'isait OtJItfDRIKS-in J*«k* ;> ■ f. O ) U keg* No l Lt*< La»4 bin* Frtih 801 l Buuer; 1 *aek* Fc»tberr; . 31-T)>et Huron, tog round! 15 ii izDroooii; - •* • lt»t..j« Dn-d Af>p?*»; e . Mil*. Su;ierljti«'. Floor: I 411 J:i. u iroio He* at i , rr»;«li , t>i <ind for »•!>• I‘V J i, U F..UVJ*. l«*Li< »»V »l Ida • >1 (.Ai:-ni.i, .v. 1 l-o»i .-usur a t.j.i* • * do: Office Pm*nrit«.H <;.<7r.TTr / Apr.l \ Btsocsa <*a* »ci/ acllVr js malty rather a dull d y.lul wo rin n**t remr nj*i»cr ©l'» morn lively alatc of Trodr-any H.v ll.u tenon I'llUTCulrfA <« I It H r**fn**hinc \n »itnc inr Si 1,.u < Rn&njiyL 1 (ji»i*h.X!iin ciiKHiiv THiCKs-i-y iore» O »:i : r* . i, . 1 i -r • u>t reieiVrd »Ud *Tt<l l>" K-i-l )’■ i • ply ll.rlll!clvr« wool.! «:.l w.! ... . V.| < I. ii. • rj More, r.iriwf Wood end tilt, «t- S N \YICKKItMIAM_ u. i'|»ul IN »-n«*Ra' fo* •. .-,.1 h:ino at Ilsrr Mn*:anl j joii-'F u * 1- ' * ,T IIUOOK*«.*_AI.‘’«>K^ Kick Kt.oru .r.uid *mi •!., .1 U ■ Ma-.t. f -J..A Fa'-mrv. V? tuiOOß* & A,r .°A N I < r -,1. I<». . ({lint l>oilie».) " c '( 5 J i'!l'ii)KS4 AL(’OKN • No 37 Fitih »irr<t / • tl K K«K A.VU UfITICK -aim* t'iie<»ri * . I kf|f» llu'i^r: >• . v .. i.i. .|-i*nr t Kl.« :i'cn:i and fw *a’.e l‘V .; [ • ' 1 »• i 4 <" i, eu'i r unJ iMmi * l . l anuU at ,i'». ca«!i. .'GUO ll>« "i.o.i ' r tun. I catli ijt 2Gc. The market i a lull 11 .\n*<e<,..itul hut 11 - ; not eagt-r. J»a> 111 Ins Snorcbiui!* M ’ 4tiJ -1 moa. Some I'ntnslt M *am>\ lltiver* waul n M0!..-, |o,i I "" l!l "* "'<• »«!<■« ao IV„1,. » bi> m O SI u.lll !1 |<ffC’d a.id !<M , ... vVFIf*. lM : .\Tl.n Ar v (■•j \o I*" mrei M'Y-::: .. ,u , J «!?, JII'.NTKtt \ Co pail prime Or< cn, on jT IO rot’FKl' WK**. ni NTKit & Co % \ li. Imperial, tiuupowdei .... Vq • a prune nriiclr, in k\ UAiUiA 1' <• 11 \ii *c) wood «llcrl •|^i: v .if- i'!ifrvpr *•'' mif-cfior !.*rd i nun tm-i '/i ii,l» ’ •• 11 <•<>:." lit :»*.<: l.» f *i.- >,y 5;.H f .1 ><?; OJNMAKKR .V «-<* 1 INI.HIIVT—■ • A: «*.r* Nerve J , .t-.i If- .u I. i .;>• : «.iW-b\ ooNMAKKK A Co 1 tJUCSII !»'>!.!< UC’TTKIt- 1" n‘C*c Y an.l ;ur • i- K no’s!Sf»N A.r-o \o l*> I.iWrty m rr Wtnl*of littonir to' j »• Kii»\vi:<.i. Act "J ■> IlftO.ll H - .11 since'un>l foi j imuvai. Am J P Act S' 'r:! s:n! " In t Ki«li <f»n . hum u.i Imu.l ..:.U »pi 5 > Uy W I.Rr.KII: H |,i; i -T-il'-r ami • nnuilielit sis ■r.:u"‘ ium n*i*‘d .• ti<l lor »nlr-l<y* j o i;um »:u..Agi_ DKIKI) .11’PI.KS !!.' S WATCHMAN' 1*01114.—10.1 ;ii» 4 iHXt ib» 2 , .1 ...V .1,1, ..M f- c ■ \ e<i nnd lor unit: !.»• P-.j; I, S WaTHRMA.N I*i|ipmv At. ju»i y L .•> SVA-rKUMAN .\o- ;i wuier and titf <’•»»»■* »'» Pi*!.KS l- I'nr-h, ’ju*i icc'J per fcarnet |H'TTKII- . MJISiiX i Co. I*o Liberty *t_ 1 A HVJ -i»* 1j i*h* jeit nn>l fur *a!e l«y R ROMSON A Co A i'l’tjl’S Oo i! :• ter'il |ter *t?3fiiri Cl M. r: . . . ~,.'l-;.} It A (’« v No l“»l L rt) »t .4. item’ Ulad*lff« YY tan 11 1! A X Co cor I*l nrfJ wom! .•;» » «OI A S i.i'i* N U Mo!n«»rii l s*. U. iU>. K KU ill SU N A Co I\aiKl> I'KAtii'cJN -.U *»ck». 0 ««:Hc I) lU-. n. ',iuu .-0 ;» u>:d h»r ia!e l<> j i.toro :HRa.n, *ju «pqJ m_ r»HKKsJ AND UACOS-KO-lI'I Cl.rrM.; ri,s" »• l.Hr Kit i tHUKHfr 4ni'V' V K iiiM T'-c'J *nd CMi j miwt.i.l. *;i i-vfn’v-Mr- “i. 1“m. r. »U- »'*» '»“*■* C“* ‘ ! . _I9J I. ■»•««?>■ -rr-t C Ai M'l'F. it A* —J i> l.'L't' m ut ‘MU W.lnnrgion ;!;!!;,nh.iv j * r n.uw»_ I 'LOi:ft-tiOU.i.« I'mur rtv<l«iid 'oi »al« by X 1 a[ 16 .11/ U i 1.1.1 A MH A to. 1 10 «ond »l SOAl’— CO >=» F urj \ al 'rf’i OhJ li'i -air t.y „ t ,15 J ll WII.IJAM* A 1 o. IIU wood M . Il.(i pii«w m -Tore.lur»alr by O nj-15 J D V> HXI AM-* A Co, 111' gcou<- , ns««- ! , *^J»£^ ? ;SX££ y «IIKBSKi -iu i.ii I'bcrtK .... , I, 1 Ioc.v< do: ia*t rrr ll aj!«l lor‘*le WIOKJt MpCANDI.KSS DRY APPLIES -W t'M* luM rrc’d a-;jl«al« r, •/up!.'. t McnANplJ-.vS ROLI.IIH'fTTKK— ‘J l bl« l*rr*U, j jm ipc'J and lor *-iW iaj.ls \VIC!; i MrLANUI.h^ IRAD- 4 10* *r: «i«>r* Mil Ibr *ale I*) - t b,il* I‘QIM>I- XTKK Sl C 0.4» water 11 lAEA Xl'TS—'J *aiA» l'r« Nut* for «•'« i»y Pa,,14 S >' VON IIONNHORbY* Co CHOPPER its—•-'0 bl/» uuruiiogtiuirm awl for »nle i vrrv lotv to bv ' (lj ,j ] J) NVIUJAMS fcCV. HU wootl M_ -i" ■'""'“Avf:. B^rr ri'<»n.v' Lx*. KtiV.ern 5» 6*. I 2». W» anti 1 lb 1 Lamt. TiW»af«t», amviu? from Canal, for »«1* by unlll • W I'Kr.j-.K BACGII —1 r*«I» »**ori«d, m wore and lor *ale hj A I.EWIti HUTCHISON ACo jj.jjH 45 waif r anti W front «t» A ROA..NO GAS BURKKIIS—A fie*b ««pp!j jau reer*ivrd anil (o{ tale l»v w W WILSON 171GS-aidrumi'*iiivrna Fir* for s-Ce by , ’ * apta J D WILLIAM* AC". iw M GLASS— ‘Oil »>i* ».*or.ed • '**«. for *»lr by apir. J 1) WILLIAMS A: Co 110 word «t jt»l rrcM »n-i for *«le t»> 4pW H_K.fm.KBB; Srmooa M . PHILICOMK-iidoj [ K<iu"»d'».'i for •’J r npKi R r. sLLLFRS.a? wood « BEEP MAItUO\V-*d©*. (BoumolV] for *ale hv a,.j'l . R K B*Sl.U«i«.» wood « OOAP- Taylnr'« Cry *i"'line *««P lor ** ,f! '■* _ * “'■PSSSi&SESi. POT \TOKH -5*5 I>M* imtnr. iti«t rcr'd and for *«l« li, ’ VO) N DEXTER ACo Sll. MOL ,V.*»<KS - * (> for •*•© b)" _ _ . *,,|4 J;K;J I?» HUTCHISON A to COFFEE u«n. /u«l rrc'd for«alc ti> ~p|* LEWIS HUTCHISON A Co ROLL i.t'T trik- « I'U.Tsr.-.r. Mir »**«•>' it t>.» 1.XK1.1. A Co, l.ihrr v Tt rm\M'R<' SCRAPS -i bhJ.-i*i «um. and for »ale l itv ‘ «i»t« •» n\i,7.i:y.)kCo,L : focf.) i-kl Tn-0 for rale by R DALZF.LL 4 Co. Liberty *( BACKS- IT" n«o„ W IjXffiwyoH Rosl s—ls bt!* Ro«in for »ale by . j w.-iKIONMAKKR i IV.. SI »~«i« iKio* corn Broom* aborted me*, ia "*" WeV * BKCT.M—I B" "'cTTKII »5D I,ABD-al.bl. KollII»W ■» bbl« l»ard; • HT Lard; for »ale by .mot j UAt> y.EU, > a<w*forrt r I'OUACCO-Vi krg«{jcdye'a Nol,oTwi*t, land* 1 ih,in fc iiir ItolcU an*l lot •«le by api-* J , l)A l: z .y. u "* <w * tfrW -- SOAP 'A< Ms rXUa Palm Soapi &iii.i»Nol do. 6>r *»1« by j„ J .DALZKLL, SVwaier «l_ {Tmowx ItOI.LS-'.' bale* i>u.table for Haw "" * b> CARBON A MfKNHtJIT.Cth »l iVa'coN' :b‘ ki ;t>» In* tourd, well trimmed. •» fcpri " l * A McKNj<*ljT,6th »l ' C’»l.v- i>f me ju«t lece-red and fo ORWi0 R Wi IviCKA McCANDLKi* plo*iUo»-’“ ,w "* **' A Wnai t ' } ,|W »neet *? , f > V. cm'i £. \V\ Ti:.\ I rrri* «fl<J Comn.t,ni.>n w»re B Cu ', ,riy -^ m ISSffSASRX^» nA |./F.LI.. 3* wmtrTM UviMr.l ntidVround, fer *«*«nboai* ' ' al ij,e Muiiifl •*»■! »Jp>cr Fat- U, ' M e "‘ niiouns* aUorn toiy.V- I i-ui »' . riiTrr-.. , l».n«l«, tfrouud i<»f ruitemni »* FOI'.VHII < :,*W» lor role by _ . , Jj.l-j TAS>V.V h JIKST.ai wood* v"j be<« an Uaiul and lor rale I*JT . ~. ..Vi TAfSF.V X BEST and (or rale l»T TAwnST t BKSr -r A III) • -li l»«f lor >«lr Ijy L*| U' • OABtfON •»_ . > »r I.Ui* K.«r'* No l.for by «'aHS*ON * McKNIOHT. Gib -t i^r» s OAJ;' »«'«*»-» vTAiI.-ii im'-S™ O yfi* tC-t’O- *u '’*• Mr A Me. 6* Plop * I vm-x* l.aj'Sniu* 5»- l»oiDp; 'ii '^. A upin J fc R-FLOV 0 uu.i r.ir •«!«• I-)' . , j ( - bati. " r ;“uJ TJ$- “is insST®; 4 " *“ jd *« jjW« »n<l t*) B S© itioei aj'V COMMERCIAL RECORD - PITTSBrnOU BOARD OF CO.MJJirTtJ' FOlf Al'fil W. 1. W. II hl:!«!CT. \ fi.OfiOF" There wji Steel 3 inches water ir» t!m'riuniu;l at dusk —eoowch U» do «H d e buriniMO nn. 'Hit- wea ther ciaudj -Ao ln>pi- a will terminate insram The.roarket lor Hour opened at *•**’« :in<l luu>e talcs were made at that, but then) out being icli on the Wharves lor sale, it »pr eddy took .1 ■ ■art upward. About lOrii bids chinked li.nuU at Sk,6SJ. 'TJi Tl}and 37$ The mark* t closing «it It an upward tendency. For Ky«- Flour s'-i » m utke <i A sale Idthlhu ahelled I'oru from store, on private terms, sup|>oard aboht soc—for export. Market lor Oatl linseltlrd and 011 lln- .idvanre jV'l arriving yesterday sold prcviomly Prune (. nor-sO continuer *rry scarce—«aVs ,»i bvs l .ir :.t 7.- bn Tcnn While Pipe* at «*l ,1/2s. 20 M green liTit Mi •■«>« at *?1i,50 p M. Lard i* m very active demand— pegr wtru picked Up yesterday on arrvit. irregular loin,bids and keg* at 3u3|c. Sales 2i).W>o Iba city ioktd liaccn at the currency of list week tio.f**i , country cure bulk Fork, at 0c lor llognmnd—in rive this netk. t*ome big nibb’e* for Kacoii sale 15 tons h b Mercer Co. I’ijj Iron at $25, I rum £35 ts asked lotf, Caroline c.b (I I* on Urn Wharf 200 btsHilOand l(»sl‘2 (Hass, country brand*, n' 52 37$ sod 2,ii‘2.s. short lime, 30 hhd* Fnmc Sugnr at lie. 3’J bids O MolaKse* at .<• a 1 10 at :i7c. RIVKII I Vm.UGK.V'K 'he Consul is-in the Pock repairing ’he Anthony Wavne ha*dropped down to rrpa.r. The New irk is at it he Wharf—the explosion slnC tered her cibm a good deal.. .Mouday w.i« a great uay on the Wharl. From »uu •0 tun therel'vore 10 steamers at the wh irvc« l*r*u!c T»»w* Hosts constantly hovering about. Ap unmoiue businci.s is doing in TranportnUnn. \n prerritt. St L"m« freight is scarce, and the |'ack r t* hive ditli cull) in Ailing up—they nre leaving rither light. A number of Nashvdlc boats arc in port. Tim St. I.ouu l'lll on of the 12th ou —•• ]hp •a'hrr ha* been, nnd still contimiL'S ijtj.lc fire :ic rverat this point is receding, as arc also the upper .«:cam» Hence to t'-airo, there i» .1 suQiu.-m \ nr water, lim* ever, tor the largest boats ■in fail nrjjnc*. The lllinnij river continue* high.— The Mi mjuh is rcportoii at liom ,S.} to tj I• ■ < i id •hanncl to Weston. There arc some waUr nn the Lower R.ijuda ol the Mi The loilnwing are (he dimension* u! the oew bolts launched on Saturday h»t. The Si I'jul, io be commanded bv (‘apt. Cable, wh bu<li Ur ,\!e*«rs Bro iV«, Mergi'ii »Y Holliday, and meauire- Vri"th of keel itC tcei. *>i derk iiil fi. l>n* ».f beam -hi ft. Jo ft floor, orpin nf-lir.ld It Mn> \m!l rir y abouVfl-'KI torn. Her Ohgmea and nl nn i/p in be ne.t i'apt. 'l‘ayl'ir'i boat nit built liv F.ininrr<> n >h« ,;»i*u>«**-!erg’.i! of krel It. of on*. lim.filt of [i>nn .111!; d«-Mh i>l*liold 7.} It **-i -aboal IfOutnn* Th*' -ui:f i*.r nf 11*•• , I Bri'liant jrc to t>« uirtl on l.'oin I,'uiofr, m Mure for | la 1 ( Tbe steamer Fry, lYoiu the Alabama nve-t.iuaJr herb »i aptn-prancc at our port yrsUi-r,! ~ M>r l: u.: i* Iron, anj wrre inlormed » fitn»|-c ,| n, pii;r -10 Europe. anJ put together in tint country Loui* Keviclle, lilh <INC.'INVATI—ApriI I , FlhU V bet « T I eel in ’ from !he fi. irr.pl" i«|.-cl >r ihe N«w York market S i>- litd*. it l* ' .T4.75.ail but about t o>' bids .« I .it; r in.—imt'. t Grin at clfM- v. nb an np<-r.i,l tondeu. i. I'royo. m —Sale report< .1 w2i*o** Hulk •'hotline •• u -• Mvkrt mht r-jiiu t. lea.}—Ml pig* • 5 ;Vm -.t le. SOfl do <in prv ite lerrm. M .■! j*-r- Ifi hbl ii o ..g Cvprosa bbi») at **lieep .‘Vt‘ ,t..z . d <?S 50«.t.7.i ?’ do*, k lat’eed—3o bn from at 1.1.'i Sugar—'iii h’nl-j good lair .N O .it 7Jr XVltuket—Sale* of it bids Irutn r.ier .1 itie . .*1 do copper diaiiHrd. from ran il. -it -Ir. Oat* —J (M< Mi "in bulk, deliverable to X Ml .il 4tk i.iaterd IV — 50 bbla, cilx m > 11«. al *'Ja* »l--elto* . I’.nitr-— •"& ber* and 7 b*x!». r»m XX' 11. udd at I ’*e r*re.-,. _ iO(i h*« for shmiiirTit ,r *»c I‘evrut' w' in:...'«l al lie.— [ Xtba BOATS I.KAVI?»(J TIMS OAV ■brovvnsvii.lk rv'Krr> »i':». « anu j P. M. •BKAVKR t* XCK El'S at a u.a:,.; r » *1). LKECJI'V < V». I' \l Ki:T. lT.ih.irJpbii u:d ' HaUimon’. 5' *• m Nf'.W KM.I.tM), \\ l.ct iii- * 1.1 « m W Kl. l> VIU ,K, \V c IJv ■ll r. r u HOBKKT H.l/I'ON.'M 1.0u.*. in i y. ' til UKKNi K No J. (.'incinhali, lu * *. WOUTIIKKN LKiHT. >t Lou.*, «. ■J'.bcac arc regular Packet*. 131 CURTS BV fUVKU. W'HEKLIMJ—Per Hibernia —Jl t.iiuine*, wne:—lo Mil* tlour. M master—do m*!i*r— II :Lt corn. PiUsiuimon* i- . w on. (JIN' INN ATl—l>rMonong»t»ela 1 ln.?>rln>on nnkcr-At <’o—l do. Dr (•azzam—s pegs ijrorpro ■*, oiroer-—sjbbl* wtyjkry, It WaUnn A. I'Xl )>xk •nap, f»eorge J l**rk. jr &c I do. Bingham—loo Ac **on —£ulo fill bb't ml, J) Leech Ac ” bids Inttcr, 2 bta md*c, 2'j H f ir.tfl ,’ : 1 bbl* aud eika, I sek all sang, I ' Ull* skins. Mur pbT. Wilson .V Co—'2 sundries. Kidd A: j’er Arena —!'■> mn« pig iron. <pang tv «' . KKT ' */ ' < Ll : s \ l,,r:,c * '—|r>t J r vcry In.. rinturui 1* «»‘r ’* ■• k; :iii ;"••«• "r | • i «-very *v«>i!.tis •'! oVIiH-k lit* * ' i‘i> • r »* * f ••'•'!' i J’cf HiUcri.n .No :_:w 3 «. I) Leech A * o—ldo, ■ -VnW IM-m iiMfi.ft,. W.,,-, i. ,:.■■■ J.t , K Bruce A; Co_Ad«. Rowland-.’ bbl* var- j '•l?*™*^'' Tit-..,,,, - V ’ 'u'-n I oubt Roberta A: Kl«e-I bt book,, Me1)....,1d Ac ,',v, a .,i n- ,;.V4- :V« ■!,* ! Bresun— j« p»g» lead, Mulrany A: l.edlic—>l .bag ,p.,, \ McKWI.. \geui. nZul. U l,ecch A:t*o— JO bbl« laril <.il Jardsn -Son .... —icake-poUrh, Brngbaui—s7 peg* indic, oU hhd* I KKitl I.Alt H>H V'-H bacon, ‘jObxadn. H tirafl—l bbl Hour. IMrry, Nrntt ' '' VO.M I N«, I A. Uo—l peg. li li Parker—o *<:k* Iciithei, Kcv- k i n,.. J u !,» F H..\ . v r.„, , r \ QolJa A. Nticc—bbl, p«tu*h, H > orec , i rr,; .lar 1 t>• r;o:i| I'er Deiiince l<m» nig iron, Holler Ac Br«— .MoruJav. iti-cvih >' l " ; i hi,.i. to™,,, i» h. ; do. ll I ;-.,n-.ii d«. »!«►»!-•; * '" •*• i' mi,", u-,. <•(, I prg.(, VV k *rnul»—t «l<*. 45 bx» tobacco 1* * . ‘ Leech Ak Lrr—tJiW bbl* tloor. AO do peach*.** and ap* j I'.’.FlCKr Foil w 1'.1.1.5t11.1T. AM I pie*.s3 ark* r»g«, JM3 pcs bulk pork, owner abu ml. M ! .1 UKA \ J ITI- IUCI|I , nir '•TKUBKNVII.LK—I'cr WihuiMgtnn—bids i {?&*** tk " " %VILSIISOTOA - . ' flour. 2 pegs, Ta««ey & Bout—3 ret* wool, <» ''or- • fifeelfcygjji' n't| 5ir..,,, m,-.. i i- >v.* I*.'?*- jm A Co—j<) bbl» Hour. McFaden & I Jo —IM do. ! «• v<• r > M<-,U .•on—iim H Lraff—*4 c*k* and" 4 erntr* ware. JPir •. jr A. <‘.i , »:i t|\ ,!.i. \! -j-.r* —im.Miu corn, owner. Mrjl-cnvllr <• .-rp I’'7*1’'7* 0« UANGIM*. ROIK—LJcr Senate— I.Vi t 0.,, P'S ; -A ' ' '' ‘'ir'-ia iron. A Ml Ufj;. j KFt.l’t.All Hl.il .'.Mi UUI I.i.INC. NAaHVILt.K— l*er Sa*l.%tlU—l W,l noialoc. Allen Ac C<>— I I.'j M.-iu leather*. VV M'Colly »V •o , ■_ '• Tii- .... .—6l bi» nirlic. Bak well, Fear* •V''- —IA c»ka Iji- t . . **• lIKIt.MAt V.on, N M Kier—-I do !XXlpc*rlo. H Ural!—s7 hales ; o.». - r,'!!!' - ! cotton. Kenneilr. Fluid, A. < o—'7l hbla namr. Jor- i b*jaiU*iMd '■ii*t, tVav.,.* I''ii*:-urjii rv-r-. dan At Son—‘.HW d hide, VVtjlilnun—T: gund- I \v r d„e»dn\ ai..l Fr-.iv,'. ,?i i'<„ a.M »tone«, Kobcrtion At Reppcr.l. ' I i,. aVl m* Wheel.np c\-*r. Tn'rl.i; Tnur-.i,\ Per Wyoming- I bl.l Uaxueed, I" b»»U Med. Uickcy ' .lay. iti'f* «» v ‘»ck. A M- !’*>» Hf-Ki.i ..r "r'i> At Co—"' balcßCotlon. Butler A: ftro—sl libtlii tubac lon jJI ' (» Wejtnan—7t> bhl* flour,' William* A. Dilworlh— ( piTl'Nllt'Kiill AM> t'ill I l.lNi> I*A< KKI ItU ton* pig iron, Wood*. Edward* A: McKuigbt n ’ c vw \vo'” -w <»g- sdo „„u, ,'or.j.li i Co. I p Qf’yi......* s'J , SL’NKISH—Per Hadson—i'4 lilid* tobjcro, I> {" y'~~i-tunnmc *• nn-.v- . s Leech Ac Co—ls do, J A Hoe— 57ij UM’ ll "ir. >l-' j , I* n* nut I’ ■’» •uri:' , i tingfor-l Ac bx* Tiid*c, Bin^liain —14 btiU ! T„,->,i:iv. Piiurwl iv »mI S-iiuMtiiy.^ 1 n*'* i-.i'u-k A •: apple*, I d" buitrr.'t bx bacon, I keg lanl. o.w-.i-r, . i»n.i.i.--.v:nc Wj.- . ton ST LQUIn—P«r Anthony Wayne—*a<)piq« lead, 1 j' l ’gu,i l .| !.»• n i-«nirhi • *i-r>-*'» ! v ’■ •' ''■*- Nnowden —73 hhd* bacon. < ‘larke A. Thaw . IMll{ , nil ir«u ji .y - •' •* I Mdo, U Leech Ac Co—l bx tohicrn. Whitiooro At ■ on ho*ml«r WlKT—lk'd d h'riea. VV l.el.mcr—s-J bhl* bam,, Jor- ; r,u,i«i . J‘»HN 1 l.A' >. Aurm dan Ac Son?—34 bale* hemp. 11 tirafi—3i bbl» poik. Kcigninr l»llt*»*urB»» ui»‘l Zu ncvlitr U bhdf bacon, W.l.iami. Ac U.lworlh— t bale* d ' rui-Uei. ■kin*, Burbrutge. Wilson At (Jo. ! A "'i*V). ! »l KT * Her '’atnhru —'J hhd* »u tar. II l,b!a p •aciut«, -* j 1 j Junr V lh- ' ■<»-»-'’ -.v mu *i> a bales aim .sd,. 45 I‘iail* .in.l 5 In, do, I «'«k hg*. )•> ' r.u;u :»r j-'' ' ' Dia letnoD»,6 do oranges, U Trad, il-ito,. J Bi-nnr.jr 1 ~„i/.aru- ; tl.iv.-..; •! »'• '' ■ ' ,' f ' J ll . IOW pig* lead lb b«lc» tienip. H>itp|u*<>r* A • «>— i >jrr»,•!»• ‘ j’i 1 ' ■ li bdea wool, il pep*, 'i hx- I* l-i trh A Co— '>< o 1"" *''[ l ‘‘ h' 1 ’ Ibt collet, 100 p>2* )r*ud Pirke,\ H innen—WkJ il ,, ° f l *' A.i hide*. S WighJuitn—b peg* collet, furling Holiert- " s.m At Cn— II lull- lur*. A P.crlen “2 r,k*. lend pipe. Bullcr Ac Brn —l2 pec-. Hingfia'r] to In > in . fir-n'. MeVadr-n A; f'o— <'.*.*t.t.i* him. h:«)< d", II GniT— V) rab.n and “ij«!«-««, p.i«.o-tip«-f., , I.OVISVU i.K—l’, r -utd>.-.m-l I.i l.'.i.Msi a-* c«»n, 23 bale* hemp, II find— Ifi set.- suu.ar Win 1 Bryant—2 fnkff *.inp. I t*x wax * 'arson Ac. Mr knight / r«k* scrap iron. 2 hhd* *'o I'l prj< iim', >!.<-• rn'iergrr*—22 hhJ- tobrcco. 1 In d», A L >r «>fi—l dn II b'liin rt<. S M Kior—J’Mule* hemp. Dickey Afro—lSfl.). l‘M, ipi XV. i.!. J < —*-| l.M* lar.l, I) f.ccHi A- tJ ! MtJ< b-icoii, ftii t/,-« <ln Hin-»* ham— 23 ton* p g iron, Fennnck A' .M.iclir II—!k»t do, Allen A: f n ' FORT SMI TH. Arkaii*:i* i:,v,V~ p., Ringgold 10U bss soap. Ibrkry A. « '•, VrOO, lb* hulk pork, Jordan Ac S«»n; 1113 bain* cotton, Keinirdy. d'iiMx A. Co- I br tobacco, 10 hhd« d». A M Wuliidglord A: o| fiS hbtl* bictm, 30 bbl* d.». < hike A 'I ln» , bbl» and *-*> peacho, Hutrl.om. A « «•; :m bx pork, H Cratl. WELL.SVILLK —Per WcJL.rillc .lib bids tlonr, McGill* A: Ru-htie!dj 30 do, 1, > VV .iern.au,-Mi do. ? (c \V llarbiugli; I bbl maple rnotancu. 23 b\« apple., 0.W.. a ir l* >“* .7”“, \ ! 1,1,1- bultf* I <lO pulonii. f tirucl. A ' armb.-r.; r,.) ZINKSVILLB—Per,\a«a.k. 5..-?.laM. ■ CM., 15 itbd, intact*. '• MMMpw. ’ ■ck. oa», 1-uJdjr.Jonr.A <-"> 1 l,b " , " 1, “ di b>to>. [) l.riclli <>: I* f«*- a", J * ' ' f 1 it fn; I hhd Uitberj scrap*, l» bdU leather. L - Waterman, * Ini tobacco. Logan-At Kennedy;* 5 and 2J bbl* lard. 2 hhil* hai--«i;2k-l bbl* <J apple*. * bbl* buU<-r I c. -J a:.dl I t j ira do, d* f At'Smilh; 13 keg*'anl I’nbl icrip .run, June* A. Quiffu'. bola llaxieed. U. Uu |Miiaioc*.l bi tug*. 4 bl«la and I hhd bacon, I* l.nli; <*n f>c , do. H Gratl; I bx «l*». Jordan it Sonj jp b« poi.td»c*, I lul egg*. 10 do butter, jjwncr, tihMA.A—. per barge Nrw f.eneva 112 bbl* flour, 4UU bu Wheat, |iu bi* gin NKW CA^TLK—Per Ci. B bbU Hour. Hub nnn At Co; 6111 bu ..-aU, M'Clurksn Ac Co (,'O.N.NEAI TVILI.K—Her Home* yif) »ti»c» 3000 II lumtrr-r, to matter; i ton* p. » iron l.mn"*- ton, Rogjeo Ai Co. FIJIE—Per *' H. ‘‘oru. Perry t A'O l. u barley Wood A: Hegbe* BROWNSVILLE —Per Swalin 12.') sek* oaii 33 do corn, M'< 'l«rk*n'At Co—« expren peg*. Per Lout* McLane . 1 bindio.J M Redman, 2> do, Polodexter At Co; ti do, Konyih At Co; I do. Koiajih At Duncan; 551 acks oits. ‘J4O d>* corn.'Mc- Ciorkan Bt Co; 131 ban iron, J 1.7 *fci!s d<* rVi keps r.aii>,l; Evan's; J pegs. Boiler Kn»: v i iio.-pnnerr Ac Whitmore; 7 do. J K.Mmehoad: I.il bu o'.Ui. owner. l y HK.W EK—l'-r Heater \ ton -.mb- IVo -.fi J •’ Riii<*< !!;■*' nitb'd* *•*. b liiiln *<*«. i chinas, Mm in id ji 1 xX i Ur. nAi hoe*. 4.J do fork*. J F Ovi-ti, 1 ut.i aim 4 «ov ui-i. .t pepn; li M llartnn; l:i urk» n,'... 1 inr* & o: u* 5 but* scorching*. ,;, Jdo gupairi. Wick A XI •’.i d ! PORT OF PITTISRIIU.U >4 irii nun: in tiii rn»'Mi 1...ki- Lmp. lint! It.-.ivr- H-uver Hoop-. lira* r 1.-.uis MiVai.e. He.ur.u Hn.u I ••llrul. Howtlini Hfovio-r lll lljflem. tta.rd. M<m C'.:» XVrdleviHr. « ‘atb-n WelitulL r\evv Kngbnnl. Itblwrl. XV’l crdu. • \>* Kn.-I;.hd No ‘i. I fc.in < ,n- n.e .>■ liidi.uici'. Nev-tol) * il.r idii 111 Senate. M Vlorr. I langinc K.» k ''UnhlMlll , (b rJn. I .<IUI«V-I!e Nj'U.ii.. .M.'-er. Nr.-!iv,:!.- XV»oiimii;; Max N .sl.xillc ( ainbria. I '.rsuli. •'I l.i.it,. N,.« irk. Htmf. 7. ii.i.MHlir DKI’AKTKH . XVrllHv.'lle.t .Hint. Wi-lUv I.iki I .nr. ll.dl. I'o.ner. ♦JLillcm. LTtlllcr. iM.-h t ill S«»alaia, I’larke. Hm« hstilh- I oni?i Mrl.aue. U.mn.'li. IJruniou'U- Homer. Uoopii. Beater Hnd-i.ti. Miliert. Snntish. Hibernia. Smilli. x\’hc., : i,njr-. Wilmington, Stcvea". Mcubfn»;l|. Oeepjlrii, Nelson. Monongaliela r.ij TahMiian, l ‘cili'.i. ->t l.oui* Moitnng ditda. Mom iTncinnati STEAM BOATS. HlHill.All SIOH.MSO PACKET I'CM I It H A V K U . R» 'i't.e iind »nlci>.i.d »i< ani-T burgh in W o'rlurk. ». , «mi Jiratei *'t '1 oVli.ck.V 1 tarniiecliii); wilh I’.tuburgh -ui.l C'rvt'.inl I i»e ol 1 1. io.' I!.> >!ii !y to I ‘ir veUipd. •» , liruvcr. XV ji i. n ,|i 1 Ilf of r. :iui I’iit'keu r. •! '■l’Te V* Kr rl.Ji ■Ni* .Ml Of.- -V I I' l'.h..rv'. ‘ * Af,'- • I; ; M H \ni->N A I «• I..\UM,A 1,. 11 .it 1 mh is Kn.ri. xii <’.u ki _ i LIIMIT r»r freiclu or pn«*ape nj.;d> on 'oar! ~i for sr Lot i* -niiui r ft e.--~ r Tl'« »lneue!i a:i«1 f.i.!’.*• n : ft”, . ROBERT KI'LTO.V »V". ' «:•* -at etfC2KW±afcrrue*.i:,i. a;« i vim., m :.• M Vnt liivelrl.ir i.:i«,.i»e I.(om' I oi: I.oUS-Hl'.dl I.AK l‘A«'K I T 1 'a\T|Yo\\ ' \V AY \K or .kl iiichd io»t Thnr«i}»v. Api.l l'.'-! a I* * M l\>r ttr.fhl i^r M»H NKW ORi.K.WS-IHUI -’f Thf nrW ni'«l -P’-' .. .« .jT i, _J> V\ltA.V.\K, *vf Iflir I’rr.gilt i»r pi»**ua*- h;ip i»i*k i.orisxf i.i*. aNl> vamixji.w ’ l,r AX,' * .!•’ hhr-trv w ' -1.. -or M»rf#jsT:s^22}xiil-.m I'tf-■}.• ■. .»• • i w l f .|i> » r n i .ju \ x.-nvtu.i uii.i i.ak rt. m i ' Htn 7i it \\ n n:. ;;y~~l >ll'. \ k:: mi \ jfifc.': n iT>u' KiiM \n D i ii.i.i p.t. m * 1 ‘iO.MHII.IKU, IlKi.l i..\K .- yi.i. V\ I.U.SVII.LK Il\U 1 l A ItcfcbrMJ il» J JSt t , r. .VvVu«. -.’ • ■KXPRKSM FAST I’M lv k A.\l» im. l I'ICIIUC. f | MM' fa., iyiit.l l: •* ;*, J **’ j', I’ll' »i-l l.'i.li- H.i >. I '*j.l '‘'i-" 1 ' • '»• »•!-»> . ' “i. ? ,l«. Knit-i.-iiv. ‘‘l'!••*■> - U A|>! Hi.. Kr,'. *' :»(*• l-ul.\ lr-'. Al" .‘ I Jl'i .\,.f • VI • V:„- Uvru; I'J >. K. k).'•:*!» I' .1.. ni,.., B . t'f \|- I VI. ,1:. ,1 lie IV*' ' Afl ‘ V\l! UK A V Kit, WAIIUKN At *I. K V Kl. AS l> l.t s'r nr r\S.\l. I'AI-KI .I' AN J i "TA»*l-> |v |7. l’A' Kirr-* n i,c**it \i'ii \ 'i. At tlAH'i'S A iv Vi.aHM.a iv |b:uv>r jl>*F: UAl.li-VI \ \ ft.,l s .t«v»-n M H TA Vt.HTlftt r. .s. n.KMisc. I uni>r «h;n ash mxoiunvK I'ainr»:i!. H J.nazif.k AMU'Ari:nHv\«.KK I muHilrltaV." 11-i- I v«. iirTtri,.-. j.lil v\ aiMll'-* >'• tin' **'’* *'-1-011 .'l C'rl) ,j i„ ' fH i fvlbm VJ*l M“* i, " ir •'icon' * «. 'mu I«M.. w •>< ■"""• •“ • iu|’i”,nr uruin-i 1;/*>■£*• ol rll ksn.S* «W »l *»« ►none.! none-- aj.IWIn. . No U St Cla'i 5i |Mi»burau. i a DRV GOODS 1 OOK TO TOftt IIOUSKS!—-r.i.f.uifili j 1 J !*•«• |.» i lini;...! .11111, \|> >■“ WiKMi »l if*r I, nr JM |i> j l>aii;r.u.: A)!'•_' Tlir rr-jftcUully inform*' inf n il •tr'inj* •?* * ii- Cuy, tnai in- tin* V... 0 - ' v, OAItI’FT K\i' I'Hrfil M 11 i v 11 i-i i..i .i,r iTt ilir.-v . • .■< .»1— , .'• • !i.i t'i - inn i«'t . 11.. ; .- .aif v- ..1 * + . ril |. .1. ~r , «j - o ;,| ui ,i:v ;.„,.|.,r ~1 |\.. 1 , r l'„i! l- Ur.nr'i I.f-W •1.-.-i. !.;• *';i ~. . • (limit- tv 111 (,n. 1.1 ' ■ - . upj.-.'i! Nfl'V mi a.f :iml M«-iii|i ''uj[>rl‘' | ii.‘> < 'tiliiin.'Jll .clii (In. ; :.’.(• .111(1 SUcrjifk.il I*mf Mall- I • A: (.-unKaail lm- il«>iii|i M j < !{(..;• (.1 all • ■/«•.. t ■ i Wm-i'--! I'itr|iri:an.i K... r l-i 1.JT..1. . i\ V. rp. I ...u 7 tw W l.m "i»* ''ill, i ,-„ t kl mii) In. I • IHil I ' 11. -ii II ] 4 ',,,i |, |\i:. r- r„v.-f-, I 4 4 .mi! i. 4 Will If Ma! Siirnv-lJui|i .Nit11kin* ' ' '(*;iirl■ I |J»i,i'-.«i. T.il.ir 1.,.|.-i. I'uuavK u;,.' Ji.r.l I',. Dm,mi i:\vi.vmi ; <‘nr|>ri amt Dry Oooil* Wmehouae. v» iio maiiki.r stkkkt. UOUKHT D. THOMPSON, 11 * V l"' •I' * * *'' ' r,!l ‘ rm *' ll * f '-' i!'l* ami the jiu! ■ : .ll ,n Hi N'Ktv. Siti.lt ' " !|. Ai- . .r. 1 1 llir I m :ei - ;.u,! Mm,mm I T“l"* : 'i Ur i.-•.rl* t':i | i tin. li:/- u ii, r,iu> .n.U i .'<■ 11:iiji.ii ' » - l i ><:r J i i l’!i: n V.- i: l ur. i' •' 1 t ' I 11 atn..«k .1. . i..; J t 1 i '1 i i .u.j «i l : i I.r 1! Vi.-n.i:*, 41111 Il.iiprr:! Nin SlilrT.i- I |- U I -. ,1 :i li.i W R t; . kI M uli * fl 4 I’nvme Mmi !.•• i* r ti'uiitii.Jii i*ii < • wl> •lull: |nurlia»il.f m:w *fi!iv. mu 3 .'■> . . ••,■-11. IK .11 111' Vij’ i: Ill) Mail rv*'i} wi'nint auuivai • at tiii XKU VOHIv S'lOIlK-7y JIAKICKT ST. SYORK 7'' iv-qj it. 1: i, 'ssssfe'-s^fe^-' ,r"; jjAKKOU -.• ItltMCJi,'. J-’.M.i ■'.m yj I SLIN l»K 1. AIN K» Alnl,-. , -l. L.. - - A I'm I'. ) SU.K-V r no, r ii'l M ir, i: -- w!•••> • if-o: lJ l NTJKI KS V n Tofto *!• r*. Ilirnh.H'A in- j<n< .; (1(11 1,1 * , .Minina . (ill*. . AI- Flit 'all- wlmloMlc rpo .MKRt'UAN'T r.VII.OHIi Now niu.i.nn 1.) •[. ’a--”| .no-iir ll' 1 K»»»- lrx>\ imimilaclurrii i’- Ai;<*m No'.ii Woo I trn A ill) M>l>u •M .1 U - I'll' r*. yijKiiLK \VOUltr.t> <' A I'KS - Nee - i»t i-jt* |)f\ f i,*od« llnu««- Ill' W I? Ml' l{!’ I • j ild N 'pi eor 4tJi rind Murkristi JV Inn .el-rl.nn ii! CaJ.iorri.n I'lanji, a-w am) i'i'.iu:i iiILK. i.l • 1.:-. lill!!'. U» AVO PVltl‘ ■?h KI-. «.I r- !• ’ '• r ; , U||.« F H t j 'it \ % so \ in: st window sn ad km - j«i Ni I '. filin' nH.i.ui*. itiiMi.ni. a jJAINTKI) ■•IIAI'IKV, VI M II S 111 ,t M'>. I II I A'l'oN S | ' 11IIIUM DKKI.Vi WOHITKIJS I»AT r, m:s- /rr'.-.r ami Tap. -i,v W,,..i.d. I - i 11fulfil |l" »nl I I . • I. iiii[- Al.ii • ami «>• H I ' \\ ml (..< - • • ' ar • l'-*l “ill'* lliKiin* I'KIMIKS, tiI.MPH AND MATIN THIM |‘ \|l Mi,•*- Fh-.r .im' r ' ii' inl l-o urnl il*< •• Fi'U f- i-' " 1,1 ' : '" L ~l '*i*>.i • I”'A a uml i Imiii HOMIKKY ANI» an.i I-111. It..- v-ai vi.r,r!y M. ..r. ..II I <-11 .Im II Kil im,,; 1 aril, mill ,?, , ’,mTr!V."i - "'A m-'- 'l- -j:iV I tain .“| U in ' F II KATON’S II *-r HiT'-i--"! »'l lo ' ‘a s1 * 111 'l ll ' inunofariurer’* ;,.i 11■ a t jiii r hiwm'i- i'f ii.imm (.fin Kinsuc dii-l ?*iiirn»l ?*ii*peii'l.r« oi Hie lli»».ell Muiinlariuriiitf i- i-> l-'i.r »ilr nv the- Aei'iM. No '.*i> Mrooil »tirel. up ,‘V. «i-.’—oir F.im-AiiD rom> * tih'i '|| 11 " • 'iiimiUriurrf’* Aseul U’OIIKK I> COIiIiAIIS. I.urr*. laH'inr*. l.Hirll 11 ilk < M.iH-ru an Ill'll" l.'lll-.il.u H . |% ( r- M.I.I'H* Ar . .V I »* FA TON’S ii' K A'l*l*l NO PAI'BII- llr*mi I'niwii, \\ VfJ 1 do Meiliuin, Rii-r-. i. -i .„i i f U | ..,!c l.v JOHN H MKI.LOK j .iij No “1 vvikhl urccl ! TAPER. BOOLS fr lIARDWABE. .IT THU LOWEST TOSzIIII.K PLUCKS. statiiiserV mu papee ulask buokx RICH & LOUTREL, Cl WtI.I.IAM STHBE'I', NEW YORK. H.-IVK nun ft. il.t.r u«i» iftaiiul*.l*if», * i n** plrlr‘*-«..Hififiil ..i l.i-.lgrr*, Jnurtijli, f<*) I' Ivic» b-uL«, r».h, OrJir arid Bill IK-ik*. itc, (.1 .iiivui .•<> *|,J tlf Irl ol IliUillfJJ. ll I.n: wilK'll M t» of .HVcoUlll I 'OJ Wwlrriril ,t fry 1.. w |>ru m; sl»>) imJ. t.-urilri, jr.il U.iiii.l > i ,uj j itlrni, kI -l.iirl u.itio. Forrijrn and Dtinis.itic StuHonny. H Jill* \\ S«almt \V«>, l’i i*«, 111-K k >u>) /•*>> W r.i.i.l- fiuij, P.|» .k-, sui«*. li.l-uuJi, S»nJ VUiUv; f’.-rL.i ii,)J toJ,J Shir Pmi l.|ri>*-, I'cji l(:nk'..'Pca iLIJn., 4iuui TiArl*, I’Ujtnj 4 p*rd *, Uji fc.,*idi, > hcnuirii, Uu r, lui4 k«ldm # TtoU»<». Ka/..r *>tr.'p. |‘mk T.»j<r, Tmu« llrrh 1 ***>“■, l>* ,i| 4 liik. f'ali liidMil, luJu Kiiklnr K.ra«*r», hcittoJl*, J*h«toi», '-riMT. ■' < B.*l .(ill rig till:. Kill «. . -a. k», liliaT Irr(.,r .idianir - li.irnd TiUr,. ir*.), TariiK K.iliauf T*M< \ llitilhrl ,a la, Ira *dd a.) .lulai.lirl * C/ttiifi Account Hunks. A Uigr *l. - k i-.m'tuiill) .* tan.). •i.tl.iW*’ Ur n l trrt.tr • l.a I'..uiilry Ilia r. liai.l. .1 >.r) i l.raja lata • £* A I.arifr Assortment of Writing i'tipcrx. K...|M a|i, talaill Mad tillld /.rill | l*.i|M r. |.I-*IU Mid r‘lla-1 Null- }«(• r, l'rjat i, Uaiiini t llisai .lt, l. 1 Ula, r) , Kla>« [.ajar abd Ulullllii; l'i»|a*<. * - a..ml t‘ajarr«. Tin./ Km,Ha I'ajarn, ivirl 1».,»|, a-«tr» .|/rd Hank I‘a•'*, Wain aid In.j.y inr l‘-ajrr, Mmii l'ana r, l.iuld, Ti»* mj;, KiiiUn«ral, .111,1 urn 1.11.rr tl'94 nj.li..ii aif jsajrr al >ri J I,an |.rn ftu/il fens. Diamond faint. ItarliA. l.n'ilreiN, liagalrj’t, Uraawia't, anal all a.ll.rr 1 •l» l>ul"l uj.il.i r-, hi ijiiairiiir* l,j »aui |aim'laa4i r«. al il.e mi Letter 'upping freuses. 1 Tin ul» *i« different Jarirr* and »ljla-4 ilia- Irma /\a|.)iiii; I’fi »«, mill Itirr and arifu, liar m-.al ri|wdit mu.. ra *»ii,stjn ral, and »ainjil» onxie aif taking a aHj|iy n( .in) la llrr a>rM*. Wallii.nl writing it uirr again Improved Manifold Letter■ Writers. D) nlairla the letter and *'ujn u written at Un Mine liinr i TUr largral Mwirlmtlil rtrr uttered, and al the l.iWut |ira<r. ]’ 4JLilli* .dflre*, tUnka, llnuranre (\>m[«anira, Merchant* anal (.liitrt, lurnulicd with nt» nl Arr.iuiit linultt. raalrd and tajunil i.a any |uttrrn, al tlnart n.iln-r. .dl-n with •tan..iirf) sd i l»r U .1 i|.ul|ly ; S'jfurial Presses, Forth' lit' e.flUnki mid ('<T|»jratiuii», to 4tli« (hr- »«•<] «>f DaiiL <>r C&r|«orHli»m to lltcir di*cmnrul* lo* oj*rr»' '...ii i« |*rii'rairs b) mi) our, tirli »l fir»! tn.il i Fir it Premiums .{Ufard'iLlii i|» h) the AlioriCiJl Inttilulr, »t (lie Utr Fair, Orlubrr, I~Lj — - >.ir Ui' botUulol (Slink liouki —A Siltrr MrdnJ For tin bol Manifold lxllrr Wrilrn —A I)i|.loJim k ->r l>< juliftil fuiithcd I.'ip|i} in; I'rrivo -- A I>i|dnin4 /'/rii»r CnH mu/ >»e Jet Vni'vlix '■Sj'Tht Trade and ilountry Merchants Supplied. KICH .V /.OFTllt/.. ill kirti'li 4tit] Fjcl»li StiUntirry, . «od Ni.iuLfjrturi rt 111 Arrount (look), Mxniliild Wril'ri, F.f rl-iur. [lUuk -tint C jniitor InUi, til Willum, <»i( Mot. • rtl.tr .trot. X V. V lilt 11, } \\ If AI I.OUIMIL \ (•rtbiiin'i Mucatliie for PKi’HVKH AT M A VIINKK , '-<;r:.h i itir. V 11 i .r May. Tim lfc.tv.-i it • • , 141ti..il 4 lti..i on. » tinrv-.. a- IU >/■ 1.-.') i* .-i Hor>. .Ml nor t>! - Jin- I) v-rr-tl • Af rit. S Cl Hi- VJ. a u,l.- o' IK. F*< r. I.y A f>: ll.iinlinr A ut ~-ii! Ii») ]•!— her Moiiumciii*. H .mtcl i jiluri. It» Inf) mil A ri-fciftlot*; iMul i.ill" f '■iifcjrrt* i nine t* t-tl iv.til 11 rrotlj pineal I .ilMiil'ifr: l.> 1 .Mitre* It. (;..tlt‘cii Uli.iii.lt. liiaxtu.i; tin. No |A J'or Ml- Ml MW vivi.lt> <*;■]•» Sm.tUi-itl *t Jtl I'itci imm At PAPER WAREHOUSE NO. U Bl ItUXU SLIP, NEW YOpil. / IYIU.S W FIKI.D oiTrif for ..nc at u.c- !o-v. \ ■ .Mm-.tiKie'Ufrr«' [tr.■:«-» a v.-rv ul.-n- tr in- i ill J’ APKIt ci*iii|tr *.tir « vrry [u*.»t'.if x.ir. voii-'lr-. I’nj'iif 01 ail k.iiJ- in.ijt ki iml; r>l Of :!.r W M-i i..m- J <>f I’RINTIMi I'AI’KII .. u:n»«uj ’) lurpr Jf Him W' Vi r-, »«f»rf:uf .1) • P APKiy MAKKIt S MATERIAL* 1/ 1 .it-. i'c«f'i,|)Uon. impoikfil and ci'iiMJniH oj. i,.in , \,j Kr! • up!- Win- Kf»ur«l r<n.«-f W irr*. Won.£11111; i'owdvr, D'.uf I'hr.imai.nr, Tw c ,A«- C'liivimi. Half Ropf. Urn** TL>pe, tlncß'i:;. A«- . ft 1 IiUM-iitt'pil forwlurj] tlic i-r !.i w.tii jta.tl ‘ j)«y \rn V-.-.k. J 1-W lIIL.I. &. IiIKHV.NK Sitrcr»»ora In Molrialilp A Urn Mini i a»ti hi-.k> »n,i i.*.p..n-o „< II \ A .So Wibhl *1..., lUnlwnrr Sinn llrllioti't. r.Mi Ilf UMl.n ...11. :*T; . VVAI.I. IMPKII AMI IIUitDKIIK. pi-1' ■¥.* m;: « I ' JOHN IM.M.M 1 X'.'l': „.-,l Ware, I- i.f *h .u.d A ; «-aRk- Kri<:.»li T'linrJ S4Bi-r)i'l'ii»; I ill. Ov;ii I'ui* ti' U »eT.ni«di„l » ;i,i. . Fn.mu- I.J Ware, i IV W,„ f ; I . a.k War, \l.so. •flrt..l .Dicta vuU W :c > I AJ-J JOHN DFNI.Ai’. IT Milk,-i UR'AWISd PAPER AND PKNCIOS Fin- Ani’«iiMT'»it llt.iwinc I‘a[»n II im ;n - If IVp.. in .'o v*il" .'o .’•I F.ll-|-ll4*H 'lo ilo ■* >' i’-’ ■-I .'•» C-ilmlll’a I '«’ 1-0 ij 11 I'" IV;- il.'f wii-i a 1..';. DiIAWIVo FFV'UX ••] !■ a.i nr ...,1, ; in -- i *■ ' .i |-i :j ' N,. :6 Mark-i I LST KECKI VINO-I.ooKI Mr A .J IHM’SK Ft'KNISHINc. lIAKJ)W.\IM Tl.c»ub n!,- r roji.—liulli nlm m« ii-* ii 'em!* and llm puMtr. Inal Im i« :io<» rrn- . hi; in- »liriiin avOfliunnt of • Ci'i-'i-.l liv U.iili'-l!. c>: >4j" l'or i.un.ilv. and rmlui-ftl pi ,i r•_ IVt'Oin* a'-oiil liir'n.li.rti; i[;cii hnu*cs v.oiiUl do :ii' ijui,-k rcluiii* 1 A lIIU.IFU la-.k.nj or..** Mam.i... iu,,-r -. im AVnn.l •*,t-,-i. f,- •• r»!li ' ■ tit uouhTof com n kitck "v - .-ka I A\U HAND. < Ilii'i'fi'fi It' eonn- :on w ,\r. • i.u lurr, ilie At’,,. ai"l MauuiHCliir" lo wl,"-l, art a.ldi-I a lli.lnfj or OoininrrF*-. uml a' niniinlnjirti JOHN’S lON K SIIX'KJ’ON IJ^uk-cilrr. C.. 1 Mirim iu<J KiUvhi iI Todd U'oFI.I) ri -|" i-u.ihj amiouiH-r to ilie mrnhaiii* ot I’lil-l'Ui (ill. lhnt he lia» openf Jii iwrti lor ills *nl< ot lv"'I-rri nvuiufa, tiirrd p;t»r-«l*. »u«'ii a* Suiok - <•( every dev i;[.iiiiii. Miln*. lliiMon* anti t'ollars; Hum Sjrpei.. ,1,-r-. N'nrili’f lluok* rnnl F.vra. Ac : Mr >«l<- nt ninnu i'iij li:,rri' [iTii-e,.* At-o, u la<c«' a«»nilincol in’ illnolr and F.'.ncy CtaMU' lot m Kin.ur-1 pro-,*, nboln- KHWAUIA ruHp ' No tfi wr-iJ fcireet. up«tnir« . ini' MV- MumiliiiM.irer*' A<rol Addle** Cnrtli I ' l l> W AllII 'I OVD. Ac*nt?iii K.i*lr*rn mni nlartniei lot im-*:>le oi NorinS Hookn nml lao, Hum >'n*- p-i;iler* nf lb,- Hn»fa;li Mnnulucliitiiic r'o , •'l ; Mnr-k* i>i ,-»i rv do.r ri; lon . Slml* I)o«t:in« ami (Vlim *. nf Ilie Tro. hi ri i, jj fa c- u, ry Ar , all of wti.rli am mr *ali-at manJ'iiCHiri-r* pr o, *, wliolenale. N» •»> -rood -irect. up •ia,r». rpiirCm.ODK’Alj WOIIKS-H *!m|> li,-fkl.-y> 1 W.iHv I)*»hliiS Tbeolibiy. M,-i|v.li«-S Srriiiiiii*. Ma'mHoii'n Scrtnori -. l'am-« oiul A i<- vaiidei oil I.amli- ~i tli•* 10-'iirrrr- t,n. n,ulj;i-‘ on tlo- *'t,ioi.iu' Al itr • • r ' , I’ll |i.i.r»i'io|',,l.'i. JT r>t ■r t; H-.V. W..,k*. Ha, kl I ‘ \\ I'l Ii *. HUkiin'i 1-1,1 . 'I nr ’I he |l,.„k "' l.i.M-r. r.,r -a:- *vII < U" "IUI'II A' o ,|,I? No l : M .«• I. - i mm l WIHIMIHIIK IMI'IiUTI RS ai-.l t)f ' JOHN \V A!• K !•' II • , W:ilkrr A V* I \ l < i( '■ !.!'• i>» I- * *' :i *-‘ :<.i>.'tk- i-.im «>i. >i S' *: IV KMillA V I Mi* j u i»'...!.<• '< ''' 1 TA itVu»* lul I*l -i • | AMI'S- A niff siml ••• .!.«!.mi Iliitrl-. > - .mil 0' I II I \ ms iillOVlil.S AMI SPADKH Wiir r*l .«►. \ I .Mldolll. lull «... 1.n11.l 41. r Mmv« in.l \|» I JII.I !»l>:nlf tm'h'.’ i Looking >»<i Mnt,\iß..m it Hi l.' ml a**oMtn< Ml o! Valifiy linod*- nil »l THOMAS KKVM I'V. Ji OOI.K AdKNCY Full Cl HRIKKH I'lOM’S O ...IKTII <u»l fi-m-nr.l A'*n on Iruml A Tli.i> r ’ ‘•kl’ l “i«. n >»d l*li'*ll»** Map* ninl Chart* Sm’icliihh* ninl I'rdlar* •iijiiilinhui \<*i\ York prici’* T KKNNKDY.Jr . npi cor 4>h anil wi«kl .»;» .•T«VB PATTKHNS VOII HALK —Cnl-l* k) |.Pi«irr. I'aiir rn Maker, Allegheny C.iy Oif Mi:i. iia- iv n*-w.-** I‘:>n<*ru» for Sin*** mi liuml .•nli.’f • n or ifon. M.!ll>citfin|r unit all ollin puller n* made 111 Older KJildU U'r KITING AM». WUAPPINU PAPKii --HX) ream* Cap U’finng Paper; OU iln I nier' .do dn, :RK) do S. C.Shraw Wrapping do, 2<*l do Medium do Jo do, JHO do 1# 0. do do do; 100 do Tea Ilag do do. Oq Ixartd and lor role l»v RKVNOJ.DS A SJIKK met 4 ‘ror IVtui and lr«m «»» (“ <OLD PE.\S - Ju*| retnved un additional u«»«ll* 1 went oi the hert qualitiei. of eve i pumiritlinM t'ennand ivarikntid apt) W\V WILSON i f KTAt»—inn* No I Foundry. landing Ifom *ltnt Lvi Koreka and for ■at'- l.y *p*> , M M.I.KN A Co, 4J wptf/'reel MKTAI#—:» ton* Mercer Count’) Memi, •‘’Hlourbe Curn»cc,'’!*oding and for »ate t>y a|>l7 WILLIAMS A MLWORTIi HATS. CAPS AND ISOMETS. ga II ATS 1* II ATS 11 HATS 11 ' g l <*ine il»e ii«> !!•*■ Fn'Liou OfA^L "m<u .1 bf .n:iK.ttuf <l, llir roo»l * * - r. Wv Y-Vs iu.tl Philßilf'j-lii# ..■.- i; -uJ- .niit iti*' i;.,->i) :»i: who m«> ii, e i.jih!..-- |lni:cr ili*" - ;iV'-i•. Nt-i.-ir-t* and--*:ru bm -H.'i lio!r*nl- »»r rrt.i.l M.-CoKI'A KINO 0.1 illil >il| »l< •'im. .V.n '-.:t »|a»f ,- ra. •MIHNi, FASIIIuN U 11.1. ...- i..: i.aluv. •; 111 - day I<■ c* n-i» ii-rnij >v ■!. U..P- I.if *ji 11- HI it i-.-.raM.- jin r • 1,, railing *1 lltf O J * I \.. it ■, ...||.m.»i ll,.wi< li.l A lie) •n:» 1»• . J.WIK- \VU X»\ a\i 11. 1.1 AJH OtM'citiAs, ' 11 \ I IM t-« 11. itini'-ji-t. ierc. a„.i *' I'i'i Jiii.v 11, ;. u. 1, err* ) vtrmv 01 llai • uni ■’ 11- •*■; -r. no ! j,i .v. , v 1., *ul \<» 75 Wn.,.1 11. •-> t .1 • : -id- iVUT /w IlKHli: A I-USI'A HS<n ki.ri.ii. ii.n,', Hal. /Ww.iil.. inlroiji.i e.l n KKI.VII.S .... Thur-Ucy MB ,H>U p| 'J'lli l .rail, ,11, 11 " '“li a;' a f-l,raj> fn-1,. .ij.ial.ii’ Half.' i'lttf iaire.lt niuiimn.-lurr i*i.«-.til 1.1 m-h;i'>a «!•!»• I 1..1 • .iu|.oi Inl n.t a«l vril ~<-.l l.y •ailu- 01 IN.- 1 r.idr. j>., ..-r . .1 KI'.KVII. A 1.,’. tui ..,i| < l ii Ijsj. i,vail in Wood *i /w sprint; Kiuliluii for 1*47. jmu lg SviLl.lA.tt Dorm.As, ffflßl WlH'l.lt 111 i.jin l.nfi.i ml-* urul I'nifon. A Ilr.it lie Ij:i- rurJTi'ii l.ti-i,! a luxe «:r>ot •.1 M.r S[*r.ni; 1.1 -J. i.u "I Hal- 11 lid I ay. m !i*i-li wi.. !>i* in 1 ri> jrla.V w'rn Jl 4 TUI- »iili*<-1 livi lijiv ~u«( rnrivi-.l l»y Kxprr*- J,,. lira I'nlr la-limn Kir Hun*. I'l'Dsi: ill lire 101 an vj'.fa Iliiiiv'l j.li n*i'call ami f-xuiii>n< ili.. ► id 1,1 I.rii. lc- S MOOKK STRAW mm A.\D HAT WAKUUUKSiS, no m \iAKKi-.T syiKirr. rnTsuuiiuii. K H. I’AI.MKK Dili n lot -aft- on an mvor alii.- t«-ain* a» I'iij liini«: in I'lnlndf Iplua, n . iitn|il. ii- ai-i.r!iii'-ni or Si raw, Florence, Rut- laml. ami a srmi \ arn-l) nf [Win y Omni xml Rinili Bonne!*, of »!»•• .i'X -H Ir. AI.SU—■ Fnlm la «i. Mrnw ami i.ccltorn Hni*. Arti- fii-iui KJ..IV.-I*, A 1 I 'IIKNCII .tlOLr,-KIN IIATS-ln.l (vcrd 1* a *upvr:'H rifiiilc o In-iti ii .'!«ie*kt?i lint*. Fill fa,ami fir -air !mi l y S M4>OftK trill \n ifl wnn.l ilny t X. VOlilv AIIVERTISE.iI ENTS FOR Klim-'l.vii, WIMIUW SIIIiTTEBS, ir. ' { ’ lII'. ».|l>-| r;t,rf. l.« R lo cal: llir ,|i Inc ."ill of 111 I lho*e I. iiiirri-«it-cl al rinfinf 10 tlir.rUA I.V AN IZHl) TIN Fl.AlKs. mill lo in- many advaiiiai;-' wli .'!i Urey |k>-f *-** i.v. ru . m-l:c an-i niarr *al,*Mlirr» In'.iierlo urr.l lm Hi ■ par, ri-c. j-n-«**e-».ji|? a - tjecy <!i>. liir »irrn|nh urnl i-eiiinr-" o' rati i'ii,ui n* I .1!, !nj in iu*i. liavieiß nnw 1- ru ir-i.-.l • i-vi-Nl ) r-n *. IhjiSi u tin- < onuiry amt mlaifi.jU' I'!., i .>n .i'-o »u'.,i.'.-l :o rijijn*;un an-l cc.iiira. m.. 'i..t. -n.lil* 11 t !iain;< * .if ll.c aiiuofpliiire Ilian r..uiiii..ii I .. I'la. Inm. /an- A < nr any nliier inriaiiif.n n-v.: lir itinfiiig .1-111 iOii-i-ijiiri.il/ limn a much l.ri'.-i nii.t la i,l» 1 tool r. rjuir.n;< lar !«•-* frr.|ueui Vl.f yvctu-il fill lii«* .itiriil mi of all «iu Lr i - .1, ni<-: j • in 'lie tuany oilier pur , no-* o Im.i itiu» I !:■!• il i'ii:i lit- apjiiirU.— In .mi t»*-in* it ,» uinil,. .itile in al'.attiiU > m iron wh".••• i- i|.-» in fini.v: fniin iln- urium of lilt ji.-i'i- i.< r-' .Ijii! 'll-’, -.vi.ii il . '•1114 ioily ruil liu- ai inln: ri:ij'(;ir.\i-nu; ’ i,i ::,i . I ,n; vii n /i r! W rr iv 'i,.-h ,» no-,v ohni>»l mitre j H u•<- .J -n lairtip. . .mil wu •li iMi«\vrr* every purpone lla .• mk intr’v . . i. ii wn.li* n iii * «-'iy lor liic juir rril A •irj.;i!'. r*' I'ftfcr- 1 ifia 11 .*• j.cmn-*i ,ti Kaioj'r.) r.iii-lunti, oc liai>.| iinii, Hi in' I' « fr kiij^c 11K(t It M(HU-AYoi)l) A r.. N.,. H, l ,.ll'llUh.'i.i NKW VOHK Ttv rainit Ilislit an il..- at*..*-:*- nu« 1-r. n i-vur.-d for iJn- l'i ir 1 1 Sun, . ti« well 11- f irrnl Briij in, «ml 01 !tci Kurtipi-iin < ounif .*•«. n.al aii ircnl me»*urr* will l,r ta kcn !t> |.r. v r 111 .ui) .lift .ip?eul-,il I*7 , ni.|*orUilai Inr Oih- li> till intern KtirniohliiK Kitnbllilimrnl |'U.i lift*.* n II Vi ■ K,'l7 Willhm itr.it. Nut York -Inii" I..tit, utiji-.ftni .inJ iri.ttiiiljrhif»J tt nrm.i r/» it. h.l'Hju.' ►-> i i.. . i ..... '( u'tf.ir l}l\rl .iSI> thy.in M. - -Ml < .ii-'t. ti. i\t< il/: IIUiS '.imvi.s i.Ut.».v5.l II MO t K i'' • ><> v. i V- - 1 n. •• -I! • I-' •" ■r. t VTfN i 1 X- » •, <•! -I- Hdki. i ■> sri.’.j A »,.<! yr>n !»«.■.• ,1.. k .1 ! «;,r» 11-■luirli an ! M Trl-I ”“aN,.Vi U !t.’iu.. i *v.!|\!r',dtrr. J 1.. tm.kr I' New VnrU, \UrM, T IH.-.I ' A « r.« iv.l, CIIKAP AC.'Ul'Vr laillKS A Nl) STATIONERY pi* A V 'is A l.nt TiM f..” W.-dr-i I nm* nrununnu P r.-r ••.c-fv-'-- r.|iinvi.tti H:ink IWk*. V|» mol an WT r lv-..,i <. .M fni* Ac .. Ar . and .m -i,or|. r- c.f l.i -i I’rti Sin'-i.nrry -m! raptr A Uic.: ..-.iriw .11 rniMi.in'O .mi bund cl the mort i'vuc. v }*'< I* inn,to - nl*. vnrt tabl-tv ’• rciu.u ' 11k * ru*l'r•. gold •< *tfl our il. 4 ri.i,n>rr & km.i.ish BllJ • vrc P'lll- i <.»•<- T 4.:.«. porno. o» copj^lßlTCS .<•« Ac.. A r KVVKI.OITS'r I.- r. 1* I’lird* Nine- Ar .unreal Vi.I.-' j-iip.-f. l;**l|r p,l(>cr. pctlOnUCll Ik .|.|i ~1,-n.i. i.oitii-.i board, rolor'itl paper#, ICr-11,;. i>kci. ntjfliir.cx hooka for- County OJ!.. 11-i'.ikc. Coinpunn-a. ,\W . .ini' ■•hr. i.;:i-Vuc ‘ 01, hnVil. or furii;»lird to liml [•jtrfci. i; I'r'VW"•i’sr m', 'n 'vpi".-.-. 'kw'iltaH fcn.liclUA jvr or li 1:1 i 4 1 irxe -m, k n< IV.ink Hook - E’.i|icr and in.il til • liv-Il Ui u <•’*;! Item) lln«i -,Uo r ’ ,,,,:rr ** ’Yranci* a Lormx Mniu,i'.n-.>,r nc ** .Maiden l..me { dm New York ritI.VI'SONI, Y —SPUING STYLES. I> 17. L r. 1: v n It K \V S T K H , No. 44 fidnr Street, New York. BLU Irate tnfnlbrm l>tak-r» iti Dry liood*. that they hart referred, a(,d are nbw rvhib.tmg,at lice WAREHOUSE K.XCLCSIVEI. V r..r r<»:.e. t>, 300 CASKS, r.ißiprinut all 'he New Spring Styles, of Brilidi, I reueli and Amen.-*:, Manuf.clur.; which, in ADDITION t.ilheir .i*ual *!.«•'«. rn, It. their a.virtineiitunt oMI.c mint rlTa'rfd h.r N ;"'<lioßT’ CREDIT* are nflerrll by Ihe piepe nr jnekage on ihe %alue at ai.d below mum fjclurerr price*. \ - Catahcui.-I one* x e..rreclid dally,) a>e [-Deed in the liaiidi nfhuytr*. i'lircha.rn will iiif-Mii th.mreltri of the itaU of the mir-- let, and be well repaid lor an riaminalion, rrtn if they do '' 1.! A B.lurt |iee'.li ir »d 1 aataje. f..|- »»ccntin< order, lor i.i i,»t«. which r**j»rifnllv Mihf.teJ. LI.E A URKWSTEK. ~,.1.- 41 Cedar Street. HUI. I. \ NTMI.N'h’aM) C-tNRE' onus, f.r llie <,111,1; r. ~!e nn:r/., ucotiikh $ ro , ixi 1111 .tent. New y.,rk. 1.. 11. e W-Wnnctrn Bind. nre ,1 ,( ,rT,. 11l I'.'ir liur, i f tf.c !.lil.i-.rinj.- ,ii -fri|.li 41 lan-hlan.H -n.;-. ' I'...'i.itv h i-iid, VV lu»le'»»lr Drug \A I.IV '1 in.*r . IS 'l’llK CITY Mb’ M*'U UXllt. ■Hj) \ y\\ l SK' I'ul'K A. . •-!. VI et I*. \i*w ..n;-. im .-,v , . ,• i*-n".ttirnl ati.l .\ii-.1,'..n-•*. I*> ■* MIL pnn<l Inin "1 rverr whirh they 1 "* ‘ \V \V \S roriv-l I'll im..l M.-rin ‘ tMiii Mil'.milt' I.'. New W'n r r ltd liar for I'rlikta Only. OlltlNi. ’*T\li.< ISI7 (fAI.JI (.>(r.VW.A'>:, p*l ti.. ~ia. 111. -I n i ir. w, No srl l rdar •!., N.w Surk.ill.r wind. ..I w 1.1. li |. .lee.lie,l l„ Ihe exh,1.,1i..n and cle ..f al’.. I. , .dl.r f„r ...le by tl.e (ne.e ~r |.«Ua t e. ItIOII * \!»h**'.l fltlN'l'KD t O.ICnES. r..u. pr.-n.t; «» dr.,raid. «.. « -ijk- a larp* j.n.j~rt...i. ..I Whirl, Uny,-,.1..U-I K.r l-tor.yhe Vile n«.i, li.f N H - li K UU.. lale i«nt.. r in ihe oneinal firm of I.erA lirrwrfer. .li.tm he tired inlM-’il ha» wuued .he firm id (.ee ami Jn.1.0/i. and .-Uni* Ihe patrmiai;* of hi* nld friendi Tl» l,n-tiU i< r,4„lurled under the firm of Pebman ISIT I.K,E. JUDSON j- LEE _ FItINOKS, TlinntlNGS. *e. Ik A lIUOTII. lul WtTTntn .ire.l, New York, Itnpnrtee |l, and Matiui'arturcr of Kunera, Oimjv., BtUbm*. Curd* and Ta»*tL, Zephyr \V..r»trd, Canexu, Ae AH hind, of j B|iidinp» and Vatwy Trimmitifi a large anortinriu of : "lie inttlr* atlrnioin to hita.forlnietit, wliich will be kept I full during Ihe .r»a,u, 4 . hr will be fceintij; the newetl and * in'i.l udii-inaldr ,t>le. nfTrrrd Sr) ihe {lockage or olherwite. Term, and |,nre. d,.1l Ik- inch a. t.l giye utuUelioa. l ;a .--.MI Linda .1 Trimming, made iti order. ftb23-2m , NEAPOLITAN BONNETS PATTISOS. NOE «r fO. 1 PATRNTfcF.S AND MANUFACTURERS. I 20 Delaney Strut, iV, w York. | Üb3U« . Full Fittlilott, I *4(l, W.mU .11,-.-!. Ka-i ...Jr Fall Fiiatslan fur Ilala* ItfST IMIOOF IKON* •I > .<>:< , . wi djr . . . !..r« • . t J.< 1,'...- ...J l.ii.r., I „»V T1.r.,-1 I-,,.. k v I i',ioH I nk. Mart,find l<-ltei 1. \ M t'S, tiIHA N DOLES, n Mu-r ,;rl n-ii-a. * Inl.-rr im-rulr'il .Hid .l,'s ) ,',!i I, I! \ l lhl.r-li.rk'a »• ' ' , I*. 1 I ’a ( I ‘it t -lllil j* tl I, U 1 .l.iirM... k S \ I! lh,!). Nl-w \->h. a( EXCHANGE BROKER&JjC. RUSSET, HASHA k CO, BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKKJLS, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND KXCIIANt.E CERTIFICATES OX-'liß- To>m: bank notes, and specie, Eooril, .i. nt-ajly oppotiie the Bank of Piit«l)arfb CI HRENT MO\EV trcc-.-ed on Dep<wilf-S*hl O.n k* ioi sale und on nearly all il.e pr.nr.pat pomu ut It.-’ Patted Stale* • T»c l. Kli'-*ij.reirnum pa.d ror Foretsnind Amcf.can fiol.l Ailviii. r. ti.^,!eoni-oiKi^ntnemnoi Prodad.abipped E.t*i. on_Ut>crol term* tachtS LAUISIBR, JH., ~ KTH S;ic«i. urxiUoor io Jlauk oi PittsfcurKh, i Bunin >»<] Ilrriitff, and Deai<*r id Exchange, Bank N'oir* and I'uiit u,' allite>ciiptJoa% Sr. sailing Htir< Buying Hairs. Nc-n York. * (.1 New York, t J>«. rrii!jiJi’]|ilnn. ‘Jo Philadelphia. *Uo INltiinorn, }J& Baltimore, Jdo H'fjiijrn l'iiirru< > ]do WVilrm Cur tJo C.ljit'oimty Scnji, Jdu Cuy.Y Co Scrip, jdo Aif Rood Currency. *do All *nod Our’ev, |‘dp IVuii») imiiu dn, * dr» I’rnnoylram* Jo. {do T. i:irr»»er j,. ,j u TenD<*««rr Jo :ido Brr>« ii»v,|:, . } 'Jo |froWli»Vil r, do V\ :«<lmi({iiiii.' •do \Va»h.n*lOU. |do Forriftn | il|«u( Klchauee procured. . IIOL.MKN A BON, Banker* and Dealers In Bsohuf*, Coin •nd Bank Kotti, M» .V*. UiRKIT STItrET.-I’ITTSBUIICH. v. Kithnnise. Buying Rate*. '** ork - l pr. Cincinnati.a | di«. I riiluilel|ilj':i, ‘ do l.om*villr, |Jo UitlilUOtc. ; '* .‘o St l<oui«, frio Huy"i(j Ruir-. RANK NOTES. R u yii, K Halt* 1 d<«*. Co. A Scrip Order*/1 ill*. In*..un■. Ido Relief Note*, •| do Kentucky, J J<»' Pennsylvania Cy. Ido Virginia. . Jdo New York do, Ido do . Wheeling-. }do New Orlean*. Jdo Trnnc«*ee. 3do Maryland, {do Couartneratilp, ’ JOSEPH H. HILL. (late of the firm of Wtn- A. Mill A. Co Jand W.M £. CURRY.,latcofKrle, Pd.) have cii.t-.-ed into Coparujenhip. undrr the {tame of • ILL * CUKRV, for iho'purpotc of carryingon the k'niikine end Exchange bii»inr«* in aK in branches, at No W 5 Wood MreeL three, door* below Fourth, writ »ide—where they aolieit Dig euMora of tbeirTrieod* and the public generally. JOSEPH 11 HILL mct.ls \VM. C CURRY II. HILI.. WM. C.U7RKY. lULL * CURRY. HANKERS Si EXCHANGE BRQKKRS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME & SIGHT HILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEI’OSITK, BANK NOTES AND COIN. 1 No RS Wood meet, third door below Fourth, well aide. PAH Fund* and Currency received on Depoaite nod ro.l. etion* mode on alt the principal Cnlia in the United State*. S (>it Exchange on Ballintore, Philadelphia, Near Yura. Uo'ion and Cincinnati connantly for aale. o<n<i, ludiana. Kentucky, Virginia Bud Pennsylvania Hank Noiea. bought and void on fnvoraijle term* Exchange on England, Ireland, Geiniany and France pioenred, Ac , Ap. meblS WILLIAM A. HILL. * CO~ BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS ‘ AMI D CALEB* IS > *♦ FOHFIRN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES J»F DEPOSITS, BANK NOTES, AND SPECIE .Vo 04 H oo>l Stttrl. oh* j/fiir abort Fouitk, Edit riJt, iiicM**} Pittsburgh, Pa. [d&wF Remittances to the-Old Coßßtr/i* MONEY -tent to ali part' of KnjUnd,lrelanu, t*coi land and Wnlei, ip oi XI mid apwtrdt. 10 tun purcl.a-cr. ALLEN KRAMER njarS Kirhange Broker. cor 3d and wood *ts REDUCED BATES. /‘kHlti. Indiana. Kentucky, ud I'en&a. funds; olaj County flu-1 Cny Orders purchased a! ridjeedr*ate •»< d,»coam. by N HOLMES 4 SON deri Kxchans* t)toker.&3 Maiket *l poUeetloni on Cincinnati. LouUville, St Loot* \y and nil accessible pni-4* uj the United State* aide protnptlv. and open the lowest term*, by N HOLMES 4 SON, Exchange Broker* mcl.M No OS Market si C tolled loo* on Cxtriunaii. Louisville. Si Louis ar.d all oilier urcr-.iblc j.omu in ih« t-ui'ed States, on lUH'iahmodatii'x leruis. HILL 4 CURRY Wood tt nen dooi 10 Eagle Saloon » f? xr baitge on NViv York, l’lnluJrlphia. a"nd Haiti *-* note cyn-umlv toi sale by HH.L4CUBRY »pU VVnpJ »t lien door to Eagle Saloon ('urreucj- «i ihw O!no Indiana, and Kentucky Hunk-, wjnte.l at very law tmes of dil.'oum. HILL 4 CURRY *(.'• Wt>od *l, nun door to Eagle Saloon ■M'O 1.0.\N - « for one or uiore yeaia, ou the 1 r. 4<..ieil -ei uni) *:vrii I'n^u.reof HILL 4 CL'HKY I.JO VV.10,1 ‘ t m-.n door ip Fogle Saloon OHIO, ludlaua* and Kentucky OanJt Nuir pjrrhared at low rate* by N HOLME* k SON mi u'c- No 55 Market at IKH'SES, LOTS. FARMS, ftC. flM>l*rKT\ IN YULNGSTOWN. tuilo, t-'Utt. SALE i 11r i.i •t. i r for *i!e a ‘plcr.Oid Dnck I.' ll.iu-r ■ tu.i-c i/.i the Nona"Kr.«t corner it..- l’ir..l:, ''jiiarr .n Youngstown, Mahoning ■Ji.j 1:1- igf. coiMuodious, tint abed in ex tyle, ami ift ihe br«t lucaliOU in YonSgtlOWO, *! .veiling or put.lio house; attache} in it ■* a •nn .iri, »tablmy.-»M »U other conveniences i: - •>*•!!fiapruvirjs rcrv wj-uJIy. h sitattrd' im* t.si- lv ..n ilip Canal,tad wli'u >lir var.outFurnacet. !,;• Si.. l lr . now i’T ii? ‘ . .. arc rompirtcd, will f.' • i arumi of Ohio. • .ill*, m i*.*<’haiij[*d .ri-i'uU;<> inijUire of ».ul \\ Mi it <i«, PiU»- A J U \\ H'K, <v.n.. . » U , i wlio u-iil g; v.- til] ..iturn- <iu>n For (talp. tVTK. THK *iil>».TiberAoJcr for *nlr on aicoroiaoda •i*j**fc 1.115 ■•‘run ■ ir»<M of J*u4 «ituair<l to Tuu.i-nji. iramriliatcly iq ihr rearol Allegheny , i. ndjinimit the land* of Rowao, Andrew Umr mid oibet*, i nninminf about 14 urtrL; Aacreaare . ~•<•! i-.dii viiiiot). on whi< h .there i* u •mail tirrlmrd of • 4... >; .fn,t and e nuini cT of araye Vine. There i*on . - ~i 1)1.144 a lieunt.ful *iiu»l,oii lorn privsie' rc*i , a fine view of the iwo cilie* and i ...i. Tl,'-f P air ul*o teveiul gix-il location* for nnr »Juarne«. offering on indurerarut lo(ho«e engaged liiai I/HHHCS*. or to prr»oii<h*i*bmg 10 engage 10 (be anon of (he grape. It will t>e *old ill lot* 10 nail J JORDAN h SON No IP Liberty »treei . -.TdiwiinF pKAI. K9TATF. IN THE COUNTRY—The sub th kCT'drik qfler for sale a hou'c and lot m West Mid* ilir«ex. Merr-er count). Tbe house is well calculated tut a *»»re m.d dwelling. itntsedia'ely on the Erie Ex* i-n* nn Canui In a flourishing Village nearby, are •rvc(»; iuri.act'> nod in tbe midst o> a tich farming dis* tnct. . Al*n. a hou»e andlot in the flourishing village of Or* Mercgrcounty. The house is vgellcalcnlatcd for n tavern oMlorc. The alcove property will bo sold rheatj and on ee coiumnduiing terms. HAlAll DICKEY & Co apl'J water aad frqhl sis rnENXRKSRB LANDS H»R SALK—IS Farms 1. of 60 sores, on each of which i« erected a comfort** able iionae. with.good fence*, siiaaied in Warten aud ('anuoii counties, IS miles from the foot of tbe Cumber land mount jins. The sod is food, producing Corn, Thus. Wheat, in great abundance. AI«o. s,tl*> acres of good land, adjoining'be above, covered with every kind of Oak, Hickory,-Poplar, 4c. These lands produce grass {spontaneously in tba great* c*i abundance, which is well adapted to sheep aad cattle grazing I he ohW man is also abundant well suited to the rai sing of Hogs, aud laM* ftom September Ist, to Jane following. For further part.cuUrs enquire of ,8 CFTIIBKRT. General Agent . ' SO Sra tbfield street - RKAI. ESTATE m Allegheny City—The subscribers niTei for Mk a tot ol ground in Allegheny City, 50 irei by -*j. fronting on Canal street and extending back .to Liberty sired It might be subdivided miofocrgojtd building loi». Tbe property will be sold cheap and on aceooiraoda* tnig term* ISAI All DICKEY 4 C© Bpl ’ water and front ata MFor Rent. A WELL Finished second story Room, with a good entrance on Market street; at present oc cupied as a Dagurrrean establishment A Iso. a Long Itnoin, s?d stnry, eatranec at Philo Hall, and i wo well finished offices over Philo Hall. Al*o. ihi; Basement Room under tbe Gaietle Office— agond Hand lor a Umber. ~K D GAZZAM marlO Office, Market st.bel. 3d and4th FOR SALE On RXCIIAKGR. • \ LOT 3Vby Ilk feet on the Muu-rsville Road, ?th J\ Ward. There i«on ibe lot apw-ktory bnckdwel* bug house, w-iib welt and riuem m tbe yard. Ftuil Trre>. with other ronven-ei.f fixturrs, making a very cmnforuble place; which wilf he sold for cash or ex* ebaugeit for a kmall Farm, ritar the city. For particu lar* enquire of WM. H. SCAIFE , uovf.Mif - Front, between Wood aud Market sis FOR BALE. L'OL'U LOTS—Uounded by Penn„Llb*rty and Hay l 1 «tr,-e;«.r.i‘-h lot haring lit feel front, and ealruj.iig huek'l Id teei. Twn of them are corner lots, and the ji.-.-.unn of the who'e piopertv is one of the most advert* .»rer>«i* m the my. For rnnfier iufimnationapply to M S\V A KT7. WKLIM\U k Founji st, i.av'Ui' between Wood ar.d Stniihfield COUNTRY nSSIDRACB. •*’3 H AVING removed in the my, foi convenience oral l.uk>r.c*«. | retirtht Mansion 1 lou'-e, mid ii« mmicJ ate en'-Insure, situate »»u the Hulls of the Mowngnhelu, out? mile above Pilisburtti. __ ,!,i.14 diuwtl J._ JAMES 8 CRAFT FOR RALE-A house and lot on J t street, between Fen, and Liberty eirre; The iJH i-> 20 Uy M feci. The House I« a good Ui.rk of two sioties, containing etrlii goedroonf, with finished »arre> and wa*h house. Apply to S CIiTHHF.RT u pl9 - ,\n in SthjthhrlU street HOR SALK-T-.mi i«-t- o' rffound ®-' Tunnel at. r rich *>■ by t*o ten. ~;i ,vu ,>f w t.:eh-i* erected a good. Frame Hou-i. .-uni.i.ii ng *ii on lb*i olheHot is rremrd a large *-iMi.eniei .)./ 1, For leriiie.Ar. apply l 0 s (TTHIIFRT.GeneraI Agent No 50 Smithbcldatreet D WEI,LINO IIOI'RId FORSALE-A comfort 1.V.. Mnrv Rnvk iloju-e, containing «is rnoms, « hi.,ie.| in the -!h Ward Pri«« »»». M CFTHHKRT. General Agrul N 0.50 Kmuhheld street 111 VEU LOTH. • »,,K n.AI.F - Stmir valuable I«.if of Ground, situated P t.ynL oi tin- Allegheny River, contiguous to tjj, , ,< v The>e lot* nrr most advantageously situated li.i'lri.u Wufks'nrtd other Urge manufacturingestab li'lnneiii*. | lIARMAR DENNY ALLEGHENY CKHETKRY. F Fit So NS dr.iioii’-'t't pure having Jail* in thi* Oeme i«ry are refetrstl for information to the Superintend not. >ui the ginUtids. or tu K Tborn, Druggist, corner 0 Pefin uud Hand •ueri*. Pittsburgh. By older of the Hoard, J. CHISLK’I V, dert t hIA w-tf Superiiilendatit. Pennaylvaislts Avenue. poll SALK—4 good Building Imu, dl by W feet, situ l 1 ateil mi Pennsylvania Avenue, near the Toll Gate. S CUTIIUKRT. Real l^iaieOdtee, a ,,13 Nosotfraithfir f ld»tteet H'O LET—A two siorv Bn’ck Ilpuse, aituated at 1. Oakland, P;tt Township. For £rw •,,14 ATWOOD- JONES 4 Co PASCAL IRON WOBKS* PHILADELPHIA. Wsldsd Wrou|M Irou ttI’ITAUI'F for LocomonVo, Marme, and other ateam ’S to 3 inches diameter. Also iw. £r tiaM Steam, and other purpo*«a; exira strong Tube for Hyrtr a a I i« Prewes, Hollow Pawns for Pomp*, o, Strain Engines, 4c. Manufactured VaAKßK 4 MORRIR, Warehouse 3. E. comer-Third aud Ph„4delphi«. . m ■ I MEDICAL, «iHAVJßPui'!rorr.» i -ftrffa. j pONUUMPTIOX CAN BE CUBED RY USING DK. ' * / |DUNCAN*fI EXPECTORANT KEMEDY. [ ' C<>tci<s*wi, 0 , March ud; IW7. . . D«*r Sin—Thu it toevrtify w the public, particularly . thjs* afflicted with • disease of the Lungs, er Ccnsumpliw. thtf ia lh« l9Ol ni attacked with a MterscoM which soca became mtsd upon tay lisgt, xhswrrg alt tit* symptoms cf ta tpproachiag. Ccssuseptisa My tough was tifht and troublesome, attended wjiheuyiuui night sweat*; il Spit up daily a considerable quality of fetooj. mittd: with; thi< k dark matter. My situation b*ct»:« strioui and alartr:- 'hag Daring (hi* time I w-as attended by i#o of acr mott ? ikfliul Phjsicians; they did the beat they tould for tw, nhut" •, at length they gate up all hope* of »y recovery, informing -• me hat nothing oorccould he dent—that tay luugs were £»-_ tail; diseased, and beyoud remedy. I «u then persuaded by alr end of mine to make a trial of Dr. .Durban'* Erptcti- ‘ fan Ratudy, which my Physicians persisted sgsiurt, saying- - thii ihit medicine would do no food, and would-siill add flaw ’to ay suffering. 1 told them it wt* uy last and only: .hop , and that if 1 must die of the duttM, {which was «»!_•, deni to me.) there would be nothing |.i*t. S3I «ul to the Ctnt umati Ofiiee and obtained 5 LMiiet-of tht* truly Ytlua* tie . ilrdiciae, and roameuced using according to the direc tion , which, instead of adding to tny suffering, immediately gave rue relief, at ooce arresting the troubltsoms Cough eatiigihe pain and Hghtneu in aiy Cheat; giving meatuw lit* 1 nd strength, which loon enabled me to. be- abdltragain Thii medicine continued tu good work, which it to-nobly commenced, until Iww made a Kmad nan Ibateiineybecn q attending to my business, {upsvirdt ef 3 years) and feel 11; healthy ai I with. Iha re recommended Dr. Duncan's Et- Remedy in many instances to thou liailarly afflicted and it bat aJwuyi prorrd successful >0 £ir a* I hare witneiied it* effects. My tiller it using (hie medicineat preaent for a Durooetf Lirtr and an Afftclkm of £*< Lungs, which the had suffered with lor some time; alie haintirlyj-vccre red by the use of thii medicine, and 1 am confident the C bottlea • that 'ike with me to-day will entirelycur* her. lam sorry to know that there are thotoandi of valuable person* waiting thii dreadful deslioycr-CONSUMPTION.-. •Wm it only posible lor those to procure thii medieiae in ' 'i®*! before ir be too late, many lire'* might be (irulaagrd and their; foofliei'and reUtiehs -again rendered liappy, Thu : medicine will girt imtant relief, and at (he tame time am* the bard and painful Cough, rtmorr the tightneu in the Che*t girc l itrength to the enfeebled and emaciated frame, and in ’ moet emsea, 1 am certain, will perform cure. ANDREW J. FELTER. ' " • Moatgodtery, Hamilton County, Ohio. N. R.—Thosawhomaybot be acquainted With me I refee to the undersigned, dttxens of Hamiltoncoun ty, O, they wflint any time mhrtantxie the abuce ttatctbenU ' Ncuux Btowsttx, - . ; Carr J. SatDCK. DR, DUNCAN’S WESTERNOFfICh,1..or'rcamore etreet, where thia raluable Medicine cad alwaya be votaiced. gold in Picubnrgh, by W.M. JAChSUN. corner of- Wood and Libony su. aprM d&w PILES. , DR. INOOLDSBY’S Pik* Specific, an ioUrtuJ rtmrdy _n certain and radical cure, whether isienal, citcrsal, bleeding or blind, aho, for irritation of the kidney* and blad der, pain* in the back and tide, habitual eoetireneae, erop- | Uoeu, Ac. Female* before and after confinement an oflen troubled with-constipation of the bowel* or costiteneit, a* well ai tbo piles. In all such cases the Specific can be taken with per- - fret safety, end is a curtain remedy. The Specific is not a Jn-rgatire, mad is an entirely vegetable remedy, without a par tide of gamboge, color ynee or sloes pleasant to take and per frctly harmless in the most delicatt cases. This is to certify (hat I know Dr. Icgold«by’s Pile Specific* to be a certain cure and safe remedy. Having seen it* effect, in tevsnl cases, amongst my family cocneiicns, iu seseral con - firmed and severe cases of the piles, where it made an entir* cor* ia every case. .HENRY WHITEHEAD. * New York, May, 1945. 3M Siith street - I cheerfully give mr testimony as to the certain and a*ton isbtsg effects of Dr. Ingoldsby’i Piles Specific, a* 1 know it from my own experience ana observation, to be infaDibls; having teen it u*eo with success in several case* of pile*, male and feaals. OF.O MILt.EU, Net* York, May, 1945. 394 Sixth itrret LADIES' CERTIFICATES New York, May; 1913. Mr. Beals—Dear Sir:—l hare the uy, that Sour medicine, Dr. IneoWtby'tPiles Specific, has made apex ret cure iu the case cl my water, and 1 sow gist you my word that li have been surprised at it, as ft was in my opinion im prwsible to cur* her. However, I can bow teitify to the med icine ks being infollibls, and do advise all others who are af dieted in the like manner, to procure the article,as they may depend on a certain cure. 1 Yours with respect. ! Wist Chester, NVIVMay 11, IMS. Dr.| Ineoldibj—Dear Sir—That you may benefit others who may m suffering, at well a* to sxprtai uty gratitude for ths benefit 1 have derived from the ute ol jour valuable Spe cific, 1 comply witb your recutit, and uow-do give my testi mony in fator of iL, having been cured of a vet ere attack ol ll.e rilu after having used othtb remedies without success. Yours niih respect. ' _ Sold wholtsals and retail by WM JACKSON, at hit Pat ent Medicine Warehouse, and Boot mud Shoe Store, No- Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price, fiDcnou per box. jaa 14—dly. | SfIEfUIAN S TOOTH PAiTE' A, tXKSSICM DBMIUriCf.. THE l e»t article known K.r clean. tit;.ar.J the Teeth, sticnglhenma the *tuti«, -•'• itemnij the I'ientb. Ar. It should be u*ctl cve-r;, 1 with tfaitj l-ruali; and the teeth and mouth w.ilor.:y require a ilith >ll the morning. Wet thi* hnis'i with w*»nn w&tn or cold will answrr, and rul, t< a >c <r i.ti.i-s on the pa*te. wU«*u eao»gh'wi!l adhere p.>r-ctr.aiUtiH'>i>o teeth. It leu*.c3 a drlic:ou> lu-te :n the tnoulh, ami tm parts A mo-t dclighilu: fragrance Tc n.e Lr,'«U.' It.-tan.vs ’ vH.nvalled am a |>leanmi. ciEcuciou-., rixivc.’i.e-.i and safe •leturifice. It is warranted not to injure ihr iti-ih, buttopre wive them liy uautg .1 regularly, it will reir.orc the tartar a.n.» pievent ira accumulation—prevent .the ti)oUi«ct\. strengthen >be gums- anil prevent ail dit Rotes tit me ip. Chemists, physicians, and .the clergy tccoiiimrnJ 11 *>-. decidedly- superior to every th:ngof th» harl -a u*u. : Ask for Shennsn's Compound Orris Tooth 1 1 u .tr*, 31,.'. observe bis sigomrare is nttached.to each po'- Recotntficnded by Dr. Cottle, 331 Krondtvny, one u: our best Dentists, and by ino’t of the otd hues in the United and even B'i’ntiv«ly us>'-t ' by the Nobility of F-ngl&ai) and Fr»* A large proportion of the disease, t bataiUici tiiuuliiaJ an*efrom rorae derangement 01 ihi <tumnchorlio\wii>. which a uraclv u«c of the Cathtt tie Lozenges woul.t entirely obviate. Persons of hiiirus habits should al ways nave a box at hand, and lake a <:o>e whenever they feel the least derangemenun tin ,r health A • cious use of tbesr* lutxengea would |irei ent it ...r--imi* of ease*. For»alei-: W.M JACKSON’S, eotuernf onU-.tn.il •ibeiiy *ts . devtfl ConaumptlVc’a Cotsiulultu.il, Does arcknc»s weigh upon your h?an * Or pains afflict your breast ’ . Try lit. Dtincan’i Htolinz Am. And it will give you rest. It clears away the misty cloud Disease spreuDo’er tbe soul. And whispers through the gloomy shroud, ••Your health may yet be whole ” Sea yonder rose of lovely hue' i *Ti» withering with decay; I It Scarcely sips the rooming dow._L j Before it fade* away. . The Worm of Death was in iba-stem, . And strengthened as it grew— And when it bloomed, (a lovely gem,) It nipped.through and through. That Worm of Death might be dclird, [ If Dr. Duncan’s art were tried, And many lovely damsels caved * The fate of an untimely grave. _ &7-DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, Nn ISO Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio; where his valuable medicine is sold. Sold in Pittsburgh, by WM JACKSON, corner of Wood and Liberty tu, * apIWMAwF INVALUABLE FAMILY COMPANION. . SIX LECTURESon the USES ol THE LLJVOS Causes, Prevention ami Tore of L’onsumpt on* Asthma, and Disease* oft he Heart. On the Laws ' of Longevity, and mode_pt preserving male and fc* . male health, aymffietry and beauty; espostngxauies and cure of thiaee. dUeasta that pmdece Cor.sump lioai or ahorteo life.ii Aflcctions or the SkioTSpine. Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Scrolula, Pika, Gravel, and Female. Complaints. Its rules, easy, practical and pare, tonne guide to perfect health andllong life. 38 ErgraTinc*r324 pages, 60 eta. Postage 94 eta. By SAMUEL SHELDON FITCH, A.M..M.D., at7o? UKOAD'WaY, NEW YORK. Any person remitting fifty cents, free, will receive one 1 copy, by ifiail, to any_parL The trade supplied. Feb 10; 1847*d6m ; SCROFULA AND- SCROFULOUS SWELL'. , I.NGS.—Scromli in mil iu multiplied forma, whether in that of King** Erii; enlargement* « t»i« Stands of bonce, Goitre, White Swellings, Cnron.t ;h*um»tl«m, Canser, diseases or the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate fmm one and the same cause, which i* a poisonous piincip'o morn or te«a inherent in the human system. ’Hcrci foru. notes* this principle cau be dc.tiojrd, no r .ui cat cure can be ettacled, bottf s thn pnmriphr upon which the diieasn depends, is remount, a ebro must of necessity follow, no matter under v. hat t*.rn. thejdisesso should manilcst ifccil. th*-»cloie , is the reason why JaYHe's Alt uiative is *o outs., tertslly auccesslui in rcmo*i"g~so iti.Mn wi.digi.unt diseases. It. destroys the thus oy prmopk-iiom whjc<t those diseases liairp Hu tr o;i_-in. hy i-rii« rn g into the circulation, and with the cimiryt *l to ,'thc minutest fibre, removing crciy p rtirlr »f disease from the system Prxpir* n mu; *md ?t ,hu. 8 fvouth Third Street. I’hil uiciphi;' told at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7:! I'ouAl •tn-it Pittsburgh. mchdl. IVOSE OINTMENT, tor I’ctirr R'»swump«, til Fnuplef.on toe Face ami otheiCaianetm* Krvprni.*. T« tter», Ringworm*, anil firri-tUL • ra among me mo«t ted.«u» an.t jo trhielTlhe human I'rnno- i« Hue .led Hi it •■exe. on the verse of vitel.ty it i> nltnouintyo-» Mr t» reach them l>y inwarJ remedies Jlei.cn the .artf.escy of OQtlrrt'Oißfr* CO«irm..«>f medicine. «-r ml>.«-r;t. r > ut* <eU-e»lo the dttcomforttililfe. ••jMerno/ *ir.ei d-rj; each mean* l.y reduciug the »}*{ein ir.err;i> pu-aie i«" ajmptom* while they arc .lupincuer. to r- rur ■»« ' • leuily, or more »o, when a srt;e:ou» «... t *• "‘ - Anil the generality of eit'-rnel njy irutian* h •' Oihrr rfleet than to heal thendirene in '.:><• T,*"- w «dtow ti«-H in the .ame or'anoiher p-r« " 'X* "* l there meant have failctvaud »» u ’ „ o-rteveraace for a tlioff time “L. 11 J . rcml in Ointment baa proved eflectonl. There . n't you I- in .M.nK,t, applying I. 1 Co atil? i m Cih and wood «n. and t*t and wood rta 7 A v.Nfc:l UAIR TO.NIC.-Al'.er C .un< ibH»iic «; . atr J A t?oJ.w» unhrtiutiaglT prow.iwr .1 / r.-.h. -.ihoutaar c«mj.u«o. •»«;*" «■ •ii«iioo and prwmtton «f thr human h*ir, *ki „ W „h.r. hur Irn l»„; rt.iotrJ u> K>. jfbShtai. b~n >»U *«!■">: “J ”• u ‘« k ’T"™’?*?? » (r a (4F tK«n ia rtcoi#»*i>d to all o«r rtader, ggjjjjj, hai*> ***** * 'r«> ofih>cToiknmm^uttJy.— *sw £ta jHit*onk »* lU priV,n T,a F.nlrll) »trr«t. a*** 1 ooJ - ■ mar .\h*T_ wiifllwtik Oral Uarrhown ttcuuAtH.g V*bTk * FAIfaBBTOCIC * CO, TTAVKerretfd to eitctlitvf waictwuy on freeing H of Wooa i»l F»HT •irr. M.Ui «-|»rh ££o%d their Wholr.ale wbr f 1 hare on hand an rJien«ive ■«*«»■"'WT-.f all .XU. to wb.?h the* mv>te C< nUen . 1 rfb« bsd« buiineaa will b« continued *Uhe«LD»iond Atharal Wood -j * pfS .- gksui.nk itauam c*h-:micai* ■I jtOAP, far »ofientnnih« Skin, eradicate* -Ihmplea ■tn! ail Emotions forhealin*cba r .pedhand,orcracked. 5S«a for difiWllmc freckle*, tan, aunl.oro and tlo.ehad ■kin 'and rrodocinf a fine, beat*h>. ysuihfu’ elranieaa. Pnc« i7i centa 'per cake. The irenu'it-* ar'i-; e■ n for SSei, y DA FAHNEsTOK* Co T*pH cor Ul anti wood *i* and wood and M» • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers