V 1 MESCELLAXY^. Anecdotes of Avarice.! Avarice, says the author of Reggio Medici, seems to me not so much a vice as a deplorable piece of madness ; and if he had added incurable, his dednition would have been perfect; for an avarici ous man la never to be cured, unless bv tge same medicine which, perhaps, 'maV cure a mad dog. The arguments of rea son, philosophy and religion, will have htilu effect upon , him—he is horn .anti framed io a sordid love of monoy, which first appears when he is young, grows up with him, and increases in middle j age, and when he is old, and all hi> pas- j . sions have subsided, it wholly engrosses | his mind. The greatest endowments of I mind, the greatest abilities in a profes-1 sion, and even the quiet possession -of! • immense will' never, prerail against avarice. My I.orJ Hardwick, the Lord Chancellor, who is said to be worth three hundred and sixty-two thou-, sand pounds, seis the same value on hall a crown now, u* hit did when worlh <mu hundred pounds. Ihe great captain, the j duke of Marlboro , when he whs in the j last stage of lile, and-very infirm, would ! walk from the public room in Hath to his j lodgings, in a cold, dark night, to save a , sixpence, in chair lure. ii the duke, I who left ut his death more than a million and aJtaif sirrhng, could have foreseen 1 that all his wraith and honors wore to be 1 inherited by a grandson of Lora Trovers, who had been ouc of his enemies, would 1 he have been so careful to save a six- ’ pence for the sake of his heir ? Nm for' the aako of his heir ;■ but he uoi[ld al-' ways have saved ihe sixpence. Sir James Lowther, after changing a piece 1 • of silver in George’s coflee house, :md ' paying two pence for his dish of'coffee, was helped into his cjiariot, (for he was then very lam? and infirm,) and went home ; a, short lime after, he returned to the samo-coffee house, on purpose to ac-' quaint the, woman wjio kept the house,! that she. hoty given himn bad half-penny, 1 and demanded another in oxchsn»e for : it. Sir William Smyth, of Bedfordshire, j who was my\kinsman, when ho was near seventy, waA wholly deprived of his: sight; he was persuaded to be couched i by Taylor, the oculist, who; by agree-j ment, was to have sixty guineas if' he i restored his patient to any degree off sight. Taylor succeeded in his opera-! lion, and Sir William was able to read and write without the use of spectacles | during’thc rest of his life; but as soon as j the operation was performed.,and Sir! William perceived the good effects of it, | instead of being overjoyed, as other person would have been, he began to la- ! raent the loss, as he called it, of his six ly guineas. His contrivance, therefore, now was to cheat the oculist ; ho pre-' tended ttyat ho had onlv a glimmering • and could see nothing perfectly; for that 1 reason life bandage was continued on his ' eves longer than th«* usual time. By! this means ho obliged Taylor to com’ pound the bargain, and accept of twenty • twenty guineas; for a covetous man: thinks no moans dishonest,' in which he ! may logaUy practice to save his monoy.‘ Sir VV illiam was an old bachelor, and at the time Taylor* couched him, had a fair ; estate in land, a large sum of money in ' tho stocks, and not less than £1,500 or i. £1,600 in his house. But to conclude, this article, all the dramatic writers, bntli ' ancient and modern, as well as the keen est and the most elegant satirists, hi'-c i exhausted their whole stock of wit to ex pose avarice ; this is the chief subject of Horace’s- satires and epistles ; and yet the character of a covetous man hath never yet been fully drawn, of sufficient ly explained.—Dr. Etng. Nf.w Orlcans— The New Orleans Delta publishes the census of New Or leans, just taken by commissioners ap pointed for the purpose. We present an abstract of it,: Municipality IXO | Whiles. Free colored •Slaves, Toluli 20,446 s* Muniripahfy \a. 2. Wlmes, 35,003 Free colored, 1,610 Slave*, | 6,250 Municipalt/y Wo. 3, Whiles, Free colored Slaves, (estimated,) In the whole city. Whites. Free colored Slaves, Grand tola], The populutiop, according to the cen sus H)f 1840, -vrua 102,193, so that, if both censuses be correct, there has been’ a decrease, in ten years, of 10,000' The probabilities are against the accu racy-of the census of 1840; but it cer tainly could not have been more than ten thousand out of the way. It appears, theu, even on this supposition, that the population of New Orleans for the last seven years has been stationary. .This fact will surprise those who are not ac customed. to trace the operations pf sla very on tho cities of the South. Up m a certain point, they may flourish rapid ly, but, with little internal - trade (far more important than a foreign one) to support them, they then become station ary, or Recede.' — National Era. Bonrio Alive.—Miny persons are oppressed with a fear of being buried alive, an ! d truly it is a horrible thought. ]f, however, tho statement below should really be tho announcement of a positive fact, admitting of no exception, there is no need of encountering the danger of • being buried alive j: ; “A learned Belgian, M. Maindie, Itas recently discovered a very simple means of distinguishing between.real and appa rent death. It cpns|sts in creating a small burn; if there is life, a blister al ways is formed, in the absence of all apparent sensibility. If death has alrea dy intervened. nothing of the kind occurs.” h mf OKUAiVS CKLKHKATKD INDIAN UVKK < ITI. rILLS, for the cure of Liver (Vnnplaint, and ; all diseases arising from the Liver. In nek iiexl sche, and as * purgativejund AutMiilmus IMI, * u r, passed by pone. ’ *. Symptoms nr * Disr.tsKt* Liver.—Chii.Mi 'nflamatioA oi the Liver,[when not the conaequrnct ol an acute attack of tbi discate, begin* generally with symptoms of a junctional disorder ofthe diges live and biliary organised dyspepsia frequently aeema to be the only affection preaent. 'J'he patien complaint of irregular nppetecand impaired power of digestion, acidity, flitulpnce, alight cholic pain* occasional nausea and vomiting, 3Dd a slight dul pain and weight are 'elt in the right aide, accompa rued in some cases with a dragging pain in the right •hooJder Mo*t comiiinifly. however, no distinct pain i* eipencnci'sl in the-region ol the Liver, except when firm pressure i* made on' this part The oowols are. ahvpys very irregular, costiveness being common irt sortie instances with diarrhoea, Uio discharge* scanty, dark colored, idfcDtive, slimy, greenish or muddy. jOne oi the most coolant and characteristic symptoms of Chronic Liver Com. plaint is a dr.V, handil constricted slate of tne skin, a shortdry cough, with slight dilficulty in breathing, is a frequent attendant ,uu this-disease. Intl.e chronic ss in the acute form of this disease, tbopa, *rseldom rest as easy on the left as .m the Vlfhta)do. the disease advances,slight feve>»' -cothe on altehdcd with a burning heat in the palms or the hands, and soles ol (he feet; the nights are restless, and when the inflammation terminates in suppuration, hectic and rapid oraacia- ; lion coniumetho vital powers. ’ M.uiufacluredjrhl tolij wholesale and retail by. W 'HN D. MOKOAN.Dioggist, mchJl ( - i Wood street, Pittsburgh.' SAL, SOUA— I «a»k Jm recM anil for rale by - " . JOHN <1 AJORfIAN, Druggist " spS wood street 'MSMffATIU.N -LI I*. rKarsrgYLVAstACAJfAVat railroad > irtpn.»6? rA*r ' • ’ pittsm;boh to philaim. «,»» hal.timohk Ertlmirtlf for Panenftrs. public orr re*peci/Dlly informe-i that :n > nr X will commence running on at aU.ni ibe Snii, oud.rr>rilinur throughout tbr .runm Tin- propii have now ptneeii a •uprfnv cla*» of Pa. k. ■, a,!.: H:.. • ; Toad Pur* on ihe route, will* rilrit ocromm,id;itjn,i« i which wid gi vc gieuirr com tut i u> tra tr u-i». A Packet Boat wilt n)v.n\« m |«>n, am) ill- i*a\ eli/tg pul-l c nfr »r<jnested tn , ad m:,; . lain m- :||. n prev.uu* to engaging piosagr ri.iewi.rir ■FAKKOM.V MXK DOM.AItS • Ouc<-l H. r Pncl(r|« will | MV r the landing. .0pj,.,. ; inc i.n.iril Simr* Motel.k lyirnrr IVmt mi. an.: u, Canal.-very n.ghi at , riMK fJJ UA YS tor inn.rmaiif.ii apply at the M.nii‘i'i::.l.r- Htfu.r. tY uirr nrrr i. nr to j> |.i;i.ru i iv, mrtiij _ < . l>r vllri , t WEtfTkltN TRANSPORTATION Co. i>il?' D. LEECH A C O’S. OLD KsTAM.IMIKD TKaNSPORTa i |d\ |.p,j HKTVVKKN PITT-HP KOH PIMLA OKI.PHI V. HAt.TJMOHK A Mi M-AY Y< >KK j'HK *ir. k m tb.- . nr con».-l» •>( .i-, , fr.l In now .t.l :■ <■■ re** i|ua.n,i> ol Men-lund, . PrnJu.'** ih ,e| la‘lily .1 till (!.n*ti. Pthdu'-- ot Mrrrhax.l.'r r nii.ijrnril to him |.r der*ignr.t .* lorwatiir.i irnv.o: 1.,n r|i:trp<- .1.,... noil o> onrafr I!ii.. I ..vt* nv trariMti Itnj and ail .ir ti jri on - , rum - • Wended to ' " ; tTbr 1.0.i,ir.< of tin- Ii« C'Hniui ii .I , I . 'Sbbatl. keep fit» pfinriplr* Addren. , , U I.KKCU .V l*o. Propr ••uni I’anai ll.i-nt P •; : MARKKA I .n:i||, l* r .. ( ir . t» r .. No i: Si.ttii Tn nt -tt.-. i Pi, • ~i, •, J*'* I'aYl.mk a so\> a, . \n 114 Nofii, Ilnivai,: .| lr , : j; a , * l‘ WlldXlX. Agent, (OnLtr. N„ 7 , „.rt.Nc.v York PITTSBURGH PORTAULK U.].|\K. 1847. , I,'utl the ltaii»|Mii:ai ..i.ni Kr.;.»»bl i-r.n r, I, p.ir. i.r.n ■ and the Allanllr aiimlm* 11 .io>l. • ~n ’ ilnr way anU tbr; i'int>«/urM » A ■>: o- .. .'.ni.a, .- liffakarr ai.J »r{.aiUl’OH of . P'wjri.fc.i-j ptilUlKll t.J. A f\H! !> N«.'.'7~ M ti krf .tn-.;, j't, TAAFKKitiVOWnII j f»'C*o\7S(Jll A Co. N**nli »tirri. jt«iim,,,ir / 1 VV A J T'TAPSPtrrr, 7i5..0t1, mNX J'• | |i_ Knniuri*i;r.i merrax-,) l.u«mr.. t I’llllVr ail.lril U> liieif »'o«'k anil i-jitcii.l. ,t ;t,£ i •|;:i..Er 1 thrill* .luring the n.utrf, unit : o-.« ~ii-,.ni. ,i ... , | waul tie.ff .1 witii .m.! iii.p.n.-i, ..ui,,,,. o j by ail)’ Other Ilnr • Thrir ltnii; • »,.n» . ~ die palpal,lr «u|irriuruy of U.r P.iilainr 1. t and ibe tfrraj rapacity ami i .mvi.n.i , r . . bou»r* ,11 .'4l 1, rii.l (,t ibr tinr. pic ;.,r -u..afl/,■ u.. ,u -teJ i.« rtiajilr the prnpr.rtor* r,, lull,i ihir r >n„rii . j and lu'oinimo'talr tlii-.i rb‘t„ia-i*. ronlnl, , M . [ ll.c pa*t a* a sju<|faiity f;« tbr tutni.- ; 1.. . r,- ~ •ftiiCit a coilltnuatir. t.| tl.ut (oi.ri.iom «' .• t- ~• fjf.«:rtuli\ lu'knowlciii'r. ! Ail con«.j»nni!*iiii< tn ThaUr A m.m •,» i;„. a j arid forwarded Ktramboat cti'.irj;.-* m ,!! 15 . . ..J ‘ I.ailiug inin*®ii:rij ut r ni any charge for I'en.jr. j advatn'ini; nr «i.iraf»r llav.rx no Inirrr.; | uul'iircily in Mraiui<oH4. ilir n;t, rc-t »• i i mu«t iicir«iHri*i i,. timr pmnaiv ot.j.vt n ->ii j tt'rnl. anti they plrrter ll:rin*r!vr. j : , j' ( , r %<■;»j, (jj j roilmgurit to tlirm prninpl ly m.,| nn ;|i.- mr,.; : .. , grou* tmii* to tbeowurr<. . ! Marrh i. ts 47 'n. ir- INDEPENDENT I'OUTA II j. l. BOAT LINE. IS-17. F»>K TUKTKANSPUUTA.TION OK PKonlV ' AMI) MKKriIA-NDIMv Tn AN It KKn*.t p« i T V IJL'HGM. PMILADKLPMIA AM) H.y t.TI *di lj: >; lO”'Vnliout Tran»t:ipmrin. Good* roanijjnt-il loi>ui carr w,;: t-.- tum.ir,:i »i t m oosi|r|ay ai the lo.vrrt rjiri ti: rate*. 11. , I. ,„n r 'ranMiintr.l. ami all in*irucm.t:» |.rviii|U,) nnrnd ,t , 0 irr, iruiu uny extra charge b,r dorag ■ nr i onitn . ,:• A'!drr«» i.rapply m l. AMr A N I.'I.TX A< ■> ' Onai Hu-ill. P 11-.IU: T ; i STOKAtii: Iforinff a very large amt rnmmfKl nu* war« we arc prepared lo receive i a ndd.lnni it» i';. ‘h.pmeinl a largr-urnmni ot Produce. A r ...Si. low ratn. (mam] C A .MrA.M. I. i Y PICKWOUTH di (O S LINK. 18 4 7. I? XCI.UBI VKI.\ tor the uan«iK>i aiir,n nt i-J KKKIOUT i.eiwrrn Pi:t«tnirj{si ilia r^v.l.e,. town, litill.day-iil.org}i. \V a nr Sirc>M. Pctrr.l.ur'' ail inieimediAte plarct ' Out H->at will leave ibe \varrh‘»i;*r vf I’ A ,\l,- ' A i*o . Punt,uigh, every day. [excepi Su-.d-t -shippertcuu al'.vaya .icpetui on baTui« the.r coo. w l>i Jed Without dr lay and ut fair rule*.. Tit.* !..nr way futuici] tot tlie rpri-.ji ii-e'.>m:r.,i. of.llir way bu*mei>i, and ibr propriexit rv>. ( «oiieirii ii'irra! »liarc-oi pairouago. ' Prvprtrtott. JOHN PICKWORTTH JOHN Mjl.'CK IrAN’I. H BARMvB ROtH'PT Wool william m.rv J'MIN MJU.KR. Molii.ia'wu.i'i;:. K H i'A\AN, John-u.wn . 1 ,\ C a McANUI/n A U). ) r.I.KJKtSU!. J J McDevijt, John Parker, Robert Mc«jte. P.u-a A Smith- Pittsburgh. USB ERIE AMD MUillil.VLl.n:. 184/. . r I , HIS Lice l>emir rmrpo'Mo' < mmlrf’TUc I -.i •• } < . i mill Mirhzau, lurimns <fn . ■mi l>'ivrr, .uni lir.gbl _ r . ruiinutir l.ciwren cr.n-< i 1 j, C*M Bccil’i |jiir (ii S;* ai.i on ihc will I*. pr.-jpurr»}„>,, . mji«i Nivitfimon 10 enrtv h •.( | nil :>oim(i on iltc R-: Can «! *n<j |.akr- S’ llar<iiKr\c<> lar:: ;> lor ., ;?s j. •rllgerr With prompt;,.--. Jll.l ■ml rcjo-.Mi...:) mh.c.l ITOni U,.-ir. w , It,- put'/:r i’cnfrullj' tio-.r paliotincc. CK KfeED,K.:,-. I’roprK-ior BKI.JiS. I'.wiii* * , „ A JOHN IA I f.lll \ Cell an,l w.tlc.f . u „. v.'-. ‘ .... ' Rrtlifl.i Mini.r ' ' j Rirri; To \ Cntrktr a Cc. .New \ ~r i - \ \ Davit, liuifaio I' N ruin Co, ClevcliiitT j Ja» A AriD'lfliC){ A Co. Ilnru.l J MiUiurc A Wiiliatnn. M.iwaukir ■ ll'niul ilHuntr, I'lncaqo Wtn I'owcri, i’owermovvn. IVnna (iro Maeiielmyrr. Kvßn.i'ufjj-i, I'l-uiin Juim .MeArtbui. llunutOM-n, U'irk A Acker, <,rccnvil>. • 'rain A Frampton, i:iurk«vi|l». Il«y» A Pluinl».Sharp«tiu(pti. |‘a W C Muian, Sbaion, . ,|- H W Cmnno*b»m. \ecr Ci-nlr ,to .mu', lIKLIAKCK PORTAUI.K BOAT LIM’ saaa .iS;!?. H»K iKA.isi’oariNu Is lii ; • \m. TtVKKN IMTI'SUURUH AND TIJK K.V!STn\ I' • ANO CITIES, WITHOUT 1 lU»Sl|||>M f N r . \ • improved method ot carrying u»r.| 1.% in - m-S . i-V {.■Alv*? JC* i Established Line, i, now v» well known ti.oi .<\ ‘ rrnpiionis unnecessary. Good. ure no. tm.rh.o! ....t A ; —i k. ~H . lf „. 4i „„ jj,* menu ut this mcd.nne ril ,. i ,Tlic rupaciiy of our Wdicbouo-s eii.il>i> j u . „, y,,.,.. ! | 'I: fu: r. . I , ~ v tt j l*r Knir at h -iAI.E Ilil S, a must valuable any coii.i KD nirat« made iuu». Krccv.ut.Nti.fuu-f 1 . •'* • "• I' 1 ■ r i f cn.<--!i tor those general complaints i„ \>b, c |, f t .. advances free, of charges ? | ■ -.i • j 1111> • an* subject ncuip fully pjeparr.i U, make aalr. ~r --.r . • f Ur. It..*- ■ ToS l< AI.TKUATI VK ahirles for on wl..cJ. i.beni -dy'inrr. if. "0- : *' I '.. j , . ‘ .. »o th«M,uahl.e. ol a valuaol,. .»edicia... aßan made and oilier usual fanlinc* aifurded, him 1 ' : .I,\ 1 1.1. \- ’ , ' . 'jirpeptir. i.l > hi. «.r Maniacliic pill, correct •clv.i that imyi business entrusted 10 n- »iij“ i.r - ! 1 . ” .- • !mg tnr.sf o.jr.i.t.-*, and thereby preventing con* promptly rir.-iji.-fl ami upon a« fair trnu- I. f :u 1 ’ snuiplion. A young Lady ij years of age, bavin? other Ik.uk, j JNO AIcKA UOK.N A 1 , , ' , n .luims.' l ! lirrr l«r some time, her atren'Mli pm*. "*> IN 1 7 I t,3U " ,n ‘‘ a 1 , 1 ,e1,1 « « onc - 'C , Hnp!ttely°restored KORWiKOIIiU -WKItCH, JT, i ‘ ** ?qr„^ * Ta T,, ouo s ; r r,'^rr axßl ft, r*o ■ m j -M r . ' “ ' "• 1-. w-r. it„ [ w l"i » r m wif.mu or adults. So curtain a specific j 1 !■ , ' ill '*|| ‘ *' n- ».v.i.-i | *=> »t lor tins formidable disease that the tr. 0.1 ob- UAKK ERIK AID JlloUlSl.V Ivi | ;;S“ lu "S •“"‘‘"'B.'.«c OAIET BKTWEptIt PTTTSIKJ BOIf At« DRx A V RU, | To'.*-in") .'..h | ‘ ‘ " i Ki lEE MATI« MIXTU RB-Aftrr man V \JLT ILIa bcpjrpared on earliest openingofcanti! A-n~<. !i'..r S-, V ' ' “ n ' ■ ‘ I year- of 't.l.gr.n rr.mti 1, ilu- compound wa. di.co ff IJtaiion to receive property m In* wharr |«, al ~f '|y n:i,, r | ' “ ' ' ' -*-•. am: cfcl and 1. never Umiiß rifiracv plneri ,n eAcrm-v m warehouse, for all point* on Eric Kii.-ii-mn. !>„»*. ’ i),i* -i. 1 . . ul.ov uif oilirr- mr Uicrurc 01 Khrunian.in. ’ Cut, and Omo Cauala; for Hit ports on Lake Hr:.- nmi ; it.r-u-.it I- i-,., i ;l- i* ■ | j)r Ko--« ASTItI Ntf K.NT t:o.M ITJL'.N i> a certain upper Lakes, as also loiorwunl produce, Jcc.l.y I f.f. r • jis. „ -• • - •• ••»•• »• n-mniv mr .p,it.n« Wood, indeed lor di.cliarees of Jnjproveinrnu. Apply to or address I /, i, n .. , • blmul wliriberirotn Lum**, orother t»uru of ih# fcl.aiMltf _ _ __■#**■ IWCKrV Silver 'will,.. . ‘ ,> '»«t- 1 0 ,nf I’iTTUBURGH & CLEVf'LAMj'LLVE. ! “ \ffu i:.V‘ ' ** ' 1S4(). «6c=nnr«.: nnaßi. (I Clarke. II Hoop*. T. h chtnnml i (» [ CLARKE & CO., Rorwtnllng A Commission Merchants KKAVKn. PA. Apmssud Proprietors of this 1,n,,. t^>uw,» r . A ably known to th<* public),tvill Le.prt-riar.d ©• n•• earliest openmg of canal navigation to rrtrn-«|.r,.'. erty at Pnulaireb anil Hearer, nml deliver the imnr any paint on the Ohio cannl*, and airs on 1.-.krs l- i c and Michigan, wait the greatest de-patch nml at onaule rates. The proprietors of thi« line hobmt the I.u<mic«« ~| their former customers with confidence, knowing mat their lacihUc* are second to none. Apply to or address ’ G M lIARTO.V, Afi. l'iu«>.urrh. CLARKK /t Co. llctctr. T RICHMOND &. Ci " TO Tilk PUBLIC* r |'nK Roa'mcn * Poaatile Host <*«mpnnv !>r -if ... J •otv*>tl. iba Coinpriny apmii wnt .ii'o :<rt n.--.li i'v j p:irtii»r-biji under iho name of the ••Ibi.rini-:,’ ( •• oii.l liUwi«c agreed in rr!n the Sioei •«. of tlunf« for Hie r>urpo-c of nirn.iu! er«„N llMOugf, from *il In r„;!,l ,!.■»»,. Wlt |, Or .I::> fee, em oorac.l l.)r thr M>. lahty of iuM ~.|r on »(?*-, to lUJkr nioir fimi*,vc arrangement# tor U,- . ♦ . Wo would therefore rr«pf<*iful!y M.lir i * >nce of U u T fuirnrrpairoti'.iimJ rr fer all nr« luk iom,r, weLavf-don*- (or. 1847. Sfeagga .DOATM AJIS 1 LINK, For (he tritinpomiioii of all Kinns ny »r.rmiahuue, to awi. riinu , I HILAI'KLFMU. BaLTIHM*. Ntrw VokL A *« H,„r«U. I SAMLLL WK;iit.MaM A lii, I Corner 1 LtWny »i/r el *„,] Canal IMtMmrgfc I vmr'V\ GKR,,A, tf 4Co - ! . Ao JGa Mnikel tire* t. rt.(!j,ie r.h. . KUJKR, (iKljfroN ft Co. Acrnu. _ Hamrnore, Sid | REFERENCED. PITTSBURGH—Ja*. MeCuliy. (; po . Morcnn Jt i I IV MrOlHy A<V II A Sampwin A Co M sii<-„Ar« PHILADELPHIA—JtorrHP»nr,.<.r,.V C.V i:Vv*.',u McFarland A Co, Flcroinr A. P«i<.r'\Vr r i,i \ Son. J tlinpham. Lrat/ NEW YORK—Gno.ihtie ACo.Thco Prrrr ft Vo BOSTON—IIutcI * Co. CINCINNATI—Adam* *k Orcagli, \V IV s<-nr!.or PT. PLEASANT, VA—P A Mnrlilrr NASHVILLE—F Fleming Not*—All merrkaodife from New York ami Ho-'on, conufoed to A L Grihan A Co. Phiiadf Ipbia, will |.,.- promptly IqrwrtrtW frtt of eommiwion- iviil.3 „ LKECn dt,CO'K Ptcluge KiprtM to !*lUla3el).lilii. MJBnn rilH Cinil being now npeib ihr* Kajifeae winch baa bmrr; ta<>i>»bed i lor (te conveyance of valuable packaro i mcrcaandiicj apcein, bank notea, jewelry. 4c, coir rooncrtl nmiung on Tbunday. Mnrcb | H. An Itoa Craw will t«-dispatched laily emit the tin* of fbecanaJnigaea'dti Apply 10 IBCblb l D LEECH & Co •or Fean it ud Canal TH,\NSl'Ol!.'!'.Vfln.\ [jiNES plTTsnruoji.A.vn civcknaati iiifiviram pisskmei: imceeu r J '!if- V- 'i MONDAY I'ACKHT. T:- \M>NO\i, * m:i. \ , v Tl KMM V i* \<K KIT lint! KM \.| y, - <( . : \v F.l».\ PSD A V »» \r K KT ■M. \ \ I* \< • i. < ti, m;w i \ MUII \ \ »• \<K KT 'I l • ' I H'l'l !;. \> ■. < • .■ • . s.VTI Kl>.\ \ I*A<'lt |.;t Ti.- v .-"i r. ■ I- A \C M V. UN Nl UMI-.K 1 s 17. iimi. \ i»(»: ri TO ( I.K V t-. 1. \ \ l» W AIUHI.V. JMI \ \ I PITTSIUIU.Ji \\l> IiIIKKS V 11.1,K ' . . -I s '■*• ■ Jlri' : ’ T T ,ii: \K '-' VVMV Ji »..i N •,! i.;,) < ITItfK.NN rCItT.'.HI.i.. IKIAT I.IAK IS i7 ' "j I’!l 11 .<«! rfj>!i |: 1: 1 1 | .tir f „ j r.i ..I! :>• U i i , ' | iln|;i) a i , ]i- '*•• m.\' a y* mi; • i k \ KOli SALJ-: I.imiui- w . I :» «f. I»VA, HO> H l-Mint jppjft:' ‘ I VK.\K.T!\\ HI.IMK. Tiir ''ll' xr i,.‘> [. a u j-sti:i{vi:i.t ’ >.ir sain m JMMiurgh by li K Scllera, 57 wonri , . ; and |,v Wm Tfiorn..W\f a ,kH ■» •*.• r.,...r l V'n I *‘rVfliv; f N SK,ll,o ‘ v - Uf . .b» m * v lV v •" V...V n»M vi"V' r *, wr «‘* e r « r *“ 01 tlir SOHK EMy-ff* — I-•■,!. ... *Y , ° r, "j j dc *''‘“''"K‘b** laic g„. rfewfr&l 1;... r .1. ' '' K, “ <•«!.!•• ... I• illami In prnrurn ihe ; . 1.. ~i . i f "«i imni unknown tim) , rTI .. ■’ ■ r';:.L : .„. m, „„ i m {....1.-tim.l .mil. mi!/ 1,“ USSS, .• rul' i rl. 1 ' "«lCn» Rn.l r»)|.U tiarrt |,rm pfOVril ■ •tfiCaMouv I» 'V : “zJZ2ijzl‘'ik2i Al-so 1 ! ,,p . .j |r i * v-ii | i:*|ii*ii.>hp,i of llmu*-t|[cl»—A'rtl Er putt ’* \ OI „ !*•»' *“!«• in l , ull*l»offh,jui tin* I'KKIN TKA STORP * iii.Him nt- ,-.r . ..vi. v it [.«• ...t.l low I ’* '“v*. 'i«*ar "‘pod, ami at ihe ' "m* - lON A >rui'K It*N |,, . Federal Street. A!lesh<yiv Oily. CO AC H M A if IM r: i . * ,r ' Worm .Specific, , * f-ii?,v iiT •?.•• i f: G • i TV'T ••“>«""> Mini, by iakinit one vial ornieior' '* ' 1 f .' l, • 'i> outage J IMi (,niir« \\ onn Siimlio, a rlnlil of Jamr« <i, h.i» ri 1.. m >.. i>.t 1 r? * 1 “ 11 m «n) own pn**«d 1 1 larpr wo n n»— J** , f J * 1 ?’> " ,e "Ofprutnp wonu medicine I ever o-.. n ,„ ~ SI \' ■ ■ " , " 1, hr '">■* I 11 l «nu»i have two more via!*. £ Vcr iWw,:niir; j «»»*o,N.«?«a isssl. OarntUf* un.iir ti. nnJuf. rum. -t-vmiy Cse itollsr* to i . , ?. * 'j u*«'»h; V <lo Ilr**w« Japan <l.. c/phthiinareL . • JOHN SOQTJL .1, Ju d °i 10r 'ale ty J SCHOONMAKEH * c*»‘ u ... r- WBM wM«Bieg. a mi. i.i, i, if '!'« I’rlnirrs II -V r MEDICAL PBEBKRVE TUB TEETH. t-'AK better i» it to cure the Tooth vhe inottr minute, by U'ing Wbtctcr’i Tedbcrry Tooth Wn.*h, than to nutfer / ' tin- iTt'hitigt.al*') it) t ore nmrttcw | ?um», *o:?nr«* oi tlir cum*, •top blredinc •»! th<* j> Ual ,<. iinJ a:« ») » keep the tr« tii. gumT'and mouth picuiunt. ; and iti the U-»t -tnie »l health Wli.l-! mtro-lur.ng ’wHKRLItR'S TCaIIKKHV TOOTH W-ASH to the public, it n» the psmuii duly ut tnr jirn;ir'*-ior to »tnte that thi* iinrHe, wlnrli ;» i), c •or eniij! and on'. ceitu.trr Teabrrry Tooth Wn-h, t.•••-!> :rti :nt--.l 1., uumrtoir* Teali'-rr) To J. VVIO-e- Tr.il.m V T.""|| . and u var.e.V ( 1 011 c <•» ivitu lhr name T“iz**'y an nr led to Itiein ir) tail. ih.. Wif' « ill*- tir*l Hint eerj tx.rr tire nuinn of Tea hr rr). Uidihi« llir onH one whirh po»?c««r. the fral rtrtu* in the p: .1 p.t an<> r• i.il:h*n<vl ul) ll>- rriebruv lor it. ivlinili other* in make u*eoi in name, ihuutfh iliry nrv. n ,• ,( ( .rr-rni .i« iitrni*.c virtue* to the public A. . v..i« n. e tint! tm* i* ihr hr-t prepar-tfuit o( Trat.rrr> tor in-- Teeth, tii.- rnp>. ot the certified rrcurd* ol‘ tin- I'ntled .**inlr« Ihr.f n't Court i» pubhMird. l-ji'Wii Dc‘inci of JVmm Ivan.a. ti« |t<‘ .1 Tlitu „:i .p.-mui day ui J-p|»ruary, Arum IX.in.ii.. i i,u,»tfpd mid KitlJ-t»i>, , w \viif-:ki.i:k. »'■ ill.- *!(m| IJi.UiU. 1,1,11, itrno-.ir.t , , (b.« ttlljMfcjMc.T.il.- ofi. Uoi.k, |j ir „ lJ*' ■>' im-li - L ill tiii- vvnri}.. lollowmc In vv.i tfahi'.khy nxrni wash r.;.- r ni,r v>t,. >t In- r • mu- :i* I'lujirimlor. ,;i .'ftn 'l. .11l Art nf fongrr* «. “Alt Ac. U •v. A. )• cV,,,y Knjhls I RA S IMfJ'KI.N>O\ , « u-rii tij H S 1), i I I • 1 M. I c|i'|KV»!r.l. i ' HAS K MKA/I.K'IT 1 1.. • ..r-. n.r rti-- ~i ilu* Uml.-, • ..ciu .»• .in- u,.- A rl-rii- in ir K n| M.u'aairr. mill ••. •ni.-ii u , - t .i i laiiin tt ill jimvi' lUl* li. hr llii- nru*. mil 1 ' •>' •II . I •"•111 W i.-11, Ullli till nlh'iTK , trK i JUt 1.-HII.U- -\l. - !i nut o, u vvltncv.-r tli- (inn- Ull '- >' l'”’"' i- **i*il Tlteii, li'ilia lulu ■ • * «> I.ut 'VllllHl-ICS 1 ' < n /,/„;:lr.s of Magistrates of the city of Philairu linv ,1/ .u„lc u-- >o«l l lJUi'li I'rlrlilnil'll Tra|- ir>- liHilliUn |i 1 |fr *d IliUI i| i» llrr lir-l iifln-lr t !*•«-. • rwi known. mill l.ireby vvarn.lj t-i-ouunru.i it* u-<- i.,, pul, i ti a'-ii'-fti: nn -i |ilf.i-nnt inuj r.uu- in- i,.i •. it .**n >lr* Trrlli uud (min-- KOUKHT K. JOIINM'UN r nf > rail my Tri'lli and fJum* \v. rr *n .*i 'Til- ia* in pri-vi ni mr I’rom uiiiiu;; wiih .ii'.i •'.•u-r-.l in*- itiurli |>,iin Having heurd ul • Ir.ii.i ffv liMiitt \Vu«h. 1 do ifrun tlmi I -inn', In,in. i,| a lit] in 1,--. |-A’ ( iwi-rk* >!"• '.Hill-went MJund mid k«hl. I |„-;,.. V r •• ni i would In- mi ni(vmitii(r in mmiv i Hi 1 , J UKAZKH. Crrtifi. nlt.- of Mr n, tiers of the I‘hihdelphifi lUir lln. n~ U 1..-, i.-r » Tratinry TooUi W.i-n l"’ ' 1 li, i , :.,i,<,d thrill Id |Kl<*<-r* rlr nil*, m» uni! juj : , j. .. • ami \rli'ir||| P y wli-ini and t**-i«uiily l: "’ • ; ‘.i*. a hem hr,al -dcri uiwi'i the emit-*. I *i 1 "" ni ll'<-iii 11it- aiul iiritllliljii action r a KAVNui.n ;h,ii jh\ I t-i'Ui am[ (juui* have ijivrii io tor r>l- I clicr-ftally tccoiliiiiriid H H KNKASJi. . il.i.nfit'r ti.i- ii.'-d Icr"» Ti'utr'rry Tnout I:. aml |n,'.vdri) and liti* louild it* i tfrol* In lie : *ini P ll ' ti**:* ! :«m t*l llu- buiii*. Hinl a ►wc.-i.-ti- tiimiiti I li-iw no lir-uainm ni rccnuimt-mt a- in |,ti-|nii;niiii i,-ir llu- tcrtli I •' r: ' C J JACK. ( 'r! if cutes of [suites and Gentlemen of Philadelphia. - n.tii prnt.mdr tlmt I ’end tin-l(>lJr>wtn< < i-ftifi ini;' .a' tlmt many who *ufft-r 'rill la- l* d l.\ n ]>••- T' in.U li.-ririn TealK-rryTooUi \Va*li. .1 :,*.-.1. mid tl li:»* rift I’tua ll) cure.) *. Y” , ’ 1 " ,r cum*, removed scut I from in V ■ lii-iil 1 :rn*t titJl mi who *iillcr, h:n .ii(* cillu t -.in.„f .-(imi'laitll will n- Ua Wlircirr** T-nl'crrv Tontli Wimli. dial tliry •’ f.T-v,d JCUANA CCTintAL c Hr t; l* ’ :l liav.nc inker col.l l.ut mo«tiv .11 route ■i m -it .1 <ll a paint uvoj m cuibr .11? j't.mi, my vrry murti mjurrJ. g:VJij; rxcrai-iatinj* a’ for Ix-lvvi'cn two uiul three war* ■r « T-al crry Tooth VVa«h wui >u ei l, ami hn» •iifi! tlimn \vh 1 It. Hi 1 rrffictilij form. t •mil. - :v, .1 w hi a I'rnr.i! r-m-ily fcr punii'u. 1, ftli. i!' * 11 p ra*:mi Tooth mav with i«>n •ry hi—:rr'« T» ahrriy Tooth \Va.h StAtn A T.\VI.OK i w >kn;:.\ Ttxiili Wmh* 1 »vm<» rt-mo-i-d "id cun-d *«r. newt oi (hr sumv which had irou ■i ni uvo i.-ar. 1: ,» my helici Unlit i* a hichly .11 :lif irt 111 ami n«m> iciinakc iim- m ■ • MAR\ Jil/M.IVAN rcx.lli cumi ()„. If. n.'-. <» tin' Jilin. 'ii ru» fiim h. it net I .rn.f •!;tn ;»:>• Itinl lliow who »uil>*r will t.«.;li ' ii>r cun.* may know thin .1 . a <1 4 Vri) p;e»«aiil T0..U1 Wu>|, KRA S I‘HKVOST. H~ (VullHr ilf Ulrrl . frt Toilli Wnwr lisviiij. ruiril 1:.. c.nii* iiit-l ■’llri'luailt l.ireiliiic 11l - 4ii*J .* <!utv 0w.,1 lorm |.*lli.*tr |.r• !«: t m> hrm run vet mi, mat itio.r *.th'* I •'»*"' fr > I *h.:;i \V 11.11. ...r t| lr (il .at ' * an .ni|v)rljiii aitc ir TIIO.MA> J m'c('l;k|»V. i in--(i w. i.- -uici.ni: o: m> »rii. .mil miier* lu-.r . t!« inifniv .u I--I To-r.Il | w.i- 1 " ’• ■ ■>:i-I .1 i..<rm ii an.) r-d r , iml . •*r..i * inr ti-'i iirt i ;r itu: I p\i-iUh-« u* " OU V r- ’ "‘iiiui-oJ luihir-<* ivlio m*v I- »iid> r e. v M<K>UK " ■' -• • ' I. N» H-Ukrl • i • " DR. ROSE’S r i.l'M » |;|.KIJK\TKI) riIKONO. Til HUM KL M KIHCIN ES. ’’•'*' # *ON v I! M • ..r ini I’fufil-ylactic ?»ynip. a err ■' '' ' ' i '.mi (i. :«.• ill i >.> .i m fn\ r u. 1 I « ii li '•iriji. t' r hujj ‘•n-jj. _ :tl ‘ ■ u ‘' l «•»»/■:*• t of •'JrvanariMj, " .ti-o.ifiliy I * r • 'Ujnv .or ti. »i| fitlir • i'»lrirlj>, liavuii; p,vr« rt'l.H 1 • >t r " :u-fi .111.i1i.-r* li n,- I ulr.l, thr«iu,»h 3 nrw ! " '' r m.>rr i .Miri utrJtfd Ilian any nrli,. r r-vrr 1 ii,.- fiulihc. A STUMA'rfi’ Ki.IXIK, ' ’ ••tWir.l |.rrm.;n»*nl currs of Hist itubtMirn ‘ • ifKM'*- "-inr-i ..I jn.iri- than li voarv raixlin,: hrr.ro it without .1 rival ,n that much dreaded Hr - I.IMMK.vr. r..r all rat« of weak- :nin. and 4 »uf>■ tiLulr fur hlininrv l-r rtw.TOMr MIXTt KK. an mf*ll,l,„ rurr i• • r r.hil * ami ftTcr«, ami imScml i« m,.rv ol a «! lor trvcru >.('all kind* th.ii |».rk ~r <{ U) . l>i I V OM|‘\K Uji.k VKK.MimiK, IV l 7 { •• «"«*»• prcffrftur.: t.. jnv other 1 'J / 1 \ [irvj.iriiior . l>r rUMi'A.NTI-llh'l'KlTH' . i.. r nil A 1 -l 1 j i>c-i.| :,ntj tiowria. ( h Irra in i I, ' r! "' k Ar J’on li!(jh -in encomium nmiNt I*. I I" Ko«r-.SVtU;j , IV,r 0h..!.-.. :<rt.l|W..| romphi. iif I -1 h ' inmon- <\ ;i rirr.-t.mi:) 1 if.: I*,vrt I cr>!np!a:ni.« ; Dy-.-.d-n riio..-to Mori.u«. nuil Obolera. Ai tlir tunr j Hf- A».;iif I'hoirra w«« n«m( i t I’laiJsdr-Jphm n w *» | fnum: in 1,.- ihr moM ‘uivn4ul m ttrrt?»tmjf.i, rmine , ol ill llili.r yvl.i UM-il it. [ j W t.ut may Or “ant o( wie o: the*? remedies may hv ; “ ;i aII - Ul *‘ ir will only l.r aporccialr-l j um«. -.vhoir\ tli> in. 1..-ttrr« mmi llioir «ho | lav >-h.-rii j rur ’'' 'h.- vjf.i.ii! m.il,ulic« thin nfliici Ihc liumuji , .ikl. m.chi h. Rivrn i,u wr an- w.llmr m r r.| th r - innttrf o.i iii«- iii>r-i< of tin- t'oi[i|.r.iin.j« \\’c have a I j.ana -.-a |..r S.-foluln :is d» various lnnn». so roiul.-n*»-.J I an.l <-.li«--u "ti- tlfii ii» lic-nlin* pow.-r lm« a*innnilir,| J "I aii -. i .*►<• nf Onm .-r. u.-r.iirr. op mill. :\iii'uf u, c I ..n- < hiven,or iVl.m-urt was ctimjiletr-ly rufil m 3 i l-n.in m i:; >iir“.-ini i. an.l rrii.-i*-n| it»«-;l‘with nii-reH-cil I mi.: Cl- !;• ;-M iii.rw.ih-mQiliiitj the .l-l.,liij of fotistllu. , l on.-.n.l i. ■H.O-. -f «/ ihr Mil* ( iari«. ti.«* u >r nl i|M ;..i)::i. i-r.iiij-.r-iel) r> Ru.vnl cvrry vcMice of t|„ ; J. : { ft Co. A l'ar P;l!*'-urih NO CritK NO I*V a\K. 'TLi,i:.vmmiian vkuktabie KKMKI)\ —Warranted li> run-, or Uie umtj. .-y ri turned. Tina mrtlirine t* prepared from an hi* V'"- lic " one ..I th.;,n ,n Ihe s„ (at yiC-it ••tpi'P.M.-. Thont wlio h.iTf! u-cn 1 .uiii.ar Willi tl),- liMliaim, ktnm'lliat tliry can and • l i ri'ft Vi urrr .il *itln>ut tlie knowledge „j jS| cf . • i;.ilbaui / .,r anythin)* o( tlir kind. The m .\v at, c.pj.ortiinilv «il' Inniq, njf 3 llir ..| IIiIk.111) niedjcji, 0 jiiri'.iai to Ilic Inric.-aud Iravfx; no smell on the I’n-jure.l bv ISOWAMJ A VVAI.TON. on,l 0 „ld «liforsili- ■ nil retail, >i)r J. T. Howan.l, 3715 Market , | 1 Inirt«( ’.i ; OU.<IIKKJ*IAAS PT-I'n • •MfetflCATfcD LOZEKCJSS, AND »*OOK J,ivs •, STA R 9 0T T ° N MILL. ' rLASTKR. ' ' i».c KnJec. AllfJshenvCuv ] D!». SHkKM AiV iiv r . J a i«iO.»n. ,i. «>• .f •• .uc I 1 r " 1 ’ 1 o,> K-i'-iorv Tr-r>>-< I lu*.Jt*4i,lv Ihol cl, iMrr:, willtati 11 rioil.;. i.*f * J * * ” • 4**''r»ir.v 11 ruri r»» U.orr, St (•11,41 |,i, j nc jruuiiJ 5* •, • I ••« ‘if r.-uli |*4»ir it.# i,,. Lui . a.,, J'iioii r ,i.ij ... ' ’ " \ ~' n ••.•••. '-it's t>r IS t«<li Llll ~1 lliM-ftkli. a > ,I- ..cnn I l • '<#f- r * <H Al rgbi-iiy 1 ' 1‘ •) wibk«a.v» ,-w. u u./.K.v.. f .s m "r l *' r.i I.ittr KiiuMtt 4ii fti.ui.re y.»,tre the. did ~„i >•■ I. ~,;v# l >•., r-o. f i>i - 1.- Hit I—.‘l V« :ir, rrji. .■ n u - t,. tiolil, j m .Imo-i mn .Ur, m, I, .-.-.ln N \ A.o • . , P,TT cottonimill. WiACksTork'. BELL k CO., P,M *rr i„aJ« irum » comlii!,4ii.-ri -I ~ . INiH. PA tuugii irudiciact, atij art umiotißinilt >ui«rii>r to i I :l! •■ '• v !<«• nr .M •»;! at..l rout##!# te op. ih t«*rjUuu 1 ;.:. U ,rli>rSi l r.v r.Kaj.lnnit ujxa. hut, j 1! " " '*-‘1 :*«.<! iri.lai--,! :h.*.» \ia N».l»*.M.ta V „* ri Ir.ni. ju i.i.ii,,,,), E ralr, " ~ <•! D|.J> Mir-l .If, l,„? .«1„.„„..|,.,|. r „„1,.,1,1,! •;>■' •_. «•.«•• ii,,B 1 n.td *'*rr*" , * ts *‘ 4 ***‘ (*-•“» ’>* tl*«- •»*?• uiir fl'Shri ' '•' , l l ‘" • ' >•• " >• nl!,. coutlliv. 4i, t »«.#r .Ma:, . I l.„i# r . ij.mt.iuh JUjcrur.., .I.auid !-• "',' i ''' ~" 1 ’ "* '• ' r 1 •* ' " i •r»;n.\ an-: «\ 4j.j.li»a ,„»r llir ,„rr. 4i,a t) n r ,.| |f |f i - • I ..#■ ~0, , r. «t l„rr,[ t»»tli Oottn rn# »#. 4 li-w ratti-.nir ..r Uialnr or asn . '" T ' ’ :'•••>' !<• innoni# ;4,ri-|u-c tlrdrf. iml.l •-.llurlii u,idKUif, .1.01,1,1 Or u.rj 4, r..,,,.,-., ' 1 '' • !' 1 > ,,j „„ . r ., r ,.. >llKU.\|A.\‘«i WIIIIM LO/'k.Nlik'i 1 ' '• >•:*• •’ •» r.iir-.l ic.i.riil.VwUmT eagle^?at s i:^or'<s. , mthoul lit,. uurM iu*\,-"ril.i'* r, r t ' r ' ,a 1 I Kl\.; H:\SOfkA ,\V • l-M !.l, tun »'•««<! _ U.AV..-M ,• ir„ii,.. 1, it„ < n,t. or Jim!,. ;5V I *i. ,j. ( |,,, I, 1 '"' 1 " ,1; -i ,i.r i.rii,juru' ( PFNN COTTON MILL : 'l'm- , I. mb ... ,1... 1 V.'’.;~7;,.. l h, r! r,. r i’ Ul ■' •..in#tin.*' 4 11..ut,1, ,„n„ j. t«! ~ I '. “ ,Ul|l, ‘' - •] | Imr. r,U,- 1/aJ ix-t, 11.. r■ - ll.r .t.iat,,!, „r IH’VS#!., |4l s -ur, i„ 1 • *• •* or .Kooltai* .1, j.m, ~| u„ a , rliw . mJ Ifr.jii* nl 1.. jr..., 1 j, ~i t |li(W< lUiir*, drvliur^'. ill •• •• ' HHKH.Ua.V* < AMlMtna l.<*ZK.\iiKS /j- QH R i 'V'-J L ' i'o ' Irr r Ihiin;. 11. r*,.!,. lui T i„, u n,.', i . **” '''* .l.»i,Jou^il,ur.li..i i r,N.ii 14 !. i i, i „,n ..^i'’',^ I ,'' A l‘nSVn\ 1: & I*KIiMA.\E.\T CbIJK FUN lllir«lijc C..1111....T1 «»t lh** nr 1. . . - k'Clll«*l<l| VTIK-'J ; sHKH.\ia.\ ;* i'ii«.u 'uv > ru>'|' Ul \m» M.i.i nkkvoi's ro\i|*r..AJ\r< : r IX.' ». ar "ill ~.,i .i,j,j,K°ii,. ,i,,,, U -j'l.o rro.'ur. ' 7' ul"* w""' ' I ~' im' i-'V " ■ '" | f '^''' m K hru** m .w«\.,». \V 4 rr.„lrJ Me. -x i, . or.-' *J!> J,- jiLuii r>n 11,. »,.,|.|. „ i11..i.1. r .|M l; , , „ Ht ' Ii.M.VAMt- lil N*iS AM) MA(i -! ii.vur.. i,.j Ntrnr n.i n> 111 mni|.luin .111.1 ,1 .|„„ 1 1,| U.. ~ ... 'PHI.- r. .tnii ~ ,1, ... 0.. rt-iji.m ui ilii Inrr ..r ,-Jh *, .i , r .' , . 1 .... I . ' I T ,V ' t,U H brrulliiiigj’ ..i.i.ri «Ji..n ll„ , 7 ,h,,, r*' t.> ..i U ppl :<•:.! ~..1 u> .1 ..i ,i . . 1 ~nu' s"") will .in '' ’’ '?'-m ..) liinitu* ol jvhn I. (tie lu< .liatcl) M-illi oil.) cn nil. lv^ M „ ""I llulvr K.r* ir o ;m’m| V u!; ”-nr Va. .Ir.-..1r.‘ 1n... n |V,„. . •<■*> mu. 1.. will . (ii.i. i, •!ik|h- J.• o<l W(IJ(. ui.il i)m -r. . '.)>» i-xu* grill r-11} rtl'l.liiinri,,l ||„ ~, 41 , >n w .>i ti.- ,i;.. V -|r;i|, ol „ .1 mIW |, . =r.““.T .".y iV,.!,..., , ~;:l rut. iroin wi) oilier. 4 i>.[ Im.n,, f r . a|lt 11,. V f- t i.'i!!--'''?'m?l •(’■•fMty ni ;^ Vj^J *ji'..' i'. "il'c" , ! t "' IMm " «-*• llirir...r„r—-., 1.l i ?. . '' * ’V‘ ' l ‘ * . ' |-. • |~< M-. ~i ||„- 1110*1 ,• IJ itr,,- ; . .\| a . i.b.«rri Lr cumiiww, £>r!!iml J< x’r n" v,' r ’ l ’ r "f.aHi |.U,irr. null a • T.,.._(.«.r.i.nr um-«I .u r..iiu.i-noii w.ilnhc iT|a<- ~H JI 1I,• ii lKr,, “!‘ % u* mr \, 11 ~nl »-ft » '.ty..'i«l.ouI.I ( cc.iili.i,.,,!!) r .-i oHimm.icd in alldUfft. .iwajx uV lor Miermu. . Mari’. PLo.rr, V U .rr «*•'* in or ur.htaltky <tAUc/ t«»frl J r. C |" l 'T , ’n llirf '. l ‘ rr ,niin ’ iiriHal..-n. *'* »’ "-''H'lMn. an,l liic.-c roMijiUirit* arc haw1.r.1a.,,,i _. M u „ „, r [rui . ~j M , i 4 ainonff’.-.- nin.i an.l am vet*«; lo wl nii we are uu|.rii)ri|.lrcl il.alere. "onj.rl 'I a; .. Uioul rj,- ,e SolJ 1., IV. 111 ISIIS., 1,„ r„„„ J: 'S«"“ % jui 14—di» 1 “ l ” ii miiTi« l itFi VE R .? Al LS! jiij! ju.i'. ii. "r, 0 f (Juiv.iiiivm. ** 1 Dr. IILLh.V.S IhtLTiiULE IMiNAI'KA ,tmve kf« u*eii wui»mure»u<?- atflfiH w,|h Scroll, la, KwV* Kml l t'lx',!* "! K, ' ku,at, ' > * “ «irhron.e. ap • ,inr. f. 'Krvuofllc (if. ~ II ‘ 1 F L „ 11 ‘. 11 •" • *'f OouL Ttt-lhlortur. Mi rrurul ll.ir-J,-. , , *’ scr>5 cr> ■ * rlU:r . : frr<>nr;,iut. I ,V«rrvi» or Sidi UtaJacht, ; * 1 <rja * •• " f C»>in|i!jiiitt t'n-nlyx.x /--W.y. E,„Uj,<y. F,t , riorai r...n .1.1(1.jM.c, ~| I.ip irr r..ij.„-li.l r. yj {,■«>"'»■«■■ •■! }i,;n .Sr iffntu jZ!Z£'. t..p |m ■t>"tiii’ U y.imiM.i.iU. ,i, prot.i '' 1 . 1 i.ionUju, AVrroiu Trt lul f.f..|irrtii- OI ll.r il„,»r mr , .. nj| „ •’/ /».. p, H"i4 r*,H,nmtCkni and Side. KKAI i' IU: \'r ,;K i I ‘f ''‘V'f J > *M-' r ‘ry of AVrnm. tkoiunlßn «: v Mr. ii--"?^ ol IW.x.ki Jr :,i Lhli i.11.i-,. 1.1 \j . ' .. 1 ' "“'‘i >« u ii’rioui ilr »• »s-m .v;,;* , J ': r.: r "'i»i"‘i*f ».*»» 1.,„. ■ 1 ■ •...»i nr»s..J,.c i.i-.n 101. ' ft •• •<.. 11... J.r.ml I.c ,nu (lic> Hu .iiM-a-.- Mix H hi> an- oi iiirfcrrui h.iMi V M 111 )f I I \ rri!*!<*■ » tl • lve .'. lij;,, • M||,| ; VNI '»«■ m<>«| ilrl H.-UValr/ «• fjtr.rr tvfi.f' t,„ \ , iiv".',„«'i. i"',,..]- -*1 i; *' I,U *' 1" 1 i'":' '"" ,r -L Tl "‘ «i«lvnpic fyju. 'ilrarelelC 'itauuh, „J t XX::, , 'Hi ) I » r.i.r w'lictL •i'i ‘ran will mil ‘J "U\ |<»rt i >ll t!:r.l nil irl ! <; | , ! >r KA. 'v I. ,N \\ '* •‘' ’>'' * s v. i**nnis»iiili j» * * •' "i i- j•> ■ -nr, . JC ii»; vn/it* anil (ns (■fnri.il'tif->ltli ~ n-'i ■ * 1 un.lmm us, , . ; v ", ~,v i<•«- r.^ •* I’l: b. • tsM .! . a. llu .i)-: m)i .:i,i ur- Mu*:;- Uppitt| ; jw l-erti < i f>.\ Al.O\; Ivvr.,.. , ' -m...-. I.nv, }■; J V. ’’..o’. 1 ’""" *' J V'li’l L* •• ! .: ; v, . ■ l; '.V I ijl* •. I ~L,U. , S M *. ulii.iitti. I.ji,,- , j i’. M * j.* \,. r , t : 'in---'-- »• >- -■ \•: ,»»•!, ' i.i | t . i i J.'M, }I jr i .t Will, lr i f.r,.- ,\| \Vi.i:.K;» H ill' .IT\ t i J H I\i:l<-r. M n:i! I Nilllli MriM l, Hnl i !. A U dl. | „ , | , r >( IV Mejii? lin, t, A I» < c,’,'.,"" 1 I’fula. JuU ir Hill Lr.r -;r. t <- 4i! olfir;- / li.l i !l '•>1! IjatiH I Mrt, h "v-i ilou. I j KM K* in». W'r.i I*!,, I.i I'.ict'jnl I*- Hri t , | Jytin W !’>;;• <<l mi 'itr. in ,-i i ' 'Vij'i'T. I.uiiooi.iji®- _ IJi, t .. . 1,,. r II J K Hi I. Hi Kl.-i.-Ufi .v.-.-i, {'••Sot fckro »n Ui. I .il iti >r j. J'»ol Hoihnr. ')•; m null i>4ur.>r Wat,,,,,,! iVJ M i : ii *in ii. h viii nr'ion V 1 Kim jj ~, i I. H Cnlit, M !*. Itoriimi, Ma Hu»eorl '.iiihnltj. I Imm.ix J’ > I'.ot.v M I'. II ,r-,.}•, t’« ter Wrii'lil, i>j Al.ifko' it... : Jjinri \V k \rw|in, |ii.i hui'vrl i a,, John Ci'Kiil, 171 >jirij|-|- r•. • _ VVilii.y,, Crj... IVlor-t I'ail-M I. <-|, r ;lh , "t. Jftiilj. Jc.lm f jiiaisr < f”, l’.i»tor J-t I ml.-,. i, •it. ;do J’ l. hsi'nirr*. !'.i’.h.-li,T i.r I'..uni - i „ H | I'i,:!«. H 1‘ s'Hlrr». r.«fitnf Him: [! . r)i |]ii,:..,i,i*,, llarki: cn, I’.i. H'lifiir'.iali; ami Urlml In ll.nvnn.l Walion ,* I'flntorK., :t7r> .Mafl.i-l >1 nu1 ; .,|..|,,|, n H Kirill* '»7 Wiioti >-t. I’liKiniri'ii. ri.• w tn Th i u l>et »l .1.1 ; K il I'rrkirih, M.irn ii.i, SJi.irji, iil.jyi v illfi, |\ V,.lulili \V li!,!,.i' Dilln; J.' K<l-vc-s'. Mj.l;h.i|i | 4 ,« • V •'lili*. KV; I >cvrrnuuk i'rlloiu. m |.c, Uis jxj I’ il Mdiraw. .\atclii-x, Mihh; H..nl:iw.l v,V '.l*,, • inn V iqkaijufi'h.iJo, l.inrlcs Jrtikini .\,*w Of).- “HOTEL FOR INVALIDS AT ITITNUI IM.II. . • » .... H * >l‘ !’• H i’> *V KVll N ’l'lif. mr.-ci i.r ti„. tl . * .... 1 C trail} rVIt !.y rr.yrrul.;. lrnvi-,1, f . .‘.jj lot'll wu \ rrv,,].-!,!«.• \vr;i,i>in ur - ,, .;. . ~l mill 1.) }i!»la*al* Irnru llir *u,-r:>umtiM< low n* M who ti-Mirl in lln« pl.irr tut f. ironi mu,*.,- ,] •li'i iimo. Sin Ii havr i.Urji •mr-r.-il limn tin* w.itii 11l li- tu ill.- »;rk. mill Ironi i-ai< !r». mnl -, nivl In*.-n '•nf.jt ri.-il in li Invn.i.N w-.i; i,. r>- I-- iiiini -it.l-- .i;;. iu!: Irnri;.-.. . at-- ol UHL |’liy • | - 1 .<! KMCAI. T i>isi-:asks of Vii'k t-vr »U.ir*’ i'l Im- -iin-illioii it>! ui. i.i-i i\%-> ai-fjii.M-.J l.y i. n*iM:ln! fita.U.- ~ I Ilotri Inf I n valid •,« 11..1 .m . . j.rr r. !i*bilii:ri| 1- •<. cg<--d«'i! rmlim! ■/ nr ri fvnirnt « ir! m Hi if,iv. :i .- • •, MllT'llil! \lllit SlT.lll'-r —!!(■_ f . nl- ; 11. 'I'll"- l'll'dll.llfl lo'-l r . uulml cm :-I. unftli 1..1.U •>! ii,r a !,t ..h.-.i . Will! uJ; lie • Him.. ! , 1.c.11- I ' , Alip:..Ml,(.in !..; :i'lm.- ' .11.1 1.. 1,,- 111.1,1,. . t'CK. .»! lilt II Mill. •• ~|| . [• rslii|ili«lniirnt. [L5* Nn I miupmn- ip. tv u |„. jr ini.iif ,1 _ J if. m i) irntvn-i.v wi'T s Kfn.w li m -Voi; I'rsu.i.AMMotm .*< 01 Y\’ mil-*" cmi ».:iii. • T? fi*.l voiiiir tviir. iMili -in u,., , HI yiiui o.v.i, p.ii.-il will, . roji.i.inV i,r„| ■ 'vl you an- 1110 11..',.11 m clvr filly.r . lialian Ch.-mu-,,1 vve/n f* «„„ul . „ !llH v , " Vf.o from ilirm. a.nl makr imir j . /low >L , 1 . in ofi.-i-11. j,., k...,ri-\ J*,ll»l>i.li;li.ainl fj/-i ,| " ' ’ .S’ II Ju.'k'i.n '• j» lit.- on 11 iilnj-r, i/i t'. ml, ii-1-1, ~ 1 ill.* UKMIM: I- 11. Im „m.,.„r.| 11.,>v,.', r ,0 1'..,..! •I Wood Sir, •xntrfMh i;.* it,.,, ,u,„ rt . f | lr t . nr , rwn> Mouka.v* rotWiti m km... , J'lil.lisl.nl nmt li.niwn m ill-- 1.1."• ' •11"' wo. Ujcan mu, w i,m n,, ,'| ,’j „ * All. Morgan:- Tin* luuy rrrmy t j la[ J""*,. 1 vv- l il. n .r.mU^, m ,- ( -ou R i 1 »o I ,m i.tm-. I „ | H , Mi , of Morgan ami inn . u* )llß ,|.my rouj-h .• v nlmrly ur.nl |‘ p .i „./w ~ -Mißhsiyruii rhclTMim-ihime | UvVvrr ...r.l ' ’ lanuly .i.0h1.1 |,i-whlioih i|,,, v , l | im ||| r ' ' Vl|» M.’HOHKin'S, All.-),,,,; <• ~!V /, "* l '"’‘ *" prrf>:ir<-i! wluilr.uje r , , . .M 1..! 1»n.r!*1..r.-ol J<*HV |. MOIU7A.N „ 'VO(-lM.r l( .nrJiKii I-!..*- Ilmmmnt y M ,. y I flire.J* ITItIJ |irf Im.llli' , i The magic kuasivk soap r,„, ... vuipGieao- »poi-, Siam..,,, Miiii,, n ,„i ami r.-ml.-ni.c H,r wliere il i* applied clear. I.riflir, nru- nn.l M . o i„ .. A»M U'.lll lUJ'dirr.-lioli. (>,„ aV.. irr-MoM l,v \VM JACKSON .1 'V ttftti hi l.i- Hoot and Sl.n. M.iir ,i, ~ 4S: ■" MKDIf.U. ; ! ffouv : Th > W.i) |>rrlr,-|l» lirirm f*'>m*Jj Or all um| ‘ r u.;ii a. j r . , ..il licurlii ( - i.iii.itin,- Mrensthenine Pin,. t„ ‘ Urv MEM *«of tli«*'e nn. 'ri!r-,1 li>- «npri|KM|)W rim. Dr. CiinisriE I'lci Vh vi- i • (• •• '' ~1,. v ot H'«" Union. iiiil'*'irc . «• ci, vnltif .'v ‘V'' ‘‘J ~r. ' *'"■* l: '* •"•lioved Dial Tl |N \\ i •'! ■ upivnflU ofKIO’HT ’. ' NI 1 •»ur.ji < tt,, rn »dorieM4hnii ,i,r r: ~M liitl'xuvWy lll »‘PProv t ,r . ■ . , l , Mn.n.n,,*. W |„J. „ coin . " " •_('»' •' i'tcU'lite. nii<i wnfiihpcl * , IVli 1 V1 i Ufl ' I ‘, rr ' ll ' l,cr ' l ll > (C«ve il A iri ‘,t"ri,viJ I l| i"ii | . l favor «•»*. •; ' ' iii** Aim-ru'im l-'iimliy I>i c-vVi- lo R‘ v ' - Tit™” ~---ns ; Ini-k«ic.m. office. :i . * • I N«- v ‘ r 4 ai. ' u lv"' ’, 11 frw l,f>or " , *etow . I /»»££:.*, » "•°T I 'trcn, toward. (h. 1 1 i? M,nrkcl l-pvrn > t-;ii- ’ 'tyvoicil in tiii- Miidy mid lr«-ti inrin ol thnv <'«>ti:ji, • ~f. (d nrlli; wlnrh time he lin.. .M.lmoj.- pr;« i till u« cured mere patient. Ulan r.in ev.T tut. 1.. UK lot lit i y private practitioner) «m -p > i;uril-tn-« )i in Hz nfln im •.(,(■ .peedy. permit ■i'JLV.,;*” 'jTi Hiu" r> . ' , r “ i j l, I!"': p d w.tli ■ltlitau ’ 11 r ij unu .| ntnriii I'm*-- .iil:,ciiii wnli pt trait i i'.,]";.';.';;; .111“ K ,?n,™ I mlU'-eVie.M ‘ ‘| ,n > t|J *" J '' W nnl,rally a „d t|i«fr ! .I”'".'"' U, " i hi laimlred? f l' f lu'it'o^" 1 ''*' f ' "” f * wl '-' I* "in'll nlllih , ,t, , 1 1** imincul.irly invne* |,nvr rn -II Kvu; h:i! un^«ruily 1 t« r| liy other* to roil • *iiii .in «If n ••'••iv induction wdl li«- "Ivon ilie.ni nnd 1 iti* r • tn-tn. ,( ~ .t .• tlmriuißh nnd inirllig.-ai . iniimiri I'IMII'H -ut hi loot; i*ipcrieiirr. .tody anil nt, ' ii»:*i««iii wh *di .| .. nnpn. -i I.Ir ior thine mc.lpi'd ij.' *>»•«*»• 11 ""'’'S""' ,lvr n "y o,u ' clh«s o IL /’ Hem... or Kiiptun* -l»r Itrotvn nNo mvii {Mn.rl,ln'r I!l ,|,';’„' ! o"'' ra,L H,h ' ,m * I’- a;';, 1 ’';; • •'•• . | o'I’' 1 ’' "!' 1,1 r *‘"‘ , ' r "** l,v, nS a < » dim,no • ■’ in "idlin' vmt; all ||,r loin-, run nMnm inrd.iuir. w ,i|, , r„, . n.tilrosoiw T lIKOCVN, M 11 | . im) tlmi'l-' N<> l,n<rv - rt'iw*: Ilf Waven •li'Hi 1 I V Kit < II.IIIM.AI.Vr - A,,..,!,. . rurr , Anmi.i kx Itrowri <<-unty. Ohio; > Nl' H K>H<r- tn April hi-i iny vul/wa, auurkn " ' 1 ' <»r»ipli»-*n.. mill Im.l ih- mlvir«* ot lwn „| IV . ••••. i*ij wlm lnci! rrinr<l»-< »it||j>rrv»lu<*.my ir’o'/.i "! ' nUf !",? 1,1 ' v, ‘ rl ' *1"" 'V‘i* (srraliy frl..-w.» V • I >.MI w. .-irl'irl) ruiollirr.ami - (I.MV .'11,,,'. ,Ur, -„ HI I hjv.- »•«•<! it'-m -' • -m. t;,.,,, ,j„. w-| lani.lv mr.l.nnr I Imvo rv>'r Irir-ti j>)rur> 9 _ l~ MA*SfF HItASI.V 11. / ‘TI..-.r ]•, (. . Ir , (ll | »«V k, '"' v " u " >»"■ | I;».in J iri.i L.| | ; , j{ F rFU.KKH apj ,\o i* w»oi meet COTTON MILLS' ••••' 1- rl-on.ri'i; M ii M \\H')| , inn ns A M I'lflC A L .. iipni one vui '-r-HiC'-mrnr oml]'- .S.'tvom .“\«uin— itV<- lhat oilier 'rrinrilir.' |iuv;ne •"< m w:i« Rjcatiy nrcileil wliicfi 1. . Utickirtir Fluid 4 ' : ' '“ h *<"•<' ,K "T' • -"‘i- -- i-m, ~to■; ■; " '' ’■ ni.'ti < i'.'. |> mv.'i <>r mulmnf lA '' ' " l •' 'll- -r -11 ~| '* . 1 i’ -\.> other '' k • )>iK.!u> r tli>i lain" ' •’ ,!, 1” '• l-r'.i- it- :o 1,,-. iiT-t vdu» ‘ " 1 *' '--tl'oii 'Uie '* of '“i I lif> hm an l*< 1 *-». k ;n> ,• |{,„ e , nil ,j I *4iuf |/l inrij)lf. liui' - canon. Tlic> • ‘l-» jlu.lfijr* IliltJUiOll 111 urPhrmnr, mi all Hath, /’on, ,* J " 1 Opj.m *'** |^inlit ‘•'■'l’- ’r/irj^arr IWa.nl UVak, ir , f •< U\ <«*| d |„f ln;1 „y 0 f i-h ipin.ii<-« an- r«pr<-tally luiMe. i. !i “ e »y*'coJ | i uiln-M..,.. ii, c i:Upm. sPncauV! I Nr.n,:iv.,„ (! .|- I : l . 1( ., will I>p found or 111 I. lew wont.; ,i j r "! r * ||lr ii'iiie prrpiiruuon, t . ’ 1 ,u ( n " 1,1 ,l »** Halvmm- iull'ii-ncc. I ' .j?* 11 r • J « | ian*iril, while ihcai i 1,.--.- <ir , 1.-« will |.p found culitrly 1* -i lull" W lim.l, afr .i cou.laiu tiurrp ,l l‘ las,rr ' mi-oiiunun u*e. CAI?TION. V-ia- .J 4 ir. if , •II <HW -tVt.Ot /'■,! <>' : •< i 'l'i.uryli corner ?tli nml Market i>l MEIHOAL. SANDS SARSAPARILLA: ror thr removal an-i j eminent core of alld:s<a«» arising fiom aa impure state of,the blood or bal it o r lic'aystcm yit: .Vei/nra. £t-s'’i FJt 4: ir:iifum.eo&rmatf CuUmxoouj Ae.ip;u-iu. i'-swolea jr i'uuuUi on JAe Fact, ftloUJits, Ki.v.s (A’Msu fUrrs .Ey® King IFbrbi or Tetter. Scald isruV. EnUygrmrnt anil pain of and Joints, iti.Liorn Linn, S^rpHditieSftnpUma^Sciatica or L%twt~ --itfo. art d fJueoie* artrinffrom an injudicious sue of ■nneury. AieUrtor Ibopsy. Krposurt Sr Imprudence tn “'A- lWbtii.’uiiial iluerdm, 115> i.iiie/y ni:miniMrj|«m:hu,« beeu aiiended with the , ** ‘l'l’irsi resoii* m many anouialoui affections; But 1 ni-h:cil> intended to til I the To/d which exist* between caihmiic and aperient medicines; benefits tnoduoojc n'-i .* mat oi nn alterative directly—ihdirtrily. pro x :«s. n ia.-i.iig tonic to the system. \ t.-li.ghij riiiicrniraicil tor convenience and porta h.o.y.-conuiiiiini; nothing but the expressed entice, .in » ttic reji.e-ciiiKiive •! ih e sarsaparilla Root, in %}' ..'j 1 l ‘, r „ a * S ul,line- is of Peruvian Hark,or ' jl. , 1 ~n" c AWldi»htd tact, lh.il a ■, •»"*" Hum.n. „ Morph.... „,| -i'i.-ihiiivV licki- • il 0 «' lar?:e 'lui'i’iity ot the cruJe ' ,/ ' , . ' u i”‘ f< '*t‘lt «>l those preparations 1 1, |.. it.lul-a whr, ~,,,,11. d r,-, lumr, and inadr U> .nil Ur. Lair ol lh- pa Tin 1..1i.,rvi„ 5 rrn.Srnid , h , As „„ ' rni n i"Hi-' r'ilii-luri.-|- p IDO | 11. prn.i valur .11 <’ :i ut 1 cvrfS^reA. CmcyiHL 111 Sept. IS, 16JC. Me-.,« Mehl.rii- A Recti—Aicnic In-May, 15H5.1 ob tu ,|.-.! ..I lull. »inir '.t bottle of band'sSnraupanll*,and > v “' ‘*i«'it con fined tnniy betj. wilhoui sTccp for a week, oretisioncii by violeiii pain from a rcgul tr fever soteof lol.v -uiiditi;;. mu my ripln leg. Aly phj ••ciaosadvi-cd me in huve the liiuh atnputaird. laying it was the only Hie in* nk.-ly to ptc»crvc my litc. Alter using half the boiiv ir,.- |.Hin L.-gnu to subside*, and hythe time I had u-.'.l iir.ulj tiiiee hotile*. 1 wasiblc to traniactuty teg ufir bu».mil before I had finished the fourth hot tt.- I win well and sound as exctl hnd hern. 1 have no ii*-- it-st..»n 111 s.iviiin lhal Sjihl’s Sarsaparilla was thr iiir.n., in,iter l*mvijcncf. of saving my liuib ami I doiii.i ii.n hi)Me. 11110*1 cheerfully recommend it as tin I- I xriide rriairl for the pimticatiDQ of the blood, JAMES MIU.KR I'i.i loliovvuig «-T*iiifst'»i<* i-only another link m the r.i> ut •-hum ••! teMiinony 10 iu merits: Sara Hoi.io.n. Canuda Ku.*t, April IS, IMC. A!vi*»i« Sands—(icmliuien: Exposed as we are to til.' utneksof dt*casc. und so frequently disappointed in proposed remedies, we cannot but look on the efforts oi *uree*«lul practitioner* with i|ticTc*t urd gratitude I 1..« ;« irur re-pi-rimg jour valuable preparation of >u.'»»ji:iriUii. I have betn srvereiy alllicied lor.*SJyear* xvnh u di*«*ii«c about which "doctor’s disagree,” and then prri-r |>t.<ui. Were still more diverge. I tried ya r..iu« r. inr.i.i. hut fnuinl no relief a util I cominettZed u«nig y. iir rx>■ client iiK'dicme, ut which time 1 was •wti.iin • n.iiin.-.i to mj- brd Alter u«mg it a few months urn ti.- .v n:.ic to w.iik about nde out, and enjoy ncom toriuMe itci'rrc oi li. aiili. which I attribute entirely to lb- ti‘<* •>! >;ui.l * Sar»ap-arilla. Pleas* accept tny a«- 'UIUI.I. <•: I<nti,iuilr und regard. v n . , ' JOHN M NORRIS tiring i>* r>u.n.iby uripiumlrd with the above' stale mr.i'. 1 1.-Ti by eeit.ij tlmt die same i» true. RKV. T M MKRKIMAN I altiibr "kstikomt—Hie following is ait extract tf(>tn a letter r< vetved irom Rev. William fiatuilio: Ushxhiikl, V».,Oct.ad,\lMs, M. s-rs, J*and<: I have been aill eled with a severe pa m m my side, occasioned by u diseased liver, fcr the I *i twenty year-' sultering at buiva what language cunnoi convey, lut *.nee taking hour Sarsaparilla, I Ini ve been steady relieved, so muriirolhai I have been able in riueinl iu my busine**. and preach occasion ally !or the !a*t fiiterit niomhs, I wholly discarded all Other med.cine, uml thoruughlv tried the Sarsaparilla, which I can u-command in tiutnatnl sincerity to all those who nrr in any wav afflicted with any species of scrofulous complaint' There have been some remarkable cures effected by ns u»c jn tin* vicinity. Mrs. I. i*h»w, by the U'c oi sir |mules, W3S restored to belter hralthtlian -lie bail beforr enjoyed for ten > ear*, and Mrs. W. Ste v-n* who iiud been severely aifiieicd with the Erysip clru, wus entirely cured by the u*e ot a few tjoules. ~ Your* truly. , WM. OAI.USIIA., horturilier particulars and conclusive evidence of il» superior value nnd efficacy, sec pamphlets, which may be obtained ot Agents gratis. 1 repured and so d.bv A. U. It DPapdt,Druggists, IGO Fulton 'f, corner of William, New Yorlt. S»id also by 1.. WILCOX, Jr. Ptlttf.urgb; 11. JU r . wood, Heaver. Wm. Wat*on, New Castle; D. N. Rob i»ott. l!rowii«vil|c; a. Crcigb, Washington; and hy Drugg.»is genernllv throughout th. United States, i’nee #1 per bottle—sii bottles for SA. The public me respectfully requested’to remember that it is Sand's Sarsaparilla that a i* constantly nehiev ms »urh reiuorkuble cures of the most difficult class of disease* to winch the human Iraroe t* subject; there fore ask for Smid'SSarsaparilla, and take no plhcr. SHERMAN'S OLOSAON t AnT ASK TIIK SUFFERER » hut hi. rtltrted him in such a short time from his dif. lieuhv of bmtlnng, Cough and •uflocalionf He util trlf you it «ra» “the Olosaonios, or AlJ ifrrduig Bilwin.’’ Aik the consumptive svhal lias allajrcd his Cough, removed tlie rain in his Side and Chest, checked bis uigbt sweats, anil placed the rose uf health I upoo his cheek? and he will tell you SUKRAIASt’S OJuOSAONIAN, ALL-HBALIi\G balsam. Aik j nur friends if they know of anything that wiU »o spee , oily rurt a long ami trdious Cough. Raising of Blood, Broo «hiin, Djsprctir Coaiumjition, Hoarsenese, Inlluenta, and ~i thr Throat, a* the Olosaonian? and they wiU tell you—.\'i. There ncser jet hat been* remedy introduced to public notice which has been productire of 10 much good in' wi short a 'part of Umr. Read the followiug Aitonlihlug £ ures< W*. Bosn, llir rrlrhreted Bmtuo cracker baker, 98 Nas *au .irret, Broulltn, itates that hit wife has been atflieted »itli Asthma fur JJ jran, and ould not find permanent re lief from the best medical advice which New York and llmoklv it could produce, was induced to try this great rerae <t). She i* now nearly well ills daughter who wai suflrr •’**: '*.» »■»«»•• diva«c, tried it,and was also cured by it. Mr» h.nd I»nc.w w. well lhal the i> able tu sutfrom hrr , J-ed earl» mlbe morning and attend to lirr u»uaJ duties through tl.e daj without any annoyance from hrr distrrMmr malady, lUsnr Jii'Ksiis, Kith itrret, bear the Catholic Wemetni, > atue to the ,ti,re lor the purpose of obtaining a bottle of the t hosiaiiiaiieliaiiipe been afflicted with thr Asthma for more thin JU jeiis. liul *s» »>• rthauslnl on his arriral that he could not ijn-ak. He purchased a bottle and rode home— f our di)i afterward he walked from his residence to the of. t«-r without fatigue, a distance of oter two milts, to tell of Hie wonderful relief which he hid nperienced from mine sU.iii ..u» hall of one bottle. . * Consumption of the Lttagi. Me. < onioar, i‘> White street, was w kiw in the tsualh ol U..-. tutor lust, that he was gitea up by his physician. His [neniUrnlrrturned no hope of his rccowry. ila WW persua ded t.e-try (hr (llosuoniaii, and to his surprise it so far restored him to health that he i» nuw able to walk about the •treed j Mr, ATTitrt IU wife ufWo 11. AUrre,Jamc* Hannan, i y**l ai'J »* • Hayi, ilnj. can all bear textinofly from !!, ,r “ ' ,, (' rr,r,>ct ut ,llr healing peupertiej of thi* Oml J K.niedy in Umiutnyitioa of the Lung*. | _ Splitlnr Blood. I Mr*. Tiiocbodeai,' 352 Monro* itrect, who bad bent j troubled liir tprai length of lime by a sever* couch, and r»!.ed .|Qantii,n 0 f blood, wit relieved by me bottle of the and declare* it the frralett remedy ta the world. Dchnis heLLt, 2D Water alrect, wa* «1« relieved Iron the tame complaint, although he was eery much iidictd when 1« commenced taking it, tuning been under the care of 1... phyticun during the pa>l winter. Although he coughed ciMoUullv and wa* very much troubled with night raeU, 2 butikao/ tl„ remedy enabled him to iflurn to hi. daily work. He wa> entirely relieved. ' 1 ■ Oavtu IIMDtMoe.CO Lairht street, Oeo W. Burnett, f.rtnrrlyV Newark, N. J., Henry Litbon, 132 lUving ton •Ireel. and liumeroiu other prnoe* hate been ipecxlily and jiertrcitKi.lly rured of the *ame complaint by thil remedy. ’ The Array of Rimti which r,mid be produced of rwnoni who hare tued thi* great remedy would more than fill a column. Amcor the number we. are (ermitud to refer to A. M. Binicwer, lit! Barclay *l.. Mr. Wihon nf Hoboken; .Mr*. Bell ofalorristown, Ik. J : Jawe* B Det„e, im KeadeiL; Mr*. M’Caflrte,so Attorney *t.: V Smith, 32 Third Avenue, Mr* Wn>. H. Attmorilm rdy.aud Mr* Archibald, 35 White * ■ Sold whole tale and retail by Wm Jack»on, at hU Patent Medicine WnrebuuK and Boot asd.Shoe Stores No6D Liber ty *treet, head of Wood itreet, fittebugb. Prvee Aliper hot Ue - _ ~ declD-ly TI!SJ* OST ASTOUNDING DISCOV. A IbiiY—A Ule**mg: A Miracle!! A Wonder!! —To core Kruption* mid Disfigurements of the Skin. I ur.plrft. hrcrtfci, Sunburn. Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore llrad-. Ac , Ac. —— Koot yr«r« ago lad August. the capital of France wra» a«io/ji-hcd m consequence bf a discovery made by alt InlMn t l.cmul. Many doubted—it seemed almost an nnpt~.ii.iluy that anything made by the hands of , man. could have such singular powers n« that claimed liv Antonia \ opimi for his invention. Manyelaued i hnn and lu» inv-eitnon as a humbug, [and. alas! many , foolish prrvms without trying do the same now I at | length, slier lestinrit in the hospitals, the Medical So ciuiy 01 1 ans [the best chemist* in the-worldjdclircred the loilowing repoit to S.gnoi Vesprini: “U r have now minutely and carefully examined the : «meuUr invention of Vespnm. \V« have analyzed its component parts—we have used it in several cases.and we hesitate not to pronounce it (the Italian Chemical !«o«p] as a great blessing, and a Holy wonderful rente dy lor any cutaneous eruption or disfigurement of the skin .Its investor wc consider tltfkue philanthropist of suffering mankind. 1 (Signed) I.EOTOLd DUPRKY President* RISAD THIS! j t torn Hie inventor kuurelf to the present Proprietor. Kd'iS'Mr"' t r "i" ° r Jh ', °f kK.’umJ lhl” t i M ' 1-re-nliiiK In the cay of New y o ,t. Jal, of ®«n«r*norin|, lopahrr W uti I Main ,||| the ingredients composing my Jul ," C ‘-‘“'wnufiiciuirU for sale in i ■■ .'i' ‘?“ ! > v “ nit 10 have ‘he privilege of n*- m.iiC i Jones Italian Chemical Soap.” Wutipp*: Hcmy J. iiold«wonh. (Signed) ANTONIA VKSPRIM v -j\ J . ACKSON ’ «h« •’“tent Medicine .no l '' ° t I l . V f ’ lT ’? L ' l " F‘ l '*hurgh where the GKNI/INK ~ 1 nniunrd All oilier* are Counterfeit. nm-i'ri- 1 !! 7^ 8 A *o SCALDS’ ' JV,Jr, r .», A » ;l *' cure.) I.y the e*e o nm^n y °[ • N[,,u l r ' r ' AAIKRICAN OIL 1 mo t iniraru.ou<l> niture< lulluinmotioii, and con »««•»«■ »i««- TSl™"!" "" ll rrt3l ' liy "'M. JACKSON, It hi. SU oil k ,” T' MJ lUlrnl Mtdicinr Wutbogie. » Pnin heittg the Kxelu.jve Agent for Western or?llS.™!m "? n . e U K e,m " ,e hut wlmt is sold by HIM or ins appoiiiin] Aeemi. ’ «-..h'.h Ri'nphfei containing ample direction*, kc., r,n„ h | i " aml 01 ‘he Proprietor and Prin e pn! Agent, i* enveloped wiili wrapper of eath botl'o •'“nm h««n the ZLT*’ I AUIKS Who Uk Common Prepared Chalk, are ,T^.? l, «n >'o»awa r rho V frightfully injurious it j* 10 Lna I,OW r ° USI1 ’ how «»««. lellow, rhllk" } ‘ r ,k, « »P.p««ra u»tn* prepared mv or lr« t u-' " *'i ,n l urin “*. Ln, l - h “Te Preparej a Wauiil.il ViMjcmble' \Vm-pp”‘ftHl'f i JUNKS’S ■»PANIt»I|*LIUV ..l',',, * ,P :rfccll >' iiii.nrehU>einrpur.6rd of all W amj .1 imparts 10 dm ikin a natti. tr«* ala,, " l| t r » clear, living while, aribetame 1 ” ,h ' ">»• -‘l"* “H Dr. Janie!. Anoer<on, I’rariical Chnnui of Maaia 1 eiiu»"ii* nap: “After analydng Jour*‘a Spanish I.ill? "hut*, I fiml m |> o «*«>H><e* ihe m.*»l beauiifuf and nam* ra ’' “ l •bo «an»e nine imiocrui while 1 erer«aw. I eenrtinlv r»n aon.eienliou.iy recommend 11* u»eloall vvhojc »«m rc-quire* braun()i»R ” i llj'Hrie-*J3 pent* a tun I <* lD’*>'d l.y \V,M. 'JACKSON, at hi* Boor and Shoe Store.MM. I.eriy *ueer, head of Wood, ai the iirii of Ihe Itig Hoot J‘f* •Vo Cure. No Payl r/i' I‘ilet Rmbriteaiun Pfexrr F*ih.‘ rflllKHK are Tow diseases more common or trou> 1 hlostime than the Pile*, and ret. nntwitbilaod tni; treat effort* hare Wen made to cure by the Die I of |nHi. eleciuarie*, liniments, &c., all were futile ; and Of liitlr bcue(it. Now the Kmbroeatlon it the only niedi. me used. A person who has keen suffer 1 mg with the Piles of the .wont kiodcme from Sa-; lem. New Jersey, almost on purpose to express his Rralrli.de for the speedy cute that this UttlidM had eirerted in fm ca-e.—Phila. Sat. Post. .•mi 1 ?"-",' . |,,ll > bu n!l> al the PEKKNTKA, ii 'hsm'* f „ nul i h '■ ." ml ” l * oal 'tt' Drog Stored fobisr • * AHegheej Cit, yULLOW OCIIBE-SIU.Le«A B enr,»i e* , , d do French: For .ale by j SCiIOONMAKER A Co °* S N.Mwood.uSti V ; .i#?. MEDICAL. I | TO T,,8 d£«£a"&&S FUCTK1 > GREAT DISCOVERY SiNi-KTHEmscuv-Kiivoniitsiv . v \ Valuable Mr<brine,|hcu,a>.(ia havcU-en r, S’. 10 .perfect W-alth -ho but b, it, u.c ”,„ ■ be in the silent grave. 111 “ * , unra eirtmUnj -in, IM „ r , iihmem the -oude.lul cute pVrr.b—e hr ij ll j bwayne s Compound Syrup of WILD v-. J Hilauklphi a,, January to isi; Pr. Swayne—Dear Sir: In justice to louHrii s r i, t a duty l owe to sideling humanity,) f |, m ,t, p»« my testimony, am* declare l«r the World tZ mo*'. Bilormhing effects, .md the great cure v .ui Compound Sj rup or WiJd-Chcrrvperloruud o.' urdcrlnemnsl unfavorable circumstance* j „ ‘ ttkdt with X .violent Tough, $ pitting of jji c , 0i ; ‘' vcre-JVna in'thc Side and Breast, which eeVna C * to-break down and enfeeble my constitution a . my physician thought uiy rasp boyond the pm, n, medicine, aod my friends all g:,v<> me tin |J. v • thanks to you and the effect* o| your gtcsj ,j, r{ ’ 1 ry. t now feel inyseli a well man. andViH.-d r r ., m C ' mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as l have been for years, and shall be pje m«-d m gi\> snv information respecting my rase, by callim. .* residence. Mechanic street,third-door below Cciirnot .street, .Nonhern Liberties. Jacoh I’ai.vtt k 7 Testimony is note received from ail quurtt , Jp r the Globe. 1 The Inflow irg letters are prespnted with a vicw£ : of more Telly showing Ihe-opinicns.of I’hysiri ,j i4 relation to the Medical value of Pr. MV \ \ X 1 COMPOUND SYRUP OK WILD CHKKK V. **: Dr. Swayne— Dear Sir Having ured your TomJ pnui ,1 >yrup.of Wild t.'herry exif-nmilv in mil? practice, I was icrprcttrd by your Agent’, Ih.cto'r rot, her to express iny opinion in writing of its pn-iertics as a remedial agent. I mo»t d,«erlull> comply, asl feet by doing. I will di'chj.ree a debt I »we Uie-eoratuurmy allege, and I’hyH.uans tu particular. As much as I detest Ouark Ivetne dir* and Patent Nostrum*. .nduerd V"mu a lailure of the mnstpotem expectorants rccoin mended in our materia rntdlta s«m,. V ni Diseased Lung, to try your preparation ot Virginia or VV ild Cherry. It is sufficient tosav that I was .0 much pleased yvith the result of that a d su .serpent trials, that I now prescribe ,t in order ence to all other Remedies where ao eanret.»• «> .. indicated. In the much dre.dcd l“ , ’umonM . r Diseare of the Lungs, tu the alarming lorn, »> hid. it appears in Kentucky, I regard it a. a., invaluable Remedy in the treatment ol that duca»e. To all who know me I havo said euouch, hut a* tl ma , be .ecu by persons out of the vicinity u j Frankfort i will briefly add, that I have been rrgiped in an ■active practice ol my profession ol l-yi ar* I '.i,d am a Regular Graduate ol Transylvania. and this is the hrst Patent Aledicino I ever thought eiioneh oi tu expresa bn opiuion in writing.. , .„ , J - »i. Ellison, M. D. • -bnualy ,th, 1847. Franklin Cmmu Kv : ► H+KKrnnr, Ky., Jairty Tth! kj-i't, 1 tic above certificate is lv.m one of oift n,Vai cian* living a few mite* from here, la- U li-.m-l-Terv 4500.1 PrtcUce, and ia cnj.ndcml a good IWician an<! fflanjla fair; ho w, aa lie says, 3 r< guhrgnciuulr.' Dh. \\ . L. CntTi 11 tn, ' Druggist and Apulhecjiv. . testimonials will mttr ecatc. m L P,oin the Temperance i’ledge. Now that Winter is upon ua with it* attendant train.of pulmonic and Bronchial affections (;«u»fas Colda, die Ste , we would advise those ulh-ctedMi’ thia way.to make immediate trial of Dr s n a»ne'« (.ompouhd Syrup ol Wild Cherry. Jt will norcr iail to pfrf. rm 4 permanent cure. The reputation o. Uua nvedieae baa cauacd many spuriou. aiuclca tolcpu.lnth nntltriM □.mcj bdllbc pr.paraiion ° f .k CID B 'be tint ever cikrtd tothepiiblic, i.Uooolj 0 „ e I pat can be rdiid on 1 be olhfcr, mixumi Wild Uharrv Sirup. Bateau,‘Ac., are aUipunou. and wonhlia. at/d cualaia tuba ol the tinaaa or-lhe onginal p.apans Cherry j ! * Compound Syrup ol Wild i From the Springfield Express. bouaanda ol purported curative nostrums e.the public, tut very few arc found to e healing virtues lor which thev arc u ;d. Among the latter wc are pleased tox e stand a better test than Dr. Swamc s Compouid Syrup o|.Wild Cho.rv. 'J he Mflictcd in this vicinity arc beginning to use it, and to their joy they find in its use their hopes bn»».d upon its recommendations more than-realized. The uiilicfed need notldcapair. While there ia lile, there now u hopc. 1 Ai CAUTION TO THE I’UBUC. ICTSinee the introduction of my arliclc to the public, there have-a nuratjeruf unprincipled iid.- U P fMtruma wh,ch they assert contain Wdd t horry.aome are called •*Bal»amr.' , "Uiitcrv ' and eveni Syrup or Wild Cherry, but mine 1. the original and only genuine {.reparation cvi r mlrc-du • ccdl to the public, which can be proven-t.v the pub lie Record* ol the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania i’he onlyfafeguard againat imposition is to sce~tl. it my signature is on each bottle. „ 5 DR. H. MVAVNK rrepvoc l only by Dr. ll.Swame, at hia iTinci. P.,. offic t' corner of Light and Race Streets, J liiUdelpbia. All Wild Cherry preparations being hctitloua and counterfeit without lui si-naiure * n r.D‘^ g,; I WholMale a*>*l rciaal by WM.-l IfUILY 53 Market street. • « jivvrT rSV'f - mii S. JOAK.a, I oO Liberty street. Sold alio by J Mitchell. Allegheny City; Boyd, tarn. & to., Butler; Wearer iP llenderaon, Mer cer; Nortriae Calendar. Meadrillc; J II Burton & Co F.nej M Kens.eA- KaskcJl. Clcvelaid; Dent* wi h °i*' Tv oni r u !| u l,lkr ' ,{ro ' vn "‘“.; March, m K ee t' n tfi * B Hinman, Cincinnati, Ohio: Dr L fcailcrlj & Uo.. SI. liouis; J S Mini it Co Louniillc] ky ; Andrew Olirer & Co. New Or-’ | aprs ANtOXS KXTEUXAL REJIEm . i i CALLED i HUNT’S LINIMENT, £S now dmversally acknowledged to be the IN% 1; 4LL BLK KKMKDY for IhenaSuS, ifi! nal Affections, Contractions of the Muscles Sore 1 hroat and Quinsy, Issues, Old I'lcen, J'ams iu the Back and!( host, Ague in the Breast and Face Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bm.es, Salt Kheum, Bums’ ‘-"•“P,7 r t 9tcd Feet and all Nermi-Diseases. ' i'j SUC’CEift which has at tended thd application of this most IVONDEIIFbL MKDICINEin curing; the most sesere casts of the dinerent Ihseaies aboto named,—and the HIOH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it wherever ti has been introduced, gives me the lieht to call onjthe AFFLICTED to reion at onJe to ON T RKMKDY THAT CA t \ BE KF.LIEI) ETThefacnltv unite in recommending the tele 'atedjhxlfcrnal Remedy, Hunt's Liniment Thefollpwmg letter from the highly Wiinert Physieiandwho have.been.aiUched to the Mount- IMeasapt Sfaie Prison for many yean, is the best evidence at the value or this celebrated l.inituent. ' ’ < . Sing Siwc, December a», HMS. My Dear Sir—t received your note of yesterday asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment fi« L * ilanton *' Knowing it* composition, and having frequently used it 1 can reqompjend it to you as a tale Paternal Heme dy r and mpiy "pinion, tbe best Liniment now m o,e - 1 er 7 tru *J and respcctrnHy yours V, „ , A K HOFFMAN. Lol Fiqrro-Van Cortlandl, Crotori Manor I fullv concur in the above Minion. I ; v :WA BKLcyKR. Yoarrown.Jao. 14, UHb. Sir—ln teply to your letter, I would »a) that I haVe Remedy,, called Hunt's Liniment, m mf praeUce since you- made me ac quaintod with its composition, and iunhcsitatiogly say tha 1 telieve it to be the beat Eternal Ktmc ay now in ise for the complaints for which you re commend if. Yours respecllully, " t . . L ' BEN/0 MILLER. Mi D. übo E ptarnon.Ksq. From the N Y Sun. j ET’Ajmong tbe worthless articles and humbugs Oat aw poured forth at the'present day supon the country, it » really refreshing to hud someth ng q| real practical utility, something sitn pie, speedy and etiectual in its operation, and ct Urn saihe iftnc Tree from too* injurious' eßecta which denetaJly attend powerful remedies. Hunt’s Liniracht, prepared by CJeo. E Stanton, ol Sing’ Sing, though it has been but a short time before - the pub ic, has already obtained the confidence not only of aur imost wealthy snd influential-citizens but ourj most eminent physicians. -All • acknovrl* fk 6 . n l “ > . b fc a *°' crc, B D I balm for many of the ills that u,heir to, soothing toe aching limb, and by its genuine stimulating influence, banishins dis ease from life system. | b .ri| l . r ;, Sl ?? 1 °" —Sir . -S " in S J°“ r "d'erliremem of Hunt s Liniment, 1 was induced to trv its ellects on my ion,;who had been-crippled: with a lame backiroju an infant} and it is with gratitude* I bear testimony t<) its wonderful healing propemes m » child, is now five ycam.ol age, is now’iu a fair .way of recovery, Ynor*;acc. DEMMGN i; NICKERSON. - i Po9TO Fr , CK ,Tow.tiKs, I'utnau.Co. I ccr ify that I am acquainti d with the aboVe named child, and think the father would be sale ih aaymg,that his son is almost- * cjl. ' * v * JAS \V DVKMAN, t.e 5 , , Ocputy FiwtMshter. t. S. I would also state that I havo been for a number of years subjecltp frequent attacks of the Kbeuma isnr, which in many instances prevented “ * my attending to my business. Two or three sppli* ; cations of the Liniment invariably remove* aU~*f« fcciioni of toe kind, in cases of bruises, sprains . and too numeroos to mention, it has in this ticinily proved a certain -reoicdv. . iu value can only be estimated by those who have given it a fair trial. • ! Thii Liniment ji aoldat 25 and fiO cent* per hot* lie, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchant* throughout tbc country. Wholesale Agents in .Kao York. HOADLKY. FHKLI'S &Co, I »2 Water RUSMTON 6l Co, Mil ..roadway. A H 4 I) BANDS', corner Fulton and William ASPINWAIX, JIG William etrm.i . Order* fiddrcssed to me al Sine Siatr N Y »>.. « [be attended tn. CEORUE !•: STANTON; - For sale irv Pittsburgh by L WI LrO i SSSSWB&S»^.V"^ 01 “ JR. CMJLLKW'S INDIAN V'PCil-TAlii t- up k miils J OR TOHiS medicine 11 last taking the place ol .r#>r* ■wio VtwZ h ?* vwa \ Alithjl " necci. SpEefE? r '* » Place in the Domes*. ' i.ne3Suf.'» 5,7 *“'!> r ' TON, Pfopneten 376 Market Sticet, PhiL*. • **» sale in Pitttburgh by R~K Seller. & w<*, . Am. Tharn.ftt Market bl fafidw'T :TSW»^ r ffite*! loll '« «• Pma'i Mrfieto. * «** *s^ -»d» ,<,r f e l Weda,,dfc,,,,eb y—J KIDD&Co ■ Vrif »»Jr— No £0 wood ■ I reel • yiCRISTIAN HKD— 7 Lbl« beat KqyliVh; ! ~ r,,„, : . S do- * Amrncad: koriale by J SCHOONMaKER k Co *** . Ife 34 wood street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers