ypV;, PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS. Atwood, joxeb 4 ForwBNJ.nR AlMcbittiv, bare returned ■tm_nd, Water amt Front Miffif. I'iiuburgh. AKIEK LEWIS, Attorney *1 ,L*H Form* •_ »!. brtew ‘ BWnCOIIESTEa,dfiIci mail kind* of In* .ported end Umcj.ic Pegars. Stpannh LeaL and be eho.ccsi k:riitioof chewing wholesale and eteil, No. U\ Th. rd siUrty.l , iii>Wr*h. . tuuuici, ti«». *io*«nßn». Bit AUN At REITER, Wholesale nod RouU Druggist*. emuvtmf Liberty and St- Clu»To4re*u, Piiubnrjh. - : „®*X. , BARROWS A. Tt'RJSKR. WhDjewle and Br u.| 'dcuVr. ,P finer •***! ?'*rle Dry Good*. No. « Market »r,3 Joorsfiosn. Third. mi BA. FAHSKSTOcjc 4 CO., W|»Uiil« k . mail DnJW» ,fc - <o»i.ffWMjtiidlilliil». jyl . BA> SAMPSON A Co., Grocers, Onsmisaioa • Merchant* nt-'u Dealer* m Pittsburgh Manafae* lured articlea, Nu. Hi I-l-fity meet, Pittsburgh. . oeBP BAGALEY *. KMJTU, Wholesale Grocer*, 18 Sjd'AJ Woodsurei. Piii.lniinu. AMITIL BAG A UK V A CO., Wholesale Grt>* ff'n m „d Produce «teal"r«. Ni*. ts*J Market street, be wren SiLandbh, Norm • dr. I'u .adelpbia. noe9 Ct A, UoANIILTY Jb CO., Forwarding and > •lUmuni**ton Ai. rclni *i>, faual ilsrin, Pittsburgh, Pa. me hi C-1 ORLANDO LOOMIS, Auorney at. Law, of j . Cr< on iib »tree V uteye Stnnh&etd- ppl7ly_. iVo. Coleman. John F.Jcnninx*. llailmao.: CIOLKUAN, HAILMAN k CO,*MBftett«r» / effama;*-Springsand Axles, A, 11- and Bp nß k iftrel, and deelrr* in Coach Trimming* of every dev snption, umiufjeioty on Si. Clair «. Wiritaw U Woo il at . o£po«itr S\ C’harlea Motel- • )****•, Baiaael Church. ■ / im iU-ll \ CABOTHKKB. Whole.*.. ?il.!,..rth .W*l HaifturfUSPrbol. suift*. jxir. l . . i.. CHJVBIfI VOIIAM 4 llOSJflitt,Wkaltiile G.ro . c.Ki'.itntj.oii aud Forwarding • Merchants, dealers in I'rmlucr ami Pitt-burgh manufacture*, No Hi Libert) *t, |Mio.trfh _ - - • ISTc*ri.aT ' ’ *• »• CAItNON A- Mr.KNIGIIT, (»«ccr«Mii to 11. , uuarr n. « o j Wholesale litiym, CbqHfthamß and Forwarding Merchant*, Dealer* in Produce add Pittsburgh Manuiacmre*. Sixth «ire- l. Ijelweeu Wood and Liberty. Pittsburgh, Pa. _ __ °?u4 lmporter and wholesale and retail .dealer in Fancy and Suplr Variety u&xtr, »umpl ibe CiiJi -Comb. 10a Market street, near Liberty, Pitu burgh, Pa. • oall Dll. FR ALICH, Dealer in Prodoee tad Family . Reiuu firocer. No 10 Liberty at, next door to cor ner of Maiiet ai. James Dunlop J Harrison Sewe'.L DUNLOP 4 SEWELL, Attorney* at Uf, Office* oil Smnbfceld, between 3d and <tn au. mchMj „ . ‘it rv* lt Jottn cnaxxv. nyVALT, 4 GERHART, Wholesale-Oil). r. cern dealers in produce aud Ptiubnrgb manafac lurei.rufuerM Liberty and Hand .su., Pittsburgh, Pa \rw a XS6L OU. * HMD I- IMX.i • • ENGLISH a DBXNKTT, (late English, Gal larhfF 4 Co t Wholesale Grocer*, Comflttsaion and Forward.ne Merchants, and Dealer! ut Produce and Pittsburgh .Manufactures, No. 07 Wood street, between Second and Third at*. . ..:■■■ nctl , 1 \ AGRAW 4 McKJIIGHT, Attorney I It Law, iVI nffiru removed a lew doorr.ueartrGrant Wrect, on Fourth to Bakt-wnlfa Old house, ■P Mlc > boiiWAlU) * »WAR?TZWKLOKR,AiPi r lies, iii I.aw. bare removedmeiroffice to the aoatn ~dr of Tom ili street, between Cherry Alley aod Grant street. •£?"_ P'k'iViend " Geo Khey. Jamei Wood. FRIEND, UHKK4 CO.. Wholesale Groem, iiiu (Viuianssuiu Metibmnu, audAgentafor Brighton Potion Varus, No*47 Watfratid lUS FronuucctsPm»- burgh. fa. . _ -- c - I ' Bbl MK, piano Fotte Manufacturer and deab P ,er .n Mu'.cal tnsupmems, U< Wood street,near F.rtt. mc “? 3 _ rxco# ri.a»sTit. ;cmn a. roumt. Ir»OR8VTII Co, CommiMion and Forwarding 1 Mrrcbanir. No. JU \Vater_Mj, atayM iJRANCIS SELLERS, Gtocer, Comminion 1 Mi-rcliain Hud dealer in Produce, Cordage, <W«, Ae.Ar. No 17 Libeny it, near Canal Balia, Pittsburgh, N. IL Oakum, Piicn, Manilla Hope, ke, alwayaon hand. ®I?L Fit. BATON, Dealer m Gloves, and • Fancy at.U StapleTrinuningi, 63 Market *2* | s Piutburgb. . ap> - OXO. HOXQA*. WATLBIUS fAUC' *• GEORGE AtOaQAS*CO, WbolewU Ulo cer» anil CouuuisMoii Merchanu, IUS Wood *tr*et Piiuburgb rx GEO. A. BERRY WholetaJc Oioccrand Com uiiton Merchant, in Maee iiljd Pinaboryh Maaoftcutrca. fto 10. Wood »t, Plnaburga- _ i. /iBO W IKITB & Co., iktw<n, Ijr ud'detlen in Hop*, Piiubur(?h nnd Point Brcw cne», Penn and Pm streets. GEOIUK COCHRA?!, Coo«Wuo# n Wi For* weeding Mert-hent, No. »W od»ueet,Pm»bmfgtu uieyl? < i . _ * o. m i c 11111 ” Geo. 0. Btowne. T.TU-L &. BROWNE, (*uece«»oni to XT i Browne,l Importer* ud rnwinf»ctmrer* of W»ll Paper audtienml Wper Wawhoaw, No- 87 ureel. Piufbiujfa. . ]e ” - VTaY* A- BKOCKWAY, Dniggi«*. No. 2 Com. XI ntercial Row, near the eanal ' baimrl Fiuabaryb mchil-diy __ „ L_; TTuIaUY BBCSOT, WHITE A Btll> IXAD U Manufacturer. Faint A Oil Merchant, corner ofUb cny and O’Hara «»., Pinihurgh.. »»♦* - IIiUH SICKtT. EOlllt DICIXI, Jl. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, Wholesale Grocer*, CoronuMioa Merchant* aoddealera ujPwJnce, iL 0 * MtV.aier and lOrFronirntrecti. PUUburch- W™ _ JOSEPH KITOX, AtWiney at Law, Kttaburgth p*., ha» returned the practice of hi* proftuwa In biaofcce. No7,llakcwelTt BuUdmga,Grant «VeeUOo rmpird daring hi* abaence by T. 3 ■ Bigfaan aaiW. Cbrane, K»qr*. £&lk.wUF (0115 D. MOHOAJf, lYholeaale Dnbnp*t,-«nd J dealer in Dye Stuff*, Patnu,Oil*, VanUiiet, Ac, No 9J| Wood tirecl, one door South of Diamond Alley, Fittii.urgh. 1 • ■ **”* - JAMES KEER, Ja. A Co.. f«oece**or* to Joeeph O. Daria] Ship Chaadldra,* Water at oc3l TOIIN WALKER, Agent for J steel, No S 6 Wood «reet; bar conftamly 6a Imnd a Unto aiM.runent of Extra Cart. Cast Doable and Sta ble Shear, German and Krtgliah Blitter Steel; whtch he will «nll an the aw aceommodaling «P*». atehlu TOHN 11. J erin Mu*if aiidMn*icitlln«nimenw,Behdol !»*•, paper, SJaler, Steel Pena. Quill*, Printer*’ Card*,-and Station'ry geaehtlly, No. el Wood at, Put*burgh. lnagbi *»r ukea in ttade. ?*?** J* SCHOON MAKER A- CO» wholesale Drug* • gi*t», No. «4 Wood «i- PitUbuigh. “PP- J'oSEPII JOBDAH A SOW, CrnimnaaionAad Forwarding Merchant*, No l-i Liberty »t, fifty. ll'fieM it. I Sarwp«on’t Bow. ‘ . .* . TOIIN L. OALLATIM, Auoiaey at Law. Ofltee (J 4>h at, between Gram anASmithfeld, »o*lth aide, Pitttburgh. Fa. WjU alao attend promptly to btwjneaa _n the ad>oinmg countie* _ r ?fPr*y. fOIIN D. DAVIS, ADCnONEEB, comer FiJth ,|_ ai , , . _ oaS JOHS G. BIOWEIf. Af*nu Wholesale Gro rer and Cbmmia*ioo Merchant, W ater *treet; 2nd rloor above the Monongahela Bridge, PituLargh. in*lron, Nail", Gla**, Ac. at mannractuTera’prirra. . novas . rOUKBTOS «. ITOOMmii- J Printer* and Paper manufacturer*, No. 44 Marte ttrP.ttaburgh. '• : .... _A*T JL. HEAD'S Book Store, 4th, near Market at. . ClaiaicaJ.Tbeologieal, HiatoftoaljiSefidol, Miaeel* «Jneous_snd Methmbai Uoot*aad apM JW, HOBRRT4OV A' CO.; Banker* and Ex* . change Broket*, comer ofWood and Third atreeta, Hotel Building*,) Pittsburgh, P*- .. . • ItjrCnrrency parchaacd at the utual rate*. -acUl JOHN GBISR, WholesaleUrocer.dealermPro duee, piitabnrgh manufacture*, Tin Plate, Ac. Ac, No AN Liberty at,. Pittsburgh. _ J If" John Floyd. Riehard Floyd, r t It. FLOYD. pate J. Floyd A Co.] Whole tale J , Grocer*. No. IW Liberty street ‘ i • • ’ »• aeptf TAMES DALZELL. WholesaleGroeerOonuaia* «J i; Q n Merchant, and dealer in Prodnee and Pituhurgh manufacture*. No « Water at, Pittsburgh. . i«alß_ LS. \ViCTKB.MASi Wholesale Grocer, For , wardinß and CommiWm Marcafem, Dealer in l*iit»burfh Mnnufacmreiand Produce, Noa. 31 "*icr moil <N From *l*. J - .. ... . J *L. r EWIS HOTCIUSON A Ce*, - Wholertle Li Grocer*, Forwanl’M and Commimion Merchant*, •nil dealera in Pitubtirgh’ManuActarei, &x. t No. 4S Water and »I front at*. ' t •• "* •' ' : JWm Supioß. tf ArtOKUT t SHIPTOH, Who|e»*J« Gloeer*, 1j Forw»n3sU{j «ud Comml«»a NercUoU, tttkn .» rroduc#* Dd k*m*burgli mumhetnrei, No* 13»ad mXVuod it. u ...,. . - lohp ' jatan MKSTitI. B. U- Ba»b6eld. Jm. D. i fGILLIt ft BMHFIBLP,Groccff tad Con- M tn\«.on Mcrcbwi*} No 1M Liberty •*»■*.«>'«*• • L BS!iJL • M Alim. Alex. Nta>ek. • : iW* K Niajck MALLEIY ft. Co., Cocuwnwa «b 4 Farwartiw - Mcrelumu, W«lerond* ? n» t^* b « ,, ! r *f B .''L? d •.vlMotkei. ' "• *'■ “ •' . Myitis'll lIXTK& i Co, WtoleiUe Grocers 1 ' I<*° «’)i nn-m e. w« iictnMX l.flUUt & EICKSTIOBt wboleial* «»• Jxl rtx* md CaoßiiMwn Mttchiau, N»I7B Liberty •urn. P>n*lor*h.Pa . ~ r • -S' i i*nl« MeCORD A and ntall ’ll» iml Csp,manufacturer*. aad deafen >in Fancy far*. corner i»f Wood and Fifth «»». Jin *_ Mfc J. HLOAM, Wholesale Grocers, Dealers in ■ Prodaqe and Salt. sod Forwarding aadObatuia a.on Not Kl LiWny tad *vT\Voo4 streets, Pittsburgh. ' ! fj XT iioEHkfi A SON, No. fiftidarkei street, wi. iV. ond door from comer of FoanVDtaltre in For eign end Domestic Bill* of Exchange, Certificate* of Iknofit. Bank Note* and Specie. ' t , |J7* Co3ttlUm mnitsn all ih 4 frii%efpt£t otia ibvsrf4- ovt tkt Viut'-i Rum 1 '•' 1 dctl7 MURPHY, WILIOI h €A, TVbolemie Dry fiood* Dealers, No. 8 Wood airtet,' Piuxbargn aentti ; j .■. ■: ;;i i i i ITW i"oiiiiexirr. . A Culbertson. ' Grant POIKUEXTSK ft. Co 4 Wlioltttlt Oroeert and Commission end Forwarding Mertfixmi, No 41 . , ~ deeW- RH.-HAWKINS, Attorney* in LavsiOraat m, • UikeweUVßttllduif*, nearly cpposlto'ih* New Court House/ -• ' -■ ■ i. ■aplOdJm* ROnKRTSOS t UEPPERT, Predmi D.. 1. era and Oomnuosioo aerckaau, No IQSSebaad at, Pitubqtgh.- I ~ icplff RICHARD T- and la Dealer In Foreira and Dome sue Saddlery Hard ware, and damage Trltoinmgsiof; oil deocrj treat, No J 33 W ood ’ , , j ap* 1 BUSINESS CARDS.’ a. aarcs, jr. g. q toinioi. R BRUCE A CO, Wbete.ale Grocert'Swni* non hterehams, and dealer* in ; prince ami Maaufccuire*, Liberty ti oppo»itc Sm.th- CjW fJ-j PObdißrxb, Pa. mvs BARD, wholesale-aod retail dealer AV in leather, Morocco, shoemaker*’ Tool* *ud Fwd um. Tanner* and Ceniet* Tools, and Tanner* Oil, No. 181 Wood at. Pittsburgh. " *epld pODKAT DALZELL Wholesale Gro-, AV cers, Commmioo and Forwarding Merchant*. ter* in Produce and Puuburrh ManufacluTct, Liberty •treet, Pittsburgh, Pa. feldM j kOßtaoir. an't, i. aoatso*. pT&OBtlOH A/ Co., Wholesale Grocer*. Pro* Aa» duec and Commission Merchant*. and Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufacture*. No. 160 Liberty meet, Pitts burgh. Pa. J janiu ROBERT KOOnE, Wholesale Grocer. Rectify ida Distiller. dealer in Produce, X*itid>urgk Manu factures, and all kind* of Foreign and Domestic Wmti ■nl Liquor*, N« II Liberty- atreel, Pittsburgh. On hand 4 v «ry large stock of superior Old Monongmltela NVhj»key, which will be sold low for ea*h. may23-ly HTo. Reynolds.-" 7 “ J. L. Sbee. . RKYNOLDP'4 BHEE, Forwarding and Com* mi»»ion Mermans, lor the Allegheny River Trade, dealer* iuGroceries.Produce, Pituburgh Manufacture! And Chloride Of Lime. .The highest prices, in cash, paid at all times for Coan'ry Rag*. Corner of Penn and Irwin ip JanSl {j C Sbaeklett Tho*. R White. PHACKLETT A WRITE, Wboleule Dea- O let* in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*, No B 9 IS'ood street, Pittsburgh a febt?tf SA W. RARBAUOII, Wool Merchants, deal* • ers m Flour and Produce generally and Forward ing and Commission Merchant*, No XI Wood street, Pittsburgh. _ _ jant SAMUEL PALMER, Attorney at Law. Office 'n Breed’s building, No bd Fourth street, between fWood .and Pmithfield. nov3d4wlr STKPUBS BABUETTt Manufacturer of Fan >->',Sliavinff and Toilet Soap*. Winter and Summer rrrk*cdLaidOii.*£. No 17 Fifth at, between Wood joud.Market.au, Piiuborgh. Fa. <^rtt S; F. VOS BOKHHORST k Co., WholeaaTe ■ Grocer* and OommiMion Merchant*. jDealer* iu P.ll*burgU Manufacture* andYKeitcrn Pro duce, have removed u> their new warehouse, (old*tand> :No 35, corner of Front M and Chancery LanK nov? SAJtUBI* M» KXKR« Forwarding aud Comtm* ■ion Merchant, Dealer in San, PioJuce and Pm* burgh manufactured article*. Canal Basin, near ?ih it - Ss. WICKEiIBH*H, Deater'io !*erd», Flow »' eranFroii Tree*, and Agricultural Implements, No I W 'Voo»VtOTet“i*«U»tawffc— - ... „ feb* JOHV'il TOWHHEND, Diueg'M cany. No 43 Market *l, lOfce door* aliovr Third «t,, will have conttanilyon hand a vvidtheleci ed assortment of the bent and fre*he*t Mcdiride*. which hcVili aeii on the Jowl itaaonabla term*. I’liyrieian* tending older* wilt be promptly attended to, *ud *dj. plied with anirlt-ji they mayrely upon a* genuine. will be arcuiairiv and oravly prepared from the best materials, at any hour oi lhr day or nirhb' •Also for tale, a targe stock of fresh and good perfu mery. _ jant TIIO*. KfcNNKDY, Jr., Looking Glass Manufaria; rer, and Dealer in Clock*, Comb*, and Vann; <lood«,co<T»gf of Wood and Fourth streru >l9 'T 1* For*Tth. R J Fourth. TUlt* VOXUYTKI &Co, Commission Mrrrnanu. .'•dealer* ia hit, Lumber, Groceries, Prodtn * and njUabarjfc Manufactures, Canal Uasin/Libeny street, FSpebarfh. _ IrhH Ti.aiLLucn, Looking Glass and Picture •Frame Manufacturer, ana Importer .of Looking <{lt*s Plate*; dealer in House’furnirhmg' Hardware, Fancy I Goods, 1M Wood street, near Fifth. a»C. ■i : JOtfFi'Ba 'VICK. DAVIS X CABPLUa WICK A H>CAIIDL£BB| (successors’»o L & J\D Wholesale Grocers,.Forwarding and Commission. Merchants.'dealvo ja Iron, Nails, Glass, Cuiion Vfcfaa aad'Pitukergh cotnerof Wood and Waiira»,Ttnsbengbr iscblS WW* WILSOSf. Watchmaker and Jeweller, » comer of 4th and Market street*. apis WU.'HUIIPHY invites the ladirsto call sad • examine hi* clock of French Worked Collars, •nine a* low w SS cenii. tnehn W . Couuausibt} Merchant, and Dealer in Prwiacr and Piiuharjfc Manafnctorra, corner of Water and 9.mihfield >n. Pituburyh, Pa. ; wli WIiITMOEUC * WOLFF, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Hard ware, tml cry, Sad*, diery, Ae,corner Liberty and St Clair street*, Pitts burgh. _ . ap I *- WMt OLEHR, Bookbinder, has remofed to the corner of Wood and Third its. above C. 11. Kay, where be it prepared to do every description of Ruim# and llindiag. uprl WW.WALUCS. Mill stone and mill furnuh • tog establishment, N 0.344 Liberty »tr’t, near the canal _ mar 33 wn. x'ccTcaaov. bobt. a cptcbcob. Wfc ft* M’CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers. • and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manafactures, and Western Produce generally. No. I&3 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. m‘n W*. MT«ITCHELTRKE, _ \S'b^l7«7irc7^ • cers, Rectifytue Diiullcrs, and Wine and I.iijcor Merchants, No. lot) Liberty etieet, (opposite Sixth »t ,) PitulHUgb. _ k raayl2-dly IA O* H* ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has » » ■ removed hi* office to the Kxcbange Building*, s?t Clair street, next door to Alderman John*. sp3d3ro • ■ * JL7 H. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Staple, r* • Dry Goods. No 78 Market street, Pittsburgh. norlWly ", Vt/14*1*1 ** Dietnei,) Wholesale Grocer*, are now located at No. 118 Wood ft, where they offer lor sale a latte a**ui t memofGroceries and Pittsburgh Manufacture*. at low prices and oo favorable tern*. mayl3 WWi VVILSOB, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, • SilrerWare, Military Goods, Ac, No. 57 Mar ke_Mtreet _ nor? WTtTMCRPHY, wholesale and retail dealet in •Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north ea.tcor nerof Market and Fourth nr. amril WMJ F«IUWkN,Jr. ( liav ng.purchased the Drag Store of Edgar Thorn, corner of Penn and Hand streets, will seep a constant supply of ibe best medicines, perfumery, Ac. Physician’* %fp*eripiions emptily compounded.— Medicines eanwtofcad si all boon of ihe night. fcblOdly* g»>_ - " A M WaHmifoßL’y.-M.-< John F Singer. tirALLIBGMMCD-A Cfc, Commission and For v V warding NCJ*ko®B».Bedond, nuar Wood street, Pittsburgh, Fa^*- 1 «-*■»- *-, feblS f f to take the ac knowledgB£R!rai3'lf|o(jhSNfßMdf,‘Lease*, Contracts, Depositions, or anv ofeifgariting (under seal or not.) to lie used or reeomed ffj&jAe Prate of Ohm. Office on Third street,above __ _ jell-tf WC. AUGHIHRBUGH, Attorney at Law • Fifth street, nraC Southfield. Collecting, agen*' cies and other business attended lo with punctuality. gMUtilWl Bieselli A Semple; Wa Croghan, Esq., B A Fahnestock A Co, John Herron, Csq r Graff, Lindsay A.Co, John Wright, Esq, James MeCaliy, Esa, Maj. William Larimer. JeH-Iy • BRTAR, RECTIFYING OIBTILLER, AW VBOI.UALI DXALKB In rOREICK k DOMESTIC Vi\m k LIRDORS, So. 1 14 Liberty *t~, ond 63 Diamond alleyi PItTPBUnGIf, PA. itlMly ADAM HOEH WHOLEPALEand Keiail Dealer in all kinds of Se ga rs, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco and Snuff: Union street near the Diamond, Pittsburgh rap!l WARRICK MARTIN & Co., Bsslrfi, DtaUrt is EaeAaagt, ’Bank' JYiin arid Cain, Corner of Third and Wood tfireels, Plttiharghi Pa* H W Williams. ~ ’ ' WmT M Shan. fSareasor lo Ltwrit A BUriamr.l WILLIAMS A BUIBB, ' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAWI (k>Ofiu Norh sidenf Fourth st.al)oyeScnilhfield.-^d ftM7dfcwlyF 71 WALLINGFORD A Co.,* ' 1 SECOND, NEAR WOOD STREET. A sctT« rot Nartoa A Co.’s SnttL Have on hand a lull assortment of Cast, Sumaa, l febl9 Bw«tsb and OaasiAM Sritst. E. J. HENRY, ATTORNEY and Counsellor si Law, CINCINNATI. OHIO. Collection* in Southern Ohio and in Indunft am! in Kentucky, promptly and carefully attended io. REFER TO—Hon. Richard Biddle. Wni Bell A Son, C urtis, Wm M’Knighl,Church ACarother*, H'mllays, Esq., James P. Stuart. Willock A, Davis. _ lri®_ Oliver Blackburn. George U. Joor*. O. BLACKBURN A CO, W,HOIESALK Grocers and Dealers in Oils; Boil •tores, and Pittsburgh Manufactured article*.have on hand at alt times a full and general assortment of goods in their line. Water street, near Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. janl.'l “WlkMousk or TUB jdbiata wows,- r rOB THS S4LI OF BOILER IRON, BOILER HEADS, FLUE A FIRE BED IRON. E. F. SHOENBERGER PITTSBURGH, PA. Having taken the Warehouse formerly occupied by M. Blthey A Co. Water Street, memr Ertn'i Staam Mill, Will keep on hand a full snpply of all sizes of Boiler Iron and Head*. Flue and Fire-Bed Iron, made from hishof JunioSe hWau; which will be sold at the lowest! market rates. Engine Builders and others, are invited o call and examine his stock. Qtdcrs promptly -at f nded to. jyiJldlv }. B. SWEITZEK, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlea Id St* opposite St. Charles Hotel* 7 vinco rs~ PITTSBURCHi WtT.r, also attend promptly lo Collections, in Wash inaton,Fayette and Green Coumir-, Pa. , Rim to 0 ’ • tt T oEo. l, w. smm . co, J~ neuuiPßu MALSTERS AND HOP DEALERS pImBiIRUH JLTB POUT BREWBBIBS. ante, Btiten Alley ul Finn «, »«l f“>l °t Hus,, i , pHlihargh. Pa. JTaTtoiibntfn. wBO ,Kh BAIhiPicfuKEBSOPSTABCB, •yf^StWSS^^SSSSSSiSIi of al low Prices and on geiod Term*, . _ • aeOlyr j . . Bearar* Pa MfJOHJI DUNLAP, . , ANUFACTURES of Tin, Copper, aad Sheet Don Ware, and'dealer in Bnunm* and Japanned Wan, No 17 Market street. The sahsenber respect fiaßy calls the attention of the Western MerahaaiSi Country dealers, and others, to hts hsrge stock of man* •faetared Ttn and Copper ware, with a large assort* meat of unported House Fuifnitbing Hardware. ~ WbolesaU buyers and the public generally, are iavi led to call. ’ J msrff ■.-r. arxsoa. s asuoN. _ >ui. rosrtxi. B. P.h S. NKLSOH A CO.. Manufacturers. of Hammered simtii asd Hordes, Hoes, Hay anil Manure Forks, Ae. Warehouse, No U Wood strec marlj FORWARDING k OMMJSSION. A. M- Waliißgtord. WALLIKGFOIID 4 CO, Joe F Singer. COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DIiLIII 19 HEAVY lIARWVARK AND. PITTRBUBOH UAniyACTt’UKS, WAREHOUSES Sefoud Mttci, ticju. Wood, sod Canal Basin. Liberty street. have on hand and for. ■ale 100,000 lbs uHitedKeel, via;' Naylor A Co'* Curt. Shear, Biirter sod German icel, , Jones A Quag's Am Ulmer Sforuig and Fork 200 dot Shorn*, Spade* and Hark* , Carriage cpiiog* and Axle*. Anvil*, (mouse hole,( Viren, (patent and rnuimon'.l Sledge*, Sledge Mould*.Crowbar,, Furnace Ringer*, (Juniata Iron.) Matlock*,Clay and Coal Dick*. Aic*.Scythe*, Sickles, Log Chum,. Ac.. Ac., [l7*t l u!smauder Firs Proof Safes, lion. Nail,, Glas* and other Pittsburgh Manufacture* told at the lowcm pnre« feblh C R Danrabower, J Renaldo Sank. CHABIiKS.iI. DAMESUOWKBA CO. TOBACCO -COOIBSION UK IL CHAM'S, Ns. SB South Wharves, and No 117 south Water *t B„ PHILADEL f’HIA: EG iq inform the trade apd dealers generally of Pittsburgh, that they hav.t nade such arrangement* w-*U» the Virginia manufactur t» and die Growers of the tv cm, West Indie*, and oi ter place* as will Insure a large and constant supply Jfihe followingde<cnp tions of Tobacco which will >e sold upon a* accotn modating terms as any other bouse in Cats city or else where, and all goods ordered irom them will be war ranted equal to Tcareueniaiioni— Havana; St. Domingo; [Conn., I \ ara; Porto Kico; Penn’o-, [ Seed Leaf To r«j I Florida,) • baceo; ALSO—Branch’s celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a latjfe assortment of other popular brand*, and qualities of pound*, St s Iks 16* and 32s Lump, s*6,a*aodlUi Plug; Lidie ‘ Twist; Virginia Twist. A*:, sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood and tin, together with every ariety'of article belong ing to the trade. JelB-dly J 1) LuimsZ ’ "c *V AMimwir ’ ; i.ateof Pittsburgh,Pa. 11-atrof Nashville,Tenn. I LBIIHKB A ANDERSON, Dealer*inCotton, : Forwarding atid Commission Merchant,, No a 1 From Mreet, above Broadway; Cmeinnan. Ohio. . Rsrrx to— . 1 M Allen A Co, ) | Hagaley A Smith. J Pittsburgh Wm. Bingham. ) i A Siiepherd, J • | Martin A .McAlister, ] Nn-divillr, Tend. Yeatmun A Anniateod. ) . W F I-anc A Co., Louisville, Ky. | Springer A Whiteman, / _ i jlm.rjohn.lon » C-. j lleweit, Heran A Co., Nrui Orleans I Maggremr A Moni*, New York. | Duvall Keiglder A Co.. Baltimore. Smith, llagaley A Co., Philadelphia. J Daniel De«hon, Bo*too. JsnS ‘J- «i W- Leltwieb. ' W'. C AVtl-on. ' J. G. W. LEFTWICH & Co.. RECEIVING, FORWARDING. And Commission tttrehanti, PLA4UKRIKE, La. PARTICULAR altennou paid to coasignmenu oi Sugar Mills, Kngiues.oroUiei articles for Opelousas and Auakapa*. BKFKR TO—Messrs Sheffield A Ligbtlow, Mr. Tho mas Limerick; New Orleans, Messrs. Lurton A Bettrrson, Mr. 7. M.Sbrrlry: 1-ou* iaviile. fsMeasr*. llatl A S*peer, Mr. Wm.* o’l.eary, Robert Wightman, Armstrong A Nicholson; Pittsburgh. Messrs. Revan, Todd A Co ; Cine.mum. Mr*»r*. Hynes A Craighead, Messrs. Edward* A Whiteall, Hon. Zrnon Laliauve, Hon. John Dattoa;' PUqueinine, La '. rel6-ly CBAIG, BELLAS * Co., FLOUR FACTORS AXD PRODUCE Cf. MISSION MERCHANTS. r LIBERAL c*«h advance* made on receipt of ron signtneiits. Tliase shipping to our address will be paid three-fourths value in advance in Cash,l>y apply ing to our friends, Mrssrs. Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh. Messrs. Thos. Bell A .Co . Bridgeport, Ohio. Philadelphia. May A 1*45. 3 I may27-if N. B. All produce cfonfigHetl to us i* imurcJ when m the warehouse of WallurtjToril A Taylor, Pittsburgh, or m our store m Philadelphia. ! C. 11. 4 Co. FRESH IMPORTATIONS l»F HARDWARE.’ LOGAN & KERNED!, IMIMRTK aOF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS U ADWAHR, CUTLERY, Ac, No. 179 Wood Street, P TTBBURGH. ARE now in the cour*e of receiving large addition* to iLeir extensive nock of Hardware, Cutlery. Sail lenr, Ac., which having been purchased uu the mo* t advantageous term* in England, aud direct t/om the Manufacturer* in tins country, enable* them to of fer ood* on terms surpassed by »oue and equal(ed,by few Purchaser* are respectfully invited to caH. vet ’Jf. 1 UEOItOK COCHRAR," T COM ISSION A FOKWARUMJ MERCHANT, No Zb Wnob Strut, Pittsbubbh,, CIONTtNUKS to transact a general Coraanssiou / Busiaesa, especially in the purchase and sale of American ManuUctu-ej and Produce, aud in receiving and forwarding Go*Js consigned to his care. As Agcul Tor the Manufacturers, be will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders aud consignments are respectfully solicited, ji7 U F Conway. L*ll Tomtmvon. B. P. CONWAY * Cp., PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, Commission ahd Forwarding Ncrchams, and Produce Dealers—uLo attend to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig irou. Coal., Ac KtFCti TO, - Atwood, Jone* A Co Brown, Bsiley A Co 1-oreru, Sterling A Co Henry Graif Graff, Lindsey tlo I D Lrecli ACo Lyon.PborbA Co Clarke A Tbsw marlOdlt ilduii* Jimu AUCTIONEERS AND COM’ISSION JIERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY &. BROS. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER to sell ai either enaWnhmenl. all kuid* of Merchandise at the lowest rates of Commissions gnd are always prepared to make adeauce*. The of references gives, if reijuired. Letters addressed to either House will be promptly attended to, jyOUdly JOHN 9. RICH!BDS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. BO WATER ST.. OPPOSITE CiIEAPSIDK BALTIMORE), WINDOW Glass, Glass Ware, Dried Fruit, Bees wax, and Country Produce. Advances made on consignments. - Satisfactory ref erence sotbo«e addressing hy mail. sepl7-!y* Jaxx* Tiioxrtox. w. it. casirmzLX. THOMPSON A CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Aad Manvflaetmrers off Llasstd Oil, So. 8U Columbia Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. CTy*cxsa paid roa rLAZSUB^CO tcpjS-ly WH WATTERSOI, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Rsdbtßk, Pa. THEadveriiver would respectfully aifonnhn friends and tbe public that he bas’taken the Warehouse, formerly occunied hy J "K Gould, wbeie he will tran sact a general Agency. Forwarding and Commisjfion butinest. Particular attention given to all consign ments. Charge* reasonable. marlltf Redbank, March 1. 1547 WALLINGFORD A CO., COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Second Street, near Wood. DEALERS ill Pittsburgh Manufactures and Heavv Hardware—will keep eonitamly on hand a stark of carriage springs and axle*, hames.scythes aad sick les, fire proof safes, anvils, vices,blacksmiths’ bellowr, sledges. Ac.. Ar. mchtO MALCOLM LEECH A BON, LATE M. LEECH a CO., Wholesale Grocers, Com mission and Floor Merchants; dealer* in at! kinds Coantry Produce, Copper, Tin, Tin Plates. Tinner*' Tools, /Iron and Nails, Zinc, White Lead. Dye Stuff*. Russia £heet Iron, Lead, Cotton Yarn*, Balt, Ac., and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, No* V 1,93, and 94 Liberty street, one door above, the head of Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal advances, in rash or good,, made on con produce. Ac , Ac. mclilC J. J. ALLEN. COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO 0 SOUTH WATER ST, PHII.ADA. ’ HAS on hand and offers for Sale—Bleached Winter and Spring Sperm Oil, Bleached Winter and Spring Sea Elephant Oil, Bleached Winter and Spring Whale Oil, racked Whale Oil, light color and free from focting, amlTanners’Oil Also, pure African Guanfi m hag. and barrel* marftdtm* MERCER, BROTHERS A Co.* ~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FoV the sale of Puooucs generally, PHIL A DEPIII A. |t/”l.it.eral advances made on Pbllada, Deeemlrerffi. dSm U, W. MiTHtWt. W. 1. PATCH. MATUEWS A PATCH, COMMISSION H B BCIi Nl% So, 4b Water SCreat, ST. IXJUIS.MO, Will give particular attention to the idling of pro duce, and to orders for purchasing Uxru to—George Morgan A Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa. mturll John M Cullough. J M’Keehan. <! DOullxrtwn. JOHN M'CULLOIIOII A CO. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH. ST. lantmy* BOkYLLNG’S WHARF.Baltlmoro thos. j. carbon, a o«- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Noa. 0 aad 9 LtAbt Bt, BALTIMORE. Q7*Ca*h advances will he made on consignment to lie above address, by juXly .CARSON A McKNIG HT, Sixth at. GEO.' B. HILTENBERGER, STEAM BOAT AGENT, CUSSIBMOfi k FUEWABDIN6 MERCHANT, PRODUCE A MERCHANDISE BROKER, augt9 Office, No. 36 Watef Street, Pittsburgh Pa J. NEWTON JONES STEAMBOAT AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, MONONfi AIIEI.A HOUSE, Pittabargh, Pa. BA, FAHNESTOCK 8t Co’s. WHITE : • LEAD WORKS.—The undersigned hsve completed their new w'orls; located on the bank of the river above the Aqueduef, in Allegheny city, •ppoaile PitUbargh, for the manufacture of a stipe, gjor quality of-white lead, both dry and- gtoand in oil; al*o. red lead and litkerage.- Having availed Usenmeive*' of all the recent improvement* in ita ' manufacture, and creeled the buildings on a very ’estenaive scale, and with capaeity to make lead in Maze qaanlitiea, they will be able to supply order* to «1 moat eny extenu . . , » aprs split BlladsJ I HAVE Beeeivnd from Philadelphian large assoit vaent of Spht Of Chamber Wind a of supermr make ta-. NdBLI ., UpkoUure( Opposite Baxk of Pinaburgh PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY MORNING, . APRIL ‘29. !547. : - . - .1 .A , . MISCELLANEOUS. AGENCY FOR PATENTS. Washington, t). C. ZENAS C. ROBBINS. Mrchau.ca! K,i fi .n.;ir nud Agent for procuring Patent., will prepare thr m ce»«arj Drawitif* and Paper* for Applicants for Pat ent* and transact all other in the lute of his piofciaion at the Patent Oflice. He coa be cotuulletl on all question, relating l<> the Patent law. uii.l jerl ■tDTtt in the Culled Slater or Eutope. Pe 'nu* at a dhtaneedeaiTOu* of haring Examinations -made at tl»- ■ I k Uent Office, prior to making application tot a nuieni, mav forward (p°«t paid, enclosing a fee of five ■inltorv. a clear siaiement ol thrircose, when immediate atlen non will be givcu iu ti. and all the informsnou that could be obtained by a visit of the applicant m pci .on | promptly communicated. Alt letter* on businew tnait bt post paid, am) contain a suitable fee. where a wnttenopiniou t* required.. Office on F. iireet, oppdvlte the Patent Office liehaa the Honor of referring, by permission, to lion- Edmund Burke, Comm »*ionet,of Patent*, Hon. 11 L Kllswocib. tale do do do; II Knowles; Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Crunch, Washington. D Ch Hon. R Choate, Massachusetts, U S Senate, Hon. W Allen, Ohio. do; lion- J B Bowlin, M C, Missouri; lion. Willis Hall, New York; Hon. Robert Smith, M C, illinoi*. Hon. 8 Brreve, L' S Senate; lloo.J H Relfe, MC, Missouri; Capt. II M Shrcve, Missouri; Krastus Brooks, Pittsburgh. apl JANES W. WOOD WELL, riTTSßcaoa ruaxiToax warns booms, NO 83 THIRD STREET, A LARGEandiplendid ■Hr asiortmect of Furniture, for Bteoml>oaia, B^^^Hilotrls.and pnvatcDwel- Hnga, constantly on hand and mode to order. The present stock on hand cannot be excelled by any stanufactory in the western country. Person* wishing to purchase would do well by giving me a call, at I am determined my prices shall please. Part of ihe stock Consists ta— jO Sofa* with Flafh and Hair-cloili cover*; tdox Mahogany Nur*e Chair*; M pair Divan*; It dot fine mahogany Cl.airn, It mahogany Work S'.md*; 3 dox mahogany Rocking Chain 15 marble top Dreuing Dureauv ti pair Ottoman*; h marble top Work Stand*; 19 cherry Work Staud*; Mahogany. Maple, Cherry and Poplar Urdsieadt o( all description*; and a large aasortment of Common Furniture and Chair*, uxi oomerou* in mention. tnarPtf HAH l» ffARK • JOSKPU WOODWKLL, Corntr or Wood and 3d ata , Piit«bur|t>i HAVING withdrawn from the old nnn of Walker A Woodwell, on the Ist of January i 1547,i take pleasure m announcing to ray ffienrii iuthechynhd roumry, that I have opened my new (tore at the abrvve named plan*. Having purchased py good* furra*h, and made arrangement* with manufacturer* in ihi* country aud m Europe to tie constantly supplied, I am fully prepared to furm«h Hardware or all Kind*, on a« Sod terms and a* low u* any hoote; East or Wen erchauis and others arc respectfully invited 10 cal and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. The following comprises apartof my stock. Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Gan Trimmings, Files. Naylor’s Steel. Cutlery, Kdge Tools. Anvil*. Vi ces. Locks. Latches, Sickles, Scythes, Butt Hinges, Screws, Union Factory Plaacsitewi Mabogsnv t>oard*. and veneers, and all other articles donnrcted with the Hardware business. tnchlllf gazzams patent BEDiTKAD. . NOT WITHST ANDINO OAyIMM an Intern ml opposition to tkisinven| OBKflS|flo lion of a Pittsburgh Mechanic, a ma» jority of,the Cabinet makers of this AfigO and Allegheny city, and theirnumet e 559 ■ oue customer* have shown themselves above He vulgar picjudice against Aomrtnrcntiotu, and ilvey {i vc Gmrsam’s-Bedstead ihc preference, (imply because it Jocnvs it. being the best, zPPMfsxX. mn4 mart ant-tnitrU Dadstcad in asq. The followin'} testimonial speak* for itself:— We. the solxenbers. prartical cabinet makers of the ones of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Pa., do hereby cer tify that we have liought the right to manufacture bed. ■lead* with Gaxzain'* I’aienl Fastenings and counder the same superior to any fastenings with which we are acquainted. James Leruon John M’Grcw T il Young A Co Robert Fairman J R Hanfey Jamr* B Burr John Liggett. Jr. Lowne A ail»n Thoms. Farley .'{ Hugh H Wallace David t.uker r‘ Ramray A M’ClellanJ Hugh-Wallace Moses Butluck David, Lakey For Bights id make sod ►'•II the above lledsteuds apply to KBfcNKZKR F UAZZAMt JeclO i Patentee Patkst puktisl atucic maculNk Ti n subscriber* havinjt obtained a patent. May Ifi ISIM ra Press Brick Machine, and having since then thorn ghlv tested its ability, ate row prepared to -sell rights and contract to deliver nuscbiur* to nny part ol tli*- (' uteJ State. The machine is deigned in make Buck from crude elay, and win make 00. 000 mod siuoo* firm bnek per day.[snUu-tenilv Irani to stack tip in the kiln, thus avoiding the expense aud labor ol'prr- Ciantt t the clay. dr) lug aiid handling the biirk after «ing noulded It t» simple, strong. iwt liable to get out outol repair, and la constructed that it can ho taken to piece* and pat together with great tardily .thu* render ing it ,«rtable. n’t are now building machines, ami can tormshthem on short notice. Fora full description we w jld refer to s machine now'in surces-ful oners lnm< it Mill crct 1 liolunn.lncur iht West end of Eighth •UvsU where we »hal! t-r happy to explain everything connected with il to all Wbu may call. Wu have at present no authorised AgcnY- All letters to our addrt-s will be promptly atteudedjso CULBERTSON. Mr.MILLKN A Co., aeptrbf _ | _ CINCINNATI. BOLIVAR FtiiE BttlCKtL tj* XTENSIVELV te»tcdasd approved during the p»«t j two years,t.y the principal iron manufactotie«ui the wr*te:n country, and througboai the intmior of PmiKylvaiiia, will be ready for drbviryou the opening o( Nsvii-stioii. Wllii- mrtiepj] on whn'bllit-ir.tur'*b:li'v and »upeminty depend*.i*|-elected by eiperirni-td mi ners, biough! from Msrylspd, where the difeuvrry was Ci«t made—the fusible matter, with which u t. imbed ded, is carefully separated! They will be ibotoughly burned and compactly prei»ed by tnnebmeiy. sad mi nute attention given by Messrs. Hurley A Co, the pro prietors, in stl respects to mamtsiu their acknowledged tunerioriiy ! Orders by mail nr otherwise, will be promptly execu ted.on application to j SiIAW MACLARKN marO | Keu«iugtoq Iron Work* XI KW FOURTH !BTRKKT UAAKUI, il CONFFXTIONAKV|aND FRUIT STORE, will open on Monday. April stn, four door* from Wood n, and next door to A Jayne's Pekin Ten Store-. A splendid awpnrueniol! Fancy Cake, Confectionary, FraiL to, <ie»honthe counter every day; among which are the following;— I Macaroons; Pound,Cake; Lemon Biscuit; Pastry; Sponge do; Pepper Nut*; Jelly Cake; Almond do; Molaue* P. l'ale. Ginger Nuts; Wafer! Jumble*; J*poitge Biscaiir Federal Cake; A. P’*j Sugar - do; Orders for Ice Cream*. Jelly, Bride-: Cake, Fancy Confectionary,: tc , Ac , Executed in a mannet une qualled in quah y and beauty hy any other p*tabb«h ment in this city. ' Fresh Bread. Twist, Rusk, tc , manufactured solely from Whita Wheat Floor, and free from all drug*, every moraiitg. ap3 ANDREWS^ BUAyiNG CREAM 7 —PRICE REDUCED Let all those now sthavejwfao nrlver Shaved before. And those who aSvay- fihave now Shave the more. IN offering this superior Shaving Compound to the no tice of the public, I'ean]wilh •-oufidenee saylhai the. opinion of all wbo have tried n pronouliccitthe iao*t pleasanl roapotiuon thai (hey hate ever u.i-d; audio order to place it within the reach of alf. I have reduced, the price low enough lo afford an opportunity to every’ person to give it a trial add judge for .themselves. Ho, Gentlemen, if you wish for a rich, luxurious shave, on with your sbaviug cup*, don’t be ser-ped! it won't roat much to fill them; and, if yt>Q are not satisfied, the mon ey will be returned. HXEPHHN BARRKTr Iron i.ard Gil FactoW and Fancy Ifeap Works, let.ls ; sth it,opposite Iron City Hotel Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ae. JOHN WALKER, IMPORTER AND DEALER tn Foreign and Domese 1 tie Hardware, wauid re*pectfally irifoim hts friends and the public generally, that he :« now receiving Ins spring supply of llardwaiie, at the old Stand of W nicer A Wood well. No n Wpod Mrcei, which be will di»|«*e of on the roost reasonable (teruu. He will be continually receiving fre»h:«upplies direri from tbe Maaufactarrrs |n Europe ami tbi* country,, which will enable him to eompf le with any establish ment, either East or West; Western Merchants nrq raviiml to call and examine bis .lock before pureb*«mg elsewhere. mart ; ANTED BdON-j-Flaees in warehouse*, retail and wholesale storeV. on neainlioat*, or »nnic use ful employ mant in our cities, towns, or country around, for several good book-keepers, salesmen, agents, ware lmuscmen, schoolmaster*; mechanical, fanning and laboring men. i Aim, for a cumber of boy* of different ages. Also, for u number of colored 1 men and wotaeu, bovt sun girls, p-vranted, several good cooks, houickccpcrs and girls for all wotk. Alf kind* of Agencies Attended to promptly for mod erate charges. Please apjplv at ISAAC General Agency sod lnielligeiiec Office ap7 Fifili *L near Exchange Hank WK. tbe under*tgncd. have enteied into Copartner ship for tbe purposes of transacting a Produce, Contuuuiou and Forwarding business, under tbe sty’ie of ORUM, HcUUKW A CO., •ad have taken the warehouse. No 6 Commercial Row, Liberty street, formerly occupied by Mr. W-B.L’tisdy— where all butme** entrasied lo our ohnrgc will he promptly and faithfully auendtd ip.p MORRIS ORUM.tfonnerly »f Philadelphia THOS B McGRE>V, ” Sfmithfield, Ohio FINDLEY H McGRKW, * PitUbargh, Mareh yj, lM?- nichVJ Tea. Grocery, Pratt aad Provlaloa Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO. 1«I LIBERTY STREET. . BENJAMIN lIOWN would respectfully iufonu his old friend* and the public generally, that be has again commenced busmens in the above braneher, next door to hi* old stand, where he hopes, by keeping a supply of good articles, selling low for cash, and pay • mg strict attenlioii to his puuon*, to incut a share ol public patronage. j nichsH T. 6. FLEMING, HOUSE. SIGN AND! DECORATIVE PAINTER, GLAZIER AND HANGER, m now pre pared to undertake the above bu»me** in all its vanou* branches, and warrants jo give ratir/action -in every respect. Military Standard uaimers, Plat*. Ac- paint ed to order Odd Fellow! and Masbme Apron. always' oa band, ianationi of jwoods and marble* done m a superior manner. I y~7*Bi«na 0 11 il kind* done at the ehonr.t notice. apltMlni 1 No 14 8t Clair *t. Pittsburgh. Pa rXgs Wanted. 1/tAAAJI LBS COUNTRY MIXED RAGS wanted, IUUjUUU for which tbejbighesl price in CASH will he paid. | Always on briid, every description of Writing and jys urno, every description* „ Wrapping Paper and Chloride Lime. ' j REYNOLDS 48HEE inch! Corner Prpn and Irwin »u Pitt*l*ur*l* ■ n NBW BSQBAVISGB JUST Received, a sptchdidaitomnent ofEnghshand French Engravings! colored and plain, of a great variety of subjects suitable for Framing, Portfolio*, 01 Scrap nook. T'A HILWKR mcaSO IfH wood si, nearSth KKfijl TK& ■Tdiihc, tie. 1X FeuriX rrrter, **sor Weed |TI* All qaaliUM of Urcen anti Black Teas quarter, half, and one pound packages ran tingfrout SO erefp« n wl tttli o ® ‘ A JAVrvEi ■ jytfg ! Ag*t far PoktnTea Co HACKBftKL, XUCRJUHGt BiLHOS.AO. THEsobaenbera keep an aMoruße'sit of PiekW Fi»U. „f y.MThiiwiii ud Halifax Inspection' for aalej In lou as wasted at their warehouse, No 40 North Wtareet, ■ '„ Nl , nv ; - I W> M KENNEDY <Co . LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. “ nimßCECii JgaiLE witiite. i r |*HlS.lnsitui4ou, wider tin-, care of .Rev. J M J (»o**or.\ a.vo Labi. hi which all the H*rnt and of naincmalbrvnebeiror a edueatkm are ilugbt i. now open for the reception pi pupil* at No* AH, Irwins ltow, Liberty BCre««, between 3d ami Edi eiri'cin 11,e Second Herndon will commence oti Monds) the Ftb of Kstyoary. and it i important that nny wbd.tuny rtwigtyertrnng should be prcMjjt w- farm* piajiiir.ahle either t«efore or at thai Tliry have, secured ihc services of Professor RIIO IHK’K a 4 teacher or Mp»tc on the Piano and Guitar, who is too Well known to need rcconitua-idalioit Alao the servicer of Mon* CASI.MIR LADKEVT, author ot "Chre.iomrfUn' do la Literature Fraucai*." and other book* mUis nativu language. Mont. 1»-1* agOsbtutc of the University and Normal School of PartsfUETcd stand* high|a« a teacher, do. sire toobtam an accurate and thorough knowledge of ihn French Language would do well to pluce lhem*elve» under his instruction. * • For terms, .-ee Circular nr apply in the Principal, jtttf 1 YOUfrG LADIES’ SELECT SCUOOL. .1 ALLEGHENY CITY’. IMIIS iD.liiution ha* but recently been opened under the tftgion of Mr. N. W. Metcalf, at the Cormcr.of Ssndasky and StYawberry ala. The success which has thus far attended this school, in its establishment.and program, hns fnlly equalled the rxpeeiation* of tu Instructor and Proprietor, and war ratftv the hope that he ’will i>e sustained in his efforts to render it,a deniable. Institution for the education of Young Ladies In Allegheny and vicinity. The FIW Rcsrionof'the next Academic year, will commence on Monday*, Feb htb. Ttrerc are yet a few vacancies to.be filled, hut os the ntlfnber of pupi's is limited an early application is de sirable. Bor particulars, relative to terms, Ac., consult C rrularapr apply to theilnstructor. fclifof JK)UK§ JUSIU t VALUABLE BOOKS— b; J A &~tl P James, Walnut street, between Fourth and Fiftb.Cincinnntl. (iuiiol’s Gibbon—The history ol the decline and fall of lira Roman Kmpire By Rdward Gibbon, Ksq. A neW Edition, revised and corrected through out, preceded by a prefaeo, and accompanied by note* critical and historical, relating principally to the propagation of Christianity; by M. F. Gnixot, Minister k of Public Instruction for the kingdom of France. '.The preface,notes and corrections, inns* iated froth the French'exprenly for this edition. With a notice nl (he l.ifeand character of Gibbon, and WatsOn's Reply to Gibbon. In - vola. imp. Bvo, iOTlftagea. Manier'a Peninsula War—(Complete. , l vol. impi Bvo, 800 pages. Hailam’s Middle Ages, Chamber’s Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson’s Virginia and New England, RuneU’s French and English War io Ameriea, and Kanuay’e American Resolution. I vol 410. Lthrarybl American -teie ctiona from .the beat authors on American History, Uiograpby,Travels, Commerce, Statistics, Indians, Revolotionary Battles, Ate. &e. Ac. Also, Anec dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles. I (lustra ted with more than £>oo engravings. 1 vol, imp fivo G4O pages. Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable papers 04 various subjects, comprising Natural history, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Rural F.con oraj, Biography, Fine Afts, the Orientals,.Travels, Geography,' Botany. MiseelUneous reading, Sc. c. Str. I vol imp Cvo G-ki pp, full sheep. The Family .Medical Library—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure uf Diseases, by regimen aud simple medicines. New edition, revised and enlar ged with the addition of a Vegetable Materia Med* tea, pointing out the virtues, preparations and Joses of our valuable native tnemcal plants, and an outline of Anatomy arjd Physiology. (Unseated with ooef',hundred Fagravtogs, su of which are colored. By J G Norwood, M D—psgei Svq. American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted to the Uncled States; by Kdward layers. Landscape and Oroaißeutal Gmlcotr. 12 mo, third edition, revised, enlarged and iflustrated. Falmcr's Oregon, Hocky-Mountaiua, Ate. Alc. Family -TeaUmcr.t, octavo, with and without I’vlygiot notes,and fsaliiiii tn metre. Ja. A Son Riddle A Drcnuan Rice and-l’ingrec’s Debate. Burn’s Works Lady of the Lake. Lalla Ropkh. More's Private Devo tion. Juvenile Hook*. • Cheap editions ol various works tn pamphlet form, uich'i) tIUBB’B SCHOOL -BOOKS—l'ol>!>’n NrwSr ) ric* ofUlook* have now amunett a tm|>ulanty not parnllelled tn the lnstoi) qf American >ctn»l Hooks It i* the of many tcooLn* who have ihor ouphly utedlheni, that tlx-.y can learn their pu;>il< a* uiucluu ORu quartrr 111 the me of there l>ook». as ihcy can 111 double ihc time by using any otbn series, ami llirre i« nodouln (hut list- orihograpbv of our Un'ußge way t.e IcAJiir*] til Icm tUmouc hah ol ihr. i-ine ir-xn Cobh's New Speller than from any other ritaut The superior exerllenee and popularity 01 ib* »c books rauy he infer red liutj the fact that (hey have twen othcislly adopted for the tt>e ot nil to*- Public School* ■n die foHewuig. among joihi r important cities and towns. viir N. York. Uror-klyn. I’hiladrlplnn and Haiti mere, Wilmington. UeL. |x*oiratu-,r and Reading, I’a , L'n.oa ami Ilutfalo, ami hV .oinc nr :10 County Con venoou* lit >hc Stair ot New 1 oik. al-n, t>y the New Jcr»cy <>| iriicbcrs ami frietul* of tduca oon—and they ate mpolly l lukirtc ihepln.-r ot alt -imi- Ui.wurksSa the U ,--i. aiiM» t the be t i.-jrli'-i* and ntoit important' tumid* nl crto-'Siitin 'Hie pmi i-ulnr atirtmou and clilical e lamination »< ibis renesol book* is luvited ot all icaclicrs and IsJir-l* ol cduratioa, wlui conicwplaic tuakinv changes in th'« clast of leu books, and those who make un their mind* that they areihc best, and wb>b to lUirodacc them, van exchange with the advertiser their old bobks, uow in use, fur ibese, by paying halt the retail price in cash. From the New York tilr*W. of Feb I'J, IH* "We jre glad to find MriCotili still engaged hi pre|>a rm; new Look*. lor itr ui< oi rrboAte uiiJ for tlie t.rnrht ol tl»r n*mg generation JlfC.’- new pel.mg book uii.l h<" vnlbubl*- «er:f' of reading am! oilier bpuk». bare justly gained tor tuple rrpuiatiou dial wilt be mote enduring than nuinuiucui* of marble or statue* of bra\a. \YI- think l.c bus done mote to cuircct the dit* crepanne* ot the language, and toward* elucidating and systematizing il e elements of oar vernacular lan guage tban any other outbpr extant ui this couniry.” For ««le wholesale and retail b) J H’MELI.OR _ apTP _ _ No ju wtiod street MAttAsm'EtnPdit MA V—KoeeiVT.l at Nf A. MINER'S— Grab am'" Magarme ; National Maga/me fSodey’s lady's Book. Tanered, or the new Crusade, by U I) Israeli, M. 1’.., cheap edition. Streaks of Squatter Life, and Far U>>| Scene*—a agries ot humorou* sketches, dj*cnpnse of incidents and character in the Wild West; by “Solitaire,’’ with. 1 original design* by Barley. The Wonders of Nature and An, or tnilh manger then he ion —illustrated with *ixty-one engraving*, by the autborof •fThe Pa*torei Life and Manufacture* of the Ancient*. Father lldefonso, or the priests of St Omers; by J. M. Robison, Esq. Chamber’s Cyclop.-cdia of English Literature; a ae* lection of the choicest productions of English Authors, from the earliest to the present time—connected by a mica! and Biographical history elegantly illustrated— .mm being rc-publfthed by’Gould, Kendal) A Lincoln, Botton. We have on hand from No Ito 1? inclusive. I which completes the first volqjbp. We can furnish the i whole wo ft a i fa»t a* tr pobluhed. Oar assortiaeul of cheap literature i< now tbr best and of the thorn valuable selection* for general instruc* tiun. (-nr rale at M A AHN'Kirg apSI ‘ . Smittif.rl.] street.3ddoorfioroYd NfcJ W ! BODICK —We have received a large num ber of valuable Books. ;u»i pyblishrJ; nmo.ii; them are the following MeCbeyne’* Life and Letters, a volt; llaldan on ' Sketches of North Carolina; History of Prrsbytrrian Church m Kentucky: The Genius of Scotland; Cbalwer’s Moral Philosophy; jane Graham, Winslow on Declension and Revival; The Pre-Adsmile Earth; Margaret, nr the Pearl—by Rev C B Taylor*, Lady Mary, ? The Great Commundmcnt—by C Fry The Lord*’Prayer—tiy Bmtnei. Thankfulness and other Essays, The above together uriih a general a*«oriraent ot Theological. Classical kiiJ Miscellaneous Uouks, for >ate at Eastern prices- ’ ELt.IOTT A. ENGLISH spill a. .Market street between Id and tih AT KDICAL WORKS-A Treatise on diseases IVA n( the air passages; l comprising an inquiry into the History, Paiholng), Causes, and Treatment of those affectum* of the Throat called Bronchitis, Chrome La ryngitis, Clergyman's Sore Throat, etc., eti-; In Hor ace Green, M I>. .j Pame's Institutes of Medicine; I Treatment of Insanity—bv Gall; Diseases of Children— by Stewart; [ Majeudie.’s Physiology. I Cooper’s Surgical Diet.onaryr l, . Hooper'sMedtcaf -do; 3 Copland's D.c.t'y uf Medicine. Defret’son Children; Elrcrle's PracliCf, Webster’* Dictionary, * vol*., huo. For sale by »p|ii J U READ.4th. near Market st NEW WORK—In Pres*—History of Men* co, her Civil Wars and Colonial and Kevolb tinnary Annals, .from ihc period ol ibe Spanish Conquest, IjJJ. Ui the present time, lilt"; including an account ol the Existing War with the United States, its Causes and Military Achievements. By Philip Your g,M I). J A & H F JAMES, _">ch2y _ publisher*. Cincitm«ti._ N‘ EW MUSIC IfUUK—Pumphlrt Form. —The Melodeon:} a choice selection of Songs, Duetts, Quartette, Rounds, Waltzes, and Marches; with a History uf Mfjijc. Illustrated with nuincr ous engraving*. Imperial octavo. Price E 5 cent*. Publiiiiod and forsalc by J A doU P JAMES, Walnut street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Cjlocinriali, Manjh *J9J 847._ _ e NEW WORK UN SllBKP—flic American Shepherd, being a complete history ol Shcepj with their breeds,management, and diseases;- byJr-A Mor rell—illustrated with drqwmg* ot the lUlWcnt breeds, Ac. With an appendix, eiMlinieinj' upwards of twenty letters from emmem wool growers and sheep UitrOcrs of different stairs. detailing their respective modes of management. For sale by « JOHNSTON A STOCKTON mch'.li Booksellers, cor market and 3d sis PIANOS J PIANOSII HENRY Kt.KHKR, Dealer inrcasiern Piano Fortes, at J W Woodweir*) No. -8* Third Street. The Ptauns may he examined at all hour*, and the subscri ber will be there from it to 12. A. M , and from 4 tos, P M , each day. 1 Pfiut.'g, October tM, ’4ri We, the ondcnignctL would intorm the citizen* of Pittsburgh and viemity drat we have appointed Mr. U. Kleber.eole Agent for W estern Penniylvitna, for the sale of oor Piano Foricd. from whom they' may be ob tained at our own (New 1 York] price*. ! Nunns * clark New York, Sep. !. lA4*-oe2tdtf ‘ Near Plano*. JUST Received and ppensd by the subscriber, the following new Pianos i One elegant Rosewood.ooctave Piano Forte,[French Pattern.] . j ... One elegant Rosewood, 6j octave Piano Foite, with carved Gothic T*blet*-4a splendid inurnment. Also, one vety good second hand Piano, made by Loud k Co, Philada. HENRY KLEBER mch«4 at J. W Woodwetl’s. fS Third at ■ wg . - - [ pianos. A LARGE and splendid assortment *f raiuogsny ami rosewood grand ae l|V y f I tlon Pianos, with metallic frames and wutb all the latest improvement*, which for durability, tons andtosch arc warranted to he equal to any made !in the country. Forsajo lowforcashh^ i. twblh sroodM WdoorabovtStb MANUFACTORIES. _ PUQUESNE SI'RING, AXLE, aTKKI. 6c IRON WORKS COLEMAN, lIAILMAN, A Co., having compJetcd their New works, are now prepared to manufac ture every description of Coach und EUpuc spring* Iron axlev American Blister, spring hod-plough Siee), and allstac* uf wnall «*juare and rouud Iron, which they offer for sale on liberal term*, at their woralcwrt N 0.4.1 Wood street; whero they keep on band a complete and handsome assortment of Coach .trim intttgs. Carnage hardware, malleable castings, Nail andiron, C. 11. A Co, have made arrangement* with Messrs Day A Crotu. matm/acturcra o( Bliovcls, Bpadc< Forks, Ac., ana will keep constantly on hand ever article made by them. Dealers are respectfully »ul cited to call as price* and terms will he made liberal . tvtlS-dTwi DlsaolaUoa. THE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Marshall, Bradley, A Co., was dissolved on the sth instant by mutual consent- The besincss of the latefino will t.e -ruled by Marshall. Wallace A Me- Geary JAMES MARSHALL AI*RXaNDEK BRADLEY Wm. W. WALLACE j -HENRY McGEARY. FRANKLIN - 'OUNDRY. THK businr** ol the above Foundry will be contin ed by the subscribers under the firm of Ma rshall Wallace A Co., in all its various branches, vir Hollow Ware Mill Gearing Stove* and Stove Plate* Light A Heavy Maeh’ry ' 'A agon Boxes Engines Grates A Sad Iron* Engine Casting* Plough* Plough Casting*, Ac. Ac. Made of the be*t materials, and at the lowest prices- Purchasers are invited u> call and examine our Stock at the Warehouse in Liberty strbet No. 61, nearthe headof Wood *Uret. - JAMES MARSHALL Wm. W. WALLACE HENRY McGEARY '* PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, " PtTTsacaan, P*. t JOUfl WMOKT * co.. ] ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Mkehin* cry of every description, such as—Carding Ma chines, Spinning Frames Speeders, Drawn* Frames,. Railway Heads, Warpers, Twillejs.Spoot.* «, Dressing Frame*. lornm*, Card Grinder*, Ac.. Wrought Iron Shafting tarred all sizes of Cast Iron. Pullies and Hanger*, of the latest'patierns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kind*. Castings of every description furnished on short no lice. Patterns .nude to order for Mill Gearing, Iron railing,.Ac. Strain Pipe for heating Factories, Cast Iron window i*a.«h, ami fancy Casting*'generally.— Orders Irfl at the \Vkrtboose of J. Palmer A Co., Lib erty sirer-i, will have prompt attention. Ravxa to Dlackstock, Dell A Co., J K Moorhead A Co., Q E Warner, John Irwin A Sons; Pittsburgh. G C A J II Warner; Steubenville.' jau!9 THOB. A. HILLKSR. OOKING GLASS MANUFACTURER,and fancy j Famishing Warehouse, No |M Wood ,«treet, near fihj Pittsburgh. Pa; Wholesale, and Retail: English and French Engravings; Japanned Waiter* and Trays; low king Glass Plates, By the box or »mglr light; .Table Cut'ery; Picture olass of all «iaet; Britannia Tea Ware, iu seu* or single piece*; Portrait and Pi:tme Fra-ne*; Fire Irons and Fenders; Mahogany Toilet Glasses, with 1,2, anJ :i draw*; German Silvef and Britannia Tea A Table Spoons; Hand Magnifying Minors; Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Gilt, Pier, arid Mnutel Glasses; Gentlemen’* Shaving Cases; Combs, llatr Brushes, Ac. Op-Merchants, Hotel*, and Steamboats supplied on liberal terms, and packing carefully attended to Usu al discount for cash. febl? ALLEGHENY. VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. fJOBH A. BROWN TAKES this method to inform hii friend* and the public at large that hi* FaetorT - s*now ip fnUoperauon.on the East side ot the Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon| slant sopply of Blinda, of various'eolora and qualities, are coasuntty kept on hand, also at No. 5 Wood *t, Pittsburgh, at J. 4 H. Philiipv’oil cloth *ateroora. huiter* made to order in the be*t style. RL'mU repaired at lb* shortest notice. N. B. Hi* Blaids will be put up, without auy addi tional excpu*e so that they cun be removed in a mo ment in case of firepr for washing, and without the aid of a crow dr e octkdlyAwlamly, A A. FULTON,’ Bell arid Brass Koujid" er, ha* rebuilt and commenced business at hi* old stand, where be will be pleased U> see bis old customers and friends. Church, Steamboat, awl Bells of every size, Irotn 10 io IU.UII -pounds, cast from pattern* of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pump-. Couiurrs, Railing, Ac. Ar. oeeUter wnh every variety oi Brass Casting*, tfrequir eu. turned and fini->heil in the neaiestmaimer. , lE7*A. F .* the sol*- propr'etor of UaßßtT’s Amti- Amnios .Mviai.. mi jiKilj i rlr'-ratril for the rtduc ni>li ol Hu ll,>:i in luai luiirry Tlic Boxes and C-otnpo sitioit ran t*e bud of him at all times. janl-ly FRANKLIN IRON WORKS^ Warehouse corner of-. Wood and Front street* 'PITTSBURGH, PA. *oh*rril«-r» huvmg purchased ilie Franklin iron X Work*, fonnei ly owned by Messrs.J. A. Stock tun A "Co, und made extensive additions lolhetn. are now pirpurcd to furnish io oidcr Iron A NaUa of all «irr> *>4r*miinf equal to toy ill thr market. We ul-r* keep on hautl .Spring u«<( Jwri'4* lilhln gtecl in the b< .*■ qualities Our friend- viriiing ihieraark< t »iil find u« prepaini o supply ilu-m vvill, a' first rale a< tide, and on a* good iirmi aa van be obtained iu the ruv. myII H COULTER A «’■«> Wa.ncCVL.LY 4 Co* IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING rirrmly'* rnadu very important improve. menu in the manufacture of the above artiele, and adope h«|aie>t improved eastern wheel oven for fiat uumi* «vr air now prepared 10 lur nieh an article of Wiu dtnv Glu'-. equal, it not superior, to any Cylinder Gla.'( made in the United State*, and lint little inferior to the English Crown. We are aUo very extensively engaged in the msno fariorr ol Common Window Ula*s and Drum’* l *’ Ywh and of every description. Dealers generally aie invited to call and examine for themselvei.olour ware, house. No. 139 Wood street,'Pittsburgh, Pa. . ** OCt’Jd WT \V. WALLACfc; PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS 1 , .Yoi. till and ‘J4d Liberty itr/tl, near (A< Carial. ALWAYS on hand and made to order, a large varie . ty of Marble Mantels, pier, Centte Tables, and Buteau Tops, Tomb Sioues, Monument*. Ae ; all which, being made of the choicest marble, and manufactured principally br machinery, will be sold low for cash. N. B. Persons wishing to purchase "Mantels, are informed that it is henceforth unnecessary for them to go East, as I can furnish them with an article in all respects as good..and (freight, insurance, Ac, consider ed.) as cheap as they can purchase them for in the East. Cali and see. je2n COPPER, SHEET I*o2l. AND TIN WARE MANUFACTORY, No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, Penns: Ti!F subscribers having made great Improvements in the construction of their COOKING STOViii. respectfully i-inte persons building Steamboats to call and e (amine before purchasing, as vre can supply them with Deck Stove*, Forges, and every other kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary in furnish ing a Steamboat. \V« also make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubes and Chamber; Copper work tar Steam Engines and rvery variety of wont in our line. feb9 SHERIFF A SHIRK BENNETT & BROTHER, QFKKNBWARK MANUFACTURERS. . Birmingham, (near Pittsburgh,] Pa. B arehome, Ao. 13T7, Wood itreet, Pitltburgh. mA WILL constantly keep oh hand a good assort of Ware, of our own mannfaeture, ahd supetiorquahiy. Wholesale and country Met* ehinui are rrsperifully invited to call and vix amine for themselves, as we are determined to «et) cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub lic. . i Orders s«lni by mail, accompanied by the cash or ritTrefereiute. will be promptly aitpnded to. febJtt Krw Bhorel.'Bpade sued Park MannAic* torjr. GRIFFITHS & DIXON, HAVING commenced the manufacture of Spades, Shovels, Hay and Manure Fork}. Ac,on an exten sive scale, are prepared to fill all orders for such arti cles at Eastern prices. . For the con veutenreof their customers and dealers in sorb articles,' they have appointed George Cochran, Commission MercUaut. No M Wood street, their Agent for the sale of their manufacture*. All brdera address ed to him will receive prompt attention, au the most ad vanugcou* terms. GRIFFITHS A DIXON. Pittsburgh, July B—dty _ JSO. a. GILLESPIE A CO. No Tfl Wood Street. MAN bFACTURERSofUiItaadMahogany Looking Glitsses, Impotiers and Dealers ia Looking Glass Plates, Accordeons, Percussion Caps, Clocks, Combs, Jewelry and Fancy Goods eenerally. The advertisers are making some improvement* in' their bosmtss, with increased facilities in the purchase of Domestic, and the importation cf many Foreign Goods, they will i>« able to sell at Eastern pruts. Tbev respectfully s ilicit the aitcutionof purchasers. janlSdtf j _ _ COTTON aud WOOLDCH MACUiNKRY THE subscribers are now enlarging their establish ment,and ate prepared to make au kinds of Cotton and Woollen Machinery, on the roon rearonablc terms. Ordersaddresskd to ns will meet'with prompt attention WIGHTMAN a dae/ell Lacock street, Allegheny Citv N It.—l|. Wighlman, who has a puiriil for a very ituporiant itntirovrtuet-iou the Card, and who has tx-cu engaged for the lad fifteen years in *utun of the ino»t extensive and sacccstfui Couon Factorte* of the west, will give bis personal a'tcniion'to pulling up, to die sal itfaction ot those concerned, ell machines made at this jnntl&dlv JfiXL JOHN SUBBIFF * Co., No«.P3and £H Front’sn, llaats Foonou&andGaaFtx ties; Him of all sixes cast the latest improved pat terns and warranted equal to L any. Also, Brass Castings, A finished if ordered, Gas Fit ting* pul up promptly and on reasonable term*. novllMly PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS ANDSDRING AND AXLE FACTORY. / )(hn r. qttoa.“ JONES A dfcUIGG, MANUFACTURERS of Spilug and Rlistet Steel, Plough Steel, Steel Plough Wing*, Coach ana Eliptic Springe. Hammered Iron Axles, and dealers in Malleable Castings, and Coach Trimming* generally corner of Rota anti Front streets, Pittsburgh, Pa febSS -. LIPPINCOTT IROSf WpRIU. IRON and Naiis, Shovels Ac. far sale at oar new Warehouse, No. 8R Water,street, near Wood, Tan ning to Front Also, an assortment at the old stand, MeUastePs Row, Liberty street . Having made great additions to the Rolling Mill, all order* can be filled promptly. dotHO GRAFF, LINDSAY & Co. BI&9IN6HAH TICI MCTOEfT OASPBBLL * CIIESI, ( ~ KAffdTACTVtUI or - - FINISHING NAILS, .HOOK HEAD BRAD 3.. ißoN'ANDcbnSSsHoeiKna .' ARB . ■ ; Pattern Maken\PeinU t .of.em iuaintime. Ofico No. «S». Qmlea llilTSudMSJr Ptttekmrglw f VOL. XIV:—-NO. 225 HOT E li Sr MERC!! Airs* jfIOTKL, Ceraer of Third and Smitkfidd Urttls, pitjsburghJ pa. B. Weaver, Proprietor. rpms new and spacious erected unce the J. GREAT KIRK, ami froutiag on two of the most pulrtic streets, is unsurpaseedta the country, whether as-regard* iL : .aii'kitectu.-al arrangements or theele ranee. tarie and comfort rf it* fantubiugs. Situated in the immediate vicinity of the STEAMBOAT LAND. INU. BANKS‘EXCHANGF! OFFICES, and principal MERCANTILE HOUSES, u olfcr* to TRAVELERS ■nil BUSINESS MEN desirnblrl conveniences vhitn to FAMILIES and GENTLEMEN or Icisaie, its m terual ariaogetuent* afford every -accommodation the< non in.ndiou. can .desire. The Par loro and ChamiKn are all furnished in .modern *ty% with entirely new and elegant. Furniture; an efficient corps or attentive aed obliging servants is aaintnined.and the Table will always abound with tho choicest delict* i eie* the market* afford. ' ' * The Proprietor, who hashad lon* experience in this linc ; of business, assure* the public that noeflbrton hit part will Ka spared to satisfactorily accommodate those who may favor him with their custom. An Omnibus and Damn Car will always be in readiness tor the guest* of the bouse. _fcb!» - .. B. WEAVER, Proprietor, P EARL STREET HOTSE/ Cincinnati, OHIO—Tho subscribers having purchased theea lire interest of Col. G p Williamson, late of this well known establishment, beg leave instate to their friend* and Ibc public generally, that they have taken this commodious Hotel far i Jerm of y J ears and will exert their beat energies to mnke it adestrable borne for Trav ellers and City Boarders. \ The HotcJ ts spaeien* and admirably planned for con venience, light and air, having a number of patlors adjoining chambers, presenting unubnal anracnous to families,. The present proprietor* having bad the expenenceof ' years in this city ana elsewhere, hope they will be able to rive general satisfaction, being determined to give ■noivided attention to ihe'house alone. The location of tbe Peail Street House i* uncommonly eligible, having front* on Pesrl, Walnut and Third sis, so that it iteqaally-desirabie in view of the conveni ence of business tnec or retirement for private boarders. It is near by the Bank*, the Post Office, tbe Masonic Hail, Odd Fellows Hall, and.but ope square distant from Main street and two square* from the City Wbatf, thus bffering the greatest inducements, especially to country merchants and genetally to all persons visiting Cinrin '•ti. JOHN NOBLE mehW '"HN A RUBLE j> JOHN A RUBLE , HOSOROABBLA HOCSK, "* Mm OF WATER AND SBITHFIBLD BTB, Pittsburgh, Pa, THE underaigned, Proprietor* of the Monongabela Home, announce lo the public that the llou«e i* now Dpen for ihe reception of Vuiu'r*- Tbev ere coueiotu of having anared no expenae iu fitting out the eaubliahraenu in «ucn * *ty)e aa to render every comfort to their Gueata. They hope by rooaunt care and attention to buaineu to merit the patronage, ao liberally beatowrdon the late Mooongiheia Hook. JAP. CROSSAN A SON upSdlm MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, No. US North Stfonti Strtit, PJtiiad/lphia. fpHK tubwriben respectfully inform (he citizens of pitta* 1 burgh and Western Fenntylranh, that they hare the above hour, wbm.lbcr are prepared to accommodate persons visiting (hr City of Philadelphia ia the best •trie, and' at ibr motf rcasouabst Urrat. The haute it within uoe »|uarr of Market street, and has cnderroae a thorough rsoo vatioa and repair*, and it vrrll ealesiatrd to accommodate prnoe* who may btor u* with a call. . fiiir u» a call, and we Cttl confident yod will be satisfied. SAMUEL A BRADY, February 23, 1847-3 m OLIVER H p PARKER. PEARL STREET lIOCBB. 88 Pearl Street , -New York. REDUCTION* IN PRICE—The subscriber respect* fully call* the aitemion of the travelling cotnmam* i)\ and eapeeially basinet* men, to the. fact that thia home is now open and i* offered for their patronagp.it the low price of ONE DOLI.AR PER PAY. It* location foronatiie** is naitnrp arced in N. York, and every comfort, vjitfi (food divine, clean Leila, airy loom*, Ae.carvhere 'Le.had at well as at the moat ex travagant noose* One call will surely catiafy anyone of ihese facts and insure an extensive patronage lor the house . SAML. C. BI3IIOP. Proprietor Ne_w York, Apul 1, IHT dim a. F./ACCSO*. H. CBI.VSTO*. Late of the-Antor House Of Pavilion, Rockaway EUTAW HOUSE. BALTIMORE. J ACKSON A CR*ANSTON\ FhorsficTota. isehe* will be in readiness a: the Darois and L*M>- t.vcs -to convey / ,u of thnrgt, io jy&Nlly the Mount. I N S§U It A|N CE! idemnity agalutl Lon or DamaKi by Fire* » 7 Tll>: MUTUAL PRINCIPLE CUMULN’EJ) \Vnli.tUt additional serutity of a Stock Capital. Vhe Reliance Mutual Insurance Co., of Phira. CHARTER PERPETUAL. PI RECTORS. George W. Tnland, John M. Atwood, Thomas C. Rockbill, |.cwi» R. Aihbnrst, • Wru. R. Thompson, George N. Baker, George M< Stroud, John J. Vguderkctop, , George W. ■*. ;«*n—r. . IM/’ILL m.il.e in*uran<-r , ■n . I,nas or Damage > v by kirn, tn Pit- uid viciaily, on louac*. Stores and nth.-, i.u:' • and on r urni* ure, (sooda. Wares nitil Mere}*mdlse,on the most avorable terms. • The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capital, and the other provtsiopa ol ,Gtc Charter of this Company, hold out unusual Inducements, both' of profit and safely, to thos*j desirous of effecting insurance, towhich the Company ask the attention and etamitation or those interested. Those effecting insurance with this Company have;besides thcutunl projection sgsiiikt jots, by the ordinay method of insurance, the additional advantageof a direct participation In the piofits of the tfompeuy. without any ttabilUu. i GEORGE W. TOLAND* President. B.M. Hischhait, Secretary,' Tbeaubacnber.wbo ia tho duly authorised Agent or the above named Company, ia prepared to make insurance, at the Office of the Agency, ia the Bt Chariot Third fit., third door from Wood street, and will give all further information desired tny2iMiy. THUS. J. CAMPBELL. JOHN FINKEY. JTT. aox.Tr xt mrsa'ctea roa run DELAWARE MUTUAL Hftty Ituuranaa Company efPhUadt'la, FIRE RISKS upon buildings and merchandise of every description, and MARINE RISKS upon hullaorcargoea of vessels, taken upon the moiffarorable terms. flj* Office in the Warehouse of W; B. Holmes 6t Bro., No. .T 7 Water, near Market street, Pitts burgh. l!lN. B. The success of this Company since iheesuh*' luhmcnt o' the Agency in lhi» city; with the pnmptnas diui libvraltry with which every claim upon them, for toss has been adjusted. fully .warrant ihj agent in in- Siting the confidence, and puronage of Ins fnendvand tha- community at large, to the Delaware M. 8. Insu rance Company t while it ha* the additional advantages as an institution among tue most flourishing in Pbilid'ia—as banng an ample paid in capital, Which bytheoperationontschartcMs constantly increasing a* yielding to raeb person insured his efue share of th« profits of the company-yvithout involving him m any responsibility whatever; and therefore as posseting the Mutual principle divested of every •obnoxious feature, an I in lUmoet attractive form, no <4 NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, New Tork. THIS welt known aud rc*prelaiile company i* pre pared, through then PITTSBURGH AGENCY, lo make inturance of every kind connected with risk* of irantponaubmuid inland navigation; to insure againrt lo*» ordain age by fire, Dwoltfug llbu*e», Warebousea, Uoildiitgi in general, Good*, Wutes.andMeichandiae, and rvet y description of per.unal property ou the mo*t favorable term*. Applicaiiotufor In*uranvc aiteuded to without delav t the office, No 33 Wood •ireei. * BPRINGKR lIARIIAUUH Ag’L AT an Election held nffire in NTy , May 19th, the following named gentinuen werechoten Diteciora of this Company, far the enduing year, viv Joseph W.ravage, , ‘ SlephenHolt, John Brouwer, ' John McChain, William G. Want, William W.Campbell, John Nrwhou.r, Jacob Miticr, iriljiaro s. Slocum, Marcus Spring, John F. Mackie, Joseph &. Lake, - - John J. Herrick. And al a *ifb«cquent mreting of the Board, JOSEPH W. SAVAGE. Esq-, wa< uiiaiumou*ly te-elcctrd Pres ident far the en*nme yeai. Win. J.VMES BOGGS, jy*J9 Po*t A Journal copy Secretary. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. aIHE Insurance Company__uf North America,, through its duly authorixed Agcut, the subscri-i her, ofiersto make permaucut and limited Insur ance on properly, in .this city and. tU vicinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Rivers. DIRECTORS. John C. Smith I’rct'l , Sdmuci Brooks, Alex. Hpory, Charles Taylor, . j Snml. \V. Jnne* - SamL F. Smith, Edward Smitli, ''Ambrose White, John. A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, Jdhn'R. Netf, Tho*. P. Cope, -JUchani Wood, Wm. Welsh, ArthurU. Cofiiu,Scc. This is flic ln.urancc Cosipany in lire Halted States, having been chartered in 1794. Its charier is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample'taeane, and avoiding all risks of an extra hssardoua xhxracter, it may be considered a* ofleriog ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOOD, At Counting Room- of. Atwood, Jones & Co.-, Water and Front streets,.Pittsburgh. , ' sp2S.lf INDEMNITY Ag -mat Loss by k ire—The FRANKLIN Fire Insu ratice Cbmpafiy of Philadelphia, WILL, make Insurance, permanent indlimited, on everydescription of property, inPHTS BORCH and thw SURROUNDINU.tioUNTRY. on fovoroblo term*.: This company has a perpetual , charter.. .1 CAPITAL....... *400,000 paid In. CONTINGENT FUND;....... JSOO,CCO ! Office comer of Third and Market eta,, f ittsb’gb, apSS—lf WARRICK MAfiTlN.Agenu ; INSURANCE. ! • Five larunscs Company; . ”05'PHILADELPHIA. Ctfarn Paarrruar. Oimat ««W *a» u». i OJRu in Phxhdriphiat No. 7* Walnut Street 7 i WU. DAVISSON, Faisaxiat FxiLn, Sec’y. . [ rpHlSdldond wen-eitablDked Company euetmaes to i. invert! BoibJjOf*,Mevekaruiise,F*rmttraand prop* erty notofan extm hazardeus ebar»cter,afalast loos or duuMbifire. ' • . , _ ' ' Atrolieatlana far insaraiiees in Pittsburgh and its rwiAborimod, skill h« received, smff risks' token ruher. '■ nevW . uno-• N* 81 wood it; DRY GOODS. I: °" K JO YOOU llOUaKSt'—l'liutiorrt JU <-»nitll J i.porijm,.Na»7 , . , Diamond Alley, The subscriber respectfully informs * t the cinieas, and stranger* tlsltmg ih« City, utat be &u I declined <be-Auction basinet*,-and removed to N 097 , Wood «mi, for the opening of a large CA RPET EAI--• PORII’M; Haying been in the East for the last tbra* ‘ >' . mtmth», selecungCarpeimg. &e- for this purpose- my i itack will be the and iini'Bssoned. and. sold at pace* lielow any rnnilar establishment East or (Vnt °j!, l **,r? ou, ? lain '*. Being a new stock, mi* Carpeu,4e„ will alt be the frethcat good* and lateMpntiem*.;The .color* of alt good* sold by mewill be warraoiefl » stftiiu, or a deduction made. . , r Rich ami Elegant Carper* for Spring Tr»de.__ /; Arrangement* haring been made with one of the lag mm Slanafaciurer*. to be kept constantly.supplied. to. # above arucle*, my stock will always b- foil and complete. Nowon hand: —r '.l SopefiTbree Ply Imperial Carpet*; f . Superfine Double Ingrain - do; > rme alt wool do .. do; Common do do do* JptarfM TrnmvHall mISuIt Cumik' • ' Vaneiiesof Cotton Ingram ; do: •/ Extra heavy twilled Venetian d« 4-4,3-4, and &-S striped de do; Couon striped Carpet* for Stairs; - Listing, Rag and Heap Carpet*; ~ •• Soper. Scheinelle and Tuftyßug*; Brnneis and Common do . do;. . FmeScbeinelle and Sheepskin Door Matur L*nt* and small AJicaot and ln:e Hemp Matt*: Bias* Stair Rod*, of all sites; All shade* of Worsted Carpctao#Binding; Wnr.,eg #n d Emb'd Table and Piano Covers, 1 Hlgu.wtd Plaid Table Cover*; . T?“*Pi' enl Laudaeape Widdow Shades; at? Cloth*,ot|nch pauenjs; • Bbeet 04 toany fit; . Oatn Fim»b Oil both Table. Cover*; 4 4,5-t, and 6 4 White httLt'lug: Snow-Drop Napkins; • *»nd Squatter Damask Table Linen; Damask and Bird-Eye Diaper: Drub and StaljLinen, ' • ■■ ! - - E W I.YND Carpet Good* W«r«bo«M. „ !m ABKhrrSTaKhTT. hESwSprn TJIOMP,os > tt tl " , the paiUc , £ EJs rt,,r * ,hM hßl '' now mteivina a tarn and Cta!»h« 1 t *y itße ? ,1 ’ 0< Ncw Snu Cuptiiiii, ,t$- . SS^^sSaVS^?* In,portnr ' i **«P«rfia* BnuaeU Carpet*; Kura or Tapestry Brussel* Ctupetins- • - »-• SHJxt Kxira do; ' »• “ ; Superfine iaffraiq, f'ino and Commoa'CatpiiiSrt-. *a<M-4 Plain Venttlan Carpeting; : 58,MtadMDuiuk<)o , So; 5-® 3*4 and 4«4 Tapestry do do; ' V - ■ : • • SaamAoat JViajmusgs. • ‘V-v'.'. jjB5,W OnlliafK.dil, 6 land M Bheeunfa; M Table Lineo*,* Linen Napkins; Crash and lXapar,i.' HwckabuekTorrelling; Cajprtßtripes?New StrteTV ' ►Jo Cover*; Oil Clotlis fronts? incite* to 94 fret wide, cat to any size; j "• ’ L. . . . TOOntl** WITH ' r;J^E Jer #?s‘ , i prlnW Table and Piano cerera • Fjpired Floor Cloths; ; Jn 11 '?and Wilton Hurt;*' - Tafted r CbeijieUe r aQ<i Skeeii«l:in Ddor M«S», ■ • Manilla and Gra*» d« do- ’ ' ' J -Brass Suir Bods Flat and Oral; • >■ , 1 Striped Suir linen; | Carpet Binding*; [• . . —J-*- 1 fcV 4 **,^ 6-4 Plainland figured Indian Mnuinr, Colored Spanish Matting, &cT, 4c. * I Person* fitting up Steamboat*, ll<tfels,or P rivals Hoc -. iJ 6 *] ®/ r . re Q acs, cd to cj|l L as be (edit confident they will , , else wbeJe*^ 6tr vmnu *f e to do jsj before purchasing ' , DRY GOODS. >f i5i?S! ll S.te i 1, ,„l M « *«■ ex«cn».Te mack. fu NKVV , S, RJNG DRY GOODS, (embracing’every “* n * V n „A“ l J ne J' now opernnr at the above (tand,- _marlodAw3mF ErNo HO Market strftet * “ - DRY GOODS. - - ‘‘ . QHACKLETT* WHITK,No m Woodstreet,above ~ Diamond Alley, are now prepared to offer to mef chantaa lanre and desirable stork of ' ; ; a ... . ~«U3SII SPRING DRY GOODS, All or Uku.seasoa’s.piuctiase— oflate and dealraWe *tyle> and Qualities. * *l erel >» n, » visiting,or pawing ihtongh our city, will find .(clearly to their advantage to give asm • can. aj we are determined 10 sell at such (mail profit*, a* will male it greatly to their .interest to mike a bill Our dock i* now full and complete, comprising a> general iu*oruneni of *nch goods a* are tnmailT kept" by dry good* house*. ” , v A good supply of heavy and light brown Sheetings always on hand. mchg7 IJ ARROWS A TI’RSEQ, Mo 46 Market street, -AJ are now receiving their stock of New Spring Good*, and invite the attention of purchaser* to their ' asortsucnl of Dress Goods, which is Particularly dett. fable, cohslsiing to part of : . Rich KmbroidereJ Lawns—vcrycboice patterns; Kich. Orgao"y Lawns—fashionable browner With jther colon, very handsome. 1 *• Primed Lawns, of different patterns; 'i —~ Rich California Plaids—«tylcs very hnadsoie; J Superior French Ginghams—entirely new*nd:bcan tifol patterns one lot very.handMtne ut 18| cl*. •■ • -■< ■ centi >C * lot W4mchsMcr W«si‘um«, [warrantbdj; at So__. mcfay6. No 46 market sirect.3 doors above 3d. ~ P* NK A sd WJIITK QlfleiiAJUS-U’. B, .J'tVkF D* ep S n a few piece* Pink ami White Barred Ginghams very low. and beaapfiil •tyie- Al*o, new atyle spring Mutiin de Lainea. 111-' w, neat Itfle Braiie;*, a fashionable toil aiomaeuvof firjt quality French and Manchester Ginghams, Bntish Prim-, mail figured Chinn for In fault, An. Alao, Jnih Linens—a fall tupplr, front low eet to finest quahtir*, x>( most approved make and are warranted pore flax—and very super.'or whirling mat hn« ax 13} cent* per vard. • V 7. (S7*Whale*alc stock very fufi in the room* up siiira. and good* offend at exceedingly ,low price* to C*-’ bu > eM - -I - apsMffl £AIHKS, WiAIN COLOR* „»:? Murphy has now open an anonmcnrafthe al>oje Kopd*,all wool, including »omc very fine. Also. *I,A*‘ r , dc ve, y »“perio',-plain mode colon. A *O, plain Drab UareffMi p.ok.bfue,. and black do A , lar,ne ''; “ roWII *nd fancy colors, some as.low a» cy*>:a; umf a Imje of newest styles dr & v. K ood. generally, including black watered, aod faney Hjl.KJs, of latent importations, and at low prices lor quality. Buyers, will p.case call end examinqaiN ~ b corner <ih and .Market »ts. . lE7“ Wholesale Rooms in seeond story, where a vary . choicestock can be-ieen by demean, m low cash prt- • ce >* anl*- K < X” IU K »-HonnM Ft.pe,, Ttlii .00 Koch,.. O Tortoise shell and horn, tusk, side. and dresain*- combs; inlaid satin and roseseood lair brushes; tooti). pad, comb, cloth andfXat do; carpel binding;; bed later brown,black and whnetaljand: colored cambric;kUk and nmon galloon*; fiannel’ binding- safety envelopes; w. ,C * Ilu *, w,l i moll ®.s aJ P r *i Barnhill 1 * In delible ink, pencils and pcneil painti; buttons; pine: needles; tapes; spool cotton, kc. ITor sale wholesale . and retail,by • FII EATON)KIJIfutcIurKI T° mmhast taiLors-nc, cvalm J_a splendid assortment of ihose Toor mannfaeuiteS “biru, both fine and medium qualities. . A large invoice Cmrats, both hlsek and fnicies, di rect from the Imponer. I, \ Adjtming Slocal, all qualities and'color* ' 1 ‘ V ’■ Satin Bows, do .do do; Bombazine do * do do*, do: For sale by ihn manufacturer's Aeem. Na SHTWw street, np*uirs, wholesale. HD WARD’TQfiD Agent,for Ka«iem Manpfaftarsr*. .i J% OR *? ,l> CAPRS - - .«*• Worked Lain Capr»—-nctrtsj sivle*—a lot received ihif morning. - - » i A L*°’ 9, h “ Be, s®? fr,ik '? * <«w pe» Chameleon Walt ** e Boi Dre»i bilkt—a beaaiiftil article, and acarce— open tbt» raornmp- • ■ ■ . } AUo, French Ualzannei, a few piece*. choice atylaa —at the Dry Good* lloom of ' W B MURPIW N E cor4th and .Market at* . i this morning at Barrow* A Turner**—A Tv , c lr lf^ lJOf > of California Plaids, new and beauti ful rtjles; French Ginghams, very r»eh pattern*, JO- 25 cent*; Manchester Utngbam*, warranted, -ai the low prica of 20 cent*; English Print*; Bro-wn'plaid* and Mripes, new and bandsome.at No 48 Market imset,' > tnchlfl ; Between 3d ami 4th *trtcu • SlI'K, LIBLE THREAD AND PABIS KID ULOVFH—2Q dozen super,-Pane Kid'Glovca ■ .from the manufactory of Jotivin •» Alexandre-' *• Open work and embroidered Silk Glove*; Embroidered,‘plaiit and fency Lisle do: Child's Silk. Lfile and fcUon • do: '' ‘ Genl’smilitaryand die** do: - '* .ForsalehV ' ' apj> F H EATON M'IIASSPAnENT WINDOW BHADKH . WARRANTED TO WASU—A beautiful: ataort menl of 'French, Araerican ind Italian Landscapes. J*crjptarnl View*, Raman Arche*, GotHe Satire, dee.; at a small advance on who!e*ale price*— from 91 to SIS per pair. For sale at the library Room, Philo Hall, ad street, by a W ATKIN*, Maaofaetartr.N, Y.• • . N. ll.—Dealer* aupplied. afflTCw -= Fisk shirts, collars, Bosons, Ac —New style* of Fine Shirts in great variety; - Standing and Byron Collar*; ■ , . spring tie Cravat* and Satin Stock*;' ' ' Bosoms and Crayat Stiffenera; ' ' i Shoulder Braces, Night Cmpt,£Uk GaarrfLAe: ' On hand and for »ale by apß ' 'F II EATON' PArSTKD SHADES, VENETIAN BLINDS, Ac—'Transparent W indo w Sh ades, of both 01t|h aad on preparation, in great variety of style and assorted sire*; Venetian Blind*, of assorted atie* and eolorMbr . **'* on Commission; Shade Future*, jnelnshngßeUer*;- and liliod Trimming*, assorted color*, at 1 : -~- ;_*!? . F II EATON* 17MDROIDK RIN Q WORSTEDS. RAT JIj TiyiNS, Ac—Zephyr and ,Tapc»try Worried*,' Pattern?, Canvass. CbeneiUe, Bilk Flo**, fancy Braid*, i Perforated Board, Tidy a, Lamp Mala and olner Fancy • Work for sale at : F H EATON’S Upper Safes Fringes* gimps and satin trim- MlNOS—Fancy and plain head colored drew Fob- -* gesi ricn manulla black do; maniilla, polk* and Chain fimps, black and colored Lolerian tnmttinpi'black sjnd colored aabn ribbon dtfriurt recHl at -V .. - >r* _*P?_ ►_ ; ■ FII HATOyg ■ * HOSIERY and' YARNSr-CuUoh, siflnpnd merino lioie and half Hose, in great variety for. men, women, muses and children; Itniiunx Yarnt and ~v_ Worried*, a»sorted,co!or*; mcmliogand tidy eoodh add manufacturer*' Worsteds, and 'J JUST Received and for tale at ihe manafiwtnrer 1 * list prices, a large invoice of patent On*.Bank and Shirred Saspcnccrs, of the Kussell ManaEhctnricg. Co-, Ct. For sale by the Agent. NoW wood street.-.ap wain, wholesale. EDWARD. TODD, mcb2« MancfsctcrarU Agent F. n/EATpN,' DKALF.R in Trimminga and VamiyGobdvTortotto. The!!, Ivory and Horn comb*,Woollen Yarn* and Worsted*, Buttons, Needle*, Pin*, Tape *; Braids,' Ac... No 83 Market St between Diamond and 4th' ftreoto WORKED COLLARS, Lkee*E4fi£f* t 'UMn lldlft , Moreen and Grata Linen fbr.SkinA.LUla • , Ribbons, Piper Mnmni. Ac,, at Flt EATON’S - ® TITRAPPINO PAPEIUhO Reams Crewe; *■ •rW ... | ; SOB ■ do /Mediami . • Received and for aale by JOHNHMELLPR apl& ■> No B-#oc<r«ree< ■ CtTRTAIN MTSLINS, of a grttt Wrfety pf styles, melndjcg Buff French CkatUvfofcW.'ndcrw -: - Curtain*, to be found at dry good* bouse of • ,W:RJJURPIjT- v apgOdfcw N E cor <ih and Market w 1 MERINO OASSIJXERES—I case ofbeaati f«| good* tot Sommer Coat*, prat received and Car imlaby andl . gHACKLETTA-WtUTB Clerkship ; Vofk. 1« yean; of age; aw t wod i Q murtSMct »ble Comnwreial Eitabliahmefftin the eICT :>I^AS -il ls- ~ tbo dean* of bia pamds thubaabosl4M4«laSkMNr* : ledcs of busincM, a tasllnaanneratjon wonldoaiyba..; .?£, required far tha fimyetr. Rafltnaed wtf'M hsisf:-;, 1 ' RNiorofGstene. - "-.-. d , 1 ' : ‘A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers