r rih,A^2 : - ,: • - "-• thk TiTTSBPBGH GAZK^j. BV KEAaTUS BROOKE. vanaSpSi 89.18«. ■ ”1“ D*ttt Oiirrnii puUj&h«o ■JKSKE wSyU rwo Uollmper mm, tmal, ‘i~ - IDT AUciIM |tT<ormf‘ ,n,t h*fl*&* FOE GOVERNOR jahe> iavm. (OF C*FI« Cor.FTt.) FOB CABAI- COMMIIUWMJB. ,„ iIP B W. PAT* 0 ® JO IWCBIIBI*” CX»«T) •TATS OKSTILAIi CQ.IMITTEE. p pKANKLi.Ni Lancaster C.t>. ]S,?N C KONKU-w°* Upll ‘ ,1 - CO,in ’ y , XnOMAtf UC'NCANi JOSEPH R CHaSULER. THOUAS McUKA | A |l, l'h‘lul' nk-*lW'r DIIXEB LUTIIEB, Bctk. ■ ! 'Ak'IuKU IRWIN, Venango- H KUIIML \Vt.„Aorel.n>l V h saLISBCRV. SoKJueO* 110 *- MBUFL A*PUBViAVoEKR«»- . aa&yg^sss^. AST .*«o S . o C,A M mo cocstv In "Ji.VSl'Sj ‘vßlrf'i'SK'' U>e &M»b: Anumwon ««uo«*, m U»‘» 1 ny couusy will e ‘® o ‘ e £ s»imd»y U>« d»> if Tefal Kleeuon V ™ "'.Snffmn ««» *’ ESBiUrf.SXS;,.- *»> betweenUie tout* oi ; . ‘ ud 9 ’ * r 'tiOMA9 VARNER. i Cb'mof the ComoflCor '«■ PIMUM n “"“; • . IIt „_ltio Wbiga mil lemember lh« official - nil -f Conram ol lb. »»•'«'■ of boodeocs for ib« county cjneenuon lo lake p'*« L-aiiMJ-y -"*!- 11 <■ . monUi bene . b,,* ,* bn*ibo e.ily b> ■!>•"• uem '‘ m *°*•“ . o(l b. aobjecl. All eye* -ill b" “P“° AU.gtn»J " „,j W,.™ P.bbaylennla.t n.« banner M a bi. ItbiWlbl. b, piece too high U 1 MUbl.te . . auoo I'runeiy! ineeiioge* Eaexy W big .boultl pi.. mv ,U m .0. choice of non «bo mto make •«- f'l bc„.m of erndldalea lb older tbat they may bare • tn *lt UM >■ done. Cad date. f»» »• Pr « ,,d '“ o> '' W« uno delayed »“ intended rejoinder to “• u. d. Gi«u article “ "I'T 10 “ ur ■°* n > 0,,u “ Uu aubject of Preeidenl malting ao long, «>.t ,l ha, btcjmo almuat too Ut. to gnawer it now. earn if .0 ...ee.er ao much di.pc.ed to-do ao. W. woooM no .mount of conl.oe.iay would eonemco 00/ reapcctcd -contemporary, that we W.e light, and .hit h. ieWrung, .ltd upon ..aecltoo, our cou. ■cUnna and pur jodgmcnt conffrm the opinion «ilh AISTi. 10 the danger of toa klng.miili.rj men I're.idenia. Mo.eprer the ed 'nor of the U. 8. GeXettc he. ao long our moral and political teacher., an learnedeo many gtxd nenitra from hiaj Ujal we dwire uo puelic difference of one whom «c ptwately "“'much “I due to ouraelrea. howcrer, lo •» lha l ■ we may in the political hi.tory of our toimlry. O' „.. te .j it —erioneonily it o>»y bepto “>■ f°~ Uucal htrlory of the -oild. « of military mao for b.gb cieil officoj foil of the m „. pernici iui eiample.. The prilcplo ...If i, .mo,, ami particularly io a Goeejnmeol Ilk. oura. Wa hara heard »« -pokoo of-to all our bnarpiliucal experience, b, Whig Br.ua.nan .oil Wot, pieaaca. "barcrer weh.ro heard from the on. or read from the other. W. keenly felt Ure extant of .bat wrong -ben ». «»» a d U po...u,„ to lay' aide tba moat merriloriooa public aertlce— elcloriea .on ore. the cnemie. of Ota ConaUto firm—iU.l.fiea.ion. -bieb were lb. taault of long and labo.iou. .tody-experience .on from ar dooi. toil—racrificea of man, of lb. blammge of'aocial bfe-de.o.ion to the country » ferrent „ it ba. baan rincare-and hr replace -uch a man .b, on., a. .1 -ere. of yeelerday- All honor to General Taylor. Praiaea, public tbanka, tho free dom of cilia., the ju.l remembr.ncea of a ,mle ful people, bonfire a, iHominaliona.wbalarer word. end pageantry you wi|l-bu. an long a. there are longer,higher, and more pte-emrneulaer.lce. than , hb,.. .e .ould award honor 10 .bom honor te doe. ao we will, if *« can, giro mfil honor lo ' Whom the moatiadue. Gen.r.lT.ylo.'a honCy, pod aenae and patrioliam .hall itmlf decide b. ;irc.no. and ou, raapeclad brother a. PhlM.I nhia. If need he We would .Uo call up a thou sand Wbi, roicea.trom the Halla of Gong..., ' and naing from rht piriform, of mm., to emdicala the pridclple wa defend, h right that long ci.il aarricUiraalt *> "ell *° a man for the Prr*tdency,-tbat the tried of a hfa tim. of mcrifi.a to the public wallhae, ahouldriuk banralh the ahow and oproa. of the camp, or Iba be., -trice which a braraaol diar may hare rendered bi. country ,m th. field If are are «ror., in an a pp.ee rail on of mail In umphe, or in', dread of .miliary aupr.m.cy in a C-U dry "hoea iu.tnolion. era ad congenial to the 'e.re and « boaula to the other,., have been wrong. |y laughv and by our friend too, wo ißink, of iba duty wo owe to the country in which we lire. Wa bare already wen in print the name, rf Taylor and Bonaparte couphd togetbax, end a Galana Wh g paper before or, bear..,, our own - name, .«.«*« “ f F '* nc ”' Ul F.e.,cn Emperor W. nop. to raacu. the name of General Taylor from any .uch ambition, aaao. Ciairlm. and the Go.einm.nt unde, which we bee from any aueh correapundence. France and the Dobed dr.ter, General Taylor and Napoleon, ought to be wide ** “m l' ol, ‘ - •P*' 1 ’ *'“ l Jll lhe lodgment, of the beat men in Ibe worid are blind, cd by the military geniu. of auch men. Thera ta " a preen,. in their name, which!, a labaman o Jan,lh.aud il require, th. profound*. refleeuon and tboopureat judgment nut to be led aatray y a damooxtration that Aral take, captiea the aye. and . then the ear., and finally th. heart, of men. We are r.mioded by the editor of the U. 3. Gagetie of our adeocacy of Genera! Harnacn. Wo mike' wilhpg confeaaion of the fact, but Geo. Haxriacn waa not nomlnalod from a battle field, -ihowaeer illurtrioua be bad made it. He had aer yad the country at home and abroad, in place, of high ciril poaillo'n, and with eminenl ability. A generation of man almoat bad pa—d a.ay be (ween bi. -trice, in the field and hi. Uiumph.nl call to the Preridency. Bui n we aopported Gen. Harrlaoo.ao.ifhe .hall be the Whig candidate for the Preridency, we.wiil itipport Gen. Taylor. All Of the abibty, influence, and induxtry we hare ia ' hie when bia name ia authotiUlieely before the 'country aa the eandidatc'of thorn whh whom 11 i. equally our prida and ple.rura to act. Unul that Bm. -a «r not upon General Taylor, nor upon then, who bear aloft hi. banner, bul in opporitmn to what our judgment telle p> '• ">“*• •”<! ai*““' WhalW. Tew will be a fatal precedent for all time to coma, It ia a Whig privilege to apeak a. freely of men aa of thinga, and ho alono ‘ ' ' r* •>1 4 g& : ■t: y.'. V . -«|a a freeman whom the truth makesfr**, •M; •• Aadalt are slater be*We.» v l , VTa can calmly dUeus* -these question* now ! toi a® 'wrong to" no* mtn and »° P*rty* “ d •U , . white I ** do *o with nocerc teipcct and deference r-. |p honeet opinion* of others, wo aak ooljr (• . . r jqtul aeknowldgemeot of our own good in* ♦ > tentieo* toward* th,e country, sndthe party, whose 2 . - * ptodpte* wo before to be eminently e**eotr*r to. its tooert glory. - - since writing the above we have seen the foW (*•■.,• :•* i jawinr paragraphia the AlbanjrEveDing Journal; {. *>We apeak by reliable authority when we aay 1 * that GeniTaylor deeply^a»d wirmly Imbued $ -rLj, Whiiaentimenw. JeeKngsebd aympathiea; ?' Sit be ie devoted to Whig Meararee and Whig SJn. that he was opposed to the Annexation of * * *nd thalbeia not only oppowdtoaoy ex i-. - ' . Jnf! of SUra Territory, bot regard* the Inati g" 3Ur«TJ—tio”* 1 ' U”” 1 ' * twij. of opr - j “'“S u w.u/4h. o: 9. H* in an.... w the hypocritical attempt of »n. of thej Adm.oou.lion pit, to. claim him « - Utiilion m*n, that within forty day., »enf. T.jlor hm .aid u> . gentleman about to Lave | him forth. United Stale..’-Never “1“ J " h * l they my. 11. U you, .nd joo t»«T tell them if J'™ thoo-, I am • Whig, .nd if they h... .oy doubt •bout it .ftet that, tell them I am m City Whig. Thi. i. well, 100, but there me other, equally l_to he commended for .ouod political principle, fo, . eonririenl rcLtance to the elLmion of SI.- tor uniform opporition lo ih. annexation ol T„ u , and lor doing .11 th.t General T.ylor hn done, or c.n do for the honor .nd welfare of the Nation. It ia for ujoh we .peak, ■■ "ell *• for the man whom name i. i"* “P°“ ,he 11 1" of lho muititudw W. hope, at lea«. ‘hat, uo.uapeclcd of treamn, we may raiae a feeble «oice for men armed in the Panoply of Peace, wearing Ihe Constitution for their helmet,' and a thooa.od ci.il triumph, a* trephine of their .ictoriee, while nearly all ihe world beaidea aeem ataorbod in glorie. won upon the field of blood and ball!;. Plank Roaila* In a neighborhood bite thi., where the tra.el i. hey and the aoil loamy, and alouo ecarce, it ii well enough to turn aome attention to the ithpiove ment of the road.. The like of wrme of thin* m our neighborhood, we ha.e no.er aeon before, though we thought wo had aeon road, which it we. impomiblo to ru.kc worwr. There i.a a cheap remedy for the e.il, a. we bclio.e, in the juae of plank road. which ha.e boon .ucceaefully used In Canada for more than twelve year*. The plan waa •tatted there in 1835, in an etTort lo impro.e a piece of quickmnd on the highway. Some heavy timber we. eunk, planked like a bridge, except th.t the open .pace botween the veil, and jdeeper. waa fijled in with atone and earth. Two ydar. found the Umber and plank remaining anlid, and the experiment waa then tried with equal aucco o.e, a m.r.hy mil. Since then plank road, of fifteen, aixleen, and more mile, long have been tried and teated with complete aucrirae. ("here I. but one in the United Slat.* extending U J mile, or from Salina to Ilremertnwri. One haa been relaid in Canada which had paid a profit of ten per cent on the original con.truction, and yielded a vurplu. auffiorfnt to pay for the rvtuildiug In New York companion have been chartered for three road., and there were rrcenUy pending, fourteen applicaUona for charterafor making ptank . road., four of them to lead to Rochealor. Win. Godddea the engineer of the road in oper. .lion in Mew k ork give, the following direction, for conducting them roada: — i -The plank, are of hemlock, eight feet long, and four inch., thick, laid emowim of the road, on ailla four inchr s square. The earth l» broken up and made fine, the .ill* are bedded tow lb and the aurfaef greded .month; the pl.nk ate then laid on the aril., cate being taken that the c.nh r. up and touche, the plank .1 evey point. Thi. i. important, for if any .pace be l.lt for Jr under the plank, or along.id.the .ilL,dry rot follow.. I.aw m Canada. a road that had been worn oul.and , wa. being rebuilt. The rilL were good and the pl.nk.were Mund on the under .id., ....; where air hod .upplicd the place of earth, and there they ' deriroyed b, rot. The plank haring bee" aid. the next thiog i> to grade • road mme ten ir twelve feet wide on one .hie, and two or three on the other, by taking earth from the dtlche. on ..ch ..do, mol bringing it, by a ditch mraper ju.i up to red even with the upper aide of the pLnk, I that if a Wheel run. off the track, u P”“” up on a .month .urf.ee, of earth, The end. of Ihe plank ahould not bo Lid even, but . part »h"u!d project from two to four inche. by the general me !o pr.veot a rut being cufju.l along the end. ol the plank. If the end. of Ihe plank are even, and a .mall rut i. made, the whole of a loaded wagon will aer.pe along Ihe end. for amno di.lri.ee he f .re it will rim up to the top of the plank. unit «< the wagon move, in a direction nearly acre., ihe rood; bul it Ihe wheel mo.c too feel lee ward without coming .quart..gunrithe edgo of a projecting plank, the difficulty of getting on the road i. .voided. It ta nolnecemary lopln or .pike the plank lo the «11. c , -Perfect drainage mid be aecured. and to tha cod the ditchc. muel to deep and wide, and good eluice. wherever water cro.«e. the row!. Thi. the iiupoitalit point—dram | i rbj. “A. to the coat of .net I.! ritll ri»«e you by giving you a cop, of uiy Salina road, which very connderably exceed the aetnal coat. It i. proper to inform you thi. road £ fi of « “■ many place, with .lone .nd logo The right or way emt tie nothing. The eatunalo wu for plank three or four inche. thick. Where we la.o ■» 0 track., we Lid one of them ««h th.« «ch P "J but the maiu track wu four loebe. thick. It » economy to uac thick plank if the U.vel I. .ufficient m u-Lr out the road"but if it i. to rot be.or. .. L worn oub then, of comae thin P'>" k ‘b o,l, | J * nred The Canada road, are generally three ioche. thick, and are made ol pine, and lari about 1 Tha’foUmring i> *“ e.UmaL of the coat of a ingle track Plane Road, eight feel wide, for one )|tiniou trem. 1* 18 [ luru where "m.l in. I>, 4 in. „ 'JS ~to ‘ ,<1 m r * $5 perilbowind Living and grading, $1 p** ro °< Ecgioeering, .operimeOiiMM, Jcc, 10 per ioo|oo Oite-houw*. »y , .. ir on no Fur 1 4 in. road add 0 ft. at *5 p« M. OH.OO Sluieei, bridge* and coDliDgenciei, * 9raai<xtt Row.tr.- —O fle »' <*>■ b “ u boiU in the cl,, hr oxo of lb. m«l be.oliful we bare and we are lore .he will win th. opproba. iioo, not only ol lbom for whom .he w.. both, but of all who maj be eonneeted wilh her bj Hade, employment or oiberwi*. Length of keel 157 ft, of deck 173 ft; breadth ol of beam 27ft 3 inehee, and of f!»t Boor 25) feet ; depth of hold 0 feet in the clear, with 4 inch plank on the bottom; and 3J inch, on aid... The um bel. are 7 bj 4 inehee, with e.tr. damps end !..- tehing. throughout. The boat ie propelled by two engines, of 18j inch cylinder, and 6) feet .ttoke; diameter of wheel 23 feeh There are two boiler. 30 feet long and 42 inebe. in diameter, supplied with water by a ••doctor,” to which are attached four large bilge pomp.. The boll ... mad. by Mr. Samuel Walken the cabin work by Owen., Row dc White; the engines by Row db Dam and the painting, were by Wm. Lew, mid cabin fur nituro by RoWfU A K«op. Th# work of each of that# gentlemen U ui.lbo high#* degree .creditable to them a# mechanic# Wli,U * , . | The boat, indeed, t# well taraiahed. fim.hed appointed throughout, and we commend her t ', ihn farorahle conrideraimn of lhtwe in whoee prewnce rhe will won be. The boat ir deiUn r,. st. Louie and ha. been built e.cluurely for the Miwouri riror'trmle. W. are .err .ore ■he will meet the warm spproe.l of all who may gir. he. employment. The •Rowen. 1 will be com : mended by tl.plein Jewett. The hoot he. been . euperin tended by Ibe ownere from the Ural, end , bee eireody giren proofnf her RUsliliee.. Herdr.fi , U 27 inch*#, light- A Lrrrtn Fho* Karnaa Matrkw. Tbs following Utter from-lbe Rt. Rrv TUcoboU Mat- Uw, by the Cambria, («y« the Albany Evening Journal) U 100 precious, both *»n it* 'glowing acknowledgement of American sympathy for suf fering Irelana and the announcemant of hi* pur pose to visit us, to be withheld. Cork, Much 31, 1047. Mr Dta*c*T Fatcao: The magnificent hu manity evinced by our brethern in the States for the auflering Irish has inspired every h£ut in this Island with ardent gratitude. We shall ever regarj America m our deliverer in the how of bitter calamity. The immense supply of Indian com wafted into the Cove of Cork the last few days, and the free-gifl cargos* .tJJL axneeled, have bad an unexpected effect ou market Maize ha* fallen from £l9 to £lOthe ton. In the darkest hour of calamity we jh.uM Dot input- The mean of Ita Ur J .r. mloaa all HU wondrous work*. I*m reeolved. <»od: willing, toUare Ireland for the State* next summer. ItahaU be my thatthe Lord may remove every ob ** d *»“ d * Uoiß ' 7 me *oindulgethi.jlariingfo«reef Aaaoon as the ejected arrive to Cork, I autl have the pte**U» J#* tag to you again, ixpresaong my thank*. rr«** 'ffftjrtg kindest remembrance to all my • I have the honor to be, dear Mr. Wom, your* aflecrioaaudy. THEOBOLD MATHEW. Mr) shelijtt th^® wnienl be- SKawMfiMfcS ii*ate«sw~ eooiort of ihegreatest bJn SLui. frith theWance, but without all the modem. Europe. the contents might well h»« *£" •. he took poseesswn of the pa - deemed irnpemoo* *»«*** rtvM «d?“ P* u j seu of iheTuilleric*. Upon finding herielfinetel lo the »«euce of fuianiy ; and y • • ' i_j t fi e apartment* occupied by th® l*t* <du«*& recorJ, tb,l by »n “U Irl - h f'Jrtnue-leUer, c n ’ 1 „ eipriarired the mo* b*c* ed b, Jr*pl»i» de I. P*l'»«Y*“l h ' , , D j „, iofu l eSuorffc B, ihe Vicomle d« yoaibfol eoarpenioo* uiUieUeydey-aoJ tiolic el | g . u ,| le formerly been presented to childish edecntnre. ibe outlines l ‘ h, [.” j ® Uli „ 4nlo i„ue. snd by'tbst su t ust end utdor bietory sod comin, grestuc ? „, e „°„c«, h.d bee,, receded -,.h the mol foreshadowed. The prophecy ot the « ceres. I tun.^p upon the inspection of Josephine < bend. »>■ it. frh fnlhllnJl »a i eye. beesme suffused uttered in these retnsrksble terms. ■ ' .. 3 „d ,hc thus addressed Nsp-lesn: “1 •■You lose a Creole by whom you are lotted in ralllel |, VL . ul La MelmsUsu. This palace return, bur you will not marry bun. 1 our star rh ., [m , f„, me. I tremble for the perma indicates two alliances. The first of you' »“■' ■ of immense power which has -become bands will inhabit Europe, although born in star [A. of motl Jm-img. ■ What Will your Unique. He will wear the awold and enjoy a j r > ~. „ Thal [ Jo nol , r ead in rha loot brief period of happiness. Unfortunate duwrr-n e j ” was then the First Consul’s will separato you, and "'becoming J n,o^ c nf ’ reply;‘.“that the littc French corporal, basing mighty troubles which await -d» k “r gl ° . I the Roman general, has a mind to France, he will meet with a tragic* d ”v!’_ I IKI J the fruits of • victory which audacity alone leave you • widow with two ir.fant cuimren- , * f>r tJ t have played my Your second husbaiid will be v t ry dark. «» ™ - it i(J f .. r V ou now to catch the spirit of yours; pean origin, in the end unfstunaJJ. .Hhoug , V (ln b e lli.h rheee wrenc. so taught with isdcslinud to become famrtu*. tofill tbcea Arrowing retrospect*. VuU will cause the mclan hi, glory, and subj.cl many ““• yJj ch .., v te „,l, of Angus, to be forgnUen, and wc Y6u will then become agn at h y. both if in- w*rk nunic.i*. to sjvereign powen but the day will or ti j - ro xilloW dust into the eyes of the multitude, the ungrateful •hatK'irgft your >jn« », i not yet thoroughly awakened frem the wild no- 1 astonishing the world, you "ill du- a« u ‘‘ h I f. ; lio „> of dem oniev InstilUd by the revolution oT death- Tn« country m which tin >iibuig • uilowed by the word “Republic” come to pa*», fvf®f part of Ccluc Gaul \an . { * rn jn gdd over the entianc* the rniJ.l «>f y»«' prospenly, you 1 . "J 0 “ j ihe Tuile.ies, as if U signify that the new oc ca»y peaceful hlv which you once lr,l mth cu lof tlmt 0 u regal reaidence designed not Upon first quitting It. shores ' f 1 u ow the new cons>i,utlon. A few days ness porlfota th»t may bo regauUa in tut iigu ' aftet in ; cutur allusion to this circumstance, forciunncrs of . ; mi4ar kcd to JnarpJjine ; “I leave the A brief *niv»y of Josrphmos advetnun-su i WlU .j .|j t , lU blic, on the palace walls, on tha same fluently to the delivery of the *b-*ve preuicuo , sflc a p, rion *s Dame inscribed will best illustrato Uuir cuiioub . beneath a portrait which in no way resembles tween a young column and bertef . a childwh M- j .. ‘ tachmenthad ripened into mutual the « parents of bath approved the prwpret of Jbeir children’s union. The unexpected death ol W- , pbine’s eldest sisler completely altered her father a wishes io her regard, and she tountl hurreif com pelled to rcuouuce the object of her tirs* affrcimne, •ud accept for a suitor the Vicomte de Ueuharnai*. Upon her embarkation firr Euro t re, a win <lfru * riaus tUnoapheric phennmeta alti&ctrd ihe atten tion of the ships crew: luminous meteois gltaraed in the air; and around the masts of the vessel, flakes of those phosphoric flames, knoarn by thu name of St. Elmo’s tire, unceasingly played, like ao many brilliant diadems. The omen wan at one* acknowledged by the captain as having uM enceto J.wei.Btne, and to lhe pr-ph.cy of the ,*»oth.»ayer, with which it appears, he bad G»en I made acquainted. Shortly after her arrival in Fiance, she was placed tor a hums io ihe Abbsye do Pan hcroont. one of then oldest religious estab lishmentapf olJtn Frorce, and at flic age c-f m teen became ihe wife of M. de Beauharuaw. 1 o this gentleman she succvsMvely bora twoehiMyen; Eugene, afterwards mirriid to a daughter ot the King of Bavaria, and Hortens*, who became tbe wife of i/Ouis Bonaparte, King nf Holland.-r- Groqndlea* jealou-ies begat duaenamn between Jgiseuhme and her husl<aud, which l«l to a sepa ration. During the turmoils of the French K*vr lution.M. de Beaubarnsis girdeda iword of atat«. as President of the National Assembly, which lice he filled at the { >i>riod . f I“»uiv AVU fligb to Varennem, aud after the tragu ri d«th of that monurch bream* in turn the victim ot lb- Kwgn of Terror which ei.-ucd, and perished on the -vaffold. ‘Thus fill tbe prophecies of «■** , “- land-seer had proved minutely corirc*. AOjr can 1J he wonder* d at that, for Josephine had re*Uy leant I from the course of event * in her regaid to look I open them a- oracle* of truth. After the. eiecn ! lion of her husband, good fortune, however, aeem led to have little in store for her. AH tho elements I „( .'ni «l. g.nl Lfr WCI, in rlirordfr, ,nd I she ws* left in a «ate of d-stituti.m and compara 1 live oblivion. But from ths ranks rf the people. I and lioni au Wand, if not so remote, as n.siguih caut on the .map of the world a* her own, the mm ' was wmii loiariw> who was to still the t. mpe*l o | anarchy, an)l complete the cycle ol Josephine » destinv. Her first meeimg with Napoleon u beet ! dt«nbcd in her own word. I -One day, as l at Madame de Chat— l Ken 's window, 10-iking at -mm* violets, the I famous Bonaparte was on a. sudden announced. I The sound of his name gavw 100 a thrill for which . i I i-iinld notisccount —and I trembled when l saw Saits nt t Law. him annroarh ne kt length l ventured to gate , Kvixiasaas or sutm.-'1 he Supreme Court lSn lh. *h.. h.d JU.I g.in.,.1 .» -«»y « ; of h,. d.-cid,d Uut . Mil *g*m.l th« _ . , Ln p,,,,., All pt«« *'t looked at him in m ak« rofniu tn do** >mt inteiiupt the presciip i I was the first to aJco,t him. ‘Cititen- i., nin rr Ranl to thv- endorwr; that the ® l^ or, * r ' 3 it me that you must : U releß sed. if he U not sued in five year, after the have felt ve'y loath to create, such conalernatiwi note falls due, although the maker was sued within • ,h» ...o;,*! Had wu Itfl. e*ed lor a moment llfnc . h,* P fti»rful task vou hasr ust achiertnl, you > ssirr roa M*L*a*CTica. —An important law I snared lh« vectioii*; n»v eaiinoo w,-re imstlyloail- ; an d fifty dollars for the plaintilT. Hie aCUon ed with nowdrr oiilv. I bad a mind to giro the \ waa f„ r msl-treatment of a dulocated knee j , ParidL a shghnWm; and bedde, e’est mou ; which resulted in amputation of the Irmb.-dfa cacbct que j’ai mia sur U Francr ” . \ hontna (Ohio) I.ndrx. A‘fo* tf,y, afie, tlKi. iQI.-r.icw, llif D.tccfi.r . B'ama ihua Joa.l'liio- : ‘'l Uav. KOI on j aJ.anUSKJUi malch m.u-wfiir J"u I inlmd TOO j to marry little Botupnrlt,. u. whom I am ala.irl to , c i, c the contmen.hirt-Tl.i.'f '!>•' !' Iroal tha ceoqoa.tof Italy." Reowowancer MIJ j rlifficultica wi re op|..«.M 1“ ‘fir-- ahiupt |.r..|.0,iii.0 I by tin li(l,; bat at that epoch, wurlahtp.. hkr ,11 . othrr mciorca. w.-rc ca.i.r.l tty a r™ ; . * mmo-l and JoM.l.hitic lecame tbr. wile of Aal.nl.-.'n uj„.n ( : the or ot hi. lleparturo for the .cam|uisa "I “*• I I U. lie felt that ti> her inflnence be was mvmly indebted ffor bis appointment ‘o •» opened to his aspinng h-M *k» vast and noble j a field of [conquest and diiline'ion, and took leave , of her with cverv manifedait..n «>1 granm-.c. -I owe you much, Jos-ph.n-.” he exclaimed, -but I | shall.eithfr forfeit my head, cr return a i man than they dream «d.” 1 m Upon the news of the brilliant vicUny <>l *l>r Bridge ofMiodi, Josephine wts rumruoned io j >.n | her butband. and we* receivrd in Italy with eve ry kind of homsgeami adulation. During all ihe remainder of the glorious Transalpine c.mpa. K n. she followed the fortunes and often shared the dangers, of Na,-oleon. In *am he rcmonsiran-U with her on the ifiutilrv “f her self exposurr-t-. peril; aufl lu sicken b-r ot military life, would of take her to the front batteries, where the n<»ue of the eanDDu was stunning, and bullets lelj at itmr* at btr very feet. When ihe Ini.erul traversed the country on haraebaek or ascended heighu to reconnoitre the enemy’* posi’ion. MaOxme H .na parte. who was utterly unacruslomej fo so rough r.iylc of travelling, oearasionally came to a lull atop; and met with repealed falls. Upor» »uch oc casions her husband would burst into loud .fit? ol laughter ami exclaim hotn a distance, -Uourage. tnadafne, it isthefoitunr war; laurels are t«.t to be won by sleeping on .l)«n. Tot's woiihy .1 me you must comfort the wt.mi.hd, bestow your peiaonal cares on them, and employ your women in making lint.'' One dsy, hating taken her to 1 more advanced po-t than u-ul, a shell happ. ne.l to hurst close beside her, urn) wounded several in dividuals. Josephine uitvnd a pn-rcing «fcnn, and withdrawing her hand irom Bonaparte, who was suppoiilng her, would have liken Ilight. »>ut he forcibly deUineil her. raying m a grave voice. “You will never bo n Jeanette Hechr.lto, vou are afraid of a ball!” “If,” replied, it had be. n io d. fence of our own homes. I coulJ doubles imilato the example *ct by the mtrr nt Uiifsoii who waged battle with the Engli|*b; but. you are only wonymg a pcsceTul population I .i the •-ikr of enchanting your own glory. For my pan. I could have neither ouruge nor irmfepalion to do so.” Josephine wss sq deeply sfieried of behold ing the blood flowing from tV wound* of tin.*** who had fallen at her aide, that she nearly fainted, and gazed imploringly upon Bonaparte, who lav ished overy potalble atlenlion Hp«m her. cunsigned her to ibe care of her atlendants. gave nnieiK lhal the wounded should bo looked In. and then.ex claimed Wilh «n oath, that thenceforth every wo man, and hi* own wife in particular, should be kept st least twenty leagues nitkit tiorn'tlin bead quarters of the army. Often during ths progress of the war, when the churches of Italy were pillaged of their varied vis eels, and time-honored relics for which the then ot ' terly Impious French Army from then general to the meanest soldier, exhibited the iii“«t eon temploousdisrevpect, Josephioe of that invading host was probably tbo solo person in whom rejig-, ious feeling dorsl still find expression,.u.trrlm-d to check the course of varreligioo* K»bbery. sud procure from her husband the.mtiUltion to the./ respective'sanctosnr* nf many a holy ipoii. ‘ Of s temper unceasingly xnd unreasonxbly jeal ous, Napoleon, although Jorihß sndVriwming Jo •ephine. contributed litUe to her hapless duriag the period that elapsed between bis return from Italy and departure for Egypt- To mere leviies, natmal and' pardonable enough m a young and beautiful and universally admired woman, he cheso to attach «n imp-idance and criminality which hU own cooler judgement completely disal lowed From the moment of her union with the greatest captain of b.s age. sb« hod been, and to the end of hrr days continued faithful to him in love as in friendship- During the eighteen months of his campaign io Egypt she went t> La Malmsison, a properlyjof which aho had recently maJe the acquisition, and there, in the society of a few select friends, led a life of calm retirement only! disturbed by aoxiety for Bonaperte’s safety. Hettoturaed from the land of the Pyramids wiih a miud jaundiced against hi* wife; but hearing fronf M»d«me de Chat—Ren —ofthe fidelity with I bad cherished his hpnor and 1 served h'iiinteresta during a period when active «a»miea bad been eager to profit by > hie absence to inainoale aeeocitione afiainit hlm' and under- hls Authority, he at once restored to her hie 140,900 feci, »t Thcaflairoi the 13th Vendemanr. to UC COKCLtmiD TO*KO««OW. tragedy" NEAR GEORGETOWN. The Mercer Whig confirma the new*, of the terrible tiageJy near Georgetown, end gives the following account of-it: It appears that a nun bj the name of Burr had became obnoxioui in the neighborhood, from va» rious reasons, one of tvbichwa* his having driven his wife a war, and taken up with some girl. Bev oral of the citizens, about a dozen in number, thought they couM drive him off by giving him a coal of iar aud feathers. In their effort to accom i.lt*h this, iluy mol with a determined resistance on.the pan of Burr slid the girl living with him. One man had hi«* arm nearly cut off at the shoul der; another, by the name cl* Staley, father of the giil. had his'face broken in, ecroa* the nose end cheek bones. A man by the name of Craig had a deep cut in his back b< low the shoulder, with a n axe. Burr had his acalp knodfcd off, and was otherwise cut about the head and face. Other*, nhose names we have not learned, were serious ly i, hired. Craig, it is said, cannot recover, and has al.eady made hie will. What will be the f 4 t-j of the others we have not learned. Indeed n is difficult, in the mass of rumor* and eontradio lory stories, to gel at the true state of the case.— The girl *w (represented as fighting like a fury. She is said to have used the ale, end inflicted the worst wounds. Burr has left the country. Mn. Cm 4«u nr* Son.—Mr* Clay’* answer u t committee of the citizen* of LoawvilU, Ilk ing fwrmisiioAto h**e the remain* of hia eon in t-»eJat Douiaville, is in the chute »nd affecting language befitting the reqvtut. Mr. Clay aajfr: j I yield, grntlemeu, readily, the permission re- I quested Louutillo now contain* the remain* of hi* belortd wife, and waa the place of hi* own residence at the time of hi* death* There j*, J therefore. * peculiar fitneea, that lb use who in life were united together by the atrongttt bonda of j effect! m, should sleep together in death. For the kind and friendly interest which the people of Louisville have taken on an occasion so dispersing to me; and for the generous sympathy ; mamfektt-d by you, in yoar obliging letter, l ten i (U'f an expression of my profound gralirude and thaoke- I am. gentlemen, with the highest're* uect vour friend and olxxlienlservant, i ' H* CLAY. 6>rtiw Putuburgh Cittrttt °» E„l„„ e ct„~iw.»a«i. Cf.hr Pi,«U«.jh citizen, of Elizabethtown wn. held m b • , nxiTlMOliP MARKET •li«t Church of ..id to*,,, for the Relief of lieUod. I BALTIMORE MMWM ? p Ssi 10 srtk ass-“•“*«:«ra 4SMB &■■ ! Th.< falluwinir oriitlf*jfn were appointed to .t I4fial47&per;bu. . 1 ,«fc, h ch[.,o rf .11 donation., «nd forw.nl Ih. A modulo |d™..£d Lm« to Uic1.,.1 Allen, E«,. M...... S.mu.l. ..le. .e.nll.ns .1 -9.8-elor " hit. Mil. .nd Walker Franc-i* Nel*nn. and Samuel Krew. : UOe for leUow. • ■ . . ’ , .• B j;rt,. rn -,t i 1 A good demand preeail* for Frorieton*. liolu* On motion the meelinj .djoumed. er( J M „. ru , k „. TO ; 10.61), but I 1... r ol no P ,:,. T .,.e™,,eX,u..-T1,.C1..i0 nln at that. Hra In, *n« tian Church in Allegheny completed her coutn- to*liy in aasll'parcel. at, $13,75. 4,00 per Ibl. botion for Lord'. D»y. It .mounted The matke;! for Bacon i* alwut m before—tian»* to *lOO.OO. Thi.,’ with $2O more by Dr. WU- action, to the extent of 50,0000 Ibi are wpMjjd liam Church, Sen., .nd $lOO,OO from a neighbor- ,t the prie tp current prewioo.ly» thoogh more foU ing Church, forwarded to Elder Samuel Chuicb. ifinythiog, 7j.7jc for Shoulder., B r a9c made in .11 $220,00< which with $120,00 for the aod ?*lO for I No Cholic in Ireland, rai»ed thowhnle .uocontnh- The wd Sfjc. >° uted by two of our Cburche. to $3,40.—1/rucm- change m Lard—9 apd 10c for bbl. and kegf. ist. - ——- A case which created tome excitement around j the office of Alderman Steele, came up before that fu ictumrv on Wednesday. A aoldier, of Capt- GaC. lie's company, named Polterafield, waa ar» resleJ on a charge of pawing a iporiooa note. After the. examination of a number of wttoeaaca, including many of his comrade#, the case waa adjourned oxer to this day. , Some sparling occur red between the Counsel, Mcssra. Wylie and A. W. Tost. r. The wiineaaes, we underatand, t#s* ufiud to facts, some of which were plump contra dictions. - 7 The Wit the Goteujimeht tbesti its sol ii 1 ens. A Isle letter from Vera Crux to thi^phi!- adelphia Inquirer says , •• I' p to the present irtnmenl, not one cent rtf our wages has been gl*en us, though Webave sen from home near three months! This is Wrung. A little money just now would be very aedepta ahlo." "" - \ This h the t.urdfii of complaint from all qW ter;i nf the annv, and ha* been from the commence ment ol lh* war. ‘ then the aoldiera hate not been paid at all, and often in depreciated funds-which iboy have only been enabled to turn i'r to curient money at ureal low* to tbomselvea. GiviiiniTTH ion Tiir. lituisLaT tbk. —We have received foi nomination to ttnrSUtq Legisla ture the name* of several citizen*, hut as they aie unaccompanied with" a trspooaibte name, we havs not felt at liberty to insert them. We have no objections to publishing such! nominations as no tices to the public,and only desire that those who nominate their friends should be peisomlly known to u«. ' _ ; ' CtvraaL Khl Ro*u.—Anoth«r of the Engi neers arrived inhown yesterday,and left this morn ing for ftah-m, Westmoreland county, where, we believe, surveys arc to commence, i The Chief Engineer, Mi- Thompson, we aie advised, will be in town in a few days. Mr. Miller, we under stand, bat taken up bia residence among, all of, which looks like an earnest beginning of this no ble enterprise. I Dr. VaLcsTivt will continue hia performances this and to-morrow evening. Those Who love or can enjoy morrimeot, or queer specified* of life as it is, will find a most agreeable evening in hia WtiKßi is Mb.‘Polbl—There was an illu mination in Washington, last week, butJMr. Polk appears to have been as cautious in spending $6O for illumination, as he was careful in omitting Gen. Taylor's namo from his annual message. We are requested to annoapCQ ttUtj-Bev. Mr. Wills will deliver another leeiureinihaCburcb of this evening. A flat boat load of oats tank at the ild bridge on Tueeday night It waa raised tgaiq, yetted day- Ceßsi|Mnile‘n£t ofiiputilnsiii o«»et t3 COOD NEWS FROM TIItGIN IA WasatsoTO’X, April 28. 1 We haie new* from the Third and Twelfth j District*, where, unexpectedly to many of us. the Whig* have bee* successful. ! T. S.FJoumley is elected in the Thijd District, where the majority for relit waa 518, and W. D. Poston, in the Twelfth, over Mr. Chapman, - where the Polk majority ■« 949. Thi* i* u cheering a*, it waa unespccted. The Southern mail ia in with pew* from \ era Crux to the Bth inst. The city waa healthy, and •all qaiet at the Ca»tle and io the; neighborhood. pHii’*., April 28. No important new* either way. Baltimore line From ili? Balptnoii* American VIRGINIA ELECTION. We publish below a list oC Congressmen elec, ted in Virginia at the recent election as far as as cerleined: •Second District—Geo. W. Bolling. Whig. Fifth—W.I<* Goggin, V\ hig. Sixth—John M. Bolts. Whig. Seventh— dodge Btyly, L. F. Eighth—R* T. L. Beale,.L. ; F. • Niolh—John 6 Pendleton. Whig. Eleventh—J- McDowell, L. F. , Thirteenth—F. McMullen.' L. F. Fourteenth —H. A. Thompsbn. L. F. (Fifteenth —Win. G. Brown, L. F, •Majority reported bj Telegraph,eight. 4-pfo opposition. tNo regular Whig candidate in (he District In the First district the contest hn been very clow—both parties claiming to haveeleeted their candidate. ! i We have no iutelligrnce from the Tbtrd and Twelfth Districts. . ' The Richmond Tunes is sanguine that Henry P. Irving. Whig, has been elected in the Fourth I District. „ , I We have no further returns from tho,-Tenth | District. b'n»ii ilie Richmond Republican, the prospect thus ear. Tbe election thoafaT baa Jgone very decidedly in f.voref tbe Whig*, and there ia a probability of oor haviog in the next Congress. seven out ol the fifteen member*— to wit J. M. Bolt*, Rithmond District. W. L. Goggin, Alberraatfe do. G. W. Bolling. Mecklenburg do. H. P. Irving, Buckingham do. 8. Watts, Norfolk do. j W. B. Preetoo, Monroe do. J. 8. Pendleton, Culpepper do. The delegation in Congrets from Virginia laat year atood thus:—l4 Loeofoccaand 1 Whig—tbe Hon. John C. Pendleton,; wbo baa been re-elec, ted. There is much amietyjlo bear from Virginia We have it hy telegTaph from Fredericksburgh, that Mr.Goggin is elected by 12“ majority, and a report that Mr. Bolling ha* defeated Mr. Drom*- goole by eight vole*. Whatever mat be tbe uncertainties, the Old Dominion baa ; done well. We have no later accounta from tho Norfolk' di*~ trici, there being no boat ibis ynoiniag. The chances, aofar, are in favor of Walt*.— Sat. In tel. vf Tuesday* The Whig# have gained one Whig member to j the Legislature from Greenbrier County, end another from, Cabell Conjity, but the Assembly | will be largely Loco Focoj. a* before. Ficlurive Corre»j>ondfii‘*e hi the Puteburub t*. * PHILADELPHIA MARKET. April 28. 8 P. M. After theponlention between operator* in Flou. for several days,both partie- concede*! something and rame to terma. which reaulieJ in a fair amount of huaine«k The principal transact! >n* loot up 2000 boll ataudard brand*, at SG.I-IJaG.aS'J ;per There ia also a belter deiwfnd for Wheat, and calea to-day of prime samples of White at U»oc per bn. and of Red at 144a147c per bu. A fair demand for Com, and sale* of prime ! fellow to extent of tOOp hu at 90r. Rye Floor on the «j»ot; reah«es i*r hid. A moderate demand only. <^, Com meal baa further [declined. The uansac- _____ f .. lions to-day left the price at the clo*e f 4,2& per muj» Maple Mota»«e»; tiwrrel Z tui bbl. Flour; 8.l« of R,. to . moJortU, .»«.( .t S3'' *«.. (UjLBBK i *Of'!s\ o. Su,., .tit. to „fnt of too hM..t U«V»>“^ b T&J tJSSSSSSSfrTc. 6 " I “Ac, u»ual terms. A. v ’' *' -- • - -- - - i Tb. .tocl-of Pro.i.iims in thi, market ho, breii f\BV PA KCIIKII, £V<K3ANm.FJiS ! much reduced, while the receipts bate not Uwn XJ .*P d V" “, , I near equivalent to the qhanuties retired by Iran*. , MUNOK* &• action- tahiDß parcel* dul of the market. Ihe . VtJl p_ So , in Uaf in gi*o*p. fcreale b V ! movement.. more animated, and prices are both So ‘ ivtcufc McCA.NPI.HgB . I fU 'ls'o local new, worth i lel.gr.].lnnK- t^ A^ n T," Nr ' S i:l ’**'fv‘ii;K A McG.tBDl.EStt ny-'”*' •ngsra.ftiaft&_ WEEKLY G AZ ETT E coBTLSTs ill i>abt—April I9lh. General Taylor's- arid Santa Anna's Official Ito ports or the Battle of Buena V i«u. Late and important Irani Mexico—Santa Anna’i Address to his Army.-j-Laler from California, Sa«.t: Fe, and Vera Cnrt-r-Genertl Taylor’s Letter u Gen. Butler, i l ., | The latest Foreign News,—AU the nows by Tel egrapb—Meeting and! Proceeding* of the C’onnelli villo Rail Roid'Compiny. City Illumination LatestTelegraphiciand Election nows.—Foreigi ind Domestic Markets—City news, iic . ftc . For sale at the desk. irrlrlsh Belief,—Tho Committee* appointed to -Tplore the different Ward* of our euy. are requested io clots rlieir collection* the present week. and band ov*r the money >o M. ALLEN, Ohm n irr-tIOSPITAL MplfriNti—The Managers ©I the \VP Hospital Association, will meet at the Bank ol Hli„u.on f RpKHi ST) 00 BOOTS 5',00. OO VoTOTH BTIIBBT,’ CORNER OF POST OFFICE ALLEV THE tuli-rriber respectfully inform* the.public- lint h, ha* commenced (ho manufacture of FtuhunaUe Boot*, ofigood mnirtml and workmanship wbirk lie wilt warrant superior to any Rout ever marie u, I'.tnsburgb for the price. Then- handsome L**'» will be. mud- to meafure, and warrant ,rnW. »t>”* fer * l ow f’ r,c '‘ of . Fl> .'n, A f»'n. IVBKIllMs” in- A word of A«vloe.-Lct individual suflei itwfiom i lie Pile*, 'have itnraediaie lewurer to Dr rnhatn'« Vegetable Electuary. From Urn umfortu sue • * attrndtii* tin- in-iiieiur, even in the most «>l>«l‘- 1,,, eav- it may bii regarded *- n certain rented) *1 Wholesale and Hetall. by NVVA'fI A l2l FuHonstrr.-i.New Vork; " a- Tiioks, «”.t. .cl jf.’S. siwrw ....... ‘•Phfhuech.Pa. Pfirjetl per l>o». apJU Iw Wy-Salter’s Glnaeng; Panßceß.---Mr.oir.AL | T*tuwo*T— 'V« beg leave to call public allenl-en U> ■-ibe following,Tioia I*« "'m Doan, ol Wuham-viUr. ■ ‘*<l, ami one of the very first practitioners in ihe county in whTeu|he rnude*, and laic Senator iiqihc ..Staii Legislature, jit t* eheeriug thus io tee the lead ing men of the profession, horning the bonds of profe. ikioual prrjodiee, aad giving merit >i* due: -Sir: I have in my practice Imeu using someot your , (im*eng Panacea, +od. so far, am wellrpleased m n« I effects in Catarrhal Bud Bronclnal Complaints. Please Mad mo half a doiejn botlles-put them »* low »» voo i fLt; as t ejjpect if it continues in reader as general »oi* jisfacuon as ft has kefewfore, io keep it constantly oh hand. RespeetfnllJ, _ |_apt7 WwiDoaa. x. ». nESHBTLVABIA RAILROAD COMPA f" nv—Notice Is hereby given ihtt the *Jd ittsialmeni of Five Dollars pef share on the Capital flock nf the Company wift be required to be paid on or before the fourth day of M »y. 9»«*; By order of the Board of Managers, apUtaeyl - •* v MERRICK. President SUNORIEB— <5Tm« tnfall white Besnq 1500 lb* W R Cheese; •4» do Roll Butter, , .-|J kegs Leaf! Lard; “« C hirf_ C '.tf KS2S S Thi. i« n»L>blv ihr L*« article ever offered id Btore This is P**P»iy ine v* WICKERdIIAM th ap‘tt , * r ‘ cor sixth * wood # jfelUC CARTWRIGHT, _i ' , IMPORTS* and ManX&etorer dF.Cotlerr, srdil>«} r' * • W-. , , ■nd&nt|illwinaBeMls#»ii4JertfadTmn«r»*Swi«i —rcr-' IT_, " A«ctl*4*tr 5*5 , inala.''fisTl«r*P*le*rFbe*r*,lU!. 4d AWo mmap&e- j *3 By JdM*'®- !>•▼»*« *** OT ™ vl f Supporter*. Ac. in pen 1 f ; ;■.. . tj-. SJ. C».3UJnafaeiurer and Importer of Pen Poekaiand j 4;- Ba)l<U*C Loll at AWCHO** vj* TableCuUerjf Rarer*, Setters, Fite*, Saw*. Tool*, Ac, :• * . ~j wairnoon, Mar Ist. «t3o*eloek,W4ttt* aa« removedlto * valuable build.n* tots very t»3 WOOD Pii.burgb; <reo»d Joot br- toU va the n Fol?th itn:etTMA-or-PrOT^ T tow ofam*id Al?tjr, ' U,ld,omel,r thereto, embracm* And ha- Ja|r. y received 4?lareea»wnm«-m ot . vaan r -, lT iie residence or busmen Pen A Pocket Knff*-, Knives * Pork*, uesirablr , °w h may be *een at the auction i Alto Rodj«ir»'and Who•*enbol^l« , purpo ea. A P T. m, James B Irsria’ • ! FINK CttTLERY, ' ’T' 4 La ot mpS «dond i»l« C KHiOtii, Rodnsr-JWadeA Butcher’s Kaior*.i?ci-soiK‘. renn-.ooe fifth caa « sifr eoual*«re*a»F*Y* w 1, ,» -Rarer and Wire ’l-w.-t "IT jr OUNS, RIFLKsStAND PISTOLS, * I with mtere-t. Purchaser* to p*> e*^ Alton’s Coli'iiDd Blunt** Revolver*. Powder Flasks aee.n* K . unf4TOr *ble, the above will be Shot Belt*. Game Baas Walker*. A 601 H Extra Per- , **%'*}}&&?' m *\\ ,£ Commercial tale* nam, cusuanCtfiJiJowierbirk and Hunting Knives. • w!J a' * o cloctl, * • w p ap27 Tool.Mueri as C.ltipcts, p.viders, Flyers, Nipper, corner of W ood and Fifth Hand Vicr«l Square*, .Rules, Brace*, Bitu, sp° ke Shaves, and Die* Wire and Iron Guage*,M .th omati'ca' Instruments, Ae, injVety freat variety Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done., j . ______ *P** ~ \IEW BOOKS—TIie three Divine sister*. Faith, i.l Hope arid Charity. _ The heaven: or a direction to Heaven. Bt Rev Thoms* Adams, with nn introduction by Rev. W. H. Mctnor* df-JJts* Mary Jane Graham. By Rev. Charles Bridge-, M. A. Author ofj Chri-tian Mtn ■ Concise Systetu of Theology, on the basi* of the ! Shorter >'«tcfhiMn By Rev. Alexander Smith Paner-1 UAmencan History: comprising historical sketches of j tbe Indian 'tribe?: a description of American Anuqut-1 tie*, with att Inquiry into tlteirorrgtn, and the origin of the Indian tribes r i , . History of the United Stdtes: with appeiiptx showing n« connection with EoiDpean History. History of the present British Provinces? Hi«ury of Mexico and Texan by Marrml \VIII*3n. The alfove m*t teccivcd-aj.tbe Book am» Paper store of B . %Ll.lurr k ENGLISH an-.!* 57 market st 'and Journal C( mf\ UOZ Apple Graft*, embracing stout forty kind* IU" of summer, aoiumn and wfmer vtrteuev »i -ected expressly by the subscriber, ftotn tie celebrated-, .rchard of the Hon. WaUcr R'nvard, for sale cheap. Al*<> grafting el.ilh. a'Htiat and convenient article for -rafting? budding and cpityring-wound* ©n tfcesaod •hntb*. prepared by a sfeltul amateur. n p.«t N WICKEHSHAM. cor Glh A. wood.sis BIRDS AND BIRD fine smgng Bobbin, one fine mocktTtg bird and canarj birds of sort* adtl colors. , . . . • Also ’Bud cages, eornmon and fancy, some or which w, hiivr jn.l receiv.tl .lid “* WStSIS.'S, bnrgh seed store - apg> > N WICKER. HAM I OTS FOB JAMB- *#tau *>n i»« ««*», i Li Samhfcelil H-Jitectlympoiite !.>•«>", SUofb A. Co. |. nrß r -mU 40 ft from by in deptJ*. /*»'»« ,w * " c weli “ tu * ,eß i * f "liTv wllPb ouTliur»dny,*:.l. p, N ,],,*■.* of Alteriwny. OH OIL WARDEN LAVKSDRRr-t Urge Lan: , ', 'JL,-.- hoxierv- Uce* Frearh worked eketmiatu;l>Uek rastK'SSSKs? ritOHATO CATSVP—« cn.e» Tomato Cauup. j fnrinillmrr* . -h. rnool , at 3 o’clock, “’“S'- j si™"% .M.«•>«, »■ -■s'- BpSS . _No 17 J»Wrty_M_ j declining the dry good* hu»ln»»^t_ i • • 1 4 4 if W«m> Plwtcr Pui L*. for *ale at the FiluliuigU j 4UU French Uurr Mill Hour m.nufacton-, No Jt4 I Liberty »'. nmr the canal. " « " AIO.AC.e- | aj»*ja WOLASB— IW •»** **»*; . |OO do IHXI2. on do lOrHk 25 do 7x9; for sale l.y rt F VON BOyNHtmST A Co^ T)ALN BOAP—Fme ijuaiHy. r do do Common; just reeeivetl and tor fZ J rtCHOONMAKKR k Co i„5! _ __N»ai «««i«. I -BAB—Hyson k Young Hyson; Hyson Skin fc Gunpowder; Imperial A Black, for sale by an .M V WICK A McCANDLLSS, * cor woodaud^waiersi* BARYTKB— A inn* Batyte*, of *" _ aeo , ?%!&_ ilO HULS BwttX Cider, on «ion«igomeui} *i i 101.1.1 t Kyr Plcor, «Ou kft" Nail”; for tale l>v apW BACON— lt“3 lb» Baron, inoiwd, jml leeefrcd _P» d f ° f '* W br ' M Ksfi POR x l «pVJ _ No & <roa> >» FIBH-Maclrrel. U.ls indk.u, , HAY RAKKS-JO<Jo/.for*mlr by f ] ap «i SF VUN nq.NNHORSTA <'« F'LOVn .-WLWI KainiW Flour, for‘air H * s F VON CIIN.NHOR?>r A r *’ BACON F»<i«vn «□»*« Boron Hum* *tid SW'uld*J», i.u .*|V l.j aj.si* Fsy !r KR-T -pHB*n BO^BCTTI!H-WbM.N»^ uv-u ('inr-nnali s‘oaj', lO arrive, lor »*!« bjr l()l) H i3o " W MRGER 50 Cur«l Hd P*V« pllftll DR Jackson'* Embrocation 1* ihe onlv medicine ihei wiUciitc tni» k> very unnmon and iroubleiorac jmeore- li »oi only immediately allay* pita and infla rnaiion, *lop» aH Heeding, -mbdur* that mioleraMe ilcb fn\ rdectaallv cur«, In a *e,y.short nn-.c perron* J l)lf lives bJV«- been render.-*! in|*er»ble lor year* - luai.Piidni'oll produce-. no i-im. btn raiher an agrcee 1,1,. aifj pleasant «ene»ut>i ' If person* afflicted win hum iiuiulat o, i ii ruiU) ilii*y wtii be junoni'dreit. A pelitlcuian w ttTiV city J-w ho b»i V«*i under Hie kuiic oi the aiigeor. j ~m c, without being cured, hua by u • lilt-houle* « ! ike Kmbrocaitoii been craditaily cuie.l 1 ‘-11. I.V-yu.,-1 pma-J.nl !M H. J v Ift A 1 frr3 , |>J. r «-!_ n, INiiaburxli »l lire I KklN ThA Fourth .ucti, bearwood, and-ilw aiCbe Drug Store of HPdekwari*, Irdiral at A „p^ * :*ssKßrt!KM^fc irn*ive Tanning KrtaMUbment, all m «bod re- P *Havme determined. ia cou»e<ioeJ.i;e of infirm age, 10 nrc*euti Vtaelt io any one wi»hwg «o carry J lo “- . P Columbu* i* probably the *>;« P°“« m ,he Su,e fo * procuring a uniform supply of hide.*, P One oi\tH)lh of th» dwelling fa°o*« a Ulc ftomSlhc rest of the property t(* e« red The . *n der»igned will g:re any further information relati« 10 ..ijjmiar,,. am, *n. on •PP'lyjj^'jjlgyua OMKDI.RYS BRICK: PBRSS-A.lte «*• N .on bar now commenced for- makioc Utlck* the l*?* ;lea?e afiain n call lU« 9< hrickmaier* aiid other* 10 tbi» very niefdl Wr will warrant il'equat if n*»i »upenor to-Miy other Hrick Pte*». of the aame price now m o»e We Have a number of certificate* ol iheirperform- Mitcc, which occupy too much «pare for advemainß, l>“ invued to givei u» a e»H We wtil RtT«ioa(Own juar»nt«e for the performance of ,h- *•» « oul McFAEIEN *CO canal t>a»ln h penn <i ap-Jn d&er3uiF NTKwXstD VAI.VABI.K BMKB-U- N Conauinuonal lli.iorv o. Haitian* tan "■'“"t" • it.rtof Henry Vll to the death of George 11. By Hen ... lUllnm From ihe Gftn edition. -Mrcn Event*- described by distinguished blMonon*. i-hion!cler*. n»d other wriirt'. Collected, uud m pan Iran'lnlrd. liV FtlUIC.* I.l« Iwf Thr Juveiiil.*'Speaker comprising elementary role» mid oxr(p|«c»tn Declamation. with • selection of j«r -"?for By PrsneU T- Ru«*e . io«roc«or m Elocution at Princeton and Ruiger« Colleges, 4c. Th“r"bY their Right Name*. and other atones. fa ble' and morel piece, in pn»« «id urrenßcyfrotnthe wimng.ol ft '-Berbauld. * ■ k KsJiv,“i{i r 'BsS ß « , o^iaV i ß«£« «w-b ihr writing of Dr. Jnn | ~,. or Direction'for luvogoraimg «yid Prolonging i.ire. or ihohirelalrpmrtr. »r Wm. Knchmer.U. I».A* - ’ No Srt PteidrtalEngland ■/.miini'* I.aun Oummnr, abridge I. l-ni'Meliy ' .^, P J |. HKAU , dll, near market rt POBmU "WQIUtB— Pori* eud totry «f| Ante rice; ‘‘JL* **' J i <e ** i I'oeM and Poetry ol Europe; - Q J» ,\ a do of England. >" do do do o' AncenD, do do Hook of British Pw'*; . , T llovriit. Milmanend Keiii*; > o o*> Coleridge. Shelley and Kent* ' “ *} H dion. Voting. «my. !»c«tt.c toMu... do do Frabli lleber end. Pollock; 1,0 *«* t'owiier and Ttininp'on; do on [•“m,.belp- porinal Work-, t.ebly U.ond... white •V * °,l‘ MiltouV Poetical Works *!“ lirman* tin do i# . . Landon; Moore; Barton. Burn., Hogg; H«od.*«* The elKrre.Vnb - large of m .. d.paninpn,. of I.l.nOun-, ’ KNGUSI* '"ap-jO * injttket ft bet. 3d A 4ili it. WW. WU-SOS, Weteh Maker A Jeweller . comer d.I. and Merkel •«- A large and wel ■elected .lock of tva.ehc.. Jewelry, Silver ware and \i iunrv Cioo«t« Always on hand and at regular ras tern ur.ee', Hold Patent Lever, full Jewrtlcd waiehc. a. low a« 810, Silver do watches,a* tow a* BIH. Genuine Cooper, tobias. Johnwnamloikcrapproved make of .watches may be had at a small advance and W irj-Rnie watch work done mths very be*t manner. u - r tf - sp*7_ I'IVF DOLLARS REWARD.—Lost yesterday, el- P il,er >n Allegheny city or PilUbargh, a Gold brace let irt with three Topaz 'tones, 'utihunded bv aJilack enamel- The name engraved on the inside—Wilamina E Wallace. The above reward will be given if re turned m gt od order at my office, No2U Liberty street, “ip** , W W WALLACE JOHN F. FKHPYy .late of the.firm of Malcolm Leech A Co, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and Flour Merchant, dealer in all kinds of Country Pro Juce. Copper, Tin, Tin Plates Tinners' Tools, Zinc, L* ad, Rasta Sheet Iron, Iron and Nails, White Lead, live Staffs, Canon Yarn*. Salt, Ac, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, eorner of liberty mad Irwin btreeu, Piusbugb, Pa. advances, ut Ca«h or Good*, made on eon • igumenUpf Produce,Ac. , J'‘ _ * JOSEPH n. BMMWr . 57 {South- Whams. Philadelphia. TMPORTEB of Orengt', Lenmns, JUimM.FjM, 1 Currant*. Prunes. Dates, C«tren,GraP«»,A!«wod», Filberts, Walnuts, Cream nuts, Oromttf nnts, cocoa PalcniHatlbro Scalp.,' B nd Underwood*' P.rkles. Sauce*, Catsups, Syrups, Sp.ces, A. - ipixtox |->jinrfton Salta fJ . § tbla Bmlu at Amctlom. fidar and Thnnday cream**,- April 25 Jd will be found: noreliita library; kfrr Uivruuer; Dickem! no tela* taJe* Id; Scout Life of Napoleon; geraa frtm uie -L| melange; amaiorea’ muaical übrary. tie of Wealey; American Natal Biofra- Jancirni Uitiorj. ? toU: wort* of. Fla ■j biatorial .cabinet; life of Qinat Ul A* dry of ctriman oeraecmiona; »• It Declaration©? Independence; pictorial Jdie» garland; doway bible*; gramme ana Uudoir annual. W, thefeanuin. edited U - Uic token, a juft for all mmobk jrorka tidier; iboug.hu oa habit and dl»ciplthe,,| i book; lexai and the texarra; Hv«» ofrob . land banditti Familrand poeket.bible*. , many othen 100 uumerou* to meauoal | a« irranged for examination ddnn»lbe commence at half paat7 o clock. apJ7 ON Widne •ntl iP. include O'Melley; Hit Kulvrcr*' do dd Openii ma*icji Whitehead’# t phy; Rollin'#! riuf Jo*epbn#j ]x>»lle* niMoj •t<ner# of tht magazine*; l«i< [du«>c«l olio. I : by Arthur. If : of E/ M Cha | *cietinfic cla* I beta. liUCOltcr; Jtc. AC > "'‘lt 1 Tb* book* \ day. r Sale u Dry G*od*» morning, Ihi SSW.mM, »' 1 lorce a*ionio*iitirfi*n*on»ble dry good*, "cm” Mock of on "Sjij AIM), o ouonmr of new ”* d ?J“SL e £T aa; parmad*; *an*bades,boou, “**l **• At S O’CkKk. r. M. Thurrii will t>e void • erobrac nx tt ipyvii »to»e thing; umbirl coffee;;i Y /Urire: superior m»nufmc«ured tawing** Id household JP» **»in« bureaus, mabogon) c L *l^7 A (jußitthy lie lamp*, i anil;C->-»e- W engraving*! JIT«a;Sr»l/l tmoking lob i]evoTi«nird < urcoml hogdny dr|< reaUKtnabpi , liigh Lack j anil low j w»fr;t|Ueei At 7J O'clock, P. M. oC book#, ■# per adveiiUenieni *ps< W I.KKKK rM)K THREE n.jhvi only. I* oocnical charnciem, embracing tun, f**c*-,lreaaJ™J£ folty .ml foul,la.. .Ilu.mml by livink br.U knave. »•"! ooknownp-noo.-mu»M«~o muk.cal *kricbM. country coun*.ow maid*, **“'l*' ” finer unvrli, learned Ignorant womeu, wiean^ oit. * o’clock, .I. .. ... * ~ NK«' ANII MOST EFFECTIVE RraiKßV^ DR. WOOD’S SirMparllU ■ad VVUa Cherrv BlUeri, for tho cure of the folloyms j,^.'S"I?XeVL,T C rCo«pl,mv Ml Wffg.; nlmnu »ick JlfwiUcLe, Heart Hurt*, Sal Co.t.vene-s Me*. PalpuaLoni of to U£ ?eM Scrofula Impurinr*©f rue Blood, Pimple* und PiMiute* on (lie Face. Hrrcdtui) Haroor*, Cold 9o»e», r«a i - .r,.my ft*. mi iWicon. ° rM "’ jb"sstffc : , ks J&o£Bgf ° and Wild Chowyßjgg* JW «j. totLe nubtle abcMi rerolru dJOutn* • •go,.*M Jurine that period their aocee** ha* b«n» J*****!j? ixrinfr iheßronrietor to offer them witn rtilf more conn denee. in the lull belief «•*» by entering mm imttj lenme ore. they wilt *“ ' bo “ IJaTPI” b«,b, fa: Trice . mcb‘£bi2ni I . . . „ STAR. CLOtHlire StOßKi', SO TO WOOD STREET, PITTBBtfIUiH,. • \ A to Eastern Ready-made Uothinff, would full r take Ihirmethod of aoltcmnf the attenuoa cu.Lmct. aud the public generally, tothe felto™** lists of their stock m trade- and *«»ure them aUe,. w» .Sa«”aSf^Srt^KMSß toe, at less price* than thcr can Lo obwmed e J«»bete Thegtreseht *ir»ckon hsnd eonSisD In part of ihefol lowing dertripliooof t oo *** l . •m.An'tn’." 15ft black doth dress coats, from 810 to »M l*Ai do do French do “ S' TO brown and invisible green do 1« » . . sack edtts, splendtdir.madek« ®*** r * l t wo pair pants, of ■» ttyW qnslmea and fum y.aia do do do do toodoren Linenplainandsljiehed bosom shins; stock*} scarfs rravats oovres; colUrrj.auspendcrs; weks, drawers and under shfru of every -vinr.iy,‘ all of ihlcbha.BllpenrpppnlsrpaTCl.a~Kl Dre*ein season ’ Merchants and others who are in want of clothing, cannot do benerthaut*give osacaii To Tmtelleri. . “BXPHE&B PAST PACKET HE- _ FOR PHlUOßuiniA AHD BALTIMORE. _ • [ErriiUirrij far pmUngm\_ . TIIK Canal and Railroad bemg’now in excellent order, the Packet* of tbit Line will leave with paa. «en*pr» a- folk»w*,.e*erynighl at • o’clock: • Packet Kentucky, Capt. Tioby, Monday, April *6 do Ohio, Craig, TuMday. Apnlsß. do Indiana, Betkry, Wednesday, Aynt *«. do Louiwatta, CapL Tnompaon. Thursday, Apr. W ..do Kentucky. Capi.Tmby, Friday, April®. , dtlo Ohio, Craig, Saturday, May 1. ido ludiana, iWtkey, Sunday, May S. do Louisiana, Capt. Thompson, Monday. May 3 do Keoiueky, Cap' Troby, Tuesday, May 4. do Ohio. Capt Lra*. VV«dne«Jay : .Ma» i l do Indiana, Capt. Rerkey, Thursday, May t> do lxiui*iuna,CapiThfimp»oo, Friday, May 7. do Kentucky,C/ipl Trnby. Saturday. May »-• i do Ohio.Cupt. Craig. Sunday, May®. ; | ir voti desire cheap travelling and comfortable ac.rom mclunoii*, >ccure your ticket* at the Packet Office, MaaOMtahela Uouw, Water evret.ot-of . “prf D UXCU A CO. panal Baam DEAVEU, WABRKJI dt-CLEVELA.iID | LINE OF CANAL? PACKETS AND STAOfeS -1847. iSB&Bi CANAL PACKETS TELW3RAPH A SWALLOW, LF.aVE Beaver daily at a o’clock, P.»«... after the ' anivul of the rteamooat BEAVER from Pittsburgh, And arrive w Warren next morning in *ea*o« for the State* which reach Cleveland before nl*ht. ' : Passenger* will be receipted through, seeonngberUi* on the Paeketf.aiidieatvtnthe Stage, oh application ' ou board stelml*o'at Reaver, (leaving Pittsburgh at • I o'clock. a si ,}or m the agrnt*: . ti M HARTON A Co, Piii»bur*h a ARKEA Co. Beaver : JESSE BALBIVINi >oanx«iaww ■ ai.lS, ALB TAYLOR, Wwgjij ■TX7'iEES-Rqr oka treble grape YY n do nf the celebrated Ro0»» brand, * <J“ Undon Port, very old; l« do different biand* and vintage*, . :i or ea»k* U*bon wtae; y i, do dry Malaga; ’! flrc.V. *up L M M.d.ira win*; '5 do Madeira vintage, ISM; 13 do different brand* and vintage*; y do c»k» »weet Malaga; 5 do do Red wtne; - the above wiaea have jaw arrived from under Cun™ l» Now York; poT»no wjrtJoß EVo*«. »■>■ t-'i auantitie* to »niL boraaleby s cornnilhfield and frint *!»-• ORE SEW GOODS—At W R Morphy's Dry Goods: Hum, naaA- tatt eoraer of 4lh and Market streets. flrrriTirt TfirfruTij in ■ismtliitniof Linen Tibia Diapers’from M to 8 i, ineloaiu some very saperior Dacasik. Alto, Bleached andanole'ch cd Linen table earths, very tow.for duality. Abo, a: pseas Bud Alpaca Luilrta, a fait aitortmtal.ft<mcdn moa to very loperior, iadodiaf sotneof very Wfi® litstres. ■ • ' •. • : apw ■ -nraiTß roods por nai!«i-* r ‘ >V Morphy invite* (be attention of the Ladies te.b * very ftU Mxmment.nf white «ood« for dress**. ting of 8 wist tad Scorch hlnlTs, Naoaook net maxims, barred Jtckonpt, snper Satin bolted P®° striped,' soft finish do, Ae ‘At. , . • As these good* are paieba*ed Immediately *•??*,£ manufacturer*' agent* 'or importer*, they can at the lowest prices. | , ' EW vV V .'t?i> •' • * ■ P 3 da Gaapowder} jSs do Imperial; || 3Q aod Gan powder, i cor wglor wood cfon, «lloT_ J i do dry Apple*; l da do. Peach** . , •: : 4bbuNa 1 l^rd,ooerlandtoifrom At. «»SKS® »3 WINDSOR SOAP—c core* old Engliib WibdiO) „ B °*"' j scHOONMikYEB A CO Spy^GE— Selected—'te f y £oe. leaMcaeunon* , , w * -1 fc«to«*»» r feaaa tAmfcC o VpEABTA?Ti, »» re»>* h JsCftOONMAKER A CO f *P 39 _ No t 4 wwjd erred Li and for »«* of n IJbCTir «- ■pSS * — ; 1 <*.,* ’'lliSXl’S!' LU by *|ff Jantnai copyj; - WA^^ rtV “^^Col.Ll^r»gj; i/ RD ""isit 1 ?® R-jpjsr En l U«d 1 i F ,SKir,i. :—: »■■■ ... £a: 25 “^" FU,c *° ll “ rl ° l M “ , “' <l ' fo F-' , KLI'.KR3 VENISON HAMS, Ac-l bi Veni*oß Ham*: - i c »k baeon r«c J todlbr (lie by . FWBND, RHEJ *CO *p23 ' ; 57 waigm. IBBL FreibCansonsilo Flower*. Ju**J«* i *T‘** ml * . BAFAH^^CO I "ct' BAOSOiyr *«. Pin IBON—IOO ton* bot tad cold Mercer co rj pilwOßTH, ..j. ■■ : ,^ fat »ile by 1 OVIiK PORK-SIW lb-B»lk r.-k. o»w «dln« **-£& ssst. «..»U 50 luge "■ do do; 5 begi Pepper; f<?t *»le «-V - arils f GREER liTjm irn« *cw—*o -ibl« and lo tug* bry Appier; S gbeMpbuMed; * begsTimothyS*eo; 3 bo!* Pork; aeuk« Potuh;- y) bat Dry PeecbMi 3 bble prime Roll Baiter; Jan received and fer relejow bv _ • M» ENGLISH fc BENNETT, 37 wood U bbl* Green Apples, veiieiy of ben kind*; WO lb« i»r>«nor Cbteir; • bbleCiderj . , . 3bf bbl* Appleßuuer,in»Jeof grwV ed frail, e aoperior aiiiCle, ;o arrive; lor *»le ly %T» IdAIAH DICKEY t Cv, water end from «w SVSDHIKft— * kef»Lanl{ 8 da Bauer; 4 bbla roll Boner * do pared Peach**; 3 do Cranberry* 10 Jo Jnod Apple*; received per ' wool* BAGGIMG. Af\ IHCU Burlap*, tollable,fer Woo] Sack*; Aho, 4(9 Grain barrio*. plain ■nd.lwiUediin I real tafie: • “ 3S Market «*■ Philadelphia 1 FHVK WBIT* LIHB-Jott roeeired, » Stm bUUof very fine While Line from Si Lamt, fai reuilint In any qaaMliy to Bait cartomor*. . * Isaac Harris, com »««• ■p« J* ~ No Math r ESSL. fJvtAj*—* chert* EXIT* File Imperaii I 2 do —do do tiaopowdin 5 do- do do YoouffHyrou, S do Chilian Powehonp For »ale by an* ■J P W|LLIAMS_fcCO_ FlBIl-lb bbl* No 3 Maskeul; ' 5 do do** do 51-2 do do” do 5 *-.# t'lim— *ibbl*r»o * Mackareri GhlfbbU NoS do OO kiU ’ do do 4 Salmon, for Mle.br O BLACKBURN A CO, «p 2? cor water »t fc cherry allay Yellow bwkbt potators-s but seed Sweet Potatoes, jn« received in food coodt non, and for eale at the Pituburfheeed wore, corner w wood and &h us. ap<o s N >VICkEB- ||AM TO LET— ti two nory Brick Hew, »iun.»«d «t O. t l..J.Pn.T.. c ,h i r iT F;r o g rjo .P^.. Co BOABSIHO-A few ceoteol BoarterteM bo «C commodostd by »ppljing»oon tt N 0.3, Bobmwnj new Bow, Federal etrtet Allegheny Ctty. »p2B ot LIHBEEOOIL-IS.MO smJU LinjejdOtJ, lomotc and foruleby- "i JOBDAW & SON a • 16 liberty rtreel inn nnn LUebacon,juMweivingfiom»moke ‘-‘“. ‘'"'•j jaaPAN j *‘‘‘“l S?S&l!E«ltt" apS6 cor penn k irwto in /Id? bbUWe«»Pptk; . , " ' ' 4b l, do Prims do. F “-^" J b d ' RnAII > 95s me too* Hot Blasu tor safe by • 1 >t flB FRIEND, RIIEY& CO,S 3 water *t : ) 4 m tlLB—outsail* winter bleached oil; t- 200; “ whale “O •i® 5: “* “ o blamlobn* CO /TUSOlintiD LEMOHBi ID urn *■' rwicikss&*-*« ■ P^ c “”SK*" b “ 4ne ' l ’ aatf - ’k ' No4swater. AWwocdto SHOT— 44 hr«assort edjNor, received per steamer ,rt7 Cri “ n,l “> “ <l JWmsoNt CO nO UL BUTTER A LARD, in »»« »»< f M \ »ale by L It 1 Pmuk_ SMOKED HEMRISiP-rlWbasii't "e’dand rortate low by '•y ep'J? t bA I D WICK_ mo lAOS-45 iwi», "landing. frpm j , ieamrr Jr Erie, and for safe by JAS ®Ai Z . FX *; a pV7 tSrwaiar w JCTTKR- 1 . 8«„.„f.,..'.b , i)ALZKLt [ “V 8 DALZELI. jr ■ „ ALZELL Rales Deer Skin*, landing, fro* and fer sale by“ JAs DALSfcLI. HT-79ba«bel Peaehea; 79 do - Applet,in«i«aai»<i JD WILLIAMS A CO • nowoodau JURIED FBI Timothy reed-* tn eis*n Tmto,hy *«a in store and for sate by aptH JA K FLUYjj MOLASiB*-l0 bW* Sortr Hoo«{ *P3?_ 3 D WILLIAMS* CO nOTAIH-IO cuki fin - ; 1» ini to k 7 PStr • JfctggyglJw »«*••"»« . YOEKMIXTCWSI-1 eu« reeM *“L fi jr*»lo bT .prtQ SItACKLgrTA WIHTjC_ <SJrCTTggIHIy*'-^ ©* jott received nod lot Qaalaby < . apl» ■ J KIDD,fl | wood.«t - L reoMand to ufo br •,■ - J **ft p ££g - S”ST? “"°*- J “* W^ifl*skclwpi^s iIITtEO-4 bbti Freih 801 l Butler for »*'< &7. HpIO WICK A MrCiuiPLEaa nOT ASH—Prime Poutb i u* *"d ’ * 'by apiv ' . WICK A McCANDLESS yiD-anapjy>Guleku Lead, received per»tM»ft CSS?"*"* Y£a, ow ' cy‘D.«»w»^£:, "PwJ.*~Tub Wu»l>eJ-»wl Palled Woo WSSMI'.Sir 8 * * HAIIHAPUH _ ,-j. Mfii,HHIB«--'M bbl* ia note sad for rule N. by * <5» _ OF.O Morgan a eg, r^PAItfisHWHITING—4O bblt to *ale by ‘ S«*S OKO MORGAN A Co, 1W wood tt RIO- corns—SXlbtil landmff from Ceaal-and for ulc by _ »pls L UEO atOKGAN ACo - S' COUCII‘ULTI4I ion* for rule by tpIS - W ÜBEBR,eoTWateranP«mitbficld . APPLEI-100 bbU Boaaaiie Apple* for »a’e bt ■pis- , • - ;,. w 08888. y bTASH~ISn*e« youik or m!«Vt - fiptS _ WJjBEEB tpfi&-3)kr ebe*U Black Tea, XtoaMeby • ari7 _ yr u«t.uß_ QCORCHIBOS-ObbU jail tee d Q >P t7 . ; WILLIAMSADIIrWOtTU_ QOVPKE.UU bur* part Ureen g SAjUTS-19 cask*ou br SOAP— 190 bit arriving torn Cineiaaiihto tale by ■ aalT - J 1 p*TH. Jbji ree’d eud ‘fffafob™ M? J D MOKtiAN , pi*™- 1 Boumdy Pitch foj p'^^p A y ATCHBS—I9 (TOM toco too. to •**« b J\ . apl? 3 PMOBOAS.KUawpodtt B , £ 0,, -* , • m ‘£b h ° , £'c“' e gdUi^'tl^dUU wffiyg^ysafflßHattg Tb ATB* BRICK—9OO beat Brfttdl Scooting Bnek, j)fa W l ß by apU ,JSCBOONMABEtACo L'IVSBED OIL-4 bbta Bare, for tale by „ apl4 1 D MORGAN. Wlwwiii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers