oy the party at Uir general Election in Odo tier next. The Ant.iau*oti» and Whig* of the township (Pitt excepted) w ill meet ai the usual place* lor hold.no primaly .l eeting?, between il.e lours 01 t!aud 5, P. M . and those of the wards'aifd borough* and Pitt township between the hour* of 7 am) 0, P. M ' THOMAS VAtIXKK. Ch’mof the Com of Cor FortAttTt Commercial luieliigencr, Domestic Mar fceti, Rlvfcf Newv, Imports, .Money Market. Ac., »ce third pace.' Hec fourth Page Air Miscellaneous Newt. Asti (Jarinx. PujiusiWKST. —We hare read the apcech of William Lloyd Gan icon before the New York Anti Capital .Puushcneut Society, and knowing the mao nave do, with no great surprise. To puuiah tho murderer by death was pronounced by him a violation oil tho ordinance* of God, and to this he added the following: u Let tur remote the j>a//ou’*,.on«/ next rent 4 , re the prison*,and take the hotyiiuh fur the eurenj those tohahadjin. the someway,tinned against society," - Thus ran* the reformation. Remove the gal lows, and then the prisons—and turn the mur derar, the highwayman, the seducer, the forger, and the man guilty of arson lopsc upon aociety. to commit hia crimes orpr ogam—and then to be tamed loose again to commit other sins against God and his fellow men. Wc quote from one more of these false reform era, ajur* Elder, hailing from our own State, This gentleman raid,—and iwe quote his speech ae its own best answer, and to shfrv what madness is tolerated and defended in Christendom: “Society ha* the right of n-lf-dufence, but he not think society had a right to use it, if, in »“ doiug.iit invaded the right* of other*. Wo hav*" no right to punish the guilt of crime, and wc have no rigfit to deal out bell and damnation here, fo r the orthodox, who are the only advocates of the gallows, say that those bung will bare bell tire in future. Thu taking of life had never been del. (gated by tho Almighty, and to neither Judge Kent or Judge Lynch had he given it Wc have a right to protect outsell.-, bat not a parUdo ol right to invade tho rights of others. Let us never attempt to judge of crimes wc arc totally unable to do to, and usurp a divine right. It wts not even right to have the penitentiary or the gallows, and thoao who quoted tlir- Bible quotid it wrong. The Bible under M< ses wa-* ihc law lor barbarians and was not fit fur us now. We have been cb&ngcJ, and a new Uw is necessary for qs who have new morals. The New Testament was in favor of the death p malty, but should ho take the opinion of a set of 1 isherruen on this point, and not regard hia own | irivato opinion 7 They differ ed upon other *ubje< it, and at Jerusalem, upon a question of change jo the ritual of the chur. b, fought like abolilint i«U. and did fee believe the ucred writings, eve: 1 Paul and Peter bad a roujjh irwl tumble. ‘He hi d no confidence in such per- plr; they were coward*; for Peter, who wax eager to cutoff a nigger*ear in lha garden of Gcthse* mace, wi* a coward when a servant maid twilled him of being a follower nf the Saviour. Time* ba*e changed, and it now belong! to n* to repea] those laws so proper for Mew*’* time, but alt un fit fortbU age of progress.'* One more extrae: from Dr. Elder, and we have done with him and hisinftJel sentiment*: “He then adverl ed to Geo. Scott and General Taylor, saying tho. former had always beeu ahead of the latter, and b ul been in fact the nominee for the Presidency; but now old Rough and Ready ! was ahead, and Ge i. Scott must change bis diti, and abandon a batty plate of soup for a soap made of a Mexicai i baby, or must eat the body of one raw. At this, a mingb ■ arcs*, at the close i the came ribald te i The last number puts to rest a worl Punishment, in lb< facta: Statistics os ■ome it has been c ment were abolisi other* an opposite umelioos ahotteru we therefore preser the Law (English) “On the Grit of ment abolished for tended by no result gluy. 3i. Robber year 1841, for Rap there has been an in punishment. Tal ceded the change 1843, and 1844.) roar of laughter and hisses which the speaker rosimitd irk.*, and socn after closed, if the New England Puritan of word* in regard to Capital following well authenticated Capital Pckissmxst.—By = intended that if capital punish led, crime would t*v eault has been predicted. If ■ argument to adduce facta, and rt the following statement from ) Magazine: - ■ : f Octotxr, 1836, death jiuniab r-—lst. Attempt to murder, a’» It i dangerous to life. 2d. Bur r r . 4th. Arson, and in the h . In every one of these rrimt* nceaaextace the repeat of 'np'ttal ling the three years wbi:h pre > and the three years, (1842, after the change, the ic crease en 89 per cont; on the iccond, the third 184 per cent; and on ’ cent. The whole shows the of the death penally." on the drat has be ! 116 per cent; on (1 the Rape* 103 per power, aod dreed o Ta* FoCxtaix Hotel, Baltikobe —A card of which appear* in our advertising columoi of this morning. ia one of the brat arranged, aa well as beat kept establishments iu the “city of raoou meat*,” whiih is paying it a very high rumpli-' Tipot, tn aware of the excellence, of (he Baltimore Hotels. It is situated in the very centre of the fashions* He world, and in immediate proximity to the vari ous places of amasement, and also to tbo different : railroad, ami steamboat landings. Haling otir *aelves enjoyed the many comforts of tbo “Foun tain,” daring some of our brief visits to Baltimore, we can, with con&denco recommend our friends, Messrs. Fogg die Thurston, Li the Travelling Mil* lion, satisfied that they will find in tbeir establish ment all that is desirable, and essential, both to comfert and enjoyment. Waaaixe tbb Bizuchks —The women in Prussia have bad official notice that they may ' with perfect impunity put on men’s apparel.— One of the sex recently carried the joke so far aa to enter a Cafe at llongaberg, and personally chastise a Professor of C 6, whose offence jwbs a complaint against her daabing appearance upon 1 bOreeback, playing billiards, firing pistols, and kicking up • row generally- Fbe lady wax a -yoong aod beautiful widow ol a Captain of tbe _ Polish Lancers. Tlx boot of a colored ro»n wu found in tlie xit er et the Monongabcla wlmf on HaturJay. It wee Tity much dtnytii*-lbß bead wa« nwiy gone, the buds felling to piecee, end (he feet end . lege bleached white. A piece of rope was around # lbe waift with what had apparently been a nAose •i the low end. The Coroner's Jury couIJ elicit nothing W to the manner ia which the deceased ctiae tohie death. Verdict, “found drowned.” Poaaibl/ it may be the body of the hand drowned | off one of the Brownmllo packet* won lime i.iiace* Evxicts or AnoiiMtiro Cafital Ppiusu* TbeEoflirii Law Magazine states that tb« abolishment in England of Death Punishment for attempt at murder, burglary, robbery, arson, and tepOi hu been followed by a large increase of every ooe of these crime*.— Phila. Eriq."' P. IU >*MU TO*# ..«»CT.»> r TtoW | at, in .birh At topklwo In U . Waum I ners and Miller*... t p . > • .- I r ll rigorous, so much so I pvaritlosuspicion that a disetimina- I V in favour of Eastern Pennsylvania I-Hour. We are well aware that frauds are com mitted by some unprincipled Millers in the Wer, tlb as icgards weight and quality; but we do not ink it should be made an o»c*»iin for the unprecedented severity with which the is now enforced. It is an arbitrary monopoly from which there is n*> appeal and the ipse dixit ot the Inspector becomes final as a decision in Court. He may scratch and condemn dour at pleas uie and there is no src< une, si least there is none resorted to. Il might be 1 question whether an Inspector wantonly or carelessly scratching or condemning a lot of fljur is not liable to action for carnage*. The fraqds committed we have for several years pointed out lime and again, and earnestly con demned. We have offered to publish the uames ot -Millers who commit them, if furnubej to us with proper pro. I, and we renew the offer. . The villany of a few miller* involve* the reputation of the many, who are all made to suffer. We have no doubt hut what this fact is one, and it may be the principal cause why *0 large a proportion of western flour is crossed in Philadelphia. Indeed we know it to be so since some of the largett fac tor* in that city complain to ua of the great an -1 noyances they are subjected to in having to re pack barrels of short weight. The remedy 1* Uho'efure partly in the hand* of shipper* here.— L\ little vigilance will bring to light the millers here who thus.send flour here. Eiposuro will leform the evil.; Every sbip|*er whose Flour is condemned m the east fur light weight should im mediately come back ou the Miller fur-damages.— A few examples of round damages would have a niarvcllous rffeel. iln behalf rif the poor man who roust now pay bis SG.SO to 7.01) per bbl here for Fleur, we urge mciiiure* of protection. To bo cheated out ol' [ten. fifteen anJ evi-n twenty pound* of Flour in !a l>bl, as we have seen done, is nut to 1«- en* Our dealer* suffer just as much- They •of ipjur*! tike back all Flour returned from that cause; but at this particular lime, when price* Kobigli, the re is additional temptation to fraud* of Ibis .kind and there i* therefore double occasion for the exposure. , this, however, is no justification for the stringency of the Eastern Inspection. Sample* of Flour have been bioughthack from Phil* adelpkia fully equal to the strictest itandard, and bavc peen submitted here to the judgment of im* partial men and pronoonced equal *to any roper* .fine fjlour shipped eastward. It is thiswhichex* > much feelipg bn the subject. It is a coarse must injure Philadelphia as a Flour Market use millers and operators to seek another i more liberality is exeicised. cites fb which snJ ci where or Atoch*.— This somewhat notorious in I, who Jus been acting in the demi official er of Diplomatic Agent for this Govern* <>ith that of Mexico, 1 and who it teems en a high degree the confidence of the Pres Id Secretary of Stale, wti formerly a tlti dog ma»tei at New Orleans, and presided for number of years over tbc celebrated establtshmei known as Daw*'* Orleans Ball Room. From ibooce be wont o Mexico ‘whore he ho came a broker, and marie a large fortune, as w are given to underhand by the following exlrai from a'Mexican paper, hfifct wards, webelieve.Ji by some means engratiatcd himself into favor with Bant» Anna, and was appointed one of his aidiie- > from its lair at the snorting of the ponderous mi cimi i W. n»d f ,.;.n,l, be is » Sp.ni.rd.be ! '‘■in, which ran.a him. .nd rtlecu m. .11 Ihi . , * man ha« accomplishes m tUrrk* regi.m* wi hi b.t ha. U-cnn. . n.'nr.lnnl c.M-o nl Wf c „ llllt both Mexico and the United .States, and for the Ktruu'. last twt>year9 he has been at Washington pressing — ___ , , . . . . . "A rartwjv i* in oixrJl.oit SciwemVit'ksl.urjr.nn tlie very large claimr, as an .American ctUzen.agamit r „ Wfn tank of tb<- St *rpp..,BiM «»»*>• torn oi Jack tho Mexican Gnceramcnl. Dr Ihe following ex- ~n. i»ikc «n.tm.iikeK.i».wl,.ck ihn>« t i..., ) iii.™.m • • leojiL Iravrrwwv th<* oalive iurr«i* übf f itif r» fact it would appear, that be is the last man in tho who made >i iretr probably itu Cr»i or ihe human u<-c woilJ, cilculated to prodiys ftienJly'feelincs on ~ ... the part ot the Meric:: .< .1* this (Jorern- ’Literary Notices men’; »inj hi. oinployn..-.,i ... Polk i. in keep- ■****"> Journal ./ .Science, and Art,.— The ing with the m.nj .Iwurd .cl. which b.TO mnk-; “•> n " mbcr of mn.l .xecllcnl Jnnmni i. ed hi. Adminitfmlion: . "° w “P°" ° ur uMe ’ * nJ *" nnum.llj “Tho Rep.Miam-, of Iho 19. h u.i Uul Urn >»«««>"* of m.litr opon .ci.nlif.o ,ob mao bait arrived at Veia Cruz. This is the most jecle, from a boat of the ablest writers in out land aggravating circumstance atniJ all tbe misfortunes In recommending this able work 11 the friend* of .ottered 10 Uie w.r »ilh lire Amman,. The I«. |he i( it . bm 10 wo liitc endured, the defeat of Palo Alto, . ~ , ' Iteercal M.U.nor.., L, Aui-t0,,. 4r,4c,.,» * *>V ‘" J 1 S'"™"'- of fatalities occasioned by some cause; they were at | *l® College, and Profeaaor Dana—whose names ■least the order of events. But the coming of! are known wherever science has trod. AUKha. hi* interveatiun as a negotiator of peace. w « are ioforturd in their notice to cnirespon is the greatest lusult to us, tbe greateat scorn cut , ........ . , \ “ . . i i * w_ _ dents, that the stzo of the volume a* regards the upon us, our greatest degradation. Atocha was a • broker !in this country in certain tinw s of waste amount of matter, ha* been materially increased, and imknorality. He made a rapid fortune, like We doubt not that the Journal will be none the those made in the shadow of certain cabinets. He was proscribed and banished from the Hepnblicin tbe year ? 44. as an memy of National representa tion. a traitor and a rebel. He bad the impudence to return to Vera Crux in February last, and was reeieved with scorn, and now, itotfo tbe loaajof Vera Cruz, be appears again with the same pur pose. He is tbe list man who can succeed with Mexico. Atocha, tbe cheating agent of tbe fatal blood-suckers of a certain period, comes now to play the agentin a peace which Mexico is to make! Oh God! This is tbe surest sign that thou but forgotten u»! Send bombs, rifles, grape-shot, and every kind of weapons and misfortunes; burn ua, scathe ua, reduce us to ashes; these destroy but do not dishonor us. - Send tbe whole North to subjugate and rate over us, but let not Atocha be the agent of peace, bulthis thing involves tbe dis grace and humiliation, and would be thy severer* chastisement! To the Editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette. I Thoughts for the People. The war existing between this country and Mexico, i« growing more unpopular from day to Jay, and J. K. Polk, tbe author of all our troubles, is beginning to meet with auch rejjgkea as bis ratbncas deserves. We have been oppoaedlo hia course of policy ever since be took possession of the Presidential Chair, and we can see nothing in the msti, a* for as we have studied him, that can ever induce os to swerve an lota from our former opitiioni He haa been long enough in power te abow some symptoms ofgoodneaas, if be hu any exiatingtin hta breast; but bis reckless thirst for territory! in disobedience to all by-gone examples, xhows blw dangerous it is to exatl a demagogue overia genuine patriot—bow luting iho evils in curred bj Irifliog with men who can lay no claims to principle. « iliit rmverlbelest, notwithstanding there is d poriiun of the American Press that does honor to this )ovrr of blood :and carnage, lie is praised for doing deeds Ihiit any bra*o could do—he hr pufTed for waging an unholy war against the poor detailed Mexicans, and for bringing this country intoia debt that will bang upon it) like an incu bus for many a day. Had it been a Whig Presi dent who acted tbu*. the. Whig pres* would have condemned him in tones of hatred that would have made him'pause and tremble. But tbe Whig pn*« is tbe fojtbfal guardian of the inters eats of ibis great republic. It does not stick to tbe empty title of party tbioogh thick and thin— it does not sit calmly b£ when the liberty of the people is in danger and aing out, “All if Well." No indeed. When John Tyler proved recreant to the principles he profoued to admire, it was tbe first to warn tbe peopfotbat ■ Traitor sat in pow er ready to feed apon’;thcir rights if they did not watch him with an eagle eye. It bad that inde pendence that alone cap *a»e a nation in tbe boor of danger. But the Democratic Preu lacks this in every shape and form- It makes great preten tions to guard tbe interests of the poople, hut it only guards the interests of the party. If the party goes wrong it follows like a penny dog, and then tells the “dear populace” that all will be fair and aquaro directly. The “dear popalsee” never think much about politics, and consequently Jtia not hard to deceive. . We have an example of this in oar dealings with' Mexico. How loud did the Democrats about when they beard of General Taylor'a first battle with these swarthy children of tbe Booth. Two more toch brilliant engagements, they told us, ’'would settle thorn completely, and then we eould have them to act u we pleased, and do u wc say. They did not know b<»w strong (he love of Cjao try prevailed in the Mexican braast—they K»t) their eyes on the savage portion of them, and they enli.ely forgot that there were any civilized folk* among them. This war bu been in progress a year sod more, and it may be in progress during all this summer. How does this happen, if tbe Mexicans are to bo set down as savages! W« hope when the city of Mexico falls into our bands that a peace will be declared. We have bad enough fighting to make tbe heart sick. The pa pers teem with nothing but bloody details HOC sieving accidents, by flood., and field, Of hajr-hreadtii ’scape* 1’ the imminent deadly breach, Of being taken by the mfoleni fee _ Arid sold toalavery.” EEOTA. Tax following interesting article epon the Rail Boado of Oor cottotxy, we extract from * isto umber; of tba Edinburgh Review, ir is gratify ing to observe, tlxat in one respect at least, oar Baropemo frlends are willing to acknowledge our superiorjiy. and that i«. to use the language of ihe Review, "for that irrepressible spirit of enterprise which so strongly characterises the American People.” « Rail Road* In (he United State*. The total length of-railway now actoally con structed, and io operation in the United State*, amounts to about 4500 miles; of which 500 miles consist of abort lines, connected with coal work* and priratfe establishments; —leaving abool 4tHU) miles of swift steam conveyance, by railway, for passengers and merchandixs. Beside* this, there are about 10,000 miles projected, the construction of mbit of which has been suspended, since the financial and monetary revulsions which took place soma years since. Of the railway* comple ted, and in operation, the chief part are in the At lantic States. A kwabort lines, been 1 constructed in the south and west. I*bus there are seven railways in Alabama, four in Flo rid*, ten in I,cu*ian«, and five in Mississippi. Pennsylvania, New York, and the Sutei of New England, are the great theatres of American railway enterprise. The State of Pennsylvania is intersected by nearly a thousand mites uf rail way; and so *qual length is in operation or pro ems of conatruclioo, in the Stale of New York. The new Eogland States are in every direction intersected by railways. Boston is connected to ward* the west with, the Hudson at Albany, by a continuous lir.e. It is connected, toward* the south./i*ith Long Island Sound, by lines to Pro vidence sod Stoningtoo, and to Worcester and New London. The communication is canted on from these poiols to New York, both by railway' oyer I«ong Island, and by steamboat* on the Sound and the East-River. - From the Hudson, then* is an unbroken line of railway communication to the great northern lakes. By there and the Illinois river, the communication is continued by steamboat* nearly to the banks of the Upper- Mississippi, where it is con tinued for tome thousand miles westward by the Missouri towards the Reeky Mountains; and southward by the Cower Mississippi to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico. Another artery of railway communication pro ceeds from New York southward*—traversing the States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Dels* ware, Maryland, Virginia. North and Sooth Car* olini—-and turning westward through Georgia, terminates near the bouk* of the Alatama river. There, the line is continued by steamboats to the mouth of that river; and thence to Lake Pont ehartrsin, where it meet* a line of railway which Urmiostes finally at New Orleans. The entire territory uf tho Union is thus enclosed in an un interrupted circle of steam communication. Nor are great tt**er«o arteries wanting to com plete the interfusion ol the commerce of the coun try. From the artery- running north and just rpentioned, there issurs a lateral branch at Baltimore, ptoeecding westward toward* the Al leghany range. At present this is continued on ly 'a* far a* Cumberland —st the foot of the ridge, which is at that point crossed by an ex cellent Macadamized rosJ, on which stage coach es work at a speed equal to the best English coach travelling. It is however, intended to supercede this road, by a continuation cf the railway to Wheeling and Pittsburgh on tbe Ohio. Thence the communi cation'.is carried on by steamboats on that river, to tbe point where iu waters are received by tbs Mis sissippi. We have here traced the great main arteries of tbe intrrnat commerce of tho United Stats* but these only. From these at eviry point diverge innumerable ramifications, either by tiibutary nav igable rivers, by branch railways or by common roads. There are also isolated instances of the irrepres sible spirit of enterprise, which so strongly char acterizes this people, to be found in railways con structed and in operation, where the highest refine ment of loeomotion would be the last thing the wanderer of the wilds would expect to meet. In the backwoods of Mitsicsippi, traversing native for eats, wherej tijl within a few years, human foot never trod, through solitudes, the silence of which was never disturbed even by the red man, we are now transported by railways. The impression prodaeed on tire traveller, es he is whirled through these wilds, sees the frightcoed deer less acceptable an that account. It may be had of the agent. W. W. Wilson, Market k'reeU Blackwood * Magazine.— We are in receipt cf the April number of this delightful Magazine, rr. plrtc with intellectual food. Theie is an exceed ingly amusing though somewhat severe article upon onr country, beaded “How they manage matters in the model Republic," from which we intend to give a few extracts hereafter. Nsw PußLtciTiosa.— J.l.. Read, 4th ah, has received, Ist aod 2d volumes of the Life and Writ ings of Washington; by Jared Sparks, now in course, of publication by tbe Harpers, a new, ele gant and cheap edition. Also Noa. 21 and 22 of the Pictorial History of England. These numbers complete the second volume. TabU tf the distances, in miles between the prin cipatplaces an' the road from I 'era Cruz to Mexico, with the height in feet of the mto.il re markable point 's above the ocean level. Di«t*nce in iiiilfn. Height of fret Vera Cru/, S«ot* Fe,- Kl Manamial, Boearon. Tolome, Paao de Orrjit, Puente Nacional. Li Rmconada, p*lo Garbo. • ' Plan DH Rro. Om» Gordo, Corral Falso, Eneerro.- ■ • • • Jalan* Cedetio. BatvlerilU, . • J*an Miguel, La flova. l»a* Vn;a>. Cru/ Blanra, Perote.- Hama (ieuuiii* Tepeyagualco. de Ague, napolura. Vania del Pinal.- Acajdc.- Arno*o<jue. • Puebla de !o« Angelen. 1 KtoPririo. Sna Mamn i Vcme*lcTe«ne|uro», - Rio Frio. • • a Venia ds Cordixa,- - IV Aymla, |fi Loa Keyes 0 Mrxieo. -u Recapitulation of Ike principal dintancei uu'h , the time employed by the *ta/*e. coach on the way. IKmiicr llr.uri From Vera f.'rti/ 10 Mexico, Amemican Txurr is Mnica—Tbfl Cur* mpomleot of Wilmer and Smith in Pans, ca> “The Conatitutionncl of thia morning ha* an article on the reported-intention of the United States Government to eeixe the Custom Jfou»es of Mexico, and to allow goods to be imported on the payment of duties to be fixed by it. Your extem porary thinks that if carried into execution, thia design may be Injuriou# to the interest* ofFremh merchants trading in Mexico, and it asks what willbe done.if on tbe cooclosionoflhe war, Mex ico should refuse to acknowledge the right of the United States to receive its custom duties, and should seize French vessels and goods to indem* nify itself for any lose it may bave saittinodl— The Contlitulionnel calls upon the Government to take the matter into consideration, and to make such diplomatic representations to the United States Government M the caae may teem to re* guire.” Philip Mabbtt, of Boston, hitherto deemed one of the first rhen’ in tbit city for integrity and uprightness, the Transcript now states to be a de faulter to a banki of which be waa preaidant, for $60,000. The rhonny, however, baa been paid oyer, and the bank loses nothing IBut what a lore tfhbl | Gesso.—A fnmsr who bas.had..nnich expert- 1 eijce with Guano,recomran's Ihetollowing n.o lc . 6t mixutf and applying it to Indian core: , -Takea bush* I .of stjltd iweniy-eigtbt bushel* of wood earth-or mould, mix thoroughly together'and keep dry- Of this mixture, ha'f a j pint, or a good handful, m#y be scattered l»f»re planting to each hill. Supposing the corn hill* 3 feel by 4 feet apart, this will gWe <*>6 pound* ol ■ guano to the acre, and the cost, valued at the j high*at price of the.brst Peruvian, will be only about #1,50 per acre. When ao muchdiloted, a pint instead of half a pint may be aafely added to each bill, which will increase the coat to only about $3 Peruvian. According to experiments, the crop will be increased ten to twenty boaheU ; per acre, over the ordinary yield of the unmann - ed ground: It is a good plan to apply half the guano before planting, and the other half after the : corn it up. This m the most ecomonicsl moJe of usiijg guano. Sawn opon the ploughed ground,, iro-! mediately U fore or aft* r planting, at the rate of 200 lo 300 lb*, per acre, it has afforded hravy crops, which have paid large ptotiuon the outlay, even when the price of corn has not exceeded. 40 lo 50 -cents p< r bushels. For lop-drrtsing on win a l , oat* or grave, sprin kle the silted guano broad csst, at the late of 150 to 300 Its. p ( r sere. The b<Ht time i* during a calm or just bvfjre a rain. In \V Ulmer and Smith * European Time*, pub- lished iu Liverpool, there is a statement showing that the consumption < f Guano in a single year with (he stork on hand ip Great Britain, was 375* 550 tons, which at the most moderate ouimaUi ol price made the sum of $8 550,160. Mr. t'oleman. now in Europe, has in the latest number of Li* work ou European Agticulturo now publishing, stated as follows : “Guano still msntains its repu tation. No m-w facts have tianrpiled nspecting it, hut old one* have been confirmed. - It continues to he applied, at the rate ol 200 and ever 400 weight per acre, to vsiious crops, with sigual sue cet*. Unless its efficacy is suspended or ih feaU’d by drought, or unless it c.'tnes in immediate con tract wiih the plan), wht-u it proves fatal. “It i* a ne««*r safely applied alone, and the pre ferred mixture is a very liberal proportion ol mould. Its mixture wjth ashes, strongly rrconi meudrd by some farmers, is as I have before 01-* verted, of iiues’.iouabto expediency. In Devon shire, I witnessed the mist oit.ordinay ell's,tv 1 tuvc m-l practiced Ih u diplomacy ofolVeiing it to tLc public at almost double price, ami then ma king deductions to obtain the piaise of liberality fir getting a cash value far above iu price to indi viduals—but 1 swore my fellow-citizens that though I did at first refute it at any price—since it has been proposed, I will h'dd this choice cor ner of creation in trust for them, at less than its fair value until a disinterested,, impartial and ful ly informed vote shall decide in favor of some eli gible ground—if tucb con If discovered. I can do no more. Jimks S. Uh*»t. . , , . , . . Pittsburgh. May 24tb, 1817, \ ;rcm it, this yiar, applied at the rate oi about three hundred weight per acre, upon gras* land.— The extreme luxuriance and richness of the g>a**, when it wa* applieJ, \v. rj nuM remarkable, es pecially when men in contrast with part* uf the field not guanoed. Nor is it* (Biscay limited to one year, but continue* for a length of lime yet not deteimttied.. Hut wero its übvioa* tff«ci* limited to one year ouly, yet the iuuraaa of crop* growing cut uf iu um luroiihc*, in i self, the mean* of greatly enriching the farm.” Thu Farmer'* Cabuttt, **)*, 'hit a aud enterprising fr.end of ui», a firmer .uf “Little Delaware," wa« piejaring to plant 120acn*ol Indian Com Ibi* spring, and that he had ju«t pur -chased seventeen tor * if Uua 10, which lie shoulJ. apply to the gruund. In an English Book called ‘‘Three YcihEijic rieuco in the u*e of Gaauo," by Thomas Uf im *. we find it mentioned that Vicount lliil at one time purchased a* much a* 80. ton* for the use of hi* tenant*, who pah] him for it Lord Moya'cyti bought a wholo cargo for (lie u*c of hi* tenants in North Wale*. Cirrt'BE or Bcbulir*.— The Police of Allf-1 ghcoy u’y bate won for themselves a reputation] by the successful capture of a burglar whose tx-J ptoiu for the last two year* in Allegheny City j and neighborhood ba*e beeu uf the most dariog j character, and up to this tiqje setting every effort 1 at detection at dt fiance. TherS may be end doubt' j less are, others connected with him; hot the cool.: ne*» and audacity of tbi* individual ui>qut*.ion.; ably places him at the head of the gang, His: name is Philip .V or Philip O. Milbr. He has j been expected for aorne lime, but ballled eveiy I elTirt ptevjously made to justify hi* arrest. On Thursday night he entered and robbrd the : house of Hamuel \V tckei*ham,Erq , n> ar Manchc*., ter, of a quantity of silver plate which he hid in a board yarJ. This was found on Fri day by a liny; but lh> police replaced it and set u watch for lb* thief. t)n Friday night he robbed the hou*a of Wm. Ebbs, K»q ,of sornn plate and a pail of ou*t ly p- tie. careful'* !o*L>ng every ,1 >or »i, |.i•<n| From Mr. E's he look hi* way to the board yard, and had taken lL> plate de|Ki*ited there, whm he was hailed and ordered to stop; but .he took to his heel*, and three (diets Were ineffrclual ly fired at him. Uring a fs*t runner he dutan CdJ hi * pursuers, away Mi. W* plate in hi* ibght. 'l’li i» wo> tow*r J itniiniug. S >iue little time after, a won.au »u >bn rrod coming down the road with a bosket, and giving no **tt*> factory account of hcr*elf, K was suspected jut once lhal ih* burglar *a* «t her house. After * >me s. ar h tbim, be was discovered in the privy end sreurej. He was barefooted and in fine tiim f.r * run. The wom«n had born sent to gather up the idtcr ho had thrown away. .She was al •3 arrested. Miller had engaged a berth ou u boat leaving for Cincinnati lhr< morning. Wo undirsiand another of the gang was airestcd m the lower end of Allegheny city on Sunday. arrest of Miller is 1 cause of ccngratula tior. The extraordinary burglaries couimittrd m Allegheny during (be past year exceed in num ber and boldness ail that we remember cv«r have heard of .in the aime jieriod of lime. .No house appoareJ proof again at the borgia**; and yet the skill and perfect •eerrry wilh which they were entered and robbed, left uo clue la the per pelrator*. PaLaaTTtaixn GxstaAL Amurlt or Tin k'niTcn States An attentive correspondent ai Richmond furnishes u* with the following re- port of the business transacted on Thursday, in the General Conference of the I’reslryterian Church : Tbe (General Assembly of (be Presbyterian Church of the United Slates, met in the Find Pres byterian Church in the city of Richmond, by ap pointment, on Thursday morning, tbe 20th of May, at it) o'clock, and was opened by a sermon from the Rev. Dr. Hodge, of Princtlon, New Jer- . , . , ® * ~ , , l itefnl Information—An unix.unni ilntcovcrv sey. Alter lbs sermon tbe assembly proceeded to - mf ., !iri „ r ti*» tie*-n made t.y Dr eon*:* the choice of a Moderator and Temporary Clerk, ‘ 1" ih- t>api*y «•( vrtniiWp • iiniane*-*.* n> which reiuluJ u Mow.; For M*l«.lor—Dr "" « . wh.ch 1.,*r11.rn..t -.utp,, ' corr* in thr mO«l ditircxjiig 1 a»r« of llil-inomuod* »r 1 hornwell.of South Carolina, received 66 rotes; j.,,,. anrt f„, ,h..complaint b*»l.cen pronouncedin ifi- Dr. Swift, of Pittsburgh, 50; Dr.. Hoodgrase,' of! la'iiMc N.w V«k Si; Dr. Jonea, o[ ««.,«». 10-;h«. SIAKi- Upon Dr. Thornwi-ll was declared elected. Dr. | Market urert. *n<i 1* It. Srnthfiicld »ir«.t Sparrow of Va , waa elected Temporary Clerk, ' I’nMiunjb. I’a. Price Si per tax. mjieiw lu tbe afierooon the assembly proceeded to de- 1 •• • ~ „ - (ermine (he place of tnceung of the next General, mv.ir iiir amnunii «r mu rraiW* u> itu* .„J qMQlhaOTranl b. 11.. U.l, ia ,«, j received 116 vole*, Pittsburgh 37,and Phdsdclpb- r.t .<i nmuhrt column of-io«Uy- r .«p<-r Tt.ry n>r ia 4—so the next Assembly is in be held in ihe ! ileui<i tLa m.»»i w<....t*-n.ij on rr.uf.i, aml.itavr Ist Prtsbytertaa Church of [lalimiorr. The }Va»fliii!cn!l*nui "'(."r* i"mrUu-T < *a'r l |'<*'i aroibly will be composed of aU>ut tfOO Cornmis- • n.«■«.■ uirm m Uh m «rvcr;>< piiirci 01 n’wfiV. siooers from most of tbe HiaUs, and nno f ruta J »»•’‘••••rii bi-m on i.|i« iiir-womirifni the Presbytery of Northern India, in nnnnfctiun b’.*'i,owpT'J I,lol** oVi* a"’m.' wilh tho tieneral Ataembly of the Prrsbv'r- 1 nn-i ll* M at tr<** oflimir Umrmi.l ,v Wuiion N.. ini rian Church of the United Miatra. Cir.ia.i,. vi nci.n ia v. i.kction. Taa Fol-uth DisrnitT Mettm.ii.—At a , dir i,iiiiiw<ng. Cioim In. U'm tVvm. \V.il,ain«v,ti. second meeting of the sheiiir 1 *, held on MonJav 1 irniKim . nnd nm. ni un f>i>i|>i«riiiiiinpn r« * , ... • Ili.f.ui.iv'm wl.ul. l«o rr.„tr, niul law Sei(i.l.w in Hm last, the following result was arrived a): lor lr- < j,, t ,, 1a1 . 11r j, „ r ii.r,in K u, u . i,> ii„ i,.„.i. ving,(Whig) d!H, for Bi»ci>ck (Loco) :idl. ‘ T|;o 1 mg tn— ll ol tli<- |itufc«»'»Mi. liuim.iiit ilip l.tiinl* til pniii-.. latter, of course, gels the certificate, and it is six. • i*r-itnli< , <-,nrid emnt nirru n» dur . ted that Mr. Irvin* will contest hia rijlu l.i it. , S,f 1 l '* vr m ’ , ’ r ' ,rl ‘ r l "' rn >,,ul " . I’aonem. iiiul. «.1 tar. am «•»•,! jil.-nTil m it- Taa Hau»ai Unriiicr— Ihe Lynchl.uijj: n..i Hn.«.ri..«i j-i rl4 . r Virginian understand" that Mr. Tredway willno/j u-u.imr imil a -j>m ilkid »t» u.w u*\.iu contest the election of Mr. Flournoy, whose nia* j ' a " ; “* * " ro *».•• n> nmtti a- Rem-rat mm jority is 611. instead of one, aa officially reported— ' •'* " 11 rrU> r J 11 po " 2 ’ 1 Ultru* lti-*j» rtiully. :•('<* " * l*-’*'. *»' the votes at one of tuo prmtx'ta m I atnek, wlmh give Mr. F. 68 majority, having twcn thrown nut by the sheriff in cons* qoern*« of the omimion to 00 GU I • 70 • -p- • • It qualify the cuinmiixioncri. Appointments and t'tikugci. We learn that thn following sppomlciwiU ami changes in office have been made by (ho I'rrm* deni: Commodore Charles W. Skinner to bo Chief of the bureau of Construction, Ac., in the N«*y Department, in tbo place of Commodore Charles Morrie, resigned, wo-regrel to learn, 911 account of ill health. Seth barton, Solicitor of the Treasury, to he Charge d’Affsirs to Chili, in the place of William Crump. R. H. Gillet,Register of the Treasury, tu be So licitor of the Treasury, fice barton.— lnteHijren- Mias Batenin, the daughter of the venerable Dr. Beecher, is antiring in her efforts to promote education at the West She is in a few days to meet, at Albany, twenty-ail young ladies fiom New England, who ore to go out with her os teach ers, alter having spent a season at' the State Nor. mal Bcbonl. Har plan is to transfer a large num ber of educated young ladiea to the West, and there employ them as teachers. Andrews Intends to have Concerta at bia Ea gle Saloon every night this week, and baa reduced the admission to the price of ioe cream, 12$ cei.tr 11l MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Correspondence of PltCabn'riKti Gaadie, Br Tn.toa&ra—We have received nothing by Telegraph since Fridar night. The lin* was io operation part of' Saturday. On Saturday night a heavy storm interfered with the working of it By the rule* of the Company, no business is dooe on the line ort Sunday unless of very urgent char, actir. Sunday evening and night there was an other heavy storm during which the flashes of electricity with which .the atmosphere was sur charged, exploded in the office like pistol-shuts. Nothing, of e rnrse, 'could be transmitted, and this account* far our receiving no new* lor tbi* paper. Should anything impoilaut arrive this morning, arc will tssuo an extra. To uv Pn low Citium*. —The “Conlribu lor«," appearing in the Post lad week, were nut authorised, (a* was threatened on behalf of-the Manchester location.) that “Kalmia" would be withdrawn trom their choice. (sc irn all such ar tifices to ntioiu'atc puichwrr. I have more con fidence in ihc wisdom, intelligence, sin) taste of {hi* community, than to believe they will sutler thi* incomparable spot to be snatched from them. It i* true, that after tbu offer of it was extracted fnini ine, at a sacrifice uf liolb interest and incline lion, by the belitflbal it would be chi-sen, noction al feeling was, for the inoiurut , postponed. and the preference, which, up to ti.ft development of this local spirit, wa* openly aud clearly mumfert-d. 1 Whether the subscriber* will succomb loth* fore* of Much an under-current, i* for them to decide. Wt regTet to learn that Majors Gaines' and Bor ; land, and Capt. ('lay, aud thnother prisoner* ta- i ken bt Eocartiacion, notwithstanding Santa An- j na’s ir.gagt’tnenl to release them when--pnVim-r* [ were exchanged after the battle of Horns Vista, j •ro do.u ly confined and their want* neglected.— ( Even La Vega, who was treated with so much n 4 ’ spict and cou*iderati.'ii i.i tbi* city, lurneJ * j deal ear to their complaint* when military eon • raandanl of the city of Mexico. _ /Vus.vrc Acid in l‘tach Ltave.s —The Lexing ton (Miss.) Advertiser of the 2TI uli.eays:—-“On, Friday last, the family of Mr. James Cullen. Sen., rord.ng at the pond. (Belhiuda.) four miles from ' Vr 7. jo city, wero poisoned by eating pies, which wire seasoned with peach leave*. Mr.'Cullen died instantly from .the sHVcts, and all who par took of the pies were taken sick. The prussic | acid contained in the leaves, and concentrated by j baking, is the aupposedcause of the calamity. i Ward Sotlce. (ay-The Ann-Masonic and W'ii'g Primary Mcetm* | for lb* - First Wanl.Cuy ol Allegheny, will 1 e held on . Saturday evening, the «9ih instant. Bt Hie hounr of Atcb- I i.on Wood]iou»e on R'lU'iibon street, wi.icb m tlie pincr . or etei-tiou lor *atd Wsid Wilis sod AnU-Jlaiouic Candidalrs. Mr Purttit —Plr»-c nnriuuiire ilie name of Major lIKNRV BEARS of Al>*hnW Coy n« • •iiiial.l*- r«n dulutr fur Hi-- ntfirr ■>' Cimnti l\uiiin;4.u»i>er »ul>j-i-l l > Ike ,fpc-;« oi- ot the Wife and Ait;.-Mu-wint- fouverit.,u,. W.M. A HI ItfHMKI.P ..f Fa-i .U.fn-ny. wdl 1.. «bfi!»‘>»ted m Hi-- Anti Mbmjii'P and W'hi< t'orivc-ntim for County Coinmi-«-(i'trr The. di-trtei m wii.'-ii n re»..'t-« *» on- ivlin;ti lin-- ner> r icrrft rd a eanditm. imiiMnaietl by the party for *ant osTire In ( -t n rPp'whpir 0 "' <,r ' ”' r " "c kT: 1 :t. ks '’•r?) wn*hi i •' mttflilAwie* Mr Fti>?nb —l'lea-r annouiur -f,r ..am.t.fj-1(1 % Mil.l.Fit. ol tlir |!oi»..etii-l Mi.*-i-*l-urgh. n« :« -uiHi.lr < 4i..! .lulr hi |. .<nl tlt.i i- >u.i:y hi tlir t.rti»rnui^ Mr lluiroßi-n-n-.- an’.r.i>«ee tfatC. SMVI-TA. ill Wilk.il> Tuwn.li n «>li 1.. fll].|'i.lird ill lli>- Wl,.> Mu.) Anl'-M»»on.i-I‘oiivrni i»n u- n le cniutidji.- for 1..- t.rri>iunirr. aid .free .MANY ITI’IZKNS \i It Mil;..* - I 1.« k .; ld>--Miff •>' »<roiiiliir-ii.‘ ,<IV ~.-..i<.-i. .n •A..i- Mi , ~-.U W.,. ; • ...... t loti v./HiU.l. M.A U>| 1A 1.1. >\VAItTZV\ f l.l»l It. 1..., -a emnt.-man writ nual'linl lo n-pir*rnt t 1... .u.,ti i) .n tt.r State A**n-n>j.ly It.* iu-Jintiiiiti.ni would prat, ly ii.iiii<i*iu*.«.w.id' ... Hi- > ty an-l Cuuni* .iiUtdAw ONIt OK Till. I’AItTV JA\!FN HKNUV,./ U-.v.-r i<.*n l.r *opi»< nrd l.y in^tiy' aji.l AiiliOiJ'Oii gllirr<il t'ouill) I‘oiXJUi i **l»iar r. ni*. I I-.'Jx « * r ■ JOHN .. , »v■ Il— (Ji,t iniiiv • (~.„!►«.>» >.,t uo ( u.rt:* i.«ii ’ ih* l »'»'>:! a>iio«l <u;<' tor «'<>u:iiv Tn-H«uin • KAVin it-: Mi i Bin.i. r,p i.u:. h*«.. ■ “i Vj.la «i" - HKNItV LAR<>i:. r«i . 1.1.. r I'f a 1-aruJ.ilmr in; ihc »aiijrct li» lt.*‘ 1 i\ ui ijic \\ 1.-K arid An r •Ui«»n <• l ’-> • JOHN H. 1.11. k VV •t . . I Hii:( and Anluna n-r i un '* i .ti.-, lII.M' \v a hl> Tr^sur.-r AI rvMMM.IIA.-* nr M.id „ R -u'l *■- l ' J |nl‘sUw'V rl ’ rr ' rDt rO0 " ,!( 1,1 " r KM.IIIN AiK mmil. - 11..*-,I 1 ..*-, aonminrr u. ua.m-... Ji UiN J M l >K. or Vri'lo\v:iu oa.-.1.,1n taji tiir 1.-<|.:.>lurc ln)7ilAttT W ll.MNj* Va rsm>«- I’AI.MKIi E*«j. Ii;.» I'.-n' •/><>• km «i a* .111 r «• rllrnl ami »ga«Mr .ai.ili.Ulr u.i ihr 'n..:»iuir l'i cal .up • ■irnloii u ilir •: ovr \ <>u w li lArinr'm*u\ 'Vb(T*ol Hir «u J(»>HPII MrtTLl.OcU h«a. Ik-ch .pok-n of l.\ •rv.ral gnu «-mrn si n .-sinJ.aslr (o> Canon Column* »:<nnT-4nci.H.pin* in rvpi) ii-ajirQl bonntnnd capnlilp ivd. I*r mpputlPd !•> lit* ilii'iul* llir llml infir* Itrfocr H.r CouVPnliOn • imllOAw THOMAS PKH KINS. oi St Clmr tuwinJii|i will lip n candd-ilr kn no'nuinion to ibe udici- of tnun t\ CommiMiom r unit'd Aw . JOHN SHERIFF. oi thr t**iv, will be supported (•> min) Wh g«of ih-o.i> indmumy fur itonunßiwi In ibe t'oiiTpfiuoii si a ramluluc Tor tbe Lcjiunlure J W 11a XTEH. Hi in'! nty. will be .itipponed )•« tore ilie VVti $ and AMt-tnsKinit- Outvi-ntidii (nr noinmaildj u« till* i-Bmliduic Ijt the odic« ol roui)iy. Trr*Miipr '*• nnWAwic SECOND WAHI) Jt Col VV F.SPV of lj>«rr S* Cla’r iowii*l ip will Up luptMirtrd U) mm) Whig" anil Alituuainit* lilt llir !,>•• e ,.( Hurt. Ill) lidA wF JIHTKttHI.N (JT-KaTlrr'a (•liiirng I'tiißeta. -Mimui Ti-TIMOM- " e '"K J'-ivp UA7.KTTK JHII PniXT|N(l OVFICK, Tfiniii mtiio r, conutii or pour nrnce illut. lUf-W i nrr iOt> piepart-d In Ixt'emr m u xuprm.r and rj|> dMiu* maunrr, oil luiJ* of JnefPßivnnn, ..I.'li 1* lan;e I’.inr r». Sunuiilmm I till a. Hill. Of l.odiili;. U irr SI- pi Cirrnl «r* IlniuilulH. C.nd«. 4r.,'Af ll■ X■ K iXli riMHIII.I.T rUIDTI.IU to nil)' K.mill .•ir-ul-ct ill the l>t'*l lllllllirl, J||,| nil k>n.l« ol I'miii.mß iliiiip Witli urary anil at llir lunuil SII A l»—*j l»ul« No MUlim'i'ire. rrr iTand tor ml.- by t ( ( tnj'Jl JOHN F PERKY INVITATION TO Mil. WKDBTBII. j X"" ■»., r„ The i'iii-iiiU of Itir lion, Damn I Webber, now on hi* , *n!r l.y niyjl Jl)<|N F PERRY Southern Tuur, air. rrnnc»ieil lu men m ilie Odeim.W i -- - - i,c■ i MoniUy nflnncMin. .hr tHth inumit. ai.d u’elm-k, | O V Kl.». Pnmnylvanm Rye for rale by fot ilir pui|'o»e «»l mw.nim iln« Kl ra ( »ioie«iunn lo vi*ii i my- 1 JOHN F PKKRV - i ■,«. I |l»» APPUM-0i1i... >g >»>• and ror'i'iiiil.y !! 2 £t%. . \ O -r» ■»»<« i" iW •II I, KingitaJi. Win J Howard, , I )KASB-J Mil* small V\ b t*. in alore and for tale John Hlirnir. Kdl)| M Kiddle, ; J)i.y my.'l JOHN F PKRRY Jol.n Hlnpion. Jutii) Ki|’(m*v, Jo-ftllH liiDihil. H S W'rn M l)jtliii|;l.iit J d lIUMi y Thomas SirHr, (i Adam-, Morgan HnJ*Ti»nn, . I'. 11 Todd, C |1 M Hiniih, A W IxMinc, O MriralC W I, Adam*, F. Ilnxik*, M F F.aion, Cba» llrvin, Henry Campbell, John Roumson, Win. M limb, \V I) Krskme. IVni K Marl. R R K l>on«r». Win R Rhode*, M P Mor*«, «• O]l.oom:». Ileo Finger. Alfred P'Anshul/. Jo»hua illiodra. T J Bingham. M |la‘rapion. , Ale* W M>iler. iWoi Mofim Jamba M Cbmiy. 0 Darragb, Tboinas McKee. Caldwell, Ju W Baxter, nl Narartawelder. H 'V William* James 11 Murray, CballD £k-olly. PUKE COS CUT f • CfnrftftM CSAt.'a EYVERV EVENINQ THIS WEEK!! 1 U / OfllCg Cr "" T " ’ n ' V : CINCINNATI AUCTION BALES./ lr7~foromencin< This Evening, May 24ih, lb|7 JH j BI VOgKB. MABHEARS kHB WStS, Aatfn- I*.,cu*- Pun# K.in-. Me*.rs. Kn.*a»s A llontlry 1 MAHOGANY TIMBER ) lis&.r 1 ~k' "“ r ' >i: “:,?£$ j «•- •' “<—* hi CUK—Aw.y » ,*'££%?*' B v it. C0m,.,,,, , U.UJ-r.r ll.f Ll,r Brook. *■ Bm.rtiCT, ftoml* gj. ' } ». I* 'h** whole lai containing about SAbOO fret, aapertei** Cornu- tVmg-Brutlier Jor.ama,,. Mr Morphy j l?**??*'T’* * J»'D l*«M» ®°‘ ,,ed w ® od tnd [ buU>— Un the Acrorrfeon. Mr. Huntley ) in**, and Son. a»j n,nr..._n„„i. >.... itr ih> iv„....... i ThP *bove timber is put op in lot* of five *®g*> **•“ i-Hr,.Ho' 1 H> Vrd by the head MW>« of Messrs. H. AlbroA Niug-l.uMr Fan. Mr. Murphy * 1!m * ** orel ** , * fl *“*Y havefallconfidence that * l»be- Solo on iht A iconic nil, Mr Hunilry A raialogucofihenumhec.leagtb.brfadtb.ADd thick- SWOTiS..* fir *”"‘S?&2X ■■nSWStett, «. B. *.£!-•* TK...... KT..Vo.«h J sng M d »T* «M «» 50ft. upward*. 4 min U- ... our rifnri, m r.i!‘ t l .h p ti. L i»lslh ‘ l ‘ on ' h «- for approved endorsed paper. A diseemtof .Wd • 1 I SL»IS"„ l ,„rt7 b w " "* *" '■ rcta “* cf Urgaloot. open rvm day at 10. a v. YORKK, BRa£-HEaR9 * HF.WSON, NAIiItIAOE. AC. ln > l9 - - - -- -1". DU Moßßlt.l. will delivrr Tiru 3e.Wt L<cinm u> By John D« Da via* AaetlMwar . L.-U'lrm. M exclusively, upon MARRIAGE. CKI.I- <— Ual*V. Ar . plr)*.oH>«.rally considered with reference ORANGES AND LEMONS. ..'■ their uiHui'iicr upon Health: involving an cifoniion ! v\' l(J. Lc added 'o the tale ibi* aflrrnoao.il half-part oi ihr Sirjirmt... Nrrvom Kevrhnoii». l’»e, and Abu ii. nock, at Davt<’* Commercial Auction Rooms, car. **•» in itir- Reproductive Organs—die I‘aiema! Instinct* inr rot Wood and Fifth streeu: - ot.il.iui l-.xcrssr*. Ar.. Ar , illustrated wnh the- ii boxes Orange*; Mmi.km. Dm wines, Ac. at .1 . S 3 do Lamoas; my2l PIULO UALLI 1 ' ..i. TUESDAY and W KIMESDA V rvru.Mc, .Mn> DRY GOODS. •» >tli mid-Anri, hi - o rlork. <»N Monday morning, tfee flth instant, at 10o’clock, . Oent <rnr« O-.ly \ outhf under Id noi adum- j wll , be w | d . A .j af?r e and general tsaonaenl of welt ir.t Adm.s.ion r.eket* at l»oor rn)*Jl 'Jt 1 , r | rrlr j , l>p | e a „d fanev Dry Goods, Ac. FOUNTAIN lIOTRL,, At * O’clock, P. M. I lIJHT STIJERT RAITIU it H I' i A uuaniity of nr w and sr'coad hsod household forni* L r *ii.,o.V n /n 11 MU K L , | inR ne «rly all the variety ofsrticlesusually KJ(j(j li TIIUBSTOK. Proprietor*. | \van»dlivhou*«k'eep<tfigrocerie*,oueeuswsrag|ai*. rpius e.ml.lißii I eni Ion" and widely known a* wan*, lookinggla»»e« mantelclocki, tamps,engTS*inf»,. I one nt iitr ui3<t oommodiou»m the city of Baltimore, l carpeting, wire fenders, mattrasie*, bed cords, shovels. I.«. rercnih undeigone Very extensive al.eranou* and ! •'*' r « , « t,and eooktngstove snd kitchen fur* -iii|.r..vem"iii« An entire new wing lias been udded, fu’ure. Ar. Also. B bag* Dned-Peaehes. ci.m.l ii i «< iiitmerou-and mry •ierping apariu'cmr, and At 71 O’clock, P. M. exie"»'ve i.iit-mt! n«m». One chestcarpemer’i tool».toolehest,Ac.,'a<itiaaiitf Tlie l.ud.e- «.eparitm m hus al o bem lonipleiel) re- 0 ( VPr .. » upe tiorj oality cutlery, new and feeond baad otgjni/ed mid hned up in a non unnm- and beniatiul pt> ij .», d ii| Te r watches. reaJy made clothing, fine stjie (n tar-t tbenholi! arrarigetneuiuf the liou»e has fh.r,. with linen bo-om« anil german fsney been remodeled, with a .ingle eye on the port of the tfoad . Ap “ m y«l projirieu.fs toward* the comfort snd pleasure of tbeir J : ■ -- Guest*, and winch they roiifidently k*>ert will chul- 1 Lnml for Salo> Irii-t! eumn ir-mn wuh any Hotel in the L'uioit. | Valuable Lands, within H miles of PitUbargh, tt Aut- Tbnr i/J.le will always bn supplied with every sul.-] lion—ON Thursday eveuiug, theS7lhinrtant,atBo’* •lantiHl and luxury whirb llivinurket affords, rerved up ; clock, al the Couimereial Auction Room. CttVner of m a supermr style, wliilc in the way of \Vmes. Ac., * Wood and Fifth street*, will be told si* beautiful lots tbey will not t.e Mirpu**ed. [ , or pieces of laud, situate- in Ro*s TownshlD, on the In co.ie In siott tbe |i nip rif tor- !•<--; -n *a y. ilisi nntb ieq , Franklin Rosd. four miles from the city of Allegheny, will be left mi Jour mi tlinr pan, ami un the part of then 1 suitable for country real* ot gardening Dorposei; g-plan .-i.si.umt-. to render tiny Hotel wortby the rontimied , o' which may be seen at the Auction Room, patronage ot tlinr friends and the 'public generally. The above pn>fier'y~~i* kery desirable, and may be l*tie pr ccs’for ImarU have also bern reduced to the examined at any time previous to sale. Titleinditpsta fiilinwmg r:iir» tic and free (toutall incumbrances. f.Biiir, - Oulmnrv *175 per day- Al*o. that valuab.r lot of ground, rltuau* on the north i.rn u-iiir,i.' |so -c- a »t »ide uf f*ikili meet, near Grant, having S 7 feet N. j:_h.r Ituintugc \V»K£on of the Nnu»e wi'l #]• i fioni. and eiirnflm*t.»cklooffe%oo which U erected w M ;,•« i.r iimnii si iiir Cnranil Sirßmlioal Landings, ; * throe utory brick Dwelling Ilooae and a (mall frame ":* *'u « ill lutivrx liai'i’acr ui ami ftorn the Hotel, Her • build ng. Ternw.tti »a.V, JAS. BLAKfeLY, oi'rin.ter nirt-ltf ' Attorney mfact of J» Miiebat. 1 : .., 9 ... JOHN 0 DAVIS, AucVr To Traveller*. ’ "KXPKKKS FAST PACKET USE PiIILADULPIIIA AMU DALTIBtOKE. ( F.irtusirtly fur Pas\tilgm \ f l l lir. ami U.niroaii l-rinj? now in excellent 1 ortVr. Urn f’ackrti o! tin* Line will leave wiii pa»- ». Hsrr» a* loitow*. rvrrj n;«hl at 9 o'clock : i’ackei Kentucky, Capt. Tniuy. Monday, Mat 24. •U> Ohio l.'ajii. Clo.);. Tucmloj - , May i •lo I<i<t:ana. Cnpi iterkey, U\ilneMla). AJav '26. ; ilu l.oui.'aiio, Cnpi. TliompKin.'rtufMliiy, May ST I 'il.. Ken.ii.-ky. Cnpi. Trul>y.,Kr;day. May ;*•. be On.o, c»pi Craig, May ill. ■ln liiJ.au*. Cam. Berkey. Sunday, May 30. { .lo l.fuunn».Cjpl.TlioinjMon, Monday, M.iy HI, , •li) Krimicky. Cap;. Trul.y, Toe&day, June 1 | .1 > Ohm, Capt. Orai<. Wednesday. Juue 2. i iiu Indiana,Cnai. U<*rkey, Thursday, June 3 i do. Uiuxiana. rapt Tlioapion.Friday, June 4. do Kniiurly.Ca|H 5. do Ohio, Craig/Sußday, June A, I If you de»irr ciie»p’r«yflli>i|c and cdruforiaMe accom* | . molaiion*. »rrure your ticket* at ilic l*«ckei Mtmoitgaiu'la lluu*e, Wuief *ireei,or of ] iny-M U l,Ea'll & CO, Cana! lU*iu ■ I 'l'llK INDKX VOI.UMBOF.aii/uMANSKJUn- [ 1 NAL OF SCIKXCK ANU-AkTS, conipnnnf ref- j erenre* to 47 volume* of the fir*l (erica, embracing « : pennd .»i v* y can vi*t from lels to ISIG. U now |u»l ! completed and a few rapie* for aalcby the undersigned. , -We may confidently l.eltrvr mat tbi* index to'tiir.e [ Will prove a.eful, noi only in iho*e who may po»»rr» : lor whnlr «r r:r», I'lll hi «I! who :irr Conner Iml 111 auy ! way witjj i i.c Ari* un.l Sciences for- whatever the de. j panineitt the reader <* directed l>y it; to •he virion* mi nijir- that h.ivr l.e-n putrti«licd tr. the Journal on the • utijrei ilm •n!err«t* him. whether relating to the rreg n-K« c; -cictic--, to the detail* of fact* in the different department* ot knowleJge. or roihe vanou* resource* id ,hs and otner coumfie* : with *ueh a guide iheetinre rope--* the work m puhlir t.ibriuiea oi in those of Complete »eit*ot the entire aeries turn i* bed at the | pul.|.»h« r-‘ pi.ee. 91(111. Index to do, S 3 Sirl.-rr.pi i'll- io ibe new or rrrnnd «cnra received, ■ n.i Nik delivered tree of |o*:a je lor Sj per annum, by : Ihe Agent lor IMu»ii» l rti - .... j VV »V « I !>ON.i7 Market j iiiVlM I N «h<* lh-ir-rt for the (Totiniyof Allegheny in , 4 lit- *'•►<»! jnmr * r,tlih of I ‘runty Iff jnia o l ' April Term, l V U »c 47, V. 41. UaU)»*IN .Mar. 'Of «w Ar . • -) r. ( Vr.M.Kjt.No 4 t, Api•! .n.|*;ra.l. .1 'lYrin. 1*47. v 1'!..11.,'1l 1.,,, . iif- >.'<iuii .iri>i.ui Jiiiui a Will.. r , U|| A liO.lui u> J.*tl .l.ulr Uir lllOHB) m Court amotif. ru I-I. .1.1. I . E'torn ihf 11.-i'nril, 111 K A M lII' I.T 7., I’rotlioiioiar) Mitj-W I :i: Tt.r ntnl«r»Auditor wi I nt'fiiJ .il l.r« .-il.rr in I ill >t'riM. 11> r>U' «l I'lll.l.urgh.OliThurf, j-4\. iiir I*ili ilii oi Juiif ti.'H i<> di*rharptf ibft dolitfv ci h.»mu.nil uiidjJl|ii'iMjitiirirrc«ieiii»fehrie l-v i.Miiiir,! :o .i-iriiJ. JOHN A WILI.N Auditor JIITKItStIN I'i.i i|k• l‘i t«I'UfJSU liarrltr. Il.UluiH’S UIHIXKBB DIKKCTORY. M'O FASTKftN .MKflf I AM- AND MAN UFA fc 1 TTRI-.R* if.--Tlir imlrf..owil lenrs io m- i.i <>!r tili'ii New Vink ant] o'h'V ea'l-Tli i(ib' M' i* l.nrhapcllc. Li* . tin 'hem hi a t*« Jb» i u> colled «'jb*c*v. now pT/ipar.ne lor publication. a<u) » «V' l*' }*■' Ami'll? m ..d- ISAAC iiAKKIs Piper* ivili p]pa<- cop) ili« above" pERin'MKUY.&r i:.n Hi.u- »-!*• Vlrt >• nc <'-.impound. .to H-.i-r d.i,' llll.l'* AtllKJfHl ‘,1(1. I'«ln .-Sjap. l.avendrr. I' oi .tu amt Cologne Water*. ior*a!eby JOKI. MOHLER C-orner Wood and Firth ■treci 1 STRAY RARE. AwTN TAKKN IP, in 111.. Ciiy, by one of iti* ( rS \ Waiphnien, on ihr lugHl of ihe lnb mrtanl, ■ ■ i Im I a link Brown Mare wuh black tuane ami 1:1 : 'bp left Innil lt-R while— no olher mark* The ow ner • irijn.-Mpil t<* com- f-irwaul, prove |iropcny,-}>ay rlii'crv ami lake her »wa\. Knt]u>rc at (hr MAYOR'S OPKICI Q...K, * - 5.14,1 0,1. No 1, 0:1- Spi«, Turpentine, <*ipal Vami»h. N V do: No* I »mj S; r«>i »»Ir liy _ JOKf. MOIIKKR pAINTS, A. 1 c»»k Vcnciian. Red; I <ln Spanish Brow n. •J bids I'ow'd. Charcoal; I do do Soap Stone; •i do Lampblack; in store and, for myVt MKL MUHLEK rMOBAfCO - pound Lump Lynehbuigb'l'' 1 litem, do do; Rrmy-d .11 »inrc, t.n roitiigmnrm and for »alr hy L S WATKRMAN NTS An KKUIXKS WANTED. ONK nrw or arrow! hand Kncinr, wiib 10 inch cyl inder and It irrt uroke, and one dr. Tor b incti cyl. mtlrr. w nit or \» aboui .boilera. Apply to rayilJh* IIKO uRfcKD.tM wood m BACON —a M*> lh» anaoite J. in atore and for tale by tmiM L X WATKRMAN F’ I.AXI'KKI*—40 bag* in Hore and for sale by m>‘J4 I. !* WATKRMAN I.KT —Th« Warehouse on Wood ftreei, now X oi'cupirj by Ilol'inaii* It (>ant«on. Enquire of ROt.), UUTTKH-4l.bl.Kif.il in .tore and for .ale by mr.'i I, S WATKRMAN BItOOn S t.Wdoz J’omeroy VK*tra/<'ih, j*j .for «u> Co i.inon; lor »ole I.y J 1) WIM.JAM* & CO -rj M<M.A.'HK.H-S0 bills N OilrHJli 10 bbl* ?*. llv>u*c; for fa’e by i.M« J l> WILLIAMS* Cn UMinr. ke** I’urp.- So do No I; tor «nlr by n tyu J D WILLIAMS 4 CO SI I. MOLASKKS A fr" Mil* on band and Tor . »ale in «-: o*c 0 *c a con«i|T«(tl<'lil. li» .»>•« i.Kivi'i Mi;rciijsi»N too_ t'ULANTIMK AIILTI KkOllA iIOIBS- ii«»r»i,< Slimb. just rrr.-.ved tor wli 1m in) ISAIAH DICKEY A CO CItKK*K-liai I'X« Lore* Cheese. in store mid for .-,1. hy in) ti WICK A McCANDI.KSS BIIA.N* - :«■ !.!•!> iii Rood order. tor »ilr l.y - iiiiVJ W lOK A MtCANM.KK* ItCMOAiN- So Uji in iinrr ami lor ialp by J mrij WICK A MrCANDLKSS lINHKKD Oil.- Jnl.l.S 1.n,.rr,l 0.l tor .»Ip by J »>i*i WICK A MeCANDLKSS At. H M-W bbU Alum tor -ul. low hv .Mini ‘ WICK * M«m\ANT>I.KSS_ f l' 10 A —1(H) 111 ric»i< Oirrn T. n. lor «aW.y I_ m>VJ . WICK A McCANDI.I-SS_ h f AI’LK MIUAU-IS Smm for ««te l>y LVI lilVli MKAZKI.TON MADUUH-Kor »..le by ra.k or krir bv my MII.t.KRA ItII'KKTSOM t;i.AX»(CICI) OIL-vnbM« m (tore uml tor -air I 1 bv m)W MII.LF.K A HICKKTSQN UALT-'iwiiiiiii No l Allr<hrny; O tiObbUNoa do; tor tale by mr.'l JOHN F I'KRBY Gy HEEN APPLES—I 2 libla, juai received and ffor .tile by myyi_ JOHN^R.PKRRY rpOBACCO-4l> krß* C twirl Tobacco for rale by 1 WICK A MCANOLKSS . _ cor wood *nd water »l» *1 <AU-'JU barrels for sale by 1 . *'*)2l WfCK* A M'CANDI.FSS DllV PEACHES AND APPLES in roodot der for aale'by |myBl) WICK \ MVANDCLSS SINE’S AROMATIC SALTS.alwavaon handland ibraateby myUI BRAUN A RKITbR .T OUtSVILLE LI.HE-Jo« rec’d and for sale Ij i.y ISAAC HARRIS miu No39fifth il 73,650 Spanish Clffars. j Kmbranug a clioce airaruniMit of very aapertor I quality imported Cigar#, o' (be moat blfdly approved 1 i.raiidn. will be raid cheap at private eale.lo cloao a conei(umenu JOHN D DAVIS —* and Bfth *•' Large JBffe of Building Lots, iu the Eighth Ward of liie City of Pittsburgh. . ON Wednesday a'tefuoon,' the sMU» ins'ant, at t o‘* clock, on the premise*, will be told: 148 vety splendid building Lota of Giound, fronting on Pennsylvania Aver tic, (near the Court Home,) and streets adjacent there o, comprising very eligible situation*for business, manufacturing porpoK a, and private dwellings—a pan of the «anse having a beautiful view of the Monongs hel» river snd the adjacent scenery.- A plan of t e Lot* may he had at the Auction Room, or on application to DAy ID GREER, at hi* residence on Penn at. Terms i One'ilurd t ath; balance payable in . two equal annual payments wi.hint.-reat,® be secured by notea and mortgage—purchaser* to pay ezpcnae of ronveyaneing- myl4 J D DAVIS, Auci’f AND MOstf EFFECTIVE.REMEDY. DR. WOOD'S lampaHlUang WUd Cherry Bitter** for the enre of the following diaeaaea: Jaundice, Liver Complaint, all BMlious Coin* planus, srek Headache, lleait Bam, Jodigertion, habit ual Coftiveneaa, Pile*, Palpitation* of the Heart, Lot* of Appeiite,Dyapep*ia,Ner«o«*lrjita>toa»,Debiliiated. Stomach. Languor, Depression of bpiril*,Cbroaie Rheu* msu-m, Cu'nneou* Diseaies, Canker. Syphiloid Disea-. »e» Scrofula Impolitic* of the Rlcoo. Pjmples and Po-tule* oi\the Face, Hereditary Hmaor*, Cold Boies, and all diseases arising from an injodieioafraieeTMer-' cury. The utteatiou of the invalid public, and of all those aillieied l>y any p( the above oileasei, i* respectfully called u> the menu of a new and tnvaloable prepara tion from an original recipeofadistingaisbed physician, •combining in itself the mo«L active remedial proper!lea of two of Uie-acry first article* in the Materia Mediea. The Sarsaparilla and-Wild Cherry Bitter* were in trmluced to the public about twelve months ago, and during that period their success baa been sogretl as to induce the proprietor to oftr them with still mote confi dence. in the 101 l belief that by entering into more ex tensive use, they will prove a blessing to all those •uffcjinr from the diseases above enumerated. bold, wholesale and retail, by WV ATT it KETCH AM, genera I agents, 111 Faltoa street, New York; Wj*. Tuobx, Market street, and P. R. £xwvsa,£miibfield street. Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Price fl—large bottles. -meh23dSm . «dt> Kormfrly Feller’s Hutel, Waibinjrton, U. C, JOHN JJANDS, PROPRIETOR. TIIE proprietor formerly associated with the well known firxfof Fuller 4c C.i, beg* leave to call the attention, of persons visiting the Capitol, whether on pleasure or business, to Ira newly opened eatabliabmenl the "Mansion House,'’ which has been filled np in a style of comfort and elegance unsurpassed by any other Hotel in the city. It is situated at the western end of Pennsylvania Avenue, and in the immediate vicinity of the variuos Departments of Governmentaud the President's House. His tabic will always be supplied with all the com* furls and luxuries to be feond in the markets, and so expense or effot u wilt be spared to render the Mansion House an attractive residence to all who mty sen fit to honorjt wiih their pstrooage. TtiepnJl»ii-ior would pameularty call ihe attention of the OJicer* of.the Army and Navy to hi« Hotel, lo whom it Its* ever been a favorite place of retort. T S U Porters always in attendance, on the arrival 'o' the car*, to convey baggage freeof charge. nfrgtf positive sale AT Atcnoi;] OF FIFTY BUILDING LOTS jn ihe etb Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, near tbe'sew Court House. Tue subscriber will offer for sate,- at public auction, o.i the premises, on Saturday, the99th day of Mar, 1817. at J o'clock in ike afternoon, 50 beautifully located Building Lot* orvUoyu’* llill, on the south side ofPcnn aylvan-a Avenue.(or 4th at roadj i»»rl'» Rose and Almr-nd iperior article, with or Tbe l<ot' will be sold on the following terra*, nt on«-firth of the purchase money to be paid in band, and tbe residue in four equal annual payments, with interest f>oni dam of rale, payable semi-annually, to be aeeared by bond and roortaage on tbe premises. Should Uie weather he unfavorable the sale Will be adjourned till tben-n succeeding Saturday, at the same plac'd and honr. Tit!r • udispatatde. nn&tdf , ALEX BLACK, Wylie «t Pittsburgh, may 40, my. AT a meeting of the Boss Baker* of the cities of Put'bargb and Allegheny, held at the house of John Comtick, on Grant street, on the a bo re date, to take into consideration the propriety of regulating the price* of Bread aecotdinj to the present high price of Flour:— Tbe meeting beiog organized by John Shepherd taking the chair, aud Martin Coacoily acting a* Secretary, oa motion 01 M- it was Resolved, That tbe price of Bread from thU date,' ■hall be five and leacenu par loaf, except otherwise agreed upon hy the. Bakers ptesent , On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet on Thurs day evening next, at the lame place. JOUN SHEPHERD, fWi M. Connolly, Secretary tny3Bd3i* §5,00. BOOTS 5,00. VO. M FOURTH STREET, CORNER OF POST OFFICE ALLEY. THE subscribe/ rcsaectfully'Tlifoms the publietliat he ha* commenced Itte manufacture of Gtnilant* FashianaibU Beet*, of good material and workmanship which be will warrant superior to any Boot ever made in Piiitsburgh forthe price. These handsome Boot will be made to measure, and warrant them a* repre •mteJ, aline very low price or FIVE DOLLARS CASH, Gentlemen are requested toeall and exam netli-m. jyN W B ERBKINK. IN QUEENSkVARE. AC—Ju*t reeeiv. d from Phila deipbia, and u'ow offered far immediate aaleatthe warehouse of M Wallingford A Co, on the Canal Basin Lmeny street, Pittsburgh: An extensive aaaortmeiil of Freocb China, Flowing blue and White Stoneware, wnb a great variety of other pauerns; Dinner Tea and Chamber Setts, French and German Mantel Ornaments Ac. The above goods will be aold a great bargain, In lo»«. to suit the* purchasers. Storekeepers. Hotel Propiictcr* and other* who want Ao purchase will do well to eall before they buy. and examine. aytwfit* BAOAI.F.V ft SMITH RICHARD T. LEECH, JR*' IMPORTER and Dealer in Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Trimmings, of every description, No 133 Wood street, Pittsburgh; offers to Consumer* and dea‘. er* a splendid stock of goods in hia line, at eastern price* -lli» supplies of l.ace*. Bands, Lamps, Knobs, Ac , Ac., are from sources hithetto naknoum in this market, and unsurpassedfor beauty, quality. Of cheap. Light and Dark Coach, Brown Japan and Leather Varinsh, always on band.. A superior article and war ranted. N il.—a lot of Fly Vetts, just received and will he s*>M lojf myll . TIUMIAU KENNEDY, JR^ OF <l>9 late firm of Gillc.pie A Kennedy, Looking lila-s Mauu'ucuirtr ami dealer m Clocks,Comba, knd Variety Goods, keeps con* tantly on band, of hit own manufacture, ever, description 01 Gilt, Mahogany mid Common looking Glasses; 1,9 3 4, andSdiawer Toilers; plain ami ornamental portiah frames All bind.of Cloeks,Traya,and Waiters, in setts'or dozens; Combs. Threads, and a general assortment of Fancy Gonda, wholesale at a small advance on cost- aud others supplied with Phelp's Charts, CurJ nrr’. Prims, aud 111 by 14 framks.at New York price*; L No 69, eor wood and 4th sis. OINK POCKET CUTLERY—Rogers* corn* I pies* Penknives; Roger's 1,2, and 3 blade do; Wo«- tenlmlin'* Knives, assorted; Razors of a superior quail* t), Razor Strops and Hones; Table Cutlery, in setta of SI pi«-es; u *3 in single dosrAs of the best Atpetiran runiutarture and ivoty balance Jianifle*; Steel Key Keys Ac ; Steel Tweezers, £l«sps. Bags. Ac. For sale by W W Wll3*ON t) _ Cornet Fourth and’Marketata COUHIIfiIOItEn OF DEBDI AT CINCINNATI —1 am aathorized by the Governor ot Pennsylvania to take erknonUdgnunu n( all iu vtrumrnis of writing, al«o ojßdantj mnd dtvetiflora of IH-raon* in Ohio, to be used or recorded in : Pennsylva nia. Orncx, d doorviKast of the MavoPa Office, Gin cmnaii, Ohio. , EDWARD P CRANCH m>-VodAwly»F Aliovtxy at !-aw Repined bugari -10 btda Crushed Double Refined Sugar;' It tibia do, C. do; . •JO bbls Loaf, No S; OObbls - No 4; :»bbls “ No .a, Ml bbls •' No 0; , . n MUicUmN i'a, mytJ Agents for Si LoaisHieam Sogai Refinary SUNDRIES— 4bhlsNo t Lard, in primq skipping oider; I sack Dry Apples; Ido Dry Peaebcs; 1 do Flaxseed; I do Beeswax; SS ha Ini re-paektd Gotten, nitaUe for Upholsterers or Balling' Mauufoctururi, to airive. fiir sale by ISAIAH. DICKEY 4 CO J« water and front m SUGAR— 15 bbls Pulverized Sugar; ” tubbU-mall Loaf <£- 3 bbls Crushed do; 2 tics Clarified do: S hhds N. O. T S! - my 29 Fotwlobr J D WILLIAMS A OO^ r;ROUN D MUSTARD-40 keg* Superior Eo^ V7gh»h, just received osd for nl« by BBAUNARKTTFR Ik/fANILLA HEEP— lo bales ion rveaived and lVXfor sale by m >9/ L HUTCHISON A COJ corner wood and H4BIXOII HOUSE« GREAT BARGU9I lido Feathers, *■■■ (tUvrdoi«:kio«ißG.i • > I. -JfV INCH Barlipi, «oital|le for Wool Pack*; Al» TV Grain, bagging, plain and twilled, in great vane CTreotutantiy on hand antf »r*ale by the bale. "• • - -.'ROBKRTS A CONRAD, tp Wddvr Market at, Philadelphia WOOL, WOOL! THE hifkeil prie* in ca*h paid tot all the different trade* of clean Wa»beJ Wool, by Mt’RPHY k L£K, Dtd 'wool wirebaate, cor Ltbenv at and Crcit'* alley' unflMkwilF Cl ASH Cl KRKTTKB—I e«*e beauiuu) Black •'Cakbmeicite*, jaat opened and lor aale br taySO StIACKLETTA WHITE, 90 tw od „ IgßßHina-iti bbl» No i, Intpeeied; for >vle t>v EDWARD HEAZRLTOX iy9o Eaat aide of Ike Diamond JAB SKA TRlMMISGS—Ciimacn, (ioUl and Bine Banner Fringe*. with Ta»*el* ami Card* ts aieh—received by Enpreai and for *ala hi nt yvO F_II_KATON UILDUTO LOTS FOR l.w. on ihe 4tb Mreet Road, *4 b)' 96 feet emeb. Al*o, e Lou near the 4th «:rret Road, 94 by ItOfeer each. Price SISa Temj.SSJl[mlhand, silaacr m«u yfid,' 9 CUTHBERT, General A*ruj Nott)Ba>ibßtld«i_ SUPERFINE SHIRTS, of laieit *tvV and of tegular »I*e», frcm No I to No.6—ju*t reeemd nod fo r « t i e hr • mp» KII HA lON_ PAST STUFFS—a very large inomnfwgood, nrw ttvle Sommer Pintaloou Stuff*.on hard and for mvVQ SHACKI.KTT A WHO: ('tARTOIf CRAPK BHAWLS-Ju-l irtrived J\ large aMormentof Rich While and Co'i jr.d Car- • ton Crape Shawl*, at the New York No*e, .9 Market q nyai W II <1 Alt HARD SUMMER SHAWLS—Now open a full a»«on mem of Rich Summer SbawK at the New York Store,7BMarketSirrcu m)gl WII GAHRAKD__ LAWKS, GISQHAMS ABO DARKOKS *»«O piece* Junopen of the above good*, •(■tend'd new patieiru.and very cheap, at ibr New York Store, 79 Market atreet. my«l W II GaKRARD Mantillas and vihtteb-a'im^r •apply juil received, nrw pitiern*, at U»r »Nrw York Plore, TO Market uteri. W It GARRARD FISH-50 bbla Nc 3 Mackerel,- . . 3U kilt No 3 do; I CO bxa Hernni: for talc by mtO WICK t McCANPIiESj. cot wood A water >■< JUST received from the Mrnolaetarer, a few Jo7en or thoae fine Wilton and Diumcl Carpet Bag*. for ■air by the dozen at factory pricer by the agent, at No SO Wood ttree', up ataira. FDWARD TODD myifcl - Agent for Eastern Manufacturer FISH— 10 bbla Nol Balt. Herring; - IS bbla No 3 Large Mackerel; 10 taT l>bia No 1 do; lOkmaNoS do; For ralel.y '? my?J J D tTt IHEESR—SOO Iba Superior W. • 50 Iba Bap Sago; for rale by nyS J D WILLIAMS A CO llfl ivmi^i IT'RBSCH LAWHS-A good araonment of deri* . ruble stylet and late pstterna and iraponaiioaa, for aale exuemelr low by tmW 3HACKLETTA WHITE, 99 wcoj rt LEAD— 350 Pig* Galena Lead, )u»t recc-ml anil for aale by POINDKXTEK A CO |tmy<o • No4l water *Uret HKAT ASIA CORTFAVAHTKD—TV aabrcribert will pay ttae highest matkrt price for Jtrime White end Red Whtai and Yed-w Corn. m> 14 UURBBIDGF, WILSON A CO, waterM T HIUORICB—S caret Lio’iee Ball, mall ttirkr Li 5 bales .do . do. Root Fieab; For aatc l>y _ny!9 J SCIIOONM AKKR ACO ARSEHIC— I keg Powd.. joaf leceivi d and for aalcby . myiP J SCHOONMAKKII fc CO WOOL— S'tarkt oti conrignroent. for aale l y tnyll j A R FI.UYD WASTED— A Competent Ilook-Kceper. Addreai. >47. Po»t Office- ' myJOdOi* /“kISTMENT—S flora MeAlliairr’a Ointment for Waale by mylfl J SCHOO.NMAKKR ACO Nutmegs, pepperand cloves, j n .t retu and for aale by my!9 MILLER A RICKKTSON Innn WOOL SACKS, for ante low by ,UUU mylPdAwtfF 1 MURPHY* LEE XXTHITISG—3O Bbla of a aupenordiy quality, tor H tale by mylb BRAUN A RKITKR C OTTOS—3O balea Tenoeiaee. for tale by my 19 I DICKKV A CO CHEESE— ?t> bore* Cheeae for aalebr mylß . I I ICKKr A CO RICE— 23 tret Carline Rice; fortale by mrl3 JARFIOYD CtOßH—ftU boa Corn ic atore and for aale by KJ my|3 POINDEXTER ACo CLOVES —t bbla juat rec’d and for aale by my It ' WICK A McCANuLE& CARS BROOMS—tSidoz for aale low-by «fl» FRIEND. Rh'KV; A Co COPPERAS— (SOLbD for aale by ntyli FRIEND, BUEV A Co \MNEGAR— 20'bbU for aale low by tayi* FRIEND. RIIKY A Co“ Buckets a tubs, rreei vcd and for >ule by my(o TASBKY A UESf U ROOMS—ISO dox. for aale by P- mylO TASSRY A BUST CASTOR OIL—O libl* superior C««ot t‘<l rec'd and for aale by CLARKE A THAW ’ _mj. ; „ _ cniHh.a.i!. DlllED APPLES, - 300 but rer’.l m »u,<e au>l for tale by myl3 L H WATERMAN SALT— 150 bbla No 1 Salt, for tale by wylft- M A J SLOAN BROOMS— 30 doz. Cora Brooma tu alcre and for aale by my 15 M-A i SLOAN SALT— 40 bbla Xo i Salt, in atore aud for ajle by myis m a J sloaN PACOS HAMS—l2caakatlamafortair’hy P _®jl3 \y GREER QCORCHIXU&—tfScarka S. Salta, for aaUby P g«yls : V,- iiRKKR_ NAILS-900 kega Nail*, aarorted aizee. for aale by nylS W GREER I'EAS— et) Chests Teas, part prime, for tale by arts WGKKFJt SUGAR— 0 hhils Sugar, on band ami for sale br OJT3 W GREER COFFEE --JS) hags*Rio Coffee furcate L-y my!3 , W GREEK' NEATS-FOOT OIL—Hi bbls for sale bv myis MYERS,HUNThR ACo • T INfiEED OlL—to bbla in store and for Mle by -Ll ayjff MYERS, HUNTER A Co. /COFFEE—2OO bags receiviug from Canal, and for sale by mylfi JAMES DALfrKLL Mackerel —m tiu No i, for sate by! mylff JAMES DaLZHLL SIL JROLABSK9—2O Ibis in store and! for sale ■ by mylff —JAMES IML/KLu' \TAILB—3OQ kegs Juniata-Nails, for sale by •Av my 13 : J DaLZELL, 9t waut st DACOV—IO bbla Stwaldcra and-Pides, jim ree’ D and for sale by my!s- . Jtl BIDWELL, Agent,TVaier street POTASH— 10casks Ist sorts, just ree’d andfor sale by . my 15 J C BIUWELI- Agt BEEF HIDES—OS in store anil for sole by , ■JIS _ __ ISAIAH DICKEY ACo 11 Munnfaetured Tobacco, va- A rtety of brands, constantly on hand, for vale l>y _oyl»_ »SAIAU DICKEY A Co DRY PEACHES AND APPLES'for tale by Tls . ISAIAH DICKEY ACo ROCK POWDER—IOO kegs for sale low hy ■Ttfi J A R FLOYD \AOSS—lbGcvMo** instore and for sale by IVI my!4 : ROBERTSON A KKPPERT TANNERS* OIL—U bbla in store'uod foi sale by myl4 ATWUOD.JQX ESA 00 O ACON—& hhd i Hams, Sides, and tshouldeii,’for sale IJby rpyH JONES A CO MOIigWSR( 5M bbls 5.U., in store and for sale by nyl4 • ATWOOD, JONES A CO_ DOT ASH—43 ctks Pure, landing and for sale by X myll JA It FLOYD 13UTTER—3bbia (re»hroll; for sale hj ■D myll J ' HR FLOYD_ rHOTHY SEED— 25 bus clean Timothy seed for sale by myll - JA U FLOYD SOAP— 40bx*No4-Ciaeitinaii tioan.juit iec*d aud for sate by m/U O H MILTEN BERGER /*YIDER—A few bbls for sale by ! V_mylo WICK A McCANDLESS S TURPENTINE—S M bblsjnsl red’d and for • sale by • RE SEIILKRB »y? ' 57 wood at rpURKISH SMOKING TOBACCO forsoleby A nyl? I DICKEY A CO, wa»er ar.d front ata 1> ACON—O,OOO tbi assorted Baeoa, for rale by ' JJ myl7 _ ENGLISH A BENNETT bus. Dried Apple a, for aale by _ _ »yl7 ENi»LiSU A BENNETT fits— lWJ baa. for sale by ENGLISH A BENNETT I)R001U-1UJdot. Core Brooms, for sale br D my!7 ENGLISH A BENNgIT TTKRttING—IS bbla Herring, for sale by! XX myl7 ENGLISH A BENNETT BUTTER— too lbs Keg Bauer for sale bv: ,myls _W fiRKER KIO COFFEE—PJ4 bags prune green Utb Coffee; i for aale by m>b , BAGALEY ASAHTIf DRIED Peaehes and Apples, for sale by m>B . J.VICK A MeyANDLpSS_ and keg in prime orilei, cor sale by H myll • WICK A McCANDLESS mans Just ree’d and for sale by \_/_myll WICK A McCANDLESS XTUTMEGS— I esk fox sale by JN myll WICK A McCANDLESS BE EF bvt he bbl. for sale by myll WICK A McCANDLESS I) ACON—For sale by-' ii'mrlb WICK A MeCANDLFSa SOAP— HWuxs nol dun. boap,in store sou tursafo by mylO _ W ICK eCAN 1.1, ri vkAS-150 hlfchests irrsb Teas; for sale bv X Cfy* o . • ; WICKJt ACeOANLi.Ess I'OBACCO-IQU hia |«. 5«, It A Ur, for sale hy ~ n»ym WICK A McCANDLiSM / AOFFEE—Rjo, -Maracaibo A Lugnsyia; (or sale L/ iy cnyio i wick a macandlkss U ADDER—For aale by JjA mylO : . WICK A MoCaxli.fam U Ba BJ®O-l>taoked) in hx*;for ial* i > n 7 lu WICK A MeCANiiLESS D HOT—4okegs »hot, aticxted Nos; lor sale bv • *3 pylfi • L IIUTCHteON; x Co 'DOLL BUTTER—tbbla for sale by AV mylO TASSEV A D»v APPLE#— B bbla super, artinlr. foj uale by ■TIV TASSKY A hl-MT BACON— sbooibsDacou,H R; ior*aleby i ®J2 M A J sIiOA.N U ERRING—9U bbls'No 1 Baltimore Herring; for XX ■ ale by my 7 M A j SLOAN MACKEREL— 90 bbls South No 3 Mackerel; for sale by ro>7 M A J SLOAN TRIMMED SHAD— 10 bblsin store A for snJe by my 7 -M A J SLOAN nlo cbF>ER-XobgajBstree*d; forsaleby XV wy7 ; hi a J SLOAN I? LOUR—ISO bbla Float in atareaad for sale by •C my 7 MAJSLOAN, liberty A wood att— DRY' APPLES— 32« but. Apple* for sale by myl4 r J A R FLOYD QCYTHE RIFLES— S grou jut tec’d and for O aale by myll WICK A McCANDLESS . ' ■ ■ 'ML V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers