. V?. ' - 5,0001* Nnat do?' t - . SOOQRefmlia «r. pSSjg--j-s L . Bi-in Jr. p.it wmn«Mrt tapnileJHMJ^Bj ,„ll' 1,1 corrailkt«Ulnnd(»iu.u..u_ k fANLFACTUEKD TOBJiCCO jVI IT t.xt “ixnter’*” PtnC «*• **“»•» p t.*»-lloris’ft» •, j H Dk» u J l**’*”!**., . . - hi \>t* • , \Vet»»tefV’s« , 5. . fellS S wiSTwg. f- B r s £ -star i‘, o ry Htprr, PUm »»* >.»»;«, »njJ ke. I.rnn Cl, IX. f m *«l«* low Uy l-.LLHrri «•* d< h i •p«i __ M»rtfl«irffl.bc* “•5° ; c ' s,fr, :s;s;% t 5 £ SBStffc. i«bIUN.O.McAM«*i .VI libl* S.Hj p j^j 1Jf o; for **J« OVGAR, JIOLASSKH a* d b o 1«0 l.ltkU J'l-iw N. O- • «* tT » :K, hbu Uai ' phijb’fb Ob!*; v -jsgaggk A snr«,Jy,dwk andpi£- } h -^ 11 < ! l ,,u‘ : f, , ni.c'. U »rt Peach Brands SITSOniKS- 4n !.v. r : .W Vintt.r; Id !,i.i< ui.» Hfrrinff * ni>:« Maple Molaaee* 40 but* S*. It do; i4> i,bU PlMitstion Molaa»ea, 30 urrcea Kicr• on rorMieby »? 15 nKPI'EB SaUCK-WO boxrt Ipinl boiUe»,| We»i V I.|J > !»«»■'• °”'khSuKS 1 ALCORN N»«7FibbtiK«l BpO —* TKACIIICB--S0 tLI* • ,f£g|;Bgg' ■XJ «or*-iit«l lor ♦air h> s * Norwoodwteet nSISST_‘O • w «<»■““ 1 j auil Uo-ie 1 • j vCHOUSMAKKRfc Co £ and tor »J|« >•) No ISO Liberty_« pSSSrvi. m; P— r r sale hy 1 _ -.-- FI All— *l hf UM« White Fi*fc! lu-Jo Trent; 5 " M ‘ '* i nn'ID'VELU AC -.-uAv \VANlT.i»—Wanted * *ood mdnitnoti* Bo> A *««• ™ e of '** applj. » 9TATZt xiK Liberty wnl gH*Lw-» p"™- '“-'/''c'lSwKiW llerrm*. «t*d and W*‘« i&V 500 ap “*>■«! tand ‘ nd c ol *eV«SnSiSft? ' r\BIKD "APPt.ie*-S**«‘* ,,, « in *nd tor 1/ w^- AWbu ' Dr,cd S “■t I f7c~PbßK— 4.oo*»lb« assorted: a 150,4,000 lt» B •pi? •• • : A pplks-m aplT * No* at water and M front M» 10,000 ,BS -tatssaA '5 ; » ■• TSDIOO-II) »»°on' Br. g» gJwkj, a oo_ ■1 »pw . —; . ———rTT M nHAT—\VTit>le*»e Groceu * T«“ - »S«U- ip y. i\ Wood «t<fd Pm«)>nrfh. -- —— - ploi.n -V. pOTArtH~*3c,-li' i 111 "'- 1!1 Ut'ir ! i) " t»ssby * msw* ' v l *V*j pia-spw° l ' tf,nd ! o¥M.rxs&‘-‘-;%&z"‘ imSimsMs OOAF-10°;bo.» P»'“ I “ d “ ,e fB “ ‘ *«■ f ° r ‘ o»<a§r A ”& .ale wJwle**t« *nd retail “> r . and front «w. r by So 33 wood »;reet, “■*'•* U rtays—for ••»«»* w haRBAUGH.33 wood H qp^fSrryßiPß'»T ui^J l ' i:^ ; i I RErfp 1 * J 5 and for **' e • |-p, Liberty and SsiClair_*i« ' «icn bbl», » f«J*rfor dr> ■ S P JVcIc. on to< Ml <" “’‘in MIN A. BEITKR nO»P-T»l"''' C,r 'u - po*ATosj^^^iSDWrrMA r C“ 11 ('joP^ ll-1 " 0 b ‘ t LEW| i B‘I'IUTCmBQN ACo rH!® I ••'‘•J'.SUUTFJI tLuk 5b n. iSa °*Pi C JlktK BbV*. for •»!« hy r _J T»A<BB wiST®D-U»» nl, f ,«c£*Lw!if t*P»id - R «?.»• ,he kCOLUNd ffwi «»eet. below Mi«tL F *»a ‘l Co. tos WOO« «»• P " M- Moo*e »a(l <° r r.t*N k. Co. <3 w«iei r UI«KD 011--» »*» Uodin * ) i Dbk tod far «le *° J j-Co. 4i water «i cplP 1 • ' TIBIED FRUIT -173601• rree c s; in and -49 Cll*UNNdl*Nitahni BONNER «>le liy «P’ 1 |.ut N*’ n ° i yRIBNDBHBT A Co, S 7 w.terjl 1 , Robot. r»«°tgieSn*‘lSlCT A CaESHI'- “ ,w,u Cb " 3*. Jo«l >«b' ,,u •* 4 fc j 'kIDD 4 Co. BO wood*' U ord<r, for •«!* *>7 w haKBAUGH, »w*t*L «?1® ._- . c * aß d j6#; •nper»» {rss^-s^tSteKA*.- boiolt and frocert.ot RHODES A AoC^RN w£*> - iS F ’ n* ur**** F»c't>nr,^ <onKS fc a IqQRN jpjl SCtfTIIB 81* ,l-:n »'»‘“V^pLxivD KJ T OAF srqi ! t .TSsSUmSSS®* *■?£{?SSsL MaSv^aT.AßP=S^^^J^jV D.r» 2 sw -1 A-UtVOu,? M.t, »i«3 • if P*-r Hi- Ll Lard 0.1,a .«rj lupannt aiuak, «« ”“ M miaNo !, asdto-I."“gggffg, n LjknyO. ( ,£wra *N<lFt.iTOWMWjjgJ^**. .p,3 r... ..I. ba a F VON BUNNHORCT*” t\ for cutMßen, at Ae M° ,t4r P „d Spto. r.ctoj,» ALOORN, .. t" . —. i 7, ROUND OINQEMBbM. Mi Nil I'F.rPKS, 1.bb1., k ? ..»dh.«.,fi-» VJ- fn ••HUM* * KI2HN ■P*J •' •• •-- F"ISH-39 I'f l*hl« No a JJ«ektreU . . DS 1 ~ P RACHttft—COO bo*, fcr **le I©*» ft water kl Cli ASBKAT B—l «« re^ -15 ii Vb*.Corn ferule by MARTIN w«« y : »p.vga^^y J 1.1 BUS f . TjOWI ><gO§§te ! PORT OF PITTSBDRtiH. COMMER BOARD or TEAOK- .f-T srm 10 it. -m. at dce-taIUKC Svmk Saad*. Tbo*P*®P' xr.nl A Ma} l C«£un*, Jmlkm., g 1 ,’ M,y 1C CllodoaiA. Jj 011 " ij 8 y i Juiw 1 llibcraik gyr.? ; M.y I I WMhmgwn. He*n»i OrriCß PITTI.UBOH C.»«TTf. j Tbaaaday Morning, Apni Si. \ WulUi dear and quite *»"»• The Bivera are falliaj nlowly—* led W »«" Jl d, “ k '~ j Plenty of light draught boata in port. r Oat. are adrandng again-cale. 3HO bn >ealerd.y I at 30c P bn. \ Honr baa declined. In tbe morning a fen email lota Bold for uae at S*.W V bbl. bnt lie m.rt.t ran receded, and JV* ■- the »»n it monld real- . ite. At that aalea,Mo bbla. Sellerc tried the mat- . ktt thoroughly, but moat of tbe email dealera half withdrawn from it at present. Sales snail lot Deer Skins in hair-at \Sc V i » decli . - .elling * sdaanced rales— 1= M ' Vbll ' Oak Bbl Suae. brpnjhl git, long count;* “'** * .boot tame nnmber Red Oak, gS; »■»«>- “ *“*“ bbl Hoop Pole., iB,M> M. Pin. Lumber!,...old .1 gTW and gl6 Ibr common and clear. Some tales Juniala Bloomt. at gTO, cash rreiihu lo Ue.cl.od 1»*« *> ™ iJ>»d «c «0 I*7 Uood’-"' ,ta To Erie price, .re .bool ibe umo =■ lb'-' There ~ . eorvo.pood.o|. od..oce lo Uke pom* {liver Freiabu Ore .t.iremoi! op, .od .re ...her tssssk From Philadelphia to PttUlurgh. Th* following ahowa the aggregate « ,ou ® l ol , *iu (including Motive Power, Truckage, SSf-Sl *c" ir) « ►■ re i|ht..|n ? ,bll I. .h. Su> auunbol »>r tbe pra.Dty..rby the Bosid •X '•*“> '-"""'“.ioi.r.:- Or. ud 1« I'ort.W. Buu. Boats. CARGO. CARGO. .at.cl.ue 100 LM. 60.000 lb. 60 000 lb. cts m ct« « ! Hala, cap*, boolaLbonaela, looking flAues » * ” Dry Good. 4 ° ~ c Paper, red lead, 4 Brown mueUna./abeeUngi, manur*cluredeopper....33 ‘ ■ Groceries, foreign ‘ liquor*,rope* And cordage manufactured marble. rn.iog.ay, dry awl btdea •*•••>* Paint*, dye atufla, manurac tured t0bacc0......... .31 Hardware, wool, oil, fetth - Queenaware, [ateel. wtnl ® 1ead....*4 Coflee, fi*h,iip in block* or ebeeU, copper in abeela, •eeda of all] kinds, buSalo and deer ekkite, pitch and w roein \ , Uaf tobacco,\eertbenware and wbiakej\ * 1 Bacon, lard r lai>l oil, butter, chee*e, tillow, anvils. Spanish wbitipg - 1 Bagging,-hemp. hempen tarns,oil cake, bale-rope, copperas, bardlet, potash.-- • Blockmarks..l.. » l ottou, wheat..y»». .»••••*“ lonr, barley, corn, rye. o . tb..r. wrt. b." block*, pig lotd and abot. I • enumerated atticle*. lure md peltry... ( ' :l INMIN<IS, t:ol r w« nfuiermtard ttoecoodilor U»e Weil, *'* ( ® u * ,> [ b.n .ctomoltKd b»r« io joch qainiaic. ltn’ lbc>' ~ BO ~o rart fbr oore.aod the mereha^nU m\[ York h**e been idtired to demt forwarJinp (•- K Vuai.AK LOUISVILLE ?ACKKT iSTbe ««,1 opeot.-lAlbaoy All«. April - . Tnr new. l.«b. *»«* •"■>' a *‘ run Corredpondenceot.be | ftK"S«rr. «.U««*.l.i CIKCIMATJ. Apnl .4, 10 r. «« V>lfl>u.(U ...a Uh.»« p 1“« itt f'F«l?e!sl'S’ .pply on % ■>« ! »*•«'"-“-KS.r -*• hOtt4lo with more bujer* than kHiew. i 1 TMK Into drench. »«e*mer 5 - K r*»i deal M*~K NKWARK, ®*“ **a ihV tenor trf the next adoee* from the iSurJ. Meurr. w.I. inelce w«-«*kljr inp« depend*on ihe tenor wme n« » “ Ul( . bU , vp po.« dui .n« the won.-- E«l. * For frri*t.l or i.»»**rp »pply on iw« rd apT O WHTkINs*. A«e« 'Th* ProvimVoa market Wu alimulned -omewt.it ; ‘ Fork.andlnrw* quote Pnme * l a •/* * . 0 _ _ TMK new atul f«*t runi»u* -iramci and (hear tsiO; et which pneee 411 bbUwer* umo. (P*** ft. HAIILKBI, T^ifAdTi.KSn.»&" piling ~^s^ ,wnUf. koHiij " ,r lor P'JJ 1 " “ d,,c ” ** M "”" pllt.burelo ■»« "kole. of Uut'd 0,1 tpol.’j .1 cec PI,I. ; ffpo-j, „ m „“‘or, ,«,. F,,,,,,,.,,, rtttWMl Thr toll owing u■* , ,„ p . „j ».ll 1r... P'o-'g*; in African b0,>,r1.,0r j jff”’V„',X'lsh, or p..-f jw'» on.F.OK,p«.ni»eoP,m-.orG™,n-r™ntl»N.Ao,kid;)^ ( _ «* H-W* B 0 Am. 80. I M ° WV "' P? . jrj 15-100 Sjuan. Faoegue I 62-100 j i*„ .oufcu rvri) Mandat. "• •< LutK.n.\iq«if-e j-j«> | *SMJfS,y.;i9i a. *!.«■* «;'»■''>/■; •V“ Kflf - do yl 45-100 Copeo gßi« ee * j U e |* City e»er>- Tuesday.Thorwley end N*tonl») • : t r RsT wi tl, s , ?.£}” ; dfea aa?. i» Freed. Hectolitre , jSDS^t *«iunUy Aj".d 7,h - »i »« "’dock. » 1 For trt.Rh: or ‘Pr^-'. Retail Price* 1» l*»« cu * M * rke ‘ Wciioods; M<**inc. *P f, ‘ *“• w,™-•HSa;..7S l t »55 i PoU^, >e ’ ?*- ST in k “' b ; H;" e ;* •; SiSSiS* *S‘§?, apurc 5 gz |u»':V«J“fjUT..M 111 p ” l “'.fe.? f ; ' “|“ i nM_ r_ iZI-■■■■■■ .8 310 'r.tcl.. p bond' (£_,!k&, a«V 3- Balaam ; ft"-'™ r= |*J? l St-t'r £ :'S IS Kb.w., —3— Mutum 3 4* •* . Tb. rn.net o»lT "'•"“Lm,; Therein still * ncarcitj of print Butter and *7 both or which sell bigla. Euljr .ngntahten am bn coming pleotier. Floor i. a httle lo*er. Oat. are cheaper. Finb are eery abundant and cheap. UK* plenty. BOATS LB&TISO THIS DAV. ■BROWNSVILLE PACKETS It B a. «■ and r. m. ■BEAVER PACKETS alp a. at. and :l r »■ •MOBONtiAHELA CITV PACKETS* r »• •WELLSVILLE, Wellirille. - r. « SO. LEECH da CVa. PACKET, Phdadelph.a and Baltimore, n. •NKW KNOLAfH#; Wheeling. 10 * * , •WISCONSIN. Cioeiawtip 10 * »• •NASHVILLK, Na*tmHe r 3e. *• SWALLOW, Cincinnati, 4r * »Tbe*e irr regular Ptckel-' No*W wood ure; fro« •'«* 91 IMPORTS BV RIVKR. YoU I SV I L..E-P«M- V« f "»-' n blxli tobtcco, Bingbim-ISI 1 “J c llVCo-10 —I edt *w. »> “t* *.«■bhd> •<*■ ™k“ord»n flt Son —I'bt.s “ b,C “"' ' h' G Mnrrtn* Co-1 El«pb*nl. oniur. kus «~[ e L ■<*• ‘■■' ,n ' 150 p '”" | IMdo flour,owner. I * > STVUBENVtIXE — P«' Wilmington— 3 bdd. ,n? 2 b« £uu!», a> w «»'•" b *«* nu “ i ' , ” t ’' •« Tn»»pb-fl * bbl. .bob.,. CINCINNATI— ror irrowH . O’Con- I g »°‘ f e°" t££-M bbl. whi.Ve,. J I SmA ’ • • „ h-i-g h«np. H CrafT—3fi do, I f’er Swallo v. bicop, Clarke & Thaw "Tv'eST NEWTON—Per N W BBo.fl-l»bbl. floor, CO bn Mil, to otmter. • BBOWNSVUXEiPnr flour, I M’Clmkan ic Co—l 6 bbl* whl*kej, 31 .. WrUmiUfyXiro^gES 5 pep h>a*e. W» H Brown & Bro«-»90W H hdU iro#, K K*an»—3 B ® , 4( jo flour, .MitelieU-fiObapoaU.iCbbU applei ,si u ° i 8 acka bran, owner*. ‘ . lKa _ RKAVER— Ver-Mleblpn—» ack* oaU, I bajf -irfo timothy *eed? Lambert it Shipton-43 1 owner*—4 do aeorcbißg*. Wick I .!?• «k. d apple*. » b* do, L S Water* l M bbl* Soar, I hbrfWbn. 1 bbl do. R Dalaell IOTC-ttSwa *«• barley, 2 do timothy, “• ■ gjo bean*. 8 dopotatoe*. 1 kegwai, bflU ptprr T Pni-r-fl do. 1 j Howard fc Co , ARRIVED. ! U+arer. Hoops, Bearer. Swauta. Clarke. Brownsrjlle Harlem. Baird. Mon. City. Wellsrille. CatleU. Wellsrille Michigan. Hemphill. Bearer Lake Fine. Ball. Bearer. Hudson, Ebhert. Sunfisb. New England. Ebbert, Wheeling Consul. Bowman. Br&wnsrillr Clipper No 2.Crooks. On Swallow, Wilson. Cm. Arena, Bridgepori departed S»atan. Clarke, Bro*M»*l!«- Well..ille. Catlett. W.II.»jH«. Wil«iosu.o. 51,.0r.«. Stephen. .Ur. . I'onnul. Bowman. Brownclle. Bearer. Iloopi, Bearer. r . Dr.p--.lch, Ikelaon. Moanniahela eil». Hibernia, WhcrliiK - Michigan. Hemphill. Bearer Lake Brie. Ball. Bearer. U.an. Cincmoau. j j Crittenden, Israel, St Loan. Declaration. Smith. St Loun- _^fS^^ M u £ll£ u SSS'; rKn BV “sssJKsai- 85 M *' l »i'^r'"'‘;' BankofPitt*bargh,••••Par Slate B’k t Branch'*' I Kachaugr Bank .--•••I'.r S alcScnp -. • • Merch. <; Man. Bank -P*r V * »fl •• I Bk.ffPhilaJriph.a . -P»r Exchange Uk-of Va I tiinnil Bank paril-armer*Bk.olVu- M Bank ofGerinaniowil -par Ilk. oft!te Valle) r 4| - Clie*ierCouniy.--par.Bk.or Vir*mia : --- ••• i. Delaware Co • • •par.M. *M- Bk.. '» healing t •• MomgomeryCo- parl do Morsanjo*“;;;; { “ Nonhumbeiland-'Pat N-W. BanV >• * Columbia Bridge Co. •• - pan do J „• DoylcMuwn Bank • - par! do Forkei*burp Fanner*'Uk. Reading-par F.mer. Uk Buck. C«. parißk.of Tpn»e»e«._ •• J Farmer* Bk Lancat-T- par|bar. ft Merch l* Bk Lancaster Co. Bk - • •parPlanicrii’ Uk.- ••• * Unea.wr Bk. gat Union Bk.---♦••••• p Slate* Bank r **-3° Bl»o«rl« I Ueuy.burjßi Bk 1 j, N c “ bon.- 1 Chaiulier*buig , !" lprcn *7 ? ' « Smqoehaima Co. Bk.- •> r.rollu*' Lehigh CoUaf.k, ••-••• - ip ‘l| i ewi«towii-» •• O i CamdeoHk' fear*.:::::: -rIftSSSSr"- •- V-": bJ - Bk. of Goorgoiown • • 1 j B.“k, Woyon.bo,*.■ W aI ". |- ... .. Bk. of Booth Corolmo- ■II . Ilo.mmlolt „ Ha, y L»d. 1 . .. . “ Balun’efcOßßScnp-10. I * “ .Cumberland Bk. 01 Alle ! “ Far Bk. of Mao-land'-: “ ; Mk MBk Pitf do “ Farmer.’ ft. Mechanic. “ | ** kCo h*£i ?. r,p * FSc-r^Bk.::::"« ! Steuben.iße —• • “ •• i M* ne , l « i fltlcbl®***. i 1 g£«r :::v•: - - | Zancillc ,< Wlaeonalft T«r»H»jr. i Futnain « jiar.AFlreU.Co.Milw’e A Woo Mer t . Canadai. HLVkinWkv " “ MlaolTcnißank*------ 5 "ref" 1 ” : “ Bank of Biul.trf - Geauga M __.{4 70 f £%u. JJ. orw r llt i - - : Gold*SpocUV»l».o. ~ .. s.polooo.- 3 00 ‘ Xonm. .. . Dohou. jiiBOJO Dayion- Ka*le old - ••• lb W Wc«ern Re-erv • •• 10 00 7 ! Fnokl.n B k Colombo. „ 00 ; Ch.Uicoih. „ ““82J£„! is SO -I » ■" Sovereign. Jg !S Kw>» “f* •: | M Ten Thaler* ;« . Farm’!* B’k Camen .Ten tJuiWer. ••- • E llrbana .-Ml • • * 1 Brbana k Exchange. ‘ '• ilk 01 Ke»"Vk> *■■■■ I New York |F" ! S or KS. • -, • j pre i Norhcm Uk Kentu’ky 1 Ualutno»e. • i |im J Hew York—Cnv Bank».par. lnienot .*> 37 9 STEAMBOATS MX. \KUSOX, Ibf | , arkui«jn. .««nrr. w<U leave t..r il.r above pon. •> 3 oclock. 11... c«H iii 5, her regular d*T Forlteirh* pa« BK e. h«*.n|t fine accommodation., apply .•» IK.aM aprlo FOR CINCINNATI A LOt‘ls*'lLLh MM The ‘launch and bi»« ««aincr A financier. >Ujk a^Ec" 1 IMTTSDURGH AND WIIKKI.INO I’AOKKr. i | 1 rrSUU *<* splendid and f»« ninninß *«nr . Mpilk. NEW KSCLASD, P M KbeVtJ will comineiitt teaxinß Piu»tfur*'h «'<«)' P*»*“K e * ?Plir 00 U, * , ‘ l ' 01 '“JOHN KI.ACK. Asri.i f«bt6 I WKa. S v UXK^.MLV i ,AcKK ! . citi (jCSfi*- c. c-oJK^SS I^.'-*- pre»».y for ih>» trade, and will make daily trip* dofin* the •«» l ’°"| l ?* ,ri ! , |l »«> ■rawas’ ‘tvwVsUuA -* we*- <*•**.■« ipot. ). - rw;i;lar MC®Jgs^a"’ ,L “ AND , J-. •"■'“'Vilm.Vo't mr I ImmA’ O M Steven*. io»*ier. leave* Pm*- JffJKffl. bui .h every Monday, Wedn ft »day and Finlay ai3o'rloek, * M . leave* . it w - r v Toe*day, Tbur»day and SUiunlay IXvEI.A «' ft» A« « F“-«' -K.r board BEf.u7.AR WTOBJMiML.AMD » mXUXO The S*teMßef . cnf»|t , 111BEB5IA* i «; amQe | Smiib,m»»ter,willc9inin-nee Mm* Kt;,** f I " rf V £d* ini *■>»>- on board . • 1 ht|ol»r k * B ?Ti, Thr nt ” * n cifiiittr*"' j ßine * F. Uo)d, maMcr, wdl run n« a regular packer l»*-l«ce» PiU*l>uffh Having bad her tal.ma fiurd up r "“" l.re!«»»lnnnw“£;"“;j » _ Foifre'* h » of ** aMJC PH > t) WII.KINH. A.i watlU " \ll(Kht»r RI»«T r »d». A * The fine Wrdfirt Steemboml U CZF\ZIS-&>pS J»«K« Alfc»n«on, will ronijn! U r io run «»« Regolsf P«ket Ju- rin( die season between Pittsburgh >»>“«' -eeiTO.I—rt; 1 —rt; oeWf. I. GOSOOLIBUi Lyons matter, «*»|»a»lt«xpre**ly ffiSA c*pt- Jut Monday, k ,u. For freight or P»*' rochjff __ —- von TUB «AI • The nr JEZ*£ ,; * r ' t " „d Detroit '"'f' fc ' r «“ •‘O' "fh. lirhldraueht,*^ 0 i , orpßued for iperd o «nr Do*' *< **' «)* oa xbe Uk ‘’ .eeoinnjoo.t'ou > » , _ ly on or to For frer*h‘ or p* S Cleveland . J MYFfUk Co. Buffalo - J KELLOGG. Kn. \V T MATHKR, Piiub'ijh Cor Water and >*mitUfield »neet* trr the, * n j Detroit on l|u«»''»yi April t7ii Monday-Apt‘^* >u, • | for the Snull. epplv on bo*'d, or to For frfiffct oi p»»*f e N PARKS. Clr»*-I»nd »P«H arbkstrd-t* «*>«• V/ aJßletad with m*ti**« ° r **• Luncfc —Tbi* la to certify 10 jboae *®icird with ihe fir*t-pif monitor? .yttiUMnnorCoiufttnplum, that I have Weo labor,n, for revere. year* wi.h . .»£.•* die .brnal and boarvene... ' u.ed many «*« “ ». Hkf in ..f ■ *' r v pStorTnT .W. w. -I DR- DI.NCA.N S KXPFATORAYr RF-MF.DY. I have tx?«u ,h '' vbl,l * !,u ' ur if' lb, rever.l year*. and alwaj. hod,..a .relieve when evrr I make uw of it. My occupation ■*% »« Auction eer. which keep* m« alrnort *o«»i.rMlyeni*«ed. cauw. mydi«t»*«. it time*. to become very olarm.tiff. when 1 a: once procure th.» med.eme. I therefore take plea. «ur« in' making th-« public autemeni, that other, affect ej with * 'ilttease of the 1 ui.ff* and expectorant o, K an. may know the virtue* of tbi» "ail bcalm* rented), and may lw cured. I have recommended Dr. D.tncan , « Kipectorani Ke.nedy to many of my friend*, some of whom awe their live* to tbi* medicine. *>m*r«t.Otm>,o«i. 13. Wi JAMH< lIKWIT The proprietor of the almve medicine would, alto reter to the undemgned per»on*, who re»nte m Perry county, on whom any pctMtn nay call uiwti and be convinced that there ate viitue. found in the above medicine that cannot be excelled" David Culberwan.Soiner*et; Dt. U.Stoue,do; Iran- O. Gol.ber, Jackm,. Ip. Mr. Lar.mer, d« «en. WMI S.hlirk ip Jrrrod D„v„e.:, Itoewell .p DR DUNCAN'S WKSTFRN OFFICE. 150 S)c "Sm « JACKSON f» L,bc"y beadoMVnod ..reel _ *1” SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS IMIS. —Scroiola in ill ila multiplied loriM, whether iu lh.l or Kins'. E«l. cnlarsem.ola .• ■“ ulaoda or bonti, Uoiue. White b»k»‘;P. Rbeuutalirm, Canaer, di.earer ol the Skin or • pin*-, or or Fultoonarr ConkonipUon, eroanale Irooi cue and the aatuo ca'uao, which t. a poiaonou. prmrip» mot. or Icaa inherent in the human a,.lent. 1 *■«"' fore unleaa Ihir principle oan he derttojed, no rudt eal cure cat, ho cSccted, but if the p.'umplc vrbich Die diieaae depend., la reutured. a mre mti*i of necessity follow. no mailer under w hat loiin Ihc disease tlmuld maoiical iUcll. Thu,'hercroro m the rewou why Javm's Alterative t> «o urn vcrvslly suceewlul in removing to many diaeascs. It dcitroyi the virus or principle from whtco those diseases have their ongin, by cntcrinc into the circulation, and with the hlood>* coutoyed to the minutest hbre, removing every P- ,1 ®‘ diKMe from the .yalem. Prepared and .old at N». 8 South Third Street. Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store. No. 1- I ourth street Pittsburgh. _ ___ i? c -~ - i \TKW STOCK OP MOIICAt IMTRh- DAPPft WAREHOUhb §*£ it :m55 KSMT'ASSm ln£ume„,.. re.ee.ed SST.^r Very aupenor fiauan, in ca*e», ' > Kkigluh and Italian Violin String*} 'l , e «tock of PRINTING I’APKR i» unusually targe French Accordeou*; L „,nof which t* of very superior rjualuy. Vtolintello*. with plain and patent P p»PKtt MAKKIIB MATERIALS fchmV.^de?,DlueJu i , r .,me,T„„e,Ae.Ae : _ 7*cq®t AßfSK PVLMONABT BALSAM ‘ j jy«y New York. J=i^si 3Ksr , s , *-“sssi w . , isssi£& MffiaTa - * wa. entirely removed. 1 hare »•»«« i‘«sed cil.ue* *>r manufaemr.nß are novr enaal w lhe f;.tm.ry=^asfTtiouuurfo,,ui. -ISSom November tC . ! and Common Fa ip\Y ,a 'c o ',’\w and wood »t» and wood and fllh *'• j lni.ikiion Bonlert; _ ■ V».». WiiD. pia«J*. ! ,hi; rirh*^.utSssktokß-y. s SaSfßiirJi* Sb-SSSSsSiwa “Bsasss-kj. • nMakkwjaaaaflßsSES 5i *"• “ thr.LL pioporii»n. Iriu.i'hc'maiiuticiuroi» »f aud All other ope *1 on IU) , conl.uued. r . u fl, ilr. rr Amcroan Hardware, from ilie^f" , 4 ».be „ “'n-R-Tbe-e .re ,w“l.redTnme ! j 3—r--'* - r TMK H*’!?' il „*oniy be cured t.y *ueh rein- j \F ALL PAPKIt A«i> BOitDKIIS. Urye ela«ol lh , U |Lu. uhd cuculate with p R ,CP> KKl)« «*KI>- 1 , eve.) portion of the body, for only bv ib.« I ket «ueet. bi-tweeit 3.1 and 4h ► • w# >, |- - - ... , N yot NIiSTOWN. OHIO, ,i ibiougn a ' r,J _ p y„ . mu iK, ,„to immediate eon- -nnounce* to the public mat J>i» preieiii PROPr.Krr *•' * « “IStsssts mmmm ~rre ! r V* .Vi -er LX.«V.Hr*t.Kr.i ... ck.r or iloiidy - ' JOHN Pt NI.AP. a n S cvitlc. Me.ccr c«u."> The Uo lO ' , , i.,,,,! u.tkrl wreel - i.o-.v r.--v .c: K loia.tavctn or, toe. j cVI „„ ac . ; x 5 I »«»•*'*' *«.«& ' N°..." " it" |F '"'AnDwicKvi-,, A*"F>l Term, niiwt'iale |j,» Stairway .on M : rtm-i-ou* m pan a 4 . V u ,ci..».. r.,.ltS - - ’ rSKCSK- „ •>* ; • ■'<.■ „ R p.. *«•»««««»*«:»•.«• -J**’ SS J?SrJK.S? te.-.F- i' ,noo,bravoed F.,n -7. S' a 'V »~‘l ; ~3'^rKU"-'o”''”r> “■ - i ll m IsH^glesrs .tS?SS?s .inau. dep.timeow. >, "'.V; ',' , |T L lIAKDWARK Tbe.nb j | illl ten on. ufr. nut, bj rtrerl. " d ll 'D<= 1 l' ‘r’- Worm.' IXo u. IO; - ;m, ~n,ek ...... j tOf.e. b> ,wm * * *** M „.,. j.M'* c ;“r;'Sw'i;«.S “‘.““•'"fcmiin .rln.dofm.newMelH.emdwubl *“ d , h , mi i.. ■ ..in. Akeut. X rm.d,iieiUjl I ane’* celel.rated Venmfoie ‘ of l»tfe rpHK ondrtv jnedlwin* -t»uitor yUILUINt* Z" r J~: “S« ..(e .»} ««Sure. *~£'3“( c ■“aai’SKik”"*;- by J KIDD A CO. come, ”" b ‘!r , ,rbV, »'£ prmi-e. JOIISJCAI.Uu.I. TVMW&rTOBACCO AaD'-CIUAIIR-' T^'RtitATßl.A^^fe^gyS C ft b..C„.e.m.... Mould Caudle., R ole, to'.air . 10l of ' clmllSb Kf Ik;- «T-*>T"b“«- KiSllr-n, m„h. be aubd.v.dcd m.ofou. rood „,, h.„d .ud forakle M- be - oe. ”S£l ~.^o^, T^^s.b.r Tucre vklakble Fill, for aal» by J KIDDA Ujt- 0 »- GO Wood atreet. PittahurKh. fIIIOTICIC. . , n f Unmilion can»cnl- I A S.ed.ng m»f d.> *j» HAMILTON, ROBERT B. STERLtNO S’™?' b " ween WSSd »nU S«.> | .field,j>n •p-Mdtf ijKAt'TH HKAiiTMAN’tf ■*'*?** ®j r*»e* where lb«} . —a uniT»r*»l re*u»rativo "* “ , concerned M u.d »«“'■ inttrmuoM d, c ,,dr“»'"’.»" 'yifiNfV-TIKK A H A .y ;‘;'i r, -'f; ,rim,ad ibai, o( •« »*» ,t ' mrr.er"f **!*?*}*!£* wi".vrn'ATrOJlK'‘il‘'AV .1 «in*r for wfienitiß the s*» n > mid *ll Eruption*; for healinKChapP** l " d blotched !k,„ and pmd.a.MJ - arttO ■■ *» r,.« pi cm. pa, ,»ka. j&fcerrwK * c. “I'M ,„,U,.nd"~A-'»*"' I .’" 00J ” d - ** "A. LBDUttX A C®s iß , riijit. * NO 73 CAN A I. KTHKCT, a (JENTA for J U Aimant»|j' x ‘ ,"' Tt ~iwk of-l^of. A. Hefinary. aq lund, , Sar-”*’ SSEAfeSS: tt&S-tfSffb* c kV.n I'*^7, aWkton Z _ Maok”l!«n. grMwkMi!!l»*-*!‘ OTATIOSicUV-Jim rrir '''VM «:ni n.in Nolo l-.pm iVMfcnl fo ' ** l,: H:AKTItD TO •gwHS^r^S’ ;i: S.V-S. ■* «*«•*'• X^^^sMtfiaaWjv ' Who"'*""" t »p‘.*o —— vgy 4 --SI? s:K!S L French ® #A t rich V< ‘ l,nf * cheep W- AHo, ROO Cloth Erep»««mi »t * sih«t jtrarwood. splK»rf.w ■ F,nk •"•“ ioDBJ t aixobn PAPER. BOOKS is H Vf THE LOftfESTPOSSIBLE STJTIOSBRV ASD PAPKE BLASI BIWM ' ’RICH & LOUTREL, ' 61 WII.UVII STRERT. N'EWYOHK. Hj VF. DOW .... hai-d.of tbr.r own » cm ■Hulls W J&, S,kliD, w.s P.iu, Btak PortwJ.fuk.t books “ J S, ,'r « kimu. Pea Rack., Pm Holder*, rmtnj C*nS», Backgaioiaoo Boanl>, Die*, Tablet*, R*ir Sirup*, I'iuk Tape, Twin* dia Ink, Parchment India Rubber '*£*£ Milking (ak, File.; Rnck., Deane. fcrlW7.aid.aMT B*faj lde.re.l Table., t?a*h Book*, Tariff*, Exchange Table*. and all olLrr »r trie* .old by *tationer». 1 Cheap Account Books. A Urge »t.*k runatantljon hand, miiabU for retail tradr aiidjeouutry merchant* at lerj <-beaprale». jl Large Assortment of Writing Papers. F‘.>ol>eap,' plain and ruled filter Tapr, plain ■< r«M Note paper, SVrappia* Paf-r, Rennet I“?“i p4?* Hoeierj, Lnrtlope and Blottin g raj.rr Colored p *P rrl ’^ J “ French *J hiper*, Packet Po*l, Aim mad!M and Copying Paper, Malic l>aj±r, Gold, S i-e.ug, Embowed, and »»ery other draeVipliun ofjeiper at r*ry low prxe*. Cold Pens, Diumond Point. I • Rich & Uutrel’*, BagaleyMßrown’*, and M Urated maker*,tn iputrfiiie* t0,.0il pun-haw*, at the rrr ) manufacturer** price. !' Letter Copying Presses. Twtuty-ui different pnee* aiul »l)W»— thejrun -*T>“'6 i 5..., >«h U,.r 00l ..... lb. U. 0.1 eal, and e.rople mode of taking a ropy of any lellrr or M , nilhoul writiUß it urer agaiu ’ Improved Manifold Utter. Writers. By which tl.e letter and n>pj n written at the ume tin* , Th« J larteri a**>rtmenl eetr offered, and at 111* Inwol I r*e PubliLfflcr*. 8u.1.., Inaurai.ee Company. M«hwl» ’ of the be,l ~u»ll>) . • , _ Notangl Presses, ! For the u.» of Bank, aud Corporation*, to aflli «>■» **al.. * .Itch Bank or Corporation to U.eir document* Tin* “l"™ • tioi. .* perform* dby any one, n» tirat trial 3 First Premiums e Awarded to u* h) the American In.tilole, at tbe l»t* * , ' a,r a | October, IMS I lor !»'.» tr.t Kulcd BUnk B<*-k.-A Medal I v,., n,t b. .1 Manifold Letter Writer.—A Diploma ' t bi.uliful fmulird Copying Prewe.— A Diploma pi,au Call and Sit fat. IW.flr'i jr-f 7fle Trade and Cnuntrt/ Merchant* Supplied *■* RICK Sr f-OUTBRL/ ;lmi-rur. of kVench »ml Eneli.L Stationery, »ndniaoaGirturer»of Account Book., Manifold Writer*, LictLiof, BUuk •ndCwminilnk*, 4-e, je, 61 Wtllioffl, one ilior below Cedar •Ireel, «• J»MK» V IllClt, J \V|t M U>OT«IL < * fpHK liuOK OK COMMKIUjK, BY *JA * T. »b«b'.'« Ird i Ih.liry of ICommcrcf, rod . (hnmolo«"--l for »*le t»> BnokM-Uer, cor Msrket 3J »n *— r®R- f «sa''Tsia t ,; SuVpyn. d«"' &oili> F ;’'aVn iwnnint bfKk fsrturen’ prices. A‘*o, ■ i“>P= whole .nd b'.ny, C,..»4 »>■»'« *“**• \ No<6 wood street, up»t»>M. \ “ Mmnuf-rturer. 1 A«ent Andreas C»rd. Tlt'ryt-J la'CSStib,'^*; „„„ i („dr.. 4 *r.r..yn ll«d»bre._ _ »«**_ »“*« o 7 the *<'<"" w £ STtJCKTON • “ ami Humor, A N .didy«-?<'™" ita K«*b.b riUJPPEli’l* PMMWOPIIY-Afcw ecpi*. of ] , • .r ,i .«| ]U«I TPCened »l»u L Tuw-.M SmiCKTON lobule Li) ror mailed and 3«1 rt* WIIITBIORK A WOLFF* JOHN i (Lite Waller A Woodwell) «~u •olicit n of tbe » Jg|||a '**'** ,i^ n ite h .N d ,l Uvo tnwe»i pnce» rorn „ 4lb on ,» M»r*ct *i» %“"ISSSS: T lM^ ll *n, “A” CeiXS COWS’ AOlticV FOU "RWFjRf JWN^r £A™&Tiw. MaiSlnia amt PaSlart.-Prl-J *ll" cor 4lb and wood »i* ™Ur*wwanwT t * 1 ' EB W -lt» Tcama Cap Wrltms PaJ«. ISO do I-etter do *O - do «. c. Straw W rai»plt»B * ano do Medium do *" $0; 100 do DC. do £ Sol 1 100 d<* Tr “ Reynolds* shkk nd and wr i*!c br KM aot i | t win m of Ihe U« 0 \v w *WIL9QN Petur&bd _».!c - _._l- Tjnt' T AI.-M W. No iroooirr, i«a.o« »™ «»' j pfl. EuTek» «nd ft* l fc Co,« wra *ueet HCMST. UAHSA k co., ' AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND ' __ -DOMESTIC EXCHANGE CEimnCATOOF DE PO?ITF., BANK N«Tn>. AND - Pt.CIF- Founh .1. nearly lb-- »■”*» 01 l*iii«bur*i. - t'tTRBEN r MONEY Cheek, ioi .ale, »mJ .-oller-non* ;made o» i«-» r, V ■» the principal pomiMn the Cmied Simi/. The pa.d for F-orei*n and Ameren Gold . I , Advance* made on con.ifinmenl- of K*#l. on liberal term*. ■ -- wa, labimkb, Jiti „ , N “^r/- l,a 7'' p, ”“‘'^.-. r H» K ,. dii BS®- - i£ ffistsr i£ \\V.wni (Sirrrncy. *J° X,7£ Cfc fctip 1 3°' c ‘ff E tSc2?JE;‘ p * {t Vf^cS&u AllKOodCnfrcnc) • i J(> i> cn nyyWiiiiiaio. {*'o Penn*yJvania d#» • o T(nMW( i!<>. Udo r c iU)e»«e «o» .»*, Urownavile. { *> nro*o»viUc, * j,, ! dr. " iIN o » Fjl . U , nf e procure J spMA.«I«n r —-iSsssftsr l >*« .£ !•'? I ? h‘» j Ju Louisville. ■ I l J t> I'uilailelphia. * "® sTlou!., J 1,0 Ualutuorr, MASK NOTt>. »>»>'“« Ral r h?n" R • i d.s Co. 4 Set,|. Order. ■jH r h Ido Krl.ef Noiri, H® ' ■ . JJo I’emisylvama L> 1 i iJ„ New York do d« j '"do*" 'Wheel, ns, tdo Nrw tMe»u* ■ j" •|V,L.‘er, ado MHOlood. ap-tl . Coportnerotolp- . lOSKPII 11. Hliui».o«w«f*cu»wo» *33Sp&=%S^ Uie public Reitci*!') J yhl c oUß rv inclilS DRAI.BR> and domestic time a SlO T R11.1.S OR EXCHANGE. BERTH H AIR • dewmitk. rank notes and coin. NottAWood OTeel, Ilufj Joof bel( * v EounU. wc»isi e Y sfjj!3S sfer'SS-»\'SB 1 "' J * procured, *<■. Ac• —- cßß^SS^f^l^^rES. kk'aSS" 1 " » ’“irt E.chu*« «*'.™' *> ■” J ™ ,i “’ REDUCED EATBB* U 0».., »•! c.ty Ordtr. aoN "VtaS"" ’ Kith.nie Biota, •! I »MiNV]ilr. St l-oulmr.d „.dc 0 U Vo KM* >■"»» Vnrk l*hiludf'?l , '> l *- K'tJ Hall* — ■* , . (ii,,o hiilikiit, and Kcnmrk) P«m»ey tt V , “r”.w of diMoam. ly lUnk*«»nird «i v'T • w , m . L 4. OURRV - wood dcsi door »o_K»elc _smlo«j >pO ’ICAH-WW' («,r ui.r *,r 1 mju.n-d •eounty l'«‘-“'<R lV [ CUlJ rv Blj6 . . Wood »L ncs« d*>or 10 Kaglc Saloon /villi), *»d K«»t»eky Bank U Note purcluiicd at low «" A j*»N No S 5 Market ft HOUSES, LOTS. FARMS. &U —— y or IUM< _ , . ' sss«' g'^ss’&Sju* - ■H " I '"' “ u»,«, Mark*' *l,!•'>. W «“ d ** . , t - KsTJkTB VOR SAI.E-A yooil h»«“ R mill 10l on WaaUinimn micpi, Allegheny Ciiy Kk"»«•» Al A^:sli2,n S ky»f"'i"" '• ;u ' n ’ ,,r "' AllcfhfnyCny A t l ’c Irr n nKRT, Ge nr ill Aye lit No 50 Smilbneld .Horn ipil v \ • ‘VoRSALK oa *XCUAHOK. . I nT 3“* bv It* feel on ibe Hoad- ‘ , A ¥be.e •» on UK lot • 1%-.iory l.nrk dw«• im. l.ou»c with well and cittern m.lhc yard. tiu isSSp thanged lor a «nall r»rm, WM Jj. BCAIFE ■*"»" rr»nt.b«»«u Wood ...d My>« ■?_ V. . uABIdK LAND FOR SAI.B-4* *cw« of ***V $ ot * mile from tb« market houte Land, lhree*»ourin»oi » ~r C» d tlitee dwelling sMliK'iS: p pu ' ’ 0.1 l ..d ox.lame A,eol „ Noi«!>milb6eld'‘treet apVU • . . - - i ryw—lkMmtW B by l **nn. Übtriy “ nJ H»y Egggft^&faßWpK:- between Wood Wljmlihfield a »LrthPa* for MlieelI«weo»« **"»• M ifS^w3^JS £ » : ®4n 6 j*nl43'»'*H jv..,. ji itreet.beiwceu «7btl SALB-A hott.T»nd feet I V Ferry and ofTwo *oue.. contain...* The llou»e w » S**!, j ,„ re < end w»*h hnu«. eight tfflod n»tfl«, withfinuhtJ* « s cuthukßl .Apply*® soSmiiMifld •»-»»_ (7OU SALB—Two «i» creeled good I 1 tub 20 by HO feel. o» ® ,* x [«,«« on the oih-r loi i« Frame'JJon»e. co n >*inin» Forten»».4c- “PP lv erected a large Generali Ago.' U, L,L,M >; o f4U^miih&el«t»treel r 01. lb. ° 4r.ma|«»»ly W*MOJ P®ssSps ja.vS2X*'***': - BauPT£3bS5K fceu .u. ..ii ' CoTH * Mn ii!s!W«w«Mw« CAPS AND BONNETS. ■ nATSIBATBII HATil* IB Atws "be»a*Ut« d*y u>* Huts.anil U unreduced, by * at^ h f jj i JL| P b>» ujjuilc establishment* in New \ oik anJj’W"? the enJeriiynVa take KteatV«?«'. , ' ? »* to announce to tlu*;r P* t, nenllr. that «e un- j.rrj.arerf to >u[»pl>•» "*» '“g favof ti‘ with “ « , at* wiUrthe faitr.onahle *W‘^ r - ■ra«mt, ronpritm; Heaters Nrirtn.ts mhUMi* hnr Malrtlili «.» 1...- '»*" KINO □r wood ►** raaiGif ... _ BEMOVAL. JB s M<‘<»RE. Hat anti Cip „ removed to No 1 ft Wood *frt*U three door* alcove Fourth Mie«t. It.* aiook ro,t*i*uof every vuutl> oi Hui *jjdCa;>*. made m thu »:yj* - a *“• 1 Lethoru and Pedal Straw Haw, ’ al «plC° W " ,! * t f>r Woo.! «l. third door alovr Foiitth SPHIMi FASHION. , . , maid a william doVglas, am ■ CONTtNUKS io m«iuiac:urp •!•<! ron*iauily on f vrry vsr *-'> ™ ' ; N ami Oap» oi tlir late*! *tylp. a * l r - sT V Wood •trrct.K>iM«i(3« . - K»U f»«Ulou, . AußUfi vCth «.rn>lfnim «f'»h«nj: a cb<*P. ipnuMf Hiithf immufacu-- « fe.b.onabk- H.ii- ldv r.sFv, Yl* " •w Spring Knklilou for II»4T. A WII.MAM DOUGLAS, Y&Z& WOULD nii.irin i.:»fucmli uml|i»UOP-» . . article t*<U rail •*» >/»Tr Wiml <tfrr.l. l''«.»S»loa for H«b. XHK sulocnlici !ia» ju»l received !•/ Ki|-n:« A |,„ S;« iv: u-i.™, u««. 4 rinM IH STRAW BOSSIiT ASD' DAT WAREBOKK, SB* m wn« i Lra*>l and final n»wfrn.>V- —— , Mn . iiATB —Ju»l reccd pRBNCII MO«.K>UI» »a hw T a *up«rioi nrtirlf 0‘ mniu s x JO oiUi fashion, and fur *»>* low !•> No rU ;..I »epfl OliK ADVERTISEMENTS RUfi’r PROOF IRON FOB Booprao, WINDOW -SHUTTERS,ie. q -HE ..,l„cnwr, bt-J to c.ll .VI'S'JSkfD T~ , \Ze J for thi* purjxief.po^itjwj «► «o,ihe«rf p and l.*hu»e«ci iron an* aowrUjen'eMca M object to expansion toocoamo,.. T.o ; c „ ]U „,„i„.l > - tbno » ™Xi.n'SLit the «. c m.»n ot •;■ I i . i ■ m-mltm- ill tni'tnf, »> ' hf ttuuiy oll ''; r P Ul ' r ■" :»“JSia?fte atmosphere. A I.INK-S l 'T!!°/» v l , a \V r C . which 1« now almost enttre- U winch answers everypun»»* a 7, a conduetor-of electricity. costniß only Jnir as much as copper, and P«»«a««S du^.h 'yH^lm"“ t»« .(ml.MlotH mb U,U?<» -rriltVbl.-fiX" • No* Hand 10 Beaver «t. NK\V \ OUK - TJr E“ B jK.“ f s2;i" »■<** !'o l ;x prevent airy intnnr;eineul h> mtportM.o * ...... -*■> ,U n»,pjL.4 vws—PMo in< Fancy, I«rM and dark r.du«». n'lsflTTK^- Fancy Lmnani J.conet, a «** vucte SrVm>Ss-Latr.t .t;k. a fnl) a.«rt- ”Ij(«3s,'“osoms, .IA-ncoujißs-i,..^ mb Dn.um:s-™i, cm,., bU i®iv« J B-|>T^iteVa 4 c, to , M-ta- U< would ’*ij* !)'AL '* '* ' ~ Sprioe from the JIVTISG STOCKS ..' mwh .n!r? oiDfor .one lorwrt} u-*l, »'•"; } - f»b£J-^nr itlikuid o-) 1 " Ul '"’'’' ‘ ' *' 7“ | iii.KB. siiA «%'“**‘S°r2H , I U«IT u.w >" J “‘’3£“£■&»? with » full I U«rk C s u ”^ h u*t -Id blur bb£k nbi.l io. A »crj <-»trn i . ttn and 0»w» »ud Sr»M, I , i- * - l>r« u Good. U« U«w "L 1 "- 1 " 1 * j „ripr Jo. I o ! imgofVrwwh I'tuiUjl D *‘ r ) ' t p‘ , 1 ' l jn J £in<U.ira» j HJkB.'-U«» ' IW. M;ib bU*k -a . -Ssisf •“■■“ ** <- New Vork. Kf.crt -~!«.•■"• —'■- _,.-■ FiRaNCIS Ic LOliTKkl*. . ifeei e UtiUiituii A U.Ct *»“ rt “ r ” 1 j. Wei. W.fcr., Simc*. iSKsiS I'Ve.. nory Ik!'V'». mid*. pm t „.er‘. sold P"-™'- cop, in, r"~ ‘'feStaWld, tone (.* X.w. Ac ,rc.l 'SV-ndCp ‘■•.-•'.oic^dpll Docket. .ndoiher bookrfor Connie SS "; .W.' nor ““Airnnicd ~ be ..pccor in b.liir>nd wy lowinpnM- j eihoccillb. .op -t- *“ who TOdire 'VraNCW A IOVtmL • j Mwmfnclnnn, Sl.tioner* Tt ” u f pkINTs"oNLY-BPBING STYI.F.B. IS 17 LEE V UItEJV ST F. R , ‘ &a^nr«£a^w Erttctamd AwtfU X >■“'^i'l‘ r ” , u)flrorn i o ue of Ihf most to their u»uil »U*li,rtod<r hiriue j»»t been pur brtulifuJwdHClt u« oßwi «•> tim'd for CASH AAU. . lt and l*low mann the pier* or f acUf* on the «»»' * , “”.Xr.Tf prim (crrccicd dnd,,>. .re rU-d » «" | hand* ofoujtr*. .1 <f tire itilt uf ihrtnar - * .1..,' *• rrlir.M-.b.r .d™.. r «* .i.ieh »r r-i-rtfollr BREWSTER, l * w ' 44 c*d»r Siml rorliS Tti<* Worm of De»tb.wft* 1,1 'h® ■ t. . __ ADdiirenfiihm^r And when it hlootijcd, i» 10-cl ' f “ •' . v It mppf-d UJ« OU S II f n ‘ l U ‘ -•-- Tto, Worm of Doorir :. If Dr. Duncan’* n{i » rre ,rl,! ! _ - And man* J» vel V dain«ls V * v ' ! ‘ l 1 lie fate of an ununielV ' ' I T.i-drIDUNCANS WKSPr-nNOWICIt,No, «»o ... ■ -5= - *££!iw., C,00,00.,.. 0,.o; -IK- hr. v.,0.h . . . I‘micot Lard U«ia U~r. Ckwfcli"?. stnu>a«li, <;bipja>htir IU rules, *»»?, DrittniaHaudl-waPjr j'ureSiurmOil, ~ Corel. an ‘ l ma W(lo to Juried health « ll prrwrOhs®«' l >» , » 'feltr ud Lard Oil. ■ prac'tcsl *«d ‘> „ -»j paws. 60 Cti. ¥ ££;”!"«. «— Wtah<w> t Vi"*^f t a te l ;a sreidok' ft,' ? E 'Y 0 T o?S „. TORCt 1 418 , c tnta',frcß. w ,ll roooi.o y* :%ri fea*-*!*■"• «r nrt)B» ond Medicine*, P}« Sl, ‘* . Feb 10, IS47.dCmj ■ Oil# of cvei? dMCnptjon. J> »e» > .- ~ for l»i<r. R»ngwnri»».. 1 «,#.niied hod determined to tell lotv. nO»h OIJ S, T^ r .»i,d!uiiptCuin;i#oa*bru|.ii«>i i. are pr*P b an j PtuggiiU are. repealed p, mp ie»onibe F«c g eu{-ruH>. L °T Z eumioe their article*. Order* executed; Xrlle „, *‘ n j <nw%veu»k tttenica; to call w*d examme . jj. KahoestocV* (te among tnc ” 10 *' lo y Atuated a* it with faithfulness end» wh ' ,eh ! he h r « of S) £ i*Wx .i»n*«.bto w Vcrmiluge coiutaotly on homt. ■ - **«. on t ti. % et*« o‘ ft l n -,s:e. Home >iic laetEcacr- B. A- tabuealotk, V . nh ' breach them »>> lrtw *'“ r .' , rti ,iiejcp, «r *uU,ecUnj our» BL. Kohnc.look. .. t tMUburSh- •JJ wSAcoutt * '"2t? b ,?‘.vS..V«f *«!««•> . 5. »V. fstasstocki S . «,orot,. P»Hi»,o «• A B Hnll, New York, ; a P‘ •■* mexni ru£C , ccar M vto- A. B. .. ■ Rjjnjiou* Efllc:o a< ditf u let.ltnrd U». New Warthome for Prl“** ®*?.V \ leuily. orjnore apniietitiuue Jtave.no rrI'IUSO STYLES, 1S«- «•• "r.ai'Ea’Asl ll>* ai ‘ c ”' hrooo piaro, «>0« at the »j»ek>u» fire ttxcy N'arthoo* , • Cl hibiti<u> wl,e .'^sh C *Virln the •amcor another p»«* "hen all No* YoriuTlhe «h»U of nh«h !.*»«*«« “ , u pi^ t c r 10 -how w*el* ,n tn B[id Sn mi .,y icteic ca»e», a uwluteofthU*i«WartkU,)n*c4LlCOlS,cc»- theremra«mb f # ‘, |ort n. Uie ua<c.f the Ro*o Sttaf.,looo CJBESof l RI>TL D r ,oport,oo ol ff""'J, Effpro«a Wrctno,. '.'nine ■»*» ■" &3r«ia 7 •HSu t wA«»«sM“ *“ “>*** . ■■ „,6*miS»ood.,LO»Rl<l«»^!.»rf.'' l' * l* ° f prw** irt original ur°* p [ 1 • , StSvltl >“ sS ETUffiS- i» iSS h» H“ ’ ror*. •hhltsSSSJl,iS”ir*caWO P* ; ' HyffjSiDr; ;- (; DU.\CAK’ST.XPEOTORANT-BU^^ iW7 , . I*,r S.r.-Tkia' utocmir? tW dieted *ruh » ,heL “^ , .,v . lhai ia ihr Sprinjof 1 * IUC * J”V »J] tfc« ,h«h.«a Mt h »»* »ym>u.in. ol «. !SkJ«t tolto A ~to.uok .k.nu ruNcitts '>>»} <f - tt lL ' l ” 1 lt ' r rc+ ~ .i», I-... »r *& ►fr - « to, „,y.gK *.«-«“ "L'SSb! uIK diirwil, anti b»yo»J mueJy l »*»* **, • -- - -» rani !irfr.,Jy. which my Pb>ui‘*»>•P' f ~u »UU add t 0,.,. to*. ~»U - - P*" 4 ~. „j tußirins. I*M ™ “Lklcl <m '" k»i-. a »a to, ,t l d,. o, to -;w ‘ kW lk , mt,i thcrt would U nothing 1“» * ' V»l<u- Cto.to.Oß^d.dokU.o.dkko.^rto.ro;,^ W, Mfd.nnr. kod dtomto.d »». Um. 5101 •. Vkhu-t., iiMitid «u *i2dir.g tj my »oo«t „• . 1 if, ihf iroublcK®*, Cosch _ C** ,r tli< rr »« T ► me ft 0.8 .an. u. my Cant; g«.u| » - ' la .uU ~ <> * * f *' t SL • •j-f ~ Ul »dici:if comicu«lit» g,-»d tturt, wbKh “ « / wt.l t «» «**U »«u.d m«.) U l *r£»me»b«« , j to f ß vb..».m».,i«.r’r a rd» era y«an) «>!»•“' - , r ‘ • " , *L | hat. ;MMC.M«d«t Or. D UC «a'« tx ,r>! *’ RraxdT is mxsy ilSxttJ ,L.dU»w- - > •*" -‘“r : i>i>f£Uf< t.Wr Ul hi* ,k.,, t 0..,,,.«. .o«w -t ■u4 koldr. ilk* to ,»!■, o™ 7 ‘ • k T y, , k „i ton,.. »od „u,io». . m.dKiot »iU,i«toto, 1 . ,„,,„Chu, , ' toltoiuJ P u«tulUd s k,„to,.to,^to», 'I p„ „n. t ,h,o toto.bl.d k«J ,toC.„d ; Ctod.,»d» | * *. , _ ~ni fcrxfciriu * «rli-etcurr.- AXUKEW.J. VttT*-"'. ' . Monigomtry.lUmaiM Cowdy, Oh^ - i N B.—' not. be . ja»i!io#eo«n- J u th« uadenicßcd mart; ° r ialco»»<* ' • C*rr j. B»iDt»- _ nf .»r a N«9 WESTERS OFKICt, lOi-jaaan - D I,V« Mtdjcineeao-ftltraytbftwtiuua d-1 T-V E IS OOLMJV* II t certain wwl r “ lrtl * , ' „f »s. c kidncrt and btad “"“i "T ’*%£.«» fi *ZJ£ KS^-KfS! «*» ■£ .sya*&*-2Sfi^ssp, Thi. b U> certify tfasi ito*®*. . Gnord aq<l «»«« «*« o‘ « j,\?NKV WHITHKJEaD. : rureiaVtcrycajr. ° * 3>l SiiU. street New York, May, **«• nc|lV M tc-il.fcedvm W<* •»*“. I cheerfully E" Y m ) ' ~j. SnefiM| A* 1 uh‘“S * ffpfU ®‘ob*r.aUon, to b ? r^'^l *; from my own * i r* n .*?” 1 ; M .„,wnl ewe* of pfeh "™* bating keen it u*ed wilh met q£Q MlUi.'£»i ■od female. •' X-l fliitft »«**•'' r • - N ~ Y “ l - ~ i6tt Mr. ' y».,r medk.or. Dr. * J fnow £'C yoU.lßj »«* fret cure in ihe cax ul »)•*' . * it fc, mV opmion UB tlut l u.e beet, , UI MW unify «o Ibemtd pos.ible toeur« I,cr * , 1 W . j„.d»i»eAll othrn who SW « P- <■»■»■*>" , depend nn • eerU.n n ’ Twrt with reipee*- Dr. lwo«*by-P*" e.’prr.emy grstitodsj for ' who m»v Vr .uSering, a? . „! your rJuabl* 9pV I lie ben* lit l hare drnred from we nQ JJ u girt RJJ t«U .ill, 1 «~plj '»">> '-ml rf ‘ *““► 0> ** -b*«k «. iJTsto siS.»•■ ® passed by none. _.e ru t- i»-Vtt.—Cluu.li STMfT..M. AL > wi)pn no fti h^„,«,urhc. ,nil. motion o the l.l«c a tjegjp, gcnerall. ol an acute atucl. °! “ 1 ci,'f,'.der o<Tl>udl s e.- with symptom* of j utm. . V ei. c mrt frequently „ve and .'recall Tte P»>« , “ .cents » I* «>■ lie and in paired pewciv complain* olirrqrol -PI c hjhi cholic pains. °ra.g»u». «.diij,fc» a .naV dull occasional "«•*»'* =. the-rlchtsWe, accompa .pam and weight are,® 1 1 draecinff P« n 10 thc n ß ht med in some esses w ‘™ * , noweser. no distinct ■boulder. Most commonly, P““ i* "P c s i , “ <: pi„u,e i. made or. thi. pat— except when nnn pre*. le „ 0 l ar . co.tiiei.cie The bowel, *Ui dia.Thuex.U.o being ccmtnnn '“‘""'i™ , or eJ. oSensi’c, .limy, di.cb.rje. •=>»'?• '“X-l cuniant .ltd creem.hormuudy. u»« . ‘ ( . B ic Li vnr <‘o.i ctuMotcmlic Fymptnm . talc „l me aktn, plaint is a dry. har ® / - llc hlditScu!ty mbruulhing, a short dry cough, with . lnthc is a trtqacnl nttendan. • hJJ a< chpinic a. jb the acute o aI „ ie , cfl „ ~n the pent can .cidom icat M ■ * . j n:sscw , .light re.or. rit .|u Mile. A< tin. 11l C • . With a burning »:•'««* L '\\' JP dsdlof o« the Tect i heat m the pal“ ,li • l * . ~. Iltn irf c Inflammation r.n7p-uoV. hectic add tapid 1,0,1 oou.uuic the ',’j , \,Vt,ie.al«..»d reUHby Mhimticlurcd aniUold ► s D,. w »t, Wood elreet. l’iUfbo'B^_ s,ieii»iavs tOOTU paste- , , i A i KI'MIW p |l-Jfaui»e and whitening "j rrUIF. li«rf atuele kn“'» n i-'f .uveeienins th* t l J '“*«re® S c j >r.rv Might will. 4k «t# , | breath-Ac- ll . h wi || Cnl v recite a«hgh - ) bru»h. and ibe teeth »n *ioa.-h jhe f ru ' K v, . { vca»htu« m the- ir»}H»«>o- ,•, a lf *r time* on Stir, -r t*» -» •"’RWiKfc. o-oooow *• ! the paM«- when enough tl?c „joulh,*ortJfa ’ ;-saar wasu-w % i bmto pir.«r*o»i«“; „ Will i-movc -.he t»n» oa« ; , Uy using « regularll. ntc vent the tooibaciK - , nrVrent H* areumulaUmt —P' C '®''N so; tuem ■ . , *trength<n‘he g»«‘ s ' ali y.l , L eT^!l ( . r2 y' t eeoronicnd‘st » ‘ : obi™ 1,1 “ciSof Kn'lSloy.ono "j Recommend'd b> JJr- ‘-a* l '®' { o i,j cnabliaheU our t>e»‘ and ever xtcniivclT “ st “ ; I?ZZ’&wZ s iu .ic.»«sw wliicti * wool* “ „M,ilit>n tobia oboow *l' —cslrs.;;;,;*i; lr *S l r h S S. fc /.'o WK- ES?* °'#“Soo: IVM. JA-CKSKW'S- o-»"“ "’S" 1 Liheity »t* ! - _ Do«. .ic»n«» —i«» i.r°n YOU'k'*."' Or IO» b :““ Tty I*. Dim* B ' 1 ’* M*- Ami a wiH Ri»e.yn« ,fm| - Il cle»r* nwoylbe miiiv HouJ Di«ea»r »pread*o er *l»'* 500 ■ l"*' 0 " 0 " 11 ' >Ti» withering withtleC'Y* j It trarccly »>?» l j- g roorni,,, ‘ * eW| \ , , Before it i *» 4 »r**T . bj> TO tor~3 to ht*A» fcrjwtr, *ad-w« IMbli W«wgU®» » btc „ h moauMsd b> «!V W*4«t* »*»*_«» EffiSbSS. m,k.« WJ«f Fourth *»**«*» . ~ :v ; ,-^> -' - , J ' 4 - -t*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers